WALKERTON TELESCOPE VOL XXXvtll-No, .«I WALKERTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, Jt* ¥ * * X , 191-t-a PAGES I'.illnl l»i v-o/flit Ml* h"*/.p* uf Die pad / M TENSLAR” LIVER PERSUADER IlHiodiincsH and uutl headache arc two common complaints. They will surely result from a torpid liver. II h man s liver if sluggish and nut pci loi minpr its proper functions 1'cnslar Liver Persuader will promptly restore Rood health. This liver remedy (in liquid form* is composed of puicly h vegetable ingredients and will have a benclieialeffect up on the stomach and bowels as well as the kidneys, reliev- ing indigestion, constipation, sick headache, etc. Try a 50 Cent Bottle To-day. Hunters Drug Store 0rti.j> ,nnl hoihihs C. I*. I.’. Titket Agcnci NYALS ALMOND CREAM 25c "• WITCH HAZEL " 25c FACE 25c NYLO I IS FACE POWDER 50c TALCUM - 25c and Kodaks Buy Nval's A . P. Drugs SLACK SEASON SALE & FOR TEN DAYS ONLY lit Hut Mnde-P' Yom Me-*-in e Suiig* Bargains in MBN’S & WOMfeNS LOW SHOES Ramsey the Shocman » iismut vf iih' i i i.'ific I T. K. Attwomh I#»o i «>f matt tag* •* l*.n#) •• ___ ‘ V - 1» OH •• ...............it to '■ \ IT *n . ... i;( oo •* ) 15 (« .......... t:t On TImps ^ price* l i t »<-> i'KX DAYS ON- LY, f Watch our window di-pluyx. 'i'lnd**; arc value,* you cann.it linil any- wteieelv. tlnr reduction# ,.ii- „l«g, an<t when wwoff<-r«l*ai«ain tVe »lakw om remit ttion un it. We are nut cutting mil-price* in Iwo. hut we nr** giving yon value* that will make yottr hitylng In this atotw an inv*- .t ment hi wliieh V'.ii will l.<- pioti-l. SPECIAL: Alt our Sivl.. f,altV .«.ly mad*- >uitx an -to l»* elciim l out ,|„t mg this week at wa’kuut price* G. T. ROURKE High Class Tailor A Men’s Wear Store, Walkorlon, Ontario. Mi. Ed. Uaiin/aii t-cope Mall. New Full ami Honeycomb Millings al Stepbun tit <18, 'lr». D. M< K«rii*ifni is vlxlling ifiendS in C n i g l l l i / Fall On and after MON. DAY. JUNE 8tl», I will lie open for business in my new staudin the Kilmer block, corner Victoria and Durham sts. in the building for merly occupied by C. W. Cryderman, druggist. I have greatly in- creased my stock and am now in a belter pos- ition to serve the people of Walkdvton in all lines of jewelliy. R. L. Gibson Jeweller WalKerton Mt. Harry <•«!)•! aith *a Slulhurm.* i w.«c a vMlur here un S. unfity. i Mr. I.ittu* Harrison uf Toronto «e ucvvrd M<<|t4iuUntC' Iwre tint week. Mr •' Millie uutl Waster Archie Frtg- u«m *t«vi-itiugr4Uft\v* in situllmd. i Mr. ..ml Mix, W illinn N|Uty.i|(MiCtc- I tiewing Mv>pr>in(Mnc<> lie itth i* week. ; Mi - Kit Pure -piul Mutidny with ! h> i lriei.il Mr-* (daily* Kttdiiig in Cat U'H .Hiw Tilly mH jiiiImiih whs a visitor j at tin- home **t Mr. H. Trnax on, Mmj- ! Hay. Mr. |>iliu Bickl» ill Stephan lli«. at ad is Uoli-taymg al hr* home in Cat tick. Mr. Win. .M»(ii»ll/*f'Th-rlin -pent •Sunday and M"f^<fy at the. Hardy Hmi#f*, * , Mu- Chita Svliu/ii.iyjfio of Toroiit.. |renewed 4*<|tiMiutfcficcs here ..n'Civic j Itnli.hiy. | Mr. St-w<tt Well* <.| K<*rt Willium -pent the oeek end hi (|„. nomeofMr j-hi*. Wnllc. ' Mi <pi Sutler „f »I„ni)ver •"«»««» Sunday «t Ui» li.uiie of |)r . i St«lk*;r here. Mi-* li.eiu' W»l^»n* l' K«lni*mt«*li > vi-ilimt xt I III/ In>nie nt ti l Ml t h* Mr, J< White. 'Ir. Jehu 1‘i‘Uti U:J furdiaUil I he .f<i)iiiiKm ptup' ily I'l^/rnn liaiii I in the Wc-l waul. Since tbu denlata h m lidvnnced in pr o f uthr per tuil. Mr,and Ml" Wm. Alkinmn of Kdi n (II .ivt;i*|ienl llu* week etnl Hi (lit* In ..f M». T Foley. T h e M ikM'N Mmjiu jo ami Odn* Mu K-uVwinj^i''Jii<pMintaiu,i'S \%tr to l he >• : am muvwin^ni ••«li*. Mi .M.in" Sriylni’d wlm Im- In i'ii vixitini* her pxri'Ulaln'tt* tell un Fit d *y i,t*l fur ltalf.il", Mr. Kdilli* Silmin^/T Orangeville -prill Sunday will \fv |Mivitt», Mi and Mir. ('. Sclinulr Fur o r tctii. ■•uinfurtahli- Iiuh i*ul «l river. Town wain and l ittli Apply to 1IItu E Klein. Mr. .ml Mr-. \\in ^rtlalni and eliildteii ol Toiunbjuij^vi-itinK al the Iiuiik .d Mr. H. Ih 'V T Ford five jwt>*ent;et anloiiuddU** m e now lieint* -old fur ¥ iSi. while the run rtlmulr are li-ted a' > - ■' . T. Ch.-nek fuimeily uf Car* gill lino recently iKieti uppuiutid pint ma-ler of Sloney Crtex. Mr*. Kli Myle* and Ma-lti Harry ft o'! Tue-day for Clifluid where they will optriul a week MIhm.n Hnldn \Vhite apd Olive H|iiy;h<tu lelurtnil/ui I’Crf IHiiti a vaeatioii trip tu ljtilm h ^ / Mi .ud Mi-. <•/ E. Ilun-"hi and httl>e *to visiting al the hufue n| tkefiiim- eis la'Inr. Mr. M -Kud-un. Mr. mid Mix. Cowpii <d bdiidii* am vi-iting at the lii>tuel"f/Oi«' l.ittei - ptientv Mr. and Mr yf \ Knunpp. Miv* Lixxie Rennie left un Mutday far Wuu.Uturk wheie -he wbl train for oiinrMr in the tJeiierel l!n*pitul. Mr*. W. NurrUb rfnd rmuilvretutn- ul mi Saturday f/um Satrfiiniuptcii where they h tve sjj..|ii^fC past niotitli. VI i aud Mr*. Cl 'little C u'per telui n •d li' in t'liiladelpliia, N. Y. where tliej have -jM'iti the pa«| uiunth. un Me*, and Mr*, w i l l Addin ol Tor unto t>peut Similar It iK / home •f the patent*. Mil jfmt Mi*. I>. E. Trim ■ Meur* Mike L*Ti*ny< and Jiiu llidluriian uieniunaK Ub whu t.ir titling in the Old U< uni"ii al I.rtal'in, .Mi-> Helen Flint who li.i*-pi nl Ih ,.,t*i w<*k al the Imnw «d Mr. It. Scheeirr left lui het huniein Turunto •ii Satniduy, ^M i. and Mr*. I*. Iheutu r *»nd Mu- Sadi* .to uni|i.!tilei| hy Mix* Emm litveate taking In lh« Loinlott Old Hoy * It* iiniiM*. .MIskMoN M. Feigu#uu luxlnn ttr a vocal mu*i< ul Humilloti lx mi a two wr* k * vwtl at the huun-of Mr. i ' ui. Vanhurne. / Mt- Haeon wh** h.t» In -n a patient the Ura<:4 t'auoty Hospital fur xevutal 111011111* wo* rnmuved In her home un Saturday. / Mr. and Mr»- Frank Rennie meotn paniud by Jim attended the funeral uf (In) I u<) William Schniadet in Cblfurit Thu|*day last. / Mr. If*mii the new Canadian Ex pre- •agent liiti twnttd Mr. J. J. K< bn niMcliet ■Initlhe <ui Dm hum St. near the oxfiibitiun groundu. Mi -. A. M. sW .nol^M m ny, N. ^ who «* x|x.adin|\lhejdimmi'r in South umptiu was a al the home ol Mr. J, II. Appel uVs-imlay. ^ Mitten Rut ha SerfwrmU aml Muteuttj Vugt who Imvi-*|f»ut tluFi'axt tim e ui hutiipipfi re tu i lied tu thoir liuiui'B hi'K nwc wvt'k. MI n. Iligtain Aid hnFditlighter Mix Haiigh ul Vaneitiyn am vixiting at Mr-. J. II. W atl-^M t*. logiatu »« a xixler ul the lulu ft- t. Watts. Mu. IbihioxAn andrftnghiur, l^uiite letmntd Satinll.iy'tu their home in Detroit after vft-mng Mix. ItritiiilBunV Mxler in law t«tu. Child-. r*. J, *.. Oibhunx and xon Eddie it'Urgut"Wii, lotiinn ly uf tile e**t cud Bakery were vi-ilom at the home of Mr. V. BSehnnir on Sunday. R. E. 'I'm ix V Smi.Jl^lve puttha-i'd new *ip to *l|te ,f»Unet. T'tn new ina<:liiiu> vthii liroxt t*!"°" will ,lm in etalled in the fltmi’x new factory thi* week. dci'iiMi'd Auto l.tvery. Fit *t-rlax* car#. C R Skelton, phone 111, WNlkertull. HIiouiIiik Alntrli. A Sh'»'t ing Match will l»- held at the shunliug gallery. Saturday night next lot thoroughl'ied ruck* amt wyaudollc cockerel*. Itr, and Mi:.. W.dt«»| M. I ixtui who I uiunth ol Hi ■ lii'iij)' Hixuii. l*-fl mi Sat tu Jy/f'-rflieit hunt) ill the w et. V Mr. an I M. ,l, (». it. i . ivxui a, . .mpaiiiid by Mix- A u i n l i . Smith mutured to Lindei . SI raflimy ar.d other point# lail Week. Jutl will - jh'iuI a week in that - ity. ^ Mi-- l.yiirh mturntd In her huine in tiuclph on Jlumlay after a two wick'* hotidav at tlie lu.ine of h"f:tihrli', Mr, Frank Eili liinnl. She wa* aei nmpaiii' tl by lo r eiat-iin. Mi** Eutma l^»tchf<>id w»u* will vi*il m omdph. J Mr. J. II. Reyn I . lake the oil vvh" will ilulhii.g and ..I Mi. A. .1. ii Snluidny. liauj ami »ln«' Juron Smith, airived in «-r Mr Reytedd# will tu*l l.<k<- pu'-»e,*ii ii of hi* -tom unlil Align.*! I'tTli wln-n far will roniiiieiU-ts hi- l»n*iiu ><* corn r in W.dkctt at with a gtgai tie xafe, Mr. Reyituhl - parpa pi ••n iilll.ioum .*1 wk in hi* :(•«•••and iii •udertn make nx'iii aliuuxt the * iitl *■ it«*ek whirli d inlet he di-jiu * iiWrrM'aVil III I nyw t i ml lia IV a •■•ilyfvle. lank •Ii ' 1 Mr. S.iutli ca ul. J Ur. ami Mix. Ivin Utxun and xun <>| Stttvely, Alla, in/vlxitintpdttheliumi ol the formei - I'/n nlyCriiWli Atlui m-y and Mr#. Ufruiyr loi*t. At the exhibition ground# on Mon- day* * *ilm r foot hall medal with gold pail «»f waleh fuh hIU.I imiI Finder plea.v ie*vt) at Ihi* nflsee. 'itented New OlHee* VL-. A. Collin# t iwn <l-i k ami lr met ha* rented the olfii-e budding on Uuihnin xtreot wliu li wa* recently vieiteil l»y Jnlge J. II Scull and will move there xhotlly. Iviiuv Church. H e'. Hr. Ku> *<>n of Itelawaie will txcupy the pulpit «d the Kuox chim h on Sumlav next and the following thtve Sun luy*ia the hIx - viicm»*t ReV. ho ix 'pendiug hi* vacation at llaudltot. Hcaeli Annual fuiAp t'aueelliv In view o(the coiitiygeneie* which will unihnitifldly ari*/now ‘that Eng- land and •<Tihiuiy am at war. nil mil- itia Irainieg Vau.|V in Canada hav< hceti o.tni'»dledVnyoidn* of the Mil I»cpuiTnn|;t/ I'liix ilahldex the uh'i ich campj wf.i* h ix atlended l.y l-ilivi-ton and wldeli hi l l irom Aug. I7l-li the unit# from wa* to luiv to 2*1 h. tell On y*. the ten i*-at ■•■!d dauiigter ol I Mr*.Alex j.\|> Carter wax sud- denly taken ill on (Thin-day la*l and Friday morning hit i »t ililipii i-reame i seiioiif that -hi w.<- i. i/ovtd I** the o'pitid bi \ tiiel iuid'-iPilii e. < The nipt om* ponii. ixtm ugL la | mliton- i> aod »hedrt'<|«* in Jflfetidatne «t Ijrxt annetud■<1 filial the yoaiif*tit ms -otlVuUg frofi thi* dixi'itxe. tin vel.il w;.* ' a.- cans* d ppeedix. 'I though for -otar I ine rh« tad lit*I' i toed, how (• u ul tl al ilm tinutile ■>- on the a# wrjdow hope ( » :. eiilei-lMinrd for xi y tl>* little girt i* m-w gaining rtrcngiliquid i t«|toil«d to 'til of danger. Cell Ii *oii Con i' Mi x. f ’hrix, (• itvatia, a rexldeut <>l lie WCt ward ue t with a very onf' i . ua<»f e ace idea t on S«tntd*y after roam a# a mxe*! id wliieh - ha will he 'oniiin-d to In r t»-d for ome lime. Mr*. («at«mail *«.< •unking a call at the home of her da ughter. Mr * Fisk, and while All the potcli u| i he h-ui id .............. . :iteppe«l t'.o kward* over I lie edge, hilling -liti l. or l« c l to the lutitttl. She wax piek*-*l up amt help I into the bun e, win t* on rvatoina* oil it wa* found that I lie lllp Ikiih- had laien cttr-hul in (lie lall. Her »• oval to the lew pitot «»•-advised and •- w4 -takeutoth.il lo ltiuliou on Sunday eveioofi Although the iojnt jrs jucrivnl by Mt*. '•ifetnan. who ix alieut »ixiy jt'.iik oI age are xetioti . friend# In po t« ,*rc In i aheut ag-do in the near lultwr. axxeil Entrance to \..niiHl i :\nui~ nu- r«*ul?s * f the middle hoel «.* amiiiHtiim* f»i rn'raio'c iiitfl the Not- mat S' Imols Imv t •en puhlixhwtl the fultuWr!)g »lndei|t* •| the local -ehoof being telly, V. A, ll 'tini-lly. II. M I'gmod, J. A*. KvcrclL I- M Hi lita r t and W M. Wciler. Tlie appeal examiuetx have djr reread the p.rpeix of i,*ai-h run didate whose mark* would in former yc.rts haye jo-ttlicrlao appeal. Win tc CHiubilate In* -till failed llu- xlxteineni of mark- will la* stamped .a- reread, and tin hirthar appeal will be allowed. In all ether er-es of fitiliim appeal* wlll/fiot In* refined, if made la-fore Svpterut'ri i ami .tei-outpahi* *1 by i he fee of 12 <ki. In view »f *11 tlie precautions taken, liow ever. It ia iuo*l unlikely that *m-lt appeal* would *t»ececl. SUci'e«*lol iHodiaat'-x who dexiru to atli'iul thei.oiuiug *c-xiuu of the Normal "Cloud- at a notified that their applications lot admixaitm mo*t to tli>< Deputy MinUtei of K»lmrtfion not later thru Tuexday, August So. Iro local high M. M. f^.n Teacher* Hoc ore l'»*iYi"np Mi-1* tomaida McKychnie who wy ■'iifi of thi* vent * 'ii/i i '.fuj simh iif- at Striitlfurd Nortual/ielieol lursaci Cpt c l a position on R>a Mat! <>f tin* Mo l hiirnc public -.(l/oi.l. Mix* Lrnc L'lmlnieo, a giad.jhle of tin- Aalkci Ion High -Scloml 'flu* al*o p, -t<d will loach nt Dundnlk.' Inch—-l.ep I*. A very prytty wedding ",«< -oh-mn i/e.l in Ho- Mel lioih-t ylmn-h on W* <l tiexilry moriiyig at' t*)li «eh»'k when Stella. |J„ »e,y„d daughter of Mt 'Ii * Andrew Ik wi - w.i. united in ...... ri-o'e do Mr. Aydufy Inch Swift *-;it, s »*k .. Y**rmerly priiH-ipai Walkl'll in Bu ine ... t O'legc. - ' illliuhei- o| llu* yotll.g foliph friend* wi(io'- --<t th>- <\rtenmny which W.ixpet formed by R«*v. D A Wxlke |M»ioi of lie- .Motimiiist: I’liuti Ii. Tl bride entered the •hutch on t he an ol hot father and tu «<>uip*oy with Imr attenilaiitx who wer<* Ira ;a*lai Mr** F.litli Lrwi*. wm* p tformed the dtilics of Inidv>muid ami Mt'j.Fhnetire Walk or. the pielty little flower gnl, to tlo- strain* of the wedding mutch played t.y Mr. N. M. Cut* ln»oi>. pro- reed'd to tn>- imitiinge altar Mr. N. Mi'Kay a* li«- t man, a*xi>ted Die gt<a>tn. After ti e ceremony had l*-cn perfntnii'-l and while the wedding party Were signing the register, .Mrs N M Critehi«"n w»ug in her usual lent '..ice, "The Crown. At the elusion of Du; enrmouy Do- young Soipl - received the hearty etnigrutul- atmax of tho*e pt esenl. Tlie blidti who is tine of \Valkei ton'* uo>*t popuiui- young |H'upl.- i* oked chttm ti’g iu her weddttig *lr*'" of ivory tluchesxc satin Dimmed ailh beautiful ctubtoider m t f.wc and -eed pearl— She rallied alrmiiuctof whi'c io-s* and lily of the valley. The ht-Jdceiimid'w eoatutuc Wits - f white eliitiuieice silk, vilei with *aadow 1 ve., with whit * lace h.t ttimm -d with pink tlnWerx and jtvhu sprav, Alter the vremony Die we*l ding t-itty diov.< ti the h .»uc of tin In ule. where the wedding dinner w« net vwl, tit** young couple leaving, m the three u. loch train oil a trip up Do* l*k< * t<* SauKSto M.irie, the hotue «f the groom, wher*- they will t pead two week-. Mr. and Mr* Inch will then pro* ceil l*» Swift Current, Sark, where tuey will reside. Thu many e ally, Is-aotilui and o*.-fu! pt.-*»ut# of which the bride wa - the recipient til'd My to I In' exteem ill wliieh Die young emiplawero held by their many flood* who join in extruding bc^l wWht't* «o th« ymmg couple in their new xpliere of life. Alt Natiiln* al War. All Dii-Vo'iui i ie* ••! i-.uiep* engaged At a bloody war a/*d the en- tire <*lUt)k<*Ut D Ml > 'lat' h i‘ t* ‘ landed will In- the worst Vim • the fall af/Konif. The •tog*<1 ail Un- pi iiurip.il pow«i> * I«nj till Old lo-.Je. AosDla -I d'-i litled war unJSefvia. li'-rtnvny f/dlowed. lion •lUnDyj being tin ally that country l and i/u Toe-day night k ojH'if War Wilt, decl.ii ii with tier tatty, f Ru-xia is al*o ;»t conntiy. With uiug ptoporlioiix tilth*ag*. Ha* con in this ciyilixiil i Auk. whet!) will ilors end. how in toy ‘I'lki/ig - and ctupcior- will of powet Will have to Is- .iltn. d; « of the Ih it»-It«m huugeibV The it me *ummVd up by If. t«, Welfs, Do-imltrti author and H'lxatirt, in a remarkable aualysi id the e.oufliel In part he -.ays: At It#! the intolerable tension i* over and Kuto|H*i*at war. The item dron* vanity that iva* largoltcn hv the va-y vi’ t'.iic ol |*7D7I has cliath-ugi'd the win id. (inmany |'repH|Ds to roap the Inn vest Count Bismarck sowed that Iratuphng drilling foolery in the lieait of E*u ope that an ext ell eivili/atieii and ilalbco'd the hope#ol mankind f<<* ! »rt> yrar#. hcrltlMi fiupn i.ili-m, D.rniBU niilitutixm xtroek its im-v itntt;i* blow. A victory for Ueituuuy iv(fu'<l mean the f*et<uati*ul en thruiiemetit ol tin war g* d over «li liim iio nfT-*u . Do-tleieiii of t.i-nii any may *'i>en the way lit disatm anieut and peace thtoughoul Do enrtli. 1" those win- love peaci- thete can Ii uootlo r hope in tb* piexcntiOnHiiT tiiati Un-defeat ami ultet ili-i'iediting of the t**i-iu«« legion-, ending for good and all the hhwri amFitnil xupmsiiti><n of Do Krnpp (lag wagging ..Teutonic Ki| tilig sm and all that ctimtu.il and *haia cnieicitt y that ccntt<« m lfc-i llll There i» uuduulit that thiy uteut war will Vitally affect t ’anada. Already regoliti troop* have been dop«trhr*l to Hnhfax xml ffii'd ' c tube in readi ties* at the call nt the umthetcTnnti v. and the calf (or volunteer- |«> fdtm enutingeul* limy come at any time. May the British Hag emerge tl* m tin terrible strife victorious; Hungary li Hid the tail "l Rival Hi Mil** thee. >nAn The Contest Standing I'YiliinviiiR hit (In* iiutm*:. of llu; various contestants with the vole* they have earned up to date. Miss Mary Boss, Walkurion 422,000 Miss Florence Connolly. Vesta :k56.EOO Mrs H. .1. SeharUach. Kiverstlale Ii5T>,200 MissBerllia Schntirr. Walk or ton .*143,800 Mrs. Gordon Younjf. Cargill RIO.OOO .Mi.*- Kstelle Bloinjh. Walkorlon R17.000 MrfsKthcl Mitchell, Solway .'114.000 MissBostiKIlinglmuser, Walkerton 185.000 Miss Lillian Schefter, Formosa 137.000 Miss NoraSchwan, (’arLruhe 8<»,000 Miss (-liarlolte V\oinert, Neusadt 76.000 Miss Annie.Scanlon, Walkerton 33.000 With tiff end of the Telescope Voting; f’ontcst but three days away, ami several contestants close together and working hard for the honors and prizes to l«* won on Saturday night interest in the contest is at fever heat. While most of the contestants have turned a few or no subscriptions during the past week, evidently preferring to play a waiting game and not disclose their hands until the final show down, it is known however, that they have been gathering in subscriptions with unabated energy and enthus- iasm. each in the hope of springing st great surprise on Utc others, duly four contestants hjtve changed their vote standing since last week, us they are the only ones who have handed in any business, and as these have not greatly increased their volume of votes the others will doubtless conclude that there Is more to come from them Whether or not this is correct, the Contest Manager has no means of knowing. Neithervias he any means of knowing what any other contestant has in the way of votes and subreriptions. However, enough activity is being displayed by those near the top to indicate that the finish will he close and ex- citing. and until the votes are counted at the dose of the contest there can be no degree ol certainty, as to who the winners will be. FYlends of contestants who want to see their favorites win should remember that Saturday is the last day of the contest, and the last opportunity anyone will have to assist any contestant. The closcujf the contest will he conducted with absolute secre- cy. so that there will lie no possibility of any contestant receiving any "tip” or “inside information,” which might enable her to se- cure an v advantage over other contestants. The subscription tickets of each contestant, with money therefor, will on Saturday be de- imsited by the contestants themselves, in a receptacle previ- ously sealed by t lie judges, and this receptacle can not he opened by anyone until after the contest is dosed. This will pre- vent anyone except the contestants themselves from knowing now many subscriptions they turn in on Saturday, until the judges open the receptacle 'ami proceed to count the votes. L very thing | Kissi hie will be done to facilitate the work of the jiidges who will count the votes on Saturday night, so the results in the contest can be announced as early as |>ossibIe it is expect- ed that the judges will he able to announce the winner about 10.30 Saturday night. The judges will be, F’red Lippert, Esq., Mayor of Walkerton R« E. Trua.v. F^sq., M- P. Rev. Father Cummings of Walkerton. ilsitUMiKH - In Arllmi <»n*.i *-u S;«tui,l«y Aiiuii-i Ixt Iill.toM r ami Mi-. A. II. BnUiuKi'r.a - n.iAillmr u>lut:i< In 1‘rrt **n \V«*lu*-.->l.iy, Auk >Di, M IMiIKidI: ikiuKlm r .<( Hr. ami Mr t It. K .'It.iol »•( »W lk O' M. Hat 1*1 la-flio, Min »t Mi ami Mi Ill'll* Li lu? *'f Walki-iJuli. i-alli m .liitiu Mirtiai I. Til*' iruiain >«f -Lilin Mi<'hu<l am Mi. amt Mix. Flank MirJix* ! wh*» wa* kitl*'*l in Me Murray, W .th.ai- •il in 'Vxlkcrluii on Tm'tiilav iimtit , Tin* ilm 'tiiet wh«* wax tltiity- -<i ycai - **t aKi-ava;- !*arn at F*>i im x# ami attrr li' tiiK with hi.* |u.i> uUthi n- until hr n'Mi hr'l the «R<- »*( xixlrru. went i«» I « m4<'b w h n r fi# grmduaud Civil CiiKim-ii. Ho wo - vriy xm-i-watful (it hb Dadr aml.qirnl tuxoy >iaix )UI''«jiflii in Sculli Aliii ii.Jajiiiii ..ml <'tlii'i *l<.H‘'Ki* laiulx- At ila tiim* itf iliatli. July g'*th. hr wax i n,|>|. \, A |.v a -mtrytnjj rtm jiany whiih had t* ■ lu athinaiU'rx at attli-. \Va*h, ami "hil«* • n duly in th* i**'vn id .'KMmiay in* wa* dttftk laUtiiK (xi-ii'l f u-tailiM'K xiirh u iujillii ' that h*- died in a Sr a tD - l«<i>|»i|at 'dually xftrl. Ml. Mu ha* l b a v r - Hi uuiuiu It; • 1> la - Iii <pul n il-. I hi re hn*l liri Henry m N>u th Hat Dr (util. Sa*k, d« iu Hi>l«*v» in,;. Mii h, and Roll ......... .. II. f . M*.d Mil. M.ti-L Mis. .< at hunir. l lu- Inm ial t.*uk vu Ttmr-slay tuoumtg at l*» >k tmni th" It. r. l liuieli ifi meat in Fauno»aLnueD;t> , ll»« xyintriiliy .-I Dm **n»i««'.»>mm>iuii) n* ndml Iw tin* sufH*M inK inity. Civic Holiday Cele- bration a mn.'li larKui rrowd in al trudamw. I’' f (h *l. t miu? wa# a football match Ix-tw.-.-u ilix Tivrtt<*u aed local team and result**d in h win for the Walker- l»n ‘•lorun hya #c«re**l I>0. Although Du> Tivetlon atSi(icgation are a good iium-li of kicker#, the #c*re does not iudiCMto (b<- play »:> the ball wa# in Die vbttiir* terrlt**ry almo»t cuoatant- *>" 1* U y durinu lh«? bo»h halve*. Their de- Hilda I li.MV' ver "orke.l well and clear- ei| m uty xluM* ami ruabe# which un- der «*t*liuaty i iicuuifitaucex would li.ive heeii xurr goal#. They xccuted Very f- w th";# on the Walkerton goal and H-iatlirr d"|i|nd lha few lhat r4im* lib way. The teniu* lined up. W'l.M.IUON TtVKRTON tl>i‘Th*-r R"«l H'lrk hack# Walkerton Wins Football and Baseball4Ganics but is defeated in Lacrosse Attendance at Grounds Fair- ly Good McCtura Hugboa Fm-rr Haug L Mighitm hall back* MeKwen Rowland *'Montgotnary It. Obei!'- •• D. Canioron Wbiu-head renter K. Camnrun Schnurr If it wing McKiunon OlH'ile " Chutch OrifUn right wingHagg Cai t wi ight Cola Referee. K. Walker. Iiimu dirttidy after the football the judging "Ith e farmer#' oulfilaentered in the rompelitlon took place, the pi uex heing awarded aa folhiwa; -ta t $t *.»WTli*>>. J a - p e r . ( .'t r i c k . 2nd $10. Albert Waoebter, Brant, 3rd f.T00 Wm Dicki*uu, Cairuk. Tie- (xrvchaU match heiweea the l*alim-f.t"ii «ud Walkdttou tentna which followed wa (ho be.*d exhibi- tion of the Aup-ii-nn game that ha* In?;a given on (he loe«| diamond thia < ui. It wa# anybody * game from beginning t« end* The local* acored two tuna to I’aluiortion'x nil in the fir >t tuning' bnt no more run# were regmti'trd natil the eixth iotdhge when the 'i-iu r* secured their tret tailv. Built teatuaxcored ona run In thi* seventh, none in the eighth and tw» in tin- ninth, tho* making the final *<ur.‘ •I in lavm ul tbc 'homa i- «m, Eiily in the gauir K I^wiaof Die focal* wa- -truck on the w»i*t by a »<alf. Wing Inn «il |o ilin e , R. Row- ( tml taking lui pl#i *■. While ha wa# >u Die game B*<b made tht* c hit# and made the i'.eM *cn»»in n#l rntcb of Uh> Hdeinoou «t centre fi*ld. The fine<U#M>f «he leant were; - n-ideitug the la* t that Ilm eel*; u Whlefi wa* held he*eonMondsi angidatid "a* a. wr*-k- Du » * '" a - <1 a! Dm eshdesh day .DDl va* Inn i >i'dly *-m <-d fur I", fait Iy g m<l >! th is i# h.u v* -*t •ft the Imivr cefehratio: lip Hiltl'Ol Had i h.-1 W \| I,I Kt'' M.FattUey Hock ] Kiimtadtiei : 1* dim - |S| 1> '»lilt !.t W.dtnx- j A (ider**>n i Halt* i I.MKHXTON Spence Lnwrenea Kton shea Moorehead IveraU W .I.h bhetd# Ro*t t Held ud th e aide l\ •1 t '"ll»pl'*!ptc ti eitjx*’ the attrac- tioux thoru nu doubt would have l*eeu Ifeplam-d hy Rowhiud in the third. The lari' -Me match between South- ..itipD'n ami Watkeiten lacked Tatiety The Southampton h*'V* xhowetl#uper- mt traitdog and ntfek handling and th* r "uceeded in xeoring *ix goal# to the hical alonely one.


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I'.illn l l»i v-o /flit Ml* h " * / .p * u f Die pad


IlHiodiincsH and uutl h ead ach e a r c two com m on com p lain ts. T h ey w ill su rely resu lt from a torpid liv er. II h m an s liv e r if sluggish and n u t pci loi minpr its prop er functions 1 'cn slar L iv e r P ersu ad er w ill prom ptly resto re Rood health . T h is l iv e r rem ed y (in liquid form* is com posed of p u ic ly

h veg etab le in gred ien ts and will h av e a b en clie ia le ffec t up on the sto m ach and bowels a s well as th e kidn eys, re lie v ­in g indigestion, con stip ation , sick h ead ach e, e tc .

Try a 50 Cent Bottle To-day.

Hunters Drug Store0rti.j> ,nnl hoihihs C. I*. I.’. Titket Agcnci



TALCUM - 25c

and Kodaks

Buy Nval's

A . P.Drugs


F O R T E N D A Y S O N L Ylit Hut Mnde-P' Yom Me-*-in e Suiig*

B a r g a i n s in



R a m s e y th e S h o c m a n

» iismut vf iih' i i i.'ific

I T . K. Attwomh I#»o i «>f matt tag*

•* l*.n#) •• ___‘V - 1» OH •• ...............it to'■ \ IT *n . . . . i;( oo•* ) 15 ( « .......... t:t On

TImpŝ price* l i t »<-> i'KX DAYS ON- L Y, f Watch our window di-pluyx. 'i'lnd**; a rc value,* you cann.it linil any- w te ie e lv . tlnr reduction# ,.ii- „l«g, an<t when wwoff<-r«l*ai«ain tVe »lakw om remit ttion un it. We are nut cutting mil-price* in I wo. hut we nr** giving yon value* that will make yottr hitylng In this atotw an inv*- .t ment hi wliieh V'.ii will l.<- pioti-l. SPECIAL: Alt our Sivl.. f ,a ltV .« .ly mad*- >uitx an -to l»* elciim l out ,|„t mg this week at wa’kuut price*

G. T. ROURKEH igh C lass T a i lo r A M en ’s W e a r

S to re , W a lk o rlo n , O n tario.

Mi. Ed. Uaiin/aiit-cope Mall.

New Full ami Honeycomb Millings al Stepbun tit <18,

'lr» . D. M< K«rii*ifni is vlxlling ifiendS in C n ig l l l i /


On and after MON. DAY. JUN E 8tl», I will lie open for business in my new staudin the Kilmer block, corner Victoria and Durham sts. in the building for merly occupied by C. W. Cryderman, druggist.

I have greatly in­creased my stock and am now in a belter pos­ition to serve the people of Walkdvton in all lines of jewelliy.

R. L . G ib so nJ e w e l l e r W a l K e r t o n

Mt. Harry < •«!)•! aith *a Slulhurm.* i w.«c a vMlur here un S. unfit y.

i Mr. I.ittu* Harrison uf Toronto «e ucvvrd M<<| t4iuUntC' Iwre tint week.

Mr •' Millie uutl Waster Archie Frtg- ■ u«m *t«vi-itiugr4Uft\v* in situllm d.

i Mr. ..ml Mix, Willinn N|Uty.i|(MiCtc- I tie wing Mv>pr>in(Mnc<> lieitth i* week.

; Mi - Kit P u re -piul Mutidny with ! h> i lriei.il Mr-* (daily* Kttdiiig in CatU'H

.Hiw Tilly mH jiiiImiih whs a visitor j at tin- home **t M r. H. Trnax on, Mmj- ! Hay.

Mr. |>iliu Bickl» ill Stephan lli« . at ad is Uoli-taymg al hr* home in Cat tick.

Mr. Win. .M»(ii»ll/*f'Th-rlin -pent • Sunday and M"f^<fy a t the. Hardy

Hmi#f*, *

, Mu- Chita Svliu/ii.iyjfio of Toroiit..| renewed 4*<|tiMiutfcficcs here ..n 'Civic j Itnli.hiy.

| Mr. St-w<tt Well* <.| K<*rt Willium-pent the oeek end hi (|„. nomeofMr

j-hi*. Wnllc.

' Mi < pi S u t l e r „f »I„ni)ver •"«»««» Sunday «t Ui» li.uiie of |)r . i St«lk*;r here.

Mi-* li.eiu' W»l^»n* l' K«lni*mt«*li > vi-ilimt xt I III/ In>nie nt t i l Ml t h* Mr, J< W hite.

' I r . Jeh u 1‘i ‘U ti U:J fu rd iaU il I he .f<i)iiiiKm ptup' ily I'l^/rnn liaiii I inthe Wc-l waul.

Since tbu denlata h m lidvnnced in pr of uthr per tuil.

Mr,and Ml" Wm. Alkinmn of Kdi n (II .ivt;i*|ienl llu* week etnl Hi (lit* In ..f M». T Foley.

The M ikM'N Mmjiu jo ami Odn* MuK-uVwinj^i''Jii<pMintaiu,i'S

\%tr to l he >•:

am muvwin n̂i•• «li*.

Mi .M.in" Sriylni’d wlm Im- In i'ii vixitini* her pxri'Ulaln'tt* tell un Fit d *y i,t*l fur ltalf.il",

Mr. Kdilli* S ilm in ^/T Orangeville -prill Sunday w ill \fv |Mivitt», Mi and Mir. ('. Sclinulr

Fur or tctii. ■•uinfurtahli- Iiuh i*ul « l river. Town w ain and l ittli Apply to 1IItu E Klein.

Mr. .m l Mr-. \\in ^ r tla ln i and eliildteii ol Toiunbjuij^vi-itinK al the Iiuiik .d Mr. H. Ih 'V T

Ford five jwt>*ent;et anloiiuddU** m e now lieint* -old fur ¥ iSi. while the run rtlmulr are li-ted a' •

f » > - ■' . T. Ch.-nek fuimeily uf Car* gill lino recently iKieti uppuiutid pint ma-ler of Sloney C rtex.

Mr*. Kli Myle* and Ma-lti Harry ft o'! Tue-day for Clifluid where

they will optriul a week

MIhm.n Hnldn \Vhite apd Olive H|iiy;h<tu lelurtnil/ui I’Crf IHiiti a vaeatioii trip t u l j t i l m h ^ /

Mi .ud Mi-. <•/ E. Ilun-"hi and httl>e *to visiting a l the hufue n| tkefiiim-eis la 'In r. Mr. M -Kud-un.

Mr. mid Mix. Cow pii <d bdiidii* am vi-iting at the lii>tuel"f/Oi«' l.ittei - ptientv Mr. and Mr y f \Knunpp.

Miv* Lixxie Rennie left un Mutday far Wuu.Uturk wheie -he wbl train for oiinrMr in the tJeiierel l!n*pitul.

Mr*. W . NurrUb rfnd rm uilvretutn- ul mi Saturday f/um Satrfiiniuptcii where they h tve sjj..|ii^fC past niotitli.

VI i aud Mr*. Cl 'little C u'per telui n •d li' in t'liiladelpliia, N. Y. where

tliej have -jM'iti the pa«| uiunth. un

Me*, and Mr*, w il l Addin ol Tor unto t>peut Similar I t iK / home • f the

patent*. Mil jfmt Mi*. I>. E .Trim ■

Meur* Mike L*Ti*ny< and Jiiu llidluriian uieniunaK Ub whu t.ir titling in the Old ■ U< uni"ii al I.rtal'in,

.Mi-> Helen Flint who li.i*-pi nl Ih ,.,t*i w<*k al the Imnw «d Mr. It. Scheeirr left lui het huniein Turunto •ii Satniduy,

^ M i. and Mr*. I*. Iheutu r *»nd Mu- Sadi* .to uni|i.!tilei| hy Mix* Emm

• litveate taking In lh« Loinlott Old Hoy * It* iiniiM*.

.MIskMoN M. Feigu#uu luxlnn t t r a vocal mu*i< ul Humilloti lx mi a

two wr* k * vwtl at the huun-of Mr. i' ui. Vanhurne.

/ M t- Haeon wh** h.t» In -n a patient the Ura<:4 t'auoty Hospital fur

xevutal 111011111* wo* rnmuved In her home un Saturday.

/ Mr. and Mr»- Frank Rennie meotn paniud by Jim attended the funeral uf (In) I u<) William Schniadet in Cblfurit

Thu|*day last.

/ Mr. If*mii the new Canadian Ex pre- • agent liiti twnttd Mr. J . J . K< bn niMcliet ■ Initlhe <ui Dm hum St. near the oxfiibitiun groundu.

Mi -. A. M. sW .n o l^ M m n y , N. ̂who «* x|x.adin|\lhejdimmi'r in South umptiu was a a l the home olMr. J , II. Appel uVs-imlay. ^

Mitten Rut ha SerfwrmU aml Muteuttj Vugt who Imvi-*|f»ut tluFi'axt tim e

ui hutiipipfi re tu i lied tu thoir liuiui'B hi'K nwc wvt'k.

MI n. Iligtain Aid hnFditlighter Mix Haiigh ul Vaneitiyn am vixiting at Mr-. J . II. W a tl-^ M t* . logiatu »« a xixler ul the lulu ft- t . Watts.

M u. IbihioxAn andrftnghiur, l^uiite le tm n td S a tin ll.iy 'tu their home in Detroit after vft-mng Mix. ItritiiilBunV Mxler in law t«tu. Child-.

r*. J , *.. Oibhunx and xon Eddie it'Urgut"Wii, lotiinn ly uf tile e**t

cud Bakery were vi-ilom at the home of Mr. V. B S eh n n ir on Sunday.

R. E. 'I'm ix V Smi.Jl^lve puttha-i'd new *ip to *l|te ,f»Unet. T'tn new

ina<:liiiu> vthii liroxt t*!"°" will ,lm in etalled in the fltmi’x new factory thi* week.

dci'iiMi'd Auto l.tvery.Fit *t-rlax* car#. C R Skelton, phone

111, WNlkertull.

HIiouiIiik Alntrli.A Sh'»'t ing Match will l»- held at

the shunliug gallery. Saturday night next lot thoroughl'ied ruck* amt wyaudollc cockerel*.

Itr, and Mi:.. W.dt«»|M. I ixtui who I uiunth ol Hi ■ lii'iij)'Hixuii. l*-fl mi Sat tu Jy /f'-rflieit hunt) ill the w e t . V

Mr. an I M. ,l, (». it. i . ivxui a,. .mpaiiiid by Mix- A u i n l i . Smith mutured to Lindei . SI raflimy ar.d other point# lail Week. Jutl will - jh'iuI a week in that - ity. ^

Mi-- l.yiirh mturntd In her huine in tiuclph on Jlumlay after a two wick'* hotidav at tlie lu.ine of h"f:tihrli', Mr, Frank E ili liinnl. She wa* aei nmpaiii' tl by lo r eiat-iin. Mi** Eutma l »̂tchf<>id w»u* will vi*il m omdph.

J Mr. J . II. Reyn I .lake the

o il vvh" will ilulhii.g and ..I Mi. A. .1. •ii Snluidny.

liauj ami »ln«' Juron Sm ith , airived in «-r Mr Reytedd# will tu*l l.<k<- pu'-»e,*ii ii of h i* -tom unlil Align.*! I'tTli wln-n far will roniiiieiU-ts hi- l»n*iiu ><* corn r in W .dkctt at with a gtgai tie xafe, Mr. Reyituhl - parpa pi •• n i i l l l . io u m .*1 wk in hi* :(•«••• and iii •udertn make nx'iii aliuuxt the * iitl *■ it«*ek whirli

d in le t he di-jiu

* iiW rrM 'aV ilIII I nyw t i

ml lia

IV a •■•ilyfvle. lank • Ii

' 1 ■

Mr. S.iutli caul. J

Ur. ami Mix. Ivin Utxun and xun <>| Stttvely, Alla, in/vlxitintpdttheliumi ol the formei - I '/n nlyCriiWli Atlui m-y and Mr#. Ufruiyr

loi*t.At the exhibition ground# on Mon­

day* * *ilm r foot hall medal with gold pail «»f waleh fuh hIU .I imiI Finder plea.v ie*vt) a t Ihi* nflsee.

'itented New OlHee*VL-. A. Collin# t iwn < l-i k ami lr

m et ha* rented the olfii-e budding on Uuihnin xtreot wliu li wa* recently vieiteil l»y Jn lge J . II Scull and will move there xhotlly.

Iviiuv Church.H e'. Hr. Ku> *<>n of Itelawaie will

txcupy the pulpit «d the Kuox chim h on Sumlav next and the following thtve Sun luy*ia the hIx-viicm »*t ReV.

ho ix 'pendiug hi* vacation at llaudltot. Hcaeli

Annual fu iA p t'aueellivIn view o(th e coiitiygeneie* which

will unihnitifldly ari*/now ‘that Eng­land and • < Tihiuiy am at war. nil m il­itia Irainieg Vau.|V in Canada hav< hceti o.tni'»dledVnyoidn* of the Mil

I»cpuiTnn|;t/ I'liix ilahldex the uh'i ich campj wf.i* h ix atlended l.y

l-ilivi-ton and wldeli hi l l irom Aug. I7l-li

the unit# from wa* to luivto 2*1 h.

tell Ony*. the ten i*-at ■•■!d dauiigter ol I Mr*.A lex j.\|> C arter wax sud­

denly taken ill on (Thin-day la*l and Friday morning h it i » t ililipii i-reame

i seiioiif that -hi w.<- i . i/ovtd I** the o'pitid bi \ tiiel iuid'-iPilii e. < The • nipt om* ponii. ix tm u g L la |m liton- i> aod »hedrt'<|«* in Jflfetidatne «t

Ijrxt annetud■ <1 filial th e y o a iif* tit m s -otlVuUg frofi th i* dixi'itxe. tin

v e l . i l w;.*' a.- cans* d ppeedix. 'I

though for -otar I ine rh« tad lit*I'

i toed, how(• u ul tl al ilm tinutile

■> - on the

a# w rjdow hope ( » :. eiilei-lMinrd for

xi y tl>* little girt i* m-w gaining rtrcngiliquid i t«|toil«d to

'til of danger.

Cell Ii*oii Con i'Mi x. f ’hrix, (• itvatia, a rexldeut <>l

lie WCt ward ue t with a very onf' i . u a<»f e ace idea t on S«tntd*y after roam a# a mxe*! id wliieh - ha will he 'oniiin-d to In r t»-d for ome lime. Mr*. («at«mail *«.< • unking a call at the home of her da ughter. Mr * Fisk, and while All the potcli u| i he h-ui id

.............. . :iteppe«l t'.o kward* overI lie edge, hilling -liti l. or l« c l to the

lutitttl. She wax piek*-*l up amt help I into the bun e, win t* on rvatoina* oil it wa* found that I lie lllp Ikiih-

had laien cttr-hul in (lie lall. Her »• oval to the lew pitot «»• -advised and •- w4 -tak eu toth .il lo ltiuliou on

Sunday eveioofi Although the iojnt jrs jucrivnl by Mt*. '•ifetnan. who ix alieut »ixiy jt'.iik oI age are xetioti .‘ friend# In po t« ,*rc In i aheut ag-do in the near lultwr.

axxeil E n trance to \..niiHl i :\nui~ nu- r«*ul?s * f the middle hoel «.*

amiiiHtiim* f»i rn'raio'c iiitfl the Not- mat S' Imols Imv t • en puhlixhwtl the fultuWr!)g »lndei|t* • | the local -ehoof being telly, V. A, ll 'tini-lly. II. M I'gmod,

J . A*. KvcrclL I- M Hi lit a r t and W M. Wciler. Tlie appeal examiuetx have

djr reread the p.rpeix of i,*ai-h run didate whose mark* would in former yc.rts haye jo-ttlicrlao appeal. Win tc

CHiubilate In* -till failed llu- xlxteineni of mark- will la* stamped .a- reread, and tin hirthar appeal will be allowed. In all ether er-es of fitiliim appeal* wlll/fiot In* refined, if made la-fore Svpterut'ri i ami .tei-outpahi* *1 by i he fee of 12 <ki. In view »f *11 tlie precautions taken, liow ever. It ia iuo*l unlikely that *m-lt appeal* would *t»ececl. SUci'e«*lol iHodiaat'-x who dexiru to atli'iul thei.oiuiug *c-xiuu of the Normal "Cloud- at a notified that their applications lot admixaitm mo*t

to tli>< Deputy MinUtei of K»lmrtfion not later thru Tuexday, August So.

Iro local high M. M. f^.n

Teacher* Hoc ore l'»*iYi"npMi-1* tomaida McKychnie who wy

■'iifi of thi* vent * 'ii/i i '.fu j simh iif- at Striitlfurd Nortual/ielieol lursaci Cpt c l a position on R>a Mat! <>f tin* Mo l hiirnc public -.(l/oi.l. Mix* L r n c L'lmlnieo, a giad.jhle of tin- Aalkci Ion High -Scloml 'flu* al*o p, -t<d will loach n t Dundnlk.'

Inch—-l.ep I*.A very prytty wedding ",«< -oh-mn

i/e.l in Ho- Mel lioih-t ylmn-h on W* <l tiexilry moriiyig at' t*)li «eh»'k when Stella. |J„ »e,y„d daughter of Mt 'Ii * Andrew Ik w i - w.i. united in ......ri-o'e do Mr. Aydufy Inch Swift

*-;it, s»*k .. Y**rmerly priiH-ipai W alkl'll in Bu ine ... t O'legc. - ' illliuhei- o| llu* yotll.g foliph

friend* wi(io'- --<t th>- <\rtenmny which W.ixpet formed by R«*v. D A Wxlke |M»ioi of lie- .Motimiiist: I’liuti Ii. Tl bride entered the • hutch on t he an ol hot father and tu «<>uip*oy with Imr attenilaiitx who wer<* Ira ;a*lai Mr** F.litli Lrwi*. wm* p tformed the dtilics of Inidv>muid ami Mt'j.Fhnetire Walk or. the pielty little flower gnl, to tlo- strain* of the wedding mutch played t.y Mr. N. M. Cut* ln»oi>. pro- reed'd to tn>- imitiinge altar Mr. N.

Mi'Kay a* li«- t man, a*xi>ted Die gt<a>tn. After ti e ceremony had l*-cn perfntnii'-l and while the wedding party Were signing the register, .Mrs N M Critehi«"n w»ug in her usual lent '..ice , "The Crown. At the elusion of Du; enrmouy Do- young Soipl - received the hearty etnigrutul- atmax of tho*e pt esenl. Tlie blidti w ho is tine of \Valkei ton'* uo>*t popuiui- young |H'upl.- i* oked chttm ti’g iu her weddttig *lr*'" of ivory tluchesxc satin Dimmed ailh beautiful ctubtoider m t f.wc and -eed pearl— She rallied alrm iiuctof w hi'c io-s* and lily of the valley. The ht-Jdceiimid'w eoatutuc Wits - f white eliitiuieice silk, vilei with *aadow 1 ve., with whit * lace h.t ttimm -d with pink tlnWerx and jtvhu sprav, A lter the vrem on y Die we*l ding t-itty diov.< t i the h .»uc of tin In ule. where the wedding dinner w« net vwl, tit** young couple leaving, m the three u. loch train oil a trip up Do* l*k< * t<* SauKSto M.irie, the hotue «f the groom, wher*- they will t pead two week-. Mr. and Mr* Inch will then pro* ceil l*» Swift Current, Sark, where tuey will reside. Thu many e ally, Is-aotilui and o*.-fu! pt.-*»ut# of which the bride wa - the recipient til'd My to I In' exteem ill wliieh Die young emiplawero held by their many flood * who join in extruding bc^l wWht't* «o th« ymmg couple in their new xpliere of life.Alt Natiiln* al War.

All Dii-Vo'iui i ie* ••! i-.uiep* engaged At a bloody war a/*d the en­tire <*lUt)k<*Ut D Ml >

'lat' h i‘ t* ‘ landed will In- the worst Vim • the fall af/Konif. The

•tog*<1 ail Un- pi iiurip.il pow«i>* I«nj till Old lo-.Je. AosDla

■ -I d'-i litled war unJSefvia. li'-rtnvny f/dlowed. lion

•lUnDyj being tin ally that country

l and i/u Toe-day night k ojH'if War Wilt, decl.ii

ii with tier tatty, f Ru-xia is al*o ;»t conntiy. With

uiug ptoporlioiix tilth*ag*. Ha* con

in this ciyilixiil i Auk. whet!) will

ilors end. how in toy ‘I'lki/ig - and ctupcior- will

of powet Will have to Is- .i ltn . d;« of the Ih it»-It«m

huugeibV The it me *ummVd up by If. t«, Welfs,

Do-imltrti author and H'lxatirt, in a remarkable aualysi id the e.oufliel In part he -.ays:

• At It#! the intolerable tension i* over and Kuto|H*i*at war. The item dron* vanity that iva* largoltcn hvthe va-y vi’ t'.iic ol |*7D7I has cliath-ugi'd the win id. (in m an y |'repH|Ds to roap the Inn vest Count Bismarck sowed th a t Iratuphng drilling foolery in the lieait of E*u ope that a n ext ell eivili/atieii and ilalbco'd the hope#ol mankind f<<*! »rt> yrar#. hcrltlMi fiupn i.ili-m, D.rniBU niilitutixm xtroek its im-v itntt;i* blow. A victory for Ueituuuy iv(fu'<l mean the f*et<uati*ul en thruiiemetit ol tin war g* d over «li liim iio nfT-*u . Do-tleieiii of t.i-nii any may *'i>en the way lit disatm anieut and peace thtoughoul Do enrtli. 1" those win- love peaci- thete can Ii uootlo r hope in tb* piexcntiOnHiiT tiiati Un-defeat ami ultet ili-i'iediting of the t**i-iu«« legion-, ending for good and all the hhwri amFitnil xupmsiiti><n of Do Krnpp (lag wagging ..Teutonic Ki| tilig sm and all th at ctimtu.il and *haia cnieicitt y th at ccntt<« m lfc-i llll

There i» uuduulit that thiy uteut war will Vitally affect t ’anada. Already regoliti troop* have been dop«trhr*l to Hnhfax xml ffii'd ' c tube in readi ties* a t the call nt the umthetcTnnti v . and the calf (or volunteer- |«> fdtm enutingeul* limy come at any time. May the British Hag emerge tl* m tin terrible strife victorious;

Hungary li

Hid the tail "l R ival HiMil** thee. >nAn

The Contest StandingI'YiliinviiiR h it (In* iiutm*:. o f llu ; vario u s c o n te s ta n ts w ith th e

vo le* they h av e e a rn e d up to d a te .

M iss M ary Boss, W alkurion 4 2 2 ,0 0 0M iss F lo ren ce C onnolly. V esta :k56.EOOM rs H. .1. S eh arU ach. K iverstlale Ii5T>,200M iss B e rllia S ch n tirr . W alk o r ton .*143,800M rs. G ordon Younjf. C argill RIO.OOO.Mi.*- K stelle Bloinjh. W alk orlon R 17.000M rfsK th cl M itch ell, S olw ay .'114.000M issB o stiK Ilin glm u ser, W alk erto n 185 .000M iss L illian S c h e f te r , F o rm o sa 137 .000M iss N o ra S c h w a n , ( ’a rL ru h e 8<»,000Miss ( -lia rlo lte V\oinert, N eu sad t 76 .0 0 0M iss A n n ie.Scan lon , W alk erto n 3 3 .0 0 0

W ith t iff end o f th e Telesco pe Voting; f ’on tc s t b u t th re e d a y s a w a y , am i s e v era l c o n te s ta n ts c lo se to g e th e r an d w ork in g h ard fo r th e honors an d p rizes to l«* w on on S atu rd ay n igh t in te re s t in th e c o n te st is a t fe v e r h ea t. W hile m o st o f th e c o n te sta n ts h av e tu rn ed a few o r no su b scrip tio n s d u rin g th e p ast w eek , evid en tly p re fe rrin g to play a w aitin g g a m e a n d n ot disclose th e ir h ands u ntil th e final show d ow n , it is k now n h ow ever, t h a t th ey h ave been g a th e rin g in su b scrip tio n s w ith unabated en erg y and en th u s­iasm . e ach in th e hope o f sp r in g in g st g r e a t su rp rise on Utc o th ers , d u ly fo u r c o n te sta n ts hjtve ch an g ed th e ir v o te s tan d in g sin ce last w eek, us th ey a r e th e only o n es w ho h av e handed in an y business, an d as th ese h ave not g r e a tly in creased th e ir volum e o f v o tes th e o th e rs will d ou b tless conclude th a t th e re Is m o re to com e from them W h e th e r o r n ot th is is c o r re c t, th e C o n test M an ager h as no m ean s o f know ing. N eith erv ias he an y m ean s o f know ing w h at an y o th e r c o n te sta n t h as in th e w ay o f vo tes and sub rerip tion s.

H o w ev er, en ou gh a c tiv ity is being d isplayed by those n ear th e top to in d icate th a t th e finish will he clo se an d e x ­c it in g . and u ntil th e vo tes a re cou n ted a t th e d o s e of th e c o n te st th e re ca n be n o d e g re e ol c e rta in ty , a s to w ho th e w in n ers will be. FY len d s o f c o n te sta n ts w ho w a n t to s ee th e ir fa v o rite s win should re m e m b e r th a t S a tu rd a y is th e last day o f th e c o n te st, and th e la s t o p p o rtu n ity an y o n e w ill h ave to a s sist an y c o n te sta n t. •

T h e closcu jf th e c o n te st w ill he con d u cted w ith ab solute s e cre ­cy . so th a t th e re will lie no possib ility o f an y c o n te sta n t receiv in g an y " t i p ” o r “ inside in fo rm atio n ,” w hich m ig h t enable h er to se ­c u re an v a d v a n ta g e o v e r o th er co n te sta n ts . Th e s ub scrip tion tic k e ts o f each c o n te sta n t, w ith m oney th e re fo r , will on S a tu rd a y b e de- im sited b y th e c o n te s ta n ts th em selves, in a re c e p ta c le p rev i­ously sealed by t lie ju d g e s , and th is recep tacle can n ot he opened by an yo n e until a f t e r th e c o n te st is d o sed . T h is will p re ­vent an y o n e e x c e p t th e c o n te sta n ts th em selv es fro m k n ow ing now m an y su b scrip tio n s th ey tu rn in on S a tu rd a y , until th e ju d g es open th e re c e p ta c le 'ami proceed to c o u n t th e vo tes.

L v ery th in g | Kissi hie will be d on e to fa c il i ta te th e w ork o f th e jiid g e s w ho w ill c o u n t th e v o tes on S a tu rd a y n igh t, so th e re s u lts in th e c o n te s t can b e an n ou n ced a s e a rly a s |>ossibIe i t is e x p e c t ­ed th a t th e ju d g es w ill he ab le t o an n ou n ce th e w in n er ab ou t 1 0 .3 0 S a tu rd a y n ig h t. T h e ju d g es will be,

• F’red L ip p ert, E s q ., M a y o r o f W alk erto n R« E . Trua.v. F^sq., M- P .R ev. F a t h e r C u m m in g s o f W alk erto n .

ilsitUMiKH - In Arllmi <»n*.i *-u S;«tui,l«y Aiiuii-i Ixt I i l l .to M r ami Mi-. A. II. BnUiuKi'r.a - n .iA illm r

u>lut:i< In 1‘rrt **n \V«*lu*-.->l.iy, Auk >Di, M IMiIKidI: ikiuKlm r .<( Hr. ami Mr t It. K .'It.iol »•( » W lk O' M. Hat • 1*1 la-flio, Min »t Mi ami Mi Ill'll* Li lu? *'f Walki-iJuli.

i-alli m .liitiu Mirtiai I.Til*' iruiain >«f -Lilin Mi<'hu<l am Mi. amt Mix. Flank MirJix* ! wh*»

wa* kitl*'*l in Me Murray, W .th .a i - •il in 'Vxlkcrluii on Tm'tiilav iimtit , Tin* i lm 't iie t wh«* wax tltiity - -<i ycai - **t aKi-ava;- !*arn at F*>i im x#

ami a ttrr li ' tiiK with hi.* |u.i> uU thi n- until hr n'Mi hr'l the «R<- »*( x ix lrru . went i«» I « m4<'b w h n r fi# grmduaud

Civil CiiKim-ii. Ho wo - vriy xm-i-watful (it h b Dadr a m l.q irn l tuxoy > ia ix )U I''«jiflii in Sculli Aliii ii.Jajiiiii ..ml <'tlii'i *l<.H‘'Ki* laiulx- At ila tiim* itf ilia tli . Ju ly g'*th. hr wax i n,|>|. \, A |.v a -m trytn jj rtm jiany w hiih had t* ■ lu athinaiU'rx at

attli-. \Va*h, ami "hil«* • n duly in th* i**'vn id .'KM m iay in* wa* d ttftk

laUtiiK (xi-ii'l f u-tailiM'K xiirh u iu jillii ' that h*- died in a Sr

atD - l«<i>|»i|at 'dually x f tr l . M l.Mu ha* l b avr - Hi uuiuiu It; • 1> la -

Iii < pul n i l - . I hi re hn*l liri Henry m N>u th Hat Dr (util. Sa*k,

d« iu Hi>l«*v» in,;. Mii h, and Roll........... II. f . M*.d Mil. M.ti-L Mis..< at hunir. l lu- Inm ial t.*uk

vu Ttmr-slay tuoum tg at l*» > k tm ni th " It. r . l liuieli if im eat in Fauno»aLnueD;t> , ll»«

xyintriiliy .-I Dm **n»i««'.»>mm>iuii) n* ndml Iw tin* sufH*M inK inity.

Civic Holiday Cele­bration

a mn.'li larKui rrowd in al trudamw.I’' f (h *l. t miu? wa# a football match

Ix-tw.-.-u ilix Tivrtt<*u aed local team and result**d in h win for the Walker- l»n ‘•lorun hya #c«re**l I>0. Although Du> Tivetlon atSi(icgation are a good iium-li of kicker#, the #c*re does not iudiCMto (b<- play »:> the ball wa# in Die vbttiir* terrlt**ry almo»t cuoatant-

*>" 1* U y durinu lh«? bo»h halve*. Their de- Hilda I li.MV' ver "orke.l well and clear-

ei| m uty xluM* ami ruabe# which un­der «*t*liuaty i iicuuifitaucex would li.ive heeii xurr goal#. They xccuted Very f- w th";# on the Walkerton goal and H-iatlirr d"|i|nd lha few lh at r4im* lib way. The teniu* lined up. W'l.M.IUON TtVKRTONtl>i‘Th*-r R"«lH'lrk hack#

Walkerton Wins Football and Baseball4Ganics but is

defeated in Lacrosse

Attendance at Grounds Fair­ly Good

McCtura Hugboa

F m -rr HaugL Mighitm hall back* MeKwen Rowland *' MontgotnaryIt. Obei!'- •• D. CanioronWbiu-head renter K. CamnrunSchnurr If it wing McKiunon OlH'ile " ChutchOrifUn right wing HaggCai t wi ight Cola

Referee. K. Walker.Iiimu dirttidy after the football the

judging " I th e farmer#' oulfilaentered in the rompelitlon took place, the pi uex heing awarded aa folhiwa; - t a t $t *.»W Tli*>>. Ja-p er. (.'tr ic k . 2nd $10. Albert Waoebter, Brant, 3rd f.T00 Wm Dicki*uu, C airuk .

Tie- (xrvchaU match heiweea the l*alim-f.t"ii «ud Walkdttou tentna which followed wa (ho be.*d exhibi­tion of the Aup-ii-nn game that ha* In?;a given on (he loe«| diamond thia • < ui. It wa# anybody * game from

beginning t« end* The local* acored two tuna to I’aluiortion'x nil in the fir >t tuning' bnt no more run# were regmti'trd natil the eixth iotdhge when the 'i - i u r * secured their tret tailv. Built teatuaxcored ona run In thi* seventh, none in the eighth and tw» in tin- ninth, tho* making the final *<ur.‘ • I in lavm ul tbc 'homa i- «m, E iily in the gauir K I^wiaof Die focal* wa- -truck on the w»i*t by a »<alf. Wing Inn «il |o ilin e , R. Row- ( tml taking lui pl#i *■. While ha wa# >u Die game B*<b made tht* c hit# and made the i'.eM *cn»»in n#l rntcb of Uh> Hdeinoou «t centre fi*ld. The fine<U#M>f «he leant were; -

n-ideitug the la* t that Ilm eel*; u Whlefi wa* held he*eonMondsi

angidatid " a * a.wr*-k- Du » * '"a -

<1 a! Dm eshdesh day .DDl

va* Inn i >i'dly *-m <-d fur I",

fait Iy g m<l > !

this i# h.u v* -*t •ft the Imivr

cefehratio:lip Hiltl'OlHad i h.-1

W \| I,I Kt''M.FattUeyHock

] Kiimtadtiei : 1 * dim -| S| 1>'» lilt! .t W.dtnx- j A (ider**>n

i Halt* i


Lnwrenea Kton shea

Moore head Iv eraU

W .I.h bhetd#


t Heldud the aide

l\ • 1 t '"ll»pl'*!ptc

ti eitjx*’ the attrac- tioux thoru nu doubt would have l*eeu

Ifeplam-d hy Rowhiud in the third.The lari' -Me match between South-

..itipD'n ami W atkeiten lacked Tatiety The Southampton h*'V* xhowetl#uper- mt traitdog and ntfek handling and th* r "uceed ed in xeoring *ix goal# to the hical alonely one.




LAUiii;-.:! V.MiiC/UO) AGA !■

ifflhCFUf IAUi!!ES.

Could Not Get Rid of Them Until He Used




Are Your BoweEs Ever Constipated

W A I . K R R T O N r R U t W O P B W .U .K E R T O M O N T . , A U G U S T A l l

Many Doctors Eat VVALKKRTON 11111 ’ Mmlij in I(««• m \{ J hum- j ,,fctl*(Ml i f I I > ’ ill men

CORN FLAKESEvery Morning

Western FairLON DO N , C A N A D A O u t i io 's D o p ila ’r E x h ib it io n S e p te m b e r I t t i i to 1911], 1914

I N C K l i A S l i Odluillfu .I.I <if .1(11 :,! ;i .

wink- o n )Chine ami ■ n Hu- Doimiiieii I pi

•in Koyal lh..g...msTtu Om. I Kennedy’Show .

available hand*RKIUICLO RAILWAY KATI S i

SjM'rinl l \i ursiuii Da>». Si 11 l Sept 21 t.

All inlot■ii.'iIhmi In n W . ,1. KKIl>, l o -nLni

P R I Z E L I S T•Hit;! I ,.iiu'l xhihit a


FllblLhedi> Tlmr-il.iy (1I..IIII1,,; al

WaU .'i i . ii,, Oi.i ,



Tlu.ro la il. up im i. i l a ig u U;nl (iron! lJ 'iU in will he in v o h t.l in t i e war vvliii-li ban licgitti lie lw it l i Aits* trta an.l S erv i* , Th«, world i* i iin r- «r A on i giililuh than it hnshtM i for it eeititn v. I f (trvut Brita in mtu( •t«uid w,Hi L u a|lu-■, Hit* u t y life of Hie Ku|iiro w ill he til tduku. Upon 1 be one 4 ml will bo A ted r in, Italy

’ niiil <!• i Many tin I ujxili I bo o ilier •Sorvin, Uilo-iit, I'VnliOO Mu! ( itoat Britain, W lm r» ii m y wtml may

i eotim on* of »OH'li » coiilin l . \\V, <n ( anmln, in An Tinl't*. in

Now /, > J tud' nnd i n S ,n tb A lin a«re rh »lK|.|y iMtiti-ftrl-in. m e tbo I- ■ | ! • l tbtt .U .Jlitr Idnn.le. Tin, CtujVarv a id U.'iUidi JiiidiiulUiI « the

; w orld over will oaU for defoneu by ; Hie win !<• lir.leTi pt «>pl.. It forililio i.jloiild 1,0 it;,”iii!i t world v >>uUl bo It

, i' imIR' |.t.!i!ntt! ;; iiiin-.tii . ,li d for II i i*. lb*i v n y tek u i«

mid fur a Tim e ninny of tbo idealti t ml tvo imr.i elieiiidi would die o r itrug^lo f , M t for lifu in hlrniif'i and iiiH'ongihj**! ground,

I ’otb i|»i it i;t tn.l tut to It that Cali tola can do h i fni.'nt «!iu M other

■ Coillilry, if honor mid duly injuiii,* ber lo join tvilb her n lht*. \\b»t

' we eii11 do we muni, w hr to u r Ibid may involve it: mun or motley. Wo are upon the edge of an tu iir g in ry from which tvo cannul enenpe, mid we uned no boar ouraalves ae lo re- tain oitrow n m-If re-pect and aland worthily with fhe Dritiali people throughout the « Dominion!*.

, llio map of (he urn In. A', aido. i l l in W ill'd bo It i alt’in which of tbo ISritiidi


CAPITAL, $15,000,000 _ RESEfiiVE FUHO, $13,500,000 FAR M E li S’ BUSINESS

The C anadian B ank o f C om m crco i v lends lo F a n n e rs every

facility for the tran vtctu ■ <f th eir Ivmki ■-•; biisincss, includin'*

the discount and collect!**** "f sales notes. Blank sales n otes j tbeir paiu». are supplied free of c !r . on • ipplic.•:.:*»•*.

I I . M .L A V M a n a g k k , \\a l k c r t o n . O n !

S T U D Y T H E M A R K E T Oue tb tn g A clu atm lhe agricb ltur.

n|i-*t when lu> prod nrei tooro (ban ia M illicifi.t supply for hiaotvt. hottso T h at i« ib o ex i^ lin te of a co miitu

, iug m arket, l or thin riiuoit alono bo i« in lm<rjitc»» a..- a farm er H *» llie farm er viowed bin work tl lakca

' cuhiklorablo of bit* lime a» n busiti • i'j'o en terpriao ' Jiao bo aludietl j lbo m arket and governed hm pri<I d uctiou acco rd io g lj.' T h e m ao.: i i fa r lu n r i-tudim m arket couditiobn j cfovo before be makei* m acbiuety.. CSa i of the agricultitrh.t« of Ihe ! past havouot tuado Bucioi'tilie iludy| of market*1, d capito iho fat I tL al it ’ wan Ih oir ch ief ecouotnic inierm t- | They had produced w ithout fore-

bt and let chance pay them for

Time.) are changing. I f the pack.1 er cloaca a purchase of lUOatceia at

I 1 of a ceut M o w what ho thinka i to be their va’uo, ho thinka ho ban Idouo we|b l i t liven ou Ibid, H e id mi export uu market condition* and s> on the lockout oviry day. l i e wRlchea Toronto. W m n ij^ g , Chic-

1 ago, ISitlUlo and M ontreal uiaikotu und t t.u*n when to wait and when to buy. , l i lliero any reanon why the farm er ahould not alwavii be in a pobttiuii to know when to wait anti when to Nclif One ijitarlor cent gained on a pound tutana $7|J ou a carload,

I j . t Ihu (aim er look in to th e ail uahuu. Find th e m srki t pajwr llmt iiucuroH for him nuthentic m m -, kel roi*iit*V*. rcpuflo lu lopoOdeut ol

■ mill o tio rd T io lio f tiade.’ Ou}> th«n w* 11 ho got the beet roiurnb fo r 1 ja product.

'r f l-M M A liY O F V O T E P O L L E UT h at the vote polled by the C on.

netviilivo (Joveruuieiit at tlio r tce n t iTovincial election wab lc*t* than por c e n t of Ihu total ie i>hown by •i jdiictiou from tlio ligurea which have plat been i»«utd by th e Clerk ol the (Tow n iu (Hum ect) Tbo ( '..iiouivativui rcc e ir ttl 2IK,l*r»voUt> or : ligh tly lt»b than .t per rent i,l thu total- T h e Liberal., i t c u u d ifrf,|(;;t vot«u o r a b tu t 1*» t " e tn l

‘ (h u d patty cam lu latin Jtilf#*.* or< i lightly leu* ibun l per cnhl, Thn

t.dal to te c » t wa« approximate^iy l<»2 l iU hn Com paitd With SIO/L’.H in Hie i'lovineiai U e h tia l E Ii c Ih ii

I o f1 U 1 1 .T h oatto utioii of Ihe |»otiliriHi«

I 'lr.o ig beu t the province u lectiMitd | upon Urn fact th a t if proportional j f^pr mentation were iu force in thi*>’ iirovtncu th e libera ’* w ould have

t ltbo (‘ inset vat < *«« oU im-teadof h i,! Thin vvoii|d givo the (Joverum m l a j m ajority o f ouly i-ix a fter the ap

point.iiciit o f I lit- a j.t ak* r. j In preparation of Uipho a latn -tua i L ineral and Tcmpi-innce voice Lave

boon ci.iiiiltd in H < nuinu fniittnli. hi aa iMicti aa prneticaliy tv ity avow i d t< i.ip tian ce wi i l r r waa d im tly or im pliedly etidoirtd l*y the L ib ­era l l<\i t'ii11v« a iu (h i cotiHt i* if rey

i tn which they tan In lo r t idu wherii eled ora have | wn vulea, only one vote ij. coiibtevi for earh elector and th at Ihe lug lion vote iu each riding. ThO disparity In f vvet n tbo •SR regate vote*, io l u l l and l u l l about ] 07,O()O ia to n certain extent duo to the fae'l that three yearn ag<. there were IS acclamationa and on Ja n e 2!»lh !h<ro we re but 4, but if j tlio 1U11 ligmi'M added in for the j four ncclamaliotih tlua j e t * winch in prill abip tbo ta u n t way of tr ia l- j itig lho <|tu«leoE— «t will tx. M etij th at thin yeat'u vole u- nl < til (i.'i.tion ( in actu al tigurcH m ote than th u n iVerna ago .

A|tiu i t m w o it bv of not ice th a t ! Iho r txcn t Provincial vote ». within ■nppromimatVIy 1 p n c ii - t of thathuge veto which wim cant thru* j y«a»a ago during the J{«eipiocitv j cainpiogii and (hi to wan only olio j

Imitation hi that election . Th u* • a o ln rved I he l tine vi Jo m Hie

j^t g o t ov«r pulled hi any Ft »vimiu| 1 lection in thin Frovince. exceed m g |

if Hljownnct .■ mo mnde ft*r ncc|rtiua- tiotH, by a|moat | ..U(W» the total

which wan Iho record up to llm t tim e.

Th e (Juverum cntV (topular u i* j r* ily over r l l i la opponentH iaahown to ho Ih’ISUT. In tluao ligiiren E»m - I lire 1 in dashutl a». an ltu!e|K>|R»ndt nt tlio InjNor L 'heral ciindulale in North Not folk it c|an-nl a> u*» Iu* depclnlt n t . the M Col.d cut didate in Kaiuy River in p lacid iu tho name

ca teg o ry ; and the Independent ( ’.oiincivative cotidnlalo ill Frinco Edwuid :a put in the C d '**tv a liv e


c l fro;

r lit.,iII n n-t pi* > pie ill, .k lilt’ I " f g . l l / ......... It pt-illM* I f U tn l | (v*,j‘O' ngaiio I IJ.S'1 in im g I,„| ,.v,. „ |j„ „ 1 ll i* at it’ .d over on** hnntll < t| * v *■ t. tt,v 1 , ” e l >einl In liii-ii llg m ,, It, |*.|̂ I Hi iv.in , phone in m e ( vi i y l.tt.t j I’’ , conitit.*tng l lo p>*| ninth it i t S the.ln-inm ion: h, t | ; ; . | . h i • v. i j {b' -p e ' -mo w i'li mm y il l tn i »•lino I'* pr>it.|l.lv Ole |.I t ••< h |.*, ” i

l.|tre,.|„p|, ’l l . . , i - I ,|

i . n .:i. J l I.X7I ,vm <* ; t * i n the p. t’\ it'• io *.|.eiMlit i , I in i n t i 1'y. SliT; w ....... with i'

ilan dm i

I ing**-

*r«apII only

t»roi« s i i ’itaito iii><i v*I* nt " m y , mnl the

■ < Hit| lid . inveiiti.-ii in i * m , *':)» created III en to i l j . I I en.pl *i irent.

T H EMerchants Bank

O F C A N A L /

l-A H H T * t ’A l 'i r \Lf7,tKHi,«ax»

R E .SE liN E F U N Ih S * 7 .2 1 8 ,1 2 i

220 Branchesv w i v ; » i r<


Uv|iieM'tit»tico’< of the lug limit*. i# cotopnlind opctnling in the I ’pper U '.I.itt* i»go.ii*tal. ti nt o|WIN(iotatn ttie blit'll Iliin tall wdl l e iiniiuiatly In nvv ..nil that hIh ut ;'.'. i« ii mm le eli.ph'V .d .d’oi.t two m oults Io n ic . It i-. I f Hi ved 1 -■ Dial lilts Will go ;« a long way toward relieving m ini ployiuent in l i d e r t i iH in . Th«*>reii

n îv» n 1.1 tin* rxlea limit" ring op ■ftifilo. I- that a g i<lit deal id liu;l» l

ha» Iiet*|l I, lied by ’dntlll* mnl • light ly Dm.tgid oy hush t in - and that it

mini l« ulth/.ed r*t oni'e hefoiv decay

tl. ■ . .1. .mug a oihicit s VVINl.!|t\NK. are «**r<li ilt> mviiot. ti:«• «. i tnhled lavi ..f April (Vinher in’ l« ,ul of .Stay anil N#v iunl.t r. an fnrinerly.

u A I.K E IU »N in ; \ S i 'l lK . M . r A Y I . O HIVI d n a g c r

Fell Term0|»cns,;SEPT.(1 st] at

y no. fio r o N /; /47

OWES HER LIFE TO “ F R O ITT TIIIE S ”Cured Both Stomach Trouble

and HeadachesI'Ai.vi ttvrciw. Ont., Jcr r joth. i^ ty

■ ‘ I i m IIi1 klii-vc that I owe inv Hl<< to "I'riiit . tivrv’*. Ever »incr cl.ij.l-

I have l*rtt under the care id phyairiauv and have t.eeii javitig dw toi'f hill*. I was so side mid worn OHl that people on the atreel often avled me if i thought 2 could get along without help. The same old Stomach Trouble and dutrejwing Ifeadachm nearly drove me wild, Somclimc ago. 2 got a box of “ bruit- a lives” and Ihe firM le.x del me gootl. My huihaud w-a| delightetl and advi­sed a routimiatsou of their live.

Today, J am feeling fine, and * jihrvician meeting me on Ihe street, noticed my improved appear,one amt a-ke.l the rr.»von. 1 replied, " I am taVing 2'utti a-ttve*". Ilexaid. “ Well, if Pruit-a-Uvr* are making you look so well, go nheitd mill take them. They •re doing more ! • o« than I can”.

Mas. WILLIAMS. '• Pruit-adive*" are 1 hy alt

drain a al 50c. a box. 6 for ti.S'i, trial sire Jte. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by I'ruit-a-tlve* Limited, Ottawa.


M.mI.iii tnMlioiU| Hill lilloa lo, o>u 11, l,rl>lj> and llilny *oik

J . S . K K K J ) ,

M E D I C A LD R H K O V V N , [''V ’V..

W A f t A I I '* '* »' 'i »•*.... .V. J l .X i v l ih A inin ilMfllrlneMt Ijurrn> l im m ih Miih I.ii

; «•( me t’ollt-se nr pliyali'lana an.l xiif*.oii- "<ru r nml rmlili uci-Oil tnrnvr of Cull-urn.

1 »mt <'»yley Hired*.


- I ( i C A R T F R I.Uer>*r»l Auell*m. v*. v - i lA err lor »! •• .'oiiMI >I of Urin e. "■!•• of nil kinil- |*r<*>>i|<lIr »t- I le.Kte't to. I'ariosloi'lt mnl trii|>li uirn.- a j M-ei-UHy. Term* i. a.ooal.ie. h „ ,,i.l,i- 1 write JO CAbTKtt. f lltr „ ..s |* »,I otnc> inn... mn Iw ina.te al n<t- Tel* ■ •••i t | oilli'r. Wall..non.

V E T E R I N A R Ys . i |a n m o r i v ,v .s . ::


Subjects taught by expert instructors nt the

Y H. C. A. BI.DG . LO N D O N . O N T.

Students Resisted to povitioas. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time.J-W. Westiirclt j. W. WerUrrelt. Jr.

Pituapal asrurH AtconuatP> VictTroOMl

Owen ir«»u t tl.Cnlflit

SM S u ccessfu l Y e a rs .

E v e ry g ra d u a te g u a ra n te e d a position.

L a r g e s ta i r o f sp eeialists


!••■ •*I K-lnlt* bought and -<d«l; n«.*n-y In I wn: nK>» ngi*ii| 9 .r ll •• D lllic t* ’ O li l lk l Mulitxl Eii,In* in ai.ft* f'*.m|Mny. Flimn-. Ilm- I in, ring “ k i .

New Tele p h o n e Directory

W iih lb . ii-uul* u-.iking Hit 'r . i - i 'm \Vmni|:i-f:, C.dg’t'iv i;dm..iil.-ii mid idtu r f i " * * > I ll .d W eet, mixiou - f.n n ,.ik . v Jb .i^ P H -L lrg lii.nU- ul v.n n-ii. n nlrc" ilisv/.*iir.ir,»' fh.- 1.»»! way-, again. 1 brrngmg la M iin !»•»«*»*.yea < grain crop. Wiiliin leu d *y li.uv. "ling w ill have coiuun*n. i‘d in »*>nic patt> id llie pralI’n e. and I --aid nf l ia d f and uitm- civil bialii s m,- .•ini.billing in t pti «d 1 \* » the m iplu« | |M>ptil<tli<*ii. A* no am iouurcm ml i

n iiiu .id cby'ih u railways regard M»*nlrinJ.illgspevial I d V. ■teTei'Xeilp'i. ii* It i«

n le t g ian tfd that no epteial will le* m i l l , tin- weM fn-m

T he U. II TVl. pl ne U. n | ..dll I- M .111 l» PI’ III .. lieu 1.•Ml. 1st 11 M i l l . b l l l ltin* D io ru t of

W E S T E R N O N T A R I Op , 1 It* > who l ent n.pl.ile I. f oinilig

Stil.M iil »•!*. • *i tbo*. w bo w mil ebaug .« ill ll le jf |i|»'M Hi 1 n icy thi.nhl plnee

h . t , , , i n K tl.i. j " « ■ : ' * ....... . ' »“ ».-*e-r »>1 i.nci* t<> itiHlIe unci ltoll 10 Hits-issue.

C o n n e c t i n g C o m p a n i e s

Slnmld iiln* it-|i..lt -.d.liti.'liH and I’lliiljii'H ill I licit* 1M i*t Mlli»c»iln*ie,I it lift |.) the lor; inuiiagei. <>r diieet j

the SjM*ei»l AgentV Dt paiUncut.


U t i l i z e s e v e r y h e a t u n i t . F l u e s a r r a n g e d

h e a t i s f o r c e d t o t r a v e l o v e r t o p o f o v e n i :


d o w n b e h i n d i t a n d t w i c e u n -

■* d o r t h e b o t t o m b e f o r e c s c a p -

i n j j t o c h i m n e y . S e e t h e M c C l a r y d e a l e r . .•

Sold by H. A. Havill.


I (rave recently keen up* pninlcd ug'ent fur (lie faniotifi

“Perkins'Gasoline Engines

“Sltarplcss"Tubulor Crcom Separators and

“Grey”Carriages, Fanning Mills, Scales. Cut­ters, Sleigh s, Etc.

I lie**e are (lie (k s I iiiucIi- me>. etc . on flic m arket lo* d a y . uni) if yo u urc.eoiiteiup* luting ptireha>ing unytiiirig in d im * line*., call a n j *<ce diem .

W. J. BildsteinWolkcrlon - - Ontario

Opposite Walker ton Holler Mills.


C *O R steaJy . -umnu-i. pail-*• tune, easy work. M a-t In* kritilit. neatly dressed, ami under fourteen years .<1 age. (n v e reference.** and mention dav and Inuir when parent w .11 come w ith hoy for inter* view. Good pay. Splendid training- W rite to B o x I I

T klK3c o p e U m n ; .

« T A n A T T ’C 13 LABATT’S STOUT*Has SjKcial Qualities

M I L D L Y S T I M U L A T I N G . t y O l I < I S H I N C . S U S T A I N I N G

A Pcifcct Tonict h i s is m i ; n m i . in t h e m :.\k it i s m i i d e d

I f not v .ltl in your m iglil«.rh*»«l. w rite


flraijt T°w/i)s ip

Farms1 have, in l>t.ml. 2 fifty <

lartit", t t .'tt j »i* Metf* fniin. 1 liinidit-d tout 1 tm ty *aci«* H im , 2 1 w •■ bn ml 11 d a r t .- lai tin. nil IT 1IM FltOVKD. '•“UVenii'in in ILou.v* t *•! ,(lk« tn>i>. and the mvti*-i*h iv e p im d III* in III IllV hand* l«- . .Ol". they AID, HIM N D T(-SK IT I Imvf itlio! r l*ai a.-rc f.it iu In F**rtti. near Ia»t(-wi I, i-ne of tht* I*cal la i ni« iu the County <*f Penh . >#ilIt cxirH fiupinvi ineiil*, 11 veiy grcat lM ieid i.n l »7iHin. I m u ’i I n - h a d muTi ft tin ire of Kalin" Mimw, My olTicoi* HKAIAJI'AIC T K Its amt yon *h..tild 1 onu* to << llietf V.UlW U.t to h iiy * ! Hghl-pHic*

M. M. M i l l e rH A NO V Kit ONTAHItl

j Sm ith 6c M c C o n n c l’sC h o p p i n g M i l l

F e e d £& S e e d S t o r eA l l K in d * O f C e re a l

A n d C o a r s e l > d F o r S a le tn T o n L .(»O r In A n y S h a p e .

Smith & McConnolw a l k e h t o n , o n t

j Cook’s Cotton Root Compound.A *nft. rrliaW* rttmtoling

tnfAIrlnr. R*.)i1 in thro dr­aw# Hfrnjlh—No. I. (I: No. 'J. *3: N» X *5 I**, bos. M 4 hy *11 deisjiio. 0, **otK r t M S T a S J S S :THC COOK MKOICINK CO. T0I0IIO OUT. <


w m m ............T7 / .

Tim beat Uduini*rci 1) School in llo* province. Out- cour»e« uro tluroiigh wnd praeiiatl, wliiln out iiioViucInmare t.* n<-V than you will find ebew here. V’e do uioio for our H'udenU tlum other im ilai •clijob.l*>, Oiiri.de*> *i# rmiOB* aide W .it* for o»r (tee * <tnb*gu * and nee what we run do for you.

D. A . Mel.ACIILAN. printipah

. y ' A f / / y j N / t / t J


l».u photograph , ale men Jlittiignud phuihgruptx- .Uii-y ntc Hue imriruilr.- Ixiuging mil nil ilmi a t>e»t in «liaracler and individu atlly. Make your ap- IHllNnilbUtk NOW


. f . j Z & r M r r

S T O V E S !

If you want a &(ovc buy a “II A I* P Y

TH O U G H T.” Nyncbetter. Aso a full line of I Icating Stoves

H A HAVILLWalkoton - - Ont.

Dr. dc V an’s Fem ale PHI*• I*! »"• Firif*. i*r»l»l '»:r**M !».!•, 1>,4

,• • aia r*(r»<1lrisli t«>»T*lnl n, trfiulitlna !>•<> nriallte p "lion "I tV Icmite >x»ttrr. Ktfuio Hr. ... Van'. • .

*«•*>.u drux . 81. IMhMUaao, o«|j


E g g s p e r d oz

25c. M O VIN G te TORONTO B u t t e r p e r lb

25c.A in erica it (>i! i.u per {411! ̂ l!» tins. Pori: and 1 leans

regular ........ ,tc fo r 71- Store Crowded to it’s Capacity. People Know Bargains V< .iiH, t orn for ...... 25c.; nraioos luI* —25c •

V: for........ 25c.

O n ly n in e m o r e d a y s to g e t c lo th in g a n d s h o e s a t le s s th a n c o s t .

E a c h m o r n in g f r o m n in e o ’c lo c k till te n 2 1 lb s. g r a n u l a t e d s u g a r f o r $1.

7 y e a r - o l d h o r s e , a n ice b a y so u n d a n d in g o o d c o n d itio n , w ill b e s o ld c h e a p . W a g g o n , S le ig h a n d H a r n e s s m u s t b e so ld .

T h is m a y b e th e l a s t a d v e r t i s e m e n t y o u w ill se e in th e p a p e r , b u t th e s a le w ill c o n tin u e till A u g . 15 thA ll s t o r e f i x t u r e s f o r s a le c h e a p .

Y o u c a n a l w a y s c o u n t on T o r o n t o p r ic e s f o r b u t t e r a n d e g g s

A . J. S M I T H - Merchant . W A L K E R T O N


Thu most wonder* ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires nouhanU* iuji of needles* Call and have it demonstrated.

c. ft. TOXJcH'tlhr. UldlHcmn.


WOMAN'S SOAP,'Hi** M lawbtg to m * w.-i-i! vli|i|iutl

trout l.tU w< tk a .Mil litiuy i < >z«U*.Mia. i*. l.xFtam u, ><f W.-lkotl* n

vi*dt*d li i«mlt.li*’t«! o» Sunday.M i" ttostf Hi'ttgot I I I *|Ud.iitttig tin?

11 a lte r jiaO id tht* >yu*.k with W alker tun »nd ('inKill inund*.

M in .Mat’Kitfrt uittl Anniu '-Lumber- tun, *j I WiifktrrWti, arc the gUvil- Mt itnl Mi>. (u .rg v Flunk Ibis

Mi-s K-*'.liirc)i K-.bh, < f S ln itfu d . M i" Telia Tiviusor iiiitl Mrr.Gco,Ncnlt. o f Wulkurtmi, spunt .Stituhiy with Hr. cmhIM r* . WilMMt.

• Mr. Chiir, I'let >vh h ft on the tmmi I train t " *1 *y Jut St mi foul whviu huhny■ ii«tf»|it*(i a 'itiiu ti >ti. Hu tviis pur-

lortu <ut til* frt'l Straiford h<» L*-jr liiii- uji m si wiiiu-t.

ThniM lay August tit I* i- j M ihlinayh.Oi. Holiday,

f The C >tUt*u*ic;«l Hulls*? has vlntugvtl ' hrtiti-. The new j»iojiiietoi i~ Mr. { |{*>'/-11 Ilf >| rlilmtty. Ml lliliu touk ' n»..ka fifty a n a farm in Pastmk T|*. ; tl Just i'ftytlK til

S •vvf.il tm fil l' <it '.tilitt••* thuwmul tinting thu xtojtu ut Nevt-min't lo t

i It aye ti'uu wa'lieit ujhiu the slim«*u **l| lakes Union ami Mitfreiii r tim ing the | p.u-t week.

j A I*1({ exei rsion is living huh) to ! Soul hum(>t"0 nmli rtocitusjiici'Mif thu

I, O. O. I', on August Fllh,

j The It. K, Tritax Co., Walkt*»T«m■ have moved into their new plant,

tin-ugh it is uut nit c oinpleteil yet.i Thu member for South Hiuce is one of j W alkertuns'!ttuig hu*im-»> nien.

| ( ’. A. S le e 'i . I. K. o p er.m i, iis holi-: d-tying tit hia luntie in IJucn <*Btt Putty | yuiglv. who tuts been in WalkuituM, i* I rehevioK huu.~“W i;u ton C im nliui 1 lie ho.

I Burden w*s *uh*tif utud for l-am ier ! in lt«I I. Ami hard times were subsdit- {.uli'il for pi<- perky.

; Tvvutil) live w uikmeii Were dt |a*tf • j n l fromJHtuwti hif't w tfk !*y the Jhr- i »h*n *. iivurnmuiit 1 vu.ut;** tfiei i* w ii* no j work in tianada hr which they ! i-uim i living. 1 »,***:> snyoiiou-iiieuihcr

Vrfte for out eul.iloKm-i ilrpoi-iatiuo fur filth ;i season in IIn* I, Wa«u:li"l*'• I’rintijiwi. i d ay ' of l„ituiic»> t

................ —............... . .1. 11. <‘.tinpheO fi-i - dl: |» --il *it hi -; huno'and lo t us f'liikirt'ini ,m<l will

'V'v ■ f^ *7n T ! »m>ve loh'lrti'tu|:l <u t hesfi}’. llr has I-*- , lu i||§pp*il»t«-it ati itfgfthl'/

V̂ GURED1, . ... »•• t

K a s jr m u ti i J i m u ; wcar»»

“ R in g H a t”Hinfi Data arc fi.t'Jiblc mill self-con orinink. Just where the hot touche-' he head.

VSK THBMA . MO KARS ONK m t 1‘Of'ULAR .tfAPKS 5 2 .5 0

t . p y e . r ,E,WALKER! ON • ONTARIO


iiiifa.ni a«s' t<'fluum:e and ;>ti«-t’ UA. praihiat"'. SfueiulVe» in fir ig g IVitiun Kh'.utfill'd olid all «.i*in- uiat Mihpi.i I’id lO r tn open

• vulo.v.I III*

•atiry.1' 1

Wood’s Phocplioli*’ ..Thr (Imit »<:#l>k Ji<t#

;e» ►; e ' tu. m»io* m /VAiOfy. nmt /train ll'nr

4 ft kntriIV, /'ntpt'ft’fn •

M rm cm c co .. iMOaio.*

S H A W ’ SBusiness Schools

Toit'iifo. fa * iidii. t i i c high tiri'tl*

. Tlmytadh'lf

[hod m Iom. .

id*. t.'ui»inthun Kilter any liim*


L Every Woman.’ WhTtiiaV

mi Aug, ft.

j A y.-tinj; f «nt;v« in Hel o t, I -i.ip was.p. Huituil hy jiar !>yi f U S | |||tiiiLt ihe jiuiKili tdi IJ ami iuhuhil it

: \V a til ellI imoiI live iig -a l in lhlive (.utility to

vr»ii k on u eom m i"ion , m ii't have a i:r>mvt*yfl»me rig or atitnmuhiki. An attr.udivu in.oposjiJioti, Apply Out' ttelo (*anelatte lh»'t Company Holt home S treet, lltantfo id .

ih e liivorninoiit liii% iijipuinted an enginucr to m Wo a ktitV* y of Hie hat bur nt Invrrhuton in n-'pmiKu I** dim demand T o ra harbor of refugi*. We would hkexmmsjtte w ith inHoence to jdact- Indore the pjweri»-that-he the advuntaitus ol the Saul lu hatlair.

Tim Hanover Cement Company appealed against their a*<>twumii(: a»< , li led | y Urniil C «urt ot |{evi»t<>i». <tn lliUiMliijr hut the rave came helm** Judge Klein; and he reduced the a»- MCBinent hy |80nun aectnmt o la large (*)» lion<>t the u n i t tuHt« iu Brant Tp. being now practically vuhielet'.

Many Walker tun fiti/etis a te tmw holidaying at tb r laki- and enjoying il , Imlmy liree/.e* amt b tlhing in i t ' e ii'ling and udreshing: w aters Cn fm .uua'tdy it in a KCtinal tbtpg that o n - ' who m ostdeed the liohdaya «»e the <me« who llnd it impu>'it>iedo get xiivay and «: m l alfotd H.

It s great hoiv a lit tle lot ol paint id' a new v n aed ah helps to beautify a home. There have been many new vernndaha ereeUd in Wnljtmloii this setisun and when of the right kind they add almost a bundled per rent . t o the ttppearanc of u residviice and although there are uottnaiiy new retddedceisuh- ilereonr>« of conetruction now the piCM’lil- gitcs have laeligreatly im proved in th is way and tlm * i*um»u for tins cla>» of wmk is not p*«>t»ii! with* out advantage being taken of it by the citi/.ens who appreciate a pleitmul en verinment and in |hi« way gives evidence of a jian iio lic pride in their

‘ Toe UfganUttiou of INi o ji-rativc Kgg-Uiiclus in llm title uf pamphlet No. i hy W . A. •Hrovvn. II. N. A., of the Poultry l>tt|*ionu( the lave Stock llranuh. Homioioii HepNitnmnt ufAgri cult in e. I.iiolruducing this *-nl*ject {to* writ* r define* ace-o p * I a live egg eitcle, »t rtrs the need lot mgatllXHtton ami file work that can he accomplished 1 he benefit <, mi-tlu d s ami details i f • •rganir.ith.ii are exhaustively dealt with and direction* for set t ing npitml itaing an egg testing upphatrets am giv­en. Th« pamphlet copies of which may he uhtuittedi upon application. Itoiu the puldicalions lliarieh. H> jm i I incut ufAgricultnte. Ottawa,con- dudes with a proposed const hnl Ion and hy-law> -nitalde fur uu Kgg C itric.

A 1'o‘ilM'eiic** of rutut I atdmt> i»U . ing h-id in •* ivlph a t the A gtieiilluis! «-dlege. Thu )iui|Koe <>f the mi elieg m thu teio hciN is |o inipn-HM upon .the d» lugatui. )«p|*oinled to tupic-eut the County Tcai'lnrs asiendations, t<. In ing Indiiic (fie IcacliMig hod v of the province ut a large a view of the new ediU'a;ton*l needs of iutslroinnutuiti- <■* and of flic lueaiis of no cling these nerd-, and also to p u *« nt tu all utlu i - i ntvi Cftrsl in flu • dm att< ual |>r<d f-ins u! the gouiit i t . a view "t the mt,it i eho'ilV pl icH uml possihilitie.'. The o h j-iis of tile eonterenee look g«; «f, and if a largo iiiimhcr id ihdugates can be , ccum l ic iin the rural m I... .1. it

•fneNorth S tar , I'atvy Mound, ha- Thu army wm m n o th lav* during ahver tisit g raids of s i* hotel* upon it- her hfe time tm if . " than *l*o »cu , front p*g** and fig h t imd-rneath the*" , utnl t in " * li *Uh and Jiia tu if in f i.iit i ' a card iinimum.iug “ Alex Irogan, | - I to UMda} *. Hitrn g the peii< d i t Cmh rtsk* t. * I ' this «*s ly a c«> inrid ! ilrvelupmenl th eariny w -itii oiigm ti . m-e uf is it st hit ot grim hitin.ir put ' dev un im: Urn v egai inn over wli»< h it petiat:. <1 by th e '‘niakt uji” of Inc paj[ *| wô genet at an : t ik e f be ••er. i during lh*“ suc*> « h n tth - r»>< «ml yi n

i ci at tun in s-p t. ml n m i > hlth- i mm Ho- I W u i . and Oweit S ^ lllt l , m e. nut the pa. a-it. * w Im h pmv

(o- th :|> team pt .J‘e*l the limit game ! ll|Ml|tl|„ ;<s h m . ; tug.-,fur the the W E championship in jthe la tter town on Friday niglit, ( l ie 1 Thu Teh scopu 1. ,| week i* «!* |y».t a tin- OiVumSound winning by a score ; le tter fidm an agent in Calgmy a*k of 1 *t. As Un* Prestoh team won in * **'g its to rucoinmumf ,m agent t>< the lir»t game hitwuvet by i; !. the j Hiem fo r«hi', locality t o s d l“gtlH«>tigc i■hampidiisthpgpc' fo them hy tv tg fo ! oil shivius. They want a man nt h margin. ( tot* of ginger and tliuy il mo> ivtd

i fiim. for if suelr good -tuck can't bu •>1_8, su11 at home it should take a hypimtisi

•, to sell it down here, Brit fc< m exp* i ience u u e le a ic ' that p v.pJu put much

r l . r . Ihv in .lilu l.a i. um .l h u . .* l , : .V . ■ ........................ .. ....................i,™ , I l l ..........m i . j , , ......... .......................... .............. ,

■urut4u.* Dut,->.iu. to i l , . M li. I ..I ............................... . ,|„. ,,thu in«tm itm a either the number ol were t.< he cuiittrcd at In .1 i" l.‘in . will. It l .,lw la m l. ImVf m l,. ! , |„„„, „„

iftanyThsusciid Farm Laborers WantedFOU ‘irtavi tiTINO (N WtSTCRN CANADA


OOlNCi D ATES .I— e.t '!!'■:• ■ ‘ ■ i . Il*'t!"< J») nsl l» A*lM» «o1

, I .... i .... U::.: :*• »*-* 1!> A UM«̂ «--t

i. r. t . sruaoce, > . jAuauur. o.c.A.. c.c

Thu t utvursily of Toronto ii iax» behind oii.'maihtcuauce aucount

and the lto»rdof < njvcrtiors de

: t. Itn ni .1 Ailn 11 VSlauiy

N n ! I!m ■$ Vfif*--at Tins!

No. Ui.int. u lid waul V.-igf, Mi

ti At! -it t a r t i nC o rb h ,

» IJsh- Aijr Kin

•i ft.

e el hay*-

reduced, or rise fees must in.* iricieacd.

The Toruulo lloun a Pair of thu city MomJay in theirtuidor ambulance In i-npttub stray.tram p amt miwrtittcd cat*. They rounded tip -V> strut took them le Bead •piaitur*, where all were uleotlDenied by giving each volts »«f TorontoHydro, Heath U inslantaticeus niol paiulus*. Thu ritspat d iiug nmchine costs Hie society fSIH*.

J n lgi- Klein -i vVidkuttut), and Hr lJuetadg and Ciru' fhi'ilmauu, of heie, leave to Ja y for at Stokes Uty ..

.suppose l• * algm y film will get an pgtnt

| and plenty of pcojih* even in i Im.'**’ ; Hticiety uiiulc *»*?*»*' Ht»'-s "'• ! have mm . \ fm tlura.

i fold*. W .Jkvrlu

O a t an d b a r l e y P lo t W i n n e r s . ' i K*

Thu judging el the Nmil h Hi *n! and j “ North ( ‘atvick school fails oal .ted, barley pletn H H K e B il'ld o lltiil \v<» k j '' and the tirizus In ' li e > ui<- « t them' allotted. , \ i

In cats the cnm|otltimi was j a i l ■: ieulai ly keen « it lik'd plutsenlcri d and s ”

lias-, iHhrng ‘ Allan l ’t«hl the winner audit be «<-> to ■ Huron. Hem peiio r. vlift »< t bavu uu ca-;

!-• r • ■

puhllfahtuitvnn, vVttfi nil fschwalinaml in - to ihc top.Ndrimvi Hnmel tut-,u d joining tin- ! In barley ihvvftrti t*.nly on rivtiirdav They aspect to hut lit-wtim< tower the hvke-.uevar -,i im-hea »u ( ac of a pl.ic count o ft he nuCjib r *d bass they are j In aw arding the pi to- the lu re to catch. jMildin«i ( i i r r t i r . the plot during lbe snmita-r •

Premier I W e n and -Sir W ilfred I cinp, winl.auriv-r n ill both make tours of the Western Provinces* in the uatiy »m umn, HunXV T W hite will he fhe

wet- tewuri

«:tl a

ami a comhinaliun of these two n nultuvl in thu placing.

Thu Jesuits of the cor n, matigidntid potato plot* will Ik m nim inm l i>l h 1 vtcr date. The “Schfot Fair < - 1«, t«* held «m Sejit - f on the VValkcriun Fair • •rounds and then exhibit s of oM these eUsses a - nett a 'c h iik -n - sew tri^. flaking, weeds, in -ceje. etc,, writ lie shown, ami o n ip clith in pioiuisrs tu In* exceeding!}* keen.

................., I t . . H i,U n t’ilo A lttirm r | j vn.„, i' L ui W .Jk. i i ' . S .'•uiiural a Hepai tnient t een brought i C vit iuk„D t«„ .,„w r I , . , , , ,i„ r.„i.ii, i i i i . i , C| , „ . n .

Premim ers Chief speaking that will t. l*uo. p, ( ir rhanr will ♦ tenant to tin* exprern favurietd will deliver,

distant in the <e place, Hon i vu as first lieu •r. (S ir Wilfred l*5W addresses

iuthu .Maritime l'iovi««-rsbefore go ing \\ este Prem ier lieideu is holiday tug in Mnxkuka in Uw meantime.

Vnuv (Grnvye “5 fHnfcl n s s

T O f t O N T O

ftriieiii luferam f<> thu Uanelr Yrnke T h is make., rfi uiakva tile

fourth in a sec* s *>t a . whteh h ate fmen handled « r tfr n,. «tvdif to the Department b uktulaltei by the Unji I .1 Fuy, At lit -t th* *c na» tt.u vm.-

islnuguf Hr B u ti-'N* >’*>ut. win* ul'im t'.uly hrovtud ( j < Id ag.i hot by thu city nf T«umi?o p+dn-e, Tbeii P«d!~ man Kvaii* a .M^m.g«r of an iti'U lam c (aimpiif.v, “ aan t-it Tn-appeat ed fiem loe»!;knir. J - XV ■ Mnyu* -'finam iui, nantxt-n mt- im..* f. t r ie |*a*f few w**, ks «ud stdi IM- ProvSneiui Pt hce U-pai tmi n! u J eu ing i s usuol let hargy, Now . t . »; !!*• i * i.'vrin tA * press i* en^rtng t in < < ,v< rnuu l,t fur Its .dilatory net o nto t'nc.iv |„ie* f m ystety. Hi ( ' K i»* loruun, in . t e ceil.tr e l *vl *<-. f .uiW* r b Hem e the fi nlv Hi * b i ly Mi * Vorke vvit . found a few d <is an**, was al owed to leave, unnnd.-I*d. fur the l'rnt«d .‘Slate*.: H.sjiut'lir Millet: Hupei in -tendeut Ito gn s amt others t f the At' tor in*} -. n ertt u .* d-> *v - i e "tin lif^ j*rh" in pi" ty <*t time talked to ItuhlitAarr »*y tfo -»..uiv Ihif i* 11 mm slip through t! e*r Thu Tinonto .News way: ill p i t : "tviltUI kid te vilftsuiristaneus Miroumh >l l nu discov •*t> o f Ulaivuh V Hr Kotiiiisun v n


ExhibitionI* I i A C !•: V I i \ H

America's firmtievt f.ivmtock Show Acre* of Manufacture*Riliihita by the* Province* t.tidbits fty Hdmfntun fiovernmem I vhildts hy \V«*t Indie*

Grctiaclier (inards Rand jDragoons' Musical Rtdc Auto-Polo Matches r ircu *;:m ) Hippodrome Hor.cn Show# in Single Hour Boy Scout*’ Review 0 unada’* |tigge*t Doft Show


Paint inks fronpKngliind, Scotland, Vatind State* and ( unada

f dm ationaf f'.xbihit* floods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Arro-Hvdtopfane Flight* flrand.W ater Carnival

O e a io r c ’-s F am o u s Band

Score of other Band*Horen Band Concert* Pally Chesapeake and Shannon BlggeM Midway ever Peace Year Firework*Internationa! Peace Tattoo

10 Bands 400 Musicians

A u 1 9 1 4 Sept. 14

T O It O N T O

wid make fur further tmpoi taut t*ipici* is a dit,i u i'im i ofyoii- MJliibttlun *.f t in a) .uh>«da. rhi* pnghl tu t*e«f thegruafujit impm iant. t>» any d<di*gAtf!> limn B'ltcc* , n.»t y a - thi*r**iiieNuv«*rnl instmieu* in wlm-h c'otwol:d«lbin in th*# dndvict would wv-ik tg gwvl effi

fhu *

l .p .

i.enue-d* r** s, I Ik* hi els aed <•( *1*1 huts- cmvuhb'j %'u.bitt P ,if.*..»*,

U rC K K nb im .m :

»Vud to vlissppuai hufei**. thu lunI i f f K i.tr th u . »e iu.-nlt. nf nil i: i thu vigihvm-i* I '( he At tiiim-.y l

h > *hl liiku oil | m-< incui* umluj ‘ n Hi lt'.<n> S in .1 \V M -.y.s

Everyonedoes not know as much about mak­ing biscuits as we have learned in over 50 years of making


If you wish to know how dainty and “ super-good” a soda can be—ju st taste Perrin’s “ Fan cy T h in ” Dairy Cream Sodas.

If you lik e th e old-fashioned S od a B iscu it o u r re g u la r D airy C ream S o d a is w h at will p lease you .

E ith e r kind com es to you us seated p a ck a g e s th a t p erm it none o f th e ir g o o d , n ess to e s ca p e b etw een th e oven and y o u r tab le.

5 c en ts , 10 c e n ts an d 2 5 c e n ts th e p a ck a g e 7 - a t y o u r g r o c e r 's . E v e ry p a ck a g e g u aran teed .

10 c e n ts in coin o r s tam p s an d yo u r g r o c e r s u am e b rin g you th e " P e rr in S am p le P a c k a g e ' o f d eligh tfu l fancy b iscu its.

D. S. PERRIN & COM PANY LimitedL O N D O N - - C A N A D A


OLD COUNTRY NEWSi' yW. Kim*•in. - d». v..ii» i


CtA)TltKS ItKFOUM l'KM.\Nlti:i»KiiBlHnils 1ml i-jifil liu-i t ***’'! ' ' ' ,1!l ' I * .

itshuiit.il n r rrli'nn it. men'-. «.» J i

courage to M ltw Wi* Atuerivatn • V. Lr ”/ * * » ! « ! ’", kVw!lint til it|*i".tnit« itt mul iii'li. An Kn»5i5«iiiiii|.<UseS Vtitll III*

fit tie* r» > In t <>ut mi lh ' lltiliA l>: i|it!t*' it- ulilf ill Kttgland a- to go <■ lh<* sire* t.

* "My ItinK-Miff.rhi}? broth' tnn* writer In n iluil> |M|» r, defy tli<; women, • l;tk>* off ami u stb ln a^ b<* •'<>» dti these things In Auierha, tman la a very ImhiHinhut ................ ,,Wit. Mini » . tl.. lli. in h*r. * lla». n.l we the pluck?

I wan moved it,- lit. *.' retilittl;In* coltllnuiN 'it) lli.- sight •>! a tl.m an. i*r»umubly front tii— Slat* - sauntering tlown Shoe ii.* 5.>*>K-vil radiantly oenl ami •< r* n> iy ihi|*j<v.«t\ttd In lit.' Mr*t time in nn mortal t a m r 1 tm im an Am. rh-un. a a fact, lit* also looked smart. 11 ? s • it ;»*■'- vvnt. neat: Ids soft tnllar ami horlzoiil- ! ul lit* \vt‘rt* dressy; lit- awkward jdtlon fr.HH gatKe I" l" -*d »•*** t>«e Vi­ed In a becoming silken baud. H* .lid j . , , Lew ; lint look ai all fi'llllliiinh tdt tin m il- w r;..! I, trary. In* looked i.<lit.* p.mr fellow* in bah- <>f t'-y 'd.itM \ j ';>! : homespun slouchlm: around him," \ - j.»k‘

Tim writer .nils with tin* m n l . s - j , . , abut: "\ it'<-nt!t tin

“ttV 'do not Ilk.' our muggy dr*- »>«iufe ,Mr. \\. I lot■•*. a sclioolutiisl

though with Lars, lor tin* rain* ot |U«»;: j,u., h<-ii slaving wlili r--l.Hl. ladle**. Tin* ladles like lo .■*•*.; ns look- ■ Hnsliain. K* t\ a . loaml a JitS ‘•’mart.*- Smart: i:i«»l Kr.oion**: ; »lo rail«a And w«* art* not even allowed lo.inny- ; I H*; ohl*t der oar creasy t otnphxion*."

SOMK TIHNtlS WO.MLN lrt>.Soiiii* of the nior.* uualnl record

Hu* census «o tar a t women's trade are concerned are:

Three chattel ministers. 2 vet. *ur geoiis. 1 ■vom'liman." 3 groom*. *.• i*>*; idiots. 12 eiMlImnvr**. *> "shejihonts.2 "woodmen. i bra*.* ntamifaelorer. niiltwright, t. • electrician*. 2"1 soil Mtiltlir . I Mvortluiuker*. a shipwright*5 lr.»it*-ear maker.*, 4 brb-ktav. r... ;Ida*-!* r«*t>. I railway conductor, slaughterer. 2 'Vamlwit himii," i drov er. 7 areliit* etf.

Tito kinallest trail" in tf« is roctw fibre manufm ittritti:. <»f the fifteen I'erMins encased in it eight are woinwi.

IS .ItO llt Kl* • I IT WITH SALMON.Mr. •». Olailwln-Krrliision Ittmled a

42-tMinntl xaliimit front tin* Itlver Awe,Ant'llvhirr*. witif a iiclil r««I ‘after tdayinc It for over tltirie from IM S a.tit. on the titty to 12.'*

■ rteyt inomlitB.Feir a great i-art of lb-* fir.tH.

Mr. tilmlwIn-ICrrinmen in tin* Am Newt*, the fish milked and rent: stationary. “A boat .was hronglit • from lash Aw.* on a <ar at whleli inusttl him lo tiiove at Kliinlly, l»y the aid . lene motor r.*r lamfi. he " a s indue .t to o.nn’ m ar tie* bank, ami « .i salf. ’T In a feet of water by my gMIHr.”


Thought She Would Lose Her Little Gill

Ffom Severe Attacks of Summ er Complaint

The death-rate lit tit** *.*? great j i;;v luwitM InNt week nv.;niK<il 12.7. .| *i,,-. ; •

.Mr. II. A. Fisher, Vice-Chancellor i ; of the L'nlverrlty of Sheffield, ha. ] \\rbeen ole< led a member of the I.Iterate ami I’lilloiMii'liieal So­ciety. to fill Hie vne«u< > tamtui b> tiled .alb 0( Mr. Frederick ifriitain.

A imffln. or : < a i>arroi. w lib it had fount! a liome In Clifton Fark.' Ilotii erham. was ktlled by a .man.

At a meeting of the Ifothvrbani Knr- al Connell It was r**iiort*d that om* ut * lie town idamiliiK selieims would <in- brac* i.raetleally the whole oi the i*ar- >sh of Maltby.

.Mr. Ilenrys Cowbrollgh, lli*/ oldest llceiiHeo In l.evili*, hut. just died, aged i>G.

Tlte iwrleit ehttreh of l«tUKiitun-* a le-Moriheiit/waH atritek by diglitniug and great'- Mottei uere hurletl tlte tower;

•Mr. Oliver A. Milan, who for Jins eight and a hull years »ge- llhSIslam In tile West Hiding Jit*Clerks oftlce at iKiiuast.-r, has ai>lmint«d assistantWestry* County and itormigil .histiees. !

A further addlthm wa> made to the ! large ituniber ot working in« u s <lal>‘ i ill the South Kill!Mill dlslrlel J . .Murgatroyd tleelare.l .Moortliorpe Ktutdre Working .M< n Club and Institute. Ltd, Tin* n< *Imildiiig Is one of the nit ly fitted In tin nt’lghboriiiMHl.

On Tin wlay. week. In < <T‘ braMon . tin* silver widdlng »<f the link* -oi l Hitches* of Forlhind; alHtit! Mill <it tin* euitdoyet's on the Wothiek estate, with their wives and eltildr.it. Were given an outing at Hiatktsmt .

Foundation stone..................Uiighnm nf a memorial hail rral Iltsith, whet was a natlv city.

Stt|>t. .1. V. Thtdtias. of the H. tford >| I'Olh'e, Inis ltt*i*u nwartltd t!o< Koval Victorian no dal by his M;«*. n! . ,t memorial of th< i-es-nt \j-n to the

, Itorough.At the annual no . ting of **».- North t;

Notts ,'IUstt*a| i'f)iiil.*-*tit|..iiv. tl*t-ford. St ,» a , deeid.d t„ \m ii ,„.xt y.-ars festival by dro|i|dlig r-

’ tile COtllCKU.At HleiM'e musical

field choir of too vii,. ...........I'rir.-v ami ti second.

■'dill tiildea was kniMk.sl d.Jin* street lo an unknown by and died in lti<>|tital <m Sunday.

At lb.* Uitt’ai Aurb ultin.il <Shrewsbury, .Mr. e, |{. ,Mlirs Lore, was award'd !ir.-i j.rtr. on ami second lor

An <HluiiUh.li erisi« him itris.it ot t llll|iel-eil-le.l'iil!t b'iiMt-.- of t;:. jlt'. tetitioi) of tit.- (minly* aotlioriti.- ?>. build .i Miiool, and a rnbile me. ling oil Ho* <|llestInn Inis been held.

Ihirltniu iiihoTs hav.- >t..bba t.. make a demand for a 'am .- in wag***, and to -nojH.rt

. "»"**• « > H>" .!«> » I’ tirKIHK One tliousaml five hundred meJS

"\ V if'k.'d mu at Uaftxj t :.i; rn-ar Wrexham, returned to > ork, dis|i|||e hnv lug he. ||

A conference ni North-Ka "ay men It a? tw*i» arrans.‘ngton mi 23rd August to «ottshkr iKilh v to he ailoiit'd regarding coni|tnn,v's attitude on eye i>m ;ITomotion.

The iliidtim of Chelmsford *.n ;g. round table eonh*retire Imiw.*..;i farutera and lab .Ks.se* strike, mid gth

tsblttgU'lt Herfild.


It Seems to Possess Almost' Some Divine Power

Over Pain.RUB ON NERVILINEUpimeftty l.i.i very mitt it i- l>:tiii t iilnltilmj puw< r I 1mm incut - **»»*• that |M'in ir.ti*-:

fK vt r j u v ; HV KI.KHTUIHITY.


Ttudiiai he Is nsunlH « S»;t tit the Hutu • nr In I aadewellinc «t! »ti«- tn-rv.

A» ‘ Xt fvHlit.-' r«!i>>,V«M 0 easily i ■ It *

, BCltO.NVrvitine »{,«'< more - ui

or i«ln lit any part of h It matter;* ti.’t "h e i- *•

It ma' t»> in a joint nr nut

mural- of .\> rvllhi*'. i.itia'.-tit’H vv.-Ktiiir^nt. .-N* rviiin

your JtHtiu'y if S» >h> t,»t r- *jj#t*xttou, In many land'- n l a •*•» iinitit- irusi. a remedy that liut* jm-t

1 under Hu* experience of tin utiv .eh*- • have »twtl U. t;nar.»nt**'l for- l-o*!'. Mtitilm. lumbago, rhcumaii-

ImIii K ' l*y, strains *»r apralwd the : It may rent family :.j*e ‘ ‘

i tin” Jo il N. Ii*mt''.| in ; > -r* everywhere •

■vlline win ' from T!n> <'at:«rr!iiv.nni> - it ottl. '.famuli)

r'P<es -H- '*f. r* worse- by r«tl»t.ln« raiment «f* t>2.«-o»i

IcicnHsIx say H.ai

ruMcrx mas look forward In ititis H.~ir duti* * l.y utilizing

<■■■•<tf< -i- ebx tt»eAb>-heated inm-lMt.,f .: and hover* are now on On) market, Win to iill-heaied chicken- bal.-hing ;< ■» aratux h<t«l to bn con tin-

* l* i t»al!? ln*j»oet*'d to Tee that tint till iv -*f | Minplv hail not become pxhuunted or

-Tv | tit*' a:«ftar;tiu;« wan itnl on fir**, the * I * !‘ ‘ tr!«a!|i -!oatrt| device* may t*e left

'• n i r * unattended, except to transfer the - a I n'"* - ' -hnlelird chicken* front tile Incti- 1 , " I bator*» lo tin- hover*.

i Th* Kiertrhal World describe* an . i ' ' ttb ui. ut’.it.'r and hover. The case

-t.>!i 1 -h *!l - ’Bleb *'"<■•* board* rein* ' ’ I forrt-tl with rornortt.: Tito ton I*____ | *ntiroh with m<t I. ami tb«

I I-sho on wltn-M Uto oj*k tray xluntls inTitail«i of wi'H-toitMint <1 'nyprttts

ItanJ or

fmT.!t,l t«. 3.H.,n wv. of «h<* r»rb.>ny'lf*t^ .

Iloan* nluno |.ro,|iirr


* tm> *, »n-| •,

wot fcfft

,| * r«Hl with a (iiit'k folt j-a-l. Th.> < rk* - : lr-*' of imHoytt-' * **<*•*» »r.;J ha* a

mnomtlih-r air.* mat oti »hi«h thooaax roinmo. .■« lioio tn i!i« roturn aU. Io« b tin. rhi< kx whott batr h«'*| to fall into wir*' b;>xk* t .lone on rttmorn* tin* ‘I'T Hi.* *'Re troy. Air lx ftitrr<4 throned *lit in tin* folt-nn^ Ii.im*. a V'tsltlatlru; mb.* . vt»ni)inR flirtmeh tbw r.M.f an 1 attarh.xi t.» tho coxrr Io.tI 'll.” n I brooch th, hole In tin* •CR fa y .»>:.* Hu* n>ir-.r. t h.tmb«*r.

fit onot of air I* *ari«-»! by mean* ot a rl'it'.n* i an ott tlo* mto*.

Thr front •*( tin* ra*r w nrnvlrtnl a small ctaxx » Imlow to show

jn . int.rior ami allow th.* Utrrmomo-* r * . . . Km! Tim !ir.tl,nc unit' aro• ritaim.l In tlo- roof an<| xlln Into

i it ,.R < Itns. maktne timm Infer- 'imitcrahb* and r*movaU!<*. Tit.-o* t*n‘«* !"••• Of tlo r.yrtf lc - »rn.*. and . t.- xii nrranmd Ibat tin* hral Is niiial I* dl'drUMi:.,! over all narl•« of Urn •rb Ira>. The x toplr . r h.-at :* aato- 'tiatiralt* rontrollisl by m.s*n» of a thormortat A xicnnl l.intn Imloa'ox «h<n Hi- h.ntoiK rir.'iitt hax Imert ot^o-d

rto Hover I rk a ro».f mad ̂ of rork b.i:ir*l. 11ivi red with xltK t xrrrl. tlo*

i.|<« arc t'losKl l.v h»a»» d.mUI.' ran- sax dmk rortaiu* with a lav.r of o:>- *'*• f**ll in liftw .-n and abate the xllh«. An nutomntie 1-ent‘ns ostetik similar »<» that ottinloved in t'o ineiibator i* u-‘ il. Hie h.atine rr.i’s flared |jn«t In-nmih the roof and enelosed |


Scratch ing Made it Pain so Badly Lost Many N igh ts ' Sleep. Could Not Do W ork at Ail. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.

Hoy <m. V»t1e,field. QtJtV—"M f hand wo.il.1 ret full of little xlilo* lilblerx nod • ben I would trratch I* would t>sbt moto

tadiy I t-.vt ms.iy ni«ht«' Meep. M> ban,I waw one inaxa of xoren. I mom titan •ulTere.l and talk alxiul itrlo lost \\ >trn i n»l.b*d itty band It would bum. I Imd It iilxmt «1* yean. I e.iu'd not tin any *o*k at o't. If y.wt bvd «eo tdy4

«. .. bytrd ) .« would b**o tutid tbiso wa* no rare. I ii <ed to ery anil net to dlwoiteac.sl. I wa* never toxilde.1 with It la th« *i»!’oirr but »* *-*-q a* tbc eotd •ratbrrtmrtid m> Itand K»t w

•-l tries! nil that t>a* cH.si ntn and « n teeate 1 for threw month* and rtwr ntxhlI wx*be<| my band in........... It bad *pm*dall over my band. I xinttn.1 to «:*> 'bn full. cura b.wip and Ointment and I ant relief. Ono rake of ('nth-ura Poap sod Ion luitr* of Cuth-oraOfrtt.n.T.t romniet.-fy rutr*t râ /‘ (Signal) >!«. bamh M wkt. June II. 1913.TO REMOVE DANDRUFFrrwvmt dry. thin and falling hale, allay Itehlmt and IntfiRthm. and oromntt, tbn Arowtlt and Kattty of the hair, foxiuent ahami*w» whit Cut leu ra • axxKtrd bytcra*ion»l d.wxwlnr* *l*h futh-of* Olm- ment. afford a ttnwd effeetlvn and .*eor.omleal trratment. buhl thriiuulanit lb.! wiwld. Kor a lllxral frve wtmjde .,f r»eh. wl'tt 3bp. t«x»k. and pmt îard to |*o!trr Drue fc ebrnu Con*.. Irene l>. ll.Kion, t*. p, A

V H R E K E A lP iR tS .

M onarchies T h at P tac tica lly Sp rang In to B ein g O vernight.

the Hell *d Mir.*.* IX hml yurl tw«-(t • Itoni «i d'ruxxia, x « fittin.- «ms‘- :*o*l

'lilt I W I f

>' well t- fe"the kluhei

Id t-e UU.l »;T> rvitait-n e in *-. it t*ae.edmcly

\v m : m tv e tT M n i i »\n-.;k h s . •;Now tb.it v.arm «. .vn. r ■.! ..urn-1 .’!

!• r l : . .»» blind liter- mu-t t> • an . ffort.j • rr. laird. t<» keep mii*« and l.. .* iron; I '' II (o -la .tn i • ul.r.. Ther* i ,,

cllanrv mud m t It-• r In- kr^d *1* mind t• K. pt in il- e,.i rbt

xhlj n'-nt < of tn*ron* r» i a . , lb .1 k - . ii. ••r.iiioa j . t{,-d . ,<de !•> . It -.ray i. - 'p»««n>i<- to m l'.l eltirk* ..nd l.eep

it • I......... :.r.>e-dtir.** Hr.?.

■ cr.fvt.!, ThiA :!r*' Applied OUt. i f - : ‘«df ilitrnt.



B Y AN D A B O U T W O M EN .1’afift ItOs* :» Mil'ett* n 'wx;*4t|'<T.A Wtttusn C3B .'viri on d<« tily i. -s

fv«»d thl»« a WAfl.'la in - 1h Ho ’.tstV -I i f Hi. : f;mnl

j.i'tt»ion« iu widtiAx,There are it-..-; !> iephor.*'

Ctrl* In th** T ut! I St;t!» x,f'hlbwmtien Ifi Inuhii'it I.ruim.ve Hi

e*i.tblt!,>t art »>I>er.. vonst'anv.I’iltxbnrc ti'lhwem-n are ar-y.IbB f<?r

n woman «tirf.Imnv.r « ttiiien sr*’ tmkms thaf

Kiev I?*- drawn RTSthil jeror*.Mr<. \\. ll Cole ix i«r<-xSd«*»ii *,f

n f a i rvtate firm *:» N-w V.*rk r ‘D.Mary Carnell, <>! I’hiladt'lpftia

d-art »*f t!te woman idtotoeraidterx in the i n itci State..

KattHio bax a *< bnoTSfixirl.T w birli n!| miOlfft Haeli. r t ,i*x\np Ay unde- xirable b , its-, it i* inleyred with rst»-<.

Several women ha*e tan -d the - aminailun for the bar fn/(bairela.. bat have nut been atl;»«.■<{/».» I'rat-Hre,

Instead of U*e elaborate r u n * «« ttallv worn, the seniors <if V*xxar eoUcRe v> dt Hits yitar «e,tr enpx and plain row its.

The Wtmten s Aerial lamon* of K«k* land hax offered ;« i-r!?,' of tothe firsi aviator who f!i'- arroM the Atlamie «><<an.

When about to rnuxl a Join? eov with a rind pared from a piece of ham o r baron, and rook with it on. Tbh» will nate the I rouble of reimfntit IctBI- Ior ami wilt prevent the from1-tirnlnR or drv in-.

‘,o remove old varnlah from furnl lure lake fhree mhlettpoonx of bak­ing *«ela »o*l put it in a nuarf of wat­er and apply ;* with » rttugh fJfclh.

l‘ax|e lain l » on the Inxhle of rIio- jar* iin \l to htild-diMMl x'lpplh-x. «ueit

«d. the Jar ran Ik- washed wllhtmf soil* Iiir Ute label or puflltiR i» «df

sialnt on flannelH mnv be removed by applyfmr yolkx of *-rex ott«» glyeerin** in enual n’mnnit?^-. l-ea*e i* for half at, hour ami th«*tt wnr.li cut,

When pula Ires a e hoilt-l wnh the rklnx on. a plneh of »*:*!» *huald te added to the water.

Wlicn ni*x( serving r<m-: lm»f. m u - till ttie drlpidiini? In tit** pan. Spread I .enlv on rarefu'|..trav!-*l hr.-ad and |oll In the oven to brown. Titlx js e * . reiient for Uinrheon

(•‘old a pjeo** of euterv paper In th* n Hire end draw tbr knlf* rapbllv l<»rk r.nd forth several HmrB; turnlnc I? from Bid* to aide. This I* an excellent sharpener for paring knives.

Whm In a hurry to Iron dr* elothr*. tprlnkle them with hoi » a t .f .

Shine ran be removed from blaek silk by aponairtK with cold coffee and a very IHtb* ammonia * tea- sroonful to a eajt of coffee j* a»*out nchi.

Tn refnln Hi* color and flavor of pea , when boiling them, add a leftMCC leaf and a lablexpoonful of tmear.

To reinovo it xoft t orn apply a piece nf rotlon wool Hind :b«a been soakctl In r*.*tor oil and ke< ;• It In place over- nlRht with a bandage.

If n little vim car mid a handful of salt are added to the wafer In which eolored rloth.-x are .v**h<\l. It will b<- found that the color Will not run. and ihr different aha.W will be made briRhter.

Place Rond-sired xpra’ s of mint in a claxx fruit Jar Keep the jar filled with water and the mint will crow ;t* •ell ax to a Window,box or in a ktleh-< n Barden.

To remove machine oil. use cold water and soap


B ritish Vessel a t New Y o rk Had V aried Experiences.

Kxpfrleureu with whale, that nor.? fetid ef pea tint* and baonnaw, a ter­rific *.ttt Dtor-n lit the *t‘wl S**» ,t »a-*i of jjra - hoppi r . ** I )• ‘'«;t.t»li bo- • lowawny were ,t f w • ;«ly of .be nmny HtittR* that helfcd to br.-:jtt the men-< !.-r., ef th. time ve»,.r- - f the K.tr-'- im , :i llrillsh ' i.;pii-»u:j* new tn !«>rl Iter** from V* hnltauxt. Ik. Kitrotmt

Vnrk r.nd tb< l-v.r Vx-t l«-t *»>*<■ r on* to .» iml t ?m Hlt'e’i en*ep»-'te:l

II. r l*.e retd* Mk • it"



The Industrious L ittle Fellow P e rfec tly S ilen t W hen Busy.

AlthUUUh u leaver exere;.— :. Coubt» di>. an inlelllr-nc- v- 1st - * m«**d r.-inarkabl- »ti*u t.'iW M i dinictlltb'B, mid often .-nil. itii'-t;; houxo and d.tth in « w,*. .»i«he reaiifes the ox^>^iti«^ tion. never! !)*!• llffifi to he Vf?r-- <ar*.| time.* hi.* til.-tox miscarry.I he* work ttî wt Hpir s*.ntCllires Jo i­nt nleht, or alxo by day. depend • «•« their sense nf safety. When */t ■> f- • seeitr*. thfv do much work .p» > <li n: Ida* by daylight, and *b«n tie-v ar hurrhrl th-'v take the risk of i?.

linos Mills, who. during yenrx as h* assures da, lias had wild hea-.-r under almost *<mstant Iodine fur hours at all

of work which louver* perform, vet i'.iv work has always ««».- ijule;|,■ i.u v.itltott* id-tteo of man­se, notit. -in-. th<- nunliiy of hfs wl rk linpruve-, :i» tin- linver lit- er.-ii-s h i. .-se-r.*ne- it appeari natural and j.r-iiahU* thnt eaeit o-beii r? beiiv-r has a I..id* r who tdatts mid •'ir-et:* Hi*' .Kirk. I ttm familiar with a number «‘f in-t.-in*.* which ter-.n.-! jr..lic.',ie the |e.» brsbi**. tn ttm-* *.i etiK-rf.-ney. wto-n sm entir** *oh»t i forc'd l.• emigrate, a heaver «mi UMiaiD an as-*l on* takes th* l-ad, uo<l wherever > roe* th* others wiltfnelj follow.

"itnth tin* Indians and Hi* trappers have n story that old liettver* who * i) l not work are driven from i;. pinny mid become morose •-.•iteasi*. idnwty living away the *|avs by them- "dvr;- in a burrow, | bav • m.t ovi

atkm. rffne* to verify this statetn-n?. v*»r •itson* near j i,> the work of ail I

th* fr resorts, in order •<> wa*c*i tU-iu ; dlieht-A .whlcii «•«** l.ea when Kiev w-r -o tf ftnHr#:?htds tftl*; house on* hu’l i . * r Hit- /f.»ut on* true, atid alwt !l»,tt »;uh >• - tti • »d vork i n akes. may rvcwtrd vcf'h pinch - Independently, • *'t i* pndKthly (indi r pr.aHr speed or w ith morê skill than some son tif illrccflun bv th** p.'itri-! tl.osi- of a n'dghletrln*! lioav.’r. Manv nfrlijt of th** society, n -r - i> a (mm•; houses or*- crude and im-diapejy praph front iii* admlrabh- I s - * . "In i n osses, man. Uan>» i-aptia.-arl In I’en-er World ' ! apiuxifnnce, while a few e.iimt* ar-

"Henvcrs may well he called th • j irooti<‘d .nn*i uneven. Hut tti* maj*rltv silent worjo r -, no hial'er ti ev it tul. r - j . .. Rood w-nrk. and are juick (■» tak<* «ms or crowd*"!, or busy tb*>j « r . .; cdvs»ntr,c* of onpprtooit- . <iuh V t > ad- their work go-s on wltipnlt > wm.! Jntu, IherntWilv*'- to new eoudhinns, or mu! apparently.'-without a xhn; a l - 't . . us*> the best mean t that are avail- though I Imv-. seen them ,»t verit \ abli-.”score* of time*, in Hi* rwiliaht and ------— ------- -in the daylight, singly, in ;>i»ir.< and* llitsi-iiall fever mnxl f*e tontagimts.by the doxeux, tiding Hi** tu.m kind.! A t any rate it is catching.

S u m m e r F r u i t s A r e R ip e ; N o w ’s th e T im e T o

“ P u t U p P r e s e r v e s ’

ivlen Ntr*'1.e-Witts YeJi**''

Mod. Vail la i '•><!-* • . is ft <:i!d ard Mshd ".in:

fr<*m -

(fly Caroline Home mad** jelly *

palatable article* of f<w’d mailt itonxew .fe

Front all point* ft view- no- made product i> fuiperi- lie* Imncht in the »?.«. blade under sanj'aty r<*nd;?h ?i*. better fruit t- nretlj |!m« tnakht^ use of pr-v.-rvaHves mint veSsitry

STUBYtNG [itlTTERFLIES 15 S50TIFICI I j ’.ly attaued e>t.ial!> ii*i»«tKfa<<-.r»

f to '-', ■i ' l s-»f:ry with two! |-**.fitat*l* ttexx Ill- f.-wlx »I..| Mi- sec-

•■ed r-.ult- o, atom. .I >t- x. ....fit t<* k - | i i|.< if Wn l sn-l u-oXily intxpxWc

iV-w'-l I'hr'fr.’.-.i iiit*-if ii tout- Mi- y l-old no ttr-,.n»- »«>-

»ab» I-I Mxliolltll be

.I' .U . -- X - f Ml*

• .......... . -pecut* t« dav »- x.-n.

Si >TKS.eoptalns 7*t j»*r cent,

milk contains 7 p. ryiate i I:

r "l*o*,k Hiitt . vietiuat-e dr Jus- tttieusn.- amt h.l'in-: »» »r-

American Princess to Be Presented To Queen’t In- blue grass country of Kentucky

not enl. r.tix-:. fine hot -.'b u t lot* of Iu;; geex-. Twinty-flv<; himdred. j- , ..- wor.- sf)ippPi1 m one from ii;:,. vow. K» . to Man-fiebJ. hi. Turn- ii.a i>J«e era into tin- Ions Kro-n ecr- Iniitly pa •

M e r< ad t Ii it Hie mcMing Dtve'l nneb-nt iH.me. In li t - ;- tint*̂ *

b.-st Iu-* product ion had dropped 20 «-n*. ami bog mining ia m» lunger

■ fnd .vltli faruterx. it look** iicklin;; licit i* His I v t resort Americans from te-euruing a

i tribe of vegelarhitis. "Mor** chicken* i and more eggs ' -.hoiild !•** :h" tdogan ■ o> . very j*mtltry rai*er, and a rlicht fi.dvant ' .HI along the tine wilt make

, j up thu ment stmrlnBe. hf*; ltis|ir»sc of c ,, Ip-ns not !*> tie re.

*?"' j tuim d for future br**dht2 purposes a*! '" i n -x the - -' juimenee to go in lull | rui iilt and fall off iu egg produeHon.

•’ ; I <"£<! w.-li for nl ont ten tlitys and tin-y - - | y m-ralt- twin'* oit th - open market

’’ ' j i t Hi i\ e-m i i janind. live weight.“ j 'lb - la’, hatched cbh'tts ; h rnl-i have

i * Mr;t uttenlioit paid litem if they ur«; i |<-\j« i ti d >„ tlovt-icp ip the proper rutn-

r , \Vit!i the ... j:»n of |i<>- and mites a! its height tin ! warm nights and hot d*y... th e , xmall chirk hail a trying time to property grow, us bad jts

batch-' t brother.-, a ml , hater*.Mix Wnun't It Vimhftl Porter who

raid- ’ hake no *jimi I* r from the r in- r-v l»U Dutin.d tf it * 3 t h« s the 'lily poiDr that < -r said *>.i<dt •Kiim; -\Yn*;titin;l«)h Herald

A t a e l i e R i v a s .

.-cute I •' Hltini . e !« -• ' to a live ■ tihant

•Jb- * ovase e - ' eo.n«<«fi*tlre.v «*?0. ciHful until the UftK-me aoi-roft.'* • d .'<1*11 At- the l Utr.-tnec- * f tile Ret! V «When >2 hour* '•"« fro - !h?t i < rt the. kv .md-Vulv darken*-*; m teiUe tK «>f1. ttge grjwohoppwr wuhb had t.-eu blown out to O J Imm the Arabian

1 faptaln IVwf? lad o ffR «C«. :rw*y- i boptars in er.ytith'-i thott-^n.U whde ! '.tsslllff lhr* OCh tie* p.'d Oil orevl- ' oo i voj4g.>. but n. »r '.n x«v»hl iff ‘ like the *,«autit> . erotiut'f.si «>« hw j laiejt trip Th" la lb i *»«

with them .is fur Hi- •>* »««!•*I r<-.teh > amf the* fell tn the deck* ■? tae K afir.? tn - ah nitm'er.s ?h.t; •| crew h..d t<- be mlbd from tptaH r* to 1 shm -l th.m »v. r the *1.1 >.I The Jto'ltali bev stowed ;«W«' it

1 .rim a s-oali culir.g *>'IMJ Fra. ahint W mile- -'""‘ h ,,f Viirn. I I- wits net (Ottltd until I VO

*. da vs tale*-. eh*‘!i a s;db,r mdh'd him i out of a Hfeis at h ,'R - c?mb.-i «>«* « single (dorr i f eli.-ei<e'.u i. " - rn ! hrecxti • loth, i t'd w.1- itnbp-d With

,» deurmtuation to ---• «he ,-. rt h Tim tM,% «• ,-v* J..H,.vl or* at I ert TewflL and shined hnek’ to p**rl*n

Fog* which thdatipiT et cmdH'. traffie on the North Atluntb Ja n e ;„ e ns nothing .-ompar d with the -nlbistorni which dc ttm M m*-n theKnrema when ‘ h- " ■ ' 1 > « ^ “ ,Srw'? ‘ a I'brt.c-dari- ,:.>nr< rru'* ,n ^ lie*! Sen So ibick .'as (be «r-.no, »*«« Fa,,(am Ibere, thnl It «;)•» imp . eihl-' to see for more »!*«* * t<rl ft' end.

Ulnwn by *11?! S-ii‘ - «! ' <*n,iIMtiett-ntei every' l-. rl cf t'w thrciiimlhK to put the U»;»rl:lnrrv <.U< of^im m ls-ioit It '• ■ ' lutpo'-’lile iu ■ r -nke i.ew-lway under th- condlticu* rnntftin Hcarc or *r<-«t the anchors down When (bey had found n firm crip, all "»>"!* r*-p.K.- 'd hel-w where no on-'omf.-rtah'.e t'erce ho.tr* eper.t In kiilUnt h - " until the sdomi Jtp.se*! over.

Uvefvtndy l*ec.-t!> »• ' ‘-Hie down »o A iot:. t life After H’» n io l bad l"~u juismsI Pave ift n v* a|i-rx,ton? in H-*' Miilttert.incnn amt n -‘ " r e blow «lf Airier* there w» nothing ot n o r . thau catnal intCKM iniHl u - Karcoa

1 waw wtthli: -<V md 5- <f Satiny Hook, whi n it ‘.a bool cf fourteen w hal. j v.a ̂aiglited.

The »t-#W ‘ ere all .severalwere nearly ;;t> fi-cs Itt Ictisin- They dU|iorl“h th-Stt’ -elw * am itol the bow ot the K a re i,i a for ftm-e heur*. dl-im; urviern'tttlt ;tn<! t»;itme »p all to n * Cf Crtpen fer till le-11 -ft* of tl.v- Clew.

Hlittn. • Kmera n Pask. the boVtt » mate, u authority for Ho -tivtcrucai ti:at'T>< w hale* advally hnuhi among tiii-maclves lor a ‘llvlalmt nf it •iuatt- t l t jr 'o f peanuts whieh w.ve thrnvvu overboard. Whaltv it^ vir- ft«nd «-f I eanutx. c<cording to the veracious Piwtk. and If tlou-r i>. anything that will Mart fight It U on** peanut* which mtu-l be divid- d a '.t nc then. Kana- itax, tt*>, are conxiticrid gnitt tfeltca- cle* by the whaler, and Pash.

Three bunth*** <\ pr«en fruit were thrown over the -id- of the Kafftna. mid now, said P.ok. e.erv whale

.unions the 14. uniat be mift-srhic trout unite pahts in tin ir Stomach*. b<- ca-tw; they in.our<l * w ry hs-i battatta.

New York HdaUI- - ---♦••■


Il.u ■rngdc. tpi ticiviHiirrnnt ]••!!> can

cent* a Clas«, Th - -price p- l for <-*m;n* dart, Fiv •) i i * t -• ■ urran's -ix plPtx of juice six pin*:-'jiia'v -IS {s>:!cd-. *'■ :* fl

ber of tijH -. t iv tu r- .- -y v a tc cR .

*1 '

i ; ;v - >

/ ; Jj r '

Richmond. Ya The American • Prinecxs' know n to til! \ irg)n;a ,*b ,\i?l<di»- lliver-. hnt called Princcr- ’IroubeUkoy j« the tou.'f c :?.'!>* of J-htrope—wilt make tor lw»w Jr* t}i»e*-n Mary a! the m-v "pr**tp.?Afat1i*tt' at. Hte c***i*t of Kt Janie*

- ,‘io.g ;ithe kect-t' «►

H.e xmWgghnt̂ of .


Kins to boil, fikim ami put ia glasseJ.Mo*t Jclllc* are made by cemblnlug Hie cVar juice of frui’x '* i,h an cuual amomii of mettr. Som*> feuds r<"i-» r - ft Jlttli- mm.' H1C" ftver-Hjie fr-.-i will not mak* jejjy , It. ?i. r » t f ? u H a little too green than J!,o ripe. !!*.-• sweet frtttix, abt* fruit over ripe, lack t..-cto*i ' the BUbxfani <• t i l " ( "ti<cs frutt juice to jelly Per fhi* reasen wo mmhin- *tr*whcrrb>x. ta*bb -rr;*j and cherrm* » ith,,c!irr#ttt‘ t .n-rri- - wish gr«‘en «iav*dierrie.*, xour ajipic-> with pgwhtjs. or peach.* with dam *on plum-

Ail frutt chottM be w.it-Ucd and w-.! drained, then Inoked over to rentov ■ sny spot* nr bad fruit t'urrans* tied not be stemmed, but mti>' !■• Care­fully tv ached. ax they a?" . H-n eo.X(ffd w ith a prcparaJion for destroy lug the huKx ott the buyhes and till* U p«i* onoiiR. Large fruit thotihl h ■ wax'.:- 1 it ml cut in muall piece*. Appl-'* ‘iuar tern!, crahapplc... unint'c* and p-;u f: »•* cut ,n half and put into p*.— rviriR kettle with tu*t. enough water to co* or them. Hover the k> if’e and boll slowly nut!! fruit if t«ft Put fruit and ja ifo info double fS'-.C'.-. cloth hag. ret in wars*, place at.d a Mew to drain If potNlblc. oyer nislit Iht n* t pres* the bag if yog desire t ;• tr bright, hrilhatil colored j*Kv

Heal In «n*n the f »»«*<’ tintnb. r of pint* of eiigar a* you have ju« ■’ When jnh’u Iin* been bo,!• I <i!t-*-n ntlnule* *?-r xHKXf ih -i.-v-y i-o:t five minute-, Sktm car? !nLy ' put Into glatuu-s.

HRAIJAPPl-K JKM.YWash and tun in half. Do tu t peel

or core Ho rn Pul nt |>r.-er» im : h< • He with witter in : fpote in * t> t J appfe. Doit until v*->> P • ailinto <;Jp’C*e cloth bag draft Add aty eijUitl amount «,f sugar ,<* ;tn< - ox.-f Hod iweuiy mltntt.-« fro ui Hmg it be

Ot HfiANT JKI,l>V. SWash currant?, remove all leave*,

pit? in keltic with only enough w*»er 1 » ha!( cover the frit’’ Hover and eoiik flowly nnlil fruit m re.luced |-i pulp Strain carefully Hse h r each p:«s «■? fruit juice eno pint of susar P<r June ift preverving kettle, Ailow Mi hoi! fifteen minute*.

IM.YHKKKDHY JKM .Y,H e berrii’x a lift!"


mil*r-ripr >r y ripe lerri-x with . ;rii-x Pet ift pro-

macu Ho act add iui> waiet S*’t pron-rvirig k*'ttIo In dish' pan of h,.f water amt bud until

a.-*- cooked tu pn!p. Drain aad eath pin; * f jntce u-e one pin; of

hut tugs* Dull jutoi* fifteen minuL s , Add ho; sugar tdcwiv Stir ami when

utc .̂. Skim ar.d (at; in sl.i?? '* who-'

ItAffPDKlil?Y AND HtTlUANT .1KI.I.Y, -

To one <(uart i f ourratsc* in ? ll


sf F i r s t (S how ing o f L a d ie s ’ *

F a ll MantlesTl»c» lit tit sliiiMiutit of l.ntlU b* InshiMinhlt* hill ttml.*' l-.tvc I mi i | il into

stock. ' I jJhiiih nls* me *l:t* l.iiitt American models ami iw.de up in llie p i newest imj«»ru*ii tuatt*nsil>. Cur pi ices arc very iiiutlernic in d l ie H yks

(luiln oxrliiMV**. W<* mivisr «hi early inspection of these fatldonuble << «>ts.



N e w F a l l t S u i t i n g s A r e H e r e T o o .

i s '

Novelty Plaid anil Honey Limb Suitings, the very newest ami pret­tiest of tall materials, also Bail* itockhtiru tweeds ami black ami black ami navy : t-r^es.

The .shades art* all very pretty, ieelmiinj* black ami red. gruvii ami brown, anil'purple ami j* recti com binations in checks ami plaids.

Retiring From Business

I lay in g s o l ilm y s to ik am i p rop erty to W . M. ( ’am* c ro n o f N ow L isk cu rd w ho tak es jKisession O ctob er 1st. T o red u ce th e s tock to a .s ta te d am o u n t, I am otfenn}? m an y Hues a t c o s t ami helinv co s t to c le a r in c o n ce a l, d ry good:;, carp i-ts . oil elot lies, linoleum s, lad ies’ an d c h ild re n ’s c o a ts , m en ’s uml b o y 's read y-m ad e and ta ilo r-m ad e clo th in g ,

sh o es an d c ro c k e ry . A red u ction o f 4 0 p e r c e n t on all w a llp a p e rs . B arg a in s e v e ry d a y fro m now till O ctob er 1 s t .

T e r m s C a s h o r T r a d e

GEO. DETWILERC a r g i l l O n t a r i o

These subs sire date.

strictly up to

We invite yon to see them.

G o rg e o u s N ew F a ll S ilk s .A Shipment of our special numbers from Jh e makers in Switzerland,

j- . amounting to over $l,0»:J.00 is in stock and ready for immediate selling.We guarantee tl. qualities ami values to he absolutely the best obtainable.

, Yard wide Pailette Silks in black and all the popular shades Pure silk and IS*' pure dye, equal to the I est $1.25 quaMty; our spec ial price per yard $ 1 .O O .

Yardwide Moussciitti s rich heavy quality vvorth SI.5U: special prices 1 . 2 5

F a n c y S i l k s f o r T r i m m i n g © . S a s h .Roman stripes, tape: fry. Persian, culiists and Bcngalines. All the novelty

silks in the newest am* most attract ive shades at $ 1 . 2 5 t o $ 2 . 5 0 per yd.




Mr. (\no< i-.m ..I .N'-'W L lI.-mhI liu>puVCtl».i> ll »II*- b.. Hit : - < I :Mr. <«,''<* IJitW.-llei.

Mr. I>. Ji. n . i.i v «.r til*- imyi'f Hank f <:<ptuidim' h|s holiday* with trieiid* ,vxl let tu SttttUuti*.

Mr», Hell i« T*irovating,hM- n »la ilia lit.

M ixta Hutier >1 MiMutay a ir d|i!i iug « well: <m the fn»IU *»f Mix. <>o<-

M*«~ C. A. I V ac o» W alki i t . ii *pt ■»« Sunday with her h xn d . Mite <•. M. Keeling. \

Mr, Autlrew Oliver t»l Huntingdon I County,,/iiurhyc. it* the gm-*t o f Mi. lieo ry Young.

Mr*. !>. M-rKeira-tmr . vhithig friend* tier*-.

;ortlai V‘> *«gMr.tl.il. WVl k.

M i-> .Iran All' ll* who hit- been v ie j siiUg ntanv tteinds in tin* vxdr.itv I f - ; Inroed tu MMton on Wedi <-itav. j

Tile finest ion id Kailh w ill hr I In* > j subject o f a »trii o 't Uev. Mr, Kidttl.-* j w lil deliver III the Mrlhoilixt Chm i h till Sunday evening, .Yogurt hth. .

Uev. t i ;o . M to.it of S i. Addtew*. amt I’inkerUu t'Jmrebe* will exchange } jm’pil* with Uev. T , .1 UoIuunou ol : Mil verlon int Sunday next Any ihu. J

Mi W in. Andersen spent Sotntxv i in tin* village.

Mi*. \V. I). OCie i« the gues^ol Mr#, Chin*. Kyle.

T H E P E O P L E S ’ S T O R E



Ladies’ Blouses Ladies' Silk HoseLadies Sheer utton Vests

Sheer LawnLadies’ l ine Cambric Night Robes

Spot and Printed Muslins India Lawns Persian Lawns Long Cloths

Nainsooks l ine Meadnpolaini repcs Voilles Vestings Brassieres

Long Silk Gloves,Etc.

Don't forget an Augmt Fashion Sheet ol the Butteriek Publishing Company. We keep a full line of patterns for sale.

P U R E G R O C E R I E S .

Always fresh. An immense grocery business necessitates a continual buying and guaran­tees freshness. We buy the best and insist on purity.

P R O D U C E W A N T E D .

J. H. APPELP H O N E 5 3 J*

O t »\ Ilk* ->! h iwf. J . \Vole hotly mlt:< cmliil m I in- 1 oil! ll.illielil -*» Southampton hr l tvi-rk.

, , 'viii2 |i>a l imiter in tii-. iltrrl»«t y Mr, A. H. n i.m . •!..* I’i-ij. tin. who Wii l '. llilVIt t o ll ttuiunl 11 • ! •»! M-.tl- day r\rtiiu^. will hwhri.- " t l Muuilrj rvriiiuj. AtiUtml huh. Mil, lijh.'r i> iUiuttVr ol l ,rt»ia nml th<>- w in O il $<> hrar him w , 1 irRM . it, 11" wilt lv|t ol hi • iiittivr htwd ill St.Amlrrw • l.'hntvh.

K .rn out own l.?> lily i* iwl I n " OtiiM tip* rruutgt* i<( tin- unity wtit'iu. Tim. htr* a|>l»run-tl *>ii this: fni It is «.j Mr. XjfanttxIcr.tml Mr, K« yr*. Tin- n un t« hi* th r only eriiji «ttm kril m i far, Ivvrry r lh u t inihrSr.K put torth hi ;t"t titt >>( th r wtrtti. Any |»rr>m , w ho «!<• »mt l.mtw how to drill vvitii ih i" (K-iit w ilt find vuiuiibh* infortuiufon on th r editorial puge ot last wei-kV Tflencopr.


t l i . wmi Mi? ,l<». J>>tiiiit^i-t who hsivi* t« •••» * vi*«titif( their OtsindH in W atriTio cutml y (nt u c<»U|ilv"fWt'i'ko ivtnrmal Tursdny tafet.

Mr. Wm , t .orl/.r f * Uiilfuto ts vL- ititiK lririiilain this vicinity.

Mr, and Mis t» Ili-isx ot Mitdinay vixiinl iii-rts ht^l tvi*i-k.

Tito Trciw iitri hall trout ptiiycd >n, tmys. Iu r« ta-t \Vcto> cl »>- rmatlt- htU in ,i nous of II T in mu tina.i ,

Mias Fl'itiiitini- t in tta i'f IV .tou i r tut nod m* Monday a ftrt xpenho^ .i tverk at firi huinr.

Krni|K* <>f Ih-iUn vhijtil« last irk .

j GREEN OCK COUNCIL.I VahidV Hotel. H ivrmlalr,.inly d7,-It'll.

t jl nirl hv jH-r mljonrium-itt. nil . Hits turinlH-lN prrsrnl. this Kct-vts in tht-

I nhiiir. Thr inliniti’* of last iiiwsUiik W r it 'ira d and aihijitial.Thr follmvinn an-mints wn.- put-

■riili-d for payinrnt: A. K nox, t ovrr- ini; Pinkriton htidgt*. .vym fi. of l in. t itnatark, Wnt.'Coutnan*, ixtllnnti't Vo., Ttptt ft. Id (l. taim uark. •A'JOft. II ft. taim uack at >'2d prr M, (rtvi.lt, h 'anft. pint-at SI I p*st M. i'-l. Sktitl r»l: A, I'inkrilon. lift} llw. *pike« ^ta-’r do#. I-ril/. Id- ft- taimuark, 2x(>, lit fii a t SIS. $3;ta: lltin lrr OtidKr Co,, p u t paynu-nt Tlmmpson hrid^r.Jus. iliiirnmn. {int|H-ctlnK 'i’hoinpspiiUtilise l.i; days. J«»s. ililltiiu ii,jvfund *t.*Jutr trttHir IttUt, \V» Wynnr. lilting sink hoh*. ran. Id, «pp. tot t s IV-trr MrArthnr. ct-d-ir for railing a t Ia>vat, $1; Jax, Awirewx. tr- Kind stalnlK iainn* Htl-k ^t! John (». .'hu.K . i,•fond utiihtiv h»ltt>r lUl.t,Jo *. It,.-*trr. it fund Klatnl*- lalxn 101:5, jit: J«ts. I'TiiPW'cin, tvfnnd !ilntuti*J«l.x*r |t»l:{, sv; Alrx. .Mt;l(a«., irfnnd sUilntis latmr ltd:!. £«: A. Kirktown, n fntid statute lahar lltjii, is-: Jus. .Stanley, tr fund statute liilxir IMIdi S'i: J,««. Ny* • umu, refund statute hit*>t CM.*:.T. t pilison, trftnnl statute lalx't .CM::, f >1; .las. Tluniifmiut. hauling I yd. | gravis! to con. 1". $1: iVtesenpe I’riul ing C«.. half printing rant ran ,A lex. Thonipson lilling npptw rhrs at ia idgr. >:•*» .Vi;Thompson ,V t'oiiintiits. I day with grstdrt. >*: ‘I ho*. O'llagati, removing alwtfa - and piling tindH>r and iviiik at-TImnipson •nidg*-.Si-: I*.K t'ampU C. irtim d statute 1-iIkii t'.t::,

Urti-r Val id, J r . Mioiit lot eoimcil im eting. st.

Hay C.unpU-lJ That the fmeg.dug m-i-ounts In-ing found r o im l.- Iks paid and that the reeve Issue hi» order for tin- Mtti". Carried.

Collisoii MrK-inia.il That the *.!n k fxs insliurtid toM ialt n hy>law to u»Ulmii*e ti-e t t r i e ai d tti-.i-htri to ..

Ix.iimv the sum nl/fmtr thousand: dul- leet thr wmrisnt expenses until

taXiss eome in. Carried.Hj law* mm.her al.r fur the pmj.o>e of aullmi i/ing the irevr and treasuier ; to hdi toiy font thousinid dollar* was

draftnl and read a Hist time.’amphell Hay Tlnil hy law mini- her 15 la- now* ir.ol a second and thud 1 turns and liually j*»:<*»-d. CarnwI.J • , Hy-law- luimln'l ■ i '• thdy I«• ulnM-eoitd |

and third tone and liually passed.m M.-Kimuiti That this I eounc-n do now adjourn to meet at j Chepstow on Monday, August dl*t, for j the trunsiuliou of general business • and to levy rates lot the eitrtent >eat

■ tV. II. Tli-.mp-nnr.uupii • *■

laiyy. a . Ur» nil g« 1. and l*„ K, Clink

' ' it h ivt.Utijai-en :in c m v u a rat imwvn . ihd ‘-hr Itrilili liotioaun

: tiriiM -s-r* l l irvry ’ A tt Helmutt j

W. V.r< i:k and A If. Sehnurr, felt on ; M mday list on a two week * camping 1 miti-.g ’ ‘f'aiop l.aiupte" is h »-.«t*-d j down (he Ktuigeen. aluiut ti n inil-e j from (own.

Mr «.:•(*. I>et w i* h r w ho has Vi-i-t; w in -rcloui! iii t ’argill; for some years has dl-posi-d of his liusinesi* to M r . : Caiavreu of New L iA fa td Mr, I t :

ud. i* holding a sala this *n page H

The ileslruilive aunj- worip which had g ihieii a font llol * and devlfoyad r-iopi oh m<-vituI fai in* in Ilrim- ('<>nmy h*s hy ih>- prompt action of Jim fat iiU'iS, h -eii <-xte.immated aiid no forlh-r damage from that lB»iset i* I i-kc t |.>t doling tla> year at l^ast

(i the live link* of (oral how Its* * who aitem-cd the N.nPlnmptc # t<>Ufna im-.A I o-t week I one w;» re prae'wMin- ers. ell h|-mg defralt-d in Hu* early pan .a (tu pl.tyir g. The surprise «>l the louruey m.* sjn n» g when Itino* •*Cid s «!*•!«. t* d ( Ik- < p i k hod

ria’t. -lipp-o >•> Ms-Curdy.

M O T H ER S!W h at if this were your « m ?

(a llied .Tito* II. ! ’■ ito i. Clerk.

Voters List, 1914.

Aa aoriou*, „_____________peoded to os reenMj. SbvamAttt

“ I h*ro a Km fifteen, yrmra at r n *rbo brut tnborouloda In ow» hmg. I haro not tba mean* to giro him tbo ears ho should haro. The doctom my that with proper ouo a»d attosatfnn there teorori hope tbol bo might fully recover. I would 6e very thankful if ho ooatd bo admitted to the Moakoka Tree Hwpttrf If

Suppoeo that your aoa or ftmr daughter were a eonxumpave. Snppoee that be or iho were polo ard wvted aid shaken by a hacking, slfcnrSi -sappifig oemgh. Sup- pose that you hadn't the money to provide tba badly uoedod medicine, nooriskmenb, »r,d'>HM medical treatment. Think what a b!ee*ed rulirf It would bo to know that the Muskoka Tree Boap Oon«um|)tivee atanda reedy to help I

Contribution* to the ifuakok* Pose Hos­pital for Con*a»r«*we» wffl b* grmtefbOy acknowkrdircd by W. J. Qagr, Chairman Executive Commit, -o, R4 Spad-nn Avenue, or R. Dunbar. S* /nrtar; - TitsaeMrer, 547 King Street We u Tcxxjmo.

W a n t e d .

> Wfct I I Ml l ON N

F a r » m F o r S a l e

August AttractionsA s our full goods a rc on the way we* m ust d e a r

everyth in g in snm iner goods at sacrifiie ju ices . Be­low we m ention a few sp ecials, but the .dote is 1*1 led witq o lh n s e<|tialli>as gooiL So tom e silltl see for your self.

.j00 yds 2 sc to 35c ribbons, all coIoin . per yil 1 5 c , 2 yds for 2 5 c .

Ladies’ 15c to 25c .Summ er V ests, all s ty les iu the lot, only 1 O c each.

•5 d«v. odds and ends iu S n m iner h ats ami cap s, reg 5oc, now 5 c each

C hildren’s school :*m!>rellas, reg 75c , steel rod, on sale 4 9 c each.

to and 15c ladies laces and em broideries, a .splendid as ortincMit to choose from , all at 5 c a yard.

$ 1,25 to $ 2.00 black and fancy parasols; take your d u n ce now at 9 8 c .

1 <jc to „>_y -s lin s , p rin ts , and g in g iia m s, broken assortm ent of e , .e su m m er lualerials. a ll 011 sale at 9 c y d .

Long \vltile and black L is le gloves, teg 25c to .p« a pair. JSale* p rice 1 5 c a p air; 2 pairs for 2 5 c .

M en's black cotton so x . on sale 1 5 c each ; 2 p airs for 2 5 c .

M en s white duck tro u sers , special $ 1 . 2 5 per pr.A ll m illinery at less vlian half price. S ee d isp lay

in east window.R em nants of all kinds, a big lot at a sayin g of i -y

* to !. on regu lar prices,-Shop in the m orning when possible.

H R N E Y & CO.You will like the

rich strength and full flavor.

Red RoseTea” is good tea”

E x t r a S p e c i a l :.*> |>.% r , .m i ril', t, turn Ii.1*''. m

■..................... ..... r*'. . . . . a

E x t r a S p e c i a l *>0 I'nir* i lMlii - *i*x, hjiu k, Hut mnl fan, (-Kira ♦ju-vial - 1 *-*' |**>Ir 5 c

M m i 11

Municipality of the Town-! . V" ti'ship ot Greenock, County of


Mi. unit Ml All Nell - I Toi'iijlu Ian- vixitiiig Irl.-ml*.

Mi M«*. J . J Schuauuhvi ••! Walk i*i i-.ii x|muI Su.itfuy with frlnulr lu-i«-

Mi. Mir. V illi-. UVil. f m otorr.l I..: W iU-rluu J'<uiuly Saturday last.

Mw, amt Mi*. I'Vnnk Hclummclu-r of l*r«-#l*«:i who has Iwvn visiting ficio tor Hi« j»«xt two weeks Iwlt foi

' I- Iio« Iioiix; -Momlity hiol.S Mt i nt M J . J F<- ty .out child jn-ii moioxsl to Ih-iliu SntmdHy la, i to vi.-.il friend*.


f Mi - K. iiom .vax Anna HI. 1m - ic tfinii'd alU't* a|a*ntllug u Jew wtvk:- with relatives Ixite, :

M i-. Maltha Utown i* visiting a i Mi. L, firow us.j M Us K »l c -nul I J i»u# B u ilt sRent M u it

day a t J . Mtiruty.Vi. IV-for IJindiiim spriit Siiixlay

• in Clx*ii-'>t<-w.MB, !•;. Me Myna hi and .Mis-- I n*-tct

| of Kam i t!iiy viiluxi In-rt- on ,M>-n . day.

"V \ TRIM l.i. .cl .1,0m o *. H lrl K in , i!.



1 t 1*114 .NIErdman s s i

r Complimentary Ballot 'A

TitUhulhU, »t oirnud iu to tlu>Ttdrixupe <'*>nli *1 Ih i*miux «■* * i> < iH-f.-ru Auwistil, UUI will Ik* good fur

100 Votesto tin-. tedit uf tlx- contestant who**’ muixf and iidthox -■ hlh d »> Blow.

Cii.sri^iA.vr'- N V’U-. .. .......... — .................

Aiuuth** ....... • ....... ' ' •.. -

S'i. i i Tlx -, ballet- he »ecriv. il and rirdil'Ml in gl"U|" • ' <»»>)>'. I>v fa-fi-uing •!>*- » «»<*«# tog-th. ( »n t - **‘ »‘ * * -,, , t.!v . . in i t- .-..it v to hiivi- the <-i>H«(’»ti*xi> fittlx** mid «dd« t*(» «>»*< » ■ ’tlx- Ih *i ballot in each group.

W a l k e r t o n ’ s S t r a i g h t C a s h S t o r e .

Ten Extra S p ec ia lsi f F O R T H I S W E E K if

E x t r a S p e c i a l IsVtti.HH tiV ixnliv di«•"»-* muih- idAnd<-i*oir- ((inglxitix. mid Krgl^li print#: f;i*t rul«ii>. ixwlly triiniiu cl: cvct y dti-. * a III: */.(•* 31 to 11: rrg to igJ.t*n. extraspi-ci.ii , . .. .. . . 8 5 c

E x t r a S p e c i a l i»0 only titdiftr triimm-d lmt»antli<hii|x-('The Imlauei* ol this kviineli'ii uiakv, nil gted'sh'ld** dv#igc*. light and dm k color*, u g lt> JT tW, jirice to cleat, extra aprcial, cm h 9 8 c

E x t r a S p e c i a l 3(K> yard* of Scotch giaghmo*. mid Ixtut ‘jxaliiy- Kngh'h print#, eohns gu man iced fa*!. I»ig a«x^tiucot t-o chooue fniu, icg tu 15c. on sale, extra #|H*el»l j or yd................9 c

E x t r a S p e c i a l It** t-hitd<en» tlr»**f>. tu«dtr <•! la-rt MUality priiti*. giughmnsahd gafatla*. titiuux d tilth vonl tna! ing t olotii; ages I to 11 yeara. ieg: ftd.5. extra • pet hii, carh— 7 9 c

E V E R Y D A Y I s S a l e D a y a t C A R S W E L L S

E x t r a S p e c i a l oM pairs Crompton » CorMM-< low lno.t. ylong !.kirt, l eg 7fic extra spi-ciul ......... ............................. 5 9 c

pair* Crompton * cut*vl*>. line Cn ix h tradil. Utc tii'itintdreg $1.25: exti.-i "pi-cittl . ............ * ............................................. 9 5 c• if* pait« Crompton* ccr.-ola, -uital h- lor average o r atoultiRiim. rig S1-5M, extra -periai - . , . . . . $ 1 . 2 9

E x t r a S p e c i a l J i b / lad it* long whiti- ;dlk gloti:.six** *U I-- reg $1.00, extra *prai<»l............. ............. ......... 3 9 c

o do/. hiilieV Halt: glove*. Id x k or white. •! dniius, n g lt» file,;extr<«jpwinl......................... ..................... .. . 1 9 c

i> d../ ladies’ li*lt- gloves, black, white it C( Uued. 2dtnni *. teg25-. extra special............... . . . 9 c

E x t r a S p e c i a l 2U only eliUdit’ii * »iiawh.it>. Mg2.V,ta cl'iir, extra rpecliti ............................................................. 1 S c

15 only chltdrea'a straw hat*, reg 4oe, extia ajH-clal . . 1 9 c12 '* ** *• o»e, half p ik e .......... 2 5 c

E x t r a S p e c i a l l,-> only ixeU *douhlrtexSmei..«.an..ni 1iatXco*i«i. close titling «ut. e<dlH|». raglau >h<>uhiei>, f.iwn -hade*, * leave - sown, conicn tod and -Irappodi all si/a *, reg tSN.ro extra special,...... .. ....................... . . . . $ 5 . 9 5

E x t r a S p e c i a l 2on pnirshig 11 hrimd im-u'MiverafU mid pants in lilttckaiid blue striped tlrUI, extia high waists < vim ' full cut, good lit ter.*: smocks h> match. Tog ft is*, extra 8 5 C

E x t r a S p e c i a l 12 only tnen's straw snrlos*. reg to f2 „•»-fXt M S|M-cUI................ ......... ................................. ..... 6 9 c

15 only limit ̂straw hats, sailor and snap brim, reg to 5fV.ext in special — ............ .................. ...............: — . .. ..... 1 9 c

5 only men * I'mnima hats, reg half price , $ 2 . 5 0

C A R S W E L L S ' C A S H C O U N T E R S• • Y o u P a y L « i s M o r e ”


vol xxxvhi- n o . .11 W A L K E R T O N . O N T A R IO , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U ST 20th 1914 - 8 PAGES.


Hiliotianoss and liendaelio nro two comniou complaint*!, They will surely result from it torpid liver, if a man's liver i? sluggish and nut performing its proper functions I’enslar Liver Persuader will promptly restore tjood health. This liver remedy (in liquid form) is composed of purely vegetable ingredients and will have a beneficial effect up­on the stomach and bowels as well as tho kidneys, reliev* tag indlcestion, constipatiou, sick headache, etc.

Try a 50 Cent Bottle To-day.

Hunter's Drug StoreDm.)* and KcJdhj C. P. K TicKcl flatnev



TALCUM ” 25c

Buy Nyal s Family Remedies From

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks


Clear Spruce Lumber[Artificial]

4,3 inches wide by 98 inches long— and seven sixteenths of an inch thick.

Replaces plaster at less cost—but is abso­lutely cold-proof, heat-proof, sound-proof and clean.

Use it any place for walls, ceilings and par­titions in your new house, aud for alterations and repairs anywherd.

CLEAR SPRUCE LUM BER, seven six- tccuths o f an inch thick, at $30.00 per 1000 feet at your station. ADDRESS:

J. S. F E R G U S O N384 Richmond St. - - London, Ont.

S A M P L E S F R E E .


The arrival o f new fabrics and the very latest designs in Men's Apparel for fall of 1914. Call and have us take your measure for a new suit or overcoat o f our

Superior TailoringWe give special attention to linings, findings and finish o f the clothes we make for you. These details have fully as much to do with the suc­cess o f the clothes as the cut. fabric and fitting.

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tudor & Men's W ear

.Store, Walkcrton, Ontario.



Erdman’s ," " SKJ G O T O

U | Erdman’s T

Walkerton High School


T U E S . S E P T . 1 s t .,With 11 Full Stair o f TeacherS.

Tie* following course* siKet-sxfully earth'd oil for many year* will con limn- to receive full uttrnt Ion:

Entrance to Normal Entrance to Faculties o f

Education, both Pass and Honors

and Commercial CourseThe examination result* o f the school for I b** year just part ore v<-ry satisfactory: jmrfpntaily *0 tile results ol tin- Faculty o f Educ- iitiini examination*, and the Board will spare no effort in maintaining the *aoM» degree o f efficient y.

F.u fuither particular* nddrefs;

.J. Morgan.Principal.

H. M. Lay, M.G. Dippcl.Chairman Secretary.

TENDER FEETo c r - T ........ ................. TO

Do you have trouble with your feet? Sore, lender

points? Try a pair of


The easiest shoe on earth.


Walkerloti Fall Fair .Sept. IDib.ni d / M rs. John Nkvlly o f Calgary nutl

T. K. Alt wood. Issuer of matiiag<licensee.

Jaa. Tjillon is Istmi-t of maniage li-

Walkntlon Fall Fair September loth nnd Klili.

McBurney's New Fall Coats are very ntlroclive.

Mr. Frank Xutlle of llwmiltou is vh iliugat Ids home here.

See Mcllurney'a exclusive Myles in “ Fitwcll” hats and cops.

Mih. Frank Rennie and Mias Annie, Kpciil Sunday in Wiugham.

Mr. ltot.t. Reed o f Cargill left Oil Tuesday for Lovorno. Saak.

Mis- Mabi# ( ‘ouch of Buffalo is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. M. Erdmuu.

MU* Carroll of Toronto is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Wlsecr,

Mr. Alex. liana and son Gabriel ate spending this week in Tot on to,

Mr. J. K. McConnell o f London Avnebnsincs* visitor here yesterday.

Mr. M, O, Croft o f Stratford wax business visitor here on Wednesday.

Mr. Clare Patterson of Toronto re­newed acquaintances hero lids week.

M bs Wilda Ciojsaley of Toronto re­newed acquaintance* here this week.

Cushionette siloes need no breaking1. — Sold at lUiiiH-yV Shoe Store.

Regal 011 your shoes means quality in them. Sold at BstUKf'*Shoe Kioto.

titcr, Tessto Doyle of Toronto, spent a few days this week with their aunt, Mrs Poltir Scanlon.

.At the inerting of tho Odd Fellow: (•rand Lodge held in Toronto Lsl week, #1000 was voted to iheCanmUatt Women'* Hospital Ship Fund.

* r Mr. I*. J. Moloney of tho Walkerton Business College received a shipment Iasi week o f frtTiQ.00 worth of new type­writers and effects for Ids college.

; ' Condac dccompui

iuo Sillers o f Stephan Urns, staff -pending his holidays at the lake, liss Kdno Diolwl o f Hanover was a

guest at Mr. Claude Cooper's ou Mon­day.

Mr. Stanley Scott of Perth teuewed quamtauccs heio dm Ing the past


(irapes according to the (Jovermuent eport will las au extra heavy crop Ibis

year,....** Nui 11 Gout/, ot Hi ploy is a vis­

itor at the home of Mr. Jon M»ug this week.

Mi»« Nettie Kenny of Toronto i» visiting her patents, Mr. and M p. P. Kenny.

Mr. AU. Weilei ol Cream Hill, Now Ontario, returned to his home here on Suturduy.

Men's Jd ,50 and <*». shot!, clear legal *1.05 in the window. — ltniusvy the Sli*»euian,

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens <>1 Haflalo arc Liting the latter's parents Mr, utid

Ur*. J. B. Kroetsch,

Clearing mi | 1. IB women's ox fouls tippers and pumps iu the wlu«l *w—

Ramsey the Shoeman.

Mrs. P. L’ullutonof Chatham is vis­iting relatives aud renewing acquatn- Uuiccs here this week.

Miss Cretin Kenny of Iamd<>n is isitlng at the borne o f her patents'.

Mr. ami Mi*. Kclfny.

Miss W einert o f Hanovci was a gueat at.thn home of her uncle Mr. Juo. O’Malley on Sunday.

For sale or lent, comfortable bouse fast o f river. Town water and Path Apply to Otto K Klein.

Mis* Connie Kciclicnharh returned 111 Sutuiduy from 'roroiitn, where she has spent the last t wo weeks.

Mr, Frank Uekliontuch left ye*Ur- ilay for Saskatoon where la? has ac-

-pted a posttioiia-- drug clrik.

Mr,and -Mrs. W. II. Adamuof Toron­to sjamt Sunday with the latter* put- ■nt# Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Trtinx.

The flag#, hove Lien raised on nil public buildings and will probably re­main then? until the end ol the war.

ft Is expected that the Dominion Government will insure the lives o f all volunteers while I hey are in active


MUaes Flora and Edith W eilcr re- 1 -urinal lust week from a l.wo wevk'- vacation which they spent « t Berlin and Waterloo.

/^Mr*. Crompton, accompanied by Mi** Stella Slough o f J. H, Appc!‘#left tin* week 011 a t rip to Toronto, Buffalo aud other poiuts.

Miss Annie Parker niece of Mr. C*h»* Symon left for North Battlcford Tues- lay. she accompanied her cousin Mr* Upshall and vbildtrn,

Mr. Henry Hossfeldt recently pur- ehmed a thoroughbred Yorkshire hog from Bethour Bros,, breeder# and Im­porter# o f Uurlord Ont,

A despatch from Milan, Italy, say* that the Pojhj Is in a state of high fev-

nud that bis condition occasions serious alarm. For some days His Holiness hasheeu reporter! a* fatting. He is said to hare become HI wilh'grivf over the war,

mpMiiied by their son Ambrose left.Saturday to spend a month with friends in Toronto. Chicago, and but. nth.

cxcountdllorot 1 Wood hashed

appoint* d posimatter lii ifaut vijlag? iti placu o f Miss Laurie who has re signed owing to ill health

y lr«. B. A Upolmll, daughter o f Mr,nnd Mrs. ( ’has. S jioon . .'ocm psnicd by her two to il ' leftTm-.wlay for North Batti**ford. Sank., to join Mr. Dpshal who left for the west some months ago.

•Me. ti«o. Tohlw, Orangcvilh judge the flower* at (he Walkeitcn Horticultural Hociety Flower Hhow to l«i held in the Town Hall Aug 21th ami aDo deliver an address in the ev­ening.Ilaiill»( and Christian Church.

Hev. Mr C-ttiipInH o f York Mills occiiplrrl the pulpit of the Baptist nnd (Hiristiau clmtch very acceptably on .Sunday. Hev. G. C. Hock i* expected to return from his vacation this week and will resume hi-s duties on Sunday next.ta;l\ for Tuhormory,

Lieut . E. R. Clark of ”K" Company. :i2od. rcgiuii-nl ha* l>cen »->s!g»>eel the

t guarding the Dominion gov- e rm u en lw ire less station at Toher- mory, at the extreme north o f the Bruce Peninsula, Hos* Uft on Mon­day to assume Ida duties and w»s join-

ilat Whutoii liy fifteen private* whom lie will have under bis command. I'rl/.es AwardedThe pm *s in the Field Crop enmpet-

tllioii in connection with the North- Kxliihilioii Agricultural Society

have lo-eu uwaidtd a> foBowj.:—lst. $'M, W. A- Kowandl 2ml fir. Edwin Tolton. 3rd 812 .la*. I . TolUm, lib flO Albeit Finch. Sth IP* Jn<L MielhaU'Cir. lltli pi W. A. Tolt*>n. 7th $4 -I#*. A* LimbFlo r stun

The usual Annual Flower Bhow oj the Walkerton Hoi tietillural: Society will beheld in the town hall on Fri day oyeulng of.this week. August 21sl atH o ’clock. Aildiis-lon, adulta 10c. hildrctl oc. A feprcwutative o f the

Dominion goveipm* id will act a* judge. Anatige.fiii nt* ore lH;iog made for the lodding'of a dance in the halt after the Flower Slmw.An Kidoyahlc Baud Concert.

TTie Che»ley Bind which accompan­ied the volunteem frrti/ that section to Walkerton mi Monday gave nil ex’ cellent band concert on the armory grounds in the evening. Each selec­tion was greatjf appreciated by the large crowd which gathered. laftwlcr W iight who was foimerly in Walker- ton has In ought together an aggrega­tion o f tiurdciaii* of which the town of Lhesley might well lie pioud. : Fnllttlrd (Vir Service

t'spt. Arthur and Lieut, tiordon McNally, som. of Mr. am! Mis. W. <». McNally o f Walkerton are among

iiu have i-nlLit.il f-o active ser­vice, Captain McNally joined the Irish Fussllier* at Vancouver nnd was- stationed there vlnri? the war com ­menced, Lieut. McNally It-a taemiwf T tlie 72ml lligltlaiideiu stationed at

Vatteouvef. He in company with the other nieinlier* from his regiment ex- jieets to be sent to Prince Ropei l in tho near future to do coast gtiotti service. Coutritiuiloo Fund.

'J'lie people «if Walketlon will no doubt wish l > md the patriotic women of Canada, in helping to equip the hos­pital ship which they m e furnishing for the care o f sick and wounded sol­diers in the present war. Any contrib­ution however small will lx* gladly

Biffed «nd for wattled to headquart- ».y any o f the fn|lnwing:~Mrs. D.

Hobcrtson, Mi, Sthwii.dl. M te.Skel^ ton, Mrs. McFail «tie, Mix. A B. Kleip M bs Shaw, Miss Truax. Mrs Wlnge- fi-Idt-r, Mr*. Jo«, L'tiilsay or Mr*. Chri* Ernest.Helping The Volunteer*

With a flaw to showing their apprec it ton of the sacrifice width the local

young men who have volunteered ft» service arc making,asubscilptionllst is being circulated by a number of bus­iness men to ralife a fund w hich will be nt the disjH»al of tbc'e y nmg fellows while encampml h! Qualiee,or while at the front. The response o f citl&ma who hare been approached has been very generous. This money will Ik* placed In the trust o f the commanding tlllccr and will be handed to the Walkerton hoys at certain Intervals aabo sees fit it i»nl*o boingarmngod to give the soldiers a rousing send-off when they leave for Quebec. A band i« being engaged to accompany them to the depot

Bread Mr HaloMrs. M. Kidutxn has secuted th

agency for Martin’s (Port Elgin) bread and cakes. Guaranteed three pound loaves J2c.Horse Took Fright.

After colliding with another rig. .Mi Alex McGarletV horse took fright and created considerable excitement ( Hum-day morning last aud dtudu up onto the sidewalk in front o f 8 . .Vegan's liardwate store. The aniiimr fell on tho pavement and in Its strug­gles to gain it* feet the shaft of the buggy punctured six screen door* which wore on view In front of the store. This saved the plate glass win­dow frombeing broken nnd was all the damage done.

Good Crop o f Apples.According In the monthly Govern­

ment Fruit Crop Heport hsued on Wed­nesday August I2lli. the eatly fall varieties of apples in this section will he a good crop with t’ c winter vmiet- ies not *v promising. Tliat the Govern­ment report on t his occasion I* correct iu regard to fall apple* was proven by Mr. Cunningham who on Monday brought into tills cilice u limb ol a lhic)>e«Rc apple tree two feet long bearing a load o f twenty-six apple*. Mr. Cunningham state* that the re­mainder o f tho tree is loaded In »liko manner.Election Protear*.The usual election protestslutvu been

entered since the general provincial election of June 2ftth.Amongih c seats protested arc that- o f North Bruce which was woo by Mr. Wm. McDonald dChesley by a majority of seven and

that of NorllfOxfoid. tho sent o f Mr- N. W. Howell K. ( '. the Li I writ I leader in the Legislature. The ground! which the protests have been madM are of the usual nature, bribvry. cor­ruption treating elc. Iieing charged. The North Bruce protest was lodged in Walkerton on Thursday last by Mr. A. Fcdlins. who t« acting for Garvey, Price & Coy. Toronto. >

Public School.The Public School will rc-opstt after

the summer holidays on Tuesday, 1st. Scptetulw-T t ext. The Hoatd ha»re-

n$agcd Mr. Willoughby a* principal for the coming yeBr. It will be tc- meml-cred that Mr. Willoughby was taken ill last winter and the Boatd had to procure substitute* for over six month* o f tb<- roar, Hi> many friends will he pleated to hear that bis health lorn L en completely leetoied anil that

t in iielter health than he has been for year*. Mr. Willoughby is an

xccllcnl teacher and we are sum that he wilt keep up th» high Htandard that the school ho* atway maintained io the past.Fir*- at Kneclitcl's.

The blowing o f the wbLtle of the Kuechtel Furnitutc Factory and the ringing o f the fire-alarm Ctt Thursday afternoon gave the town*|icop!e a Iwd

■arc when it wa* stated that the fac­tory was burning. The brigade made the long tire seine run to the scene In goed time, hut for some time before they univml I lie brigade o f No.-2 sta- tlon had Iwen doing gootl work having twosirenms playing on the blaze which had broken out io the saw-miH in lose proximity to the main building •f the factory. Although at- one tint-*

the flumes liiown by a suuth-oast witul shooting over the roof o f the fac­

tory, tho firemen did very effective work ami after* hard fight succeeded in confining the blaze to the sow mid

d several piles o f lumber. The fire which in supposed to have been caused by a Io >se pulley completely destroyed the building, the loss, to t hr firm taring iu Die neighborhood of $U0OO.

TrouttlO A I'oui Dynamite As at this t ime there are report* of

the attempted blowing up of bridges, wit vies* -tat ion -, and government building* iu many part? ol Canada liv­ing received, wild rumor* were started and consternation earned on Friday last when it lieeatne known ilutt Mr. Levi Greenhow, who reside* near the town ball, had .*ov(inty-flve stick* of dynamite stored away on M* premises- However, Mr. Greenhow i* not un an- urchist, tmr lord ho any designs on the ilcdruetit n o f any o f WalkerB.n’s public building--. The manner in

hich he came to have po.'session of the dynamite » m thin.'.Mr. «*te«nhow Im i member <>f the O. P. H. section

ng and when order* were received last week to destroy a box o f dynam­ite which wo* stored in a small house

the clay-b-mks he considered it too valuable to waste, and instead of do­ing »o, curried tho explosive borne and placed it in mi outbuilding a few feet from hi» house. Mr. Greenhow was not aware that in having the dyne, at his preiiti'C*, ho wet- commit ting

an Indictable offence uud was liable t<> ren-year prison term. Chief KVrg- ii> became aware ol the presence ot

tin- dynamite and ordered its Immed­iate destruction, which was carried out under his supervision two miles east o f town early Saturday morning. The •atiie acveniT-live stick* were dis­

charged with the oqp blast and the explosion was hoard Urn miles away. It is not very pleasant to contemplate what destruction would h*vo l»een done lmd It exploded while in Mr, Greenhow'* possession.


.> n-ob

!igln Ton* o f onion*.Mr. A. K. Waan o f Brant will hat

vest a birgequantily o f ouions ihh fall. Mr. Wnhn planted thrro-(|Uarters o f an necu in onion* and is expecting a yield uf some eight Ions’ A» alt «X- cellent priori? being quoted at UtL time, he will realize « good figure for bis labor.Uefi For The Front.

Dr. 3. J. Fr**cr, who volunteered a* ArmyKurgson forth* Canadian con­tingent to Km ope received notice from headquarter* this week lb*lhL«er- Vice*hod been accepted and was order­ed to report at Qui-Im'C .at once. Tin- doctor left on Tut-Mlay morning for that city and expects to leave a t once for Kuropc. The service* o f Mr. Hoy Robertson, son o f Mr. ami Mrs. D Itoli erl*on, who volunteered a* military engineer has also been acccplrd and Mr. Holiertsou left on Tuesday after­noon to rv|»ort at Queliec.SentBp For Trial.

Marlin Schumacher a farmer about TOyenr* <d age. o f Cnlrosa. appealed before Magistrate TolUm on Thursday afternoon, nnd was sent up for tri*l, charged with having inUenipfd totet fire to tlm burn of Mr, Louis Kiefer ills neighbor on Sunday July 20th. In the evidence it wits brought out that the twofurmer* had been on unfriendly term* for sorao time, and on return­ing trout church.ott Sunday 2*Hli. Mr. Kcifer fotmu the rail fence near the barn burning, the lire fainted by a strong wind slowly creeping in tbedit* ectum of tli« building. The Maze was undoubtedly of cncemUarv origin and suspicion pointed strongly to Schu­macher whowoa nubscqiiently hi rested He is at pri-suat out on bail on a bond fpr,$.ys» which he himself furnislinl.k'oluutocr* Kncampeil Here.TIP* local vohmteen* in cctnpany with >ther mcmla-r* of the thirty-aecond

regiment, are encamped on the armory da here, and are receiving In­

struction* in drilling, otc. prejiaratory to leaving for the Dominion training camp at Vuleartier, Quebec, to which It I* expected they will be transferred thi* week. Those who to the present jailed to realize that Kuropeau war would effect Canada could not deny this fact when witnessing the fight of

nite one liuudtcdnnd twenty red. •at* marching through the streets

TheJocal boy* who will g o to Quel»ec ute: Walter I’itl A, Giandsrn, Jo*. Heichcnboch, H. Jerome, Arthur Cor tise, Herb Hebo, Tito* Heinbardt, Wnl- turEidt. Jack Aoderson and Chu*. Hutton The voluntaoi* encamped here are in command of Col, W. W , Douglas ami Captain* Grover o f Che«- lyitiid Tranter of .Southampton.Tax Hate UO Mills.

A spueint meeting of the Town Council was held on Friday evening for the purpose o f striking the tax-rate for the present year and after sonic discussion and delilw-ration it was put a t m i l l s on the dollar. With the assessment at a littlo over 88t(0.000.0o this will give the council some 824.;VW for exjH-Dditurr* this year. This would seem to be a huge amount, hut when R I* taken into consideration that 21 mills o f the taxes imposed on tho citi­zens are required t i meet uncontrol- Lhle expenditure*, such as tho paying ofdeta-nturcs, schools, etc. it will be seen that after all, this year'* council ate conducting the affairs o f the town

iv»comparatively small amount, the totufsum being with the water-rate* In the neighborboed of $0000.00 of which #2000 was expended in repair* at the pumping houtc and reservoir. The taxes o f lute year* have been ratli er high, hut after l‘.»!7 a considerable reduction in the rate can be looked for n« on that year the )n*t payment will he made on some of the town** delietr tures, which will considerably reduce the town's annual expenditures.

Batsml-Han*.The marriage took pluce this morn­

ing In St. Petri ’* Church o f Wilma A. daughter o f Mr. and Mr*. A. Haas of Walketlon. and Henry M. llnlanl ol Montreal, thcceremony being perform­ed by Rev. L. Minehan' a>*i*ted by Hev. J. W , Cruise. The Chmch va* beaut I fully decorated, the sanctuary being banked with palm* ami white Bowers. The bride, who wa* given away by her father wore n gown of

pc charmcmc. with a veil arranged io J»iliet cap. with mange I kwsoms

shower bouquet ofiosc« nnd asters. She was attended by Mi's T. OTJesro, who wore American Beau­ty cmjw; with black tulle hut. and car- led rose* aud sweet pens. The groom vs* *j-.*Lted by hi* brother. Mr, G. M BnLrtl, nod the other* were MV-asr*’ -M. C. Joy and J. F. Hid uni ol Monlre-

\Vaiding breakfast was servt-d at the home of tho bride's Mttet .Mr* W . ,L Fulton, Albany avenue. Afl«-r a luncheon at the Hunt Club Mr. and -Mrs Ibdard k-lt on tin* Jki*i for Qucbtx-. Murtay Hay ami Halifax, atidon their return will reside in Montreal.—Tor- onto Daily Htar.


T.vvum —In Carrick, <>n Tbupdav. Aug, 13th. to Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Taylor- (nee Mis* Kale McPha.il) a daughter.

Wanted.A h<m*« maid "at the hospital.

Apply to Hupurhitondunt.


The great Kuropemi eonllictstiHcon­tinues and n» time passes instead of brightening as was hoped for by th« civilized world, the situation liecorae* darker ami it appear* that there i* scarcely a nation on the earth that wilt not bs drawn into the maelstrom befoto. the conclusitm o f the strifrv Holland aud Hwiucrland although still neutral are mobotixing their troop# at is also Italy, which country wa* Mip- pused to be nn ally of Germany, but later developments lend strength to the rumor that she ban deputed Ger­many and will cast her lot withEog- bt ml and France. Turkeya* a result o l an episode in connection with two German warships will probably join that country in fighting England and France. Japan, England’s 'leadfast ally has sent un ultimatum to Germany ami ns there is not tho slightest < hance o f tbut country according t<> the de- umutits of Japan, the little rurn of the far east will he into this struggle lie fore the end o f the week, the Bag of the Laud of the Rising Nun unfurled wide by side with the Union Jack and the tfi-coiorof France.

Up to the present there have been no decisive battles, the fighting being limited to skirmishes with varying result*. The majority o f depalchea report German reverses, but nevertha- Ie»» the Kaiser’s army, at lte-tvy cost is gradually forciog it* way south, through Belgium and is now near Brti**eLyihe capital. The French have invaded the south eastern *ection of Germany and are gaining ground. Hu**!# iB slow in.moholizing hor army and lia* a* yet taken little active part in the war. So far ab England is

'itcerned, tho press censorship of all despatches by the Admiralty aod Mil* ilary authorities i* so rigid that the

utaido world Is completely iu the dark with regard to the movement* o f both the army and navy. A* days pass however, tho possibility of a second Waterloo is becoming more probable. The French English and Belgian t roops me gathering at a point not known to the wurhl in general and ate making great preparation* tor a mirhty battle. HkMKW of England’s trained soldier* will take port iu the battle.

The bulletin* giving the war in brief received at the local G N. W- Telegraph office during the past week appear In tbisLsue.commencing on page I.


On very few occasions has the T«l- •copc been asked to make the retrac­

tion of, or an apology for an article which ha* appeared injlts columns,but

.tc celled upon to do so tbi» weak and that wo have been convinced that we were in orror, we do bo willingly.

The complainant L Mr. ('has. H. Whittun, Mayor of Hanover, nnd the article complained o f appeared on pagn eight of lost week’s l«*ue, under the heading “ To Preserve Pence,” the la it paragraph ot which read:—

No arguments terminating in a serious way have t-o tar taken place hero, hut not bo in Hanover. Tho mayor o f that town ie un ardent German sympathiser, and ott Satur­day last while in the store o f our Jortuer townsman. Mr. Young, who is a six-foot Canadian and in a moment the two men wore at- It tooth aud nail, the scuffle ending in a victory for the Canadian, the Ger* man being forcibly ejected from the premises ami thrown into the .■street. As a rt-'ult of the episode it

, is elated that the Mayor i*Vd>out to resign liis office.

Although the report o f an altercation of this nature between Messrs Young ami WhU tun was circulated and given credence about town during Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and was a topic of conversation in till circles, It wa# without foundation uud lacking the slightest vestige o f truth.

Mi Whittun called ut this office on Monday and informed us o f our grave error. He further slaL-d that he bad not us yet voiced hi* opinion o f the war between England and Germany, and made no anti British statement* whatever, and at the time o f the tup. jxtjicd altercation was not in Hanover being away from home on a motor trip

We therefore hereby retract and withdraw all that was tn out- last Issue in any way reflecting cn Mr. Whittun and expre*# our regret at having un* intentionally done him an injury.

The circumstance* in this ca*e dem­onstrate Ihut au editor has trouble# all his own, urn) the publishing ot storie# which turn out to be untrue and the consequent unenviable position in which he find* himself, i* one of them. Ho hear* a story coining from appar­ently reliable sources, uses It, and af. ter its punHcatlon finds that it is with­out foundation. Alter tho irate citizen who ts referred to in the articia has

Oil what he think* o f u* nnd has gone hi* way. wo sit down and wasta

■vetal quire* ot paper aod many pen­is in a vain attempt to figure out just

how tho story xtartod. Truly an Edi­tor's iot.bnot a happy one.

With an oath hr spran;; st (Hr captain j “Oh. where and ««Uci him by «»'•' thto.xi. |

“ You rilhtin ! Y»u‘ve tticked to?. Y<>u? ,*planned all thi'. •v" did! You did! You have *<*HI no*, but I H **11 y»u! I’ll 1m*«* the money <>r your j ^ , ir.frmal life’ "

The raptain atnysjlrd an t fought to free Himself from h’* dup<*'* g»»sp. but ((( he rould not. and Mr. Wilhelm Smyth-.■ ( n*rp*-J and goaded to »*.lnvw. r»»hM | f “ the .car) and hii **rn»at* - ’■*

> (util the true

1 hasthat l cannot proved. «■?«• Ion*;; my undyiiiJt derojiolt to yout I do not ask you anything

t>ul the rijtht to protect you (root ivpfthlcft* adventurer and »*.-rvfoi*r>

ottlyour cheque book and write m>- •» cheque for twenty IhottMiuh pound*. ” r I’ll hill roti! W do tvotvo; lit pul. Irph thr story and the l>ft .» e*rry -ltd. in I/mvion' •!'>*• fo*r! yen thowrht fo p-t the tetter of.me. to ptov the wifot an / hold mr up fo - ridarnfo. hut. yon shan't* rou shan't' l ’l! have the money, the monrv .nr Hi critrii ?©»?**

"Silence!" hi/wed thr raptmn, gtanr-

know that i !**» •

(•!.. \ it

; that trick Hr would, had h- !’ "•>!, pleaded for'hte more cnyoriv tlutn I i-»n pfoud fur iiiyseit. Y\ ill you not k*t<ui |o fo* voice. which, tl»«tf.'h '.h-ad, ■q*aLs through me, and («■ mine) tSomc to mr. Violet, my own < is rim-! I at me t«- proteetor. worshipper. huabaml!"

Violet •Mru'gU'd to »i-‘\ hut he had i knelt, in hi* rojettn'i*. on her drer-a. -’’be

• ’ .J thor-Mvoonin;-, vharnted, and thor-«ntr round nt the . .i*toiu*hcd group * ........ ovet.-.m- >he dropped, andptrata and- servant*, “ f otnc <*ni#ide. ( rptr*t* .........rad he in turn half dragpvl and hall Ini (be unfortunate man into the ro»rt- yard. ray you will let

you!" he whin per Violet, driven


you wilt. I - mine hi- guide nnd protect tl. tenderly.

nil'- cried SmyUin. and with un oath j 'tamV ifo hi'. .u.Vl tfo- eapUir.he dmled hUbmn. ;n i Z ' ,& t " V la r i I - had won theHoward MnrpointV -yea grew dark, hut he wa< a* pair a» death. Fear ran in hi* heart, for he **w that his first ill lurk had »ot in.

“Confound you:-' he cried, “you shall have St! 1H pve you a hundred thou *and pound* to hr rid.of eiteh a mad man." r.ml with n shaking hand he took

. a cheque from hi* book and Idled it in.Mr. Fmythe snatched it. from his

hand, pin nerd at it with blond, shot, eyes rnd lea perl upon hi* hpr*e. wbirfi lie had ehouted for a* he came mi> the van!.

That night Murpoint returned t*> (men. and. although clerk* and *e*retnr- ic*. deteetires and spies, hi* t*enr*nt« and tool*, were waiting to see him. he would ire none, hut went etrju l̂it to his own room, which was double-loeked ■usd pi.-mlc'l.

Aftirr a slipht rn*t, durinc which h« elept the penreftil sleep of «n innocent ehild, he dreared himself with eerujiU' lou# rare and went down to the Mild- may*’ house.

"YVaa Mis* Mildmay up yet"* he nak­ed.

pre^t stake t-r which he bjul t<rn > long playing.

CUAITKI! XXV!!.Thr next morning the eminent and re

sjKVtnbie Mr, fhnxton res-eived a *h«rta very »!mtt and wry mystenoiis

lefter.“ Hrar Sir; If you have any desire

to lent** more of the myststy of J*eu ruddie you limy satisfy your curiosity <(■ Millie extent by meetingthe writer of tin* letter at theto praise or t.Ume; she pursue! the *-re« tenor of her way. -atm. s-reno n* iisuitl, with the javieoful uud (»{ni<r<t rad «mibi on her fare and her i»si»»l p-ntle manner to all.tuined chapel in Mildmay 1'ark. .should yna divide to rt>t»n\ make your way there to niorro* sight ui»*een and con- real yonrwclf Whind tho f̂bi.lille piiUr near Hie turret, wliere you may me and hear much that will ftslonwh and en lighten y.m"

The Irtt-r w^s ervigms! and the hand­writing was a pliant**.! one In Mr, Thax-

The servant took him to Vtolet** ’ He i«U .v>! turned the !e«fer over *ev ilrawieg-room. where Violet •at. a Jet i eral time*, m i.m.i and reread it, and at ter in her hantl, and n thoughtful and | h»-st lie muttered!pnined. yet glad, cxpreenion on her face, | “ I knew that myeterv would turn up

She rose as he entered. , agaie 1 foil <eftain of it. an<.S here if"I am so glad >r*m lnv<ver»mr.'* she j v. 1 nil! go.”

Mill, wearily, hut with a timile, “ f Imv- j Thereupon b- rang the office !*o!i and j"*t hnd a letter,1 and rhe held up the! iastted an urdrf for the jwrking <>f hi» open envelope. traveling ea»e.

'And f have some new?," he said, “or | That next slay (he fVnrJuddie train I would not have infm'd-d so earlr” horo tbr.-.- pure-ugew important to thw

"TVrhapis you kno» it." hr ndde«f. ’ history Mr. Thaxt«n, Uieester and with grave face. “ !*-w|y Ethel ; Stntapy,and Mr, Fairfax have eloped.” ’ Iwieiwter saw Mr / f e.ixtoti alight and

“ Y'e*’,” said V'iolet. wish ,-t sigh. *'ft is j knew that his bdt-r bad taken :effect; all an Mi'Men *nd-nn.J what is r in # v ! he earefnllv nvo-.d-- l ?h- keen even of 1x>rd Boisdxfo ha* aerompamed them " ‘ the oi,J lawyer, odd be anddytumpy cut

is strange and meat rlWiononfde." arro»- ,< field n-sr lii Matron *nd left twirl Howard Yfurpoint, "For Mr. F»ir < the » ;llage behind kheiir. f»x to forget or ignore hone*tv is „ n-* i Toward «•«.!'«. ' -r-py cut ott* f«thing- l.u*̂ for fy»r l FS(. ttnisd*!,- to j ward i; . >£- a--.5 !■>:<!■.! * '■'***

' ig utuglt; “h-nd himself fo an fnd.vhnmled and di‘ - bonomhle course in quite anoth.'. far';*

» the deepest grief; U>r>! l.vkmi loi.S him to take,loh. the earri'

it to him an-! gir>< it him •juietSy.The !»d. •SeligblC'! with a ..Hpense,

tore off. and mem slipped into ,t<<bV band tide note; ■

"lie 4t the y!d.ehap-d to-nfght at met night, H. M.”

. ,!n!i read it and .wd.nl the boy whoj bail given it to him.! .lob at ortee ■onelmb-d that the cap-

tegUnMsl- hitnseif. s*h( -Icier

i * ............... ................ ..... .............laml i* stricken down with affliction, and. of course, mr dear ViofoC von will t-how your di*rtpj>rornl of the soindafoiis affair by withdrawing vutir fren-iihtn from both parties ’

YTolft, who hn<l listened with sham**!And pajmvi attention, flashed d.eplv.

“ Do you know .” she *aW, «).m•hjt^I-ord Fit* XAke.l.,,^me to >>c Ids ______ _

rri!£-'' . ‘ I mined to obey the mvMerimu mivive.The CKptam did know- it, but he pro i The night fel! dark .iml eheetbve

fe**cd .muplcte ignorance, and grew ! Toward mblmgi-t Mr, Tbavfnn raredeadly pale and ha~p»rd. Violet ros- ; fullv picked Id* way < ■ the *<!-! ch*pr! with alarm, but hr sUrpped her ffnm ! nnd’ not without sundry *hiiildet» and ratling out for assistance by grouping i •makings took up ' -- i- ire hofelhil the

•tv.™1 . ii - i centre pillar.• cau—pire me lima. Oh. Vfo. j For w*me lithe the d ' w «r»l awfulVirdc^:’ hr groaned, being ms : solitude «b- pl.i- was unbroken

face fo his'hands, ‘ ; ( . ltt0 ... ....Violet St him with her deep, j due-! e. ree. -, of the

mournful eyes opmcl to their ntmo-;. ; Mr Tba\|o« bc-ai r l i h o l I T d><< not 'inderatand bis | ililvery, and It id s‘ i

•*now hare f psinM voc?” mur- 52^"* JW» like Lord }tmn-

"Oo yon love him?" he retorted, vult & Z a °Cy * » « « " « * * MO ».Wquivrnng lips ,ntw h(.f f

Answer me. T |mpk,rct T : T r V h w i *>• r n t Wtin . II TOO HT i, youyou h o „ r . „ h„ „ to k|ni ,*«y no more; f will leave vou leave Kngland, and f will prar that you

(ml and the euh-

to "r-->w ridd. and o»t derided t<* re.

•light uoiec, at-

» « ■ , . ........ i-..t. o n , kiij maxv £ T 7 ‘. AntT.*i K*' wh..an,wer me!” Violet trcmUM and looked troubled.

. I. d0 “ " ‘h'T’ fond." sh0 murmur ">• HurnssUr. "\Vhv ahoold Rng!»o.J * Why *hould v

Mr. Tbiixiott,Hr-L«s»n“

‘ IVlifti" exrlaimrsl Mr. Thaxtoo. failmg Ui.-k Willi untold,nttii-n!. vvbnt!loU dliAI'V ;W»d thru h- Mialebe-f ;>t the iiuen fnndage-d hand, aui.f-W k. it lik- a madman.

- Yen, ini-," naid I.e.eester. «** * a thrill of triumph and -xu!lxtioii in b>« too,-. "1 have not n*oo- bark t - ti-* v.-eri-S .* moment too !>o«n," h- adde.!. *ignti»

,( |!|i* mnti's

1 have.* said Mr. Thaxton,And helbo” •»?'’ mxrf l^ieosior,

»lowly,."A* I Is-lb-V" tbit there *. n ulij

above ii'." -said Mr Tbavfeo. '1 alway* knew that H'*«nrd -Murpotni vs-, v villain, ami I w.i* nuitiug for •> NcniesU to track him <V*wn. I.ittle did I lino;,- that you would be that Xeme-is? And

tm i« tb.«V he axk<-t(, m-tiuiiing toaril. Stumpy."My best and truest friend." ' lid fsd

cv-tder."Then give me yo-.ur band.'* xai-l Mr,

Tiiaxtom and, to Stilnlpy'*.us(tittisbmeut, the resfMs-tuhte lawyer gra-»j*«>,f t’o* ex es.nrwt'* hand an.I shook it !>*.»»lily.

•’Ami now m t»c*t ix to I— <li.«e with- this fellow - lie »s too pfreiott* t*) •*« lost sight of,"

I have ;* east nr»» la-re," sail \S> •'er.ta’r, ".itul 1 tliotlght that if yon would stand my It (end you woiibl not mind taking rnarge of him ti-1 *,!•■• morning,"

"f’ertainty." - .-i t Mi. T n ' ! -o. eagerly, “A eapitui plan*. |fo , ti.ot n-t leave my fight, - nnd to morrow he . s‘iu!t t.« IWno tiie lo.igistrite ”

lie's coming to.”T!o> three carried dim »»iis.d,-,; .lob

to the ,-art i-imr»-1 <<< t f , v s * , nod Stumpy dro»«- t-- 'leiibv. « ’>!».■ l.-ice*tr-r

turn t‘i thetras-ted hie atts-ntion. »!>P M , » * a light approaching.

It was carried by a short man, whom he xt once, by the’ aid of the light; dal- tinguiehed a« -fob. thr ,'*rricr.

Here, at b*aei. wss eeoi'-thing tangilde and corroborative of (he i<-!ter,

lb- dared sear re !y breathe. « i eag**rly eotioiie w*o be nnd watched dob, who look**! round eautloiisiy, and at length seated bimeetf upon the tsjfub and shaded hi# Ivntorn.

Midnight etnwk in solemn, monoton­ous loiire. and immediately there ap­peared a blue, misty light from among

1-are : the pillar*.leave ; -fob star!*4 to hi* feet with *« t«*th,

"•* j “Come, no lark* wit!, me Wt»*/' beAnruer me firat.*' ho replfod, j «»id. ratagelv, "Thi.« is a et;tle game “

brokenly and w.th fearfo; eirnwuiw* ' The »,mb' d--! *-«t .w» fc:* lip* for P*rtf.v f**l, partly feigned.

»«>l>."«*rr, and truthfoliv, /»okt, with low intensity. ” t' fo*" hint: you know th ii rav fov, Jwried forever, am! that } h*v< dripping with '

» pale fare ne.-i h*5r.e-i clung

ik ami he fed to the grouu'i; the npirit drew-- n«-,«r«'r amiserwkled down O**•'*) hie; With, firts-esyce, whir It glowed kke file (tout the chalky hoed cheek.*, .lotos fear grew

heart to give. My hand would have i fo hie while ediroud ami hung at .di1* unworthy of it* areeptancc i elhowa

■a it w. but- hut for f»»r this.'* ' - -“ I forbid it* 1 forbid ill '' cried the

captain, grasping her arm. * Vs.u rhaii not marry him. Violet, if you do not lnro him I wouM rather ees* von yonr gram than the wife of Fit/ lb,." daliri Oh, Violet, forgive me {I,,,nna*!, hut you do not, you cannot, know • alme<it to tnadure- H<-ie “ • *Ut* of my hiiut. Violet. I do indeed? t>r-< t - nuke i»- heart quake Inve rom? U*> .aAfod rapidly, in' answer an.| his ewtil shudder to Ux i»i«ertm«,t to the loo); s.( deep , and ptsdound l amaionent upon VYolet’e hoautifui far, i “ I love you, and Iiave ios.d v,„' ;Drat arv yoo- rio not turn from tm-: I : am no« mnhy of you, but at |ex,t I lov» you (or youn***lf aion- Can he can that fonltsh boy say that' ! ,,r!) cha(*el, and fin

and W aneka in a marriage with hut Mo mean* wherewith to r-btiifd fus ! rrtiahnd fortune*. Ih> not kpe*k!" ? - t^u r-ioUanof. eagerly, leading he; to a aota. and Jeanirn? o 'er her where ahe e-tt *d ent, moliontese. a* if: tliisli-F it'«pc!i. •! know it to be trtbj, tor ) h»cc b. jrd liim own it. 1 hax.- heard the s-aii npoculaU' on it; Mn; very motn.y-id,.) era are waiting for it, that t?>, "i tu.:\ ten* upor. th»- wealth width ,so-» w

- hting Mm'" ""It i» fnlwt!" raid Violet, suriutg to i -Confiws! ' -

her feet. "It -annsit b- true - "It ta; *e* here,* f«* rejdjed, rapid!* | ~rt, '.i;

and with leeeenrsf yet telling earnest ,, jj,,. elm-f-. ticrn ho reasoned und eonvincest her. j take, the moi

Y'heu "ho »anfc ups>n the couch a;id i l>-w.etrf ’ an cowered her face with Her hand*. *oi. 1 through C . 4 blag vfofoiiMy. t-«.ch’

"Muenter I Maswter (>h‘e*•nil; Have tnerey!”

roll*■! thrfhigh -Uie ghost eccincl t>< ?i<H»r ;-i!,'h s ;s PS oisAr, »t form

erd, "fbmfe'e!"I w ill,' ga.-tn-d JoJ,. "I’ :! con- before i magistrate, Yfocwtct

la-iesetsi-, -tear >!,-,>?.* Ibices.ter, I didn't- toink you'd >«’ drowyedl, I'd ncv. r a done! I'd coiif-e-s ai'! i!i! confess* Ivlut i'll' v—O, !':! tet, h«nr the captain put th- pstSc in lHs> obi bureau’. I «»**< :<;m s(.» it I see him -fo it I ><e*. Hint ;*nd .lent Plaiting; and 1 know who killed Jem? I .ktt»»w!

Mid.-v s,0 a Jit--* man UthTrSI t*’ fl alt!* •Coubws!'’ -I.S 'to- ghastly voice.••I will," >ai*l .•>■<*. "fm n snmg-.

nit fix' »;as*tainoh, increy. Maeal

Stalling. Sjxsie toe, I I’ll tel: all if 1


>me f!) -!,* it, or Oh, land: oh,

ghost, drawing

• I will! 1 will*’’ *er<-nuie I .1-tfn and t‘u-0 III* lell tip's; ijownwiltd Upon tin* nyrfh iu .» ««»-•« <-f h*>r»or.

At fill) tn-iinent t.v-< tigir-s xpr«tl- out tiimi the darkness,' i »ni' was Pt nmps s< itb a I sni-rttyitbe

Mr, Tbsxfs.ti,It it o u*.t»-i at the prostrate man.

os> i uhooi the gins*t «.m beudiog.Ptumpv sein'd .loti. Mr. U-ivloit**’trc*l

' • ' -t cominvncsnl tearing sdfthe >

dd n voice. r band,

loscd >«lly ilUgtn.ssuined hi-* Pp

CH YITHtt TXVIir. t̂ oits* un-s-ttvt.nis the N;-!;ie.*is

whicli Wax nfready oil his triek;’ the r.iptaui ssa* rapidly briugina h-W *»'lt-!ii,-

Tim drill 1(ntibdicif

Murpoint ssa- Un- m (u Ml.-, Mil.finay »a« to tAirrv, ami Jsanv t,?a«<>4 ; <-s f„V ber fieM-ii---

Jbtt Y ndet AVila )ii‘i f. . r|y iodiffcfc’it .'Itv. MiMm-sy had Imcii v, ;y ensd;

WittpfissaS )>< heat that AitsdcJ had, so to npsak. changed ii-i niiu-i. lint Mr* Milsintny thought ss.i- i ;< iy gnrsf change,' fur -b<> |se}jevcd the la. the iast ;

nd |**'!

rsln- wa* fearful that t hr grietr.l.

IV,haps Mr* !'-••!-

Mr*, tm,!

him'•I < do tint! '


ing thets-ndcro***-. "A - ix-it wii! neveHut Mr. Murp"love, but fob tespr-s-,

“ And you give ; Mr., |i..i!e..ti, with a brow,

that ellmie yd ktnntly ehe reolied;

who have been s « One time. I neither < i Mr Morpomt in Hot all that fve’itig tiotnsl. buriissi'y. -5a kind friend t • t»fcr’a friciisl, anil lidw

feeling 1 Pas'- *p<>k* me 1 base east it <-i

Ha* not < Yfoths I -d-d

stream am! n rb-ep to- t-om-yioi.r-. and I think tti.it I ..ball t*.»k- l« riiaj*. and but tbers-'*‘ a'ie t-fftke of-. »;-riiigmd to her feet-arnf putting up l< t i.aml.aa if to ward off tb- M ing s.f n*dmp;.! tu-x* wiiieii was creeping upon her. j will try withy.*:! my '■■mtt V> ■■■<- ■> trlfc so hm:.'*

"Heaven bW* yon!" Paul M»»; IHm eon, eobbing. "YVoun!• that I - " ’<!«» h-'r"1 la-en a mother indeed to you Hot it was not I*' fo My has h j ; !*<’my«tir aide, and it > tiot rignl th-'t ?'•’ !) ebould remain aioiii-in the ssoibl. ssei. ♦!e<l to a jha<!>»>»-. Y odel. y»n wdy not Change t<- me: Y on will H‘»o «»-■

For answet tin- gc;iU- g ii t’U.-w tmr arm* round the old lady’s nevk, and hamt into tear*.

*;Y‘oii will always fo my mother! she *ajsl, “ for ar- y»»u not f.->ce*f-r's’ "

Pci the pure,’ ju*t tntmlesl gtri * stoveto trust and love tb- t«*n% yris;<m rise had vonw-ntes! t-> take a huetian-t.

lb-. mennwM*’. wax a'l ondc* and honeyed s» si tile, io'-kiog han-lsuttn-r att-F more confident !hao ever.

The world dcclar.*i that thri- wa* no end to hi* * i i> * i t ' l l tl that

n'erfni w.»n u Soon it waa rum"!'

JJibiomy wa* to tuke tr.vdiatclv, and that « ard Murpoint, M. ’-■ baronet.

; the

In making jams and jellies theleast expensive item isJthe sugar

Y E T the sugar is the m ost important

ingredient because if its quality is not right, your c o n fe d io n s will ferment, spoil, not he sufficiently sweet or be flavourless.

With St. Lawrence Sugar results are always satisfactory.

St.lwWtroe* laO« CrtmsltUd S>sg»« is nd-J «i 2 th. «i>4 5 ib.,laird ea/Wrt. unit in lull ef JO lb*.. 20 III*,, 25 lbs.. 50 Hu., and 100 Ibi.

Outer » K * -I Si. fo»,»«ra F.»<s« <i»iiX:!i»lcitP»*»r K}»» t»* the Ms-hum S..-r t,i*ii» Tt-i* soft »uil*nKilliiri)|i!ftli>«; gmnj cnxcn «vci;*ih*<e tan *.-.ip|>ly you.Sf. Lanmce S«I*r Rffmriti,

Liail*4̂ Mustresi.

W H EN W OM EN P R 0 P 08 E .

Pair Suitors in Melaniaian Islands Seek Death W hen Refused.

t»ut never piouabiy, Im irau'me.rli n-Ailty s-Br-

.Mcinis. nian iattuiu?. where Vino isinonK *«inv of the native* toe *»•- jiropor--) mnrrfAK«. If the - - -

lms noUcn fher vviui u lint>py, It aornc- whnt Irregular, endingSt atipcicra that* V-ca <envertc_ ... ----- -— . -the inland where the women at- wiiyit s>ro|uii>n (nArrlnge, and u girl felt in b>v* with him and prepoaeih Itut ox h<* waa «lrealty empiB-iJ t>* had to »e* t«»e. The cirt quietly reelunesl heeoelfto doatli. wtnrh a<« »II»$r»in*esl the youni; vthrlnUan naltvn tlntl he con*tilted » mlaelonary und ank)*l what hu ouKht t-, do-vrhether lie cu«ht to olto*r the Btrr to kt!S beraetf. or wtictt<er, t" rrevent thi>, he oueht to marry her Jn the end It wna aKT-eJ that tm chouhl marry her. In enite of hie «n*»Kemcfit In another KUaiwt, and they heeam.- a very hat>t»y eoiijde. "There s no stouht." saya «’ap- tain Sinker, "thtit the sir) would Have killed howl#. In fact, the tieopln of the IHlnnd would )IAVe tnxlBte.l upon It "

• A woman* c*ownin» etory I* her hair," Jmt not in another Melaneatan txiand which raplain Sinker vtatlesf. •■There," he any*. "It 1* the euatom of this men to sjrot*- their hair very Ions:, while the nmbbton of the women i» to 1.0 (arfeetty hal t t ' have often *een wrrmen Dcraplne »he)r head* with piece* of broken tint tie* end coeklm: Uoon- xelve* hadly In '.heir effort* tn K*t the right effect."It-nh the men amt women, however, jn that i:\rt of the world have a perfect mania for European cloths-.*. Indseil. U Bcema to he their Bfeni nnihltion to nor* rex* civlliaed garment * nod th- resutt t* that they often nrerent th» most tudfr- Ton* oprenrjie'C- A native eorwne once made a putibc ann-aranre w-vrlnir fMr- loft,, pestimats. while a c|i|ef .-.piwarest In a hatiered t'>n h«? am! w«l»;eoatWhen * man ha.-* * somplet* *nit ht» rre»» Idea <» to r|s»r.-t Uie rc-!*t of hi* tife In It. nnd tie would I— rtrh»*t if you *ii»t«eate<l in turn rimt he rnieht sweaa- ionotly tnko :>ceinv tit* cloth** ett, and when heyamrn ft'lt of the waterh<- make* no nttemot to drlv either him- e-lf sir hi* ehUhex The re«u|t I* that

warnln* of


Little Talcs That A re W orth R ead­ing and Retelling.

told of the Ktrm of Pnvnny that marisel in jd»*<ii

ta through thish,S. iniMukini; him

him why fo cijms•-That **•»!* very wiuuk. of tn-r, said, cm*siliiu:t).

“ he 'b»ii

tear Her. wh" had n ;! a*s of t»iiya run! m>i.; ynve th-m » dictothin I-.iaon in we tt-*v. liny .—tld iminnK' vssifsl* which ;<io e-nlnded alike und cio.U differnntfy • Wol.I-t

•.••• *h<>*

lly and About Women.: Sh- Min-i«- sii<t a

m eg heW

■ ■'{'!)<* Pica-

it er.-Klnati’ In *lts- Xit; *»*■» Y’ork,

i taunt nt. . • i. ■ 11< • .if thn

•' 'tv - , :— :uivftip If* !*• <•» Uojsl uml


ml I *johcre!! a; b- n. <* by the new «!-«rett*>tt trextWrot: atci »u\ *J*<> e-ml ee-m* of (b:» Home treatment flee for tria!, with reforvit'*«'» ludn Jouf uwa bxality tl requs-olc t. Jmms-Haie ttlitt «#d per- maneut etire. iK-urmt. Feml no rnooey, but t*!J sithi-r* uf th'< ofler. YV'fU* Id- day to Mm. M. hutag e<H o* I’ YYlad' *or, Oof-


and financial eta«■;: r *1. 1 the u

•■j'xei* would i- what of tiu»tni-*« The Icy* of


Htivint; to fiU»war, sh rm.-stt.v agtorrae.yuivv fihst. t’ ;'Ji ‘sointyd. Italy omatruea

1 \s .it if di-fene' ; : * t; - * - l i.ers- Hoiild tio t p voiutloii in Italy if thr iioyernmejiti I to*

So ti'H

̂ ( of til"

left alone to

Happy a* m !l for m the path »r aptma;.- » foil* „t tin- slit*' w-Mii in* iK-autiftil tfothsxl on Hi- arm

thei <>U‘-, Keepafodtle-'f Kemlall’a H|«vin Cure li.'in*!'. 1 <>r lliirly.five years !;a» J*r*«vesl it tli* .'.sfe. reliable mnedv for ,*gvivnt..rpliat.‘ utb.ring. twite, fiottr ctsm iili au<l iatueiiew front many sattM-o

Xsl; t»«ik"A Tm iti-s ■mSUc notve ’ a' jour8f.kj.npmu. co,. niwti.


In Thi* Home— Receipt Book and Modlcinet Kept at Hand All the Time.There l« no hotter .xa/i’Kunrd agnlnHt

<II;x*n*’*<> and xufteriiiK tlum a k<k*! cathartic medisfosx la the rrseit ma­jority n( btyiu* l»r. rhatm'H Kidney- lifter T’llN nre ii>iiHt;uitly kept nl hand, heeautm they quickly awaken thn action of liver, kbln-ya «nd bow el*, and cure the most common Hla of llfn.

Mrs. Tltoa Smith, Jamrotsvwtti Ont.. writew: "Dr, Chmm ix no ; traaKi-r in our home, for we have two of hit Kecoipt llook.d In the house. Mv father and my husbansl'* father eaeh had on", and I have been familiar with It ever since I cun remember. H wan only natural that wo hhonld use the Kidney-Liver Ihll*. and we found them so .satisfactory1 in rc-snlatinc the diRentlvo ajffom anti curlmr the com­mon Ilia o f life that we always keep them on hand. Many a lime time1' pill* have *stve<l me tmteh Miff<rlttt: nnd preyentesl yerimis dfoease, \V‘T also V.<x>p the Ointment In the hmifte nl the tints','’

THE WORST SUFFERERS.i)’htt*d»lph<a He cord )

“J sJen't cxee foe my i

foittetiitifo.' <me Van hardly imdcravaod why n JtsiMlan (>--«*ant chuuld red y- rlud to; llttt there nre the children »h " mu*t I'* iirphanesl. There are th<; whi­ner* arvi t"- Clad !a find •*.**• offnedtnc them**)**-* and ihe;r t>atii*« -'•’•*

face yeora .-f a *'eyft* WinsJe-d "Die field and merely curtailed wit) not h

I S S U K N O . 3 4 . 15)14


Immediate A ction Often Prevents the Dreaded Inflammation.

. After expo; tire to pohon ivy, the Hi ctfe*-!* ran often be warded off by prompt retnotiti of H e irritating rub- ptnuri* vignrontdy wmdtlnt! with «s«tp find water, preferably n.*fnK a bund iduxlt, and eftor that with alcohol, will do tbits. Thfo often prs-venlt) the III off<x-fo, and often when the clt-.imc' teristic - inflathmallen has ftessomemanifest, it can bo mimed to sdfoi.t IrdfORity by t?u' wmc meutnire.' This cannot fo dom-. lisywovcr, after the ir­ritation hnn foeome Itu*T»se, vlgoroys warhinr.s ore itnpo'foibfo hod nlgoltol painful. YVi’ cti Hate) water, follow'd by Moplicaii <r of dec tins jtowlc r, k rorniorrin'e. h.'ilv<-<) are net well borne nan mb*, nnd if the jinhumim.* has reached n erase wot controlled by r. oes-. trertmepts U ■ ts fo* t t»» Im'e profssslritu! trsafntcnt as few, if any. if i tic- irmium-mbl" downkMs? remrsHen proto- to fo entitled to rellane".___

I lK.ttr,l» a It nr;*' with a toipposcdtv itmurabfo rinsbone for f::o. <'ur«»*l bint wtth fi.fo worth of M iSAltifS I.INi- MIJNT and sold him for Sfo", Vrofit on Liniment. f?»l.

MrtSr-'ri DKHOSCK, Huts | Keeper. f-t, lTiiHipj*e. Qtie.


ROOFING98 _ Per Roll

C 1(H Sriuoro Feel Hesiulor $2.00 Otialily.

ASPHALT FELT ROOFING100 per cent. Saturation,

Containc no Tar or Paper.foiweyt price for Uov'sdnment

Standard Roofing <foer offered !?t Canada, Sals- nect*!«$R»ieii by business condition*.


The Holliday Company. Ltd,Formerly Stanley Mill* & Co,


Light of the Earth.It ban foen resutvf fo d that the cfob-

Hint fight from (He whole sky i» eu- n.-rlnr t<> the sum of all tit** <iuanti- tje» of ’ iiBht rent to a** * 'p 3rat» ly by sh'1 xtnr*, 'Ivys'n the m»*( wmlmr re- cloim *e* in tit by it diffused Ifo'ht which truiv has i«s origin in the ter- iiKtrtal atmosphif.' it is ihe Mr.ht of Hi.- irtUK Difiv-rs-nt people hum endeavored to-ovaUmtc the Infemtity o f ' tbit* earth lisht and hare found that it hi isf the order of ono-ts-mh part of rim intensity of a utar of the|ir:;l Order Slf n'tllftlMUtfo.

It is attrthuted a* least partially »o a |m Muaneiii -.se.ror i iwirealta which it? reveille*! by ihe elmmcinriatic Kre<-n ray which is olwerreit' *>n obscure ntrhtx in th>- v *<«!e heavens. There Is jirobably Minis-tbisifr else; jhe con- tiiiuui hom’ iiirilment of the upper at- rtexphsT* rtielcorie matter which would suffice'to nay afoo iiluminato. The m-,ie« <>f meiiorfo mistier wiiieii would .Httfficc ti) explain tfo* observed; phett* omcna lista been caiculated nnd thn fijure found in rood ajtre' fr.cni with that given by a direct calculation of Hit qimiitfly of cosntic matfor which etfik' N rite earth, T’opuiar Sclents,

Household Helps.T " prevutt the < M« from di*c<>ler-

inc after-a fail s r Flow, take a HU!*! dry -.t.Hcb. mofoten It with r dd wab r, and 5a) it tm the Injured part.

It I-< a.mvd plan t<« p~i per a car e*, thickly jum wher- .u.f ' |de<s-of fnfft ttirc h;»- i> red ‘ ‘tl it, -si* tbb* : celt'ft t.. k«-S* o-e-t!,.;.

To < fonn cinvx toifoi hoUfox, pul ;t ( little Ytsiejior and is ft info tn-* bottfo. \ 'gjlo-e ttnnd for 2 hour*, »-i«- t*»f» ! rim-e cut in rfonr warm ufitcr.

y<et can slcwn je-vcliv xurci'-safull* ;by wa«hlna It in 1"» r-nde in whfoh aHub* (ttuntfulll ;l:> • b*<n ek I.olvcsj. .

Killed by Blood PoisoningPss4.<l cl<l rar.tir for parins lilt*

corn;:. Fuolh-.lt. beeatnie a bottle of Futnam* <*.>rn FMsator will cure, all the eonir In a fomU* for a year. Safe. bccRttao purely vogelAble. 1 only I’utaant n Kxtrat’lnr, S.'-c at pH dealers-

AN EXPLODED THEORY.l!’hll«*1etphfix Record!

J'rcfobfy M>’s ru*>s»t rxntsrms-d mllltartriwould f**i rather ebeepteh if .be wrei.rot the tini' -wsiru :iri!um«iiii> <•( thatHR With reaped <-> tiie t«Uetiti*my ofawnawcnie - ** preaerv.-ta <>f Interna tionaf i- ace, « > may aeon hove »« *>n* iwMtuwty to !r*r-> .'-!?-• sb« truth of fa-*" U? ef the Mncehtavelbem tl,»t euccc*. >/v,,r makcft itMtion* ««**t. that tv Istptmd for emsplefon tlmt even the victor in the v.oftd-conflirt will.com*

;; s-ttMtUcr tn power, ctoiy anu wealth than bo. wo* when be went in. Mlnard'* CTnimcnt Cure* Cold*, Etc.

tli. when fan-YVi..

night,wtlliitt hi*or p.t.’Uig up ***'! *l",vii wstb iu>‘»r>tt'«*uuc-«s oi a tig* s am;foilin', wi ll fed Hut .

Noim *»«' hint. Hut !-• Hid ami HinifoU «« In- lnok*'i »»u<* t!<-|n( atiieb refj«-t) l b*• :»r-. »u

Tin- world l-in w ti tv thytWiUMl |‘ouii>i- Stnvthr hoi vytorts

Tim world kn< « oti bus leg which t be Had left then-', of ti

.itjli.il! i.r tic

I t o.

"Thfo plant l« !‘ fsuntly.'' Ah’ Yc t>f It while t o 'IWuits-rlm

Caroline Coe's Tested Recipes.Pcnftiu Iluttor Romtt two pound* of

-tKtw js<mnnt3 until tho nteaL-t arn doR. cate brown. l!cn>o*C s hell and all akin nnd prind in 1*kvJ crlnder, uMng finoat

! knife. Put thro’JRh six or <;lRht tlmwi, or until oily euoUjth to sprcatl. About the four?it lime mb! writ to ta«te. Park tfohrly ’us close jarv.

i ’cppcrn w ith Macaroni. Fut Ihe fop* from preen ps'in'crs*. retnovc scctix and core, and let -.mud ten minuttvs in boll*

> ine water, t'bop cooked macaroni into I nnittlt pieces. -Mix with erwun wtucef in proportion o? oti<' cup of ?au<c to J two rups of mm-aroni. Drain s «q>per. ! wipe dry, mix olio cup of srated cheom* | with (he macaroni and fill tint |H'PpHr*. : l*ut a few fin- < nitnb* on top, dot

with butter, Dahe in granite pan ] m arly ;i“- dccli aa peppora nro lifolt. i'Dasto two or tti^co tlmi-s. Do not cook

until I'cppcie lot-c their sitajM*. Servo i with foma'o «a«ce.

WAR AND H— DIFFER.{St. Tuoma* Journal!

One difference fotwee »»r and hell I* that bell i* *up»i •*• d (*• Ik- a pioU<hmeut for Um rullty. wdub- win |Ufo* it* Itcav-

Wltat Causes Chain to Break.Wb4l hap|'*'in' «'* a chain in live that *ttew« it . !;■ Un-aV under a «:. fla»o

ih<- fttitsafai-tion i

cr.-tuict t-tteex, Ami repented rarrv tbC >eack farther and further i.r<>oipfot<'# jirilfe rfo>d;v, if

.tubii t'offm exitLim'-.T uml demon»fraf- e.| before, tty* Amerirau s^-ciity :s*f M -• Chantc.af I'.ugStteer-i tH»f *“ <’ S-S-̂ e* «f AtVet wili'H are r-*rfes!s* fstje.t T be ft

tuaftv r-»r*~1.


Twelve rsiiw-sy litter* fadlate from tfo-1 . c-.m, nisshotfc it <»m- »t rim in-'i mu-r- | I taut «ndu#*ri»t cen’.rr * in W-vo-rn '■-*■■■ <

ada| ■ I'ltFL-rli'ieikiet "f viewr. wiif fo rent -o' :I re-Jtl.-Bt.

NNqt'HMlH'f-Yytfl fo Iirutnptly answer* ! ed by; r

. A- I. indarttia! opportunitic*—INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER

Kcr bookfctis of view# and io nornl In- ; i f->ti»a!f**n—•


OUR GERMAN CITIZENS.- i Montreal Uef»t.t.Tei*Br«i>h)

As thi* war «ar* on. there wilt fo *n<- i • e'-ss- s and reverre-* on both md*-*; We ! ; d<> not need to right 5h>-s>- buttles <: acain *>v i-ayln? thuuc* to rath w . which would iit”ow ul-ri'dtntf and J*i■ ut* personal frirndebu*. fot u* retti ; for rimt \\>- ; i.ind tn tin pnsttior

hosts !•> our tierman «'»na-iian fr).■ nrsd we efo'jtd accord tfotu all th»t ee

For W om en’s AilmentsDr. Martel'# Female PHI* have been the Standard for 21 year* and for 43 year* p.-eacribed and recommended by pby*lci»n*. Accept no other. At ail druggist*.

k e e p thTn g s goI ng

It t« * nii*takeu j<entiuiftnt (hat evti*ea the fttoppuce of any ordinary activity of life at » time liVt thi*. The way to help j.fwj>rri«y I*, to keep oe many thinye a» po.-eifoc eoirii; in the u-u*I way nnd with tli* iikuMI oeeup.vtion »f w-ork-r* and flow of money tliruiich it* natural ehanmd*. I'anic, *tJi«nation and <b*a»- trr work in a circle, but ra «)>i o-urae*. Initiative, item ml employment, pt-ortt »n l proniwrity The will to live i» the *«-.!•

F ilth A n n u a l



Union Stock YardsTORONTO

F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y

DECEMBER 11 AND 121911


Tin* pitiful laic of drmvninsa and Yuot'*r klHitiB!* tisrnln darkens the re- «tird i>f tJic summer Sunday. Ono wnnld ftupiwfo’ there «<;h* som«* wn* insbm «if tnsfjRc*- in tho Sunday air. Nut cue of tin- trnttulbv. of the day is <lu.- *.» unavoidable mforlutnre. Karlt HrS, ■. -ad *'«r> -howe up -ome man nr woman who lias abandoned ai! the ordinary re.-ff»1n« uf common acttac. SpcetRisi; without rc«nrd i<» poesihiH- ti<** »*f disaster. *•* iiTimlnt; nr boatln)! a- if vv,ut-r were fiifo and stablo its the land, titter rt is re card of accumulat- ..I witruina-v- th.w iire thc iuusrs of the Sunday fatality and not any In­herent dancer it* rcafonabh* sport tiiitmly pursued.

ti-f for Ff 1WX civiftR full . <-f TIDJNCtl'.d. the wottfj-famou*Kpllepsy wtid Fit*—!, ItttJl*- If.itJTl'-'lt.o>ft' su.ec**. y**‘.o'w-oridT er Sj.W


to foreshadow

dreadful Yvekoninc,Minatd'* U.tu^ent Cure* Diphtheria.

! alreroly »oldAn attrwvtiv.- pro;--'purticular* ai'ply- Thc Republic Motor Car Cf>. cf

Canada.* Ltd.£X9 Tonse Sl» Toronto

Dlstrlhntnr* t-r Cril.U OAR# for the Province of Ontario,

U. undvMO&vu. ^ ^ _ •h. aard'e Liniment Cure* Distemper.


It s* xvidtut t-f tfo ef tnofal

that Fran--* <-t for !«•«'•*

I litini li**r l>\ lift

if ft«- .)•>«"-'

V l>i*Hl|t||i|!■ -|r<l Mf- Htl<I tit lliu pitll.--

- iiiji abroad'•old. I nm»t im! ..if- f»r Iir..'■mlllvlll.v In* wheeled .ilxilll «i|l. a

•«•*.«Iin*.l niiii! |Jn*y note .cited itftthe r4ll(.?“<*, living » l U lilr ik u n i **J*-ciS Innatd \n, r

AIi‘ ulmt it iIn* doctor li.iii lint. iif


■I I In* driver ilmilili- ).i«. v go* if In* wnllM make to'ttor time.I •ln*i|li| !iV,f In min Ik* Minin.

•*! the rtwn. '‘Inil it i* «»i*|>*»* It?I grcitot *|irfd

I In* i arc doing their to>»t,”Unlit ripilrfirk and Itic enhvnel *

forced tn hide (licit thin* |m|ii*nllv.ll|i* jtlni'c, >ir." i

ii*i , iiton tliev njolinl the li Mil I am mi.c ..f if."

■ • faith fli-w ii|* lln* !••llipy ;»|iriit>̂ t*> nif«*t * ft

t\|t|n »«**•! «Hi hr had i Iiti'l* in fin* next bfrath. n» limy*

<• llilf lira t-I

fin* lughl "if lift intendedillja relit;. I.lllllalll l..*|P hill lv Hi....I -to WOuMIII*! *31., or ho* what leviMUI.''

•cplanmd l« them: flu* -Il.nii'i* event which litmi.'lit him

* fliiiltina I r agedv; ai»t (is** ".*• the fi-t inliiii>itii*ii Abet h.nl laat t!i** -Iran*'*

..*1 iliiiiu <*n tli** path lln* I l ink (larii* wh.»

..... blighted Jnx.it Little-.ifv** lift-.III.* .f*.iy ..f hi* iiia.I wife i

|*rc,-;t i'all.i'i • feast f*ir hi** si

I h called l*'ll

. the

- Tit* **Inlm tin I to:

1 .or*!

, the

lthlitti.i. :

n.tlit ami tl'<M ill t*V c,i To mil I tom

Hu* Ka*it lhi .*• ttli**. -* pr»*ca!K are civ. .*

vnee 1h ilaklrol at a f*W'l. <t: lu* form iltr.’n of the toa-t ittnf that they ar< ili* ‘m l In u.- pre-icht as mio.n-t. amt a mxohI call t» inform f x a »i*M tiir timi* I..p- arrived ami all things «»<*

H. Tit* Invitation Mused tv.-.’* Would not f»>a-<*—llv -eM ing U>«* Viiia's invitation th*v showed dltdov- nlty* it. lit. Ir scve.-elst. A great Imit- or *vay st.:tni**d. Titov !*»■> 1-itlo re­fer, i f <«r lit* iiinr or hi* -«n Tit.* p;tr- ohto way design'd to roiiro«f>nl the In* ilifftoonrc of ilm I**■*•.'a toward i*sii* anti il>« ootmvilU it ncaliml him. They tv it tit** ori-!!**«;** of totrtar ami M<" t*l itiiv y-f iit**,** rM.- *l I. S.'tu forllt oilier v*rvaiirn* I'atlnic** "a - ***rrJv r.i T'tr kfnc t-on-imi.il It brma ;,t thi* sim -t s nltrm i* . *h liivil*-!, Th * hjioylta tnhslottcl by ottr l.<*r*l to

that lh** h i " ml ? »nt*Mhe* of Us lantfita All iliiniv art* nati'v - Titov had !*•*. n s ' ttl •'Uh a incv*ar* nv the Itlnsr Thf* vv.ro l-> il*- < taro lh-* tv.fttr * *'f lit** a*t«l thatail ■ l:arottst* fho*o’ who wor.* hith’ti lo rt»i *t«- f. n vt in tho f*-.; *» »’**.*•*.— Om* of tim

It . xi.fovy * • .<rm**.f. a im; ittviMtlon;- I h.-V hii*f :>i*- **i»u> r to via*, nwitv, inti

iahaii. o '* Al.nta Uvlit tf it Tlsh was lh*** way in wh.olt tho h**.v• troat- i*d t'lirl.ii'*' :<tao|rtti< invltnlio*'* Tho;o-tnl a -.

Inviiat f

at Hu* l#W‘>; ilo* win* ai Ah hull h»v*' all a

i ,* wryhllnc tr


hoartlhad not availed llitnvi

1 of |*lltti'iKfStmonl. a hi* l» tlif *>**•> *'l*.mtd to tmivnhv Tho King |iv

* tin* lii.livfdmil.

. thoseTlity*

»h<# .

Anttuvl tall

other; H. fo t-ouiim* in am; luosint; out so thni 1m oottyfanHy hail a** attdit m **. Ily |<jt.J*h om »ml • unite d by • o,*i;ir*« m t*.ttah!.*- >*«» t.» *. < <ir * .i

Invrtot; for iiiijiiifatahh*.. lo t m '*d*;*l. irnlliH. k* rim KlticdoM ef h.ttvon T o- i-aral h* *.‘ lHv|rt>u Ihai *d* * » .1 tlo* hlt.edoat of hear* n whhh r*toi* -< the admittance till■**> it ami ih<* aill'nde lowarti tin; Kim*, of tl.ov wloi .tiler. Tho jntrable civ*-- ;« brief hi»t >rv of tho Aeni.vlt nation in their tt'ouitm'i.t of ih.ii * ni'amnn* r.*. Imliiillm; t jiriiidn-t* and f’hrivt. and sltow.v th< .oslrmlimt at<d the i< *. tdioa f t «;enill* v. It slnms tilt* «->nse« tom .if ir.isfihK in om j. own rittliffen-m rather titan ir> the provt**ions d 'In*

A « Haiti Vine Tito Vine :

lm ihtiivftl 1.1 * Kins knows .to It one

I rlind Th. Klrjt » » - ft ;«r«l th** man who hud tailored *lifv bonnily.

had t•yc.Hlros

• for 1

vitiilrOtt. *1. fill* man iliovvrd ! "in.l vuiitfn l>> iiroMiiuinc to.Itheh! - at table |.r**i<i ration. K * ta* tej.atHt.-Mt' tn lho*e whb . el to the Vilta Out- r tlnrk- • ro*n tie* ».rlehtta‘*tt and rnt»-f ■ teanou- t hall to the antsid *

<*r> tJaihm*--. Imt rnnse|«nH.«tif; and antMthh. rrpr^m'Ulmt the f th** finally tmiu-nltent. II

-ailed. In*.| tfillr.it a all. . ah t

imin' lit* Ihr* pa raid a •vhont . Vini. * ■ -res. nt ’ Tn** von' Tit** - ’ tv bo K the bride' U lu did h». ■ *r< invited fall to lo t»r« • M hat Itrejt.a ttiitny nm. to .h*,»n** ’ V’hni nafioj. K (i>-

ih<* fir t Invitation * WhoIn

v the *Mo*

tfur ait. ylioi r« tat lot* e\l<Itm ihnnh t'hri-t is tin* lirjih .’ l« ami tie* chttreh. tho eniir<* Imd; Mod's jomdo. Ih th.- I ride.. Ill .(U-.rriav** I w l matikttnl i* r«-r»** *•*: as rartuhinc of tho lo in tits < f the visions made for salvation front Vue -nrst* ;n<* tin.-* * *v|to h 11. * >• co ;n*l tad {.reeft tin ;it*.|taliott to I.rnorinlo i'-; h. n* to : Mi; servant*

II», lor

ittV. „,.*!' r* IT* 1‘

hv the treildlttg t * Wit** .*.ii> th< man ptirishedh.l to n»»t rat the *e4*Jltta ear-Wliat i.tinlslitmiit was Jnftie'.* i It I inf‘ •UACTICAI. Pl'RVKY

r eontemjit «f tin* covjhI. r iitaolent in Imority.

of the jiaraid*•h’jtim fante I * **str The kitttt uttd Ida a

*1 ami .le-ns fj,r


* had ah

••*aeh tin*

■fforis In tiielr h*lmlfH.-re n*> .................. . *

f>. The rettiminf—.The r«*je«-ijnn Is .llntitrUr. The flr-t rhm» cared uni for ,t|te rail', tin* s**-<md j.crs.-cnt* d those H-ko raim- with tho wall. This was a JirOidici*)' of "lull th.* Jew* wotlhh iht a few years later to Uton«r "h o misht hriiiK to them the itoti'd invitation. 'There are three stales In width men

run the risk of livim; without Moil and losing their soul*, i. That of u

vohUdtmus life, wherein a man thinks of nothing hut unietSy to en*

life. t*i>»veid.*nei: . riche;. t>rlvat. stir**', and |'*ib!i** dlvorrhitis. k'.

Th3t of .*. man '•■;.cd!> taV*r it|> "iti*. agtieulinral or vorntnercial •■ttij»U>y- ineiits. In which I!»*• lov.* of rieltes. ami tin* ai'idleailoti to the means of ac­quiring them. generally stlfh* all tl.miglil* of sidvaiion. That of a

who Is oi'enlv nnjusl. violent andf nutraKemislv ‘.'i'.ked .wlm i< a .■ Inner by profeoMcn. and not only ncjshci*

salvation, hut Injuriously treats hose who bring him lln* roh|»*1 of

r»*con<*illation."• Clark.. The Kinswroth. Th*;,-.* Invited to tho

marriage feast bad shown disloyalty, that, hull usd vlttleitct*

toward tin* kins'** representali'• Tie*king was indicnam lavauso of tlt.se

of Injustice and cruelty. Mod lias t regard for Mis servants ami de­

fend* their catisc, ivgnt forth hi* urm- Korty years after the crucifixion

of Christ the ttoinan armies under Titus attacked .h rttaaleiii anti destroy, cd It.

111. ttneyts brtmghi in tvs. v ld t. '*. I'en* not worth' Tln'lr unworthinws

arose solely from the fact that tie*.'unwlilinK to to- 5.r«-»t*nt. tiirtmcp

being almorhcil in their s-dftalt lnt*-r* cuts. Tim Jew*, had had . very o|.i.or- tunitv to enter tl"' kingdom of heaven,

prophet* and U«cSi« r» and should .have befit actively Interested in the T«*rtst. luit they t.rov*

Ivy-, ntiwortl'v by rejecting the Invitation, Highway- -"Timparting*, of the high wave." it. v,

*.*re jdin cs «!t. r** several

theml * together all ---The first iit-

inicltt havtIkwo ryj«*ctctl to to- 'worthy,‘ hut »h< had j.rov.'d themselves unworthy; tie next Him to In* given, not to tin- *'in>* •*n city or nation, tint to ail that tea**

Horhl s highway, rcnciilng them whir the roads timet and part.' Had and good - Tin* invitation tn the f;;t*t i>(. tided to nil Irrespective of moral * ditlon. Amp).* provislnii is math*

" '■ vvorst tna>t*r«*j*jfed to partahv* of the feast, Y fumtsinsl with goV*»t* The ahundant provision;* were not in vain aftet Those who refused were 1 items*

».* gr.at.-st loscff. Tfiev mav gained a few tiling: ..! trifiinK valtm.

that with it was greatest »c< »tini. The disp* >Urn

.ine.*, Tim ohl. ei Id this parable is to t l in a ' 1*1-1 light tile guilt Of the

l> wish l>ad'*r< In rejecting Chris', and tti** I'UttisIitnvut which in constvjtmmo was to (nil upotl tin in. It its a parahli* >t the long-suff-ring mercy r.f nod and •d hi* ail m . in-- justice, 'flm priest* •ml < ld«*r * iia .iiig h ft in a rato, fcxttr, continu'd lids dhcourse to the p *oplp. It* It Im Hht.str.itcd how th" Jewish officials would h* ed r.o * ; Monc-*. listen •,«i no nrgunicntH and yield to no jmr- siundnn'. Tie* Id. a of Jmlgm-nt ia pre* dmulmint throughout th- wind? par- aide. ̂ Koor different ways of treating Mod's Invitations are here ret forttj; contempt for the invitation and the f*a»t it■** if. violent rej**v*tton. sincere hc plane* and insolent a<eeotai<*e. The I. w ■* made light of thHr »ipt»or lenltk's, of th dr atlc;.|itUg"S. of life, of •intv. of ala. of l!-e K«t*t»ei. Th**' werr*

proviih nc • and 'v* r.* more dirt ctiy, i'UltH.>l> mil judhiallv ie.varticd

nalioaai prr.liM-rity or .mnbihe'l national calamity and min. In

•*ri portion to tlmlr piety and rlrtoe or JliUiietv and >vitkcduct.*. than an' itto-r natit.n. tiows Invitation, extend- ■i to them lirs;. ws* mfotted to-camm

I.'h-v wore am fit ted for tin* f-atlvc joy. Th. ■ vver * no* loyal to tli-'lr ktne. riie*. wire not* ntiachtd to ’>(» royal «-M. Tip * ivcrc >' mpjv.'d to vlf.inter­'s! * mid tlth 1 Htih itrhh*. mallm and revenge Timi * ...r- the* treated ligiu* 1; tin- gratio is, fr--*-. sovereign and *g*vlng inviintloit into which Mod c<*n- ■ utrat. d the whole fore* of III* nature*,

fu their imliff Tent worldllness they tlrregard**! Uh* sovereignty of iheir <tng ntpj .it**.at *1 fAicms**!-.-** to their i" ii pi i*. at.* aft tit;*,, In tlrntr faniastl- i*al .* tiiritunlliv ti e* m td * med'l..* t.er- •vethm of hi - messengers .,n -ffictat



■ IHHi cal!

ii. the fcightat Joy itvlty. Among the ifu arc rej i resell ted Im invitation, one ihmit th, wevldin”

no piiic*,* lor hint

uto*r until the king !;m~ tle-p t! by the rent Irreverence in

attempt to ImposeHe. V td-t i deep

rat* ltdutabliny. wmi* hi* icindncit*. no '■refillhut of wltat was due to him.

on. »iion. Ho*, earnest th ou f as g«itt!> expressed snd ealculalcd • al'l'cal to ih*- man'* c«msclou*nc.vs. ud to remind him tlmytiis presence

that giti-e wpsar. InyCt to the king and n dtaimnor to the dr-llval to which

hecn invited. 11 in vva* a seem- •nd. a friend in jirofewalon, un- it‘ obliaatlens to to* a friend in

truth, i in- king made no further in- ijtiirie:, tfo-reiid the heart of the tuis- ■t.iblr* matt mid knew his history. Ii>. r<* was tio «*«tding of the servanti <>r ndmitiing hint. The man stood

mute upon III * arratuiiinent. being convieltd and condemned by hi* own

lie was banished from thethe king and from tto*

feast, imiuuch'd nnd sliitckhd. Me re* ■iv.d tim definite sentence of the

Judge. Mis >pt."cHlvtastteS-s ctpresxeddespair The*time for rejmntancc '

;t. Hitler remorse lor the i h«>..* tor the future was had met the t-ro-na! vemtiny of

* king. Me ' t old mu plead ignor- I. the Will of th- king or make •«„.* h*r hi-- negtc* t to t omply "'!«'» , ,*td*i- Me *■*» attdartoils and •sninutnou. The wedding garment

d ... |!„ redeeming work of fist X T> fo-ai to wear It was *n- ;, I , f t *<*it’ .t*.i t against th;itn'i. n • ' 'I" kin*; cniial JO the re

IJJ, „ . ; |t|. fir-t *!l' it. tl cues I >*nt p.it pnil <-nt*'l. * emhraccil them

Listens for a Do t 's Bark.1 Store is a man in Itorb/who ha* taivei .vva"; of ••Idiot out tin* stuail

Utoli. hn tm prhi-

ito.trt*', c.irefulty in- d 'ilia* anti hop*c». iJiPn hd Jmttatto a tig ami Krowtinsj In



Roasts retain their natural fla v o r - bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a


always come fresh and sweet frotn its perfectly ventilated

oven. Sec the McCIary dealer in your town. Sold by H. A. Havill.


Ontario’s Popular Exhibition September, 11th to 19th, 1914

IN C R E A SE D P R IZE I.ISIIt s|U ilhA t liIMfl

at 1..II.1 t xllll.it bof attractMagnilit rut jitojirn

works every night.Cower andsee tn.- Dcniinu-n Kxj tr?u'* t

an Royal DragoonsThe Con. T. Kennedy Slums w.tl till tb

available bandsMil

liable bands. ..REDUCED RAILWAY RATES t/oMMLM IM> M I II •'»> K Iftl

Si«-ciat HM ur-iun Days. Sept. 1Mb, Ifth. DHi. A!* t'O tts »<♦*' »** Sopi. list.

All itiforniatiob ftcinilu Sccretmy. ..........W . J. REID, President M. HUM. Secret tuy


ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manar. t JOHN A»Kf». A«*t General

CAPITAL, $15,000,001) RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 F A R M E R 1F B U S I N E S S

The Canadian Bank of Coiiihicrce extends to Fanners every facility for the transaction « their Kinking business, Including the discount and colic 'vm . < <*\H n - s . Blank sales notesare supplied free of ch.'.r.-,e < i 525

H. M X AY. Manager, Walkerton, Otn

Caught in the Act

Yes! Caught with the goods—a box o f Kellogg’s Corn F la k e s . B u t it would be a shame to s c o ld th em when they like it so well, and it’s so good for them.id lor them. ^


Au«uM III*.

*V(H*t tut— 1

any Thousand Farm Laborers WantedFOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA


Q O IN Q D A T E Sr*$s »3 g;iR4ttc«!. and w«*4 w Ailit* vtAfo®^ 1 a *i kV'. -i- t n«jir«, tn n*»»<>vt«Ner

m w a £w.i-sr'-u‘ vi .*vs:.ir:..

T h e W a r in B rie f

W e d n e s d a y 12t «i The Belgian war otliee an

notincestonightt hat the French troops how* lighting the Germans

Belgian territory are winning leeisive victory- The French

it is declared are driving theGer* s hack with loss. The Locu

lion o f the Fngngement is not ilaineil but several German guns are claimed to- have been eaptur q<I to have been captured. The uniiouncemt concluues. The Germans retirement is becoming

»re pronounced.A dykes from Basle state that

two German regiments were an nihilated lu rin g the battle with the French at ihielhausen, War between Great Britain and Aus­tria Hungry is expected to be ollicially declared tonight.

A Berlin despatch says the German stall* admits heavy loss*

the Russian frontier. Great Britain has severed diplo­matic relations with Austria with­out a declaration o f war- It is officially denied that Houmania is about to join the Triple Alli­ance,

Complete silence reigns regard­ing the movements o f the two great armies facing each other in Belgian, but it is believed the forces made up o f France, Belg­ian and British have the Germans in a test o f probably on the plains between Tiegre and Namur. The British admiralty announces that most formidable operation are proceeding but gives no part, ictilar as to tbeir notice or where­abouts.

T h u r sd a y 13t i i .An official communication from

Baris says a 'division o f Belgian cavalry supported by a brigade o f infantry and by aitillery, en­gaged and defeated near the fort­ress o f Diest, 18 miles northeast o f Louvain, a division of German cavalry, also supported In­fantry and artillery. The Ger­mans were turned back towards Basse!t and St. Lroml

Brussels despatches says Has sell was thrice taken by Germantroops and thrice recaptured by Belgians according to official ad vices received there. The Bel gians now hold Uas.sclt-

The French foreign minister here reiterates that the French troops behind Muelhauscn, Al­sace, have not retired but have

ietoriousiy resisted an entire German army corps.

It isoificially announced that a state o f war now exists between Britian and Austria.

A Baris despa he b sa>*8 that despite reports o f Belgian viet. ories the German army o f the Meuse is slowly advancing in to the heart o f Belgium and its front now extends from Hassalt on the North west o f Liege, three -Jodergne, Marche and lloulfalize all south o f Liege. Another Baris''despatch reports the bom bardment o f Honte a moussen in the department o f Mourthe et Moselle’

l(i miles south west o f Met/.. This is regarded as indicating that the fighting in Belgium is secondary imjHntance to the Germans and that what they are attempting in the main invasion o f France. A Dover despatch reports heavy cannonading was heard there early this morning, the reports earning from the north sea. the firing lasted aif hour.

A Russian force has taken the town o f So&Sl, Austrian. Gnlieea.

It is officially announced from Brussels tliattheGerman advance toward Namur nus been cheeked by the Belgian and French forces at Ephoaec. The Belgian cavalry assisted by infantry and protect ed by artillery moved so rapidly that the German plans were com: fdelely upset. The Gennan loss es are said to be enormous, later despatch said that the Germans troops reformed after being repulsed and that firing be: gain at 5 o ’clock.

This morning another Brussels despatch reports desperate light­ing in the neighborhood o f Hos selt. Diestand Louvam, the latt* er place only 15 miles from the Belgian capital.

F r id a y U t ilFollowing the engagement at

Hosselt, llaeken and Dieste, to the south v{ Louvain, the German

arm y, it is reported reached 1 Tlio BriliHb official prune Burnmi Liiuvain and opened attack o n ! announces that (be French since the city , w hich is about sixteen j their occupation of the Haaleu region m iles from B n fssels and in the j j n (iotmanv on tbu Alsace frontier line w ith Namur, the second l in e . announced Wednesday have entered o f the B elgian de fence . Lord j u ,0 town of Hanlon ilm-Iit nriving Boltert. it is announced, has been j oU( the German troops. It add# appointed C olonel in C h ie f e»f||1Rt tl»e Sorvimi cavalry couDouce such over sea fo rces as may com e j BUCc0(|f|] in thu neighborhood of to Fnglund. \ Heeaalt-

It is reported from llong Kong j ( iem,ral Von Daiiuling of tbo that the British fleet in the far jforothoatGormMbfcorj^camcuBudora

I east has succeeded in cornering ha« 1^ 3 vroumlod to battle accord; the Gefmans far eastern .squad-' run-

A big licet o f British cruisers is now on the way to Halifax to assist in guarding the trade route.

A Brussels despatch says ho movements o f importanee have taken place since Wednesday serious engagement between the German and Belgian troops, ac­cording to an official announce­ment there today the situation of the Belgian forces, it is added, remain favorable-

A French official communica­tion from the Ministry o f Fore­ign affairs at Paris says that at no point notwithstanding report ed affairs, have the Germans been able to bear the French line o f defence-

An official despatch from Brus­sels today says the Germans are planning a new movement against us, but all dispositions have been made to repel it like the preceding ones. Reports show that the situation continues favorable to us and allies,, whilethe news from Louvaineia high ly favorable to the French. The general staff has heard nothing o f the reduction o f the forts o f Liege, rumors to that effect, therefore are false,

Great Britain. France ami Russia have sent a sharp demand to Turkey for the immediate re­patriation o f \h<* officers and crews o f the German cruisers Gocben ami Breslau.

A despatch from Brussels says the Germans today abandoned the attempt to take the Liege forts. The despatch adds the German advance'becom e, more pronounced and general today. Their infantry is advancing in direction o f Long res and St. Leond and another attack is ex­pected in the direction o f Diest and Aeopct l<> the north west o f Brussels by several army corp. A despatch from Cettinge, Montenegro, officially denies the occupancy o f Soufy by Monte Negro and all other reiwrls o f Roftilities against Albania.

The Captain o f ̂ .Danish steam­er arriving at West Hartlepool reports having /passed seven sunken eruisor-ships otf Spuair, head at the north east entrance of thoBprnber.

8 a1«W‘A» 15T«-Tbo forte at Liego nro stilt 'bold ;

ing out. Tbu British admiralty given tbu ftHHurauco that bur eea routes aro well patrolled aud a guarantee oH btypiiek resumption of tbu Allan; tic passenger service, Tbu Burt journal *a)t> it i» absolutely certain that Japan wilt delaro war against Germany wbilo tbo London daily telegraph aay« the Japantao navy bah already put to sea and will cooperate with the Brilis lleot in Ink ing ciTcctivo action against tbi enounce Bbips iii tbo Pacific.

Report* flout Brussela today do: claro Umt tbo battle is now in pro: gross from Liego through Luxout: burg, tbo L*ego forts still intact. Attempts of the German forces to storm fort Bouticsu were reputed witb heavy lueses.

Italy is standing lirm on her do: duration of Neutrality, dispatches from Uomo today stating that sbo has indignantly refused Austrian re; *ju«-»t tliat forces of anny corps bo purmitted to cress tbe ltubau front, ier iu a uiovuuitLt upon Franco,

T bo French minister of foreigu all'airs contirniB tbo reports of Kuuian victory over tbe Austrians

^ j of tbo river Diest be any

iog to ollicialstiitumont issued at tbo French war olLico today. German deserters, tbOBtatemontsfurtbci do: dared, complain of the letribie bun: ger they have sulTercd saying tbeir rationB corsiated of one sausage and two spooofula of pea.

The Belgian legation announces today that a division of G ci<ui>d cavalry who crossed (beriver Meuse

tbe dutch frontier hot ween in: tervals of tlio Liege forts with a mixed brigade have been beavdy rOpuleed’and also that tbo Germans have been repulsed at Union near Diest with coc»id« rat>!o Ions.

Tbo official Press Bureau iu u statement this afternoon says there

indication o f an icilention on tbo part of German troops to cn: velup tbo extreme left o f tbe allied forces.

It declares tbo Gorman advance movement after feeding out tbe Belgian dines at various points Horn Diest and Maiinca along tbe Mmso river to Belgium, Luxemburg gave way befuro assaults by Belgian

airy. The Belgian cavalry a*; Binned the oflbmivo today iu Begin between Lirdement and Hassell driving back % Germany cavalry column.

A Pritnsda <U»)uitdt says a large if Di-tglttit> is In-iug M iit t« Liege

D. fiu iiliili. rdtevellic fort

<>l Hiewbidit

A P.iiisdespiildireportfiu bigeiigaKe-

tiviiMK* io which tbe lulls iiitd gunt-al Vuu

<•1 iil-.d In i

II lll !»|l.tlelt tr-

minoonc k* that tin rotate*liavt- bv. IIlepnlHtl tUlh ami. 1,’irev ai d Av.icourt, at erii- ...tt.i thuigi by the-Kn-n.-h t <•<>{>*,

Ttv<» a - linai 1 IHuelahiam •mpiatiew-re u«| tut l it win it tilth nil > htpwuftbrought town by well dim t d vbrtla.Tm* dm ng Kifilch rtviatc-ia ilrnj-jH dhoiui»: in n Hi­ tii-i-maii rank* at Netand th.n gh lit il at gut away -iifvty.

Tt»ku» a tin* unrea that J; pan hn*•r many detuaiHl- i bee waidiip*

>iu Haute, Alsace 14 mileswest of Muelbausen w again in tbe

r iivdof furtbi’t M'SufOKi'Uicnt. mu uavitlry made a daring ibwh to V.nvn t:t miles tiottb of-■ Bru»»ub rsU-tday but win- dii'ditil- Ycsb-i

,t Plat Uinmtt b*» milesdays liglitit’ suiitli uf Namur is regarding

ting that the * b-romi.I ml

Uborieating that tin- <i«*rmi SAik.- bard iu mi ell Hvay for au advance Into Franee.

The K 'ini't i-rc|'*>i ted from At dam l<vh«v»< started fur Hu* frtti i-oiU|wnird by the entire gene r a I

A Holier.tarn derpsirh tav. Hr-tgtnii town *>f Vise wi.h tnirhed by

day tiight aft


baud of tbu kruneb, tbo Freneb nowdomitiBtu tbu Hppioach lo AIbcuh.Tburo w as» imval baltlo between-French aud Autdrian watfehipa intbu Adriatic yetdordny morning.Two Auslratu ironclads wero Bunk,one was But on firo aud a fourth dudtoward O H u ^ .

Tim Belgian attacked til*- HermansIf* mtlcji dli >1 N*tuur driving the(i.-nmms buck altei an imcr-.liang bttween, theatUHsry « f the tww detachi.n nt- The Frcueh force# which > mnd n Bavarian army corps with heavyIns*tv in tbe v « inty *«f IHj*um nt.Fitcyaud ayc«cu«*li iHovethc enemy backu. Suarbutga loss the L'liivuine mud

A despatch -ays ttie i.nruaiis adV.IIICC was li H-ulully bulled today,(hey ale Irv-li*-ved in be waning the

"Fruit-a-tives” Cured Paraly­zed Bowels and Digestion

Hr. JIOHIVACH 1115 gHAWlNIOAN. Q"*- l-Vb. 3rd. 191b

"It is a pleasure to tee to inform you tint after differing bom Chronic ColisIlpaWow lor 7% years. I have Is-ea cured by ‘‘ Fruil-a-tive***. While t n u a student at Rerlhier College, I l>ec«inc w* ill 1 was forte! to leAve the tin- college. Severe pains acrtjs* the iutcMim-s I'ontinually tortured me and it came to a point wlieu I could not stoop down at all, and tny Digestion became paralysed. Some one advised me lo take "Fruit-a-tives" am! at once 1 leit a gre tt improvement. Alter I •bad taken four <*f fiveboaea, t realirol that I wa« comjilctety cureil and wb.it made nu- glad, also, was that they wen acting gently, causing no pain whatever tottrebowels. All those who snfTer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and. take “ F ru it-a -tives ' r they arc the medicine that cur.

MAi.- ’ F, FAQDIN ‘•Pntit-a-bves*’ are sold by all <lealrr<

at 50c. a ho*. 6 for $j.50, trial .(•ostpaid on receipt of pi

lives Lb ’• * ~ -

fuurth infaul/y regiment and the firet cavalry regiment of the A ust­rian army were annihilated. ......... .........

The Servian war office reports 4 . inhabitant- had fimt mi the th<

‘ ’••i ................................... .Servlttim WedueBjIay uigbl umloflm ^ |ltr ,u.,.t i«, th- M.da fierce battle were repulsed W‘ G* | i«.rf«ucaB liii- made « sweep up tb heavy : lOBBtft ; towards ToVia on | Adciutfc sea as f,n a« Cuilaio Apiuall Hatinmnia frontier and also from ( Austrianeiuo-ct »d il»- A-p'-rif trip ltvigiu.iu y itt« iM r jw ito criiBB the Danube but liuially. MWI.|Vj „ Krtt i-mnidau Hoibiml tbrougb BUporior mmber succeeded * , secingaiit-i man dmsdnoogbfiu crossing Die Have, Tbo Servian* ' in ijarbm <»f Lroodhjt-n which h - d are non ceufebtraU»g for a big on. j been been put

W. J. H A L L llM Y ^

~ M E D IC A L 'd r . b r o w n ,XV«-l»,l«.<Mil. Win I t »i «sr • Hoj.-i, Waiki-rtuu, i»i Friday in v«cb womb

W. A. 1! AL1-,


j . p . c a r t e r ,laity! V̂'or ystM*


by Fmil-a Limited, OUaw

gagcuient. I (Continued on Pagc-^


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All Kinds Of Cereal A nd Coarse Fed For S ale In Ton L tl Or In Any Shape.

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FO R McaJy. sutntnet. part- time easy work. M .„ t

lie briplit. neatly JrcascJ. anJ under fourteen years o f ajlc. ( l iv e references and mention J a y ami hour when parent w ill com e with b oy for in ter-v ie w . Good pay. SplenJ.J training. W rite t«> B ox Bl.

Telescope O ffich,

prai)t T*>Wi)s)»ip

FarmsI bave.jJn Hrant, \l fifty acre

fariue, I fSfTjr--ix were farm. I one bond n-d ami tbirty acre fat in. two litimli< d acre farnioall ELL IMPHOVED. convenient to Hanov­er ».r alkertmi, and tbe owner* have placed them hi my hand*, be- eiuive thoy A HE BOUND TO SELL t bavenlvo it- IWI acre bum iuPerth, near MUowet. „nr <‘l Ihebent I arm** iu the fount y of Perth, with extra improvement*, a veiy great, bargain at #7m l). I *-e»e»-L-.ole had their, of F-.in.a- now. My Office i* HEAlXiUAK TEltM and yon ahould cmne Iom «• meif vonwvut tobuy at Hglltprke*

H . vi. M i l l e rI a K’OVEH - - t)NTA HID

W ool’s R u ap ioU M ,

wiiw ■ in vnM, A/rroiat><bx> its. Utntal a n<t /train It ’arm. Otmo»- iltnrv. > t-f Hmrrffv. I‘ati>itnticm af the /hurt, ynilin^temorv- Pjj.n* *1 «*

w i.***AV rt?>muhht «*m m” t Vr«.'TOtwCN>« MIDICIHC CO..TMO*l#.Mt. »W4«rj

FALL TERMF R O M S E P T . 1 s t .



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rfUHitlre puiti-.oi ol ii>* ivHem. Ktiur*•It t ItiilUlioR, Dr. d* f u v arc i.*M *t la 4 fc»*. ■>, V„,r 1-t IW. M»!td lo tar »iate»». Th» l« w u Untc Ctt, at. OtUMtrtaw, Om,


25c.per dozen for


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hard-wearing quality, reg. $2.50, special $1.35.

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The Huge CarloadIs now unloaded nnd being placed

in stock ready lor Saturday.

COAL OIL 15c per gal.


The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires no chang­ing o f needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

c . i i . TOX3tti>tlltr. lUdlhtrlon.

Easy tt*u i|.« hrsd ilmt wcaiso

" K in g H a t"King Hats arc flexible nnd self-con forming. just vfcei* 0 « l i i t iu l t the head.

T. P YE.

Messra Win nnd Juhn Laiuberlu* from Walkerton visited their brother Alex of the Vcmlouie on Sunday.-— Teeawntcr New#.

There is a decided scarcity of honey this year, and Raymond Schill. one of Garrick » prominent apiarists, says it will he scarcer later on iu the sea-

Rev. D. A. XValker, pastor of the Methodist Church « t XValkeiton, pi e- ached in the local church |nrt Sunday morning and evening, the W’alkerton puplit being filled by the Mildmay Pas­tor. H«v. Wilkinson.- Mildn.ay Ubx-

Bobbie Howland, employed on the new power systchi hero for the pus few month#, has volunteered to join tbe Caundian contingent tieing sent fo England to aid the Hi it lull in the war against Germany. He expect* lo leave XXVdtirsdav of next week,—Olijwtlr, Wefeol confident that Hob will always be found where the bullet* are thick- ett—under tbe ammunition wagon.


Leads in age, influence and nncc«*«- u! graduates. Specializes in Gregg

and Pitman Shorthand nnd all com­mercial subjects. Fall term open August Ulat. A'rlte for our catalogue Addrea* T. W'auchope, Principal. Y t g« AM «GI1 Sir..Toronto

I ■ PROMPTLY’ fiECUHEDiIn .an v f.-r «.tsr ISVKK-fOH’S AHVlsbiLwfdeli will lie sent freo.

MARION & >LV1U0.V.VA Uriwerslly S Mo»t-<aU

S H A W ’SB u s in e s s S c h o o ls

Toronto. Canada, Rite high grade course# and qunlily young people lo earn good Hulmivr. They include Tbe Central Bualne#* College, Yonge anil <iriraid St-., nnd Si*

ly Branch School#. Curriculum Cent on request. Kuter any time W . H. Shaw. President.


Subject* taught by expert instructors

• y, u. c. A. BLDG , v LO NDON. ONT.

Students assisted to positions. College is session from Sept. 1st Catalogue free. Enter any time.J. W. Weitemlt J. W. Weitemlt, Jr.

Principal OrrUrvOceentut

A d v e r t is e in th e W a lk e r t o n T e le s o c p e

ffic fia h d iQUICK N APTH A



Cook'* Cotton Root CompoundA •aft-, rrliaHt rtouJatino

mrdiemr. Bold in lares d»- • roe* of rdf-ngth— No, 1. *1, ?<o. 3. $3: N« X t i t*t be*. ReM by sit drs$**M. or *tat


Canadian National

ExhibitionP E A C E Y E A H

America'* Greatest Llvaatock Show Acre* of Maoufacturea Exhibits by tbe Provlocaa Exhibit* by Dominion Gorernraent RahtbUa by Weat Indie*

G resadier Guards Band

Musical RUIe Auto-Polo Matche*Clrcua and Hippodrome Deun Showa In Single Hour Boy Scouta' Review Canada’s Biggest Dog Show


Educational Exhibits Goods In Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival

Creatorc’s Famous BandScore of other Bond*Doxen Band Concerts Dally Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Firework*

International Peace Tattoo!0 Banda 400 Musicians

Auf. 29 1914 Sept. 14 T O R O N T O

If it should come down to tbe last resource Britain's navy will be found right on Ibo job.

Two Thousand Hebrew* enlisted in Toronto last week. They will fight for Diltain.

Order your dally papers from tbe Telescope and get all the war news. Special rote* <m all dailies.

Mr. nnd Mrs. R obl Donaldson spent Cirlc Holiday in WnlkcHon.—Tees- water News.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Filringer ami daughter Ruth left Saturday to visit friends in Walkerton.—Ay ton Ad­vance.

Co1. Hughes annouend Sunday with am plest that the newspaper* all o* er Canada give it publicity, the foll­owing. "The reddling for the special oversea* force is luting done by local militia officers throughout tbe Dom­inion, ami it is deviled that intending canditutics will not write to Ottawa,

trouble the minister with letters and Glcgrams for enlistment. All

:h lists 'are to lie made up and for- wared by the captain* of companie*

it "ffiicer* commanding regiment* Application, therefore shouldbe made by individual’-, in all rase* to the local unlit* commanding officer in their

wn neighborlmcd-

Hail did c<»n*iderat le damage tocer- tain sectiousof Bmni.Canirk and Cut*

in the storm which passed- over th*«e township*tnSundayafternnoou Reports which have reach Mildmay

ilicale that the path of the aloriu i% nearly two miles In width and ivetsed in a direction from XValker- n to Teeswntcr. In and mound tlie

U. Line, Carrlck. the bail atoim seem# to have tieen at it* worst, faimer* in h-»t section report mg that the loss in Mime casev being nearly total. The strain lasted about Hfteenminute*, tba broken window* and badly devastated garden* and grain field- showing'the foice with which the targe hail >tones

re driven to the ground,—Mildmay isette.

lr. Chag. P. Dedal of nexr Neus- tadt a man of 44 Tear* of age, «u8iaiii ed sever injuries last Friday evening

result of his carriage being struck by a special freight train going north just outside tbe village of Neuatadt,

was driving his team down the hill north of the village when he noli ccd the train. He was alone in the carriage. He thought be could get a- ross tbe track! at the foot of the

hill befor tbe traia came up, and so whipped up hit horses. He got all across except tba rear wheels nnd tbe train striking them pitched Mr. Deibol out. The team ran away and were caught in tbe village. When Mr. Delbel was picked up hie eye, car; and face and jaw were badly bruited. Dr. Mcartia, li.T R. physician at Haoover

as wired for, nnd he wont down id attended to Mr. Deibel’* injuries Mr. Dcibel wasfoitunate to have

escaped Injury. The road eutranco to Neuatadt at this spot is a dnoger-

m r as big bank* on either side of tlm road obscure a view of the track at tbe foot <>f tbe bill.

NARVAMr Orval Sleinmiller of tiorrioi

uewed acquaintance here last week.Mrs, Pairscrvlce and daughter Miss

Minnie visited relative* in the burg.Messrs Earl And Gordon nnd Miwe-

Ida and Jessie Alexander spent Bun day at Mr. Jiio W . Moffat's.

Mr. Archie McCormick left for De­troit laat Wednesday.

MIhhos Aggie and Emma nnd Mr. W ilfrid Moffett visited friends near Walkerton one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Dales spent Sun­day at Mr*. Wiu. Quirks of Solway.

Mr. J. XV. Moffett and Mis* Irene were iu the County town on Tuesday ia*t.

Evary Woman

(Continued from Page f.)French troops have occupleiu town of Hrlkinook seven

and one half miles lioyond Monies in Alsace.

A despatch fiotn Nish soy# tlicbigg­est battle of the war «o far o# Bervla is concerned is now la progress near Rolgrako, the capital Isstill being bom- barod by Austrian heavy guns.

Cables from Nairobi say that J* force o f 100Gorman* yesterday seized Tovoldu oil the Western frontier ol British dost Afoca.

Tbo Belgian ministry of war to; day ofllciallj denied a rumor that the Qermana had oeoupod the fortified town of Dieet North east of Louvain.

The Official war Bureau m a state meat issued today says the news of the French succes* at Dinant is con­firmed *Um General forces defeated Iu tutted cavalry from tbefnipeririguaid

several battalion* of infaotry and three machine guns compaiiiea. Tbe French cavalry took sevetal rubs and several hundred prisons t» to to­day forward movement of tbe French

Clrey the Bavarians were forced back beyond tbe point lo which they reteatdd yesterday. The Greek gov eminent today notified Turkey that it tbe report that Turkiiii ttuvps arc al- eady in Hulgahi en route to thu •reck frontier in Itue Greeke will take

iustuedtate ad fun with her «>ntir»sarmv and navy.

(Continued on Pdge H.t

H o w to Im p ro v eS c h o o l G r o u n d *

School Ground# Must Become the Beauty Spot# ot the Country

Flint get room, Iheji see to the grad­ing ol the ground arid seeding. For seed got un equal quantity of Canaili

Kentuckey .Blue Grass, red top aud White Dutch I 'l iw t . Sow this,

a t half busbel to the acre or oue-bnif pound to the -quau* rod iu the early

spring before the frost is out of tbe ground. Should t here be any bare spots after grass i* grown, get more seed and reseed these Have a lawn mower nnd keep tbe grounds mowed Hava tbe gnu# plot bounded by tree* aud get tbe trees that are growing in tbe locality aud plant twenty feet handed in their report last week, and

Miss Florence nod Ml#* Mac Camp- I bell of Walkerton accompanied by Mr. ft. L. Gibson nnd Mr. A. Frawor visit­ed thoir sister, Mrs- Robt Donaldson. I —Tetswater New#,

Krupp stuck will lie paying a good ! dividend this year. Don't you wish you owned « share or twol

A quiet winter wa# predicted nnd many factories of the Dominion were looking for an excuse to shut down,

Iu the dofoat of Germany tbe peace movement will be given it* greatest impetus. Hut it. seems a dear price to pay.

It is awful to imagine the agony of suspense in which mothers and child­ren will be kept who bave lost hus­band* and father# in the European etaugU-rof Ilia past few days. Truly war will be hsll to them.

The war lia* caused th* price of Ini to tak# a jump. W all, let it soar. V would be quite ntDfied t « mo it placed at a probative price, it ia sad to see tbe limit llirnwo out of work trying l«i drown bis sorrows over the bar.

H#<d lime--* may cause soon- of us to shut down on such lUlloexlravsgauces as ice cream, etc. and it may mean cheaper yet more wludusome table menu for many— something more af­ter the style of the Chinese hill-of- f arc.

One of the great Canadian packing companies warn* tbe public that tbe way to advance meat price# in Canada ta to rush to lay in stores of youd the regular demand. Causda till! Company points out, proili meat far beyond her own demands and there »honM he no inflation of prises. Moreover, the firm slates prepared to keep for any considerable ongtb o f tiro e.i A* evidence ot f̂aeir loyalty to tb empire iu the present crisis, the worn eri of Canada hsve undertaken to raise $100,000 for the purpose ot equipping « hospital-ship for use during the war. Tbe movement L a noble one and wor­thy o f all encouragement The Lis- towel women - meet Friday afternoon in the library auditorium to lay plan* for doing their part.

The dt-lsgalion o f three,appointed by the council at (heir last meet mg, to investigate into the advisability of

'tailing * syatem of street lighting,

Anyone with a proper equipment of limb* can dance the tango provided his legs are nimble. It doesn't require much practice and absolutely no intel­

ligence. The average tango dancer has a half-ounce brain concealed under tt No. 7 hut. ff it’ s a woman dancer uo

all Is necerssry. All she want* is something with trouser* on to grip

around the waist and lead hoi through ih« contortions. I think the soul of » tango dancer must look like

dried pi line. Such is the denunci­ation hurled forth In New York City

tAngoUt# by Hob Jone*, the long­haired and vociferous evangelist, pop-

larly known as the "Billy Sunday ot the South." who ha* been conducting

whirlwind campaign there.

An interesting meeting to bcbrld in- he first week in September, will be thi-Annuid Convention of tbe Ontario Municipal Aisocmlion. TbU Associa­tion is made up ol member* and In­corporated Village (Joiiuclls and of County, City, Town. Township, Muni: cipal Official*. IttHan important and influcntal body, which seeks to bring together men engaged in Municipal affair*, for constitution and mutual action. At its throting* addresses are delivered by speciulnd# in various features of local goverment and «d- min'straUou’nniithe dUcusaioiiof these addresses is always practical nnd gen­erally very interesting and instructive The Association is also an important agency in the promoting of iuiprovc- ueuts in municipal legislation. The muling Convention which will beheld in Sept. 2nd and fird at Toronto, pro- nisei* to be unusually largo aud at- rietive. It will he held at a time

wlnui railway rate* are low. The City of Toronto is making special arrange-

• r the *ntcitainim>ut of tho*ci ue. Every municipal Council

that can do so. Iu any way. ought to bave representatives present.

apart. XVboa these grow and touch, out tbe alternate one* to give more

room for growth. Screen the out buildings with e row of evergreens Plant the*# eaiiy ang just n« you find them. Do not wait untin Arbor Day. The shade tree* should ba from

Inches ia diameter and cutback lo correspond with the root*. After planting mulch with straw cut grass chip* sawdust alone# in sod* turutog tbaaodsuclsld.vtown. Around the building on elthnf side of the walk

of the ground* plant flowering shrubs in hunch**. Get those that give a etu cession of bloom as boiicymelo ami dogwood. Put vine# such as X’ irginia Creeper, Boston Ivy etc. around the buildings, About tbo Sower bed*. The beat is

Ith a mixed border, for when •locked with a good assortment of har­dy, plants, provide# tdoom of some kind from the time ihe enow i# off tbe ground until it comes in the fall. Tbe boat place for the border is at Iho hack of the Uwn. against a Imck ground of shrubbery -n near building or fence which can be covered with vino* or creepers. A border vnryiny from 5 tu*} ' lo ft, wide iu prtfcrrable to a narrow one between straight boundary linta For these lairder# the ground should be prepared deeply aud' thoroughly and made a# rich as possible by dig­ging iu plenty of well rotted manure in compost. Tbe work of stocking tbo border may be done at various time* throughout the season. Early in the spring is the sprifig is the best time to sow*ceds and do most of the planting, the tra*plnntlng ol Mjcdlings may bo done at any time during tbe season when the giouod is moist, and hardy hull)* and tuberous looted plant* are planted in the M l. The artistic ar­rangement "1 plants in tbe mixed bor­der will depend upon good tMte and judgcineat. Rearranging can bo done from time to rime as experience may yrrv« desirable.—Written by a dela- gate to the R. Y. A. Guelph.

the fact that they find condition# fav­orable ensures a street lighting system tor Mildmay. The service will consist

thirty-five lights and will Iw m<t a I led in levs than thrae weeks, tbe lights wilt be 100 watt*, the one now ilbmilnnting our main street !>e- 'og 80 wall*. This will give ourclti- wns*ome Idea of tha new strea light* and about thirty-five on the principal stmee of the town a* far as lighting !b

ened. The main street particu­larly. will show an improved appear-

its it la planned to place three lights on the main street alone. P

tor electric motors will also bo allnble shortly: the lighting service to be placed upon meter. This however, will oeeessitate some time before met ers can he Installed in all the In nnd business place# w&Vft electric lights- -Mildmay Gazette.

When Parliament meet# iu special session on August 1H, measures will be suhmitlod to provide pensions fo the families of (,’anudinn soldiers sent abroad who are killsd In action or who die from wouuds or other cause when

active sorvice. Provisions will at ho made for the men incapacitated

by wounds from following their regu­lar employment on the return from the war. The uten enrolled for the Cat), adia divison going abroad while rank­ing wth the British troops will he « ruunerated under Canadian regulation These at present provide that s man on active service shall l>o paid one dollar per day. If killed hi* family is looked after by the Government, b ring the South African war a nuud of insurance companies waived their cancellation clause In a. Ufa policy held by a aoldlcr going to the front, insurance was paid In case of a soldier killed in action, although he woe only pay log the premium for an ordinary nek. ft is expected that somoni rate o f the large companie* will follow the same course In the case of the present war.

And now wc wonder what China i thinking of these so-called Christian nations. The missionaries will have their hands full making explanation*.

P E R R I N 'SDairy Cream Sodas

T ry them with milk, butter or cheese. 0 .

"D a iry Cream Sodas" axe of tw o kinds—the "F a n cy Thfn ’ *— very dainty and a bit dttferent from the o ld - fa s h io n e d sod a biscuit— aod the regular "D airy Cream Sodas” , as delicious as can be.• They reach you in all their original crispness and freshness la their scaled packages— at 6c, 10c, and Me.

M ttg ' Every package guar- nrffcM nn teed.

J | l § s W e will be glad to send»WS|gMp you the " Perrin Sample . Package” o f fancy bis-rtJV’LS ; cults for 10c In coin or

stamps. - — -j « j


The Door Will Get Dirty!

Especially xvherc there are children in the house, but Panshine makes doors, floors, tables, and cu p ­boards, wondrous clean— a joy to look on. It shines everything—does

PANSHINEthe m agic cleanser

Psnshlnr *bsorl»* dirt •nd grtasc snd grime •s nothing else does. It makesthe disagree- •ble pun olkllchen work *nd cleaning, s c o u r in g and scrubbing slmplo snd easy. Posi­tively will not harm the band*.

One baking tells the tale. Use P U R IT Y F L O U R once and you’ll always use it.PURITY FLOUR

M A K E S"More Bread and Better Bread”

and—Better Pastry too.

Buy a sack o f P U R I T Y . Your money will be returned if it does not prove entirely satisfactory.

i vl a* a dealer in ftcetinddiaud gulfs curios. was remanded with having inil Mi*- rifle*.

shrine Iw-liiud '

In tin t utt-il Whitehall. f i x - -

of •!»<■ IIS.IT tworld has produ*- d ti..||s l x.. *,.III*. making * i sottt* thine l*k. c>»*

•*H is "Tltti Hull »n tin- Dead ft th- South African War H eontuin about name* -i nlib-rx atttmen killed bv the rtf my <>r If *U * .* sit out under tbo heading< «■! at«>"

regiment*. r.Ktilur atul itr-gu'It |s to Ik- placed iniho bishop-* Ouw** in t o - to.- . ■ •rallied rat. : 1 , ’ ’

It (. hound in African .fat? litiftr.iiu ; •'l • it 1 |l«. Nk'-r. .1 s.;!5 dark-brown ■" !l<mi to»k lavn.is, <Um;--d with hr» .Kaelt l.tS*' consists «d tin- b"-l part »«-»01 h himb-skin; tfiii*- tire thick- -on1' i ‘ ‘’••t'Vmv !|t thin. nil are a soft prof)'. v-iit- in. i “ m am:. ' this surfae - Hm m*m- are h»**-rH» d j *•<•«In lilttek. rotl, gold. and nHratmirim j J- uM Unit

Tin- keynote of lit - tl.eolation i-p W " «h peace. A. e.liite |.lu'ii»ai!t .i>- .i-b ■ > A I f .:in tbo rounded a* tin- besimtim: and ' .through tbo iHirdcrihk HntUsr cloud. i **d. •'•' !of tloVo-, !

( iw r a l AYamhop' train*- aomaf-:: •'■ •| most *, .tin* forefront of the d*ud *otdp

|tniro« tit HlRhuam. mar clou* , had -bean r-iJpomdbb- fur a'ser- avicjitt incident In a ditch seven !•» ;• were found a a r*s 5>>»l taxi- •mi im dm -*. vT-o v.ns da/*-d.

.* so.ak tip- driv.r • '■ill.! ri no ui*>. r aa <r* lif.x in tin «-•->,■ tiio *fl*xuyerv of a dcltd In': billtolll of tin- slier i>: ’I •; o-..i t.iat I :;<• spur t •• .lit ', r ■ in ', v. |tti |i;.

<:>■ . all s '.< r. • >1 mill, run

ot tta n or and ;5t. l,*-<»u• n in m , filth imiughr- > in rino ii| lias i»>i u idlin'

All trains from

SlGNKHS OF TREATY o f| in infri jir>’f< r

.;iiK M i ‘••.’ f

w ini', i not

bintseventy In'mine I ifnlr *• rviii

had-** marki'i "in Ail tin* bnul j.lio-e

arrmiKi d si|i|*rojiriiH'Onr ot lh> lllo-t bit* o t.Jiy T atur* * i oarS.- iratoa;

ol ibv i»rvj«rtill«>n> ior'tbr • • oration } of :miu*"ii!i nf at llm . nd of tin- year • : tin- rlo,*.- of ; h ' •i.inirn- t Un- i > ntnr- of |..atv o «fruit j «-.{ , .a i . rUriUln aral tin- fnltni Stai i* a i i ■; .* .n-.jiia-•111! )>liinttUR of I III" taltlijmli’liliaii. ■ j (!,. . . i■ebo iiiiu'lud'il tin 'ireat.. Cb -iii, !'Sir . ■ it.mr Ike. U. ISM riiis uudettakim, • • u - . . ,Rfoutt i-ortrailur.' ins i t t n !'!;<• ' -I ai tiio liands of Aiin di n fori'•tirr, i;.AurIo-French iiaintm. vyIh.m- work, r»$i«rtoli} as an illusttater hi bitted and white, is well known.

Tbo figures of the iilonfiioii iiiiiirii-' i djiaii! .. ,,have bi-eit Iialuted from •wtant i>oi- n-’uioe •! .•» lri: traits in this country ami Am. with the exception ol Mo liRUfe <d Wlllliun AilHiim. one of the lirili ii r<*iiri'; i iitativt't. « lm i» hi . lifetimeresolutely refu-.d to t-.ase id. j«-r- ............. _trait {minted. The imnaHy <i that j \ „r f ! : Vilolisfimo y is that in Ud.s hi-'urini! ■ ^

» ^ v ' ^ . f c . r1E!a5A “! X h ?t; i s l

stand ts that of the old C.utfnnia- ’Couvrnt at «:?!•»!. In which the in at

el lie j:.'. e||(n >':te l!l ’ l|ei'e:..|HH •'’dirh.s H. isr*. "if. F . and Uolv

! i ■ . «ii. rniim.i the ;«..{>.• ;lt„| jinifta* llmi*.' I.r t ’ommotts at ' Park

I l. iib <. tf.'jd’- fm: to the toa dlit* h. rihh. Ifr. McKenna, tin Horn, r.tarv. said mam . in resard 'occrmitiIlfs', were in the same

ihe tourist vein*, on village Which

-! mr% thel :l> r>- fire two holel* ill).I | I

'• Wldel: tile lent, Wllil'IieVer* to sms will sh ti you had gone

was rigrnd.

1T/.XUKS COUKION FTIT.KN i -' |While the tdira;-. . ' iiti?*' hit. ' ; |

an cany for native Ibidfi a .> ahii • | |<-r>«us to nronoujjre that it .usl ; <ee'm to make a wf-nk to t tor s»diri-;.. { ll has been picked out from till olio r j IvinRue twisters to pram I*, .m, Any I one who can sac • a litii' b;?' . orreyt* | f> has nothing el-<• to fc-ar to nouminp. liugli. a, I’rni, ftiimian im . ; (old the sUidciils front youte eight. >■:: ! forcicn ectmtries v ia* arc i;»-re ton k - i the special summer touts - « » n- t-ir- • > nmuiuctl for their hem fit

'Flo- beftluncr in Kmfln-lt m-u.«i!'- ; Kit* m> « hro'r fo "a little hit' than v ; feel ta il" or -a bet hid.*' lint when i lie docs tmiNtcr ll, the •!« s|,- 'ptun- s | prisms anil persimmom’' smil “ picked 1 a |«wk of pickled jicjmer. n .w com | imratlvely •*•»*>.


The third antluttl-Basset hound show • 1 was held at, Itluihur«, under tb nut* : * rentage of Uueen Alexandra, -* bo was . * a prlxe winner wit a h-r V..b:: <>■ :Sandrinittia:ii. I.fid North pressibd, { 1 ami tli- JmlRen v.er:- ’.dfr. UilK'O Fim- j 1 lierbert and Mr. II A. lir-.ih n. I > ■ «a* a mark'd Improvement sn -th>- cn* 1 e Iriw, which included dewi-r "1< va ' bound.. t apliiln lt<,/> ifin • V. .. hamptoti Kcum if w. u «»*st . ' <.prit<~. his hound,, twine > i »»;• lueg- f • t IJ'IH* which the jnds- s lator-d. >

Gold ntld t*Uv. r mt-ditI; of lio* Na-:1. I tonal Hose socict} for m-w «• r award.tl at Uf* »«cbty\ -ii.e-v at Ha!a. \ s I Im ftinucr/Avna Woo by W. it. Haiti' : i Uummondv »hirs< » Hill, mill tb An \ ntc Craw turd rice, of i„. rr;«.;< tint •, and the ,4i»er medal h> .Mr. te..r,;c | , Prime, of Oxford, with tie- MepUco ; . Nicholson hybrid P a. llofh tie >e m ; .

arc pracf* ally no. nil * -The annual visit of member.-. . i tb- <

iloyal Asrlculturnl Society of Kughnid j . was paid to the t x|ierim. ntal farm if, ! f Woburn, Ifcd lords hire, and about -> - - ' ,• nty agrit nlturisl' from different coiintitK wore pte-ami. 'i im results: of exiM-rinients in the use of hone •grown loud* for raising young slock ruowtd that fi t ding with crushed oafs ami scparati'd milk was the most .-m-e. .• • fill.

Hy votes to'TV Urighttm tVdwit lifts d. vidt-d to spend j;£'.,o«e. «>» Inilei- Iiir a t omeri b.itl for the nmnn iju! ervlu- tra and on reiuodelllec *.«• o r race to provide for vatiioor eone-rts. tiie new halt Will hold f,£od p>tiee and will !«• H parut. il frotu ihe ee-.i- Ulle l ari «.f the building, whieis, it is* Xj»t n d. v, ill m- u<d liy tbe lb etui .•! AgritultnHt ' and i’ lsiit rf* .

ile.pie -(*■ e! fr'j:.,0to charity by Mr, fbart* fle iv .r l- ilctliy. o! l.vttj-iPil riittd. Ifrighttm.

Ifuikingbiini'fiiie Twrlloriab', ntidejsitheir new . lounmnditi.t, I’oloncl l?nm- . is O. Wiitheri'tl. bav.i gwu in i” .singing prwi'tltc. At lligb \V)tm.;b, tnc dctifciimvot imve distuig.ii- od

* llmimclu s in murk inait>iiip ami u* •• nt route marching. K b. fteind-that >»t Iihik r< nt** iuar< ta-» m* n are L - ginning t.s tire rcnymmi wond.rftdi; to lit. stimtilus ol a chorus and <pii< li­en ftoir into, and ■<» the 1 fuck's l.rri- : torfal.* 1(8 *. b.-gim t« < herns irlngiiiK at tlmir barracks. Tin- m n ink*- t.rv kindly to the io w id.a.

Fishing wtlh n d and llm ft-. ■ tMcn in to. I Hr*-, os t̂ i.ottl H.:chell and a irb nd lauglit »*««* tl-h ..u . Sunday nod £<*.o

msmlfig f t : ! ; ; . ' 'O .t m r n o t'ofjuge.l*eii.irs arc tnci'sitgittlng a iuyst<-ri«

»us; popooing r pl.b nite affreting ever- hmsi- in ttte'fm ti.rv villages of With- rep end Mrime.tiS, m-.r lU.okb.jrit. tn .r you p.rsojt, bnv- l....(i nff.s-f,s|, ijii'ltnltm. elryen ntcitihyr-i of one fnni*

The i owner op. wd an h,.pt- -tFrt.- llackhi

impilrvsna».*.i»' Sanitd.-* ^

• d < hi sit, \VrHi •s held tor *ii\ty.iui

du' * ,.f his 'ofHe

i< l Ho imptwii umdoij,

•. Alar!"

• w rlvom d.slhat<‘ S ■ tit the Kast-w •dr.*I to the mein• I Harlow.'of p, t, t Isslngtori fur four-

:s Paris’* . - .<l*t- ‘

‘ | ninr.v. and tb- e« reju-odm.-d , 'I hey * -r.- |*l;o > ‘I

Warwick •Mi« hwd

■u* pick..I

■>» al O flfeh. is going down us with her

e Simv< ,j oit fiiiddiatly and tin- child '<!! into r-he road. She clutched ils leg. hm S-..II lest her held, .dim thoi M l to ,?u* ^ «.! the stnir-. where theconductor; eaugot in r. The baby wax 'aitilly Injured. A verdict of acchh-h- t.vl death >'< ;s v returned.

Mr. fmmthf f*r:.ml< Tovey, li. A., spieliep! tiT" n, Jsttrrey , bus been up. limed Ifl hi 1'rnfctu.tir of -Music 5u tip1 ti -r~:i* «»' iidliihiirgb in sme* -simt

Pref-.-k.r Sh-eks.mi hie •d in

ills ibe Harris nr yeinsi Up* von-'

:f of the Islam! Of Taratit oi Asrlntliur*. * i.mn:i-*l. i|lr*

imrti.d'timt they merely f.utli adv

iy-right years of am . was tin; tain o' Ihe hue Pobmcl lloyes. and having tm« Ifirmtgh a forluto *>f AtMO. lw- .'situ, a h*1*or«T at-the ills !.: , and J.u.r a furiiaeeimm. |gi«» May is*1 went through the IkvnkrnpP y t’onrt. and nl irifmi.d his fattnre to extravagance and falling Into the hattd.u «»f money. ieipl'Ts.

The magistrate* at r .o rphUly. SmithWul :. dHtulws'si llo- ftmr chargesbrought 1.' the ibinte Office ugithisf Hie toMicro of the rniv.-nnl t'olHcry, Si-ngheurdd, in'vi*nn*T»h*n with' tie- «xph**i*>n in Oi-fotwr, vs ion l-'-'* live.* were lo.-t. Twelve t harg.-s against Mr. Kdwartl Simvv, the nillimger. were die* ml-M-d .ami .on five otlo ry jo- wa firtiil X. ‘ l altogether, witii v‘£»3 es. to­tal nets.

i Q U E E R BUG YO U O U G H T T ONice l.illlc !>u». But Such Habits !

When ho wituts to ».iH ht* »*■•!• ficadeti sw.tllioiHl h** doesn’t write her ,t 3* 5 i» s' and i<>- *!»■ t< t et<t*iics •

P-* :.i amf *. c,d P ll. Iter He Pl-1 kina', ftrn: iiule m l li.nl again ' the wall Irt :* slum* kind vd a wu> vbb-if, it* ivefle language, e o n . m

li ii! nloitgy tbiit'i ke.-p im> waiting while you brush >»»tir •■oat «*r f>i?s up tvinxs I'm a ho y mao. Iam. I .• mi a log contract on hand ;<> (cm cl my vpy ijptu Uttmtgh »io< left arm of .Mrs, llow iih Almri* • hail, and 1 have v< r.v little Jjhm in* •lay p-r ciurtint:^" And tho*.* who know u gf.'.p deal about bectl. a >av Jemima ' . olio-. * rtihiiiiig' wf.»-n

er h rd ; Auii,

o t.-r knock

pipe.i- for \

'lint oiaab-ioiek vvumi.-r- >r. * ! lit*- iiclgiilxirittt gar*l*n*: and i.-, amt hits been caught in a o n ;*, c-i inr, where sin* had kfiock< d .1 - • tabo-.l plate frotu a Putter crock aou d- lv*d <b*piv into tie yellow aloe.

In addition 10 her fdltituii Hi sob . Htuiov Inn another frb-iol fti tic- per s-oll ol Wat.!,, |lie fuu.il-- dug, .-ho . l*e|(ng ■ die !ia« r»*nvef(»«f r . : m* o<1- chip HW11 a natural > itmil , i-n tp itiul loui; Itef-d noted in tfo acts imr bend as a punt- r of «*x«|el*;;. g-,. vVie-tjtl* n > lie-

............ aged hbnui *devcu. imnudPouter and IJ>. >. were carried I*.-- end I sjtortiy aboijt lb, th-ir d. ptit while l*atfiing a' T* nl*>.An alarm w,i« given from a lnnn>e uverlimkini: *l>' le'it' •' mol * boat put out. Tin* hodh : wer*- r»«’Ov* red. on*«d ii grappling iron', and artificial respiration v*ast<arrled on under liu mipe.iititt'itdem*' of two dmiorp. with

It t. flip. ,*!range habit of kuoek- :»g tijn head asain-i: the wall, when -,v want* tux mat.- that makes old afwliuttt .1 folks call |5te beetle Ihe 'death tick ;• Then* in soinellilim-

knock* or


Ils Pupils A rc Convicts. Its Teach ers the Snnic.

The•*»bf*■ tit-* Hru*-* . :>n..it

dune (b. i . ui tin* Imtimu Higfit or .-tei' m tit** Maryland m , !« Ht»-lu a p' lii.cn t <r mak*-


if i

•! W'hlt*-ujia!i.-.l .* 'ils Hint, it -.ii- *!<•• k-*. nor ih« bin-, i wha ms tipl-s F.i.j extreme

I.BtCk sent, non'.' an- *>elne>ts »n 'otiirf i« nltcttiiarhi.: oiite of 1 hem v.ith idbiuitotp.rabi- iti*l«'vf. a. Hot fb.- •■Jtr.im;. '

-Irfud Is differ •«( ill it ■: 1 -a. it « f-ilpl!*., its inellmds iilltl ils . 11!;.

e at.-, it.* pupil*. Id f.-.o -i t .au*l ms*- ag. oi pupil* and t- m-Sn *

t*up tb* r is •« years. <bo- *>‘ Ihe l. a.'Itel's is a nilltdlTer doing Hie;’ oit<- Is a lilglivvav robber doing £•* vestrs; t lie is a bisav«»»*t; on.* i-: a { t >. < « r, and only tie* warden knows * u,u flto i.tlo-r' ■" t- or .lid to liriirg i!o**u ih>T»,In i elast « o higatulst *. .1 mord- r--'. a burglar ;,»oi «WvA'hft bad fuirfied down n sfor*. The h.d*yvoi lie- school i» 0.1 turn* 1 -i £i. iiardiv tdure titatt u itoy tie < 5de.** »*- Altitgelh.-r »b- seHtml Constitutes tu-urly a third <>f llmwhole pcpiitaiion " f ii* * prl*mi. ari l u n t num

ii-.t- li.’ sehohtrs uow . u-vilb-dwrite* hi»mid t

»<wtl <daitv

tiled In ipllekjy at

it*, pale. li;<< 1 *diu

ttfoal. m *11

the wall

ag.on»i tpe furniture boring Five times in- ticks* wmnl, fbeit tdopi* nwltil*'. tiien-"firk**” again with bis silly head, and keep* o« ticking and rests ns until hi* unite enims ami h*'lp* wltii hi* mi*«hbooii- work in liiirrowins the leg* «>f the e!tair* and Uo* baekty of ihe

Chats With the Doctor jBy a Physician l

li.vFUUef: IN Hi;MIT 111-.V\e are apt f.* dwell c\cbe i

. b»ri .1 I but 1 lo­

ll rv .111 r< turn dunbf.

and In the .are- <*f ymiug riiltdreii. bin d' rf. etc., chntild bKikel to, a, binder Wlmh i* eonifortuble Itefore i< •neiti Inav bo tineoiitfiirtiililv tlgiit at- ter I'. Ik. not iig ;t yooug l>at*y n<*i lay if flat on im f.,»< k ailrrelly after « nnsil. Winn drink i:. given no Jimrc tiio 11 tin- r.ipiislie ipuiutity ritmiM be put im*. the t up or tnmbh r, ami if tie* <hild Is weak or hits la**n vvak**! at nlgjti in be fed. a feeiljpl^Mttb* «*r f'-edlsn-riip wily he found to raiise lesx .JtidurhanCo »o Hie patient.

• t i, inlet

rd r, ami “ W*- .it pr*d Wiir.l- 11 fsn Ibis sdai.m . oktfig tturtg fellow •> ho of entered ubstimmo

boroug.ily r> in*.*e*i f ';- mr Hint brought him ?moilH li.e-5 a prlttv ;>.sr*lild Well t-li.-ve tl a : ;:<' tin: ..riling le Mi- rh» the •.'•■ar** writer.

rtiitbred-i.o—1 tiflie pii'hpmy'-d nhu'ild* r* ; t" tne*l k In «{ <>« them -el*, .

ioirdou •>( life. •’ ! 1;written, t.lld lie'll

I* M-w I" M l"!Ami J felt rbddmdc

A l

ar« fo it he farrmr. I

' ”r,i!d<r|-: •phibfe-t pula'had smm

< ••von-ive.

Ihe Icluini


e-tiy •wring.ibr* and four *t »|al**l to It- a record for - Hug at I both

With to r -i*t' r and -. Mis* Mabel Uo- Ib.ud n land sit.*1, i.ondei*. W.. *M ball in T< igniiinulb r.si

• knock'd d«*«rf-ioJiraliitr**

onaiim*. osI> ilM iib d t*. Annie *? -ti • - we.k.o-.. ,

Harlow. « i " dw *1 >• '•-• • have bttd prm-ttcat ex|**ri‘ t-apftbl- m a na ge-w in tin month-. *lurins tb- Him - tile tbatll t*f Mr Ibirbo- el.airman.

Atldrevslng Ho l e . - . . 1 the annual Inapt* Hun of tH


unknown, ^.i.n \A'»Jlf:*rc

Ii : - ; aid i*t .0 , r*n*«. tin-«. ;*t th- till),- il Iscosy 1*. ...... pa i n 1 •

et a M-p in t »* treatment.. ot.Sft is i! restoration of I in'irf tiitd its evimml.-il • li.inlsiH to enable him to u ;**■!>' e lit-. Thor* is no 1 waitv l ati- nt '-niff-ring jwahm s’ U degree el ncr- ' ^ ‘ AlH l ‘ lli;St’ i|jl|»T|t>N.S FUlt FO|,K*.

is iippreft.-nslmi vvfih 'i ini*.ky« tlt**n» | in case-of sjwero abdominal pajn H ! ifs*I i».i is. in realitv. lb - «<nl> . is g*-m rail' '■ i >- 1 ■* • <>n-.)ili a noslbal 0 placy, and vilii* h nuke : ■■>.')) Ho* : man, *mec it is difficuli ror a biymnn a *0 i-xcreii ■ < r • x* ilhui dhjmJeful ' to dlutlifKiiiih *<Tbtn* from b> ‘ tluu- Mi*ii *;<*i. H* re (s ,» wry i* a) g*Tou : eftM's. t.)rdltiitr> *otlr it* itxn'alty

if f r *•! e ,,r*h*ir*g tie- maliuenl by j due |>* ifp* pr*s>-in <- of irritating food t. mor- .-•* u r-Mili cf fit - imthutV s «»r to dh*teii*-lnn by bus. reuniting from • r-udy adeplion of u line « f irral- | th.- ferm.-ntiiHoii «f itinlig<-f<t<-<l food, A ut wttfen •'oinno nd** It Hf to the : 'bcfiil dratlglit for an adult Is com*

a- *: - * hf oi !iis di.po. iibuv, tii.vi j posed of «u ounce of castor oil w itii pteeotd , fsnnj- ;«llrre of Hi* phf -1- i twenty minim* of titbit, nidi, A mix-

his loilul ti g relc Hire vv ilh-b oltep gives relief consists l i<- jday. • *-f i« o drachm* of iiwjan*. < :»ri*.. half• i.<ti‘*n i - - *v a drachm «d an op. < ufb.. two drachm*

liiat. in the majority m *;»*< •: in which j of Hurt, luiuml. <»•„ and to|, tnenth. n a*utl«*i.i knows 'if-ii- lf to l e k victim : idp. to four mince-. One lahhbtpotmfiil <■; pearl <ii*.n—, h- gm-s In f.-ar of j to tw taken over) hour.* , ld«n rJ-ath V: . watt-. .d fact, th a : Y«». «>»>' h.-v- Hrought that theluethtx* ot: t< indnatioli f i by no lm.mt ' M nbn'l wits trying to cull cCIllfa! ■ > cbminsn a < it is fmouhirlv *iipiMW,pil i wb-n lie walked Ho* lerutli of Hm Ti e heart » » .-rv b e- *ntf<rirs ! *•**» P?»on«* raid, ait H»«* l-ngth of the

: alley and you may have c)u*m d him with !pe sell oi f.-.tlisii people who

j .have ,volk-ti wires over N'i-e.-ara Tails I Tb" ■ > : a- r.‘j *) th, -pojrrel «;«>* t i**l ins b^eahfa-!, and abut vva* j mm it more impnitisn!, in- wil- wan j led to r lireiiklasi,( The »!:«« Hite so deep' Sh*f the

Hpiirr* 1 would oplv have suicmleil i h l.nrytng hiruolr if *„. 5,;„| iri,..| *-* j walk through it and i( wa* packed »•>; tighiiv down i • x? ip tbo grmtmi that : ')<* cmibi not a * to his storeroom ;t(; the loot et th* tre.e II- cmibi not { t*-b*|i!om*- !<> Ho* corner grocery )u-

atl*<* he Slid Si<> Seh-Juvom- ftC.d j»»* ottbl tie* bet reft- from Jjw li* tgiib ir.. eiallse to intd m* iP-ig(ihni>. II*' :-"t**l not H,. end it.- cmibi not beg •ally -mois-b to be liesr-i H >.'.*!i)e«i t., biiii that if h- bad

! b««-n u.iy tiling Im* a -rpiiin-l there J would -have l»- n fomeho-ty n* u*dp | ?«*»»: im*- ;<* he sas a xouirr. J. lie.bad ■ !.* lo in him*, if and !>•■ y.-aro-d luove ; ;* out e» do b It*- walked the slip- \ p-ry eah!, all Mo- h e .-h —. the a‘ P-.

tud some frorerj hi

iidv fb.v di-ei*. addm

Ib-atb,i. Tim

* he- k Ol ll, pltmir' f> uLlit th- -■'• •:)-< that If hit*rrm**- without

tb- , trt- n * pr i- l*a <d «*» a very Mim-y toutnlatiut* <>f fa-t f»e*i, <n ••rial* -inge* ot fnurl rllneso Is::’si'* *rttiVe. dpi t*« la* Cffb'U* iop-i mustl - aloobii Tim*5> «•-( will alone

SUFFERED FOR FOURlFrom Heart Trouble i Nervous Prostration̂Mt*. Joint lhw C-deilom.r. Onto

writes. “ I feel ii tity duty to b t ><«t know of the strut to-nr by vour Mittiiiru - Heart ami N> t-.e JA1U «i»l i-r me. 1 siifli )• d f«*r i«*ur >t.try witfi Jte.iti irtiulil and nerv-nsfo-tratioii I was l**-i.


t * * hm..im;

Pd in*

** 510:1 i


ih - !- appIlNt -1 mil i Is- - rv Ittfh. 1: aj h * ted *p *t, or It I* cHlaHns! effe t l»o ill - (hananl t .o oH*t lb- V * .» <* n>- « i-d Of hi.- e n ow ! If of pr.

:-difficult. Hits feet Wore mld ainl *•» ■ farmed ; btiff (hn; to. > ckiilded. He wax a hH is*'ist it * hnb- sijtilrtel amt .very iurh^nr ?<»

he r»lpt***»t *■• Sur to rme r ijb-'or i*te Uh-r liiiiv ii- ulne-a loci fi,j* iiabiiiee Ii it had not l*e*-it for hit tail In*

ml. 'tittr ii-woftl is

Pill li* - p h*\»» hi1 ■ *sl!de. T.'Ulf

with • uilr.-ly


“ sHoitey" is a Lovable Liltio Woodchuck in Connecticut.

tr-meji i,>‘« w.Kxkduuk* in captivity, 1* the proitertv *.f Alin** H-l-n At-nche*-

- a ..»,■»;*"«««• ir i HaStoKr; r.i";arr',s s:ipnlnr visitor.

W<H**!eh*'<k fmmd in tiplast May to un mic-K- «,»f

•vis; Matit-lte'cr. win*, durin,; a rid- o*<r in- I.Pe'pi.bl liilli. imlh-e.l ujm' he at lira; tliotiyiit cyw a liiiiipurs>- Ting i'll Si-.- t-cd id*-. A* :lo;*|»d to pick it lip tie olijvet mu*,il a Hut litol h- dt aov m l that hi : th»| vvu ? tie- j-malh-xt -.iit di-lpi, k Jo- l,ud , v-- ** eit, Th- MIM»1 t»-d-« was e\ ider.H; *■> cold that it wa*. grateful Jar Hr v print it of bfa naiuh nml * Ml d do"i v* rv t-omiortablv in 111* poehi i f„r tin

; log in

i iiirv 11"- poiil- j *: j I. liJr . an ' .he 5M«’- nt, and ; y . „ «

CsltltHI. To ■' "r* mote an -d*l ami n il It i-*m?v down, ket pirn ?•;■■* - i:,,' «kl?i. T*» fiat pulli: •’!! illid U’- iid b ;r, OB 3'iei —■■ **{ It til kin-; t< r: o „in liread opuIiSk *

i.r< very fhibje to l r*ak and rcstttcr b ".o > - !»*• 5*. that -i-c.iti *arc

- hould .be: lalo-t pp H» m

Mr; Mamie vmitlcbmk in 1*1" bund hud cor-- dored lor to Watch, ll- ■ v,.l iia- i t.» lh<* attentive dog that tin- iitH - • r a lure v im lu-lpb; < and hmie le . and Unit Hie fumilv 1 nil proini - I :o i-.mk after h<-r. Wiiicb rock'd ht* ; *a<t en »>lle xHe. ttpui : tc*.d njK.p hf. Mud I* cm with his tor - pawn on hi* aimn-r < ktlee and t«K»k<d down at time atul up at Mr, Manelicxi-r. Tiau N it-k-d tbo w«o*»rlpivk'a IitH- .>»*•« m.- Unis cememmg the frhtp!--‘On whleh hm :dnc*> emlor. d.

Watch Kerpsrally aceepp.: t , ■ iu- ita- Hon to it «Jp-;j Hone: -.rplWhen sbi- i* gi.en ('boi-vihttc ealld ' h<- Ket* 111* (bar* nffee ftolng Up- j |e«v. ■ and tliank*yo.r rumts **f • itrained • log. Muncy look* admtrforl• oil and appbinjs with >.<pj*-ril* mid grtmla. ulilch lieimu efration T li im - hvf* d bv la T'MU* . vtibaU'v ill-lit;■ -i ^!« lltg nol appl.ne-, lull an xpr* p- iih; | • «•( greedy lunging tor nun - ■•< i>. [♦

Tin-litile nnlmal i- verv nfb eiinmi’ - : 4 l j mt-mlv-r* of the Tamils. -r- j*tpllrh like* nittlrtg Hj«m All * 'h<:!• r x xiionldcr, and alfhong'.i rofnjPttl fo kfay f*>r is few niom* nt ii visitor, she ...omt r-ram'd- - oel alien arm- and nm i in her mi-MwHi, ly-mis I’ epubllc.


AuHtmlin Sets Convicts nt Tusk of Reforestation.

According to a recent r-rnrl Forr-slry IKipurttm-ut of New Hoiilh Wab-s, goml rondmt e**uvi< tx at im slftfp prison, inatead'nf breaking stotp- are now engaged in tie more mufti and lu-althful « <nk of r-planiing vvji! tr< < * tlo* waste lands *»f ti;* star*. As on- prison alone H“ *. inoxti*.Ann riean asli uml pine* wer<- plant­ed in I'-'ld, and .«•* *uee.■■.sfni ba-‘ th<‘ »- plantation* l«*-tt ihftt thl* w*-rE wilt !.*■- eonsid-rahly » \!end*d in Up preselll year.

A similar idea ha* b<eti nork'il mu stieteawfillly by flit- illy of Saif Hies* in California, which po> •: ••■ * T,«.«*( acres «f Imre rolling wind land •( c dl*laniv of urn tnitca from tlo- *-ii*. A iraltied Tonwfrr «a » «ngag*<l lit i.iak* ihe land profit-yielding; ami under hi* direct ion the lily unemployed iu»v* he. n given W ork planting Uii* area wilh ireis suitable it* tin- nature Hie country, Ollier cities in,ihe t'nliisi stwte.H tiiat have r<mnd It necessary f« purchase and reforest lure- ur-a*.Hie watersh.xls governing tii* ir water* sapply liav- ailvantagcftusly mail Hie same kind of labor. Tim primary pur- jw*m* of such rcfori^taiiott i* not, h- **• ver. to ftirnUh work to the nnemplov***i, hilt 1« develop ii profitabi- M*!ir<-< of i* venue I roni laud which vv mi id rdfccrwise r-ntaln unpriHlnetlve.

i it* fori-st* of this kind «r*- nol, a*•r. in vogue In till* country. Perhaps'■ nnlv i Uy forest in Cnntbla i* lhat V'oiph. Hof., 'Where a snisll af*a

» . b. *», ; h-nti-d Mirroiinding Up- liugs vvhJt ll furuixii Hi-city water- I 1., in many of lip* cminth * nf cm

tern Canada, bow-v'er. are targe .•»>;■ of w«»te land, origin a llv for*,M**l, amt •npabie only of prodming forest*. .On* tarlo Im* afountle* itr-forcsltithiu A* i making possible ihe ac‘ptl»'Hlon os eoeb waste land f*>r r*fori *t**>Ion pur i*ose* by tnuntcipal cmim-iR but up to the present lime only on- rouniv in*- availed Itself of this opj>ort-.mi! y. tf-.p be- atuj lip* Ibonlnfon Gov* rnrm oi havi* nl*** pm-<*■ d b-gislaUoit to »•«*• mirage ir-.y planting, and th- l*me iniup For* *srv Hrsnch in the last ri­val •-*i<r dislribtiH-d iporlv l,Ont»,«(ip tree., .from th*- mo-s-re-; al inditin' fl-ad ter wiuHllol planting in >• • -r•rn Canada,

Tin- grow Ills- of forest tre*-* on : waste land * mi in nm.-l case* he made a pr<*‘* fliable umlcrfnking. beside* prnviding labor in a considerable tiumbt-r »*f men, ,v*-t no extensive reforestation ha* a* yi-i been dom* in eastern Can­ada.

Attractive Combinations.lied mul Mu.-C Ifni and wliit.-,Host- and bine.Hhiek and white. .C'-rise am! purpb Mustard uml eggplant Tear| and eggplant purple,Fuff brown and apple gr*. u Nav y blue nip! iy« mincn pink

xttimg'.b-wu th- top i b . my ttie on my left, fiitc, fer n fb'Hikh my would t*>p 1 thoughtmy tmi<- hoi •'■mo I wa* «J‘ Kt'umg v.nlt the *!•*> tor, bm didn't ,;■■*. any twnclit I wits adve-cd Ut lake Milbtirn s litart and X- rv. 1 -<» 1 t**<* Myxc*,aval after I b-el iakvit «*tic Ik>* I i*e£aii «.* f-,l t.ctu-1. and after I had taken I,v.> 1 could ; -, up and down su it ' with not re-tin;. -» I t-*»k eight i*«>vc', and 1 ;■*» to: ■>*.:.-, .. c-i i«-.*lih again- i ebnoder il a texlvend to have v>*ur pill* m th. leu . '

Mdburn Uvan and Nerve IblU are 'ar trtli . j. r !-,* .,r ;! !->,-< mr f 1 J'* at all <b :v(< r ■■ <-r tnailcd dirc* t mi receipt id price bv The T Mdburn Co.. Limited, Toronto. Out,


itiimah, tile * v pib kly - ytp lly

man * * ,ir* »gu d'K iars Wi ft*•’ di'tinguisb !.<»w**fl ihe -j j.uruan drejtig ami. that o f an

-• * • mar Labi- ‘ .as lm**n Hm in tb- :.l . n<, of him id t*st , I < annul ..«** -a-, a certain td-od ;min. but he Tati state

v< to ijo r tin- IiUmmI cant** ■-f n 1- itjg, and if s>» W iie- iitimnn h- jjig v-.aa a man **r a

iitiiMing bu t in itself, but -•Mil further, ihev wilt

1 :l( tl.-i! tfp- bllXHl Up-y>•:><-* from a human b— cUor fhaf iiusnatt l*>* ", a t -dn* '*- or a v-hiie

1 i-kic- in l roil I of■ r of differ, rtf t.bxwl by iki- blood oi different

i - will t-ll you very nu animal Hie blood

a!) th: is of rnornmn* < riitilnai trial**, for In by •r t fopnrtbm pf imird*T;•J's to Hie tmjr*b:r* r is

'b tin: tm Xix clothe*!, • r< r. {udVoff yearn ago

d-rfnl ie«l for bliual us Hr, Refcheri's

- of Its •liyoovercr, out that the blfttxi nnimnl forma twv-

lln; n-iiru appear thin* flat

d-i- from Hmse '

■ ■•- wonderful it. an iu-r-iden- >■ had taken a non wiiriH andopic .-tide wit*

Hhid; Hut it T o r fbal Ur.

T- and classify■kia.: crystal,■!*> -i <,.r a pm* ■•oi **r any t*th« th- eufne.-t-pig. falli-ie in tw (. •■tdinary pyra-

••midlcat'd pap-

’.*! in ibrniauv

Inthes wax lhat ad killed, h- ba.l killed a - m«r«Iv-r. b«t

■■■■■■ to nue d-'f-

t -' >- M ag, f.r.r* -d t

! At at lent pf to f*>d tfp< bah*' -v*< i ebnek with n rag dipiad in milk v iii*l i.imessiul, un*! u|p-u » *■(«> •*» v n>*d ;* < ,» f>*«din ; Impt-m of r a l-it^ d nun veiling; Hut v*b j

Tio-re or- many polnls in tb- rnrs- Iuk <0 xick cbildren which, although •f imiu-rtam ■-, nr- apt to !*■■ ov-riuuk- d *.r luri-d over. Tin- feeding «t in ant;- and you-., *Tiitdf*n, a malt- r *if ar.-. v< li wie ji Ue-child S« in health. e < • ;•!* ' ibntbl. :-:> durim: illness and | ing ’bulllc, jmu "Iivab'.xceiie.. In lh* <-;i: - of Infants ' l.rffTmn lultuiM. *)1»5> ipjit- .umiU t«- utmost «ar*- mast Ts* iak*n *'--- r m - t t . He - •«»! p.WHi'-rs v.i vjeaidinox*, prm«r t< n>- s,̂ .|i b snied l»> tnk- uilk frouie-val'irv . ..nd liccurotc piep.iriitlnti atid hvffh |ierf<N f ■ a AA'iri lu t ill*; v Itia .iif- nn HI, No milk must l*e kept in < n .iii ;,y Hr.,t i<» f<-d th.< animal, m in- jijr k rimru. imr imb d r'inmh! any ! it -..c,-. m<*wosrry: that tin f s.ima *.i«

jood; milk in j-arfb ular s-fnmW |; U«n lake pla— ■tiit-n in tie’ night.

it •-<* n‘d*-kh ink- >f ;<ay str.mg ctipltins thing : s« siio* b- plip-d. Man-

*titer*nfrollable dislike::, (in - oi- Ho/ !■ x'lit oi “ tad ' « r > ■ r?arp articles of iov«L ;ti ire gaiar interval'. AA'intt ;—Ul- l ei:iidr> ll -WhoUtd be tin m in in-alfh. ybmtld Im,*

i; i <>. <»!•»** in tllm :tvu xti-.iig iimttgfi

<ii.«| of U . (*khITh* fm

AttiMpie. eaiilnd Mk*- milk. I mi m.t - b- piv.ii i Hstard, jiiu* j ajuda

eem ..!;.(■. - r mill, l - l l : , H;U - *:mi -hi.red wSfh ifingLi.", and

a. In mo-i e;! < s nonrisiomut. in* me milk I* not ic h -d nltetnr

. v« r* the* * lumr.x Th»* i-alb ni i f,nt lid «*n !»• V.v*rri‘ d with artjint; »**'(mid i: cix' ii the inmitli slpmbl * i,< vcr diHcovei

first b- ilenmp.'d il vlammv uml dry, juj* when - chg

fr«nn . iii.- fond wa - m’>t t*»rthcomi» s «!ie ' lip- v*.««i*l< >!l!i k «;:> hungry i he p.uttfp- I

fit*- fainllx «*t ! - t « 4 e Jilt a sJirill ' ‘ iSf.il-. ,g|i ‘ * v*iin 1- arm d >«>' > nmbb* < m *d tin- basket provided fur Imr :»t* cpim; .pmrt.-r t, smd v.-nubt *•** tp- *■> tfo tadsi-b of Mr-.. M;.p h".|.-r amt eWak'li her out o f a <a*itn<| ■ i. ep by v. hlnHiinr in in r <ar as a * mitpjcr Umt it we* fe.-dlns Hm-.

*. l Aitbuogii do- still takes milk ;.s 5.er■ * lead • |.tilicipat tllei, )<*•* womlei iu-kV bill t*| vomit-! -ere t,Uo Includes ech-iiU m*t roots, t-n !«• 'm.d, m* far a* i iriumslanHal * *f»|i-n*-

-jtulnes, a -■-rialn ann»n*tr <■< w«hc{1 dp nloi. fsM ' bas eheuo'l up two

a>'p‘s In llm horn, throwing • tin jL:s . upon l*o* sroe.'td and <• ivirig ; trace vAf Un- brokett w.>.si««*rk. .<!*•*■ "as *li»e*Hor*d one tuornins •>(Hi h-v j-hgjs imtlglng ntu inf tho furiim-e piiu-. i

pb v* • «■( » !»**- wtildt t ad fill-vf;r twHly

Ihe Summef Complain! of Infants

IS CHOLERA INFANTUMMany Children Die from thit j

Trouble When They Could ■•; '-dabe Cured by the Use of DR. FOWLER'S EX­


Ak remedy winch will quickly ttfisrt ! ';‘ ii' »■■(■< m;- .the Jvoiniiins. purging, uml the prufu-e f g . >: . : , idiarrhoea, acfwnfuuing a easr «f th:> ’ : ■* ■:nature. ! • ...

Mr*. George Henley. Roxgtove, Out . ■ : . V vrnies:—" f can recommend Ur FowIerM : yip: ifi , , : - ,Extract of Wild StrawImu for tlholer.v ; -Infantum. My link- till wa* *. v ,d , , , ..I did nut think die cmild live, a-: wc * >*uld j ( e ; , m*t lift her up. fur when w moved her, | t . , . .her Iwmrlx wmtld move I c Im ," Ur. l'<mlet\ 'and the tirct <b*xv hrtjw-I < . . . ! . - 1 ^her, and one Iwdtie cured her. I tecnm- | , ’ . .. 'me tided it to my sister wlm«- child was I - ’*.» » • >‘• ick. amj it cure-1 her at**- Tkvw as-iiu ’ ' ; : ' - -I have told other friend* about it, ami • ’they have found that it i* a grand 1 ; ( > d :• 1 ’medicine to have hi the house nil the i !( * • • k 1time/ < - - - g.-!;-- • .

There are many jerparauUn* *>n the , ‘ market to-day, claiming 'to make tin : «»♦-Same cure* a * '• Dr. Fowler * ' but tin x,- : &0ATINC AND C A tjjo-tumc. uo-reputatiou. ?*> calkd *itaw- ' ... ,berry ront|<**und* ate t»*thtng mure «>r : : ,!e*s than rank imitaltou*, and ate liable - - i - •: .*■*. - .,t*» l*e a ilv tfimeiit to your health

When you a*k for ' Dr I’-wb rX" , y >e sure >>*u get it. Do not accept any < ,.. ‘athrr a* these Milotitnte* may Im dan- j - ■ .ijirtoii*

See that our name ii on the wrapper. S . ' APtw-r. !F* ernt* i ." , ’ ; i;

The T Milbnin C o , Limited, ITmonto, Ont. tin- m-««„ ■. .- i.:

inlike rryjs*






•» l*kr!> «» ..... .... ,tlclean It thoroughl1-, spray with t«. p#r pent. solution «f rarNdle acid; and fumlngale with -homing b‘--

cd. if nee * ary.

— . r — « » .

day or two. when mssurod that the

tho nest* (III all Imvo had a c|ianr.. to cat and drink. They will not re­turn always to the

l . i ' M ‘. " V M T t K s . >.TV iSKStS

sate*..................... -f«V»bS- »’• V» • t* «>•<• nisre in mode

seas-*.’® ss.rsitv;;sz:; ^ ssfi£, -

r j ’S'XT-,

:s k s ^ i r t v a s r in a

I,: 'rZ', th„V; S M & S V Z

s a w « a « = $ »of the mar.# .Uotdd 1- «Mb>l with

clovers' lo obtain a gofwl mart, that I they ran Im nw i for the poultry In nw*« the early aprfng.

■ L S f l E H G T H I l F

Itching Scalps Dandruff and Falling Hair

.. Ubleapoonful of water may be al­lowed to each egg. when preparing co­quette* or fixh.

Spots ran often be removed from furniture, by using powdered rotten atone and linseed oil.

When peeling onions hold them under cold water, as that will keep them from stunning the eyes.

Successfully Treated with Cuticura Soap

«*f EJSTiwill drive rata a

^ g a ffir -r r -M

ks r

sss Xi

ig p iis i, . , ................!<!» h*.* *’ ", that tiro* :I Wfffl. perfectly healthy and

© sF B ;83̂ 3

--------- liicl.cd » • her Otl.*i*ri.v: Uhl mare* ; ------

'■ . . . . .

"' Vf '*,0aW j ’" 'T ' r ^ ,T n'£v7/a’I V ' ’.*,i

__________,. S U S , * ; .“ 5 K : K £ ; A U T o e «« c r VS. o e m o ck ac v .

r l l s f S;l § £ i !

r .^ rlzB W £ 3"K I'K .'-.r.JW S


An Amazing Cure For NeuralgiaMagical Relief For Headache


lahcd off. la said to

he repeated a roupl

The Most Effective Remedy jZ ' m' ‘ o™Nervillne l»'permanent.

It down't matter whether the raoso is *pa*m or congestion. external or Internal; if it i» pain- equally with Its curative action upon neuralgia— Nervillne w ill relieve and quickly rtir»

, rheumatism. sciatica. lumbago. atraina, •»* swellings or enlarged joints, and all

ite. other muscular aches.

Known is “ Nervilirie.”

...* reason Nervillne I- Infallibly i remedy for neuralgia resides In twi

remarkable properties Neryllin

, ' f io of tlmoa be-


. . .. Ihm they Will be light and fluffy.When putting away silk waist* take

nut shield*, as they are apt to crark

iuhrr .............. ........... h said to l^exrrJIenMr.r rlfanv

tat.le and drop. Do this two nr throe time* before putting in oven and your rakes will never fall. Thin is especially

the 25 rent"trial site. Hold by dealers

abor|P'thn r « are*^exposed* and are i tinder Henry VIII, death was the pun- likely to he hunted b» lb- run. , lament for ateallng three ahilllng.;

Cut the gra.’A freotimlh and I w e th W ^ . r * ' ' --------the <mtlng-. where they fall.-wy the! death: .. tefficial lawn dorlnr*. The crae* elip- j hi* retgr ping* settle around the ro-.fa, bold Formei moisture and act a* n shield from the, swept of. . ............ -son. ' Thnee wh-» fee| that a lawn must1 million* During toe ....... , ........-tw raked aft-r It I* mo«r,t should u*e War n f i t o w of Ufrmany a popula- onlv wooden rak< s an ! u*e them ! Hon were killed. The black death de-

-■ iy and car- lully/ * ‘ * ' -------- * ... .......* ------ - ---------

mmio hv the i hiRiory.

m|lt of ’t'helr’na n. few of lle-m 'auceeci i the

velvety lawn*, which a* a gen m l rule covenre «o »otan} n»<r «nr»«»>rci fxlat onlv in *<•..« catnlogm'e ami KiiR- j told suffering . Formerly operat land. The Kngliah aav that such j were performed while the sub lawn* are to te> had only thmurh a writhed and shrieked with pain

fn,-u;<- exctvU<. amt

i f i ^ S K v i r sMAN’S REAL TRAGEDY.



m m m mSir*"* «»


groood.»eed ef tn-chamcal pulp formed ° Quri.ec' ha* ‘itw -ye1'' »̂ <M, Ihe lending



i R I S S Ialways has his skates on

pu ""*3 V̂.“n.” ' S/ee

.b/^from tradelappUy getting

.,w^ng"water" us w.di" a*"over ' ice at once and » » « jewo;* Mr. Spider i And’ betide* he ha* -ail* to help When l-.e **t* ch-re t« »^e shoreI earrv him along Mia *Wate* e* ► • * the wen is flung acr->. a weed o. »la l# ¥ e arifh him but ihe rat * h«- t ufh. making an *■ r ?l Tn-.g* on I makes right on the .pot a. .non a» «V.ch *kf '^ t y / „ ,*

1 firmly pUnte.1 ..n top of a ! , m i l , v . h , thetfl'glllS to spin. Out 0I' « » Idle. I.llOtIK, * * ‘ ■ ... , ' sil|„wVbhkatrand ef etlk; It caUihc# the wind wontn for hi* ship*took


During April ami May last when making Contracts and placing orders in European markets for Autumn and Winter Merchandise one of the conditions was that all goods must he shipped on or before July 1st. Owing to this for* lunate circumstance we are in a position to-day that very few stores can boast of. namely. Autumn and Winter Stocks are com plete and part icularly heavy in lines which are practicnlly controlled by Austria. Germany. Switzerland and France. W e want to impress these facts on all buyers o f our lines because Under existing circumstances, no more shipments will arrive from Europe and

. wanted lines will not only be scarce but will advance in price. We suggest ifij early select ions of all your needs. .


Selected from foremost Canad­ian makers lines including every new style and color.

IMPORTANT TO COAT BUY ERS — When choosing from our stock you choose your own indi­vidual garment. We control the lines we sell and there will be no duplicates. Prices are each $ 1 0 . 0 0 to $ 2 2 .5 0 .

The New Dress FabricsA color range o f unusual

beauty both in the bright shades of Reds. Mahogany. Rose and Blues as well as the rich autumn shades o f browns. Navys. Purples. Wine s etc.

p.. Fabrics too are o f a se rviceable as well as a dressy nature, including Crepe. ® Honeycombs. Velours. Peau-de-Peach. Sergestfnd several entirely new cloths

called Velour Serg* Ih ngaline Brilliant and Bengaline Ondulc. and best of . , ail are the Tweeds and Tartans in magnificent color combinations. ' hese both e i in sm all and large checks promise to be the most popular for skirts, coats,

dresses, suits and children’s wear.

Imported Cottons.Opening this week a dock of unequalled values in all cotton lines for House­

hold and Dress pur posts.



Mrs. .1 Monk hit* mlninod home af­ter vldlUoRher parent* In Walkerton. IWineiMofj Speoillor

Ilarst* for side: five year old, on ml anti*not afraid <>f autos; tttljjlil.'bi'- tween eleven and twelve hundred. Apply. W . J. Khl.l-.tt. Cargill..

The main attract ion al the North- etit ICxhibtion which will Ik* belt! on .Heplotuhev t5th. ami lflth. will Im it htlooit ascension ami parachute drop.

The prixe liuls of the Kinkcrton Kx ItMiition which will he held on Friday SeptonilH-p 2**ih, will Im* in the hand* of file sverctaty, Mr. A. Pinkerton this week uml anyone wanting* *opy can hemre ttftuie on application.Wauled.

‘ mod live agent in Krnce Bounty to work on a commission. Mu«l have a conveyance, rig o f lutlninohile, An attractive proposition.- Apply *>nf ill'll* Concrete Pniil Company. 303 Col hoi-ne street. Brunt ford.

Sonin Walkerton hottaewiv* ate ev-»iiy iinking iioe.ilanera mi thepio„ds Inlf . n-m tiointt nr, at pi i1 met chants report w large liici-ale*. epcciriilly iu floor ami »t

danv families Imvu'stroked tip with hu e ami Jour Img* of flour ami a l«g >t migur, while the ktrge.td, rale mi fat eeorded was to one old couple who torn! itway twelve Ixtg* of Hour. An d tun family i» report! d to have p m -haded Ion bug** Although thin slightMijiri* uncalled for, tin* large pur- hattea now will lend toward* the Ding of the diHimud Inter on ami neatly aesidt in keeping d-

r t»r nfbft to t


Mr. W , lv. MeCtun of Bogina aud Mr. W.O. Borne of fhivtdsuu. Sa»k.« Tidied at Sir. C. 'V . Keeling'*ou Mon- day.

Mr. W . I*. Kdcliug is home Horn London.

Mho. Nellie Kchoc of i>ut-lpb ii> visit - lug at the Power House.

A number front here took inthcptc- itic excursion to Southuuipton laM Thursday, Tito ball leant won from Walkerton by a *c >re of S-3

Sir. Thus. Olivet, who hat hc«n visiting friend* i»i this vicinity has re­turned to hi* borne iu UouUagdon Quo bee.

Mr. John Thornton of Toronto ip tlio guest «>f St'i- Stella Key* * who, is spading her holiday** at Jier home.

* returned fioi

H**V. Mr. lloltm-.. a returned mi iomtry from Japan delivered «n int« e.iting lecture in the Methodist chu*» .Monday evening.

Mr. Kd. Zimmerman ha* return! fiorn London.

Mr. Harold m ice h. a short holiday I,rip.

Mind Marie Martin ha* return, from tiuelph.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yuitug ha- moved to Woodstock.


Alphoo." Zimmer of Garrick who ha* tire contract for Hural Mail d Hivering mi Culm** started his new duties on Monday,

Mat Keiu|*yl. W ill; Vogt. Attilnw Dppernmti and Alt. Zitiiuier -wont to

Every W omen W ho Wwhe* to Be Well-Drexxed

need* the Auluitm iiHic of that won­derful quarterly

“ Butterick Fashions”Hunk ot kf 6(H) dotmet <ledgm! 2,000 illudralton*. Willi each copy you get any lluiii iiik Pattern you like f 'tee. UCxMt <. C«.» tU

For Sale ByJ. H. APPEL

Berlin, lh dav.

«<» 11-spier last Halm

IWii-Schwaiit. o f < tttawa came home for bis summer vacation last .Satur­day.

Mr*. Frank Solicit ol Berlin came on a visit to iler relative* here last Katut* dtty.

Mr. and M t J , N. Scheffer ot Mihl- may *j*end Sunday lieto with the latt­er** brother J. II. SelieftutV

Mr. and M»*-. Jno. L»mt>ertus «>f Tceswater visited their relutivvi here last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Olvi« Diebt Uamt child­ren of Uulfalo who visited here for some lime* left lor homo this Mon­day.

Mias Auiev Sahwiin. daughter of tUe lute Jei-. ScbWHii of Owen Sound, who has Ih-.-u visiting here and vicinity the last three weeks left for home last Sunday.

Jno Meyer of Aiuhteside started hi- till ashing machine Iasi Wednesday.

Ucv. Madigun, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Zinger amt Tod Klein went in a auto to Mildiuuy on <», vjidt last Wed lies day.

Mr. ami Mr*. Alfred Noli who have been visiltng the former* parent}, her- for two weeks went home on Krlduy.

Last Sunday we h a d » fine rail here.

Henry ftloouck li.e* 7 bore* and 2 colt* for sale.

) Mr. and Mr-., Pi link Suam-s of Oat* t ick vf-iled here lat>t Sunday.

Mr. Andrew Wvilet and daughte* buelpli vir,itcdth-'irrelatives hole !■

T H E W A R IN B R IE F, (Continued from Page ml

T wwi.av IStii.Dospatch from Brasaels ami other

places indieftto that a big battle iaiu progrosu hot ween tho (lormaiiu and UmlHIgiau and French allies, one correspondent says that the Germans are advancing on tho historic battle grounds of A despatchto a Paris papor from Brussels states the Belgian miniator of war says the Belgians have blockod the advance of thojr Gorman corps. Tho Fionch war ofljco reports the French are making progress in a movement to turn the Gormans left Hank and strike at the very centre o f their line.

The French troops it is announced have now established themselves

didly in Ah--, and Lorraine.A despatch from Brussels says

the Belgian war office announces that all the German troops recently fronting the Belgians have taken up- striotly defensive entrenched pusi tion.

An official announced at Paris says tho rumor isporsisteut fit the Hague that tho German Grown’ Prince has boon seriously wounded and is lying at Atx-la-pcllo and„.tbat Emperor William has hastened tobiesido.

A Shanghai despatch saye flonfir: motion has been received there that two disabled German cruisers have boon brought into Hong K ong. SiTbe Servian government announc: os that tho Aualriaua have boon com; pletoly routed in the mountain near Sadbac and 10 0<X) annihilated four; teen guns wero captured.

Advices from Berlin by the way of tho liaguo says, the offen;fivo movement agaim Franco and Belgium is reported well ju progress tho capture of BrusaolP, it is doclgr; od iu now considered only a <jucHtiou o f days. Sir John French com: maudor of the Bntibh troops in Franco left Paris for the front today

A Borne despatch eaytt an Austrian Torpodo boat struck a mine at tho entranco o f the harbor at ilo la and Went down, with only one member of the crow being saved. The Aust: rain advanco into S o m a is in pro:



gress according lo a Vienna drspalchtbeltUH*iaii invading army opera!, ing through the S l jr valley hus been driven back to the frontier.

A Brussels despatch Into this afternoon says the German ad­vance is reported lo be slowly driving the Belgian outjrOBfc back j u|M)n the main allied army at several pointo along the principal line o f battle.

W ed n e s d a y ‘20t h .The British official Press Iiur- \

eau announces that some desuit ! ory lighting occurrctl on Tuesday between the British Patrolling squadrons and flotillas anti Ger­man cruisers, which were recoin* noitcring. No losses arc report­ed or claimed, There is reason to bclivo that a serious engage­ment has been going on t>‘nce Monday south o f Brussels, and the troops o f t he allied armies are stubbornly contesting the Ger man advance* The German ap­parent ly aroendeavoring tobronk through the centre o f the allied armies, It is reported the Bel­gians have biown up and aband­oned some o f the forts at Liege; It is officially onnounced that th e1 Russian forces have crossed the German frontier in at least six places,

A Rome despatch says the Ger-” man gunboat I’V erland has been forced to disarm at Nanking China. An ofiicicn! statement from Paris says the mobilizing ot the Austrian army was acoom: panied by much disorder and even open mutiny in many places owing to the unpopularity o f tho war among the people. The Pope has issued an appeal to tnc Catholics o f the whole world to pray for peace.

A despatch says the German advance post is covering the re ­gion between Gcnibloux and Jodoigne are being gradually pushed hack before the advance o f Be I gain anti 8 French forces the Belgians and French are now in close contact with the advance lines o f the German army.■ Thu British government is sending reinforcements to the continent, Plymouth being used as the principal basis of trans: iM.>rtation operations:

A Paris despatch says the Ger­mans are in possession o f Brus: sels.

On and after MON; DAY. JUNE 8th. 1 willhe open for business in my new' stamiin the Kilmer block, corner Victoria and Durham sts. in the building for­merly occupied by C. W. Cryderman. druggist.

1 have greatly in­creased my stock and am now in a better pos­ition to serve the people of Walkerton in all lines o f jeweilry.

m (*)

R. L. G ibsonJ e w e l l e r W e l K o r l o n

Swagger Styles In

L A D IE S ’ C O A T ST h e new Ladies' Fall ( 'oats

arc here, aud they are beaut­ies. W u specialize the “ North way Garm ents’ ’ and the perf­ect fitting qualities elim inate the necessity o f alterations/ T h ey feature m an y marked changes iu styles, materials aud lines, and com prise every approved new style note-of the season. A ll the newest )m at-

■ erials are shown in our dis­play, prices running at $y, $8, $ io , $ i r, $ 12 , $ 13 , $ 14 , $ 15 , $ 1 7 , $20 to $ 25 .

T he new ' ‘ P'itwell Mats” in ­clude every th in g new and up- to-date in soft and stiff felt hats for Fall. See our hand­som e tweed effects in the new r ips fo r men aud boys.

Com e aud inspect these goods early , as they are being qu ick ly picked up , aud the ch oice ones g o first.

New Brocade velvets. M oire silk s, plain silk s, plain and fancy dress goods for suits and separate skirts. W e are prepared as never liefore to meet the demand for distinctive aud sty lish dress materials. Wc invite -your inspection.


C a n a d a is f a v o r e d a m o n g th e n a t io n s . W o h a v e p e a ce w it h in o u p o w n b o r d e r s . W o h a v e le a r n e d t h e le s s o n s t a u g h t b y le a n t im e s , a n d so a re p re p a r e d t o m o o t th o d a y s a h e a d . O u r f a r m e r s a r e p ro s p e r in g b y re a s o n o f t h o p re s e n t c o n d it io n s — a n d w h e n a g r ic u lt u r e n o u r is h e s , th e b u s in e s s o u tlo o k is o n e o f g o o d h o p e a n d g o o d cheer*


Hl-v. I*. .wkI Mto. Mathtsnii »»<! tlaughtm b a b d l ol Walteib Fall* ,<»c vbiliiit? it iaiui* ill tli»8 vicinity.

Mauler JwiiiottNyuloMot<*l«n»ls.V»**t- ' i;it Mr. Altos' Foleylhe <>» Humluy.

Mi« T. Uhatifuu .itid Mis* Mary j Youur <’f Toronto an* vieiUng fticiule : IllltU.

Mr. Maviocf of Clcvciamt Uvbitioit ! Mr. Jo*. HutTuiau,

Mi>s Mumii Clialtcuu •>( Lomlon is; vit-itiottberbtotUcr Uliboit Ubatreati. i

Mia* Joan Ur«« •>( T«vt<n<.n vi*«lo<t Mr. W u AMhiUi. and Mr. JobuTii»ui- |*iiou» Svinday.

Mir.-, Fr.uicii, Luckriilgcol Wiiigll.nn vittUett at: Mr. iinrgotVs.

A socoixi pajHir. flm Uvcortl tiaslo:i-vtal'ii-l ed iu Um town of Wiarlouwith C. \ Burns: n* xu»n*g«r ami K,< i. Cross* is odtloi Tht>» ew paper it.a uewsy i title fihent and B»lthore nottotihl is stifUdcitt I* tslnes* in Wiartontnd vleiuity to support ft o weeklies,

t’ l? y •’ !' tr<> ,hpi! !»*>» v

Retiring From Business

Having sold my stock ami property to W. M. Cam­eron o f New Liskeard who takes posesskm October 1st. To retluce the stock to a stated amount. 1 am offering many lines at cost aud below cost to clear in general dry goods, carpets, oil cloths, linoleums. Indies* and children's coats, men’s and boy's ready-made and tailor-made clothing shoes and crockery. A reduction o f 40 per cent on all wallpapers, Bargains every day from now till October 1st-

T e r m s C a s h o r T r a d e

GEO.C a r g ill

DETWILERO n t a r io

plain anil malirpi'.1,, 7IS0b.U C A S Hpriet*fi lb-**..25c

W A L K E R T O N ‘ SCounters (or

Small Wares «tS T O R E

H a lf P r ic eli»«Milvlaili»!#'ni-\v



Greater Bargains!E V ^ R Y I T E M IN T H I S L I S T H A L F P R IC E *T O R L E S S *T

H a lt P r ic e : s .m, i,a.i'-*' ill pm! skirt*. ‘ iiimlo o t Itrown iniltim cloth, jiativl Imck and frnnl. slit at bottom, perfect fit- tint;, all siijM-K r«s |2.7o. halfprlct) . . . . . . ,. $ 1 . 3 7 ^

H a lf P r ic e : i,.i.I ,,' ill .',, .k it!*, 11i.nl,o f nII*'foolxcrjto. trimmot with teU covered bnttonu. nam-l back ami front. Mit *ido*, colors black or navy. r*K <3,SO. half price $ 1 i 7 S

H a l f P r ic e : (s»<.niy.i«d-ic> hotiro d »*•!•:•!.•!*. Hindi-ot Kng- ii*h prints .and gingham*, fan colors, short " i long dcrvi*H, irlntinnl with self galore, collais or |..w m-ck style. alUfxe*. n g tip to half price andIf,;............................ 8 5 c

H a lt P r ic e : JO 0lll.Vv lad.h*«“ H ekan hlmisekt tnado in tho low Id tiil Balkan Mylo from jean cioth/laitlom 'd right down tin* front, now pointed collar.d/t;#34»nd leg ii.rst. ballprice .. ................T 5 C

H a lf P r ic e : :ionir . i«t*Tcb' siiIIn made o( lino all- wool1 in I twill kergi*; trout olightly c « t away, lined throughout, plain, hack trimmed, with hut-ton*. reg <L50-hf pr $ 7 .5 0 H a l f P r ic e : w .„i, :,,i*irs'sllk drciaC'V imuti-oi p.-uh lte silk, waist I* made with now drop ultoulder. long atoevr*. v»-»t d i-c t in front, trimmed with hot tons, rkirl peg top. ooJots co* |H‘ti, tun ond navy, d rrS l t*» 12.teg $10, half price ... $ 5 .0 0 H a lf P r ic e : ir.miiy, i,.,iic»‘ wai*-t* made o f crrprv and cotton voilh>. high a id low ed - lata, long and short tdeevrf*. front tihnnir<l. with luce mid in- with*!!*, lucked back som-SI to <2. reg up to 43.50, hall |tria< andIt .............................. $ 1 . 1 9

H a l f P r ic e : ...jam .b<d>ieh’ Jong jdlk lirlt* glov<*. jeg7ft«-. Half pi k e 37Jc. 20 pairs ladles'2 dome Mark or white hdcgloves, tog 35K-, half price . . ItV So piti> ladies 2doWt*li«lr ghivee. Mac It, white or colors, rig 2<V. half price-orl*sa,............. 9 c

Greater Bargains Evc;y Day at Carswell's.H a lf P r ic e : -m pain, ofladies'und miise#’ flimllsto im*o black mid. colon*, teg 2.V. hull price I2|c. SM pail* ladies’ hoe silk list*' hose. st’omlt*s. eolors tan. ull a im . regular 60»i; halfprlct*. , . . . * ...................... 2 5 CH a lf P r ic e : 7ouly tnm-uied hat**, close lilting, semi tail­ored new shapes of line straw braid*, smartly trimmed with i ihhops-nnd onmmenls. fog tip toki.itO. half p and h*SS ..T 5C

H a lf P r ic e : 12only »nttimmed shapes, made »d line bruiils. close lilting mul falling brims, oolors navy, tans aud ttis- caii, rrg up to $5.U0. half p»te».„.i 1...............................H a lf P r iz e : ju o in rrrtrimmings, Hown>. foliage, iptllls, mount*, ostrleh Up*, lin­ing*. wire braids, etc half price ...nd It

H a l f P r ic e : men'sfin'd Negligee shit t- just m 11 vi d flout the mamtfacltibrr. bought at a b::- haigain, colors tast, «-i?.» U to »>-. r .g tq* to |20o half price and leu- ....... .. 7f»c

H a lf P r ic e :•19 pairs men s fine -<ilk fide m>*. black mul fancy, t eg f.ot, j, 2-V 75 pahs men'- line hd<- :■<•*, bik and colors, rvg 25c, half pr. fSit-

H a lf P r ic e :15 only men's. j»o.ro«s knit Pn-

derwaar, Shill.- ami llr s tm s: siiort sleeves and km e length; broken sizes. ifeguiar $1 *W. Half pttec and !<>«, f4c

H a lf P r ic e :7 only men's tine Sailor Straw

Hat*, reg. up lo$2.W, hail price

C A R S W E L L S ' C A S H C O U N T E R S"You Pay Lein Hero'*

WALKERTON TELESCOPE.VOL XXXVill- No. .‘3 W A L K E R T O N , O N T A R IO , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 2 7 lh 1914 —8 PAG E S,

Sch oo l S u p p htes.<*>cliool means' new HUppiio-i and we are prepared io furnish ail your requirements.

High, Public and Separate School T ex t Books.

Blank and Killed Books I c, 2c, He, 2 for 5c, 4c, fie. Pens, Inks, Erasers;,Slates, Mucilage, Tablets, School- Bigs, Boxes, Crayons, Paints, etc. etc.

Buy from us and save money.

Hunter's Drug StoreDrugs and Kedah* C. P. K. Tichtl fluenev

T. K. Attwood, I#>

TRYINyaTs Blood Purifier


$1.00 a Bottle.Nyal s Skin Soap 25 Cents.

A . P. SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

r F A R M E R S ! A T T E N T I O N !

Clear Spruce Lumber[A r t ific ia l]

qS inches wide by 98 Inches long— and seven sixteenths o f an inch thick.

Replaces plaster at less cost— but is abso­lutely cold-proof, heat-proof, sound-proof and clean.

Use it any place for walls, ceilings and par titions in your new house, and for alterations and repairs auywhere.

C L E A R S P R U C E L U M B E R , seven six- teeuths o f an inch thick, at $30.00 per 1000 feet at your station. AD D R E S S :

J. S. FERGUSON384 Richmond St. - - London, Ont.

S A M P L E S F R E E .

r of muiituge li-

Mins Ji?nn. Miller left for Torout

Mrs. Greet left oil Tuesday on n trip 10 Toronto,

Snappy style# in Ladle** costa nt McIlurneyV.

Mi*S Irabelhs I lent tic went to Tot on- to Monday.

' All Sc books are "3 tor .V at Hunter » Dr tig Store,

Sale ofUlilldroiV* school lltT's#!’* at McHurneyV.

Buy your school supplies at ilunlrr* ml nave money.

f<‘. buy# the regular V Exercise hank IxiukNul Homer's.

Miss Ella Beattie of -The Elite” will slum on Thursday.

High, Public, and .Separate school text book# At Hunter's

Mr. ffntiu»ey was a tusinoss visitor in Toronto this week.

Judge and Mr*. Barrett have return* ed to their home here.

The Walkvitoo Hosim-s* College re jteint-tin Septemher 1st.

Mr. Marshall o f Durham spent Eli • day list at Mr.fi. A. Rites,

Mrs, P. A. Boss of Woodstock I* biting at Mr. M. Hudson's.

Don't forget the ditto o f the I’ illftCiV on Fall Fair. Ft may Sept. 2">tll.

Miss Veia Wesley is spending lHiis week in Bcrvio and Kincardine.'

J i


T h e a rr iva l i o f new fabrics I and the very latest designs in M en 's A pparel for fa ll o f ) 1914 . Call and have us ta k e } your measure for a new suit 1 or overcoat o f our

Superior TaioringW e g ive special atten tion to l linings, findings and finish | o f tlte clothes we m ake for you. These details have fully j as much to-do with the suc­cess o f the clothes as the cut, fabric and fitting. 1

G. T. ROURKEHigh Clans Tailor & Muu’s Wear

.Sioie, Walkcrton, Ontario.

Wakerton High School


T U E S . S E P T . 1 s t . iWith a Full fRaff ..f Teachers,

Tim following bourse* successfully carried on for many yearn w ill con- Umte to receive fulUttriitiot..

Entrance to Normal Entrance to Faculties o f

Education, both I’ass and ffonors

and Com m ercial CourseThe examination m u lt* of the school fo r «be year just past are very >uti»faetory: purtieulHily so tlie result* of the Faculty of J-iduc- atiog examination*, and the Board will spare no effort in maintaining •the .NUimt degree of ellldency.

For fmther particular* addicts;

J. Morgan,Principal.

II. M. Lay,"ituirumn

M.G. Dippel.Secretary.



Erdman’s M S

TENDER FEETo r . ''.""" -----.......... —

Do you have troublez y owith

your feet? Sore, tender poirtts? Try a pair of


I lie edgiest .fine on esrtk.


* McKwcn of Mount 1'oit-t it? iuiUng nt the home of Mr*, Weir.

Mi** Deverijl o f Detroit i* ix visitor at the hoineof Mr. ,!«*•. Whitehead,

Miss Winnie Woodmen left yestet* day to spend two weeks in Toronto.

Thu Misses Until anil Radiol Roger?, returned from Southampton I oat week.

Mr. Elroy Hergott spent the end ol lost week with his uncle in Kivenulalc.

Mr tfonnar ot Cleveland, Ohio, is visit ing his grandmotlier Mrs. Gould.'

Mr and M tv Harold Leslie returned from their honeymoon on Friday last.

Mr. W. Pohnatcir ol Mount Forest was a vh itor at A. O ld ie 's on Tues­day.

Mis* Doris Graff ui Clilford wot* a visitor n t M iv Frartfc Rennies on Fri­day.

Misf Sara Little is spending a few day with friend* in Tam ami Owen Bound.

Misses it. Robertson and M. Me- regor left on Monday ou a trip to


TheMisJeo Batto ol Lansing Mitb re visiting thdr patent# Mr. and Mr*.

Joe Unite.

The |||»sea Mary ami Anuit- Urey o f otonto are visiting their auot Mr*.

J. E. Boo*,

Tbiify-nseett o f the volunteer* who b it Wulkei ton last week were Ches- ley boy*.

Mam* Havill of 'Totonto i* spending hecvucatlou with her par­ents in town. *

Mr. Joe Cain unddangbter of Guelph are spending a few da>v visiting re­latives here.

Mr*. Hiidrtd o( Her vie vlsiletl at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Wes­ley- last Week.

Rev, T. O. Millet of Uxbridge, is visiting at the home or Ida staler. Mr*.J. H. HibWrt.

Messrs Georgoami Leo Krttetuor, ofDetroit are visitor * a t tlw home of Mr. 4.J. f>ehn«rn.

Mt . Jno, Koger.v.n livim-ipal o f the Arthur public school 5 s renewing ac- (uaiolances here,

Mr. amt Mrs. I. EllEnghaitsCD l« ft on I'ui-Mifty for London where they will reside in She future,

Mr. Jim Stalker who has hern vis Ring relatives in Go-Iph leiurntd ht« home here last Week.

Miss Hildred of Webhwood, New Ontario, Mpent the past Week with Io sister Mr*. J. A. Wesley.

■See the balloon ascension amt pari chute drop at the Wslkvrlon Fall Fair on September JOlh.

A large number ot Hell Telcphoi employee* have iicon laid off work this section during tlrh* week.

Nelson Wettlaufcr of the ReO Telephono *LilT at Lindsay is visiting bis mother Mr*. II. Wettlanfor.

Roy Whitehead who i* spemLng the summer nt Southampton spent Mon day and Tuesday in Walkcrton.

Mrs. J. 4. Lemlik y ot Berlin spent a fpw (layout the home of her pa Mr ami Mrs. Adam Hneg miller.

All schools reopen on Tuesday next September In, and the , youngster; will once more turn to their book* am! itudiee.

Miss Lou CiituphcH a graduate nurse Rochester is visiliug her mother < Campbell, and also In i sister Mrs.

Fruuk Speriun,

Miss Mae Braider, nutse, who has been visiting her parents Mr. nnd.M duo. Brahtcriu Brant returned to De­troit on Wednesday.

The M HWsMarg.Hird Nora O’Counor of Toronto, who arc spending the

uniter at Southampton renuwid uc luaintauceu here last week,

The Mtsses Je.<n, Ruby.aud Fbucuco Dolovcrn of Windsor were among those who attended the Faxpiharson

McConnell nuptials yesterday.

Mr. Jack Burke who bat had eonsld- erahle experience iu Militia affair* l*-lt on Ttiursdav for ToiontO whore lie joined it regiment and has gone to Vnl Carrier.

Mr. and Mr*. Gordon Young <>f Car­gill left last Saturday for Wood-lock where Mr. Young has accepted a *U notion as teorher and where they will resole ia future.

/ t he Misses Bradbronk. MHIer , and Tulbol, motored from Toronto on Sat­urday August the loth, to spend lire week with Mr, and M u. George I'obey of Watkertou. and are returning to the oily on Monday.

Work has been commenced on the west end bridge io which an addition­al one hundred-foot span will be added Owing to this the bridge has been closed and all Ct-aRi' L m*w g'dng through the river 'i

MiM Emma Wat km lei t on Tuesday for Winnipeg where *he will spemf a f«\v month* wrflr h,r brother James who will join her in Toronto. Mr, Jus. Walker is returning to his home after attending the funeral of his mother.

Mr. Robert Birmingham Secretary of the luiftiigrattqti for Hia Dominion

jvernmciri. and for tears the or- ganixur for* ('miservatlve party in tiri* province, drediu T.»«»nlooo Ttrcs- day, Mr, Birmingham was known in Walkcrton.

A brouxe buet <>r Emperor William I if Germany which was placed in Vic

toriu Park. Berlin. Dm. sevoral years bv.*d from it s base dm ing

Saturday night, nrol thrown into the ke. Tile ineidiynt has etexted con- derableiU-feelio.iamimg rhe Dei man

citizens of the eily.^ 'i'..-. tt.ibs , , f L'ar p l l bowlurs played

Friday coining. The rink skipped tiy Deivo ilf«*play« d » tiegame with R. M. IM .yei a itink and Dr. Han--

was defeated •/>- Mt. N. Robert' •ink by s -h »i». On Saturday af

iernoon Mr- Fawbr s rink (Cargill) (fiefeated that of Mr. A- M« Nab by two stmt#

IV anted.A . good ho«*i* oia'ot ;»t the huspitai.

A pply to Bupsu inn-ndm-t tf'iimmi-H Inwlitute.

T i i « Women's institute meets at Mire. John Vovlzing s on Tlmrsdny S ipt. 3rd, Subject-- Mother* and the E.upire. “ How to simplify work in tb s houte.Noetic*.' ro Women.

.1JI women o f W«lkett«m interested in relief work in connection with thepretunl war arcearne.itly teijticsU'd tomeet iir the Arimntt ies on Monday, Aug. JJsUatSp. m.

was held in ••eoing ni ter

A very soccesilul danc the town ball on Friday tho Hewer show.

Miss Pearl Eckcri*weilcr of Cliff* >rd was a guest at Ilia Imuie of Mr J. JK. McOregopon Sunday.

Mrs. A. D. Maekay of London ( for- tnerlyMIs* Elirm Morrell, Walkerlgm) is visiting her aunt Mr*. John Mc- Wbiuuy, Brant, and Mu, David W Bhe. Normauhy,

Wa ml.mid Uvu d*gent »u Bruce County to

work on » Co lomlssion. Must have w conveyance, '.tig oi^nutoinobile. An attractive preposition. Apply Out- urio Concrete ,r*ost Company 3(XI Colhome Btreet. I I rantford,

Lelt For Xot.ee. oioryCaptain Klein txH.oivrd orders on

Mouday to enlist an additional nine recruits for serVict .their duty toTbv to Hssiat in guarding Iht- wireless tale- graph atfttion ai *£V»le:mory. There were a good number of applicants, the following being pieki d out for duty; Victor Boll. Walter Hr yee. Bob Tam­er, Joe Wal|ace.;Percy* .Ivokiu*. Frank Taggart, Nmimm Hall,* Edward Disr, and Wiu. Wctduer.

Married in Foriuosa.The marriage took plaCe in the F«»r

nn*sa R. f ’ . ebnrrhmi TocMlay morn log of Mr. Clins. Vmillutten, an eio ployec of tin* Wfilkerton Rattan F««st my to Miss Kuphemia Sehaef.-r daughter of .Mi. and Mr-, J .Seliavfei ol UulroDn. Mr. and Mrs. VonHalteu will reside on Yonge street where tfij; groom has re»t<*d ono o f Mr, Ihdlow a houses.

C«so Dlitmiowil.Martin achtiootcber of Ctib oss win

was sent up for trial by Magistral! Tolton last week on a charge of « t templing to sH lira to the barn of hit ueigljbor Mr. L.iuis Kielfer, appeared larfory JudgeKMn on Friday morn Ing for his Huai hearing. After tb* etldcneo wn« heard Heliumacher tvns adjudged not guilty and the >;as« was dismissed, o. K. Klein appeared u- coiincH for the defendaot.

Labor Way.lailKir Day. Monday. Septeniiierol Ij

will he a big day in VVnlkertoo: it is the day o f the Ideal bowling t«*orna-

Jbnvif t x will be here fixittl oil par In of Wenp-rn Ontario and reports indicate that there will l»e a larger number of rinks present than last year. There ate three competitions this year. Trophy, Association and Consolation. The pmes to be award-

Trophy, 1st. four cut glaNS water acts. 2nd four handsome silver bake dishes; Association, 1st four mahogany and silver trays, 2nd four cut glass, eight-inch berry bowls; and

idatioo, 1st four pair* o f hand nickel-mounted bowls, 2nd lour

handsome carving seta with staghorn handle*. Ttra green is now in excell­ent condition and in the evenings dur­ing t he tournament, will be specially illuminated.

a ri|uloirNon.—Me Connell The home of Mr. and Mia, Oliver

McConnell. Brant, was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their niece, Mis,-. Minnie McConnell o f Windsor formerly of Walkcrton. was unit ed in> marriage to Mr. William F«rT|uhai»on f Alpena, Mich., formerly of Walker-

ton on WvdncsdAy morning at eleven ■’clock. The ceremony was perform­

ed by Rev. Toltuie of Windsor iu the ncool the immediate reiaiivea.of antrttCting.parties only. Allot

the ceremony a sumptuous wedding as served, the young couple

leaving on the afternoon train on a wedJiug trip to New York, after which they will reside in Alpena, ; Mich. Both Mr. snd Mrs. Faiguhat - sun ate well known and very popular in Walkcrton and themauy beautiful and costly presents ot which m e bride was tlte recipient testify to the high esteem In which they were held, best wishes for every happiness ar extended t<* them by thetr man; ft lends in Wtlkertott.

The Walkcrton Fair The Walkertoti Fall Fair whicit will

this year h« held on Tuesday ami Wed- nc*day. September loth and Rith will bo the event of the year. Two bands A brass and a Highland pipe band have b«vu engaged for the day and a ladies' dt'iviiiif competition will also beamong the aUraetlons. The main feature, however vrilM-c a tutUoeu ascension and parncliute drop on the last day of the fair given by Miss Dorothy He

. Vonda, a fatuous balloonist. TbtsWtl! be worth com ing to see. An interest­ing feature in coum elioit with the »s- cetisioits given l»* Miss DvVooda arc the prizes given by tlte Vaughan Pub­lishing Company of Monroe, W i» . with whom she is nssocial»-d. Each ascension, from a height of 100U feet more, Miss DeVor.drt distributes lo(K) ticket# numbered from 1 to.faOO, the person presenting ticket jn-aring mitithcr eorre«pondiur».with oi iously seleotetl ami placed in a sealed envelope by a disinterested party, will bo given « fsj.lk) tot of books fret of charge.

Flower ShowThe annual flower show of the W alx

erton Horticultural Seeisty whicit was held ou Friday evening last was a decided success. Tbh exhibits were numerous and ot excellent variety. The prizes here aw*idvd a» follows:

Collection Sweet Peas; 1st. Miss B. RowatuL 2nd Mr. U. M Lay. ^Collection Asters— 1st, M. NorrI#h, 2*1. II. M. Lay.^ Collections Nasturtiums— bt. Mr.*. H. Plcl»cb. 2nd.Mis* H. Rowond,

Collection« iladioll— bt. D. MeKech- me ‘.'nd. K. M. Taylor

(Radioit Display— 1st D. Mckcchniiv Cidlection Dahlias— b t M. Notrish

2ml Mrs. Harry Plefaeh.Collection -Phlox Druuiundl — 1st

Miss ft R jwand, 2nd Mrs, Lsuibertua Collection of MfUigolds - bt* Ml*;

losmbcrtus.Collection Anmial,—b t Mis. II.

Piet sell.taitleciimi Begonias—1st Mrs. \V O,

Jieatle, 2nd M. NoitisU.Table Bo(|oet.-L t Mis. II. FJefcttt*,

2nd Miss B. Howand Basket Cut Flowrr>-lst H. Plei b . Collection Ferns - bt M. Norrish,

2nd Mrs. W. <■•-Searle- Collection Plant -1st M.Nortisb. 2<nl

II. M. Lay.Window Box~lst M rs. W. t< Briulo

2nd II. M. Lay.Hanging Basket—1st Miss ti, Truax.

2nd .’'Its. J. LambelTus. ,

Mr. E. H. -Slodf eld formerly o f the stalf of Mr. ,1 B llusllo i-Imaaccepted .» pisiltoii on tin- staff of Mr. J. B* Reynolds,

.foineil Military Engineers,Mi. Mm lay Wilson a f. Hide lit of

<Rieeu*M University, Kingston, soil of Rev. and Mrs. Thus. Wilson, who it: spent the summer in Saskatelm'n bus been cnlh d from llio west to join tin* Fifth Company of Enginecra «>f Ktng- *(*>n. lie arrived «t Kingston bet week and left on Saturday with tile company for Valearller. Qusboc. wberr they w»ll train andwill prolmh- ly leave for tile I rout in the near fut­ure.

Ilm k« Into store:Donald McLaughlin, who it is claim­

ed 1ms iMvtfAl aliases and who hits l*ee» emnloyed on a lai n) near Chep- «t»w! appeared belmt- Magisli ale -T«l- ton and was sent up for trail mt Moo. day afternoon no two serious charge#.

'Stealing and burglary. Accord- tag to t Io* evidence, .McLaughlin whoso past record ia m*n»* too good on T«e*- day night last stole u horse from Mr. Rodger Clancy nml drove to Tor-swat- e* wlieto lie >a»ke into the •'loro o f Mr. Mann and cart led off with him a large '("antity of lUercliaiidlHO. He made h idean get away at the time hot the nothcritb-x were soon on hia trail and

rrest follow ed. Tho stolen goods • recnv eicd l»eing found in the t of Mr McNah at Chepstow,

where McLaughlin on examination admitted he Imd them. The horse

hieh McLaughlin drove, through tho furious driving it received In since been limler the care ol the veter­inary.

Ifutim i-liick ling.East View Farm, the home of Mr.

and Mrs, T. H. Hickling in Cairick was the scone of a very pretty wedd­ing on Thursday evenbig August 13th, when their second dnaghter Martha M. became the bride of Mr. Peter Hutton of Brant township. The cere mony wa* |>erhomed by Rev. D. A. Walker, pastor .of the Walkcrton Methodist church in the presence of th« immediate ivUUvc* of contract ing pai ties. Tho hi ide was gowned iu cream silk crepe with lace bodice and pearl trimmings and catfied a hoijuet of bridal roses and lily of the valley. Miss Janet Hutton sister o f the grmim j f̂csiiled at the organ. This day wa» liie >lth huth-day of Mu. Edward Hick ling, grandmother of (he bride

J the anniversary was celebrated by the christening ot the venerable old lady’s grond-grnnd-dnughter, Muriel ElixUn-th Fawcett, daughter o f Mr. ami Mrs. (icoige FrtWCelt, (nee Anno Hickling). After the performance o the two ceremonies tho govs ts adjourn e«l to tne .litting-t ->om where tea was *eived. The evening was spent in games and music. Mr. and Mrs. Hut t ol left the following day lo reside ou tlie groom# farm near Tiveitc

Culled m England.Mr- J. <•- tiriffln, a member of the

local football team, who came to Walkerton from England about one year ago received a cablegram on Thursday morning last, ordering him to return to England at once and re P»*rt for service fit Europe with the regiment t<» which he formerly be­longed. Mr.«01(110, tike all English­men, lost no time in answering the call of hb country and left lb2.'« train. Tills esse is purtieulatiy sad a# Grilllo wa« obliged to leave bi> wife and thiee small children behind with'- no visible menus of keeping the wolf trom the door. Surely tin people of Walkcrton will rbe to thi occasion and st-c that this family is tvkeneare of during their bread-win­ner's absence. From present condi­tion# it would seem that thoxo charit­ably disposed ladies and othcis iu thi; country, who are Usually interested ti mlstdous. will find quito aulllclent charity wmk to'do in their own land during the'comtng winter in caring

the wives tad children oi those a who have had to leave their faui- * in just such circumstances i ii Klin has.

Duiikwardl—-Lang The Walkei ton U. F. church was

the scene of a pretty wedding on Tmts- inornlng'at nine o’clock when

Mr. Chas. Dankwaidlof Berlin t»a> united in marriage to Mi*-. Regina A. Lung, danglitei of Airs. Andrew Reich of Brant. Rev. Father Cummings of­ficiated, the ceremony being perform­ed in tin; presence of a large number t the bride's friends. The bride was

attired hi Ali> a blue#ilk with bridal veil and wreath of orange blossoms ami carried a hoguct of bridal coses, liiy-of-thc-valley and matdcu-hatr

Jibe wnsuasisled by Miss Carrie iieken>w«Uer ami Matilda «ball as bihti xutaids while the groom was at­tended liy Messrs Flunk and Joseph Lang, Iu other- of thebridc. a» grt-otus-

Thv latter were preseotesl with pern (ties pins by tlte groom, while the

ilciou.-ml* leeeivwd jwarl set brcia h Afiei the * ctvntony the wedding

ty icpalfed t*> the home of the biides mother, where some two hun­dred guest* including many from Walkcrton. gathered and spent the

noon ami evening in games nml dancing- After their honeymoon, Mr. and Mr*. Dnnkwotdi will reside In Berlin,

Epworlh League (,'onvontiou.Th - N’lPwnlh dnnual convention of

the Walkcrton Dis-trict Epwoith lea­gue will he held iu tile Walkerton Methodist dhuri'h on i.ahor Day, Mon­day. Jifcp tern her 7th, The morning ut V, JO o’clock, afternoon at 2 o’clock and evening at 7.15.Ai)|M>luicd It K Surgeon

Dr. Farewell received notice on Tuesday that he h.vl been appointed railroad surgeon for the Canadian Pacific Railway here, in place of Dr. J J. Fraser wb>* ha* joined the corps of Canadian military nirgeonx *t Val Cartier Camp, Quebec.To Freveut lonalion of Prices

Daring the recent special session of Pnt'linnient, called on account of the war, 11 was decided to take all step* necessary to prevent unwarranted incrctwe# in the cost of staple foodstuff* Many manufacturcre and importer* who on the leant pretence tatse the prices of their product*. h»vo taken advantage of the war scare and al­though the co*t of importation or monufactui e an the cate may lie is no more than formerly, they havo raiknl the price of their good* to a figure which they had never before received. The luertMse of ten centeiu the price of lea i» one which ic under considera­tion. Fur this inctenad, it is contend­ed, t Imre aro no just grounds. This I* hat one case in many and the tiovern- iiient will find it bat d to prevent the money-grabbing combines and big in­terests inditing theii piicesand reap­ing a big pioflt from the war-scare which they have vainly endeavored to convert into a panic.Breat Bailie In Progro*#.

The first decisive battle of the Euro­pean war ha# been ia progress daring the po*.t three days. The Barman* were allowed to cater Brussels, tb« capital of Belgium without a fight and they then advanced until they cam* into contact with the combined army of France, Engluud and B Igtum. The fighting hw been desperate since Sun­day and according to press despatches the allied armie* were at Bret being driven before the Herman bord. but they retired to a stronger position which they are bolding. Upon the outcome cf thi#battle bangs the fat-9 of France as a nation. If the German# do not win this battle the lido wil ttl»’n and they who have been th aggressors since the beginning will be forced to take the defensive, -dor the great Uu*«i&n forcea are now advanc­ing into Germany and the Kaiser will reguiten million of his men to stop the invasion of the vast Russian army. Japan ha# ihrown her lot In with h*r ally. Great Britain, and has declared war on Germany and it is momentarily xpected that Italy will declarewaron

Austria. With tbe*c countries afainat •ermaiiy it would seem almost Unpos- iihle for the KaUet's plan# to come <) a KUcccBtfui termination. In the

battle which ia nt present being waged two thousand of the English army are reported to have been killed.

Boy# Lett for Camp.fbe contingent<>f Volunteer* of the 22nd regiment who gathered her* ear­

ly last week left on Thursday morning for the Dominion training camp at Va| Cartier, Quebec. Despite the fact tlmt the boys left on very short notice

immense crowd accompanied them to tlie early morning G.T.R. train andthey weregivon a routing send-off. The high school cadet* marched to the depot with the boys- The Hanov- r band paraded with tho red-coats to

the depot, pUriotic marches being playea OU the way and as the train pulled ont in a torrential rain, which failed to dampeu the ardor of those present, the strain# of the national liiilhi'iu were heard above (he loud and incessant ( heeling. Letter* received from the local youth* *tat« that the trip down w«# a most enjoyable ot»5 all arriving at the camp safely and without tweeting with any mi-baps. T here are now sixteen thousand men at Val Cartier and they aro daily put through strenuous drills and marches. Since going to camp they have chang­ed their red-coat uniform* for the lighter Khaki suits. Word has not yet been received at to how many of the locals have passed tho rigid exam­ination itipmcd, nor i* it known where those who pa>* will Ihj eent. It

xpected they will sail from Mon­treal ou <<r about .September loth dir­ect to Kugt.ind ami will then b* d**s- patehed lo different part# ol the cm- dre under sealed order*.

Com munication

Val Cartier Camp August 22tb, 1914.

T > the Mayor, council andcitix*osof Walkerton and vicinity.

tho member# of “ K Company 32nd Reglineiil, take thi* mean# of ex- preaslog our extreme gratUude and thank# lor the courteSr- shown to-

* o# bit our dunattur* from our home town. May we not be backward

presenting the spirit of Walkcrton and our country in performing our dut­ies wink* away,

.signed on fceball of th* t'omany.Col. Serge. Jo#. Roicheubach.Private, W. H. Eidt.

"Not through i

The General

, •‘tillim:* I atnl duxed,

i enter w footman

I Hit/.. ,'tn*l he nwcmhvl

king at D*e door. he rerrivod :prii ■■('oiii'' itt.’ and. entering. ,/it‘i I-vekhtnd »**tted in flu- mm t D><- -..me tal-J- in the v»

thoughnot. in tile dead of mgl' in tKr* gray A»*n when he had thrown t htmnelf upon Dm bed t«» won tdeep iit> i ; r»«un.:» day <>( wilful ‘ pleiWUr.* or a mght <*f ; (•it/dancing »n.l t*-*hioi>. Deep would vow,. U- ! hut bring h*d dre*ut.» with it. ; ■ o ,

Hi* dreamed tin vva* in a priaon cell; House, toiling in tin* hot mm under thi* Kort- i '* L Utkt cliff, ’with the horrid chain gulling-j Culm* n »t hi* leg Then virion* oI the haunted Mv chapel at Henruddie crowded hi* brain; ; you, ’ awl one night In* started *np. cold .with j Kli' horror, from a » ‘«non of Jem, mangled'] »«■>*»<]* arid ghaatly, nUnding bcerd? hi* *>•-•!, : "* f “pointing to a red. gaping wound. Then. ; ’’too, in thnme dreadful waking hour-*. ! " *11when *Wp would not eorae, feat toot; ; it* place, and he moved in agony *>f dread, fancying that hi* * octet ivn» ; "*"!• <* known, that the detective* were" on hoe? '"mid 1 track and that the galtuw* wa* lo-unia** ; ‘ *:f before him, ir*mn in a

Preparations fnr the welding were | 1proceeding, hastened bv the great nun’* I , *i U . J S m i r»'“ ' " ? * ** ■*»“ ".........

It *va* * ciaiid wedding, much against. „ morning. *-a« r . VjnW. w l£ .Ml th, l..l,,™.Ur * *- r ■'p'r •»>**««•« *••' ■; -Vr.■w known that Mr. Murwwmt *»*» t o : , . ? , -»1>e made a baronet and that he would j ’ * -j j fif' }|.. ,j,,, ^take one of the largest luaneum- in Itch : , "t.v see vou'imuii'di.itclv gravia and commence a aerie, of enter- ! j'jV„ } **Utamenia immediately after the happy | -I MpKfhel couple returned from the wedding tour.- ..•.i < ' .. •

Violet'* dre.'. wu» ordered, the bride.. u||maid* chown. and the tour arranged !«• fore Kit? had returned to town from the cxecotion. of hi* little plot with Jfertie and Bthel. lie failed for fit* letter* .-it hi* eluh, and thrust them in hi* ptu ket unread; he noticed that m<n looked rather strangely and almo*t comminem!.Ingly at him. owl woixfored what was the matter. Without much kw* of time hr railed at Mr*. Mildmay'a and aekt ̂for Violet.

Violet wryi upHtair*alone and musing, when the maid «%*me i

Mj, TH.»\t<ui

•ni.jitd lu*fnr»-

amJiandcnffed!" And fH-furn um*. mid prevent hint he hod dropjietl f te gig and jumped sof<* their c*ft<

d«‘*»f^diettt ,m;l tin lutifin emter, I rhoiild at ;uiy iHmv 1 « i1i_»*mu.* fo

5 tjimigh not l«* mention 1st n.tme to • ••Hut. in) loi l. Mini fit/, w!m j iwwtiy out of hi* mind, ’vnrely ym : not wan in mv that yo*« intend V 'bird *it«*u Ktbel f«r mivrtying u

Slu* b.ie not married a e or run own- with on.- of

to Job, "and your*, too. 'm. if I'm n< mietaken Voti nr** a lawyer. Me, Tha\ ton >*meer«o,| in the. little affair a! JVnrtHldie: mat I nek uln-r.* y.ui .are hiking tlu* iiiun Job i» hi.' name, I think;"

Mr. Thavton glance** at l.eleentcr, ap prebeiiHiveiy.

n Spanku-l. and lb' ..-ryant. .itnl I am ;i:vv.iing tbeni'lu take him to the war

eon kilted Mi*Tl.avto«, 'lo r ' nllhoiigb

'revogm/e you May I a«k upon what ground you thn* exercise yous curio.

‘’Ob." said the stranger, with a !a putting oft a -algo t*-»*d which; nearly •oiu- aW-d lo» l».r I’m I*♦ i

About i tig anutbci ire rt|ip«i,heii'*t» » gla>! to see y*

before I ehali I


Ifyourfars are well cleaned and scaldedand the right proportions of St. Lawrence Sugar

mid fruit* nre used, your

or *p«i| but wilt remain pore,

FRUIT PROSPECTSRecent Reports Received by Fruit

Commissioner, Ottawa.

following are |aio estimaie* ofcrops rocofvett from various fruit dl* trfrt.i (hrouRbdtil Cnaadn;

Queluc Alt: V»rfcMc« of apples more ‘abundant than la**i year. Wealth)' and Ab-xituiliT, full crop. Fantounn and Midntosb <10-70 per cent. I*r> *pcll t*roki n by rain on the Btb.

fikanacan. Valley, fit ' Dry wenth »*r ripening late pcaeh crop three weeks earlier than las) year name ap. plies to imara. plums ami pruneti. t'lums very heavy, ami of blglt qual­ity; Ideal weather.

Annatiolln Valley. N.S. Apple crop, ' 0-Pft per rent, rteao. which Is'wum* porcmtjuce as *poU'*l fruit in Crop increased .‘so per centv nnd fruit id larger 8<*e. II* .tv y drop in Haiti, wins ami Hen Davis. Wva'.b'f very favorable Market very- gloomy, a« buyers will not offer. Strenuous eo. operative efforts hying made fo ro- lioye iho situation hy widdntHB war- kets.

N'orthwcst Slater. Ineregso over • tpl.i js 70 }H*r rent. Quality extra fine

tW per cent ' ’extra fancy." Market uncertain.

Se^ Itrnnswiek A:>p!>*. crop prom in b<- douhle that of t:<lJ. Kreo

from with, laical nuirk' <» goml. Wea­ther fin>* anil dry.

‘ ox-rgian Hay Apple crop <n to 70 per <<m,, tuft and exceptionally clean.


Conclutlve Evidence That Dr. Chase's Ointment Cucea Itching Piles.

Mr. .lohn «!. McDonald. I’ lctoil, N.S., write* | u*o <l Dr. rhaaev ointupot for Itching idle*, and found that the Mr*t *p|*licnthin ca»<* reJP-f. After using ii f**w hole* of the ointment I »»> completely cored, nnd ian run metu It highly to all suffer, r* fr< this tlhiiaxi*. you have my permlsid to Use Illiii letter for fpi*. ‘ tieueflt others,"

Mr. tame-. M. Ivoutla- ,̂ S*i|»r: lunction. Dm . write* -For atniut six vi-nr* I suffered from pit*-*, and often could not work for two or three •lam at * time. NO gr. 4t wa» the ».|f fertng from pain nn*l tt>June. lM*rtnf trented me in min. and I tried man' treatment* before I runic .«•?<,*. Dr. t haw*', Dtnimint. Two tir.».~ of Dr *'hato*'* Olntuuni < ur**l me. and for m veral month. » have b.ul in> return of tills annovlng ailment."

There ran be n*. doubt that Dr f'hane's Ointment U 'be meet effective treatment otiiuinaide for iwr* form ot pile • «| cent* a ho*, all dealer-. *-r )hlm»n on. Itat» * A <’o..* 1,1mit*«t . Toronto,


I S S l iK N O . 3 5 . l » J 4 i


One ef the Latest Development* in Suentific Farming.

i ili.-tr t. hr• and Orillia

»h*»<* thincs *

n Mjlte* );.-|i<*, tdlywsf ere* r etc t ■■■'

n tell her that ld>f*3 Itoiwdale -was drawing-room.

"Lord ltoi*i!a!c!" repeated poor Vio turning pale. "Did he ask for me'.'"

**Yea; »t*s," said the mabL "Harti larlv for

‘•Well.- 1

the |,#^ i von fur the iiifoHntDou.” said

•'I know nothing of .Mr, F;tir-

hitn.-’said Violet, radly. ‘I will s

ktiowledgi*. the subject w is extremely: * tf.'ful t . I V

11 're are * mu'»« have ill »«>cM c.i I (*4s< them to you f

Mir̂ irise.l that Kit* should | bm i’ ( s*k to see her after tin* letter she bud | tiurtpi! J written to him. for it was a letter full of ! payitjeut true womanly gratitude and ktndne** ; j.l/ ftarc.f at fhenj. explaining everything, and l*egging him. < * y*y pird," he ; nd. "I cannot payif he loved mnl respected her. not t« see | (b,-.-; You know that it i* itu|uc*,!. her before the wedding. ‘ tic '"

Now, Kit?, had caked, die thought, io| < bs,,. noth ’ to do with that," Tie harass her with j-eproachns. perhitp* !■» | snot. objJy. -Yon n*e over mv. you accitae her of crtiel insincerity. ‘ She i were twiut.v t-.vu last mouth; you arc dctcnninci to Is* brave and see him. *o. liable, I !* it. v< '»hc went with ratt»crf? faltering fret into | "I am liable. I know." an! Va r, m i" lb drawfng rooin. % apci'r. “hut-, oiV.ronrse, sir. I imvii .!-

Kit* rose nt once anil came toward her ■ way a looked to you,’ with suppressed eagerne**. “ Ar.u. I Cc!ox, s.itn.- Dm- »*sck. -a

Mis* Mibimay Vinlrt!” he j thi* v< rv r.wmt, I ifsinnl


^""Have^x.u nut rkfivc-!a* brcatliKi."Vo.' «ji-i I it/, thtosti

I haven't opened them ,»*■!bav« not i.-lii.e.f to*

mein t‘,» make use tiik- r-

p.ilor eo«-!i moment.

We, :».•■(,! UoK-l d- Mr. Moi’eioil

•■r reni., and tall *ar|eti<';s

Lake Ontario t N'ni'tb • Dry woathep' look* t* Aug. Mlh. .Applet? rkan

;vk| orekar»l«. Farly varieties tv in uinvo. Huvir;: not op* rating.

Ontario Komty ki’r : to light. Norlb- amtwrlttnd i<avnr. but; tinder-sia-d,

Norfolk ftaki'vin ; ‘ *> . per e*nt,,

'• nt. Total nppln ctw*. :>o to 70 per ] < * nt. of fall * r<*i>. Dry: weather nut j affeering I'ftD grater til v than

, ernp nf »11 fruiii. Aaple cb»,» conn* -.v. la; i * ear, fewer ItAfdwtipi. bin, t»* >r* Kings and Kr«»nlns*. IV ie tea. soil < rop. St, Johns ripening next wm-k. I'ltima good. I Vary brit.y.

Fifth Annual


FATSTOCKUnion Slock Yards


F r id a y and S a lu rd a y




)«»ut \ b‘g' l«ci‘ill s b< IKr riPalit*- ah

yimrlli'r xpmtitity, is evcelUlll.

MIN YlHis LINIMENT fcntlemen. | b.-vvc- u-

I.INIMT NT in my -.< **, t.-imlh for ymir-, nnd f d;n- ill;* ;.r*rt orepl n( •

ooi it, If

HOT WATER HEI-FFUL. h t f p CIHI.mtKV l u l l .ih t i im ; h o t w e a th e r

A Drink T h Moriionj to l*rc.vcr.t IlSitc.;.


tw-utu*..- th-


esrlarmcd. "l< have mime back. »tid left j e* ubf »u Kthe! and liprlie the )i;»ppi<t*t mm pie in ‘ bills to the world! You base braid tl*c uew*. o f ! **-!? wit eoutwe, an-j you think 1 , lia*e done ? t<* trice right; A*, if you emihl have seen them ■ Lb* - when Die parson had make them oiie j ''Hut,'

shaking my ham! off with tt-ais in hr* | to be >3, eyas, »m| Htb, rlear gentle, litb. « tingbig j ' • tej

• round tny mvk an»| declaring I bail >/' s'mubi cd her’, "Welt, well," and Kit*, broke off ; all i-r *!- to uij>e with .* ha-ty band a v.i«pii■iot.-t. I vor i>- - moisture ill low own eye*. "They

!■ L.I ?

1 fault I \ loV

» Italy, and I left thenv looking a* happy a* 4 rouphs of ehi> and 1 don’t care what the world *ays ; i!- ' mid what tlie i-atl and gouutess. say; ’T know I've done the proper thing, and : Likin throe two were made for one another!” |

So he rattled on in hi* eager, simple ?<“J : way, utterly uncoiuwiiui* of the pallor o f ; tny * her face, with its look of astonishment j ' !- and dread. **f '

For Violet knew by* hi* manner Dial j ! ho had not received her b’ltcr. aml-th.it o! b**t »uo .n she should have to tell him that -lie j *b'* *- •* off'- hod refused him and accepted Howard i , *' Lou Murpoin.

"Well,’' said Fit?, “they sent all sort* * *■>,«» .'»tried to take her hand . form ! rt i* .of mnvage* to you, ar.d Bthel implored : onrrie* ! me with tear*fin her eyes to assure you i Bi" ' ;of her affection and love. 1W Ktb, all j »*»'** ^ y««. I oc| I!,,her trouble* ate now over. arv| rim', | Dm pith >-■» no tr.-idmhappv. Violet/ dear. J hope that you \ y«ur*eJt a p'litn'i-M d.-l.t, forgive me and think 1 ■ have done right? 11 f (K-rfecDv imbtfetc

: And will you' make tit.* happy, too, Vm ( P«>»f*d *■*.{ <•* >-m l let!" and, jWith an imploring look, t 1. « ^ M. -

Vlidet drew it from him and sank i " ** “ “to the eofa. Kit? |*x»ked jwrplcxed, stanxl.

"You don't speak! You haven't ss a word;" he said. "What i* the n>;t

;. r -• in**!b>T krm;* • hm* fatal the ( jitibitiHT tiioirtbs ;*} ■«• *« /mall idril'd », i'holera iu tan* fifth <lbtrrh«w."

■nt, ;i l,o\ from Tin*' Dr. tVIHiama I


For Women’s Ailments; Or. Martel's Female Hills have been I th* Standard for 21 year* and foe 40 * years j 'escribed jrd recommended by ' physician*. Accept no other. At ail i druggists.

#,w "speaks?

io«- notbltigof

r fitiit 1and r*-i

t Ktb*!

An Otcl Of I under Caught



'- ,.!in« tm!- iiu a .some- proliminar-

oar- if it .

ami Mory grandeur,

snrt idaras ml ntaiura ••lr soar** um nt? ar** t>> dca<l

it**l field*

cured. E>e*cr.V»***cr trruilitc; » r *;il **»J beA »«A luliiwui*!* i THE CANADA CiNCtn INbriTU 11. t*M,*«a ’

j 10 «•<*>«.' Mil l. Avr TOMOKtO

Kitchen Kirks.I The r‘*-'i..<.ti That jun«o iuii)pnjJ;»,i*-

a *ul nuutvy v

the"lo*t me lenve vou, my lord:

*o »orrr that my letri-r" tbca *h*' ed and tried to leave the r

o.l n

Laekhm.l Unit v lifetime* al

ubxb I

But. Fit* »(r**de after her and sci/e:*Wo loft |.*vii~ter ;

"Violet" be *ski, "one wort r *ec. I am not dreaming, that it you are telling rim Hut if it there i»^villainy w>me«berc!

"Viofej. if Lr*ige*ter «»tiM •again. 1 would hav,- yieidWj f.ly. without a ***<rL for J

n**ver did and you never him, Violet, !i‘ D-ri l*< me, J , I believe I am auie uiitii lie*rt that tin* eapLiin. If point, i* a r*»gue ;i-■ ! a Vilt.ri

•!*iJervf»-’ ' arid Vj*.1*-t, *«■ dignantly. ' You l»tg.*t j b*rd! You have mi right I

truth ̂i>!*|e, j

j 11iitb Mat

will la* true to the to marry, though •U/nier turn "

»rvJ s Li i!*nf nt C-jecJ 0 :phthcr|j.


• It. admittugly But, I


The Summer Singer.

■Hinging rli*w n ? he* vu llr> a

Hut Die winter singer, lie that HltlKvC lllx beg;

When a grief unapoken Actieji witnln Itia bres

It r*q«lr*:t front i hr* .* hours.| and a half t

if a (unall p iw of ratuidior L “ ‘red and t<!a«ed in a t«>w| or Rt

. 'eater, ii will I-** found to float » : eiirfaro ,nnd when lighted w ill j ii Cbml night. li«b*. e/jmeja|!y ax

‘•'ii I i all dirdtarceatib:-.

Ho* Dmeel «


I «.mmilted the II

t. after a tuitiut*-

‘metbuig al*u •I did m.t •

i* thing ,«!;*.*’

|e*M Mr Doi-kett all that hr I UK.! all Dial Job bail ionb>,.- ruined ebape!.

(To b« C«nUnti*4).

THI. the *>ld i Toii* it tin- abor»-« tif rprlng,

Svtm-r wit!. :.w.i*(a eleriul IlL* madrigal and lay:

Dill brave »‘i,* singer When the akb*;« are gr.-n !

Haliimnr** ^un.Minarc's Linimrot Cue«» Cold*, Etc.

FAMINE WILL FIGHT FOR US.rttsftay nxf|r.*.> »

alined i>mud*'ie1>- barred l»'.*iiT receiving

*i iraltog Fr.im*-, *

Medicine ana Mortgages.

- M l.vml ,*t.ei:U- , out preetrU*-

rlu Iw/trutuuna

the dancer, of any Dn !l»vor. destroy Cl. and.lt do* ■* not i. ta*>!<* of the fruit.

Too Much to Ask.

umYou will find re'Isf in 2am BuV! it liases the turning, clinging pain, stops bleeding s.vl brirgs ease. Pcrscversnc;. v;U*i Z:nw Buk. means cure. Wi v * rr'1*’2this? r mU **.?r?


i for four y***r*.”


WAS IT FKOViDEKlE?Vvtuitw.r may b* th* jo'.uH. « f the

pn>*iu ureat «nr, Croat l|r»» ilu ha* been in ,t seinm formuirie that It Imp- t-tuil when it did .and A-- it *HI. Had till- war brail .waged between tmtHlli

ItiSVi* !»>tl IMU<H<4H<<<I »*>■ t!j' fart that it have bran nimbi-* t«Mtilu* u •Hrli'.i.** blow it! tierjiufu.. tilt Jat'.tl. Site ml Hit hav l Hn*iStTHtotH from making an at»;t< S on H iillllied Kitijpidlh' nr ff.nn taUdhlk

|..,n .<<>•' t« bottle tip tin* >JiTtitnii I;<<•!, elinvo Ikt shipping off (he !«•.«<

x ater. That; <* tin- most xiptlmistle view Hint ranfdbe tnk •» of a "ar Int wrah tii<* tint power-’ . t>i( llo** Hut tut ini, t ii'tu.atiy HtrJitlit tli.> MriiKKl •. nml Hrlta(*t v,o«tl<| have bran at hop tin>rrv. an «I.»t colonic*. It w o u l d I r a giganticencounter, ami It "osdl hint iMifttnloiin to predict l5t<*• l ltfr. Hut iimitatlly <n*.-a»tnit v.a;< lortitnato that Hit- war «t*«l not lit that way. Cernuiiiy liaa It*- titul nia» liavr uUirx to It.* s«r*% ill till* tight. Hot tinea* who at'- a cal are stronger Hi.ut i Iioho who lor. nnd liritatit has a Miter of mu »••*„< in league with Husain ami ilvlgluui Uiau itlm mighl huyt* had In slmlo rumba!. It 'Tag" *ia<| to route, it 1,x perhap a. well Him ii rain*.' us tt >IH.

fir* <t Rriiafn lots aim heninpait- ti'i ttiat tt -t Hui bappvm-d to ts* tiii'iiili/* <1 jit::i Isdnro llto frtnmlr la*

Not only so, the Territorials were also mobilized mu! )um* laum pra<! ie.tlly in that shite «*v*r since. Tint which was coosfdretl n wrakness in Hi mothbrlnud ha» laroiio* it uisnnl strength. jfho Clsier A'ohmt' ifir Nationalist trooj** «- t - r spring ui <itch Ollier's thrtKii < before war wnu .imiiuincnl. Now til w lis»v< joined haiid* to tight Ho* cunttittM rn utiy, ami P.rliatn s mlliUtr- tones liitvi* thus la- *n ctinijderahly sirotiglh- cited l»< llo.>* two bodtra of drilled Him. Tlo*n tlt>* follow Ing mnuedtum comes to ns; * Why did •'<•!. make Hint inlatike alxmt I'lasyf which i«m|a lint liitti t<i nulRii !<in tn».t ;« Hocrulary of xltntc mr jVttr? AVIt* <llil Atojiillii talii,* Hm |MWt aaii|orar- li>? I»UI jftt,***ftitnl>!«* late n**e*l tit* poat for :lille'oni*r?“ We rminot imi-wrr fiies4* •jueMitm*.

look.4 a.n if i*ro»i*i. io-** ha t to n f'.iiidtitu Ur<*at Itriinin Hi a knew iml. a uiinfam o wlilrli

i*larln.: It lira j«*>!rhet of or>*jMfe<l-

I M l. mot for M’hieli it v lmnu-<ilat<* j<ri*t<amfir>n.

1 GoodHealthls Impossible Without a Healthy Action

Of The KidneysWhen the kidneys twain to "act up” ,

ami fail to fillet the h)e<»l UmuiKh them, there i<a<.«s into the System ttrie m ill nml other virulent |mm>oii*>, which will eatoe some <>( the wetcJt nml itu«t ilemlly

Vnewn t<» mankind On the first evidence «tl thi'.npiiroaeli

of kidney trouble Uoati'* Khltiey l'dl? shouhl t»e u-wil, ami rertous trouhle avoi'led. Mr. Israel Droit. Hath. N II write'. l a>» M*nditti? you till1* te*ti monial IclIitiK you what n wonderful cure Ihvtn't Khincy I’ills ma.Ie fer me My kidneys weic so tad l *.o l-.rlplt<* for About two 111011111*. I ii'v<t H-vnul kind' of pills, but none «f them Seemed to be <loin̂ me uny k*»hI At l.i-l I »a ' a.lvi^rd to liy a box of Doan's Kidney Fill*. When l had taken the firm box I found relief, nml then l K«t number, and by the time I hud taken it, I was completely rated '*' Doan’s Kidney Fills ate fiil rents per I vox or a for $l.2*». at nil draletx nr mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milhurn Co., Limited. Toronto, Out. When ordering direct specify “ Doan’s.

^ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l l l J b ,


•lid i * 'ttitkin;:

EDITORIAL NOTESTin* Hainbuw I . our only white hup

h i the M f i r Coast.

TIumikIi till;; iM.mtr; I - now at vai * tli.-rr m> n.<<! to ipiaft>1 w<«h *>n

ti<*xt t'oor in ir.hbor .

The fulled r'tat-•< Is till ip deubt >hej|«r this «a r will It n f ŝ-d b>d thins Ht them.

This war may not otde trttU*Kaisi r s hash, lull it tuny also i the Horn** Hull* •i«ituUicm.

Ilearrl's yeilew jmirnala are matin pfayim: with lire, Thrir latist is to

Tbelaro that Canada is in «5ans< r of Herman attach.

y hisstit f<ii< e ill nml pi

iTiiaiM-th sitluo miiti.r,.......... t ftttuiy. Hut HP* * i-f,. aealnst Him.

t' Uh :o many ItritiHh wnrsbipii Sue AHatttlr, the old land rantiol << rv iiard |<re m d lit K'epihK Hie li an*it navy In its pIiim .

II Fr > pt <wnl to Cittimla. a vi;s slop Is '>-lio; t:«K*n It* lm*r<".« *.ns tin* i ir< i>*t:< • f He- No.rttiwot Mo:int<s! Folio*.

Tin* women of Camilla will ci*.< a hospital ship t<< Itritaln. kii‘stlo r pvj- <i»hr« that, the mother liimi i not Indus forsotteit in dltis slr>t isde.

Herman >t»bji<!s in Canadn w ill I <• l.xlod : ler by the Foiled States just as JlrtlMh »u»*jM*t, will be koktul after by them in tietmauy. This <!<•<** not imdmle Herlnaos Who art? Ilrii- bit Ktibj. s'tu'rrsld.ott. in Canada.

*♦«♦• -It tuny mil h** f'.'*uera!ly ktionti.

that, at MifdlKK to ml< rmiffotiai law,

dent in Canada, ><war was m«*s *. he

The \<*w York lain . fleet has H St< it! tH.sk withoutl»K struck on land r.| the tra<»*> root*' Yet, the Han k.

l»» tin* alll.v ami to Knitter Hiatt th lory i He mi land."

Hits nation ij it pitdmd bai­

ls* UNjmprrs b HtdiinK w<* ar<K ltrh«ui«*r Its*: »l»r**rip<*wxat<t*t> that ptdtlDh


tirprisrd thill la r i

••imllntti l aitkb • n litlen to m «t < rail*.

ople ha*■iil.-in 1»* tim'd* up* it th.-m Hum lb- ar. to-day. amt fotifbhnro in tipCanadian •Minlxtrr i f I ’inabre in I tk* jits: step < to em nre an UluindaiU :<up- p'y ef purri-m v ilurtne the war am* in itnthorixir.p pav i<i<iits tit hank nop***inrinol ef in Dominlen not<-; <*r mild puls our bank . on -'dal ground Ho- d<r lhl« to w mtulation Jf*. $11*'and I2ft Mils And lh.».e of hicle'r lb* loinlv - iUlon. i-.mei by the rliarH rti' hanks.

utl% tSoldi

V Si. Hear-Admiral l\ T Mahan, rt tir»d, the writ*W^bf *h<* stnwdard work on ”Si*,n i*ow*r," <1* c-lai*■<. thiti I he prno'iit war lias hr* » d<*li<« t.ilely planned by Herman* ' It is tju-rrd I hie,” Admiral Mitlmn pass, "that Atm trht .vsnpld have ventured on Ho* ulti matum utth-rs asrnr* <1 In Tort-hand *>f Ihe totini iil of Uerniitny to (t. Tie* m fenmet* U irresistible ilim the sub Waiter of the tiUimatUtn was the pt* l**sf for a war nlr**itd> ilet* rmini-d <m ■is soon us ptnusihle Oeeashui off* r*-tl H< tmanj's pnxndure." eojitimes* A<f niiral Mahan. "Ik lo ovi rivlirlui at on<-e by i-oiiecntratMl preparati«n and im

it is h'SK. nide to Mistssin proioin** <i a <‘.*«Ksll>t»i (o* Wat* indicated in H

the rie«e of Farin.’ I? haa Hliunly la

lie giaimsi at the lovely viHiug fan* thro j;j*e bfi a vi«| emtain

i>g :* *la»k Jh|iu.l, imiMeriti|{ t« h!nt«e!l I-. he waleiiisl hermit of sight-.“ F'x.r. pretty v<»«mjt thing. I hep** she

!>•«»'* iuirml l « <!** hro-rlf any harm; <o| .1 ev«-i I ie.nl death iii any fare. I an ***** it *|.ini|>ed .}i|: hers.”When I tie bird* were huofusl and the

lai* 1-rgatt to glimmer in U<e night sky

I while shaking baud *hr ra*»e«| it

Ilu- ImmiiI ilul wail Id «hr was

ilia light,fiye, fair world | gm*l bye. Imp ippim-a*. g<**i>l by**, Pnujeiirk, my le. whim I luxe »<* writ," she w|ii»

waste grave* ami Hu* (all, nisMirtg *ented H* whitl ar«tl«d lo r; Hu*

while, uplmm-d,-11 pityingly

Hot pl«»ys|et| de..The long hours rattle ond went, and

only Hie t<dddug wind and Hie sentinel rtai* knew aught of I d tie la*afy.

It whs heat I v midnight when Ho* |«.< •Insty, travel wo»ti figures reached Ho*graxrt rr.J *n wbi- b llaidee |ay.

fs;e gate w.i* ..j(eii, a« though some • •in* Imd tweully passed ilomigti .

They entered together, will* hated l»eaH>.

TIj*. m<*o»i!iylit lay while am! blit-bill t<ill the polish'-il III!fide totldis(*uie4,tl gll«|*-lted lilt Hie dew-wet ttlhl f|i»Wi.r*. amt far off th. v saw it shining on *oms- I hi tig lo tah, golden and tangled,

t>n one of Hie graves lay the figure of .* countu; there wnnn.g Hie il»w.-r-

•lew, and him*, sirring, siglith«a eve* raisj-l j„ f|,e «tailight skv.

With imstiisl fiwit‘ trie* ami Is-afing lo xrt-* tl.ev grew near.

I hi y

llai.hv'I* led

'Vit'i a

S I.eaf> 1f.atw

** !*<-! t

k Foirrster »pnmg H r <<v of despair.

. H.el;- he rwlaiuosl. wihlty. ”m.......ltd darling is d**i*lJ’^ t i(A i'*i:i: XL

-lle.oF’' i< p**ale*t tin* Colonel, hoar.-xtot L*

tright I |n* shin mg lh>' Iteauti-

! know of Hiewoihf, ileal,” he s,ii<| "iniliilgly At lew's .laughlet Itebi-.s t'.i has mil Iron** will t». a vastly different per­sonage in their eyes, from tin* poor Jtjjle idittlinwlier who H>ibs| with her weed!.- f..( her iailx bread.' -s*T your donl.ling bear I at ie-I, I have reeeile.J ui -lengthy telegram fr>*m Mr, T**in**ler ami ills « lie, iteelatiog tlial llie mar

fh*-lr appi.oai, that they, are anxious

though they j-se mi idolized sou hy it."V*m mus| jotinl f ’ie.leikk an inter

view very ««*m. ttiy dear.” said the *<d 0111*1, * heerily. He Ii.im l*een paring Hie parlor floor like rum demeute*!, rrftiting |.«v| ami sleep r»e* sime yon wete In ought here, IVe nni'l hax«- pity on the poor fejh*vv. It will he a haul flintier H* keep him out <>f Htt* <1*0111. nfter heheats x,,ii base i* turned to «*«u<m ioiiztlr*.*it von do not pioinio* t*< i **io** down: Hi

him in that bedraggled w eddmg drev« which I wot** when I wa*. ubdurlrd. an*t 11 whkii *“ II t-*nn*| me." fatleie.1 ta-afy -\Ve fore.rw I Slat .dilemma, ami tvle-

’■! IllgOlg s'ouef fling suitable for you to ■se.,t ,t«ng with !:*-(. She J im el 111 Uottf

!l almost seemed like a da/ed, he

mg her: in her fresh dainty white miltl h is , 'Mih <ts hfnM*t satin *a»h, nodlhaling ribioina, that "lo* wnw nclunl. tv to I'red.tu-k within Hie hour, that .lie wouM roe him with the old to**? light oi his ey.-s, the eauie sinilr outA* liamlsuiiu- fa***, and t*. kmov I hut it

•lark shadow ies|«s| la'ioeeti them; the hand of■ kilo hat! s.aller**<l Hie shadows, doubts, and hard like mint More the#t»ri<»rw summer smasbine.

"You trn.k like a fairy now;. Misti fait ft *” Cliisl M»l*ette. eteppmg liai-k to admire the lovely, slender girlish form, am) .bmp!* !, (iu.hr.t fare. "Mr, K<

wilt declare that y«u look pretty fnougli to lie a :»rl»I«s just as you arr.’

\Vj|h a ttutteling heart t.exfy stole •hty ilnSR: |n the parlor.

ill t** Hie garden. *eaHog heuetl on one *! the rtoifie - L-oealh the dio**p-ng i'laueii*** of a l<i*s*«rmt»$ oleander

How llieie among tin* frtnCmbeted.

ie Was thinking **f her handsome

!«* was o•■mlMiug bo>v site would

ri luart t>r.*t and tier hand* Item .if the thought.

Ill, tiedney l intention*, tor lw*autilul itat

rid* a

suddenly and t»y*t«*ri-

u»t tuive rreotisjdete*l hi» <<e liever exjH**ed the I.s*. wtowe wtrite hanu ~-nt sweet Little la-xfv id lo* otic ner discovere-f a will* sent Kmiik Harris

"■! •I....ptelfy I into

la-Hty, m sbiminciiug satin, filmy Ktr, ntid a eoroifet **f snowy orange JdnMnrtip* <*n her g*ddcii cutis, wa* tile *!<y, blush tug, happy little hfi-l*.

in, (ininrr " * » l«».t man, ami, if r*v jx-rt speak* truly, the day will not lie far distant when lie will lead !<* the attar lhe fair, pore young girl w!>.. leaned upon hi- aim mi that happy occasion.

I t**detink's father and mother ate de lighted with Iii* bride they never al­lude to a certain event tint happened long ag>*. 1 bey both declare they

one halt »o well, and that th*-ir undized *■*« i» jiHt suite 1 t*. Little ta*aty s. Jiei fiN-tlv d'dighffill |o M*e Inviv much in toll* th*‘ i ate with ea.ii oilier,

two jiem.in* read " ( tbett ina»r: with «|rcp emotion and lot tee pain their heart, Herntd Hordott, travelling throiig!i th« wiht* "f leva*, f.r»>t *f the lK*|*er wifb a sigh

Ire took a fade*! tdi*..*m ftom lireast jnirket where he had W*utl over his heart, amt tore it into sbre*ti, easting th*r*l to,the tuee/e.

"■fhir* do t tear xotrr image from heart, sweet |a*afy." he tntltttiured «,"I sliall never forger you I ’taxi* Jovcd you t.w, dearly for that. Hut | w.t! *trive t*< think caltidy olin-t o hi etc. and my earnest prayer ie that y**nr life may he a happy one,”

Neirr fr*.m that day was «;<ral,l to*r •ton known to bw>k ujuin ta** fair fac* <*f a young girl.

Aldeii, aerost tin* blue AHiuth*.the i at***


,* wall kr.mn Hint Hu* Allantb nf Frifrtu; H.-riianv and Crain le “ tt iiititt with a »i<-w «>* b-- oi «* tr* Hu ir irutritr** s in tin- • xy-ni r. «v*;i. , |al|y ir.mr pM t v , : •uiiM'llim* < f Hj.. ailing of tin

Hamburg st<;iin.t- h;* i tn-.ii *r Willi r, *. I w to PI,

tb*-r>' tk*> *

as trar.vport-. Frllain has alsoP<>* l-ldllti Of l:*»> C )* H. .P ill**.* tin* Fnelfb . Hr.m Hrlfain «•*!- totmag • j : initcii gr«at. .- thnn

that of tj-rmany, tl)<* latter I*, ton lu-hlinl winu it .«*• “>< to,xi** -tv

r-viij.l ie rff.itix.Jy irtUa.xt 111nf war Th - IfatiH urg- ‘ p)t*|*tr«ti

nml \<*rth H<*runui l,ln,*l lln*s have 'tortnetis fl*vts of K*tyntnt*rs that hctv*> "Mi IniHt with a view to thin t;iirt«»<*

XVilltln Hu- Jp.t y*nr th ■ form■“ eotn- phu •*! l;t «erxfn- tl:.- t » „

JatT<“ t >d**.i!t>»tiipx in tho w-.rbf. wliib* Inrtnc u few ymr priixHiis; it hnilt hsitf » ' do on mar it* *: ’mma-r; tin' first rtnv „ The t'uiiant. a Mrttl U line.

Ithiil •b** Minn* imriral tuiN built th. I.iisltmitn, tt*« Mmiyetapiu anil .mirl- uiisi, ringing from :*2 t*Of» to <7, « m o;,w. -amt M-.*rnl emnllcf t’cajn tacit apiibli* of ammiruodatlng lbtm*«ndjt f tr*K>i>‘ . Th** \Ut<i<* Star. Iftittrh, iu;j a forini'litbb* > •p,.i<Ir«*ii tninlnil |y !*<• giant tJlyiiinic Tlt«* enreytitg <a-

p.-s- **!ig<*r- nml crew, t- r,l»*n its '*,.. hm ttija wonid lie grriUly tun*--.* when tarrying irtwo.


Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pillsff the Liv.Ar I** l.xrv. Sw»w orTottfin it

is nm--mry to stitmilatr it l>y the iir-e of a tncilirim- Hut will than away alt the

t'H writ .1l ihr

CiutKljlmlion; Sick dlemla?!ic. Itilioux- i:r«. Jgutn!i<.r. Swir Stomach, Liver Complaint, and ail nirknev* mixing limn a ttisortterrd coniiitiou « f tile S'.ounuh, Liver and Ilowrls,

Milhtirn latva-Liver Fills ate a ypevifn* for ;.H Ups**; urniS*!<■-. mat t*,xv< Itrx-n iisnl for *h>*<* *m i<> twenty ) i « s by many iToplc for these vtnttiilaiiitx.

Mr. TIioiitM Diu-*lm;;. Waterford, rmt . writ.* " t was *,molded with my xtomaclt for ttvcnly-tive years.* I flmdnred with <h>t*it»rs in Cutimhi and Mivhigan. but got u*< telief. T’hete wa* a friend in Michigan txln* advi-cd me to try your Mtlinttn - tgiv.i-Liver Fills, and l did Mr. ! now feel tike a new man. and t can t praise them enough to my fellow men.”

Miltiurn's Tutxa-t.ivcr Fill' are 2$ •t ills |M*r vial or •> vials for $1.00. Tin y ate lor tie ut all dt~alcr*< or mailed ditret

mar nut !->

Krext* ro k’s

I*. Hi-

t and wisest pt.

'red*-*i«-t.t'' he e*«>.t, .: *fc***« !.i:,t indsjtion i n,» l*,n- 1

i rvlim-C \\ < must , «»<< u '*

ts-hind f<**t

i lendingii« hp* -xtmost t<Ml< bcd her

« « ......... .: *......fc)i's " ? . * .............. ........... w - ............... -...... ............. .........take nft a mote g'ddeU <<u**, why t>»«

. loh'm* singinji iii the ftrawrlu s s.i-iu.st............. 1„, ..... 1,1-0 r.-n - ■“ ' V . '" " '■ r ',"1 ll”... ' »{,e f.ntr.t hci« -il ’ hi a • their merry. i>-g)n*h hW*k »>w White bed ehimts r̂ *r,lb ' «bv her h*s»rt !|»'t oWIWWol to l*e*» kind!* (ice l tending over her, * '*i«h -t rapture J o keen that I \bj. ii (Mcing thonglit billy •> !><«'"•t the t

i..r hr,

II* Lid filled, Ibeu. to take the |<lerunt i burden to Iter. -»t«l

Ji.ul- traek-nl her duwn t.» punish

T around uneasily — an*,

I redcMi k Furl ester W»» standing U- *ide tier with t*\tende*i atin**, and a light m* hi* baud*o,io* fare tint thrilled h

it light

l.< .fx

! ,*.!.|ru (.card the swiftly toward tid iitb joe**, bj<* ex •«

nd fyitily

t»eilufo«sty, Itrild

V lllipr, soiling I he

heard tin* oiiii-lelfill

tijc motio

I the <,itlii-*zioli.*

d l ittle Icafx inv dead wdc* .told mini* th* Hue heiress of my bit’

• and ‘ Video \ illr” id in a tex* bre-t *v„«.|* tie toil bet startling >t«ux Musette hut p«ut»*.t

. Ii;• i.n. Hid JioW fate hail right.* i terrild***‘ ijrftbat had l*een commit

I.- lold ll**i tin, "I l'n«jik Hail'S’

tdnj* stie.l bet w en her and t'n d'-r

vd.tt!*‘ *-xpia«iat<on more than to not the l.-<-t- of Col. Alden't

which had l«*«n fonnd in »:*e had wandered "ff **u !>• tiHxe Iss-n her weihling *ve

iis-iiation iii the mind.

IIMItiage with

•Taaty. my dailitig.' oftly.With a little *|<tivptittf

inotnenl her

**V«u know all, I’rederivk

Acs, ail, my darling,’* hr ao»wer*-d. ,iug ficr white haiet* 4lid rl.'»ping

Jthem touml hi* link an t firmly holding l|u*nt. there; • hut it is «*nong}i t. r me to know that, the ceremony that villain entrapped ymi into was not ittmiin;


worldim* !*•'*-u fioin fin- fti-t o« amt will, and laiiwh I

*-mg -ixeic) for lit*-, my darling. \«« "day at tills time, 1 thought I had l"*t

on ifoHner. Leafy, and life looked dark nd (fit worth She tiling: for «!<at is fe Worth unless it *■ *1.1 !<d Im* the one

Hi* battdoii

I any thing should

while, revengeful til..,*."Mit* has married him at last.” «l

erisd, .-rushing the pa|s*r ts*n(*4tb her !‘C**1 I .upjzto | *hsl! have fo endure it. for what i* to lie witbhr.”

\ year after Nina marri.-d a wealthy"Id man fo- hi* money, and soon after he die*!, and !>« widow found to voirf he wh* hopeli's*!v inmdvenf. nml had married her for tin* -c|(»anie «<*n. that »h» might help him out of .Mu will* t • di.net Aidcn'* millions, who**- heliewv tie tietieyed her to In*.

fTbe Kit.l t


A New Substance to Displace Cel­luloid and Gelatine.

Mind trttiiapnrent MubttlHnCc» ;ir< nmre or less glassy . they ar,. hrittle. «*r at b*a>t nnt completely flexible, ,\ Htln sheet of ntnmc, pliable fabric thin tx fraiiHjuimu Is a novetlv. Smb «|ip»rcnt|y. (s 'Vellaptune ’ - .» new prmltteit di-MfltKxt t.i a writ. r in Cok- tners tl'ariM. This KUbstnnce is « Kiullinu coni pound appHrentty Hilled b Hie so-*alied ''water-jslaxscj.." but It also contains cellulose, the ctmrjictcr fstic element of all vegetable tlssip*>. Hence, (t ims tlic proi<erti>*K of a ft.-x. lble fabric, and is at the same time transparent.

Tlie writer of Hu* descriptive notice in Cosmos says; "Cellophane b. n m-w pr*»lm-t whose (.r^s rttes are mu I. that tt ougiit. mar future,replaee celluloid and getastlie in Ii of their iijudhaHuns, It ts a *. losb- xanthat** of Sodium, which !,k,Vs !ik«* a stiii t of tapir, but of pa|«*r tbat Ik a* transparent 8* kImhk. toitghi Insotutde in water Imjieriiie- at.te ut cr>*a*y sutistan<-«-K. unattaci?- able !•> ethers, alcohols nml alkalies IHoptiam* Ini*, the same iiunlltlcK, imt U la thteker; It is to cellophane• ardboard is to j>aper, and tt ..ow* lo.*- wtdKltf for wciKhi. Owing tothese many gmHl ipialltles. these jiew product* scent destin-d to a brilliant futute ««f mtcfulncss in manx hraneties Of Industry, Already Huy tire mm:h tis» <| in tH-rfumery amt uicdietm-. JVr- futnery uses cellophane as a wrapping for it** different product*, and bio* phatue serves in tho munufneturc ol transparent boxen, that .while they ar*- as strong as the ordinary kind, allow- the bottle, nr bread, nr snap ttiat they rnntaln to he ween Irom the outside. -Couipressittle tube* nta> also he made Of tt Instead of Hu* more ex* |*enr-tve tin.

•'.Mtsllelrie employ s ecllttpliane in numerous wax*, owing to its Valuable tuatity of t«*ing easily steriltted, either by steam, which It will stand up to 150 degrees C„ or by* boiling wati-r, alcohol, hydrogen, dioxide, formal nr tyxil. It m*y. lor lnstann*. ••<* placed directly In contact with w omuls, enabling the progress of• ieatflwMIon to be viewed by transpar­ence. Fomad**, **t»cy!ato of nnthyl, or eliloroform do trot uitack it. nml ll reidne.-s i*umiU.*,| laffctu to advnutage. It-* use * n »«trc*ry is iudhat.il tor <lir«vt dressings afn-r an ojn*ra- Hon. it Is supple, siroiiK, inalterable, preserves moisture well Hnd Is cheai*. Finally, it is u*ry s**rvueabte In the preservation of object* wrapped m It. particularly ilreKSlngs. Sterlllr.uHon is effected In tin* autoclave at u;, d<-- jrees, and the enclosed obj.it, Hius.<t»*ri|lw*d, remains jwrfectly sterile, owing to the p<cnif»t proiwrtleK ol the < .HopliaiP*, Doubtless tmutx other branch., «.f industry, fn tills and »ther countries, wilt Hud still wider

Mppilratlou’! of thin protfitet endowed with Kiieh remarkable qOAlltietk ' T,I Vs VYu kly.

borne Jot.

l"|.p.-.< b. |*o

Little la*,ifx* t You will Ton diftling. Tell .

« the Hu VII ,nc l mzy my in Lie thi» ■ it if volt |o»e

SlKdi *urge.t ln*tn H'j h * :broH to l.ei broad, white I. .M

or OllC little scj-otnl a» die sti'igoli'd^ji** lc>* hetself out** liiore Ir.itrt the sironjf

hyly lift.sl thn*c woti.lrons IdtnylKdi *'*** lo hi* hire. with it ghinc * «•* full »> .Kboittsj love th iy t alnemt t*«*k h,x

H W4I* HlKWeted,Then i.dloocl f«r tin* nnmite.1 lovero

half an hour m |>aratU*e. — t*„-, »>i together on the gju-leu beiiyli a.-noeg the

Klo-plcllf y H'^'rrilerii k ptei lc l tn Ih*

eollSORt to it, V"Mv ibittght

<litlg." lie dedaled.

Shortening German Journeys.A railvi>y f*iliite t»\e tidies t>*m* to lit

' Itinp'm


Auguit 30, tOl-L—A Day ef Qucb tionii.—-Matt> 22; 15 22.

Cntnnienlnn. i. ,\ »d.*t aexj.inst * * “ » * * “• <X <w- is. 'rn-n iMtimt tin* ro«*tlu> before Cl»ri*t • ejfutdHx ion, after the parable ol Hie ,narrmg<Hnsi limi .... . Miokcn. Tie* ITnttb ecs

lip* ptijuihtr and th.- prof* .*‘<'.ll vot<<! su t of •!:«> 1. Tb ealbvl IhiartMN... „i SejaraH t-:,<‘au«e ht tltclr origin thev niii.e-i ... .. lliorpuglt nbservuin e of the la... They hnd Income exceedingly formal were etiarart.-rixed hx .mr I xml hypocritical, Thev w*er<* the hitler, d opponent of .fesii.t. Took counsel Tin wer<‘ laying tle'lr plan* to firing Jesi uu<br their power. They bad mu*

Knt inch himcat*- amt it or efforts to deniitt his lath T .......who lux snares to eatrh hlrila. ‘I.rlstY eneitiies laid He ir Joans can-fulH t> «:tch .H>I1S with <plisllf.fl*, tilt- no- nwerx of which 'voultl bring him Into disfavor with the people or the gov­ernment. or *.»o tld bring (>im i He- eond.-mnnlion of tin* Jexlsii Their err««K to prme him .wleliml were strong, hpt they m.-eb* ;m i'flort fo aciept him as th<* Messiah. I«.T! 'TheTh-irbtetM. Their dlneljd - I

scrihe* and l:t*iyer« imd aUeumled entrap Ickii* ami had falb-d. miw i I liarlset-s conn*lred the nlau id s«i hig Hiinc of their p-iplls under tho preletiM; of WPiklng itixtruetlou (ri JesiiK, tltlnkiiu: they might Hud .'<•> o r Ids guard. With the if'rodbin Tip* l’ i i»r i«v » were the oxftvm-* .!<■IsL parly, ami tip- Ib-rodians were, p bap*, the most lilu-ral of Jewlsit s* i They vxer.. not a r. ligtuos part;. bnf a political. Au lh« name vviii"|i ll loire Indlealei, they wer<* stto|io”;i of !l<-r«Ml. w ho r« j*r« sent.-il Hie Itotnau kovernimut. itetice they wire taxor- abb* lo Hu- Homan rule *>t I*nie*Hm\ Tho two parties were opjuised other, since Hm lTiaris»*es strenuously obj«*cted to tho *ub><itlon *>f the Jew­ish nation' to any outside government, but Hu* Pharisees and llerixilflni join- ol tORetlter In their attack upon .!*-s<i*, for iHdh partii-s Imtexl him. W<* know thou are I rue--In thus addressing Hm*! they acknowledged his veracity, but ttivlr motive was to bring hint Into disrepute, rather than to honor idm Tfaclicst tint way ol Hotl fi* UfTui They confesaoil that Jesuit moTo vvirl divine authorit.v, but they wer* slmpl* employing flaltery to aid them n their wicked design. They prob-ssml seeking instruction. lt<*g.ird*Mt .pitthe p< r*on of m<*n Th< > attributed t« bln 1* Jiflcssm-K* ill I he «b elaratbm of irtitli 111 would t<*l| Hit* trtith .vheHier tn* e **'i*n kind*, were plcasetl or iHK!<letoi<sl. They approached him ws if ho. raw hi be < audit, by Hattery, an<l thns,*ln their attempted eompllmeufs, Kiev r*aliy insulted him. They evidently understood what was • xp< t*-d « f hr or»tde men. rb**y well knew that was right to ti|>eak tho inillt, oven there wcr<* Urns*- who would u** a g«*r«l by tt. Tho very fart that tit ktu-w this brought condemnation njuiti thomselv's. lor they were approaching Iikus umb-r false colors.

II. The IT«tl*r-' Mm-s-Uitn Toll us iheretore' Inasmui-lt a> Hum art able in speak yvlth divine: author- Itv and hast no r***p<cl of persons gf'<* us Instructions in a very weight* mntt*r. L« it lawful lo give trlbuti unto t*n<*sar or not The tribute wa* a tax levb-d upon each jterswn by th* Human government end amounted aninntlly* lo taltout lifHcn eiilK, or <day's wages. The ipp sllon* r* slip jtosed Jesus would have to say that It was lawful or that It was not luwtuL If lie said ll yea - lawful to pay trl hute lo Cacsitr. the <<>mntuu people who bad bran Ills friends, would turn against Him. for th**> wire strongly opposed to lh<* Idea "I rccojtniilrtK the Homan government and liable tt punishment. The' ratnWned encmle* *f ,H",m* we,,- confident tbat the an aver to their t|tu-sttpn would ln*<d'<' Him In troubb. whatever His atiswe might Is*. They failed to bear ii mind the fart Unu they wen* dealing with the divine One. who not only knew the principles of government, but aHo understood clearly their pur­pose in asking the - question, Tht* wits an instance in which It was pos- dble to ke»*p aloof from either of a controversy without laing Kid. .ml a coward o lacking in moral Ktamlna. .leans tuood far uho'<tv wrangling over, subject* that iiienly tcmpotal-and of little <ons<-

III- Tip* Answer tv*. IH-̂ 1*. !«- For* reived their wieknlm-''* Jcmv* knew that the dlM l|d<*K of the I ’bartsex-s had

imp, not as tnt|Utr< r* after truth, ut as spies and aeeusers. 'Yhy mpt ye mt— "Why make ye trial.of

„ ; c r K. V. The Hist utterance that Jesus made in response tojhoir nu*-*- Holt showe d them tbat He knew that thev »«*r<- not sincere in their ap­proach lo Him. Ye llypts rites- Jesus dlr<Ttl'«etiUsed th**m of helng deceit*

Tltey had mane use in *aiu of Haltering expr**->l»t>* in addressing Hib. Their disguise had bran thin lo cover from ilttn ti"Unit, lay in their ht arls. *w » ,

ihP tritmte mbney -Ih is was an uin-xpisted turn of ittfaits. I •'** Ifi- lime money was "the mitt of *h< e-n-

or Ho* < <du in which the poll wa* paid. Ilrmtght n««<* Him »

penny This wa- the *’d**nartt»».. »an silver coin, in value ab<*.it ftf nnr. In join haslug jw.»wcr It

would he equivalent to a dollar or ■ now. 2" Whose Is this Imase

and suirt'rscriptlon. Jesus beenno* the mmsiioner U «*»" customary

the king of a country to ha*.* his i image satmped upon the coin <>> realm. TH rod FltlHp* alone of

his family, out of flattery to the cm*, .. r. bad eaits*d !<!♦• rains to bestamp's! wit M ite likem *.* of fae»«r.

im Hib. Tin* KUpor*cr!pMon « is insert prion »!•<»» the coin giving name nml titles of th*’ emperor, t'lirlslialt D hi a sense like the of a government. lie ha*» value

for he has pureitas**d at Infinite c«*st. the life-blood ol the * « « of <•«**> •***tills KtUlttpcd open him t'1’' image m

hrist who redeemed ilim lb* ..ut* rite *altdltx and autioTlt'

i. ui*y •rtioc'U! wilder w hteit h*

Thev «ax onto Him, ( ‘a—ar* tie* imac<- of TitH-riu' Fa*-“*v.

whs tb-t) »*tnpcrt>r oi Hmit«> *c<' bu t that tb** litoii«'y-.ii* t’se ls*r<' J’ inImag*. «ht


service in return. TIiIk service w«*< the payim-iil of taxes. .Mathews, Thuy were HvIiik under tin* proHstion otthe government* had the use of tho roads and had rranurw* to the t-ourte «I Jitsllei-, it ml were therefore nuUvr oldigmIon in uKsht in Hi- supjiorl of Hint governon-nt. The fact that every* Hiing In not ideal in a government •in, not excuse one from Ills dulieti to It. He jays hi* taxes, and aeknow- !•*tg**N the gutbority of the bflUcr* of th* goumnuiit, without satHliou- ItiK all titelr «<*Ik. One yvho performs bis duty to -hi* government, l» lu a s> Use rendering service to *»od for He bait given commandment to Im* in sub* pstlott to hitman Koyernment tltuui.I *. l-7». i'nt<» i :<m| no- Ihinga that aro tfo*!» An there ar*- duties which tuta owe to civil government*, so Utoro »r<- duilcK wlileii they owe to fjoii. Ho Ik ottr Creator and Frowrvcr, as well as dot- Saviour, and ws* owe to Him stibutlssltiB, otwdlcnre, love, revercnca

id rarviei-, Man wa* made in His ten ess, and should liear Ills Iniprcaa

IV. Knemi's silenreil tv, 22), I't. lie* marvelled No i.ueh reply to

their 'ptesrinn wax thought of, aud y*!«n it e,uu* to tb-iii with rite calm m riousio • of the Saviour\ manner. Ho y wen* ollerly silenced, "it xxao’un answ er not ' only moKt trtitliftti, but of tnarxelotm beauty and depth. H elevatnl Hu* lontrovcrsv Into unite anfitlmr sjilo-re, where there was no conflict between what wa* due to Ho<i and to roan, - indeed no conflict at all, hut divine harmony and peace." Kd- erslielm. l^-ft hlnn and went tlo*|r way —Tltt* end which they sought iu the attack they bad made was not real■ ir.isf. They u.-re *,« completely ans­wered and ebnftiioil that they had not

,a wuni to sav. They were fonscioua of Slaving met their soju rlor. They must have felt cnihatTaftMcd anil“uiorllfled over their defeat, fhrlst is the viator always. Those who undertake to fight against Dint are led some time to »c* knowledge IheinRcives <ontjitered.

Questions. Who took counsel to en­tangle Jesua? Who were the Herod* lantt? Hi " !i«t rcsi<ccH- did they dllfer trom tin- Flmrlsee*.' What led tim op- im>*< rs of Jckiik to kIiow Him great r«*- pr-et' How did J<-su*.resard their lino Niteiehes-T What qtP'wtlon did they ask Ilim? What answer did they expwet? What answer did they receive? What wa, the effect of f ’hriaf* answer? What do w<< owe lo the government? To Cod?

PRACTICAL St’ ItVKV.Topic, — Fretcntiou* religionists- i. I’rnetlKnl <li*lioneKt subtlety.H. Kx|>om<I by clear-sighted wisdom, l. CrnctlK-il dishonest »iihtl*tv. The

enemies of Christ and hlx kingdom "•re unwearied In their onphtdlltn. There t otihl not, liAyie$bt'*‘n a mor** de- cfslve prm.f of the duplicity of th” Je» |k|( leaders than Ho* one fumlthed in this account. Wlchetlnea*. rrnftl- io'kh ami hypocrisy - were rum blind in tin- plot to ensnare Jesus. Having ihvlsed their iniquity iu secret, they went forth to praetltie It. Their hatred wii* covered with deceit and their wicked heart* with flatt«>rl<K lltes.- TlieV pret'-nd***I r«stw*ct while they m* t« tub’ll mlHCltittf. They protended to own Jesus as a ,*uat porwn .vhile de­signing t„ ace-iso Ilim of unjust duel*

They had Hrletl to discredit -b vux .is a roll<iotiK teacher, nnd now* til* > iittemplul to <'X|M«*e hint to the b»K*tillty of the Romans. They were t‘ .*.<'dv<i| not to accept Christ as the .Messiah; Althonch Jraua rebuked nnd rojH'lled oxerv Kolieltatlon to utter ;< ‘ dlthtn* word, after all they brought

him to tip* , r.i*;e under the diargi*' <71 -illiion. -tcsits <!bl nut Witte to pro* dun* it political revolution. Fie* fnn- atics < \jM*rted that of him. The i*'iloW trieil to •*xj**rt it. but Jesus alwnya net til the port of a htw-nhhllng cltUen. Heretofore th<- Fltarlsees had Ipjea* tinned J<'Kiss on iKituis of rai'ii-slantteat ethics; here they aKatilcd hl.it with pelitlcal i|pcK. They w<*r<> <<v\jx’li<*<l to tmtke friends with the Hftedla:t9 lo fulfil their devtgns. TIk*> set aside tlielr dlff'Teueee, futnlttmeii'al a* lh<*y vfre, to bring ni«uil the death of bint y* ho hail <*xpi>'*”l tiie hollow* formalism of tb* i'liari > * and the rime-rarrins Indlfferetiee at Ho* Herodlnn*. This was an Iniquitous co-partnerHitlp. Leather than acknowledge their gvllt. Hoy Nouaht to detdro.tr the great teacher who had cxjmimnI r . An in* Rlncere compliltient *et|ed with mnllg* mint desdgns to hrlua him Into kucIi a bibmma that h<* wotdd la' himself liable to the tlifildeasura that either of th* Jew Islt multitude or the Roman magistrates. They called him master when thev were contriving to treat him ns a tmtlefnetor. Titer were nltempting lo tet hint to commit nim*

if to tli<* 'tenet* of one -ir toe other r Ibe imliUcal jartlra of the lav. It nh a crafty nlteniarive. an InabJIouB ure. The altuidlcily of Christ, upon hieh they had calculated for the sue- •»:* of titelr xn.trv* was tte> very cautei ii« failure. They affronted Ills wls*

detn as a matt, much more his omnlw-eirnci* a* <•<*!. whew they Fnagin-wltbev could initwiM* on him.

ii, KviMXiKi by* ehar sigdnd wi.w'ont. True H* nil th" good that was *ald of Mm dignified truthful. intelligent. hc>:«*t nnd faithful, J<;«» showed no t**ar <*r itn.vb'ty when tho t<*b -tn*-ri r<*sent<*d Hmlr mailrluus oin*stlcn. Il*t •as tit f bllioted by their flattery ncr last?* r-*l by their niimi Titelr «-xp<eii re wiiK a*, pnlitie us It wok severe.•r It <lb ereiMti-*! litem before the .<>pte I'lirixt > <i«ivhri*»K there of

le jMv*rl*<' oirl t have s<r»<d for bis ntiKwi-r, Imt b<- did lint PVad<* thei * fttiratbin. lb* laid itown a cretit priti* tp|o. f,ir r>-.i< bine iu tt* s»*>pli«-at»eu

an<) Hted ro r<*gttlaro tlie e<*rduct *»f •n Hirfiuch all ms*-* III* answer set

iiUKtion In to- true Debt and lift it Sol., :< hp;beg ror.ion and a*'*L*d

ml hi; **n nd* • eoidd not icfute, tbunch tbi-v v.iiw far front bi*lnc pre-

<r»d t<* earrx • alt tbat hte word* Itnolv* *)., With .1 • uterine Into r.nv IMilltlcol d<«c«*cslon b*sii* ref<*rr<*-| hl.x U*jeilion« t<* the high* of facta. In the

. made of tb* coin be KUBgcxt- rd v Lob- train «>r arcumeol The eln pnoed whin .iteluativ ex»**f<*!l -nod inr<yeiiicd llte claims «*f eartfily irow. r*. It was ut «tte«* the svntbol <*f Jew- -!< unfaithfulness .*< ’*<*» and their uhhctlen t<> man. the' would not

hi those dsns have bem subject to t!t-< Fact* sH<«v*i! that they war*

KutroiUtlns t" t<*-* tJum-in vok** Thelc dittv we* to net acrirdlncly Duty I

ihnsfi'sl i>ns»x r thev mould !«** iso/'-- iter? .. i o it-t-tleo !*» the Pharisees acain-tiinIoi* Ji ltebn n a t.rotense to tuctffx* .. *MtIi*n .The, >narvete<f at bis Vuow!- •-•te-. , * t'.- i*- t»n»rt», «t *be- ajr. ttn*-‘ t **Hb whteli to* axot.'iiil their ast;\ : t Hi- w isdom ef ht* diclrlnc «n<l at C’**

1- • s *•< t i- rehitV<*sI hb . n.

auHioflty wai e ttende

tbhigsv uNine ,h.ar:„ iV . iu v e.| 111 the Itotiinti govvrti- tlierefore owed it sotnu

*>. i i ' '1'in is-onom* riP'.“ t* I’liolFltWhl)tig*>*• <•- > <* * It* aril BlSWtt »!••money a tallrn.nl kin save by not *\:x~hin* <te ear wttnjowa. .!••* Imagine

by boyctnrin soap* Washington



The range with pure white enamelled steel reservoir stamped from one piece. The

McC k iyfcPandoraI\ O J 2 ($ 0 rescrvoir is seamless and clean

“ enough to use in cooking,and preserving. Sec the McClary dealer. ».

S o ld b y H . A . H a v i l l .


Ontario’s Popular Exhibition September 11th to 19th, 1914

INCREASED PR IZE LISTMagnificent program ufatirnuieni-'. Two rpud’r v< uO; daily. Ft w \ »

works every nigh*Conteand see t ie turrit Ut f-xjutat t.ud 1 . to Lxbd «t t.ni ti t irostd*

an RoyttJ'Otttg* eti»TheCtm. T. Kini.tily Slaws will J511 «U Mi. wr»>. MrGe » y the left

available bands.KEDUCKD RAILWAY FAILS U W il 1M Htli.

Sperini K\cuu it n L:a t , 11 i •' f I . )<»1. Gth. AO l-tlilt gird tiM•Sept. 21M.

All info rum tien from tile SfCtekuy.W. j . Hi:m. Ffrsitkr.t. A M. HUN^Seeretary-

E C A N A D IA N B A N K OF C O M M E R C ESIR EDMUND WALKED . C.V.O., 1. L. ft. ll.CU President

DEK LAIJU>, General .M.mw r JOHN AIKI), A*»‘t General Manager

Al, $15,000,000 ~ "RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000

AVINGS B / N K ACCOUNTStst at the current i n, - ». Careful at£c:n>, , is rometl. Accounts m.<y xnts may he open, i i.- to be made by e- ■ • ;5>. .< *. i • urvivor.

H .’iM .L A Y . M a n a g e r , Walkerton, Ont

cd on oil deposits of $1 ami ' ■ ■'■■y ■ outfit. Small accounts>1 ,iisl ojvi .ued by maiL • ‘ :r persona, with-


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Some people may eat lots o f meat without in­jury to their health, but it's hard on their pockets. Others should avoid meat almost entirely, yet they eat it daily— these pay in both health and purse.

Either class will benefit by eating less meat and more Kellogg’s Toasted Corn Flakes.

It gives much more nourishment than its cost in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest—conse­quently better for you.

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The War in Briefj Wednesday. loth

The British “Hicmf Press Bur* | <?au. announces that some deault- | nry . furhfim? occurred Tuesday | between the British patroHing ! .u|Uatlt‘oiis ami llotillas and («er- 1 man cruisers, which were recon* | noil to tug. No losses are reported I or elaioied. There is reason to • believe that a serious engage J ineiit Juts been going on since 1 Monday south o f Brussels, and

Is this troops of the allied armie are stubbornly contesting the German advance. The Germans

|apparently are endeavoring to break through the centre of the

| allied armies. It is reported the j Belgians have blown up and abandoned some ofthe forts at

j Liege. It is officially announced that the Russian forces have crossed tlie German frontier in

j at least six places.

I An official announcement fro J Paris saysthe retirement! o f the Belgian troops toward Antwerp

iis rumored but not confirmed: The Austrians suffered a seve

j defeat at Siiabat. -10 miles west | o f Belgrade, losing very heavily in men anti ammunition, A Home

| despatch says tin* German gun boat **Vaterland” has been forced to disarm at Nanking. China.

An oificial statement from Paris says the mohilisation of the Austrian army was accomp­anied by much disorder and even open mutiny in many places, owing to the unpopularity o f the war among the people.

The Pope has issued a decree to the' Catholics o f the whole world to pray for peace.

A despatch from Brussels says cannonading was distantly heard in Brussels at six o'clock this morning. It adds it is now understood that a German army is now marching upon Brussels by way o f Huy or Jodoighe. A despatch says' the German ad­vance posts covering the region between Gembloux and Jodoigne are being gradually pushed back before tlie advance o f Belgian and French forces The Belgians and French are now in close junction and in contact with the advanced lines of the German army. ,

The British government sending reinforcements to the continent, Plymouth being used as the principal basis o f trans portation operations.

The official war bureau in a statement Issued tonight an­nounces the death of Major Ons­low, but no eause is given. It it also announced Lieut. Perry of the Hying corps and mechanic Harfeli were killed in an accident to their aeroplane. Brig. General Short and Col. Edge were badly injured in motor accidents, hut are now said tu be doing well.

The Russian war offices an­nounces the Austrian and Rus­sian forces fought for more than five hours along the line from Gorodosa to Kuzmin Monday and that the Austrians were defeated with heavy losses and driven back on the frontier.

It is reported in Amsterdam that the German forces have occupied the small Dutch village of Canne. a few miles south of Maastricht*

T h u r s d a y , 20th

News from Belgium is o f the scantiest, but it is certain that a tremendous battle is in progress

j from DIest and Tirlernont as far ! Givet.I A Berlin despatch received by­way of Rome says the German war office announces that the

; German centre is steadily ad*| vancing beyond Namur, Belgium, though meeting with sharp re*

Uistance from the French and 1 English troops,! The French war office announ­c e s that the French army has | taken Saarburg and that the French are occupying much of

i the territory In Lorraine contin gent to Alsace.

j. It is authoritively announced that Germany has decided to

! reject Japan’s ultimatum, j The German forces have cap­tured Louvain, the headquarters o f the Belgian army, and east of

| Namur have the line between ' Dinant and Neufcostal. tlie Belgian troops fall back, a

portion o f them in the direction i the iulvrrnption of foleprapbic com; o f Antwerp. iuniiie«»ioti With Brun<eln. All (lint

A despatch from Paris snys it j ,H definitely known beirg that is persistently rumored there i Brussels, capital h«» been (ten; that the Germans have entered 1 'k® G erwai» and Hint theBrussels, but t he report is not J ^firnuui forces *ro slowly advancing confirmed. They are said to have \ Meantime the French are continr. suffered heavy losses before they j ‘D& notlvity in Alsace, n Paris captured Louvain. j despatch reporting that French

An.rflirinl communicnfn.n rt-r’d I „ !

A d«*patch from !*>• r;s s;.y» I hr Mi... J D E N T A Lli.lt,l i t , ...... ......... ! ------------

; ...... .. ............... H i.j W . J. H A L L ID A Y ,

Moiilnim«t- in a Im m - t,. Biu -h-* in iVi’ »u1i’"!'/f Tiuifx.ii'v

It i;W.

i at Paris from Brussels says the enemy have gained ground on both sides o f the River Meuse and are in contact with the armies of the allies.

The war press bureau issued the following announcement: Confirmation has been received ol the fact that Belgian forces opposing the enemy in northern Belgium have been forced to retire before the overwhelming German infantry advance. Com­munication. with Brussels has become difficult— this indicates that the enemy are about to occupy Brussels, i f they have not done so already.

Reports from Antwerp say the German cavalry have advanced up to the defences of that city.

The reoccupation o f Muelhaus- en hv the French was officially announced from Paris today.

A despatch from Amsterdam received this afternoon says the Belgians have been forced to retire from Malines. 15 miles northeast o f Brussels. The Bri­tish official bureau issued the following statement. The Belg­ian field army confronted by superior numbers has fallen back. The Belgian troops have admirably performed their duty in delaying the hostile advance and enabling their allies to com­plete thoir concentration. The French war office stated this afternoon that the Belgian* in­fantry held their position until the enemy moved forward* en masse, supported by heavy artillery end then the Belgian commander withdrew Lis force in perfect order in the general direction o f Antwerp.

A despatch (rotu Ghent tonight says the nllic-e have defeated the Germans who attacked Tirlernont, forcing them to retreat with heavy losses. Thit- -..1,'iild indicate that the allies have taken the offensiv with the object o f breaking the German centre. \ Another fierce' battle is reported from Charleroi, on tbo Sambre river; the German looses are declared tu hifvo boon enormous, some reports giving the dead at thousand. Later despatches regard- yesterday's fighting in Belgium describe the struggle as a veritable butchery. The Bolgian troops it stated, although forced finally to withdraw in tbo face of superior forces, covered themselves with glory.

j Get man cavrdiy in an engngi uunt near Basle. The Germans left five bundled dead and wounded on the field. Austrian contingents moving along the Rhine to mact the French advance in Aleacc.

According to despatches rte'd at the Belgian legation at LondoD, tbo Bolgian army retired in good order on Antwerp and is now ready to cooperate with the allies, official despatch from St Potci. I nrg vta Rome asserts that m Russian army composed of twenty army corps wilt carry out tbo invasion of Prussia under the direction of Grand Duke Nicholas.

The Montenegrin army after baitiu lasting all day Wednesday defeatid tin Austiiau force at Cri oscio with heavy loss, taking 500 prisoners.

Paris Matin says the French have captured thus far ninety one field guns, four dags and nineteen autor.

Dtspitcheo received Uht eve state that the Gormans are march: tug ou Ghent and are ai»o within few miles of Ortend. There was i encounter hefwccut the allies ai the Germans southeast of Brussels j t sferday, in which tbo allies 1 sticceiisful. The French war t-fiice w n iitp e s that Namur is partially invested and under lire of the l ea' German artillery. The French rt announced, have withdrawn from Lorraine owing to the greater strength of the enemy.

ofiicial advices from Nish report » decisive defeat of a huge Austrian force by the Servians on the batiks of the River Save.

lo bail the

F r i d a y , 21stTelegraphic communication be­

tween London and Bnusels wai entirely interrupted today, A tele­gram from Ostend last night said main body of .the German army around Bruosels camped for the night just outside the city, which had already been occupied by small advance guard.

A despatch from Tho Hague says tbo preparations for the defence of Antwerp extend over an enormous area, all classes joiuing in tho work day and night.

A despatch from Gottmje dated yesterday says an EnglSrh fleet supported by French watehi|rti ir connection with Montenegrin hat. teriea on Mount Lovchen bombarded the Austrian fortifications at Collars Wednesday, greallydamagiug thei

Brussels was occupied by the Gormans in force, today, no resist-

having beeu offered. The Germans did not bombard the city.

Tho Belgian army’s left wing has•treated towards Antwerp. The

Belgians are all prepared for a siege of that port.

The Germans have reached Mab tuts on tho way Jo Antwerp. An; other stiff tight is expected there.

Tho French line D bolding the Germans back about Tirlernont.Great battles are raging Charleroi, diroctly south of Brussels, and Nonfebateau, south east of Namur.Tho allies lines remain unbroken.The German foresa according to ollicial news from Paris, continue Jo pass the Meuse iu the vicinity of Jjuy, and au important concentra;Don is now being carried out iuj Belgium.

A curtain of silence hangs over! the situation in Belgium owing to 5 r î'or sunk In tbs Adriatic nftt

naval encounter,

A de*j Udi (inn 11 fi.-igiumvia I’liiip dated y r ie <•«>. *..}> theel vie giMId a l l ill. ul di*« Mill'llline in * * liing. , Tin. Bi u* « Is civicguard w« re sent in Brag* * •ml Ant-w.-tp. \ despatch :om Ant wrrj>*ay» it i* repo Ha ,1 fro* i BrinMl* t batnjmttranr bn* been gi\ i n by the tiersman* that tlu-y will „ .1 COilinu<• tooccupy theeapital. cr nti-nl ug them-eelves with luiviug m rciird tin Highthe town

A drxp lleii frmu St Vter* nirg sav*it ih offli: •Hr amioiiiit-i d t ha Lin- Hit*-*>au army G now advaneing along liieentire A istio-Geruiai itotitier andsuccessfully maiutidning tin off* isiveat every toinf of ctuiUat.

New* igeitcy dr»p^ tclu* *av theGerman enyalry lea lied he out-skirts of Ot«*nd today and iuivi*pied that stapoit tuWi . but the warbureau i, ix uo t until i mlim of thisrrpmt.

The French war office say* the Udg- inn artillery at Namur is i-cplying to the German artillery wuh good ctfec-t, mul lurtber declares then U no dang­er of the force bring captured. Every­thing, it is added, is going Well on the Belgian frontier. The enemy contin­ue* to pier# fotwurd over the Meuse. The British war office also declares that the situation gci.e: ally, to far as the atlitss me renecim-d is eom-idmd satisfactory.

Passenger* who have strived at Folkestone fiom Ostend report that German patiol* were in the outskirts of that Bdguim sc«|>ort yesterday af­ternoon. This leaven little denbt but that Ostend is now occupied. Cable eoiumunii-ntion between Oil end and Loohou i^cut < if. K is *aid the Germ­ans have also occupied tdient and Bul­ges. An Amsterdam despatch say* a message from Itesetdeatonthe Belgium front ter deviates German Chians well* -eeii yesluiday: three tilths liem tin Dutch frontier near K*»chen, which ii IS mites north of Antwerp.

1 Orp* gave tattle th :Ut Namur tedav striving inward awvepof the Kuo - Jirough northern Belgium

A Urge German force is reported to be )if|ihiiig south t nrsugit the Gap pi-tween jMons amt (.'hitt-leioi. This forte is

•id t<» tv composed o f fresh trwp*. great Fu-iu;h army is awaiting il nth nf .tlai-iiicugn on tint river Han;- e. (i tmany is »^ld to have called it her last lesrrvc line, taking In ev- •y aide liodied man up to fifty seven

years of age. This it tMinmtcd w?|l in ease her forte in the held to i-is. mil

The meagre despa t < he* i ret ived this •orning Indicate that thellrM great

hattht o f the war is now in prorffers from Namur Charleroi. The Ueuu; i ~

king a drteiminrd effort to reach Fiance by way of the gap hr-

‘ emf Chatleroi. Japan «< has declurt d war cn Gei In* lHiintmni incut of Kiaii-

Coiui-the Get man poet in China, is ported nioincntaritf. sixteen thmw, d Jopamue t r e j.- me repoitcdto

be in traiisporIs outside of Kian-Chau ItO'-iau troops i.sve « -plute.l Goldap

■1 f.yeh, as well s* Giimbinhcii, in itssia routing three tieiinitii m-hiv

More Austrian warship-

m e d i c a l•“ fame,.I if . , , e ..fasjpei-j

" " " " ;•». D R . B R O W N , \ V t X ‘M + t * V iheavy lighin.g. It i. aoiioime.d from „|i om, W i t i « t u.e c/t.lV... imT*IGotb.it ihe Gtimntm rniilinMmk.i | I^*1„'a“ ^ ' r",’".‘ 1 ........

izv.T* w * a ** ciw», ll jap Quren x I'nlversll) . Mearbsran uttil Germany. ; «>rrb*t>Ues^af|.i»>*i«t«B» «n*t_ j "»>a CaftayHtirswu.


CURE OySIHM*SittKrf TirriMj lor 15 Vurs Ultil Hi

Trisa ■. 1 ■ tins"


ax WAttAcu Ava., Toronto, Dec. sand. J913.

"Haring been o great suffcier from Asthma lor a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to ail tip at night ior weeks at a time) I l>egaR the use of ** l-‘ruit-a-tivc»” . These wonderful tablets relieved me of Indigestion, and through the continued use of saute, I am no longer distressed with, that terrible disease,' Asthma, thank to ’ 'Fruit-n-tivcs” which are worth their weight in gold to anyone Buffering as I did. I would heartily recommend them to all aufferera from Asthma, which 1 believe is caused or aggravate! by Indigestion” . jy. A. WHITK

For Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any trouble caused by excessive tier volumes* due to Impure illoo<|, faulty Digestion or Constipation, take •pnat-t-rivc*'’

50c. a bos, 6 for $2.50, trial sire, 35c. At alt dealer* or from Fruit-a-tivca tl.imitetl, Otuwa.


Merchants BankO F UANAL>.

PAID UP C AP ITAL$7,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS 17,2-18.134

220 BranchesThe SAVINGS AGCvHJXrS " f

those desiriutl a strong SAVINGS HANK, are cordially invited. Int­erest added last day of April and October instead of May and Nov oenber, as formerly.


M a n a g e r

Fall TermO p e n s l S E P T . 1 s t ' a t

O w en S ou nd ,O n tario

:>l Successful Years.

Every graduate guaranteed a position.

Large staff o f specialists

P r a i ) t T ° W i ) s n i p

F a r m sI have, in BihijI. 2 fifty acre

I ana*. I for-ly.btx were farm, l <>«,* bundled and thirty acie farm. 2 two hundt«d ucie lattu* all ELI. I.MFKOVBt). convenient to Hanov­er or alketron, nud Ilia ownei* have placed them in my hand* be. eau*e they AHK BOUND TCSKLL l Iimvi; »Uo 11 two acre farm in Forth, near LUtowei, one of the h,‘*t farms in the County of Perth, •.with extra iiuprov, menu-, a ve»y great bnigain at S7om* 1 nevt-iiKS’me had |heh a choice ot Fui »n*

haw. My office \« HEALQUAB- TKKS and you xhould come toi.ee me if yon want tohuy at right pi ire*r

H . H . M i l l e r

j j . O . C A R T E R ,


V E T E R I N A R YS. IIA N M O R E .V .S . !,'.T:,V,S!.s a a t 3* P t « W , . S fcS S T K M »

Sm ith & M c C o n n e l’sC h o p p in g 'M il lF e e d <21 S e e d S t o r e

A l l K inds O f Cereal A n d C o a r ie Fed F or S a le in T on L l>O r In A n y Shape*

S m i t h & M c C o n n e l

W A L K E K T O N , O N T

Wood’s Phoaplioiiao,

■'jititp. Mental anti /train II’a tl.nrn, A c Of Tnrrou. /‘til/til/Imrl. Ft!Hina Memory. J*.,/,. «. . _______!>',»> Oiw will »n «ii).vat. t>> ntl

nr mxfa in em t.«*M -J• y,>rj»ytr.f,)thttnn.l..l t , „ . THr WOODairotctNC co.. mono. our. <r««*,

FALL TERMF R O M S E P T . 1 s t .

w m i«itB*Tro»B . orr,.

The tn-»v Coiumervi <l School in the province. Our conru-n are t horough and prudicai. while our tnaUiuAor* are bvlt»-r than you will find r?.«-whcre. We do mote our etmlenta than other -.irniiar -.i-hool* do, Otu« raem are ren*on- ahle. Write for our Dee oathlugui and are what « r can do (or } on.

D. a . McLACHLAN, princlprH.


Our photograph* are mate than good phothgraph*.— they arc true jwmait.*;- bringing out nil Hint* best in character and individu­ality. .Make your op- poinrmentt. NOW.

•A . •A 'J 'M f J'

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove

buy a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T ." None

better. Aso a full

line of Heating Stoves

H A H A V IL LWalkerion - - Ont.

Dr. de Van ’s Female Pills

ttM leM IO n * C<L


CLEAN SWEEP SALEA n E n t i r e l y N o w S t o c k o f G r o c e r i e s V U n n ’ c Z o ) W r i m A n ’ c < k k n » C P r i c e A lo n e W i l l S o i l O u t O u r S h o eI s N o w O n O u r S h e l v e s . H * t H L n l l u r C I l S » I * C I T S * < y , W O l H C n S i j I l U U S . S t o c k Q u ic k ly . N o w I s Y o u r C h a n c e .

W c have upened up ......... in' otu Dry (i.riils sleek anil lind we have n o t n e a r l y e n o u g h s p a c e to put them a ll in the store, so for T h u r s d a y , F r id a y a n d S a t u r d a y we have

slashed and out the lieart out o f p r i c e s o n s h o o s . Come and ge l your share. The shoe stock must lie moved quickly, as wc have the D ry Goods here w ailing to be opened up.

N O T E P R IC E S . . .C o a l Oil 1 5 c G a l lo n . Canned Corn & Canned I'cas 3 f o r 2 5 c . 1 sc Canned Salmon 1 1 c . 15c Pork ,V lleans 8 c . $1.35 Blue Stripe Overalls 8 9 c .

75 W ork Shirts, all sizes 4 9 c .

W EP A Y 25 F O R


C o m p le t e S t o c k o f D r y G o o d s , C lo t h in g , E t c .

A i l N e w G o o d s . A, J. SMITH M r . S h e f f ie ld , w h o w a s w it h M r . H u e t h e r , w i l l b e g la d t o s h o w t h e s e g o o d s .


The most w onder­ful instru m ent ev­e r in troduced, i t requires liochang- ini* o f needles. C a ll and h ave it dem onstrated.

c. ft. ?ox3m*dkr. UlalKcUfn.




mY. M. C. A. DUX3.

LO ND O N. ONT.Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st Catalogue free. Enter any Uiuc.J.W . Westemit J . W. Wester velt, Jr.

PrlDdpll r - Grttrel Accra Us'.10 VlM-PrSjdjil

Wcddii g invitation#, wedding un­noitaceim it’s. and smdety anil conem.-r-i d (Uiuaugnf »*H kind', in factanything from a visiting card to aHire**- she jV postpe, in one. t wo oniiorewhin*, ciii In* dime at The relescope• Klee **« a »v-t«<»u|tlc price. Wc lirealso prepam l to supply alt kinds ofnot uter el *.::k bulks it*, the regalirp»ic>-e. at 1 lower yet. Gel your print-lug ilill yom-oi

ml help to liulld up

E sty m m . t i . I »

Cook's Cotton Root Compound.A M/r, rtlitMt rto*<'<Mina

WrAffinr. £Ut>i in tfcfvr «J*> •ttrnjtlh—NV I. |I:

. - -. .3: N«. 3. ts I- 1 Iw*.-''•Ill by nil iltuuKizd;..... »cnt I'trpatu on cl pjioe,Kiw pstaphbt- ^ AtWrvM:

Every Woman

“ R i n g H a t ”K inti dial)* arc flexible mid self-con funning, just when- li e lint nut In the head.

T . P Y EW ALKE r ic h


Irimtain ago, influence and »i.rt ill graduate*. Speeialixv* In (Irt-gg nd Pitman Shorthand and .ill t leichtl kul.ji-.t-. F«JI Grin > ••■fiist ftlat. .Vidlt* forour caudugn*

rn»* T. Wnuchopc, Princi leGU Si-., Toronlft;

Canadian National

ExhibitionI ' M A C M Y B A B

America'* Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West ladles

| Grenadier Guards Band |

Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts* Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show


Paintings from England, Scotland.United States and Canada

Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-H>droplane Flights Grand Water Carnival

Crealore's Famous Band |Store of other Bands Boren Band Concerts IJaily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway e

e Year Pii vorks

International Peace Tattoo10 Bands________ 100 Musicians

Ang. 29 1 9 1 4 Sepl. I t

T O It O N T O

UloKCll Their Pin lit*.The Ma*#vy llatu- Company have

el x-*l tio n i their plant' inToiontosn.l Hrmilfotd t welve hundred nieii brimr thtowiKint tif employment: in the Jut* t«r (dint «!<>«•: When sonic «>tde»* ii-nv on liitntl me filled, the Woodstock plant will it l-o heeh.M'd. Owing to pie«;nt unsettl'd *ondtMnn« tin tom- P*iiv *..«>■» that it-1- iiupn—iMtUo baywhen Inn ioci" wi 1 ho ntMimed. The closing of three plants will effect .V.Onu

Toy-Scarce Tins Year.- Toy- iitut iiie.nsHkk <*f-- largely «*f i.i-riunt. iinvunfaetiut* ond filer**In nil probability re a scarcityof cheap toys for this t:ini-t«n*-. Dye- of -tom1 ikltitlS ure inudcexchislvelyiu Gcninuv and util-.-s MUtie other country man fact are them, *1 the war Is any length it may he that we will wear"* jmim* spans. The ultimate rut,ome. aceorp lug lo hu'iness men who have'.united lire results will « wonderful growth In lutmrfun uiaoufuetuic. Theydutsc their deduct* ms without taking . Into nnctmat any an«i|n*y to G<r.min good* th.l might 'result, hut -imply on tin- demand for prod* which it will he im. p;>—llrfe *•> secure liom Germany nnd will have to Im mauuiiietnrod »•!-

r.ion-li Lack O f Confidence,There lias been an iuelinatmu utt the

parlof some people toatuuse t bent* el VC into a stm.il panic asthe reNuli nt the present European: war. It i- feared that fo wDtud' will be dear this w.n- cr and many calamatic# aro pit'dicledl for Canada. This feeling has even gold* so far a* to doubt the stability cf the Canadian banking system >n thi# time o f trouble, and many people liava m tuslly-lopped depositing money in tin banks. This it.« » fm-H-hms*. Tba banks are all perfectly safe and they tyetg never in better shape than rigid At- tins present time. There isnocan-t lor any fCarasto the liahtiity of oni banking institution#. for no mallei what happen# in this war the pul JicP fully pintccled. Furllu-Mlu-n- j-notii' {tig to worry i*» vvrr trie future of Cnn da Although thor.* may Ite

and perhaps si.me of thekind, there * <mly one way ui whichthe war can end— with Britiali andher all** # a# tbc vlctorr*.—Owen HoundHim- J y-‘ '

J A M E S C O U L T E R( r e a l esta te ag ent )

Itenl 15-latc* bought and rtrfd; money to b>«ni also agent tor the Fatmetv Central Mutual Fire ltttttrat.ee Company, Flume, line 11U, ring If & 1.

F o r—A Quick and Easy Shine333

Stove Polith

A.tBM U*K- X»*«m MU— Auiurl l«tt*~


any Thousand Farm Laborers WantedFOR HARVC8 TIN0 IN WESTERN CANADA


QOINQ D A TE8rna j a tutm*. tusa*?0. FSuNji lUWTew an* wt*t te ACM* ao4

nrntre.. u ua m n s- i «t

s s i ? s t e t r o i '

Owing lr> tin- win in Kuropt*. the bos- pilals In .Toronto, end, for that matter according to a 1 mpiial superintendent the tuedicid ip-tiinirns of America, will face a set Inns prt-hlrnt if the trouble should continue for any length of Itnip. Ordets placed recently with wht Insult* drug liouacs l-y the t>upetin- tendetits ntTurouto hospital-, havo a d licet* tilled. Toe other day the sup­erintendent of a Toronto hospital com- mtmic ited with a Tomn*<* Hrtn with regard to a supply o f drags, and was t.dd that his order could not be tilled. In consetptPMce he gave order* to hit* staff to be w ry careful with tlielr sup- piyof dtugs Fractically all of the bull dm oi and cdt'bolit' acid ccine fr<mi tieimsrty. »a well us«ther IntjKirtant drugs, Hospital* iu Montreal «ske«l tin* drug bouses ia Tmunto to fill their otdeis. utni met with the saute re­sponse as the Toronto holpitals.

Ilurtl s«rugt;l«' iuevttahle.The t rading public imhii l gel the

impression that t.'ermtuiy is going to tiodowa and I t the idlies walk over her. A hard and, bitter struggle is in­evitable and ivhut the lenullmity be i- ev.-n dubious. The 'repotted los>es i.trmanv has sutler,Hi ate trilling hi: the Kidstn’s ihtyfil and from apuMjbh* ned.olij-.ut ion «*f over live million men. wdl hardly lie noticed. The Kaiser »> reported ns saying that he was prepar­ed to suer lief) 100,000 men *» lake even IMginfu, It wilt it * remembered that in the Kraue.o-l’ rossin** war th» ‘ «cr- mui'scuine out tlm victors nBhotlgh their l<>". > w-i :v pructtealty double that ot the J-jtynch. It was by shter out numbers that aim was sm-cessftd, Tmit a stubhorn cain|uiign is expect- , d i# evident by the plans <»f l̂ ar-d Kilchenei t«> yeplci)islt the British army so llmidn the event of the allies tjccaiuink exhauMvd *h. wiil la’ in po-iltuu to carry ou the war.

I'ro lM t* Fell Through-Mr. Howell’s .-l.-clion tn Ninth Dx-

ford.and Win. ,M-LM'iald.s in North have not ta rn protested. Their

opponent* tiled petitions hut dldnc.i deposit |ll)00 within lour day* as re ijuired and the proceedings, therefore wuie declami void. The protest! which will detiuitily go on are those by the CenservaUve* against Mac. t,<*ng to Cochrane and by the Liberal* figiiiust Dr. Miutyu in East liHtdbtOU, It i# the general opinion that thero was neveranv real intenthm of protesting Mr. Ro-vell’e. t-b cliioi. Tim local men in Woodstock disclaim i espoaslblhty. IT.eMail and Ktupitesahl lalhen new, Acs.iutiL llmt the petition hud been tiled upon instructions from Toronto

diciton*. rim Government or liquo* interest*, or pci baps both, evidently thought they might annoy Mr. llowelt by making this attack ai d then with­drawing it. They also thought that they might make u little cheap political capital out ot the incident, their plan has (ailed h tweve*. and the utifaitneM of llmmove ha-* arous- d Un- rwsunl- tnenl of falrmimDd C-nt ct valives a# well as of Liln-ruL tbeto'.dves

Honor* L a id Off.This week see* a mtutl cr of Owen

Hound * sailors home J.if a lay*of of an indefinite period owing to their ships being tied u)> on account of the war. The Canada .Steamships laid np over

j thirty *.f their f«k«* fr«fgbt«»s *t Mon* Beal; and in wont* ea'O the whole crew from the captalu to tb« conk has b«>n

: laid ofT. In other instance* theoMcrrs ' have been ictalned on ship while tbc ■ crows have been discharged or laid olf. They may be c#Med again atari esrlv* date, for it i ' thought that the ships

: will begin to operate again witliin the next three weeks. Ii i-anothcr of the resuileof the piesent war. 4Tlie ocean carrying trade 1ms been so curtailed and so disarranged that tbegrainlying

i in the .-lov*tor» at dilfemnt |>olntH is not being moved over tho ocean. When grain cease* moving the reason for the operation of many of the lake carriers immediately ceases and as a re­sult many aro now tied up.to the dock. W ith the resumption of trade tbi> wrtl not continue very long. Quito a mini, tier of sailor Isiys front Owen Sound arc among those temporarily IInown out of employment by tho comHhon o f , affair« on the lakes- — Owen Hound Tims*.

B r a n t C o u n c i l

S c h o o l R e p o r t

H. K, N'»» { T*i;itm If i,pout.Promoted to Hr. IV. -Helen Jî Tm-

stoa. :Conditionally— Nmmuii Mcf'artei,

Klgin Hell,Jr. IV .—L* ni aM nle, A lbert AHard-

yce. a ..ia G .rbuti.Hr. Ill~-('l.;,ri**>*Long, Ilctt-uToltOD,

Malcolm T«»U«>U, t.anra Htade, Dola Scliult/..

Proihoteft •1̂ . I lb--Stanley Tolton,- Wallac*/ i« 'lm *t it, MargueriU* Bell* <.b-orglrLAlxL''tttwe. Hu- »<-l Gbilds.

Hr.:lir^K?tiiw^*Uritx, Eric WUlou, M ftrih M tA^m '<W li .tobmon, Noi*

in WliiU-hcmTAIvin Hodgson.'romntsil J r. 11 A. • I • uiider(M*!*T,

Mary Tohoo. .!<•->«.* I.**ng. NormanLawtenee.

Promoted .1* 11. H -diary Hmlgson.All-fH Hchul*

Promoted Jr. 1. Kntuia Htatlc, Andy Johm-t<-n.

Promoted Sr. Pi. l-IiuVr tiart.utl. Ifos#Johust-m. LLtm Krm-eL Viola Ib-P. Floreme fliih ' -.

.fr. P i . ~ Fbit< n-• llodgion. M siy tlc iite r , Kc*ma Atla»t<ji,-,K.««1 doht- >don.

4 M. McNeill, teacher,

\ The Municipal Council of the town- I shipid Kraut met at the township ] Hull on Monday the 10th, dny of Aug , u*t. Member* all present. MuiuUsot U 't lueetiog r -ad and declared correct

! Nesbitt—-Weir.—That this council j do nut go into a committee of the whole. wi*h the teeve in the chair in

j order to Strike the rate- required for ! township and county purpose# for the current year.—Parried.

Willoughby- Hownnd i’liat the dork prepare a by-law to provide for tho htvie* agr-ed upon in committee, vis. for township purposes the sum of ?S, 7Id at u rate o f mills on the dollar and for county purpose* the *uui of f «,5dS and U per. cent, at a rate ol 3 and ciuu tenth mill# on the dollar in a iditiou to tho sums required for pub lie schools and Homan Catholic School* and other necessary rates.

Howand—Willoughby— That By law No. 01 A. D. lid 1—Carried, be noa- rcml the usual uuinacr of times and finely passed.—Carvied.

Weir—Howand, That the clerk ad­vertise in the Telescope for a collector of rate# for the current year. Tax notice-* to be server! to ratepayers ac­cording to statute. Arrangements may tie nude by the collector with the banks for receiving payment of taxes Svlu*y $100. Applications to be in the deck* hands by noon on Mon-lay the 2|st. dav of Septeutber 1911 Carried,

Wclr — Nesbitt— That tho clerk pas* a by-law to b» paused at next meetiug of council making it compulsory for all rates levied in the municipality to be paid on or before the 13th. day ol December 19H, and that ia tlcfeult of payment on or before «*id date, that one pel. cent straight shall be emu ged to the Tlnd'aod five pet . cent straight after ?2od. ol Dec. 1011.—Carried.

Howuiul—Wtlloiigliby—Tho fcl tow­ing accounts bsiitg found correct, the reeve mid clerk are hets iiy autboticed to issue order* on the ftOttsUI er lor the same.—Carried.Tho*. Scales. 37 yds gravel., f •*. 70duhn WHkop. f*o ...... . 3 (kiJohn Monk. W* . . . . «<*»Sidney Fat krr. "i? 3 7»Win. Alexander, 17 ......... I 70,Geo Syauiuds. »Ul -........ RMWJohn Johnson, 101 • • - • • IU toJohn Beibfch.30 . ... .. SWJus. Hue. b •*>Wm. Dandy, drawing tile and

re|i washout............... . • • H uU.Martin Bonk, building railing

and repairing abolitieni* 1 t<*John Maxwell spikes ......1*M Connors, Lumberacct. ... n tin D. Noble Don lor <itb. con.

i-iidge. «-;*•s; w. Voguu. <« ft. ii'Wi-r pipe 0 J. I l f slop, bldg arch bridge. 13» Hi

II, 11, Miller, Mortgage andinteiest on Township Hall 821 U<>

W. <». McCaUn'nt. councilmeeting ........................SpenceN.-sblt............... . .Dan Willoughby..................JV. A. Howand........ ...........Archie W eir.......................... 2 70

Towand—Willoughby— That tins council do now adjourn to meet on the 21*1. day ol September 1011. for the appointment of a collector of rate# and ether geueraLbittinoss,

M. A. McUalinm, Clerk.

Defeat of Germans Will be Boon to Fatherland.

By K. V. Rellhdoef, ’ "Profettfor of French and German, at Woodstock (Ol»L) ( ’cllcge,

"For per many and the German (ample there is, 1 fancy, no-'lack of sympathy from the Ganadinu people. For the Germany that has been lead­ing the world inlcllectanliy with such magnificent tmcccs* In the realm of scholarship, scientiiiedisci'veric*. cum­mer* Sal and commnal development there i# ample admim*ion in Canada. Our Htudeuth turn l > Iter for the lalest reatiita in rrscaich. Our social refor- iiit-r* study her cities to learn how to make civic government minister t*i the health ami happinos* of the citiz­en#. our lovers of music find in herK‘ :ei «.f this mbit

many's defeat- will mean tbceetablish* went ol « republic and the eiiminaliun of William l !.,*ndJ*H that hound* for Such things a* “ divine Gghi," nnd "mailed llstw lire a nachronisms, an in* *nlt to the iutvlligonce *>f the people of the 2Mtb century. William IL is lha •'confmun foe'* of Emo|x\ and ho niuwt be elimitiatcii.

Dfdeat of Germany in tint w*r mean* ultimate salvation and freedom for her. Germany wilt ba the greatest gainer through defeat. That is my consolation when I t hink of the terri- ble nllhetioo tins' war will bring iijkiu be A-victory of the German army won d make William II. the war lord o f tin* world. .He would rule Europe* With **n“ Iron hand,” fbv nulitathm of the future would he Ur worse than the miiitmi.'iu o f the present, and yr«*a)d be noeerf to war and bloodshed.

Gerntauy will and must lose In thi* rigbtemi# war. Utllshu willonly nf- tei a fianl sud bitter flglit. ‘lha allied si iiiics t*il( have no picnic on tludr hand** Tlu'i it will la* Victorious battle* on both sides. U t us h* calm and Mttst in God and notin the fWndMlcttt war extra# and, iiianufncLuieJ i epoitw, Three cheer# foe Canada!

Food Taxes and Prices.

For tlwse nnd other rea*< great bulk o f our people are the cor­dial (fiends of tho German people* Wo must deeply sympathize with tin* German (*eojdc in the sufferings ai d danger* brought upon them tiy thrlr ruling classes, by ibeir oligaicbic, in- vain*, military government.''

It is the German of the ’■clinched list” and the "drawn Sword,” of the “ shining armor,” and the “saber rattl* ing in the scnbhatd" that call *fi>r no sympntliy on our part. Ifc ia the Got- many that has precipitated the mon- strou* world struggle ol the dav that HIli lim it with horror aad itidignation It is for tlie olllcial <lertuany ami‘ her leader and soul, William 11,, that wc have only detrMUtion. not for the peaceable, kind, amiable and shoo German people. We arc at war with the system of Germany, not with the • ierumti race.. The <*erm*»n«of Berlin and WatCtloo for instance, are to a largo extent tho descendants of Germans who more (ban a century ago lived under'th** British flag in the American colonies. The intense loyalty of the lalt<-r to J that Bag subjected them to hatdshipt | and sufferings and privations, and j they sought a new home in Canada. * The spirit of these loyal German* is »t«llalive to-day everywhetjo in Can­ada. A shining example of them is out own Sir Adam Beek, the son o f native-born G.'iman patent*.

•Someone suggesG'd the other -day that Canada should take the saute mejmitrs tejardieg *<ctronn» wbliin j tlivir botdeis as Knglaud at present is j taking against Germans in KnglantL * that tvoul-J 1k- Unfair and «ioj«*l. A* j eveiyom* knows the Gi-rtnuns in E«g- land are''uciu vi ted guests.” ’lbingstn C tuada ateditfsrvht- luiuiigr»tiim ol people of Nortbetn Europe, ineludmc

rtiians, has been encouraged in the past, inducements have been held out t o German farmers pat t icuUt ly. News­paper# ol alt shades hitvo been full of praise •>! the Get man* as lawabidtng. rcspvetvd, a.id useful ritixent *<f Cau- ad t. Only, a few mollis ago the Gov eruot-General *<f Canada paid th- highest »rasginat<5e tribute to the Ger­mans in Canada, to their loyalty am! cilis*:isliip. These t.ernnit - in Can­ada have rib move to do with the t;. r man emperors war on England than

Tlie new vrnr taxes ought not to bo followed by any great increase in the price of the articles aflectvd. Korin stance, tlie new tax on toffee is only till I-I-1 Villa a pound, and thero i* no reasott 'for asking the consumer to pay any more. The tendency of all taxes on import*., however, t* to per­chance; the price hey ond the amount of the tax. Theexat-t amount *<f the tax is not known to liivconsumertv.iieeially when it is a percentage, sod so any tad. however small, juny become the excuse for any increase however Inrge It should be borne in mind, too, that the new taxes apply to adjery small number t f articbn, and that thesento wain luxurits. The eheif cxceptlo is sugar, which ruay beiett-micd «* a necessary ot life, especially for lha poor. But the fact that thsrs arc in­creased duties on sugar, coffee; cocoa, alcoholic^ bcycrage*, sweat biscuit*, "Stud lew other nt tide* is no excuse for raising food price* along the line. While at this time there i* » natural disposit ion to accept the warjueasurc* of the Government without criticism, there!* texson for the contention that food fnxesshould be diminished rather than increased at the pretent time. A scarcity of food is tbc greatest danger which we have to face, and it would have teen well to avoid even the np* pesranceof aggravating the evil, A taxon the largerincomv* wVuld hnvo been preferable.

i thenu»» ud f.n

. Ale) lld.-tHawjet' MitHBeyikj. i.ipidis let

gr.idtr .................. .. . M 7>*M. A. S*let'.«iUim, attending

coin t ol Us vision. - ........ . 2 .**»A. G. 'McLennan. . . ... . ... U t*»Judge Klein, to'l lu g, ....... G IGFat O lG'ily, drawing stone l.V Oy UhNt Fcgtrfo Giadiiig.......... . 20 J,»

German vddtei; tny own position in this Si t oggle prcf'Vtly t lea* . M y I**) al - ty to the British flag mtkeS m e't »ud against any and alt enemies <>t Britain I f nerd b>> l s|i.-ulJ even light against Germany, though with a.bleeding Leal t Fnrt bn more. I d r « i * dis*-t-» to the (i.fin tn army in this war fm- the f ' i son that it will mean tt-stotau at id


Soda BiscuiUi simply can’ t be any more delic­ious than these.

Tw o kinds—“ Rctfular” and “ Fancy Thin . 5, 10 and 25 cents the pack­age at your grocer’s.

Eorrj Patkot* (,'naraalttJSEND FOR THE PERRIN

“ SAMPLER" PACKAGETlii» liber*! 9«Kii>!r t*nckare «f

renin I'iiucy Di*c«iu owdsln*... e iltllelew* survil̂ r* for ><vo.

wili **« et»d to *<c4 it so yo« IB «nt» m 1’jimt* t>r ctrfo go ;r c.-e, . f gjuajf) no-I your

-hip; the W . jol lire ft*eat*/d- p **ple of Em

iug era o f pue>|an it > <d peave, r at in with England amt Kraiict

<3IFT FROM THK HKORHKS. i The King having expressed the ’*• j

air- that tiu- greater part **i iln* fund t'OIIIUM'IIMUUi" ftis Mu- I

jest; V coronation by subject* ti-ui in-,; j tin? Christian mime ti**>rs*- it* alt I parts of the empire should be iit>*w «M| to aid Junior officer-. i.l *li«* IC«»> »V .Marimw who ritiiy flint dlDhiili v in 1 itift'lloK the not «*f Ihe final rdaK* ' » I of Hn-lr military iminim;, tin- follow-j Ins arrangement* have Iran mail* t*< | tarry out hi* MajeatcV wish*?-; f

Tito sum available list* b*vn Invest- i od anil thu iitfOliiP w ill In- devoted it* ' tin; litsliluHon of Kins Oeorg*; Triad ttchohtrahlp*.

One «-hpbtrabtp "H i be awarded cacti >i.tr to tin' officer in lit*' Royal •Marines whoshall, art a remit of lint annual comjH-MH'e examination. I*1* «Ptcr(t*i in the Admiralty t«*r atllto ■ .don to On- .Military Rtnlf Foihge at, Ombcrloy. *

Kaclt j<rlinlar*>hl|i wilt l»* tenable for two years, and will ordinarily eon- wlttt of half tin* ltd Income for tint year derived from the fund.estimated approximately at -E’J7 life.

The first scholarship wilt be award*. ctl this year.

The Course fund (otniled C-M'D - 1 yd. clvco by .” .,000 mb'eriben. Many were working mill.

A HKMAKKAUI.K AH ’KTITK. j In Karin Life there i mordi-d ihtft

iiarrattvfVof a bullock's strange appe- tlte. ft la uliited that the (armor found iU« hair had uppumtlly b**-n out oft the tail* of pix of hi** hor»*>. Me informed the, police, and a «:«*»»- stable wu* httdrmded to Keep a IP<c- ial lookout. Shortly ulterwiuds, on passing the field, the coiirtishSe sawu bulloch eatlmi the hair olf a horse t heels. Me summoned tin* (armor ami his foreman, w|u> arrived <VMh? thu bill lock was still enjoy Ins its strang** feast. It had. however, "eleam d ' tie* heels, and was linn devoting Its at ­tention to the horse's tall. The lath* of the other horses Were then found to show unmistukuUle sign# of hayliitf been eaten off. and hair was fotltnii nearly all over the Held.

LONDON'S OHOWINM SICA TKADK. J Figure* of ihe imports and export l |

of the six leading i*«rts for the l»-t two years, are Riven in the annual report of the Tort of l,oitd<>n Author­ity as follows:

litis. UR2.. JHli.7:>2,t4!i. :i7i»,«<a.f«:i :s7:U(W.r>K*

!M.S'>1.4 IJ Kp,:}4l*,pi7


l.ondon .. Liverpool ...H u ll......... -Manchester..Southampton

’ uMm b.-:.2,i km«2 50,785.1̂ 1

that Southampton lias been overtaken by Ulaxgow.'Ill the year ending March J) Iasi,

the tonnage entering and leaving the t»ort of la>ndou wav::'VSl,;ASl. a- com­pared w Itii 2S.a"XdS72 In the previous twelve months..

THK SMALLEST AKUOTLANK.What la claimed to he the smallest

and fastest aeroplauy fit Uira world has just completed a,s!u-«* s>;m Right at the rate of 115 miles an hour » t Fantborotigh.

Tin; uerotilttlie....which hus been «*•.- kfsncd and cotudrtlrtcd at tlte Hoy at Airrraft factory, is driven by a He* hd., Otiomd eiinlne. it Is claimed that the new aeroplane will "climb'' morn rapidly than any other.

iiurinK the trial Miclit It w»* idiot • cd b.v l.ieuteiiHDt Simtt. the Oovern• jnent aeroplan*' tester. It is evpeeteil that a «i><*:sl of 1.50 tulle» an hour will shortly be realUt'd.

Tlte Ironworks at Cbaialtown, founded over 200 years ago him* hern closed.

The deatii rate in the !•« great towns of England and Wales last vm*'k aver­aged 11.2 per 1,000 of population.

The election of «n additional rural councillor and guardian for the parish of Maltby on Saturday resulted In flic return of >|r, Kdward Dunn, of KI2. Morrell stress, secretary of the local Judge of the) Yorkshire Miners’ Asso- elaUon.

At Tuesday weeks meeting of the Notts County Council tributes were paid to the fate Lord Helper, lit*: chairman* slnee the Council's forma- tion.

(lifts of silver plate wen* .made to Lord and l>ady tlalway, at A-rlby Mall, hy deputations representing the trad­ers of Ketfonl and Haw try, respective­ly, in comnicinoratlou of the 25th an- alvmary of U»rd and l«'tdy tJalway's wedding.

A mysterious shooting affair occur* n;d at Annealey, Notts, iwo ntcii who were rtdlng In a wagon being shot at, it Is alleged, by a man who disap­peared, add hurt nob been Iraced. On** of the occupants of the wagon, an KiBtwood miner, sustalfnnl a -i attend wrist.

Tin; Sherwood ltufiger.' Y.-mminry held their annual regimental shoot­ing meeting at Hetford.

Titrougli the hinking of a sloop nt Mook, the owner. John Noble, of Leeds, was drowned, and two oflurs narrowly v-scapitl the same fate.

Walter Margin*, who made an amaz­ing escape *rom Wakefield I’rlcon was recaptured at hb home at ''■tri­ton. near Harmdcy.

Tin? aUdidafiec at the Yorlddiir*; Hliow- at Hrudford broke all records for tin- first two days.

Mr. Thomas Walton, a well known farmer ami cattle dealer, has tiled sud­denly from heart failure at Tiihsovell. He was os years of age.

The result «>f the elirtpin In the Winster 4>leJslon of Mefhyfjjjtrc f*ir file nppolntmeni of a im tuber of Hie County Council caused by the retire­ment of Mr. c. K. While wart «hs lar*-*i. ,Mr. Hubert Heuumont; l*roi:rcssive, lu-

/liilt returned with uta) vuf>>s over 412.( record'd for Mr, Walter Hucknall. In-

deiend* nt.Mr,-Clifford K, Wrlghl tsoii of Mr.

W, K. Wright, Uie manager...of theDronth-hl bramii of Williams I *<■,,(•«,u.-' Hank* }la ̂ ju?t.b**-n stns-»*ful in « in­ning a Derby Connell Scholarship of till* cable of a year, tenable for (hm- years at Osfdfd I'nivershv.

Mr. It. yt.- Mason .tin- Liberal M, V. for Coventry, lelegrapluil to Ills agent that lii- Intends to siaml as an -Inth -

Y pendent candidate fur Coventry at the '-.general election.. Tin- Lotnfnn Alexandra Day roll. * -

Hons, aM<T payment or expeiiB*-;, to- tall'il C22.0OU or t'd.ooo more (ban last y<wr.

One of the men engageil in widening *M Soillhcnd-tJO-Sea pier tramway. -

Joint l**i|Miiborn;wan strnek hy a tovtng tramway car ami fell through lii*- pb-r t*i(<» the mud. lie was piek*sl up dead.

A gri-.if .'fill Weighing C C‘.\f., and uoasoring 7 fi, 2 in. was landed t*tI. IvcriwHi) l»v a fnihing trawler, and was purchimeil, tor flit* city (nusetim.' The s*al was cnliKtu in tin* Irish Hea.

Mr. Wablorf Vst«.r, M. I*,, has por- ehaMst fwiittit Devon HIa<-<- Koothall lirouiul, I'l'uiiniili, In orderm prevent Hie land being built over. It is *\* }*** i*-,| that the site will lx* otlHw-d for the public hem lit.

Tiilllv of the I.oudoii County C<»unclt schools, (tiru.il Into nurseries and play gtotin<l*, were thrown *>i * n to the vhil- <ir*n. Dolirt ami ten-sets, shipping top* hoops ■tti,»b oilier toys tver** i*r#>~ Vi.led.

A mas: no * ling of the Sheffield Dis­trict nt tie NtlHonnl Hit loti ot Mas Wtdkors rttnl (Jeitenfl Laborer.-, ai**-p led an employers' offer, which, with previous cuiH*-eltnis, r*i*r*^cnl» ad- vaneps hi "ag<-s amonuHliR to XMi.- (nfo u year.

U .tthMbwx Sheriffs Conrl the juty a -.--s.si datsag* ̂ at Cf'dt aialtts- the Mar*i»ls:of tfniK-n-H-ri v in r*id>cct of it elalth lor trespass an*l hfe.ndi *«F contra* t hy Cohn W illiam I'htllip.. propretor «>i the ll«*y ; tid'd, SvnithII. -iiiIm t. The evidence reveal d an aumxing story of hotel wmd inu lit the .arty s*ntontIns-

\ matt of 2s, who raid It** bad l**-''n drunk ever since lie was born, watt tit Tottenham Titled half a crown.

The dl-j-utv* affeetimr ita-n amt t*nys •-:itpb*y*s| by tie- I'.lark* well Colliery Company hits ne* n nml- <;t!.!v : *1.

t)v,-r 2'S* non at the fuile .Mcfal au*l Clie-otral W<'rk«. Il.ddmrn-nn Tyn<*. i trm h work in >> mpatlij with 2d fut> it;*i *-n*< n w In* had mad*- ir demand for it.er*tt>*s| pa,'.',

l-'iirtli.-r iidVnnct;s noDfiptl for N*>rth- Ki-.st.-i t. Hallway.' employes m-r the ’rai.-li'v *-f h«'*>nioHve tlu*«'U*H-|mr*

pH*! lb*' iHtyu;* lit to litem of tint*- a.el ,-i Im'.f for Sntohiy duty, Stoil lurnll's «|m» r* .«!ve Is a wc-k toivniic,*. uiulluue their Inmrs nduc.M

At it meetht« of tin1 Coal Com-ltln- tion Hoard for the federated Uislricts of Ktiulami and Wat.s the stthbet for •Umo-slots v iis the question of Inert.-*** Ing jh * fircwtt' standard rale of :*" i»‘*r I-,.pi , nuti tli' ts tore altering tin* basD from't!o- rate paid ft* 1**4 te that paidjit I ’*12. The own* rs pr**nd«»id to ulv-d< tnlb d ;tintItleration lo tli" meicrt proiie-tl*. . •

The funeral of a man of >5 at North Harlot' toM IT., v, was aitend-d b.v bis sister, as* d 5*4.;

Two shipmaster* win* have h* *-n ru* cn-.tly g|u-n erants from the Itaukia Milmour IMml. Liverp'Hd. wet** ng-sl M iml v. v.-ar-- resp.-cHv<dv.

HcrN-rt Hroofe.-r, - ‘l. was hangnl at |.-w . for Hte ; « * ! ' r *d Ada K'r.n* . a ninirhd woman irvl.ne: apart frtmt 'n-r hit-hand, in n train hi Three llrldscK. Si>- -v. ett April 2'-. He waif td firm- iv (•- the M-wffuh:’ j i. nitd Mrs John Mi"-, "ho have<-1* b.atcd th-ir diamond W*ildh*K itit,o- 1. h. have had ten cbildr*n. twen-iv-iilne grandchildren, ;*»>d Iwn grorxS-- ;:ramh‘hlbh.-n, Mr. M*‘- had lx*en *-'•*- p*i»v. d by or:e,*5rm sMy-thr*-** \ears,

Hauling g* ar fg»rt*'il durlnc oalinK otx rations in Ht*<?haul*-‘T* C -lr-ry at 1’ortla ml. Art Hirer Kh-ctri.-innTrim* wa-‘ killed find Cuk’Ioer-Lh-ttl itnlwntl H. M, llury- .ti.d fr**ra tnlnriT* Vit Cm- ltnv.nl Naval Hospital.

Tin- Iwidy of-n mnn nninml Tboma*, of tlrove s'r*'*-t. lh'jdtonl. v-as recov- < rM tram the T l : a » » * d * n H‘d

l.-M id-

Kollowltts dl'dralnl f-ir Inc i- sale pf tli** effects of Mr-5 ;V|ora An­nie SC-. I, the novclDi. u« 4j place at AlH-rdovey,

•(•!:<• Hihb'tdon iftnfftdM po'dmnn. \v*:«lt* r Mill, wtho has r< tired after If years' xi-rvly, I as, on his own *alcn- inti.--i, walked In that period 22b.Tin *.*ll. •

.Mu? than of t*>l.T.-wcrv firm frnv.-lbsl

franc Ih'tton t*> ts*-arlMir**' In 'curl"<-n sii’-clal trains on lit- oyaslott of tlie non.; 1 excurslen,

A fen-man piat.dav.r n.tnud yt-nltb. Hallway Ceding*Id'Vhtpd. Veits ciiugbt l>* n passenger Iralu vith* to '*fc-hl * f hi- own b**n-- and instants ly k»lhsf.

At lb- meeting of Iho Khrojtrtlllre in - >or;*m»' t ’ommlll**’. nt Shr-wstiurv, H was rei,.yf*-d that ahout ip-TT twroima in the et tinly had'tiot v.t y*t-*t*d tlielr panel dectors

U •• Ire; haw Conferred m Mr, M tr- . en< »n iomotarv .kntghfhord of the Crat d Crass of the Victorian Order.

The Admlniily ;tnnoum-*s fin* ap­pointment of Hciir-Admlrat A. If M<e-,ra tc, «g*ui?.:aiyd Ci-' '*-ro-ol hattlp o- uH*-r xpiadrou of ilte Meddetranran FI* *(. '- Mrs ITins.-p OH-s Marie- Imitrl dis­tributed t!i*> prises at if?.* tire* Coat Htopilai, AVertiniinster, of which >h*' i' a forim-r •K-lodar, "! am afraid I never received it price m school." t*he >ahl.

.Sir IfidM-ri H;nb u-I’.tw*dl, who Will !"• :!ti-eoiniinnied by laidy Ha*l* ii-H*iw- •* ll. win |. a\e lamtioh in Hte first week **( Septcmher lor a long t**?jr througit Stnph :Africa. Mirt doctor has advised blot ti* rest.

Lord ami laolv THadsloue have ar- riv*-d in Knglamt tram South Africa, Interview* d, (tin Jairdtddp raid Die chief ditng'T in South Alrb-jt watt in- du-trial nm* -,t 1 h<- m«Hv<- workmanbad vatripd (att fully the i«s-tni in- thoitrial D-iultefeaiiiioitg white men, and (lutugfityw -i.e^ . too, wax entitled | (*“*11 to* ffmeMEnt* ‘aomtmb* value,

‘ •Very bopt* tlutt a railrtfitctory solmfoit would Im fouud.

Hie Ifev w. I". Mahon, curat*' of Holy Trinity, Kmirnru, nas loreptt d

of St. JolitiN, tdinpchown.


aiH ic»‘, theUisintp of caeM*- is io take Ihrco: montltn"

III In- aw tty t rant fin* *ltn-

■|ii' to-,, a . it, Litlingsion, M.A., Hear of St. J o h n i ’ndtUtigton. as «< ojdeiLn residentiary cammr- at iturh.-.m C;it!...iraf.

i-otd Ueipir <ii**l at Kingston Hall*IvegwprMn Derby,

'I ?»• cl*n*l* i- antuiUnred a( <'heater d Ar«bd*.»**i!t I5i-..*r.| Hacte-r ;,( H«*

Mr-, Drurv.

hah . Matt,, in Ida seventy.«r. Sit- John was Deputy*

l.ienicnant of Devon and Monmouth.Tlte death has iK-curr*-*! nt llralntree

of Dr. William Hlacklwuirtt*-. <tf clap- ham, la!*- chairman of the' Dtinmow ni,agi*Jerjitl lii’iuh. lie was in ld*< Stth .'car, anil tun. ra-ILknown m* n h*-eit Btmrisimitt.

Catht'S* ret. II, Kirby, Coiver- *-ity of lamdoii t»iitc«-r>' Training • '•trprt, hits tlb'il in hospllai at Alder kIuu art <)*•- result of iujurb s lo* receiv­ed while pr»< lislnr. tnim-laying at Kmallslint Camp.

A Snffragefto w ipi at crested n« Kroin*? charged with -.* ttinu fire to hayricks orat* Math. The arras) was (?*»- >s-*)ticl lo lit) ' evening cbaB-' illl tlp- previotlrt night, wlien- a woman ?au*peel'il of Mr ing the ricks iwh-«« esi-atuil from iter pursuer* by entering a hints*; imd ‘•merging on each «Kiasion attired hi a iolull'y dfffi-renl eostuim- from (hat she had worn « few tninuies pre­viously,

A rnmarkaldp sight wax w|tnr«(uil in Hie little village ni Marlon, at tin- fun* ra) of Mr, Jraepli Drawn, dracott b*r forty y*-ar« t>f Ho* heal Metloxltet chapi'l; who tiled at Hit* age of eight,* light. The funeral was ;i(iendi-*l b* 210 of bft* relam*;-, all of Whom r*;-ide in the village.

So gj-eai lias been I In- hn-repHi* ,d Iradc in AnsiruSlan and N*-w Zealand m* it at Itristoi.-docks ibat tfte tfrlwtol Cily Connril has itdoided a s.-hi-nie for Hie exlt’IlKlon of Up* robl tdores til AvomituiHli. Tb*- proposal Is to build t« store in lafe.- .aNt.trtW earraiw-rt, w itii faellHy for rtirilter e-Xtcmdon when innh if, Howcre have In ti ubtnlnttl l<* epi'inl V luu.nui).

Dv« r a thousand seres of wheat and oats Were badly damaged lit Cheshire I*' n m;v*tc sKirm wtih-h piitotr*!uvt-r Ui.- ilisirlri. The farmers slate that if?.- crops are completely ruined. Manv Ht'lds ar<- under witter,

Mpf.iin the last few (lays Ihe, rutiln ('n>ss ip Ashow Chitrcltyurd,'to-arc**v-‘ ntry, fias Ira n damaged, n t.eli*-v - *M, hy Suffrng. ties, n fs importsible, » Is said, to restore lh« brolien parh,.

T!i.‘ colors of the fifteen militia regiments rained lecally during Dn> Naimleotiie w«rs, whh-lt have r<-tunin *'d hi tb*- Tower of London slit*-** their eorps »*-r*- did*atnl<d after Waterloo, have, bo*-n rcturn.il t*. their nativ.i I'ltteert (tv order of ihe First Complin- hion of Work*,

Hcfleved to lx* «itcr 2>>" years old, and di>« rilml in Mr, tiordoit Ht.iiin n blBt.iry *d Kpsom ns ••on* of Hie oIiPwL •tins in ihe I minify, ti iptalul wfUMleit building with pm«S)sv tiled roofs,-; the- (Juei-uV In-ad, in NoulIt street, Kprotu. Is being pull.-d tlown t|lpl rebuilt. i'n > tier the dmirsti-ft has be*-n found iv Well 2<* f*’» t deep.

Tlte curfew, with-it linn iin-tt Ding twi<< dally in Ihtverhill t,|||*-«* tin* days of the t'onipp-ror, is still l<* ring, in spile of ttn- ot>j*itkm of , -rminmemberK of the town rnmn-il. who de*M rlhed it ns a survival of feudal llni.-s. On*- family has perforated:Up* office for the ia-t Hutr gem tatioii-. and as the cost t<* Ihe ratepayers i < only oiii'-t)-nth of a penny, the euiiii - ‘ H- by a niajvtrliy, dechhtl to con- tlnu.-tln- pracllc*-. '

HoitHot; fair has Just been opened by the IovVn crier. I*r<tctsidlng to tbo outside of th*- market halt, and carry - ing a Jong pole on width was a hm*; gilt glove and: a bum'll of (lowers, t. • rang tin- bell three times, ihen utter­ing the ancient lornmt;*. ;‘Dyo*. oyyt. oyerf 1 In- fair's begun, tie- glove j;-* up; no one shall be arrested until thi- glove : fs taken alow it, Hwl save tin- Kltit:*" 'Ihe iovvu cri>r «<-.vt jitvraral* •■d to Die King ; Arm* inti, nnd after Irpt’wHllg the dcelarutloii allt.vd tli'- poly and glove it? tun* of the w ttnfow lt*-ii-hoi ««*PJ« r w* r** thrown lo tb-*

lain! VVi-ardule. prosident of tin- Knb'hte i ‘»udlale S<»-i*’t>, unveiled It* Norunsft Cross. MuttUngdonsbirv. i> ltt*-t)iOlial to t,7»o French pfis*jtier;» who died in tie- town tmiidlng dtiriit*,' the Mipoteontc wars and who wer*' buried m a field near Utctr prison.

l?‘*o jx-Csoii* were killed and iwelv* injur* t| In a motor *■|tar-a-batn-?> ;uet- tl* m at Strefftird, m ar Manchester, The killed were, David Datdwtn. ami mu a h Ann Mllloti, ad, liotu oi Sftaw * m ur OhJbunt. T

'tuttersbail t a*tl*'-. Liheolnsbircy an «-X« eftetit example ot liftteiilii * »ntur.v atebneetura. wunU has been hottgiu nud D-stored by Lord Cur/.on, will »»« opened to the public shortly.

Owing to the Stop repair-fx stopping work at tin- Liverpool dcs-ks in sym­pathy with tin- einidoyc.-e ot ihi-Mur* ?•»•> Murbor Hoanl. »ito ha**- tra-tt bit strike for a lonntgbt, the eteantt.s ot Hit; stden ot sunn- vessels has Peon iti- tet ier* d Wltn, I It*' BWtlUlf? of Oil*.* slll|* was Hnished by about t«* 'l'c cb-rkv beloitging the- cifto- staff, protect- <d by potln .

At Hte libiuest at Maidenhead on Hilt hngfaud, tin- ls>x*r win* died af ter a «mil*'** at the toe.it htt*podf*>!ue, fin- jury reltirimd » verdict of ae*:i■ dentat death uud: added tt rhb-r im»l in tut are no cottU-sts sbouid Is- allow * vd ai Uic hipJ'Odrome wnfe.'s a doctor and ‘jmiHllod S'touiIm ttHcnd.d. They also censured tin* referee lor not stop­ping tbe fight earlier. Dr. Edge at­tribut'd d.-ath to a ruptured blood vessel ■ m the fiend which might have : h.-i-n eamod by a blow or a (all.

Malvern f» preparing a loyal wcJ-1 com- te* the King and <fu> < n when ihey visit .M«tlr*-Bfit-lii Cvoirl. neat : Maiv*-t'u. as the gtb'is. ot. Lord and lo»dy ibauchabi)* tor lour days in KepieUther. i in* King and Qtte* n will arrive at MaDcrit <m tsept'-ndter 11, Lord Hcatu-imm)* has* inform* d the Malvern council that ihe royal party would drive through Malvern. Au adilress will bo presented to Mm King, {•vjiool iltlblroH will be nim-s'-d on tb- route to ?-*-,- his maj* ty, pa-.--. At algid tln-rc will be a torchlight pro- cetsleti and iu honlire will la- lighted

The Ice Boat Takes Place of Ice Wagon For Kentucky River Front Towns

t the. ................... nintebi collier col­

liding w fi h a euD-r at I’oillaud. a hliu'jitekei named Sidney Maywmnl, <tf Itourucmotiih. An* crushed to death Int'AMtl the two vp-self.

A mammoth field day took place at Trenton on Saturday week, when, le aded by bauds, over 20.UW eftlldrcn parad'd tite principal ,-tr*-.tr! and tnatxfied t*> Moor I’atk. where;eoffco nml bans w*-t<- *|i(*irlltnl* d.

Tiie (*«!<■ of tin- Duke of Sulhcrlabd x l.illcshall Shm>*rthir*‘ ••slat-- <*t 2,‘ki> nt-ren, w ith a D-ntal «tf Uf>.lf*fl, ha« token place at Wellington. The l«*lalfor tlm Hire- days' rat- Old,I’ d,and Hire- farms each raalttral t: being ltoaghl by Hte tolmiil*. The *ot- tage properly;: utrto wax elili-fly bought

it wa* anumme-d at lt*-ieatc 'Sur­rey! Town Council that Kolg«t<- Mill, th- fauuniK heauly Bpnt, cxt-mling to ab*t>K. tweritv acres, had Ira n present' ,-d in tin* town by Sir Jemnlaii Dol­man, of Hatfoii Hark, Surrey, who had bought It from Lord Mourao.

Tb- shilling,fund op? n- d at Mmtaltil­ing to iissisi the ttur'-hase of llvdon Ih-utb: anil llydnu's Hall, Mu- hilt* r tm a in-limridl i't Mlsx Oetavfa lMII. vv j|| l.- *-!.> . .1 on August 7<t, Tin- option of (••trclti'-'ing tie-, land, « fiiete is P2 acres III extent. Iuik h***lt taken up by tin- National Trust, hat Mm jC5J»00 rctulr-


S MUoekpori and niatie other tmvtia ;dottg tin; Ureen Diver in Kentucky,

have no ice phtuls. nml«Iu< only <-h nnc- top folks rlmr«* i*» get ic- during thu ho! we-aOmr is from (to* hmlioai, which mak<-» resular trips up uud •do*H: the rivvt. Kverytw«l> m h> *>?* ?t ice wagon, a- ottly r*-iati sates are made, and (her** nre no dy-liv-ti-s h>-v*»nd ih*- wharf when* th- hunt tic*3f<.

e*l Itiusl he ruiSdl In the .end of Alifi* Hitt.

tin lor marriage recently »<» Major F. A. lih-kinnou. a* Dilton. te ar \v. t- bury, Wilisltlre, Mt x Dfiir.- Dorothy I’hlpps, dii'igliter ol Ihe late Mr. D. N. 1*. Klilpp.-*. <arri.il a Ifompie! ot m-r H*' »'m frptn 5i bush which "a * groan from a sprig earrlul hy h« r «uolh**r at her wedding forty years ugo nu'd plauD *d directly afterwaftlj*.

For Ho; past month -all work' In \Vor*-> ;,i. rit)4r-i train wlmm*> supplies fur Loudon and Dm Smith ol Kaglatnl ar*- thl»fly drawn, (tin*- Iran -hmd Dtnmgh a itrike of workmen. If Dm I rouble extends. ii;i hi fhr*afeimd. to Hte* oilier miH i>r*itluelng dlHtrielpi: there is risk of a tare it y. I'rh'.-s havV alr-a*lv advanced.

Htbdi’nls of Worei-Btcr Hllnd i'«db-K** beat a ert-vv of vVorcester Kcnnio fty Imlf a I'-itKilt iu a four-oar«il race on the Uiv-r H<-v*-ni.

Tiie iimth anniversary tif t'ockling- inn Hehmd, in Ih*; K«s( Did!tig ofYorkshire, has Iran * « !-bra(*d. Tim Duke of Ne.rf'tlk *li~(rilmt<il Dm |>rts-s, ‘I'lie M-lmidiiwcs its fmmdalioii in Dr. John Dowuiatt, <>r Dolman, Arelttlea* eon of Naffolk, and a preb*-tid of SI, Tatd'*, whose ancestors had lus-it lords of Die umnor lor generntions. A license wun grani<il It) Dartlltial \Vo|- sey to iinorpor.it- a gtttM. whfyh Hte founder Hlxtuily <!idowed. Tim guild was dissolved early in Hto reign of Kd- wartl V|„ ami th- r-v-mms were ap» p!i*d wholly to the school.

SCOTLANDDauiage ofi&dalb return*d at Alt*.*

'tfrtl wan dj’tte If) a lire whieti burnt otll Clm rt*'m>, cattiil*- and oil wurka <tf .M-ssrs. l-V-rgtis'oit, Shaw nnd n’otg* at

K*1 *ort.i ra«-lv.-il to th*- S*otiisii miii-r,-/ er-Mry an D;dk* IDi show that w Kb on- -\—pi hut near Kirk -<Dd>. .<ii to* -S*ustict mints St.id re* ojHtmd aud tit*- workmen resnnoil work.

Sir ■Koh'-r* Lorim-r, A. I*, ts A., ha* been vomtnfraioued to pr< j*ar- plan* for th* r* s|or.iDutt of Wiiitekirk fiiurah, Knst Lothian,which was burn­ed down by SuffrageUe Imi ndiari*.-** In K'-brintry. Ti-.e emtindit* •, e on i; i* Mtidny, muds ior the work, fins already r-eeiv etl Cb. llib, A sum H r cL'cJO Is still r*i|ulr*-d.

Th- Napier; feree-nteoary ccbdiration In Kdltthnrgh I iiJvrrrtity was <otiflued to lit- feadliiB of unfjlteinalical pap- era b-nring up B-veral}i**dufrt more or

vviio nnd Mien M* own. Uhortl.* be­fore iho irag-dv lltey wore re**n walk­ing through Hi- field;-* togcflp'r appar­ently on iho lu x* of lerrurt. The man had him ill InH-ly.

M a «peelal m-cilng «if Die (ii.-ucrul I'ttrjMwort ( 'outmltteo of the ll-lhod Dity t'oriximtion. with Die fair I May­or in ill*- dink; ti was r-Bo|v*il to re- cpniiilcnd tin* pr-::euluHon <if th.* free- tfoin **f Do- cily to blr K«lwar*l far- p*iit,

line *• Sfiovv \Ye«k opetm Ml Duhjfn wiDt Leopar«lt.iowti Kurort >m F.-itur- day.i August .‘2nd, D>*' sceon-l meet- Mik taking plan- on Monday, Do- 21th. The Horae Show proper hegina on Tnertthtv tnorKlitiC. ami In the afler- noon Ht«< Flower Show wilt le* io’ltl in Viscounl IveuSltK graundt*. On Wednesday tho JtitnpMig Utkea place, ami on Tlmrednv hif-rest Is <llv-lded lutvvii-n the llorK- Show and n*d*i at Hbo-nf\ Hark. Hhoettlx Hark rue* are on Friday and .Salortla'. Several Inrg- charity dance.-* will In* held in Dublin during th*> week.

.! Nai ork.A «ar*l*ii pan * v njt io-ht itt the ground)! *•( Afi-ri hha/m Selimd.which was (*-rm< rly N.tt'drf - ri -dth m * . and a s*wS.,l gath-rtHg t«i.k place in Hi- FnL uTrtftv Fnlon.

Arrangettu-ni * were imulo for ' the pr> :—titaHous i.» Do* link- nr Aiholt.

eehhrillloiis *tn .lanmir* I*: hist, to Im- mad- on Dm dnk-'x' seveiit v*f*utrth birthday, on * August: dtib invitation* were isKite*! for a garden party at F.latr Fasti- on that 'day. Tin; gift of (he ictiHiiP.. f-uar*»-uml frl-ttdi witw a porirail *>f the *lnk> In Highland dr***, by Sir JamesrtluDirie, i*r*>i«b ut of (h- Itoyat Se*'ttls!! At-iplemv. (DM* were ale-i made from tin- lotus** and -stui- ktaff. Hi**:-district curlers, the AttoiU Jligldamlers. nnd the Scottish Jiursv.

Sir John Seale died at Wonaxtown C-orf, M«mtnout!i, at Dm ag- -,f *j.

*1 h- result of tin- hitild* r« mtiionnl lock-cut bnllot w'5i?i nii<)iiii*-t*il at Far- dtff its follow *; F**r. 7,5lb, against,

1 Im Muhdora* T'lleraDun ■ at Fnrillif sent au .ultimniiun to tin* men that uni*-.; the laoalon dispute was ended by L'-*'< Augin! a national tovk-OUt •■•would' h- declared,

The Itoyal National Llf-boat ln«tl- tntion has sea: to I ban mart* a t.-w toolor-lif-lxiai, which l>as !»: -n bulll lot* N.-rtle*; on the count’ o f \nglest*y.

An elect ri* a I engineer named Rich, »tnploy *-d h.v Dm t'art!iff ?*»irporaHon, was *-l**tiracnt.<l iu a transmitter tank.

Mr. II. Fi-amls AYilllaniy. K, Re. coftb-r of ('ardiff, dieit on Tu-'s*lay of heart failure at the age of siviy-nlne,

Mr, .laitiOrt. it young Ueli*htnau. ha* just made a series oi *iirc*';Mf*!l aero* plan-* flights near Llattcily with a wa- chin- winch h*« consintebil iSms-H. lb- alighted In tin- village of »’r*»srt. laiulrt. where Hte villagers bail never b»fot«* s*̂ t an a* replan*-.

Diuitag- is mlng done hy-.viand sub* s iih-m lo m large v Induct which car­ries Die IDtymney Hallway from Foul- f-ttyn, .ViontmiuttiKhlf*-. ?*» Rhylney town, Att iptti! built in (he arches M in ilau o’r -n falling to r’tlus. The ceillitgs of several rooms h.r- - fallen

j antf- there sr-- many -rack* in »he ? thick stone walls'. The doom have i to In- harrb-;t*l*'d.

At ting on t*m ittniructl in* of Hte i local disirh i touncil, Mr. fltonwtk. a i surveyor, weal w illi a gang "f men Bo demolish u . wall oiHrttde ill- pre- | tbfse-x of \|. -,-rs. Whlto llrathers. ir* ; * tntmfig* rs. of S»au«-a itoad, Hon* i tprdulaD. near Llanelly, wher- the f council alh-giil Messrs. Wliii*' hud en«* vfioiu'Itcd <nt ti> ; roadway. Witen lie■ went >ij> to H>e wall. ii<m< v«-r. Kt-itm-■ one, i( is .ties ;*l, tnrrcd him from• lo ad t*> foot ,vi*!t n syringe, O.IC «»f :: til* limn was similarly treat'd. Mr. -Thomas was taken to ,-v dm-mr for | treat tit :>ni.


i It's a time of Sacrifice, as Well as a Time of Hope.

;iard J. Anderson, -nn.icssor: o! natural history, g-ol"g* in i miner- sih'gv at Fnlvrsity I'olb-u", DaLvny, hio. Oral at M* r.r-idcuev. H-oh Dili.;

Mr, Hi--rc* Ulainmey , hoi of a former : M, i'„ wa* fouitil kliot *(<-*1*1 iu ,* Ink**; in his tat tier's vraumis at Drougccou,? Founty Kltdar-, H is eopm'w 'd that ; jv> he Avan Kt-pping lato a hoat (It*?.- irigger o f Ids gnu caught hr a wire ■

For i«ewhin,; it«r (txit bt Dm Rivers Foy im, Dura- (tmn at Kth-mlerr* t King's ■ ''oitiil I se;tsiiiurt wer.- Hoed i.‘. ;!

Wflh June, Dm month of ro«c?> ■and marriag*- must conn* many, -.'riwi-. tfnmgiils to engage .'"ting folk, Mar- tinge h- im light thing to enter hit", and. while: there nr*‘ some that veil* iur - it on the e-pur of tfo- moment. for the most of tile uovJiialcs it 'means au awmiiiptiim of a grave oh- Hgatioti; it is no small utatUr fur a y mins’ man t*> ask a y oung woman to join hint In :? life partncraltlp. Mo rtlnuiltl realD*' Hull it means a com* jd< »>- chans*- iu imml of hi baldP* aiol eusioms. From a tm-inh* r of a latnllv tv ith peritaps Hw respourtlhlll-

le coiu* rt: Mie head of a family, a ; with the "twos' must, t<* a

d*sr**'. he • ('<*!. No longer may st.-cr ids c«tnra«*:with regard only lor himself. Instead of getting his c»*


joyinont from «hcdub and Du* lodge It must com** more ami morn from (he n*-w family circle. Wlicre* io-reiyforc his pup— has i-rhiipH had no eho-d door mix! has heen at tlte hcck and • all of friends, he mitsl retilfz*' Hint Ith? partner vlit li# v a right !«> if in­stead Th** current of his lib* r»- »»*» mitsi lie i||vcrte*f to accommodate it-• It lo Dn* new channel in vvlileh il

must Dow.The girl. i**o. « l l i r-aHr.!' « bat say­

ing yeti imam, it mentis.;* s.-verlng «d old; itrum* Hcrt for 7u-r, From a small cog Ju tli- family **;tie,| she ho- rotiw-y an Important i*art *»( ro w ma­chinery- ' Ih-rs will in- tin r*'.'|io»od- Idlliv of ordering dome. Dr affairs. She* litmit tilH-nd to all tin- mtnui*' h'otis* hold dHaifs kii- tnn\ no long- *r depend oil ntfillnr. IH. pe*(jde titiiHl hccome Iter; jiwiple arol her peo­ple Ids people. The frjcntK - oF'cacb must be adapted to tiie- ehangi-d eon* dltlon. Home frlcndshij*s must b*- tertnlnaleil. New frlcndx will -he mad*'

With the marriage comes Do' know'; l-tlge Dial ih-ro: tuurtt !«• sacriHe*-* for each other Hint- never bad- hoeii neci>s'- sure hefore sat-rlfli1*-' of tine- and of <lewlr*-s. Traits hitherto unsuspected in *-«*ii « iiara-l-r r pring forth afler marriage. I'oimniui H-woctallim will Itrlng out Hie gohl atoi tin- tiros** In chj!racier *ncb as utdhiug .!-*- will Th*- wife in wise that realize*, that site may not cxpM't lu-r liushaml to remain at, nil Hito-w art ho has tmen. to h*r when ho has sux-n her oolv oreiOtlottaHy. Husln*" worries will lie hrottpbi. home ai linns, wiDt Dmir aiemlant dlsljicHion. The himbnnth loo. vein learn that household care < have tliflr «*ffcct til Mmc« <?r« a wife.

Hal wjtli a Iltll- giving In Imre and n rtfrcngtlicniiiK ihrrc or th*. ship o f domojlrflv the - < a of matrithony mav vaf-lv Ih* nnvigat*-d.- Indianapo­lis News. ____


Writer Tolls of Sensations Expcr ienced in the Work.

Tie first i-.eruati'in r<(( when tbs diver

t»*i- is a singing "* Die This i ,dn*- to tfu; tlruut of tin? ar ttiami atretchen :v littl*-. and »ln» i* caus' d in turn t.y ou- fact that tie; utr; jif< s*ur<-::*>{ tie .>*ii,i.n h»» (ran imnstal. whlfe' that ej* ?(*■ ttieiil" is kept normal f-r a t* w s- c-m-lv longer by some light niirtcfut'tiuii m tfu,- Luatoeliiui) ttllrt; yollil'iCtlog till tar wittl tie; no«-.

OnUuxrily a diver may dcsvynd >i?tU-.* Uulekly to tie- r-ix-ne of his «*nk. Itu*. lie must Im- very enreful bow le <-oim-» up, and the longer he reiinihe, dowU 5li>. nuio; tinu; niu*t lt<- take, in «.**in)n<£ up. Tie i—a.urt )* that alt Dm ttm«- **-

t hi*, blood i* nt»H>ri*lng air. The “ ■•.• greater the pie,**r Du: depth t

Stv-n time.absorb* In . ................tx«.<**e.e* aciwicd like soda water •ciphon. Jtdluong tin* pressure is «-»i«tv iil*-nt to presHtfigUir lev.-r of lie- eipluoi ■I'lie nir liuhldex out.

At if*) feet down t* diver stioold no remalu more than II ininut-rt wl owe Drip reckoned (rant the lime he Jem,« up ûr fnc*- Dll lie begins to ascend, and; tu should make six hulls on fils way tip Ids time f**r uacmdicg Iwimc w*u (< > than half au hour. It for «>«•• ;-i-s sing reason he- should remain <town this depth for 1 * ----.... tics*' than-ft..........When, a div-r u brought tr* uutehty and i» found to hav

lie should : take(he jstlCf.ii

he should 5*e Instantly cent down asainj crpel ttioiiKti it seems, .An nlleritatlve is To stmt him tip; In « itig st-el cytimlor containing compressed air. thu* imitaftnc


Little Hints to Overcome Weak­nesses of Sight.

ran re** <>l sproiiis'' to siii-iigth-n: \ up h hit. For w eak or itu mural and th" calarh'al trouldu tnut ujt*- parti)* responsible for ihelt tou-i salt water 1» cxvetl-nt.

Dtisoiv*.- common tuM- sail m >< water,' using ciiougll suit in iiuik- *- tut Ion taste ul/out suit}' It), it Hustle She T-y. s twice a day In tlte ture. Al**» drew tl>* salt wap r ;hr>-o\l* Dm- nortriU into the Ihloat. aft-iw.

A fit: exceptionally **lt*d i*n>» Inflamed «->«-* may i«- mad* hv dtxsolv ing ft small roianttty *>f -u! plate of slue in n uuart of wain, Jtusli- the eyes in Diia at idKhti; drying: Dt-ii

levenw«ita » f uni*-d action, t.•f hende energy Web,itirtU'iicd in ......... ,........ ............of elvllliallon, would work mimclCi progress This must t**- no iimls though for id tn Ameriea. w(*o ««*- t<* watch tin- tr*-m>-nd‘*<*» p»M out* !-, o Lurape-in war «R hyatand-is nu-reiv. deplore thy "aide; thu (fgon.v <if this ti t-* ns its mean*- warn of juatifics Hut we ramwl, wc ought **<.«. ?- t «ur iye» to (n, revelations of *l-*Jx

devathm strnnipr , Minn

Little Boy Was Not Expected to Live

Was taken Sick with Diarrhoea

The; Were I t Milei From a Doctor SO 00T

DR. FOWLER’SExtract of


Mu. Fred Sohopff, Tennant. Sask . write*'—“ I tt*cd Hr, FowletS Extract of Wild Strawi<rry when my litth- Ixiy wax not rx j rated to live. Wc wctc thuty miles Imin a doctor, when the little fellow-took viikwith niarrh-e.t He nt bm would 'leep nearly ail day. and at night would !*e in pain, and would have a pavrage every five or trtt mimites. Thu went mi day and night until he began (o pax* Mood, i gaw him " Hr. Fowler hut without any good effect at first,.ra I l*egait to give him a larger dose, attd vxut he began to get relief II wax the only medicine t had iti the house at the time, and I always keep it now lor inxideof three days my lmy was out jthiy- ing, mul was as well as ever"

This grand remedy has Iran on the Canadian market for nearly Seventy year*, anti is without it doubt, the lust know n remedy for all llowel Complaint*.

Refuse to take any -ther preparation when you issk for 1 Hr. Fowler’g."

There is nothing rice that cun he "JUST AS F.OOD.’*

Trice, 3-1 cent*.See that the name of Tlte T. Mtlburn

Co., Limited, appears on the wrapper.

Had a Weak Heart and Bad Shaky Nerves for Years

Milburn’s Heart and Herne Pills Cured Him

Mr, IL Terry Turner, Marie Joseph, N.Js > writes -- "J have had i> weak heart and ha*l. shaky nerve? for years, ami have tried almost everything, but noth­ing did me any go*»l tin l was advised to try Milburh's Heart und Nerve Tills, f wax surprise*! to find how one Ivor helped me, «> f tried two more and am now completely cured. You may use my letter «x un aid to others suffering from heart <>t nerve Uonhtes,"

Mdburn's Heart and Nerve Tiils are n Sfratltc for all run <li>vvn men and women troubled with their heart or nerves.

Mtllmm'v Heart ami Nerve Tilts are •VI rents per Imt, <>r 3 boxes for $1.25 at nil di alers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, T or onto. Onl.


Tix-i- is in Japan a man who i* p*fpui;triy bi'lu-v*-*! («< has— ktllod Sikf lu'i'ig vv'iit n Ih».v nml arrow. A short tim- ayo Don- Am* riyans virtir-d hint itt fox «iiti tununRnn htun** *>« tit- i:!|«mt of Mnlilmidn

Thin t'laml h-longrt to tin* group mirth » f Japan'. < n**k«» Varna ?■ th*? mint- of tin i- .*t tuust* r I)*- j>r> t< )>' hiii lunv lo iiiiMit tn wyapoti t R*?e-ni|y It- iu**| ;*>i old :murid*- loading Run. and v'blh- had sotti- > with it in- Ukni Ins Ihiw nnd unow bcuer,

Uloko Vtumt is t«ii Ain.t, u m-mlinr of otn‘- or tit*- nluniginal tribes of Japan,' &»»*;. ;.* ar« -ago v-h* n (In? Japan* s*- tugan to pay jnor*? alli-h* tftm to Dn.- Kovorinm'iil of llukliiiiilu ami it* otb-t tflaii*} tKisg-sstoiirt in Dn? b'.ttii th* y start**! to rcgial-r or took** a i -nsus nf Jbc inlialdtatiis. Tfii* w jin bv mi m-afif i-iti-v bmututio tltcso long lM‘!tr|h tl and bub wtl*l p**>(*i- im*l no rtutin-rt. ;*w*5 Dir Japan-;- author* Dins bail lo naim* r »-r.v tnttit ns bowl I hey cmbl

High up ia Dn; HMHintnitirt Iflyy canto n« ro-s ;t man who ryem-d in b- h'ad-r iiitmng Jli*' poupli* tit that vninlly. II-was ncront huutor it ml* inm-lt adtnind by Do- n;«Mv-s b* can?**.? «>f lii* pmwmit. Win n (bo Japntn-fo. nflioials learnml: dial It-: Innl killed muity h-arf vvilh it small Ih*w and iirmvy tlt-v could Mitre* ly h*-li«-v«- >t. but h<- took thorn into th. for**! with him nnd soon prov.d it iiy liilliiiy, n bear with « pdirton-d arrow si nt with ncctiralr* aim into hruin'* i«»ty Ixinw th- fifth rib.

fjwttitu- tiiis man .•>• -ttnnl Ip ho lo ad of Hi*:- p-opi*- in Dn- miiuiitain district :tii«-y lall.-d biht (noko Yatnn, (nnko nu at!» "titan’* amt Varna means “nimtn,

Not lom*. ago Major Wlgmoro. for* .’•o r Amotfrau Atracit*; ai Tokio, and x', J Arnoil. Japtin*.*" scerefaty of tho '•mbasfv. :ty<*ompaid<'«4 l)(**ko, Vania on (t hear hunt in iln* Hokkaido tmntn-

"Mow, old an* youJ" asked Major Wigmurc h> nn-atiH of an ini-rpr-u-:, wji-r* upon ( lie obi iiuhiyr comtii-in * *1 to rep* a? ’ ii-rrtng. salmon, iterring, salmon, l-rrlna," mul mi mi. Major Wigiiiot- know u UtH- t«f tbo langmiK**and It" was puxzl-d. Tin- interpreter laugh* *!

" i i - Is <n>ii?ftn; up his years." be, said, '"ami ih- way h- it is tocoitnt thu H-sii-on. To 'hint Un r*- art? only two seasons, w h* it tho herring corn*' and whop ih*> raimott come. One herring s*iiM?n muf out- s.'ilnioit tmamm mail** n year " (hokn Yaina Hmiliy Kav- it up” tie could r-nu tnher about fifty hen hie and salmon t< aeons, hue

ttrm w art jng- f.-i. asa-.! Do-

t«»w string and his arrow tailed lo kill Hie bear. The atimial slnrt-d for O'ulpi Now? with a r:;n> you may si'.oiii two *>r litre*- time* before H hear * ah tciicit >v*i), but with a how and arrow you -have to ajiproach very eh»#** to your !**ar, and if you miss him you. or?” (<*D?ie,o*< if you <-rtc«pe, as you ha'*- n? time lo lit another nriow lo your bow string, draw It back, take nipt' atnl shoot. <iiij 1 toko probably knew nothing about: ilo* solar phexrm, bat it- knew (bnio wa* a ten­der spin pi u l')<-|ow tin- t.-ar's rib*, and mi v lo a th. m ar apploo lied to- ducked bitu In ad and butS'il bhu in ih* |'H of tin- s ton inch. Hi tore Du? bear could »«im*'i In- tnul kflb-i* ‘ with a knife.

l I'lD Die mnn Http to H—rahel barren.' -Kti-itt*'.


Away Go the Crutches, Every ■ Sufferer Made Well


land lio-h y.m IV' f N-rtMii" ««•»>. - ' trutm.- through i :"- »i: • - you

s drawn-.,: .nil lb<- ronipMh-o. !-<■! ii ink «!< - ; • r mill tb-ei* * unlit a| In-( i <•111(1:1 lb-- »'«MV i f ill," infill «,fit'll-'

_ • ..... _ { In';iri ol itn- muscle affev-tiiL? Am* won't -lay in pain with N<-nl-

Old age Is usually afflicted wlUi : iii„ n«> «>n«’ ••»<•< Ju t «rv it -■ rlnnini.it!• nt. V. r> {«•« . p.u%i lifiy ,,m wjji b<» nutti;:i it u( •«-• .omgical

Ha lortitri ' power mer pain, ti | w w il p t troutMany U bends anil deform 1 ;»*n *?:«' ixtnot- .not jut*-" »* rtultt far-

Iht* count* iium >• of oih> r • it mark* ji.-rln .tint re«>D ’■! »o«5;»hi- ItUi« rib* Is of ip awjnl ■ ni U rine, ! burnt!':: an- child nut n •• ,Vi»rVi-Ncrvfyne will euro rbt'ilMiaUfUii. 11; lino, cut rnl> it on fnr:;«i :>ore threat,lake* the jtaln out of throbbing tub*- : tor a •>,»•( ccbD for stiff toife. for fat- rim and swollen joint*. It iu><« ̂ So family r. m<d - h...f >«*cnarb-d knuckle*. It iltnc tUki«piick- ' » . hi!.I.v mid surd*-. The ;im., :.o eojtl not Ho th- mot

N.-rviMno i< not «*•*» internal!'. ! economies!: trial : rows. AllYou just roll It on -tot - of hard nth- \ dealer*. or the < .i*.iriho*t m- i >*,In in: l- roijuiml for a minut" or two. * Kimbdon. t'amnia.

t l̂ The &1 Housekeeper


Estimated Yields o f Leading Pro­ducts for Year 1914.

Early Expectation.-. Have Not Been Fulfilled.

ncount of

fk t im a t k d viKi.r»f?, ;?ti.Wheat :<2«,(MK>.0fKt bushelJL.Horn 2.*J.:i I .iilW.iiOU hUhb'UbOats t,t::«.»feaiA*« bush* is.lt»o Imtdo-is.Harley ôi.itnii.nttft bnahela.H*v lift.OOU.tMM) Udtit.Coium-u.noe.tJtw

KxpectnUons of large crops Ibis year were _ car I > Unprv.-wtl up<m the public bv the pTHdieuy given th" initial t<- Pofl* of tfte Agricultural Department.

The country suffered a slow-down activity, which reflected a world

ndltion and which was undoubtedly, ravated by the very small yield of i in Some of the central and west-

rn states. This sm-ota. which start'd ) brilliantly in the spring. fail'd

o maintain Itjr prudiKat promise, with single- i xCcj’th'ii of winter wheat.

Vrather coiidiUoili* over a largo part f the* country were distinctly utibiv- ralilr to tin* dcvilofmcat of the- <<>ra r«j> ivtad i»1m> lo oatr. ami cotton. Tin <>**';», like lata year's, wen* not g* n- •ra), but fontimd i>artl> to tin- same

i a*'the I'rovSmas aH-awtt with an rnlarswurnt southward. The aggre­gate production of the country is Ktiil maintained over a ten-year tu> an. but in tho:e t< n >-.jrs Mtano v« r> goo-i and several very poor cr<u-' wore gather<(|.The wheat crop, pat-sing all (irevions

. records, and iurnisliing n surplus tar of any previous season,

kepi the public ntteution focused im i , „ . . . . . ,largo crop,, and the expectancy that! x t i l , S otrade revival would l-< hasf.-ned hj log. “ ,t m‘ M . „N. R‘prpdueiibn. The com « r<>,< it:>•• ’le.-s than the av.-mr.,* of rerm; , LABO R IN V A IN ,and proTttiiU’s some"here around Iasi! year * productina on an area a .million 5 arr«w less, and with no violent ii>- • sucii ns afflicted Kan: ns Inst year. The oats crop i- generally cmd northward, but |tonr in the south'ru txirtton of ti;*- l"'lt, where heat ratio r than dry wea­ther did sr< at injury at the filling period. The bay cron suffered jeonn. and the yjejd js she steroid in .-me* -- non below n generorm produciioti, thoiiKh above the previous season. Th<- cotton crop has been subject to ex­treme* of climate from «»*■ start «! planting, but j'rospcct;* arc for an av­erage yield.

Oft predicted, much c-x;.cct«sl. ,i»Iasi realised. She wheat crop of the I nltol Slat' S ha < tmidc a record, not aloft" (tf aggrcgai" bushel*, hot in yield p* r acre. The tnul • n>:> of win­ter and spring *>. •• >,•<>hushcls. it follow : k record of last year of «$:.::.so.!>On lui.-he'* titakiie; the third year of atnipdant wheat, an I the rceond in siseec:-ton recordcrops.. The yield of w inter w heat tnad«Hie great crop: Hie --ring wheat fell under blight in its fSo.il making, and yet with the big yield of Jf',1 bushels per ncre of tho winter, or fall i-owe.i variety, the crop lands at th» top. The average yield c>- winter wheal hts nev­er luen very large.

l-*or year« the b-.oier i in agrirultiintl affair* have dreamed, and Imagined.» *e%toB *h«n th" wheat crop of t’ o country would make a record of n hil- llnn bushels: I0J4 camo near to tin* record, fW.OW.UOO nearer than otlo r years, and tomo »ea*-on when both « inter and sprinK wheat bear their fullc-sd average, (be billion bushels crop will be recur, d. The wheat crop this year more than sufficient for the needs of the country, and the sur­plus for export i :t record one Our rfeniestm ropilronem for bread and coed i* now an;) t'«i y.-ar*ago a crop of that protiortlon wsis re­garded its n banner one.

It i* mnguUr that in the plenty of our winter wheat. In the i-xc«*triv.- nmo'unt available for feollng other uy- liomi, th" vorld.c production ofwheat ha* fallen off. in Ku,?.-a. where a billion hitrhel crop v a t ’gather. .! Ja> i v <-.tr. the Vic-bl ha- falbn of in

fC'sent w*r region c,f tvisp-rn I'-irope, ti,e fertile I'.inub" i'lalns v -re burn'll bv hot winds. ;md the

M there t nielb r. Ip Ar.oYilioa, t o- Idg soutUern continent >-xjw>rt' f. the yield was reamed alnton ball, i-.c-p on our northern border tin

!- m prairie province* of ('aimda rc>? over two third: of Ja-t v.-ar - btg <<:■ ':u> b'-e-l tv-ther-d. Th- J.i-:«p|.- of ‘•’■'"•item Hnr.e—. -vi'p ! .frame and ’rl>.e’:. nr.- ilerenib-nt npon the wheat h'-Hs of the vot’d f.,r t-r-a-l: Cm;. land, UoH.in i. IP lgiuin, th andiitavia,rmjuire tnn,f*!'it.iSMt bic-hei. ad'b d <u (<:•!> I !0 min .non bushel, hoiuc-rtha -1

favorable to th" corn: drv v -aHa-r with high tetdperattinThe imlieu- tiotm at Hie time our report w:i> made up showed a promise- of S.C.t.*.'JMat«> bushels on a lot.it acreage a million abort of laid year. Dry w-ath'-r ha* continued, tin moisture deficiency is very large, and improvement !rom the indication Riv.11 will m* • . -irily be -mall, if an*.

Our other Crops are genera!!y fair, barley i*. good. al«»ve an avvras-.e. flax an average, rye good, poiaim* have Miflernl but lull" from drought in the! northern belt, where the < top i* me i-j Sy grown;' fruits nre c “n<iull> c «vi. | as tile region ill which they .ir-- Iimst j" -s - lv il«» l-rn »ltl(i(ilarl, In i’ ! ....... nil:!r,,m imut.l-. i „ t;„ .„

Okinc -.»n lry y>T. tk, tb,i.irn ..I U r In:|:.i « bj- I - , i ,, m...!, nrt<* <■> ««<K lkn»“ 1 hr...kills ................. » . :.V

\ iii-P moh: fenc'd .larch -nroad •t a pf.b • or tti-*v> will prevent dhv-

deratien.remove frMil idah'c fr.'ob the

IVicii vegi talili'. «>r other foodrlufl- Itv.-oiue e.irelod. r»tnO'•' the kcltb at once from He- i..u- and put it into a pun of told water. In a qnarier "f im hnsr yen wiil te- xiirprtsed lo find H - 'u g .'i tion »>< je«rrh almost tf not tuilrely gelic.

(id* hiitid* tuny lie tnnile comfort- able lo w.nine them om-o or twib-o a li.w while cfeon. with cologne, alco­hol, or white win" vinegar, and dust Sm; with rye flour.

Ait application of k*-r*vcne oil. if y.iii have. o..thing else handy. *rilJ lit;!-* I'm fire from n burn

AH sink- yhotihl be treated to a bath of eopi- tit tn tin- proportien id a i * und and « ne-hidf to a gallon of wa­ter.

To remove woreli stains wet the oor«-h«d td.-tcr. rub w(|h soap and l’l'Otp in the sun.

When filling gem pans with hatter leav ing one ot the dips empty and fill with water. When the plan I* fol­lowed, gem* wi!| never rrorrh.

A)wbv» Pave fin- tenfml or coffeepot lid opcti i* crack lo admil the nlr und |»rcv<nt tnustinc,'* when not In use. a pi.ee « f paper slipped in is sufficient to keep it open.

Often ope ...eel .» w.iier pitcher cor- retied «.f stained. Thi* may be re- ntoved with inn potatew's, t'ut a po- lab* in b'tll atnl rub th" Ji.lco on Ihr'itionetf gJic-c.

T< n reril*' worth of oxalic arM In a pint of ’.water will remove Ink stains from white rmteriiil. Dip th" Main


Average yields of grain* an t frtiits: tobacco . Port In arrea-.-e on .ac­count of late sjiriuc

<’•■ntr.ll West: Wheat good, aboutan average; com and *«»;* Ixidly bur. j fahrfe certain "* th" tain o- » r the; in the sottlh half ■ arl-- ha> crop good. * mouth of a t-a.- n .mil pour belling wat-

r on the rtnin.


Between Fingers. Spread to Tips. Would Swell Up, Itch and Burn. Did Not Dare Put Hands in W*ter. Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment Cured,

• rweman; Manitoba.- ~ a tm-aving out l !«*«<* a tny flipjec* «w» lb" flo.1 trouble. If.• was vocy Itchy ami siio-od tn my flnuer tip*

affo-llnit tlm nail*. U fir*', apixaml in watery Nturra amt tbry wire ko inte- êty llrhy 1 u-rnirln-d them and Id the waire cut ruldrg *.»«. They wo*»k| ,»HI tip. llrh and Imrn and finally lb" nail* would iiMiwn ami roue off. I spent many atrcpirM el*Me. I Hid not

1 dare to put my bands la water except u» ; wavb them.

’■ I kept udng <iln(mNfr, — ~ .. j ■■■■..fOintracnt. but wa» not coiol,' •lioremi.llcw would Mlp a litlldmi! ecu not• font froth It altogether. I ciu that r%> fur lilmv yarn Irylng cvnr*»'l*U. I lieard of <*u»!cufa fv.vo amt tmitm»n« and *rnt t<>r

• them and I'rfore I bad lived them half a ■ ilosen tlmrw I nmlccd on lm;**>vnuenl, Ily

washing with III" ( ’mlciira .''map nnd ap- plying the ('uurvira ointmeat fccum-nUy IwaamcTdintHiremoaib* ” Hbgnolj Mlsaf’lm**nte K. hamlrr».Mi. ,vl *y yi, toi.t.• Kurnimntbaa.vgeneratl'mir'iUlcura ?nap and «»lotro*m* ha-« aKoci.».t tha meet m v non,Kit i real men l to. sgccliccn of i-v* akin aod aexlp tliattorture. licit, hiirn, »rali* amidestroyalrep. ArbiglCM-il«oro%t*uf|prlcnLrmlciira h-vap and Hnllcnra olrtra-ot ar« »*dd by diugg*,!* and d-'al.'i r .c .n V ir , Por a lllicrjl free aamplo of eie’i. wl"l fl.'-p. tcwiW. rend pmt^aol to IVito-r Drug hl lwni. C«ep. Dept, l». fbavtoa. t'.S . A.


Th" c-d

lute, poor; fruit* abort th" dry w.-aUn-r.

Xortli f’'*ntral: Winter wh'iit rpleti- •lld; spring wheat bnM"t<.v hot weather and rust: com an average, ami acre­age increased; oata an nyprage; puta- toek •-xcellcnt.

West: Wheat yield phenomenally largo, breaking nil records; corn much better than last year: outs k*v*J: hay gmsi. generally all crops splendid.

.'ioulli Atlantie and r.ntf Sinter-: Drv weather until recently, cotton outlook intpn>v.*l. fair crop indlrvit**!; «<>cn sliorter than laid year: tobacco below average, improvinc with r«"tit mins.

Southwest: Wheat gi-cd in > (ml .very wet spring delayed planting and acreage of other crop* redhecd. • iitton | proiiptTts fair at thi* tint"; corn poor, j i-xecpt along lb " gulf sc-cliott. wbc-f" fair crop was made

.Mountain Slater Wheat K'md < v - . ccpt extreme north on .eipderu sdop<>: where; drought cut yield dov-i.. iur :go.*!. !

I’aclfic roast: Kxeellent •-b hi of il l • criuir; record outturn in vvii-.it and t barley.- especially in Hat-P'orniu. >itru-

Pk at«iVe ;«n av-An- «il*l

The Yottrifr Bcc anti the T lticf of Her Burrow home.

Tb" man. in pa* me r-ir»ti V'h swisli"d hlh cane ncitlhtil the wall- flower, utld she Went olf II" " " " though eh" were a rocket and th* cam- a match,

Pile was a ln-e not very Im:. t">iii-: only about half an i»eh in h-ugiit: but she « j * black, with tawny yellow leg*, ami til" war- v* ry bair>. ultd somehow Hint made her look larger than she wa*. Also her bum mad" her rn-ffl more dangerous than rh>- really vests, for there i* snni>- doubt as to whether her sting could have pien •• d uitybotly * skin. At . that ti»pm» nt; she was gathering honey and i»dbn, and, to jndg** by nppi aram < siie was alipllt full up. for lb" pollen covmetl li-r like gold dust, ami sin- M-e.T.cd literally to t»*c Imn. y a? « v< *v >dnt which, after all. is «*nl'- amub> <

way of making b<-<>swttx. Tlirh. ail <>f a sudden, and without a fraction of a se<>(tid'8 warning, a strange thing bap- ppiiod. -Th" bottom of th" llnor nb* was standing upon that is. th*- l«at on to which she bad backed fell put. Our bee fell. ion. with this part of the leaf for a space, till sb* could collect ln-no'lf Then an odd face, v, oh hug" <•>•«•*. looked over from the sit her s’de and said ' i!m i" very angrily , and sin- fled She had been sitting on a part of a leaf which w-a* being cut throunb frotu th«- other side « f a leaf-cutter j bee who lines tier m-sf* with nojtt piece* cut front leaves ami w> II, l|f>- pirce bad conn- out Our )s< went looming ttway through the hot yon shine, whirring like an aeroplane, and in a direci line Sin- was not nlohe Tile air wan full of insects, busy pa \ ing upon tbcjr "law ful occasion' "

Hut it scented »« f:ro a* il our b. «olio evidently kn*-'.‘. wher** she v*a-

going was afouc all tin- same In a moment, howevcjr, it was evident that on*- How with lire, n* if guarding her and guiding h< r tbroUgii ill" dung*-r- ou* avenues of the aerial ways. ll< was like her. hut t<cigbt brown, and was her husband, if our insect may he said to have a husband, and (her* were men who said that he had ro ver been known to tattp-. tie i*naini>' was always tin lb" vving v^mimvor I saw him.

Presently, after being once chased by one bird, OH«- m arly c.oigjit bv another, nnd once nlfarked by mm*- big’ wasp thing, they l< ft iln-uiseh":* down t»« a cia; t«tih The f»*< <•? th*- bank was alive with femahs of our bee's own kind, rushing in und out of hole* each to her own hole anil the

cooking ,.',usft. »!ft the meal If into th*- water wiltt flour *ift'-r. liav- • >m: fried much and tnmdi and milk j several line - n week will redhee co*i of living where thcr<- are many chib drru and income mall.

High Court Fall Dates

Sore Feet:Si»0 Ihll Il«<, limUn. I Sf«Mt*r> «r Unt

i«rv «»o c*ss »w* it; iCtttt. Bare*. Ba:u» **« | •

aft Mnit ci (uRtautSM-on airwHHkW i Scat • v ,Mr‘ Jury; ... m*»PJf«i 30<i» ts» sm»3 ce . tunkten. Ovun» t.o non-|urv;

■+*+" •; iforv,D ARING SURGERY.

Modern Surgeons Show Extraor­dinary Skill in Operation.

The Hon. the Chancellor.I. Tiie.alay. repr, IS. Sunil St". Ma­

rl" Iwdti; '.Jntiita* j Sept. 5t, Pert Ar- Monda.v, Sept. 2<t, Toron- t, Saturday, a t. I.nn-

*• - ki» coin; Y ru» day. Ort. »i, a. In lb. n. I'.ov-diiy, On. 1;'., Fort

l-r.inrr.-. la’i'i; .Mond.iv, I H 1:1, fo- mnto. weekly cca»t. *, Sat unlay. <*et.21.Ottawa «**-*(< .-mirt; '.K Tncvatav.

Th* Hon. Mr. Justice Britton.1. Tuesday, Kept 15, I'ct^rboro, Jury;

2. Tuc*d.iy. Sepl, 22. Slinroe, jury; Tuesday. Sept, 20. Million, both; t. Tuesday, th-t. faynga. Inth; 5. Monday. Oct. 12. Toronto. Jury: «. Monday. Orb 10. Toronto. non-Jnrv; 7. Saturdav. Oc|. 24. laindon. weekly cour*.; Oct. 2S. una**lcncd; *. Monday. Nov. 2. Toronto, wn-kly court; !•. T his• dny. Nov, Ift, renitiroke, both; 1ft. Snt- urdav. ix’ov. M. Ottawa, weep.lv courl; tl, Monday. Nov. 1C. Port Arthur, non- Jurv; 12. Tuesday, Nov. 24. Napance. non-Jury; 15. Saturday, Nov 2S, Din- don. we*-kly court; it. Tuesday. Dec. 1. Ow«n Sound non-Jurv; 15. Thurs­day. Dee. m. simeoc, non-Jury; Dec. 14. unnsMlKoeit

The Hon. Mr. Juetiee TeetrebI. Tuesday, Sept. 15. It*rlin. Jury; 2.

Snliirdav. Sept. 19. Ottawa, weekly court; 5, Tuesdov, Sept 22. Napance. Jurv; t. Tuesday, Sept, 29. Welland. Jury; 5, Tueedav, <><-t fi. Kingston, Jury; October 12. nna.-edgned; f>. Mon day. Dd. 15. Toronto. Jurv . 7. Mon­day. Ort. 2*Y Toronto, nen-jury: *. Saturday, Ort, lamdou. weekD court; ;i. Monday, Nov 2. 1,'Orlgnat. Imth; >*', M mj d n N o * 9, Toronto, weekly court; tl. Tue*<|.i*. Nov. 17. Ilarrlc. non-Jury: 12. Saturday. Nov. 21. Ott»"a. weekly court; 15. Tuesday. Nov. 2t. St. Catharine*. non-Jury. M. Tuesday, ln-e t, Cornwall, non-jury; December 7, una»rigned; 15. Tuerday. Dll'. 15. Sarnia. non-Jury.

The Hon. Mr. Juctice Latehford.J, Monday. Sept. It. Toronto, v eekly

court; 2. Tile*day, Sept. 22. Ondorlcii, Jury; 5. Saturday. Sept. 2»1. Ottawn. weekly court; l. Tue*da'. Sept. 25, Stratford, jury; f>ct. a. ona**ignc<l; 5, Tuesday. Oct. 15. Womlatonh, . Jury; (<. Monuav Or. 19, Sudbury. Jury; 7. Monday. Oct, id. Toronto. Jury; *.Monday, Nov. 2, Toronto. non-Jury; 9. Saturday, Nov. 7. I.ondon, weekly court,- d, Mpnrjav, Nov, 9. Chitham. ron-J't*-', Monday. Nov. IS. To- r<.nto, wrekl; court; 12. Tuesday, N.n. 2t, wciUr.u. non*jur». » i, Saiurda'',Nov, 2S, Ottawa, weekly emir*: it, T'ie*d»'. Dec. 1 . SartdwU’h. non jury. Monday. Dor. 7. Hamilton, non-jury , lfi, Tuesday. Dec. 1*;, Vobourg, uon- Jury.

The Man. M-. Juctice Miadleton.1 . Tuewday, Sept. |j. Iiarric, Jury; 7.

Monday. Sept. 21, Toronlo, wtjojtly couri; Monday. Sept. 2*. unasaigned;3. Saturday. Oct. 5. Ottawa. «v"klv court; 4, Monday. Oct. 5. Sandwich, Jury; 0, .Monday, Oct. '12. Si. Thmmm, J*:r>; tl. Monday, Oct. 19, North May. Jury; 7. Monday. oe«. ;•«, tittawa, Jury; (i. Monday. Nov, 2. Tofpntn, Jury; ft.Monday, Nov. 9, Toronto, non-jury; 10. Saturday.’Nov. It. lyutMlou. weekly court; jjj; Tuooday. Nf*v, 17. tbxlcrlch. i.on-Jitrv; 12. Monday, Nov. To- ronlo, wceklv cu rl; Monday. Nov. ;:o. une**ign'*t. c-. Saturday, fee. 5. Ot-

T«»rt; if. Tuesday. Doc.

Whh hill • f tb modern -.ir­is- nowaday* amit*- *-rge on ill" mif.uiibxis.


Saritl.i. tur*' 11. Toe »l:V. \Yalk»rt"tt. |ur*: Nov. IK. tin.v*- :iS B "i !2. T>" *<!:•'. Nov. 24. St. Ttiontii*, non-jury 15. Monihi*. Nov. yn. Toronto. non-Jury;■< I b Saturdav.


Av* f 15. HeltovlUc, tum-JuiThe Hon. Mr. Juctice Hetty.

1. Monday, Tcpt. I t . Toronto, Non- Jurv; 2. Saturday. Sept. 19. Imndon wreklv court; Sept. 21. unawlgned; 5.

............ 1K Monday. Sept. 7s. Toronto weeklyjV Toronio w.eklv c,>"r ■ «• Tn-r'day. Oct. d. Owen Sound, It. roronto. W.ekt.v l s.-ouril..'. <?« I in. Ottawa

- ,(W » «•: « . I k ’- !-' ."I ? • 1 • .1 0 . u of a blind i , ? J’ ‘, - a-In bv iron -plant Ins Mction.-vj *' 1 * tvrouto, w«w»» e, Saturdav. (V-t. Id, Ottawa1 i:>.- cornea from a do** :- e>*< which -' ronr' 1 weeklv court; ♦*. T «t s !* }. Deb 15.

: bad ». obliged »». f " . i The Hon. th* Chief Justice of the | ttr,.,kvfllc. Jury; 7. Tuc day. Oft. 29,> : -.*:’•>-<»; King'* Bench, ; l*arrv .ymtoo. both; *. Monday. Oct, 2fi,. without,; , ci.aomm i,,rv i Hamilton,’ Jury, V Monday. Nov. 2,.* , _ S 2. V . S % b k & - ! - ’ **W‘ lt«n. jury; t«. To-vlay. Nov. l«.

Y u. pt si. Catharin'i*,jury ! M< p'iay, lb i: 5, Toronto, tnm- jorv; 5. Swtur»a*. «'• ' l". bob Kn,

" oDv. Ort !2 “

1 Jmd lo tn tab


Od V

ntbtx-d,- :'ii.*;. oi. (talk'-d of

,*11.11 i a f.-tiiov'd if"- entire - tmnacb of a patjfiit, who . along j»u .1 - writ without it. <atit,s and dtcoMing throurb tb" enlb'. and a rov"b e> nut it ha* .*••» prodded with n new <>rt:an front "lo* of hi- own 'finger*.

weekly CSPH 2". Itraottor'f >2", I’rantMrd. i>ir]


, 9. l-'atyirda'*, Ort.*e*rt. NnvemVr 2. i"*urvn-l.v.. No-.. T«*r- > * ’

coot i

i it wn> ampii

1'"t»'ct«ir«> , non-jury;' l i . Monday, Nov. I*;, Toronlo. mm-jurv: 12, Saturday Nov. SI, la>nd»o »."k|v court; Nov

_ ( utia**ign<<l. t::, Monday, Nov.,1" ! Toronto’ weekly court, i t . Tuesday , ; Dec, s. North Ibtv. n<m jury; 15. Sat .f*jtird«y. Dc<-. 12. Ottawa weekly court: , j !<;. Tue*.lay. Dec. 15. UDlk.rton, itott-

tat.d, I-. •:- -.ri-h a ONE BENEFIT FROM THE WAR

it M"«»lny. ior*. 15. Satnr- . weekly court;

The Hon. Mr Justice Lcnno*.Sept. 15. una**lgned; 1, Monday,

Sept. 21. Toronto, non-jur;-; 2. Sat­urday. -| I latndon weekly court; 2, Tuesday, Sept, 29, Whitby, luii.lt; I. Mdft'Ja,'.’ tb-t. 5, Toronto weekly court; 5, To**-fa>, Drt. ivrtb , both;

Saturday. * " b 17. Ottawa weekly court : 7. Tuesday. Oct. 20, lln»e<- bridg»'. bolit: Monday, (k b 2*>,‘ la>n-

T:j#:>dac. Nov. Co- Nov. 9. mi.iMtlgncd; IP.

Tuesday. Nov. 37, Hrantford. non-Jury;


Dee. 7. Ti rmii". day, | tee. 12, l.<D<e, ! t. ufiar- i"nctThe Hon. the Ch’rf Justice of the

Common Pleas.1. Tuc-diy r.-pt !5. *;orc fUy. both; | don, jury

2 . 1 ne?du . S-pt, 2 :’. Hrampliut. bulb: ; bourg. jury'3.' Tueedav, Sept. 29, I’ieion. both; 4. ‘ . .....Tnewd.v-. t h f c. Cuelph. Ju r .: 5 Mon- i 11. Monday. Nov. 23. Toronto, non dav. Dei 12. Toronto. Jury; t». Salnr- ' Jur< 1 12. T'pwilay. Ike. I, Kingston. di>-. Oil *7, Uui'b'ii. y.'-ckD court: ; non-jury; i-t. Tuesday Die. x, Sudhurv*. ticj, >9. ona’- ig i fd ; 7 Monday. <kt. * non-Jury; it . Tuesday* Dee. J5. I.it.d- 2d. Toronto, weeklv court; «. Tuesdav. : non-jury; 15. Saturday. Dec. 19,No. r , Ucitcvilte. to r ': 9. Samn!a«b- O t«*ia weekly court.Nov 7. Ottawa, weekly court: I P . T t t ' ■***♦------ ---•lav. No. >■». t.lnd’Wv. lory : IbM.mdnv. j tNOIVIDUALS AND NATIONS. Nov. id. Toronto, jury : 12. Tuesday, i D’bdadctphs* » : - - f t »Nov. 24. Itrockvillo. non-jury . i :.T «e*. | tr - * 0 ’ -J y.^- ib.v » u •>•-. work tot* day, Dec b Stratford, * “ *•-*- " ■ - *■*• *■„,

! Monday. l»'-* 7vTor,.uio.Mmtdi

wlism hsrdly

•ekly court:»«- — . j ».i. .uniwav, is i- 14. Toronto, non-

n<: i(.-,( b 'frifi d the bold, i jure, id, Saturdav, Nov. t3, I.ondon.we« kJv rourt. about.

tsolrxr >(• :

fed klmight to her o

•or J tin; field.* > uiMhinn regfonk l .i‘< no outlet f> f- r their ?malt slirtdui'* ifit* year. Te i • ' yip in <"c.?ui, s<ro*i*i«r ’ •il «•» Knelaud and cmitinunuk in

<h" »nadd*-*( tlirry, hunim-ng that ever you raw-.

Our lo i .h»' burrow, onh !"• Who was coiniriR out Tbia lt«x< «a:- inor" allm, utid hbu-li. v.itli wlritc *pot(( on lief luuty Kb" h trri' *1 a » a-..

. bav

urmd tb" lid" of - administrative o

H’b'-n v> e turn fr<>i l harvr


outlook is not fur »h«- l"gl, tiioucli le tter than hirt year in the ti •-intuf; -- • r coarse grains. Next to ' bent.' ;< t above if in value to |b<* -*o-,int

the torn crop -the great domestic f -cl for man and animals. The cauii". *bk-to help wheat to It* fine barvem to Um wiau» mmUd row va-

TfO 0 sh" ««-»icnted the »a}D up. mid came ;»wny hupp* I'.ut : |t. luD-bt have raved b» r-cif tie- ttxoibb- tor tb<

alr« ady laid nn egg tlo'-r. lo in-lf. if., grub from wbiHi would cut up Ult (Im- money and p ilbu intended for our toe'* own grub

■Matty a man ir- perfwtly willing to take * hint whu doc-ttn’l know what to t. j wUh IL

A New A New

Napoleon Will Arise In This W ar! Civilization Will Come Out of It *

TOLSTOI—At the redmvt of the king of Hn*-

land a ml the kaD<r of f.crmany. made through tho cr.ar of. Rutwia

"Thn third torch la that of the law. active affair* j|n that dangerous foundation of alt tin- authentic traditions, * blch first does it* fatal work in (be family, thru

til l* 'l l" fount Ja>P Tolatoi four year* sweeps through the larger world of "And, behold, the flume of the a«" mad" tbi* r< ntarkabl<* propUccy of literature, .<?; and *t»lcmanrhtp. third torch, which ha* already b-Kuit

’T h e great conflaaratu-ii will s t a r t '^ orn y our famdy r . - u t T m r ••• ret l.y :bc iercii Of the ^landard* ,.f nr« and moral*. Th­

in tnc rounirlci of aouth'*^ between woman and man .astern Kur-pv Ir will develop into •‘« ” P('<1 as a prosaic paf!n. -

ftjtur*"This i* a revelation of event* of about 1912,

a universal character which must first shortly com" to par- The;r spiritual


.•■a of human fat" tho hug" eilhouetio >f a nude woman She w with her •canty, poire, her stride, her jewels - i : up"r Veiitir. Nailotih rush madly

. each of them eager in attract Napoloi

flames an I JdetuinR I hear tho la-n eolation* » ’ hoti batilelb-ld*.

"Iltlt abo-O •)•, year 1915 strung" flBitro ir tn the north

thn Uon* of all nation*."Only email spots hei

ti*'t especially..' Hut she. like an nat eounesan, flirt* with all. In her nilllUry frt" hair ornamentic. of diamonds and nn||*t, but rubies, i* engraved iter name, "fom - myrtia! vm.‘ A* alluring and lutwiteh- ing ;•* >:»<■ *»-.-tns. much dentniclion ami agony follow in her wake Her brepth recking of sord d transactions her voice <■' metal! " character lik" gold, ami her !«*-k <-r creed are ,.*>Imirti p"isiiit to the nations who fall victim* to her charm*.

‘■•\t;d, b> lin'd, she hi* three gigan- tie atins with three n rclics of mit-

.-.a! corriipdnu m her hand*. The j !t __ _the llamo of ti,rch o! il couno*«n ^teuit *'■

tty ami country Id

since of •!.» . '»*•"» H«T«* aud (her,-. ' ' J havo remained untouched bv >}„*,.

a wrl.er or 1 ihr" ' d.Mrurt.-v.. M am- Tb- am -r ** v . . ' national wars in Kuropo. tho oias*

war of America and the race wars In Asia have strangled progreys for

“Tho end of tbe great calamity half a r-mitry fiy then. In the mid>1 murk i new pu'Tiral era for

obi w-oriii There w:i be left no cm plre* or l.invflvi.M. hut tho v r:• ill for a a •» of I ho l* j*Slate* of NiV.-o.ts T " -r " will r"ira,n obvious.• nty four (?."• u I'ai-is the Ang> »■Saxon, tn l>ut;i.s th ; H iv * and thr Mongo' a (is

After tl '

die of thi* en tury. I *<•• « heroin- f t literature and art rising from the ranke of th*- lot’ ir.* and I'crslatis. the world of the tedious stuff of tin

r ? i h.rcii (upre.-rnt* rh< • r. ’ t in ’tl- beautiful .ir'Jcx from cV. to city a

"It ts th«< light nf symbolism th*!:, rh*H outshine :he light of the torch

voar 19."» | to« a chanxc "r cornrn‘,rcl* , ,*m In place of poly- re iitiu" '*.t 7 > • v .-< - i F»my and monogamy cf ttvclay thereciurt* *«r has brouc u c“ tn° a «*»>'- relations ofI t f tb- church V s ‘ no rest * based fundamt ntaily on the .* aMite*; *. robed. H e eooewittap of Ilf-

And 1 sec the naiions growing larg ’ and realising that, !h« atlur nc

wsll dear (he world of the relic* woman of ihelr destiny Is after all monotheism and lay_ tho cornur nothing but ft*. Illusion There will

time when tho world will have

roar of gur-s and muskets I :><• fecotul torcii hears the flamebigotry cud hvpoCft*} It liehta stone of tho temple of panfnelsm

> lamps m-:-. in temple* and on the t.od. soul, spirit and Immortaltly will ro uso for armies hypocriflral . ->!■■ <■! -.1 t.-i -ru-Dtutlpn*; It car ho molten in a new furnace, and I ligtons and degenerate art l.ife (*

tho peaceful bcclnning'of an efh evolution, and. evolution is develop*It Tho t i determined to thi* mettt from Hie sllnpl" to the more

M itw jrn i th.NTivitr iu : i9»u t .«»f the f.UW tew* In tie- • > 1’ 4-5

<u«-m n «.,sim s’I 1-. "»."*•> *-><time uuiiwg to- ni-ntn ••> juw* >im"ntn. m.itb "">•• mas-* ii1«.;.9 VU.. lie J -lx i..sci. g.•..<a! »••»■»..• *< tu-rn n»s t«*-n tu» «hattHo<; retail't ♦bu-* nit, smi jC'ii iliSi.cv.Jit really mloiut w-i

« Ic.-oi and tn t •

(V S «*. Whit* Is-sh-vre.!. Dntrlsed •«:»*. <• ItcS*. M:..... • '75̂ -S «' Whits IpRhern'. |vm»*yit

- \Vv..".pUt'

to n f i t H 'i io

O PE’ K E B R E D STOCKDistribution of Rams and Boars

by Department Agriculture.

As the distrlbutiou of purn bred stallion* and bull*, Uo and 414 of

i which respectively have been located In different r«rla of the Dominion, bit’ now been completed for tho cur­rent y a r , R l< announced that tho

i it i " ktocK..branch of tho pv-dcrat D.-- f parUncrjF of Agrtculiure witi Under-

t,ik" u further distHimtlou of purn ; bred rutm. and bunrs during the

tnunihs oi A«KUsi. .Sepiembcr and Oc- ioJc r te xt, t.» aw^Kiatlons of farmer* 4«rganlrnJ in districts in which tho

i r v l c c s of sntislaclorv breeding *nl- maD in liter«• claiysw* are not alr»-ady avaltabl". Application* for rani* and boar*, u large number of which have already been received, should be made

; «t an tariy d;vt>-. It will nut be pos- i *ih!" tn constdvr those that aro not

mail" prior tn Ociobi-r i*t. Farmers •I 'Siring to si cure Hi" service*,of such

: stock rhOjtld arrange to organU" an u* s-eiatlon tn t ’c lr district and for­ward their application to the l.(ve o'took Cum mtss (oner. Department of Agrtcultun-. Ottawa, from whom ap- 1‘lleatlon blank* and all information with respect to the cptiditldnx under "bleb pure bred sire* arc distributed, t" ty be obialne l. || is understood t ”»t all application* shat! be rejioned ut’im tn officers of the Dive Slock llrnttfu. and that favorable action as regard an? application 'hall !"■ •*.b- pet p» tf|f. approval of tie- Dive Stock

; •'ommh'ijoocr. Dcttenv nddressed to the l>-: artm« tit do not require po-iUgo.


Tlic Latest A id When Taking Dis- ugrecable Medicine,

i Who has not »*-v«ite«l against n do*»,J ,ttV- 1 9 ('■ t !*• if»g «t SUtfc' llrxgl

i , ;-.ils> «jpevit" •> »».* s gf^si to-; tuned makifta d js<.r:-ible to •»«il»w - without t l.-titm tti-iii Hut. tticrc are * ims"> i-ui-lc who cannot swallow a! An [*>;;• «"•>'.»> ! f- Ofhtrmn bis priwtueed ai • it" v,lO‘ ti bus h i n nsmisl im a M nj '„ r ..... uhu ll.tv*' fiad to take such

ti-f’iid that i-h nssui to th" t«st«ii.I to th- “iiitiOi This is mu iwi|n| , tticoii mterrupt">ti tyy the mcllcine.

osiarwii-iy wohmit «tw- |sss»f- ..ft!v " f loioming niivnl. Tbu* you a ;.U t lkoii yoiir m-dtclfe *f"l have not . (•■ivd either its -tide or its "•tor. re (..ftn-.r-*O'- ! » i " »• much

■< 'Ir.ipii'l at "lie draught, hut there •« >o difficulty itt«>tU thir !> has thro* •’nonrlhieniv. "ti# atv-vs tits other. th<* . ; -r I low's contain* the „r*nx» aic-e. *III<- or whatever i-lrasant liquid ■oil tn*y prefer III* nit Idle one contain- life the medirin" The two nartitlnn* are nov-wide. and mint t»- adjusted *•> rest

It -K-oiIl t.«> | With oblique strove* th«* V> make It Im-

ally. Thi* prevents the

lies you1'^kirn lh" content* of the upper ciio--o< When this i* stmos' emptvconie*"* " f th- middt' eotnpartmert

•■* out its eonteni* m turn h- fironiponelte i» t»einc used mm- tdy in l-’ ranee for administering d«»e«•■■■>.| t.ver ell. which >« to rn"*t


is hardy wild > profitllil" i" a Hive them Hie

-•aore* that it Is po*?ahln to take —N. Y American.

Among Lions in the Dark.I l.ntur|tig at the Roy al f, tiotOBraphte ! s'wi'dy. A. liadtlyfS" Dugmor" said ; that on mu- night in Ilrltlah Ê uil Af-! rica hi mw 12 lions, and sneered«-d i in phouigraphtng to of them. \tc set i up threw cai»ern> near a curcas*. con-

uiiting them «iih a flashlight appar- : at six, ID- watched through the night j iu a hiding place, and when a Hon ap- ! pcared III- prcuiicd u hutton, whicii 1 opened the sliuttcr* of all three camer- ; a,- and ignitisi the Hash powder. Im*| miitiaicly after th*- flaf,h th" lions | ran off. growling, ami »• wn* then nc- 11 vary tor th- photographer to go out vt pb a band lamp and rcyei F«<* !ti*trunp hter FntH a man hmi done : at be never know « uat »iarkne*a turn.

• (.tons at night, tid At \ Dugmorw. went by irttoj-n of a i t number from three or four up lo 30 or 4*1. I'und— Advi-rtpur.

CRUELTY,(llarpiTV Magruiite.i ,

Ttie senator and the tnajer? were ■ itk ’pg «p »’>" avenue. Th- ^ aator »as mor ’ than middle aged and con* •iderahly more limit f.n, and de*rlv a t1"- major burtj him. he a! o loved hi* jok",

Th" vcnaior turn- I « il!i a phased i-xpri- 'xliin nn ti!* bcjiigti «.mop-nunce and said: ' 'la jor. dt*l jo-J »**v thatptiliv girl rrgilc.i! toe’

'Oh, that's imih'uc. replied his Ero ud. ’The first Dm- I ».i« >ou 1 laugtitd oul loud,’*

SATIATED.Hwxulwh: Fre* Pre**!

A i '*«!:**"> ecaiy wk* if iu- war w.ti


(•radios aud follows U»cm to miivsloa vs a Mongolian Slav He ■* cotopHcdilcd forms of thn mind and already vaJUnc tho ea r th -a man of body." ’be licwitb » " l

• ■ "voy.



O f G r e a t e s t I n t e r e s t t o W o m e n w i l l b e t h e A n n o n u c c m e u t o f

a C o m p l e t e S h o w in g o f

New Fall Dress Fabrics, Silk Dress Trimmings and Stylish Fall Coats

W (u rc immensely proud o f (he fact m at we are aide Jo make this announce­ment. ,Jr places this store in an enviable position in regard to abumlauoe o f choice and ijpmtW as they do from the foremost makers of Europe, all our fabrics are absol­utely cork 'd iu style and unbeaten values.

I t has always been T H IS S T O K E S policy to secure an exclusive selection and to g ive our customers the opportunity o f choosing the same high grade fabrics as arc shown by the best Canadian stores.


S t y l i s h F A L L C O A T S

Every few days add an­other shipment of hand­some coats to the lot.

A ll coats are a reproduc­tion o f the latest American style, they are made in the newest cloths and while high class in every particu­lar arc very moderate in cost.

S o m e I m p o r t S n a p s

in t h e S t a p le

D e p a r t m e n t

New spero Flannelettes soft finish, the finest grade o f imported flannelettes special }>cr y a rd ____ 1 5 c .

S I L K F L O w N C I N G L A C E S , R A D I O M E N E T S , in n e w e s td e s ig n s ................................................................................... S O c . t o $ 2 . 0 0 a y a r d

B L A C K , J E T A N D R H I N E S T O N E B U T T O N S , 1 0 c , 1 5 c . a n d 2 0 c . a d o z e n

F A C T O R Y C O T T O N S . G r a d e A , r e g u l a r 1 5 c f o r 1 2 * . c

G r a d e B , r e g u l a r 1 2 ' . c fo r 1 0 c



W e mention today Di agonal Velour Serges in a complete color range.

Krcmla Crepes aud Crop* ous in two weights includ­ing the uew shades of G er­aniums and new gold togetli erw ith Tuscan. Cream and all the other shades popular for gowus and evening wear

But the most important of all arc the checks and the plaids in Dress Suitings aud Coating weights, they come in the most charming variety of color combination and all with the soft v e lv ­ety finish so much desired.


Dorothy De Vonda

Iii her I hrillinj* Parachute Drop


W alkerton Fall Fair,*Sept. 16

! Che Peoples’ S t o r e !

Sail SooclsDon’t put o ff buying wliut you need in this

line until storks are picked over. Buy now. w h ile the range is com plete.

N ew Dress Goods in popular w eaves ami fash, ionable shades. W e are showing check, crepe cloth, several shades ... .......7 5 c . per yard

P la ids are very popular this fail, we have them representing some o f the leading c lans at ........................ 2 5 c . , 5 0 c . and 7 5 c . per yard

S p e c ia l - Severa l pieces o f dress goods at half price This is your chance to get a good dress cheap.

L a d i e s ’ C o a t i n g — W e are show ing a very pretty check design. A l l wool, 54 inches wide at $2 .2 5 . It w ill make you u dandy warm coat.

Su iting Corduroy, a good range o f shades. 2 7 inches wide at 6 0 c. a yard

New W rapperettes, Kimona C loths,Sweater Coats, etc., now in. Call and sec them.

J . M Mppel* * * * * m m um m mm m m tu m r tm * * * * * * * * * * * * »


ilib* Mary Garland ami MrB- \V. j Mutrioof Si. fj jins returned to Hint city on Saturday -

; f Mi, Robin* of Wyclifl'e (Joth-go •Toronto, occupied Iho pulpit in the• Anglican church on Sunday.

Mb* JtdiutKiii of Mount Forcet it> j vwijing Mr. John Metrics.I Mr. Harvey Garland of thin viejn- | ity vi«ilod friends on the 11th ou Sunday,

Mr. and Mr«, Amaov Gregg and family and Mnw Kathleen Pinkerton

, ielurued from Inverburon on Sin­s' urday.• Mr. aud Mrs. Harvey Itomey re- j turned to Windsor on Friday:i Rev. McLeod of Southampton ; occupied the pulpit in Iho Prenh K-r- i iau church here on Sunday, while : Uev. Geo. Mason preached in Palm­erston.

Mr. Amsey Gregg has heeu pro- . paring the school for there-opening j cn Ttioeday Sept. lat.

i Miss McMillan of Lucknovr is via; itiug at Adam Knox’s.

Mr. Uicbard and Miss M»ty Donnelly want th A»kfiolU on Fri. day.


Mi»«Ib#r who haa bun at the Pow­er Honso Iran returned to her homo iu Mildmay and her place is laken by Miss Lotzgers.

Mr. and Mrs. II. Schaefer and family o f Gowanalon spout Monday with Geo. Delwoi|or,

v Kev. W J Fiddcs spent the week end in Fenwick.

Mra. Cameron of Winnipeg who ! epentthe last mouth hero returned ’ homoon Thursday lant. Mj >h Ruby j liamiltou iuteuda returning in two ; weeks.

Mr aud Mr*. Gordon Youngleft for ' their new home in Woodstock on Saturday Wo wish them overy tme:

Constable A Kyan oj Tccswaler made a business trip to our burg last week

A tmiubor from bore attonded the funeral of the' late Pat Connors to Chepstow on Saturday.

Mr Ribarl French of Tooswater was a caller in the burg on Monday.


Mi Win AMioti mid daughter Winifodlaavit gone Manit.mbn bland

i spend a few weeks Mrs 0 C Hniwn mul inaHei ltoyd.;u iv** returned to Vancouver Mi Jos Weti'Ich i, spending « few

•lays to TorontoMr Mailaof returned l»* Clevr-

_ and .Mrs Win Casddy aph-.a-.uif Sunday in l*ai gilt

U v Wm .MitCilouald, Mrs Miudomdit ml little son Willie an* speodluK a few lav* with Uh-u p « ..* !- Mr Hlroy Hergnit spen*. th" end ■>!

la it week with lifs uncle here

Mr. Laugblcin jr spent Sunday in Paisley with 11. Blue.

Mrs. Lou Anderson aud family of Walkerton are spending a few days with friends in (own.

Mr aud Mrs. Wm . C»*eidy of Hiv: ereda]e, and Mr. and MreWbiUtuou of Chepstow spout Sunday with Mr. Thus C avatday’s

Miss Nellie lvoough and Miss Mew* itt who have been visiting at the Power House returned to Guelph on Monday.

On Friday uight two o f our rinks visited the Walkerton green and skip Butweilur tied skip Player while skip Haumore lost to skip Robertson by 8, aud on S*tarduy skip Fowlie took bis rink down and defeated skip McNab. I t is expcc tod that 3 or 1 rinks will he present at the tournament in Walkerton which opens on Labor Day Septom. her 7tb.

Many entries hnvi< already Ik-ch i »* •ivsd f«.r the Walkerton Fall Kali *-pl. lath and I«ib.

• Pi m.Xjilivd slisul.v after 8 ltd

chick «»ii Wedupwlav morning «*f lo-t 'cek i»l the HjlVtmnil dgi* <»f *• year* K ith was due to bronchial catarrh’ Inch to-e-tim- «<-nlc mi Sunday. Thu Hack*, which In* fought nir a year ><»<’■ »turm-d to llml him overwrought itli the grief Snspitt-d by thegr/at

European war. Tin* vitality with which lie (might former attack* had W n absorbed in Ids player*and nn-d- idion* for peace. The u*si*l«OCe ho on e leinl. red hi* physHumuva* lock ing a* In-b.rgot himself and thought only '*1 the catastrophe which the World L taeinc

........... he war tanke nut tin onei-v.-r di etimt of the importance «>f Toll frumry a* a strategic against t he i««*imans am! AndTftina. Ii i* said that there area numh.V «»f Aiistiian* at t»yei*» Hw. tail the# hardly kn< w that then-IS a war. Well, the utivx- ►i i leil llaR happened/ There i»a wilel<-*» *t*t

the (iit Tiita-rmoiy—one of the

at Ieik< « -ami ill mdei i » t it t'ttjil. Ii It. Clark hn* k’«*'d to ptnevtd there with K

men they will tie l*o s of tlm jamTub ritjpry ha- Often ■n deer himtors raw* they wilt *»•«• saidur-, theu\\ thing. How long they wilt In-tiler i- hard to say -pet imp* until tin*War * over. Cupi. Clarl , Walkertouwho has ehvrgo.app-ars to l*e the tightmu In th<' l ight place — WinrtouCan dlan Hdu>

C o l le c t o r W a n t e d .

Cook's Cotton Root Compoundi•aft, rtliabU nuuttUinr) lit tat. HM >a «lr«- dt- > ol Hr-ottl)—So. I. SI:

- 2. S3: No. 3. i-rr t»,.ttrlif tiy *11 iIjurkiM*. or •«'t>lt s r K j w r i A x : ;THE COOK MEDICINE CO. tOIORIO ONE (taMdi Hiilm.)

I n s t i t u t e s C a n H e lp |*

A n am bar o f tho Women'o In «ii. tutosin tho province rosponded lib. j orally to the appoil for funds to sup j ply a hospital »bji> to tho Imperial f Navy. Many otliors aro prepared ; to give money donations and tittup; ply articlonof clolbing, ole; lo Iho soldiers. In view of tho -fact that ! many iMipmita havo been made of the Department, wo have circular: ; i/.(M tho lnstifnlCH giving them aut; 1 Orlly to send such proportion of the » fiinua on bnnd an they cau spare (o j tho Red Society. Ohculais ;havo been aunt only to Ihcollicers and wo aro asking Iho press of the prov. lice to give publicity to the appeal

List of Requirements.3000 Pillows— Sizes — 18 ”x 30” ;

10”x 24; 10” x R5; 14!‘x 10; and *0|>a | for (lie same,

3000 to 1001) Flannel Shirts — j S /.oh — 15 to 17«. made of medium . weight, grey or khaki color.

10.000 to 12.000 Haudkercbiefi—. Si/.e IW x ly Hindu of cheese cloih which should bo washed befoie made up.

*2,000 to 3,000 Cholera Ruits* —12“ wide and 31" to I t ” long. To, b i made of ordinary yarn, either red or grey, the Inches’of each end to he knitted with steel necdles.and centre eight inches to he knitted with hone needles.

0*000 to 7.QOO Pairs o f eocis — Grey prefersod.

5.000 ’ ‘Housewives" or Mending Kits. Outside to bn made of coarse linen, chintz, cretonne, d jek; or other smooth strong material. Interior to he lined with shaker flau uel or any line woollen material, to contain two small pockets one at end and ouo in centre* Also nttncli two loose square?, stiiched loosely, for pins and needles, etc. Each should contain safety pins, sewing and darning needles' small straight scissors, buttons j ordinary shirt and bachelor j, black darning wool, black and white linen thread, small pack* ago of court plaster, and foot emo powder, if possible. Sew l*po cn end for ties.

Money donations as well as sup­plies should be addressd* fo the Treasurer of Iho Rod Cross Society,50 K ing St. E*ist, Toronto.

Dr. de Van’s Female PillsA uJiabie t’frath f*i 1». Ttirw

pIN ate €»cccilliwlv^iyt|iil In rrcuUllnt îhe

tli» Hnlitll in at C--. ot. C’Mberlumw O..V

A ClockA s a Present

Few things you could choose to g ive a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. Anti speaking o f clocks: no bride can ever get too m any— she can use one for every

* room in her house.

H ere is a line o f c locks that offers an exce llen t choice:

A rtis t ic designs in m a»y| sty les and sizes; d ignified looking black clacks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the liv in g rooms, and cute litt le g ilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. E. G ibsonJ ew e lle r W elK erton

Retiring From Business

Having sold my stock and property to W. M. Cam­eron o f New Liskeard who takes poscssion October 1st. To reduce the stock to a stated amount, I am offering many lines at cost aud below cost to clear in general dry goods, carpets, oft cloths, linoleums, ladies’ and children's coats, men’s and boy’s readymade and tailor-made clothing shoes and crockery. A reduction o f 40 per cent on all wall papers, Bargains every day from now till October 1st.

T e r m s C a s h o r T r a d e

GEO. DETWILERC a r g i l l O n t a r io

Swagger Styles In

L A D IE S ’ C O A T SThe new Ladies' Fall Coats

are here, and they are beaut­ies W c specialize the “ North- way Garments” and the perf­ect fitting qualities eliminate the necessity of alterations. Tlifcy feature many marked changes in styles, materials aud lines, aud comprise every approved new style note of the season. A ll the newest mat­erials are shown in our dis­play*, prices running at $7, $8, $ io , $ r i ,$ i2 , $13, $14, $15, $17, $20 to $25.

The new “ F itw c ll Hats” in ­clude everyth ing new and up- to-date in soft and stiff felt hats for Fall. See our hand­some tweed effects iu the new caps for men and boys.

Come and inspect these goods early, as they are being quickly picked up, and the choice ones go first.

F r id a y B A R G A IN D A Y S S a t u r d a yClearing of Women's Wash Dresses, 2.5c for 19c; 40c!

for 30c.; 5oc foJ 39c, 60c for 48c; 85c for 65c. $1.00 for 75c; I.25 for 95c; $ i .5o for 1.10; $2 for 1.50; $2;50 for 1.75*Ladies* Wash Dresses, Summer Waists and Skirts all on sale at reduced prices.

McBURNEY & CO.Pure, clean, flavory

and strong, in sealed packets.

Red RoseTea “is good tea”

tjle\V«- rantrol lb«« _ DMinctW A L K E R T O N ’ S return «»«

•m|i; di «*k’.wly dtilnttl uS T R A IG H T

1(0'.K it* ____ _______ * HOUKIIS

'.U tM K M S C A S H S T O R E COAT.

A Great Showing of

New Fall Coats.In th? women’* coat wcilon they

ore ».• !**• found in meal variety, rang- lug from the Minnie and cosy iiiou>i or utility comLt<> (hr *u|ic»brlegiuwe of th.-original pari*Utodrf*, luui ng the iH«Hl.'b ih** «»*• of T.i»«'biiee. hm«ci*». t>|Hing#», chfvk*. chinehllla* und |)lai«l* Ingel her with iKIightful combination* «>f color* «h«i wravtn in twrnl elfecte. eUnnl a meat v.ririy ftnm which to *«’U>cl. cHiu-••llect* nml etvle* with large kiimmo. a* well » * *et in eleevee, •hnwing full rkiti*. aie to ta- recn 1* jdeniy. Ulack navy, COJNNB, tan*, giceil mul fancy cherli. till lligheftfur popularity, ' l l will he interr*ling t«» many t*» know hat we centre! th* *ale of the'*Roger» ‘ '-nrmcnia for the clly 01 W«l|(»H(in. A yaet ehowing to ' Chooso from nml no two gniment* -•like.

S e e O u r M a n t le s a n d G e t O u r S p e c i a l

S a l e P r i c e s .

5 1 .2 5 Children's and Misses'

School Dresses 79c.mb'V*’ ami children** 4reeve*,

made of W R ipiality ginghiMii* nml gluaten .̂ f«*t volotv, huge «**oitnirnf.. sire troiu 5 to M vtiu*. role price. TPc.

Every Day is Bargain Day at Carswell's.

Sale Specials for This Week.i » jmii* children'* plrin am i» il U<d hore. made of «H»t

yui iiK, blaek and cnlnra, *ize?5 to b|, u g ‘J.V, tale price |>« i pail

to p4t«> o f b»>y** extra heavy fibbed h.>«\ llercolcabrand. th>- ‘ toeklng made, la*t coltns. c\i«a long leg*, »Ix« » k

to 1'*, leg 2-**c. sale price*. . . . . . . . . . ...................... . .. .. ........

5 dozen hoy*' sthuol •hlrts. ramie of drill*, galuteo*. outing fl*n- net, dark ami light colors. tH r̂fect fitting. »ire> l*il to 14, leg 50e,sal» price........ . ................................... ... ..........................

4 dozboya’ school cap*, made of plain and fancy tweed*, in sttlpesiind cheeks, new fall degign*. b*g a-»ortmenl, rrg *'4V, * p

ti pair Imuii lace*, Mweiil.................................. ......................7 lleiu-stfehed handkerchief*,#p*»cial.......................................Children * straw hat*, rvg 2V. special— .....................a . . ...

C A R S W E L L S ' C A S H C O U N T E R S“ You P ar L e i* Hero**


School Supplies.School mean!* now supplies and wo arc prepared to furnish ull your requirements.

High, Public and Separate School Text Books.

Blank and Ruled Books lc, 2c, 3c, 2 for 5c, 4c, 5c. Pons, Inks, Erasers, Slates, Mucilage, Tablets, .School- Bags, Boxoa, Crayons, Paints, otc. etc.

Buy from us and save money.

Hunter's Drug StoreDrugs and liodahs C. P. R- Tichtl flfltnty


Nyal’s Blood PurifierFO R


$1 .00 a Bottle.Nyal s Skin Soap-25 Cents.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs Kodaks


Clear Spruce Lumber(Artificial]

48 inches wide by 98 incites long—and seven sixteenths of an inch thick.

Replaces piaster at less cost—-but is abso­lutely cold-proof, heat-proof, sound-proof and clean.

Use it any place for walls, ceilings and par titions in your new house, aud for alterations and repairs anywhere.

CLEAR SPRUCE LUMBER, seven six- tecutlis of an inch thick, at $30.00 per iooo feet at your station. ADDRESS:

J. S. FERGUSON3 84 Richmond St. - - London, Ont.



The arrival fof new fabrics and the very latest designs in Men's Apparel for fall of 1014. Call and have us take your measure for a new suit or overcoat of ourSuperior Taioring

We give special attention to j linings, findings and finish of tiie clothes we make for | you. These details have fully | as much to do with the suc­cess of the clothes as the cut. fabric and fitting.

G.T.ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men's Wear j

.Store, Walkerton, Ontario. j

A ClocKA s a P r e s e n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many—she can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that offers an excellent choice:

Artistic designs in inanyl styles and sizes: dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R . L . G ib s o nJ e w e l l e r - W a l K o r t o n



TENDER FEETocz...:.:zz:..... zzaoDo you have trouble with

your feet? Sore, tender points? Try a pair of


I’he easiest shoe on earth.


Hanover Fall Falr,Heptember 17 antiI H|||.

Novelties In fall Coaling* at M cBtttn

Wnllteitou Fall Fair Kepi. loth, and lilt It.

Mrt.Chaa. PeUeplaoetputtl last week in Berlin.

Get ymit new "Fitw eil b a t for Labor day a t McBurncy's.

Me. H. M. Lay marina business trip to Toronto on Monday.

For Novelties in Ladies' fall coats see McBurney's display.

Labor Day rates by C .P .lt. Tickets a t H unters Drug Store.

Mina Eleanor O'Malley returned to Buffalo ou Thursday last,

Three rinks of W alkerton bowler* were in Durham yesterday.

M r.J. J . Hckaurr made a bustne- ■ trip U» Toronto on Tuesday.

Mina Upper of Toronto was a visitor at Mr. S. A. IUf*s last week.

Mr. Jilnu't' Hownnd o f Stratford via Red friends here loat week.

Mje* Mary Leech ia spending this week with rriendsiu Ifanuver.

M is. John May have* Thursday |o vi*it her rioter in 1’oUirboro.

Mr Allen A ablyof Wigrton spent the week cud with friend* lit re.

.Ml*. Leo Pelt of Brantford renewedacquaintance* iietc this week.

Mri£A. Crawford ia spending thfa week with relatives iu Toronto.

Tito»* Catlton o f Saskatoon fa visit, ing his sister Mrs. Tima. Jenkins.

New Fall Millinery a t The Ft He. ad vanco orders carefully attended to

Mfa» Ella IWattie of ••Tbs E lite" re­turned from her holidays Ja-I week.

Mr. Herb Ja rv is o f Ottawa is visiting hi» parents, Mr. and Mr#. J , Jnrvfa.

Alia* Jennie Long lu flo n Monday to attemi tlio S tratford Normal school.

Mr. mid Mrs. E II. Let son ami child' ten returned from l ‘o it Elgin «m F ri­day.

Mite. Eleanor Met inrity ha* return* lh| to Toronto to attend the Normal there.

Farownx 15s. per lb., ja r rings" and puie fresh spice* a t H unter*' Drug More.

Mr. and Mu. Ju stin sieium iller of Gorrfespent Sunday with friends in town.

Miss Grace Chalmers of Moncton spent Sunday a t the homo ot Mr. Wiills.t-M rs. M. O lfara of W huton is . a guest a t the home of Mr. J . J , .Schum­acher.

Cheap rate* C .lM t. to Torouto ex- hihition. Tickets at H auler's Drug Store.

Mr. J .1 L Batteraon of lianururspent Sunday a t the houtu o f Mrs. William Ernest.

Miss Rul»y Nni-rhh loft on Monday for Drayton to resume her duties a* teacher.

Ml** M argaret B ilger returned hut Thursday from the millinery opening in Toronto.

Missus Dorothy am i Lucille Weber of Toronto visited a t K. J . Clave' Uni week.

Miss KncchUri of Hanover was the guest of her friend Miss Ito lh a skh- wiudt lust week,

Mr. W es Amslie of W ingbam is spending this week with h i* fm ud Mr. Los. Huuthor.

Mr*.Hall ami two daughters ot Tee water spent Sunday nt tho home of Mr. Harry Alien.

Miss Elizabeth Holmes o f Owen Sound is visiting ut the homo of Mr.S . Bllingbausen.

We sell Ladies’ cloths by the yard from our large rango of samples— U,T . Kourke Tailor.

Mr*, tieddesof Now York and her daughter Mis. Abell visited Mrs. Je n ­kins for a low day*.

Mis* G. M Dillon of Toronto. Out. has accepted a position a * assistant principal in tho Walkortou Biui.ua** College, Mis* Dillon is u grudunt one' of Canada'* largest trainingsehool where she has taught for some lime and also bus hud good experience in office work which will be a great bene lit to her iu h er present position,

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McGill of Niag­ara Falfa N. Y . visited r t ta tm s in W alkerton last week.

Tho local bowling club will have ten rinks iu tho competition at the tourn-

mint on Monday next.

The W alkortou Baseball loam was defeated in Formosa on Wednesday Last by a score of 6-5.

See the balloou ascension and para­chute drop a t the W alkerton F ail F a ir on September 10th.

f Mis* Aonfa Rennie left on Friday laat to spend a two weeks vacation at Woodstock and London.

T il* Misses Irene and Theresa Kuril/ eft on Thursday fast to *|*end two reck* in Berlin Hud Waterloo.

MUs Teresa Loren/ who has been re­newing acquaintances iu this locality returned to D etroit on Tuesday.

Mr*. Longford and chiheu who have spout the summer lion? ruturned to their home in Toronto on Monday.

Mi»s Daisy W ettlaufer who has la-eu visit iug her oiotlur M is.II. Wultlaufaf returned to Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Mr. Hero Henderson has accepted a position as assistant at the local office ot the Canadian Express Com­pany.

Two hands, the Lucknow Pipe hand and the celebrated Hanover bras# baud will be at tlio W alkerton Fair, fiepl. iUtll.

Miss K it Price left for Oakville on Monday to reauinu her duliea as prim­ary teacher in the Oakville public school.

Mr, Ivan Weiiietl. formerly of llit Bank uf Commerce *ulT, now «»! Co­balt renewed acquaintance* hero th is week.

Dr. Reeve* of Philadelphia who has spent the past week a t Mrs. il. W . \V«Ulttufi*c‘!> returned to hi* home on Tuesday.

Mis* Edith Uibbottuud W in. Weller are among the graduate* of I he Walk-

ton High School who awnutendiug Slm ltorri Normal.

Mr. J . II . Campbell who has been a rcsldcutof Pinkerton for many years has moved with bis family, from that

1 Huge to Chesley

Mr. and Mrs. Jas . Whitehead and Mi»* Holme and Armoud returned on Monday from Southampton where they have Spent the summer.

Mr. \Vu>. W esley wlm falt here some weeks ago for London has joined the heavy artillery corp o f th at c ity and left on Thursday fa*t for V alcartfar.

Misses Donalda McKochnie and race Chalmers left on Monday to immcnce their duties as teacher* the

form er a t Hheibrirhe mid tho la tter at, Dundalk.

arm or* Club.A meeting of the Brunt Fanner'*

Club will be held' In Todd's School house on Tuesday evening Fk*pt. s.

C hoir Pracrlce.All went bora of Knox church chow

me requested to be present a t practice tonight {Thursday September 3rd) nt right o'clock.

C oncert ComingTho Harry Domicil Scottish Conceit

Co. have been secured by the director* of the Walkerton Fair Board to give

•oncert on Fairn ight. Harry Hen- nett needs no Inttoducllon to a W alkerton audience and the remain­der o f tho company nro all elan* in their line.

Howling Tournam ent.Tlio second annual tournament of

tho W alkerton Bowling Club will be held on Monday next, Labor Day. The officers of tho club extend a cord­ial invitation to all citizen* to come to the greens and watch the progress of the games- A large number of outride rinks front all parts of Ontario have already entered in the competition*.

Mr. Freeborn Leaving.Mr. H. <». Freeborn of the local office

f the Departm ent of Agriculture has resigned Ids posit ion as utsibtunl to Mr. McKay the representative aud

ill leave in September t« continue his college course a t tho O. A. C. iiiolph. W hile Mr. Freeborn lias been itnuoned «t W alkerton be ha* made

many friends who will regret to learn of his intended departure.

School- Reopened..Schools reopened on Tuesday much

to the delight o f the youngsters of course, in thcpublle school, Mr, W il. lough by again has charge as principal alter his bmg Illness. This is the only change In the *la lf. The only new tr a ­

iler on t he stuff of the high School is Miss Martin Of London who has taken the position of teacher o f m athematic* in place of Mr. II. Case who resigned a t tho end o f last term

Notice To L ad le-.unbers of the Bed Cross com­

m ittee of the D aughters o f the Empire have been calling upon the iadi< ot the town this week soliciting con tr i but ions of urticlr* to be sent to the soldier* for their use and comfort white a t the front, Any ladies who

called upon and who uro wit­ting to contribute, kindly send their names and tho articles which they wish to contribute to tlio undersigned, A list of articles most rrquired by th e

•Idler* will to found on page 8 o f fast w eek* Telescope — Mrs. G. II . D. Martyn.

D on't fad to sec the balloou ascen­sion and parachute drop by Miss Dorothy Ue the world’* great­est balloonist a t the W alker Ion Fair, Sept. lOtli.

On a semi final O. A . L. A. lacrosse played iu Hunoveroii Wednesday Inst tlio team of thattowndufaMteriOraUge- ville. 0-2. Th e return game will he played In Orangeville this week

The Walkeiton Business College under the management » f Mr. 1*. J , Moloney rtt-opcntd on Tuesday, Kept- amber fat with a strong attendance. Mr. Moloney expects a larger «U«s than ever thfa year.

The official* ol the Walkerton Fair intend to take drastic measures this year to prevent people voiwing tho at tractions a t the Fair from theroadway and surrounding Id (bides. Among other things, they Ibroaten to pudlish the names of all those who insist on seeing tho halicon ascension etc . in this manner.

W anted.A good houtu maid > t the hospital.

Apply to Bup-riutendciit

W anted to Item .A house, oontral location preferred,

Apply to J . II Koyneltfa, merchant.

Onions F o r Sale.Let me supply your winter onions.

Drop a card or phone — A. E. Wubn,

Knox Church.Bov. Thus, and Mrs. W ilm a are ex?

peeled bon;-* from If utdlt >n Beach this week and Mr, Wilson will resume hi* duties a* p.falor of Knox churejF on Sunday.T aken Fusltlons As Tencbere Two student* o f tho WsIkorUm High

School, Ml*- Eva M cNa'Iry and Mr. W ilfred Ym k have accepted positions an teachers in rural schools, tho latter having charge o f a school near Mibb may am i the former at Hop* B ay , On tnrio

18 M onth*in K ingston Donald McLaughlin of Chepstow

who was charged with stealing a horse and breaking in to Mr. Mann’s Store In Tee*w ater, w as fonmd nuilty by Judge A. h Klein and sentenced to serve eighteen month* in Kingston Penitentiary.

im fiV* 1 ;

Charged with Forgery .George Huthcrford, a niun from Tor­

onto appeared befote Judge Klein o» Wednesday morning on a charge «»t forgery. U-ftherford who had been ioChevley forged the name ltoht Fer­guson of th at town to n ehffpic for ten dollars and succeeded in having it cached at th e Elmwood btanch of the Royal Bank, T h e forgery, however

discovered and he soon found himself in the arm * o f the law* Judge Klein allowed him hi* freedom, hut

rdered him,to appear in May of next year for (Sentence, when the court will no doubt take in to Consideration the young fellow’* conduct in the in ter­

ning tim e, when passing sentence

S iea lijig ftom Garden.Some 'tim e during Monday night

ome m iscreants entered tlie grrden if Mr, N. (’rawford and removed

thorolrom a considerably quantRy of •lory and carrot** As Mr. Crawford

ba* an excellent garden he U highly im ligim idat (hi* unexpected nocturnal visit Suspicion* pointto certain parties and if suffidentevidencecan lie secured a police court case will doubtlewe re"

ult. However, Mr. Crawford’* gar­den is not th e only one that has eutfer- ed recently and all gardeners would do well to sleep with one eye on their celery trench until such tim e «* the theirys arc appieheuded and dealt w ith according to their transgress­ions.

Wiu;«»x—• IriOwen Sound on Saturday ..August 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of W alkerton, a daughter.

Hi;NnBltso.V~-ln W alkerton on Thurs­day, Aug. 20th to Mr. and Mrs T . Hemk-raon, a ton.

K no kilku — In W alkerton on W ed­nesday, August I2 th to Mr. and Mr*. J . Knocller, a daughter.


Se»ut,M—On Tuesday, Aug. 25 lu ll. W estern ilo>pit«l. Toionto. i*oorg« IL helovcdsou of M argaivt and the fa to Joh n Schalut of Militimty, O ut in Ida fist. year. The funeral tcok

place to the Lutheran cemetery.Mild- may on Satarday ufternouii last. a

CRVJ*KH«AX — Iu Bowmauvilhj on Wednesday. August 20lh, Annie Crydernutn, eldest daughter o f the fate William Grydctuiau. The fi oral took place to the Oowtnanville cemetery on Friday afternoon. Do- ceased was a sister of Mr. C- W. Cry- dcruiBU of Walkvrtou,

tV on .Medal.The gold limb.) donuted by M r, M.

A. Ifalliday olCbesICy to the pupil taking highest standing atVotram e ex­amination in th« county of Bruce sva* w.-n by Bryan McOmd, of the Walker- ton school, son o f inspector McCool.

friends will congratolnle him on bis tjuece**.

Died in llnlniiin,The many friend.- of Malcolm Mc­

Neil will he sorry to learn of h is l>e~ ement in the loss of hie w ife. De­

ceased, whose maiden name was Re­becca Denison, was horn some 78 years

in Noilh tiore near Hie city of Ottawa. Mr. ami Mrs. McNeil left here about ten years for the west be­ing residents of W alkerton many years prior to their leaving. Beside* her aged pnrtnerishe leaven two som* Fred and Jam es McNeil, to m ount herlos*.

$.*)(> and t'osta.On an information laid hyMnsprclor

W hite, Mr. Bell who i* conducting the hu»tno*«of the Pow n House, Cargill* appeared before Magistrate Richard* ououWediu-sday morning on a charge if selling lh|Oi>r to Mr. Al Hampeou of

W alkerton, whose name fa on the pre- Idbitory’litlv Mr. Bell p leads! ignor- ao ceof th e fact that Mr. Hampvon

lister, hut the court found him guilty and imposed a fine ot $50 and


Collection P a tr io tic Fund.A subscription list to a patriotic fund

ha* been opened and circulated iu Walkerton. Themouoy time collected Will h i used in supplying the needy families of those soldiers who have gono to tho front, with the nccciumric* uf life. There arc two or three cases' where assistance ha* already been given and when Ibecomm g long hard winter fa considered it will fa* seen that i t will require no small sum to ra ic for the needy one*. This in a Worthy command contribution* given t > any of the following tru 'tae*. Messrs. A. M. L»y, Norman Robert- son and Judge A. B . Klein will ha g tJte fu lly received. A list of the dona­tions already received will las found

p tgc 1 o f this issue.

D aughters o fT f ic Em p ire The Walkerton Chapter of the Im ­

perial Daughters <>f the Empiru was organm sl a t the Armory <m Monday afternoon last, the following otlieets lutingcliOMCii: • ;R egent MfasSluvw*1 »t %'rce Regent Mis* Stead2n d " " Mrs. Benton.8e>;rotary ■ .Miss McGregor.Tressurer M r*. Skelton.Standard liearcr Mr*. Kriteger.'̂ ’he m otto selected was "Far the tilory <*f rind and the Good of the Em pire." Two com m ittees, the Red CrnS# and the Relief, were selected, Mrs. *i. H, I>. Martyn l>eing chosen convenor of the forumr and Mr*. D. UolertMlr con*

cn ero f the latter. The Walkerton Chapter will meet on the 3rd Sat utday of each month a t three o'clock in the armory.

F a rm er* Chance.Mr, Frank Rennie ha* donated a

horse suitable for useiu an artillery regiment to tho Government for use in the oversea* contingent which will leave shortly for Europe. Many farm er* and other* in Eastern Ontario have contributed horse* for use in the m ilitia ami no doubt there will be sev era! in th i- section win* w ill follow councillor Rennie'* exauipli!. A large number of lariuer* have also expressed tlu-ir w illingne** to contribute one, two, three and in some ease* six bags o f oat* fur the uhu of the Canadian Contingent and the««< olTers will prob­ably bo accepted by the uiilitin. An endeavor fa being tuudV h ereto form a eonntv-wide association to overact- the collecting of the*'* contribution* with every railway depot a receiving station This ts a worthy movement and should receive tb« co-operation and support of alb who have the welfare of the Can­adian contingent at heart, hurdler particular* will l>egiven next week-

Up on Two Charge*.Mr. H erb Sm ith , formerly Walker-

tonfaafelo Uvu-ymanfa once more in trouble, a w arrant having been sworn out for his arrest ou the charge ou which he appeare l on Linnet occasion that of driving an auto while under the intluence of liquor and he wilt rtteo have to answer tolheebargoof exceed­ing the speed lim it on*the stree '* of W alkerton, Sm ith had been in Zoriek during the past few weeks, hut 1 etui tied to Wftlket lon on Monday and proceeded to cei**hra(e his home-com- mg by securing a glorious jag. Al! went well until Smith, on account of hi* condition, being refused a drink at the H artley House, hurled a bolt fa at the bartender luisttnghitu by a hairs*" breadth. Had the missib- hit its maik, that iiidividmtl would undoubtedly now bv» puient in the Bruce County Hospital. Sm ith then made hi* way to bfa car and drove along Dot bam s ttec t a l a forty-utile clip. Nigbl- whtollman Swanson happened to wit- lies* hi* furious driving and on leant, rug that he was under the iotlui-nce o* liquor, swore out uu iiifuriiiatinn for hi* arrest on two charges., W Sm ith bevatue aw are that the ollicer* of the law were after him he ilecamji *.*d und has not yet hrt n located. Ai hi* auto is hare, however, he will ut doubt returnsoon,

War Notes.

There arc now 35,000 troops at Val* ear lier cauip.

Mr. FindUy Russet, *onof M r.ltobt. Uusmri ia at V alcartier with a western regiment.

Togoland.a German po**e«.5on In Af­rica, suntnded to the Allies on ihur*- (lay loat.

Help aloog a goml cause. Send along your contribution to the IocbI patriotic fund.

M ilitary c ritic* view tho threatenod investment of Paris by the ticrurausa* an immense bluff.

According to German prisoners the orders issued by tho Kaiser to hi* troop* are: "You will U ke Pari* or all Gormany will die in tho attem pt."

In a naval battle off Heligoland on Friday la -t tin* British fleet tutnk el-

1 Gorruun ships including four cruls while their toss wavlfaiitetl to twen

ty-nioe men killed and thirty six wounded. The Gorman* lost 900

Mr. William Fergmoton, son of Mr. and Mr*. It. B. Fergussou is with the volunteers at V alcartier, having jo in ­ed tho H lh Regiment of Welland which left for t he train ing camp last week.

An elfort is now being made to fa»y* c o ll German-made goods in Canada. Ifaosdian* refusing to purchase every­thing of German manufacture would greatly increase the demand for Can- adfan manufacture and help rrriiev® to a curtain degree the prevalent de­pression in the manufacturing life of th is country.

From letters received from the local hoys a t Valeartlt r 'it appear* that they are enjoying life »n the great Do min- ion m ilitary training carnp. Tho sold­iers arc uot aware os to when thoy will be. called upon to leave Canada, but do not expert to take ship utHil,Octob­er. The latest report fa th at the train­ing camp will be tran*fsvrcd to Ber­muda am i if a second contingent is called out Ut$y will bo transferred to that southern Island.

The tfituatlou of tho armies engaged In the great European struggle re­main* alm ost unchanged. The Ger­man army fa slowly making Us way south toward* Pari* and th at city is m aking preparation* for a powibla siege. Before reaching the fort* of Paris, however, tho K aiter's men have still to travel sixty m ile* aud In every foot of this distance they will moot with strenuous opposition from the English and Freach armies. The pos­sibility of a slegw of Puri* ia diacrcdit- by military uicn a* the German* have already been con polled to withdraw a large number of men from tho French frontier to defend the northern part of th eir own country which ha* been in ­vaded by the Russians aud although the latter haraboen opposed by strong forces, they have been victorious all nloog the line und have advanced many miles into German territory, capturing several very im portant town* ami strategelic points, nndBer* lin.tho capital fa now alruost.In a panic The continued advance of the vast Russian force* will coinpell the Ger­man* to withdraw still more men from French soil and with the army thus weakened the Allies should be able to ch?ck their advance.

As the war progresses the feeling between Canadians aud German sym ­pathizer* in Cnuuda Im coacs more tense and should the conflict continue any length of tune it would uot seem preposterous for any one to assume that trouble wHI develop in some of the localities where the German pre­dominate. We do not have to go to Berlin er W ater loo 10 lind men who have been livingin Canada ail their lives aud yet glory in thodefeat of the Kngiish and in the advance of the Kafaci * army and openly uphold him in all th at he doe* W o huvo thorn right herein W alkerton, aud although except when among their own kind Hf«- is made unpleasant fot them, they have yet to be taught that this conn- try is a British postt-NMOo, and Can­adians m e loyal to the British cause and will notperm it insult* to be hurled at the Union Ja ck . The Government ha* become aware ol the Gertuantnen- ucu In Canada and will lake stops at once to prevent trouble. The follow­ing despatch w«* »«ot out from O tta­wa mi September fat; I t is ex|x<ctod that prompt steps will be taken by the authorities throughout Canada to dis­courage a certain arrogant attitude living assumed by German paper* and by German couimriuilie# throughout llu- Dominion. Complaiuts have reached the Governm ent to the criftct that so certain dfatriefa where German resident* predominate, report* of German sucesse* arc openly boasted **f in the street*, much to the annoy­ance of resident of British origin. Tho Civil authpritle* will b« advised to dis­courage this attitude to the full extent of their power,

o o

The Generalo = = 0

i)i*h impertinence, !»«* of tho cart’ *0 of that la«lyV

Mr. Dockett tteely to the cof>W*<io by tlii>

Yet taking note of every movement made hv the other. «

Then he Mill, when Mr, Tluixfim had finisdwd:

“Awl I *uppc*e »!1 thi* little *t«ry about the robbery war a cover, You meant t*> l*k” .fob here on to Tenby?“

“To make hi* statement amt obtain a warrant for thy real rrimtna!.'’ *ai<l Mr. Thaxton.

"Ttiat'a good/’ he sold. ' Why, you would have played into Captain M hihd*. Nothing would Hare been niter for him,"

“Hon asked Mr, Thatton.“Why. thin.” raht Mr. lhvkctt. "You

g(>. well » y , to Tenby ; you take, tot* preeiou* old rascal -below a magistrate. Wb«t he does w to inane warrant for the a treat of Ml. Leicester. ami one f«r the captain. The captain wirmider*. of eotiwe, and cornea wj» for examination. He brave* it nut. d(Sf)ar*-« thi* whole thing " a plant to gel Mr. Leicester out of the scrape. *ay* Job b*r been bribed, anil defie* yon to produce n tittle of evidence agairDt him. You can’t you know, not at present: the magistrate mv« He tnwat discharge the captain, who leaven .the court without a atain upon hie honor Meanwhile .Mr t,cke«trr eottie* -up, all the evidence al ready aga.im*t him at produced, the nasty imprewajon of the attempt In incrimiri- ate the captain i* brought, to tienr, ami Mr. la-iceVler i* committed for trial. Ail the while between the examination and the trial we rnke up more evidence. ami the whole thing.!* brought to a conelu*- too.”

“A* how’’’ Mill Mr. Thaxton, whowa* deeply impresucd by the* detective's ar­gument.

“Mr. fwiceater 5# hting for the mur­der of Jame* Starling, and Captain Mur point~or rather .Sir Howard Murpoint,

marrie» the wealthy Mia* Mild- mar. arvt live* Happy ever afterward,

lorieeiter rose to bin full height, and threatening

“Oar word more of air. and I fling you How date you make name. sir?"

“Whew 1 ** exrlaime.1 Mr. Docket b “You haven't heard the new#.“

“Newa, wlmtynew* ’’ naked Leicester, sternly. /

"That thy Jpa plain ;« to he »«ade a baronet .'Hm that /he i* to marry h» ward. Mint Mildmty:”

"ft ie fah*e!" said ladorstcr, gmaping Mr. ThaxtonV arm. madly

“Very likely." wu.i Mr. IVwkett.'They *ay nothing's true a* is in the paper*. Thi* wa» in ail of Vm yesterday morn­ing. and. with no often?.-, 1"! bet there'* eometliing in it. gentlemen"'

"ft must not lie." said I,eiemter. groaning, "I wotind rather *ce her in - her grave. She may marry frit*, or any honest man. v» that Vhe4i* happy, hot not that scoundrel. not that villain: l.ook you. *ir.“ he said. hirning sudden­ly'* t» Mr. Dockett and laying ,v hxigS upon hi» arm to emphashe hi* word*, “you will gain a hundred pound* by my arrest. Sow. f nothing about, my own innocence, or my guilt. I *ay no more on that score; but 1 nay this, and thia gentleman run hear mo out, I will giro you one thousand pound* if you will take the trouble to in'ce-ligate the statement you heard from this man. One thousand pound*! It i* a fair sum! You are not to prove let that go, but to prot part will do, *o that marriage.’*

“Agreed o n s a id Mr. Dockett, “11! take tho contract. *<■, condition that everything ia left in my bands."

Mr. Thaxl«n conferred with lyoieealer for a few minute*, and then Leicester

"We agree to trust you: and if the reflection wifi have any weight in keep­ing you faithful and honest, unswerving in your taak./l would have you rcrr.eo: her that in trusting you I do »o wholly, being tied htind and foot in jail."

“Exactly!’’ said Mr, Dockett. with a queer twinkle of the eye. "Then ay we arc agreed. 1*1! get you to allow roe to drive.’*

And he took the rein* from Mr, Thax- ton’* hand*, calling to Stumpy:

"Young man. ju&t get into my gig, will you, and follow on after."

When they got near the village lie Mopped the horse and unfastened Job *

“Now. you get home, Mr. Jo b " he said quietly, and fixing a significant glance upon Joh’s face, "Yoti go on a* usual, ami keen.yonr eye* open and your mouth shut. See, I trust von. because I know you know me. I'm DetnetiMc Dockett, of her majeaty’* police, Scotland Yard, and when 1 trn*t a man and find him false 1 go for him. and put my hand on him if hf> at the other cod of the World I’ve *ueh a long arm and when I've got him T don't let him go until he’* had :i taste of her majesty’s jail and Skilly, Dot there, ! needn't t**ll you what i e*n do. for you know m*1."

Job nodded sullenly, and looked up at Leicester.

“I don't want ft# theatre*.’* be said. "I'll do my duty by MaeMer Leicester there if I owing for it " «•

And: witit an affectionate g'aSev, be hurried off,

"Now; gentlemen,*' said Mr. Dockett.; pleasantly, “we must break up tho parly. I think you had better get ha-k to town, »ir; weohaU want a ia-a y*r di- rectly.*'

"Very well,’’ *aid Mr. Thaxton,“As for you. *rr, of course, you're no-

der afte*t; I've'got word for that." I.iecrwler no<M«-d.‘ Tlirn I think, sir. you and your

will go to Sanderson'*—where you lieforc. you know and vait til evening- l ‘H wtiw to vott, Hy the I haven't had tlo- pleasure of your f acquaintance."

Mr. l»-*ckett looked Hard at him turard a ride,

"Ah!" hr- said, “I don’t know' hi think, hut 1 may day, andgood friends »c shall h* '

Nfunipv .*upnr*>*eil a groan, then , d*nly tote off hi* wig and with a \perate r»-ckle‘e«c*.s eaclaiotcd:

- "Tain’t no use, f know it a -find it out some dav, eiKine

Here 1 am. «irt““Eh?" s*i,f Mr. Dockett. .v

*«iomi,hm< rif. ' Why. .hung j»n*t a regidar pantomime!..........“ s *pUt upon by

-r life '”#

Mr. Duck the p-ko si doing hi* i

with that

lu l*c tncapablv i>f

i pantomime,” he I don’t want von ■out'ennui, if So-’ll

■'lliat f will!” said l.eieeater, laying hamt up*>« StumpyV hand; 'll'* ha* ii tnithful and lione*t to me-, let the t of--the: world sav wtiat it w ill." tin there With them, vir.V said Mr.

Dockett, and be turre>l. with a cheerful

wrong idea of ibily; and there',, doubt D»4< Mr. H. i(, is .« wonderful,

limn he'd leave the l!«W and return In tin iialclt on the Murpoint mauauui

be • fr»»tn the servants and- trades’ ■ ... *


Howard Murp

Ail he did w.ie ilotte with I'iri-nmspc. (ton and -are. and he h.ffl d Mr. H- ik

tier,a I »uddenne*« to iVnruddie,

found Jamie, the fume l><>y. seated at the door with a hook in bi* hapd, w>tO hi* large, tiiehtncholy fiv.sj uponthe se,».

Mi'̂ lfockett,

. the vStufopy, lem.-vcr, rah after him. and.

tying one hand upon the side o art. whispered a fe» word* i» tho de*

*̂ ’l J i s a i d Mr. Duckett. 'The p er*!\ not dead! U .1 true? torn. ar-1 Ins eye* sparkled. “Where i» hep

Hut Stumpy, having suiyeeded in < eiting the hitherto ealm officer it eomvthing like eagerties*. ran Imek and josned la-iei-sfcr. Sraviog M*. Docket} dming-doward Hie village an*t mutterIng:

deadly |ehave the eollarir

general** not tlenil!

1 ’ Oder*.how 1 should like of him. , So

too good i

uekett. theCHAI’TKII XXX

h*rom Hie moment Mr, I detective, discovered uur i took a clearer and n!«>r»- promising pert.

While l.ck‘extrr and Htiimpy were ! IVnruddie Mr. Doskctt repaired

London a»>1 K -t al<out bis task with real and cunning tugldv yotnr

tilde.In the first, {dice !*e appeared

orning in the city, •ifi'esed alter fashion of a simple and wealthy, try Minin’.

He made hw way to the offtcrw <I the companies m»r which Howard

Murpoint wae direetbr, and tm|uir<vl for “ ' renUeman.

rierk t»id Mm that Mr, Murp ... <it in the city at tbaf^rhuty hour,

and would pndiabh not arrive until " ie o‘clock.

Mr. Dw'kclf waited patiently, and at !>*» the great nun ar.m*!.

Mr. Dockett. vc.ie ehotm into thegn parior and announced bis lent.

f don’t quite know wit4 , My lav*yere ted me I in the thri'c'per-cents; hut that you, being a great v;tj hi' abie to mki* me ;

that. So I made lud,rf«

The cap!in had often been to for adyice 't-> invcwtnti tit: after the fsrst alight •urpfio-.

ig auapieiou, in thn cm%i

1 ciivlr*! by sr.eri j r< be mo- in iv 1*; Mr. Do-kettj jotted down the namoi o! tbe ctitnp*nics i in Which the captain was c>mc-rnt>l. and

then, thanking hint grtviefulh, took his leave.

Jamie *titftisl. (iti*hed nnd onawcteii, in bin nervous way;

T m serv welt, sir. Do v.o» want Wtflief*

"S o : I want -flat S|s»nifl» gentleman who Ii.lgi-* here!"

"U.-‘» on the cliff*.” -sai l Jamie.Mr, DtH-kelt staved a few minutes,

then repaireil In the’ elitf*.lie found laheester walking up and

divan mosrdily with So. band* tixissi behind him tmd his head t*ent u|n>n his hreast.

“Ab! * said Icicftitcr. with > sullen and fevert*!* cage mew*. *'Vou 1,: * e jli«t rti|#i> in time. I was aletut t'> lake the train fur l.nmh>n. I am tin--! out beyond emitiranec of stopping here in.tctrve and: i<i!v‘. I ca«ti'*t endure the utijcii.c ;«s»d I mu sh-termtoed to push every thing to

'"• ll.m"’" *ai.I Mr. Dockett. ’-|« * hurry

“? cate mu." jtiiii (,••!.-esii'c '! have, eotwidere I the pain of s’l-'b a position, and t do riot think <t Ooult (at-more terrible tban that ..which sttspensc am t: nr.serlufnty now produce. \cv.'g«t<\ if

I cannot >.i.iy here

Docket} noilded,then?”

’■( Jo. Hut I oimuilimpossible, I vhait m.>d* Wb

have yon l>ecn doing? kVh.it have y

,« 4 r

tjEitherforl Tweserv-I m<j or for r fable use

St. Lawrence Sugar | is the most satisfac-1 lory and economical. [

St. l^iwrcnte lix tra (irunul*tcd S.ugar is n hljjh class product dvcra îri)} W.W'e pure.

Manufactured under the most clronly and sanitarv condltinns it i* delivered to you in scaled cartonsor baits,

St. I.awrcnee Ivvlra (•rouiilated Sujfar is made from a e le c t e d , fully matured cais«- •

Voa can t>r ■ c Si. larnfeacc Ptira tirioufci.............. *

SAMPLING PAYSYour Cows May Vary Widely in

Butter Fat Percentage.

A herd owner may ascertain front Hto r-muuery that bin avpi-ago In w poundu of fat per row for Hto month, and yet have a dim idea that some of hia cow* «r.- better prod if (lent than other#; Imt probably few mmi ar<- pt*<- pared for the veritable surprised »*»- coumcrsal whim tboy conittnov-’ resu-

I lur wt’lRhlnK and wunpling. To take the cast* or l*v<i-yoar-old heifern that frinhcrtetl tills Minin*, last tnonllt one gave 'JO ponds of fat. the other gave ib pound*. One f>-year-tdd Jn the .Name herd of grade Jerseys Rave ft7 IKUinds or fat, and another b-ytar-oM gave only 2ft jumnds. The owner would scarcely; 1 tel toy e that one ma­ture cow Ih tiiuii earning, with fat at

cent# p< r pound, eight dollar* and Hiirty-rc-vcn e n ts more than her nit*hie mart> in jitet one month. What will the inference be for the whole year? That i* the crucial !e:i!.

Hetwe.-n two ;:-y<’ar.otdB in the ram* herd, that Inith* freshened In March, there was a diference hud month of 10 pounds of fat. worth over five dollar;!. NimtHtr dUfi-rencc-.s arc'to t^ found in many herds, ilhiruntllng very clearly that if Is imlpthly unfair to take a gi-neriil average of the herd unless t liev ttfc deeldedly more even fn pro. diieflon than those cited above. He. curds of Individual production alone tan give this valuable information to the owner. Milk and feed records may luj obtain’ d free on application to tho Dairy <'onmtiftSlMer, DUnwa.


Impure Blood Means • Break­down in Your HeailSt.

Impure hltxid ir an Invitation to id"kn<'HH. The hhmd Is at work day and night to maintain the health; and am lark of strength or purity in fin- blood la a weakness III the defer# •' tiKalnst. disease. Anaemia ie the doc­tor'# name for tack of blood'. Thct.- rnay be an actual |or» in the quantity of the blood, or one or more of it# con­stituents nmv he lacking. Itw truest symptom l* pallor.. Anaemia la par­ticularly common Jn young girls. It Is nol, however, confined to them alone', for It Is this same l.t'k of tdood that prevents f«H recovery fr«>m la grippe, fevers, mntarf.j and operatfoti;-. It i also present miotd age, amMtt person: who have been und^r unuxetai thetvfuJ or physical strain. If you arc >offer­ing from thi# lrouble t ike Dr. Wll* llnm#' F’lnk !*»H« for Dale -I'riJpl". Tit" -' make pure, new tdood with every d.w and till* new tdood means ticaHli nud fitrength. Thousand:! have proved I lie tenth of tins*' statements; among them Mrs. Minnie Harteaux, Annamd* . N S„ who says; Dollow ing tii” tntl'i of my third child I was n eomplele wreck, f felt and looked p it 1 did not have a drop of hloed In my body'. My hrart would palpitate ?o violently tiu.l, ! could, not walk upstairs without b»- Ing conudetcl' exhauH|c*|. Night after night I would have to sit up in to-1 t» c* t ruy tircath. | had no aupetlfe nnd suffered from severe hcadarhfnt. 1 «a- inklhg doctor* medicine all the time

I tllillk, |<-tl Ittu-t, «|1N) l Vfi-. rnw blcfelr cured, and l never ?s-- so «■<:;)

ISSUK NO. ‘M\ 19 M


English Writer Pokes Fun at Haiti.

It: there Is a m nuino 'comic < p» ra” fflnto In lh*- world, It must Mir' ly he Haiti, the black ;■ republic »n Di-’ Went Imlt* . s.uy-s a : «rK< r in a loitdon

' than pri'<;HVCwli*.

A t'anitdipo visitor In;; a ilsiitlau jp nerul driliin.; a ; hody **f troop;: ft few ' ; .igo i.-yiuiucnU’duimn the tim::titfir*nt sword »)i« tp'n- <ral «4< A<-.*rihft. JestiPfttr, he nek* <•1. ' What will you take I t *t

The general slopped; Hi* drill at otte*> ajul au;e,ve,*<d, ' Two dollar. > eh-'*

r<a* nue ’■ I 1! Ktv*- <> i - > dot- la r." - *(i*l II*** vi:tt**r, pull 1st2 out the

v.ciklnt; ’ tith. rtUitl.U'sl the d fiJ.Un<;.- an Aiui rie’iit g!(nicr.*( hapfton-

I’rtnce, Haiti ;-, I^plmt. •>?< ’Y.i.-htntJ*

• Ihyit »)!• raH

v.-m, hut he rctorn’-d it. nayfoK »<5 v i.a«rb>*.l-n« v.*iaM nos t*crmit:

to w fir ;*n eye of the color ne«t,c!i ri’Nci.Md-l tn tint she .olor# of

- .’ piiuisi!ad found

nr inneccncc— hi* guilt; *ny prevent* thi*

i got \Dtqtnp.v nodded bit- H*-#«l dc-pe "Hj ĵht you as,’ " be *a>*l. “ 1

o«h" and i*v beij out ios han-!iHa In Iff* Far C ut. fe*s and t



Will ;o a a w f cn!IV I'.n'i 'lit' i- fraught « i i i , i pmudblUtira. and : mom*■»»« tin- Ftnpir*-1* «u the l> lit*.* gttalrat war fn tb o hfstofj

I It in

f the

hi UtK crisis yiH'P iN»n»!r> all her >imnt; oumafrioi «**■»» !•* r»H> nMimt tin' ih t; and *-nt*M in to*- rttiikM of ltd «rmv.

if every lulrintii 'oiinc v «-r.i her fail, Kr gland ami lire will emerge stronger ami uidrc miito.l limn i'V'T.

if. you nrv unmarried ami tn tvveeu i* am! "o v<-jr? «dd will you a»s«cr >«>.!:• i'fmritri t. call',' nnd u<> to t1 iirarr-d recruiter " li<> •*- uiliiroa >« ian*get at; »ny p**rt-«flic.\ ami.

lain lb* Ann* tod;*?! \Sneli i;t l>ir appeal sent broaden

throughout fin a l ItrUnii) anil 'Ireland in th.* name of Kims (Jcorge ami th»- British Uovcrtiment. Ii wm* mi ap* peal that m et'vlth s *»ro««i»t ami c»* thiDdastkr rvsjHWs*- Irwin all classes of tile |H«))•!)•. mid Uu* r< «all U a Britain In a rim* with mi arm?; abroad ami

• onlil have t*"cn t1mtl|?lH jtHimsjrtbl". What bus air* ml* been lion*' w ill l*1 (»>*!'lb J l . il if ltd-1 i" . for Britain Uav in" once i n* its hand In Dp- plow v JH not Him back, IfCiTiiiati* slmnl'l be speycsaftil in the earlier Mage-, of tin* war. Britain. filth Inill-Unc tenacity, will Tight, .••nil, liv pend: dent effort

K a b - T im " n g .-r io a n d «hJ»r:u«n- iitlou *>f flu; IJriUall iM-nph* hi sacrifice *'v«’rytiiin„-. llfn itself— for vletur? in this struggle should lx- a Hroim incen­tive to all Hi" tfomliilmi—heynnil-dln- M'»s. Vniir King nml country need you. Join Urn arm? Boday. Tiwl K in** rail l*> BrlBm,-. all 111*’ • <ir!*| ou r. ami Do- I'.soouw; Is worthy of Uo’lr irartiUoua.

t h e a n E V CONSIST.

» I that Um •.'oni'-ri < f Canada at*’ not rliuttint; n proper patriot U- ; when ! «v object lit their !ci*rts»mls going :ta Uu*-front, IVibapa not. v* <• Imagine Unit lam: of Uu* tvotm'ii <>r t'atuula vouH ratio.- lots*- s* living ihaa is «h ml 5t«: l*»ml. ami it. that a an al .ninny *>


lull* • alii** Hit* -.allotfronts the «Antir ' Y!o> B etu n t'iirls-I San Kerciice. Monitor say s mi tills auji- i< l of »• to!ts.-ni; ■■In lur laUrr- t’a ^V olt nsaluttl ato i. in ira.lli Ions, lin ,t*.:i*<i< rn woman liaa ilnmMo chal- !*>*.■• Uu- a-mimi'in n dial wotnau I*:. .lot <t,u* t*ut t*» a**jn!< hi mitiiar o »a'; ilttiiiimls »v(*n*ov«T Uu1*' itinr

U»- rSfUih i» »U!iht>!*f \oJmuar? s**r- 'iw if icmsfi.-io *' t»r miwm ilioiato ritylt wU’iltoMliiy. Wmu- ii n»-\imOUimtai imiijhafom: i iat in tiinosI I *-ar lilmir ilntioa ar, so iloiiilnaUim

O'lUllt! f«Wi't hoir

i. ijiat «W o f 1

i khm. T h o arc- itioliiu' it |**>st>ii*lt* ’«o l«* imlrlotir mill m do* nuum Umo h<- fr<*. riasonlim imllvWimln, ‘ttu-ir 1’iiiwuo runrositlm; oi S,»*< *1 «>u<> t<*nrv*. as /oWh-r.i l.siiis no mural lijilrminr lo iNituio toluiiiary mol not fotr* <i, ' X*t dstitt! - * oman has abatt to hlny fit mi I -nffi nt iliruunh r ar Kh*’ iihoiiM solfio «lml* •• intin* m alar. t% *u a s io th<- oiaMnB of war. W tr Um Imstn of r.onjiany at out Rail s, |n**v, v* r, « t* liu*< no limit-!

u il* M-ml tlo ir lioshamls'iu ilto from.I ut, i^'iu * -l i»-, u<>; tlimimt'lv «. WV

• i>nun of *:* ruiati. ar-. iUm; tom * Amasnns.

ami UrUain I only t 'noh 1*» aRiiailfiK Uo- .f-.riuailor nut-St a to n ’s. !shoi osUamit linl a r iirrhiR rami>a!yn lo l*ni a Htmimi - arm? in r*;uIim-.->t (or haifto.; !*ht‘ lo»m < to liav<- :sOM»t vvo- 111**3 h; Uo- an a*, lhon.ttslily onwnk- vd and noil drllh’t) hi Him* inoiiths. l.itily I'nofc iKilatiil out liiat tho wtt- t,i* n w.niM ts- U<-ft-nil>Ts of the- toun- tr j wlun flu* niMi aro all ;iwny it* tin-

Tru it. fo r fu-m.'rah she ucimlnat«-s( »*.i« h v yin. n <jutr» Ano-lh- of 1’wr* tuual, tin- l>mht.*ss **l Murlimroiiuh jiul .Mrs, f'aahlitmd. »’*of*|o ina? In- ii.tlinni to sail!* at Usls !*ro!«Jsal • : l.ailj t'ooh, hut she is m ilradi?

t i l l I O K I A L N O I L S


U n til He UsedB U R D O C K BL O O D B IT T E R S

All IUimhI or Shin |>isra>«.-s an* caused by bail Mood,ami t*» yet it i*mc, ami kct-|» it mui* you mii'-i rtinm-o t-vrry Uacc of tin- iin|tiue null nuMliiit niatlcr hum the sy-h-ni by t\ Moml * l* *n*iiiR inccikim? -uch ac lturciock UUmh! llittrt*

Mr. A. 1*. Ib*|>ii. Kiptinih SmA.. utile*' - -"I *v{ftt ai«ra> t iMilhcrni w it It Hoik, ami ooufel not ti t riel «*f litem, an*I ntco hart all hi-ol- *<f I'iittjtlcs **n tny face, from early in llic S ioiiik till Lite iu the Fall. One *rt my friend* lolrt me ttltttut ywir tneillcinv. ami that I had l<» yet some* thine i*» imrify tny IAkkI, i k**i twro ln»ttl*-s **f your Hurdock Hloml Hillrrs, ami in a short time 1 was cured, and 1 hwiM im r Iktd troubled with Hoik or riit*it!e-. since "

Hiirrtork HIihsI Itjifen* in mnuufneUir»-rt ..nly by The T, Millnim Co., l.imitcd, 'I’oronto, Ont.

itriiiiiu ■inns. itr.*v stitrl.Ml inertial war a«ains! (h rtnauy.:

c hundred th ms! Canada

•USalid * f Ull* he; jtvi coluihecdt-d

lliirtnli for t’.ihailsi!

Just as soon as the Im*s alt Ret •away for ih<- Irmit. r*t rtiiiini! for tin di'idtltd hnine'regiment-*, should In-sill, Thi-; war may he only fust U-aiiujiiiB.

■The Haul; of .Munir* ill’s .rtfl m' $ltW.- t*»!t fur war iuiri«isi-,-. hi anotie-i* •>*!♦ di«e<* m lie* netertufuaihm of file

1'1‘iiohlliiR «u<- itminr ui* flu- fhinrtr**.

« ..i.-rniin-.it ■ilnu.iinu for lin- juir* iiaa*- of ;« Vitheiv. ntUh-ilritiK h.*!»'-r'y his I 11*.;*!*- * Ul-llt nnrt wfrebv : »j'h*!l. I ‘**r ; K.-h nil eNlilltblmi «f iie-V ’ndt:- ttnrt l*at riot Ism. Mr. l.ulno will r - .-»*<* tin- ihanh-i t*f tin* whdkntJrMSn'i Knt.ur

• »Tile iHiinhiiwn Mu ;u<!e t iri r A e o-

c*atk*n lim-r ;* •* lijmo tt. iH*.-itils r * Ihe msIntbUlty -ii l)C'e|i|HK as tn.m* <» ilu ir Hu-11 hi »-m|>h>yiill'lil a - '.'t-siltl Tin-re n* «| ?«* n> fmnle, and all < <*-.thl

imbistry r. *olv|»«. ”

I'.mn.sHat* l> the order '*.* * iToJiml- ynti-d for Uu? imibltirftibm **f On lirh ■ |xh Naval lies*r*e. Kir K. Sharhiel.i’t, <« rm.ijiub r of «h< ftnm-rial Tram-An* larelie I ■Xltedltlon, efn red hi *d>n> i11*;r*-- nlut nr*** kfon-. (*» the .\*!tt*lr..l!v.

**. h*i ar • .neiiilM-r■■-«.! hh* er*-w Th* A*1 iiitiaH; .*,iiow* *• I. »*ltln*l 'h i' l - • v

icj.,.|ei| ;■-* a Him- hunk 1-’ru aj*ma.*> that <• intaf mi fw-rswns In receipt oi r« h

< iiipared 1«Iv*

i fh*< llrlUsh imv

t is *i diKsrrn *• i

■ .Mmifoe Ihtctrine

i,ria l ffriliihi 'hah uiiiil** a $i«l,l)0t).«ttw 1** IP ftjihia. 1 i‘ • ha

e Jjr.IMl l‘t!a> V-'UA’ei.* |mui*‘Ts were l/jinltiH, Throughout i.n: w!t *le of

■ ! j.-.ir j>:ti;>e'>'ni K-snaiind al a v er level Mian nt carresjetiullns i.-, . ; t.*.- pres* ni *.,.(• Thin u ih-

d other s c h e m e ^


Som bre Rcgionu o;' S k y Illum in ­ated by Own P lanet

has .he* n retnarkcil that Uu* kIoI*u- Held from flu* whole sky is mi*

jnrinr fo lhe>*iu* of all the *juantbi*s of llRld Kent to it* i s uaruH-ly by she* Mins. Kveu the Most sombre ie*tl:*n::

a lit fry a ditlnsed HrIiI •- lib-h fruly iist uilctu in tin- i.-rr«-*<! i j l -..utios-

h is the lisld **f lin- *arili fhfferi nt |tei*|ile lliiv* < ndcavored lo

volitate liu* lltU-nxlty of this rarih ijlit and hat.- found that ii is <<f tin-

order of oiir iemh part of fhe fniensiiy filar of liu* fir*: order «*h inusui-

tilde.If Is attributed, at !* «* ! Imrlwll.v, lo

it j**-ri«t»n'iii aurora itonatis which is revealed bv Uu* «'hiir.*i-H-riHih- i;r*en

nishl in ihe wh«t<- lu-ac* o*. Th* fe m probably ntmethln?; «•!*<; the eotitin- la* whleli i* observed on ohmtre

Riven hy n d»rt?rl i ahuhttiiiu **f llm tftiiitffJly of eosinii- iupfHT which strfUen th*- earth

i both points »<* h>*-.* it uhtfht

, whet bet *•H i-*..! p»tifeHi-« <• 1 ini-1.- i*t!erati**n

i*e. il» cere . ** llt*- de !» .K-inrj i.(< | ioij nt th.- fittiilir. *»f |«*<>f*».*( luell and (he lialf.lorru !*aiikm>*,* -fill iioiilii. "U-i wenllhy hi<•**.. l e pi-o'en-J HI-di-Ml I town; while

|» <!*< irjih’-iiu-ii win*.** florid man

sft.nk •lilmrian latte. *** < in-erfu!. eie n.-ie <*-.*H* on *>ld iJltlilio* !■»- |

-.■' li.-lv. and file h ie lc«r*‘n*'t lw»l f

| -?•«»< opt jo*.* bead | .j

fd-ituni irtit ivli.it >*.*. I" !"■ CN}n*ct*-*l! ii

• *elld fe1.! I il.tl he nU i.nlii'* Jlld **H |

hill il w *. nhl.peic.l tin*« lie, hull ̂ ">•! j |j

>*Jtiled llie dllift hfe.nl !■* i.lkil, tiiellRil ) t, iii wlnt iiiittiiiei ".i* imi eluted.

pr*».(,v|. *l iIIV «lld. h.llf |*>IROtteM Iefni-UV* ul'i'llt the Jitl** h-ISOln-t were le I phi; m in* ,|in**;r -.-.-iinluk about Lilly

•ImIIiI to Ih, >•( >|e (•Iiiti llut -' ’ t'i,* Ij-ly Hii-f, I'Piilentpt and "i-alh in her t.a**-. her h«nk freni tdiny,

■'fknii '•*. nu indy," |Ur luuyi-r uu cwei.-d hri.-fl*.

"If K|r lf«-h.«td 1m*I mud- .» ju-t will I fie e«t*|e would h«te s**:ie |o Stephen I’tini, mil nil this hntjt uaitiiiR, nil Idle fiuniilialieii, would have Ihu'II aroid*-d. tt i« * in u d iil'" l-udy iK.u*- *u»>|, |u- * i**ti,tf> f\.

• V»u'fo|«et. *»* I,,dv. thill Mr. I’, hit !h nidy n lit-phew hy iiitttuuae. Kir llit-h-

In nt bet ••>«. Hi- * .*nhl n**t ha*e j»,,t the title I'veu il tin* islttle hud •km'I lo him. sii sdephen i« teallv fin- rijfht hrir. s jr i ;i ,:, jn !s <>hn eep'iew,'’Hid*ltd *»l t. with dtvi-inn,

• |hit **<• Mr. IVlitf i.mld have h tl*-is JUlrlit to a-sMUin i»*H'i flu- tilt* end ihe name.' lauly tk * e - a il I*jRtil*. and *!***»» »t*»p('-e*l iilntipily. Iter lIlNllinU sejllet, h‘ » leeth hitiliyflilii lip-, lin* Gayer -unfed primly

• blind hint t** jn**- emarked. coldly.

**>I*U »«*t **ei. out Id* l«»- lil.dime, *t *!id n**f »ntpii«r

' N«, *ir; Mi** Hiihlel is pl"ne,’ she

ll*-r n*j«("r te«ld*--l «i, t - endel the IMfl»o|lie vtaiKWH*,. tthi.li «.*■> liylil*-*!

R .* door ini the tight, l*„ enlned ,

tie r end. It wa* (be soft **f *> out i m art mail *»nld bMiiiue, wluie

busy ohbl|-e-*. e, I.it il -eenie-t |*< sjvak clt* fUetltly 1 hollar silrUfly.’ *<f the ev«;< nr*-.< iii cure mill fliouplilfnlius*-* nl a .lui-rful and I’.-ipjty minfudj.

there w,*» * sparkling litlfe tile on the tiled health, a "tunll table wan drawn elmr n* it. » Ir.iV km ly laid bo tea upon if. white »ej|e | in *w

iitlinx lijfht.



jtiwiped up ami lut»**l a **ry blight fa..- of ueU-oiile towards the infttider in-on tier solitude.

she was a »w ret looking girl, about Iwentc or fwrntyonr. with «lee! «i»y *y*a ami fight-blown hair Ihnt biul a soil uaviiii**i iu if ; ifly. *

'* ktu-w

i la.

i to jilMcr line**, S'„e wore a pair bio*- I* a I*, gii-leiting material **iHl;

and blue rild**»n*.

let ii pef -oiiill' lice. Ill> lady.


I that :|s||U.?l

•I Mi|>|io*e m i. eoliinmit man f\i***b* t** fake him hv fin* ban I and i

add see that the i• I wilt.


n ! litMiii * !'.-n tin* inaitoir iji’Uljai .iff*-* dinin-t Hut *’> '( tU'.-al;*f<e*l ell Spate •itbp • ........ .. tor li*'l*'ll bill I !'•*

aved : pi**af*-

i»ik lord oi

*•* to icniaiii ie*re. and Stephen will make tn

dfjpi-tiim n liab'Ver yuu decide 1<* dm**" I ‘cbUH el.it t*heftier he ohj-ef* *u

tot:'* -he at-.wer.-d **ilh ii»p-t>«* IdUct

;*tt I nieiil > li viHI-e l^ einniiiR *-<v:ipiel Ml* left

.til!,*ay tad.'. Ii

j niatti-i lH-twei,n toil amt sir >l*-piit)ll

iot*; I .

£ that <oti!d g.*<- a clue. ' ■ l-> do uiiiil iie‘«»*nie». I brtietc* ;bit had stonheii !>«»•• In-Jid whal [ "u- |» m*'<*l film nt file •dafiun nigi.i

iwi-iiei* and *

ad km**

->n;* of Id* strength. i*l.’ini»hert lev**rd a-* a

. lie '

leph.-u iKtt'e,

i'llllll, lit*

humlfu f

i d»i»> out will* Mini al HtBe-’ iiir!*-. Will *r»| itveive bilt

nigbt when In* ait ****** here;-'\... <<•itiitiiy m *C‘ jiiMjorert. Well. |oiil..f|i*w will iv .!* Plllafrt--.'

Mr liuWle. v-al! 1 .-id.-, Jh-cham b ite the earn,

loiuent she b<«ikr*l ,*e tito'igli

"**■ 1 i-\is|*sl than

* ; -|.*K Manor m-s-l with it* front t<> ; »•> )«*-- our..■ . , s l i . f i , of tt.-ii wooded Uftd. fei ! «*» IjleIliiiMt.-rt !•* till* iott range of the newer ?"••>•!»■• S|| - lepliri

white fs-hin-1 it **.■>• shWletcl b> .went ouf. aud 4; Ii,. ai.tm r ami i..dat.s! * minvtee „f | hjttghty alfuntat.y wii.ii -• ,m (<•>ab» known » ' Selditk .Mount '

Ta.-te -a- -• I f:-- e\lriii of pcik ami

valoli-s *'el• tamou* it** tin- • "imi».v

1-. t-.e ,)ght t*eing iddel than tbe otio'r.Th*- ie!i **big ha*l nn entrance *.< ils -c a and. In-ing shut od fr*m* th- ^greal

ed' oni! an„ a -n.ii; '-’ii tery l«Mnlifu1 -, *i.'< u -•> it - ptojwr eiitiaiu *- wa« l*y

id i-eet* io**ane. lint 1-eing *piict of flown-. ha*l sjrent her

11,,. o,|den made for her. andnil sin- > Oilfd md h a *• t| **d .

.-rt'l,* iimbil

......... trailing black i*.'w-s di»ap|**aied. and a jiw-ub.tr look >aHie MH« ili. shrewd, kii’ .nt **M fa,*".

m -No hates lie- p-*’t tad already,* ?.*• innttered, "and >le- w ans uiip-hief. I know i.ty ladyyof old. hilt Me* la*lrayed rne game tbe has f«*ei» i l .tn i * *> !*•'**

letters |>nienf the* < mild iav- ,*<*f, Ui,well. I>ame Setilir. >'*U ha*-’ ", t t*d

for \o«l» ireohew* Tin. »».*■* ...........fill* *,f Slttjdmtj-I’ri.iirt I tun-1 .... that

In- father,, foot It,if. if allI fact *

■ : 1***0i.rtci- hm l

lad! lb-lady**«.,lk a *l|*i«r.' road. I fear. I tut **«*>ol Ih.- vin-b-ti**- woman *"e llic 'm>1 la-te of ■•inauinu bete* And lie will b* *>.(UM-ul* t>* s'Mte tier the 1st in pi having

—• I ran jHedtrl that flo- i<*a*thklde-l by

In I ili- t'lria l.iirty lf.lt", '"■ Jpesenl ' 1 137 in-» relieved hi* llldlgt, itbltl -^ • ‘t L b a * bt »o. s.4il**mv. Mr llirtrt t

i artmcnis. an.l betc ,im -i« m Hevhi.m. the old butler. * 1.1................... him the ordj-r f"r -the .airiag.' I


i.ete she *}•*'. ..... . . . . iiphby 1M« btdanV, mid

Ifa-l till;-1 the (iltie garden wilh rare | i-iiitle and vein*ttmn fbvwr*-, -•* tiu t i t !

brftiflv ix-antifnl plare, file I let* tb.

li ji tllo-ltv I ed i

- in■ll.MMT.lt II

rtdel d f.*c ....... * :: hr*..*

Hi, " l 'ml ■*

,.„1 Is,-*, t in nail* bead of the

...— 1 ttomait win* had lilted her liu*• oWpi. |> 1> that she bad t*

.,!** rt to make brut settle In. affairs in

I f.,» man? year* • , t i,.| . i Seldich. wa, his ,e*---i- l<t*-h.--| duiillg I belimit of .-ludiuu* | j ini c nub*' i*'»i "*-.* A young l,i f; in

I low. light caui.rgc. driliug ,, pah of | *iit*d (Millie*, pass"'’

• bad 1

Are Your Bowels Ever ConstipatedIf you wi'h to lie wed you rr.tj->f keep

the IhiwcIs PjR-n. Any irregularity **i the Imwvl’S i* always tlaligetpus. ami rrtinnld I**; allc-m!t<l l*» at once, for if liu- l*m* t* ««4«r to »<uk i-rojsriy, s.il ifee mhtr organ; liccomc dcinmrcd.

Milliurn'* l.aiu-blver I ii! * *v*>rk cm the leiwcls venify iisnl uaiiitally. and will cure the worn Ca'v* of CmtciipafUKt

Mr*. A. Cuimning, Al*t«ch< u r. fhu . write-, I have >**•<.u tiottidcd with Coustipaikm for «>v,-r five years and I hurt il my «!uty- t*» h i *>,ii know that>*«!. Millmm’s l.avu l.n .i Tills lmv<- - . iiu-d me 1 mdv u*ed llm*- vials and ! I - in faithfully say lltal they flaw r.,vcd j me from a large doctor l. :t ‘

Milbiirn'* 1j»xa>I.i'<J Tills nte a ■ wotulerfnl K-nudy for all dh<-a*ts *-r ill?- j .orders *>f the liver <>r !>*>wel<, j

I'liir . 2A cent* |>«r vial. r-» ' vi.sic f*u i $1.00, at all dealer* «*r mailed difccl j re.eipt >*f price by The ' J . Mill.uin c •<. I limited, Torunto, Out.

',ri l J'.> i.Vut(*,«lch he had


a* liMiti; the

flo* lurnilfirc

ml hart


said. **»oti ,nn*l Ik- longing Utr >«««r *>*P o( lea!"-,and »he rang the Indl w- eh" **|n*ke.

•I shall 1«> glad of it." Mr, Hi-bielsaid, emiiins; "bat t b»|*C von dkf not

"linb-e-l T did:" Kite anaweK-i. "You kium. uncle. I drtiwl bavtng it wdb-uC yr*.i; 1 .awl enjoy ecdilary *f4te“ And -be jn.needed lo jnuir the tea old while tb,. oral maid Net Imtteied lo,»*t and rake. ujHiif the tal-i*.

V**l. ih* look tiled. Uu*!-- TumJ" -be said in. sin- hitleled l.ilii bi* eiip. " " »»*

’ Very, me dear; *bf gels »ur*e that I*..- tiim- of <ir '-lejdienV <"i* „ii near, 'lie i- npi|e l.i.llgldv etet. Him ttliubl lia'e Ul-MIgilt that Krlina Ttioi. fhe danghfer of .-Id Sant I'rior. yreonmn farmer *.( Awhl»fnl»- eoiibl Iwve; Iwi'.im.- -mb a vei,v*ari*tn era!i. lady to *|K-ak **f her htieluiid's

i hidlio|i|M-r.' ,is ll.o.igb -he wa~ pif h>S**

unite .< lt-!y than IKaiwe Keliwa, game

KV*dekliien jniile tl.en.*e|w-s >*> U|***n llie-r *b»re|il. and old Ihliie-in Ho*', Ihi. la-Ts gtandfalher. *.a. one »i fhe filost l*s«k*Mg rut-11 e*.-| 1 e.*??. <-•! 1-C* fore iiis ulbei giafldfUther, i.bl >ir -le jihen. Mv .ady means (<• stay at Keblick alter all','* the lawyer «aid a* W strlref l.i* tea.

••To . 111* on at K d d ick *ii**l Ada (»wonder, "What bad. ta»t*-. um-i*’- when -hr ! .»* both Hioikfuni and titat 3?*srly ••id bniuv U»i*lr I be ebuu-h: >he mn»l eilhe, be Very ohlllse or she Iffiwl hi*'’'

motive iu remaining."


LESSON X.September 6. 19t4. The Great Commantfmcik*.—Murk 12:28-44.t'oimiunlary.— l. lgrvc- l« *;<h1 nml

M»uh-*" n Itivvyr r. n n-rilHs *

irr Of tbc- MUks «f I

serfptun-K1 *»..*

"Kind irpeaH-rt "1 lac id Trior al»a>,-•■iiii.r*. kirolm *. i- evif *b'e*l- c>! nil t-iu-in*. Hut tter.-i like-1 i,**r. ,*»<! think* *'■tej.hen b»im. llaflcring uj*David called t * day «m !«- borne,file* »eni for bun Iasi night a* Dm-iur Hajtgot h* to-* ill l*‘t bi- duly, and the,? wanted Ifacid.'

• Ihrggol ill again! " said Mr; lliddel. M am son* for i l : blit be ba» t-.o much t<» *1<*. H-.t I am gta t ftavi-I r* here* 1 •dtwil i-ring him and vlepheu Dan* togeiber."

And tne ..rwyer bu>ke*l uihvb p!ea*ed.' I muKl g-* t” the office »»■**? Wi**re

the men le.r*e." In* a.lde-1, *• V 0.1 will )*e alone to night. Sd.«. f«. I shall hare lo sleep * ! Keblick. 1 mu*t leave you jn*t »<tet -linnet, nry *le«. %*> . »*•■.* t wm-1

will * "lib. n * least

bright!,*: an! she went with him t» flo* do-*r **f the r***rin an! watched ini go down-dull*.Ada liar! kept lo-i nneteia l,».ue -into

lie tt.is sivtcel*. and she wac iiearly

. and -lie i tt*,j ;

When al nim t«cr*!y the srt.li. k < at rlajje. with il* l.afnl*om>- luys met *’-r rants iu »«i*et tfaret-cplpred lively drew M|* at the •b?**r of Mr, HiddeT- roust* Die <-t-l gentleman was rra*ly Ml,*, in her j.tefly die*. <*f jtale-;I ape. w ill. '

, toil hee .<*rt driver c«>«bit'.* atuio-t aiigr* emp'M-i-c

,i* a- n-uaL thong* •*bat ,!ra

,i.l Dam.- >• >i

•nffe “( lk*4ufi<-> | principal sl«~*t .-1 tin*

•-l-Ja*iii**|o*i!el,oid. and -t*11 ha-

an i flight of -is;io f l i t t l e pb*t* i

l! had tbn-e’ llals,

llotlf »5«e wide 1*14*11 s! fee jillet ’ thai wb.-n sin- hear-J flu- rattle -ii oiieel- on lln> “tones she -farleit t*i her feel excite liy

Tbeil -!»• * 1<* the raniage drive -ttift. * oast, mid. throwing *ip the w(n*l«»

ct-h, she lewn( nuf in III** clear dark «*fcbe.f it down the -t.ee:

unfit it turned the - erne* at t 4JS-1 -tan |**n am! pa-wed nut **f «*ghl. Kbe bad *t-,-n tiofbilig b it tbc -arriage, but -lie tHiagin.-d tin t her uu*!-’ w<udd bars cen her, a ill she Went np-tair- with

b.ipnv iltmipbls mi.l good *»>*lnw for tt;f Kiej.Hcu Da*e

th" r-*«’»;- An.vv- r. l

them «*•11- 'file mtiIh' lm*l Ih-;t ! - thy juwrdliiK iIIvtixKluiiK a.ul nluu-rv -l■hl.-i nbillt) tn m**.t!tis lh< .M!a<k» f ht>- **j»| **.'*; ? Asked him--Tim ;ne*- tfv.n wnJlinl* nded tn, nhlstlu • brisTa judgnnnt ?'ith nterruc* to the * •• jmrtume ut varfrut-c dnt:-* c’ljulnm. by On- law <•( M oci. vVhii’b Tbi- word I- not i !h* ordinary Ini* rroH,*l;* - pro. j olt*, but iIi b m i * uuality. loing c.jut- vaHlit l>* lb- *|ui?tli<n. What 1- do* in,inn «■( ' Tin t cpiuinandm *m of all Hi- Jp'Vf* wer. divided In He ir ojdnumc ; - 1*. th* r- lati?*- Smporlsrtic

laid lured ctii'K- Miuni thi* hi** j-*'rluli: Mir; . t« r lerllic-'a* Ilmi fetrrlllntl«*U v. idle* i.tn«-r> <* nsi*!-red the moral law nt chief Imiu-rtanie and ntill *lh* r.r I,cbl llm* dun* m u man were , up-rl.tr Ip duties I** lion. Tip- (cwM< tearber-J r.-i-ogniml **lv hitndrtsi ih irt'- n diff r- flit cou-mmulnieuts in the la " 1 he scribe r-xpix l.-tl thirl .l»-s|is would #|.<- Ait wiittwrr U- tin rj’irylloW Omt would .-.in-c dlvLirvu :*-i«>n«t Dir* '- *?!i<> ***ri* fnvornhle to bltu. Ib-r.r. »;

the lav* in Uec’ cr-uro' r* (B 4 r tl >1*-- «ln»«s !h* unify <f ffial 'Ih*- «’<v.uit Jew down in ihr jiroeui tfn»? ro*It

rhalt lov.s tp.. i.;v 'h s l—Ther* t*

nal, ghirlcici. alnilshiv, !u*ly. in whom our wraljli <*f affettlon --lioubi' ‘e.iuc. Hid ttlu* I** worthy *d flu* blttii- * ;rt adoration «-f all ireatod firtelll* g, n* o la*?.- rn«tr* H in a i*"i>nn; llol a Ibiug er a hut Our love to find >.;u*t n*-t r-ulv fe- aiprciir*- 1-it w- -oocld lov-e hint wltii nil the li-ert The commandment in in nlurp >im- IraM t<* th * v-i.rhity. i-r*ni 1. sa-ti'-auffi. i i n< »*u»«ur*l r.Ug' n o-uirr-l in All ill' h 'arP-There mini Ih- il move ainecrity am! euiiuestionr d waiilf*.heart MliK'--s. AH Ik* .*«■»-*; h- life tuust t-n tre In him. All the Ilf* f<*«•<'« iiiii-d l>.- - vr-r. Is"-1 fur Ida glory fhere ntuxt h- love »** tin- il*-i:i*e T>nf

the IH” would l*e laid down f*>r film if need »> . Tlx- will ..mi tt* - emotb nr* her*‘ «tu hided All thy mlnd-~lt Ik t.i be an intelligent 1<>v<- \ll Uu •-rn of tbe int-IS." t imi’ i fs . -a

AH th* sirenRlii - Ti ls itttfdh a aetlmi and energy id heart mind ami emitthe nit-e-*f e,x*onu lie whufi.py |n.'<*1 Is ,.* ; a-p| If ltd. Si.lril-Dlledf'lirlNDau Th*, tir.Hi ruuimnridiu.-nt - D i- flr-i nml Rroirt.-st tkcause it In- ‘-olvcs the highest art ->f which the ko.iI K. .ajinhl* || 1- the basis -rf all aplritnul execlb jice in man. It “MU' i f liu* first table of Die rninrttiptlt*. Tn love fln-l | Ohn-thwi porfialb-ii, .Vrdhlng Miorl i.r lid- is fully plcipvtne t*> Co** isfacinry t,, *!»»• iinin (dual,

::i Tb* s.T.ujd - This n ib.Ih,. second lab).,, ,,f (in.? law, gave Ills tiuoNtiom-r the *<,<imi ,„m tnandnieiii, (hough lie did not asi . *-r it. that fhe sum of a|) the torn mattdmenln inlghi he r-Iearly brough before his hearers. I.ovc Hi* neigh, bor a- lb*self - lid s Is ,lu„ie«i la * , it*-, ty. i( (,as its voiinu-r|iar< iti Die wtyrUs ef our lain! s|M*k*-n In tbe Hermmi mi th** fiount. "Ther* for** all thing.* whwistH-vcr ye would Dial mm should do tu von. dir *c so iu linin' 1 Mali. 7;lk’ i. Those love Cml au erding tu tbe great tuandiiu-iu will bate * heart of love to obey the r-eond. ."2. Hum bath .-•aid I be truth—The scribe recog­nized (he deep, Insight which Josu* had into the law and Its underlying principles. Iii, More than all "hide hurnl offerlnRK and "itcrlflees - The serlhe galiier. up fu his reply soitn* of the great uticracccs of the pro­phets « liirli prove ttii? superijirti; lov,, to (*od and mail over all 1 ceremonial observances u Sam.22. »’*a. M; Ho>. «;«; Mieab «;«•»*. Cam. IHL St. Answered dlwrr-rtly — With uhiler»t«ndius and candor.

Ox'nl tar from t<>c kinsdom - His Intel- Ittt was co»vln<**.-tl and he bad a measure, at least, «f sympathy for JeKUK. and .leeiis wm* careful to en­courage whatever- right feelings and purpo**' he had. There is no re­cord that he ever entmuj the king- tit*111, No man after that durst askhim Our Lord hail shown Himselfeasily superior to all His opposers, and. since they hud been worsted in every effort to entrap Him. they re­frained from farther similar attacks

11. Our Lord's nttrstlon tvs, 3S-37I. T hus*’ who had nsk* d .lenu-v (lUbStloiis

ad been tauifusi-d and arndved at liis replies, and Jesus hlui'*lt became th- luestioner. It* the i|uvvitlou. "How*ay the scribes that if David"' JeKUs undertook to draw

forth from th* !*harise«'s atr cSpr sluti of their belief c m . ruing* the Messiah, giving them ’ till an oppor- tunlt* oi accepting himself as

hri't - Jesus *pfot* d frmn T.a. ihkh has eolistanil' l*e«u a* km

M*"s*rtunlc psalm.Dat'd wrote it underion. Th*- conclusioncached that e- man. Kcendaut oi David, toil

laird. Th>

lill|,i; The utile vvaK ilie mnalbwl Jew • |x*t i-opi’i r c«tii', TU- value of Ihe iwo mil- * wonbl »" b'-s than half a cent - : Itailt tnsj cior* in than all. fete. ■ Jesii.-i ; jvv v. iial llu rich tlir* *> Into the irt-aktiry ur.d what tin* widow e x.trib it.d, an.I l.e saw too. fb* 'acri- th-<- ami detrition that r.**nt ■•■ith **«*.’t pift T'lic- wire of the gift did not de­licti d *ipou" its money value, hot npyst tin* dlspr* fthm that ’>romp:«st tt. Tin > **■ c f D t gift Is determined hy what lb" r l 'e r has b ft. The po-ir widow g«ve !dl the had. ;tt.<l Jeul to • art* more in order t«* ,,-riire thing to - .ocori her. f. All D.nl rd'o bad It I . foil , for p--<ip|e ef -n-ans m Jtalk ahoat mvlng tlufr uiliea.

nt 1* '1 t;r little, tip Dt.-n lias the r-gld lo compare h i. giving with D al ,»i Uu* (ooc v-i.l* >*. who gave two mites. Two mli- c-rv.»inu« t the MiialltK-t cun. lb at ck-jIiI b- «ontrihiitol.

'Vho biul '|ti**«’ fonedcrlbe had asked trfaJ< OS 1 tl-fft:

finest idft?* ' Don * W.'ini it" Wlifii .1

ra ils

S the ,- Iti** piirpo. -

■ pf»u

ioisl-bye, Mr. Hi-

t f * !•* tVwi'wwyd 1

•dgedjeeiareddlvln*- H

tximmon pcstpb «»-tprejudlctd against

In-itrd him ilttdly.-' HI. Warultitt attain-1

s . te,. Th.* nanritiss Kvaslolt ore rc.optfid

far from being (•sit*, for tin*


'The .

the long clonks as lti*l|«-;il ng that they were jncttllarlv tie*oat. ami lur nirr*' show unrde long prayers Tti -y loved to K* salut'd rrvul Stunufed >.1 intbllc. and "err nirXlou* t • e**upv Do in,yet hoiuTat'l” tents in th - 'vna- g.rn-es ltisU.pl **!' aiding th” P*- ‘~

rijtjircssiv*. <■»*« l-aUin'; l ! -- preperi.* '»if widtiw.** to satist* their

, 0 f fi-oitcy, 'Their pnitn-bunnt won hi t«*' doubly sv*< r*\ fer »<• »'(*' siu

tto ? odd,si Ih. -in I t hypmiisy



tin- 1 enph f.-r vanrshin Th

triklng r-pi.mf *t 1 hyjioerlsv v*r the >• tines v*tn> llciiuts tor worldly euii*

dm , i.-dtrv, Hi.!, . 1st In tnm-h would tmlotallv In- t vp««del, !-u|

man? win* nr* ri U n. iuatlv give !•■* ■ dollar* and *? fit* than the t*c*.r

first" W m , ......... .s< eotnl it rlnmatidment * Whitt utti**-.- I hilt did h'siis axk? Dow could ft-rtst P. Davids ssm and M* larrd" Wbm warnings di-l l*-aii* utter" Itcjuar tl->* lucid, nt of Die *, Ido.V* off-ring. What b iltt? tru*' stamlard by vvhlc'r to measure giving'

l ‘KXfTIDAL sntV H V .Topic.- Tit.- Aj>pr<mch (o Tr t'h.1 . Acrordlttg to prlucIpK il. Afirording t*> owirln*-.D. AecoDlIng lo practice.I. According to priiiel|ih‘. The t-

T‘d»i«l «p»»ati-?ti4 Which lej*fis had tr»- v-mt>!tanll? answer*.I to the eunfusioti nr.d sham • of liL tulvcrrittrl.-s eon.* rn- i»K hits mithority. concerning political ohtigalion*? ami concerning doctrine ltd t»* another ,p>estIoi( raa.s'rnia^ th« ounmamimctiM. fit which Up* Jew;* nitnle mutt •Ikstinciiotc*. According to their .ctlnrat.? iPercfor*- *«*m. mm- mandno nt mu-, be the gr *a»<ad. Jesuit met this fill sii,nt hy **-■(•,lit y word* iKttn the In** •.-.niir.nt fiafiniathig tin*. cont|*ara»iv<- importance of :'«■» mm- t..i,ndm*-nts. U.* drnpllfied the Mate* m« nt oi moral duty Into a King!” j.rln- elplc. nnd that prluciph* Itself «.,•* oprcss.-'l In Die word "lov"'* |fe stfittxl upon tn - hichest antfinriT what fhrd r*siulren <•( limn anti what 'mttn r-wes to <;ml and his fellow- t ten. Il<- rwv*- a subllm- -.lew of th*- gr-at pur­poses of mail ” spiritual Indus. It * i*hmI to; a summotm to :t aplrh.ual. u >t lf-dcnying add benevoleut life. tt was « Irecoming innatry on the pa rt of th«- scribe and worthy •>; the con- shh'nttion rind uidgnu-nt of Die Mus­ter. le.sn* m*r«*r trilled with the per- pt< xitira of sn- n. This ipt.wdioa **vj. oetu-i-d .1 d»**dr-K to do what ,?as rlsbt nnd to give precedence to w'list ahottld («' nckn'iwt.'ilscd best. Love ** repfe-. st ated as th- Kunt «( the dt iu- eom- mamltiK-ntK and Implies m-rsanut knowledge. Tin- penwnalliy of ftptl !; here assitnt -I. iti* unit? asserteil. his claims Implied aad the r- lat'nnshlp iMdwccn Hod mid man 1* assani -d. Love embrace.* «H virtues. fnltilR nil righteousness. All that is good in morals, pure in esplnttion. tK'iniic*».t in action flow* from the foaipaln of

tt. According to ri*« trinc. There “ W a vigor ami dlractnc**. an unKjarinc boldtu-ss an*l n fidelity in t'ltrlsl'n ministry «t Jerusalem during the la«i *»ivk of lit* life. This enraged HI* encuti' -. though It silenced their rca- Minlngs, All tliclr efforts from what­ever fiitarter and however conducted t*r*?*-rt vain, ('ftrist *. wlvlum wav pwr- f*rt. Ills authority Irresistible, in the discourse of .lestt* tvs. r-l-lOl He pro- tested against ill" general t-acldus and character of His adversaries, it*• ensured their loud profession of sanctity and their ostentatious duvo* Hons, The bereaved amt defeuscleoa - w«-r*? their victims. Jesus designed lo instruct them with respect lo His true ebaraclcr and iK-rxou. They bad no spiritual apprehension <>f tliclr long d-sired 51e*s!*h. Jcsut* transmuted the partial irulb of Die w-ribes into * doc- trim- lull of spiritual significance and dignity. He showed tin* precntln- - cm. assigned lo the .McwsUli above HI* illustrious ancestor David, lie pave (be highest interpretation to the Old Testament prophecies of Die Christ. He »aa David's lavrd b? virtuo of His dfvlm- Sonahip. He was not oaD royal, bill divine. If tin* Tliarl*<f9 bad ventured * reply, they most have ac­knowledged Christ's claim as the Son of Hod...Tliclr Ignorance of llic «co* piifolfhv w as one source of their «aptl- ousnras. V

HI. According to practice. For -the !a:ii tiim* Jesus a5*jn-arcd in the tempi* as a public teacher. After speaking aa the righteous rebutter of sin He turn­ed aside to discover and commend a hidden net of goodn.-«s. which appear, ert ns a beam of sunshine through the clouds. Tin- treasury was a dl'lno In­stitution. a wltm>-< of what Cod cx- pc<l* or his |*eople, u rivognltiou of tils elalltls on Ihe part of rich and iioor. Tin* absolute poverty of the widow rendered i-.cr gift a sacrifice and an act *-f heroic faith. The standard In­dicated am! approved was not how much was given, hui from how much il was «riv* n. This ad of generosity on*! devotion contain* cl-mcnU of truth which nre world-wide lu appU- caiioa.—T.lt.A .

Fish Carries Young.T i- kangaroo has always seemed to tve Du- i-.iunopely of .that convenient a? of carrylim Its litthies in*n imueh. it it has bc**n disettverr l tiiat a fish

has th<- sarin* usefnt receptacle, which . for tin- same purpose. I hr pip- (>, H is called from the length of *vs, Isas a pocket "ti the under t its iwttly nearly half its length, found iu the itmh* specie* only

nlo! N the only purl of its body which nprijtevD-d bv large flat plates.’ 1* take th - place or .■<-»!*•* in its

protective armor.f a jilpcfislt is tak< n fmin Ibc wat- ami H* Httle *?«* » sl,akctt out of tin*

t’uiut* »>a«k Into the wat«-r they al­ways seen* either unable OF.disinclined

11 way. lint If th*’ fatlicr Isa t!*” water again nil the smalt

fish inun.-dialcl- swim back Into the pouch. Thefa- curlotUi HtDe creatures have nrehinsll" tails, whleli. they n*c

n:*» th-- seaweed to prevent - !•• ”-j earr.ed «««•• hy Do*

thh-. Th " pipcti.-ll. Is similar t*» tin* about » foot In b-ugth l?,i. knrs.'. Hat, unlike a very tong jaw and

uliar *1* f'-usiv *- armor already



Nobody Here! Guess I'll help M yself!

Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted# FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA


QOINQ D ATESi « MtUMf. Ktofrtca. Fi i) XJAJ, n«arr«r *0A w»» t* Atfte M*, will •&£*>» few *̂ a lUehwr. la ta* ptotuom or

” - - m nut taSalsF

E V T W S g C I K g t r X«*,»« **««» o.rjk. Atral, P» rrtw—

M. O. MURPHY. O.C.A.,O.W.. T— wt».

INtl.Jit.hotl i > TJmrMlny mori

Walketton. Oi

• + <. t, c f, * ♦ 4* * •><f * * <•** *<f <r *> ♦** ']•

: E D I T O R I A L \


When the war is over and Germany has been |>ut wboro abo belong*:

i when twentieth century feudalism ' coupled with modern science b*« | consed to ho tho menace of tire : world, this country will be more • than over tho M ecca of those who

dusiro to escape war aud lift causes j and conditions do build njjf bom. j in tbo new world under tho greatest

flag of K df’govcrn and democratic freedom ovtr known. Our rdtioii, i.kw at n standstill must oil

! onuoualy increase. T h e groat j war in isOLOS with all ite fearful j losses and destruction, mauo of Am ; eiicau people a m ighty nation. The j Dan European war, beginning

I‘.111 will reestab lish Groat Britain as mistreyr. of the seas, and th is « try ns n people worthy to bu called oue of the new nations in a great em pire o f sell: govern m m Is. T b i*

| is worth ft struggle.— Canadian C'our

T h e P a trio tic Fund ;

On the 18th of August at a • public meeting held in the town, hall, a local Patriotic Fund was j ojiened, with Judge Klein. H. M. • Kay and Norman Robertson asi trustees. The fund is to be used I mainly in earing for needy de

I __ __________

jj The K user W»lh«lm der Orel i one of tb s la ry m s b lp s in tho world : owned by n Germ an com pany war | HiokolV the African coast by a lJril 1 iatt cruiser on Thursday last. T h i | ship cost y.r.oojHw.

Dorothy DeVondaT H E W O R L D ’ S


w ill g-ive an exh ib ition ascension and sen sa tio n ­al P A R A C H U T E DROP- a t the~^f‘“

Walkerton Fall Fair

^September 15 16*O th e r A t t r a c t io n s f o r S e p te m b e r 1 6 ;

L U C K N O W P IP E B A N D A N D D A N C E R S .



H IT C H IN G R A C E S , &c.


.S p e c ia l T r a in

D U R H A M T O W A L K E R T O N & R E T U R N .

S. A. Rife Jas. ToltonPres. S ec’y.

pendents «*f those who have gone j to the front.

The sum of $120 was placed in the hands of Uuet. Col. Douglas [ to l>e used by him for the benefit of the eleven volunteers from Walkerton and vicinity:

A representative committee of local gentlemen including the reeves of the four townships ad­jacent to Walkerton was appoint­ed to solicit the town and neigh­borhood for subscriptions to this patriotic: and benevolent work. Their efforts have hitherto re­sulted in the subscription of about $300. As this probably will he a long and hard winter and it is hardly likely that we shall seethe close of the war at an early date, the public are earnestly incited to assist Sub­scriptions will be acknowledged if handed to any of the trustees.

F o llo w in g a r e th e l i s t o f sub .scriptions rece iv e d to d a te :David Robertson A B Klein Jno Rowland Norman Robertson Jno Korman Jno Henderson Joint MeC.tol W H McPariane James Warren II M Lay T E Attwood 0 E Klein Frank Rennie Geo 8 Lett nor A McLean A 11 Stevens J M While A E McNab T. Wilson Jno Bril linger W II McKay Kobt Goode s McGregor Geo 1) McKay I) Traill TPye M GoeU A Collins W H McDurttey R McCrum Norman Fox C Stephan M .j Ramsey A P Sieveright J Glintz II Pletsch D McKeehnie Mrs 1) McKeehnie R M Player F J Fraser Brudor & Schjiurr A J Smith K M Taylor A Rowand A Grierson W McNeill Wm Norton D McKerracher J S Reed C Patrick E Wjd ford N C McKay Carswell Bros J B Reynolds S A Rife James Cameron George'Bros G H D Martyn R E Truax & Son D Karges R L Gibson S W Vogan L H McNamara E McConnell A Hoover P Brentner J O’Malley W It Halladay J C Bauman Jno II Vogt James Whitehead A Wahn N Hi sc ox E MylesMcArthur ;& Gibson II A Havill W J Hermeston A P Johnston C Smitli R E Heuglmn Ralph Kreuger R J Hawthorne C II Rogers Judge Barrett

Total(Continued on Page 8)

$10 00

' 2

You can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an oven full of good things with a

M ' C l a r y SPandoraf y r i / y at the same time. Many exclu-

J ^ sive features you should knowabout. Let the McClary dealer show yofl. »

Sold by H. A. H avill.

I,I*7T OPTIMISM PREVA IL Th irty tons of gold have been re;

lowed by Ibe Government to eerie tho purposes of trade and industry during the present crisis. Th e trans fero f fifteen million dollars from the groat rimetvo of idlo gold hold by the Dominion to tbo banks asa support of greater circulation bbould ob i into

necessity of restricting safe commercial progress. T be Dunlin; ion Government hns tal on tho stops necoasary to sustain crn til amt c o t : tidenco. I t remains for men in every lino of enterprise to keop nu opting Istic outlook and conlinuo in antica pation of a normal volumo of but.- incss. C redit is tho main dependence of many enlerprista I f bankersact- oviduticts of public timidity they pio loot them by reducing credits. This means that all tbo manufacturers do pendent on bank credit must reduce thoir scale o f eperatten*,; dismi** some of their employees, and j.rar tjco many discouraging economics.

At » const ijuscco tho loss bf cor<; lideiico brings hard film s without a failure or the possibility o f aoy fir ; atitJid calam ity. Government bsa matin' timely ooucessiuli to I ho banks and through them to the business community, O nlidunco and optl; mismaru tbo only ullter orsontiFls. Positively there are uo grounds fur alarm ur even tim idity, and tho practising of needless economies is certain to shrink business, obstruct industry and cause general alarm.

SOJUOf >LS RE-OPENED.Tho schools opened on Tuesday

after tho long vacation, and tcachere tul pupils got down to work a fte r

two mouths' rest. Touchers deserve rest, though they apend short bourn

^n school, there is much oilier work outside of school hours which impor

strong mental strain. B u t there are many people who have te do work u ju a lly as exhausting menlaby us teachers, who do not get so much vacation, many of them none at ail. Some of tbe larger children would bo hotter in school part o f tho vacat ­ion. There are those who think tho vacation m igh t bo curtailed without any disadvantage, Ju ly and August are generally pretty hot but the beat Ibis year was only ex: ceeeivo for short periods. M ight it not bo a good idoa to cut a am ple of weeks out of the vacation, leaving it optional with the trustees when they should be cu to u t, according to the weather‘t

$212 00

O r. de V a n ’s F e m a le FMIlsFttatV rt«ufau»yu>»*r taltf., TLo*


Ut' l̂ itv. il', i.rl.lj.- mi'l Inlny LurkTFrrr t o r *

j J.S.RHKr).

I " " M E D I C A L

i n u . n k O W N , i;;;"s'.:.::'.,’!

W. A.

! nT'X'irliyHtrwla!1AUCTIONEER

J . C .. C A R T E R . J S ' C ^ a S f ;

unttv, Walkman.

VETERINARYS . H A N M O ^ E ,V .S . ! X ”y . | i


......a biscuit of mostdelectable flavor, short, and light as n feather. At tea-time, or any other time, it is sure to be a success.


PACKAGEwill dclithi you.

A hot of drbcieo* fancybitcuiti......aend 10c. (coinur atampi) and your froccr'a name for it.


Merchants BankO F CANAL-A

PAID UP CAPITAL*7.000,()U0 RESEI!\ 10 FUNDS*7,248,134

220 BranchesThe SAVINGS ACCOUNTS nr

, iIiDMt dcsiriuk u Mmiif SAVINGS 'HANK, arc cordially invited. Im­

prest added last day of Aptd aud October instead of May umt Nov. umlicr. as formerly.


M a n a g e r

C RISIS t ,F TH E W A RA Ati last week .the tide ur batik)

ebbed and flowed along tho French frontiers. W riting, as we do, be foro the resu lt has been made clear the uituatiou may havo ducisevly changed before this column reach) our renders. B ut this much is a l. ready apparent, that tho. German Emperor ie atakmg everything c his western campaign, aud only complete route of the allied forces wil] suflico-lo turn Iho odds in his favor. AViibin tho ooxt few days Russia wilt have four and t

millions of men operating in Prussia and Austro, and, to m eet that jnvas ion, a part of th e Uetmnn army now engaged iu Belgium and France will have to be moved; Hence th e des; perot# effort to break thru the de; fence offerd by tb e allied t toops. T h a t tbe campaign has reached this cruciatstago is duo to the patriotism o f th e Belgian people ft ml bistory- will record uo more heroic *tor)' th an th eir etu*8N° to retain theirindependence.

On account of the peculiar |*»Uu*u I ot the wire!* !.- station at Tolwmot y, Oapt. f lm k , in cbiiigeof the Rtiaid j there, notillsit Mojor FletChltr th a t ' more men were needed to ptojwtly i peform the duty* T h at olfii tv notified 1 heailquartere and on T tn *Jo y li) mole : inon were detailed (reui E Co, a t Walk erUin. They arrived hi town aiyl toak the Moaford that night fer tile »t*llon i —W iarton Record. >

Fall TermO pe ns^S EP T. 1 st] at

w t > r n s w / ? jM

Owen Sound,O ntario

04 Successful Years.

Every graduate Euaranleed a.position.

Large staff of specialists

p r a f t t T ° w / i ) s ^ i p

Farm sI have. In B ran t, *2 tlfty acre

farm *, l forty-»ix acre (arm. 1 od«- hundred and thirty acre f«tm . 2 two hundred acre f«ron*all E l,I .LM:l*itovED, oonvpnieni to Hunov- ero i »lk.*rl«>n, and the owner* have placed them in my hand** be- cinixc they A HE B O l’ND TO S E L L |-htm- iilso n 100 acre form in l ,«*ttb,.ne«r LRtoWel, one of (he ho»t (ni tt)b in the County of l ’erth, with ex tra improvements, w vciy groat tifti gHin at S7t*bt). I never lie.'orw had »ueh « choice o f F*» to* as now. My office is HEADQUAR­T E R S nnU you tdioUld come to see moif vouw xnttobuy a t rlghtprice*

R . H. M i l l e rHANOVER - - ONTARIO

I S m i t h 6c M c C o n n e l ’ s

C H o p p in g M illF e e d <21 S e e d S t o r e

A l l H i n d * O f C e r e a l A n d C o a r s e F e d F o r S a l e i n T o n L t »

O r I n A n y S h o p s ] ;

S m ith & M cConnel| W A L K E K T O N , O N T

■Woot’o PLoojliotiM,

I >'till it i/. MiHl.ll nml /train U'nrru. iMtjmn- ilnim. /.». v of Eor.uu, Tat,ul-il'on the Hear!. y.iiUm Memorp. fr,.o tl trr hot. »>« lot Os* . ’ll e!- •«-.«.» will c « a . Sat.) by »Udr»eei«- .4 .n pt.in »*k*.«.« i—im >AAV*e}uiiniihlit mmUH THE WOOD MrDICINE CÔ IMOMtO.ORT. (I«nm>)i IIUw.)



Tim be*L Commercial School tn the province. Our cmti-e-j are thuruugli umt pruoticnl, ivltib* our instru ctor*nro belter than you will find elsewhere. Wo do more for our siudoitla than other ^iniitar ncliools do, Oor iftle» am reHeon- nhle. W rite lor our fret* . atnlogu - and what \ve ran do for you*

D. . . MeLACHLAN, prineipai.


SOur phOtoiiraphs'arc more t him good phulbgrophs— they arc Uuc portraits— bringing out all that's bcM in charuclcr and individu­ality. Slake your ojv Iioiimnent* NOW.


0‘. f . 0PMCJ.SStudio - - Walkerton.

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove buy a “H A P P Y THOUGHT." None better. Aso o lull line of Heating Stoves at

H A HAVILLWalkerton - - Ont.

■ E S j ghUPROMPTLV SECUHEDIIn i*n eoumst* x. A k for ear INVEN- Tolt s Al>v«i5’;tt.wliuh win t».’ Bent (re*.

MARION A >LUtlON%»M Univ«aUy t Montreal..


it is Quite True That WeA n d Sell You

G R O C E R IE SBest Coal Oil1 5 cent Salmon t o r .......................30c Roasted Coffee.,Fancy C oo k ies............15 lb’s White Su gar.......................16 lbs Brown Su gar.....................3 cans C orn............. .........................3 cans Peas .......................................joe Black T e a ........... .................7 bars- Comfort S o a p ..................


15c. a gallont ic a co lit 23c a lb

...... 10c lb

2 5 c25c


at Less T han You Can Buy Elsewhere.WEEK’S SPECIALS -

£ ^ 2 6

Comfort £oap 7 Bars for 25c.

C L O T H IN GBoys' School Pants . . . . . ,49cMen’s W ork Sh irts ....................... \ 49cMen s Fine S h i r t s ........................... ... 69cMen’s Fine Straw H ats . . , .............................25c35c N eckties.............. ..................................... ,25c36 in Heavy Flannelette . ...................... i«c36 in Whitp Cotton .........................................9^0250 Colored Pique.................................................u cn'/sc Print. ........... u cChildren's Hose, 2 pr for.......................................25cdal I Sealers, per do/.en............ . .. 95c

c.A D O Z E N


EGGSW e Sell all Eggs to T o w n C u s -n y ic .a to m e rs f o r ^ T d o / A. J, Sm ith , W alK erto n W E

PA Y 25 FORBu tt er


The most Wonder- fill instrument ev­er introduced. It requires nochang- iug of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

c . /1. T O X.lcu'cllcr. lUalhcrion.


Ea»y rests the bead t i n wearsa" R in g ' H a t”King Haiti arc flexible and scli-con- forniiiifi. JuM * k i r i l 'i 1*61 u t i l «1 the head.

ASK TH E MAN VS liO I A l t ( M THE rO fU lA K H IA IT S 4 2 .5 0



l,u*ula in age. Influence amt til grailuatur. Specializes in Gregg

«u«l Pitman Shorthand amt till com- uicroiul subjects; Fall tu rn open A ujim t Hlat. .Vi-lit* for our catologUo Address T. Waucbope, l ’ri&ci|wl, Yongc A- AlcOU St s . Toronto


M A itR IK I> ~ L o l Mi.tiduy here |. K ng-Ihett Schw ab* <*f Mtliliii„y to

Mis- .|ihtn.-. duughtee ..r Hug. >; l ln u d <>r Ciitti'Mf.

August Brick who has been luiit u|* |: hit- muiio Him-- is improving.| Mr. amt Mrs. M arlin M* y*ro t M ill ‘

may worth v ie last week, Tum lny on | f ( Ininim-sr.

; XVe ha I so cu*:b raiu lately th at lin- | 1 h tusurlw in nut grt in lh« hnlntict; of I | their hut-vrMUl Mi -- Cli«» .Di!d*t«iu. G'-oagc la liman !

And At«>. Oliver Meyei left with th e ! tlatvi-oi Bxr.uraiou <*ii Tin oduy of laal week.

Mr. amt Mrs. J um |di Meyei uf Am- Meside fe lt foM hc west last week In help with tin- hat Veil thru-.

Henry Mmuck hna only mm horse and two cults, out 7 Item** iik was |>uli 1 idled in the Tel* *co|m- In-1 Week.

Mu, Tint Kirin of Cleveland give" his rtdMlv'e** here many pletis-unt tu’.o nml.ilo rid.--.

Cmrnlat le IttiggH of W nlkctlon aet veil lb« jWiyui. il fm- tin- couit in

MARVEL WhlrCaz Novemlwr n ext. I tst we. k.M( ,ul X(1„ W|,„ iiAHimt I n n wilt

lor soaiu time is tt--tt««»K eh .iik very nicely.

Mr! nml Mr.. i.-Iid Icdiumti <>f Camp- M i* Cnruci. Mich, wiih v|*iCirK hete la*! week. Mr. la liman i* « *<m of I.awtenet! fa'liuihu <*f. W o t Ilrxmh Midi.

• tll.S c b cflc r and Dr M. Cue took i t In* base ball game in Tee»wuU-r last .Monday.

Mr. amt M is, Ted Klein amt Kinder of ClOVchttnl wlio have hem Ring friends here ami in W nlkcrtnn eft for home on Monday.


Every Woiiian

Canadian National

ExhibitionP E A C E Y E A H

America’* Greatest Livestock Show Acrea of Manufactures Fxblblta by th* Province*Exhibit* by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies

Grenadier Guards Band "~|Dragoon*' Musical Kldc Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Doran Shows In Slagle Hour Boy Scouts’ Review Canada’s Bigfte*t Dog Show


Mrs. Kelly Advises all Women to Take "Fruit-a-Tives"

IUCRR8ViLI.lt, ONT..AWJ. J6th. I9I.V" I can highly recommend "Frult-a*

tlve*” because they di<! me sn awful lot of good and 1 cannot Fprak too highly aliout them. About four years «oo, I commenced taking “ Frult-a- tivc*" for a general break-down and they did roc a world of good- " * bought a good many dollar’s worth, hut it wns money well spent became they did alt that you claim for them. Their action is so pleasant. compared with other laxatives. Umt I fmmd only pleasure, as well ns health, in taking them. They seemed to me to be particularly suited to women, on account of their mild and gentle action, nn.l 1 trust that some other women may start taking “ Frulba-tive*'’ niter reading rot letter, and >f they do. I am satisfied the results will be the eatue as in my own case” .

Mrs. W . N . K H LLY

” Fruit s-tives” are sold by . all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for $ 1 .50. trial *i/e. ate, or sentpostpaid on receiptot price by Fruit-a-Uve* Limited,Ottawa.

Spend September Itlili in Walk* Cook's Cotton Root Com pound.,A tnfr, rtUnlit rtqutallnp

mtdiclne. tk.1.1 in throe <l.- I»l .tlro«lh— Nu. I.|l

S'K J. St; N-* 3. Si p-rbo* f S-.lit by nil .IruKX'***. oe wut lili-luili i.r. rnript rilwin-. 1 l-'rro poiii|ilil'-U * Ad.Irr»! THE COOK MEDIC IKE CO. IM08T0 Wit. (fsraerti WMhi.)

nmliun National KxtdbiUou, J o|K>!ii*d oil Hittuiday.

If you wish thu W slkerlon Knit Fair tu Ini m succuss- bu one of the hundreds to attend.

Kin mu us well na llritnin will lie •l«> iu hold out in the war in regard - money, if one may judge by the

when Franco recently nought tu borrow 81HO.OOU.HOO. The application* for lho O ovriwent b*an

. . . . leached thu H»tmiisliiiig Hfiurc ot.... OcUol U„.,.0«ut. I,™ . . UK1|, „ r ,bf1 .........Hit « k « l . T b . M ill..,, . lu l l . . . lb .

Fiuitch iktnpte—iiiainly the frugslp

The beech nut crop tin* year will be a enormous on*'. According t«> «

local naturalist they are larger than usual this year, and are full <d meat.

hiatus th a t the worm* have lint directed them UF*. unimer and that, they arc* iu a splendid shape.

C u lro s s C o u n cil.

Town Halt Tupw iter Aug. ’J8th, Council taut t o-1 yy »* |»**r Motion Adjouriinien! «>f .b i'f meeting.

Mum hut a alt-jirccent. The Iteevu the chair.

The tntnuti-8 o f Iibt m eeting wml.

i. That the

Paintings from England. Scotland, United States and Canada

Educational Exhibits Goods In Process of Maklog Athletic Sports Aero-Ilydroplanc Fllfthts Grund Water Carnival__________

| Creutore’s Famous Band |Score of other Bunds Dozen Band Concerts Dally Cheaapeako and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks

In ternational P ea ce Tattoo10 Bands________«00 M uslcbtis

An j*. 2!) 1 9 1 4 Sept. 14 T « R O N T O

Mr. O'Hara w bob ts liren consider al ly under the weather for the past two weeks, is able l<> he around.U still very w eak'hut was around Monday in hisolficinl capacity no a trustor, inspecting thu 1'ublic school rejmitfc—W iarton ltecutd.

The Hermit city council. at u special meuliug Thursday dccidud to h iiiire tl»— lifes of the (ourteen men who com prtKO Ucrlin'a c<>nting**ut which left fur Uiu flo a t uid is now at V’ulcarUer, Thu llnaitce committee was authorized

; Ui work out the d etaili and ex ten t of the iiisurancij The c ity will also pro-

| vt/fe fur the relief of those wives and famitira of the men wbo may Hud them

; sol ye* in distress, a


Heal Khlnlo bought mid m id: m oney <i> Idan; ulso agent for the FarinerV Centiat Mutual Fire liirurai.ee fom p tn y . Phone. Hue ill', ring 2 & I.


S H A W ’SBusiness Schoolsroute, f a mht. give high grade u>r* nun quality young people rurn good ratal ir - . They inelude a tV m ral Ba.im-rs, C-H-ge. nge and t in raid S i*,, nml Si.\ f Brain h Sclm ob. Uuitieulum at on rtquest. Kuter any time . H. Shaw. President.

JOHN AIR1>. Aee't Geowal ManaawCAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FOND, $13,500,000F A R M E R S ’ B U SIN E SS

The Canadian Hank ill Commerce extends to Farraors every facility (or the transaction of their banking business, Including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sale* notes are supplied free of charge on application. 8!s

H. M. LAY. M a n a g r r , Walkerton Onl

Notice* have been printed from office* of the Toronto Star and New# that thuir mibsci-iption rate outside of Toronto will be raised to S-* a year in hteapof form erly |t.-*»V. The inerroufe gnu* into elfect on October lat.

I.otidon may yet be the location of « ! tm iiiing camp, a# Valcurtier n* now. | otdy on a email acaic, *ayn the taimh n ;

ee Pic*>. Toere are many drawback* ; the plau o f arndiug to n point m

liiistbnt form the recruiting bn.-*« unit* I ba*ttiy luouglil up to the necessary |

igth, w ith i*>uing of equipment largely left over. I t in fe lt by officer* ! hat the work for a second wliith it < ippeara likely will he furnishmt by J Canada, uiightelficicnlly be done at I l*iint**uch a* Loudon. The divi*ion»( j italT wooldhavo *upervi#ion, and weed

ing out of roctuUe woulb be done ul niiHt without any expense to the pul* j Hi,

Newspapers, in their quest tor news have to deal with many kind# **f peo­ple. llieii) is tlic per son** who ” w ant J it kept out of the paikirt." and with this class of jwr*otis» the newspaper t men com e to contact very often.-.These j people have ahvolufely no conurctimi j of the function or mlsvion of a .newt- paper and want to etippi e»-#t*very thing They forget that Ibo aiueriher* of n newspaper are paying for the paper in nrdtri to get the news amt that the pup- | er. m Suppressing legitimate news 1» I not doing its dot y towards Itasubscri­ber*. In th is class to -there ate the j people who never give newspaper* credit for having any brain* ot any judgemeut and think they should tet:- « or everything in the line .>f new?.

Conyttpnxliott reign* in railway circles at Toronto siuce it recently f * came known that twelve G .l’. k . con­ductor*. employees, *<>nie bom of long service amt wide acquaintance had bt'dn arroatod a t uilfcront points on the central division, charged w ith d e­frauding the company bv a llow in g--j presumably lor a consideration-—pa*- J ctigent to ride free or n t reduced rates on their trains. The arrests were the insult of carefully planned action bv the secret service men of the U F.U.

I acting with the proyincial police and Toronto deteclivee. Two tsudbury bar tenders who are alleged to have hero in alliance with several conduct ' o n have also liven arrested. It is said that they have been conducting tut ex tensive bu»iot»* in the sale <>f bogus ’ tirkefs to and IroUJ Budbury. Two i conductors who art* wrll-khown in | W alkerton are among those who a ir j

untry., it i* said—rained to pay the thought to lit* iinpossilileitulewtuit y ex. acted by Gut tunny forty-four ve*tu ago. would evidently he no veiyaever# lax on them now. They tired ? offer J »tx times the amount for defence. front.


I t -might bo weR for the people of Ibo province! to andenituad that the pn lrti'ic fund o f $882,000 raiitod in T oronto is not for the Dominion' wido Ganadinti Patriotic Fund, which the OovonorOunural the Duke of L-o°h*u8Ht is the bead, b at an association confined to tbo city of Tciouto and county of York. Tba fund ittfor the anpport of the depen- dentu of the volnnteora from that c ity , and connty, the number of whom d oeacrod itto the patriotism of tbo city and district. The suc­cess of this local movement should be u atimulun to other cities and conn ties of the province-to make genoro^s provision for the tlepend: onts of their contingents at t t u


Ontario’s Popular Exhibition September 11th to 19th, 1914

INCREASED PR IZ E LISTMagnificent program of attraction*. Two speed event* dotty. N«wfite

"'omiu'imd ecc tin: Dominion Expcfimcmot Faim Exhibit m d the Canedi-

“'Vh'i’cm0 T K n r f r SbO»»» !« «H '* * * * « « . , . Mtlir l» Ibc te .l

“, * lKll)Uc£l>iRAlLW AY HA1K5 COMMEWnMl S E P m iD lK 111*-- Special K .cuniun I A. I*. Hllh. 1-tb. All (K ie l. S c * ' - 11Special Excursion Days,

Sept 2lst.All.informotion from the Secretary.

W . J . REID. President. A M. HUNT. Sccretar y j

McPb<***on—I hntahli m inutes »*f the meetitq hdopted.

Armstrutig—DnuaHum. That w* pny W m . O .ollck î.7,** fur putting a tile drain ncr-w* -<»ul allowance a t l**t 30 con 2. f ’ai ried

Armstrong M cllursoti Thm we appoint .las DonaldM>n to have the W II1..W# ot. the sideioad at loU 21x23 con U cat «jr pallwl. Anil to Matinee l In*ditch a t the same place as soon us possible. (7aitied.

Armstrong— Donaldson Thai we pity Jita lL m ly *1.0(1. And Obit* But­ton 41.00. wrongfully charged to them in the collection t»*II of 1013. Carried.

Armstrong—M ol’heison- That tvu ppoitit W in O ise t*> h a v e 'th e snow

leuec removed fm ra tot 28 coa 0 and put np at lo t20 con 3 and a new piece built at same No. of lot Con. 2. Carri * ed

Case—Armstrong That we appoint tbo Reeve A Ja-» Dautldson to lt tve tbcculv*-«t*Hj» l*.t 17 cun. 10 raised and pul in their proper place »» tm face culverts. Carried.

Donaldson. 'That we make the Township levy (or the year IbU

Vo mills in the dullarn. Carried.MfiFhersou- Arm steong. That the ____________ _

finance iep*ut» «* tend be adopted and ' in (|(e tronbie, orders Issued on the Treasurer lor pay- jnu-nl ot the account*. One of thu m o*t dithcult task* in a j

M rl’h ei*on . That m >' now*|W|ter office t* in getting thofacts i do now adjourn I** mi*ot again on Siqd ! relative«> births,mat rlagcsnmldeatliw | 23rd or at the call «d th e Heave. tHfrri- | iu the community. Many people take j

‘ j It for granted that when n pewnadle*FiN.vs* t: R kpoet. I tlieo d llo ris familiar with every detail

Trnuttuun. l l ’t jd sg ta v i laud j <>l the life of the deceased aad Ids in­road .. . . . . . . ...................$H 2t»! tiv itlet, when as a fact he sometime**

8 A Stroutc. re|t.dring and te j knows nbeohitely iiathmg about bint,pairs for G r a t e r ................... 17 00 ■■ but he bus to get III* iiifut matioiifroiu

Jacob Brick. t.’> *yit»- giuvct uud j other sources, same i* «-thet jH-r>on»............ ..................... 2 .'*2 j would have to d*> I t is tiicuatm-M It h

C Waei'htvr.Ul yds gravel celt. | ui.u riugi-sor other morcoi l* sc ii.......................... ... . 1 8 8 ! an t hsppcmnfi* in the cummntti1

Juo Beeking. 84 yd* gravel.......... U 72 , almost every case the editor tm- to digHugh Mi'DotmM, *-onli'actgrav* ll 23 20 , up the p irticulars ot satisfy' hititstH Thus Donaldson, inspecting con- j and Hie reader* with a meagre uud iu

tra c t......... . ............................ 7 »XI accurate account. 1 he avciage editorWin Scott, gravel ......... .............. 13 in ol a country paper has many thing* to

Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware—easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished— absolutely clean. For every kitchen use Panshine is equally

effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless. Panshineis a pure, white, and clean powder without an y disagreeable smell—

PANSHINEthe m agical kitchen cleanser-

Sold in handy 1 A _ sifter t?p can 1 v t »

At All Grocer*

ut ID siick. titv .ta» Hardy. «n*M

■train.,......dunged t

-ugly cltargxal. ................. I

* Hut ton, Clerk.

da unit to think almut in a week, i the patron* can baldly ovcre*tYui«t«‘ how much he iippir-ciatea any t lfuit* they make in futuudiing him Hu- fm t- f*»r new* item*. Send your item* ol new* to The Tvlcscop*.

INDIA PALE ALE INot a UselosH Intoxicant, but a

WHOM ISOM !•: BEVERAGE with (licHtical and medicinal use*


If iu*t wdd by m-.irvst wine and uplrit merchant, write


REFKNCK lM*0n«\MAfIONS. - Four proclamations 1m nod In con-

ti-etion with tin* crisi* were publish: <•(1 in a fifth supplement <•( *Ji*:* la>ti- don (Saxes to on Tuesday week, Tht‘ prot.tarnation include# one for call* tux mil the Army Reserves ami cm- bodying- llu* Terrid-rliil Korn iiunlnK in Army

exhibit of rural fnd»#trle#. The tnaklac* of. wlibh ar- *** strong-thattb -j have known »«* last in hard Of«- ini* sixty :>year#, dli*ehi#es a Inc* ratio- u-!i' fur coppice oak. Tim #al- h»«* cttivs** for th'- lighter baskets will 'b id tiN miti-ii ii" 15 lb. u* Mit- acre,

i.. There are snore* of copse# of birch amiI'rvico. .oddier* due * abler in flic county out of which clogs

So go into the Reserve. tnllhiK t«», #W- <, which, il is nctlcD ncrvici* the .i<r#,v MRiim »n*ij arising to know , arc now -umhig mure Militia Kctmrvi* ami for th- iti-umir-# I Iihomim*. tllJKbl Ik- profitably mnwtfttc* li» be taken fur se-eurht« the jmb- i In m i.lie u n ic e s ami the def-M<# of the \ A t#nu-iii.itt b on fo«t among the realm ." i member# at tin* Literal * ami RhihiMi*

••Whereas tin* pies-M Mat- a! p;tl> I I'hf.Cftl S«t;iely- «n er—t a table outside lie affairs m Europe is mch a* to i Ho*-' Rin.odCburcb, In memory of constitute an imminent national dan- i f'h.irb * Dllx.Hn, tin- #allorb‘ po* t, who get," say* tin- Iasi prwlrttuntinn, “Wo | «u» born ill SsttUllniitiplun in tiLYviiid strictly eomuiaiul d t-enjtiin Our #ub-j di-d -ini'' -'*. IM I— juM a hundred Joel# to obey ami conform to alt In s 'cars a Co. Napoleon oserilwd much of • t ructions ami r-cnlall-ifix winch may . Knt? lit ml *s naval prowo** to Dlbdln't> be isVn-d. ami not to hinder or ul- ’ rotig#,Mriict. but in afford all nssiKtaue- In : A Nort h’-a# tern rail" a -iiglue dri*

-accordance with xhiih Instructions o » . '- r named I’atrt-k . was kilted n-ar regulation!'." i ts>-*t»n, RerwlekMare, while driving

An Order In Council calls upon of-! Hie etmt e-oast .eNpreis*. wlih-Ii left Htur- tlcera of ib -s llcs-rn-s md Retired ■ wick about TJ.O fur; Ktliltinirgli. It is L I*!- to bold themr-lv-s in readlOe* * ; elated that his bead struck a bridge for active service. j um)rn.whie-h hi# train was jiassItiK, and

A great crowd Imard the proelama-; he w.-n.. thrown on (ho line. I’atrlcklion read at the Royal K.ccbtifiK

.Cheers" era given and hats waved- ctithuHa Really.

:to>vt«: councillor at t*at-#hcad.

RIUdiTlNO It v r tis .

Two lamdon cadet*. f.nsb'C'M ctlcrl j Foster, fti. orC nsj.. ! oak, N. W„ and i l*fc. .Stanley it nncIS, ot t’lu- ;<>mi. i t rb-ktc«,«s|, .x. v... vOto arri -« as

Orders h it'e men issne*1 anihor./ittg | Fjtsllnmrtnc for intnji, w-r - d row tied general o r fi-ld officers n» irsno nbiio hntliing at Wbii-liread iiollow biilftlng r«i|Ut*lflona nutl re<imshlons 5 jj, {(„< (i,n<of emergency for the ntovtsaO -> ? ,Mayorf-tt, j\ <1 ;b<rr Who carriages, animal*, ves.est,, ami air- r*'»rht at ib - battle oi « hifti.'uivaita v . • . , , r , j tU I’O, hlilcli l«-d In tin- hiHi-Xnllim -il

An Army order give* 1 ... followingJ the 1 'nn}iib in India, bak died at Roch- sfu-ctal rates to bo■ i»ld bor hlllettag j |H n i s v - . tr to an tKtupiet other than tin- keeper j »angor Fat!a drat the it- an of of a yictimlling house; j llangor uuvelleil n tablci In til -i.wrv

laslgihg and ntlendancc for soldier j|. o. fdmigitt r <-t ii».cals .furnished, ;«if. pc- -where itero meats ;iurnismn, eo. per login viear of fUogorS. who 'a s kilbsl

llrcakfast as *p w l«cM in l‘art „lfb bar lute b-iM.au.!. Mr. Mmn.ibn-v 1. of setuvid Schedule j.. Army M i. <> lone*, of fambri-Ig- 1 ni *)**!» , on ‘ * ‘ , . J i b e Alp* In August. !» !? . a fortnight

pee Lied. Is, . t .d j a jp.r (f„-jr ma triage at Iktu^or Ftf.l-.o. dral. . ‘

A rd.v.vear-oh! bov uaim-d vias' stuftnl at a; Wnlv-rba

J «p*< M to

red PageSupper as so specified. ! l-f'd each;Where no meals furnished, lodging

ami attendance, ami tandbgm. salt and dr.osing and • oting ] gutiodJ. 'Wbldi liis ̂ meai. NI per day. Ihim.gb lb - M r - 1 Tie aulnn.l

h able rtx.m aml ten p<mml.. of oat ; rln, rtt.,| it Umr|>d woman nanod twelve pound, ot bay. and .ught lbs. Tliom,e»n. br. aking ! -r v r - .aud at-

fciray p> r day for cac.t horse. > . j.., ., small gtrl. who avoided ii.

day,. NJ per

IxChlRing and attcmlnfice for offi­cer, Its pci night,

Note,—An officer must pay for bis food

HOV SCOFTK OX 1 : 1 AimRoy Seoul# nil over the cpuutry

are mobilising. There ate lough little llriiisbers ready and eag­er to help the civil m id military mi- thoritic# in every way they <ao. Ucutenant-Ceneral Sir Robert Ibole:;- Rowell, the Chief Seoul. Ini., offered the War Office l.tnm Scouts fsom each country to assist the chief con­stable* in various rfays.

The Chief Scout has also 1*10 Admiralty i.mm Sea Sc assj-t the coast guards in every e. they can

All over Sussex, Roy Scouts a mitirdiiig Hi- railway '|jm-.-. -brldgi culverts, etc., at (he retptest < f t chief constable.

luckedA dog saved the (he# of .Mr.

it master at Kfoa Ctdb-g-*, and !:ir= family, who reside at slottwb. Mr, law was iiv-nlo-iied In lb*' uiatd by M s <lng rerufeblug <tud whining at the door, lie found tin?.-■kitchen and study aims and Rifs part of tfie Rouse w«et\y -ittsl. vnltia/de pb?:,yr*“ a ml lion?.; beRtgdestroyed.

Ten brothers St anted Parris, sixtsi sncst-J^ive Afignst 'tank bolidav. play -d tog; tin r in ;i -rick t tnaieli at Sou fit Croydon.- They were «ip;«»sevl by «u eleven, all tiantvd May. of »k- batti Rye, eight being brotfe-rs mid the Hst ft lug relatives. T b - f u n i s tenth mad- !» and she May team ii.t.

A t*>bt t<ony fsdonging to an officer a ' Ablersbet, mi l ridden by a lad. took

ffered ! frhihl at Weyianirno find raced along 1:-, fn j I ho lancer Far'diifiii road, i'o V J.«> 1 o tort i1 rb-ar-d. «a < igitt-U»,t

! b*tide a rnflw-ay. embankment.1 rider wit* th ro ‘ ft. but fit'; pon*

.cited ! f!m • . fol-! lowing b» r via-teiito'| day, Man Ann Ravin, of Klim tire j Rt-riuondscy, w>llnpsed and died from \ i:< art failun-, A verdict of ttalttral

VOU NTRKR COAST I’ATROI,The -avv league has decided <»; ,

invife the committees of all iis }brmiches filmig the south and mist t e J t y ,, , ,- ! - m 1 1 . -.u - von

: m nrm d

undertake intmmilateiy tin- organ;- i „ fif. ,,

S T A S , ........................................................................ . . in,lu„ e , , ............

jam Monday .vei-iv coiiwwial-'d bv- the i ifiv'bop of Taunton ; »r. dc Sailsi. and

of Ih d r ' areas They w ill watch night attd day for (ho appearance of strange craft along the coast and noteibt; movements of person* presence tuny po*.4bly ho ngaliit i 1 ttonal interest.

!’ an- rward# pryv -nted to Mr». Rob w lie Of.-Con. Ifetutls Holes. M. !*.. ill Tntintoii ptiblle park. Tiio color# were

i pnr.idmi bv subscriptions from Hie

I .A RUIl ANI> TU B WAR. j -y^,, ,.f tb - IHi York him]A representative conleh>iie>< nf l.abor j l.attcnshlr • Uegimenf; tTet-rHorhiNt

men held at the 1 louse of Common* i lropi Sh- ftlehl. who were m deeidet! to ih s m upon tin- tlovernmcnt | Whitby, pave p»*t #p»-nt k »ml municipal authorities to take jnea- \ b< ur* tp an ojo'ii boat. Tne> stfres for officially controlling th e ; mm In a small tdeas.ir- Iwat «t x «> clock storage, price, and distribution of food, i tu; Sunday night, ami ti

Thcj also called for the apimfntim nt j struck vantp tut Monday , t- of citizen comfulttves to gttard agnltiM | out tiu-m. T;t<-y w-r- "ton-;.;: into the exploltntloh 'of tint people by tin -; Whlthy am ‘I’m.-sdny aftcruomf necessarily bight price#, and asked the ! imtch fWtlng imat. which :>P * - tlovernmcnt to aiuKiint a standing Uo-1 up twenty mfles *••# Mom ; <vt-parttuental committee u, help in f Imrougin Thtdr Imat was half toil ot muiniainlng cMlployilleni and to lake {watery nitd the - wer- buftt une.ouscttm* measure# fm ’assisting lh<- tmemploj - ! -.when fonnd.tvl. i A rnniuK t*v.a «:>«. pasi'ing -t for-

-........- I j*do-bont destroy > r lying idi Rallner'xRARKIl FA .MIX 1-1. i buildiitf; y:u<t at .l»m»v-on-T,vne

f on Wc-diP-sda*. when a n.v-,»| of|ic» r An arnte famine fn paja-r im* s»t in ' the i<e* upant-v »-,» n.).. As

not only in Knglaud but also in France j jp. y («>ok no notice a «iiof w.e* fired, and tlcrinnuy. |j)hdmi evening new*- j,a<{ . 1, mid the ot.'.i-cr putpaper# show signs of the #tre.v* of the I j(1 ;1 b.nte ft manned t»> «»-.i vork-

• u>cn.named end AUdhoRand. TheTints Hie Kvt-nitiR .standard has been Munch i-olibb-ik v-ltb another lm.it t,nd

reduced from twenty page# to twelve j Muihoiktnd was drown-d, and the Fall Mall (ia/ctlc from twclvo ' rtaitie * tf-M the rtrettistp pasex i„ eight. . rowing i «m -■ i- tmrm! -*

If ts miderrimwl Ihttt drastic li.anBc# j IMI,ier#<a»d the signals.

iamdlug I# Stl'pend'd ft! til.lSi.oW Ifdckn. I.Mio laborer!; being idl".

Six brolttcr# nam««t Ihwlson, «>f. Her* f-liam, Surrey, have Joined the etilotv-.

Tin- pn* a .itutfon Of |to- lr<-e«folt» vd tllnsgow to sir Mil" ar<I • <!s-yx fm# keen IKvMcem*l.

Hoy Seoul# at tending |C«-nt element* tify sehools nri-|t» be “f-t free to act :e;

The t" ntimrary tevival of the hor#* bm- i* otic sign of the n ;c In lln; Utah

' in tb* Mtreel.Rritlsb resident# in Fart# nr* to

| er»n#ht< r ibo forioath n of a vafawb - r i.corps to o-#iM Frame,

Xearlv lou M. HV.. 'I'ercRorlitl# <ir unity *{eMT.vo'.littvi-: licep stemmed to hc.oPnwrter/

A third ot the London mofm ■ he-u'; •'eto held in retullitevi for tho nnvitl r^ erv i* !;' mold)I<taiIon.

Coa- t tid ing lnxits are recoy.nbh d as eveptpt front eupiero; dcep-ceit fish* in# iio.it'- are not exempt.

There will t»> fewer tuv|«s and mt-l- or-ltus'-s io London n* one effect «f the. war on Hi- petrol suidv *

Tb- menu at tin Carlton Club i ; to !.<• oMbe #lM}tle#t charsirtm while* war prb-.f tn|e In th--fowl mark-f

tr,«*d lartcblfes round on Hiceim:;- bam pti'mJoes ami confiscated will b- offcretl to the War OLt-c by :b - emg. Ltr.M*-;

A Cermaii and a I'r-te-li waiter, about to leavi l.ondon f-,r the war. shook hand# and nF.bnl *«e|» Other •'« own! luck**’

The total urength of the Territor­ial Force It! (Jettihrr was 'VIPh o!fleer# ..mi 2So/.S!» nott-VonuuLsl- n-«t otfbvTs and non.

Lord Tredegar: hits offered hi;- steam ; adit Id tier tv t,» the Admiralty for tts-* a 1 bovitat ; !-;p AH tb- < t* a liav>' volunt •<■!• t to serve.

Tin- Kaiser «»# solemhfy btthKcd In efflg>- Ii; the Roy Scouts ot tie- I'O Rritisb Au*irallnn troop in their o m ii tostr Clacton,

"The iitcorrlglhl- o|dlipl«tn of the Kltglisll ‘people," Is tii-iitinned b.v a writ>r wtt« finds lln- Last Kmi work­e rs . " i l l tipi M icv« in the coming pinch. '

Comm Ope ra 11 vC. fn fat nr.'iMifr-. famous for their holiday outings, ar- liejllg advised to save Hieir imin. y. ;i: tb* r- limy be no w o rk after the •*y» ake>."

At a juwtifig at CanlRf s>r--'i.!.*l over by the Lord Mayor, it wa# re­solved to a Welsh - mountedregiment for active service abroad, if to.-d.d.

'f lu- win tit crop-In the i'niuM King­dom now bdag harvested I# e#ti- niat‘-il at T,«*to,«o»» naarfi-rs.; slightly abovi- tb - a;* rage for tb - last :* « year*, • •

An KnglMi tritveher front *l<e -on* Rn-nt a ':- that crossing t<> Folk--'- Mono ihtitt HnaloKite that tit- imat va#1 >111 In 11.1 II under Hi- m urchllcbt of a battleship in Hover llrtrlMir.

Compbt- arm n g‘ -tb eats it a ve Irnen tttftde at (iritusby to d-;il with any womid-d brought in after a mival etS- gag* ment. The fount'll sehuols Will he utiU/.ed a* chief naval hospital#,

H-tmnn tmsim1*# men were con­vinced that there would b - civil war in Ireland, making Knglfslt interven­tion in 1'urojK- impossible, slate* an KngR#hmnnv Just rciartn#l from Ger­many. '

F - r Ittstiiting the army. Thomas Kddy. t,R«..r*r and SoelhUst sj«-ak<-r, was pelted with stone* mid-sticks by an angry crowd m ar the Fast India dock*. lie w.i* Imund over .R the Thames itoiho court.

Lord Lincolnshire bn* glv-n Instruc­tion** th«i no rents will !»• -epRirl-d during lb - war from tenants of -o t- tapes on bis MtateW wher- any adult till tuber of the family ha* jolnoil tin- color# or volunteered for tuibfle service.

The }*ort of Hritusby has !>. < si elos>xl to all vessels.

A large number of dm ior* have vol* im^-er.d th.-ir servte*'*.

The t i-rmttu poiii>ulatlo!i sn l.ondonin ordlnarlJv. aimtil da.huli.

Trad- ha# la-en entit-ly pamlvaed in seta- of fin- gr-al drapery UotiS*-*.

jRxty-seven oat of ?f«S m-n in Rir- mlngham tire brigade are under or­ders.

famdon no-ssag-s from St- IVter*- burg on Wednesday w-ek were r-eeiv- vin India, *

The Cltv of lamdoit Y.-omatiry vednnteer»-d for foreign service, if re-

range of lb - riflecffccUviWhich in «x:<5 w » lim e «vcr

chief run at provision shop:1 Hour. .!, bacon and

take jIn Hie #l*e of new'Hpaimr* will phoe in the Immediate tutor- to the itni#i*>iMHt,v of obtaining raw material front Norway and r*wedeu.

U a

WAR ITKMS.K* nsiaglon has v*<

vie- with the AVebh 1

HBMANI) TO RKFOMK RHITOXtL j fairg- number# of F.enmtnk Mill in

Kiiglaml are seeking Rrltlsii naturiili* t * iruorkil - • it tb. r-s-rve list station paper*. I o w ■ r, v ,sr> on- ie.-io -l to r

Several thousand Herman*- have »«♦ : ,.tenfly applied to be naturalim-d.

Home Office officials make m> a teniiR to disguise titn fait that ti: demo mi for natnraliratlon papery j the present moment is absolutely ui prceetlcnted. . In* hee

Mill. 1

NAV Y TOM'Sk FRiVATF rUlti'b. { ,,*,!■, A proelnomtloa wit* fiattusi tilt M«u* i

w-.‘k alttborlxlng tli- A*ltuirall> I to Use any Rritlsb sblp wRbin th- tin . j "V * . tlsli f*b-#.«ttd> lh- adjacent wat-ic, Sort J J ' the f!ov-nim«‘nl f-ervlee, allowing udo- | K ’{*’ <|unte culUpemtatioit,

f r o m T in : j ’itmTNVfe*. ? S aTwo Lmulon w ho lead elitubed j f t

up lit*- Shakesjuntr*' Cliff. I (over, uu :Friday last w—k and wen* unable to move v»er- rescued by a coastguard named l>ennl#un, w Ip. was lowered ; \! ,

MOO f-et down 111- cliff by a rope. { ■*(>**•.The Isle of Mart llari«>r t'onitnU* j

sfoper* have issued r-turmt showing ; „p p a that during May ami June last IOL'»-2 i t>v<» I n person* landed at ifougia*. a* com- j Thin pared with bl.MH during the »orre#- | t .of*n pomljng month# of l»*t year. Tills j i-uib year * arrivals constitute a record. At ’ cr< -••• Katitsev f.r,u t#-rsons were landed, or \ r ;;<. «■ ninety fewer than Inst year. | tioverr

f ĵtrge crowds were attrael-d tut Frl- i d* pl-t> day Inst week at flu- Royal I jinemdilre | Tin t Know at Walton, Liverpool, by the cut d .

yard;;. and -br* in the nmfrm-ter* - * » - murk-»1 ami

-fated for bltlllilfX tmn-e - :< enihp’til h,.t taken t<n»;’.>'

tr„P'»ttis'd*«4 *>f m*--3'**- by • t -barat'hy wlthfn lit- <'rii*■ <3

1 from Hntltata, V orkshire, ?f*dh>«*ls d*cSded at Shill toii e price »L fluur t * t> t -r

•rim* ot.-R «ir< • tbis cujintry.

leiegrai'l' stations

iavc- to*!* owned, mat ;!:♦ *• b t*l*v employ *1 flnhblng •** ('ftIlian d*-#Uov*'t#.

Hi.' suburlis tinned g«M«f*. ■

Admiral Air John .t-llhoe ami -t er- Admiral Mttdtlen. Iii* Chief «if Staff, ure lirotlmrs-in-law-.

An rirtill-ry officer in the {»<*#** m»l- terv of the House of rommons has iteiil t itlietl tut to take tit- field.

AR prisoner# nr- dicing lilmrated from natal d-tenlion .pearlers af f'oitsax.Ulh amt drafted lu ship*.

The London Wirei-** Society lias of­fered tit- tiov-rnineitl tlni services, of ii* metitb' r~: ! ‘Mt arc r-atiy t« a-s in sitip*.

Tile, RrlHsli Red Fro-* tWfety entt turn out utirscs. male and fe­male. into H,*- field In marly -,OoO tie- taeiintent#. *

* 1 'o|or >'et»:( - ILtrrv Ferris, « f X'eW> nnrv. W ho li-bum* d to til- Rerkshirc Territorial* for <12 >*ara, ha* rejulnwl a# a privitio.

The French <(«>!<* at Hie Hamm of Ooinujon* have all tmen called:to the color*. Oitlv Plain KngR»lt fare will

•la* served tn the dining rooms.A bad merelmul sayjt liter*' 1* not

enough Icml in the world to make -moigb bullet# to k*,*-p going Jong tin; i Mitkl.iHH) tHi ft 'Vito-Will *0011 be in the field.

V latmlon e*arr* #twmd* »t say* that to double the inrome-tax «mP death duties would tmt tai*e more limn a filth of the eo*t oT'tmr naval and mi! itary operatton*.

Naval Stokc-r Totnlin#, a <ies< l!> r from II.M S t'orntiuuiweahh, gave itim> self up to tlte indie*-, on Monday w* . k, saying he w;t* anxtou* tt.» rejoin and "ftj'.iil for Hid KhRftttid,"

A rem.'itkiihle acltn vetmuti v.a* titut of Ndoiirat JelRcm* »# ;t cnd<t, lie par- < d oat <*t the tlritadia f’jr#t bv ever L"' mark;-, mid took tltt-e ffrat# for #«b licutetiMiil.

It wo# .10 the tlphir, tbe fatutm* obi Orient litter, taken *>x>;r tty: Hto Admiralty ama htwpitul ship, that tlte King ami (Ju. cu. when Rrince ami,RrUicess ol Wah’s, w*>»! rcuttal the wori.1.

Two itteu mitut *! firaiuucr and South: Ktivt lllt-msf Ive# tip to the city tiidici a# dt-m-ri-ra from the Scot# Cua>*t* and the King * Royal Rifles re#jpcitv. iy, tikkfng to he ft tit back . fo litcir regiim iii*

"Returuiiig froth IPiginut ott Tm-*- chty, I vvft# vtcuek by 5b- «t<-at nuia beF «>f :tR< ii* coining into Fnglaruf,’' " < 10 - .Mi## Hounsfndd, ttf Hromb y

t hardly fatr that we upporr sinovt,"

‘ts e! tip stop t-pait -shthlfd have

It-P ,* ,* . , . on; itulu.iir V


to b- r iJampine..*, by i.f- trimmed droojiy hat; ii-1 teat #!i t« ............

pattie ami w„.i.- of any toed, in* it oi Ismdoir have *o*tt..- »i p b o .r* l ‘alrb*jh \i*>c*eint...i K ’ oh.,1 to appeal ci. alt • fc:|. r«*liir- wag.# la tlu r than th< of their »t.tff# t. to n tt be* at:

ynl- tiischitrKes,


The Body of Men Tjiat Directs Her Great-Army.

vl—MIUrtIon. but a- at* inn lltc. n. c clearing lo.us. lor tlu- wimp* ol ih* Kuiplr-. t» tie 'tbriuatt War Machine. Fonc.lv*.I t.y . i i n .n l st-in in tb* day* of tb* N tpol—ht. car*, add-d t*. and tlou*. m.I-I) uml. r Re control of it.- ruling lion*. , it# «{(h i-ti.- ;.ml p*rfi*t and •mui.tt, working are du* t*. Hi*- t..- tal absence o t ! political mm l.lmttloti# , or pr-fer-m • #. Ilralu*. ublllly. and tltoruugh •t ietiUlb i. ijov- I* -Iri ar.- Hu- only ta-*i tor * ntram* fn the Hr*.##vr t:« rural Slat.. Ho- H-tp-rai; stuff *.f ih - HvVinuri Klmiin i*.u will tin.I Id.Maif

Chats With the Doctor

By a Physition

haired K*4.ral* j*a«t m l —Apert* tanking irom .i

imx-huub' to the high'-t • -XIH-II. all w.-rktus tea ni.

■ o r ri-HAN-orT

: uni e-»K'd ui -an II UiU

1. ot *tf >arP*>nc

i.-l I..-M In |-*l* I'lnX.-t The 1# t.n iir a«h*p-nv",

#. v.rwj naiiuw nf |hr Mound.

Stal*# -at pr*#Mit fb lu ral Ft. M *lmi von llc-*TSiiK*-n Hu# fmimii#* chine, ih - pulsing brain *.1 a tml

bv Hr. Arm-

Illusions ol War.

Atld je t how . ITi)t> ;touhtl : along tin- titPi'ciittig- *o f drum ami ip* ’ Ami i ;orn* t

tine f.iru •tnditlOn •• ir |,*i'h' *

1 up;<! ti,. jpm*. •Ii»ii*>i,<.-:*r rtreat

I tire,*! Rritaiit di-ebli-d c ling to stRw.ctfinaC" -Il in 1 tin; tp.-eds of tbe natton amt

t». it 1 V-n


Rut not an iitmni.', like tiii-.

- Richard L Letltvttuv

p|,nut (ivcr-til* wourtii, tin- whoi- tiritnt 1 -••ver-f wiiti tided - ellk Oe er-v-ii’ *•- •li* ,«tns lx *yiuina -ley A tightly'ti.« pun iniivi tie kept «t»«dm*ty..nt TIi- wuiitui in ip: t t>" *lr*##id *v * v»tr«iilt"n <tt th- part*: I'unctway a# <|f iirt-*ut wounds. f<*>! tin- -I'lmuld Mill P*> ilrinvn A-geth-C. or • Xtieimly dtflieoit '

Htiiroi «,i«r»i <k»< potvOi-1; wound.

i* ,.f ftirid the wound may t* <!l v

IR»tv Tb m.f.Hf • vtt> f-r *!■ * p t»«-i U- > Sjn ao-r

-ft*.• p-r#»in;' ■

uuiitia tne matte, : tt-ittl-- cdii-rs, i--rui.*: p- greatly a tnicMPaii: <rt natut,, hut, *p T.llowttiK the t»m- n—'-c-iicy p.i i-i>Uui:, tin- p«M"ii c*itiv-nn-d shmild !»id nut tie- amount "t -Pep l-'pll.e.l t-. keep. O *« : > l<rfirt Health l-m nln «t CyciH'O*!" lean * f«ni-nt are usually'.: great xi-̂ -p' iy Tiiin, w-iry penple. on tie- *'thi'r tiaiiit, in whom tin- nervous t- mi« rpm-nt pre> itoillinnt-s. .ixnnitv r* *jipce roiuporaltv* f * little »tee-p. a tal <n *h*Wii«!.: tip- -Romn.ic of tmuperwinecit imif.l 0- e-*n»id> •- -t It' i»',-t HftltUll- f**r sleeping i* t-. In* on tn- i-igtit eld**. 11* to lie on bai'k-fr- ticntiy va« 1.0* *lr,«m*. White t*. r. *>n He !• H -Id- may affect the !>*a»t. TJ*v e tcovevei. no hard and f:**t r*dc »# -Kurd pmOt.mi when sleeping, I'"*- ui.nn filing l« to r.diix Hie unis-.-b-s and It*- tnthe most e—nif'irtaljte ntlitud' je>**t!,ie.I’*<>;-!*- v,h" ar- light deeper* stt-sd-tr wli-ti '.tn- tody t# o

.. . . . . . .iUire- for fift** ee.nift.MMd- dele v. Jt o

t.iafy- siinti.-ietiil.v to ail.s go to sleep aim*.*! :*! one.

ten should H- rusked


Berlin Scientist Recently Exhibit­ed and Operated a Rink.

Nature ha* tn< o <*>u*|m f: cl mem mure. Men can *k.Mt-. tmt cut tc*v lull .m suit A salt skating rink. voliHRuel-. *1 by «b- pat-at-il ptoe-e -# »t H.V-il Arimbl. w;i# r-e-fitly '-xliRiit.#! and opprated in'Rerliu,

All #kat-r* will wi lcmn- Up - inve.tp | . lion of a uiethocl of producing, by pur- Iy ehpnticai menu# ami without ,Up; »-m- pluyuu iit of u cosily cefrigoratinv pro -*•**. tt saltm- ciystulhiii'.tausv w iileb exhibit* all tit- rharaeferi#!*- pro P-rli-# oft ir*-, Tim snrfn— of Hie natural nr urilfieial in-, nml the f o-in libin-e i# tiicrea#c>i| by tip- fuel Ifiat lit- shaving* tiwducet! by the skat*-* have all tin np'iearat!-- of snow Th - lutir# l* i iRir-ly mlnrle#K ami cotitahl* m» iiigreilleiit itijurkm* to tho health or the clothing of the skater*, if can he uHliifpii for skuitmi, with nrclinary ft - skate #, in -v-ry somoni ami t-limato,• xeepf w hen Hie lentp-raHtf- is higher than >fi tlcgrr'e# Fahrenheit,

1 lip tiiitstt eiiti he apjilted in any tlglit flmir of w'lHiii, c-m -nt or usfdntit, from which it eats malty ho re mined by chipiiing or Mentning, f! Ss pr< fe-t*•Ibit- to coast nu t flic skatfti" Rooi in a builtllns. hut It may he instalb'il in she open air. tf It is protceteU from vain, dt' triK winds, summer heat and direct sunshine hx it shed, tem o r utlti-r covering

Itoanf# can he coated with the mas* atul can h- ipiickly assembler) fo form (lour# of any desired #1 tv. which etui h- iiik-n apart jm ipiickly In this way t-mporarj skaiictg f!i*or* yah r-adiij Ih- tnlroducetl on tin* stage and tn piihhe or private f.-slivals, iiuloiu.' or in tlte ,op* n air. i5litle» for coasting ran be contracted by a similar method.

The Costs of conslriieltot; atnl main- t< nance of a satfskating rink tiro mod erat**. The construct ion is very sim |»lo, Th*1 usa** is fiivlied and jour-d on tin- floor, where it cjuiekty solidifies nutl fornf# a littrtl, smooth surftu;.:-. It is applied in successive* iay-r*, »>aeh Ice# than 1-23 Inch thick. The cost o! upkeep is «tiinll. for fit- "wem" i« b.sm than that of ice. c*sp.?efally at low femiH-ntlure#. and (he altraded ''snow"Is coti-cii.-d, melted with fresh materi- Ifti and tmed Hgttin., The mas# taken from old skating hoard* or rit.k* cati h- tttillied in th- sam- manm r Th* •ptantily r-.piir**! fur a single layer Is 1-s# than l a itotind per sqmir- font.A ,fre#h layer must In* upplletl ftxuu, lime,to lime, with a frv*tu* ney propor­tioned to the use of the rink. Two ap plleutioii# per week usually suffice* \ surface of a,out* sipian- f*•*:■! can b-k. ept In condition by jbr-t; bemr *' tfaity work of one attendant, in addition to occasional sweeping.

During art exhibition which was re- c-nily held in th- exhibition budding of the Rerlln a denttitiittabh*skuting surface c omposed of wood, ii planks was list'd v-ry largely uml it# durability was thorwushSy demon- «i rated, ■....


’Twas a Thoroughbred Bull, But the Snapper Killed Him.

Ain Reynold#; ;h<* edinedhtn, is ,« f rt ai fancier of thoroughbred dogu. At S.- home in New York city *e* lias *«.vital finely br-tJ terrier.; and on- pifinln- build ig, whfclt he think,-, --mid whip i t-d v nearly any animal ILina.

"Rut," said . Reynold*, yesterday,' Munt.-time* I tun mu juR,- so stir-- t.luu.t tiiut. either. Dio you -•v-r **•*■ a liiR-gtowu snapping turtle* - tm- ittlng fit re*-, eh * Fake art tigiy *i a ti­pi m; tm tl-, rtmsed to righfin;: humor, atul i don't heliev".!lie average anhtt.ti of nn> kind want# to tackle it.

a nice I had a bulldog that w as a ii|!ld*.r, believe me, i i .*uk him «nc. tiidting with me when I was on--j;:y ' a radon. \VV ^weren'f bcokhor afteriattcj lisli— j.i;t itiudral# and -u on, t’ctmiKe Hi- ere**!; w-. w.-r- udlywlng v a;* only a sluggish, roily s-ort of stream. My pnjc rart Into a ebtntft <>i flags ahead *- me, and 1 .'abed for him to come *>ut. Rut he >lid!t:t e.-im-. You know, « bulldog di;*->m'! mitke mt • ftis# wh-tt he i# fn tumble; !: • • j».-’ i * t# it grip and ;>< t!Je* di»wn to bn-i- lose I’jtttt wa. wit* I did Ft kmm ii v i n irnuhle HR I bat! wuhi-f tor bint r eventl: tniHittc# «tt>! Sr- Oafo i 1-t-oW tip,

"When I ran du **t («> t!i • bunch oS rings. I fiuim) that th*' dog uu-i ->m-- itp with a Mtapuhia tuft!" bt« as a j dish pan. duct what hint happen* d I j ih'ii t know, ton wh-u 1 itrri* ii tie- tio tl- had a VlsC'like grt)! on Ihe *hni-w:| b y and the .5*>e cnu'rpitiy i«**':**i i *: :■ turtle's tlifiprr-. 1 did i t w.iu! pet . boko th- dog hm# ■ I'eeai'--- :hat w.tidd jl. uve given tlte turtle Rt- heM «« it, jmid f couldn't g--t the f art! - awe-. ; So idl I e tiuld tin w ae-to w af;. Yh ' t ! _ we ■ slowly bb-edhtn to tleatii; att.t »*. »b i tit*- Iasi of til*.stf-.'«:gt!t it-’ twisted f:‘ : ; l * a*' about, and grabble > R,*- tunb.-v. jikidl. cruclted it to *u>1 litters. Th- u tlte dttg Imjipb-d o ,,'r am) If *1 b< fore J l tottld do anything for him ' ' !

-...........♦ ♦ ♦ - - .....■'How are you fix-d fimtnthilly < old i

man ■ "I'm at the saturation point." j "What dt» yon ni-att?" "At tit- point )

•cut* >.V*'m! wlfer— I've got to soak *wo«v:th)t»g -I aitiwndiB #nd Rottlpu Tr«n*cript,

Thought She Would Lose Her Little Gill

F ro m S e vo rc A tta cks of S u m m e r Co m p la int

M»i. Witt, Utrd, JOI I'ahnerxRin Avenue. T'trtinto. tm t . write* uv under date ot Januaty '2-1r«f, (*>! 1..Tlte T. Mdhurit Co . Ltinited,

.Toronto, t »nt.Dear Sir*: ‘ l.a*t umm* r l had Rtave

arsxkty* for my little yicl, wbti w-*- }«*l one year oiil hi July !u*t bb- Inol eon- Mntit and severe* nttm-t* of Mtnmtcr romphtcR, and it -** uk<1 to drag on her *<» long de-pit- the many fciiudh * 1 tf it'd. M y tu ighbor * told me Hie had grown -■> weak they thought I would hxHc her. ’* >»e jiiyjltt whit- nuryinj; her an oid tri-fid of mine happened to votne to m c me. atul aTti-r trlhng her alumt my babyS iitigvfhiR dim** she n*kcd me to try Dr Fowh-r*» lvxtract t.{ Wild Suaw- l*ettv 1 w nt'a little girt t** o«r drug *lot.' and In.ughl a Imitle, and alter having given tin- Imhy one close- I rtoliced tt reirtarkable cliangc, and after giving ;h* r three or four do*e* ‘he wa* well again, and lagan to walk, which she hatl not Iteen aide to do prior to hrr ailark. She t* now n fine loalthy child, ami 4 one tier life to that kindly advise of ait old friend. 1 would Advise all motii.r* t*. give "D r. F-VwylerV* a proin* immt place tn their ntetlicluc ehevt-*’

Your* truly.• Sgd > Mr*. \Vm. Hirst,

Wit* a you a--k for*Dr. Fowler's Kx* tract of U'itd StrawlMfty see that you

j It Ha* hi;*:-, os Tin; Market cok Npar- 1.Y SkVliNtV YliAUjt. Dow’r Aceth'T A St.'tl*7tTCTt;.

The price of tlie original h 33 rent*, and is tnatmfaclure.i only by The T. Milktiru Co . Limited, Toronto^ Out,


nude nnodeetd *.*v fur atHint half • "ff, ico-t oft. Srn"

.»t«n*l ni* nicety. Thi#

-<f..t..»!f> t**vi't.-;U dam:* i ilow. - v* tv w*o r> fir* * t:»n->-5ti*t. - Th-y »*)i«i'|*aiM*r, *-r on die is.

fCnaitc odd t~- - • * **»M iUWUl'lwith (*.-.

firmly t«U» rtt- • * V*. ait»i ymootfi th*: tw fo * —e* r v'.an t> H;tn kcilfe. rfaiel- I s*i t t, r orronl. "W„" IJ ,* , '-Vjd*

*■■!, and wtlcn Hof tb- <hn*t • : ViVCOMh' -i I !.• : r>*w

Mini tie n l.»ld nl th**t U I.

.* tnrouBh

.M M :

A Luckless Caterpillar.

the purpnite,m« tmt- ivar»-

it# iif*iiri**btti-m it»tn Me- v-ry. fif-b of the in#* vt. 't ill- lalf-i. f—iing t burn i- it*. It Ml - *- tw.. in. to . Intoyretimf, HvcOtuatiy a -aI- gr**m »

tmv'# itiKbnml t tin* otii-t* one’# home all fhj- tii

Suffered with Palpita­tion oi the Heart

and Nervous TroubleMt-. John Dennison, C*mtl>ermerc,

Out.., win*:* . ■"{ cannot praiw MiUmrn'x 1 lr.itl and Nerve I’ilK t<*<» much. For years 1 .-tillctcd with gpalpttdtiott of the/ beer! and ttervnui trouble. M that I could tmt lie down io sleep 1 died aS- nmid all other tucdii'inc*. and got no relief, until 1 w.tx bdvt*ed by a friend- »h-> bad twen hem-tited by y*mr pilti, to try ihrnt. I did m*. ami after taking four boxes I 'found l wu* almost cured, and 1 am going to continue taking them, for 1 never got anything to do me so much good. 1 would utlviM- any one tiottble*! with their heaft *>r iw-fvc* to do the same vts 1 am doing"

Milhurn's Heat! an<l Nerve Fill* are vemsi .» box, or '.5 Uixc* for 11.25;

at all «{ette»- <u ttlatlcd ditfs t on receipt of price by

T h e T Mdlwtrn Co,, l.tmitrd,I-rente*. Ont


Rheumatic Pains Go Su f-p "11" ' "■it* an «Itt nothing 1fering'Ceases Cure Comes * v \vi,«

in Even Chronic Cases. j’ Nervitin--


: St s■ Joint; it :

if rheumatism NervIHm- t:

will timber your j.quk-kjv It will pun* ii

For aching lumen anil sore nuiseke i-Mif: nothing will spoilt away the tuiln liku j mm Merrittne, * 1 ' •

For nerve-w rocking twinge* in liio i it ' muscles, tor torturing backache or <-<>1111 lumbago, you'll find N**fvlHtte is fuU of ■amazing power. i»5*S l " r '* H“r,‘ ,U

You >«•*■. NervIMoc turn tin? power Hn> bexl family It'H about five tin IPS stronger limit or- mimUi* Ih .Vcrvilln". I’ort dinar* remedies, and can penetrate Uucwsw prov«:< this, very deeply-tt e-.m tains j i t " - - amt ex- For *-tuerg-ti» Mb. » tract# of pertain herbt* Hint sivo it a j i#uT. lmnd>. <ti> r. ;s strong" (tower in t|riv«* out roflR^HUou, j than tile •,'*r family vi inflammation or pain. • '"'■■■ J s(*o 25*.',, all drobr-

Y»>:t aro --at*' in using Nervi lino, -lost * itoson*' i"o.. Kini.-.ioo.

■ iMittlp; trial


R ecent Report Shows a Drop in W estern Prospects.

Follow ing Great H eat and D rought in th e W est.

The- usual -monthly hulUditt of ttac Census andStatistics Office on fieldprops in Canada The report* mad; on'July VA'A f.hov of grain crop# hm c l change since t

* 30th. duo I

•ally issued.by eororspOBdenbS; tiiai tlte condition

undergone a murk- n:- last reports for oxcotsHo heat and

mtinuous drought during the month of July; especially in the Northwest Province;;. where the built of Utc grain crops is produced.

Measured by a standard at 100 re­presenting the promise of a tull crop, the average condition lor the whole ot I'amuia Is returned for fall wheat

i„ compared *; on July 31. 1'j rT.i against ml;- ■car ago. for < ; last month r

r.i i

1 JuticUOami r spring wheat nonth arid V7.<i s 77.9 against

last month

and>“;*/ lastyear and for r y as "*.1 against S|.» and 85. In: the Maritime Frounces eou- ditions show excellent. a»d in Quebec ami Ontario,'thnuitii drought is report­ed as having shortened to*' straa, the grain was said to he filling well and the figures of condition, oviikh for most of the grain ertfps exe«-<d or ap­proach 9t>, are n*H great!' _ different from those of a month ugu. l"nr spring wheat in Manitoba ‘h- conditions u 68.2, against >2.t a month ago. for oafs It la ii'.' against y».g, for barley ‘>3 against S-.t a month age. for oats U is

i for f

;;i t > again: ?1 and :

1 July

r f<-*tomti«ni •«»«h

Roman Stripes Held Fashion’s Favor

barley agaite 71.1 again!! 92. In Allnrln the'Condi­tion j# repre-e-nted by 1A for f'«Ji v beat against 73 last month, 75.1 for itritish Columbia, amounting to >7.'..- 200 neres, the estimated total yield is 2H.3JH.WV) busfiei- a eirimparett with 22.592.W0 htisfi' ls, the 'final estimate of 1953. The drought has naturally ai- fieted ttn yield of liny and clover, the yield per acre of w îielj for ail fad- ad* is. Recording to tb-- preiiminsry esUmatr, 1.1a ton a« against 1.33 ton tile final estimate of vppt. The esti­mated total- yield Is 1*.2«»JKK> tony as spring wheat against st.3, "5,5 for oats nr.aSust 85, 71.5 f«*r barley against »5.9 nn<J 77 for rye again*! v:.V. in some <a.N<-s western >.irr e.o'-d'bC- slate

effect an improvement before har­vest, which would begin ntiout Int­end of the first w-e.-it in. August. Crops after sutnuPT fallow* ar>- distitiy.ly stlfK-rior to .tisy*«; prepare-.t !>;. fail <>r j epri ng pi owtn Von verting the ft«» res J of the standard condition at July Si info these ol ajrcaP' wticrv-in J00 re­present* tiie aycrage 1 iuidltiom at July

condition fof !u-l wheat soring wticat 93. for oats >9 Icy ?.• arid fur rye f*<. Thai l*. to r-S! the yield fur am IhU ><ar I. «x l«civil lo I— fur fall wieai 10. I01 spring wi. at 7. for oats It. for t.»rt<- s «nd for rye *• p.«\ below the six-yea. awrage.

I'oiatocs In the Maritime Province: give an excellent proml ■, with fis •r< h of condition ranging fr'-m


PAfsTPIti:. j ------------------■ Cnmc OfT in Scales. Itched Badly,

'‘vm V̂ iMeiure' j Had to Tie Hands. Little Watery !. , . « ! ! ' pimples. Cuticura Soap and '’"‘‘T.;..'* I Ointment Completely Cured.

,"i..y be <>K* j t !<»7 navciipu'I iWd, T«mnl»»:>Onf.— “ My rewinx gf»t tUarie.1 »(«■»» t w.-w a toby, on my and W l I'. 11 »»in»l dryan.l wlien I iwrairhodii. It raniooO In sraic-c- ll ilrli.il very IkUIIV and I »M oldlgwl (<l lutn my hand# lfc>l up *0 a.i l*» prmmi Kiateblng my fare. Mill* whito watery pimplni eamo on r»y hand* and faro and I Imd lotlay hums from wln»>l b>r nearly two wirk*. It can**! my fa*" and liandt tohxiSi li»dly. Tbs CWreeix le*'i: a very hadform. a|i|«-arlng on my faro In huto wairry III.era «»luul UuiCl e.iiild hardly bear to Ih« toui'ln.l. My hllr being' naturally very Itik-k t found to U geiUng Udr.ner sf.d won- dcml wb»l could rau-fl it to fall out.

“ My mother Iried...— - and — — andupentno end of money trying «ogot me li t ­ter but iv *f»! no g>*»I. A* t‘ >» fek-od rre- omsiend.M C'lilleura s-oi> and Ointment amt ir.y nmiln’r u-rd Ibrm. tVo apnlied tho CulldllU Ointment to my fare, head and luuwl* and »»xbe.t with »bo fmieur* and thneerema Inigan lo«liw.pi»n:.r. Ileforo tJ* munttw had (sowed, t was .umpleieSy oute<!.'' is'gmil? MPa CotutailCO Jane. May 2fi, toi l.

Cutleitra Soap and fdoltm-nt do 01 ituk b b>r |<‘ni|iln., IilaeUiead*. ml. foilRh rUns. Iteiilng, vealj- valp*. tfindrulT. dry, I bln and falling hair. ebxri»xt latv*.« amt *ha;<b»a

tltem. A *tnaIo*e4 Uoftcnutofelent. t i.tf- etira 9<e»r amt I'Utfeura ttlnlnient art. sold

a till cal fre« sam|«o « f « w i'h gg-p.aetwl |«M-e.int lo •*<• '“r I Hug it

<;ou»> I.AVIN<i HIlipiMTAU'The Mi»»OU't State poultry t;

Which have been Iml'.lt'd lhl« yen Ixjgnn to lay when they were at

In every eas*. no mailer wlial * of tHiuhry n hnpiH'iitd lo th* l.uiieu ot that variety to l>. gm.i

e«ll> a ine'ii'iiu

!>■ u'ao to Jay vv*,eii lb'y to I a monib* *d.P we*e bte.i

i wmclt lagan faying fir*t esr, tout H otto I.eKtiortia,nnu t'ainjillie, (Ifie Ithltl..' me \\ lnt> ttrpinatoti. The and White Orpington <aeh

W« unhesitatingly recommend Magic Baking

Powder a t being the best, purest and most healthful baking pow­der that it is possible to produce.

CONTAINS NO ALUM All ingredients are plainly printed

on the label.



reived in the drinking water or n f.y Man Canute e.f Jx.taeb ie a r'u”l

uned for dressing vvoundu strtil ninnltiK


_ _


j How the M ain Squadrons of B ri­ta in and Germ an Compare

O h r ‘ i * N E - r !

ftomati r.r i«» s :— .«'» :wgnr a

rklr: ;* fitiil very puputnr a « } ihc bni- Huiit c fw is and blu*'* tlwl gav.. die- Unction tea ;prinK Kbw»ft Wii: frequently m d:»atutn.es Sir autumu and winter wear.

In th*- tostumo I5!«alraf*'il a *aa:s >.< Homan silk ,x used i-tutcad nf tb,- veal which was go pepnbir u :• w tmmtha u«». In Shra :ra *f Ihe v d

All cooklnff: nfcnaUn ylhntld h<* wash- t-d immediately after they have been used, which wilt reotov.- every traceot gre*#e,

I s«? iiinmonia water always instead nf ::oap if you are cleaning whii* paint. It ha* flic ad'<aniage of no* dulling tbe surface.

If now eunttieli'P ynueetwns are jtlae- <*<l in a pan *>f warm wafer mei itll*»v - .i! to come to 3 tniil they will la-t much Ionger, w iiboiil crackinK, orliurniriB. Iltnn if they nre used Irnmedi*

Sick headaebu cansetl from iad lion may offen be rure*l by taking two teaspoonfol'! of pim-dcred ehur- coat hi half a Klar*: of water.

A toilet drexUnc table ateexsory t* the electrir *omb and curling iron combined.: Toe comb greatly expedites the drying of the hafr.after 3 ebam- t*oo. -

To remove indelible ink. sunk In .strong Halt water and fibre in ammo­nia water, Repeat process till ink i# alt out.

To rave yourself some diihting in ­door#, ralre 'the: wlndow-j* or rrreens every day or two and wipe tho kills off w|ih a damp eidiit;

To prevcni an unpIeaKant odor do- ' "loplnc in the water of fie. -or vase.*.change u daily, ami put a »in> < ..fcharcoal in the »3*cr,

1: ami cheeks is mad*- by dissolving' powdered alum lb water. Apjdy thi* vsa*b i«■« or three times dally, and it will*effect ■ a gr*ti» Improvement; in the t'-xinri' < f it'.- ekin

A pie-ec e;f sandpaper, over which borax hay be*b rwbbc*l; Is mry con­venient lea ironing day e|ean* is'id

As Show n by L atest O ffic ia l Docu­m ents B efore W ar.

A Itritish newspaper received hr tti* U t m mall {fives tl.e»o official figure a of the main illcefs of flreut ilriuiht andfiermany;

The main Jiritish fleet Is tho Kim fleet, which in pence lime )» nrgaiiiecd if four- battlo equadrous, with one squadron of battle cruisers. Tlie main tbrnmn fleet l» the high scan fleet, commanded hy Admiral von Jnsenohi, which i* orgauiteo in three tatllo squadrons and ono squadron of battlo era l.ic rs.

Thu latest, officiai documents t-efor* the war showed the battle order of the fleets as follows tthp numbers give the strength of ihe erewaj;

iJHIt.MAN. .Klogship. Crejr.

F'fledrteli de t!ro,*j;e . . . . . i.issITrst .Squadron.

ttstfriewland........................ j.ioqTburingen . . .Helgoland;..................... .. . . . . j , to**Htu inland ...... j ’ iq.;NnsSlUi................................... . . l.ldB

CITY OF ANTWERPI S tron gly Fortified and Fu ll o f

Rich Treasures.

glint 1 gold I

Sore Feet::jtw twi rirti. *4**in.l!t!K«t Of bit:In ISt (Ml, G09« »Ho for Cot». Boms, Bfolsn tad

«l Mfits 91 Hrtomx&w «a i»> t« i«t tH SOslr. *»*(huux t« so m. is* «vr*8 ce , «*«*#». o*txis

•imp.sns ««f in-

•lt»f to. k* Of

f„r Caroline Coe s Tested Recipes

t o ;

A prclimlnarj *rifmat* of the >|«id j

cli* as compar'd with 23.29 i.ush»ts in j 1913. F*jr the liar*- i- I a*-a " f fa ll; wheat Ui‘th*- fi*> I’roMn** • “f <io!an<*.!

wad |•• fin- ,


For all

ShoesEasy to


H ornb ly D isfigured Woman W as t F in ally Made Preventable.

In OurNew PatentEasy Opening Box


SHOE POLISHESTut f. F. Dauet Co . Ltd.. Burrauj. N. Y. HAM8.TON. O.fT.

fl'tti i.iidcB&irs.............. . .

- Second Squadron.< Wccifalcn ............ ...................j JTiileawiK-HoNtcln ...............I .<ci»b-.;,':i . . . . ............... .! I’orumcrn..................................‘ H-utuchlnmi ................. . . .'< Hannover .............................. .

Third Squadron.j K aiser.........................................: Kaiacritt ...................................! K, Albert.................... . . . .i 1*. Knttpold ................;.<'Vdm*.. ... ,j I " riilingcr ..MoJito- ■.........Von Her Tar. n .

Antwerp, start r**>ai; ■reftpe th» • advance on Unis

re of ih" oldest

played an Important port In the mak ing of sttrriue tihitory.

Apt»crp appoar» in ry as early she (cvotith coniury. ,t century

later h wax an iiniporiant p rt and

u;-y it was coinmcmatly pn-rpcrons and imd* r the ru!e of th« duk's of Hursiindy aim a; time*, aspired at

Marlborough.................................St. Vincent,. ............................. .fofossiis.. .................. . . .H.-rcwlb*............. . . . . . . ..Nofdnno.. . . . .................... .Vanguard . . . . . . . .I'oilinRwtxid., . . . . . . . . .Sniicrt*.................. .. ..

Second Squadron. Kins IJcorge V ........... ................ 30Q

f PTi ! bar-

1 year. It heb

on the cr.».-n of Kug- laud. In th.* fificcruh ventnry Am- werp »w cn^.cf: she most tmjMirtant. marts in Kuropc. 5h" ciilerlnj; fiolnt for Kngllhh iiiid coiJ. irtoiital irad" In sixto.-'ith century, un.hr th>* nile <«f t'harie* v. way the »ca*. of ihc Hansoai-c i- s -juc and th" money do- (tot of BitrApP. In Ififit-’jif' it wax tureigcd. iak.u and ruined by riic Ituko of A!va. la I7'*t ihc b'rceeb perity Napoleon J be tlrcat attemptperiiy aN'poleou tlrcat attoiitp:ed -lo make rtval la>ndon

Antwerp, Soeated on tho Schelrf: having an oudci to tho s n ?af< guarded t»y flic Hrirtsh and Fronc fleet and io-mg wtronsfy fc.r:if:cd c ihe landward xtd<\ is retarded a imprognahb', dionr-e i?x selection s lhis time by Kins Albert :.s a plat of refuge from which lo

j iorc-a. The eirtV transit j commerce of into y, j over $|,nOA.tiiJ*t,iJ49-.j | iarge imlusuial quarer and i* a

diamond ciuitre,The government **f Antwerp ;s ad-

j ministcre«r by 3 h-.j-comaaier. si d t by fi e axycvuvirs «nd a niitl)ieipa|

Council Of menthor* Th- city-.; J annual budge! i! aiimft p#

land gas arc supplied by pm .vo «ar- j (w»ralions.I Thi* city has Id dnily newspapers.

1»ix at Ftcnth and ! “ in Flemish There are many notable horpgal* and cdurnMnnal ln<.iituiinri» two theatre*, and: imteworltiy eeclexiasil' C9’ and x>-CHh»r hnsb.Kng* among th* ru the Cathedra! of N-'ro flam*., one >>< the vigil!.-; ef Ktirepe, t.;>- lintel de Ville and the: tmiMUim of an where art* pncelesa pa;n>ftisx b* Hubca.. Winder*, Van \an llyek,ting, fitiy s. and outer* Many “..M tuasic-rs" among painter*, notably H.-e

Fashion Fads.Norrmuid* -Medit 1 mid . <>

nrs are worn by aU'wemnt een to sixty.

The n< w s-aitor «,«»}!> 1

Audacious..................... ............... t-fiqitoiurion .............................. . . . . 9<vtA'onqueror............................ .......... 9t»)Monarch .1 . . . . ........ PooThunderer...................................... ‘too

Thir-1 Squadron.King Kdward V II........... ... . . . . . 7S1lUIx-rnla - .............................. 'sqAfrica .................. 7*10Krftannia .. ..................... . . . . . 7S9

j «’emmwiwealth . . ..................... v. T̂ o’ Dominion ................. . 7«o> Hindustan........... . . . .................. 7*0; y.'-alartdia ............. . . . . . . . . “<ft

Fourth Squadron;’ imeadnftugik..................................... 7<di Agamemnon...................................... 85ft1 Hellcrophon,. ............ . . . 8p!j

Hattie Cruisers.: 1-inn ................................. . . . . . . .

Queen Mary.............................. . . . 1.029i‘r .H oyat..................................... p*ft

i X. Zealand .. . 759The most powerful ahlpi.in the two

fleets may be thus compared;ttat'.lcshtp*.

Hritish; Iron Duke, .’../too tons. f< in. armor. 22 kituta, )U 13.5 In. ami 12

;»; in. gun.!,Herman: Friedrich dor <5ro*x>\ 2*,5ft9

tom. f2 in. anib.tr. 23 knots, in 12 In. *«ttd K <> In. guns,

Hal*le <’rutsere,fin)bd!; Qn-.-u Man, “7.**m lor.s. ■*

■t in. :-,rt!ior. 2S knout; S M.r in. ami !*♦ I i

t>erfniuger, 2'.tO knots, S 12 in. *nd 12 s in.

Small Frtiisers. Hrithdi: Southampton. 5.

t'- 3 knots. S r. m, guns tAt n Herman stralsuntl. t.7-,hi

knots. 12 I In. Kims, 373 turn Ueatrovere.

iSHtSah• 1,5fore*. teas, 5 t in, k;i«s. W't men.

ti -rnmn V 192. 'HP Ion*.2 t t

T icket-Selling Device.


the crown I* *lop«il •


tally In tlte black :i bqt the trecat is toward tl ail-bhii" midsummer bat

An attractive featut. <> waists i# that th" bael -t a* a* the froute Ail the *the loose btoiifu effect am in very Hlcbtlv under, the fine qualil* of White I ren the n**l*rUl qsusdly



You’ll W ant a New CoatW h en You see h o w D ifferent th e Styles a re from L a s t Season

\ \ , ' T * H E R E 'S a C o m l o r t n h l e S n i n r h i e s s a b o u tX \ 1 ih e s o t h a t ’s s im p ly i r r e s i s t i b l e .

N o w is the T im e to Choose whet; your particular size is here in a score of pretty styles ami color combinations—just as a reminder loo, there’s mighty little chance of repeat orders or late deliveries, owing to the fact that no more clothes can he imported from Europe this season.

With the New CoatYou’ll want the New Dress to Harmonize

We are fortunate indeed to be in a posi- tioa to show you not only the absolutely new and correct fabrics and col­ors for dresses, suits and skirts hut we have such an alum- da ace and such a variety that no matter what you desire it can he amply gratified.

Special values including N ew C hecks and Plaids a t ............. 5 0 c . to $ 2 .5 0 per yd.

For Cool EveningsYou’ll find nothing more comfortable or handier

to carry Ilian

A Sweater CoatWe are showing the new ball Lines for men. women and children in plain and combination colors.




Mr.tttwl .'In*: J II Seheft*» < lit.* funeral o f Mr*. Kr.nl K>»in WnU»rton mi TI.niMl.iy,

John Ktauu-mf Berlin with here nn ttiisim-M* left furT.inaliiy.


\Vwitling M U will sttuM he ringing In the village.

J milting l>v the amount uf m i* t<> be found on the sidewalk Mime ite.lt youth*on Saturday night evidently though that the bell# hud rung.

Mr. and Mr*. Adam Held let; on Fri: day for atom week* visit to M em l* iu Toronto aud Sault St. Mnrits .Mich.

Me*»r», IV-iric .'Inrtat and j. M. Held left oa Monday fur Normal School the former going to North Hay uml the latter to Stratford.

Mr. Hurrrll had the iiiivitirtuue to have a large hole washed In hi# flume on Sunday. It i* thought that i»etbap* crayfish weakened the hank.

Mr. Hubert Holler vittiu-d ou the sixteenth ou Sunday;

School r«-o|Hinitl Tucitday with A. 10 Reid again in charge.

I t i* with profound rrgtvl th;«l thl* community views the departure of Mr. and M r*. j It Campbell aud fam ily from , the village to th eir new home In C'h* <. Icy, Mr. Campbell has lived here e**»- liuously for th irty lour year during whirh tim e h«* kept a barite## »hop and later became partner with Mr. Albert Pinkerton in the general store and sawmill. Since the partnership

i was dissolved to n e year ago Mr. {.Campbell ba* spent some Hate in the

west but lately ha* Wen acting ns - *<r- ganizer fortlie .t-. O. T. with very tie- elded Micro**, lit all the OlltoWHtu ol the village Mr. Catnp Wit took nleading part e»peci«lly in echool and agticitl* tural affair*. .T h e boat >vi*lie# ol the entire eum uonfty follow Mr. Campbell amt hi* family te> their new home.

T h e P a trio tic Fund


| ! Che Peoples’ S to re !

S a il SoodsDon’t put off buying what you need in this

line until stocks are picket! over. Buy now, while the range is complete.

New Dress Goods in popular weaves and fash, ioliable shades. We are showing check, crepe cloth, several shades .................7 5 c. per yard

Plaids are very popular this full, we have them representing some of the leading clunk at .................... 2 5 c ., 5 0 c . ajul 7 5 c . per yard

Special -Several pieces of dress goods at half priep This is your cha&oe to get a good dress cheap.

Ladies* C o a tin g — V/e are showing a very pretty check design. AH wool. 54 inches wide at $2.25. It will make you u dandy warm coat.

Suiting Corduroy, a good rairge of shades, 27 inches wide at 60c. a yard

New Wrapperettes. Kimona t.lotlis,Sweater Coals, etc., now in. Call and see them.

Jf. 36 3tppel

l Cult I limit ti out Joh n T a ik n 'V . A. Kmvuod Mac McNeill Norman Denote Malcolm Thompson John Strader I*.mit k McUai rlly Win. l.niulKirtiiH J . W . Findlay A lex. McIntyre Wiu Lnpiotit Malcolm Me!iilit)Kll Meilbatitcti Thu*, tlendoreon . Leonard Fair J . M. Siortai- l>. Campbell Ju lia Miuwu

.1. It. H i . n o | li Hudulpli ; Tbouiie* A. Clnsludtu : Aiimlwm Unwind j Alex, line

J.nue* Hae Maleuitu Mi-Nliio

j Malcolm MrCalum J a * . A. Rau

! Alex. Tultoek i John Mcilhatincu * j Havid Thutup*OU ’ John Little

John Latub Jam es A. Lamb Alex, Craig W alter L hiiiIi Aug. t'letch Art. Grierson Wm. M«ilbau#en Wallet* Ituwaiid Wm, Leifou Joseph Monk Joh n O'Neill ,KiL Connor#Andrew O'Neill liar i y Threudylv A Ik Wuhn Urn*. Dixuu W , 1>. Cargill

SI <*> 0 w 2 00

r. oo3 001 ao

Total from page 1

3 <*) 2 001 W2 UO

Total ( I I I <0 312 W)

ToUl $100 00

W ar must have some dark stain*, however humanely conducted, but there dor# nu| teem to he any exent c or (he burning of Louvain on the pari of the tiernuu troop* with l*ouib and torch, only one for which there is no proof, that civilians lin'd on the tier* man army. The destruction of tin* historic city l« litly deicribtd as out* iu which the Goth* of the fourth m filth century might have engaged in­stead of people who are CbliMlanixed ami civilized, The sympathy of the world will now goout to the Belgian* to a greater degree than it has al­ready done. They have suffered much for their display o f bravery iu resist ing invasion of their neutral county y,

MR. I. BYRIN REYNOLD Th« New Merchant.

In an entensive talk with Mr. ltoynoldd we learn he has shipp­ed a Dry Goods Stock of *14000,00 into the old Smith Store, fully half of this amount lieinpr brand new merchandise purchased fall trrtle from English and Anierian markets, opened for the first time in Walkcrton. By an in ­spection of Mr. Reynolds stock we arc bound to confess that he has bought the finest stock of High Grade Dress Goods Furs# coats ever seen in thio town be­fore. All the new fall weaves and colors being represented.

Mr. Heynold was well liked and a popular young man in Galt w here he had a large business Owing to tbebuilding he was in being soid lie was compelled to move his stock which from ap­pearance will he acredit to Walk- erton-

'Ve wisli this young man who is an optimist and a hustler every success here.

>< i * ..i ii i TinIW day lot patent*.

The hot ve*r 1* uii i .lai im-thaii' biu-y lh»a»«lng and phmghiag,

WalfiT Tidke left laxt Kiiduy fm Tol oiilo ami Ihiirulo.

J . 'l f Hthcftcr am i Alf liot-lz wc»v in Mddtuuy Uvt Friday on 1ni*ineM*.

John and Alburt tioiiiiug of Hanov­er wct»* vi*iiui» hero la s t S;»«urday and Suoday,

AngilH Ih ick who ha« hern.laid upfor *uiuc tiute I# aeain.

able, to be Mtouml

Jim Kramer'* el ler mill is goingagain.

Beer peddler Jo . Sehm irr lamglitlanii# MeKMiner*# hOffice.

•use near the Pott

Mis. A. n.uiimiii H this pant week.

Im# Imiuii teiiotoly

<;>*«. Krni ycia who ln»# lieco ill withdrojisy for aome inn: died Mondayiiioroiiig at the ag • of 71 year#. Therental It# wer* inlet day morning.

c<l here Wedm-s-

Mr. and Mr#. John Huudl visited Walk etton last .Sunday.

C o lle c to r W an te d.

Dr. de Var.'s fem ale Pills

Xu* Xcai>«ll Orinr «'*• • Ml. lulharluc*. Out.


• *<t*ul llvu ngcul iii lit m:e County to work on A <omml«#h«n. Mu*l lmv«- a c,.iivryane«*. lig or nutomohilc. Au attract h e propoidLlon. ' Apply Out- ari<* Cimeryf*! Post Company 1W1 C*d t a iiic S treet, Hiantfurd,

Mh* Laura Wagner au »\v»iud«nl of »h» W alkcrton Uu«in«** C-dlcge. who i* mnv holding a pot.ilion h Mr. 11*11- da>’> ufllca iu C'hBdcy, l« vixUltig ft icndx hcic. Ml>* Wagm r i# high'y oali'licil with the li.tilling bhc rccclv n l iu the Wulkct lon Hm.iiiei.b Uullcge amt has no iiexitatiouin rrcoinmcml

Th« ca i !«

ulliet i Korupc will no douMthddraw -lurk io th e T .

UxhiliitlMii if all in r i l cvnlrv* ate like Walkctton. The attendance fioui WalkerOtn thin year will lor ucd>r lifty percent ol the usual number.

Mi»* Emilia Uppert »h*’> has taken a compiets Stenographic andOomtacr- •!al course in tbo W alker ton Busin cm College last term hoa accepted a per­manent position as etcurfrapher a n j nwlstant IwokHleejKt w ithonoof l o r i onto’s largest lirma, I

HANOVER FAIRS e p te m b er 17 and 18 ,T 4

La rge In crease in Prize s

S plendid P ro g ra m olA ttra c tio n s

2 A ttra c tiv e Speed Even ts

Road H o rse C o n te s t

The Hanover Fair is always Popular and Successful — Don’t miss it.

D R. T A Y L O R , S. B . C L A R K E ,President Secretary

Retiring Front Business

Having sold my stock and property to W. M. Cam­eron of New Liskeard who takes posession October 1st. To reduce the stock to u Htuted amount, l am offering many lines at cost aud below cost to clear in general dry goods, carpets, oilcloths, linoleums, ladies’ aud children’s coats, men’s and boy’s ready-made and tailor-made clothing shoes and crockery. A reduction of 40 per cent on all wall papers, Bargains every day from now till October 1st-

T e rm s C a sh o r T r a d e

GEO. DETWILERC a rg ill O n ta rio

Autumn Styles tor

Men and BoysWe have now a complete showing of Men’s Heady

t*. Wear-Suits, Hats, Taps, Shirts, Underwear and Lunmltjug.s of all kinds

Men’:; suits and Overcoats to measure $ 1 5 to $ 3 0

About two designs of the very newest in tweeds, serges, and overcoatings. Fit Ouality and Styles guar­anteed.

We are showing the famous Fitwell flats in stiff and soft felts iu all the new shapes. We are also mak­ing a specialty of uifty fall shirts for men iu guaran­teed colors and styles.

FRID AY Bargain DaysBalance of Ladits’and Childrens Wash Dresses on

sah* at greatly reduced prices.Boys $6, 6.5o and $7 .Suits, 26 to 33. all on sale atfl

one price only, $<4.95Children’s 75c. School Umbrellas on sale only-

49c. each.

McBURNEY & CO.Rich Indian teas

blended with f lavory Ceylons.

Red RoseTea “is good tea n

.... ........................... .. W A L K E R T O N ' S “ S S S S

, ’ ‘ S T R A I G H T «»UOlUvlW ___________ A liOQ BIIS


A Great Showing of

New Fall Coats.in tha w om en* coat Motion thi-y

arc U. la- founil in gtrn i vnuety, rang­in g front tin* Miunle ami cosy uiot*>i ov utility coat t<* lbe Mipcrbelegance of the original Pat is iipkIH*: atm ng the Itipdt Is the im* v f xilwlibitw, Itomi. e, ••IHiiiut**, checkx, chinuhillH# mui! plnltl# together with JvlightfurcombipHtion* *.r colot#and w.av<# in . irr<| ,̂nlford a grtiat variety fuao which in select, cape cllect* mill *4vie# with laigc kimono, a# well n» t-n tit slrcve*. showing fall .k in s , me to la- tren « plenty. Ulnck irmw. copen. tan*, green ami fancy check# bbl highest for popularity. It will l e iut<*<c#tirg t«> many to ll ,„ w hat we r»«U«1 the sale of the ••Roger#" l •itrnieiil# for the c ity of U’ulkcilop. A v##t t-howiug lo choose front ami no two garntcDt#

See O u r M an tles and G et O uc Special

Sale Prices.

S 1.25 Children’s and Misses’ School Dresses 79c,


iiisxi-s' am i chililivn’w ’< **-*t ijuality glngltH ix, fast colors, large «#r-o uu 5 to 14 year#, #al# pr

Every Day is Bargain Day at Carswell’s.

Sale Specials for This Week.no pair* children'# plain ami i ll bed bon*, made i f last iiiuility

yam s, black and color#, »iz«3 6 to b j, teg 2.V, suit-j ri.c j . r pair<0 pal is ofltojr#' ex tra ht-avy ril.Us.1 ht*#v, H eu.ilr# hracd. the

strongest "locking made. fn»t colois, extra long leg*. >ir»# ̂to in. t eg %">«, *aic* p r ic e ................... ............................ .....................

3 dozen boy#’ school shirts, made of drill*, ga latfa# ,«tiling tlsn- nel, >l.iik and light colon*, perfect tilling, sizes 12J to 11 , n g .'4lc, sale price............. ........................................... ....................... .. ......

0 pair boot lace*, sp e c ia l........ .....................7 lf«m -xtich«I handkerchiefs, sp ecia l.. . .. Children * *tr*W hat#, teg S.K-, special H >yVcotton sweaters, reg 25c. special .. CltH'lren'* belt#, leg 16c, special.................

C A R S W E L L S ’ C A S H C O U N T E R S“ Y o u P my L a u H e r o ’ *


- f ----- - j f The


Tortures of RheumatismYou who hiivo stilVcicd may have lost faith in rheumatic

remedies.Unless we could give you some assurance of relief wo

would not say a word.

Penslar Rheumatism RemedyThe makers arc so sure of its value that they print the

full formula on the label— they could not afford to do this if they w ere doubtful.

We llrraly believe that this remedy will give relief whore relief is possible, and that meaua the vast majority of cases.

Hunter's Drug StoreDrugs and Kodaks C. P. R. Ticket /lgtnty

TRYNyal’s Blood Purifier


SKIN DISEASES $1.00 a Bottle.

Nyal s Skin Soap 25 Cents.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

“THE ELITE”if if

High Class MillineryMillinery Novelties

Owing to she unusual anJ un­expected rush for early fall mil­linery we find it impracticable to make an attempt at an elab­orate display this season. Fri­day morning we will put on the tables dress, semi-dress and ready-to-wear hats and invite your inspection Friday and Sat­urday. September 11th and 12th, or any time that suits your convenience.



The arrival £of new fabrics and the very latest designs! in Men's Apparel for fall of 1914. Call and have us take | your measure for a new suit i or overcoat of our

Superior TaioringWe give special attention to linings, findings and finish] of the clothes we make for you. These details have fullyj as much to do with the suc­cess of the clothes as the cut, fabric and fitting.

G .T.RO U R K E ~ IIV „ ' ‘; Dorothy DeVends who U to m s k e

High Class Tailor & Men’s WearSlore, Wulkcrton, Ontario. ^

A ClockAs a PresentFew things you could

choose to give n bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many—she can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that offers an excellent choice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes; dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. L . G ib so nJ e w e l l e r - - W o l K a r t o n






W aikerton Fa ir Sept. 15 and Hi,

display nt ’T h e

D"i othy D eVcnda is stopping a t the Hartley House.

Mr. Clarence Oberle spoilt Labor Day in Hamilton.

Mr. Le*. Iluethcrmade a trip to Tut onto ou Wednesday.

A great display of burses at the W aikerton Fait Sept, Itilb.

Miss Godfrey raturaed Wednesday last from a trip to the west.

Mr. W. D. Otitic of Toronto spent Sunday and Labor Day in town,

Mrs Joh n May is spending a woek nt her former home in Peterborough.

MUs Anderson of Clifford spent Lab* or Day with her umil Mr*. Nntnsb.

f Mr. Jam es O'Malley ol Chicago via. iled h it brother, Mr. Jim . O'Malley.

Mr, Alex Cousins of S tratfo td vuited bis family hero on Labor Lay.

Mr. Kd. Sclm art- of Orangeville i« spending a week at hi" home in town.

Tito famous Lucknow Band JO high­landers tnd d »n m « at the Waikerton Fair.

Farm er* turn out anti help Ute W alker ton Fair along by patronizing an me.

The entries are coming in last and the fa ir ptotmsca to be better than ever.

Miss Ida Fetenbach ol Hanover is ̂ isiting her brother Mr. A. Fereu-

Mr. M art Korney iff Clevaland is ••pending u few days* with his Jumiiy here.

The local Women's insUttilohas seut donation of #25.00 to the Bed Cr«>s«


Mrs* j , J ;C ook o f Toronto is ape nd- ing a month with her mother Mr#, Gould.

Mr. Aruiotui Whitehead leaves on Saturday for Queen's University, Kingston.

M aster Gerald Campbell of Niagara Fails is visiting his aunt M is, Frank S p r in ti.

Farm ers bring your families to see UtoTballoon ascension, the children will enjoy i t .

Miss Kabelle Brebler o f Toronto is visiting her parental, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Brohler in Brent.

Mr. Bert Schum acher Jolt on Tues­day to resume his :studies a t Prairie Du Qbien, WU.

Special train Dtirhaui to Walkcrton and return. Everybody going to the W aikerton Fair.

Mr. W ilfred M cKay of WalUace- burgU visiting his pareuts Mr. and Mrs. K arl M cKay.

' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirstine left Tuesday for H aileybury on an extend­ed visit to friends.

Mr. Leslie M crrit of Woodstock spent la s t week a t the home of Ills un­cle Mr. S . A. R ile.

T lis celebrated Hanover Band will put on h bund concert a t the W alker* ton Fair Scpt.lOtii.

Mr. Jim Cunningham, torm cily of the Canada Saddlery was a visitor hero on Labor Day.

See the school children parade at one o’clock beaded by two bands. W alk­er to a F a ir Sept. 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walfurd and children of Berlin spent Labor Day with the lormer'ii parents here.

Miss Until Hotvio has accepted a position a * teacher on tire staff o f the Shelburne public school.

Mis. W. If , Adatns o f Toronto spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B . K. Ti-uax.

Dr. and Mrs. Bielm of Chesley, ac­companied by Mrs, Davison! spent Wednesday a t E . J . Skelton’s.

Misses Emma and Mary Haute! of Wellesley were visitors at the homo of Mr. and .Mrs, Joe .L . Ernest over Labor Day.

Mr. Stuart W elch o f Winnipeg arriv­ed here on Monday am i will spend a month with bis parents, Mr. and Mr*. Tints. Welch.

Mr. A rthur Crvdeiman of the Bank of Commerce staff a t Pari*, spent Sun day with his pareuts, Mr. ami Mrs. C W . Ci yderman.

Rev. Father Magnus Schumacher of of Sublith, HI.spent two days of last week with hi<* parent* Mr. aod Mis. J . J . Schumacher.

Mr. and Mrs W J Hon* motored litre from Forest on Saturday and spent Sunday with t lie latter’s parontt Mr. and M r*. R- H. McKay,

Mrs. Kearney who has been visiting friends in town for some time rufUrncd Tuesday toDryden, she was aecompan iod by Miss Minnie Kearney of town,

Mr. ami Mr*, a . Helm, (ornteily of tlic East End B akery, who have spent the putt few month" in Ay ton have re* turned to W aikerton) amt will reside here.

•*» Annie Fcrgpfa>n <»t the S tra t­ford Cem-rai Hospital i-igtfacd M i*. J . W . Fow ler of Stratford spent Lab­or Day with their parents, Mr. and Mr*. U. B . Ferguson.

The young mm's. club held u ve iy enjoyable dance in tin* town hail on Monday evening A largo number of visitors were pieient. Kelly's orches­tra, Owen Sound supplied excellent music.

The Bonnet Scot tish Cmcert gi*ea promise of being one o f the best thing* in the concert line that will be in W alkcrton this winter. On account of "T he war” the seals are to lie sold at popular price*, 25c and 25c. Flan and tickets on sale at McCriuu’a Book store. Flan ej«*n Monday, Sept. 14th.

Mr. Joh n Wltliebeml w as on Aug. 17th. called te the bedside of hi* eldest brother. Mr. Jam es W hitehead of Goldvu Valley. Out. Mr. Wliitchend passed away on Ang. 23td. Me was 72 years of age and leaves two sob* and four d aug hter to mourn bis lots. They have the sympathy of a large circle of friends and relative*.

Last week the H via Id and Times stated that if c *cb tanner wculd give a bag of oata to the government as n contribution to the war fund, the total amount received would lie tw o or throe carloads. The editor of th at paper D somewhat, oilt in his reckoning forbad he said a full train-load o f many cars, ho would ha» * : sen nearer the mark.

The w arrant which was sworn out last week for (lie arrest of Mr. Herb Sm ith, charging him with driving au auto while iiiKxIcoietl and also fur-! iouadriving on ilieF tieets of Walker- ton, has not yet been served upon him Sm ith decamped when he learned the police wanted him and has not since beeb *e«n. The xiiihotitiea do not purpose pushing the case against him as long as he tetnyfitn* away horn town.

Mr. Thom as ti. La tub who has been teaching la Coiln ruder Sa*k . returned last week and will spend thia month at bis home in B ia iil. Mr. Limit) ie- port* that the crop* in the vicinity of Corinander si e a failure having been burned out by a drought. Many lo* calitie* In the west are in a similar predicament suffering from crop failure while iu other* which were favored by- HD occasional shower the crops are good.-

W anted to Hunt,A house, central location preferred.

Apply to J . B Reynold*, merchant.

Th e W ar.During the latter part of last week

the condition of affair* in Franco was very rcrion*. the m ajority o f des­patches admitting (>t>iman advances toward Paris, the arm y of th« allies retiring on the c ity to ‘ prevent the breaking of th eir line* by the whelming force o f German troops. This week, however, there 1* better news. The allies now hold eecute po. xltion* and have succeeded in hurling back the alm ost continuous vicious assnults of the foe. The brunt of the German onslaught lias been directed against the British forces, but with characteristic build „ tenacity, they have more than held their own in re­sisting the desperate attem pt* to smash their line. The British have also been able to accomplish several brilliant achievement*, one of which wav the driving back of a German cavalry force, marching toward the forest o f Compcigne, and the captur­ing of ten gnus. In Austria the Rus­sian forces have swept the country, the end of a long, hard-fought battle resulting in the complete root of the Austrian aruty. The Russians have taken possession of tbo h rg e province of Galicia, said their forces are now invading Germany from tho north, I f the la tte r movement on the part of Uits*ia continues, Germany will he forced to withdraw her troops from France to save Berlin.

Died a t the Soo The following from the Soo, Ontario

Express refers to the passing away o a form er W alkcrton eitisen in tbe per­son o f Mr. William Stephen:

Widespread regret will ho frit hi this c ity and throughout th e surround­ing townships a t the sudden death of Mr. W illiam Stephen winch occureri ou Monday afternoon. The lain Mr. Stephen wav 77 years of age and aline old man he was without nu enemy in

Id. He was horn in Aberth shire, Scotland in 1814, and a t the age ot i f emigrated to Canada, making his homo in Hamilton HnbsGjuonllv

removed to Eiora, and later ou to W alkei lon, Bruce County, and finnlly w in " on to the Soo and settled on the second liuo in Korah where he raised iris large and much respected f«uiily. Six years ago Mr. .Stephen's wifodied and a» bis children were all married it was rather lonesome tor tint old gen­tleman on tlio farm to the boy* pre. vailed upon him to coma to the city-

hero he was notonfy welcomed t»y hi? children resident here hut also by n ' t of friends who bad known him in tho country. Ho wa* a warm hearted ami kindly old gentleman whom every­body appreciated and tnauy will mourn hi* demise. The deceased is survived by threo daughter* ami six som-.name­ly, Mr*. W illiam Marshall of Kohior street, Mr*. H arry Yates ami Mrs. W. C. Nixon of Korah; Messrs Joh n M. Stephen, Morris Stephen, Alex Steph­en o f this c ity : Jam es Stephen o f Ed­m onton; Frank Stephen of Regina, Sank. George Stephen of Portage la

'rniri*-. T h e funeral wo* held from the. family residence on Wood­ward.


A iim t—A u m iu n r — A t Ronfre i i n l . on Thurrdav ScptcruU r loth, Mis* Mabel Albright, daughter of Mi. M. Albright, form erly of W alkcrton to Mr. U. W . Airth.


HALL—In Greenock on Wednesday, Sept. 0th. M argaret Hall, re lic t of the la te Jn o . Hall, aged SO year*. The iunerat will leave the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Harry Young on Friday afternoon a t 2.30 o'clock for the Douglas H ill Cemetery.


K l k >j i ‘I‘~-In W aikerton on Tuesday. September 8th,to Mr. and Mrs.Harrv Klempp.a daughter.

Fi.ACH—ln Brant on Sunday, Aligns 30th, to Mr. and M rs,'A lbert FU eb, a *oe.

TOI.TOX—In Brant on Sunday, August 30th, to Mr. and Mt«. W . A. T*dton

f$K!C!!~ln W aikerton on Friday,Sept, 4th. to M r, and M r*. Ben Reich, a

P a p e r H o lid ay

As it is customary w ith all country weekly pajxen to ob­serve an annual pnpcrholidny and as we h» vo a considerable am ount ot other work on hand we have decided not to publish the T klkm 'o pk next week, *o wo would »-k our reader* not to look for the weekly appearance of this journal. During the week, however, the office will beop- eu the |isua| husiuess hours and we will always fee pre­pared to take money for sub. saiptionir or accept further order* fo r jo b work.

HiiRHgemeot Announced R<*v. J . W . and .Mi*. Sandersoii of

Walkcrton announce the engagement of their daughter, L o lta V . to Mr. Hubert Walton also of W aikerton Tin* m arriage to take place ipiiotlyuo Siptew licr 23rd. 1014.

Serm on to Women.W hen the history of the war i*

written the pari that is being taken in it by the women of the Empire may not l*e tah l.. Rev. Mr. Wilson will •peak of th eir par t next .Sunday even­ing m Knox church during it special Sermon t*> women. AH women invit­ed.

New* Prom Y atenriicr.The local l» y * a i V alcsrtier are still

enjoying life. The medical axamina- tiou which is very tigid has been com­pleted, two of the eleven from W'alk- etlon failing, W alter E id t »ud Herb Ih-hn tH'ing found deficient ill theeye- sighi t<*st. Thi* piubably mean* that these two boye will leniafn in Canada forborn e defence for sometime «t Ie**t and will not secure a place in the lines of the first Canadian contiogent- A detachm ent o f four hundred ol the volunteers ut Valeartior will tdmitly he despatched to Bermuda where it i* expectesl they will do g»ri'istiu duty. At least four o f the Waikerton hoys, W alter Pitt. Cha* Sutton. Je rry Jer­ome, H McConnell, and probably Jack Anderson will be in thia detachment.

Upworrh League Convention.The nineteenth annual convention

of the Waikerton D istrict Kpworth League was held in the Waikerton Methodist church on Monday last, Labor Day. about seventy-five elected delegates from the different League of the district being present. The following discussions, addresses etc, formed the principal pert o f the very 'n»trncLveprogram:-*‘A .Model Mission Study Clasa” was conducted by mem­bers of the home iesgue. Rev D. A. W alker. B . A ., VValkertou, conducted

round table conference in practical difficulties in Kpworth League work. Rev. I)r. Williams, Cberiey, spoke of "a M istake of the Epworth League.” ‘Twentieth Ceutury Evangelism'’ was

the subject of an addtea* by Rev. Dr. Scallion, Port E lg in, Rev. W Connolly |J, a ., returned mlktffonarv ftjom jap an , gave two inter eating and helpful addresses on Japan. Tho

ra elect wore: President, M r. W. 1.- Keeling, Southampton, l * t Vice.

I t . L. Dept.) Mias. M. 8. Douogh, Hanover. 2ud Vieo Pres. (Missionary) M i**£ . DeraL-io, Elmwood. 3rd Vice

(Lit. and Social Dept,) Mi*s C. Staiisal, i-klen Grove. 4th Vico Pres. (Citizenship Dept.) M r.T . Darlington, Southampton. Secretary— H. W ill­oughby, Waikerton. Treasurer—MU*

Robertson, Southampton. 5th Vice Pre.«. (Sr. League Dept.) Mr*.« . B um by, Southampton. Represent »- live toCoufeiencc Kpworth Longue.Mr. Jx * . II , Thouipeon. Paisley. Dur­ing tho past year the Leagues of tho district havo raised the handsome Hum ol SKV.Oy for mission*,

r lson erB ro k e J a il .Donald McLaughlin, the horse-thief

and burglar who was ltwt week sent euccd tt» eighteen month.* In penitent iary i* giving the authorities uo end of trouble. On Friday m orning last be made u buhl and successful break for liberty from the W aikerton gaol and would no doubt have been a free mao for some days a t least, had It not been for guick work on the part of Chief of Police Ferguson and Mr. Geo. Lettuer about 8.3o Mcf^aughiin was iu€be k it­chen a t tho ja il and seeing no one about climbed up tfa* door which open* to the wail arid by the aid of a long iron hook which he fastened iu the bai * .»f a window, ptriltd himself to it and thence climbed to the roof andout to the wall off which he jumped to the ground ' betow. a distance o f about twenty-five fret. Hi# oU ence wa noticed about half an hour. Inter nut word w*s phouetl to the chief o f polio who at once bited, a rig and set out in purt-uit. He was traced to tl: southern section of the town an when driving along the road near N.P. Schm idts’ property the ehiet spied his quarry running through the field and gave eba-e as far m po**iblo with tlie hor<w which was Rlen tied to the fence. McLaughlin hid in acorn patch and the chief and Mr Lettner went in

ing control of the situation by ing the horse which had been left alone and this he alm ost did, but Mr. Lettn er was on the tpii vive for such

move aud retnrnod just in time to prevent McLaugblia from jum ping in­to the rig. The horse became, trnet- ious and requiring Mr. LettacrV atten- tioUj prevented him from giving chase to the prisouet* who was soon leading the chief in a lively m arathon over field*, fences* niouepilcs etc. Neither

Ferguson <>r McLaughlin are i,i training aud^both became fagged, the fugitivo taking refnge iu a bush and thinking to put one over his pursuer, climbed a tree to hide. Tim chief however was not to easy, and spying McLaughlin soon had him down and back into the care of ja ile r M cKechaie once more. M e*m Lettner and Fergus- son deserve great credit for the part they played in this little episode, which resulted in having two more years added to tho ptisOner’aMUtoncc.

M cC arter H arness Co People attending the Exhibition

would do well to visit McCarter’s If #r- nes* Go’s store and see the best slock of hvrnfiHK, Plush rugs, Trunk*, anti Bag*, whips aud alt harness suppbe*, the best to town.

Should He Prohibited A farmer in th is vicinity h*» written

to the Telescope drawing our attention to tile fact that sonic exhibitor* at the W aikerton Fair exhibit animal*, etc. which arc not their own property. This Is not in accordance with thernle* of the Fair and being very unfair to •tiicr exhibitors, should be discour­

aged and strictly prohibited.

f»P«*clnl.Hitching race, men or boy*, horse to and with baiter oil, to be harnessed,

hitched up. driven once around the track, unhitched, unharnessed mid to

lialler on: first prize |4.(X>: second Ladies hitching race same con-

d itionaas above; tweed to m ake a lsd- uit vnhied nt $0.U0 given by tho

president, 3 . A . Rife,

operated On,, Helen, the four-year-old daughter oi Mr. and Mr*. J . J . Schnurr was eper- ated ou in a hospital in Toronto on Friday In*t. When a babe shu Buff­ered an attack of spinal paralysis wbmb'cao&ed the cord* of one leg to tighten up leaving her lame. The op­eration which was performed to leng­then the cord* and then remove the lutncum* was successful.

M cC arter's special P rise*.The McCarter Harness Coy^wiU givo

tlio following specu^ ^lSeB at tin* Waikerton jpail ol Inlcr-iiatiuiial S to c * H P W o r best spring Agricuitural coupfLOO lutcrnutioonl package of Poultry Food for the best pair ol Plymouth itock chickens; two 25u packages IntvrnatiotiHi Louse K il­ler for best pair of white pullets, and one £>iu bag of International Calf Meal for beat call raised on Calf Meal,

Itooac Advanced in P r .e c .A sa tesu ito f the war lax placed on

htjuor aud tobacco the local dealers have been comiwlk-d to raise thyir rate* ou the goods. -The reLul price of beer boa been advanced about do per cent, whisky 50 per cent and cigarettes and .tobacco 30 per cent, T bi* is not a serious m atter for the average man but It i« for the habitual drunkard's latntiy tot he will now, during the hard times, use up still more money in purchtisiug hi* customary j»g after each pay-day, and it m ay'result iu the charitably disposed people having sev­eral families beside* those ot tho vol­unteers to care for during the winter months.

3HO a °d Costs.Mr. Michael Connors of Bden Grove

ajiprared before m agistrate Richard- ■vonouSaturdayiasl ouau informanion laid by Insjiector White, charging him with procuring iitpior while ou tho th« prohibitory U*t, ’Connors pleaded guilty to th e charge aod paid a fin e of f 10 and costs. The liijuor act states that the court may compel a lister to tell where he secured his hocee or sen­tence him to.three months iI ho refus­es. Connor* stated that his wife had secured tho liquor for him from Palm ­erston, hut as he was sober when hear- rived in Waikerton this did not sound like a plausible story and the m agis­trate uot being satisfied ordered him to appear for another hearing Thur» day afternoon a t 2 o’clock.

Successful Bowling Tournament'

The second annual tournament of tin? Walkcrton Bowling Club which wo* held this week, was in attendance at least not e«)u*l to th at ot lost year. The unsettled weather which caused l ha falling (iff iu attendance, however, did not dampen the ardor and eotbus-

of the contests in ail three event* Play commenced a t one o'clock Mon­day and although the piayiug went on late into Monday and Tuesday nights, the last game was not fiuisbed until three o'clock, Wednesday afternoon.

In all there were thirty-eight rinks com peting,, twenty-eight ot these be­ing from neighboring town*.

Th e Trophy was won by McLau|h-V’, W « « » . b o » « .* r . US’. Kink ..IC h M l.r, S c o i f , rink ot

d onU nllunk «l<b 11, i Yn. u Konnd bninff tu n c r .-u p . while•euY-i Bowman o f riouthauiptou secured the

Association, with Allen of Lucknotv eond, and Wright uf Owen Sound

carried off the Consolation, defeating Shoemaker of Paisley.

The surprise o f the tournament,was sprung when Haumote’s rink of C a r - V gill defeated .McCurdy of S tratford .

Following are the results of tha gam e*; -


P R E LIM IN A R Y Hanover Paisley

'rust 13 ShoemakerMt. Forest W aikerton

Skale* 15 McBurneyW aikerton Mitchell

Robertson 10 McDonaldLucknow Owen Sound

Alien 11 WrightOwon Sound W isrtou

Thoutoou 10 KastnerStratford CargiU

McCurdy 18 iiaumoro(ConUuued on Page 8)

oThe General



o"Hn'wit* a good friend to im*. Mr,"

4Mi.i Jatpfa. “A verv good. kind (non,:.'"Ah’ " watd'Mr. Dockett. “Do you

think if In' wait to wmc (•> life now that von would know him again?”

“Know W »!” ti«? lad. ’ Ah. in a moment.'

"Of evUf*<» you would." #fli<l I’m dr- iootilvc. Tin'll he riw nml wishing ™*<tcr, “g&v*i d a y l e f t tb-- riimii.

He pAiocscd oatiade:.s»»*l lookm? »n at tho window made a •''iim.it In Deireiitet. l/>iec*ler looked, over at Jamie MlgMtr* *<>n and prepared him.

■ Jamie.'* lw ■•*»,!. " i W t fa *UrU«d. Do vm« know me?"

The lad. at the *mmd of Ix-iecsler'* natural vviee turned J*»te amt trembled, hut said nothin?

‘‘Dou’t ,bo frightened. Jamie.” svid lyvc^tcr, and very slowly he removed the wi» ami heard

Jamie uttered * efy of joy, which mindly chon?'*! to fear.

“Master l,eif«v»ter!’’ he cried. streteh- in? out hr* Uun hand in an affony of terror, "put them on again, ami fly' Hy thi* moment! You are in dan?er! All i* known, all know it fastdw me! Oh. fly, for henren's sake!"

“Jam ie" xaid r*<c<wu-r, “he mint! What is known, my lad!”

"That yon did the -the -murder' Oh, t know you didn't, mean it. hut they’ll

ban? yon, they 11 hang you! And tlieyll make mo witnew* against you! Oil, "h !-’ And he wrun? his hand*. "Why didn't 1 throw :t away? Why didn’t I buryH?"

wiled ■'

«r“Vo.'* *,lld Yit.fef. nil! a •>i?h. h* r fare gradii.-i? utractcd a»>l'liri dele ta« i." Aunt, am I m *n« t’>' t <; •• thin?* *■> quietSy* Sumr-irmi',' I think it i» wicked. Numetime* I fair llml I urn «'*>!d, ittdlfa feri'iit, wBgratefa? fas ail t .»{‘tain Mar- point* kindnc**.”

'No,'' **id Mr*, ■Mildmay. "1 am etire yon aie not that: lust-

' i ku< w,'fe*uid \ nd.-t. "I know what \„ii \toi ;,J »ay^|!,it t • anno! help it, ii-jn'.e I feel ••'ini'litm'* a* if 1 «ere not it.yudf a- if Violet MiUtnav were dead and l were her cfedow and wraith. Do you know what I wean' An if tot* were all a dream, and that 1 *hoitM in the end find myvelf dead! I am not dead, aunt, 1 know, and 1 it rive to »>ns»e inywelf. t do mu**- ‘onictimr*. hut only for a little, while.” »he *:?hrd. "The strange, numbed, esreal fcelir? eome* over me again very *on, awd t hi* ̂ wed­ding reem* to fa that of mtr* one efe'o: but it is m ine- mine- mine!”

!die started ‘ ii'Ideniy. and looked up a t her aunt with a b>k of horror.

"There, aunt. I am rouerij; and. wee! l am rihinlderin?. I feet a* if thi# were •OHIO dre ullol erline I a n aho'it to commit. 1 hear faktetes'* vtio-e warn- in" no-* I fee! Ifa hand drawing me hack* .W ini. I wilt not he Howard Murpoint'* wife!"

Mm. Mihlnwv r«*te with alarm, “Violet!"’’Hush, iilint !" naid: Violet. “It haw

£*»«**! I »m: wnke«l and silly. It ha* gone, that dreadful horror and dread. J .am dreaming again and mitnl>ed, Do not let im talk any more a limit it. Sit atill. dear auntie, and talk of Himr-

Mis, Alildinay renamed her scat, and looked a t her darling with a Iron hied heart.

"My dear Violet, you nniet »tru??!e agaiont >ti,’li feelinge. i'*|ieeiai)y |o- night. Howard i* eoniin?. you know, and -Mr, ami Mr*. Do,l»oo. We are all to taifc over your weddie? triji,”

"To night are they eoming!" eaid Vio-

"■Yeti, Ciptain Murjioicl hu» to take a journey to IVnruddie" Violet toud- defed • - "to-morrow, and niayhe away for all the iimo before the dlth. Think, Uly dear! You wi!S !<■ tlie wife „f a great and good man. IVrha|-* for they are ;U1 la'kin? of it you will lie bodyAlurpoint."

.ervant kn-oked at

wiehea to *ee Miro Vio-

lid Mr». MUdmay.

‘■ntjry It What?” aakod Iieieenter, piurlnt.

The Ud hottWrd war hini and laid a tsemblin? hand ujKm hi* nmi.

“Macwter la;ieeoter! I've ?ot (*, I found it on the etiff, ampn? the bushes, and -oh! ?o m a r, *ir, fiy. for heaven's hake!"

"ITtwh, my poor lad!” raid I/'lee*ter, who wu ?ottin? e*mt"d himsidf. "What did you find!-

Tho por Iml ahuddored and put hU lip* to I^iewU-r* ear.

" tV -k o ife ! Tho knife you jta b W him

Iyiiv*l<■ il (he hot bloodniahrd up

There was a^ ^ P B R t’s p*USe. *n i then, in * low, eohatntined voioe whieh tremided a little, he said:

“Yon found the knife, did you,Jamie! and you kept i t !”

The Ud nodded."Yea. forgive me, Marwler feioo*ter.

I tried to throw it away, t tried to hnrv It. but 1 eoufdn't, 1 thought the j->'Ve would be *ure to find it and that that — it would tell against you!"

" I see.” Mid la'ieeeter. "You are a good lad. Jamie, a faithful fad. And whore in the knife!"• "Up atofra." whispered the lad. “Up atairw in a ho* in my little room.”

“Ah!" raid feieeeter. *« the word* made the atrange conduct of the lad quite elear, "Go and feteh it "

Jamie walked out of the room. iunl ae he did *o Mr, Doekett crept in.

"H ist!'' »atd l-eieester, and hi* eye* were all on fire.

■'Have you heard anything!" ** ‘d Mr- Dockelt. “He has gone for the kn>('.I ’ll hide here," and he hkl himecif be­hind the curtain.

In a few minutes the Same l>oy'* *tep could i»c heard upon the >Uir.-. and be entered the room and cautiously iookf’il tlie door.

" I f * up my atceve." he whispered,“Shat your eye*. Maetter l.ciee.'ti.-.A'ou needn't look at ton bornd tliili?, nhut your ev?a. and liide it away in your aJeere. then throw it out t.- »<arOh! it U * horrid, horrid thing!" ................. .

“Giro it to me,” raid UieiSetcr. I wj.otitd iuvit. hoanmlr; and-to plea*,* the lad he shut • Vhdei imwvd j.» Mr Ihw-kett ■ fer th- hi* eye*. Jamie slipped the knife in h-*, \ "eoiteman in !*!*>■ , i>j* l«- ant, with a hand and inetamtiv (he »letr«t*re end ! v.'guf look of ev|nvfetu.n, «n dowt'., from (he curtaiu and graaped UiceslerV Mt,. Alihlnmy li-c! .Imkcu lumi, with haiul. ! -Mr, 'llutxtoii, ami invited him (■> U-

laeimler offered no resistance, and ; ***»*d. huahi-d1 JamieV cry of alarm. * ' M i* 'A li ld n r a 'i - t Mi Th«vtmt.''di<|:

"All right. Jamie, don't bu frightened. _ ( nut fed sure tlmf \<m „i • ;i* strung Thi* ia a friend.” j of heart a* you are Arm, 1 si.ould ap

“la it your knife!" aaid Mr. TVfc-„ : f,r0«,i: %iu. Mor.* me vitli dread;ett. quite coolly. / A* i( i«. ! do •.» with niud.-mv."

“I^t we *ce " *aid l^recatcr then na r Vi-J.-i, g,«,»{„« ,M|e.be looked at it ho apran" to In* feet. ...An,* ;,r w,« ,t.“Bv Heaven''' b- Mtlahaod, with * j t j„ j? ' t, tfs<> v‘„',about of frenry. “hi* win ha* come home m ;ll(V wa'.. , ivj ,mto him! Nemcria i* on hi* track.” ; uiatrinyi-

“Whose knife i* >W l.**k y o « r M- } ' „>.i Mr Vm*ton. "and withclaimed the deteclite, alaoet ercited. ■ E !,«»« w.-ighs teaviiv

“Howard Morpomt a.” replied ls>iecs- . V()U li|(. t<wn,y v^ : <lcr’ . . . i , , i loll? eirict* 'At that moment the door>opened-and

}i(j 1 “.Mr. Thavtvtt;"

̂At ihai

"A ?«mU<; let. iiiadam.

“it i* very Safe.’* w », hii mtitie'

“He has given no nitttfe He wishrw (<• mi- her on Imeinoxx, ( hetieve, ma.lant,’

"Wiis you eed him here. Vh.VtV *<Ub "d Mre. .Mildmay, * ( do n->{ like, to send him away,"

"S<>. why should ;< Violet.r *iii- and taking }«•« former Vest. “1 will eee him : here, dubn."

The footman returned- and Ushered in an *>r,!rn.*ry ;d<>t.iii? "entfeman >:h b!*ck. Tin l,- %Hf. snot he: one with him, whi,̂ ratue forward will, outetreteiicdd

".Mr. ITiiiton*’* *a-d A i-.ict. 'AVhydid you tux say it « ,u you!"

“I feared,1' wai.t Mr. Thaslon. “fhal yoii might think I had on bilstnes* and wouej refuse !•> wee tfle."

"You wroti? iite." »ri.j Mojet:"This." ,waid Mr Tiia'vton. ’ is a very

grcutly.respected iron,* .,! min*-. I !>«vy i-rought bin.-. u» sue -a iwakbijj aetafeirmot whieh ,t j , imr-searv v>*n

• Itcrtl*' at! Mr. fhesf' "Tliey hav

the r«<! Ih«-i * when tt>'

d Ml>G«dnt .Hi t the IfedH’11* enter'-d He itMUi* up to V i.il'-t. 'tint l i’- i’d her

ft.,nit with hi* entitle i>e!ir(iin<«i <‘n? ruurirtiHet »ome ».«ft ^rfetin^y f«cn, he vhcu.k hand* with Mrs, Msiduny, he raid.

"I met nnr «l*Hir friend* pud nmn»?odthat «e should a!! « >m - t.^ tto-r,"

Mrs. Mltdmay «a* al.oiit to l-u< i. t>i - hell, wlieii at a ",-.ture fi*>m Violet she IMUScd and -ail!/

•'shall v>- It* v * a s«p of l -.i by mornslight! *•'<**, it. in lisiii" rapidly,*

" Del, pl.t fill!" said to eipmin "Actiariuiii" idw.v, f < ,t, unfold «e-r det«‘i .«,* plan, ir a cmigetiiaE My dearA 'otii, i ihink I nine aketiriuvl out a ii-.ilty autecahlo lour. \\ *• *ha*t rtm Ihf0u"!t It'tl.Vj see everythin? et any im­port ame, stid 'thr« o ms l««-k; hy -■—*

A t. 1}‘»t mmiMiit ami a* tie « « f m i elos* over t-> A iqhd. . wliO n.it (rll.C and I sitenf. aervin-» heivEf tor she ktiew not ; v h«l e. ».l*«raphe, th - curtain drew j aside, and Mr, Pock< it H"pi>«l out . •

Ill-ward Alurpoiiit turned, with hi* teacup in hi# hand, nnd lrown«!. The J Hidden mlranc» had storttisi him,

,M»-. Doi-kctt earn - u-row the room I cnilly and, with a stiv’ht laiw to ths ; re*t.’ ti>ucH»*l the captain on the shmii , der.

’t ’ojifnin Uflvntrd Murpmnt. 1 ftfTc#t | you upon a charge of e»ui/piraey." j

The «iplain I'lru -d pile fer a mo-| incut, then !<«*kc<l ihmilnl wjlh a rattier t dl*|dc#vd liill^li.

" f* this a piece of preiueditafet fun’ ’ J he said, -|f e«i. .hut tei me spoil if. 1 AA hat sh»ll I h j ! M ik • * ............... . .

■'Ay, make a confession."': mid Alt..!Duckett. •Her i who will hcJp j

: Mr. Clift, ind he t.Ttd the l-sf from Udiiiid th hn't move, phvse." mid .Mr. Dock- to the eoruiMoy in general and to

Mbs ctptain in putn-iiEii, "There ate htilf ;tt dorcit men down-lnin. and every outlet from the house i u'lte.'ed. Now, Mr, t;i!**, wh»t »lo v«>» know of tie-

“I hold a wiirevnt hero," sod Mr Gilc*,-‘fur the.-m ., t of C.»p‘,ain Howard Mu (point on s.-veral t harye*. i r ansjiireey «nd fpre.iy. It is ruptain, the game 11.10 l*lil it i* up. To mm wit! hur»t. and all your lif tfe d xtg.:# wail bo known, tevit von t,

‘ '̂"tt'* *f 'm» doubt There i» s"iin gum! fellow You ,-n’v no dullht. I had fetter

"No." «(dd Ml D-'i S.eji, nimrlv, (AfpMin Mn-'jio'iitcharge of fercin? .> liei! the fate .Ir.iiti Mihltnar. havie? frm rliili ni'v gaim in liship of \|„ Mil Jill II*

The <apt: in's i io- tv •!> ed, and he sank into a seat

(To be Cbnlsnuedji

jams and jellies t heleast expensive item is the sugar

Y E T th e sugar is the m o s t im portant

ingredient becau se if ils q uality is n ot Tight, your c o n fe c t io n s will ferm ent, spoil, n ot be sufficiently sw eet: o r be flavourless.

With St. Lawrence Sugar rcsnlts arc always satisfactory.

St, tawrsot-* T*tl* Oar-oiiied Sue*» » wild to 2 lt». *od 5 I!,. >calrd c*Uo<». end in h«<r# of If) lb. . 20 Ife., 23 Urn. Pt» tin., nmi 100 tbs.„ Oxh-r ̂ l*| of Si. la^eor*n*u* (.<oi.u'«t*d Su;,vr t;0i- Tag • llir Medium Silo Gr.ua (hi, tue tnituttml p'-.iril̂ keWxmttd fiiK«r»

St. l.twrcme Sn(#r fWi&mtl, LisoitfJ, Mretretl.

rca k-mindioSitnnpy « tw d .

Ho had hoard cv«ry word, and an pauaod on the threshold ho muttered to j hinaclf: "Jerusalem! thin?# »re work- ; 'so? round tmd for tho gcccra'.!" entto-j

CUAPTKK XXXI.Captain Howard1 Alorpoint work-

in? fast toward a completion »-f fan* plan#: but other* woro working factvr- and Mr. Ullea, thi> city detective, hut made hi* report to Mr. Uoekell, That report contained enough of inlormati to *uqirwo one inme up. _

■ «>f (hut. d«*mdfu! I vr proven! i:< my m

'l?ir! ' I tia>*- asiff»-rr*tc. and van h -if itimn tk# jdaia with an*. 1

hm? pa't

m of Ten

It i« dreadful."

i the wile* of |the wicked than Mr. Duckett, hut ti: he read the atory of Howard Marpomt * money dodge* he merely raised .hi* eye I bioue find muttered:

"HeVi a rare, clever one a rare. ' •' ’•«r one; it * aJmcct a pify to interfer,- with him.*' h i -

ho H mme to p»«4 tljat time rdipped , j wil j,,,.,,.' by. aod Howard Murpuuit quite uncon : Crciou* of the Ncraceix upon hi# track. sij„ preyed Violet to name an eatly day for the wedding, for though preparation* had for some time been in course, nu a, teat day- had been feed.

Violet xbrtink a little, hut she, in her ftcnile. dreamy way, 'agreed that tho day aiioitid be postponed n» longc- '

rudiUe," wid Mr.A i'det repre*‘ed a ehllllder, and. vhwed

her ev—■ lor-a m<u»eut,Tne (Ur«- «a5"fe l* k l-a (b»( .j-e

juittin? up .i prayer for *Uen?th."You hate eiumr l» fell me (hut you

hale iliseoVefis! H'lmediiii? iti conmx'Uott witit tiial 5er*»b»e, cruel time. Have youfound the : tile

••Wo ■have found (he man who was guihy of that crime.” *ael Air, Ihavtou.

’.-red, felt ►felied,f.lttriiy. "And

arcordiifelv, th e ‘iUh o f August «»* * i)o«u. snd the lawyer# and the drt* makers hidden to h*»ten.


he Eawycr.‘ f hud hiqK’J Pmt yon might have

imml some truce of him who was v-rciujp tUly, rruuity aceuwei of (hat crime. The iotde nous wbi.cn 1 loveJ and Sniped to ■lay.”

Arid she ehi-sped tier hand#.ifev.' fonu-i m«re than t?iat,* raid

: Mr, Tlfextcm

idle. AD, Th*'

"#i<i Mr. TiMVton, "A*tea pro- ho Mion?;”

sank Inck’and covered her face

i-e-fit »-'er to l»er a»nl. Miidu.av w-s* seated at the open ; j,rr

window, hiiSilv en?a?c-tl in wriHii? out ' ■■, y gr.-at p<>rf ofa il#t of mvitatimsa for the weddm? - j t„l-teak!**l. gr«-/t and t’-rr/ife- trial, p

Frem time to time she need j;erhap‘ of j.x»l Vioiet and put sorm> question,,, who h euolfeh !■

Toll t

Violet Uiway/ answer'd in h- r quiet preeK<-apiwl\*w4y. afei AD*. MiEdmay : wrote on.

"filial! we'have the candles my dear'" *he ►tid. at Ia#( a* the twilight fell and 1 compelled her to pau*/.

“If » a like, auntie,' ##iiE Violei \ "Why do von not rewt a while? 1 w'eh j you would let me help you,” and she ero#*e.l lb# Kiont: bent over her nunt.i Ud km#cd hir.

Mm. Mildmay lookdl »t bar and drew *w* do-wr, to * foot#toi beeMw h/w.

igh tbs

ia t i

ng enough for ,i great #«*( rrarful, ,iden ale, tiumcndou# joy*'’ icre eaa a moment pause,

am i" said Violet, and ->»«* more !>K»fcod up with her deep, feautifol


Greater Quantity Present tlie Greater the Heat Produced.

T o the Iii'smI ot the family who liai I t«va shove!In? durin? tho Jon? winter It ui:ttier; run v.hul his nml !* Illudo from a# fous as it nreaennabEo atUOUhi «f hint and S > paid for, .And yet thlii:qii**tioii & t the iu - Kredk-nt matter atnt the setihigle pro- vtistiys by which it 1* fam ed is ,-..a

. fiidcred mi imporfaiil by those who I aro rim wimply bhovvfers of eoul that

She tTnt<-d Ataic* Geological Survey, through Dm id AVhftv. has made a Situdy of the wuhjtcl# of the -ff^ilHof rridn* in com!#, H'-slii-, nadir which i* includ'd the rii'in of <suu-

-tniTfe, the ciijial from which varitfeh is made, the naile r mod Hi jewulry. and mats) other glmElwr materia!: . sre s#-ctetk»ns generaUst jn some of she ‘ ells or vnmse!# in plants of m any dif­ferent hlndr. One of the ntosi famil­iar rcMn-produoinK trees is th<> pitch ; pine. In which pitch i« a rewfu.

Hmiinn cuntafn very immii morel hydrogen nnd carlxm com pared to th e ' amount of oxygen then ordinary \ wood, mi that other thins# beiru: > equal, the re«inoii i wood# make much j hotter fire* than those contalhit;? no j

: resin*, the hydrogen and carbon belns ! I rouroe# of tie- heat. The larger the > amount of heal the hotter the fire, i Many a .Mlssfeslppi River el'femtioat j wit# blown up In the „ld day#, when.5 In order to win a race, the barrel* of - re#in In tile cargo were broached to

feed the fires, He.-dn aids heal pow­er. not only to the woods which eon- •tasn it, but also to the coals. '

These are some of llie. ititcrcstitlK rdddlghts on w report wh!cf» f •: rather dry reading to tlie layman. How did re-sln get into the roais and why are some coal# nioro rcainoua than oth­er#? The.-' are some of tho-qm-sitlons that Mr. White answers for tho sat* if.fartlon of the student and file cffl- eienf. expert as wrll as tho coal r.hoveler In I ho home.

Tht* J* why there ts resin In coal. Doing more resist ant to decay tinder' wilier than tho wood colts »ml other tisiuos of the plants and trees from which the peat* of bogs and cos’- forming swamps are produced, the re#in lumps nnd particles are general- 1 y left to he burled in the i«-at de- pc'Htc. eveo when moM of the sur­rounding woed ha* rotted away and disappeared, In thfe way they are sometimes concentrated In quantity «o that together with waxes, iikewica of heat value, they form considerable liortiona of the vegetable debris lit the peat Heat Is the mother sub- static#? which, after ■deep burial in the cruet of the earth, him been converted Into coal. The kind of the peat large, !y determines the ‘type of the ro;*!.

In his paper. Mr AV1>tte omphaHite* the jmrl pluved by the -resin, which In gome ooals Is ti-ry uhitinhinl. In con­tributing to the heating po*‘>r of thr-cc fm-fe In come ;ilacc* the glit­tering nmher-Hkc r<"-ln font)# a !nr«r pari of the eon!.- KxrbnnK".

— —•— -----—•if the bright part* of the kitchen

ran go turn black from In-at, dip a I cloth in vlni>e«r and riiii on tho black* enrit port#.

S i c K H e a d a c ^ e s -

po*Me.. !-::(

Indian I'coi I'.-l* thyCsu* t-i-'k head­ache in tbc.'cn-d.ilc i.u. 5 v. tcns-vni* the < o : i - l i : # or * .'i so'iiuth which c..r;«:l thetp., p i . Mor«'a Indian Boot I'dis arc |wrdy \c?v fable, free front any its*mini drug, *alc «mi *uic. V-, U :i Ju.t feel the bcada. J c cumin? take

D r . H o r s e ’ s iJ I n d i u m R o o t I^ilXs


Minard'a Liniment Cure# Dandruff.

' MORE SIGHT!"(Montreal livelong NV»».)

It l* aatd Hist :?>•■ ki«t u*'i>l.< of *;•>•» fe- lay .tying wet* J'Afatc Ifab-..”Thrir rafata have ferjn .'>< s*> .Cff.fdit till) twilight 1-f a t*!# ainbltlun too 1

In which iii«-!Sic


AuXfian. Jin' »M cfeldfcn • atarvatlon i<( t

f-i-id surply

EDITORIALTliin?5*».\\, t» is it ,

THE DRinSH TERRHOaiAtS.' ( fo..... volnntc: r ‘ ohilera of lim it

DriDdtt ha'-t 1 . n ulxjected to much ui!<»vt>:«ld" < tiiii ii tn t»v those mill i :t> mm hH*> ,<■■■• ,*lv ehumwins fur itn m Jj.th at. Ml Find*• her;-.. > hsue h»*m.-'>i ngi'lnvtDm {<:-• that tl v;t< («*>»»* drilled rt'iit: Umi ,1 would IiI f lull*' If V Mt .:i of war. Well, Mu* t"U ih » Dailv Telegraph. which D «*■» * <;< 5«h-r d a ;-<::«»• trier friend of

i>rRa»l;-ni{M>, .-luted that withinl ' ' i'Im* bents* f s*k- niHtc*- i f mnbill-

«*TJ' th’d h."H notifiedi»y .♦««•;»*» i«!ti«f. Hiwiiiuw-, i.!" • ? ,-itni eiiH.iihliiom did the

• -.1 MrIII' f* i f i*»* l«l*5 I 'V ”* IllCit

H>t«|l - ni'i'r<*r;i>iiil*ly III-- uitmbr <t« t>Ui r.al it. !(;•• l.»-t*rb.’l« tlMri- bad route ijdtJVri'dl* mar < ontpb’W't Al mi centre there cetifmdoit-x

. trouble, oat* wet!-ord»r*'»l mi lked and .♦wiftm.’ i<* i<>mat off a glgnntie work. Wei»■ it mil thut the ttritilery fo hoid: i hail m I only 'In. tfen»l*e ndR

Hu Ir t«s ?». J «l tout at,mi In < i>< til l itMtrr l ’mu ( I't.'i foor.-i*. anil liar i?»v ; (lp-n» .stiii a * ’< nririe a tars** »*»*•»*t * r < ( t .l i t i t " . tl si nuftl jHi'-i'>|i Hi : <? tl at He- wlmh- . I London Ter*:tiU'Xi-il to ;

...if , - * r .f» for tiio|tljJJtaf:i.■■iir-ti l-- Jjj'iiej b-i.-iv (hr win.

.................. v,;t. t'l.have i>. it ujiil*itt; ,vml want j ill .into«!»r!.r t J»* •

•* Ihrlt

M »Hbrill* a ;

the raim-"inf-:


> .Iriii i t ••a>—riir lh<- tv-k «f m* bi!t «*:eu I 3 M of »c- n.t||.«Jifi|i|in **t.

The total .•.siabtfuiiiiivitt of the Ter- riterlal Force is. ::i”.i*"*i <.f ;»*l rank:*. }ntl jtn-,e »rt»" being nrtri< ri t.» Its aii eiiritimori iitiiiifi-rtin- ' «\|.)rt"l iu«n is.v;«■•' . to bin.

r o t s a m KEAilZt ?i from tlto ?*»t of war ts

fit i vwt r<af»tirhtK. Uurlin; the moiiSit that iias tiHirv.in-t aim-o war vs.?, .t.alnrrii t!o- rnatn liosin iiavo lmiiii»eiia| tJii Jr .«■»)’ (Itroimh IMRluiit a»<1 pro now batius; tiaek the atUr* in

•-rri'inui off.it t to r» a< ii l*ar. . ..nil i is t»-inp put in

utr i.rnig

’it'll « >>M. ,Mnl>f*orii fstvt v Miiitir*th a t; <?**' a.-'' jtiwht.f ih«*t * « r . r .< r the t"w, f»a> <.v «|a>’ theKr : : .f l .f ir l i Iii.oj' fu-Jn- itriVi-n»>* >»** r !'««>, 'I hr t !r«r.ij.;x ar*-f’rM ttp with tit- ;:•« mi t »ah,rtuoifn.-t ii'tivy .ahir, aii:i it In aitimreiii Uml t!n- K ah .r iv. makim; a rnptriti'- at I* n***t to visit tlio Ifrlthvh with tho pi i rtf*: ' lumiaiirniiit. Army rorp*iifi.r Brniy t -irps hurhai »«ain ‘t tlm iiritiM', .h u n t. ;*«*• t A h l r h art; iMft wjUi a?l tip- oM J’rHJth hravcri' alt * i'ltioh, Imi w ith the’ rtufult that .■tlr troots'* ftavo t ( r. tr<;r ' t«r* tat use thry >a n imi tMintinualiy moot thu ftfilt iit'-anlti*, or iHcauso thn r«'tr<a{ «>* Ihoir f'r.arh ••* :'.ak< <'»t jtiijn-r- :itlsr that they, elsnt ttfthit 'vitJidiaw.

Ik* truth it. «imt the Hrithh «ro hniH'- i >!> uMtutmtl* red in^iho iisiil.

Tiii* M-rinUta.;;; of h r aitu;stion J;i ttjiltar.ttt front tho ..jM.ehrs of I’rmii. r A'<inith an t inrtl Kih'.'.«it<r. Tito t'srm kr th.tsr.al that lh<* War Mint.- h r tf-^lul alt the mrtv that ho »until K> t. »ml\bn<i K ttcb n«r stat'd that So

milllou nun, ami brliajia Hunt, / H i haihs for a t<>itj; war tlml vs sit I.;, tho rt-MPtn«*s txith la im-a ami rm tiry, iita only of Hi ilitfet, hut of till firittsli I'nipSt--. tffirjaaoy may win, i<: she U UoIrtK In the tarlv :-.?:tw;s « f !S>»- v. a,-, and Krahee m.<> !*• StuinlU* a t f i . l ut tirltnln ami i!’-’ HHUtth |m*o- >•!*■ inifst flri.lt to tip* hitter end. WSntt- » <r tom ** who m m ol afford to tmhais f.lir K vvtlfJiiss to tome tnt.hr f!tr heel of tin* (lermail Ulnpirr, KiteU- «rur atwakx *f a thro year war «»r lotts* r, and hi.ls dlto l.rlthih iirepare f.y the supreme effort of their llvta. hrit.sln I-; fic’.Une. fs-.nrafiveiv riwai;* lay, s*itb her Siaeh to the wall. All ll*r rof.ittret’: are throw a Into the moJIfnK i«'t, s»ntl it i» only a tju. sliori of (into when her whole nlile-twdled poititiaUmt will fie nt tin* front.

Kate ha* dto.-,-..l that thU h fan - sola'a war l«nt as tiftteh as U is ISri* tain's war, nation fircitt s-aerlfieo;. may !- rrqnltcd t.f «;■ m> ef Ifrilisia. Ate v *■ r ,*<!> fo mat*.- them? We are , • ii'Mnr. : m if twent; than-and totetl to I tl..- Sm*t fs->v. <>th*r eon1 1 top:nf r vs lit |

' l*< rS.i»p.: ii hmi-Sml tiio*a*j :.et:d in* it will he r. ipnr'fl from t.'a ifj ,e *». \V< are u<> alamos t. W . are I.ah'.st: la>r*l KHehemr and Mr A f-j <jnitii\.( ihoir word. Ho Canadians i tin- avi-rage man on the itfri- t - reall*e I th* ;or*ou«i* h of the rdt oat font can - 1 mhi, nhlm; with the r<*t of to* Km-1 idr imiat *«* reatlj and v iIHijk to I «.»iiN<; saerlSe. ujion .-.e rsHt e, Jte*t a* j tfi>- Jtriliidi i" o;d- will have to do if the hrithh.S'.r.toIre and ISrtM ’• pwidol

’• bio !•» laatotiln th*ir j;!;**'- in the} vor!<S. We at' t oefJd* nt that th* V j will ;««t ih lt'r in f’p'lr r-Vo'etli-.n to j t.piodd .l!n ir b*'.i- r c« ad o.„d, Hut ’ v. • ar- ai. iid t'aimdtnm. Iiavo jlo t >< t <*. ttnle-l tl*- e... t Our tSoV-j < tt.;:e»it -d S " f i i not » tnomtht {

When You Suffer From Your Back

YOUR KIDNEYS MUST BE WRONGMany women weak .lay after day

with ah eicrucUtinj: jiain in the hack, uml really «1o not know that the kidneys an* the ;<turvc of thiv |uiti. When the tvork 'tarlv t«» ache you may be >urc that the kidneys ate not working lttoperly, and the only way |Mi*sil»|c t>» make n Complete cere is t«» take "time by the forelock" and get rid of all thtw ache* and u*iit* by tuinB that «>ld and thor-n s i a a u pills

Mr*. John l*owet, IVake Station,p R.l . writes;...” 1 s-uflered frwn back-iielic for three years, and 1 tried all kind* of medicine but got no relief. I wait *n l>ad at times l w.mjI.I hot »>e aide to walk. A friend told me to try your Ihun'r Kidney rill*, mi I got five Imxc*, ami Iwfore I had three lmc*» used I was nearly well. I tt*ed the other two. and I can say your Doan’s Kidney Till* cured me Had it not been for them f would be suffering yet."

Dmn's Kidnev PslD are ,Vl cents per box or :i for $ ! 2 o at all dealer* or mailed direct "n rereipt of piice by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont.

WTjen ordering direct specify" l>oan’*. **

f hllOUUL N01ESI aittdnn Times

: inlllb'it t.i'ii ft-


“The Heir of the Dares”

\f*d the tr,* « moved i'll. |«dh five | li.m'Mt'j* left hi it le.iniii)* out fo shake flip v"i»tt{j nun’* band. Mr. Iliddelt •.>«■ |f:. V oj un i , ’e*rl> - » •oblierlr n»*a of ib iily fit*, or *•< liuf he had only a flecliiitt jjlitn|wt>'of. tin* jtirl a v »inn of a »**ret, f.K» j .̂«- -artoi'O'le'l by an a«- v* ole »d etutlrtft Sight haii.

.V» the ■'•■«*ldi<k,iMi;igi* rolb'd tbrimgli th,- t'iil|b>ntiy lighted »<|iiar.- roaov be *.I, w* re t.iievd to loek sffer it. wy>.) to won |<r why tl was there at that bom. for ,fhe f o t of flu* »»i " <i 'i .t plgSit l.a J M-.f been m.v-te pub j i: . 'the town « 4 * :'*»*n W l lo'hiod,and the <M.» «- l.tweeii it and ^.l liiik M *io r *','iv.«.<i<i'il»vtr>*vo»»od, Almost In* lo.e M-ph-u I»,*;«' lejllied it. they bad tutont in rtf fho !">lg", driven tip the loti" avi'Hlie. nod Were til a *t*iu,| M ule t!:.- wi.trt .-nt* Min* halt of » td ak .

■' .Ys-efv tiiowie" what In- .ltd, the t*d new ‘"i.Tt had ali*:.l»,| m l entered

1 .So«


* t bon

it: .not up v. Siat vAtl.bo it- c m «?.<- . 1 ill'll lit ••?

♦ * e •Ontario will nive ?.Vi,<y«* l*-.tg. of

Hoar to fire.it Hrtfain. Weil, ImtHr tab* thou ni'Vfr,

■ TSt.- Twolfthr*. J»b4^>si.*iu> -.lit fhlw v.-rsr. No v|iorli'im-n mi nnmrs fo fir.* a "ingle afoot.

Cob Sfu Ilttfjbe;* 1 * nihorll-dm; fpr norm? infin- ehntiffeitre. A et«>ioly j*»h as tens a* the v a t la s t '.

Ilollgoifitti) dtffoid have i-t' IKo' ISip Htrtt syltfoblp i ( It;* tiaie.,- wftdft;i be.ud of Admiral I fia ttb '; it.

-— * » ♦Tbe tjm.'lt of tbs llel«l»ft« U f'OtU-

Muff. !“!»> - T* ady ti* tak- fh<* » * Td. pm in found, again >t the (b-nminn.

It tJejumn' ymtlni.*'— ;•> !- * *bon «;»• bead i of d-fm *. j. .- r lH - » *. tfi. ofli.-r folio ... nmvji to «!> Ith'- •who. X .

*|hr lilMoli Will- I Iff >'|.-a-, now to light th-- Hrtri-h !>i< .

be it ; jipsslltilsm.

, tho S Ja:-aAugustotnnitlon of tt'«r niiuiiist (Sormatfj, *'t<et'd no douSit tout tlo* Kit

Tho I’ifth Ku*al of Mont rentarc going to tho front 1,115 officer,, and nnoii strong. Sfntoi^ ; ;v**tl;«r.d v.here.she did?

famd.n. Kng., t - cAviio; .« lorn’ of si'.-dal . pm.tabi' . a Mirl Ot horn ■ geanl. wo pr' dimc. Komo w eft* ago ;.«#» HjiRw> bail our'd! I.

Tlo- en d 'd f!l:il‘ . Mioi t T at Ant­werp has i rofeided »e«io « Uiotitr»iv.ing <>f tmm! - front Zippeiitt nit - tt îpK mi tltnt «»>*. I*V not vvur. tt'rt di- al'iilb-a! ravager; -- ....— .....

I'remiiv U»r<b*li baa n » arn-<; agnbist tiitduly raisin*?

ot pr«elite'•* *<r eiune-fatfo•'=•*- Mthere is to mmst tint nttdoj no nt n i:i Imtterallvn Hint .priced * iontld he Ivopt

« ilik ,bo

tSi'rninn' Jm s done nothing uoitior limit to m id Zeppelin airships t<* Imtabard li*-l!b-*s I uneven t Women lt»tl ilitldrrn with dronjdng lu’iiibs Irani

•kiee. The CUttadelidiiit U*eurd of tid - ; Tail tit Hired human

nature re te ll■> nt the fdui of rniiilm: it.a(U unil do. frui tion from the »ky

the Olisttl iSHt'lntiou t:f title I in m tllc .r .iil territory,; where He» ihiof Winer**'* mind of lieeessiiy te- eivllian* wtot ha o no pur? nor Sot in I he slaughter of (tlelr Mlov.-beinr. i and wii.-ge the t i v . of bOMHill! wo-

ml t-hHdr*-ii are far eo r - lik‘ t*' t*. tie , .‘eiljli I d tl'ltfl Hi. J . . ' * t Vt IS* -rtor;. in arm' .'

ef bowing and eat t *«*vin;[ betting, a.. th-Pigh fat:: S t. i s kiti-llf tw e »»y-

el. tm.e )otitle. - I Slepb. iC ttVI :o- * -=ee t,. '.e li -k M»W*.tS*',»:tj f'trtl *v.t. t|.,w M. alien Ih lt > 'nil-

ipjiie !p tie inln'iitanee, l«> HieStellite r*>in vvii.'.e *b.*'0 In* talhei bad passed *.'l twenty W»ht'yctO* tef.ue,Hitay eyts fumed kindly eji;*u the new0 l-iei ; the |,ld s- ttaltls ;|lld«d, VV<11ne.t.,*«l; hoi be mold »<it »‘-e the e»ii *> ,tb*f f’-Sb-w*-l hint be Went Of* the

i vij- served o. a n o t aaul- tti.K-n from add tone* its the

.-<jnite\ I‘a t’*'i,"' !*Sd He\Sum bii«*el| ! ailing.

been in flu* fall light. Nir Mepbcn In.vv.d a btou/rtl. tnauly ix


« IIAPnCt; IIIMr. tSi.Ididl 'i.iiled j|* vain m vt <Ii_*

h r tlx- inlhniili'.ii dial i.ady I I . , ; tipitid *r«eite the new muster i*f Sc|- dirt., 'fto re < uw in* tne««4 ge whatever, and after hmelnmn Ip. «t»* . * |..ek In town utter aitan-.du." that tlm -opilri' <*j» I*. ,al| at l»K elfhe. |U ttrvl da* to sign ; some d in -io tn u tt i ie ie *va,j" - t awier in tl....... Id lauy,*r\ henitand Ip- tpid hi* nieee dltrho* their twitil . *.afi*t< utiat att- iu*-*’ti ,t<at ln-w be! ! ‘.tv • bip **a» Imbatirr*.

Ada <vaa .Jeepi* oilrle.led.>h<* L* a •tr»n,.-e Wnnisn.'* the gitl

,.od tb -e HHntlv. ' t • *»<«'*» I*. t;> think :|.- she lias -lenc e^il ill tiew, David il*':-l., tlill sip. |p-tp| due. anythin? w.lliPiU a nndite Suit what ,a’n * metive i- ill*I Oow ’ It seetn* t*<t neb- t*.iit. that >ii Mcphen onghbe told Hint she hit* to. il?h( ,n

"It i dot•• ate nt,*H*-r in **hct» |. inleifeie, n>* dear.'* Mr. ISfolibd Mtiil ' IVfti'i to -ai nothiiip until I

lee. h ea l, font in |*nbbe. Itnt.it »t is Jo t»*at«o»it * 11 a J'»r witht’lal pi t o . I -haJI y i ta n !* -(o-akHe Viill ii. here tniipotow PII lip»lne..;I shall S.iin-s him wj* (or a etin of t«a.

Do. to.' b | Ml, l|lli|e aliv-on*, to .*!••'ini.'' .hi- raid, with rtiiiinati.iii. aiid Mr. Ktdd*i laugh, d

* V.'p y*ir stile to t-e di.aoj..*,riled in 11*111. lb' *» not the b- 1st like nlint yt*i|inirt“!lO‘,r he Iea •’ll?'* ; t bill sheOld* lai'ihcl It* ietutn.

Meil- I uni *.»f bkrSt to tretf him tttiv the .M"*t*e 1‘e. iu-e ot hi* disappoint

‘ uij.lr. t aut n«l a relatl*e of mvrd»’*. J.ktwo

y<tluiday mat l*<ijotkinal.pi. when tin* |,i*tn »■»

.• a late hour. Alrnnl lulf-|*a«.t not t a ̂< s»t in it*e window frontingHis foiow j (foe etretif, a vtiung nmn talking I** her.

ad, hi- «. '.•» were .talk blue, Itis | If,. w,i« VI it: lit mid ilail,, will, a .|itiel* e a g.|Pt‘ ehdpe, but lie had . .|i . i-lrd linntn t, n (*rt>ik. tlever tiHiking h>t'S> “** <*«’• * »*pwrf J f*,-.-. at>4 ,r ;de» ant vm r. fhi- v a*' >.*d * y o il. e.o I* l>r.*«n j David I’f lot. I .a dr I>»ies v<”'n?e,t ttep- 1 ■( dark m*.sta* he, and l.e'ked j hew, and airi*,i.f> ;« d-ei.o ..f some rep tii» of; ni.ody I'calth and vigot. I utr. Ilx was .(intr at h* ni*- ui tb« ••Id o- was (dain in face, hi* figure { D*S>:on<d b«r»se -n Ifeantiefd street. Ada itdid, 0 « magnilKcnf |uojmr- ; had loeij telling him <‘<f In* an«f%

i showing Irt'th ctiength .tiid grave, j duel at Sddiek Manor, and David sppkeM». ISithhd, during I he piogie-* of th e ' * ’ • • * ------- ’ 'me*!. Cot'd e*etc' little |ejrtetsal tl.lit

\>ydh *phcf jippurtal, Little wa* arid nn- Ci Hjie "h| bullet di>a|ipeaied and they ! a famed from fhe table. Then >t-pbeti spoke j mtirb »idj.h.*»>.,

If i* atl very g.and. Mr. l*«ide|, but "Can't; Mejihmi I Ml.,* HP I go! oil Irt'f. Who kliip.* but | reason fO he IIHfb»t*| lit*V b oo f'll tbe little cottage in i th" li??dfu* Ip’O’ ’>• w-»| .’ After a!?, it fiee. pleasant j indigurnf ■> "'V■ a kceja-r’s " llu ti*ne " is aln,o-l fh'O'gh «i| .'i* )'hi" tic e l ! ;.-.I th>* 1.1 * 1 *o-llti-||i r. ] the tiieie

S ou wifi get **lt. >it M.-ulon; th,-*,r • 0 . pbwtt J’t '■ I*et of *..:«» laiitYtg in your dutv. "Mv de't girl.'Stere i- w.ak, that’. **,*,>„.;( will m l o i l : *0,1 nil! : the troll*. Dame ’odilta ha* filled li* *r. ar-ei* icutemicr ' the ..lifer ...|| o f : he.id «'!*• her *il!> miflon* of hi* own life." " i iiuport*ti*e, and f." .an *•»*> see wh»t

Mr. IS'dde! -poke cbjm ftlllr; he under [ •>**• « * * “ '« »** Kmk »f I kt.o ' >«**"• I*.-I fhe young Ninitc-, frehng iimfrcttv • «*'» fimllgh !» I - -or- thnf tl *» »rr well, the |r.tr of tod M olt ah!.' to adapt | mfltrn-<• Hurt has hunse!i l<, • ir. nm>tar*. »o Iifteilv at ! ' ,U I '' Dave! • ; Ipt-etl*

■ntiineat* pretty pfaod*"Aunt J.Min* h.v* -ome game <*n band.

Ada l *>f if tint I mn certain. I shouldn't wonder |f »he get* Stej.hen to help her ■ the* J(r;' a nice pairl" he *jid , with

re that lip Ins no at fhe coming of

Adt asked father sboohl he st* t a*

had iitjnreil him by • if M ug Sir ttiehArd *

v»ith former swir«mtn'o^e*'Well; ! *ip.r so.’ ' *aid Stephen, iiluio.f

wirh a sigh. • Have I many relation*So-», ; 1 1 , toy who Jfiudgr UK my blvk?"• c siublraU' aektd after « short j«,vo»*.

■'N> 1 many, v i Ntepheti,' the lawyer an.'*eft.l. ’There an-only the Watalng- !«*>;>“. t!*e It.-, tor "T Austin’* faintly;, fold tiny an- pretty f<*» out ‘ ecuml <>! f food « o.l«>!l* otliv a

And l.ady Hate, my antit will .hrrtSit'Ktve ¥*f me t am an*too* to gel or«,lii tier,” ■'teplicn '>id. looking at lh*I,never with *.uoc Id lit* anxiety.

Ml. ISi'hl'd hcnitatct. Ought he to M? tbs* 1«*«*»t. straight Iforwaid yu'ng tnati fb,*f trie «o»nau wlue-c good opinion h* vva„ ... lagci to seiuie had (dotted and p-.vnned «•* <he*t him of In* jighl*- He , ,»<oitd rather not prejudice hw. »licnt’s j

I .vgam*l h- t ; it could do no goiwl,niig’lt beat C*il fril’t. besides, some Je uistimt t*’h| hint tt.at .aim.

e»otx*-mindr*l ate! tenderhearted?te|dii-u Dats> was*, he would lx- «teinlv |tif|p\ildt* it lie vvefe wronged e>l by o'-e uiiom he trusted. >« the l*w-v r :»M*tM*fcd aft r a m»mrnt>t»" "gh; I

*'|,;»dv fee!* her It*** *•( position i ...very keenly; t.or may bate to Httk.. » r-oiie eib.wariv.' lot her. Mie nete* ln»d rtily tdlddrcll. NO the »n> . r-sbin of a man whiim -he har tiere. -r ,n may have *.<«t»d fret a little. V..,i wilt that. >,t. |d.. n. ’

t e.rtitiii!* I w it!!’ >.*>d the * dung s<|tdie watniSy. "She ha*

. that " I >tepbe« wry r|e*t>r. blit very inmb-'t and ■llliet,” raid Adrt. "He want* 'Oil to know him, David: !»■ *>.d - .1 Vestel.!** "

T atn -me I shall ln*<* bun: the p^*1 pie Amd >*-iimt hat*; »»e aivvay* the l.e-t Wirtr Said, with a laugh thathad »" malice in ,t. It t- a fact that rlir <’>«'« md «dni.ie y.iit, Ada.’

t he non admtVation is tuutnal,'* -Mia tematk»sl, with it Ytogh a*, trank a* Da­vid'*.

•‘Ihefr I* the t)i.*ti *>■ were speaking wlmiit'* riiddeidy *ri*’d th*’ v'l'iitg doc­tor. "\Vimts-*Ap!endid ti.ure he hast

in time to -ee a tall, tan dismount from a «d (ling the rets* »**

it.t"lie |« in iimn vnilh looking ! ..id , still wat-hoi* adniifinglv a*

w at rival turner) in at the ofttee ft-vv words t>< folk -* tvbtit.

off |IU the etteet with the ida* k io.r-e in *ba»ve. Ada brnkcl at the eb>»J. on the tu-nt-d and «a«g the

! the new «liv- : who y.tde i

V showHave you an* iehtt»*e* on tour

dbet w sidiT" .Mr. IHddefl naked pie*- entl*. I temcmlu-r tier; a pr.tt* eiea ftn*' she MB*, always -inglng. A won- ilerftd voice she Imd; t have never hear.) null aiiutfoefs'’

"I e-.nlod leiip'ttvlwf her at al!. . *dt«- di*--d when t was * _:*wi ■*’!!." >(»)*ltrn •aid J-a.llv. " s ". t have no telaltpns that I know of, though lhel« ma* la* some away in the north. My gtant »atn> r .<!*. a\* ».,id tie'e.itne <■( a "t»*td *!*..d,. the |IPs**** of Caimtuos; hilllie lifter s*i*d ni'd'lt «limit them, exerpt

it they had latni* >« Caithne-s”Wefl. th'Utgh flo'te ale *o tew here,

til e| v• T *

dr*' the

ltt/d ill (item

J.iti; d-f bx»r«e n r

H i " ltd yrtiiliff

Hid Pain Around Her Heart for Three YearsWis Not Safe to Leave Her Alone

Day after day onwitud* or bear-, of many sudden death* through heart failure, and many people ;»(,<• kept in a am) state of morbid fear of death, lieeotne weak, worn and miserable, and are un­able l<̂ attend to cititer their sexual or business duties, through this unnaturalaction of Ut6 heart.

To all such sufferer * Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will fityc prompt and pcniuncni tclicf.

Mrs. Norman If. Hsun, .Ship Harlmr,N H . write- - "For three year* I have been troubled with a pun around nvy heart. I Umk metliv’iiitr ftom my tlorior until I found it Wat of no live, «v it only seemed lo help me while I was taking it.I got S*> bad at ta*l that it was not safe for me to !w left alone, so having ■ heard of Millmrn’s Heart and Nerve - Pills, I t.xik five hmet of them, and I | can say they helped me n> much that I fee! like myself Bgain.” ! -

Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills arc 1 1 •V) etuis per la>v. or 1) boxes for $1,25. j • For -ate nt alt *h uttrijt ami grueral •totes, ot will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.

•Me vie (*!**':

is surely J*»t ■'•tephen. and I neb-imII-It ii|> in * !-<* minutes.'' she

ISvrth bad got her ruder- for ten. Hr is not * hit like the tlteu««l port mil l had drawn of him.''

" (tetter or N.II'I- ' asked lk*l»l. with raised I'Vows, jmt Ad* W»r|bl not eat ;

l.iisie*! tieisilt with Until ntld thefell tray arid Affected not to boat. Al­most imawtiatety Mr, KiddeJ eiitcied. t.,il"Ws-l by hi- guest, and the aril to*!in- tions were m>d.', Ada tell « trepidatioll •piiti* iinO“itaf with her. but David and -ii >trpl*en l*e‘ai«ning «bat nt "me *he had time »\u -i i>\*t herself, and di*- (H'il»i«l IliiV’eiijr# of lea with pei fe. t wdb (...ssersien, Jisteniug the while to the talk, in which to-1 umdi jrd»e*J now and then. w»

•-V.O. (lie loitnlrv i« In intifid.’’ Sir NTcpliett »ai'l i’i » ii '« '’T III a rpleslinli; ((,.)» Dai id, ’ Mv Aunt •w-Jins. I.»d> Dale, told me the name* ol all the ■lotiihfe i-.aii's round uleiilt, I wished Her to let me drive her in t» town, but f„. (vtrleis «evt week, a* this s- -atnr

•la v "

nohrd (dm t‘> lw -•* h-r fir-.'\ lute. vice, w ith her husband's h«:r. t! honest, '"'US;.* »el!.« > woukl hr

ly; 1 have t«i *ep the lieierrild tieorge to find if he i* fit for duty or rml," l>a*i l **td in answer toSf«jdien*» iwjn'.r rtf* Jmrk. I .an tukw *«>u tiu-re, if you like."

Il.uii', you! I -hall ire glad «.f y.nu r«j*wi**»y. *bvt>u.'' ctetdww ,md e«tdUl fj ; • Oil D»*id .»<*• that lo- rnr vnt it and he w.nt, |iicaMoj. He fwll Hint he ♦fn.iild dike gtephen D»rw.

"V**« know D.- \\ al-'tigham Stephen p»e*entir nvked hint.

•'.Well, I 'doiithi think ‘.*o," a ns weird the young rlont-r ' "The Kc'eteiel Hroige r» your third or fonrtb r*i»l*tn. I trt^lfvej bill my mother wn* hi- wife’s •isfei. mid t!"' girl- tile thus my rolls-

■ t.rdv l»*iw «ern»s to like them: hr Uruik me a- being pxtrrmely loud of Mo* \Vnl*iic?li*nii" *nhl SU ph

"Of little Kthel. y .s : but t Hi*t Dame seitua and Aunt Muio ! *pitte -'t it off exactly.’' David nnxWeted, with

a -note of uieatiing.'Die* sot on wonderfully w«IS, tlu-*e

tw*-, and it was easy to -ee that they would bevomr mote iufiiiiatc or tin; In- Due, Ada -nil fittV. -!»• felt strangely *!,* of (h» young s'pure. ah*v wa* not iik,< the general iuii of lout

felt •I >elf lol 1.1*emilr

Daow. tli'id.d! .•■-.-Ifed wit!. .«‘oulii!c>ii! ) Mi'plleft giasped hi.* hamt W. ltltil*. iterv.n heipmg me. t wilt do >« I* :u flii* lie', and stinnge jM.sitii.

ilf Ii*-*;* me and be nn odvt • 1 hliskUy. and the ol t lav

i kiffut


and ;efte, | » his

idinih.gieal <s"i

Mr. ID

; l oth knee’ i Viuit '

[ ingt.vn market >lay ♦ .' •»■ «*« ‘ i - -he ha - * pr.sfoum! dislike u i of »oimti* I'.lk the* eon." I

I and her gentility p"l ha J ' I- h*r ladv,-bip i»

iiiiplir*-'! the lawyer. 1Id*

win. have had that nn^ lady j

*ii f trmdde of i1 n *tu»e‘. tea! I

neiiim iged t»ll th rt !* .! id-jlv!”• I.,.,’, “V »ei »■•>', sire ha. at- had tli" left wins "f «!>e h<»«*e. in i,uSity it ** a .epanifw tmiise ft go.*dl-|jt< tanajrtiicnl b*r *«» I *ha .- ,t. fcsiD avaiiah'.e Ilf's"* i-s-asion.

l,aii* JJa*" wilt tiave hr» «»wn nMl . her own Imlise (lieu;.”

nUrthh* :-by•*

file t:r*f time, wild dieaiut <

' .(uo tlv. «Idn-in; h>' i h;1.| jdrtvfd her game.‘ ! V..t , l lit. 1 * st«


u.rto ..a.. .. th,. Ion.* xx ift* linfred in her Ii thought* in her htain.

" i ir,. t-.'tu IK t i , way the*.- w«- a " ’,f> •> *1’ > vot.iiv ia-ty **!!'• Aunt J$r5ou ye-(e».l.y

■*’ ”! A'*ii. - j „.|aD*r „{ mine, she told im i M •* now ib,*i hi | Waislngham. They Imth Insisted upon iaiat«t iron* | „ , r -t th" i.- t... »<••’.<* t ■<

,-M Th.oi..<h j , dii*. I, * I me how to Dill 111

’T *ur going there almost iuiuvediat»

I'll in I to Imi "ithlighting Mp th-'i depth, coed,) only nt rjYrietly, tier t.a*k to thetight, mni hope in lo t heart' that ..... -of fhe others ob-erved her (dlrtn .onimente.i ufutn it.

When *t length (he Jkptire and Davct n.Je to g» -he felt *die mil at way w.ime thing, or it might wem that she was uitgra. ion*, >o when Meplwn tO*>k her hand in lareaelt »hr managed t«> Utler a live word* of invitation to repeat hi* vii.it soon, fib held bet hand i<* he >-rid. c.itfo his Us’ml direct ttankne.s:

T hank * o.t, Miss HiddoD t *ha«', tie r id* too glad lo mine, tint y.m m iy (*• gu t aiskiiig me. for I may -Vum- t«e» pi t*u." At vtmh Me. Kbbbd laughed atnl delated »m!i a thing rovihl »i"l ly , and Ada felt a thrill ot i»iten«e plea "•&

" i'lroe two will tw fast friend*®Adt, my dea*.’’ f«*» wmtr* -a!d as to- i-attieback fi"in reeitig ihe young men out. •'David will -ee that >n Mcplirlt gete nn liar n» from Daiuw bidina’s -thief*• or in tiiirn e, ffe is a ■ Jjatei frill’* . doll like hint, Ada V”

■'Ve., I III la Toill."' replied Ad i. sto'lp ng lo pi«k oj. her l-.'.k. and keeping

b»i t»<* tinned from the fight.A* Mephcfj Mod tIn* Dwltir turned up

DcMiilield strict tuwardx the s.pi.ir.1 they rrtmo-t ran agairwt e'rar one pa«» ing. and David etopjasl.

'‘HhIIo, Nfeve, is it von? What « hurry you are in! Where are you off to ;’’ He bad • aught (odd of fbe man. who had “toppl'd tie*. *>te*r-. |hi* is idr !*tfpl.enDare; my inotbei. Hr btephi ■aid in intimfuiTion.

T nn Very glad to kn-.rr *Priorm iatdy Date has told me about you!” btep'liin said; ItuhJing out Ir

Mipbeo Prior t**- k it, !«it n**ne (•< willingly.

David rattled mi before hi* brothel

“Why dbin'l you took in at Daggett >! And where ere you rushing to «w»?" hr rft’inandeil.

"f dot hud, io at Kaggot’s. tlfd r are said v*-.i would t*e tale, and I am goin; home t<* Asld.irnln now,” replied tii* hro Ih.-r n little stiffly.

” 1 >! f r arn ia a homturg! f never told !nm t «h*>u5d la> late; it wj* like hi. impudeu.»•■ < mile along ftaefe, ?rt' *e; *ii Stephen wild I ale going to Waf.tng. ham’s,’’ *»*! t»a*iil. f ref«aiing to move H>: but Mephen f’lior .trwvf f»nu.

No, I have nut time nun, Davie; I must get back home .* • f m .< be aid. whorlty.

• Will you hoik me Up wlien you mine lo gseMirk : ’’ siri.) Mephen wattuly. "Auntvelina S.rvs y«U ;o see („.f olfenWill you meluijir me in the vi-il*. timV*

Hephen Prior multried slime sort (if ii've(.tann of tit*- invitaliott <n\ In away, David gave a !.»lt vf/ed l»u tire* lenunel their walk. ,

Here 1* a* milky a- « h”ar.” In 'Tie ha* i* villa...."t- tenijx-, e,.* th*n; aunt Nefina has -’.me her l-ot to .pod him ail Ills life

Stephen vvimdere 1; he lia<i tint the f*in!« -t idea that t«i* yo'mg man felt ♦ggi5**<s| Htrtt Mejdtm had »tn-eed*-l hi* uncle a* nrnN.tt‘ 1 at Selili.k. He only had a * cry liury ti'niwtithranre. that Mr. Kettle’ h*d *-»i-i •■‘m-thing a bolt Stephen

Selina hail »aid a great deaf ul'ont 1dm. b.ft he had b-eii tun

-e i-4,-u to hint st her disappointment; Stephen ** *s pviwled.They eoen veaetui! the wpiare. wllirh is i-rowde-l with * mutt re people, and .• «ewit>' wa» lively a» wwl) a* niiU'iul

to a stranger. Picsmtly they turned up bolt, imiiot* *tiret with a haitibnW -!*■• ii building at one i »rner. and jias*

ing through, were in another and more lir.,*res-i*e -eene »lt«eset!.er. Itwrtvre T"!u was t ie niagnifieent eolbgirtte htrreh of M. All.till, its lH>aiiti|id .lark

tower alk| ► lender minvrefs rising high mt« the clear arnio*t*bere. It was ap priiawhed by a Juoad |*ntit «d «*t<>ue and an iron gate in the wall surrounding tin-* lu.i.-byard, « hie It iv*. raised ■**<•?.»! fret almvw the level of the wtrewt,

Stephen drew- n long breath of adinii' a|fi)U. and exclaimed involuntary «* he l.M-.ked around him;

' Wh.at fine old h"H-cs! Tr* wdiom dn they beltingT Why live* tlifue?”

‘T he one ireare-y the <hui.-h is Hie revfory. ,-n is the pi..j«-tty of the limn.' 1 *ai-| David. "Th** other iw-tongs* " ....... Hr Mej.hen. 'Hint is thefooi'we w bi< h txit* Dare may orrupy if »he eh.w'se*. Hut BN she sloes not * lio.es- it is !el to Dintor Kaggol, uud I lire then- al»o for the present. They me* alfe.f M. Austin’s Hou-«*."

'to that the hoitre Aunt F»-lt«a ejmke ■ .-fephen »«id in an am i/e.) lone,

"Why. though! it wa- a different -orf of bi.iiie rttfogerherl t fancied <t dull and ugly, an-f it >■ simply invet . *”

Ihete W t» a III* tilled lie.', II(BUI li!:; face, lot he aid (Hi m»ire. nine follo<i*i|br hU *• »t}*ani*« Up (he (.it!, to the tes for e, »t„( David km W .Is Welt ,.e >f <m In i fw rn tob| (hut hi* aunt had lom careful ffoat the idea *.mveyw| fo Steph­en'. mind 'b.»;’d b ' (be .-va-f ojsjio.ile of file reality, tint a, Sfepbm did m.t teem to rare f.*r iiepmy further the Mmng d'M-for .tmpjw'd.tbe subjert a!>u. for Kiev had already w»*)«t« d tbe vfepv

* H.VmiK l\ .Tbe pfim maid wh*. admit t" f (be.a

ris!iei«-f ta in in(.. a l.,,* . -(. l. i(tti»Jat'i* 'W'ftl;; to..lit,- Coot u;id **»4*iv in ib**»ndire neliKm*. A yo.tng b 'ly eaniw

’e .th '*t window; *iie v»a* f ’e gift who lard !lot|rf*ht"d her *w1n(t t>i M*. Itiddek

beru ton are, s’ir st-pfobn !’• »h«*< sled gull*. ' V"Y* !*a**• found Vm:| « jv ..JI-r a D Ob. is Dial you. *»■ v ,! ; Wt, r • did you *ir.gi iroin ".

■ | f.>m !aiiid"*i fowl*, f.rie cousin. Put ■» «■<; ■! <<• ».« . l. tmrn j de-Ky

ifdd ; • ju.wjNh to im|Uir.* lifter th" neafrir -f mi (•ester, your r"*ere«l 1 father,’*’ *epln«l I hr-id. wira ’ prole* si. mat o’emmiyabafl m tsfe flu «'l ail laii 'li

)'tJi.d till lied to the utht'r b l •• *i>h St* iAiett fry fmr sole,

t to bw Continued.)


Sefiterntor Id, ta tb The Ten Virgin*. Matt. 85, bid, Ciiinmeniary. -f, Th*1 waiting vir­

gin:- rvs. t-ir . I, Tbx’B—At the time^puhtn of in the pn-itding vtiafitcr. When Clfrtfll ronrwn in judge tin- tvurld. The klirgrlniii of heir Via—-The bcgfli- ntngw, the natur.-, the |.ratrr*a,s and the purpose of t i. kingdom hn*»* Irevtt lb bihirateil and i xplnfiuxf, now .Ir-iiun <1 *- elnr.-w mmietfofng that pertnfnw to the i liMlng "veni- of the nperjltou of ttiMt kingdom on earth. Ten virgins— A pli lure or Orh nlnlTifi* fx pirsenlert. ft w j*; tlm etiKtom for ten maiden* wim lurches or lamp* to go fortii to meet the- bridal party. u» Hu- lirld- gtiHiiii was return lug with fob hridu to hln home wliero the weddlna n'lebra- tfon » a - to Ih’ lo-ld. J-atups Tor It In f'Difraldo that the bmpsemail bowl*, in wltft'fi wl.k.-*pkU'ill. fmrlwrteil 11)4011 (foe lop:, of Ntutr* and carried Hk>- lorej.e*-. Orl"iwat w*<l ditiRu were wlbfirntevl at night. Tin bridegroom- Tit iiifo* imraitli* the bride* groom, i- generali* undereiood to m—au Jesux Cirrist. The feast, that sisle of fHSelt' Ir. wlitt-it He Imu pr-imlscd ti raljio his genuine followers. The win* or prudent, and foolish virgin*. thm< wfo.y trnlv enjoy. and I hose who only (iruii'ey, tlm poritv nrul holfm-KK of Iff* religion. The oil; the grace nnrf salvn- thm ot <5or|, or that faith wbfefo »urU* t» lo 'e. Tfoe vosyr!, the fo»arl fn which Dlls oil Is conlainnt. The lump, tho prufohlon of enjoying Dio luirnlrig uml shining light of the g.js(>*T of rfirist. flofng forth, the t*it»!e of Heir >0 jourulng u(M.n eurtfo - C'larke, it is 11 rare ffguro in lie’ seriptures (hat re present i t’hrf t a* fhe hrWegrrittnt and the ebnrcit a - Hie hridr iMatt. % John :!!**. See ba . r,:*. f. r. uml Unit. 2. I!*. 2d. The bride Is the N. a Jrt,„ «tlem prr’j jvr> *f to meet the t.rhi, - groom < Um, 2 1 . •. n, for.

Five -There is no eapisdal tiifiinb Hettm-r* m the irumlxrs ii/H fn tliia M-rs* . They Hnrtdy eliow. that ot t'm»e who prob-ss to have tlm Kwing grave or Hod a part nre truly saved ami u Part are destitute. W b e .. . .fwotiab - fn the ttevlMit Version the fool ith are mentioned first, in the parable they arc more prominent, us the lewurti taught pointedly applies to thnn. They ♦Hand for all who negtret tiro tntcri-sb of tile aoulj and the wise, thoke. who perforin every duly. mul cunforiu to ever* divine re-iuiremenf. Took oil with them -The lamps eotrlaincd only a limited supple of oil, and tuu»t be fre'iuenlly rejdenlslied in order to krej. the light burrilri,-*. Tin- foolish virgin,- harf^qegleetrxl this tie<eej5»ry pm anilon. "ti»Ahe utterly dark xlrcotM of an Aaiatie elty every one who goea tortfo at night is ex|*eet<<l. and (n mod­ern Jemsalyttr l« nxpilred try the au- tliorities, io inrry a liclrt." liroadue. I. The Wise took ol} In their vessels- Dy this a it they sliowed tbetr »i«!om. They mu only had a- much ns the foolish ones, font ntM>: " h a t thelatter linked. The forms and profes­sions of religion are Rood, but only aval) ;*s the* -re areoiupanti'd by lie- gnie.. 0 1 tsod ami perni'Mied with it. It was iitierly impossible for Ho; vir­gin-: in ur- parable to Is- tml* watch­ing for the routing of the bridegroom, tl Hu.-y hu-keil Hi"'proper prepiirmfoit.

•’*. Whiffs th - brid-griMim tatrh- was o.'l-r, the <-«»e that the »rt*iesi weiii |* long .finance to Hu* -|o;« the bride lo eondttet her to Ills own lo me or tlm*. of hb father; and with the delays that s.r*- likely to orcur Sn Hu- Fast, Wh-re time ts MpparPOUv ef little aecimlit. there was a bm : time for tiK- itmfibni to vyait. H.T?U*» kb flat riots n«t*coxne «» nue to call fhe world to judgment, wc are not to con el ode that ltd will hoi come, touting l» certain. All »h«m!e r>' l s*nd slept - Tfi* x ts eame drowsy. This * 33 ir. perfect ke.,ilnn wllh the uatu: (hinge. Time-' who wore prepared

without auxin . and knowing that they would In* notified e;

tiling of the wedding prorevdoiiWith Its music and rejoicing, the; c ronlldently reaign ihetns-lvftv to f ’.et-p. The f<Kdi-h, < ar* te.-- and neglraffttl

ha conciTn for th" fttumv. TTie Applientlon is that tin* wfoa- were at- ti tiding to fio fr various doTys - ith the fear of Hod tsefore them and tits

• In their imarts. in the tnlthful 1 irtormnme of Citrisflun duly, the cl.ltd of Hist 1s in the :k-*! .s>,oiihlc attitude of vatcbfnlness for tho com­ing of the heavenly llrldesroom. tfl« cmning may tic sudden and nnexiwicteri. It may lw* *;*o d- or long delaymt. but there tymaina nothing io he dope in

ic why of preparation.Ii. The com!hr of tin* briibdroom s. *>-»*. b. At mblnlght- Thcr*' had

Ihu i «n uiiu-.iial delay, amt the time most inopportune fur t!itwe who

lacked oil for their lamps to pr ■tire i*. in its ai’ptl ■ation it r«-pr lit* the cion* o f the pnvtMtttonnry iwriiul. Th* hrld'.-KDMim eoitHdli This erv was

-niuion in 'connection with v<dding ptoceswhm*. Tile time wilt sorely come when we must 1 are our Lord whether vy nt-e remlv or not. t«o ye out to meet hint -None will escape the com­mand. Tile cry will awaken r u n M'Ul. and all shall stand imfor • the Hridegromn. f. All — arose- Tiny ail understood their ilvfty, m I at fhe MimmonV tlicr*- was an iff*»rt on tb<- part of ttr «1m*> . Trimmed tiwdr

tumps- -They Tiittlctl fnrtptvnt ti'm* mlng ami tvpteitlshing. This " a * the tlum fur which Hoy bad burr, le-cn waiting, amt the tltllt* when Ho y most, heeded tlm Haiti of their lamps. v HI*..-” : . ..f y-iir oil Nothin-; could be more true lo unto.**- )5<i'U Utl«. The

leka Diuld >r- lighted. I»t»t ho h'itg oil Hie tight would goon go out. H",Tf*i(o; ti • ir need, tho f **d« h irgia , vi-aH attempt 1 0 sc. -rr- a supply front the ttettrest oouri Applleu esdiPuaH*. m>one will have nor graei* to spar", nor a surplus of tie- tloH Spirit, tmr lam;**

going out tit. V.» An etnptv pro- ion ma; give the bearer « !h«Se > in tlm*-. hut IH the imt<:*m nl Mm-

awfui Ur< will l,, ke.-nty felt. ’*• Nut • ttougit for u* rtt'd von Trie wis" v*r- gin,: mtmt pmudidv li.ave .par.il a little nil. tint it tit- risk of being left hi dark no*** them- '!> >-'! lev" •' ‘c. np; ’.«*• hplrituatty. one * annot Imt " it grace or-the-Holy Spirit to another. '*•< . . . nnd buy for MnirwePe• tn Hm parivMe tio r- » :;* r -.vU' no p*'-‘ dbi’ ity '-hat the fivotlab virgins wouit! ii'citred !' supple, or rdl lit time l*» J'dd the n arrlage ujih" den: and ta 4f;t «(snM' Mh>n the tlm*' »' ?<.?'■ •' eaa*. f*>r botiniue wnlvafM-u, wit*';! the *‘r <s'>’

Krm*m yhnll gtimc.til . The rinsed Door iv-, !•> : ,i, id hilr- they s.n * to btf '» Dd the

find i'll virgins v . re n« :*».*’ t<* , ! ; '!r desperate ttcotl nod v " i :a t tier la-e

make lh uegit-eted t»rcpawiH(Wll. l>ri.f* "room yanvi'-'Thi t- n virams nil Ih* *1 wait in.” uml 1 <>(•* tsur

lift)! "lit rive )iii,'i*n-d »".*■■' ‘•vlom h.s r onvinc, »• a < annwunecd, and tolN***d hint, they ttiat were r*ady went In—

For hours they had been waiting for tht* very Ihlnjc, Full preparation had turn mad. and Durr was no proper place far Hum but Among flic wedding gut-sfr. They were c itfafle'l. the drmr wa* -,hut fills Wrt* mersevrv, for Dm tsirhi'js amt other'* win* ft«d no right within would rfo-ur" to crowd their ■any info tfo<- marrlos*' h-aM. \V<* ar*- airnost ov* rwtolmr.l witu Hos thought <1 Hi" vjldftess ut ttiosr* oolrtld*- tfo" dosed ibiin. Within were Joy, light, plttltj g.nd life presence o f the hrldc- griKHU, without v ire daritniv. waru and despair, i t . Lord, l*ord, open to us—Tin? foolish virgin*: nmv have pro- < ui.d oil. but they mivmd th" bride­groom and kno-k.d too f*t" for »*!- mittame. In the .'.jdrituiit a'.iplltsi- Hmi we cannot coneelvc of those who ahnlt <oi»:o t*» the iudginenl unicved asking for entrance Into heaven. Tfory «iil lull* leaflet* that thefr enso Is forever ltop<*li*SK. (2. I know you foot

-They were not «ccognij*if » i gucats, for. they bad not complied w ith Urn i< puU-rmi nt* mad" of l hoso who rightfully composed the lirhltU party. ■Thr:ee « f ’o nrofr-sa r>1fgton, hot ar>- du titntc <(f rawingygrati’, art* among those to-, whom our laird s words, ‘ I know *ii" mu," ar*' irindbatib1. Hi. watch therefore Tfi’ eoBvmsnrt t-* »at"h Imidic tiiat there'nre for*-*n at work w tilf«|| arc tli»H(rtjeiivc of good. up!"; < ih"’. arc gmvrdrd ncHlnsv and nsist*d. They »r< ttoudatbrnr t-» a Hte of ease, a Ilf.- of pleasure, a life of I'opuhtcifv, or :< life spent in Hib put suit o» wealth.

Quest tons.—When »**> this parable spoken? To whom? VYimrc? What la meant tiy tlm kingdom of heaven? Tin* ten virgins’’ What Is meant by tho lamp*-! The bridegroom? Th" olt? Ho*- did Nv" of til" virgins show their foil*? Why could not the w he grant Hour rupiest? Win.* went In to the marriar*' feast? Why wer** the othera sit*lt out ’ How did Jcs'cy apply this I a raid"'.' AVI'V ought we to watch? How should we watch? What rewards tuay (b«»e who nr** watchful expect?

PKAfTIFAL MDKVKY.T*d*b' - Christ's s.-cood coming.I. 't in unc* rtalnty ol tint".II. The ecttaint? of event.I. TS". uneerlainty of Utne. Thta les-

seu eontdins Jesus’ dlsconr!(" luncvrii ing His fKi'tul romittg and the endc. f -the world. It was Ilfs farewell ser­mon-id tauilnu. The parable llliiNtrnUja ehtefly the meaning of Christ's com­mand to watep, its r«-a>on and the mean* ..f fulfilling ll. The great lex- son wlifeli Jesus drew from tfoU i*ar- alile was, that since nont* know thed. v. or hour of Ills coming, the only Jhifet* is m* watching contlnuallj. Tni" w is'lwi; consist* tn being always r*’«dj and In constant rememforancc of the Hridegroom's coming. This par­able relntr-s only to tltuse who have led in various degrees a religions life. The '•'■be virgin* represent those who re- cognlre th«' fm)>ortsttcc of having within them grace that will endure lo the end. The foolish virgins represent persons of brief temporary religious - ex pert PRC'’. 4 exits impressed the tui- portaneo of forethought tn th" Chris­tian life. He Intimated that nothing »«» tests tip* Christian a* faithful endur- ante to the end. The two claase® her*- repr«’s"Mi*d were moved by one desire, lo welcome Um bridegroom nnd to par­take of h i, fum-iuet. There » * * a com- mmi Hkenr-SK which continued for a conaWeYaldc Unit*. Alt, having uimlc -•’iicfo preparwlhm a* they Judged auf- ihlcnl, calmly and seecrely waltetl the approach of the bridegroom. At ntitl- nlglit the different" between the real­ly apparently prepared was manifest, revealing a must important and serious distinction; The foolish virgins were mr.l.effni ami presumptuous.

l i T h o certainty ot event. Th" md- dm annonneeiufot f!l|.if Mime with joy. others with icndokitr. The wise ■ irgiiiH did nil they coul-J for their companions, who had nut kept In mind t,V thought tlm though the bride-

w.m n ight com*' at any niomcat, yetmt«?i»l long del«y. The near ap­

proach of (’hflkks second coming was atniivo Untvi*r*|lty accepletl by He- *'«rb- church. ‘ That nil slept do*s not Indicate the relaxation or decline of Christianity. *>ut an abatement of ae . flnit*- t!5fpryiistlfm of tho near ap­proach of C h ris*com in g. Thta so?- Ki jitB tliiu non*. tealUe fully ih« grcai cm—- ity of .. a»chfulness, it b an irtitoatims of human weattncA*. and « lack of «t»proh.*ti8lffl# «>t tho eharaetcr

the t r i - ftrldcsroom. Trad readl• t include* mnlntenancc of (lersonal

i.'.lglous tif**. foil rewponw.* to tUI Chrintinn oblUattomt and kindly rela­tion* wltit other*. Preparation i*;ceded for parlivipathin in tho joy of th.- t.ord. Kr-garding ti," virgin*, as

•*j< of Q irlelnn dbelpltm. whatover it. merely outward is the lump mid the light; v*iialcver is Inward and spirit-

the oil reservist tn the xt-^seb. mnplmsliug) the intimrianco M

true regard Imth to the out'vard and Inward life. A faTrexiernat„b no cx-

tor inward nnsoundneos or fn- compteteness, neither in,ty » well de­veloped Inner life Hud <$cuse for an Intonrlstent *-xt-rtor. The life of tatth c«x*s to have the aoeotnpsp.' l«d tonvi of faith lo pomplcte the epirltual life. The trii’Mt Inner life promoter the most perfect aatchfuln*-: - and Insures

announeenteni ef the bridegroom*# k?T- proa eh eamc lh« revetation and con­trast of the two ehararicru here rep- resented. For ln«'k ot tdl, thv evmhol of inwitnl grace, the foolkth xlrvtns w.re hft it* midnight darknnuv when Hielr lights » r j most »'sded t<> add lirtlllivtiev to th" rcem* uml to s-'ciirc their r*i icnlthm and ndmluanee to the b a ft. Th"" ar-- separated from their K’mpanimis. .who went Joyfutlv with tlm luhfo'.trium. The cbm it door pro- »«i>t<-.( (bent from knowing each nitot'w i.iiur". The dlMlnctbrn tB-tweew ((.e wl .1 and ftmlbh w»8 lasting. The lee? Pppnrtunite never returifsl. Tiit i tf. '-c - « n"gtii:"n*'e, an t the (*en- rttty *wet":b'o. T M » * n d t h a t tin- di* in- r. minis are urgcoL ^ ^

FACTS FOn THE CURIOUS- .iio.ii* i» i,<-l fi*rmieng a t " " ’ *l>-

.* u* in»wn l.i«(MV date* bat* v, AKsae.W* febtoli ■* and. Vc»-*-'h;rt-vrt. ane*J'-« »?»*«. Aj»

t,i>.!::*C {"(1/ l<:!.ic! into

'\\*' t .Mrart rtntlpH*

. in <, sn.l the

’Wxb:! bwV j


X •


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Ho8 Okrjfitiauity collaiwotl ? Tbo question is not tbo outcome of a desire for nowBpajior sensationalism It is a question that has boon raised by many thoughtful Cbristain poo plo siuoo the outbreak of war, in­cluding many ministers of the Goa: pel: Slomo of those who have rais* ed the question have doue aofor tho purjraae of supplying their own answer; others are simply socking on answer

The question is a very natural one under tho circumstances. What is the spectacle? Millions of men parclically all of them professing Christaim*, are going forth at the bidding of nations professing to be Christians to kill oneh other by tho most terrible and destructive methods that modem ingenuity can devise: And perhaps tho n>o»t significant thing of oil is that each of the warring untions iu iuvoktng the help of Uod for itself ngaiiiBt ita cnemias. What conception of God must these natiouu UavoV Do the teachings of Jesus m regard to the Fatherhood! of God mean anything to the nations after nearly two thou, sand years?

Tlitse aro ,tko questions which nveu minsters of tho gospel of Christ are asking in public and seeking to answer. In a Jotler to tho New York Evening Fes*, Rev. O. Monro ltoyde, rector of gt. Thomas Troti-C: taut Episcopal Church, Wiiuiuor;on: Hudson presents thesituation as ho secs it, in Hit to words.

"Tho Christianity continues to exist in outward seeming is most true, Tru.*, there aro still popes patriarchs, bishops, mttmionams and thbiifcTtt ds ot churches where the Bible is read and prayer is said the year round. But if these popes, p^iinarohs, bishops, minist ora and churches a}’combined can not enforce upon the nations of the Christian world tho first prin. cipies of the religion they/profess- then it is perfectly evident that Christiautty hey broken-down in practice, at least and the question presents itself to practical minds, why this waste of money upon a mere theory of life that is not workablo upon a more sentiment which has no practical value. The modern world hoasteof its efiich oncy, of its practical utilitarian ability, and yet it is spending millions upon millions iu the sup­port of Christian churchos, Cbaistian ministers, Christian missionaries, whoso solo reason for existing is that they under, take to persuade men and nations to live in harmony with Iheeseon- tial principles of Christianity, which aro love to Qod and man. But the actual conduct and char acter of tho Christian nations of the world at this moment, as re­vealed by the *t*l9 of things in Bufcope, strips tho churches and their ministersof all spiritual sign;

<- ificaace. To put it in plain lang­uage, it scorns that they are not doing what they they profess to do and what they aro paid for doing, and hence there is a vast waste of money and energy.H o goes o n to say th a t h o does

n o t e xp e c t a c o n d itio n o f th iD g s w ho re all m a n k in d w ill live a c c o rd ­i n g to th e law s o f ! o v « b u t b e th in k s th a t a fte r n in ete e n c en tu rie s , c a llin g itse lf C h r is t ia n , " o n e baa a r i g h t t o e x p e c t t h a t th e c h u rc h a n d her m iniste rs s h o u ld h ave iuliue n co e n o u g h , p o w e r d o w n r i g h t m o ra l a n d s p ir itu a l p o w e r e n o u g h to p re vo u t th e savag e , th o b ru te iu p tiu c ts o f m an k in d d o m in a tin g n o t o n ly kin g s a n d o th e r ru le rs b u t the w bo lo

1 b o d y o f p eo p le c o m p o s in g tb o n a tio n s o f E u r o p e . T h i s m uc h w o h a ve a r ig h t to in sist u p o n a n d i f

■ th o c o m b in e d in tlu o u co o f a|l e r g o n ; ize d C h r is l a n i t y c a n n o t b r in g a b o u t

| such a re s u lt, th a n i t ie, 1 th in k , 'p e r fe c t ly fa ir to c o n c lu d e th a t th e

c h u r c h bBBbu o u uu su cccsfnl in in ; c lu lc a tin g peace a n d g o o d w ill a m ­o n g th e n a tio n s .

Your home merchant will back up our guarantee on this splendid range. Ask to see

McClarySPandora^ fra n tic * ar,d *et Film demonstrate its ■*'v£f \ S ^ many exclusive features to you. 'A McCIary dealer in every town. »

S old by H . A. H avill.

T h o s e aro v o ry serious w o r th ; b u t tb o y h ave th e h o p e fu l aspect a s * w ell an th e ir d is c o u ra g e m e n t. T h e ) v o ry fac t t h a t th e y are th o w o rd s o f \ a m in is te r o f th e gospel is iu its e lf j s ig n ific a n t,

T h e w eakness o f th e c iv iliza tio n . th a t c a ll* itfio lf C h r is tia n seems to bo th a t i t has n o t e v o lv e d a n y c o d e : o f m o ra le th a t n atio n 's r e g a rd as b in d in g w h e n n a tio n a l inte re sts o r j a m b itio u s s r« a t s la k e . W h e n an i n ; j d iv id u a l k ills a fe llo w m an fo r th o j sake o f his m o n e y w o k r o w h o w lo j den o u n ce th e d ee d as m u r d e r a n d i ro b b e ry . B a t w h e n a g r e a t mass o f t m en c a llin g them selves a n a tio n i s ta r t o n t o n a c a m p a ig n o f p illa g e , a n d s la u g h te r , w o call i t p a tri* t h i n j a n d eve n th o c h u rc h is r e a d y t o i n : * va k o a tltv in o b le s s ing o u th o e n t e r :: ,> rl«o. |


The Canadian Patriotic Fund ; which is presided over by H- R j H. the Duke of Connaufht, and ■ of which M. 15 Antes, M. P- | Montreal* iti secretary, has bef n | regularly incorporated by Act of j Parliament passed on StTurtlny, ) August -2. Theineoporatorsnrel cont}>osed «f Canada’s most re :; presenta'ive men, and its exeem!? live commiPee will b > composed \ of those who can attend its fre: f queid meetings in the city of Ottawa- Organization has been efToeled, as prcvicut-ly mUcecl, - and < he work of supervis!on, >, there is every rvii.s- n to heitve, < w it! be w eb d m * .

Th- iurpesc of *he Fund has: been made quite e’ear. ft is not to do general charitable work, but the beneficiaries are relatives of all “inactive service whether j with the naval and militaty forces of the Empire or its allies or otherwise And whether in Canada, or abroad. “

A remnant of the Fund of 1901 amounting to s«me $79,000 wiU., be transferred to fhe Canadian Patriotic Fund and also its out standing obligations amounting to some $3,000 or $4,000- It will bo evident that to contribute to this Fund contributions over and above what are required for ur; gent local purposes will be hotter th*n contributing to several funds; The method of adininist: ration is that in each local centre, where there i* a conuniMee and where collections have been made o» account of the fund lists are prepared by the e'igible jtersons, certified as correct a«d payments arc made monthly upon the re. ports of the local committee. The Urgent casesare left to be dealt with by t^e municipality.

An impression seems to have got abroad that sum in the neigh: borhood of a million dollars raised in Toronto and the county of York wa« for a fund for the depend

ents soldiers in that ferritory alone but the sum goes into the Can adian Patriotic Fund and be: comes part of it. There is likely tobe no^d of much money for this Fund.*,

D E N T A LW. J. H A L U DAY, U.Lu'.V*

■ to tjr. cormii. Mixteru rovUito*N|irr«J 'I (m rtiw n, f.iUs. ami lut*y work| J IifMt (loon* r*st of iiOMomu- | l-l nml Sr<1 Thtir«<lit)- «n*rno(ili „ l rm;h! IllllUtfl

j J.S.RKI In, :sfsa^ss-.-ssj limy, oil I ■ iDlirilRHU., KOIIItl Uf » «

M E D I C A Ldu. imowN; arcvva,’’.?

w . a . h a l l , :r!?;.Mfitlciiient Oniffn'* Onlvf-rwlty. Mt-mt.rr nflh* «:oll?*Bof i>ijy»lcUn» «n<t SaW-on*. um<« wort ou «ofm>r of CMMDMIn<t c»yl*rH|rt*w


J. G. CARTER, J iS r .t . 'S ff ;of Hr lire. Hair* of till kind* (>ro»i|>tly <•(> trndeit to. S«fm*to<*k and Impu-tnenu • •peetfclly. Term* rr«M.t.»t.ie for ordrt* %ute JUfAUTKlt. Uhi-ium k *•.«»., «r »>■ rwnf enienln rnu Ih- made nt Hie T«le*c«|>e OHIee. Walkerton.

V E T E R I N A R YS . H A N M O R E.V .S. T J & .nrlt> Vetefln«r*Colie*e. Hr. Ilinmnr* bn* opentd offten to <;»eclU rower*-Hotel. Tr*»trnent ofnit don.f*|to anHnwl*


The bit of cheese baked into these crisp biscuits produces a flavor that is as enjoy­able as it is unique. For picnic luncheons and al fresco teas nothing could be better.

deliciou* hitouit iurpri»e»—- ami it‘t your* for 10o.(*tan>p* or eoio) and yoar <ro*er’* name.

Every Pottage Guaranteed.




Merchants BankOF CANADA

PAIL) U P C A P1T A U 7.000.000 RESERVE FUNDS*7,248, 13)

220 BranchesT h o S W I N G S A O S O U X r .S of

Itiose dekiring a ^lrollg S A V IN G S B A N K , araeordlatly SnyUftl. In t­erest w illed last d a y o f A p ril and October instead « f M a y ami Nov iMiibcr. as formerly.

W A L K E R T O N B R A N C HK. M. T A Y L O R

M a n a g e r

g r a n t T O W n s ^ i p

F a r m sI h aw . In Itfitot, 2

lat-O-r. I fo»ty-*4* MCI* *«*»»« . I ‘ Df tnindced mid th iily ntn* !**»«». - tw nh um lt.d n c.ofai.M M d t h i I- t.NPUOVKD.'.. uvrnUMi It- Hnntv- «-rnt nlkcrtoi), nud * !»** « » n mhave nthcml th.-m u* n y bantlf hr- rauae they AHK UOl’ M» TC SKl.L t Imvonlum BO «>*■* fa«u “ i Perth, iiritv Liktt.tvcl, onv <*f Die tu'wt farnm In the Courty of Perth, with extra iuip«< vcineHs, n very i ;rc* t h»»gain wt' #7tot' 1 nc«cr tie.’ote brut «urh n choice of F«tln« (»*now. My officel«’HE.\I>QUAlt- TBKS and you should c. me to see meif to a want tot-uy at » ghtprlce*

H. B. Mi l l e rHANOVEU • ONTAHtO




Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance BOQdes

or other valuables in one of these boxes

amt day a •I't'llai

S m i t h & M c C o n n e l ’ s

C h o p p in g M illF e e d dX S e e d S t o r e

A l l K i n d s o r C e r e a l A n d C o a r s e F r d F o r S a l e I n T o n L .ts O r I n A n y S h a p e ]

S m ith & M c C o n n e ll W A L K E R T O N , O N T

) 'W «d '3 r to sjE otiio ,J The Great F>pl-*A Reme/iie.f VliWi* .)nl invic'rf.l'* tl)..N nr^T ^"* "5̂

. .. EttiHaf Urmterte. .......l;.r IS. Ow Will Plfaar. will n,rr. . by all dfi)Rr.>'l* >■t n.nifril In plftln pk*. on rroolpt nl

B... .\V .«• ,X»UI phbt mu tint tree. THE WOODiDiciN t co^ Tcweaio.cn. (b M ,in i t« j


H. M. LA Y , M a n a g e r , Walkcnoti Om

Individual fn»trncti»tt pet mil* Tmu In ci t o - , any day at the

It is reso Rn izc d Urn m o s t tl .o r on jjh. |»r<iet>tr<t husines* >c1h h >1 in Canada.

In d iv id u a l InsUuofciun,D u r th r e e s to ry college b u ild in g .

G E T O U R S U C C E S S B O O K .

C A F L K M I .N O . F . C . A . , P n o c ip b l D O . F L K M I N U S u c rn ta ty .


0)ir photographs me mort- than good photbjtraplu.— they arc true |x>rtro»ts— bringing out all that’s best in character fin'd individu­ality, Moke your op- pointtnenta NOW.

( 1

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove buy a “H A P P Y TH O U G H T." None better. Aso a full line of Heating Stoves


H A H A V ILLWalkerton - - Ont.

Dr. de Van’s Female PillsA lalUbta Kjooth t«niUinr:n*»«» l»!U. Tbr*a

jlll* ai« cxCT«<llogly la .fgaUtln* thatraataUte fwrtiiso of *>>* lyitoas. R«f-»«|!I <h«*p l»lt«llor.«. Dr. d* Taoi'a *re at *t . ) — M*ll».l to »D» *il(trea.


1 w 9 * • T h e S p e c ia l P r ic e s m e n tio n e d in m yS A d v e r t is e m e n ts ,g o o d fo r 1 w e e k .o n ly

75c M en s dark Work- Children’s stockings, Men’s Heavy G rey sox 50c Bleached table lilt- Reg $1.00 men’s fineall newest weaves, col- ing shirts, all sizes, heavy cotton ribbed for 2 pair for en for Sunday shirts, lightors, reg 750 tor 4 9 c choice, e a c h ......4 9 c lail wear, 2 pair, ,25c 2 5 c [3 5 c a ya rd col’s, your choice 6 9 c

10 yards 36 inch heavy Flannelette for

$1 .OO

R eg $5.00 men’s fine boots, Invictus & Bran­don, choice,... $3.95

Big Reductions in B o y’s Suits Fifty B oy’s iSuits Go On Sale This W eek

G v - n r o i - i c i c W o have been so busy in th is D e p a rtm e n t th a t in o rd e r to give p ro m p t d e live ry to mV c u sto m e rs , am m ak ing a rra n g e m e n ts fo r r U L c i I c b a n o th e r de live ry r ig to help de liver o rd e rs. C u sto m e rs a re now gu aran te ed p ro m p t de livery o f all phone ord ers.

C O A L OIL 15c. a G allon .

26W e Pay c.a for1- EGGS

C O M F O R T S O A P 15c C A N N E D S A L M O N 4 0 c B L A C K T E A7 B a r s fo r 2 5 c . 11c a C an . 3 lb s . fo r $ 1 .0 0 .

I B* REYNOLD, W alfeerton


T he most wonder­ful instrum ent ev­er introduced. It requires nochang- iiifi of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

c. n. ?oxJe u itlltr. lUiithcricn.

bead liuit weor*n

"R in g 1 H at”Kind Hats are flexible and sell.cor fanning, jo jt * l .m »!,< 1 t i u u L t the head.

T .P Y E


- Y. M.C.A.8LS6 . LO N D O N , O N T.

udents assisted to positions. College session from Sept 1st Catalogue «. Enter any time.V. Westmelt J . W. Westorelt, Jr. Principal GaiUrwiAocooUzt‘ p tu Vtee-msdsji

O T f W T f O R D . OKT.it* a school with a continents icputation lor high grade work and lor the success ol its gratlu.- ates. a school with superior courses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial, Shorthand and Te­legraphy Departments.

W hy attend cN. wlnr.* when there la m m ii here? Yuu may enter a t any time. W rite foe our large free catalogue.

U . A. .MuLneliltiu, Principal.^




| Finkerlon Fair. Friday S^plvuiUtr Tb# town o f IngvrM It Is insuring

Mr. Frank /with, of Walkerlo isUIng hUatslvr Mrs* Thoa Dct-i t the C'oiuniorcmlHoU'l.—Ayton

.•iinany made th e m istake of lie llfo when a te allowed her fleet to lie hottled up in the Baltic.

Mr. Duncan M«Kt‘i charge of tlm «n*u* true! ion of the new l>naei Hnr from W alkvilun to M id may. left on Tuesday for a W eal.— Mildumy Un/xt tv.


wmoson s u m

Cook’s Cotton Root CorapounlA tafc rtUahU rtaouu.no

mttiictnt. Sold in tbfro do- *««*• "I rtmielh—No, I. s i; No. 2. S3; No 3. $5 |wr bos.tk>M by all iliUKftiU*. or «rntprepaid oo reenpi price, rtf* pwspkWt. . A<J4tr«;


faindM tit (iKe, influence aud survers |ul Craduatif. S j» tt;»lt«-s in (Srrgg ,

and Pitman short hood mid all coin- j niercinl subject*. JA tll 'tm n open j August 3I*t. .V rlte for our catalogue 1 Address T. Wauchnpv, Principal, i Y ougeA Mct.il S ts .. Toronto l |


ExhibitionP i : A C Iv Y K A K |

America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufacture*Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies

| Grenadier Guards Band ~] Dragoons' Musical Rldo Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Do ten Shows In Single flour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show


Educational Exhibits Goods In Procoss of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival

Creatore’s Famous BandScore of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Dally Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks

International Peace Tattoo10 Bands 400 Musicians

Aug. 29 1 9 1 4 Sept. 14 T O R O IN T O

Many Thousand Farm Laborers WantedrOn HARVC8TINQ IN WESTERN CANADA

“ GOING TR IP W E S T .” I “ RETU RN TR IP EA S T.” 11 2 .0 0 TO W IN N IPEG | S I8 .0 0 FROM W IN N IPEG


a u w w r t w s : s ^ i vsrs jx )ijsu“irtnu: suevxu:

f a w a m i f F .....— i

S H A W ’SBusiness Schools

ooronta.Canada, pis© high grade kciirevs and quality young people oenrn Kowl salarler. They include

The IV ntral BusineS* College. .Y n g e aml «.<*naid S K , and Six Go lira m il Sehtiobv Curriculum

h , t on rpfjitvat. ICuter any tim e W H .Sb aw , President.

GOOD TIMES AHEAD!H phe s u d d e n b r e a k in g 1 o u t o f A w a r c a u s e d m a n y to “ r u n to c o v e r .” L ik e th e c h ic k e n on w h o m th e r o s e l e a f fe ll, so m e o f u s b e c a m e a p re y to f e a r a n d weij® r e a d y to d e c la re “ th e s k y iis f a l l in g .”

Now our vision is clearing, our alarm has Hud, wc have recovered our poise and courage.We are seeing, also, our opportunity. Sw iftly and almost overwhelmingly lias come to us the perception of the fact that the competition of Continental Europe has beeu taken away. W e arc faced with a condition and an opportunity both lending to our advantage as a country of industry, agriculture aud trade. Good times • are ahead, if Canada aud Canadians see and .sai/.c the opportunity for enlarging their in­dustries and trading.

Wo must bo careful. Have Courage.

lie live* <>f oil vojtijSjieer* while tin y m e on active duly.

The Miklituv Kali Fair will thi* year be held on Monday and Tut-cdny, •Sep. 28th and kMUh.

Reserve your beat ra lly for the F*l| Fair coiicdi L in the town hall on Wed­nesday Hvp. lllth . Tickets fcrsu lenl Mct'ruuiV.

.Mr. and Mr*. Leggett returned from their western trip la s t wreck. They visited many towns in the Canadian W en a* well uv in the l/nitcd States. Hepwortb I’rvgtwa.

Misi< Marie W riler ie tttking u course at lh« W alkettott High Schocl, ntnl •” ft fur the Fall term npeuing on J4uc d ay.—Mi Id may (ia/.rUe-

It every farm er m th« county of Ilruce donated n hag of oat« ns a e<ju* tribiulon to the pauhitie fund iiwonld inean a lot«l ijtiautily of over one iinlllon biuhtU. *

Thu Rtirrtiiiti a lepnlnlmn (cie fight­ing i« not the lH-»t hut already they have given the Gciiuhum caiiso for worry.

Already half o f Uetliu it. tvpotlcd dra|KHl id black. No wonder Ihe on- want ninrcli of the Utivaiagi hordes ha» throtvn the city in a jw iit !

In ahoiil four itmuthx from now wo will lie teaching unr children carols a- bout' IV aco on Kartb, tiond W ill to Wind Men. 'i he Irony ol ii.

Key. Johu McNeil of <*<M.ko% Fresby D riancbut i-b, Toronto, baa been called to mm of l In1 large*! I’rcsbytnioii cbun.hes in Denv. t , tM . Mr. McNeil i* coitvidoring t be call.

The Ontario Department of Agricnl- tnre i*endeavoi iug to t ope with the unemployment MtuaTtun is tu ban evil- Ires by trying to plttot 1*» much Isbor x * poavitde on farm *. The Wardens uf counties are belngasked tonsaistiuthi* work.

’S t cents will pry -tor The W a lk n lou loiescopo to new vnliMiriheis in Cana­da from now until the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the chance to *cod The Telescope for the halunce of Du* year to distant son, daughter or friend whowill appreciate leading the home news,

Henry W illoughby left on Monday to trsum a bi*. duUr> ns principal of Wiiliicrlon Ibii lie .School. He Is pet- fcclly restored to tic,deb after bis long vacation, the la tter portion «,f whieh w«« spent uf A uiftein in the Furry .Sound District. Mr. W illoughby was delighted to h am th at one ol his pupils had wo., i helvntr .nct, modal lor Bruce t.’onnty. -Uln'idy Enterprise.

With a view to *.blai»>ing the notih- ti’ra ami Information m ccaxary 10 the enforcement < f the Win ktuea's Com­pensation Act. nofifieatSoa will be sent w itliia thuuext two weeks to allem - | layers within the sebpo of the act, «e- 'jnlrfDg them to repert the number of men in tbeii employ and vuiious other details. The net states th at return* must be in three month* before the act ip>c* into force to enable the board to iinish the immense am ount of work of uUsslflcAtion and compilation attend - *ot upon pnltingtbeactinU operation . Some lit! Ie anxiety ia being felt coo- earning the la ltia l aa^ ssment on rm- ployet* wlii< b, it i* fcaied, in view of theproNonl financial eoudltiuns, will iresent nomedlif kulty to tbeoperation f the act.

In regard to the terrib le defeat of tha Austrian* at the hands of the Itus- inuns, a detpatch from St, Fotornluirg of Friday la s t , .iya: Information tel rgraphed by the l;e;u!.|iinrters#tatT to­day tmeouragea the hupo that tin* vic­tory a t Lem burg is only the beginning of the «mmI. The retreat of such an ••n. ortuoua force, reliably eatimnted a t eight arm y corps la ken conjunction with the rout of the hnny which wn* to s«rve as a screen U* thoir retreat, already upclls deMuietion, compIeU* and overwhelming. Information ul>* laincd by the warodlce shows that the garrison h«n vlreudy hoea preparing 1'nr.itimiH nt G» udeka, t wenty miles t«> the westward, and on the railway to Frzcruyvi. The fall ol Lembnrg whodi in a t the junction o f eight iniportanl railway line*, rentiers the Rinsiansal,- solute masters of the whole o f eastern Galicia

Dorst forget the W alkerton Fall Fair ! Sep. loth and 16th.

W e have heard more termers kick- ̂ing about the enercase in tb« price of l$a than we have board ohjectlog to llm (^create in the price of hogs.

Tint druggists bl Owen Souud ar* supplying the fnmilics of the volun tcerswho went to th» front withdrugi here.

The crops i-epurts from alt parts of Got »rio gives thi %ycar* harvest a* a good one. In some localities it is slated the ciops huvo been abundant.

Dr. Hmirel Lawson, captain of the medical cotp* in Toronto, has been dercnl to rei*ortfor duty with the r o f the corps and may be ordered to Halifax at any time — Guelph M> enry. Dr. Lawson Is well kuown in W aK cttou and vicinity.

Juhn Beil, a young barlrer of Owon Sound fomtnitted suicide at Hilcote, a small viilago ten miles from tber 7'hursday morning by drinking p green. Hell W«> 'S t years of age and was f oi nicely a farmer a t Silcote.

The Hanover Musical Society's band will ha vo th e honor of playing national exposition a t Toron year. The Hanover fwind will Toronto th irty one strong on Friday of next week and play afternc evening at the fair. Thirty bauds in all from ditlcrent parts of the count* y will play a t the fair. Frof, H int* is to •to cotiftvitulated ii|»on getting t lie Hauovcr bunt to such a s ta le «.f effici­ency that they have been accepted lor Canada's premier exhibit on.

Metsr*. Wm. V.»gt and John M> Flmll, of the W alkelton read, arviim ing their farm homes aud aiahhs wi e<l thi* week for electric lights. Mr. \'ogt if. having 15 lights installed nnd Mr. MePhait 10. Thrse enterprising agriculturists realize the Value i having their houses,and barns prope ly lighted, and we have no doubt but that many more ol the fArmcts along this road will follow their example Int­er on.—Gazelle.

I f one listens these night* of depart ing summer the tw itter of unseen bird m ay be heard from the darkness head. The little feathered folk have already begun their illghtsouib. Why some species of bird* chiefly warblers should leave u* when the day* »ro still warm ami tin- Helds full oi dinner, m ystery that natuialists have long puzzled over. Hut the flight t<•piaiter* lias started.

On SUtirday Get the furniture f- lo.*y, owing to drples+lon of Inisiiu caused hy the war decided io r i du the nuuiLsr of ftiuptoyce*'. A few w« laid oil pmnnnateJy, and others lor this week and perhaps longer. '1 factory is still ntoning fire day! week and the m anagcireot will furnish a* ranch em ployment as . possible dur­ing the present crisis. They may l) forced to make rednctlon*. but will 11 y to act as cautiously a* possible and with the most carofut consideration. —Dnrharn Chronicle.

Qu a semi*fio»I O. A. L. A. lacrosse match played in OrangrviUeon Wed oesdsy ls»t Hanover wa« dofoaied by a score o f ?J-5 but ns tho latter team defeated OraugCviUe at home by B-'J, they won out on the round. They xrt now pitted against London the Hist game, played in the city resulting in iliyi^ deaft by a score o f 7-3. The linn overbuys, however, arc confldcnl ol m^er coming this lead in the return game which will be played in Hanoret thi* {Thursday! afternoon.

The Kaiser says that some |wr*on shoved the sword into his paw. 11 W illytim doe* not keep a good look­out hwb« jwreun w itlshovc the sword Into other pai t« of hi* anatom y.—Fo rt Arthur New*. -The deed o f an atittf- ehi*t prociptlaUd the greate-t wat in the history of the World, a w ar which will rent nations a#*undet\ but now when the assassination oi the Kaiser would lesuit in the m onied acclwnm tion of peace and when the deed would t>c landed to the ends of the earth tho Ust p.?r«m to appear «>n the scene will he nu aniuchist. Who among uh would not shout "Bravo!'' U word was received proclaiming the death of the Bmporot of Germany a t the hands of o u eo t these iadividuals?

'.”ne erlitor* of Die Ontario Glockc published in Berlin arc a t this time on deavoring to increase the circulation of their paper, using a* an argument that the w„i new* in that jntirnnl is correct, while th at which appeal* in meal Kngiish print papers U t«r frttn Iteing reliable. W e assume from Ihi* that Die Glooke imiHt haven priyatu cable and telegraph line from Berlin, Geunany. to Canada’* Berlin over which it receive* all the new* straight from der Kaiser. T h i* must he the case «r perhaps the editors rewrite the des patches to suit the German people.

The war outfil which each Man re, ceive», will betwusuU* of underwear two grey tlannel shirts, tw op airo f Socke. two towel* and a, hold-all kit, containing a knife, folk, apoon. razor* couth and toothhrukh.

T he conviction i* growing in Kng- iitiul that Gn a t Britain i* commit rd to a long war. The newspapers declare that tho power of the British Umpire and «»f Russia eventually uiusl wear down the enortuou* force* ol the on* emy, and tho resource* o f Canada- Australia, and India promise t».prove a decisive factor in the long run.

LO VA TMr. Ja». Hegg istbnrshiog in the

neighborhood this week.•Mr. .la* McAttiiur lias recover<*1 af­

ter au operation iu Guelph Hospital.Mr. ,bdm Rose is taking io tbe Tor­

onto Fair tills week.A*large number of poultry was sold

tu theSin icoe Poultry Co. Ibis week, wli > areal*o loading a ear at l’ai*l**y.

Mr. J A McKinnon is building a bridge »t W ulkefton.

A large number of horse* have been •►ought around hete for the war. However wr hope it will soon Iw over

j The appeal to the fa lin t is t l Clnlrr j io by the M inister of Agrlcnltuie lo iunl*rge the pr<xlucing operations and ' engage a* many faim bands as possible \ in older to help out In Ibe piesrut leek

of employment, in *U righ t in il^ way. [ There is a g i te t pro! ability of fm m irg ! being more profitable in many line# i than it ha* l«en on Bccountof tho war

hut I t wa* prolltable before the war - it was intelligentiy conducted and It

i almost seems as if tho Minister was on­ly giving advice to the farmer* which th eir own intelligence would readily enable them to grasp.

Col, Ram Hughe* the Minister of Mil­itia , ba» rebuked severely those wbo have criticized officers ami men of Ihe m ilitia wbo have not volunteered for service. He point* out ibat it was clearly laid down when the call was* made that Hie seivice should be per feetly voluntary, th at no man should go who wa*out physically III, or whose wife « r family objected. On ihese con­dition* more than the requisite numb­er of men hav« •wen obtained. The M inister's defence of tho;eofficers* and men In the m ilitia who b » te n ot yet volunteered was touched hi noraewhnt’ vigorous term*, but ll•>-l•<•ni» to be a bout right. I f the*ervice l* lo be per feetly voluntary then it uiu*tpc le ft lo each man's conscience a* to whether henhall volunteer oi not. ITie flr*t cnl! would naturally come to thoso who bitvo no family ties to hind them.

Ii,}. Ckftwy & C« . Teltd?. Klta<r, ,Sli«ilr f blwJ

I . J,CHENEY A CO., t.'WAj. OGe | ; Tak| itail'* PfmSy»*«i* for tonuipalioo. ̂ ^

Be Firm in Th is! !Purcliase only goods “ made in Canada and help to

keep your fellow-citizens employed.

K E L L O G G ’STOASTED CORN FLAKESis the only cereal food under the K ello g g uame that is

made in Canada. A ll others are imported.

Y O U R D U T Y I S P L A I N .

BATTLE CREEK TOASTED CORN FLA K E CO.London, O n ta rio , C a na da . LTO


Clear Spruce Lum ber[Artificial]

48 inches wide by 98 inches long— and seven sixteenths of an inch thick.

Replaces plaster at less cost— but is abso­lutely cold-proof, heat-proof, sound-proof and cleau.

Use it any place for walls, ceilings aud par­titions iu your new house, and for. alterations aud repairs anywhere.

C LEA R S PR U C E LU M B ER , seven six­teenths of an inch thick, at $30.00 per tooo feet a t your station. ADDRESS:

J . S. F E R G U S O N384 Richmond St. - - I,ondon, Ont.


HKITALN'K SFITL IK S. liana four *>t the m*-»« --ere r«*w*rl«nl iT!u« Hoard *>f Acriculi-.ir.' liv.o ex- 3 . . .

)>< diloil lltr Iiitiiilmk.il o( the ugrlcul- *»*? n *« ’ ’J" V.jl kslUnr .M.ilimit return* collected in June L o it.i''1' ' «*m il an! now abb- to Rive the foit.m .u ;! Urn u.tiou «.l th" U ..-I \..rkfigure*. tmbjett to tiufit revision, ami Hu? arriMKt! and i lie* wdlmiited ptodite lioil tai-cnrdfnjt in crop rfewjrlem) »f tvi tain crops, namely;

Flops. Arm>R«' Inunit Quarter !.

Wheat ..........I Quartet ;il

Mar ley ..

i * ■*«;!.

Cati» .. r

I cant* .

. 7,320,WO, I ..Vi'j.OtlU

ii.lin.oiHj iv.hh'.ohi

l shir** Foalow m r* in t. tn-inc to Judge Amjdik'it h uiiniitmm was* tnvnril.

The death 1>s*n .vtrnrr*tl at A<l»kk- le-Street of Mr. \V. W. Ktf-hm. "Sin Killlli d .'a-niiirltnn «■< a ;<»nrdiuiiiin in till; vniiHi'i’r da*!! when -.ervini; in the Sheffield Troop of th W e s t York- ■ hire Y<mnanr.v f.ivatry.

A child named Stanley little. it. **<m of n minor of Austin street. ibsrmdey. dint a! t!o< ho*|dl«t from bum* sMS'

■ min'd whilst j.liiviitR with three other lehltdrrii «l (bo fire ut bnim* on Sul*

urdnr murnlnc.<•: i.'.ain »o:rli o! th - !• i NYrth Mid

* •!..I Field t'omj>:«ny. U«n-al Mnttim-e' - dk‘i| m ItfrmSnelrnm from luluri’ * re- telv.-tl .' k li. trvilld to ''fop !i too. •wtihh ba-| I.-V.1I t

. On Tn>‘- Is v Modi four .<>'iu' fisln-nnon • free from (hdtini: on bin ‘ lo I fir oil- wore drowned In (to. It tv r

V u - m ar W rwbh, a- the ro.'dt of j !> row lug boat * inkinc. A fifth mm I of iii«. parly I'liims (•> lbo Ii!i‘iirii«it ! I • * |. mid wit* savd j \ loan named T SW-adni'.ii. who h«»; only one ot m. H *'#i«lm-wl ns a ?.ttm> j dipper of tlio WnHoiMiii-Tb.'ojT't i Poim-i. ry.

.........# .. | Thome*. s il*T i- nitrified nt !*«»» t..IT l.'iT onu | | finn ti’itos H»>forr I’eHvorv to o''ttsmH''r>i. 2/if«!«*!!> f*.,T ’ ' ,Vfl '* IWjinrl of a Metropolitan Water

... ' j Itiord committee..■.H NTI1V MONKS AH HlwVITM.-i !

h’mlt-avora tiro being niatli> to cu* ! fdflre, Ja'Irosf.'rshtr'., unit Notts «•«»»- onllnate tint work of tli; varlmt* I v<*r»>*. ho tie v.«-* wind" n Jb'iHitr I.A'it- nerneb’s for tsmvettlnR rir.iut: - i,<m; i t< nani »-f nit rbr»s- ■•oiintii" into ionvab s*-‘t»i liosidials tor Hio j Free . for tbo mfev.-.ltoi.H tdtnd. vvtumiltsl. . iir.-oninaiili”l !>y n «»bto. will !n> "ru if-

The IJuko of Sul io rl-md J? at tii<-1 rd In future tin tavadon t*!«vtrle t*«d of i»n iunuentiat w m m iiitr for j ttrllwav's amt to* ttm T ojuIimi rTbo rof tJ»in 1'iiri^w, oonsInlinR «f ttnr Uukr i Onnittim; f'mnimiiv. of |f«irtlaiid. tin. Initio 111 Mirliidrotlttll, i ‘Me (ter flioudir-o f b « u , " mnd« |u

1‘otator.................. I7".IHH| "•iT o tls I ............. .'.SMI.IHI'I n,.»'the utitvit rto|. if not ‘.'III* JO | r

rent, tarccr (tiait fit t f * t I m . i t »o|| jitovo ttir> RVomjto of tin* lt»nt lott *e«rs. Tito rr«»:» of Itettna la ih«* !.ir ;>‘:-t rinro t?0 «. trblie that of (H*ia»o<-s l> < nly etlKtitly oelnw Hint of kist y »r. wl'li-k wan the I it remit mi reeuM.

Tin’ •toard* returns as to It.o stork are aa follow a-

NuiiiImt; In -, or Urr.

«>»Ho .V. C,

b|i»'l»Uonn tiv rerlalM tilnri's on

Oltb lalS In Pfudiiir ar< fimtiue »!if- fbuHy In twrurlliR aultublo tiorsia, tin Hlmrtin'.n JndliR nrerllu d to sysiomma He iiurriiimluK by tirrimm ttRettla in rn r jit yrnrs.

A r-v Mitlim: rorja anl. who advised a 'ouibfiil Miliinteer to run liumo to bis niotln'r wu- jiromidlv invited out

Princess Pal's Sister In Swedish Garb

sidy »o«.v whirl • I tie b a

ta.nl Kltdiem r. laird Chart* turd. |x»nl laivat. ta*rd W i-r an t Lord l^imhsttaironcii. with offlci'.i nt 2f< Vie torln atm d, Lomiiin, S. W.

Meanwhile offers of Invi'vs for «*>» vatrsrents are ]>oitriner lu»o the V#ri ous nodetloa, to the War Ofti-m nm1 to the Admiralty. Among them nr< the foltowlne.

tntke of Sutherland. /laird |yealior«m;li. Qtto**n Amie'i

itoime, Tnplow, and T»|dmv f'onrt.ta>r*l spencer. th»llinR»ol Uo««-.

Norttiamfiton.taint Norttudiffe, Kim wood, JSroad

stairs.Str Charte* Seely. Hroik. tlou-e

isle of Wight.laird lamdiMtiormiKli. Scojih’k Mouse,

m ar Hlankney, Lincoln.Sir It. Alunr * Fcrunwn. Governor-

tbnerat of Australia, 'ttalsh llotiae,Kirltraldy.

lauly Nortlicote, Kaaf'voll .Mitislott, Kent. ’

taint Sackvltte. KnoJe, Ken*.

Still.I.INC. A WKKK.Tin.' aniountw contributed to i»t<*

rrinett of Wales' National tt< ||ef l und have bi*en IttIDMiiire In their ittagai* Hide, Hut the rmatl sutit.v, it s .ijw vvr*' tak**n to secure tlmm, would make n Kreat total. The iim-. iit u lias iwcn naked. Why not n Shidinjt-a- Week I -̂aguc.* only two ml- < y outd la- ms’ded:

t. I will genii a shllllnR to Km i'riuc»* of \Yal«t every week for the Natbmul lleltcf Fund until iewe.’ Is d-chited.

V. I will try to get Uir.v new nu.in> hers for tills league.

All subscription* would tv mivt direct to the fund. In the eoijr>*? f t a month the league ought to have a million members, amt the eubi'crliuhuei would then amount .to O.OfHf a week.

- f -"ONLY THK I 'l t ir t tK S ,"

"I think.'' writes « carrespomlettl, "this eidscde d.»--trv*-» record. The scene is an omnibus late at flight, when there enters a reservist, a horse artilleryman, who had evidently In­dulged In the n»uat farewell I'olatioti*.

and who shall hlntne him?"Me tohl me How he hud parted

from his old mother, 'seventy-four yesterday.' and how he had parried her snd fiucation. 'What are you doing In uniform?' with the niihk reply. 'It is only fix the picture*, mother.' 'So war?' ’Only them picture hows.' And so he left her unaware, and went forth. It may he to give his life f(ir Uls country.'*

: H2** I- William Jlttmphr-v. <>f «»r- i n.ipl f'nst!e, l>nrhi"ii, fr< m wlib’h

Dhlu ns took lb - • tiff: " f a booh wjm snbl r eently al Sdtloin 's for LIS".

Trawb-r* still foniimje t<» work .In I he Norib '*'-a. mrellv meir shon*.

The Anhbl'him of ranforffiirv lm« Offered u-itnlmlh fV.lme fur hospital I'l'ri'oses.

The Board of \srtrn!t«ra tics fn'.,| nil eortu for tin m eptlm i of Jrbh rattle

Ccnntrv I <md- who eauv> Silo lh r . 1 - fitatdi* Mnfket had their horse/i coin- maudis.re-l.

The Hrlttsh Itlfle Ti-am . ecmjes.sl * f Terrlferiats. has af andornl Ms vj«|t to Aiistrailn

The nisfiop of Ft, Asaph, who holds a < Hp ia i , j- , '.mmUslen .lia-; voluntcer- e*J for active service. !

Tell (Hilo p< ni<~< Owned liv the Prince of Whips* have been nnptislttoni'd by the millijn* »nthorlt(<ss

Of the Hoy Fronts in tb - Lon­don ttre;i. S.f'iirt ha*** of fens? for the iion e«-,a>b‘H.o.t -crvlee.

That ford claims a record with Jft per cent, of its jmpolathvn servlmt In one or other of the forces

Kx-M'IdJi r- hefuci-n thlrfv rnd forty- two *• ears -vl-l wilt p- rmtt?<d in re- ^ait-t in im- Sp<xtat 'teserve

lllaikwater, a famous camping ground m ar IH«i‘ y, Is being prepared

ptlca of t'ernian prisonfur theITS.

Ir. hind ha« more men in jiniiHirtiftn to lor population Serving with tin color* than any o lh .r part ot the king­dom.

A Mam ln-ster rartur who hbnght a horse for I'W iiad U tak< day an officer, who gave him an order for CP*.Moveiiumiit expenditure on the wur is for th<- present met out of the Covmitmnt Iwlances nt the it3nk of Fngland.

Mortnun sausage* impaled OU swonls •or su»<stltutes for iworilgj an- being ts’rae atoll by boy s In processions in London street*.

The ■'Fraternity" rf<« fal Flub, Whtt* ehap.1. luv* closed. Of ninety sev. .. manlmra. *ighly-thr*-c have gone off to the

Jl'L V Tit AIJK.Imports and evp<>rt* during July, as

rxixrifd . show a mark'd decline. The following »re the ehlrf figures of line return;', publlsiicd on Fnturday:

—ImportsJuly. 1911 ...........................£ .VOtW.792Urcreatto front JOie.......... 2 .B0D »r»iSeven months, t9H ____ dit'.,2l9.W3Ueere**c from ISIS .. .. ?.,2tl.»79

—Hritlah Kxiwrts—July. I'M 1 ............................£ tl.tU'.:',RUDecrease from 1913Seven months, |>!t ........ 29f».*«S99tDccr«*W? from I9KI .......... 4 35


One man in every three passing aloiir. the Strand at night is in uni- fcini. On.- in every two in Uniterm is iiienmpnMii-d by uoriien-tolk

Seventy prisoners undergoing pre- > crim e detention at fa:n,» Mill, !s|e ot Wight, have been voluntarily dig- gins ireneluH* in the (stand.

Mrs. t olHs, of Kpsoni. widow' of -ohlier, i»as all her «.- v» n on ». •:ve service two Regulars, four Ter­ritorials and one Reservist.

Right hundred garrison guru* are be­ing mr.de bv one firm at Sheffield f„r a foreign i*ower, hui It Is d-iuhtful If they win be di'Hvi-rcd.

All Herman* an*l Austrians are be­ing advised by the tudtre to leave the •ah’ of Wight, Seouls are taking census of foreigners,

Mr. W. Newell, of ilosherton, i t ! - ' . Kate, near Spalding, him s(x in

in u vsso i 1 ,10 Lincolnshire Regiment and *>-*.» H;'S ! Mrst-< la>u» stoker |n the Navy.

' 1 The elementary sebrnds of the lam-don t'our.ty Found! w.re opened, the imlldny having been enrtalled owing to the war.

f The taw* a«titori*ing the imp.......Rev. ti, w. Swann, of St. Futhbert's. i “ " in for tho Army and Navy of erhu-

Hheffleld, bus been ii|)pt>inted curate ( hinls and person* with no visible at Wombwtdi Parish .Fhurch. : m. an* of support nr** still op. ni-

Thr death rate In the 97 great towns i ” v<'- cf Kngland and W alt* last week »\rr- \ tinr><>- from the ci»hh* of Mr.,aged )2 per thousand of the jMipnln- ‘ WlnmiH at Sutrenden Derlng.Mon. ; *'• »f. ItteludlnE the chamjtion

Thr death ha* occurred at hi* red- have t«* a tnk< n fordtnrc. the Mount. 8 »ver Mill, Kerb*, ‘ 'r v i c .all. Sheffield, of Mr. K. .1, Matt rslov. The lllshop-of taindon nt a * >rviee MecI mannfaetnrer. In .hfs C7th year. i?t. Pauls. Kensington, asked that Mr. Hattersley wa* a native * f j nobody >tumid have m„r,. llidmrsfteld. and had had a long husi* j * «nr.-w.* at any ttn al. lies* association with Sheffield. Me ! Mr. tborue Itarridt. tile-C«(etv The- was dcridy rrspccteil. and was a pro- : ®h" •unudlaH. who was at sea for mlncnt local preacher lu com»e turn fourteen years Indore going <m the with the Surrey Street 1 hilled Moth- : '‘K'K". hits joined hi* ship al Poris-Ddlst Fhuroh. j btonth.

At Rotherham Mr*. Kmily Liver- -D* Inn on the Dorking iSurr-y t : hlgr, fUwmarsh. wa* remanded for ;.roa«L wltere motor cars are ustially left < igiit day* on eharges of having w!l- i during lum iosin, reported a seventy, fully iiiTird* red three of her ehlldren. j f*v,‘ i’<r rent. de* ren*e |h taking* on attempted to murder another, ami J dtsnday week.having attempted to commit anWde. ; Altrlnebau* it ««« decided to

FrcdiTlek Ab*on •>. son or Arth*ir j ‘•hrmlop Mo- show of the Altrlfirham Alison, stove grate fitter. 2 KIP'*, h Agrleiihurnl Kmdety which was to |*av

"The men Were ptehed olf the lui" - |»t the streets' was the way it was put to tie- oJffcia!-: of the London motor- bus cntupitub*, nlluditiK in the r< :>> r- vl*tr«.

Merman member:, of the National Lihera! Flub have pvrivrsl private in- llmuMou from friend* thill it would Im m. well to May ftway from the ehih during the war.

Several, property-owner* In Sheffield have devilled to b t the w ives of all iHeni ul the front live rent free during the war. and the doctor* are giving five attendance., The Foreign Legion for tlreni Dri- tail*, w hieh Is Im'Iuk raised in London, W III inchole Malians Dane ;. Mrys k*. PorttigueAe, Spaniard-, Fob's. Sw tiles, and Norwegian*.

All":* eticmh-N under .m Oriler In Moom M published in the iauidon <!.«-

‘Mr Miall not engage in tiauking le.a- Iioshm-.except wHh dhe written perml*' Mho of tlto Monte Secretary.

I Iren ers in Surrey have informed • heir customers that if they want i«vr thev mu* I fetch the luirfeht from the breivery. httfses and mofur-lnfrlc* ha' tttg teen commandeered.

“Starvation will lie Hi.. b>i of the In­habitant* of tlie Inland ot l.ewf*, tin Older Hebrides, imb 'wMnvernwcHt help is forthcoming.'' writes a stnrtw

-ay eorres|nuideft|,"As ymi hii-.e tti'cer hern naMmiltod

ou eaituof take advantage or flu law when lim it ff-ftaln and

mmi> ;,re at war. ‘ mid .fudge Parry lo Merman m Iminhi'ih Fonniy f'onrt.

f hope l.tigllsltmen win not annoy |***p!e simply bctatiM- Kiev bavv «t»n name. ;tnany o f them are mo>t faiihli'l Knghshno'u, Haiti Mr. Flint Howard..the mastlidrate, at Strafford,

ta; doctor* ate strongly or-.'d h. Wnr Of ft re to Inoculate tit,, jnen

" lil t pnilty pluihl vaei loe when ,it v a- impor-lbte to mk, the

prevantbmarv m -a-ire on moblUtt- th»n.

When tt charge <tf crmdlv working hor*e wan adjourned sine die at firect- wfvh U wn* vxplalnrsl that the driver, the vefcrln«ry\*ur«oon ill the cape, ami tin* horse tindbtll been enlletl up (or service.

owing to oversight in , proclaiming peace after file Crimen. Hcrwlek- Tweed, s j r Kdward Mrey* const I Pi cney. w J.fch Is a separate part of the t tiitei Kingdom. I* stilt of ' war'' with R iihhIu.

Dlsnsetl engineering works on the banks of tip- Dee, between Sand; croft and Qiteent'ferrv. m ar C hrabf. havo been taken h> the military unthorltliH a* n place of detention for tlcrmau pri- Hotter* of war.

Mr. MoraMn ltottomley ba* offered hand over t<> the Wnr Office any of the t" etttv rare Hornet* whlvh rtTvUll: t«M,k to tblend, wit* re th-y are at pr« Mitt held up by the Iblgian Covcrh no-tit.

Disatise old Frrnrli reigning farnlt i*w are u«,t allow e.t to serve tn Fnuto Prior,, land* of Orleans, who offend to tight ill file French arinv, has been advised by l,re*hV»it Polio are to join the Urltisb forre>.

•'L'-t the putiflr I,uy <m|y llritikb- ma.te orthle*. writ. - a MrllLh man ttfaeforer. "for only in Mil* wu> vvR| |t be I O*slide for Dritldt fa. tori*-* to find employ m. nt fur the million* «h p, t •b ut Oil them."

The IntriHlucthm Into th.* FonsMtu tional ('lull, latndon. a« visitors * I«TM1I1* who ar. or have to-.n miI.j .. tof Herman, or Austria-Hungary, win thcr namraltzed or not. i* prohibitMj until further nothe.

sigtmllinK from the coast nt MowM: miir Dubliti. to his ehlldren »lm v lathing. Dr McDontoTl. »d Dublin, hum- -ii.it. !; arr. st- , 1 ip «»». military guard. Me wfO r«lea»ed on giving cxplnnntion.

The who** front* of two flour dealers at IP ttwell. n Ne*« n»t|e-on-Tyne -mil- orb. wer*. wrecked lo a mob number­ing several thousands. It was ulh-g. that the d<-al<r* were «barging vivl*. eivc | rices for flour.


Report Explains Their Methods- _ Roman Secret Society.Atsenir i* ■oniinonH ri«|n<v<<! i.v

prosWi.e..,; „ .o~i („ lu iui, e {a.;-<it j «;>..’«> family t-. m.ik - *ui, one victim:-The te(H»ttv o| the |i„|„ (■'.vi-ituiteni j.

to! ; •‘•r.tf't bv Vtrati

who mysieii'W'Mv «!<-yp|*e,«*-. itijff woman” •* iomiil in• i*|>ori for the lo t t »*«»•** y

■*o?.l ahno.i ’ot. Will Mr* cJjo.V" p.<tsou.pturcil ivy the Indian po|h'**'.‘* ti e h.«* f*erlwt*i !— » «><ne

«f l lminiil pnipii.eIleal win. th*



any other poi-on b It haw le-cn proved

" a ..ndrll.lt el M

• m-.miiic Ho (<• ipi.-ot o* Italy .•f.M .|e*pile flic rnf. * .f t'l. •i ...puled I’o's- AP-vaun IftlS with IV evict!t Far

found 11*........... in- widow*•nlant Ot Done. ..ret II. < I BI..-Illhlppl tll.*ni.*"e, Weic c|te»-,*.lv d bv Die .h-.ipi of the fl|,»lMi(i|.

V»'>IV » l y.euig tie:* I tons wa-

'PIhe *Dsel» thi' big’ic i i 1411.-* rfud t

"co held ai-xt mnntb.? The tnilltary' uuthoHtfe;<I 1 d lo chive »|i public house* and clubs I in lib* Grimsby and Mlentliorpr-


BORING HOLES IN GLASS.Quite a crowd collected ,-arly ye»-

ferday aftenioou In front of the win- down of the FcSHCiiden News Dejmt lo witlfh a man drilling some holes lit th " bfg ebow window. Me need what looked HUe nn ordimtry till hr«ee uli'l did not Imve the elightent rtiif^

mere ferrare, Rotherham, »a* revere- D sraldrd tin August 4 tit his honi'- h*- 11 panful of hulling wafer falling, and he died ut the hospital.

The death has occurred at the ag»- . >of M r.f Mr. Albert Southern, of New 1 R Vl|b<, a w ell known athlete In the | <h horn. .Peak.

LiMIe Interest ha* 'ra n taken in the, bv-elect Ion at (’lav Fros*. caused b* flic death of Mr. Joseph Lester. Mr,Joseph Ktapfes. f(«li dealer, of High , street. wn« returned »inop;*o*<d to the Go army.vatnpt -cat on the Urban Monro It. 1 him round. .................... ................ .....

Portr non wire Injured bv the «■* I , 'M|H ftPi'di.hip li. being jfflMh'led nr 1 tumtl bundled ||p. job with Mo* gre-it tibwlon of a holler ;.f Hie Thornhill ! ' •'"«« f‘ »orU by th e i am eUIng of * • » of ease From the Portland Iron * ft.U«d Fieri Work*. Detrsbury ------------ ------- *........

iib-scent Home at - lined for officers

Ml:' .Majesty's services, is prepur- , • d as « hosdlal, with a hundred le<l*

At Wtiitelinvett ;i Itoy in a milk j flout was In tenrs when |m was -ton- ■ pod l» »ho street and his «<ot* taken for

t nllowtd to finish

cully in boring round Index glass.

The facts Of the ease are that ramie body either leaned uealttM flm win­dow or kicked It during I ho previous, night and started some cracks lu the lower right hand corner. As Is well known, when n orach HlurfH In a w billow if nlwuyH keeps ,iglu »n

fo the iop unless it he eheeke-| U; boring ft bid*, ahead of it in the glass This v. done, nml the tool Mm

Tbs pictnqr* ; fuiwi* Priocexe M argsrtt of Conoauflht and h tr husband the Crown Prince c f Sweden, at the ioaucu.-atloo of the Centennial Agri­cultural Exhibition at Malmo. On that occasion Princess Margaret, drested in Swedish oaticnal costume, received a procession of 1.000 peasants wearing the local costumes cf every part of the country.

Into the House Beautiful


ill, her 1 «.lie. ill hen 1 wool*, held out a

i it**rfi**gto»«* eioife

!at«-t ao iiutanl. Mini with

iov«*l vk-eI IH-V«» kls<

• it I* *•! .* .owl;”' I..- ,..kr.l eagi'.U, T in-id* half ......... lu* add

“and l *e <|>ieem| 11U 1 . I ..ui never *-<•** difficult jH**t- again."

? ’ . ii.» . !<V.I ellthil.U-tl -I' It wp! J.»k" only a *" bold III.* eat for

fiv­ er.d in

- making k.-r own ;I.t III.I taught A.ql-vf

yi. ding t>. t ; . "^*ii

i.abd ttw fact that I,.

ei(mmiiame I iug at a lit Me

i.*tfwnt and

hi.I |i>~l tnkcii Jle »aln*. iiilihling with me" ugair.-t yottr unfair ad van

pic*.nt myself.” II** c h. 1 ' Vonr iuo*l

tut. -la.k llatringtmv."lington: * *.>!.- cvitedly, I kui w ev.-iy tiling Mini

hy* he.ittt Your ran imply adot vide? I-'-- favr*l

' ' 1 never dream-

Had a Bad Attack of Diarrhoea and

VomitingHad the Doctor Eleven Time*

Mrs. Wesley Pringle, Roblin, Ont., w rite *--"It is with great pleasure that I ran, recommend Dr. Fowler'* Ktltact of Wild Strawberry. When our little boy was three years old, he hail the worst attack of diarrhoea and vomiting t ever saw. We railed in our doctor, and be came eleven time* from Tuesday morning until Saturday night, but "till no change. Wc expected each moment to be the la*t of his suffering, at the doctor *a*d he could do nothing more. Mr. Pringle was going up town on Satur­day night, and was advised to try your great and wonderful medicine. He got a lmttle and atmtU 9 o'clock the first dose was given, mid was kept up, as directed, and when the doctor came on Sunday, be said. ‘ What a wonderful change; why! your little boy is going to grt Iwttcr.' Then I told him what we had been giving him. and he said, 'Keep right 011. he is doing well’ ' I often think as 1 look at my boy, growing to be n man. what great thanks I owe to Dr. Fowler’s Ijxtract of Wild Straw­berry.”

■' Dr. Fowler'*" has been on the market for close on to seventy years, and has been known Irom one end of Canada to the other as a certain cure for all bowel com plaint*.

When ym ask for "D r. Fowler's" be sure you get it. n* any substitute is liable to lx dangerous to your health.

Th* genuine preparation i* manufac­tured by The T . Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto. Out.

Price. 35 cents.

Ways of a“Senorita’

The Al* xii an, Ifutii 1

>.-!>‘li«lnw Iftt'UCfi »!«: t“C ::Ufti i* I Kiwiidimitb* r. It"t :<<!•!• n ti"i t.y

etii’li other’* hand. <11 pmriti" voice*.

Then, ,1* -.u-hb uly .< t.i lor fife. Na*t Dare

•1 talked ill I"

ut out-, «d it. at the |intlii<

l nildiii". and by.au<t by ilariinglon went away. t*«, >1-1 (■*->.! Amt" 1 .,(! a‘a;;.'ut um'I•- i-'U.'in itud lutfigry iuaif-iok than ever.

Mm*'t-vcni%. m Inihglit f..u.li haunted liv UlMie'!>• '. fit" Jiftie eat »adlj paying up and *|‘*»n tin* old. iuuiil- inr hall, When, to her ii-.t*uii*liineiit, liar. tingtoUA dour upened ami th" aiii>—ti*'i*l l*-ft.|n her,

’Ttellu, old "irM" he'a-iJed, joyously;. " I l l ic i t lllek! I’ve In-ell liMtkiflg "Veil where for you?"

Hruteiully Mm little »'at a<vepf*xt Ir iinitulr'mi to enter'flu- stuilin. lt seen eil late for a sitting, but «u the Roor fia>ket with a «<ft knitted *euif in th tvoMiim iu> already waiting and *iiiiieikly Mii|Uieo-ri| as lliirriiiglon lifted her In ■ puTfinsf upprei iuliou of th rate |>mih>ge rmw .n-oded ter • ih*>n»in» lur own pi-e. In-tmitlv th lid of tlir bs*kel mi.iii|ii'.| Hhiil o v r he

It tiap.|>! !*•>». V

i-li" -piaiig to her fe"t. 8 h" burk'd liei*elf again*! tile fuMeind lid..1 tat"!ied. »pit. *1 Higgled. A!! it* v

Relentte»iy the little <apt;v.< ».■•I tip. eattied from t ie *tudio, along the hath du'Vii tlie .*fa(r*. out into a hkleoti* uproar of nol.e*.

Aotlier *to hoig.-r fought. Terrified, t t oin ked nmlionb'** - only vaguely' r *ei>ui» of smtying through uii. of spin- ning through *|Mie. tn a «tupor of h« tor. »io-' waited fi-f the "let.

It eatiie at Lt~t iu a -uilden eessathu* of movement of .omul eseept for n |ov urn*m:*r of voice* that Mnrftwd mirral t her 4U** brain.

Then the. enveloping darkness »>.*• hanged to a bright light, that made !n*r ey e* ••iink. and, da*«d. «ur{>»i»e-! fin heiM f alive, *kr ws* lifted out <>f f?i basket.

:AYat,|, and s,‘" v'liat she <|oe»."Ike words were Harrington’*, but h

bad not btonght her lack t<* f?ie sfudb .• J»*ek. dear, th" |MM.r little thing is al

most fiighiened t " .b atb! 'At th- snttmi «f th-

Anitsu tiirrusl from the » man kneeiing Ic.-side trim.Nan Is'iidieg over Imr, taking, hey up jtt her aim*, uadi (tig ber jgaie-t b*

I’t .I'M

•Mre u*fTr*lii|.r>l from afar." In- lra*ed. lut wl.-n eh" .am*- night found the •I had f.s-t of .fay." And ni.ke.IK

dipper tli.it ioi.l .spun

.tie.!.’1 1 emfiling,The IMfle i rt looked abottl

Mo* loom.

berx if le f'Oe. a ‘ ..ft eushbu'.*,) ehair imi» iu. .< suueer of milk wailing for t lifth- pink longit" to lap.

Her heart leap.-,! with a great hap!l"“ ,

'lids was wh r( her uud!u-r had *11 of. Ihi's vva« (he house Is-autifu! Hiat sio- b id dteam's! of thl* wr. * h>-»^ptbiglirld Reimldb-ali.

---------«*«..------ ...Conversation.

r'ulllvato nptimishi as a const IfounUKt.

Try nm fo luteri-upt when eunvera- ing.

Rememinr timt mur!* information amusement can lu- gained In a eonvyr- i*atlon for two peoplv' or more.

nil.H ot


..nd.-i . »(■' -ild-it’ll.b

gill iit Ml 1 V,;? tt-; h"t . •i j if. a i tbit

-, i'.-t 1-rauMf•d : not fit

m .n’tiviug o . «.u b. vv'.Vk,

tin- olb-n.hi, Mu- etaie,

ll .ff ! ••..

■i>. finally. Nan Dat.y l-.lo «ed■ •l,*!iii'».ai ujsiu Arn1*er. pat

wu, and vanished into her 'Indio, i-igloii -rill liiiui-ti'il at f 1;- vliHir.• v, 1 . ... »«-.-uph-| lis.king atg that te- stiil n<d *a-e Amber. Not »li"ii vhe s-ea!lotted her pride,

over, ridilw-,1 ugililist him. and \ huvkixt np into Ilk fa..- with hungry

.so- agd-ii tilde veils u iH-giuniug of a »’•«•—fold "ml in Cits-* lif" ••( th* little alley *af this time, da//ling #.iU|.|i«e‘

j .<) dainty dishes constantly * out. now .01 oil" .i.l" of tt." bull. Iinvr .ill Mie

. ollirr. of the -»**.»?-. !.ni!.|ing\ top fbovr !<,*. .t.-’i i - -. ftagrari-e ot hothou«sr

floe. 1 - 1 1 morphing ov.r tb*. olfeine to Ih.* «.-.|i '- .0 lurpeutiiir ami cigarolte

, »inok. . if lily v i.ii. from Ja .k Mailing i.. . .. . . Nao |>t.. . I.. for rwf garden, i t . •...;. ' . . l . .(K i ll. - Iransf.>ini"d into

* al " f pa tli 1-. S’f I

I tv the m -D .-I plants i win

holiday*, owing lo report* of defence Tress. .it the Sftittfi time

■ . hi!" ttjtt-n I hey »isiteil le t theI I '.vo lit)is|- ski l. lied elldb-eX -kel.Ties of : ! ’■■■. hai'is, . n.Miug overhead. *d the d‘«*

I lot wat.ts of 1?." Iwy. ..f ne.ri by pie- iie .l - • ic- lift I tie time

j ti n rh . «ui" in t at file ;oibhn tide j . : c l they brought neither Jxairtt*

ii'-r ■■*<<>>>•'. In stead, tb'-y vat in th" elitlUT of Aml«'iN pilliiliry* and held

WAR ON TIGHT DRESSES.‘I In* I ii'tM’h Minister of t'orunieov li re

L-err petitium-d to wag" .1 war

REARRANGED.lo-t not tby right hat».| know whom

fbey p a liand disrth.


Sour Stomach and Bdiouinevi are earned by a Mucgivh Liver. fc>r when it u not working properly, it hold* lack the bile, which i* so cMeotial to promote the mox-emcct of the bowels, and the biic get* into the Wood instead of pAssing through the usual channel, thus causing many stomach and bowel troubles.

Mr. Charlc* Pettit, 2.WJ Richmond Street, London. Ont.. write*.—- T feel it my duty to write you a few line* in regard to your Milburn's l.axa-Liver PUD. I have lrcen Iwthtrcd with ; Biliousness ami Sour Stomach for twenty ‘' j year* until a year ago I started to u x !" 1-axn-Livrr Pill*, and I have not been Iio the red since, I wish to let it Ik known y to all those who suffer a* I did.”

Milburn'* Laxa-Livcr Pill* are 25 cent* per vial or 5 vial* for 11 <KI For sale at all dealer* or mailed direct on j " receipt of ptiee by The T . MiUnirn Co,, ' Limited. Toronto, Out. 1

may Hi" lirlil.-grinn i.ri.viih-j Hie itvirn* m-nu fiir Ilia f.lfd-t Sfi" b:«v tllliCh "In* beo(*l*-rtx| lim n, which *iw> h«* t»»« j*arli»K . < v* t riiu<> hut b-r»-• •««)' »fld • v<n ll"I llni.' li" ar" Ills Hitt. There f» n» .|..wrv, imr I* th.-r- 11 mar* H a ( " t j f . ni. nl vijKin tli- wife by h"f linoibxnd, ibodfsh fa*ha*u, tlu! any |.r.>- !**'*■«>' »b" may vhatic" »<> i.wn rvnwin? tiera nfter niaiii.i;-. ,-b" i» fe'tfer " ft than th" Awerleah mil in Teswa, Jim ueriwx t tv-- lairdt-r.

f.'iulniKt in (fiat

Jhi'S. bvit Ruhr}'. .


b" former f'rr*i- mown n«t «s .K"r»or;i r-.<flrio"* Ha.*. Tb" v.ffc add* h--r rtitni-- ttltb t!i" pr*-paxilt('».'d"* . uud li"r children arc known i" ar. v>"t! k* hi;', VVh- n Man*

. ..ton nvarrh-a Kittlm IVtv* »h- ; rb-tjora Mnhyi* l» UM.-»n<lon it*

•lay.” tfi> <vntiiv<-r>»ry **f th" :

1 t'Nntt r|i.- |..irk >.0 Hiilldayx, but »b* > h>nvt* 1 ! s>( ttvr iv<-"lci.; CaUafKr->. Sb" m-ver wwtlv* and H f w-tdmii ««*•* .cm the *tr>-*?« id*o»e. bb" lin.-i two or in" niiddi*. *fiu— th"lr w age* -ir** blit

th" Arm-Hean

•n Bfrf fnv> far m*u" Iflw-ity tlixni- foltuonfe nfnioe, ttb""" I'lasiend b-r Ik a-t «tlh b-r.1 nr r» b'>"i only wlierv

chlirs h, vvh'-n tb" bandn.iW"

• little toim-. have It* bill" . .*..» tn* *."i *i't" *.f tb- •< a tine of yomix men


Easy Mclliod of Placing Them So They Will Remain Firm.

*:tU.*!:n(.uy: Jf..vI ‘.A act *J«Jt into

li- !-■ ,■ V.'. :>;• \%HU X, batll-»»*•« btid xcn-W'lriV"'. Vcllii th"M- loof-v •<i(um<’«H: Winning "ill Ibi bard idtixter >y raj.j.ln j the hniidb- of (li*-

*1 about-, h»iiitu"r

tfuhtty ini** tb" ep.it. When film tali, tin nuil arid drlv<- It wood |! wilt «'• in nicety,

witlevut t-'.'-l.oc. and r-'nx'n jih« avtv ‘ * !<-nfUi >.f »ftn>-. Thl* ̂ earn*

il.cid.d tar Iiiouiivu k hi -n tbs

IfUt" for-;-. , «i»i d•mil- Mfmti

WOMEN AND PATRIOTISM.O'n-tb "Ml fo iK t'» ita< » t anythlnt; nan •At.i'pl cvittiirdiM- vir irVni*on.

Tli«'ii- :di" draw* flu* Ttiio. Not only t«Iio* fV'v'lihg bf'dim !tv<-, fmt if coutew tej

>f human < vvt- fjiMh.

bn«i fa".- f ought for

Of. tmra t‘*. Ndfin

1 iliv 1

j in"Ho

lumrl:!. tin H- )n«t!<-

• arranged that t; u know and n >v. loo. that the wi oti Mit-m pi’lll«<1 d •hoto* ,if Mu*t “m -m l, n-.t;,ml

.1 11 show in p*|. rttyiil*' in only it

i. -»*S-.Kti'-t U of

f :<> I'.i’* nml

•Mi* tlu ir 11 sweet* danger or

ttnii . »vr- h jliing or cu t« A*wt lo iii admiralin 11 In auib vb toty wax

man behind Mi" man lu-. ivl.t -;,a! -*; kVoxnan’*


Worst Cold or Sore Throat Cured in Quick Order.

R U B O N N E R V IL IN EHub NVrrllino pk ntifully over the

neck .m(I cheat- nib It in w ell-lota ol rubbing can t hurt. Tim relief will be surprising.

Nervllinc In effective because it Is powcrful—about f|v« times stronger than an ortllnnry liniment Nervllln*' is penetrating. sinks in through the tissues, gets right in where Urn tor-«- ln>s an<l conRertioit really are. II* netion :ls marvellously soothing. Rub- hnj on at night. it draw* out the In­flammation. and before morning lakes

» « b ; that feeling of Ugh tne**. and stops the rough entirely.

Whirs* can you llnd so powerfully searching 11 relief ini NervHlfu* lor

you’ll discover not hi tu: half *o goodFor nearly forty years XervUim- h

been iiuickly curing mill :. cough* uhd throat troubles*. Thom-atid* «-.*> it for rbfunintirni. srhitba and tt'mrals'ro- they nil speak well of th * grand by»■ IIV liniment, because limy have prov­ed it* alnweit magical |n«o'*.

Whenever you have a a ro ■> or pain. In- It neiirulr.iu. sciatica. lumbago, joint or inusele -tiffn**- . nlwayi* r - hteuiber that Xervlllne i- tv • quirk, ri. safest cure, liver* retd levh-r ” y medicine Mils ihe lire - .*>•*■ family sixe bottle of Ncrvllliie, trial >*><• To.-, or direct from t !t<̂ 4 ‘a b» r r h wxoa e t'o,. KlngMon. Canada.

AriVMN-SUWN FROI*S.Three hundred nnd forty-lhreo

1 cold? Search tin* world over and | fanners throughout Ontario conducted


The following thoughtful article on the causes, immediate ami remote, of the Austro-Rcrvian war which caused .the outbreak In Hurt.; •• to-day. is taken from n recent Lnglirii paper, find is from the pen of Mr. F, Hull,

. tome of whose relative* nr« well- known residents of this city:

The moment the dispute censes lo be one between Atistrla-HiinKivry anil S ir . via, and b<<unie# bat* in which auolh- « r Great Power l* Involved, It can but end in tile greatest catastrophe that has ever befallen tin; ttontlncut of Kurnpe a! one blow.

Sir Kdward tire:- is far from being a seareinonKcr. lie is probably the mmt level-headed Foreign Min icier Knit- land or indeed Kurope has ever knowu. Therefore the a have crave words ut­tered by him in the House of t*om- monw will make every Englishman who reads them think. For many year* no more serious situation has arisen than that created by the demands of the Austro-Hungarian Government up* on Per via. It" cause* no hack many yestrs. Actually the slumbering hostil­ity of a great and powerful nation hae been awakened Into life by tin; cruel murder of the Austrian heir mid his consort In Bosnia a few weeks »go. Hut for that .terrible art probably tlic Huai Monarchy would have gone on Its way, developing under the Arch­duke Franclr- Ferdinand a vigorous bo incroaKcd, enhanced foreign policy- which It has not lmd for many years- and keeping a close eye upon Servian aspiration*. There would, however, in Hie aged Kmper* or'* life-time have been no thought of bloodshed. The bullets at Sarajevo changed all that, and they carried with tlirnr the genesis of what might have been, nnd what Mill may be, uEuropean conflagration. Had the a** ms sin realized the possible *onr.c* qifnre# of hi* net he might have : toy­ed hi* hand. Now* nil . changed by the passing of one man t;:d one wo­man*

The trouble* of Austria nr" long and dccp-se«ted, but wo need go no fur­ther back than ISA*. In that year re­volutionary movement* threatened to bring about a fall of the Austrian I'm- plre. The Kmperor Ferdinand abdicat­ed. and w as succeeded by i*i.» nephew’, the p,roser.; emperor. With Russian aid and with grs-at severity the rising? were pu; down, and IV* Hungarian constitution was taken away, to be wisely restored by the Frapcror, how­ever, ju l'-<!7, in Hu* curlier year* of the Emperor's r< isn Austria suffered defeat in th<- field. T f;m c .M ion of authority * s * at stake, b it the fam­ous fix weeks' war o (MetPonro for all the PnisMsa as against the Austrian domlnatloi/ i« Germany. Beaten at

J i4d*»wn. A'l-lrln w»* eumpelb-d to rc-cognirw t-W rrpr-m *- - :-e Prussia.

After Hi.• Fr>nco*t’ru*,«isn war of 1R7A-75 ( Hismarvk e»!abi!,-iied with Austria and Kus.via an alliance of the three Emperor# to preserve tin; status quo in Europe, hut owing to the Hus- w»-Tarki.-h war the friendship of Aus­tria with Hu: vi came lo an end. and in LS79 Hlsniarck >lcncd a close «1<- f« nstve alllanee wli'i Austria alone, la

joined, ami the league hasfine- been known «» the Triple Al­liance.

Russia, turning J?s aUcnlion to France, joined her in a tacit agree­ment, and. largely Isironch Hie In- ctnimantality of King Edward, Eng-

<xperimrats with autumn-sown cr*ut* diming tne lmd year. Reports Imvo hocn tiv.-ivni irotii thirty-nine eoun* tie- and d i*;rhI* throughout Ontario. Thox- kinditiK the greatest number of r»|mrt* were Nipissing, Halny River, Neritiiimb) rtand, Huron, SImeoe and lan ro *. Tb, a-.•rage re»ull* of the carefully conducted tO'Op.-rntSve lix- l"Tlm clilsw ilh mitiimn-stiwu crop# nr.> lu re prvgeatcil In a concise form.

Winter Wheat Five varieties r w inter wheal wen- distributed last nu liimu to those farmer* v,dm wished to t‘"’t tiout*' of tb" leading vurlellc* Htedr own fart..., th e a-..rage yields

given in the following



Flo t (RURli.)

There U no doubt that the Fcrt-s In Hungary an* d leant I fit led. and tn.iny would welcome union with Per via. Tin;Serb* contend sirengly that they have bee-tt prrse*-tiled for many year* in , which Austria lias '-ought to alMyrh. tlm l>.;w>on Gnld-n Fhaff.Scrvlti. Amdrla's iiidley* of delation-1 nllhougli a ratlmraltsatlon has Irritated Ih.-m. From I 'u ‘“k f ,f r a i* ,' ' 1 v*,r“'*v. I* a good y ield, a national point of view they resent 'd <r- j " '1’ proilticc* grain of excellent

Vnrhly -Imperial Amb-r— I s :Amerinn Manner,. t.tnI'ritmnn Iti-d ........ i,-;tHnnulka,.......................... l.-.’s -V a ro * !a f .................. i .,',7

1 h-- Imperial Atnbtr, wjiieh ,"copies M-coiid. fdaci* in Hu* average of nine- t"-n year*' reeult.i of fourteen varie­ties f‘*;ed at the ro jlc-r. occupied flmt id.ace throughout Ontario In JJH . The American r:*.ur.;r. the o"ly while wheat included In this experiment.

Srrofwl. ll ClO*e|v resemble* In

'Vinter llye.- In III*- auhimn of !!•;:: ih<* Mammoth White winter rvc and the Imperial Amber winter wheat were distributed, to !•** te/|c<t under uniform rondllloi’*’. The average re- sulis show- that the imperial Amber winter wheat surpassed Urn Mammoth " 'b ite winter rye by n yield of XX? Pounds <it t-ralii per acre. In rxporl- mcnls thrmighnui Ontario for seven

tria br IV- T r .a t . -< IKt H„ Id i , » . ! " ' " ‘Pand a , " lofmall: a n , I n ih - Km- ! h„" f nrP I - nnl.v a ! vi-ar. aan. T l,- S -rl,. 1had hoped that in the course of tim e: n r‘ ‘ ,S-rrla. lie,m a aa,l ll-r,--aa, Ina « « .M . »•■?•'» “ « B * * * * -become uuilrd In one empire, and they

her objiTtlon to Servia's effort enre a* the frulla of her er.tnpalcn In the Itivtkar,* a niucll-dis-lref! harbor la Ihe Adriatic, while at the «am.* time she strongly supporMs! Bulgarin in Imr demand, not only for no outlet on tin; Black sea, but also harbour< on the Aegean.

Tho Forvhin feeling is most mnrl:e»l in Bosnia and HerzcKovlun, which were put under the protcciie

fnrth-r .lr«im i* ..I nan tr .a i , la l - In ! T \ Z r,p ,“ f O “ JIV. lla lkan ..' «h a a iaM in rll-> -. “ “l " “ " S L . 1" " *rap. nr InrlV.r a n ,.-I- in ilial „n- V): ' ;

w hieh i i t • o I f" r Bi*»\ihrec > pr> prevlo’i* to I'M:!

!r. ' S £ £ z x j* ' i ^ w X r T v ^ s a :of gram per .icrv. The averag* re­sult" os an ex," r I men t rondiiftel on two farm* In KM l show that the wln-

bwrlcv gave (.ISO poun.l* and the , Tim inter

the Balkan peoples, ftervla says that Ihe annexation of Bosnia was a breaeh of faith, that Bosnia w-a« the hern''l of the Serb race, and that it was an“ “ TSL,*." “ •»* j iiinlrr'i-rotni-r m m in,I, ,

j winter epuiier waa qiiltg badly

'iV Qi,;H

W i t h


Assisted when necessary hy Cuticuvj Ointment. They keep tiie skin and sealpelean and clear,sweet and healthy, besides soothin'; irritations which often prevent sleep and if n e "ie c ie d become chronic disngnrcments. •

CtHtri . * eoap »*rt (Hi,to *vlt K i «■* l*ii.*nr̂ w-lA l,h*»»i *r y — *-

t«.vBt»i ta t.-.'


Till-: AUSTRIAN VIIAV.Austria, on tho other ban I. :-aya that

for decades paa! Scrvia baa m-vii nci- lailng and working ugnlutd It.-r. Alter the ejection of the Obrenovltcl! dyaa.nr and the succ<*»<lon of »?;•• lion*-.* of Karagcorgevilch th • main cce.Jr ■ of tho agitation which bad iln-n become more active wa* ■ tr*tn*f.-rr*' I from ,Southern Hungary to Mom hi. pud at*> r i !.\' the nmicxatiun of the «H*-ti;t» d p e a - j , vlitiv*, it d« hta*i-<l, war : on!- ! ■ ' ‘ •'averted by ‘ tho intervention of tie - 1 !’Illr> '* l l: Mrllisli Government, which i-,.1 > 1 :*’. ‘ rF,s' "Servift to givo a stdemn pniiul*? to change lu.-r hostile atlltude. Vet dur­ing tin? Balkan war—according to the AuNtrlnn view tho agliati- n was* r> -

* 1 and prosecuted with increa.ed energy, arid there can bo Hill- doubt that it led finaHv to the crime* of San*.-

The Austrian* deny lhat the Serb*, wiici form such a Lirg * propor­tion of tho Bosnian imputation. Itjv..- ever been oppn-v-',| by thn Am-'ro- Hungarian a>)iUinieUw(.ioti. At ppv ;tt, they point out. Bocnitt has not only a local l/'gl.'ilature. u 'U iei with tar- reaching power*, but Up * greater part of tfio official* ar** native*. S-r*. i.n.

a* t r.j.iilans nnd Mohamme­dan* being included among them.

- Servian ; arv not only nattV-nal* but iinp>‘fia!i*t*, cheri •iu'u,; the

ambition to create a imwci/ul South Slav empire extending from th** slope t of tho Als>s t » Macedonia, an l from the thumb- to l!;c Adriatic. T*h-' u te n of nil Up* Southern Slavs t* pri-.e;i!« *1 by- tho Amdro-Hungurhu ,->•).■ ; i-c ! >n o'Bosnia, a fact which, to ;a> tho cannot givo pleasure lo the people#, Scn iii nnd Austria cat In* friends, and but (or JSuropon placUlons tho da«' long sinc-3 have taken anion. Vital- over tho outoome of the pro** tit cjl*d may be Ihe Ill-feeling will eotjllni"-.

WHAT OF T in : MON'MinlV j * v< J” lucrea-'d th-- And wbnt oflect will it all h a• • u’«m} eontm.m ,.h

Iho tnonurdiy ’ Tho crown of Au»lrlu; jn- h.been a heavy and dlfflcuit one t>! nM ril-ahm u

o f la * j- -A * b»pg a* th-

prcpar-xiion, ln.-.df<tna;o and lack of hunnir.

Tho age of an animal lint* much lo do with the gain secured, and. other thing* being equal, a youni growing animal will make a greater gain from a line he] of corn or a given amount of food than one near maturity.

The large swelling that occasionally appear? m front of th** knee., of ra t­tle. particularly old cows, la properly known n* hygroma. It is usually filled with a watery; or straw-colored fluid. Opening or other surgical operation U not ndvisahtc,:«xre|’t by a competent veterinarian. These swelling* usually do no harm, and most of the case^ are mo*i wisely lift alone.

From six lo eighi w itK* Is Hie most desirable age at which to dress veal for market. Many younger calves are niarkited. but: they urugiiy mono In­ferior Mai. which doe* not sell os well ns tnat trom uhler calve*.

ch art: land* should Ik- thor­oughly surface drained and sim-dram-

, cd. No o,-chard ran Hand for a great . , .... . ,, . length of..lint:’ with stagnant water cl­od \\ inter Bv:s for ,h lr rn ........... Irfa,,. „rof tip* past tlireej ,

'ur* hairy vetch's and whiter m ei j ’V . I . I . . 11 r .....i.,r ..l ... IivVI.-r .-.■>l>. ‘1*! :V..mS>tI. 1.rn-operaiiv - . \; -riup tit.-. I-opr g(K»lj * n ports of this

( hilled,: Hairy S Fodil< r. ithin the *olU

tirpiti* water from rxce-elve twin- from ptiter i-»u*eji si.ould be

surface ortib-drainac.Skimntr-ii nil Ik mn«e* > *n.i|> pork,

mutton or le-irf. There ir. nothing bet­ter than -kitPUP'd milk for onng anl- rrat«, and v !j.-n «t-*-i jn <nnneclioo whit gras* stn-l a lilt*'- cr.*h>. make* im-at i . <-uontb-aii.'. Th- fac tors for meat prod c - en ar- r- .vlly eook*. Itogs. >hr»'p. gr*-*. grvin. .*!>;*;-ep.ir«tf»r. " I»* no:" lib these fafirirs*

V yotine arid growing

land threw off Iter "splendfd Holatlon -emt joined the entente. How far ottr ] wear. Then years ago obligation# go 5# not known. It ha# * ternatlonal ihiIIHcm wer** altrn * bp<n freely rumored lltal Kngland Is '■ intuu# In their beltof Unit tip- ciupsr>* certainly under an obligation to act ? would not long survive the death of with France and Russia in certain ; the present Kmperor. Th!* vi**w wn-. evcnttialilles. though th" Mntrmeni ; modified by the strong nnd has been made In the House of Com- respiyct* well conceived polb mnns H at there is no written agree- < dead Archduke. On \ • incut to that effect, ■ Francis Joseph v ill lot st. Th

ITALIAN JKAI/'FSIKfv ] who will »;ucce«:d I-hit, if- »hi(Omcul I

division will }.-(xt j* » trltt ami Italy do not In many Burg.?. Tho more I

diviiF I inexperienced in matlefi * long Hi« | -cent. In a country o f.: inn, Aus-! Ricflng inter< v.- in » yu * German#. C m p*. rotes.

i‘ nations, ’ flovene#. Hers inn;', Italian lnt«'rc-*i Magyars, Croatian

in Albania, bin In; te.ul «.f acting in f*40̂Imminny. they have opposed pneft o i . - 1 will, he an • • r and intrigued. Kurt!t«*r, whatever W'B 1 follow up t v'cw* the mp-d Kmperor have,! Ferdinand to «H:tbn,}af<i archduke wr.s no fi end v, ■ *rinrrc!# of th<* Italy. It. i* wild that he foresaw the j Aufdriu tuay lî necravllv of an Auntro-ltal’an war. and through fits friends advocated t'r building of tt navy suffirient to de> feut Italy on Ho? h -j *. Now Hie naval rivalry between the t»<> natloiu Is

t that

-ir. i

BtU th'* spirit of 'lunation, of bis':.-'.-falr-. v liicii i ■ : aract« rl?**>l Au.uri v :o lonm will ver live again. F. H.


tria"I Ma

i* tmf.nmall com

FALL FAIRSAlierfoylc- Oct. G.Abingdon—On. :• and 10.Acton— Scpl. Z\ and 24.Alisa Cra*s- nept. 1 7 and IS. Alexandria—Hcpt. 22 and 23.Alfred—Sept .16 and 16.Allluton—Oct. I and 2.Almonte-- Sept. 22-24.Alvlnston- o n . I and 2.Anthernhurg Septr .'!0 and O ct 1. Ani anter Sept. 29 and 3''Arden Oct. 6.Arnprlor—Sept. 2-4.Arthur-O ct. 7 and $.A#tnrv|lle~Sept. 2 4 .Atwood-Sept. 22 and 23.Ay ton—Oct. f. andBancroft—o n . 1 and 2 .Barrie— Sept. 21-23.Bar lliver—<)ct. j . * -Bayavllle—On. 1 .Benehburg- Kept. 20 . Or}. 1 and 2. Bcam#v|He Sept. 24 and 25. Beaverton Sept. 2S-30,Breton—Oct. 5 and 6.Beflevllln—Sept. 7-9.Bclwood—Sept. 23 and 20.Berwick—Sept. 2 1 and 25.Blnbronk On c and 7.Blarkalock- Kept. 29 and 30.Blenheim- fin . s and 9.B irth -Sep t. 29 and 20.BolK-avgcon O n. 2 and 3.Bolton Sept. »s and 29.Bolhwrir# Corn era- Sept. 24 and 25. BowmanviBe Sept. IS and l«. nrarebridge- Sept. -3-25.Bradford—Sept. 2.3-25.Brampton—Sep;. 22 an^ 23.Brlgden—Sept. 2 < and 29.Brighton—Sept. 10 nnd II.Brnckvllle Any 30; Sept. 2 .Bruce Mine# n^ ( . 2 3 .Rrunvel#—Oct. 1 and 2.Burk # Fall# Get 1 and 2. Burford-Oct. 7 nnd S.Burlington O n. x.C aled on-on. S and 9.Caledonia - Oct. x and 9. f'anipbellforil Sep.t 23 and 30. Canltoro—Sept. 24.Carp Sept. 30 . Oct, 1. ca#tln on--on . s and 9. f'ayuga Oct. I and 2. fentreville—Sept. j?.Charlton Sept, if, * nd jg.Chatham—Sept. 21-2.3.Chat worth Sept, m and II,Chexlry—Sept. «■» and 23.Clarence Creek- -Sept, 2 2 .Clarksburg Sept. 22 and 23. Cobden-Sept. 24 at,d 25.Cohurg-Sepi. 22 and 2.3.Coehranc—Ort. 1 and 2 .Cnlborue— Sept. 29 and .70.Cohlaater- Sept. 20 and 30. Collingwoeid Sept. 23-26.Comber—Ov 1 . 5 and 6.Cookatocn Sept. 29. .70, Oct. 1. Cornwall Sept, 3 .5 ,Curt land—On. x.Oelaware- tv t. 14 .Heim -Sept. 27-2?.Oemore*tv|||e—Oct. 10 . newborn- Sept. 17 and IS.OorchcMer <>ct. 7. l>raytotj—Sept. 29 and 30.Drmdcn-Oct. 1 and 2.Orumho—Sept. 23 and 30.Dundalk—On. S and 9.Dtinchurrh—Oet. 2 .Ihinnville Sept. 17 ,xnd 18.Onrham -Sept, 2t and 23.Klmlra—Sejd. 22 and 33.K im 'air—Oct. 5-7.Fmbrtv—Oet, t Unto -Sept. J2-2-7.Ktnf dalt* - Sept. 2? and 30.Knglchart - Srpl. IT and IS,Krln- Oct. I ’, and 16.K.«»ex—S'*;*: 23-2’.Kxeter—Sept 21 and 22.Fairground Oct. !.Fenelon Fall* - Sept. (0 and 11. Fenwick- Sept. 2? and -70.Fevershtm - Get. and 7

cFWherton- Sept 2't and 30.Florence-O et, !2 and 13.Fordwich -O ct. 2 .ForeM —Grt, l and 2,


of the Austrian

Ivstble that Austria *

Tin-r i.r<* t " ‘» gnti-rnl tMien of tn- ;i< vt.i, the divl iot) iH’ing miub* on the msmn'r in which Hie fooil i* eaten. Biiing in: < <•*> arc they that bile off He ir foiul and chew It like the anl- mtili'. They ha'< iiiouth part* for cat- j ac and ti-ufO nuy be t*o!»oncd with },-ri„ green, arscuato of bad. an«<*olc, ;i...don puriit" " r mi of the riomnclt

ibitnetitni!# It (juc»ilon?„ <

v put them in 'What do you

pi on# lire to an- 1 if Hu* iiueatioticr 1 unpleasant way.


the ftr»t luake up

ar#. I Fort Krie Sept. 23 and 24 i Fort William- Sept. 15-18.‘ Frankford Sept !7 and IX

Franvliie*'-Kept. 21 and 25. Freeltoh—Oct., 16.Gaictta—Sept.- 2 : and 21.Galt—Oct. 1 and 2 Georgetown O ct. ! and 2.Glencoe—Sept. 21 -?.*!.Goderich —Sept. 2! -23.

| Gooderham-Oct. L j G(>rdon- luvke—Sept. 25

Gore Bit> - Scpl. nud ."0 Grand Valley- Oct. 1 and 2 Gr*v<*naur«t Sept, >7 and 1$. Guelph--Sept. 15-77.Hnllhurtou—Sept. 21 Hamilton- Sept. !*:-;9

’ ’Hanover—Sept. 17 and *S H»rrl#ton--Scpt. 24 and 2>. Harrow— Oct. L3 and 14.Harrowjmith- Sept. Id and II, Hepworib- Sept, 2*HlghgaH;—4let. 2 and .7.HoUtcin—Sept. 2? and .79. HuntN-cRle— Sept. 22 and 23.Ilymer; - Sept. 2-7 fnficreo'!- Kept. 23 and 24. luverary Kept. 9 Iron Bridge s-pt. 22.Jarvi* -Oft. 7 and Kacawong Oct. s .tod ?Keene - Se|i|. 2? ami 30.

: Kembbv-Sept. 2'J and 19*.! Kemptv Hie Sept. 2t and 25. j Kilsy th—’Oct. I and 2.! Klncwrdine Sept. I.* and is * Kincardine Sept. 17 and it, i Kin mount—Kopt. M and 15,’ K irkton-Scpt. H and t5,

l.akeflcid Scpl. 15 and 16. i LaVc*ide—Sept. 24 ; I.ambcth -Oet. 6 ! Lanark- Sent. !•*> and 11. j l-angton -Oct to,! l^vtcdowne Sept, i7 and IS,; Leamington Oc». 7 and 9.' Litidxay Sept. 17-t?.

Lion'* Head Ort. I and 2.. I.Utowe! Sept. *.

tt*»nbard.v - Sept. 12.-ondon tWericrji Fair) S«pt. 11-19.

I.orlng— Oct. 2.Lyndhurat- Sept. 15 and !4.Mamcrly Sept. 2? and 30.MadtK— Oct. 0 and 7.

lawyer. Gowning horribly at i; hatchet facet! young mail who was undergoing «*»of* * summation.

sit!#wcred the* wltni>#s, hast


, „! ,o*i: Lv.impb - of III. ■ art* gra»»- . !l> diving Into hi* aide pock. t. -am the * ol b**MH*. Surklng ln«e«U ! agent for Hr Kort* r • «••>!. braird rem

! do not have mouth part* for blllog | «d> of the age. o*cd by all the crowni „„d chew tg their food, but tuck tho cd head# of Karope. never known to

. 1 july.a c>f plan'r. '* f.>Slnw# then that | fall to remove me niont obdurate t. D'jfh jcL«vn« would not be effee-{ corn* in lea# Gian t»cnt) four liount

i live agalmt tha'. clay? of Inwet* that 1 or money cticcrfuity refund,’•—Hero i ink titelr food. They uniat be killed ; the court Interfered,

t- cor.tact poi.-uti.- which clog up the

tbcUr Will. }vu>„r ' <

splracbv. or entc.* the racliea o aring ; • -uU(i«tHo», or by caustic solutions

• which corrode tho akin. Kxatrtplcs of • ' :i ... in : " t * arc Hi- 11 phIdes, plant

L t". Hie c U iu’.v. c iilneti bng#. He. The ' ; coutiiei rctni tlic; mo*, commonly used

| are kero." no oinulplon. I line-sulphur, ; crude putroleutu. wlidji* oil, eoncun-

' , 1 rated lye, etc*.j The um- c-f commercla’ fcrtillr -t - t#

often »dv|*(ih|i> on thin und. but caro J must bo taken to #c»* that 'herr is

1 i vc*pctabi<- matte; in the soil in suffi­cient quantify Jo Insura resuR* withthe I’ertlljr.H • <ui)|umrate for poor liandlod vith car**.

Slarktiale—Oct. 13 and 14. Markham—Oct. 7-?.Marmora -Sept. 21 and 22. MarriivUle-Sept. 24 and 2J. Massey—Sept. 25.• ".theson- Oct. 10.Mattnwa—Sept. 24.MoxvlUe—Sept. 15 and 16 . Maynooth- Scpl. 29 and 30. McDonald'# Comer* -K.pt. .*6 . McKellar Sept. 2 j nnd 23. Mcaford—Oct. 1 and 2 . Melbourne -Oct. 6 . Merrickvllle—Sept. 17 and IS. Merlin—Sept. 24 and 25. Metcalfe---Sept. 2 2 and 23. Mlddlcvllle—Get. 2 .Midland—Scpl. 24 anti 23. Mlldmay—Sopt. 29.Millbrcok -Get. t j,ml 2. Mlltoa—Oet. 0 and 7. Milverton -Sept. 24 and 25.

. . . Mludcn—Kept. 29. w« «r« , Morrisbt rg Aug. 4 and 3.

too n u r ct." rr»»'nt *Jtu*l<en. for in- ' Mount f vitim iv i •*8 S -* .............. ........... . •*” ***-1SS5S r 5 S S 2 C .V ..4 u

--------- ---------------- Murillo--Oct. C nnd 7 .Mighty few men have suf’lclenl Uet * Napaneo-Scpt. 13 and If.

to realite that the trull* roust b* NcusUdt Kept, tc and 1*.

THE BLUE BEHIND THE CLOUDS.lMinocat*>li* Journal >

3'he stuUrnt of via lory, u- of reveik- lion, if lie look# arlglu. 0111/ vlrwrty

I* tl>« rule

The Standard Lye of Canada. H as manu Imitations but no equal



New Hamburg Sept. 17 and IS. Newington-Sept. ;f. and 16.New LlBkeurd- Scpt. 10 and II. Xlagara-on-the-Lako Sept. 15-16. Neietille -Sept. 75.Norwich—Setd. 22 nnd M.Norwood- Oct. 13 nnd H.Oakville— Oct. 1 and 2- Oak w ood Sept. 21 and 22.Odc#tA—Oct. 2.Oheawekln Sepf. 50, Or.L t-2. Onondaga- f)ct. 5 and 6.Orangeville. Sept. 17 and 19,Orillia—Sept. 17-19.O ro-Sept. 16.O rono~Sot. 24 and 25.OrrovlHe—S-pt. 17.Or.hnwa Sept. 14-1*1.Oltawn fO ntral Canada)—Sept. 11-19. Otlervllle—Oct. 2 and .7.Owen Sound- Oct. 7-9.Palaley—Sept. 29 and SO.I’akenham -Sept. 2 1 nnd 2.7. I’alm m ton- -Sept. 22 and 23.Paris—Sept. 24 and 25.Parkhlll—Sept. 24 and 25.Parry Sound—Sept. 15 and 16.Perth—Sept. 2-4.Peterboro- Sept. 17-19. '■**,Petrolla—Sept. 3C-1B.Plcton—Sept. 22-21.Port Hone -Oct. « and 7.Port Carllnc -Sept. 17.Port Klgln- Sept. ?t and 25.Port Hpe--Oef. »• nnd 7.Port Perry Sept. 2 t and 23.Powa##an Sept. i~ and 21.Preaeott—Aug. 25*27.Prlcevllle—Oct. 1 nnd 2.Queeo*vlllr -Oct. 1.7 and 14.Kalnham Centre—Sept. 22 and 23. Renfrew—Sept. 29-Oct. I.Rlcevlllc—-Sept. 2?.Rlebard * fovnUinc--Kept. 29.Richmond Sept. 2S-.70.Ridgetown—Oct. 1.3-15.Ripley—Sept, 29 and 30.Robtln’* Mill# —Oet. 2 and 3. Hoeklyn—OeG 6 and 7.Hoekton- Oet. 12 and 11.Kbckwood Oet. 1 and 2.Rodney—Oct. 5 and 6.Roseneath Sept. 24 and 25.Koiweau—Sept. 18,Sarnia—Sept. 29 and .70.Sault Ste. Mario—Sept. 30-<Vl. I and 2 Searboro-Agincourt—Sepi. 2.7. Srhombcrg Oct. 15 and 16.Soafortb...Sept. 21 nnd 25,Shannonvllle—Sept. 19.Snedden—Sept. 22.SheguSndnh Oft 1 and 2.Shelhtirne- Sept. 23 and 30.Sltpcoe—Get. 1 3-1 *,.Smithville o ct. 1 and %South Mtinlntn Scpi. 10 ntul 11. South River - Scid. .TO and Oet. i. Spencervllle -Sep!. and 30. Springfield--Sept. 2i and 24. Spruccdale Sepf. 24 and 25.S(. Mary * Sepf. 22 nnd 33.Stella—Sept. 23.Sttrlln ; Kept 24 and 25.Staffordville- Sept. |k.Straihrcy- Sept. 2 1 23.Strielsv illc—Sej-t. 27.Sturgeon Falls--S<-pl. 24.

; Stirdrldge Ort. 6 and 7 : S.inderiand--Sept. and 24., Sntten ->*pt 2D amt 2V. i Tamw<irth Sept. to. i Tara—Oct. f nnd 7 ; Tavistock Sent 2! and 22.• Terawater <>•;. 7 amt #! Tbatnw.}ll< -~0>.t 7 .

I horlford -Sept. 2 ' nnd 3? i TliHtaalotl Jsetit. 2! nnd 21.5 Thorndaief -Sept, 24 and 29,| T’.torold- Sept. 2 2 nod 2 .'! TiHronburu -Sent. 22 und 27.I TIvertOR—Oct. 6. i Toronto—Aug. 28-Sept, 12• Tweed Sept 20 and Oct. I.! I dura—Oet. 2• FnJerwood -Sept, 28.I Ftteraon- Sept. 27* and 30.

Vanieck Hill Sept. 2T-?.l v.’nlkerton -Sept it nml tf. M'ltllacehurs—Sept 7? «ml 3n. Wallaretpwn fu i. t and 2,Walter's Falls—Scpl. 2? and 31 Warkwnrllt- Oct I nnd 2 Warren--Sept. 16 and 17.Waterdown Ort. 6 Watford- Oct. 3 and 6.

: Welland—Oct, C nnd 7., Wei lose*--- Kept. 15 *nd If.

Welland port—Oet 8 and ? t\'(f.‘rn Sent. 18 nnd 13 Wingham Sept, ;’| nnd 25,

, Wheatley- Oct. 5 and 6.• Wiarton - tv t . S and 7.• Wllkeiprrt Sept. 21.

WHU.amstnwii-Sept, id and F Winchester - Sejd. I and 2

; Windhatn -evntre *>rt. 6 ; M-llld*or \uc n .Sep t, 3.I Wolfe Inland Sept. 22 and 23 j WocuJbridge- Oct F. and 14.< V.'oodstrwk -Get. f-a .

When jiulllng «cb-j ov«r to b.V . drop them Into fitut mourn wnter • - rover them. If n great ileal of wafer jj. ure.j they crack

Baked Banana*---Remove peel from ten bnnauae, xcrap" off all eonr*” threads, tacit two tablespoon# of butler in agate pan. Boll banana.* in Bute *'ig»r and place in butter In the pan. Sprinkle over lop otw-balf cup of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Chop i'ltinn pe**l very fine. Add on*' scum t<tt*poon and t>ake r.lnwly ,un»il ban­ana# are pink nnd lender. Ba&t • occa­sionally.

If a From is warmed before --lure*, ing m arly double the quantity of j ’lice will In* obtaln'vl.

Wash all egg* a# scon a r i> v ar* delivered to yew. Do n*<! pit Hum In the refrigerator until w!p. d clean.

Always break each egg repaeat'ly into * run. Then there will be «•«

: danger of a bad ono spoiling t* e nthrrs,

S To prevent cork# sticking Jn nu*!- > lag** and past.? bottle?', erra e the-n I with lard Immediately after drawing } them the first time . A thorough i. cr«.v#ing pr< rent* their sticking .‘ To remove rust from fteel. cover it j with sweet oil and lei it remain cover- ! ed for a d«v; then nth it with a lump : of fresh lime and it will then poll*h

I in the ordinary way.To utillv* a large, old *ponge. place

it in the liottom of your umbrella > *taml This wlR prevent the metal ; ferrule* br**vkmc the bottom hy GriV-

ln - It with too much force, and It v* tit also abforb the water fn rn the um-

•: lirelln# and may be wrang out ac.i re- i placed.

GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY.(I'hiUaHphia Public t^dger t

Few oi UM cro#i the Ibrenhold of »' I'lrtliday to vntrr ill*,- open door of au- * o.'io' }<*( runout the s*>rru»jul von-

' him ovttf l *•«• l.«ve ijeen ui'pro'Uaoicyrar i ' '" ‘In; tuat

i mat tne fiiintu

and Slw vak*i and the birthday yrr- ways of not ieiting the ..... . . . T̂haHot there

enlrndnr know lion . . _ j.vcr. 1 of perurnlal youth

n «hi»ptred -.■> * few fottunau- *ou!». j tv e do m-t llilnk of tiim gronintt| old. for their hearu are niwavj young , ‘."thin them and the spirit of play alive.. '! hcv* have ihe wnw of humor and of

l-hthe abandon which even the oeca.?!’'* * ! > minor cadence* of tragedy cannot rid.t- s '-rate. They arc not who, l.rond upon departed glt.r

j >* H !► yet t » I)*-." and they ore unafraid , nf what flic future bold*. Guob birth- . day. ihouuli it may writ" »oine t '

Sore Feet::*tB» that Tlr»4. Bvnd̂ , Itthio* Irwadan or firor la to* foot. Cco4aH«f«r Cota. Nr*J. ReFsct l i t

alt IMt of ((fttMatlan on i*r factofth*Mr. 8»*t MltMtt tw SO ctt. Th* Mtnrit CB , KMUItM. Ofltado


tl'iuladeiphia Record )What th.« war ta g**ir.g to aubject ta

the l« <c<»l ot all tr.-t* i.. v'netatc tile f. Vic m any or the rtpubu-

; Itrat g»-oft W‘ _ the M#e ot Get', ..........' pr«ct>» ly the »am* rej ,

j that J.-«ulivr troop* are in ue rinc>> o' ! than volunteer*; put the American tuej

. . . j — ........... ataying paw*.

i "iiMiciiimi i

, volunteer*—that s* t

liapal law I# force, it behooves , vei nation to nmke lt*elf, a# strong a* po -Ibte. whatever may heconi" of It* Jlpe. ti**. »» n t* t-l**f*.| to call them. Aidiolr. or el>e the Germ»n ole'll* u>!t t proved ^obrolete, outtrow II |.y !l*e prr

Convict Makes -55,000 a Year.I'rre la Fapiaclle uiunliT-al a man

In a jeaUnjii pa >siun a tptartur < t a cpntury ago in Par-In and was sent t;>New Caledonia. A comnilnil.n *va# recently r**nt out to inyp-vt the con­vict prison an.l imptiro into th-* vim- eminent land# that nr-* allntt-J to] t.V convict# who are released for good conduct. Th“v touud Per*- la Cap in­cite. white-haired, tmitevolen:. and j um venerabln with hi# seveuty year*. I •*. “ surround' d by hi# sons, w iaim .10 lud j ̂brought from Franc*. Ift* rie.i'vd the} m«i r-ijnitnlasioncrs over the coffee Pliittli** j <*'■ ' Hon on which: lie tin I sett i d after Id*; J'1 1 release. "I am linking *'.,oi>o a v,‘ <r! L ,,' now." he *vpL»:tt*'L end then eeaitd oLi *»> »• f<Uh a sigh; " I f only I had roniuiBV'tl ] > : "!■ murder tweniv year* earlier I j j-hmild have tteoti a mlltfonalr-- l*; ! pi,'


'1 lie vruntiing. ooa?t;«;aJ t tuv;. ; ti"|r*g

I '' ,1 I,'.' l.-td ,.«p'..i J,| VwtlM mdlcute t)»e purj*.*-* ot ce.i!iiiUt«

THIS TOO. IS PATRIOTISMtS: John. N It. graph )

W»r prrye upm t; THE DP T • CRM AN METHOD.


ewbor Sept. !* and |v.

THE M A “ ‘ t AN OF EUROPE.tUucheid.-r IC*r»ld t

But the K«t»er. l».« al! In* uti.J.iy .rtl*>B direction*, t>»* i».*vn, i-i*l>r«Chr*. Utunifcs'e.t <».. «, ,.f•■.gtrAt mimt.



You’ll Want a New CoatW h e n Y ou see How D ifferent th e S tyle s a re fro m L a s t Season

THERE'S a Comfortable Smartness about these that’s simply irresistible.

N o w is th e T im e to Choose when your particular size is here in a score of pretty styles and color combinations—just as a reminder too, there’s mighty little chance of repeat orders or lute deliveries, owing to the fact that no more clothes can be imported from Europe this season.

With the New CoatYou’ll want the New Dress to Harmonize

We are fortunate indeed to be in a posi­tion to show you not only the absolutely new and correct fabrics and col­ors for dresses, suits and skirts but we have such an abun­dance and such a variety that no matter what you desire it can be amply gratified.

Special v&lues including N e w C h e ck s and Plaids a t ............ 5 0 c . to $ 2 .5 0 p e r yd.

F o r Cool EveningsYou’ll find nothing more comfortable or handier

to carry than

A Sweater CoatWe are showing the uew Eall Lines for men, women and children in plain end combination colors.




LutighlinW alkerton



.Mount Forest 10 Kricker

Sotit hn mpt on 15 Bowman

Southampton 10 Bell

Owen Soundh acott

SEM I-FIN A L Mount Found Uheateyrlcker II M<i||*iighltnSouthampton Owen Bound

Dell 12 ScottFIN A L

Uhwttey Owed BoundMcLaughlin 18 Scott

HanoverraftOwen Sound

Thomson Wolkorton

Sieve-tight Prut Elgin

l/.zard Walkertou

Robertton Cargill

Fowllft Hanover


Hurtlier Cargill

Loughlcvti M l. I'orcat elandMitchell


ML Forest Skates

Walkerton Bievcright

Lucknow Apeu

Mitchell McGill

Hanover Vottiig

In the burg a t present.Mrs. Don Byers and Mrs, W . Kspten

of Arkwright spent a couple of days with their m other, Mrs. C , Bell,M r. IV If M offat spent a lew dnya this week with friends near Fergus.Mr. Otto Schama* of Ayton wos renew itsg old acquniotHiicoB in ib is burg hue week.

N A R V A ) Misses Dolly and Kcbecca Hell epent_____ j hud Monday with tbuir friend, Mias

, , .................... ! Mury Dowuey of Glamis.Mr. John Halls threshing outfit is i ... . ,, . ... ,« . . . ___ . i Muss Robd. Keyesvuutedin Kincard­

ine on Sunday.Misŝ Adfolido Held of Detroit was

visiting iu this vicinity on Monday.Mr Chao PiUilimions spoi ls a uew

driver now.Talk about Narva being»low! No .low thau lour keen cam passed through hero Sunday night.

Mrs. Fniraurvlco o f Walberloit opeut Friday of last week visiting relatives in the burg.

Mr. and Mia. Nnegher «ad- nephew Aioyiiou* Clancy spent the week end In Toronto.

Mies Emma Klrktown o f ti la rata spent tno week end a t Mr, \V. H. MoC- fa t’e.

OAKLSRUHESchool re-opened hem on Tuesday

I’Ntt. Our’ teachers, Mi»X Borgiu and M ias MeNatighton have resumed their duties In th eir respective school*.

J l f , and Mr*. Louis Gobi o f Mack* tnze, M ichigan, were renewing »c* <|u:unliuice.s iu the butg this week.

! Che Peoples’ S to re !

S a il S oodsDon’t put off buying what you need in this

line until stocks are picked over. Buy now, while the range is complete.

New Dress Goods in popular weaves and fash, ionable shades. We are showing check, crepe cloth, several shades ................ *75 c. per yard

Plaids are very popular this fall, we have them representing some of the leading clans at — ............... 2 5 c ., 5 0 c . and 7 5 c . per yard

S p e cia l—-Several pieces of dress goods at half price. This is your chance to get a good dress cheap.

L adie s ’ C o a tin g —We are showing a very pretty check design. All wool. 54 inches wide at $2.25. It will make you a dandy warm coat.

Suiting Corduroy, a good range of shades, 27 inches wide at 60c. a yard

New Wrapperettes, Kimona Cloths,Sweater Coats, etc., now in. Call and see them.

J . M jlp p e l

Mr. and M i*. Joh n Hand! attended the Toronto Fair. -

Mr. U. ScHwii’i nud Me. Jack Fti burger weie visiting friends in Berlin over I ho holiday.

Mr Joe lloffiu th's uew home if near­ing it* completion, i t I* ooe of the prcttienl liotiHc* seen in a day'* travel, Me. M iilfftlh in to be commended on hi* artU tic tn*le.

Mrs, L. Umuit, Marie Unitor, him) Mastiff t '.u I Haller m e visiting in New iterant ny.

Me*, Grove* Diehl of Ht, Clement li tile guetit o f Mr*. David Schwan.

Mr. end Mr*. Au*t«dt and family spent tlie week end at thw lalti home liero. They left for ih cir home ou Monday.

Min* A. Lnhaingcr lias gone for month's visit to friend**in W anton.

Quite a number Item hero attended the dance iu Neustadt on Monday night.

M i** E . Hetman of Owen Bound viniiiug friend *< here.

B o w lin g C o ntin ua l!Continued from Huge 1

H JIS T HOUND ML Forest Walkertou

16 Seivcrigbt

W alkertou Uw»»t* Heott


A ssociationF IR S T HOUND

ML Forest Skate#



W alkertonI’laycr

LucknowAllenW alkertou HiscOx Mitchell

McGill Wiat ton

Huether Hanover Young

PaisleyShoemaker 22

Cargill Hnniiiore



CnrglU Cargillm l her 15 Fowlic Hanover Mitchell

Young .McDonaldMcDonald won by default

wnlkertou < lints worthKlein Mnrrlam

Klein wen l-y default walkertou wlurton

Lay KiistnurLay won by default, SECOND HOUND

Ha tiover17 IV

LuiiglitecnatplHtvjla 15




walkertou WalkerteKlein IS Lay

TH IR D HOUND owen sound wiarton

Thomson f Walkerton

aieveright !w alkerton


Melt II l





rton walkertonicy 8 utephati

KO CUTII ROUND ii sound .Mitchell

20Cargill, jp an more

Walkertou Klein

Chatswortli Merriam


_ . I Elgin iMMfd 1

CargillFowllo 1

Wiaftou Iluether 1

Paisley Shoemaker


Eidt 15

walkertou htepliiiii Owen tumid

w right Mount Finest


Owen wound 'liouipson walkerton






Lucknow Held


w iiir tn m i T " ; ; v ...... sCrawford *« i

en Sound BML walkerton,

W righ t. Owen Sound, a bye SIXTH ROUND

I.uckuow Owen BoundHeld 10 wiighl

W righ t 18T il l HI) HOUND

ML Forest Sk»it»

l.ucknow Allin

Pail ley Shoemaker


Wingham Crawford

Walkerton McHurney

Walkertou Kidt 16

Port Elgin Izznrd 16

Mitchell McGill 10

CargillHantimrc 10

W iarton Trout 17

Owrn Sound W right 23Southampton

Bowman 12Walkerton •

Stephan 15

SF.M I-F1FAL Owen Sound walkerton

wright 22 Eidt Wiarton Paisley

Trout S BhooMukerFIN AL

Owej> Bound PaisleyShoemaker

Owen S V tig ht

FOURTH HOUND Port Elgin Lucknow

sznrd 0 AlienSion maker a hj-e

W iarton Owen BoutTrout 21 Wright

Southampton W alker toiBowman 16 Eidt

M l. Forest SouthamptFricker 18 Hell

F IF T H HOUND Lucknow, Allen « bye

Paiwloy WiartonShoemaker 10 Trout

Southymplon SouthamptonBowman In . Hell

SE M IFIN A LLucknow ) Psialey

Allen 12 : Shocmacbcr t»Sout'minptoii, Ilownmn a bye

FIN A Liaickuow Sombamplon

Allin 11 BotTinnn 18


Report* reached Lrm lrn from la v • erpool th at England ha* placwlm ore thrt%80dKW:Bus*f»u troojw iu France >y mean* of transport* sent north of

the Scandinavian Peninsula to Find- land, where the CVsacki* embarked and w eir ~V.Vty li.id id at F.ench jHirla, A l lih i . wa- d.nie witliouttbo

, m eal liacmuing in *wii to any p o o n a than Lu- military aiilher.de*.



Erdman’s T S i

T e n d e rs fo r B oo th Privileges



Owen Sound Thompson

W alkeilou Player

walkerton IHhcox

won by defaultwiarton

lucther 13Walkerton

Robert win 0 Afi'-MAiion le»lht(>l(MZ»f cc-Ilwif ihtTpol Ui.inl for lht,Hirvn( )*.„

Cargilll.oughlecn 14

Mount Foreit Ireland 12

«\1 l-y ih» umftMicsrilup lill tJ !,. *tcotiiff Ul Slilvl»

A«Mnrmrnt*rn;»y hr mail* iKlratfoul walkerton tl>*» rollwinr tor roielvloj; pa>oir

Sjldr. * 100*00.McCurdy 15 nieveright 16 5 >1, A. M<C

S EALED for d» tW h *>•;«(, ,IhrUaW* ■■ri UoilJirc, cl lt.r£l.o„0J, Julinc the PallP»ir <U lh« N*»U>- ................ .. ’ i) .S«,.l. .Oh 1

Julinc the Pali

f.SBC, Tilt!AS.

C o lle c to r W a n te d .

CbcsleyMcLaughlin 23

CargillZiegler 17

i J i ' i ElBm 10Chutswoilh

5Ierri*m 17Walkertou

Player 13W iartonTrout 24

CargillFowllo 17

SouthamptonSowuiau 20

Walkerton LucknowHlSCox 15 Hold 17

HanoverAnuuroug H

WalkertouE id t 18

WalkertouKlein id

MitchellMcGill 7

WiattonHucthur 15

SouthamptonDell 10

WinghamClavefold 21

CargillHuether 18



17WalkertonSbiphuu 22

U\V ulkertou Lay 17

ML Forest Ireland

Owen Bound 12 ^Bcott 13

PaisleyShuemukcr S

W alkertonMcBurney 16

MitchellMcDonald u

Owau Hound Wright 2v

W iartonKaetnor 12

CargillMunmore 8


McBurnuy 15Owen Sound

W tight 10Wiarton

Kaotner 10Mount I'urest

Ftickcr 12Che»lcv

McLaughlin 21Cbatsworth

Merriam 13Wiarton

Trout 12HouthttiuptonBowman 15

LucknowHeld 10

W alkertonEidt 12

W alkertonKlein 16

SouthamptonBell 18

WinghamLTawfoid 8

WnlkertouStephan 14

HANOVER FAIRSeptem ber 17 and 18,T4L a rg o In cre a se in P rize s

Splend id P ro g ra m ofA ttra c tio n s

- *

2 A tt ra c tiv e Speed E ven ts

Road H o rs e C o n te s t

The Hanover Fair is always Pojrtiln. and' Successful — Don’t miss it.

DR. T A Y L O R , S. B. C L A R K E ,President Secretary

Autumn Styles tor

M e n a n d B o y sW c have now a complete .showing of Men's Heady

to-Wear-Suits, Hats, Gaps. Shirts, Underwear and Furnishings of ail kinds

M eii's suits and Overcoats to mfeasurc $ 1 5 to $ 3 0

I About two designs of the very, newest in tweeds, serges, and overcoatings. F it Q uality and Styles guar­anteed.

We arc showing the famous Fitwcll Hats in %tiff and soft felts in all the new shapes. W e are also mak­ing a sprcialty of nifty fall shirts for men iu guaran­teed colors and styles.

™AYRarirfii[i ays™11Balance of Ladics’and Childrens Wash Dresses on

sale at greatly reduced prices.

Boys $6, 6.5« and $7 Suits, 26 to 33. all on sale at one price only, $ 4 .9 5

Children’s 75c. School Umbrellas on sale only 49c. each.

McBURNE Y & COCardinal Giacomo Delia Chkon,

Arclibtehhp of Bologna, ami former a$*i»Uttl Papal. Secretary of State wi»#on Timr>day last elected Pope, succeeding the tale P«niiir Plus X, The elec lion «#» c n the ninth ballot With all uf the ĉ remiiuy preecribtd hy the contury-old traditions of the Catholic Chur;h. the Pew occupant of Hie fisherman'* .throne im in d the adoratiou of the enrdinate iu ibo con­clave, who had balloted since Monday in I he election. The new Pontiff clmso to he knawn a* Benedict XV; and will later designate the date tor hte eiurm* utiuu.

TENDER FEETc c 0 0Do you have trouble with

your feet? Sore, tender points? Try a Pa'r °f


The easiest shoe on earth.


Sale price* in wo- men’*, misao*', (

men’* and boy*

Coat Sweater*

W A L K E R T O N 9S S T R A I G H T


Children’* New lin ts , large fhow Ing of Children’ll n r * velvet and felt hat*, sate prices IP. f*i, 41.10


N ew Fall GoodsN O W R E A D Y A T S P E C IA L S A L E P R IC E S

Ltrgi* *liip iiie*! fof new fall good* lmvt; arrived. W e ilo not know tin; woman W> <t ten'l iutereated in seeing and knowing the new *ty!v* and the latent fanbions—B ut we do know many women who w ill t>e delighted to tor «Lr immense range nf now fail drier man tint* «nd luiintlc*, w ithout doubt wc have the finest showing of diene m aterials and innullc* ever rhown in W alkerton.

C h a rm in g N e w F a ll C o a ts fo r Ladies.We are greatly delighted with our new fall coat* thin sent-on they nre

b» tat the finest we have over had the pleasure of showing not tw o r r three *t vies, but a great variety to choose fiom and no tyro rea l* alike m tny ladies are making th ejr collection# now, b e lter be oil hand early while the selection* are complete,

Spe cia l Sale P rice ; $ 7 .8 5 , $ 9 .9 5 ,$ 1 1 .9 5 , $ 1 3 .9 5 , 1 6 .9 5 .

Special Sale of D re ss M a te ria ls a t 4 4 c .

D re ss M a te ria ls Sale P rice 6 9 c.15 pie.*** of d i e i* cow l ~ included a fine all wool *ergc, chin on broad*

. oth*. all wool popn — *——J - -»*—1— “-•* ------apeoiai wale juice Oil

Complete range «. ...............________ ___ . ______ „popular velvet chicks, plaid* ciotbfc, at 05c., 85c., and 81.Hi a v«l.

SPECIAL SALE OF FALL GOODSUhlidten’s 25c Underwear. -)2jc

350 piece* children’* under­wear. vest* or drawer*, ahres 2 to 5 years, made o f fine, even yarn in plain and rit.b weaver, reg t 5c. sale p r ic e . . . . . ........124c

MLios* 35c Underwear..........32o

10 dozen only misses* ribbed underwear in vest* or drawere, made of heavy so ft yarn*, size* 5 to 11 years, reg 35c, s prim 22c

Woi en> 25c underwear . . 21c


2W pieces women** uew fall yc»t* and drawer#, long *|etve*. button front*, drawer# ankle length, gr»y only, full size*, reg

i»le price . . . . . , . 2lc e a .

Boys* 40c worsted hour . . . 26c

Sb dozen boy*’ ex tra heavy unrated hose, 2 and 1 rlbb, heavy sole, heel and toe, *izea 81 to 10, reg 40c. wale p rice ..19c

200 pair* hoys’ wool worsted bo»e, heavy ribb, »is.e* 54 to 8,e«lo p r ic e ...................................10c

Hoy*1 Umlerwf ar on i-tle■ ■. . 28c

250 piece* boys' heavy ribbed shirt* and drawer:-, alxea 24 to 32. This 1* a vary, sjwclol lot; while they last, »ni# p n e e . . . .2Pc

MouVtH.OO Overa 1U& Panta 85c

28dozmen » B brand Overall* and Pant*, made of heavy black dlnine, idrlptd drilte and cotton- ailes. all Mizes, reg S I .00. saleprice .............................. . . . . . . S 5c

C A R S W E L L S ’ C A S H C O U N T E R S“ Y o u P a y L e i * H e r a ”

WALKERTON TELESCOPEv o lxxxviit-No. ao W A LK E R TO N . O N TA R IO . TH U R SD A Y , SEPTEM BER 24th 1914-8 PAGES.

Private Greeting Cards

Why not select that Greeting Card and have an Item of your Christmas Shopping off vour mind. There is also an advantage in ordering now, while lines are complete and wc can get your order filled for delivery at any time you wish.

Prices run from $1 a doz—

See Our Books of Samples

Hunter’s Drug StoreDrag} d»J hoJahs C. P. R. Ttchtl d̂ catv

Nearly Everyone Uses

W RITING TA B L E TST ry Sieveright for your nextone, 5. 10, 15. 20 and 25c.

PLA Y IN G CARD S 10, 15. 25, 30 and 50c.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks




A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies «>( Walker ton and vicinity to call and inspect the


RealEnjoymentis impossible if you are all the time conscious of defects in your apparel. I f you buy our clothes tailored to your individual meas‘* • ure, you can he certain that you i are well dressed and have that j feeling of assurance and satis! I faction that good clothes always; give. Come in and leave your; measure for a suit or overcoat.

Ladies’ Suits to your special order-

G.T.ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men’s Wear

Store, Walkertou, Ontario.


A ClockA s a P re se n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many—she can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that offers an excellent choice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes; dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. L. GibsonJ e w e l l e r - - W a lK e r t o n

o c :...... ....—Do you have trouble

:x >vitli

your feet? Sore, tender points? T ry u pair of


The easiest shoe on earth.


Pen’ll »r Vanishing cream—£k . jars Uuutei#'.

New fur ami Novelty Dress Trimm- logs at Stephan Bros.

Mr Win. Feiigelty ot Itrfonto spent Sunday at bis, homttJwfc.

Mr. J. U. Haether made n by.’iioexx tilp t « Toronto on Monctayv

Very fashionable Indie** fall conn* .it niiaU'rntc cost—Stephan Bros.

Imported novelty dress gnndtf ill mnv dtixiks'nud plaids- Stephan Bros.

Sliecial value*, In men's and women1 paramatta raincoat*—Stephan Bros.

Mrs. N. A. W alfoyf lug till*week at hor former (maxftn Hespetrr*

Mr. Percy Shannon o f Toronto re­newed ncqUniutatiVt* here last Week.

Mips Ada Fraser lias none to lake a coarse iuthe Pratt Institute,Brooklyn N V.

Mr. Leo. Hod 7. of c/iiclpli>pt,iil Sun­day with bis parent/ Mr^rfml Mr#. M. Hoct* ^

Mr. Tho» Young of Bed Deer, Alta.. l> renewing acquaintance* here this week.

Jack Mcliarrity left Balprday to le- iuiud bie »tuditsin^ti>mqne'#Coltege Berlin.

M re.W . McBiiu an/ babe of Orillia arovWUug her iuoii/t , MfS. (Rev) J

l Walts.

Our men# fall suits andovercoat# are tin- Ikisi values offered in years—Strp* ban Pros.

Miss Dapple Spence of Southampton spent Wednesday at the home of Mr Roht. lioode,

Miss Daly of Toronto it* the it nest this week of her cousin Mrs. Scanlon, Beaver Glenn Farm.

Mr S. W. Vogau accompanied by Miss CUrice left on Monday on a trip to Ottawa and other eastern citiis.

Miss Jessie Wilson, nurse, cl New York is spending a month's vacation with hor father. Rev, Thus. Wilson.

(live tne poultiy you ate pi>qi*riug If niaiket liras' Poultry Panacea *t

pays, ' Sold al Huntin'# Drug Store.

Mrs lie jet* of L i* l» «e l spent a few day# of last week with her staler*. Mrs. J Holm and the Misses Btubabn.

F. J. Scan!an o f the O'Keefe Office tuff, Tor onto, is holidaying this week

at Reaver tilenu, tin- home of liisfatli-

.'lr. Mol Welch who has been, visit iug his parent* Mr. and Mr*. Thu*. Welch returned to Detroit on Mon- day.

Mr. Fnil Kenny of I#*ndnn was among those who attended lliw furu r-I of the lute Mrs, Morrison on Mon­


nieacckcr#* Excursions continued until end of October, Particular# »t town ntiies C.P.R., Hunter* Umg Store.

Get your fail suit and owteoat here A large asset tmeul of goods just wr* rived. I ’ p-to-dntc taitoriug—S. A. Rife i i Coy.

Mr. Cecil Situms in Trcuti»p-4s~rcliev. iugthe C. P. It, station ag£iil Utacox,

bo I# abseut on week's vacat.on trip.

Dan Mctiarrity left last Wednesday for Calgary Alta, whoa he will join his brother Trunk of t he Street Rail­way stall

Mr. Ernie Htigill ot Quebec city and bride (nee Mt»s McKenzie of Uuelpli) arc spending tbit w«ek *t the home of Mr. E. Myles.

Mr. Mervyn Norrtah was judge of flower* at the Che*/ry Foi^y.«s'etd#y and will alfcojud}- ‘ • •— - **> -■- Fair on Friday.

Mt*. JnKTotiun was in tlueluh <*n Monday attending the fimeial of her sister, Mrs. lv Miller who'died in that city vu Saturday.

Mr. 1. Nairn of the Merchants Bank raded oil his Ford ear two weeks ago. Mr. Uhaa Stephan held tin- lucky tick­et and secured the prize.

Mr. and Mr** S Sandfcr*on of Chesiry and Mrs. R. F Sanderson of Oakville were amouK tit o#e wno attended the Walton-Saudersou /nuptial* yester­day. 17

<»radu»tkm exercises wife held at Brueu County Hospital on Tuesday eveuiag, tho nurses who received their diploma# bsiog the Misses Dippd and Dixon.

Mt. Frank Rennie was judge of hor­se# at the Mount Fores'. Fair last week and Cbesloy Fair on Wednesday and will ulxo net in that capacity at Fort Elgin on Friday.

Dr. Dougail formerly of the Walk- «rton Methodist church who has re­cently been pastor of the First Metho­dist church in !St Thomas hits been called to u Loudon pastorate.

ClH-sley Youth# in Trouble.young men of the town of

ULesley will b« tried In-fore Magist­ral* Toltou this, Thutsday mottling at ten o'clock ou a charge ol having for­cibly entered the furnilaie factory of which the complainant, Mr. Duist superintendent.

| Mr. ami Mr#. Tltomn# Barber, M t*corgo Barber mid Mir. Win Spit/ig motoicit from Meafotd last weekend *110111- a few days here, Mle. SpU/.ig will visit relatives heio for some lime.

Rev, Rowand of Toronto, (mmeily of Brant oceupiial lhu pulpit of Knox chinch on Buuday last in the ahspnee of Rev. Wilson, w*ht> conducted anulv- er#nry services in Kemble, near Owen Sound.

Mr. B. 11. Rons o f White Plain#. N. Y. i* visiting hi» paronls before leav­ing forTcxa#. where he ha* accepted a position with a large electrical con- Hlruelion eompany i\> electrical engin­eer.

Mr. Leslie Hoot her, accompanied by Sum Vogun, lloy Weslt'y and theTol- e-tcope ucrilio ratitrited mi Saturday from a week’* m Hat tour to Toronto Oshftwft, Belleville, Kingston. Peter- boro and other points.

The animal School Fair for this *ec- tion of Briieo will he held at the Ex­hibition ground* this (Tliursday) af­ternoon. It i# exp-H-led that Dept Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Road­house, will Im> pit-sent.

In the O. A . L. A stuld m death la crosso match played at Fergus on Thntsday last between Hanover and London, the former team wa# defeat­ed by a score of 1«K». London now

lie# into the llnal# with Weston. ■Mis# Florence tJu ner, d uighjer o f ;

Mr. E. W .G a rn w a # operated on for appeaiHeitis in p Bruce Count jr Ho*, pltnl last week/ The <.pcratkm was uccessfui aiid /Mis? tiaroer i# now iivkiug favoraljle Jtfogtet-s toward# re- -overy. ^The member# yf tin* .Methodist

church choir tendere*! a miscellaneous or to Mi#s L«U « jjaudereon after

tho regular choir practice oil Thursday Uing ln*tat the home of Mis* Vera

Dip|M-l. Mi*-# !SAmler*on re*---ivcd any useful present*.Young men and wotin-u <>t the vicin­

ity of Walkerton. tint; who urc de#ir* o f obtaining a bosine## education!

Ate you aware that therA i* a second t« opening a*, the Walkctlon Ru*ln- t.’ollegc commencing on October r Re sure and Wtile f ir special

rate* for th*t date.Sit iiHtiom* Vucnul

Men and women wanted everywhere ..ivvoik til their own lioute. wei-kly for few hours work- •Supplies furn­ished free. Experience tmoC‘̂ ->»;ny. Tho Co-Upcraiive I'uion. Windsor, Out.

Engagement Announcetl.Mr. and Mr«.T. ik Radford of Perth

announce the engagement of their daughter Dma MaKd, to Mr, Mervyn M, Irtitiic ol Port Hnjw. formerly of Walkerton; the wedding to take place Oct. «0th.

Kogagemeiii Annuuncoil The engagemeptiis announced <*f’

Mi#- Ik-rnice Liini*aV, granddaughter of Mr#. Mohr o f walkerton, to Mr, FrederickBry- .o </{ Deiroii, the mat- ringe to take pljee in iftat city early in November.

Walker Hou»i* ‘J><hi,'Hi# Wnlkei / Home ha* changed

hands. Mr. J. jL Rfi- k wtiolia# been •itopiietor fat Loin- \ n . j » i , ring d»»- i »se*l ol that » o « M r Waul of

Seaforth. Mr. kVayd** illt»* given pote coslon on N«vV*rfli>*i- l>i.

The Uud fonlinfe. ... /Recruiting forAhe *• -contfeontingenf

for oversci,# SeiA-iee has Coinmeni cd thtougboiit lhe/l).*mi»fion. Those in> W ilkcrUm jiii-l/yicSnlty w ho wish to join this contiigelrt dhooM leave their name# with r \j>faiii <>. E. Klein «t

Taken to CentralBtinnld McLxoghiin. the prisoner

who mad** a sensational break for liberty fnun tin.* lociil gaol two weeks ago was taken fo Genital Prison by Cuiir-lahie Briggs hi*<l week, McLaugh­lin will serve two vent* for jail-brenk- iag and eighteen months for robbery.

Fluid Growing.-Subscriptions to the patriotic fund

me still coming in. The total amount received by trustee* to data J#$I4LIW. A list of those who recently: subscrib­ed wa»lraudcd to us lhi> week, but ow ing to lack ol space we are obliged to leave it until next week for publica­tion.

Horae# for Arm*Messrs Frank Rennie and W. J.

McNally haye recently been engaged in buying horses for #i my purposes. The animal' puicbnstd willbebroughF to Walkerton on September ̂ Otb.wben it is expected the Ron. Adnui Beck wilt be here 1<J inspect them and cull out tbo»o unfit for this oh\

Uoi-maiw II ing DelVaiciiThoarmlea of the Allies continue to

make great gains. During the past two wcoks tin* Oermiins have been forc«d to retire a repid rate, but they ato now making what i# believed to i« j a last effort to stem tho tide of tho English aml Freiieli armio#. Their elforts, bow.* . 1. have so far been fruitless and they have been foiced oucu tuoie t*> start teiii-ing toward the Inmudary of i.iermany. The Kain't's army is now facing sure defeat but it stoo late for hitutoask lor peace.

•fiiHi Arrivril.L »rg« shlphionl of now foil ovorvoat-

ing* and suiting*-,« xtra go«nl v»lue»—. S. A. Rife .V ('•>

NoticeAll pei-sun-owing the estate of ihe

late th Hi Louut are reifuesled to pay llndr account# atoncoto A. Collin#, soliritor for the adumiistratnx.

Thrown Iron* (tig Mr. Relit. Long, mail carrier «»** N».

1 R<*otc* was thrown fiom hi* ilg in tlm vicinity of Maple Hill on Friday last and received a badly sprained shoulder which will detain him Row work for some day#. It appear# that III# horse lieeauio flightened at the breaking of a tog and Ml-the runaway which followed Mr. Loug was thrown out with the above ro#uh

New Assistant-Mr. L. Aum# a graduate of the O.A.

t'.. Guelph is the new assistant to Mr. N. t\ McKay, the local representative o f the Department of Agriculture. Mr. Amo* who commenced his duties la~l week, come# to take the place of Mr. Freeboru who leave# ou Tuesday of next Week on a two weeks vacation, after which he Will complete hi* cour#« at the O. A. C.

Out on Ainno Hall Mr. William Forsythe, financial •ciutary of tho local lodge of the

Woodmen of the World was arrested Monday ou a charge of eml>rx/.)ing

the fmuisof the society. The shot tage iH i laitued to be in the neighborhood of two hundred ami fifty dollars, .'Ir. For’•ythe was allowed hi# liberty ou furnishing l#l<xxhhall and will appear for hi* preliminary hearing before the Magistrate ou Monday.

A l>ji#tui«lly Heed.A young firemen on the U.T. K., Gil.

sean by name, wn# brought to the gaol oh Tuesday from youtliaiuptbn. hav­ing been #eot up for trial *>n the hein- eou# charge of rape, the dastardly act having h‘-eu coinniitted on Sunday e>- ciiiug last, a sixteen-vvat-old gu t br­ing the victim Gitoertii wax infused bail and will lie compelled to reiuuin in gwd until the fall tvsslxes in Novem­ber, when Its wifi be tried. Surely ibis young fellow's act merit# the up- pi leal lop ot the laab ami a *ong prison term.

Sabbath Soloml Convention •Tli-* annual convention of the East riico Sabh»tb School Association

will be held in Walkerton on Wedncs- d*y -Sept. JtUflv. Tfa« afternoon seis- i**n cotumvnhiiig at ■! o'clock, will tgt held in the R ijitlst church and the evening we im i commencing at 7.15 will Jh* held in lh« Frcsbyterian church All who arc iatoroleil in Sunday school work arc invited to attend. Mr, l*. W . OrwlA Associate .Stcietniy ’f the Provincial Sunday School A:

tmciaUon will give nn »ddte##'al both session*,IVuliccrtoii Chapter I o H K.

At a meeting of the daughter#of the Kmpltcheld last Saturday, the Red

Committee reported that the following r.upplic# haubecii sent,some direct to our regiment »t Valcartier and t lie lest to Toroutn;-.*>98 handker­chiefs, 71 pair wristlet#. I cbe#i protec­tor. Id cholera belt*, 'l helmet#, ol mending kits, fit shirt#; Zlfipairs sock .̂ M pillows, 15 piilowslips. The thank* of the chapter are due to all, whether

mbers ot the 1. O. D. I5. or not, who c.mtrlhuted so generously Tor local iu- lief work. Several plans are on foot, among them a Ruiuumgu Sale, the proceed# to be used In helping those in need at home.

Price or Wheat Droppipjj Conditions throughout the country

indicate that the depression caused by the war scare is over. Business 1# be­ginning to hecotuf mbit* active, the Hnsncjai stringency somewhat rciievedand life In general returniog to norm­al. One indication is the fact that tin* price o f wheat ha# dropped toe per bushel during the past tlitcc weeks. Two wcekBugo wheat brought $t.*JU,

't week 11.15 and this week a further drop o f 5c per bushel is recorded. There

many loriner* who have been hold­ing out tor high war j*i but it would npjH*a? that they - w ill now be

(iipellcd to sell at or about the even dollar o r lose still more.

Death o f HuuCnti t'ampbell Another of thu few remaining pion­

eers ot Brant pa**ed away at his home on theDuthaui Road in the pvrsoti ot Mr. Duncan t'ampbell. The deceased who had reached the advanced ago cf pighty-oiie years was bfit n in Argyle- shire, Buotlaud and came to Uiunl

heu but a young matt. He settled ou the farm West of Walkerton. where lie continued to reside until hi# death. IBs long residence In the Township made him wc|l-RHovvn and M u g a man of #terllngclniracl«.*r lit* had many friend', by whom he wa* highly teemed. Re Was predeceased by tit# wife by sumo seven years, and he leaves to mourn his loss, three sous and seven daughters. v i « —Messis. Angus and Lome ol Brant and Hugh of the O. A. C<. tiiielph: and Mi s. Win. Johnston, and Catherine. Ella and Janet of Brant. Mrs. L; Campbell «*f llawkvstone, Margaret of Baildon. and Karab of Chicago. Archie Camp­bell of Walkerton is n hrolherof Hit* deceased.

lelcrS re from tfb- loci J

Kiting formspnrtuic Irou I where they sv I :me to, Kuroje. Reicheutmck, Ueichenbnck *

»r. nml < oxi«Wm, McPherson, a young farmer of

Kitdos# was Arrested by Chief Fcrgii" <m «m Monday of last week on nehaige of lasing drunk uud dtiiordeily. He was lokeit befoie Mayor L*|>lM;rt, wtio found him guilty and lined him five dollar# and co#t s, ritiiOUUti lift in all to twelve dollars.

A tiooil Scheme.in another column appears n com-

muuleatiou to the citizen* of Walker- ton au*l vicinity from Mayor Lippcrt- in which he ask# tho employer# who require men and those men who are out of vuiploj incut tosent theirtuuno* in tiiin. In C'tuiJixhing tin# free cm- ptoymcnl agency the Mayor *how# that helm# the welfare o f the town nt heart and bis sciieilio which «« H go«l one will meet with the approval and c<f-oj>crati«*c of all classc# of our citi­zens. This woik in the Jlnyots office shoolit help materially to losscit the vexation* question of the unemployed during the coming months, la-t all those.who require men if it be fora day. send their name* to the Mayor and have their needs nltcuded to.

Mta pte ton—Hie##.A pretty wedding was solenutixed

ou WcdnO'day last at ii a. in. in tho church o f Mary I uuuaculatv, Chepstow whea Mr. Janie* Stapleton eldest son of Mr. and Mis. Thus Stapletou and Miss Lixxio Dies*, only daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Diess, were united in the holy homl« of matrimony by the Rev. F. A. Zettlcr. The brido Wiw attired in a gown of white lace over stlk and wore a veil and wreath of oi utigtj blossoms: her eouidii, Mi#s Han­over of (iodeticb, acted as luidesmaid and also wore white. The groom was attended by hi# brother John. After lireaktast the happy couple took the t rain for Toronto, Suntfoi d and oth­er points, the bride travelling in n suit a tuavy blue with black hat and plumes. On tbetr return the happy couple will reside on the grooms’# farm west of the village, and all join in wish­ing them a long acd happy wedded life.

■ tear ti<received \4h week

hoys at V.iy Cartier tated ffial tb *yare all well find wore-

d to the day of their de- the camp lo Quchc

II embark f.Color He/geant, Joe

son of Mr./and Mis. C.id to Corpor-

F-'- Co nptny l/ , Battalion. Waiter Eidt ai other loi*l boy M.*cure*l the jiigliitst nvirago of ‘ft,"' company in tjtrg**; pntclicdaad v&fcuml highest in regiment. Of the 32wyt men at comp, It wax stated t|ul al/lcast SUOO were being sent hohie.Ik-cii said that kli a ll t<> be seel. The Walkerlou lajys /who nt lust word were sure of to the fioot weieJack AndriM'Ui f {. tirafisden and Jce Keicbcnlmch. jOlhers may be lidded to these but tkose who are not «c ceptcd will be tunic thi« week.

ijtftO nml Cost#The proprietors of the Central Rote!

paid a fine o f lino of S50.UU in police court on Friday the 11th luet^ having pleaded guilty to a charge of supply­ing liquor to Michael Connors of Kdeu ttrove. Who is HU Indian lister. It will be remembered that Connors paid a fine for being drunk while on tho pro­hibitory list and declined to tell tin? court Where the source of his supply \va». Ou being threatened with a three month#' term in gaol, however, In* stated that ho had#ecmed hi* bug- juice at the Central'HutaV and aUu claimed to have iiecu served with two glasses at the Queen# Hotel. On being hailed to court the proprietor of the Central pleaded guiitv, hut tliere proved lo he no evidence to nuhiiAutlate the charge against the Queens and the case w »* distnit«cd.


Battk—Io j Walkerton oi/jSunday* •September'20th, to Mr. add Mr*, Jo# Batte, a daughter.

DiXO.N - 1 ol Old#, Alta; Oil Friday Sept. Uth.toM r, atnpMr*. Cordon Dixon (uce pi*# - Mary Roger>), for­merly of VVkikcrton. a daughter,

CuKestiV-la Slant on Thursday Sept. U, U* Mr. and Mrs. Jo#. Chmhey, u daughter.

EhnU'-t —In W ilkerton on sept. I#l*

Mi Fn.vit- To Dr and Mrs J. A. Mc- Fhail at Rlnndiester Ohio; on Wed­nesday tieptemlwr lfilh. a son (Neil.)


SruoKUKH— BliK K - lu Truax. ,Nu»k. on Monday wept. 71 h. by Rev. Fat her tk>er. Miss Josephine Urick, < ld«#t daughter of Mr. and Mi#. J*,#. Brick of Walker Urn t>* Mr Maitland Suoeder o f Ogema S »#k. Mr. ami Mrs Siroed- er will reside tu UgeUtai

F*»ith--\Va KcitTKR — lii the K C. chtirch. Walkerton, on Monday. September lttb., Mi#s Jennie Waecbter, daughtero| Mr. and Mrs. John WaecUter to Mr. Joseph Ford o f New York. Mr. and .Mr*. Ford will reside iu New York.

TfinukNgiviiig liny, Oct 12th Tliaiikvgtviiig Day will this year be

held on Monday,Oct. 12tb. This date is somewhat carper- than previous year#, hut, tlm change iNRgoodbnc,

No Mall From CampThe military camp nt Vaicni tier it

now entirely cut off from tho out#id« world,no new* of any nature lining al. lowed to leave the camp except through tire allleer#. There I# no doubt hut that this mean* that the first Canad­ian contingent will leave for the front in tlm near future and (hi# precaution is taken in ardor to prevent the soldier*

cutup fiom informing their relxtive* and thiii- permitting tho new# of the date of their embarking on board boat at Quebec to reach the newspaper* and Herman spice, With them* lutes o f the camp rigidly enforced Canad­ians who have relative# at the camp will not know whether they are iu tho first contingent or not, until they have ertwsed the water and perhaps the next heard of some of them will b« when a cable comes: ’’Private— killed in battle" or ‘ 'Private—among the mu­sing.’

Kiicce»«fti) FairThe Walkerton Fall Fair w m tht#

year fovoied with excellent weather nod consequently un exceptionally large crowd w»* in attendance. There was aDo a large increase in tbonuinber o f exhibits in nli dassescomparod with o:her years and the official# claim that it was the byst fair held in Walk- «rtoa fm ten years. Thu allraotione were also good, the balloon asceneion and parachute drop being excellent. The piixe# awarded will l*o found ou pages 4 atul 5 ot this issue. Among the prire# awarded were: Best Turn­out—1st Dr. Fortune. 2nd Albert Wacchtcr. Best Carriage Horse—Dr. Fortune. Rents' Hitching Match— Tom Wolfe, Ed. Coates; Ladies Hitch­ing .'latch—Mis* Annie Rennie, Min# ire-ae Ritchie (Durham). Best Lady Driver-Mi## Anna Rennie, Miss Irene Ritchie, Mrs. Albert Wacchter,

Walton-Sanderson.Tin* homo .of Rev. and Air#. W , J.

s.mdrrson wa# the scene of a very pretty wedding at high-noou on Wed­nesday of this week whoa their daugh­ter. Mu* Lott a Y. wa# united in marri­age to Mr. Robert Walton a member of the local C. F- It. staff. After tho cer­emony which waa performed by Rev. D. A. Walker pastor of the Methodist church, in the presence of tho Immedi* air* Irieuds <>f tbocoufractiug parties only, the wedding party partook of a Sumptuous wedding dinner. The muuy beautiful, costly and useful pre­sents which the bride received testify i > the high **st«om in which the bride ami groom are hold by their many ac- qhaintance*. Mr. and Mrs. Walton left on the three o'clock train on a wedding trip to Montreal. Ottawaand Quebec after which they will reside iu Walkerton. The Telescope join# with the young couple#’ numeroua friends in wishing them a loug and happy journey through life.

Death ofMrs MorrUoii Death iu a very sudden natdre over­

took Mrs, Margaret Morri#au reltct of the late David Morrison during Friday night. The decea#ed was last seen alive ia apparently good health un Friday night when #he banded a letter to night watchman Swanson re­questing him to post IL Xoon**#w her again until she wim found early Saturday evening lying dead nt the top of the stair*. Her face wo# badly bruised, and n coroner's jury wan cm* pannelted lo investigate, but their ver­dict was “ death from natural causes, t h'*hriii4’H apparently being caused by a fall against a door and then to tho floor in an attack of heart failure. The late Mrs. Morri#on who was about forty-five years leaves a largo estate which as there S* no will to be found will fait to the nearest relatives. The funeral which was largely attended took place to the Walkerton cemetery on Monday.


To the eitixen# of Walkerton and surrounding community;—

A# no doubt you are aware there are mnv a considerable number of men out of employment, and there will bemora during the winter and 1 know in a good many caves employers are* look­ing for workmen and cannot find them alt owing to tho fact of not knowing where to go for them.

1 also Mudmland there are farmer# in tills community who are at time# in need of men ami would he glad to en­gage them at a reasonable wage.

I would therefore suggest that any employers in Walkerton umleurround- lug community who are iu need of men would write or call me up at Phono 1st staling wages and periodfor which they would engage help.

I w**nld *Lo,ask men desiring work to leave their name# at my office.

I think we can got employers and unemployed together iu this manner ami benefit will be mutual and of great service to "'nlkcrton

1 -would tvepvetfutly ask you for your support in this undertaking aud will thank lit advance for same.

Your# very tsuly,MtHD. LtPPKRT,

Mayor of Walk«r(0Q

K s S ii :B H -K M .TffiK v , i s s s w ; « J

.......... ."tiKAsrsi


j^ i^% .z£vs& rsz

...............thT' '<Cy a't'ffnd th"

itnrowitut *.r fount.* rrem I.ulieotot into -it*

. asratp*! th* ■■ tight of th- p ply

For Women’s AilmentsOr. Martel'* Female PHI* have been the standard tor 21 year* and tor 40 year* described and recommended by physician*. Accept no ether. At all

sssS w S * £ ' 3 5 & 5 S

| L _

C u r e d o f P i l e sa n d E c z e m a

r Ue.ng Three Box<* of Dr Chaae’a

1t t ‘ TX 5 Z . ; ' Z t £ &With pin or Hr. ChtiM>> Ointment, and iiiIh- did^mo so_ much good Diaf 1

"Thfa'bt'the kind of Inlter* we ro­

es by tiio uso of Dr. Chase's Ointment. No matter how skeptical you might

sample box and be convinced. It was by nee of a Iren sample that Mr.^Ruhr



A FINE COWThis One Shows Wh

Fandoh lied In « » * « ordinary >ields there -an* t^ jc iM a) o.»r,«*-Nf.»- nary jbM.i Oi.it moke rind the heart . of the &t$b e«.w\; turner, bmotfo S*«s

roduct’on. While tli«* ordtunry n July wore Bhlmt 0":»r m'-mr* !.f seven hundred « r six hntiuroi t of jjiiili, and twenty-four or .-•nvo.pout’d!, fat. a rra l •I Quebec fare pounds of

a r

geatthtc nntrlmnsf./ b« afforded bv fh - «%■

than the foist skill-d enginer can <-o> tain from n wHPSnurfe *a up.-.fon »b* girio for tbo fuel rom nno.d.

If pays to f«<d>pord rmv. well; it ntso pays an;, farmer to 'fled, cut itf

ters a House, in English Law. keeping record;', of *a»b oew, J»r t et iteach produce-. In tbe ordinarythe .above cycctP nt . mv ymiM . «lii'Oped In with the ■ ,v-• r.»-r<'w of lb*

b£a depend"d<ti>*m the

tha^crlmo ̂ of° biuglary* ci’n onfv^be committal between Urn hours of h p.m.

dtslinoi nlrfic to S'.er-ell » the hall ->f fame; I'crbat s dalrv records hi d ; • cover <emr di-titetive cotv< in v - . f herd. Hull.! ;...tr herd of - U t u \b dividtml'---D;«rnittit»ii ;»< i-ariie* al of AKtlculturc. Dairy Ulvlrjon. DUawa.

Sike s point of view there I* a great |

F i l t h A n n u a l


FAT STOCKhave*nought to attm^To'ptop hla

spring guns in your garden. ̂lf% ou! SHOWUnion Stock Yards

craft are found on him. probably re- celvo sentence for attempted ̂ felony, j

^ n r have you the rigid to shoot him In eolil blood if you wake up sudden- iy and discover him prowling about tbo bedroom. Should be be armed and

F r id a y n g d S a t u r d a y

D E C E M B E R 1 1 A N D 1 21914

also shoot if he <

the plunder, you'will be compounding a felony, which In a very,serious of-


If at horn* by the new ,

but t«a other* of thw «

^ £ £ ;u r s . ,5 t i s r . r ,.iSKi

: a " » ‘

a s s . % a r.s------------------------ -------- . .I ’ iU’T’

> Duly.

of eaoltal involved

. . . 5n f SfSSt

Evil of Suhslilution Exposed.

substitute burnt bis toe* .and

Kxtraetor. S5c, at ail'd* afors.

n Were Made.lindu lessen'd/ tiil .f woman; Twash

D”U«» » « « of Hybrids.

■’iSL-LSs^rsTO zanx--..;

8S ? ^ S y ‘« S r Sl% E

! astrar ̂ “L.nrsn«r, "s r i r : t j K a r w s : i awe ŝ n̂ reŝ ra;

: SkstM US -srite&frs’ is! u»- .lidsl T"i,'r >■» <fo ♦*«»» and -on

■ ut Hi ( Tl.ix ,hsj fogfoaf: tk>

M P L E T I N E D U C A T I O N .

covered that with

b-nwnt bad bornleft. This, of Y»<irs<v greatly porjilt'Xdl Twifobfri, and ci.ifoed him !<> fall Jnfi a profound meditation. When he arose

grace!ul ;e.‘ .e ■ : !!<-- ‘.E S C

W.’rSS'.SS’.W.?.; t ■

;t s e a e v ~ £ jw

l i f e 'k ............. jm...........................■

pi-*.- of th- doe. ib. froiub-mn-pesv oMm tlaticlBK Minlfeam. the fa r - of Up ( Toii.l, the inctiM-iam v of I be a lad. tip Um(dn«vi( of Cm ban*. !!»*'"-aulty n the pe<jm»rk, di--i>ar>lti df sh * dianimid. the KW -̂me*.- Id h.m.e. Mv enmity of the I u p t , !■«* h.-it -d th< fire, fee tliiil of fleiMeev, >h-' e.»ekllm

turUe dove. " VH the-b *f • bittml «<• f.< tber and fornmil woman. Then M

Pilpl'ly-'i viJtx'1 • 1*' '* t' 1 i | l>: n- . rv.vi •■n?.->l!-b.

' i s ; ; .

• I- re -prir »..!rir lam- *te.'"j

. . H H £ » S . ;i i r » » X K ;


' .S W ttf


EDITORIALrm itsiMV. s k it i:. mi.

( AFiUf t GERMAN U M )l

cut epp.n-iuuiiy ;<> ' • rt.*u<> in H - hi!*

»■*••*! «:■ niiiiti*<ill lek'e -••ars to He*Meanv* I i!v tin- iraI ■(.’•mire I-J tU\ .l|« f »!

tf-l I ref-.*-«««!•• mannm* tntrf. dam r»»”»ire>riw

l«; lnMH?*-m:'v tub- the *.!;;>■- .*i th-rump** In th” murk- t« <1 the world !/ !>"■■ tur '> » out lli>- t»l;d vein*,- «f n-rimtu foreign trade n. *'>?.' ;.s:d pi Hi” lirilNt ri-nres .tin - with >1 ."or jnrpt. < • • f e*»au«ri*en

thnnau,'. t Tilted Kingdomt!»f2 , *. .IV*,IH«1.IH«I 1 1.1'K-J.C'*lb.*1(10n*s« . t . . i

«;• ru.au .nit! tfrifish ln 'i-rn <;.;*•• , \- }< • "lilpir*. .is'!•' <!'. fill

Sew-; tinp«*rU F-S2 . ,

tie Ha , f'MWlv

m~'. . .

tv "1 rt^iw.cym :>•••

liu r* »*■*• . ,;'*:,'*’,*ri<iHMiThen figure-* * h-.w Jli*-: rap'd ri

M ii 'i Cl S.iian* ■' h’Mtttl trade V.,pnildlpp., ! l«*r e'.pnrft* in i’*i » inside much greater fr crease th.nr did I*>

Intst! foreign l.adt h.-n» bu n •'ll •

lit-it ft Sus. atK’tit doubled; am*’ rapidly i voriaUiis Ui lt»-S» foreign (rude.

Th* toHowitis I** a Its* til *< RK of toy iimmiftirUircs In wltlrli Hure I t; r- i:iai» and Austrian competition lit neu­tral markets; Machinery.«« t ! r>. !rdnmnl ht’.-' l wire, In How nitre. rhyi dr.ik ittld dye.t. |*<itH11< pnjuT, idothti**;, <*;t*

t |T mllofi • a tut worst*.nttcii hosiery. rim—« In ml

aihI *!«t—. furniture. Marin ts Tut rites* arikt's* an* u«»r. «*r»ii tor rapture by Canmlhn uiattuta'Torors. Ho m nit 1tt *1!

AIR CRAFT IN VAR.Tilt; btouburlnunt of Antwerp by

/s-ppeim orrJglW' balloon it.-!- vfr..w« hori-1-" hb' «U ’'iuloH l*i llu- .-tsilhy of tm-.o l*nH‘>t>its »*-- ('irliM-, *.{ •!{«>»». a*. v-«U a- ;.r,|'.tirit! u\ |*t»- «aM ' nif • • ttittlbatlrar- >ty <» jbi’ir iiiMiifisbl u«:ii Uv mi It. In-!• list*'.

■ Of*1 II. * * V.!)!! 5 :'or I lt»> <

I r srn-b i'Mi-t K- l « i ‘H «<* lit-army <>r ».«• y. Ti- * ,*r< u«-tsr a >*ii* *! f r '•■*'«rMtS*ti' ;>!<i;i*f.o h a-; m liri’ ii-r fi|li|fW <1 *> V a-Kiiilam-'. Ihonylt ! Its Miry !< * ■■—< » <

Zyusa’llif > itottcrbis In nib- V> ■ <>f Ut>< i iv my. Timjionrlit:* !?-*•< I*;. Of N- -V V«-r5;,I* *1 .jilitra .> its 1mk*i talus’ oil tflrlrribb : , Ta<- iltriuib!*' ** mirli -'il ; nv»-i*{ib!" 10 a»latk in -mi jsr<-*m


■ si— ’.<•> ilTim /•:i|» Hii‘«. for ruu from

i-;. ;.»■» |. < j in anti frt;t;»; J» li».'a* b-Ajii <lntjii(‘l«*;% JIHtiiiK a ta ry »«.» H*iK :lz< tviin « I*ii;.i.l lira sail at at>*Mi»u«r o,* a ta li’ «>r t * * i- a t»A s. lift lt.iiif * imt .'lury ib. .iriilba! * i» tb.- /liwt.t- -it <t< fr . < k n b-n Ot-

at it-- »o|t titI . L . - ,

rib i tlvalj mb livltl'tl *raa ■ a ;tt If by

fits- or i 'i*- '.vrockua-'- **f lb* tb llrat t ntuiMltium t:lr*ltr- * u«M i It i -If*

n*-<;. Tito. :** it }*iaf» f , fta tr. tb! tr mtn •» ; it'all* r *ff*i*« :»-b>>i>« ami rr ; ;*r*> ii.t-i* ijs>‘!s brird-r to liltl> .at to* tlirl^ib!"-. b'tl tta-i-bin*’ yitlt ,nr yiAb'■ tiriur I . *«<(il>* j,b* Is !»• *!i'itM* «><’ avl tliT or lam-

•iim> ’ ijal s art ■ lb m.t* b’m> if tb- tiiriii a;iv.sb-k .siibio Htl«- ui’i-u st Rr-ator tlHam-t- a noil-

Tiir sU<i ’ iitaortrl U*> i- l*b> i's i<> j.ni’.i .-ib'-tiv.-. Ji b »vtv «n'.-Mb.n-: nbio s-.l:*'tlt<r alb of IV illrialbb o i.v iti a... rat, fly Itlslt vmmtfh i*T at'.*• fl* r?iW* . aj-.i.ii,* • !»• ••■*« ’ >•

: * fir-.

i<«ntb rrfot*

!,l«ait to t • <«;>*>< b: m a y , bo tnyy ii- asils ol'-s<.!i»t> *. f t'Ttiiii'ly no ait bin * «■- tb»u{ itltM.lfv tsoab* *r rv t*. r. k ts>. a, n i a lit -vltl'ti svuiibl icrbiitl; oiul tb* tr ib«atr>ir«Uiti, tnnbmls- b- !*'?<• Ho ts*r*' liblo to <3*> an* > .!i-.S*l* taW- *t<**

' ««!'.* Norriiliim u<»rl*f 1 M^of f«.- .t fairly im - r.ibt • ttim t; b* Si tut ‘ at. mt <!tv ottur 5>ab«i, tin’ <«jm tin y cm latlH k w s«»y Ifitil-al < lai! to tluir

i? at ** i 111atW<!iti.i: kitiioMiitn. lUrSatbb-f t.ikbi . an y . aoimb - M*b>f • in "M ... lib »:.*•'ar- to *” l-r-tr •*•-:■

t mar * nu'O-b :<>tb*' ib.iim il** ' -i:b_. '' bb b i*b •. fis {mrr> is-abb- i b> )*' .<(!> .boii .o M w m r u it o i > . »M 1,- M-* >. * |, ||*|.|;* h III *'o mill .1 Jill I’ .ib f Mill* •Ko •< ii a Him*! <•. bb ti

. til licit,

ijr< ami hum blm »**tu- i - t.;«>iit-< l.ilttinc. It»>tk Uni, -mf -O.-V .1 I*.i*rUtt«;!-i; iamiitar - iir t V ttvy Ur* bar of timlt I’b'ac k r l.ir'i-antm la - iaiott s •[■«•»» af* mt'' ;*l*.a»5ftil ii» I,.*- ■ o- ti a t f iv a . ! .<! t t - l -r a * .j-lnr Of tb.- «:tr. lot Hi- ta* an’ - }ti<- font ib JiH'ibatiltral iliflb alUyt, »»nl i-tri ~<tr\ b-tor’-i'A.-i o r •<).-atiilbr-’ *..t > «. obi bt (itoltr*i by any . M*' rl


Burdock Blood Bitten Cured Her

Mis. It lie'll, Box 101, Ncwboro, Ont. wrilci *—' Rome time ago I war «iUt Sail Hhrtini on nty hawk amt tt was so bati I smitd not do my work, I tried several medicines but they all f•bird to Iu fj> trie. One day a friend to!lime to try ilunJtK'k Blwxt Bitter*. SO I fiiit a kittle, amt Itcforc 1 bail lakri: it ttiy hawlv were better I am not afraid to ncommcml B B B to anv- kxly."

There *< *>idy one way to fid rid of .ill thorn nbiwvions skin di-ernc*. 'uch m* I’imma. Silt ititeum. Boik, Pimpitr* tb.",, :*a i tbit }>j, f/ivink tk- t>l«x»d « ’ ihofujigh cleansing by tbe n-e v{ Bur- dock BI'.mkI Bitters,

This sletbitK remedy Isas l»ceit on the market for close <>« to forty years and you tytil find that tt will do all we clairo (or it

'Mr that **ur name ani*ctr< the l>«ttle, lak 5 attd «ra{>f>tr.

The T. Miihurti Co., l.imitrd.Toronto. Ont.

fall il in Me or low- f.ir Me. as is <oi- ileiit troni >tuif lu'Kfcel of Ificwt-.: \V)iat

• elation was that to the • eur*e*l"1 An eo rnBs for re*r< m* IS, Tbo*. bbidt fio «»v«y - They Ko t*i (be |>laci.

stair- (or wldcii they are fitted.■ i baradcr which tin-' *-iies*' for

tb* no. tw> txs-imnn ftsid. t'n*l« r lr- • < r*ihl*- mtturnl kw thitr«et*r lends

to it final imritiaiiciict*; t'oiid nr bad.'’ dosepb Cook, Kwrkstins i»mkb-

im-to - life et. rnai- Kteruat iomkb- ,* tenml lik, II. V. Tim

Kim.- Creek word k used to denote the durailntt of future |niiikhtuejtt as is • mt’ioj *•<! t« ii.-notc the duration of future rewards. Tito imiikbmeiit is emB.-m amt rtfitudjle**.

uestibns, -o f wh#( l, ti;** .-r< oicon ,!t'ser*}>:b>li? Who is m |*>. iiidt •' tVrud si-jiartit(on (.»matt* ,• \V,*uu IJIustratbin i-» ua«*l;' i bow man- cfasses are alt aattons

to/k* dtsld- l ’ t ’tt what jirincttde k the s<miration •<> h« niaihv’ \\"‘tx*K rt- v.nrd !** tfl»-t*,i ta the ikho-.e*:. ' Why did lit«* rieiuiMts ix rform m-. many

works? What ts one *va•< of minkterinu uu.o Christ .* Wiiat "oiii' man*! is siv. n to the wicked.' What r« asotr Is tsslsned for that omimami' Deaerllm the uanire and dumtiui of the j.uiikbtlUhil of the wicked. *

CU.M TlCAI. SI BVKV.Tojde,- A Or- of l>ir.tinctlo 1 I When *‘hrkt k -ludjt •.II. Wh*!ii cllameler ts known.*1!. When judsjint'ttt is oaswtt.I. Whtit Coriu fti Itidgn Thk t*cr*j>>

tor* docs imf nrescHl a iiarahle, hui ,t eiatetmitt of i;in:r<> ftrme iIIhrs by him who s? ;»tt hinv* it conduct !l,i*m.

' t is t:cr- * ailed the* 4km of man liH’iitis*- tu* is to b> the jtidjt j of thi­

ef nun. Yin- sfon «>i man nnfoMe *’ hi*. Perl -e-. J; in sly ,-j«*t juslklal ry. Wit!, i ir cross in near pro-

Meet le ai- •;* e*e o f h(tn;c*|f ns the of .ill nations when 1st* it ituiHa*• houtit oa «* }<a*s»i' l a# t> and

■fvf.eii lu- sbutdd t ome, not only in tic Klory m *iiu Cn'lier, tm tin bt.t own story as Media*.>r. (t«- eatm- in tiumll' kth«» to -r*nt> ’ i'i, but In hts story bo shalt ’ leak .is Kins; nml .IuiIkc. tier*.*

i f (firth tb - certutnt.v of III* .«»»td •ui t. I» lb- days of hk (k*h ho

onuimu’d a n priMtii.T at the har. but ai ?•«;-» j. •nmd eondu t In* w ill >*i* a-i if-,- III It;.- of the whole world. «ii* ii all iutlsm-at;* wth k- st*tiime*d **) to iw . Thib delloeation of (Its Him I jtittiftiintH ;*Mortk an * xidiui&Uutt o; the preceding 'parabl*-'-.

When character k known. In- dlvitluftlft? rHtfiis ibroucbout the judsment. The spirit and work of ni’ti an- manifest in ;per«onal char- uti r;»tlr> "I In- tiidj;*- lilnt»rlf ha»- ins k * n lb" Rhui; s of utl the moral u tiolis i f tm-!i will reiiutr** no evl-

deuce. He will jutltte Individuals a*”* ortitue to thytr jersoual tendoef with .is much .-trlctiiess and reality so*

will jmti;e the caSlective world. He will find the ehararU-r of the inuer

and natun . \j»r. --1' st»m|>ed- it! oil all; Tb«* siititude they have sua* tallied tbrmtsil Ilf” will he most xttrottRlyr declared ■ In The Judgment.

!!•**> ixiratdc •anfucUou between i i.TJirkt and love to Ills bmis-

t.-it in her- i'liim*;.' t iorth. Chris fa tansuiigi.* s-i.iiu!.. -teaches th.% for hardness and r* lilsltnos in thk life there will In- f in Mie tuture, Justly ainiorlli'nid aicordlnt: i*» char

Neghet t ! doing , cvsid Is *» ,iis silt, -te-us mentioned ret-

tain work.- e( mere* us proofs of ..-If dental, t’d '- sympathy and char­ity. which men perform during their earthly lit*, a* examples of the kind el d>‘*ik whteii lie dceiiud worthy of t tented reward, Over his whole life •dun*' the glor.' «vf ftorethlng done to i-lbwi. rai'*- and -a * maiHilnd. To mniuul service httriianlty k caltcd.

Tv others liiymms a sufficient,5 ti.” Cfirkt'.'fbrit in man. Not •

h- igtikniiip’ s. >j mpathy or ctUuitv. stand!It>; iflnHe, «r*’ coud ■ticiM *■( aH*!itwn«e with Christ, but

io him U < •, oirSH’ d in to'C to Pis, in- iiiihV ei tm-:*tv cbetl*

; • ii.-r* j *u itfr ail fh* r* t. , A Bui-- gift to a UUi- ole will k- holt* t-tabi? uvnlhmd t» tit*- >»dgm*nt day.

ii! V. ii- it julkllteut k parsed. \Vhii«- tile gi*»t tidy id tile h tigtlotu wilt be a sierfons day. it will be also mi alt-deckive day. an in 'Rubleday. a ibi* profountB.' mysterious. U wiit murk C-- *•*< »» el Christ's in'U* ins «*(>• ;.’ni> «o inhrtlt b! kinedmn hi fort* the itsM-mldv of tlu- whole

in ttie langtiake of/ « elcotne• . n -diction. The Sen glorified

tin* I’aftii r S>\ attributing to bint the .a!'alien * f ttie Mtinti*. Tin* prepared Ultigibiu >s tin- {irodnet ut divine

n>-i, ft *- Father d-sismd ft. Thy* j purt h.'seil it D ie Ssilrit t-repar* s ' „ ). r it. llF—.-dnc’C ua** jircnareii *«*:»* friie tie- l**uiid;«tUin cf the

aorM ’f it* gr---.it re»I« mpitmt and tb”pt .1 jmU-t*Vn« are e.»cit*btm’lUs «*f,;,,!* , ii.. r Ti*- 11« itmi inluro i>. a...1, ,!•'* •-;!*a * * vet if < tul’i -pokef H h* ,i . u p i I t "‘ .it ail - an.-a sh, old

} ,. to l)k wolds The eternalt.iij. , < in.- right*'* u* and tin* <teruftt *-.,* *f th wicked are indisputable, ti* »!*■■• particular*,.ar»» wfthhrid.I terrnl 1U<- * iife !i C- mot :>• r- f*« { « xklc;, *. I.s Hi tl r -T cut'*- • ox* t-t it* is- »t*-r i*;d duration. : H*'< s.rjor** <r- s i t;* d t she d*** *t> «.*f tb>- tmhf'. Stli* ’ ilev | -c t '* M-lltetlee tit : * * * “id . i probation. Tim sreui ,t it, n ta t v -. ti n>* t- ;*> •iilnis amt

V. }fl »• Sin fer-” < r, U«AJ»r»t , r j<;*»*kbni*'itt will b«‘ )>< r- onal. pOst- t - • m .i *•:• n a T it V

pr» »i*»rs-* • ' fin’s*' tuav di>.* attin t*uu‘. T * - an-' l;e in ! ' live ten .-••ar-t. An’’ iitaf s n tone Him* to *»; atllmnt < >an*'ms the model.' Kjtti- um city Joimiat.


Utilizes every heat unit. Fines arranged s- heat is forced to travel over top of oven in

M c Q a r / s

PandoraO n down behind it and twice un-

) der the bottom before escap­ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. «

S o ld b y H . A . H a v ill .




W Hls, T it le Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies

o r other valuables in one o f these boxes


j every Thursday morning at Walkcrtou. Onl.

< StintU H in in N - $1.60 je t year lit

Iviuiee. O llirn riw f 1.50. United

Mute* ft.fift.




H . M . L A Y . M a n a g e r , W a lk cr ton O n l

LABATT’S STOUT1Has Special Qualities

m i l d l V s t i m u l a t i n g .N O U R ISH IN G , S U S T A IN IN G


I f not sold in you.- neighborhood, write



Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted9 FOB HARVESTING IN WESTERN OANAOA




r “ “ — ■

Pure, clean, flavory and strong, in sealed packets.

Red RoseT e a Sli s g o o d t e a ”

Th e U n e m p lo y e dIn W a n T im e s .

In »u emergency encli as facca the country this year ” tbo problem of tbo unemployed" will b*> one of the most serious that will have to bo met. Indications are many, and need not be here enumerated, that tbo unrulier o f unemployed will be largely increased during tho coming winter. Tbo retail, unless compre­hensive, proTontivo'moasuros are ad­opted, will bo great suffering and serious economic waste:

Methods for meeting such eiinat: ions Lavo been in practice for rn»ny yoars in Germany and havo acconi pljabcd great things jn checking tho evils of unemployment, Tho out. standing foaturo of tho German plan is the free labour registrie#, These are organized by the im»nic> politics and have tho ac<|ice, and whore needed, tbo financial assist­ance o f the provincial and national governments- In many instancis the trade unions and the employers of labour have co-operated with tho registries, which are mantged by committees composed of employer* and employed. W bcre possible, such registries bavo buildings de­voted entirely to their own purpos ­es. Men end women desiring work register their names and arc brought into touch with employers of labor. Henri weekly returns of unemployed aro exchanged between the regie, tries of nrijhb'm ring communities, and frsxjuently labourers obtain work by thL means. In snch cases Arrangements are made with tho railways for cheap trausportaticn,

Other foa'uros of those registrie* that »rc especially worthy of note at thi- present jurc*ur« iu Canada an* theairangvmeuts that are made for th- accomadalion of tho unem p 'oy d- l*V>r 0 t'« purpose, agsom

1 b it ha'I**, where wcrk-«eeker* way : av-emblo dicing tho day; and read- ; iog rco'iie, supplied with books and U AV4pa‘»* r». » ro provided, t» well

I »o lunch rooms «*-d work rooms for tailor**, cobblers and others, whero food nV»y beootaiaed a«d repairs to clothing made at tho lowest pos­sible erst- Lavatories and, jo some css mi bath rooms arc supplied, aud iu addition to such accommodation, sleeping quarters are found, whero tbosu deserving it c*t) obtain lodg­ings at nominal cost.

In times o f exceptional unem­ployment, however, such caused by war, labour registries esn . cot hope to provide employment for all who want work, for tho

j p]e reason that many industrits * find it uecoessry to ct>rl*it, »n<l some cases to cease operations en-

| tirdy; Under such circumstance^ ; "distress works" might be put in opt erstion daring the winter months

Even iu the severe Canadian climate them are numerous municipal and national pnblio works that could bo carried on during the winter. fc$ucb work should bo undertaken* in large pari, by tho provjnc jal and the fed­eral governments, as it >* scarcely just to require tho municipalities to bear all Iboburdeu resulting from unemployment. Murevor, Iho cen­tral authority, whether provincial or Fsderal, ju in a better position to check tho inrush of unemployed lo tho towns. I t is an axiom every whore; that industrial workers and labourers usually prefer lo remain on the verge of gLrvat’on in the cities, rather than tide themsolvos over a period o f unemployment by seeking for work in tbe country. Again, tho central governments are able lo encourago industries to keep tbeir plants iu operation* eilh- erintho manufacture of tbeir lines o f goods or o f some others which hithorto importod.

A t the same time, the financial burdens imposed by the war and the difficulties certain to bo encountered la raising loans will mako it impoe; eible to carry out all works ad vocal od by philanthropic organization** and indiyidual*.


It. J. fLndei*on, 2nd, R. .1. Handernon, 3«» Jim, Wright. Aged Ewe. 1*1, It. J. Sanderson, 2nd, It. J. Sanderson, 3rd, Jno. Wright- War ling Ewe. Lt, It. J. Sanderson. 2nd, It. J. sindenun, 3rd, Jno. Wright. Ewe Lamb, 1st, It. j. Handeraon, 2nd. It. .1. Sanderson. 3rd. Jnn Wright. Pen of Sheep, I Ram, 2 Kwes anti I IjmuK 1*1, It. J. Sandcmiii. 2ild* Jno. Wright.

CI.A8S 0—Ojckuhh HiikbpAged Ram, 1st, W. A. Tolton, 2nd,

Jew, Monk, 3rd, Adam Gnwaninck. Yearling Its til, Lt, Jaw. I* Tollon. IhunUmh. 1*1, W. A. loHon, 2nd, Ed. Tolton,3rd. Edwin. Tnlton. Aged Kwr, Lt, J«h. J„ Tollon, 2nd, Jno. I . Tollon, •It’d, Adnnt Guwnnlock. Yearling

LL Ja* I, Tolton. 2nd, Ja*. I. H,3rd,.lf*fL Monk. Rwt* tomb,

I%u J«». I*. Tollon, 2nd, Jas. I„ Tolton. 3rd, Adam (Jownntock. Pen of Oxford Sheep, 1st, Jaw. I- Tolton, 2nd, Adam Guwnnlock.

CLASS lO-SuuoinmitK Himfei*. Ag<*d Ram, Lt, If. G. llrigham, 2nd,

II. G. Brigham. Yearling I tain. Lt.11. (). Brigham, 2nd. II. CL Hrighatu. Ham I,atnb. I at, 11. O. Rrigliam, 2nd, W. J. Hopper. ‘Aged Kwi*. Lt. II. (i. Urighaiu, 2nd, \V. T. Hopper. Year­ling Kwr. 1st. II. CL llrigham, 2n«>. II. (•. Iliigliam. Kwr Lamb, 1*1, II. CL Rrigliam, 2nd, H. CL Iirighnm. Pen of Shropshire Sheep, Lt, If. G. Brig- haul.

CLAMS 12—W wtiikiih.Eat Weather Lamb, lat, Jas. L.

Tnlton.CLASS IS-YiiMKiiiniiK l l « « *

Boar I yr. obi nr over, let, Henry Ho*»f*ldt: Boor I month* and in *12. lot. Ileury llow-frl.lt; Sow 1 old and over, 1*1 and 2nd, Henry li feldt: Sow ii mouths and under 12. Lt, Henry Ilnesfeldl.

PRIZE LISTNorthern Exhibition Agri­

cultural Society, 1914,

CLASS I—Dh.u oiit Hohwk<. Stallion any age, 1st, la-vi CLmmI;

Stallion I yr», old or over. 1st. Ia*vi («ood, 2nd. lajvi (Laxl: Stallion 2 yr*. old. l»t. Peter McTavish; Draught Mare any age, l*t, Levi Hood; Draught Mare with Coal at f.M.t, l»t, lawi Hood. 2nd. II. K. Ahren*. 3rd, 11. !■'. Ahrens; Draught Filly or Uelding. 3 yte. old. I*i, John MlehUiaiis.il. 2nd. Dave Willoughby: Draught Filly or Gelding 2 yr*. old, 1st. t'ha*. Tanner, 2nd. Jno. Mlehlhnuwen, 3rd. Writ. Johriwuiri

or Sow. I* t«. Tanner;


By Taking “ Frult-a-tlies” Says Capt. Swan

I.ifei* very miserable to those who suffer with Indigestion* Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach and HiliouMirs*. This letter from Csntsln Swan (one pf the best known slippers on the ('.teat l.*ke*\ tells how to gel quick relief from Stomach Trouble.Port Burwhi.l, Oht.. May 8th. i9tj.

"A man has a poor chance of living soil enjoying life when he esnnot eat. That was what was wrong with me. U>s* of apatite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. 1 have bad trouble with these diseases for years. ! lost a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. For the last couple of years, I have taken "Fruit- a-tive*'’ and have been so pleased with the result* that I have recommended them on many occasions to friends and actimiintance*; I am sure thst "Fruit- a.llve*" have helped me greatly. By following the diet rules and taking "Fnht-a-tivea,,accordiog to directions, any i*r*on with "vspepsU wilt get banefit*’. ft WAN

"Fruit-a-tive#"are so.<: S> *11 dealers at 50c. a l»ox 6 for_|J.Jo, or trial sirs 95c. or sent 1 by Fruit-a-tl

D E N T A LW. J. H A L L ID A V , !>,;

d -I'anmaiel.

M E D I C A LD K . B R O W N , P IT hSSV

W A M A T T HA- >* M. CM. Hon.. t\. rirartoateln Arts *nrtMeiHrineal r^aeen'* l!nl*er»Hy. Memt^r of Hi* college of |itiyslctana and Huraeon*. om. e ami residenre on corner of Colburn* tl d Cayley Htreets.



These and other Perrin 's Sweet Biscuits are the v e ry acme o f deJickmsnesa. W e put them in our

S P E C I A L “ S A M P L E R ” P A C K A G Eso that you can sample them readily. W e will send this delightful assort­ment o f our fancy biscuits to you for 10 cents in coin or stamps and your grocer's name. Some of them may be entirely new to you — you w ill probably like them all. ^

Write for the • ampler package to-day.

3rd. II F. Aim lull, llim*c* or2nd, Jno. Miehllmm ... __ .Alllcne; Span Draught Homo*, Lit, D. Willoughby. 2nd, IL F. Ahrvn*.CLASS 2-Ao.lK Cl.TtHt.U, AM* GKN-

Kit At. Pl'lttmst: IiOI(#K*i.Mum with Colt « t f«>ot. I»L Jno.

Mtohlhaunvtt, 2nd. Jno. .Miehlhiuiwii, 3rd Jno. Giulnit; Filly or Holding 3 yr*. old. 1st, And. Schmidt, 2nd. Alvin Reilly; Filly or (ielding 2 yr*, old, lat, Clin*. Tanner, 2nd, Pierce Hro#.. 3nl. J. M. Fischer; Filly or Holding I year old, 1st, H. F. Ahrens, 2nd. Thus. H.

:trd. Tho*. II. Jasper; Foal of 1011 Ilorsc or Filly, 1st, Jno. Miehl- ImuMoii, 2nd, And. .Seliinidt, 3rd, Jno. Hiu hut;S|inn A-;rieiilturul Ibusos, 1st, Jno. Mirhlb.«OM o, 2nd, Ttio*. IL Ja*- iwr, 3rd, And. Schmidt; Span General PtirfNHH! IloitHut, 1*L J- M. Fischer, 2nd, NV. A. Bell.CLASS J-CAKHUtlK ASU HoAbsTClt

HoltfiKH.Carriage Stullinn miy age, 1st, A. G.

Fortune; Carri*g« Sullion 3 yrv. old and over, 1st, A. G. Fortune; Carriage Foal of IW1I, 1st, II. J. Jit tio.it; Road- *ur Marc with fun!, 1st. 'V. F. Radelj I toad, lor Filly or Gelding 3 yrv. old, 1*1. Archie Mcl-ean: Roadster Filly or Gelding 2 yr*. old, tst> W, J. Jillis, 2nd, Alex. AVucchlor; Roadster Filly or Holding l yr. old. 1*1. jJ. M. Fischer. 2nd, II. J. Ernest; Roadster Foal 1»I4 Horse or FiUy. 1*1,/ 'V.- F. Itailel; single Carriage Horae In harness 10( hand*. 1st. A. (I, Fortune: Pair Carri­age Horse* l&J hands. Rt. Jacob Hahn, 2nd, Archie McKinnon; Single Road­ster ill liarnew. under 15} bands, 1st, Thu*. Jtwpcr, 2nd, W. J. Ellis. 3rd, AHiert \Vaeehler; Pair Roadsters in Harness tiuder 15? hands. 1st, Georgs llr<-*., 2nd, Pierce Urns., 3rd, Hen. Farr: Driving Pony under 11 hands. 1st A. G. Fortune. 2nd, Horace Johnston, 3rd, Richard Tanner; Saddle Horse Gelding or Mare. 1st. Olivet McCon­nell: Lady Driving, 1st. Mi** Rennie, 2nd, MImi Ja*j*er, 3rd, Mrs. A. Waech- ter; Rest Tin nout, 1st, A. G. Fortune, 2nd, Albert Waeehter: Gentlemen's Hitching Contest, 1st, Tbo*. Wolfe, 2nd, lid. Tbwidyle; Indie’s Hitching Contest, 1st, Miss Reunie, 2nd, Miss Jasper.

CLASS I -S hobthohn Cattle Bull 3 yrs. old <6r over. 1st Henry

Hoafeldt. Bull 2 yr*. old under 3 yr*. M , W . T. Hopper, 2nd, Herbert II. I’letwh. Hull 1 yr. old, under 2 yre. I»(. Tims. 11. Jhs|h-E 2nd. IL J. Ernest. Hull under I vr. old, 1*1. Joe. Maxwell,

, 2nd, W. A. Tolton. Bull any age. 1st, VV. T. Hopper. Cow 1 yr*. old or over. 1st, Herbert II. Pietsch, 2od,T. H. Jas­per, 3rd, Henr y Hossfeldt. Cow 3 yr*. old and under I, I»t. Henry llo-mfeldt 2nd, Tho#. H. Jasper. 3rd, Tho*. IL Jas- per. Heifer 2 yr*. old and under 3 yr*. 1st, Ja*. Maxwell, 2nd J««. Maxwell, 3rd, Nlehola-s Duirer. Heifer l yr. old and under 2, Ut, Tho». IL Jasper. 2nd, Tho# II. Jasper. 3rtl, \V, T. He

Draught Filly or Gelding 1 yr. old, 1st,

, K ■ ,. . - l . i SfliAstinn Kirstine, 2nd. Sebastiandll&Jn ’ - y O ' Kirallne; While Wyandotte Cock. 1st. 1 ' Wm. Jolin-tmi: White WyandotU*

CLASS 16—R Bacon Pig. Barn

And. Schmidt* 2nd,Baron Hog*. Harrow* or Sows l*t. Arid. Schmidt, 2nd, duo*. Tanner; IlegiNlered Roar, any age, 1st. Henry Ho#**feldt; Registered Sow, any age, 1st, Henry llmafeldt-

CLASS 17—Put'LTliY Brahma Cock, l»t, SeLwtian Kir*

Mine; Brahma Hen. 1st. Scltartinn Kiistine, 2ml, Sehasllau Kir>tine; Rhode Island Beil Cock, lit, Geo. Child*; Rhode Island Bed lien, lat, Geo. Child*; Orpington Cock. l*t. Alex. W iM h ilh Otpingtou lien, M, A. H. Wahn ft Urn., JoilAlex. Waeeh­ter: While l-eghoro Cock. 1st, Walter I Milner; While la-ghorn Hen, Id , A K. Wahn A B ro; Gghorn A.O.V. Cock, 1st, Geo. Child**; la-ghoru A.O.V. lieu. 1st, Geo. Chilil**. 2nd. Jos. A. Reieheotwch; Barred Plymouth Rock Hen, l*>t. Win. Johnston: Plymouth Rock A.O.V. Cock, M , Sebastian Kir; •tine: Plymouth Rock A.O.V. Hen,

D. S. Perrin & CompanyL O N D O N • CANADA

•Im-tnu: White Wyandotte llvu. l-t Win. Johnston: Game Ran* tarn Hen, !»t, Jos. Kcichentioch; A.O.V. Rantsm Cock, 1st, Waller la>t(uer, 2ml, Waller L ttm r: A.O.V. Itnntam Hen. Dt. A. H. Steven*, 2nd, Walter Lrllntri Parr Rronze Turkey*. f»l. Wm. Johnston. 2nd. W. A. Hell: Pair Toulouse Geese, 1st, Win. John­ston, 2nd, Jo... Foster; Pair A.O.V. Her*.-, Dt, W. A. Bell; Pair White Docks, 1st. Henry llossfeldi, 2n * Win. Johnston.CLASS 1* por«,T»v OK ton 1» vr.

Brahma Co kero!. 1st nod 2*i S-ln-liuo Ki»“,i»-,e; Ri<iinoiii Pull*1st mol 2nd, .'vlsuii.m Kti»ttde; to ingioM CmKervi. Lt, Au x. Waxchlw; u. 1 iuglou I’olln, Lt. AL-x. Wavchlcr, 2 ;d, A- E. Walin .V Bio.: White Leg­horn C'H.-kerol, 1st, A. K. Wahn ,v Bro.; White Leghorn Pullet, 1*1, A. K. Wahn A UrO.; Leghorn A.O.V. Cock­erel, 1st, Geo (Thilds; L ghoriiH A O. V'. Pullet, Lt. Geo. Child*: Bund Ply mouth Rock Cockerel, Lt, Jo*. Heich- i tili.u 11, 26(1, Wm Johnston; Barred Plymouth Hock Pullet. Lt, Jo*. A. BeiehenLich. 2nd. Win. Johnston: Ply- mouth Itock A.O.V. Cockeiel. Lt and 2nd. Keh;,stian Kii-stinc; Plyi AtO.V. Pullet, L t and 2nd, Sebastian Kirstine; White Wyandotte Cockerel. Lt.Geo. Childs, 2nd, Wm* Johnston; While Wyandotte Pullet, L t aud 2nd, Geo. Chilli*; A.O.V. Wyandotte Cock­erel. Lt. Wm. Johnston; A.O.V. Wyandotte Pullet, 1st, Wtu. John* ton; A.O.V. Poultry Cockerel, Lt, Wm. Johnston;, A.O.V. Poultry Pul­let, 1st, Win. Johnston; A.O.V. Ban tarn Cockerel, Lt, Jo*. Re ic hen bach, 2nd. Walter L ttn m A.O.V. llantaiu Pullet, 1st. A. II. Steven*. 2nd, Walter Lutnei; l*air Broute Turkeys, 1st, W. A. Bell, 2nd, Wm. Johnston: Pair Touloti*i.Geese. 1st, Jo*. Mct-arte 2nd, Geo. Child*: Pair Geese A.O.V W. A. Bell; Pair White Ducks, 1st, Wm. Johnston. 2nd, Cha*. Tanner; Pair Colored Rucks, 1st, Jas. L Tol- ton, 2nd Sebastian Kirstine.

'*• CLASS 10—Pmr Stuck.Colh-ctiou of at least U Varieties, 1st,

Jas. McCarter: Pair of Babbits. Lt, ,‘ II. Steven*. 2nd, Ja*, McCarter.

CLASS 20 -L ive T aiilk 1’ iiui.tk yPair Plymouth Itock Cockerels, Lt,

Sebaathth Kirstine: Pair A-O.V. Cock­erels, 1st, Ja**. McCarter, 2nd, Alvin Reilly; Collection Live Poultr y, I Cock and 1 Hens, all of one Breed. Lt. Wm. Johnston; Pair Pigeons, L t and 2nd. H. Stevens.

School ChiedkknV SuctionPair Plymouth Rocks. Hatred. Cock­

erel and Pullet, Lt, Geo. Gransden, 2nd, Amos MirhUwusen.c l a s s 2t—Aim tut* tr y »

1 bbl. While Winter Wheat. Lt. John Smith, 2nd, And. Schmidt; I bbl.

Smith; S White Field Carrot*. »*». And. Schmidt. 2nd, A, K Wahn ft Rr*>.: •• Ling Mangold* Wurtzel, LI, And. Nclrmidl, 2nd, Jno. P. Johnston; (Glolm Mangold* Wort/el. Lt. W. II. Matlhew*. 2*at, And, SchmMt;6 Sug#r MaogohL, 1st, And. Schmidt, 2nd, Edwin Matthews: 2 Large Squashr** for rattle. Lt. Edwin Matthews; 2 Mammoth Pumpkin*. 1st, K. Matthew*. 2nd, W. II. Matthews: 2 Common Yellow Pumpkins. Lt, Jo*. Schnurr fc Son; Cdtlecthm Field Roots, 3 of each, Lt, And. Schmidt, 2nd, K. Matthews.

SclUHil. ClMMlKKM’H SKITIOS.Class t—Quart O. A. C. No. 72

Oat*. Lt, John (iarbutt, 2nd. Malcolm Tolton.

(.’la** 1—2 Roots. Ideal Mangolds, 1st, Howard Grandsen, 2nd, Emerson Rapp.

Class 5 it Davie* Warrior Potatoes, Lt; Alvin Reilly, 2nd, Stanley Tolton.

Class *5 rt Empire Stale Potatoes, Lt. John Garbutt.

C m t inti *d on Pag# 5

J. G. C ARTER , aaKTUSKSof Ur nr*. Hairs of all kinds prompt I r at- Karmslork and̂ Imyrinsnis a

t lb*ly. Terms reasonable UCAHTBB.f~

--- - ran be *Uffle*. Watkerton.

V E T E R I N A R YS. HANMORE.V.S.ario VeterinaryCoUet^ Dr. Ifanmor* baa

<1 *i») attended


Mr. Harvey BrcckeRmnk | i» c *m- plcted tho gravelling contract on the 15th tide road,

Mr Malcolm *r»a Miss Jessie Mellon a li of ClrssOly wi re tho gm *L **f their lister Mrs. Th*w Mitchell.

Mr. Jno MtGarrUy left 011 Saturday for Brtlin, after spending his holidays wUh bis parent# here.

Mis* Miriam Mitchell is Npeniiiog n few days with tier sinter Mr*. J. T. Birrol or Maple Hill.

Mr W. Monk had the misfortune of having one of lm horses die on him last week.


Merchants BankOF c a n a l a

l ’ A i u u r c a p i t a l * ; , 000,000 RESER\ E F U N OS 17,248,134

220 Branchesfrt; SAVINGS A C t V I 'irS ol

thuve desiring n strong SivVINCS RANK, arc cordially Invited. Int-

omber. as fomieriy.WALKERTON BRANCH

K . M . T A Y L O R M a n a g e r

«ge. Herbert tl. PleLeh. CLASS 5—Iii

3 yr*. old

And. Schmidt. 2nd. J. M. Ltscher; I l>ht. Black Oat*. 1st And. Schmidt. 2nd. Sebastian Kitxliue; 1 hid. Large Field

LI. Dav. Willoughby: I hhl. Field Pea*. 1st, Sel*i»tian Kir*

ue» 2nd, And. Schmidt; I bhl. Small . . . . . JolS I leans. Lt. A. K. Wahn A'Bro.,

2nd i 2ihl, laiuiti Vneck; 12 ears White

Cow 3 yrs. old or over. 1*1, tv. 1. llopiier. 2nd. W, T. Hopper, 3rd And. * ‘‘a*.Schmidt. Hrif« r 2 yr*. old and under, Su,*)!3, 1st, And.Schmidt, 2nd. W..T. llopp- tuajk’*.; er, 3rd, Aud. SiihmidL Heifer. 1 yr. [ eiela Iand under 2, Lt. J**. Maxwell. 2nd | 2*6 . LjuL } *••«*« ,1“ * * " ,\V T iliinner Heifer Calf under t I Indian Corn. Lt. And. Schmidt, -nu vr.' lit N B S ’aa i i S r . aid .H IIoss- Johh Smith: 1 hhl. Bed Clnver Sect. L;|, .j* 1 <i|iv«*r McConnell Steer 2 LI, And. Schuiidt, 2nd. J- M. Kltchlh

'ml W T Bonner 3rd And. Sehmidl. : A-**ortment Grain, not b*** that iU var- li’-r t vr' o f f i u ^ w S w . T ; ! ietlea, J bhl. of each. Lt. And. Schmidt; inia-i ^ ’nd W T Hopikw. 3rd, Jas. I Assortnienfc Grain in the Sheat uot K lL ^ S te e r 'C d ! u K * l >r. Lt. j l « j than 3 varieties. Lt. And.Schmidt, ul. Schmidt, 2nd. And. Schmidt- . -nd, J. M. kischcr.

1. old and under 3, 1st. Jas. Maxwell. I <>*1, W. T. Hopper, 3rd. And. Hcbtriidt. ; A «•er I yr. old and unde*- ’’ w - *r- • LU

Moppet. 2nd, \Maxwell. Stei And. Schmidt, 2nd. At_.Herd ( I’emalcs, Lt, W . T. Hopper. CLASS 22 IUhiTo and Hokd ChuI' 2nd. And. Sclunhlt. I'nt Sleet''grade j . . . 'ivria Pntatoe* fit. J. M.

And. SchtUKll. ra t lo w or Better., 1 L i And. Lt, And. Schmidt, 2od. W.T. Hnpper. i{oum| While Typ#

CLA.SS7-DA.ur GHADK e l * ^ « f l « f M

MiehlhaiUKjn. 2nd John Miehlhausen. I .?* /iNBLcU«*n3rd, Jos. Schtiurr A Son. . |.,„"t„e*, I peek of each. 1st. Marlin

- - . llWJgl ...........'e.uling Rain, Lt. U. J. Sandvison. ip». Lt. And. Schmidt: » (»!

2nd, Juo. Wright. Bam Lamb, 1st, 1'

A be rile____ dt; 0 Hreystone

urnips, 1st, Aud- Schmidt, 2od, Jno.

prai)t T°Wi)BT,ip

FarmsI have, in Brant, 2 fifty acre

farms, I forty-six acta (aim. 1 one hundred and thiity *ete farm. 2 two hundrrd acre farm* all KI.l. IMPROVED, convenient to Hanov­er 01 alkeitoo, and the owners have placed them in tny bands be­cause they ARE BOl'NDTOSELL I bavo also a loO acre far m In Perth, near LLtowrl. one of the best I arms In tbe County < f Perth, with extra improvement*, a very great bargain at I neverbe.'ole bad such a choice of Farms a*now. My office is HEADQUAR­TERS and von should come to see tueif vouw rnl toh-ry at t iphlp iim

H. H. Mi l l e r

Sm ith & M c C o n n e l’sChoppingMillF e e d S e e d S to re

A l l K in d * O f Cerea l A n d C o a r ie Fed F o r S a l In T o n L L O r In A n y Shape;

S m it h & M c C o n n o l| W ALKEKTON, O NT

'Wsod’D Piosjiotlxj,

i f lM B »***«»* JlÛ J7T .7,7 .. ,n. oM. Ourtt AVrrou*lability Strntal an*t llratn ll’orry. Ottpnn- drnry, af Kntrgy, palpitation o/ lh,!*"**• tfalltnf Utmory. Ptî # «| or, bo,.SKShaSS S ^ J K 5 £ W 2SS -3in wicinYcô tmo* rs. hm 'J’1' “ °00

Individual instruction permits •"■•i to eater any day at tbe

O w e n Sound* O n t .It is resognlxod aH the moat thor­

ough, practical business school in Canada.

Individual Instruction.

Our three *U>ry college building.


V A FLEMING. F. 0. A.. Principal DG. FLEMING Secretary.


t linn good ph( they are true portrait*— krinslng out all that's best in character and individu­ality. Make your ap- poinrments NOW.



If you want a stove

buy a “ H A P P Y

TH O U G H T.” None

better. Aso a lull

line of Heating Stoves

H A HAVIWolkcrton - - Ont.

Dr. de Van ’s Female PiHgA *eti«b!e Fi*xh temblor jivtw fall*. Thr*a pill* cxcrHInflv nowfiful lo rr*ulilloj ih*

f -nn*ll*e portion ol the (rai(!o *T*1*m. R*(u*« »:! c*»*p tsBllilioo*. Dr. d* Too-* tr* (old (I



W A L K E R T O N1 Money Saving OnDortunities for the Thrifty Housewife P EYNOLDS9


G R O C E R IE S |6ComfortS«aj> ......! ioc Hantly Ammonia

2 JC l b ; — - ~ J


| Baked Beaus Coal Oil.

25c Coffee....... .....4ocBlack Tea. 3lbsCornflakes ....................... 00; Best Vinegar.Canned Peas......................... '^PotatoesCanned Corn....................6 Boxes Kady’s Matches.... 25c

..... 25c......7C...... 8c15c gal 35c Ka

8c j * ....... ...........................90C baff’ 16 lbs Brown Sugar . ..... .1.00

2 lbs Fancy Biscuits . Cotu Starch............

cC; Eggs, new laid..............25c doz28c I Butter ..............................25c 11)

DRESS GOODS1 P ie c e all vcol fine black cashmere, 44 inches wide, reg 60c

for...,.............................................. 3 9 c .5 P ie c e s all wool Bedford Cords in tan, seal, navy, black and

green, reg 85c, reduced to......................................................... 5 5 c .

$ 1 . 0 0 I radios Flannelette night gown, einbroiTy trim’d 8 5 c .

36 inch Heavy colored Flannelette, special, 9 yds........... $1 .O O

$ 1 .0 0 O v e r h a u ls 69c*Good big sizes made of heavy

black cottonade, strongly sewn.

$ 1 .2 5 B lu e S t r ip e O v e r h a u is 8 9 c .

Made of heavy Maceo duck, 8 oz, all scams well sewn and furnished with rivets, the spec- ial price is good for one week.

175c. Boys’ Pants...... ............ 49c75c Men’s Work Shirts.......49c$100 Men’s Fine Shirts.......69c

|$5.oo Men's Fine SHoes ..,$3.95

($4.00 Men’s Shoes...... .. $2.95

I Mens Cotton Sox, 3 pair for 25c

I Mens White Hdkfs, 6 for 25c

Mens Colored “ 3 for 25c

I B . R E Y N O L D , W a l k e r t o n



The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires nochang­ing of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

nty re*t# til broti tl.ei wearm

"K ing Hat”K inS HaU»«e flexible and *elf-con> ottninS. Ju»t xUn lit b l ttuU hi: head.


e r iA T fC R D . OffT,'

is a school with a continents* lCpiliatioH for-hijjh (iradc work and (or the sum*** of its Craau* ates. a school with superior courses und instructors- We jjive individual attention in Couitncrcial. Short hand and 1 c- Ifjtraphy Departments.

Il.l.- V t i llW hy 11 ii4‘i-d < Drtt iiiiv tiuu'. Wiin frvp c*l*tt*tgti*v :

I). A. McLaulihtn. principal

S H A W ’ SB u s in e s s S c h o o ls

Toronto,CAnadri. givr* high g t i « ci.urn;* aid quality ><it«rg pu p to 1 hi 11 gunl mi!m icr. Tliny ini Ini' T h - Cm tint t'« l'*gY onngi-ntirt i»«n>id Si»., » ril s ty Brat'di HirhunD < i>nfc»*n iKiiucNt. Enter any tlm W .II. S'l-tw. Pied d**nt.

Y £VUUREQ|i>, • rX'i • t >-r ix v e n .Totfd Ai > t.v • • ;i> : mt

v i riA m oY .VA *i «9.lt->0).

Cook's Cotton Root Compound.tn/t. rtliahl* rtOMioting

mtdleiHf. gilit in ttrw dr­ew# ol .rtrroglh" No I. St: No. 2, |3: No. 3, 15 per Iki«. Sold hy sit iInu*i*w.or»»nt


___ „ ___0 pcnitioci. CoDcge1 from Sept. let. Catalogue

free. Enter any time.J.W. WesUmlt * J. W. Weitemlt, Jr.

Pitacbal OutmUamtnt

; I , J. LI It; M V A COU T<>! •L-Ukr Jhw*e*a*.*~T->k, IMivf.Y vom!»|>.

55 ffintrlTORONTO

t« Centre of Slmppifti:-m<i Unrlm* UUrict.

5*0 BOBUS- 100 With PrlrnU «ath( Kvnoi'tur.’ ash Ameiiii as V$~t

A t« Cart* ftMtauraat '*AM *. 1 HOKPtOU. •*


{Cuntit ued fiom I’agt: I)

( In * z\~ pm :IT

2d vtttv Aiihl.s N .uu i'.l-D t. \V. A. n , v i , ' u t W m .i h w * ik -,.

: t .1 : (0 Var, Ani»f <# toruxiwil. I at. j A. 1C W-lii., 2nd And. Hchtii.dl: »' Vat, Apjd * lor iltavti l..i. j . S. |)»|»-

jh-I. 2«a J..* Nciiuurt; I V«r. Appl .■» ;.<i « >H»ktiu to . Win J<thu»H>t» 2u4 J ,h. Mriiino-r k S »n : i Vui. Wi nlihy Apj*i“i*. I i l U»iv«.| .M> Com.ell, 2nd \V'. A. tt uran.l; a V»r, hi><>w Ajipl'** 1st Mi* A S Antixluli, 2nd Albert Wat chi- t-f, 5 St l awretnw Apples l« l (»••«> Child*. 2nd Jos Hebnnrr & Nun: •>

| Ducbt>sof OidenbuiR. L t Edwin In!-, 'ton, 2nd .ins Me Cat lei: ■'> Kiln-tone . Pipjit'U Apple*, 1st And dulituidt, 2nd■ Alticit Wauohmj Stimviundein. I*t ; Mi* AJS**ni>lon. 2nd J,ts- TuiUni:."> M tidt-u* lilush, 1st Jo* Scbnsif A

; Sun, -Tal N 11 .'iHlttiewb: •’>, 2d ok l’ i|>- . pin Apples, l»t J-ts L>Toltv0. 2utl Win : Johnston; '• AlexnnUer Apples l i t Mr*: llf in y Monk, 2nd Dave Willoughby;

Any other t.itl var. apple 1st John i ntrbuil 2nd Alex WaetTite,. 5 id ime# isoidi-n Apple l>t i4t ET. Iton; Hen

s Diivm. Apple* l*l Edwin Tollon, 2nd <0* SehnniT A Son: Huldwin Applet*

•’ t»t la* JlcCartor 2nd Jus L To nor;: Khovlr Island i<»rcni»>g*. I»t VVjohn- * aid'll 2nd tan I. Tullon; Amcilcao tiold- tn Itus.et l-«i W A H>w.uit'll 2nd John tiaihuU: Northern Spy 1st J MPischer 2nd lieu Child*. King ..I Tompkins, 1st And Schmidt 2nd .Mm

■ Adam (jowatiloek; OutHlio Apples 1st UliverMi.tT.niKl 2«d Edwin Tolt.ll y Hoxbury Apple*. I»l W Johnston. 2nd W L it-uieii; Maim Bppl* *, 1st

j .1 M Fischei; 2nd Win Johnston; :» I levs auk ie Apples, l*t Edwin T il-

! ton 2i«l AV A Hovvaud; Any other j winter apples, 1st Jas'McCatter 2nd ; And Hchiuidt; ■'» Largest Apple* I ' t to*I Sehmur A Sijn 2nd J«i»m UdfliUU;; lie y|r*t npph* J*t JO® Scbmor and i Son 2nd .ndm G*rhutl: Peat® 2 of jeadt 1st .trt»Tolton: d BurtleU I’ean*: 1st Edwin Tolton 2nd iolm Fo-ter. Clapp* Favorite 1*1 jiu» G«rhnlt, 2nd j M FLcher; Sheldon I’e-vi* 1*1 T«l- Uni, t) Flemish Ueituly; 1st .««* L T«)t* ton 2nd Jo* Scbnnti A Hon; Unirtt; Clairgcau. 1st Ja« LTotton 2nd W F Uaddell; « Duche** do Augotii >u 1st W F K-iddi'll: II lii.vodnH Penm. l*t Kewln Tolton 2nd Ja» I- Tiilmti; ti -Seek el Pears l,i W F pt|Hlel « Winter N'elJci* pvnis 1st And Schmidt; d Jo*e- phine do iMulitn-H 1st Ja* Tolton: Any other Fall »ar 1st Ja* TeltomtJIat- gest Pears 1st Ja«L Tdlpm; 12 Loin hat'd Plum* l*t Ja, 1. Tolton 2nd A 11 Steven*. IS Monarch Plums 1st W A ItOWend; 12 Yellow Egg Plum* 1st And Schmidt; 12 any othei v«rP l«ru » l*t J M Fincher 2ml Jno < idlhutt; .Tvnr njien air grades 2 benche* 1st W F ItmidrU 2nd Mt* A Swanson;.H bunch c* Coricctd tirape* 1st Mr* A Swanron 3 hunclitH DtUvitro Ornpeslst Mr* A

J Svvanson 2nd Js« I, Tolton; 3 hunches I any whim named 1st W F K»ddcll10 quince* 1st .M«* Jm In* ilohu: S vai Cr.ih Appier 1st lid win Tolton 2nd Dave Willougbhy. J H Whuier, Judge.


! :i head* O l i e ’ l , »< 4 , M M N tTU- i cttiVon 2 tH-ads'Viu< ibg*d»dvCahbage I - 1st Jo* MettnurrA Son, 2nd And j Seam Id t. .‘‘ id Wu» Julia Kali, ::IuokU : w inter Cahhage— 1st Ami setruiidl 2nd ] A M Critchtn D, Jut W F Kadel :: heads red Cahhage— 1st And Scl'inidt- 2nd A M Critchison 0 Long Ked Car, rot, 1st Dave Willoughlty. 2nd Ana i Schmidt, 3rd Jo* Scbnut r A Son In- termedlBte t^auots—lut Jo* Scbnurr A Son, Sod A E IVahn A Urn, 3rd And Schmidt 0 Early Horne Canola— 1st And Hcbu-idt, 2nd Mr* Adam tiowunlock. 3rd Jos Schniirr A Son, 0 Table Parsnips-1st A E Wahn, 2nd Jos tfcbuutr A Son. 3rd And Schtnldt, U Hoots Salsify—J*t And Schmidt 2nd Jo# Scbnurr & Son. 3 V‘egnlat)lo Marrow—l«t Edwin U. Matthew*, 2nd W If .Matthew*. 3rd Jo* Scbnurr A SOD, tl Ued tV>«0atoe* -4 -S 1 tippet. 2nd And Su-hmidt. 0 Yellow Toma- to»*s—let And Schmidt. 2nd Jo* Sch- nurr & Sou, 3rd J M Fischer, tl car* Sweet Corn —Ul And Schmidt. 2nd Louis YAcck, 3rd-1 M Fisher. 8 Koot* O lb ry~ t 5 DippcI. 2udJo*Schuurr & Son, 3rd N M Critrhi-on. 6 Long Blood Bed*—1st Jo* Schnnrr A Son, 2nd Mrs, A liowauioek, 3rd And .Schmidt, tt Turnip Betas—1st Edwin A l**ac M ittliews, 2nd Mr*. H-nry

Monk. 3rd W H Matthe#*. 12 White [ Onions from Seed—l* i A K Wahn A j Bros 2nd And Sebroidl. 12 Yellow ‘ Oafous from Sin.*d»—Jiw Scbnurr A I Son. 2nd A E Wahn A Bio, 12 Ked f Onion* irntu Seed# -1*1 A E ttnbu A ! Bro tl anv other kinds of Onion*— 1st j And Schmidt, 2nd Jo>iSebtmrr.Se Son,; 3t»l Mrs A SwatiMon. 6 Summer

ltadii-h—1«t Jos Scbnurr A Son, 2nd Alvin Kdlly. 3rd N M Ct lliebison. 0 Winter Uadlsh—l*t And Sidimiet, 2nd JovSchnurrA Son. 3rd Alvin Reilly.3 Water Melon* in J M Fisher, 2nd Jos n'hnuri' A Son,!hd J S Dippcl. 3 Mu*k Melons—1st A B Wabn A Bro. 2nd Elwin A Isaac Melt hews, 3rd a M Fischer H Citrons, Hound or Long— !*t • S DipjH’l. 2nd Ami Schmidt. 3rd Edwin A- Liiac .Matthew*. 3Huhh«>d

Spia*b—1*1 Andt»>.'hm;d’ . 2nd E & I j Matthews, JOSSclmItrr .k Son. Collec. j >mnHarden Herbs-V-IsM »s Scbnurr <x | Son. Collection Harden Vegetable*—; H Jo* ikhnurr .V -oe, 2 d A K Wahn I A Bro*, 3rd N H/Maitbevv# Codec- j Uon Totnoloer-rst jo* *clmurr.1 D AIRY PKODCCTS CLASS 2.T

1*1 A E Wnlm 2nd J M Fischer 3rd Mr# Reilly; l » l*»» Kuiler mil# or prints 1st Albeit \V« ehur 2nd JM Fischer: 10 lbs butter in emek 1st Mrs vdniu (iownleck 2nd Mr* a Swanson 3rd Alex Waechtei . Home made cheese 1st i M E’ischcr 2:.d and Schmidt; 10 In buttei in I'tock S|te( ial, The Uunn Egg A Dairy t'o. Mis Admit (iowulock 2nd Mrs Reilly.

MISCELLANEOUS ( LASS 2t» Tomato Catsup l*t 5!r* Ji>s Keichvm

iktcb 2nd Mr- >u* S humr S i; Coll Cal M»p l-t Mr* a Saar ron 2 d Mi * vdan. Imwotibn k: Cvi mm cd Fruit 1st Mrs 3 4* LTbiim,; Cofl.1 Bn * d var 1st Mr# Adam tiovvai I t t : C. It Pi tie* 0 var 111 Mr* a Swan* *•> 2 d Mr* a G<iw#b-

2 1 a * c# H.m-madp Bread M i 'lr* A S. Imiitlt 2 ut 31 « ,tno l*\.Hter : 2 havobonu- uia-te i» « « i< hiead l»t : Mrs a Swanmn* 2nd Mi* Atld Schm’dt ! 1̂ tea lii#colt* l t Mi» vil tm t iovvivn-

' lock "m l M y Johnson: Plahi »poiig# cake Iv. M<* And Swan-.m 2nd A E Wahn; lleevnst d<-2 ben egg* 1st Sebastian Khsth t* 2nd Uilniel Kramp.

CLASS 23 P lant* A Fi.owKit*. Collection l»»rcnh<<u-e PDn*>— l«t N

M Critchienn. 2nd H M Nnrt ixh Coll ('••Ini#—1st N M Critcbi*oo, 2nd H M Nortish. Coll llrgonias—1st H M N’oitisb, N 31 CtllcPam Display of Widow Plants—l*t N M Critch.son. 2 nl H M Non i*h 3 Vai ( icraniuma in bhmm—1st x M C'iUhooo d Windovv Plant* in hi nut -L t H M Non Lb. 2 Film bins ituuldc— l#t x M Crilcluson. Gtrtniuu e Color* d -1st N M Critcbi- *)*»» 2 'Hanging Bastet# — L i s MCiitchison, 2* d 11 M Norrisb Stogie Palm Is’ H M Non tab, 2nd M »i l)tpp*l 3 viir Palm* Call-l*t N M CHlcbUoo. H M Norrtah t’rdt Feths- l*t II M Nor i h T btc R^uet opeju, am 1*1 It M N iri*h 2nd JuBSchmirrl A: Son Hand In ipn-i i»pen Air—1st un S ’bnurr a* d S a*. 2ml Mr* .to# a Rich eot ack .N Dahlia. 3 va« -D t H M Nmri-h Coll Dahlia* « v a r -1st ti ll N..rii*h Coll, AtmuaL in itloom ' B * I Matthew* 12 Pao.ei# 12 var- M L*iui# Yivrk, 2nd K ,V I Matthew- Coll. A*tei* O.-yai •• !*t H M Mwllhewi 2nd Daniel Krnmp 12 (jnillcd AVer Ivarjtat Mr*. O i v r MeCQuneil Coll 10 weeks »t*ck» 0 y#r let Daniel lv< nop C It Vo *bnn«— 1st H M Nor- il-rh. find E A: l,M .tihew# Coll Slngli Pelomaa hit ' l l M Non Lb, 2nd Jus Ric.hcubm * Cull Phlox Drmuondi— 1st JO# Soh'uur A S n Coll Double Zinnia# l*t H M N’orrish Coll Dlanthnv IV Kami I MnUbrtv# Coll Sweet Pea* l*t E «nd I Matthew Coll Caroa'iou# • Hi II M Norrisb Floral Dc.icn—l*t H M Norrluh, 2nd v M ('rltebi'Cn. Coll res®# - H M Normh

>1 A AHTriigLL, juilgr?

Cl DP'S 2** ■* Laiu i:* WutiK I foniton L'x-e — 1st Miss Em

Nijltoll, 2nd Mtv, w j Savage Point




Lace — l*t Mis Julia Bail. 2nd Mi#« Bdna Kcahurti Kattcubri-g L«> i* -l*t Mi# Julia Ball, 2nd Mr# \daui tiuwu- loufe Crotchet work in Wool—1st Mr# \dvm Uowulock, 2nd Mi#* Edna Rea- buru. Crotchet Wor * in Cotton—Ut Mrs Jno.Foster 2nd Mr# jqo Manor.11tali Cootchet-'-lal .Mrs Julia Ball, 2nd Edna Reabnrij Emiaotdery in silk or Satin—1*1 Mis w j Savage, 2nd Mis* Nettie liyalop. Koiuau Euihroiil- ety -1st .Mi# Jo# Hattiley, 2nd Emma Nicholl*. Spanisti Embroidery—1st Mr# AdamGowulwk, 3od Mrs Savage. French Embroidery—1st Mi## Edna itenharu. ‘2nd Mr# Jim Huiklov, Kug- ii*h or Hyeiet Embroidery—1st Mrs JnoHukiey. 2nd Mr# J#» L Tolton. Bulgarian Embroidery—.J#t Mr* W J Savage. 2nd Mr* Jos Rlchcnback Hanl- nngcr Drawn Work—1*1 Julia Bail, 2nd Mrs Ja# L Tolton Outline Wot k -| * i Mi* Holm, 2nd MtsJ Ricbeiiback Nutting—lot Mi# \V j Savage. Mr# Jos Scbnurr Darned Not—1st \daut

. 'Hillock, 2nd Mrs Julia Ball Cen­ter Piece Silk Embroidery—1st juo IJarkley. 2nd Mr# W J Savage O u tre Centre Pteti-. Anyothn Kind—1st Mr# Julia Ball, 2nd 5lt*» Edna Keabtim.

o'clock tea cloth, Silk Emborid* cry —Iv lM iaH Mailer, 2nd Mr* w J Savage Fancy Pin Cushion—i»t Mrs

Savage 2ml Mr# joo Hatkluy._ ..:y Tattle Drapo or Cuvet l*t Mr#Julia Ball, 2nd 4no Barkley .Mount i Meitc wotk—1st Mr* Adam Cowan ! iork, 2nd Mt# •'!** b Toltoti Piano Drspe—l#t Mi»# Ntcbol*. 2ml Mr# W j Savage Photo Drape—Dt Airs Adam • .ownlovk. 2nd Mi* VV J S*v«ge Sluni- j tiering Rug—1st .Mrs Jtilin Ball, 2nd !

Sclmurx Novelty «1 any kijid — Mi## Emm a Nicholl. 2nd Mrs Jos

Schmur. Shirt Wairt Set Cu»T# and Cnliuts—Dt Mr# Jno Harkh-y. 2nd Mrs Kicheiibnck .Sideboard Scarf -■ 1st Mr* Julia B<H. 2nd Mi## Edna Rcahum Wash Stand splaxher—l*t Mi*# Edna Heaburn, 2nd M»» Julia Ball Sofa Cushion —1st Mi## Einum NiciiolD. 2nd MU# Dippcl Table Dolllrs in While Linen—Dt Mi** Edna Reabuiit, 2nd Mr# W .1 Suvage Table Mat* — 1st Mrs Julia Hal). 2nd Miss Dilute I Tmy (.'loth iu White Linen—1st .Miss Edna itesrbum, ,Mt> W a Savage. Talting- l*t. Miss lidna Heabutn. 2nd Mr# Adam (iownlnck Pillow Slmines—1st Mr# J Holm. 2nd jik» Httkley Fancy Ant on — Dt Mt# Jno Hurkley, tod MDs balna iteaburu Home made Shii-t Waist Itiwunr Lineu—l#t Mrs jiio lfarkley, 2nd Mr# Julia Bail Needle work plain by band—Dt Mr® Julia Ball. 2nd Mr, jiu> Fester Hein stitcb bnudkerchiel

l*t Mi*# Edna Keiiburn. Quilt Pate work best design—Dt Mm JoSitebnUK* 2nd Mr# J Ho'm Cornfotter borne madt!- I*t Mrs H .Mainer, 2nd M s Adam Cowt lock Count* rpane, Knitt­ed i.v Cmtcbed—Dt Mt# II Maurer. 2nd Mr- < Mtcjnrell Pair Woolen Sock#—Dt Mr# W .1 Ravage. 2nd Erl tin Reti'iuiu, Pair Woolen Milt* — 1st Mrs W J Savage, 2nd Mis Henry Maortr Pair Slipper*. Knitted or i roicbet'd Dt Mi * W J Savage, 2nd Mr* AdamCowoliM-k Assort Knitted c,tada— 1st Mis W .i Savage Burnt W .m.,1 D: Mis* Kinina NichvlN. 2nd Mr* Julia Bail Wood carving—Dt Mr# H Matuer, 2nd Misti Dippcl Paint­ing on i Him*—Dt Mis* Dippcl, 2nd MD* Emma Nichnit# Painting on Milk or'Satin—1st Miss EmmaNichalhL 2nd Mr# i Riehenl>ack Painting on Pl*i#h or Velvet 1st Mr# W Savage. 2nd Mr*. Holm.Mrs Huntsmen, Mrs Abbie 'i houiMin


FINE ARTS—CL V-S :«»Oil Landscape or Mariuetpiofeswion-

all Dt Mr# Albert Waecbler; Copy L*ud'C*pa or Marine Amateur Oil Painting Dt Mi** Dippcl 2nd Mt** Net tie U j slop: Original Flowers or Fruit Amticur Oil Pointing Dt Mis#Nettie ID slop 2nd Mis# A nun* WilsWr; Still Life, not Flower or Fruit, Amn'eur Oil Painting Dt Mi** D'ppcl 2ml Mr# LC o 'K e «f»: Portt«»t t)il Painting Amateur D l Mi** Annie Wilson 2ntl Mis L t O'Keefe; Coll /• Oil Painting Amateur Mi** Annie Wilson 2nd Mi*# Nettle Hyelop; Copy Landscape or Mattn<-Amateur Water Color: DlMr# I, C O'Keeh» 2nd Miss Holm; Origin- nl Flowers or Fruit Aumteur Water Color Dt Mb* Annie Wilson 2ml Mrs- 1. C O Keefe; Aniiuai# t<r Bird# A uih- tfUe wuter color# Dt Mi#* Ann Wthott. Portrait, aiiiiueui'. U'ltter color#. 1st

, Mr# L C O’Keefe, 2nd Mil# Annie Wil- j son; Collection 5 Water colors, ! Amatenr, Dt Mow Annie Wilson, { 2nd Mr: W J Savage: Crayoa Por- | trait Amateur Dt MDs Atiele Wil- ! -on 2. d Daniel Kramp: Craven draw j mg C-'py Land* Amateur Dt Miss An- { oie Wilaott 2nd MD# Holm; Pencil

i*« Anoia Wilvon, 2nd Oan Kramp;

Oi nameutnl Pomnansbip Amateur 1st Daniel Kramp: Free band drawing by a child under II year* of age, Dt Dan­iel Kramp 2nd Mias Uertto Swanson Coll from private dwelling nolle*# then 10 pit tures 1st Mis# EdnaRciiburn W ilting Contest by *eboo!children.


la*ad» in age. inilncnce and suenl graduate#. H|tae5fiB*e# in fitegg

and Pitman sln>tlitand and (til i meruiul *nhj(ct#, Fall term open Autfn.-t 31*t. A*rite for our catalogue Addle#* T. WauclmjM', Prinvipai, Yungc vV MeOil Wt#., Turouto

N A TCR AL HISTORY CLASS 31 Best C<Election of *tu(fed bird# and

amnial#; 1st prize Mr# (1 Maurer Han­over; Best collection Insect# Dt Win Vanhornv; collection of wood Canadian and foreign Special Dt Prize Daniel Kramp. Judge, C S Tolton. t la*# 33—Single seated Buggy Covers, D l W J Bitdstein—Geo Lettncr Judge.

C A K L S R U H EThis year the Maple dountd it* red

E’er Summer day* were o'er,-rieTing in ailcnt sympathy.

For the Umusanda Main iu war- O Godatrelch forth thy mighty arm

Bid mortal hatred cc*m\King out the fal«c. King in the true And grant the nations peace.

Mr. and Mr*. M. Becnittgar and Mix* Diebal all of Mihlmny were visit­ing Mr. and Mr#. Halter of the British lion on Saturday last.

, and .^rs. Wfisbar and child accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Scha- tiiacherof Mildmay motored hereon Sunday to visit friend#

lad to report'that Mr. Cha*. Dieb- cl who wa# injured by a train it better again

Mr. and Mr®. J. Lobtiinger gave a farewell p*riy on Monday night in bonuuruf Mu# E. Schwan who leave# shortly lor her home in Owen Sound* A very enjoyable evening was spenL

A great maov from here purpose attending the Walkerton and Hauover Fait# ibis week.

Mr. and Mr#. Hehkoph and family of Hanover are yisitiog at Mr. WRnaseli's.

Mr Mike Kuuvl and children vi«i. ted at hi# old home here on Sunday.

PINKERTON_Thte*hing i# the order of the day

around the vdlige.__________

A very pretty wedding was aoletu nixed on Wed the Oih inst, at tbw home of Mr. 8 Reid when hit. deugh- u-r Myrtle Viola, was united in the holy bomls of matrimony to Mr Ilobt- John Sle##or of Kincardine township. The happv couple left on the after­noon traia for Detroit and other points io the State*.

Tb>« home of Mr. Ja* Thompson of (•Doit* was the scene of a very pretty hut vuiet wedding on Wed 10th inst when his eldest daughter Gatharinw, was united in marriage to Cecil Garl­and of Pinkerton. The bride and groom left for Toronto and on rtturn- infl will reside in Pinkerton. The be# vr»*he* of hosta of friends for an un­troubled voyage on the *ca of matri­mony go with the youug couple.

M r and Mt*. Adam Reid returned on Saturday from a two week's visit with friends in the Soo, Micb..

Mr*. John Metcalfe and Mis* Bertha Garland returned from visitingfriend* in Toronto, on Tuesday.

Mr. UuMei Uirrell went to Toronto on Saturday to try an examination at Victoria University.

C o m m u n ic a t io n .| T » the Farmer* o f Brute: ~

Pursupnt to a resolution passe d at a meeting held at Walkerton, the farmers of theCounty ofBruce are respectfully requested to or: ganizc a Committee in each poll: inesubdivision and appoint dan: vassers to secure subscriptions of oats to aid the British Govern: mentin the present war; that Committee so appointee be re: quesday to notify th« Secretary of the name of their Chairman of the station at which their contri; butions will be delivered and the probable quantity that will be do livered by snch polling subdivis; ion. The towns and villages are also requested to form a committe and procure subscriptions to pay for their shar of the cost of socks and notify the Secretary of the name of their Chairman, whom the Secretary will advise of the price at which socks can be pur: chased-

All persons are earnestly re­quested to act promptly and energetically anc notify the Sec; return without delay; It is hoped that all contributions will be de; livered by the 1st of November.

A : P . MEWHtNNEY,Warden, County of Bruce, and

Chairman.Da v id Ro b e r ts o n ,


Buy Goods Made in CanadaBuying foreign-made goods won’t keep Canadian factories open.

KELLOGG’STOASTED CORN FLAKESis THE ONLY food product bearing the Kellogg name that is made right here in Canuda. All others are imported and do not help our own people.

Y o u r m o n e y a p e n t o n C a n ­

a d ia n -m a d e g o o d s h e lp s C a n a d ia n w o r k e r s .

BATTLE CREEK TOASTED CORN FLAKE CO.L o n d o n , O n t a r io , C a n a d a . LTO


Individual Styles Women’s CoatsA .TH O U G H FOR

weeks the selling of (.oats lias been contin­uous anJ brisk, it has scarcely made a break m our Inigc stock of high grade garments lor M is­ses and Women. If you are at all interested v is­it our Ready-to-wear Department and see tins showingol the Seasons most fashionable Coats Sizes 14, 18. a n d 20 in Misses’ and .42 to 45 in Women’s.

P r ic e s i

$8 to $17.50


Mr. l.'rlifuy.Why is it, Hi ti public,

hist Monday evening, ''ailed by tin .Mayor, though the pro— and pt>tCr# nt the request <<f the UoveruortKniou of Cniintlit to form it branch of tli Patriotic Fund Axroclalion, wa- -

I'hikenon I'n lr| Tiir iiuim.il Fun *»f tin*. Pinkerton J j Agricultural society will * In-Inr n j

Friday of thin week, Sept. 25th. The J U"K |.exhibits this year will be inon- nunier i

jimulv jilti-mli'il ■'1 ll fh IIIU; Unit a 1 *r«a |»r»|• «>ur iH.jmI uhui an- Bviiuau lalli< y Imvli mhU mhiii: of llii-iif MIth.- frmil , i-.Hltt iblltl llHUlllf amt

I iv..m*u! t iv.. ukeu Ibeir *•!•■m> »i| IK'tllc W<tt k «tf Umlt.il i'tx*,K Si', ll may bf llmiigk: <>i'. 1lime iua;y In' taken up. iu "■iu»b

! ih-i, iiltuures m tliv ila jy p«]1 •*«*'.......ty I' .uili's, ovei l 'Okiu}* 11 bap

! ill till* »<timc|i w in l «l hert anal uiti,i unvanU h Ipingo ur»<! to win l! mse battle*.,) It was 1'iglh anil proper t liat<' tintri i* t-imnlil 1« Rivvo a l<.Alt)* 11 little jitM-kci moiifyaii (1 ill

T h e M e n ’s D e p a r t m e n tWe call your attention to new

stocks of Ready-to-wear Suits. Over­coats and Raincoats, New Soft and Hard Hats, Eastern Caps, Underwear and Sweater Coats.

B o y s ’ S u itsSunday Suits, fine quality Tweeds

and Worsteds, r.eat patterns in medium and dark shades of hrown. fawn, ^rey and navy, double-breasted coat, blocm- er pants. Specialty well tailored and dressy in appearance, sizes 2(> to 34. Prices ............. $ 3 .5 0 to $ 1 2

T h o S ta p .a D e p a r t m e n t O ffe rs In t e r e s t in g V a lu e s F o r F a ll B u y in g

Extra heavy English Factory Cotton. 3(3 inches wide, per yard ... 1 0 c .

Pure Bleached Cotton, free from dressing yard wide a t ................................ 1 O c .Striped Flannelette, imported direct, yard wide, fine soft quality, splendid weigh*

just as good as us tally sold at 15c., special price per yard — ........1 2 ‘<c.


ale uiil u> thuir dependent was outy tetiiporary. ami

el nuicnt fiuy* thm-e' » ;.lejiumli iu-m limited amount " f

iry. why nut tin's.* that cannot <»i iM iml. go to the front. pay tho>e

lint do an auiumit at h*md »<pntlto thodilTvienee between ttlm t l ilt tiovcni-lUfiil pays olid what they warned >t holms The employee that nttemh, tuiUiloHy and regularly to his dutie*, UMtnlly. expet t ♦ promotion* «nd hi­

ed pay. it ml become* « ver y vain, ndstn’nci* to any Industry. Why lie volunteer that is lighting »-■( nmtry. under extreme haidsliipi*.

nod genial dnogor, *>« ti fftU’d even better > Anv farmer today could gii

uMltimti* o f what the Ur it full Flag jworth in keeping the high (teas «l>e» ;• commerce, and. like good health, s

notnppmrrted till bud. every one of ; U'- could give all we have, t« have it

« t<> he hoped that, the nMtlt "f , this great wiirwrll be no mure militui- j

and that tti* greatest armies wit j more than local pidbje hue--, ;

then we otl will get tho true value^of > mr «oldter* in tlghing for our country. ?Kveiyla.dy come to the anuotle* •

next Monday evening, JWtlt Inst to the | Jjoiriried public meeting, and there ; iMMOsand device the best Ways and * neons uf.MMdfcting t<

\V. tl. MeKarlaue.


eatlier ia hut •t y dryTireagain.

I.-niie Hurrui'ti who has been hi tip with appendicit is, is i m j < i i )

Charlie Ui*-rbrutt, tin** ha* I*.-, laid np with pneumonia for - hi time i» aide to at his work once more.

Mr. Frank Rennie of Walki-rW n was j in townlooking fm limses.

Mrs 1 B tJoct* has been v outrng rel-1 ntivesin Tara since iie-t.Monday.

Mr. and Mrs Mat t to ile r ivete m \ Hanover on huMness .01 Saturday, j

Mr, It. H. McKay was hero on Iium- j nets last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs John IluiuH uud *on I Clayton wvuC to Port Klgln on a visit *

John Hiitiogerji- busy pa -long tall j apjde*.

Miss laivirm: Ivuliry i.v visiting her i ( 1 Other here tar hist ItVo weeks,

John Kramer uf Berlin t* hu-y ;' around here dolling ins laundty fnrards, ;

Andrew S-hel! returned from Berlin j * »st HouJay where he has t»eur vi -il 111. . the past week.

Mis Anm> Dficuer. only da ghi* r ! *f Mr and Mr* J »* iL-rf r,«*r. win- had j l»-rn attenuhijf U t« loiteMu Ae.uh-my nfthndph for the p i 't year, ha- te eeiv.xl is goal MM dal for r ill (Stiao D.xtrlue f» an Hoe If J In.w ling- « f ll.ninltm, alAi a sliph.ma for Senior Musical Mil Toronto f'niversity. We esteirl om- lu-iui iesi eoiigiatulattauo lull.,*. *


Wh.a f-

t.l this«.,- ahh*

last Saturday

-<r%‘%r%,¥ ?{ F O R


\ Erdman’s

Dr. de Var.’s Female Pillsi, ( FrrsthrejciiUterjeei r̂ l*it»,.T !>•**

11,"1 « A..... . "\r,'.LV


! Che Peoples’ S to re !

fT : Cooler NightsBy buying some of out Blankets, \Ve have

these in a variety ot qualities and sizes. Fluunel- lette Blankets in Cirey or white, with pink or blue borders iu T0-4, ix-4, rz-vj sizes.

VV lute wool blankets from $3 per pair up. Nice goods at their tey.pectivc pric es. The line at 5.SO is special Value, this is a pure wool blanket with a nice nap imd \ong fibre.

Protect yonrsc.lf against the wet weather which will soon set iu, by buying one of ottr Raincoats. W e show a uicc range of these in Ladies' aud Gent’s at easy prices. We have a Ladies* Raiucoat with regular sleeve, good quality material ami nat­ty appearance at §7.00; a very popular coat. We have them at lower prices.

Umbrellas, we always carry a big stock of theso. School umbrellas at 5oe., larger sizes from 90c. up.

Farm Produce Wanted

3£ Jlppel¥tm»0m a w w w w w i«

otiti'i w ill doing -utut-thing fimm-diiilvly tow.ud th IhUfi* tic Fund.' l'ld* i»a tl»m‘ id mu

iniiiimily might tu itcu snh-umtinl vmtU

hntiuu i-iilu 1 Sit pimUlin « i in mom if «)iiii' ini" irtli tab" the hiiliutiv

Mr .hoi -Spuiice ufTotontu. w-ith M S[;etivv. hi- molhei .out Mu ~ .Mary .SpeiH-e luitonl up fnnu Tut uni t S*md»y and sue Visiting « t Mr. J.

The H'-v <i, iViiMit hm>. teceivpdii calf tutlm Knox ihnrth. H.mitUn

Apse 1 at ftvt vie -> .tie to in- InM iu tin I'leithyteriuu ghurcii htte on Tuetutrj and Til >1 to day »> vi.’ii i 1 (g Kv p i »V and Ucl gud; Kei Ml Watt .n Hurgoym and iu-v I'etur Jfvittt ul td.tuiio eundimlitg thcevrvtcvo.

We under*land that wit cllotl *0 la:* lug inadu to hnve tho electr ic lights extended limiugh the viJlugcthi* tall, SUdsr* nxmietlnug Untt elmuid appeal twatiyuim who ha* tho welfnro of tho vilhign « t hentt,

Mir? M.irciw .\icholU of Cleveland it visiting- her mother at tint muu»o.*

.Mr. aud Mrs Slower returned 00 Ton ti day from their wedding trip.


Schools wm1 dosed hero ua Thuii* d*y to permit the teacher aud pnpit* to attend the itural sehool Fair hold iu Wulkerton tm that date.

Iter Father Montag of Ocewciuut was iu the hurg on Moml.iy,

Jlr*. I), SchiViui. accompanied by her sou Cinuiic and daughter JU>ub« ajient .Sunday in For mosa.

The Carpenters are agaiu bu*y here. Mr. Joe Hoifarlh aultcipated having Ika uoW house finished shortly. Mr, ilaUcc, proprietor'of the British Liou is also having a now hardwood floor put iu.

tjuitc a number rtour here attended the Fair iu Ay ten on Tuesday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Colbert Chat lean have returned from d.oudou after npeuding a pleasant week there.

Mr*. Ahhott and Mis* Winnie have retuuK-d Ii jm Muuiluuliu Island,

xMi*> f.illie Beit rich visited friends in Chepstow la»l week.

Mrs Joseph Beni, in get and two little »<>n .«»■ vi-iting >lr. Lawrence Benu infici.

.Mrs FSaudercon attended tho wed' ding of Mias Lottie fsamlerenu in Walk ortou.

MU* Barrio ol Chepstow visited athe homo of Mr, A 1»* it rich's on 8un- day.

The Northern̂ 'Busine.ss College, Owen Sound, occupies more floor space thauahy other Canadian Business hthird of an acre. This entire budding with its up to date apiwint- meats is used. The College has just openetlits.tltlivear m»‘ler the present Principal. Mr. 0. A. Fleming, t.C . A., with a record ttcndance. * ___ _

Combination OffersYou want good reading during the coming year.

You can’t get a better paper^ior local news than the TELESCOPE and with it wc offer the following at the

prices shown The T e l e s c o p e and

One new Subscription......................*■ ................^I *75

Saturday Globe.. ........ ............. -..........

Family Herald.... ..........................................

Toronto World......................................... 3*75

Farmer’s Advocate................. 2*4°

Canadian Farm ...................................... .*>9°

Weekly Sun ...................................... .................. x’*>

Catholic Register.................................................. I '9°

Toronto Dally G lobe....... ...................................... 4-75

Toronto Daily Mail & Empire.................................4-75

Toronto Dally Star..................................... z'4°

Toronto Dally New s.......... 2*4«

Montreal WJP Witness ................................ 1 *9°

London Catholic Record.. .............................. 2-25

Canadian Baptist........... ........................ 2-25

Presbyterian........ .................................. 2-25

Westminster ................................. 2*25

Ontario Churchman.......... **5?

Church L ife ................................. ..... 2.00

Farm & D a iry ...... ................................................. I9C*

Weekly Mail & Empi r e ............. ..............1 • 75

Saturday Night..,., .......................... 3-5°

Loudon Advertiser........................................ 4*75

Northway GarmentsFor Misses and Children

You will prolrably want a new FALL COAT, and right how is the time to get it. W e have the best a.vs<»rt- nient of smart, up-to-date styles ill fill the new mater­ials and coloring and pric es are reasonable ss, 9, "to, i f , 12, 13, 14, i.">, i .S and 20

() nr Misses’ and Chi 1 <1 ten's Coats, include all the latest novelties,boih in style and cloth and prices for the small sizes as low as $2.00 and tip to $15. Come and look these over. It will be a revelation to you.

W e have just r cccivcd' a very large range also in cheeks, plaids, chinchillas and novcltycoaiings at$L2“> t.50, 20o, 2.50 and $3 a yd.

As the evenings get c<»ol“ cr you will appreciate the comfort of a good sweater coat, and we announce the

arrival of another big shipment of these this week,new est styles, correct colors, reasonable prices.


m f o r t S o a p

S o ld

j E v e r y w h e r e in C a n a d a


j in !«»,. W A L K E R T O N ’ S i t s t » i r .» ,w h itIviil t-v- wvighl cuO>*ts. i’ > »’ :•* S T R A I G H T K*!t*rr. ^ *leutl. I mi ami elk.

• " C A S H S T O R E . . i - | , . ic K pr,

B A R G A IN S F O R T H I S W E E K .

Sale Prices on RugsI <>n!v. T»i»>**iry Kiifr. M'Aiiicil, si/ ; 3X3, veg 910,00, K*l« ju it

3X:i}, - 12.IM)3X1 ** II. SO *♦3X3 ‘ 12.1*0' “•8X3i 3jX3 •*3|X3f “3j X4 •*3JX4 •’3X4 ‘ *3X3 •*3X34 *•

f LOO 18.50 26.00


| 7 1* 0 33 s 05 » a*.

U> 15 13 05 10 1* IS 05 10 1* 13 05 20 05 IS 05

Shi-Price in l.iniilouiiis. Sale Price on Floor Oil CMh«..

100 yil« Ity l .jimlity KiiRlish linoleums, floral xml block oat ■ term*. 4 > tlx w lilem il;. (eg $2.**0. «al« price ........ . — 8U

3<X>yil#be»t quality Canadian floor oil cloth*, block pattern* width*. 4,4. 6/4 and 8/4, reg 30e, sale price per *<j yd......... .22Jc

R u s h C le a ra n c e o f D r e s s G o o d s ; S a le

P r ic e P e r Y a r d 6 9 c .s


T R I M M I N G S .

81.00 HltVAVIvflt, for 00c. ■ S.lu o f W c l BUnketi.

160 yd* of ailk velvet# in black ami colors, sale price . . . . . .6Pe

1*25 yds Faun velvet* in black aud color*.n*K to f l 26, » pr. .6l*c

Special Undei't'klrl Sale 09c.

10 pair iiue (voal blanket.!, size wtXfkt, #«k< p rleo ...... — $3 4»

12 pair Sue wool blanket*, ei/e 02X34, sule price.... .$4.«t»

13 pair fine wool blanket*. *i/e 6«X84. s*a!e price .............$4.95

HALF PRICEt» do/, only ladle*’ bluck oatecn

Uudemklt ts. made of line quali­ty material#, lined throughout with red Canton flannel, air-e* 30 to 42. rug 31.00, #,ilo price fl9e.

Clearance of wing*, mount*, Ups. spray#, quill#, ornament*, in good range of coloring# and styles, on sale.......... Halt Price.


“ Y o u P a y H o r « "

W A X . K E R T O N T E L E S C O P EVOL XXXVW- No. 40 W A L K E R T O N . O N T A R IO . T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 1st 1914 - a PAG E S.

Private Greeting Cards

Why not select that Greeting Card and have an item of your Christmas Shopping ofF your mind. There is also an advantage in ordering now, while lines are complete and we can get your order tilled for delivery at any time you wish.

Prices ••un from $1 a d oz—

Sec O u r Books o f Samples

Hunter's Drug StoreDrills and ItcdriHs C. P. R. Ticks! fltftncv

Nearly Everyone Uses

WRITING TABLETSTry Sieveright for your nextone, 5. 10. 15. 20 and 25c.

PLAYING CARDS 10. 15. 25. 30 and 50c.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks


Where anoiM^tf trotet o f student*1 me tmined for commercial life.

Real Enjoymentis impossible i f you are all th e ! time conscious of defects in your: apparel. I f you buy our clothes tailored to your individual meas­ure, you can be certain that you arc well dressed and have that feeling o f assurance and satis­faction that good clothes always

, giye. Come in and leave your measure for a suit or overcoat.

Ladies* Suits to your special order-

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men’s Wear i ‘

Store, Walkerion, Ontario. i

A C lockA s a P re s e n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a persona! touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many—she can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that olFers a r excellent choice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes; dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for .the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom timepieces.

R. L. G ib o nJ o w o l lo r W n lh e r t o n

See Me Burney'* for Swc iter (Jjat*.

l’o-il iy I* the Ural day ul rabbit hunt- : !»>g-

TENDER FE E To r ................— '—

Do you have trouble with your feet? ’ Sore, tender

points? Try a pair of


Tlic easiest shoe on earth.


J-T5d arofil hl)iiiketi|jmr f2,lio at Me- Harney'*.

Mr. Wallace Uunuinghiiii left on Tuesday to resume hh (dtttliei at T «r- uuto Unlycisity.

Ml N. A. Watford spent- Sunday in lle-pilcr.

Arthur t’.irrer has Joined the Telex COpC fcttttL

Playing earn* tOc to 6Ue at Hunter » DrugSlute.

Stylish footwear for women—-At Ititin acy’s Shoo Stoie.

Uut Walked* and Peaboily’* overall* at Stephan Bros.

The newt*t favorite* in Indies’ fall coxtsot Stoplmn Bio*.

Miss Marie Sehmcder of Mildtuny •pvut Monday iu town.

Lndicnready to wear fall Hal* ie- dueed * i McUutney’*.

Men’s tine dressy full shirt* SI and fl.2j,~~Slephitn Bros.

Newest import novelties in dfvs* gomlr and silk*.—Stephan Bios.

CiiUiionrtte shoes need no breaking in. Sold at Ramsey 's Shoe Store.,

Uomdd«riibh; damage was done by «lie be ivy f r y t on Sunday night.

Young iih-hV soft and hard hats iu newest fall shape#.—Stophan Bros.

Tin* Canadian Government has given towaid* the relief of Belgium.

The easiest a hoe on earth, I)r. A. Hjo IV Sold at ltsm?ey V Shoo Store.

Miss Kathleen Heffernan of Mildmuy spent the week-end with Mrs. A Bruin*

Mi*.-* Jean Todd l.ft on Tuesday to attend the Faculty of Education, Tor

A Want if ut rang-? »>< ••varesat’* foron. young men and hsy*.- -Stephan


Regal shoo are budt up to a stand­ard imt down to n price -A i Ram (toy's Shoe Store.

Mis* Anderson of Drew spent Sat­urday and Sttnduy at the homo o f .Mis, Noriish.

Men’s long boots and high laced hauls, He have the best—Krum-y the Shoeinan.

Mr. Bob ltoWhiml left <m Saturday for Kingston, where be wiil attend Queen* University.

Clearing on the bargain table-- Women » f3.no shoe for 12.25— Ram- *>ey the Sboemau.

Mi<* M. E. tjvereiid. an experteoced trimmer from Hamilton, h** lu-ert add­ed to the "Elite."

You take uo chance* w ith a box »>f WiliaidsForkdipl UbocoluU* front HunterV Drug Store.

AL-w* Alex and Setephine Scbuiti r of Chicago are visiting their parent*. Air. and Mr-. J . S ;hitrter.

Used homes wanted for two nice girl* 12 and Iu. Apply to Re --. D. Mc­Lennan. Ik-x SI, Walkerton.

Mr.-. W. 11 Adam* of Toronto l* spe.ndiug this week with her par­ent*, Alt. ami Mr*. R. K. Ttoax.

Alt . dun. Cunningham Ii engaged Su •rutting tire corn for the -tloes ot the farmer- along the Durham Bond.

Mr. Cedis Young a graduate of the Walkerton High School tut* takea a position ill u luw office at Woodblock.

Mr. Art. Holwreon left yesterday for Toronto whet < he will resume hi- studies at the st.dioel ef Practical Sim

MissUappIcSfieace of, Sinithamplon a graduate of the local High School, left on Saturday to attend college iuToronto,

Mr.d. B. Hncther left on Monday for A y Ion where bei* engaged in eon- ducting a «ale for J. R. Oita, general merchant.

Miss Ruby Nor rich rtccmipiudid by .Mioses,Smith and Pollick and Hairy GiribraUh motored from Drayton on Sunday and ojmot thr day at the form- •ur’tt home

Alt. and All*. S. V . Croft of Stratford -peat the week-end a*, the home of Mr Frank Bennie. Mr, Croft returned on Monday, hut Air*. Croft will spend week renewing uajuain!antes here.

ttiunor ha* it that the Rattan fact­ory which ha* been clmed since the war broke out will recommence opera- tiott boou. We have been iutonurd, however, that, although trade i» rap­idly picking up, the wheel* of the iu- dubtry will not be running to capacity

1 lo r several week*.

Mr. MeEweu Hi* now a#b**t»nt man­ager of tin- branch <f the Canada Fmiiiture AlanufaetnreiH hiri rented Mr. Jno. Potter's ImU*- in the wc*t ward,

Me**r«. J. H. Brick and Amlr*-w Bauman have rented Major Hender*

T« double Iioum-on Jaek-o>n jpicel, This residence was recent ly remodel­led and i* u**w au up-to-date dwelling.

Mr. J.G. Crlftin theBritlrii reserviM who left here sometime ago i* how at the front. The last ire «■» reeoi ved from liim was sent Bom Uiighiml when he was leaving with hi» regiment for Prance.

Rev. and Alts. Kano of Isindoii ajrent a few day* o f tld* week at the forroora homo he:*-. Mr. Kain Im* been occupying tho ptdpii *•! the English Church at Shelbaroe during the sum­mer month*.

d Mrs. Aaron It-ms and. Miss .Maguire are in Cl -v.-imd this week af - temling thefumu'iil of Air*, ltd"*’ broth­er, the 1 tic .toim Al igidro-*M*)toivel Standard. The late Mr. Maguire was known to many of the older citiwtin) of Walkerton.

Mr. McLean who h«> Ikcu teller at the local hnuich o f the Batik of Com- mere® for some months ha* received notice of liii* traOi*fi'ir-iiio to tin* branch of Unit h ink at Cobalt, He will leave for the mirth next week.

Sir dame* Whitney, Premier of Out i io died very suddenly in Toronto on

Friday hr*t. Tn« body will be *on- il by special train 1“ Alorrinburg

on Monday where burial will take place An obituary will be Brand on iutge 1

Tha i ngul tr me *tiug of the Presby tcry of Bruce will be held at Paisley on Friday afternoon. Itev. Tho* W5I-

will represv'ui the local church. The Abnleraior of the assembly Rev. Dr. Hctfidgoof Ottawa ami Of. firaut of Toronto will add res* the ‘ session, A public meeting’ will also be held In the evening in the" Interests of the Lay the n V Mission .Movement

Some lifiy Imix.-s were l*is>ught to Walkeit-oi yo*D-rd«y, the nuhuala luiving been leceutly ptm liaied by

ItennSe and McNally lor o.-e iu the at my. TJt« lusj*eclor sent hno by t lie Covet mu cut to cull out the 1 horses ihat do not canto up t o the re- piilcd stand.Hi), find not completed his work at the lime of going to pres*,

To Item .i ;>c*d IuoimS oh D irli-im 5t .. tywn

water. Apply Uo VV. .1. Hcnnesiou.

For Sale Cliea j<Two Inigo sftV ood liami stove*; aha le *nnir*r£ve. Apply to Ja*. White-


Patriotic ConcerttiedjiughleisxJ-the Empire will

give a palmitic concert on Friday Del.noth

NoticeAU pei *ott» owing the estate of tht*

fate V. H, L niut .o-p rc<| tesled to pav their account' at one-:- to A. Collins,

•licitor for ) he ailmuoVt i a »rfx.

New CallertorAt « special mee t eg .;f the Brant

Council held'«m Saturday evening. Mr. Joseph M- uk «a * * ppointrd Col­lector o f rale;- for the township.

Fall PlauBug Hunt*Theannnal sbipment of fail plant­

ing bull* has jo*t imivul. J.esvc yotts onlerat otu-c be ttai‘ K*-tt«, tulip*ntld hyai inih bull - - H. M. Norrhii, tb>r- it»t.

Annual Aleetiog.The annual uu-eiittg ol meuhei* of

the County of Bruce Ceiieraf liospinil Trust will be held ou To- .day Ocl.Uth xt 8 p. m. in the Town Il dL for the el eel ion of Trash • >, and ot her httftlbct*,

8l>eciat Aim ing The menthol ♦ of Cunt l Bruce No A0

C. O. F. ore 'urgently Ieiptewted to meet in their Lodge rorrii mi Friday ovemug Oct 2nd » t ?*, u'cluck »harp. Matters o f imptiri sitce have to be dealt with ~A . S. Uoyee. Her. See.

Kiigageiuem Anneuui'eil t*\Mr, and Mr>< Win Toitbeh of Jjrant

aunouucc ibo engagement o f 'th i irdaughter Jean t:a»oer*<n lo Alt. Alex, A. Alt’Crcgor, the moitiage to take place ut the futiuly residence ou Alon day, Octol*--» 12 : h.

CliriMtum Ltluealioii,Dr, Bate* repteseutiug AlcMuster

Univeraily, p touto, wiil deliver an address on "t 'lo tslMti. Education" iu the BuptUtAml Chriatiau church ittt Friday evening of thi* week, commen* dug at eighl o’clock. Evciyhody welcome.

Ou l-ir*LCi>ntfnuem Among the local b<»y« whoarolnclud-

edin the first Canadian Contingent now on the Atlantic enrouto to Eng­land fs Capt. Arthur McNalley of Brant. A letter received by hi* par- ontefroin him, dated Sunday jjfcpt. 27- atalwl that the first Htigado of tint coatiagent had already embarked ami that I be .’ ltd brigade would brave ihe following day, Cnptaiu Ab Nnlly ha* been given e< iimtaud of "E ’ Com­pany of the Seventh Betuliou,

Annlver»iiry Service*.Aooiv«-r*a» y Set vie ex wtllbo la Id i«

tho fiilen Drove AteUiodist < htu eh on Sunday »ial Alomlay, October lib Biel -Mb. On Sunday service* tvHi te held at II a, m. tilid I ’M p. m. Uev. I-', A- Fitey U. A. w’ll preach. Uo Monday evening a fowl Slipper will he >erved in the hail at, I lie rear ol the church at S p. to Tfiift will he followed by nti eoleriaimncnt. A d m iss io n an d I Ac.

.tg.ono t'amulhio* Mail Tin* llret Canadian Contingcol ol

vofunteef* <>nd»i«k» d at <}u*-b*c last w eek and act-’Sait for the front. The truimport* conveying tbe*e men !tr<> crossing the ocean under a heavy ! convoy of llritliih eruisci*. gun-boat* and destroyer*. Tin* following ha ulmen audother* known here ar® in the contingent;^Wm. W edev, Arthur AfeNalty, A. Urunsdt-n, Fred Cite-.- wiigbt, “ Biscuit*' bowetman. ‘ Jack Uussel, Alutray Wibou, ltoy B diert- sou an 1 Dr, Fi-a-u-r.

CeiiteRI Work Compieied.Mr. McKlrtrin.it of Bervii- e-am-

pleted In* eonifaet of building the cement abutment for the new spin which is bi*lng added to the west end hridg-f and the atructur-t i* now m r -adine** to receive the steal. The Hontor Bridge and Botl-rr Coyof Ktn- canlitte have t he contract for the *t •el- work and it 1 • expected lO»t this will at rive in the canr*e of n few day* and will be orcotod lirtwo week*, A cam- cut fldiir will b > pUciil in the uew *cc- tkm ot the tiridge.

Sent l ‘ p For Trial Tue seven Cheslav men who appear­

ed for tr‘al lieforc .Magistrate das Ti.l- Ion on fbui fttltiy ia*t on it charge *»l forcibly eutcring it factory in that town were sent up for trial. The tie- euseti claimed to have a right to en­ter the building.but the magistrate held that in breaking the lock on the door to make the out ranee after the »n«ii- ager had refused toadmic them, they had committed)* transgression ef the law and he passed the ctrnt* on t*»a higher com t for settlement.

Accident iun«lloMtil«t.Dorothy DsVouda, th>< ftuumuj lady

bdlo »ni*L who m tdo the -seusathoi *1 ascension and pirachut • drop at tlie NVilkerrou Fali F,.ir mol with a sen- mu a icidbiit while liliiog her next en- ga iCin -at *1 the D)innviilc*r air t * o day* I »t er. The billoim h nl hewn cut loose iu the ootid m Miner and had rt*-

uur lifty feel whoa the rope attach "rug the parachute to the balloon hi ok t

tt» the distance was too short for the parachute to net the balloonist hot to the ground like n plummet .

On being picked up and a medical ex- nation performed, ii *v«s tpuml

that the extent o f her injuries were a broken ankle, two btokeu rib* and a severe *b tkiog up. Th tl Alts* Dc Yottd» escaped instant dentil is niitacidous aii I is attributed to the lite preserver which *he wear* while making her ascensions. This accident ha* comjed- Ind In-i toenocel all enuageiuetit* fob this fall, her place being taken by an­other balloonist-

Sit vi- the Apple Crop,With »uch au abundant apple crop

iu thi* section this vvni, why i* it that t he local evaporator hu« not been pul into operation? On t bn farms through out this section thete ate hundred* of barrels of apple* being fed to hog* and cattle or even worse, being left t<> rot upon the ground Bi the,orchard, AVitb the thoughtsofasharp winterapproiu iiing dating which the poorer cla.*> wil find it ditficuU to exist tn thc*e hard times, should mu sonic eftnlt be nindu to*avi; the gte*t apple crop? Tho-e patriotic inert who are bestirring tin*u» selves in brbalf ol the soldier* lainilie* should baud together and start the local evaporator with the end ic view of gelling tbch; pied m l* to the poor at cost during the winterm whete ueee***ty demands giving it to tie in need. In dealing with the ipieslIon the Toronto Star -*)•*:—Tim great

apple cropot Ontario ought to saved ami toi tied to u*«ful account a* a land supply The Usual method <’• handling the apple crop ha» fallen down owing to tile war. hot all over tile province are e» »|> oaring plants some uf which ordinarily d>» lni" im-s* in a iather small way, timidly cxperiinenting for « mnikel,. while other* opeiatc on a huger scale. H should be po.'-ibh* tuganDe an evaporated apple business uulrklj into a largo indudry in DnUrlo aud save the bulk of the crop. It iso work in which the Ontario Depart­ment of Agriculture could very well interest itself, and where the local plants atvYmable to upscale t>» foil Capacity heeatiSe of ■ luck of suiftc ient hank credit*, the IVovinci* credit could we'd be extclnbd to them. Those apples paiticuhny which will not keep could be evaporated and kept for m o or lor export next spying. The Usual bus- i ness done in tld* line shouht V>ennd< siptictl in volume this year, utd ieol- ersldp and energy ought lo b? 'sup­plied by the Department of Agi o citUnr#-

SjniNt lut - In Walkerton on Tuesday, He pi. 20 t<* Mr and Alts F X Schmitt' a daughter-, (Dorothy Bertha.)

Hail ItenewedMe, Win For*yttie wh * i- rhatged

wSili iimbe/./,ling t he funds <'f Ihe local lodge cf the VVhuslmeu of ihc H'orld, app* “• -si t> f<»{•:* Magistrate Totton «<n M<- id «y mori.irnj aud wn* *ub.••intent, iy - n' up for trial. All Foisytlu-who

red a renewal of bail at $r>.*0 will pr< b o*iy elect, to.lie tried by judge but tie- date of his trial hit* not te-eu set.

Willi Nib Field Battery Win tVedey of tin- Ibniitil-'i"liu-.s

*talf who joined tie* artillery at Lou. den and wild has been at Vat Cartier Ml, f -r Ihe lr*»rit with the 8lh F*ield Ball cry of tlmStd Brigade on Satur­day. W .-*!*>- is on the officer** staff pati diof the battery iin.l i* iillinji « Very dangerous role. He i* mounted and ride * two hundred yawl* iu ad, vance of the right flunk of the but- ba y, hi* duty todug tornd n* scout; l.o (*e*<n the lookout for nnv auibunh. Icitlowire trap* aud other danger*. Tha c ltyof London insured file live* (if alt the voluntecra who left that place for tlixm.

Only One Passed Exam iuiitioit.Of th * l «: it boy* who enbsted for •rvt -i at the front with the local com­

pany and who have spent the*pa*t month at Vaia tstiif, only bn« will »ce active service. Eleven b»y* left for thu i> unpliut IIvu of them, W. HutUUi, W. I’dt. 11. M. At ;l) juuoll, .V Uurtls*, and Jerry Jcrame wvtc sent to Her- nui ia to do gan i*ou doty. Of the i it- inaiuing .*ix, Walter: Kidf ami Herb Hrbti failed in the Hist *tyc sight test which left four who expected to. In* m the fir*t contingent. There were more men in their division than rojuiti'd, howevei. and in « second and more rigid uif-dhail ox Iiniin*liba which was

dried Corporal Joe Rcichcnbucb ul Private Jack AiuU-s'*«ii failed,

tluF? lea viug A. t»railrihm to be the mi­le one to crpss the water. There being

,rcity.«j horsfsboor* in the at tiib <;ry and cav dry division* and being « IdyeksitiUli be will probably tie attach­ed to nne o f these. The boy* whtr fad' td to pa •* their examination* were sent bam*.-and arrived byre ou Friday, evening

Attempted Suicide,A* it Im » Ir-jn icpor.al about town

ih it Anbur (irausilvn one o f the boys who Went to V d : n’tier with this com- ;>atiy*d volunteer* had attempted to com ii it suicide wild > at tit® camp, the t>jiUo.li- need* uu explanation in otdet th*t those who, heard it ul gh*. not think that <»rau*deit hau lost id* reason. It appear* that the bay* were iuuo;u!a*.«d for the prevvidton o f typhoid fever when they gathered at the armory here ami a- gain after they arrived at -Valcartlcr. On the latter occafiou the vaccine way apparently tan niiougor au over­do*,- was irdii»inistered for the camp hospitals were soon etowdrd with soldiers autTcfiug from its eil'eci*. Of the local hoy*. Walter Fill. W. .Sutton U, M. Ab t ouueli «nd A. xUtan*dca a\ ere taken to the hospital and it Was here llbU the latter, who wasthv worst suffer-r while iu a delirium from the cited* of the imnH*ulaiinn, attempted i.) cut hi* tin out with a jack-knife, iiruimien win prevented doing ike a l tnt deed by ttm*® about him and s(k»n nfieiw‘ard recovered and kiiyw nothing at alt of what he had been doing.

Rural School Fair Thi- »«coud Annual lint a 1 -Sdi*

Fair of the South Brant and North Uarrick district of Bruce was held at the exhibition ground oti Tbutelsy last under the *upervi*5on td Me>r.* Freeh u n and McKay Uu- local tepie

, t i .- s t h - - D-putmcai of Ag- gi'JeuUttre. This Fur even was belt sr ili in last year sand lhai »bechildren o f Ut; twelve school* included in the district a to taking a groat loterctt thi* woik, and that the end in view, 'that ot iiiteivsting the gtua iag g- atiolt in ogficultuie is being reah/rd was e videtlcrd by tilt! |act that u > fa sit seven hundred entries were made by the pupil*. Thi*in rtxvlf should 1> gratifying to those )metcsted;hut when it is considered that entries in. tin majority of eases were.■■■of a higher grade than those >eeii at (he Ni-i tIt; ein Exhibition it is more so. Time were : 2»'*pi »/-:s awarded, some of which were imaldls but the majority wet t: »«h pif/.e*, some sixty dollar* being aw Oiled to the pfio»- wishing young­ster*. Tn« pti*e which is. most c-<v< t< ed by the pupils i* the cup ..which gees lathe school which -canes the largest (I-.mim ei o! a'.v.vr.l', Hus wa* held by the t*mei L’t'cck sclniol last year, and was again won by that school, S. <*. No. t. Bsant, being o cb-»* second. The li-t of ptix-i (Vinner* ha* ,iot yet been mad tout and c tmwl b-‘ pnb- iishcd ootif next week l « thexVadUtltv tddres* competition, Jolm Mitclull, ut of Mr. and Mr-. AlilejH-Uot .Snlway

seen m l l be firs: piixc nodal while the ecoud medal was awarded to (ii-ein Kirstlnei son of .Mi . and Mrs. W in Kit -i inc > f the Month Litic. Bnnit, and thv third went to Minnie Dickitam. Wilson Darker, of Cargill captuual that

in the cbi-ktil-phickiug contest in which there were 25 entries, the* second pri/.<* going to Roy Diekison and the thud to Herman Deuel. The afternoon'- program » iielmbsl a very InstrocUve address by the Dept MltiisUt of Agriculture, Mr. Roads house.

Enjoying Camp* MR- A letter r.-celvwl from one of «b«

h *y« a: tuberuiory any* that the local yumg iu- n who are doing duty at the (vjr.Je** stotioiiwn the peiilnssU mr i-njaying life. Tim local siptad have eveiy second day tu ihemselves, doing duty for twenty four hours and arc t lieu relieved by Die Wiarton njnad for tin- next day nod night. Tha boy* arc apparently not at all di»bc*rt«-n*d u tin- prospect, of approaching cold Heather, bul arc looking forward to­st renuon* gaun-* of hockey on the bay on their day off.An Early Flection.

R.-r-istent rumor* ot a general Dom­inion I'le .tioo at an early dal<- are . nbi'osd. Determined effort i» being made by a wing of the Borden («ovem­inent to bung tins about. The idea scaftls to prevail in soon; >pnM tvi i illftt

will ticpnsribie tor the Government "hold a shortuoiiu-untentlousMsalon f Darliamcnt and then goto thocoim-

trv for eiutnfsaliou of the action of the t •ovoritinvnt in connection with the war. The strongest pri-emiro for tti early appeal to the people in faca of a political true; which b »» exHted flduo the outbreak ot the war come*

ii Hon. Robert Roger* and bia weal- follower*. They realim- that un­

der t.oruia) cooditioii* with domaiifio m;* to file fore the Conaervalivee id i have a mighty »lim chance io

tb > Driirio Rroviiices.- It i« common ktmwh-dgo hero that if Mr. Rogers

aid h w e his way the writs would be wed for an election practically at

once and Darliument would not meet again; This 1* not likely to occur, h iwver, besauso Premier Borden and tin* bnUeridemuiit in the Con»orvaUve purl v realize tbtt the people would not regird an election with favour. It

afd disturb existing conditions and inter) ore seriously with our of for » to aid tie- .Motherlaud and the suffering people of France and Belgium la this liiuu of heed.

O rgan ized H om e Guard.

At the adjourned patriotic inseliug which was held iu the armoury on Al.niday evening, and which oti thi« osearioo was well attended, It was de­cided to form 't local branch o! tbo Canadian Patriotic League. Tbe foll­owing officer* were elected:—

President, W- H. McFarlane, Vico Prv'ideot, A. 15, AlcNab, Rec’y. Tresub,II. M. Lay, Executive. Mossm. N.R -boitsom G. H. D. Mortyn, Rev. T.W, Wilson, L. C.'Bautoo, It. K, Truax, R;v. Fr. Cum iu tugs,-Major Henderson, Rev, U. Petdue, <». f>, .Nchwitidt. H. Pkdsiili, D Robbrtsoo and Jno. Row- taml.

Alter the election of officer* the following resolution moved by O. B. Klein and seconded by R. K. Troax was carried inanimou»ly~'‘n ia t thu food i colleclsd by tho local otganiza- tton fur tbe relief of those dependent eo ihs veiu.iteers, and still remaining lu the bauds of tho trustees, bo paid over by the Trustee* to the Walkerton branch of th* Cinadian Patriotic Le>tg<iL‘, after uvo week’s publication of this uotice and that to those who subscribed to that fund and who object to its iieing paid over it 5* proposod to returned the amount of subscription on application to the treasurer within two weeks.'*

I two* also decided to form a local < mpaoy » home guard, and tb* following men signed up agreeing to se* ve in thi* company:

A. Karteaker. C NuiUog, C Rrlcben- luck, R A! Player, N. Delude, H Leech, P II il vncford, P Harrington. Rob* Rus­sel, F. J. Prater. .M McCarUr.A Wil- w ». W M Shaw, S Fnrrflf, A Bethsl.C H Rngers, O H Taggart. Wm Kelbl.E Al A'-.mHell, H Kleutpp. Herbert W «i* Ser. Fred Jewell, J A Wesley, J A Far* >'•**. J -S Jackson. A Kunstudtlor. J. Kvichenback, W II HaUxday. W H

: halt, J A Scanlon, K, Reichenbnek, B Rogers. A Farter. R Wav-, G H D A! Mtvii, Altx-rt Atlller, Albert Francis, ■Jtio llitkcr, lvt Joslin, K M Tarlor, H B Vagan, il Hunter. W J McNally.I ’ I've, Ud Eidt. Jno Bickel, Geo htoith

ih ) ebrve name* forty-seven 5a trim bet were secured on Monday even­ing and there Is no doubt hut that this nuubvr will Im< doubled in the eoura* of .. tew day*. Any who wish to Join should leave their iu m «; with Capt.O. K. Klein, the Home Guard will meet at armory for drill and training one night a wuek.

W « very much regret that by an article that appeared iu our IxsUObf Ltvt wovkon the iirst page under tha

Dastardly Dcod" we ij»o*i wiiTWgiWy oudertook tu pt*- jodicc the ease of the Grand Trunk Fu'einno, tiUzcHn. '

Wo understand that tiiltcan reserv- ed hi* defence K*forc tho Magiutrato, .rnUM-<juei<tly only ono side of the storF wa- ho A itl.

In addition to thi-, we find that our -t.dement was mitiucin rcgaid to hail being refused. No bail was even applied tor the .-ample reason that tbe .■Magistrate* in cases-of tho kind In jpiriitio" h.tvwno power to grant bail.

We *;u«etely hop- that what ws wr-’ie wid not have tbe effect of pr«- judiciug Air. Gil/.eim fiom receiving a * fait trial, Datol at Walketlou tltia J»Rh day ot September, M i,

1 Little Boy Was Not Expected to Live

tfas taken Sick with Diarrhoea

They Were 30 Miles From a Doctor SO GOT

DR. FO W LER'SExtract of


Which Cured Him

.Mr* ’Fied SchopfT. Pennant, S»sk writ*-- f n*rd Dr. l-owlt-r * lUlract of Wild Straw Ixrry when my little hoy

a*itexpected to live Wc «uir thirty ‘ mile* from a doctor, when Die little j fellow took >iek with Diarrhoea He at

fcr*t would •Jre|» nearly all day. and at ,l,sht would Ik* in pain, and would have a pa vi ;e every live nr ten minutes. Thi* went on «Uy and night until he Icgan to jm*-v h!«*>d. I gave him "Dr. Fowler’*." hut wit limit any k<**1 effect at first. so I began to Rive him n larger dove, mid vrKin he liegatt to Rft relief It war the only medicine I had in the h<m*< at the time, and I always keep it now lor inside of three day*, my Imy w as out play, ins. and was as well.a* ever."

This grand remedy ha» l»een on the Canadian market for nearly seventy year*. mid i? without n doidit. the best known iciticdy for all Bowel Complaints

Refuse to take any other preparation Wlmn you ask for "Dr Fowler’*."

There i> nothing che that can be "JUST AS GOOD.”

Price, 35 cents.Sec that the name of The T. Milburn

Co. Limited. appear* on the wrapper.


Each Killed the Other's Three Little Ones.

*rio Munuxli..- ha. le*n1*1.1 riue I*rt« . tor tin* t'ditri*I. iiln.v it. t , .in* .• . iiUlhsl. ••Hi,.II- ' Story I liv.r II a'r.l ’ Tin- l-ri/*- • * Inning . oirlaulli :.* ar.- pub «t*h.*t In lb** August numlwr Tin* i '.t .. flu.- a us nun In tin.* following •‘ Iter *l*>rri:*m«* of mi >n itltic r*nl «»«l'Mitnr * it i * bear and a |*anth* •r

• Uin.. my y.ruMlfut.'n r wan :» \.;*nj i -. th !••• ion! to liutr. a great deal. Do h:*d a >ir>th"t lls |»;5 In Montana. and in the f.dl cf IV.1 -lex filed to rn mid til'i'iid till* wflit. r with this brother mi'i Inin* On*’ «lav .iK brother was telling ahrut large n il- III the«ii**usiti»ln~. *'h*'i*• Miiiic pantliory |ivH. Mo thom;hl it would ho u tood cliane*.* i « try mid a t on*-. So i nr me mint; a i - « day s later hr* started out tc Mnd tin r.m-. sviien.be cam? 11 wight of fi ho didn't M*r any stir. ho kept ernodpr ehtter. Ho finally eatno I t a path; there »< til'd to l*r 3 'or <>f d|ff»r« »H truck*’. Ho Imcrh looking for a flare tilde and finally -Um ov.» re*4 « foils* >>id * limbed up mul sjt d sin t*«. its?. Suddi-nl)- ho heard a sound ! elpr-kint brtndi. Dr ijof lit.: rill" >tt* pmiIv « l*on down lip* path 'attic a»* old to-.ir and threo cub*. the lot!. <-tii v v.erv* piayinj; Hko kitten*,- Tlio »'i<’ htar-.yitlkoa up to tin* cavo. •niffod a f .v tlii-.os and wont In. In .1 f* a laittUti’S.y.Sm carta* rut wph n Ht- <** jwn'.het. -klPcd It mul gave it totit*- ctiitw Sip- rou-atod Hi!» thro** «?<:(»<. i>tnl ercry one -In* ki't r̂t v. H pi *u tram, t;t;d tl*<- i l l pan'hor

wild -answer a.vny on In the woo-ls and each Hum nearer. After aim hi.loti .them all die ruffed the rubs

*<-*;» thim tin a tr*-*- Then >h** hesam .ifucln" a licie 5n too crot nJ •n.d mtfffhifj't’ i • air. In a fovv nilu- •it > t!:f old pai»th*T jrrtam‘*d and ft •.<ctn*-,l jitvt 1 filth dbormr* av ,-!*.•- Tito phi tear ins down on !>• r bach Ir 11*■ * i<h tin* had due. Sh- v j* rf.tdy for flRht. Tfie tvOibcr rncts- Atraislit tor thi* Iwsir. Mu r;n* on*- trap mi I rtrii' k on D’ . lo-ar Thor • auh a fl*too •.■riinirlo 'iiii cn.imfiiK nn*l M arling *«>i in !• - than t*:: intnutr* th«I* -ir wav torn v* frtRm' tiT: Timfurttho*' tvutkod fp tim taw* mill f.lhlo risrht *>ii‘ ;u.»i*» and catr ,1 cream that » j * )>loodt urdltns. Ju»t

then vho m «: tit- <tilw. slm gnso a haft and l»roii<lii on- down nitd kflhd f* and w»nt after tit * r*vt tnd kills'*! t»M •»» ■

"ho j-nltt. -l Hi * air nxain mid hortmt t'omlr. ̂toward my criimlfatlmr.'• h*« h'.*d h* * ;» w.ttchlna: f-otn the Ictls show- H - rais-*! hU rltlt*. took good *t»m stud fifed

‘•That was tlto last h*> knew until m* o-eami' rt>n-«'|«m • again. t«tr l>e fa ld'd its -oral h** xliot. hut the 1 antlmr v-to doad- Ip* hud lift her lit**tw**on tin* ovt s.

"In* didn't walt to pick nu his lunch !-u< tmt went fast f*T homo.

• !«• oftmt says tlmt Is tin- tunsf CiMi.o*h‘* ever got with 011*' bnih t. Imt h* wot tdn't want to ><*r> It all cu r aeatn."

Ten Commandments of Safety.At tlm l^iraiu Sto< 5 Contpany‘» plant

af JoUttstnwu. Pa., tlm fallowing ten eomntaudmmtis have lo en mlopted for tin* Rttidatie** Of tlm eniplovet *:

I ThPtt shait have »<« other thoughts thitii t>'.' work.

;• Thou shaft ink.* no unnecessary risks, nor DJ to show off. "or jdn> prweMral j<>k*s. for by thy carelessness then nmyeyt do tiijutl'S wliielt will have effect unto tin* third and fourth generation:* to follow.

Thmi shall nut swear, nor hum thy leiiipi-t when things do not come just riche

1, lietaenibcr that Hum art not-the only f«ie on the job and that other Itt. s are Just as important as tblnc

lloaor thy yili and thvx'lt that His .jays nay iw long in employaniit

fin.u shiilt md clean machinery while it Is lit motion /

1. Thou shall not «5ch they uelsh- iH.r's work, hut attend to thine own.

s, Thou shall not h i tin* sleeves of the shirt hang loose, nor the flaps of •hi> eo,«t h<> unhuttoued. as iboy may get caught it) the m.n *.mi rv

;i, Tima shall mil throw matches or gt* pfv «n »ie on the floor, nor scatter ,*M ,»»o!itd tie b-t.r.ngi'. a» a dirty v „ ! , r «> .1 • lions* worker, .slid r. , luiii** . m1: 11 i* tut mite to Itti* ft I

*..*rk* n*!*. f |m'*i • li«h It** intrrtei.* with

Hi* , wiiel.i* nor the ihnimo*. nor in* e.*!*lev. tor tit* vnglnea. nor any* 1 s ip • 1 -. thou att tohl ir djngerous


It .


T he range with pure white enamelled steei reservoir stamped from one piece. The

=■ M 'C la r y S

Pandoraf t ( { q reservoir is seamless and clean

t enough to use in cooking, and preserving. See the McClary dealer, m

So ld by H. A. H avill.


___CJUPiTALf $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000

F A R M E R S ’ B U S I N E S SThe Canadian Bank ot Commerce extends to Farmers every

fadUty * * the transaction ol their banking business, including the dis count and coll vet:. .1 ol sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application.

H . . M . I A Y M vsv '.tic , vV a lkartia 'O n 1̂ }


Builc C oncre ter/ Crib Floors and Supports

'T H E Y keep the rats, squirrels and other 1 rodentsfrom carrying aw ay your profits.

M illions o f dollarsare lost to farmers each year through the ravages o f rodents in cribs and granaries. Part o i this loss is paid by every farmer whose crib floor isn’ t built o f concrete.Concrete crib floors and supports stop the waste be- cauic

They Protect Your GrainConcrete it fltiong, durable and clean. It never wean out and need* practically no repair*. It ii the cheap* eat of all materials for crib* and granaries.

L Write for (his free book "W hat the Farmer can do ] with Concrete." It tells sll about the use* of con- 1 cM t and will help every farmer to have better [ buildings and aave money.

Farmer's Information Bureau

Canada Cement Company Limited523 Herald Building, Montreal

l^tblMied>r-y Tlmr-tluy morning « t

W.dkert-n. Oril.

t St llM Itll* ill- 4<l .«•«* pel >rwj, «• f 1*50. UriitOd

SU||> il-'-"

* '•? ♦

* E DI T OR I A L \A ♦1 i

Northern Exhibition

As V iew ed by a Loca l High School S t u d ®

The following' is a section from an oral composition given in the local High School this week- Al though the writer has doubtless heard ftom several of the un­bounded success o f Ibis year’s exhibition he apparently does not agree with them and herein stat­es bis personal impressions.

“ Doubtless alt of »»» have* at some time or other barbouerd a strong feeding of roHOUtment to now# inter* loping pfcreou who muddles in per- hnj'H 11 private argument bolwoon youravlf and friends. This ftftiuo re bcnltuenf, nnabated and probably iucrouHod WO once hold against that visitor from distant place# who com plained to tits of tlio unempresaive nee» of our Norlhora Exhibition. Now however to oven the moat home proud of ««, hna tho tiiuo corno, when we mu*!confess*, unwilling by- no doubt that onr oxhioition is no! that which it once WBfi or oven that which it now might be. We may lake ibfor granted that practically tho lir«t objact which you noticed oh »nttring the grvtir.da on Wed­nesday afternoon Inst wn structure which even yet some people in biting sarcasm call tbo “crystal palace.” Tho time once wnu when this was a building any town con'd bh very proud uf and when only building of its bh‘i and capacity could accommodate the immenfse numbers of exbibitsHbown. For some reason perbapa on account of the in creating popularity of largo fairs*, our own became to grow Imalltr and of Ic-t-s inters\ year by year. Wo do not contu d flint tho North, ern Exhibition was over in a class wilh the Canadian National but still many things could now be done, lo make it ib*t which wo might truly call “*n unrounded success." Time will tell is a proverb only loo welt proven to io» in our own exhibition bujtdiug. We have none too gentle a climate and after many years this grand old building is r< ftdy to make place for tho more up-to-date. Shell could not be thb case, Lowev, er. One wing was “ torn" down, not, we most confess, before it was absolutely necessary. Without ap puaring cynical to anyone, tho work of tearing down this section was not what directors should have had it Supplies of the dobris is even yet not far removed. Around the sides and in tho rear of our once beautiful palace lay heaps of wrecked sheds. The wrecking of theso sheds came with tbo decaying of the Palace and since so very little has been done to

Everyonedoes not know as much about mak­ing biscuits as w e have learned in over 50 years of making


i f you wish to know how dainty and "su per-good ” a soda can be—fust taste Perrin's “ Fancy Th in ’ ’ E&iry Cream Sodas.

B you like the old-fashioned Soda Biscuit our regular Dairy Cream Soda is» t a t wWI please you.

Hither kind comes to you in sealed packages that permit none of tbe ferad. aeas to escape between the oven and yottr table.

“ " ms * " JO * grocer*. Bae^

10 cents in coin ot stamp* and your grocer's name brine you Pemn Sample Package" of delightful fancy biscuits.

D. S . P E R R I N & C O M P A N Y LimitedLONDON . . CANADA

fixon c.it jaunty ttalmal that to moro has l « o » made to remodel Hit* otbrr, Tho wrecking o f tho cal tin aliodn has in tho last fow years caus­ed considerable annoy ance ami d i». satisfaction to ixbtbitor* in causing them to show their livestock under very unsatisfactory citumsUnees. N d n thing which goes to increasethe numbers of ixhibitoTK of live* stock, cure, and ovintmt » f*w yt-ars since, it very interesting feature of the Fair. Then again with tbo des­troying of palace and Cattle sheds, is the wrecking by wind and storm of the poultry barns which in the last few years bos caused tbo direct­ors to have tho feathered tribes ex­hibited in the “ Fine Arts Buildings' along with the splendid needle-work and pleasing ilower displays of tho annual exposition. Poultry is a feature interesting to all, but when it is shown alongside of other Hue*, it does not make a pleasant effect. Iu this structure, waste and dirt have accumulated from time gone by, each year adding to the store. Tht« year the exhibits w« re pies*: ing and interesting but di»*ati*>fac- tion was shown in several thinga pertaining to display*. The prize list, it seeniK, has for yearn untLr; gone scarcely any change auJ year after year the same objects ate shown and y ear after year theso same objects in many departments receive tbo prizes. This is not fair to tho average exhibitor nor to the exhibition as a whole. Then several exhibitors, while not intending to make any unkind remark, find fault with the fact that many exhibitors bad •friends among tho judges.

Tbi* year the one great attraction was a balloon ascension and accom panying decent by parachute of the aeronaut. Tins was impressive to tbo crowds and caused considers! lo momentary interest. This ascension took place about fire o'clock in the evening. Upon going to tho Fair early in the afternoon one went to see the exhibits, and upon tlio con elusion o f this he again vonlurod outside to see the attractions of the day. Ho would stroll through that all too short midway, visit the res freshment booth, buy tbo customary hag o f peanuts or ico cream cone and then for perhaps an hour and a half wander aimlessly or sit dowu and await the great balloon ascen: sion. Now *0 all, younger sets es­pecially, lingering around is not enjoyment. Being included in that lucky class cslled-scbool children, many of ns enjoyed the getting of the re*nJt*ot lialf-.holiday more than the spur ding oj it. Tho midway attraction* it would ap-pear are not in great favour with our directors. Now there are many of splendid “ sideshows" which would only be too glad to come and coming also gladly pay a fee into the treasury- These fees we believe would not be en­tirely misplaced. We might be: lieve that if the money used to secure one immense attraction were perhaps used more intell­igently in securing more and smaller ones, it would tend to in: crease the eventual popularity in the exhibition. We are of times sermonized o f the subset!**: ent evil o f the present day race track. To a broad minded ab: server the resultant evil is not apparent. Jtace track gamblers and the presence of "bookies', would certainly tend to lower in: •terest and respect but under pro: per management these evils could be depressed and excellent races, causing wide spread interest be procured. Even a game would have broken the intense monots ony of this afternoon. Haying some o f our school spirit 1 might state that our own H. S team cou'd have given an interesting gam e for half an hour or more- You may think he is concentrate ing on attraction more t ban on tho real exhibition- This is not not the case. In Chesley ail attract ions are prohibited, i f I am informed correctly and much money is being made. I f such

the idea o f the directory sure: ,, better ways can^bo devised to make the exhibition itself more popular. Then another thing not altogether impossible is an even: ing performance ending in a pleasing but inexpensive display f fireworks.There is we all know the year:

it fair night concert in the local opera house but as has been shown the people in general will

whether from loving or oth:cuvise go into a stuffy theatrewhen pleasant outdoors is beck:oning. Money is the great « A,.acaitv it Reemft with our fair

I f a larger interest could be rais: ed the finances would also with: out a doubt soar. We can not blame our business men if they llatly refuse to give immense sums to support something they do not secure very much benefit from. More exhibitors then more visitors, having more visit­ors we have more local trade This is the situation in brief and it pH come back tothe one thing The necessity o f causing a bigg:

r interest in onr fail fairs- Ini a gate if you can the fair as seen last Wednesday, sec* it once again: then in your mind’s eye view the fair as it easily might lie and as we hope it will be in years to come A smaller, neater, more pleasing edifice we might properly call andexhibition building, kept clean and neat- logger numbers o f exiii bitors witlffheir man, exhibits A small and varied but interesting midway. Some entertainment, something to sec. somewhere to go. Then the evening, stand packed with satisfied peopleview- ing on interesting grand stand performance and the concluding fireworks, brilliant and magnifi: cent. All exhibitors satisfied and the local merchants kings with satisfied smilescounting the amountsof their increased scales

Now is the time if ever, when far seeing directors should study the exhibition question and in some measure at least try to ic: sUroct the declining popularity in that which we all want to proudly .-all our Northern Exhibition.

D eath of S ir Ja m e s W hitney.

A bulb-tin •• flouncing the «l*nlli o f Nh ,h*ui,» VVbiimy, 1’rcmlcl of tt.n- ari't was placed * « (Ire bulletin l«.;nd *t III* O. N. \y, nfllce f-huflly after noon on Friday bod. Although Sir J*im* had been xulTertng from a pro­longed i‘ln*»*. Iita deuth came veiy suddenly, Ik-Iii# caused by it rerohrul h> nimbras>>.

The f;r>* definite w ent« f ll>0 illnei U'bicll led i-vtn’ imlly i*> .sir JnnuWlillneyV death i crt-iVtd here o January lib . frttu ll«re. Or. Pym-wiih whom .Sir.luincN bud Iwc'i ►I'CiKlio#

lime in (Hid&HtIrei ti Sintra.’elk,.H I

Jsine*. was *ben • loved t . New Vwit- re be ti*- vt-f mis <1! *i Lil!wb.-r bi-w. vi.t r j 1 to r „ no.uML -jbri If •v- ; S :t *1■ i .1 \t, . - rl.a V I o : l.u.M »* - b i*tit It * 1 , red srililciubtlw Ik hoi-:. T!> » foil..w-»*d *tre*.tdays b-,.ding up ■y ami fhtunghPi«>vln<rial gemrt 11 Iri’tions. w heiJanie* in the |v*«| •rM. p, thel on**live pai ly w.»s agdin m-tnnitd t-« jor . Since ih.it d Hlr Janies Imxtended M hi* dm e*»! the ParlianBuildings w e re « b-v*.b «t i'v.a .<|Ut>ltilv hlnleffth ■t he Was tm tWell. Sum*tl lug W on dal J lit theout-’ pap't’* l *-t week about lb J*rier iM'Ing very i>l •gain, but thenouneemenl of his death r.tui-*»etnrlling -urprr people Of Olltal h»

*e lu unjsl of

Lie'ilenallt-CVIoiret Ibmorabl" S r James PHney Whitney. K C; K < M. ti: L l « » :P . t - L; K.C. Pi lore Mini* tee ol tin* province nf Oniario, Canndn ynee 1005 and lesdei «>f the fcuiCrva- live Party in the Provincial Homre since Isy.*.. was born in Williamsburg, Dnnda* County,Uniatkf. In ISIS; being a son nf Richard Let) Whitney acd ClarrUa Jane Fairnmn. his wife, amt a deocendaut < f t'nitrtl Empire LoyalUt stock.

James Wbitm-y spent thec.uly boy hood ol his life «>n a f^rui in the town. •hipOsnabruck, in ttw County of Stor­mont on the 81. Lawrence front where his parents moved n few years after hi« birth. Me was ed nested iu the local Public school and at the Ilia Unit- Cornwall Urautlliar school. Me began tbe study of law in the office of l be law John Sandficld Macdonald, Premier of the old province of Canada before Confedeiation, and tbs first pro.inelat Premier of Ontario after Con



Jfeal Estate bought and sold: 'm oney to loan; ulso agent f"t the

Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Company — Phone, li ie I IU. ring “ A I..


••Freit-a-tnts" Kh (s Y»i»g Aii Oil In Splendid Hulld


: W .J . H A T . U D A Y . f c J l i * *to nr. Corani: M.,<trrn mm.oa*

• n> *|| 0«>oi»t»r<ers<lr,D*. Neec*!«i*. um.n I » uo »’d, r.fhli* and Inlar work Tnn-. ilw.r- P*«r of l, Vl-II* I’a,r II

| 1*1 itml lr-1 Tlinrwl..) afteriioi.i;

j .S .R F .E D , 5 K S , :»««V Vif MUMf.

M E D I C A LDU. K R O U X , K f. w V t t i V iNeu.imit.nut. wm i «- *t ft,*- oiu m’» Hu t* t. Wi,lt.. f|.ill. |.t I-1 l.l* j 11

W . A. H A L L ,M.--lleln*«t (tti.-«ii'« t'ritvi-r-llv. Mi-mlirt Of IS* .olligi-of i.I,y.|r|»n» and otttr* and rotdenco on r.»d Cayley Htreeia.

j . W. hammono Caa.Scotland, Ont., Ang. 25th. IMS

"pniit-a tive*" are the only pill tnamifaclured, to my way of thinking. They work c-vtnletely, no griping whatever, and plenty for »tiyfmliiiary person ‘ ovr. My wilewnsa martyr to Colts... : »». We tried everything on the calendar without sattifoclion. and spent large sunt* ef tuoucy until we happened on “ Prutt- o-tives'*. I cannot say too much iu their favor.

We have used them in the family h r nlwot two years and we would not ti-f anything else .ta long as we can get “ Pniit-a-tivea” .

Tlieir setion is mild, and nodistrr** At all. 1 have recommended them »■> litany oilier {tcople, and our whole family uses them'*.

J. W. MAMMON'!). Those who have been curd by ‘ *l-'r«u* o tives” «rc. proud and happy to tell a sick or ailing friend about these won­derful tablets made from fruit jute**.

fiOc. a box, C for |5.h0: trial sift “ '-c. Atnlldeslrrs orsent on receipt of price by I'ruit-a-tives Limited. OtUso.

,“K S K .


] . G. CA RTER, i f f S ^ S i K &'I * r n-. i. t ...• ""• “ ■""•""•“ "V oia.ta m iiib ,»-le»COIiPrimes: Walkrrton.

V E T E R I N A R Ys . H A N M O R E .V .S . S lS T O S t«rio VeterinaryColtese. Hr Haonorcba* oyeited untie *n « ar*IU «|>t<«*ue fower*- Hote*. Tf,«tuir»it of all duntratH- animal*

“ ...... ■■*""" apidlaner*. Calls

tajaUftin age. it llih-nce ami >r.rt:i?,)s ul grsduste?- 8|**l»l!x** In (ttsgg

and Pitman $ > ! « » » * and all wtu- (iicrci tl kabjicl-. Fall l*nn open August dial. -Vrlt*' for our cat. S ; <-e Addto- T. Wstnlu.pi*, Principal, Ymtge iV Mi Mil S|,„ Tortmlo


Students Assisted to position*. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. WesUrreit J. W. WesUmlt, Jt.

htacbil -- OarUniAetasstAst ^ 10 rice-fmenol

S m ith * 6 c M c C o n n c l ’ s

Chopping’MillF e e d (£ L S e e d S to re

A J l K in d s O f C e re a l A n d C o a r s e F e d F o r S a l tn T o n L t t O r In Any S h a p e *

S m ith & M cC o nn ell. W A L K E K T O N . O N T

FJJ ’WooL’o Piosthoitno,* Ortat E»oti*K 'Iltmnfs.

To«e*ai-t»S'nrrvi.y«.>-«, ta. fa,»Wr» t>< » lllrudin old Vein*, f.-itt-fi AVt-niut Dtbllllg, Mental anil /train Worn. I ’ftinm-

•ftnrg. of Kntrgy, /'alpitat-nn nf theHeart, falling Memory- Pn— tl i»f b̂ », -u lot IS On* «ill « i will .fare.. Ŝ ld by alldfue*i*ta or matlrd in plum pkg. on rerelia ol prloa HtW_ ttatnphlfl malletI free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CÔ TOAOIIO,MT. iltemri,IMaJ

, gh u vo m

O w en Sound, Ont.It i« r»5ogn!y.o4 a>̂ the moat tbor-

ougbi practical hualnt-aH «clmtd in L'acada.

Individual InMructlon.

Our lilt'd* ►lory college building.

Evci y grad u a to gnuranteed » position.

liK f Ui R .St'CCKss BOOK.

0 A FLBMINO, F. U. A.. Principal

DO. FLKMJNO Secretary.


M e r c h a n t s B a n kO F C A N A D A

PAID I T C A P ITA L t",000,000 RESERN E FUNDS *7,248,184

220 BroachesThe SWINGS AO0 n s r s o f

tliuNc tloiriug u flirting SAVINGS BANK; arc cordially Invited, Int- cfc»t atldcd last day of April and October instead of May and Nov; amber, us formerly.


M a n a g e r

( . l i n in ' f f i r u r n cs h = i^ u fp i

T O R O N T Ol»i fVni re of Shopping ,.ti,| Ilttrites* DbUUt.

*jo aoout t«a arts *»r»*u sstv*

p r a i) t TOvVijship

Farms1 have, in Brant. - fifty acre

fanun. I forty-*i* acre farm. 1 on* bundled nnd lbitty acre- farm. 2 Inn Itumlrvd acre f.uiusall ELI. IMPHOY Kl). convenient to Hanov- urtti alkeiion, and the owners have placed them lit iny bands be- i-tui»o they ARK BOUNDTCSELL I have also a loO acre farm In Perth, near Listowel. one ol the best farms In the County of Peith. with «-xtr» Improvement*, u very great bargain at $7tH)D. 1 neverbc.'tirt) had such a choice ot Far ms »< now. My olfice It* 1IEADQUAK- THUS and yon should corin’ to see wellyauwAirt tobuy al tiyhtprlfe*

H . H . M i l l e rHASOVEH - ■ ONTARIO


Our photographs are more than gootl phothgrapin— they arc true portratis— bringing out all that's best in character and tndividu~ ality. Make your âp­pointments NOW.


S T O V E S !

If you want o stove

buy a " H A P P Y

T H O U G H T . " None

better. Aso o lull

line of Healing Stoves


H A HAVILLWalkerton - - Ont.

Dr. de Van ’s Fem ale PillsA tehsbls Fisath fails. There

ars etcrfdlociy pow»iinl la trtuUUnt ti,« l*c«»tl>re ponton of the t*«n»!e antsss. R*ri*a »:• (hrep D r . da Taa's ars s»)4 al18 a ho*, or rhiea lo* Ha Mailed to any addisre nre Xosbsu Ors* C-.ai. Csrirerlnsa, Onk,


R E Y N O L D S 9\G E N E R A L S T O R E

W A LK ER T O N |Small Profits and Quick Returns is the motto w e are using'

j0 in o u r bu s in ess ^R E A D :-A n d R e a lize tho M oney Saving O pportun ities H ere

R E Y N O L D S 'G E N E R A L S T O R E


25 pieces Flaunelclic.s, 36 inches wide, ligh t j ami dark colors, regular i 2 l/aC.S p e cia l 1 O yds for $1 .OO

to pieces nr ess goods, reg 75c for . 4 9 cA ll new colors ami fashionable weaves, 44 to 52 • inches wide,

$1.25 Ladies' F ine K id G loves..... .............. 9 8 c jRenier's:fine French K idd G loves in all col- !

ors, white and black, all si/cs. W E G U A R A N ­T E E E V E R Y P A IR . This for one week only. J

C H IL D R E N 'S W IN T ER CO A T S25, all sizes and styles represented at $ 5 .5 0

L A D IE S ' C O A T SHeavy coats made from pure wool cloths,

warm and stylish, from $ 8 . 5 0 to $ 1 2 .5 0

Children’s Sweater Coats.............. 5 0 c each.

M en ’s Raincoats,... $ 5 .7 5 and $ 1 0 .0 0 .

Kgg<* ..... ...........................ItiiUcr.....................................i ’.*ut»c.......... .......................O.m Flakr...............................•I (.'•■infill I S.'iij........................a Corn Stan li........ . .............a Cnn» P ro ..........................a •• 1 *oi 1 1 ........................ .a - II-im iI Bonus................t IIiUaii UikuiK f’ liW tk i.........'t Its* Fanry Hl». n i l - ...............3 Plug* British Now Tobacco . 3 •• Shamrock '3 • DU. k Watch *•40c ilia, k T«'» .......................30c Rio ColtiM'..........................

M EN 'S U N D ER W EA RMen’s heavy fleece-lined Uuderwear

5 0 c a G arm en t.Men's Separate Pants $ 1 .3 5 and $ 1 .7 5 . Si.00 M cnV fm e Shirts, all sizes in fine Z«ph-

with blue stripes 6 9 c .B O Y S ’ S U IT S

B ig bargains in order to make room for the new stock.

I B, REYNOLD, Walkerton


The most wonder­ful instrument e v ­er introduced. It requires nochang- i i ig o f needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

c. A. fox.Icit'dUr. lUiiihuion.

“ R in g Hat”King Hal*are flexible ami sell-eoi , orming, ju t lw lm U.r t i H t w l « ho hcnil.


Q TflATrono. O K T .^

is a school with a continents icputution for high grade work and; for the success of its (iradu- ate*, a school with superior courses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial. Shorthand and le- legraphy Department*.

W hy nttoiul*>!*• where when there ia room heif> Yufl 11.ny enter at anv time. W rite for our Digv frcecalalogut'.

I). A. .Mcl.iiehiun. Principal.

S H A W ’SB u sin e ss Schoo ls

Toronto.CamtAa, rove* high grade coiirtcsard quality young pc-oplti t ociii u giu d Mil«ii»-i..Tliey Include The Ccrtiai liu»»n«?* College. -Y.otfbgc *.rid iirrraid SD., 1 nd Six­ty Branch School*. Cnriieiiliini ten t on rinit:£8$l Knter any tltm* W . H; Shaw. President.

££3 2 'ppskim ly segue

toll'd AIOM AfBDN

» * Uaivi?;j«

f> r h-.,r 1NVKJJ. h wir*.!« j-viit irtfc MAllIpN.

Surntdav, the merchant*of OHI|<* gave »•».-;* nth yl l InTr receipts to the intooVit fund, ittlvurUving hmai»>.

< >11 r-.elpt of ten ei'iiI* wo will -- ml tlu* 't 1'h.wfojw 10 ally udd* *■ M< t* Oiada to »>••« -uU.rdu,- f.r-’ tliehid.iiuv of 1 his ye w, T.»ki" oiIVrt.itrtgM of tbit* III* l.do ll.f lO M'lld III.* |>.(|«-«' to your aiowtil liui.d. They oil! appreciate Hie liyine ih-w*.

$ 1 0 0 R ew ard $ 1 0 0

IV «;a V »«U*xn| llalllwwM x' Iraoli'.TOc orr.iJ-J that-1 M,hK(h|. fvrn aide le...remall it. Mage, fl.nl

i<Caiaoh. Hall'. Cat oil, Cuie i* the .ml. <«w» kRO«HL>lk<> mvJwxl frxlfrnuy.

Hall. C-latih irK i» iaUfil intci(<at|ya,iio*d(f».-il» «txm the td,..>J amt ni:,o»..urOnA •*« lhc«> .Ii-iii. iIh-K'Ii) .L-.troyinc

fticfa h d tQUICK N A P T H Aw o m a n 's soap,

Cook's Cotton Root Compound.A •*/(. rrlio’-l. Ttgulatina

mntMnt. t5o!d iu ifcno do of »lr<-ni-tti~-No. I. *1;

o. 2. *3; No, 3, »3 prr »>->«. Hold t>» *11 d>'l**l«a. Of »-ol<■» rr«'taf in tMnaphlft. • Add!**#:


♦ N 7 ,» - .

Every Woman

r o t i .

The petty tiurgl-ou-s ant still Koing on in Owen Sound. Two of llut gai- age* wen* tiroken into last week hut not Much tuom-T wa* Utete to lx- stel* •mi. Hmglais do aoriit* rilly things ftoinethnes. A Uud.ay itrw*pjtp«r of free was Viroken Into «eee»t<y an l ac­cording to the editor they audit thteo cent* and twohiuiana*. leaving Iwliitul an asc n «d for prying open the win­dow

Mr. 3. Molorx' iux of Wulkerton. was a visitor in town Monday and Tuesday. Mr. MuIoiichiix is one of the new men Walkcrthn claims to have secured to play hockey with them nest winter. Hubert pitcher of ►om* note. haviPK l-een on the twilling elrtil of the fast Urat tford W .o. H. L. team for fever til M'asons. He recently pitched for Walker loti against the IMmelfton nine and the one sided x-ote of H' to »

; a«tilnst«>uf»iouUmm nklfthhors te-lifies ilia* he In a rwilier of eonsideial/le ability. —MUdtnay t«a «tte .

Combination OffersYou want good readiug (luring the coming ye a r .

Y ou cau't get a better paper for local news than the T E L E S C O P E aud with it we offer the follow ing at the

prices shown T h e T e l e s c o p e aud

One new Subscription................................................ ***75

Saturday G lobe......... -.................. .............................. I »9°

Fam ily Hera ld .............................................................. *»9°

Toronto W o rld ............ . .................................... ....... 3*75

Farmer’s Advocate...................................................... 2.40

Canadian Farm .................................... ..................

W eek ly Sun ........... .................. ...................... .......x-90 '

Catholic Register............ .......... ............. ...................*

Toronto D aily G lo b e ..... . .............. ?....................... 3-9°

Toronto D aily M ail & Em pire.............................. 3.90

Toronto D aily Star_____ ........ ........... ...................... 2.90

Toronto D ally N e w s .................................................. 2.9o

Montreal W . W itness........ .............. 1.90

Loudon Catholic Record.............................................2.25

Canadian B a p tis t.............................. ...... .............. 2.25

Presbyterian........ ................... ..................................2.25

Westminster .......................... ..................................... 2.25

Ontario Churchman . ................................................ 1.50

Church L ife ................... ............* ...........................2.00

Farm & D airy ............... ......... ............. ...................... 190

W eek ly M ail & Empire ...... ................... ............. 1.90

Saturday N igh t............... ..... .................. ................... 3

Loudon Advertiser........ .......................... ........... ^ 3 g0

P a tr io t ic Fund.

The following «»»- th»? jm diuiittioiiti t«* the I’litthdic I e.dvid t.nldtv: ,Bivvii.u-'y acku.*wh d:;. d HcV. I’ , .t, I'MlIllllillgN Mr*. 1C .Mvh-sllov. T. WitMn W A How-Mid MUti W Tti Mopsoii H t* Hunter F A Kent Mr* !* Ciunplii'll T H WiUou 1. C L-acIi .hmeph Couka W T 1511 i*T \V I. uiiIiM TlioiusouIt. V H’tkeiJ S ToltcmF I/tppvil. & S»uH H Sinclair M ftC FNuttingW (i Mct 'iiUnmU A (y'uinnnglininIvd CampbellWVn NappeII \Vnl«hJobu KvrryWin Kiigii«liWin AlexanderWalter Fitutuitt* pJohn Ken ytii'drga KerryW I KerryWv- Oveiitlidliiuvt-l AiuiuyArt DmiganSim IkltrickS J Perdue<<eoige AlekniideiJohn U»i*<**cMorris llxlahaiiHcginxid PrnuitWm Kerry-Sr.Dick Kciry

1 (W2 00 2 no 4 INI 2 (JO


C u lro ss Council

Tmvii Hull ‘JVrtxWatiM-, Sej Couiieil meet inlay. .Mein present. K ew rju i tin? chi tiUis id thtt lUM lifei ting w eie

Tow n Hull Ti.’i\i.wnt«M'. Sept. Zlitl, intci- all hair. Min

ti rig Wer e r ead midcontinued. -—^

Arin»Uong—IhinxidjKin—ITiat n- n pitUiion has been preneutm to this Council for ft grant »n the town line Iwlwceo Carried and Ctthova opp°*Ue lot*‘.laud H). I'bat ibis. Council make u grant of SdO W) pr .viding Currick Council giant an «jai»l amount. That 11 copy of lhi« rcxolutsoti ho eent to the Currick Coaneil. And that Wot. Case ho f»p]K>ititod to took after the town* »lipl# ioteivst in the matteJ’.~-}C«iTlcd

Case— iJonoiilxon -That a« the cup vert on the grave! road. Coo, 15 l».je_ pot red to be in !>ad condition that J S Ariuslrong bo appointed to have the name repaired or built in uew.'Carrird)

Case— Danahisoi.—-That the Bond of tho tax coJIkcIoi Ik* ucceptcd and tba* it he handed over to the Treaiurer for safe keeping, f Cxi Tied.)Case—Donaldxon—That 8. AruiBliong ho apjHjiuted to have the road repaired at lots 2b 2f Com *2 and 13, a* it is uu»afcfot’ public traveljCrtt ried.)

Donaldson—Cauo—That a grant, o f sixty dollars be made on the 25th aide i oitd Con lb for gi a veiling and that Tho# McPherson expend the same (Carried.)

Aiuifllrong—McPherson—Thai By law«8-9, Being by-laws for levying the different rule-' of the Township for County. Municipal and school pin pose es. Being now read a (list Second and lilrd time be finally prtjNcd signed and

’’caled, (Cprt ivd.)Case—MePncrson—That wo give n

grant of for gravelling the gruv-vl road »3«tn t tom »var of lots Con }-% 1 lie same !< la; expended by the Mover •‘ml Seconder. (Carried) *Armstrong — Donaldson — That wt make a grant of filOil.uO to bo spent un' del- the supervision of the Mover vutj Seconder on the gtavrl toad uotth of Teeswutor (Tarried t

DoniUdaou— McPherson—That the finance report as just: lead be adopted and orders issued for payment of the accounts. ( Carried. J

.FlNAJiCK K15P0RT U. Hall anh 2 days spreading

gi-ttvol ............................... $ SO11 Fischer (I yds grave!............. ISv 3 Day cutting ice at bridge

Con 10 ................ .............. 2 00FKeitler putting In tils drain,,. 0 0 o

T Hlihfini sheep killed by dogs fl t>jJ Voixiu inspecting sheep ----- 2 oOA Hughes renewing bridge

Tout................... 23 « «N Melvin putting iu Culvert 6 00 Win Umh 2N yds grav.-l . . . . 2 21Wm Until tilling up Culvert

C o u ld ........................... 2 35A Whir ur fixing Culvert.......... 5 00Tim* Fallon !t2 yds gravel ____ 7 '.HiF Wocks contract gravelling

ConS.................................. 20 00no Aitkins inspecting sbeeji 3 00 The Council then adjourned to meet

again on Oct 21«t.ur at the call of the Hceve.—O. Button, Cletk.

The Mildmay Fall Fair was held on Monday an d Tuesday of this we* k.

Th* French Forelgh Ofllce last week uadethe statement that tienernl Sten-

gcr comtuamling the 53i<1 tieriimn In­fantry brigade has issued an order of which tho following Is a translation; “ Take no prisoners. Shoot nil who tall into yam-hands,singlynt in groups and despascb the wounded, whether

•d or unarmed, as the Ueriuans- tuust leave no Frenchmen living In:* hind.”

T im e Bi ilish muisei s were sunk by (iernmii submarines; with a loss of I" t>» live*. Of the attacking Until!* of live unit*; two are reported to have sunk by the British gunners. A link! elfort 1# likely to la* made to force a battle with the Termini fleet. From the buttled up uituation of the Tvrniai. licet they have a» advantage over their oppouvnt, and the Hiltish AdmiitP-ty 1- justly cautious in keeping out ot dan

•r. The Kiel canal connects th e ! utlieri) Baltic with the North £ o, |

anil i f the British fleet divide tip theii j ilrOtiglh uod half go by way of tbc T’altegat and Skager itsek. It is pos-ij able tho whole strength of tho Ucriunn | licet might cause their unmhilutian. and in turn attack the other half with ’ in njual measure of succer-. The J u-hioii chair war critics are dialing j

fault with the British Adrairality for > their app.m-nt inaction, but if the * truth be known tbe.v may bo doing ! more good than at! the land forces.. By continuing their present system j they will in lime siirve llm enemy.and j prove u mighty factor in their ultimate j defeat. Though liable to meet with ; occasional iosses. tho niouihds they have adopted me more humane, leas ■ destructive o f life aud propeity, and in the end will prove equally elfoctive

Owing to the many inquiries made at IhiiMllee regindmg the open seas­on for dillercut varieties of game the foil nving will lie of int#r*»t:—Opno s-isoo in Ontario lor grouse; phesnnls prairie fowl, or partridge, is from Oct 15 to November 1.5 both day* iocluitve but no person shall take or kill more Ilian t* n parlridgen in out* day. For duck* the open season is from Sept 1st to Dec lo, loth -daya inclusivo in the northern district ofOutarlo; Sept 1.5 tb to December 1.5 in the northern dis­trict. The dividing line between the two district* couiqjciices where the 0. P. B. line from Montteal to Toronto onters Ontario, and follows the line south o f Bice Lake to Toronto: thence billowing the line of the C. I*. R. to Uuotplt and on to (Jodoricli. The Hare seasoo is from Oct I to December loth Then? is no open scanon for the cotton taii rabbit.

Mr. John Frank of Walkerton ia vis ; Ding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.! Frank for * few week*.—Mildmay(iaxette.

The people of Vienna arc becoming very i (**tle«* over toQ.OQO uaea»pioy>* d put ading tbc streets and shouting for peace. The news of the capture o f

i&Oittiiu by Servift hfts thrown Into a panic and the terror hat boon increased by tint reported advanoe ofthdlluMinu forces.

j A despatch from Ottawa on Friday i said:— Owing to certain activities in j some quarters the talk of the pro lia­bility <>f an early general election has

t been revived. Hon Robt Rogers and hi* immediate follower* are credited with a desire to violate tho political n*-mMlce which has boon In forco sinco Jb*> war broke out. However Sir Kob-

i err Boiden conld not do induced to pro- 1 cipitalc an election at such a time and also tli« Duke of Connaught would not at the present time consent to a dissolution of I'arliament.


by buying Canadian-made goods. Your money re­

mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people


KELLOGG’STOASTED CORN FLAKESis the on ly article bearing tae K E L L O G G name that

is “ Made in Cauada.” A ll others are made outside of

this country and do not help our working people.

Keep Your Money in Canada.

K E L L O G G 'S T O A S T E D CO RN F L A K E SMade in Loudpu, Ontario, Canada.

DesertersA R T E M U S W ARD, tho fam o us A m erican

h u m o rist, w h o se hum or so m etim es w a s a lan ce-th ru st, once sa id he w a s w illing to 'sa cr if ice a ll h is f irs t w ife 's re la t io n s on tho a lta r of h is co u n try . M any a m an h as been w illin g to let o th e rs do h is fighting for h im —w illing , a lso , to s h a re th e re w a rd s of poace and v icto ry . Men of th is type belong to th e d e se r te r c la s s .

Ill Canada are hundreds of business firms striving with all their might to make better times for themselves and their communities.To them all honor.

But there are utlier firms—manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers—who are "standing pat," "playing safe,' doing absolutely nothing to build up business. They are mere lookers on. not participants in the valorous struggle of their brethren to maintain and establish good times.

Look about you amt you will find in the ad­vertising columns of tills and other newspapers many messages from firms witii a sturdy confid. enee in the future.

Lifter or Leaner—which are you?

EDITORIALT iir its o .w , <u t . >. i•*ii

WAS WAR INEVITABLE?No doubt l'r» nili’r As*|uttU non

ttn* UH Ignat-^design of the Has ■ r lit thin war of Ills. Ho bus * Hi i; ; i.erninny • po'-o*. .'but of Holland.Ib-tcium and Switzerland, :-*» that 0 tuny absc-tb them- Hill atiitongh hr 4f|<I not *ay It, tp>. dmtht Mr-AwitUh r.tao tx-Iicve* th;it Germany'* <h inn Include!. lilt* defeat sunt humiliation of Groat Britain. With these three minor Stales In Ida power. the Kaiser would havo a free westward on the North Sea. From there he coultt 'Jju>uaeo anti !i! - tack Britain. wliv should h*> seek tl *■ cvcrthrow of Britain* U><,i!s--\ ns In a liccn pointed out, German viwouta o {•io.t-o In tho wit. a mi the lirltlot Umpire stands Mjinirely am *"-. *b« path of German extension and, mt-ot-il* Ipk to .xt.no. war with flu* mother country wan sootier or taler inevitable. S>l»0(iklnK on tills snbb’ct the Itochi'OUr Kxpiess snyi*;

Great Britain realizes now that tt»- T* atonic war prep muh-ns during the

.Inst four decades hml for their chief object a contest; soon nr late, with her. The humiliation of Itus.-da amt tho do- ntrucHon of Fraud ns a flr/.t ohms power tvoro only incidental to a Infer lontcst with Krigland for her widely mtttrrvl colmth's ami the Mipmwarv of the sen, To this oml JJelttlnni, Hol­land ami ncnmnrk arc absolutely essen­tial to the German colossus, for sdabv- men know well that Kttiinnd's fron­tiers arc the eastern shores of the North Sea, With these in the hand* of a pow erful enemy. England is dm>m- rd amt her empire from which tho sun ran never get away will hreah to .pieces like a rope of hav, tin shows which have never melted, on deserts which have never been wot with rsln on the mountain 'peaks of the Iffnmhtv- :.s and on the remotest islands of th- ■rn England has planted ti«*r flap: hot she *oulil not keoo it there •» ymr af­ter the North Sea hail eehsetl to he ,;it English lake and the neutral date* which fringe Its eastern cm*l had h-vo absorbed hy Germany.

British slntcsmen nttlst have s-mo'd th«* peril their country was In no less than the low countries of Kurope. and self-preset ration as well as honor im- lolled them t>* take the phmge lntnth<- vortex of war. Fortunate 5«!'rifibo that, she dees not have to faeo nn armed Germany alone. Hut that he find • herself fighting side by-’ side with »w<. tHjwerftd allies. Of Uus good fortune of having allies in the fight the Fx- prc«f says:

l l Is almost Incredible that it eon hi have happened t o and that the militar­ist* should have precipitated this war ei a ttmo when the «xT»s were all against them. Tho Kaiser's diplomacy ln«« beer. an absolute and utter f;tihtr‘ . We search history In •vam for a ruler aspiring to the hegemony of .t *'*stt>- m-nt anti the ovcriordship of the see whose diplomacy was so Inraiu-lv stu­pid as to am v acalnst him Is fore a shot was fired in a war that he brought on- so tunny of tit.- power ­ful nations of the world. Ho has -intm: ottix.rd every jK>w»rful state which mold help nim. He has alienated tf. • sympathies of civillxnl mankind, ami while lie may stirMoslva families to holy war and thu* start a hath ffr<- which shall threaten ld> enemies, ami e.et* though he may Kticu*cd In Irivin ; a miRhtv wed ye Into the heart of Par-*, his final overthrow I- sure, jf nny nation can he so hold as to hope thot tlod Is <m their side H lt» tfo* l?rJ- tlsh pt mile, for events have so c'tamt- • tl tint they are merlins the ihock: of larth'a greatest confllet tinder the verv htwt pesidldc conditions ami with all the help the eivltict.il nations »ho two most yopul t+- and jwvwerfui eor.t • nmts of earth ran give them

Proud of his ^wii strength nml im- patten* of delay. \he War faird rusiw.l Into the fight ncardless of -vd.-jhn treaties and hiiffcent people Imnh us ly arrayltin *hc Almighty on his shl«* while he is doing the tievs«> work and shnminK tho very haded by bh- iuon- strout*. cruel ami barbarous tie*'*!;;.

E D IT O R I A L N 0 1 E S

Tim Kaiser must have forgot about Belgium when be protested against the violation of the neutrality of the territory of China.

The Germans made another miscal­culation. They supposed that the Cu­lled -States would annex Canada ns soon as war broke out. So v.-.' -• i,. •>. Senator Spraul; who has just returned from Germany.

Britain I# carrying on its hack a large share of the burden of the Kitropean war, and yet she is inching the homeless Belgians l « come over nml share her hospitality The British are a wonderful people.

There is tv report current Hint there Is*a movement to get the. Pioviueial Government to postpone the pattlnn of the WorknyuPs t'ompeiisathm-Act in force. The danger Is that the Gov- eminent may to* too willing to do

Not eouteut with fltuinehig lie- war, I»h>>d-George h w |«;i»s In -• nirtin? by making inuriotie mhl.-- - lie Is using tium hvnutifulh : ictiir- es<pi«: ned Idieebons'- huiKuat;‘vd^a-rip: tin. td the Kais*r.

; . :| ......—Anyone who would like to get a

copy of the: ?Vpl<tsiix r i - - i f of H>" 1'aimdiun Idhere! Month};, v.iih ji,. iimppartlMUn nrtlele. ' t auudu and Ho- \V;fr, ' : eau 'imyy eu<- for nothing b- nddiV,.-i»K f .iit rd Information B jr cuuetjii tiparks sire* t. Ottnwa,

The Kao - r >e--m•• snxioM.* to ins* presK President Wilson with lie- id-a that Gennany Is b“ ipg badly utilisedhy the ailhx, and ie. * p-s!.j!t <<ur- plains that the la-iKlnn l"sud«- an figitting l»is soldiers; Bid lie Imagiti* that Ho- Ih-lgiam; would stand lo ;<*o! aeo their pfo|K-riy destroy erl aoVt do not fling to try to -save If,' The Gee-


Wilburn's Laxa-Liver Pillsli the Etc: <: I.A/.V, e:."W of ToKl tl* tl

is luvc'.'-ii \ to Mintnlate it l»y the «>*• «»i a uuda iiw tit it yvil| de.nt uwuy" nil thek , i*;h- .soil i - : .oih<it-i inatlvf Horn thev pea, p* :»•. Will a'* CUIC

Coiwnp,;f(*u. y*»W Heattuhe, Bihmt.v iu".l.oMi-li- i;Oiii fUoiuUeh. Id vet Complaint, oml -alt swiiiteatiMtig Ifom a d« -nhi.-i • >-!»!««*»?! of-tlw Su«n.wh.l. ivei and P-w-Ss

Milbmt. b v v l.m r Pdh ate a specific lot all thv'C Itotibh *, and have twvn wwii h-r vlow n»t to twenty years hv m.utv mople for th» c complalittG

' Mr. Tlmmus l.hic;liit}i. Wuteihird. Out. write - I was it.milled with my stomach for twenty-five years, l dtH-tor;-,! wdh diK-tiU-. in Canada and Michigan, but got tin relief. There wav •u friend lit Mi;liwait wlm ndvi -cd me to try jTjnir MdhnrsTs l.uvi-l.ivcr Pills, and I*«l?d ■->, ! wow lift like a new man.and I can't praise them enough to my fellow Then."

Milbtiru's |g»xa-J.iver Pills arc US rmts j« t vial o r v ia l* for St did. They uc for -mIc at all dealers or mailed direct an receipt of price by The T. MillmrnCxi. t imilrd. Toronto Ont.

niuiis'tire to llclghun* imtlilng lint bur- glare nttd «nur»h-rcr>. It may In- dif­fer* tit in Franco,

.John Bcdmomt tiua made an apfxnl to tho Irish peopb* to <Mirt for this war. it- advoeat* - the onwinlmtion of an fH-l» briKiido. m> Hud In-hrml might get credit for the-:deeds Irish* •men ;micht perform on the field ■■■of laiHte. Ho li'.ilika thnl Irishmen would In ihir- 'win sin'"' their appreciation eifglhe fai'l that: the demiHraev of ItrltAin Tins ni last rmilv.nl to do Jus­tice to Ireland.

--------.*.»«►....- —•The Moiitnxii Mull says:Canada w ill derive one henont Hum

t:»>- 'pre-cut- «a r it H— general cn* thushn-m for tiie Brl'ich cans*.* o|u r- afis to itirunh.* from public life all dili< iciico ns to loynJiy ami patriot­ism. ASmo't every action Mr. A-*piith is inking th'-;- lime;, would have laid him mum to th.- charge, a f«<w months ago, that he win: vn {lag fl«jtp«r.” And now sue!; a gm»d l.iheral patwr^o* tho Hamilton Times :r!>ilt-: on }*ir Itohcrt Borden to imltttte Mr. Asipiith urn! carry the fiery «-rp.ss through the <<<e:drv in Ho-tut*rest,* i<! r.-i'toltlrig-

Use war shonltl put a : t-*j* to the Tory jirof.'shmaf flag flapper d<*. m inw itig the Grits a-- rcjviiatfsts, and . îr Wilfrid hiHiricr a* a dirtoyul man. If the war *Io>‘s shat. it will: have d ne oti«- gc« d tiling.

Tim Financial I’m-t of t'nn.sditvex that the b^nks are -pilte willing

to lend money If they .urnt iiwjramv that, the money' :will !<e r.-onid. The money is not their*. It Ix-tomr-; to The .!.(HISS tor;'. Tite Po.-t V.1>>:

Tliefr profits a»>- derived from l. n>I- Ins imtiH-v* r* voiced on »! ' unni and t!-<-. always hn-l ...Vy .-at ?h-y . nfi providing it It rate to do po. The iwift* timtiey tiny nave *rii in in-ni hand* earning a gronler rate er inter- m than that wbteti they }, «», ti is, tin* uior*- profit Hie banka will mnhe. Donee i? is ’to their Inter*--** to c* t, out ait Bio, ifion-u the; cun, if, tie r* fer--. ill rwd'.lnr ;• 111. e r aliovtatiiiK pr-— nt disfro-; i nml #**,-** wiih-h will ensure thpl any loan ninde will'll*' r*T*!thl at a given time. Cm-, will m> <heibt icadll* bnd C - tmnie, '•veil though in doing s<, Hn-l ' i . no profit In the transaction.

The Gr.idualtV itodeie of MeGili ITilsersity hns sent mil tin (ippoul to all gradnaftw of the university to each contribute otto dollar to the Canadian m-iimiaf |i|iiriotie. fund. They can send Hie Jr suhserlpllong to fh*' treim- •m f ef the society. <!»«» G. Mel*onaM. J"-' ot. -itiHitv ‘ tre*t. MoiHr<al. Tin- ciixular say , "At n time lib,- the pre>* 1st. whm tho d<-lln.v ot tin- Km* l»ir<> i» at : take. Mcfiiii i riiverstty and Im grpdnat.-s ritoultl ennto for­ward and do cv.-rnlilng in their f*o«> ;r io help the i-eiumon »nu«e. Tho Individual graduate does inn fu||v real ire tin- 'inflnene*' the graduat-s as 3 whole have fit Canadian affairs, Over <ducat* d iin-n. holding tin*portunt position* alt over the IK»;ilin- Ion and * l*enh< re, .w .>. *r» mendmis power and InOtlcm-e, partlcnlarlv if their efforts are voneeturiitcd on tain fixed objects."

Yellow Fever On Amazon.hpiitos js a town on th- Amazon rB- ;

er within four degr-e* of the e-piasor. All isjuttloiTnl sw nm)i pot only etir- routidK tin- place, but thrusts invading swale* into tip* city Hr* If, C>jkh «ew- er*; fan th- length of the principal s t tfc i», whirl t a re *| ult - I mi ooi-n t of paving, v-t tin American mtrucon, loam tl front tin p ibllr health «er\U « ai d loyally support* <t by the IVnivlaii govermneht of the place, turn driven on* jeilow fcvi-i- ••vr-ii under snelt tliti- ndvaotng* s ns th*.:"<* and redtiii d tii- g< iii fsd death rate troni Tottj Jiiite j** r tlHitoiaml p* r year {-> tvci.-tity elght. in the face.of gneh uti uehi-vement. whut *.-x*:nr<- h;ut any American efty for har* hofOiif prcv< ntaf.de <ltseiis'*-' Chicago inti r * ic-’iiit.

Had a Weak Heart and Bad Shaky

Nerves for YearsMilburn's Heart and Nerve

Pills Cured Him

Mr. II. lVrcy Turner, Marie Joseph, N y . write-- " I have had a weak licari ami bad. shaky nervci for ycavi, ami hive tried almost everything, but noth­in,; did me any £**.«! till 1 wax advised t-i try Milmirn’s Heart and Nerve Bilht. I w.t * .Surprised to find how one box hti-,s'*S n’.e. -.1 I tried two more.and am isj-.v completely cured. You may my Idler ue an aid to nth as suffering from heart or nerve troubles,"

Mitburu’; lleatt and Nervi* BUD are •v • j'-.cifi.' for ail run down men and women troubled with their heart or nerve*.

Milhurn'ri Heart anti Nerve Bills are ■’ '* cent-, j*r Itox. cr a bores for $1.25 ut all <h ih i-. or iit.vT-cd direct on iceeipt of pile*- by Th*- 'f, Milbuiu Co., I irntud, Torvutw, Out,

yield of flAv-Mx . . . . . .■» ;* t*. close sccoh-I with i ittv-

rive tee* try tbsur cr>«lit. a ml another pen -t'f shorn* tn>*o Manor Pputitv Farm.Manor*><»<■. t. t . . Tl«0.total >IrM ........................................ -

. 5.0C.*. or only tbinv ms* I-*- Hun :h*" rrrrloii* work, nsaMne » RTai.il total of ue.ag ossa.. Th« t*m-lending poos't« Onto are fu»follow?’Kr«ncf* P, tde-mtn, Mount Carmel.

CVnr* . White ty'srtir.rna............ S *CTom Darren. <"at forth. Ffietnnd,

Wtdle WysmlorTom Parana; fntfortli, KnClaniJ.

While I^rhornr....... ..StrarytfcaocJvt farm roJitoiSta.


A. r- turn ̂ft; r , i;h«

v. - fychorr# 1 C9

MATCJliXt; TI’UKKViC Th*; till Hoy gobbler unit inn »I**>uId not

only by mated, l*ut iiiU'v'li. O0>: olten ■•£ a oartra i t l-usy lutttta. n..™ stu>t l» tb« va«* »!>v rtC;' ot the 3>rn t» tms na­ture Mod> l turds worthy «t care- Ittl study..Note lli»‘ iinbhler*., j**>u*!a. I to ehoulil

threat nnttlr.i, bach (ytdea;broad uml’ round. with yraceJul *h){K> totall; tong. airbag wing*. wide bruml; toil

Th** hen, will to 1 rofin-l.. is tintamt hrr # , t yurt a- tnii retrod, nro-vJ and «Wj>. In style like |ior mate. and both »r-' brautlfut in mlorim; «r"l birds of rtronstit. ttijttf* tiiril? tint' the* build tor fin" tmrfc't » > f ' and thy sriinuvv t** prodm-t* aitrvtyln*.They have room f--t tv 1 >1 digestive eap.i- clty, tho bone itiol ’trooyth which never tiro when In -arch - t food. and poult# how fram them wilt hresisting jwrw>: • T to Withstand 01:.<•:>>■* and exposure. Surh a hen hoot f o hate tslns

to nature. ran no'. help hut produce btrtt*

ii .J-yrtof* verylOU lllfc’l Rood

nt Kroiit i**«d,. «i»v«n frealt water «ud « poultry building that 1* v*!i ventilated nmt ml nvrrcrowdcd with jiatlrtr. K « o the j> tlirU hy th 'cuylvr j away from ni«i<;< nr nliior licnfl.

Wfirn |Kitilt.-y o.*;>i)<u«Ut>n:i nr*- wtlllnit.... * fair ttrki; t

th" awards tiny vN"o j lid no of any r

tbs -khihityts.nt» tan afford

from hu;<iu<V.s lit but :i fow‘ ilyllafo atovo rspaaw, V̂s'-n'istn m rltoutd at lraat rn eacr onr- co'vl aiS-roand-jt*>tKr« t'f ST-i a or tlir nwar>Jy on tho j-«-av>* • BUt'hn* Plymouth I tuck*. Wyandotlcs, liliodtj Islam) licilx, Otpinyt n?, !>v:horns, Ktc.Thr hi«b nr!- - of ft- d lijt* taurrd tnaev

tA dtsjnfc cf ttirir J-X.ittry. This with tho known rliortayr- in |*nultr>’ will canito liii;lior i>rico» tlila winter. At pres-

of lv.iullry is 10 low * ■

month. It i« jnxr economy to Uo*'p fowl* over two-yrar.i of oso, surplus m.-dc* or very lato-hatctio'-i t ulln*, thy Utter

brautlful *hould . _. .... . . __beet fort* and < ntT tiieai in the fall fair*. liven tliomdi they do not carry

t prize lit tin’ flr.it attempt, tho !>*•

Mrssf*. Chlvrrit o ffmt crowri-,of Hilton, itMtiibrnJsr, (;«*•. Ttw twlnr* arc wrli-*fa*rr'| ami In althity <J-'V<-lope*lis devoted io her foster <:hildrrn.

lajok out ter (lie exowdinK in tho ni«ht Qtjartrfi:. T̂ills must |n>t b- forvrottnii,

oue^thst R 'i* jw*« fit st rtmu^r rirk <>f twins curried out d in’ the rnornini;. r«H 0 them * very nvh ' ^<»r|v npniyon twrwu-'- th»y are Kept amt'C unr.oliiral tondlUmie, April n»utmay are la;t for fertility. Iwraiiyr tho io»w

In'tyiultri- coiture.

I limp, it iudicateo

condi Uon.The wattles ami sar-lotw* t>> ibnr at-

;•rainnee also add to our knowieshir of the bird’s henitli.Nearly all tho dis«a»<d cnnrtitions of

the rornb ore iiainj hi dlaiurt-ancea inTaking up *ep*uite l.ranchr* *<f poultry

culture, and d-|eiiiilirig ui«m them lor 11 living u about as risky a» tit- tnun on the farm who would devote all his land,time and money to a crop.The Uirkry |* not fnily'iuhtured until

two years of nee. and is in his jirmio nt three, and nearly ns good nt four old. U !».. therefore, a inistak- h> .**11 Off Um older t-lfd* SR-I retain the yeiUtlK one* for l<re"<Jinii purfso-cji.

Young turkey:- nr- ot a itelic.Mf nature until they are fully feathered and have thrown out the red on their h*ads. which usually oeesir# at about three month* of ago: after that they ofo hardy, ond may bo allowed unlimited rtiftsn at nit tlnie*.

IB HOT ACTIONBeat Back Germans In Awful

Fight at Cotapie^nc.

Coldstreams and Scots Follow Up the Advantage.

1' u

A fine neewon t tA fiehUni: at Ctenplcjme liaa bten fjlvcu by si wound' ed Cuartisnuui m the Loudon Kvcula#News.

“Wo were Jn a field when the Get' man# drejumd on ua sill of a sudden. Tin; first hint we had of Uiclr preseoc- way whan a t>Mtc-ry of Ktmu t«» U10 right kittiT out. liroppinc uholls into n mob of its who were waiti jk for our turn at tho wa.<h*iutr~ihe river.

"Tbrro wan no panic as far ns I saw, only wan of our follows who hadn’t had a wai-h for a loag time «ud hlroug lUlniik about the Gcnuans for i'tiotlifif; the hUit chnuca wo iuul had for four days.

"Wc bit nui to onr jw-’ls in response to bUKln; which r.uig cut nil along Unt lift, and by the tiaio wo all «ood to arm# the German cavalry catao Intoview In creat slreanth sill ulong fhu

left front.“As soon os they catnc within range

v.e pcureJ a il vi-il\ volley Into tiu-ui. erapty'lng satidlc-a right ami left, smd liiey *xalter**l In all direeliocr. .Mean while their artillery kept working up dosor on.thu front and the right, and a dark cloud of infaiW-rv showed -out against tho sky-line on onr front, ad­vancing in a tcimailon ralbcr loo-̂ c for th«v Germans.

••\Ve npetWHj on them, and they made b fine target fer our rifle fire, which was very woil rapport«l by our ortil- lerv. ’i’ho fire from our guns was very effective, the range being found with ease, and we coui t ?c<* the sfcelb drop, plr.g right Into the enemy’s ranks

CAVALRY OITA RGB TffK |«!Slf.•*Her« and there their lim a began to

waver and cite way. an I finally Tbcy dl&ptxArcd. Jlulf an hottr later morn Infantry appeared oh our right front, but we could not say n-hotbor it waa »he iam« nr another body. Tbi.e time t!,py w»to well i.'ipporud by .’irtillcry, imielilne gun . mid nreng force# of f.vutlry bn ..-.both f!a»i^s. All fame on ata smart pace with the apparent plan of eeirlnir a bill on our right. At 'he come nioiaent onr cavalry rnmo Into v tew, and tt.-n the whole Guartis firi- gade advanced

•It \V33 really a race Ixtwcon IhO two r-nrtli?: to reach the bill flrat, but the Germans wort easily, owing to ih-ir beitiK nearer by half a mile.

•’As 'f*oc- as their mms and Infantry had taken up » i>n Ition tlfe cavplre cam.' ..long in a Iwrc mass with the (»l*Tilt.>a r.f riding down tlie Irb'n Guard:- who were mar.M to them. \VhM« the »ho' -.{ cam- It G-emed lerrh

U> us <n th- iU:ii;tii>’>, f<ir tliu Irish*' . Kii didn’t ».fuil h> the butflung Ibom^dvea right aejoss Ulu path of the Gcntiun horsemen.

”tVe could hetc : ill*• crack of tb

.-.t »cVfthl ditferrot *i*e» aod eoioratxm’t mli tidoi* »nd *tre* t« ■tor* market. If you do r<~ — -

rifle- and >

clear and U»ko to flight aa fa*-t tvs their horsen would carry them. :lmne had 11** llbnua. and they were buy* npcUcd where tjicy stood.•

OK TUB til NS.- While Ibis was going on tliere was

a confused movs-uw tu among the tier mun infantr*. us though itw-y were going to the ukiiiutsltw'o of the cavalry, but evidently «lu*v did not like the look id JhinBh for they stayed where thev were- After this little interrup- thin the whole of Hie Guards eonttnu- ...l th-ir advance, the <*(ildtUr«UlH'ri< trading thi - t'nc . with ih<- *•••<# i» ; rraerv** and «»»<- Iriib in »UpiM>n. <

••Taking .nlv.ining*' *•> the Hgtu. be ; ftvi.ii the cavalry and infantry. Itio ; German ariUI*r? had advanced i*> a j

j.ociti**n. front wtrch they ke|S ; Up a deadly fir- from tv«elv<- *;mis. j Onr lufivnlry and cavalry advanced 1 >intuU:*«eouidv ajjatoM tlrf,; n* w oosl-s lion, which they carried together 1*» ! the face of a galling fite,

• In the evellemeiH th<- eiiemv man-j aged !*> gel away two « f fbeir guav, ; hut l’*e remainder fell into our hand'- | The Infantry and cavalry upporilnK ; the Tiins didn’t wait fer the onslinght { of our men. but boUfd Uko tuad. pur* \ sued by our cavitlry. and galletl by ] a heavy fire front our Infantry and ) artillery, which (ptlcklv- found the'

We heard later that the fc-rmansj were in very great force, ajw! hr>! at­tacked in the Imp*' of driving na tiaeV. I and <n nnroyrrtej! th- Krcseh t-ft. j hut they got more than thev ’largnl't- | ed for. Their livtae-i were lewlble In • >vha» little of lh<* fight we saw. and j when bar men eautured the guns ' ! here was hardly n tlermne ;cft alive ; •or unwoundisl. Altogether the fight i lasted about seven bourr. anti when . •t over »wir cavalry smufs report* ; <*l that the enemy were in retreat. ;

••!. was sent down to Urn base on Wednesday morning. en<* reached : Iwmdoo on Safertlav night,"

l u c k y " l o b s t e r .

Boiling Over Slow Fire Happiest Death for Him.

StoiltaR ever a slow flee »* the h*t*p!**t j death of a |n|-»t.r « n nu-t, e<» 0 »••** j )•*•*■ 11 itetvrmlneil nt the Jersey. . j alarm* HlolOBlcat «t»flm». Th- ram *»- j meets wer- «arr*v*t eu*a oili-kmiWIl tiu'l-np’ t



• Something About Her New Arm in the Present War.

Germany without doubt has tho motti ; ujc-to-dato aerial fleet In tho ’ world. 'Tho budget of Urn Uelchstag of ;;¥>8*

.. ...............ran lw mil ,.mn- 1M, , Uo,„ , Md ,,rov|M ,„r ....ini.- m ! « . « * « * ! - ritm—l u..| lira.- I l,„|Mln£ „ a uulnu.o.u.c, „I Iw. I.c

: s a T * s i * 5 A i s ; . * t o . a r i s s i «« ■ • * * » * ' • * >«tiliimt one ounce <if imwitcr*'*! orrla | *la tho knowledge of ttin rest of the -t w.t Kill stnoll haici anil uce in the j *>orld i« concerned this Is nil the nky jisitb. ; navy that Germany poss-nurt#. It 1* a

AH men are t*om >nu»l.'‘ nttolcd • fart, though, thnt she ha# three lime# the Wipe City “ Vo#, nnd thri enuaiity | llin numher that #iic officially nclt- iti apt to cud right ihere,“ added th- ! nowledge#.Nimpie Mug. i There are two condiiion* under which

T*> kvvp white enamel uitre from I alrshliia nre operated In German;.. One di 'Milorlng. iv.ike a uireng rolutl.'-ii of : 1h the ordinary more or leas wcll- hoklng : u.|ft and rainwater and put { known system which characterise# the the uun.dN in St or** lioll them tiard. ; operation of all the paaaenser lines Tin y will boil u ‘ white a# when new, j now in service in the empire, it 13

Wueii njiomies nr*1 very foul. wa#u j tho uyatem under which all ;ho dts- tlioiii in dllubd tnrt.iri* artil. rlnsin:; n#ter« that appear In tho newspapera then* aft rwiji'd In water; it will make ■ *K«ir. Airships that are used in the them very r-!ift and white general army Higtila and manoeuvre#!

To remove iuetiilebo-.'. from furniture, i nre also run under the .‘ame rysumt n;fv linset-d oil ar,d turjicntlne. halt tod t «o the passenger dirigibles—for a half. jikU ntt* th*' places whh it. using ! tea/on.n •• bit of eli flannel. When tho.j Tim other xystem i« an absolute murk# dii-apiirar. rub lo n polish tvlUt I tu cret ot the German general siaff. It a dry wtMjb'u elc.th ■ is not used in the general inarc«tivrra.

S pol« ran betaken off marble-in the.’ only In specific cores, and these ahbathroom with lemon and salt.

Glean hrasjt or copper with sndtand1 vinegac. then rub with olive oil and. it vin't tarnish for a long time.

A hag of #atlt standing, where thero J-i fish wlih nlworh rim odor.

A tablespoon tut of melted cocoa or rhiwolate stirred Into the jxyjr man's lire pndditiR Miiite changes the charac­ter of :the dessert.

ftnish your home-made brwl w ith-a piece of paper dipped »u tiot hotter if you like the crnal soft, lint water Is jilw> excellent to give n rhino to the top of the Io«f.

The ?e* ret * f kcepinc chamois skinnd «h«n»ol* soft And stipple t-» tc

bang them *op v-hllc sflll reaped.

Reason*-, lor Growing Trees.Tree# retnM wind.Trees pn*v nt drifting of roll.Trera . vaporation.TronSi hold mioh.Tret* increase ylelil.Trees lessen tiie effect of tto‘, wind

ways secretly. It has been proved lo be effective in eliminating *r> per cent, of the accidents which liate charactcrirrti all of Germany # adven­ture# in dirigiblen and heavier*thno- nir. ntachinef. Them* statixlfc* nre known only among the German gen­eral staff officer#.

l*et it# go Into this further. Critics of the German dirigible who foolishly rale the French aeroplane superior point out that the Zeppelin* have three serious defect*—bulk and heavi­ness of structure. Inflamniutiliii > of the lifting power- the ga# that floats them- and Insufficiency of fujl car­riage. in other words, they cannot

! ship enough gas to stay In the air a j*!tfirabte length of time without com-

Iing down. The secret derlces of the German War 'Office have eliminated all these objectionable features. They have overcome the condition ut bulk and tieavlncsu of structure by their Government ehemistB devising tho formula of a material that Is lighter

. , ................ |*rctfeinlnn *i( fru iltvU> Aulmsls. wtiose uieiiitM-f# i|#siu-tn***l ! the prevalent method ef killing lobslera ̂.with mcdkvul tmtuie

Î c.t.*teo«. ray# Mi. #<in<l. ar? extreme- : lv dtfflraU «*» kill I’ieretuK the (.mini •Iora not uecm »«> cause the- Jvtisior -more j than temporary annoyance, (din e hi* t oraln t* a mere nerve caaglfOn the MM : **f « h»mtw*»'d H*- t>0*> (•> hll-'-t >»>> over. To throw hi# Into hotline water ; fail# to 1I0 the work Cither mcreifully **c j huickly since be strug«les vii*t«oily t*» *■»- i c#eat>e fer about ««•> minus* * , iThe J>lea*anie*t »(*>- t ) * r><l :i lobster's *!reuMe*. Mr. Slnet f̂lli*!*-. tj, rh». "id Ja-ti* 'toneit way of I’lnclng him lit cold uvaser J and Urinsring ft l*i a l>**d. An the 'voter jwarms, he S-erosv.e* tm-rely la*V and roH* jreaeh*',* !t>e * ••.inpAratis*!V mtiv sens'era* ; sure of TS il' L-sr*-?. Ksihfcsiltclt, lo* he* t

• At W>; degree*, tie t-i human l!IU’*!rst!on. the j

TrW# make a t*« cal. harmful insert*.

Trc*itirnii'is fui*l nnd fciion pont#.Tr*‘c* make a plactv hotno-Hkc and

slo-ltcr #t*>t... tmr.hn and fruit tree#.When rloivi cultivated, tree* will do

well. If l*>t': to tight trc*-# and gratis lin y are ip»it« ;tpl to fall.- il. A. llerc*

LEARN IN G FROM W ILH ELM .G ’if > > harts; •!«*.*! ie-Ti tn>.< >

Thi t*e*sl» > sigr.e-1 yessenisy

dead.Weiogfrt ... — ............cumbtne t« a tieos wave, with lo?> cnnsc|oueW###nd a siaiiih'*'* end-

a# they go, but *! s to get them stssried

n| that they pay c<-sr.* mighty hard

I n# nlfio Urn flexibility Of «te*d. Air- ship# not among the twelve that Ger­many official!, adroit# ato made of ihl# material. H# formula l# a Gov­ernment. secret, and England or France would give thousands *»f dollar* to pc-sscsr it From "The <*crroan War Machine,” by Itr, Arrogaard Karl Graves In ('oilier'#,»

BAD COMPANY.livesrnlt Free Prcesl

tfiidcnn Maxim r.sv« that wa* is she hnnd ii>:idvn " f l-to-lsie.-.- Rsislnca# ought !•* t>« ;i'hxm*d of I*,* company.

NO SU RREN D ER .(Tiitchurg liss-llr.-rimo)

.Jasne* <;or*l*>n Henneft. rurtervdered to Cue'll. *">5 * J'e t Kti< t>*Rff and Fir Them.

> ins -

In pomoriur'a»U tW ip.

Uh; bayo.u-tfi tront rank* of il«* Gitartlsmcn. then the. whole force of In fa 11-. fry attd cavalry were mixed u;« [ in one confiised h*3»p like #0 man* i piece# frtwsi a jig saw pus*!#. Shell- { from the itriti h and German bat ! terira kept: .dropping c*04e lo the tang j l«?d nuuw of flghUnc uieti, and U»«u v* m v the German bormnuB cat

Putting Our Faith Into Practice

A S soon a» the first shock of the European war * * was over, manufacturers and merchants in United States began to ask themselves: Is it a W O RLD calamity ? Cannot W E get something in the way o f benefit to make up in part for the trouble it will cause ?

This is a question the people o f Canada might well ask themselves.

The people o f United States are awake already to the fact that many of the necessities of life - yea, and luxuries —that were formerly supplied by Continental Europe must now be produced in the factories of United States.

Already there are indications that the war spells almost feverish activity in many lineB of business in United States,

This is a time for the manufacturers of Canada to buckle down to work and make and sell right here at home many of the things the people of Canada have formerly-imported from Continental Europe.

And the manufacturers of Canada can count upon tho neople of Canada to respond to their efforts in this direction. Canadian patriotism is on fire; Canadians never realised until now how deeply they believe in themselves—how strong is their faith in England, in the Empire, in Canada.

Now is the time for Canadians to A P P L Y that abiding faith—to carry it into the BUSINESS of life.

This much is certain: Most of what we eat and wear and use for months to come perhaps for years - -must be pro­duced on this Continent of North America.

Many Canadian manufacturers already awake to their opportunity- are arranging to get machinery in motion to supply Canadians with those articles they have formerly im­ported the dresses and millinery ami perfumes from France; the silverware, enamelware, and hosiery and countless other things from Germany; the parasols from Austria; the laces and watches from Switzerland.

Soon Canadian manufacturers will begin , to tell the people o f Canada that T H E Y — our own manufacturers— have these things for them; soon the merchants of tJanada will an­nounce that they are well stocked with these goods— of home manufacture. These announcements will come to the people of Canada in the form of advertisements in the newspapers. Watch for these advertisements and when they appear read them and respond to them. It is a duty the people of Canada owe to their country, their industries, and themselves.

IMPORTANT TO MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTSI f you are in doubt about how to word your announce­

ment, or i f you"wish advice of any kind, get in touch with the business manager of the Times.


Rare Herb and Root Extracts' in this liniment Give it

Marvelous Power.

RUB ON NERVILINEYou'll b*- at th*» raj*M

l»aln relieving action ot 'Ncrvlllne." i IlH I'ffeettvonrax I# ihio.lo ll« remark-‘ able penetrating power- St nirlkes deeply, -ink*, to th* very core «>( the trouble.

Nervlllm* I# xtrongcr. many times ; stronger, than ordinary liniment*, and • If# no« greasy, itl-smeltlng or dht- agrot-able. Kvory drop rub# in. bring- ; it»g eoinforl uml healing wherever j- applied.

You won id i.-amly believe ho* it j

will relieve a sprain, how it lak<» out lameness, how It eooUtra and raw* a bnilr>c.

Th on#:* ml# gay no liniment I# half *<» useful in the home. This rntwl be so, because Nervlllne is a safe remedy • you can rub It on oven a child with fine rc#ull#.

Jtm you keep NervIHno on hattd- lt'# a panacea for the achos, pala# and alight III# of tho whole family. One bottle will beep thr.docior'a bill mnail and can be depended on to cur** rheu­matism. neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, toothache, pleurisy, strain# or swell­ing. Wherever there ts a pain nib on NervfUne; Il will always cure.

The large ioc family *t*e bottle Is lh<* most economical; trial #l*e 2J>*\ Sold everywhere- by dealer#, or direct from the fatarrbojone Co.. Kingston. Canada,

J &1 caJteU the <t*ad

Hoithnt n*v.l !*< 1** rcctlfl**! tlar.1**-* u»n- prnlly are In the habit **f: rolling in the stabt* This tinbit i* (o.-tuentty attend­ed wiln !r<*uol*. a* to- i- i>» gettact, particularly If tin- »I*II '» a narrow one. In *ueli 11' »;#»•! h* 1* apt to #t»i' aver on h!# traei*. «a the uafeottr**** ‘>f tbe *talt .So** «oi enabto him ;.* get pack. The more he struggle* while in thi» position th*.- .worse tu<* condltum he- cotnra. Where ooter* are each evening torn**! inl<> a j.»*w«W tor •> fl-w mw- Ui*» *0 mat tuey limy rrotu- ineygtulU a

ov.-re.oii.; the habit, 4<<ur.- a *mattr'uet** iiii a i*m.x!t roj.e u.tgi a ueiun or trie ceiling, m* uml >t u ill bang <lir*otl> over in*. ii*ir»*-‘j* eftoulu**.- « u.,1 atonu- ing ot the niang-f Atto.ft a snap to Into the ring at the top *<*f tnf- ilmlter! 'nnii rope eli-tulit tie o< xiidtch'ru’ IcnH-th lo allow the bora*: lo get h ,< nose to ilic ground ah''"'** where hi* rroot ;-- t o»u.xi- ly Mnd t>!» W'U (-cm* thelioree to ! . doe *(, t up and do a*ig... - " ■ - jdaw

very elrtciem arrangement' i**r over­coming the .habit, Tu lend the hor*«. from Uiv stable, it I* only necogsary to <m- »bat> the ro|v: ar the top <>f >n.- haltdr: an-J untie th>' halter,

rawing with the f<*r*fe« 1 1̂ « Uieatree- ab)e hrir.it. uini usually tin*- m inrttiffl*:- **■*,* ex*"rel*ie, or t i r*e(l*asne.'< when the rinlma! l> left atone in (be -l»b!e, for.etaiii j-xoiog n«t only' uxeie.-.'ty *>r- v the hoes*, t.ii! eaurex :i tjipi*! wearing out *>r th ̂ sho.-s. Pawing ot night is. wlnu — t nnb* aralde W’hor* hor >a r * - regularly ex.-rele**! they »<>; not SO i*l>:e-solumt of tiie iixoit -.ini- stabl* menS-tickle i« |**j* strap ornund tb.< lor* (eg

it hie.Ju>t alxjvv (a blovU <>t W-e.MJ uuout |lio4u*r<- »f.d four inches tong, will ban* ale.ut thg middle: »

When tin* h»red atteuipn. :p> block strike* him. in ’cash* ii very aensifive, xut-stilote a t- the tdoci,. Ao«:h*r' good s<:#n

heavy strop provided with a

•vud forwniil.'tmt 1 - iiunlil* i horses that: paw hodlv io n . will C<■»*>- it placed in a l»

Is # t.a.j tmbtt. .. .hair#. nn*t breaking

surrvum.il n« objer

tb, tr-atftjcot wit! vary ac -r lmc \n th* can:-. If due t<> :nte*Una! w-irms lh*y must r-rimved, when ihe horse wilt ce«>*. !■• rub hi- toil; if due lo mange or dirty *k!n. the disease must bec ire.t and the shin kept than whereas,if •!'«• '.<* fei i|»r <*:t>er means must be * in|d<vye.|, c-ionie horsemen recommend the applying ■ ■*> bondage around (b*dock, while other.. *UKg*si tying two or three -eparo(■* iieceri of ;aj«- or ribbon a morel the isii, <>*>*■ near the isiM.-ad, .-im| ;-eeond imr the middle Of tb« laii- bine, und third near the pivyer c„,| ofi)i" bon*'.'habit of eb­bs!'! y due

horse eonirae*. (ft.-

Ii-* usually begin# by ticking tatps# to ehowtng the strap.

k. aiibniigh (he’ t.eei plan1#' *.f substituting a chum

. ifhou* mastication. Till* may the hor#e a drink and feed

Rf*.i! in ;* x-.ry t >rg.*. , fist -bottomed grain box (*rt*vide*l with pockets. «# thin arrnngeonml pr-veid* the horse from getting twieh grain at a mouthful. Some

treetnm-Rd t-VseSrig round Stone# it! th- grain t«>*. but the cot*, rinneil grain corc-r is, usually an adept nt throwing stone* out before eating tho


MArvellous Egyptian Instrument Is Discovered at Sais.

A collection 'of the intuleul instrument# of the f-ftaraob# has b—u discover-*! In the ruin* of the Tcwiide of Sal*, in Lgypt.

Among nmoy other tiitcuoiflug areliaei). logical dWeevories war found a Iniria! chamber of the musical cvl-brUie* of that era. It is located in the south wrest w r­iter <>f tho iiu|M>sin« <iruetufe, which rur- pn#*ra In It* grandeur and urchUectusI skill th- «r*«te*t cathedral# of to-dnp,

Here, in one rif the . «ta,-(.mbs.posed l t'ynarty, within it

Of the Third

kind of Ggyptlap rouMial wnunc known to lls. 'The ' ' ' musleal instrument. . .. . _wrehrstra of th- Teft*p>e of Jhsi#. and *.'<< u*e*l f*>r th* erowtjiog e»dehra!ion ,(>f I'lisrn* Ii AiiP-neinhal !.A very strange lostoin prevailed in Kgypl that every prPni -tennu *nd Kai:-

dead white they received the ebeers ami ovation# from ti#* «

Most of the Instruments of b'eypttnn orchestra were of v porcelain. There i< only onebrarr-hVe met*! “She strtf.g* harpr prove

the apfraranee of , then. :■ « !*, th-re ** chrmirat e*p*r’-r b» t.esn spun from butt strings of the tilglov

hair tskr» from i*ra orchestra of *»xty-flv chortle of eightv 1 pi rform ti*e maje

The instrument 1

3 K

J human v*.*i*».| Another Ggyptian {McuUartty unknown | !•■ uuc !iio*b-rii nni*P; I# the mie of an• onitnni ohoru* and animat #olo« in a

s.vmphony eoueert Hut thin > u high iy develoie-.l t,j ib« Kgjpnvn* Th» hlrrogtyph found on tb- • rar-ophae,,* with the instrument* net* forth that there weio^ertnlii cantata# and ball-! eeorea m whleh trained elephant*, nightingale* d-.ga rooster*, owt* and singing it»!*■ » were u*cd,

LEGAL JARGON.Those «ho arc accuMonted to £rum-

LI*’ at thr length of legal documenu "twill receive something of a aliock were they to inspect some of the In­strument# which were commonly in ujm; hut a ftltort Him1 ago. In the "good old day#, ’ before the pa«*ing\of the contejam Ing act ol )<M, derds and -•enlenient frerjueoily tuvercd half a ilniu'n skin* of pncctiniint, and men wrro employed hv*-law stationers for the sptYial purpose of TRKroralo*" UpKe imposing documents on tiarch- mom, A fee, of Atone law writers still remain Among# u*. and thdr * riling on parchni'Tit Is said to b<- tno*t beau- llfol 10 look upon. Hut the coDveyanc- lny act prneUcally pm an end to their ‘'profession'’ h-v curtailing Ui*length of log«t instrtment*.

Of flic unwieldy prolixity of ,<omo of the old long-winded conveyance* « law reformer of a humorous tura of mind gave the following amusing ex­ample: "If a man wore to give unoUi- •■r an orange, h<* would merely say, t give you this orange. |n the hand* of a e<m%fgr*nring: lawyer and put Inio v.rlllfig. It would lie, *| hereby give. • cram and convey to you all and sin­gular m> estate and Interest, right, ti­tle, claim and advantage of, and in. the said orauce. together with all It# rind, skin, JuUe. pulp; and pip#, and all right to bite, rut. *a#k and olher- wbe eat the same, or give the same away,; -ic (uJiy and effectually ax 1 the said A. I!., am now cntltied'to bite, >u> *nek o- otherwise eat Ihe same without its rind, skin, juice, pttlp and pip*, sttiyihlro; hereinbefore or hercin-aficr, or In any other deed or deed*, instrument or ifndrumem*, 0? whai- «'< r nafurc. or kind soever, to the con-irnry in anywise, notwithstanding.*t h -nit*. *


j Cured by Ihe Use of Dr. Williams’ j Pink Pills lor Pale People.

There ure two way* usually adopted : fft trying to cur.- iudtse*H„n 0r Mom- ! n*'T' iroubh;-vnio the wrung way by S Uhins purnntivfty and the other drug*; which only art locally and which in■ the lung run causes more distress by ; "eakcnlng tlie whole system. The ; other way and tho right way 1# the \ * 'r. WtUlama' manner of ir-aun-oi- ; that is to nourish and build up the : blomach by supplying plenfy of now,; rich, red Idood. Give Up; stomach Uil#; much nce*l*.#l supply of n«»w blood and: <IiNtr*ths will dl#api«tar »n*J *tav oan- j IslPTi forever. The new blood atrrngUi- i.'tnt Ihe norviiH: of the stomncii and

[ gives it Up* necessary power to digest ! food. Thousands hrar witness to th«;. •.tthut of the i)r. Williams' treatment ihrougU th" blood. Among them in

\ Jhe Rev. l*. i). Xowlan. of .Summer­ville. X. S„ w!o> fiftys: "I certainly I h»v«* gnsit reason to recoinmoml Dr.; Williams’ I’lnk Fill#, as they wore the ; it-eans of saving my life. Till 1 reached the age of thirty l never km;w woat

! ruin or Klckncfi# meant, hut after that• my stomach failed me. and food of any ; kind cauiusl untold distress, l Itecamc■ M-iistipated and was forest to use in- j ju tlon# daily.-This went on for about ! two years; I grew weaker and woiker:: my weight fell off from 1S3 to 123 \ pounds; t had n hacking cougit and i appeared lo be going into a decline.| All this time 1 was licing treated by■ the byst of doctor#, but without the least benefit. N'ight after night 1 eould get no sleep, the pain and agony were so severe. On consulutltm the

. doctors derided ! was suffering front■ vatneer of tho fiiotunrh-rttul advised an j operation as a mean* «>f savlp't milife, Tlil#T refused to undergo, and

. began to look forward t:» an early death. Just then n friend adilsod me

; to fry Dr. William#’ Pink Pills. I hud Lnp faith In any modieixtc and at first ’ r» fused, but lay friend »a:. ;-o fe'rsist- *-nt that finally l gave in and pur-

j * hii#c*l half n do/.en ltov*’s- Ilf tho• time these were gon<* I felt much• -tronger and she dlstrra- was not #< n< tifc. I eonllnued Gu’ir use , an<

,<hch uijccwdlng Imv wrouglit a market {improvement i:i my improvement tii ' h> the lime I had taken a doren tuwn i * t* ry pain and ccjto had left me; nu ! NiroitgUi inrrc.vted; mv weight wa« lark where It was bvtorc l va# ill;

j l had a good apprilte and was cotn*: plctcly cured. Jit (tie years that linv.t ; elapsed since l used the Pill* not a ; twinge of tho trouble boa returnctl.■ To me Dr. Williams’ link Pill* are | tins greatest medicine on earth, and l 1 tit vor lost nn opporlnitlty In n'com*[n ioditig them to other suffTin*. for

f;br« «b- i 1 caeced-;

tie anthftht <*f (

Tin# inatrnmoul I# lnri*l>> . Pt*-*rh»"t human *kli|t, ,»*>•> wblrb !* msd- Ilk*- an aftii f t wmi rur 1̂! nsiiir#! 1

OgO,'"’ what Dr, WitUam*' Pink Ihlls did 'for l!iv. Mr. Now Ian they done , ini' ihoitsan>D of others and win do for , you if alltnv. They not only cure cases i oi x teruac >v t r>t«l)!e, hut riieunup,Hm, partial paratysis,* heart p*li-luGo;t, ?>;, Vitus' daitet* utid nil other trmthbx*

\ tt at have their: origin tu a bud c.rndl- > t U>n of tie' Ido-xl and-nerve#. The Pit’s j r.- :u!d t>y ttpdleinc dealer# or by

: mail at fit) ecu is n ho* or #lx ttoxe# !*>r $:.w) front .-The Dr. Wiillum*' Mcdi-

: cine Co., Hrw kvlll.', trot.

T H E HIGH W A TER MARK.it r»<i'>lr<Hl a imuWim whn kiww ih« see- »»( v f t»t* tnxtfuawiil. »M II 1 !xy -! j lt*SI#t*>r». * uuluu? ruir in Hi* *>rch«*tra An tnscrititton cr* the skull barn »sy* lb»t it coautnod nat only th« »oun.u of th« a Our luuwauu. but also that <4 *


Individual Styles Women’s CoatsA L T H O U G H FO R

weeks the selling «>1 (.oats has been contin­uous and brisk, it has scarcely made a break in our hujje stock of hijjh grade garments lor Mis­ses and Women, Il you are at all interested vis­it our Ready-to-wear Department and see this showingof the Season s most'fashionable Coats Sizes 14. ̂ 18. and 2 0 in Misses’ and S2 to 45 in Women’s.

P r ic e s :

$8 to $12.50T h e M en’s D e p artm e n t

We cal! your attention to new stocks of Ready-to-wear Suits. Over­coats am! Raincoats, New Soft and Hard Hats, Eastern Caps, Underwear and Sweater Coats.

B o y s ’ S u itsSunday Suits, line q u a lity Tw eeds

and W orsteds, r .ear pat terns in medium and dark shades o f brown, fawn, j*rey and navy , double-breasted coat, blocm* er pants. S p ec ia lly w e ll ta ilo red and dressy in appearance, sizes 2(> to 31. Prices ..........$ 3 .5 0 to $ 1 2

T h e S ta p le D ep artm en t O ffers In te re s tin g V a lu e s Fo r Fa ll Buying

Extra heavy English Factory Cotton. 30 inches wide, per yard ........1 0 c .Pure Bleached Cotton, free from dressing yard wide a t ....... . . . . ...............1 0 c «Striped Flannelette, if (ported direct, yard wide, fine soft quality, splendid weight

just as good as ut tally sold at I5c., special price per y a rd ............. - 1 2 t-*c .


' A D D IT IO N A L LO C A LSs ! Tin* MIMiU’vy Kali* was hold mi Mon-

jd *y and T»e«d<ty of ltd* week. quite I a nuinher of Wnlkertonlnfif attended.

I Tim (huh l Corps **f flu' local High j School at«> planning to have a ~h*in butte with the Cadet* ol the Ohesh-y

J UtgH: School in m in' future,

; Thevaunty of Grry:iu going to eon-f trihnb* lit....unload*; of grain, Iruit,lit mi '->•«** t.ii>h-N for tin- Hum of tin* j Canadian routing. o« in Uitloiu.

! Tin* on tho ,«.*< eourL; ln>»i,f, i.mu hah « ,» } school*. wore s*l half ina-t this work in homo of the

I iitotitot'y of Shhiliunoi Whltnoy.

<•<naaoy ha- lost t*-iritmy h» t *> ,| than half Itn- won* of tin' enume in I KuropB aline ihi' wmi- began by tho [captureof her wh.tucs hy tin- allml j At Hill'S.

; Ki*v. Jiio. McNeil, fonm'i' ptslor of | Coi>k> * Presbyter i*u (botch, Toronto, who ii well known hero. h*H that city lliia w.ckfoc Deliver; Col; wherein! Im* accepted charge yt a Uige church.

Commencing on Sitmhty next tin* Baptist uiiil Christian Sttnduy School service will be held In the nftcitiooii,

* nt 2.15Instead of tU.tto n, in, A ll the j local SabbUh Sehoolv have new ie- ! turned to the nfiethoon »e.-sion for | the fail and winter itionlh*.

! Plnkorttm Fair u SuccessThe annual fair of ih*» Pinkerton

! Agricultural Hcck'iy- which wa# held in Pinkerton on Friday Inst wa« a .(icc»."'» In every way. The exhibits veto more uuin<*rou# and hotter than for years past ami the attendance was good. ‘ Ttn* h*t of pti*<* winners will lx? imhlishcd in this paper next week.Dailh-w Koine Kate*

Coinmeneing teddy.* Del. 1st the Toronto evening psper*. the New-and I lie St ir advanced their Mihseiijdion price from to Hither « (these papers ran h • seriitrd with the

.cop.- fnr$l (to. : SidocrilM 1* wlm re the Star or the News through

TeU-M'opi- ate teqneried («■ •mtior tin* advance in price Hint in

remit ting, ’ end $1.30 instead of SI. ft* >* formediy._______

R e l a t e s E x p e r i e n c e s .

C A R L S R U H E «

Wedding India tire ringing,

•Mr#. Leahatd who ton hern u- friend# in St Diemen# returned t< hotuo here on Tuesday last.

Born—to Mr. aad Airs. John Hell wig on Tuesday Sojit. 22nd. a son.

Mr. and Mr#, wilt Husael i-peni Saiur' day afternoon aad Sunday visiting friends in Durham.

Alias Georgia W itter ba» gone to visit friend* in Ht. Catherine*.

Mr and Air* G. Georges Blue M1n» Marg Montag) ot \Vaiei fott are renew­ing acquaintance in the buiy.

Some of our sport* purpose el lending the AJildtnuy Fair on Tuesday and Clifford Fair on Thursday.

Mrs and Mists Huhnof Hanover tvotu visitor# lu the burg on Thursday.

dr. jo e llotfiirl was in Amh •illng his daughter Mis. fteinh i On Snndtiy .Mi di.e Pooahtmui u,

ed a pa; ty eousoUng o f Mr.Aug. I tngcr, Air !. HumU Mr* linmit M is* .lo*i*phiiie Huudt to Aloi h- Vwlt Ireiudts ihcie. Alr Porehmoi hpcwine <juitv an export with the <


Alt. and Mr* Glint Tied went to Ihif- (a|» and Chicago < « Saundny on a weeks, visit.

Alr nnd ill * John lloudl .uni son te- lortie-t fiom l*«it K‘gh »,hod, M-niday.■ Alt* I’Vlix Zettle of tltie)i»tow violtrd hero hist Tuesday.

M Alary Gfroier who has been in Chicago for the pnet month i etui ued

! Che People^ Store t

Cooler NightsPrepareFor #

.Mi - S, • dVaier iecvlved .1 telegt-'iu l i n t s t a ling that her Aon At- phoinic died tn Idaho la*t week.

M '* (» 'W ill Ueiugesnor vlsitod hep mother in Walkerton list,-C W eii i and «m got an older <01

10OU apple •barrel*'.James Ktaiuer * cid-r tiiill now in

full operation six days.1 week.Mr XidialaH Helm of Jiethu

ing here uud in Cbrpitow the l*M»t twojeka*.

Alois Meyers and Alte C'harJi 1 have been in the noi l l mouth came home last

B y buying some o f our B lanket?. W e have these in a variety o f qualities and sizes. F lam icl- lette Blankets in G r e y or white, with pink or blue borders in 10-4,11-4, 12-4 sizes

W hite wool blankets front $3 per pair up. N ice goods at their respective prices. T h e line at 5*50 is special Value, this is a pure wool blanket with a nice nap and long fibre.

Protect yourself against the wet wcvther which w ill soon set in, by buying one of our Raincoats. W e show a nice range o f these in Ladies’ ami Gent’s at easy prices. W e have .1 Ladies’ Kaiucoat with regular sleeve, good quality material and nat­ty appearance at £7.00; a very popular coat. We have them at lower prices

Umbrellas, wc always carry a b ig .s(,„k « f these. School m ill rellas ai 5ck . larger sizes from 90c. up. •

F a rm P ro d u c e W a n ted

36 3 lppel

Bilidfin wl wi-m the !,S.iOmluy.

Ali*i Annie daagitfer of Jacul1 Bsielt went to Ihv#ton lust Monday.

P I N K E R T O NThe 11mfiling held on AtoinhiV ev.m-

iug lodtit-idr on a lonUitmtionto the puiitolic fund was well attended »ud aeotUiniUee was i>|»|U'inl-d to at rdtiga for the ciuivaisiu^ uu-J c»dhf,t$eu ut

« »d tcotlev. .Mvi'J* W T SUfH'.ift 11ml it Wells have nhiiige of the Hth

Davui Piakettou and St.t.idey Gut land -j.* looking the l2Ht.hne

With lUuwstftn Idiwl day ihn ao-iui.d fair was noiiiv the u«un! *uecv'r»» igood crowd being hi .UU-adancc. W hile there wore fewer htirsensilcnvu fdmu uaUiii the nmnler ofcatlle uu the Ktynr,d» was far he vend fotuiei ; i m i .\ itfMdc the pahtce *h!so the « x’ aihtta i/oie m-jtsi iiuiuernus than in other year s. One of. the fealtite* thnth d< *cr* ve« special nutice wus the Mock judge ing eUUtesl* for hoys lliulcr -ix lecn and tw ruty-one which wn* w -ri l y U i jd Fiuketti'U atitl l.mne tJan. ‘J'ttiVtB siiinUniig I'diieutiuiJnl valux* mid destrytw the ujpjhjk and enco urage-

j nieiit nl the imumgcjiii nt.| Although a well packed hallgi'eete | the eniettniutvr* .*n Had uigtut, ad j listened tu a fa ircen tiit tOtlie dlritj i "hitim-nt wa* telti wjichtlie|irt'gntiuni i il' printed wa* u «t earned nut. Thi | however we* entirely .umvmdahhi as j H ow u i Hn&Hf w ho hiidhreu engaj;ed | fm- the evening did • not Inform the j m-miig.-mentof hi* enforced j until « t„w dnys (Mlote when jt tv«»| itupo:-:.aWb owing t,o the gieat demand at thi* season t»f the year for OUteitafn ers to gcl aiiuthei u supply.

Air J H t nmhcll was In iho vill«Ke Monday amt T»te*d»y t.f thi* week.

file tegular meviinguf the Greeuenk Gouucil wa* held o i Alunda y in Kuo*;’ * Hotel.

’J Id leltowillK k»i »*i whirli appear-vtl i » a r*-tviu L-n of Un* Toronto1VUaraat was writ! nhy Mis* At*nit-lira jilon Uaoslilai « Mr*, lirmuton <<fr... ntb who I* WC.lt known liriv. .Mi»*Bra »li>n wm in Kn opr* at tl»*U»n»* oft!i>* •utlimik « f tin* war and tin* je ll-

Mr and Mi.. Cecil Garland return.- Korn their Imuevun <m on Friday aft. m»"n. a r - e p t i m wa* given at it; hoiim ot the "Pride's-Mather Mr J„> ihoiupson m r;..* v,mng ton-pie wifi resid*.' in |»ink.*r«on. Musp^etm - Bald made hi* offhh

vltit fd the svlrotfl last neck.

r thmws n strung light on (he war ike happ, mug* in Germany and B*-l- dnm at the cruieal juncture.'Che latter dated Aug. if “ On hoard

K. Al. imh'nteSteanivt St. IVtviburg' begin*.

“ We me hack in London cafe 'Left f»»t Wediie- ’ f >r Brusael*. Belgium. W e xhwHiddiei:, ev.iywhere, saw two (tftleeis ealling nt a lovely h.uin* d> mandiog their horse*. Our d-1 vet said they had taken all their horses except the two tvn had. Wo took tho MW train to The Hague, capital of H< Hand One could loudly make headway on the fittcel* owing to the crowd* of ptojde mid soldiers coming in from all parts of tiie country to mohil'xc.

Next morning Wa all went to the seaside. W ill wanted lo go in for a bathe hut they would notchange Log- llshgold. W e walked up to the old Dutch dykes, for* the *«hlicri guarding them. W c sent Mr. alkcr to see the Hi ULn consul to fee whelh- er we could go ini J Get many tor wi were to leave in the morning. A dinner lie came hack-avjth the new that we were to get out 6i tliecountrv that night.’1

lu spite of the urgency « f the iou thu part y nmnagedlh/ visit the held of Waterloo on thrirAray back to Hr tain. .More difficulties came late*. They went to take boat at the Hook of Holt.ind, and were told there was it bi»at. It had been ordered hack t Lpglttlld. Their paper money wa* re fused, the dciEand being for gold. The British Consul gave them a 1-tU't ad- vising them to take a elnmee on >nc Hook of Holland as a boat might be there. They could stay no longer iu there hotel « « tin owner of it w « * a soldier under mat ching orders and tho place wascl.'sed. They veil ceased his ,mm>w-*trieki*u juu tiiig from hi* wife and family. Griniety store* wore all haardedup. A ll supplies wuc taken for the soldiers.

The letter goes on *0 *?“ )'•' “ They wouldn’t take our bank note* so we didn't know what we tveragoing to do, and the Consulsuid hecouhlgunuintee u* no protection. W e managid toget enough gold in get ticket* lor the Hook of Holland, and took the first train we could get.’

Further on the letter telle of refugee* e/dltching foe shelter ou board I he overcrowding -Hamer that wa* ut lay* found to take them to England. The only icfiejhnienlthewriterofthe letter* could get was one cup <d colleethe morning aUei their flight (toutDelgiu m. vVII nighton the way across the thaJinel there was dread o f danger ILuwich- bar».or w»e crowded with haf tlcsbljis and torpedo boats. Lvery- whet c w.\* the dread array of war,

Details are « « ' « « D<"“ htorifl other cofu goes, people wild hiid h.M all their hagg.rgo, their money, and whe b.vl travelled In w reldual; dreum staticei able to get little or no load hut thankful to get out at all. And the letter ctmdudca with account* of the conditions In Liit/drar with food rttsb- ng np iu coat, rind only vague *ug- j i -stums of pmsioh trarw - Alla nlic |

iMcamcTsWr-Uimjid'.* the pottentc all mined. ’

Mycti lc*tei** a* tbfa jftovC not hei-n wilttcn in Bn rots- Gees the day* of :

( Waterloo,


The followinj? is a part of a otter roooived.by James Pettit, York Road, Guelph, from an aunt in Stratford Terrace. Leeds: England, in which she relates some of tho terrible attrocities practiced hy the Germans. "W e have in onr house to care for a little P.e)«ian girl, aged 8, who had both her hands chopped off by German soldiers. Her broth­er, a little younger was treated in the same way so he would never be able to handle a rifle ."

(Mthoutfh Capt. Klein received order! to start enlisting: fora 2nd contingent, /despatch which ap­peared in Tuesday's dailies gives an authoritative denial to the story that the Government will immediately proceed with the.or- ganization o f a second oversea expeditionary force 19,000 strong No such decision it is claimed has been reached- Steps will be inr mediately taken however, to pro vide for the forces necessary to keep the Canadian army division up to strength* and ;to recruit the proposed French-Canadian bri­gade-

Tiie latest country to join the so culled European conflict which might better be termed the world wide conflict is China. The action o f Japan being the cause o f her taking a hand in the struggle T> faeiliate their campaign against the German's leased ter­ritory of Kiao-Chow, the Japs

aided inXhincse territoiy <‘hinalolestcil but t|ie Japanese ignor-

ed their protest. The first indica­tion that Chinese troops are tnk ing active part in opposing the military operations of Japan •nine when they blew up and de­

stroyed the railroad bridge at Tayn ho in Shantung. H is ex­pected that the fighting in China will shortly assume serious, pro­portions.

From the battle line in France today comes the intimation that after, eighteen days of steady lighting day and night the situa­tion remains much as it was one veek ago. The battle which up to the present has been in favor <if the allies, continues ail moilg til * from. The Jos a*'; h-nvo been ferribb* a:,'! L e if m-m’- s have bvA.a hea\ il/ iL-et'.forced. The Berlin wuroiFke has as inuch as admitted that the Kaiser's army is meeting with defeat and within the next few days it is not too much to expect that they will commence a genera! retreat. The lighting in the recent days has been intense - In some cases the trenches o f the two armies are not more than one hundred yards apart and the trenches ih such close proximity, bayonet charges are frequent. In these the Eng­lish and French are invariably victorious. Withfighiing o f this nature it is merely a matter of time until the German forces be­come fatigued and retreat to the

j F ° r ! i



Erdman’s M S \

Whfn ENGl;t, S tty *0— IT IS U?.

A L L M E N ’ S

S U I T SThis* mean? exactly w hat it says. Entire stock o f 20(> Suit?

A T COSTRe, S18 (or $14. Rc, Sir. lor $11.50. Re, $12 f»r S8.50.

Durin, the mnntl, „ !



Don't forCct —Cntfiiolic Sale

1200 Sweater C o a t s

Northway GarmentsFor Misses and Children

You w ill probably want a new F A L L C O A T , and

right now is the tim e to ge t it. W c have the best assort­ment o f smart, up-to-date styles in all the new mater­ials and coloring and pjric cs a rc rcasonablt? 8<S, 9, 1 o, 1 r, 12, y3/i*1, if), 18 and 20

Our Misses’ and .Child­ren’s Coats, in el tide all the latest novcHieSfboth in style and cloth and prices for the small sixes as low as $2.00 a mV up to $15. Come and look these over. I t w ill be a revelation to you.

B A R G A IN D A Y SFr id a y & S a tu rd a y

20 pairs 53.50 wool blankd els, size 60X80; a splendid medium-weight-blanket, on sale now at $ 2 .9 5 per pair.

T h is week we arc clearing a ll our ladies' misses' and

.S children’s ready to wear fall

* nt Lj to % off regu lar prices. Sec these in our t window.

McBIlRNEY & CO.border of their own land where j they are already planning to j make a stand.

The Russian victories continue.The Austrians have been almost entirely subdued and the Rus- ians are now invading Hungary.Besides this there are three mil­lion Russian troops, comprising the first line o f their aripy mov­ing through German territory and to oppose this mighty host, Ger­many has rushed one million men to the north. The Russians have planned a inarch on Berlin which . they claim they will reach by | a PPo in t m KNT For h earingNovember 1st, and ns it seems.’ *— ------that nothing can stop their, vast j w i T>^

Fo r S a le .

T h e O n tario R a ilw ay and M unicipal B o ard

IN THU MATtLiJ <M,,-.. .(.a £»,«■...<! tin- l — r.hip ,

army, the German Empire, i f the i «#Uv i«‘ L'.s. Alliescanhold their own in the 1 «w*‘South, is surely doomed- *»», a , k ......

Couit I !*•'.« ia

W A L K E R T O N ■ SS T R A I G H T « • "♦ "- " 6

C A S H S T O R E Me pr-


Sale Prices on RugsI on lv , Tapentry Rap, ivatucl. i*ixc 3XS. lrg 8 Sale price

'* '* »X34, “ 12.00

sxa8X3} * 8iX3 ‘ 3|X3, ' 8fX4 ‘ 8JX4 • 8X4 ‘

It.30 12.00 U.Oo18.3026.027.3025.0020.00 SO.UO 27.50

f 7 1C» 0 83

' S Ki 0 83

10 15 13 05 10 1*5 18 05 10 05 13 03 20 05 18 1*5

Sal* Prloe in Llnnleunrt. Hale Price on Floor OH Cloth*.

100 yd* t»?» i quality IvuulLh iinolruin*. llnn l and l>U>t k pnt- tvrnr. 4 v<\ - wideonl,*, it*g 82.50. **ii* pi h r ...................... - #1 Wl

300 yds bent quality Canadian floor oil cloth*, block pattern# width*. 4/4. 0/4 and S/4. reg 30e.

'sail* price per »i| yd......... .22}c

R u sh C le a ra n c e of D re ss Goods; S a leP rice P e r Y a rd 6 9 c .


$1,00 Silk V*‘lv «t« for 00c, Hair* o f Wool Blanket*.

150 vde <if #ilk valvule in: Wat k ami colors. Halt; p rico -----,.o0o

10 pair tine wool blanket*, alxe <V*X$o, sale p r ice ..............13 41)

125 y*l» iVtnu vt-lvrts tn black and color?; rt’K.lojfT 25, apr. .Ot*c

12 pair line wool blanket*. #»'«* 02X84, Mill* price. . . . . $4.03

15 pair fine wool bhnHtct*. JMXSl, sate prtce V f ...... $4.95

$pt<ffi t*mU*r>kirl Wall* OVr. r y0 do* only ladies’ black »nu>en

Undvrukirts, made of fim* quali­ty matvrial*. Ittud tliroualto'it with rod fatilon fhtnm*l. hI?.i*» 80 to 12, reg $1.00. call* pricoflUc

\ p r ic k

Clearance o( winp*. mount#, lips, *prav«, qiiill*. «!Onni#UtS. in K«>‘>d range ot colorings nml stylos, on sale...........Half Price.


“ Y o u P a y L e u H a r e "



You will find our packaged chocolates to be the fin­est products in that lin* and at same price as many lioorly finished and packed lines.

Every package of Willard’s Forsilipt or Nylo Chocolates is guaranteed to please you or we are authorized to replace or refund your money.

In all price packages from 10c.


H u n t e r ' s D r u g S t o r eDru.u and hod.iKs C. P. R Tkktl flgtnct

Nearly Everyone Uses

W R IT IN G T A B L E T STry Sieveri)<ht for your nextone, 5. 10, 15. 20 and 25c.

PLAYING CARDS 10. 15, 25. 30 and 50c.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs Kodaks

Walker ton BusinessCollege.

Dou't forget to call anti find out full particulars regarding


by which you may study part at home and finish iu college. First lesson commences after Thanksgiv ing .

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G Ef P . J . Muuo.vv, P rinc ipa l - Box 171

RealEnjoym entis impossible if you are allAhe? time conscious of defects in your; apparel. I f you buy our clothes. "Hilored to your individual mens: i ure. you can be certain that you ’ arc well dressed and have that feeling of assurance and satis* ; faction that good clothes always ? give. Come in and leave your measure for a suit or overcoat.

Ladies’ Suits to your special ! order.


A C lockA s a P r e s e n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: ,no bride can ever get too many—she can use one for every* room in her house.Here is a line of clocks

that offers ur excellentchoice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes: dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. L . G ib so nJ f i w o l l o r • - W a l K o r t o n

H ig h C la s s T a i lo r & M e u ’s W e a r •S tore,, W a lk c r t o n , O n ta r io .

TENDER FEETO C - ......... Z Z Z ...............~ 3 Q

Do you have trouble w ith your feet? Sore, tender

points? T ry a pair of


T he easiest shoe on earth.

R A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

M onday next, O ct. [2 th , is Thank#- g iv ing D ay .

15.*, e x tra heavy fl »nck*tte>* a t )2jo. —Stephan Bros,

Special good work skirt**, 5 :)e„ toe . <V *L«0—S tep h a n Bro*.

Mr, E. I I . Leeeon b o ren te d th e hou*e<'i»«*>uth«m S tjr e re a ily vacated by Mis. A ttw o o d »r. and has moved hi* m usic s tu d io the re .

L tdle* ' s ty lish now fool wear u t H am »•>•’* Shoe S tore.

M « . Noil M cDonald nud ch ild ren a rc spoudtug th is m outh in K incard ine .

S tephan llro s . » rv o lferlug wondc ful giiad values in m ens & hoy a ovci coals.

wo have th e very best—K siusey the Shoem an.

Mr. and Mr*. ti . S ehw ind t spen t Sunday in ile rliu .

T w o fee t o f snow fell iu M larod, A lta ., on .Monday.

Tba«k»K*v>ng Day rate-'. V. P . It. Ticket* a t H u n te r's ,

T ry a 'p a i r o f m ir ba tid mode boot*. Kvitisey th e Slim m an.

T he open iHureon lo r p a rtr id g e cum- iiicnce* T h u rsday u ex t.

Mcl W ilson lo ft In st week to spend tw o week* in O w en Sound.

Mr. N«*taon L am bert m o f N o rth P a r la v is itin g a t hi* Home here.

Men*, women* & ehSldrenr sw ea te r# it »|iecial ptieeti—S tep h a n Bros.

Mr. S idney Retry o f C d iurg is renew ­ing acquain tance* h e re th is week,

lim it ifu l fall suiting* and everting e a r m aterial-) in S tep h a n Bros.

On th e b a rga in table. W om en’s $3.f>0 *hues to r $2 25—Hornsey th e Shoemnn

Load. y o u r K odak o r C a m e ra w ith E as tm an N. O. F ilm —A ll size* a t llu u turV. %

f a r n i r r * O ut*A m eeting o f th e B r a n t Farm er*

Club w ill bo bold a t tbe Ijome of Mr io. Lam b on T uesday even ing Uctob- UJth. L adiea jw rteoinc;

Men’s long Ikiou and h ig h laced shoi

10 gal. best A m erican coal oil in teel burre ll w ith good tap , $11.50. -"S.

W , Vogati

Mis* Lillie Z eite l i* hom e from Ay ton w hereahe h a s been *pvuding th e p a - t m o n th .

Regal tdioes a re b u ilt up to u s ta n d ­a rd a n d n o t dow n t*> a p r ice —U am sey th e Sboemuii.

Mr. C. Lee and b ride o f W iarton e re v isito r* <tt tb e noiue o f Mr*. Knl-

um a la st w eek.

T he w ar is coating F ra n ce $7,000,000 d a y a nd th a t uu lion ha* a lready «x-

peuiieil $t2d,OOO,O0U.

Rev. S. F . and M rs. R obinson of B leat hroy were guest# u t t he hom e of M rs. S haw th is week.

Mis* D eane W oodm an o t T o ron to sp e n t th e w eek-end w ith h e r cousin, Mk«x W innie Woodman.

Mr. W . li . A dam * of T o ronto , Sec rc U ry o f th e R eform A ssociation ol O n ta rio spent. S u n d a y a t th e Im u tr «>; K. K .T ruax M. 1*.

M r. a n d M is. S ta n le y , l-d g iiso n t»f P o r t C olbom e a rc spend ing a w eek w ith th e low lier* puroiil* Mr. and Mr*. I t. 11. F e rguson .

Mr*;. II. A. S chum acluT inee Miss O ladys Y o u n g )o f N ia g a ra Fall*. Out renew ed acquaintance* here a n d in H anover la s t week.

M r. A 'jderson a nd th e Mis?*rs A nd­erson o f liu e lp h and Mi** I ttihy Nor- ri*h o f D ray ton sp e n t S un d ay a t the laU oi’sh tin ic here.

M r lid , Z im m erm an o f C argill opera ted on for appeudie ili* in the Bruce C ounty H o sp ita l h u t w «rk . He is now well on th e w ay to recovery.

T he Y oung MUtt's C lub ia ho ld ing a dance in th e to w n ha ll on T uesday ev eo h ig tlc to h s r 13th* K elly’s o rchestra i)t OWell Sound will supply th o mush

M r. a n d M rs, H arvey J a s p e r w ho have b e ;» *|Kiiidiug th e ir honeym oon a t th e hoim'<>l Mr. W aiter J a sp e r in O arrtek , ir tu rn e d to th e ir hom e in C a lga ry on M onday.

Mr*. N . A , W olfo rd w ill receive for th e f irs t tim e since h e r m a rr ia g e on Tmireduy. O ctober 16th, from four to aix o 'c lock .and n f le rw a id on th e first T uetday of each m on th .

Mr. M. J , H elm and sis te r Mis* E m ­m a, Mr. a u d Mrs. B runer, a m i M r

'a tto n u io to tcd from S tra tfo id on Sunday a nd sp e n t th e day a t th e hom e o f th e fo rm er’s s is te r Mr*. Piltz.

u r ra ifuripm ] <wul F r itz R ob iu sm th e tw o you n g est son* of Kev. aud Mr*. H -jhins'in who a»e rem w ing ae- p ta intaiiew aju W alkc rtou Him w eek m e a t th e f ro n t lig h tin g In th e cause of old Eugtaud .

M r. “ .Sqmje'' H uek le f t on Mouiluy fo r Tobermory, where he will join th e local c o rp of soldict* w ho are g ua rd ing tin,* wimleHBstttliun •'Si|Uei>,‘ is ink ing th e p lace o f *aie of th e W iarto n boy* w ho w as obliged to r e tu rn to h is home

M r. a nd M rs. H. 1), R enn ie arrived here f ro m T o ro n to on M onday aud a re a t p rese n t reg is tered a t ih e H a it l e y House, w here they will rem ain un til th e y secure a su itab le residence. M r. R ennie is th e p a r tn e r of Mr. Plasky who has purebtmHl Reynolds’ general


Mis* (.lady* M cC arte r, d a u g h te r ol M r. and M rs. A lex M<;U*rl«r win* Iu lieon a p a tie n t in th e Bruce County HosjiUmI during: th e |i»*l few weeks suffering from p e rito n itis hs* r« «-i;' i-ohI nod is now rec u p era tin g a t hi hom e on D urham st.

M r. a u d Mr*. \V . J . F . R..>s0f F o re d m otored here on Saturday and sp e n t tin- w e e k e n d w ith the la t te r ’e pa rou t a Mr. a n d Mi*. K . H . M cK ay. T hey w ere accom panied from T horold by Miss Lizzie U ibiou w ho has n |um t the past m o n th the re .

11it inm age HaloH em em ber . th e H oepital ltummoRC

Sale, Oct. ICth mid l?»b in th e sU 'fe u o rtli of th e tiuoCn's.Holel.

N oilcelA ll book aeCOUutt. no t pitid by Nov.

le t w ill ho placed iu o the r ha n d s for collection, - T h e W alkerton l ’louc M ills.

e c r l lu u t i i iu L icense* .A uvoue w ish ing to see u re n deer*

h u n tiu g license, c tn p ro em «• *«me on app lica tion to gam e wmclcn. K ohl. Husscll.

Special T hanksgiv ing se rv ice will lw held ill th e KuaX C h u rc h n e x t S u n ­day even ing . Special M usical pro- g ram m e by th e Choir.

.Notice!Mr. i. B. Ueyitidd* w ill h e a t hi*

fo rm er p lace ol buiines* cacii d sy and itiiug un til F r id a y n ig h t fo r the pur- « o l collecting a ll a ccounts d ue him

w iiich m ust be xctllcd before lie leaves W alkcrtou.

o ltc rF o r th e n e x t th ir ty day* ws ing I plow point* to r o«m do lla i: w ear tw ice a* to n g a s you buy *-Lewhere. 1'oiut* of a ll descrip tion . Special a t ­ten tion to rep a ir w urk.*S.K Hiugliauscn W a lk e rto n F o u n d ry , sta tio n m a d .

Itro iiK ht la D uelTw o prisoner*. Wm, Brow it and Syd .

ney L tf , a rr iv e d a t th e local gao l th is w«ek, H aving h,*on sen tenced by Mag- D trato M illerof W uirtyu. The fo rm er

ivi.Ht a Sentence of tW day* fo r v.»g- y aud th e , lattctTKl, d a y s for the

th e t t o f a b icycle , \

E le v en A cc ep ted )O f th e tio horses w hich w ere ga ther-

ed he re on W cdaesdxyYasl on ly eleven passed th e rig id ex am in a tio n o f the

u t e m in e n t inspector nod w ere a ccep t 1 for service in th e C rutidian a rti lle ry

a u d cavalry con tingen t* .

t.'nhm T h a n k s g iv in g Se rv ice A U onm Tbiuig-g>viai< torviee w ill

lie held in th e M etb» lis t church . T hanksg iv ing e v n iin g M onday 12th a t « F. M. A* a ll a rc in v ited to un ite in th is g a th e r in g it is hojK-d th a t it lim y he a h e a r ty e x p icsriou of our th a nk fu lness .

MetluullNt C h u rc h Special thaiik->giviug iei v iew Wilt be

held nex t S a uday , M oiniug sub jec t •'B lessing* we rbonttl r -»ura Ibattk) fo r." E vening “ Huw we itutv sh in our th a n k fu ln e s s " sp e cia l thank* giv ing m usic by th e cho ir. E veryom w elcome.

T a k e n to A w jlum .Neil tiUch»i»t of <*l»mi8 who is

m entally de ranged and who him been coutincsi iu th e evil a t th e tow n hall fo t th e past th ie o week* w as ta k en to tlio L ondon aeyboo bynn nlU m dfluton M onday a n d will undergo trea tm e n t in th a t in stitu tio n .

I la rv e s t M oute Service*.T he aunual h a rvest hom e set vices

w ere held in S i . '."h<>m»* •■hutch on S un d ay la st. Th* special speaker td th e d a y i m * f lvv . T, F , K«hin*oti o f S tra th ro y , fo rm erly o f W alke rton and m la rge congregalion inc i.id ing m any o f th e D e a n V o b i friend* w e tr in a t­tendance ttl th 'i h '.ei-vic1 -■

I hi sine** C hangeMr. I U. H eyoold- w ho ha* t>een

conducting th e g ioceiy and gcneta l d rygoods h u s ii ie iv fo ru itr ly ow ned by A. J . S m ith , for l b s p a s t tw o m outh* ha*tli8pot>cri of th e business to M r. Fie*key of T oronto, Mr. l 'lc tk e y , w ith hi* pat tn e r, M«- H ennic. a lso of T o ro n to w ill ta k e possession th is Week. /

n l .E n g ag e m e n t i The engagem ent was atitiotm ccd

from th e it. C . pu lp it . M itdum y on S u nday , ol Ms»s Cecilia IJorhctieh d a u g h te r of Mr. a nd : Mr*. A n th o n y BerlH’ticU of M ildmay, to Mr. 11. Lip- p c r lo l W aik e ito n , th e m artin g e to tn k o p la ca iulliK.MUdtnuy R .C .C hurch about th e m iddle o f O ctober.

i t a t t a u F a c to ry U u iiiiIiim T he local branch o f th e Canada Put-

n ltu re M fr* . w hich ceased ru n n in g at th o com m encem ent of I he w ar, rocciu- m tm eudoperations yesterday . A' lull stuff of m en a te lis iug em ployad e igh t h o tu a an c h w ork ing day of th e week excep t S a tu rd ay . T hat iho wheel* of till* ic d u s tiy a re o nce m ore tu rn ing .indicates that bushieeslifo iu CnnndA,regard less of Iho e o tiiinuuuceo f the w ar, is re tu rn ing to norm al.

A special m eeting o f Bruce I 'rcsby te ry w ill Is* held h i S t A ndrew * eli-treh (kirg ill on T uesday Oct. I3 th nt I I <.iu to deal w ith th in ill to Rev Leo. M as­o n of P inkerton and C arg ill from Knox e h n rd i, H arriston .

Tut* sa cram en t of th e L o rd ’* n ip p e r wilt he observed in K nox church next S und ry m orn ing . Tin* p rep am lo v s u v ie ts will he conducted by Rev, W . T . Pea fey o f ||a t» is lo n o n F rid a y even , in g o f th is w eek ot 8 o'c lock.

A large num ber n f local sportsm en spent; T hu rsday lu s t rabb it-hun ting w ith varied rilcccsfi. tiw ing to UlC roe- c u t d ry w ea the r, th e »cent w#» "Ci y poor for th e dog* and in con*r«i lence tlie iiiu ju iity of iiim iod* re tu rn e d em p ty -handed o r w ith a p a ir o f btiunicv a tth e mo*f.

o w in g In th e ut tnv ec.iaplttiiile th u t tie rm ati L u th e ran pastor* in O n ta rio have heen p ra y in g for th e stiee*.- »f t he H erm an aruiie*. th e D epartm ent of Ju stice a t O ttaw a ha* *>*•«>»* asked to de tiltc w h e th e r these mhlHU-l* a te g u ilty o f treason o r u u l. T he d e p a r t­m e n t h a s t in n e d over th e com plaint* to th e D om inion police and it i* under s-tond th a t th e y have w arned th e of­fending p is to r* th a t i f th e y a re wise they will b ic*u tti> «“ itt th e ir s tp p l i-

*o« t-n th e A lm igh ty for th e sue- : is* o f C’a u u ia ’s eiiem le*.

T h e nam es o f those th o h ive e n lis t cd o n th e local hom e guard now umii> he a b o u t Seventy. A t a rec en t m eet, ta g i t ivas decided to form tw o com- panic*, Mr. I t. M. P lay e r being chosen c ap ta in and Mewo*. W m -Shawand <i, H D ,M *rtyn L ieu tenant ' o f N o > Com* pany and Joe R eichoubsch Capta in am i .'V ieM cK echnie and I t i lp h (Have L ie u ten a u ts of t ‘cm uatiy N o 2 Beside* these th&re **o eigh» non commisi-iou- cd officersM oved to W ella n d

T ony E vange lista, one o f W alker to n 's little I ta lian colony w ho Inis been conducting a re ta il and w holesale fru it business in th e sto re , n e x t to Hie lib* rary has pulled up staket< and le ft With hie fam ily for W elltm l la s t w eek, *ihis leaves th e local p e a n u t a u d fru it bii*iue*a in th e hands ol Bom B unseti.

» I to up le lw hich ha* been

in course u f erection for whe o f the Inca! tf ir is ts , Mr. .M, N o rrish d u r tiig th e p a s t tw o um iilhe w as coiiipleted lask week and w as opened fo r business for th e firs t tim e ou S a tu rd ay la s t. Mr. N orrish’s new build ing is np-to da te ill every w ay a u d will g rea tly fa :ih tat« tb e h and ling ol h is e v e r in- c tea s in g btuincs*.

H orse K illed liy .MotorA m o to r acc iden t w h ic h m ig h t

By h a v e been a tten d e d by, *eriou suit*, oecuied a t C arg ill on T h u rsd ay eveningiivst. I t n o p e a e * th a t tw o of ChesU-y omvliu* had jaurneye*! to th a t village to p lay a friend ly garni' and w heu re tu rn in g , turn o f th e car* d r iv en by Mr l .to t ig , w hile trave lling it is a lleged a t a rap id clip in o rd e r t o v e rtake th e o th e r m o to r w hich had preceded i t , collided w ith th e hot: a ttac h ed to th e C argill lliis, O ne o f the u ltim ata su sta ined such te m h io ii ju r ie s th a t i t h ad t » he despatched at m ice. Uu s tr ik in g ih o horses, th e c a r le ft tho m ad and tu rn e d over fu th d itc h . F o rtu n a te ly th e occapau ts wen* th row n c lear o f th e m ach ine and th o e x te n t of th e ir in ju r ie s w as lim it' «d t > a few bru ises a n d a ioui scare. The car w as bad ly w reckeit in fh« rob Imp. Ilan m o re Brow, the p rop rie to r <*f th e h o rse th a t wa» killed a sked To

dam ages, ftxuu th e d riv e r o f theauto.

H oap lta t A n n u a l M eeting T h e an n u al m eeting o f th e Bruce

C nonty.liuspilal T ru s t w as held in tho tow n hall no T uesday evening . The fo rm er boa rd of I rto tee s wa* re- elected w ith Mr. D. T i trill a s President a n d M i, H. M. L iy a s B eere tary . The financia l S ta te m e n t f a r th e y e a r e nd ­in g O ct. 1st show s tha t tho to ta l u** ee ip ts f iou i a ll sourcev fo r m a in te n ­ance^ am oun ted to 1,02 while # m m n w as expended th u s leav ing a deficit of $130,1'J w hich w as druw u from th e C apital account. D o tin g th e y e a r th e re w ere 130 pa tien t* a dm itted to th e hosp ital Uiu average d a y s ' stay being 2 t , d a y s o r a to ta l n u u ib jr of 3715 d a y s’ ,s ta y . N ine b ir th s and live iteaths took place in th e im ditui iun d u tiu g U ic tw e lve m o u ths . A t flic end o f tho y ear O ct. I* t th e re w ere vloveu pa tien t* receiving trea tm e n t. UVtierally speak iua th e past y e a r w *» txmsiderahly b e tte r tiiau 111# prev ious one, th o to ta l receip ts to th e m aiiituit- tttce a u d cap ita l accoun ts being $700 more, bu t included in th is wa* a l» - juesl o f J500.


killW*AiAt~L.t.\z—lu B e ilin ou W ed ­nesday, S eptem ber iXHh, M r. Ed* ScUwaJlu oi M ildmay, ta M i*' ICmuia l.anz. d a u g h te r o f Mr. a n d Mr?, fjon . L ana of M ddinay,

HORNV.vXHit.'tit.H — InS w an R ivet, Mati. **u

T ucmIuv. Si-pi. 15th, to Mr. aud Mr*. Alex.VuU’ takliMni'f Mi ■ ‘'A gnes Paul, fo riuerly of W id k e tto u .ja d a ugh ter.

BunKi TKK-In W alkerton on Buiiday, October 1th, to Mr. aud Mr?. Gluts, fccbcfler, a sou.

l ’< »l From Apple Tree.White pi' king applo in da- t> CNm-

ncr * ovchaid on Monday of Inst wn-k Mr Henry Williams, a ri\sidi*nt of iho E»*t ward had Tlie m'Hfm tuiir. to fall from a lice,*ml as a resoit hi* ha* iteen cpnfi ie<l to hi* bed sullci lng from no injured spine am! a cracked i lb.

l lu r ic rl Mere The remains of Mrs, Louisa fetos, re­

lict of th« late John !*>»>?, formerly of Hraut wembrought to Walkcrton from thuAVU'l for htirtul yesterday, the fun­eral taking plac* from the residence of her son Mr. Jacob Loos a t 3 o’clock The decease'! whot« death occurred lit Vanguard, Spfc,, on Friday last w»u»

Bt yea* - <*f age. She was well known to mu older citizens of Wulkerum, mid Brant having spent many years on a farm north of town.

otirieeo t oliinicer*Fourteen local young luou ltav«

haiuled their name* to Lapl. O. E- Klein, volunteering for service a t tho front in thesveond Canadian routing* cat. The military authorities have not yet definitely announced whethera second cimtingiiut will be despatched to Eurojic o r uot and latest mmol* have it that these volunteers may not he called out. I f however laigely de­pend* ou the course of oveuts France.K ille d fu th e W est

Mr. a nd Air*. R aym ond Behiil o f neat-Form osa ieceived th e sad now# licit Week o f th e death o f th e ir sou L .tw ’

e, w u icu took place in "Swift Cur ren t, Sait;, vn T uesday of lu st Week, Mr. BcUtil was ruUuiug a well d rilling m achine a u d w hen in th e de p th s of a

iu tn e victutty of Fox Valley- on ‘A u g u s t 21st. lie whs overcom e by g-**, aud white losing ho isted to

uu iace uy m s m o th e r F ruuk , ht^ in e r t Oudy becam e c augh t, te s iiU iugiu th e n rv ak ltig o f hi* epiue a t th e s h o u f dyie. H e w as im m edia te ly lakt-u to th e S w ih L T uiehl hosp ital w here no te rna iued- u n til h i? d e ath , which qc c u n ed on T uesday . Bepieuinet* 2Pth Deceased w h o was 25 y cat's ol a re , wa* •x>t n near Formosa, w here h is p aren t* • til l i’e»idc. T he y o u n g tuun leave? U> utottru iris iu»» bktitJek h is pu tcula. four u ro th e ts and four s ia te ts , viz:

rank a t Fox V alley, B ask., L am bert >1 Uonuiy, C lara ,d S tsle r Silvia u lU le

N u tt# D am e, tfcaud Rapid*!, joc, Ed* vratd, iCatie, A uu ie aud M ury.ai home. The sym p a th y o f th e eu tiro c o m m un­i ty is e x tended to th e so. rowiug fam ­ily.

Body Found in River.

The body of uu nuk now n m an a p ­p a re n tly about f if ty year* u f ag e wa* rem oved from theBiU tgecil nhnve the T’tu a x dam , n e a r to e iKiathouse* ou T uesday a fte rnoon a n d up to th e tim e o f going to p resr, a ll ellort* to idcnl ify th e rem ain* h ave failed . N o one *oemst«h»r<> seen th e u n fo rtu n a te m a u u t any t'uucam l w hore he come* Irani anil how lie m e t hi* d e a th is a m y stery w hich m ay possibly n ever be solved,

It wo* w hile b u t canoeing th a t J im M urray and P e te r L sm iw rtua dissever­ed th e rem ain* bulged a gaiue t a rock n e a r I llo c en tre of th e r iv er a t a spot w here th e W ater i* a bout live feet d e p th . T h ey a t onceihform ed C hief Ferguson w ho notified C oroner Dr. Fortes a nd proceeded to th e *c T he body w as *<ion lin -u g h t to the sho re and wa* lat e r rem oved t«> Mvle’i u n d e rta k in g parhu* . Ia search ing th e p ockets o f th e deceased th e a u th ­o ritie s found a full b u ttle of w hisky, a silver w atch , spectacle*, p ipe cane and a b o u t |25.(TJ in m oney , bu t no paper* w hich m ig h t g ive ,them a c lue a* to h is iden tity .

Ju dg ing from th e s ta te of decom p­osition , th e C oroner s ta ted t h a t th e body had ap p aren tly been in th e w a t­e r fo r Mime five o r six day* a n d th is s ta tem ent- i» borno ou t by the fact: th a t a cap wiiich lit* th e head o f the d row ned m an wa* toutid caugh t in the •tom e le a d in g ,to th e g r is t m ill on W ednesday la st, S ep tem ber30lh .

How th e body go t to th e c en tre of th e r iv e r i* a <jue?ttoti w hich i* h a rd to answ er, tb e o n ly p lausible theory licing th a t th e m ail fell iu a n d was drow ned f a r th e r up s tre am , th e to d y being c a rried to w here i t w as found by th e c u rren t; T he find ing o f tin- w hisky b o ttle in b is pm-ketwouid su g ­gest th a t be wa# having a lone d e ­bauch at tho rivu iside a n d on s ta g g er­ing in to th e r iv e r could uo t help him-elf.T h e deceusdtl woo a m an of a bou t > y e a r , ol age, w eigh t about 115 H>x,

h e ig h th 5 (ce l t inches, du t h com plex- hmed) sh o r t itioustaelie aud tvns fair, ly well dsensed.

L'.vrr.>i--A* wo w ere m ak in g read y for pre»»Ave w eto inform ed th a t .Mr. H en ry llo??fch lt of C art ick ideutilied tiic e o ip -c a* th a t o f a m an w ho had hreak fa -l a t hi* hom e bomu te n day?

He told Mr. H ossfcld t t i n t be a shoem aker by trad e , ha iiiug

from iiiitrinloH and w as then on hi* ay to W ulkctloo iu m a rc h d w ork,

w hich he a sserted w as v e ry d ifficu lt find. H e apparen tly ! how ever, did T teach hi* destina tion . The police * w*u king on tb i* clue, bu t ii th e

body, tyh tch is I* on yiew a t Alylrio is Uot c laim ed before S a tu rd ay aftcimKui i t will lx* in te rre d iu the pa u p er# plot.

p a t r fo t ie C o n c er t 'Tim D aughter* o f th e E m p ire wil

give acm ie- r t on F riday , O ct, 3Ul b.

• ia d g e ia c n t Ite*erve«»T ho h e a r in g o f th e app lica tion of

the tow nsh ip of Bran t fo r nu o rd e r to relievo th e tow nsh ip from the obliga­tion to r e p a ir o r rebu ild th e 14th con- cersion bridge, w ith a view to c losing th a t road , wa? heard before th o O n t­a r io Hat! way a u d m unic ipal B oard a t tin; c o u rt Imuso on Friday Ja*l, Tho hearin g com m enced a t te n o’clockuud wa* no t concluded u n til tw o p. m. w hen the hoard reserved decision , lo r tw o w,-< U:.. M r. O. E . K lein re- p resented th« .m unicipa lity w hile M r.D Robertson rep rese n te d those p a r t i - * w ho w ould be incouvenienued by th.* c losing of Hie road;

M e e tin g I 'l i ie r C hanged A special m eeting o f th e local C. O.

F . lodge w as held o n F r id a y evening last fo r th e purpose o f securing a new m eeting place. T ne form er m eeting plvre )>eiug uuauitah le, th e lodge baa tang been coo ieu ip la ting th e e reclion . of u hu ll, but Ibis proRptU iou w as A bandonedatlil a taaac w as tecured on the I. o O. F . ha il, on D u rh a m nt; whore tho Forrester* will u ieu t in lu t- tire on th e last T uesday o f each m onth . Mr, J . B. Cam pb.U th e local o igau ixar was ouu o t those p resen t a t tile uuxit- big. Mr. Cam pbell has s ta r te d a cam ­paign lu secu tc se w m e u lie n here aud has a lready added m a n y now nam es to th e meinlHitship roll.


W alkerton , O ctober 5 th 1UJ4 . Thv U tlilor o j the Telia cope.D ear *ri;.

I am oidiged to you fo r pub lish ing the n jtice s e a t o u t a sk in g the farm er* to c o u ltib u te o a ts to *-»ist tb e Britiah tio v e tn in e u f aud w ould »»k you to add fu tlie fa v o r by pub lish ing th is letter*

“ 1 have received com iuunicatio tit from .» nu iubsr o f polling sub-UivU- ion* w here com m ittee* h a v e been 'form ed bu t n o t H orn all. I will ho obliged il iho secretaries of Com- nriuco* w ould le t m e know as soon a* possible th e n u m b e r o f sack* th a t w ill likely be re iju ired fo r th e ir re ­spective polling sub-divisions, w here th e sack* a re to oe shipped to , and w nal-s ta tion th e oa ts a rc to bo Uc- livc ted at a u d w iia t w ould be u con- vetiteut tim e for th e de livery ,

i t seem s to mo th a t th e fan n e r* of C anada m u s t recognize now , the g rea t be m lit th a t th e y a rc receiving from tlie p ro tec tion ot G reat Brita in I t m ust be a p p aren t to every ouo th a t, h u t fo r th e N avy of B rita in heaping th e ocean c lear, o u r g ra in , w hich now cau tie fo rw arded to E urope a t very lit tle , i i any , advance o n th e reg u la r H e ig h t ra te s , w ould no t iu Canada be h a ll w h a t it is to* day .'

Your# tru ly .

Da v id R oukht»o.\ .

Kuchteed .w ith th is com m unication from M r, K obortaou wa# th e follow ing te legram to th e W arden from iho m in iste r of T rad e a n d com m erce;—

, O ttaw a, O u t, (Je t 3/14.The W arden oi th e C ounty of Bruce

'The Farm er# of O m atio h av ing ex presseu a desire to thow th e ir loyal c o -ope ta lien iu th e preseu t g rea t s trugg le imposed on th e E m pire by m ak ing u free o ffering to th e B ritish G overnm ent o f th e F ru it* o f the ir L abour, th e B ritish G overnm en t have g iiiU 'fu lly accep ted th e p referred g if t a n d uriuugem uu t# have been m ade for t ia u s 'io r t ot these offcrlogs from th e p o in t o f sh ipm en t w ith o u t cost to the duuure. I t i* hoped th a t M unicipal a u th o ri tie s will oikuuizc a iid tupcrv ise th e collection of th ree a t convenien t |>oiut*ot Railw ay sh ipm en t and see th a t a ll a re p roperly packed and loaded O ats, beau% puia toes, apple#, cheese am i b u tte r a re accep tab le . O at* and !>eaus.bould;bc securely begged, abeese

1 b u tte r adequately boxed , app les boxed o r barrelled anil potatoes barrell- •d fu r ocean tran sp o rt, Shipm ent*

should he n u d e before e nd O ctober, (sd j U. E Foster

M inister o f T rade & Commorce.

A c ouu ty o rganization for th e collec- turn o f these g if ts from th e !a ru m s 0 ( B ruce has beeu form ed, hu t tbi* or- gau iza tion c au do HUta w ith o u t th e co-operation of th e committee# iu th e uu in ie ipa litie# in the c oun ty . Borne.ot

■sc uuuic ipaiitics a n d polling sub- isions have m gau ized .com m itlee* l a rc a lre ad y co llec ting tho lis t ol

d o n a tio n s from th e farm er# , w hile p the ts have ta k en no ac tion . A* re- (nested in th e com m unication these com m ittees should send th e ir lis t of donations to th e c o u n ty secretary* Mr. R obertson u t once. L e t every larm ot do h is share- to w a rd m aking Bruce still m ole fam ous by g iv ing to ou r m o th e r c oun try th e la rg e s t *ud bv stsh ip iu en t of any c oun ty in O at-

i-ovMily th e farm er* w ho hav* been asked to c on tribu te have respond-

I liberally , and repo rts frt>iu o the r pa rt* o f th e c o u n try s ta te th a t the I u uu’i# m v ii; rk tng v e ry geuerousdoua Moos. I f th e con tribu tion* m easure ip u> th e expec ta tions of those a t th e

head ol th e m ovem ent, Bruce County** g if t will he in th e forem ost ra n k s u» to '(U antily a n d quality .

■ H i

'•! did nol.""N or i," aimw.-red pi'vdrol;‘Ttftt »nvo»i>?" p< rsist-d the colonel, l« ap?» ajvd tha t r*o olte had heard

r.1 H i#,, ;.ir. -

t country! l!<t|> *

jdlOt I*»»*•“A gcnlleruan ha* been

burglar while pursuing the mb And I want help l«> tak** him house a t th* nth* r * ml »•; !!?*' exclaimed the captain.

■•Here l itm M M*»r » T '« e , • i mi glad t a r n t«> V -u h u m l. going bom*', a fter sltfi nick tudghbor all eight,I Wilt* pfiedtiS the high r.MU **■ opening c l the lane 1 h* «tf*l JPUf in d isu c 'i

ju .tf He eitargvtj *sh i*m|i l « r s u ■■■ntlas■

d \. S t! '

j the:

I:, iuisiipporfed, None of f lte # gentle­men heard yon th a t you would lake ‘m ixs,"‘ rnr-ered l ho colonel.

"CotjMM'l IJrhTly," said f’aptnln J*null;inr, Uh faro deeply flushing,

, j "do you venture to express a doubt of i f b - r l ,in v‘ rarity? '’

... .declaimed the c*iti>C»l*t> t'hatiii-m .

‘ 'I do moyt distinctly a ssert th a t i' Acmbt your vcrm dn, O aptaln Faulk-

.! *uv. rornfuJIy repealed Hu- colonel.•I * V l A murm ur of ilHapprobatiim passed [, . . . ' iTAtwi the fab le .■'* '**, 'Colonel itrieriy . there is hut one

answ er a g<’ntteiitnn-('tttt ntaho you,’" *ai.l t 'a jda io Faulkner. turning; dcadljr

*' ' . , pale, ay jto .threw down h ts card*,tr ' o r i ■ ■•nil left tito table.

jjj,. j " l .- i him s o , ' said lto* colonel <!•'- doors i ' And Haw. tp-Utivmeit, to ouridihetil 1 take ’mi.-C F iu -John . It 1*

<>f"Qt course' net. Only lend a hand | e ther u ill th ■ nud “ •Mmt.. ..... -. I u gen ts*m u % m doros tl.se family, ami

^VcrtalnJv. Mtt'i* r. if >‘*u il support to. „ ado off >• th H><dr ’ c o r- . th e gcntlcinuuV h* ad und .-.itoulder.-. • H at - '••>■ mi* su-p.e,ioit :ei*o who

* V « ^ b V t‘ * 2 * '-»** Captain tTm ^.V ’V a i u t-.wlk«ier -■ tnmtlWd thet.-ttiiiL-nor ! h u f f t o r .

AU« m-iwe.n them they raised th .-j Not ih. «Jlftht« si •-Urddehm a s it> the wounded ami ifr^m m s »•«« e.nd t>mx \ him gentsy on »owatu vac w a» s« .

'I he whole hmi-o wsm iisuo.u jlov*. as it light was the f r y '••si | tw tfon attaiiisi bitid- n danger?.^

fatuity luuther, om- . aud ib tle ‘ hi. dri ll. Iml! dressed u«>d bait trm nu !>• u. ; were assembled 1st the trou t f a d -

Seeing them stam ilne in urn mm- »i in.- w oiisi't-his burden. Capliiln VauHtnei- i . t l K - ,

t>U-'is u the robbyrr- inquired Mrs. to>_Fnulknor, hastenfiiK out to Hio sm •• ; to meet them, and fully beHcvimt that ■,Captain Faulkner ami Ceh-md bad wounded and catdured the bur,,- lor. smd wero hrinRlng him home t -

• * * . * • !hinise’iF " exclaimed Molly, as she r -costiHed ‘be wounded mm.

"Ves. my dear lady. It i; And the • acoundrel has tloU" for me ! do lin e ." groaned the colonel, a,, thuj bore him into the hour-.

•■Oh. come now. minder, ac tha t, neither.' said t man cheerfully.

They carried-him to hid her and UUd hint on bis l» .l. v<m. t tegan carefully to m n ir" ' , l found the wound in bis Ira mr-'-ei* most stanched by the ciotiiny hloo*l They ttound it ttu as it • un til they could procure »m ' r ’- of a %rrgWt»-

"Now whore is Item:;. " I <nm' th a t boy for Or. Herhy nt « the rap t Ain.

"Oh. C harity , dear. ! m sure 1 > got to tell youf 1 W «f«» td.ee *ed . .. ( ; seeing the colonel wounded o u t 1 ms- ; " - got a ll About th a t hoy." raid f ‘ *Faulkner, who wtt« standi colonel's l'« l.

"W hat about it. llto captain.

"Oh. Charley, lie’.,--.m e.

"Oh. Charley, dear, vc.s, ytm ran out ’n the lane " frightened a t no? having :« house nt i«ch a dreadfttl U""-. '•■■■' ■■" nil went together t<> F t ; ; ' r -»m to c«ll him. and wo round cm? •go t th e m And wo ratted him. and ■wjirrhnl fo r him si! r ■■ r * he j bu t lie was rcrtnlnlv gone "

"Well, t awiinr! That di(>b«!i-nl lit­tle m lsercant-"l #.o it all ita u —hu* ooenfit tbo dour t« the ho rsiars and let 'hom In ."' oaetitiwed th" enptain.

"I nTwav* thought the little '•ii'al; looked like a snakoeman.* murmured the eoior.et,

"A paofcccntan!" <-cb<mi! Molly, in perplexity.

MY « . dear lade: but w i don'? know- what th a t m-ans. I f : tid< • -• *T.ntin. n srmkesninn u- i< tldn. bin boy. trained to w rlr-!e hlm«cir. |ih< a lit tle ‘ s rpert. through n smell win­dow. side light o r panel in te a hov-e. and open a door to bigger b'rm!ar».'

"Oh. T^nny was blsr enough, -o . t n n « knows: but he d idn 't look w l.k-Od '*

"Ah* h is innocent look all tho fitte r Inatrument i w hat tho deuce. Faulkner: n r going to h av e me without sr. help until m<' - wound inOc groaned the colonel, trying t<> draw up h i t suffering limb, and, failing l«> do so. and then groaning worse than ev- r

"I beg you / narilon. Hrferty: This new discovery ha* rtulte uoseptn.* * 'll go for a snrteon af nnee. ami so the police onarters, too. whi)*' I'm abmi?, it.” paid the captain, preparing to 1»? off.

"Oh—oh—ohf The roicvil’ h a re got both my watches, w ith the ir ehaiim and diamond senia. One is a <•’ m eter—a heavy gold chronom :t- the ofher—ah . ah. oh! b last th low: how my wound sonar!: otlm r is a sniall rob!, •■rmmide l •tuded with diamond: !t«twould k.n«*wv them. ;diop?d ‘N- ilrel be taken with

. him.'• Ch. r* “> of co-tc

yourself." said the on Ills-gloves!.’

"Anti I suppose y cntmllv. Faulkner, raid Frier*y.

Tho txiptain bund " 'I ahoishl Ilk" t«» hnow «!•:>! Ce •

emild firni worth lo rry ing off i i /■■.<r bonsc. Molly ami I !.<v. jnerm. , nor do we own a which or any ;,t 11< 1- of jewelry between us, npV ft tingle pte<«: of plate, stntests'• Httlfinnlawar.-

"And they'vo taken till that, r.o• f

Atr*. Faulk su-r. ruvfi'tlly.- f - .W Irp-plate* «»b. how she rp : id,

n.v sold1 They (»?,k th is for -;th-s,' i n the dark, you * c e !" . «stbt »bc cap­

tain. rcrirtm? '.' ith <:.'»>*'■ bi i- ’ FauHsper. " it! vo« ' po for y * « .

peon'" • HtimtiPTiliy d'-iaui. i

"Mv- W r felhs-v ! am of;Krb'nd. wli! ’ f u ohlive C.Ins here With tbov'i friylsteito! n until I return '’" Impdrcd fb - ■ ■•-■c-i

th<* eonntrymnn.Rut f 'aplafa '>*,'i,s1(sner -'careyp v >,•'

ctl to hen.r the. reply !» '.<(<' t c s , >

hou^e cn hi< rrr,tti . fie hastened fir t

the mtite-.t lire* m foric.ctl hint *-f par-* him <1ir>» !i*sn cottage in fiie lane,

The doctor or u a . OesiW d ta tH y to th - - swounded man.. And Captain ro tilkncr Iff* tint hurried awtty to th* roUcc *iuar»*ir». u> the

your lead.'Tbattk».

>*iu.Joint.I shall not {day," tsnld lumw-n! youttg Hohcui-

'Ast eniuiirh. hut wills :t lios* s In a rt to back a friend, and list hUU down Ida nw ds, leit the table and followed Fauikrt* r. whom h>* cotisidcrcditoUav* baoo Insulted w ithout Just causm,

Ha overtook Hu- vaptuiu in the hall »utfiid«',

"Faulkner, you b a te bc<vit grossly unw arrantably insulted, lirleriy


Skin Much lnn.imoili Itciicd fiml Sifkirtcd, Could Not W e a r Shoes. Ctiticnni Soap and O int­m ent Entirely Healed.

Rnarslrsg »*i ijidcldy i »>f fuu.-uni ttlnutn- Ctl Sintra s •.««». . S-. ensio-iy txalot a » | ;v> -.rt Kavsdls\p|»a»r>*l." <Sign->l>' Wiia.mi Jim. at, tiij i.

Sam ples I tco by MailIn wslirifsssta toilet <«x»p why not proetirn.

noiiicnt I’Mix-fst--*

FOR THE FARMERAnnual Report of A griculture

M inister is Now Ready.

Th* ri’pt r t o f H>s: M inister ot Agri- Iturv f >r tb>* IK-miidi'm of Canada ■r the vi-.ir tridifiR March J91-I, l , In- « l*-;UK;d,lii tt:>- piK-stinr, 'v tism . < { wlilcii

irre arc five, in ndditisui to nluct’.-ii app- rsi|l(< i, r -f<-i- lire sirs; tmiilo to tho b m ia tlo n o ifrrting th«* departm ent i .. -*i d u r ln r th - ;.>ar. Ti e Aari.'id- tiir.'d i tn n u c . 'th e g. ner.tl nose?ably of

lni> tnatbm .d AFileultural Instl- ■, tho IntermAbusnl Mtumrobsilcai iin i 's irn and other m atters of gr*>-

1st* iuslip Seed. !,< Ifciilth

reviewsi k* foil-*' -Villi

I in til." r<| ar,»tc tirnn* h e »,S■'.<• H.rir > and Fold Fiorag-*,

• yto- h. KvperlttK-iitiil F a m e . Antinnl:!, I'otcuts of Inven­

tion. t ,opvtigiiia. end Public H ealth.Tb!« r i-'.rs. which !•* im .bri » i «••?•

rdonnt ’V.nrr. N<». i* t- a v,-lump of I ts pjpma, foeiw-! hro avallaWc n t tllo Psihltofllhma tirahch. HcparirtiJOt of A grir-ilture. Ottawa.

Pellagra and Stable Flics.!■ i.. now generally supposed that

■pcbuura Ik carried by come Idling in- n r l nnd tiic buffalo gnat, among o th ­e r s lift* been -;UKiiv> !v*l. invi sUKationsi o t i n t l j a r r i e i : on iu Spartanburg burr, n .im ty. S.F., by tho Fnitcd S tates fbir.nsi of Kiitninolocy. mill the 'lli-jnipNs.n• ileFad.lcii CiumnStosion of lb - N. v. York i’ost-tlradbatf- Medical

Baby Eczema Becomes Chronic


C auting G reat Suffering and Anxiety —Prom pt Relief and Cure by Dr. Chase’* Ointment.T his is oti" reasofi why '-very

m other should know about Hr. Fliasse'* Ointmuns, since it Is hit nnfalllni; ctiro for nil it* bins: skin di-s as*.-.

Mr.-, I". FiarRo. fblmoTs*. M.im.writes? "My baby iia«t oezeam tut h e r

.a very * bod, and notblng sss-m d to do Imr mii*:h good, H saring of lb* t- iu srk ah l- ' ar* * Hr. Cliaco's O intm ent was niakln.y. we sen t for Home, and a fte r th y third ap ­plication Hi- rore leuian to Heal, t

n glad to fay th a t it I* o»l» ■ '- H •w. und w.r give the cr.-dit to Hr, insc’s oin tm ent. W.s cannot r*e«m- * nd th is preparation loo I Here is nnoihcr le tte r, which o il

of th.* cure of « fiv«-w< cks-okl babj ,\!r;:. Wallace Mlngon. IMvcr .io!m

Hoad, f'olcbe-tt-r Cosmty. X f?„ wrltri.-:• M) little girl took ccrema r V n sti« was five weeks old. Thong!! *v<> d«v- tore*l her un lll fh e wn* nearly a '<‘a r old. site got no better. 1 was edvwynt to m e Hr. C hases Ointment, end th is trea tm ent completely cured her."


A nd the D anger in T rain ing H er as a F ighter.

.V woman was chnrpi-t wills a f .it.idt.ifp* . tier biislinml. Mil*.' t"bl tie* Olorkcnw'li |MaBtsOatc s

____ Pt:OB*TtONER?> V/ANTtsD^


A Queer Joke.A resod* m <*f Y* AwSsroriand.

led tr .i t. t.ro and lyft a will,i which he b* •iiiealled wl'olc '•!

F ilth A n n ual






Until H e Used

B U R D O C K B L O O D B I T T E R S j

All lil< fix I nr .Skin Hhea>v> .ire? cau-rd ( by t«d blood, aud to gel it purr,am i kccj• s it pure \o ii tan-t tcnmve m t y trace j tla* impute mnl morbid matter (ruin the system bv :i blond cleansing medicine • in Is sis Ibtrilock Blond Itittei -

Mr, A, !■’. Hupp, Kipling. Ka>k..w«itcs ‘vl ' * Imtlirrcd with Boil*. i


“ The Heir of the Dares ”


. .HIM n t get »M i>f tall kirttls <>» pi tapir < .«Jy.In the Spring till i

. «hie of my friend- t<>lil medicine. and flt.ii 1 h.

my I» had t< '

■ Murdock Hlood Hitter-. ; time i wa- cured. mid f j ;

it troubled with Moil, or > .

udia, I onl Hardln,-e

«i.iiih|uiit tm - tit. ami « r tli > ttrliixb r-afe’v entrust' <1 to mnl that thi'i

Ks»t'llen»-> ra id:

uaiiitnin their. h|«.'i

tart that in Itlidhl Indian

be Ilgbtlm : sdtlw by «ld« r to shoulder with liu v .-n liji < i> niraiU't tins my {■: u i*.uiirnuf> <• of full - trim I op tit mi bath * hie

w 111 .ft


Mi . - IlisC o- at Pfl*. !« oil- Ju rat II 1

Aa her m et h is .'or a m<>ni"Ut « " l td throb «-f joy stirred Mu r I..-art mid Iot glnnce droop.-d before bln Raze, lint idle r<eim -m l Ininadf :it one*; jjp< had no bn-diu-na to imagine thing* So -he Ittirrird st«»v * Itli not a «„rd.

In tion t llio ■.j.iHtntoM fiail enjoyed I'n-.r in at greatly . All had boon silent "hilt* there wn- mt thin-; to look a t. lait th e fin h b *>f the iir*t ji,a**t and Or* en trance of the t-errant-i with lefre-.li-i meilts net.- tlm signal ;.jr a g.-i t om ot to n v .rg ilio n . To .Mr. UMdM.: it litre in the -second row. I.oiy Hare’* »*d.i' ratin ' rjuite tlirdiurllv above the ra ttle of .ipoon* and the contitn-d bn** ot tnlkfnT liehhitl. Sh<* fa i l to

I inayoroM:Vea, mjk dear Mm . I.loyd, tli-y i

Ii.litifroin ' eonjde, nil von say. kvclyii li.e just the style and carrli-ge foi I 'd? ot the Manor. My drat in..- could not i Imti. e a v o r tlil -r lirfile.”

There c.-imo. n inurniur troni Mr.. I.UrVil. he! It not lop.I itiO'i.M t lie heard. Mr. isiddel did not wish t< Item; I an |io wn*t flrtnlv v edi;i*d Ini tween n stoat mniroh nitd a stouter town conttciller. mi l n t„ |„^jr

is ov •> genuine good. a•Ierhapg ; ’nml. it

• i.nS

«•;* iaet Ktl>e|. in r hire alislTl Hiih »:• ii -

•Md I not -..v h : lo .in s * ;f yo>! were Selina, if >«n only i tntr^nlf, yott would'•Hi of Its M-e him -

ttoblPM'lfl '. >:tld. urttie-

l.sJ tit find liv Aunt. now. Why. : he is I am :tr- you rn 'id

no f ju t l in him :

. .mtih Ktnnl kiid. shr'irj^itp; Iter• linwMers iti di-dnin.. " >!v lady kritiv. j on wtih'h ‘ Ide h r l)r*an i» hultereri nuiie a- well iia other*. hint hereOHIO h • ‘oiisllt StO'i’m i ttt all IliS brit' -. -t h .v iw i! ' . my ratvaUcrl" s-tiiS-»4ii- y a ' * hi u, a to-.v idiei-HHit - a:, he teef.s oil hl>: idtiturd h ill 'to her

held out h is hat

erfeie" laitle l».rre i

lid 1st l ’ XitJmsitl tin


t Mrltuitn will ills*

meiit of liid h i i>rn| i iJ iflU v Ily r* Cardiiiy t Indians t,» Mrltish f .

■ •

S ir W ilfrid and

In th is i-rWs tin i i*t ehoald f;lM- «m .Jfeuol M ar o r la

i»l|.*e i..


lie l lUMllklihle


'Wurriet •iuHirijiisety !.«.iilid*iiri;, •'

r at foiltif; s-rm-jed the

i hi*

St.'i.tnar:*' Steve l*r "I lake jo ttr gift to i it «ii.i c h i it ”.d iiiMl iyiO; M. v. . or, in tin m y.r.Me s.ltriRet

,( ihiifh^ hlstflv ot >i

tha t i


; twll ranr; v l'trtdy- th

t and I

t^s-ia t<> th ink .' And lie tmih the op ­portunity of the stout councillor nd- d u r'Hlm; a rem ark to him io »-:n r into

a I" i!t.m u the hiiiiiiiI oi th - iiiii\ -r ration in front, until the tink le of the ly ll warned the uttesis to lie silent once more. He was anxiotK *nd nn- rnny alKiut, Ills young cHcnt, and lie n.emit before leaving to have a lew word* with Stephen, lie had scanned the Mpdre* far.' when the picturex were on. mnl t It might he looked well, hut wanted to he ijtilte certain.

f l lA lT K It IX.When ; He curtain rose o« "Tito Sol­

dier of tie.- I'o rlorn Hope - t i te ts 'i ia s a tllHlinct jiinrm ur of interest m .,1 |„ |- m lriuloa among the . pm ato r* . la the A’ckcronad of the picture the r.hot- ora wall* of a m ighty c ity muM t.- eon Ihriiit*;!? t ohimcs of •'inohe l urlliig

a ! p | ward to a black midnight skv, while . ! r> d tougitch of Hnim- tyH-m«s| to cleave

.! J ihrongh it In re mid there. Ilrokeji and It dlNinanrhd caimeli*. a confusel Inap

I of wnat dad once le.cti n ’sohit-* iiumi ■ j and Kallant rharr:. re lay half hidden

tu u h r th " ilehrl* tha t had fa I hut from the walN ot tip- doomed city whim It l ad I n n taken by assaall.

tint iipoft the tw o fiRtires in tiie near foreground a ll eyc-tt rested, and nmny of Ihe ciieit.y shuddered, the d o ry

J r:lle«t|y ;ohl w.i ; Ml lyatheth**ihe either ht; l Id;; hack. hi;.

» titf a s in tlcalli, lit* rlclo imrtd Jt gra»pia? Ids broken sword. Ids t clasping something. . vldcnMv a

out in the lo ld f r. in inture, hver his heart, nuicelei; l-m n rite plrl, hi r id d y - itir rc l iitantl •. Idrt'td.iy present f„jr imjr stream ing, her • > es fixed

hie- held cm* h*» duath agon? itjxyit the itead face, knelt ruby and hrilliam lesl.l.- him. Site had pillowed Ids head

tip.tli Iter lap. and. w Mil her hmul.y gti|i- jo r t ln s it, gazed down • it!i straining e? •-» ujxiu th e dear, d* t. -a sue I«y*-d- t-h«. tn»ti y\ho, alas, for

.’tojiJ'ittsc Ip t . had died for thV sake ot miotlier!‘ r. te rrib le plyture real, s

hum an toceja iu l <le*;»air tha t l.loyd and fiiyvid 1‘rlor. lookin

I lllu clear, rapid directions alley ed. They carried Stephen • mint near and laid idm upon the bed All th a t human skill could do wt

! bv I>av|d and Ihu o ther doctor, while in th - library the tit te rs w all'll In

I pemi". Mr. Itldd«-| only find. r« funed i». obey l)a\Id a o rder: lie renirincd beside till' doclors. Rlvlnif (ill tile ;i alliance ne cmitd.

'l e a mlniuc*. iw cttij parsed, mid st tt ." ' fouglit liie grim foe. It wim nliiie It ocliMdl; when Hr. .lenkiiin came a mid crossed to (lit: room la whlea t! family waited.

"T he w orst is over, we hoji", ‘ ! itnnminced. “AVe have ntlll to ui.nird ag«lti*l a return of the |«:culk' tome-, tall S ir Stephen Is conation* though very weak, and tenialtt w Itli him all night,, Mr. JtIUdel will also stay . Tinth e r anxiety n l present, and l.ady l»ar*> inn; rest uasttred that all we .'.i.!ill he thihc. I lililHt go, bt I »'k in early hi the t u o r n h i ’

Arid th*' brick little «l.*rior d> . S taling many Ihmikfal heart*-, behind him.

I a*d> Hare had sofa, he r fa*-" ludd.-n la i» tushions.' Mr*. WalKinghani uai beside I.. tao rector paeetl the floor, t-j. d ie to .it i-till. Kvcly'n. b -r ; tigurisl with w ip in g , cat *i»:i side S ie io Prior, who tried to tontfori le t . while Ktlo l ami Ada, teach dcath-llke in tiedr, j alen*”**, s t» nmte eon ier Itami in hand.

As ill" doctor left them all i reaction which comes a fte r iiucnso m ental idrain ot am so r '. tu t it* effect* were dtlferetit. The t tlnwit uuijipfng the colil sweat brow. Die cojjir relum ed to .dr*. Wals- Inslta lne Jpc*'. mid K vel.» •rntt'cl — ipto S tev e s brightened f ' i ' f i , li-c o .m ile ns glt'd a-. Ids. while KPnd and Ada, a fter one long look ut'-eacii other.1 ttr>l Into wild weeping, not le t'll a ide Jo

id lor Joy

Jaidy Hare’s le-havlor was most marked o f1 ail. i ntu it, her great dark • v- < burning with leVerlMi tight, all Imr diamonds H|s<r*ling on he r disonbr**! drew* Ilk" :*<> many Jets of Hipild finite r< Ktlessh turn.-I from one to i

•1 must .Muriel: i. ! - longer I shall «ll-*! ' site said, w ringliig her batidii and looking nl Mrs. Wain- IiirIkiiii. T he Ctrl o r rose and > her before h is wife cold nnsw c

"Von are not strong enough Jilta yet, S«Una. Itesidcs, -Tenkin* and I'pvid would not allow It." he mild, thinking Mm v.anted to go to Sl.-plo Hut she broke in to a sobtdng cry I fore lie had " e ll finished Ills well- meant remount ranee.

•Wot tha t, not Him! slie walh l. went to leave Hits house to go hot Tulip me home. Stove; get the c rlmse and take me home!"

Steve tried to m mt bo her. tried persuade her to remain m u ll the m ono lug: hut she was deaf to Id* cutm llcn.

sill uttcmpHsI to show lo r It iv«; to stay when* slto wa*. te lling he

ttiat Stephen was sure to for to- tlm first thing wlien be co t over Id •Irunge attack . Hat It wiw all In vain .he would not Hated; and at length ItM had to r iv e wav. think ing t in t

P< rhup* she would gel over the -.dtocl: •r If «lu> wa* t.t hon*e w'lth her maid. So the carriage was ordered,

mol Steve took Imr away, promislug hack »t oncu a fte r b - bad sc

In r cafe!y itli

tlo" first' j.k ittrei nad mu ?'•'***, Sn jdo'U to jej>c.<*.II e.epo .. ttp .. th a t there wa in for more titan a mere puksIimj

g r i.tm e . tint tdo* knew be was icoktiig lug Ms Is i. T he one pi< tnfv she l.»k.V

•» ntd !>• ‘ T he Soldier of the K »r- i Hep", luiti Ik'cij rbllloil hack to : < i-.inri half »f tlm iirm'.raunae. atej lh« la-t hoi one <•» the *erh^. and ah ulnteii It v.ouh' cent:' on sibetit

alt »f < h;.ro. t- *-yhrd l

: th e- pie-

from Hi*- . ide. almotri regretted hav- en »oVftRtrrto prodtte Ada knelt w ith Stephen' • lo ad

upon lo r knec.*-, ,-.l,.■ ibought of lug at first hut the stalw art ton resolute lace of the man h -.o.-e her. She tiuteil tha t not <*nl> were Ills a ttl tmle nml rigidity apiiroprluty to lih pa rt. Itls verv pallor was adm irable tie- vei-mlng death was fanllle*.*. Ilttl

ami i t r h e |. Hit

n;dntt»llosi.' ot • r id f.m srkr y ltd ? th" l.lb-T

i;}rj'CV'itiv liie ;•* ruling * l arn th<; moUier i.-m bry uiid ihai

fids i>j»pfts4tion oat of cxi>t*'ti» \V«|| rtirv .i Journal would mpithlisbid • neb an Ilf Help had


: tliere for * W

wildly-bcatliig heart and p o n u t movemitit. to touch w ith her finger, her own « bed;* jiallng alm ost to ghastllm***. :t*>.- -old tils far.- was! Ami win bad tha t >ii*;lit k-atii g a th c h 'l round h is month?

She host low it , lower s tf '!; t!tea Midtlcnly a stirl-k ot .terror and despair broke the silence of the comu. and rile strove to lift id s head higher, .••^ring al ills wcarlet coat to give him

ali.v j a ir. At her shriek, im r iron’ led actlmi, to r e p r w o t I .Max, wjrh sw ift' comprchcpsitm that In h * rut!•• y > scm ctlihp; wa* wrong, let th** la rta lti Stephen 'and j full, but not Imfofo tl|c a.^- to h M

« ui*.hN hintMk-ii enough in ahtrju them.laid? H.ire at f irs t fell lun*l; roStrilng,

■aM, ’ bus, struggling for conip.w ue. shelapping her. j wioit rose, and w ilh the recto.* ami his

........... wife runhed round by the an te tlmw-iiig-riHim on to flu* stage. t;-tt .Mr. Hiildcl na* iptieker sfill. |»<H..*t ' bis

Hie lawyer rapidly chxtrvsl the

- him t

. ! . — I »b * hr. ad. n t Ht»a ami Hoc, tiiiok

i r m aster

y'iilag.:; V/ciidhig.

1 ready.* fU il.l

no- eh rsymtin w -ltla-A KpaC(. heiw. en He* room and lb-.*.... .. .appiTvr.sl ailorncd with and before tin- o ther got ro u n l was

- of Imr fa in ir 's . kios ling by the uncoasciuus mini.* imw tiling lir-dc, .A.T - I stcpluiii still Iny supported l.- Adn. t >!;• ;. w ith such a r.oo<| | w|»o. white, t.-arles.s ami calm , strove• high ir* hh* oi thcaiew j j,, .,id Max t*> get the rumhc.m* root

i of mail oft. while Max id Ik h I, lis t-n lng j for Hi;' l.<atiUK of ids h -art. one hnnd

‘ I (••ling H it pulse ycl throlillf

Not until .'ir. Hld.lcl le fu rther new* that S trym n «n: deep did la.* parly of anxious watch * dtaper*.'In th e silimt nlsiit-tlm e. Mr. Hlddel

told the voting doctor all th a t h. km itlHiui Stephen * titynterlotiR and tinnc- emmtabh: Ihuess; mid ikivid, weighing all live ta.-t* ami putting them together, rente to the^ rolled Union tha t Siepltcn a ,iis( have some natura l hat hlilicrt emmspcit.'d , a a tm c a ld e w.-aknea* . tlm in a rt. To the ohl law yer H a'Id um vlcllon brought the dcejiovt dh

'tie,*,- Imf h - agreed flint until yteplmn wua entirely recovered from Ids i'r.-s<.ait m ta rt: m dhlntf should he ‘ aid to him of Unvht'p sim oidmts. Hut f :td> l>arc mu*t. they Umtight. v ,util'd so tlia: ; >!'• could keep wulch .V.r him ami n*e th a t he was a* *.*1

ilotn alone us could la- helped,(.Void Hint iltm* forth ttt*? \\>m$ dm*

lo r kru a tha t ill th e prejudice; a ll in* soreae** thivt had n o ikhd in ft*- h**;vrt i f Id* brother Si<*v< hud .*i"nyf teplief: I ri*.r waa lint a hiv-l e r mean j.ian, and ti'.w that he had os-d ••>* o .\n ic lc m in t he *.aw what a f<*d h* had h..*i sd in .1 Imw ho had let !tl« m int lead hl<a by her io-ih* itlon i her ha-hand * nephew.

W hen Slv*jdicn a -o i * ike fa<<-* of n :,v |d nml Mr. Hi hh II »eemcd at first t.ir a wav :.m- dim Hut in a - fo r t tin* * y . o cam e ipiite h h o ’.d « ir. .an l a«k- ,d such vmriipin? as avuiroil tbcm

really•halnctl In d mttil tin :ift«*rno.m. and i:,.-,. M.’ t-.c «;o(!t tw ilight r.-s.- tvnd I'.r '-,ed . w ith very' lllth* a. Ip- nml Went to l'ie draw in f-r. oii; " ill ' Sieve, who iiud lakett I tm tl 'a pta*.* for the I'm**. Ac they vntrr<*l Hv.*d>n. ami Ada |;;.u* him a nttiel gyecu.tp. hut Uthcl, impul'd"* it.*> «’V‘*r, rose uitd ran iitw u '- l. lo r <v*-. full ot tears.

• tV asin Stephen, «<-xr Stcidt*»*o

Are Your Bowels Ever Constipated iIf y.«t wiMi to Ik- writ yon into* keep !

ti,c I'owvls ojm it. Any megulaiity «d the * liovvclii »' alwnyt tlatiRvtous. and *dmuld j lie auem lnt to a t on*y. ter t! the ln.v.rh « i» « ' to- pjoivtJv. a!| the . tie r ! organs lacont.- d .rangid

Mtllnmi’s • i.i*.. • I'tlH work

vam: Mtll*ur«"s laiv.i l.n e t 1**11; cured me 1 only tw .l tbr. vial* I ran faithfully -ay tha t tkvv lux*- nre from a larte doru>r hilt ”

Milt Mini’* l.uxa-f.m r 1.11- or woitdcrful rcineily for all iler.i . . .«r atders ,*i the livyr er howrlv

I'siec, '-*T tent* per vial, «r -’> vial f l tfd. at nil dealers o r Mailed din* f c i p t of price l.v The T. Mdl.iiro |,taiitvd, Trit.mto, Onl.

a--thl * forgetfuhtto id. vvjHi t'eep Ki.icn-i

»r the a lta r I I.. :

Oil. tell •

• It Per hand and looked dowt with all Ida old m anner. «>«i) ;

down In thy cii«v •

October II. 1914.M ar. . I. I 'irp i vn

Nisa ud i

Hurinj: inh; we; k * Tea bread will to he mi.-d WIW allowed la le'VtsJl f' t “l (aminiermir.Hisl ti

Isrnelitos ftittle i oil

ir th. ’m first

ilf. V,- I'iits fciummnt.fi:

- Tills

Mill drink no more lie would not • at and drink with tbcm again bi;for>. Iris rrtH-lflxfcat. I drink it new — When I drink new wine; ‘•wine of u different naiur*' from thin." in the kingdom «.t trial. .Matt. 24:29 ha* the w ard, - v l th jo n . '; ivblcb i . u idedr.o io tlo-m Hint ibey would ugain nsi-.-m- hle. In flu- klngil.iiu i» r.lor?. to com* «i»eo«>iatc- the trlutitph *,f ( ‘firist and hie kingdom. T he i . • todon was a sad him fo fio* disciple*. >Snce they came to know Hint tlU lr .Master was soon to h* i«tra.v>tl and pat to death ; but .Uiyy wi.iiilil Io* com fort.d with the prospect of a life of Jov nml peace with -lisua ill Ills evertaathig king*

Mu-slien*. VVIi. ii was t.h'<S l’iiHM>vcr held'.* W hat did it comincmoratc? W hy call, d (be feast of unleavened hr«ad ' What did the dlselpliw ask •le.-tlr-" Wbcfe did Io* send them to

*m*>t ehata**-

lldithui Oi i<;t and Kdjdt*!* needed to p ro-'

b lub . Ultl-.V VelO *1 l-.tead I '.tb s . Tlm lamb

••mplo hot v-"it : tin- iift.aaioon t < it,*-

Toti os' ids disci!*- h im ( l.nk'.It ttisalctu. P'ollo v him

Tic Instnt;

Im •

would Sind !

CiMshna.t -T o

thonrh t l«v vldetl "ii . In . tieiltg ; uider-tiO id

«*lhy ■ fit .

( reelbiistg :

it ypiiJilltyvailed in ;ltlv mnit- r, and the >n|'>

in o m p c n a tha t emtld Im given ~a< Ihr- s i i:t <>f the |« sr? ia | 5aM >, and the iT.nlten disli*.** owed nr til - tneak" iclkle. I... A large upi**.* •oom fur-

nlshe.1- Tim gtt**si cliotmi< r was **n the upjwr floor, r.-.ulv. and i-r>vhP ttmchcjt, a.* the

(red, MY mn? * onejuib* abe Hint Hie word ”pr«'|gtr:4" Hint tin

-..rrldtig Sin* and t>uHln;: y o y _*> ,tr? particle ot h:.v«n ' i fo r , -'. 7i

Impiirtnnr a pr' Huihr.tr; io th? H »over, and performed in m-rfec

Mlcnct ami with a light" i < » d d f h a , itlrcttly c.ttrietl old. -Outti. Hib land us In* liitil “Hid— dl*«J mini all tlm | girl lea Jar* m Jewi

inul foretold tlmn.. and parried on Mi- direct (oil* cnrcfrill,*.

II. Tlm Hintstivcr eaten and <*iirf*t’i ln'tr.«?a| forvtobl tvs, I t . J l i . IT. la tin

. nlng be ro iaeth w ith the <v‘«h i -Jch itii ami HTk iliwlpIfK arrived i; Jerusalem frmu Hefhuny protiahly af

Although Jtula-s bad b»*rn Plotting with the Jewish: leaders for

bctrayUI of Jesus. He formed ojm It.- inmimny «b«t went up to lb -

u jijer room for tio* solt-nm feast. IS.Tlm -J’itKMtvcr, not the me­

morial supper, lie mated firs t ihe tin* leuven.-d brend nnd the b itter herbs, tmfore the la m b " a* Served, Tlm -ig . liflennce oi the l'«s*ovar. 1. I t iaart.- •tl tile hegliiliiiig o f 'th e .lon'tsh na­

tion. 2. It reminded U ptu of tb»* mer- if tiud Hi protertiog the ir first- i. it commctnoraU'tl th e ir «b-it’-- ce from KgypUan iKUidag.-. i. It

r* inlndc.l fheni of their »in and tmed of aionem ent. I’n lcavem d bread hlgnilied se iara tlon from sin. d, HU-

herhs slgbified repentance. One ou—On several occasions Jesus

bad foretold III* death, am! now He lured Hint one of tlm twelve wati be an agent lit the accomplishment

of Htut death. Judas bad already 'b a r ­gained w ith th e Jewish n ifk la ls to be tr«v Jesus, and l ie timlerstood per­fectly well vvluu -Hsu* wn* sayins, ai- thoukli i lie other disciple* were iy doubt, pi. Sorrowful —T b iir love for J cmis tmule 11 i* niiprottcItltiR dentb

id etioagb, bat to know liutt tiu-lr own luimbvr should be

instrum enta l in that crim e wa# almost more Hum limy could bear. I# It I - ‘Hi* eleven true m> t. were HStunbdmd. •r ilu-v bad no lUougit! of betraying lirlst; at the sam e tlnm it was na t­

ural for them to he desirous of know- : whether by any imsslhility they i l l fall a- low ns tha t. H "a* ;« e«tion IntenM-l; personal to each

-ple.'n inl one ol greatest interest, t* i hopef-’l indication when mm ti:t* to cruiair* .a n t .—tiy r»'Sj»eviit»K

le. i- splritiiiil condition, and (he er«'* when he bits mil? vyord.a of

•tidy I !|e f e a s t l i o n would they be abb- to find tlte-jdace? What b. said about tie* betrayal o f Jesu«** M’liv were |!.e dlsilples sorrowfttl? 'V ital did J e l l - give to life dlscitih*. a it.-r Ittila- bad b ft ,* W hat did the bread slgtilli ■ W hat the “frolt of the vine ' ? IVlioi wntiltl tltev n sain sit to g e th e r’ Wfint i li;> ;•*»• t> th-* kingdom *<! Ucd.’

I 'll \ i THAI s i it Vi ’Tei li -vnibtil i f r<<|. n.ptl •>.

«»t- Ii.idow hit* a fa* retlemptimt it com- . I r »xcdii" freiu

> b br.it*d ns tin- h lrtl ;■Hcb It t

I* bratintl T f MV. J* rl;-ftl"t <‘ ’ii ol efciit crow d, at Hie tim e of

Htis la t l a - ov.-r which Jrsit* *rU- c-r.i- d v-it.’v ids disciple* Tin- shadow i f «; • aicuie.st tiagidv in the world'*. hlNtorv Imiis ov e r tle ai r s they went u the e u -.t tU am brr. H*ns »!e-ir**d I., e 1k - l.is r . i iv . 'P ( ' with 1.1* disciples a* tha t P i- ovbr u s |r .rig ib and cou- hiiiatitm to lb. hi against the ;air *

tulleiH. . t h is Hiotighf-

P-. hada la l.- c £\,

f. lileil *i* tie-ni wbi.it origineti J t i i i ir eUlltll vrotio, JlMlK bad more Hum o‘h ** p ird lrtcil that be would p~ b ttra ic .: . a t tin*, tim e he ma.'m the i* r.’Slif. amt.eon tpi *it Had It sltmilil t.otuo by vitte.of t in t comndny. The tra ito r cu ilm nt in of'V c an-l pro- f« >h*ti. }r-> a riio l was hi« d e t 'i ’timt iitot to te i f the oilier divclpicw (.»<£- pu le d idol. He "Hs.llie lint to exprcvi any y.ispleloa cl blir.’ejf. n ws# j :» m- <:.-io.a *f disutuy am rnR the aoo,*tle*. ..a r* *!tlit.K slinph* unsuspecting V i t'o r tim -> unions Hu n. .Imiu* b*»ni M“ crinm d^crlb* d in it* cwn ».a-k reality. He heard hi* fat.* pro- > >i»ii'te.l from ll'.x which spoke only : b-ohd. ttu '!i. H. kt.evv Hint he was •ad of tdjtcc in that m ip r room where 1» .was ■ .<*«b- to r-*.illr,c the awful and mo r Imih I 'm.n oi sir. nml Ihtj bn*'*. '•**•! <d a false ctinfessilllt of t ’hrist fit • t< r, dnaHon »a< flxnJ to do exit oris’in ii .. Hv tti lair- vlcdgc that it

evil til- -in PI. - lilts one of I ' e

it IM all (i 'lK siv ir. which war;

- grout dc’lv'.r-Jenl | eoj le hud t!'ii nor did Im b-'iliohl ;* * h ii-t The tn«>» l’«>n-

< •' 1' 1,'i r- v rr- i ' l t ic l in jiloltuig i.tht-t • In l;.:, ,-;w| JiidtiK mined in i* 'r ‘ ts itag. m. *.t*lv tit lie cast, ou t it-' uc«r j^-nd"• i. TJi* Ktcf.tinent Hi; tn a u o r> i f

ii.- l.ord's siii'iier won tin* tgr.t.vHi o f tie* I’.is-ajve-. k

the a p lri itu l inMltuthta which 1 r b t Imtnt! ’! mi tha t linden; rl**-. ■no p'-rp' Miat.-d in n i.plrittinl Kcntso In gvunrnl iitcjnlng of the I’.isaover.

T h>- Jew i i: r a*l bad I r- n instituted itr<**liud»w whtu the » itristian fcs-

tlvnl w.is fouii'h'd to cmnmcni'irnlc.and iiurpo*-- of tins I’azs-

• faHtltt"

•■*1 i Jc-V|>

• Ir". i kno’ hi* <

: lard"! had lived lor mmrlv 1 v.i sand vears under (lie charier of • ts.ni.mal cxlsp’nc v.hcu lesns away that c«v> tw «t und hccaryt'- !rm* niferlng mid Mucrtfliv. IP*ili-iliel a mvv covenant, scitleil

hi* own lrioud. und r liic candl- tli'tiN of which the whole ->orlJ might j Util nilvatloa. The tw o gr'a? leasts

I IuiIuIhih end ritristimtU? .tr.* tltti* Hally tem teet l. T h’* htnc aerleji of I.M-rvnpc**, is-sun in Kg'*>t. reachc>l

tl . i ir mid in t irlsl. J-suv led h it dlfi- » to r - v r l tin* I * . i i v -t eclng

representative: <f hi* inedla’o r iil »uf- t. r if f* and d.-aHi. tut I .*.* the «*ri>*.h» of an onilmtm.* to be !M*r:t?P.utrd II tougT all a ; *' of Hu* t'b rln la n church, All ->l*l Ti-stantcnt tea.-hings, blrtorii'K. t>rot>Ii -cic»v and •■'* att* were ;t (-reparation fu i'.t 'h rlsf*

J.- ti 1".

tlaki* h it. of the

..ltd archiy* for * tiled.:-* -d It for


d* dt-cbile;Hhdrihilt-

l». light with Hod will’ h *; ia* a s in In 2U. I ijipctlt with .Me in th v .n b d !•■ «!*■>' '•

citrate! tl’i’i r asauraitca ll hchnsItlndnkfK es from • crticK ...... ,

large one. Judas h lm w lf said, “ Mats-M;«tl«. h)m-» I., in breukht*: Hu* bread ler. |» ii I " and .Iviik replied. "Thou | li -"s imllciii' .l III* vidttnmr.hast sa id” tM att. 2d. 2.M. m ean ing 'H h ib i* u( ii Ini* •! tha t Judas was th - on-, i v i . r P-vkon* . •*": «»»•' b»* ;»d to

joint io ask Jesus who it was M.eir emujd- te o that would In* guilt? of betraying { tot •.dvi'tlon.Him. In reply Jesus gave « sign b- j «* »h** hr-u’l wiilcb tin- dlset'dcs knew ! John 52,: cmapb l< n-s-,

■Hi To til.- cross. Writ* j Tin* ^ten-~dn I’sa. 22 ami l*a '•'*. Wot? ■ I t .» »f >' ’;l'_?''fh hud been foretold that C hrist should j *••‘1 !*• o:,'i*i't suffer death, >rt those » ho were to mi- vi t.m t «»« t

instrum ental, in caiising Him to dl<* !

•ASS■ Hit*.: The blood i * ti

,K-r is a ju i rm ient ami , in» itffesi loti.it •* tnoimt- . r*membrane* t i " s«tf-

• hit*

A tat ? a r istic Inv. to ’tb--! c i l stciihcn. 5*!thcl I'Oblwd a

« to P :\. rjtd . ta 'jp g Ste.ib'fTs " •a . era-igisl him ;ih i»g.’ Mac going *i«h ihfin . l aving tim id t«- wait for Viiu. Who imd rp-.it.il off a t I bind’s irs t i xchttPaHon of dU m ar to t-rcoar • i"1'" '* for (he Mdc Ot th * r*.tali'* brill •. 'Titi v M mnde a licnutifiil n ic t-t- .

t the lis t cm; uf t! c firstlitdi t

I list tut limy h u l f ltm -itn g r * ; ball fiob-dt In gisxl tim e." i.1 IVclvn to J nn.-s l.hwd. ' '*•< !*t to irioo splendidly,"

• 1 - f bad I letter bur

rv ilttl- . he thought,

urm-d and

Mr. ttlddi‘1 knelt to iook vlH, dim into th e draw n, changed fac-, lie whis­pered brokenly; *

"Ob. my lad—my jauir lad! I (cured it would come to thl* sooner o r later. Have, hi* line ha-1 it before, he Hdtl itm ro -m an ? tltm*s too!" An 1 David groaned a s lie worked on, never p: uu- Ins for a moment.

lunlv Han* threw herself d<i.vn hcsidi* Fieplti'li. a« sin* dhl an th ru Ml tit?; Ada so roughly ttultle Hint tlm t*hT would have fall- n had not her uncle caught

Ditvhl tittered: jm angry “\i l ie raltual iilii evi*s for a mom anm ’s face, a k*»k ot stern ;

rnnlloti.Il ’O 1(1*4h’f o|>«n

potswl trull

l>c-tb -ather ami Mi l» H ote. Kvclyn and i go; n ither dh! Ada i drunk during mn

1 11 oi* C-atimv. *h * hu lltint unite

> dr-.vt i

* llk-ly io Imv* your w p?.*, Vour/darlin*: mt*. 1 : b'ick ?-t* !> - * aid ld*|i--! Stephen 's hand «*«»-■*n. brutal speech, and h - km* - ro t vvps full and v :,r.i;i | i* tuKi'.-ar*-;, \> h - ru s - hU jllter**d those of bl ; brother, j

• Illlle : Hutl MI.i think. I beg ..-•|eve. help til;* io e a rn him to another j tTn be Continued.trrmui. Max t. tch J in k ln -a t on' mid | . « . >tim b* tJeorfto, von had |**-»t.-r 1**11 th**: A fashion magazine wicb Ihe t; lieonh* to c<>. Atmt Muri'd. look n fi-r gown* .will conceal Ho* w a:d line. I a d ' Hare till «*• know bn;, it* I* t.> *. time thev conceaied rontetbinc.be With him." W ashington Herald.

T*- to tlo **a - Io b-- t i-v would Is* folly r>-

Ind never In i n born -

B ird F a rm in g .

Iliatand found mercy. Not tf istcnce is better tlmti to eternal punlHbineni.

Ill The l.ord 's Shipp


• Strand Magu/lue. few ? ears hlrtl

I in tbe doom* i

«a<« |iT.mdin

lasttiute-i b read—A f-

te r tb*- IhiMMiver bad been eaten ij.uke :*2. "ni. it wa-< th - loaf o r tb l» eak<' of unlca? e io 'l bread which had formed a part of the Pa--over ntf-aP lilcMNcd Invoked tin* hh'sslrig Upoii It, Hrak • It Th.- a.Mgttid io shadow forth the M. rclbK and breaking of Christ's bed? mi Hie cross,- Chtrkc. This bud?. 2::. I Im . n o H i - word •‘wine I* tod o-i*l, ba t *jn " thy fruit oi tbe vine" iv. 8y». so that 'atnfcrmin*- •al gr.ii" Juice wa- all thttl was jim' iI- T hank- H wit- Ilk* giving thank- over the ; tu d d tn s of His own blood, •**..• «e r. Ml t*. drink . ' thl*. In o r ­der that uH 'm lght ‘•bar*' In the libeo- in-- it s'lnlwdlxid. .’i It i< my blmwl - lt.ur.--.M t, my idoml. Of th* <c*i.:;i'

ilittnl ofI men respond jo the pussIbUlty of mak-

im: titotu- ; imd. whatever our per«o- j j al views m»y be. it cannot l»e denied j Hint the ili mntid (or the »kln« anil tea-

I H urs of birds i- mi ever-increasing cue .and I* following the growtli ol r.ctY nal wcalilt

W ith ctiunitiilecs f»r economic pre- j s .-uatlon In the great capUaltt of Ku- ( rope, and with a trade witling to «e- *

■ t* et the ir f ittllngs and give prompt ef- look in tt little ivt’kle-* -killing a t ‘i. simple capable of re-

. n e H r ’ ind bl * gnltfcst

Possibilities Overlooked.

giirding tin* yittu-


Canada’s Factoriesw il l bo e n a b le d .to r u n f u ll t im e only* if w o a ll b u y " M a d e -in -C n n a d a " g o o d s o v a r y t im e .

K E L L O G G ’STOASTED CORN FLAKESis t h e o n ly a r t ic le b e a r in g th e n a m e K E L L O G G t h a t is “ M a d o -in -C a n a d a ." A ll o t h e r s a re im p o r t e d a n d d o n o t h e lp C a n a d ia n w o rk p e o p le .

Y o u r m o n e y s p e n t o n “ M a d e in C a n ­a d a ” g o o d s r e m a in s in t h is c o u n t r y a n d h e lp s C a n a d ia n s .

| K E L L O G G 'S T O A S T E D C O R N F L A K E SMade in London, Ontario, Canada.


Suffered Terribly Urrlfl She Took ‘‘Fruit-a-tiyes”

St..Jka« dk Matua, Jam. a?Hi. 1914.“ AlUr *ufTetlnK for a long lima

with !>y«pcptU, I have Jn-<n tilled by "l'fu it-a tives". I stiffen'd so much H u t I would not d*ie .-at for I was afraid of dying, l'ivc yrar* ago, I received tatuplr* of "Fruit-a-llve*” . I did not wish to try them for I had little confidence in them hut, seeing my husband's anxiety, l decided to do •O and at once l felt relief. Then I sent for three Itoxcs and 1 kept improv­ing until I was cured. While sick, I

what I had loot. Now I eat, atern and digest writ —in a word. I urn completely cured, thanks to ,' l ,rult-«-tive«’\


»1 waysctirelndlKeslion, SourStomach, ** Heartburn " , Pyapepaia and otli«r Stomach Trouble*.

50c. a box, 6 fo r |* .5o, trial sine. 250. At all dealers or te n t on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tlres I.hniled, Ottawa.

Pure, clean, flavory and strong, in sealed packets.

Red RoseMlTea “is good tea”


CAPITAL, $15,000,030 _____ REST, $13,500,000

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15 and under i , * 3 centsOver 5 and not exceeding$ 1# * i ••



H. M. LAY. Manager, Walkcrton Oai

T e le sco p e A d s P ro v e P r o fita b le

Combination OffersYou want good reading during the coming year

You can’t get a better paper for local news than the T E L ESC O PE and with it we offer the following at the prices shown T he T© l© BCOpo andOne new Subscription................ ^ I*75

Saturday Globe........................... r *9oFam ily Herald... ........... 1,9°

Toronto W orld............................ 3*75Fanner’s Advocate.......................................................... 2*4°Canadian Farm ......................................................... r*9°

W eekly Sun ................................................................... x-9°Catholic Register...................... l 9°Toronto Daily G lobe...................................................... 3-9° *Toronto Daily Mall & Em pire......................................3.90Toronto Daily S tar................................ 2.90Toronto Daily N ew s.....................................................2.9oMontreal W. W itn e ss .............. x*9°London Catholic Record............................................... 2.25Canadian Baptist . ......................... 2.25■Presbyterian...................................................................... 2.25W estminster ...................................................................2.25Ontario C hurchm an ......................... *-5°Church Life. ................................ 2.00Farm & D airy....................................................................*9°W eekly Mail & Em pire.................................................. 1.90Saturday N ight...... ...................................................... 3-5°London Advertiser........................................................... 3-9°


every Thursday morning nt Walkcrtoii. Out.

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: E D I T O R I A L|♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖ ♦a

Hearstis PremierHon. W. H , l l ta r s l , m inuter of

L kdiIh, Forests und Mines in Iho now I'rom ier of On b rio . Thin an nounceruent was given oat at tbo Parlimont buildings on Thursday night along with the personal of the new Cabinet, For tbo time being I Iod. Mr. Hearst will bold tbo dual position of F irst Minister and P re ­sident of (be Executive Council and Minister of Land?, Forests and Min; es. Hon. Finley G. Macdiarmid, member for West Elgin, is tbs only now figure in tbo Cabinet, and tak. cs tbo portfolio of Public Worko, in succession to Hon. Dr. Reaumo.

The most im portant change noted is the omiesiou of S ir Adam Beck ns, Miuister without portfolio, although he will still remain ae Chairman of tbo Hydro-electric Power Commis­sion, Hon, I. B. Lucas stepping in sb the representative of tho Execu­tive Council. In explaining this circumstance, Hon. Mr. H«»r«t said to Tbo Globe last night: "For ft long time 8ir Adftn has wished to dovote bis wholtf time to tho work of tho Ifydro.eloctric Power Cam - mission, andat hi sown wish has been loft out of the Oabinot, although, as a matter of fact, the old Cabinet dissolved,”

Tho omission of Sir Adam Bock, however, is charged with this signifi­cance, and was the subject of much comment last night: i t stamps the now M inistry as having distinct cor­poration sympathies. In the discus­sion that has taken place over the political situation these last few days principally since Hon Frank Oocb: r*n« was reported to bo infiuencmg tho choice of Mr. Hoftrot as Sir James W hitney's successor, and the faot.that bo was instrumental in bav: m g Hon J 8 H 0,1dr*o soleclod as next Lieutenant-Governor, it has been openly suggested by Conserve; tive papors that Mr. Hoorst’s nom: ination was suggested at tbo in; stance of tbo party organization. This would now seem to bo tho sit: nation tha t developed: Tho choice] of the new promier was .dictated from Ottawa.

A fte r th re e y e a r s of survum 1 «• u n ­picked to succeed H v u F ra n k C . ii- ta u o ns M in is te r of L an d s , FoieM * a n d M ines, ou tho occasion of M r C o c h ran e 's c a ll to O tta w a

M r H o ars t has sp e n t m ost of hi. life in N o rth e rn O n ta rio , is well versod in i ts r esou rces a n d prob lem s, a n d inva riab ly <{ilatm upoit i ts fill: tire in h is p ub lic m id ri b-.

■fly bo ih aggreb i ive, a n d Lit* j adm in:*: ©Aed b is d o p a rlm u n t w ith nuicj,

v ig o r. In m a n n er hu is b rum pt a n d . r e ti r in g , in dispobjH oii k ind ly Init firm 1 |c is fond of hom o life, and s ince c o in in g to T o ro n to lia s e sta ; b lishud him self in a lino bouse in G len r o a d ’ R osedalo M r H c a is t I*»- lo n g been an aclivo m oinbor of tbo M etbod ist C h u rc h , a u d is an advoc. a to o f tem perance .

B onus* .!, Tin: C vn .

L as t w eek 's S a tu rd a y N ig h t h o is ; H en ry B o u r s e s , f r t s h from ibu scene of E u ro p ean conilic f, is new busily ongag-id a d v is in g h is c o u n try , m an in tb e P ro v in c e of Q u e b -1* a g a in s t e n lis tin g in B ritn iu 's cause W hen th e woa "b ro k e " H en ri was in F ra n ce , d e a r o ld F ra n co th a t wo have ho a rd h im ta lk so m uch about P re v io u s to c ro ss in g to tb e (b u r in e n t th is d is t in g u ish e d ‘ ‘p a lro i t’’ had boon fe te d , d in e d a n d w in e d in L o ndon by a n u m b e r o f E n g lish g e n tlem en wlio a t th a t tim e failed to d is t in g u ish th e jackal u n d e r th e le o p a rd ’s sk in . W hen o u r li t l le i t ' , te rn a tio n a l fu ss b e g an lo look ser* ious, B ou rassx wa* n u m b e r one in th e p lace w here th e y d e al o u t ji p u r ls A cco rd ing to re p o r ts H en ri ex p la in e d to b o th F re n ch and E n g lish th a t bo was a B ritish s:ib ; jo c t In d e e d , be was p re p a re d , to so t th e w ords to m usic nud s in g it . W h at he w an ted w as a p a ssp o rt, a n d ho w an ted j t iju ick , “ Vico P A n g le tle r re " a n d ‘'R u le B r i ta n n ia ’ looked as good to h im a b o u t th a t tim e a s i t h a s to m any a n o th e r m an in a b a d fix. T ho o ld red lh tg was go o d e n ough f r B oarassa to h ide beh in d in tim es o f s tre ss ; a u d on h ib g seas, on h is w ay hom o H enri w as n o t h e a rd to m ake any violent o b je c tio n th a t b is vessel w en t safely on h e r w ay because o f ih e p ro tec ; tio n a fforded t y B ritish g u n s and B r itish Noaiuou, I t ill becom es men of th e B ourses* s ta m p b> sneak foe cover beh in d '! 0 am p le fo ld s o f the U nion Ja ck , a u d w hen o u t o f Ilium* w ay a tte m p t to besm ear it . T ra it, o rs a re tia n g ed c v e ry l la y in E u ro p e fo r lees.

You can c o o k am) bake an ov

1 apacit y o f the i> jp/Od things with a


W. | o .iU .ID A .Y .

l U i ' £ 0 2 af the s:llllc time. Many exclu- sive features you should know

about. Let the McClary dealer show you. «, S o l d b y H . A . i : :. i i l .

m m & z - o r : : 3 M i

ihe departure from camp < days later of the right hah *>: san e battalion* The troop;: move< 1 in took posio ssion o, wharves and the hrakcnvaler, when they disapp ared in «>ii< for red coals of the .'- ■Hit gimont replaced the khaki r.v. of the men of LLh Battalion-

B p a n i C o u n c il

p u t--n t. -.tit jtttd Jidojii- t. -x -- a t -(:■ v . .

VT. A . H A L L , »


J. C A R TE R , " '.•avkvati

V E T E R I N A R YI S. H AN'MORKA’.aS. J’:;','",

i S m itH M c C o n n e l ’sC h o p p i n g M i l l

i F e e d (3Q, S e e d S t o r eA l l K i n d O f C e r e a l

A n d C o a r o F e d F o r S a l i n T o n C t »O r lr$ A n y S h a p e ;

S m i t h St M c C o n n e l l

$25,000,000 W ee k l y .

The National revenue returns just issued indicate that tin* war

costing the British Govern­ment abnut $25,000,<K)0 weekly To this must he added the heavy loss of revenue. Death duties declined $13,000,000 during the l»st quarter. The income and super-tax which was estimated to show a gatmof $32,000,000 for the whole year shows a loss of ?2,5‘K),000 for six months- The customs declintcd $3,500,000 in three monts. Happily England is showing itself able to bear a fargreater strain without wincing England’s additional note issue as expressed in treasury note is only $115,000,000. while the note circulation of the imperial Bank of Germany has risen by over $500,000,000. The British Gov­ernment has just raised $225,000, 000 on a basis under 'M percent., but Germany is paying 54. The resources of the money market i here will probably suffice to meet the Government needs for some time to come-

T h i r t t oii b S h i p s R b q u p k i),


O w e n S o u n d , O n t .

v F ° r —

^ Quick and Easy Shine

my IliO,.,

" v .y n . . . : I



‘•bippol t ig.i-t T -r


».! <•( *t <t

• K ! oF K - i . . j;.-s HOOK.

* A Ft.KMIXO,* F. r . A .O li. I t , KM I NO S.-.-o luiy.

Oliver M v'- nu Ur.iH lug urn

It .1 Ktnr!, wit V J SMttniu, : I,! .luliii I Lui y

mry:Alsmk, d o Jug saw.? -

Pru.uiEii is 80s or Bjiik e.

Hon William Howard Hootut, K, C .. i» just fifty yoara of ago. He was born in Arran township, Bruce county, on February 15, J«(M, and received ^i* education at the local public school aud Collegiate In: stitute. ilia professional career was spent as a busy lawyer in Sault S t Mario. For six years ho has sat in tho Legislature for tbo riding of Sault 8t Marie, being first elected In 1008. H*» rum politically boa boon rapid. When tbe Whitney Govern: m eat came into ofiico Mr. Hnarat was appointed as agent for the Pro: Tinee in connection with the guar: anteo loan of $2,000,000 to tho ron; solidatedin industries a t Sault Ste. Marie, and only reaigned from that position to enter tho political aren a

.Lime* Hy*l»p n i» K II 1

John Sca

Chi Is Pegelo J .t- J IouaIlu).

e'Sfcjw.HyV M ajtin Monk

M e r c h o n - s B a n kt F O U .A L-r.

AWTALi7.i.KH),000 FUNDS $7.218.13-1 r. HEaot ;

PAID I F K L Sriltx ;

2 2 0 B l a n c h e s

m-M add* d ij.-.iy «*f • pnl utul (h'l.iK-r i.,Nicad«f May -td >W .-juWr, « . '

W V D IK K IO N W K X N tilK . M T A Y L O R

h i a n a g e r

( 1

U"t jdioldiffniiliMifo iiuuo i ha tt ji^;d |.h«lhgraph»t 1 Heyan* itut- hringing .‘til ail ihsiV tx-M "1 ohariH'UT aiidlndlvUlu a iity . Make >.nir nj- K nnrnm tt* NOW.


. y . . y v w j Y /■

Thirty-one ships were required to c a r ry the men, the guns, the horses and the supplies of the B'- Mu overseas expeditionary ft'rce. To convey that number of ships a fleet of eleven war vessels was requisitioned, the whole move- menl being the largest and most important over effected on the Atlantic- Jt was carried out in a eplendid manner. The move­ment from Valcartier was effected in fine style, and the embark itien and sailing followed as part of a well ordered plan. The move: ment of 31,300 troops and 8,000 horses was the biggest war action I ,j„ '„tm u that Canada has ever undertaken d,»v - and it was performed almost k-iNci.-i faultletany. . j 1'" 1";’;

The movement from Valcartier j , started with the mustering of the 1 *' *left half of the 12th Battalion. |>wwhich was sent to Quebec to per- ) t ,M 1.. .«., ,>» 1form guard duty and ended with ! cj ,tud Jmi the vkik pu-iMtc a By-bw L

Prai)t T°w/i)s ip

FarmsC«r*iy Kildg**

W A Hurt 111..1 Aicliie W.-ii K4 t\<mt:»i!* U

1 :

■-fli »l »r t . M. M i l l e r

n w n i c l t U X I'AIIH

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove buy .1 "H A P P Y

TH O U G H T.” None better. Aso a full line of Heating Stoves

H A H A V I L LWalker ion - - Ont.

Dr. do Van's Female Pills

riM • 001*11 Drug C<v. Si. CMUtrlne* Out,


Small Profits and Quick Returns i s t h e m o t t o w e a r e u s in g '

i n o u r b u s i n e s s


W A L K E R T O NR E A D : A n d R e a liz e th o M o n e y S a v in g O p p o r t u n it ie s H e re

isle, light

i v J^ y d s f o r $ 1 .0 0for , 4 9 ca v e s , .}.{ t o 52

t 2 s Luhcs F ro K-.i t*',.»v. - 9 8 cKt-nk-r s fmc Fn* m-l» KuFl G loves sti all col* , while ;ni4-bl;iclc, a !’ sizes. \VK G U A R A N -

T K K I* Y U R Y F A IR . \ h h tor one week only.

C H I L p R E N S W I N T E R C O A T St l i s i /< . .«;m! M y le s r e p r e s e n t e d at $ 5 .5 0

L A D I E S ’ C O A T SHeavy coats made from pure wool cloths,

warm ami stylish, from $ 8 . 5 0 to $ 1 2 .5 0

Children's Sweater Coats 5 0 c each.

Men's Haiiu > its . $ 5 .7 5 a n d $ 1 0 .0 0 .

C ..i» I'taki-- , ........•i C.illlhil t ' ij. . . .a tSii it s i u . il a o u s t ' d . ,

3 " IO h.'.I Ui .t.s ' / ;1 IhUnti U ikm i: IVaviltii2 lb* Fancy Hi-.-uit-i3 H titi-h Navy i t3 ** Siiaiiifir-k3 • HI'ii'k W n ld iMe Ul.-t- k T e a ..............'»e R io l u l t i f .............

: j£

M E N 'S U N D E R W E A RMen's heavy fleece-lined Underwear

5 0 c a G a r m e n t .

M m 's Separate Pants $ 1 .3 5 and $ 1 .7 5 . $i.oo Men's fine Shirts, all si/.es in fine Zoph-

witli blue stripes 6 9 c .B O Y S ’ S U I T S

Big bargains in order to make room for the new stock.

I B. REYNO LD, W alK erton

Columbia !tirafonolt?

Pinkerton Prize List.

D. t'llik* ;t<> «*M. I». Fii.k. i « 1*1. D I*ifkvil«.i

The most wonder­ful pitrmneitt ev­er introduced. It miuires'iioehnug*iiij* of needles. Call and hav< it (lemonstrated. *

. . i*: (muni m a|p, .1 ■■ (<.«i'!.fti-l.•« «;< « 1.1I 1! \l, li. M , Ali.iiotv

•' < <•«■!», -1 M »■;*.lx*».» hw fc;opting: c l t . (•»’!*. I 'jtl.li.,

t*. i Urn, C hick: biuntl inAi i, - Imitili Ist.-uidaml, l.V„, F hWJ«.

e? \f .ii \ i , ».«*: - j{. k( .|i.u i.a - s Cum . .1. ,M. F i* :h c i: 2 y i . *-1.1 <•' U. >V«a. (i,it lam!; 1 y i. „M to ll , J it r . ! *■ i.-'rtil: *piing w l» , J . >1. |?i|fch»,i :

< H n v u v rt l! • Iftlggy b«tfM>'>'«<■» W fcaiaK . 11 lin n .<:• -V. Xl’ltlllllllt; 1 y r. <>l«l ro jt, J . M. J« >. n . McKay.

'*'•*« jii, Phi/jx u»a»»•< . lutijncsM mill Wiigntt, D. W ili'-" 'h iiy , l». Piuke<t<)»: l*>»l i iitlH.

: hot*.-. h a m . - aiaI fcuggy, N ap!“"• !<»>*» . 11 O.iRiH’le : I. ,l I f .vy . olt »«>>: **»*'goa im l (diploma}, D . t ’ink-* • i<-- - on lio w rt byI. • uH tb ilil xml over lltyi-mn, I,<>tm*' . . . liit'llatll (i.il l.ltut, Jim . D( Mllolal,

ai -T t Ifiytsti*, U uyil I’ink 'i tun . W in,1 < kitii|Hl, j l’.. Alllill'W Au»(«!U,

CATTI.K•• ■'"l* St-.-cl* I > i. w . r

li - i l . 'i l-I ,n«l 2<t«l, I*. Fink,'H en v i- M>fr.D. e .t.k . m -H .i 't ,»is.|

~ W . T. llo jijh 't: l.«t «* Of »li*i-r. I », Fn,*.-|(ntl l .t unit L’llil: /lit (WV Ml : I ». l*inkVtpm I t .usU e n v ,

N • i.limn, W in. tuul.iin). (i ii!.Tn,i l>.<- > h.'lfvl 2y»>. old, W. T. Ilnjijifj.if- e iok . l l.'tt, O tokuui Hso. ; iH-ift-t l>•-> -M, Ju*. M uxwflt, ( im l.itiJ rh u ii. W; )'. Ilfijijiclj cow mnlcc I yr>.. W.

U'i»|K'i 1 -<i, wUtl itml ;t.,h viil-igr AUk-i I P inkcrum . Atclj.

l . Ik ‘ t m in In-ifci iindci l y i. . Outlun.I l i d ' . - W . T. I lo |i|« i '.'ml untl did .

I’d I, l( Kmmi lly 1 it and 3ml, i ll<>|ijH'i: tow Milder I v t , . W . T. I t hcUcr tn n lr r II >•«>., Ju«. Max-wi ll h t ;iii;l and: lu llVi under a jm ..



dive imltv t.Kial iitti'i C om m erciii} . l?h‘*rtl*.<n le jjru |iliy D c ju rtm c is l -•


Subjects tauglit by expert instructors a t th«

Students assisted to positions. College iu session Trow Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Eater any time.J.W . W estem it J.W . Wester m I U l

PrtDClpal CUfUriiattflu^Uil10 VlW-PltOClMl

W, r . II- !T. Il.tjUK'r. IIIn rd, W T. H

W. T. (Suilmuh •|>.** i d

-Iu «On

Vi mid.MK-lly 2nd mill 3i*l; i: luill «.ill i.lit '. Mux'w.'lt, W m.

lolm si. uurt »'<*« lu i l i r , J «v. Muxw. U. sinaa*. i t . .vu*-rt «.i>

j ey : p-immu*lii|i liy pupd* in 2i.il imd I :trd l»*i.ks. J H oiwOim H I'ruU ksliulil.

iliuwiHK ol pupils (•« It *cl o* 1. V ! l’ink*'rto». .'I Fitaiinihuii-, < •*mp<»'dlt. n j ' «n I'.mutV < I Hrtu e l»y |iti|>ik iu 2m 1 ; ; .im l Hill t ' ofcft, Xu U I l i t h : ff.lUO * u j j of wi'<dt<. M ild pliiul** mul lUwi i- , ?« . S>|< 'i'itiiHli« |tu keil lint) pi r$M*d in l-l- mu.S m utinied and iMUiitl •*>' wliW*l, t*t mid j ‘2ml Kdvii O rovc acliuol.: F o n t Ituci**-B<*> *. r n n * l | y im s O

................ W fil.-r, D OcmiioihI, A S tud li. I". . . . I 3 C laucy ti (iiv g g J D-ilc-: 8 yi» A D«m

yv • ; | nidiy F Desmond .1 O Huilly. rue*’ Iu v r s C K enny N t ’U rk K Ilo n m lty

-s yin H K enny A IMikwHim F ltic»|“ ' ‘l son HoyV ud«y ruee I i t l*rtl»1«v te«»u 2ml I’idkertm i team lid W ulkerton .

DA I It Y I 'R O D I 'lT S

Ft: kin liu’ l. j , l-l If I Vidua 2nd J Mnliie, It.d jam (Jutland: crook of *.ni- ter. I***l*t IVidtle, Wm Out luul, i Fix- Vli.'l; t lit* silted lilltter. l.l‘ <!uliui(|, j-din liii l. t . Wm < lut Inml; Imiki i of »t nniueiitol lu'.Orr. Wlu Uullitt d, j; Mutii.-, Wm KTuyloi; K-0 i.f home ttmdt* litiiutl, It Donnelly, And .Sch- ioi.N. i Mulrie. honey .w»meted. Mm M *uektln. Mis X TeunMiil: home- ui de i:hft .* Fi»ebrr, A Sclimidt;

A S c o tr corri*«|K>ndent c f M anchef- : te r * *tintdiun #av*<. ••Scotland ha« n o t

en te ic d Udw w ar ligh thforted ly . hnt w ith etioiiK deep id ip iM * nndyteur-len t* tlowing am t w ith th e grave*! • • illn e tt-ten d !a it w illing etteiilke . I lieurd iu>t Sntulay nn K ilinbnrgh r«*> to r read th e nam es o f 21 young mmi win* had gone from th e longregaU un of (?K) nuking fo r them .

»ho levv.'i h is

A ccording to th e Mild m ay J a s s t f | a iitone tho»e from W alke rlon w ho Mletided the M iidm av F a ir laut woekl —th e Mime* W cile r. MU* ( 'rac e H en- dem on. MU- A nnie Scanlon. Mi*» A nnin I^m lK -rlur, M im I h a i lo t te W inner!, Mi** M arion O'Malley. Mr. and Jit* . X. P . Schm idt and Mr. M, H chetter.

T w o vyafke tton young •ladim ' who a tten d e d th e cab ib ito io here on Tuee- day Afternoon Ate eaid to have made

exh ild tion o f thessselvea *

•»d i

k iiiand. l*o V. T. it. i

. W

in oiling ewe-*, jutit

* : .. Ag. d ram . W in.

< i dohtt Desm ond: Jviir t . .tlrtiid, W .T . Hop.

W . T. )lo|i|H > I t and

SH E E P| Lu.<*» W o o u tU ~ A (iitiboli irus hw .m j, | l» t fm aged ruut, p r aged o v w , p.

pa ir aged ^htMtfing ewes, |*r i 'iv c l»m l> i *ni Inmh. and be»«t pen.

S h o r t W .w ll.d -A g e d ia m . W *.,ol nnd, P earcc IJroM p r Mged ervr.*, 1 lh ,d per, John D om oud ; pv’ewu l.imh. I i t and 3nd T H opper.

F i t ulu-cp a n y Lind, T 'H opper and W (iarlund .

kind, W . T . Hopper

W m. Durhtnd

\ rv:.pi> : »» ! Tnt1 k» .*»i> Lind. «iui- : iv t.il- leghorr.a. Millie, p lynn otli

t..ii <T-j |j, iiKer• M lacl I t and 2nd

2 li. 2 pull, t- , II

1 >..i m b Ito ik - t i . r la i r l I 2nd: w h ite *leg||i ilia. I)

Ch-fc. U>ai..h,fie, . I \ t u ., | UU, . h ickm * Slid, ' l l Millie.1* ? vat m ty of (*•'<*!, » M ilne

I KS, I’I.ANTn F i t

II w hile peas* W SU’VVatl i ( u rr, D W illoughby: pea* and o th e r

SW IN K ' v a r ie ty M W illoughby. F m hei.ScIm iitY o tk id iiir Hoar, U utlaiid l in o . - w t.J ««*k o it- , ' S i„ vu i t F incher, Schm id t

1 y r and over, D Pinkerton, miw lim it'■ iv ld toouts. S tew a it, A ( u rr. F in h e r I y r i» i« land llro* : h u rley « row ed, K ucher. Willoughby*

A ny o th e r B r e e d - W Ui.ilumJ « ,i . .s.-liniid!: t i id ia n c u n yellow ,Scl.m ld t uw .irded l>t anil 2nd for horn: M a r d Perdue: o m - i am . Fincher, Peidnv: 2nd l»»t w»w I y r ai d over. l*t am i 2« d n u a n h y *e td , S tc v u it. S c lm iid t: red foi Mt*tv nrnlpr 1 y i, . j tf *,'. r. Fi*;hur, .SohnihU. w n l'e h«ians,

Fit F IT : o o u iM u ttle , Fischer: t i.a i,- utfy, vur. , , . . . ' v. Mr ■ X Fennunt. Mt* uohu P m -s |,» apple*. John t .u n c k -h ink . i \ ^ ■ . , ,

l i ie g g : H au lu in , John I 'l iiiksliank. A ! * ‘ ' ' r M v ‘ a V*l'iu k - ilo n ; H ieening, J Fi*eher Jo h n | !M nliie: g il.le it tti»M-t. PinVeiton, ,M.n n e t Kings Urmkshiuik, AV «»at ium : * r o her kind w inter. D P n korfon. Fiu. h c»: S t i.iw feitc, W S iew art. K»l»t per. due. slum**, Stow aU . Pcidue; Dtuli* 'A lH u u rla iid .Jr- i , i r lin d : any other* v a rie ty fa ll ,D Pt<ik>t? n ;A '.u ilam i: ta rge il apple* any. L ind. Jo* S cbm in J Ci uikihBiik. we I hv, .In* U sHutid. D i’m kertcri: i.**«i tun n t apple*. Jim tim ic k ih ta n k ■•i*Sclinun. J ..Misti huot

rah apple*, luixe, .i»i* Selinurr, D.

The J h o n a y C auuek, li»l w a i" l ....................... „ „

Wl " “ " A " ......: h U . .* I i i e h>- « '• - c l " « “ l <*“■ K '" !" '; ' . t i e r d .r k . Tb« . . .o p l . of IHUiy" . . . , , , , - . p « t l , o r * i r » l l l l * l * t t « r p " w i d r f ....... .. ,I, „ , h . , - , j , r | | „ „ - | , 1in d r f

I . ■ U ,re . . . ........ »»« | ,„ r n n , w ld l .r r l „ l eve, .U.pp.-.l, ........... „ „ u' ■ I . . . . 1 ' 1111 : 101,(1.1 O O K i c H o —rfu llv Ik ...... ....... W .lk .r l o o l .o — M lld io .f

t . ,A I ( ( . , „ l .o * ( . . .- . i l l , . 0.1 , | . a , h ,o r |, i , ,o o i , : r y 's » » k e o r [or i t . - u , „ tU si,u ,‘M "sude i ie in P inkeitan llonr, •*; o f a d v en tu re . AO»imdl«D privntu j M m ie , Geo tHifdi*; bt*t 10 lh crock o f w |„ ,H. |mill j i . jo a day w hile th e j h n U irh v H A F a who, j S a le t: J i*ar- | w jv<« ,* n d faiuilie* o t m arried in i .m l in-M hm ket o rnam en ta l h u ttc i, " i w j | | receive d irec t from the D epart in*...(•aii.u id H h lu y lo r . D W illoughhy . 10j • t |||in u „ t O U nw a a n add itional rn-p !

iiH A IN U rn ti-m allow ance o f Sits per m on th . \W hite w in te r w hea t. M Fi-. her, I Tl’''

Ami Sehiu id t W S tew e it: te d w ittie r] ' vHh-ho w hea t. S chm idt. F u r her. A iU rt (ill*. . l , |‘

p n n g w heat any variety .

, | w ith hold th i* r ip a r iit io n allow ance | .• w ho m e in icec ip t t f pay

j ri-om o th e r source*.

P inkerton ;> Stshm tir; peam . i« |l i v j Schm id t; w in iu i' p< p i ,-u Chick: y e ilu u / pi*; iViiiwJn, F i d i n ; E tii |h ,. ( 'm i j M u n ir ; collet;'ion fru it upplto

ed, W U atU n J A S chnedt.

M«‘ lie . Jo*

W tiiulnmi

G R E E N O C K COUNCIL.K i m . H otel, P inkerton ,

Sep t. 2*th, Pali.t 'ohncil met a* p u nd jo iunm eut.

I 'u - e i . ; l» Ph rian . Ju*. t'oUi*on, Xed M< Kitlttmi nnd Tim*. May. Min- hie* <d\ hud m eeting were lead andadopted.

T he follow ing ueeuinu* . w eie pie ,>eitf)-d io r pnyuicnt: A. It P orte r, re- pairing e iilve it. *1 con. IT. $IU,3M|

W etd,, vd* g ravel l(ii *aine. ■ ; John J. CitMidy, repa iiiug cut vert* I :«>, eon. T, *T: W m. Ua*keni-tte, re ­pa iring cu lvert opp, lot I D u r h a m

*a*l. 31.2‘r; Munieipa! W orld, blank

If th e M«:hodi$t (iencr.d Conference A dopts w h a t th e special com m ittee A ppointed to re p o r t on the q uestion of the lim e lim it for th e p u ito ru re re c o m ­mend* th e p resen t sy stem " f a )o u te r chan g in g h is c lm ige every four year* wilt he m ain ta ined , w ith the provison th a t in sja-ciJ! w h s th e four- year te rm m ay Ihi ex 'en d e d to *ix year*. The com m ittee i* rm d y to p rese n t it* report to c o n fn e n w a t an e a t!y se re io n . W hen i t cornea up a lively di*ciiA*iou i* prm nU ed, for there « te m any de lega tes in favor <>( th e *b. •htion of th e lim e lim it and aJu p 'io n

ok th e sam e system a* i* oh.-eivkd ky ^f^e o th e r c h u te he*.

T oe m a rria g e took place W e lne* d a y a fte rn o o n iu the D ram l.titberau c h u rch ot Miw» C arrie Frank , d a u g h te r o f Mr. Frederick F rnuk , and Mr. Ilei- nian tia te ineii, sou t>( J e v |i h ( iatem au of il r a u l . T he bride was a*»i>i«d by Mi** M F rook w hileU eorge U tileuian acted a* beat m an . A t the >-ouelu«ion o f the cerem ony nil tep« iied to the la id e 's home, w here a cap ita l Mippci tva* eerved, A bout loO guest w ere p resen t. T lie evening w as spen t very enjoyuhly by thcgaosUrin music, game*

l. *k. *l.so; John Thom pson, and da ncing The Post ex tend# ccn-

g 'f iiu in m -, M atria'* pLm t-. All (iarlam l

H OOTS A N D \ l.i

.'m ute M r- l*;« ts.,i

A lH H A iilis BTi*

VI A H U > E m pire s ta te D W b k c itu t

And S chm idt; eat ly i« -e p o ta i r , - , > Vi F i-chei; hi ait>A-of Hein on po ta fi e* A «<hniidl: el phnilt p o tu tw *. IT*, bet HMirtment o f Potariw*. name 1>. D tt i! Im g liby . Five In r: «ny d h . i vn ti, lies po ta toes .to# Desmond, m* e ichnu tr to p onion*: a. a S «hnu ir; ooir i i . I,«tg* it-d, , \ N ehn.idt, W m K i l ty ; i id , i ,

{Im ge w hite o r yellow. And Schm idt aos Helium* ; i^MhIo onicua. D Wit- loiignhy, A S c 'itn iiF ; uiangtdda te d A, •S: hmidl. <•£*• tTneki m angotd* n A .Schmidt. T ie..*Chick; held ca A ndSehm iiit. »«» A *.regg: tab le c-u

long, j --* S chnute , D M’iU oughby tab le c arro t* abort, iu* S vhuu rr. And Schm idt, beet* h ug Id •ad /A ndSihuiil. JU* Sell n u n : licet* m i v, Ueo Fiditi* A lf G arland; w in ter cabbage. Atul S chm idt. S c h n a tr; *utntiier coW-ag,-. A Schm idt Schnu rr: red cabling,• Schm id t: cauliflow er. S chuu ri Fidde* toum toee yellow, .Hfhinidt. Fi*clu-r: tonm toe* U rge rid , Pcidue , M ult!, ; t 'luatoe* Mimll i c l M>* W Clark: : <11 vegutatde*. S e lln m r, A u-h Campl>*t‘: w aierm H or * Sebmir*. D Pink,

kniehm*. F iscb rt, Perdue: eitm iia Schm idt. W H oppi:: sw ede tu in i j* D W dtonghbf, s ,h ,ij ld t, pvi»it:j r, Schnurr, S ehudd t: H otuniid *<jii:i*h. SeiiUildl, t< F(ddca:« o k *qua*liSchmit Hopper, cel -ry, s> bm»r»: A CAgipla H green cueum het*. Schm idt . Pvt dm-: m nm iuolh puiiipkins, Schudd i: n o k pum pkin* D P,iikert»n»; *pec.:at fm o i le tio n fie lJ a i l g a rden to o ll And, Schm idt.

pu ttin g cem ent tile on con. 2>». $1: Ju Ilu tfiuan , delivering plank ami repair-

i dig (*t» el bridge, Itiver$dide, EoO; John '/.-•tiler, X i yd*, gravel |»er Jo*. Helm, -o Ai- hie M cliity ie, ceda r for tw otailing* and building one npp lot It, con. 22, >.'S2: A. K. KnoX, room for couucit m eeting. *1; H u n te r Hridge t 'o ., paym ent on ht idg,-. * I J.T,

Follfebti -McKihiiuti - T h a t th e fon*. ►going account* taring found correct tie paid, and th a t th e reeve i»*ue hi* m d e i fo r tam e. - Carried.

t ’.uiuuuui*wtiun from clerk r.*s* it- im yiuen t oi a*vei»»«i* fo r cpiai- i/# ig union Nchmd *ection* w,c* rend and ordered filed.

i oim m m icniion from t». W . H erd i* teod le sideline betw een lot* lb

and II. X . D Road. O rdered tiled.M cKinnon — Colli*,>n —T h at Thu*.

H uy Ik* in struc ted to pu t up nu t tee* on ‘■*»n. Pt, opp, lo t D . for th e purpose of d m in g up th a t portion of *ai,l con lb betw een d e iia tu u i and Hnice bound- a ry fo r public travel, un tjl *aid road is pu t in a * .d ,- 'sta te to r'travel.'—Carried.

Hay -Uollitai11—Tliat. th i* council do m<»v- m ljonrn lb meet a t ( 'hepsim v OO Monday, (Jet. 2 -th . fur th e tram.-

->f general iuisine**. t 'a rried . T ib* '. H. IVUPV, t'le tk .


Occupying a Vacuum


oh M eirgeil hu* purchased ;.«i Which U cetitlv l ig n n d ilt - “ a i W alke rl-u . M r.Stepbeu

CaiKerton bjfsines* m an had won

judgm en t **tu w hat they do hut '. hoi Advice M<ui!d t e steer

of any person o r collect i s i f per* — . w ho offer *oiiu»thing'"f. tj in tlu n g . 'VeumU r*looil ih v te u ,»g aBg of can- V̂ '" 'K - 'd ic iting going the round* now a id (he m ethod* they a re adop ting :o<- Uotluiig *ho»t of f laialu lv i.t ii ie . port* th a t cam e to ou t eat* ii »ve even a u .oJicum oi tru th In them . Si^UAtue* to docum eut;. o t a u v k iu d m e a tw uj# ■ -iw e-.aitd o ften v,-ry uu»*fe. H »« a good plan to refuse y ou r s igna tu re uu le;** nlwolutcty *u ie id w h a t v o u a ie

do ing , amt have CouIideU, C ill the pel **,u you a re dealing With. A W old 'ti tUu wise suificivuU

T H E w it h d r a w a l f ro m th e C a n a d ia n m a r -

Ue t o f m u c h m e rc h a n d is e t h a t p r io r to t h e w a r c a m e fro m C o n t in e n t a lE u r o p e lo ft, as it w e r e , a t r a d e v a c u u m , a n d a v a c u u m Is a b h o r r e n t a lik e to N a t u r e a n d to b u s in e s s .

T h e c e a s e le s s e ffo rt o n th e p a r t o f b u s i­n e s s t o e x p a n d its e lf h a s a lr e a d y led m a n y

a C a n a d ia n 'm a n u f a c t u r e r t o a t t e m p t t o fill t h e v o id c a u s e d b y^th e ’s to p p a g e o f im p o r t s f r o m t h e c o u n t r ie s a t w a r .

The spinners and weavers of potion are finding new and surprising uses for cotton as a subs­titute for jute. Manufacturers of electrical equipment are fast finding substitutes for materi­als and parts hitherto obtained from abroad.The growing or sugar beets and the making of beet sugar will be stimulated in Canada as a consequence of war. Yarns, hosiery, underwear, gloves, and garments for women and children, aforetime imported, will now be produced in Canada. And so one could go on and on in illustrating the triumph of human energy and genius over disabilities and disorders.

W a t c h t h e a d v e r t is in g c o lu m n s o f th o p u b lic p re s s f o r p ro o fs t h a t C a n a d ia n m a n ­u f a c t u r e r s a re m a k in g e ffo rts to fill th e t r a d e v a c u u m .

T i l l ' IlKClUrtTlNO DOOM.The felloe in-.; . i f i l tl flgut* K indt

• a le the pr*>gio».s it* m tu i t in g In tt» I .endoil nr**.t *iui;e August 2ft

Aupunt-* tfeid.

consider 1

Eighty-four men from W ronthorpe j CmIII.Vv, Wakefield. have «0M«: Oil

iHM< - active se rv io .N,. Several Dcn<a>-t* r dentist* a re uS-

linii i fcHtiK •»|Mt-lal,i facilities in would-lie ,i .» * f-oltllcr> « Im have been rejected otvlufi *C; , ’ f<> b>*-V •>{ li'.'til,

| f<in.»e«j«eM n il'll fim tiy'djinj; held ! a? Scunthorpe Fit lace T heatre, S»* re-

,i, _. j emit** h it S* nntlm rpc during , ilo:* ,,<1 [ week-end. Tilt'S were given an rn j(! ; thnstastu- send-off, ami the street:

; a i t . ' crowded,•t / A num ber m liceiejiilidd, un it, tm

• «« . . j ty | «id It* viillsl, have availed thvmselvcio'^A^fUtttdtY. Y i Y ' t ) , 8f Ute "PpoD'IillD of pr.uD -.ns

2* ......... 2 .............. 1.2S .......... i ,W« : ................ "•2;» . . . . | .Km- t ............. •.;*.« . . . t,*2h ? ............. *.:’.i i ,<*?•*Kl»,lil ilautt* Motility cricket >roi

htotml-*— Mead, No" until, KiAitte Iftm m nf. l.lxeKay. I urns Itmvs. •, Oibd*n have iniisted hi a Ina’y tin- r.tn llaui-f 'IVrrll trial*

Oim of tli” l a W nppltum i- foi tibs* m lit Iwrd N

ts Mr . ...... n il- i-a M .......... I !I" ' “ “ I . ................ ... A mnwiil.

............. . ,n CHiiilirl.iB... I I * M ila : 'I .." I’ l»'l»B ............... i" H "e.limn- rn .'r .U I" ............ « 6 ' ' V 11'1 " u r *«•* " > *»l-t i*!po sport;*

'Villi a ;h‘|' tlatlim of 2.K0 the vllkme fof U;i>i*c. Ktoit-v. Ini-i Rfi:t ;revruil* t'» tie * .E v x loirim- t»l *b«'> result of a i-m ilH itP m w tlng cn village green.

Fox we ll. Dorset, with Sft litlihl.iia.r.

Mr. I'. SSdobnDom, " b n into Dik'd Ilf pw.iithm of manager at Hie Tank- r*!cy Cvdihre i.\v«u>#, t ’haiubvrs,

f j i I'tM for about two year*, ts about : to leave tin- district, l ie him uccepied

J a all mt thm an m anager a t a m-w col­lets t4 rM'ii c ither x -rv ln r o r training ! ’terv !a 'Vrexham. for toe front Mr*. Ceorfto ('radovk. of the firm of

T hirty-four iiO'i’iher'i, tn e tm -five iif ' ^h'fo*re. <*!•#. I'ruiloelt A- t ’rt.e " iro - roju* whom «re tdttver-. of the |l«t.Uiit:h«e i mamifacturetv. VVnkefh-hl. has in- Kusby Football Flub. le - 'K I’trrc of i fortm il hi? e n ijilo ) ... th a t in fnlor.

ih ' l r son* ies to the rpitnirs', , hreferenee « j i | he i :h m to n o n who.

VVOMtiN OltOCFItfi Tito woman ro tor's a ssi-ian t Is a

|irodnct of the war. juet n> ttu> woman miur.i has :i|i|icurml on tin* l'ari*-M etro" railway, ami an t:ait»a.tv a i d otnnlhes ciruJiittors in some of the French I'rovlttt-lal cities

S Inrao firm o f «.hoh>ale pr>>vlKlo>r n o n hauls. Messrs. Solm-btirv .utver tfse«l for 200 eliftle vonoR women to r-'nlnre a imriiuii of th e Sait of the •.j,K" j-' in jor.ei

■ have scrie-.i flieir tom ttry. ami that whi'it those Who, have joined |h c s-, r* vice return »h<-fr jnbri- o r i-robahly be tter -joint -'Will lie open for 1 hem.

Miss ISraiistoii. dittichler of Aider* m:ft« .1, Itraustott, of H'lnilioriie. Newark and Miss CH-tihaut. dansh ter ofstlie Jlcv, c , \v , Oxenham. a retired e lerajinan , realdimt a t U'liuhor|>e. were ilrowned vrhih* t>athio>j hi the T naii,

ddhiR inw hlolt a ureal deal of aroused

firm ’s emoloyees wuo n in e mini a "a- M ,rated at F * a rte|f„r.» f ’.o r .!- r io .

‘ m ™ . Wl.l. M .- r - m i , , . , i f " " 1"..11<!'!” l.lS ; " " I 'l M " . j'!

|. jv-| hfim and N otts Dank,

Da a charge of enita.'MlhiK various small sums o fm n n ey , .fob St«it 1. chief olerk at the Hoiherhaiii W est Kldlih? t'on:*Uhutary office, was at ltntijer- h»m r- inamii'l for eight da ' -.

At Wakefield Kate ,leivfu,n .married Darden street, W akefield, was ,om* nth ted i<> take hyr tria l a t the On a chsirse ot o»>mealmi-nt of birth. The body of Hie child was found in a disused well .at Stanley.

At- tile itarnsfej* \V»*t IthlitiK t ’siitrt W alter Kay. miher. of Old Mill, who wa? eSinrj-id with tin attem ided m ur­der of hi» e lub t-'ear-ob l daughter. In sirang’ulatino, wxs rmntnitted to the

TUB QFKKNT FI ND Her Majesty the (’m an har. - uarjmt-

ed and autlioti/ed the form ation, and ha* frraelCMsiy crmMiited ti. r.erame the luesldei't. of n eem m lttee f«»r talsintr fluids lo find • midoyntent for women th r. wrj out » f » r rk by The war.

In a personal nopeal to tin- women of Dr 1 a t Britain to help th e ir le.*s fer* uunaie elsters throiiKb tin famt the Queen »nys*

In the firm I—lief Hint preventhm e f distress Is b e tir r titan it- relief, and ’ ta t onid* yni-mt Is Ik *I-r then char­ily . I lurv.t Inmigtimti d tin . ttmsrti'.;Wort: fee Women" Fund. Ms olsb'cj h

to provide entidoyment for as mntiy ; DUpstone. b ronchiAnnie Sm ith. w.if<- W alter Smith,

a s t-osslble of the wrt-mcn • f th is e*mn try who have V*-n tiirnivn bill of tvorh by Hi.> war."

AIU. DKFKNCrv O F iJUITASN.We art* offlcally iuform-<l that the

aerial defence of KiiKlund and ot i.on- thm In partlcuUtr has been nnd-riak*H by th e navy. W atertdam s s tv < (>t,. timmlly patrolIIttK' Hie east <o;Ht to va teh for hostile n lrerao . Marels- Hlthts are emtdoyed at titgb:.

Duns for defence again-t aircraft have been for some day-i erected on Hit roof* of Dovernmem buM<Hni;« amt o ther places th a t m ight lw the s tesla l objectr, of a ttack . an>’


attacku roplanes near at ha; n* once anA itotdlle craft.

S 1*1 HIT O F SDUMKIJS WlVKS."Of course I want him *0 i;» t ack '

said the wlf*. of a w ounded-s-dd '.r at the f-omlo.-i liospital In rcjdv n> ,1 vjg. itor** rpiestlon.

"They are alt like timx. said on- of the aimers. "They n - l *t terribly, bu t they a re brave, tjii-w** jcsir «<>- men.”

" 'M ake haste mid get widl ,«» Hint you can so back - that a what, my m other said to me,' saht a p rivate at ano ther hospital. "I don 't biiov. how to let you go, hut I couldn't h* u r to have you stop here. " said Ft * *.U> o* an Irish Fusilier to h e r ?.

theMatssfh t.t r.- iKh or. rharg-. „ f wil fe.ttv iiuird.-rhiK n ehlto whom she bad bad lln* charge 01 for .-K week>*. \<- Cdkwl was remanded in emtimly. ■

i.erd Dovtmt. tie n* * th i’ i-rrior*. Detierul nnd High t'omlssiom r of fiintih Africa, fins arrived , « ftii laid ' Huston, a t f‘a|H>towti,

The ••lyuidon Dam t?*" atntonnev* that Major Frine* A rthur of t on- nuugbt liu.s ulipolnicd ('apfniii the Hon. ArcttibahS fatm ■> .Murray C lair *.Master *>t Slur la in t»* i>. mi Ivxtra f'.nm rr. to bt» l{ oy a I II J>* |i tn.we,

A m illiuri orih-r wu * i - u< il in f a r - dir: on M-mhi* u .h .d n g ail pub*

Dlainn ishtrc ha"lit* t<> !*>rd Kit.

loplltd l«».»

bluer- from tie- Ithomhla.Italian colotiStd* in Ihigbmd licid ;

m -ting in Ijih c n '- Hull, and .. r* -o utiou it.ctaring liallati s*i«t*ath;

tfritam hn- s d aniiii -tormipldm

Mr. Jo h n Kmeri.-r v-klm titlv

ntoior-car nceident tn o r Drlmsbi ,•In tin* e u - s et eomhiitunts win* di­

ed a t thy normally <•: d-iUh dispensed

from , h e p i- t - . which at nec.-sxarv in uSI iu»tittir< ■

liotenec, ar, to tieWith

Sir eit-orec Fdv.ardi'c the well- known theatrical m anager. D u prie- o»ei- of v.ur at Cud N m lofin , near Fr;-»hh>ri, whej**- h . - n nt p rio r to theotitfin-ak ot hostiHUc'. fife Dm bmiofiiof Id- hm iih,- The lb ar«, of T rad • return- !<>r the month *.•!* , t » . t !:*••• Hiat Import*amounted m e 12.::i;2,o.;i . u dier.ti'm *’f - h:<di.'!,ti"n. com pan d v 1th Amtusl

total value »>f Import'

hi S e e ) p i ,Mr. ID. bard

iJubtiii, th-- foid X -« York, ha *


to w . ,,{ theIII Aimlria. H ie has

, for ,Mt ha mm 1 | _ F»«*C men . oh r. , Tortjm.y on Satnn

NOTH*.Mr. tilchurd IDurwiphI, la itr i.i- r, is

bow Imlding h it 2Kth annual r- i olon court for Sheffield.

The WoffIndio Donvalvsc-'tit thnne,Sheffield, bavin : been rediileUlon, «I lo the arm y authorities, o rdinary paiient* cannot be accommodated im i.

At the’Slieffhdd rcil»hm ouii. nowfeting held, the ludltieal ag- n - have , f 2i.2i.2n d* i»-.(•«- ,m jhtS «dttgreetl tha t all voter,* win* tiave joito-I ........... “ -*the colors shall be Immune from ob­jections o f any kind. i

The death ta e In the »« great Tow a* • V ,i t ,. " n ■ ; "i - -of Knglnud and W ales last w . a v e r for Derih-voe! *aged if . i per 1,000.- . V oe'd . <,;■ ............... ,

The No. Troop t M.-tlSd !!riih;*-»y ___ ' 'I joy SeouDi'Whib' «aniplng <0, Wad*ley rom iixm im Sunday aflem m m '. 'e h . received Information Hint fir bad lto k e n ou t on the Loxh-v a id- >: the common. The scouts jiro re x b d .t■> lit - spot, a n d ,a fte r two hours' D f u . \- tliiKUlshcd tlie flames.

Hccm ltlng Ik *1111 coin.-, oh briskly a t ItoUicrham. and the <■ rrooratSon m otor 'huoK still conthtu • t > bring hatches of recruits from Malthy and dlstrlc ls.

At a t.**al Dovernhutit l:*»ard «|ulry at ItoUierham fnio '.la- up|dira- tloti of tip* cbrponilion for ..un tiim to borrow C tU.'tftd, for the est.-n :e>o of the main sewer, the bor-eiu t engintn-r i , . ' " " ' 1c.vprcssed the opinion that the iii'-reavc i JV!*- !<hi population with gr"id'*r per cent. > “ '** ,<H"than tha t of any of tin *«»«•»* bt tbr ! J I - ' ;W est Hiding. ■ ; ^ re m W m-rh

Nearly 2<W tiien s igucl for at HeniHWorih colliery oil Wednesday

, w tek. ’ i ,“'«,*«"r Dam-, w er- -10-•\ T he TIl»li-It colllcrv w-bonls .r> \ sx >h - do- o? r.<<. ;.tbeing converted Into a ho«;»llal with | Ae«*hatn, ».u th< N oil’i-l.a-i* rn Hail-

- th irty bod* for v.minded tmldidr*. ! - a toreninn p o rt-r weiife Inlo theHer-rutting is proe-ediui; b rF k ly a t i ' ; ,,>i,! ami 'o.-nd lb. ricnal m \rs-

Cbc-stcrffetd. Altogether :,h.r.* ii»ve \ ,,ir* < * rkbori! >ming d* ad in ajoined tli“ ran!;** irom f'iiesterftebl* > *-‘air

The members of wlmt Is known u s ; H i’. .Midhn old-Hto bevlng the Hutton town baud'-worn aketr la-l * <«*»«l*t«.*u. deal ')>;• i.i- m erohe; In rharge by the j.allcC*. Tim- a re all Of i:i ' Hvlv ntnii. f i r .Deiinan nntlopallly. An :nTsitg<-m< nt mx te - n < <010 u*

Ktlgena Didsthnrpe. a Derby g ir l . ; h-. thoAVtm* <•: n‘: t'.-- parll.om'ijinr* « r* accidentally shot widl •: Kto tsingA t*arD< »*<:»t dofjuK pr«t?*- »■l.crta ir. in company w ith a - mm ? man. Da- o » r D;>-r>-,eb:d! f< no • ..,!»>•*( nt b> firing a pistol into lb ' w p i.r nf l> . p ■ : :> Hi.y p* Hi- -vein- of :u. Shelton Hock. Derby. : ••-•eiro ■■ tom- i >.:>

With a view lo providing v-<irk for he; a*etnf»-r v-ilt <•; «rf tb - - .*•>:• ; *-!>- the unemplm*d, stiontd the <« easiou •!.)*■• » 1 paf!p> ..**1 r> iiia'e *>» At ** «1, arise, (he Derby t'orj«»r«tloo has AT Dm <;• . ; i*c. Aiiff Fm llb, Inagreed to is-rtalu schemes, in’ Olving * hi-icp . \o r u - . Sm died fromeg|*cndilure of many thousands of - those!*;- and • !*,rpounds. -.< -m:'*#»> ;<* . 5 (ndm-v d Imr

Sir, Joseph l.ynch, ebief cb-rlf lit the i dsim bter ■:>,! ever,t'-Diree. ■«' fill offices •>( th e ' Derbyshire Miners* :d.s-,;,-im u-:d :h !>i .-* u. p i>Ii» ■ «r her, Th<* M rlifian , was m arried at the Chester- ; O.en^lDcr dbt ti-i ,-*.d w «-,tt oaf. When

. field Catholic Glmrch oil Monday we.*k j m patpru* *! : ii<* j-mihl Ip r m other to Miss Klh-ri (Nellie) Drake, diomb- m**i,w|r* ,» Hi*ter ill QunrloriiitiKter-Hergeant K, . ••hP. r )d|h*pd fit -h ( limit did

drowned, tie had

iv \ Xmb lug tha t ,.II tin Unui

‘Usinj* Rouge Is Not aof Morality, But One of Taste”

- B K V T R I . Y B A Y N E

flty blah Mitii Dtbsols., iidhtriid ?A glance ailing the

of any ot otic larger cfti> •* give, nip* the fmprv**So3j th a t tuost of the girl* of tosluy a rc like th a t atichmi K-tvp’- luu dui'eii win* declared it was im­modest to b< ; s*-!-u fit publk' Wjfhoic, having one's face painted.

Never hi the .history e! the worhi wu's painting the : face o f wruimn n uuiv*-rsaily practiced as f: is so-daye

Fiishionai.de rutiiten ol all au*»‘ practice tin s more <»r le-s hoputsfyiiig prm •--* epetifv. They c a n y around I i tf h > iKivt-j* of load In* r <tr * 1H e r w h i ;■: 1 couinnt black, red and white pigment* Hint tlmy can be **'*•[< sepiurlug; Dp : ravages tlinl perspiration, smile* «r tears have made in 5io> tosianratim .

c a r o r hi any o ther pub*lie ptnee.

litdne ;air IChfciis** when <ho dc2sS»etnt'd> paw*, tiered her nose while looking im a diuitiuiDvn m irror |t)shb- of Iter van­ity bag

This, how«'Vcr, is one exifem e. :<! tin* o ther end: «*f which Die woman w’n. exclaimed proudly: "I never m - powder o r face cream,":

Sim usually liK*k« : the: jiart. T:ie><- Wetncn M'liiind III-* of other* win* ai- wa\ • u ttirin : 1 alw ays .-peak !:i"

Volt ran *b*petid 00 one of - those women lo Disclose to you ;m ugly, scarred countenance and tin* o ilier to. inipiesK you with a disagreeably Ida** «d *mitld.

Tile thing to reniem her In Ibis world I* that evrything is !<>r iiian' u-.e ia.t k* must know in*a to use it.

I Imtltu;

compb'Viofi }dusting of pow der did 1


re a lto r* ” 'Due mu-t ah*, tie very car.-in* tha

the tint o t pow der one u*-e* - Docolt»e,y.f on. 's complexion. .

I IhdX sJ friend who aSways ip*- powden d o rris root on he r face, sm I* very da rk with coal W:«ek ii*i and <■>*•* and pieiiij of color. The yei low lirown (.f tho o rris mot I*r* eis* iy th** tin t of pow d"r winch hr*n« GiP a**r coinptoxion, Whit*' o r pin: would call aDeniioii jo sin of lie f ska:

"I take

to r th*> tint |lug." said If

of whit.* ami 1 I*.- when I mil 1curly Haym* powder is !tto

>11 < i UiSie Tu-dity, «!ien ah your::dtp* loo scarle t, neither i- woman takes a "tip -H,W'V t'na: phrpb* r»'*{ th a t make* them look

he r lip* a: tin* d inne r tab le: Ufco the :yaiup ire. same uneoiirciousiti-'.'* wifa It sour lips are pule a little ti

'v 'lteji **!n> usi'S Hm !hmi-f howl on*- gr<‘itn- wilt Improve th e ir looks I p ok may asve ‘ *»uw* adviee without s. *-m- w*H not bars them, v Do-ia ':;g t- ;<*tsrh on a loitddd* 11 f«'oj*-ei. .Mi-: tta jiie :does tit*l advice a 1 work- \« wkii powder one must know under 2**> to use rouge. Hy exerenm

how to 11*.' rviiigo if one • would not: and righ t living she can produce -Jorb :*s look Hk- .1 c irca- clown. Don't m ak- natura l color Skat will be sufficient.

Visit;:; Beverly Qaync says: “Many girls seem lo think tha t, to make an im- • y. !;:.h ; preytten, they m ust use psst-«»apress«on*st m ethods in the ir 'm ake up.' “

wpb'iidiil ■•* r» b *• a t « fir*- w Ktro>* d a large garas*’* and works, fonrnrjv .» * b onh . l to s a te Die petrol orm id the: soldier'-


•fidtUC-O P P 0 put? RpJUAVOa Oi/ttUjtjS cations Over F inding Lost A rticles

At it >Ub«a,< -fntnm D ccnD ' a wtt- iiutit loot a >'<i»* (Itauit iul ring: w idem wa» duly re-torctj t*> he r upon th* advert had proitd- e to th*' !?ud*t ; u reward *: $»!,<n. WU<u th - ring "a- taken t*> the owner he th*- tinder .-h* found (hat *oc bod promised more: than »h<- etiuld fntttl with • ask. .-'*,**h«v had t<* pawn tlu* ritig l<* tnak*.jiocD

L liA D l iR S li l l*A M ) LO RDSHIP

Puk i io rttu .n l it:-- pruvtical a ;* :! f.e-adcrvbip and lordship have ■ at-.- d it* » IK- and tb a tb >*trugKle. For the numn'iit there Is only one *tU" *t!-»!t>, kl-'ii iV stronger? \Vbieh ia?s smShHat*- tic- o th e r? For (hero wilt )*•■ m* d*'.artcr th is time, u»kcd *r gh a n )t 1. Do- Darwinian tight f.-r* Hio MirvSe.t of I hr* titt*"*t. a t least

.......Meinseif Vas It.

*- AvorPl rii" « t’..i.*i :*'i<i.(11,; ,• t i'lj- t>< tijo i>'« m,\ i t li. ::<;i>r>l'*a, • m u - '


ck* dally, pi«,*ortb<»

fib*- ad en i-ed

t*n<- mot king ;»i*d t it*.- re to lo re dt-llvery. She w pa: and "a* in tear- w! r* iUK*d so aceept ’ her pr

! enough !<

"t Mt dug : ttmiilukabi*'.

Card claimed s *>. uuaht" to >« tin- finder nd merit! <

t it**

safDfat ter> d a* ki-t » ip -.i n

D iitnjnDoing Ml r tg k t•* to : the do:; for a period df * i\ month-, 'f U" tml- umt - tenip'irarv owner . « t ' red himIn •--(!* iU% 5-how w ithtn a radius **!a thousand mile- ami r*port*0to lim e m ath- a tidy v.nsiKit) yri/e.-.

l!*>- dunght'-r of-a w<-*>terji railroad P H -hb iit was heating on iasU" Mpbi> gun ’.*•!, f iptifl «ii»‘ii. ia c\* Imrigikt? -•a t- 1 u. >>■ wit■ on «:>»■■ t and ofo *-i* hi jn-rit for ;< Dim-. \ ymiusx f*'lh

N - .- r te it.* - HU- dl'-tineDolf b"t i **•'■! and h,.s-:i*}. le*o -1>K*| FoiltbaJ t It in M n c and . b-t

lltinh in jj ..ti ak th* ptehl*:.tb'tMi l.«

I t ; . - tr ti." ijii»w<r

.li.imUD*. and: lin ­

edieario fat i-r talk:-? effusively! iter, atid asked him i b»* nsighl have tie-

Pad- r,-hh* *,,. g. t 'm .n ’lvY V! draw n ' * M*0*-!t va- IT.

■ I for at' V 'if !' *k*".:v ..Y*1 al'"i.|> I"5!- O *< i. v*« > IT,

, , . ..................... -...........1 lilacI* !■*'::! lie!out i 1 >i > iu(Sioi,. uniat -ve* t<* h toud s -■'< <l>'r ̂ i*<>w< e ..r .

111! - .o* 'If liioilY:**-!..'- f a i}'. I- r i.e !<si-t*tn-»v ~

M. >!:: •! XX r r . ■m <«.|d' 1 tiKiil. re-.-idi*• a.t *1. r -one far imd mftgtttK ini! .1* *-H< t .-etc

xt.il.'- if vas IT1 hard),.


In fiiiull’ mud*' It known that h- *1 |slgln-d te r a pass on Die ur'-shfe-n* - : riVt|r*.ad *»H h i- vnung life. D*- would | take uii (innutil pas-, but* th a t «a» ! alt. \ \ :<<■** the itrcshlept < xplalU' d ! Dm? if w.<- tmf lawfid t** t,-**.a.- ntm |

l*>. ami * ! jr t 't l «tt. Hat th :*r*-l- Id*'lit llltiti* d him to ••uue biu'k. null j found a ••.*'• out of fb> ddsk'Hity t>

-a pllSOlHl* mtbdlf’ i

*i-l *

Played on the Organ.* curious; said Drown, "how g . Vents east: the ir shadow h,-. hem, i'll waK*?r a $tu hill none i ip m h men ran kuck.k wb.U was st thing p lay.d Cm th*' organ ;«t

Suffered with Palpita- j lion of the Heirt

and Nervous TroubleMrs. John Dctmison, Cbmhctmere, ;

O u t , writes;—“1 cannot praise Milhiirn’s | Heart and Nerve Fills too much. For , vears I suffered with palpitation of the > heart and nervous trouble, so tha t 1 j could not lie down to sleep I tried al- j most all other m ed ian t ', and g**t no ’ relief, until I was advjscvl by a fiicnd, i who had been benefited by your pills, to J try them, I did so, and after takin* four : I o n v I found I was almost a ired , and I | ant going (O'comimte laking fiiem, for ,1 : never B>>t anythitiR to do me so much i r.ocnl J w wtid advi'-e any cwsc trmiidtsJ ] with tluur heart o r nerves «o do the same I as I ant doing."

Milhmp's H cati and Nerve Fills ate \ oil cents a box, or ?t boxes for 11 ‘25; ! a t all tfcafets o r mailed direct «u receipt *of price by

The T Mtlburn C o , I.imited, Toicmto, Out,

. .> !,■»*(:; t hotil, .KUpKcwP'd

toil ■ "I- dir*-' la- ,.i .*||**:*U Hu* H»i**n :> ***k Hr loadat*’ ;<>>. feintt, F* r ail j*r.w-«;t-ti i*ar- j " 'Hb <* Aria,- " ; ai*l the ciasslenl P<i>. t !(*••. m in th*» man,'. wbut<v<'f| man. ,Hie iinp ty phruii'-' <■/ iormul fnvv may | t?r<>^n >tso*ik j*|*» head again,*0V to t?-'- * <>(ti!;>.r -. I Ay. tift'. uttl : " it hat oio- U. tta'f ’ ' i!'k*a! the no n iy b.tdtr* t3o-v nf*' Inn!** h o r n n l ma«,

'fl* t ixth*-, o»«i'wu**!n*ing m i:— | ffrown gnl hi*, t'cuohcd for lifts hut, in s c l ful l!' * nt -* n ,,a tin thrm isb-1 ,oi>i w<nt to D > dt**(r TJicn hc 're - 081 ">•'» ,u co-td {So -i.P '»(died-of tCiiMbi'ii) Falebim |.!iil IV.iiim m j ■'Tin* bose '"D.i* u'u ellfna

a tiers!c a l- v The V alient Ewglc.

1* •*. • :»*<tig. si's *o Cs«lt 5» ill*' doctor, I lOitfdti't tfcp in pcac.' if | pm Dm

> ba*h*w >•( a v,>)siil :*m n, i we* n myuotf- ,<t>d (Sod D*«og( Kii.it

Hohenzollern Creed of Frederick the Great


If i c*> iimtjriicat*' i*t me true. ! win do you JUKI Pc;, bill r*;ty

at ** OH »>;*■ ?a-ai with w bbli I Itattt nip ays punished * ahimny and fulwi- hond. | am kiut*.

FitK DK U frK .

'•'ill :.:>;rfv >nu tin- ;tise*>:, oiaiuts, «m| iu you r st«*> for. ism ..f f i tk will gii- v *N?fnpli»-it* wltb'ls A- of >!(••pollan*-.' bn nioiiatch'*.

"rffatcs-ifianxlib* * an t>>Fir.-!,


<r andistrons

DdvV »!!•: A-sTiiNlSHKli tH K Wf»UU>.

, • Do .*»< eliding Dm '.’iron*. I oxiftii* ito*! me. f.-itln-r'K trri* u n 111:- • cotio- m* • n il*:* >t n s so < »*uc*'tv* groat t>r»»- ji i Is. f Don: r *« **<ii my troop.- t»nd fotitnl: tbom in : uperb comlilioin A fter Ih b r< *.:* > 1 r-form «f to in:- cotters again amt took out from them tun Ok i ntuigh f a tloitbh- my arin>- I kept my iroupa niH cr arm s utid drillint; eOHKtantij, and i did my best to draw Do- a tten tion o f ait Kurt***, to myIlH*V« t u lil .

"I II *lc:r!*’>> it t!.<- world: All tie;p*;v. - ;*t| t*> * tiiltb u ttlOUKlrt * .-<•*>th ing ■ . . - - r *'i>h fh",u if Dnydht (i'g i;!*ov. !u-v* to non** tlp-ir !»*’tt<l-> itri.i and I- * a In Fms.--1* nno. Ail J< „ ■ Kobitcrx it* t!to t- .--.to f.-l* . a s notch when they »»«■ Do-y w*-rs* im itated cverywimre.

"Then vvlteti iny troops bud rcaeii- >:<i tniv gags* t oeemd-'d myself with 4 " v o idn ing what. c’aftn« t m ight lay to various j.rovito-cs. i fixed mv eyo - 01)■: hiicwia, i 'o ’i' h Frm.xin, the Dutch t{dealery and th - Swedish Fomcranta.I b ft S-* Dnif to i:ik<- c u r- *>f cxecu*

•a * * o thy o ther eoun-trie

think .


i Mltor’s Not--. Frvderh.'k Do- Dfeni, t il(«r<t King of Frn-*ta. roP*io-i fret. \ r. p* t*i if'*'., amt stands *ait **:. th e *'-rein figure o f th e ' D ub.u to ile in I djmiKty. iit* w;ik a diselpl- *o t!i<-:' ■(id nt W ar pur-1* for want k* emtt*s gain for Prussia b> ft. ilo ;n*ticat ->i Mo hist 'world war" th - '-.*•*• n i <<ai'*' w ar" involving al! o; Fnrop*. ineatiso »-f .n i j - d o s i r .- far t*;rri5<irtois*0X|»ansion. ilis war wi*h \nstrk* t rouglu him Slli sla, and i*i-- olltan- wilti Hiiiiia cuiised t!i-- partition- 'I'eland.*

‘.S|»ccini.iHuston Dvspateli -'H lsmarck dtdn 'i'

ft v«>nt tnc* rn**'*a "hi**o«f and iron,*It wan created a hundred y .a r «»—

b r* ids (im. . nm! It* lio f< ** .* > • -on : g* than Frederick ■■th*’ Dr.-a*. third 1 king o f F ru -sli! D .r,.- ;.rSfi*-Si»?='

Hi. um rtk Jum «b'v«-t**j»**d u -•;*-!oo<l' * o«* r, ami. . i- In the reign of WHIP,in t„ and h- ! ’■<««?•*>, bi* r-.,. ft- operation c-instructed Me };r*-nt! *'iid. lorm aHhii H itm an K n ip tf . advantage; tin

F rcucrlcks innmrlal uspiiytliuiis a re ! , ‘'Kf''<t <5en f revealed In u sirlkin;; HDb* oapijihh t : lim e . just diK ovcm f In the lib ra r. of A -o i <1*11 I'tltlllps, the great Am* fie,*.* ! tutiior and nbulititm irt <•( if*5M*ut, wii<«:i d !*->l In I " I . I'll* pauipbh't c-omaim- wbut is said to In* tin- e t > *t < f D - y litdKnw dicrns, laid down b. In - H r-a ? :.Frederick lo h is lo ir to toe th ru m .Tim title rends:


TO HISs t f <T-:s.son t o t i d ; <’uo w .v .





Is tin* proKcnt Kaiser foll-iv.iu.: the ; creed mnl' duetrlncK ami i ninum tid-' un-ntr, which, it It* imsyriod, his sHuk- > triou* jirethwcursor, la id down a *;<n- fttry and a linlf ngo? i

^Addressing "My Hear "Im w , •;;Frederick »»y» hi Dm omming l- D r: ■

"Do mu tw* -j * childish henceforth, !M l. MONAHCHS TA Ki- WHAT VVK

CAN."AI'vuvk bear ui mimi t .n i , with re-;

Cord to kingdoms, we m -m ar*h' take nim t vvy can, '.vJicn we e.ia. s; id a*' pro ! pever in Dm wrong eve nt when wo* are m nipcll-d to give up vliu! l a I taken . • " r ' "r . ' Y o Y

Fn*ni tin* lim e of Ta'lll** i -•* that " 1 ‘ " ’ . 1;.f lb. Hn-ut Kb-etor our ho io - w as. •ui.o-gmy it fes.rdb a 'd . »*> -up|«ort t'**l-- Ther n - r* .it- (c .# .- Dll* i*r«n«*s in lit*' « 1 " in-.* in*- lha l im re our •umii* In ev* r> r**<;* *-•: mid, prepcrl* Kpeiihiiig, wy worn «»ur*elv« * : cut* a branch of the g r-a t empire- * • ; t!i rmany.

"Many oi our toy#I nnevstorc proved to lie very had iMiarncten*, Hut chancy : and circum stances have greatly f a v » r-! cd us. Our first d iadait was placed ; on a vain mid trlvnlmm Head beiutig- * im; to a crooked ami distorted bod'

I’r.ite rick r<i<fs i<« retlgbm: " t‘ 'Kellgiott i» iihMibtt' ly jtn«*-y.i£> in .

a s la te government I he dlwUSKb.m oi ; th a t maxim v'ould tm very inipulitle, and a king is wrong :« hv*f he ;»tb>«s s HK siibjecte to ta rr* .'■licit th em-dt-n-. ‘ to evens. Hut. m i the o ther hand. »it is unwise f o r d king to has* a rd tg - ton. , i

"M ark th is well. my. dear m'phew. * then- In nothing which tyrtmnlxcs o v e r , tin- mind and tin* heart so much as re ; iiglou, mtau***- it agrees neither with | utir panslonn titir with t!i*>higb imfltl- , al views widt h a monarch aftould * *>• u r tu lu .

"D a lavorahle o!*:«jrtutiit? of tab- i iug forcitde possession of :» nelghlioi - i tug province in oflcreil. fmiUHiiately j an arm y ot demons seem to him rva*ty ! to defend U: he tx «**ak*nsihd<sl I; eiiougli to think lie is going to corn- * m il an Injustice, and lie proportions i the punishm ent ot IDs crim e t<» the j extent ot b is evil designs. - ’

"W hen lie is about to conclude n \ treaty with some fo re ig n fo w er. if h* ! remembers Hiat he i*At CbrlKtian, he * is lost."

HUHHT KST S n t r F id v Sl'OH„S WAR.

"W ar Ik a business in theslightest scruple spoils the whole; m a t­ter. Where can mi honest man lie found willing to carry on a war if h.- bad not P ip righ t to make reside.> \Dons justifying pillage, incendiarism j and carnage;— Wy must adapt our tboi*sht* to

our rank ami standiug m the «<srW. ■It would be Die iudsht cd folly if it ' uioiutreir» attentbiii was diverted b> ■ trifle* which are fit only for the com*! mon people."

• Itcnn inher, tlio following p recep t,: in* dear ueplmw. ami nlw»>* say jy * j do; iu my kingdom people s*rav a: ;Do* wish ami find t ic tr salvation a s : t!ii-y can If you in-glcet Dmt maxim ; ever so little cvirvtliltig will b* lost for you in your kiugdom.

As to iudley. l-'rrsirrlck sa>- ■ Do not be usimtm d to make in -

t<'re*t'd alllanceii from which only jn u t y»;ur»cif can derive the « tioi - ralyan- j; tage. Do not make tin* foolish ml* * jak*' oi not breaking them wliiui you • believe th a t 'y o u r interest reiptirex it. •Above aft. uphold the tolioving max , im: 'Tfias to d* -poll *mir m i.:hlxa . 1-;Io ili-pi tv** them *>t llii: pteaiie **i te i jurlng yon.’ -

’ H> *r**tu-ut review;* t l*evat«c th e t- > oughly aetpuMnted with my troops:, |• ml w inn l find tm <dfieer who an ! swers all m> *|ue*t)o»», e|e»rly atnl j stralginforw atdly. | put his. nam e on my list, so tha t I m#y i'* :nemt;er him j when opportunHy reipdres.

"To th is day every *>»e ledieveK-tha: ; th*- great love 1 have for m .xuhj*■ *• ; induces me to visit the different parts \ of my kingdom u* often ns i can. I !I* t every one rem ain under tiiat tm- jire.-sioo, aUliovigit th is is not my r> a 1. : inttljxe. The tact is. I am obliged to act thus, mid fieri- i“ the reason -why:HOW TO HK A DKyD'OTIf ttt i.KU.

’ -My government is a despotic ou<.(’••iiD'ijinnily, in- trim rules o u r De- kingdom has the e.\* Jiisire eharg*- “ i II. i | I did not l ox* r Ui* Mat* ' . !n>> t**'*rn*-r- ****nld take m» |*la«< ami I •■*«■■ h*t life i-* i ami eoilld Kfadcall* dl.-i** I t - « U - rd a*i «•!•! It* •>*», !!! •• prltiriplci* of u N ir n fe ', to .id«ipl m*-tlni-1** »»*• I’t l on!* I hum* of lnd**pendcm- inent p!a • in it - • i *•

• ■•id**. a« ui* order * *aun*a I.- \ - t -nilo-rwlM* limn iuii» rioiis and p* r<nii--l«»ry. llione w in* represent nm woubl ! W h u v-*.- k i*-r ttu-in*'- the fame D ra n n h a t i*'De. t»a*» **I Wd t M u*%**iille, ii> <s vasionall'- tfvtt eJStsa. < get it.through nu kingdom. I have tin i t I) v * H; e s > * uv.- >fmeans of discovering the uluise wi*|*:h ; |V , v , v ^ s ,.... M*. > make of the paper-D m t ! !:.**• * v .,! * , , . ;<delegU'ul to lln m end of re* iillnn: to ' ' 1 ! 1 11their doty olid ndiuonlxhing those j Ihe price *>( D|,-* siwho might l~ l* inpt«d to d* carl fe..n. • 'J ' m im n otiii* l

: tbfil a>rt

is < •' tl>’» programme....... ■•*•• plenl* of■ u .n . tr«;oi» an « lr of iH for fatorah! ■ rlrcunt- • u **IU b ' •wrr cot only

• *r kingdom, oat of

I*-ti siaD-'ficn »lio ' Which has reach-

oiw t no iotiBcrfig itself. Hut ov-poit ciri uinstanefc*a ; , ' o f th e ron-

■arnmt knot'', my dear neidi- *--*.-, P*.m im portant it is for a king ami f-ir a sta te to depart front ordf- tmrv pmcedur*'.. “ ft is ojtlv b * xtraordinary jiro- eeiilism-i t ’::it ;>■« ofn m creom e <dli-

t'V FIF.'f’MD AND vt’Qi IIUC FA M E..‘‘tr.iiroie' i* o i.miiH whero the re

e-'»- tm* mar.v t.-pl !*roth-r* ami l i **’ •< t» h. t.jiSj, te. de-pisihg t^p<« Dm! v ast OD.jDM * mi lie formed.

D„ Fnci: •! ' ' Ilo * have t h - m astery «f the y;*.; tha t proud «’e- m -yt lot te iis - r dares to hear M'kscIh xvltiputt t*<> ir ■’•■nnlsskm.

■fi nil th is Is tha t we

Thought She Would Lose Her Little Girl

From Severe Attacks of Summer Com plaint

M<>. Wm, Hit»5. Ft I F-ilnicrston

II ('** , I.a:

, l.V.il>, Dm:'

•" i.-r- I JwJ gtavcaiivw.v jor my bltle giil, who was just one Year obi in July la*t Sbe had cuu-

■*tuut and severe attack* of summer ceuipi.nni, ;>«d it > cmc«l u* drag on h tr M> long despite the m a n y lemcdicx 1 tried. .My ncigH'lmrs t*d*t me she had grown so weak thej' thought l would to:*;-** hv r Due night white nursing h tr an otd friend <*< lahw iiippcnotl to come, to w e fin% ami after telling her als.mt my ictln < Imgcrius.dl-aesK she a-ked me ti* itv Dr l'**ttb-t - 1 'g j.iU cd Wd-1 Straw. In ;:: ! v; at a Jittie ght to oer drc!<jKlbi*. and ’Imught a imltlf* and after having given the baby one dose f noticed .; rcmaikid'k- vhatirc, ami alter giviiu: her tfn .e dr four <?" <- she wax well again, and i- , *n t<* walk, which »hi- h* 1 i f ’ i - u i :•’-!* i-> do t-i>*>« to b n all *»W

it.t i •II


c o n g e s t l i n i m e n t i n 1 0 0 Y e a r s

B e s t F o r . E i t h e r M a n o r B e a s t

—-----------------------—’/DISEASE is due^ T he iS - j j 1 0 BAD OLOOD

H ousekeeper I j To cur. Common Ailment# the Blooo—!■— ...... — .............. ..........— ~ j Must be Made Rich and Red,

, . , . , . , i Si'iirlv ;>ll I .......Il-m w * Dial u«tlM^ •*- •***•» «•> *««"»“ •.ah.- ihi-m Ilk** n.w . I‘ir»t ru:«! / . * * Y ^ ' \ b . - . mise*'. i

{ III.- I.la.-s . D or. . h win. n flattti*-! i i,.-.,,,.,..;,/ ; I,;„ h . l u m l t n r *

! h it «„»< r. h .r .t i. -ami a IstMt

; MI' • ll* I. I » '(• r. Ilf li ill fid. ill"!

cvt !<*.» ( >1M1 ...... .......................................... ......... .

Ai.idy xviili m mM Ilsflm iiiiiK -Win .It»;. . . ilk - «•«.inii mnl -;»li rlieun • !m:« lirtiv Id i'i if.' u>»* IO'khI m t'iall: i . N<. iry ln z a iWO:<'tit rented lor <-;u !i ili-i Im aiiHi* Hu y <0

•ML* i. .m».I

k ttu* t. r ;i

I Mi*l ;• MMJ- -f O-i i.-ml - .irluM I « u

Pill UNf TFT.Tli" li\ j~vrMlr.il r> . tviicv* of lln*

M.1, - 1- I - Hi. .ti l O. 111.! 1 Uvlno lu o h

roa «mr>. tiunnyli iim mm of Dr vViHhmv I'ltik l ‘« K SHo n ,w ;

a r fo r .» mirn’m f t>i « . ! «Fr...» i m o i . , a i i . l a k v . rtil «! !»»'-

RULES TIL WAVESii Mar.fh.-»iu- Kvm

<•{ ihr N'otlb,

u",in|>lr<! '*11 l,Jll0,r#trtch* ri* n>uL ‘“ ° W"

ttV.Twv.- .Jnikr.l niir I.I..J lu.e-.i t.ur J.(ir

i Organ' ill" «-i:is i Umt I cuutd iMtrtii am! fo rm ! to •

; I

. ... <■( «;rtm*by t:r « » p e a won.,

w iiih in y rm n . in u .......mu-*-Of a U'W " Ls f H i mi Imti.-O.M*.

* f "lit * I n il •!«l. i I ‘ i i'.'.r - «<•!! ami ubtt* if. j.ttmU ,n all

for s: *<> ft ■ r .• Mf Ut!> * im -« U w k v il

k o b a n i n TURKISH.

l> if ...III T ct,

K r H r f S.Ymi'. IBC- milt TM.

isis U se d

Ihu.l. of l iv Ivor- rilt.-n it. Do- T nri.i.h

i Aral.), anil In Ar.n.lc ho Turki.-.li h sisuasr.

or. a . ami* T ar*M i


'* u k \ £ ;£*■■* — -

. . . ............. .......... - -UMWI rr»fir»-tful ».»t*» , ls s r - !

. r h a im tr r , . 5 i n ..m , ami TyrfcMi M . jl A m»i to - t'ti.l T.-i t>H' ;«»»rr *IHnn - hooU a*.* wmutiy prlWM « !th Aralth | ' u , "To k"rii il"- t - . i " f *l.n' in I 'l i .-- , on • Jr. t*k «Hurm H nirn Um |


fCcv>r *h<m» i«er» gU'naua V.-ur ITt.pifr ttiin <oo,»y;

" S - a n s r . x i v a r a .

"(ill r< i ■ ■■

rniil 'I' I

I \u t i t l o " T r ln l" . : • 1 -


H ere Arc Rules to tio a rd /

thi f.ip*s»t.'b. • . Ml.-> Kf.rao |. .r 111" s i ™’? ™*1? * , ?on,.liM fim** its »!>.' T at am!, i r r tm c u h r | \u«*o y** Hm »m,«tr

" ”' .......S i e d T u i . n - ' X n V T i . r x ;1 oik.- .Mi r- , l > »-*-.* . « | . ..f run.

io;r»!> ami Tat",




? \ ; <%lnr'ftmk!? eErtra- Tr,-li u s i m m w i r o n s c s ^ Z ' Z , , V!

r « s s c

ARE YOU IM LOVE?n I ,-1 ., In ' l l . Iir tiJJ'l. n - — - .

. eom-m w. S ..?r- Vi V. •: Her.-. What Some Oermao Phil-...... . » , v w o i o i . i . m ::: o ^ r s sars About it.

p p p g p s h ;h s ~ H £T O i f •S i T / r r ; s r £ r r


S S K tV K " -!’2 a ." ;. ';w v v :.; .t :;■It '" ... "v W W t eSK aLftS. W r a - C ! LX.*-*>-...I ., «n liiliiAl..- . I r.uka » tnai.i tlrpl# ,1 ihm yroulne

JS S L r~ .W t.h r .:--. ■■ i;*r«* tho •i.lni'.l > a m . . t .m u * . .... . In nn- ,-■-m ..m o.- Hint wlm.li u

'o f K

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v i i v / s i aig B B j........... ..................................................................................... ‘ ............................. .......................

' i v . i M , - • . i r - . ■ n ■. ^ T<^ “ » ' " ' “f t ; " k v r t ' i ' r " ’. " " - ■ ' iV .h,*” ""-; ' . T S t r s w a » r " T » ? s s ; m

■ . , ■•: u . i " ■ .Mi m ! " ■ ■,■•;' *.v.v ‘.’. . . r v : v . r7,rmii;'om . , , ,' tV ? "**• b V f »>’ ; * • an-l i ; i . r ; • m i-d •« a m -fi-t . - f t: • truck in It- n .. . . . . r » l h V i ^ l ' * . V S » W

m i sI l M - f ' v / i I s l i S l s•r -■ 1 *v : •: • ; r . .’ '•* - - - r - r . ‘»- ' " ‘" . r U ;

•vc-r.n *“V,> M"it. ^ otartloK

No imiuiT- .VT.tTsi-nTidl.l for Ih" siio|.lrpt ia*k no ta-k l- «•«» tliiu.!.'

Canada’s Strength

T WO years or so of stringent times have washed out of the fabric of

Canadian business some things that were marring the fair sheet of our prosperity —speculation in real estate, excessive personal extravagance, venturesomeness in finance and a tendency to imprudent business expansion. To-day Canada’s strength is showing itself unmistakably. We4 have recovered our self-confidence and courage.

Our business men who advertise owe""it to themselves and the times to

sence of advertising is an heartedness, and of energy in a

An ab- of faint-

state of col*

Strength shows itself in action-—in advertising.




Nt;:,;S"%; ; i . r .

...P P P K ,


«•*! - * - h; « s *4Uls' **“ , "A.»- !V 1̂-.

• r ' * ''VN;;. -

•■.''TV-1 £ \ , t r s x i

The Mystery of Womao s Mind.

• 1 • ' ••V' *



Superb Selection of —■

W om ens’ Fall and W in ter CoatsC oats from tlie (<reatcst (.anudian C oat

M akers present them selves for y o u r choos­ing. C ape-'.oa ts, Belted Balm acaans, O verskirt effects and plain Box S ty les , all sm aftly designed, full skirted, half sa tin lined.

All tliesc will tie fount! in n niiijpilieiiii xcli-ctiou -They come in fancy tweeds, plaitis anti checks, in all new Autumn colors. Prices $ 8 , 1 O , $ 1 3 .5 0 t o $ 1 8 .5 0

O u t in g B r a n d S w e a t e r C o a t sThese excellent fancy knitted sweaters come in

all cardinal, cardinal with dark trimming and maroon shades. With new shawl collar arid also high storm collars. Two pockets, closely fitting culls, good heavy weight, line quality yarn, sizes "(> to 44 , price $ 3 .5 0

B e a u t if u l N e w T r im m in g S ilU s Roman Plaids and Roman Stripes, neŵ Dresden

and Balkan effects, rich in color and finish.. These are the very newest lines shown, prices $ 1 .2 5 t o 1 .7 5 per yard.

T w o B ig S p e c ia ls in M e n ’s R a in c o a t sImported English Double Texture Paramatta Rain­

coats with all seams sewn and cemented. Single breast­ed. buttoning close to chin with military collar. Fawn shades, guaranteed to be absolutely waterproof. Fine grade Coats, splendid weight, special $1 0 . 0 0

W e B e lie v e M e n w i l l b e In t e r e s t e d in U n o w in g o f t h e P r e p a r a t io n s m a d e t o g iv e E x c e p t io n a l S u i t a n d O v e r ­c o a t v a lu e s , th Js F a ll a t $ 5 .0 0 , 7 .5 0 1 0 .0 0 and $ 1 5 .0 0

The variety offered at these prices will surpass every mans expectation. The materials have been well and. carefully selected, file make and fit is thorough work­manship.

Let Us Show Yot These WonderfulValues in Overcoats and Suits


e * t ia n d M*i». A Idx I»aiuO«rlits vW t:;

* tula here* .o s Sunday .

Mr B arney Ihm ing io 'o f O ut,cam ion j Mi* J i Curlei* ttud id s won M oftw rt viaited a t hl.x homo o v t, S undity . >t <lrevnock a rc busy ''t i l l in g dh»»

Mt» H F o a m ie r remain! h e r U w llU fo { ' “ w u,,d lhS»Kirin r e lu m e d to Uteh lum ie in ( -------------v ille ncconii<iu)i«d l*y Miss t tu -oi

' rdoutUd.-on!, tit \V ?!kerU u\ ». v isit j


■ -Jams*.

ml Bcii 11̂ 0 ' it, very ill w ith appendic itis . W o Lope In- will

moqu recover.

Ml*e N e'li.i Hymoii «|«>u| u («. w d » y * w ith, ftle flds ii» T iv e n im ..

M r » A T bom j.-on an Mi»* a .c.m t have re tu rn e d hom e u Xvr a ph*«u n n t v isit w ith friend* uotoh.r* nud W oodstock

MttW Bvr U ej-oiTer is visiting h e r b ro th e r ia Uuefi4**w>» and K ing) b ridge.

W e d d in g holt', a te rin g in g 'A m m i k t fron t the v illage and vi<-

it l ily a tten d e d tin ; m eevh tg o f UW Crosby lo ry In P a is ley on F rid a y a l t e r ' soon and evening . U r. Her r idge th e M odera to r o f the g a n w a l A ssemJdy #£,««ki>in l!i>; a fte rnoon a nd a t th e pub , lie m eeting im lo - overling.

Pee*.-Servieea w ere h a lf in chu rch heroauT utarelay and T hu rsday of last vm-t; conducted by Rev. Fid.ie.s and Itev . lfe ltli of (ilntoii*. Uev, MB- | ’ lo r of J ilym occui*i«f*I tin; pu lp it on S u n j {/ d a y m nru i ug , *

T he ie jra it of I ho ro llerlot-« o f oa ts and m oney for th e a rm y a nd p a trio tic fund shows la v ..i.d d y an the P inket- to il w aul.A ll te |'o i l . a re >u>t com plete lint We u n d e rs tan d th a t about o»e hu n d red aud fifty bu -hels won* co l­lected beside:-- a wubiiiintial m oney con­trib u tio n , Only uv«» u r th ree farm er* refused ♦<>

Mt-rei* U«v d and H ratm l K tew arl <>! of Moles w ra th itn lo v d lo tin* burg 1. week. T h e ir m a n y friends her e w ere g lad renew an old tieipKHtttnnei*. Mr. J a s A ndrew s a n d son a tten d e d the Paisley la ir . W e u tide relnn ti th a ta good iiu u ih rro f jtfixea wvio c a j.tm u l bv Car land Bros,

j , 8 . Cauipiw 1, O rgan izer o f th e t U, F. secured If! m em bers to t th e H ip . ley C ourt, a nd tw elve e an d ila te a were in itia ted a t Amber! -y. J B is a o h te s s

$ us atr c t gttnl»«r:~IU|»loV' KxjUrws.'auiphell is engaged In oguui'*u~ >’o tk in W a lk e rto n a n d vic inity .

• f

is here and with it comes the need for heavier elothiug. Perhaps ^on need underwear or u sweater coat. W e ace ready to supply yon with these.

We have 4 very large range of

U n d e rw e a rF o r L a d ie s :— In natural wool, Union and heavy

cotton, at prices in keeping with the quality. F o r M is s e s a n d C h i ld r e n :— In a variety

of qualities and prices.M e n : In natural and heavy wool and fleeced,

a t popular prices.B o y s : —In wool and fleeced.

S W E A T E R C O A T SO ur assortm ent in this line is large. We know

there is something to suit you here. W e have them in all sizes, styles, shades and prices. Just what you waut for these cool evenings!

W e have wrapperettes and Iduiona cloths, in a variety of patterns, both ligh t and dark shades, at izSc, 15c, i 8e aria 20c.

See our new coalings aud dress good*.

jf . 3 £ jtp p e lP H O N E 5 3


M arried ou W e d n e d a y of th is m-elr M ix. B arbara B iire w o u a d a u g h te r <-f Mi V al K;<- -yvuroi to Mr Jo h n Itiw* "f til ls jilttco. W o toa.'iiil hvurt li;»t t;o»K1' atul yh’re |>ji't >c!tU»r-> uvvlwvvk

M i.. AgtKH i'W ho has be»nujiOuliiig sotuv liiti ! In WiiU'Loit re tu rn c l <m SaltH ilay.

D on 't h.rg< t lln- -la ‘hug iiiat* It lo be hell! here on T hanksg iv ing Day.

Mi-x J.Jret‘hi«»* l l^ t ta r t le ft on Tuv- s ilay to itUebtl lbiBinft.9 College in W alkei-ton.

Mr P au l H iu s jK ig fr i» <*or new m ail carrier.


I j i. Job ju»lH the farmer*

■ all »vjK*tt a la ir

I . SjiU xignti.l A lnh; Ikomiuli vi .0*1 n\ tviln’m ii W eise r ln I'lilry*. hu l Sun xisiy.

Mrs A ugn«t fii ick Ison llm *iok 11*4.M r nmt M ih Frank Hol«t wore in

NVatkertmi la s t S aturday m i Im sim wO'regor UtMiingi'r lure been busy nil

sum m er pu tting up envetrm ighs.T he h r e f »in g season cloves B a tm M v

o f ne»t week.

F o rm o s a S . R e p o r tSKHK.MnisK

F 'ltm IV D aria Srhw ipl*. AlftMl H .h ii. F|.*m «. .• M'.iU.ig. Mteii.u l K k f h*r Ju st inn W uilt i% Dsi’ai' O barhs il .4 a W aesbt<-i. C’tcm en iZ v ttc l.W eU s, ID nvy U auck . D n e ttn Mou- tug , N iirhyrt D sn tlnger, T eresa I’Vaiik. kiix^la-t It Zihiutvr.

I 'V na III t i . h u VV.lv, C aroline H eningcr, I,oiii«c (ib. i lc , .h>si pb 'l ,i 'b m ain W illiam (b itehcr, f j i is t la n S«h- i n m . K ngm e F olu-t, Ci t i a S c lm u rr, S tiu tley liaam m m , ll ih lc g u f j K tm l/, Cyril IJeh igecjner, A li. o Mryci-, M ary Ililui, {» reU ii fin lchet', t'amliiH* !)«»•• le r . lto fiilia W cllrt. E m ra Seh i'U ei. A utinu-tii! iii)lugi;*sUi-i, Lcm nlet D.-utiugs-r.

F a rm II Juham ia W ily . M arie Seim Uir t 'la ie iiee Ilittieli, .'I ligilulcne I.Uiei • e r -Uarle lJen tiliget' Olivia K i.n iin r C lara Z im m er, Ia"i»: o b v ih -, I 'lank Huhuui-e. .iiisepli A uU inauu. Alice W elle r, W ilm a D ee m C lara Old ile.

A dditional LocalsT b e Vetv I 're m le r .

Ihui. W II lle a re t lm« been se ieeleit by t he C illHei va ilvc uguii'/.atioU ;>i Ts»s«»nl»i 0> W J Y. nne r of O n ta rio In slice* " io n I -> tile |,«|<, S ir JamesVr'bit: u>ty. Tlie aup >iiitnjo,jl 6f Mr U em st by tin- . . U t f«w lia . nu t !»*•• it l<« •k»-4 up*»u with frtvnui' by a la rge tifim lier of (*<«u ttciyattv.-s. I a en inm au lh ig «n (In* upp • lihtm ctii th e Tor»u»t.» W orld i Coioot '•a live Is.ivx;. "T l.U is a g rea t «h«y h o tlie LllHH'il pm |y - in O n ta rio . Tim Con- fervatives hitv<-th lib . ta tf ly threvsn aw ay tb e ir ad v a titag e , ilikgustf »l f Jn if m -nibei - by ►•'ibmlttinc to tlie ilietaD Sou o f ou ts ide agenc ies a n d f a ilin g U* in< if t upon a .-atl. tt* fo r thcelm ice of a n e w leader, fb ta tv a ren t dow n tvutd wfvtt i- w an ted a n d 'lii e til in g w as pu t lU totjgh in a p p io v t.t K «!ser fastiien T his oveH htow of p i|iubir fiovei nuieiit liiel finds, tbi-> in frin g em e n t o f th e r ig h t* of th e ,r«. t id v ts of th e W gisla tu rn , M»i*j sw eeping aside ol nil hono r, a id e p riuetplf-. of < iovei lu iien t, for w hich S i r Jam es W hitftey established a tra d i tio n in th e i’lnvird 'e, earn only m ean tho decadence u ndub iiun te lirt nk up of th e Conservative p a r ty / ' ’T h ere a te m ore titan rum ors th a t Mr. C«eh- »ui»» wisitefc to h ave U ttlnt in Ci.verre m erit business h a tm o o ise w ith th e do s ig n s i f t h e O tta w a t»bvenuuenl. It is sta te d th a t he iiito u d sto U ndapu tiv m an w ho c a n he m .ntlded to th e wish- •» of tltcT ndv: ' • ■'verm eilt.M a rrie d In .T ee*w ate r

UtM K b rr “ lloiHotov—A ip n e t w ed­d in g took p lace a t th e hom e id .Mr. anil M rs. John H odgson T ec-nyuler on Wiulticmiay St!pt. IkCii at 11,80 a . in w hen tiie lr you n g est d a u g h te r Mi>» B eatrice w as,un ited in m at tinge to Mr W alle r id. II >ckett o f T oronto . (July .a few frien d s o f th e tam iiy wen* j»res c u t a t th e cei •m o a y tvlticft wav p e r­form ed b y th e Rev W . A. B rad ley B. A , P re sb y te ria n m in is te r. T he htt'di* w ho w its d a in tily a t t i r e d in alien him* eicjm d<-diem* trim m ed w ith shadow- lace w ore a tu lle ve il a nd w re a th o f o range b lo s'onu^C iirry ing a beau tifu l bm n |uel o f etetth i tota-M, lily of t l i t valley, a n d m aiden b a i t fern , w as g iven aw ay by herjfa ther ju s t ;t>. Miss A lyrtle Creen com liided th e w edding inarelt. A fte tto w cerem ony a n d con­g ra tu la tio n s d in n e r w as served . Mr, and .Mis. U uekett le ft on th e i lo clock tr a in fo r K incard ine , He.-,* p ie r and; I’o tt H ope, th e b r id e travel* lin g in navy b lu e w ith h a t to u ia te ie Mr. a n d M i* . R ockett ,wilt reside m T o io n to , (>m.

} ....... :Public School Report.

ll .a io rs .- fD K enny , D Kver»tt i if l l irr in g to n M 'U onuvajiui, N hay , ft Farew td l, V M y|e*. M W ilson .’ W Sm all. I’a t s —ll Jn b a v tu r . 15 E v ere tt. K Itolden. A K erry , t l IliblieD . A Misch, H T oggnrt, B Ito g .as , A Fer­guson. K Uomx jy. II C oa /.ix ,

D W illougldiy, teacher.(trad e V' 1. --HuMnra— J K «nnv, M

H ylker. J r , - C A 'l.v o o d ,5 lirem m er, V K in d h ‘, C Van lb iu<-. 1. W allace, W Iu<Ire, I’ : .1 N o irish , n .Swan-to n . ii» .)S li> I -b* »<•» « k. J r . .1 Hen- no , K .W ilfon. <. t -1 m i . I Krne.-b II Fan!, W , ( o - e . - •-

J .^ - e a d . teach ff ir o le V S i . l | . . a fliiu ty s Milter.

A da IJolhm , |{..y U h-h-H hon. V iolet H a s t . M ildred H .yee.M ilb.nM < <Ueg- o r. A rthu r E v ere tt,Iv d re n C rjd * ije an , Fb Irene.' W .lto o . W o - S i m . iu , F a '* - K le in Tin- k, Jo h n l*T«welliny,.| K>" n. ■. June F,ov—M ini >>• I ’e tb • plm e. H arry Bit*!/., John Diet-- . K Seal 1.-, V ila A iidm son.

M Ho*.*, f- aeher.1 •i-ade IV.- l lo n o is - P N ullibJ |, K

K olpin, D W iiyfe, ,M L njidcy . A HootK Fmo*L II W th o o , J 1 lot i iren , t:H aiorey . .1 K iidii. A ilninet-. lv Feli­nidi, Pie— V IJ ui-.n lt Van llo re e ,K Forey ti *-. T Klle-.i* is; i i Sn trem i>Von H«»w *. M D. res A S e n !c, H

m . si-.o-b it . teacher.to a d - III . -II* tK A Lhtdh-y, M

Seliwiml) ; K Scbao F Ki ln r ton , MP c 'd n - 1! M,to bin* • > K Py*. I ', .v

F Mm iinb-r C Boeb aw. L R ib y , WK ara. V ‘Iiin-sb-i-. (• 5 Mirer. L Item-*cy, B K’b'V, C fto ido

m-niiir F irs t H< ti - V Ami i* >r.W F o isv the . W < iixale, N L .c:.. ' Pas-- H Pad)». D A bd-i soi . H p l. t-’.-b, (i

C r e i r s , H Hoe! i -o . W H unt.Ago*..* W arren , teach* t.

Fi.Ni ( la - .* -H o n AV Jero tm , \ \ID Jhm Jyne.D ‘ bo igv . I Vail lb u ic . i

A K «yre. K P. rdm-, A IM rh -eob.v-k. D .Me.V-0. P l-S K V ,.!*>•. VA nderson. A T a g g a r tM«vvhint*ey,

P r im -r H ou .--W H elm . K Siog.-r.L M ortim er, C Field* l'.*»sr R Fruin,O Fi.-k, t H ood, S Fenne ll, F John-

W 'P lum p oi . teacher,io 11- f. si-. P rim er 1 Schm idt, H

« ;r r a 't . Jack S id l in g i . W allace, FW alker, li l b ,m m , K T iunx , K Perdue-15 Sm il b . P McConnell P Paul!, MhlPi inti i - S I.yinb* i y. A F u n g , PWcM». .1 S y n ioo . H ieorge. N'l'lsonVVI.it. b ead ' X Ibo ! !•

J r . FUim j— It Oi M > Ji.lmt AI c l, N

S ep ara te School Report.S kv. I V —Agui'a O brceht, F loionce

O oeii -, F b a e iio o Neil. B ernard Zet- tle r , A5tool W actehor, K oine H ergoH .Minnie ,Meli ••gor,Joseph * fill, P e te r Z-*ttler. C*niuua l i t t l e .

J o n . IV —Chat lev M* N<d». J i t otde B ruder. Ire .ie Brick. Cecilia H a l e , llella I.ipiHTt. Faina C eislet, Olivc-Weil- e r, I .ao iib a id M onahon. H arold W aik- •e, 11!i/. ib>.l,h Siv i.-ay , .Mahle Sehtliidi A rth u r fu-i.-der,.

Ken. 111 -Miwb linn W ilie r , K ath leen O belle, F ra n k M o ta rk , A rth u r Hchel- le r. Cecilia C uido , M elvin S chm idt, fuom .e . U eichenbaeh, M argare t Vaeck. M idiada Sclntm seller, I a ire tta Sehu- m aeher, Koiiisu Cippct t, M«»y H nuek, T tonnaa M oaahon, K ita W eiss , Cletu- eu t W ilhehn , F iances Ivnn-st. Keo

j W eller,, lihidy.* Feieidaudi, Hilda th e nek lis t ju s t k „ ,U2.

J u u . I I I —Florence O brecbt, bdire belli O ' C .uinor, C h riito llu S e lii im r I b a iy F la i'b , C t.olys J.nvfa, Violet Lam l.-y, WSlji »m U ntie ,

„ i, I S .-n .I t—Clarence Ileseb , C yrilO berle i hJenuorn W eber, M adeline WniMnvr

jiV ! K oretta Sohactt. Fklvvin Sehm idr. A rib - i n r W a.-tehi'r, C larence W eller. Kd wifi’


ju s t now , Ti ; c rop ,\ Mr* .1 M artin i now ,j (Jeorge L am bertu* wit,, in to

S a tu rd ay and M onday,! J T sc b iib tm lt w ho has e c u v s his sour: in Cliicagn lo r th e past *. retu rned hom e last. w< efe.

Many o f o u r tookM ddum y Fall Fair,

.} lit tek lost a valo il;Mi am i .Mrerevsehill yhated rela tive . ‘ vV«,*>>or. Jo h n Sw eeney,

belt Monday. C tvcrue V .oek, F ied id in BcrlK-rlvh,K H uum ch w ho iv t< ope ra ted * n | A rth u r S u tte r , C lara reei-l*** , Al.-jcan •

lo ia p p e u d n ltis is im p ru v in g , . i l e r MoNiib, C ’.adys Kckeiisweillci^A V ogt \vn» a v is ito r iu to w n I » >t j W iHutd W alk '

M r nud M is F Wimek of C uhoss wa; m tow n oil Sunday.

Tim Infant w*n of IS Kuntailicd on Tuesday of lust Week. The body wa- interred here on Thursday

Mr and Mix Andrew Schmidt who

Selnui*. K aililimn l-’oMifinv H Moore, 5 IS ilk . .M argaret IJo d le y , 1 June*, N K v eie tt. N. F o r-y ihe , C H ath, A. JCeielieuouek, ]•* K inlley. M Apt«d, KLeake, F

D A-TIwmjo-i-n, tea* V r . .

G c h c c ' R c ^ C D ts . > N. :t H it ANT

Sun. I v s. Fitikney, <«. Shilling, i}(C unningham .

Sen . I l l — P inkney , W S icks!, I~ (•laireer.

S«.-n. I l - P Siekel. W iilatreor, C Leach, It. M cN ioighiou , P. Me.N'aUgh ton , W. jh lek

4un. I I—"II H arn o ik . M Pinkm -y. A. B u rrell;

•Sen. 1 I. B ioekt-liai k, A Shilling<» Leach.

P r ic ie r—» • P i , kt.ey, H Hovk. — A Camplti'l), T eacher

< F O R '


J G O T O {

| Erdman’s - W \

N orthw ay G arm entsFor Misses and Children

You will probably want a new FALL COAT, andr ij*U t n e w i s t h e t i m e to Kt*t i t . W e h a v e t h e b e s t a r s n r t - iucuT o f s m a r t , i tp * io -< la ie s t y l e s in a l l t h e n e w -m a te r* i a i s a m i c o l o r i n g a u d p r i e e s a r e l e a s o m i b l e .?.N, 9, 10 , 1 f, 12, r.t. i4 , l i t , 18 and 20

Our Misses' ami Child­ren's Coats, include all the latest novelties,both in style and cloth and prices for the small sizes as low as < 2.00 and up to $ 15 . Conic and look these over. I t will be a revelation to you.

B A R G A IN D A Y S F r id a y & S a t u r d a y20 pairs $3.50 wool blankd

^ els, size 6oX<So; a sjdendid ̂ medium* weighthlanket, on

sale now at $2.95 per pair.T h is week we are clearing

all mu* ladies* misses* and children's ready to wear fall

at ' c> %/ * off regular prices. See these in our window. 1

M o B U R N E Y & CO.Tin* re ach* «> a i d >t«d*UI4. o f n St.

T hom as reh ta I hav*»idi uju n » m a i l id e a fot 1 d sb g mom y fe r tb e P a tt io t - ■ U- Fund Tli.-y liavf* invlhilti-d a r •H.-ir : t in n o f b , . i i 1 tiht* ra.xc tap lrm *.«.<; ■ Will by -* llit,g ilt is to ju n k d» alt-re, : lu pi- in m ire a in,at m iiii.


F o r S a le .

WAlkaV̂ KTsIt. K.l>, 1*1'l‘.*Jnkh, (M .

V o t e r s 'L i s t 1 9 1 4 T h e O n t a r io R a ilw a y a n d M u n ic ip a l B o a r d

tn tih: M.ynia; of u>.i i<ppsi,ni>««f n„^ ittsni. .'oif.r,reHiS'IIi .hc, t*»tntw otiln In tr


\, Vb-CVU.CM.

JSvii. 1 - C lit^ iha W ,'il.’r, Katii*W o Midi.', H am id S d d t— b B du W rnjchlvi, Luoiir W .t 'l t b 'r , A gut"* Weta'T, Ntirmui^ Fre*«buig*'»-, W’illie !).*nUng'*i. Utsuud E tn iw i-in . P h ilip - W .'ihn, A lborl B iitln , l/'«ini■■M.cniihm. •

J u n ; i V •—t Hsv»y H»‘*ch, AHna t tl»*is-.| •ph Bait*-, J.*-: ,.h Liyjw*r«

Wfcm KKGEt. S »y „ . - - n IS SO

A L L M E N ’ S

SUITST h is m eans exactly w hat it *.iys. E n tire stock o f 2(Hi Siiitii

AT COSTRe* $18 for $ 14. R.-* S I 5 f..r $ 11,511. R..* $IL> ii.r $ 8.50.

During the m onth of



D o n 't fo rtie t— G ijjn n tie S a fe

1200 Sw eater C o a t s

llyi* iH'rtt Mtlvtiimy -.pt-m Mumlny he re M*u U Kiiivwyia. W ilfred L um et.

W a lk e r t o n ’s S t r a ig h t C a s h S t o r e' • Y o u P » y L o u H o r e ”


B ig B argain$ 3 .0 0 M e n 's E n g lis h T r o u s e r s , B a r g a iJ

P ric e $ 1 .S 9 .2‘,'n |i iii> iim' h 'x line Kuglifdi wo»»tt*d tn u ire t ' . Well lu ilo rrd n j

r tib iig ly $i \vii, sti *p.. jiid n e a t pinhead -pattern?, nusdjiiui and d J *• *!-.i -. b fi • **■• i*l tin* Iifgi>»i m am .la i tu ic i* <>f tr«>nvr» I C an ad a at i i ; : . ; - lio n , 152 to t l . Si*.- w indow d is p la y / 1 Bat-gutn Pri» « per pa iT .. . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ............ ......... $ 1 . 8 1

$ 1 .2 5 C o r s e t s , | B a r g a in 9 5 c

T u r k i s h T o w e ls 1 9 c P r .

•td d> x>.'ti 'I 'nrkL h T<*«t*ls. la rge elre . w ith fancy red »fiira*», inedo <-( line even ylirtir, l egdilc, B argain P m o p e r p o r . 1 Q c

C h i ld r e n ’s H a t B a r g a in s

tw e ed iv reg $t.hb. hi i I.'» ou tv th ild ie iiT i-inehroont

aiid lia ltB .ib lints, madi* uf"<;ot> d iitny vt !vi re-, g vid a o r t m e i i i o f c o lo r- , l eg S*1.2."<. b a tg a in Ht»c

oO jia ir cot *>•!», inodi l to s u i l ttiiytlgttre-, m m leo t sreong w h ilq o*>util, c h o r e enpjiorteig,proof Meyjs, low and jnei.........h;!*t*. i il. - .itid t il l* u t ! ilnii.i t!a perfec t liUitiK coreet. tir.e* lUw to 30, ieg.Sl.23. liargmn price l>*»cl

F e lt S h a p e s to C le a r 6 9 c

23 on ly w o m e n ’s and miree- felt shape*. »m»U and lu rd in a L flstca, a good «**oiTnu:iit c l c o l« “ is , tegulai* p r ic ts to $5.00,1 B argain ptiew . . . . . . . ............C c j j

S p e c ia l S a le P r ic e s o n L a d ie s ’ C o a t s

$ 1 .2 5 M e n ’s

S h i r t s 4 9 c5 d* / only, m e n s Negligee

an e v 'ia . 'td h ia i-y olfer. parMoreed d ire c t ft nu t th e m a t tu­fa c l m m a t u u r «oyn pi h e . a n d in e lu d e r it v a rie ty e f pa ttern s , te g SiLZl. ba rga in price . . . . 10c

H o s ie r y B a r g a in s

10 do/. Woiul'lt'tiplait! Cashmere11rif e, fiis-.e n I ii lu . t egu lai' JkV, B argain p th c ....................- »* Vlte

in do;; liny*’ e x tra heavy wors- l.ed lid 'e . tiiadc o f good ktioiig Vain . id/.’-* 4 to 10, r«g 83e. B argain p rice * . . . . — ........S***

S d o / only, lx>ye' w orried Imre, m ade of p u te wool yarn*, sire 6 to f*. veg 25c, »x»rg«'in.t*er p rW i

5 0 c V e s ts a n d D r a w e r s 3 9 c

10 tlox ladies’ ve t* and d ia w a ers, H ygeiiiri luaud , m ad” of U nci oven yni-as, nn'diiitu and In nvy J w eight, in W hiteoe n a tu ra l, higly neck a nd long *!eeve ve*l*. onkJ*^ leng th drawer*, size 3 ,v 4 &Uc. ba rg a in price.

S m a ll W a r B a r g a i n s '

300 p apers Uecdles, re;; 5c. ga in 2 l e t - I WO papere* J>in*1 le g .M-, Oargiiiii 2 lo t 3* ; 3000 p u l tier* pin*, reg 3c, bargain -1 fo i l 3c; 2011 *.>b-ty jen-'. reg ,V ,^ba tg ain 2 bo ■**< bo*r* U i r J pill*, re g ,V, bin gain 2 foi 5*';8nOW d o / tiear! biutOn:', reg B e d e /.,y ba rga in 2 do* fo r 5c; 12 dez cc** j uloid thim ble*, reg 5c r a c h .b jjain 2 f* r 5c; 10 dog d itr e f comb*, icg 20c. ba ig id u 10c: *' pa ir*boot 1 *ce»>, b a rg a in '


W A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P E .W A L K E R T O N . O N T A R IO , T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R I5lh 1914-8 PAG ES.


You will find our packaged chocolates to be the fin­est products in that lin* and at same price as many poorly finished and packed lines.

Every package of Willard’s Forndipt or Nylo Chocolates is guaranteed to please you or wc are . authorized to replace or refund your money.

In all price packages from 10c.


Hunter's Drug StorePhene 35 t)rnj> and KoJahl C. 1>. R. Tichcl lljtim

Reliable Rubber Goods

Hot Water BottlesMost pains and aches yield read ily to the

application o f heat and in no other way can you get continuous and even heat so con­ven ien tly as w ith a good hot w ater bottle.

$2.00buys a buttle guarantees for tw o years.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks


Come to a Business School at night and brush up your Book-keeping ar ̂ tenography and get an insight into better office methods. Three nights a week during the winter will help to put you in a position to make more money.

W A L K E R T O N B U S IN E S SP. J, MouiNVj Principal


RealEnjoymentis impossible i f you are all the time conscious o f defects in your apparel. I f you buy our clothes tailored to your individual measf ure. you can be certain that you are well dressed and have that feeling of assurance and £atisi faction that good clothes always give. Come in and leave your measure for it suit or overcoat.

Ladies' Suits to your sijecial order-

G. T. ROURKEHigh .Class Tailor & Men's Wear

.Store, Walkcrton, Ontario.

TENDER FEETo c 1 izz

Do you -have (rouiillc with y.otir feet? Sore, tender -points? Try a pair of,


The easiest shoe on earth.


A ClockA s a P r e s e n t

Few tilings you could choose to g ive a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking o f clocks: no bride can ever g et too m a n y -s h e can use one for every room in her house.

H ere is a line o f clocks that offers a r exce llen t choice:

A rtis tic designs in many styles and sizes: d ign ified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the liv in g rooms, and cute litt le i»ilt clocks for bedroom tim e pieces.

R. L. G ibsonJ e w e lle r W n lK erto n

Head McBuiiry’ti Silk Saleatl.

blanket Jim gains at MclJiirm j V.

F t .d H eld - h-ft for bv-tmk.

Jd.w, Tuilut) h owner of marriage li-

l‘. E. A lt w ood, is*u* r of iu.it i iugt*Hcuu**«.

Novelties til Laities' Cunts at Me- (liirntjU

-Mi T. A. t '.it-well i» visit ing r r i i i

Nttr.Hwwlw. C<mt» just m *t Me ''*rney».

i Hut lmm r-jwiit the

M i. Clu >. Rife ofU m lm m *j>cHt S hut

»l«y a t .h is holla- lu-tv.

Miri» E. Jean llollimtii lialmal ltmxc, lnr* Kft for (iiafton, Out.

Mr. anil Mrs. .1. II, RiilierijoUom !-|a,iit Monday in TceswnU-r.

M i— Lula lin t w y o f W h itby "p e n t

tla- h oliday til h e r liom u lin e .

M r. N. t ' l a u f u i i l b i r n i t i l v mg lin y w ith relative* ill T m oiilo .

Mr. ami Mr-. A. S. amt dtild-i-n -pent Sunday in Hnuowr.

Mr. mill My.-. II. .'I. I„t> ami child* i'» -fii iit tin- holiday in Vtcriin.

Mi. Anhui la-oof Tara -|hhI the holiday with hi- brothel Richard.

Mi—e» Ji-an Cairn# ami Mina Rock d Port Klgiit -pent .Saturday in town.

Mr. Krnh- Cartwright of 1 .tmbay li nt Moiltlity with hi- Inotlar ilurl.

Mi-, Ctumitigham of (>ttclph an-the guest of Mi-. .1. Rowland *tit Mouilny.

Sucks for tints for Rritirtt Army can IcgolatS . W. Vegan frt« of charge.

Ml ., IhaeielTid Wood-lock visit cd •i -i-ter. Mr-. .In- Whitehead on Sun-


Fa n c y P e ttic o a t-, new fall simile*,

pe rfec t lU liu g , | 1.2a to $3.ob Stephan Uro-.

Mix Farmer id Owen .Sound i- v5-it- g her iwrtTd- Mr. and Mix Win.


M any Isuguin- < evnoUr- stoiv ti


i lie pit kid up at V occupied by ,1.

M i» Kthvl May <-pent the holiday with her ririer Mre. Dulntage in Ilirt- ririou.

— Sdmltie- of Mildimiy -petti •Sunday at the holm- of Mr-. Fred lien- lunger.

Mr. ami Mi-. IJ- -witln i it k oflhutic |«ent .Sunday at the home of Mr. S. A.


Mi-. .1. U. Hnm-vy of Uo-pelor l- Nisi ting her daughter, Ml-. N. A. Walfotd.

.'lb- Ivlin .ShupMuiol Allen fold -pent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. X. Ki.lt.

The citizen-. of the city of Reriin, Out. -ul*euU-d SRW.OJM to the Patriot* . Fund.

Highest pike- pai«l bn Imttv-r and

The M i-.-Adam -of Toi.tuto t «m -i- at tin- home of Mi. K. K. Tnutx

M i-.- I a da Willit- and Ida Zelgh *>f t’lilbutl -|M'i|l :.'|o|ni«y at jjte hour of ,'lr. K. (iil—>ii.

IIigh grade sweater coat- in nimtoti ami catdiuul. Worth 81..V>. I Sd .Vi -Suphau Dior.

Sniuti winter ccut- fut ladteaim log cape coate and Hdimwuutis—JjS.W to #18,W —HtcpluUJ Ufo .̂

of .Smlhuiy iwl a<,.|Uiiint-

Ale—f. Sliiuil Miimhi

amt- In-tv on Monday.

Mr. S. W*. Vegan tviurm-d on Frid ay from mi extended trip to Uttaua, Mont teal and other tdlie-.

a nninU-r of W nlkeitom.iu-alt ended the I .ipjH-t t - lh‘rl«*rieli w»>d- ding in Mildiiiuy on ‘I’m-alny.

Mr. mid Mi x W. II. M- Fariam , .•■ni|>.uiiei|■■.l.iy' ,'li-. (Srotit sjatiit li Week ill C‘hi< ago Mud Detroit.

I-a tie- Mu-krai mat* fioiirlifl.v one hundred doliatx iieeot* 11 ngti riptitt* ity.—C. II. Ibegi *>t|n- Funit i

Mi-- P.'.iil Nuyent id North ilnyuiui Mi-. W’\ mull of W’ldtby v i-itml «tf tile hooe- *d Will. Taylor mt Monday.

.'le. and Mrs. Robert f.Ulktm and daughter Lvura of Toronto uro vl-it-ng

home of Mr. ficurge fvckt-l.

• ml Mi-, .la-, Ihvmm r of Stt foul -|>»*nt Sunday amt Monday w

ie f..| m ellard her, Mr. P. Ihemii

Th- pii/*- li-t of th» Itnmt S« In FnllFrttr wlilell Mil- t'towill-d > it it ), ve.-k app« ai- on pn «e I of lid- KMi"f«ail>iv WMlhoifer who I

•jjHdlf tin- jei-t nioiilhal In-i ltome It l imited to Pldlmh-lphia on Tui--df

>»K Chario-of Ib.munnin »- ihwd. This nn-ati-I hat I tout null tit will likely

I he vent, Oil the side of the ullic-

Mi»s Angidina O'Brueht of Walker- ton i» Ti-itiug her friend Mir* lua Alexainb r in Pinki-iton.

Mi*» Jn-ephloe Holfarth of Fail— tube is taking a ste.tiojjrapldc < ouim> at the W'alkcrlou Bublne-s College.

Ml— V.oMii- Colwell of Dm ham and Minnie Ph-mming of Kincardine Wide visitor-at Mr. >S. A. Rife’s tin- week.

T h e eiigaKcnnm t i» aiin o n n ec d of Mies W obonkcl of R ia n t to M r. Jam ey

M ooahun of D e tro it , fortn etly of

R ia n t.

Mr. Dave Monk lues taken the |*o-i- (Ion of night oja-mUd- at the plant of pie Wttlkerton Kleetfie Light A |*«»tvcV Coy.

Mi— biivtln Mriouriiy of Duitdim vpent Thaukagiviiig Day with Iterpar* eut-Mr. ami Mt>. P. Metiarrily in lim tit.

M r. D. M iK iim e lfe i reU irneil on

•S th m liiy fio tn Kyv I flo w , S a -k .u- In- ha- -pent the jar-t few


Mr. ami Ml--. Win. Liml-ay of Strat- bad -|K-nt Thanksgiving Day with the latter's pitrvnC-, Mr. itnd Mix J*«s. Lind-ay,

Air. I. R. Reynolds h-ft for .SteeUon, NVw Ontario on Tue->l«y. having |an ­il a ms 1 a general drygoods -tpek ill

that town.

Mr. and Mrs. J. s. W'ald<tui-l and daughter Floivm e >*f Ilci liil slKdit Sun­day ami Monday at the home of Mr. and Mm. N. Kidt.

Air. ami Ml-. Roy Toridof Ha-knt*»m ami Mis. F.thvv of Toronto are visit­ing the fotmvr’s and lallft a |>ais-iit'. Mr. ami Mr-. P. Tmldi

Our st,x k of iaili* -’ fur setts is wry coinplefe, undue invite you toiii*

whet lief you are a pUiehltseror m.L— C. II. Roger*th** KtirtW.

Mis. dark win. ha- Is. n >man extended visit to her |wrviil* Mr. and Mb. J. IfolTman. Rivet-dale, has irtmniMl to her home in I'levidaliil, O.

Mi-. Sehumr ami little daught­er- 1a*«i|tn and Helen atv -jm tiding I hi- wwk in 'Duoiito w here thelatfer i-umlergoing tmdiftent in the tb-m r- *1 Hospital.

Tin- tlr-t Canadian i-'idiiigent land- v-1 in Kngtand on Hafutiliiy ami the nieu aiv now t mining for set-viev at the front in one of tile big Kogli-h Military eamj»-,

. K.fgar latwrcDCfl i yodag man uf Rvntinck tp died eu Tius-l iy from a gunshot wound which lie received while out hunting with/a partv on Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. Ab igail of the Hank ofCom- m«a< >■ .-tali' left on Wednesday for t'oiaalt t*« wht« h town lx- ha- U- n trausfewxt. Hi- phu-n Imio will la- tak. irby Mi. D. K, Clark of Ayr.

The following additional donation- Imvo been added to the Patriotic Fund: Ja-. White f V n Hr. Clolc Daii MeNaughbm 8MW, If. Wiihnigh- by 8 l0.txt, mid Jaw. Toltun $2.00.

Tie- dams* held iti the tow u hall on Toe-day moiling under the uu-piee- of t h>- .voting m* n‘-< w-a- very -liv­

ing in attendum e, Kelly - otylie-tru of tlwen Sound fm iit-|tfd excellent

Mr. Roln'iI Walter mid M i- Edith Walker w* leThank-givIng atKm Imme of Rev. I>. A. Walker. M i- Walker w In* is it singer of -ome note ,-ang at tin* Sunday evening >*-t v}w in lh>* Methodist ehun h.

Mi— Tillie Spitstlg who ha- -|h-u< tin- jw-t few month*at Mn-koka Sjuii- tnrium wa-hi-mgld l*> her Inane Inav mi W>*tlne-«hiy lit*I. ifei niany frieml- will regtvl I" learn that there i- tail « •.light impr«»veiuent in her ronditinu,

Mr. J. Pleskey who tteently pnr- «-has«-l He- I. If, Reyii'd'l'- gem-arl -ioi»> ha- lteen hti-y timing the pa-t w> i*k taking -Its k ami making tvmly to ( o n u m - r n * - i n Walkertnn, Wateh foe Mr. Ple.-kev’- a.lv. with s|a*eial anmnim-entent >tn page five o f m-M w,a*k‘s Teleseoj*'.

Among fh»»s«* who attemhti tlie fnit- ettiloftlu* kit*Mix J»lm l/o- win wa-hut ted hen* nit Wi-lues,lay la- Won* her -ix -ini- ri/.: Ceni g.- of Win ni|*eg. Joint of Rrooksfotie. Minn William <*f st. Pmd. thfooLPalniei- ton and Tlitxaloteutid Jayohuf Walk ettott. Tin* other two t<attaining eliddieti. Admit of Port land. Dre/nnd Cm ti.. Mi-. Allteit M«Kay)..f \,,( gtiai’tl. Sa-k. were Ulitthh* to U- jtjv

Tin- Wat Men-a.... Art |*a-.-devtiHy ptbvldvs Hint Hr- Cttuimi—i •■t; of Patents may.on Utenpplieatiunof any juftrsoib ami -til«ji»> i ammcIi tet ur ami ...uditton-. if any. a- f„. think tit *a«h*r tin* uvoidume or -n- |H<u-ioit. in whole nr iti jimt, <>f ant patent >>r litt n-v. tin- |»a-vou.utiti.-l it the l*ettefU of which is I fit* .mlijix( o any State at war with Hi- Aliije-ty the King ef Knglamt.

Air, Ple-ky of Toronto who ptu •Iwim-1 Reymdil's aemaal -ton-, ha-

•nted tin* re-ideue«* near He R. . elltneh. leecntly .teeupuaj *»>- Hit

late Air-, Rm hau.*

Fresh LettuceFre»h lettUre now on -ale at the new

gtva-nlraiM* nt the tvnr of i*,*-t >*flb<-. —II. M. Noiiislt, FhnUi llaugiiters of t lie Linpire Meeting

Tin- tygtdat' httsim-ss un- Ting >*f tin- Chaptei I. t». ft. K. will !••• held in tin* ammiiry <m 8atttnh>> of tin- week at

nt.ItUililliage Sale

Don’t futg<*V 1 he llo*pit*l rummage rale on Friday and SntnidaV rf thifc w«a k in Hie -tore not lii of th« Qiunju'it hotelFree ot'Ctinrge

II. ,1. IJoan, ilio (htnntllnti Expictu, Agent In tviwtt Ino- receivtal ia-Une- tionx to ftuwartl nil goods domPed •«» tilt: Prill iotic Fund, free of charge lo the Milder.(Maying with (Jueett*

Rob Rowland Unit the buck line id thin years Queei!* 1'nivctsily rughy leant while Armoml Whitehead i- playtiig spare. This t am played in Hamilton t»u Monday but wet ode feat- ed.Curling CluliMeeting.

'Hie orititutl oigani/.ttt>*u navlitig <*f m Walkeritm Co; ling Club w ill lie

llelil in I In; toWtl hall on Tlnusdtiy even ing of Hits wv,-k.- Oettdxu* lath. A g*“>-l

•mlitmt- is tv«p»--ted.—C, Smith. President,New A—tutaui

Mi— Kha Ingram fonm-riy >»f the air of tin* Peterinit-M Iht-ine.-.-t ullege is nm-j>f«| th>-|H.siti.>u of itssi-tmti

ptim i|Ml ttf flu* Walkvtton Rusinv— •ollege, Inking tin* pirne..f Mi-.-Dil- •tt w ho m -igfied mid left hist week in*Tt*i»»ut>*. M»— ltigtaiit )-.mmem,-l

her tluties here mi Ttiuwlny.

I'ot utoe* IMentirul 0Rej**n1- Dorn all -t-tum- >*f tin*

county, imlivatv Hint litis yem'- yieltl of |sttatfM-s is a very itetivy one. Tin- teiuntiful vo»p Im-v.,u->-l the pitta- l>> dntp to fifty rent* jtei* Ixtg. Matty

'ttununitit'-aiv making laege -hip- .■ttl- of the t'tlx-t- t«- Kttgiautl. .tiny und Ilelghtm.

Tfte St-eontl CoutfngcntAlthough it iia-t been Hunyunced in

(ho daily pres* that i-ecund cent ing.nt •*! 22,i*» men will Dave Canada.

Captain O. E. Klein h«« an yet received • t OfUurs from mtlitai y heiidtpuii lets, 'apt. Kh-tu. however will no dttubi

m eiw inxtructiunv ;t» n few dnys and tecrnjf ing will 1«*commenced at once.

Deatlt yrSirs. Wilkin Mrs. A.tnie Wilkin, relict « f the late

John Wilkin of Rtanl pntn>t;«f away o» the holm* of hei son, Jtthn wbofcsfdf* in fhe wc-t waul near the «M werK-tu hof-l, on Montloy. The tleccabed had rewriivd the advanced uro of 81 yetra. The ftinetal trok place to the Lu liter- ian eemetery in Rraitlon Weductidit)- adernoou.

Mitrrldl In the StatenThe mnrrlage ttsik phu-e in lh*mti|s*n

III. : <»n-Monday. Oetotn-r 12th. *>f Mr. Pierw D. O'Connor -on «ifMt . mid Mi- .lames O'Connor o f Walktalonlo M i- Framt s M. Iktuge-of Hejtttfjsm. Alt. n̂tttl Alt-. OC*mm*t will -j--ml (heir IioiieytiHtuu in Walkeiton ami a wetitltng tt*>.t‘|>f titn i- IwiiiR. Iu*|u in Uii'tt homa at the home of Ute |tjireiits (his tThm ->it»yt evening.

Sitcce-aFiil Thanksgiving Servld'-L'tfg*' eoitgtvgaliou- attemh.-l the

-(•rvit-e- ill tile Melltmlist elmtelt la-t Sunday, A choir >f tw*-nt y voices fumMnxI Tlmnksgtving iuti*te whtU* a solo nt the evening service by Mi— Ktlilh Walker si-terof tit*'pastor Rev, D. V Walker Wa- exceptionally g*M»«l ami mneh appreVinb *1. A ‘lltuukoifei. ingftf nearly Hitee iltiuthetl tiollar-w.\s pla*>-I .*« the plates,

Farmerson Rural Route*.For the cun.-nii-Hcv of tlm-v wh«

me not fatuib.tr with the list of lattn-

imlof Wrtlkeriou. the Tch»).jM- will in the. next few' weeks publish tie* names of all those who have sults«til*al for the service to ifate. ’(Ilfmi<ut tan-

I will apjwat on page I of i( IIiom* on No. 2. 8. and l

ill tWIoW',

1 toulgN*Iti- a

Former Itesiilent Head.Ft it-nda in town received word tbi-

week of the death In Owen Sound > n T'hur*day la-l of Annie Atcbet, lelict of the laic Archibald Robb. !)>• ;ca*cd leave# to utoutit her toia one -on and *!*«» twori-trrs. Mr». Netlcy of itrer C irgill fttnl Miss Klittn n resident of Owen Hound. The fttacr«l took place from her late leridtnee, *>22 lifteentb el reel wevt, on .Sa'urday. October loth to the Cirutjiiwood cemetery.

•A lew Flctit” Farm S«>l*l'•View Field' tli ̂ very de*lraMt-

farm of the Shaw estate, located t*> the ra*t of AVolk**rfon. ha- Ismmi st Id. the new proprietor being Mr. F. R. James of Wimtipeg. Air. Jan es wh«> h t* b'-ett in Canada fot tluci- >*ju* »• nf Kngitshextracftou, amli' a practical fat liter and liurtlcitltuTiat. The new proprietor arrived here with hi* wffa and family uf eight children on Satur­day uni Inn* already taken posses»iou of the farm.

R.-v, Tim- Wil-ou will mbits--. He ■tnuual TTtauk <-lb ting »m*>ti»ig«>f tie Womens Mi&Jmmtv Ste-iety *>f tie Cargill Pi»-shyfei tatt ehnrrh fo-nlght <Ti-»»**h»> >. Mr. A\iU«t «d l .1 c*>mbe l preparafot y set viix-a fit: Hnr- ri-lou Friday afternoon itittl ev<*ning.T lta n k s g ltl o g V isttu rs .

Among those who s|»»*nt Tltanksgtv. iltg Hay at their homes beta* Were:--' Mr. .Wil Sinclair, Tot onto. Mi-s D,*ti.» bin Ah Keeknie. Shelburm*. Ali-s Ruby Noirish, Drayton. William Mntlellnml Miss I trim, Ik,bn. Alts. Nettie Kenny. Totoiito, Mr. ICrie Roltt'rtsoii. Alittoii, M i- Until Howie. Shelburne. Ed. Kid man. Ow*-n Souml, K»i. Sthmui, Otaiigviilt* and Aitltur <'tydriinmu Paris.

Dlsnej-RotdenA t|niut fail ptvlty Wtxhltug Wa* sol-*

enmi/etl at tin* hone- ofMts. Jerettiah Roblett >>n Thanksgiving Hay when her daughter Ad« Tre—a wa* unitetl

timtriagc to Mr. Rotierl (>. |)i«uey of iiauovet. Owing to twnt l*-i*-avc-

l in thu family >mly flu- Sinigcdiale telutives were pn-MMit. The turenmny wa- js-rbicjiu-il by Rev. If. A. Walker i«a*toj- oftle-McthielM ehnir-h. After

wi-fliling dinner t he young ctetple left title* 2. in (J.T.R. fora -hortlmm-y

moon after which they will take up their tesiilein,*e in Hanover.

Tow n CouncilThe tvgular incetiug of thu town

cuuucil wan held on Tmmlay ovuuing. The tmly Item of htibne** trammeled other lima the nidi nary t ontine wa* the granting of a donation to the Pat- tiotie fund of $200. Half of this wilt he paid in Novundwr and the balance in Hccumhcr. thu council tlunuing it gmnl policy l»r allow* the council of the coming yurr to continue these donat-

a« they stat lit. Mestira I>r Roh- urtson, II. M. Lay and L. C. fh-nton addresautl the council In behalf *«f the Patriotic League.Thanksgiving Itay

Thanksgiving Hay jt*****! off tpttelly t Walki tUnb TTie ti-tml mmtlter of

nimrtMls,sju-nt the*lay in tie- -wainp* it It tile dogs, anti gmt. while ,« large

tiundH-r of I'ili/eliH both v >>iotg ami old •Jtoltt the iifieilloon ill tie- WihmIs pick- tig ifc-eeh nut- «*f which this year thetv* * a huge etop, the l*c»t hi year-. Tie-

tkiwliiig green al-o altnu t. il the nor- tied tutatU-t of eitthu-ia-t*. games lie-

i playid. tie a iling aft> rmw*n uml t-ntng. Th>- nnitiU.T of vi-itoi-> in an wa- somewhat t.a-iow tie- ti*ual,• tailt>gnl truffle Kang fairly light

a- computed with otfe-i yeat>.

Ifrant No 2 Orgaui/etlAt a well attended meeting held in

Tothl - sdt.Hil house<>u Thnr-duy t-veir- ing last the elector- of |iolbitg >tib- tbvtsion N’o. 2 ttf Riant organized a Inam-h of tins DnnudiiUi Putriotin fa-a- gtte. Mr. W. T< Kilts aet*d u- v lmtt - man. The |M,lbng division was divid­ed into t llree parl>, t wo niutt living ap- |Miit)|eti t*» overset- attd arrange f**r He- «stllcelt*m " f tho donations from all tie- funner* mid oilier* in these tblferent section-. Uu tie-South Line. Me—r> Cha* Tattitet and Wm Kifstite- w ill si-enie i lit* list of ibuiatiou- whileAh-sst-s II. J. Krn.-t ami W. T. Kill-wen- a|tpoiut<*l tolook after tlm-e «>n the UnrhahiTtNid and J. T. latitih ami 'V. A. Ihtwand on tle- 2nd c-ottee—ion tenth. T’ht'ts.ae- >*f the im«*t |t|t>- s|mrous fainting'cotnumnities in the eoimty of Rrueu and it J- s»i<l that orn­ate! idl'd tie* vhcp.js ate »>-|*omhttg UNfttilly to tie- call for donations.

Death of Mr* llrtigliauOn Saturday afternoon 1**1. (lift

grim reaper claimed another of Walk- eiton - must highly lespcctcd eiUneti* in the j>er*«n of Air*. R. K. Ib-ughao wlmdind after a lengthy lilnn* nliutit a.Jtt o'clock. Thu deceased whose maid­en namu wa- Maty McAllister had suffered h r tmnie years from diahete* and fur many months had Ihh-u coii- finrd to her lanl, her condition Int-uiu* Ing very setious about two week* ago and Iter death was thcrvfmc not un- uxpectctl, Thu Ule Airs. Hettgban who w«» lifty-Imti yt-ut* ol rge was a Hf< lung resident of Walkcrton. and w.t# rnn»npicutiy well known and was it-Id in the highest resjHn t by those who tmitlt* her anpiainlinco and In-r tomparattvely roily tleutisu is gun- urally tt gtutud. Rtsides (n r sortow- ing litisbiuid situ leave# to mmit n her ha.- one soli ami three daughttr-, vfat; AtthurofTriiAX Sask, A tut if. (Mrs. R. V. Vantlerliirg) of L'algarv. Alla. Hl(vi*nt home ami Mat ion o f the Strat­ford general ln<spilal stall. Reside# the altove she is survived by her moth­er Airs. McAllister wlm tfriths Jn Buf­falo, and three ririrr#, Mr*. Wright, Mrs. Utttke and Mts. Dnugait of Tor- onl<t. The latter two wrtu anmtig th***u who attended lltu funeral which wa* private and took place to Walkerimi cemetery on Tuesday alter. KOOn. TheTeleocopo jolu* with th*- eetumuttUy in extending to Mi Hetigh- an ami familv the must heart-lelt jyiupathyTn their great teteavement

.Ippgtri HtiitnKttnu In Mthlmav It.t « hur« h *»i*Tue*lav. o. toU-i h»h.'L . II. I.ip|* ti <>f W.ilkt-tlmt t<* '!>"< * -cilia Ilurlterteli, <laugltl"t of Alt. and Alt- Antlmnv R.-eU-ttch of MUduray.

.More Roy# tu Totiernmryf , ' {.*■ IteielK-nim-h iv t r i fd

"Old oil TucMlay from Lap!. K. If,( lark who i- stAti>im-d with a eomjKtiiv of -oklit-j- .d Totn-nnory gaai<ling the tvitt-l*" station. «*ivlertng him loir> Jetrf uf oiler bit servlr-u til till- "Tutr" am! t»» bring with hint, five ad­ditional im-n. Tltese.ini-tt at<* to Ink" tin- place* of those who have W n -tat ton,-,) t here anti Iiave enli»t*-l for set-vtc.- in the second uoiitangenL The la»y* who went with t„’nr|*irnl Ruiult* uulto-li Atv: Walter Kidt, Jm-k And-• txott lh-iii)ieHun*ta<ltierE>1 Eidt. am! Henry WinlmUun. Tln-ivma* now six-

yooth- in fh« t^najwny guatihng the vvitvlu— on the |*-ninsulrt.

The War Situation The situation in Euro pe remain- *1.

moat an it Iirr been for t ho pari thiao week*. For that length of time a de»- petal* battle ban been wage*! iiet«rr«n the Allies forcer in Fiance and tha (tin man army uml although the Kaiser’# men have Inn-a forced back slightly, the result still hang# in the balance. In the north Ihn Russian and Anrir<s< ieruian forces arueoncen* trwtipg for a mighty conflict thu re-

It. of which, it is claimed will drier- mine t<> a great extent the length of

r. If tietrxwny win* it will incut thrt several inon'bs will hi add-

lht> catnptien periotl but If Ktt/sia w io» Jt will be a divastrous day for the Kaiser and trill mark the he- ginning,if hisdefeat and the commune- ment of the march cf th* Czar’s <?<»*• *ack» tin Berlin. On French *od. wheto theUi itish are engaged limn in a fierce struggle being waged, htij, the (let-man* fighting desperately aro slowly falling l«ack toward* the bound, ary of their own country. The b»h gian* arc still aufTcring defeat at tha hamlH nf the (turmaos ami that little country is now almost ail under tbo hoef of the Kaiser, Antwerp, the capi­tal. having fallen to lltc emrny on Saturday loot.

M nctJregur**Tulb»ckunlay thu 12th. thu home of

Mr. hmt Airs. Wm Tultoek on the Wh >, Ihant wn* the -et-nu of a v « y t ry party. Thu ta'caritm Ituittg thu

mat t iagt* *>f thuir t-ltle.-t tlaitghler Juan um’ton to Ah. Alex A -M d iiegw .

I'l.... . was |M-rformu<( by Rev,V. la-rilu jststor of tlm Pivsbyteriun Imix-ft, Mullnlm Tim bri<lu w«s giv- -tt ,-tvvuy by imi fulliei in the jursfUen if ats'Ut -evunty of the friend# nm( it-ighl*a*of the contracting parties, ft— Juan M> Kemulu-t* of Pmsh-y

cousin ttf ike bride playing tin* wedd* ing match. The bride looking rhartu* ing wa- handsomely dtu-Msl in ivory

•at in and uart itxl a fsapiet of ■film valley. Afi—Maty Tullork

iaide-tnaid mid wa- very gowned in gold ctu|N.* vvlllt white

idmiu lunie and rat rival a Isspmt of ‘Hie groom was -upj*u1 **l by

iti-cousin Mi. Amlei'oit. Tin* |topui* arilv of the bride may Is-st ta* known by »h>- many U-autifui ptvsents -he w-

iv-vsl. Afturpattaking «tf nn cxeull* it menu, short addle—e*. l*Mting on

Hm occasion, wvru made hy Rev. A. la -lie. Mi. Win Tutloek. Mr. Tho*.

H-h ami Mi. H. McKerracbur. Friend# ftomTotonto. Pai-h-y. (Tw-sley and Waikerfoit w< iv-amoiig the guests. The bridal jiatty t>»>k tltcO.T.R. train at KtinWiswl for Toronto ami olher uastv-iii cities amiil loads of confetti,

their tut urn they will la* at home ih-it friend- one ami a ip tarter util- •vest ,.f tTit-ley.

Ilmly lilcntillcU.The ivutaSn# *»fthem.H>foumldnmn*

•tl in the Smtgeeit «m Tuesday of last week, writ* identified on Thursday .-vetting as tho-- of th*uge la-athorn of Wingham. "Thu body was itlenlifi*^ >ri by Ab*ss»>. Ktl. Heiln l and Walter Weidmuyerof thu Kgg A Hairy -faff who at one time winked in Wingham. Fitter Fuiguson wa- notifietl (tin! at once communicated with the jsdice *<f tfi.tt |ow it who staled that fiont tlm

tiptimi, the > >*i pa®ti- timlouhttri- ly Htat of I^(tthorn win- hint U-eu miss' tngYoj tvv>» week*-, and the idetirifhn-

« Infer tanaxilttnatvsl. Iln* utt* forlnuatu man’s father cattle t>* Walk*

■>n «*n Krblay and t»**k the remains Wingham bn.- (gtrial. the funeral

Irittg hul'HinSatur«layaf(»*rn>snt. The »h—-a-v-I who w.v- fifty five year- of

/«• was tmnmrriett anti is survived hy father, two Invtiher* ami two sinters ̂ite >>f the latter Wing Alt’s Kztw AWU I Huttkcld. Fact* of the case -uetuxxi

since last week It*veal that la*athorn wlnt vva* a Lit !t»*r by trade, wa-fr-Htbi* ml with arihma. and spent- a* much lime in t lie <tjH*n air as po-sible making ftvtpnmt long tt ii»s by bicycle. It wax while on one of those*that He *tem k Walla-ttou «*n Wtxlnusdny, Sepfrudtet :>«h. He had a -have and a geiteta.-• b aniog op to a local IwtlxT shop, had Mtpltei and left his wheel nt tin* lint- ley Ifoti*>* and when engaging a t-muit told Alt. Kotnvan on going '«»( that he ilnl not «-X|teci to tvturn until late at night. This was t lie lost seen «»f hint unit! hi- ls«ly wa- found. It I* now sutnti'fl that the deuea*»*l vvenl for a -Iti'll along the river attd wln-n taken with an attack nt violent coughing t*» which he wa« -uhjeel, fell Into the water amt peri-hud. Hit* presence of the Witte o f whiskey in the |**rket of (fto drceA-ed''is exjdaims! in Hint he n-ually eatri'sl I it putt- with him for ru* lief n hen -ulTet ing from i s*-v •■> - attack uf arthma.

*'\Ve have jnvt on hour ami a <rour- ! ter left before « r tnnst raich tho train. j That leave* me about f!ir< •Mimriers |

! iuivcu In pood time, ::ih1 tiro .survivor, «>( thi- fatal duel embarked upon tin;

, « i»rJy l«jat for i>Hd*cv »nd madu good ttroir «•>»•»!*•* to Franc**.-

Meanwhile poor Molly Fsttilkncr bn<l pa»**d n r* 'tie ■ ami untl-u ■ u! •»»! at

for in r "poor Flmrlo*."t’ i'e liud luatd train after tain

blow tb.- signal whtf.|3<\ m it /lowed mat stopped at tiro Sydenham station. And a- each in turn iiuno <«» and stopped. rlie hud raid It> herself

ol a islein? a bn ;

| nlth

• < 5 tn<a ;ro H i ouM ilkc

o f f ! ntlr'g o il fa th e r ln-.. .'--a with thatmnn v h<■■ i- thirslbn;(tidbit! stmnibi'T. and only

'.Villi nilfnther-

: down uJid got, into j directed the eabmntt 1 i the Devil’* Dyke

worldly affairs, supposing * ’>;:d an; affairs to nettle, "hbii . t liaveti b ! have only to write to .Willy--poor Molly! and poor babies* Rut old .'!>•!■ lists, wjttn 1 am cone, will take much better care of them than ever i could have done; for he only Itnbd me. said the captain, with a deep sigh. ;m he drew writing materials bvforo him. : ,

He wrote but a short letter t" l>!- j «, wife, but It tobk him a long lime to ; finish it; for he frequently ; -i■'.,<<! and h sighed, as be told her of the insult e - ; j,t j},4. r,,t| origin of had received from Colonel Brfarly. and ■ vivit, wlrhlnjc <> be in she obligation that rested on him. mankind. I ha*,- v.ritt- a man of honor, to demand rntlsfa; - This As the Mror. in easelion. He begged her forgiveness tor : sjt0uhl f;,|t. will you lakeIt rorhimr all ho linil caused her to Mtfier. and.? - j will. Hut ramie, now. nomt o shls so my l'oor wife at Sydenltnin; : t̂,at! Tnk- your coffee and brace up!’ and deliver It yourself;” , I y*iid Fits-loitn. r»iwuraK<ng!y.

“ Yen, certainly, lint let n*. loots for- vard to a more righteous end."

“After giving that letter to my wife, sou wlil rail on Mr. M. !Hm , the gr.at hanker, who lives in Charles sirrae. roll him that Ills goixl-ror-notliing aon-ln-Iaw Is killvwi off out of bis way.and ask him. in Christian charity, ro* j Antl not <»»er the down.look after bis widowed .daughter and said Lb; -John,oridianed gran tie h 11 (iron. Will you l>ro-: • Hut, !lm tide, sir?-' itOltKfStednice me Uiat, Fiu-Jobof : eubsuan.

“ Yes. roost certainly. ! pro- j ..... .. mine to do that. If it should nary; but It will not be i We do not mean td h or orphan* in the r Bllod out of anybody': only to wing our scoundrelly antugon ist, to teach him to keep a civii tongm;.a Isis hear. that’s all." said Ui«> young man. speaking more eheerfnlly than be felt

“ I believe that is all I have to say now, Fiti. And It must be nearly time tor us to bo off."

“ Very nearly. The earring' waa or­dered at half-past eleven to take us to the station, and it wants but five min­ute* to that time." wild Kits-John.

And even no he apoko a servant •suae in and announced the earring '.

Both gentlemen arose, took thetr (ah* and went out as upon nil ordlu- try Journey.

They reached the London Bridge station in time to catch the train for i -mi found Uiemsel .' S alone Brighton. This train was the last for : -The other part}* has n<d the night, and it stopped at rtydenbam.! said Faulkner.It was the train by which Captain ; ■ s»,, j ash read of u.Faulkner usually returned home, after - that we are n e f.p t up*a th spending the evening out. He tlmitida) said Fifa-Johm of thut now, ns he wontnp to the tick-] Hut.'oven m < • poke th H office and took Uc^ots for lumsvJf; ervyi Hire** pijv.ro-. spproa*

iy widows r anybody

e intend

“Oh. it is ebbtide now. H will be low tide by the time vve net th:n\ And we shall return before the lido turns.

The cabman tonejsisl his hat ond

A iitrango, weird drive of -loath was that through Ait-* gray of tho autumn morning, along the Kinds of ».}»■:.» r<a- ithore; on one Mtfotho tuv’iilti,; reeks, on the other the rolling sm. Ami a long ride it seemed. • eon Adoring the oiftantA-; tmt at. length they neared the spot.

Fitz-John ordered tlio cabman to stop. Ami he and Faulkner alighted, taking their jtlstol-o •»> with them.

Fltr-.lohtt dirocU d . the .M!ii.i:r) to v.uh there. And iben im drew the arm of his principal vvlthhv isi- own, and they both walked on toward >hw,d|>r!- ing ground.

They renehed the foot of Med ynwn- chasm known as tbo llevir* I tyke.


and his friend. He lbought of It a passed Colonel Briefly and his Mvoml, who were standing on the platform, waiting for a guard to give them a first-class carriage.

By tlio judicious administration of vd f a crown to the gunrd, Captain 'sulkner seee-od a reap*,' for hUnsetf i part •el friend. ; .‘Alo-u

■pposite direct ion, and >vb«m tliey scon recogniztsi h - Colonel Bri 'rly; Ida s-eond. Mr. Aik n, and the rurg'.-on.

They !ifte*J their hats as th*/ ap­proach'd. and our friends courteously nckitowledged »}>•> grtadiug,

cfonds- :dr. Fi- on theCatdaia Fapikner. ami Mr. i that ~f Colonel Briefly—

They had tenreely pot seated v,h« n «<v<ted to stt p off the ground and plm ht* train dtarud. : thmr principals.


Ipals. darned

ding sf-ct

,v;vrtls each Hto downs.


tdldrcn. He could bat he was going to fiijht Very soon the train rs t down vdc-pharn. which was the first

son. blew ihe signal, and ywjtpad.Captain Faulkner arose. ;V; if t<> e-:

nut. as usual; then, reeolb'etir.e him* elf, ho SRiik back in h-, seat with .i

croon. Then n sudden impulse s i c l him to Jump from the rr.upo to (he ... platform, end hurry home throoeh the , jsv owdlontes.Helds and lanes, now rich in autumn''- Colonel Brlerlv. w ho wn« .nTuirt. for bemity. home to bis eo/.v e<e.tago and gt-iOne all tltd *'polnUt of honor." throw lovely wife and little children, ami to s-.v hit plsiol and ran toward b. ■ leave Colonel Bri- Jly to go to tho Tx-v- fallen foe.IT# f>)ke, or to the devil blmfsplf. i Blit FBr.-John and Aiken bad reatih- ■lr.no. c<t (be f-.m,| ..poi before him.

But the train started, and lib fat-

An instant afi. rward Aiken ; rigual.

“ Orie. two. thr<v. Fire*"*At the fatal , word-both an

wheeled around and fired, captain lAntUwr sprang lot? the

; p.ir.' fell forward upon liia fa*:-*', and

„ si'ad'-i.In due tirno It run in to the Bright

n station, where a few mbs were still

Fit/-John had raised th*?: fallm man ?»{<*>« Ids knee.

•My frlmd Is d'udf" tm c eon red.“ Fly h.nd mvo yonr'tdf, colonel Brier-

'-alting to take late travelers to their ’ !y."BotlnatJons. • • •■ • •Captain Faulkner and Fitz-John \ ntAPTPti All

took a cab bet '̂eon them to the Ship jHotel, where they were followed by! * Briefly, we must (1/: There b not erg one l Hrl'rlv this focoud. and th'- 3 tingle instant t » lo-e! The cab »Ul! urgeon. in nno0»«r mb. ! wait,,. V. ■ mttnt take it and drive likeThe whole party ordered roojtpn and ; the very demon It wo w Ch t*> get to

con retired. A'ewhaven In time to tak>- !h>: tm-l<*aupta!n ffaulkner and Fitr-Jo!<n , to Hieppr-;'* <seialm<d Air, Aiken. t:<»i-

?fX)Jt a doulde-brshhsl room between ! um i life • second,: siieJkiug in them, and then f- <ri a waiter to hrlnu ! great ej cle ment.them coffee at S In the morning, and t "By toy soul, ! t« very sorry forPl'o to order« cab for that henr : tbS?' L. he deed? Are you null*-

These arrangements .-having been j sure? ’ anxiously Jmiuir* d the colonelmade, Mr. Fltr-.lnhn would have is o - ’ of tile surgeon, who * i kne*:!lttg=uade»! hi-, prlneljml to Be down; but ! down berid*? the boo? pi poor FaUtk- the captain said that he wbh-x' to ; tier.write another letter, and• he-rimd that j "He Is tiulto-d'.-td." answered tho his second would He down, and t« ,*■- surgeon.him to hltn-Mf. ’ “ Brierly, we eaa do no good .Tmse.!

FIir-John thrn throw off bis eon* | We rhall all

’fibert if tie:

■ had

in, but

minutethen sit;bed and said to lb r- lf

••|f<, didn't cmii*’ by that tr*i be will collie by the nexc"

At length, however, the twelve mid­night train from London .canity shriek, Stitt: Who thought he was on that tram certainly, for. after all. ti«at was

. »he train he usunily came on.And he was tin that train, as we

know, but he vn* nist on his way down to Brighton tt> fight tiiat duel.

When ilm train slarfeti again, shriek? lit;: out of tho. slatiiitison Its way, poor Molly nttd »ateh«-I' and lift* tied. o,\pt•cling every utoment to bear the fautiUar. wadwtine sound of her tihnr- lev's toonneps r»*mtns town the lane, and the pleasant click of the gate latch that always announced his arrival at home.

Hilo watched ten;, fifteen. Isventy minutes, and did not oven then give him up.

•He • met !> station, and, lute

to talk to ttltn. Boor cnartio »» tlt*> very mischief for talking, Itotb In te'a- j.oii -and out of tu-oson," < Ito raid to herself, and site waited five, ten, fif- t<Vn minutes more. And t it -n her cour- r-ge broke down.

Charley bad not conic hone* by that train, and now it was eertnia '.hat he would not com'' homo that night, for there would In* no other train tintII morning.

Watching, simpcnse, anxiety, and fin­ally disappointment completely over­whelmed her nplritn. Fhe also felt PorrBdy lonesmm- and tmrrdwful. Bbc felt that she roust sc** someone. :peak to worn cot to. or die.

The eloek struck one with a pretor- nntnrnlly loud detonation.

rdm jumped up from her seat by the front window an 1 walked rapidly Into the mtrgcrv, wtiero her tdeeplng chll- «lren lay. Site* look**! at them In their little Kcdi, :»nd then wept on to the! tot eoi-ipi 'd by her young riurs*', Bessy Morris.

"Itosy! Bess.!" she said, retitly t-bakic.;; her.

“ Yes. ma’am! Bloasc, the baby's all right." answered the girl, half nsb-ep..

“ Bessy! Bessy! Cm sick to d'-rith. Fin so nervous I could scre.ua. Wake«p !"

*T^w. ma’am! Whatever have hap- P*w*l?" cried tin* girl, now tieirougbly afonsod. .

’ Nothittt;M'a<t tmtipeneii (itat ! know o f,.v ep i tirit^>uo laM train from Lon­don ha*> tputo by nn hour ago, and Cap­tain Faulkner has not c«mo in.*'

“ laiw, ma'am, ho have mi•*'-.<! the train, that’s all." said the girl, con­solingly.

“ V « ! suppose that is ail. But, oh. I’m so nervous!"

"That':) along of sitting up «•> thlo, tna’ttinv 1 Mease. I tRInk you'*! !>etotr go to hod. ma'am, nnd ** " >f- Thetime passes <juhk in sh-'p, :A» H do. um’atn. and hefon? you’ll kuovr i* morning will l»> lor*-, aad th" cap tin.

- "Yes; protiably. At b-a ?, ! tbir.k yettr advice very godd, am) i will fol­low It," said .Mr?. Faulkm r.

And good Httl- though It VPSno part «<f lor duty ;<> <u* ■<>. shaped o«( o f it's) andMxdped b<T mi.tn s to

*" Al.d°}e?or Moth Vankor, ipnercot of the (rouh!" In at**r<» fordter, (.11 i: deep ami for lb*’ r.-ejirabr «t tto- night. i,M*t w-B

Htio slept until v< ry late in ‘ h ’ monc lujf.

Ahe rouses rr:r< .• arose m id- *.'om.t hour, and dre.s«-l th«» ehtld-.n .* • Onlotly a?< :■!:•' • oubl, that they eUgid not disturb Fa ir w- ary mo* ;* r.

Mr?. Faulfen r rontlau*a! *>» sleep until near pood. Th*m ghe ■* a - op. and, finding how. late it ■.■wan, imtnodi- utely rang b**r belt, Ayhivh wait an- -.Wcfcd be the little Burse,

“ What did vou lot roe >P ;• so 5-ms for, Bessy ? Why didn't >«!| tvalw no1 up as soon as th" captain eame battle?? she Inquired.

"I1«w . ma'am, the cap’ln; ! a"ti lcento hotn*- yet; and 1. let you sI’S'P 'cause l titoitgbt y*m wattbsl of It,"

Ult It*

Found a Friendin Dr. Chase

Hit Ved.t.rr* Proven Effect. .. awd Alwayt Kept at Hand ... This Home.

M. , dm l.oU-ll, Am. *:. t .Wrlt*-i; | {. » | j,

boxes, am! I ;»a

ti<y-Liv<T **J|b« after using tti.-m, • d of th):. tfr>-pl! mother o f icjt »' are living, and v (iron were nil ve cough. . :.to .r'-r

tup of Lms-.vd

. amt I recommend

Boon to Mankind.

said t->



Tlio Present Head of the Great German Army.

b ... fur!.«i» that tbero I* a gr at ' 'milarity b- tR«<n tb- lal- MoIik« ami M*? rbiK* n. *l o. \ bau* tlm sam» aqul- l " » <* .*tur"«. tall, thin, drbsl up Issly,

*?<me I..* turn d> ;s>nltion. even to ; .i ,r hnbbh s Moltko being an Inces- ..oi *ln»x pla>*r. Ilocrlngcn udng

..•r> en- •• :* . - ’ jf.- moroeuta to,.*.. .| , bal ? ddt*f . He i« rcpllteil• *' ■■**•• : " army of aii.OOO lead roldlerr. . whieb (days tbo moment, lie *»;• os h|s < >,. much lr» tl.o rautc pi,:! r 0 He'lk*'. V.llO ttSisl to ro­ot"-t !.( troard the find tiling in fh** morn Big. In military clrciea id cor? itig'-o i ; !• oked !ti*OK With the same re- >r<et aod ius iHiitcd with quite as titticb strut eg ;e,’d, knowledge as Moltko was. It :■*. a djuifieant fact that wben-

the ?*’ Is any tension In Bit rope,• - - ini a *s'u (iertnnny and

Kci.cral v<>» Hi.'rlngen or bis id' ill art ns, Cctsefal von Illllscn

c... ,-;-r ;<! <> great StrategisI, and ;oi Ift.it disclidlnariati-lmniodlfttoly lake, comma ml of .Metz,' t bo most Itn- Imrtajit. has-- an-! military post in the

'f io i e < s no jiinn .alive who knows pm* * hub ;* • mue.ii about the strategi­cal position «»? vs. tz and the surround- iise rooett' as tjettcrai von llecrlng'-n. 1 <>;. stormy, bitter cold winterr>h*h;: ;.(ini^< •( (.o out post o slalimuil

< e-jo -’arlh'! .to ttnd a gaunt.

daht claoiss mid .diwtrlcting reycafcdlyy b b men

nt*tie*-* c>raping between opr. d l(p.‘ i m •qj.dst

'* /ftrorot Bit*, miles . a?L•f d coath of his belove*t

Minard'a Liniment Relieves Neuralgia j


Comment.: Heard Above the Buzz ■ •’ of Central Coaversatioii. BABY'S OWN TAB! H S

U f l f f !! YCAPS

IS S U B y n . V> H i l l


.Vcllan'lrŵ Haspim!. :


It Doesn’t Take Human Life, But It Shortens Its Usefulness.

........ ................ .ad kill'd » .left* tie tftlio-d them to dealt. “

• I mean Just Wliat I ray. Ite'a a mur­derer ..n the Install meat plan." tame the

The rf.eaV.-r was trei-'d la rat plain.


SOAPBecause of ic? extreme purify, delicate cmolltenf pmwrticfs ami refreshing frafjrahce. Awtsfcd !>y Cmicura Oimmenf it h c<|uallv effective in the treett jF.Cf.t “ f heal miics, itciilnys, irritationr. ami chaftngs.

Samples F ree hy Mttllr •upais x-anawt <>:'.i-.i-o* «>td i**--u;-vr <u?

bud i-.lnicV

- *.vatl



litre Arc Simple Ways to Find if Your Supply is Sure.

-rof'-T'd J.y r«r-


i • • ran trot f"

■ Tr.rrtdiVOt*.

Filth Annual



Union Stock YardsTORONTO

F r id a y an d Saturday

DECEM BER 11 AND 121914

Orchestra m Odor.*, i CONTRASTING COATEES.

BETTER THAN SPANKING i Arc Made Most Attractive in Taf-V : : “l ret.,, and Pretty hum .

I i,, j. (•< . .fr,Iru*At

" • ' * ' f ’

Perhaps tile Bc>‘


• T o r \i m e n 's A i i m e n l s !

I dval could id" and each

I ■i(f.»et.*«. untn.rd and *<*•.- -r (tie rolk. One it ?1< t’,?*;f pl-aSuraWv.• : i v « ) >a«»u«>. whtlr >,[ Sot- pointed>ij;hl!y .■f*«*sed afid l̂led

-. «»*.;• ”*«•■*,>« frockstsm... (rulerting tht >le*

"Tim ■ h#

end laid down on tho enlxido of his bod, meaning to watch with his prim t- i Ial. But'fatigue soup overcame bla. ' and ho ttlrpt soundly.

Fnptain Faulkner vat down F: writ" i bis second letter. This wiro t<. Mr. ; ■MellBs New that h » «a . -a n.-ar an event that rolrht tAnionto his ca*;’i- ly existence. "iMror Fharb y" w»s fur. - ■ ed into a stricter ;>f!f-v vamlnoth.n ’ titan h" had over fUMhet.-d b*f.*r- ’ For the first time be f*ti remorse for having Hr*t “atoUr the »M man's daughter." and then brought her and her children lo ’oit h rr-'-ery.

lie wrou? Mr. Mel lb be f-B, n. a dying man; toHlng him that In b pr«*ent crisis, when att f b.- -■ riou-.n. •;;

•" of life arot death '.* eieh<-l unen his spirit, he felt, for th*- fJr** time. F-« enormity of his sin, anilAvoitld, if («' :* ■ sihlo, e.ton" for it He imgyerl th<> b<- reavfd and outraged father to forzj.' Mm, find, to forgive tiro wife, t*,.- < r- ! ring duuRlit. r ’ )>* snhi be (l|i( *:nt a .( that father to protect hi * v l ie ' - -1 daughter and her orphan ehildren, ! - entire he knew that father would so. And he emb.-d, nn ho had begun, by . entreating forghettess.

He folded, -eabul ca-.d >Hr<f led h>-s letter, ami li.bl it aside f>< r. 1 - :o Fit/,-John In th.- tiifoniup

Then In- threw’ h*nis<-5f »m »’■: *■ -i. :

ov-rtook him, amt be >(, .• <*,,*;* y. won «r»K*sed be the Im,* ; i< ■. ... door.

urk-d Afketdoit't cb“ I know It! By ..... , ) never wn*

so torry for anything fu my iff,.* - "Sorrow will d<» no: growl .tiuw. /ave

yourself!'' said Aiken, taking the col­onel's arm nud hurrying him olf the ground.

Then, seeing that yousB Fitz-.lobn still lingered, looking upon bis fallen friend, fro .ailed to film'

"Home. Fit/! tboveu and earth* fori-e! \\ *■ ear. wait no longer for

“Co. then, f have ;V tb re," s.iid Fit/ John “ Man* you’lt have duties • Fentonvilb* iVnUctttlnry.

'*■» doingDo >

hy thethat it. 5:s (.utibbaldc by imorlsotimcnt and m nut i <>t vitro). *• ’

ed 'Tmj.rh-Vaal HO!

horrit.h* than And bad be really made himself liable t<> ’:•••: 'degradatiiut?

He Could bavg braved p .ht or death for the *ake <it rciualpirtg to Uie hodv of his fallen friend; hut n«l ImjITls- ostotem! not te-tro! servitmh ’

Ho! ,e upon Un> fan* of (he 1 then 'bastllv followed the fcey found ibe eabo wuBing

and 'aid t

He a ! his friend

Flt/*.*«.hii o|.. ip<t th* • doer, fo,;tnd the• »niter tg<<t that

\If you plea-:... < (! ;!* 5. !* o V J r o ' l wdi ;,e«d the 1- Here is the roff.e, nod (!. • 'U-ati r ig .1., .,uS" imwaiting,' said llo* waller. , ! to hltm e|f.

“ All right Bril".- (lie tr«v l i and %■,.<; i-,. ■ o|e?. <t He > trot (f on «b< tab). , ar. i tet tb * e d, j eabrosu to dri «- to wait,’ j.ibt I‘ It/ fobn. iprontp <>i torn .,

"Yra. sir An? further orde.- \ (,{• fare it 0. v.-upt ?<"No. I’ll tine ft I w »»t anything,' * u «i« to t-ik* the *>*, at !The waiter touched bb f*>f'** sd arcl ; ito- olli. r «'»!*’ wj

went .out . 1 ab.ad.•’Conto. Fa.llktior Home -our head : M|s cab Imwjed Mon

Irtfo a basin of e«|d water, dr- i* «-tth J ;:f ad*d en ft., -.peed a cofirn towel, bmh :-mt hair, and tq a word' both tab

cx'hocif Molly, turning pale,*i»u M?* wtmt (u btek it lJ? ,Jt 1« neurly tw»-lvc, cook! ”

”1 know it be. ma'am; but the cap- ting haven’t com**," i ‘ ’Ob, in* Heaven! roy Heaven* vv!.gr keeps him' What can have haphch- edr ’ <>\clatm*'*l Molly, w ringing her Jiititds. , ’

"Maybe, n.a'am, he w re ■,* ouc of tho coionvl s suppers last .tight, cud bs trujoyltiK oil(s of bis bad • ad;or|i - ; fit- ony." suggested tin* little girl,

''That is very, very likely.’ admitted MoBv.

"tn tour. <■ it i~. ma'am. You know, it be bad u cutetod the train and got home be would ‘a*e ‘ad i.> \ada« h«* iare ail right. But as b - ntir-ed the train nud sd to stop in London all night, be (might with bis cadaclie lit town, and can't come bntto* till he gets better. ’

"I j,cc* Y***, that inro-t bu the Ma­son of Ish ubaoncu. But, oh! tbea>; lrr*Ku|ji il<? d o «<*?t no- ?o much anx­iety! Ob, Fharley. d*ar. if you knew how much trouble you give uie, you wouldn't do B, love! I'm : tire you wouldn't,’’ sighed jus>r MoIIjV aitosiro- |dil/.ing ber absent hustwiid.

"I tobl cook to make some fresh lea and cream toast for you, ma'am. Wilt only knew where in ail iautdon my 3 bring it upT’« “ Yea; no. 1 don't ear* ’ Ob. If I poor fbarley Is .-.topping, I would go to Mm; but in at! Loudon!’* ttigbvd Molly hojrokw*!*.

“ Vou can depend, ma'am, i! so be bo w.-re sick enough to tied yon,■ ho would Bud >0ateb"d> t<> - od for you," siiid the little nurse eon.-oUti/i}.

"Yes, I think be would, agreed Molly.

yip* saw iu* reason for any c-sfra- ordiuary anxiety now, Fb*- teBvcKd how often her erratic t hurley had caused her tiro deepest atixb-t; i»>r nothing. _ yb.? wa~ refr.-, b-d t,, i- r -le.p. besides, and ■> (he W4.» the more fitftl u> be patient,

y>b<:* drcji-ied ber.-t’if «? troual !>nd went downstairs, atn lo-r breakfast, ■pursed her bab*. walked In tho gar­den, played with bor cblldriand then 1 hack into

i t ; 1 for the•vet .tnd af»»v.* (iriqg th<- evening, v *o o ( bnrlro r<■ tom there ot covered front hr, je-tro! ' berojm'he,; *r Hb|ipe *hn«ld return

already: far Btilt, though «b< watted calmly, >be could not dbunlBB nil anxiety from her

a:* it life do mind, Vaero* feu torment'd her at ‘,otcrv»!s

r*.rohed New (To b# Conltnnpdt

CORNS HAVE YOU ANY1 ir mi. '.m want »<> try I’uinam -

n Kxtnntor; it 1? not j rhwp arM but » tmuitu' .*}** eutv tt*a*

j Mtnnrd'a Liniment Cura* Burn*. Etc.


Wonderful Gem;;, Found in Egypt, > Are Now io Loudon.

object 4 v< Sco­

ter* ttu* n »?«*-

ft II tt * ovramt l

| Minafti’s Liniment Cara# Dandruff.




Unjust Taxation: Bur to Building

Yet your bcH hor** i* j - 1 < • Jiatdr to develop a Fpwin. Kiuglrotie £>|>hut,Cu»bor lam ene*sai v..ur jvotcsl


* » , J, i c t w u * . i » * " » r v ’i

n i r Mt '.r i in . nrnc*RTcns.


UllETiNG 'ei.DlF.RS.

The writer ef Ibis article fan re­member wto« it na.i tli<• laBritain for the ’000c, to billet Bn) BOidlcrs In their houses when they tdopiwd over "hen lie,*' "ere on the

• march from onet :tv t<> another. \V« nre told that one usp<ei c l tin? move­ment t.{ the Uriild* army to Franco war- the muwal of th* custom of Ml* Inline trixipg »?{*<»!> Is'tir! Judders, In Mu*tur!< ht-ror* of »’-<• arepy oldhret. wm*; tl-,•»$<«•» intikeopcrs. «mltin- iftconwd* t. re* « *t>2n<t fifoin till* cu-Unt lt d to the bulldin; of bur- ratio-'. la Europe troops i n campaign seldom carry toots, the inhabitants of the districts traversed lo ins oblig'd to give them Jedcihg, This cconomt-: <nl mothed r f homing • uidhr# on pnsMis? ha? ti.'cn adopted lit England, apparently "Bh Jdrasant result# In ihnluni; the pvojdu aciiiinlnti.il with * their defendon*. lint Ins the wi ck d the embarkation officer? asked pri­vate residentb In London suburb* |e billet soldier* «*u lit-? match lor a ntght or too. In inert ea«cs the «**• plication «,i-, willingly. even joyous ly-accetleil to. Everyone was ready to neremmedate Tommy Atkin* or on officer, and there was no difficulty in chtnlninK the lodgings required for the then darlas their passage through the district. The household'! ev-r. effen was pimted «# t.> what billeting Involved, what bed room? the soldiers would want, how hi- should ho fcil. ttow lo\ should he treated, one ef the family or as a dietlnftulsh* ed guest, Sonteflnie*. are online, correspondent of cm* English i paper, a kind hearted woman, would ark In a confidential* tone whether sh- would have to provide >T garments and jioeket money for (ho sold lens. In many <ares they were nllHost pampered hy the housewife who. regarded it an nn honor to lx asked to entertain a soldier "going t< the we.r."

When You Suffer From Your Back

YOUR KIDNEYS MUST RE WRONGitany women work day after day

with an excruciating pain tn the hack, and really do not know that the kidney* are the source of this j>aiu. When the back start* to ache you may be sure that the kidney* arc not working property, nud the only way possible to make a complete cure is to take "time by the forelock” and get rid ot all these ache* and pains by umhc that <dd and thor­oughly tried rrinedy

DOAN’ S KIDNEY PILLSMrs. John Fewer. IVakc Station.

P.U.L. writes:—” ! suffered from back­ache for three yenrq am! I tried all kind? ol medicine but got no relief. I was sr, had at time* I would not 1>C able to walk A friend told me t>» try your l>«*an't Kidney Fill'. I not five boxes, and Itcfore t had three Iiovcs Used f was nearly well. I uled the oilier two, and 1 - a v your Doan's Kidney { ‘ills cured Had it not I wen lor them I would lie suffering yet."

Doan * Kidney Pill* are -V> cent* per bos or 3 for $1.23 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mllbunt Co,. Limited. Toronto. Out.

When ordering direct specify " Doan’*,

U SCUSMKG ,-TiKfiiS IF ?iACF.The other dny tho F.ermcn Amtii

sailor at Washington announced that Germany had .von in the European war and Utah now the Kaiser was unite willing and ready to discuss terms of peace with tiio allies. The stare ;si,*nt of the Ambassador was treated by the newspapers as a Joke. Hut there i . reason to believe that there thing In it. The statenunt might w i t he rvgurded ns official, ns no nit holding the, position in; Jora w« u dare* make lire announeem- nt utile he lind higher authorliy lor doing ii We now i«»rn that the Washing:' ci>n\*pon«lt'Ht of the I'hHmbdphl.t I •pilnr. a liishb reputable newbimpi has aseerfalned on wluit K raid to ho the highest anthorHy that tlerttuitty and Austria .would In? willing to me he pence on the following conditions.

“ t. Thai tireat Britain »itaH r-spi-ct Ccrtnail commerce ana :iiv Isai.-i rifiiu to colonies uhroud.

"2. That France shall pa; an indent* nity to meet tit ; expeuses im:urr> J b> titnttany and Austria in connection with the war.

That a bnffi-r state, foroted througn the rcsonsiruction oi the old I'nbslt Kingflnm, be formed between Uermnny, Krnsshv and Auatriti.

” 1. That \Fefvla shall give -gear* antu* to Aucitria-Hungarj .mucr nitlcit ehe will eeuse her proiiuKanda design*• d to neudlre A.'.titro-lluugarliiii ter­ritory. j

“ tb-rmany and A«strhi-Jlungiir> on tl.eir part will ngroti;

"To roeoRitlw* tiie naval,supremacy of tireat Britain,. " It further vau be stabd Uur. Cer-

; notw«nt«il nddlUmtal Freneii lerrltnry. nor has the Berlin <lov<rntnvnt any di-slrv to tmijuire 8ior<* of Fohuid from Itussla anut hereby p)crc;i!><: iter Piilhih problem.

” if the Entente tan b* Indutwl ;»> accept the above .terms, Cemiany will be ready at any moment to tenmnalo the war. Otherwise she will continue it. II I* the Intention of h* r *trat<*- Kists not only to <»eenp> Baric, but. of Kreai.r impoflance in tin- wir came I'rey arc playing, tn set/. • an 1 cold O.sienu and Fatal*, tin* la i tsnts in elos" provimltv j». England,'

It may he a little premature to dis­cuss any kind of peace term-- But it Is hardly necessary to ray that the three powers involved In tile Trhdc Entente would never think of even discussing seen prevosterom pro|Hj?als. F.rrmmiy makes four demands on the allis. and in return oil he offers is to recosni*o the naval mpmnarv of Freat Britain, Suppose Ida terms were accepted, how lung would the Kaiser tvcosalre Brit.*»«'* naval s>tprymar; ? 1*t:tll he .had a anperlor hnvy* lueli "a ticrap of paper" as an nereemeu' of this kind woul-i not worry the Kuia-r. Ferntany wunN neither Frenc'i tmr llUSSlnh lerritarv, but It wonts c«U>> nits, and (he colonies It want * belony. t » France.

The Kaiser may be noxious fur peats*, but bo eonnot get it on those terms. He may ward to :civ.<' and hold both: Oaieml and Falnis. lie Ithould take care that lie dots net las-* control of the Kiel Fsnal. Tin* pro-


ldoj J-Hisirge the war. hut he lug sergeant.

flhe Is being swiftly stripped uf her place in the s«n.

The ma:i who tries i-' make pell capital out of tli * war i: a chessp of n jK.lilielan.

Fob tiordon, of the tlotdon Hiyh- landetv. denie. that hOftSsdead, Well, lie siiouhl know.

hir Wilfrid Is now t.vmpalg;iiu;t for KtriiltH for tilt* war. When Britain is at war C.'at'mdu is at war. I t Ids slogan.

thir.re Oscar, one of the KoSk -s’s sens, has had an attack of heart, fall* «r>-. The Frown I'rim- ha- Lx! on attack of another ktnrt of falhm-.

Another circular has been is? e d Ijoju Ottawa exhorllns us to * *ptur- Hie trade of F.enunny. We v.ouhl .also like to capture American trade.

We ere odd that the yprln'utHo.-” in i'iiJehg-j cost, ii inillion dollars. Yet rotov Onadisny adv<.x-.tte t - - N>-bs- thin of political /candidates by m- aus of primaries.

Hon. Mr. I.emleux. bached by air Wilfrid Lniirlor. is organl/ina a Freoeh-Fanadlati brigade for the front. Witch. Britain is at war Fanada

H B-> Brlti S. n.vy ha*. « « ; '!<♦ th-it td Bg'.ttltm durtuu till- -ar it plioui tipe. t< itcRtn. -FlUshu!*;, »

pointed work.

The Aberdeen (Feotlandt Em-Frcsa ask*.; “ Do the people who talk no •;Hb!y about eapittrlm; Berman trade mognlse thst tb-rmany pur* ha-.. , more from lid- countrv Emm any other country in Europe „r hi the world; save India? Bhe Is < or best cnetonter,” That should not prevent ns from getttnc some of I ho funleat trade sh- now gets.

-™ —♦*«* .......tlettri Botra; •;» write.To all falr-uilmh-i and iio- tligent

n-adets tie r** ea.iuot remain sm> ouaht t my wvutpathv fur E»>* e;utse of

Krr.nec. Ihdgium and Knglexd. an * toy expressed oottySctiuu Brat * .mads

'yht to help them "with oil ‘e r moist*.- and all the xieiuis of smtliMi n? bar din* pO'sil.” This I w rol» more I'utp one.*

; tire Devoir.Mr. BwirasM must tiav** clondotl fix? sue, else why all this misconception

of hi* views?

Wnllo there tr- ;> m areity of bnd »n lUriitt, and v hll« tirrumn shlppl.re i *

iwally bi hig driven off ti - «h • hiodine-, in the *lochs o! is-mit o u cx- e'liFiit; ail recorded tiger*s. it j ; par- tteularly notable that the ran;o*,- whleh have recently t-evp mibiided nnd rdherawhich tiro on thelr v'av in- clude vast *i« »pUtSex *,» undo Ts<‘

tiiinsm. haw pinfcrhtl of nil kia-ls Is uIso arriving regularly at British ioras. Tbi . Is very *aUsfa« ter -, But British i>{il|Kivvuers wnnhl f*< l (.-si . : If tlx* (Urmim warshio Emdeg others w.-rc wiped off the ■ T arc taking tut hiena dns t<>ll *•! Frltf-h i

“ The Heir of the Dares”

f obi t:»lt

'* fillBlack H al's hack In j And Klhcl pcr**vve«l up licr pretty ay. aud dlie two roile [ fin - and nodded h*T liepd very know

iifterumoi ’ Ingly at DuviiL to whom she bad tmt!M**< i and !>'.!• :<

lUiltl the flder- Pad tonnst Du- oui.ir a* fat * I Sumtmi: tium Davpl sold, wit': a ijijcer laugh that had no mirth in it—

' a!> lady has d ill Phe lira got a firm fooling at iVhllck. and sv touch firmer but In its •iwikts mart, .Mi. Emh* Tens. I ab-h I f'-u'.l lira) i* it ‘ f he r«iDy | » n tint lion-

• I don’t Ben'; you ran, Davy.- saM the old !;i- ?-<r, gravelV, ” .\otKsty know-, t o i rtain except m e per-xm * ill) l.t.dy Dare hoir-lfA


when bo look- Fife cotng his rounds.

' Fit *11 lien r i * aiiiiw |> tp- Elatfeels It:” he remarked, laugldi •'Aunt Selina is game; Sta* m 1

•II in.bed. ] shows sin- Is ben ten; • jou ’ ought know, thiii, Ethel."

Ethel laughingly acknowledged that Mu* did know B; blit homewanls he was wondering, too, how- Lady Dare would Ilk*: the nettle- mint of ttie. difficulty, it** knew v as not partial to Ada Blddcl, but, ai no ono had mentioned his aunt's lu.- hnvimir to the girl when he lav tin- fon*. tons. |,-< - a ? tml luitv a-are b<* deep v-a;< the dldlk*'-

ILuiie i'etlnit did e d Join him ai lunch''

i.tr-i > Dm i T» t ell. -.......... . ......... ,i J.:st jH>ar*;d her uu- j ho hu t the etiam-e of leHIhg her

>aion I cup .,1 coffee and vai- : find Intended. II- was going that at- l andkin H uw-r the table, when the .• ternoon to on.* ol Ills more distant door of the njt.'kf«yi-m»m was mpI | fartua, so before startuoj Sic >r«t«> a d. id, op-m d Pbe nearly let the cep | note cxptiitiifug what had been urrang- *,«tt vv In i »li- eavv IlU'pheit lhtro eu * etl, and expressing u hope that his ttUUl t-r; nnt; Mr. Itlddel r<v-e in mtrerlse. \ would appro* .e. Tills

anything | Earl.* r he went out. ami the mu idhe * rod •VVdb.lr

hue iinj thing

. put ' ?h»*

earth'd itserious! Whatever

i thought no and tmt !"ark**i had

tm stress at one ladyship felt

likely to know, stand a great

confided loutlme, and

ril .il ;.r.;-fcS»Ht Cifid tdl ’ and t*n Lady Dare spent in her pri- ml'isc'' | wife gunlvti. She paced backward!* andrend the letter w • lie J forwarda on the wide path exi-nditig

St-pii-n are. puil a cup of rot fee from ! fr,i(n wall tr* exit, and the etiill of Ada. 'Do- l«u**T va from Folraol ED : tv.thsht j)tnl tallcn before wont In. Hot. tfljlt.g id- irlend Bat ills r*gD j |iftu»| r<ui*' »m unit joined Sbplicn tin nt * a . siithieiiix iu<t-r‘*'t abroad. { ni eiun-r. au'l tdiiioiini ctl ills inteii- nod .(hint Stetd • o u his aunt would • .p „ 0< r-m«)BifiS all uighi lake i h.'.rm of MDs Elliot for a b--w , ,j,„ Apilre s tsati»factkm. Naturally, v i. ks until her own aunt shoul*) re- m|sh Elliot was a subject of conversa- turii from III - • eminent. M was a { tfoa. biu rfleplmn ««v<* no hint u* to pleasant, tiraniy letter, -bowing how i !lbi «JouD» of Lady Dare's approval; highly Ho writer r<«.uded the —<lpl- \ nollher did the ymuiR Dixtor.------- .i flnb.li.,1 !■> >M " " T., .... . . ..r,.ri,-. an.l sr. alb I..

| Stephen's delight, li.uu- Selina * * » e<* a Ijourtied nilher surpris- aud for a mo*

displeas- U.-r usual

alluded to the Midi* of .Miss Elliots visit. -xpressinK

entire iipprovai *>f wtiat had tn-n ar- . . . . . . . , . .. . rang**), and 'though David «*}<'<! her

iVL . '”H m'Bh ItaylnR her at • m*! keenly lie cmihl detect no «wrel on- .. i:.il lit'r to,s I....

"■' ,sa*r ' ^ n a lj tusk. („r 1„ ,I'.M 1. ).w * M M ..... • 1...1 ,. rmlitl, » . .. .

| *t<* cold, which David':* professional discovered.

I.<x>k here. Aunt Selina.” soi*l the

The law j.

Z\X ,hhus-ll

- look**•iiIho he l ad jeade to vi*dt Stephen i ‘, , , { meat David thonght she was

n i.vi j ,,)• j,,..} greeted liiut tu !Mi Ubidct look*. . 1 manlier. She"Naturally Lady Dorc will lie ilc*! ........ . . .

lighted lo have this voung holy.”*afd. vniiling. "It wilt he unite a gs”

well enough to have a visitor. If there wav room in the left! whl«*», >!ie dw|»p* there Is not.

She■Mi;.-, IvllloU t<> lie I my t>art of the 1| Improprbiy of ti -iie wants me I* Miss Elliot just i site a g>*nl deal;<̂ l tn Ex- propriety

u;.m Me-. El| think t tlie left wins, fill may not feel * being foisted II she U not veil

He look-si n and Mr. Itlddel I ra;!o r angry wlthj was evidently Arm • .*:m.*l'. f:>Sr| plan. But l l - sitnl lor one, and tin* e]J perplexed, to advise tils etierj had not spoken i bad Iltdenwl ntlci rii'ip*. Slo* lia’l l resolution; EtotigD a pang nlu rwurdel very clearly then,

"« mb* Torn. I I plan." :h- said, nray -avc Sir Slc|B ward dilcti once and t**ll MIsB Dor- * Sowllh prexj a v sf itor Jusb in tliat t>he-*;ceuplo*

|i» k nrranitnl f<l some friends who F

nmi where h o i Then b*i h**r * plenty of rea mif - h<* lirlnr.* « make her feel

an do, uncle "My .lear, y,

the lawyer. d**IIgtit̂ |think It would •

it. Sir S|ci*h«*r

"MDr. Ifbidel, t e mid. fervently. I feet: it is w>

young man unite suddvnt.v.lie tip! You have caught a bad chill, ami ought to go oru-e. You are overtaxing

iirxelf. I w plainly. D<» go to your and let Fari.vr help j on to hod,

il n t come up in a short time and

ilephen sprang-up in deep lontern l l went lo, her si*h* at once.| What a brut- you must (Itlnk the,

tib;i, not to have seen l*t jou were HE blow pul- you arc,

• hand/are hot! Davie l* irc'-ntH fit to l*e out of

J\'D. d«ir hoy. I have only got a-cold ■I rather « tore throat." she said, ■illng faintly.|tj«itte ejunigti teo. I fittnk! ' snid

rs Ip* ip'td Up* door ojfcn bn pass out. Ami. b-ariiuu on

Jphen si arm, she m lm i, for site was ■By ill and unable to remain long-

liark**! when h>* returned,|t*‘ patent that aunt Selina is much

111 to have the r <irr*. of a guest. * that!”

|t <*o hi now perhaps." thought.... — . . - a;- not too HI when

f it * heard of Miss Elliot i tlie Thursday came Miss Elliot *

Jtk HCceptotico of Adu's Invitation.i in Loudon with h*>r brother.

I he would see her off before get-

•p.trtare, tho* would It- in on Friday evening, and

1 alone, as -he i*»t tided |dtng In r tnaid dow n to > him wait

* people until nip* P rmlunted her t*> tier liew lloeklu-ton friends,

i likrei tlx* letter, it was so frank , and Miss Elliot wrote u

hiuid, destitute of flour-

Retber while you r**st a little,” Adi said, brightly. "You will have plent: of ti»»e to dr* * aft«*r«ards. a? dinner Is st half-past eight. Btith Win unp;u U lor you.'’

•T -hall only'need it-r help for night,” Mis* Elliot said, smiting, urn a soldier's daughter as well a: SoIdicr'H Mister, and mil perfectly aldij to help tuysclf In moat I asi's. What a rosy romp* It is null*' a contrast t< tny l*arti-like, musty ol*l r*Mitu in Duh* III!"

"TIH« Is

Ada said."Welt 'M

rulo me for other t*tae*s. and nail**destroy nty movers for-‘roughing It."

my brut! -r .ho*t *•;.*. -. I! I oxer f—t porfocllv i:i)S)Mtii(l • omforlabb*. I shall never do for the life I ought to bnid, it win m* your fault. Mtvs lutbie), and all HD aflOg fitilnr**: ilitlii lie ol your door. > on know'.”

?■-!:*■ c as *o brig.'*. •*> i -ri.ett. t:t»- nffrefcsj an*l. frank that Ada f-tl more and more In lie.- with her every ttiit'- uti*. She f**!t that Agnes Elliot was a»j Genuine as she was fair, and |H***e*»- -d nil the charm that such a elmrac* ter always lias. So when she left lor

r shewrhaps


I Mm

£.11. j uncle!

( the Kal«*'r « dictate |«sotiiko what 1

"If I

Hid Pain Around Her Heart io r Three YearsWas Not Safe to Leave Her Alone

Day after day one reads or hears ol many sudden deaths through heart failure, and many jicoplc ate kept itt a Mate of morbid fear of death, become weak, worn and miserable, ami are on- able to attend to eithtr their social or business duties, through this unnatural action of tlie heart.

To all such sufferers Milbure.' . Heart and Nerve Fills will give prompt and permanent relief

Mrs. Norman H. Evan; Ship llatbor; NS , writes;—“ For Ihree year* l have

- fit attd qualified l would _ lw<*n uoubletl with a pain around my


i Dublin; is llt-r*/'

’.ii*.-, .Mirtt Itlddel lett-r her**, and Murad and t!e bnow Mit.-i Elliot I t ile ill i iillie thlnlthee Marts

> Mr. Ithldcl to read. |rutlp-r think we mIkiII like h**r." I

my dear, it is a very good let* what i espis-bd too," tb<*

* > —r answered. "You know, l . Miss Elliot wh-n Sir Stephen rir,-.t

'. aim I liked what Hub I saw.

es,* unep , | know,” said Aihi vt ry ] 11>; bat there was a strange pang er heart a» jdte turmsl u«a>. It arrange-; SMt after meeting Miss

Hot along with Adu and Mr. Bid* Blpph'cn should dine with tli.-m m>

t them all on a (rb ; .llv r-ot- i.*at*e life young lad*.' fjp t

•nliig h*s« formal; nud I***■- liltl- >grtimmtt mail*: him very happy a:-

us grateful.• London express was due at >i\- . itud In id-litv of time the .del- i nrriuge stopped lo pick t)|> Ada

|d her uncle. Stcidivn was in high Irhs. Tire train was Just coming up tin- platform us they reached it, and

Stephen wrote Ms Mrer mul Ada| Stephen^ quick glance se n dittover- l orr. end Ii- carried them off to the ( „ , . ompartment where tlu irgm -t

lx* one ef the first to Join the fore Uhlil is the Inst time the (ierman bully will threaten anybode," 'aid Will 1 borne. M.F.. the BritDli labor l-ad-r. Everybody wants to fight the Ktilser.

W > hear a gtxcl d<al ahoui tin: loy­ally of Hm B«or« Him* tluya, lint if the Tory Jingm had lutd their way, they would have been oppressed and crutdted and kept down, until nothing

heart. I took medicine Horn my doctor ; until I found it was of no use, a i it only seemed to help me while I was taking it.I gut oi bad at !u-t that it was not | safe for tnc to lx* left alone, so having t heard of Milburii s Head and Nerve * Fills, f took live Ixixe* of them, an<l f can say they l»eI|Hcl me so much that * J feel like myself again " ,

Milburn's Heart ami Nerve Fills are ! !*0 cent* per box. or 3 boxes for $1.25. Foe sale at all drugeUi and general »Wrcs, or will be mailed direct on receipt of prlco by The T. Mllhurn Co., Idmltad, *

pot on bis way to the rectory, where *Lla new.-, of Mies !Idint's adv-m In a few dll) » Wii.-l received with much raDsL,. Hon, But Dame Selina's* a<* tk»x did not trwaiKr.-KthclVaharp, re­mark*, That outs*}ioketi .vounrr lady t‘Ut Into wrndu w hat Wm- really -<•• cup) ing the thoughD- of h-r mottn r. sid< r end Ada Riddel.

"My Indy him mummed greater Hi­tler:* ti>m» she fe-ls just licenunc ale* bar; .Vi** Kllloit win l.j -andby attf;plant her. She dos-s not want eueti .............a ihoigerotw jx reion near Stephen, and j jH||J kin* thinks she lias scitt-d tnatierx j j,j„f *stutlfuB>, eiiowinR him ho* lmpro- \ „,.v amt *lf r .it that a ypung lady ahould, pass tlx* motion in tlm durkn*..........IDc in his homo* without a chaperon.; p> the time thev nached their dcsihi* Sfu- could have emne here but for : ntlon not ;* particle of silffn-ss or f«.r- th-se horrid mlnlsiere next week. But it,ajin r-nmiu-d. Ada herself took U Is *v.di ranged m it R and I j Mis.i Elliot up to her room./Where ,»

Aunt Scdlhtt’# lacoi bright fire ami eaay-clmlr neetucd td

their gw*was muled,- He liad opvaiesl the door j nnd eln* lutd juiiipul out before Adu . had tlm- to realise that h!i*' was lx- ■ aid** theiti. But When her haml wa*4 clasped in two warm on*-, and « loir. MWeet face lighted hv tin* softest, dark - : eat-gray eyes w as itaiklug nt her, Ada : fell si e ;*.a*l Indeed met one ol whom she roe hi have but one opinion. She : knew at a glance that mUc should like ’ Agnes Elliot.

As they drove fist .short distance to , Deantb-hl strot ti*. re W«« plenty of j

even luuyiiter, foe tlie new j s.* much to tell of her*jour- *

y her terror !e:l slo* sLimhl

wmild lx* fri'ttds n-S hy-and-b;.*,VVh>-a tiieir gm st entered the‘draw; ct-mnn » few ntlnup *. before half-

last ■ eight »;el»h*T Ada nor b.-r um le could repress a Mart of udmlratloti; In

tlresn of pah* pfuk cashmere*.I with ewansiiowit, v.iti; »ts train

and fan to ntaPU. ::£■,*• look'll a - dress *;;s hi th to the 11-

and sh«< wore neither flower nor ornn* uent o( any kind. Her curly hair, •hort almost a* a hoy s, was ol that hit of gold that In some lights take n ;; tinge of red, nnd lu contract

her dork fa dies and eyettrowa lix*k»xl iv umommou.As .'le. lUdd-l JLUcncd

conver.-ation amt' plcnuanL low* luugh.<* did not wonder at Stephen's deep

Admiral ion. The dinner w as a very lively one. nnd when tho two girl? left tlie table tho gentlemen did not sit very bmg over their wine.

They had a little music from Ada ML? Kllloi was not a musician-and then more conversation. Stephen left

, pleading latdy Dare’s ImUxposs* In «’xcum*, mid Mr. itiddcll went f ; private sfiiiftlum soon after­

wards, so by half-j ast *fen the little circle* was broken. Ada and her viM- lor soon went upstairs, u» the young host ess tlioiight her guest might be tired; but once la Miss Elliot's pretty room that Indy iooii unitm*iv<*d by saying briskly and eordially-

‘ Mlss Riddel, I am not a bit sleepy, am! I don't HHnk )o*.t ar«* either. VYii* not put on jour dressing gown and eomo in hero for n cosy chat before « t go i„ b-d;-

Aft*r a iatree of souk* little soaee Miss Elliot drew n long breath of in- tens- enjoyment, nnd turning bet eyes, with h merry twinkle Iff them, upon her neighbor, said —

"Our i*omi of unlon—thc comutoit ground up<upwhich we cno meet nuturatly Stephen Dare*. But before we txgln to d»M-os.v him I am going to n.'I; you a »ptwr...«oriof nitestion, Mlt» Itlddel -otn* which the generality <.r our sex don't -are to ask or answer. How old do you think i atn!"

Sliosat up, looking nt Ada with such u mIsciilevous smile quivering nt the corners of her mouth tliat It might on

smallest: occasion break into a laugh; Ada was ><> taken hv aurprlse Unit at first she out) stared nt her rompanlon; then she began to smite

I think perhaps jou ntiiv lit* about own aye.” she said, h-r smile

broadening at the olhcFa vnienl look.I shall be itwenty-on** next month:

perhaps yon may be n year or two old' —certainly not more.”Miss Elliot save a slight laugh of

infinite atmifemeat."That would make m«> twenty.three most. Ob,'dear, dimr me! What a

fraud J am. to b** sure*! Why, toy child, dmtl never se- thirty ttire- aga l̂l,

.Lick Is ttdr< v-M'ven. and I am only Hire*- years younger,” *t

She broke Into another laugh of qttlet nmtoo meni, for Ada's hwk of utter iueredullty was Um mueli for her. At length Ada found words to cy­

ber fe-llng,a are jesting. Miss Kilim!” she

Bald, Dying to look severe, but nl- mo-st laygldm? outright.

Elliot low-rtil her hands aud ctustH'tl- them round her knee, tiic fireliglH entelling the solitary din-mood in- the only ring she wore. mak-

Bash like a living cy... m-in very Holier earn-si,” she

said, "I eoiild see at dinner that your mode thought me quite a child, so ! determined tu undeceive you. Why mv dear. I Imve been engag'd for eleven years* if | was tlie girl you talc** no* for 5 must have l«*en wooed and won at t’;e pre*eoetons age of thir­teen. Think of that:”

And eh«> ImiUcil down at her flashing ring with a wonderfully tender smile, albeit it w«s humorous.

Ada's heart gave a great bound. Did Miss Elliot know that Stephen ador­'d her? \v»# it not quite clear to her that she w*«« the woman tie had loved ill hlu life? Remembering what her •meld had *mee told her .Ada was fill*< d with She keenest sorrow for he man who muvi suffer *,» much when he wum told what she had ju»t heard Hut she saw that Agio** Elliot had no Jit-a -f the truth, and she had no right lo betray sheph-n. »o site smiled nt her fittest, and Agu-s presently went ;*n with b-r confldencew.^Yoo ree, H has been a long -ugago- lioAit for two very good mireintt. M bad to ntirs** n.v fnth-r for vents. and Captain Meredith tied only bis pay. But now dear Jack has hml t<> hntv me I felt it ought to not both for FoTutd's xakc nod my own, tJeraldi has had a little motley l**f* hhn lately, so as soon aw Atmt Mitnt t pines Ov-T I must try to pur- smote h-r to let us take our chance t'Vgetit-r. th rald is sutlomd just now nt t taybridge. so lie can ride over to see me now und then w ith your uncle'# permission."

"Feriamly t'nele Tom will give it,' Adn said; “nod you are to lie quite nt huliic here, Miss Elliott, you know. Fir Stephen told us how mueh he felt having to tell >«u his aunt *onld hot ire. tre* vishot# just then, for you were ti:e a'o**st girl lo* knew, nud we should scait find oat ltuw nice >*>U were.” Ada could not help giving this little bit ol hiforiimtion about Sleidteu'a care* Tor !hU v|*d(or; unit Miss Elliott looktd pro ft jib'ased.

r>tc;dien « h* alway s very atleUtiV'* i*i<> old dny *. always re.olv when

.tack or I * ant' d him. D > von know tinytbing about tit?, lit- at Hilton, MIm Riddel ’ Ha# he spoken mueh ationt

"Only ittyitlhatally to me. but l be- Hev- he has told my unde a great deni," Ada answered,

(To In* ConUlUted.)

October 18, 19M.—in the Garden of Getheemane—Mark 14: 32-42,

Commentary. I. The garel <i >*• ::<D. 'I In y mime • ,)*,•-•.:> find *• eleven left tire* upper room atio-U mi ttlght and w-rtt *'̂ >̂t̂ var', from ' « ito the Mount of 01 i.*-. r.-slreeniano —The nnino means "oil: pres*- v,'Imbjy trom there l»,r*. t ig h* en n



I* art be w;»f. a-eastom- d to retire to iht* place <Luke ‘Z2 . #:2>. "Tim preire'iit tlethscnmnc Is dmut fhre«*-nuarterx ef u iiill'* from ttie wall ef .breisahtn, is almost a

hundred sixty bs one lime- feel, stud contain* dglit

venersibh* edDe tree#,” -— Ktlersb*now standing at*: ltmught

to tie a thousand vvare old: nod to (lave: sprung from toe roots of tree* that '-re standing FOrDt;. time «;.tli;:iti»ru* ti.e* <X*m- to b>* ao.ew Idem of dttdrore and agony. Jilt y<here;..Mil** .b n - -md to -iglit -p hidisetnp placing Bout »\ »-te eiT anc <;{ the guidon. They were fa;*.* he with hie praetleo <d retlr?!m nt to ptr»j«*r. A crisis, if not tb? great rrh ls. t,t his earthly mluLlry a band. IS*- km w what awaited « lid bo renllred hi# neet' of cotnmnii- lon with the Father.

I!.- Cltrlvt'K burd'ji Take?St with hint IVl-r and-lame'and Jobit-■ Tlie*v tlipee were* the inner eir- eh* of Fltrbt s di'elpl-a, Th«*y v near him berau -- of tb<ir faith, th lien and capability to enter into < .sympathy with him.: They had been with him on the mount o f transflg- uration and in the room where he had twired tile dead lo life. They seemed to ttnilerxlniid hint better than did the oth-rs, and thh was a »lt»«> when ills be man nature crav'd -ompantonship. Sere eouu-d -Tlie expret-sdou Indi- -at*'# ImtIt great: nmurement and u


its. Again it**.,prayed—HU going tlm second and third times show# how great was His burden and how hi- B-usely in earnest lie was .Christ s prayer wa# aitsw-reff, arid an#werc*d In the same way that Bret answers our pray-rs. The fact that the angel strengthened Him (Luke 22. 4i!j, was tin answer to HI# prayer. Christ a praying tim.v furnlshe# an example to us. to. Eyes ivere heavy—Tli-.v seem­'d unable to keep awake. Neither wU* they—They did not know* what to say to Jr-us when Me aroured tliem fronr their alcep. They could not frame nnv excuse for their failure lo heed Christ's Injunettoo. "Watch ye and pray. it. The third time-Throw times .I**ku# prayed t« tin* P'athernio v*a# earnest, submissive, trustful and persist-nt In prayer. Three time* 11# earn- to Hi# disciple# and found thc.u» asleep, The coatrasi bet wis-n Jeaua' iici i and those of tii,- disciples L moat effect Ins*. A suffering, agonlxlng Ma*- t< r. and listless, sleeping diMlpltinl f*l«:|* on now, and take your rest—•L sus had aniinsi the victor). TU* ’•our tor watching was ov«*r and now Bie* < *t>dd ink*- their rest. Tin* hour i« come—Tin* time drew near when tb* Iraltyr would come. Jesus wa# alert to bear Tin* approaching multitude* and to ><*e Bo* lanterns and torches. 42. . ■. Its*- up, let Us go—Tin- tlno* for pra'- fog Was over, and the wav to (he ctos* was of euing before the Saviour, ft- "As ready to meet Bsc mob ami to uo *■ till tliOKe who sought Ills life, for HI# hour laid come. On other occas­ions lit* had eluded Ills would-be *Iav- < r-, bream,** Me bad not yet finished llis work: now* it waa different, for there remained nothing for Him but. to he unjustly rend craned and cruci­fied. He that betrayeth me—Judw#. w ho far a little silver hud gone over to the side of the enemies of lesua.

Questions. ■ Where had Jeans and Ids dlacipl*s,spent Thursday evening!In what direction dhMh*y got front there.' What does the .ratio* of tho garden noon? Why did Jess', go into the garden? How did he place lib* dis­ciples? ’Why wtis Joau# sorrowful?\V hat wav hi# prayer? .Viral *11*1 he :;> .in b asking that "thta cupF .nigh! iwiss from him ’ Why did he tell hit disciples in watch and pray? Why old they nos obey him * How ere.x'* '■ re* the ,*-u.'f rings of i^ws in Beth- M imin' ? Whnt hour ii»d come?

new feelings that pt«#e**ed h!i Heavy ’Sore troubled."-~K, Y. root Idea of (h- word is that of being a way from home. "Truly in respect to bis human nature our Lord was fur from home, far from his native skb*s. and the word may be taken scribe the .iwfulm-- nf tdi Eolation, un-upport'd by tt particle of lo ’ ‘.'inpathy -it irouhled. r-stbss *.<< -ompanlcd by the keenest mental d £ F a i n . Bib. ::t Exceeding .-"miwful unto death—This physical suffering; it was anguish of soul. It was so sev.-re that it would have result'd in death had it eon tins;- * <l long. Tat ty ye here, and watch— J-sus knew that ttm three disciple whom ho uiPircsscd loved hint, ovci though they were not strong, and he desired that they >hotffd be near him.

HI. The prayer , v>. ,:5. ;:-VVi nt forward a Hul ■ -,fys*js w-m •*»Kmt a stone's ,m t tl.ukc 2 ’ ; <n trem v.ii-re (tm tlire-o w-re ;tnd prayed itl'Uie. Fell on tilts ground • ;\>|| on his face" (Malt. 2*L 3S». He kn-eb.l down and pr'-sreil hts forebead eround In loktjii of hie- deep ‘itmtllia- tlou and earnest suppHcaticm. »*r«ye-l -■■There* gr.* seasons in iiatiiatt c\is.*ri- <t;ee wSo-ii limbing avails hut prayer, •>* fis ' ’.as inntmti a< w i l as .ivhtr-. oiid h- poured out his sorrowful, ni- oppr *->vd soul hi pra*. * r. *W- are h-re in full viv,. ,,r »;,** ,ii-e,*c*st op - lery of our faith -tho two nafer-s h cno person." tt it wav .no,slid .- Tie I t.man tmt-v: < f J*. »«s ;Jp?*ea!c-! to tie Entli-r that, ii there* .vis any way t, neemnplish man A redemption without tfie’ajKmio* of titat i.mi *h * succ?."Jlug tienrs. it m ight i*e »*> ‘ion,*. Abba

Tie Aramaic wind i*f fariev.'doubtlex* Site v<i) word But Ill'll, Th“ Ward Is tls <1 «. :»*- |W(c*! t« sid«*s tills iu the scrlutur-s, iK'th Bun's !*>• Fatil illoiit, v IS: (Jnl. f : tit. All thhra.4 nr- iwii (̂bl' ~ Tills is an cscriptlo'i of oiunlptoenre to tlie Father, yet B*.-*r: was an ImplD-i r«- rs'gtiiflau of Be* divine vitctoin. ami a sulnnlsslriii to Bm divine plan In the redemption »t tlie world. Take away Fr is cup - L«b'* sa»>.. 'if than be will- lug.' i-.sii* » i;s not shrinklu.q (ruin iiix approaviihi'? death upu t the ’ross*, if. knew- (hat ii was awaiting him. The cup that tm to'*n»lo»i*sl in ids prayer, and which ev-n Bt-n wit* b-lng pressed to ids lip*, was Bm rt'-Iiing w-h;hi, of tie* sins of tiie or Id that was resting upon him. His -.man feelings and human reason ere craving relief, If oieh re lief wa<

h; .tiviue will. Not what I will, but viral thou **ll- III- own will was chuH> vleldi'd to the Father's wilt. Tills 1# tie: old* isiUstiiclory aUltud-

an.v on*.* to lake, that of ,ir*lo

l*l HAL' SFRYEV.. .vtoatng Saviour, tu- sufferinK* of sacrl-

Topw. Tiic 1. Endured

Hte,H. Exhausted the ctirso against sin.I, Endured tlm 'Offerings of sacrifice.

It lu beyond human; power to ascertain tin d'-;r«*e of suffering sustained by Fbrist. A mystery necessarily .ncir- clcfi the iN.rwn of Jesus, iu whom two mu tires were* combined. Ilia anguish of soul Is not to be measured or Imag­ined. It was the crisis of ,'jony, enex- lunpled and never to be repented. Jv#int wievtled in Htq garrlen thut he might couquer on the cross. lie saw the d-pths of Ir.ljuttv. He felt the over­whelming burden of littmnu wltifiilness. The contilct foVctohl ln i?d*.n w’n# cn- diued in BeHmcmaiu'. There) In all Its (Hshlffg weight was-miHzid to-* Inn- dm of the nin of the world. Christ wns tlmre a« a part of the divine pla*i for a defiait*.* purpose. II* endured tier.- a grief unknown in any pr-vmun l -rirat of hi# the. Mingled with his neony there were devotion, r-slyna- tUn. ryaurathy and lore*. It l* far t,<; ond our prewnt cajmelty to under­stand the liurJi.’ii which distressed nndiclglic'l upoii tin* Redeem'r. There* 1* x 11 over bis anguish which no mor­

al may attempt to renniv-'. We may iconic familiar with , the tiarr-'Bvc, mi not with til . it* sUnlfUanee.

Fdt Re are aU:a«t*: (Bids ?o fathara tJolfc- s< mane * less-m.;. The dtweiplc* had

are In the conflict endured for The'* did not understand the

dty and depth of their Master’# struggle. They niisred thtdr opportun-

f show in;; spiritual eympathy lo i and their own private j repara- for th' crisis. Their sorrow sent

n . >de< i*. wtiib* tlm anguish of Biidr Master ..vol blm to the- Father. Long 1>* fore the scene of his agony thth.emane hud l-cti his place of prayer. In that hour of reuR-st prayer rose to It* height and majosly.

Exhausted the curse against sin.deep, lnten-e agony of soul

iu* to threpressure of the world s guilt upon him, to the attack* of the mw*rs of darkness and to the hiding ,i Ida Father's eoiintcnanc'*. His soul mild not have been sorrowful even into death" only as his -offerings ><r, vicarious. Bod was dealing with dm ar the representative of apostate man. and exacting from him the pen- allies due to unnumbered transRre*-**-

there the Father put him to grief for us. This was the bitter cup from bl# Father's hand, that ho wa» to be tome a sln-bearcr. It «n* that which laid him low-. Though he trad don- no sin. he was hi tlie pjac« of the sinful, hearing the weight of

i M1i,, divine indignation and made to («•• l1 .mu* ................. , ....... ii., »,..i

I guilt*, hence tils anguish. Holy o was. Ineapabk* of dntriflg in Bmught nr dred. he expericoced an o ' -rwh-lm-

| tng M tise of the enormity of sin, of . r.7-l2>. dJ. the dishonor which It atta«’hed to the

i them slo ping"-j world and «*t the rolu which It '

- *,i.i n . *. ha ’ Bic terror? of divine wrath. He hadI tl.” l r.-ar.-l 11, , ] « • * * 11"* -rtrtlMlt? <«• '!">'isemam* inlqltf- prejUnc

titalh. so that t><* vonld no*'; coen* ti «N, tii *i - to poor out hi# HI* sin# ef, thy world.

..coping disciple#Coiltcth, and lindeth tLv— - ■ . r uIcmis otme to tinm to rtveixe tb«* bringing uim.h man, tie t« It. -'iiniaihc tllcy-iniuht afford. I%'coui- sinner ran. the . vcedlng ainfui nc## Inc to tin ni and the w ord# He spoke of -In. Through hi# »Ki»it> of Hiut he to Boo. afford**** tlictu a t-ssoo in exhaust.-d «!>■* < ur#<* pronoun.itwaichfulncs# and pro)er, which hm* against sin. With hi# er* of agony

down to us with great foreu. UnTc btcii'hsi the spirit ol entire suo- ’Ihev could scared' lravy reallxed tho mission. He triumphed Ihrough the foil 'significance of the hour. Jet their i rUi.c.y .*f prav. r. Ml* prayer touch- hearts were bowed down with grid, j ^ nB things in human life. Nothing for Luke s i's Bn-' were sleeping bo* remained outside its sweep and com* cmiw of sorrow. D was past midnight pa>!i ■*TU* " i l l be done" reached and the disciples "vre »<:*ary with Ui**. ’ (r,;m centre* to clrcumfcren**.* Thai great events of tbe preceding day and j tr)1,d„j obedience in the garden agony

iiluu. m Bp: quiet of the place and , relied* Uie majesty of the human will thy hour they yielded to the desire tor | anu p* jxjsslbh* mastery of every trtat re st. Had Bo*) comprehended the real ; j„ perfect otiedfenee to Bn* divine wilt, situatioii, they doubtless would *»»'* • Fhrlst nKsutnrel more fully Min offl-

lided the tdhl^ney to dumber, and < r!ul ,,psup,„ with regard to sin* when__liltl have performed the service tor ; ll(, v cleorly »!* the shame andJ.-siH which Me desired. Simon, .deco* , sl,t(,-rmK « f t,i# crueltlxlon. HU mtn- «-st tiioit—On the "'ay to the Rwrduu j ,t;,rl ,,r tall was past. Only lit# mln- Feter hail ileelufi'd In the strongest j lslrv ((f suffering and sacrifice remain- term* hi* loyalty to hi* Master, lo : t(1 „ mav t„. said (hat the prL "



(lies** worels Jc»u» administered Be rebuke to Fetcr for so »oon coming Indifferent to Him. One hour

l.*Mt* had h*en in the «h*elH*sC ae­ons of stmt and Hre sweat was a* it were great drop* of blood falling down in the ground'* iLuke 22. ID. hut Hi# disciples were appareotlv indifferent To IBs suffering and went to .deep. JtS.MVnteh ye nnd pray—An exhoru- tloii applicable to that occasion and i » all occasions. Led >e ent*r Into temptation If they failed to watch and pray, they would !>* liable to be affected by temptation and «" enter upon the performance of what B>« temptation Migg.**hted, rsjririt truti 1* read' -Tht* higher ..nature ropouiVd j or awseuted to the call to dot*. Flesh | i «...» u weak-The lower nature* lias iu p*.-'-' ».limltallons. Tim disciple*' bodies were worn w ith grief ami nnxloty and slum- K*i,sr

., . redemption was trald tu spirit i lie ngonv of the garden and In his

upon the cross. How lerribh* the t of sin and how mi measured th**

of lore ! None but the Bod o‘ otild luive provid'd for man a < utativc and «ub#(Uule. t'Urlst's ie work wa> begun. He went to comtdeU' H in the lull eon-

. ness of carrying out the Foth- wilt, and in the triumph of hav- e.mndctrel the cvile ol human itatioiix in his agony in the gar-

T, R. A.

.... oh of itilpor*delivered *lcec 1»s Cwd»avere J t- re<n




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The Second Contingent.

C-u/ada itdcmdv? tfi htoe aO/HHlmen in tho batik* front, accordingto au oflicUl statement made by Sir Robert lktrdfen. With 22,000 men, accompanied by 7,(100 Ih'iscb sod a complement of guns, ole., now in England, Canada proposes further lo organize and train forthwith n expeditionary force of 20,000 wet*, with a lirri reinforcement of leu per cent., malting 23,000 men in all. This force tbo Prime Minister atftt. ee, will bo organized cm speedily as ptmibleV and tho arrangements for providing the necessary arm?, tun. nmuitiou and i-.|ttipi»enf aro and to bo already in progress*.

Tbo composition of tbo second ex­peditionary fotoo bus rut boon de ­cided iijHitf, but it is expected that it will take the form of tbo first, though it is scarcely prohftbla that tho some tiuwOer of artillery w'dlac- company ir. In view of the many oilers of eavahy iniifs, more Lorre mon will likely atcompany this force

The Invasion of England-

Startling as were tho iitatemcnts and predictions regarding tho Euto|Kmn war made by tbo one time secret agent of tho Cloruiuu GoVeruuicut, Dr. Ariugaurd Karl Graycs, in an address to members of tho Delft Club, a grudiiato Greek latter society, in their chtbhomti at 1 Gramcrcy l'ork, the remarks cans, cd a deep iftiprcssiou ou club men. hers, who a» tally as May 7 last

| beard l)r. Graves predict the an J ssa'mation of tho present war''next j August,” amt the invasion of Bel­gium by German v.

Ho fold of a great invasion by German battlcebipV eubmatintss, transport** of troops guarded by two

I lints of submarines and a fleet of Zeppelins wbitb Germany plans to ruake/'be* wt tn November li and 'November next/' ami In* gave his reasons tin fixing the date.

■•I cm tell you tonight that if Germany enphtrea Antwerp in u few day ?• -and Got many will, provided always that she is using her heavy siege guns on the city and continues to dostcadily—then I—tell you that

within t*iv weeks from lonigbl Eng: Ian.I will l»»‘ diidalihg lo Franco the ' h i ns of pi *ce to be ii.mb*.

"Why! Three uukn from today J Germany will have ready* aid I ■. know whom f 1 apeuk 12Uw«bmai-| iiKsopuppedw.:*. ih w D isc I m-gilUSt-OV, l di g l!.« lllhll «1.

’•Refute November idtn Gcrimtl.y J will httvif ready a ll .ot of V. -pm-lim* j (-.111*1 rpmoinoi r ihc Z *pjiel*ns that . s > for have been aelit ovor edits me j merely tho pa.sv.ngor cany ing tyro bitcb as urny Amotkans have ridil-, on in) e<iuipped with Ditsei nngiu- es ;i1h>, ongines i>-t powelful but Jet no Igbt that they will carry nbout twelve toils of csj/oBivta to each airship. A iiuo.iullammable ga the secrot of which in known only to the Germau Goternmenf, will float this /,*>) polio ait licet• a gna hiu not yet been used, hut bus lK;en that held back so that »!» socret may not bo endangered until the Burppotne onslaught is made.

* Tbo secrets of tho constiuciion of thuDiesel engine buvo been so careefully guaided that the vt*tii-m» parts have always been koptnoparat* od~-at IVtidam, Spaudau, Hlottin and at Wilhelmsbofcn, In fact tho secrets of vital parts of tho engine aro known only to three poraoiu**- tho Kaiser, tho Crown Prince, and to (lie Lend of the Guneral Stuff.’*- From The Now York Sun.

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mmOE IN CANADAS o ld by H. A. H aviil.

C'd. Hughe**, tho Minister of MtlHm, mind not bo criticized, any tin* Consorvativo newspaper, and tho Eiboral newspapers aro getiaral- ly refraining from this, believing tint it is in the beet interest of the country nt tho present time, nut it is just possible to carry Ibis tod far. The Minister of Militia does not set a very good example. He talks ton much. Making « !! due allowauco for the imagination of the reporter, lie appeals lo hove suit! sumo very foolish thing* at New York on the evo of bis departure for Eng}aud. You cannot put a gag on Cel. Hughes, H is true, but a little more discretion on bis port would bo Iota provocative of criticism. Theto wits nothing associated with the an- Homicemont of the forming of no ad­ditional contingent that caused uioro Ktitusfnciion than tbo austiranco (hut l ’romierTlerdou would lajie charge of the mobih-. u n and Oquipment. Tilts means that there will he less fuss ami feathers, with^rcal military men in control, for which everybody will bo grateful.

An intcraiioua) arbitration court I backed up by a "peace armament" I contributed collectively by the pow-1 ors, auda policy of nod-intercoiirse I with any nation which will not nc- I copt the decree of Iho com I, is the I

eugg^iion embodied in the repor. I

on Socia1 Borvices passed by tho Mothodmt General,} Conference at Ottawa, Condemning the "baibar- hm of mi|itnri«i|isf(|ud demanding tc know if the church of Cbrim*ndom tins obscured her centr$l gospel of love in her eiuphosis of creeds, ritual and forms of government, the mani: feslo denounce!! Hit policy of “ pro: paration of war" as a peace measure and outlines a sebum* of world pulico in the bands of n safeguard against the recurrence of Mmthtr world catnatrophej Due paragraph, however, declarre that the iwo greet victories for intcrnot'oual con* ildeucenro t.he decit-ioii of |ht t'nit: cd States over the panama Caual, and the entry of Great Hritiau into tho war to fulfil her werd ef honor j to guard tho weak.

R u ra l R ou te No. 1. |

out- Iff Wftlki’iti.u till* it* *jf dinuy of the far* in iunit*ling district list*


D E N TA LW. ]. I IA I .U O A V . ll.lviV ’

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M E D IC A LOR. I tR tIW X . I-.**.-.**,*||

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A U C TIO N EERJ. o . C A R T E R , v x x z ;

i i i r i i i i i S r ? ' 'k,"';VETERINARY

S. I IA N M O R E .V .S . f iT liS a t


L Every WotiiditMARVn.'WliTiliag <£r~,

*.l .I ti-til biishics** men .uc iimtbl.- to tell what nntte llnttr «*om>i«>ndt>iHf to nnnl fiicmlN and t u>ioim rs thouM oe tiil.lr*.-i-*..xl t*i. iiK’ir conveiihtnec hi tho ftU u-v tin? T*d«eep« willpnlili»li a li-t of all lilt* f »IU.. t4 ou the tO'VCUd I'tuites vvldeh/shindtibe clipped out by alt those who have hmho v with the

thcRuiT*!*mdim;eoii»mitiiity No. I


Merchants BankO F CANAL-5.


t. f HE.OLN(iRSKUAl- MANAtlhli

220 BranchesTie? S\Vl.N-i* V.VKJNn *>t

ltw‘C desiring a strunf SAVINGS BANK, arc cordially invited. - Jni- etest utltlcil ihrt day of April uud October iusteati of May and Nov wither, as formerly.


M a nag e r

p r a i ) t T ° W i ) s l ) i p

F a rm s1 have, in Hi.ml, 2 lifly were

mi*s*. I l.-jtj *ix h u . Ism - l cm* Imiidtrd and tpiity sum- (.uni. 2twoKtimlMdactcfa.rio.aH 111IMPRtlVKD. eotiveuh m lo Haimv* er 1*1 alk.itm*. r.ud the tWnrts iwvrplu.atl.rm... ..*) lnt.il* l». cause they ARK LOl M> 11 SELL I have uIm> « l«0 «<rc farm in IVrtlt. m**w I.Mrwel. mi* s| Iho Im-hI farm* in the County id IVi'h,

'"P« I

Use PUP/ FLOUR raid «.?oYour bread, pie v oak sjand pastry can be tio better than' the tl- -nr you use For the sake o f ’your family's health and your reputation as a cook you should always uu:

P U R IT Y FLOUR. Tell your grocer that .you'want a sack ofP U R IT Y FLO UR.Give it a fa ir trial—

an actual baking test — and if it does not

prove to be ilic be-, fiout you luivt used year money tc-// be returned.What more evidence do you require ofl tin - iperiori>akii;:*qo,t!iiicsofJ’U R ITY| F L O U R ' Doesn’t it stand to reason that Ft I\ UFA must be the best and purest tlour milled' Other- -3 '"wise w c-.tild /'ever Iff? nflonl tu ;;i: i.inleeil ( er so lit. .-ally. 1 I t!


gteal- barynlu at S-7C bc.i.ti* lit.d ►tit'll w * Ii. b .* * f F a. now. My » die t> HKALQtV fR TICKS atm yon should ct mo (o < ee

f you want (obtiy ni i i$ htpUt cs

H . H . M i l l e r


$100 R e w a r d $ 1 0 0

'Wood’s PhospIioLint),Tk'

llfirt. IV... II >* . .... »<.!$;, 11/,. v -II t’htK. *>* P̂ hl by nil, /lo/Lot.. **r .milhd ... I-Ut/I ,.kc ‘>a ro-. it.. -,lMi,-7? .v, .r «jmnUtil mnil-,1 lire. THE WOOD i MtDICINc CO..TMOHtO,OHt. llnwrlf tidwj

T R E E S ! T R E E S ! !

AH kinds «? Fruit ami ......rntnml Tmv«. Kvefgrtn>u*s 1b»**c-. Shtnli*. t'llitthcf1*. *'»v. Evi-iy- tfilnu in the Nit. -cry line' Send

d- f*u luier*.

‘More Bread/and Bella Bread and- Better Pastry too

Fatal. eftv.> VV»ot*«J E*«.ywht

t,.ply K r twin*.

J . H . W I S N E RNof»«tjm«n - $»o»t On.**

Sm itH & M c C o n n e l ’ s

C h o p p in g 'M i l lF eed © S ee d S to re

A l l K in d O f C e r e a l A n d C o a r o F r d F o r S a l in T o n L H O r In A n y S h a p e -

S m it h & M c C o n n e l| W A L K E R T O N . O N T

O w e n S o u n d , O n t.

Canada.Individual iiu

Oiit three ; t<a y e»>!

Evei y


V A FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principal D U. FLEMING Hi*cr«tn»y.

d f/^ /tc / e y r e e / t/ iS


Our phatMgfhptu. arc more t hun good phothgtophs— they me true p.-riraUs- bringing out nil t lint s best in eharncter ami imlividu- oliiy. Make your aj** iHjinrmcBts NOW.


•df‘. SjUfaiei*

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove

buy a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T .” None

better. Aso a lull

line ol Heating Stoves


H A HAVILLWalker ton - - Ont.

l)r. dc Van’s Female Pill*A teliatit* P.etteli ir*uUtorn>«»*rl»il*. The»«

,>>)!-* Aio »*ite!ln«lr p*)«ei|!i| In rrcul«tlnc th* (vn«»tl*e j*)*ti-?t! .'1

L.YscoIk-U Uruc I’d, su c/'th*rin«*l *^£

Cook’s Cotton Root CompcjjstirkStriLOolil b̂r »ll i)(UJ«t*U.(

TMt COOK MKOICIMI m m iu r. (KnwftiO


W A L K F .R T O N ir n L E S C O P E , !W A L K E R T O N ,i iO N T / O C T O B E R 15th.,



Just about the daintiest con fection 'imaginable fo r hot-day teas and evening parties,Made in various flavors and so ld , at y ou r g ro ce r ’s, in tcn-ccnt scaled packages that preserve all their good­ness.Every package guaranteed The Perrin "Sam pler’* Peek* •£c will reveal to you »onic unexpected triumph* at the baker'* art. Send 10c. (coin o r atam pt) and jo u r <roeer*« name (or it.

To- lay h t!t» Hist Hay «*f part«*u huiitiiii'.

** ft * , . .

.*f the !->na! wiitly It* Ip i x t h e * t t - h * t: Hi*

lib-just on ht.Mmt.lt ft* kv* |» tin*. oU'tks'ui tlioslum* t>t> y hi \v.*ik« »t«>n a> U In in k>'«*|i tint f.n-foHe* busy. Kvcry.follat «.t• * »Lvl t« « t . i- «•*»«»■ami you will m \vtM*t* it

i: nil-it Trims M |*. f t So.ill. I I , v » u > urn* « f jli.<m.»iiV *li»ti»:- g*jh.ti*«i ririi«*t?. at tin- I ’.ui. Ml; Tnm\ w is n lni;.v m »u ?)l»ikitig bin tl* <tlt*l th.*t»* w. r.-v. ty few Hmth« i xill u>: f i l l hy i»*wu\—U)|Vy

Tfo>t*h.->!* v W'milhu Mills !t«w «e- ceiv.tal'kn oulri' tii supply flunk- pUfut tl>« IMlUh maty. Tin- pi-in- t h< y ivti-ive for tlu*»v tdoiil.i'i- Is si.ic,

K ;V F.f In * Camming* Hint H;tll«*a ol W Ik. i ton, S|» >ta > f llftlili, Zvtt- h>r <>f t ’ lu-pstiiw', Held *•( Pm iiinn, I,.'ltlmrdl <*l t'at-hiulu'ioiil M litag <>f llOruictMl u*>i«1«-it at the fotty-bt »»>•. <h*v<>liiMi here hu*l wci I. .- Mi h r : y * OiZt:! li*«

NOT VICHY tiKMCItOt'S.'I he \l-‘ofot*l l‘ v’|u.e u ni 'll,. .\

iiiiutl-< t * f uu-’i »rt* i ot of iv»> h it* o vn siu ih»- r r I* «<m -»*"l.! tm*v*<

we - imele i * t- > .mil hii»js 11 «• fun* «■> • mol the iim .f.jed l«>g«th*t tvbh it V*> w of huvim; ttu:»n i;-ir -"iwThtei; O *«• fotimt w.i - i<|i|nn«‘» «<1 hy u mail, wpli i Totally niiii tit** f.irux i Ih-utph* (*) ,sh ■ 1*1*1 ttvikfoi hi* t»<nr<t. The f ill* Hy w-.etl I h.* gltllii « '< fot l'ingtrtO < f tlmt khut *>f a* iu-1 «*> Hy htif v e *m|»|M‘s>u h.'prin* of ritl.il h V* i •»-< >> -ime Hit* iv u ta« t <

IIANIW MK UKNTAl, OFFHK.Di‘;ZU'M tiu< moved iitlohi* llm*ite«-

iftiiirlei * nv.-t Kon li-l i* I* *• mart* where lie is new v *i y e.nttfot table an*! lies :<)) the ue«'•••! ■ipplhiiiies 1«> f-t- ilitiile his wm k, lie hits two ojH'tuth ri r>*-)*ii“. x waiting in*wi aw* I b V .Mill til ,v ale very etlia^tivelv fun. riln d aml di;.to»’ute*l all-Hi* I he tnfofb'U aiyle,—Hduovep p.'si. ilie. '/.inn fo » « «.hl W .liken mil <y milt IP: immy fii.-mln Imre will 1-e phMMi! to leatu him*- hi* hit'!»e< veatu'e turn lxeii a di-eftkd- iii-t-*-. , l.e havJi jt niepeedid li' Vv-*ikiii{* up one or lhe lmst deritis' ry plan lit**a in thee..iiut*y.

A 1*1..UK FUll TIIIC K A l|J§VWhat van tins tin tip us *5.» all* r tl e

war i* iiver with the IvaSkr, wire rr j*nr*lN liiiu-rlf a* S.n vi * iKii hy Itivme Itialit 1- Here is hi- idea <if h**w he holds l*ni»ia's Tht>»i;e> "Here ngatti f il KeO'iijtsherj;) tuy gmiuIfatlU'i. hy hi.-lt.iwii light, pluee.l •-n his head the

The most wonder­ful instrument e v ­er introduced. It re(Htiresnoohun}|- inU « f needles. Cull and have it demonstrated.

c. n. rox3tiPtlUr. UlalKerion.

Cory tests ti: t <t*‘ tl at veatea

"R ing- Hat”King IlatVaru (loxlblo and self-con- ormiug.-iuEt whcte tUc hat wurlit* he hcoil.ASKTIIEMAI. * HO l Al-M f-h TitII rOI’ULAK SHAPES S2.50


The Walkoduil HKtriet ( ’.invenupii of Hie Woiii.u*** Mw‘-ioiiHiy -S.«iny « i the .Mettiodhi i-him-h W.M te- held til I’ai-ley on 'I hur.stlay, Oe\ l'*lh.Tlie ulu-iriiv)ii aensimi c"Uiincm;ei lit 2 ... ......... t........... „ ....«»Vin.k and a good pmttinmm*' h.Vj ■ Jt-.y.il f'rown of Ptii' i *. mue Hgaiu hwn |*if|ijtittih j d.-el meg with eiiiplniMx that tl wot*

j; hast owed ou hiinliy t*edVn‘ aeeHhiie. With theexception ot Winnijn* ̂ ;dl ; and tr l hy l*arliatnenl». Xallen*! A>-

the piliieipalnth** and towiio ill the j.nemt lln*. m sin* papular voiee, xo that (u-oviuec of .Mutdlohii will v«iie on loc. ■ h** reijiifilii Iiiiiim If ae I he ehmo it: in- al option In Ikwinbfr. There «:*• \ slrniii'-nl of l.viv* n. s.nd a*- M-i-h |*ei - 3'1 of them ihetudinR Hiaudon, t’**ti-’ lormed hinhilits-iea n»l**i. Adorned «g** la prairie. N'.-*'|*a. Ih.iiphin, Dihn ■ f with ildx Ct< wu he went into tin* fit Id alue Pilot M*urd and a mtinher of of bi*ttle to niti the lm|wirifd t-*ii>wi*. t*m»Her ph. «-<•«. Never Ik fore hns a For A tioveu-iRii with inch •<!*-.>>• loeul ujitlon c-ampidfiu been atai ted «>n j tak.n over w it it the Ufown id hit* at nueh il Ijtye realc itt Manitoba. ■ c • «i*>-••—I here ; tin.stile place mi niri

: t.wlay cxerpt some lonely l-l'tid iDn A „b ,i i lull. K,.lf..r Wllli.liu n.l. j ' ........ .e--<dhistr«>t>ps (has: "It is my loyalE

iltid imp lint (ouuiiaiid that you coil-' KItiliKU IX Itt’ XAWAY.ntr-itiate yone caergi** f*ir the < Tnrihlv Muhlen win* the e<*ll iliftt

(litmediaii! p>es('iit »i|»im the etie single-: came to Mr. Andrew MrCauhv, pu i in ire. Addiert. ill ynir skill hay* r «n»l ehipjaw o{ thi- pl.u:Mini till tin* valour <1 ny ya'.ni<l'V-"'*niiijtl‘ ;l. \Vhilt**l*ivin»i Hold iet* to e*tet-inin»t<! fir-s; the It each h*me iil**n« the CVdlinjrvMad grav

a- KtiKhah,And walk over.Unn-iid Ida hm -<- rannway. and at Phdlip KrenchV t-mili ni|*>it<le little oiiii.v." , corn* e turned t-hmply houth mi the The tumble with tin* * liitV ' at my It) ’ u,wii Hue, pitchih}; Mr. MvCkndry out H;p <1 ke'p;ouK«*j‘Viii«. of the !»«««>•. WfteOpkJad up

moment* aft- rapid hy Mr, Mat tinon iAM i:i:ic.\xt:i,rsiNs m ;u ’ t i,,lillI|-hl—'* l,il'* ul'" " it-'" '

Til,, n il.... „r .Mr. (.. .1. Mil!, i . ( ti„.,!i. , ,.r. lilr »*•. >'- !Cllir.)!". liM'lliir ul M*. il. li. Mil'ir ti"lw um n. f.»i i. Mr. It. Iluliil.ii''.•H I........ I,,.,. .............. ....... ! *'■•- ***• ......... I* »•>- -••'** ••

C h W > • M.u-11- "I... a ir ......J » . " l » ......... . 1,1... r a in , ..... 1 .... .......... . * 11... ................... |. 0..! ........ . '•irio.l.i Hi.- n il. 1 .1 i.,..,ili,.„ r . kl">"’ l" ,»- l « 11

j 'I he 'vv-dcut o>- ‘ui r*-d i*.-t after di* k The above ft etu the t'h -diei li lt A*J. varn-e teferw 1** Hi** death of Mr An

MrsiCWIC.LCQSTMUltK |drew McCauley, lath* t * f Mr. J

of Hiitish svhlic<» now engaged in the

Among Hie aiiiehs for with h i MeC.mkv of ti e Walkyika* B< !l Te,<lejH*ml tul nil Uetnnny all* p'u>l"‘ tall.

■jif iti-tinm< nts. j PiMi:;itcnlly all the eh*-a|K i viotiin on |

arkct.a* w. li as the h-.wn end j KVKXINti i *X THK IfAT I i.tvFlKlH) string? are matnifactnr* it in l icrmanj. ?„ , ,* 1 in- >oldmiH I *y on the t«*tt* fichl.Hi organs atd aceordious hic ***o . - *of lietmau make. Miuei* the war him hi oken *.11151111-) been impossible tt> procure now stock from dertuaity and the wholeshle price ot theso orlielea li;w advanced from 31) to oft per eetit and the retail price has had to Ik* ad valued in propnrUan. In the high­er jjratle violin?, most ot which ate made in lt**ly acd France, theie hit* been no serJoua ioc-rt-ase and the deal te havo been pushiug these line-*,

which «r«rs ucti l**!tt«*r value at pm * ent prices thau those of (jermati make.

Dying its th * mio woof down;One held a lock of thin, gtey hair.

And one hi hi u l<>vk of btovvn.

One t bought of his ewiicthoai t le nt harm-.

Happy, the voting, and gay.And one of his mot her left alone.

Feeble, and old, and grey.

Kich iu the joy of a wmuanVIovt •Smiled as the sun went down;

Um- kissevt a look of thin, grey hair. And one kissed a lock of brown.

tft’ KKN S KNMNHKns 15A< K tpieetiV l ldt'irslly C<*. NieTu f 1 he

Cun ohan KnCio-ns *s now «p a* it m l i*t/tl*e At I ditty l'mk ten ink- ill Kingidon, havinft uni Irtvl t- day I wn V deroil or. While the indent nu n - f h.rsof h • eoitipany \v*ll t»- |termtM*tl i te* att-'l d l<*< lino i uPlhu t’ idvuisily In j t!n>itii-iu linie liny will h- siihjrrl In militt ry > rdet . as it i« lh«.tight thev may i ti needed In ctnmeofion with Hips H -eoiid (*ao#«liait t outiligenl. Mm

Wd <*n son «-f Itev and MivTIa*-.■ on is a ptiml-ei' <*( thtMompuny

whiell m i U .ti y In expoctath no wm* not tailed njsin l>» aecomptny the ll»*t


I OSTONK MllddUX MKX A h-tt-r tv-eoivod hy ,t N* w Yn k

physician fro'nil leioilulb* mi.ik :*- in tie* »t tr hr;; info-.

malinti Hint the Fietu h lo»sr> (kilNui. { wouiule*! and pii**nuis, lor tie *lv

'ks:'Bglitit*|tl np (o and including : imitleot flte Maine, vveic peih*p» •

lliu.noo. Sneltidyc of IC* glish 1o*ms which the uiUirsaya have been fair­ly large Inc tuptti*m» In thonia'l nitin

ol their cngHgetl inmy. It c <■<!- :e may he pi icedlh the Fr* nt h sluto at that iu mo-t «a>* • kite to-rnmn : seaw-e* laig u- than thesesuvained i

hy Franc- , it w-nuW sceui to he a lair estimate of Herman tosses in killed, wOmuhd amt piistmers, for the same six 'weeks, nl close to .Vio.nOO men iu tin* wcMtcru theatre nf w «r «I*.*no» tint takingi»atcounkiheir lusses vvi'h the HussittllS Including tile 1 sxt-Kof the

their total tcsscs must now he over one million- *

HUM HUM HfUdiT.N Duuiduin huRcfsh .'


Aunlenlsiu, Cleti, M' - Oil tl e nutlu* o f a somi-< fftcial r.etVU dm tan it i* announced from Uerltn that t>t*nuitn’j a nutnient.rily t-xyet-ling a formn\ d«.a-lar«tfutiufwai-,hy Furt'ignliitjfahiH t Uermany.

Ix-On frerlV


Subject# taught by expert iastructora ntth*

Student# assisted to positions. College in session from S e p t 1s t. Cataloguo free. Enter any time.J. W. Westemlt J. W. Writer rslt, iu

ModpM ..


Help Your Fellow - Citizens By Buying-

‘Made-in-Canada’ GoodsIn Ui.it way yuur money remains in v_ ..uada mid helps keep Cuna Huti factories going,

Kellogg’sTOASTED CORN FLAKESis I ] , ! e n lv a n a l u m iir til. K E L L O G G Lam e ll ia t is “ M illie I m' i 'm il . ! ." A l l u ll ic is -ire ilu jK irted and do lin t betted* * nit e i: itt w o rk peop le in th e least.


K E L L O G G 'S T O A S T E D C O R N F L A K E SMade in London, Ontario, Canada.

V rsunrrcno. orr.i ~* a w ith a Ciintiiicntareputation for high grade work ami for tin- .aiU'CCPS of its gradu­ates. a school w ith superior courses and instructors. VYc give individual attention m Conuncreial. Shorthand andTc- lepraphy Departments.

Why attend <l«*-whcti- when there is thunt bm ? V* tt n »> i nter

|. itrtv linn-. Write fro- our lsrgr ce cutiilogue.I>. A. M,-I.aeh*<u>. Frincfptd.

SHAW’SB u s in e s s S c h o o ls

Tiirimto.Canudit. gtves hlgh grflde C*Tliru.-a mid iplalilY young' pe**|de t orarii g*'*Hi sahnte?. Theylnrltide The Centra! I5»oti>*5» 'folh-gt-. Younge and <*i-rr;*td .St*., i nt Six­ty It Hitch Si hot.1- CutTiculiim • an t «n re.pt.".!. Knter any time W. II. Sh.t*v, l*«c>ident.

^ s l* .~ u £ z lp m * ' ■ ' { l l g u r I d!

9’OU'i; M ' '■ ■ • I* VMif tent free.M .i::«»X & MARION*.

ii* UnivenUy S' MontrtAb.

Good Roads Improve Social Conditions

^ T O matter what your station in life or where you live, a certain am oun t of

vour time must Ik*, spent in pleasure to make life worth the living, and to obtain that pleasure you go to town or to your neighbors-especially is this true when liv ing in the country.Good Roads enable you to get into town or to your neighbors quicker, more often and with­out you or your horses or vehicle® being covered with m*ud, and without regard to weather con­ditions or .season. T h ey enable your familyphysician to get to you quickly in times a t -illness, l l is v enable your children to “ foot it" to school every schoof- day. They keep your boy* and girt* on the farm by giving them better conditions gsncrsUy. .

Concrete Roadsare ‘ ‘ cVcry-dsy'' rosds—they have no “ closed season" because they are open to traffic every day in the year. They are the most economical roads became they reduce the co*t of maintenance to the minimum. They aroeasy of traction, clean, hard and frrit of ruts ami holes. 'IT>ey keep your road money out of the mud.L it us send you, without cost, complete information nhout concrete roads.

Concrete Road* Department

dwgi.twd in tunny o f the war report** iK-dingty lewp -nple know w-lmt

Hu.-* teim m*-«it». or whence the name derived. Ttilk if explained iu mi

article it th<* waiT'.-aio of tin* Sclent if v American' togcthci with **t Let- in eh-'ting informalhm tvl.-t'ing t<* tin* aihjecl. During the Cliiti‘« l cum pitign In India la IsiW the native tteop? found that: th* nickel-jvek,-te l lt*>d hnllote thev wi re iwlng weie tiutr? effective « « they with)it: that i*, they

**t * top th.ie man. Tin v found iliflkn.hy etaildhc ovcienwe t v

pietUdly tltipp'iiK* (f the nickel-jack and exuding the h-adeu head.: so tiulh l?, Lrcatne they t-nlle fit tn

the Dnin ihtm* AmnitiuiUimWin-kS at I'lteutiii. wero known ».-* distorted

trikiiii? a m>ft holy, .--picoding *>ut ini-*x<uie- h ng hk i a iii'isIihhuii tthigteand printucing n very iwiiun* wbued. This t* the tin*' duui duin lad lot, I', will !>•* appiceiatcd tliat, «h 'tt thu Indian camjeiign. Hie bullets ; ■»Tti la* eustly pi«-p.»i( d hy ut>y it* hlii r iititlvi.luaily, w-iUiialt the knowileg.- *fhi.*i»|eti*iis: and if *ueh hulht- h jvo ih-cti used in the pres -nt war this

their Ulitlellht'd xtiuret-.

LI lT I.K M i:.\' I ’RKFFUltKD.Will *otm- * ( the polity tiui| • who

proudly itti iheir >woiling lionlr nir oitrstH.-erikiieliy te.nl tin- following

the Fan y s und XorUi Mar.aiel Itsdb In ad.' foe a season, is Hit- Htt*e UltU touting into hie m il •>» will w.-

-bippingah*! big nnn ? Tt • ij*i* “ fioit «rin-« i vtr\ the * elt’ elinti el

(nt the lighting lire. In tin- |<a.*t wo have a*l l ten not-jhipjMUg the big and foigottiiig tho liuh- I lh-w>. From

i ui tuot nor la l—im Ho n» have been looking forhig menhecituifo thoyhtokei hnpoxitig and in many waya tnt-yih* —ImlHising in the word, and sumo big men luve becu imt<o»ing on the sruail- enu‘*n tlncctimclwgan. The .laps have «huwn the world wbat a natiou oMiltte men can do and now Wo hoar liial tauitll men will get Um preference. In mudi-ra waif<rc Ibo men who take •holter and present Um siaalh-*t target to the enemy have tbe bei>t cbnnct* mak«i Ibe h *sl fighteis. Ufuoura every higuian wilt ic»net Ibis, hut all the same, we little IcIIowm will yet eouie iii- tu pdpbinenct*, i f not hy reason of out iuchea. at last hy the fact th*i the littiu men are moi<< activ.-, more wiry. at l (nagher than the very t irgvfeilnw who may g;t hilled off.

Then* is net the Mitnily <d ipinhlii d te tehera iu Ontario lliis yeitt it** was tin.* e««r two yvaieagn au*l Ihe ft-lluiv •ng from the Ayton Advance would iiidtcate that ttumo higltWhooi Uncli- eta aie actually titling public school work and in itttal tth*K»lx at that, ■The tl induthl ol S. H. No .V Xoniiatihv liave ctuplyed Tito*. D. AlUnghain 31, A. for the ensuing year, lie holds Fiist ami Mecoiid class 1’iovineud I'rufessfontil Cert {Hu te, is an Hoour t*rad*iate ol loronto Cniversity; has Speciatis's Ceilificnto.in the Dept, of IvigUsh and History mnl holds a i’nhlle S*dn-*'l Insjet-toiV eettifieate for Ontario. He had just tcturited from the West when* tie drew the tin- nuet siiary t f IlSth.

The reigiilng motmtelt* are very active in the war operations just now^ King tiourga o f Begland is reviewing at t'dershnl miiish troops which ate prepating for the front. King Albeit of Belgium I* In the fighting At Ant­werp and l ist week spent -0 hours at a stretch iu the trenches. He 1* known as 'The Fighting King. The Kaiser i* at the front eit her iu France m- Kustdn. He visited the trtjops in the west re- eently and last week narrowly c-scapul etplmeat theThenmn ltlver in Htn-siu F 'land- The tVat- reached tin* (tout to day according to IVtiogratldcrpatches hut the exact location is not given el though it is ufong Um hue in Kmo-hi I**iIoinl. The aged Kmperor Fianei* -'OsOph o f Austria is in Vienna and Will even *-oa**ehiuvf»lt totltolipspUal* hi? place being taken hy Prince Ktigene. Prt-.idvut lV>incttt« of Franc*- Icfl Bot- deaux at noun on Sunday and H now- on tin* battle front, at the AUne with bis stall

“ Fruit-a-tives” Have Proved Their Value In Thou»anda of



Only Remedy T hat Act* On AH Threa

O f T h e O rg«nt Re»j»on»ib!e For T he

Formation Of Uric Acid In T ho Blood.

Many people, do not real ire that the Skin is one of the thiec great elimina­tor* of waste matter from the IhmIv. As a matter of fact, the Skin rid*, the system of wore t*rea (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. When there is Kidney Trouble.'l’itm fit The lLtck and Acrid Urine, it ttuy tt t he the fatdiof tile kidney* at ail,’ f*ut !>c due to fatdfy Skin Action, or Consiiiatimi of the bowels.

<‘ Fruit-a•ttv̂ r»,, fines weak, wn*. 'aching Kidneys, not only ht-c.-ia-i- it strengthens these organs but also 1k- ca nse * ‘ Fmi t-a-1 i v e*” open* the ie-jw el s, stveetena the stomach and atlutulAtc* the action of the skin.

•'Froit-A-Uves’’ i« sold by .di dealers ,nt j«c. n Ik>x. 6 for l : *>*<, trial î-e. JSC. or will l>c. scut postpaid «n f«r./eipt of price by Pnut-**uves l.hittu-i, Ottawa. i

Note the dressy appearance of

these Penm an S w eater Coats

Titty drape the figure as gracefully as a custom tailored garment because knil-to-form

— knit with exacting care to fit the varying phy teal types of men, women and children.

Pe*-.uatia Sweater Coats retain their manelous and ^easing shapeliness—-because made front the best

selected wool. You know you need a sweater coat— there are scoresof occasions when it is

decidedly the vogue. Ask fora Penman.Lwk jur ,ltc trailer,lark.

Petalaos Limited, Paris, Canada| Swcaturj Underwear Hosiery ,

Sweater Coats

The Best Defensive is an Ardent Attack

IN Chess, in play, in war, and business the best defensive is an ardent attack.

Leadership and success are not mere matters o f position aud resources.T h e y are.matters of spirit.

T h e spirit o f leadership and suc­cess shows itself in aggressive action,

Itt Canada eventual leadership and sttcces in manufacturing, whole­sale aud retail enterprise will l e long to those who push forward now aud al­ways. Those who seek merely to con­serve their position become stationary and exjiose themselves to the danger o f ultimate destruction.

These are lessons, and facts of history.

The occupation o f new fields of trade aud the winning o f new custom­ers are achieved at the least cost of money and time by the adoption of a strong, constantly maintained and prudent policy o f advertising iu the public prCSa,

Maintenance of attack wears down resistance.

_NWAR KXI KRTS CREED.In n letter w{licit hr has contributed

tflr John Polomb Hates Unit live pr»«- rosltton*, of which bo rays that they ’’art* strategical In character. and nr«* urUfioH <u' the luitl. I lu ll j wit It nn~ tdiakahle conttdettc*'.." Tiny ur-- t'-ei •;

I. .The command of th*- v a 1 ■ lord or gained by line ufibatll*: trpci .'.lions and by nothing <*!»*•: all other *>t*ctu- Ibtr. i or iro.ddvJHi' of wai c*n the >oa nre Minor ami spbordinitt' to tbo-u? tic* tcrmhtlin: Hit* main 1*

t..:t. ( in i > I '-n b 1 ‘titb, pus f ntr at tin* H.utL two In the regular.* two in tin* TerrltwrluD. Mr. Heather hlnt.-dl tv nu old soldier: in fuT. thi n a to ten inHitart »r:tr in the family, unit tin't of tluin an* now (it, thelighting lltn-.

Sviby. Yorkshire. ha>i tin* i>routi ifn l nl ••inline t** ►•r*bi> hifii.'l foivi. ii. >nt of » Total population '■■{ h •> than ltMH'i*.

’IVoiun* Mar-hu’l. jif.il 77. mmat - i>» e V i r lW o r k lo t - " . died finhS nli ihiriiu* the service nl Min\V {Wish Ultimo. bVnt’huro'.

iMttb-- -m!.«ltin iKittl'.t

Hut. or m>rv *’iit ■ for the K*'*1' oral <>t protecting float mu* in*

j » :u*v.N n.yom! (lint *nitr;u -1 by tlu.* activltli:. of I ’u* innbt opera lion.

3, The gem-rut snftty of « “* mm- nn roe or of territory It* simply a ijin r- lion of ability !■• la! »cm-i It* •■*«> !©«trost the offottilv. eut-ie s-ea

t. 'fin* mobility of maritime i**r<e, lifue to the absence of nntnra olwtacba* to hit omotlcn on the surface *f tin; r»a. confer.-, upon tlu* Iks t 'tnu'S en­ough tn primptlv take ami eoiUiutw* t«* keep the tiffeimlvc. that ii»y-terlfliii Itiflnetien of moral restraint upon the freedom of tin- m.-rn't* increment*; which li t* no e-Mlvalont fu land war* In in, subject -.a* If I* to llinllatltris lit choice of UlreethAi by mit'irnl ob“t:>- dfs» an«l tojiocrai htcjl condition*, and ah* too difference in the time in which n fleet ran covtr dlstnnee a.-- compared with the movements of an army.

3. The exigent Ic** of Xho posillon of n imv.v foreeil to accept the .defensive, compel the adoption of n policy of thy amt comidoto concentration attaina­ble. It becomes th*- card Inal eondi- * Ion pm'cdent to prospect* of men limited or Incidental: sttcc*“»: . ruder thc*«- circumstances the icatt'rinr of •da 'varihlp:: capable of fighting war ships. f.>r the pumoso of predatory nl- tacks upen nfervl ar.t shli-s. I* hardly -O bo cmi-Id-mi as reasonably proba- l«le. and it is reasonable probabilities only we have to provide for.

A CENTURA' A<10. times have* a cohering rff-et. A littl- moro than a ceuttiry Ago nritnhi, with a popnlatton of tilont a tVtlrd Us pr-'- sent sixe, wna tt it’nlnlnliiK an «m- tiiento army scattered over the world. In ISUft the heal militia atone nwtMber-c*t i'S'.OOo, and tin A* w<r<- kept in tminiiw until tin place of ISU, lice? than half n million men were mtrrl- s.mt d In the United K'nsdori. Annth- «h £2.0M respttars werv ftshtins in i*o"-

Uonipartfoni* with the mot some tuyal. while In India. Ceylon, ih'* v;c-<t Indteri. North Amerbn. the Sled- lUrranran. Cape <>f Ĉ khI Hop a and Madeira wore lar«te bodies of Mritlsh tr<M>j»«* ntniRCthift to keep tin: Umpire tottethcr. Thirteen hisiid.-'*! r* eutars ruardfst the convicts of N«-v; South Wales, and 1^.000 mote wcr<* o.i tho high peas. And In spite of ft Ion;: war. r<~Hny a week, the coi.u-try roanssed t<. redeem millions of unfunded debt, and show a brave frort to the. world with bread at Is I'M n loaf.

V*..v> r«lU i.-*-k

'itcmeni. In Colonel Norris' hug wa | tip- Victorian Order, j Sir N*MU* l.utibook, tk<- >«nng<- hepthor «*f Oio first i.ord Av<d>m v, tip pfouecr of tlnv «,ane-f:rrmlilK ludusir’ In thy West Indies, died very vuddenl. at Uaklcyv; lirtmiley Coiumon, ay-* csoveiity.fiv**. 11fh Hu* and work were chiefly, devoted to West Indian Interests

A s<*v*ii«>ear-old Sheffield ylrl ed Doris Omld. of Ccntriry stret I, Sbef- fleld, was Ute vletltn of a shocking be eldrat on Wednesday week. She rat in front of a steam ntotor procejiUns along Tinsley Park road, nud wftt knoeki'd down by It. She was eonvey. id by the Uir<* Hrlgade ambulance tv the Royal Hospital, where II «n* found Unit life was extthcl. The fatlc er of the little girl Is nerving in tin:

Mr. ttohert Crichton. Knaland ' ejd <s| hibholor ittld n Hem <*nd:uu m ilm Adinimbh*: Crichton; died at !•!*

i t Mrmho r. I . «-.a-« 0 wa

i pir.-oli- in th* «*ld MIR di.->* alto v ere t:tk< it 5M ait-r catlm*im nl- Tim other Id rcci-verodjfnie.al took place at .M.xhro' Watt ’f N'te*»ol»*n, jutripr and

t im n liccm nll-rmml sportin:;

Urn Re-


;«t. rs—, Kiev, u AVai» kh-ltip Smith, lb*, ve*. Rat. J, !.<t I.inkin. Austin. Rotg*d. Kanglt v. A. W, I-'cster. I'ar.-.m* and CHimtrtln-- hav* cnl!*t»>l. .Ml the other placers wilt coiitrihmr- w-akly and Mu the Athletes’ VoUinb- r Uc-rcc. if f rmed.

While shaking hands with a friend tn a train front the platform nt As!i Junction station, near Alder:Uharh!* Krnest I’owler. of the (focal Army Medical Corps, lost his footing, and. rolling under she train. * over and killed.

Two women i|u»rr.eUed in tt coinmnn R.il In the- Imlclug n..u*e at Southport late

S«turda< nlglit w <ik. and one u al­leged to have picked tip u lahh* knlf* and stabled the otlu r who ld*d pro- fo*e|v and di*d In a t.-w minute* I. -

dlral eld umld to* mi in mot

A SOUMKIt; FAMILY.In his collage In Church street,

lacds. a white-haired and iwardcd old soldier fills for hours each <!.-.> read­ing war news. He is Mr. Stephen s.Riggins, aged swenty-nine. wiio wa­in the array for forty-seven ; ■ u>. nerving in the Crimea and in India during the mutiny. No fmv Us.tirt sons, five stepson*, and seven grand- sons have served or are serving Wth the colors. The aggregate service of Mr. Pigghifi and his dcsceml.uits is 2,272 years.

At one time three.-.generations of tile family wfre serving at the ciime time, and more than half Ids •«'«»« and grandson*}present war. 'Two of his daughters married .soldier,•«, and Ills w ife wits III*: daughter of ;'U soldier.

WAR OKKICK ANH RKUR. n .NO ||<T uU,K(„ :i ' ; „ MlV ' , ;l.The Tr.> Itor-.o. < n Saturday w..k i \,r . Sutton. . iut> • <d On;

U-.ru d tie* lollowlru- The Army Couueii. la the Sulere-sts

of ihe wives*ami t tdldr’r n < f men who Join the unn.v, wIMi It «o he made generally known that a married who presents hitim-if for r-ullstmcnt should iurarlahly take with him to theTCcrultlng ofllc** his marriage ecr- tlftcaie and the birth eertlficatcs of his children, ir he does lilts the ne­cessary particulars of marriage and family âtt be entered at once in hisdocument*, and th* dtlay which is . .... .......... .otherwlie Ilk-.• t*. nn.e In lie U*n<* j |.n|.y ,u,rpoU.- would find P hard of s« pnrntiuii nllowniKC t«> his ' If «* | |.jj - * ihc shallow sir<tcle». whlh- m i children will b* a\old*d. ! nd.ili,- would h- h«P«l<**U strand**

------- ' Tie* pru* giv<n annually byTllthtK AMA'/I.Ni: UN ;LI:>II. Ring to the hcail ! « » *.r King Ihlwanl

\ Kr. iieh *oldl-r wt.n fought at VII. Cinimnar S« hm.l ..t Ring s Msuux and wiio had bad to walk miles t ;*as a"*ardcd to II. rr. Rah to UbV a box of match**£, thus refers axrd sixteen. H- hu- a.*::to the English soldiers: -(.)!». th.-so, «*«'*■» Mexandm eMPhllhamazing Kngllshmcn. tile KuglUh-; . for ^irr- «. a i wh i c h lc

‘ They have everything * '*pockets, even steel and tinder. The; are good fellpwr. And ihey are u in need of anything, even of - When the ,»rtrht cornea and yen knocked -up they stretch th*<m*-:

« out In a heap of straw, take out i pipe, light U with a Ihtio e?cf*rii rang* meat.

hirrowithin four w.i-k 1070*1 year. The children, site bad til well river 100 she : Ixd and tidied li*r owj

e phehonictioii «-rverl !n l.uch

ship*! t>f }?*>riHits<*» have entered from the

i the River Ness ftiwid. and now that t

i |h»*ir ' h*dil :*t t niv. rslt

M»nda« "re**!;, ri*ka of eumidctlnc I

mother «•: clev I dcMrndaiitv. •

i dally.

In hi;:!

, 1.en>b>t

i she 'sleep• l:a(ijiy and fit t Ur.. Wool ley i K :


NOTKr-,Thirty-two men went from Wadsley

Itrldge to the colors and now re­cruit.; have gene.

The Rexhdrar-iiemTti reports ilc.vt th** a mi uu I rat- of- mortality in the 97 great towns of Hi;gland and Wales 1a»l week averaged u>;2 per,■It was aiinmiiiced at it meeting of

the Sheffield Federated ’trail- - ‘ V»i*»- eil that an Impartaut definition of the to {»»■/* term ’ ’hand forced" had Iwn use *slthat !i<upon b>' renr.N-ntatlyefi r.f tin- Cut- ' inn loot » wood .. ... ..........l«-rs' f’omVatty ami trade or«i*»ir;rU*e' e j woman fitting over a wmel fir>- Tiiev ^\Mr, Wilfred iN-nton, pupil <>? Mr. Mpiarr-U.d durum the i.ieht. and be

: ttrainjled her. Tio- prisoner re- 1 utiiiuh*'

ah.r. OiehtonWas the l*« rth-hlr**. In U‘«». aft. i

•v. he joitied bU Itjtilber * farm i« X*« S an'i Wstfe 'tln ir jdsfer joined tlo iii: and, tin- three made a contract nev.-r to marry, which

; faithfully kept. A keen -.a:, ii, Mr. Urbltton played billiards

til lie Will! ai.


.mi. eldest .icoghti ■la- lam. «>f linml-all;

i Mirnted

f 'Woman Still

Tie- tmhywiug have hi* it av ardid i omdatt* ft sviiolarrhtus at the Malton Uramnar School. Kathleen Warn < Not ton tlirl*;' S* lm<dt. Ahih Wrlgl • RiithiPlon C o ’imil S< ho il l, U.eorj }t«k«r ‘ .Mahon WiM-yati Srhoelt, Ir­ene isilvr-jslde- t.Norton KtrK Schorlh ami hi. “.dp RoMer «Weston Nathumi celmolt.

Sergtt*sit-Major W. 55, KSs< former­ly i t the 2nd Snath Stnffoedshiio Keg- lnp-at. who nerved with tlfsclucttott In l!t»* Kgyptloi euinp-vlgti. *11*d a tm-<ro-Trent, ared Sx.

,vt ii onti on Sunday wet k tin* death (Mtmred of I)r. Hugh Thomas lone the medical o fftvr of health **f the Uto kRall Divtrl :t U<-i o*.(l, and the old­est inedhal practitioner In the t*v.vn, (tie an *■ of death i eiiit' eerehra! Item* orrhag" •

At AJ.vnsfiihl Amtl-' Sin|t|»r^4»iupen Uottar.es. (TIphRui**, was tmnmlMed to t‘*o Aydzefi «dt .i eliargo cf hating *t order d a child.

” lf the landlord ejects, yon for ; rc.it : it* re it w!>en ymir htiBlmn It- a ul IH" (tout hejs doing it very dattg* «>*•*: thims,'’ saht *tho Ainrvlel'oni* ma tMrate t<- two vn*ing women.

• I having he' ii *?eei*h '( that all fier- m:tt>> under -U- yars of av-t: are to li

nrr-‘-I- -1 the. other day «t Ulacgow.. liar*-!) von NefUdblihit. rcnidhig ;

*»la -erli-1 g. Uiatihr<»ek. ha.x tn**ti a: r- !•■*! t>y :ho K*ht-police and trrlmb y. Aldershot, ay a prlcom-r *

I.Uutcnaiit Rirliaril <;it>-. «>f the n:■ :*!dig of the Reyal Fly in;: Uorp died a* Kendott (real Injure •; pus twill* c l by a fall from a hlnlatie at the F.ou- dati aero’lrome.

A v’.nrnariV h«>*pltt>I «»r i« . ct*ni|iose<! of twenty doefois. nuraos Olid order* Hi:, left Ron don oil Tu winy for Par!** v !<<:- they - til tab- *!*vrge <•? a hop-l ■vhUb has been fitted up a ho pltdl,

rim effect yf'lhe wnr *m :l*. tariff <>f tfii* Manchcfiler S! ip CMtutl i- h> the monthly Traffic return ferAbti- ic.t, -vheti the rccelpis were ne eiunpar • I y.ifh A ",P i 1 in AutfiUt

a Savage?

•j: In M-.kltiB to make the > : will* »»ine autliotilj'. Juek I

?eeti iniii...sfiKlu.it ulnnwt; eve

i<r Utc nutor*-, Snctipgi, of ndventure anti low of * hnrtiaiig female, there o -j'emtllam.e )>»lvv»>,>i* the t*

• dlRtoendfi wlileb spiirkte : r>* il'aWy iwr String* of p-.t

: In vvttti Jloi Irudlitei itleh min-

i.lm tiinej* **Tret h fi-t tuntd lyjtf. "t’.vety womani-e •nvirennt'-iit v

irlng to Hendon recall to tin* armv. Sir llorim.* Hc»u- ehaiiip, late eeloilel of Urn 29th Jim*. s»rs. cy||!d<-*i with a farni-rart at Me..nuii-s;4tig. Es.-e.v He was strimk hv the shtti Vund klmeked hurt till' hack . et the ear. It** was taken to llrettf- ford Miitfary Ho-pita?.


«-ucti, Kent, on W Mi*:, Sybil Uordhnlll. daughter o! Mr. U; Uordhatn, veterinary >:mit*on ̂Aeh- iord. and a sisii-r of Norman Uord- ham, !:!•■ H.-f|n Uiiitsuv fovdhalier.

ujiarh's Uatott, lalioier. who cut rendered hlim-eli to the p*dh *• nl S.inil-

tit* ****It mnfi xsioti at Ram-gate withtin- murder of a woman In an i Ctlpled cot time nl Minster, nejtrlv * n o-.tr-* mill The prison* r wa, to hav<* ,lg*ml a ctatement dtelaring

got drunk one night mid

̂ Is llgilf, |U«t I O’tll

Ciitl'i, J.:*?sop. U.T.S.U.. tup; been pointed orgunifit of l.elgh street ttap- tl»| Church. Att'-reiiffv. Sin ffil’d, M-. Denton had the misfortune to lose ills left leg about n year a So. It*- w(i! tine; have Uu- distim tioti of ti«dn« the on I * on* -!• «c* d organist in the oh;- trl< t.

At it meeting 'Technical Engineering

MHO.>>: and faithful frit nd of

<i"'in. iim* dh'ti in imudoti. Site tt i.itnllhir figure at While I .ml go,

* o'a* • Rlehnioml f*ark: durios tin* iifetje ! Hie <fu**n'- Jtar' (its. the Duke

rhatn ; l.nielieas of T'<i, k.•'tKictv (he Untune!- H, I*. Norris, MAT).. 1.1

Ohtnrio Beaver Thrive :n Min­nesota.

tunarm. Five linnvei

cotnmiUco rwnmtneudcd i!*>tahllsh- Reading,■ has found dead ;<t Ashford raent of a ' roll of honor." up ti which > ro ;* train trotu utiarluK Utto- to should h*:- im eriled the tii.mes of the ; hoik* atoh*-. Heath «iw tint lo ln>srl noddy'siineinbt'r-v who have taken up; faSitlr* Not, :. *m Itu* war were found mllliary service for their country. j In » « open noiebook. and u is bellev-

Ih** .-1 it**samn ’ I tried to h ■ eon-fo< find *dity nwav,'' replhil t:-.-.I-*.-*’ **f Uoautrs . ‘ eillt f * "ddti'i

aHoru io let politer *-ie

liXl'KIU KXt’ I.A!. S I.ATKST MKITiOl)'........OF RI-VlVINli Vi; i i\i. Or DROWNING

Knelt i t India’s the Kata« r and Id*

iiitsgMld**! deeams or r* V0l? :n tin- i Hast, A; hi him joined Mi Hu* hatfh* i against hrulai lost for power, tmd iter j weapons aro turned against him. Ai | tend} flu . .huiiib‘1 of Japanese gun:: pei tMid- tin limd illwapin afau*' *>f tim Herman flag fmm the T’aeitie, 1 liven the Daiiit tmnts. cisvtefvtlly re- i m<-m)i< idip tin- shelter given hint by | the Hiltlfih in his days of ndverfiliy, offers a foeye of Tib* latis. and pr**’-** { for the .sucr< !t* of llritt»h arms. Tin- I Kaiser has lighted » tor. li indeed, for \ lie hat* fief tin* West am! Rm Kart a Urn* * afire against him

If we have written of India first, it : is h* <*Hiifi«**tln- full splendor of India's refipmis•> only yesterday tn-eam* : known to the p<tiple of thee pnmfrv >

cr» nl and ; mall, conn n llo* eaoie. stoi-v |

j *t.h in;* nt m known in aii. e i ppor.ui.it> will not l»<- ilt ni

at tin- plop: r lime. Th* t 'a » imt*l: march Through the T

of I., i ion ami wilt r< - ■ A.title a; will rill** RtrpmtSpy

• ‘ommoitw.aitlt In* v u *vh<!

(BY NORMAN C ft. C0X,s D:reefer of In:.’.

Life SaviO.j ' .yue.; .1- hafli UJ ill. mu with firm body horironb

Ihomandfi against oar < oinnum fo**.■ landK of lit*' KoiHlierii Uiosfi are *! ami tnn«. XV* X.-alamf l*a- .<! iy »hewn lot plow*is in Mm Van- tin* Unjon of Ke'itli Africa lias her i n> .* scary task l*i perform* and

Sdtie’.y N*-wf«mmlh»nd is f* tiding ;* take its plat-.* in the line,

.The Immlufolm have given titrof ilu-ir . lavishly, freely. engrudgiu-'S.> twPare inakiitK *h«-lr nnawer to th-rman challenge. Kwtii the end - In* earth armies nro gathetlug to

will** In leiK'rs of hloml tin* doom of it. and to banish its evil *!<>< mThe world forever Kw’ftfint* Krcrichtma are iiHkiiip «

lay 1**1’ th* ir l«.toied land. Urom afar, w** Rear th*-’ ire> s'o tihlo

' RtifiSia'fi myriad- s?»-rvi:i I.* * forward info Hie country of rut (*>• t It: htititn is striek*f>

hut itakitmlahh' When tho iltimitah.e lirhibh l-hupitc. otr

grand fleet, our niKoinpieiahl* ̂ army, Mower of the munhood O. lllese

islands. *>ur he rule kinsmen front over* r chlvnlroufi Indian lumps. ar<>

alt pfacod in Mu* hcali* li^tlilit mightyfiirngylo from which * llineh net. faRei

end will he’I doubt '

The Rally of i, J The Empirejl


Might Rescue Many a Good Fel­low From Miserable Isolation.

Had a Bad Attack of Diarrhoea and

VomitingHad the D octor Eleven T im e*

.Mrs. Wesley Pringle, Jtohlin, Onl., writes:--"It h* with gfriil pleasure that l can revmnmvml Dr, Fowler'* Extract o f, Wild 5>tiawf>crry. When our little l» y was three years old, he had the worst attack **f diarrhoea and vomiting l ever saw. We called in our doctor, and he came eleven times fiom Tues*lay muMiiitg until Saturday night, but still no eh mge. W e expvctn! each moment to lw* the l i t of his suScring, ss the doctor '-.td he <<>uld *h* imthu-.g more. Mr. Pfirir.ic was going up town on Satur­day night, am! w.*i;i ndvlit-d t«> try your great and w*>mlerfut iiiedktnc.' He got n Swdtlgsaml atmi.it, •> o'clock Ihc first do-,- v. :- given,: itijul was krptpup, a* directed; ;*n*l when the doctor game on Smtd:*}’. he aid, 'What a wonderful vhat:; - . why! your little hoy is goto* to get !m-u * i,' Then 1 told him what we had been giving him. nttd lie said. 'Keep right tm, be in doing well.’ ’ I often think a; 1 look at my boy, crowing to tie a nmu, what great thanks I owe to Dr. Fowler’* Extract of Wild Straw- iietry.’'

• ’ i » . Fo-viei has been on the market fi*r clo-e on t** :eventy years, and has been known front one end of Cauada to the other ;» ecitaiu cure for allbowel torojdalnts,

When you rode for "Dr. Fowler's'.’* Ik* sure you gel it, ns any substitute is liable lo he dangerous to your health.

The genuine preparation is manufac- Utrcd by The T. Jiidbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Out,

Price. 35 cents.

mmuJeU V/ i.arinij thmu <*at

*«»Kth K M.'

Ih'IoVj t.;.- t. did and >mi* *

■l.ItR III*' n *;|:


lllg of ih. W-i.ju

hue m.-rwlnlu I v tin SMU.fl. *•

*,; - j ,

lUhry. IS* Pm !.


<mi*Mi •

• the

' (Mtiitj.t, Hit* head u ir..|*i>aj> nl id lllmpjl. ih**<•. < nul M*ie>:D>i;iti rullgtl I ii,;.r;..ah <*i JtMlpInir.: ff.’.jpllt i !• r; mill in; t.»U ■,!*(- of til*;: nm»U Sf>5*d I riiie■ 5y fsmHhr * im*id*..l ITilH-er- i ;.* havo placed tin* whole Ir is*. the- di-.p«**;*l of

A ipinrt. r of a conlup.v • rent iim-stioil way. •KlutH veoimTt ; t. ja... -."’ atvl.il dlfitininilfihwl N’c> S;tp latiih-r. M. T’harh fi Dmllcy War ter, : Ovi'R Uii I*, title flU' Olio Of lll)! dfllrHit- tul *

i *liv* J-.xialsLak*-, h« '.-tarn-4 off at

•o th** grim iffi?att, from uh(tnil, pro* oppcitl* for


r, K "LA

iW DANCESll'SSli*'

:rria't»- r«s*lly **,rui“rus them," A* wrote, nmn* than it d*a> men: th,-; havo to hear the cltfnf oMtn imrilmiM A wide and I n < choice for tin inw'fwii i, then, t».:m to he only fair.

■“ Undeniably » gnat many men Inattentive, unobservhiu, liutiihr?."* com** aletorhtnr: pursuit, undeddnl tud at times basiifni. amt liable to fait iti- i» anion with women who happen to be near Ibeut, rather than with ihof'e who are eenseloufi that they make th*m the better wives*.

".Men, unaided by the finer feiv.hiin- a* t ip-*, tit choice. itr<* to aid to he ..-ivrd. In fact, man’x inability to 'match' anything b* l;rt<-H; i)s

if he cannot he truM**l In fh< i.<r of worsted work, wity Mtmtld In' lav.; *nch dtetSnellve liberty tnofit lnip*.r*«i.t matter of Hf '.

•neMdea then* nr** many men- and fionv* of the bmit-—who i:* t into n lmSilt of not marrying at all. sluudy !;* toe richt woman »ei- not pregenbd t;. rnelf ,tt tin-./.right lino*. tV'rit«i«*. women liad the open privilege of fich Hon, nutty a «.s«)d fellow’ w*>uld he r* »*<e.i frun adficnible leolatlon. and v r- ■ :tj»s ulfit* nhey a noble woifi tn wlmm eleun *’, or ;* stathmrrv p<oRP-n «>r ihe htejiia <»f the oth* r zox. 5:,*s b:Tto tdoor.i alone, and wart*' I <-r m i m - n.v:* on relation;-, would he the ce).:re . * a cbm mine nonie, furnishing K-w

wot Id - i* 'vomtoi o'crelsiiti: grat io iu h.ifiPiliilRe. nml radiating: to it eiryh* ftr h.-vond her hctin- the Inflnent'e of her cl* tllrhig p* r-vomsl'.ty '

Re*-*-nih, a variation of .-the

icade R» .iPpearane** in th** public er’ -.t - <-n tM’Ui JT-* >f th-' Attanttc.

The oltvlou** ailswi r m. They of»* *i

A lontrii idot* To th * e*dne.it;> of the U:dtii;ior.' Knn osamlit.it: an*S <1 i vroalne.1 sc, pr*|{i-dh*i- of Ids sump:oi..: nml *l eli.*d Hi.• lolliiwieo facts:

Tln-ir »l>-s !*rot«»sed .

: «hp*l

. tiliel. (■•.-I <..xcuski fur

a l.rHk pace, mm auictty f*i*s>- nytfe:

m*TO'> Jmi a- !;e.v JVUttg Telpo* reavk- co The sii.iL lie j*!*• )■ i*(-.1 noil«t*«,d i>:» tt;.*iujli t|aijclix..J, A ftyrward* Aitvois e»nfl.L:(| ?!■*' when he reaclieU

i kali :

* lii-v * »nd turning Hu ■■m vtiiy llarve y McNcd'4• c. wax no coward. On

ail ^Uay in th*».V* Ji<: wa* resuming

-tiiUeTK: Utariil with hi* > tiyai *1̂ ii fearful scream-

• ••oi.J till k-* came in

:;r> wtih a : - ».<■ lo- dropped a !« u<:m from l.i« uncle who

i> (>ih'r, lie hilUy hurled Jiltn-

i. âiii, ̂Thoituh he tci.'d

fihanty eallnuj

No > * at :

I hi

> t w in* said thov had propps- d ih : Timid* -</ remarks the tit vest tCii> “T, '?(**• v.--r \ hahhaal boaster*, and, •ter* for. H t rivtspiiiHTe t-. sum

ih- truth., tt aettesre tr von) U1'**Thd 5 ) *1 itr.tm-Mnr. i’he remainhig

r idi.-ir v lv.

! i•hllad. lhhi.i tint 1 h g i:.

etltlff* b«. >v ‘’rtfs into iv nrnon*:*!.” i *!av ,*f last t*i«»dh Hn>

I'isMUIt.'d !» the


a d hiid and. hi tn>

p: this .fxinir.c *,) ref m et o . r: n- noeatjv:' ne îtlon, tted to p<* r;- *’ In imiMtVe t’v in* s* hn<)e»*frft*i

••< h *r ear-.-r. Avlioltv to th*» * ItnpHott fn i-ejo* IIo;k .


-JexneAllen. — L&asrenoc Dunuzt

pwtfl; tell-i* Vigor, <7 cateli* .ttnl griive- . Dane la* masters


Sour Stomach ae.d lliUou5nevs arc *au>ed !»y a siugguh Liver, for when it is not working properly, it holds baek the bile, which ii so v a niial to j*romote the nmv-esuent of the IxiwcU, and the bile gets into the hhiefil invu-ad of passing through the usual channel; thus causing many stomach and bowel troubles.

Mr Cltstks FctUt. 25tij Richmond ^trtv!. London. Out., writes;--''I f « l it my duty to write y.*u n few lines in regard to yenr Milhurn s Luxa-Liver I’ills, 1 haw -been liothmd with IttUouv-..- : .*nd }k»ur Stoaiach for twenty years until a year ago 1 started to use l..csa-l,iv<r Fill*, mid I have not been t»*l!u'ud --ir.*'- I wt<b t *lvt it known a ah thv’sv wl«> .siidcr as I did.''Mipinm'* Laxa-T.ivcf Fills arc 23

rent - i-er s»*1 **: 5 vial- l<‘«- $1 PO Fot :;*!:; . ’! > or n*aU< ! direct *)tttcccitA *>! t-f.ee by The T Mdbutn Ce t


:very Bit o f Stiffness and Soreness Goes When

“Nerviline" Is Used

t<-n dollars. a imudrod. I«r ti.ut i but you «<»t»ld not ran;*! NerviUm either in *ts>lo-n<* ■> «-f a tl-t?r jjermuunuo of relief ,

)f you think this too much to >-,i; U< W-e-!lir*\ If* ii. .oft h- liu-d.

It von rprHve from Wrvilim ' <-v**n tfUh* l«^« r< !f.! fr--i pub. than ‘hi ndvcrtiKonteiit indura; j?«» to pvpeci

_ Fair* in ba<k or side is awful hard to -rath. Wrap in the tissue Is a i-ottgratr t i t (ilrftihcd inuMo H l» a lorn: v jiv '"r r Unlwenl to ro. Liniment* you havoised have not meivryl it.and the i>atn ■ * J. “ 1 f *

a r * .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,1“' xWhat a pi t vot i haven't Tried N>r- !*’,r<1,<v il N *'* ,,v

. » ! « ' • P-sotmU'tra. vou ask' Yes. amt j Nmtline s- !.i i.v tintrra <-*rr: >p»t*V{nl. too N.rtiitnc Mrikr*» iu far; where, £.» reitf* or '.<• »- t»*«. « 1 mile, Jeeiier t’>nn imv nppll allon )ou h«vj1 direct from Tin- F.-datrlioKO.iP O 'ver u*whI. Veil, misfit pit? » dollar, KlnRHtm:. tJuunda,

Jess mpid< Kafns alien <» i! on corn atone than when fed on corn and a i-uppiement Is couti*/litn with bin* • grass or tftnethy. hut the gnirimade from the former ration are initially us cheap as the latter

CONSKRV13 SOIL MOISTt'RK.It Ib e»ld *hat from 275 to tiOO ton ;

vf water are required to produce one ’ -On of dry matter for most of the com- j non farm crops. In lututy portions of I he tfnlted States the rainfall dnrlne | ;he growing months is tmt snffictenl : .0 supply the tarse amount of water *«iulrcd by the crops. This fact lays j dress upon two tilings—Um iwpor- i :aace of large water supplies in the I mil. not as Rtacnant water, hut as cap- j diary water, which i» for tin* ntotd part available for Rrowlng tilanti*. and ; tlso .the importance of the cotsserva-j lion of this soil water.

The first, and one of the most men-j tial step;, in conserving soil moisture > ;» to have and keep the surface of * the soli in such condition that most • af the ralnittil wilt be received Into it j rnd will be carried by gravitation In j

■ the lower zones, where the surplus { water supply: Is held until later railed i into use. Whenever the surface of j the soil Is baked or run together and impervious it is almost certain that; a large portion of every rain will not j get into the soil, hut Is lost biX'itu* of j surface drainage. An effort should bo j made to hold the rain-, of the entire1 year, those of the fall and winter and ■ early sprint: a« well as ihoso of the , growing season. In order to succeed | in accompUshlng this .the surface of | the soil must ho kept loose and open.! >'o that ns rapidly as rain falls It | may be taken Into the upper soil, from - which it ran work down into the Rffcat ‘ storehouse beneath.

Kail ptowfnu helps preatly to put \ the soil on the surface in condition i to takf.* up ail the raininlL Afire the j burdened crust is broken the Water on- ■ tern freely. Tim ridgeg and hollows of i the plowed surface also,net as basin* ’ which hold snow shd rain until they j sink Into tiie soli/ Karly sprint; plow.; Ing and dlacihg also play; mi import- ! sni part in putting: the surface soil in : roadi'tlds to retain * nd take in a maxi- mum anuemt of water.

The second step in soil molsttir-' t .'OBservation is to save ;u< w a le }

■ which. is#* entered ’the soil. This can ) beat ho done by cultivation. The rea-j .ton Is as follows* Water la carried from the lower *ont-s of the soil by

veil from soil inti finally it t soil and i*

•* n bet disturbed

Some pigs rotutre mor** feed than do others, and ft not ix-y i.< nveroao the daily mi ton to tin it. Ope-ihird pound of «v»ts nmi tv.o-thfrds pound of ground corn Is a g<^ pronortlou, and n MulSihran < r middlinas may he ttddisl with n.■'■little oilmen! of either kind.

An excitement on expenditure <,f nervo force epeti' in mi;k, ’l ie- (pitet* iy kept and w*‘ j t o dnlrj cow put- ail Iter vital *n-rp> isitu iuilK duction.

Uj'cuifa o f field cvc<!;:o-tti. it* Ire­land show that Ibp*: i i. -.tnuf. apprir- untly produc'd better gain;, w!tu hay than cither harttyard iuautire or t om- tncrelrtl fcrtiiirere, A fc-y»ar u'-eragu of jHdato yields shoeed the V<-s* re­sults with jr. tons of iKirftyard tnnnure, 100 ptiunds sulphate ami utmunnhi, 4W pounds t-Ubor-pho-phstc and !t » isjutids muriate ui {*ou;-h p* r to te.

The man win. continually ytdb at his horaen =<> that one can hear him atl over the farm, get* i- ■> work v , of them than the matt who speaks to them In a tjtilvt: tone,

A Roman nese in a harm, like she corresponding aquiline contour in a man, generally indicates strong in­dividuality. often gtconipani'd with great InteiUgence. A str.bctit f**r;nl lino iii quite its of;-a found with a high degree ef int, i!

To clean j*oreh furniture tRattan, j rustic or hainluxtl -"Dust well, wash ! (illicitly In tepid soldo, dry and rub-lit- j orally over with erutlt' kevosem; and 1 < .-• <**ot»sl turpentine Work uu a dry,

‘ • i.untiy day onlyj To clean gilt frames ( over with I crap in of w titling tmd aleuitol. lt< j urnvo the polish with damp,cloth apt) ! mb dry with old silk or flannel, lie- I move s|iech;‘ of whiling With tswah o f* chalk tied in Bilk and wet with alcohol.* Chemists say it lak<*s tnor« than twice a.-t tusich sugar to nwcotrit pro- tterveH. sauce, etc., if put in v.hen they begin In to :k. as it doe» to sweep n aft* r Hie feuxl is cooked,

To remove tar stains rub the:spot liret wllii ktr<l and thou with snap. Leave for an boitr and then 'vaait in l ot wat‘*r roftv’Ood wit;* uiumoai.*. Should Blight traces remain, tub with turpentine.

Round, square and oblong cake tins, with the pHixj- irtjttom. insure the cak.- being lifted from the pan with­out breaking. A potent groove hold# the detachable bottom In place when the putt )« in use.

A hltiged vlodf is n great comfort to the housekeeper in !(•« kitchen.


ag bat a «>}* .: W*

SO th!' A tin-

t by evaporhtlea nni vked >

< tiie ward

Now. f it;'atInn cri-ates this agency.•itimely. « sell mulch. The principle i ( rotptervatlon by mutches',U well c-tablis'ietl. There is no prae- , .ical method for saving sail niolsture except by the use of the mulch.

POINTS ON CALF RAISING. j Mr. ikcntJeutan. a weil-lmowu ring- •

isit Ahcrdeen-Angns hreesfor. has rc- ;ently isays the “•Newcastle Journal") ; iS'en some, valuable hints on csilt- , •caring. ThouRli mi advocate of .stick*} in$r or whole milk feeding for a time. : ;c atuu" e» ecnsidcrabl** imj^rtancc tn \ ;tals as soon a# the-calf Is able to cat. j .‘ontrary to cho usual practice of t :matting, these ore fed whole, with * aran. for the first three or four ponths. Thcv arc then rctdaccd by 'rushed oatfC "Mr. Kandcman's expori- ■nec indicates that young calvea di- jest oafs wre/ca*lly whole than crush­'d. Whole o.-y»s lie also finds useful In .ircventlnR >scour.

Ills calvi-a have constant access to :ock saltsi and lumps of soft chalk, both of which they lick freely. To the latter Is attached the virtue of cor­recting cxccasivn acidity of the stom- ich. Uriefly, Mr. Sandcntsn’s method Is to leave the calf in a box with the :ow for the first tea days. Tito cow Is then taken away and Is brought to the caif, or the calf taken to ficr, hrye times a day for u further ten lays. At the end of this period the •alf is suckled twice a day till Uvc :ao go.out to pasture ioKCthor, when ,i)C co" *s *M calf again.

W^cu flic calves arc separated from ift go,** several are put together in box w it!; oat straw. A

uudle ,,{ R0C"* *ia-v 1:1 If bin r,a*‘h. a box coulalnlng rock tit a**d citalk- Is provldt-d, and an­ther *‘Uh whole oats and bran. Af- >r | he calves have sucked tlicy are

’ ,.,j tip round tiie box witit an or<lin- ry* dog collar and chain for an hour f fo. The tying up prevtmt* Muti­ng each other and brenk.-. tin- rulvcs li(o the halter at a laier period. Mr. >andeman emphasiaes the Sn*j»ort«»ce of a good supply of whole tnilkinr. dur- .tig the first inonlli. A large number of v tll-stai fed calves, hit finds, can subr viucntly, be reared by one good min ag cow.

The great value <f sheep <••,> the farm lies i » their ability to tdilkc t l , roughages ’to advuntaKe, their con­sumption of wood# and other waste produejs and the return they make to The soil in the form <>f manure. Kvcn-though price# were so low that,

i u 'business In stud of Itself cheep

Use real test »*f value in a hor>o is klrcngth. ilv< l> action and emlurnnee combined in ibe lightest weight *#< slbtc. In the iuake-up t.d a fir.-* t ]»< draft horse quality eounis f»r more thun bulk.

\ When eow? at- dr they should be well ted to put itiem in good t bndiiion at the time <,; tn- h>-ni:!g. yffueh io- - will utiik much better than '.111 tti< that are This at the tvg»naln':; <•(

Their, milking-period-- !: pa--:, ;<> f<»-( liberally during The jicriod when » n. . is carrying and feeding the calf and preparing for a heaw -train o-» t,. .- nystem during tho coming lactation period

rule, but tln-ymua*le d'nm * t high,ucrvcm. <.re;ia- isatton, while *» e*;ar--; and ir.r- • mu/ *{<?. w ith ntUi»Sl sitsd- ti«n-e\pan Ive nostrils and pcjiduj-.u- jov.i-r lip. mean stupidity. A wn^TK. and truntpet-rhsprd nov.lrit tpesns courage: and infcJliprnt e, cvro -h.n, a- it <!•>'- soinntlrue', jt.nfso m<an- fceav«'». The car is more ino-!!,>-• bo- c-,»e. >.» »*<-eve, and av-ttentoa. »«•< ttvstsatce! ti> ■ horce can tell all that !i ' tlimk* «r means. When n horse ’ay* hit rat ? flat hark css l>- *, s • •! • ■.< a -♦nredly !■ ?iie;ditat!n" m'- «:■«!tt e bystander should h- .vare of lit heels or teeth In pin* ■!>> <an wilt b" laM back, lm» r*r? -<> d-rM.dly o tong. A quick eha«*0 s:i their l

tion. nod more partP'U’ar:' the orejisich ef Tho eyes at the time, distinguish:- between pis* fu'aesx vice.

Military Capc-Coaf Has Many i'ses


Tut j n<! <u>*lfor cleaning an cnatml or i«>rccliii» mil.

/v good mixture to ml color In cotton m u< rial.- I* cm- taidopconfMl of tur­pentine, a handful o f salt and a,pall of cold unter.

t; (tie rice !>'*•»! for >*!c ir.c polnte-'s or ether rabhv. 1- !«at-d Hr-t. the \ «tfi; ! i;!'>r>’ e,xp»<iition'dy areom-pliahed. ;<ful l*ie v«s«eiwld*'B !t(e 1 "h! f.

It Isn't only the ucibily p o flr who

,\ t>a:; oonfnl r f vinegar addetl to the wuter In which blackslocking#- are rltt- d wilt keep tb.-m a good


The Learned Lay ‘it's Superstition, But It Sticks.

V*> are getting rather ssbanwal to look’ people of the older g*u‘ ration in the boa It U rvali.' tmt one fe«P that we ore beltiE tu«y);t to t’epgrd all the nrtl-icp «t their faith a- vapor-1 :* tion# The doe-tor- and other i-. vrntxi i i., opl. will not l-t u- alone. \v.* haw . raK. il t<» pm the fire-irons under tho ; !bk| an t »<> turn the b- kin't-rlos s rn 1 St» 1 during a th«uHi<raR»rtv., very t<-w «.( tn even try m make n ctnehy -r-- burn bright hv urrtpplng tit* .ml-'r

agaluvt the i<arv Wec>t o; -atl, w«> ar«v n«»w ic.-wninc to disregard toe v'-ry fir t h.u\>f It ctr !*v eienic decnlocoe, und, of cto'lef*, tn ait In « draft

Of roerso*. th.(o are W u »,ti drafts Tilt* build/; - draft — alike • ; other thhtc# t rovided by (h“build* r when v<vj I-1 t:im to*> -'"-U ; Mill (omb nTo-t a- a *h»u« t<* *>- oid c.i, |p*t tho draff »<* have utw.'.y - loved ;‘ iid b- n ‘ *i»-|*bl-l‘Tt* tho dratl

RHEUMATIC MISERY jCan Only Be Cured Through flic

Blood I.inimcnls o f No Use. |

In no dKcaw due# the blot-l be­come thin so rapidly in rheuuva- ; ttsm. Not only doe» It becoinu lltin, but It la loadvtl with Impurltier* rliuu- ’ malic tw>i>o».!. Without The proper ; treatment tin bo |toi,-oue. ItmreaNc, the ■ inllumcd joln'ttf nwcll and The jmtlnut j hVcotitea .« 1 ripple. .There are « hum* ’ ber of methods of treating rheumat- j ism, moat ot them atmitu; to keep | down tile rheumntlc polliomt until ua- ■ lure can luiltd up the blood irnfflekul- : Jy to overcome iht-m. Uut nnfavorabto j condithm of cold or ti;itnpne>.» may j glvp (lie dhteaKe The oiivnntago and a ’ relapse or renewed attack follow#. ;

I>r. Williams' l ’ittk l*tili for I'alo : 1'wijde'huiitt up (*te bltKnl nttd enable i it to cast out (lift rheumatic polaou# ! with tin, natural .-eerelion;* of Uto • body. Thou;acd;i have tried tbl# treatment vvitlt tho mo«i beneficial ro- .sitltK. That to • r> nuffer-r who doea not try Or. William#' Pink rill? U neglecting the tno*f helpful means of recovery is niiou n by the following , siatement. Mrs. Kmcltne Smith,. rlLJ Jerome, tju*’.. rays; "I »a * attaekod : with wKat the doctor* void was in- ] Hammatory rheumatism. Tim joints; of tiis hand.. !••••' nod limbs were: ladl. e-'tdlen, xnnl i s<>f 'irc<l tie: ntowl c-.ervtrintinn pain. Notwithgiandlng mcdiral treatment lh>' trouble Ixxutno to Iwel that I eodld tiot go phont. My appetite began to fati me and 1 growing phyeh'-Uy- weak. A neigh­bor who had been h, tmfitted I,;- jjr. Williams’ I'tnh I’ ill# advised tuc to try them and f decided ;<• do in Ui.< tntityo of a week.* I iPjtcvlvom» Improvement, and toy apptUlo began to return. Then the -eeilihg in bty loin*,-; f> di.-app; ar, aediir was not ion:: tmtil 1 «;•' perfovitly'. etired nmi t ItHVe inpP iio return of tho trouble."

i>r. WltUan Pink S'ilU are -»id by all dealer- in imdtclm* «.r will be sent by mail .t .'<) i >oik a ln*\ or six , boxes for SJ.f.o liv writing dlr-et to* Tim Dr. William -' Mode ine Vo., ; Orwkvilin. On*.

PEN AN?) SWOKI) |A British SoIclierV Message From

the Grrtvc.

* *«>! «>nly i a ..oldiet-e-

* P*>tfjt'ifwt«0 - y prtatnent > the ssrvt to :

e.mntry id J

needed from the moment war la d**-clarod: constant m the risk of sud­den dostruetloti (which In Itiwe lnlei.1 day# may route even from the sky above); chilly bivouac# mu*t often be the uubsUtttteifor snug winliT (piar- tors of pre-Napoleonic da>H; battbet ln--t for days, anti even week#; and whilst they endure scarcely a spot for some miles from the enemy I* info from shot and shell; tnovi over, cx- t«'r!mc.n(s prove that the very latest terrible than , any previous weapon* have done. What n strain on nerves overtaxed already in many canes by our modern high pressure existence* What ;v test for bodies aerustomed i<t the comfort:! of latter-day clvlllxa- tlon!

t'nder such: condition** marksmen may achieve no more* than the most erratic shots; the smflrteat corps may (julefety degenerate Into a rabble; the easiest ta«ks wilt often appear impos­sible. An army ran weather trials ,-tieh as those just depleted only If It be, collectively considered, In Hint • healthy state or mind which the tern) | "moral" implies.

And the following summary of the conditions ef victory:

A study of the past show* that the following have always largely contrib­uted towards {he success of a people in war, even when handicapped by inferior numbers, weapon#, and re­sources, and by lark of warlike ex­perience;

A belief in the neera-Tty and jus­tice of the struggle, and unanimity amongst the fi nding personages of tiie tuition.

A di-t.-rminaticn to shake or ward off a foreign yc-kr. to terminate inju*- tire or ml: rub-, to rescue from op- pr“r- iott friendly or kindred nation*.

Tby memory of past wrongs or de­feat#,.

!*hy.steal fttnhs? of a nation s man- hood, and a simple standard of livlnjran'engst ali classes,

Absi'ncc of iraterta’.Mn amongst th* nation nt large.

Stern anti impartial discipline wtth- if« t:*c fighting service \

A spirit of eamarad Tie amongst of* f ei-r.-, t'sjirlt de corfiK. a strict sense of duty. Hatisfm-tnry relations be­tween officer;* ar.d m»n.

Readincs# to. ate,-pi responsibility amongst lepders of every grade.

The spirit od tlie offensive.Appreciation ;ef the <r»Mtcc'-; death.Vaior Vs;««m 'tud*<d bis artirle

i '-he Japanese Mdier - the spirit In : which wc-dier* fs*u«j go forth to fight, j N u. dreaming of the homc-cottimg, the medal, t':e bukfa. Then*! aro distant

! and prahleiuatieal. Nearer, and more [ prolatbto ace (?*)> enemy and she tomb, j -Few. few par*, where many

■A.-ril:- were in procsf their.

■ prophecy amt : message front

read as I; d<’ -



GEN. SIH HORACESomething of the Man Who

Fought Off the Germans

In the Long Retirement of the Allies On Paris.

> <-i> ’i-nb; «»(•( If t


signed. but u; that it >

'at-, hf l.htbt Titian

Mr. WacfcwM*! inform

n<l the door - tdv ii..*-;;*-- :'. hut p'/pitlvcly h n*,*f In! Of court**:, it I; th** ..ulnOer. * 'tullthrtum b*-:w**cn the «ec.;;q>r,»t«*

?»>»: have died ,:p vestt.

Fashion and Divorce.i “ Short and tight g.*rmeutaj are altn<>-! . i.ttrvly icei-.nnt>*bte for | the laxity ot tlb' iuaft’lnse tic." - I "Th* woman •>? to *lay n«-.-d> more of(Th** uirt !aV‘h>an/d idea*-.' j ‘ If vritiB'-n wi-nt tn market nmi did j more ot their *>f. n Ittm«»'ket!pirig,ihere

Would to- i tilthappiftra# in the

: ’ “Tm ith* t

which viv-r. it it* font*# not from Irak of oxygen «-.*• • .•.-«# <»l enrbmt!** aekt but simply.; from trek of movement *

So '.tv the h-arned. Rut *** pert t!"* old euper.'titb'U Will *ini**L0*' j and that n iff geek*. rhomn.Mie -hou’ - ;

and -■>**• thresH' - T! >(:’! :>"friue-i to havirts: "sat 5r„ a draft. I*fiyhahty, sHo. with truth For t-eo- p'.> -.\t!| eoiuintte to --i) it: the wr*>5«* Lind of draff, » r In th * right Mod vf •Iraft at tii- wfenc ttm*' A»i;.h/**c. d*« j not I* t u* flatter our: • H. n * r-n*"« h tint «•* are wpor tban the oe*-<|. We j have mut is mor*' to bant, and cur ; children w ill h- a - r*>nt< tnp'ti‘«u# **f J our flo or)* ;, a* we «te t.iugitt do b * J Of tho-ic dear t* our elders.—Fall Mall j

flood rcr-eSntionv dale ha* k > r.anjen of Kden, Adam and Kv<* ca<-»enaMv tnrn‘ d oyer a new leaf.

tnasyt-e *or t-v.-n --u'pj*;»- eobjum* and !

right up to a ho-Hle ju.sftiun are ;>.t t j anil r.ots" ‘I lorn, un »dv«n*-i* tlirottgu | a Tomnaraijvcty shallow : ran<* *»! tiro j wish comrades rime at hand was sue* | e*-eih d )>> it bu: <;nrr>at{««:ls. * r by a> retrograde mowmi)^ wj*lelt soon ;

ef»> rare; Smany en«ouo)>!rs eetetu'afni m hi.tory < lasted it (>•» hour;; 0/ !*•#-;. ') It** long! periods **f r* -t iulTrc <!<m* from dan-1 gpr wbkb inter yetted between imittea yeryed to r**;:f*>r.* A halt* r<*d n'T'i*# and I weary frame-;. fmt <*f pr-; **t!t-dav \ warfare the dl*t')nKU(»luns traiurc u :

j it.# Intensity lamg marches, irre^pe,-* | the] lice of weather and miuhii, will fre- o* - * (jtiemly mark the opening stagra o f1

u campaign: incessant vlgitance i#

Judging Distance.

,*;•! f-> i, (>**■ >.f( »<} quick I)t!eu sh> :-o<je«’!tn« rml; wt()i *he f t*• r..r»iMJC«r. Alm..»* i*i;Kr-«l*|y

;}’ Ji* m*’ ’’’t ’li t*ot!h~n>v£■tied I-I *o*mtlfoiv di,ts»m-.-:. ionfity*


t.*,«<••• (com tt.e (Iraid** **/ ‘ litawit f»ir d(.*!res;*e.t tt.-Iui.duppMe.s et'*t and m«*»e>r •*- Nms aathered arvl

Wanted:A Message from Canadian


There never.was a tim e in the h istory o f Canada when tho people o f Canada needed so badly a message from the manu­facturers o f Canada.

The factories o f Canada's foes are closed to the need o f her people. The factories o f Canada’s allies are forced tem ­porarily to desist from shipping Canada wards.

These facts are known to the people o f Canada, bnt many o f them do not know that Canadian manufacturers are now m aking many o f the articles that have been im ported from Europe, and that many Canadian manufacturers w ill shortly be^nanufacturing in Canada many other articies-fbat have not been made in this country heretofore

There is here an opportun ity for the manufacturers o f Canada to render a real service to the people o f Canada and in the rendering o f that service to g rea tly benefit themselves.

L e t the manufacturers o f Canada use the- newspapers at this tim e m ore than ever to tell the people o f Canada that they are in a position to supply most 'o f the things that have beeii im ported from Europe and that they are equipping their fae tories to supply more o f those things.

The eyes o f the people o f Canada are look ing tow ard the manufacturers o f Canada, w a it idg their message o f re-assur ance and o* ..*>ility to serve. The newspapers o f Canada are at the sem e*; o f the manufacturers o f Canaua to carry their message to the Canadian people.

Thv KIbr, *>« tne rraomntt-ndation of Field Marshal Karl KUchonnr. St** - rotary of State f'-r War. Iu» approved ih<> appolnUn-s« of flvnera! 5ir Hor­ace «Smith-l>orri«*n, G.IML, U.S.O., l<* command an army rorj»# of (h-s Brit­ish expbditioaary f«r.'e, la >ue*'iM ton to tho lain l.icut.-tJcnvrai >: J. M, (•rleraon, K.fML, C.V.O., ('.A!,'!., tub-- dc-camo general to th** Kln«. ‘

Tii*- eare.-r of Gcn-ntl s.n.'th-.iur* ricn has bran that of a strenuous at-rf brilliant fighter, H*.< is .'*1 • ira *f age. and ha# spent thirty-o.fht ;*.u» in tin* army. Kibnat-d at s'Jtrox, he Joined in ISl>» th:raKhrr«o>d f- vr- •ffctcr*. the regiment **f t»h»rh be l# no1*' colonel, in tvhlclL he passed hi* » hob- rcgitUCKlal estrrar. Samp reader* will rrnteniLer that at the <iis;v'(rous *-tvl- tb> of huitidt’M. in .Smith--Dorrlen•*.as one of the i* • offfi* r-» who, by hi- « i itb-tie j-o*s :-r. of ronsf r and ■-aimin' r osenpf-d the Znht <•.'>*•**#)'. and Mte*i to tek<* )m*t in; lh<*-batUt* of rV'indi. '.»h*» ( ’< t< ;c:tv:, •.*;*: finallyd‘»tt*'<d H* V;.' to* s(!,i< v.-<i in<I< spot* he-, ;*;■*: ill:* -' iii< ti honors tttwe fall'-n fart upon htse. lt< was in the Lgyptliut exfe.tUtfoa of !?Su\ in * hh ts jiar !<• rals*-*S anti «>in!»'.aad*-;t a (firjK of mounted infaatri. and in ISk.",. with )i; mounted Infantry, did rood'»ork »t suakim tn sYt*7-S he ;.raved * v t h e traotfer field fore*- tn India, and n(*ri: hfs l.y.S.O; U.-ttirnln**, to Kg* pt in )m*$. Ii- took part l» the Nil- <'M -dit!i-j>, and n ? !.rra.-uf at the italtle of Kharton. and it) the sybr sequent otn*tatit'Us in the >'*,e.id.tn,

\\ tteti ih>* lio*'? war broke out t’ol. Smi^i-lnirricn » » * aupdinted to the commaod of the «5t!t brirade. as sstp- •’riitiinerary, majof-g"n**ral, and hi# for*-* formed part of the J.-tte General t'olviieV dlt i'ioo. The brigade In­cluded, the tlord'Ui Jlishlandcrs. the f'atiftdhtu force, and the iihropshfrv* and * >rn>va • Light Infantry Reel- tn**u!'. and sidendid work they did. Ity ireniioij- and '-veil-conceived marches t:* n* rai >tuith-norrh*n .^as main'* instrnti** ntal Its bringing ah?un the .aidur** *>f and hi* arm'.Ity its,, attack upon tie- R«*>r. on the 'l«dd**r iciv.i. tit.* Gunbuis. the <'an- ndian* and the riloyal Kngineers se­cured a strong-pO'itio?); frost* which Ihcv enfiladed the enemy’s trenches, and Ity pr'-veMiiiK them trout drawing water, precipitat'd- tTOttj-V aum-a- der. Iiss work was thrra ttroca men* tiontat in despatches, and his reward vas the Quran's medal with four

clasps and promotion to major-general tor distinguish'd service in the field.

On No-embcr *1 !**ul. he was ap- I'olnttul adjutant-general in India. Re­tiring from iadu. he took up the posi­tion of C.Csa*. at Aider-hot, which ha# rightly come l*> he regarded a. tho military red ribbon, lit this distin­guished command by >u<cecd*al Sir John French. Front Aldershot he xs* transferred to the southern command.

Genera! .Sir Horace SmUh-IJorrion, who attained that rank on Anguet 5d. !J*i2. w#» rrealtd G.H. in IbOt. K.f.ll. in U'07. ami gams, tit 1S>U. Tl.at h<» tome.* of a fiebttug stock Is proved

, by the tact that he has four brothersserving their country -two In the

! army and two in the navyHe married in 13**2 Oltvy Grofton.

*-ld*vat daughter of f oSoncI: Sehnesder, of Oak l.ea, Fumes* Abbeys and ban

| thro

OVtSRSIZKO POULTRY.Th* cravlna for ovei-siied |>oul<*jr 1# 4

. ousj,t tt> be Uixcournacti.Th* twi-framf-d bird* carry l.. -----wmount of bone, which i» w*»tc, »u<X. .......... less drairable in th*.- murk*-*:ami being conroe-looklnK. "ranKy. ' tln-y

certain to be pm»a<-d by for

which * ...... . ..profit account is considered. VV* much batk of the •'*-#* trt*e,w an*n little Ink lin*< been shed >i(>ontopic. it l« O f —" .....terir.in.ed what t - . „„1*. t* certain Shat is i» no* sne *ee»<, «s>*r*e. t>i(-.fran-,'-d hen—that all ob**rv- )n« inrn *fe tgirnl upon., Of all the aaAr*v*itinu» In iioullry-

blB, Ouinay male u th*- wnrtt.and 1 * t > he « great disappoint­ment because- m*.*t of the »*■«« from h j-en will t̂ - found t*» be unf*-rtdr. Jt »» th*' ’■priKhtly, neilve nnrniBt-sixcd bird that Is the K*>od breeder, Ui*' aure aelter of fertile etrg*. end. more than lhat. the t-errest»r of th- right kind of chick*.

' thrivS nod growt.î - breedingThe liemntitd ....... _____ ___ ___ .

eomra, aa * rul-. from beginner*, from - «I<" had lutl- rvperlen** and think

» big n;«le turd will «ive them tag chick­en*. Thl* It on error. It is generallr ronreded by experts breeder# that *1#" •* (nfluenr...! more by th* female, and the#*

....... ........... ...e sight ftt)ie foe* that over-sire in -liber sire or

They should not Ins- sight of

known n* .ipcrgillositt. The dt- uca*<? ia :ia (atat tie th* u<**ne sound*, true rcteniiets* ha-.-, neglected to find'a chofter nam« (or ;h* bus amongp'ulIryincn (hicks affected with th* trouble are commonly sp'iken of «s • iung' < Muny times tn-; dlxcaae is nsieiakeu for white diarrhoea.

in* Ml'oiun c-sti-ge of yA*ricultur«, in Its investiuatton of poultry -Jisesoc. note* the follow ink cbaraeteflMt* symptoms: ■)h- *:hick stand* around in a drowsy iiKtuocr and shows lilt)* desire to ea!. The wmsr h*t*g down, *h<- breath t» rapid and a v».:f di«rrho<a t» preatnt. An uffi-ctod chicken will be found to h»ve

----jjj4|| from th* »lxo of *pe». mainly in th*

____... . . in the intestine*and mraent-ry. These pronihs. clog­ging the air psssag-s of the lung*, are

tn msiure fo*!# there are two forms >r dtsera- The rnuftcous membrane Un*

and tulie# may b« cover*1; soft and yeliowish and has an offen­sive odor, nr the i».<t mort-tn »(J( re- »eat white or yellowt.-h nodule# rm» t*cdd-*f in the tissue# of the lung*. Knrly

■n»pto»ns #r- that the bird Is Inactive

Jess catarrh - caused by eatingtrouble, but sine- it ........ . ------

moutdy feed -r by hrinff permitted acras#....... u!dv titt-r it can h- prevented bynot eompeRtng fowl* to -a* mouldy feed and by keeping them away from mouldy litter

FEEDING WET MASHES.Th* New York experiment station con­

ducted experiments during th* pctlod of I a year, in which it demonstrated that * t fiock <;f hens will’ cost I* re worn fed on : moistened food than when given food ' entirely dry; also that rgg» can b* pro­

duced at a g*eater profit on moistened food t)t->n on dry. It was demonstrated that a flock of fowl* that »a i allowed < x-rcire R*vo belt-r result# than on*

, ;h»l w» k whoilv confined. The two breed*

iuf.nl were Leghorn# nod Cochins, and th* smaller breed <l.eKhorns> produced css* at jt-*# c-isi than did th* Urrer breeds, hut e«natd»nnK the cost of raising and !r,c ultimate poultry value of th* hen#,

j the profits aie_mor* fnvnrab!" for tiie ; larger hem j two and o*' fourth ounce*, The co*t of th- food for

the whole vear varied from ?fc to |J, , nnd the market value of the egg* varied

from S« cents to $1*4. XVh-re the hen,' Hr,, confined lh- cost of production we.uJd naturally t- more iban if they were <>n a ennge. and |ti- production t*f egg# would also be ninnll-r. but the ex* perBhent gives eonsiderabte light on feed­ing: poultry.

NOTES.line of the brat fooda for growing

y-umr chick-. *.* hsooc oatmeal, which can b< f'-J dry.

; dr>



Thr>e L r « xlufp morning of aut>.


THI 31 *T U Af HER

Ko*a mor* than * tsonUs? <dd mak tn ;>i,

Feminine Facts.Statistic# show Fiat Franco has

l.SOO.VOO feidllllcfi without children. , It is said that 47 per cent, of th*

stockholder* in the PcntttylvaaU railroad arc women.

It in also tnalntaincil that « ma­jority of the Stockholders tn the Amerkan Ti*hcraj>h and Telephone company arc- women.

An ndverttscntfiu recently appeared in a California paper issued by the Friends of Homeless. Children which read:

Wanted—hontra for boys.Wanted HM girts from six months

to ft**1 'ears lor helm- no» waitiag Fan# innk-r ;»r*.- offering 400 #h»d* *

in women's wtra­in uemnark they usual!* furnish the

teacher with .» house, l.-ara and also ii-w acres of ground.


] Flowers wUit i? itnickly in the heat, 1 hot a ttoa!) jde;e ot rampt-or in the i * nt*r will k then ftw*U much lenger.


W A L K E R T 0 N 4 T E LE S C O P IC ,J W A L K E R T O N , O N T , 'O C T O B E R 15th.,

Business as UsualIh the Messajje Old Ln^lunJ issendinjj ImmJcast to-day

and THIS STORE can not only endorse that slogan hut to

add to it and say ‘'Business as usual only more of it.

There’s Every Good Reason in Favor of More Business

W e have Uuthcrcti Uigger and bet*cr storks o f mereliamH.se than e ver hefoie.

E very dollar 's worth boiifflit when normal conditions prevailed in Europe, bring­

in g to our patrons' doors th e w orld 's best m erchandise at the sam e and low er

prices than usual. Every do llar you spend here w ill g ive equal ami g reater re­

sults than last year.

Women’s Suitings and

CoatingsLove ly Fall Fabrics in dress poods

section. In beautifu l co lo r ranges and black, new w eaves in French Boticlc, English Honeycom b and Screes, Eng­lish Tweeds and Velours. A l l high grade cloths. |H to 5*1 inches wide, per yard

7 5 c . to $ 2 .2 5

Women’s Smdl FursW e cannot overstate the values nor

the splendid big assortment o f small furs, m ils, throws, scarfs and mulTs o f­fered by us this season.

They 're certa in ly g reat values and the assortment is unusually large and attractive . The newest fashionable shapes wh ich m ake for good appear­ance as w ell as coiiifort.

Mink marmots, black wolf, black lynx. W estern and A laska sable, white Th ibcts.'beautifu lly lined and trimm ed specia lly priced at $ 5 , 6 , 7 , 1 O to $ 2 2 .5 0

Navy Blue Serge SuitsF o r M e n a n d Y o u n g M e n

They arc made from one o f the dres­siest soft serges in line w eave w ith a suggestion o f a cheviot finish. they show high grade ta ilo rin g throughout, sp len d id ly lined. 1 he vest supplied with detachable vestee. Trousers nave a belt loop and watch pocket Three button, sack * oat. Hand ta ilo red co l­lar and shoulders and ham! worked button boles. 2 grades, prices $ 1 5 a n d $1 8 .0 0 ,

Young Men s OvercoatsT liesed ressy coats com e from makers

who specia lize in line c lo th ing for young men.

They are smart models, single breast­ed. w ith long ro llin g shaw l collar, and are cut fa irly c lose liltin g at waist line, w ith h a lf belt.

Colors brown, grey, fancy m ixtures and navy blue. L in ings and trimm ings a re o f extra quality.

These coa ls a re wonderful values at the m oney.

P r ic e s $1 O , $ 1 1 .5 0 & $1 5 .


I.a*t Wnlm-olai Alirk < ! » • and J H Sclifllrr weiy iu NiMmay • '<

•Mi uinl Mis Al.—k oli. il.> « ami M«'Tony S.hiuu aut.nl Tw.'ivili f Exhibit ii n.

Alp!mn*eam) Allctl limiting, iw in- Mi Matraim Ma.-Mdan lm*y ln*t. vviek making tii«> »vi« h| in | sp.-tn J Imiil.*,. iving Day at Mi- Ad mi Jolm Flin t ' Imi.-Ii in Brant. j lti-hlV

•Sonic ..f <o.i '|Mirl» went uiM.itf Mr timer i .k gg .-pent o tew day bunting on Tliniik>giving Day


■Mr ami Mrs Jolm lluiidt and Mi ami lir« Val Itilling.r took in tin- Tre*- witir Ka*i' la*t lu-t-k.

Mr an I Mr'Tony Si In in r and their childit-n id*.Ion.I to l.ll.lpll. Berlin and ulln-r towna ImiL.Saturday.

Mr and Mr*.I IIsAi-ftcr visited in Mildmay last SntdayJ Jn > Nolilll in limy h/iplug his brother

ltayun nd with (Im fall work.Mis Joallauck and Mr . Jolm

wont t<> ll-ilin la*t S.itnrdny.

- Ilui

j visiting frauds in Anhui, j Rev Mr l.ittli- of I'.iixl v o.iu|>ird 11In- pulpit of tin- I’m liyln ijii Eluite-h | on Sunday.j Mr limb FiddU 1* tv.-iking at tin. | mill llu> wi-fk a' All is imnl.h lu I altnul to hr* duti«-» tiiCto at pic J Mi Neil Thompson of K i n iiiovti in j preparing to umve iut«* the| Hero (or Thmikngiving: Me

! old I’ iuki rton «<f Toionto, J \| IM.I . j SI rut lord Normal, nml Edgar l.m l j Innio* east o f the achr.'-l. It j. mul.-i mill of flifntd nt I lu ll lopmdivc j ”tm’d ill »l lie intends oja-ning a h.iriu-s

' Ihmiii**. Mr* li It I’itrln-i and daughter | •‘ "d slum i.-paii iug *b»p iu Hit- viII tg<- Vii'lr nf Toronto, MrAd.no livid at .1 j An.r.ln-r itidim'iy for I'lnki-itun MisSniitliorClinoidal .MisthulMiir^ i *Mt Hciged.inil, who hu* hc-n l|vTlic annual Thau huff,, i mg im-ling

of the I'lesbytoiiau Clmtr.li held on WcdiiKday vvooiug. It-v.Mi Hilt* of Cho-l-y gave n very rtt.l** addie-* fie.- w li.ti r. f-dune it . were « r t i!

/ nml a very i-nliyalilii tlnu- hjKUit- l*v ..II.

T H E P E O P L E ’S S T O R E

Fall Weatheris here and with it coiues the need for heavier clothing. Perhaps you uecd uuderwear or a sweater coat. W e are ready to supply you with these.

W c hove a very large range of

UnderwearF o r L a d ie s :-- In natural wool, union aud heavy

cotton, at prices in keeping with the quality.

F o r M is s e s a n d C h i ld r e n :— In a variety of qualities and prices.

M e n : In natural and heavy wool ami fleeced, at jtopular prices.

B o y s :— In woof aud fleeced.

S W E A T E R C O A T SOur assortment in this line is large. W e kuow

there is something to suit you litre. W e have them iu ill sizes, styles, shades ami prices. Just what you want for these cool evenings!

W e have wrapperettes aud kiinoua cloths, iu a variety o f patterns, both ligh t and dark shades, at i i je . 15c, 1 .Sc ami 20c.

See our new coatings and dress goods.

J . 3 i jlppelP H O N E 5 3

T -.I - - ■ «

Mr K t'lMiiifcc-fii’ I-ini m.rlli ol On- village. i* moving to Alt AlL-tt J’lukiTton-In iik-i-i. the Klb uni.

A uniting \v «» h. l.l l \ -t Tbhi-day ' evening ut .'If 'V It M-*IM v to rttuiuc , f -r u Mli'.otiiiK niiit'-lmn tln> l .'ili coti*

M e.»i. W .lfi.d ..ml Elm* 1 • Moffat w«n- ilinM-n <apiain» nml ' t»v«-l»«- int-n m u- picked mii viili-rcldc | Tin- »h.w!iug in •ctn-tlulrd t- r 0**1. ID | the )»*ing aide uu cling tin- hc-i J end

f tlu> mtpeii c o| n ilam-c.

Wil VT INCH OF RAIN MEANS When an inch >>f raluba- f.illrn it

ill* in * lint tin1 AUlQUlit "I U fl'm dn c;miiiig in tlui (.articulnr »bowr«- would cover tin- Niiiioimding ti-ri»U*i to n ib-|itli of one iii -li. providing, •< Cjnrse 1 li.it it didn I ton nvvnv •>« *<mI into tliv ground. It m-iii» Hint • oiienrn-. wal l iiiimiikIi to till tnoi. than do tiain-N i-f |.'» g.ilb.ii' eurb Iia fnlb-n. 'llii* i|ii4iitit> watci Uioic tlinn ]]Q tons.

Sailor and TurbanEqually Fashionable

The former is a particu lar type o f sailor wh ich the French ca ll the “ C an o tie r"— the left brim broader than the right. This •‘Cunotfer" from our show rooms is one o f the lead ing m odels iu the a ttrac tive group o f hat feat­ures. It is fashioned o f good qua lity b lack ve lve t, w ith a fancy mount.

An oth er favorite is the choice litt le ’ 'Cilengnrry Tu r­ban that fils close as a cap and is su itab le for tli ■ com ­ing season.



mid'- • li..in | • 'Iti|« M-ri*-:; III. ChiLi.l. ||.|,i., It bill n-

ii.l.-tmi hi .iilimoutdi iii.iuv Inimlii #1 i'Imiiki- 'v■ ti-nlly. it »-. nwy lidv i- !»-»'»* mad1

Wi- ui.iild ilirit-fmi-

Tin- f> Mnvvlnz i nt by n 0Ml

vim- mii- ha|i|.< iiinz v« ry diflr eiillyfmni vvbatvve- uriplcd I«i i>x|m« Tbc Fri-m li an-ti-uuj;«<'ii' mid f lit

linirntily. Our f.iOzun ii ti-nibb-. nil! (MUii*lu || and vv ill mHiivv iiiVm II I Ih> taken |'ri-unir at tin- !li*l m|i|kii I

Tin- Intu-r wan furnaidvd I«• tl.n wo Ulan wilb I liu i li Itti inn li .*Hi< ini unt<

to -iRiuitoiy «»t tbi? b-ttvr ba bveii -b.it

R U R A l S C H O O L FAIR PR IZE L IS To. A. f . No. 72 OATS

M i i:.\k - I . (i.iiizi- llit—fi-ld: 2, lid- Wald Vuizt: S. t'l ua (iarbntt: I. Flm- vliw- t'liilil*: •, Allan <Z'inn/.

I ti VI I ..* I. tlrurgi* II.L'-M.I- Wallacr Wilt mii; :i, (rtata I mi I.-ill: I. Alln-it Allm ilyc-i-:lylvvmd Vuigi,

o A. t No. 21 HAIH.KY sn i j. (Sindmi I'pldiiun. 2. Wil

lin llii"li-ld* J, livans ti.ii bind; I,Wiliiii t Wllti-r; lu lflU Hchiiit/li'i.

I UAM.OH I. Ili-nry llo.-lrld; 2. Evaii* OmiI.iiiiI; it, tiordon I'mIiIiii.iiii I, N.unnn Wiltm.:... Ilviiry Tbdl*.

h a v ik s W A it im m eoT .vro i.i..r may » li -Hlil’d. 1, Bi-ruii-t* tiailaml; 2. Martha Voigt;

T) .<*. \V, i T. f . )«.. i'k ) Allan Erm i: t. Lluyd B-ill>:5. N.-il

ropHi-.'!••)'ongal.l; Mnite Abi-m ; 7. >>tan

* ***''"Ml vvltll. I l - VV. -v Wilu-i.: *. 1 .iyv.ii* Bullu a; •. (ir.u -I- ..| li.|l N go. Kii ttni : 1". Viola Lipja-K.

m > nt. i- n. Hi. y a’Im'.II ,1' |t ;| v S}\

'k tba* EMI'IBK STATE j'OTATOKSi- Is,)' l>. oVIlH’lv 1, la i.; Willem; 2, (ii-Hiudi- Downing:III. . *. rm, Tb»- would lu- ;« « .» « ! li. Lina- .Inlmnlon: i, Mcigan-l flit*

li.dm: 5, Eva 'i'.umri: *v Amy Hat butt:lit). 1. hi. ting II- (•-uipbiti.. 1 lltllll 7, Andy JijIhinIoh: S, Fti-ddic l ’olfm»;ullilbiili.l • Il lUlkaitl and give Not inmi l.ob-ingc-i■; in, fa il IVitkcr.

t..*.11- III* . . .1 tong to boy “ IDEAL" MANUELSi hi I.III..•I hf. f.

th- liigh pi i.nl 1* i- hi' family.

t. stunrj I’itikiu-y: 2. (t.-cug.- Bulfii'*:K it hr Hofufrli): 1, Not man IficKcuv


Cut Price lyistFor This Week



' *J*lm|ii* t uu** |i-i talninz Ci tIu* wa r : aii* almii'vrorlbllit- mutiny. Ttiia cb- itvnt niiK*uiK- d»dijjbt*> ilir t*yr wbil

: it iu-triu o tbu mind tum-t rairg tl- |ii-;luii'M|iiii doiniia of mi iiituu-ting

. svml bixbly • ntvimining wiild. Hi i *' litfially in.vvdiA mill tlir

i i.iitn. -i qUMlity of |dn»|oftl'«VUU t.. hi uiy uf I In-in v»mi ill fiaintiiK It iu •in- m«»t |H.|ndni ‘ I'ii k-uu n|i *■ n C)u- waiting rouiil Itld- - id tbc InadiuK dot-li't-tbmuzhnitt tin- l)midui»u, mid in tin* tan IMlbUc libiAtMa.it it Ilttr- ally'■ii-i-d u|i' by tin; iiiauv vvlm an- nttiiuti'd by ii i-nli-ilainii-K and iK.mUlul i>*K-» l,'«a “ l''U-«t >1*1*1' i|itiiii-«ti»n and il Iia. di |i i> In rni - f. alun n i-f zo .it ilili in 11 m ll «■ > > ni-z I wiiiiiati mid b tn• -ni tk.• r •>» il- iii't ;

ml- «*■»♦- m »•/' I'i .d-'-r .......»vi.«ib ii' in - iIn- bit- U‘ llmi. I.oi<l

ain't • oral |ii -Min. a- ind tnn<-w»|)A|H in Ib-tiiti, will

<■ al Him i-ud t-l o liibi-i Hi Izimn Will IliUT biCMim* tin brt»« of i»|i -ini »z«iiiNt tiivni Itiiuin. tin

ui-vvn|iii|k-in my. Tin y mid Hint. Adm it a I Vun Tiijiitz, Mini,t-i of tin- Nnvv vvhji- now* at (■■‘Urul liradijualcr with Hni|'i i-ir WiliiNiu.liairnfiiioiirrrd ii-avdlzi) aW ud tin- llaz-liid of llif •i-Oiiitu llw l tad dirrct tbc -m-ration* Ttin- Navy.

S lloW IN ii HIS i'ATIU&iJ^M,Mr.f.W.llattiuaii of L'InrkidHtig,

limvii'Z In • |uitiii‘|i*ui in n | rmtic; I way. I u .in advirrliM-iiiciit ill tile Tor onto Star under tnuiu-s* .banci-r. In nffiiN a I itz- factuty rmitaiiiiiiz 12.UM0 qtiaii b it f t for nuc o f tw<

Iiab|« llnu win. wi l m dv that liitri* bitlu-il

iiiiiiiilaciini-il in tinnii'iiy.aiu antrltx now cnzujjial

with t.ii-,»t Hiitalii 'I Ids' fa-.- |i»i|i|n-d wiili iii.icb'in-iy nml i mi Inibdiid d-dai> a ycai.'l'licspirit inn n t-v Mi llarliiiun is nitail ly tu I-1 iiiiiim-ndi'diiiid Ic but an m'li-'ution -I tin- *• muz t-i bug ti- r- plat • o.

I* wilb ( 'ana«|hiu goudi. il Iiimiiilaitiiri-IK ran I iilv m-i-l the t-in-OJMiicy—Mi-afoid Kxpi«•*.'.

B y R e q u e s tAt It. I. Oili*nii» i> • |-1■ 1 ar j-iv.-tb iy

(Mr -. W.ilki itmi. on Tin- day mid Wi dn-sda v. Octolm 27 and 2S, wc will mj-aiii sell nut famous *>-Id filled 'l-.c-t.ir̂ -H and i-yc gla»Hc* for SI.00. Tln-sc me jual tin- •ill** us utcM'til npibiljr from tft.Vi to s.>ui ICeiiienibiT you get a gi-mdnc gold lllleil frmut* with In-si ipulUy *|dierl- »l li*n»c>. and your «•>«•* j»u*|Kri!y Mtdby Mimsu. HiikIuuu »V li.vkvr,

h ading cye-Hzbt *|h ilali-ts of Tin*Uto.For four yen » vv- have l»cmi srlling i- 'f gla-hi tinoiiRhuilt the gicatcr

part of Ontario on ! Hiiir iKipuUtitjr l> .i!t-stt<l to tty |In- 1 1 cr iDcivasinz dc uirttul. Owing to thu Hdvancipg coid f ui.iti-iial ibi* may lie jrnnr Ud o|n •riunitvln prttcuic then' giMtda at

tin- above cxti.v-ndinmy low price sp-cial h-iuet at c u ic,|ioiuling prlcra

ill rr»|« i tfu'ly lolicltcd and *»tiv i linn gum anu-cd. —Noli ;t~- funic; tly mill avuid wailing

5 at h* mi IM’ luci.it

•Thr, fa

.-Ho­lt 11 .tit,. I VInthr. I i ■ nlv tin n tit 1 i f in il-.n l'i. coital I* »a.l li by l ie- |*i< tmm l I ’ublisbi a i tut--* 10 o f. M.iiitu- I Can. 1IVu year.


- Y, H C. A. BtDC ,'wr LO ND O N. ONT.'

Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. CaUioguo free. Enter any time.J. W. Wuttrrelt J. W. Wertemlt, iu

Principal • ̂ Qui11n< AwewUst -

vvilh i ; o, Orvin Wilkcti. fiO l.PKN BANTAM SWEET CORN

I. II nold I-'ri-ihtirgi-i; 2. /a-uohia Millet. a. f Urine*- l/dwingn ; I, Annie Willu-lm-o, Bit IIi.i IkdiiiM. W I'ccinon No. 7 HNSILAtiH COHN

I, Artbur Mc-Nacigbumj 2, Mm tin I’olluW: 2. fhm li- I»iiki.-'i-u; I, l-’rvildic- Allien*; •'>, til.ulftnin- Miintyu-.

IIA itltKO B o fK I'O fl.TH V I’l-.N ok f im K t . " - 1, laui-na Voigt;

■_*. Ella MichlhuiiM-ii. :i. Boy Dh-kiiain; ». Nmiuwii M ifartcr; •'«, Nellie Ivikenv wilier.

I’.vtit ok fim kks*—I, (ionlnu .Schil­ling: 2. Malvl l»ielii<-h: ."s Thos. W. I'.uki-i: I. Allan (inlaud. Henry Huet.

l'i t.i F.t - 2. tieorRi* UraihlK-n, Jennie Ja.'pc'i: I, ilcrtbold la'gic fhiu-itce I’lH-cImi.mn.

I'm Kl UKt. I. f l.vii»*a I>mg: 2. Viola Traynm: 71, llit-wulee ftitiulnghaui Kdiimud^Ahrcii,:Willie I’mkcr.

f tit* KkN-f*k»i- l.tiordouSi billing llovvaid (•r.uidM-n::!. Bert hold l»gic-

{, Alnicda tfuau/: .’>, Jack JcdiiiNtnu. fidli-etiuu of need*. 10 KnUics— I .urge l*M|fii**,t l.«r» tiarlmtt, Amy

(•tirhutt, Eddy Tatiiiir, fcdlection " f vveeil '--cde. t* Enlt tiny liaibcitt, Mildi-d Bell, TIim*.

I'Iovvi Igut. Lhurlii- I'pIfuN.-. Stnnley Wilton.

fellerticm cd jliseit'. It eiitlicc B-iiln-u sioitli. Noun ii Wilmn. Bile)

ltogi-r>, fie* rge l’i lfi> ?, Violt Tiny nor.f.-||.riion of I’lai.t d d t - n t i l e • ieorge Bolfu". H z I Jasper, f l »<

• vrbntt>.\niy ciaibtill.Identifying wml seeds. I - culm*.

I (ill) lli."li Id 2 Alll'» Mieblllaii'.'!Albrft All iid jif, » cii.ii'ine Kh

tine.M)|ihe»t score identifying wrcdshml

weed Seed*, tiro HnStfeid. B*n-k “ fmui vvt-cmI*

fill l*r« eM'H-!-. HI eatilr*-• Loaf of bu ad I Almrd-v tl-iantz, Ella Miehl hitci'i-ii. Aitevti fhisoltii. Maltha Vogt Ln-llv Ernest.

Apple pie, Itl entries —H!»’i- Allien*.2 Maltha Voigt, X l.izzce I’olfuss t EoiiIm llcn-'ft-li. KHi Miclilbmiii

Ido*. Biscuit* 8" entries — J McNidlv, Ehuiiue Humklct-ans. I-mra S>. oti, Cel ttftijc- Itlake. A Been f hi.liolui

ilundbcrviiUl. In i-utrite l>auitt •Scott. I.mtir.a llo*'fil(). I.cla l'anin i Lizzie I’l-lfu'.-t, Mary Tplibn.

Swerl I’m -. .*» entries — Mary A. Hiuifdiiut, 2 Helen Tollon. .1 l.onra Scsi.itt, I Annie Wilhelm.(trace Ivn- Mine,

Until it If He foulest. 21 c-nti ii-s--1 I.ani.i S^pit. 2 Hazel Jasper, li Ella Mirblbau*ep. I Bernice Hat land,Amy ci.u butt.

A|iron—1 Mary A (bitbutt, 2 Claia aibtill. X IbdaTanntr, t Nor* funn-

ingliaui. o Amy 11 ii but i.Sneep-duki• II *t Ben cldcken.'* >»eiiM VoiKt. I f« l k. pt Oat. Bei b > ..

Coin plot. Allan 1‘folil, Ke*t kept mmtgt l or pot ilo plot, (it-oig- I’olfiui HL.hi : Mile n Hill*' Cl*u. -, le

2 silk specials that w ill stattle you Ftarce goods that arc correct aud in demand. 36 in. plain and stripe ]>ailctte and beautiful duch­ess silk in be>t S1.50 quality, also brocades, to be cleared out qu ick ly at 9 8 c .

50 and 75c plain and faucy silks, odds and ends o f our stock this week at 2 9 c y d .

600 yds o f 12 J^c and 15c Flannelette aud wrapperette 34 to 36 inches wide all good pat­terns Special Price 1 O c yd .

20c childrens winter vests all sizes at 1 5 c$3.50 .wool Blankets 60 x So just now when

you ; l then at $ 2 .9 5 p e r p a ir .

25c ami ; silk riblxm in all colors oti sale this week at 1 5 c , o r 2 y d s f o r 2 5 c .

75c school umbrellas, steel rod, on sale at4 9 c .

Ladies’ 23c embroulericd aud hemstitched It tudkerchiefs, about 5 do/, in the lot, 1 5 c , o r 2 f o r 2 5 c .

T h e finest hunch of remnants of all kinds uf goo's1 on the table at a wonderful saving iu pi ice.

IHRNEY & CO.School Report

S. s. NO. II Bit A NT .Inn. IV llprTii-t I’ohlnimi fUut

lilnhui.Sen. Ill (Lima I.xuiIh-i Iii»>, Auilunv

Jr III -Eruma Mmito. W illir Mety b ln iu y , f b .i r li ir McNaci^hiMU,

S r . 111 —V i eiiiln; M uok. Ulmlittcne Mc-Intyii*.

•If. II .liihimii’ Wilkyn, Uva I.cimi, Lizzln Blulini, Milton Muok, Itaby Mc- Whlnm-v.

Sr. I —Eilmi MiNmghtnn, LTiottH Kii-'WcM tor.

J . I -May Lui.bi-rtn-, llnrohi L**ro Si. IMhici— fJoyd Mnr»luill. Irvin j

Wilkon Kilwanl Lmulierlua Etluu Kievvvetti-i.

Jr. I’riuii 1 ArthurNVNaiigbtinMary M-i-.k A inly .Vbln if Liivaul Scbluifl Mary Kirawi-ttiif,Av.-r.i-p- au-mUnc-* 2| — <;. A. H it- ertou, Ti'«cb<r.



Erdman’s k,1"?*


B-.l E-MI. 1« 1 glit

■ l - 1sal*. 1 ti-c


W a lk e r-to n ’s S t r a ig h t C a s h S t o r s* 'Y o m P * y L e a s H e r e "


B ig B a r g a in s


$ 3 .0 0 M e n ’s E n g lis h T r o u s e r s , B a r g a in P r ic e $ 1 .8 9 .

2'mi pin-men'.-, line‘ Knglh.1i ivoisleil trou«yi \ vvi-ll tailotnl amt Ntii-ugly m-vvii. »li lpv* utul nc-at piubeacl patte rn*, umlium mid daik - • ■ ' ‘ ' onvot Ibr Icrgrot niinnfM-turi-i-* of tn<u«t-i» In

•’ ’ “ " oft. Si-o vvimliitv clitplay.$ 1 .8 9

$ 1 .2 5 C o r s e t s , B a r g a in 9 5 c

oOpaii eciiurtg, um.liI to -mt any titlin', made of tlioug wliitu eiicil il. ̂ Iiom- nip|»rtvis. rn*t prnnf Mi#i*. Inw and uH-itiutn bnM». bro *ml iiM* n trlmm-d, a pc-rfect lilting CMisft, nizi-h IB to J*J. teg 91,25, bargain price t*5c

F e lt S h a p e s to C le a r 6 9 c

25 only, women'* and mirtt frit »Im|n>, ,mii«1I and uit-diu ►i/.i-', a gikhl rn»mi tun-iit of c* cm*. it-«ul.ir ptiei* to $5.< Baigain price ........ .......... et

I'cr pair...............

T u r k i s h T o w e ls 1 9 c P r .

I" l .. i, Turli-hT-.*. ,- I .i.-.■•Z-. with fancy *n-d Miip-r, niAilo cl llin- «-v<*n v arn* n-g HOc*. Baigain I'n-c jk-i piir 1 9 c

C h i ld r e n 's H a t B a r g a in s

■J" only childn-n'a Bali Bali , hat*, titbdi- of vi-lvrtr. l-ll* and twn-dr, ng p.tat, baigain. CJV

I5 c in I v cliildo’ii * iimaliioom nml Haliltnli bats, made- of cot* cliiiny ti-lvrt.*, g-w-d AN»nrtiui-ntof c olor*, irg 91.2-'i. batgaiu Ri.

S p e c ia l S a lo P r ic e s o n L a d ie s ' C o a t s

$ 1 .2 5 M e n 's S h i r t s 4 9 c

dez only, iiic-na NVgligt-e *bnt>, .in riit.undinary oiTcr. purrliav-.l dir.cl fi. in tin- manu- facliin-r it i*nr own |u it *>. .mil iiii'lmlc' a vati-1y of patt-rns. rrg 9t.2\ bcrgiiii price ... lt»c

H o s ie r y B a r g a in s

l”Z Wmiih n . pl .inc.i .hini ri- »(/.- t<>“ c. ii-gnlar JkV.

log Iuijf' It’ll liovu. mad vain-. *i/n Hal gain ptlcr.

•xtra heavy vror-i-•l.f giiihl *t|i’lig; to It'. ieg SV,

mz only, Ikiv* w-r»tiil hu»i. >• of pun- w. o| rain*, î̂ l• ^ r»g 25c, iHcrgaici.pi't piiU;

S O c V e s ts a n d D r a w e r s 3 9 c

In dor. hidiih vetin mid dim • r*. Hygiiau hrand. mad-of lb oven >aiar. iiittliiiui and hrav wrighl. in wbilroi natural, log in-, k and long sIm v,-vint*. ankn- b-ngtli dtmvi-r*. hi*., n Sc 4 rtg ft*V. bngAiu p r ice ..............3-a

S m a ll W a r e B a r g a in s

:•-> ti.-niw, UK « . t.„.gain 2 for InfO pap< i n i>«iiv. it-g .» . bargain 2 fur .V; Jmini |.u- |wi** piu*. rrg 3c. Ikireain l fur -V-: 2»ai p»t>* **fuy pin*: rrg batgaiu 2 Lit .Ariel box. a hair pm*, tog hue gain 2 for .'•. Wi) do* |- atl '.Milton*, teg 5c di /, tuicgain 2 iloz for fie; 12 ili-r < , || uloid thmil-l-', i-g rnrh, har- f.i'ii 2 for .v ; pi do/ dittoing cnnili*. icg J*V. Liig.uu ICk-: 2t«Xl ltali-bo.il |i.-rr, baigain t> pan f o i ................................. «h-



Penslar VanishingFace Cream

I* it p repa ra tion which uiirtT*- In uialty *%«»ti»arllcnl »rH frum ordinal y fur* creMtt. Being a soft w h ile «*ral« wH Iw tli any greasy o r o ily chm*AeUtri*U:r*, it rap id ly absorbed hy tho akin, leaving a sm ooth. de lica te ly po rfu tm d «urfii«u to which lace pow der m ay t e im m ediately applied if d ts i r td .

W ilf lint-callin' n g row th n f down jjipbft th e sk in hu t w ill r a th ­e r tend to preseivu it* you th fu l apiw atance.

2 5 c . a j a r .

Hunter's Drug StoreDrills ami KoJaKs C. P. K- TicKtl fltftlUV

Reliable Rubber Goods

Hot Water BottlesMost pains am i acltcs yield readily to the

application of iteat and in no o ther way can you tiet continuous and even heat so con­veniently us w ith a good hut w ater bottle.

$2.00buys a bottle guaran teed for two years.

A . P . SIEVERIGHTD nijjs ami Kodaks

Beating TimeIN Y O U R BUSINESS?

Come to .i Business School a t night and brush up your Book-keeping or Stenography and get an insight into better oflice methods. Three nights a week during the w inter will help to pu you in a position to make more money.

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G EI*. J . MotoiNV, P rin c ip a l - Box 171

RealEnjoymentis impossible if you are all the time conscious of defects in your apparel. I f you buy our clothes tailored to your individual mens'- ure, you can be certain th a t you arc well dressed and have that feeling of assurance and sa tis­faction th a t good clothes always give. Como in and leave your measure for a suit or overcoat.

Ladies' Suits to your special order-

G.T.ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men's W ear

•Store, Walkcrton, Ontario.

A ClockA s a P r e s e n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride cun ever get too m any—she can use one for every room in her house.Here is a line of clocks

that otters a r excellent choice:

A rtistic designs in many styles and sizes: dignified looking black clocks and clocks in n a ­tu ral wood finishes for tlie living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. L. G ib so nJ e w e l l e r W e l K e r t o n

.las. Tollmi • is*

TEN D ER FE E T<ryr--------- - —— r zr: d o

l)«» y o u h a v e tr o u b le w ith

y o u r fee l? S o re , te n d er p o in ts ? T ry a p a ir o f


T he easiest sh oe o n earth.

R A M S E Y th e S H O E M A N

•of m arriage li-

T , F . A U W 'h h I . i —uer o f luuriiiigi

M. Burney - SI.3m nilk. l.vd wide fpTflWr. yd,

P lay ing *aid*. in.-. J.V, £V, am t ,Vv

price *«!

s , \VHght. OfiToloiito is ’ n-r daugh ter. Mi*. II, Trim ble.

HI gal. lies! ............. ••oil oil in -ice tie tm -ll w ith in**! tap , SU..V»,-S. W. V ogati.

' l a k e it economical till* year by giving i* .rtt« it* «>f yotuM'If.—A t F n i-

i '.- studio.

lio b 'ttl in V Special A gent w ill be •re nex t T uesday , Oct. 27ih.-’*Stuph- n B in s

Me. J llng ill o f P alm erston -pent S unday flt l lt«* home of hi* d augh ter Mi*. K. Myles.

T he finest h d of young men * o v .r- co«u» tha t, we have ever show n.— S tephan Bros.

Mr. H u rb W iltm i nf the .Merchants Bank tttalt at Thoiu ld is visiting liis p a te n ts in B taat-

Me. (tml Mis. IHcbnidson of t ’ltll'ord w en -v i’.ilo is a t tin: home of Me. K. M yle^on Sunday.

'l l* . T . F. Art wood left lu st week foe M ount Clemen*, Mich. w hen- she i* undergoing Ilea l mi n t.

.Mi— .Marion Hut-glum w ho Ita- »|*-»d the past w o k a t h e r hom e lien? retu rned t»» S tm tfm *t yestetday ,

M e-sts H arvey Q bvitw and J im Hell e m ail in one tiny b u n tin g th is week lu gged Urt| p a rtr id g e Ultd live lone.

N orm . Mall, w ho was one uf th e flirt local »<|ua>t to go to T oberm ory lets lu lu rued am i will leave shortly for S tre tfo rd ,

’i’he local b ill -a n - Imgiiming t«* talk over tint pto'jM-i t* foe tin - year’* In» k« y team . I t will «n»n is- tim e to organise.

I-v*t Hoim-scekur* excursion, to the west O c t . 27tli. good foe tw o m outh*. Infon im tiou and ticket* a t .H in d e r* D rug Store .

Me. Bert I too ver w ho ha* *j»e»it the* |Nt>t th ree week* w ith lii^ falliee. Me. Anio* llu«»vur n tm m -d i>* N- vvmaiket 011 S.,1 m .lay.

U is not the »v(tt>|to- o f th e g ill , bu t th e g<**l wi»he* th a t go w ith if. Dive yotie friend* )<ort rail* thi* year*-Fin*- ee make* t hem.

Mr. F. >t. PaUvt*on h«* been en­gaged hy Mr. 1*. .1. Moloney to a ts i *t him in secu ring pupils fo r th e W alk ' ei ton Bum ue-yi College,

■Mi" l.i/./,iellenliiiM-l llie VVrmdstoek Helwr.d H .opim l - ta ll -j»-nt Fthtnv nflcrm s.ii w ith In i pa ien t* Me. ami Mi*. Flunk Hcimie.

Christ nfa> i- coniing, «k»ti t vvmry over jrift*, tw elve photograph* foe tw elve feleinU will h it It a ll r ig h t.- - Fta*ei th e photographer.

'Ii*» K ilra Halt w ho hits been visit* lug in tJa lifo tu ia am t the W estern S t i le s foe the past six luu itln i has IC- th inw l to hue home in Ua eg HI.

H a gi» i' ..f th e W alke rtoo High Si/hoot have oegniii/jnl a Itaskef k ill I-mii, ami afv aetm ig ing game-, w ith llm g ill* o f tin - t in - le v *, h.s.h

Me. am i .Mi*. Tim- K enny left on .Natiir.luv for ColliugwiaMl. hav ing l*'en ia lh '1 lo tha t e ity ow ing lo th e rn i im s ilhn.'* ol the latte r'* -i*tei 'l l* . Salim lei',

Mi*. r i t tw .iH .r . lim it will hold a h - eepthm mi Fi iday afierm ton. I)e |. :xith from Hire.- to *ix «.V|.« k, am i a fte r wal.l* wilt le .'f lve th e til -I 1'liilaV of each m onth. ^

Bovs. <i. V . lh < k and I). M rU n n a n ami Mrs. Buck lu tu rm d on Friday fiym T oronto'w hurts they a ttended the CJin-.juUm o f th e U ip t‘.*t e lm ich w hich wn* huhl In th a t e ity .

Mr. W ni jpJHlsay of Hie Ikink of Coiiinn-tw Matt a t Totm ito. w ho i* en |a-ra ting a fte r an o|H'tath>ii lV*r up- pi-inlicitI* j* »|iending till* week w ith lii«g randm othe r, Mi*. A. J l ' b i i i i .

HrtimneeS. l-'ale leirdved u large shipm ent o f g.dddi*h hed Week. T lleir apje-umnei- in th e wimhwv of ih e* lm v e iea ted a «<m«| deal of iiiteii* t mid a la rge num ber of them wen- n a d ilv -d d .

F o u r UubPN ChrlsteniMlFour eh ih ln n w en- » lii M ein*l !>>-

Ib v. T it... W iIm.ii in tlw< Km<\ • Im n li on Sninlny niom ing. v iz: .lean Ihmal- da da u g h te r o f Mr. mid .Mr*, lam An- •|e»~>m. dame* Ihiim iim m l, *<*n of Me. mnl Mi*, .hum s llr iid ri-o n . Um fleld M arshall lle r ts i i , - o u n f Mr. and Mr-. \ \ in Winter*, ansi ' l a tg a n l titady*, da u g h te r o | .Mr. mid Mi*, .tame-. |-Vi- li-o fT o itll lto , Ini-e '|i* * |tl;alt-iet.' B»-*t r»f W alkerton).

Mr. W in 'h l ^ u n a n o fT o r o n to wa- h en ' th is vv« ek rvlieving llaggagi-iudii la s lie o f l In-1 ’. I*. It. vvlmntleinind I In- w edding of In* elde>t -on M ervvn. which t*s>k phn-e in F orth onT t«s< duy,

foi l to Mirpn** nuy tlu n g he has ever done liefo |e ill m aking Is-ilillitill pilot • ogruplt* fo» t ’h r id u ia ' In- is ge tting in tw elve new iKtekgeouud* mid o th e r aids (<• m aking, updualrtte p ietm es x* th a t hi* i ir 'tom er* m ay h**k for the v e iy flm st w ork In Hits Is-autiful a tt

Fivehx'iri ve luuleei - m iller Corjuniil J«s; Iteit heltUu k left Oil K atim l.iy last fo r Toln-imm >. w here thi-V will serve as guanl* a t tin- w itohs* sta tion . Tw o o f th e IstJ* We liiltunl h»«! Week lle i-tuit* Itm islad tlee and ilcliey Van H atten w .'ie unable lo g o , tln ie place. Ix ing ta k en by AHh i t U kllautyne and d .w . Fhiix'II, ot the Metxhmit* Bank s ta lk

'l e , Hugh 'h-K eriw elier. Hominiou Im m igration ,\gen l lo Sc.itliilid w ho foe th e i«i*t tw o yeat* has Igsrit em ­p lo y 'd in I he N orthern pat I o f tha t era til try . i* i-sju-eted to ae iive here tills Week. M i. M eKerraelier hasIxs-u gm n trst t in t s - In o iith * leave of at* w in e which w as livttli'lire tliirt- hi* imevices have lieen very sa lisfac lm v to the governm ent.

Soiub pno hnudiud giu-sis g a th o u d a t the home of Mr. an d Mr*. Jam es O 'C onnor on T h n i« t# y evening ln*t, flic orcasim i b r in g a wedding recop- lin o g iven in hono r o f the ir von. Pieicu w ho Wn* m arriis l tw odays p ie v in n ttu M isi France* B ruges in H m nipon , III. Thu even ing w as fl|H-nt in cards, d a rn ­ing it ml o th e r pastim es and those p rese n t had a tunst cnjoynhle evening in Mr. O’Connor’s spacious hotuo. The Inide xml groom w ho a rc sp en d ics tw o week* here received the congrfltuU- lion* m id te s t wish*'* of the en tire com pany.

Fight 'room ed hoiiso on I tiirlntm -St.vvitti a ll iiHslern rsmvenlenee*. to rent,-Apply to J . J . .Nchuunu'liei.

I lm ise k ee p er W arned.H ousekeeper w anlral f«-r aged lady,

i mod sa lary , w ork ligh t. A pply nC the T* leScoptf OUice.

1 'ttir im ic C o n c rrr O ctu tier tim idCom e mid jo in in tha p a trio tic c lior-

uses a t t in 1 Opera house. F r id a y , Oct- ota-r iWth. Tick*l-1 '3 and33c uiay I s liad a t MeCi uni’s Book S to re o r from m em bers o f tb* com m ittee . P lan «>p- «u a t M ct'ruuiV unT nrra lay .

lto \ oc tal a t Im nkelilThe ■ial o f the •u will

i Fl id*Is-la id el the H unkeld *ehi*o a y »let. .'full. toHid p iog tah l, •'mu*

of the ll»-d Cist** t ’ujjd. Admission J.V ladie* w ith iKtXcs freeA

Fin-F , U nfit'* ta g *.Jfe in H anover slitrl.s lliis S i itn is l^ ' AiHh at >.5*t A.lit. J . It. 11 net h e r in ehfltgp for H» days only. »*Ve»-> th in g must t»- sold. H ighela*sgo.*t», l*i ie*t |r}.sI>i'r**go,»d* Stm dh ldnm h i wcaj aod n tril 's suit* a t Sl.n*

A ccep ted C all in tln r r ls to n .ih-v, tie... 'l a -o n w ho lw - Isa'ii jw-t-

o r o ftin* .C arg ill and P inkerton I’h " hyterian •■huii hc.s foe the |>asl fhfce years ha -act* p t . ' l a v a il to th e Ih m i- |o ii e lm ith . Me. Mu-on will piv.u h h i- fm eWelt serm on on S unday Nuveun>* «• 1st.

H uccessiul H nm m age SateT he semi annual rum m age *ale o f

th e local 1-ulh-s’ H ospital Aid which wo* held on F riday mid Sat u rday of last Week, in the viteflld sto p e tio rth o f t In Qinx'its hotel, wa* a d ,s ided su e ee—. Tin- ladie* on th is «K-ca*inn t*s>k hi over UiHllt rind a fte r n il ex|ieli*o* Were |Ktid th e y were aide I .. hand totile r «h*»iH ntlsieil u* C ivil PJngiaeur*

Me**t* H ad and A rth u r Botvrtsm i. o f T om ido , x<n* of Mr. a tid 'h * . Jt. fiolH 'iIxtn of W ulki'iton, have e n lis t'd to *r-rte on tlm • ngim-.-iing «s«p* »d t he second C anadian eoidiugent. Any of t in- font tit-year - indent* ..f tin- s . I*, s . T o ronto of whom th e la tte r t-

Will ,,,, g iven th e ir yeai.(p ii-r iio T e .iu t * Ilc tV a lc il.

Ifcglt th e 1 and II H meu* ttngby team s Wen' defeated on Sa ttio lay la*t. The form er on which Bob tt*<wlaud play* half-tMck was defeat «st in Tots.n- ts. by the V arsity team by 21 lo II w hile tin-second team on wki. li Atne>itd W’hileltead p lays halfuXtek wu* defeat.s l in M ontreal hy th e .McfJIII team try a *ei>re of ik2. t .a ie Howl tog

fin ite a nm uts-r o f Isavlet - enjoy.*) a gam e on tie- hs-al gievuotiM onday ev­en ing last. Ib-w liug a ' la te in th e season a* I Jet, l!t(||. e -ia ld i-h e . a fei- o rd in tha t eesjieet, u -/fu r a* llte l>*-

feet of -now fell hi Albei la bn Or-I. Ith ami having tin - in m ind. ••dd

nOntai e *f*»'stillou thegiis-u*. rusptieri ie-nici»chtg gat he t’ d at inatiy pin* ••«*, violet - and o th e r flow* r-a r*- tdooluhigam l fiom where tim t.tisl'-have not yet m igruted and w itlia ll tin* sa m tsin w e e a n p u t in to tin- ex p o —j , ,v v e would -ay •Sun­ny A lberta .'

Itec iu ilin g Im th n second Cr.n.olinn Coutlngunt Iwfi been coiumcuced in «>*veral uf th e la rg e r c v u tlttt but no o i d -•* have y v i 1*en t m i v n l in tc- »po«t to th« c jn tin g e n t by C apt. (). K. K lein.

M«rrie«l in ItarriM lonM l. A. C. I to g i'in u f fi(t«nU> who t*

w eli-khow n In W alke r tui. being n frv«|Ufiit v n i te r a t the hom o of Mr. Clm* C laik . w ns itdti tie d in H m rb to n «m Muoduy Iasi; to M irs Jn s iu lllrfi- bttin, Mr. aud Mi#. Huger* w ilt i« s,de in Tm im to.

F re e Hag lo r F a n n e r*A ny farm er- w ho a re .n n trila iH b g

oat* fo r the n -n o f the ( iHiadian <Mid B ritish ariide* in Kmo|«>. emi 'n em o Iv ig 'livx -o f c liarg-. a t V .igan* haul-Wdtv sto le. 'llje 'C l*|gs m e suppliedbv th e I,.Rid la iim li o f tin* Pairio iiu la.-agui' by th e Ihim inionotgatuyfliioi).

;,]eiliiMlisi CliurcliNext Kttmlnv th e ,S ilv e r J u b ik e nf

th e C anadian K pvrci.h tx-*gue will be observed. A t th e w e td n g m i vice tl u p a sto r will pu 'ttrii n sutm bii to young people. S»d je c '-~ ‘'JM tnu tsrru tia l* tu success.' Y oung people generrlly and IliRh Schc«d stm letiis MH’clally in­vited.

O at* Slmiilil t»e C leaned Tito a tten t io n of tho farm er* w ho a te

m aking con tribu tion* o f oat# to the B ritish a rm y is draw n to the fac t th a t it i* very d tn ira b 'o th a t thcfO onU be cleaned b rfo te be ing bagged. T his Sit very im portan t and where {tin possible the farm er* should g ive the m a tte r th e ir a tte n t io n .

T ea ch e rs j |t i c a llin g Convent bu t T burtduy and F riday nt th is w eek

w ill bo holiday* for th e pupils o f th e W n lte r to n public school mid m any other* lit th e F a s t Bruce la -p rc tu ra te . th e tcach rr# living abiw nt a t t be annual convention which i* being held in W iarton . Priuuip.il W illougbbv nod h i i e n tire s ta fl of texeber# m e in at* tendance.

T hank o tT erlng M eetingT he ladie- of the Baptist and C hrist­

ian congregation will Indd th e ir tin mi­n i th a n k o tte r in g g a th e r in g on Tm * •lay a fti’inm ni, Oct. 27th. a l S l ic lu rk .Mi** Ibuharu ilo a ld a ic tilvd tuiiydolt. •try w ho hit* spent 7 year* in Judea wiH,*t*eak and exhibit imrio* fnm i J u ­dea . T iivic will !*• u program m e and reft esluiicut*. T lie public a ie eonliully iliv it.s l to a tten d . A five Will offet~ ittg w ill Is* taken for missions.

Injured In Motor A ccidentIk . B. II. F o tjuue of Ay ton w ho is

w«dl know n lieiy. bail *('veraf l ilts b ro ­ken on M oudav-m orning w hen In- un*pinm sl undei I t '- a u to , vvhii h lu n u s ttu r tle a fte r skidding in th e s ta tio n y a n t «l A ytojt, D r. F o rtune w.»* sjRs-diug to e.tleii Hue U ntil f o r til* •hpightet w ho a tten d s the lilUTistou high s( l«»d. w hen th e accident iK-eut-ed ’i l n 'g h l was hui h it out tmt «*s.'a|wd m dm it. Alilmiigii the docli.i i* -et- joiisly iu juus l'it ivtejM i ted In* will re*

Died in W’inglinmJo h n It. th e little -on of Mr. and

Mt*. Jim . M .'Hlurtn tn rc Mis* Ih -uha T m ax of W alkel tou l died aMlu* home of h i- |Mreiit* tit W itigham on Suudnv n ftet an «Um»4* «>f «l>*nt t t u w day*du ration . * Beside h i- part-id* inW ing limn h r ts ii v lu -d b y : tw inl - o th e r at 1 line si-te r. Mr-. SainTi mix. g rundm oih t o f the de rased.a t tendril ft • rimer d w hich w a held!o»thr W i ghaut cviuetri V ot Tims.day.

T o A id th e tlc iftiau*H ie ladies of \Valh«'rt«u have div id­

ed (og ive k—isfaueij lo the pmtf and needy {Mmple in Belgium a n d »»o now• n g a g d l in eoltt-eting clothing', blunk-• t*. «|uit( s. etc, whiell will Ik’ sen t to tha t- coun try . , A ny jw utie- w ho an- w illing to help these opptx—-wd jicopleaml part lex w ho have articles Milhthle forrtic piirjs*-e, d ie re*|Ue*t -• si to - e n d - a im to th e s to ic o f Mi*. Ft'd iuau, a - r tu - |gde w ill Is- -eu i w it h- U t WO w ei-ks.ei.litrilaitions -limild b*>

A uction Sale,Aii auction -ale <>f fatm implement -

farm >t«s k, gt.dn and oilier eiiflttel *m» del-and by virtge o f d challel inort. gau>* and curtain lien agreement - given to the inottgagrt'*, wilt Is- la id til tot No. s. «on. 0, Cayrick on Satm dav, Oct, 2 lllt, eonimeuetug at one o’elm-k. The .Uriel— to Is- -.-id hlt'lude eat|f%. -wine, gfaiu. and a large uum- Is'V of implement*. For patlienlar*

bill. F. Brigg-. Itnlilf, J . J, Winiiert, auetioms-r.

CuilllllRUIItS ol‘ 10,0110 Fill'll 'llte Canadiait iiogeinim-nt Hfls m-I*

th*l theipn-stiidi of home defence as well ins that o f : Britain by dis'lditlg that a fulfil of ;#rt*** men Is* kept d i e Hiiumisty: in Training in t'auada andiluit e.m ilngent-of tu,i»*i men Irj de*. |Mteh,sl to lb.- (tout ot regular inter­val', Tin-tir-t :|o,ii»» w ill liki ly>»> sent in I iifeju ls’r. and further hosiahuenls of the vault? nuiidvl' Willis-de*!<a(rfo*t o f r gu la r in te rvals un til the Will ottiee nl VV-e* d i* '” llt il|U0II‘ e. T he place of . ai l, eoutingeid o f |n.i«<n sen t t*< tin fufljt will lx* ta k en hy a n ­other • im ilai tsslv o f uteii e inoll.sl lot tfain ing , *•• th a t the re w ill alw av- !*• »M «lt m en um h 'r arm * in th e Hetuiu- Inu,

P a tr io tic C onceriB u m iin ls l Hie P a trio t le to u e e i I hy.

th e Ibm ghtet's >d th e F iup ile .yf Ihe

:>»th, T ieket-AV andiV-.T o M eet Xcvi .Moult,

A hhm igh it le i-m o yei ts e n de fin it­ely decided ii|M,n by the enhinet. It t*• viweted th a t a -e-slou of Parlia iueu t •- *'• i»* summ oned early in N*?veiul* r. I* >* Ihe general Itellef flint' th e llo ti-e will Is- rall.sl lo meet a* soon as |wr**ib!e nex t m outh . T he f*ov ■ e iuu ieu t w ill.-t'k fo r ondorsi'tuenl. of l lie tuivaneed w ar policy auumuiecd bv S ir Bols-it Borden andYor tie '

n i o b i l i / . 'n i e th ir ty tli..nsaiid men. F ifty milltmi do llar- were v«deil a t t he em ergem y session o f Pailiam ent hid m o if w ill likely lie needed lo ear- i v th e w ar pio|M<sal* of th e (hnerit* incut Ih tough to tin 'e n d of th e n-eal year.

C u rlin g M eetingTlte auntuil meet lug vif th e W alker -

loti Curling ••luh wu*held hi (lie conn- .<•11 eham tx 'i on T h in -d ay evening. T he oflh-ei* eln*-. ti fo r th e ensuing vem were - P iesiden t. W . 11. McBniu- ey : vice pH sidenl. A. K. MeNab: see- ix 'lary. 1^ H. .MoNauuua: t ie a -n ie i, C. S. S tephen: m anaging com m ittee, the ollleer* and Messrs C. Sm iih . II. M. l a y .A ; Colliusaud F. W . I.ipjw ti. -, t,. Skips, Ml*—I* Collins, laty , l.ippert, M orri-on. Mr K ay, 'Ic B u ru ey . MeNab, M eNauiata, PengeUy am! Iltib -rtw n . T he annual ft*- was flxxsl at six dollars foe iK-giuiiers and ^eighb dollars for other*. Mr. C latenee S indh vva* e|* ectvsl a* th e delegate to th e atinunl m eeting of the O ntario C urlers As* soeiatnin.

B led in tlie l lo s |d ta t Mr. Archie S lew m i. n writ-known

residen t o t th e (owtt«bip«t>f Cxrrlck, wh-t ha* been a p a tien t In the Bruce Cwutttv H ospital dm m g tlte past two m onth*, ftiiiTeriog flo ra p trs iy id s , died in l l t t l in stitu tion on Tucxdxy aftcr- nnon. The decerned who wu* tlfty- «ix year* of age Spent hi* e n tire life on hi* fat in on ih e H ilt concv»*ic ft slun t diNtunc-e from W alkcrton . He Is worvived by one brother, U uncan, j>f Brant and th ie e - i» te t-, M tf. Joveph Bflbeek of B ran t: Mttt. John t.'utroll of A back Siisk.. fo rm erlv of W alkerl«tn. a :d Mr*. Batkin* of K enora, O nt. Thu fo tn ra t,-w h ich w ill lie p riv a te will leave the reddence of th e ih 'ciasud’s couttih. Mr. A rchie C am pW ll,M tbU tThurwdtty) a fternoon a t 2.W oVleck to the W alk c rto b cenudvry.

Mi*»mn tin nil F n ie r ta in m e n iT he anim al thankefl'ering m is t in g

and e n terta inm en t o f th e K n o x eh u r t h m i—ion l<ntid w as la id >.u Weilnewday

.evening Iasi. llltge uuudte r of e)mi « h |>eop|e a ttended anti enjoyed

••-. d ialoguesm id rec ita tion-. A good. I.v sum w.t* teali/<sl in the eollm-tion t>, n h te h vva»it»hh<d g'JTut th a t anum nf in-itig (sdleeitsl by llte ehild ren thent* solve*Jn a novel m anner. At tlie Is-gitlttiug *d tin- y e a r ’*•«<■!» of the younget m etuiN 'isof the mission band tw e n ty in nmniM-r. were given a mill' i llntv' Imrtx'l. •sflitainiug a ta len t coin o f.V which th e y were «*k< d !«• h r e tra se d u r in g tlie y e a l ’m th e ir own way. W hen a ll the Ivarwd* Were in-• e un tis l for <>u W»sltiesth,,v evening the niuntuit Iea li/ed ftxtui t fit'll) was som eth ing ovet-sfcSk«*b The program given by th e ehiidtetl. wa* te|H-ati-*lal th e House.of B efngeon Tuesday even­ing for Ih e U'lteflt. of the old jn-ople in th a t institu tion and needles* to say tin y etijnyial lt.

V critic t or.\CCt«lental D ealt,The ad jou rned m eeting of the co t on-

t*r'x jm y which inv ia tlgu tud the death ol th e l »tu tiy o tg e la?alhorn t>f Wing ham who was found drow ned he te th ree weeks ago, was held in the tow n hall on T uesday rv rn in g . A lte r a leng thy to s io t i at w hich a g ten l d f*lof ev idence tvns taken , th e jnrjrreturn*cd the follow ing verdict:

• 'T hat th e said vseorge I f l t l iM r c •vccidcntidly a i m 1 to h is death by drow n ing in th e Hmigccn r iv e r al W atk e rto tia u d no N am e t« a ttac h iihly to anyone rise. T he drow n ing took place o n ' liie 2ftih orkHhh of jJeptc'm bet.

D uring last, w tig tlie WinghflOJ ou‘h- orittea paid n visit to W nlkv rto n in connec tion w ith th i-n v -c , an d chatk- ed the local trtilljtU'HJc* w ith bring lax in th e ir inv is tiga tionx , tla im ing th a t th e t<eo l .o th o tn had been m urd­ered . hu t s it thecvidenco ta k en show s th a t theft ro n lm tie iis lack foutidtttloh ttitd th e Vxtdlcl uf th e c o to n er’e ju iy shotdd set «t i t s t tu.y w ild tum ors w hich have he rn circulated.

^K -t tt B vtttvu .o In P e ifh .tbv t.. ott Tuesd.tv. Deiols r 2Mth. Mr. Mcrwyti IR’sfle, -on of Ml. and Mr*. II. Leslie - ! W alker tm t to t '.t ia ,'ImU'I B adfout. ■laughter ot Mi. ami Mr-. I It, Had lord of Perth .

I 'm i a tu* - M, K W • lb . W .*lue*day. ttebdST I Ith. at the home of lteV. Mr. M -luto-h. Kll.t May, u ld .- l

'■^•laagtit.'r o f ' l l , and Mi -. ' l o o i . - b M« Ka> of i.li im i. to J a m .- AUt. d Cow ard. -eeond *»»n «>f Mt . and Mr-. F. t ow atv lof rijRidina A>- . T*»n*u-

T be muma! m eeting of th e W alker* lo ;, • iltu ia l KiH-iety will lie heldin (lie (Hjtarttitcnf of AgvieuUme on Ft iday Nov. tit It. a t H o '. I«>ek I*. M AII iuici-CHtcd plea*.* take notice and a tten d . ,Ja*. Tolfon. Heu'y. ^

B ridge tint ye t C om pteied Thn steel-w ork of the new span

w hich i« being added to the * r - t to d bridge, fo r som e reason w hich is n o t know n to th e Iocs! council bus not been s ta rted a lthough the ccm rot- evork w as tinigbed tw o w eek* *gu. M ayor L lppert colled up tho c o n tra c t­ors Ixsi week, and w as in form ed th * t th e w ork w ould be com pleted lit con* ttaef. l iiu r, h u t the teuson for the de­lay a t the present tu n e wn« no ld ivu lg- c l . I hi* m e sn t th a t th e *teel*work m u st la- fluisbetl w ith in tw o wm k** lim e.

W htrton Stan D ischargedB ert Byers, a youur' juw oller of

VS iu rton apprnreil lx-fore Judge Klein on S a tm d a y charged w ith th e *«rlou* otfonce of ndniiniideringa dose ufinor- pliine o r Nome o the r na rco tic to a young g itl , M artha O ttow al, th a t ho m ight have unlaw ful im crroiitnn with li f t . The alleged offence took place on A ugust 29tb, w hen th e g irl in the c a w en tered tho jew cllry shop of Mr. I lycrs sho rtly afte r one o'clock nnd wli le th e re took a d r in k of w h a t the d«-f»nc» claim ed wax w hiskey which was offered to h e r by the p roprietor. Site took a m cond one and h e r uondi- U fn I c ta tn e such th a t she w as obliged to retire to a room a t tho roar whore je s tin g «n a sofa she lapsed Into semi- coosciousiirt* a nd did n o t i-ecover u n ­til la ic in th a t evening. I t w as during th is in te rv a l th a t Mi*« O ttaw a! c laim ­ed th a t th e allegrd ollence took place. F o r a tim e It appeared th a t the ease a g a in s t th e young w an was a c lear one, b u t th e re tu rn ed c a t lo be u o cor* oborative evidence and as tw o doctor* swore th a t i l l e g a l was sUlTeiing front h y s te r ia and con»e<|tM>nt ballucina* tions, the Judge , a f te r g iv ing the ac* CU-ntd a lecture abou t ivini-aml w omen, tIUinissed the case. M r.D . Hoberteon, K. C- appeared mt behalf ot the do* fence which Mr W rig h t of Owen Sound aud F t own A tto rn ey Dixon conducted th e p rosecution.

Tim W ar S itu a tio nTill* i* th c Tilth day of th e Hut*>{x*m

w a r and fi->tii tin- point o f view* o f thw idlii-d ivrmiux t lie situa t ion in F rance i- jX'iliaj** inotx' lioja ful th a t a t an y tiliM* sinru tin- HettiMVtt advance on tint French capita l vva* chei kvsl. Dcs- |svt« li<'* ft*wit a ll |x>ini* a long the lints o f Im!th* i*-|tntl th e failing Iwck of the (b iina ii foi*‘c* and they have evacu* at«sl 0*tutni and 141b- which m arks t wo hupo rth n i Mti m-ssi-s fo r th e allieil foix'r*. T he Ib'lgiun a rm y ha.* once itUUV taken heart, and u tc n o t only ptx>kp* ttu g tin --m a ll M-cttoti o f Un-h­ow n coun try which rtflitatna tinder tint •stiitixd of K ing A lU 'rt. la it hflVu sue* ccvded in d itv tug llte tb tnvan* hack a dt-fance of lifto-ii mile*. Thu naval light* have larru conllnc»l to m inor en­gagem ent* in which b u t a few* vessel* have taken |«irt and hi w hich gener*' ally s|M>akiiig the B ritish fleet, lu u com e bu t tx-st. On F riday last the B iili-b ct-uis4-r H awke, was m trjwlwd and tva jasba'd in tile N orth Sen by h ( hum an -ul-manm*. and of th e *t« vv of fo ttr hm ptrod on ly fifty Weix? savetl, but seeuthigly In le ta lia tio n fo r t iu s !•>**, the B r iti 'b c ru iser '•Fm launted'* .'Hcouijmnunl i»v tw o destroyers a t ­tack**! and su n k 'fo u r o f the enemy'a to i jsslo ls>ax dcstrityets*, «»1T tin? Dutch • m»*t t lie following day . O n lm th laud and -ea the tide o f vvar citntiniies to Is’ in favor n f the French. English Itu-sian* a ltd Belgians.

K scnpcd from C e n tra l Tin* following item from the Oloba

o f T hlirrilay laid. gJVys till a ixonn t nf t It*.* e*ca|S' fto lu t ’e tllm l P rison of th tvn ramvlct* am ong whom wa* a m an uau to l Mclwoigldtn w ho i t is ■ laiined is Htt) toh lsT am i U<>rsu-t1)irf wlm made a sensat ional Break for lils.'ity fto tn t li r W alkcrto tt gaol aisait ,v m ontli ago. None of th e j r iu Itavn yet Is-ett eapiiiixsl.t

A fter a—anUing a g ua rd on the gtvumds oftlu - Font m l Prison yt-sler* •lay afternoon , tlnx-e convict*. John "Ht*r < Mulltail. Frwtice !Sja-nce am i

H em y M cl-m ghlin m ade a successful •fixutk bn -lils 'ity . and at an early Hour th is tHoming w ere s till a t large Tile only im inU'i- o f th e tr io know n to Hu- lived Jadlce is Mullmll. Hu bn- Ixvit i-tntvlrtetl on m a n y occas­ion* on d ifferen t chatges. H e es­caped from the C en tral Pit**>n *eVe* i« l year* ag o by jum ping o ttj a Iw krt’s " a g o n which w«* |uv—iug the gtxuinds, l ie vva* m in v s te d six m onth* in ter by S tugeu t VYUmhi <>n tin- ivtik *,f a Y v m ttg -tied car. ()«■• tug t«*.the T etii'cucc of the prison an tlm iitie s lit t ie could be learm*l eon ■ em in g S |* ‘me**r 'b -B m gh liu , ta il it i* thought th a t ' Mullmll wn* the ringleader. W hethe r the escape w .,. carefu lly p to u n sl is tm t know n but th e tr io m ade th e ir w ay fontt I lib gt ounds w ith rat h e r ren ta l kitblr ea-<*. T he men w ere W orking a tsm t th e g rtm nd '. an d g radually lx?- • one M'lmintcd fm m lh e o th e r et»lt*

Sm ldenly »me «<f the men - na te ln s ilh o rifle fn>m th e hands of tlu*h guard and a fte r dealing him a -tm m ilig blow m ade th e ir way to thw niilwflv tracks. Tliv’y wtm? aouttlobi sigh t of by Urn iixtomulud giuuvU,


"What could have happened >'• him?" ahe raked heraelf

"Probabh » headache. after a reve'* Out poulblv another arrest for debt' vhe nu*wered to benmlf.

"Another arrest for debt This • m the very worn the feared for hint The Idea of such a calamity ns death In a duel never once entered her mind.

"And If be were arrested for debt, he would *cnd me word. Ob' It Is only his usual wine headache that bus overtaken hint In lin d e n , because lie couldn't catch the last train last night and get borne m time to have It hers. Hut. oh’ I wish he would come! I wish I knew exactly where he was. or even where that horrid Colonel Hricrly could be found’ Hut 1 don t know anything about their haunts Ob. my poor Charley, how much trouble you do give me, mv dear’

So. waiting. etching and Kent!' i omplalnlnc. Molly passed the day.

Kvenlng came, and the children w-r*' called in from their play in the car den. to set thHr supper of milk and oread, and be put to bed

But their mother Interposed on this occasion.

• I don't want them to so to bed until their father comae In. Ucmem- her that they haven't seen him since yewterday morning. (Jive them their anpper and then wash and dr--* them nlacely. and ly in s them In here lo wait till their papa comes.' she said to the young nurse. a* she took her plare nt the front parlor window to wait for the early evening train*, na tn the preceding evening she had

watched from her bedroom window for the late, night trains.

After a while the children, nicely 4n*«rrf. and delighted with the privll- •** of silting up for papa. Joined her there, and half distracted her mind from her anxiety with their innocent prattle.

The gas *a* lighted in the parlor, hour after hour passed, train after train came shrieking and thundering Into the station, and went shrieking and thundering out again, and still he

Anxiety was juat beginning to be Insupportable again, when th- sound of carriage wheels was heard In the lane, approaching the hoove

"That's Charley, at last: Poor fc,. low’ he must have hern unite ill. to ham lo get a cab to com*- from the sta­tion in' Children, papa has come, said Moll}, jumping tip a* the enrrltw;« stopped at the gate

But at that moment little l.Uy poll­ed n flowcr-atand over on herself, and her mother stopped to pick both up. which occasioned a few moments' de- dar. at the end of *.*hteh the vonpg nu’ree. Beitsy Morris, opened the. door

and naively announced:-A lady has come in a crart-xce t*>

see .Mrs. Faulkner 7 Molly started with surprlso. A lady ,

to seo her’ Such n very unusual clr- »umstanr<*’ t could the lady iwant? And at aueh an hour, too? Oh. < *ha must he someone come to her , from dear Charley! Dear Charley wan ■ ‘.00 ill to coene home, so he hart *eot . for her! Or else he waa arreo* d for ; debt and he had sent for her nil t h e . same! concluded floor Molly, a* a spa&m of terror for Charley - -afetr \ «eired her heart, and in some degree , prepared her for what she had to hear |

AH this occupied but' an Instant o f : time.

•Did the lady give her name. Bee- j «*?■* Inquired Mrs. Faulkner.

"No, ma'am. When I asked her for j it ehe’wdd l need only to *ay that a lady wished to seo you."

"Where hare you shown her • Please, ma’am. I haven't shown

her anywharv* Phe’s standing at the i nail door yet."

’’Oh. Bewey! how stupid of you to leave any lady funding at th* hail ' door! Never do « c h a thing -sMio! <how her In at once' ' said Mrs. Faulkner, impatiently, and tramblln?. i but more with alarm than from any other cause.

The little nurse retired for a mo­ment and then ushCTed In the visitor

Mrs. Faulkner turned, and u * •Unding before her a graceful voting woman, elegantly drtased In black.

The lady threw aside her veil. revoal- Ing a lively young face, lighted by large .warder. haxel eyas, and shaded by golden-brown curling hair.

"It is FaJ' Damm er” ' cried lUtlft Lily.

“Fay-ee hammer’ ' exclalm-d Ada "Fairy Grandma!" said Charley And the three rhildrou ran to her

and sedxed her sktrto.•Tbls lady ts our Fairy Grandmoth­

er, mamma." explained little Marv, as •he went up to tho visitor and do muralr offered her hand

Yew. It was Angela Mellssf, the banker's young wife. Molly's ha’od stepmother, th* children's 'Valry Grandmother '

Wbat had brought h*r here’We must go back and see.

CHAPTER VIII.About three hours before her visit

to Mr*. Faulkner, Angela Melllss had come In from her afternoon drive, and had gone to h"r room to dress for din-

As was her frequent custom, *hc sat down before her dressing-glass with the evening paper in her hand that she might look over it while her maid was combing her hatr.

On this occasion. while glancing down the column* of the papei, -he euddenlv started and hurried!? *v- elalmM

"Put up np hair in an> t-ort of way. Mary. a* quick!* ns you . »n, and hand me m* dryaefnc gown. Thi- is mnu horrible "

• "What has happened, .Far madam?I hope nothing dreadful ha* happen­ed. said the msid tmpulri**lj, ** she haatlly g«ttiered up her lady's golden hrowtt ringlets rad put them info a

Mrs. : - it.

and pointing to « mu tain paragraph.The banker took it up and readA Shocking Kv.-ot Near Brighton. -

l»o*u s I tyke was. early th is morning, the scene of a tragedy, A duel was fought on the spot between Colonel B arre tt H rietlv, late of the Honorable Fas) India Company * service, and Captain Charles Knulklter. htfo of the Itoya| Guard*, which term inated fat- all* in the case of Captain Faulkner, who, at the first lire. fell, shot through the heart, anil died instantly . The su r­viving principal of the duel and the two seconds succeeded in making their oseape to France. The t*ody of the un ­fortunate Captain Faulkner Is ly ing 'at the Ship, where an inqueat *a* held, and a verdict of m anslaughter re tu rn ­ed against Barrett Brier!? as princi­pal. and John F luJohn and tames Aiken a* accessories. T he cause of th is hoatit* and fata l meeting Has not

The hanker finished rending the paragraph, laid down the paper and iooke,j into the pale face of hi* young wife.

W here Is his widow ? You know. I am sure, Angela." said Mr. Mellis. speaking w ith forced calmness.

"Y«t, I know where she Is. She is living at -’vdinbnm . replied Mrs. Mol­lis, in a low, sorrowful tone.

"Go. then, a t once, my love, and bring her and her children home. Tell here I forgive-* ” Ills vole** broke down, and his frame shook a^ with an aefu.- fit. '"Tell her anything you will, my love; hut if she has nol heard of her husband's dreadful fate, do not tell her tha t. Hut tell her th a t she will find him here. I would ra the r she should 1»> here, In the bosom of her family. When she moots the shock of the news of bis sudden death will bring. Go to b*T. Angela. H will be a sorrowful errand, my child, but you will per­form It well. I will go down to Brigh­ton bv the n*-x» train , and se*- to the removal of the b o d s The funeral must take place front ltd* house." con- eluded the banker .»* he rang thebell.

Hi* valet answered the summons.' Order Mrs. Mellis**' brougham to he

brought around Immediately, and send Pn<- of the groom* to fetch a fly for me." said Mr. Mfllfo..

And the man, wondering wftnl " I .-art), was the m atter, went out to* obey hi* roaster'* direction*.

" i'l l go and get ready-x t once.' Raid Mrs. Melllaa, and she arose and returned u> her own room.

She quickly dressed herself in a black driving dress, and «aa In th ­a n of draw ing on her gloves when a parlor maid rapped softly at the door, and being told to come In, entered and said;

"If you please, ma'am, rook says a s you are going out ju st a* dinner is ready to l*c dished, she beg* to know your wisher, about It."

"Oh! Never mino about dinner, Jane! I cannot think about th a t now! Mary Kempton. go and use your o»n judgment in the m atter, " aaid the lady.

The next servant who came to the door announced Mrs. Mellis*' broug­ham. and the lady being qiilln ready for her drive went downstair*.

She found her husband in the hail, his wife, a* he placed her in h - r car­riage.

"Be very, very prudent in your m is­sion. m> dear Angela! if l« be pos­sible, do not even permit he r to sus­pect the calamity tha t lias befallen her unUI she -l* safely housed bora," said the banker, a* he led her oat.

'I will do my very best." replied hi* wife, a* h>- placed her i nher car­riage

His own ordered fly wa* waiting. And hl« servant w»* standing by with his ha t. gloves and shawl.

So In* took leave of Ills wife, closed the carriage door, and told her roach- man to drive to Sydenham.

Then he sprang into hi» own «.r- derad fly, and directed the driver to so at his utmost speed lo the London Bridge Railway station, promising him an additional fee If In* Should catch the Brighton exprew train.

The fly whirled away first.Mr*. Meiilgs' brougham left tho

door.\% i t passed out of Charley atrfriL

Mrs. Mclli*s. looking front the window, saw Barhael Wood turning the corner with a parcel of work In her hand.-, which she was bringing Home.

The banker * wile immediately pull­ed the cheek-string and stopped 'he carriage, and beckoned Uie scnrostrecu* to approach.

Kachel came up i«> the dout, whieb the footman had already opened for her.

"Oh, Kachel. my good girl. 1 am so fortunate to meet you’ t ome righ t in here and sit by me, and I win explain a* we drive alone, said the »*dy.

The seam stress, much »ond»rmg. got into the carriage and took her seat as requested.

"Tell the coaebtnan to drive on." raid the lady.

And the footman closed the door, gavr- the order and resumed his place.

*1 hope you have the evening at your disposal. Itnchei. for I need you very much just now." said Mr*. Met- I is*.

Ye*, madam, t ha**- completed the work you gave me to do, and I was bringing it home when you called me, tha t ir- a ll." said K*ehc|.

"Never mind the work. Barbel. | have ;» terribh- thing tn tell you. Gap- tain Faolknei was killed In a duel • his rooming, and I am on my w »' tn Sydenham to bring - hla tutor widow home to Jo t father - house, before breaking the new* to h*'r,” said thi-

Mlfband n .....Th- banker under hi* vafot’s

hands*."Send Miur matt » » « ; , Walter, <l»u»r,

f must *t"*k to you. said Amp la. dropping into a chair.

■|>c*v- the room. John, said *be banker, taking the hair t.rm-h from the servan* • hand

inquired, »« soon M the mar* hart gen- Then seeing ho* pale she »n . he e* elalmed Good Hea»eu. Angela’ what kai hap parted ?’

•*|U*d!" ahv falfarad. laying th# pa-par h«<*r* W a ♦* tba tf.rraain#-U>Wa,

ilvWhen did you hear this? lie

•lid you hear it" inquir-d Hachd.Mr*. M< Ills* fold Rachel all th

she had burned from the newspaper paragraph.

•Hit. Heaven, have mercy on poor widowed wife and orphaned • hlldrrn’ fervently breathed Hi

he*rt of the e»andf»lh»r t« nt t<* send fhent and bring them ho raid Mrs Mellie*

And then *h* told Barb*! a ll thal had r-uaed -n *h« *'.tt>)«et v»mi bacaâ f and Mr. M*Hlra

And tho !**;>• r.nd the sedmatrera talked of nothing hut the fatal duel, llie dead mtgt. and Hi- poor, unron- seiOUS widow and orphans until they reached Sydenham, and turmd Into Hawthorne lane.

Tim lights In the front windows of the cottage drawing room, placed there for "poor t hat lev," quite Illum­inated the house and the upper end of the lano

The ,*.-ene leok-ul cheerfuf Rnt it- t - n eh* erftilnrws depressed the *ptr- iti. <>f lite tender hrarKvl -votpen. who knew whet/sorrow was present)? to change alt that light to darkness.

T»tcv had. how* ver, scarecly time to think nbout it b«fore th- rarriuge drew up at the ^ardrn gate te-foro the cottage.

*1 in- footnihu }nmr»c<l down and rang the loll.

And Mollys poor little simple maid an«were*l it. a* has been *ald

She could not tell whether her ml«- tress was nt home or not; but she would ink- tho visitor's name In and

•» she -aid.

her ml-trra?And the Rule girl took in th* me*,

rage, and «*oon returned with a re­quest that the lady would walk in

•Come, Rachel." “-aid the ltank*r‘s wife. Sk* sh<* entered the bon*e

"Hear Mrs. Mollis*." w»td the -am*- tr*vis. tronibilng. "gl'e me a fe-v m!n Hies to recover rovself Go on before I will follow In a moment"

Tho Indy then entrred the house, and was show n into the drawlng-romu

She was Instantly reeegnbed by t!i« children. *ho trowded arcs-nd her with exclamation-* of

"Fny Hammer* ’"Fay-ee nromroa’ ""Fairy Grandmother!""You will Kindly pardon n>> IHU«

ones, martun'. The* know no belter than to b- rude In them wo leome And yon will pl-nre to let me know who it is that honors e s with H Is visit." sold Mr, Faulkner. r» vhe rath­er formiOlv gre*tc-l her vlslto.-

"I ccroe from ycmr father." mur­mured tho hanker s vmmg Wife, 1n *ome etr.barranttuenl.

"I am aware of that, dear madam.I a*n aioo aware that you have of:rn come from my drar father, and Hint yon have been the trusted rdhim of count!~v* iyraefits i tr tn Mm to m>- ae !

children, though 1 nave never hr.d plensure of seeing vou before, or i of hearing vottr name But sit

down. dr«r madam; plooao rit *)nwn. said Moll}, drawing forward the best re».tlng-ehair

Mr* Mellis* a*e-pte«l th - offere*! f-eat ^u*l a*. Hachel Woo*t. r -o .er ing from her agitation, entered the room

Rachel, vou hero! I pm very cUrt Ir see von You hav ejnst com- in eoo*l time. I aw x ir - -*«• k«*>* thl* lady. I wish ; « i tn fofrtw'tice her to me. since rh- d«*es not introduce her- self. Sh* rorora fr**m mv father again, doar ftarh-l," t-x-d Mr-. Faulkner, eaferly

Madam. Hare I ycur permission *o loll, at last" Inquired ltaeh<d

Mr*. MoBfo< nodde<| as-a-nt She v*- toe murh dlsturlnd to -peak.

liachel turni'l to Mrs Faulkner, who va<* waiting Impalbntl

*'Modani ’ <-h.» waH. "this lady vt*i or of yours, who rails herarlf your hlldren'* Fa<ry tir.vndn-otlor. and vho ha* been **»nr benefactre--- from the beginning, and who i** now the

friend yxiil have in the world this lady, ma lam. 5.4 Mrs. Mellis. the wife of vottr father! '

Molly gazed from the *r*twure*s to tho ladv In.rtupid amarement

"You- my '.tfo r - - i'-" at length • he slowly ln*i»ir«vl.’

'A cs dear Mr Fanlkn-r I am y< ur father'* wif >. and h i. daughter - friend." penttv me * "I Anc- ’ t

Again Moll} ->ar- d from th- Arty t<* the j-iunstr--*, ntui tlori she slpwly. inpulret!

-fr i- i urnM m u from nemr Intit be ing "Dear child, I i

my! I have »iwa l-wered AngeU. MoB? stared »t


Whit r thci


i didinjus-

ui would at. and I rai before.

i bring

warned ;•<>« that your young -tepmoinrr m i lice. Mrs. Faulkner, but j nol bclieiH tile without pr« woa uot *t liberty u» tell y whai I am happy to tell you now that II «*« mid It alw«y- «;»- your

stepmother, and no one else, w ho ha.v helped you in 'our trouble, and who has heaped upon you the blt-natos* that you are now enjoying, and ̂who has bocn striving for year about a w ooclila tloa bet- father and youraelf. but has never succeeded in doing so until to-night

-Dear Kaehd.' interrupted the banker * <cung wife, "you mutt do m y husband justice. Hr thU evening. un»olicHed. quite voluntarily, sent in­here to ask his daughter to com- home with me. bringing ail her chil­dren."

"Oh. Rachel!" -aid Molly, piteous!v clasping h-r hands "OH, my dear Hachel. Is tbi* really true, that you tell me about mj stepmother?

'True a* -trulh. Mr*. Faulkner "Ob. then, ho* bitterly cruel and

unjust I ha»e b-ca in tm harsh judg­ments. anil In tuy deep hatred' Oh! how cau you ever forgive me. Mrs, .MellUs" ' inquired poor Molly.

My child, you have nw<-r offended against me, so l have nothing what?4 ever to forgive. The bugbear of a stepmother that you feared aud huted *o much was never I. but U was only a grim chimera of your own imagina­tion'" raid Angela plraJMWtl.v.

I hat * *>o! eagerly exclaimed Mol­ly, delighted to see such a Ylcar way out oi her dilemma, ‘that .-, so, in­deed. Of coursA it w a« never you, It could hover have bern you, that I hated, for who could hatr ,-geh *u angel «(, vmi* No one < mild not even r-ueb -« little,devil ■• r No, In deed. u<} dear lad}' U « nut vob t hated' It was a cbltncr* of my own iroagtnatiou. You nev**r -ivitl a truer tiling than thal. I had ntnde unto tnycett an image of w stepmother who iiad been an old maid. I»U. raw -bon­ed. skinny, witli a sharp

On Arms. Would Tingle and Itch. In ;Onc Great Mass. Looked Scaly. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Rash Disappeared.'*

Pn. foixt-nn, Ont.-- "My skill trouble •carlcl about w on jetr* ago. My ariioi

n«h. vrry Boo and rfo*o together, wcwiid 4weal. t«i| etery rurnmer. It would Uch and hurt) a* Hot trouble progtvw»e«| and It Iwvwmo norm whni I -Ta'clusl It. It loofcrd why rad' w*ljr sad fa oae great

lull! l: i liedli

tellingMy r.cwfi *

I »»l kind* of wwp and used sulphur hath* but ncrlbiejc w«*it-l rrUevo me. At Itrt f raw Ui« advetilwcnrat of Cuth-nra So»p and OinUtMwU In tfo* P»|«er and I «mil for a Mmplo. The vamnliw lirlpe<l mo »<» much I go* a rakr of Gutlrura Heap an-f * t-ot of Cutintra Ointmcwi an-l fogan hath-.. In* •could a little

Ofnliuent ate! put thl* every ntglit and moraine, f «ml only two rakiw of ?t<»p and ont> ImtVd rtinlnvent and In lots ttiau «o-k* tho r-**h tiad all dlsppcwr>-<t and no* my am* look natural attain." (Signed! Mr*. Andrew JbtuMrm. May » . 1014.

Sttmplcs Free by MnlfA *tr.*(e r»ke »f Culkstra S/«i> and M*

wmrtd. Aampto «<f each i-vai!*rt "fos-.


A W o m a n 's M e s s a g e to W o m en


d'» Liniment Relieve* Neuraljji


Ill’s. . ami•eth and «

fol-i*i»«tirart and wrtl temper as lo b»-r with alt i hatod you

ameirrp n i i f and -<• hjtir and • nviflrxfun


. .......... r hated ine! So.therefore, let ur s*y no more about that But Jtmr father has sent for «wu to redne home to him. »ttb all

children, to-ulght, my dear. Cani do r I am delighted ; ng but U I" ver \ra . bill UK »*e-

»)»»« I *b<S**M T'f At one*, if t were w u. Mrfc Faulkp/f raid Rarhal

t should we ..til* too glad to do so, but -ou yew l »m w atting h*T« for mv poo* C hirlev, whom I **p<vt from lem lw i l.y evotv tralu s»«d Molly

tTo h . c'ontlniiid).

T he R a y o L a m p m ixes a ir and oil in ju s t the right p ro ­portions. so th a t you get a clear, bright light w ithout a trace o f smell o r smoke.

R a y bLAMPS

steady light tip « room.M ade of -solid b ra** , n ick e l p la te d hand so m e , m ad e lo la s t . F>*yto clean and rewick. D e a le rs e v e ry w h e re c a r r y K a y o ln«n;>s vnrtona styles and sires.

Babies Who Think.children fhtnk before they can

talk* rrofo*a«»r Bitmt, fh** great French psychologist, »*»ya th a t they

lie rite* the caje «f a child of Frejr- the famous Hlwdent. w riter *rx)

srienttat. I*re>rr fays of ope of Ilia children Hint It was Imporslble fo take aw *' one of hi* ninepiow with- out it fotng dlf^ovcrrd by the *bttd At IS m onths he knew quite well w h i­ther one of his ten anlmal.-i wa** mU*- ing nr not, «i>* the Springfield till.) S u te Journal. Ye( Ibis Is not proof tha t he w-a* able to count up to nlno o r ten.

At 17 months Freyerw child, which could not speak a word finding tha t it was unable to obtain n plaything placed above itw rpurlt in a Cupboard iooked about to tb« right and left, found a small traveling trunk , took It, rllmhed Up and pottseiwed itself of tiie rttwired objeet. Here there, la cer­tain an element o f Invention.

Another illustration la tha t of a boy. aged; less than one year and in­capable of pronouncing a single word, to whom a stuffed grouse was «ho*a wRh the word "bird" tittered to iden­tify It., Tlie rhlld Immediately looked aero** io the other side of the room where there woa a stuffed owl.

Another child, Having listened firal with Its right ear. then with Its left to n licking of a watch, stretched out Itx arm* gleefully tow ard the e |o rk on the mantelpiece.

H arbin related these observations Of Ills grand-mu "The child , who wa* just beginning to speafc-.ralled a duck -quack, and by *T-eeial A-Melation U also (ailed w ater ’quark.’ B> an nj.prc- elatlon of (tie resetublaneo of quatltics, 1* next extended the form quack' t*» denote all birds and insects on the one hand and nil fluid Hub.-dancca on the o ther. Bv a a tilt more delicate ut»* preetatlou ..f re-.<mblan,e the child eventually .a iled ail FrcneJi coin*

French on li had pm <• se.-n tin- repre- w-ntation o! an *'.«sie, - Philadelphia I’tibllc ledger.


What Hmltti t


Locomoter Ataxia, Heart Trouble and Nervou* Spelts Yielded to Or.

Chase’s Nerve Food.It would la- t.-avv to te|| - «*ii bo-, fir

'blew.':. N rv ■ Fond cwr<> !•* •> nofor

nerve.', but Btoe) t

.Mm, '

tw mo 'bH-l“ It. F. H

Ont,. writ— ' F tv . »r break'll, v

quentl’- tiad pAlpiittUmi . : that III new I ha-.-*'

spells, had ai» r4*«er over locomotor ataxia), and valk ftraight. At niglit i « v e re turremis spell •, v>irii

plfntton, and would *!iak‘-

lalng thad affoi Nerve Food,

oil, have require >;■ voral »f

splendid n-i.i’,14 < of Hr. Fhaae's .V

Hr. rhiioe 's N< r. for tJ V>. all <itnie* (c tv ,, t.iu

I S S U F NO. IH. 19 H


Th<; Proper Sodium Solution to Use in Bichloride Poisoning.

* tn a •-((■ni issue of a well known m. .Id d ememd the statement is madu

' *.... %lk«h.; the


xpliafo shftil he Mtentiiiu whotib ed to the fart."

dr. which C.I «.{ . amnr oi

ieally pagain b<*

t. says the Journal of Med lent A» 150!; M.ilium phoaplmte*

e j.|tft(>* are go sim ilar ::<>r r-m 'be made by

i.r jiticinterpretation of foiilium phosphate has

mercuric t hl<*. curmiw chlor- - >:• ( bang' d to

Not a Bit Slcaux

»Vnx nifty and rigd' S|ie bmicht her so Of th- -had- of o

Codfish Balls.





I r i i la y anti S a tu rd a y

Dec. 11th and 12ili, 1914Mery ether pritca offered. f or all tn’ „emotion addeeax

c F. Topping; Sscrctary. Union

CXtC U Ttvt COMMITTEE fjsheet M'ttr.r. J H Axhtr.ift. Jr„ .) w v/h«aton. Martin Gardhouxe.

THK FALL WKAIIILRii vim on i. i r rn o n i s

nil cold The n - olds, era m aby'ss little K

,-mblen ■end .

•ar'i »- L-


1*. «.-• li now r in* vitality.

.... U r.«kvi!fi\<m :. .......... V V ,:''rm*ny'

THAT-Exgo^D^HEORY. ; D p M o r s e 's ™ *

For Women’s Aiimenls I ■; a--;;, i R o o t p h i *„ „ . - . « ... . | warn ti....... - y cure nunv enmmon anment* whschOr. M attel’* Female Pdt* have b e tn j »*«;*-.- -•» —' • - ■•>•» - ' are vt*y dci-rent. but wlikh all ariiethe Standard for 21 yrar* and for «3 " , v ,. from the Mine r a u w - a xyytemyear, j cseribrd «nd reeam m erued by A." if. V. .e- t'-vged with impuritie*. The Pill.


D ifficult to Snap Fnsl Moving Ob­jects a t a Given Point.

PUU•t-.-c (he IwweU t<» move reauUfly, Ur*■ aiid sim ulate the kidney*

j and ' t*p the pmc* of the >kia. Tinrseorgasu immediately throw off the Ai'cnmulaterl impuritie*.and Dili-

; r> isf.s, ?mligmwn.UverComntaint.! K :_i 11 ;eyTrouii1e*, lira rjiches. Rncum- j ntirm and aimilar ailment• vanish, j Df. Situsc‘» Indian Root Pill* «S ave D o c to r s ’ B ill*



N A V A L * T R A U Q .Xll'llilMI 'if I'll:

mill 'OiHRK'luIrt the iliUU iii rmany lit»*

riu; S'IciitlU't-ienth »<•?.?

itrai":?*jt.iie.H i i Iddlnr. M‘> war v«-:<-?.cis hi the Klrl funal silt I in it . liarli'i's !•><(- l<tt*d h* jiuu end Hot) <*?.'*v»v'>fi<nc I.. v> •«! down Hi- nn in,. by ;*iiij*!tt*? >1*

; "i • v Hit diidroycr , it" ‘I he '•.! «• «vn*; of ;liii i' llii > i , i , blent, U s-ays, '>luii bear lit mind Utu. luv*. that the development .-I i:t:• .! v :ir material

• u iritit? t ic pa I"" il* ,-iutes »a-* been < i ;.»nli « ti tr.'i ti r r* lo rr< atly favor I ho d< I it" mid r .ii.l-r ill - ■work of I'icvkiidin-; far m « I I «;•> in th" *tl* id .-.*•! I ->!.> r ;>;»>? th* iMir.iili here. *-r v tin In t *.H le-rLd which prn-t-iUd too ■lUi-'e.ssfvd develop* until >>! l 1*? te r e d o anil the >■ dtinc.r- Jiio ' l i t? iieutae? of the mine cm* the nubij.arin. S* m> great UnUrll* moral ilfcet t:i*t a llic hl-JcMns Heel I" '« »•■* act nt »minium - 'aim - 1u the d* feino*. Thu only : ■« IM" prelection of D' Iduk a'd ig loo t again-l •.licsobnuirii.' U. for H . • iii.» . h*.o|i mnihitially v<:(

‘ fMO an :.:•«! II U'.' ! Mps of-, thus in umlton. they .11 oottliiomf;* tAjnC'l fu f i f -oiltint with aniL-ored or, tlu»t in;: iiiliin*. \ « niiilUt iH'tv gfA?d na- tv L.e v uiviifntnc^ of ft - birch- toting fo n t , t e n .'ill t o .\>i-dh»mt- of . ami .• -Hi' r i lili i. * ft! er ally fu­

nd d*- • i'U-.l lt ■i-tol in t!t»- " jt i r i : a I* nz provid'd til- I'kvk.tdul <!"*•■ o,< o il

f rosoifi.'liil't— - and. *it»rtiv'- *• i;?v.udd** tl.ii i t , to-

>ltit h which. In the io ir.-v of ttim*. 'ift!■ mi itoV-ii tin* loim-rh-at itipcilorMj oi lho Ide-hading lotto.

This omy In mdl- Dm’, *•'!’ *'I on! oi il " • iil"ul.»liuui the Md ihat tto M ul -tllnvl IK* I u m c n tw K ah], i., niiif.o Mho of « ‘ olnmtlm:? uli.t itcttm t-: > as iv lilies;. I ho. -IiiI.’hm the tUrnuut Jc-irovor ‘ ‘ ‘ ttnla.* hy l.rittfh tiuhmurlri*. Then the t.-rnmii jiolkv of inmlloii glv« Ifrltaln t'to su- jirc.ir.cy cf the « as. sail (nafilw It* r to •loslrtiy .CK-r.iitm hui mt-irr ;«mt H--t» l|r ln-r ill' In her own liurhon-

K A IS E R C A U S E D H I E W A R .Tim filial <t"*|iauit. 'Itiio'l .-■•III- >.

run b» Sir Mauris? U- Ih u sia , ln -i?llritisli Ainb.iSH.ulor nt Vlenim. tott.tit real the iim.i lion tv In) oatm •«! theliriw-nt v a r. ami to rrubo rtto s Urnbtnlenirntn of Sir Ihlwanl Crey. tin' Itrltiah I'orelgn Mlnlatvr. “A ft?*.v tlaya' ililay ntlitUt In a ll, i»n»l*3blHty have i .ivnl Kurojc 'min! mm of tin? greatest i-lnnilllt ?. in lilauny." That i* flu; ildHiorato jnlsinont o f 's ir .tl.mrico. made In hi« aUtoim nl »»«•• i>ubHslj<sl ins a White' fp io r . On July ::o M. ikhcbeko. the Um*slan Ambasatdor at Vienna, ohtaimnl t ie Au em-flminar- inn s ta le lien's roiiK’til fo tlm rwuUuua- Hen «*f *h" ‘•eimvfiy.itlytls” m l whu in.- Austro-ilnnifarlan Amba * ior a' I'etrdgnt'l ami M. Sayumitf. m> f Oil.’ Colisviil ivas iilvt ii in H u *m d friemJI' way. Front this* time o*»v.ar<.i*. Si; Maurice ohyerv*-., “Hie te-islou be- twivn Un-sin nml Oeniiaiiy »vas i mcl. nr*Miter limn I* tween U tc*U an>l A'ts- itin.” An arrangement IkHw h i the In tier w-rin-il ••almost In "nlglit.’' On ,\uy.ist I M. iViii lr liu *»a» abb* H» i,H s ir .Mauri- Unit at iMn'jfrail AuMrlu liii.l a* luitl .•otic-i-'i l i e main 1* 111?. Il.'r aniaa-.- o b r b ol iitfom -sl .'i. :«<uaoir that ‘.u tria" e!.rary r.uuM Mtbmlt in nmUatlyn ibo: - r >?»**- In lo r H’ftt" to Syrvla wHi-'i hati c vinvl Incoiupalibh* with s.-r*« .i; in i yvn-.l- I'liec. nml ituMtlu inn! ncv*'u?.;il tlm liroimwal on contllllon that Her'la ibonM not be ovtually mva '-J.

It v.as jn-tt -tlilii iiimm.li*. tnly ;;i.. . . . ..... 1*mi1 iii Tin.---. Ci. * i w i -» :'ihet-j tor lawdchlnc lu r tiltUostmuf* to l*efn.r.rnil mpl !*• I'arls. S ic ilt-t!arv- Unit to the last slim -supported our

f"U Ptnte at Vi -.iru. f t.for- imii'O'lj, -i-r Ambassador :h:i" ««'pt |:|i> own couma I, ami Uhl not, :- -fc the nlit o f bln ro ll- n 'u c In -arr-iu,? out |,Is InutrtK'lloH.t, Uc "*H •itleUtUieil with exiresno aiill-Hnydna tn;l nnfl- S.rvtan feeling;* a- v . kubv from [iiiotlmr «le«:w'.*ii of Sir Mmirlc«. ami ••unllkel> n> >h*atl the cause of peace with entire slaoT itj.’* Hse llu c la n Ambascnlor. on the o tlur lr»n«l. pcrfvrily frun'i, nml lohl Hlr Mimrlce , rain ami eg iin H.si l • - «’! <•»utx< | t an' rtravoiiiihlO rvinervinf-t . <* t- n. u i i H o utfi'T to »?m part of k -sooil rv nm l' lo A*»itrUi-Ilnngar> that she il.rclarivl war «?n Uu;s*» a whole "celt hefore her principal '• ti­nt war with tt:a* m iplr-. I* >v.m Imr ibilaratlo.i that broke off the ne iotta* liens wtileh. n.-f Hir MutirS* • h-H 't-s. rouhl even Men In i'• seitlcil a ll *Hf- fhnlth*. Keen aft*r ; be ba.l ttov.i, her r—al for ptsac* b> tmln.g t!i - f‘r t

4|s.,« Hi- su i.i.l. tin- orl-Hmil prlis- U|-al> WTicvlow to 'olh* v > r f-taM* I le. KtlsJu till rcfralmd from n»ak* li,g that nltuek upon A'lrftria-Uungnr'- thi- fear of Which ««? Merman:? -? flsi-t i .him! for, ra.siiliiK 10 an<c. rmi -tlic llusshm Auibasy-iiilnr iii'lrnel'dnot ?•» *i'il‘ Vl**nna. ntih-li the despair!! »r--;Aictro H.nnr'rlfin MnP

If H‘U w;»« »tm ■itiinltiti tji'vitnnmnt 1


<• I lou. Itulmrl lloger-. "ill *>•» that Hu l.iberalv need apply for nntr.v t-. M- him form'd a lom m iiP - O ; • ■■ lo U'll*.

, mi" , ;m f help but vv*nnler ' •1c- Ct riuiin arm.’ A'nithl do if •' had couple m allies working -vltU if. •■! irolt I'rc? t’r«-v*-

It has one. !f not two.

•| ho K al-. r best off* • ■si a s Oicornflon for tlm a irm an who < iliop n Imiiili on ?" lanido’i. Tiini

linen tire eoimnlt m -ir b i.

HadSeveie Stom achTioub le and M Headache

Could Not Eat AnythingWithout Agonizing Pain

My health i« better niuv than il h it been for >car«. ami I ov«c it to Mil- burn’ci Lnxa-Livrr J*dl'.- le iilc t Mb* Row? Doyle, Cmiuaughl, Uni . "I was for sevcial yeait tn iihk 'l with v?vttr Uootach trouble aw l .-irk head»<hr. Could not eat nnythiug without agon!/ ing pain. My Mok heuduohes ivnc most violent, ami I eould not *<*t night or day. 1 l>ecaiiie emariitcd atul thor ougbly clev(K>nilem, luni no medicine seemed to help m- until 1 took Mil- burn *v Iaiv:i-l.i\er Pill . lit live month* l wa* entirely cnre«l

Milhurn's lnxa-kiver ITUs arc without _ doubt one of the lne-t fciricdii s on the market lo-tlay f><r all Hi** troublesiirbiug Iron* the Kimie aetion **f the Liver

You can ptocur- them from any druggivt or general More If they ho vert t them in stock >cnd direct to The T. Milburn C o. Limited. Toronto. Ont.

Price. 25 criitn jKr vial or 5 vial* tor*1.00.


. . n it* • • t J lidThor*' nr** Mi l i» - ............tintmployo*l persons in V.mro’-i' It f , tVero limy ult Hgh:»m; nmu tin ) would make? a big ac.iui .ltion l<* • ten. Krcitcli'i* fort'*.

Tlm Montreal News churg* ■ too Montreal t:a/< ti>- tTor*) ' l‘h pub­lishing (’loindlnii war newv. '..n-iatw t'i, ,he« will ho i f tim faiiailhm .• iim« , . nntl in olhtrr - ays glviuB comfort tothe enemy.

A g -ncral pro to-t i ' h* im: r a l '" l all , . . . r <h>* «ountry again t I ho propp-nl

hold u lioinliiion »;li.< llon Ibis .-ear. I, i* point-d mil ?M.it .cm - ''".'S*" « a:i mll.ni- v*h" w.m’.'l havo i.o» to ’>.*. Ir,-Hi will Im ilii<r.Uielih"d. ainl Unit

an e b iiic n would t- ««» " ’U*

W bll- cauilbnlng the newspapers to keep inurn about the sailing of the f'oiiatilnii conHiijmht llio Cnvoriiim-nf

us h'-en t o iu i" hat lo’iuimions on tin d'j's? Itself, lo ?3' nothing «>f ***>L

lluulii'S* nddresii «•» Hu- troop; o n tlo ir d' parmre from t ’aimda and his her­alded trip to »he HuU and ta* k.

Ir. 11. .1. Chniul'erHn, Pr. -hhmt o f • Cruml Trunk ami tirami T'tsn'a

Parfflc Hall .?«>■'. IK'S ;tvf rV'iriud from n i ls lt c -s i , liiciutling Prlac.* Uuperi. Ilm P.rllish Cohimbi-c {. rintnal of tlm T. P. dr. ChitinlK-rllu "a delight'd with hir trip, with the pro p*t-ls In the .Northwest

ix n m l condlllon of Trunk Pacific nmd. I l- "SP'* i ■ that before tlm e l- - of the «»u It '-ill t e in first cla> nam ing ’sa-Pi'on , Tills roml. as il ruui through .» frtiU* in i. well tlinirnmi iKjrtb.u of llrlllsli t’oliunbia ami taps th i r! •herb * that Province. wiM Pe a gre.H asset i»r the. I ralrlc I'ro- im cs n ; '>‘ 11 :|Mepic of tim **-ast. il • tl,-v ‘

mm Ihuj a*. Prime . kip ri a ver,. Jorge and «-xt- rmive .Ir;- duck mi l •ddp building plant arc nearly *ompU *d. v lt li tacIH'lei fol build litK and i lost hi,- ^U.nOO-lti'i buUU.'hipii. In the near future Cauada w ill Im able *-•) -"lid il* own uavy.

W ho W as JSJasy?

"He *• as Mieh a fcoiJ fellow aPvnya,'* i v.-j-nt n 1 •! her ? <•; ••:;•.(>! Mi J Pillot, with a faraway look \ *i;d \ n .a ibr; in Iter »}<s, as though rcruHIng liio i lie , ini!", mid iho nuv in whi"b ■past rcgrelfnlly. •■lie nml Ills old grand- look Ada’- linlid nml h.-ld it, spoke father lived In tin- keeper-;* eoitagt in i i m o . cm. tin ■ •■•? »ibnl Pi very Ihe " ,s«l nmno dU'arme fr*nn t h e , i»mlraiot nnlll Mr. HI id-l »a? hear! Imure. and lifter tlm old tiltHi's death r.olng lo hi,* rot tn. Timir talk drift*-*! Su-plien mill Uv.-d (hero alone. I w.’M nwny to < t»i-r ih in .- , nml fur midU'er

•• rMsit.d. •»,pnr»llng itlv*rr young when | w entw ith tny fath- j hni: h« ir t r to "»xk higifth for hiti, nhfrc.d. ami i - ?th j when l «r*it«’ kn,tm niter tn.v father . ! 1‘tom I il- atll the old keeper was d'liil too, ntld | frh'iidii. til Stephen wan in Ills jilace. U"** all | dwjf/l* *1 i-i tlio'jglit f'tc;t:i*u vu y unlike the other j ■'{t' n u n on the catate, and Jack was very fond of him; lie was ho ready at way.?. s>*j im -hisH end willing, lie broke

-lo* t-• Ur. I all t»t«-|.l*«-

rnre fi'-:i> t,. let, her niatf'H't?J loan-

Hi",.- s eaid *inMe to* inMctr. IN.Ivn. an ' kr oln o-t In h*r

d»fi:-ren‘. .avh’; ronhi lf**;*l Jeahius.Imdy Date at chnren

tnare for nm and taucltt me to i io-m "no I shot. Mhu Ucddel |

ihpanion»ni - sny d*>c. I mean

Hi PrlrelHa t<» r*iniwi»ll tmiil l go j ii> lIHloi, with iny nniit. Stephen n . it ;

<i snot. .'Il; ; Iicum-I •**:•>- Im efi-st collie for j |« • •-nl«*n that y«h rier : '

blr-'i *lis(

: aid Ada Asm-s i-nilng. "uii-I "111 Is- able id a i-liftniiliic wiininn ;ih*' I D- o f oil" and cra-d- III ,.,-a! e In that v».«* ii 'ce- « |i|!" it lands, mid

•o IIII II" - n i l '

Ret toIk- fiirinils liee,ni>,.* t pr-ferri-d S i -

wanl. and S?*s-

er. ' Tie' ll II- to?

•serir? to liia.Mil*;s «ag au arnsnt * phm ju.-it the r<?ven*-.•h r I pis-rei-reil th** hit s'lch h i< n*hT'h«uirP *1

• • : i It::!! IP... : . SI, fe>.•■■ s '.. i".o St ■(•!;. n fnvr.ed to ;-it up viii* him. amt mme !-t- had done : >> .lack alwa.'s want'll him.

'T t" ,i e .h.n we found m?t who the master of Seldlek -was .ln* k and I

wer*' doMplued. AVkrii Stephen cam- to stay with n-, -p. I •• made pres-ot- ah!-*.' as he. ; aid. tlmnuh he re.illv n"•-«)* *1 ie i-' tittle coi'eblng. I**- mud -

lilei" ailmli*;*! ie|ii lioili "V«-r.ke I; ; aid he would n i-fe th- I ' d jt u j ti- man that ever >*«ik a till.-, and Jack I vau light. Anti leave ho Idea Iiiik I highly to* brother thinks of him. I think .1a«-k i* better phased 1<» have ti." with ; on than at Svldick and Dole Dare. What surf of person Is Stephen's m i n t l i e leniarkahle fond *>flo t . though somehow I fancy Mr. lit*!- •’cl do* ;; not like her. Is sit" pleasaiii t*> ,?*-t on --llli? Do >on Ilk" lor vonr^elf. Mi- . lUihlel?" Mi; > Klllol i"ii<lii'!*it rath«-r abruptl) a-- sli*' tnni-• «t i«» Ada with j* •pn-'iloiiiiig l*M»k In In r •-' '•s.

Ada had known that this nuesUon would Lc usked; still slo- was ratio f n< a lo;.; to reply just then. She ya" in*.’ing Into Ho fir-, hut sh*- knew Unit Mbs Kllfot’s keen » were reading hia f.o*.

•'Yu'hruiUcslion is not f-asily answer-• d;' HlieVnld. with no uncomforlahl** sen-.'" oi eriislon in her reply. ,-*fu fs'i'i** )«p*>d- |^,d? Dare is a rharnitns

jiUv -il ro*md Asm-' i;<- a , sarliig Inin

the fir*? *>r a f< mluuies"I shall not o i l Lady D ir - about

Captain Meredith. ' Mi- raid; ami Ada v.niU'sl though sk" f' If ho" P;ir*l It ...igbt J"- for Sti'|iliei| v h«-n lie til h'iirtli liti •«■ th"' lrut!i • tint sip? did Agio •"?!•" ini'*-!'*- 1* rtilnkliis • :

»ti";i*ilt|ff •" If ■■*< " fr-.Mil S’lw ill ii n!so, for .Ml si Klllol nddi'd;

•If I re- tit I Miall t< It Sl-ph >,I. I lit I am Mtr«- t*icr»- t< mi n ■<-? to etiiiRtil- *-n film I am n pretty g< <a| read*T *>fnn-ii s ......... mil im would not care :ipenny.p|m> (limiph * were engaged lot m va l ilile - ‘

Ada a . lot ><■ • nr . >l"> tlio'i-jhi?.h" *i td c-vd (lo- S pilr> of Setdl'-k - fitee ipi-ie » (-|| « , A,| *i p.Hiot ?

f D v r r c H X fMpuy an "*• mo. lurmst tij'oii l»o-

grateful. *i> llsh woman w Do eal • sid" \ !a Iti'ld-1 in Ik"' *-*dh-si.il« * *.nr*’h at imunlng rervln-. The day wits mild for the -r.non. and the place was .-"H filled, --o Agm-s ex* I fell not a little rurbxity

Sh* -'a;. Inb r*-;(-*l In nil rhe ran, for th - Kllfn'» "'-re not Fhmefi of Dnclaml j-evjd". but came »>f the r -x gx l *d*l *'o. ennui if. 3 Par«l * r f e r i i ' , ,-.im had le-c'i n t prominent in tin lioiildci!'- ipii*'* :•! Ihe fii*-i Ciarh . She i-,« nt :»«r i p * nrc:t' ninth m »o tin- Seldn-k ,h v. t'*-m. o ts-rhix |K ; words Stephen »u,d l*-t fall tin- day !»-,•• fore, hut j*h* was not l/viklng at It v.heti \da t<-i* Ac*! her ant). She look cd «P in tim e to f*<- Stephen pn-Vsir-; them 'vltl; « hnlv en his arm. a n.a- jigitlc. la-niillful '*inmn. vh o did not le**k at all old. A gios not*\t th- way that Stephen ii'liered her into tlm *~)i

! l uni of conversation during luuchrvn. • Mm. Walclughnin wna onttof Hioh*i nen ; .ltd". Indulgent' molhera wit > do not I make tie. Stind.iy a misery in their

htldrefi. Ague* Ihpftmgtily «o>o><*| <-r Inmr in ttiejv-ctory. and v im i 1C .•it and Kth'l had to ro lo tlpdr utiiml

afo-rniHiri dasHU ut the m bs Pm r<-|,ool walk'll home to DcanlU-H M r«t

v* it !i her hurt ami haul*****, fcillng that ah*? had K*d umong very phginaiit peo-I h* In Itorkjngtoit.

1 tie ivn ll'K Inrixsl out I* '.. v.«-.t, ;U)**?• _. *ihl not g«» I*' eh'irv!i again, only .Mr. Hldd'-I r.'diiR out. A«:n*-:i ami Ada

*ut a <,ulc«. happy <-)enie*?. with no HrM but the lire in toe «jn.iint draw­ing-room.

'J'lp- pit I ; siiiv Slepli* ;i ;>.* ;s in Ilm "ruing on hl.« «iyi to t*u? diirion, nnd

MX si and .>.*-! Iter hand -.-mil - was nut of Hjght. Tin* dip va* wet,

jiml they did not »;o ont, but stwtlt .) C id tlm - with their work nml hoohn. Hm atbvtieon had Juo arrive I, nn*l • * i were hIHIi"? in the drawing-room iiiittfnR. nml A«h» w»a junt mi. I hr pnlnl ! rlrmir.-r t-n, when *h - h*ur*l ■ -fieon*- e»um*|in. A immuiit nli*r- inrdfl iinth opened th*? door, 'p-.li-rlng 'i :i visitor, and Ada turned to con­

front Lady Dare.Whatever Horpri *' or awU '.tr*i,ie*;v

lie felt Ado diii not helr.iv hv word leak, llefor*- Injr ladyship b.-l cros»ed

room •dpi was her u-mal oulet, r<-!ir*»'»>n s v l f renin, and r"> l *1 the

!: itor a.; enliuly nx tiionr? n . a m ailer r f course.

qullc 3:1 e n ; , (<IC spe jliil()■■.« Steph* n'sv: annt ha*l iII .-rt? before. I kune Se-llno w n t up t*> Ada In h r moiit grueloii.i nmnii'-r.

•-.Me tlear MI'S Uldd*‘l, ! IIIH-'I r-all* visdogWc. * vim said. slnklnK gracefully into «li<- elialr ^lilch Ada off>-r*-d; •'hill

promised Stephen to !><• He- hearer I?- e*--n lutllatloit if I fell c<,ual

to kuinc'out to-day. It is not a pood . lint I 'o.'; ■<> anitlou'! i - gratify dear hov, ainl f? !t ?y> lieyhl-v,

that f «!.s.-id<d in too"*.’ I Vip-.i Hie would "lo'-t likely .*.'■■■;* jml el

•• ar- pleased to flinf you well euooRh to venture out, loi-tv Dare. Th*-

did k*e-p ip; In tlm i*m:<*e,** replied <-iv HIv. as «ln? . nmi! for I*?

’eri-.apo, Ilm ihmu lim! hett-r lake the rrl'g" ami horse.,, into s}»ejt*?r for an •nr, white >0*1 have tea with us*II*-; ,p‘r(-t?i ?. -'f-Hwu-s*lon nml

"ott.-an, "hi!*- lo olliers :dm 1« -w e llj ind then made lur rom fombl.' liefor; Ihe rever. ". It la It mailer <if one's j Ii" settl-d hbnself P-shfi? her,

opinion. I think you will get on j , ,va<i plain cnmir-h to .MU.* IcUit* with for. ' A'la- "as thinking ho« that what Ada had told her w e- true, much Dame Si'lina n liking would he f.„d< Dare ,.,>vtir-i<*sl ,i..p iiepheiv’s Influenced I" the fa-t.of thal eitssig"*; love and d.voiim i lo no emmm .(*■- Hn'ni *;f Mbs KHIott s. guv; hal tbeimh StephenM p,-,;" tern-

Aglo-.v "as no, tPKHlv. inked by the i ,,j a, w,u w s>lt,reply fo her «|inwHoii. * Daim- Sillmi did nol oh**- tiini in her

"Von do m ■ like lo r, Mira IU*fd"l.' i dlns-tion » e luk* I- r •>>•» tr*. u le rtoe u l d »idk-kly. "t‘rol-ahl* I sh a ll; pray*.r t«wt; *mtit tin- v-rmon l~'gniifolhov mi it by »nd by. for-thouu!)-whe i *hiu : -'lfi plaiu-e vhb-h Agin-.- r.av*- I* Stephen*?, aunt w»< m»y not h>- h<( Ada ronlnlmd a wlo*!*- I.-uf* m jit prcjudb-cil In her favor ns lo- 1-. Hut . flash. ,**ul r aid . plainly a , t'lc-uehIm l»a-* •>t!u-r rekittun.* Imre. h«- told stu 1-ao vi*d.'i,. ; do net hr,. Ji.-r,".#a*k. Who ai«- -'da L*ni <•" r lo i hm*|i |.>

’■’III*? r<stor'ti fauill', said A d a .-cn l Ihe -iiilh,- that .do..* c*a*Iit nut **T|,ey arc sun w ry n*-ar relatives. The f rejit* rv ••hi!- \p*i"-. drew herself u,» Drier?* too djuiy Dare's u»n pcoide . : “d pa. - d MraU-t l before her for the nrc his t-ommcUona by ninrrlap*-. You \ , ’*st < • the M-rvIce, Sue ;,„•?>, w || Hike tlu? Priors, I think. David i Just I n ly Dar - wu> li-oklug at is St-plu-n's sr*‘at frb-ml Imre, and hl» p " ‘r ' i"-".*i ip y arlog t. dt ; find her Stephen—Steve we rail him «hd taking ;.*m k of her, r.*,e f -ft lo itbatnguish him from 111" oilier- Is' *‘,,l -‘dls ■ Klllol «*n<Tw,-rf*vl|y calm ami very ill*-*- too. The Waltdngliains nr- mi'-nnc'-rned. At length Hi*, v-rjlc.- extremely ,d *a«n l; I ant v.-ry fond : Ku* "m voluatarj peahsi forth,of iCthr-l. the younger daughter. You ; an‘* lf'' coogr* r.atlon filed «lov.’> out. will a great deal of both Ilm Her- | ' ,,M* on<1 <?»' either side ofiorv family and the- Priors, of Ash-1 -'lr- H"hl*d. uer*? e-alklm: down ike Jambh Kvelyn and Klimt are coming | l,a’h st*-pY~f» licit tlmy le-cam**to call for you to-morrow, and yoa j "‘V” '..'" *•'»• *-»**> Dare he­ar.' sun- to H**r Steve- nml Davie aa jdde lli*-m. Daim; Sellrut. h.-iuiing on well. It is one of the days when Sir | »;idmw « arm. greeted .Mjsa Klilot Stephen "HI !><" hero to ten, I hope »<* languid grace, her votes* low and

will enjoy what little boeleiy ” “*“ * “ * *l-HI) |{|y« > .

- t ’erlainly 1 rhal b'ltjo* It," Mlsa Kl- Itott swtd. "I am not a n od dy "o- man at all; ) id - a simple, <iul*t Hf"I think I :diall like.till Hm pimple yon have told me n>mut --all except Laily Dar*. I am Inclined to think that she ami I wlli begin our acquaintance with

a little aversion!'* *h« «Hd, With a exert Ion. lausb. Xait. i I.OK..I ami

•T don't think Stephen loot* w> weJI. ’hdidln*, a?-, when in? left us." *!m tini'l. lifter a j - vo mc.-v iilisM pjtUK*?. I Hioimht. In pit" of his pbuMire oi Hi eing me again, dhut I-- had a wotrieil look." Sim gfamsq duirpiy at l'«r comjmnltm nx a!.<;

fcl"l' think is ttcrrlcd. ’ Ada raid.►|ov,li, * ’»it U*? he is not HP out,*?' himself about trlltcs. neither

h • isirad" hi* ttouhb-s If ho hr.', n*|<* Toi" D more in It la ronfl

diner than any *'"-. *?xc'.*t per hap- brail

A*la unit her )inrle Joined by Hi* r Ifire*? niove*)

sweet ns usual, t* II ht'hlitd and Pi lorn, wnlle the oth on lo front.

*.* ar Mo-. Klllol, Didy Dar.- *.il.i, •>„ you must cxcu«e n,v ► coming '-,;mt of hos'iltnllty. Sf-plma would td l vou how- unfit I Imvc h*x-n lately for any

. I , I Ho!

i - Hi** toll - *>•' a s u In t-S e rv i

»>i« vould hf.m! Hm;

- * !ii;,U"l il.A ’ h;.* bn

. Itps-v -l l-roii .'! .•'.• tk*lul >■ "(o Pi*- j h*rlfi< •! ♦vot* hi •* u -■ IlhpiDn'Iom


Burdock Blood Bitters Cured Her

Mr?*. 11. Hell, Hax 101. Ncwboio, Out., writci - ’ Some time ago I was troubled with Salt Rheum on my Kinds, and it vuis •<> lM.l i umld not do my ""tk l tried :<v* i.d medicine) hut Aliev all failed to help m*-. One 'lay « friend laid me to try Itordtxk Uloxl ltitterr. *at1 got a bottle, and before 1 had taken il my hands were liettcr I am noi afraid to recommend II II II. to any- Iw d y ."

There »» only or.e way to get tu t of all tho ;e ohnoxioiii skin diwaxea, such a* Herein.i, Salt Rlicum. H o ik Pimple-; etc., and tha t is by giving the hlood ihorough «learning l*y the u*r of Bur- d'K-k HI-hmI Hitter*.

Thii Meiling remedy ha-* Ic-en **ii tb1- ; *<»Atkei f.u . I'.ie on •<* f*>)I v i n i i nnd i i**o **dl 0*->l lb*! ** "ill do all «e *bntn ! f-« It

I See tha t our name nptwarv on the , Irnttle. Dlwrl ami wrapper

*1 tie T Milburn Co , Limited. Toronto. Ont.

Jigi!!. V 'd di*.ulf'-m* h i ; ?")-■; ‘*m »* «- »“ *t b'-«sf*I, .-.-.. I 1**1 ;!)“*• H looks to me likeHit)doi of iioin- ;". t; and yet. Stephen had n Strength of nmstUutlcn mo.-*t men might - n-.' I hoye iaidy Dare limb-. ilff’T h f ii- r '

'•She ibahn v.-ry ni.li li a fte r b* r « *f," 1,1(1, "mid •' .llilty it" Hu- rUPU"

p .r Si - i>l;»-«j 1"'< Ip* lakes ><l h ear*- «>l j „ r '- h " I? oof lik«-l> lo r* tn ia ft.lt*

y • :> . I diie'i ;j,iip-d H ither ■comical*.

*•'!».* > mi ; ,1(>i '1b-. Plddel. vmiJijjv*' given; sa- **uitc h clear idiu «*l I r hoi h ip ; " la r .u lc r .- I"- -nlO. ■ Von lei- * t« vn c aretn i fM t" pr'-ja-

(:»' i,K3fn*t lief III ll'ly V IV. but .Lick nod i had mike I her «>w r an 1 • c l" - i" tha i * -'n -lusion ;ai**n ufiet* IJ. ,,! 1 ie r* e • ItsKU- »t«v At Lady I*. 5* ivsi?< ill, p ' t h,

lourio'ir'd tonic »h** could not can - dm w«s norry,.'«m- often'."' Da tim

Sl'-plmn tells mo vim yr-rd r»!*-r. *o I |,«ap*> ?'•') "ill

fteii ihh mil to Soldlclt 'or Hi" day •>' drji" in a» | pick ?oU i Hv a dnv jU.,t n„-<v> 5|i<3

> KlHot. and I will «<k me uDs-* fr,,m ' Hm- fu-iury? I h*-*- tli-m eoml.-ig UHy

" ay” • im Kvclyn and lit!;"l ap:H-nred, torulng aerosol th" rSiureliyard loward* Hiciu.


i Selim, v

Or | ,

oiipl i,i*t j tt*-l* I* !cl t<- r«-tcl--» though

»,**-ok fmukt*. -Mb.

D.ir-- hcatowed upon Ada; mIi.- Jgi ii* r presenct* «aim'idcf *-Iv, Mi-idier* i oHrxd thl«, ami ho lu ru rd v Ith mark*

il tourlt-ay to Ada."Mliw Hhhh'l, my mint In suite '-'ting

flxiuK it day just now for a visit to Scl- dlck," he aaitl *iul«tly. "I do not know your u in u iv im-nls, hut i"’riinp.» io- om rro" iplglit mill Jim and .Mi«-- i i lion , a , n n mint i-< *■" much le -u -r . '

.\ *«-I. tnru"*l. i*inillng upon dm; aj,*- hi- uii"*, nml >*-lt a ish-k.-t ii-

Jovim-nt "T I in'll*' H-llnus: vlt>et;mul<\ Hm imfore Ada lotihl nt *r a word Hit" 1 had potim-*'*! upon her t*IIMUll ilupi'tollh fnslilon.

•‘Oil, \<l«. iiow i’Ja-1 i am io fought you:" i;-- »aiiL ■•D*d yo i not s*<- tm- •IgimiiinK t<> ' on? Jltiihermult-* ? on nn.! Mii- i Klllol in coin" In to Inn* h-mi, and Mr. Rid I I. too. S e lin a ' lUi-fiiliK wit It sinid'U hris - ?"*i MUB'il 'i**t I" I**- *ki! .ift'-r H.n hi i-;ii*!. I id Si-jdn-u to »»*i« > o-i Info Hm currlng-- al om-e! t:.i.*.i ! i" .u t' D - cum.* ahrns. Ada! \Vh- r- Kvi'>.’ Dh, tIi*T** sti- l«, 'aliifu-g Hatiul I" S l -u ! Colli-, nil of yoi*. ; d»n‘l k'-cp lit- ea ltlip?‘"

I’eln fc the l ad w. ll r - j ! ,.. -1 xlmi had hapix-ned tlmy itad ••.I! forntst to ­wards lb - rw lory , olid Si**p!. u iiail put Lady lia**i im*/ tlm t-irria;;- nml followed her.

“ KUm!. in,- d'-nr. If look s tonh l kill, do you know you would >>•? d*‘a-l lliis mllinti?'". Said David as it - i

1 ui* Hm ixth

t -Im i • I I 'e m* S*?Hm<

t)f cfmwith u morrv lit tle laugh. . Davie, Davie, Isn 't mint Selina nicely •done"’’*

The lo ir , hvi. pleatuint dlnln*: room nl ih<* reeiory wav full of a i-’p-^itul

;,*lon and the- ciwcidn itv v-ent oil •tti thq ciirrlas**. ami Itnlh htouclit

in Hi" l';i.I nm itorrve my iint-l*- h not ut mV' Ada rem a rk 'd *,«|at!y, '&» vim

illii"! the. imps. ••He had to go ou t «s , v fom erford- a fte r Iunchj*on. I

i i *-xp*'Ct lilrn home tor some houni

Oi', it do<w. not m a tte r- * her ladv- *d,i" ,-nfd urai-Ii"idy, wipplm; to r tea.

It w.ti y*-i arid Allas Kllfot t cam ? loa,- now. Y»V >*-<- Air. Itiil.Set {rrs,m-»in*i s-idk-k.”She turic 'd lo Agoen with .* very wln-

iiEiii* Mitil*-; e h - had .lever looked more:iiira«tii<? » r younger- than sh" didIhyn.. Sli** Ini'l throw n hack ln-r man-

r-m o-cd her glm - h ami Ihm. and lovely hands and fingers « ?re seen

to the iun.e.t advantage. Agnes g.vred i t he r " It ii honest ndm iratlori. wonder-

retly i-.*»iv it wa« she had din llk«vl in r a t l irs t. t-a*ly Dare addtesw d

■ with m ark".l biD re?t.In* yo*i ini'-nd m aking a long eta?,

Miss l.li io tl? Stephen lolil ni,* when I was ill th a t lo- thought you would b? ii* fe t’*>r same i tim e, I ";>» no glad when he lohl im? of :j‘our eonihtg. «u I leur*"t tii.v niifojrtunut" su ite of liialtli ir.fgi't prevent you. I was *iuii- <*•• Uev"*l to know you were coming alt the

Agm-s mail" a ptdii*- r e p l : , l id • *»-«lt> apt sj-‘,?*':i war* n*»t w* rad'' I.* t H nn.I low graeloun l/olv D ar- tnauc 'ier- If! How |ii- nitty and ploasaut! Timre

mi shadow of hauchH o' - o r otlff- »-■»' ulxxit h e rp sh " was as sim ple and

frunk ns ih"Ug}i bite had he-n in III" habit of ealling f rc jm 'in l''. Not one j ir r iu g cote of patronage o r superior- itv '*oiinde*i in he r soft, flowing speech.A m utual gm il-wili se.-im-d to animat*? all i lire*.

TlniCiOla? we-k ter Steph-n ': b lrlh- . aid laidyi Dar*-. ,vv sh - ;*d down "•ip mil sciiled h*-rs/-lf Bunin lo

ta lk . I? will i be Ills first liirthda»In l*is own boo*-". y«>u ko">,, hut « c

mil key,) it very quietly, a* he wishes tha l most particularly . Stephen hatea a!', fo-*. o r pretention, so no anm»inee*

.••at t>: its being tils hlrth 'iay ill b** ad* . M e shall have a quiet dinner­

party , tha t will he alt; but In? wluheJ me to m ention ft lo you when t called Imfore <>'?r forma! Inv itations a re sent

i, in r a n ' you; m lcat make o the r «r- iungi'iiidils. You "111 reniciiflc.-r il I" l imr day w ck ,i Mi-**i I tiddd .'"

tinvi h r tha t fhe v mild re- li ember the daf". Mill the convorna- lion • hituged tee riihcr topics, Imt mill l.-idy f!are was Hi*.* life and soul of II Agnes and Ada had no !d<*.\ an hour h id pavcsl when th e clock struck five

' Ruth came with Hi" lamps and It-formation th a t th*? carfins-? »»>

You " i l l come to-morrow after- noon?” Dam" jT*?llt?e wild as "he rose to lak" t.cr leave. *‘f>tc|dje?i "111 have cdurtnM . ami m; tiloccx a rc tainting; Hmy " i l l call fpr you, they said."

site " '*ii 1 uw«y. leaving Agims and Ada in ra th e r a c o n fu ^ l .Mat’- of feel­ing; hul though: the ehnnn of he r man- i" r lasP-.l for a Unto a fte r she had

rcluni'-d b* Hie old opinion K fo rc Mr. ni»h!*l cam e home and

ii?«l i!" ir m connt of ihe visit.The old lawyer watted until Ills niece .) ' alone before h*? made any remark,

D-jx-twl it|K)a It. dear- sh*; had some ,<j< *t in view ," be i-alil, sm iling rathe r

grim ly. '’Sbqilif?u did rod send her. hut 111 m.ak" a m erit of II when Im

* [some. 1 should h m - told von about the dinner parly tnyw lf, for he

uUoned i t an Safnrdnv. nml asked to le* you know. My huh did not

roni** for Hint. Ada."•I wish I could really like her.

I i.;ii, Put I run t.” said Ada. "I think Aui'os H k h e r bctl'T , and I am glad f«i btetdien’s "ake tha t she dm-.'.-'

••Weil, well, my dear, if M bs Kill'd and Stophen are to live in pence nt Sdilick, i t is belter th a t slm should hbc Lady D are ,’ Alt, Hiddi-1 tin'-.voted.

Ada sold no more.••sh" Ir e ither a very Ronermm-mimi* ami clover v,oittan o r a verc ;tanger-

<•>;. im-’.' UipuKht Apn*-s ns » 'f *,r?'"se<l f*>r ilinm-r. "1 re’d l ' ' csniiot D-’l whc;ti"i- I hi*' • teen h a d '' o>- not lit lud-ilng tv-r. I'erlmp* lim " '- il l *tn»«'«"

Put In tim ib-lisiit of w elom ing lo-r l*?-,*?r. who came that • -'lind ?o s'-c tier t<*r :*u hour o r two. h*- forgol all a; *mt 1st !• Dare, and did not even tM-ttUon he r nenn?.

T h - afternoon nt Si-ldic!; v-as all ihat could l*e v, isl»'.I. ilm four girls-"itjoved

io the minted, from Ho* drive out o, return 1 n*iy iM re *vr-i Itoapifvi­l li itself. Stephen via* not back trotn I onden, nod i< struck both Amt* v . 'i »'*otv fb.to one- tha t Ids 'until - • .m e t to h.***!) for h!?. -acp *-stcetly.

nlntocl f"vcrl*-,ltl>. nlm n a dimr •I ni o r any round wan heard In fit"

iT.wb* 'Y-nlm.icLt

t .o 'e is often •' 1*<y lim it nuildi

l.e»?on IV., Octofn-r • , PHI.

■Ie.<us Mini Jud iis—Matt. I'd: 11-25, 47-50; •.•': ::-IO.

Comim-iitaty. - t. Christ'.-- foretold I ts , t 1-25). As tin- P:n>30V1ir drew m a r, the chief priests and the ^-rlln-s w. .-r- iagi-r to apprcheoil Ji-sus ami im t Him to death il.nkc 22. i f .• mill" kii'-H lid:* ami miked llieiu Urn qii' lion. ‘ VVliiH will v«i‘ j*!vts the. and 1 will deliver Him unto you7" tv . I5f, Tl*. y wore glad of th is oi'tHirtunlty lo further the ir " lik e d dcMlgtot tl.uke 22. 5» and a bargain was mad« ...Indus " u s to r*< * ive th irty pl*x*^ of silver

L'.), During tli«- i 'a s so 'p r feasi .le-iis ilikCtUKcd to His dtsclptcs tlie sail fm?t ihu t ofit- of Hi* m " a s ulmtu to betray IHm into th " hamb: i*l H»-• ni-mlirs. .tinlas " us present, ami jo in­ed "(Hi tlie rest of tin1 disciple1* in asking the question, "M aster, ts it 17" to avert suspicion from Himself, for lie knew Ills own guilt, having ai- ready conspired with the enemies of J*-sus for His betruyai. Jesus did not leave the sorrowful circle long in tuu- pt-nse, hut gun- a sign Hint indicated clearly iha t it «u» J ihIhs who woulil sell Ho-lr iMird for gain. Judas must iia ie had no clear conception C h r is t;; na ture , if In- thought Him Id- quod hill, * is il 1?” w ould b-ad He M aster to consider liim innocent o th*' piiri*oM to betray Him. Thus far two stops in .linlns' career as traye r have been taken . I. Ills plot­ting with th*? chief priests and thc scrihes to commit the deed. 2. Christ's iiiiitotiiit-emcnl oi .Indus' liuriiose aim lilt virtual denial of il.

IL -h-oif, Ik in iy c l i?.-. 17-50). -t*. M Mb- 1|,- >-i >|txk, -It vv.tb an hout " r i - o lift* r i|ild-iil»:ln on Friday m orning. J*-.ii,-, wan saying lo Hie drowsy dim-ipli-K 4 f t . r lie had finish* •al I lls prayer in HeUiscmune, "Rise, h't iih be going; In-liald, In* is a t hand Him doth betray .Me" i.Mult. 2'i, -1*5), having announced th a t the hour ««» a t hand when the Hon of man w as lo I?" in i my ed info file iintulu of slimv-ra. Dm- "t the twelve—There Is no at* •' "ipf f*cr>- to cover up Hi" fact tha t Jmluh had been a credited dfsci|»l" ot our J.orii. in John 15. 7u, however, ihcre is a sla tcm cut made Dial plain­ly- show s tha t Judas then had a dis­position tha t would lead him lo th** commission of till? basest of crimes. Tills was about a year in-fore thy be- trayal. lie is caib-d a thief in John 12. 0. A great m ultitude—A great mul- litinl" composed of a dctaelinieiit of th** Roman cohort sta tio n 'd in the Fasti,• A ntonia iJolin is . 12. the band), of the Jewish temple-watchLuke 22. 52. tin? iii|it:<lii of tlu* 1cm- ple t. of others , including servan ts add dcpcndtati* «f the high prl*-*t <Matt. 2'*. f.H, and. In nil probability, soum fanatical chief priests and elders also (Luke* 22. 32), who wished to witni-*f th.- rap tu re .—Sehafl. Staves—The phiral for staff; more properly clubs.

d . He tint', be trnjeii oim -ThU was ln»*as. lie " a s carrying >ul h is (tart of tlie agreed) mt tliai in? .md ,-iadc " it It tin- chief jirl'-jit)!. »Jai sign Tlu- dark conspiracy vvj»* can-- ieily planue’i, 'Yiiouisoex-c i jha il k tj-1 Titc nerft'Jy <>f Judas Is seen by Ho- sign iwhlch lie was alioui to list* it. pointing mi; io Hi.- Jewish l*-nder« " h o ' Je m s h »n. lo- w js wilting; to pn f<-; * ivnrtmv; frlcmlsliii? for Jt*: tis "Ini*- ill J»i>> v*qy net of bc lrny in i hloi 'i lit- enemies, ii n;, •-viib-ntly tu» mm*ic*I th ing-f.ir Hi*- dLx-lp!"> i*> gr*,-, tilt'll* Alas, f i-.ii:, J, RHi vvli-n they ni'-i I:*in *-i*-u id le r a flmrl nli:*'‘litVi; H'*M him fa.*t Tnk*- him.” —It.--V. It'. Ki*nfe)itli -tmmcdhilHy. H«H. m ast*r! -Jm lauw ou ld have .tcsitn tiii4*.r«tand

• lint in- via* utlll loyal to !ifm. "Tlie same lips th a t guv.- Ibis fabw- kiss ptceeilcd it «U h a faulsv s-iintnUosi. i? ives doub!s>* u ltcrcd with a load vole","-- W h-ili'ii.' Kissed him - The tJreeU 'e r h li*?«V used U a trongcr than tha t n?*d in tin? pn-c*-*|lng vets*, it it,•-mis t" h iss ,w ith fervor, o r again

again, nml accompanied with eitl- tirnc 5;>. I**rl*nd- Th-? erd denote* etdu|*anloh*hbi r.«Hirr Hiatt fri< nd.-'ilp. .k fu s fully disccrn«?d Judas’ a 'tiluJt- toward li im. Luke adds in thl* cnaincc- Hon. th*' qucstlmi naked bv th*? Master.

iii tn iH M thmi tin- Son of M*»n with u hist,7" W herefore uri tlmu com" - !. m s did not, need Hie Infornictioit; to r which tid?* question call" '. !•'»'. he would ha'*- Jmin- rea tirc -vii-U he was doing, I,add liiimls on Jeans, and look bm i—J"'U - ashed t.'i*? crowd liuit app roach 'd him. “ Whom week ?**.’

io thy lr word*. "J**sie. o( Nava- i*ih." tie roidlcd. "I sun *!»?.” Thc;- i,t once dr<.'\ l?gck and <-?ll t » the ertiund iJohn l v t-7t. Jc8«H dispUye-i n-vt a IUH - of the power w iitfh he lind th a t tin- people ntlchi know that

wore no- dealing with •

•i. Not law ful—?loti<-y ;<cc*i*«sl in .ucU a " a y n t th is im ild no! bo devoted I*. ?.o:rcd n;,..- . I’rice or bhwd Thu »• " i It had- rH In tie e i**»t*d? ;-*l!ii|t • t«s) th a t H'* y Sind |.al*J hitdicv to h a c i

pul In'o i lo i r hand,, to !e- • x' •■cutcd. 7. D otlern field A plucoprobably io ts,.. valley of flint urn. ?«-'ith ot K-rusalcin, from wiilcJi clay ha*l In-in dug for m aking pottery, i i bury atruu in—'TIumc " iiow crop<or and frh-n JI.-x’, would '*<? tnirl- d In if** potter . Held. T he e-pr.-s-lon 1. ;-lill ii*«-<l to il'.not" n burlul place l" r th* poor an-l Ho? outcast. *. li«-ld of !>!•<*>*!—Id Acts i: it* R D <allc*-I Ar*i- 'kdns. no- ju-rjMUiitc.) tin?tium ury of Jadn.< cuvclouni*?.s* nmlL' lii 'L . Hpoheii* by J--r -uiy- -T.io p t- 'H o t Is found |n Kvxii. i l ; ! : . Dr.Liglilfoot* "xsdanniion of the a -rip* . Hon of the nropliciy ()f J -rcmiali in- >icad of /."ciinrlnh Ih. th a t uncicntly Jerem iah s too l a t Hu- fsead of tin. pioidtetical rc r ip iu r 'c of the Old Tc.- U'tiicnL and Hie name .I'-remluli wa., c*'* n io th.- lavik of prophcct'-s Whlcli i< * !*:*i' I ail thv propli * 'daUho-A r*f<ri:*I io :>!• until', »*f t *. r D ub u n i i.o^ to the individual wrltor, Th« p r l c ut him Ile.ll v id vnlii'd—Til " p ro p lice* had na m D u ; iblc rcft*n-?je** u, ?"irD t. Tii" m luui.-.icr ; ut tlie* » pro i^!^ ,? AAbida i» l— uiarkahle. u n i ,i>? n-m nrk' hide Is also the ir rouipl t<> fuifitmcn*. ■10. For »»»<* potter'* ti;-|*l—Mat h s in - tii" ecu.*-.-, but not tlie v-orda, of tin prophet.

t!u**stion -. l -.mn *»iiat wea"!oii did <‘iirl»t fo n h il 5;!-- b<trayal! Ho** wjo, it made known who would ootray nliii7 AA’iiht iiiotl'e.i hud .Indus hi bcirayiug Ffirk-t lo the chief prlc-d* •’ W liere did Hi" In fray il tak * placer l)*-.«rUn* the b 'l ra y a l i.f J'.-.m, W hat iJiowa Dm: J*sus hud •iiiAe-'eiit p o iu r lc resist hb- eti'-inle*. if hi? hail ib-.drv-l to uo It 7 What course did J it lr t j tc.k*? "her. it- *«" Unit .I'-fiiA "■«;* likely to le- «'i* eiiteil? W hat heeumc of lit*.* th irty p b re s of kllvec? W hat prophecy « a i fumilini r

I’UAt'Tli:.M« Ht/RVKV.T«q»i';.- lii* iitigiit ol din.i. Marked liio iu.stl»* of Judas.It. Necc4»|i4!*“.l K hrls ts Ucatii.I. Marked tlie doatlny of Judas. The

career of Judas unfolds the uK-uuiog o f tem ptation. He had yielded hiro*cir little by lit tle to tin? power of ta tiu i. null! he in euiin? Id-* captive. Dcllber- a u L in* had lirnncd the "hob- weight os-'his obdurate heart against the door oi mercy which the Saviour held open io him. W ith him avarice predotulu- iU' d over conscience. Many of the dL- eiplea were weak in fairli and carnal in apprehension, but Judas was tlie only tra iler . His caltousncss appears In the m anner In which h** betrayed l.ii JJasrcr " It ii a token of affi-ctlon and in 'th e prcacncft of Ids brethren. His diiplh-lty and treachery l«d Dim to suggest tip* Masfcr-* plac<? of pray* r n , the >r*-nc of the dD grae' ful api're*

ihenaiou. Ho did more than a ll Hi" rest toward perfecting thii wicked .plot against Jesus. T hat lie "a* one of lire twelve, se ts (orili th e blackness of bia guilt. All bis sense of honor and in ­tegrity had departed. .He bceumc the leading ac to r In the scene of betrayal and a guide to the others. He had placed himself in I hi? way of teinpfa- Uon in dcaliug with C hrist-* enemies. T his " a s the m ost hateful clem ent la hi* crime. Cnr'-stralned covcIousucm

led up lo it. Judus inflicted a far deeper wound upon Ids M aster in liU token of frl«-ud*'liip than the stroke of tin ' a rm ed men would h*v« been. There wiih unparalleled biiseness In h is act. Tills was one of the sadd«»l H-vne* In tiro llf«? of the Man of aor- rows. Tin? whole appearance of th** crowd which went ont in a comkluud effort, fully cqulpix'd. to take one prl* so m r from eleven m en was an illu*- Im t ion of tin? vutiily «f violence ngnlnst the On<- who " a s ready lo die for Kn* r'-*l"inpi Ion of all men. The combination of Die Rom an sohlli-n* with the Jewish Hanli'-drin m arks Urn share of Jew and G'-iilllc In Hie tran s­action which culm inated tn Hie scene

Calvary. Aftvr h is act of treachery Judas felt ho liad no more place in the circle of the apos­tle*, none with Christ-* enetnle?!.

II. Nis-essitatcd Christ’s di-alb. Chri-l K agony in tiethsenum e and Id* betrayal were closely related. There tils anguish was endured, hi* soul cry was u ttered, th e cup was drained, hU perfect -ubinlselon was rendered, and ills death on Calvary was anticipated. T here he met Ids tu-traycr. and the combined force of Rom an •mldlers and tin- Jewish .Sanhedrin. Judas’ khw wan unnecessary, a s well a* the weapons of the soldiers. Jc*u» made voluntary surrender of himself for man-* aln. V olunlarim? s was an eH-tontial eh - ment in h is work of atonem ent. T h" Homan -.-obiter* were overpowered by the majesty of flu- defenceless Jc-u-i of Naxarc-tii. The Incident is on" of many of which Christ’s glory waa secu in moment of h is deepest humiliation. W hen Hu* soldiers recoiled In terror he , stood patiently before them . Ills eatm dignity ami feurlotsacs* m ust

jtcepenrd Hi" '-trang" thoughts winch ini'l already b u n stirred within them . They "en* doubly a»aurcd by the tra ito r * kiss and C hrist's own claim that h<- was the prisoner they sought ami y d hesitated to a rre s t Hint. Jciius offered no rcxlitauce. and for­bade any in t *>,part of Ids followers.

ta tty .uttd f reh-»>i

men? h b dls-

•» In sotvinc. "If thcr NT' .'•? seek M these go l heir <vny (»olm

IS M. H i . clear Hint Hm officers able to take him only u< h » d iduo-df to b" taken. •

Judah' remorse and death vs.--IO). 5. wheit he tiiat lo- "as TOna.nm.-d-J**'* > "»'■ . *V' *i?tenlbh? ixitis<'tueuces of his daMarui. net. He hud been thinking of the gain that he should Deuro, but Hu- p<»**.*f ion of thirty piece* of silver, some­thing mor- than fUtccn dollars, did not bring th** saHalactinn ho i xp'-cH-J. and "!)•« hr »a"' "hat wa* lik-d* io be th.' outcome of hi* trejeh'-ry. terror Aclr.'d him. ropcntnl Idnisvlf—This wu» iiot.coulrlllon or godly serro". but *"rro"', leased ui*ou self-interC't, bleause Of the COn*equenc*‘« ‘d the course li" had .taken, brought ngaln the thirty |d « e s of silver—His rc- mor*e nmuitHst him lo ha'*- wo ?*at- tsfaction from the tirlce of Ids bm>e- no**, and In- vainly hoped t" mtdg Id « rims by giving the money back to th«»- who had paid it to him. L * hate -iiui'.-il—Tlie eonOs^ion thus wrung from hlui hy His accusing con-

did not m ad him anything.Innocent blood—He saw that Jesu* would be executed, mid lie well ktx'W 11... idnhKstuss of him Whom he hud .id l'd .Mano r, It l* possible that JU»

thought J'su-> would cxervii' Ids power to i.'i'c IdtUhelf from Ids cue- Iides. mot tie would not tie guilty,of

tuall* s.-tling Jesus to li- slain, sc* tl.ou to that - Tlie chief pries* > a«>l »’*

i were In no wl-e cticcrned ** u slut" of Judas' mind. They hn<

gained Ho-lr end. and Judas could n:nfc" th ’ lieat ot his retnor***. down the pieces of silver In the tem­pi*? Judas may have thought, that 'there would b*- some relief t<> hlnewt:'Irvin d« vtdiiiR Uo- money to saepsl ti-ies, imi ii s*»mi« mor*- probable that he was anxions to get rid of the sib "titch he had coveted, hanged him r,«|L Ity ...mpannr. thisAe|. I Hi H would appear Ihat Ju'h* * * ; jji. ir l".-nt- I" *!"■ hauccd ldlliselt close In one oi U»U | tday.d bv th* Chmeninn non, .n-t M > — «* 5E

In*.- rope lips Ing given away, he w*a kind "f V""i" c - . .,**-* me hurled to his death. ed?

conqueror, dictating and obtained them, i throughout Ida udu-

• ught oi Ms dtecipjo , and demanded thyir •.ihstllutlon was shown

ill- gKiUR liini-'-H up and shielding his disciple*, it wa* aece«*ry for the purpp.e or Ida kingdom that his npos* t h s h o u ld lie spared In declare Ids trnlh to the world. His going away am! what is involve! prepared for the equipment of Ids chosen followers, no that uo nrm< <1 force or any malic*? of

iti-nde- would daunt them in tie* daring a full go-pel. t ntll then Jei-us would span- them iinnce<**wiry Ul** lr.->s. Hegardles- ot all the iuitlgully put umiti hint Jesu?* was most ntajes-

is he approaclied hi* final orth-al. . . . wax .sclnsl by those In* had be­friended, bound by those he de-lred to liberale, lid away as a criminal by those who w .re thvmsetve* transgres* sor*. placed at the bar of mi" who should hai e bent Id* advocate rather tmni his Judge. Alt this, and mor?*. that h" might rederm all nations.

T. U. A.


t m eni. their t»«ii"n»l i,ml i.ny ,l"»lr* te Uef'-W'l v Iw -aid that ll*l* pen--*hliwmin I* desWoft)- '•«* li.-at* Klx.ut Ol- tmmher


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l i e R eg is ter........ i.Oo

I to D aily Globe . 3.90

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tte ria ii.........' .. .................. ............ 2.25

In inster 2.25l io C hurch man 1.50

Lit Life 2,<>o

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t ,n«iuo»i«y mm 1 Vv.aw.o-tu *»*

♦ -s 4- •> * * *<* ;


Tbo pii'f'iiitt war in livid lu- lime burnt lint inuvMttblu thudt between the T« utu«* amt Hit* £n«v, v.bJcbtUplunnii-y tudlhl limtlly havu ftvu l: ml. Hut why,bring on tins cot ll.ct nt I ho p rm rti liiiivV Thorn houma to btmt Ixne only <»> « rent roshonj amt Hint thyiiuo t.f ticr«Hnjt> '!*re»di. no#** for Uimgritgglti. Hut if (lib Ton ion had won fliia cout*>*, how would

* -G reat Brtlabt havo fared? Wo V j.ly nmy bo jm du'iod >f wu think «b«>* J would bnvo liti-n tbo oust jKiwcr '* ngaiub l wh-jm | bo v ic torious T oatub

♦♦♦♦•>*'i*** 'ttM '»****‘> ^* * '> * | would Imvo lunited limartua.THE t 'l iY o tr »it*uol,l> w ilt N'DEH But(Lrtus'inunfortunately douol

rvab/.o th a tto llto rtitf of Europe tbo Teuton peril wng a more rent one than I bo Slav j*«ril, Tbo dronl of tbo Cbinuau inilitnry umrbino urn! tbesuspicioB of German territorial atnbitiohft Imvc penetrated (homindi* of tboHiimlicr nations of Europe tbo dread of fho Slav never did. Tbo ItUHhion peril sueruod far away, tbo German menace wf« a t the door

That the iblUnct of Kuropu not iiKlioy tbo prevent conflict abuudautly provc-e. Without the aid of Hie great Slav hofetti tbo com- bieed nrniicn of a |i the r « ( "f EuropeCould baldly bavt- kep t the (turmaiiH out of ..Parti*, The (p i; mau menace w*» » very real o re and Europe w:tf> righ t in »l« te t5,»«atv if. 'J li.ii* in wliy Franco and Britain: are lighting upon the name side Slav, They are not, fighting I ltusbinu autocracy, bu t they 1 willing to accept KnasiaVaid contending with tbo more imminent iw-rij of Teuton militancy. They a:d t finding the p b o ty of Euroj against tbo menace of tbo mailed n-t, mid prayt(4 of nil 1‘ freedom who me m t 'IV u thrift will undoubtedly mcend for the fit-ring • i Kutt-J 1 bom tbo dark nbade Teuton .mifitaribui, — Ckrittum (juarflu

n battle of tb«vAmne, if 'dial i ; to t»v tl« mono in bi-dory, ban now hinted for iba uuprectdt clet! length of twenty’•tight day a. Along over ISO mihft of front tbea t bavnot been \ day during all that timo that thero hoe not bitn homo aoii uf engage­ment in every portion of tbo line. Tbo ttdimaU-t of Um number of

Hided Oy expert* are .piito inctc dibit*. Seine of them two iiclmdly in lutflioui now.

Alt tbo nvftiltddc military re- aoureca aptstt from Um M-Uml light

Ho engagid m bringing food nnd ommutiftioli to tho milhona of truoi-*. t> t u Hie ■■■organized mili­tary tneduul it* p itlmmi*' can hope to he etiIy of help to 11 ft w of the uany wournb it.

l*iivutofiom ftonpit«b> in the rear rthow that it is day» often before the ivonndedean bo proi*i » ly cared for. Without the Ha t Crum ntitl other similar exterunt agencue ib«i*Coy ddidna would be rdttiudl tiUBpehkatile A > it , lhvtjf.o:> i t' tbe wotindid,

to vri fully tvi.ci s lid for ub- , U-. 1,01m, will o.. one of the aw

ful c l f e w - I l.urnsu hit.dt t} Tune* 1 in: nil impmtatil: eii ioent of Me

and I eidth; T'hofce wbo want t*» be* iiietnnco in what h* petbap^

bumauitya geetd» t>$ need of «<j !n*- fOould nut delay lending I ten u any ‘i,si Htoy ft* 1 «dr

uvarl. l»y the lime no tnow the whole dtdadslury it wid be too l.do to help.

Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged heat is forced to travel over top of oven in

M c C l a i y l s

Pandora£\BJ2 (fQ tl°wn behind it and twice un-

™ n# der the bottom before escap­ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer, u

AtA0£ IN tt&NADRS o ld b y H . A . H a v ill .

D E N T A LIV. ] . H A M .!D A Y , I,,!;,,!’. . ’Siifc<-»>-Mir in Or *'nr:,>n. M<»l«'rn inelliiid*

; *.ni |dny*d In «>l tletil.tl taikitu. S |i f r ,1 m lrnllna IflrmKu, InUr work; iti Ainl :;i*l 'f>‘ii|?iiii> muiiumiii <if va«*ii-: in,mill,

I . s . n j ' . i v i >.

M E D I C A LI UK. l i iiO W N , }-»V -»V r;

W . A. H A M . , " , ™ dIe,tlenn, at if lie* 1; - l?r>fv<>rsit>'. .MCmliri <.l tile I ' iII.uioI |’li)-1,-liil^ it lid Hlircetdi»,


EHATION M»U A t’I 'E H D U llT lS. •mIIwvII M.ud.idf, .< m. lite r of the

»l;ttT of <*!>• fftam bm i H .tn k ,; l in i ti . i in , ' * • wit) known line, wr, *ijk*wi1<-<I

tiupoii ln> t,S nliiiilny iim rniiig ipt oj |«-iidi':ilt> t*y in «;»<>•,.x*>» p*« igo .tint t>i . -.0 ,*t tm itn m . T ie ope*

DEblDATlit*.’ SEliVH l>M ,lb , w t. '.lt.U Oie-,. ,U<, D.-rni . * ■■ ■ *p *


A-Mi, I 'V . , t „ . IVtiuijvl.

wru* i wcAliTKir. um-MiM-k r <»,. «rar- r«n«niiriii»i »it n.mie »i (lie- Teteri lireOllier. Wnthi-riou.

V E T E R I N A R YS. 1IA N M D R K .V .S . H X'ifZ t.-**” * -OTUinry colirne. I’r. ll«nni,m> ii»*. ... , ... - srK|(( C n , , , , ’

■ *tilii-»o

i.K 1'II * *»N IN VADED


: Ibvro


MONEY ORDERS[The Canadian, Hank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient nsivc method of rem itting small sums of mom y. T ilt, .• table w ithout charge a t any bank in Canada (except in

■ Territory) and in the principal cities of the U nited States, Tit the following rates :

$5 and under . , , 3 cents5 and.not exceeding $19 , 6 "

In (hi- prudent »f alt t^vt-ry wide divt-rgitne as to the retd i*tiu«F. Oormati writers, so fm

we c in discover, are practically itnnnimouii in the cunlentioii that Germany is not reepemiible for the

and has t t>ly Men forced into it in aeif.defunce, white they eetui to bo v'ptally unanimous in ibeoptuiun that England i« tbo arch enemy of the (.it rimui empire and ns fetich shun d be sihown no umrey. (Jer-

iv, m (heir opinion, iepu«;oi»t»; tbo bight d ctiHnro of the age, and (Jrest liiUain ii Ibecbkf topic*dil­ative of the world e biubarism, which is socking to turn back the handle upon the dial which marke the worlds progruw1,

To most uf u» these claims stum * outrageone that we cannot ecu.

ceive of their being made Miberly and feiuceu-iy; aud yet there can be IjUIu doul^t that they represent the re»tcouviet*one of the people of Ger­many. Great Britain to them ap­pears n» tho arch-enemy of the human race. The Germans are an

ilucnfed people and alt intelligent peop*e, and oven while wc aro at

with f hem we cannot but accord tofluoui u position iu tho forumoHt rank of the great nations of the world ho far as regards intellectual development and material progrO"*: Germany is a great nation, and the fact that we are id war with Lor does not In the least alTect oUr re­cognition of that fact, bu t her people have blundered nudly m cijlimating the real causes of the war.

And yet tho blunder they havu made isja natural one; For tong centuries Germany hat* been recur. Mined to live under the shadow of war, aud shii has 'teat tied iu prepare for it. After the unification cf Get many had been brought about by the genius wf l i t m att k, Get many whs able ti> j'repsro more Ihoroiigh- ly than ever before, and when Fpsuce challenged her to battle in jf>70, she was more than ready, and iu one short campaign ebo demutist- rated v'ery conclusively tier ruditary ftitportorily to her aggressive neigh, tior. B ut that campaign proved Gormany's unt|oit*g. film.had found it so easy In coidpter France that shu concluded that with a ptoi*cr

; military system nnd udicpuiie pie- | paratiem sho cordd, »t tiu d be, face > even Europe in nnns. Tho onty foe | she ready leered wiej Ibi-sia. Eng; land, on account of her small Bland; ing army, she rather dbejufecd, and

■ if it had not buei: for her fleet she■ would have been'prepared to ignore1 her,

R R. N o . 12The hdMwii.g i -.id.-

‘ ̂<>ii Hanii If....... N t m v of Wall;

.t.S li pp.1 I -hn M- iSlhu'i, ■ it li; I„ TiMiiita-

Every Woiaar-

wiaoscu SOPH Y co..

| ia i. M, Na>igM,-i!


ilh tin- i .iti bl'igat t pahii- ity. In Im iiiii tor tin y iu.- k*-* ping »ln> public il'*,»im*d ,<f tin* many iiws «*f g«c«K

a t Ip* . t , . whhflpltnilnglb-lr

pHl tn in'il tin* iitv>r-i’i.A luato ld

r f i-1 du ly !»>• shopping »: liamt-- m u CA NADIAN H oV S

Our Canadian t» >y u i i t ■■

I* If MrlU-dlil-

C»iI '*'li r ‘


• in rim tiling line. Their drill iu"gland ni.iy lm dint (• i.td by tb«Mic-

t hrinrlHMil .,(11 iv. vvhit-liMtmeiv fall - l1 A ntw erp Ini* H-i-li j u-liin«» t -•( ■*icd. H.-Iwn»m ■ p-*fl «» riu*.trill Hr,t.'ndy few S.-*,.»* ■ tuu lt«*muglitnl i f t W n d ,.m-.ipriitid the

If Ill'll i ll nil tild a i-in l-V.*Hv-<*whmh is <>ulr2t ntdo-ut V.-a lim b *1 •* p tr1cent (fi- nut th

Win Di. l iM.ti ,f -dm Pull Hal K..Invalidt Wm l-'i - Iu»II l*«<>clittiai>

,1 Wo*.d- .F»hn M'-Kt Ivb*Ed MeKvtvj,-Cbas .UairKCtis T il Tanner due Taiuu-r Itt-nry F ii'i im t lly Kristine W '.J. .Soeb:Tims II Sistl.- Audimv K.-stim- ffehasUau Keistius Wm K-tsUm* Jfuab Tiaynor Hy Kusawutin Alma A Ady Ah-x Stroi-dsf

* Vm lzing

M t.f Ih-lgiiim m id 1-Y.un.m hving * li/ d a-a 1st-- Mt t aid- on tvmlaml •. :.J,e hit- ly ii- ,. ■ m iiv h.-r lb.* U n i­te muid mot •• * i infon ciM-itl-1» <b -

tuigi-nUinny be »» n l t*< (In- fn in t m uch J a.ioucr than wa* expected ; Tin- Inlet" j •>l o l Ih*- C u tad ia e - w ill n » t i he* u n it J

patBomil w hen tln.fr *>v >■ 'i*ns will «**t | th e ir III St bsptlHU <-i h(»ud in tb i- l i e ) l ihie , am pai«n. I t h«>k-'titie a life | and tlealb sl-iiyyle hclw eeii the Hrit- J

til'd Hemian mttinm*. am t it m ay ! e te - s n y not unly lo t a second,

hut a tld rd end four til con tin g en t to « o from Canada to help th e m other coun try iu her boar ot g rea tes t d.m-


Merchants BankO F C A N A b /.

1*AI M UP C ’ A11 IT A I, »7. WH), IKK) K E SE IU 10 F U N D S I7 .7 IS . 131

220 BranchesI t - S W iN M V M l 'iN f i *• I

tin.w liesiri'HJ «' str**r>$ SAjS’iNt.S HANK; aree.rf.lialb invitrd. Int- emst added Inst day of Ajnit mid, Ceioher ui.-tend <>f May and Nuv undier, as formerly.


M a n a g e r


.»*-. L .T m

.Pit; E Metiadfe

E a Jlnpkiiis

STU hE I' l.HiHTN ON SATF.If DA V \ '1 be MiMn ny Eh m*. Light Coin |

puny exp* et t«» b.o • i In* tn tv tdre« t . tight - itfstidbd und ready t<* turn nu S l-v S.itnrdny evening <*f On %v*«k,lTheItamdwruu-i-. wliU lilim , been lb c fean-'s of the d* 1 <v in rite m st.riiatim i * of the new I’u b ts mul n in th te a . to - tmve h. en «hlpp*d fit m l’it|||ltituov< i * tw o nm n tti; ui*,**. i to iv rd yer.tenlay * iiim ning »tnl will l«-1 l.u . d i n p - i t i . t< lirloit* H alm day ,

$ 1 (1 0 H o w a rd $ 1 0 0


.——a biscu it of m ost de lectab le flavor, short, and light as a feather. A t tea-tim e, o r any o th e r tim e, it is su re to be a success.

T H EP E R R IN “ S A M P L E R ”

P A C K A G E -will d«ll(ht. you-

A box of delieiou> Dncybitcuit*......»end 10c. (eoiaor •ivnipt) «nd youf grocer’* tuiue for it.

T R E E S ! T R E E S ! !

Ail kinds nf E m il and

nt» Wnntod Cvorywher*

A,.|.ly I. r Ivt iii,.

J . H . W IS N E RNur»e>ym«n PoM dsin. 0«t»»lo

llxile*. Triiili.ii tn «.jnil iMidtl a«*l *ln> it lie n Hi-it,

S m i t h & M t C o n n e r s

C hopping'M illF e e d (Zl S e e d S t o r e

A H H i n d O f C c r c o i A n d C o » r o F e d *■'<>r S u l i n T o n I , t i O r I n A n a* S h a p e ,

S m it h Sc IV !cCom ic!|w a l k e h t o n , o n t

•nub. pr.ndh *1 bireSilev? M.-liunl ii •• mb..

indtvidii.il Diettuctlmtij r three d oty e'dlege building.


tiH T o t K ftlTC(.'ESH HOOK.

C A FLK M IN G. F . A .. PrtoeipM D <i. KLKM I NO Huc-ri-taiy.

p ra iji TOu/ijsVip

F a rm sI have, iti lira til. 2 f ifty a

tt-iiiK. I fm ty id x nett- lain*. 1 iiundted anil ih lity ac ie fatm tw o hundred new la in > all K l.l. IMiPltOVlvIL eoiivt-nieiH to HhduV* (•riii iilki-tinn, m id On- mvm-in

,v<- placed them in my hand** i'«*- .... tin y A HE ld i l N l' H SELL

I liavt; abh n ICO nerc fuun in I’orlh, ue«t l.i-tt wel, m e «*» lln*

: lafittsin tinyCmtnt) «>f 1’cMb, with extra imptev* nn.tr. a ' Uttmt t ;u | ;iiunt S7tMi. I i In*,kite bad MU b a < boii •• i I f >* now. M y e It ice > - IIEA BQUAR- TEUS and you eb,*uhl cv »•-<* to *“

f v* want toboyal ripbtpi

H . H . M i l l e rllANOVKU - ONTAWIO



oiii i>liin-iyui|)ti.-, .iie mute i hun good pb«thj!rapbi~ • In y ate m u- |-oftrail*.- bringing nut nil tha t's Itt rt in cbarnctCrfltul individu­a lity . Make your op- lft>tnrnwm& NOW.


g T \ Wood’o Phonpholiiio,»•»« Umil r'n.-K.fe /̂tewrdy.

t* *Srd (sviitvr»u* the

\i i*;“'i*’4 a! #*wf.1 iIr*.rVw.’XMt'WOOOMCDICINC CO»tM0»I0,0«T. (tMantt WMiw.)

S T O V E S !

If y o u w an t a stove

buy a ” H A P P Y

T H O U G H T .” N one

better. A so a full

line of H eating S toves

H A H A V IL LW alkerton * - O nt.

Dr. dc VmVs Female PHI®A icll3l>ie:,Ft«;i«li intBl*l>>rtorvitf t*ll». Tbr*4

.-•!!- sin rttet-tdfinUy SMtrilm iu renMiatlna tt>«it'«r*»*iVS f'Htl-'iO <d t!:r t-n-jV . t t l tm.».t t>*»»t* tiultitv -M*.. »r.d« Tm *s *r« *.-M *« T- * l> >,. -n t»iie<> t -i ll-V lo »nvr.i» tleobv-U tit tur C->. at, CatlisrliiM, Oat,

Cook’s Cotton Root Compound.-W ■■ .1 toff. retta' I* rtoutadna

PUtdieiHe, Bold la ihtw d*» er«» M No. 1. *1.So. 2. $i; N'- 3- tx-t hot.

by nil (liiicsm*. ot *,nt nrt-ptiu on M'.ipl ol i-tif-*. lYt-o twtaphlrt. .> A(l<tr>rM: THE COOK MKOICIKC CO.(Wino.M!, (fttwtu Wodtt*̂


T h irty -D a y Clearance SaleW A R IS A VERY SER IO U S THING, but is no m ore seriou s than is our in tention to cut prices to the

lek during1 the next th irty days. W atch th is space w eek ly and let us convince you th at w e m ean w hat w e say

D re s s G o o d sc.n y M elton I)rcs>s G oods, a ll shades, suit-

[>r C h ild ren 's School D resses, re g u la r ,v»c.l e d need to .......... 2 3 c . per v;trdfla n n e le tte in lig h t a n d dark patterns, 36 2us V eg u la r 1 yd. , reduced to 1 0 c . a yard. |a t ic y all w.kjI F lu u n e l S h ir tin g , re g u la r 3«Sc.

, reduced to 2 7 c . a yard

T o w e ls , B la n k e ts , e tc .W hite T u rk is h H a th 'row els, large sizes, reg

:15c. j.r. for 2 8 c . a pairH eavy H uckaback T o w e ls , reg 30c. pa ir for 2 5 c

E x tra H eavy F la n n e le tte B lankets in w hite and g re y 1 i -.j size, reg *$165 pair for $ 1 .3 9

W rappcrettcs in new est pa tterns 27 in s . wide te g u la r i2}<c. yd., c learin g .it 1 O c . a yard

L a d ie s 1 W i n t e r C o a t s a n d F u r s a t G r e a t ly R e d u c e d P ric e s .

S h o e sS m all Shoes fo r sm all feet a t sm all prices

W e arc clearing a line of L adies F in e Siloes (F inest(Q uality) and new est lasts a t less th a n cost S i/e s 2 ’ T 3 and Jj*

G r o c e r ie s3 C ans, Corn Peas, am i T om atoes for ....... 2 5 c .Choice P in k Salm on, large tin 2 for 2 5 c .Finest R angoon R iec 5 c . lb .P earl Tapioca, :► lbs. for 2 5 c .3 P ackages C orn F la k es for ............ .. ,2 5 c .

W e w ant y o u r B u tte r, Etfgs and Pou ltry and will prfy h ig h est prices for sam e.

m e 8, WalKerton J . P L E S K E Y Whitehead's Old Stand


. d to positions. College ■from S e p t 1 s t Catalogue ■ 'r any time. .

J.W .W estem lt,* .Gurtm4Ara>»n£t ,

id m -rm tou 5

RAVI? KM M r At*


tafonolaThe most wonder­ful instrum ent ev­er introduced. It requires unchang­ing of needles. Call and have it dem onstrated.

H. T0\(hr. tUalkcrion.

: «* it M w rnrfn

R in g H a t ’




eltool with a continent# itation (<>r hijlh grade work (or the success o( its UraJu

. 3 schoo l w ith s tip c r iu r s tru c tu re . * W can J ...

! m J i .U u . i l a t te n t io n in. , i s i , „:Im.iJ „ „ J T c-

m lty D i'pa ttiiU 'n ts.

h>- M l. i d < ..v v h u . tv hull1.’ r.il-lll hr'll v . .. I..H> * t.O t

itv titii" . W i (*utalogtiv.

Ii il 1 UIII'lMgU

A. M. I.a< hi. tl, F t ira ij.a l/

H A W ’Su s in c s s S c h o o ls

l i n t la . gtvi** lii.'li graile!«l q u ilO v young |<*-'*>pt«*

. ..Ml - iIm it- •- T hey birluil*- Ciiiili nl IM in - -" tn.liugu. jo un i i • f f t .*iil St,-' . i-nil Six- *nch s- '.»••• >t C itu ic iilum <1 i .*<1 >!«• -«. Kntvr any Untoijlit’v, Pie*iil*<nt.

. ■!. w ilhP.* *. I .-M » l jill.- k->». a. 'ii,.-;

l - t«- ft w - I hi Ii

A lv f ..t .w j k k l k n s io :i t \ i »k k s

• IL.lt win. . ; . . . iU .- i f y -N,». I all* iv.-ll “ No 2 anti ah '* vNo *.}~MI,.| all * wi ll Tin--*.......and w im l-, i i 'l« m l with u gi>lnl H m ng vote** •*>' n -n liiis , h u n k Ih»* cili-iici* ol ni^l.i at th e v riu -lfin. To! t-t n.otv wiser*’ tiv fiily live ( ‘a m ilin n to y s »H lining d u ly foi lin ' E m pire In p rn lw t Inc th a t in>tituli<>». f lw ie a i r many; in W in tiu tt; who Iihvi* M.-.-n thn* m od­e rn »lf d r w lilt'll will live h im a fte r M arconi fa gum.-, I •**<»> tutu it lias b*-**ii long there, only a lew veins, and lie 'l l mu every one in W larlon »ccii TnWftno* r. 'I'm* wire I■•*<» •tiuiil* facing th e I my s i th e * ni'tnnc* toI tile T uh . I t i n he mji-u a 1-n.g dlh. t a m e fo r th e p le? nro ls.‘> f**«t in LngU i ilen - ;» f*>v v c ifa r p u W ill •Simpson wmj told to e lea r up a little h it ol gio.im l, ab o u t tw o ncti'ir. mat when he cot d u to he wa* g iven S-Vh**. It was easy m oney, it wax u g .vnt n- m n! joh and W ill ha* *inrk to g a y o rn m j.it j ib * ever*Snc*.jTht* wltch-M s ta tio n is a m is t in te rrs i in g o l.jec t t-. visit. Tim w hole p la in p tohnhly iihaiit J-jjOKI, it ii a liuk in it system extend, ing across th e Cun’(u n it, nnd if one link gm —. then thcw h t.lt) sy stem stiff- cr> conM-spiemly. on th e ou tbreak of the ly tt ra con tingen t vvn* d ispatehed to pro tec t it, nnd If o u r e tuu ls hii.I w ir less s ta tions had no t t een d e lu d ed a t th e <>itl»rt they w ould no don III have hi eii destroyed livlnie th is tilin'. The tvJieleS': is m tu i^ w l by thti-eaQIc- e o inch t-f >.| whom in tu rn has the r-t;ei vet* const a n t’y «t< Ills ears, and he i* pt.-hing up m e?.opes ftom .Midland, S u n i t th<- .Hon and stejtim t* on ilu !>k,-. A|i. A«ptiee, the olfieei in charge, had in any y. am expo Hence in llritm 'i iiavy and th<>imi-|i)y lit s tands hi* iv .uk , ami lie ami Mm. go* m e in --hi h.ispltahli- 11, yj-.j W h i'e th e iic e iv in g o f a iu c "a g e sim ple as it | n a m a tte r ol Minimis, the sohdliiK of « liimsng.' Is n very diffe *.-nl tm u te r . T liepaw line niRlue* a: gol to w ork and w ith just th e fori Ih fy c«n give th e no-usage is g iven l the a il . »«• thvgtiM ter th* power the longer th e me*»«ge will travel. Win- th e w ar broke out Capt. C lark. W alk- e tlo ii , w (:b a c in liiigen t of tw enty , five V'lluotcei s w as im m edia te ly des­p a tched to T ohcim ory to protect the wireless a t tha t point. A M te r eheiev could scarcely h a v e W en in«di*. Ttn- dtsc<|diue of the nlafT U cxcelluut, and w hat U th e point the m oral life of th e cam p i» Well seen a d a ir . On eve Sunday m uruing thej-c is church p .r a d e and hi*i vice, A very im port an t elTie.-r has ju s t a rrived in th e |wr sou o f Mr, It chiudM.ti, fo n ith year s tuden t in hi -dicine. win* has er< a h m p tla l te n t, ..ml ha,. tv< iv lh ing there- to assist him in th e health ..f tie cam p. W inn it is rem em bered that th e neatest do c to r is IOiuIIm aw ay It will W-wren th a t th is Is a very fo rtu n ­a te th ing . A m ong o the r offievrx w ho Were doing d u tv with ap p aren t Ihlehty s*-rgeaut C oop , amt Svigemil Sm ith.II »w long :h < c am p will la s t i- know n if i t i s »-■ la st all w in te r then houses have to lv H i-c trd n» t- tit lift- is now too cold, w hile then- isiinovct - w oik in on.- sense of the tvoid y« t the night <:cnlrie»;*rr c e ita p d y exposed to

tu pem t ra ting wind* hlotviug oil t he lake. The boys an- II itm litp - prvci tle d th e Hter itu ie ** Ut litem hv friend* in \V inrbm T he IvdiUn of th e E cho yery tim d t appre t liited the com tm icT show n him l>? t 'a p t . Clark am i his c on tingen t a tnl hm trlly eujovrd hi« v is it of t in po d ays to T olterum ry

beauty *p -t of O ntario , wheri- he shook hands IviUi v<» m any ftie tids and

iijoyi-d the ir Im spita lity . - W iartou Echo.

ffid a h d kQUICK NAPTHA



< ieorge b itiip i, one ol hit'll I* of K in lo ii i* -

»v >y on T uesday ..(I .

a f ln

! ’I t; - j it'./< n j " t AVihghatn r*i*ed i > |, PKJ fot th e P a trio tic Fund.

Mi * U tZd T .a M c o f , W..I s|a 'l»t th e lu itid •>* a t l e t hull e —S .uU 'iuapt'-n I»c»e« n.

It. E. Trims: M. I’, w i n . am c a t tin* F a ir l is t T u-sduy.- Wutel N e»>.

Mr. intle i i d Ml

•rcgorc-u M onday.— Paisley A dvocate

ih.-: 1 tilde.I Engta il I mi T i m i . l . y hid iv u i a r a id id g n -d H fl om e. To I’lv tro u th w ith llrfWtuah tfu l H xtory f . t t th e ho . i -Iw elcom ing ill Canadians. Ay ?oun as it was know n on W'rdm-*d ay m oridiig th a t th e tr an sp o rt* w ere a iriv ing - g rea t crow ds Im n itd to ail point* ov»* looking P ly m o u th .*30uii.I. ami p ro

Y O l’N iiS I EKS W l I’l l '-U N S.C o him the wood* at thin season of

the year mi any Saturday ult.riim .U ami r»u w ilt em *.unter many young- stei* ol t ii<h r years <«■( hunting, and iu tom e «•.<*.* there b y* are m. Min II til I when they ceui" 1*1 the * ..lultd III C.ise‘' pose, the hat rein “1 the guns they « a n y arc somethin •• higher titan th- ii -w n Ih-oI'. There have h en im nnddent* in fill** vi.it.il y recently;.hut w h ocan • ;ty. under tin-

ro utUionslow '.*•'»» it w.U la* ic family xv.d

fa ta l *h

th e II i tk r d u kr tl »tliii>'-a*lic cheers tu a l t t-h 11« t . i . • iiiiiit liu u lil v re^|V imhd. T he . verrol auclio tcd .'It Unv< u p o n ; the l« |.il» u la n rd played lively tu n e s, and stiund* of uie iiim eni cam e a c i . t h e »*alef a ll d ay lung a s th e (Uiccuvding *hi p c-»»nc to anchor. T he l.v l o f tin- H ans port* a rriv e d ut n ine o', b-ek a t id g h t T in -laud ing 1 he f« lh u it g d.»y lasted tw e lve day* and th-M uch <u« now in cam p on th e Sal slim y P la in . 1 1n

thew-i - | lea*glad t.. srii t i , in I'm

six tt Cl! t. vriouf h . c arefu l l) r e t lu y

ilu y

i n» hd:

SA V E D IT FUJI H IS M uTU EK lln w a s on ly a mite o f a noy. d lity

and raggctl. liiit he had **t pp d for a little w hile in tine of the i tii»-> fm - playground* to watch a gun .eof I. .II I*.? w een hov« of his t u n and a ilv»| iieigh'Miih wsl. Tile littb* It llt-w ul trad ed the iiUcntldli id a group ..f vir - iior*, and one ot ite m gave h u ia luscious golden |>t*«r. The hoy'* eye* spntkled. b u tt he e>«* were the tnily thank* a»h*r looked hack to.*cc whence lh * gilt h n l conn*, and lorni-d hi > lace away again top*hym* .ist.-mMied •to speak, lint from that time tm his at tention w«* derided l et »*-• n Un-game ami hi* new treasure, lh* patted the pear: he lookt-.l at it; m d at Iasi a* If toa**tire biuisclf that it was a- delir: hoi* a* it appeared, ho lilted it l« hi* Up* and cautiously hit a tiny piece near the stem . Then, with a long *igh of $ali«far-th>ii ami atsttronre lie tucked theprlxt*xaiely iin,ld).$ his tlittv li'.lle hh.u* -. “ W iiy .ltm t you eat it, T-.iiv-" demanded a w atchfu l act|Usiij;aiuc, •‘Eat i r' A ll m csilf/ Ain't I savip il for ilie m other/' ’.’'he lon e, with it* m ingling of resentm ent and loyalty , nnulc further *p)t*ch nmn c .vsary

I'HAISE F<Ht t ’A N A D lA N S •'»'» le o l.n g a itb ’.- on the anlv,«l

ol th“ t'm.ttdian Troop?. t |H* Daily Mail pry* Canada a uplendid trilnpe. •What P lyinmitli we* p iiv ib g .il to ri*.ut-.> w a*som ethin< umte t ln u tin*

arrival o f , > many llmusaml* <d liaid.v •il ro^ifin?,' Tf... jtiipi r *»ij*il living picture .d tin- Em |die iu

action, tl, . jt.t;|*rii g o f all Illusion:: >f Impe;ial .l-Miiti-giati.*n wtih wlileti

the tierum es have amu-. d tlicm*el>e>* a »|K Cta*.;le ha rd ly It. Is*, pa j-

allt-tl sii»c<; tile crii*.ulr». Fur all th a t l.’a n td a me iu th is w ar; h r In r ■Plaudit? t r .s .jh : h e r gifi» h - , ius im - liv n v o m p u lu iis iu n ,o l rtie s lake th a t i*tm tin table: and ..hi ve all t-u thu sp irit in w hirls she h e: Asserted her

take a h n id ia the garue. the Hritlsh people are ptofoum lly grab ltd

a* tlie assistance *he lit* *<> lavishly t lfe it t l . tntue wvlroiut : never

,f,te needed. Thu p it-stnceof this ’ phut lit! btdv of men" *•> , the Daily N ow-, ia a»» >n*jdration and ..

• ihut how ever long tin* war lasts there ran I t bur one end to the struggle. Tin**Canadian I r c p s ate the practical embodim ent of Empire devotion

thati.hntut i*» youthful

S', vvetnoh-r.'tand.a •ylaw prahlf.illng youngstt r' <auv

iggnn*. hut like m in y taint-', it 1* wl.idly di**<-«*rd>-d. In many instan­ce* l ho p tr.-ni* m v to hlnim* for allow ­ing boy* who an* *•«•* !"** and incotup „tcu l to have the .n*eef Hie ain.r.audDm mnnt.dpal ............................ ... Icni.• i t fu |>c«milling llw ir l-y-lawa t< ti.-socotnpieiely ig im ttd . Never, it Heelin', till an accident occur*, do wt hrar of com plaint.

W AS HI*.IIDY ESTEEMED In iruiilitientinf: of the dcaili of fo-o.

Irntl.ofi. w ho tt» ' diownctl here I f ently, the V /inglnm Tiui- > r-i we. k niy* in part: It I* w ith feelings

the death <•( Mi. rie.ug. Ivath.-m , I.etllm rn wu* held In high rsfeem a hug.- c-i« I.- of liicr.d-. lh- wit** inati well im foiim d on all the q*n l i >ii» o f the day and h i* v eiy -mid death iv a *ev**ro afilieliu ii tr thei.u Irei * of the fam ily. H** w«« in In*-'* th year and war hern in the t«wn*hi|> AVilmut. W aterloo C »-mly. and had te*ided iu WIr.ghnm l«-r Itcrtlv filto-r year*. ID- i* *uivivi-d l>y hhnged lath er. Mi - Jium l.**aihorn aud ih ito *iat i-r» and two In other*, viz; Mr*. Ala-11 Dunkehl; Mr*, -la* Orr. Strafford; M u. Ifoht Ore, liigiit*ull. Hold. L.-ath orn Tnrnberry: and Janie* Le.ilbotn Vatnnuver. It ('. The trm atns ' brought to W inghuu on Eiiduy and the funeral truik placv* onSattuduy afternoon from the fam ily ivoiih-nic t«> Die Wfughaiu eeim -tciy.

and busim v*. On |.Hiking cl«*«*r I raw ttn-y were a ll runn ing to th e >nine goal, a goal th a t u . o dyed in rrili.Min ID.ni.ing to wl e re a th in led bin- *!ie tched b ravely . .c io * tin- country n line th a t Mimctime* re tlea ted , some­thin'* advanced Imt*m ver was t-iokeu, T hen I lo o k 'tl beyond th e th in led line and Wha« did I •*••.-? T'vrnniiv, and hru- ta fi ty n*n and tilth deeds to ugly for though t. A nd ta t wi on the tb ln led Sire and iIn-vim*, th e *1 to g g le was. go ing no. W hat if th e Vice* won.' WTrtL of ou t c h ild ii n am i c u r child r« n’» childieiil- W li vl o f m y c t.un tiy Tuen I scemi-l to *je tin th in re 1 lint! - th in n e r th a n ever, tth im ph . W eary

a n d w orn . *:eh a t h a rt. h u t itium ph- a r t , it eMue hom e, A- I looked Into tile w hite, p inched hue* of tin- lew

; w ho vrele le ft I w.t»ai>litlUitl Whaf h a d I d o n e to lu Ip.- N oth ing . Young

to n g I In .I daye*,! a t Im m ew hil " lueii had lo .iglil fot; m y Iriednni

A f i'd ing ot ryvuh-mo Mvept over me Avh.il good wa . 15* Tlit'ii f aw aken. <I

'' 'p m d I saw the Hlinggh- and ) too fir k u p n .y g: th e goal th a t w.ts .lv. .1 the I d a .i thill liu- ll |


' Aim rtcftii SilkAii.eri"un D.islnm tc A meii;nn rotten-L isle

HosieryT hey have stood the te st. t..v'*

lc .ilfoot com fo rt. No .seam* »"• tp. N ever lieconie Ioom* o* Imggy. T he *lntpo i« knit in no t p ressed in.

G U A R A N T E E D for l?,* || ' *», Style, m ip 'i h .iltg o f |» n of. ml am i wnrkiimfffjbip, Alwelnte- l>M ainU ’s. W ill wt a t ft luuntlot wit Iu.ut ii le*. ot new o u r- tr>-r*. O U H S P E C I A L O F F E R to every nut* -ending ns #!.UV in• orteucy ot postal n<i*e, to k .v u ndvttItMtug and'ltippingcharg CS; Wi- will *end pest .paid, with wrtltcn guarantee, hackml hv a live million .tullu compar.v, eith er

:i Fall* of out 7'k-. valttt * A titer lea n Silk Hosiery.

"I 4 1’aita of our .yr,-, Valin-A u i-iie an Cnslim eto Ho»i

''"{to* '« llool

I Fain . *d nm :*h\

llmut-r yfi Fair* .if r h i ld t"

o.l.ile»DON T D E L A Y - f i l le r ex­

pire* w hen a dealer* in vnur h*c«lify Ih 'e lected.Ifiternntional Hosiery Co.r» 2ft

DAYTON OHIO. r . s . ,\.

Iv.V'i \IIE.M IvN P A N N ttFN f ED.Th. eiig igi-menl w a ->»' i "Um-rit fu ut

tin- |.up lli ot tlu* ICOtTmtct*. Fount*! a if T i t le Di n il tiger, o f th a t

pi m e, t.. Mr. John O ehtiug . o f Haliciw triage to ta k e jd ree tliv lat»*-r

pa l I of (hi* m onth.

A DUE AM!I d rea iur d a dr* nm. I di ra ined iliaf •

I tdO**d a t th e to p ot a g ie a t high ! rin uo ta iii »ud h r k id a ll ov«r tl.e ■ w orld. And here* am i the re , ti.-h.rc | m e and Imlnnd in**, tu rn were t uiiuing j Men o f all ag*s. leaving pa Dee* n rd ? cottage* .w ive* nml u .o th -1». c liild rrn I

H1FLE.S -STOLEN.A d-*|wt»eh f. ..in ( ’he*** y wl iclr I

«tU.e;V.*l (U *h< da tlte - * ( W ..'« tl.-ih v j lis t s ty e ; T w o It* .* r ifh * nr .1 live! Ini* tlr»>d round* o f itm niunifii n hu*e ! I«*> n » t« d ti from th e h ig h *rh«M*l he tv | betw een Friday and Tu>->diiyhi*'.st* p» t m e being ta k en to find u tt w ho tile th*-thieve*..AH O e u m h ntx have la i n <|Uc*tiomd, h u t none v f th e tit prole** to know y n y th u ig nh.-iit tin- n-Ssing

igitn* o r cartridge* .

LI I 'F E H T HEHIIEH I t 'l lT u - S ic re d H eart t 'h u r . It wa the

; seone of a ve ry p re tty am t inter*sting m a rria g e on T uesday oe-rn ing a t nine •I’dor-k w hen Hev M ontng un ited i> th e h o ly Inihda of m ttinm ny Mr. H a r iy I.‘jijh’f'L m u < f Mr. am i Mi* Jo*. I.ippett o f W alker!*.a, and Mis* M atrlea f ' , svrond d a u g h te r < f Mr M d Mi-. A uthony llu il cili-li of MiM- lil iy . T h " hilih- Wa* -KftppOtfed th ru lh*- o*d. *t by h e r s ister, M* - Emma !h-rln ric»i, w hile M ry^dnu i lJp p . 11 of W alkcrtu it acted in tlu- .-up.u-iiy of gioouO m an. T h e hridt? I.mkcd c t-a tm - ing in asUk d r v * w ith uverdreo . of shadow ho*', w earing the convent i> ii- «l veil and w re ath o f tirapg*.* hlo«*.uus and c a rry in g a beau tifu l t-ompiet of brid ii iones and m ioden h e ir f m - . iiiiu ie .lia tely a f te r the c te tim uy tin?

D ip to Walk ty w edding I tin- hom e of •Stitt*on Sit* evening tinu friend* being pte * n t fr< »u W alk e d , n I fe ilin , r.Tihlph am i P re d .in Mr, ami Mi-.. L lp je rf I ft on th is Thur-day u i 'u n in g * tr a in fo r M idhiid where


f.-r a Vhorl motorii, afirt- w hich a dain-.la,-.! vvas . ci v i tl at

hriup * tor^ti'.* cmTh" giifXIK in tin-

• .1 fu*ly two' hut Ore,

th e vill tr.'sldt c th

' p d n g '

» W omen.

ha a lin in tiv i- (.oi-itii.it in aj.ln .ii mil! \W »-xi-ml o u r le a t i i . i ■ gra*ui<il’o|)H a n d w*sh M i.nnd .1 Ltpp> r f a J o y om and pi*. -pci« u* w ded life —Mittfiihiv (ivxette.

ocottac Hcmv r*«.Ktrrr.ft, Ont., Jane 17th. 1P13.

" Ih .iv eb e en cuing •'I'niil-a-tiven'* nv • family remedy for many year*. They ate the h o t medicine I have ever tried. “ Fruit-a-tiTe*'’ do me the most good—they never gripe«nd their action i i plexvmt.

“ Ih a v e m e d them for Iodigeatios and Com ti[ution with the best retuit*. and I heartily recommend tliem to auyotie aimilarly afHicted.

These t roubteahaveleft mecomplete- ly aud I give '*I, rutt-»-tivea" full credit for all tlu*. A nicer ptl! a man cannot take.”

GF.ORGB McKAY.The enormoii* demand for^Fruit-a-

tlves" i t steadily inc»ca*lng, due to the fact that thi* wonderful fruit medicine gives prom pt telief iu all case* of In d ig es tio n . C onstipa tion , S ou r S to m ach , R heum atism , Chronic , Headaches, and Neuralgia, and Oil Kidne v and Bladder Trouble*.

'.he a box, G for *2.50, tria l tixe ?!*. Sold by all denier* or r-ent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-lirea Limited, Ottawa.

Keep Up The Momentum/ ''V N E of those pessimistic individuals who^"^u te going about talking war-time depress- ion was overheard to say:

"Rather than lose money in my business I shall cease spending money on development. I may not M A K E any money during the war hut by great economy in the conduct of my affairs I shall at least avoid LOSING any.

^ Ami then lie m cnlioncd ad v e rtis in g as one of the th iu g s he would do w ithou t, ttu lil th e w ar is over.

W ith o u t g o ing in to th e m erits of h is g eu e ra l policy of re­tren c h m en t, let u s see w hat happens wheu su ch a m an stops advertising .

A d v e rtis in g is m o st effective w hen co n tin u o u s . I ts m ain purpose is to se t u p a m om entum o f re p u ta tio n , p restige , and good-w ill, th a t L A T E R O N creates sales.

So, if a m an u fa ctu re r fa ils to keep up h is advertising to-day — if he le ts th e m om entum of his busin ess-c rea tin g cam paign cease—w here vy lt h is sa les Be th ree m on ths or a yea r hence? W hat of h is business wiien the w ar is over? W hat w ill it cost him to se t th e w heels iu m otion again?

If wc believe, and experience com pel u s to believe, that advertising builds re p u ta tio n , p restige , good-w ill—w hat u tter fo lly to stop th e p ro :e s s of th a t re p u ta tio n bu ild in g , m st be­cause th e re 's a w ar in E urope?

’s 'Ks s k s ' 'iuSV ^iiw K iif^rsv.!;

£ H S » H ~ H * s

Er%j£'€^£l£lr*HSi ^ p f f t f l i ■

shs€jBBi s H r w icsur of tyo*»oi>4 I*»»r >■-* <■;(■• r **,t«-.ia >lr>- *'**<'* w*.i<-f. tn»y I - iMrtrti in Ok milk.

: / s ^ v S S £ 3 s

■ S lif

i s S i iK !̂ V '


This Condition Can Only Hv Mainlainrtl Tlirnii^it Hid.,

fsiQsUPd In WHly Bit'll..* ;m*i wort; of any kin.t o*h*io* la r. »t« li'nv i> r

pale. looks worn ,,m. i* 'annul.:. Irrl- tnM- n» I ni'rviK • »h-r tlatrv u«.«r«l|v I - Jr-vl <■'■>-i«tH f i t . f;,n !»t lihtil «-ih-T f ul

k V.1-- only I’.it, - «•' •« • at» r< -^ tr isonllli l.i l!io many t »■♦.,» <ai«i»r «tCjrl' Till* rh 'i '• *1 »>’*•.• I tvn

IIK.il, o o - ............. .....i« ninny jsins ;J<» (ffi’ii

t w t \» a-Ja, \tt / , ost-i no- so

t-iHil m*. In «!>*•>k- U-. rr- «'»<| P.vl ;•< !:\M f.

„ .l my l * t

KC5Sy ur inc<1icin.> diwlitr n r limit i'O'-t

foV <2 :■>)’ J r w T ‘ Tim" Mr' Wllinno'

Is It Cape or Coat ? That's the Question


BH lfltm m


............... « r , . ; v ? 3

«&s m » « ! , ■" s ! SS2-. JT.U-: «srmV 'rt!.; y ««* H a W d ll... Ilif P M M■nv.uni of inn,, o,<-iraj uihajjJjnv him* supplantmlIOi *1"ho'rl*nw>to«*il,r ̂ *"''ilonafion.i • folpo ill tint favor of faultkm.atilr *a ! ”<• at! L k St food i men !«. ujn-d to devriop th<< mod*'.

»«"* UK- v«ttt4« .*f v W wtoT! .*,*£ • «* **» *« noUtftd lHa' th<. t-kirt is

.....•»ir0"nrnnr«,“?'lA.*”,V W HEN JEN N Y LIND SANG.

C:1-'." 'ii" . ........; Only an Old Ballad. Bui I t Touch

s s W i S r x ' S

^ i 1; ^ . / i - r ? ; 1s g g :




\t, o ff burtful or,« r . *too tourii of SI. ' Ik rotio.iv,- ^ *—•"*’ *»r>n1y



Fall and Winter StocksT h is s t o re h a s m a d e e x t r a o r d in a r y p re p a . a c io n s fo r

t h is s e a s o n . O u r p u r c h a s e s t o t a l m a n y th o u s a n d s of

d o lla r s m o r e th a n u s u a l a n d e v e r y ite m re p r e s e n t s v a l ­u e s t h a t c a n n o t be d u p lic a te d in th e n e a r fu tu r e .

New Coats all the TimeWe are fo rtuna te in having h ark of

us, two splendid factories in Toronto, making exclusive Women's and Child­ren 's coats. These concerns keep our stocks complete with the newest novel­ties in cut and style.

We show particularly stroiif* lines in black and colored curl cloths and fancy tweeds* Children's Coats 2 to 12 years of age $ 3 .5 0 to 6 .5 0

Misses’ M to 18 years, $ 7 .5 0 to 1 3 .5 0

Women’s 3 i to M $ 1 0 to 1 8 .5 0

Men’s UnderwearHere in heavier and warmer weights

Pen Angle Fleece and tiger brand all wool in fine and heavy rihbed Weights.

These lines need no special introduc­tion, »hey re known by most men for their superior lasting w ear and quality

T h is seasons in <ke consists of sp len ­did values a t S O c . , 7 5 c ., $ 1 , and 1 .2 5 a garm ent.

W a r m e r U n d e r w e a r f o r W o m e n iV K id d ie sP e r f e c t f it t in g g a r m e n ts , as, h e a v y o r l ig h t a s y o u lik e , so p

a r a t e g a r m e n t s or c o m b in a t io n s in s e le c t io n t o i a p p ly e v e r y n e e d , W a tso n s & T u r n b u lls ’ m a k e s in w o o l a n d cot to n m ix ed o r a ll w o o l u n sh r in k a b le a t ................. ... • - - * * • 2 3 e . 3 5 . 50e t o $3

S p e c ia l D is p la y of F u r sIn t h e W o m en ’s l ’o a d ; ,- to -w e a r S e c tio n

W e n a v e a r ra n g ed n e w r a c k s fo r t h e d isp la y o f t h e b ig g e s t F u r S le e k w e h a v e e v e r sh o w n W e a s k y o u to s e e th e m a n d n o te p a r t ic u la r ly t h e v a lu e s w e o f fe r in m u ffs , th r o w s , s c a r f s a n d c o lla r e tte s ._______________________________ ____________________ _

M e n 's W o r k in g O u t e r G a r m e n t sS n a g P r o o f O v e ra lls , p a n ts a n d sm o c k s , t h e w e a r in g .qu it!:

i t y o f th is m a k e is w e ll k n o w n . M ad e o f h e a v y b la ck d e n im . Ihrtible s e w n se a m s , m a d e la r g e a n d r o o m y , o n e o f t h e beast i f n o t t h e v e ry b e s t v a lu e s in t h e tr a d e a t ......................*>l a g a r m e n t

D e a c o n S h i r t sIn h e a v y b la ck a n d w h it e s tr ip e . rod k faM . d r ill nral black

a n d ta n , s p e c ia lly m a d e o f , w ill t ,land h ard w e a r , room y in Iw d y p r i c e s ................; .................... .............................. . . 7 5 e a n d f l

S h e e p S k in C o a t sM ore |M)jiular e v e r y y e a r a s a la t e F a ll a n d W in te r o u te r

g a r m e n t for te a m ste r s ; c lip p ed c o lla r , d y e d g r e y , h e a v y th il l s h e l l , h o s t v a lu e s t h i s s e a s o n in y e a r s a t 1 3 .5 0 . $ 5 ,0 0 a n d $ 7 .5 0


Sailor and TurbanEqually Fashionable

The former is a p a rticu la r type of sailor* which the I rench call the “Canotier ’—tiie left brim broader th an the right. This “Canotier" from our show rooms is one of the leading models in the a ttrac tiv e group of h a t feat­ures. It is fashioned of good quality black velvet, with a fancy mount.

A nother favorite is th e choice little “Glengarry 1 ur­ban th a t (its close as a cap and is su itab le for the com­ing season.



A It mil mu ’ITThe hum it«

ill.' Wtlll thick I li<>anfl*sH liiiil ii<i<l •itli.’r gati

« I i.iii.i v in- found feeding iu lit .' I* .1, atld |»atllldge | . .,U ,uh.I ill lln' wood', |

j««it -.men ill.' gl.uiiiiiii: ll*. ti (muting 1 •ip ;iiiit m any will i t 'i i tin- until!' ml*. •>( Oitt.iti‘>! -better hunting

•JAM ES C O U L T E R( r e a l e s t a t e a g e n t )

H eal K*tall- t a u g h t t>in! c.l.t: iiKiliry l*» Infill; h1m> a g en t n r O t F a itn e i* 'C e h tiiil Mu m ill K jic, In su rance t ’« in |iany . Pfcnhe

fine 1*0. t in g 2 A 1.

i . , l i t . . l> i- fonmi III t l - pi.tv iti s t t . a uUnit teat |i.*l by the F Iittdiaii I’m iliet: : ...... am i i i.-ket ag •lit* will ghully

'•“King. fa i.- . ute, <*t W l it** M. <•Mnijihy. D itr i.t I'.t- *etig**r \a -n t

Two m tubers of tin F itueU a u eon-tingenr ii.tve' «lted sttiee lattiUng4 iuE-igl uni.

A de p .li lt from I’m v dated Tin *d»v say* the AUtc* have i -:akcuO-tcml.

Tl<- Vi •nil tltek'hji)! *4><Ml At «t aIIK-.tlKg «,f the lb»*tl anian C'M ini

Tin* l-Il.vt m any new wiiit-li w et# curly littiTii il out.


Mr and Mr* A ug of Uvln*>itumtored to town last. S unday.

Horn—Ltwt Saturday to Mi* and Mr* K Ik-K in son.

Herman Weis nut) liis brother Ed, bail their stable cem ented last week.

On Tuesday t f last week Chat leyKeinlnmlt'* bouvc near Jkdinot *• wo* burned to the ground fcrliiiu they wet«* a t a w eld in g iu Mil tmay. Tin- neigh - bohf hr veil wiiiic «f the Ini uitiurv. The cause o f the fire it*unknown,

ti. Anitcdd of ILue>v»r Httnd-Ved

I Miw Jrti uli I te iO biild *o|ne of tie r household fn riiH iire last W ednesday

i a n d um veil t*» M ililnniv on l*fai»r«ih»y Jo*', !l»UCh l«*ok In tin* Lippei t -

IferliorUli w-ediling in M ildm ay on T u esd ay of )a*t week.

Jaci.1i Dumiiiiii of near Aiublthjtde bus been m*riou-ly ill th e la«.t tw o weeks.


I Mr Harold tNtjkerlon rciurnod t< Tom nto on UViliti’nluy.

ft i» with «!>- *i> rtgret that the munj flienils o f Itev. Her* Ma*bu view hi; itilctnliMl.ilej.il turt* to h is new .eliitig* a t llu r i itm i. Mr Mason Ua~- tiwrtUliiti.self fo th - » fnur»|"an* ittiOt h >̂ Ini. taken a lively infi*tv*t in all that iMnei-inull the ’welLtre o f ihecmutuoin

| h y outside <d hi* dire t pavtntfal work.



Mr Hoymuud Schlll of F »rri,-k luune front the North H’e» l last Week

The fortnoi s around hen* a te taking under* for lire moonI now.• Tbo t*rnn'r«<u*hu«yhat vesting themangold*. Tln*y fill rc jio rt u giant c rop [ la s t week.

Mt anil .Min A Fiddi* utv sp en din g j their honeymoon in i.iu nd Itapid*. Mich., ami other jKitntslu tin- s ta t. .*.

M rEltuer t ile g g ivltii liu l Inst Wcck am»*{ frntn A itliU t whete he ha* been visit­

ing Itieud*.

Mr A K Ueih nttcndeii the W est lltncv TVachei » Convention in Kin eaulin e on Tltureilay and Kiiday of

.engaged w ithMr I

Miss l.b-zie llnriie ol I'oiontn s|»ent thankgiving at hti

Mr Milton and Mr Jaine* J eepte have ict l in e d from tne vend and report* thing* dull.

Mr Jun to .MeKay l«n> (ihislied fill, in g silt,'. Juuii - ■ i> - the corn this yt-a w ■«« file best n'MlitV lit has seett since tie » tm td in buniness.

? 4 t

R E A D Y N O W !600stunningstyle$ in flic W inter issue of "B uttcrick Fashions.” A m ag n ificen t se le c tio n to choose your entire W in te r ward­robe. T h is lovely publication is only 25c, which includes any Buttcrick Pattern you like Free.

At th * Pattern Departm ent

F o r S a le b y —

J . 3£ jlppelP H O N E 5 3

Mr ICdg.tr W it-on t.jti>nl .Siind.iy Uni h onutlary . .

Mr John Met r a il pnrih.t^ed n ynlo <*l>l.’ d river.. Jo h n certain ly kimW* g!H «|ilriver w hen Ih* >a»v.


The*hittg '%:• the inMei of thoday.

Mr an 1 M i.-Jack l»it*r efur tied h ! w i-'k f|**in IhiU aln w h tie th e y hud i lieen noetidiitg >Uf ii honeyinooii, T hey l Will th e Kt!o.ni- fa rm h e ir .\ Mr« David Hehwaii ac<'oin|.anieil l>y | U h.uliii at.il Louts** q iv iit Suuduy a t j ‘ UtcrCreik visiting ft it-ml*.

( Mr P au l I f 'ii 'jie rg e f tn til-va itit'i conttuoiictal on the Kami Jbtil l{t*>n»

t h i . ntot niog.Misx A ggie L oh-ingor .jieu l «enii*

buys of la s t week in W alki-rtoii.t W . ------—

1! • ■ ... i

Tim Ih iti ii e rausor H aulm w * .sunk in th e N o ith Sea on T hu rsdav tv -t by a * i-*rin,»?» cmbui >t itte. F ifty o f the i t ew «»t fou r hundred w ere wived.

jl1 ,

<■■•>*! •• ■J• • L WurW*.

Tin* lh«ti*h ligh t evtii't'i " I ’etlaUlit- t i lM in k four (•vrinan to t j a d n lauti do lm yer.* m f the D utch cmnit f it F rid a y la*t.

WANTED.An imltydttniH man w ho tan earn

Jf'>t|arr m onah anil n j ic u iw -dlitig oat Product* to lotnje ie. Most Iimvi* soina lueaiii* for starting expanses and furni-h hotnl »ig«* d hy tw o re»j»on*tl>!e

j men, .Vldr«**» 1V T w eigh C th T b ron to1 Milt . g iv ing age, i c tu p Uioa anti j rd v tcu c c i .

hehl in Ihiiiiiiit’i'H under the |K i idem y Kin.; Fefdnotid, anil at. tyldeh tejne

utativ* •.*>f thovarioir- partiv* w o e e.-fiit the attitude fcf the i.nvwlit •lit with regard 1*1 the war vvasajijl'

rav**1. It *v;»»tlcrtdtd that there wc«< tu* re.itv:>n« at jevsft,*l which would justify any .dtem*i.Hi i f ISotUnauta ncttlml a'.iilude.

PI I ON ICV MONKVCt*ji|iei<i t»latedW ith itv ira .iv I

itig j>a « m*J in W c*t*to Otttarin, anti tltiks ' the n ieiehants mid Olliers h>i<k el<-M»|y, they are liul.lt* to »»* haded. T iny ring true, nod lock v* *y much like a hair a didlar. It Ih haves all Ihe.M' who take to a half to ciam itic it elo 'ely .

.SAI.KOI’ .SPK* \FLICS.D*mt fOriiet tie- hig *a*eof Sja-eU. les

ate! iffyc-glass.*♦ at II I .E i lsn iA P.*jn«- l.te Jew ellery Stare, W alkeiton .... Tuesday and U’wItWJttlav. October ' 2 7 and 2^, lt*-gir!*ri3..‘*Mn $-Vt*i Sja r.tac 11 * unit Kye-ghtssc' will Im' kiIi! forfl.uth T h i' i* your opjeirtuiiity, Cetta* early.

OFF T< H i AOLSf,l*n*y 1 t« i«l was taken to VS'alkcrtrit

gaol on Saturday, lb- had nut paid hi* Urn* of £SJ and rci't* and wav comtuitt- cd for tfitrtydays oa iF w .itrant isMtctl hy M agistratcUelLCtinHahlv Kreignrr «-sc«tted Sidney to F a ille Mckevkute, whetc he will live niy skilly far the next four weeks. X lij/i* the first inst* iu Fite*ley o f ativ one lieiug tent to gaol ill default o f paying » local option fine.- > F lies ley Enterprise*

NO K LhX TlO N T H IS FALL.T ild e will he t.o fedet'nl el, 1 1 ii.u thi*

year,and ptolxrhly n*d t ill lt'Pk Talk oi an *atly apjteal to thnrfevlerale him iTeased, ilia! the tjuveriim cill hos dcc- ide»! t*» |*roee»-d wifb it>apruiui*URtiOil uut'la iiio ie frtr*.«iml»le o i>j .u tu u ify . T hc dieifcion not to hold «u e lu tion utttue at u l ime wht it it hud been nl- trar-t drvtdcil to do n*. amt it i> twlieved Unit utixug j>!> vote hiviight to bear by prominent unlroad Tuagn»i<■»,■■hm.. liters men and financial tutores s, coo*, timte>l the easting vote against thu

W o rk m e n ’s C om pensation A ct

Mono* n> Kviru>vf*Ks»ti:np!..li„ . )l.iS0u(i>:.| lh» IWlimr .»«• hxet1*

31’OI , • « * . { . 5 . 4*«• W... V„'..v. , C m : it *.»’j'.V.. V - ,V‘ :'"iiiwi ;,»,t li*ii i*elien-e .«! 'In- »*>J A"

* «<"i>!,*j.! in e,«iKJunnr* in̂ tiiAvtin ScItrJutr

The Workmen'sj . C o m p e n sa tio n B o ard

lirtitrt* (Brimjc

T O I t O N T O

A U C«M« k^iUursnl '

C om m ent *eti th e w ar, m ade M tin i-.liitig in |l tiruherrv tic-itr W ing, h in t o*4 T ae -d ay a t w hich iv nm nt?>*r j of (M-tltiailn cvvte pivseltt-, « a i free (ai-all f igh t. Sevet id Were la d ly j h o t In-fore till- eUUlhalnttlA inu ld ln- •*>? ;nraU-d.

A «i.-t lim n w.. , r a p t m et! in fh-i C anad ian rmding< tit ll>- Itttd « td i« |.d as a m iva le . Hi- m -et -im|«lidttv<‘iiet>’ 'ti tfspeel to Hi!* do ing ol th e office! 8 > r th e c on tingen t rtcnU cd In h is do .ng .

WMtiam Tndih 'it aged II2, nu tn if Thus Todd.-n, «>f c»*n. S T tn n h ' i t y , m a r W iugnata, sho t h im self above th e hear1 Sum lay nft*-i noon in a Vonnt a t hi f a t l r ' i 's hone*, and tl!* d it) a few utiii til**'. T h e youn g in .in had l« c n der- jioudent. fo r mime tim e.

A L ite r r i r r tv e d fj.-ut »>neof the W alkertm i hoy* who a re do ing g a rr i­

son ditty a t Ih-rum da, sta(«a th a t alj th ough th e y at< Invalid w ith in one m ile o f a h u g e tow n they h a v en s yt-t n o t received pcrm iioinn to visit it . He f u rth e r State-* th a t life in lh e b .tr r ta .-k s• « *<on jiv r w ith prison life. No dntthl these It >y« on th e ir re t in it will cjijircc- ‘a te th e freedom of life In Canada.

MAD DU(i A T TTvEtiWATKIl.F o re v e r a week tnelttlxus o f th e < *u

im- tr ib e cm tin - tt r c e ls o f Tce»w aler h tvehttiit eotttpL m n » fo r th eil itb etiee This is due to a rec en t visit to the tow n of a dog th a t w as uft«-rw anl* pruned to be affr e t«d by rubieit. 'J'hc b ru te m ade it>»<df k now n by a ttac k in g a Mr.Mc.MilhiU. a fo rm er rcu ideu t of llullcf, w ho wac v isiting in th e village. ] lig a n d A ugust jMcKitnu n , o f Kinl-i >< j “ ere w alk ing on th e s tre e t w licu th e d»g, app roach ing from l*ehiml,bit Me j Milhui mi th e hand. T h e atiim nl w as j »».ott a ftc rw m d sh o t. The h e a l M.lhO. had t In h ead ta k en o ff and u n i t tu th e P rov inc ia l i ic a t th Dep ttiT o rom o when* aiialv* ' |tn>ved th a t th e dog ba«l been ii;«d. McMillan im m ed ia te ly w ent to T orontti to utulc igo t rciiluo-nt The village w as ; 'oon a fte r vi»ll»<l by U n it provincialj«u)d >* m in io n beab it officer* w ho u tde ied a ll dog* to la* tied up tttid kept iim ltT rdnervA lion. A s the

had h. <-u a t la ig t for acane tim e, i t K not know n how m any o th e r di)j{6 lie m ay have h i t tm , hence th e •h o* Watch o t ; il th e «le;js i g t l «; pho e. AT! th e dog* la the village a n d # b o in th e tow nsh ip have wince been t ilhe r uiusctlril o r tied op.

1.200.0H» .MEN IN T H E F t ELD.T bo T im es' l i.M tdoti, E ngland) m il­

i ta ry c*>m>p<»ii»lcnt, i* | ly ing to tin- F ra n k fu r te r X eiptug * s ta te m en t tha t (•ten t B rita in w as u tu li ie fo ram* m ote th a n 6?».uot» tri-up*, -ay - ; • V.'e have at tin- present ,m om ent cxnetly dou­ble th a t nnnth ' iinam ely .h ;200.000 u trr am i III*.- iim uK 'f gt.iw*. a lm ost faste“ th a n we <-*.11 u g h i t . T h is is only th e I • gioniiu*. ft i- out w ay to begin

raise ou t a rm s a fte r w ar l te ak s cu t a u d io goon va .-u ig th em u u ’il out aud o iliiu .de ends a rc achieved. W ith 1.2IK

; In.iing th e hi m y in th e field a n d th e h n n d i.ti s of thousand* foritt*:| ing iit India. C anada , A ustralia aud I ol-ew here, a te nn-rely the nucleus upon > w hich <>tbvr arm ies w ill cv« n tua lly U* \ h u m . f t is oi ly a ! |ie stion i f tim e, it s ta n d s to Itiw on Jh« t an Em pire o f!

J»h'H»),tiOo cat# never tars, rccu. Tbi* r a f |o r US fins b a ld ly begun. W e have i ^ m e r e l y an lodvattccd g u a rd in to , tanee . iu tlu- >)n iug t be lem aiudet <>f;

th e iidvuuvC g<i <td vvlll follow and e to e .m l th e . «!iid o f lu | j t

to e m ain I ta ly will I,..;m to tom ., w ith- { in view. We ai e ; on y fnt’thc a llies tha t

'll slotvee th a n Kuasiu lit m aking ; o u r vveigbt fe ll , bu t a y e a r o r so hence \ w hen tite a lto s jn-.d a te s t , w e -dm 11> | #i.ai>ositlon tutufikttgood war* N oth ing (

i a rre s t th e steadily ii.tem liiia tig - j :« o f o u r m u iy . T in it e rs t is o f lit t le i lyltbi s inceU et iiutuy will tilt iiiiutely

havc to pay tu te rr ito ry . f 'w e ll us in f lu jagm c tiling* a t tb e ir w o rs t. ;

Im agine H ie hist (k>.s*iak on th e I ’t a l ! ml th e I* >t F rench doo rkeeper ev'icltd

from D oreatis. Tio-o we w ould beg in i* lu a iiF iu e war og tiuHt t it rn n tu y ami . *l!tll la* no worse o ft th a n w hen n<- b ig a u w ar a g a in s t N apoleon.

Fall StocRIs V e r y C o m p le t e n o w .

ball Hiig-k is very com plete now. W e h av e been v e ry fo rtu n a te th is season in rccciv irjj su c h a sjileutUd selec tion of scarce gcotls.

Dress are here in all th e latest novelties iup la in m ateria ls, plaids :uc fancy w eaves at very .s|»cc* m l value 2 5 c S O c 7 5 c $ 1 .0 0 1 .2 5 1 .5 0 & 2 .0 0 pen y d .

We are show ing very exceptional valve in s i lk . A b ig lot we p u rch ased ea rly reg . $ i .a 5 and 1.25 value at spec ia l cu t price of 9 8 c a yd .

We have a wonderful show ing of n ew fa ll coa tings jdaid. effects plain and novelty weaves a t 1 .2 5 , 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 , 2 .5 0 & 3 .0 0 p e r yd ,

Su* ’* rs for ev e iy m em ber of the fam ily . We have th e * ■FSCrtment of sw eaters and sw eater co a ts in all ..colors a. com binations. A ll sixes for m en, w o ­men and ch ildren , prices 5 0 c t o 5 .0 0 .

F all underw ear, hosiery , gloves, m ills , tu q u es, k n it te d goods of a ll k inds, Ijlankets, com fotters, etc ., ab ­so lu te ly th e larg est aud best asso rte d stock we have ever show n and no ex tra v ag a n t prices.

W e arc se llin g lad ies’ coats a t special low prices and e v e ry th in g wo show is up to th e m in u te iu s ty le

W e c a n f ill y o u r e v e r y n e e d in d ry g o o d s

McBUBNEY & CO.T il ir A PP L E t'UOF.

Tim ajiph* <!rt<pu( Outatlo i l ogc*t on r< e*»t d i hi* vvar a f iililitrsao* h iditig thi-it- *i nj»ph*» to theif hug*. Tin*

atu ui fi ul n u ts ' i p lu s full Dept, of

A gr bruit tin- ha* ii- im l a lumk snow ing H 'S Idiffeii tit tt'tty* to p u p a te npphs. H i* know ah nh«>ut apple *iim •, baked apple*. nppl« flutter, eider, d r b d apple*, app le Jp ljr am i aji|.le dmepl-ng* bu t tlji* leave* 2u2ut.es tu w hich We have n o t tevii apj'h- p u t. It. i- a -m re sign we Ati* m« g rad u a te of a School o f Doinv> tic Science. I f any of o u r reader* can ii.mie all th e 2«0 w ay j o f preparing

#'e*menltia.!-<! in th i* t .o v i book will | u lili.li thoi.c um»8 fo r th e bone |

t i t <>f thorn wh«**<- e duca tion uieug the j tin e o f a p p W b a * l « u ru gh e ted .

T h e 'u rm ain. nrv* n idd iiR list! c«.n vli Uclion of u 4coie q( / . jqieline air. *hJj«« and m any aeroplane* «n«F their latest tbu«t i» that they will born both l'uiiti and !<oudon.

iceF O R


J1........ .......N o. 1W>

W a lk e r t o n ’s S t r a ig h t C a s h S t o r e• •Y o u P a y L e m M ere**

Women s Misses' and Childrens’

CoatsS p e c ia l p r ic e f o r t h is w e e k

$ 2 0 W o m e n s 'C o a t s f o r

$ 14 .9 5An e x c e p t i o n a l o f f e r .

it'K in *uit«t>le »tyie* for the women, made from spiemlid

'pialily im poi ted nm lerialbin hhicb.H tali*, copeii, navy, vrtiso. uear b«owti aud facey ccatmgo and cut in the *vaM)L« newr*t fctylen, no t wo c -a U alike, t eg $20.00. *j»rci*l price for thi* week . . . . . . . . . $ 1 l.bS

$ 1 8 W o m e n ’sC o a t s fop $ 1 2 .9 5

•Special for lliOM- who delayed their coat t'Uj iug, llt at la eo«U in

iiif* h t in I«m 'v ut»*.<l twredr. cluck*, and plain »-< a tit g^. A variety ol suitable toyle* for yourgum l eldttly woukc. uM Idfi tblfi model*. Hcgtllar SF) vpett.l juice lui-thin Week ................. .. ............ $12. !y

$ 1 2 .5 0 W o m e n s ' C o a ts f o r $ 8 .9 5Made in tbw«<a*oir» vioarti.'t *lvl* high eleae lilting cellar, new

droji *h*Mil*h*tv. trltumed with iuigi* fancy buttons, check* and plain mutrmh*. !>mart ty to ftu the youeget w< m tu. t*g St .’,**", .-|*Hial price lo t tbi* w«.-k ............................... .............. ................. gts.ttj

C le a r in g o f M is s e s ’ C o a t s a t $ 4 .3 5\V,*t»b I ig ST So. matte troUi the m*w«>t matvtials in fancy and

plain chub*. i'oIoi* u*vy. gl«y and brown ini.\t-j»■«•*, cut iu the newest *tyle«, w.UIku wfiluuil lieU*, with deep turnover n.llai*. laMetiing ehooiuptn Ifao thm t N itesU tdJ vears, come early, special price b>r this Week . , J . • .................................................................H its

$ 4 .5 0 C h i ld r e n ’s C o a ts t o r $ 3 .4 9Made fi«>m coded velvets, blanket cloths and t w»cd uiixtures rot-

<» tiavy, eaiditials, brow n*, i o| hl* and tan?. laitCJ* trimming* <>n tol- lar* ami full*; sisse* 2 t«> 0 ycoi-t, rrg $1.50, sjueiul price - lor thia wink-

..................................................................................................... ;................. M

2 5 P e r C e n t O ff In f a n t ’s C o a tsJt'only, Infants CoM*. tnndt* of bear ehuh in white wml goTots. curl

an»t blanket cloths, a good selection, special discount this week t.f 2‘> ;



Penslar VanishingFace Cream

U \ preparation which differs In many im portant part ictdsr-s from ordinary face cream. Being a soft white cerate without «»y grea»y or oily t'barAi'tcririiW iii* rapidly absorbed by the #kin. leaving a smooth, dvlicrivly perfumed surface to wbirh inee powder may bo immediately applied If dtsited.

W ilt not cause a growth or d-nvn upon the skin hut will rath­er tend to presetve it* youthfulappearance.

2 5 c . a j a r .

Hunter's Drug StoreDrth}$ ond Koilahs C. P. K TI<Ktl

Try a Box of

Nyal’s Buchu-Juniper

Kidney PillsThey will do you good 25 and 5 0 c . a box

A . P .Drugs



Come to a Business School at night and brush up your Book-kecpingor Stenography and get an insight into better office methods. Three nights a week during the winter will help to put you in a position to make more money.

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G El*. J . M otoxv. Principal • lfux l"I

Overcoatsthat Fit and are Stylish:

that m akeyc sperous, that

look pro* car well

id don’ t cost too much ts the reputation o f those we m ake/ G et measur­ed and get one.

Ladic s C oats. S u its . Dresses and sk irts made to yo u r individual mea-

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tailor it Men's Wear

Store, Walkerton, Ontario.

A C lo ckA s a P r e s e n t

Few things you could choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch as a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many*-she can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that offers ai: excellent choice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes: dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for

* bedroom time pieces.

R. L . G i b s o nJ e w e l l e r - W n l K e r t o n

Tlu> (lo t Mimv liftin ' season M l * .Monday mprnlhg.

rk !..iMcllur prices »>n ladiiV coal**.

X.wv -t«# k of I-adie-' oml Men' Muonlercoal- .1. II. Appel.


Stephan Bros, arc offering sped#! wine# iu new fur muff* t»nd throws*.

•asonably priced up-to dale •44'itiir new A t :»V|s*

Saturday night ia Hallowe'en. Get « firing on your loose Hep#, gates, fences, He.

IXm'l forget the l».x<.*-h»l at Urn Dunkeld school mi evening of

Lift* Himy i« u >mv mark »>f *pndity It »-i| III MU'., Huy th rillin ' BiUn-Cy'sh««- Sl*nv,

Extra quality Uiou’* nil wool under wearIn heavy anil lighter w eights— Stephanllriw.

Mtw, Cumiucr of Turmiloris visiting' her daughter. M i» .M. t ’limnn r <»f tin* high Mmol -tuft.

W atsons underwear lor wom tu •nil children. Two piece anil eombln- tftiou**,—Stephan Bros.

The outing sweater coat with new shawl collar. I tog ii Nr price for$3 .50—Stcplmii Bro>.

- Mr. Alex Rann-cy of Miami Rapid*. Mich. is.u visitor a t tin* home of his si-lety .Mr>. X. A. Wolford.

Mis# Fox returned this week, after a two m onths visit w ith friends in Montreal, Berlin aud Toronto.

Nearly 7,000,000 people* in IM giuiii face famine uclcra they receive help from the outside world at ouce.

Life Ihmy rilbf>er> are imule with at her inner hinds and . outlier-. - .id at Ram-cy the .lineman.

Ladies! Older y.utr suit or coal out M. T. Rom kc ami get styh*. lit id workmanship for little immey.

lt*s a long w ay to Tipperary, hut it*# not far to Criticlm on * greenhorns* for « nice boipiet of mums, phono SI,

.Mr. and Mi-. Me-Halil ..f Orillia were i-itor# at the Imuie of Hie former'-

mutliei. Mrs. iRec.t .In-. W all Inst ek,

VIr. anil .Mrs. .1. M. FNlier of Mild­ly left last week to-pend a month

with the form er- laother- in s i. Paul. Minn.

- llailxira W ntgcfchht le.nv veek for Dclreut where -he willfor ii m»*#e In due uf the lm-pit

«ls o f that city.'

- tiem-vieve He|fel limi N -pend few week- in SI ml ford ami lam

with her mu le and aiiitl, Mr. andMis. ,J>» Ih-lfoinuti.

re*. s . 1>. f io f i who has sjM'm thi month is<iiewinga<s|iiniiilaners ii

W alkerton. left for her home. thKt rat­ed on Saturday.

.Mr* S- Pauli wlm has tpm t the post Iwo month# with her daughter .Mrs. Vau*»ckl« iuSw an River, Mi

! trued to her home here on Friday last.

s r —On H*tu|iNy last between J. 15. M cfiregoi’a orchatd mul Main Htre-ct; a boy'* sweater coot, grey with

ivy trimmings. Finder plea-e leave a t this office.

T E N D E R F E E To c ...v-;..— " ~ . x >Do yoU h ave trouble will)

yo u r feet? S o re , tender

points? T r y a pair of


T h e easiest shoe on earth .

R A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

MeBnrouyVi remnant M e.

Peabody'- Overall- al .1. II. Appel'-

Be# Melliirney'a forvout now ove coat.

See ihe Full hills and cap— -At Ap

M ilitary couth for hays a t MeBurn'

W >‘U1H and Jltaukel

Morsrs laj'i. M ohiughlia and Bart Biermim. foinicwly of the Bell Trie- phone Malf #Slurnwl fiom the w t*i U st week and are om e mote nrip on the pay roll of ihu local emnp toy

.1. \V. South of tin- Saiig.i‘11 Valley Boiler Mill- Inis in-tailed an el-

drie motor, whieh will serve a- fill auxiliary f<*i tin* water jmwt-r i*v whieh the mneliiueryof the mill is mov •|h'iate«l.

Jtptaitl K- It. t'huk **f tile wiit-le-s guard- at Tobermory wlm had -pent

»t week ill Toronto, ealled fit In- me- here on Friday ta-t. He wa- <u - mipauiinl to Tidwrinory hy h i- umtlr am l.-ister Mi— BnNma who will

h)n.-ud a m -k with him there.

Me. . l .c . Hamm llax pureha-eil a farm in the vieinity of Prieevilte and

ft .with hi- wife amt three youngest •hlldreu for Id- m w home on Friday

Me—i - Harvey and Wilfred Hamm who will tvmaUt in Walkerton.

e|o«isl limit’ house and ate uuw ittartiling at tlte Imme of .Mi— Allen*

A rumor was circulated about town iu the |ta-t two day- to the elfcet that

prddlat , a foreigner, who was selling an apparatus tor cleaning pill>»vr» in this loeallty I*H week had l»cutttuie<*t- ed iu \Y iarlon mi a CrHmaitspy. This

r was found to itc without tho vlighteul-foundation a« the peddlar in i|ue-tion is still dispOllugof Id- wares tu tb is |*ut of Brucr.

C al Flow er SaleSpecial prices «>a rnum- forSaturtiay

next *tCritchh>anV,!k>tbt, Pbom* SI

In Tim e o f WarIf you caoiiot go to the h unt, go to.

the Patriotie concert amt In Ip those at the front.

4 UcntEight roomed Ima-e mi Durham s i.

with all umileru conveniences, to rent. Apply t<» J . .1. Seliu'umcher-.

For Siden<d)olai>hlp iu The Walkerton

business LVIb g*-. Terms reiuouaUe. For purticidara Wri'o'l'he To'cScope.

Opera Mouse O ct JJOitrPatriotic Concrrlundf r theauapiees of the I. O. I). K. Proceeds to he iw d for patriotic put pose*,

Moot tm LainAs children are taking pat ! in the

program. The concert will - ta n at .‘d ock sharp.

F o r S a le .A nice fl.s k of pulhd- and <.s-k« tr-i

>. A. F . -I taihtn .-l-to lay twHvd r*Kk-Apply to llerU-H South. Walke n lb'|«. o f Agji.,

Auctlnneer*-/ NoticeWes, AN'fl lieen-d

pii*)>ai»-i to •■ ondu.'t s,i .Satisfaction gmininto.-d,

*. phony line |:i|- :Ci.

Lied ni iloMpUnlGiriiet Ucndall, the rdni-year old

af Mr and Mrs. Puilip Kendall of Hanover,; died « t Hie hospital heie on Thmiiilay evening last, following «n iperatiou for ton*i|itis and the reipov.

at of the udmoid*. The funeral took place lo .tin, Hanover c.emetirv cn Sunday.

Dcnili u f JUonien t.cN ler.■|’ln» -yfnpatliy of t In* many friend-

of Mi. and Mr*. H airy <id-h>r'will N* -lnlilo tin-m at tins lim eow ing

to l heir ifcicavcmeul. which w a- cans* db> thb v.-rv-uddeu d.-ath of Ha ir

young,—ti daughter. Monica, which ik plinv* on Sunday after lint a few

lay'-Uhi;—-fro m rheim aitisinof lire h.-ar1, 'fin- dor-eased who was a tuiglit littlo girfi was nine ,veal's ».f ago. Tin* funcrai wa- In-til on Tm--<li,y morning

n-nCiin- N-ing intci »»si »„ tho 'Valkoi ti.u < V-iiioiery.

New E lec tr ic Sign.•Mr. P. d. Moloney ha- bad largo •tv olectrio -ign plao-d in front of hi- u-ino-slColIogc. Thl- i- not mdv an i«‘*'llontladv»'iti-,'UO'nl for the fo b

logo hnt- h id-o ad,N great ly to tlm a|o nee and iiliilniuatipn of tin- -trod

at that js*int. Tim Kh-etrie Light \ ,vor t'o ’y an. .pioting s|»cciid jnii.*e- t In* eurreni for elect He sign- and or mott-hanls and Im-iife*.- mon

dionld follow Mr. Molonby's example I help iiuprove tin* appearaiteo of

Main S t.

Muvlng lo Vetv StandN. Ht.-cox. the local Dominion

Kxpw — aud f . P. B. THcjjrsj|diagoiit - ha- leasr-il the Imilding next to A. I’ * John-lon '- luti'lief -liopv roconfly vac’

t hy tho Fanadiau Kxpt-s t'o 'y and I mov,* hi- ollico thoiv. Tim* Tel.

graph lino will la* extended To tho tunldiug whieh i- Ivilig repaired and ropaja-it*,! and tin* t'.»m|i»my ox|«u-t to In- in tli.-irnou i|»ti»lri'» on Mmfilay

ndN;i- 2nd. Flay Ion Freeman will have charge of the oflb-e a- o|«>r-

aud a—i-tnnt agent.-

H orcrnm eat lietoctlve Hereoivarninent detective 1ms been

in Widkcrtou thin week. Thi# man usually tour# the country looking after the welfate of orphaned children who have lieen plnctiHn homratbrougliuiit the country t>v the government, l«ut at thl* tim e he ha* aulbority also to arreHi t iaruiau and Austrian reiervi-tM ami those who are in rympathv with the atuiie- of tbuic countries. AI* tliough Walkoi ton Inn, a great many Herman citizens, he found everyone living peaceably amt waB'oot obliged to arrest m-warn auy sympathizer*.

itwtloneei- i« - of ait kind-.

.Mi-, t l t e i . * . . F . Bmk will hold a oeeptlmi mi Friday afterrmon. fb-».

.'kith, from three to six n'cliH^k. ami uf* tw ind-w ill reci-ivo the iir-t Friday each month.

Among tho-o who have roimuenei’il taking the hnuio study ruin'-,* of tin* Walkerton Hii-iuc— t o)|cgo duringthe Week are:--Stanley .lohiihlou, Fharlic FamjiN'K amt Mi— It one T»vtor.

Fan you think Of auygift which will apjH-iil mote forelldy to your fr iotid- than a tine idm l.giapti <>f your^etD Make ymir ap|Niiiitmcm early and on-uio the Ix-t service of this Fra-or Stmlio.

'file annual meeting of the " alkvr* ».ut Horticultural Sm ioty wilt N- hold in the di*|hutiuon> uf Agiicultm o » ii F riday Nov. til h« at N o olock I*. M. AH interest,-I please take notice and attend. Ja -. Toltmi Sony.

N,itici* to FarmerNIt Ira- U-on intimated to n«- that a

number of farmer- have oxpiv—i-l them-,dvo- that they would prefer in eoatribiitc money iu-teoil ,.f ,-ttx in «i,l of tin, Jh iti-h Hovemmont. Any l oiitiiluition id money will.U* thank- fullyrim’eivtsl, it can either I-' |*aid to S . \V. VnganASmi m -tom r. David Bolxrlson.

During the l.ib ;aiy liiNtitutu t<* t)Chcitl ia the public library here.no tmoks will bo inimcil during the afternoon and evening of November 12th. and during the afternoon o f November 13th.

opornled OnM e. Fhiirtte,lame-.>f Haiiovoe, fori

,-,iv o f WatkeHoil was operated'’?,„ the Hrncc Fotildy Hospital on Tlnu-day last for iicrtria. T i........ jH>mUn»wa- -ue«—-fid and Finn* is now Jw>,v oringaapidly.

itebetliuu In Souih Africa «;• tier#! De 'Vet the SmttJi African

rebel bailor who la'cntnc famous in the IkK-r war i* once more* in I he lime­light and in again hading a tebrlforcc against the troops in Foiled Souih Africa.

flaptlNt and Ctirlaflftu Church R«v, l i. V. Rock will address a

niomtrv meeting at tilamis on Friday evening mat will occupy th e pulpit o f the Baptist church there on Sunday. Mr -McCauly of Mc.M»#tvr Fniverrity will occupy iti* pulpit iu Walkerton.

Died to the WestMr-. Kola i/mgivecivtsl wont ltd-

veek that licr tu«illn-i Mr. Aligns .Me iillivary had (nl—.si away very xu< t ily a f hislitnue at Tin* < Hill- A Urn Mi . MctiilUvary went to t he w«*-t - li twenty year- ago and wa-eontoAlplat tag a vi-it («»his lN»yii,w»t ironri* during Hu* coming wilder. Ho h -uryived bv a wife. l w<» -mi- and five ditugiiti

Trade P ick ing BpAnother'evidence that trade in F

«d« js improving is shown in the f ilia) the Bobbin fnetnry wldcli ;

imoto miinU-r of .•niploye. s. for »<> iim<-. ha- n•-nmed the ten-hour < tvit Ini full H alf-of mon. Mr Shaw |un:ts t hat a fim-tdemtde immlx-r •nders-.utTiciciit ■ to k.-cpHte fact* busy for -mu*' weeks, -have bc.-n

Tlinnk-mt, ring Meeting 'file ntiminl tiiauk olfet iog ii

,,f the W, M. s . ,.f the Iktjrti. I .e ld *

C l o th i n g f u r B e lg ia n *Tile |es|MMlH<* of the ludie.s »d Widk-

eitmi and viehiiiy to titeeall for cloth­ing fin Hie destitute jN-ipU-of llelgitio has l*ecii very genets-a-, a taige .putm tity of clol/fiiltg. ipdit*** d e . lutyiltg l„ .-a .b'livenst t*» the slow <*f Mt>. M. Eisluiait, Thi; Imx or Kile will In* Sent to Itclguim in the < om-seof a weekau'l any who Iui\e md «*nitiitiat,sl and are aide to do so m e i e<pi*"ted to hand in tlu-ir donations at once.

Boy Wanted !

Hoy over foiuleeit year- «-f age, with fairly gm*! eitiicatioii. want,-I t<> loarti lie* printing. A good oppmi unity fm in ight '**•>' to h'.itii tie* trade. Apply atTie* 'l ele-a-OlH* OH!, *-.

L etter- from England’llii* Ht>t letter- Bom th,* loud !**>> Ito an* im*mlM-t> o f t h<- first < 'anadiim

.smtingeid. -luce I heir arrival in Kng* land wtAv reeeivisl l ie iv o n Monday',

e Ino- ai.-in goml iiealilt and hint ai**t enjoyable and iincventful trip i-oss the .N'eam K 'e r v pirs'aution i- taken to prevent an nttaek fi’oiii

ho-tile >es.selv The ve--.-l- we»v dark emsl each niglit. not a light -hmving till deck, and every jmt-t hole was c*v- em l with tai.|«i|wr to pivvcnt tin* up* I« ::iiiii»i' of « soliiary tight. The Fan- adiutts will be trained for -nine week-

Salisbury I’ laiu Ik-fme U-ing -cut to tlte front.Untile atilt Continues

Tim terrillc battle which him been in ptogtes# in France »nd Belgium the pn.-t month btl.wein the allied nrudea and tierman troop*, i# atillrag* ing ktong the entire front . Since !«»t week Dit-rv lm* been lilt le c-t arg e in tlte grnrral situation 'Ihe tinm an right wing has made a riight advance along the coast of Belgium, while their left w in g h*» been foterd twi*k a.’iOM the front)* r. Tfce Uuuian# tho north have wott huportam batth-n and arc Htill gaining ground, On the sea there has been n«) hglttthg o f any nature, the Kaiser's navy refusing to come into the -pin, preferring to main iu the shelter of the fcritet! The German troops have teeeived ord' e t- to take Calais on lliewextof Fiance at all cost anil are openly boasting that wheutlil* is done they w ill eMab- Hh|i a base tltcieftiun which England will be invaded.S e t t i n g a n E t n tu p lc

The farmer- in tin* vicinity o f 3 mory; lUivc -at « gta-l example for the agrictiitm i-t- in tin* remainder < Hho*,* Fount y <u in fact fur every '*it zeii. A w ay up *m tin* end of the pci iitstda whets* tin* tiller- o ft he Soil ek out an exist etice in the valley- (n-i wee ihe roytky hills, by ince—ant ialhu tiu-tv ha- l*cen ndlcetial from the ln»r»t working -**ttlcis over ba-hei- • tals a- donation- 1*. the Fatri Fund. Smue contributi'd two -ome tluve t.Mgs whieh, when the mil me o f t heir sui-rnlnliug- i- eon-id -how-.that they hitVe not f**rgt»Ucn their jwtrioti-ni to t.'aua«la or i enuse of old Knglatid and mefcad.v give of their -idt-tunee for the ,1hVi of Hie ivmpiiv. Sm n eof the wealthy farinet - in tin* -outlicru -cetimro county, wlm hid fair l*> hecoute liojiaif**-, refused to make a .lonati»»n to 11iiS *«U-e, wlitli* othei'--contributed a solit ary »«ag. Tile example-.-t b; the farinet-at ttie *'Tut*” >la>obI ha* such an ,-tIeet that the oat- would h biougtil lo the Wnlkcrton and othc -lati**o- ))t thi* p tri uf tit*- < ouute I* th*' wagon load on NovcmU*r2nd and 3td.

t ’hri-tinu rhms'h whieti T m -la v ev.-ning wa- wdl attcml.-.l.A -hmt piogiaio wa- provided wJlich was f..lt«,we,l I.v an addle— t y Mi— Mould a ret til-tied mi--iom*ry ftvaii India. .Mi-* Mould tuts -pen! -even y*-nr-among the t>eople of India amt her dtldie— w a-o f the m*»-f inlenwl* iug and in-tmotive nature. It»«ide- ioforming tier .nudienct* of the ways and: cu-tom - of the Jdmpte «,f that- country, -he exhibited *-mio- which -lie had brought to her hulue land. At the cmii-litsimiof linrmi—imiaryV ad* die— refre-liment- weir-o-rved in the v«s.trv of He- chul' lf. Tin- rollooiiuit taken uj> anioimted to S2r,.tio.

M ulialian.. 'V ch c ilkd An unti-uaBy pretty w«ddim» U»ck

place iu the* Sacred I lc a it chinch. VVirikerLn on Tuemlay October 27tb, when Mi— Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs 'Vehcnkcl, one af BranlV m n-l pcpulilT young ladies became!be bride of Mr. John Monahan, a pro- spotoua young fatmer of Melvin,Mich. Th« ceremony hying performed hyRev. Father .Montague o f Bcctatftou. The bride was attended by Mis- Maty Kyni) of Ninth liian t wttile the groom wa» a—isted by Mr W tu Wehenkel. hrofltcr of the bride. Afterthew te- inony the wedding guimUf, and their iiuuiediate ttdatjvee, drove to the home of the bride# parent*, wrfcetc a sump­tuous wedding dinner preridid over by

• Mary Ruelz vva*xcrved.The btiiie the iccip icu tof many appropri.

ntu present#, the giuom'e g ift to her being a Persian lamb coat, while the bridesmaid received a ncckslacc set with pearls and BuiHhy«t. and tho groomsman a pair of culLHnk-. and Mr#.' Monabon left o*» the 2.10 train for Detroit, Pott Hut uttun points "<t a wedding trip after which they will make ih tir home Melvin, Mich - whore the gtootn h-t*

xteukive f«n in. th e young couple’- many friend* wi-h thrtu every h*pp-

th rlr pnirney t*Yr life’s mnt- riuionial *««,

S e r m o n - *tn t h e t v » rDuring tin* pa-t two munthv Rev, Inc. Wilson.has been -leaking cio-h

Kimday evening tin **.»u«* pha->* of the Tin- *orinmt la-l Sunday even­

ing i* .'worthy' of further ritculatim* than the ,'mg»s-gati,m tliat heard it. Tin* Text ehoM't. wa* I F o r 7 : "fiiv.-

n*« to Fasting attd Prayer.'' After explaining the natluvof fa-ting

d giving t i l ! '- ' 1-.1M" <>f Mom—. fChjab d FhH-t. each uf whom fa-tisi fm

Pi days In* enlarged on time- of fa-ting tn tim e* of grief, a - David when .in wa- sick, fa-tisl and wept, -n u limes of grief should fast: .-mhi.iwI it mounting and eonfes-.tng -in.

King of Nlnevait and jM**»ple after tin* delivery of ,'le--age hy Jonah,they put on saek-eiotli and a*h»— and

:<h1 seeing the giDUilneites" of their u-rovv -pull'd the city: third in fim e o f

ttalbittal eatamiiy. the |«>>|de.. gave to fasting and prayer. Ne-

hetniah amt tjm vi) Esther, when the -It Nation wa* in danger, *-tale

Ji-lnsi a fust and it- nation wa* -a**- fi'itu destruction. Fourth as a pie |Miation for prayer people fast.si, cos es were eit.st in-re at-** a - in act- 13: ' Then returning to the -tat** of ntfair in the Hi iti-h Kinpirelte -aid, juris* i-1 titui* of momnlng, our idficuro and sot iii'i s aiv ly ing ilead on the Utl tle Held PjVerv day tin* list of deadT* inerea- ing." " V might to g i 'e our-M'lve- t» mmuning over national sin in vie" of the natiunul calamity a.- loyal, sub ject*. w<* should fast and w tvp. T ib - b rad a time fm initlh and ;in»ii-em**iil but of fasting, iimch that 1- ln'ingtlue sjN-ut ,-Hibl In* turiHsi into channel* of relief. '17n« coming w inter will find much dislre— K'l’anse o ft he war. i w ithin out- ability to help. Since Fauailiati oddicts- «»*< at the ftsuii, -Imlltd not eea-e to pray for them l«-etally front our mvn country and town, Mr. W ils o n 'n d lit -v x u tg iv gatiou to K>ar on their hearts Is-f.irt (JikI in prayer, the name- of Iho-e wit* a te at the ftoat fi-tm Knox Fhtiteh. I Iiom* going from id her parts of Ihe Dotuiliion. their home- are hete. they ate the l*>>* from Knox Fhuu h. None will rejoice mme than we if they win honor iu Kittle, nolle jintum m ore than **•• should they fall on the Held.

Huron itvpglvOH 2 1 0 0 ImNhcla. D. B dtertsnu K. V. secretary of

the Bruce t ’ounty Patriotic l/.-agu*-. tiiforiUH u* t hat lie ha- laid a—ttrau*'*'- freiin tin- township of Huron that tin* fart net- there- will eontrtlait** 2.t'»i bushel- <*f oat- for 1he u-e of tin* Can­adian and British artuie- in iktirn|M,-.

will |u*d»aldy l*c the great*'-! niu- ,sl from any mu* tuuuicipal-

i the county. Tlte cotitrihllUona from Etile)\sic wilt amount to 2000 bn-. hel», Fkt-tiior 12I.W. Bruce tp I3Z1 ami iinu fcoin t he farmers in l he vicinit y of

oIm'i mm ) . T*> dale, thc-e are* all tlm .lunate- of renitribnlions whieh have

las’ll re;eci'*sl by the stcieUU’y and w** * hope the other townships in the {ouiir ty will ts*,spwlly jwtriotic.

EnilNttug for 2nd Fom lngcnt Hecruitiug fur tin* second Fana<liau

contingent- i- tiow well under way. Mnjm> Dmigla- is at- tliu WulkHlon aniioury thi- week enlisting men and up to t*slay .-omi* forty y«ntng fellows have signed up. Of these fourteen are freim Kineurdlm', tt-n - front Paisley, while Walkerton is* re-p,v-*-ntrel hy one lout* ts-ecuit in t he itersou «,f J« -, la'ceh. Twenty-five m en left for Lon* don. Out., yesterday, where they w ill In* ttiiim-i for some w,-,-ks, prior to hxtving fo) Englami. The remaiodcr of tlu* fifty men rvt|uired from Bruce will follow nt the end of the week. The men w ho have enlisted lieiN' ate all -trapping young ^fellow*, excellent samples of Canada's young manhood, anil should give u go<al necouut of themselves when cal Jet l up*>D. This contingent will eonst-t Of MS,OW men and repm t- fjvun all recruilingstatimis would imlicab* that more* limit this number will readily be seetmxL It is probable Dint tin* I,*XXI men comprising the Boyal Canadian Regiment now do­ing gdttison duty at Betuunla, after having relieve.) British regubuw bu t he fremt, w ill l hem-elve-go forward a t an early date, l«» U* re-li**ve*l in turn by new t re nips fretui Canada. It isexjieet- ctl that the Bermuda draft, which ia fully equipped in every re--j vct, will bo included iu the second Fana*liiut con* ringent, and such being the case livn of the Ijovs who left W'alkerton with t he lir-t contingent, viip- W alter P ilt, Harry Fm tis-, "DatUly" Hutton, Jerry Jerom e ami II. McConnell beside# tluew who go in the second contingent will see active service a t the frout.

i' bn- thet


To Latrel Trooi»s »U Canada|w-(M-tiiiuuy intend to laud Hoop# Fanadn? .bulging frenu the follow-

•ng despatch front the capital of the t'nitrel State-, such i- the intention of ihe Leimuu military authorities, or ••l-e they have this move under con* templatum.

"tie i uiahy's right toJalut treMjj»s In t 'auada, if possible* and tint* secure at h-a-t n temjN.miy fmithohl on the Aiuet-) an Continent,’* was upheld to day by Foiuit von Ik'i nstott'. Merman Ambassador her**, w hodeclaresl this would not lien viohttimi.of the Mon* res- doettiue. Tlrf-Amlta-.-.’ulor -tig- g<--t«al that. a-C/bada wa- sending •sildiei-slo Kmvijfe t«>figltt agaillst his country, the Fulled: State- shonld uoteon-hieritiuauy -en-e an infring* e)nent **n titv Monroe doctrine if (ieruiauysiioutd lamiun urutrei foreo on Canadian soil,

Tltere is not much credence given in uny jjvirtHetw to Htc jNissihility o f u Merman Invasion of Canada, th# bring­ing up of Ihe question by the atulxiivsa- «!«»»j « the United States, being il ia ptv-uunal, merely a him- to frighten the militiamcii to hold their fmts-j. for hoiue defence instead o f sending them t*» fight tin* CiermaUN it) the buttle# of the Kmpirv in Kur*.>t>e, Or |H*tha|»# it J s hut a divam on the {mitf of the nut- tui'-adoc wlm picture.1- Canada on nc» wrttnt »»f it# large Berm an jt*»pulation, a - iM'iug in sympathy w ith Ihe Kaiser, " ‘hat a «liHV»vncc there! would l»e, -iuudd Ite see bis dmtm eotne to « res* nlity! There* i- not a Jnbk Canuek in the entire dominion, who i* able lo w ield ;t wreipon but won 1*1 answer when the urgent cAtt to arms eame. "R cail*. aye. )va*ly,'' ami would bo ptvjxiresl to do hi# share t«* rewive the invader- with lead and c**!d steel, and if ne***l In*, give «if his life’# hlood f*tr Canada ami what Canada -tan*!- for.

7*o /fir h‘itrnter* o f //wee.You are- n-pH—b-t to deli* tr ib e >-'t-

C.mti ibui.sl by »ou at your oeaicst Miami Trunk -tatnU) **u M*>nday ami

Cats will ts- prenided for 'Idpuient **»» th*‘ ill), of November. - A **)»> t » »)!> . A. I*. Mew hiuney. t hairmao. Patrh't- ic Committee. David Robeitsou. Sec- re lay.


W alkerton, Octohot 24tb.TV* f/>c EtfiUtr o/fAc

W nlkerton TfU#a>l>Cl Dear S ir :—

It sewai to tne th at we men of Walk erton d*> apt rccognizeour rospon*lbU- ity iu the Qri»# th# Empire i# pacing through. The future of the Kmpii e )• a t 's ta k e .

This war i# not one iu which ling* land is engaged teparateiy frotu the over teas dominions—it i- a war in which tho whole Empire is engaged— a war for honor, a war against m ilit­ary supremacy and » war for eelf-pr«t- creation

This being the case it is quite a uds* lake lo r us to talk of the men and «up plir# scut to .Kng!»nd as assistance given hy Canada to England.

It i* simply a care of C tuada doing h*T share ns part of tho Umpire.

And « - nin th rcsponribility re-t* on u iin WaUerU'a a* on any and every part of tho Dominion.

(Continued ou page h.j


The mention of I he dead man'* nunc by hi** tinconurlmiN widow pro­duced a sudden silerne, that lari'-d iialll Molly her*<*lt broke It l*} **> - Ids:"You arc. Charley haant bwn bon,** since ventorday morniuK- • did ex­pect him last oiicbt. but he did not come, lie either misaetl the tmln last ■night, or cIbc he had run down to Brighton or to Worthing, or *oni" other place. Ah. you don't kno* how- much anxiety ray poor t*hwJr> mose* me by hla thmigliDwumt-m'!' — *-* ir.

said Mol

—To be ware." said Mrs MelllM. who now raw her way clear to draw her poor stepdaughter home before re­vealing her heavy bereavement. "And xou are right in your conjecture, my dtar. We happen to know that Cap­tain Faulkner dirt go down to Brigh­ton last night with a part' of K*mtb--


I said so-" reclaimed

complete reconciliation, has Rono down to ltrlghton to bring him up thla very night Your father dwlret that the family meeting shall he at hU houac. So now you hav* no ob­jection to go. have you’"

"Oh. none at all. Not the !e«*t."Then get ready, dear." said Mrs.

Mollies. , .Molly called Ihe nurse to bring the

children after her. and then ran up­stairs.

"Oh, how fortunate you have been. Mrs. Mollies, to gain her consent to go to London without exciting her sus­picion* that anything was wrong, and without tampering with truth, either!" laid Rachel, ns soon »a they were left alone.

"Ah, ye#. Rachel! Hot what I about to do: To keep

" V X , , , , , . . a M K A fl r“ „h, 'v r .“ -muat be at home before she is toirt, said Rachel.

•■Yea. she must. She rouat b* under

daughter sat. eager tv expectant."Your father. m> t i e r . ' sin- said. Molly sprang tip anl ran. nnd then

stepi >*i. ir-.-nt'diiig.1 Her iutber came to her, pn- his amts imniiul her, and silently folded her lo hi; breast.

"»*apa!" she'murmured, ki-»iug him dear papa, though l cannot

am sorry for having married my jioor- t'linrlc). yet l can say, w|-h earnest truth, that I nm very, very -nrry my marriage should have so •llspleasod you. Yon forgive me, dear pi»pe'“

I forgive you from the hultom of my heart, my own dear daughter."

•\ud my poor tT iarlc j' You forgive him. loo**'

T forgive him With u!i my -uml."• Tlirn when? Is mv Chari-.w ? Lurk­

ing hetilnd. 1 suppose, so ns not to Interrupt nur first meeting! Poor t'barley is always so considerate in these little matters. Rut you will let him come In

The hour had come in which she must he told of her horrible bereave­ment. Yet neither the banker nor his younRvwito could summon courage to tell her.

She looked from one lo the other, and saw that there was something withheld from her knowledge.

"Where 1- Charley: Why doc« ho not come In '" she Inquired, slight!' tremulous tone.

"My dear child, yonr htiMmnd did not return with me," sntd tlm hanker, gravely,

"Not return with you! Oh. why! Is anything wrong with my dear Char-<*y?”

"onie and sit down, my darling, the banker, leading her to a sofa, and placing Imr between himself nnd hi* young wife.

"Oh! why don’t yon answer question' Oh, ju»pa! wha* i* It th»*

rhe' word j ,,r'' *'‘Nf , li'~ from me?" simf1 cried,

i htsWife

"Heaven of heavens! What do yoi

I* both mean? What has happened? It t'hnrley i l l ' N ('barley - oh, nv heart'

Iter t S h S l S * h«r In h i, nnn. ,t,h tried in sootlio her

K K n,!. th .l l i l , i r m .o r r n . » t " no! '(lJ r A m W kn ~ l„l down bn. J " 7 * " * y ' i * .*?"■ *"-1 h' r „ J , l , „ b a r f h -t lo Ir, lo brcalm.

body," sighed Mrs. MelHw.Sh« had no time to add more, for

lust at that moment Molly on 4pyd. followed by all her children, the nurse carrying the youngest baby.

"1 wan not long, wan I? Fortunate­ly, you *ee, the children were ail dreaaed to recet*e their father. And 1 had onlr to put on their wrap*." said Molly, pleasantly, wt she en­tered.

Hut she declared she knew some terrible calamity had befallen her. and she insisted upon knowing what was.

Then they gently, tenderly toll! her the terrible truth.

And here i would wiMlnBH\dra»- n vill over the scone that followed.

Poor Molly had never in her life possessed the least self-control.

The children crowded around their ■ now she abandon**! heraelf to the -Fairy F.randrnotlicr, nnd prized her j wildont anguish and despair, ending Inhands and skirts, and wonted to know j strong convulsion'If she were not going to take them to Her father laid her on the sofa, and Cinderella'* palace. her atepmother loosened

Rachel Wood called them off. and • clothes took them to the brougham, where The household war. aroused, and a they were all, with some difficulty, physician waa summoned, crowded In. Mr*. Mclllsa and Molly And she was conveyed to bed. and followed the children into the car- b> im-dlrnl advice she was put under stage. the influence of a strong narcotic, that

Rachel Wood and the nurse were finally gate her agonlud spirit rest, left to shut up the house and to follow » The next morning, while the young In a hired fly that was to be sent from ' ' “low was still sleeping under the in- tho Family Hotel. Muence of morhpia. the body ..f her

The drive back to town was. to the ! [““‘band * s , brought to th* hmuc ai children and their mother, a Jmtrnct ' * “• ,n the fr<m* drawing Mini, full of glee. The children romped and rt,r'>no<"» the letters from poorlaughed and babbled, and Jumped and , ““,kn" ' ,u“n“‘l ,[nm < »» ElU- tumblcd about over each other and J ‘ vh,“- J** over their Fairy Grandmother to their

j breaking Into the hou«e of one f’harle* Faulkner, g«ntlem.nt. then Bring at Sydenham; with purloining theme u large quantity of valua'iib- property belonging to raid Charles raulkm r; end wdh making an assault with In­tent to kill, hv shooting a leaded pi; to! and wounding seriously fbc per­son of one Bamabaj Uriel!v.

Benny •wnreely undrrwtftod a ‘ ..rd of thii. rhorlomontade; hut when n*k"d whether he were "guilty or net guil­ty.'’ he bowed to the Judge lifted hi* head. an<! answered clearly

Net gnlUv. my lord.".The eounsel for the crown l< ok the

indictment from the clerk of arraign-, and proceeded to open the care »» telling the gentlemen of the Jury that they hml now, before them onu of the moot abandoned and dangerous voting criminals In Kngland, If not in the world- a monster of Juvenile deprav­ity -on e In whom crime seemed to he hereditary and fntcttnlnabli- F ~ •»-» of a man wtho was a confir.oe'i piik- pocket nnd burglar, uiio w.u* touch more frequently In Jail than out of It. and ef a woman who was a murd-rc**. and hod been tried lor her life at that very court, nnd had nnl.v rscnp.-l tin* extreme penalty of the l«» upon the doubtful plea of insanity, and who was now ftpiatlne her crlnu-s hv li'ejong Imprisonment in Ihe Criminal l.unath* Asylum; that this -'retchei! boy !.?d hem* a thief from hU Infamy up to lit** present nge. that imprudently re- celve«l Into :t respectable and holibvo- lent family, he liad thanklcrwly and tjastdj rot«ld thdr protection and few tering fare by bringing Into th-' home the hand of hurglars with whom he v.a« known to nc connected. »nd bv rohbinc them <' a large quantit** «*f plate. Jewels, tnonev anti oilier * i able propci |y. and by murderous tw.nlt upon a friend and guert of lite house And though the learned coun­sel for the defense might pretend to say that- hi*, the prisoner-*, hand never fired the (dstot that v attnded Colonel Briefly, yet did toe lav hold him guilty of that deadly Hsnm.lt. In- ormuch a* In* was confederated with the v.-feichcw who made it Ar.*l he hoped that both Judge and jurv w/wild do their duty try punishing with the utmost rigor of the law a erltiii* that, was known lo he fearfully on the In­crease r.nd fit forth, eatl so forth, ao.l

forthAt the end i ( his ojrening *:i»«*—rI

the counsel lor the crown eal'cd t! wltnes-o*.

The. first w ho took th- stan*l wu*lh wido*<'*l Mr/. Faulkner, who. veenluc. Wtterty, gave her evidence recording the robbery, wiilrh bore very h<«\i!y upon the little prisoner.

The n*xt witness was John Briggs, a man who bad seen l>nnr in ism . pany with n *u»t>1clbus-looMng indi­vidual at mldnlehl on*the nfrbi of the robbery, end who had heard *he pri­soner give his enmoaotor particular dfrcftffchd liow- to fmd «nd enter the house. |,V a door Unit lie; tile pfl:U ner. had left open.

This evidence "a * sliU hurd'r on the little accused. And the severest cross-examination of Ihe wllnesa by the counsel for the defense did not tend to weaken It In the least degree.

The third wltntu* wa« Mr.’ Riley, who had come to Captain Faulkner's MgiXjUkftC*, and had helped to carry the wounded Colonel Brlcrlv to the house. v '\

hearts' content.And their mother laughed to see

them.In due time they reached London,

(ho We«t Knd. and finally Charhv. street, and drew up before the banker * roaldence.

The fly, with Rachel and the nurse, came up almost ut the same mo-

Mm . Melllw led her stepdaughterntA lh« Snnan in

Mr. Me||is;t laid carefully aside the letter addressed to his daugiitiyr. Then he opened and read the one written lo himself. And if he had never for­given poor Charley before he must have done so now.

On the fourth day, while Molly was *(111 very 11 1 |q tied. lh<- funeral took place, itcfor.* the coffin was finally t loved, the young widow, at her own <arneat prayer, was lifted on*, of best

r.d carried t.» the room where the that she might teke a last

and Lheo they were given some light ,»tic*. and wholesome refreshment and put to bed.

Rachel Wood went home in the hir­ed fly.

Mrs. Mollis* ordered supper to he served for herself and her visitor.

"Will you not waJt. dear, for papa and CharleyT ‘ inquired Molly, with » look of anxbdy.

"I think not. Your papu will scarce­ly return bfforc the j**t „ 4 ia; ,hat will make It much too late for our supper," said Mrs. Mellliw, who thought it much the best that Molly should be fortified by a good meal for the shock ahe muat shortly sus­tain.

So the two ladles supped alone to­gether.

And then Angela would hare per­suaded Molly to go to bed, In the faint hope that she might go to .sleep. »nd thu* escape hearing the bad new* till morning.

Hut Molly very naturally4 Insisted upon sitting up until the return of her papa and Charley.

They sat together nnttl on»- o'cloek and then began to listen (or the door­bell to ring At i'-aeth. near two oclock after midnight, ihe dof»rb*i! did ring.

And as the servants had been sent (•» bed. Mrs, Meilivi |,er*e|f »,-nt oul to answer B.

"Stay her**, my dear, uuttt I return." she said to Molly.

She ran and opened the door to her husband.

"Well, dearest, have you brought mv daughter hoBlo?-' whispered th*- bank-

lie testified to these fact.-, and also to the confoaed condition of the house, several of the rooms of which bore sigus of forcible entry, and also the absence nf Benny from the bed where* he usually slept. This wllncw* was al­so cross-examined without «-ff«vi.

The last witness was the detective ho arrested the prisoner, and had

found upon hi* person a little gold thimble, width " a - here produced and identified a- the property of Mrs. Faulkner,

When these witnesses had all been examined and cross-examined, the counsel for the crown summed up the evidence for the prosTUlfott aud called upon the Jury to convict the prisoner.

Hut then Mr. Fretflcld. engaged by Mr*. Mel linn as coumu'l for the ac­cused, arose for the defence,

W course, p.e went over and i*ol,tel.v ion I rad It-fed all tha* Hie counsel for the crown had stated concerning liis client.

Ho begged 'be genUcmen of the jury to look upon that poor child in tlie dock, and sc- if liiey could find in hi.} fair face and «*p* n brow am wlgn* of that hereditary depravity an ! person­al guilt ascribed to him h- lio* learn­ed counsel for the crown.

This ho bad been a most unfortun­ate aad pitiable child from his very birth - a worse than orjihau, cast upon the lender mercies of the thief and murders** who had brought hint up. and yet who, thief and murderess ** they were, were much Imts culpable than the unnatural parents who had given this fair child life, and then abandoned him to hi* («;•*

Angela Mollis* took tnem to* He would prove this?; this boy'. so far tieraelf jind soon consoled them, fop (--front being the "monster of Juvenile (he grief of Innocent children i* hap-’ dejiravit* ;,<■ had V m alletj bv the

9**y short-lived. counsel for the crown, had been, fromThe remains «f t nptnin ' aulkncr j hj^ infancy up. gentle, oh-dlenl, klnd-

were finally laid In th*’ f.tmllv "atilt: hearted and generous. 1’vcn in stillof Walter Mellls.*. In he K-usal .frecn * tenderer year- he had Vorked. andcemetery. , begged when he could not work, to

I 'ays passed before tin* young w.dowj support an aged woman and .»* sick could Bleep without opium, or i» k " ; S|r|any foci exc- p*. in a liquid forn.. or': “ „ ‘e Wo„il5 (,ruVe that, while the lwvveven bear fh - right of her own chit-1 h|lj b^ „ „ .0 service of C'aplainorrH- - Fnnlkner, he h*if li/cn the affection-

W JI.IW h r, in- ,„„k '■"•Ol-ll-.J .n il . nf n„,j

^Anit w .. . But the ord.-al n js tt-i '--Tefe f«»r’ ' Sw ln . 1, - iii ill- . 1 1 1 .

f f r wraps. And th*n ,.Hi agony of grief, and again fell IntoK L f?K d.^ n w * ,,0W^ r!‘fn M-aatus. and **, wa* carrie,| off t.i bed

and quletevl only by p -.-,rf.,l „ar-

Not tin- least trying iceue Ir. tills tragedy wua the grief of ihe poor

children beside the open cofiia of tholr d'Xid father, where (hey, too. had been ;:tk<*n, that they might kt.w th*i cold face before it wh» forever hidden froic ;l.eir viow

\f*. and her cblldreti. answered , Angola.

"Hoes she know anything''Nothing She thinks she comes

("•re to meet her biiBband and •<> a.vist at n family' rconcillatlen.''

"Boor child! poor child!Dear, you look so wears. Will you

not take something h-’ fore *o>i m*c h*r?"

"So. no. 1 require nothing." said Mr. a* he rocchanb'jtl.- hnnsup his shawl and hat.

Angela had been trembling to ask another question. She asked H now. In two whl*per«l word*

The bod*!"•‘|( »l|| reach here to morrow, in

ebsrge of the >ind»n.liter Tne fones*! •HI be h»Id at thl« ho: " Now let u* go to my daughter.

Angela opened j lit* back draw ing­room door, and vein before her hua- kp»d *o Um *o(a where her map

Weeks pa.-uesl before ~he could hp- j ersuad**! to leave her own ,qx)ui, oi take an airing with Mrs. Mr Ills* in s enrriage.

But nt lengtii youth and nature con quered sorrow and despair, and active duties of life dr-'w h*-r from h»r seclu- slon.

Ir was on the third da* timt »lie hud mud*- her appearance in the drawing- nwm, *»bet» sit- **»-. told that a per­t-on at the ilo-ii wh-h'd imrtir ilarl. to t*c< her.

She dlr-rt'd the servant u» admit the person, who entered *hr draw­ingroom, nnd proved to !••• Adam», the doK*ctive cniplo' <*l by the In f < uptain Faulkner to look up Benny.

lie grce'od tii*- mourning widow with deep respect, nnd ntuduflzeti for intruding on her privacy in th* .*» eari . days of her widowhood, hut pUnded the couiprillng hirce of tlpy law.

'T h e fuel is. ntflrtam." lie snld "that dc.-pemte v'oiin; snak-hinnn. Iti-n Hurst, who let Jo the burglars o-i the nlEht o( tin* rubber- at yo-ir !hius«*, ir. Inken at JnM, und Is now In the hands of the. policy And you are •anted, madam, to give evidence agwin*t him "

CMAITFR IX.(■‘or week-* Benny had hidden lilm -

yclf a»av in the wretch'd :i."rt with Tory Prite. but at last he grew *on- fldrnt and determined to see hi* play­mate. Suty Juniper.

It wa* u fateful Journey, lor at it* end stood Adam -, th* teoaeloux delt* - tlve. who had hamued tin- lunlper homo In (h*11: firm !»»lief tluti Benny would turn op f.-uier or later

Withooi ii**« *f time thr boy «n»r ar- I ralgned hefor - a maglttraio and re- I mandert lo the 'riu.inal court sessions j When this august eourt met. poor

Boaray ateod ch»fReq srph f- ’-inlrmaty

• ate comnan'on and protector of the j ch(!dr«m but Utile yo in gT than blrn- ! w lf; and that when he h it their scr- I vice tic did so In fear anil liorror of j ihHr gue-,1. who had terrified him ! with threat*; that h* could have had

«o share in tiie robbery with which he stoo*l charged.

He would prove further, that wltlk* the ho* »».- iu prison h*. h«J been |wt- fcclly geulIr. decile, i.liedient and anxious to please. And finall* the ad­vocate said !i>> should couflilvntly * x- t«\t, from th-- gcrtlcroen oi dip- jurv. the acquittal of hi* >«uii£.client.

Thru the omm*el tor :l;e prisoner ca!lc*l the w Jinc*- ' fur t!»<* defence. Thcr,- were JcretnJaii tunliwr and his wife, .fain* Juniper; Richel Woi>d and Mnry Kcmpton. Kadi, sworn and cxamincij in turn, testified to I heir fntimat- knowiedr" of the little pris­oner trout his Infancy to flic pr<*enl tlm**: the* cadi bore *dtn>’;s m tils genifcne** of manner, kindne*;* <>f hewrt. obedience, d'H-iiitv mid gener- o*it> ; inti, oti. sorrow ‘ when cruse- exumined bv ilie counsel for the pro- wentinn. tbev could not bear wltnea* to *he honesty or irulhfutncv* of tlie pour child, who hail been niiigbl theft nnd falsehood a* •.**red dutlc* froit* hi* infancy up! So their tcMimonv in favor of the poor boy broke down.

Mrs. Meiiiss nnd Dio Jail clmplain were called, and In turn leBtifled to the perfectly blameless conduct of th* gentleboy while • offering impris.- moot.

Rut being eror- examine*!, Ibei wee* in Dim forced t>- *dmit »h*t *h« Httlc pnson'r w»> cde.tinate in hlr deter­mination never to give up the name* of the burglars who had rohbed hia

houic.(To b* • ontino*dj.


Doctored in Vain Until O r Chaxe'a Kidney-Liver Pill* Were Used.

Kidney derangement - tin ,.ib n u*. soclaled with disorder/ of the liver and bowH-c, and under th'>>* condi­tion- ordinary ki*ln-' ni'iliciiii - n,-u ally bill to e f fe t cure, h i.i !•<-*,• ot their unique, combined act ton pit •be liver, ktijnev* ^ud tMiV.l; Dial |ir. t'hnse ,- Kiljney-Liver rili:< are so gel! i rally Miccctudul. t*vt*u *ti lie' tuosl • Ollipltiated la-it-;;,

Mr, Kmanucl Bernard, farno-r. Sb, •'aula, Kent t'omity, x i t , vvriti>: “Aliout clghlccti year* ago my wife wa t bad with kidney dL--a- - , arid /lif­ter.*! greatly from h.-adm e *. patn- In bowela and Monuich, and lu-r heart was nffiv|iw|. For u > ear she wai- treated by h*r dintor. with n«> :tp)*ar ent tiejirdit. She then liv'd tri- boxc-i of Hr. Flinse'.-i Kidney Liver I'ills with moHl. /atisfitciory nniilt-. This gave ns « gma) opinion of Dr. Chase's K(dn« y-Llver I'His that we always keep them in tin* Jimr. in he used for all derangements of the kidney*. |ircr arid bowel;." Dr, Fb/--■* Kidney Liver IMI!#. ;'«• a box. .‘> for *1.00, at Meniere, or Kdtnatwui, Bat--. A- <•»,„ l.imlD*l. Tor«tn(o.

Mcnit-ei * efu«;»ln»t the »'tittitiKv m-, ih.-.v u .e r ,,-hm to prtictratc wticrc the Ihku* are i timer- •

t-- the ha rde /t v > a r Sh-iltn - r.*u t lm be made Use or; to O-lvmilsK-- In coating ihe (hone* o f »n->w «iv»e f - r tb-- t.uti-o*.

tjeatril ennble the r


I’ruaeeriitv ha.-, i y --ue nt, ; jH ilr-l

A PATHETIC BLUNDER.(\V<>»«Jrtock K en tine l- ltcv iew »

Th- nw**» pathetic rei-tak- - f ail.h » r* I* to -O-eaV tt.;- rtim -ita t in C l


Otir-hor in Mcxicitn Oi! Ficldn Lights Surrounding Country.

■ ti-g li s o w A 'lgu a l* -.*-!» o f 'jX M V

i <-,.mpiiiiv and.*e i " in hvirt'l I 'ce - lc . ,.-in-.- tn-uii-ei of. the itritiMli' firm

tv*r*„n -v Son) was in Mrxlro «‘lty w * tie oeit v ac: brought lo. II ' leu*<•••1 o, lie rerr.e ite| t.--k <—mmanU of ;< l*rc;' fete.- „f tab-r-r - wtui m - re trying i" 'an o K« great »»« this t«*k ami Hint •>( - rrating tin ctntirgcncy rartiu-n ty:;ervotr to ll-'l-l e part n; the r-enpin*

that tt,e Kovrrfinteni tent the aid■ p- •oluiera,

Alter rep.nt.il failure* to supprtM the cnininn <-r nil (lult vv«» shnniing sky- V .r.l *t the r;u-;: of i^tro barrels i»-r itjv an An,-• jn ; ni"-b*ntc obtained a i* it- ie»*r,| t-y tie vising * f-indcrou*- M-- I tan u- which..was ntuo in ii « thrut- " f . which wiirf hurriedly cinsinjc.lej m Mexico t.nV and taken to the field. It “ e* -o-«-:*futtv r>tace-| ur-cr» th* motwter e-i| jn-t the flow throttled down to a

ndv flow nf altniil |.‘.,p» hatrels a day, B lint deerne.l iint'iso to rln*e the valve entlr*lv l.< cause of danger that tfte preii- *':re might Wow on* the Casing and d*«-

sle ri|ntmuntly ............ ...............lam-, ‘ iidd-nty shot forth from ** ■»**» -*f He* welt.* !n a short tlm* The itei-ce its>t " rtiSH the r*t> and oil ">ited forth umcritainedly.The 'lain- lichtiS up thn eountry for I m il" aroililil. and the h-a* is an in-

iCproach nil bln work-

inoutn AtM. a t-t (ernpotarily e*p«r-oling Die - n*t fluid ftoin the flames.It pr.-ved incff-rtuul. !t i* eetlmalrd IIihi npv.xtd of 2.:«),W0 barrels of oil have been burned;

f t i» e-'ft* !d rte .| i>r<-hable-iha* This greatJt->- .* gu/lier of a

:i V-nild-hCnt It wIv hv i.nrd t.'owdray and ;*r--i.iairs and the t'xnnsylvan)* (jd C-nnt>u»*>. It war et IV-r Itoya*. abaut 0> ftiihs south of Tamtdto, and liad an estimated flow of about lfit.Mft hnrrcls of oil u day. •< raught fire from live eoal* under *he Ijoller of tin engine of the dr'lltiur outfit H burned steadily for three month*, nod then lx*canie it vast, t-eething, boilin': ratildron of salt water, which now rovers an area of r-torc than Vi oere* jnet off the shore ,-f I.ikt TtmUlim —Tjmp^e*. tM-s > C«rr. Phttadejphi

BABYS FACE MASS OF EBUPTIOHS p re a d O ver H ead an d N e c k , Caused

D is f ig u re m e n t, B u rn in g an d I tc h ­in g . C o u ld N o t G et A n y S le e p . C u - t ic u ra S oa p an d O in tm e n t H e a led ,

1 tltbemia Are , vvrw* Toee*tt*i. Pat f’KIrat we notlee.1 a rash on our ehlld « fare, which «>on liegan lo spread all over hi,

lieoil amt tlwt around tils newt. I thought it < i. going Ml over hi* body. !< waa iu red patch'*, nn hi, faro, then ptmplew Ikwsii i.i form whirl, t*vk* *i-d m (. Ire wa« running from Diet,. Ilia faro and head sras s niMs ef cmp'inn and f'.

raa*M a wry t-*il dlxAgurrenent. vt-q biiht- lng and Itching The <*htld rw.ild nut pi i any sleep. | Artnrl oeverai kind* of olnt- m»nU and powder* bill with no suecow, for »t«ut two month* Tltn noth areme,i to grt wi.wae, tJltla bthlera would fr-rrt tt;--i burst and a lot of dlwhargo would i-.nno out.

■ We trfwl - - — OJn'ment and ----b-d to no good e-Ti-r*. Aflrr 'be rt.dd had beep «iifT<v-ng aliout two months wo were recommended to try tlie I'utirurw Knap an-l Ointment. After a few applicath,a» it u>e reJSef and the child t>eg*n get p>me qr* p. In about ait week* ('utimra fkiap gnd Ointment cumjiletely li-.i!"! the trould-i and not a acar is left." -iiptod,' Mr*. Win. Tacktr. Feb. It». |»U.

S a m p l e s F r e e b y M u llA simtlft cake of f'ntkura .rod t-o* ■ t

Cutk-ura Ointment am «f;rn • -when alt else has fallrsl. bold thrmiRho i- Dio world, bamp'o of cacti >umi<-i In-, wi'h I'--p. Skin llook Addre« |as«t-car<i "Cutteura, Ucpt. l». Uosvwi. t . S. A."


The o-ioinn -

IS S U E NO. U . 1914


Cramp is Not Dangerous if Bath­ers Only Keep Their Heads.

Tim widoat publicity bhimld be riven To Dr WMl/mlller'a mlvlre to Uif Went Sid.- Y. M. i'. A. Diut it t*» fright, not cramp, which ilrrr-vn* many twimmer* • or!, Mi.mncr, t ramp alone is Jnno- e«n». I i.i ; is Dr. WelxniJIlcr'g sound .vml unefiii rii!'"

"WFira •-■*(/*'! with 'farriii, /tvini withowf* asitiR the yranvp? itntb. and will),- riA'immiiiK. iilt'rn.'it'L draw up nnd Ktr»t* h out Die limb at far ait po«- »lhlc*, (bus h'-!p!»g nature to i>v< r- tfiin'* Dir- 'condition, !f tin * ramp bo­rn me-. worm*, turn over and Boat and c.v*rc!/c ?ii<* (mmiicd leg <ir arm »* mucii a/ i no *}»b- on;!! th*- ivainP ll.."0* ,"

Scttrcidy -I Inn,; <|ie(nncp ;>.wln?mliiK ra'.i* N In-Id tlmt oiim tomin lltors am hot attacked i , f xp<’ri-'uc«si c*, jtiitsi- r , do not r-v,n «tcqi, (.ut r.u cut at riiced wh-It- ' ’kick!tit;mil" t l o c a l trouble. Yet cvr-rv year gwimmer* *!«!»•- • ; -aid. of th‘s .-•* •irh-k i econo- ronfi-m'! by !)•'- >-.i!n o' it c ra i iip , -,«aUutv a I f t t l i* v .FL -r, r * - member v»It»t the;' have heard--tlwi

cii'-sl b, ib.iD.If Dr. V.YS* ir-etloi

ata! !

( r ig h t*

V cou ld !d t and

r th e y w o u ld Mmt.-dug v o u tig m in t • in keen cchjI . and /M th a t is nre-cr.sary

New Y o rk W o r ld .

K IT C H E N E R K N E W .


g s.r \<reprem-nilng The

?>l ind lion * n f men. , ................. . 'k*«| i in n l iM - l <>fsever;,I e» ',«trp** * ucace-t in ; h." - ta t ln p " eyereir- n f dc* lr«>(ng < *eh otherby eve ry tm -nn* >wh ich ittfn le f.it inc -nn . itv can d. vise Tin- present ind ica ii-iu * fire th a t Ihe r lo in rV e r inuv e-intim i.- fo r m any ro e r th * a w t D iat *he i.w /e - in -I- .;! and msir-ed sii!) n l-na ti'ng . YVhnf i r iin ln n l I - I t v tli'-n t. i tn tk o f w a r m ean* .

iv.-il -.f the f i l l - •!. t ! ni*nns j


1,1 : b 'lit i '-n N iu iu u it. .In is l ik a , t in t , . "M y b s b j waa i l l am i c r ie d o n -

U n t l i l l lv D ll 1 b e r v 1*1“ In :: he r D ftl ' O w n T a b le ts , ’f l i t y w o rke d p tn it r- vdhues eln-Jiga in ii* r nn d rb * *"‘ - tontc* h a p p y ; t r a in 'd in w ig ' i t a n d a ll ;-iK* bifkM-M.-t b i t Im r. T ••• (nb -lo t ; pe(. t | „ . \ ; |'V . I(t's| IIP l i ic ln 'l Iknow of f ii littio o n ,'■ Baby'* O 'n ’I'aEdtAtt tore all Do eilni.f IBs of Hill - *.iim iJiieli ntt colli;. «olds. c«n- -tii'iiH'ii nnd |i;rJ!ti>aM|in. e b , T I'*V arc sold by i.'edU-loe dealers or by mail ;>(. J.Y rents b»,\ (to;,; V:’C Dr, Wfilinni ' I 'V ie ln o F o . B r ,w l:v I1b*,

I ruct k.s •• a pensile. |- mean,-



M ln u rd ;-. L ln lin e n t «>*., L td .(•e n tlcm e n . In J u ly , B id... I wa-- j i ii - ’ V ioti/'iVim e-ianL '»>-■

D trn w ti /rs -tn a m a d i iia c iit i i- ' , in ju r in g ! B u d d h tr i/ »m l _^hjftf c i- i in.' h ip nnd b jick i'- td ly , un d " T ' / i vo ic co 'o f Die tni»ei->finri- ob lig ed to t i - n i i i r r i i te it fo r fo u rte e n i th a t v-t *n the w a r. i* m onth)*. in i K i-.itenD n-r. I'.KW. M r XViu. O u trid e*-, o f Ig n l iu te . u r g 'd no* to t r y M IN A H D S L IN I.M K N T . w b ic lt I d id w ith tin - m ost - a i ln fu rh iry r<- - u l t * . am ^ to -d a y • am a * w e ll a<« over In U»» l ife .

♦ t .v rn iL 'i v n s in k s .

Du advunc* o f '*h n » ti» n ity than• •i tx.elllon; of hrattirn tcachift*

Iradition. ___


• ;h« l-e.t i-e-’ -d met, in Canada

GERMANY'S WEAKNESS., Il'-UieeK i l,.v*.-Fvpr. ad« by c t i i i - t i n i '

For W om en’s Ailm ents

w ould invade IP I glum to n ' l * - k •;< - m any. T l il r il , *•' rn ia t iy in t .-omi n Ig tuni Ih c ju i* ' Frant,'- liad -u. i IJ-Igni-u flra t Fo urth , and iat- •. •lerm -u.yNv»)i)ll ef tP-Ig.um P.J. t, ' : < ;. ■ ;• i-r.,1;*'. I *. • 1 .-!• . . . . •KnKtnnd to h-lP t i - r In nn i-MuiTi on

b e tib l li .*,* in dii- Dm - th * v l : ;Crrroanv mv IMg*um v. q m-e.,n,. -eleai >i,nl a»i«Pd. even ,n <:<r,n.iuy in Dm o i-a n ilin e Die wnrld w ill t‘' in t li i im In -.vmpaDil/.e p ro fu lin d ly wi{|» the u n li.ij. ji ' i t r lg ia n |xop lx , und u t le in j :,, Ux h p - js fton rih tlity f . . r th - ir t»ngu- ini'-f-.irtuii* • w ill hav* in |ie . u..-la lii"-l hv itn- nn.,-*


H you auffer from lderilini. itchin* j blind or f rotrudiftj ps!f», ter,! m* jon t IrsldrcMi, tod I wi" tell rmi bow in cu.-ryoiirgclf at boma ! * the new alwurptiun Ifcataifnt; and wit! a!*-, tend aotnt of ti.i* boi.ir ticatlnrftt ff»* fur trial, w.lb rcfrrciicr* ftnin 'your vvii !o»-a!ityv If requeated. lmni*d »ie txbcf a;«d {-er waacnf cure •aauri.L Send taon'j but. (til other* of lie* oll- r. Writ* t<< day to Mr*. M. Jiuoj.grt, l>ut !' >. \Vtnd •or. UnL






F r id a y an d S a tu rd a y

Dec. 11th and 121ft, 1914Many jdher pri*** offered.For a'C information ad .res;

C. F. Topping. Sscrjtary, Union Stock YartJg. Torcnto.


aitotv. th a t m i fn:Or. Martel’* Female Pill* have been the standard for 2t yearr. ano for 4S { r„„viKn„, yaara .̂.•e*crlbed and recommendad by phyaieiana. Accept no other. At eli ‘ ’•»'» drugglatv _____ Ui'-***


.. . . . . Helen.e<invi»ritiK* tt tb* <■ A.tttruM. IMf. hud oni

• -Ij-gi.v-fii'n-nt i

r d ' t L in im e n t C u re * O u ttm p e r .......... /G E R M A N m i l i t a r i s m

Minard'a Liniment Curev C -li*.


I 1 ,-puv. . D. t̂he Lard,"

BARGAINS IN STOCKj Wnn't IntCK-c! Urn ruan vvjio Jb ' inirdlh;, u luin«!t nf ton* corns; Give ; b!m ft butD- (■ f pufnant’* Corn Extrac- • tur It i* Mtlmr'Xo,'. takes.oat the com, J i nn-* "ir. tfin- «!;!:•. Binvarr* of «ubnti-

l o i o r "FuiHitr.iV It I- Ui« b*i«(.


. J: . . ' : , l i l ‘ W-H (:<• '•> ill:' V.‘1*1 I W«Ul<J

■ irxnr r.-mteil i

rtl« f w ill <l0i,btlca« ,P imvardnea* o f uiunv vAiftlatt.*!,,, i f th l* *

t humbled Itetgtuni

T l ie C o m f o r tl i a b y 's

M o r n in j ; D ip“ r iO O D N K S S

L J k n o w s . •says the Comfort B a b y 's Grand­m o th er, “w h a t w e’d do without this P e r fe c t io n S m o k e le ss Oi! Heater.“i f I'd only had one w h e n yo u w e r e a

baby, you'd have ('boon saved m any a cold and crotipy spell."For warming o ld orner* and lota I c l upstair* mom*, and

P E R F E C T I O Nsh o k e l e s^LcoIL h e a t e r s

The Perfection I* light, portoblr. incapciunvc tu buy and ti» u-x. tasy to clean and tn re- vdc*. Nn kmJling; r>o tihea. Smokelea* and odurles*. At all hacriwarc and jenerat nme*. Lock (or ihe Triangle trademark.

M*da w Caaa-laROYAUTE. OIL i* be.t U t *U v»«

T H E IM P E R IA L O IL C O ., L im r i t JTacrvfttn (ju«bnc ItaWa* Mnotrnal S t JrAn

\ field »nd n th* t>ail!«-iiiij. y-n-- D—rrrnamg ,|i*i,k- <>f rn>|!Ujty ....... nabd-r;

t rir intoxii-o'lng Pn'i-rv. Minard'g Liniment Cure* Dip'ther;a.

In the Near Future.'‘Alt'! no*. Henry.' aid Mr*. \s.;,k-

ersnx. a.- she n- -- froit, the' b*cakt.ist table and lighted a riuar. dim'i n< • gleet anything v b!l-' I am at thn in­ure, When th<- milk»om»n vent-'* get a double quantitj. .m l ••*■ tiiaf ahn k!\>*k yon full nmaj-urv.

"Then a>k Di-- m.iilw qipao alHuit »ho>n lejicrv thxt were ;<» b-- vent Imr • lui-inad nf the'r>f!;ce. and wh*n the IihinibercAs eotnr- to fix iin get her to attend t** the fain kitchen »ink.

" I think In nil probabi! rewt who |m goim; l« vin stairs will Ift* li

the wortiKii »ho InMatb't! !h<- !!«<■ '• will Ire here till* nu,ruing, rtjien It tip for tin- winter.

t-. mv! ;• •; -* e Je.d ot dlff-rence to


.*,!><!! ji« f . !'. !!. »;> • in t!t>- ImUil- iuc it . >abl i'mt i( ftmiitl b*; a grmt iiiiji.-ri.ii v - . -liter- " ‘blebtin- British GovcrtuHeii! t-oiiid convey iriH i -’ t«i India, 1 hat wte ut the aranment'* in it ̂ iavt>r; but the coin* nu-rcliil mi • wa# prubality the .•’tronp- «-I. At the ranm Dine, Die com- ;>uu; pb-svirl .m !!;ijK>rtan( part in *'>Mie< ti'di " <iii tile pr.*<- tit *truRgly\

i-rov iiia Ili-.D tin* t-liiS:>e “an Itnjier- alni'D ! la! Highway" " .if nut u-*il in vain,

-nt lir-x-- ! far,ad,* r - ; : d > d r-» !be n*»d of tb-*• ii tlm ! Empire; but ;><* tnr .-li -taut wa.t t,Nti> bat lit ii I ■! f ' " 1" (*>'.- heart

nm-t at the • difficulty «>! inThe F, IV It, ti

'• the paint- traik , from ut*!„h Die hall lent vvu« ubU* to

ml ! am «K*'k ‘ ‘ "

JiiDer iiiBt Dm ( J), uae Kreat. iitatejy mad-.* a

I!'.Odd tiiilf' o) of the F'ltlertl

TM v I' utiglit Juiiti •id Halifax

e . i f *

.erjr»«>! r.f;d U'.uAee.A W ,. , ... : , By this tii'-y'.ir, by tliSJ„ I id trail -Dirnuition » i unbimry - i iut i* coi«m«t;e*arr. rare, a ml by 'tb;fthlie you nrr- about t

i Bet ;t competent «<>- j VM'-Ji the tiovenitmnt e f . awe. (» • rn am! put 1 make nt the F. I*. U. tie- L tie- s'steiu

i " a s able t<> rvtitlt'r. at tie- tnotncnl, -tabt.' girl*. ] « HUM * D-eti; • - r h e r.et euly fer about that ] ‘ anada but (be Empire.

man lo eican mu the in th«- coal, won't you

"Fm going to i ham too. but t shan't both in-day i want i - IH o u r o f a l l w e rr 'e

keen for ativ un- T iiev k**ep rt1 KUMfitlK all the lithe. 11 lien Fm builess I -re where I stionlrl have lie. a h*'are«* and v'ce vec*,

I li b'ftt

mind ! The boat -- • tt.«*«! by the

in". I liavei dnelirreft.-* lor

’ And now. a sharp m e trvtmne,.*:f- lioues*. And fetires*. U i '•


t lie,-i,f nothing.

sou do. keen "•dlareysor- and

nr Dm 'light--*


i.A K t II l NANIK0U5.

The moral i l l o l v\ a g* li‘ tai «l> >Ill'll in I'iniHUi* III ' Ill' ll lilt'll- ’III1'iirly Itlvl. li-Ii would I**.* v-ry rinil. i:|* i'ii Germany ,o tills I Hit'. l/i|»*li.m ! 'r« ' lv>-

Villi . Mil Wilfrid l nutlet K,i:> ilf- iUr«tl »Utt nill'll Mriluiii I* ut "a t t'-mada U i»t war, om! l*»ut b.- :»• U «:»s party will gladle give lliolr last mail u*ul la-1 dollar :;.'-i*t Mi • i.uit!u r m itilfy in this stntre;*. i ‘* i now do- Mitli." Ill-* y ii ili‘ tiim' iiihI .•Mt"»Heii it» Mt«- r " f i l 'lu g i t a Frrnt-h-f.utadlau ismtin-.ii.t. il.niviti^ m ile all tarty questions, An uJwUhn in which «U»u TflrUs tvotiH threw ir, <l.lteh • ip*F>rl with tin’ Ubcr*»ls atnt ilw< roairn a LittoralGown niotii without party di­vision wiii>ld no douht have it r.vat ntoral i tf>< i i’ii *;<t«»an?. Hi t that I" lint what tho Torlra w.itit. •»'- not a united, ('uiiu-lu limy wuiH " utich a#» Tory victory. ami they a r t " il*i»’:-r to distract, diivtic and embroil the .• •niitry In an election turmoil, while p.-t v h ,!.■ um ll'ldc! attention rttotdd In' glv<a lo devising nmaii i to help lirkaln brat Goimuny.

Tbe -.iisui-stk'U K a*: Imped* »* * he ■ l.ltx-ml* bculd eopi-ri n iit mvMy iKvam*- li l i sup-

i»K th*- ..III country In nils '!ir. M , nmn* earnest in ibis support xre li - l.ll*t-rals. ami tin.' Tory

men In eunnccUon with U:<: not such ns io command undi-

mi|i;m rt of tin; country. To Itoitl tti'ii just now w'ouhl In* » <”-M- to tin- country. Tim Liberal s

I b«* omimll' l to "bow u;i tile kii'tuy of tip: G*e etiimout. Tito

;DJ! blttUlcni |i| ™|llll'.‘lll'll with earlier ramp would have u» be v.\- cit. Lite delay In getUntc lito second

Tlugeni under wav. a»-d the whole preparedness of Ih * Government,

n-i It:* inability to jiroiurly «m« tile with Um crisis would h3v<: to be made public.

its tllsmaiitlliitj of tlie Niobi; mni ltalnhow, and ilisiulsral of tie; officers, ;uid' met could form a:. Ii.dleum ugulnst the Borden Government. Its rclural to bate the ctulrar# built which the t-anrl*r Governtnent i»bth- uod rainiut be explained away - r Uc- IViidcd. ami then there Is the .Minister of Militia, tun where is he?

INVASION i f T riTAIN.Having failed to •-apitiro IV rn oj

ovvrniti Franco, tin- dvttlaer propure* to tty bis .blind »t j'tiJ masloh 'of tirvat Ur 1 lain by the air route, and Lloyd's is insnrluB -dwolfing houses In l/ondon a t the ral>: of .*1 cents per I5D0 atralust damage l»> Gerraan air rlilus. while the rate on human life la '!6 cents. 'Perhaps tin; fate of Ant- vert* utay intlm-e the eotitnanv to ruL ; its talc*. Count Z*;t*ii»dln is to .to Urn hero of tills attempted munhf ef luno- o ut women and children. It Is liiiubl- ful. however, If the Count would over get there. Uriinin may . not liitve ati IkppcUtn*. iiut site has many airship nnd the probability is that some of them would punctiir*i the Count * i.’asiiiiwj: be­fore It did mue'i damHre. \ || »t of Z< pjh-IIhs sailing m rr Isnutuu ami dropping ecfiloiilves would glv« tin; people: below u scare to last llnin a Ibtflnm, bn* not many of them would be klll.nl, and the destruction w roiigtit u old be ealealated without ii:*n:n tr«n«- b»v. The dlrlslbl- has not l» notable sme.es;! of the "a r . .Moreover, tlermany do * not jmiss—i.i what -could b. calket a fleet of J5et>pcllns. Ateord- lug to iho N’aval and Military itecord of recent date, only one naval dirigi­ble, L-3. has been coinptr.e-d,; had Per mald.a lllght on May SC. Cnoriuoui Slop of the rlcid type Is IXJ. ' She has; a length of i l l feet, breadth of S7 ami a dept It of Ci f<•<*«. With three Mnybaeh tnofer horse'jHtvser her spr<d f» torty-NCvcn m ile; an llour. With it llftliiR Kiimeltv of eiglit and u half tony, titero doubt that she could carry, resides her crc« of sevenieon smd imppHea, a t < nshlorablo store of oxplnvl ..no of her trials she kept the nlr for thirty-four hotir*. Other naval oirigi- bits ufe building, uni) III eopror ol time Germany will have a "fleet" «»f

tt 1. true that a number of thdupittp, l-ttir. and Por.mv.il wir*hip» are nvjiliubl", but whether they could b<r u.-«*l effectively. In a raid on tin Hrltlsh capital Is doubtful. It must always be iKirnc h» utlnd that titc dirigible U a fruit ship under storm condtions.

In the event of th«'appearance of Z« ptelin over tmndon it •'flotilla" 1 ncroplan'w ould be-sent after It. The risk of the piiois would of courae be extreme, but in war «r rUks have to l>c taken, and titer*- Is no lack of volunteers. At high nltluide:* Ihe plane* would attack, whip; suits mad: eKprt*s>sty'f<»r the pur|u».c and nmmit—3 on bulhlitig.:. would malm r. t«r; the Zeppelin * win-n th > were wUhhv rniRc. The military experts in London are very Confident that they could >P 8tRcv**fUll>' with n rabl by Count K< djnand, , Xo doubt Iht Ivliser e make tbo iittemp;. He i- very i-uxi- to teach "Kitgland” a b-:son. Hut h. will not rissk i»H *is :i skin In the v i tur*.

In V-fM W'-rutaify wanted an »«s<t: ai;>«* «J I'ritlsh madraSlty ‘u the e.< i of a war with Knm," and H,'*>*da, Xot pettinu it. it waited i«, spring, the when LrllxiSn was jifiuae'etl to le* pot| hullv dlttik >l: tb;*t it wmtld n t,> b; ti'-niral, ’•Vtroiiio Mail <ml I plre _

V. And *l - M.-ll aed\«an«N to divide Canada with at; «■- ti.vn to mat Its attenit^n will he dis­

tract'd from t>>‘ -ii-i'a f«attuv! .a-,*- "•mtiH-n •


Milburn’s Laxa-Liver PillsIf the l.ivuu is I,a?v, M.o\v nrTor.rtu it

isueccvsjty to ■-thnu'ate it by the use of a nualieiitc that will clean away all tin waUi- and; j*«a* mu»* ntattef ft'S't lf> f.v.tc»n. and p'<vvui, well u-hote. Con>ti|>.itien. Jvlek tlrmlio. he,: . Jlihwii' nr-.. Jann*te «. Sun Mbuu.n.it, l.iu i Compboet. am', att s».-t;n<' > an*.mg front a divorrlcietl coiiditton of the Htontarb, l.ivrr ami Bowel-

MilhurnV latxa-l.ivcr Pills are ;V vpecifu- for »il these ttbablc*. and hive Item used Tor dole on i<» twenty year*, by many people for thoe eonipliiints.

Mr, Thomas Ducslins. Wateihnd, Ont . writes; "I was; troubled witlt my stomach for Iwetc.ydive years. J iloctorcd with doctors in Canada nnd Michigan, but got no irt’icf. Tlieic vra.*r a friend in Michigan whu advised me to try yonr MHtrurn's larva-I.ivcr I'iC;, am! 1 did so. I now feel like a new man, und I can’t praise theni enough to my fellow men.”

Milburn’s l.avtt-Livcr Pitlv ore 2b .-nits per vial or b vial* for $1.00. They ire for sale trl till dealers or mailed direct >n receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont


Lord Kiteh'-ner b;«» phtim- d !<■'- a iJir .r-y '.T -' war It’s only begin- tilng.

It Is not no much what ttto Kai>or p’aits to do jssalnst Itrilaln. ;*•* what lie will I'liccei'd in doing.

The Gi-r-natt professors' 'cnlinrc*' ampalcn i- meellug with many re-

vorscs In tho United State;;,

Tilt: Kaisar';-- ner«t ».ef'.!<-<■ * ;-K < ;«r*' now *aitl to bo idirttUig to fore - Can­ada hold an election this y«-ar.

- ikirman epy reenth to b" m t- tlrig on t!»» !t;rv<“< of the old eotuitry pcop*'*. Th*rt« ore a }e v of Hu m b<uv.

So long as t'*e». ('Vouch * • mu tjuealing there rto necessity for « looking at, If W had lo*t our


The Tories hope to onTTUrok the -ibcral* by MprfngltiK un election on

them. But the country i ; uKalosf tbo movement.

Germany Is not the ouiy ndtlou that bas ia-lnch goit>. The u* v. ItrM- Itlli biitllesblps tjuecn Kllxabeth ami Waraplle have those guns, which throw 'belts weighing almost a ton, which can penetrate the strongest hr* Dior afloat, and, getting Inside ot a hostile V«**el. will eXjdmSe and de­stroy St. Winhtott Churchill wax' ap­parently eorreet when ho »atd thai drewdnoughl* could *w smashed like cggsttilly, and Hurt the victor would be the one who fired the ilrsl hhot that hit.

The I,’lmuielnl J'ost o f Canada be­lieve;! tlmt the Kaiser b* a greater dir­ector of coiumerelal effort tjian Is Sir George Poxl'-r. Sly fJeorge leltn the people, wlnrt they xlinuld do. the Kai-

r shwafi them bow to do it. It ;.«>.•If tile Kainer W'-re Minister of%rade

for Canada for the next iweiity-five years our exports would -be Hi.- grvat- <*t of any country in the world. Sir George Foster cannot help uu uiiidt by lecturing or reb asiug etartsth*, but If lie w itt etmly th-- on.fiioda by etlieb file buber made Germany :s:rint eom- uu-n latly, ami apply these met hods to tin- great Dominion, every do|tar(titcui of itfe wlit develop Ix-y ond that of any other country In the world.

Writing In the .Muncls'ner Medtzlr- iwhe Wochentciirffi •>> Aagiist I’rof. Walthor Trnube; sayn the G erman roldlers have n great -<r*«d French bulb-*.*. I«?HcvIuk t'em POiaoned; -md dnrtng the tr,u?,i.-. nround Mullmuactt mail; Ktetiefi •rartiddgi were* brought to him for * vaminnitoa to determine thl.< point. Me conclude

This niiim dDattie Sidina itnnienscl/ io Ague-.' estimation, even though alio a-vw ttiat from it* apparent wise tho 'airtion of tin* Iiou*e :uvt apart for her poh' use raeunsl largo cnougli to necom- jomlnte more tbuifouc vhdtor were her ladyship **» minded.

Mr. itlddcll cairn; out from the eur- tnineil roor into the hull ns hl« nlogu and gee.'t returned to the hou»o.

-.My dear, tin you mind having din* hoi but! an hour or »o earlier''* be u-ked Ada "1 find I must be In my »’wii cu k e pretty late to-night: t bav*> w ratbinw tn .tku lar t*» set? to "

"C« ifainty. t ncle Triuf Dlntn V can r ? cnoily la* 1m it ned. I nhall gV-m or-

ei cnee." -.aid. .v ia .’ mulling n< pa-*cd on.

.Mr. hi ldei w. tl f : ttioughi tie loedted rather pale." remarked Agues when lhey had r<act»d lno upperileor.

•'Oh. I Tie!" Ton; in always rather: pale." raid Ada. who had: not t 'rn Mio

r'e face ’.o ptainly aa her friend. IJbhk-1 wa* ofo-n in the babh of , up late in Ids'private office

when anything demanded Ide tpedal: ufletiiien' He b-lt them with u Mid!- r.nu j I a -a\ii *vor»t ami w e t duwn, while they drew eh wo to the riro for their usual chid as h" -ih'lt the de.or,

<-nt stra’shl lute the passage wlibb b e t«> ihe offices, but after he

tn diuir ho did " h a t he ha l me t.efnre- he locked It softly

and p< cg.'toij the kev Heforo he rat, down to !ib d*'sk he went out and

haek ttie Ip'.yvy Iiollj of the en­trance-door and unlocked till? Hub

•line to the street, Thep, re- p!"idsldun !de fire amt ;e tiln s Ids' chair so ns to loiuumml 'lie door, no rat down. and. drawing a «ll|* of pink paper from hi* i*cck* t. unfo!d*sl :cd read It with a -irangTy troubir-d look

ids kind old face, it whh only a telegiam of t» few words, but few n»

were each n»o was like a knife t«< Mr. ttidd'Ti! heart—

•outing by teblnlght cxjirosx. Wait or ate. !n awful trouble antin'

"Dare.he tint** f-ax',«s1 slowly enough, iglt he hush'd himself arrangin';

and deeketlni; some papers. Ho Heard the .-l * k of St Martin's at Cape! Stanton strike eleven. He rose ami look'll out Tuorn than once, for he was re tie ** and unhappy, but the night was »r«i>*ar dark, -ts.rlit one. and bo did not go into tin? ntrcct for fear of mtr.u tioc Httcntlon. At b'liHtlt the Pemt t!'<* clock pointed to told- uight.^ard ho got up and shrew oj»-n

w iiulfpv. h-anltig <>ut as If listen* In ;t few minutes, far ttnay In-

!. hut unit" plainly heard on the stilt night, came the sound of u. fbrilt ■ . d i!--. i '}•■;*»• - 1 two or three tim e■. The express from Huston wan coming, so he shat .town ihe sasit. on.i. re­luming So hi* '*<at- walt-d for tt'c sound of a st'i* nnd the opening of the door.

!(•■ had not long l<> watt. In le-*» than a 'part*'.* of mt lionr he hoard the click of tin* Intuit; there was a < tb k yet uncertain st *;• on the flags

and he rose and wont So tho door in At it op'-m-il to ndr.tlt Stephen Dare, w!i'< not the -mme Stephen who

had smile*! nn*t waved hi? baud to

dm riidlon of those tniMerable hours in latndon. lmvltl Ihtciosi attenUv'oly. his face betraying nothing of She sor­row and pi-rpb vlty he felt. One thing Stephen tirg*'d almmd 'purahimdel,' that no on" else should be told about his horrible «rflb-thin least of all. Lady Dare.

•'Lut, Stephen. If you go home to Seltllek, Aunt SeHua is bound to know what happened lest Monday.'' lutvld remarked tjuletly. You h»ve neither Recovered your color nor jou r calm- lies;; yet. Stay where you are f,.r a few days, or go to A**bl»nd» with Stove , I w ant you tb !»’ near me. dl* reetly under in?' ey e, for I am resolved to try to master the demon that has you In Ha clutches."

-Dnvhl the righ t:" raid Mr, Kiddel eniptmtlcnlly. " i f you go home just now you are run: to awaken your aont s anxiety, and ;<* lead to awl; ward ipiest'om ami discoveries. Lot me go to SeJdtch lo imuro'.v. I enn tell yo«r pyg!. Stmt yon met S ic -e to l^m- •bin and arranc*'*! to ppend a nis-k with hint. Thai s th*' r*'ftl trniti. St»- plieu. and it is « .isv for you to |M*' to the Manor now anti then while yon arc a t Aahlauds. "hen St‘ ?e ean go villi you. David Is iMttmd to get at the root of C*e nmttef and vaniiulfh Hint strange trudhb' sooner or later."

"Mr. Itlddel nnd Ifnvlo are right in their: fttlvlee.” raid Steve, earmslly, "Come home vvlth me, Stephen: there ar* ho prying eyes at Ash land *. Von will aoon g> » all right there with Da* hl's llt-ltl."\ Stephen w aa rrat* tut au«l r tievi d n«. "this arrauge? t< o '. It gave him not only a better...'t-bauee of r<*coverlng Itir tistinl healthy Km-’ of hotly and uorveti, hut It also gave relief from all fear of being watched or questioned. So be fell In with their wishes easily.

"Don't let any altermlon be made about Thursday of next week," h*> raid to Mho* Kbidet t»e(ore the old lawyer left him. "Win n yon see Aunt Selina tell her l want tho invitatinmt cent out to-morrow. Site knows whom to ask. Tell tier IT! be over soon."

Mr. Hoddel pruniired and went away home, tout at heart and thoughtful. The lawyer drew ht* hand over his eye* more than onco as ho let hltusclf into his own house ami crept softly up­stairs as the hall clock chimed the hour *'f four.


bilna was ibepl: annoyed!ieti Mr. IHihbT told her Ihn! Stephen

meant to stay for a week or * o at Atih- landi with tier brother and nephew.

"Str Stej*h<n only wishes yon to talid out the Invitation;-, my lady," he said. "He will in? over frequently to attend to all <•»««■. It Is onD' natural that yotutg m«t? »-Uuuld care for eachother eiety.

Stephen spent the find day at A«ti- lands ipitetly, but by: the Thurs'lay was tike ids old seif ouet; more, and Havld watching keenly, raw with iafaetion his spirits returning with Ills renewed strength.

On the Frlilny aft* to<*c*n Ktnel. who hud been out at Syldlek, ran against Stove I'rhir just as jdte turned through

diu a i lor ;

■. b return «>f this cxaniitmtioi;. thu'.i thought: ‘as far as the expreraton ;»iav is? ..ilow*.

able In Ktic.ii n cusp, she Fnmcii infaii- bullct tnual ho regarded 'a«

human*'.” This opinion, v nt.>> mid. ts coiiflnmsi by h ie •ixjM rb'ue-* of the Gerinun uriii:- surg«o»f;*. Thor imn* b-uad the wouid*; inflicted bo The French : rill" to f>* of Hi'P- momuit

vlial organ is pl.:ree*l. HvenWU'imls uf tlio •Ullg. ■•»:« v.«- b l f . l i!*ntl|the letter of a Kjffccm in < n - >.■ tho

horpliils In .Mudicli; ao? r--- garded as trivia,. These effects ar.- very differuu from tho,"- «f tin; spiu bullet employed by the German - ahd (he Kngll :u.

Ago* * WHot t i l l ' two day j Iwfor*. = Mo* L>*h Gates into the S*pjafe. TheLooking !'• Mm. Mr itiddel groam-J j eollishm i«rongt<t thorn both »o a

in very anguish ilio olmngc l» Mm, i bland.Stephen did not speak; be.rat down ) "Where are *»n oft to Ut - m:h ;*

«» the nrarrat *i'air. and laying his | burry. K th e tf demambM To r r<MJ*bt. arum Umm *l«* table, mirbsl bis Tw-e } ‘’One would think you were running lit his hninis. The old lawyer's rare , for the fire brigade. Is the rectory fu w as mil ot a jdtv ho could not at f ii* l 1 a hla/,c. or what b- wrong?" fram< info >pc,<*T.. il« laid Ills hand i "O. you tifcKotuo lx.v' You have on stopum's slio’ilder and h-pi ti guile mu*ct iny ticr-w?: y ou get worse there. ItK .vry touch jvas svmpayiv j and .worse wdth ymirYsmlden appear- deeper than word-' * t ane.y. And yoii'v,- t><ok''i( fo chry-

A* Jength Hu y*>uT>g man llfi*?l ?>t* 1 ranttu mum. »*h>" sha i-rii i in l-i.el :t bmlo 't Into the fmc ot h i : ! gimbst tones, looking / .at- tin* hroketl old friend With haggard, d'yapairln;; • lloeei in tier Jacket AniW.iMl§p‘. eyes M r. Itbtdel understood th at: "The idea of '"on tomplainhig look i nerves, HthcH It is tot) funny atio-

"t it, my lad. my dear lad." he burs; j getiter'" raid H tw coolly, hut with out 'Tell me how ami when It turn * i a look of compunction at the broken umm you '" \ ! lower.

" In ; London on Monday," said | "YYVII. ali 1 can say is ihiii- that, if Sieplun. hoarecly. "J never raw K l-] r ,.u had got a ncnre with Aunt Selina I'ot ht alt.” : *>s f bine bad, pour o*rn nerves would

Mr. HLi'lel said nuietly-- . - ilngling pr. sty badly!" cried Kthel.• i -mil'' .over in tii»« fire. Sp pltr-:i,, p'-Ub-Iily, S|m «ai) really rather pah',

nod i >1 :m- all about It. • j Steve I bought " hen In; bmked ut herThe yoiinp mini took Hi? »rat *»f- 1 more elnra-l;,

fcretl him by the ctprertol bla'e and , “Auut.Sellaa: he raid, v onderiuRly

Had a W eak Heart and Bad S h a ky

Nerves for YearsMilburn's Heart and Narva

fills Cured Him

Mr. 11. 1'cjcy Turner, Marie Joveph, N.S., writev;—“ I luvve had a weak heart and had, shaky nerve* for years, and have tried almost everything, hut noth­ing did me any good till I was advised to try Milburn'* Heart and Nerve Pill*. 1 wav surprised to find how one box helped me, so 1 tried two more and am now completely cured. You may uje my letter ui an aid to others suffering from heart or nerve troubles."

Mithurn’s Heart and Nerve Fill* are a specific, for all run down turn and women Moulded with their heart or nerves,

Milbutn's Heart and Nerve Pills air &0 cents per box. or 3 boxes for I1.2S at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt >*f price by The T . Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.

: Whnt Iiuh t>b<? done to si l Hthcl? V«u; tnuat toll me, little ecu : Kin.' And he turned with her Into j Dt iiufi' ld -ir*-* t. She did not speak ; ;t Gi-si, an he vcateloxl her kmuily | "Her temper g'-is worKe rtnd worae. j . f T c s h e said ut tengtl;, i nit to day, and Parker told me she I '’ ;m 1< Ing ihiiwn in h»*r bomlnlr;! r.-ii up and went J » aofti'. - <» »1 i<>*«ii:;tm-)i her. I >;«t i|*h>ii by tio •: *o " f i i . and. a h lter or- paper that h,id fallow from lo-r hand, f

io.*c tu pick it tip and put it on lire- table, She oIh-umI

-I S t-rc at th'* station «m Monday."Tie -aid; "he was going up

busimss of Ids own. and we trav- ckd togetlo-r. I was nil right when ! started, but before we rrai b'-l ITUs- ton t knew- pc, attack wn« coming '*u again end-T iia'i i» tell Steve. II" v.»*s

helpful as you were. rd*l friend, and arivPni* •*> prevent puldietly for my

i,ak". I'n never left Hu ; hr- |o,*k ho*Io - the hot’T I mentioned and Mftv <-Uwiib me, and w hen it rtruck m«* down ,hr* had at! the means to s-oju* with !i S ii(t<G »t, ami she sprang up and ebook ixi.iije liiui. tor he htiev what Dinl l ! me yen, shook me like n perfect fury* hail dune. He brought me round nt , when I could epejik ! told her I had last, and never summoned a orratutv : ju n touched U and had ntu r«,"l it,

,ut>d !«• telegraph to Auri S>- , M, .aimed down a lilt1- and raid ilna. leit V wo ild not allow him. alid 4„|„. i,ad bad n bad dream. HnbbLIi:

allied Hut bl In come tig. hill I >•(,,. had m* bud dream; «he UmngUt f.rlta-b- tt:at. ton. ( wa4 r.-ading her letter, l kno-< What

"I could m.t bear tn » f i i f back tm ,, .\uirt Selina has!til I was all right; again, -*o he wnttts! -, ,t„ Aunt Selina too bad"'till I » ip reldy. lie knew I " in „ait| ytec-. "It might be u private

but !(»; hi’. ; goto; j ihoti«t>, and that would l«- atwill be bv*re !■* |,.;isi some excuse for her violent<\

gv-lm; there ( .-v,.| V Hkd> It . whs private:" saidvour advice .• indJifeteutl', and dropi«d the


lug to bring him and Mltkt Klllot to* selher. She b getting far fonder of him than site bargained for at fir-t,''

••She has only herself to blame for her present nnxlet;." raid David ue- 'erely, "She would be tjulte «a?y In mind bad -she beieo more considerate about .Mins Klllot;at first. 1 shall not allow Stephen «<> go Imek to her a da> Wyober, Uotwithvlamling.tier wor­ry aboul him anti Mira Kill'd.

"A worry wTileb! b p'TftwII? uune.* -*- ipry," Steve nujllered n ; hia broth"! left him.

Stephen';' visit Io Ashland,; did no! terinlnate until David pave pertlllu* -‘ton. and It wa:> Wednesday morning, the da; preertiing the part*. Ih-Icc* th*- young 'lector; told his patient the rranll oi lib close obK-ivatlotls and pace him l-nve to:return to tin? manor.

.Mt. niddt'l. Steve ;<m» Da'-d saw him r.de olf to Seldick Bltdi*-. with lirmtu full el ihhnktulia: s and hope. All'. Uidd'T and David walk'll buck to Itorkisigton t'-TInr; that there '->a.> a bright future yet in store lor Ste­phen, when he and Agmx*j ICHIot should

Ign toSPther at: the old Jiluifor: for. sttauR-' to ray. though Gerald Mere dilb bad b en in It.cKingion twice to

Llllot. no one hud any elm to Die real la<is .'t the ea-c. Ada. to ■base Agora, bad been j-ilcut, and the ajiintn « iis baibral upon na lad HR

simply mi old Ificml of tin; brother and abler.

In the gathering twilight Stephen rod" briskly forward. The pervunl* .ook' d glad. I f noth ed. when I f guv* tilaek Hal to ih*- groom >a'nd walk»ul

the hall, and Hex haul told hliu her ladyship wa-; In the Inner drawing

, 'Stephen mounted the utair. In........Id piii-k mawm-r, and entered Mrloom nuh-H*. Shi* was ;.c'«*d nvusun. by tin* hrarlll, (ter band holding a

: her fa<e and th* warmth, l.ut sh*' k< a»d him and looked up U f munein he open'd M f diM»r.

her.c ar hey! : How w*-}| you look.

H ow '"'U und’ hbw happy!" Him said Tiling »:* and bhikliig at him keenly,

-Yea. I am feel I ng remarkably well, '.mil Selina, mid I ought to look buppy, for I Imve got home to you."

i f raid affectionately. "Hut >ou aret p-oVIng well or brigol; I ought

to have l<fl you a lo if w> long.'Noin cibe. iii> dear bbjT" She said,

ainio-t imtmtkuttly. "Y'ou must not i;<- yourself «t*; to an old woman; apnui utrtngn. you kuo'- Did you en­joy your visit?"

Stephen laugh'd at Iu t allusion to Ids tftng rtifd to her apron string*, mid said he had enjoyed hi** stay ut Mr. I’rlorn immensely.

They rat talking until *t « « ' atmo?i dinner Mine, hut lg*d> Dare did not raem well; She whs listless and absent- minded. She asked a few questions as lo Mb* Klllot. and looked pleased when told he had only seen her a few limes while he 'va* away. She was so pah* that Stephen urged her to re­tire. raying they would have » lone chat in the morning. So she hade him good night, nnd he saw her to the en­trance to I f f own pan of U f house,

She stood at »»«<’< window next morn- lm: Vfitehlug him coming o 'e r the la;'n . Ids dog ut h b heels, ills face bright and eager. Hr came In hy the tong window door and joined her. handing her a spray of some winter plant i f had go* on h b early ramble He examined b*r face with a dbrathe fled took.

'Veil ;*»-<■ pulfltHiklllR much better, auntie " lie remarked, as he M*pk his p b c ' nt hrrakfso-v and she p-*tred hb t.-a. ' I >h«'ftd s ty your head a« Ifdtlilii munihm. Y'*m ought-fo have bad your Mt* before 1 cume in: why did you w ait'"

••My brad dors ayhe a Hub. but mu! badly." .Tie answered, smiling; "and I " nln d heeanra It b not every day v,v buakta t together. 1 ougiu to wbh you 'many hupp: returns!* it!,* dear boy. hut I-forgo: nt first."

He laiighe«i :mi nodded pbe-.mlly »se > uh imiking bis tied, and seemed in th< highest fplrlts,

-I forgot Mi tell you la>t night Aunt Heiloa." lie presently remarked -that IT bet b : evening the; morning toon after ten to rrrange Mtr flower ̂ivTr to-nfglit."

laid* Dare sisrted and ■ looked ul* soirkly.

"L th c i:" she; exclaimed. "YVe do not need her, rarely? Old Franks and Dcnb are going to arrange the How- era I raw i<> ail tlml myself longago."

-It b so iif - wonderful device in chr*rauth"tnuins and Ivy. auut, which ;,!;(* wishes to »«range in the *s-titrc,"

Tie cvplalnedi "It won't interfere with any thing Franks and Denis do, 1 am ,-ur-.- old Franks will be glad of her hint.*; she has:!perfect taste, and may help him*,”

• Hut there »i;»* no need, ' persisted Lady Dare, a If«*wu still on her brow. "It was, i tJiijik. rather olilclous of l-.thel to offer when our gardeners are such good ones."?»"OU. well. Aunt Selina? you know hthel imam it kindly!” Stephen raid soothingly. “Sin; b so used to ruiM ning about; J?he would never think of o.fettc". lithe J i- .* dear, unselfbh

iTHHevgir!. and It would bav« i to refuse her off*


November t. 191-t,—The arrest andTnal of Jrsur.—Malt. 20; 47-08.t umnieiMar?. I. The ;trte>< o «J,.;••* ;

• l«'!h»|, Judas led tiie ouiltilude of iHildlora, .lowbli tcnd.era und othera to Geihscumne. where ilegugwus point­ed ouf by the b-trayer. He was ar- t**>ted t>y the iU.inan soldier?*, but md Lftoro Deler, who had vehemently de­clared h b loyalty to him, bad mud*; an attempt at- defcitdlug h b *!;> -.ter. He. had m**<d h b great K**or*l and b* » poorly dlrpjted blow had cut off the eight ear of MHlthus. a servant of the high priest'.. Jesus rebuk-.-l tb b act of violence and heal'd the high t-riesfb servam. It wits ben; abu that Jesus used lib power to cause the crowd that ran.*- to arrest him to *1 agger back ward and lull lo tin* ground, .le.eta allowed h> word and Teed liotli tlml he had abundant power to detcn l I*iui.ee!f. bad In -luvsen to do so. Teat- mildly rebuked the urowtl .of t'lnanlvi for coming out sgubt it him as if he were a vile crim­inal. declaring (tint be bad W xt teach­ing dally In the temple and no one Pail made any effort to arr-st him. I'he propiUtClv* -oticernlng Tim w re bilug fultilltui fn these acts of * io-

II. sliTitts f;.«lrt«ly comb'inip'd «vh. Y7- SC,|. ?>7, Th-y T'l)" officj.-rs who had b.- n «*»mrnl->i'»n-d to arre-. Jrans. To Caiaphaa tip* high prb-st- -.leans bad

previously taken to AntMrt fJoint tu- i:-i an* t later to Da la j. has. Antra.*

idg t priest ram.- ?>■ tra la** lime and still wielded a Influence lit ecclesiastical I • <>! h b sous had Todd >; high priest, ami now tils

‘atuplia*, was occupying Sliii'e Annas w;t» one

Instigators of tin; movement against and pcrlup* the most

weriol *d the Jew bh leaders, it seemed fitting that the prisoner should t* brought beforo him Mm! they ‘“'K1'1 j*reive hb sanction re®i*ccU«B the (ourao Mint hud been pursued, und possibly sunt'* advice- as to iurther proceedings with Jesus. Were aSTCtn-

•tad be; n fore Mila powerful sffalrs. :• the of fie- : ;cn-ln-luw. that jiokHIoi

,iled- The scribes, who were ’.he k-arn- ixl class .ir the Jews. aklUed In the law. and the eldera, together with the chl|J priests, commuted the- Jew bit council.

...v .^ ( M i n a t i( r-v had

liiti to death.

Vi..... 'the arrest of Jesus tltt-y had been hastily summoned and .tad come together to coudcuin •*,,,‘ •** 'I,'a,h -

n wnoiiy iiiiutii."*. -------no official authority, und Abe ®*J*uV* drln. assembled In the high prlort s palace, could take* no official ocUbn i-ccordlng to the law until sunrise. Tim casv* was considered, however, nnd a decblon reach* J which would lrc con- firrmd by the council alfcr daybreak, r-j. p.'ter followed hint afar off -A * tp.-ugh Fete? Und forsaken Jesus n»Mr! ffSm of d o ^ io jy h jwa< r*ady to v.-afeh that he augur know Mu: ontc.mie.

5P. Sought, false wHnftW—" •- U»«

Mi" Sanhedrin were present on *>»* ..era-lot. and « cr* Impllcalcd in tbc condemuutlon ol J.-stis. i t i>‘ babb- that »lM»w favorable li> J n a ‘ ;" S u ir fm ... » i.J J -—*-*' «•

ara. had not ln.<n Mimmon*sl. »no council had virtual),'

oming «o to Di.vM fSratnhjlu. nnd so win 1; t a pera-eUy I ijiuil t»k t.n-1 tell I id all, He cannot me. J >;tti-<v i ay. .* doomed man! Hot It L; h -f not in delay longer, drop ubi 'friend; you "and I mt:try affairs iq »fr*’«-r tmvre It is too _........ ^Into, for I want to scram; the sue*.-a '; ?♦ ion tu Stf-v*. He is a good f'Tlov., ,’oo; , p, j and will make a proper "Sc* o! what the tltu*-." f I-.t - ' l.yhind. and it will please aant ,. ,-♦lit;;. Now gi'o me n glas* ol wat ­er; I ant: going atralght to Davi l Will

.......... minute*; Kthet »i*oke in re■'!> ; > t.n*d gtanl humor:

Ada und H -Hllfot are com',it;; , < v* :iiJn£ 10 ssuvl th" 1.1** d V, ;

and ' .'.tsiu Slopitctt uiilng if ho ran spare

yon .Hr drank Ike v,at»-s*. t.ut r iowd th**

wine which Mr. Iltddel offered, and? rose tv* g*>. Hut heforo "tin y left Up: bailee he asked it bout ,'!*♦/; klllot and Ad ., end it did not '.scape the lawyer’* k e n «ye that It" grew even paler at* I Uiclr rmmra were spoken. <tr tltat a spasm * f pain croarod h b face. They ; tatkeyt foil little u.ey watb«*l silent

-hall bum-., .- Sieve l otdltlll.'. TSut wT.y Mi Mil Da'!.- titnt - v,> hil' H for an k« ;ti hi-.d letter it'd aftvr > your t.veptioie VV" ut its badly, you know!” laughing..-

KMtel iaugii'd giard-hye; and vv> plug a- briskly ae usual.

That evening h r Mt*' r>sv-r m >k" t** bis Itreliter nltoot Dame

h i, '1 »;vt't*‘ T'-.Uiu .*i*t «t. »o**re.-and, Mt*

tnrakhPd IHng uv*-r, "he went tuvnj: (** ■ - nbuul aome spcelul firepdra- ti* ;.. >* itb the housekeeper, andSt'-pbeh strolled out to greet Kthel In tie- tlilve. fiv* met her in her dainty d.Ivins Jacket. flotiri.'Iilng Iter whip and bringing Iter pt>n«e* up to the door with much,; kill.

• tie r" I Tin.; pnnetual to tbeiitlit- ttte. ’ xbe erb d a * she sprang out " Happy retort; ' dM-plnm and alt

rest of it‘And Stifphelj laughtsl I.earMiy. took

her -little uu^luvcd hand and kissed it, :

I most speak to. Aunt Selina;” sh* said presently when the grvuin had taken the Htti<; earring" away, I feut sjt" I,: still cross With me.'

t-Tie ran int*t tt.o house, but no Dam K'-r.im war visible; »o, KhruitKltig he should' rs. Ktliel return id.

"Old Frank:; premised to ba'-e iD b| n»r me bi’fote t vatne. so I only Jp-rd tfit* flow era. Gonie uiottg. f?teph ru! ‘the

t'hout bet

Hie cold, frrah air : ip,„ ; t„- ,r „. Umi Kthel had told *sc« no i rev iv Bit*,dint; and hy Dhp; ■«'>>■.> rraohul >*». Ate tin * i/Idm* h" was walking with a firmer stop . nnd dbi not look *n glmatly.

rtc-i»e and David were waiting for them, and they ail eat it» the young ' doctor » study tbleolng to Stephen's

♦ on f Wittvisit and it q"<sr

ay * made Da * Id Jt. r * bi­ll the .ubjeet t.f iter aunt "I had no ld**A that Aunt .Sdlnu Pa*

0 Jcalou# or Stephen.” h" remarked.:*hf» I# evidentlyv rtMcitllug his ota.1 Asblond" and tuinktng « e are try

They UMWr X

splendid down I* - Itou

hatl«'l' d oil «s tit. v Tutiod ilit< th" more rcipotc i>art of lit*- garde

til., heaven.*:, it is coming*” I and «t first li did not strike hr* that her cimpanton hud become Kiiibh-ttly flient. Util It Uni ut I'liKtli. and sit- glauc d up at; him with surprise, Hn gay si«?i*<-b vvkis f.vwn Upon lira lira her merry laugh died away as sin looked at iiiiit in fear. Mb ran* Inti l'♦tone- deadly pal*-, great drops o mobture st'Mt on Ida forehead, v.hil from his Mralncd .-.ra an av>fu| agon.' n munch'.--; dreiul, s'-ene-d to took at tor pi.-- almost ec.rratnod s To snmped his arm ;t ,Ip : saw hi* was try lug to ttpeak, though hU6 hardly under stood the words that canto Iron* tiia slraugcly-twisted mouth.

t i n ti" |

condemnedI."for. baud, and were now go*

ing lltrouuh will, a . .uDIaivr v of *rl»» c i v offliTat t-aia-Ubn l<* iho ui

sired MUtenc . They sought dtargea -alurt him and wltnrase* to sustain O-i.■ * l.argra. We «T»n searvvlJ con­tra mi* h eorruptloit In mTcstasu-

ral affairs »* would rack fab.; wit- -A-. t<> condemn u prisoner to

death, tuil the traders had decreed must die and they " ere

will'll,« to stoop to “UT wickedness that would aid In his condemnation - c.ft. Found nun*—They had eondemnea him through prejudice und •Hittm and m.l on e'ld*nce. and when the) sought for proof they found it diffi­cult to secure. Witnesses were brought forward, but their Mluteinent* did not agree. Two -At hast two witnesses to Mte ratttc act were neerarary Io

, h-t an accused peraon fNtnti. •’■*: Mini. 17; i!». Faint* Witnesses —. w.-re not seeking true witnesses.

They could easily have found witness­es to.Jraus' merciful and mighty arts,

titer** were multitudes who had i them and had experienced them-

Their one object was to prove bin) guilty of some capllul crime, til. Till* man t II. V.l—'The Greek veord here used expresses contempt. Able to destroy - build -Tin- aixusers of .bans wmt back three years to find this tdfarg". which wa« utterly base-

in the srnra they attempted to use It. Jcstts had >*ald "Destroy tills temple, and In throe days I will raise it up" tJohu 2: U*t. which was very different front raying wbal they had said lie did. He hud always shown flte hlglnwt regard for Uto temple. «x his twice cleansing It clearly proves, to n|«whine of raising up the tranple tie Wft-i, in a parnlile. foretelling his ri airr'-i il'-ti tJohu 55; 21). fia, Atiswi-r- ‘-it thou ttoMting -The high priest'* •)"<-.-t'on nratld imply that lie rote-id- cr* <1 lit" iTmrpi* ami the evltlenet: sitf- flclcnt to eolidcutu Jesus.

Held it? iwarc—Any T'-uLM or xplaiiatlon that he might make

litvp bran wrongly Interpreted,vaa the onlv reasonable eource

open to him. The prophecy o ' Iralah M 7) '.is idlUHeti, I tidjnre tliee lie high pfi rat phi m l Jesus Titplor id* inti oath. Imping to- get som< • word tom him wbii-h tie- rvuitcfl I'ltviit

*-tiiploy to con'Jetnn lilnt. Thu (Ttrlsl. the Sun of '*od*-Th»' difficulty of this qttesthm cut.lists in this: If he

that he wa* Mte Son of Grwf, t*M»J r-a J to condemn Iiitn for

tdio-phiniy; if he denied it, ?*»«•>* "I repitri tf to eon>lemn him so* au i {.oxt«-». and deluding the people under

being the MraUtiah, ~ fittriM-s. ‘H. Thou limit Kuld—-His reply

t b*- form of K,t**e;h Mum '•ttt- the Mrong'-st kind of Jeeiara-

tion Mutt i-." • «? "Mte Christ, the ti»n Of God." The tint* and occasion had ■ trlvr.l when he should mnk" clear to Mte Jewish Sanhedrin. v '*n though <);. ) v.eiv biratii * to him. lh; tin- V* -st.,!,. N'"V*uli» h s" A- atari- tins ;•** trot been ids previous *iaie- n > ut, what ?"•»■' t" foil**'* " .1' still n:„r*- h>. Hereafter From Mutt fun- torn ut*i tin*ro -.vould he nianlf* .uttioti*' of fhrist s dlr-'nity U w l: w.nt;d r.?he lim ns of his en> m k* to >,nak

t H e l d his clot lira Art ordlns *<> tin r.it'liinl' d In " Die high priest tt send his garnu-ut* when l»Jc» *;»!! r. ;,s <,iH)k"u and the cliuiilng *-a?; not t,. t"- repaired; This ii- l iudh-ql1 erh'i, F* ' Men. G: ?f». >; l; Job .yT Kt,-.: ('hem? K; it -e- akin ? *■*- n.o<<I • atalnel God. H " ‘ra ewphi. ted tr<ra- ram against Go*l nnd hb* guranmietM and was punlahahte hy death members of .th** FanJtcdrfn

fncnu'je Ip; dcelsred hinvtelf io he Urn Sot, of Mod and hence the Mrodali.What further nttsl ..........of wito«a*e*- No effort^ were thought pecehMiry t*» prove that J csuh " a s not the Mew- siali, iur timlr iiatred tow*»r*IT»lw lta«l Ss-ttled their minds that he not. tm. Wlmt Miitifi y e -T h e <-a.*-> via.) !»*'-- fur*, tho irr-Bitinriy called Sanhedrin, und tbo Itigu ,-rlest calhxl for an cx- ,»»»-Atou **t opinion, wlilcii could not i»eoinddorod a legal vobr.

III. Jo.nia mock'd and ItiailUcd tv*, i;;, Ifst. v *>7. spit in hb; face There v*«-s mi mtyr'-at tafore the tegular nef-i.lon of t\ ; Sanhedrin / coulil con- v«n». DurimKthla time/ the judges itcilvercd (Mm Into the hands of Mo* n th. They -pat StL l'i* face as .1 mark <» rotiteiilpi, Ruff* led—dfliotc Willi tin Ir fiiits In ■■exultation. »;**. Who .. ♦mote litre- Thcv bad WlntJfohk-J him (Mrrk I* ; but. ”Tlu*.v mtole inert with him a 1 the Fhlllstlnoa dl*l " lilt Ssumrnu." No laig than flvo forms of Lralim: arc referred to by Uttt r '» n - r* Hot*, in'describing Mila scene. Doubt- It.'c <- cry thin*; uhuslvu and vile w*«. dtm*« that tlcpcaved natures could do. and J*- -1 < mer kly* endured fitetc J terrlbh- insults.

QFKSTIONS.---Where did tin.- nt- Heir*. Mod Jrau " Who attempt"! jo defend tc»a.s* \Vi*at conrac did the tl 'idpt'- take? Where was Je-ue laKvu after ids arrefct? What court was asxrmhhii? Wltttl lliUe of duy war MiL? Who followtd Jer.us? Why did Ft ter draw »e*r? Who were tho chief prlbsOt? What kind of wltneMt- ,s v-.-r.- sought? What accusation way, made? How did their state* ttumts differ from what Ghriitt had actouly aid? Why did the high i.rlrat a^k J . <t> if llo was Mte C hrist? Wlmt action did tie- council take? Wlmt ireoMN Vvero In-aped upon J c- iin?

FHAf'I’lDAL SfUVKY*. ropiv.-'-Truiti croxhed to earth.1. lty the disregard ol God .-, lav.

it . U> tin* combined powers of men.

I. lty the disregard of Gods la«. Jfcturt vvas tin- only beiitg who ever appeared on earth corresponding to the types ot the ritualistic part of the Old *|ralament, in whom the propher- ii-j were fulfilled In their double as­pect. m* King. Conqueror and Deliver­er. and yet suffering, despised and rc- je*t>,ti of men. The Jews looked only at one aspect of the prophecies and tliercfore were misled. Ghrlsl'a trial before Calaphatt U one part of the most amaxlng scene in the tous history of humanity. There is In It something almost Incredible, a spec­tacle most awful. In it we behold sin at Its height, raging and almost triumphant. ■ Jesus was made lo ap­pear ;*s an Impostor in the triumph of party spirit. He stood face to face with the head of the Jewish re­ligion. CalBphus. wua for tho first time con fronted by Hltu who claimed to tu* the nation's true King, U *«*s after the raising of Laxarus that the officials had consulted together against Jrau*. It was then Calaphan gave his tnrtitentble decision In favor of Christ's death. In the pnlaec they bad laid their plot, where now they prosecuted it. Tho Sanhedrin, onco a venerable Judicial assembly, had de­generated Into a secret association of ,i few individuals seeking power, r»ol- flshly employed in agitating the com­munity In order to change the Cil*l- Ittg order of things. They were tin; body w h y had sent men to tempt JraUf- and catch Him In Ilia speech, and to oppose His t'-aching with fooi- i*h »iuratiim*, criticism# and unfound- ed (ttltimnlra. They had pursued Hint with eager mall*" and persecuted Him with unscrupulous hatred. From such a tribunal there vva«j no prospect, uo expectation, no posalblllty of Jus­tice. De-tde- thrlr unfairness from natural unfltuess. there was unfair­ness from the fact that they were des­perate conspirators, plotting against bis life.

II. Hy Hit: combined power* of tuen. Tltc ulm of the eotiucll was to enUb- llsh guilt, not to find Justice, The ali­enee of Jcsut. in the midst of Hts> en­emies was the most effectual and sulk- able reply Ho could have made to their false accusations. Ills life and doc­trine had been before them. No verbal defence would have availed when they were dcTermiucd to procure Hi;-, con­demnation. His silence was full of #ul- ferlng. Indignant, the high priest in­terposed u> lyovoke Jesus into lang­uage which would Inculpate Hin.\'IL Tin* great rat question about Christ wax as to His divinity and Messiah-, shlji. When put uimn His oath, Jeans stood wholly alone. Standing bound before His judge, knowing that He was pronouncing His own death war­rant, J csuk asserted in simple mnje«ty the tremoudoua truth as to His dlvln- ltv. A* proof of HU answer Jesus re­ferred to Hi# second coming and tho general Judgment, when Hi# enemies should answer for their conduct. Cal* aptta* rent his clothes to Indicate hia concern for the glory of God, though hi# act w«# forbidden by law. while In reality In* triumphed In the succctw of the snare he had laid. He had ex­amined hi# prisoner with bitter pre­judice. He took hi# words «s If they were blasphemy, assuming Dial they could not be true. The s-ptrlt of mur­der ««* in Mu' hiMred and rraenlment which Hu- " - ricll < U‘Tlsh»*d against Christ. 1 tug*' ami violence vra-rc tho Sbbstilitti-N !<*r j'lMire and troth. <:lirlat etunb umed on the very evi­dence t*f Ills «wtt Innocence, jturlty and trot" Mi* judge# were the blas- phcimr--. * lying witnesses. In per­verting the meaning of His words,yllls enemies unconsciously brought about their fulfilment. The judgment »•«* ln- iquitous. H Ignored Utt* reasons of the claims which J c#um madi* for Himself.Ucfore proceeding to condemn Him It«a» their duty t<* an*w < r tire argument from miracle and prophecy. Ti;e judges delivered their prisoner Into the hand.* of the mob. They added pain to shame and then made sport of Him. He w»s treated with derlxlon, Igmuuluv and contempt, thus reveal­ing Mte greatest depravity and degen­eracy of human Mature and the need Of a salvation to recover man from »U fallen estate. In j*ro|iortion n* he was assailed, the majesty of Christ waa eahaneed.—T. H. A,

Tail of the Possum.\u . id negro was out with a hunter

one day. The two found a peculiar t e a . F o l l o w i n g tiU* line of what were plainly firntprints was a small, cent.neons forroW

• win;i Mild of a track is that.. Jim ?'’ ask'd the puxxtcd hunter

• D u's a possum track, sah !" ex plain* <1 the eld 'negro.

"Hut how doe# he ntak" that

-With ht« tall?’ rath II* l

H, <l J- Ida ;j>t*<‘u

- Why >U* drag?

"Ah. dotin'.know, boa*. I Jes tcckin be tloatt' pay no sM'-nthm to dat ttML

*l*dl r t f ' -«• he Monks it’ll come along, any" ■ kville Utnra


IThere Need be no

UnemployedA s lo n g as C a n a d ia n s d o th e ir^ d u ty a n d

b u y C a n a d ia n -M a d e g o o d s in e v e r y c a se

Kellogg’sTOASTED CORN FLAKESis Catudian-ut.ide, and the only cc'eal under the K el log uaihe that is made iu Canada. All others are imported

S p e n d y o u r m o n e y on C a n a d ia n -m a d e g o o d s a n d h e lp C a n a d a 's w o r k p e o p le

K E L L O G G 'S T O A S T E D C O R N F L A K E SMade iu Loudon, Ontario, Canada.

1 7


FA R M ER S’ BUSINESSThe Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every

facility for the transaction of their banking business, Including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. r - '■

H. M.-LAY Manager, Walkertou Out

Combination OffersYou want good reading during the coming year

You can’t get a better paper for local news thau the TELESCOPE and with it we offer the following at the prices shown The T e l e s c o p e andOne new Subscription...............................................$1.75

Saturday Globe....................... ................... i»9o

Family Herald .................................................... ...... *»9°

Toronto World...........................................................375Farmer’s Advocate..................................................... 2.40

Canadian Farm ......... ....... ................ A *9°Weekly Sun , ......... . ............. 1 9°Catholic Register........................................ , .............1 dloToronto Daily Globe 3.90

Toronto Daily Mail & Empire.............................. 3.90Toronto Daily Star...................................................... 2.90Toronto Daily News.................................. 1............ 2.^0

Montreal W. W itn e ss ............ 1.90Loudon Catholic Record........................................ 2.25

Canadian Baptist...................................................... 2.25Presbyterian........................................ 2.25Westminster ........................................ 2.25Ontario Churchman . 1.50

Church Life, ........... .. ...........20.0Farm & D a iry ...................... ......... ......... ......... 1.90

Weekly Mail & Empire ... .1.90

Saturday Night............................................................3.50London Advertiser......................................... 390

WALKERT0N TELESCOPEi*reiy Thm*duy niuriiiiii; ill

'W.ilki-rtou. Out.

♦ I.SOS tilt. * t l.ru

print*, tiluckr, : «|itnr«-f< or pain mo of tint full not w eight of one-quarter pound, onn-balf poutd, olio pound I o rlivo poitude itl tbo tune the; moulded or cut. Nothing in paragraph shall bo held to apply to I


butter in r< V* or lumjt* of indis Iciiiuiuato \ eight. a*sold l»y farmorn.

Any per* on. l! m or •orporatiouwbo viulat* **any ■ f tbo j rovihioiiH ofHUCllOPH 1, ! or S «.f tin* A ct, ahaii

I :


A Hrit'sh I*i»rl»n*U8Uti»ry White hsa beou iasued allowing tho

g ift t of niouoy, fooilaliilln and other

for fi«rh oftVnco, uj*on»mmnaiy < victiun, be pubic lonflno not exceed- mg fifty dollar* and not lews than Ion dollar* together with Ihts of proneeution, and in default lo payment of »ncb penalty end coats *hall 00 liable lo imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for

■ a,>,']<» l l i . l V .v c 1» „| ilo ti.I .il U j | M l c e l l i n g nix niontti». 110 reettM dominium: aud colonic*.

Tho record of correapoudeuco relat* ing t'* the gifts is a plcssiug illn*. trntion of tho loyal devotion of the colonies to tho Motherland.

Tho liel which dovb not include tho g ills from the Indian Empire,

follow s—Cl MOV

Dominion of Canada, 100,01)0 hag* of Hour,

1‘roviuco of Alberta, 500,000 bun- hels ef oals.

evince of Novia Heotia, 100,000 tons of coal

Province o f Quebec, 1,900,000 pounds o f chetfcc.

Priuco K dwatd Island, 1(H), <$> bushels of oats, also choose and hay.

Province of Ontario, 250,000 bagi i illcfur.

Province o f Ssskatcbewati 1,500 hursts, co spug £250,000

Pruvinco.of New Brunswick, too, OgO bushels of potatoes.

Province of Manitoba, 50,000 hog, of Hour,

Province of B u ta h Colum bia, 25 000 chsOs Ait salmon

Messrs. GuIIcn&Wiillaco, Uutlior. glen, Victoria, f.ooi) gal*, of Port

Briaband newspaper C V , o.titJO ll>’f butter, i»;,220 pounds t f bacon,

pounds o f condensed milk, 550 eiisuH of compressed and rounds beef, and 2A tons of arrowroot (col; lectod).

O ru u i Coi -sti M irbadoes, $100,000- Driiish Guiana, 1,000 tons of eng

Falkland Islands, jLt-giidat $1I,25(); Collected privately, $0,750

Jamajca, g ifts of sugar.Lae ward Islands (Hi. K .lls

evisj $25,000.M auritius, 2,000,000 pounds of

btigsr.Houthern lihodcsia , gift of ruaire. Perhap s tho most interesting don: ion in Uio list is that from the

alklaud Islauds, the ? 11.250 being i|Uivaiont to $5 00 per head of tho

population. T h e g ift of Port wiuo from the Brisbane firm was for tho

of tho sick aud wounded British soldiers.

The gift ot 2,090,009 pounds of su ga r from tho planters Mauritius was donated with tho condition that

,900,900 pounds was lo bo given to tho army and 1;000,0()0 pounds to tho navy. Tho $25,900 donated by the Lsew ard Islands was applied to tbu Prince of W ales’,l-'uud. Can­ad a s g ifts make a splendid showing iu tho list.

M auy of the g ifts are beiug’ ap^ * plied by tho British (JoWfHmunl to tho relief of distress in tho B rit­ish Isles. Including with the items dealt with iu this manner a coal from Nova Beotia, tho cheese from (^ueboc, tho potatoes from New Brunswick, tbfl Hour from Man itoha, the salmon from British Col umbia, aud tho foodstufls from Brisbane, in cluded in tb if latter shipm ent w e n fifty cases of con: doused milk, contributed tor the bou elit of the chi dren of tho Empire. Colouial Secretary llnrcourt, iu ack- nowludgiug tho million bags of Hour

im the Dominion of Cauods, said: ‘ •These will be of tiro greatest use this country for Mju stead yin g of

prices aud the relief of distress. We can never forgot the promptitude

ml generosity of this g ift and the 'atrioiiBm from which it sprin gs."


The follow ing are sections and subsections of the D airy A ct and Regulations 19H , ju st received which every farmer and dairyman should ho fam iliar w ith;—-

No person shall sell, offer or have in bis possession fot sale-— any butt­er moulded or cut into prints, hkeke, squares or pair, unless such

less such nenalty and costs of forcing tho same are sooner paid,

nniMTjos*."Cream ery moans a place where

tho miifc or crcatu of not less Mian fifty cows is manfactiired into butter.

"creamery butter” means butter which is manufactured iu a cream ory; creamery;

"D a iry " means a place wliero tbo mi'k or cream ot loss than fifty cows is manufactured into batter;

"d airy butter" means butter which is manufactured in a dairy;

“ package ' menus any box, tub, crock, tin, crate, care, paper wrapp­er or any other receptacle or cover­ing used for tho p arsin g o f butler.

All brands placed on choose or on packages containing c i r c le or l,n it­er, of required by Ihtso regulations, shall bu Itgiblo and indeliiblo at d shall consist of letter# tu-t less than onc-hnlf nn inch lon g and Hirer: e ighths o f an Inch, wide, except in Umjchso of parchment paper for b u ll; o rtho branding of which shall Ihj in letter* than one.quarter ofnn iuoli.f quart*.

Every peteon who pack* daily butter iu boxes similar to thoso us: oil for (ho packing of creamery butt;

ball cause such packages to be brnudvd, at tho time of packing with tho words "dairy b u tle r ."

So jKirson shall cut or pack dairy butter into blocks, squares or prints aud wrap such blocks, ‘ quarts or prints in parchment paper unless the laid parchment paper is printed or

branded with tbs wonts “ dairy bu tter.”

No person shall brand any package containing butter w ith tho words 'Cronmcy B u tter '’ or w ith any com b it iith u of the words creamery unlets

R oasts retain th eir natural f la v o r - bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a

MFQaiyfcPandoraJ\Q I2(fC alway s. come fresh and sweet from its perfectly ventilated

oven. See the McClary dealer in your town.

MADE IN CANADAS o ld by H . A . H a v ill .

or according to the dtiinition in tl. Act, and iu these regulations.

tin*Amt! pun ti .<


!uuum' , *'"r“ k y .fm .u o n 'u A Y cil

J-s. REG p . ' l a carfg g ifa?

M E D IC A Lnit. iiKOWN, I';-;;-;;-.:".'i';,'..'.',

•''11 s s v n - ' ,h>M'

w . A. HALL,

a u c t i o n e e r


mist do the bi-avy 1 " 'l iv e lilt* little (anus to hold

! mid k**i'j> tin* pot n-boiliug 11 H I 111.11 *i,d d.uuc-. II.,- l.mv. tt * « , I «-s: K<» 1 1 lit mid.do the r«aping

such blit tor butter is cream ery butt; • F«'i ip their red mid *lial|nw gravi-N,within tho moaning of tho A ct d those regulations, j

Any dairy uutfor packed in boxes similar to thoseuaod'for tho packing

atuery butter unions «nch p ack ­ages are branded “ Dairy buffer;”

Any d airy butter packed, moulded or cut into blocks, squares or prints

pped in parchment paper un ess such parebmont paper la branded Dairy biiltor.‘ '

A o y butter branded a» creamery butter or any combination of words 1 V̂ c'Yi'.’ uiwhich includesthu words creamery j " " A y ■ otlle«s such butter ia cream ery b u tt)

Yes. better than he ever thought possible! All the yo<tr.s that he has spent unable to play have been .storing up a great fufif.1 of memories, and now that the

with the wonderful Mcistcr Touch Action has set his musical heart free from his untrained finders, he finds himself able to tfive wonderful expression to whatever he plays.

He can play “Rule Brit. "Marseillaiser w ith so much vi|

other kind of music he brings the enuine uiulerstanding of latent talent.

‘ iMirir.ifts and W.'j'ra/.hicSut I atln.us you grcally. Mailed free oh rvuui'at to

G E O . B . S M I T H , - A Y T O N R e p re s e n ta t iv e

Tilt* W itH .ui. 1'i.flu LV.. (.Iinllnl. Oth.wn M .O t.

Cook’s Cotton Root CoapomxL-A£&rg2f'f.TCS"a

- -r»»« pamphlet. 0 Aidrrw.

W A L K E R T O N / T E L E SC O P E ^ W A l.K K R T O N ^ O N T , O C T O B E R 29th

Thirty-Day Clearance SaleW A R IS A V E R Y S E R IO U S T H IN G , bu t is no m ore se rio u s than is o u r in ten tion to cu t p rices to th e

q u ick d u rin g1 the n e xt th ir ty d ays. W a tch th is sp ace w e e k ly and let us con vin ce you th at w e m ean w h a t w e sa y

D re s s G o o d sHeavy Melton Dresis Goods, all shades, suit*

able for Children’s School Dresses, regular 30c. yard, reduced to 2 3 c . per yard

Flannelette in light and dark patterns, 36 ins wide, regular yd,, reduced to 1 O c . a yard.

I'aucy all wool Flauucl Shirting , regular 38c. a yard, reduced lo .. ............................. 2 7 c . a yard

T o w e ls , B la n k e ts , e tc .W hile T u rk ish Hath Towels, large sizes, reg

35c. pr. for ......................................... 2 8 c . a pairHeavy Huckaback Tow els, reg 30c. pair for 2 5 c

E xtra Heavy Flannelette Blankets in white and grey r t -4 size, reg $ 1.65 pair for $ 1 .3 9

\Vra~pcrettes in newest patterns 27 ins. wide tegular iz'/tC . yd., clearing at 1 O c . a yard

L a d ie s ’ W in t e r C o a ts a n d F u r s a t G r e a t ly R e d u c e d P r ic e s .

S h o e sSm all Shoes for small feet at small prices.

We are clearing a line of Ladies Fine Shoes (Finest Quality) and newest lasts at less than cost gizes 7% , y and \'/i

G r o c e r ie s3 Cans, Corn Peas, and Tomatoes for ........ 2 5 c .Choice Pink Salmon, large tin 2 for 2 5 c .Finest Rangoon Rice 5 c . lb.Pearl Tapioca, :* lbs. f o r ............... 2 5 c .3 Packages Corn F lakes for .............................2 5 c .

W e want your Butter, Eggs and Poultry and will pay highest prices fors.iiue.__________________

T h e s e P r ic e s f o r C a s h o r T r a d e O n ly

Phone 8, WalKerton J. PLESKEY Whitehead's Old Stand


Subjects taught by expert instructors at the

Students assisted to positions. College In session from Sept. 1s t Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. Westenrelt J. W. WesUmtt, Jr.

* * * * * . X l g 1»

j Ituiiry Roiil M« G.ilfmqjb. M I*

*!>•• to 1 .•

C o lu m b iaGrafonola

The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er iiit reduced. It requires noclmng- ingot needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

. n . t o x3tit»dltr. UldlKcrlon.

lo»> i t t t i 11. U n tl.tKweursti -

“ K i n g H a t ”King Hats arc flexible and self eon- ormfrig. }uii wLcic l i t bet i m h - he head.


*V ritA T ro R O . orfT .

i s a sch ool w ith a c o n tm e n ta reputation for high jjrade w ork and for the success of its tiradu* a te s , a school w ith superior courses and instructors. W e g iv e individual attention in C om m ercial, Sh orthan d and T e ­legraphy Departm ents.

W h y attend efr*where when there is room hi'n*> You u.ay •’liter nt nuy liuie. W rite f< 1 our huge free catalogin'.

I). A . M cLaililan, Principal.

S H A W ’Sd j i i n i H S c h o o ls*oranl*», Canada. give* high pradd - < i u a n d quality young people « n o n ipi.iil -iilaiit-i. They iin-hide

P h i Uenlr.il ' Golh-Ko.1' iii’ i ̂ an I <i'Trard Ht*.. and Nix- y ilt t’i ch Jirhool* Curriculum

«*n on n-iiiK-st. Enter any time sV. 11, -Shaw, Pro.Idem,

•II pi-iC.I »’ I'di,* -d iv ; lt < 1

hid p r i r l i i

:.i»ifr« U'< II il :

I o f 1 »■

ffic A a h d *Q U IC K NAPTHA


WOMAN'S SOAP.f l l t 'W '. h.iv.1,1 V. Il o.SIIS ..lit

• w hite in-l. 'i/./.lin}i nml liis.in,; lik*' a mi- kiiid i.f snnky horrible im nst-r.

; Well, shipm «im “The preacher point | ed tits f m llnKer nt the nvrcfrht-llbackti : Well, »lii|iiiiatei*.'' lie vaiil mdemiiH'. ‘ ‘they u»e Hint stiilt for Ice cicu u hell...


The bit of chccsc baked into these crisp b iscu its p ro d u ces a flavor that is as enjoy­able as it is unique. For picnic luncheons and al fre sco teas nothing could be better.

I l contaioa many drlicioui biicuit surprise*--— and it's your* for 10c. (stamps or coin) and your grocer's

Kerry Picket* GmertultiJ.




American Silk Ainocfrau CAchnute Amenrau Coltcn-Lfrfr

H osieryThey have stood Jin- tent, Give

real foot cnluforl. No m’iiiiin tn • il'. Never become hu>s« or baKKy. The *bap<? w knit lu - not pressed in.

G U A R A N T E E D to, llue- Mtyle. iOi|i*riorltK nfioit c-r.

'*1 mid workmanship, A fri Ii.ti- ly Mitinfr**. W ill went (i mouths without li.di’ii, or new om r free O U R S P E C I A L O F F E Rto e rety one w ilding ii6$l.iw in cmrtuicy or postal note, to eov,* cr ad vei l iiiiug and 'hipping r har­es. will send po»frpaid, with written Kiuuann-i*. t ockeil hv a five million dollir company.

•*«•3 Fair* of out v..lut* Auirrii.ui Silk Hosiery,

or 4 Fait# of our hoc, valueAui-niean Cashmere Host-

ery,or I Fail* of out 7 )c. value

Atiitrieali te f lo n l.frfr H ornery

Of li Fair* of Children » Ilo*l- erv.

fiive the color. mid wheth­er Ladies' or IfrnlV hosiery is dost m l.

DON'T D H I.A V -O ffe r ex-' niret. when a .fri.lur in your locality i-i udueted.International Hosiery Co.

I*. O. Box 214 DA VIO N OHIO. f . S A.


;« . • r..’ , r 1NVC;*

m u ;:on' a M U iipN .H i Jmve.'siiy s

Mi-* Ehffilc I)ri‘ lar

Miliiiuay ti.izcttiv

talk would produ< ? t<> pay the expen».

A t-tx on a cnouKh revei o f the war.

Mis. Adam <oiw.udi«h. WalkciUn, who w.is v isiting w ith Mr*. I*. RiiiIk-i- n-turned home Tliuisdav. - Wiartun Can leiitu

Mr. Tlicdorf..propi'k’tor o f the Han­over K<dl< 1 liink h i:- InslaHed uu electric hnid-oigan.

A-Ivcili»iiiK pay-. Thow m ld knows i‘ . The man who >ay- itih < - u‘t either lnr.ii I ndverti-.a-il er i.m-m t know howto.

Dr. A. H. Euitiinn of W alkorten nc coiupanicd hy .Mr*. I). Howie Npi-nf Tur*d»y5ii A y ton v iii'in ftlh . Fortuneof tld»- place. -Ayton Advance.

Che»f«y Mcrehiiutv, l.y agreVutanl, will net deliver an y kimuI* afier t* o'clock on SatuiAhy <'••10111;. An

i*t of ilifrkin d -he.il.l hi* ar- in W atkviti n n!-o.

i'ehioiii t Nehnuu ; i . iU iu i . n Sdm iidt w.-r - v!s>toi» in tValkerton

iiintay in the tiouie of the for-li-t-r. Mr*, ft, H .ikei. -Mlhlniuy

h i s i .nk s s « h a n «;j:M •v*r-. Honk V ouiik >.ml Wihlaiu

fro** l ave f ought the Imi.hvau- lm,- io*•-* of T . Young & Hops and m e now in possession. Mr C ions is a Lni.Un l> y, a >m of Me, llt-oiy C i0 s, and ha- Imni an eiapf >yee. f T. Ymihg \ S^hkl«>r thiee yeaiv, N rihuiht the new firm of Voiiiik and will d<>well.— Hanover Pent.

UEMvJDKLLINti H O TEL■ rrrfi* <■ .ok, wh r re :-o ly pur

chased the lltiilsh 11 -lei, is unkiui; exteusive U-rations ii'iouttln- pn-m- lees. am i in a short time till* establish

at wil* pi.nl ace a very d ill <-rent up- pi-'trance. It i* rm norel that .t|r. Cook intends ll’ tuin up the place for a pool room and tt iwliuc alley.—Mild- may Ha/.-itv.

S P E A K INC OF HOSPITALS The Goderich Star l#»t week .speak-

Ul« of fll.soitllb. nays; “ The hniillts of these local hu.pital* are now i*eiieraliy swI'OlUeit, even hy tli »*e who,form erly doubted them, and where, as la inevit­ably the ease, the revenue will not meet Hi? expenditure, the hoNpitnl*

tliy the help an.l oneonnge. utent of the cltixeu* generally. Tho-e who have not n-tpiired the cate of the ho-pitals c uuiot fully itpprelnte how vi«liiahl -an ad d iiio i) they are to the worth and welfare o f the yo m niunily i as a whole. Su kiit-iK coiucs to every home some time nr other, nod the nlil if ;t eoial h >uie ho.pit «| is a welcome

1̂ -1 ref to lo th th-affficted oiidhikI tho.M- In the notno who would otlu-rwi*e have the butden'of the eare.

pH A TU O E M Its. T l UN EH.lu reporting ..fthc- death of Mr« J.

Iwrin-r a former resident of Walkerton which uwnriNid in Niagara Falfr (>n Saturday, ut last week the U 'iarton Canadian m v s ~ On Sattm lay the Miwcs ?*arke leeTived the a.ul int. fn. Menee of the death of their muter, Mr- J Turner, of Niauata Fall?. dMiighter of the late Sheriff l*«rke. The deathmis very siiIdea follotviDK a strokend the deceased h »d Iku-u in Rood

health She i*»urvlved hyitliUNlund. a via. John who was on tile staff ,,l tIt • Cuiiidiau Bank of Commerce, tViarion fora time, and iidaugnter, Mbs Mm- ion who is wellknown in lown. i he

r*of tin-sudden death of Mi > Tm ■ w.ts framed with profound regret

by many in town who knew the dee eo*!-<| well aodieha-l live I in tilt* town and therel» a very M«c.-»e sympathy for the hr reared fam ily. The Mlbse Parke left Monday for Niafnim F„|j,

attend the funeral.

Wesl- y McKecbt.ie o f U'i..rt >n was M !it.-no<1 lo yix tucuthi in I’entrel Prison hy Judge Klieti I-«nI week, hav­ing b en foiimi guilty ».f st.-.l-ng fi. in hi* employer, Mr. .1. II. Hidn-tt- sou.

Wf.o niff *av ib a ‘ Euglishuien •••i-bi t;.»s \var Ei,i;liNbion. whe 's ' .ut-d ,i K iupp thioiigh tln-lr gun lactoii.-s, Etiglislur.eii tvl:o wilt.wid »< -rui in ;.*«f> ftvr »cri-»* to Euglith ni.u kct'. ..iid who engag' d German ttpies .1* govcrinviii'E? Tlu-y weie to ••«*»•> *” ioi the ••*lim" Gei loans.

ItuniirkuMe that able Wtlu-rw elw ay t. H how difficult it Will be to conquer • •■ -rmotiy,and $i« «lc o fth e present w ar ns huely to I ih for years. They take no account of the fit l that Great U riLm h o only iwguu lo d ia w upon her ivnoinve - that she as w ill as Germ- any can make warships and aimliip-i ami guns and ammunition, aud calm ­ly wait for Gcrimuiy'a collapse, from .■ .till vat; II.

C u lp o s s C o u n c i l .

Council melon Wednesday Oct,21st Momhei.* ,.|| pres«ut. The lltev* in tin- chair. The Minute* of the last meeting and of ijiedid meeting Hero teol ami •iiHlalnvif.

Moved hv Inn H Armstrong second­ed hy Th<»s Mcl'hmon. That as Col! Lament want* to move hie fi-neo out to the proper l<ne ace udiu* to the engineer, mi vry at lots 24 and '£> con, !*> tiliil want'* tile iuad giailed in the pio|i«r place. That the Heeve oom- inn'iicitc with the Reeve of Grrenock ami report at next im-ttiug of ('ouiu-ii —CariieJ.

Armstrong -M<. l*lietxm — Tba*. we adopt the jietition presented to this Hoard re survey and e-dlmitc for cfr.uingnmlditdgiugthe mud river. The umtieii being-mil to a \o*w pas vu’t'.l on a» follpw*,\ For the moflon At iiiHtt.mg .'IcPheLou. against the mot ion Donaldson pise an<| Kim!/.. Motion lost • /

.Me Phetsou L»”n'tdo>|i—That what­ever hinutes *ie ffrid into tin- Hnuk of HatnUlon lie left there until requited.

C.ne -Armstrong in Amendment That we do ilot make any change in the matter of changing the Township fun 1> from tli" Mehous lluuk lo the Hamilton.

Fn» the;amemlinent Arim.1 roiig t nse aud Kuiitz. For the motion McPher- eoq—Donaldson Motion last nonnd- uient (Carried)

McPherson — Donnlifrou. That Win Ca«e have the willow* pullet and the hru*h cut on the 2oth siderond Con 2d Carried

Fi.xa.ne K HLl'imr Too; McPnersou. Limb killed hy

‘logs ......... ....................... U (Idltoht Grant, S5 yds gravel __ . SHIWin Hcudctson, » yds gravel .. <71It E Campbell, .Stationary........ 5 40Thou Fallon, contract of ditch 20 10Wtu Wall. IT yds gravel...... .. I 36Juo Mcltae. TfH yds gravid .... 11 04 Peter Murray, work ourood hit

31 Con U .. ......... ; .......... o (*•Win Wall, woik on*load lot 34

con 11 .. . ........................ (OfJ Manly, Grading at*lot 2d con

»* ............................................. 9 70Jo* ThompHOii. ploughtug and

grading............................... g 50PeterC«»»idy, coctmct gravel-

‘"K................. ................... 10 ;»2D*n Murray, inspecting cun-

tiaci .................................. i 7.-,11 iiiiffmau, work on grader-..... ■>;,Morris Brown. 140 yd* gravel ,v

ro.vd.,........ .......... 12 00F Edgur, man and team on grad­

er 3.lays ............................. U» 7)F. Melvin, man and team on

grader 3 days..................... hi ,yiWm tiuuiiuuian, uiau and team

on grader 3 day*................. lo 7tJos Mtnray, uiau aud team on

grader 2 days................... 700S Hurclirl!, iur»pectiug Contract 3 00Jno McGlynn, work on gtadd li 00CulroM Agricultural^Society__ 2:, o«iJuo. Murray. ..peratiug «»rad. r

A culvert....................... ... Hi 12Philip Keller, C.P.lt. road work I 2"< K. G Kuiitz, sefrctiug jut«rs. | (»iJos. Trautntan, tor gravel ...... 1 j 2C. Hutton, fee re McCorm­

ick drain........................ 11 im)Finance report was read and adopted The Council then ttjoarntfit to meet

again Nov. 18th. - Char, Button


“Fnill+tiri!” Kofi (nit All Old li Splulld Hum

W as Taken I it. I Majvr Fletcher 1* at the wlreiet*. j Judge Klein, W alkeiton han U sdDr. W ifroupothuiutd an opeifjaim * Tobermory lelfrvii-g l ‘«pl.Clark L r a "» 'b e Peninaula fhfr week holding

fur water o n ‘ the lung* on Ah. Ixmla | wrek, who i* «m a vinlt to Toronto and * Courlx o f HevUion. — W iarlon Cun- Dirt 1 ich /if lt>uni, at about teven Walkeit"i». - W ist on Canadian. ! adian.dock on Sunday eveuirg la&l. In com i .p.n y «Uh his wiie, Mr Deitrich d in ve! Owing to t l - war. it is being Into to* a in the aflercotm and taring K',‘ ‘ vd by tin- pice* in v.uimr*quarter* . t-kc« ill and having no hfrn.fr here, lie J ,h " 1 «bec<mncil* in itn el and urban ; was liken t.- ilu-,home of Mr and Mi* ' ">"»frl|'«Hliea he ic-'unn-d by neclain- Mtthew Hu. fling. An ope rati on vy.,« ‘“ '.»n m. nomination day this year., dyrint ,\ im jicrativc and a* the pali. n l lh n i MV*n con*id< raf.:e « *|>< n*e L fr- . was in foo critical a condition to -t. 1 .*»wel'a pi-e-entcouncil appears lu be 1 .-moved t>> his home. Dr W ihcu per i KJv,n« ' and it is quite;formed the opja-atlou at ouce. j lr * l " “ ba» fr that the *oKg»*U(m w illbr D*-l rich i* now to.-oveilng rapidly an j n<,P^ upon here. jwill toon tm eiiahfrd to tyturn tn hi* | SFKIOUN CONDITION

1- " “ - | Mr. iv . i . r r I , ' . . . . ..I l i . i ......... recrlv-1I «d it telegram, l hat in* hi other lici t

l-nsi vii.nl real - Toronto - D e iro ii- i Lines the conductor, was dangernut • 'Chlcaft.. Train Service. j fv ill rtt Banff aud vv«> not expected u>

These solid de luxe trains, carrying i recover. He had .Ids frg broken in lw u Imlfet-lihrAry comportment-ol>»orv*. j place* on Oct. tit I*, in a 1 ail w ay uccid- G.m cats, .lee trie-ligh ted sUnifrrd J ci»l, and it is fraied that his cduliticii slecpct*. togc'h.-i-with slandaid din- , >* the result of Mood poisoning, log car service between M outm .l-Tor.!oot.. lW m ,l-c h lr .K o . vm C a tu d u u 1 1 1" M w ill w r . rIVdHc »na M [i.liiK,nIV,.11,1 1 “ : '>"1 1,1 ,h ” nn.lmu knmvii o . “ Hi„ rm iuilU n." » „ ,1 ' «•;!» •" nlTOlii.ilu . l.lo lw T U - K u . . i„ . o jirr.lw l daily tUnmifh tin- Ml. l,ls . . i I “ • ‘ u d . l , l uC...ilr.il .............. b r iw m , IV U rf.ir I " N’el * * “ IV-.M-l-citaligutlulnu.l Detroit. J he fotbid Che sat* of rpirituomi liquor*

J lu Hussiit. His .Majesty replied in a Westbound: Leaving .Montrial 8.4:. Gfrgratn nt in the name of Grand

a. m . arriving Toronto 5.40 p. in ; ! Duke C..n»tnnlfm- nml addressed to leaving Toronto lf.10 p in.,* leaving I tin- President of »h« Alliance, in which T -ronto ». l<) p.m.. Icavh-s f.sndon*9.:ct he said; I thank you. I long ago dr- p.m., at riving W indsor 12.10 living Detroit 11.35 p.m., (eentta1 timet: l.-av Ing t hi<ngo7.45 a m. . gnvrromeut,

Ki»tbound: Leaving Chicago U.lOj . H „.. ., in (‘ outiul t-uit); arrivin g Detroit . * .M.C C. D .pot) 12 I', mm.: t) . j , A * “ ' 1’ " J <• ">>“ » ' b»»J -Ir..i, (M lU t, ................ i V " ; " ' " ' *n . i t . ..................................i . „ v . ............. .........- «»•' s * " -

tirn.i. I-Aviti): » 'im i.„r ;.M.r.i| are |.l.oni.iB . l» i f................................ . I , . u : , '" " " " - K mt. . » ill v i.it ,1m........... i v iti, Ti.f.mtu 8.1, ) . .to .: ....... ' I" , I - b I t . ,■ ■ IK T.tl OOtw ll.DO 4 . . . t .l„K Muni I- .•» » • I" l i - p .“r c l (f.Ju p m. I x,,ut' fban that reached hy the (.ana

, , dina Pacifl: Kailwnv. a id ticke.......................... ir"in ( (ina.lt.ta , u ,,|y

dc tica el agent*. ,.r write M. Cl. Mur-1 foitnu’ ion regarding routing, fare*, phv. District Patueiigei-Agent Toron-1 «*<•- or w rile .'I. (i. Murphy. Di^tra-i

I A gent, Toronto.’

4. W. HAMMOND t lLScotland. ONT., Aug. 2otb. 1913

"Fruit-A-tive*’* *r« the only pill manufactured, to my way of thinking. They work completely, no j ' '! . .......• mi « ago nr* ia ey work completely, no griping

J i cided to iut-rdfci for ml tim ein Kthfria J whatever, and one ia plenty for any lilt- - .1- o! alcultt ll- d u n k . I.v the I M r wifei vr*»amartvrtaC.iattnutinn.was a martyr to Constipation. We tried

everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large sum* of money uutiJ we happened on “ Pratt, a-tires". I cannot say too much ia their favor.

We have used them In the family for atioiit two years and we would not use anything else os long a* we can ret“ Frait-a-ti vea”

Their action is mild, and nodittreas at all. 1 have recommended them to many other people, and our whole ■ family uses them1'.

J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cured by “ Frait- a-livcs” are proud and happy to tell a *tck or ailing friend about these won­derful tablets made from fruit juice*.

50c. a box, 6 for 12.60, trial aire 25c. Atalldealers or sent on receipt of price by Froit-rt-tire* Limited, OtUwa.

“Lest We Forget”neeJ to be reminded quite as much as

to be informed. Memory has been jocularly described as "the thing we forget with. Out of sight is apt to be out of mind.

An advertiser who relies on the memory of tile public leans on a broken reed* The absence of its advertising from the newspapers has Deen the beginning of the end for many a firm-

1 be prtsentsuitor bath ever the advantage over the absent lover.’’

A business that has achieved its magnitude or strength as the result of faithful advertising «* plays itself false if it suspends or ceases its adver­tising, ou the grounds of ecouomy. h is pcor business vision which fails to see the principal feeder of l it si ness, aud fatal judgment which cuts it off or interrupts its flow. Economies may be warranted, but they had better be effected in any other department thau in the sales department— the department of revenue. Auy course which shoves your customer back from you or hides you from your customer is ruiuous. The man with the money needs to he constantly sought -Advertis­ing is the great discoverer of new customers, the great retainer of old ones.

IF y o u f o rg e t t h e p u b lic , t h e p u b lic w i l l fo rg e t y o u .


\V»> liccorathg liusliu-t's-IIKe to-day ilia* M» tum ial "orlil tin* p**ID«>n>* •" c'»»ipay Jo offer for riulouv'M*;* and .'Jr.*. Solomons.

To be sure, Soloumii bail a guml ims* itlon at good pay. Hut. then. In- in­herited Ids position and salary, and lie could use Ills wisdom or not ju>l os It pleased Ijln>. And n« for Mrs. Solo­mon- well, then* was «» Mrs. riolmuou in the prwcttl-day aense.

But to-dny, Solomon, to got a Job* lias to show' Ills wisdom him to !"• ou tap right along during buslin e houta.It may be a little more strenuous for him, but it brings Htcadler returns fur tho world In general.

For Solomons are needed In u»« Courts of Dotm-sUc llclatlotis that are being establish*-*! In some of the Idg cities of the country to .check Dm tide of divorce sweeping oyer the laud. And Mrs. Solomons. are required in the welfare work that Is being Institu­ted In many big stores and factories.

The men and women who flit tbt**> positions really need to have thv wisdom of Solomon, the heart of the Good Samaritan and the friendliness of the true neighbor. And In addition, the world requires a certain amount of technical knowledge. The wisdom and good wilt must be analyzed aud classified, the |tos**'«»or of them must know the laws governing their belu* and lie must be familiar with long tables of precedents and consequence* of* their action to act a* guide po*U and warnings.

The position of a mjlomon or a Mrs. Solomon Is not easy to fill. But having qualified and secured a Job ** cither, one c«u do « great amouut ol good. And If one has the welfare of hts fellow-man at heart, the position Is worth securing.

Tim Judge of one of these tonrU of Domestic Relation* adjusted In six months more than a thousand ease* that came before him. which, without his good offices, would have resulted in divorce. That has rather a vast bearing on life, has It not? For this U only one court in one city. And H means that Instead of more than *• thousand homes wrecked, more than a thousand embittered, cynical men and women, more than a thousand children from losing the earn of cither father or mother there arc now that many r..-uulUd husbands and wives, restored home*, children who will know tin* love nnd protecting care of both parents.

It I* a big job. Isn't UTThe good done in like manner by

welfare workers nobody can estimate. For the welfare worker gives the cheer, the counsel, the practical help that lifts the discouraged or unsuc­cessful over the hard place that serins Insurmountable. Tho welfare worker touches every sore spot of life with his finger of healing.

And so thine positions require. do they not, the wisdom of Sotomou, the heart of the Good Samaritan. tUc friendliness of the true neighbor: .

But since this combination Is huril ;

flying any signal from within. »w \w havo any bnhtiiT of the spirit to imqdrc and lead us forward.

tint an n't we flying a rather un­worthy baumr. Hint ot contentment with mere material living? And wouldn't It he well to see if wo cun t hoist M.methlnc more worth while whenspring rolls around: can't we have something more to show for (tie life of the winter than grocery bill-- and partly worn-out frocks and crowed-off dates on our engagement pad?

If that Is i .ally I lie signal our III-, *,< r -ek is flying, let us haul it down ant) mu up’ instead on- that will stand for sumo real lodileveiniCdf. And h i On; take a look at It every morn­ing «sv itbo"kmiN and every night a* it luings 'niothmles.s In the quiet nlr. to s.> if It has led up tt s l'1» onward toward aveompUshlug what It stands

Or If upon, examination v'<- find the signal that Hies from within Is not om- to add brightness and joy to life, either to oar own or those about us. if it js petulutu-o or fussiness or moodiness or selflshtH-st* o f had tem­per, or an ! of D ie other underirabb- traits «<■ :fit seem lo pose*-*-* in grt-al- er or less degree, wotildn’l it be well to frankly reeognlxo the fan , admit it nuiraeeouriy. take in this signal and run tip another. We can't do It all in a moment. But we Imve made a big step toward accomplishment alien wo rreosnixe the need and are willing to make the effort.

For the signal that wo fly from within consciously or unconsciously, i- the tittle pennant which signifies lu which d I ret Unit we nr*- marching And Vve are on the road right now.

And next spring, wh.-n we have Veil marching >ilx months, where will that pennant stand, what will it stand for?


th e y are cousin*, these two young mothers Both went Jo college to- pother. Both were married about Die same lime. Both ld»ve children about tip* same as*-, one a small boy *>f three, the other u little* g i r l t h e saute number of years.

Ah happy-hearted, care-free college girls. no doubt they were very much alike. They lived In the twin* town and had Dm some social? circle. and when college days were over aud they

. plunged into the social whirl which usually follows * ■ “ *still had t life

loll '

e dutt*-s ntolThen they manicllm rcaiKitiHlhililh’S of Die ear*- of a home and ill*- training of children settled upon thorn. And now- their paths are diverging And It is not dlf-

• fieuit to see the end of each-~...v„ ...... —........ ......................... j one Ik self-controlled, executive,

to find there will bo many in need ol j ,;rm. she n-aitzes what K required these good offices who will fail to so- ; ,,f h efa io l she meets her duties fa

them. Ami docs that mean, thero- j I(( f;ie,- sh e doesn’t Hide-slop the Shfdre, that the

through: that the discouraged must go down?

Otto matt who has charge of one ui these Courts of Domestic Hclaltofpi Hays that young couples quarrel ov»t the merest trlvalltles. The husband Is careless about coming lmnm to meats mi time, and litis habit Dually leads to 01*11 and violent disagree­ment. The, wit*- will jokingly tell friends mid neighbors of some hubil or her husband’s until they qnarrui over the matter. The uamlng til lh« t»b.V. the selection of 3 house the buying of mi auto have led in hun­dreds of cases to open rupture and Hit divorce eourJ. But here Mr. ibdoutou.

.with Ills wisdom, his g*Msi heart, Ui* friendliness, has said the few word* that have brought the disagreeing pair to their y*-n-*cs and shown them the big things they were losing for Uit HUIe.

But if there I* no Mr. Hohmiou to perform these good office*, cannot the couple do the work for them­selves? since It Than been proven by the work already done that such mat­ter* tan be adjusted, that the differ­ences hi a large .number of-eases ar« not fundamental but superficial, if there Is no Mr. Solomon handy to point this out .(would it not Ik- well lor many who arc thinking of I he di­vorce court as a way out of trouble to take a few sober second thought* and see if they cannot become a Mr. Solomon for themselves.

■ . Until Solomons and Mrs. Solomon* become more plentiful, if we led lu need of their good offices, let u* play the port ourselves. And Intviug steered our own bark past Homo dan­ger iKilnl, perhaps we may Ik- able U» prevent those about us who -cent It danger of shipwreck on Hie same rooks that threatened us front going down.

THE SIGNAL FROM WITHIN.Maeterlinck. In "Wh-dcm and lb

tiny." speak* In one of S-.is little par­agraphs of the signals that we fly front within.

H I* rather lnt*;re»tiug. Du’i it. to Uilnk a little about the signal that »c fly from within?

One woman whom I know flics Die signal of rheeriness- Another But­ters in the breeze of her bus)', every­day life. He- banner of kindness. An­other lets fly the: drab pendant of melancholy. , Still, another peto- lance; and «ite has the shining, gold-

1 banner <if love that

Shi- ĵtlan > ping sysferi

to enfold her reach.

But suiqioat; a what may

brother's < in .


. ■ !<J- :

What signal are i*c flying?And are we flying uin-mucK

or eonsdously; And even though »«• may be flying cm that !-> beautiful aud inspiring, if we an Ing It unconsciously, wouldn't w it more effectively went aboutit with thought?

And Just now with a now ...1 i.n ahead of us, n season which is usual ly on*- of activity mtd accomplish tnent of one kind or another, isn't l! i-spf-einlly worth .while t« consider Dip “signal Jrom wltliln?"

wto'tlor wo want or not. wVlIu-i «*V»ri' i .<ii-clous of it or not

Dome of us are plainly '<•<• upl** with the matter of getting Up .*<t« going to bed. with putting on and of clothes, with eating three time* 1 »!•-. 'Mid planning » h*»t **•

J*u>- ot the finest a* Is o f humanity Asonh-d from tin- hatthdleld*- U th«- totto-' he; ,:*-lated It.' a WoUtld'-'t M'l •<11* r in I.B < ri«ad.

Tiie wife of a <*di>»el was making the round of a Idvcrpool iiuspilal and ■ topped at Du- iHulnide of U wounded Highlander a very bad ease. The gal­lant fellow, one of whose leg* had hern mi-ptly umputalt-d. was toying with a Gorman lielind, evidenlly a trophy of war,

"W< II, s«id the visitor, 'I oujiimsu you hilled your limit?**

“ 'Veil, mow," m«»te»tly replied*fhe* -------- like Ihl". H«* s

with h

AB tin tm-mlM f • «d Kugiisij litt'iiuDithuD If i.ttai ti<*i to som.- naval Ion-*-.

In l.eisl.'it ISufloIkt a.o id for '•< -gn x r - T - a joined tdit* 1 Jir;t.|i h*>. ■

l.ieut H'fele-FnrWtis, f*. n. wan litf-'l on} 01

lav on tiie field pretty : nit aw fu* had wound. I was timin' i*»t o' blood fra' this leg o* mine, but I mauugetl t»* crawl up to him an* .hound him up as b*st. I could, lie «lld the Nam*- for 1110.

‘.V tills, o' course, wT uaw'thin* ill a*

tunit an tin- Ither man no! a word o' Fngllsh. When he'd done; not weln* hoo else tu** thank hint, I just amlled, .»«»' by way •*' token handed him tny Glengarry, an' an he smllwl hack an' g»v<* me his helmet,"

prof* sting «ravv|«:tl IwK nwab was titartaliy wottiulu).

Giheral Sir George Illggitis Mrved through Do- Crimean

>, has accep’ed tMurlowoju rit.ttm*-*

spreial constable.*.The city -.f ? oadott Mil. i f t'numit-

t«*r has deride*! |o dismiss aBAJeroiiiti, Austrian or tlungarlau prof*- sorx n! Ho- Guildhall School BoD.-, and *;* Uh- British piatum only.

Although it InulK-d Ilk - htchlg • lain death; every imtn :i.iid Ve.;/' when tin* commander of ■ ■ ■ Miw.-rty, t*.iiK-do-boaGy*nroy*r, a*>k«d lor vol­unteers to go up Kiel li.trletr ' itit him.

A not fee uas l>e*-n punted in tit-- bthmian flub, i'lceadllly. W.. requov- Sng tnemlo-rs who have • ••oj.-'lsof i lthor Gorman.' or Austria Hangar hi abstain from 11-lug •he bib derltin

"Tha t h i n g i r l rsuat t a k a o p e o la l

oar# o f h e r h a ir . "

•fly I dab Me.Ghme Utbson.lThere Is tt ciyrialn kind of beauty

(hat depends more upon line altd die-: tinctien .than ujaut eompb-.xiou of rounded grace

Tills heutlty' p!nir:>- siioilhl he tile 20al of the Gilo girl who in-- regular features,

"A good profile and a graceful ear - riage or :ht< vvltoh* body, especially la- head, is quite necessary So tite girl who wbhets lo be a M»ce*-ssful hat model.” eays l.nc.v GoMer. 3 beau- tifut hat model.

The Gill* g a l must take special.e a!ioiitv l)*t hiiir anil s«*e that ;♦

is combed llb^otniiigly, as straggly ■ ‘r ahnut a thin face m partinilarly

Don't be afraid f*̂ hold >«*ot h>soi

e line of the thr*)«t from thitt So chest. This carriage, of She headsnake* impossible a double chit;.

leaspoelifut *>l per*.vide ot On ab-.-rsiat** nights mb

aid cream.•r daily bath spray your cold water or rub ti with eo and th*-t powder eght-

\ « ho lake great *-arc of

GfbwJ Dial they were feeling the mat uplift In snh-w which Is So be ex­pected at tills seaHoi! of Die year. Tba public has certainly* resumed buying.

UcjKirls from the chief provincial mlo centres show tiiat liuidlPbw l*

lirltik.'J.ond*m tiieatr* /, c«mp»r*<l with tba

returns «>f four ty«?ks ago. are guttr-ally hi a imu-lt better pitHltlOJi.

aDealiy . sin tmts liers*-lf <d learning what who doesn't know. She keeps expenses Within the family income. She * rains her Utile child lo be obedient, well-behaved. Aw the years toil by, you can see for that family, it happy, well-ordered hotm* children IqoUght up So be healthy, re sp>etSwl. t-« do th* ir work In Du world

Th** riilii r bus Ueeouie. potuleitl Mol, h..y. yielding Din- sidesb-pt r i-tsiis-kt*-ping. Her home Is .

confusion No i*str( of tin* houk* k<-»'p lug Is (ion*’ aysteuuitkall.v. 'She. h* al ways weeping wheti hills como In. be cati»<* she doesn't see why they art

high. She yields altogether jo BnII of tin- yoimgslcr, who enJs wln-i l what it wants, who lui» Its owi

way >« vvery (hing and is already ; dlBohwlloul nml s*-lt w illed eltlbl. Aud

the ydtin* ndl by, you can. abo see that home As an* *-xeusc for her in­ability to cope with what marriage lias hrought. or Iter own laziness of

itishness in being unwilling to cope with It, she will probably sink into

mi-invathlism. She will acquire icrvtrs' or he ''delicate." The iIII grow steadily more and

disordered. Ihe housekeeping tdbislemaule. tin- ehiidteu, shot id live, worse behaved.Should tjiis second Vonutii have

temperamentally--a favorite t-xplan kind for such mental

conditions a diffeix'nt attitude 1 ward life from her cousin, coushb ing whither it will b-ad her and the family for which she is largely n - stmusibh-. wouldn't II pay her as a

matter of expediency if for no higher reason, to change it? She har- oidy* started on ihe road now. Habits have not yet become so fixed tlml >t would be a long and hard sirnggh- to change them. She can see the dif­ference between her own home and Imr: consin'H between her own willful child and lo-r cousin's obedient one But *h<-Seems too Inert or too Selfish to make an effort to change matters

if she would look ahead Hi where her course will lead her. perhaps she would s"e lto» much is at stake and how well worth while it would be to rouse herself and atari on a new tack.

Ami perhaps there an- some of us who would find it ju»i as helpful, even in other: mutters, to look ahead. Though iv * - may not have a home to e.it<; tor and children to train, « may in other lines he pillowing a course exactly parallel to Iters.


their living *0 make are being taught The comnn tv lal value of a smile.

That a ; mile has value,most of us hav* twrea toil! in seme sort of hit or miss faridon. We may iwve iteard It from the Die. ol stun*- eminent lec­turer whit poinictl Illustrations, We mav have read It In Nome book *«» “ Ways to Grow U P-V Our par*-ulsor teachers or mints mav have sug­gest'd P to us. Or we may have ln- instiuetlv* !y P it it. But, however.

so unique ate its method* and tis-tml its methods that •-ducaJ*' all the big cities of P Journeying thither To take

It tnot only i- th a sinlit* tuuglit and t but also jim value <t a pleasant manner, dr*-'- and a "elt-inf" arc all taught: nnd th

ltd. H IsRiv.!suits that t in b cour- o prcst-rllM-tl.

But v*fi> limit |h- viBue thltiRs to vafonmn-hip.’

Isn't a aiulic as valuaitit home as heliiml lie- it ward off the angry wont, t'e- taunt, the ;ar«-s*‘ »u? Wen t It chase away

r- siinuim-s.'and < 1 1I1-


not in the sirmih-aip. it *

g Taught in a .-pevTal ;»-itwl * •d by a stale law. v< Isp-b ! the tnihlli- educational s.vaP

It is

son of Imr-J Rcwdlug. the Lord fhl- Justice, and G*u Violet, tho <-hletit (iougiiter >f Si.* Alfred .'-loud. >1. were married on Monday week, oat- tin; neare.st rthf.lv*-s ic ing or*-, tit.' The first clergy nuui to l»- ep-eusl

as a sheriff of tin- city of !.on*ioli i--. Rev. H .fa r t do In Font,Bit*'-. T ie r.t.d Aid. K. t*. Moore, tin- >111 sti>,-rio. were “admltP-d ’ <it Dm GnildhnB.

The King has declared that the puke SOCKS AM ! BFI.TS- of Argyll's Msttr. K P ‘<eGt Angela

The Queen'* api»eal P> the "otuun 1 tTiinpla-ll, inall rank as tier liau.-Ditcr the Kmplrc to help her lo scud j of a duke, to which rite v<mbl ha.-

woollen HOckH and belts to the soldier* Imen COtlUol had her father liv.-d to at the front !tas met with a tnagnUi- t-urcecd to the title, a-ent response. Bov. K. t\ IVare*-, d>uu ot <or(ie:

Among tin- moal hdUthl*; gifts huvu ( hrlatl Colh.-g". Catitbrltlgc, hm* bevu eit i-.'.aoo pairs oi SO. k:-. from l.ord -bclcd master of llm̂ < oll.’« f ;

Itbthschltd and j.«0« j*»lr* ptmiisuKd* Itorn in lS !l. nip- it of I aide French')* special fund. 1 Napoleon was Imile Wantage (ins sent two pair* ot 1 N’e'Vlii, living■ k> and t o wooli.tt Ih-Bh to every ! Hmts*-. Imrsb . -----fleer ami man of Go- Berkshire Ua- i Monday we.-kr* leUratcdTns.-hundredth mettt. Many pairs of s*H-ks have wr- I hlrthda;*.

rived at DevotiHlDrc Houhc with note* j ' nainc-plato denoting that th e y were-In metuory

iiUHbaml or brother lost «’• the read.frojit.

Tin- aiqu'iil followed a request T® the >te.n hv Uvrd Kitchener to supply*

:;oa,«!X> mit;. (knitted or woven ( mtd HKJ.iHKJ pairs of s'.c|.s to he ready if

posslblh onrly in November. At the pr*-»>-nt rat; o f pre-grv-ss Dies.- mtnt- h*-r* should easily be r**ncUed. All gifts

ildrcssed •The Igply fu Waiting to Do’ (pnt-n. Devonshire

, Flccadtlly. W.*'

And willsant utahn*-r nnd a pr-ttv Ur*- !>'- like llm fingers of pcaio to 1 It*- troub­led spirit* of man* a u.-arb-d, tmr

home at nlghl?To lie sure, tile pllblte sCltOtlll* nm.v

think they have nnthlpg to do with this side of life, that th*-ir duty is to provide girl* with the no ans of j-nsn- ing a living.

This ma> l* t us take , and 1

Since the value proven to In- no wo need no longo proiilemutiial wisdom of h writer, pr as a matter of personal in- Ktliu t. let us reap, the fruits of this

wherever and whenever wo

gr*-iil* r

httlnmlely with those about 11 "t !»- * Mend Tho b-ssons of the quart:'h!p sell Hid lie-olid the .mat­

ter nf inor<- buying and w lllus htlc r big facts or life.


T o g u p ; t-irl *v.v- t.-lbim ..n 3n«r- i<l Irlciid 01 a i-:mm*r d«*aov*.-ry•lc whip* on ln*r*vncuDoit trio.Vou kite'

r jin t at t (Jute Girindmitt- !!. ‘ I did not trip I u so much tiolu th<- Iniiiio folks lafwavs sa*v<; thy hurt (c ting-. vvJn-u >om*- of G.*-Ut c e* XU a selfish. I v DBitkiug Ti:;*tnuywav they web1 I cIiik henefit- I

' iliit that is Ho **ay to i|<." it.t*<r-ntpud the friend. ' V.« kmoV y*>-i .*»h Worr extra cPi-h |,y Hilnlilnk that

**l th- Q.Bet. b.

w , put I test- fear 1 would never have dm

i eobmist. far I think I won Mded to th*- mo:.; .-\a. Jinc *i rather than tight 1 don't kno

. HB< )>ohi( 1

a poin; c

-d lo tI 1

t via 1 y*>u did. !

n (rip lik<- that stun- Pro* ill people.**

T<ig IrJctol fnuch*

tnD.tnk-ttulv Ti:e fclctld agree!

1 iflittk lob

r?»th*r that*Hu nt, »•* duo*iil*e ph-asnr*’

. . rights <r i.lbcvel to X these r lth t* .' it*- a mitdaky

■ apjen m ike, c- p-<-l ,other.-* Tt cv yh hi

< tJu-r dlis

a iitra Ifiohm'ss or m ..- Inn- In*® 11 »l of moralmb-hn?--. *t H quip

Me Uui.-i Gu t, bright- . todivl.MiaBtv I tH'dv root holn-z aev.it!'.- to

\ad rc.vtlv that''i •) know. 1 think

Sir A. von on Do-h, • vp*- • - r»r lorlne archil V - ice. e

devl .e ,> project! in 1 the bo.‘ x« *f v«ss<;P* which would

vpbadc a iniac before tiig prow tmo . -

IDcf shopping ecntrc!* of l.oiplou Bier** is no sign of lauplon’s cottintcrce ........... .. ,TI" ..... IS I«... 1' V.u?"...'..’rin'.'-fu Ho* windowx nml: there arc ptcuty j J . , , tj,.v,>1 pm:.pei-Dve i-UNPymcra looking at * ■

.am! number* of oth*-rs going In ut of the doorways. t iy. |.rtimln«'iit ,hop, i.b.I w ■ l«t«« .... .. ur.josl.1 w

turnover .Kind ta.1 »•»» Itol » ■ Th0, „ „ - ||.„,,|u l. Lon.loi. M -I.-*.-r- K l"» ll) « ln n betlrr utan W>> i ,1J.irlns 111, . ,.rr™iK,nd on «<-k of U .I j h,. „ , w , r norklm-

«/ .................... '“>» » K « l . „ur,v. i,n.l rl„. i,..in-ii.-1 I—drapery and general trade, and | v.« tcom*. **lm................ I"™. " * u ; Mr. AMPillli ................... ... . ........ .1»'0»> "• imiint. Inn cornmionn ol ;..... in,,,, lt, u,.. i*. ........... ^.nuioiltim.K-nitrnl *«»!■ ■ . Unwin.

Ncv. ral otln r very large Mores l*»- ( Mr Gerald ifufio- l ,n--% Hi- only

Little Boy W as Not Expected to Live

Was taken Sick with DiarrhoeaThey Were 39 Miles From a Doetw


DR. F O W L E R ’SExtra ct of

W IL D S T R A W B E R R Y ,

'W f i lc h C u re d H im

Mt-r Fr<<J 'sinqill, IVunant, &»’-k . wilt!-, -"I ii-1-.i ilr. Powlcr’s Uxtract ol Wild Strawhmy when my little boy wav cot < ;|fv?« >l to lo r We were thirty index from a dnWw, when the little fellow totik :iok wiih Diarrhoea. H eat lir-t would sleep nearly all day. and at Christ would I*- in pain, and would have a t«4-ag- cvvty-'five ><r ten ininutcv, Thi* went on day and night until he began to

0*1 I t: i- him “ Dr. Fo*

I txg oi t<> give him a larger dove, and 'oon he Ik-gau to grt relief It was Die only medicine J had in the house al the time, ,-nd I always k«cp it now for inside of three days my !*>y w-a* out play­ing. und was as well a-* ever.”

Thi-v grand rcmciiy 1ms Ikcii on the Canad-an market for nearly seventy year-*, nnd is without a doubt, the turvt known remedy for all Bowel Complaints.

Refuse t" take any mber prepiration when you .-ok f<w “ Dr Fowler's."

Their ri ' nothin? else, that van be “ jr .vT AS GOOD."

Price. -'iA cents,Nee (hat ihe name of The T . Mrlbura

Co.. Limited, appears on the wrapper.


I ({OMQ'iKD FORM Tt.lv HANKS ntoh-rn ' niiim>*t mui-i ommLs-

ii.u.d .•<»*'. r . i>» Dot Betfulm Army n vi. ln-'-n k(-j. , i .̂ i ;ff g prompt 11'll in

- at* r.;mt s'*-r«eat-d

lT,viu| * *otI t.it t ■

\V. Ib ill}. U-V..1 IV.). IhtmbniiiiiT I.. i!. M. A.; Corpora!

ITili Itanery, U. F A B. C NDhobif., >JDl Bat- Ad I.sujo«- Corporal M. Iv. Hat V V ! H *y ti I Kiigliu-i-rs; f ,i i dk 41 ■ . Ib q si i M) ■


I a* neo-th-recant. T. S lx*'n.-. Jst irt.-li Guards; N- r o-aut U . G. Kent. 1st Ivjp**. ' i'erkshlr*- Ib’glmeitc t ‘orporc.1 H. c. Alban. J'-i Royal (PHiJ-kllUng t'u-il-

• otpqra*. J. \*, Gib ou. 2nd Roy­al so. it-gins'id ; I .suu-e-Cor i>t-f.il r v , ininth, t-'t DurM-triilro Regiment: t,ancc-Corm*tul G. H. fHIvornc, 'in.l

..pjuto R*g»mc)*t: l n̂e«><* remnt : .Kinv. *Jnl Oxford and Buck* I.

Sufuiitry. Bam -Serf* nut K S. Itiu'gg.ami Derby R.-Kiment;

?->•;•!> A. VV. I aUcrsoa. 8ft*t Yorkshire ipiu infnntrv". (T riKiral I. 'V*. Clarke, c. t Y.irkshlr- Uttlit Infantry: Sor-

y-attt I It vx'hyt*-. C 'd Manchester r<ci; ;>>pt. Fefecettt J*. McBride, Depot tJ-n-.D It rib Rifles. t.am.-Corpoi.D <5. M Gtov * r. Army 3ervti-c t’orje" Lnneo- CurjKsr.tl B, C Frederick. Ani-.y ;<*r-

Sl.ANii FROM TlUv ITDJVI The war l-a - .b-vclopcd a riant: of P-

o-su. Our M.hltirN Jove ui-thlng m iii u-h a to find »««»•> bmuely name •>; mcpipbor for nil the dangers and w* a pons v hh b assail them. Beside* th- “ Black'Marlas,*Y“Jack Joiinsona," •'ce,.l uoxch" i ..,.jat despatch, (ierimiii shells oaipsl “suit casr-s.“ Other terms or*-:

- 1 ( x| th"ir keys' Shells which fnH U> exidode

"Stalls for tin- ph tur*:-*' ; rreueh ex- tK.»e: 1 to artillery fire.

•I 'midi-d *lm n plttm'd A good ri.ot n Gcimnti priduibly killed.• The y.oo": VVlre * ntitHPb-r.teni'*.

W)0 to '.*.>*» a week.Abundance of work for artb-nis <

every kind In til ing pro' i*Pri at th Tyne shipbuilding yard", the oitgln s l ops aving parDcuIiirt- tmsy.

Owing to iii*.* slier-'": <>f r«*ruilne practically rn» youtiK lie n .are cm grating fu tho colonic* 'low, l«D ptot d* lUCstlc, scr-'u-.its are coin- :st>i>>ud.

Iktinacn estimated at f :.*ssi w;ih io- early on Mutid.iv ny a in uhleit twlally <h strove,! in,- nrc.riti Maud of tie- Clyde Football Glasgow,

'I'lie i-lub limise of ill"' St.Hill Golf Clun. AVeyhrk!:; . n<copied as a htt»*pBal hv i' shot Command.

While mobile.'ellng <-.irl tuortliug. a Tcrrlloriat 'h'ri'a 'i h rider named; Jones -vv»* shot dead D I.BG Cr»*shy, near l.ivcrjaml, tty .< s<-Mr. w lios*: clmlli.-ii-p- Im did not !iM<*vi-r.

An attempt v u* made to ver-'k th. lk ,w r «'.%j<r< -s* at Hitlicr Gr-ro-t etetim «i -.» o'clock Ti tho morntng. A lars'

iii.Tied To flu* Bin', was discov- iy the wpeelal |a)Hee, m

obstruction wax removed uy tt:As a German flag could i

fiund, a Union Jack wna placed coffin of a Gerutuu prisoner, Wilhelm Muller, aged who died from Bis wounds in ’iosiHut at IfnMMimutb.ami wan buried with ceiui-mlHIttry lienors.

Tin.* Meond a#eeriatutueut of Dn H-IlitiB price of Northtiinhctland coal will, under Die new slitlliiK-scaie ar­rangement. leave wages unchanged for the next three mouths-

The awcrtalnmcnt oi prices in north of Knglaml manufactured Iron and steel trader causes a reduction of 3*-, ja r cent, to sled miltuien a! Con- sett, but haves otln.-r wag*-s umbauK-



Tile death has occurred *" Ciiartcs Assioton SniBh. fb>- kiiowu vportMiiaii.

The dentil Jms just o*mrr<'d, nt age Of is!, of Mr. William Ssloi worth, «*»rn miller, who was I wood s obiert mnglstrat'

The death Is announced at Do of seventy -seven of the Rev. ! Jones, wiu> for forty-four years

n r ii lS ir l In Hi, o ld- " - ' " r i.l l.lmiildiin,, Ao«lr,.-,.' Mortomlcy.laine Knd burnt nt

pcltown, with tin- Whin M‘K>r sm* underneath, ha> boot ;msyi

by Messrs. New pm, .Chambers A 'A poor woman niom-d Lizzie Wilke*. Amy ,street, SlnTflcbl. was-so

erejy burned on Saturday week that she died In the Itoyttl llmtpliul on Suo- diij. it la tmdertdoml (lint her i!r*.-*» caught sir.- at a eooktug range.

Mr. G. Haigii, of Westwood BnDnms,llfgil tireCtl, has been appointed or»gaulst at Die High Green und Mortom- !«•>• Wesleyan Chapel, lie sorevs-ds Mr. WDmot Wlgn. of High Gr«jn, who lias «*-c*'pf<-d n eiiuDar t*odlioii at w Barnstm chureii.


comb'd soldiers admitt(

l<M«y. J

. x r<-ad i

cure.T’tinl i

fa*a!lvi ih»t wounds !;a-i *

• luoidt'sl have bi ei-uid. that Do .a**r ice tin itai bus In-* it only a; tittle -.- ,»!:ht is a tribute both t<

-.1 idtysieal «i*l-.|tUep i f ti- to ti.e effirlemv of til- "i.,. :>p )'-• - a- back fr-:-*i "t-

;* nave Joint*! the colors •j ho Dut-itess o f ; WwdnDnstcr haa

m'* p ticecjiled m* ft: volunteer with Ih" Crt*s in the jlcbl

At the autumn meeting of the Coun- l| (if Du- Derbyshire Asso*'iatUm of l'<-ai lo-rs, hold at Derby, it w.-jh dtdd- ■ d. owing ut the M f. to euaptitd cl* ort* i*i improveincnt lit lb®alary sen list.

•UhiDmr ill,huHtlreds, llttl(r/r v illage of

C-uxion, has sent 30 jolp I‘it* colors. Of i hew two are

In Do-'firing tin-, and nil the member* Dii- Territorials ar- awaiting orders proceed to Franco, they ha' lng vol* eccred f**r derive servlec. jver ■ .•.'*> m< u wore accepted for the n-1 haUalion ;«> Fca»hi.-ndone ou

Catiinirtv.Bn ms toy ha* made preparations for

,'m Belgian gu •-» wit® " IB be hous* *.l Bm-'or Halt.

v v<-r>itet *>! “Accidental death'* was returmd ut mi inquest on John Hughes, dctallcr. who was killed by a. huge atone failing on him In Denaby pit,

Amon}f: the Dri of killed at tin? war L tit- uam- *d Do* Colonist eandldato tor |Vi>*:.-as!':r, ITentciiant Allan W, i.l.( iimpbril, who ’vt̂ on Hits reserve of liie Coldstream < ."arils.

A? an inqu-si on an Outward min­er, utufM ABrcrf l.'.imy d j2k>. who v>as foitud hanging in bis house, H v**as sidled that only five days before tie had married a girl .*«'. years nf ag1'.

WilllMit Siix-Ct. joiner. Queen street, riv.inton, went to Uio house of a neighbor w h o " a s ill. und ia dca- t e mi Ing lh*» Main* b- fell and broke pis neck, being d-ad when the doctor arrived.

Tin- Wi-.-i Riding KduearioB Cota- juittce J;a *- »;*-< (*t*d t<* d< .itdn tiic tx*- nnl mumi'-r tvlUi inercim-nta to aaris- taut i' ;i‘ ii*-rs, hut intimated tliml, ow­ing to ihe war. they might be com- jH-lled to suspend tho scale as regards xubscqnt»! inercinenls.

Abh.TIPitti D. H. Mall by. elialrnmn iif (i>. IP-altb t omtnitt'*- of Die Mans* ti'-iij Town Connell. Is sjmkcn of a's ih'- next Mayor.

Two MimMf.q.l w*r,- on th- llogic ITet( In r, was ninongsland i

v«ri.- oilier o-nh

Itolh stokers, of them John iom- drowned. Walker, wns

trial on child. uSP-d I", fiy strangling

riniitjr. a yming Mexbro’ wo* ys nt (nmeastcr t onttnUltri for a i-iiurg** nf muni (Trial her

ml nine nioiitlis.

I W. Iirohip' lit I Court

.William W ard.» ><>""« rrectigr*3ccr, nt. WonibwcB, was at Barnsley, rc- lUUhtLetl on a churge of attcmptlnB to murder Nellie Ballprd. a pianist, and of attempting sutebic.

Hail was refus-d io a seafaring maoi iinnud lieorgb AVDHrttui', who Wits re­mand'd Gosport «*n a chars- under ib,< tiffb-lal riferets A> I, th- nature oil a hicli was not tllw,!p**’d.

In Hie |">s»-ssion~"f an Italiun or- giinman. - remanded at Mart*borough street; charged with lugging, Ihe polk- found -Llk In gold, B5s Ud in sliver, and 17s le d . iu bronze.

A Good Comp-irlson.

Add t f t beI Hofei : Mi,-tKing Kd*.— . . . .

turiP’d and appeal'd "> Di- author,■ What do yon Hunk of it as «n fit*

vest masc.'" be »sk-.»"Think of « list?“ asked Mr. Fraser.■ The Tamnudii gold tnlm?.'•1 think.” s.ii'l Mr. Fraser, taking a

fr,sb grip r*h IDs cigar, “ that IF* about <•. safe as 1* sstltns mom y at tt race

i(„i-t( •* JiatUtday Night.

Theweek of Mr. ti. .X. Bridges, «it<t many years was well known in e* iieetion with CiuigreuallonalSsfu Sheffield, and a* a d-aesm at - l Qin-eq sireet Ctmmd. Mr. Bridges v puliticaliv ;* stippmler <»f the late Mundi-ila. M. t\old s

sun-s in Sheffield.

rsngejneot* r - tfon of a lather 1 all ire.

. Fereigiits and linn-

Aifreton, »r-

iel.t ' M r)-> establish a roll ot l>"

Qo-.f-rfi.-ld and Dt t *orlsUon held their annual price at Stavch v co Saturday cups and « lmtlgc "ere w l*-> mupeDturs.

Good Health I t Impossible Without a Healthy Actian

Of The KidneysWhen the kidneys begin t*» “ act up'*

aud fail to filter the blood through them, ihtrc pa"cs into the system uric acid and other virulent poisons which will cause some oi the severest and in on deadly dbciv<e known t« mankind.

Ou the first evidence of (lie approach of kidney trouble DoanT Kidney Tills sliould b- used, aud serious trouble uvoided. Mr. Israel Drost. Bath, N.B. write-*:--‘ I am witdiug you this testi­monial trRifig you "b at a wonderful cure DiMu's Kidney Fills made lor me My kidneys were mi bad l was hclple*: for alxmt two months. I used several Vmd« of pills, but none ol them seemed to he doing me any good. At last l wa? advised, to try a box of Ihwn's Kidney 1MB When I had taken the fust bo*

i 1 fiHind felkf. and then I got another. ) and t‘ v Die time I bad i >km >1. 1 was

j I,,!, ot A f-t Sl/F'. al all dealer*« mailed cm receipt of price by The T.

............j Co . Limited. Toronto, Ont.When erdering direct specify ** DowaV*


Hoorah! No More Suffering I '-Every Ache Goes Quick. N.rviuw wurkir <«r,. i...k..-;...... i


*■! r x „ ,

♦ OulPk a* a wiitlj yeti feel ihe *»iff- ;lc. iff, the n »<♦«<* lonM-nlticr. VflU Kallw* HuU a pou- : 2* cents. A1



t ilt NKW »*.*•' M- KW III.V OKn«n m w v m \i i i a \ m >KIN*; KKItlHVNNIl AllOVI.’ \XI) . !t«»\V.\ I 'f l lV K CHAKI.US IN T IIK . i :\ r i i i : m:» *»\v o n r m : i .u t|Mtl\. KSS M AIt": *<K«-oM»|»Al'OII i Kit o r k i \«: » »:iti»iNAN«» \xi» m m : t i m : i t w i i f m s k «j :v k nV K A U o l.n So.V l'UIN< k n u o i .a s

--------------------------------------- --------------------- j -

Throwing a Stone Into a Pond

produces a series of ripples in ever-widening circles that stretch out and out until they finally reach right up to your own feet at the w ater’s edge.

Every time you purchase something "M ade in Canada" you 'start a ripple of prosperity— reaching out in ever-widening circles, through shopkeeper, wholesaler, manufacturer, farmer, right back to your­self; for no matter what you yourself produce, wliat occupation you are engaged in, your individual pros­perity is dependent on tin general prosperity of the country— on keeping e v e r y Canadian busy.

Dollars spent for < nadian-niade goofik help to rlo this; some nt the dollars spent lor Caiiadian-madogoods arc hound to f o r h a c k to you.....—all of thedollars spent for imported goods arc gone— ale start­ing a ripple in someone c l s e s pond.

Start a Ripple of your own by Saying “ M ad3 in fcanada.”

ROYALYeast Cakes





POULTRY WORLD| <fUUr6t?8Tion0DrindurTliim *to°*e5l

«< V ng tlf R S S nL 'The hat * ri*h* almost 10 pound-.

bot.it l* Mill Mrft anti pliable. and « keeps ft-, hiimw.- aml ptylo perfectly. m spite of It-: ac<>. The wide braid thut


.‘i t ; Force of Various Bodily Fm

t'-’ n!«vfv'utie'', " ; «f form cxett*iwd.. uy iiiatiY o r the” “ *"*"'*“ * “T. ̂ ^ J ^ L 1* * * ! * h«*n'a I unctions. The Mr.-usth of U»e

i is recorded with « pre-j I - W n n * thortko .*

■.r" *H>-«V«*Ar Hu- peon> auTorooHr m*rMno*w e Iran!

'"I| -if. - rP Ii. T n«* f t Of Oft pub

• l h.i , u ; - i r.p In I'onnup to in^equare torn- not «

- , r.....k. I . .e ..!•« ; atroropllsii. Ah the k|».II of a I

L V ./ ’U . tnr-' «•* «he raaatlratlon Of food. ThatT. i'^ . T V . "f ' •>**•* *•*•*•* j [ * v b * * r « ip k .*» »««

• <oaquTed by a itm n r * of SO pounds.' • ' * • * ' ,'>■* " ' while normal!-. Ha jnle, fastness

: kifU !.! X pTr- MrMa iu half that fore**. No. our real

; : * r -wm?4. M Tnnoeent

:v .a.r,i y !y z :Z r!:\that attack* I* unaware. When the mo­mentary ahoek hue pawed he will i.ac •IlM-retlon and keep to the erttmb. wi,«n, |. more a tilled to hi* dental

PV-K munched at the end of

* W The arid of the Trult

mr h ? 1*!heTme ofUlh? brttMb

ost'*i&0 when new. aud ?;*<! Ut<h *


A Special in Women s and Missses’

W inter Coats at $10 .00TH E S E attractive Coats are made of newest warm flecey materials. A ll wool

import,-d Coatings in popular shades of navy, tail ami Copenhagen mixtures Modish flare skirl with rnftlan nr kimono sleevus. Such a collection is well worth a visit. Sizes 18 2(1 and 34 to 40 bust. I>ri cc $ 1 0 . 0 0

Your Corset

Is of tremendous impor­tance in present day style It must be an up-to-date model and suited io your individual figure as well. Our corset stock is kept up to the highest mark at ail times-a line for every fig­ure and that line the best that money can buy.Spec­ial values at 5 0 c . 7 5 c . and $ 1 . O O

High Grade models up to $ 3 . 0 0 a pair

Rare present day values in

Kid Gloves20 dozen Ladies Kid

Gloves in tans, blacks and regular value $l on sale at 6 9 c . a pair

GuaranteedF r e n c h G lo v e s a t $1

a pair. We are fortun­ate indeed in having plac­ed ahead a big order for ladies' fully guaranteed gloves to retail at $l. A t the present time this qual­ity to sell at this price is practically out of the market.We will have them for months to come while the contract lasts at $1.00 a pair, colors tan, black and grey.

Young Men’s Winter Overcoats

Special attention has been given to the securing of a youthful cut to these most attractive winter overcoats for the young men.

Made from all wool chinchillas and ripple blanket cloths in navy, brown, grey and tweed mixtures. Shaw! collar slightly fitting body, belted backs and medium lengths, an ideal young men’s coat, sizes 31 to 40. prices $1 O . 1 !2 and $ 1 4

Men’s Kidd& Mocha GlovesI an and grey, lined with warm eid­

erdown. Special quality. Per pair $1

Men’s Sweater CoatsThe Outing Brand; made from spec­

ially selected soft all wool yarns; shawl or high storm collars, colors Maroon, cardinal, grey, browns and combination colors. Special values $2 to 3 .5 0


Mr. Ueoirgi Seitz wa* suddenly at- flictcjl with •fliouB lilac*# la^t Friday,

Mr. Michael .Motaok.hii# Ikcii reimp erating the punt two week*.

Media r. Peter Klin lx mid Joint Zin­ger were out trout IWhing in C u lm * hut Friday.

.Mr. mid Mr#. J. M. Fix her nod tlu> former's mother o f Mildmay arc visit* ii.g u-lnlivM iii W isconsin t '. s . tlio hut two weeks.

Mrs. Jacob Demlinger and her *Uter Mr*. Marliu Mn*.*el left W ednesday on a visit to Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Capton of Strat- fnrd, lot up ity resident# hero renewed

<tci(n thitances here the pa.*l few days.Mr. J*|». DoUtinger of M lUnist' wa*

In town last Friday.

Mr. Cba*. Button of Tec*water, clerk for Uulro#* Township wan a him iue-c* visitor here last Tuesday.

Mr. Joa. Lawson, In.uriuirc Agent of Hue! pit alient Wediie*dity in town

Mr. and Mrs. John UttiuU were? i W aikerton last week.

Mr. Andrew A . S w artz w.t* a visit' r in Berlin last Tuesday.

Mr. August Brick ha* not. Improved much in health during the past w

Mrs Aulhony Schumacher o f Walk erton visited relative# here during the week end.

i M A HKIKD-On Tuesday. Octo»a-r2Wh John Oehi ingi ««» of MdHpOehi iiig • •fjia lio v cr, to Mia# Tillie Dcmlm- ger, daughter of Mr. nod Mr*. Jr# Deudinger.

M '3R E A D Y N O W !600stunningstyles in the Winter issue of “ Butterlck Fashions.”A magnificent selection to choose yourentirc Winter ward­robe. This lovely publication is only 2Sc, which includes any Buttcrick Pattern you like Free.

AS the Pattern Department

— F o r S a le b y

36 3lppelP H O N E 5 3


Mi*, l l . l t Pitcher who has been ■ -pending a couple o f week W'th her*i«- ter Mr*. Adaur Heed, returned tu ber home in Toronto on J-aturday.

NVe are »ui ry to learn that Mr. Adam Knox w on the sick li*t-

>!r Harvey 'm lland nt tended the shooting match and dance on the Itftb con. oil Thursday.

W hile wot king w ith a hammer on Monday lust, Harvey Pinkerton re­ceived a attgiy l-rtii'«- when the head flew "|f and At tuck him in tile eye. It win feared tlml the eyeball Was hurt but In te l report* are that no pet man- ent in jm y wilt ivsult.

A meeting of the lenipemuco force# was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. Stanley t.arlauil t<> Iran sunt n'eci»i-nry bii«im*rn,

Most of the 01‘ s !M«buii»K-d l>* p»l- lo lic purpose# weie d-ltveted «t Hie old eliee.-oiaefoi y on Satiirdity.

Me. Win H ailm d h •- piueli.i.-ed Mr. J. it. t 'a.iM.».-U - driver.

Wo iimb rtdand tlm l u 'hail i# being h'-ld in the P. «>. I- hall on Th'itfc ; day <1 Veiling.


Fieri enow o f the jM-iui to day, ()>;l 2«th.

.Mr. and Mi#. J»« Svhmirrniid t»»nif­ty of Waited ton wee*- vi*iliug ul Mr# B. <llh-rlc’s on Sunday. '

Mi l* Kutv»B *igiti..Soji. school Dutch eri-; on the sick list, Hope to *ee her about again.

Ml** I Minn and Ueeutd Oberle nud i " Wilma Schimrr “ It of F»rmo*» sro giie«ls of Mi*. D. Scliwau this >ek.

1 Mi 1, Ague -l.ohjingvi who has been spending xoiiiu lltut'TU. her hotue true

• lelt toe Detroit <m Thursday Iasi, i Mr. M.-ycr of Toronto gave a v«iy i interestm g Jeelme on mining, in I II rlini# Hull ll H e »u W e Hi> »d «y -veil I i«.g U .l.

j Me. Morgan of W alk, .ton Superill »temleiit o f tbeChildieu'e Aid hUritty j < f Bruce Co., wo* in town t n sjaturdny j iu Him Interest of the Society.—South- I ampt.ni Beacon.

' it; V BltOTIIKHS OUNBKKT The tiny Brother* concert m the

town hall last Wednesday night wa* well patronised. The club winging wit* a line exhibition and some o f tile d.iiieing Wit* ipute tip t«> the average «t nigger show*, but most ot the.joke* were old enough to have whisker* and the t *u»g.» comedy was e f a poor tint ateur type, l.<*ok*a(* if the Huy# were about hi) their Inst lego.

Sailor and TurbanEqually Fashionable

The former is a particular type of sailor which the j French call the “ Canotier”— the left brim broader than i the right. This “Cnnoticr’ from our show rooms is one j of the leading models iu the attractive group of hat feat- j tires. It is fashioned of good quality black velvet, with 1 a fancy mount. •

Another favorite is the choice little “Glengarry” Tur­ban that fits close as a cap and is suitable for tlu com­ing season.



A despatch from Amsterdam says that the billowing me#*»ge lias lieetl ivceivedatBrrlin from Const vntinnple ‘According t«» ne well ImforiiuHl 'iMarti

(Continued from p#g<‘ J,)We feel rert .in of the ultimate ‘•iu- t» o f the alh-d nrmie* but the length

received from - of the war depend# tun conshleiable luntin-; ed u n t on the a ttitude ol the general

iple, the It i«;*h Oaveriiment during | public. Indifference is(hu la*t few days have s.uil mime Canadian troop# to Egypt. Font teen tboutsaud Utcn h vve l>cen stationed u he Sue/. Canal.

1 Tlm'Vm,venti«'n'-f1"'tb- Ka*t tin Tea.'lli'f* w ill. I) Wil* held ill Will* t .111 Tliuixlii.v unit Fi idiiy «.f lusl \v« 11ml which nil the Im altcm Iu »* aUeiid ••d, wits viuy Mi.'ee*»ful. .\ iv»ii>diig |wt- l io) Io i-oiirert WIW held oil Tbiu*day evening, I lt»" pwa-.##l# l#'«ng given to the I’utiiotJc Fund. All eXii-ll.-ut tiiilsieul eiiteituiiuiieutw a* pinviihsl by I.H-iil till* lit and an el«#|ueiit addie** ou the wm given by F. .1. Mi. k!.-. IS. \ batiinter <>f t ’ lie*|ey. Pi'.ifilable ad- iltt"'**.* well- given tim ing tin* eoliVeii* lion b y .I. M. M .t'ntebrou. II. A.,•S| ml fool N.ii-mun Sell.ad on ‘ ■ The I.. .li ning Pi*#-,-*,*' ami •'l.itcirtUH-e: inI'nldie S. l..*d*.- 'tile Kl->u» ait p»*' in iv* of Wiurtoii High S. bool mid the i. iihii kaldv line <-xliit.it ion of work in

Cape Ciokt-r and Smig.sii In.linn S.'||.M.|*lid.l.sl lillli'll illielvHlJo t lie *•(.11- v. ntion. To<l«v tin- l ..e lu «* vot.-dSnMlofhe Uelginn ivlief fund. S-Vt to

id. to I III*S.-'iel y. and S-'»

the It..IItrn.o Children'* Aid

lb.- S.-ilvatiou Army.Tli. tile eomiilg year iih1! Pi.' li.iiviin, All.-iif.ii.l: Vie»* s i. .,.I W alk.’iton-. S,-et.,

.111,-. r*fodent, Mi*

t holey


lit t inniih me btiyiug up Dutch watch dag*.

A name plate at (Siiildtoid nowiead# ‘ ‘ Tipperary road, lato Berlin roail.*-

O iiintiiig i.eeiyilu n g in. Irotu hoot# identity dice, the B tilirh soldier

cv n ie* j j*t 40 lb#, on his (Huron whenin murchlng ordeK

Ovrt hsaid on aa Lumiliu#: "Them tbeiiTinko# it id ligh t, lutt je*t you Wait lilt the Clierkltniill a go at tlieiuti-rm aus." — '

To enable the treops nt the front to keep lln lr fc c t in good marcliingord­er lend Kitelu ncr has accepted • gift of aO.ooO toiib ot vnieline.

A b-ller »tat*> that. Of otdei of the m ilitary goveitor that all children now b'U'ii nr Bi lisweit* ore to ho recognised a s «iermmis.

I'liey lioaid <i|.euly in l i n l n t lint they liuvo rttieuiiirn arm yenrps in ll o very oiiddloof !..,u-!•>«>. whii h is .lo ng, mu,it iiHi-fal si'fvtro to thorn i Iihii il i; Weto oil the ta ttle line-.

The Fr-rich Ministry <>f Wm la ttiiltioii/'d Tbeorloie B etiel.a IV.nch Util id .-.inger u '" t nr through tin- rle pjt* camp a ’ltlho.pitals of the notth ern mid ea-Uern zone* of operation.

ling mid recite his putt iotic poema

iie .t Biit tin, FrAnco mid Kus.ia have I.V) bittioh ip # «nd ciuisem u:id- e* tw en tv year# old, against .V» *>f tie im auy mid Auslii#.

A gii.iillU r il labour!* »o *:atce in W ,at SiiifvH-k owing to the ihiiiiIh i > t nie.i who have, joined thottidiy, that the education Committee h.i* allowed b»ys over twelve to give up school #t- teudaia.o for ttmi|#)rniv employment in the fields.

* 1,WW,i*X)TMls YEAH.The w ar will cost Canada a hund­

red mdlloiv dolt u s in the lir-tye.u , «c- cotditig to .» . <>'»*<• n a tive mtiiuale. Tills itmonnt, of * m use, includes not oaly lh« cost of tin-«.|uipm.*nt of tln ̂expedition*. t»ot th.ur pay when on a -itvr s. i vice m home or ntiisiac. At the emergency r‘e?M„u the nppioptiu- lion was 5-V»,iy»».i*io. tmt it is appar­ent thatthiswllll**rlnade<|uutet It cov­ered -oven mouths* supply for llu* lin t >livi*ion atouc with tht naval outlay*. W hen Parliament mee'# there will lw a fin | tier lillgel, J.* iogiug llu- lo laln t Ml e l. up t<> tlie lunidnd million mark. A great deal r*t the inniicy. however, will l«- spoilt at home. It will not be surprising if next x«*iim

more tm iit adjustments suit­ed l-> the eoiidlthm# of the war. The

:tl>.ii takiui in August wa* in the na* Une o f ajstartor, l l ie io isu o ofltclal iiitliiiation that further ehang-s m,e coining, hut if there are ft will Le a rather natural development In view of the prevailing or mnicijiiitod t. tnH-

hindrance.Intlivldui.lly and as a comiiuuiiiy

one attitude iiiflneuccs others, mid im- lc«s we show it long patriotism now. we are not pisiving to onr cmmii-s lin t our governm ents have the whi le hem t e l support of ttic people.

W bntnre w«* men of W aikerton do. lllg Up to t he present have wo lint broil very indifferent to the -eriou* state of xfTmi-r

Alt ICnghtud !# placarded with the j iiytlcc. "Y ou r King and couiilry needs J you,** Thecall i* to r v e iy man worn j

ju i mid child in the l-'mpire.Are we ini n i f Waikerton doing J

-i n share o f the work?This i* the head.piartersof the Tin.I

itegiment. Do Hie militia »nicei s r< > I ognize their ro-(K>nslbl|ity and tin- J iiienti.ppiiituiuty granted them of serving the :Km piic by lousing tlie patriotism o f the public and enlisting men fui serriceat hmuo ami abroad.- If they do this wheru i# the mil i t i ?

Nothing make# tin- public nim o en­thusiastic than seeing soldieis dull and inmoh in public. la*t the ollicei* match the m ilitia through the town fm pivtitly and note the increase in- enlisting and public interest.

Thinis the enpit#l town of the conn - ty. Doe* mu town council *ee what a gloii.niH oi,|,crtonit>-u ha* of reiving the Empire and setting an exam ple t« tint county. It they fail to do nil in UicicpoWci to a n m te the patriotism j>f the townspeople »od make- Wnlk- ei ton pioiniiieut ns a town that did it# duty to Urn Kuipirn they are falling far shoit of their duty.

Da out local c ivigy tc#lj/.tj what a ( great oppcVtunity they Imve of lur- thering the Knipire** c*u#« bv preach* in g patriot i«tu, j

i f our c ivil in ilitaiy lendera d« noteucourag.* u> to take up o u r share of the work we still have no excuse for neglect ing it. u u r duty i4 perfectly clear.

W e l»av<- a Home (>uatd with a roll i call o f SO wh-rca# it «hoa!d be at least | oOO, by now.

Kvory able-bodied man intownough1 i to join.

Wc cannot a ll volunteer for active! service But it i* in the power of every man to drill ami make liimsclleUlciiuit i to guard hi* «*a-n dial!let.

The need o f a hmuo gnaid in every • distiicti# very great. 1'tie dan gi i < f j invasion U m il amt the no *t 1 certain way«-f ensuring - afetyi# pj*--, put cdncsi.

l.ol us have a big Home g u ild a i d, dr»li publicly. It Sssoinetlung to be proud of Men it we ate dot eg onr duty.

Canada Itts h at too y - u * of p.-a-e— 1 secuieil for her by the Moth, i country t

She lia* now l-i prove, whether that ! |H*ari* ln» t-eeii a Messing or a eur>e. i A c i tti«» decision rests w ithevery t« wii vjlhtge. and inin.lot in the Dominion J

w iu it i . die answer o f W aikerton to i

Fall StocKIs V e r y C o m p le t e n o w .

Fall Stock is very complete now. We have been very fortunate this season in receiving such a .splendid selection of scarce goods.

Dress goods are here in all the latest novelties i:i plain materials, plaids aic fancy weaves at very spec­ial value 2 5 c 5 0 c 7 5 c $ 1 .0 0 1 .2 5 1 .5 0 & 2 .0 0 p e r y d .

We are showing very exceptional valve in silk. A big lot we purchased early rcg. $1.25 and i .25 value at special cut price of 9 8 c a y d .

We have a wonderful showing of new fall coatings plaid, effects plain and novelty weaves at 1 .2 5 , 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 , 2 .5 0 & 3 .0 0 p e r y d r

Sv 'ters for cveiy member of the family. We have the * assortment of sweaters and sweater coats in all c o h - j ' combinations. All sizes for men, wo­men and children, prices 5 0 c t o 5 .0 0 .

Fall underwear, hosiery, gloves, mitts, tuques, knit ted goods of all kinds, blankets, comfoiters, etc., ab­solutely the largest and best assorted stock we have ever shown and no extravagant prices.

We are selling ladies’ coats at special low prices and everything we show is up to the miuntc in style

W c c a n fill y o u r e v e r y n e e d in d r y g o o d s

McBURNEY & CO.On foiced matches, each o f the wiiy

little llu rue# «.f the ltu»<u-'in C*e>*ack8 t-arrie# tw.> tciantrym en in adititi-uto lt« h-g.ti mate i liter, who foregoes the u* •• f hi* stirrup*, which afford the infant ry iiitii tin it- frotlng. Thus in fan tiy i» l>iought up iu u tic try



Erdman’s ™ 0w

Workmen’s Compensatio Act

.MO ICK TO HMPBOVERSr K»|4«)m llxr<%|lui tb# I 'w w i . . .

th»i .U (*nu«ty. ,oi.t I'M t+en — ilSrixt p.i#'!«m»n..n ... Il .r j.1r "n *t.r» »b

wilt miiiWM io .ump t̂ulien r

. or rr-f nii.mrd in m*Ii».i 7, •>< I hr Act i» ..quirt#. without tiollcc anJ .oKmlli. in .#(* of t'»-fault) ti> lran.mil le'I h* W.'.lnwn* Ci-mp.*•»>.•* l lo « i rot (Ulm al>-Ik . K*riW j*ar twli.'l 5*piM»V*. ns■ DU. a ml an t.tlmnu ol lii»p.«)-r.JT tor ll.r calrnjar' I'oim.'lr'f I*1* r-*|ulr«J rrpoit ar.J «i----a,» »i a» r«>rJ.«j*r* , j«a u«J*» Ike Act 1•-.of-K ot Ike Act i.(«!f, |. t-ppSief t~ -—*■

valion to

The Workmen’sCompensation Board

i’ail.amenl UuiUin(«. Toronto,.kinbn if. ig.4

WiYutif# tiijjy


Heal H »ute bought n o t old; numpy l« luiiu: alto a gtnt« t ti e Faun..i#' Cent 1 ill Mutuul Hit*, luMiram.t- Company - I’t.one litiK IIP, ting 'i cV I.

W in te r T o u rsTO TIIK HANDS OF

Sunshine and Summer Doys California, Florida

Louisiana, etcIJiuitv.l trail)# |p.nvToronto .Ini-

ly .’making d in el fotini'.-Hi it n« |)i troit ami ltiilT.tlo for tin- Siuitht-ui SitaU-s*. ftnd at Chkafio fur Calibu- nl *, ttc.

Thu.**. <'<)iif( iiip|iiti>.n a t rip of any nature Miould «i.oaiitf CacMliiin I*a< ifie Tbk« t A go n # , who will to* pb'(1*ed til Iplot-- rUlt'F. Jltl'-liue II*- iiH vati'.ii# and attend to oil tli teile iu I'.HUu-eU-iu with yutir tiip, or write M. Murphy. Di*»»!« t l'a-* engei Agent, eoiuer King and Youngs Htieete, Toronto,

W a lk o r t o n 's S t r a ig h t C a s h S t o r a"Y o ti Pay Lein H e re ”

Women s Misses* and Childrens’

CoatsS p e c ia l p r ic e f o r t h is w e e k

$ 2 0 W o m e n s 'C o a t s fo r

$ 14.95AN EN l'EFTIO N At. OFFKH

io g lit vuitHtihi idyhniiiiii-n iiiMilt

thei>iu<-n, made ft*.m splendid

ipialily imported m aterial*In black# »nuii, cop 111, navy, cnUo, now bi own and fancy coating# acd cut tit the w m o -.'i* newest stylei two cr-at# alike, leg f̂ U.Ob. price for thi# week .............

sp<T'». SU.P

$ 1 8 W o m e n ’sC o a t s f o r $ 1 2 .9 5

Sprcial for those who delayed thuircoet buying, diet la voat# in

h .ljii fur.i'Vmixed lw*«?d*. c lic k s, «ud pNlh foatii-g*. A t»ii« t J of iuiiabb* styl*# f>*r y»t»«sg an d e b b tly women, all It'll lido model*. Ucgul.tr $1S spovi ti price for Ibis w e e k .............................................. $l?.!*a

$ 1 2 .5 0 W o m e n s ' C o a ts f o r $ 8 .9 5Made in tbesca-on# *n,i.rtt#t sty b * . high elese tlttuig cellar, r.ew

d top shuuldm *. tiiiuiued w ith huge fum y buttons, check* and plain material*. .*murl >tvle.< for the younger w« men. r ig specialprice lot (hi* 'v<vk ............................................................................

C le a r in g o f M is s e s ' C o a t s a t $ 4 .3 5\V»nh i * g f*,: At*, tnsde fttmr the tn.wrst material# in fancy amt

p’ .du .| -Iti-. i aS-'f* navy, grey a«d hr*-wu mint jres. cut in the n#wr»t sty le . uitI. • widiuut to ll-, with deep turtiover toller#, iHiteuIng e|i»*e up to the titiout. *iee*(I to 11 (rear#, cotny early, special price for tlii "•• *

$ 4 .5 0 C h i ld r e n 's C o a t s f o r $ 3 .4 9Made fiom corded velvet*, blanket elotli# and tweed mixtures col-

»u navy.e,.id*M'«t». t imvn* eO|*eae ami tany, tauey trimmiugs on eol- btrsand etiH*, sixes A to ll Trio*, irg fl.SU, *|>ecial price lot thl# week

........... . ..........................................................................................S-’l .l f

2 5 P e r C e n t O ff In f a n t ’s C o a t s2u only. Infant* Costs, m edeof Iwur cloth in w hile end colors, eurl

and blanket cloth#, a good select mu. npeciitl discount this week of 2 o ’


Y V A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P EVOL XXXVilt No 45 W A LK ERTO N , O N TA R IO . TH U R SD A Y , NO V EM BER 5th 1914 -8 PAGES.

Brushes With Life

Strong, durable well-made brushes for eveiy use- The solid back, stay-in bristle kind that saves your temper and saves you money-

No matter what you want in brushes.



Hunter's Drug StoreDrtivjs .mil Kcihihs C. I*. R- TicKei fltftim

Try a Box of

Nyal’s Buchu-Juniper

Kidney PillsThey will do you good 25 and 50c. a box

A . P. SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

Learn While You EarnVou may continue your regular daily duties and also fit yourself for a much better position by

■ taking advantage o f our

H O M E S T U D Y C O U R S EPrepare now for the future opportunities which are sure to come to the energetic and well-trained young men or women. You may begin to-day to take our lessons in Penmanship, Shorthand. Commercial Work and Typewriting at your heme

and finish up at the

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E1*. J. AldMisv,'Principal * Box 171

Overcoats_that Fitandare 'Stylish

that tnakeymi look pro- ■ 3 1 sperou*, that wear vv,-'l!*■■■* ami don’ t cost too much is the reputation of those f| wc make. Get measur­ed am lfietone,

Ladie s CoatS. Suits. Dr.csscs and ekirts made to y o u r individual mea­sure.

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men's Wear

Store, Walkcrtou, Ontario.

A ClockA s a P resen t

Few things you couhi choose to give a bride would convey such a personal touch us a clock. And speaking of clocks: no bride can ever get too many—she

-can use one for every room in her house.

Here is a line of clocks that offers a r excellent choice:

Artistic designs in many styles and sizes: dignified looking black clocks and clocks in na­tural wood finishes for the living rooms, and cute little gilt clocks for bedroom time pieces.

R. L . G ib s o nJew eller - - WolKorton

1-ii.li.- Sin i/.Mi'­ll! .1. II. A,.,H i-.

Tiii- tun-* m>vol»io" in belie* ato niu.ii'fm vrtt A p )«T"

.Kums gix-t-ring cit'd* with your im­print. N w muii|*U*!* nt HhhI«t ».

•TVttrdar'T-«*th Paste- « now one you wilt likc;- 2.V. tid©* nt IItlHli't>.

Mr Muttr/iand »**n Carl of Hanover spenl Saturday nlMr.R. S. Srliwindt.

!•> Imy- in-»v VV'illiiui l*»x Hunter-.

AH wool underwear ut mc.to $1.Mriri light and heavy weights. -- Stephan Bros.

Ml** Mliiuif Hnlunlili <»f MilUnmy.'-}>»*nt Sjilmtlay amt Sunday »vll|i Mi>> K tin!

. Sumttlv ctft Isdh-t* jaeketslDCotOM nmt black atfS.IW to SI *.00 ~ Stephan IJrOs.

Mr-, R, Terry h fi ye»tcrdny t»» \ i*it her|win-iil,-. Mi. aii<1 Mr-. Uilllfl»n«l «M Oak villi-.

It i* exiM-ctod Hurt m-rutling fm-a illitdcoiiUltjp’tft willt’oiuniuipnin two Week-.,

New furs unit mull* made fioru select skin*at verychacprices.—Step- ban Iho*.

ill gul, Ih-̂ I AllU'lll'UU rani ail ill -j.-v't Ihiot-H with k>hh1 lap. SII,.Vi~S. \V. Vagan.

Mi-.- Helen tbitdonh r o f \V niMlstorli "pent Sunday at tin* liana- of Mr1. MeKwen.

The Women’- ln*rilHlr will meet at Mi. ThiK;SSnger'"OH Thm-day. Nay* tjiiilK'i- Mil.

Mr. E, C. tilth-land <>| N'lae.an -t"-iii Siinilay,iit th<- liameaf hi- -M* •<. Mr-. It. 'IW.vN

Mr—. Ethel ttlint/ Ira- .m ept.il a (Mention n" ItookkeejN-r at tin-1 aiitolinii Expi.** Office.

Yl l«-t pi'< |Miittioii- >»»-«• Ising -made to -till I pulling Up I lo- 'I eel n«'lk tile we-t Olid hl'iill'e.

Mr. .tnv-Sr-.il af Ivlen li.-< - - Ink ing a l aliUUerHtll * aU| M> in I he Wit Ik- ertojj |hl-itie-, I'oUege-

Now {•» the Him-. Hole i* 1 he plnee ta get y»«ir new -till and io ib ii ami millet near. -J, II. Apj-1.

'l l *. A. U. Klein eeliiineit an Sittili'- ♦tay- after lutv ing "(tent the (Kt*f tlltee week" InAH. Clemen*-, Mich.

Mr. Edwin MeConkey of Until* i* taking a commeivini i->ur>e at the Watkertaji ( ‘allege,

f an yon think <•!' any gift wltlrh will appeal nioit- fom-fal ta y».ur friends Hum u fine photograph » f yonr-clf?

The annualnui'tingofthe Ibotieui- tnral Society, will be llvlil ill the Hep. <>!' Agi ieulfiue olliet- lo-unurow i-velt.

MI-1 Vem Wesley l.-H .«» TW dny for Sti.ttfoul where site will train for a niir-e u» the (i.-uei'dlHo-pStiilnf that




T h e easiest shoe on earth.

R A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

! <hMeT|M.nr Hospital t'ah'nilar rat ly.

I .Vi **t1 on | aulte-' i ittf- at .1. H. ,\|>* : le-l'v

.fa-. Ta|toj| i- i—nel of nianiago ,i* e e ftw

i t ’lhhiivn -- < <Mt at half pri>e. ,l. ||’ \ p , - lv

T. I-:. An w.nb.1, issuer of uiartlage

Mens raiui'.r.t!’- that 'till tutu ; .1. II. Appel.

! t . IM t. liefcet oHlre Hi Hunfel*-Dittg Slaty,

tin- u.-ek.

Mi. lit (tie l ai t Wt ight of l.intl.«ay ha-* faken the filaee of hi" taatliee Iha t on the -tan of M, .t. Hainv-y. the "haefuau. *

Mr— Itiil.y NoirMi **f |tiny t*>ii. ae- eoiupiiniiil I*v Mi— Mmtge StiiUh, "(H'lil .Sumltiy with her mat her .'I «>. W. Noi ri-h.

.Mr. ami ,'h-. I*. It. n i amtor, alto have spent the pii>t i wa week" at lla- foitner'" hotne, ret it rnnt on Tuenlav ta Hr>nni|H‘ii. Ilk

:Ku>iiirtt4| of new »hitwl enllar ovet- cfWtf (orniMi. young jacn a ml boyv in navy, brown atnl greys at special prices.—Stephan Bren.

'V v\Tj;t*~ liv|M'i'ieiire*f wiMMlivoik ei s on Until saw. join toil ami >aml iltimi": nUmlv work, "tale . xiH-rieiui* ami salary exjH*ef»sl. Dmyfon Mills i.ftl., Ueaytoii. Out.

,'lr. amt Mr-, Mrrvyn la-lie wha wete leeently marti.il in l*erfh. tint.. mo r|M'tiilitig t lit" Week af I In? fowicr'« home he.. . M.. atnl Mm. D-hV will toshlein I’ort JIojm'.

Ml", He» l» Smith Win* ha- been a re- "itleiit of Walk*-i ton far the (M-t ! wa veal" mo.e.l her lianielmhl giMsI-. to Ihtlvill. tint., this week, wile tv «h*‘ avIJI join her hu"hamb

K*'\ Tho- Wilson of Knox eluiteh, e,.yehangisl pulpit" w InV iaotlnr who is pastor of Ihe ItothNiy. Out,, yhnreh on .Sunday. Mr. WtUnir c«mi- itneteit annl'etsmy "* ie»'".

Ia'«: Weiler, the leu-yeai-old n il at Mtv Joint \Vallet-. nlghlavatehinan at thr Hittan factory, was r (wrr.tr*t en at I In? Uruee Cminty Hospital last week for hernia. Tli& yotipp -f : L now recovrrlBg.

«'lling at >Ci; T«»tlieih*|a'U«leitt>of ^In?"*'employ - > who enlist for »<-r* lee in the ( an-

ailiiin rootingents. tin- Ih-ll Telephone ’onijMiiy (Nt>> M'lui-nnmthly. an al-

iawame *>f half the amount of hi" wages, ilii-so piiyiuetits ta U-eitnl iimed rliile thvsai.l employee iviit a.-tiveel vhe.

•a tteitiEight tsHiunsI l»*u>*'an liar ham .Si.

i if hall modern «smveniem«'v, fa lent Apply f a ,!, .1. .Selmmalher,

l-'or Sale.A Srholamhip in The Wnlkertoii

Iht-ini*"" ( ’allege* Termsreiihottuhle. l-'or (Kirtientats, « l tie The Teh'>*s

EvprcsN anil TelegraphDominion Expiv—aml t'. I*, It. Tel­

egraph otr.ee next ta Jahttstall’s Unit er shop. .Shipment" railed far and delivered. |Mioiie2l. Dliiee ojn-n at

u in. until 5k (‘. hi.

AUeuilcil fill Herat Mrv Win Heorgo left ..n Thint-duy

last for National. Wi*consin, to m Umd tin* funeral of her father, Mr. William Selnober who di.-tl tit that, city oa Wedmodny.

farmers Olitlicling of the lit..ni Farmer"

f ilth " i l l U- held af the home of Mr. A. K< Walul .m'l'ii.-alny even ing. Nov. Pah, .Mr, J. J. Morrison will add t e.l- the meeting. Unite" ael.ome.

Keller WorkSix rases; o f g.Msis tell for Montreal

on Wisliie"day bn- the relief a f thesiif fei" in Hefguim. There »reiv pilloW" oodding and elothing. 'Hie |«s'ple ftoin fhe town.and country iv'pau.h-d admirably.

H u»|ilt«l CMlrmtars The ladies iif the Ho-pital Aid. are

g. t f ing ipiolat ion ealendem printed. The.a- w ilf t"' ready ,-hoitJy and as the .letuaml xx til Is* gi-i'Rl it woidd ls- wd»e lo send or plmne yam- oixhu- l<> Mr*. Jas. " Id! eh. ad, n . f ja ieei"tiV-.(-aeh.Help the Ito.(litnl.

Itettiming to CargillMr. H.-meV <a-i.e win. ha- Uvn

head flct k on I In--tail of .1, H Apjn l "for the jMst two year", ha- re>ig... Iarid will rrintn. in the mat futut** to hisltatne foa n. t'ai gill, xvhetv In-has it'Vepl'-d a jwoiflonas eleik ill tliestoiv o f Mi . C. fyi-rling,

Opernteif on .Mi. David Tta'diAias operated <m in

the Itron-I'onniy llo-pital for herni.t and we mider-taml the op- . ration Ini- been sm.S'«—sfnl and .Mr. Tia'.rwill "."<n t»- idsmt again. Mr. (•iliMtii o f lliimthan isemnlmrling hi- hardware Imsiness while lie is eoiillliedto hi- tsst.

.More Canadlnh-jiurn One phase of the Canadian second

contingent wot thy of note i« thr fact that u hitgo |»eiC?ttt«ge nf Canadian horn young turn *Ye ttnswofilig the call. The grtatet |Mtt of the first con tltigonl vvh" comptn«.rd U men who worn tw.ru in Biftnin, Ireland and Scotland pul of tln.se who left Hrttee lust week, fifty per cent writ- Cana­dian horn.

Thanking the lluuorsThe Imtie- u|n» romhn t.si the « ollet -

tiokot elothing. Iptih". He. to l»> .enl t-> Ih-fgimn • »">*>»'. thtmigh Hi*' Teh—, rope, wish to Ihltllk the JMH.pie <»f

'iilk.-rtoii and particularly llm-e •>! thesmietiii'iingdi-trict win* (v-jeMid- i'd so lito-ially uitli donation- fin tin- worthy ni use.' A huge tale A- iw-iiire paek.-i for-Inpiuent f hi" « « 1 .Tho Dai t.oiiirtmit ton

At the t nue ot going to pro atx' um.Uyt » giro ntty statial figure* ax to the number o f bushel- of oats fanners of Hrttee have coiltrUiuinl f«> Hie British army. A i Wolkcrton there is a ear of I'JW bf|hels with inon*Ing In. while in Palaley there are two lull cars, Tara two cars and Htpworlli and Hatklmad one car each, the&e am all the repo:ts that have horn to. cel red aril the' more dotttihtl state­ment will b© published next week.

Month Cut by I’einsliiHilcr,**Hilly’'th e young son o f Mr. A. I*.

.iidioMonwas the victim ef « nasty accident mi Safutdav. The little fel­low, with other children. \va«* playing about w ith a tin pca-shootei in his mouth when in some tuatiner he tell heavily against one of lit" pUjmatte the pea-shootep iidlictinga nasty K»»h in the roof o f hh< mouth. Doctor were cttlfeil to attttnd him aud he wa» placed under chloroform while the removed «,ime nf the torn tleab. youngster is recoyet ing and no set iotts rv-ults are anticipated.

Answered thlsc-Alarm Tin- tin- brigade was ealh-l «*ut on

\V«-hn-»d.iy morning to mi-vver what ptov.-d f » !»• a false alarm, ft a|>pv(it> tliat atrva-t end i« "ident winnweiiptes « ln»U"e on the fop «»f the hill.units ..f -moko aj>|>.-ir<-utly ins.iingfrom a house downtown Inurh'it 1“ tin Dobbin l .o, («.«y whets- h*> «'X‘ iliatli informed Mr. Shaw, and tin- laftei plunn-d in i In- alarm, ’rite tiflgrtd* tii.-l to h« at«- the « aloe of all «he *-.\riieinent tint the-only vestige fire, which they could di-cover was bla/ed in file chilUQey of Hie Haul.

Theii* xv»i" no danger <>! doing any damage ami the m-l" iy«- otdeted back lo the iutll.


Another Walkertonlan EnlistsMr. hal Etdman who has l*-» n ein

ployed with the Iti'H Telephone Com' jiatjy at Owen Sound ha- joined I h“

V-lephone Etigimi-t" * orp *>f the -*•• ind Canadian eoiitingeiit altdi lea'* " Id" week for |,<>udoii*ir Halifax where nti mouth's it,itiling will !*• «tom- rh*r to leaving for Khiojm'. IM. ohniterml lor s.-rciee in Hie llrst oniiugeiif* latf then- t»'ing iihui- men

than mpiitnl ha- hi- brunch of the k hi" service- were tml iieei>pl«*i|

until tin* sn-oiitt which is : now tx-ing to England-aid;

A runlet Hallowe’en MalhiWeVn nighl. Siilimtay l;i"t wa-

I in- ipuelest which lla- Im'cii c\|s-i ieii- it Walkerloti for many years by. the tearing amt damaging of

pis>peily is gradually di-apiM-aringand is yeardhe hoy.-imhdgiit in Very few apk" of that nafme and the jedice

had a deeiihallv easy night of it. I. Aia-11. the rag and Ikittle man Milfeted

>m<- extenf: one **f iii" junk wag­ons la*iiig placed astride the n»>f <*f till*, ticket oltlee at the exhibition grounds mid Ids tHisluess -ign nailed

ct»*nn*l another was ndhil over t he nlaitenieiii at till* we-t end bridge into the lulling lie low. Other than lids Ihelvwa- very little doneWortliy

iillltiieiit. A en*wd **f high sehopj letils rr.'abil it hig noise idmiit the

lioek simds. to the *liwomtUun- **f their leiU'heis, but lieyond tile noise.

(Wlltd. tlie.V aeeom|di"lnil i Very little.

itelurned 1‘rillli I.olidini"lake the Wttek rat” Jack liurke ltn-

eome Ixtek. .lack was <*ne of the h«al vohmtcci" w ho left Monday morning bn Uiiidon with other lsi>" of Ihe see- oud Canadian Ovcm*as ronting**ul. Inti he has one failing, that, of being a li.Mtye m I i-t and on going into camp, iii fin intoxicated eoudithm on T ii<>s- day. the authorities promptly oideied Itim out and gave him triitts|M»rlaf ion liom*'. He no doubt meant well when igning for M'l-vire <m Satutxlny.. but In* waving for t«»u/e was too much

and he decided t«* have *mi- mon- drink, inn he »ftrricd it f »n< far w it it the re-cilt that lie was dismissed- Shirk*- was drunk when he came lo She dejiot on Monday morning. Amt til*- mystery i" where did he seemo lb" H*|tioi' to kee|> him in an into.xicateil <**u<h't e*u front "«-x en **'chs k Saisitday night to -**vet» *jV lock Monday turn n-

It look" ielt a- if »disottefhe local ttiife!ke.'(« r

ing tin? law * and selling the I"**•/.*• by thebottlv.

Local If**} - Enltsi1‘ive inlU'eAVrifCerioif Ito.V" have an­

swered the call tirarnis amt left lot Uunloii for It.dniug on Monday « - inemtM-iS o f the secnitd Cmmiliati ex- (**iliti*>nary force w hich w ill Is- .1.-* (Mtchut t*< Enro|"' lort~»i"t hi the Ixittlii" ot the Empitv in the eoinse of it few wvek". The I toys who re(ireseut Widkerfott are: Nonnati Htiek. H*'H Calfwright. dark Anderson, A lfm l Tolion. and Wilfnal Kingsbury ami in addition t«* thi-M' t" .lames la*ech* who left - for iamdou : last w*vk. \ large *r**w d .gathenil at file depot on Motnlaymorning to hhl fan-well t<* thesi* voJunfeem who have made Ibvat .-aelllees in.-oixler flint they might go lit ptoteet tMiiad.t and the Mo’the land. They aix* all young men w! w ill In- mi""i-d In f heevet yuhty life of Wulkerbrn au*l ihchojs* of everyone j- that they tuny someday tvttim t*» t hejritnute. and »i*ne\v the friend-hips they ita'c tprnnil in town. They go to do their duty- w hilt- iit Inane sad and auxiini- ln*aH" of father, mother, lanther. -liter. sWvi'lheart and frien*!. will ever have Ihe fear, lest tho-e whom they love should fall in liatlte. A fiuvvvelf meeting »>f voting was hehl in theaimory *>n Satimlay afte nt whieh Me. It. K, Trunx, <*u U’ltatf .of the fitemen pre"cnt<il Messr* Hiu-k Andet-on and Cartwright with a live dollar goht pits-e each, and Mayor l.ipJM't-f mi Is lialf o f the fiHitlittll club prc-entcd t*uth Hack and Carl w right vrilh a ten dollar gold piece and And­erson ami Hack a live dollar gold picee from the liawK-dl chri*. Hesidi*- tin? at*»ve earli man iin.'xjl'ed a *w»\itcr coal from the low'll and a complete •utUU of minor .necessaries from the hs-al Daughtet-* «<flire Eittpitv. A pm-vof S i" wa- pii'"4-ut«-d !** Mr. iviugsbnry by- hi- felh>W'Vvorknn't( at tin* Tmax factory and a pn->« nt.<t.it wa-ui-o imttle t<> him hy fhe Km*\ choir <>f which he was a y uhml tiem-

Stivw In the ill tin-County Ihi-pital Walfcerlnn. *m .Satmday. u>-t. Mist

Mr. and Mi * 'Villmm !"iiaw a om.

H.vHtui -In Itielnuoiul; V<t, **u Htuiday tk t SitU, t.« .'lr. and Mr*. 'Vesh-y Ihiki-r.« miii.

Srcw vttT At the tnan-tv t#raH**n, <tlt tht. 'J5*ih, to I lev. atnl Mt*. A. C, v*i*-wat I, a danghb’c. I»iil"-1 Katherine CampU'll (Katlicrinei,


NMta.v-- 'VKtut At the manse, Walk- eiton, nti AVvdnestlay November ilk Mr. .1. Neiilv to Miss Webb, inuh of i*r««fH>ck cmiuhip.

'ingageiiii'tif A it inni need ’Mr.amt Mrs; .laiocs Hy>i*>pamn«m*i‘

I In1 ••itgagenietd of tlieirehlesf daughl * «*r Kvn Vitn-iln to Mellon M. firaitigec of C ogill. Tie- w»il*ting to take pface in t lie earlier part No''-nds-r.


Do ring t he > ,ih«a i y 111 st i i uu- nni't - ing lieht in the public library’ here, no l«ook* will Is* i""in-d during tin- after- noon «ml.eveningof Ns»v*-nd«-t- t'Mit. and during tin- afternoon of Xot<-nilM-r l:tth.

I*lays good ItiigliyRob How'laml a graduate *>f the

"alk<>'joit Iligli M-hool tn*w a "tmh-nt of <pi>i-ti> Cnivetsity. i* making a Hum * for him-elf in lnl*-«i »»lh'giate rugby . ir.-le*. Alt hough Hob lias I men playing tyigby b*J but two years, liul oil g«»iItg.’lp,Quii'lls thi" fallen Ibsl year "fmh'iit, lie was able lo eat eh a place ou t In- tlr»t team **f fin? Ciiivejs- it.v aud soon s*s'tn»il f*« liim-etf t he reputation of ludug one'%d tin- Ih-i I phuigers on the lim-up. In tln'ac- ••tiiint" of t he game- whieh ajijie-ar In t In-daily pa per*, ids name i - fnipicntly im-nlionnl. In fhe wrifenpofihe Vat- sify-Qini'ti" game which Wa- played on Ilt‘- Queen- iithb't ie Held on Sattir- itav ia*t and w«s won by Var-ity, the T*«xtnto Sunday World in menliotting oile <»f Rob* play", saiib: ” l)oyh kick«il

llnzteti wIio pasMil to Row IiiimI. and fhe .bitter wvnt ! b tough for fifty yaiil- ainiil't gn at ehcet iug. It was Ihe ts-st play of Hie game lhis year. Karly in Ihe Last «jmn ter «*f tin- game Roll was ktmeketl Hucouscitms in a taekle and doctors who wen? culled thought in- wa*.-i-tioirdy injun-tl. hut he has since ivcovt-ml,

t -cd in HurvejhigTin- e*vet ion <*f a huge towci on lot

llt,eoii*'ession 1, Cacriek, tvyeidly. hy -l range jairties c m d n l i|itihr a seitsat- jon in th i- district. Matty stotics were einnlnteii the nn*sl pivxahttl one I wing I Ind the st met tin? had l«'<*n •-n-cfnl by agrllt- •»( the fieUlian tbo-. ernmeiit. The fad that the rifi/ens in the locality. Wetc unable »*t secure inhautat ton from fin*-*.* in «-barge, ap- pa really gave weight to this assn dtp? Him mi the part of the faemet>. This n-at- and all other rum or- how ever, ut uu inxesligalion lining made by n*s (Sitislble jterkoH". disappeared us tin loists Is-fore.the itibYlilitg sun. Hear ingttn- inany mnmis with n*g;ud *<> i he lower and: w inbing lo **'t nt r*"T tiny tVais wbicb the populace may have Imd, Me. R.daui-on K. f . <om-II mi* tea t n l w ith t he Omari*»? go veri > - incut aud was infomnil that the !o\v- >-x wa* «-teet«.-l tty tin- govrm iurul amt was to Ih* iim iI by to|N>gra|diical"ttr' ey jutriii?" ami that then* i - tm military .significance c««iln‘ct»il flivtvt**. Tin-"*- liiui-is. of which thetv ate many in AVe-tern f btiai io. are used in securing precise hwathm- and all it tides, flit hitter ls.-iug iddaiitixl by noting tela- tlve iHt-itbuis of light- shown till tliesi towel's and heights of: land at uigbt. Among those who have v irfti-t Cat rick tower are Messrs It. K. Truux. and Mr t*. H. Abtrtyn. wb<* date from the top of tbe stntdtile, tbtmigli a tele»»i*|*e v.'-Het- eau Ik* "eeitoni/ike Huron.

The t’a irtoiic ConcertH ie Pat Hot ie isnu vtt git *-n in "fhe

town hall under the auspices of Hie VValkertoii Chapter c*f fbe t. O . D. 1*. on 'Friday* .evening. »n* a gnat -m -

The ptV'gi.nn w.-i> all that could tie de-im t amt the ttltendance wa- |m-v haj*- m**re thati was*lv*-|»nl by ~.iue. standing rimm Iwing at a pivininnii {•‘ollowiiig wa> fhe program every numls-r <>f which was thoroughly en­joy til by the large intmlau- pie-etil:—I, tbu> S v v k T m i: K i m ; ........Audience•J O to .n, til t; IDu.f* in \t;y> P a s ti A n th c m r................ t 'ombined Choir

T i»k K ino 's Mi ;s.s.voi: T o t i i k O vnn-SKXS J»»MIMON'S;

Me— i*. Chive. Wa lib's" and Taggart ------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aSignaller?

I. PATIMOTK AlUllUL""........ ........Mr. David thda'ilsoii, K. <

Rrt.t:. IhtrrtsM v ............... . ___.'ltd*' Cboriii and Aodienc

it. P.vTiturric l ‘f.,'*. tmtt-f~....... .<<ii I- of t lie SejNirafe Selnsd

T, spta.i it ....... ,.'lr. HoysivKaiewe!s. Tut: M tru ; l.nvt . .. ........ ..

Air*. N f.'!. tritel.ismi and A udiencIt, Dtttl.t, ------- . . . High Scliool CadetIn R k* rr.vrtox ------Ml— Jean Norri"bII. S*,m .. -'Tippi'i ary' . . . . . ..,...

Mule Chorus and A inn t»'. s*»i.*» 'Ttic Cull **f the Mothciiamt

____ ____ .. .. Alt, K. M .Tayht. i, How TtfK Watt llKO.'N

.................... . . I toy-Of High SchoolIt. ft: C an \t»\ ....... Coiuhtned Ch**it>

Although cadi uuudier wa* cnjoyeil ! boo- woif hy of sjsi ial locution are, the s,do by Mr, K . M. Taylor, the High School Cadet" and the ling drillhy Ihe little ghI" «>f tin- No|*urateM-h.N.I. Sulhe dtabegue. How tin " 'a t Ib-gan,' hy High -dnsd hoy - A i t Inn dim m ing brought down t he house:wh*-n taking the p u t of Jm>. Hull, lie in ithDital Imsid Engb-h, re- citiil:T h i - A t»• K.h-Ti * a

Ami -is m ini isjit wotth haifa ts«t*t And if I h i Relgnitu sitll'a

I 'm a hhmk l*im*m<ng duttit.ok a mb. ;

Tin- lofal len-ipt* from t he sale of li* kit * arm no i ted to ttU «lh«» and after (dying all expettM-; th" . Daughtei - *>l tin- Eiupltw placed in the tieasury «I1N.W

on i » limn.Me. .lann- Whitehead left on tVed. 'siiay Iasi fin- f fweu Sound w hen* In*

joimal a (ijirty? of'inemlN'Cs of tin* (Striker Hunt Club o f that town. Th*- (iaity lefi ihi- following day »ii tie* -loatuei Midland for Alg*una AldK rom win-tee they p4<s-cnhil inland

for t In-ir deci -hunt mg gnmnds.

Letter from England.

Air. " ' .1. McNally received » l«Uer last week from bin *ou Capf. Arthur MeN’ *lly who is with the flr*t Cana­dian expeditionary force now encamp ed on Kahatuuy Plainx, England. Cap­tain McNally ©ncloaed a chart o f hie own drawing, khowiug the formation, of the vcsxcls which conveyed the Can-

ilinnv across the ocean. There were thirty-one transport*, nailing tbrea abreast, escorted by a convoy of five cruisers in Iront, on© nt each side aud three at th© rear. The Cuptain sailed on the Virginian and from that vessels posllion in tb© column, it was possible to see w ith Ihe naked eye the ©ntbe npuuboo. with the exceplion of tho five l»-rtd'ng|C»uUo*s. The Virginian w u« tin* first l«*«t lo do* k and Captain McNulty wa*among the first Canad­ians to »irp on British ioil.

Anothri' letter received by Mrs. MeNnily fiotii the Captain on Tues- tcy, wiitt-u shortly afur reaching Saii*,l ury Plain, is worthy of puilica- th>» tunl will intercut all reader*.

Cocadian Exp« uitinnary Force, SaPstmry Plain

'Vn Uft the -learner about 12 o'clock Friday tiiottung nud took th© train for Snllst «i;y Plain*. Ttic littla engine© ‘ a ad c< inparlim-at coache© of the EmrUsh trains!ai© very edd to* t'ana- dittn, hut they orrtninly can go. They, make 10 cf AI 'idles an hour with very little uu>tu n and no t iimpirg of any kind- Ahi ui (t.IJO Saturday morning w© arrived at loiving’ on ifntioti and thru marched the icnmiirt;gfire miles lornmp.

1 had a rather enjoyable day in tho •juriiut old town < f PHurouth.

We are c.tmptd an a huge plain con­sisting of « series o f rolling down, not unlike AIK-rt a.

On our dally marches wo often visit the hitl© English village© with their ignunt otd tbatehcd-roofrd cottages, auMuui drd by film end brick walls. The fi'jople ute undeniably i tmlic. hut x<cm tube t;e«i|nitr happy to continue on h-revet in the bt?t * ijuitl villages uud hu'iutuiif-et where their fuiefatb- ©j* have lived for gencialiomi. They aik ver y In spitxhlc but do not knoyr iptilv w-bat lo make of Canadian offic­er-. They duu't und-rstntid how we can stop *ud talk with thrm nod J»c. copt thi'ir hospitobiv. Oneold gent* leiimu invited ute to hi» house while tuy company wetr scouring lb© village forutisent©v*i tonintktd ‘ •Von me dif­ferent lo our officers, they never notice it* at all.’ Prf**>nafiy l can't sex* any liaj-m ln U bfcnu-e they ate jH*rlectly ttspectab)| and < Ifer what they have to give without attempting to bcfam- iliar.

In many way© iln-sc country villages have changed Httle In th© last hun­dred year* and thete seems to beeome- thing strange or < dd ulntit tho aulo- mobile# and ni»#btp* which you see w bi/zing through or Hying over th«*a relic* of bygone years.

It bastwe-n raining today but we aje quite cotufoitable. We have an oil »;tove in-oui font and feel Just n» ‘.otufm lat lc here ns in any steam-heat­ed apartment in Canada. i got tny Wo’ Sey Valia? tho other day and ( never realized what a comfort it wa*.I got an Esglish p*U«rn which Is e* hotter material t hint the Canadian, it Consist* of nti absolutely water-proof steeping hag with » place to keep ©x- ttn clothes in one end of tt. Inside is a cotk mattress and hlankels. You gel inside, draw up the cord and then bring th© covet w-Jw*s and Mtap it down, i have still kept my caiiip beil and put the valise on it. Of course when going into the field I will tear© the Inti he hi ml (uni will curry nothing hut my haver*nek, the? sleeping hag being rolled up and cart i«d on » wag­gon. The remainder of my ladoug- iUR« (necessaries o f course! 1 have packed in a waterproof sack which It closed with a bras* ring and padlock.

The full matching order is a little cumbersome at that but l h*Te got used to it. Hconsist# o f a ©am bt ownc holt with two shoulder *trap*, carry- »uv a -wotd, revolver, aud auituuai- Itott potch. 8lung over the right shoulder is the haversack containing "intviug kit, towel, soap in one pocket and rations in the other, with a pocket un the outside tor a Field Her vie© Pock­et l-ook, Over the left "houliler i» a w.tU-r t-ol'tc, field glaaci-a iu case, a cuiupacs, and a range taking inntru- n.ent al»u m aticnt leatitei ease. Then my htravy «»v«rc<>at i? tolled and »htog IXCI-OJ* my lM.-k l*y a wide canvass strap that j>.is,»e- over the left, should­er. Sa f ir a* the SW. rd ie ©oucMTwd, i thi-.k that who » we get to the tiring Hue. wo will leave them hebtml uud can j a rill* ,?© light carbine. The new itiriotuntllgs patilctflarly deadly

tt slum!:! very fast and « " It dna* trot kick Upward* tike an ordinary »t> volxvr and is much mnr© accurate.



Replying to a.deputation from th« Workers' National Commit t—*. « raised certain *imsHom« on tin* r> Hon of uiunit'lpHliili’s to ■Uu» relief distress, Mr, f.loyd-Georg*- said that while ho was Mill anxious in vb-w the very heavy burden that war the future would Impose upon country, that local authorities should not spend more money than was actu ally necessary to prevent distress, he had never mount to »ugrt«'»i that municipalities should watt until peo­ple were besieging tin- town hath clamouring for bread before taking action. They ought to excrcls** ordi­nary foresight and might to antlclgnt* distress, and he thought that the words he used in his recent address as ,a representative of municipal cor­poration* bore that Interpretation.

While he deprecated nuinietpalitP competing with the Government in the financial market, he said that rather In support of the concession that the Treasury was making to the municipalities, believing i» would tie better for the Government to raise the money.

A* regarded um-mploynimit In the building trade the Gov eminent thought it desirable to take full pow­ers this year for the erection of all Government buildings decided upon for the next few years, and would either begin or postpone those works according to the necessities of case. Other means would have i found for dealing with distress In the cotton industry, hut he was not nt all »nre that they were not a tittle pre­mature in anticipating very consider- able unemployment generally.

SEPTEMBER TRADE RKTI'RSS.The Board of Trade returns for Rep

tember show the striking effects of the war. there being a reduction in Imports « f £16,303,7$R, and In oxiiorls of £ lf.,750,"«:i. Til., following: are the principal decrcae<-s in imports- Meat. £6$2.0lt; nou-dutiable food and drink, £1.791.220; wood and limber.£2.290051.; cotton. £»,610.771; hides and undressed skins. '*73,31:1; iron and steel and manufactures. £923-.640; cotton fabrics, £799.374:; wool fabrics. £508,2.'!:!; *llk fnbrles. C*l9t,- 548: leather and manufactures (ex­cluding boots and shoes). £311.196: miscellaneous, iil.49fi.200. Imports of paper-making materials, however.Increased by £309,361, As regard? exports the largest decrease* were:Other food and drink. £281,46:1: coal, oeke. etc.. £1.851.658; Iron and steel and manufacture*. £1,663.924; ms- chlnry. £t,422.5t1; ships <now).£603.- 547:cottonf ahrlcs. £3,664,502: wool, fabrics. £1,327,273: miscellaneous.£684.628. /

The total rubber imports for the past month were 112.213 centals of 100 lbs.. Including 37.301 centals from Straits Settlements. 15.734 centals from K. M. S.. and 24.877 centals from Ceylon. For the corresponding month last year the total Imports were J31,- 003 centals. The teal Imports of pe­troleum oils were 52.108,629 gallons, ns compared with 47,$96,948: gallons ill September, 1913.

------- £HOW THI MUV.

We Ilk,- to come in touch with the real and natural note in :> letter from

' some one at the front. We find it In a letter from u young: fellow who Ih a motor eyelhd *h<-n\ He tells of how he met some Wellington College chums, and then he proceeds;

"We pushed off soon on the bri­gade major's advice, and I'm dashed If my machine didn't cough out a tier fifty yards, and leave me stuck: l did some tall talk ami thinking, I can assure you. However: there was nothing for it hut to stop and see what was up. because the uparest cover was a wood 5po yard* away, tine of ray Onim- was ahead of me, and the other didn't hear my frantic about* for assistance, and htiraed *>u.The trouble watt that ,nil mv tools had been stolen the day before, and 1 wanted to borrow on adjustable span­ner. without which I could do nix.Fortunately my O. W. friend puffed up a Triumph and lent me one. and 1 remedied the trouble and cleared off with him. You’ve no idea how thnmhy one's fingers are when mend­ing a motor-bike under the close at­tention of shrapnel.

Somehow It reems quite easy to un­derstand the thumb)' nature of fingers In such a situation. An analogous position which we can speak of with knowledge I* the attempt to pm on a pair or—braces—In the right wagwhen the room beneath 5* on fire,

CAPTURING GERMAN TRADE,A new trade war organization i< to

be establish si. J? 1# u* be known the Entente Trade Uogtie, and the purpose is to dlrtcouragn the purchn.» of German an ! Austrian go si-; which can lx- replaced by articles made* In the British Empire. It is not tit.. nrti- cle which comes from Germane or ..... » Ul Austria which really aignifias. There! and had

worhl-wiil- trade to In? capture.l,j child dead, nnd now is our opportunity. The i.«-w n„organ (ration will, have i,,ird D*“;bt>r.°ugh rs U« president, and - <.r id,colleague? on the executive will b.- Sit John Bingham. No ttuhscnpHotm ot contributions are IuvR-h!

Wisbech, nnd weighing 2lvj ox.As Hi result of being knocked down

by a motor car whilst playing s ;ba|l- in the stmt. Harry Rhodes. 13, of :;2 Vale road. Parkwood' Springs. •Sheffield; litter died nt the Royal In firmary from a fractured skull.

Tim Dublin Gaxette announces that He- Eord-l.h-titenant him been l to appoint Mr. Henry Albert tb'itkimn t« a reshiem magistrate f >r County

to he stationed at Castlebar.Air, E. I*. Not! llow-er, >*„ It., him

been appointed chairman of the Board <>f Inland Revnm* In succession f I.ieilI.-Col. Sir M. Nathan, G. C. M, t Mr. F. H. Warren Flsser lias been n; I«diib*l deputy chairman.

Owing to the long dr wight there 1* water famine nt Boston.

; Great Britain la making .bids in Am­erica for 'lihe.pi sweaters .dmHat leose of »h United States Army.

As a r-.-iiii of the management agro-dug to discharge all Germans and Austrian!-, the strike at Llanelly ha* te*n settled.

Motor-boat trios '1 n the Solent provided for tno c'ltvulesconf soldiers tr; Pt the front who ar** in hospital at

I Mm age estimated nt £11.009 was done by fire nt the oil clothing factory of the Great Grlmshv Foal, Salt andTr.onlng Company. Grimsby.

•phe Brill di steamer Ardmount. 6 ,. in') ions, mi Tuesday, wavs a Router Oftrml message, struck three, British mines; no om- was injured and oil the crew were saved.

■ He hud apparently nor. n<«d goap and wiibr for years," said the doctor at p Southwark Imptrst on a man of 69, who dl**il suddenly, n verdict of death from natural eiuisen being re. turned.

- aceommmiatlon of war pri­soner*, a line of unused sheds, miarlcr ( f a mile long, at Handforih (Chesh­ire). belonging to the Bradford Dyer*’

i. has just been taken over by. the Government.

ting of Hie Guardians ofNorth Dublin Union a Guardian sug­gested that Huv should call Prussia sir*' !. I.imvnln avenue. No netlon was

being notified that a revised •vt* was being prepared, allaee. r\. chairman of

Eond'-n Sessions, stated ’ hat there luclheci- dnrlue ilie past two month'; a no* finable restraint among the criminalla«>ec. r^\For Hie first time In the annajj of

Sheffield, the business of Hte . City Quarter Session<t wav trat sactod in me court, owing to a singularly light •nlemlnr.At IVtiibHifracf. Clareitc! Nov.nrd, a

antur. gi? for trial to t?■ir< - ot a chare-: of doing grievous bodily harm lo Harrv Harris, aged 11,

allege<l he had fired « c the tioy.

I'ronfobl. married, of Rta-.e- lev. v w al Chederflehl committed to the Quarter ft-vdons cn a clmri teailnc erc-lshm f from Hdlth Annie t mbrldge general dealer. She pleaded tnni she and her ihlldn p were s'

Do You Know Pumpkins?

t brisk for five m j heat and hake rO ■ beillng lllllk e.iuij sw ell ir. baking.

ue hour. Thepumpkin to

B »* as light

mr.Mi'KiN mriTKit,reed and cut Into rubes »».-<■!

pumpkin, the >amp a* veml for pier. Stew four «r five hours until rich golden brown color and * on; to a thick iwsfe. ft must : > -Grrcd fr-- duenily to prevent burnt re. Rah and butter to taste. This 1* -ye CSuliy g.xel

porkwith either saltet

logVtittiocham n?acJ>lraf*A rennaltted

• <r trial Arthur Farley, window elenn r. AV. si Hrldgford, N. Hlngham, hargesl with forging 17 one pena- mtes and i*e>og found In possession of i it <f.1e r forged nolw. an 1 a metal

plate aid damping apparatus Mr, pilwar-1 Isi erwrml Taylor,

Siiirwxsl, Rtalncjx, .who had bv-aMiny. died in the Camberley

i'oitiig'^fIbSpUnl follmc|i)g si collision h-.-lwe'-n id* motoreycTo and a bicycle

lib « by a Stn lour’-t military cadet Tie-death rate In (ho97great {owns

of England and Woles last eg.*.’ It 3 |h r t.o-AO.

The app>dftt*nent of Mr. Gilbert Frederick Greenwood. n<u of Mr. !•' Grecnv.oe l, nf The Brushe-i. Sheffield, as *ec« nd ll'utenam In the Royal Field Artilbrrv Is cdrcHcj under date OH. 2. Mr. G. F. GrfWtVAKxI cat' ll at I lie Rath f’oRcce

A motor ‘bus service was inaugurat­ed on Monday from Owlej-lnn. Oiotishb' by IP * E» elesfleld and FIs- trlit Motor ’Bus Fompanv.

RdHterhauj itofauglt Found! ed ihi- terms >f the Sheffield Forpnra- Ho-i ns regards Hu- 'rit.sler trams’.

3 he sire-t 'idbstion organised hv AVs nreok Willis, -m Saturday we. u. in aid of the Mayor of Bother- ham's fund for Belgian ri fiigei-s n alla-

CJ3f Idd.

league, which aims profits, and will devote

‘ oeo.da of tlte sale of its tlflcatas" ami badges m "work,for women fund. '


An ordgr for nearly two' minionlioracsltoc* ban hH-u ri-tsdvt-d *•>■ ii>*«Bcutlbdi Iron u Steel Compauv Kcotalnd. from th** Kre»e,. Govern- n»ent. The company ho’di; « patent for Iron show, and nro-ahb- to duce enormous uumber-i d.tC •.

The British Fovernmcn? b-,v.-i,i> arked the Reoitieh cxiiopatiy so -!.««<]». for a large order.

RKSXFOH*tCOEDEN AYNi’DtNG.Mr. ami Mrt. Charles Derab*. or

•Moorgnte,. Retrord, eelehmted Gu ir golden weildlug, having *xur;j omfri-U at St. Saviours Church, , t>Oct. 3, IS'-t. .'ir. Rcrnio fori> ago served In the old Rgffoj-d vidm». teer Fomiiany, |fo»I| p.- Mmi -l- :have been lotig connected with o Retford Baptist Church; Tin . b<-i. five i-liiIdr m living. nlfu--.-en ntmnl-! rlillrfrMi and one gr.-at.grand ’ol I.

VOTER.At Rrnltliflebl market, MptiebeH-rN

Messrs. Joel Goodwin w>s,j f<>r :which goes to the war relief fund

At Diotifleld. on Ssturdav week hut. v dr, «.« nnd cvcle parade was held In aid of the medical charities.

Instead of a banquet la connection with Use installation ceremony of the Cavendish Bodge of Freemasons, Ches­terfield. the money thus saved i Cl5) was sent for the Mayor's Relief Fund.

Mr. .1. Brcarby. headmaster of Par­liament slr.-et school. Derby, hak been pre-entet! with the Royal Humane So- cirty’s vHlutn for f-aving a woman and three children from drowning at Torquay during his summer holi­day,

A nurse at Chesterfield Hospital. Miss Elsie ('(aldington, formerly of Sheffield, who had plated a pillow

baby's face to stop It* screams, returned later to find Hie

ia» censored by the oner nt mo InqUcM,

At Doncaster Town Council, a pro- f bOfiil to purchase two pictures for the '' ; art gallery wn* defentisl Invause of the

*J;*r! iJte Bishop of Sheffield paid his s «rst visit to KHnhhrst on Sunday i "Ipht week, and preached ni the har-

-cot 1 j» the Parish Church.T Vo fewer than >»:; men who were

- (inployed :<t the Hoyland Silkstone ( ,T ! Folllerlcrt have enlisted. ThD has .

seriously affect.M the working of th* collieries that it has been decided to close for a period III.- Flockton S'-nm. in which 200 men are employed. Opimrfunity, however, will be given to the non to drafted into the Silk- stone ami Barkgate seams, w

The scholar* of the HIHsliro Na- Hona! Reh-M.I, and thHr headmaster, ’•ir. .1 H. AVard, have subscrlbiil (u- wnrd. the purchase of blankets, nnd ns a ( ‘ suit eight ftiH-slsa-d army hlanket* hav. m-en ..it! to the War Office ;,,r 1:.. U.- Of our soldiers at the front, i! .s bop»-:| lo send nuotlior consign- ineot before Christmas,

Whilst working <»n a gas tank at (>risri»«t)ior|!.. Gas Works, Berry Mit> ner, of i;,, flbo- Boy Ina, Rhetdierd -ir.ct, fell a dl-ttnce of fortv feet. ;thd snsiaiaed a frsetured skull, lie was i n)ov< d to ihe Royal Infirmary, where tie -lied inter.

James Rtdeboitom. i'. machine yr<ie r, of.Femlra Coitage, AA'e t Meb ion, V o found lying dead near n ma-- «!•!!!;• u( Corlonwood eollicrv, hv a man named Fred Skelton. Drecased's b R band wax laid on a live wire. an,j Skelton at once Informed the foreman,


BltKRKRYER •et pumpkin. |


(By Caroline Co-M TO DRY PUMPKINS,

Peel anil seed ripe pumpkin cut iit'o small cubes and cook until very soft; sgueexe through colander and drain off all water. Spread one inch In thick-

on earihonwaro plaiea and piit lew evenly heated oven lo dry

This will repnlre alxmi ten hour*.Take Irani plnte* and siand in Hie

dniught for two or three hour*. Store the sheets in a perfectly dry can.When required for use soak over night in milk.

TO KEEP PUMPKINS..Select the small, hard she!! variety,

wash off, shell and wipe with warm i,op, hoi scaling wax. Hung pumpkin by stem from the ceiling |n a dry * lore-room. If the pumpkin Sx perfect, with no bruises, it will keep practi­cally all winter,

PUMPKIN pip;Strain etiongh cooked pumpkin to

make one and one-lialf cups, add to It one-fourth cup c • moias*. one-half teaspoon salt, one-third teaspoon of ginger, a little nutmeg and c'nriamon,- Beat one egg very light. ■ Add *m<- fourth cup of light brown stisar, beat thoroughly. Add t(. the pumpkin mix­ture. lastly add I wo cups of ».: t» milk, blend thoroughly and turn into Pie tin lined with rich pie rru-t Pumpkin vh-.ubl always b,< put int.<very hot oven f„r five miudte. r<. bake the crust rapidly : Tlien Go- oven must he cooled and pi-- bak-d slowly jo allow fll.iua to become r . i and brown.

EGG LESS PUMPKIN PIE.Cook anl nuoh the pumpkin, lueeze througii colander and dry mi; , oven. To pec *|Uftri ;<f pump-,

n add three cups of hoHIna milk.Sweeten with two-third* cup of m« a*M-s and one-half cup of brown sugar.Add half teaspoon of salt, half t<a spixm of ginger, little vanilla. Torn into tin lined with good rkh cr put Into hot men Allow fire

to firm *w. ami seed and cut it jx»und t*f pumpkin, allow e of sugar, and one p-neup juice. Pip slice., of pump:;;: di-h in layers, with sugar

Jmee i.|| jiip* JxV sUVl fo-

fhe man off the platform. Dm-a-s-d was later aeeii by Dr. Foley, of Womb- well. whose opinion was that deeva-ed had been electrocuted.

THE BRIGHT SIDE.(London Advcrtlacrj

Xo Xtowretoax a catawreohe i* si - bet ti *eem» ridiculous ie be>k " •xi.net any iimncdiatv - good !r-

‘ 1-wld-- Ii-Iliic:

r.t strife through the n-vivsl -•! .... .. . ..n|, j„ Bmne,.. Givutt JJtiphtib's engegi'd In the >-( * id way* been a notahh-

;;; ;;r j


........... ■■"'••on »i mu-.- uwornieii tin- foremannppJo grown by Mr, (loorKe Glennr.of1 Josa-ph Thnker. «n.| together they got


Jibe was, it mday, lather hol.-deri.m- ghl. who had grown up in a .mining '• ttii no-nt in the West. She wn» n »:>■■; good-natured, klnd-hearl(d. Tin v-os nothftig that she could do fm !>-' **u- wilt. 1, she won id not do. i she l-.td a hearty lauuti that bibblol n.n jneessmitly. -t loud voice, (u hitil‘ feil<ov;\vel|;mct'p!anner tha*;. irons the tr<-. aJmple life she had < d )t< the <un n.

S! o juliied a party of young pCOpl'J s;-e'ndl«.g the summer at a seashore n-

voting p'-xiph who had ju>xr-e< He ir lives, in ciths, who lived .record mg to eoiiventlonal .ilandnrdH. Am s in- i.tjfo l out among Ahem ns a fear

xiit.-rfitll stands oat in contrast t. it Hoktim: fmmlnin.

She got deebh illy "on tllelr n -fves;’ a. on* of the party expressed It. }">• i (he lx*;l-hearte«l jn-son In (be >i orld." mid this one in dlf.cusi.ing her. "hut Unit lr.ugh and that vr Ice nearly mts no- i-raxy." Anil th* spei.k r vcifed the sentiments o' most of thepin IV. - -

Not in ing iP-eustomed lo erltlclslng ■piestfe on Mich ground*, the cit! !:er- — If va< al first utiConsHous of the mtice of UiHr iluirp planet's, He gvodtiiiily: (ttereiislng iilixifucm, their mi*,>Hie vjest* at her eypruse. Rut finally (ft** point of It jieiKtratnl and h-'3 (<n t» prb'k.

Altd then «he made her sitminee dls-

Sh«-Japan to loatrast Imr noisy self nod h<i tr-e and easy manner* with the nulet. ri fined K»rlh about her: fctie cc.mmem-cd to m>tc vtUh •ritf.-il eye tne diffemiee belaten her eareb -.c dress, amt the dainty nentilos •/' tin garb of iter companions.

(hadnallj she texame mere «jub;. Her rec.-iy buigh i-eeame le.s ready, mill wlii'ii il did hr<ak lortli. it was hot s<» : loud Her vole** (oit'-d tlovva considerably-. Iter niartm-rs hccame n or*' ohvenunt. more ■oolltiUPe. Be­fore (his chantpr Ink plan-. Mint w w seldom siting to solitary brooding, hui not sli* wa* *p»tte often s - n al n : a>e«:l»il in thoncht.

Utidmil tedly her fe*-HiiKi, wore Imri, for site was of a kindly n mr;-, who would never liersrfdf have wounded others Hut sho did not b t the hurt make her blu-i- or resentful.. Fhe h i *.i lx* the spur t<» set her thli-klnn and * in r; ing. And as a result, she saw the sharp contract betwe-n l-er;«K and lur giit coiupnitloiis, saw that do- (•hone lo dlsrulvantage, and having mad > tidy discover?, she had (he gepit i sens** nod courage to net nbeut tin-

K herself,i resul*. v.i.«„ th.- summer va nstead <d th*> noire, hrer-.'V girl who r«xh- rourli-slusl oyer

the polite of society.

< ?tully awake to all the things of beautv nml Joy nhout ns. Ami If life seem* ho full there is no time or spare to add more and yet,is dull. let ns >■,<- ff we are tilling It with the !■*-< r to the exclusion of the greater: ff w» are not playing croquet ail day -.vjien w.- migbt lx* in tin- current of Mini- of Ho* biggest nnd most vital movements of the timed; if our niiiid by not eom- plalnliigly ftl|e*l with the thoughts of what we want on our menu instr.Tl of the • tijnynhle romance and philosophy of Hie heat- writers of the day.

If life *wms flat, stale and preflt- ie*-, l*n t there soim-lhing wrong with u*T For the life that Is pulsing nil about u« I* an< thing hut .loll amt oil !






Me V>-!!>•> If. <a,m A .mMXiVer,

Shemaid, oot the vital, ab-rt t*jehv!*»rgifl w|*o lias m» raiddly diKplar<*d Hie old inabi that she ha* now income almost a speebx ’extinct.

Hut lid* one. |**rli»i>s b.<uu»« *U* B*vd iu au out-of-thc-wai rorn* r of Urn world. #ur;lud.

Sho had kmcpiah little »a }» . <|Ult out of keeping |»lll« her gra> hair and wrinkleil lave. She dblti t believe In woman's earning her IDIno or »»«• ing or doing anx of the thing- »**nou are doing to-day. Si..- thougM woimn ought to In- shell* r*-U, prut*rtcil. She look no lnter»**t In th* ildiigi the world I* lot* r*-*tx-l In. Mo- did not read tie- newiqaper* or magazln** or book*. A* n conac«|innee. Inr lite was narrow, her circle «if friends small, tor nowadajs peopb- haven t mucii time for the *>n..* mi llnilt.-d in outlook. ConB'MUently, she whs lom-ly.

She paid a visit to a large city and because she Was )ntere*t<-d la fee. thing*, site *|Hiit most of iter lime

icrlng tirouml in the shops, it being part of her er* * il that to b- truly ' mlutne ami womanly. « «e utusl show nil Interest In <b»lh.*. In going from the drcKH-gnodi-. to tin* tuco dcc- Hon, Him 'pusHed through liiu iwxik departtnent. Anil - a thing unu-uai for

and bsHessly turned the |mg* s of some ol Ho- lxM»ha lying on the (able*.

And while she dhl th»*. *;.<• b-.itd , voice—<»r *o she tells. The voice sold;

il a tremendously Interesting girt. 1 wa* a gn-at ls,-auty.

But I didn't know what beauty was lor or whai it meant."

Tin* old maid started, for site bad been a beauty with ml bronxe hair ami wonderful him* cj*-» amt hoimI fen*

S|ie hadn't underidond: what beauty meant either.

lKsaug** l w»s m ? eauty, ’ , went on Hm voice, "I was conceited, «ej. ftslb 1 tliongiit I had toe world at uty

do with a* i pi*" " '" i r.«n-.l v •<n,m . w l " l « « Mnl , M m l, j '

.-.rjlWlly ,ml drsrllnr., ,r..l a0l,1 , 1 h-T ■,'* In the I I,«J .. h... In. .. ro-.l ........ nf r-t lilool In (ri. .

h- r Wins, nml u make all who r.-.>t .• TJ ; .... ....her like her almost linme-dtatelv

»f;- ing.

,, . , love eamt: nml i begun to know w n;•H -.- .r . nml Hi. .... n,,. r,,,|„ | , „ „

I. l-nl.t II., .oio,,.,! ,, lit„***** * * » « « » , «1I„t « N m K W itilDK-.

life w hich In Hte- men* reading of will pul color nnd interest into yours, j

THE WOMAN WHO I t NOT AWAKE loJk".! i'tau V.V.’ L>• r ‘i ” „ "1„plonty of women nil ulxmt) hook, dcimnim

; her i • ; I II „

1 1 ix „;u»! t-i'~ ■ a rniil <l-»k-.

« • !!:>. ud Dr.: S\r*ip t-» .myone K t--w. fsa*r n«r*t • ' r uiti-nd lx mg

"Dr WI.mIT

No ttoimiu stiffiefentSy advanced I■ • - iid H.-ndJ

* •'>! d oK lfon nnd husband of another wol

man. • a huuumitnrlnn, and know jIng what (he bearing and rearing < children aoan. rbe would not do ItJ Ami n*. a rlat'-man, she would not do h For she knows Hint the hlgh-4 ■ »< finest kind of national prostigiJ ‘ acquired In this way, and th&tl nil fie- t* rrltbry in the world ia noti worth?! human lives. Besides, knows that (he « , « <>f territory—and | that fs ni! on*- wants territory for. t use b,- inquired in Other ’Ami be tter y* t.'she believes that right not might should rule.

ftp if wonn ti had a strong voice In all council* of Mate, it would he i force for the abatement of vvur.

lint when ?h<- time com<si'universal-'- ty tliSt the voice ef tbo juxiple ib-clde nil ijuesfh-ns -iffeeffng their welfare,’n (hat vol.-,. - heuld be heard the gen-, "e- 4 firm t*.n< • of w^man who i (•no- Hiimt«. arid amaiig them a nere hmimnly and with a clearer ddrlftia! vision than men, because she. to: :-<;fft r.-d In ways of which :n<w lot .,(

g*i I*i u h* |i* -• <d the Hum when*« ni n 'lu ll -ii In eoum IH of state, f for it f il er r*a~ n than that her alee » 'M b*r j.<9* *: when <im~tlon* f w-.r and penee are at *tnke.

ere chatting and h making cost slips

'(crying about KeHlug Ixmks,She looked at Hie shelves,and

liihleg loaded with volumes, ’K\ book,' site thought, 'j-roliahlv something just as '.'interesting to

us who arc not awake. Entre mm*. It < mil. Uu»tomcrs may Just tie possiiib; that you atsii 1 : Ing, salesjs-opl* are not awake; or If our i*goH«m re­ins-1 to concede (hi*, we mny be wiil- im; to admit we arc not fully awake.

The fact that some women are slumbering was brought home tin* otii- * r day by a woman caller. She was me. tli*• tnerewf acquaintance, but she said From that day M quite frankly (bat she had nothing to She experienced Git do, now her*' to go, was lom-f-om>', nod? l’*Fe "hat she did Uiniight sin- would come and ".sit imrtunlty to experl- awhile with us.“ She simply came to - -*ajw being bored by imrseif. Bride old-, having had a pJeotlfCl nupply of i hat kind of Imredotu,

lire.lie has become « different woman, Idc-nwake, inter.-sting woman.* Lfb-

prefe'rrtsl; *l:u' hrondened its horlxons for iters, being bor-'-l by nomehmly else. A new : »>»y Jet wak*> up rorn;* morningbrand ot bomlom evidently would i find berŝ elf a tiachelpr girl,

cvhologoni*.* Chang'eitsioiiiary. we cssay*-d ,lo talk

various subjects we supposed iM-.be intfr‘ -sting. Art cbvilon ding that # «. arousing strong local rest. The.Issues at stake* were top- of conversation wherever p

gatbmd; and as the State was ;arrival in the ranks of suffrage, i-leethm was broached. But

rypiled imliffercniiy, ‘ ’Oit; I vot* . I don't care anythincTtHnnd such matters."

Titer*.- ere plenty of women who c- the privilege of voting who do vote. But tills is Ixyau-e the

opposed to suffrage. But she -Imply ignorant of everything connect- d with it. Indifferent to-it. and frank- • content to he bo.Then w.< broached tile subject of the

"-"VS of Europe which was thrilling ho world, " 1 never read the news­

papers," she remarked In dim sameIndifferent "They tire

"But bow lio you know what Is go- ig on T' wo ask<-«t ».*, smaxement. "Oli, people talk," tdm said, list-

But can y ou Imagine any one talk- ing,to her with any great Interest or ‘agerm-ss about tin* news of the dav.<>ur talk after awltiic drifted to

-umks. "Von must read a good deal," was MiggCHled, p must h*> cnufe.srq somewhat dohloUBly. after what had been discovered,

"Oh, no. most of the tiimks nowa­days are so stupid."

•‘e discovered finally that alt she . interested In was what -he had

(Y " * at at her hoarding Iioiim* - for .me anight know such n woman would board -or ratiter in what she didn’t

to <-af. and in ertepe t, h*-*- .cation eonsisted of bitter

Idalnls of what her landlady fa Red • fovlde on the tueuu. and a discourse i Hie hrlltlaiu stroi<- g.imc, i'or slie ph .................. .orning til) night, ff -the <<>uldii'r it-'-'t*v one to play » iih hety; -be pta;

tmtn who boa tierotm* one wlin nll Aho i*lg movements of the world;

Tiimi* unheard voices ar<- ail aixmt os. ready (o tell us of worldk n- know little about. It may he n-voice front .some flower (hat wakes us it> the wonders <>( the floral kingdom: it may It;- some tiny sSicti. on tin:- beach with Us tiinrvelmis color ami tiny whorls that point to the world of sea life. It- may !«■ the char, radiant light of sonic star Hint wake* tia to Hu* world of abtronomv. it may be the chirp of some » rteket that 'sets u» to listening to the myriad of voices Of ihc insect world with Sts womb rod •dories nf ..intelligence and untiring energy.

Why not listen to tio sc hitherto un­heard voices and wake lo some new meaning of life?

Tin* women had it ope of our big cities m* n took part In it-In men's Idea, And It in, many ways.

During, the Civil War. lor ii women would not hit' ,- h-- n gi opportunity- for such a parade clpal nuthoriti<*s would hav.- a«kanr*- at surh a demon»tra women. th> would (he puhlle. -The women, them selves, even It they had wislied to. would 'have hesitated to tak**io prosrs- !iv a Hep VmJ even tho-.:<-* whose thought era • in step with

thought of to-liny would bun* been so few In number tie-; ecu Id not have fttade any showing In a jmradt-,

of which !

Mexico'« Women of War.The women who accompany the

d.xiean army, writes Frit* Arno von !** Ellen in llarytcr's Weekly, are sen- Tally Of tile Itictao type, totally un- ducat'd, itiiMpcakohly dlrly and ap* •are-oUy tpili>-,eont*ni to wndergo phy- nai perdsidpH for the sake of In-itig

ilicir tnastcro. t nailers ndi-ls'slly. tc \pr< -s i-s the r. latlom

soblb t • is

word (i accurately

ip of Mexican Tin* loyalty « f

■tiun t<» that of

Simof a dog lo lu wn Ini* lligcht woman 'Apct-u t,» d>> the imrd work and to lie coifed alxmt (or ber pains. Her lira* 'cry (for fr**pn-utl,v she follows her husband into imitlej is Hte bravery o f' stupidity ti.f,t *!ih> not recogni«Q <lati-

: ui,.: Niip* rsi:thin. abroad at leant.picture* the Mexican woman as second sisi> r to |ho H|-anish d«ti<s-r ■ tit rvolts, i'-is-feimio, eiinrmer: with a dagger hidd.-ii in t*.-r edr.-agi-. Nothing could lie further front the truth, as express­ed by Go- hi mates of hovels, b.v the ; hittb-as f rcatiires wHiking' tho hirceta nml standing in stolid cuntentmeul If » hand i> in the plasa to entertain them, go to war.

Their .feature.; are heavy. their cys expressionless, and seldom do they give any ladlcatbut of the imag­ination without which dread of Im­pending danger dm-* not exlnt. They arc not fighting for n cause. Nat one In 25 can y,iv *>ven the most fragmen- tu Ty <\plana ri on * >f j he rebel lion, and this applies to the men ns well ns to Hi.,* women.


Altogether thy tale of seevkv renderedan mspitiiuc via-. Tt*.? d-mcanor ot

;«>:<}< ewnif So pl- >:.*<<X-laUy ad* vutue of arttling Sr * -

r-isnirbuW a r N ew s

Affected Her.

toanshio.the ce-<;*i -"/en ; i t» rriins,-'voluan - look -• at U (r m lii

....... view of humanity, and with c• much that Is Interest- 1 vision of what uattoniil prewtige

ihlng really nn'ans and what u not lion of territory is worth.

Powder »• being the beet, purer! end mot! healthful baking pow­der that i! i. possible to pt

CONTAINS NO AI.U!AU ingredicntâ arê pUinly ,


Emergency Power ' Z Z K Z ' X r . . ' I ! * * ;~ ♦ : .vlilfli ([l|> rollIttSX V-1 tie * ..ll.jltlf'll of

In Panning ;«•,...... . ***"•*»««H«m»e.-iyINfil’HJX'; THIS i'U'M' IX AHVAXCI.

After Iilw«‘ns. •«

•---------- " of Hi- I'-mlliU! natux- ulilirt In

... ; r & ^; ^ r r " l C‘,,la’l4‘ < f;!n »!nVt<|"ono of Sl.o - imj.t' • t lew! ••

■ niettl* ti;.»<5*' ttjjo of «h<- o?i*Wl to <*b- t.isu.ry of oil gro.it w:vr« !<<»*;,„j„. HmitlMn n:u: -.vlll Mmol 'iiurli

nhonn Umt Hie muii Si llumc Iwlilml i ban! work: "ml Imi* a !«>ng time. It... ... ... . » » i . w i [ a W r j K i T . 5 :• » » » * » »> <>'- S ™ Ii.nl S ,™.n «V | .,r n-W.S«». I" vvltliuit U-.e ri»«t j m ,\KK TUK

p.x-«n« me inn.iT . After Uto -h iI I m.I :* in it .-<>««!WoHImjou .X'.trvy .S Such a crl.-b-- ima : ^tlHfarlvry for «!•<* proper dt-vx-lop-

a In f!t<> present conflict, ; moiil of *!»** need. lh*v m xt .important' -it v„ »*\ <t the mother -^P »* t» be sttro ttmt the i- ' , ... ..... „ *«»•« ins-. rlaht. It I* only win,in »

r horses, j a drill mat

-rich?, ft In only within re*n Hint (jiflnlto, ictdi

• between wowing with

rfortVyh.K■ the Amor* { hi i

u S J S j i’mon'^lhomanjr oh! .m-ih'-l"'"" 'hb»ntfttio upon hitn for his prodttco. IU? farmers are now aim

• ccd. and y*-t It

1.1 may to Increase... J <*>»i >•><.....* «* " » ' •^T l'enecn . .....jw ln f tho^ll.jis-Mw- ! |jj«|


Superior Varieties W ill Be Dia j tribute* From Ottawa.

No Reason Why They Should


ami Headaches.To > v« r> woman belong* the riRhi

taill Ih- n. ..|.- during' Hi., .owing »lu- , i» - njoy u 'o jlitn f

win K <>f spring wheat faUoat .*» 5 pjiaiion^or *»»«»-' other of tin- nnniy «**.». «hlt.' ....Art lAbuM 4 lbs.). bar- i etfu that falffiw* anaemia, or btood-

?«>ak them a.day In tiio winy from

off wlili nllff bniHli.-« or coarse < loUi. I’ lac* in son lo dry. thro gtvb itiaia

S idm mf In «Tntti.' of drlwJ-

Win* U*it»R wlilpfwd rrrttm. If you odd Un> whito of an cgft lo W ertw a and wlili. wiUi II. Ii r.-|i»lr«H lew

s r w s . * . .••lurlcjl oiit'ifroni N.'Vbrftl of tin* limiiinl inti..;. >!.<• (Vuiral Farm al Ottawa riij.jdyliie only the PrublflW* of oniarl.y ami fTo. b>r. will hi- to ?u (r .f. I.y ui,all:

Apidham . i»i«Nl m u - imril^thitu in rveard ?<, (bo h»U on tli. lr farm*, and

j Von <-an j;.-! tlnx.- pHU^ al

Origin o l the Argentine Flag. ; |;'” !!u!h. s' i ZMr >Tmmr, In |. Hin.« of ?lu> origin of j or ,tix foxv- f -r ST.Vi ht u rllina Tho

W e S f

Inchr-B d*n>. and dorj^r '( flic char actor of the roil nnd mniitt’nro caiitoni wjH. permit; d.m;> rolls sl.o .Jd ho :dc w

a more rifniUov: furrow; do the:pioiwln« tvolf <"Viy iVT.' ahould ho harrowed uilhln iwo da vs after olowlnc an I park th« land, i f ixiBxIblo, after har-

<r a* a ^fm iard nsnritKr/Aittxf*. TH U ,....m I.........

lit ihoV parts of Hip ccuntrv which do fat/ plowing and fall • •• -«ln*r. Un- way the Bpod trd is made and the way the Moving !•< done UllH fall will deter­mine the crop p.:r aero m xt year more (han next year* rainfall, hot winds or

with the M-a|«'r Unite. Thl« strife lx !a.st In.iailw: more acute. Ih^ us-t th:; price of horses Is tmlng «ccciifjaiMl • vi.r> day by Urn ii.milx-r ̂ IH-Ing n.!d

tAnadl'm hira^siippiy S “ ! « t«r

.•al contrivances w|?l Ik- uset? to do their irk. Wm*> to i-eia at one*. It will nspiiro fiv« years to rcjdcnli-.lt iho drain whirl, tie- uvr hits nlr-.oly

lipwi the horM •world. The Vulted St;

toutrihoti. o ?« tw c-nfnc the hl»l*. . - t rf llvtmr. to .-onIran with this it » .k found that he at- itji tho < nllrw yield

helped to nrltivole. H bus 1 .- • ’tovlt.to*, for over» hour ho worked It nTmtiP !d e-Hi ; nlierea-. a full txw ...

.- t o r can !«• d-llv. r. d hv a lituli. trrt.i*.' oil e*ii-||)e for rrii.v *"’ »> rents o ‘r boor In P.ah ruf-s inur+t, fud. f.xrl

borr*"1 ew |.'n« oniv aht'nl t 'T. arret jwrr dav. It* .b.U.r thiB. liwv h s o l IG mil?to which t: n tx»rd <h«v'x pull for horses with a h r-l : An oil tr.n-tdr. on the Other hand, wilt nbnv d'-ep’-r and

fee,lilt;;. r< , • -r.e-!??- (IdaWhile it Would lie* he wt :e t of brtwht ;(■■!<f ' ;,nd Heeded -a ,!; I.-tallsfv ihedt tp.'tiuJs t ........ tieHid. oer'M-... the i l i e I prices

lirii.c iti.Htf wilt i.f: »> lo ­in toMinp the i.-tnds of fatmers

sago*. Ho rushed hither and thither frying to discover Uu* murks, hut h*

$67 GoneE v e r y C an ad ia n consum ed, d urin g

1 9 1 3 , a p p ro x im a te ly $ 6 7 .5 4 w o rth of i m p o r t e d g o o d s . E v e r y C an ad ia n th ereb y sent s i x t y - s e v e n d ollars o f C an ad ia n m oney to en rich som e other co u n try, to keep f o r e i g n w o rk m en

i em ployed.

J It does not seem so much, but it m akes the gigantic total o f $675,428,168. The value of all goods “ Made in C anada" is not much more than double this. Of these imports 65# come from the United States, yet by every condition of nature we are ju st as well equipped to manufacture many of these goods as our neighbour— and we do.

I f only 2556 of this 675 million dollars’ worth of goods were produced in Canada, that production would give employment to 62,500 workmen, sufficient with their families and dependents to support 250,000 people, to populate a city larger than W innipeg or to create 16 cities the size o f Guelph, Moncton, Brandon, or New W estminster.

By purchasing only goods “ M ade in C an ad a” you can help to keep a good share o f this 675 million dollars at home, you can bring about a greater prosperity than Canada has ever known.

Keep Your $67 for Canada —Buy “Made ih Canada” Goods





There Need be no Unemployed

A s lo n g a s C a n a d ia n s d o t h e ir d u t y a n d b u y C a n a d ia n -M a d e g o o d s in e v e r y case


ji's Can.'uliau-iiiadc, and the on ly ee'eal under the K e llog name that is made in Canada. A l l others are imported!

S p e n d y o u r m o n e y o n C a n a d ia n -m a d e g o o d s a n d h e lp C a n a d a 's w o r k p e o p le

K E L L O G G 'S T O A S T E D C O R N F L A K E S

Made in London. Ontario, Canada.

iRich Indian teas

blended vtiiu flavory Ceylons.

RedRose"is good tea”


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The: Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. S25

H . M . L A Y M a n a g e r . Walkcrton Ont

Combination OffersY o u want good reading d u rin g the com ing year

Y o u can’t get a better paper for local news than the T E L E S C O P E and w ith it \vc offer the follow ing at the

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Fa rm e r’s Advocate 2.40

Canadian F a rm . ....................................................

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London Catholie Record.. ................................................ 2.25Canadian Baptist ................................................................ 2.25

Presbyterian .... 2.25 .

W estm inster 2.25Ontario C h urchm an .............................. 1.50C h u rc h L if e .......................................................... 20.0

F a rm & D a iry .......... . 1.90W e e k ly M a il & E m p ire i.

S aturday N i g h t ................................................... 3.50

Loudon Advertiser .............. ............ ........................ . 390

WALKERT0W Tli11 NWnPtf 1 ,c0 "***') r*WM *!lCilJiaOUUIIaj M p Ktuiti tiiu wrong way Hbottl.

Towi* have huon laid out00 such an t-xtuiihivi- f-rnlc that they could not in ytmm Impute ntlnin lliu dim. ousiouH. T liii dilative npirit ha nidi jvvil h elm*!. and thoturn in ILo other direction is n Iio|»«fill bign If thu Itssuli han bet'll illictually

p.d.b-i.ed1 v TlMUMtay morning nt

W.ilkcrhm. »»ni.

I HluuwL**- |l *V'. UotM

, luftrno,i ,t w||| bu u b. in lit lu tho% t west, and iudutd to thu whole ot

: E I11T 0R 1A L | j0lu”..

tw o SIDES o f \VAU

Tiio rejoicing which took place in Vienna when tlio war broke out ban been turned into gloom, it tony bo thought by n Hurt of relrbutive jus tice (or although the blame of the war rest« uitimsioly on Germany’* rulers, Austria's demand upon Set via were the primary cause. It is geuorally believed, and I here is good authority for it, that the agea Emperor Franz .Joseph, of .\uelrid Hungary was mado the calapuw of the German Ktuperor, through the oflicinl class of the dual monarchy, lienee it in not the |h.o|>Io who re­joiced most at the outbreak of the war, who are tiow sutlering. U is tbi* mothers who have hetn de­prived of their husbands amt the ehrldtcn who have been depriijed of their fathers A corrtsj undent of itToronto paper, writing on Oct. Util from the once gay Austrian capita1, eaye;

‘•1 have seen a procession of four* (bootand mothers, whoso husbands d jed u, Galicia, carry jug their balics iu the arms the»r fatherless babes. 1 have eeen n procession of little children, plaintive and futile on.ism iea of life Silently protesting against needless death.'

Could wcoxclude from our thought these we might be inclined to believe that this was retributive justice, but when we think of tins© f\*»«trian women nml children, and of Ibu vast number iu Belgium who have been ■ailed upon t*» suffer through no

fault of tliolr own, thu mind itr shocked with the thought of what an absurd method the settlement of disputes by war is according to the German doctrine which is practical? the survival of the fittest, it is ad right, it m for the development el trength and culture, fur glory and

aggrandizement, hut this is the vul­gar view iu thu estimation o those who love peace.

It is oonsviitary thought that Brit­ain boariot^nteiud into this war for glory or aggiaudizemi-nl, but for the vindication of the principals of freedom and justice. Many of her people will sutler but they will be upheld by the thought that they have siil).red on blind! of a right onus cause. When the Allies win

win we believe they' mist there will be rejoicing, hut wo believe it will not simply he rejoicing became the aunt of Britain aud the Alims have boon sulcastsful, biit^iecauso the principals of freedom auti jus* tice and equality and brotherhood Liavo been extended and the possib­ilities of the iuuoceut been trampled upon and crushed by doeolatiug war diminished if nut made impos­sible.


Daring tho * last few years there has becu a teudency in the west to make money by speculation, by buy: iug aud sotting city lots and farm lands, in fact there was a frenzy bor- loringou mania in this direction- The financial stringency that had

moon before tho war stopped tb i^ and its continuance lias had a sob. firing ctTect.

There is now a prosed that tunny farmers who forsook farming at which they had made a little money and wont to reside iu tho cities aud towns to gut rich quicker than they could by remniuiug on tho farm, having been dissapuinted, may now return to the land, of which some still own tracts, and add to their wealth iua legitimate way by pro ducing from the soil.

Incidentally, the war will help, because it wi|l increase tho prices of graiu mid it is reported that many of thu farmers of tho west have ptoved more laud this fall, and that

groitur area will be devoted to production of grsiu tbau them bus yet been.

Upon tho soil dependence must he placed iu the wist for many yetis to coma for the production of wealth

From the nature ul tilings there cannot bo any great amount of maniifactuiing cartied on, and tho piime nocfSbity iu order to build up towns aud cities is to get the land


Not for the sake of glory,Not for the thirst of fame,

Not for tho Iiihh of battle;Bat for a deathless claim—

A claim no tiiuo can conquer,No alien blood can kill—

Over long luilea of ocean Tho old love calls us still

To tight for one small island With tripplo itag unfurled;

For still we Count I hat island Xbo centro of the world.

For the sako of timo-woru cities Our eyes hvao never seen.

Some long-remembered bomutead Or nnmeloHi village green;

For the sake of a tattered banner lu some t fd chancel waves;

F ir the sake of ancient churchyards That hold our father's graves—

For llm sake of one small island With triple thg unfurled:

Fur still wo count that island The centre of the world.

Let those who claim no kinship Look coldly on tho fray;

But England's children's children Will stand by her today,

And woe to tb jsc who touch bor, Woo to the double part,

When with a single impulse (robs The great Imperial heart, -

Only n single islandWith iriplu flag tinfujlml;

But s’ dl we count that island Th u ci litre of the world.

R. R .^N o . 3 .

T h e range with pure white enamelled steci reservoir stamped from one piece. The

_ M cClaryi!

Pandorareservoir is seamless and clean enough to use in cooking,

and preserving. See the McClary dealer, u

M A D E f/V C A N A D AS o ld b y H . A . H a v ill .


Cupt. Clark triurtud lo TolH-rmoiy Saturday after a weeks visit to. Toron- ■ • ami Walkertori. He was acionqiain-

**d by bis mother nuil sitter, who w ill vmnlnit week. The M iliu l>i*p«it- iipiiI nre cn-eting whiter quarter* fur he viiliiiiUer-t tim e on guard, so it vouhl link «* if the wiid i** wilt I i- >IOt«eteil while the war lasts. Whir* on Echo.

\N OLD WIA ETON HOY Aliinlig the teachei'- wlin iitln.il.il

It- Ka*t llrilft' ’lia iin r- In tituli •eie last w. 1 k tlic Vdllio ti.ul tin ih noile of met ting nil «.ld »i In •■limite it the |wt~.(i i.| Mi M .11 S.n.t-ih i). ri' t‘pal *>f tlierhc* by Public Sehuil an an roll of UeV J. \\ 8 »m!er*

in charge of the Method.


Load* in age, inllnenre amt snCCOiS 111 Cli-llui.il . S|I. rializeh ill (* I < ; • [* ami Pitman sb -r ilm .l and all com* euireial »tihj<-<-l*. Fall (•rtn open August 3IkI. Vi lle ft-i r.ur catalogin' Ai|ilri'»» I. IVam'ln-pe. I’riuiipi.t, YongciV M<«; I .Toronto

M E D I C A Lo r b r o w n , |• WsuVtt'..ti. jlsVrWiiy'in ne• in i«.» b p in .W A.

'.s s m - *0 2 2 3 .'•ffl. i- nuil rrsideiiri- on c.irix r of I'on-oriit II <1 < ■!> ley pi reel*


]. G. C A R T E R , i r r . t A 'S KVr , .,0.'T- >*•»»• » ««r 1.11 hinds |.>iini|.tly Ml. Ii-Iid.il m huriiistia k and llii|.li inri>l> ■ specially. Trims n Nx.nnlilr. Kor utdsr* writ* J (H'AItTKft. Uirrmrk I* »».. or at-

•"*’• -

V E T E R I N A R YS. HANMORE.V.S. .V.TwV.Jl,— 1° V M n u r f o a n . I*,, iinninor.lt., I,,";,irrt Ol",. In ( nr,III up|<nill« I'n.ir.' Ilolrl. rrraliurnl nf all itnmssil.- animals

- V'® ,‘;'*dr,n appfianrt*. Call*nlzhl and il*j atteuilrd.

E v e r y W o m a n

church here» «M r-liv e v

I- ..|H-| I 11.-fillFrank Vliksva r r. iids ll -nningei Willie Hum.I'hilipKagetbr Ham k Ills I hell.ei h-s Uull.b 'Jacob Kreilz Pinion l.ii-M-nJ> > II -Hchunn Andiew Schnurt Arnold Derm John Fulfils.Thru L h»Frank Reich Cham J Krueger ■h>hu Gitlcaa IIy Kleist Jo-* Fiielmiger A J Seigmiltrr t ojimd M Itottlcldt *. o Eckruisweiler IIy feldtThei»i« McbnSt/hu 1-iwrCDCe Montag Henry I)ipp<-1 Luca - ?, -li!e Alphonse ZeUIe Jim F Waethler J .1 \V•t chtcr Jo* Alhfccllt Anthmiy Italic Jm> I in tin t Weiuifdi Schnurr

SEctiN li OFKItATI'lN’Mr. Reiii. Roily .d/llrurit underwent

.1 «s.i»d opciativii ill Fergo . Ho'iiiial on Fiiilay last and had Ida right leg amputate J utiout (> inches fnun hi« l»*ly. After the tirstojarralien it was fyund that he had t'iWreul<«nh of the tame and in save Iti*. life, n second op- eiatinu was necessary Mr. R<aty I - domg « ' well <m cun be “xpeetnt. is a young man, 1111111 trrivd and ‘2li

"go - Wuu Imi Bee >l«t,

A 1 EPEAL VOTE.A pi’lition tin* In i II p rtiditl* di.sk.

i ’ g the i i’mi. il to -id-mil a of*- IIItin- text mtmi* ij« it dee ifa li 'i tbetvp*n of Jneat *q*t:*-ii. e h a« n j.igr n-tllll a hlive heui reci i«d o t mm • thanthe ' • ju-i-eiid, to| by ,, V. O ir1* i* unit belief i- that th • elfin t will fte

butLurid option in Duijju

iiU sn ll the. jKi.pt,-• nt. nl the eh-i toianieitot will • Me it lepeal’ d - l>Ui hum

H o w ’s T h is P

•1 **np Il.istl>tJ IMI.H,

G re e n o c k C o u n c il .

M< Nabs Roll t. Chepstow Oct. 31. IUI4

f'oiuiid met .u. per adjournineni. nil »**luembsrs pr»*s .„j, 1 1,,- rreve in the i«it. Tin- minutes of I .-.r meeting

Were lend utaladi .̂led.The following account & wei epscM-nt- I for p»y m« nt:It a TUe>D»tMion. .14 yd gravel 111 hi s Symon*. :i day*' w u l nt ^ Symons bridge Sb, liinbi i

J CuMidy I da\ - with men \tllllll » Symons* bridge In •*!

.1 J Cassidy, timl-cft, allending Ct Revision W, srieetingjurors St ................ 10 tin

H Filf-Dn. selecting ju». a ....... 4 (10TIion II I’iirdy, s< l.vtiiig jui 01 . 4 onJos Mm toy. 7 cement tile at K'»c .'> IttPeter Dal-!-, * I 2o, eon Iti... J5 noJohn III ludley, gravel contract,

125 yd gravel, h>»* j ir»|H*c-Unit ........................... 43 25

II lleid,'I days inspecting Urtud ont 1 act 3 l : t c u t t in g

•riwDSon scrri r co.,


Merchants BankO F C AN AL/.

P A I D U P C A P I T A L t 7.U00.fKJ0 K E S E R V E F U N D S *7. 218. lb i220 Branches

Tho SAVINJS ,u;dOIJNr-' « l lliose desiring a -irong SAVINGS l*.\NK. an- runlully invitnl. Int­erest added Inst day of April ami October instead of May and Nov ember, as formerly.


M a n a g e r

b'g- i- . 15 r.

Jfc fia h d iQ U I C K NAPTHA

TH i


* i Chut 1 cun, gravel cunt rat t, 05yd- U lujcyd .................. Ill 17

Win lit o»n, iV» yds gravi I ... tl 50iianiiermati. grantTe fence on

Egypt mail....... ...............25 W)LCajkenette, I'.’a yd-, giavil 11 <•ThosU Hagan, I*,days wink at

Symons' bridge.......... M 75Ales Thompson, I i U y » work

I'>n Byajoith' tnidge.............. ::Ah’X'Tii>iu|moii,l day wit It grad ■/

r Cultof- to pay hall- . .. 5 00M MeNab, mom for Conti of Re*

vUlon 31, for eouiicil minting ̂ t ............................. "(>

It Wells, work oil coll to . . . . 3 50 .Mcttlniioii— I lay—That t he forgoing count* bring found eotreer, be |>aid,

and the m ve l*Mte hi* ordoi h r tlic uue. Catrhd.Hay lampln-ti -Th-.l ttii*

grant the9.11m of $.>X» to the Patriotic Fund Motion declared lost.

Coinmuuh aUiiii (mm M Stalker', M was read it- wat-i. <*ui»e.u m *»,!. 10

■ 11 2. Laid ohm to next meeting. Colti'-m ~( amplu-It • That tliis coun­

cil grant the rum ot for gravelling 1:011 ti, op lots 21 to said money t<> be expended during the tli»t pai l of this winter.—Carried.

Campbell-—ll.»v -1’hut council grunt the ratepayei -ol the village of Piiikt 1 ion the privilege ol tinting i«-tr' err til*' high Wat s 1 I 1 t III' I III j it lilt dueling cure. 11 n- 1 gill puner and that ttie clerk tic mrini- ud l» j-ii|Mre 4 by-law to lie ji;r» > il at next meeting eoidlrodng the same, ('al lied

Hay t.'.rnqdi t! That lid* mum it

Praijt TO«/i)Si.ip

FarmsI have,

. 1 lolly-*Riant, 2 lifty

. Ihundred and lidify item faun. 2 two liundinl aere t.«i ms all ELI I.HJ’RUVED. ;. nv« t . 111 to Dauov- erm aiki'i 1 --i*. and iln- nuunr have pi u ed th- m in ruv bamla be- eau*e they ARE HOC ND TCSKL1. I havi-alto a 1*0 a« r« farm in Perth, nenr'List* wiI, one ot the best farms ill Iht* Com ly of Penh, with t-xira iinpit'vtu 1 nts. « vnjr great bargain at S7<* <*. | nu -tla-.'ote had mu h n ilu Ire (•! Fat ina a* now. My < Ifier* i* HEAI-QUAR# THUS and you should coin*- io*cu «u«-if yoowant tohuy at 1 ightpih c»

H . M . M i l l e rHANOVER - ONTARIO

J A M E S C O U L T E R( real estate agent )

Real Estate bought mid old: luuuey to I ran; nUn agent nr the Farmer*'Central Mutual Fire, Insurance Cmujmny. PbuiH* line ltd. ling 2 A I.

Wood’o Fhoopliodiiio,Thi Ortnt Knyf/jA unify T”*”* »&<l lnvijo«»t*« *R<-

... - \o »4J X .iu*." IXirr. AVmtutIhlMHv. Mcntvl and Hntin Worry, Ik*imn- •Unti,. /.a... of Kniryy, I'alpihilum of Ih, Heart, tailing Htmorp. l*n« II i -* bo*. »** l-r ji • r>s»*i'li'»*»*f.w« wilUuiv.*b»Mtiy »n dlurri**-. ot u s-wd I* J-l»lo |>V* o» iwi|» <4 ptic’ ,V, ir i- i •• /-t.f.f frxr. TMt WOODMEDICINE CO-. IM0PII0,0IU. ire«o*iWldaO

11 ini Monday, j llou of genet i, Turn* II. Pi I

’:t. f■ l PiHi- i

T R E E S ! T R E E S !

lliing in the Nut h i ) line Send Ii*t - i yo ir want* fm pi ices. Catatiigue five.

Atrnlr Wanlad C>«ryw.r>oi«

\pply f- r terms.

J . H . W IS N E RNurseryman f*q»t Elgin. Ontarto

SmitH & M cC on n e l'sChopping'MillF e e d C(X S e e d S t o r e

All Kind Of Cereal And C o are Frd For Sal in Ton Ut,Or In Any Shape-

i S m it h & M c C o n n ! W A L K E K T O N , o n

l Individual iiiHrtietif ii pt-imiu ’ Lyon to enter any day at the

O w e n S o u n d , O n t.it in r^ugnizeJ n* the moat thor- l

•nigh, practical husiucss sellout iu | Canada.

Individual Insttuclinti.Our ihrett story college building.

Kveiy gi admit* gu.iuiutrrd a


<■ A FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principal | D O. KLK.MINti Secratary.

.f/ V / * V ry j-a / tA iSOur plrotesraph* are more I ban good idiotlicraplis— they ore true portraits bringing nut all that* be*t in i harrn u r mat individu­ality. —Jlnke your ap* IHiinriiicnts NOW.


OT„.•f/’. / . .V / s a ic jt

S T O V E S !

If you want a stove

buy a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T .” None

better. Aso a lull

line of Heating Stoves

H A HAVILLWalkcrton - - Ont.

Dr. de Van’s Female Pill*A ivllubi* Pirach rcguUtortti««er tall*. Tbr«« I!* m« cxccr-llnulv noamtul lu m« uUUd» if * *r»M»tl»cp<-ill ootlfu-bm.lr

to* reels II in uc C . *1. Calbaruxa, OoW

Cook's Cotton Root Compound.rvfoij-f* r-î i/nfino

W*’v*’ir»d ’p.t bStnr̂ pJT .ti'' » ’ psinphlri, m Adderra: THE COOK MCOICIMC CO.remto on. g


W A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P E , I V / ) K H I < N , [ < * 1 f C M l V F F B ' E l h

P le sk e y's B ig Value StoreAt a time when prices are soaring- skyward, let us help you to reduce the Hig-h Cost of Living-. Big-g-er

and Better Values will be our Slogan.N o te T h e s e

Men’s Heavy all wool Shu ts ami Drawers value git $ 1.2$. Our price $ 1 a garment

Men’s Non-irritating wool mulerwr (St. George s) uiishiinkithle <t .5o valuereduccd tP $ 1.10

• a garmentMen’s W iu ter Caps, fur lined, regular 7 5 c. each

reduced to • •• 5 0 c .Men’s Heavy W orking Shirts in ligh t atid dark

patterns reduced t o ....... 9 8 c . each

D r e s s G o o d sW e must reduce our stuck of Dress Goods and

are clearing same at less thau cost.

' Ladies Imported W ool Coats in plain and

fancy tweeds, chinchillas and curl cloths at Bar-

gaiu prices. .Sec these before buying.

S h o e sT h is store has long been recognized as Head­

quarters for boots and shoes and wc w ill do our utmost to merit this reputation. W e have repier, ished our stock from some o f the best Cana ’ iau makers and will be pleased to show you ourJead- ers in footwear. Out prices will appeal to every careful buyer.

A complete stock of Men’s Ladies’ and Child­ren’s Rubbers at prices lower than the rest.

G r o c e r ie s6 Bars Com fort ... 2 5 c .6 Packages Pear Hue 2 5 c .5 lb pail pure flow u H oney .................... T 5 c .Large Size Quaker Oat* per package... .. . . ..2 5 c .6 Boxes M atches................... .................... 2 5 c .

W e want your Butter, E ggs aud Produce and w ill pay highest prices for s -me.

T h e s e P r ic e s f o r C a s h o r T r a d e O n ly

Phone 8, WaiKerton Pleskey General Store Whitehead's Old Stand


mV y. U. C. A. BLDG.. f LO ND O N. ONT.'

Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Eater any time.J. W. Westemlt J. W. Westemlt, ft.

Principal V- qurt«r*4Aee«xnUBt r

__ _______________VraATfORO. OKT.

i * a school with a 'continent* reputation for high grade work and for the success o f ns uradu- atetb a school with superior courses and instructors. W e g ive individual attention in Comnicreial. Shorthand ail'd T c- iegruphy Departments.

Why attend 1 1m wh*ie when there i» m»m 1 <•*»•:* y*;n may enter *1 aovtitiu-. Write B r ourI*>ge (1 ee catalogue.

D. A. AleLa* lilioi, Principal.

SHAW ’Su s i n e s s S c h o o l s

or an la, Can «»*.< a h i g h grid** anil v young people

*• INIg*--ul ̂*f »»l«* . Tlu-V iu'-llidt"Tb* Ib.U'r.J Bu m 'I'ol'ogu.

*u1 ** S1 , »«d Si*.»y IJi.un- i S>-ho •!• Cunh’tihim cut <>ii n'ljue^t. Uuh'eany time VV. II. MtiaW. I’rcri.b-nt.

Mr. ami 51 i r ; . !«« ! ire Helm pfAVsik c't ton were t anewhiH: aeipiotiutaiiei» hi Utri vUumly during tin- p*»l we-1..-- Aytesi Advance.

,M t id Mr-. John toHeii »<i Walk- : *rt--*n I ti ii -day la?l **l the l-Vl-s is'- In in -1 rr -.-Avion Advance

id M • 1 it .impuitei t»y Me.

K. Ih

Hi**iiintrsj):u t Suiid <y in Walkrrt i«. : — At tnn-Advance.

Pile -l* : hill ol 111 utOyuf r 'lined. i»y nluiualhiu lllta y t-itr, in order to *<ve the i i>»5 o f u municipal » lection, is now bring agitated in different! iiiuntci|iitlitii-t>.

‘"he K*i»ertV r*l»*itted to have* '■••id : that wonnoi s ‘ phoie>houltl Iki coutin- rd to kii-ki kids and kitchen. That might to jauuaue ali the Suffragettes to iirni in a mighty host ogaui*t him

The. Mniiiteulin farmers are follow-, ilia the example of other pa it* *>! the province, and dotmlit g pirdore 10* a patriotic gift to the Hnipin:. Oats will tc the principal commodity given hy them

. The first man of the ibet ( ‘ in tdiau Contingentid he killed in action was Williun UtM'khill of Motitteal. Cork* hill joined the contingent hh u riutulf: vr olid the ear which lie w;o> (Hiving a', tho b.ttltc-linc was struck hy a shell, he he ink instantly hilled.

Til It HU M0H1S H ANOVHU HKROKS Order* have been received firm

Head <iiiitrter>i to teeruil for the '-lul t iii.oliaii C.'h imjctit for oversea k i- vlce. Reuben Jitekaeiti William Un­win and Win. Perkin* have' already enlisted and it is expected tint several tu ire will.


Sunshine ana Summer Days California, Florida

Louisiana, etc.Limited train" leave Toronto dai­

ly. making d iurt eonm elii 11 « f De­troit and liolliitn for the Soul hern Stales, and at Chiuigo for Culilor- nia, etc.

Those contemplation a trip of any lintiire -Imtild eoiisnlt (^nadinn Caeifie Ticket Agente. wlm will he

n connection with your tiip. or write M. U. Murphy. Diiiti-icl I'iUS- emier A«en», corner Kin>{ and VotinK*' stn-elw, Toronto.

Good M c rn in g !WK ARE INTRODUCING

American Siik Atiiert'-un U.ohutt re AuufrL'itn Cotton-Lisle

HosieryThey have Ktoml the test, tirve

realfouf eumfort. Xo aeamit t»>*){>. Never become Iw w or hiKity. T li« sbape i« knit in - not pr<!»ai)d in.

G U A R A N T E E D fm flue- riiTA, style, sup. riytltgofiiut ci- ial niitl workuninahip. Ahjelnte- iy stiiinh-s. Will vvi-m it months without It des, or new ones tr-n- O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R toevoiy who wndio ^usji.tw m curroiiey or postal uote. t«i cijvft ei advctt'wni} andMiipp'nt;ehitr- es, we will send post-paid, with wrlttou Kuaratitoe, bucked bv u live million doll«r company, either

H Pairs of out vaiurs Americuu Silk Hosiery,

or I Pair# o f our hoc. value Ameiieatt Cavlimcio Hosi­

ery,or I Pairs of otir 5hc. vj-luc -

Ameiicun C'otlmi l.*sh: Hosiery

Mr ft I'aii s tif Obiblren s Hosi- oty,

Hive the color, altos and wbtdb- er Loljes' bf tiant's hoAerv Is desired,

DON'T DKLAV - Oiler ex- jiit'-a wbeu a dealer hi your locality is selecte»l. International Hosiery Co.

p •>. ih,x m DAYTON: OHIO, I . S. A.

j JutJtte Klein. Walkerlm., f». M | .feimyii and a party from Lion'* Head

I spam Ust we :k lupitime Had iBhhitfr«n «t tirliirsisikp. —• Wlanon Echo,

j! A Tbntnbniy iiiHtt, Me. T- II, Uyie baa b«-c!i aptKiinte.l eta-vn uttorcey.

j l r (be Uounty of Or- y to till the Jva ain v e -mid by the j'ea'h lust -j< i »r; ul t Ire line t.V>up y I ’row u ,\t- t*nm) Anuslrwujt, ^

D>. tiiinlmt (Hub h U-rnttoi) the author ol Winnipeg, who h->

voluuri ei ed for the second coittliifp-tit lOetmpl rii», is foiuietly nf N«‘rtli Ox- told, his lather being;t piuBeer < lerpy• man ot Harrington.

Ulti ,lOB POU <■ Kit MANN.T in estimated populstion »d the

■uVriris l.C2Z,dOU,«sO. One hundred Hid Ihiriy iiiiUioiis ate (Jcniuim- tenv- ns » billion and a half of uuu-ti*man

fwlKs. nil of wltutti object to tietninn dointuatioit. o f these the o.-rtmuis have t»s Jet killed no tnoto than two Inmdrrd thntiMtid at the outsidr, so that they have si ill got *piite a j'«» ahead to reduce tim earth to suhjci t- 0» . i hey aro a very rnetbodieal and 1 dusirti-aus puople. and nre undmibf

edit wot king with great zeal at their aew employment, and tiring machin­ery of unprecedented dentruelivc pow­er. But it looks ox though they had undertaken rather ico much.

.1. t:. HOCK WKLL-Simny-Smit h t o. Tn «t uttconinumly strong comhina* on of colored talent, known a*the J,

U, Urckweil ‘•Sunny South eompany. the show that never disappoints, the one that never nrsreprei-cnt*, ts an­nounce,I to appear in the Opera House, Walkerton, Tuesday evening, No vein-' tier Itiih. This eomptuy has twenSeen here several time* and it has nlwitj' ma-h’ goml,delivering the good* just as represented. As < n its former visits, it will he touml to he eleati to a fault and dating the entire p-ifonimiiee th-re i* n>l a line, an action i»r an in- shmattou i «i wliich exception eon be taken. There is every higiedieiit of gayet y and tuelody uud the perform­ance is illuminated with an clii* of high-chisN and euteHubilng vaudevilh* stunt* such as arc seldom seen out­side the larger elites, Preur. th«* rhe to tbr diitl fall of thepuirtain it will be found to W absolutely new an light op-tc-ilu- wcond in cv» ry detail. Tne fun, (Which will he Imudid over the foiitdight*. ie all new mid needs no arrow to poiut the way to the lauglis. It is snappy, giug«iy, cnlollaining well calculated to drive away the hlaef. Mr. Keck well doe* net believe In putting tint greater part of his sal­ary allotment into one or two nets ami Allowing the balance of the jvoi forni- ance to sullcr throughtheemployment o f cheaper ones, wliich 111 wit vs disgust the experienced pat!on, but he has found that the expenditure of money for the piitpuso of making eitch net and detail complete pays twice over in tbu bi>.v ollb-e receipts. This explain why I tie performance given by this eomj».iny are always lip-to-thAuiniitc and s.-od* tho Audience hurne wl»i.-«!<' lug. happy and contented. Tim or- ganixatiou i* accompanied hy a high class *o!oeoit< **rl baid and a superb orchestra. Tho “ Koonlown' parade Likes place at noon. 'The price* o f ad­mission have b'.en pl-tci-l at -tjc. A -Vic cent *. Seal- arc imw telling at Me- Crum n

S c h o o l R e p o r t .

-S N. No. 0, Brant•Sr IV, - Hatrlct pohlbiau data

HI ohm, ri.ndmi 1-dilmaii.Nr III. -Clam L-ituhetttiN, Audiew

Manto. Ji. ID. Kmma Munto. W illie McWldhtiry, Freida Monk, Clm<lie MeXaoChtoii, Dladsloim Mr- lutyte,

•Ir. II. - Uz/,te Biulou, Ituhy Me- Whiuucy. Kca Ia*>*o,d«diuu|e VVilken, Bdim MeN-oightoii. Lm ettaKic-Ui ltei . MU ton Monk.

di. I. - iMay Latuh< ftu -, llat-ddI.«•:»*(». I

I’ tltmr A Lloyd .Mar-hall, Mr van Wilkin,

FtHin’i It- — litliiu Kir-wett»u, Ed­ward L unbelt ii<.

Ffiuir.i <' ( Vitluu MeXaughton..Mat y Monk,! I-Milii* Hibtmit, Andy Nchl uir. Mary Ki< -wet‘ «-r.

A 'etage AttendauceZa.t athel lap Havetscm, t Ocher. *

Frank ILppcntUll ar.d wife, Dwe11 j Tho fall .W x '* o f Bmc« County op .Sound, will spend the winter in Wim-1 ens at Walkerton on ho\\ f?th. II. 0. ton.-—H iatt on Kfhe.

IVincip l 'Vilioughhv, Walkettots :„ v i„ l 1 M-, » — N K'l.l ! TIl„ ,,

.tln .u .l< l.r .......... - A .— i.tl-n - ......I-,,.,,,

rui.in writers ctdatge on the l* s a butg w.»y to Nt. Heti-na. b-anriful hone- Went lie- Kaiser. It l ‘ 'N >l h)ug way la g-.

iirni ii iw for Naum imaginative It’» a t mg way to Nl. Helwria, genius In do justice to the dome.tic Wm.T<; the Kulsei - bound to go; fdieTy . t H.eDcbub.—-Saturday night Dowt-irye Ktis-u ioa. farewell to-r

j . many.Tb ■ Duke of Devon-hire lias IttUm : u , |„„K, h„»g way t-> -St. Helrna,'

atc-1 to all the allotmrut tenants ntr | Whire the Kaiser will la*, the Cemptim Estate at Haulern. that iu \ ^View of p,.N*ihle food difficulties •" I SHOULD UK BAitKKD. coming Wiuter, to- will forego a yea. » j T ,,c T „ lllut0 U o, Id ,rty*;-The Lit- real, in the confident h.»,m that every cl-ry 0ige#l N) u Volk ,w , gone tenant Wdido h- be-tlo produce Into the aei vU» of the Kaiser and i* much as |K*ud« l« from hl» gaiden. , ,i0,ug its h, sl to pi-mote eu utTli lb it

, *lr • xmpaigu in the Utntetl State*. I t 1KE VAI *AK . I W ...................... U. >.«.

Ill, (M lo r M M M S W H I l|ii- u ........ Kg,-„tI , ., f e w il . , , l„D i-K im ilH -on *„r l.j| s<)u|bAriit. , iuliiin rru ti llu.-U. *»li Di ........................... ,, ..................... , .......... ..that nation itiln tb«> atom of 'into national warfare which lia*nu\v almost j entirely coveied Ivnjnjm* lighting ha« already taken place bei ween the j Hussintisatid the Turks and this prom S*es '■■ be » most se.-srin* eouiptication for Hursix i« taken hut ween two fires, so to speak. The iillUnatt result may ta- delayed bat there can be no doubt o f what it will he. Turkey wilt dirsa- p jar off the map of Huropc and pr» h- A* ly otf the map entirety. It l* psob- at-lc that Drefbcand Koumnuia will txr into the conflict slmitly uud if they do it Is hat .1 to see how Uulgat i a can stav out. JhirtugjiJ is practically « t w*r with U-rmauy hpw. and Turkey's dec. l-wafton i* likely t<< lirjug Italy into the field err Um*fde ot the Altlc-. How-

t . all that hrsureiM that 'I'm key Iras thrownabovo the gout let.- The rvNtrl; >>o the Molnitiituedmi p**rri*»n of the piipulrttiruiof Ureal Br itain is hard t(. f«ir»»>e. Tint green thg of lriam m ty be r ti* <1 aud this would mean a gre t rcligous war and might cause tronld * t<» mi turd iu llri’ l-lr India and

British North AfriCtuJSgypt and tin- Soudait- Hut it i* going to have the elteotof the binding the British over *ea* possrsstuu* of Britain nime cl *svly togefin-r.. Canada. Australia a<uJ j what next year will btingf-rth. Kveu Now X.aland will tally to Urn Hag »». alteriiiwtiliUe*Tmve cen»ed.It dor.le never tiefore *!i told the MohAinutvdau if jm-iple will haw 'Mpertlous eat h erc«entbeepno-thmateningtothu fteg.-- * *po» 1 on furu * m hat the mub

Jtra.Tdmei Hum io f Walkerton* la M At ,M U m-fune of Walker ton i* at v * ting btr daugtiti-r >1**. W ti. preseut earing for Dr. For tune who ii» Campbell. Adaiiixville.— WtaiTmt Bcho improving steadily.-- Ay ton Athonee’

Mrs, Ohr« ight, who h*« h*en visit-* ........................ ̂ "" ™ _ _ miing Mr*. D’ll.'if.i, return -1 Walkm ; ton Monday. Wi n ton Hello, . j

In thr-o tioii N the objective sum of j the Halt patriotic fond campaign, j N'Vt.ooo, was raised, suit ro<w the work- ] ere, jiiUlant over thelt success o f the!

precipitate* j j,,,,,. p j,;,,, atutridoticd, v° f«» « » thi^ war is coucurmd all its inteiit'ons of b-. ing an iinnattin! »< lie*lion of public opitrion on tho gto«tissue llrst rntvrexl the people of the cooliiumt- Tim Can adian and British rr ivertimciits should i>ur its cnUauce here or in the mother country,

NO MAKKBT FUK FI BS. *The juice of fur*, which hu* been

steacily (dimhiug for (he last lUyeats with thegeiit-rai nrosimrny ol tlmUmt , tlm universal demand bu such tuxni > j iesuud the cvvl'-ileerettsing supply has { had a big slump. The financial strin­gency of tin: past year had a some­what lowering Hfeet, hui Die Wat In*' sent prices tumoiing t > almost zero. I Fur tuiy.-rs ail rivyr the countr y, usu­ally » » keen to pick op peltries, lurv*- this fad instead o| tin- o-ual p firt d otfei to t-My dil kinds o f fur> at the highest price*1, rwnf bruadcaar wa>-ti» rugs to coirutry »t >rcket-t*ers and trap­per* ’D-m't trap anyt>,ing this winto advire tlm circulars, “ for I heiv will be rm fur huyets, fh « war has killed tb * in trket- <* As auumed pelt* do not

| keep ptrticulariyav -It, there will ha little iraplng in anticipation i f

The Bri'isli <i >ser«(umot is refitting j anil rgfur uisliing Napi>t( «n * old rprur j teis.Longsvocd, at Nt Helena svhr-r ’ I ‘fy f BiWh'prisoners were landed after j tbeNmillr African war, » j

In tb* next twelve months Britain J can have complain for service morel than dnnb’e thu numU-r of gieotw in '- 1 ships that * *>*i many caiiproduce, while * in cruisers oar strength will ta-,three S or toilr times a* gteai

It w«s stdted at Bnthvtn Dial so far j early A,009 hogs have been slain in j

Essex and Kent since tho m a ut jcholera outbreak. This is the worst ! lo * that h(t« ever been tamed by the disease iu the history of this district,

Mr W. If. McFariane. Registrar Bruce .County, Wnlkor Um,»e<ompanl* ed by Mr*. .MeFarlnne and son, spent. Thursday last he*** jsrth tlreV old friend*. M.tval*d Mrs. I I -1-t-y- C ilemoji. Mr. and Mr*. Mid' ujanc have just rt-

fri-io a »rip to Nrdt Lak- C r y ardiiie.H* port«r.

OWES HER LIFE TO ‘ftllll+IllfES"

Cured Both Stomach Trouble

FAJ.MHRSTOW, Otrr^ Jqn* 20th. 19,3 ." I really Iwlieve that I owe my life

to ” Fmit-a-tive*“ . Ever aiuce child- hood, I have been under U»e care of

out that people on the street often asked me if ! thought I could get along vr.lbout help. The same old^ Stomach Trouble and distressing Headaches nearly drove me wild. Sometime ago, I got a box of “ Fruit- a-Uves"’ and the first box did me good. My husband was delighted and advi­sed a continuation of their use.

Today. 1 am feeling fine, and a physician meeting me on the street, noticed my improved appeantuce and a«ked the reason. I replied, “ 1 am taking Fraiia-tirea” . He arid, “ Well, if Pnitt-a-tivea are making you look so well, go ahead and take them. They axe doing more for you than I can” .

Mas. H. a WILLIAMS.“ Fmit-a-tlre*" aro aold hy all

dealer a al 50c. a box. 6 for $1 .50. trial etoe 55c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Prait-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.

ni-my ot the Britain. Tim Him whelps w ill round asueverbsfote, north and south c >»l and w e -l.

F u O LIN H VfSAUS Dial F KLI.KD .Arising **ut of cei t un foolish repotl*

»tn l ftoru W lngham to the Loudon P’rce IVeas regarding a tower recently put up on the f-Ai-tu ol IN-ier McCull, 7tb. (*««. of > b u m , a gVeal «lciii of -cust-lcsa t-xeiU’iuenl minglvd with fear was silt red up thr«<ugUo-tt the siiiroiiiidiiij towuriiip*. It I* astonish- ing the yarns ( hut will gain currency aud belief during a period of public ex- citoiinmt, Nome timo ago a govern- liicnt reprorout•tiva routed a piece yf laud fiuru Mr. McCtdl, and w r y t-oon thereafter an olc-ervatiun tower tvus orcctcd upon the I »ml. Kvidontly the Departinaut of the Inu-rior Is making a survey of the pmvin'c** with -*» view * to luappiiig alt idevatiuns, th prcssKuix, j etc., and ibi<* tower laofieotmany used i in carrying out the survey. It appr-ai - \ that p.krties ionijuiring of thus# in j charge of the lower were n r ^ m e d [ rather gruffly and an *n*pr»-t!on < f ; the stnmtiire wu* n ltifcd. 'i bis seem * I to hav« :gj«o» rise t«» tlm ^Uepiutnu j thit the mysterious tower belonged to j some hostile persons, possibly tier- 1 muti» who were using it tairamuiit iu* | formation. The wonder and *twph-U't> ■ and the slur b s krpt Accumulating like j an on-rol'lpK rm«>wha(t tniDl laia week j when an iutelHgent ruveatigation avus | mndtf, and tho whole- fnbtieatton »>f j stor jeN coliapscd. Tho Clinton New*- j Ueeurdevidently h-tving viupiiicd i f 1 some government outhurltir* wa*) aiithorl/.eil t.i make thefullowingsttilc- j rneut. ‘No uulitiuy oignBii-,u..-e In J tower light* reported f»*uu Western j Oaui-io. They are to he u*ed by b'pegraphieal survey parties, w ho .m- emitlmiing the woik of obtaining pie- j .De l re.pJoin* and altitude* whtell hu- j I cen going on f*u- the past two year*, j Altitudes are olUain.-d by noting tv- I I Hive position* of lights shown from j heights a* Highland small lower* me • built try survey pxctle* from which to !• show light."'- - Liu know Beotinel.


for hundreds of Indians, trappri *, and IbBty wf id t-ler* iu hack toWnettif-i who have abvava ft>.unt u ca»1i market ; f<;r all theriif-they ei*uhl spcui'e is very \ gloomy. Abo them will lr* in> mute ; Irrge dividend* for tox fxtuic**. who | vvill havet*> uunlr-nt ’thuhisrUes with ! stocking up. A silver lining to the : cloud, however, i* the fact that fur- i treatitag animals get x rest and there- i by restoro Hndr depleted number*. 1

A L E — S T O U T — L A G E R 6P u r e — P a la t a b le — N uthitious — B everage^


LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to

. JOHN LAB ATT, L imited, L ondon, C a n a d a^



These and other Perrin's Sweet Biscuits are the very acme of deliciousness* W e put them in our

S P E C I A L “ S A M P L E R ” P A C K A G Eso that you can sample them readily. Wc will send this delightful assort­ment of our fancy biscuits to you for 10 cents in coin or stamps and your grocer's name. Some of them may be entirely new to you — yon trill probably like them all. m

Write for the sampler package to-day.

D. S. Perrin & CompanyLIMITED

LO N D O N • C A N A D A


So their lc*Utm>»»> b» f;mir t>l the little prUanor i«s* alwi much weak­ened.

Th© def<-nee rested.The judge arose and summed «P urn

evidence on both aide's, bearing heav­ily ou the young prlKoltvr.

In conclusion, he said that the ac­cused, being con<« (lerauHl "lilt the criminals who had I'oritetnxUtl the burglarv and niude the assault with intent to hill, and shielding thvai now by hla silence, was In law held equally guilty with thorn of the burglary and the attempt to kill, and Unit the jury would find a verdict In accordance with the facts. .

And so ho loft tho cnee In T bote bauds.'

The Jury asked and obtained ieav«l to retire to consider their verdict.

And they loft tho court room in charge of a bailiff.

All tongues were loosened and every* one turned to apeak to his neighbor, only for a HUlft while, however, for In less than ten minutes there a stir in tho upper end of the court room and the Jury trooped back.

Tho crier called order. The judges settled their lwgs. The lawyers re­sumed their scats. The spectators be­came attentive. And tho clerk of arroigus Inquired:

"Oentlanten of tho jury, have you agreed upon your verdict'"

“ Wo have."“ Did you find Beniamin Hurst, tho

prisoner at the tar, guilty or not guilty of the felony wherewith ho stands Indicted?'*

“Guilty."There was a pause of a few* mlu-

Xotliihg?. If It had a-beet! you. non. Mend ««* he, yon wouldn't gm off*with ho f.iurtei'ii yeni ’ You'd n heoii n lifer, yon would?"

"That's >■«." agreed Tony; with n alglt.

“ Anti, henides. lie an t gone yet. You heard what the judges raid about a pardins?''

“ Y< s, on conditions he ir peach."’ 'Well, lie may peach-yet.'*"Who? Ih-uny? Hinny peach? I

wish 1 was ns sure of a t'-ti-pottnd note lO'dny ns I am that Hcnny'jP never penclt. llontty would tile before he'd peach?“

"Well, maybe so. And m>w let's talk of something chav There's a plant?" added the man. in a wlthiper. as they both entered the dilapidated house In which they lived.

CUARTKH X.There was a convict transport ship

tr* rail in a few days, and Benny was doomed to he sent, out lit iter.

It was HHoertulin d. Jibvvwyi-r, from the 'highest authority, that « fall par- dim would lie given • hint on condition: Hint he would give such Information a# should lead to the apprehension and conviction of tho burglary whose "vtinkeinnn" ho was supposed to have hfeil.

Ihtt the poor boy had still his this-; taken spirit of honor w ithin him.’and would rather suffer anything than be­tray his fogterffathcr and fatso friends.

A day or two before Hie transport was to sail, and while yet there was a ln»t chance left for the little prisoner,: hlft trim friends resolved to make ono filial appeal to hint.

Mrs. Melllss. Rachel Wood

w«u» told to stand up. ! They found hint in ills cell, at hltiBenny arose and once more ooweu p^ v and patient, as usual,

. "What arc you studyim; this morn*to the bench, thinking, p'-rhape, poor child, that a llllle politeness hero might help hit sad case.

The judge in pronouncing sentence, told tho little prisoner that he had hud a fair and Impartial trial; that, ho had been convicted of burglary in the first degree, by an Intelligent and conscientious jury; that the crime of. burglary, os the learned counsel for tho crown had slated, was fearfully on the Increase; that there seemed really no security for llf«; or properiy In the metropolis: Unit the most* aklllful and effective aids of the bur­glar* were tho boys, called among themselves “snakesmen." and employ­ed to enter house» through such aper­ture* as small panels, windows or side lights, as would bo Inaccessible to the passage of men; that but for these "snakesmen" mutiy successful bur­glaries could not be accomplished; that he, tho prisoner at the bar, bad proved himself a most daring.

big, my poor hoy?" Inquired Mrs, M elites, after the first greetings wore over.

"Only my reading lesson In my ■Second School Header.' .Missus,' an­swered Benny, lifting hi* sad. blue eye* to the lady's face.

"floes tho chaplain hoar your le# sons?"

"Oh. yes, missus, every day.'

missus.'"And you wouldn't like to lose them

forever?**"No, Indeed, missus.*'"Hut, my poor child, unless you

follow our counsel and do as wo wish you to-do.'you win have to give them up in two days, and give them up for­ever. You will find no instructors In an Ilk-man's Land, my boy." said the lady, with her eye* Stilt of tear*.

K. „ __ .......... .................. Jlenny turned a shade paler andpert and unscrupulous abettor of tho j looked down at the open hook on his burglars whom he had admitted to I knees.rob fcls master's house and all but j "Hat, my child. If >«u will do as we murder his master's guo#G that hla j wish you—if you will win your ftill crlmo wan all the more heinous and j pardon by giving information nmilnst detestable because that master had ; the evil men who have brought you to been his kind protector and cotifid- thf# pas*—If you will do this, then lug friend; that It behooves judg* >. yon shall have bettor instruction, lu face of all these facts, to pun bit i under boiler clrcumstuiio*-* than you such crimes with the utmost rigor of . can i<o*slhly get hero. You snail leant tb« Jgw; that the extreme penalty of ton only what you are karnfns here, tho law for burglary in the flr«t do-' hut everything "is<* that >on have the grije, where there had been assault; fncllnation nnd capacity to learn." with intent to kill, was transportation : Tho boy raised hi* head, dirts whole for life; but that, in consideration of fnc<- beaming with a look <-f rafter his, tho prisoner's youth, he— tho ? k aging and delightful anticipation; Judge—should sentence him \ traits- • hut the .next instant j»» expression portition to the penal colon lei V r Urn | changed to one of sadness and despair, term of fourteen years only; that, in \ and he dropped :hl» eyes once more conclusion, he w ould remark. If he. ; upon his hook.tho young prisoner, could he broughC * "There Is to hr-— -*' began the Indy: Into such a frame of mind as to un-; but watching «?»•• hoy with hi* “ n*i- dersUnd his ’ duty to his sovereign i tiv<* and changing face, her voice broke and his country, and could ho Induced j down, and she faltered- “Tell hint fho to give such Information to the proper ; reel. Radiol. The child distresses mo authorities os should lead to the » p- i *o l cannot continue." prehension and conviction of the dan- i "Listen. Rfeutiy,' #atd Uae'i -1, sitting gcrous .band of burglars with whom i down by him and taking his hand, he was connected, then he might l#* : ‘ Von have heard-for even you, poor considered a proper subject for tit.*. fellow as you are. must have heard of mercy of the crown, and find It in ; tin- beautiful Darhe*# of Hiertot, who tho commutation of hi* sentence, 1C t H ro distinguished % for her henovo- not in a full pardon. knee?"

Having concluded, the judge ordti- ■ "Oh, ye«, lnde.il,' said Benny. in# ed the prisoner to he removed. i whole*, face brightening at the fi'col-

And ilho crier of the court called ! lc-«( Ion; "1 seen her mice,too. Atllrit- th« next case. ! hit;, you know. 1 told you all about

The turnkey and another officer led ■ I t "Benny from the dock. The boy wad too bewildered by tho address of tin* Judge to have any clear conception of bU own condition. Many who watched him thought him siptsid and' Insensible; but ho was not either.

As they led him away; Hachel Wood and Mary Kcmpton met him.

"Don't bo discouraged, I Jenny. You may yet be Baved." siild Hachel.

" fo r you heard what tho Judge said about the pardon," added Mary.

“ I know; but 1 can't he pardon'd 'lews I peach, and I’ll never do that. No. I'll be lagged for fourteen year? Think of it* Might Joss as well be for life, you know. And—and-i wouldn't mind so -much It It waVt- wa n t for leaving Suryl" added the boy, bursting Into tear* and sobbing as If hi# heart would break.

Mary and Rachel would have tried to comfort him, hut tin- turnkey* wore obliged to hurry him mu of the way.

A* the little prisoner passed out of the hall he noticed la the crowd of miserable wretche* around tin- build­ing two men more miserable-looking than any of their companion*.

They were Tonr Brice and the Nut Cracker!

"Daddy?" cried the boy gladly, eag­erly stretching out hla hand toward his foster-father.

Tony heard him. hut Immediately slunk away and hid himself in the crowd.

"And l only wanted to whisper lo him fhat 1 would Hover peach." said the child to himself, weeping from Ills wounded heart, a* they led him away to bis cell In Newgate.

Meanwhile Tony Brice and the Nut

Yes, I wmemher; it was at the duke's marine residence on Bnitmwlck Terraco, Brighton, where the little Ladle# Douglas had you called in, and gave you u piece of their twelfth-day cake,"

■'Oh, yea: l seen her then. She was lovely."

"Have you seen *hc duchess since?**“ No; hut r v « dreamed of her—oli;

so many time*. I never told nobody: but I have."

“ I dou'l wonder."“And at the 'ospilul, you jknow,

when I wn* ill, you know. I used to : '

and lo.v her hand on mv head. And onvo l dretoned as her lour* fell warm on my lare. And then. ble*s» you? I dreamed as it wasn’t no dream, and 5 tried to wake up. Wasn't that fun­ny?'

“My jioor <:hlhl* That was iu dream xtt all. The lieautlful duchess went to scs; the sick children in t?ic- hospi­tal very frequently. And she used to linger by your bed, and bend over yru and sorr,*-tim<* weep for pity. And in your seukdellrimi! you must have been half-conseion* of !«»•; presence, though we never suspe-lfd It."

“*Yoa- don't-«ar ~w>?** raid Her.n. . pondering. "'And that lovely Indy tiutie (o m e me when 1 was III. and i didn't know it- I thought its it was nothing but » dream. <'■!:. I wish I had kMowed for trtmj i think, then, I' f had khowed it for true, I could vakrd ut> «c see lier, I would a trlssi *o tmrd *)h. \ wish 1 could get out and go u> the park once more. And then I would natch till I would (tee her carriage no by. Am! the lilt!'1 * arl <d>. ain't he a wi-H. neither? He gave me a pair of

shoes otu * . he did Oh, I wish I rotlld aieanwmio tony jirlce am) the Nut r „t Jlllti" racker slunk away to the den of ' ...Jv

guilt they called their home. ■*.\ty pvx-r boy. even (f you cowh? g t „ .■ ■ , } ,,ot, you .could not th-- dt-rfoMs,

. .- , i Tony Brice, low «« he had , nor any of Imr Hilldren, Th, v nr - alien, bad ns lie wan. felt aslmnusl of! . ,„nn« tv- winter In Horonro.

hlmnclf for having -b >-rP d the boy , ,,n n,, ,.un. of the little Lady Hater's and left him to su(h r for hi* crime*.: p,^ut,. ..pph U delicate,"

Its hard «ui the kid? ti « <1. ur. d j - j krntv. her. She was the liltlMt hard on the kid! he said, hlowing hi:; [ not lui-rn't voti n-coiiig

| to tell me something about some-“Oh, bash! nose of that, you know. I

Hard tin the kid? What's herd on: Hte kbl? To go a aea v'ge? Why. lot - 1 < f b’ys run away and go to sew lor t, >- fun o' the thing.'* answered the I


| thing'V**-:. my Pay, 1 was going to i<j| I that th" good and beautiful ilttch- . who,- wealth 1 < alntmt equal lo r hen* vop-nr.v f *-j;ng a deep t-um-

j jnsslon for ptwir; »cf:levt<,'| cbildtcii "it I* hard to he lagged lor fourteen : !ik<- you. p about to e- tahllsli it poor -.trs for a thing he never dono -th.it ? bo>> ' loardlng .rehe*d, v ie re te.v- tin*

■ t Is, said Tony. 5 to l#- lodg- -t and hoarded, elotlns?. mid"Dlt. the devil? What's fourteen j taught."

'ear in a furring country at bis br..-, Benny Hn.-neb w ith hi* whole fa.:.-and com* back a young man ta bUj lotcpt with itHcrc*t,brim*, with pltoty of **t>*rt*at*f “ And where boy* of cuptrlpr t**t*u*

like ;I In the higher branch

arid literature*, and oven pp’pbreenter It College or lo - tl'-'t i!_ OV slen.”

llejiny'* fa ," e-.v-r u it»-e> t in terest.

"And. i lilld. a highly educated >■ c*it:vti> i» to bo the fo-udiea-r- r of rebnoP And l. your «td frl<«d. <!m t!ie itmlfvin, utpl to luoji ;i!ten 'urn? cbijlii"! and ttu ah ."

"Oh. n»v! Went that h- holly"•« laite xt th" boy veil!* a ■ host s- e ■ urpiivo and delight. 'Al-. I Bill Tmmnv nad : dohitny dunlper ean can’t ;hcy *'* he lidded. Iu Ids - nitielf iMinces.

“Yes. Benny. }U-iImp*, thnut’h school is to be foumletl for a, I: poorer end reure n<<sjy ela#--; i f than th" stage ent'jfCjtl- i',!. Hut can eeriulnly go, Bemiv."

'Oh. I wish I could! * '*>. i *vl eoubl*'* sold the la»y. efcwjd.qj, gtid elasplng his ban 1* -u-rv.ei:

“ And - o vou «*qn. Heitity I*, w 1th. yourself. t»,:e; i* 'mu, Mr ilss?" said Rprbel, appe-iUtig to lady.

"It does, indeed, -mv hoe. Ym. only l<» give - th" Inftinuatioii that-1* resjnlresl of you to Wlu a full i-arden. Then you will lie . prison. Then you w-lll he entered In­to Hie duchess' *adu«d; w 'ucri- l*e cleanly and rotufortublV' ln<ie< >! and hoard«si. clothed and inytrur!- where you will h - under th:- »cmd »nt rare of venr old fr«<>n I, Mbs W ed . here, who wilt nlwav - ti- like a • * 1- c to vou: and where v«-u will He* nncutly see tip*, 1n-.intlfnl <h*<h- -< who Wits so kind to yon. am! who v. t\t. , f eo*trse. J»c, a fre<i>n n« vl-Uor at '-.< r own Fchoolc nnd fioaMy. wh s-:* you mnv mu only,\ turn the '-entmen, and indfopemmtde hr.iuehi-1 r-f kneu bslges, but where ><<u may ’■ ■ Jn-Ttued at the higher hrmieh"* of lltemturi* nnd science, nnd h-> pren.-tre-t m • el-’r e*d- lege, or to idu-iv Hu* nrof- i"n " f your choice, as Hstehel has .dr ad;, t<-Id

"Oh. I wish I could' Oh. I wish !row Id!" pathetii'iHIv r -pelted boy, still nervously da iping and um.la-phi ■ his hands

"And so you can, my' tdtlld. if you

"Oh. no. no no. 1 caltT* ml • as! t inform against- to .>r mtml wt«.xI can't turn Informer ngnlrts’. thetu.'*

"What lainrntable i'-dSy to think that you cannot? My child; it is yu-jr sacred duty to Inform ugahist those law-brenkera." said Mr-*, .Mclllss.

Hut Benny sbot*k 5ii< head. r<-■ttvlHi ’to remain silent as death upon t-ia suhjecl. no mutter whut might iHi-onio of him.

"I'icasc, ma'am, 5<t me try ’ n whispered Hiuy to Mrs. Mi’lUis.

The lady nodded as - ut. ah-l . went and sat down on the bench beside Benny, and said

"Listen lo me, Benny.”"Don't Hu/,y! Don't say nothing b>

tempt me to peach. It't nu m>\ and U hurts so to refuse you.*' pSuubd i iKiyc.

"But I must. Henny two more days to try Oh, Benny, tbar, just I’m going to talk nhoitp m>*:••!f now."

"Well, I’ll hear you. talk a hunt your-j self, willingly,'*

"Well, then. Benny, tievt | am Ito go to Purl:: with Madame .Yota, enter on the courn- of study and Ike that Is to make m*\ eelcbraud prlina dourtn, 'iiiiuk that, Ik-nm."

"Oh. tliut is bully ■ I'tn - ,Huity! How happy yoa :-* claimed tie- buy. entiling-briebti sympathy with: her good fsittutie.

"Ve-.i. pm pm not glad, end ! not be happy. No mutter b ■ *-•:ate I may tie. how mnld I c?a happy, knowing Bait you v..:. ; out there among rs . gd •.jtiasu-rs In the convict > fourteen long yrnrs’ I >' • <e i ) mlserahle, Benny, that I don't iu-

G A V E $ 112,000One Day's Pay Means S14l.738.64

for Patriotic Fund.

’ ' > - - .it"l ein ploy is-# of the't - hi »' i’ ilia ll-iil".!) to tin-' niindlan

eu- da.v'S pay

i . : Luc p;lat «ii $H '.aiti- • i uni*.■ b.* milled Hu- rdtni ; nmlrthul* d In Ho* suim- »ti. tsimitiion Vtlan'tk Hast*hit- ow ti-,i by th" eompiUiy:

of; tin- |act th,’,* j’ i■'■ •:'■■ :!.d If. K15 4.S-

ruiiway from At-

W o u ld Y O U L I K e H a i r L i K e T i n s

v -contrb

, W;i|te: Kir ; Bhuimie:*• dlS*J

|i:ovhit-"« iu Hu* folion ;i.g propiir*Ifiis- Ihiti.'h » ‘ujiMu!»M, ittk'mn; Al­ts - ta. fls.ipH.; Sa.katch wan. »l,*. O-mi; Matslfoah, y-s.oin*, npiur-o, $;x,bun;

C u t i c u r a s o a pW i i m e l p Y o uRealize this ambition, when assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment, by keeping your scalp dean and free from dandruff, itelling and i rritation.

Samples Free by Mall

IS S I 'K N O . I. l u l l


But What Will Tncy Be When War is Over?

At the beginning of thi# year the national debts ut ail tin- nation* of tho world: bad reached u total " f fl-.- U‘j0,i>0«M(O, aee'irding to tn,ur> 4 eom- pllcil by th.- Bureau; of Km- ism and DomeMh;: Commerce* of Wa diftiBtou. This repretu lit* uii bn’na:<e of ','«» p«-r cent. In the la-t fen year*, and KiO per cent, jn the hint forty year*. The in* t«>re«t charge# in lbS» amouiited to *lv7:c».fjfK».000. Thu delifa of tin* priti- clpal countries of the* World arc ay follow#;

re'g only

i'd-teU to 111"!

HIE SAUCY ARLTHUSA.The Arefhtwa, the ship which play- j

nl m> important a part in the fight off j lli-ligidand; hear* a fumon» name. In j the great ETcnclt war there was a fam­ous ;frigate; ’ 'tin:- Raney Arcthusa," whieii fought an action witlt a E'rench i V' iijoil which watt Immortalized lit one of Dlbdln's most celebrated ?ea*song*. Theadmiralty have ordered tho fol­lowing ver.-o** from that wing to Ik- engraved upoii a braes plale and fixol In a eotinphnone place In the H.M.R. Aretbuya of to-day:

fome, all ye jolly sailors hold.Who/.- lo arts are tael in honor's

Oiiedd,While Lngijfth glory i unfold;

Huzza for t!n> Aretim > *Her men nr*- staunch To tlicir Ln ’rlle launch.

Andwhf-n file- fm* ehalj meet mir fire, Huotter than strike we'H all expire,

<t« board of the Arcthusa.

And, mnv we've driven the foe ashore Never to fight with Briton > mure.

Let each fill ids glass Tu bb: fuv rite lass;

A health To our' captain and officers,

tat la-long to the jovial

out. I tsaid Suty, i

Iknny burst into ti.ir-. and dib* until hi* wdioh* unmll ffatm-' -i. 1. with rmolloc

"Oh, don't cry *,» hard.- IP i * I’kutu* don't,' said He- girl. - bracing him. You tsmw • «ut t change It all, and - A*? u? <ju happy."

Hi'iinv shook his lii-ad badly."But niiw h«i>k on th" brig’it -.-h 1

JnM on** mlna:>*. It**nn'. Sup;*o Hu: v»,u , should give ilu- Informathm tli.it wanted, and win your full pardon and get out of this, lieu you'd j.*.:t ffj. 1 to the dtichiys' school, and J«* -• ch-ag and comforlable and hnopy. And yen: would be training for a there, while 1 s’iouM be ft the opera in Baris. And?hi f times you could etvn •)>!»Bark to ree me, and wh>-m-v eorae Lem'.on tG >*■• *:: : ••• ’would go to your >And so wo could visit 'ctichiotlivr unit compare notea about h;iw: v c cot t a in our «dtlCation, end b*- a pleasure to each otbei; and in our -friend*. Hut you 'Vould lie. the best of all ■ pleas­ure* to tue, Benny.' suhl the itttjc girl, her face burning wit?» bright on- tkipatlon,

“Oh. 1 wjfdp t could. I wi -b ! c.ttidv* slgbcd the lK»>- from Hi" depths of his troubled heart.

"And then," continued Ruz.y, who saw’ she was moving him, "fie-i: Bcony in a f*-w vial . « » - butof us grow up. And I should h<- n j prlina donna at the tirtiiul upi-nt, god [ you-they say you've j:of such tab e*:. i Itenny—yott would lx* a great lav. y r. i and maybe a member «? I'arliatmat. And we, who lived together nhi-ti w« were hulikh lit .Junk* lane, would live together In a palace iu Mayfair? And wi> two would clothe the ragged and feed the hungry, and build reboot* for the poor children."

"Oh, I wish j could? ! *|*i: I rould!" sohlted Bcfitiy,

"Oh. you can. child! "You ean. if you win only think so'" s.tld Mr*. M.-lli**. Rachi-d AYtmii, and fuzy per, all speak lug » l one".

“Oh, no, no. no,It au't for me! II bid the boy, f»Him stone floor of tin- cell, utterly over: come by- the agony of :, root* la'.ion.

“ You might fear (out Imy jsjuh from limb with aifd hom>, hut you'd m v<•? movti him from tliaf point., mum," raid a turnkey, who now made Sm* appi-ar-: nnci* to tell the visitdm that “ time was up,” wiih-h mi -’os tbaf they were to take leitve and go.

"<!i)od-li,v. Benin! Ob, you Poor child, gyod-by?" said Mr~. M* It:,.-, lioldiug out her hand to the boy,

lie raised himself Iront bis fallen po-' sit Ion and gave hi# hand do the lady, sobbing

(To he fontlnncd).

I'ninci: ........... .Kussla . . .. -. rnltcsl Kingdom ,Italy ..................Japan ..................HrlUsh India.. .. rnluai Stab-s .. ,German Kmplro ..German Htatcfi ..Austria llnnKuryAustria...............Hungary......... ,Tot. Debt# of the Ailb* ll7.oirj.0iHi.oft0 Total Do lit* of the enemy k.'Hm.OOO.OOO

Tiic total debt of the allies Includes France, f'nlted Kingdom. Russia, Jap­an, British India, of which four an* first rate (tower-, while the debt of Hie enemy con*-!-.!# only of Germany nnd Austria-Hungary.


LbOO.fO') i.yr.'j.O'kf.ooii e.iyA.biHJ.obo

l.vts.i >0.000 i,i7h,fkWO't l.2(i>'.'.*by.fJbh l.i;s.hf«‘.*A«) 3,7.'50,(Ki0,0U0 l.fiSlJgJii.ODd

, A.M.W&JWi f-s.bbo.tkM)


SaIo' Dried and Cracked and Hair Fell Out—Cured by Dr. Chase'* Ointment.t'ez< oia is annoying and distress­

ing sit any time, but dotibiy s<» wlu-u it »-"ts iniu tlie: scalp and caunc# tho hair to fall out. Here is » ' grateful litter from a Indy who uas cured hv Using Dr, Chase’# Ointment.

Mrs, Hector < erH". Tobermory. G o tw rit ’ "I ’ < afvi| of a db - nBre<>atdo skin di’-'-uM* <d the walp by using Hr. Clin - - Ofotmcnt, Tin* Iroublij ’ fart'd with itching and pain In the scalp; the sktu would get dry nod crack, and at .Times won Id hbs-d. timi thi< hair wduhl fall out, j tried three doci-..-s without lew fit. and #Uf- f>ri«l !<»r i!:r>" ycisrs.. HeadibB in the altannnc about i ir. <;!»,«-•-*-* ointpient.I bccati its use, and mu now com­pletely cured. The hair, has grow n . -'igaSs, and I „m sx c,<5{ ) c>,.-r w.»-.You ,’<r<- at libertv to ilse this h-tter, for 1 ato g'ud to reeiupinctid so ex- ceib-nf n tri-atnp'pi

Dr, fha-' '< Tt*j tni'ot, has no rival a.N a cure foi^eltbig vpi,, disease.

SWORDS AND PLOWSHARES.<»•«»••'!* r I* *t r.M-r.r »

Fwurd# oiut H<*weh;«ti i-- t* fx poseiM*

of mifitsrlx biahiful klcata t<» P- fans- i\ini> ih>

iovcrnuieritrf shall hav«

t» rue* mifitarirm f* like - > *ltp Info «ott 1


$700 In C a shFIFTH ANNUAL



F rid a y and SaUirdoy

Dec, 11th and 121h, 1914Many other prise* offered.For all information addre«»

C. F, Topping, Sccrjtary. Union Stock Yard#, Toronto.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert Mtiler, J. H. Ashtrafh Jr . J. W. Wheaton, Martin Gnrdhousc.

| derma a* V

i A* liffWlf <i


■'Gcnlh’tu* ti—I liuv-.v u*vd MIXAHD'S LINIMKNT t ts my v< -"1 and In ray fatpilv for veat*. Slid for the every day UI* and nceftlyiitif nf life 1 con* *idVr It hit-no <-qual. ; .

f tsrctld Bt*t xpjft: <>n a voyage with­out St. If H curt a dollar o l«dlh*.

t'AI’T. I-'. It. DKTTAUD1N, Hchr. “ {tterhi*." r'L Andre, Kamour-

be J*blt . which rmik j« r f in The off H«'!igu!and, arc fo have the • Ib-llKiilutid, AugtiMt 2'th. ISM," ! lit gobl !"ti»‘rifis In some *

- , ' j J-t* cot <ui« ciaiklre* «1 t ! m t«.«■.* l ift - *» • run«tittttiooal• loi Uii* ItuuhV. MH Summer*. |u* w -* Win.Unr. Out., will »eo4 fiee

iuy iu-t‘.v{ brr »>••**-»«fui boaie *.* -tu.- ’! « f'll; IH»tlW ! ,•!». ,*'«ttJ Sn tieui-y. but write !i«*r t-'*lav if your ...i.ii.n ti-. ii .«• y * in Him* >»#y. Don't

# are it can't. . lit.» t»- 'i'u- >t .«?»■• . " :«» adult#,i,-l ig.-.l !•«•*•(* < tio i!-V I with urine dif-

u't for tl can t!

"I'm mu at homo to ibai man, .Jaiie," Unlar-ii fhc b* i! haven't seen his ear,l * •:,' : mother. "You .'...oh kin.--, v.b "True; but It isn't Go iii8' S;i: watting for. i van t.-u h- ti<< --Leulavlll* Courtrr- toŷ c.p:


lamp g’.vQG you kerosene light at its best— a .steady, generous glow that reaches every cor- 'ner of tlie room. The R A Y O doer, not smoire or smeiL U is made of solid brass, riicket-plated. It is easy to light, easy to clean, easy to re wick. At dealers everywhere.

Made in Canada .

< * > .r* ,\

, fill, i. t>f;i u *1! bio

iMPUtJAl OIL L0„ L»»l#4

WHEN BABY IS ILLWhen the toby l# HI or cut cl

givn him ItahyV (>«'« TabtcW. They lire th'n ld**ul nn-dh-fm- for litG" mt*M. und n*>vi>r full i«» rclicv »v caiHfbotlon and Imligc-tlwu; ccr- c*d-K tod rtr.i- plc fever# and preumde-b' li'bi-ti 1-•••;*. ('(imx-rulitg tlt 'tif ?>!r.«. I'. In-gcr#oll. Out.. : • i Own Tablet# fur *Tk'-. btghly, recommend: lb cr#'for IcibylxH •! at mcnist" TU-* «abb-t#.r cine dealer# or by.tdall at. :i» g*-«t# a box from 'flu* Dr. William# M< olefin- fo „ Brock villi*. Out.

t v. <r?o xuvt ran ->m t*> nil math- d cblhUu.oil nit*

........................... —• thesecj.-ob, i * to r> (Lc life .t bunfcn. The

■• 1-,-v '?;>i;j<b:red liv«r-*'?» cure Dr. y> ' ■:•■■* h:-h.m Rn « i'iiis. They j;i> i , h t f» «?.« root of the trouble, put t?:>* liv er light, cha*i*c tbg #tam- gch>mU«>vcfs, d o r i> c tmlgus and t.lie.>•••>:' the bitter t'.»*tc freon the tuiiuill. At the first, sign of bilious* iii.-'j tabu

D r . M o r s e ’ s 49 I n d i a n P i l ls

Out o f the Mouths of Babes.Litflc duilft u mother bad ju#i re*

niriicd from a vi«U lo t%* ii.ikdrcsuor

frlcsfWccd your Pair;"

v>U*lct», KlvA," said the ford S.toUtcr “and 1 II r*wl to >**■« .tiamt heaven und It* h#*'itl 'I goMcn tr*

"Never tniitd. mcmtiM," > cidh >1 !("» l-ulc rui-u -i'O nfflce *au «utU f s,i s then, itt.-l i>- # pr< *»1

l.fstb- Jack -Mamnm, pleau*'give me fumtber Jump aP *«sar for h?y eoff«#vI dropped t'ue either <<tic.: Mamma -W,-it. here'# lumHor. hut v perc did : ou drop its** l'f#t ->n ■ .*

I .Itt!<- Jack- in my eulb 'iiltogc

Is Britain Tired oif Canada ?

, Kaihiui s<> lb" priile «if the vuun* <> t»xe imxtrc## of the sea*. Out *tll) jv V. ha# aCtjafuptlziwzl what It *«t > ,lr, It l:iii. ««•-;.? tie,oiatiyV vwat-

11 Ima Ki-|it th"

■ught from ip.-tsnt land#; it ha#

»«'»..........Until Hte v ..............of on** mm •• Herman i>r.<utl*t "• nrviliibitcTi tv-r the sake of nauetiai f

For Women’s AilmentsDr. Martel’# Female Rill# have been tho Standard for 21 years ana for 43 year# p.-e#cribed and recommended by physician*. Accept no other. At sit «jruoa>»t».

6 TUpTd' TALK~tOttawa Joatuau

We are beano* •

t c n l y Buinhm'#. 2'V ;>


give# (he protection t

r'* .•.ut-joar!#'-’- tisve >l<>n<- remafk«f>!e ink. but Britannia #Utl nil'-* the Wave, ml for nil praetlent pfirpouc* lief navy

Hunker# and \t» unimpttifed # have retuvned tMinard*# Liniment Cure# Cold*. Etc.


u ia a Mutter el Puskx- to any that the I'-ctaui mol auihciito'alcd tcccni Mctount# P.v kninvh i ’■iiiiiiiu-llt vvitlic## allow )m- uiatuty and ktndnv*# ait the part of th* - :>ft.,mt;ls. le>tl» itefir.aii# and tfio at-

l "ni J hullll>!o rhlnaaii of tnind that origin-

t and i» w IdC run*# of falu-y «,.<;!(•*•' 1* probably true of

it lx t - she «hn>' of human

piova by <Jie evhlti lu! ci-Irlt to*,lay.

»voyc d'xda « *o i to ,0,1 arc not du-

inure m«rcl-

StlHcus - 1>« you think marriage improve a man? CynlcuH Sure. If you dim 't*'ldba ■>, tt a»k Ids wife.

Bcwnrc >>u Ring ua.yuu Hvi of,judg­ing p5u‘!?» by vipw:c,ra!>fc# -1-* Fo*-t#lne.

Mmard'# Lini.nciu Cj-% P.vtjmper.

Speaker of Houbc of Commons.

EDITORIALt h b ils d .w , no v .

BELGI-NS AND CANADA.•There--urt? sonic eljjht «*r ten (hour

Miml Ib-lglun* >n Canada. Th* C. B- If. and tin* ti, T. 15. ox|mx*i a rus fniiulgrouiH to (Tttindu ufft-r the from Kimip*.*, ■ including Ibdtsiuq*. French and Hermans. In R*H (dlv'-r AcmiIIii uu# bent hv the Dominion Hc.verompiD ft* France •ud (WlgliMU to spy mil th* land. He ir,*nrted dial Hu- llclghui mu! French farmers by their perfm l.in>’.vU'iletM>f iiiiM 'l farm­ing and suiting would he ijpeeiaUy pm-kms In a country like MTwrn Famida. ivlnTiHm rttUlvut.hu; <sf tins w il It sOU In an elementary and that Hu* Fivuch and Belgian '•'•rk- or«, tho most skilled and ludustriaqs of all K«rop*v would be an inert inlaid*' acquisition for our young industry, specially in Bn; west,Belgium whit a population of marly eightmillion# and a territory about Ui<* sir - of sonc* couttilcN of Quebec, him only turn eol- coy. who#?* aliUo popmatlott i* not our liflnm bnndrfd souls. after Bi>* 11101,1 intelligent and perswvorlllSS •dforts wade Tn modern Hines tor Ha M-ftlom<*nr and raptotlutioa. lie say* Hun flu* bulk of Belgian emigration nt (he prestem moment dlrcci* It.* step# towards the north of France reckoned Dial every year word. Ilian one hundred thousand Ih-iRlan? mw* the frontier to work all itia harlot In Hu- French provincea, h it tliousandii of litem remai'i In Franc**, in d<q#»rt- aunts where r.oi only the price- land is higher Hum anywhere In Fan* adit, except in the imtnedlDe vicinity of large towns nnd cities, hut where the attachment to the land being airtitiger th-in here. It Is innr* cult, even at a higher |*rice to acquire « large domain.

Mr. ABsalln liccorarat |>roid»«tlc when he says that

The day I* neir when Belgium, In spite of Its economic regime s*nd social institutions which make t-st1 yttrium mi known In tliat nice coun- try. win no longer he abb; to nourish all tin population, do wlmt aim utlght. and will have to resign Itself to let tms o.4 thousands of Its chihiren' migrate to foreign countries. Ml the lending lie*-, which I have met are of opinion that Canada could easily draw the most par: id tliat emigration. The cc.ratiiUlw named Expansion Mon- dlulc, sitting nt Motts in 190$ during the l.lesi* exhibition. adopted a r*-#o- lutlo;; ts tuc effect that Betgtnu youth should preferably emigrate to our country, in tin high commercial schools, its the Saint Ignat”* Institute, at Antwerp, they already .ui properly »ea< o tie ecottomlt* ft*' yrruphy and history of fmmdii.

That was K for- tin* war, ft!nee the war broke mit. Mr. L .IL Sianf.rd.' fit mullah. iJoVernmenl agent for IM* gumi. who returned to London a snort while ago, ha* rince Ken engaged In supervising tin* work of tracing miss­ing relatives of Belgian refug- riving in Britain under the tJoverninenl Board s proft-cHini. Kluge**# represent all class**'4, trotn aristocrat# to the working class, and all have to h ■ provided for antordlnn to their class, D is not Intended t nil when work is provided for them they shall vunnt't" with British vvorktwn. Tito problem (» difficult, but twnie i'nopty nu(M be found work n* save them from becoming demoralised, lot tiny ure' by i*afnre Industrious and (in-vldejit. Tim i«s! tiling that could he •hxi” for them would K- to ■ t t' em to work on some uncultivated land, for they arc ve*y es»t«ab'«j agricutUir* lig!., tin* si ton* d on the possibility <d emlgrotiim to Fatiadn. Mr. thuitlord

‘ Von ask whether un» < ifort is liehig made to find n«*w homea for this** j ’voplo in Canada.' So effort is Is mg Hiioc 10 »migrate (hem. It wotild Im a culainity lor Belgium to lose them. All Belgium, with the exet'p* timi.of a few towns, such a» An’.wcrp, Brurseis. *ihent and Osteud. is de­stroyed. i'a.eories and industries are nloppwl, the harvest ituu perished, home* are tutitiu. and the population! is homeless .ami destitute. It is re* COgllKfed tilllt «< should be Tulitug 111 our duty If we did tod succor the l**opte who have so suffered in con* wi-ucme of the splendid stand they made ngalnst the Fernjans. it is the hast we can do. A great debt of gratitude.-is owed to IU*>ginat. and it would be a )KKtr way to pay it to • migrate ln*r pcoplo. Belginui win rupilre nil her cftlxetiH when Hm war is over to build up (he couthr* again.

■ People ask n by there «r>' ;o ins nien'otmuig the refugees. Why are they not tit tin- front? That i* where they would Is* if they could have (licit wish. Toe Belgian army system t* In the proe*;-.:! of moimiruction, mid the work of refund was not eont'dep* w| *n war was declared, ,‘ laiiv > amg

• men eager to serve have not yet been reached, bmioae tiielr tine* had not arrived fler* »<r«* rmn nuJrilied though ready to volunteer, fhov were not Is’Mig, reimn and therefor- Could not tervo, Tho wnr eunu* too soon, for Belgium. ’

Notwithstanding these ctat-incntv «; Mr. Stanford, we iHdhn-o that Belgium will he unable to find employment for all iter peopl_* wion the war is ov,.*r. at.d Hint >di*< would not suffer bin benefit by Hie omlgrritf.m of aovorat tiioi>s.und« of them to Canada.



Whet* the kahirv * get til the b«ek give* » it

lint Hi* ?>.> 'v i- nit l*> blaiiiv...The ityip*■•'«?<*me> iro’d the kidneys,

~,h* "h l - • u'-eh'r ti;- ' nu ll«f the luck Thervime. d-d* p.ou '» > the track. •«

sharp, rpiiei t'.vni'h's er** warning*! *ii r.iek kidney * v ouiug • • l.elnev tronbV

*:t *r- im i lint.net!tv will not vote Im I iM 'k. f.»r t'n v cannot reach The

kid r. e It-... ... ...... . . ie!i the ladueyv

thcmi-rlvcs. Th y me w 'pvewl kidney •an-.' blsdih v so .ih i'V . Tirey h- if the iii*va*;e<i 'tirfaee **(' l eliiry and t*kvM *i, und hel!* them l-a-t freely and naturally

M< Civ -ter lio n an. !’.*n I'-'iU'i.y, Qu*-. write*-! " I t*,-4 i»ec.i |fr:artdc<i wdtT von- b.iek for over f-ur v-irv and cmdd get nothin.; I i «(»* pic any g.n»l until I h-ard of vo’ir Itoin’** Kab ey rdft. I got three *'•■'*,- - . and t’**k them awl now I ;>ui < omplctely i iiTed.’ 1

IVimmV'vKidney I’ilf* arc o'k* a box, HTseoi for -’j l -’ n at ah rlcidor* or tlfeulcfl direct on rvecipt of jur e by The T. Md- luirn Co., f.iitiib”!. Toronto. Out.

Wlicnorderiu,; ijltevCSpccify ” Doan’s,'*

The Isnulon iT<e Vrxrss is stili hn*y llgltlhlg the l.lherill neiviaiapers dti- st*nd ef the Herman*

The t'znr lius declared that Ills Buv erniuent will no longer sell vodka. So far good for the war

The uiohlior* the Brlttsh are using on the coast of France are admentsh ing tin* Hermans to keep away.

The \V*-ekl> Sun wants to knew where Sir Adam Firk Is to e i ih ' niunry to build lhose Uidrir-I’.hvtri':

The Monetary Times askr th>* *iue Hon; ••Who knows of a sane Inuiluess mao, untrammelled ay j-oliiles. who wants u general elertuin' now * ’give H up.

•'ll list In has tho earth'and Koglaml tlm rcu," hut tlertnnny lum the ;w* itn-l the wean' below Bn- surface.- Blilln- <-!i'hirltecr>r;l.

Not exactly. I’rlt -in ha-: double Ihd number of submnriitee Hermnav hie*

Imagine Mr. Biomlin. who wanted to ’ ‘shoot holes In The British flag, slulnc In th<* Caltinel with she M in ­ster ef Militia, discussing how to nId Britain. What do you think •it it?

Ill asking the Befchstag to p.-m npproprlailrui tor more mon-v to tarry on' the war. <h*- Vict*-Chaar-**llor >b c'ared that tlcrinany would fight, for victory that v ill guamnte-* ie-r |u*ae If Herman> had kept rpilet, no on would have broken lier pc'tC". Too Vlee-tTian-eltor did aid say tii i* they would fight mail tin y sitiashe I Cr,«b< e and Britain. That would lie Too long a fight for Hermnny.

The Brantford KxjKedtor k f - * following figures from Tin- Iasi dlan census to show thai F. unld i-asily raise loo.ofsi no n b

front, In l!*U the figures give men of the fighting a«*\ ar*-:

Is years oh* - •pt years old .. •"-'d to 2T years -T» to 29 years ., .."0 to rT years .”5 to :::t years .TO to il years



gasped, 'T-hhi'l!* f.Thel, help me. for pit v s sake: ’-

lb- reeied henylly ugaliiwt her as he spoke and lemit upon her shoulder Kthel. after one wild m>I> of horror.Mipjnirted him. and. half drauKinr- hatf leading him. got him Info the lit - He rnminer limjee, lle,droi»ped heav­ily into the rustle seat. Ids head fall­ing forward u|*on the tahle helplessly; lif« eyert tiirneil and fixed, hN hands elenehed. t,h<* tore off hi« senrf and collar h* give him nlr. and as she worked fraliUially, sohldtig and pray­ing, she si rove to keep cool and do her last. Bite remembered the night of her tableaux vTvanta. and tried to do what she tiad ween done by David.In front of the ipimmor Iiouhc w« h a t/ll little rooky fountain whose tiny stream | j „ 8t „ fya|Tulnnl trickled down among large stone* }mt Atln, s.lin.i

’Tiilos. r**nd route one found to my iicts*. will you? And. Parker, will you tell ><mr nilstrcsw I am here?" he said ehraTlIy « h to* warmed lil« haiultf. "Isuppose i niiall find BtrThcjihcn In the library. Bexhawf*

“ No. sir; ntnster In obi riding," raid the old man.

“Ob. well. It don't matiert I shall »«, Lady Dare.'; said David. He had really come to sec that Stephen wasall right, but the hu t of Tin- siptlre he-Ing cut was sufficient To set him mind at n o .

He could noi nee his mint’d face when In* entered her boudoir: It wan getting dark, and the lamps were lighted, She wna slowly sipping lo r tea,

"Do give me « cup, Parker: l'to stay. Hew are

and shells. She filled a shell with the clear Water mid dashed it Ids face and head. She bathed Ms liahdT with her handkerchief and the water, mid laid the soaked law n across his brow, Sim poured conic, of tin- water into his mouth; and wtw tlmt he swaitowed it. mid she never ceased lor efforts till it faint color •aiming Into bin fit*..*1* and n low, trnmulou - sigh told Tier thin In* was recovering. Her l«irs Were failing u|Hin his fixed as 11 lay against hi? breast, He open­ed his eyes and looked sit her, try Ins to smile when he saw her distress., “Stephen ~ dear Stephen! You are

better now. are you not?' she askid as she jiusln d tile vs et cut is hack from his brow with slinking fingers.

H.- .smiled and tried to raise himself upright.

“Don't hu frfgoMhed"' h* wlilt»p«d' ed brokenly, T shall tw all tight ciK'ti. Stay with me. K%'-U don't er.B

He took, hi* tea standing on .... hearth, but she did net reply: until Porker had Rone

"My cold troubles we still, b«! a!1 tiiitt worry and party-giving nrc more trying." she said, fretfully,

-oh, you'll not have much more of •t. auntie idearC* he said consoling. 1y. "By tli|# time next year you will ho rtuite free to enjoy Stephen's birth­day without any of the worry.”

She did «o i r,;d>. and* her nephew wondered whplher she was really so blind ns not to see his meaning

“Slephen ha< ueh a splendid con- stBnHoti he ought to enter into all a country Keutleman’s pursuits more than ho (ms doin' Ho Im* quit** got over that Illness we were so alarm

about at Klhel's tableaux," David cmifinm-d :;ts his aunt was stillout.

smiling sadly, “ ft may not come for lone time yet- wo jossf not meet do- trouble half-way

(hi, Stephen, ran nothing lie done?'- sobbed.'Nothing, nothing; B is beyond all

klti)iVli remedies*" he eitld, f|Hlt‘lly. •onto, Kilod. f know- it wilt not today; t have never had

Volcano hi Mid Ocean?An active mud vonano has appeared

in hit. P.i!lo N. nmi lmig. C.. m -ordlng to » notification issued by Hie

marine department at ftangoou. r»>- inlly, Tin* height on firi-i of May « us

ahouf :'f> feet and htigtfi alsmt one able, showing two sum tails, Tiie pos­

ition of the volcano is apparently on the truck Iw’tween Kiaukton .iod A kyat*, and Is evidently off the long inland of West Boronga, mar Tiger l'ohit. The Klitorlii. tie* B. I vessel which lirst reported the volcunte er- upfloa of the Arrakau coast, arriv*-*! in Calcutta front Hangoou recctifiy, and in tin Interview with a newsiu't* per representative (•apt, F, m, Austin said he sighted the erupt ton at close quarters, between Kvankpu anil A!;- vah. He seonled the Idea Hint p j pr«-sent. was neither dull nor diwigree-

attm-ks in the same day. s«» cheer up j n,.suing ngtiiits; her whiteand Id us get yohr grand idea carried i sheuhb-r Sum del Prior aiul Tiis son

MV must look sharp, for that Dm, M we-„ no?: pr.-.eti;; the former fhe quarter to twelve wo heard was ailing and unable to come; the

just now from Hie stable clock, nnd -after, -f Tie came nt alt. would ho Aunt Ketiim will wonder why we are; «m* lat«-.;•> !axy.“ - The party was hut a small one -

Fleering: her wiiit Tdayfol spexjetot**-s only TM- Hoe*.,ry people, the Uoyds-* and j*-siH in won her back to some S:>o<* Prior ami tin- party fjom Dean- mensiire itf cheerfulness. They pit fit*1 field sirei !, Hi- hum nt eonver. ivy from old Frank# and Stephen him-. ration wa* lively and eoutiaaotis

If (til the imsketfnl of chrysanthe- noitiof she heeded, and stood by her

she huilf iifi her wonderful *ttriic tur»- in Bexliam* pantry. The work was not done until (he luncheon-bell rang, but It wna.nuch a triumph that

rvaiite k". trooped, in to *«>• it while she and Stephen went to join Udy Dare nt talde. Dame Selina glutiecd aharply from one to the other

ideiomdy. hut made no remark: and the mewl, if a little quieter than was usually Hu- case when Kthel


Fnlike tie* F.inudlufm at silbburv Plaid, The ItusHfan,- li.iv*- no • .-••?' -i... In ih*Jr camps.

The Uttawit Journal, which U quite cb.ee to Pr«-if>|e<* Befd-o, says that there will he no fhi Bon this year, lingers was apparently routed.

mild volcano, or a volcano at all.From all appearances." l-.*> said, “ it

is an Island about a tulle in extent, and Horn 25 to ."0 feet high. MTini con­firm# my coitvieilon that It I# an in­land of Boronga. and I should uot t». «t alt surprised if il la found to lu­ll pari of that island. Another tiling that strengthen* this Idea I# tin- •artit- quake repor, issued from Simla, in that report it was stated that tin- cheek cairn* front ahitut ilimisaritl ml he* distant, and Boronga D j«xt atx>ut that distance front Simla. Sin.ee no oilier report (hat would notuttit lor Die shock has been (Haiti* i* I# mor<- than probable that this eruption was the quake record'd on the Simla wismosraph; *

If You Wish to Be Well You Must Keep the Bowels Regular.

Jl the bowels do not move t -cnlarly they will, sooner or later, become con­stipated, and constipation •* fno-luetive ol umiv ill Iw-ilth than alm-r.t an. .uher Double

TliC -oh* ■cause •>) .•'•lie lijial.-'ii inactive liver, and mile-- ih> liver if kept uetiv;* »<mi uv*> •< t u *-i'*'T But hraviat hr-, j.iumji-y, b-.oi tbum. pd• Iloatm:: l< <"!'* fi"

the vtmiKi.h e.dl i*»U of thi*. o;ic oi tii r>** of the lw*Iy

Keep til'- liViC projK.-rlv by Hie oyr *lavci Pdl-

Mrs. Khjali ' v N i l . writ • I cm li^uti >-i f e m> •• thfr- *• »•- •• w< h-

thtr If! l»V 1':vtih I vw p lie l • is i* >"-ihind, Old wj(<-t I ; 'a n I tike one*'

MillmriTy l.* ;i l.ivir Ihh* .i ,t .** vials for SI ')*. at all dealers,.. *<,

'mailed direct on teccipt of tnice by The T. Milburu Co,, Limited, Toronto, Out.

abb*, Att- r it w.-m over the twr> young people elrollrd out to tip? lawn to wait till the imnlrtt came round, and Kthel looked a little wistfully Btophon fl» eiit* p,-i».<i-d up and down by hi# side.

Wluri the itony-carriage appcaml Ktephdi put her Into if carefully,.and « hv Imr drive off toward* homo wUJr h brighter hulk iquu her Thee than it bed worn since the morning,

FIIAPTKK XIII.I l*o huge logs burning In the-great

fireplace ef the hall crackled and tiiarlfh-fl In the dusk m* Bexham. SIIhk, Mrs: Carton, and the imthln buidlcil about gelling things in order (or thf evening. When Parker joined them ••‘he looked ratlier grnvc.

“ It s my opinion my lady won't ho able to »jt it all oat this evening. " sin* remarkrsl to . Hit- bousekeepor. "fthe Ink * very peorlv, ami she'>, been cry­ing. to?. I n onder what tun- upset her

Pcrhap,-. it :, tin* remembrance of Korn * IdrBiday pant and forgotten till ns*v oh#erv*d Mr#. Carton. ag*T>.

T'Dne o' her own mow* likelyV e-irock in Sim*?. AVhnt n lot of < in sin- imp-t hn' la-en. to he mire'

Pail < r Turned ou him ludiguantl*.' Y*iU *»- a iib. tongur-d. low fellow.

bl»« -so « rod. In to-h, #|H-aking •d Pi- 1ml* e Ilk*- that, .i > if To- ••-«» a regular • euinrlm i;S im m- tut

"■(hire# leOlt** oilier : •-eiiHli'imi* ill Seldick a# i know# on, an' preeioa# d!sie?ri•*al.b- er»<tuts tfo-v Im’! " r--(ort* •d Mias.

lb-miin watm- to Ho* »ve<*m a# « mi:i|.' I'm Him for im liul>.“ he rald,

qv-.': tlv T Think Jibe ktmv# liter.- -.Ill be a -•■iiiiM-r losdy Dare Sir He- Manor by Dm time .Sir Stephen’# nt-xl lilrth- day eonn*# roitnd.'

"x.ii>s Klltotf# -j #w,vt. pretiy. feiml-#ja*k* n voeng lady,'' mnarked Mrs, I'-.iro.ii. riculHeniiK.v,

' Sim is imbed'“ Bexham aequb-seed loartily: and there* « » * » (sympathetic nmrtmir from Hie wumea.

Ttmt Hnn David Prior came Inwithout ceremony, as he usually did.

habit of ( le nding tlmre, Tho miKin hud not > et riKCti. Hut Hie tiky wan #*udcT with Km#, and, though dark, il# w?i# yet light enough to b-t (Item »*-■ Hie path. They had almm-f rcaclnd the high wall, mid Inn* worn that u! Ilhe window# of Die left wing were blank and without light, allow­ing void and llfeles in their white Mind.* and ihutters.

“ Parker and tho other maids will be having « gay Hum In (be servant#' hall atiti ubnl H'-lliu had Ik t i in led long ago.' -said Ethel, vim a soft

She hub s«*art; l> » < a-x-d sje aking. when a bright ! |>ark of llgnl H>»i>i*ar- <d among tlm Ivy before them n light M bigger than a Kar, but not n tleady. ’I he level «>f the private ,;;?t dirt wav higher than that of.the otti- • !*, ami the light! w«>-. cqvernl icet tn in Hm qioninl on their side, but Fth?.-l knew It wt>-, on the groead. t net ha#t v.-ry near It. on the other.

rilh-d witii astonishment at a light being there, ami, above nil. at its lie. ing lh? ** at such sin hour, xlm Rrteqwd her tonipaitlOn#* am.# to enjoin #11- ••nco, nml. leaving theqi i.tandlng • the pathway, .-im advanced aero*# the .flower, tie I# to luv>'stlgate the my#- tt r>. The cllnginp Ivy had evidently tooseiK-d home of D •• hrli'ks. mid < or two had Men displaced. * If was thioiiKti a wider rhink. whore a hrteg had M#-n broken, that the mysterious light shone, and by getting close to the wall sold sbghlly moving the ivy aside Kthel emtid see into Dame ;T*- linn's garden, though herself miwen. Flu ftiiml mi long gaging Into f (le hole that Ague# and Ada were sur­prised. Bat :*t h-ngth she came hack to them. and. si-nrcel.v veeinlnc to r rminher (!;••>- vyere there, #Uc ran oast them ami toward# the house.

The* e?aTd 'nur liar sob as she ran. Humbling at c*ery #t<ji. In­ching In bet lace iCilrt# and t-arlug (him lo iter hash*. Wondering a.id frightened, they fellow?#! her into the house and Up the wide #talr#. she did uot go to the druwiiig*r she made instead for t *e bedreom wlien Hoy bad laid their ■hawir and wraps upon their arrival. Here she #j,nk upon a elintr, sobbing and shiv- erinc. e* r fare ghastly, her dree* #oil- <*d and henging In t-hrevls around he fc'-t and throwing her hands uu v> lo r (. *•••. ;.)(> iiioamd anti rm-k<-*l her- rt'-lf.

Bui wlnn Ada. at her wits end to uniMrstand j-iieh inter' ahandminienl of grtef. went to the doer in order to summon Mrs Washington. Kthel: spnigg M lore it.

“So. n?*," eln erhd, hrenBBe#? with 'Veil' meat 'T*»>nT fetch mother - don’t tell any bode. Oh, if David Was here! ’

T elu.ll not .'tell your mother: halt only go ami »•<- If David I

tvimr.! said Ada, utterly ai a t-euv uecoui.t i.-r such ngilation. “ If ho has coin**, ii'iali I bring him. *Kf*ml

But K?t.i is rrnw*i had changed a* ••a spuk*. She rat tlown again and

lookevi pitemisly at her friends a# six tried t-i pin her torn dres# toyethei with l-i.nds that *h*x>k like aspens.

’T<*H n ot'ier .1 must go home—that I inn 1*1 mid cannot stay UinKor!'’ uh<

“ if David I# there, I want Mm iiomc with Mother and i

body <•!.■'?• ne?-d he dlstfulmd; tat pro- Me to do that, Ada?"Ada promised, hut when she went

to the dlnlpe-room. thaugh the g n- tletnen *>*re th-re. David was not • of tie- number. She contrived to |ct Mr: '.'*ttl»lnqUa»t» know that Kthel

anted her. mid under cover of a biil- llont innreli Hint lautra was pi,tying (h<-y (llpjmd from tlu* room

Kthel would only reiterate that Tm watitoii to g«- heme, and at length her iiiOtber hud to give way Ada volun*!* ■ •-< •* ?•> «•• with her. as Mrs. Wnb slngham would require to remain un- Hi the other nu#I# went, and seeing fhat In r duuyhter war not really HI.• tit with Klh<*! .'he poor gir! 1 e?.h;umti#l with Die vie!-•!••> ?>f her feeling*, and lay bade iifit-n the ensh- (•>tl# l:ke < n< half fainting, atu! it > way She on ! Agiu-s returned to the drawing r<#t»n. white Ada ordered the ,<nt> w iled Hie anxious mother gave iietcr # eurrhvge and nnbtly slipped hot until Hm Kglits if Uorkihgton (outd be r«*<*n that she -at up and Spoke.

“ i atu gniiiR to see If Da.id has c*»u • home yet, Kthel said.

NT* ?miner lind (he l.yth <-aie# teca pasi.ed than, not waiting ? >r old I'c.tor to liiiny: his horse# to a stand ft*, the

Kthel spraUR out ami darf-*i up u." steps t<* I)••«.(or Bag-

t got’# ami knock*#! loudly before Ada 'done Ser duty :mo*** (- n«d lime to folluo. Veiling Peter lo

gra-. -fully: and Rracioiisly than Dame i r.M.nt- tor He- ns* of the family. Ada (Selina- If (Kthel wo#. rattier quiet an i w.-nt alter Kthel. to whom "am had

.... ..... I am better nowBut to* closed Iii8 eye# again and

looked so taint that her heart ahmeU failed: but gradually the strength : • • in'-to return to hi# limb#, tho old light to Id# < >••#- He suit tip after a little, and who raw that all danger of a r>-lapse was over for the time, Slu- helped him quietly t<» refasteii hht col­lar, set hi# scarf right, and dry liln drenched hair, and she would not b-t him speak tint!! (die saw* that some­thing like Ills usual Rtillle hud re­turned.

Thar Kthel. I thank heaven that yon were beside me!’* be said. “ I think you have saved my life., But do not sp<ak «d HU# to-day not until the party Is over, 1 could not hear them to Know it. least of nil could I bear to In Aunt. Sollim know. Promise un­to he silent, Kthel. my dear girl. ’

"Ob. I will. Stephen!” she said, weeping quieily. ‘ But—oh, Sl'idien, dear, wln-re i~ it? I# this the only : other time you have M*-*u like this *»•- ; side# timt time at our IioUm-? '

dc-.tr, he answered pimply. I speernhate hud It before tlmt night, as '.veil : "» Book y-m are mmtakeu aunt."

I know i am doomed; and *d.hl. frig •!!>, and without a»- tli»t i> will mrrx nie off some day, hut; '•!!:> r went s sa y leavuts;all Tina been done that can he done for : Febu * ;**-T**-r own thought#.

He spoke very quietly, and took 1 • , *’ ,ar» y rmwii ,ai Sehlich'h. f l„ „ . l an*t I,-!,I II ......... rl.~.|,. -urtl *■ p 'lliM II.HH- In. >„ii ur- n fi'“ -l. ,''1' >' " i - ' f{lt;!*rri !;n l

Kiri. 11,1.1 uu, li. ln hi.- i.-r, ......I, I., " " ; Wr . » » > H"i- ....raw -mi.w iii,. nm l.... .....- i i- « iw . ',,1* * 7 'L -jy " P»rl'—-.... .......... . -i. . .. . .... ...... i.„ , ti.C-t-l-n .h,nil- Haclt,.ior

filch l.ady Dare had

a-e Itovv well ho Ua# iopked lately?" ,

She looked up ft! linn, hut her an «wer to -hfs question was a counter question

"What i# ilo- mailer with Kilt el?” she n#k?!d. uhrupBy.

David was astotiudcd; Kthel had beet* as .-usual that morning, and lie had not seen Tier since.

"Kihel!" In* rep* aloil. "Why; i " in in Tin- best: of apltdts {<)#!;»> heard ber miking to old Carn am£ recommending him ?o m*« glycerine and-nicumher cream for hi# tetuiler.'

"She looked to mo as though slie had some irouble on her mind.” Ijoly Dare said positively.

"Well. ami!. I shall soon dnujpvcr If anything i» the matter, once { see her, |M: i really think you must be mistaken.” ho said

'erliup# stejihon ha- #ome!|iing to do with ii - she has: been a fs»v-

of Si!#, you know-;' Lady Dare said, with meaning

Davhl f!u#lo-d hotly; the iusinmt- th>n -was so [leifiieii. Hi# aunt's want of deUcaey fairly deprived him <>f

slpmo on•night Ho* lamp#

pair fttcoa ami Heh (oilefte#. cem was bright ami tmaut^

Flopitmt: had taken *■• Mbs KHioft. .vhen> h'*au*y WUS fully set <||| hv o r •!?•*# of ? ream-colored » ;lk and * gf* a? cluster of purple pansies pan

l>H?e no one noticed the fact :except Ffcpiien, ami he wa# careful not to * '! astoasioB to her by any direct add!•-#.• Biuoro Ute dinner was over she i.;td b< gun to take part ?u tll«* gay hauinav- going op between Laura I Roy Ste*: - and KveSys, The stately arid careTuiiy > !nc;v#ur*-d oaurtesi.-t* exchanged !*>*tw(.*eti ilu* older ladies umtiseii Agnes greatly; she had a keen relive of the humors or n grand dinner, ami bore her part 5» ail that went on: with ntorc timn usual enjoynu-u,' for sue saw beneath thosurface jiretty clearly. ? -,nimt a ,̂

l? wa# pretty late when the indie* d *T'\ it wa# almre-t Halt past !•>(( Bo* iablo, hut the iftue passed quiek’y Ada was playing an old Mor­ris dance on the maenilicetn piano, ami the mhers were grouped around her list oiling, while Mrs, Wnlsqig- ham

just ifivi'ii tin inftirniutloH tn.it Doctor Prior wte ,rUlf (ab#.u.t In (.'ra.yhr'dqo and might not re urn until Morning.

KDiol vru»>K her htiielti,' DU, t*aru! Tell hint to come iu The

iT-m-i nt in* return let! hint It is gi et; ;•*.<• cried l.<p-:-r»bTy. ’Tellhim never to mind thoUkh u •bud of nhtht’

"Weil, mi'#, if lie come# to-niglti at aii, he'll !>•• an hi# way; # « < <*!dFr.rii. in his slow drawl. "I f he i#, I B #<m< him U you in about left Mih- m-s lie looked ut hall dock tv* be


Th ey welt! into tile lft-ciory to wail, h.it 1 ihel could w t sit SlBt: #h<* moved r->l|icly qp nml down Uic hall v tilling l«<t' Da* hi. But the minute..

Mayore., charted by Hi** , p.t -..( nml In* did not ajipcar; it w»# a tavdy Dare appreat hod J<>latn he would: not get home that

IfttiRiodiy- T f '.ght Kvtn Kthel recognized thatMy (bar Mm# KHiofL I do not! fa * at length Ada had >* inftmm-d

foe! < qgaj to remalmbR tititSl Hie m-itr Imtsy. »!?«• simtcU'ne nurse of the Bee- * lemon font ur." *«** said In a faint tt-mv thilann. now tho general help voir*' “They w lij he soitjo. time yei. utnlmaid lot- the two flits, and so­ft;: t Me. m«-a:i to *;-> )o Dtn sum# hg took pic; ,c>-#loii of Kthel, and led her.rtom before they cotne up I am PaB iaiuUog. to her room. Here,afraei I niorf retire row. hut Mr* with Ada's insist an ?■<’. The j«owr girlWalsingHaw wuj do Mite honors fur

Thctwiii-u they appear

,a* . UCh polite n-g?*M ex- md uricr a tittle lit:fa*? t,-inctau*?0' to h*aT« !>*r ,: Djui* withdrew, iustnll-‘.ViHsiBsham a# l,»r deputy maiinW of the #o ii t>i:!>. I« min really »o •• . •> *, iht-y *diatl *pi-(.- a imuiv

via- undressed and put to h>*d. TVhu Fifty tiad gone to prepare some com- phsing Mrtheine for her Fthd started up and ehttrhed Ada '- atm

"Von will m-i* that David eoim*« t!o iiisi thMB w)mii lo-airiv*# uouie’ ltd, feverishly. ,My , dealt is j»V#r a* r<-. wiite him ;> note, Ada iitoi i ml it in T«ll him tlml if h< doe-* ..I ««,n« ii# I ask it Will t«-?:.i.aili’

-M aft-he-UK-i

ii<*h,v,- dm

. Tiqj

I tftke COjll; [

t th.l ft it L” h qoit- • x >ho WUNhed Vila lit Hi-' 'bsl*; - 'll’ wrote a (•*» Du* ot »iriu-«i( eiftiea'y and n-ad th«io *.ur »*> n»r tiefot*- l*"f : . .am. ba«k. ami Kth-I mdde.l ter • •mlpi'eheim'oii (Me* drank the mi -.

fn lor. | tote M i:' iiuuigiit. umt ie-fjirc He* tli-ir * Wiuiol «>f tie cutrium- mumlng rea« ii

.<• door! *' Ada*, .ar- Kihel wa* Tuning nu­ll* i i*n* inflioiM** ef Ho* drmight tier* lv' w.HHnu i" relieve the nn.xlety of ill** iitiii-r , and promirbig to return

Hare's : .i'»lv in Ho Mureiu*-- A«*a .v«qft home ’ tq,»h c obi Fetor'# < :n -. Hut before

Pi "I tv > ■.!»•• |* fi #|,i* dropp- if In-r uole iutu Hi** <>» m » « -, a,... ...... nnit-b | b tter-hex next door with an **arnesttntx>r was Mst?iw*al uim:*(i It | hoi • that tin* voting doctor wo'ih! get

<>)* pr?iirielor- Damn S>Bim. ft (he nioutenb in* returned

)tft(jjUg'Tlir?>i-t into- the Pm■* garde ;he rear, ami wandered away rid: side along site broad path i. a

To the j- v. -Md wall os t,<T. H. pro up- giii *l*-ii r-

Klliel told t*(o ofto-rti what rvtitisi stml it was. and I* core i.iby Hr . .and ho<v much Uiuo she wu# in The (To, he Fnntt?\̂ cd.)

laoeaiu vi NovoihImt >i,TPH.

how tug, nud Bi.iping-World > Tern- piratii*- Jhmday—Cal. vt, (-to,

Foinmciitury. 1. Iltlplm? others (v.i, t. R.i- l. Brctlirt'n—T'aul mldn#s*#l fie Fhri lian# In flalatla wit!. Due uf fectioii This boo grew* out of Ho far t taut they were the clilhlrcn <>< Cod, ai .; <*ut of (lot fa*-lThat |Im->- Tim] Ik « u

, a: * , iated together in (.’hristtah work. It a man -fjven if a man '• -it, V, Ji>? overlnhcn in ri limit ~ Tito language hire U#«*|| Implte? that one may lev tak.-ii hv s irprlo and he over. ?-n* i by l-tupfaftoa. ft doc#'tint necessarily iiunn HihI ho hu# dellh* ralely gone In- to iln. Th*»/:hrl*Ulan on «s»*th dm#not ret Ix-voml (he t#«#ibiiity of fail­ing b-to #in. even theurth the love of *; -.1 fills his xottl. He |# rtlll Miihfei t to H<o n##aull# of Satan and liable to vie! I to tc.-npiaih*?*. vci be van wJUj.tand. and be hep", *iy the power of

<; si through faith, \> which nr** #plr- itnnl Th'Wb »h « walk In ftio Spirit a-id live in (ho Spirit .'Cal “>■ 16,

those to whom the l-'athtr haw -given the Holy Spirit t Luke It. 1:5,. tlic.c *>ho are bom a! the RnlrSi t.fohn A .' Si, who would recover others frcr.i *1 i, that they should not be guilty nf fh« sam** #ln Itiomsolvc# Uefnrmerr. ihr.qlil he holy men; nun Who ex**r- e,». dl*"lt*l!m In I he cMir.h should le- '.“piritntil’ men. men In whom explicit k iitnii ttce mac h*> projterly rejx.?;<■•!.”

ltaro**# Iti store jaitTi ui oh«- T»ne iht.l Is “selritual” *-an reprove and <-u- eoorig*- them vvlho have full *n into, temptation and have h* • n overcono-. They -an lead ihem to Te#«#, who siletic ha# now' -# to garden transgr**#- situ* In Hm pplrd of tn •'■knerK—I-f- Teotive;,<vi In restoring those who have boeq undertaken in fault# depends noon the nmnn**r lr whlc*i the *Tfor! I# made \ harsh, driving spirit i« out of phi? e There I# need .*f loving eottn- >< t and meekne## in snrh case#, ( ‘on* t.bh'rlne thysTf ' *au him (ha* think • Hi he stmni'-Hi lake heed lest he full"< I For, ftn ti> Lc.d thou also I#' t<'U!M»*l -The »t«wtle exhort# Th*j; brethr-ti to put their,ktiveq In the t*lu*'{: <■( iihn who wu# pvcrlAkett In a fault, and judge 'how they would choose to Im •Icslt with itmbr such <tr<um- •latiee# The sin i# not in being Icmptitl. Tint in yb-liHusr !o the temp* : hdl»n, 2 . Bear ve one n?-< ther’# bur- i No- -Your hrottur had his h*-avv lia­bilities to this clq; lie ba# now tiie w * ielit nf #ha'it“ for ala #1*;: iu#t<nd of >< itiiu" yt;ur holy foot iiiten hi# w.-jii- m *s, lint vour shoulder atider hi# l»ail, and •*hnt** half or all.the pre.surr-.B od's "oMj aitnllmr a" Implies That .a# Lllow travellers, each r-arrylng his t-me e-ark. u»* shall »*e«M'tiiaHy *>e<d to b*nd each other a idMuld-»r—Y/licdoti. •Tec spirit of mutual h'-leftilnciw makes ?t machinery of life run '.itimdhiy Tlmre (« cr- .i* blrscitig for Met who i luxrltnhlv no! earnestly un­dertake# ft) hell) another. Cur burden • Ai<- r«t cue** n>;<>t- Bihicr when a br<>- Iher heronms helpfu! to ti# In the wns#*• * forth Iter*-. Fulfil the law o( Christ —Thl# i# the law ef love plume*? 5 ‘ Th- c'hTjsJlan should rraih <wi; a helping hand to those who have f,al- !«-n a prev to* Inlen-ncram-e. |ler\ i# !»! ooimrBHtlly To • xereh-e j ail, pee ami charity.

II. Humility ivn, :;-ej. ;! Think him­self to he sonicUiliiR - The gospel ev- erywher,. commend# humiUty and eon- deinns w'lf-cxatt»tion and tiride. There i« danger of relying upon due's strength of will and favorable sur­rounding* to escape falling Into error. Satan i# ever ready to entourage om­it! wia's gtwd opinion of himself ami Thh# prepare the way for a fall. Wlu-u he Is uotlilng-“Th«**aj>o#tle leaves no room for i-oasting on the imrt <>f -any­one, Hi* who thinks hlMscJl To hi* —soineftiiitg," In that very Imagina­tion declare* himself to be “nothing.” lie i# without strength.to resist the attacks of Hntan nnd the hard Thing# of life. Decolveth fiilmself—Tlie worst l*art of the fraud falls on tshs own, head—Doddridge, The Creek word Is cxpresHhe nnd ui'-aus to cheat ones own brain. The one iti this condi­tion <an never r* sict To the degree he think* lie can, and he makes liliiiM-if contemptible In the sight of other#. I. Brovtt id# <»wu work—The test Which We are to apply is the word of Cod. ; Through humility, earnwitn.*# ’ and faith wc m«y bring the truths of the scripture* to bear upon u* as a test.In doing this a man will not think more highly of himself than he ought to think iBom. I.\ 3L Bejolclng in him#<df—He who has a c?>n#cloii»ui*ss that hi- conform# to I he word of Cod. nnd who. in hi.# efforlsTo rc#t*ire those overtHken in fault*, manifest* a spirit of meekm-##. Is hlesd with a Joy dl- viii'-Iy implanted in his soul. Noi tn another- The genuine Christian ha*, received front Cod dellvorance from sin. lie i-osseSsc* the kingdom of Cod which j#' ’ righteousne.#*. and pj-ace. and joy In Hie. .Holy CJidhI” (Horn. II. 17), He i# not dependent upon other# for hi* joy, although he rejoices with those who rejoice, 5. Shall hoar ids own burden Thl# I# not a contradic­tion of vs. There f# no Important ** n#e In which one can assist another to bear hi* burden*. Mutual Jtelpfnl- newt bring# joy and cheer to all Hum associated. However, there an- bur­den# that (an not be’shlfte?! fr»*«< >>ne to another. He who tries to '><ap-* the burden that belongs to himself Is disoheyiog the Lord's command, and Ife losing tim divine approval, which I* beyond: ortee.

HI. Individual respotiaihilily tv's 6- lift, t>, i# taught In the word—-The3 **o#rte r••?*'?- to those who have aknowledge of the truths ot the gospel, emnmiitih'ate -Tnitmri the knowledge that he ha-. The treasure* of the wool are beyond priec, Tho*<* who know fti.-in are in duty timimi (u make them known to others, and all who are atd<- should assist Honn. good thinr*- I to* truth# of Th** kingdom. It 1# thought by some that Hit# refer# to i*nn*oral siitqiort Tho idea of p«-r- *«>nat r*-potuBdliiv ruus all'thVougii this le*#*:!. 7. t.,- m.t .|e*'**iv.#l -Ttiu;:i# ,i tinn-ly wauling in vj-w ul Hie tart that f*a»un. (lie «r*at ibyelvei-, is.... tauti' trying to d*«vtve maukla<t.II* wtrtibl mat.*' ft**- 'iuinr l*i||r»«- Dial to- ha# ph-nty ot time In follow the n> to of til* .*lufill nature. He 'voutii make them i«!ieve that a coUrtw in #l|l w Ul tiot Is- disastrollH. He to-lfts people to dweivi* HientsiTv* tbnl is not mm-ked <tod 1# Infinite In wl* lorn and in jitsth***. YVhsi he -ays 1* ,(ro>*. SaUui d.Dtutted hi# word in Kdcii, but that word wii. trim, ami the race,Tin# felt tile torn* of the dlyl»<* *.-|H.inH during ?!:- ages silo'e. -*i>W,Th reap

this appltes ft. ey*-ry choice and art Kvll hnhit# bring dir*- re#ill»#. Alcohol I# u t*ol#on. and even in -mall quauftlh*# Injurious effect*, it i# a (dgnlfleant fact that the Bre-ldetU of tho t-nitod Statea and Iti# Cabinet, as

well a* the Vlco-Prealdcnt. have bar­rel intoxicant* Irom their homes. *. |“tjweft» to hi# flesh—Vlebls to the I*mutation's of Satan, Cratlft** de­praved nppetitc* and dcKlre#. reap cor­ruption Ho reap' moral pollution, bodily dtaeaae, mental Weakness anil ‘Sternal death, soweih to the Spirit— • he flesh and the spirit art- contrast­ed. The flesh stand# for all that !■ evil and degrading, and the xplrlt for all that I# pure and uplifting, Through grace' every on# who wJH meet the condition# of salvation can he enabled to -mw "to the Spirit," reap lift? ever* lasting In striking contract to the harvest of tho#'* who sow "to Hie flesh.’* t„t u# not lie weary—The thought In v. ! I# continued here. As *e ha*.* commenced to help others, h t us continue. If we faint not—The efforv? of th.* con##erated, persevering worker will bear 'mit. io. do good unto all The opportunity to do go?x! Inipo#.-# the obligation to do It.—Cot­ton Mather, the household of faith— The household ot faith *onstHut<'S tho Fhristian'# spiritual kindred. He is iindc,- *p<elal ohllgaDona to them.

Questions.—From tnm#e writings I# the le#-on taken? Where was Halatia? YVhat object had the ■ riter in #̂ -nd* leg l»iri epistle to (item? YVhat duty do we owe to an erring brother? "b a t lx .aid alKiut mutual helpful- boss? How may one haw true re­joicing? What part# of Ute lesson teach temperance'.' How are the term:#, “ flesh" and "Spirit" used? To whom do w<? owe special duties? What reward# are promised? To whom am «?• exhorted «* do good?

PRACTICAL St.’RVBY.Topic. Se?;d'ttrne nnd harvest,I. Hod’s allotment to man.

11. Man'# rcapono* to Cod.1. tJmF# allotment to man. No nob?

b-r mission can bo open to Hie purest, (•mils than that of restoring the erring. H t» Cod'# commission to man for man. A whole argument is contained in the .word ' ’brethren,” in „n ((,«- writing# of Paul there is no mor- Chrhrtitke uttt-raneethan thb, "Brcth- r*-n-. x'r<*u>rc*i’ ’ It hrcaftit*s Hie ver* spirit Of Him who came to and lo save Hu- lost. There should he no aim In life short of restoring the er­ring. conipaggion l» the law of Christ. No eundltion of lire wim too low for HI# e#ft*ein, no sinner to guHtv.for His *<-'istam.-. The Jaw- of UQiv<-r#al love is the law of Christ. It require# every man io he Interested In every other Man and his difficulties, to b»? In sym­pathy with him in the spirit of help­fulness. ChristHke piety may be known by it# gentleness and heliiful- iij-#.# toward ftiO#e who are erring. A brother's fail should produce self-ex­amination and humiliation. The soul w'hlelj sin bus overtaken Is like a uruhted rm*d. It must he raised up gently, (pat p may once more aspire heavenward, A .spirit of kindness per­vaded the correction# which A i f ? applied. Our lesson set* forth the duty of th(!»c who are steadfast toward those? who fall, forbidding ail moral Indifference* toward others. The man w ho labor* most for the good 0f others l* must effectively employed in train­ing his own soul. Every man should be seriously concerned to ascertain hi# o»n r*-al character and standing before Bod. In ?trder to do this he should carefully examine Hit; principles and practice, ifts heart mid life and thus “ prove hi# own work.” Those urged to the duly of recovering Use "rring from sin mid placing them In a right relation to duty, were those whose live# Ulutdrated Hie graces of the Spirit, The high, hut fal#.* esti­mate (lint no n form of tliemselves Is tile great hindrance to' mutual burden- tM-aring, which must be actuated from a principle of love and which lmt*lle# « fulfllmeni of Christ's law. Chrl#tian sympathy produce# active philan­thropy. The Pharisaic spirit is utter!) incapable of apprehending the work of leading tile erring To Christ. It It* hard and uuaympatlieUe, severe through wdf-»ati*laetlon. Ignorant ol ticr#oiml need and eonwsiuently isn- tiot embrace the need# of others,

II. Man’s response to Hod. The ac­tion# of this Ilf*? arc as #<*ed sown for Hie life to come. Men are now forming th?* Clnfcacter in which they are lo ap­pear before’ the judgment seat of Christ, choosing whatever course they will in response to the opportunities (•oil hn# set before them. Every man must reap. He can not .employ a #ui»- #Htute, neither roll the responsibility of his actions 'upon another. He i-an- not evade or refuse (lie ta#k. Ail Ills act# arc force# which unite to form hi# character, for they are sianuKsi upon the result# tlmt they produce Iti his nature; The burden which each one carries for himself and which no other can carry for him. mark* the Individuality of each man's position in Hod’s sight; Human actions draw aft?*r them consequence* corresponding io the nature of thaf-e actions. The future and tin* present stand ItV close connection. Hod 1# not mocked cither by a presumptuous neglect of a di­vine command or with services that tire pretended and not real. Nothing i# worthy of The name of well-doing which I* not done from a right mo­tive, making It purely a spiritual work and not the outcome of natural Im­pulse. The law of sowing and reap­ing is a warning against insincerity. The opportunity to' do good Impose* the obligRihm to it. Mutual depend­ence is Ho- law of tii?* universe. No man Jtvy-th unto hlm*e!f alone, and vet every hmn'must stand for himself alone iu Hm ClmtiN reckoning of all thing#. vVearlBO# ft- likely to cause dehvHvr work, and lead t« abandon* ment. ending in despair. Man * great need f* ntii> log power, peruianepry in cIiar.nT.-r *nd conduct.-—T.ILA.?

Like a Lake o f Flame.Ouc ot tiic most remarkable cf

tie- hot -prings tn the Yeltowstoeo National Back i# FSrcbol* i-ake. In which tlnme# seem to appear In the water. These flame* are seen from «ulv two points, and should the wind ■ii** t-uitsluK a-■■disturbance fit the water III. miirist may not see them at ail.At D:> . .i»i* rn *nd < i D*i* small lake t « c iu uhir opening j.f •» deep seated apiimt not unllkJ' oii** r v»-n«* of thor-

« „ ( . !- i hri-oeft this vent, wt,;.;, M~.»ai; 'Tao’ds mil of • bar.ft;#t<: ,i.il*'U? v eft V. IIJIIO* I *<>•'- luiObftrs

diinyp d air stud sifiwriieatcd xteatu t i . shulouli'. B* i.»«#- reaching tlx*Mirtaci III. > Molt** tu iutw one large•oil- that in it* upward |>as*aK‘? slrik- iu-i v* *mbh, a Ham.'of fire. This crtftioe* # until tin- bubble hurst-. on­ly ft, ft. followed b' a r> >»-tttlou of ti*.. !<!(rtn*m* t*>mi The explanation i Diet Hi" siigbtri •neltuft il water I*,. :!,.?.#) in iJ*.* tliih film of the as-c. (idhir fti-.ill!).- ; ! f .t ■ l ift- phe-iioiurtui are f:»i' Iw'iier nt Fire- iioh ! .il#i> Bum «-i ., v. her,*, hat under

voudith n* *T>.-• m;*y he seen a* *<{T*< r ft#;tlUft -• b«l To a far ft*w-» srtikiUK manner.

■Do,# > our-face hurt much?' “No. fehnnift. What make* you iblnk my face aches? " ’ Jlistor said yojt werepainfully homely ” -Judge


Girl’s Warm Winter Coats Sailor and'T urbanE q u a lly ra sh io n a b le

Fashionably made cosy winter V.oats in the most popular

tyles. The materials are all wool, chinchillas and coatma

weeds. Colors are new royal blue. fj||y. navy and brown

tweed edeets. Coats are mostly lined throughout. Prices range

front $3.00 to $9.50

Better Fur Values _Than we’ve offered for many years.

Sable. Wolfe. Marmot and white Thibet

M in k M a r m o t M u ffs , never sold hotter ones at 7.50, this season $ 5

W h it e .T h ib e t S e ts , liiff pillow muffs and long throws, wor'h $10 to 15 a sett, this season 8 to $ 1 0

S a b le M u ffs , rich natural fur large plilow shape, brawn sutin lined, worth j.18. ihissenson s special value at $ 1 5 .

It s I line Boy s Had Their


Assortments are now at their best You choose with greatest satisfaction here.

Overcoats for big boys, younger boys ami little lacs. Made from all wool chinchilla overcoating. Convert­ible or shawl collar rolling up close to chin. Colors brown, navy and grey. Good heavy weight cloth, well lined and particularly well made.

Sizes24 to 34 breast measure

P ric e s f r o m $ 3 . 5 0 to 1 O .

Metis Knitted Silk Mufflers,in the* richest plain .shades and col­

or combinations These are as fashion­a ble as ever, dressy and comfortable, heavy fringed ends, extra value at 7 5 c t o $ 2 .2 5

New Knitted 1 icsTo match mufflers and cross bar

effects, each 5 0 c .


r . ..■ v t h $ ¥ '

The New A rrow SlrrtsMade in Canada by du ett, Pea

body and Co.Nothing surpassed these well Known

shirts for lit and the patterns are all that could he desired for dressiness, guaranteed fast color, they come in many attractive nejy patterns. Plain fronts, also pleated with new cross stripe effects, sizes 14 to lf> '.. specials at $1 $ 1 .2 5 and 1 5 0


The eider mill lief*? b wtill working il.vv nod night.

Last week wo g‘>? umiic miow uml mud.

Geo SriW h *tilt on the sick li-t.* Unrn—To .Mr. ai d Mrs. Phil. L*h mini, oil Oct. 2!), a««n.

Mr. and Mm. Frank Schumacher . visit i»g their iolativ*» in Flesheitin.

Mr. AJf. tax* collector for iCulrosH whs in town-hitl T lm ix la y, j

Andrew Ohmic'tint! AI<-\ Hiute «*f Walker I on were b*4«? List Sunday.

Mike G.iclr,. ImM-’hei of T. *\-iv;«t«-r, } visit idhflie unit Ills relatives liiGuliin, | list Sunday. .

Our school *-i#tm« and the holies .of i this eotigiegalion inride giiutimpiov*'- | mcids in the* cliuich lime last week, j

It i# m o lly cold f.-i the fanner*win* are taking up their turnip:*-


Mr.'-iauies Pettejditce who I; i - beeh working »> -alo-man for Mr. French

th is returned Inuut* to Micnd a couple j of Week*.

The Iriani*g<* «.f M i " L ilb«u Di**t- j rich and Mr. b * m i n ' Kitdngt-r wen i iHiluiiiiiiid fioiu the It pulpit hy | K»*v. Fattier Ciippv on Sunday, i Mi-# lira* .- Macdonald tv|*> ha- L o ti i visiting her m .-g i # in Ookeville nod ‘ Id.illou ha* retut’lit it home. -

M r. Fred Kltnip who lwd hi* knee lout in the rofii culler i# improving.

Mr. and Mir-. Goetz <>f lUpley are visiting at Fred K ln n p -.

I him- O utlie Jl*t Oct. t>* M i. and M i-. I.apport. n dnngiiter.

Horn Ou tin- 3*)tli Dot. to Mr. ami Mp . Frtil K letup. •» daughter.A jireCy wedding was Milnuiii/.* d t>y

Uev, Fatliei Cupp* on \Ve<liie*ita.v l.i*i m the I*. C chin eh. wheu Mi-:* Mmtv Mckeiiswiner and Itiehnrrl t ‘a --i dy were united in the holy hand- of in at


OvercoatsMen, have you purchased an overcoat yet ? If

you have not. come in and see what we have to of­fer you lu this line.

We have a goo 1 variety of tweeds, in pretty patterns and popular shades at $9, 10 and $ra.

Also a Black Beaver, made of good quality material with velvet collar and good trimmins at $12 . A very dressy coat.

Sweater CoatsYou will have it warm this winter if you

wear one of our Sweater Coats. We have a large range of shades and quality

See our special Sweater at 75c.‘You can’t heat it.

Neck ScarfsA big assortment of Neck Scarfs in all silk

and silk and wool. Dandy goods at templing pricesAlso a new lot of Neck Ties in new Du gns at

right prices. Cense iii Ltd tie them.

J. 3t JP H O N E 5 3

ri«U f»«y. The Pil'd* Was p H-ltiiv drv»- ;*d ill white -dkdtapml with lace ml win.* .1 very brooming white hit*. Tli*’ tutdesuniid Ml— Katie Doylo wa- d»e-.ed in a cr<*aiti nnlltoidered dlc-s with lint tmimteti. Tnogi<*>*io wore a very becoming trivy Idtnr m il and tin.: gi<Miii) .iu:<ii, Mr. I’utiT Fu-sidy w- !-• a in own »tlU. After Du* inanSag*- tin* h<iili! .m i groom iitnl their muuy frieiid-drove to 11* -1 >•»'»-oil to lln- hlitioa home where a vet y *unipLm>f(# dialler wa- r in d . The laid*? m rive tl Veiy many lieautilul |u*»»eiit-. That then (mure may he happy Mini pi.>-pcio>i-

' I- wi -h of their many friend#*


■/File loll owing report i« tiiJ-ed **n tin- tix«uiiiialioD> iiclk duiingi letolvr .it*! . o gem-ral proficiency. T h e name* '‘r>’ pi,n ed in ofdi-i i I uieeril and ilu- uuiinv- -*( the-*- * in> not ohtnine.11*0 p**i cent on the .’ ubj.'Vl examined do UOl np| ear in the list.

Si IV tin . t Hii tm h. Fit#* .Stewart llopghimxiti.

St 111.— Hon -F O llag >n. M 1.>l- tti- !\ ,-• Janie* t*ei ti’plACe. A M o-l e. A M olio, II liietrieh.

.. III. II n C < i-k un tie- Fa*F M<«>r- F -Syimni. A Fucker, A

Ca>#idy.St II -11*111. L llnlfmi n. Fa* -

N 'ti llog if . M Fetti plaet*. II Fett i * a-Md>*.

II. Hon N It ail n*r. I Di*t>«*h , , in .,- Fa»/- N II .liman. '

llemngei. M O Hogan WStunlev.S, I -H t* la v-~ M Kleuip, M t a-k

anett**. M Moore.Sr I A Cl:i - II I. -moii. li Kitcln r,

II MeUonul.l, W M. **ie.I. A Sy*11011. U h id iic li- l lit ln n !

I'a-kam-Ue!F i I mat V Item* (a k u n tte Willie

O Hag hi. M Ca»#it>V. K Mwit* FGrown, K Fc>leplace, s Itt-cicgei. K Lamed!.

Average .iHWldunte f«»i Sepf’tnh*r>. A vemge aUempfiK’e fot*: Ugtnlier

Separate School ReportIIONOU H oLL

Sen, I \‘ Ague- Olireet, Lome lit gott, Il -tuatd '/. t'.l-i. AUn*rt W at' ' ter. Minnie MeGii-g--r. Fl*»n*li«rt? O'Neil F. I-1 /,eU!ei-. ph till), Col ini t B.itte, N«irval O'Maltey, Florence <»i file.

.Inn. IV ■ Chmlc** .MiN'.il-, Jerein Hmder. Gliv. Weil-r. f>loa G.-LLr Irene Hi Irk. Li/./.ie Siveeny, .Ceceli halt**, llella l>i|ip**i t. Ilar*d«l Walkei Jean lti u:h.'«lwck* t.! -oimd Monahnn.Gllieu K< k«*l»W'eillei. Willin ti win*

Sen, t il - iVeflni t onin, Miul**line Wei let, M-;lvio s-oiiih-li. FrunW M*- nek. Mntg.iii I Viark, Tl.oma- Mirtw Inin, L-ui-a l.ipp rl Hilda Kulit... L t. iu S fi-mnn he,. Kathhen OI»*tlMatiu\ta Selim......her. «d.»tv* F. ivilia-'h, Cleiiieui Willivlm, Into Weile <ie-*rge fn*ttin*r. Vtionh n fv nnlon

.Inti. I l l -FI* feme Ubreeht t hfi-t* hrSohititrr. Violet l.miiley, l’)li/ah* lh OCoim *r. Daria W.ieehlef. Henry Ftich, AH#*it Weil-.'i

S-n. U t'hm nee Weller. Clai H— h, Kleaii 'i' \\el»-*r. Cyril Olicile, Madeline Wet-hat- Lvnl t'oti-ins 1 «*!tti S, lim it. IMa in Wellfl, ItiU S Inn, lalwiu Sehuiidl.

The formei is a particular type of sailor which the French call the “ Canotier *—the left brim broader than the right. This “ Canotier’' from o u r show rooms is one of the leading models in the attractive group of hat feat* tires. It is fashioned of t’ood^quality black velvet, with a fancy mount.

Another favorite is the choice little ‘ Glengarry Tur­ban that fits close as a cap and is suitable for tho coin­ing season.


dun. II Mnry Wolu-r, llimdd Xim- n*r. Alexander ,\|eN<G>, Norman O '­Neil. Jnkii Sweeney, A lvin Cmilr*. ArthurSul.t«r, l.ivi-m e Vimck, Mar- garetHii-.iek. Hilda McNumarit.i.lady* ■ ;k.*n*:veil,*r. L uettn Kunneman,

Sen. I -K u llilO ' ii Shlh*. Clcoplia i-ilee, Le**m War .lifer L ‘*oim.N> uid.'i»

Rita \Vaetht«*i, N*nman Fr-it-m ger. .gu '> W rli *r. Fiiilip Weilrr..tun. I —Allieit tiiealrr, Vmiu Ferau «h , Ixnjr Cuoiti, Jioeph IfalU*. <>live - M'h, iSermu .l Scliimir.

Public School ReportOCTOHKU

•<le V|| llmmiif* M. WilHiit, l>. Kenny. F. Mil.-# Fn*« IL Kvcr •U. N. Lay' II. |-%.t.*we||. It, H»u H » k -

l*m. 'V . Hu,ul|. im il.n l. K. HtimxryF. H*dd«h. 1). It- gei-. M. Hminyman: I!. Kvm vtl.

II. \Vilk.iighhy. Frin

i.i-ide VI Sen. Third. H>>m*m-. J. K<*nny. .1. N utrLh. I.. Walt we 't. ll*I-< i, W Ingii#. It. Xiw’iiinl. s.Ht* .....- I . s. Keielicnhieli. Fa*- V.Kimt*; . *. Vantionie, I. Line*?. II.IViutl, I. In a l- . •*. Saaii*t.ui, (i. r.ain- ■». .1, It *1111)15. K. W ilum , W. George,I Moor,*. A. JlcCailtiev.

.1: Sti-idOr mil* V S-u. find— Glu.ly* Miller.

A itlin r Kv. *eii. Ff*>iri«r«. VViliuu. Hoy Itif*hard-*>|I, Sen.Fn— - Mildndlloyec .!■ hu Flew riling. I.i-m c Sti veii-, John Kern**y. Lilet u Ci ydeinmn. ,A*lu IM lrii. Mitten M. iiii*gfT. A H e it Keith •uhttrh, A* lie LintHey, Vi<*l« f lliinb.

Jim . F .w ,«-i;iila S in iIc , Bm> e Hunter Hurry ilit-U. Mtvlnd tied wit.. Miuitio

i-Uepliue.M. K->i'*

Grad* IN -i n. H«*l W il,m .. m i Whyte, Fram e- Nut ting. M iiiitl

Lumh-y. Allan Hrhiui»«. AM« it Hunt.— Klmel Kidpin. Rum* Vnnhei ne.

Karl Fui'-ytli*, Fra m e - Crawford*.e li:iiri*>on, Kddie l-Vniretj A turn

Seaih*, lirir Itam-ey. Jltiomu-Lther lour \

,'t. Sinclair.G i« h* 111 Sun. Second, i Ilcn — M,

Si.’liwimll, Fare* - K. ^n’lnuis.-, Wuliih-e. M, F- id u -. 'A . Liiully, F. Mtiiliihi’r, C. IfurtrloW’. <i. MariM-r. Sen I W , Go ..le. I . l ’ .etM h. Fa-* \V F<*r»ythr, J . « ■ s im ia n , II. lhieh- low , I*. Aml< i-on . II Faull, I). Craw ­ford, X. Mct'.ir-Uity, V. Amler*nu.

Ague- War ten*

ttiddi* II Hon. lT i»llk * -k I. Mti!»it* W. Jerome. \\ . Ilalliiiityiie, K. Fcriiiii’ A, K* yce. G. tico igr.lt. llampM'ii, L , Vale#, A. Kei. hi iihai k. Fa-* V. Holden, G, nieirhe, G. .Mewhinmy. I >. George. A. Taggatt. J iiritlin.

Fi iini.-r lioi*o»5 W . H- Imi, s.Fennel t H u o il , H. .Singer, Field*. Fa*» It. Fi uiu, F. .loiiiiHtiui.L. Mm Omni. K Haw thorne, K. \N » St-ei. ('..I.tnjer.

W. Tli-nnpwin.

tirade I -S i. Ftinn-t Tl*n«-nce W a lk -i. Il wiuSehmidt. H « l v ry L in ­ed. Keith Feldlle, Gordnn W hIIucc. Knrily Lindh*y.Jack N ulling, kldridg Trnux. Ilruce Smith, Filce McConnrlk A rth ur Uurhlnw. S tufoid Helm.

Mid. Prim er- Sury l.ymheri y , Juek J a trio. Iicrt cit Ue**»ge, NeUoii White lieuitj ll.tl/. *r Orner. Norim* Kvrretl. Muigarct tdiiitlev. Herhei t Monte, Ed tin A h -1. Ait*,*<*n Craig. IVilftdd Wfliti, Mddied Appel, Knrui t I'm nytlie. An ile Hcmheiibach. Kutiilijeti Fortum*.

Jr Friuier .l<» - Godwin. F n d Lym - tn'i i y, Frann*- Limlley. t-anc At-rl. Emma la’uke, Mamlii* Hunt, Audry FctiHel. Geaig-r McGregor.

A l>. T li impvon.

K. A. T. • ( . ting <iir*o at their fuel nr v

faring th<* Ihulr-inr U**a*t n**iirth«* o«*t end hihtge. The -l.-.ehmi-.* mi tin- enl’ller nf S*'*ilt iitnl Mill nl tin* l.r*li**i* rink will I#* lonirl-.wn wlih-li will g»e«l li ini|Mi*l«- and make -ah* tlial o n w i .

'I'ho.-iniiimufm*a*ling nt rIn- stmt fttitl Hi'Dit l Fithlh' Ldnnta A—**■!«- tinu will •*■• hel'l on 'riimxhiy riinl Fc<- .lay -f nest Wii'k, Ihipi.-elililtive-

The Honor Roll.Tin.* folio wing j« | hi* Ii«L of ||niri.

enmity l»ny# w hu gathered here d in ­ing the p i»t -nt-li and left Hie 11 anting . .imp at London.—Ja* Hlulr Haver. KincardineCrawl.,id Cam pl. ll Kiehaid Cm tliery Kt*m>t Emunutun <>Maurice F I waul >At llu ir HallHaliiel Miu lyii ••I tort St’xv.u tOran NV^ nilAinlrewVJ'.’rawlnttl Tara .Hert Hardy Sydney iiaiup'.nn Heiuy S M ii ehanl Vi.-i.-r F MeNoilt M nh rt Fiic«saiit

■lin y S m ill^W II Tin.nia*W i liatu II Fentonlle ih i'il II Fi-ulnu Fort FlginW 'I Mit. ln-llmu.eW ilfrid M K m «v •*•latue# J ItoUin*oii *■i • Fii/etl Her vieAdam Fit/, IISi anley H .inkr F .u L HeadAlexander Him- F iii.l vA hi H tl*c**ckAm liew N Culli.mit» 'iilmi .1 liaiiiebS It FlcnuniugCunmv F GraintmAlign# McIntyredim A MeDaugall•linin'# Hat*Sinmiel II TnukeAithur Ciniuuing t.ln -k vJaiue* WallII SGanluorJ.nm i |.*‘och Walk, i tonW ilfre J<. King-S n g•I n k Ih.rkeJin k Andern-'iA lfm l T o l l »nBeit Cat iw iigh i *Nfiriuan Hack

J. C. R O C K W E L L '-Sunny Smuh"CoTliepmii-i-iuenl loving public will

In* gl id t*» he u that the J . C. Hock wtll ‘ Sunny T-.nith ' c. uipauy, the -how- that leave-you Im ghiiig when they »»!' * ‘go wl night' will l>-the attraction at-the Opera Home. Wuikeitnu. T iir l- day evening, .\..veml»#r Huh. It i# about two yeutfc *ime th i- cniu|iunv vr.i* *een here and at that time those who atteuih'd pp-uouuced it the bc*t and ill<nd plea.-iug of tin* kind that ever made tin* town. Thi* *«wan it i* vh*»-dtitely n-wainl up lodbeM'lioid in every ie.*|*eel. It i- cliaiftClerUtic all the firaltires- peculiar to the negro in Dixie lat'til. pr.—enttnl by iiegn*.- nf tin* cnhmrcd and educated ola-* fun* from vulg trh y, withuu; any object-: iornit fraturer, at the -aim* time-pat kl- i**jl witli wit gudgood humor Coinedy b j ’ li thilt I# aimed at and nothing el e i« leachvd h.n #;.me very glover #ing* oig, daueing ami entciLtiniiig-pi i inh-' tim. whieh will make the audience -it

1 ip and take notice- There m e tweu- *.y j<*Hy, catchy and hrilliNUl mii-ica uiunbet - ami tin Olio i.*> replete with VVerat of the high* *t-elh#- vamlrville Stunt-ever presented outride the larg­er cities, From llt*#f to lu-l ihn e iu n d an obj«*ction*l vvoid #p«-kcn or*r the#light< *1 apjuosch to vulgarity in act hill m-r glance. A go*d #pi inkling of new* Sung- in - been made through- * ut the perfurmatiti* and with the «t - unisphetu t*eing ul Lin) *nrt where tlio iwtdicrici* foivc* ih « th.-atrc whistling the lato t ».,ug bit», yon > **n text «*- Mtl id thdl. you will l»c ».-m home feel­ing #diIdled that you havo received full value for your motley. Th e or- giui.ztliou is Mceompntded liy a »otp concert hand and a -upcrli urchcvlru. The "K**o«ito«n 'parade takes place

The prii c*of ndiui-’ ioo have hecajiluccd at :k»« a aOc. Seat- are new selling at MtCrum *

pre- all tojv'ir f *-i Dnl.it in.

1,** >. ti, C. llU ’k o**i upi' d tin- pulpit of itn* Gland* ehiitvh of with h h- ivy*. at on*- tim*’ pad**r, mi Sunday. The pulpit of tIt. hk-al llapli-i

SpecialSweater Coat Sale

\Ve h a v e a la r g e n s s o r tm e m < f m e n , la d ie s , lio y s a n d g i r ls s a m p le .sw eaters a n d od d H u e s of th e seasons

n e w e s t s ty le s , c o lo rs , n a v y , c a r d i n a l , tiia roo tt, g r e y , g re e n , ta n n td b ro w n ,'"a lstf e o tn hfna titd j u . l t n i n p , f 5 .o o ' to 7. *‘»o at 3 50 , .} 00 f< r 2 70, 3 50 fo r 2 5 **, 3 00 fo r 2 2d, 2 50 fo r 1 ; ; 2 do fo r 1 5 o , i 50 for 1 00, 1 25 fo r 98c ,’ 1 00 fo r 75c.

S p e c ia l P r ic e in L a d ie s ’ & C h i ld r e n ’s F a ll C o a t s .

About 30 childrens coats iu ail siz.es, sample coats,gcod style which we ale clearing now, S2 00 and2 25 for t $o, 2 75 for 2 oo, 3 00 (or 2 25, 3 2 5 f< r 2 50.3 50 for 2 50. 4 00 for 3 co, 5 00 for 3 50, 5 50 »ii<l 0 to tor 4 00.

We have also about 12 or 15 ladies coats in this lot good . Vs, price cut • ; to )/* for quick sale see these early, have a goad assortment of sizes.

Wc have a lot ot remnants of floor oil cloths and linoieums lengths from 1 yd up to 6 and 7 yds these we ate clearing tin's week at a big saving iu price.

Ne*.v arrival this week for winter wear, in gloves mitts, tuques, asciuatoers, ladies fancy, collars, collar and ett IT setts and a big liue of Xmas handkerchiefs from ic. to 81.00 each, almost every kind you can itun* g ‘ne.

New neckwear aud turuishings for men.

McBUBNEY & CO.An -'l!i# r of tin* HcpWoith buy-hu*> J

v •hinlc**fe*l fm- tin* front, ln*ing Iti-it j Hardy w holvfi on Tu*»«luv wl.- n r^ l ttiry wi I go toToyt-nt-i lor ttaiuiug. ’ I h * citi/.riti# band aud a huge number j

i»f th-* viliiigi-i - tinned out to the early j train and gave him a b etity xerid-ofT. * Wo are told Stanley Itourke went! from t'ark H«*.id. — it 'p ^ n tih Frog- I


C o u r t o f R e v is io n

NC.’ant) --I lira.--a* lb.- Ii.arwlxp liaii »-n !#<•

NicR ’leP l a t i n g . ,

Automobile Parts Bicycle Parts Hearse TrimminKS. Sanitary Supplied Table Ware Stove Parts Surgical Instruments


The Madlfjon Platinfl WorksWI Still.\ M. ONT.

8. Blllnqhausen - AqcntVVAl.KKIiroN . On taiiio


Boy Wanted !

It-.Hg*', with fattiv go**! iibiintion, Witntud to luat li thi* piitiltug. A gi»Ml iipporl unit 1 lor bright tmy |<* ioatti tin Had*-. Apply at Th- T. i lo p .- Dltb . .

• hui l anti a

• H.lipil-llof M* Mu


M»- 11. -I. H*mu. th* t'atiadi.m pH'-- agi-iit lia* in'*i**'l tlpMi J- JM-Iiuni.n hi'i’ * liou-t* on I tin liatu JSitb<- (fat at*-**.* tin-«mu|*ntii » **lt!*-»-<*-nlly niriipn-d ti.i Alt. T. J. Hg-*m family.



Erdman’s W

D a y s Tremendous D a y s

Sacrifice SaleC a r s w e l ls ’ $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 S t o c k T h r o w n

o n th e M a r k e t a t 6 5 c . o n th e D o lla r

Opening Day -if

Sacrifice Sale Satur­day Nov. 7, at 8.30 a ill.

2 0 d a y s T r e m e n d o u s B u y in g O p p o r t u n it ie s

S a t u r d a y N o v . 7 t h to M o n d a y N o v 3 0 t h

I’hi* Sit** nil! I *• tin* great***? H trgain Gutnivil in tin- hit*b*>y o f N\rilkt-rtmi nnd vh'inity.___________ ______________

Ttore clos­ed Friday

Nov. Oth cutting

downpricts for big sale

D r e s s G o o d sFr*«i> tut in hull

ltkO yd* Dit.-**- g*"«ls i**g .'K3* .(« r2i*c pint! v l ” fc‘>r. t*> f**»' FJc 7t«> Vil ■ “ ’ I’t'g fl ’-k*' l*»r <•'.'*• bill) y«|, ............... 1 fur KV.2U0 vd» 28 in-. cordmoT. vxlvrt

........................ .. 00c. for Ur.MX) yd» c'dtni’d v*-lvi*tri*n 5Uc fo> 21) 100 til* silk v**lv* t »IOt) for ... .'-*•*•.

L a d i e s ’ C o a t s

Uu»h ptic*#«*n Lmliro Cunt*1 tt.oO \V«.intii# Cents for . ...| I2.0.'*

Hl.'.o •• - .......... lO.ha12.70 *• •* ............ 7.1>:»Lv.oo fur v*-ll«r ............ P'.lM20.t*0 - • ** ............H .90uU."0 A-trachaii Coul for .. 22-uO

R e a d y - t o - w e a r G a r ­

m e n t s S l a u g h t e r e d

$inO H «»m *1i i ■- f " r ............lU.OO Silk Dt*-"* - h r. ........ :UC>

7 5o Hir#.**Sktr?o b - t ..........:i.00 " ” for........... Lot)1.0*) Liiioil l?mU*r!.klrl for .. - <Mk-

B a r g a i n s i n S t a p l e s2 nO yd# :«»'■ Flmrirlctti* 12 c far v 2-WO yd# 2-">'‘ . " S<* fur ... ,.‘>c. P » yd- Lim-iiToivi-hug# 12’. for lOJc lUriO yd* - * H**-. for S\c "SW yd# Hl-xchrd Cult- n 12 r - 101 #00 yd# Grey - 12 c - K ic ?{Qu yd.- blunchf*l #lu-*-ting 40j - 29c

llt’Coiil pi le**# in

M e n ' s C l o t h i n glot) Mm,ft .Suit#. Hg |b'» for ... S'.D,-, 7;% *: UVs.»rn.U *lab't... 8.1*,,

•Jitpsi.* M. u - Trmn***)’# $3 «<* #l.s. $I2..V» Fill cullai et ui# !*•» . !?*MC’ 1'i.ihi . 11 ir* 17.V - 119*

Exuamdiimry valur# inU n d e r w e a r

J*0 piece* Men’- Fu«lt-» wear #1.26.for ................................ f

.VXt pc- Mi’ii*# Fmlei wrar f! for 0 1 I*.")* - - tierce * .'*<'<• for l- D0O - ladies fb-cet • . .*C fur 21'- :<oo •* ” » - .'* •; lot 3«'c 125 “ «*Ac for 1 c Itv) ** ll*.v'# audertvear !tv f..r 225c 200*- Git 1«* ** • Un: tor 22jc

....... .. ... ....... - ■ ■ - — —

Sweeping Price reductions all through the Store- Cut rate prices have the right of w ay nt this great Sale. The entire store bristles with bargains for the next 30 days. Store open every evening till !l p. m. during the Great Sale

CARSWELLS’The Noted Sale People

W A L K E R T 3 N BUSINESS COLLEGE Winter Term Opens Nov. 15th, 1914. Write for Special Terms


Brushes With Life

Strong, durable well-made- brushes for every use- The 8)lid back, stay-in bristle kind that saves your temper and saves you money-

e No matter what you want in brushes.




Hunter's Drug StoreDruu$ and Kodak* C. P. \i Ticket fljHH*

Money Refunded if

Nyal’s Vanishing Cream

is not the

Best 25c. Cream Sold in Walkerton

A . P . SIEVERIGHT" ~Uriijls and Kodaks

Learn While You EarnYou may continue your regular daily duties and also fit yourself for a much better position by-

taking advantage of our

H O M E S T U D Y C O U R SEPrepare now for the future opportunities which ■ arc sura to come to the energetic and well-trained young men or women. You may begin lo-day to take our lesson's in Penmanship, Shorthand, Commercial Work and Typewriting at your home

and finish up at the

W A LK E R T O N B U S IN E S S\ l*. J, M*n.«»sv, Principal


Overcoatsthat Fitandare Stylish

that tnakeymi look pro­sperous, that wear well apd don’t cost loo much is the reputation <>f(hose we make. Get measur­ed and *»et one.

Ladie s Coals. Suits. Dresses and skirts made to your individual mea­sure.

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men’s Wear

Store, Walkerton, Ontario.

TEN D ER FE E To c - ..Do you have .trouble with

your feet? Sore, tender points? T ry a pair of


file easiest shoe on earth.

R A M SE Y the SH O EM A N

H an dBags

" p II E W o m a n o rMiss who is look­

ing for a dressy Hand Bag t^ould see the line we are showing.

There are stylish bags in variety of designs*

Dressy bags ir leather and some stylisli Mesli Bags.

It w ill be a pleas­ure to show them to you, and the prices are right.

R. L . G ib s o nJ e w e l l e r - - W n l l l o r l o n

IL-M valium in moil V fil.ri’i'- jl hi liw il I .Mi's. Hi-hik noil "'*** Dr. Bl ink iials. - Stephen nm#; Tec*wiU»>r*pciit Monday

........ t. ... ; ........I:__ Ut'ill'

Extra values in rd. wi<D *llk#, Mack' mil colored.~Stephan Bio#.

llemuuut* tif tlian-oili-loth anti iiu- cli-tiiu on sale at .Mejiuruey's.

Mr. Alltiu WighUunn of Detroit i« M W $!ugaeq i ini 11 tnm:o| hull*.

Bay's sweater coat#, highcolUr. .15c. $L*R> & $ 1 23,—Stephan 11*09.

Mr*. Shannon o( Hamilton is a visit­or at tUo home of Mrs. Ciourpton.

Dr, A. <*. Fortune. V. S. Ims p chased Mr. II. A. Stephans driver*

Miss Jl*q*e Chou right o f New V*Ik ivnotviiig rtoiUidiiiiuKt^ hew i«rwk.

ItfKttlo in thorn.Stole.

Alr.Slilith of Toi'onto a visitor nt thii home of Mr. W. Ritchie lust week.

Don't forget toconic to the Lwtuu t«. night in the Library at S p. w Free.

.'Ir. Albert Smith of Toronto spent Thursday uHar.1 week, w ith friendshcie/x

Hot water tiotiles regular $L*H Saturday, special, g t .ll at Siever- Ighlv.

: Clearing men's NL.Vt itml $3,*.*J -hoes for^Mta. iu tlm window. — Ramsey the Slmeiiiaii.

Mr. Ed. Obifccht of Toronto is vi*it- iug hi* patents .Ml. aud Ms*, Ueoige Ubtecht.

MIm*. Corn Smith sjx'iu Sunday: with her friend Mis. Polnmliei iu Mount Forest.

Mi** Olivo lleUgloin left >i|| Molilliiy ntmuilig oh ;t trip t“ Stratford and

* SelilMUt «»f Detroit wa*a vMtu at Hie horn.* of her -inter, Mr-. II. Beck-r this week.

Ml. Ji«- Cain of flu f . 1*. It. -(all ‘l*t?«t; Siiml«y w ith his parents Mr. amt Mr-*. J. t Kill.

Mw; D. Wallace at Toronto »* visitor at the home ol her daughtr Mr*, t,*. Smith.

Mr. Jiric Robertson ol Milton spent Sunday with bis patents, Mr. and Miff. X Robet t*o«.

Mr*. McAtthur of Prieevilk* nut guest at the home o f Crown Attorney Dixon this week.

ns EiiRlihli double I'aratmtUu trttn coat*. Special al $.'* id ic f l*,'.— Stephan Bros.

'Try a jKtir **f Dr - -jteelal »htH*a farill- wet slushy weather sold at Mum

Smoke HlcverighC*. Special.

Oliler your Ho-pital Calendar l-urly.

Don't nit-- AIeJ honey'*sweater o m I

A swart lineof ladi.V new cape conic —StcphUu Bun*.

Life Ihu»y rtihtft'i- are nunk* with hut heel-ami emmlef-s. sold at Ham* ■> -' Shoe St**re.

Regal Shoes are tmijl op t** h -land ill not down to n price, Sold at Ham- i'v’,- Sltoif Store.

MiS. Shaw and Mi— Shaw left *>n Saturday for Hamilton where the will »jH*nd & mouth.

Huron Comit y sent 27 eat - of apple* ixitilloe.-, toil-, etc., a* n; contribution t<* tin* t>a Hint re fond.

Mr, and Mrs. A. P. Sievcright teturn I on Tuesday from Toronto where

they Bjienl the p*st week.

Young iucu‘» dressy rimwl over* coats tit browns, gfey# and nary, ♦Id|12 & SIC--Stephan Bros.

Mt>. Fnnpdiumiii ueeoiupanieil •»> Mi— ll i i i 'iH f Vogt i* *]H:nding this Week with frieud- iir Toronto.

Mi. ami Mi*. .1. Sieiomillet ;lnoglil«T, lYrmilta o f (Jorrh* n'iiew»tl te*|oainijiuees hern on Tui*-duy.

Mo. T. H. AttHihal returned day from Mmiut Cdemeiis. Midi, when* who hit' spent the jwist fevv weeks

A goml homo wanted for a vt-rv nice girl, 11 yerttw o f age. Apply to ltev. |>. McLenuun, hoxUl. Walker

‘1‘lu- 'V. \'. 1„ K. t-luh gave a fnti well in their i -«*m* on Thmday evening lad t>» Mi— ftarkua Wingefelder who left on 'Tue-tlnv for IS'tiiot whetv -ho will tiuin nurse.

ml Mr-. J. H-of Mr.•VpiHl.

Among tlio-c whu aie attemling the Jim ticnhmal Show In T< romo Hie Mr*. A <*. M« I<eiin*n and Mr*. <». M<* Connell of Brant.

Dotiahia M< K«- Imi*' of She hnrne. amimpitldial Ify Mis- tirme ’halmeis of Dundalk -pent Sunday

xt her home heiv.

.‘lie Ma**ey llairis work* at Tmou- to an*l Brautfoid which have lain clo-ed sincetlie commencement of the war will re-open on Deceiuher l*i.

C. OWrle. IM.amU'rtn- Ait.Sehimer. ami Ivl.I^iFrmue niotoml to Mount Foivsl on Sunday, aipl apent t he day with the former* -t'UT M r. I’olnmtifr.

Church BrtfanrRatuetubrr the Bastaar to l>e hdd in

St. Taoma* on Thursday November 10th.

,V Sdiolnjship h> The \Vidkei (on Itu-ine— Colh-ge. T.-nn- mr-oiiatil*-.

IKU-lieidae- writ*- Do* Tehso-oJ***.

Ditughiei-N t>r the Hinplro Mcettiig A very imjM'itant (msine— meeting

*f the Daoghteisoftln* Empire wiil ta- liehl in tin- Armouries on SaiiUslay *f this week at :(.:?»pan. Alt iiienila r-

eame-lly iv*pie-tvd t*< Is- p«*-»-nt,

prlvnie Sah* or rurulnire (ierliaid Heimxntan I*i.»yer piam*.

new refrigerator, ram* itH-kers. leather ttrm elmir, Yomtldn i-hitir, Udmom suit.-, oil -tove it humor, t-utler. rtut-

illnhile. Ill cold- dry Wood. Deo. Detwih-r. Cargill.

Itcd fr o * " Mri'lliiRA piihlir meeting muler tin- nu-ph-e- llie Bed t'r-o— Soelelv will In- hold tlivtowu hallon Monday evening.

Novenilier Kith, eonmieneiiig at i-.ight |***k. Mrs. NVe»lhum of Toronto

will addle— the nwelilig on Ih-I Co*—1 a tim-ii-al'prt*graiii will afs**

la* pisivldetl. Every laxly wehailge.Ailmi—ion.

Ilund tlmlly CutWhite operatingii rip -aw at tin* It.

VuaX -VSon factory >,» W«slnc-»l.«y 1*1. Mr. Mn-ack had themisfort • m* to iiiivo his, right hand <-nme in mtaet with the -aw with the result;

that tlin-e of.lii* linger* wetv badly atisl, Fort u mi I*-I y. however, llo-

l«ol«r* werv not -evered ami the <!*«•• have iKs-n.ahh-1«* save all three

liu-mla-r-. As a ri.-sull of tin- rtcrhlent ■Jlr. .M'oaek will la) mtabh-1** work for -onie time.

Sa.t.oo unit Crnjifa On Thursday last Chief Ferguson

nrtv-teil Harry Ziuman and Ben I peddlm-s, ImtU o f Toi’inito on a

1 large *>f wiling meivhaudi-** in Walk- n1 oii. which is eontmiy t<* the town hy-Utw.-. 'i'lu-se two men were mak­ing a sy**teiurttie »loni''toah«>r canvas of

-Sling, div—g>a*ls. drygoods, te.. when they tveri* tmblail l»v Uu; ■|iicf. They welt- taken before .Mag- tmteTohnu whoiuijamsl a line *<f 2o.W and «*•*(» <*n Zitiman. while *ra<-l was allowed to g**. it transpir­

ing tiirtt he wn- merely ZiiuuatT- tv- iistnut rtiul did ttolslmiv in the pmlits.

A rresicd nit 'insplct*Joe CaBilh-i- h who - a phuuher for H. A. Hnvill alnuil wo wi'*k' ag*» Wii- uire-ted ouTIturs* lay' last by Chief Ferguson on *n*pi.-- >u that In- wa* a humane* < ciiniiml T WimiljH-g for whop! tln-ie wa- <>tl- l»sl a irw .itdof The Chiefhu-ihsl hi*.prisoner to tlm goal and

ial the Totoiito authorities who went n »le{«a ttve lure on Motulav toiit*

*fig*tt» u hen it Wa* found t hal he W as >t tin- man wanlisi «ud was i-uii-

-M.picntiy s>*t free. Thu* tin* Chk-r* <• hundreil dollar- took wings mid •w a why.

> Drtllt.n ItlnkArrangements have b*i*n ma le for

the Walkerton Home tiuard to drill In the cutling rink In lututc, or at lea*t until the weather bce nno# toldeiiouph to make Ice. The Kink Company uic giving tb'dr building for this purpese i ce of ehargo and the lt»« u councif^t

their meeting on Monday agieed^lo l»*y for «U light and fuel «*eil in heat- in (and lighting t he rink while the men me drilling. Tin* change of quarter*, i* a good move a* there was not »u!lici- cnt|space in the armoury for the proper drilling of the Home (•uard which is ever increasing in iniulheri and Lite riuk i- nit nlt-at apol.

t<> Ihtts* years in Cviittnl pri-ou during llu- sumiuor o f HUH, on hohig found guilty of the charge of sotting fit the Hmtii-y IIt*u*<* >t«l>h- »»t Augu-t JHlh, of that year, arrived at Ids Iu lu-re on Ttu-sduy after having -et-ved tall foiirtis-n inonlhs of histortu. Wesley's -lou t jm*i i**d of sencitude ha* ts-t-n i.-liametcri/i-il^tiy excelteiit haviorand on flu--tt-uigth **t tin*and tin- inlhn-tux- o f w>me pniiniin nl Hum In- was alloweil Ids, fttanlnm an pndMtixn. The youths otaiiv a. qUniulrtuces heM' luqa- |o ms* 1dm Up hold l he gotsl intim- he curin-*l for him- M-lf while at ( ‘t'Mtml -•< tliat he nmy lomuhi fit*L*f»v»nt Up - aims «*f the law.

Mi— The esn Hun-lt a student «>f (In- Wrtlkoitoii llu-iii*'" Collage «e« rnmpaiiicd by lieruiotherdefl on Til*'.*- day for Ihssl City, Mich., wheiv -in- will ismipleie liei-eoni-se in Ihe laisi* in-ss eollege >*f that city.

A liv e, healthy fanner's weekly new— pajMT is iIn* Wei'klv .Sim «»f 'IVntmfo.It is iu«t tnviitsl tiy any "sj«'Ciul int«*r-

l»nt take-rt fearless and ittde|o I'llilent staiui on all pnhlic inattci’s, iv- ga rtl less *>f |*olili< s. It sittiols for the fanning inter vs t*. a ini is in tin* thick: if Ihe light.. It lilts I lie prestige of it <si(tii|ifdinl |M>i>onitlily. V*iu

should load it - every i**«n-.

Irlod fn.S<* lamiaiWool w*» received here la*t week of

the death o f n' fotincr »<t.tdeut »t Walkerton, in the person of Mr. Slauf* fcr. which took place in SL, Imul* no contly. Beside- Mr*?. Htaulfei. la* is itirvivcd by «ti only »*on, Millaid. o f Colliugwood.

I ’ lnt-tl jtii.Oo am! C«*»»sA voiiug fxrnmr from Dieenock was

arrested by Chief Ferguson on Friday l on a charge o f being disoidetly.

The youth on animating bcfareinagisc rata Tollnn. plctidrd guilty and was

s*ed 82. and cost*, amounting in all to *7.09.

t^uarantlneU with DiplheriaThu homo o f Mr. ami M«>, William

laindM>rtUs, on the Durham Itoad. west <*f Walkerton wa* placnl uiuh-r quarntititicon Moiotny. it ts-ing fomnl tlial l-ivornc. .llicii* six - year - old ihinglitor was siilferiug fisnu «li|»- hem. The child's ounlit ioti at plv— nt is not .serious mnl her it-covcry is

looked for. "

l*liotograiih« I'or Christmas Tin* ipiestion of economy is often a

matter **f moment when tin* yearly li*t *>f Chtisltmis gifts is made out. (Si\ pholograph* for t hristmas and

i discharge nil your obligation at nnjwunfively low expense yritlmnt

favoring one jht*oii over another ami emir gifts will have that 'iutimnte dial tomb that «-ati>>•« with ii the

»vnl spiHl *>f ClnSstma*. Make your appointment toiiay. -Fraser's .StmUo;

linox ChurchA special song wrviee will Is-In Id in

Knox elmieh on Sunday ect'iiipg, Nov- ciiiIkt 22ml. As the choir-master ss very ofj»*n...«sk«sI t«* tejM-at anthems and hymns; the tm-niisT o< lht*congix'- atioii who wish to hear their fa'*>ril.«- iunhcm*iuul hynin* *houl*l s<-»nl tin* iiaiite-of the nlitltcm or the mtiulo*i* of the hymnsto the e|n»iM»«.sternot tats- <*t* than W«slnt'sib>y Im Ii iiist. ■ l. It For Toronto

J ck Burke who volur*t««rcd fer m-rvT-e with the Ipcnl division ot the 32ml. Hegt. in thettifoiid Canadian contingent and wax * cut back home by the tuiltorv kULbotUlcs at l.oodoo, for h *iug drunk, left Walkerton on Sa’urdny but for Toronto, with the object iu view of wecr.ring n phcu iti one ot tlic regiments being lorincd at that centre. If .lick can overcome King Alcohol, he will make a good ohlicr.

tirainger—Hj slopThe home of Mr. and.Mt^. das Hys-

lop w-wtliescene ol a pretty wedding » t high*noon yaaterday, when their eldest daughter, Eva Arnett*, was united intuxrriagptoMr. Milton Ur.-tln- gcro l Cargih. The ceremony was perftmncd by Uev. Tlio* Wilson in the pri.'M'Uce of the immediate relative* of the contracting partis# only. Mr. and Mi*, tiraingcr b-ft. on the after noon train for Chatham ntul other |KliUt«.

Charged With NnU’Support Dick ;Vddlcy was arrested on Matut'*

day by Chief Ferguson on a charge of non-support which wa# preferred against hiui l*y his young wife from whom he soparatevt some time ago. The ca*« bow«v«*r'did; not receive hearing «* Addloy agree*! to take back hi* wife and provide for her. ami the latter was witling to return to him tile case wa* dropped.

Husim-s* is An t'sualContrary t** tin- general bt-Iicf.

ivac in liiiro|n- Inis had little clfm l Iiiemilltllc imsllless ifi \\ alkeitoli. At tin- present time there aiv tn*m- ( Im Iucal timrehiuils complaining of a•lackm-ss of biisim.'.** and a mtinb one hint Ini' Infotimsl « * that the quantity of*g*«**ls ivtaihsi iu the spin* this fall luis l*eeli eoiisidctablviu advaHcc o f t he >*<d*.-> *>f ! In- aututnlt ol l»13, atul tnuv (hat cold weather wa s*!tliug in, trade was steadily iiti mis ihg. Ttnae at every few town*: ii vyeslcio DntaHo vvlietv huMtu-" ha reuiaimst n» normal since tin' out. htvnkof tlu-wui. a* in WalkHItUi ami M»tuc umuicipalitics not many miles a wa y have lee it hard hit. laa-a 11 y t hr unemployed ipu-stiou Iiilv not been haul t*» «s»}h- with.any iudiytdttal d*-i.mis uf M'dil ittg work, have lit tie difficulty in Hading it. Walkerfhifs go**»l times at tin* |vtits) .-an Jarm-h (*• attrihnl.il t*< tin- town's ge..graph' ii’id situation, is-iug in ihe centre, of a ui>*st fertile farming eouiutunit \. T'h*- tiller*.*f the soil vvi-i.- tav*<ii‘<l with a bountiful luu vesl ami Walk*'i- •on tx-ing their market, they have k.'pt money in eireulatioin k*q>t tin* clerks busy with (he yurd-sliek and in fact kept “ Irtisiuess as usual.' May it voutinne s.*!

M tiletjtrt Badly lltirneilAmelia, til*' little thiee.ye»r*old

daughter *.f Mr. and Mi». (iiistave Tie.l.' of Fot imtsa was ||n> vielitn <>f a sei ion* accident on Wednesday of hist wii'k. The youngster wa* playing alsiut the Iioum' with matches and a eandte when in somemanner her clothes caught lire nod In-foie the I tames were «*xtiuguislu*vl she was l«ub ly lan-iml. Although ber burns biv of a serious ual me. Dr. Met in* w ho is in iUt.-n.lauei,' has every 1i<>|m> of the rltilil* ns*...-i v.Tin* Library Institute.

Tile annual iiieetiug of the Siraifoitl District Library |n*tiiui«- will t*- b.-l*i in the Walkerton J'ublle Uilirary <>n Thursday ami Friday of this week. A eonlial invitation is extended to all whom.-iliteiesltil to lit11*11*1 the sex.** lolls om-li day hut l b*- puhli*'ai e,s|H-eial< ty iuviteil to attend tin*meeting to. day tThutxhiy. i Following is the pro. gram:—ArTK«.\*M>x Si sstos. £ to i.* «k2.<*t A«ldtessof.vv*-l*s>me .by .-haltman

of I’ubtie I,ibrary Hoard.2.:#r, Annua) i»l> ln >svtie - |*«-e*i*l-

ellt.3.i*r liistrnciion hour, > .onliicted liy n

representative of the I>e|vtttincut of Education. TototHo.KvCMMi Sj-ssIon. ft *t‘| i,»h g,

X.t»* A*l*lr*-" **f Weli.-oUie. l»y hi# wor­ship th*- Mayor.

SJu V.ldt.-ss The Ideal l.ibiaiy. by llev. A. Jli'Nnli. Ciiilervvixsl.

Addles* The IWlbtctnssDuid Evil of a l'nhlic l.ibrat y. by Hev . Mr. Wilson, Walker!on.

I.allies. He LoyalIn th*' emit se of lii> addles* nil I'nt•

rioiism, at tin- Patriotic concert, Mr.D. Koln-rtson. K. C. stat*-*l that loy­alty to the community in winch voit live is o f Hi st Inqao tauei* and mlded that the women were the greatest t tausgressois-s.i fat as - disloyalt-V t*> their home loan wa- * .iini'i niil. We agree v.ith Mr. IbilH-rtson’s statement inilsiuneb. t hat t he laities of Walker - ton palroiil/e the mail-order houses of the latgi'r cities exteusively. instead • *f keeping business going ami money eiix-idrtting in tlmir own tmvn by deal­ing with the ba-al nieit'baiits. There is no reason why the mom-V should go out o f town, for: tins local mervlianta (■ait quote just as low a price on any •article of tm-relntiMllse from « sjsh.I of thread lo aparlpiyr dining i i«*iii suite s Die large stores of Toronto;: llamil- on or lamdoii, 1 ji-re me some hous*- rives aiidot her citizens v» ho dotml miy purchase little ucecssniu's <*nl of own. I«lt go to sm b exttemes a> to an. -1 licit: groceries nod every day

neeessil ie*. shipped in. This.is not as it should- be ami ailh«*ugb wV have Isi-a harping on tins si ring for many Ui'Hiiis. we lio|*e at tin’s time, |*artic- tiiariy the ladies «>f , Walkerton will

rirloyalty to their bonm town py pati-uiiizhig the holms mciehants, Tliis i* one matt*-*- iu which the Home baud and Daughter* o f the Empire mild Im- o f lamclit to tlm nmuicipnlHy. by gumding against the semi‘at»)«tnl invasion *>f maii-order eatalogms* and

ing to if that ail money expended for 'house-hold articles a# far a* pos- abte i*spent io Walkerton.

The AV«r Situation The siiuaiionin Eurojaf is c*wmore

hopeful for the Allies than it has been since tlm outbreak of liOhliUtie*. In France the English and French armiea

advancing slowly, despite the vie) a-lacks ol Hit* Derm in force# and

at the right cud of the 300 mile battle* line the U.'tmatts have been forced itcto-s th« balder and are new lighting on tiet uiuu soil; while on the left near the English channel wheiethc tight- log ha# lucti H4"*t dwperstc, tteHrit- ish f*uces have been victorious andate slowly dliving the (ietmaim through Belgium teriitcry. In the north the Hussiau victories have been so exten­sive and the advance of the Czar's army rapid that eve3 iu Berlin the Uermamiare hi'gioning to look with tear upon the invasion of the mighty Russian unity. In fact the situtuloi ha# Imicoiuc an serious that the kaisc^ havordvml troops withdrawn ffota the war zone iu Belgium and France n effort to step the Russian advance, will thus be teen tliat tlm Allies every­where have the upper hand and great advances and vietetic* ate lcokr dfotin tlm netii- future. The Uermaa* fort ten Tstng T.riioChinv has be.-u tsk eh by the Bitlt-h and .lapancte troop*, and the warships which were blockad­ing I hat port ate now scouring the Politic for Het man battleship#. On tin- M*a# the Allies have had revenge the <*«-t limns fur the sinking ol t* Britishetu'mefs Iasi w«vk. by dukiug the fatuous cruiser Em den in the In­dian Ocean and hv driving a eeecml cruitet, th* Kocnigsbuig up a suial* river iu Af ie v w here “he i# held,

Bo r n

At 1.702 Coliiy Avc. Everett, Wash.. •Sept, 12tli. Il«lI, to Mr. and Mt* W, Fay M ip*-. i ime Mi-a Fbu ence ffuritii* ■» ion, Joseph David.


Married tn SouthamptonThe' marriage took place in Muulln

umpt-.n on i u***day. NovemK-r halt, of Mr. Ivd. t;»«*ii!z.ne»- of IlamvVrr lit Miss .Met*i* g*a of Soiiihaiiipton. Doth Mr. 'anil Mrs. (*ii'iitzr»i*r me well- known t** many Walkertnoian* who will extend e*ingi at (datums.

tun Aimwered ArtWlu'ti .Mr. Harvey <«rice placed hi*

n-sigmit i**n in the hands of hi* employ-•, Mr. J. H. ApjW'l, the latter through

the T* h-sco|>e iiisertetl an a*lv. for all ex|*-i iem-ed e|*-i k in four issue# o f the Toronto tilolx*. mtd ill tesiHiina*, Mr, Ajqv-t iceeive*! a total nuntltcr of otle huudred and live applications for tin* l*osition. Tin-lalKit-situation In Walk erton sin* •*!he war start>il lum la->-i* In-iter than in most towns, and the deluge o f applications which were re- eeived by Mr. Apja-l will give the pulo Hr somt* indication of the general con­dition in Western Ontario. Mr. Ap­ia-!, however found hi* mpdred lu-tp right at hbun*. and has engngdl Mr. E. 11. .Sheniehl, f..tim i ly of J. B. It aether's sLdf to lake the place of Mr tirire who will pioUtbiy leave onSat- uiday for t'nrgill.

The Fall Attizet.

The Fait Assize* are neinj held at the cmtiT Itcufe. tins week. There i» a very light ducket, there luting hut two caw* to tie diipostd rtf. one dvtl and o*tc criminal rave. Judge Magee of Toronto is including.

Th* luruter case is one in which Mr*. Michael Mtuuipf <tf Mthliuay ix nuing two coiHractors. .Me»>r*.,Steven# and Pulley back for ihe death of her husband who was kilted on August ‘doth KU3. when a scaffold io the new R. 0 chinch at Mtldmny, which was thro in coutjienfeonsltaction, c.dlaps- ml: By the death o f hur hu *band Mrs. Slumpf whh l*ft to support seven cbildreu. The bearing of th# case commenced on Tuesday aftt t neon aud attim* >f g iin t to pr-*#* ha l it *t been finished.

‘̂ .c *cc<>nd case is ihst in which William (iitzcoii of Southompmu a tlreiuanuf th# U.T-U. will be tiled on a charge of r*pc. the alleged offence hav­ing been committed in Southampton io Septcmt t-r

High School Report.

ii litmu s hi I'at gill on T. Novt-inlH'f.Ith Mr. At. I.. Krig- . M i- h. J !„ ,» t*. t*>th <*»

l-cHttit * rtf t 111* first five w oekly examination* held this t*-rm air giv-

Ih-Iow. The nunit<*-t> after each, luitin- given the peiyelitnge tnken on tin- group <*f subject* • xaminerl except iu tlte raxe o f Fnrtn IV . The name#

given in Xisler **f merit except re other wise stated.

FottM I.ins** that t*M*k the five subject* ex-

aintneih -E. tiadter ami 31. Fm-ayth Si. V. Wilton SI. E. (Have TP. D. Pfohl Tit. R. Weirerl and Jh McCool T-k T.

ii ami (•*. Young 71, l-k Bundlmuer M. Hy*h*pan*l E. Steven* IS#, Eland-

U7. Ii. Smith itml V. Tovdl HU. A. Weiler fk“», V. Eitlt ntnl K. Milhtutsi*u 3 f M. Kenney <>2. H. (iarner HI. J.

mtsin* tVx N, Pinkerton <>7. W , Ram- *y .*>1. m iilge i- .Vi. S. Brnottlhank ami

Bryce 17. M t'hisholm L«, W. ly* t«- to. D. Frost —(Jcm-ral emtr-se—

four suhjeela <17.,Matiie>dam* - **nlv tltm -of the five

Mthjrt-t* exaiuinrtl lots-taken by those i this course.I i Haiti- To. F. Moore Oik If. fa.-wis»

6S. F. Schet ivt-At. K. Krampp IS, W ,Rue Ik.

t ’ouimeriral — thru* sulrjeltfS; M. Wei lei 7t. M. lw>-ch (IS, M. Ernst «M L. Ye.iek W. \

l-'iiKM 71.t.*u five *ut*jccts:-~S. Rilget 7H. W.

Wib*>n 72, S. Hush 7(1. M. Weller (rt, E. HysiopHT. I.. .McConnell HH. A. Mc- t’.Ktl tst, t*. Ia*wt* and W. Ballniitync

Al. Raetdiler- ok 1. tbtwnnlork ok V . Tot el! :>2. J. Alexander ah. A Bari- arid 44 C. Cargill 3U, J. Rcichenhuck.

tiS. J. 'hxmlaud ri2. .t. Uelinte yful M. Tnggrti t nhsiV. MeFm lane.Vj/t'. Cry- deituan 51. <

tvmnicrriaf*. D . Wallace U*. W. P.*lfu* 12.

Form 1 1 1 .On tin- Hv«* subject* O. V.-ui Buttle

7S, A. Pinkerton 73, S. Little Ti, C. Weitu'tf 73, t«. Pinkerton To. M. foutn-m* <*'. («. Sjx-tmn and F, Cunn- iughiitu " *'11* tt7, J. Hiekting til,V. Ahe k* * Inti*- J- Frame B2. M. t oultrr «t*. II. Long end t». Sehwimlt 3H. F. Taylot 31. 4b Seignei 32. A, Pinkney In. A, Scaiilun 17, 11. Bohjett II.

On four subject*: H. Chisholm HI,' l. Eveii'tt IK*, A. U iiiiIh'i Ius 31*. C. Hugtll 37. C. Sk>4ton AN mi3 subject*.

Form l\*.Subject* examined -" Mineralogy,

Ui*t*wy. I.atin. Z«**>logy. t ’ln-mistry. The rnnulvt* after ea* h name give tlm jw'ii-eiitag* * In the older in which the subject' ate Ineiitiomil alnne.If, Trainer, NS. 73, St, S3, l>|.H. Il.nkley, H2. to. 7ft.W. I Im ho. Nil. Kt. 77. 1*7, IO.R. Hermestori. 7t‘. Tk 50. SiV 71.W. Tatim-r, 7s, S>, 40, NP, 72,


" You’re not mad Jour o’ rue. bwauf* I can’t peach, tnfMua, bn you?'

"Mad! No, my poor eh lit!, only deeply grieved; for certainly your In* ability to do so, wherever It coiaw <rom. It* harder on you than anyone oIbo."

’’And you’ll come and #00 mo once be­fore they take mo away, missus”

’’Yea. my boy; l will come again to­morrow,"

’ ’And bring Suzy?""And bring So*?.’*"And you, MU# Rachel—will you

come? And toll Mr. Juniper and Mary Kwnpton. 1 want to hid 'em all good-by. before they tako w< away.”

"Yoe, my poor child. All ahull eomo to take leave of you,” auswerod Rachel.

*’0h, 1 wish I could »ee the little Faulkner children once more before I go. But that'* Impossible. Hut, oh, please. Mrs, MelUs. rna’ un, pkasc tell 'em aa I nover helped to rob the master's house."

”1 will tell them. Benny, mid they ahull bellove U,” answered the lady.

And then they all took leave of the bol, and followed tho turnkey out o( the colt.

In tho hall outside they met the chaplain, on hl» way to visit -tho little prisoner.

Tho reverend gentleman warmly greeted Mrs. Mellta* and her compan­ions, and then eagerly Inquired;

"Havo you succeeded In pcrsuMlnfi him to gtve Information against those burglars?'’

"Ah, no! he U lmmovablo on that point, although the prospects wo bold out to btm were so bright and allur­ing. Oh. sir. If you had seen that poor child’s agony. In renouncing nil that wo offered htm—liberty, homo, educa­tion. friends, prosperity-all upon a fatso Idea of honor!"

”Ah! what strength to do nnd bear and suffer ts In that young heart! Oh. If I had but been trained aright!” sighed the ehaplsln.

"And I am so pnlnod to know that he must go out In that transport ship, among the most hardened criminals and with no good Influences around him!

’’But Ins comforted n little, madam. He will have good Influence. A Chris­tian missionary Is going out In the same ship. 1 have recommended thlB boy to his especial attention.''

"Oh. I am so pleased to hear you say that!" said the lady.

But tho turnkey who was to nee the visitor out seemed so very Impatient that the lady and her companions Im­mediately took leave of the chaplain, and left the prison.

Faithful to their promise, they went the next day to Newgate, to make stilt another appeal to the young prisoner, and If It should not prove successful, to take a Huai leave of him.

On applying at Use gate for admis­sion. they were told ho was gone.

"Gone!’ ’ they echoed, simultaneous­ly.

log.”’’.But waa not that a day sooner than

was expected?" Inquired Mrs. Velil&s."It were, matlnme, certainly: but

It’s none o’ my business,""Where l i tho transport ship?"’’At Gravesend, ma'am. If so tre she

have hot sailed; which they wore to sail as soon as tho tide served, after getting the convicts aboard."

"Rachel. Mary, Susy, wo will spend down to Gravesend. Wo may ho in llmo to take leave of him on the ship," raid Mr#. MeUbu.

And they hurried out of the prison and Into their cab. And they feed the cabman heavily to make double time. And they sped to Gravcaend and down to tho waterside.

But it was too late.The convict ship had sailed, and

they were Just able to catch a glimpse of her as she stood out to sea.

CHAPTER XI.Fourteen year# havo tossed slnco

our poor little outcast. Beany Hurst, was transported to the penal colony of Van Dtetnana Land, to expiate a crime he/never committed, and slnco our pretty little -prodigy.'* Suzy Jun­iper, was taken to Paris to be trained In her beautiful art.

These years have brought their trials and triumphs, and wroughB their changes for good or for evil, upon ail the persons concerned In our true story.

The Duke and Duchess of Cheviot, first In honor aa In place, are now a stately couplo In early middle age.

They have a grown-up family around them; one handsome and tal­ented son, and six beautiful and ami­able daughters.

Their son. tho Earl of Wcllros*. ha# faithfully kept the promise of his boy­hood as to tho good he should do when he should "grow to be a man." He now represents his native borough of Cheviot In th« House of Commons, and devotes all the powers of his fine mind to originating, supporting and forwarding all wise, good and great measures for the prevention of crime, the relief of sufferings, the elevation of the working class*-*, and for tho general improvement of the human race.

Their eldest daughter, the laid} Jessie Douglas, after having been pre­sented at Court, »ud having been crowned tbo reigning hello of the sea­son, gave her bund In marriage to tho Viscount Moray, eldest son and heir of the Earl of Ornocb.

Their accopd daughter, laidy Cle- incnce Douglas, lu her turn presented, admired and flattered, ended her first season by marrying young Klphln- slone of Klpblnstonc. This was not so brilliant a marriage as that <>r her elder sinter, but It was. nevertheless, a very happy one, and, as such, quite satisfactory.

Their next two daughters, Ladlei Heater and Kva. bad been but Very recently presented. They were as beautiful and as much sought In mar­riage as their lovely elder sister* had b««n, but tbacy wero sttH unwedtlod.

Their two youngest daughters, tho Ladles Maud Mid Mary, were still In lh« schoolroom.

80 much for the Duke and Ducbesv of Cheviot and their family.

Of the Karl of Ornooh and his Coun ■ less, whom we first know as the beau­tiful Anglo-Indian. Hlnda Chlmbora. It 1# only -ary l<> say that, hav­ing marrk-U their only son, th0 Vis­county Moray, to tin* lovely Lady Jatsle Douglas, they had but one re­maining wish -to give their one •west daughter. Lady Hinda Moray. In marrloa* to ths handsome and dli ttaSttfcfeM young Ear! of

gilt.Tho KIphinslones of Klphinstone.

whom we knew in their youth ay Captain Frank Harry and lady Mar­garet Dougins, ure blessed with « numerous family, tho dost of which, a son. as we know, the second daugh­ter of the Duke of Cheviot.

And the wealthy hanker, Walter Mollis*, nnd his lovely young wife. Angela? What of them?

In years the banker has grown old, Init ho Is still enjoying n vigorous and ’’green old ago.”

Ills lovely wife is no longer young, hut Is,, If possible, more beautiful In her ripe maturity: than she had ever been, even In her youth.

Poor Molly Faulkner never married again, luit devoted and still' devote# herself to the care of her children, now grown, or fast growing up. They live in a pretty villa at Brompton.

Tho Duchess’ School for Indigent Itovs still flourishes under the rare of the Rev. Mr. Mile* as head master, «nd Miss Rachel Wood a? matron. Rachel has kept her word nover to marry. Her whole affections nrc fixed upon her adopted boy. Ho la a pupil In the school, nnd promises soon to take Its very highest honor*.

Mary Kompton (a well married to a dissenting minister, and, having no children of their own. they work dili­gently among the neglected children of the Ignorant nnd the poor,

Tho Juniper family have long slnco emigrated to Australia, where they are prosperous sheep farmers.

I hnvo Intd to record many changes In these few pages; but then —four­teen years had fled.

It Is now the middle of April, and the height of the London season. Par­liament is In session ;the Queen has held her first drawing room, nnd the Italian Opera has opened at Covent Garden.

Three sensations In chief occupy the fashionable mind and employ the fashionable tongue.

First, tho rising young statesman. Lord Wellrose. «ho now represented the borough of Cheviot In'thjs House of Commons, and had first taken hi# seat at tho meeting of Parliament in the preceding February, had Just made his ’ maiden speech.” w hich had waked up the dozing old Conservatives to tho knowledgo that they had now for an opponent a very strong young glont- klllcr indeed, and that hls war upon the worn-out policy of the past would be to the death.

Secondly, the new beauty, the tady Hlnda Moray, the daughter of the Earl and Countess of Ornnch, had been pre­sented nt the queen's first drawing room, and was voted by all the club* In tandem to be the most hritltantly beautiful girl lu England -save one.

And that brings us to the cause of the third sensation— the lovely young prlnin donna of the Italian Opera— the falry-llke, wondrous "Arlcllo," of whom, men said that #h« was more a "spirit" than a woman, and whose beauty . grace, genius and goodness wore tho theme* of every tongue.

She made the greatest sensation of all. Her worshiper* were unnumbered. And among them were to be found the most noble, v princely, nnd Imperial dignitaries In’ Europe.

But her only favored lover, rumor said, wan the new lion of tho liberal party, the rising young statesman, the handsome and talented Karl of Wellrosc.

It had been thought natural, proper, and probable that tho earl should marry hls distant young relative, Lady Hinda Moray, tho reign­ing beauty of Belgravia, It was cer­tain that such a marriage would he highly gratifying to the re»pective famine# Of the youthful pair: certain ulso, that tho attentions of the young earl to the young beauty? and her evi­dent pleasure In receiving them, had given strong color to the rumor of their Intended marriage; finally It wa# equally certain that the Duko nnd Duchess of Cheviot, and the Earl and Countes# of Ornoch looked forward with confidence to thl# desired union, which they considered merely a ques­tion of some little time.

But thl# wa# before the Italian Opera enmo, nnd before the fair young prlraa donna electrified London with her marvelous beauty and genius,

Tho Karl of Well rose, In hls char­acter of conslant attendant, went with Lady Hlnda and her mother to hear the celebrated singer on the night car­ried the heart# of her audience by storm. It would ho scarcely too much! to stay that every man present, young or old, gentle or simple, fell more or leg# in love with the. most lovely,song­stress.

Among them, the Karl of Well rose. The next night he avoided the pri­

vate holies occupied by hie mother and her friends, and took a stall In tho or­chestra, where, undisturbed, ho could feast hi# eye# and ears on Abe beauti­ful vision before htm.

The uoxl night, also, nftcr tho per­formance was over, he went behind tho scenes and effected an Introduc­tion to Artclle.

The fair singer looked at him with so much surprise and interest aa to excite the wonder of those present, and draw front herself nn apology and explanation:

“ Forgive me. my lord. 1 was Marital a little. Bat what shall I nay? Your lordship's lace and voice seemed so so familiar, so intimate- like those of one that t had always been used to sen and hear. Ah* pray, forgive me. for, after nil, l find It quite Impossible to explain, or even to un­derstand myself," *bo said, with a very sweet, naive smile.

The earl bowed."I f face, or vole*,” he nald, ’’recall

to you any r-te-isaot association of the past. I )>hall begin to ret a value upon both that neither ever had before.”

She looked up nt him agnln, and caueht the warmth of hls smile and the Jicht of hi# eye#, and—-she forth­with Invited him * to cupper; u very Imprudent thing to do on nuch a short acquaintance; but then Su/y—for. of emirs*, you know this wn# Suzy—did many nn Imprudent thing, though she never did a wicked r.n<-: *nd. then, to ho sure, the Earl of Well rose wo* not like other young men; he was a voung matt: of perfectly unimpeachable con­duct and character; nnd then, again.

* wa# *0 like Benny* He was the n Image of Benni. grown up and

! dree«ed ~of poor lost Benny, four- » year# gon<«, never heard of. but

‘yer forgotten, and never unlived Through atl the r.uccea* of her brilli­

ant youth she had remembered nnd mourned ths eontuanfon of her child­hood—saoureed him #4 tbs mers for

tho deep sadm-si of tho contrast be­tween hls fate and tier*.

With tho world at her feet, sho sighed for tho poor boy who had piny r<l with her In her Infancy.

( rowned with fame and wealth, and surrounded with luxury and adulation ns she was, sho often sighed for the pdor old day t In ths tenement house In Junk lane, where they were often redd and always hungry, and where they hail nothing In tho world to comfort them but only love.

Ah, hut how much love she had had thru:"father’# and mother'# love, sis­ter # and brother’s love, and her dear playmate, Fenny'# Jove!- «my. hls whole, whole heart!—fer Benny know neither father nor mother, wirier noi brother, to divide hi# affections wltl Suxy.

Ah, even In tho midst of her brilli­ant fortunes, how she longed .some- days, to tiic poor old times anil poor old place#, dearer to her memory, dearer to her faithful heart, even for their poverty, and to live over again times to go bark; If only for ft few the poor old IIU- sweetened by the presence of all she had loved and Ion!

Then and there they were all toge­ther. and, though often haU-fnml#hc<lor half-frozen. yet they Were a ll------of each other: and then, when food or fire were attainable. how passing nweet they were, enjoyed by all toge­ther*

Now they were scattered far and aide—father, mother, sisters, and bro­ther#. except one- were all nt the nn- lipodc#. nnd. though sho was glad to know that thev were all prospering in their distant homes, MIR there were times when she longrd, with an unut­terable nnd Inrupportnlde longing, to ’hear some dear home voice, to see eomo familiar old face.

And Benny?-—whore was he? A gullt- h-ux convict In a distant penal colony beyond the sea#. !-o*t, gqne and un­heard of for fourteen tong yearn.

Fourteen jenra that had developed herself, the poor little "prodigy" >>f the Thespian, Into the mr*t celebrated primn donna of her time.

Fourten yearn that lmd dnno—what. for Benny?

Thu#, looking back noon the past, thinking of the number of years that itad gone by, she rerolle f *#1 thru they formed the exact term for which Ben­ny had been transport'd to Van Pie­man'# Land; nnd that should he now ho living, ho might now return to tils native tand.

If he should now be living' But who could tell whether. Indeed, he were? Was It likely he could have survived the long year* of exile, sorrow and shame that he must have suffered? Who enn tell?

It was while these (hough,# were passing through her njlud. and the memory of old time# was revived all tho more vividly by the pj-ejonuo of old place# and old aw * lallons, on her return to England, that Fnyy, ft# we t hull call her when off the stage, first nut the young Earl of Wollrose, to he startled and overcome by hi# wonder­ful. hi# perfect Hkcnees to her dear, lort old playmate. Btnny.

Do you wonder now that she w«» startled into suddenly inviting him to supper?

Somewhat surprised nnd amused, hut n!#o quite pleased with thl# unex­pected mark of confidence, the young carl accepted the invitation as frankly as It was given.

That evening he forgot or disre­garded all other claim# upon hi# time and attention, and went to Wtp with Suzy nt her elegant little palace lu Park lane, that had been engag'd, fur- nlxhed, for her use before #he left Paris for London.

There she now lived, guarded by her elder brother William, whom we used to know In Junk lane aa Billy Juniper, chiefly remarkable for hi* love of "horse cake," but now grown up to be a very fine looking young man Indeed, with a full lawny beard, and, alas! also a very fast young man. with a taste for cigar#, wine and dice.

He had emigrated to Australia wftli the rent of his family, but not liking colonial life nnd agricultural labor, light as It was with him .and hearing that hi# sifter had made a most bril­liant debut In Fart*, and thinking that she was going to have a very good time, nnd loving pleasure hlmaelf bet­ter than anything else In the world, he had made up hls mind to come back to England and live with Suzy —to tako care of her, as lie said. Ho hail Joined her In Farts, and accompanied her to tandoo. and was now living with her In her miniature palace In Park lane.

And there Is no doubt that In ono sense he did take care of her.

Besides her brother there waa also a gravo matron, tho childless widow of a poor curate, who lived with Suty as housekeeper and companion.

These were the people that tho young carl met, the first evening ho supped with Suty. And certainly he was somewhat surprised at the very quiet domestic* life of the celebrated primn donna, ond somewhat disap­pointed also, that there was not the slightest chance of a tetera-teto with hls charming hostess.

As for Suzy, she wan deeply delight­ed with her gueat. It seemed to her that her old playmate, poor Benny, ant opposite to Jier, as sho had always dreamed and Ifoped that ho would— grown up, well educated, well dressed, good and happy!

The carl was such a perfect counter­part of the outcast, that a* sho looked at him. she almost deluded herself In­to tho belief that he was really Benny redeemed nnd.transfigured before her.

This Imbued her looks and tones, when addressing her gu «t, with an In­voluntary friendliness and tcuderncss that wuh as free from tho least shado of Immodesty or coquetry a* from any other sort of guile. Aud the young! earl did not misjudge the purity of her heart, though he could not quite un­derstand her manners.

But every moment be found her more lovely, aud every moment It seemed more difficult to leavo her.

Ho did not overstay hla time, how­ever; but when tt fame, he arose and took leave, feeling that he had spent one of (ho happiest evenings he had ever *«*>n In bis life.

As soon a* their guret had gone, Mr. William Juniper turned upon hls beautiful slater ,and said:

iy, Suzy, this won't do, you know!"

'What won't do. Willy?" alio In­quired, raising her brows.

"How long have you known this swell:'' he demanded without answer­ing her question.

'Tho carl? Only since this evening.”•Whee-ew*” exclaimed Master Wil­

ly. with a long whistle --"this la get­ting on! But 1 say, you know, Busy, this really won’t do!"

"What won’t do. Willy, l ask you again?"

"Thl# won't. This swell won't, lie's a flight above your reach, I can tell you, Suzy. If you afe a prlma donna! He’s the Earl of Wellrosc, the Duke of "hovlot'a son <hd heir, Thdl'a what h»la"

PILES l FACEItching and Burning, Scratching

Irritated. Disfigured for a Time, Used Cuticura Soap and Oint­ment. Pimpfes Disappeared. /

175(1 Winnipeg St.; Beglnn; Sft»k.—’T via* lrouOk-d »lth Hchtn* plmptw, on my

for over ihrvo jtwr*- Thry red sml undKtftly. They canred tu-lilfi* and. tmrnhiK and 1 iwod to watch and Irritate them. Tho breaking out ULOgured mo for a time.

"1 tried many vreU-adveritsot treatment*,such a«------ FowTlptliin, —...... —.etc., but without »itrrr»«. A short tlmo ago 1 saw tho sdrrriWnwnt of <Tuk«r» rwvjp and Ointment In * torsi |w»|«r and after. I had tried a free ssmplo 1 could seii a re­markable Improvement. 1 washed my fore with th« Soap *»<1 then applied (lie Oiat- ■ rnret two nr threw lime* a day. After using mure Cuticura Soap and two boxe# of CtUl* cure Ointment all tho pimple* completely ditapprereii." (Sigurei! Nkbola* Koch. June 13,101*.

Samples Free by MullA gwretloo of mol her# hs* fmjtwl tv> reap

re well nulled for rleandng and purifying tho »klu and hair of Infant* nnd etilldrm a* Cut lour* Soap, it* aieolule purily ami re­freshing fragrance alone are rtv.«;*h to ree- omtoeort It above ordinary Rldn tintthere ore add'*! to Ifireo qualities'drilcatQ yet effeotivo cmulllcnt prupertlo*. ■Wived frost CniWtre Ointment, whkdi ren-W it mo*t t aluatdo In overcoming a trmkury to dlctroutng eruption* and promoting a nor­mal condition of jldn nnd hair health, f'u- t Score St<ip arxl Ointment wild throttgbcmt tbo world, for liiwrat free *»nt|do >4 <aeh. with ;i!C’P. book, Mimd jm»l-eard to "Cuti­cura, Dope. D, llovtuu, U< 8. A "


Another List of Puzzles From the War Zone.

Wo print to-d*y another li«t of place*

Indicate exactly tho *t»und» w*ed In pro- pouncing .reme <>t the original*, partied- lnrl>- ft, the c«ao of French name*. Tho Wench O aound* (equivalent to the Ger­man I? with tho umlaut mark) lmd no equivalent In Knalan-J. In attempting the ■sound p«r#e the lip* a* though to say O. buy r*>- K Imttead. Too great »lrea« should not go placed on the n«*»l sounds HUggcsted In eomo of the names,

FRENCH AND BELGIAN. Albert—A! bare.Arment lores—Are won tee sir.

—Bn porno (short a.)

Ĵ -n* -t̂ >r>* <*hort o). Comhle*—Corn id.Lens Lorn, (short o).■’ -Unk r (short 0),

Kiticrourt—Rreh coor.

-Chen ato ho -

............. ..... cool iidt (second syllabta),I'ryzerost—faher *0! (flr*t syllable). Knndotnlera—Kan *10 ml <rr.

GERMANY.Wierzltolo—Vlcrs bo to.

AL’STUIA-HFNOARY. Maramarciuxlgel—Mar mar oech xo «*t

(third syllable).Ustdon—Rx don.

NO EXCUSE FOR WAR. (Rochester Herald)

On# can understand tho wars of tho t>5»t, when nations w«r» mors or lea* myeterire to *arh other, but In this dayand « .. .that nil Who

A Masterpiece in Fragments.Dr. Ohnofalwb-Rtchtcr, the famous

hullquarlati, writing in the Pall Mat! Magazine cn thn Ancient «Irfllrntlon of Cyprus*; desrrlbo# t!i<» chttneo iIIhcov- erjr of a va*o «»f tho fourth rentury B. ( ’ .. which ranks ;t# opo of the finest t »{tqtplftft of ittifl'-nr ;itr ••vry found. "It first oHert|)CtI the t <•( it y worTtmot) altogcthyr.” It,» writ««, "when I acci­dentally found ft single fragment; In the earth dug cut of <v tomb After a good iKtl.’aheetih had hceit prombt's! for raeh delivered fntyipent t sure >c*lo«l In finding the whob va-so with the excep­tion of one small bit:and; In gluing to­gether with my owe liaiids the elxt.v- elght t»lce~t and thus (!taln<d the rpftftfrph'oo of art." To day, U ha." a idace nt honor In the British nttt«onin nmniig the eidlet llnn < f Attic VOSCS of (he hey; jurlr.L

nd t-)teney 0/all noble develop- -r< t* no e*cusa for >v*r—con*


A druggist can obtain an Imitation of MINAUDft LINIMENT front s To­ronto homm » l a very low nrioo, nnd have It labrirtf hls own product-

This greasy Imitation is the poorest one we have >ot scon of the tunny’ that every Tom. Dirk and Harry has tried to Introduce.

Ask for MIN ARDS titid >»u will get It.

HOME UFE. (Twrqntu- situ:)

un indcpcn.iciK.’ .

your own h»yk# ar-I tdtturc*, dthcra like, tbrith'und/they' for more (hit*, the ••■•)'!, eve,nobody w**uld_tJ(k'- rent-

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Minard’* Liniment Cures Diphtheria. I

{ Baby’s Own Tablets arc the very : best medicine a mother can give her

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Being Pleasant.j It is easy enough to be pleasant

When enjoying a taatu of liijjli life, i But a marvel in he• That bu’shs with gleeWhile sitting at home with hljTvvild.

I It Is easy enough to he ideuswul• At home with your exc*dh-nt dame.

But tho man -# a dnlsy i W h o doesn't go crazy | When the umpire Is mealing the game.

| tt. in easy ohoUkl; to bo pleasant t ■ When tho girl you adore is in reach,

< But .If you am grin t When another butt# in ! And take her away, you're n poach.

• ! j• | It Is easy enough to bo pleasant

j With a now twe-plcce suit, don't youi think?

,, i ltut the follow worth while1 j ts tho on** who can smile ■ i When hi# new two-piece suii starts to• j shrink. "--Exchange.

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j the Standard for 21 year* and for 40 i years -̂’escribed and recommended by i physician*. Accept no other. At all



hen Hir Edward Grey made im> .*■)< m» clforl t'» indue# the deputing Ger-

i hut willi right i* nd-1 hatr-trigger

K>d )(!»*:* utplomatut* Htli'H- had »v.nk-d -thcinrejvoa

of prtum■ years <>J g *-:»wu, p:-i-*f*tren. f.»r Had d«n- wbst tt mlgtit iostcstly t he n ••x: cried (,. do; 11 tmd outu «t. . maeltluc* beyond r-.ntrol of dhdnmat

i or of parliament or ;>•» >l'l« 'I hey ct I t'f held back n-> l-crger.j Mlnard’* Liniment Curee Distemf

GERMANY'S WORD USELESS.(Wind, t ller-jrd)

Count Hcrtutortf rape be filed with th - at \Vn!»tiltlKl*>n, tin Septstate dn atier Berlin. official ,■

that <»*.---- , ------ --Monroe doctrine, m> ,u»Uar what nutctirrte o( the warv yea. but wh«t c "aounnc-G «r *^?flcl»! st̂ tem

t»r Germany’1* *rt-datten of Re- ...-utrallty. *rt’<h w*a «uarartt'*d treatyt

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE.(Chicago Tribune)

ecd, that ,out Of the nrvy-rd by tho

X lo............... Wcraton of p**a,-,,.may l<e eve!v.-l. »lto»1ng univerext dianrmsment #nd the stibmia*i»ii of all IntorimUotml dispute* to a world tribun­al. I be decrees of which will nave ttietr | yanctlon tn world opinion art-J their *uo- port in an inter national executtv,- t *d by t»n tuternational policy force.


This Letter Brings * Message of Cheer to the Aged-Results of Us­ing Or. Chase’s Nerve .Food.New, rich blood In what In mosi

needed, in the declining year* to k " « up energy , and vitality. That Dr. Ghnsn’s Nerve Food In a wonderful help In maintaining good health and prolonging life Is attested by the writer of this letter;

Mr, Stephen J- Leartl, North Tryon, P. K. I., writes; "At sevcnty-tlvc years of age my heart gave out and became very Irregular and weak lit action, and would palpitate. My nervi-# also became weak and f could do nothing but Re in bed in a languish­ing condition .losing strength and weight. In that condition I begun using Dr. ( ’base’s Nerve Food, and am cured. Had I not obtnlned this treat­ment f would now be In the box with the roof over my nose. At eighty- one I have an energy which moans go, and I am writing thl# letter so that old people like myself may prolong their health nnd strength by using thl# great medicine.’’ SO cent# a bo*. 6 for 12.50.. For sale by nil dealers.

FOR HIGH SEAS FREEDOM.(Philadelphia Jtecura)

There ought to bo some way of bring- log homo to w-ar-muttiii'g Rowers tho truth that the uc<-an uoe* not bclon#

The high sea*

suits. The force of public ___however, is Irresistible, and tn tn* ton# run the moat unconscionable of warrior nations must how to It. It private prop­erty nnd merchant vessel*. Irrespective of nationality, should b*> Immunized, nine-tenth* of the reason* for r.aval war would be *on-, ond with III* aboil- tlon of commerce-ileaWoylrur fleets, com- merce.iirstroylng fleets, commercc-de*. troylng mine* would go out of fastdoo.

ISSUE NO. W. l*U 4

LOYAL CANADIAN WOMEN.(London Advorllser)

t 1# gratifying to note tho prompt-

......... and the several province* havicontributed money and material aid the tuthuslaam wuh which out cltlreu have enlisted for tho war. But ft- Ivsa grntlfylng Ima boon the Zi'*pon*o o tho Canadian women. It la not thc-l place to go to war, but they are givl î their hurbatwl# and *un*. They are do In* more. They are glvlna tn«r bcli In every departm • • * '

A Woman’s Message to Women

tf you are troubled with weak, tired feellrge. hesdsrhe. ’ bscksrhe, bearing down ren**ti»n*. hladilrr weakness, cons­tipation, catarrhal condition* pain in th* s’.d ,x regularly or !irex".srlr. bloating or unnatursl enlargements. tense of falling or misplacement of Intenial or- gans, nsrvuusn***. desire to cry, palpitx- tlon, he: f}a»S.e*. dark rings under t ,« eye*, or a loss vf itdrteet m life. 1 in­vito )ou tu t>i te atid nxk fin my simpl* method of boms tratnn-nt. with ten d«y«' trl»l entirely free and p*sitMid. -*!»'> ref- ertuce* to Canadian isdler *(13 gizdly tell bow they have regain'd tieaith, strength and happmes# by. thl* method. Write to-day. Address, Mrs, M. Sum­mer*. Box *, Windsor. Ont

&AR BARES THE SAVAGE.(Bh lad.-lphtn : t.B

For .larifor hero

1 fbe

The H ouse Without

A Gold SpotTH E house that

has a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater needn’t have a cold spot anywhere.

A Perfection is light find can be carried

.â -easily from room to * '' r o o m — anywhere

that extra heat is needed.For the “between seasons” o f Fall and Spring the Perfection Smokeless Oi! Heater gives just the heat you want. __


Perfection heaters are solid, Hand­somely designed and smokeless and odorless. Look for the Triangle trade- murk.

M*J. in Caa*W*ROYAUTE OIL i. be.t for all tree*

THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, LimitedTsrest* QttU< UsUfsz MtatresJ St U\o Wresif«X Yuan..

tTo U Ce»tim««4JL,

rldldren. dcvastatln); ficli!*, and bunens town*. I* nut tlcv<’iiq>»m<nt t.v Are-tlc ■ plnrntian, reientlflc research, la which manv ivtn Have va.-rlficed th<-<r Hv<* Y.f the duttcA « f firem-a, or llfc.-av-re There It. enough In tu-nre to develop the nnbloit, l>ut It take# wnr !<• e>ri>> me venre-r of eivillzntlon from men and I-avo- th- sav.ix- nncov-re.l-

W ILl U. S. A VN !X CANADA?I’nt’b: Flint lift - a bcli t i f much

chance to do -o an a cb<*ap arid corn, #nlvc has of curing a corn. Nothin'; give# Mich inttsfuctloii aa l>uinstm,A Forn Kxtracfnr. which Cure- nalnh'.-i*- U‘ In iwcttt-. -bur hour*. t’w only "Putnam'#.*’ 25 c<m« nt all-dealer#.

A Forcible Demonstration.A blnribit; jis «.b-i s -.h > m>-

proacblng .1 qtiftrry. n«k«'d in*- fir-t man he met where he renhl find tin?btios.

‘Ol'm u(.” ?n uti-ntlonriv t . j (!i#tt;|.i)»abt"-lnoklnK iuiilvtihml In earthy overalls,

’Ch, I want the nv.ner of the quar­ry.'' replied the da|»per IU*|.> ;>«! -#niatt In some dDpdst. ” pvt< a mw l.hittui-: powiicr I »ant to rhi.w tiJm."

Tire man adduced ralred hi* vofn- in :i lend enJI,

“ 11«y. Keil>. K elli!” lie roared O iiegd apiKare dabo.e the ground. "Itov Kelly, yt.u’re folr->d!”

Thu man climbed imlnfiiilv r.tt of the fdt. walked ever to h!- e.-at uti i •umh pail, jdriked th<-m u , and start­ed down the read w hh. nt a word.

•’fluid on, there!" stiM t're ’■alcanmn, to #ome* nmazemenl ?’l nn *>. vo« ar(. the man « want at re'e, aft- r .ill*’’

The otlrer inn*' cm -;red his Manila around his mouth i,nd li>u<||? hn»|o,t the rctriatlnc fleer'

"Hev. Krilv’ ’Kelly KepiFtl t«rjv.) 1 >nnd In

bl» tracks


Quaint Dwelling Place* Found In Mesopotamia!

i"Uie, according to Tire Wide War Jagazlnw, "f several «f th-:hive*” standing rirnre t'-xether, ami *ubundrel by » wail of xlmilnr matcril la. It ■•hive" I# 11 Bcpatatr- room. Oi r more It uwl lu live In: another >-rerved for tire animal*, while yet bi

INVASION OF CANADA.tfh)l«d! Ijddtt. Rxcoiij)

Is »;oi to Ire domed that the

regret. However, our reroute eon tnovn buck it mil » from, th** f.ontier »nd wait patiently for tire end of the war *nd tire wUbdrawat v-f tho Getman p»rrl»<>n,

(nth a’ Vh)»n| Kioto With prince at It* head, W apprehension:.* of a pe rmai curditb

probably, it* Crectton

a region lire! lb* by tho *5<J* 3,Til mil***, f)r. Horn-■retandnig of tho ritimtlon





Friday and Saturday

Oec. 11th and 12th, 1914Many other prize* offered.For alt Information adtlre**

C, F. Topping. Sscr-tary, Union Stock Yard*, Toronto.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert Miller, J, H. Ashcraft, Jr., J. W. Wheaton, Martin GardhouM.

How Hubby Dodged It.Tire conversation having turned to

culinary p|m-iu-=, roiigr.-'Mnan oil* win«o. of Arkanra*, wa# rein laded of Mrs, stmith'a btniggU* with lire cook book.

Mra. Smith v as young and fiicxirert- wtcetl. the omfr- '-man f-3l«l. but ri,« v n« AtnbUiouK, So onu afternoon rh« waded dreq) into the conk book and nup nut an impel cuke, which nbo i !;.eed befor * the old taan at the evea- Ing meal;

•‘Wlmt’ft til** matter a 1th tire ntigel rake, Harvey?" naked wlfey, ilUap- polntediy. <«t treticlng that Ire studi­ously avoided it. "Isn't It (food enough?"

It Isn'tr-d the old m.) good enough.'’

"Good < n"u little wlfey, »

'tlreart,:' »

, "I'm afraid 1 am net

i lor what?” nucrlcd !v a jnntzb'd "Xjiresslon. . t«> b" come an ruipcS. ftly tutswored hubby,—

i'hlbvdelnhh* Tclegruitlt.

Minard’* Liniment C-j^et Cargii In Covvs.

MORE GERMAN GUFF(Ottawa Free Bure)

Afi-'ca dtlighlful titled •»(wdehcc. Count le-m*i»rti, Ub- Kuia> r> »n>«>.re«nlt>r at u gotiiugsv.n, oiqreara '« print <>«» ft-

- 1 law tree! »ut hearts became at this .»»- MWi.ii:.- * Tin* e-ld t»«nin«.es» .icimrtz ft«m our brow tred cor . siixk-

!!.- ’A- : .nvi-t-

k.v.’w. I.” didn't .ha the N’ mtret m stew ^!!urs” I'.m '^be^e^ur {sMKtutn,'-*”"-’ "

And rixht b- r.’ vre ■- -..■ ttaui-t b) fr<>« >■ .!:,iVI) <u--n that dy i- l tU gontF-

on te" who nuenM.a «:■>?<**-

mrev V.,np;!,J,*!| Tu Vran^c V..'d"?,rn>>*la m -( <r- ! n * - f t f ’ao U Monro*tletnsn L J:.- I-Iuk- •<; th” fine' fc-dlo* Ofcretifud.*. He recti)* uud.-r-the unnre.v Om Hint te Imve n»thing in• hank .!• at old: (Frnyy:; fer - cm aiwulitre f»-r in it'CTet-'Min-vrd * Liniment Cure-. Cdd?, Etc-

wJ* devoted 1 tmro.il t < •nsuttet .pro* « r « ĥid!i>t!:<x she extension

t *' uie ^MaVdif Ire-' Y *1 obi ̂ irnde llrere

Close to my heart thl« rose ic laid,It could not fade. It wilt tu t fade — Emily Beatrice Gtingney. In "t.tvbnt


Many a collrqu hp.' H making head­way. hut If Ire Is on tho fontbtUI team fe* l* woHbly meVIst It with hi* f«*t.


WUL B£A! JM .V .\ I "-mut Italian.', tin* r.iliitli lend

rha:>f t'!;or. whs* h.<* been taunted with biooR io , pr.'-Ge* man In tit's Meat), adilre, s.-il a meetlm* In NVwr i, tic nip Tyne, recently. w hi*a in- dcllvere l u patriotic aUiirt ss Hi- declared ui;>i m- wan lift. nn.> or those Avhi oven iimv failed to tho fliUT ofttu* German rat-e. Uni all Htm-c srea* •ImSRtiC# h:»lt lll-l'll It: ,-: l: 1 In 5,„ unworthy p!i!•!»<•'<• They hail been Plac'd under tiii' domination of (hat niftilury * » plrit which slmuM ho ox- terinf-iated. Had we. In this conflict, stood by and folded our hands France might have boon crushed nnd made a province of * Germany. Belgium infght iia 'r been annexed to the <!*-r- maii Empire, Holland might have fol­lowed. and Russia would psJbly have been checked, and wo should have been without a liU-nd in the world, dishonored and disgraced, Our time would have come two or three years later, and we should have had to fight altmu with imhcdy to mourn us Rather than that w - should have tilnched from Hie ordeal he would have si-en the British Emp.re come to an end. li was hotter t * it it should perish Ricriausly than go down. a<- ft Inevitably would have none down, in disgrace and dishonor.

These words do not sound as If the man who uttered them wornhut.whole- sculcdly into the* war until it was brought to a sucrcssful conclusion.

The Vlteount. in summuis up : the i ha ticca of victory, took the position from the point of view of population.

Germany has a population of si no- t>5 million*. ami Austria about fid mil­lions—115 millions In-all: but we have <4 millions, France has 3$ tuitions, and Russia has over 17«» millions— 25t> million# against 115 millions. O’hcers.) Then as to armies. We will put th.- German Army. say. at t! millions, but Russia cun mobilise 6 million men and more, Austria can mobilize, ray. 2 million tuen; we and France can mobilize between 3 and 4 million men between us, Even as regards troops, then, there fa a mark­ed superiority in our numbers. (Cheer*,) Then there. Is the splendid force or Belgium, (Cheer*.) With these numbers nnd our ultimate re­sources, if we only keep up our cour- age ami resolution, keep oar heads nod our nerves, wo shall do very w ell.• Cheers.) Our power is double that of (he German Empire, and in re­sources the Allies .have double the wealth and reserves (o draw upon. (Isold cheers.) I do not underrate the magnitude of the ta.k that He* before u*. hut the first shock is over, mid the real* struggle is now- begin- nine under much less favorable cir­cumstances for Germany than was the cate two months » g :*. Set your teeth and stick out. (Guild cheers,! Up to now the resolution »rth<> nation ha# been splendid, and she signs are that if In increasing, and not dimin­ishing. tCheers.) We have shown that v • >-»?. »'et„ in it matiu«r wi.rUiy of the'example of oar . ancestors. We have some timid people amongst us. hut with tiie resolution and determination we It an i- display, ed we .hall accomplish our task with the certainty or soccer# Loud cheers.) Wc arc fighting tor the life of the nation.

Proceeding, Lord Haldane tald that the nie*s»ge he brought from Lord Kitchener wins that If they would , raise two more battalions in New- cattle In* would he very grateful to them.

Tht;; nuui :juceni"»t <ra- received with cheer#. The. Viscount spent eight years of hi# Hfo.trying to bring about better relation# between bis country and Germany hut an evil Renstt# Imd ^vlped all that away in Germany amHhad captured the mach­ine « f that nation and directed it to evil purposyji.

EDIIORIAL NOILSIf the Kaiser wants Canada lie will

have (o come and take it.

Turkey's entromc into tie. war may menu her exit .'rom Europe.

Great Britain seem* to b* doing everything it can to facilitate nnd help the trade of theTtnltcd: State#.

Itrilaln will not treat (American cotton a* contraband. She is anxious to>ave the State* a# much to## as pos­sible.

Major-General Hugh*# mum have W-cn romancing if he said there were 200,000 A inert cii n# In Canada waiting to go -la tlx- front.

Tin: ftrockvlllc Time# pad the King­ston Standard hope thut no Canadian

• Club will ever again i»vR » Heart Bou- ras-ato sj>eak before it. Getting ashamed of their ally.

As the Toronto Ncs# i-ayr.-w* haw tile men. blit not the eiiulpmeiit. If the Government saw the emergency two •year* ago, why did it not provide the equipment ?

We imagim- that If Kitchener did not think tlml there were enough of troop# on the French coast t« "lidhl" (he Germans tisat he would rush Ho? Canadian* over, on to the front.

The lamdou Time# »ay# that the allies have promt** d Turkey a g'- ai reward if t he maud* iistde nnd keeps at p*ace with tin- Balkan SbiUs Bur if she attacks either she wilt be wiped out for her trouble, ft li*now up to Hie Sick .Man.

VSbepptirdi" < f tie- Vaneouvi r Fat- unlav Fun-ad. *av# (hut at the Cm** of the anemptwl Kmeasfata lavashn of Capad::, if v r. - t or.tcrf d (hat Ger­man money wa» behind the outer-

BAD BLOODIs The Cause of Boils and Pimples.

When hoik or pimples shut to break out on vour hue or lowly you may rest as-vun-d that the bb*vl is in an impure state, mid tii.it Iw-.'oie you can get rid <4 tle iii it will be liin -u iy lor you to purify it by using u Rood medicine tlmt will drive all the impurities out of the

Itur.U k IIL-mI r.ittrrs i« .» blooil puntying remedy, Oiiethnl luv# heeu on the uncket;f«>r the past forty year*. One that I - known from one end of tbecotiut'v (<• the other ax the best bl<##t purifu r in existence. It cures Iwiik, pimp.’t# nnd alt other disease# arkiug frttni had bhxal BOILS CURED.

Mr, Andrew* J-. Collier, River Okulc. NMI., Was, trswihliSI with l#>ik for years, in fart. «ti<l not know what it was to he riil of them until be u>cd llwdocfc B5i« kI Hitlers. It cured him.PIMPLES CURED.

\fr. Otto Boyer. Yarhen « hit., had his face hlid ticck break out with pimph *. Hi' tried several kinds of medicine with <nt( saw * . Two bottles of Burdock 1U<##I ifiltcrw t«anishe*l them.

lt.B It. is inanufaeturcil only by The T. MiJhtirn Coo Limited, Totouto, Out.

prltK*. n theory which was j;?\iuted bi.euiiKe Cniiudlnn* were Ignpraiit of the true ftituatich In Europe, 'll*.- Kahmr ha# a lot to answer for.

The ehimpr.ittors want to e.sublNt r. vtdkgo for tho tratnlnp ef -tmi, «u> lor the btrilo .> >. Th • Gnt.irfo « 'ulh i; ; of Fhyaklnn# and Surgeon* ohJmHo rhk, amt h r Governn c tt will; have t » ■deehb* t|t» matt r. what ahotu th,' incillral rontnitodou Sir dumen Whit ci v pc: rih-df itumc authoritattv. pto- nonucr on nt I a necih-d in r< biroi:< to ,ln --..' imsihitl o“ sitrgh-nl syaUif *.

Count Bernstorff - raj* German? would havo a right to land troop* in Canada because* thut country Is Mind­ing troo)!# abroad, and that it would he no violation of tin; Monroe doctrine *n do #o. The proposition !* jnirely academic and hardly worth raining. Tiie Kalvr expr«-*?ly sa>» in- shall r*-- upcct our <iim . -Buffalo New*.

But the ISSJarr# my #n may tie no twttcr than: the Belgian scrap » ; pa- i»r .

The Fort Krlft people are grow lug ncrvdu# over the atleg<\1 ihr«it»n!ug attitude of the Germans hA Buffalo. They fear a raid and ash for military protection. We think that they should Jmve protxdlon. Ik'ttcr to he safe liifin: sorry; We have every confidence, how­ever, that Preshlent Wilson will swe that no Much raid take# pine-. But that does not relieve the Canadian au­thorities of Its duty to m - that th" border- i* mad!' nahv

The 1‘rlvv Count it has decided that ;i company having a charter: t<* curry on bu#in*-as In the Dominion due# not need a Provincial charter when tt wants to carry on busim*- S» any I'rovthee The Pros hire In ipu #tloll was British I'nluoitda. Premier lb.«r*t Is re)K*rt*<f as saying that the <bei.«- loll does not apiilv to Ontario, which get# about JlfJoe.flrt annually front II- eense* trom companies holding I»o- nifnfon charters. That •iu* -tlon will now h<!cume if live one with lie- com*. antes thus registered in th- Province nnd holding Dominion charters,

Germany never lik"d the Monroe •locfrigd; i»ud Count Bernstorff lutcml-

. cd io give it a hotly blow, wb a h" said: “Tiie German jmlnt of view H that by joining in a European vat Canada lib# put herself ontehl’ the pate of the Mooroe doctrtrn . But to r- many ha# not the intention ot attnek- mg Cnoudn nor colotiWngc (humda." To thl* the Butfalo Express sayst

Applying this distrin>- to th* suppo­sititious case of Caninht. It i# dear that a German Invasion of Canada at :t j>art <>f the British Empire which has contributed to tiie war against Germany would not lie conlrary to the Monroe doctrine, assuming that this country were satisfied that the Invas­ion were not for the purpo-v* of ron- aursf., Bui. a# a Germnii invasion of • 'auada could be jmssllde only aft"r Great Britain had been erayhid to an extent which would eoiupd ier to ac­cept peace on GernianyV, buns, it probably wnuht he !iar-t to convince Americans that a German invasion of Canada could have any purpose hut conquest.

In the meantime Canada is not wor­rying. Sin- he* little bar that the Kaiser will make it necessary to apply the doctrine.


hs't im w I l*» comi-Sien. but oh- • *• rung liis ti-,*uti!' x nx » .-itsit hsmc:. < milir (ram k<ii tmd that tic b it * ■•oitu )-•expost uhite.

•■Excuse me. sic." lie siii'l tie- man silling t*y him. etmc wouW y«u iuit»tmovim- viffli tnwtway? t rendy c«»> JuoUlv fuel »<«>m i •

“Move t»>- }Kl| ItllUlUeali’" i;'(»(«•() (il sirantfxr "Th<->e. sir. »r-- tay tee!"'iM-rlmp# v»u woul'l i ll" *Ip ui e»i:>v"-Hi- .other."_______

The Old Fashioned Purging and Griping Action of Pills

Is Now Done Away With.

Milhurn'-- I#»xa-Liv*r Pdb gi-utly unlock the secretions, clear* away oil waste and t-dele matter Iron) the <y u-m. and give UrtSe am! vitality t>< tb* v.!#4 - intestinal tract.

They do thb by m-Giig directly on the liver, and nuking the bile | a • ; through the bowel# insIfad: td (dhiwisig it I- j,< t into tlic blood, ami tine- cr.ti-.iin < on te jwtiem, jaundice, iwbtrrhof the stoa::a h and similar Utcuble*.

Mr*. 1,. M. Reteh.ford, IVotIw .<»ut. write#: "llaviiiR ! ran to-bh,' bg years with comlijwtlpn, mut tryingmany ilifTcrent rcniedic'* which t’id me r»o yocal sxhatever. I sea* ced <<* ?-< tr- Miffps*?*'-. I^x.t-I.rver Pills. I have Lun d tin to most Ivemlu'ial, for they ti«e Indeed xplcrtdhl pills, mul l t«n -gladly recruit* taend them to all ja <>}>!•- «h». uSrt freon constipation."

Milbtiru’s l.axaifdver Pill- are ’J>V a vial, 5 vial# few S| DO, at <d! druggi'A# •<f dealer*, i t mails I direct ■«) r<«. >; i < f price by The T. Miltmrii Co., J.inatvd, Toronto, Out.


November 15. 1914.—Je»u* and Peter. —Mack t4: 27-31. 53, 54; 66-72.

, Commentary,- r. Ivor's den Id tor-.-- !<dd tv#. Before leaving thetefilc on tie? oi-c-iiNion of the inulitutlon of the la»rds s'lfipor, ,fe#u* made an J'nnopurx m< at to his dlsripie*: that MarthHl fh"m. Me declared Bint Uiev would nil ^11 Pi tlo ir fhbditv to him tlmt very night. Judatt had ulreade b B Go room to cornph t** n«- d* <Vr betraying .t- #u» tc( hi* . n-iaie i, nnd (fie disciples were Hltoekcd, imf to have him i.-U Hkhi Hint they "-outd all i#- offended Ju-tr.uw of Sdrn wan mor- than ■■they erndd awpt. Hu qr.otod frmn Herb. ! ; 7, "l will .-mil- the tdorplicnl, ami the sheep Kh;>!l <*• *"at- !* red.” nnd sahi that after Tifa ie-*ur- rccthm he would go before them Into '•uHb—. Pei-rV m iierouH mid Irapul- > nature led 1dm to declare the,t ' hrouah all his fellow dleeiple* #hrmht for«ike hiii he would li-’ luyih H<> ciuild not think of hlm#»ir an lackhtg• ourage and lut» grity, and in- meant what he said, bi t he tiad not yet an t the tea that was to show hbn Id# weakn*•#.*. 'Vi’en ,lr-#uH lold him that before the night ,wn.* past and ikefore tie* xcroud cock crow trig he would deny him three time#, he was Mill Mt-miger In ills decfar^tlon# of fidelity and wild, if I should die with thee, t will not deny thee in any w|*,\" Tltc utlier dl#cl|de# joining him In assert- lug thi'lr fidelity. They saliBJe##, hut did riot d<» v.orse. than did iVifer. He t» Wjitilr- d H.e fact that #m.i night die and lie thought ho wan ready to ■tile with him, htit lilft uuha*«iu*'ii:. <dii- ouct vhoweil that he seehn-d unable- to confiss id# teiationshfp to •'!irl*t la fiiro tin- pej> in# in III*' c*mrl of t.u- I It-ti prl- a‘s (i>|ace. even though lie bad used hi; sword lu all :<n -:.ipt to defend his Master nt the ttyoe wf his arrest.

tl. Pet* r iiiHowtiH’ afnr off t v*.51*. 5;. U-«| .teens away (»/;•,•> highpii.-st- Tii--' hcitnd .Ti-sos idoiin l#- 12 1. ttinl ied 1dm ttem»* th*# tcidrun from the Mount of Olive# to the city. Tie- high !trle*t waft f'atapha*. hill hr-

tnlo-n first to Anna*, tii*- father- In-duw of v'uinphon, who had h-*en high

t, and w|io was not">l for til# >i:r- wrlue#.* litwl jatwerfttl infhp'Uce. il<

slronglV opi-osr.'d to 4*-su*, and he could greatlv assist In lit# cunijemna-

even ihtntRit he did not occupy the j-rutitlun of high priest. \Vt-r> a#-

■mhh-rl- There could l«> no h-cal s-->- xltm td the Stibltedrln: until after #un- tIs*:-; hut Itx member# came together an hour or two after midnight and can- itdere f the coiidcmtnnntlon, reaching ,t cntielmdou to he officially tmUCUondd etter sunria'. 51, followed him nl'aroff

He with hi# I* How disciple# had for- Kakt'tt .learnt and fled, but he and tohn fbllowetl far behind and veiiftiml Into the court of the palace to see wliftt eeutd tic done with Jesus. Fear <4 I Itysit-al Injury or-fear of reproach* ! il.edniter mor-> than the former, kept Peter from pressing closer to bsu#. Tlte palace *>f the high priest— It is probable tlmt Anna# and Caluplm# oc­cupied different compartment* in the vame palace, h'at with the s-irvarts- i f was without the Judgment hail in tti«- court »i( tiie pahiee. Building# in the K«*<: '..'f- constrain*':! about an !'•« court, ft. was In thi# •-ourt that

Peter was ittirtfr with tie* #*-rvant# and «ilhers about a fire tl-hko 22: 55*. He had gained adnilttancc Into tht palace through the influenc* *>f loiin, who wau aiqti.tinted with the high priest (Jolty !*: 15, Id).

HI. f’atcr'* th f’c denial# HtJ-Vl)...;. In the palace -"In toe etmri.’ - R. y. He w»# keeping watch of the trial of de*u#, trying to avoid the stiaplclon that lie was connected In any way with him. «■ Thou also want with .b'stis of Nazareth—The "also" Implies flint they had been speaking of some other dlactpie. as Judas, or John, who was known to them. They may have expected to get from him somtj tnforirmtiun about Jesuu.—Morisou. It appear# to have been known that John was a disciple of rlirist. and John was safe thus far from- danger. The danger to Peter could not have been very great, had Ip- a< know ledsed that he w a# ChrUt’s disciple. C*. He denied—-He had used the swtird i» an attempted defence of J.MIS, but now he bad not the cour­age to own til# relation to Christ be­fore the Idle and curious.company In the palace court. I know not., what thou sayest Peter# pretense that he did not understand what tiie uiatd said amounted t<> direct tying. ‘ Peter, though denying Christ, yet was testi- fvlng to hi# prophetic power: (or he

a# doing just a# Jo#u# had forvtold. Huward. Into tlte porch -Peter with­

drew from the court, to the entrance to the palace, doubtless with Hie pur­pose of avoiding those who had accus­ed him of being « discipb- of Jesus. The cock crow—Tbl# was the flral cock-crowing of which Jesus had spoken.

fill. A maid saw him again By emit- paring the three accounts of thi# went

observe tliat at least thm- persons joined in the accusation, "This fellow mu also with Jeau# of Nazareth• Mutt. 2»>. 71). JlieJ' may lui'e *wnhim with Je*u# during His public la- bur* or they may have town present hi Bo- garden when Jesus was arrest­ed To.- He denied B ugalli—Tlu# wa# lhe second of the three tl**-" that Jesus had foretold that Peter would deny Him. A .tittle alter I t ’na» «W»ut an hour after tLuko 2-. 59). • lie>tiiai stood b>—Tin* main charge » o prominently made by on**, a kinsman of Malclhwi. xvliS hod seen Peter in th,. garden, and was known to John from hi» a* quaintam-o with the mgtt priiuii'si household (John IN SSL- bar- rar. Thou art one of them -B. I eler had hud a jibsl cooc-ptlou of the alt.d privibgc there wa* in. b*dnc -one of ttietu." it s«**'m# hardi> cre­dible (hut lie would have denied 111# ilBeipleMHp with Jcsu*. rU<* sp'rit that actuated Peter is still In the v odd Ttier*- is reproach loai'etl oiem iio.--' wlm follow Jesus. Thousand# tt, willing to h.- counted v,'Uh th»-

I |.,I( ;>ra unwilling to take a stand that would indbai*- thal llo ) belong Id J* "UK, Thou an a GuUlsw.ui

IV). r had b* * n speaking and Ins hmguage ami ac* *«» sho* «*d that *«c was a Galilean, and being a V . th* * '-or. th- m*«rc < crlai» tlmt he *,ra ,iue *4 t'hfist'# followers. Miitthew Hcnrv says that the man ># ham who#*- spis-«h ih.lar.-s him «*• b*- « dl#- ,-ipt.. „• Christ. IE To curse and to swear'-" lb* called down «ur#«'* him#*» . amt !*• made oath .ailing Goo

win.. - that what h.- ^h l w«" true, tie gov*' wav U* Hie spirit ol evil, olid appurentiv ib*i ali seif-control 1 here |x a M,*, difference bctw en- the lan­guage <*t Peter at the table where he |,rd - .upper was Instituted and Jbc language he Used in the court « ^ » ‘* aplms- ) alaev. It »a# the #«mc l etcr

with respect to the same subject. I know no) tut# man l not only am not ;» disciple of the Galilean, but I no not even know Him of whom you speak.

IV Peter# penitence tv 72.1 73. Tin-;<<< nn liop- me c* tk ereu W hat alei.ud that e<(-k-< rowin-t ui* In' the * nr: •<: Peter' It rci alli.’d hoi It hl» own i;o<ds uml thos* of Jcjti# » lew hours I • lore That round: brought him to lilmio-lf, Luke sue#, And itl» Lord tnriiMl, ntid htok-:** upen T'et'.r'* (22. •.i t U never cci uircl Io Peter at tho Hm<- t'*a» ikes* denial# ef hi* would go down in ItlMory. and be read and commented upoitifor etnturhw. lie w<c, tnk«t< op 'vith his own llttlV #«:lfl*h toe P.iJm-s. P*t*r called tw.mHd--Infi­nitely better would it have, be n if be tmd not forgotten the words cf Jesus; tan t< t?* r tha-i not to have recalled them at *11 was it, H at be Kmembcr* id ttil u* rtt the eiwksfiroulng. Ho wept

•VVcpt bltbrly" «Ma't 26- 75.) Y*ur« ;r, . Indeed, i f little use thit i, till in r<-turn t« >t"y Jmla# wept p<rhnj>#, but Uirned net. Peter wep: mut wbiit was la tter, he returii- .<) u Christ nod h*.*-»n’0 a faithful »;H title, Wtu-Onu, His self! #*es< cca—, to ti icate him Jesus’ ;;l»ne«* bad 'it'Rcd tits h-ort. I'eur recovered ior* .u»b Mttcer.- iv rejwnllnK ef hi# #ln

Q*.ie',ion< — I'm n w ent occashn did ' iir’st ferelell Peter's denial? Mow mey tlm.s lid Peter profors hi# de-

vctfcii to ChrUt? How strong *Hd '«T*r make bin declaration of fidelity ■ ■ I;!;, Mil: I- ; llo.v dill the ,itlier dl# ■ b*b; r*ceiv.' CYrlstY warning*; Re­

nte Ho 'iretmi-uni- of. Peter* d* - nl*: *.f hi* Lord. The second. The thiro. Vital doe< Hu- fact that ‘ ho mut oil, and wept hUitrly" show*

CRAf TtCAl. Ft RVEY.Topic. ' Prokvn vov.»., ,I. Fliblity • nib-d ii. vuclllfltlcn.**. •'ciifiib tuii- et> led In cowanHe**. Ut Loyalty ended in fals»tioo*t. t I ‘HI*-lit y emb d In »ncillnHon. The

record of Christ’s humiliation aim suf­fering tell* net only of the ma*tcu am’ ttt*" ;ti»e of his eijcini -:, but of the* 'niltiv nnd unfaithfulness of hh< disci- p!< Dm:- ktt-.wv how lacking lib* v-.-ib- v.-*- In the hlxhs'r principle* -t sgiirlt'ml Hb* and sought to piepare 'loin f* r th revelation «>r Uu-lr own s.ehm ' They nt* v.henuiitly as- ^ ricsi their attachtaiwj| *h*-tr di vctlon and tbG.r tms'vervlne fidelity. Pet'-r. ■)o 'most confldddt: ef them nil. wit# the most Imperiled. After Hm Master’fi Ibrcyfnld warning Peter repeated with r nmimsB hi* he.v#l td f* Jllltv Me dis­claimed nnd idmoM i-<nrn*'d tin* dnn- g. r. Hub' knowing how clusu It was

him. Thapchief of ajKotlew mistook the ‘ trnoH'* cf his owl* spirit. In order

hub*' Peter wan tiie oldest of th) {piortl.s Ho v as also their rccntulz- eti leader. He wa# the last man who should have weakened. iKcause of the Idlghtl’ g influence that would natur­ally and Inevitably result from KU eendnu Peter had many strong nust- Itle#; out -me weak one. undetected by himself, led to his downfall, lie found It one thing to make vows In the up-

loom surrounded by his brethren, another !< pav them antid the excite- nienf < 5 the Judgmenl hall. Peter'n z« .<l w;»# put aceorulnR to kt.ow!«u)<o nor guldctl by dlftcretlcn. lie art**d wltiimii warrant, lu the n#o,«f hi# word; Bo had foiled to herd his Master's eadtlor to watch and pray. Hi# wholft si(tr!«eot state was such a# to exitoso him to the attacks of Salem All the disciple* were in nee*l of tb ’ Holy Bplfit. who afterward kept them trci.g and *<.-adfa#t.II. Confidence ended In cowardice.

Peter's bold Mdf-confldcnce and r"s«-cii'Pa .iir t«» tv sxIf!i ,'tirixt were

shown In hi* seeking the hall of jmt- Bee. In He< strength of hi# own con- irtlonw he met. In an aggravate#!

term, the -liraMcr he sought to t»vold. There wjw ■iii oncisi^ncy brtwoan what

r felt lu his Iniiioxt honrt and in what he did and said. He had a noble pun*«'*e an-1 nrlJc fceHng. but came short in tDoduel. lb- did not waver in hi# love. HI# s pirit who willing, but bis flesh was weak. He had a tender com-' k-nce and a loving heart. Affec­tion for Jesit!* Iiml led hint to enl.T the court and to remain therx) during the mock trial. He would not desert hi# Master. He thought himself safe fn company with tin? servants, becaufte ho wua unknown ito thorn. Fear of man had caused him to follow "afar off* and further to seek sat*uv apart from the Miwter. When he had assured Irsu* that lo* would not desert, him. though others did, he supposed the case cf Ills being brought for trial her*.re the Sanhedrin. He would hnvo confgksed hi* dliielpteahlp to the high priest, ImL Hu accusation came from an unexpected auartcr.

III. loyally ended in falsehood. pet«-r denied Christ before u multitude. He exposed hia name to their scorn and reproach. He took part in his rejection, lie-present* a end picture of vacillation, cowardlc* and fal«e- hood. HI# solemn proP-wtation# and

., w,r<- forgotten e-»n In Hie pres-cure of hi# Muster. Extremes of char- ac«* r met In Peter* His ;*ln was not premeditated. All lit# rwlution* had tended to Hu' opjM>#itc. Though Jesus w:i -. In the Immi# of hia on cm lea, con- ilei'ined. mocked and buffeted, hi# thoughts wera uixm Peter. Mia holy, ‘ovdtig, mournful look went straight fu Peter"< i- it «nd mftltiHl him to tear... It * ■ a living nnd Ilfe-glvInKlook hnv' s'.i i*aek moral scnaihllUy. The h ‘ k ibo-ntumi the offence, but n * u*i* : ’ '•*■- (Bender. It rcpidlwf win. hot a**’ ‘ d tl e sinner. Pet'-r r«*coB- !(•», ) ; to in iilmsclf, a true widened -■I- r* |**-ntt)ne*-. He wna fully alive to the misery of sin tutd also to tiic ntorev of his So-dour. Hand In hand with tv.r.vietion tame contrition. The •‘ir- cutmdano’K of his sin wer** #o etigra .ed ijii hi# memorv at, never to be for­got ten or repeated.

T. it, A.

Saved Family’s Reputation.At a ban'juvt of the ministers <4

N« w York, Dr. Johnston, *4 tho Mor- r!:.ani:* d'Uun’it, told this story

One of th.? member# of my church .. instilled Into his family the belief

ibnt t ! f eolb ctioii b a vliHly inu-ort- ant pari *4 she servtve. /

•'foms—tucoH hi* littto boy Thomas •ie\* r com,-# to elioreh wltiiout ids c# ntrlbuHo'),

• One Jundav. < s the elder.' l^ftan to tak. up the cdbs tion at the rooming x.-r\i<-'\ Thomas look»sl along the pew to M-, if the various menih-t? if th*: family were provniea with t ccntrl- bution.

Noticing a guest « f « ‘ s vtster # •■topi'--handed, !:»• vvhlsio'red

" AVPer** k* jeur monev?" .•1 have none,* was the r •

•••nine w *:» short and the n«c**-«d»y •r*.it. In a Hash th*? little fellow met !io * 'it"f«.-*ie; ! y saving;

■ lie-. b.K toil*,-. Th-t’ll pav for you,- an | ns yet under the seat.'

- And illiigbiir his own : oin Into hertap. to- .H-L't-imd under th? ‘>«*‘v. >!n-re he rr-iuatnril Until the eider Willi hv and the reputation of the family wa# i.-ed."--Th-:- Popular MaRszin*.


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<* ♦


Tins British s a w

To allay four# Hint Britain'# naval superiority I* slipping away it tuny be stated that with I ho Gooben ami Bro#lau shut up in (he Black So a, where they can b© no longer conn* ted an potential foes of Britain in a struggle for the control of iho North Sea, Britain ia relatively far stronger than alio wn« when war broko ont- Britain bad 20 •Dread* nought* amt sapor-dreadnoughts when tho war broko out. aud io pro* dreadnought battk*bip\ She has lost non© of 'them, and baa added 2 super drcadLougbti*, tho Agin* court and Erin, vessels of gteat power, which were in process of completion for Turkey in British yards, Btfor© tho end of this year it is expected that four other supor dreadnongbta in proctea of oomph-lion, will be commisioned, if they ato not already at sea. Against this trttnemious fleet Germany can bring 15 dreadnoughts or euper- droaduougbt*. In lino of battle* ships Britain's superiority in dread­noughts would bo eleven, and iu pre-dreadnoughts, 20, Nelson nev­er dreamt of oddbliku (hal­

lo b title cruisers, armored cruis­ers and light cutiser*, allowing for ail casim-ities to date, the British superiority is (tpial’y marked, Brit- aiu has nine battle ciuii ers at sea, and one tho Tiger almost ready Germany has three battle cruiser* in commission and one iu process of completion, with two more on the stoke. Dcdutiug both the Good Hope and Monmouth, as well «* the Aboukir, Cr esj and Uogue, Britain has still 2U armored cruisers. Germany has 15, far less powerful than the British, ship for ship. Uf protected and light cruiser*. Germ any has now,30, while Britain de­ducting the Hawke, Hermes, Am phion, I’athfinder and Glasgow, has stdi 92, with 8 more—the fastest in the world,*— almost completed, Britaius »oa power is simply over whelming

f ANA I*A UNDER GERMAN RULE It has been made plain by tho

atatomonts of various German states man and journals that Canada would bo taken over by the Em per or should (be Prussian forces be sac ce&tful in Europe. Supposing, for purposes of argument, they could accomplish this, what would be tho result in Canada’/ It is an unhappy vision ono must conjure up to tit the circumstances. Canada’s freed­om wonld be gone. Tho Canadians who could not leave the country would be forced to bow down under tho autocratic rule of tho Emperor, Germany would become the nation at language, in it self a frightful penalty to pay. Arrogant sprig* of tbeUermsu aristocracy would rule tho country and tho laws of free speech would give way before the rigid rule against iesemajeste. From free' citizens we would become the slaves of the German Emperor. The hardy few w ho might conspi r against tho autocracy would find themselves with their back* against a wall, gazing into tho muzzles of German rifles. The word liberty would be erased from ttm diction­aries and bondage substiluttd- Tbo people would be ground between tbo military millstones and in a few hundred years perhaps, our people would become “ cultured Germans, * i. 0., brute beasts. It is an unreal nightmare, but it is part of the mad- man's dreams. We may thank hoavon that there aro strong arms and mighty ships between us aud tbo realisation of Germany’s du­ll iro.

KRMANY BETWEEN TWO FIRES Writing from Berlin to a frisnd

n England, a German lady is said to have remarked; ‘ ‘Wo entered upon this war to get eu|ooiee1 wo aro now lighting for uur existence.” Woman’s intuition thus summed up tho present stage of the war. But it would bo a grave mistake to tin. derestimato the resources of Germ­any, or to imagine that tho Germ­ans are already bcaten.lf it is a long long way to Tipperary, it is longer still to Berlin, unless tho Russian

armies continue their surprising and unexpected sericH of successes. It tig sia was the one nation that tho haughty German* regarded with some degree of apprehension. Slow and unwieldy as ho held the Rus­sian power to be, ho did not under rate it* latent strength, aud knew well Russia's huge reserve of men, But with France crushed, there was i alwaj# the possibility of buying Russia off, and postponing tho Dual struggle lor supremacy between the Teuton aud tho Slav. As things stand,'however, the Kaiser is hot ween two hot tires, and may got roasted all round without succeeding in ox; tinguinhiog either of them: He must be in a fever of anxiety, even if his faith iu hiu Abuighly ally re r mains untbaken:


You loaded ‘Tho Day,*’Aud boasted your might,Now, “ The Day’’ is far spent, Do yon think' of “Tho Night'/'

You marshalled the weight of a nat ion’s hate,

Iu twice two million men.You ruined a land at your lord’s

command,They fought you one to ti n.The roads aro red where your armies

tread,With peasants' and women’s blood And at your back is a smouldering

wreckWhere once (be cities stood. Southward and west your armies

pressed,‘ ‘Brussels is ours” yon roar,“ Aud Paris too sh 11 be ours" said

you'The gifts of the* Gcd of war.’

But the troma show wlicrs your best lie low,

From the banks of Marne to Aisne, And in the east the ravens feast On your hundred thousand slain. No boose in your state but is des­

olate.Your land is a hospital,And famine waits at your cities'

gatesFor the people pay for all.Ringed round with steel your arm*

ics rod,And homeward draw* the fight,If this be “ The Day” for which

you pray,God help you when comes ‘ ‘The

You drank to ‘ ‘ f he Day”You boosted you might:But “Tbo Day " is far spent Now darkens *‘Thc Night."


Sunday was AllSuinl# Day.<»cr teacher* Mi«s Ret gin, and MR*

Alt’Nnnghioir-timlnrcd to Wnlkcrtjm on Saturday. \

Mr. and Mr*. Alex Oberleand who have been >p*ndingn couple o f days here, tetyrned to their home in Formosa, on Monday.

Quite n number from hero attended the Patriotic Concert in Hanover Wednesday night.

Mr. Meyer of Kru*ladt bus tho e tract of middling the now m-ating y*tem into Mr. HoiUrthV new hour* h*i e.

Mr. James Dyer of Si. Catharines is vioiting her sitter Mr*.John Wbilter.

Mr. Clift* Scbwau had a now smoke nek erected on hi* brewery hero 011

Saturday. >»Halloween passed Oil very quietly


L a b a t t ’ s L a g e rIS MILD, PURE. APPETIZING

Just tho Beverage fur the Busy man:— rests the nerves and ensure* sound *lcej>.It mu tolif in your neighborhood, write


*Sr* Special arrangements lor direct shipment 10

BRITISH AMERICANi verv enjoyable eveuieg wa* sper t Monday at I he rnanw by the noon** at the Pinkot t«n enngregut 1 11

who gathered to bid farewell to Mr.d Mr*. Ma^on who leave,for Har t,

r>*G"t on \V«-dne*dny Mr. M«#onTnt «r»du»t....die recipient of a club l»ag ami and Pitman S

military brushes, white Mr*, M«»on »e ’ rune,» | subject/ ceived several piece* of cut gloss. Af* I •v , ll<

ttiepr«.'»«)iitat;oii,speeches, iceiial- • “ '*'” ‘*0* I Watuln-j •‘■n* and songs. followed by lunch.Ailed in Iho it luaimh i of the evening which closed wil h. Auld Lang Syml.The following is the addie**:To Mr. *nu Mr*, tiooigc Macon.Dear Friends,

W« l b tigjiibcii of 1 be Pinkeiten

D E N T A LW. J. H A LL ID A Y .« n» all dpntaiVmfraltons. "jii!*,.Three In" M*<<1 " ,,ar work

J R k k o f '

M E D IC A Ld k . b r o w n , t r s s r . 'm a ;Neii-lndl, <*nl Will lie nl ll.e Uuirn'k llu el. Waik.n.ui, in pr».i#y id .U,u!,,„,!tu

W. A. H A L L « A, MU. CM; lion.Me .lt-1,.1 /•r*'*uatft lit Aro noil

S T U & S t iS ? " " " " e X —.a u c t i o n e e r

ihllm-nre uud succera K|M>cin|Iae* lii Gregg *• lo rd and all cum-

CKtnloglie Address T. WiiUiln.j. Principal, Yonge A- McGil s t» , Toronto

I’fe . ehntci have mil here to-nightgptvas o ir apprreiatinnOf the m i -

vici # vend< *'d by yi u to theCOngMK-at loti We fw l that \».i have j>#r*fun it'd vein duty here, in the f ce r«fHllddfirtillh #, and we ui-.li y.m tokn«*Wthat > e a le deep) #r«Mtd*» t ftlio fin'iifio nuct »#»ry t » do. Manyof II icint-tnber. esp«chilly jour helpand k indue# in tin iraof ftiekuej# andmb. <■ trial#, and i! wa# Always n annr< e• •fr n.ferl » know that tin re wn#»>'«*' ’ *thy si d In lp f.u «i- at the man#cThe working out nf the mnstciV cum-mu Ui. < u i ynur light #«> #hltie lH*foreno i . t hat <tl-cis string yutir g«>"dw <>t «*. may glorifyyotir father whichla n til’ll V* 11 ’ wa# nniplT: illtt*lratedin y •tir life aiuoiigrt us, and whileT'Ui wuuU nay >>e in #otne mc«*uic,f«rg utten, j jur i-XMinple will i<rer hean inspDatii n to US.

Every WomanMARVEL' Whirlin'*' ,

Yourprfttenre will It- ntix»rd not only in iut the activities of the cluueli hot in.'v.ry I hint that contemn the welfare of tho rotmnuDity—Nor i» the low. confined I" the l'r» shyteiiaiiM alone for your tinadmindedneie and freedom from dem uiiuot)<>r»rl p»e* judice , have made you liosls of friends in every deuoiiiinalton.

To as.me ou that ycur t-ct wi.be* follow you on your new charge, we r-sk you to neeept there gift* hud tlml they may rail lo {uurntume 1 the y< ;u> sjM'ii* In the Pinkerton 0 Kregal ion.

.Signed on behalf <>( cotigregoti.PI NKLIt ION I ADI ES fON t It I BUTE

Tho Pinkerton branch of Women* Inslitnte contributed $23.tV (O the Patriotic Fund. The following ia thft sum taken from llie-trenMii y


Merchants BankO F CANAL./

P A ID U P C A P IT A L U p O .O O OHESEIU E FUNDS >7.2)8.13-1

220 BranchesThe SWINGS VUrJUMIS of

thm>e dcMtinft n Mrotifi SAVINGS HANK, are cordially invited. Int­ercat added last day of April and

. October instead of May and Nov ember, ns formerly.


K . M . T A Y L O RM a n a g e r

alH> names *>f t,ĥ »*' Mia Win AlexAod’ Ml<4 W Moffat


Mr* Mr


Mr. and Mr*. Alt FlJiles at lived home on Saturday, having *>peut their honeymodd in London aud (hand Rap ids, Mich,

The 12th. con. whootlng match was beldon Friday, at the old Purdy farm.

. Elmer Moffat being the win­ing captain. The nance at Mr. Mof­fat# in the evening was a decided euc*

Tim Minos Rusk of Pm kheiol. are vi-iting at Mr. Stanley tiaidtand’#

Mr. Blrtt II has Id*- new H»lde tit«tly •mplctert.Rev. t\ Little of Pni« ley will oc-

upy the pulpit in the Pro. elnileh next Suuday, and declare the chaigv

**ub 1 A»'i/-e#■ - Mcti.ty.- >

Mr*. J. Moffat Miss 1; Pinkerton Mi## |» R'll MrsRobt Wilson M«* II HetUtck Mr* J Reid Mr# W TSisw*u MrwJ Mutrin Mr# 11 Purdy Mi-- b (.atlaud Mia S HeldMr* ja# wmou Mr» Kobt Kaye* Mi## T Wilson Sira kittle It or Mra A Foreman M«s# M Garland Mrs P Dale*Ml*# H Fltx#»rumom Mis- J EkUien M Smilh Treasury

• ■nttihutcd.$ 2 OO1 fiO

I CO I till I (Ml

I 00 I 00 I W I nol 00

Ten l hmit a ml sacks, wh'ch cat tied part of t nnada's gift of floor, have

pmetiasL'd at flvvshilling*apiece, aud ibe proceed* given to the Prince of Wale#' fund. Many purchaser* me converting them into pillow cover* ,Y pri>i«>#«t come* lr»ui Wales that a sack should lie p aced in every mu#

P r a r j t T o W i j s i i p

FarmsI have, in Brant. 2 fifty acre

farm*, I (orty-Gx mciv f*«m. 1 one hundled and thiity note fmm. 2 turn humltld *eie felU's all I'M I.MPjmVEH. convvnicin to Hanov­er or aikptton, and '-lie owners have placed tb* in tit n y hand# be- cause they A B K li«t N D TC SELL IhavenLoa IUI «(»c farm In Perth, near List) w« I, • iu- of the best farm# in the Court y of Penh, with extra Smpr* »« u.etls, a v*rj ĝreat bargain at »?«* I re«ar bf.’ore hud such « choice of 1'niniB a. now. My office lx HEALQUAR- THUS and you should « . n><> totee meif f on want tobny at right f»rl< e*

H . H . M i l l e rHANOVER ■ * ONTARIO


Real Estate bought and old: iminey t» loan; nl#d agent or the Fanner*’Central Mutual Kite.- thsurance t'onipnnv. — Phone line HU. ring 2 \ I.

Clmrge.t Willi .Maimlaugliferjury »u tho Mt|ilrn

Into the death of Joseph Ferry, the young St. Vincent man wb<» wa# *hot

idkilltd on Halloween by n St lucent faimei, K. H. Knoll, held

that Km II wa* re»p«»i .slide for th« death»f the young mini. Knnlt wil

| be charged with imuiAluughter and ; will l-e ttird at the next sifting of l he

at Owen Sound. Till# makes he

r r lNVKN* >ac' t-* . ' ! • s«at Cr««, MARSON H MARION*.

>M >’niyc-r.iry I. Mout'dftl.

roT><nmiiiiiiii)i«u-< «««:• wliicb trill he ofli.Bj,,,, vl.llll.B .1 ! » „ ,(|m) h . , , . lhl. ,b(. „tu.Adam Reid ft- ̂ Ur ca«- will te that of Joseph Hrtialet

Mis# .feunie uud Kalhleen Picker | wj, , rtj,ot and killed Edgur Lnwronec "ft gave 11 smalt lUllOW#»‘u t'»‘ iy 1“ ; m Durham on Thanksgiving Day. and few friends on Saturday weotng. j Who will al*o W tried here. — Owen Mr. ami Mr*. Harvey of Aahtli-ld Sound Sim.

Sumlayed at the home of Mi . R. Don -! —....— —lit’*.We a»« glint C that Mr. Adam

inox i# on ilia rj»ad to recovery Quito a tmuils-r Item he»e at’ vuded

(iu> 1 ,mdimiitioit service* in the Ang- •iran ehijrch iu t'aigili on Sunday.

We a v * >rry to h«»r that Mr#. Jo*.Clark i* s»gli||ill. ..... n;„..„„i hi*

Thvnnt* for ti e British mn v were o fa p * . «1 hip|«e)t ou Monday by Jn* Claik.fifty »£«**

s#ek» Irving sent. Sell. n /

H ow 's ThisP

•. 1 x'W’eod’o ritoflpho îao,■*“ Th» Gnat Km/llt***ffcwrfv

To»*» *s4 lso«'U»u* » (lowwK/m. imC< B’» ni-xxJ ... old Vrinn. Oner* NVrrovt

IkbUitv, Mental and Brain Worry. Ikipon- tltncv. I.o** of Knrrffv. Palpitation of the Mr art. Pnilina Memory. Prio* >1 xrt Iwu •«*(- r $X . oiw srtll dJ**k . M, trill eun.W SoW bys'.ldrotciu* or tn»if*d in fil*In fk«-AVf i>amphl‘t matted frtt. THt WOOOmi dicinL co..iojosio,ost. (rwmrtr mumj

«s»«le S) Si,

T R E E S ! T R E E S !

AH kmd* of Fruit'and orna­mental Tree*. Evergreen*, Ko*r*. Shfule. tlluitwr#. etc. Every­thing in the Nur-ery tine. Send H't of your want* for price. Catalogue free.

A«SI Is Wmitad E».<

Apply for tern

J. H. W ISM E RI #rm ary man. Port Wain, Ontario

Mr a *•.8 .led-rcel#H,. ,rm,writ# JtifAitTKIt. Ui r»nteni«i)i#csn t Offlte*. Walhertoi

-1 rrr (or Ifac t'ouuty sltul* vroioptly at-£ W . 7 « , :

(•<>• at IUe TcleVcopt

V E T E R IN A R Y•S. IIANM OKIi.V .S . "I'.T 'K 'i

<-'"Ur** l»r. Ilsomor- :v c r s L : ? . ; '

,;r ,

Sm ith & M tC o n n e l 's

Chopping'MillF e ed 01 S e e d S to re

A H K i n d O f C e r e a l A n d C o a r « F r d F o r S a t i n T o n L t «O r I n A n y S h a p e ;

Smith & McCor>ne!| W A LK E R T O N , O N T

O w en Sound, Ont.It i* r.'7'ignized a# the most thor­

ough. praeticsl btndnct-# school in Cauadii.

Individmii Instruction.Our three Gory college building.

Kveiy^ graduate guaranteed a position.


V A FLEMING. F. C. A.. Principal D O. FLEMING .Secretary.

(^/V iC'

aOur pliotogrnpb# are mere than good phothgraph*— they me true portrait ft— bringing out all that # best in character and individu­ality. Make your ap­pointments NOW.


• I • J - • 3’v v w / v '

Studio - - Walkcrton.

S T O V E S !

If you want a st

buy a "H A P 1 T H O U G H T ” N

better. Aso o

line of Heating Stc


H A H A V IL L'Volkerton - - Ont.

D r. de V a n 's Fem ale PHI’ n «Kreaehi»#uUr. :̂oe,erl»il». The • e*<<*!!«*!» ^*»filal )n tft«UUat *

urasWSSK! t e ’vaSTSi 2 lfc ix 's p t is g ; 8 L a 'a a ia a j i aCook's Cotton Root Cotnpoo

.1 tafe. r* habit retfmic <e4ioine. tU4<i in Am

ftei.1 hy alt ni

Ul̂ id -o rrmpt e<■# r*»fkWL p Ad. THC COOKMEDICtNI *0*0*10. oki. tfeftfttrtn


P ies key B ig Vaiue S to re —At a time when prices are soaring' skyward, let us help you to reduce the High Cost of Living. Bigger

and Better Values will be our Slogan.Note These

Men’s Heavy all wool Shirts and Drawers value at $1.25. Our price ... $1 a garment

Men's Non-irritating wool ttuderwr (St. George's), unshrinkable $ i.5o value reduced to $1.1 O a garment

Men’s Winter Caps, fur lined, regular 75c. each reduced to .................. 5 0c .

Men’s Heavy Working Shirts in light and dark patterns reduced to .................. 98c. each

D ress GoodsW e must reduce our stock of Dress Goods and

are clearing same at less than cost.

Ladies Iui|K>rted Wool Coats in plain and fancy tweeds, chinchillas aud curl cloths at Bar- gain prices. Sec these before buying.

ShoesThis store has long been recognized as Head­

quarters for hoots and shoes and we will do our utmost l‘> merit this reputation. We have replen­ished our stock from some of the best Canadian makers aud will be pleased to show you our lead­ers in footwear. Oui prices will appeal to every careful buyer.

A complete stock of Men’s Ladies’ and Child­ren’s Rubbers at prices lower than the rest.

G roceries6 liars Comfort ................................. ..... 25c.6 Packages Pearline 25c.5 lb pail pure flowti H on ey .....................■■■■75c.Large size Quaker Oatc per package...........25c.6 Boxes Matches............................................25c.

We want your Butter, Eggs and I ’roduce and will pay highest prices for s - me.

These P rices for Cash o r T rad e Only

Phone 8, WalKerton J# Pleskey QClieTal Store Whitehead’s Old Stand


w A o w fo S l f lStudents assisted to (fbttdoot. CoOeg* In MMion from Sept 1st Catalogs* free. Enter any time, j. w. Wtitmelt J. W. WtiUmlt, Jr.


The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires unchang­ing of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

. /I. TOX3titullcr. (UiiHwrien.

t lit.-, went? 11

“R ing Hat”Kins Hats Are flexible anti self-con- ormm(. ju*t v I tit i t . hot t m ln he hcntJ.


_ 7.VraATroPO. o k t .

school with a continents icputution fur high graJe work and for the success of its gradu­ates. a school with superior courses ami instructors. Wc (five individual attention in Commercial. Shorthand and Ie* Icgraphy Departments.

Iiy ntt.-ml i Im m Imm ’ when • i> loom heir? You n.ny enter iv time. W rite for (nitlutgr Crtlrtlogtlr.. A. Mc-Lachlan, Principal.

SHAW’Su s in e s s Schoo ls

mould, Canada. niv. limit gt»d>- Uir.*«— -toil <|UmIiI v vmmg pi-<>pl<> » ..Ji ll g « ..I Mil <l ie-. Tlo y in* lml.« It* ('.mtral Uu-ln**** College, dntt* and g >rr-**.1 S*.« . <*u«t s j»- r Brain'll Jirtkmt-* thin it: lit mu n* mi i<-ijin>st. Iviit'.i any time r. II. Shaw, IV.?.(dent.

Mon Hil t W rit ort. of W*lk* i o n. «\t* the ptr M of M— M *ii- \Y« il i uver Sunday.-—Mihltnny G.uelt*.

Mrs. .f. B. Ila-llmr of WalkriO.i ' Mr. a.t lMr*. H. G. WriglH were the '•jh-ni Tut-sdny of l. »t week with >fr* | ;ufr>bof .Mr. aud Mr*. K. M. T w I t . A.lntii So ling. — Hatwvrr l*o»t.

W aB.ov.-i Wolh-i f Ihe Mil Iiiiat »lmk


I in W,ilkmon on Suml »y.

T h- M 11 »v er P.vtrio’ ir Kami lit e.t died til- ?»i 1 Ul of *M77. Among |Iii< I iilic-ripti.uM wore: - Tin- Kueiihlvl j

..t H i iv< l-'nriiitu-tti- iVppl


S A N D W IC HA delicious, oddly-

sltaped biscuit, with the delightful tang of malted milk and a rich cream filling.

A t your grocer’s.THE PBHHIN "SAMPLER”

PACKAGEit ■ hoc of delicious biscuit- surprtsss. Send 10c. (coin or ttempt) end your grocer’s ttm i for it.

D. S. Perrin & CompanyLIMITED



Sunshine ano Summer Days California, Florida

Louisiana, etc.Limited train* leave Toronto ih»i-

y. making ilir. «*t cotnu-t tir n at In ii.<it ami lintTuIo lor the Southern ■States, nud at Clihiiiio for Califor­nia, etc.

Those rontrmpUtion a I rip of any nature diould ihiim iIi Cutt-dinn Pacific Ticket Agent*. who will t e plotisi-d to quote ran*. atr*nce te- • t-rvatiors and atterd ««> all dtteilt. in connection with your tiip. or write M. G. Mnrpby. Di»tHct- piu*. «*n«er Agrtu. c-oiuer King aud Younce .Street*. Totonto.


American Silk American C.i>lmn re A Uteri tan CuUou-Lihle

HosieryThey have (Moodtbi- |e»l. Give

renlftwi comfort. No twain* to • i|». Never become leone or baggy. The shape i» knit lu— not pt<-.?ed «».

G U A R A N T E E D tm flue. Wo*, style, sup m o 1 i 1 y ofmn ci - ial and workmanship. Absolute- ly Maiuh-'s. WilTwent U moult)* without h o r new outs | O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R m erely one serdin j{i »|I.o* m . iiteney or postal note, to c ,i u el advyi t>*lng nnd'liipptngi'hiu • C-S we will tmitd post paid, wilh Written guarantee. hacked i»v n live million 1I0IU1 company, either

:t Pair* of oui “a*, valuta American Siik Ho»iery,

»«r 4 Paii* of our aue. valueAuieilean Cminuqif Ho*i-

cry,or t Pan* of out .V*c vslne

American L'oflon 1.!»Ip

or ti P.drl>'t'f7:l,ildt.:it> llo-i

ieid'a ho-iand whelh(live ltic eohll

er Ltillre' or desired.

IM>N T DHI.AV ~ Otr. litres when 11 ili-aler in |oc *li« y is -ehadeil.International Hosiery Co.

P. O. Ih.x 214DAVTON OHIO. V. S. A

\\ nlk.lt)

■ light sj i : tile UriIMJZ «> wire the j pany. gpl • -Mildma- Cmiient ».*

f Spn-s/. l-’-i

ompany, L'uiibil, Itrothcr*. Limit'd. Slnj: J r l.intit A- Power (Join- I the IhiM.ivei Portland I

1 pany, LnniieJ. SlOo: the I lime Coiupiuy. l.iniiud.

{ S'i‘1; the Kil'-chlel Kiieheu I'atiim lj A farui-i u<*ar Lisi*>we| hoUittl the i t'.iimuny, Utni nJ. S.y». Mr*»i

tiernian th»u on hs» house. TI ; William Knc h'ei .V Son. $.V.."".1,1,1. .................. I. .. 1.1 p r l ;l l lx < iT 0CAIIKIC K

Mr. William Moody, toi inerly a res ■„ . j «l-nt iif Otter Greek tml who lm» beeliUl.li it if ho insist,.•( on m-iiiL- the , . . . . . . .

. . , l.iriuiiiK near Mori Lok'», S>sk.,il.m.Hh Heat (Mice lowereil 1German < <dt.i the II uj.

Town weddiiiK'Oic v«ry few ihi*; fall; enuiilty weddiiiK' more liuiiifi* i mis. i bail usual, * iy> nu oxehnnK1'. So

incilast spring, returned to Can irk last week nod will in ike his hinne In r u>*aiii in the hr.ore, Mr. MimxIv sav the fijavriy and uti-vry in that soction of the West le-uil'iug fiom the failure

ll.. i -w. iv." till.......... .ai.' . f ! »•» " " " * *«•sand Wedding pitMnU 1 >hat*ftct all tin-re h

.. t «v,.11,.i,i,- T b i i ' i n r ..... >"•i.llKl.1 !«■ ......... ....... .. I ..... I... I »• > . .J w h .. w . * . ■■*. ofprcair nin butiur** is mote. Ills farm and stork and nii.vtd to tin-

W ad is who expected to letprn in few week'.—Mil linnv Onzelte.

School R eportS No. •». ilUAVr & OltKKMH'

J.f u. 1*. It. Hr. 1 V - I I Vb.11. L Hitler. C M «rml lltnil- lin-ti tin. K J.trd»n, J Cl.tra-y, F Cmwtoid

J.. IV. A IVgeb.. L lliH in k, A' " ‘ ihmliubm H viiiUi«mi. .Kbl r. 01 . Urawfoid, M11 all v«tltt.-f- .Svh*rba*k.t hav<- Ih-.-ii Sr. Ill —S t; vtgill, u Nye.

IIL --N Sciiarhavk, a WuM i. M ! •■rsinget. A Thompson. I T »>tt;r. P j Martin. T P«wc:>. .t Clancy. W Sp.nl j inx, I.IiiaiiigeP, IhSehrnmm, V Toy . i ir. ll Mationvyl C Power*. I* Tliouip.-on, A Anderson,

j Sr. I I . -J ILiml, L Brown.

School Report.

wiierev* the farmers were never let- let oil.

To lllmt up CanalA plot on I he pm •>! German \vin

|MlIpZi’l sil, I lie I 'ilileil Stale-*, to Mow up the Wetland Canal has l „ t, ,|».- ,...vetis| In I lie^oVi.runieni autlioril ie-.Iu eou*e.jin-n<e tie- elueld. -I.s-tiv.- ser vice uott'din and have pioi-iaalill to 1 oil I.. Welland Will, | j*die»-. Military (tnardsutile |*oints in iliis disiri iloiililial, several hundred m"G-menl«- in« *-alt.s| out f.., |f„. TheWelland Canal, of t-mux-. js t lit- Mtval groin toule whieli mu-i Is- k*-pi • ,|m-u:The c. p. II. Hamilton tunn< i i ' on Ihe.tireel line >.f romuMiuiratinti Ih<- tween Toronto, where 11mips are mohj|i/,i'i|, and the Niagara ft«iuti<-i. wht.li would tjkeiy !*• the s«a-u>. ,,J (ieiinau sympathi/eis from Hie I nil-e. l States.

\V ILL T R Y llEPEAL. ...... _ ____ ___, i‘« » t i i » iniorenled ill ie|ii>Hliiig Irani ! Mvititi. H Thompson. K Elpbiclt.eption iu the village of Ttenwafer.« s en. I. Hon. A Howl. U IVgclo. 11

I w«-rr out l«t-t week with « pciiiioiu Kichardoon.asking that a repetl .vote n« taken : pHas-J Power. 1- Clancy,

j next January. Local option has not | Jun !.—Horn—•* Mvjrcr-. M Hootl, t» ! tH-cn an •m.|ualifird mccets -it Tret. ’ Greenaway. K Nye. \ E'phiek, I. I water, owing to Haektte** on the jtutt ' Hopf. E ILmnetl. i:iex«ui-.' j of the temperance workers in teeing | l»,s t_ c Gte, saway { ‘ ••tbeenioi. ecneol c f the law. llic tr Sen P .im - llo u -N Sliuett, E Hex*i it »*id lo I e a good deal of dniuktii'| in-**, and at least one of the hoUlft is I known to bedelng* pretty large illegal i trade. Howover. condition* are stil ! belter than I hey were in the days of j lic-ose. and a success by the repeal j party is hardly to ho busked for. One j fact that will u-ll strpiiklv against re- > peal is that » teturu to li. inse would l»» voting hix or eit-lit thouHaiiddollat*•nto tin* pocket of the uio»t per*i»le«t htwlireakvr in the town. — Lucknow Semitic!.

INDUCTION AT HAHH13T0N.In the presence ol,a large congtega

Unit. Hie Rev. George Mason, formerly of PinPcrton aud t’aigill, wn* on Thursday afterimou inducted by the Picstiylery of Saujeeu luto the im»t- uml charge of Knox Church, Harris ton, in tm < ettioit to Rev. W. IL Mc­Kay, who n-aigm-d lust June, owing* to impaired health. An impressive arruton was pteaciird hy Rev. S. M ‘

j Wh*ley of Durli ini. while Rev. .1 H j la-mon. M.A.. of L'lifToixl, Moderator

•>f the Pr«*bylery, pre-uied, auil iu ducted the rmw minister. Rev. Will- inn Cm pjrol Mount For* *t »ddres*«d the uiiuistwr, and Rev. R. J. Sturgeon of K .«t Norunn'-y the otigregaiion. Rev. .sir. Mason graduated frouiKujx College hi Idol. The former pastor. Mr. McKay. w «i present. Rev. Mr. le-iimn was made tin* incipient of u siibstnntlaLliooorariuiu, in recognition of hi* service* a- intetim Moderator. Pfiot toiheiiuliictimiaervice Mr. W

Imi-n. W Beater.Pass—M Scbatback. M McWItinney.

W Street cr.Jun Print ■—lion—J YouugJ Power

T Baitli.*. F Mahoney, I) Streeter Primary ~ Hon. — J Sell At Iwvk. P

lilder. W Pegelo,'t Gray, A Meyer*. F llauson; W McWItinovy. .'I Clancy.I Crawlord,

Pats—MShuott. H Taylor, W Parker M. McCoy, teacher.


Srt IV.—Paas—A ChUholut, J Gar­land. lltdow pass—FJ Garland.

Jt IV.-Pusa- M Knoll, A Buddy, I; Jobntdou.

Sr. I l l —Hon—M Aneli, C Gatlaud l’a«s—B Garland. W Roddy.Below Pass- W I'mkti'.Jt 111 Pass - V AbeJLtE Witechtei

W Syumnda). C Parker, S Kaslner, W Packer, L Knoll, R Che-*uey,

Jim ! ! - Hon L Syruond*. Pa¥|- J Be< ktH*iRcr. o Johnston,

Hr I. Hon— G Knoll. A Garland, If Ulu—ney.Sc Pr.— Pas*—8 Bcckbergei, l;Grnlf,

Y Kitstncr, I Schntt/h'l'.Jr. Pr. Ai— Hun. J Monahan. P Beck-

hcrgei. F Johnston, J Wai ehter, At Johnston. P.i>* -F.Sjrtuond* s Knell.II Camplsell.

(BtPass Aliell, H Frook. P H e t • hler. M Calyhwell. J llotchho.

Maty M. Keith, teacher

1 J. Taylor, a gt-adunto id Kuox U.dlogi,'’ ami lk-.11-c»l by tin- Tv rout Pr.>h<.| toy, at pi ■rOIlt •'llpptving ill) ii'i-yiinMillion*... Miblntay and Ayt. ...

! vd bi> llis«1 » x-itnioAtion 1* l-r - the• 1*1 —l.>l. Sy t»t imliaatmi). Milt H )*| dulyoiitaln* d Into Hi- mini- lit . and i j it tiuP t. .1 a nn-mtie) of I tie s a te „

Ptvbytcty. Rev. .1. W.II, l».. of I*-ay ton aJdtvssrii Hi- new-j

. ly-otduit ed miui-ter.





Hundreds o f P eop le H ave Found “ Fruit-a-tives ” The ir

O n ly H elp


Sap*rint«n<l«nt of Sunday School in Toronto Tails How Ha Cured Himtelf of Chronic Rheumatism After Suffer, inf for Years.

55 Dovercoumt Road, Oct., in. 1915.

remedy "Fruil-a ’ theumatiMO, e

hfcve spent 1

hands and prihaps never will, but the soreness is all gone and I can do any kindofwork. ibavegained55 pounds in t3 months".


disease it once was. Rheumatism ts no longer one of the "incurable iliseases '' Fruit-a-tives'’ has proved its marvellous powers over Rheu­matism', Sciatica, Lumbago—in fact, over all such diseases which arise from some derangement of stomach, bowels, kidneys or skin.

"Fruit-a-tlvcs" is sold by all dealers at 50c. a box, 6 for t>-50, trial sire, 35c. or seut postpaid on receipt- of prioc by PnUt-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.

#300.000 DAMAGE.Throu liumlicd tbmnmtid dollut* i*

the uiiiQout of the damage done by the army worm in Canada during the past summer, according to Ihv esli- mntij giVon at the Hfty-flr*t nttnusl ratetlog of the Entomological Society of Ontario t>y Mr. A. Oibson of Ottawa Ot thi* Oiiturio was the loser to the extent of ♦T.VXO'K). Tit# remainder of the damage done was in yuehre. New Brunswick and Novo Scotia. The pest worked its hatoc in U'dlownships in J7 rouDtire.

CANADIANS SEE KING.. Wedneeduylast wa* a memotabb*

day in the history of fhe Canadian contingent. Their Majedb-'. King • icorgi- ami (J'tevn Mary, accouipanted hr l^>rd Kitchener aud Lord Rot*ert* paid a dying visit to the Plain* to sec the tit-t contribution of men from the Dominion fm the Kmpltr - war. The thousand* ol troop*—cavalry infantry and artillery — were drawn up and made a tine *tght a« Their Ma|eitte* and'i.iito t> .s->ed down the lines. A f­ter the formal inspection the Royal party visited the camps. The troop* lined roadway* for mlltft ns the King and quoeu. iiecompanicd hy Lord Kitchtter, passed in the royal car. The cheering of the men, renewed again and gain, gave slit ring tes­timony to the tuyalty of tbet'aumiian* The appearance of Lord Robert* in one ot the motor* behind w«* Hit* sigmfl for a second outburst >f enthus­iasm, which wa* sarp.nsed only l>y that which marked the passage of the King aud (jaecu. The men cheered again and agtiu while Their M*je*tie* bowed their ftppiectrttion ot the still ­ing n-eeptlon. Nothing occurred t.> mar the inspection. Aruted guards by Hie thousand* palto!led tlie tracks hr- tuecii Waterloo Station. Locdon. iiuil Sslisb'try Pniu*. Spa-ial policemen and roldiors guarded the tov l eto** ing*. The Royal paily-left shortly be­fore iinoit, and the camp svttletl down to routine. The mt n are in tlrst-rute condition, only 71 ea«t>*»f illnos* h» -

i*ottvd iu the whole contingent.Tb.- h. V ratio of lasttent life lies-mbb . Ti o memtx i* cf the bn. • . aie I ■••king forwatd eager ly to le i-teio • in the wiiilvr''hnt.~, .ylt'eli .<ro t*» be toady >.yml. Ttie Tot. •nto■regiments are in line shape. It s the general opinion that the vamp ii Vulc.ii 1 i»*i was better! bun die pie ul training grmm ls, but the men ate n>‘ s'tpposvd to grumble.

That Personal TouchJV/YORE business results from the

personal touch than ever can be estimated. Keep in touch with

your customers by means of the Long Uittnncc Telephone. - Enquire if their last order was satisfactory ; let them see that you arc really interested in their prosperity. Make your customers your friends — get the "Personal Touch” into your business.

The Long Distance Telephone will enable you to keep both yourself and your customers posted on changing markets and general trade conditions.'

The Beil Telephone Co.

^ z : g >A 4 . 'A tr. -V. 4. ii1. -il'. >A >im

Linked with music's chainSunday evening at home assumes a new

and deeper significance when the family gathers together and sing the hymns that have rung on down through the ages, to the accom­paniment of the beautiful melodies that flow from tĥ

Ctlilli.uus Player PianoWith its wonderful .Weistcr Touch Action,

the control of tempo and rhythm is absolute.Even totally unskilled though naturally musical performers can achieve effects that arc usually 1 lie prerogative, only, of a master.

Thorc i-, iiri.k' a* vvvll .-ton.vm in the ownership of thv tv*: Thr V w Sv-»!<- IVr-.wn i*bt>. r i* the superla­tive of piano perfyetion—the bt.mly of it* tone .vn.I finish i% unvurpasHcit.

Art (*At.»toj>.»v tilav-r.vi.Oi; th.- nwktng ■'( ISa*i* and Ibav. rv a.'.t - j .-rir,. ».»4*.vpt.n * <>t MasterMusfctans will IniorrM > mi (Jrv.it Iv .Mailed frevvm reipiest to

G E O . B . S M IT H ,A y t o n , RepresentativeTh# Wllliain* rtano Co . Limiltd. Oshsws, Mshsrs ^ ^

CURfcON'-* DONT.ri l,©rd Curaon, mlJrwilii': a no cling

Mt Harrow. gate the follow ini; iw.-lre- pleee* of advice;

Don't think tin? war «i*«» got «H-»t you individually.

Don't be overjoyed at victory, don't De downtH art'sl at defeat.

Don't be unnerve! by p* r-̂ omil or family bereavements.

Don't bo fright* ned at the casualty Hsu, tw Mug and fouietlmci oo dis­tressing.

Don't think that you know how to wage the campaign end that th* "a r Office does rot.

Den t get nervous Lccwiho the pn- tress of «he v.ar Is clow, It can ot ly fee slo* at these stage*

Don't believe nil that Berlin.

Don't underrate the tunny.Don't waste breath In »tt«W|*lHJK

ascertain what In tr happen to the™' man Emperor In thin world ‘ next. We will citiwykT " him In this world

Don't begin to divide no (he (tern Empire before you-hav- got bo't. «f

Don't ‘M m to nnvoae who *'< "Halt!" before we have enrnret the full purpose for which we fighting. ,

When th. war Is over don t tat away the lessons of the war

Lord Otrxctt raid the Knl*< r‘s name will so down lo hlsloiy <• “ W lllltv. the Bloodstained* and "William th- Asracdn.**


> dUpoat of

;»ud that up to the present there ere mu many signs of deep distress. Derby has wuibjltdicd a force of

special constable-. Upward* of —*>0 11 elarsca t«f the community have

.. sworn In for this honorary work The 'mimh.-r Includes 1»7 of the* Prl- vate Fire Brigade's Association.

The Mayor of Barnsley (Councillor V. t,\ England) ha» accepted tho.lnvl-

tntIon of the Connell to fill the officefor 5


A Til ADI' I t e m At. in a long statement re-tilnc out the

*chemen In operation nod the men- 1 re* set on foot by the csmcrnmetlt for the prevention and relief of disir*-** H"-* Frcsldnnt of the I .oral Oovcrmren: Board w«ya: , ,

"The fear* ot a derp and wide,,.read dislocation of trade which were enter­tained In some enarters at the b -gin­ning of the war have happily not hem realised, and at the end of two months It 1* possible to sov that except In few districts and In .» few particular trades employment lia* proved to bo very much less serious than was anti­cipated. From many district* It l* re ported that Initial difficulties een-e nuent on the outbreak of war nre be­ing overcome, ami trade Is exptTle* r- In# a distinct revival. Although »»*.< greatest Importance Is n I inched by ih. Government commlileo lo the proven- live measures which may he taken to deal with the dl«tre-'* proM.-m. It not entirely t>< solved in this There must Inevitably be some eases In which direct assistance nuts given. Thl* direct n»*l«tance will often only be temporary unlll can be put In band, lull ease* of nich workmen a.* collcn operatives, bwol Icr*. cabinet mak.T*. and other* m raged in ocett nation* reouirine "real manual dcxterllv present much diffi­culty. and actual assistance may have t> he more prolonged.’

o v e r -sk a t r a d e im p r o v e .Although tbe war is naturally re-

fleeted In over-sea trade figure- for September, which show- large decreas­es compared will* last year, (hr figure* both fc.r Import* and British exports shew an Increase on those of A. nisf

IMPORT.-'.September...............C t'..051.97.7!>ccrcusc over 1313 t 16.M1.7VS Increase over August . C r.̂ iVr.Oi*» Niue month* H I . £ ’-22.317.311 Decrease from I Si 3 . *- 1S,78$,?£S

W. 11. F. Bateman, vicar of Mexbrti’. bus h.-en offered anil baa ac­cepted the living at Wlstow. Canon Bateman has been at Mexbro for about 17 'ear**.

New* has been received of On* death In action of Private J. Perkins. Second Battalion Notts and Derbyshire Rcgl- liieht,. of Brampton. Perkins "a* * 'ell-known footballer and runner.

The post of secretary t« the A»so- latid Soclviv of Locomotive Engi­

neer# and Firemen. vacant by the drntli of Mr. Albert Fox. of Leeds. ias been filled by the appointment .f .Mr. John Bromley, of Manchester,

district organizer of the society.A fttlul accident occurred ut the

t'ri -.-well Colliery on Tuesday, the victim being David William* «♦•<*» of the Model Village, Cre. swell, who was killed l»y n fall of a roof.

For falsely representing himself lo be a wounded soldier from Mon* by limping about and begging for money. Charles Rosswell a recruit of the West K.-nt Regiment, was sentenced at Croyden to three months* bard la­tter.

Mr. Joseph Prince. Mate groom to■f late Kim: Edward. has died at thego <>f eighty-one at Cumberland

Lodge. Windsor.Mr. Frederick Piper, » well-known

journalist and chief of the !-»*» Court siatf of the Bn-.-* Association, has died :«t Ills residence In London

The death took place at Canterbury, after an Bine** extruding o'er some months, of Lb ui-Col. Sir William Algernon Kay. Ban., aged 77.

The death took place at Llandudno of Mr. Igilvie Dm hie. director of edu­cation for Salford. Mr. Duthle. who was a native of Liverpool, and fifty- one v.ar* uf as*-, was appointed chief rlerk to the S-lford SchooKBoard in 1KW.

Mrs. Sarah Hubbard, a widow, ot Highroad. Wood tlrcnv N., received a letter front the King congratulating her upon reaching iter 100th birth­day. Her views on the war are very strong, for she describes the Kaiser as “n presumptuous scoundrel tt> im­agine Hint be win conquer Croat Brlt-

September...............C 2f.g-l.U-!FVcreaae from II*13 - IR.TMl.ffiT,Incrcnso over August c 2.Ki."*>o NIpo months 1914 .. £ UV 7 Decrease fro-«* 1913 , 4ft,->97.216Shipping (foreign trade* for r-.-nt-r

aln.”Prtjperty Insured In lavndon l* val-

uetl nt C 1,350,«W.«KW. stated Lord Pee| at the laimlon County Connell.

Mr. Edmund Krnest Noll Bower, deputy-rrevc of the Board of Inland Revenue, ha* been apiHilntcd chalr-

Tbe King *•■;», represented by the Prihcc of Wales and the Queen by Prince Albert at the funeral of Sir William Farrington at Folkestone.

Many bird* a're.nestlng for the sec­ond time this year at Horsham I Sur­rey i, and a horse chestnut tree Is In full bloom at cla* gate (Surrey!.

Lhi.’ onant-Colonel Sir Charles l«- hnm Strong who rowed In Hu- Ox­ford boat in IB39. ha.* died al Thorpe Hall. Peterborough, aged 7*3.

Lord Rosebery has given £ 1.2**0 to the I ondr-n School of Economics nnd Political Science lo endow an annual ■prlxe lu the department- of ruilwal tran»iK>ri-

A naturalization certificate ha* been granted to Mnr> Annette Count*-*.* von Arnlm. She authoress of "Kllia- befh and h*r fierman Garden,'* who was an Australian before marriage. Her hiishnnd died Iti 1910;

A Victoria Cross hero, pensioner Goddard, was hurled on Tuesday week at Aldershot, the coffin being draped

her allows a d-u-renc-c «om«;ar d wlta , pnJnn ,fnrkteplcmb-r ol l.-il ;c»r I . whu, a-k. J «h , .uttoco -'.ould* » . ? ? ? ? « 5 W S 3 2 2 7 l j : “ " ^ : I - . ...... M ». « ' « « < ;! a foreman platelayer, found guilty of

! the murde> .,f two men by striking i them with a pick, at Buck's Assize*. ! rv'cltcd the Lord's Prayer in the dock.

LK83/I NEMPLOA MEJ*T. j Sentence of death was then Imposed The Uoarel of Trade stales that In ! upuii him.

the trades compuhmrlly insure d : a large porpoDc. a shark weighing against unemployment, tmlbllnc. nt„>m Mve liundn-dweight, and work* of construction, engineering, i tbreMn-r shark over fifteen fm t Bbipbulbllng vehicle making, trie., t!ie: length,-have been caught in live days percentage of unemployment on Oct. 9: by t » w Cornish pilchard fishermen, was 4.R. as compared with 5.1 a week J Crime Louis of Batten berg, son ol ago and 5.9 a month ago. There fig-; Crime Louis of llattenlwrg. First Sea ured relate to the whob- of the United { ia*rd. wa* otic of tin- successful crew Kingdom, and include all unemployed | of the Kxmoutb, which beat tJreville's workmen In Insured trades. crew nt the Royal Naval College, Os-

As regard* uninsured trade*, the ,borm.1, Cadtl*' Regatta at Cowc*. on number of men on the register* of ; Saturday week.Ijibor Exchanges on Oct. 9 were prae-: The mcidcotal -mashlog ot an old tlealty the same as the figure- a week ; picture in a bedroom at Waltham, ago. being 64,302. ns compared with i . | Ul;, p.(| the dUcdvcry of £lc6457C For men alone the correspond- f |„ bank-note*. The picture tell dur­ing fignr»* were 2>*.705 and 2*/At. and < jt)f; j|,t. night, and next morning the for women 35.657 and 35,612. j note*.which bad evidently been placed

------- ! In the back of it. were found on theNOTES. floor with the broken picture.

. tK . ,. ... A deputation, headed by the BishopThe death has occurredlot .Mr*. 1.; Uu„ on Ho- Hull Watch

Hutchinson, of New street. High Committee and urged the establish- < ;«« » . Sh-ltleld. m ol Ilu- old™. In-h.blunu u « «w * l •» r « r » • ( „ . i „ n„. i„ !•„■ . hi,nK**- , , , . ' t’lsll* jutltl by girl* to the military

'The death-rate In the 97 great towns! ctt,i«p„ |„ u,,||' * ” ? w *1" ‘" l ' " * • « « • I r I . I . . „t Jl.„ i m w m

aged I,..* Utr J.vOU. I'.-inv v l-< 111 -1. (. ■ '* (UUi trill; unitA Sheffield carter named Joseph -i in|i. * ''froiit^ muv i.i

Savage . . . detained by the police in y,.. r .1 U » ? d !!S L e 8 371 ami mile*.

| the villi

At I,

connection with the death of a labor, named James Hughe*, whlcli occurred In hospital, in conrequetice of u blow on the head.

John IVcch. 72, laborer, 59 Orgrcave road. Catllffe. wa* found dead In 1**1.

A nilnlAture rifle range has heen opened nt the Rotherham Corporation ib-nek electric tramway sheds, and will I**” stevedore available for municipal e m p l o y e * M t i t i tu. ,

A alight fall of snow war. oxperlenr-: |„,r for cd In part* of the High Peak district \ brush in of Derbyshire early on Frida? morn- Non Ing a week ago.

The Derbyshire County w now amount* t*» C l«.ooo. Of ton had contributed up to week C3.274 10* 4d.

The Mayor of Chesterfield L an appeal lo the Trad* * and l-abor Founcil to forego their threat of forc­ing municipal ejection* tills Novetn-

person*. 10 officer* and i* on active service from of Noninulof* and Know!-

Canterbury, or I3J*3 »*•» - population.(Sussex t Police Court Fre ­ge Jones, of Brighton, u >n Xo« haven Quay, »a> » i went j .one days' bard ta- alliiK u spoon. iiTrk and

i In the tran-viHirt Southern (To !e« baw-n H«rU»r. Ttie urth-b iH'long.sl to a soldier killed 1



to a naval nolire tseiirej fidi* rnnn and others w •ward mu exceeding £ L*

tiW for Inforination which lead* to tl capture or destruction of an enemy *<»,«•!. including a mine-layer or *u1 marine, and a sum no! exceeding b'200 for Information which lead*

an enen» 'a v, - -.-l being sighted and *.'ia*ed, provided the informallon

General satisfaction will In- eause-1 \ln Chesterfield by the announcement

that Aid. (". Shcntnl! ba« contmnl'tl ‘ to bold Hie office of chfr-f mngl-tratc for another year.

Chesterfield Town Council ha* de- .........elded to pay full wages (lens tn-pnra- Unlll. Blnydon. It lion allowance! of married men cm-! I'asfb-. ployee*. and to keep their place? Th* d.<»!h has occurred at S.tcking- open. foul, Nuneaton, of Mr. J, Johneott, an

At Wednesday week'* meeting of the ociogeimrlnn;who wa* emmo.'<*| for West Riding County Council a state- 1 -five_year* hy Geor,- Eliot'sment *a> made a* to the schemes in, brother F*Tom Tulllver'* of *;Tiie Mill

ration to alleviate dl»tr«*#. It was on the Floss") and well remnulcred

\ All expinsi-s of (h<; newly forimsl ■ Tynrelde battalion? up to £10.00*.* will f'e paid hy Mr. .Ion- pit Cowvt*. of Stllla

was. *tat*d at New.

The Servians And AustriaBy G. M. T revelyau

ry other Balkan State, Including trla. ha* undoubtedly ie- u grasp­

ing. Tn-.lr treatment of s-ib; -t r.o- Albanlau and Bulgariuu. ha-; l* 'ii no


.... :l to write about <n t to in rill to knim "bat , ;.r« Hi'-m Servian*, and• He* linin’* «-r ambitions with n-v are now waging "ar.• raid I can only give a tatper- i v . r but it At It h** at b a t ■i.i. tm I was travelling la-t , iPom- purl?’ and conversed uv Fet-dr.ns. Tl- v were then, la- «w:,|tlr,g th- oirlattght of n nrii *;, u p-'oldo eneamp'd Us ciomiles Tin y *<rnl on n* •. ino.t iuyptllnhl*'. not froth

........... lowp, bo* from army to arms .' ;. !»■«-« lav aii wit Inc 'he onslaught of

ih- ihilsiirlotM. which «iun«r a week , r ,,v„ ;,-•* r w * had loft. They had

j m * i..4,re»i th - Turk.i, and they were . ibe\ vv -ll kn- vv. about to light the

B ilt>a*lae-;. i lit they bore no milmo* itv iv iiod the ihilonrlti'h*, uudi n«

I . <,^r i c. . --and littl? oven I again-1 Ihe aiobnt Turkish ! i.o-.v iti.it th- v li.nl Jtisit driven hint

tree* Mtu t dun la. riielr haired f< f mi trl* Attain and a*alt* I hrar*! • eiii-lhln- *f Oil* sort

'1 hi- Tsrkldt war lb t we have fought, a’ul thl* Bulgaria:* war that .. .* rau-t fight, ar ■ <mB prelude. t-> «-t>r ii;i[ i-atlemil war Hie war wl'h An-- tria Tbe artnametil* with which we

red th- Turk* were -made •i.-ai’isl Austria, an I o.tly dlre-ctrel

sit.-d T,irk'd a* nn nflerHiought. AV fc-:ret that w • sbiill have to fight Bulgaria "

■Roc-Vum T u r c k - J 3ai<.e»-t By Idah McGtone* Gibson, t everything that their vagrant fane)

"Beauty.." n» ha* often been said..(craves; ami while they would have 'Ms in the eve of the beholder." But their daughter* beautiful, they have most of us do not educate our eye* 1 not the etr.-ngth of nttnd to insHi to their highest points of appreciation, that H*.-y rhatt sactific- th. Sr Mem- A\> are''apt to accept conventlonul tich* to health and appearattcos. standard* and It Is only the trained Most young pcarti*t tnat enjoy* the world's beaut- to the fullest extent.

"Until late year* we have been taught that womanly beatify I* all curve*." said K«vchen. Ture-k Baker, "but to the student of ibo OrevitaLor Egyptian beauty, there ix beauty in acute angle* and straight lines a? well a* in curve*."

Miss Baker Is also a dancer and she has made a great study of, the eornellnes? of line

"The beauty of youth." eh.- *a>» "is aiw.ty* that of straight line ard angle; it may mean the promise of curve* at maturity, hut In a young girl “ beautifully shaped bones" are much more to be derired than car*.- lug flesh.”

Many mother* make-Ho* mistake of allowing their daughter* to cat

ad > It I*, many ;

much nd deplorable a# !k m>waday* are* ihel.. if you are j


liuibtrinn >on th" v-rv «■> of the

r of last rear. Imtre-d of the dominant natlomtl

tlmeot. „ , .Vhv this Int -tiSi* tiatr<-<l >f Austria

lieemiK-* Kervla I* only one pnrl the great SieiHi Slav

n il

Oittld I th-'rent!;*.


I’robahly th<- fat girl will *a>:

AH' the lean nicalx, all the vege- aide*, excejit p -!a*o>-. pea* and •oin. All sour fruit* ami i? >"'« muft in,, },r,a<l. eat j? in v* rr small quati-


original - • Allan*their father. Ih Bede."

Mr. William IX venpnrt. m Arm* veteran, eighty yet-s old, I • t.g M John street. Roehesier, ha? t«*> sons In Hie navy and four In th" <-:ni*.

A mad hull near Sheffield u.tucked a molor-cyellst iiatio d Join Beard- wood, of Chesterfield, throw In* him from his machine amt serin-•!* injur­ing him. It afterward* atta- H- d sum children, whom It badly gored.

Ald’-rman Joseph Francis. L I* Mayor of South«td-on-S<-a. has l**- 4:iaulmon*|y Invited to accept offlc for anrtHer


.(Montreal .HerabJVTclogfjiph* ml to

gard Aimmany <>f sli<: lf-rnmii storb-

v-ltuli Is dlstrtht to the world.o*v (hat on the princl-

a «<mlaitud an Ihlilfh Emidret tm>d> I for the

More than forty people n nffetdng graph. Mr.hading bus-in* * men of th*'

thriving town of JoHctle. Qu<- Thif llrltbdi Empire- in these day*

from ptomaine poisoning at AA'olstan ton. Stoke-on-Trent. At an inipiext —• a child named Mary Galer. ugrel two.It was stated that all the people who ; b were III had eaten brawn bought from . tl n village shop. A verdict of dentil from * ptomaine poisoning was returned, the ••*hopki-et*cr b«-lng exonerated fron* a blame. : v

The Rev. G. AV. Bleitkh*. vicar of "Hitchln. has been appointed Dean and I I R*-ctor o? -St. Alban*.

A Frluican veteran named George Sadler, aged efghty-one. db-d at Swin­don on Sunday week, and III* wife, al­so an octogenarian and an old-age pensioner, died on Monday morning without the knowledge of her hus­band'* death, Mr. Sadler, who was a native of AA’ootton Ba***!. "'HI*. *?* eight month* with lit* regiment In the Crimea. He wan a familiar figure la Swindon, where he wn* m>n riding [ f ist.hi* trlcvde dally notwUb*tamllng hl*;P»«P'-<* *<rray u;etus*n*> m Kr,.;ll 1IK,.. side of those who for long >

When getting off a tramway-ear In pb.... their inlets. AAlitU'Caletlonlan-road. North London. Har- : th- hour of H»- eotm.mn str r* Bag*-, lalKtre-r. of Beniqrton stm t, f t’- >*» am > >’- feud, tlsunosia . . iHlIngton, heard » rerenm nnd saw a ; hitelya iR.ib.-d of r- !>*• I If j • 11. v-o m ‘ *1 * man pick lip tile dead hotly of a child the tldliig* llmt she vv ill iso fight Rir from miderneatli a .motor-lorry. Bag* Hi- cause <» the BrifSHh RaL • hurrint acres* the read and rreognlxrel . and l athan. the child nr hi* four-year-old *o:i. ( *oukha and 1' ^ “^

III* vvav home from and beg for the favor to lo Pvrin.it";

! for powerful i South Afric; still full of

’ Euioti Ban

j« r b< r dominion hasten l Hieir .v-oi* who for the genera ndna have seen

Individual development; as well, but yesterday

enmity, mak-* Britain'*

t the South of the Znm-

j Hid freere. tiot only Kdr governing y itimiuered

am liave eland III iggb- for-

scbool.Bi*)tirathlng V5t*0 each to a grand- •

won and granddaughter, the lute Mr. Russel Hall, of FII**oMh. Shelle)-reml. AVi.rthlng. by hi* will I*ft them a fur Iher C2I »-ac!i If they lotallr abstain from alcohol until they respectively ntialn Hie age of iwi-nlv-oite M rira. ■

I’arRatnent. which -b”Hl prorogued ' to October 27. I- further prorogued t* November It h* a royal prochimatlon . IsHiied on AA'-diiesduv In a auppU'iuen* ! ot the London Guz-tt*-.

fight ! • Emt line;


Enback far beyond the Christ;, hasillv snatch th- sword In order to fight in France by the side of the while troot’s . ho *im-e the ravutorj of man have '•• • svuoiiv i.h.uh lu Ih-O

niniv I,Old with a vengeful «l<>mii..> turn. Seven hundred great and small

armies and all I heir material means assistance, without reserve, ui the d-.r

| po*al o» their Empejor. ttom t’eylon a ' southern mo** tKiint to th’ - ebdl nu*un- f tain passe* of the Khybei there.' rushes j tl torreiii of -ntbusiaum through that

■ d with it general upni'ltig against the i liupre-uie a-tthotify <>i *!»•• " ’hl'v: Si ranc> r Eve,, ,| f Gre at Uama of ; mystic Thibet offer.- i<is troop*.

It is n grand sight; nnd it has but explanation. B can lake

t itt t : k*

"Glanya vowed ahe would never IIv* to he gray-hatred." “She hn* kept he» oath. I found her in a dyvlng condl- Hon."—Baltimore American.

} l.-dgen the fundamental '.ibo

1 eminent The tour bof the gr>;>! vorbiin ttineously. give testin.i

I whleh they are- go*, t rva-mt • ould they »*;.

! of trial, for dinrrying thadlypre-pated lull :

it* of their pro principles by

ted: no oilier e in thl* hour > the aid of Hie

evolvedMotherland. A'crlly llrllish AA'orld rule, after today, need* ho further ad­vocate#.

iubjee i by Bel-f.Aueirlan. who ha--

Pi in much Uen of gem rew» rallly In dealing* vvltlt nlle

t ut it will tic; come until i njsteni of iMiuiheasl Eur»>,e-

t tretliiL- linth, and until none of •;>

srtre any longer f»♦*•!.-* a t>i InjitHtlce.

If Bulgaria lin'd Imtilcn .S**i msmlu and tJrreee last vc-irv lav.- hern tnjutt to tb-oa.

I Iffthey

She ouglit to b- comp ti ;»i>-I. tool liter*: " i l l t» -v >.-r !«• (H-sie in Hr- B d- knn* until sh:s him b en. But i (iinnot bo ct*!ni*ensrd<,'l bv S.-rvia nn It** Serv 1st lu » l:ovv. ;l U-r .iroper *-x- panslon to th- north, hit-* the pr»»- ' wbl.-ti pro colb-d Aimlram, b-ut

in reality Soutiiern Slav, wa.* Austria whiclt can - -I tl>«:

latal qnarr-l »<f Bulgatta with Servia year. After Hie succ-s -Nil iLilkuu agahmt Turkey In 1’J f A - t - r e i a

»5i.i lo r bred


To Gel a Foothold o.i Your Sytlem .

Check thrFirst Sign of a Cold By Iking

D R . W O O D ’ S

N O R W A Y P I N E S Y R U P .

A redd. If <!. -li-r(-•*!, will ‘esctor or Ltlcr dev*fop into vrtiie vort of lung tremble.'•» " would iidvi i- you tfut oa th.- Bret

of u ’t'liiir !• •: than 111. AA'.sera IV pm - Syrui’. Tin* p*’ (rtr;vli’>n

lire L -n *nt tVc m-rket L>« the pa-t t.v- uiv-fivc years, mill tines- who liave ua d it b »vi- nothin; but wi>n!> of praise

Mr- Oili. Tnire*. N'S.. Write'-- re. I 'l l. I .lcv;|o|K.d ail ltd it li'im: on t-> me for re> ..it .i l it . .-.dd turn into

t vo„Lt ro to bed itiyhP-.! - I mtv ’Jeep atoll b.r the!•-, i * lay Itiro t Iml hnujxf

I vomld . «..'i till I A Wend

ad I'M Iml’-. N-«t

• of -

ter I ha-1 laVctt cforthrWnn. en 1 had taken

. Is ;t!| • d t[• de-acbit million of a Balkan emip.

Furthennuro, *)!:■• ha* for a k‘ ;»• jt,st prevetited Ho* b-gltiuiate *-xt-ati sb’M < l i»'?rvia tiito tlw Sla Vordi. • forcing her to fight for all * "■ <a*c!

-donbm SonHi. ut Hi

B Servia i

last vear. To bring ;• Cillnthm of the (*!-.: the Bulkaim In Hi- <0


i jus:ol Belgium.{oitcy.

Flievly allied to th« - i the Monu-negrin tuotintahim (deiiHcnl in race and »«»•{ mere prlmSiB'.; nnd

iga. but warlike.

, (i. — form p’fre of theGreater Senia. whether l.v compleio itidou or federation. In uM a--r r-e- nl wars the. .Abm enegritn hi*"’ :it the.- were Servian*.

The push nortliv.:*! of rvia. if it take* place owing to Russian '• bn - icjt. will not be- tin-;.■vvatui’vng of " 1 - u ton culture-'' by .Sin. barbarism. •' will be Hie litw-ratb n « f f: u* pro. ince;. cruelly «.p! rre s< d b.- the Aim trlans. There are two main braneb' o of the South Slav r.«e< in the-c pro vluciK -the S<rb* and Float l " getlicr with the Sio'cti-e. u.ionKt kindred rare, the S<>-.;H* Siav- lu An- tre>-Hungary number y>->-u milium? lim Serbs beiong g< stentllj l " tfl< Ortbcdox Churcb. Hi" t'rcttP; ore* S' 11 erall) Roman. Fatholles. ‘I be Aus­trian* count on I'd- d:-:-dcn tu r / Ion, which undoubt’ dly .mak-;- sent* division In s’-nthii'nt. But now tltui

Scrvla j the,matter i> put !*• Ui« test, ev.n if "rpatla. the Aireitont;- are only abb


AH «ho*o provhicrinchty Atretrlan." md are Llt-te.lv eppre.oo-'l by blip. T!t * Amdrlnns treat the Soutti Shiv niee iis re. ir-:*' th- Italian* wh-n A ltd ria rul­ed Daly And th" Servian* Intend t<Bln rare- Hi-lr brother, Slnv*. just aa Hu Blit" s.at" of Bbitmont HheraUd tin re <ra>f Italv For Hi'* re-.uort many of il'/ iw im : tii-ii In Sonia t*otong tc panv '.died th" PHlntontose |*arl. and Hi- biu-Mmi*# nt R--Ikru1"-c( t drcil i» iirprising nre*tavr*lon of h<- :v*w t th<« rl-ltig of It *!> against Aire- tri:» In til' Hum of Favour nnd Garl- lr.’ lid iH-vnii*" that wax the model ul-teh the Servian* *■"« out to Imitate

Del. jurt'a-i titHc Bi"dmout r—mired the Franco « f Napoi'-**n HI. to help her inMdec to -vpel Hi" Austrian* from i|n> oilier orei'ln-*'* >*f Hal;.’ ,

eolre-s RurH.it* aid tM-fore- hope »>• eyp'-i Hi" Airetrluns from i t«> hold, the Gre-.'l'-r S'-rvIn. in |M>-- cam*" Hmr" 1* j the hading a cefterctii fred In:? !•* Uu-*la which tin-! inhabtaci*. tinit'-l nil p.vrtb-i Go- ernmemal. | ■|p)St,;eFonservutlv". Liberal. Revedutlnnarv j siavonh.. l>(ii;r;iH,;ain a "I'oly 'Var"To llbcrtto ilielr bro- ap.,0p,ic r,.^„ <,( i-rrer. an Hc-r Slav ; A—t tb*re l< no frar what- j ib<>re » » s tor many y-aiever Hint Brenter Servia will after- j t. war. p j-j only now in•i.’ id* !"• Mib-ervii nt •" Ruaslii Bui- < -| h,. Airetrinii rule there, a ■tnria w;ii .re.it-I by Russia, but bn* {(f o)(j, j,a- its two weil-ktio- sbiAvn her indmimd m* ■: if otttlook ***» j k<?teri*lies - material «df!ci< .-den wit! Scrsia. Ami Hi- South Slav j ,1(l!ttbaj ,jranny. They rare-, thougli tmile'l to lluATtiemlatm In j ".xeelb-nt roads mid railways, religion and akin La race and laticu.iee. t ,jt uineii to bring ni bay diMtuct « lmr.*>-t"r!K*i'* of It* o-.»n i tjon jnJ„ as toothueof tlmsel* n low- of independence - „ j ft n’-rKcyovltm v Tlo-V seoVe to pi" of Hi • Rips-dunR a* Turk’ ipiittod Hu-m. i tire t* liliKel-kindre-’l and tlml* fri'-nd* ! th,-v have no Id-a

they did not Ilk" th * R t-odan form j i," Gemian-.AusUrians


(lira- kward as Bos- .ere when the tut poiltiraiB

leiiivlnu* -.lv de-

i;>n theFnctisb. American", or any oilier p-**- |d" umot-g whom ttiere are- t-real did* Hip tii’ii: of rank >r of wcaRh. The- Fervians "re t nation *f ma^a'it-er"-

with his own piece

forced, after their d- take Hie Magyur* « ( Hungary Into partnership with them ret rejual terms Sine" that date th*- An-trians and HiMigariaim ba e tou blmd t-.* oi>- pre*H tile Slav*.

it is .mid that the Archduke, mur­al Sarajevo, intended to dor: K-r- <%ien man »nn nu< r««.- jjeml at Sarajevo, intended to «jo

('Maud: M t«-r - nt. d ftm |i-midaHon i »<,*mr*lilnit*« » HberalUe tin- Inh’dnpgH t< lids -la-»-«. r.i" ."UdnlNin " f | province,s, \viien It- cantoMmtear--. Hi" Junker; r.. .of l'ni*?lo fr " landloreii’-m of Fngl.-vnd. all boticr it m i - tn'itilfi'Htntlons of Hu- sani" - .-(> m J 'u l llnc land lu l.ircc bti*ck*. find < no analog, in A rvL*. Th* Turk* -luring Their -K-’-upation of the coup try de-drov '-il tti" old feudal ria*-* of Ser­via. that now that Hi" Turks have -•■ rv It I* tb-pure-'t dcmocrac* The

.Idleri wb»: aupstanding lyin'

I th" t.-l is n fine.iiumanlt.

. .. . ....... fac-a* an <<p»al The .are* :d-** a very id".t*.ir.t and kindly people, ns Indeed ire mo*l of Hu- In- bahiMtit* of Hi-* Btlkams when they arc not maanrel in racial war. The Servian* Lav*- llch*iio*n and ftalely, :>t"l Im v been rail" I “ th-: French of the IhiUmi!-,"

T-* vu-'i- a t* opl". tborouu*tv repiall- tartan lu seutlnicnt. an I n'dle imac- enst'-med "Itlp r to fcmlttllsnt or Kula- « r!->ih lu any form, hotit the Uusslnu and th" Au-trlan -vstem? cd covv-rn* meiii sir" e.malty alien, ff they win ti." oer.it imtloiml war they are now waving i' iwa ’lmperaHe Tai" thut they wilt foim out of Hu* Sorb and Frcut pro-.liie" t which the*- Intend to 11 la: rale from Austria.

Th" Servian* ilk" "V'-ry*-if :

i -rl| " f oouidltarltiti- (

v. tbe re-antH" ; -dl"li»?v develoi*"’!

I re Hire have Hi • b-rep Ids limitn-

province •triats throne,

anottn-r reason why we must ail re­gret that murder in biped and Kara. Whether such a setn-nio was not too late, whether such a re-ver at of A:is- trinn I'Ollcy *ould have tc-.-o carried through by the will «.f bin- man. we shatt, ufa*; never know. But the* Austrian assertion U;j: the Arch- dukes murder was prepared or inNll- galed lu Servia I* utterly unproven and in the highest degree unlikely. It D unproven, for Austria bad every reason to advance Ih" proofs, u »be had (hem. and she has advanced none. It i* unlikely. bccattHe Si-rvia wu* en­gaged in various delicate negotiationa at home mnong other thing' .* ticjfo- tiaHt-n withe Mcntclicaro.mid it i* abiurd to suiu-ose that t-h. would have eho.t<-n*!hat moment to force on a erlidif, c-vcti if ?h-- were* h-id eapnlde of doing mi it- xo base a crhiu-. The act need? no sucb <xp5anatb u: it wax the unfortunate ouloetme in a f<w d - Si>t-rat" Tiiiudri of Hi" Tierce dlm-oniett.t of (he Slav province.? timb-r Austria and Hungarian tyranny.

Tie- charge .v-nhu t Syrybi «>f mor- d’Ting tlie Archduke ha? nothing more ijk U» favor than tin- counter-charge

tcn '.ir; the -ArcTiduk" ' uncuirehd in oreli-r tlu-.t !;•* mlchf t;<- o s.-is-duatrel. Th*- me' charge i,; worlit the other Act, Without !>r.*f and against UkeH- liwd. Airetriit stuti.d that S«-r\ta was inodiiat'd in the murder. Ami ,tp

FioTbind runnct I

rrn Fumj!" divid'd a-t fnr as ims- and national Mince.

.-1-1 hi ib»*e « '«happy ®e«ion#.


Argentina’s Big City is a New W orld London or Berlin.

Gayi-iy Tills th" s-tre-ei* of BcUtiOit .Ayr. •> 1'iom I to t* in Hn> afternoon He- Florida i- art avenge of beauty and

r.-tody H-ni* to have plenty ef umney and fin" olotlicn and lo re-- (oi< •• in injiking lliln fact known The i;v.’;«s ar - decked out in the smarieal millinery Hint Baris can produce ar.d ih" iincst jewels Hint money can buy. r,v « .inncbii const-lit during (his hour ot Hu- «!.*y wheeled Vehicle# P't-m to avoid Hu* fashionable promenade. It

Umd wpit ih(*|t» That recall the ef l.oiidoii utid Heflin.

N--’ ip-re * i-" in the world doc# ouo '■-i u sireuir. r impre ssion of exntier- a at e.aiih and oiitiinlgtlc oxtruvu-

i>n fine alt* moon- in the Avenida ,l,i ,\t;«vo and oihcT principal avenue#, ,..s w.ii as in B.ilermo park, there In a v-ond’-riu! dinplay of carriage# drawn by hatidrom-' horses and of still more* C’lxtlv motor ear- The molor car# go al i* rate of 25 to l<> mile# an hour, and I was told Hi.it He y would kill more pd-am* in proportion to the Iskpulaiion Ilian in New Vork cliy- Wiii u ii gre-m slh«*'r or nrilNt visit#

1 bOCOUH’ so<d - they


iliM 1

r 2<t minute# regulate Hie traffic

eryoie- is a* good na- :sy„ The policemen half lodirtii cowboy#

from Hi* wf i’ rn co'intry.IT" rare* course t out at Palermo

p:ub Th<- rare* ale held on Sunday nft- imhiii Aii Immense crowd gnih- « ru and He- grandwtund- mid all the inclosere* are filled The wealth and tii’•hk>n ei The republic are there. The nn ii are- dre seed tike the genib-rai « ot Ix’iiden tind New Vork. and Hie women are ...-.-it’ d from Baris'. Nature hast ..hen tb-- w..m.n of thin city fine, t- atm* # ismh beautiful < >< «. but cute

prescribeshall * rxclf. Bet-

e* I* flu- great excite- Hdd that on some oc- , >»f dollars chango

Wanted Some Hints.

Wbet[■(•lure on "Burns" io h- local Mutual lm-

Btb re o good audience he wa# warming to his subject nnd vvaw giv­ing "The r-itt r'-. Saturday Night" in splendid *i'-b\ when an Interruption came frojt: a working man stnnding at tin- beck of Hie hall.

•AVIat 1* it. i.-,y man?" asked the IN lure r. Lr. aklng off.

when' lo give 'intN."

"Hint*?” «iu«ricd the puzxlcd lec-

i jialil-d tii" man at\l!ie yenco to come lit. oil to know all

: whctlier/she'd lie

b-velaiid Leader;

mi of i> 11 - ailin' lu. .e it w ii lv

- foolish for girl# to i lie thlnh# It's fool-’ ** eacfi ot!i">-.' -lb*#--

•H i l|dl»;e 1-. I’.ood bill they lire

Inlefwoyen siei bii'i Mn-bai»d.

"Forward. *«lire', mv broHioi

NERVES WERE BADH ind i Would Trimble So Shi Coold No!

Hold Piper to R ud.

i AVlieu the nerve* bwome shaky the whole 'v>Um -evm* to hc&anc u«*trung

j and a general feeling « f • oU.*|i'c occur*, ! .vs the heart work' in -ympalliy witlt the

i Mix AVm AA'civsf, .•sh.vllo* Ukc.Ont. :t write*; " I 'livlotol for a year, for my

heart and mrvo, with three different doctor-, ‘out they did not sxm u» know what wa- the matter with me. My IH-TVCS got xo had at last that I could not hold a (taper in my bind* to r«-a>l. th, way they trt-:n!>Wd I tn r op doebuing thinking 1 could not get l>cltrr, A lady twin * a few do >r* frrvu me ad­vised me to trv a l>ox of Milhum\ Heart and NVrvc PdK -» to plet-o hre l did,

j and 1 om thankful to dav for doiny so, for I am stnmmid doing mv own work w ithout help "

. fj: ! Net'Th" re-nrratig"mcn(x **oithl ncc<-#- j

j sarlly Involve the reiua-lv Just ml- | vanre of Italy into th" Italian


The Miraculous Healing Power of This Liniment is


RUB ON NERVILINEThere may b* a thousand pain*; jet;

fxcepttng M-latlra. neuralgia I. the woret. MohI rcntaillra are not strong enough or penetrating enough l<> f‘‘- Hev«* neuralgia. You know everything you have tried ha* failed to ghe e'en momentary relief .and yon have de­cided that neuralgia mint be borne forever.

Do not make this mistake--try NKUVII.INB. %

Apply It to the sore spot. Notice the | glow that spread* deeper and wider

a* Ncrvlllne's curative power hi ear rlwt further and further Into the tlx sue. How quickly the train is soothed1 How rapidly it lessens! In n lltth while you have forgotten the pain - it has actually gone.

Neuralgia gives Nervillne nil oppo tnnity of denioiislratlng Its gitperlo Ity over all other pain remedies. Ni magic, as you might imagine after y< have used It -simply the application of sclctitlfle knowledge to the relief ofpain.

Nervillne is a great outcome <>J mod ern medical ideas. You cannot affon. to he without It, bt'enuse pain comer quickly and comes to us ail. tlnanin- teed to cure the ache* and pains <>l the whole family, l-arge bottle*, f»C emits, trial sire, 86 cents; at druggists, or the t’atarrhoronc t*o.. Klngst Canada.


THIS J1ANVHK HHOBIdSM. tvhtro |t Is practicable manure and

urine should be applied to tin? soli in toe freshest possible condition. Fresh manure mixed with the soil readily undergoes a fermentation which not only increases tho availability of its own fertilising constituents, but also assists in rendering soluble the hith­erto Insoluble fertilising constituent* of the soil. The greatest return is like­ly to be derired from manure applied In the fresh condition. Whether man­ure should be applied (resit or rotted 1* determined largely by the soil on which It ;« to be used. Where im­provement of the mechanical condi­tion is tlie main object sought, the best results will lie secured by the application of fresh manure to the heavy clay soils, and well-rotted man­ure so tho light aolls. If, however; the prompt action of the fertilising constituents of the manure is ile»lr>-d, light toils. In a favorable eeason, are likely to utilize coarse manure to better advantage than heavy soils.

Decomposition take? place slowly, in heavy soils, and the constituents of the fresh manure become available very slowly. In ’ light soils, on the other hand, tinie** the season is dry. the conditions are such that the man­ure decomposes readily, and tho fer­tilising constituents are probably ren­dered available as fast as the plant needs them. There Is also consider­able danger on tills class of aolls that some of the soluble constituent* will be earned away in/the drainage if well-rotted manure Is applied. For this reason such manure should ho applied to Ugh- soil* shortly before It Is like- ly to be needed by the crop; In gen- oral, it may be said tha. for cpring application the more readily avullablu rotted manure Is preferable to the fresh unrotted material

On clay soils It often happens that manure produces no effect whatever during t ic first year, on account of slowness of decomposition: but since the clay possesses very powerful ah- Borptlvc properties the manure is not lost The fcrtllUInK constituent* are retained in the soli, and are finally nUIUed by the crop. There is, there­fore, little or no danger on this ac­count in applying manure to clay soils a long while in advance of the plant­ing of the crop. During dry seasons tho manure may produce little effect, but with a sufficient amount of mois­ture its action 1* likely to be consid­erable, The application to such soils of largo quantities of manure Im­proves their physical condition.

The behaviour of calcareous soil* toward manure is very variable, de­pending upon the compactness of.the soil. In those which are sufficiently porous decomposition goes on with great rapidity, and tho soluble fer­tilising constituents formed may be t-ar-iaiiy carried uv.ty jit th-t .iratr-

water before they can be taken up by the plants, or thl.t reason.

should be applied chor.-y before needed by the/crop

Many experimtaia have been show n that barnyard manure is cue of the most effective noai.s <•' increasingthe prodrtciivctm* o! ywatup or muck soils. This U thought to be duo large­ly to the Increase of available nitro­gen brought about by the application of the manure.

The climate also may have an im­portant • :t ring on till* subject. In a warm, damp climate it I* a matter of comparative indifference whether the manure Is fresh or well rotted when K Is applied, since under these con­ditions decomposition in the soil will be sufficient!* rapid. In a dry season, however. It is well known that exce*- mve application* of tifldbcotnpoeetl manure-manifest a tendency t» "burn out'* the soli,; and this tendency, as has Just been stated, is more mark'd In light soils than In heavy. In cold climates, where the reason is short and the condition* for rapid fermen­tation in the soil unfavorbale. the use of fermented manure la preferable.

Fresh manure ha* a forcing effect and tends to produce stem* and leave* at the expense of fruit and grain. It is therefore bettor for early garden truck, grasses and forage plants than for cereal* or fruit*.

Direct application of fermenting manure, as-Is well known, seriously injures the quality of tobacco. .ugar beet* and potatoes, although mangel, wurzeia appear to profit by largo ap

• plication*. For these reasons It is advisable in the <a„o of cereal*, to­bacco, potato*-* and sugar beet* to use only wpll-rolted manure, or i<> ap­ply the manure to the previous crop; or, where land 1* to be planted In tins spring, to apply In the fait and al­low to" decompose during the whiter.

Professor I'. A. Campbell snya it costs for feeds from ♦!>& to <•>!» to raise a toff from the time H begins to drink, at a couple of days of age. until It has Its first calf, at 20 or 27 months of age, Thf* is considering alt feed* at market price-. It must also he remembered that the- heifer re­ceives extra fowl the last four months before calving, because the developing calf i-- drawing heavily ure on her for Us sustenance. With plenty of good pasture tin-re figure* will be

\reduced" several dollars.For scours in calves give one to tao

ounces castor oil, according to tdxe of "calf. Reduce milk by one-half to two- thirds. (live one t« two tablespoons lime water in milk at feeding time.Ono or two raw i-ggs broken into the mouth and swallowed by a calf wilt often prove efficient,

A good wav to fall with sheep i* to alway* tblhk you Jiavo the bem In

- tho country ̂ to never pay more tbau a mut*on price for a ratu; to p*y no attention to wha' the other fellow t» j;.-(<jeBtT¥ lh, •tin «r »>*•• I-1"'' « »w l” '* M T V l , .

raising, and to buy the cheapest breeding c*r* you gas, get.

Ily<j do.N not withdrew frftm the Holt an unusual amount of plant food, tt. however, i* able to « greater ex­tent than most crops to draw Its fo-wl from the natural resources of tho noil: It does no(. therefore, equally require rich soli or application of manure or fertilizer*. This being tho care, it I* often put on rather punt soli and naturally It leaves that soil In a very low condition of fertility, This is not. however, bemuse it hai taken more nitrogen, phosphoric add, potash, ole,, titan other crops, but be­cause it has taken what it needed of those out of a stock already slender.

Sandy *bil ought not lo ho heavily manured at any time, hut should re­ceive frequent small application*-

Crude acid phosphates give excellent results with; «arlay< corn and oats. In some Maine experiments.

Asparagus Is greatly benefited by the application of lime In New Kng- Innd.

According to Harold Deeiiey, a inou- hcr at the ltoyal College of Vetarlnarv Surgeon* of Kngiand. it is easy to tell a horse’s character by the shape of hi* nose. 1« there is « gentle curvo to the profile, ar.-s at the same time Die car* are pointed and sensitive, it In safe to depend on the animal as gentle and nt the same time high- spirited. If, on the other hand » tb«* horse ha* a dent In the middle of his nose, It is equally safe to set him down a* treacherous and vicious. The ltoman-nosed horse- 1* sure to bo a good animal for hard work and safe lo drive, but be Is apt to be slow. A horse with a alight concavity in the profile will be wary and need coaxing. A horse that droops his cars Is apt to be lazy, as well as vicious,

At least a few sheep should bo kept on every farm. They will eat up the weeds, keep the fence corners clean and will add fertility to the farm.

Some rather extensive observation* were made at the Montana Kxperi- mrnt Station relative lo the feeding of smutty oat liny to cattle. Durlug the winter of 1M>8 a dairyman near Foreman lost 12 cow*. The animals had been receiving clover and alfalfa previous to being fed the out ha.v, Tha oat field was so badly smutted that the owner thought it worthies* tor grain. He therefore cut the oat* be­fore they became ripe and stored tint material for hay. Out of :»> cow* which received but one feeding of this bay 12 died within lk hours with symp­toms of gastric disturbance. The feed­ing of the oat’ hay was discontinued and as a result there »a * no further loan. The station concludes that exper- perlcncc* of thl« kind suggest the de­sirability of treatment of seed oat« tor smut and also serve as a warning to stockmen.

Deans can be fed to swine only lu the cooked form. The pig re«-ras to be unable to utilDe bean* which arc at nil hard or firm, even though they have been boiled for some time; hence It I* very essential that they be thor­oughly and carefully cooked; to sup­ply a single feed of half cooked bean# to a pen of hogs robs thrift of their appetite* and relish for their food, if, indeed. It does not pul litem off their feed.


U. M ri,i:T.-)t>:it. Kami


doYumM’AOftd.-i lint n is not*lion-the United stole* to think *«».!« a rent talping to defend the wttoist»rl:-tli. 1'ixl V.«• j •:: > s! Am* fi- il l '


from her ntfully te

Arc Nearly Always Caused by j Stomach Trouble.

i» plait of the Uvk of i t mt which tiny bntto.

laving It uo a HMD,el *heart frighten yo

i the region of tin Into thiiikiiig you Just ft* a pula inIndicates Kidney

t In- nm Who

lerlnl Is.lri• I <

i-d.ndei t for « Pit­

er *<» HUl >drip, try rubbltibuter under the edge r,r nm up.

When jour bremt and rolla rise be- i for.- von ft re ready,to bake them, you » iu»y wait a* long a* you pleare If you : will place the pan of dough In the re- ; frlKunttor. The cold will prevent 1 Hi.- bread from rising any more oi : Amring.

if tnlde silver j.-* plated In lmt soap- ; vudft Imnd’dlttlely after oeliiK tiacd mid ilri'tl with it soft, elrfttt cloth. much of ; the work of rolishlng will he ^aved.

Drowned flour makes dollelcuv hrown gravlre. f'ul it tit n pie plate and *.-t on t«n> of the stove or in a i verv hot men. Nv'hrn It In-gtns to ■ hrown ii should be constantly stirred : until brown all through.

If the -.jHWin used hi icrimp oatmenl ior other *-'r<r,! Is •Hoped

the lack v-eldoi troublo, so'.pain settiYttly cvttr iinaent In organic i disease The pain i* ncnrly ah

Wounded British Starved in Sight of Food.

- bo One r t «

pii. cm* I w ill -lh* •ily.

To turn a calsltttid Dip enke.

being the

it of tts tin <**tly. («m us taken from ith wrung out of

hot water. l eave it there for about five nilmite*.

8tiap Kfthtcncre.■■•Sew the hall sec­tions on first, and then rover the tops with chalk. A slight pressure will mark the exact place where the sock­et should lie placed.

’.Viiei l.taslng cream, whip slowly fo.* ;l**« iirvt two minute* and (hen

*.V «iei.it "nttud knivofi, tnkc an oimcn of soil soap » ml two ounce* of em­ery and mix to a paste, It will give a brilliant p<>ti~i‘,

Salt will remove black booties. Put plenty of salt where the beetle* are «t;d keep It there for a week and do net leave «hy water where they cm re a ’t U.

Alt j’lehles should be kept at bust one month before opting jars for use.

If you are caught In the rain andthe c off ;

bluus*- pi t the blouse lo sook In milk over night.

If the bottom of pbl* and kettles nre greased before putting over life fire they will not become black,

A piece of sandpaper, over which borax bn* been rubbed, l« very con­venient for ironing day—ckuna and waxes at the same time,

if potato-* are p!ac*Hl st onco in iKilling Ufttor. with n llttb- milk nm!

tided, it will prevent their turn­ing dark.

remove irdellble Ink. soak In g salt water and rlns> in nn>

nioiiltt water. Repeat .process Tell all Ink i* removed.


I ills after each meal -**n>n produce?} healthy oppeHic, ami food dco» not dlstresa you. you nre.no lensec tr.wi- l-Dd srllli gr;s, s- -or rising* in the t’lroftl, nnd then* mlalonding jmlnn urotihd the heart. Strength nml en- rrey return, and the ticlt. red blcml tarries renewed Vitaliiv to everv i>ar* of the Podv. Mrs; Henry ronnolly, Dreokvilo, f . t-J, t . snyo: ‘ roe n her of v.;tr* I w.t* a gr»at sufferer from Indigestion which; deapito all tlm ireattm ul I look, was graduftlly grow- lug worse. I would sometimes foci a-* though t wax smothering, and >vben t’no froutdo came on I would 'offer from violent palpitation nm! pnlns Around the li -arl v. hTeh grcialy .tiorm-

treat-Ict tin it-, but with

■sled Dr, Wil llunm' I Irik I’Hls nnd I d«?ld*‘d to try them In a.kul n month l felt much better nml iiv lh<* sm- I had taken another four box*-* 1 wire In the best of health and aid*- to enl all kinds of nourishing food. It 1* now tcvoral years since 1 wire rtired nnd I have never felt ;i pyft'pUun of Indigestion since I take cv-rv ot.jortqnltv of re- fomme»dio« i»r \Y?H!ow** JTnt: Mils to friend t who nre e«DnK.“

dealer do-M not keen these

| Dutch Eye-Witness of the Ger­man Brutality.

Reynold*’ Weekly publishes tho following account of Herman brutality, Which l» vouched; for by tho corres- IKindent of tho Central Pros*

Amsterdam, Ralurday.- A npccial war correapondent of the Tyd, Who has throughout proved to bo entirely rell- nble, states thnt last Friday he travel­ed In a train which covehrcd 2,000 wounded from Ilrugsel* to linden. When the train halt'd ho heard a row in one of tho rear conclma. and, pro­ceeding to Investigate, hg found three Kcriously wounded Knelishmen lying idfctelied out amid wounded French­men. Tho knglUhnten'a condition * j » very had. They had had no food for five day*.

Massed before the open door* of tho carriage were some two or three hun­dred Dorman soldier*. Dome of there were themselves slightly wounded, am other* had been ordered to dlMribuP soup. Apparently maddened bynnd fu the three •lead, wer reanty i

mid raved nt Kiigltahnn-n. whd. hatf- stretched on dirty and

Duliying these men. theteaming hour <

Dillst Ire fre.r


Tlie fie WHUntm- Modi Vllle. Out.

Sacred Bangles.One of the oldest uttd moat, curious

of existing Industrie* t ; the making of narrow rings or bracelet* called bangle*, from the chunk, or racred shell of the Hindu*. This couch - Turklnella pyruiu. 1 .inn.—Is found chiefly at a depth f f about two f»th- oms In the guH of Stanaar, mol about a.OiHl.omt of the ? hells are exported nn- nuallv t<> Calcutta. So important ix the bangle of the Hindu women that J. Horn' ll, representing the Madras (ioventmeiit. imt* ajicclally tave*U- gaud the industry- Tracin -, the i-arly history « t chunk ornaments; Mr. Hor- nell i* nimble to assign prehistoric • pcclmeire in ih>- Madrn; mureum to the iatcr stone «;•«-. »- had been pre­viously done, Imt believe:; n.ark* on home of them were made by metal Implements. He ho* found, however, remain* of ancient bungle factories scattered over the greater part of In­dia, Dangle cutting Is now confined almost entirely to ifenjtdl, and It* prove* to Ire in ftouridiing condition

ornament?,w h e r e V a tu r e FAILED.


Cermnmt held l •ier their noa***, shouting, "Do you want dinner, pig*! You may burst! Slay them! Heat them to death!” The (iermana even presented their rifle* at the poor, starving nnd bleeding Englishmen. They spat In their, faces nnd their clothes.

One of tii" KngUshnten flxod hi? eyes, fast gtaxiiig in death, ftrat ui>oi his forturers nnd then upon the st»am log soup; his two comrade* turned their head* aside, sighing, their eyes The Prussian*, unmoved by the terrible suffering of !l tHna. continued to shout and them and coupled with their menace* the basest Investlvcs. alternately spit­ting nnd levelling tlmlr rifle* nt them. Most of the brut-* laughed loudly tho terrible agony of the "three m tyre." m» the Dutch journalist name* *ltc Fngltshmcn.

The Journalist, almost too much overcome by Id* emotion lo be able to utter hiswords, said to a sergeant who, lnu#hln«ly, was watching the scene "What your soldier* are* doing Is abominable. They are human be­ings who have performed tiudr dutv n» you have done." "Done their duty!"; roared the *eracant. "No! They are dirty )>tgs; mercenary pic*, who get ninn-v for (heir dirty work." I’owcr- tes-s t-i speak further, the journalist, in dull despair. rcmalne»l a witness of the scene, and he declares that m one of lhe two of three liundrehl (le man* offered the Past aid lo their d:

LETTS LYEThe Standard Lye of Canada. H a s m a n y Imitations but no equal



fUg lirorst t.laauuer In Jug< Rendered into Dngland

lie la t.ooun to vou all, he la known!to you all.He crouch** p«Mnd the Jsrk gray Hood. Foil of rnvg. of rage, of craft, of gall,t*U'biowl,l> that utv ,h,c!‘'!r ,,m" jConte 1st ii* stand at Hie Judgment place, | An o*tt» to *»<f*r to. face to fare-. iAn oath of brew*, no wind can ahnke. 'An Oath for our *m* amt their sou* to;

HEADLYJMouldy Huw m pouliry houa

nurnoar o« oeain* among t>ouP.r)r a

I but a <mgie hate. '

fvarttaB the office/*, one and atl,

f «!»*» held high So halt;

folly udwicnnsclou*J the narrator, "of the terrible nature of

lh- charge Intake; but. on my oath. ' nothing i* untrue, nothing is exagger- ; atoii to this accusation, it happened : on Friday. October !», nt noon, nt

I an.lrn."


» only "To the Day:" ; Vh<>»* «!b*j thf* fate? ffey b«d J‘ lluiit>uk,n* **“«!« bate, fhry hud ont* on* for nod one nlone—

FftV.r >»•>: Hit- folk of th« f^<nh In pay. jj/tabai* of ««ni your ranq>arisjay.’e rSykor- Ŵ ll. but hot writ' mough

Krrn.ti and Rural*, .they roattrr n ;i.

'Yr. Will fight the battle with brenr.c an<l

Vr.d She ttnx- that U com!tig lv*e* will

late bv^water anq hat'^b>-Tand- ^

•ale ..f the hummer and hate of the

tote of <• venty million*, choking down.


rurmbrMo lln-

while or ydtawtan nodule* imbedded lu Early »jnu>toin« aa^that^^i bird (a In-

fall 'from'" vxn’auVsion. breathing iVrapld.

u can o- en-.irei» l— - » ay no; com-[.-Hing fowl* to eat mouldy food and

j by keeping th*nt away from mouldy lit-

r̂ouble* Ih.-It l ittl entirely avoided̂ by and Keeping the pen- and yard* free '--.m

■ filth .rot mould*.—H. l„ Kvmpater, Ml«-

lt: DOG CONTP^tr

Uvn* being In tl

;yield of..> K»e. a . u nrunuaiv • pen of Rhode . tatand Rrd* win second with a yield of

c k while the third place ]* a tie be­tween A T, l.enn-n'* White Rocks and Mcrrytliouglit »f*rih'W White Wyandotte*,

The Endless Chain.Mr. Retail Merchant;

your bu s iness depends entirely on the prosperity of your customers. Can­adian factories running at top speed mean top-notch busin ess for C an ad ian merchants.

The merchant himself can be a b ig help in bringing this about. Consumption o f goods “ Made in Canada” means employment for every Canadian workman.

Mr. Merchant, urge your customers to buy Canadian goods for their sake, for your own sake. Every Canadian faces the responsi­bility o f keeping Canada prosperous— this is the way you can do your share— and it is to your own advantage. v '

Push Them BecauseThey’re “ Made in Canada.”

’ issi* nand *t the -Judemi-n1

guumanv:In her loii'.rd ImnK.'ta*.!*. hre u*mp!.M ^ field* ^ ur i li , have rat

Take vUti the pick of your fighting m«-n Tretm-d in all wu/llliv «ri«. and limn Stake of tbi'in till « human w«'dg>''I • break and ybatlcr your Hfl-d p>dK- S ou m»> nm*' »«•»««' treaty_ highly by.

It will g» down l.» p '.t-rhy.Truly >*u !,»tc with » U^tin<^I.ata;v"Hat-.* by wat'1 nnd bate by land;Hate of lh. tu-ft.t nnd to..... . lb,- band."UUck and bluer and^.*d^,- .in, ^

«X°m;(iMANStlKATiUCi: M. I! VERY.

King Orasshoppera.

r.tUf!1 UdfeFlm <-Vtal<t Vrernlip hid'H « pair of Jaw* »•- rffevltv- .

bay ct.'-Hx-r. aftlwUU-A youbĵ < bick̂ find.-- > ! 'slint iftjbjv


Prime Mi.urur New V.

PITY THC SOLDIERS,ll*Ut*btirK Cnrore- nii.oi

( fovÎht*̂ molting

i for

f Leg-„ , ______ .. . t*6* ««*.Tom R«rjon's White Wyandotte* are fa»t on tb ->r bra)* with n total of L «6. Dur­ing tin- forty-right work Burronj. Whit*White Urhonft. which *ram* to Indicate that tb* KnKlbhman'* Wyandottr* may nvertawk* t.lureln’r pen before the end of the year.

HOW O K ERR Tt RKETS AT HOUR t the vital quratioa* In keeping

rkey*. t*. how shall J k - -imr? This seem* to pi am raising them; though 1— — difficult quaatlon aa many believe. On* itiutd have one or two acre* «J land need with wide woven wire wrljh a rb wire at the top. The lot ahould ha ar the house to *ave step*. M-i -ra setng turkey* In the lot take an ordln- v *hln*!e, round off it* end and cut

1"Kvc» ythtag i-outt* to x banner poul'.ty V,u»t *b» overcome, and the industry should gradually Increase.I'urcliB**- rtoek amt *H* e-r thick* Don

lircedet• with “ |y^h • Vm'i reedre'5 muM b'1 iought mu' Many of the ,'mails:

*rthe wor i* over, and the leading „ .uiirv br<ed<(» *h»ul.t ik- a me u< .unply Lot inctvnatnK <let«««'L hut also the over- 'e r i 'd 'r always find V ready"**?* Thaoiber^kfntlts « x,,,,v oil tb*- mar’.rt and

hnpreMr Vondltlofttui of tb** fowl* shownfbta 'FtF* “"11 °fvwl!?w-Wtm-!,r«vei| k.hkI washlna end eairecbilly j,',,'., ;,|,lt-- b!».U t-e u,refullv Hashed




November to MaySIX MONTHS of wentlier i Ii;it require for boili lien lilt mid comfort of our bodies

llie best protection that we can afford and there’s no time so advantatfeous for procuring these protecting needs as right now— In the first place you have t h e benefit of the whole season and atlniti you choose now from the most com­plete and perfect stocks 'hat will be on sale during tlie whole season hccauseeven this store with its generous stocks of merchandise cannot keep all lines complete the season thromib

Men ! Buy your Cloth'lift NmvYour suit, overcoat, fur. fur-lined or fur-collared coat, raincoat or iw ea tir

coat. We have today, splendid stocks of all these lines and values arc better r.ow than they are likely to be again for some time to come.

Ready-to-wear Suits for MenPerfect tailoring and up to the minute cut characterizes every suit in our

new season’s stock. Navy blue, worsteds and neat tweed effects, special $ 8 .5 0 $10, 12.50. M .50 and 18.

Overcoats 1 ooAnd here we emphasize the special values we are olTcring. These coats arc

marked fully 25 per cent below their actual value—the result of a buying chanic that we took full advantage of. Beautiful slum 1 collar coats, belted ha < ks, col­ors navy, grey, brown and tweed effects, special at $ 1 0 , 1 2 .5 0 and 1 4 .5 0

Special Values in Men's Odd TrousersWinter weight panti; in smooth worsted finish and tweeds. Neat stripes in mostly dark

colors, sizes 30 to M. Prices. $ 1 .75 , 2 , 2 .25

Smart New v^oats for Women and MissesWe have just received from the manufacturers a select lot of new winter

coats in fashions latest mode with detachable capes and cape coats are uncom­monly attractive. The materials the coats are made of are heavy all wool tweeds in beautiful soft finish and attractive shades We are shewing other new lines without capes beautifullymade on the most modish lines and materials o f splen­did quality and style. A ll sizes from IG years to 42 bust. Prices range from $ 8 to $ 1 6 .

Women s Fashionable New Skirts in I nnic EffectsBlack Serge skirts in long tunic style in the largCJNsizes, waist bands run from 2 I to 28 inches and 39 to II length. Extra special quality a t ........................................$ 3 .5 0

Hosiery and CorsetsTwo lines that seldom get newspaper mention and yet the corset and hosiery counter is

the busiest spot in. the store. It's because the values are always right and the qualities dt-3 pendable. Women's Hose per pair. 25c., 35c- lOe. 50e, GOc and 75c- Corsets 50c., to $175 and the better grades up to 13 a pair-


The shooting match hereon 'IInn* ‘ j , B. Co*t%attendedcourt at Walk- day was a lively time. ̂ei ton this work.

On Wednesday of last week Oust i Mr. and Mr».‘ Jako Holier o f Kottls- Tiedo's little airl, Amelia d 3 year* \ K*Ueusntidaycd wlf$ Mfttlytft*!** Cai- wa« |)lKyi»a willi lunlcht'S when her rick, clothes cfiuKht tirtuuid she was serious ly burned. Dr. MeCuei* in attend- nuce. \ ;■

thy? Conte to the Cargill Methodist chm-chiiuxt Humhty owning. Hub- jeet, ” Heaven's Cure for Earth's Sorrows."

the farmers hero got in (heir cider apple butter, potatoes and turnips, now they can wmch the outcome «<f the war.

Mr, Snm Hawthorne o f Enniskillen was iu town last Thursday.

The following farmers from l'uUo*s were on the jury in Walkerton this weak: Hum Lfjidsiiy, Kiik-H uiick, t! A. Arm«lrong ahd A. Jarvi-.

"Louis Hlelllyi’s son, twelve years of age .of Aiiiheislde, was fuken to the Walkerton Hospital list week.

)berle Bros took 2 big loads poultry i», WaSkeiton last Friday.

CARGILLThe Canadian Jubilee Singers will

give a concert in the Methodist church oil Wedtuodny < veiling at 7.80. An a large crowd is expected yo'nbad better procure m*ervedseat tiefctii*. Ticket* for Ktli.' by Miss Marie Martin: Cbm lie Martin and Bert Nyi*. Bleusu buy your tickets before the concert.

Docs the appalling disaster of the Kitropeuii .var call forth yoursympu

OvercoatsMen, have you purchased an overcoat yet ? If

you have not, come iu and see what we have to of­fer you iu this line.

Wc have a goo 1 variety of tweeds, iu pretty patterns and popular shades at $9, 10 and $12.

Also a Black Heaver, made of good quality material with velvet collar and good trimmings at $12. A very dressy,coat.

Sweater CoatsYou will have it warm this winter if you

wear ouc of our Sweater Coats. We have a large range of shades and quality

See our special Sweater at 75c. You canTbeat it.

Neck ScarfsA big assortment of Neck Scarfs in all silk

aud silk aud wool. Dandy goods at tempting pricesAlso a new lot of Neck Ties in new csigns at

right prices. Come in and see litem.

jf. 36 JlppelPH O N E 53


Lettei- roeelvcd from jMlsiitujr IMauns, Hnglnnd, amt from London, Out., report that nil Urn local young iimu with the Brat and second ('unit- diAii ■onnt>g*-iits arc In gocwl health mill enjoyingmilitary lift-.

udm of thU u*"Block she

uliou t»v- liundnil find lifiy I.r the,-ail..t> ol tin- Usual Lake** no t death iu Iht! tt-mbh" fttonu wliit'h rayed *»!«•♦ III.* inJund U;U . I -. ..II I hill date urn* v.-ar <ig.». Whirl, a teirthh. .af.tvt- »*nphe. tbodmwidMg of fvv«» hundred mid lifiy iwi. .’.o.-id.-ivd (o I*.-, but. t - day wo - au tvad o f llm -laying *•( thousands of Vin-u daily and think Imt lit t.l<-of it,

A fter W»»keMon** ScalpTin* Mild may Hockey t ’hib ho* aT

n-ildy tirgniii^d for i bo •ouillig -fa-on mid tin* m i vy But. hm.-u have adopt «d a-fli. it -logm..~ Walk m erW alkc loll”. W illi tin* Mitdi.iavit.s it i-anv tiling to defeat the lofal M-pifttf and in order to art-nnplt-b I hi-, tiny m.« ini|«>illng M-vfial players among I lifin iM-ing S.-bfll.* of Berlin. mid a g.Kit-tyndfi- to tvplmr ll.imtft.kfi They al-o exj«*et to bnvr tin*. f rbai lh* Bb t-i'li. ulm tln-y e|itim Will not mak.-g.—l in ln» k. y . n vii - iu Stiatfr.nl and will* tit.--.- addition.-.! men o| llii'li loiiMiji an* • ••uildi'iit of being uMr to put if all over any Iiimo In I hi- di-trifl. The !.«*a I'< inh bon ̂I'Vfi- will biivo -oiur >• 1V hi tbl- u'gmdi mid \vln*» tin* thin* <nme>. without* making ««n|H»Hatlon. will t«rat»h* to put u temn on tin* i i f that will dcb'itt Uu* DutcbiiifH hand-dow n.

Srcel-Wnrk nut yet Hinrirtl AUliough t Jir* tinu* allotted lot the

< otiiptvUon of the cuuttact tot Uit* constntcfion >>f th« jjte.d- work at thr* went end lu idgr* bn- h og pa.-Red. tin* lluntvr Bridge & Boiler CVy have nut y<*l put in an appearance on the ground. ’J'bo mayor lm- done all in Ids power to have Urn work done at once bsit bis . ITott- tint** horn of m* avail. Huifly then* is i««uu- pt«ue.-.-t>y which the town cansccutti some 1 citit- huijK-meut from the cniitiactni* for the hu-iiiessio-t, wtiiebisconsidciahh*. 11- a good ntithy o f the fnjiiK i- ate now going to Cargill to dotlicir shopp­ing and ip r the gt eat Inconvenience to the resident* «»* I lie mu thorn section of town.' Now that the wet weather ha- w t in the latter m e I'lanj-eUed to wade tllcough mud at thi'sldc of the fill'lli, which i» very tlbagreeaWe. The town (Siuncil should staid ati action ogsinst the bridge company and it would nn- douht. dly Imv- the desired cHett of having them evtniueuce optiations at once,

Sailor and TurbanEqually Fashionable

The former is a particular t ype of sailor which the French call the “ Canotier '— the left brim broader than the right. This “ Canotier" from our show rooms is one of the leading models in the attractive firottpof hat feat­ures. It is fashioned of fiood quality black velvet, with a fancy mount.

Another favorite is the choice little "Glengarry Tur­ban that fits close as a cap and is suitable for the com-' ing season.


The town cmincjl «m Mmuhiy ••veil­ing pa?ft«-d « ivtoltiiion. granting the sum nf $100.00 tn the HutiloH# lengtio which niumint was to cover t lm eoht of supplying the t«»g» n>t*«l hy thy fonucift in thia locality in making tln.ii* cunti lhutlniH <>f uni* In Dm Brit- l*b winy.

The Sunny Smut' <:n*y Thu J. 0 . Rockwell Sunny Soul h C<*’y

who t.c<'iipi»tt Ut« hnaitl* at the town hull oil Tuesday evening were luvon d with a full hbuftc. Tbcii prugimn lln* year was **mn*what of nu iuipiuvt-- ment nn that of previous year*, buttllo soloted people uppmcntly cannot tr.|i/u tint 8 l>ig IHliftC t* not cwntia l to the captivating of an Audience. The company lost oint of their vt»hie<lnieiii* t;cra in the p*f*onof Juno* W. Turr.ci who u*uimIIv tick a leading pail in the pcrfmmmiee, while ut Wiarlon uu Monday, The tt.nipe Wert* on their way to the *|atn*n when Turner rva*. middenly allicken with a hctliorilinge and panaed away Iwforedoctms leach*« d liitii. Thu laxly was ^hipjwd to Bofttiui fur interment, i:«CApt-d I'rlwm i* Capture**

Adcftpaich iu tlte Toronto tth<h»* *»y#:~ John Hpence, I). Mclaiiighlln,

J. Mulhall mill K. Hchwcim the four ut«u who r>;npt*«i fium.CVnuel I’ rijOH Jour* week* ago after murder- otidyaSTaultiug tiaarrl Hungstetv are actor dirg to Ihovincmt Batllif John Byau. In ctifttudy ut- Bruce bridge, wheru they are to he tried fora robliery eomtuiUcd at Dull fatke. The men will he Died and then hrmight to the Central I’ rift ni whnrthey will he dealt with f r

jail-hreaking, Thu McbauRhlin , ntcntioMeil is well known to the pVdicc* here, he htvtag t*u*u dent to pri'Oii hy Judge Barielt for hoi*«e*stcabng «mli-ot»b«rjr an » I ■•> making a •anua* ttunal t »eape flora the gaol while c 0* lined here.

LO YAL KLMWOOD.CJl'tiv people of Klmwootl gave two cancer I* this week ill aid of the Red Crus,s Society fund. The young peep

I wmked like heavers to make the co j cert* ftucce»*fut, both tinhnclut. nt I from a literary mid mmdcnl fttundpoiut | and their effort* Were crowned w

Mice**-. All honor to the H luw woi'kor*.—Hanover Cost.DOING TO TUB FRONT.

There w »* a tm-go attendance of Hlmrvlndder* at tile numn-il meeting of GuimLimU«d, the well known packer*

, on Halm day taut. The feature of the f meeting v tv* the mioouneenicnt by the I’ruridenl, Lieut. Col. John A. Cunu • f his acceptance of the fonimaod the regiment now being fortuid to go forward vvi»h the second contingent. While feeling keenly the personal hy the company i.f vjr. tiunu's tervice* '" hii iuipounnt poriilnu us Prc*.. the sliareh'dders weie tinxuttmuiidy t f the

jnpiijji.il that the comynny ehould make this sacrlllce willingly and chccr

( fully in view of the gieat ifttue* that are now m stake in La-ope. and at the

; *uun* time hcmtily cougiutulnUd Col : lomnon bi* promotion. A ftuitahlejiesahitlon wa* pa**td nnnitluioustv

with many eiquiu*ii)nv of approval i and appreciation'. Lint. Col. Gunu is ; mi old Tm,>iito hoy. W ing* s<not | Mr*. Donald tiiinn of a Hosedulu Hoad * and was a t c.-ddent of Toronto until ho assumed; personal clfkrge of tho coin* pain 's i xtoiiftlvc interi ftts iu Monti vfl some twelve years ago.

T h e W ar Docs not Effect the Nursery Business

! ' r ,i X * u n» • Um

T hos. W . Bowman Son & Co.Lot trim


Boy Wanted !

.v over fourteen year- of with fably g.Kxlntmv«ti..u.

i.-d to lemn the printing... A 1 *ip|«ntunity foe bright l*iy "iiiii tin* trade. Apply aTuh-nljli onh-c.

W ar

on FurnitureWhen the whole world is at war and

business seems to be on the hummer a lifted chin and pleasant grin, helps some and when a merchant has some­thing which he is particularly pleased with, in quality and price, it is natural that lie wants the trade to know about it. We have theiq in

IRON B E D S from $ 2.75 up

BRA*SS BEDS from $10.50 up

Bed Springs and Mattflsses.better qual ity and prices th a if the mail order house catalogues.

The Triange Wizard Floor Mop that has no equal. Also Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machiues

/ E. MYLESFurniture and Undertak ing

Office Phone 05 Residence Phone 52

" ................. >

SpecialSweater Coat SaleWe have a latge assortment of men, ladies, boys

and girls sample sweaters aud odd Hues of the seasons newest styles, colors, navy, cardinal, maroon, grey, green, tan and brown, also combination coloring, $5.oo to 7 5o at 3 50, 4 00 for, 2 ; 5 , 3 50 for 2 5<», 3 00 for 2 20, 2 50 for 1 7S, 2 00 for 1 5 o, 1 50 for 1 no, 1 25 for 98c, 1 00 for 75c.

Special P rice in Ladies* & Ch ild ren 's Fall C o ats .

About 30 childrens coats iu all siz.es, sample coatsijgood style which wc ale clearing now, $2 00 and2 25 for 1 50, 2 75 for 2 00, 3 00 foi 2 25, 3 25 fer 2 50.3 50for 2 50, 4 00 for3 co, 5 co for 3 50. 5 50 s«d.6 co lor 4 00.

We l ave also about T2 or 15 ladies coats in this 'lot good t . ’ ‘k price,cut ! j To % for quick sale sec these early, v t h ’.vea good assortment of sizes.

Wc have a lot oi remnants of floor oil cloths aud linoleums lengths from 1 yd up to 6 and 7 yds these we ai e clearing tliis week at a big saving iu price.

Nciv arrival this week for winter wear, iu gloves mitts, tuques, 'aseinatoers, ladies fancy collars, collar aud cu ff setts aud a big line of Xmas handkerchiefs from ie. to Si.oo each, almost every kind you can ima- gine.

New neckwear and mrnishings for men.




Court o f RevisionN ■^ V.t. b, Hi. tl.*m>. Ibc Cwl " fi-b-c. -w.v - t lb. r.-o.ftf It*!! t**- I*.-i>■!.»> -«t Soitmivf «*,«. itmcVWt. tv- t**.:J

>■■•!» til Hi nil Ml . ,C(. \I! f'.'t 1'1'it ::,nl"h* j

N ic R le . P l a t i n g .

Automobile Farts Bicycle Parts Hearse Trimmings Sanitary Supplies Table Ware Stove Parts Surgical Instruments

Etc.The Madfgsn Plating Works

W jmui.v'j. Os r.

S. Ellinghauscn - AgentWa i.kkutox - ■ Ostaiuo

20Days Tremendous

Sacrifice SaleC a rsw e lls ' $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 Stock T h row n

on the M arket a t 65c. on the D o lla r

Opening Day of

Sacrifice Sale Saiar- ilay Nov. 7, at 8.30a.m.

2 0 days T rem endous Buying O pportunitiesS atu rd ay Nov. Tth to

Monday Nov 30thThis Salt* will ho t ho gifatust JlAVKfrin i ’arnivsl it» the hi*ti» y of \V alkoi ton


Store clos­ed Friday

Nov. 6th cutting

downprices for big sale

D ress Goods1'rtcc cut it* halt

1000 yds Dm-* j-uiKl* ».'K .'i.k:.(tii*20c H1CO yd '* *•• HV. t.» HI for tlte7DI y«lv •* ** t*K *"• fot MO?GOO yd* - •• J «’*> for h-V, 200 vd* 26 lit*, ui rdmuy, vulvut

.......................... ttOu. for 14-.600 yds e.dorr-l vrlvrtv.-n 6»Jc foi 3!»

10U yds silk v.*lv( t 6100 ft r ... v -,

Lad ies ’ C o ats

Hush prlcts on Ladles' Conte

$ !>.«) Wcuitu’s C« «ts for ... .$12.»:»10.60 •* '* ........... 10.SC,12 60 ” *• ........... 7.6616.00 fur i-olliir •* ........... 10.962060 - " ........... 14.55■*>0.00 A>ti Achan Coat for .. 22.60


R ead y -to -w ea r G a r ­m ents S laugh tered

$JA*Q Hmw-dr*V* fur . . . . . . ----«>5‘<*10.60 Sitk f)i't*SM*» fur...... .. 3,W»

7 fdt DirSftSMrlkft.l*.. ...... S.46HlhO “ •• for........ . l.iV»i.00 Lined Underskirt for ... OVc

B arga in s in S tap les2 00 yds JSff l'luiim lot to 12>c for 2VKI yds *• 8c for . . . . 6o. !*«>» yet* Lii.onTfw« forlOjc IWW yds ” ‘ 10«'. fur 8 0̂. 2tKK> yds Hlegclu'd Cotton 12 c ” ID1, *00 yds Grey *• I2i« " K-Jo 3C0 yds tduached >hv«*lii>j: 40c " 29c

u»c< »«i p«><*•*. Id

M en’s Clothingl* » ..... >.v$

75 *J Uv**ri (mt» for. . .«.»»)» ;>iu jmim Mi-nV TrmiM’tb g l to $LSs

Pm collar u. au tur ..16.00 •* * 11 I f ’ 17.50 •• - . ... 13.U*

Extraordinary values iuU n d erw e a r

IW) pieces Mott’s I’ tidei wear #1.26for ............................... * Hlc

601) jk:' Men’s Underwear *1 for tt 400 •• *• fierce *6o<: fur l,1(, litKi *• ladles’ fleece *' 26c, for 'ti,, 60U •• »* *• 6.«,* for » , 125w * " *' "Ac for f.L lOO •• B»v'~ umlerwenr 10.- for 22^ 200 ” Uhl s •* 36c for 22

Sweeping Price reductions all tlTrough the Store* Cut ratepri - es have the right o f way at this Great Sale. The entire store bristles with barg ains for the next 20 days. Store open every evening till 9 p. m during the Great Sale

CARSWELLS'The Noted Sale People


Medicated PlastersFrom curly tluya piasters have been used lo r Heating

many ollectiotis requirini: u boating or stimulating HirpUcationand us a t buder does notconllict w ith any interna! medicines,

tbere can be no objection to their two.

J & J Plasters are the StandardYou w ill find the fo llow ing good for d ifferent purposes recoin- mended: — .1 4 .! Belladonna P laster — -I & J Belladonna. and Capsicum Plaster— Red Cross Cough P iaster— lied Cross K idaoy

P laster— Pleurisy P laster; for pain in the side or chost

—25c E a c h .-

Hunter's Drug StorePhone 35 Drutjs ami KodiiHt C. P. K Tlchd Hatntv

K, H. t *iw-rtmKts V. page,

jet..** f i .Mi t . » W S' -Stephan lit®*.

A. OlanU* Mind** ■onto last week.

Marshall of Durham. >Jm*mI Still*duy nt Mr. S. A. Itife’-.

JJhrirtmnahandkerchief*. «%*>• it glovea at Stephan Bro».

-Utdiutuey ha» reduced prices on l*d*e* and chlliw is l coat.

titut quality Altorpfkin Imed-eoat# at Stephan Hro*.

Semi n Hospital Culerdur to your Itiendw tor Christmas.

quallt y mink Mai tu-t *ndsable |n*eat cl'iscd prices. -Slcphum Bi

M oney Refunded if

Nyal’s Vanishing Cream

is not the

Best 25c. Cream Sold in Walkerton

A . ? . SIEVERIGHTDruiis and K odaks

Learn While You Earn

-^ympl....y tiunrt.Ue Friday night»li«* i«dvt‘itlM*iuetit ,iin t In' l*wk

♦*•****■Hint Mi>, Hxhardson «»f ClitV'iis

pent Sunday nt tin*liumeof Mr. h MyU-.

>. Helen Keanlon ot tin- Eglf Dairy j.t«irfa*»|K'ndiint H»b» » ' « ‘kTorUtltO.

Mr. Herb Maloney of IM et loi hiring b islitclliti, I’ . J..of the Buss*

n?es Collate.

I colIn* overcoats in newest »plsudnJlv lined A tailored*i Hr*

‘urcliunoit lle iitlslrj Practice Dr. Power* of Port Elgin has pm*

based Ute dent»l «dtice and practice fiiriuii ly conducted by the late Dr. Lonnl nnd will take posse-sion in the near future.

H-uv Sochd.Thim* will «J**X social at

t mrirk liio gg* Selnadt. niog Nov. Uitli. t*"«**l p

n Kt l

ImlluiiN Lott Town 5am Sunseti tint Italian who ha*

bcendoinga peanut and fruit budne-dn Wnlkertmi tor tbe past year bus left with hU family for parts unknown. Sam » « > » goisd busioe*# man. tint he broke bis pick with the people* of Walkarlon.wbell he vainoeiud. leav­ing lurid ml him * consider aide «Wmbfr


K\ •vltodv ••Icon Ladl*

Hockey SleetingThe annual organisation mealing o

the Walkerton Hockey Club wilt be held in the council chaiuUn of the

two halt on Tuesday ev-oiog next at H o'clock. A ll who are interested ar« urged to be pr-aent.

( ) » r r IOi» Slides on ihc Wartv. Thou. Wilson wilt a lecture

the war. under the auspice* of the DauKhteis. f the Empire, in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 27th. The lecture will Iw illustrated by ovet l*W Hides. >Silver collection of aotle** than I be.

« Me.

Pr4h~Nutting « ' timin'.** agent for -g-Hu-nl. calf meal A jaarUry fond.

Phrrne tKt.

be-U-. Fashionable Winter t oat*, special at S8.o<) - St", and Sl'i."" - Stephan Bros.

Mr.and Mr*. Monatum of Cargill were vi»ithis at the home of Mr. D- Me* Kerraclicr ltd* week.

Iteil t ’ruThe young ladies an* requested to

attend a meeting to be held in the armoury on Saturday afternoon nt tour .. . lock. The object <>f »M» meet­ing is to cvtisidrr the advisability of

Iiiug a lied Uro*»Tealt«H.m »ud tlio voung D d io ».t alt denomination* ate urgently requested to attend.

Methodist Churcli.Next Sunday night,

|wn»tnr will take »*>hi- * fnmi Ho* Llf»

•tW* an ap|* al t«*

•rlmikflfeting f t

Vou may continue your regular daily duties and also fit you rse lf for a much better position by

tak ing advantage o f our

H O M E S T U D Y COURSE!Prepare now fo r the future opportunities which are sure to come to the energetic ami welM raincii young men or women. You may begin to-day to take our lessons in Penmanship. Shorthand. Com mercial W ork and T ypew ritin g at your home­

land finish up at the

W A LK E R T O N B U S IN E S S COLLEGEP. .1. M«n.t»vv. Prtncipul - B<>* 1*1

y*«4*r*-..f tiunnCliog L*-WUH»» " f gmin. 1 ................. Plnnn* «*•

11.*til i~ «-.|»ml E. Ntilting-

(iiiliiir- hug nii*nl y.iu II yuur r.nal Wtl. -Ag t.t . V. Nut* \V«lkt«rta»n. Ph.*m*««.

.M,,. j. |t. HuptlK-r *|x*m Sunday in Imngrwilh- with Mr. Ilm th. i. w* nidui ting a «id** in that »*»« »•


Th«* Hospital tTiristiuw.* Calrudni In*li«d now ut any tiiaeftoui Whitvhrml, or at HibMtT* Jew

tlli y »tm *. Prb eSoc.

A Mi'-cting t f tin* Walkcii'dth.* b .i.r* Day AUianco* will »a* !>• !In th»* Hnptlft mIiw t Ii on XV* dm**dii:

. i*n h ..«tsp . m. All mo Invlty.

W e Are All


Do Our DutyW c ure st the I rout, deter* mined to keep our stall' on full time during these aux lout and d ifficu lt limes.W ill you help u»V Naturally wo must huvo orders, and so we ask you ask you ns a patriotic duty to refrain from buying your clothes made outside o f W alkerton, but to buy from a locul ta ilor who is doiug his best to keep local men em ploye i. I f when l you are distributing your valued patronuge, you would fa vor us with an order, we would indeed be gratefu l.W o have an excellen t stock o f Eng isb, Irish and .Scotch materials suitable fo r Suits and Overcoats and can as­sure you o f qu ick d elivery .

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class T a ilo r & Men’s W ea r

Store, W alkerton, Ontario.

H andBags

T H K Woman or Miss who is look*


T E N D E R F E E T...... ..... .— i Q

Do you have trouble with

your feet? Sore, tender

points? T r y a pair oi


The easiest shoe on earth.

R A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

ing for a dressy Hand Bag should see the line we are showing.

There are stylish bags in variety of designs.

Dressy bags in leather and some stylish Mesh Bags.

It w ill be a pleas­ure to show them to you. and the prices are right.

R. L . G ib s o nJ e w e l l e r • - W e l K e r t o n

U<.*piui t.’aicndu*.

4£to*4rSailn*t l»mv<ti*»". at JfuuU*r>*.

Ur-a<l ,My|. *» s«krrt»*-i*n«. ii» on


**Jwr!»!cHnrni*j » Mhoning

Ja*. Totton is i»»>i > of Ma»riaR<l.ict

SISfiMlice *waateHurnny*.


coat »•!«* at Me

> li‘ »a Ineat w ill 'nu»k»'i

A p u l. Walk*)

* 1*1:

III-K-itiaj*** v.»n wmili! - Paftb iihn- at

IC iH Tuk. t Ollln - llunl' i. p. It,


Chict Fvtgusou i* ft ou \V,dm »day iiioiuitiR for KioR*h,n> taking with

William Hil/.rnn. the prUorfer who « m *»*Dt<ttieed to four yeata Kingston pcnitvntiary.

ir >p«eial 'M **/.. Indigo Bh aitinS*. A M»it made

iMMtAutv for no I li lliimllij*.ihmI—worktnair-liip giiaranti'Kziin kaTail >l nod mens wear.

Jin k lllll inut It's went loTuront*' l«*tv.-ok towvttrv* place Ittpnvof tlx-r-g'uu-ntsof tlx* ■*. '•..n'l csunllngrtrt iK-iu)r.'inx-d iu Hurt idly v* jt# again I ih hob'utmndivturnrtltw hishoine hero *n»Saturday

amnlapliy «*lf<im-au-. ..f'&imnviinirati't* that coiataal by r»»*mD? fmml>

T*i 1 iiifiu ytiur portrait v\____ "p m«*-««g*- of 1 boughtfiilmfo*auiPrrpai'i. Tlu- Kitf*«*r Stmliu.

.rdeit fit. MOO.iPMiUhmuglit 1*J Mi>. Stumpf-i

Mlldiuny agaiu»t M<,***'i'». Su*v«*m* andPulloy blank. txuttmi’tsrtSt for tli<* death of her lmd*»nd, w ln» « « » kill**t ihu-liigthe iinilding of tin* Mildmay It. f . i-liuwh. tva*«-<»m*ludi*d in tin* Pall

»• t'oiul heir on Tlmoxlay ht*t, I hr jury an aiding Mi-. Mimiipf tin*

,.f $oi*»>. Of tl'L nimnuit tin* m in to wvxrivr SI.40U u i^lt tin*

iatlrtiua* in to Im* divi.t.xt amoiigTlie ~ix .. .iiiigr^l ehlldirn. tn.giving judg*- nteiit th«* jury d«i**«t tliat <*u U'*' t**)*,f Hu* r*>utmrtm> tlu iv luul tJh*n < ai.,,)ie»» iii eiectingtln* m iiIToW wliieli

'■oILi|***nI. amt general urgligr had not horn kept in a >«f** * «M*«iiJlii* l)m<*r» Im ving l»»*rii ivlii not teplaiTal. Ju’‘»i<** Mag.** meiit'Hl tin* jury on tin* nbl«- in which ilH*ydlN|M»*.ed of Hu*

nidi tin •vrilttlnl cutnpH- nuunti'i

ntjif'lly r ring,

!*> t unirltratlon following id a »tateiiiruit of tin*

0 tt.« rimttihuted by the farmet* of Hruce County to the Ihitidi Anuy l»y Townships and Ih nemty ruirret. tl do"* nollnchido the Hruce Peninsula as t have 11 Albemutle

1221 »• * ISXu

Ail" 2321

1 fiom these ytt:*

oat**. 7iiK bu. pot.


Amabel Arrau IJrant llrnceCarrie k Kidwrshe Or««tinck Huron Kincardine 1500 Ktnloss 27T.■Saugeeii, about S'#) b'isbei# of oat*. Making a total of D.SV4 bushel* o OHtM and 1.721 husheln cf jw) tat lies.— David Kobert-on. SoereUry.


ling.lurjr l.iat..tlhialiats- oeh-ering the

jury li-t for tin* year l»ir. »t tin* ...... .litm*<*thi» we»*k. Tide work which tn|ilin*s four days « « • forun riy ilonu ill lleieinlM'i, hul a «1hiiik** »>' 'Ee Htaintra rtiijtiiiv« it to l»- rompleted ..m* month i-arlirr this year. Tin* op liriali* win. aelect the juror*. ««* :— Wnidrn MrWliimn y, KhrritT Jermyn. Dep'ty SherrifT llan i-. Trteaurvr, Mr. Norman Hohertoon, Judge Klein, Jinlgi* Bnm’li and Crown Atturm y Dixon.

L etter From England.


iov. 22nd>. Hu* uhj.xi "S..U..- ,.f land Bob* ovahv «>f Can*

linn young um*u. Mr. Ruthveu staid. 1 Im- well known Toronto bar!* ,e. i> exje-et.sl to dug it! this ■e, Kvervonr is invited.

graph** I*Hw*4ho*o whom* «u a

iidship. tlieClui-ti

l.'lirivtma** «IHit*- nearest in khiaml

sgirt men mini loin

«•, a group of the chihlr group Such n ivnniule * morel ban m*<*t Cl id r.sl* l-*~. Make

men! now, 'Hk- !•

our Vear* in Prison-Four years* in Kingston janilteiiliary * I In* sanlene** met.il out by Jn*tin­ge.*. of Toionto. at Hi.- A»d*e«*uurt Friday tn-L to William Uilxean, a

. T. It. tlmniiiu orSoulltrtinpton. who found guilty l»y the grand jury **f iig coinlnitt.d tin- lieinou** <*ri»ne i|K*. iijnin Dora Audetsxoi. a dx- ,-v ear-old git I of the lake dime u. A large number of wiin.^ws e eirllnl un«i tin* hearing o f » !" ’ • eutaileri *r full ‘ lay from Thursday 11 to Friday noon. Tin* Jmtg*

iinidinl hi- elimg'* to «tr<

Sutdi* >.

|n nuduft' 1 aL.ut anixuiF- tcliliur*ation th«* jm bnuight in n v»* diet " fguilty. In p ■sdng wutvnee H eJudgegave tlx* pt M*rx*r a s**v. rv l.-'tm.*w liieh Inrlinl h\ a scathing «Unuix'ia-ti..n..f men . f (Jilzenn’s ehniw tee andug«* wh" w mill |m*i |*etn»i<* such n*’»»)»'* «|»*U : young girl 'tilt in tier1'•'■■»'• Tlx- nit com** " f this «• im- andHu* iwiWHy wliieli Hilxenu ill pay

IMirght «.r tlrr IvHipirr It-altdirM meeting « f

Daughter* of the gmjpirt was held a Saturday owl ruutii important sired*, wax transacted. A letter n# ad frsuii the National Treasure

tmkunwicdging » donation of $a0from i* Chapter for-^he Belgian, ami nrey from the general luud

voted for the use of t|a« 1. rat IWHefami Bed Cto«» Ceurinltlee. Kv' Wllxoir'e kliJd t'HVr/uf a«i illustrated tetture ett the war. was giatefuHr a* ept-d. and further particulars will h

anm-.meed later. The Bed Cre»» mruiltee ha* on hand a large m»m

her ot •upp'itt* to be neot torwanl when led. ami lilt* Chapter b*»« pr<

etch of thorn win* went from Walker ton to join the r.*cosd eontlugeht with

cholera licit, scarf, deeping cap and rlaUels.

«*, 'itouhl Is* a warning V

tU * life.

Frank B* n pureliasrsl an o\»s lh,n» black isunlatFls*. know n

I 1 hi* Book, fi.uiiu h Virginia. Ont* i'll.' t.-s


.si her 11 S.tlinday.sample** f hoi*#<*-tl •alt ml ari* wellmatclnst Dm* ->f Item Ita* a »eeot'iof 2.1".

Owing tor ho him king .tf tlx* M-wag'**vstent at tin- p*d»t -M-t, «.| ,.n Thut>*<lay last, 1 lx* heavy min dueing 1 lx*night H<k«1.sI Ihe L i" merit <•! Ill*'svhool t. -.a h nr*. xteu that tlx*cate*lahor W( - oonhli* t ■ light 11 file till*following imoning and tlx* rtlildH'nWrit* "W wtiiii'iitly git* n a holiday.Th. tiv.uhl.-vvas bn•41 w! by work mailSat 111 * Lt and Hx* pijx*- •wing elear«*d(>h**d was lounmst on Mnmlay.

1/Hllles Al tout tonYou are cordially invited to attend

iMltmr'oisirat ion o f Cnilene Coraet* our .jtore <m Monday, Tuesday and Ward need ay, Nov. 23rd.. 24 th.. and iaLh. Coriene Corset* are the tni foundation for the pleyniling nr Come and hung your friend'.—Mi** l^Jii'rteau*.

Itc t Lens' Sucierj' pormc.t The B. d Ctoas maetlng wliich was

held in the town h*ll. «*n Jtonday oveniog wa» well attended. May Lipped occupied the chair and after well rendered solo, •’The Call of th' Molb-ilanC . by Mi. K. M. Taylor, he called on the speaker of tlm evening.M««. Needbsm.'of 1‘or.mtn. Mrs. Needb.un. who delivered an excellent address, is a speaker of ability anil by way of a few »nter<s»lo« remarks on erudition*in Europe, introduced her ■subject, that ol Red Crons Woik. She outlined the hi»sory of the society IxAb in Canada amt England and also the work of tha different branches of th* i-ociety at home and 01. the battle- Held. Other speakers were:-Dr. Sin­clair, W. H. MoFarianc. O. K. Klein and Dr, Stalker. As m result of the meeting the Walkerton Branch of lb « t'aiiadian Bert Cross Society was or­ganized with the folhmieg ofltocr*:- Prof.. Mayor F. W. Uppeit: Vice*Pres.. Mr. N. Kdavtaou: See. Tre*'.,

K. M Tavlor: Kxec. Com., Metros.W. 11. McFitlam*. ..*«», }). McKay. J. Morgan, t>. K, Klein, Bov. It. Perdue,I, C. Benton and tin- Begeut. Seer

Treasurer and Convenor of theqfori t. «>. D. K „ vir; - Mis* Shaw.MctiteRor And Mis. ti. Mitrtyn. subset iption list for thn* work wa** red around at the meeting and in the neighborhood of HOO was tuUftilwiI.At a meeting ot the executivo held the fo lowing evening a motion was pas rd to have atiLbcripUm lisle to thi*

cansi) left at the two drugstores, bank* ami printing otllcev and in the Public Library. It wns also decided to et range a -erle*. of lecture*, the pai th nlars of which along with o’ her infor. mat ion with regard to the staicty xvil lie pilti’.iebed later. Oft.il weak tin R«.*«t Cm** work is the most worthy o #upp<nt ao*l those wishing U) noth' CTUitrilmUous cull do so at any q tin* above mentioned place*. All wh* have already fcuh*crH>e.t arc utged to l*«V tbii amount of their centribut t» S#c.~Ttea».. .Mr. Tajl*u, a tilt' earliest coctvetiienev.

Uhriatiiina Pate, Dec lothA meeting o f »h>* bttvincss men

u—}.l in tin*. ouncit chsculer ou Friday fug last tn consider the advisabil­

ity <>| holding a Chri*tma« Fair Hu* yeat It was f. and that some «** »

old he needed for prizes, etc., and ittuiuluec wax appointed to set* it

this amount conJd •«* r-*i*ed and an ad joutliineut was made until Tuesday evening. At this meetiug it wow found tbs* taeinwe*wtryc*»hw’a* forthcoming and it wa** nnaoimously decid'd to proceed with the venture. The follow­ing otdeer* were che*cn:—Pierident A. J*. Jolinston

CiiasStephiJieciclary N. C.McKayTrea'.iier F. G. hidlExecutive Committee, Messrs B. Player, ti. » . lajllimr. V. Bennie,

*GMde. li.PWtsch. < F. Nutting. D. T. Itourkc amt A. J. Wesley. On mol ion of McNttbrttnl Stephan, the date arranged tor the Fair was Wtdcesday December PJtb. Au exccllebt prize list of which Mr. N 0. McKay of the Department of agriculture h»» cr.arge is tieing prepared. The Clitilima* Fair in yests gone bv has been tin best *Uy ot the year for Walk*)ton and this year's managrmfiu w ill do everything po-sWe » » make the fail

snccv'S and revive the old intei»*» Math thed «teon yt»ur calendar

ing someot your space section of Canada bn* done somethlnS towards sending Volunteer* to pte- pare for real war, cnntriluled funds, watin clothing and other necessities,

st we have not had the horrors of ar actually l-rcught home to iw when we Hod a part of the first

contingent ordered from -Salisbury Plains to the tightlng lice, where

f human misery are unfath­omable. Who i« going to (arc lor our wmiuded amt dying? Wc would not be worthy of the great < *ose that th. Allies an* fightirg for, if we did no1 take our share in the great Bed t> work, that was so ably depicted in the Tow n Malt Mot day night by M

* Tbe^Hbru tic Fund and the* Bed Cro**Societies are both lurhMperattd ii Canada, in order that the work cun I* systematically tarried <ul. no over lapping and every dollar accounted for. in other words, it is a system systematized As noted tn another col mun yc.U will know whet kept, when you can mid ;

contribute your uiite, aud even*' 1 can only spat e a dime and take

line ol the fmir divlilons oftliix . it will to.* appreciated, and *0

Jong a* U i* necessary to call out inure ntingento. iDvrill be necessary

continue to volunteer these two funds.

taking pari m tin* work and lectures thut are propered to bo given

vty month, w»llmakcltiute:e*Uug to all. mid when tlu great war i* over,

will be in a better position to putt op in prosperity ai d

stilt, will retain tlmt freedom which is not excelled by any count** Ir. the world.

Yours, TrulyW. 11. McFariane

lists ,

Ui oiaUtie- CoulirmettTire edrt«*r of the I h i Alt' «m l Til H eiv»xla letter ..It Monday fr»>m ,..llo r William who is with the anadiou foutingent ai Sjiiist laiiis. England. tte*vlat«*d sotlii* ex|H'rietn*»*s in t’«m|» I IB’ »*«<•• »

arriving in Kuglaml and aiming •> things -tat.sl that In* luul nut a >< dm t.'i w lni bad goin* 1*1 Europe m

*»it. It** lunl been w»m»ihe ~luWilder in aill iigol

>ik for

Library Institute.

he l*»*st meeting held in this dis­trict." D wind Mr. Miiimv. liis|H*it'>r ,f Public hlbtwtics.'aid. Til.* meet

ing of the Stratford district of th. Library Institutes, wax held in tlx Piddle Library 011 Thursday ami Fri- day. J2rh and Fhli. iust. The lire lugs were all very good nnd the dc gates were high in their eomnwnda

new taulding. Ms situation, a •rwl arrangeruent. no* immtier (. legates rmm tin- Him* eounties.

Peril*. Huron and lhu. <\ was ats.nl showing that there was gener*

ally .*' lively internt taken in Llbrnv- ie* and tlx* <lei*'gat'*s from each counlv t<Mik a lively part iu the discussions of Hl<* various topic* I hat were hit induc­ed. au'd tlx* icp 'its give from th<- van- sous Liln'aVa-s shows that a lively andhealthy ......m b 1- taken in them.Mr, Murray. Inspector o f Public Lite taries at various time#, gave >*ul some very practical ldut»* rtii«t advice on hutv i .. , ..i,.liu*t <• Hlirary. all were wetr mu*.AT Ly th«*M* present. .->}svralt:

. Mr . Wa

»<!,.f the IMWle

twit He Held h iglii hours, when tlx- tbrnlai

•aim* ii|siii tints aiwt l.tadd t«* the »< f«*i iug toppeil lait li b’.s hands "IT ttt wrist, tn etinvei silt 1«*U wit Ii "Billi |hed*«t*n-voi'E ''Young fellow, you go to France and for every linger that I have lost, shoot ten Hermans.’' Pan anyone blame tb>* surgeon f-.r -tile malice which lie taoi- towards all (ioi1 iuitts> W - hare Ik*i*u t<*adi"F >ueh stories as rhi- of tier man tautab Sties io the daily press, but many re- l , t o tielii-ve tiiat any human L-iug ,..iildls utility ..f sm-h an act. The infottitaliou given out by Mr . We»li'y. coming fmni a Walki-t iou •«»>. is- btoves all <t"obl. and 'a-nlhn" tlx-1* 1 • til.Ji* at 101 tries pr*u-tlmlb> thetter- maus .»f which we hare mad much Ami this i- not tlx* only cntirmatlon win.I. we have of them. ( apt. Me- Nulley's letter wliieli apjH*.ristu ntntHr- »•■ ciitumu rvould infer that they are all too true. /

irddis: clcnuii.ml thntikiugthem f"» theh- pres.au tudlritstiug that the meeting wool Im* of »M*m*lit to litem as friends i.rKibc i ittii.ri. This was followed by an mb Loss |.v Mr. .1. Hairs Barnett. Pn*si*

•ut of ihi» district. win*. >" usual, gave many ami remarks in theinterest of lilnar ics which he contd do ... account of !«'■' harg . anma tiou with

tliciMiss Itavtei I,.* Pnhli

cry iastmetiveml lM tx*IIcial ............... .. Im S,deeUon,f Ibs.k-. t».th standard and enrrvut. ,ii.l how to deni with the purchase of

tss'k. generally. Isdlt in Her ion and in tlx* more solid reading Science. Art. Biography, .-to. A synopsis of this |vijm*» may oppiwi 'Im illy, .'ti's Hax- ter also n ad it |v»jm*i pt c|iar*sl by M i" Parson, " f Imwlon. olr the Pmvl*a*e of B-mA s.

In the evening, Mayor Lipj»i*ri, gave an address of welcome in D-tmlf of the

fr .intinue«t *>n jsigu S.)

The following loiter was received by Mr. and Mr*. W . J. McNally f '« ra their*on Captain Arthur, wbora with the first Cauadian Contingent iu Eng land. The letter which i* a very de­

prive one will b* of interest to all rradcra and the T»bMC01*K ex­

tend** ita thanka to Mr. and Mm. Mc­Nally for rubtultriug it t«> as for pub­lication.

Hotel Kubeu »Itut kinKbam Palace Koad,

November 1st.* 1014,Dear Mother :—

Well mother. It »ect»* lik« tbs . alization of a dream to be here. A*I patx Mcrova ’frafnlgar Square and hmk up at the tall statue of Nelson with those worda which now have n wider significance than ever beforo,

Tbl>* day England expecU every nran to do hi* dutv. "as t walk d«wu tha Strand and up Picadilly or along * Buckingham Palace Hoad, otoderucath ibe Maple* which remind one *0 moth of home, I *eem to move us in »

isivu. I have read *•» much of then® orbl-famou* places sed it seems

... range to visit trie Tower of London, Wc*nnimtier Abbey and old St. Paul’s Cathedral, "the dpme with the » r»»s* ot gold Today In tbut dim. rolemn. old eaihedriti. 1 stood before the tomb ot the Duke of WelUegtOr He died iu the hope that the Kupire was secure aud that no urau would again have the power .d thetirtat Napoleon to phruge alt Europe into a bloody tirogftle. At that lime we fought for the |e»ev* of Europe and our own safety and belay our cau*e is a*just,

Oli mother1 It i* all vrty well read about the *utTericgs of Belghnn*’ people, tut if yen could only *e* with vourcyes what 1 hove seen, here in Loudon. At this hotel nearly all are Belgian refugees Horn triteud or Ant-

1 he invaded diitrict* of Frunce. Ofcoum* only the wrallby peoi'ie cao stay here now. They near­ly ail speak French but moat of them can apeak English and Herman *ml I can nnderatar.d them. They ate cer­tainly Hne people and when they found that ‘ ’Monsieur La CapUlne’ ’ wa* a Canadian there woe uotbing that they

uldn'r do for ure. Seme of them k s 'iv 11 gteat deal about Canada aa they handia Canadian grain. ’Ihe

liey tell you of P.enuan brutal­ity nre horrible. They *»> “ what Monsieur reads, iu xe paper exe noth- Ior" and they have told tuc thing* that will make mo deleft tiermany to th** end of my days. Htw deeply thankful they feel M « « * l u*. "You Canadian* have cotne of your own free willto fight for the cause of Britain and for u*."

Hut. mother, it »* in the atrvet* thru you see the real suffering* among the refugee*. Among the people who have cotne over from France and are staying her e is a gii 1 who was attend- log a school in Parle. 1 wa* intro­duced the d*y 1 catue and when 1 heard her talk in the uualnt lolliug speech of Did Virginia we became ft iendi and the ha* helped la* inter­view those poor ref*«R(*a* since she

ouch perfectly. P.wr poople have cotne over with scarcely any clothes and the tale* they tell at;c ter­rible. Women and children are land­ing in old cloth**, crying aud kuowing not where to go. A* we came tip the strand wo *aw two crying women whir several cl-Udtvc. A French genllemon who was in a burry to catch a train had found that they h<m au address but cr uld not flud how they could get to it. As he spoke n<> (lenuxn he was stuck when 1 came a- long and umwl iiiv Oerntao. W e put • hern in a taxi and paid their Way. It brought tear* to my eye* wheu one of the ohl ladies seized my band and kissed it. UUle Belgian girl* of good y mlddle-t'lHss parents arv selling French paper*

T»day I -uw a in au who fought against tiro Bi it ish in South Africa but who i ' with the Princes# Fat # Canad­ian Infantry, taking charge of about thirty poor refugee# When 1 tee

poor little children whoso par- ertta Will l * « T'>« that a UlUe sl'tcr «-r brother wav killed by the Herman* It almost «t> ives nn« mad. Moiu* repsrta >f rieruntn cr»>«By arc no doibt ex-

Aggerated, but they have done enough Unit is tru« to datum them for tunny rtges y-t to com-. With all their b<t r*t» <>f ’ducatiop, cuHor«,and*c»en- title efllcieucy. they h«v«* sunk to the level ot savages and that against a people whose ont* crime was to refuse to let the t'ernmns march aero*# their ln*ul #.

lb*tor- tbis war i# over the rierroan nation will bu the cun- d of nil civtlH- atiotr.

k our eou.Arthur,




ESTIMATE OK GERMAN ARMY. i ttntho îloH ‘ i.* help to put «■* tint-' spun into thy yoiim: men of the I town (o enlist,j A meeting was held at Mansfield

appealing for recruilK to complete Iho ! nsrrvo battalion of ttn> Sth Battalion

A British officer write.® an Interest­ing" estimate of the German army.He says It la n curious army “ < the Infantry he miy« it In exceedingly brave. He hold.® a different opinion of the cavalry, for he says:

Their cavalry Is beneath contempt, and only faces women and children.As soon as a patrol sighls one of our patrols, even If they outnumber them by three to one. the I'hlan patrol turns tail and gallops for dear life, and by now they have acquired such n distaste for being skewered from behind Unit they simply don't appear at all. and one would think they had no cavalry.

He has a very different opinion of tho German artillery. Wo will quote his words:

Their artillery is magnificent They have a good gun (field!, and are a! ways very skilfully handled. They always come Into action from behind cover, and are very difficult to !<> cate, and they are extraordinarily good j Man- at minding the line and the range, l ; menshould say they work greatly by the ; .........map. Their heavy artillery, firing , |v,v|d Wilson Seed. 2'-. described high explosives. Is awful! It makes j insurance broker. «.f Bradford, was iho most terrific nolee. and has a most M nlcnerd to nlm- months' imprison* devastating effect, but l», of course. {or obtaining C7 2* by false pro-very local. No one enjoys It much! | ;,t Moriv.'ambc, between the

* r~ — ; t:uh August and 2nd 8epteml*er. 1914.DESPICABLE ATTEMPT FAILED. | At Sliofflbhl Matilda Ethel John*

Informfttlon « M * I rtM’ir t '" " . '? ). ’ S 5 k S 3•OMIOI. IM S i B t y g ; . ; ' “ V .......... . a„,l V lit. ait.-mi.llt.* t.. mtir-

'htht on ll.f ' cl. r . two , 1.1 1 . 1 r. n I!..... IWlMlt.Ihe hl«lt,.t Ollie r, “ ,r,“™ I |„ur. „„,i William K.la.r, »s « l

— * — *"> - .....i > torn,ah «■ »«„ . who r«M w rd

P¥ h ,hi l S „ ' ; ° a ? " ,K” » r '" " " l . , t l

s s - a g — *...... ! a s . i, t i s s s zThe prlucc approached the colonel ! Germain a* his native land. His

and demanded to know the .Impostthins of the principal units in Sir John JSro. nnd he vianted to be a J-retieh-

t VheVolonid replied: “Prince 'villlnm \Vall«v w.djshmg 2<< stone.If you were wounded and 1 asked you | enlisted as an artuP ryttian at t ardtff, for confidential Information about the He was formerly in the army . German forces, would you tell me?" ' Falling nearly non feet from the

Mansfield Town Council have under consideration the question of npi'dylng for viUictlon for loans of .01,12.1 and O h for a boo-Inc scheme. and Cl.* :.«•> Mr sewerage work*.

Nottingham Guard Ians hut lug of­fer* .1 hospital accommodation. have been u®k<d If they could amunmo- dnt<- Gernuui rich and wounded. This oct-h&toucd strong r*-sentment, but eventually the Hoard decided to un- ri'> rudlv abide by the decision of the military iiutlibHtfc*.

The' MlehaelmtiH Quarterly Sessions fer the West Itbllng were opened nt Wake fled. There were Id prisoner* for trial.

The principal case* at the Not» Quarter Fesstony had referenck to a

Id rwbl'e.-y. for wt.lrh three •re sentenced.Igmeasier Quarter Sessions.

German forces, vThe Prince drew his revolver, and

levellltig it at tin- Colonel’s head, said:••If you don't tell mo what I ask I will blow out your brains."

Then the nidedecamp Intervened, nnd laying Ids hand on the Princes urni said: “That is not playing the game."

Both officer* then withdrew.

THE IRISH BRIGADE.The Irish Brigade, which Mr Red­

mond asked for. *o that Ireland's re­cruits might he kept together as u separate unit. Is to be commanded by a distinguished "gunner." Lieutenant General Sir Uwronce Worthington Parsons, ri King's Ommly man. who formerly commanded the. 8th Division at Cork. Officially. General I’arson*, has been appointed to the command of the 18th Division ol the new army, which Mr. Bedmond has agreed to regard as the Irish Brigade It will consist of twelro Irish battalion*, with headquarters at Mallow, mid will be officered mainly by Irishmen. Sir ljiwrence was kuight*d when he re tired front active service In D*12. ut­ter a career of over forty years. He took pari in tho Relief <>f l-adysmlih. and on returning home commanded the Royal Artillery »< Salisbury Plain, subsequently acting ns Inspector-Gen­eral of Artillery In India.

THE MARINES AT ANTWERP.A Belgian officer now In London

who hopes In a day or two to rejoin hts regiment In France, pays :« re- markable tribute to the British Mar­ine*.

"I was in close touch with them, he told a Central News representa­tive. "They were very youthful, but they are all tighter*-, and each man was ready to take his comrade’s place as men were forced to fall back wounded ‘in order to drag wounded men back, some of them threw aside their rifles- and bandoliers. Some of them crawled a mile or. more with their wounded fellows, only lo find Ibat the limp form they had rescued was a Regies* or armless or—as I know m one case—a headier corpse.Your marines are brave, and every one of them seems to. think that he Is hU brother’s keeper. The Belgian* will ever remember how your marine* at Antwerp looked after our com­rades."

NOTES.Dr. Anthony Traill. Provost of

Trinity College, Dublin, since l&ril, died m Dublin on Sunday week at the age of 76.

Major George Digby of Chalming- ton, brother-in-law of l»ord llrkesu-r, was found cut to pieces on the rail­way near Malden Newton, Dors-i.

The death nas occurred at Aldiv burgh at the age of 4’' of Mr. Janie- William (.’Island, Llebral Member for iBridgeton Division of Glasgow front I Pint*, with general cargo.190$ t«* 19B>. Profi .-oir Lehnuum-iiaupt htut re-

Mr. Alfred Henry Bayne*, formerly j signed th-? Gladstone Chair of Greek secretary of the Baptist Missionary i and the Readership In Oriental Hh<- Soclety, with which he ha* been e in- j lory at Liverpool I’ lriversitr. nected since 1H60, has died at North- I By :*s vole* to IS Northampton wood, aged 76, Towp Connell ban teeided to retain

Mr. Thomas Cooke, a well-known j the servh:*-* of ,\T*. J.' C.oUachnlk, a cltlten of Neweastlc-tm-Tyn- and the German who npidloi for naturalisation owner of a considerable amount of after the war broke out and who ha* business property, died on Tuesday j t;« <n manager of the Northampton week, aged 8'*. He wax formerly a j tramways for (weniv-elght veara.

SSfiL? l'"r r""“C" **" • i T»» il>", - r . It.,. In "a .iM ,w r,i,. I rtln. » * M cm m M M ' l U l « * * »

( at a dangerous corner between Wolvev j and flulklngton. a few miles frotii

topof BtibLlaw Quarry. Aberdeen, a Tcr- rlturlnl officer In wnlfontr~was found dead nt the foot of the quarry nnd was later Identified ns Captain J. I). Noble. 1 royal Army Medical Corps tTerillorfnlsL a local doctor.

Returning from hiking part In a con* * rt given to the soldier* at Churn Camp. 'Jr'. Gordon Fowler, a widow, her daughter, and n nice*-. Ml** Maine, were driving across the level-cross­ing mar Newbury lit a motor-car. when «« good* train d.vdu-d Into them Th*y w*re pinned under the wreck­age. .Mr*. Fowler being killed nnd Miss Fowler anil Miss Latng seriously In jtirrd.

Mis. Dorothy Thompson, myth, be* emtso she eaniiut t-nllkt herself, offer* io give cioo to the War Relief -eii.n n- iw» *lngl<- young men of tho town Join laird Kitchener

Damage amounting to done by fir.- 'he Hay Farm, Tully, County Kildare. Ireland, the of Colonel Hull-Walker, M. I*. Two arrests hav<- been made.

Dr, Anthony Traill, provost of Trtn tty College* Dublin, since llHtl, died In Dublin, last Thursday

While walking In Dublin Joseph Robin; on. a halter, received a fata! wound. A cartridge shell was found on the tramway line near by, and It was stirmir-ed that the cartridge had been exploded by a ear wheel passing

Every day the bell of the Eton Cob It-ge i* tolled fer a quarter of an hour for Etonian* killed in the war. a Hr! of whom ha* la-en affixed to th< eliapel doors.

Thomas Gregory.1 an Exeter boat man. received for the second time the vellum of the Royal Humane Society Tor n rexcuo from the River Kx> ha- la fifteen years saved over forty |*ople from drowning in the river.

Folk*- tone- I- al present harboring about 1.7.600 Belgian refiif women and children, who are likely to remain there during the winter.

Mr*. Pollard, of Tunbridge Wells, who has five sons in the army and three In the navy, ha* received a tn*-s- K»g‘> of congratulation from the King,

Miss Margaret Marker Smith, of llolmbrook. Tunbridge Wells, formerly ot Sheffield, who left estate of £192.- 11“ gto>.!< value, bequeathed over Cirto.ooO lor charitable purposi-*, in-

eluding C 10.000 to the Homoeopathb Hospital. Tunbridge Wells. Ml** Smith "as the daughter of a former director of the Sheffield Drinking C. patty. Mr. Edward Smith.

At a parade of three battalion* of the Liverpool Comrades Colonel Stan­ley announced that the King had nl lowed Hie men to wear Igird Derby * ‘■rest tn recognition of the work done by him in enrolling (be men.

Cotirthlcrablc anxiety in felt in Liver­pool (»-*' to the fate of the Nelson Line xteamcr Highland Hope. wl.Jch left " mersey on August hi for the River


From Pari* and New York come. e edict that extravagance In dre*« informal <huu« u*t be curtailed ittitll the war cloud It'* made •>(

Bit*, and simple drearing for formal band e: white Occarions will be the fashion for th" tom. and tin* coming aearott. * imrite-m-e.

tWarwjckshlret couple. iHebrat'd their w-ihjdlng anniversary lust week. They have lived in Bedworth all their live*.

A royal buck from Windsor Park Itati boon soni by tin* King fur the an­nual venison dinner a( Windsor, but a* thl* has been abandoned It will b*» used for soup for the poor. The may­oral banquet has also been abandoned.

An Invitation to be Mayor of Worth­ing next year has been given to Mr*. Ellen Chapman, a cousin of Mr. Jos*-ph Chamberlain, who has been a member of the town council for four year*.

Mr. Alfred Henry Baynes. J. P., for­merly secretary of tho Baptist Mis­sionary Society, with which In- had been eonn*-rt>-d since !S*o. died at North wood, aged seventy-six.

There was n decrease of 11.112 -In the total number of prlsonera hi-t year compared with the prevtmis year, according to the refmrt of the Com-, mlsslouers of Prisons.

Snivel front the steamship Empress: of Ireland (sunk In the St. t.awn-nee on May 29) a letter In a good stat-- <»f preservation ha* just he.-a deHvere*! to Mr. W. C. Hawes, Sandhurat-rond. Crow (borne. Berk*.

Wtrele*« messages from Great Bri­tain can now be sent to San Francisco Cnlted States) and Honolulu ilia- wallll. where higb-powt-r stations have lieen Opened by the Manoiil Company, at 2s. 3d, a word, 9d. !*•** than tlie cable rat.-.

Sir (ieorge Fra net* Hardy, K.C.H.. past president of the Instltut*- of Ac­tuaries, who was the first to make cal­culation* as to the age of the Great Pyramid base! on the relation of (he various passages of the star**, died nl hla house In Kensington.


Dust-covered Relics o f W om en ’s Prescription Fad.

nundintf tier the id-nttfic ch.-vk the clCrv figurtu f«t in- •'Unv dvllar and a quarter," ic, -uni I* emtonn-ry i<» g.-t u itct«.'*it »*» ..

GERM ANY TAILSKaiser Baffled A fter Three

M onths' War.

New York Halt Looking hfiek invt th.- event* of the month of (h-tola>r It I* itii|M)**itde U» * -cape the cm» let loll that East and W »t German pros- |netx have worsened »ttmi»takal»lv that in Poland and In Northern Frann and Western Itelghtm German artulet have either suffered uetuitL th-feai *>t

brought hilt i •spit*tretllct

* ks agtPoland w»After w«* i;v of ritecessfnl fighting in Gullcbi. almost at Die g!ttc.< of Cracow Ru*slan armbs, were in full r.tr*at. Austrian T> rritorxK<'inqui red in f*n- teinher whs being rer|nquislied rapidly, the ever defeated Aiistri.'!J Army was springing torwonl. s|»e--i'ins Cossacks back over the Carpathians, reconquer­ing Bukovluu, on tje- mail to I'rzcmysl.

•n tm.-tk*

i thing* at drug {<>r

Blood polnonlng foilowitia -an accl- «

ride. Sheffield. I ' a ^rbiniM. -Alderman P. Bancroft Coward lias mpted the mayoralty of Rotherham

for the fifth year litThe Duke of Devonshire made a

spirited speech at a recruiting no- - ing held at MoGoek.

Cidoael ilstrland Itowden. M. P . for North East Ijerbyshlrt-, j* -u command of the Empire Battalion of 1.120 strong, which I* actively engag'd in training.

The marriage took place at Chister- field, of ML* G, Eyre and Mr. It. B Gr"<jn, on of the lion, trials seen-lar- les to the North Derbyshire Mat-*.- Cycle club

Mr R. Sioddard, bead master :>i Heanor Recotidacy Sdlibol. has been Informed that hts sou. Ralph Cyri! Stoddard of th" Xotfinghatn Offic- rs* Training f ’orps. hag been gaz<li«-,| to In- lieutenant of Infantry,

Tin- Barnsley Battalion tl2«b Bat­talion Y’ork and l-ancnsfer Regiment l now tininliers uhout |,05t.».

flreat Interest wnx evinced at M t'- ten In t l f departure o' tie- V' rb-h'r* Iluf-ar*, under Lard Ifclraxh y, M. P for llltchiti.

Mexbro’ htui been asked by the

T ro*>p*

home from Hinckley, and hi hL • idiear was Joseptt- Bostock, sixty, a stockman. At the Corner lb>s- t«> k was thrown violently on to tip- itm,I, atid Ills, neck was broken. PltifloM. severely Injured, was found "neon -< Ions and ».-)* taken to the ho*, iltat, wit ere he died on Monday niorn- ittg.

1‘mperty tu-lie veil to finvo existed in H-.o tlav* of NeLoit was greatly dam-

a fire In Old Bbeernes*. '<*m the garrison, dockyard- blneJneketH helped to put out

Gra|te* piiblle-housc , and th- Gordon Sailors' Home were J burnt tint.! Despite appeals frotlt judge andi ...... Henry Quarily. fifty-five, ai Curbs k Uiilhb r. of Imfepenib tit nicans. j is rsLi.-.i in pleading guilty when J eliarg'd nt Somerset Assl/es at Taiui-

i"ti with murdering IiL nelghlMir. i He«r> Pug: I. y. nffy-ntne, a »ht>|i- | Cugsley was shot nl hla gar-j <le« it.- from behind a hedge on Jnn" j :. Dabney of d.ath v,a* ps-.-.t with-

tH-Ing taken.


Mnrrb-d sixty-* ami Mm John Randle,

* ago, Mr. Bedworth

u iii-p i*lt. It u luvh u urn uot*>K aroan-l jpUtiog ^ptV'crip-.taa* t

{•tenty «»f tto’ioen vvSo do.' i Iwt- j kheul -u «ot of mr.l.- J j Veld lt«- )-*— 1 preiirtetor* *<*, ' It look* miihII.' raid I (Can’t licit- It.’ until tie. -VW can't »if<"'l ; to mix three*er four bottles of expensive j uudl-mc every day for women vie, main . a fad of ordering diUS* compel.ml-,I tUxl ! they never Intend to call for, ’ ;

••And tliuf* Ju*t wtmt u lot of > 1 1 woiniin iolka do.- the clerk audeu. w.tn ; a defU.nl ullriupt nt *e!f-vlndlv»iion'. door ,f a lurrje euj/hourd a! tin- I- »* of j He- Stoic nnd pointed tu th- ninny tvoss , of liilieled bottles there In. •Tlii* )* vvlnit 1 we ca'I the morgue." he said, drug sterc ha* <>m It L filled aft. imulh t.f the m'dieint fad.

'upward of »♦> liotlb

Vistula In as great a noise in the world as Hint other drive toward the Seine In Au­gust. Instead of that triumphant Ru- -•Ian advance to Berlin, promised It early days, German cattuon became ait. dlhh- in Warsaw, tlie Russian strong hold a: I vaognred sccnfc-d in peril, half of Poland "as in German hands.

But now. in the opening week of N< vetiitier. e- ery German ami Austrian arm> along the Russian retreat. Russian troops are again in East Prussia, nearly a hundred mil. separate the Germans from the posi­tion r«-arh«d in their drive at War­saw, Southward in Galicia Anstrlan ar­mies are rfgnin retiring or dinging to positions rapidly; becoming untenable.

In a word. af!*-r a -snagnlftecnt ef­fort, after tui" nmr" sph’iidftl demon­stration «if Hie .efficiency id the tier- man machine, there ha* come onemore abMjlitt,- failure. Precisely n*

was no disaster In the military at Hie Marne, the German fe­at the Vistula has been followed r««t, the ret rest

eriy, the whole operation of withdraw­al sutceej.sful—lmt Hie failure not h rotOpUte.

tn ; am. fb nuiiiiy. hav ing failed criish France in August, has no b completely faih-it to crush llttssla October. A- French armies offer t< liminarv def*vat: displayed Hnexpw’tcd, iinmislakahle cfllcb-ncc. French hlgl command unshaken confidence am real "kill, so Russian artub < and geu • ral have endured a sui'rituc t**» and after If arc flowing forward again, toward Silesia, and <m German Austrian territory toward Dan trig and •'raeow. After a gigantic, oxpcnHve, vvlde*vvinglng effort German armies little failed, lire buck Where Hu-y ed and Re : - ui troops at. again


d*> i-rll* d. ftahHnc concentrated the narrow area ti t v in lb" l->s and the Crancl. has not earned for tho


OF A COUGH OR COLD.Coughs null colds do not c all for n

minute rcelt.il of symptom.* a* they arc well known to every one, but tin ir danger* arc not so well known. All the niovt •wriou* iOtcetion* of the throat, the Iniig* and tlie bronchia! tnl>cs arc. in the Ik> ginning, but cough, ami cold*.

M ill)- )«coplc when they rontract n -Jir.ht cold do not pay any attention to it. thinking pcrliap* that it will jets* ow n- in a day «>r two. The upshot i« tbit Ixfore they know it. it lias -e-ttlcd on their lungs

Too much *trcv> cannot Iw laid m the Eu-t that t>n the first sign of a cough or old it must Ik: gotten rid of immediately, a ; failure to do (his may cause years of suffering from M-rioii* hitig trouble.


will care the eroijjh or cold and prove a preventative from all throat and lung trouble-, such us bronchitis, pneumonia ami eoiiannptioti.

Mr*. B. I;. Druee, .Brighton. Oat, writ' " I am sending you my testi­mony of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, (riling you what it did for my little i it?. The <loeb>r had givrn h r up as s|,,. was. as we thongSil, going Into a de-line with the congli she had. f wax told by a lady friend t>* try " Dr. Wood's" au l when -he had taken two bott!?s 'he "a on her Icct ajjaini and four Iwittles citrt-il her.”

Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup i» tlie U t cure for c*wtshv ami colds, it is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price. 2ae and


KaLer's Ih-sI troop;< u *ingl" unbutnii- Hal advantage.

How many thousands of German* have spent their lives gallantly, on* thiislnoticully, with song upon tlmlr lip*, along the Ywr and the I.ye It Is Impes-ibb- i<» »av. British offb-lat r.-port* ar-' thr- ti'-st testimony to the courage ol tie- effort. But for throe v <» u . it has faibal utterly. At! Ihe sacrifices have been in vain. The Al­lied llui- hmi held. Ever) the unlucky Belgians have known ti period of ac­tual prosperity.

In'this period, too. great English re- liiforii-riienlK have been brought lo

, Practically the whole has been transferred to

Belgium- Iho- displayed the same t<-n- acltv in t!i - little strip, of English territory remaining nneonqtiered ax it -hr>«*«l at Mon® At last Kitchen- • r's labors are la-ginning to tall. Not t2 o,n0 o tmt ::m),0 i»n British tnmps are now sharing in the French campaign and have .» million more are »p- jcoaihitii; tin* t'-rtn of their drill In English eitmps.

On,-,- and for all Germane r aetnx to b- outnumbered im the W*>t. N -» Fr* neb div|s|en» nr<- njipenrlng. Freiteii preparation Is overtaking German In all departments. Doubt ;..(,d tio;p-b-'sni-*s, which eaflv defeats Inspired, have fully vanished. For umr - than two month* French troops

li-td their ground or advanced In every report that rote* - from the hall!'- till" : th-'r*1 I*- revealed th" "X- pi-etutlot) of Hie I’rcm-li Hint they arc aporeachinc a cemplcte victory,

hi Oriot.er, then. Gorntfldv failed ;d-M.||itel.v hi (tie "list nnd relaflvejy In t'i< we*!. Her armies ar- no non mi Piris now than Oct. 1: <U"V are fur- ti.tr away tlmn on Sept. L Atmln « !;ilb a few weeks ago Him centre of tin* struggle was n bare seviify mile® from the Kf'-o-'h oatdtal. .t is nearly m lif r.s far nw«y now. I*t fbdgium. iimt In France, the great contest® ol the month have taken place, -Reviewing the recent w»*-!<s in the

wvjlem field it 1® tni|K»s®l!d" to ewape tin conviction H ut Hi" allied genercJ®

(lie situation In hand, major effort of the Germans h promptly met, t-eaten down, ti* u German concetitmUdi promptly recalled beftir** an conctittration toua’ ly prompt. Villages have changed hand* a do'-m time*, aetoai battle ilnos Jiave k vayetl iicak and forth, but all advantages have I is n local, all G< muin efforts to rimot out n new ot f.-tiriVe utlertv bbwh'-d.

For the Gormans this motiGi of Oc- ti'ber. then, ha* been oitdnoua, !Wn- Imrdl himself ha* a®®crte»l tba* 'br- maiiy need not recoil ltefofy? the mperlor imnib. ra of her foex, but "*u ter ns human nature' could tell in advene- she could not hop victory in war if she failed to crush

(nils prepared And in October tb-r- many falhxl to crush llussla as tu An­gle t and September sin- failed t< annihilate Fiance. Both remain tin- defeated, and British niaiwe® are ■»' hist taking their place in. t't - t attle line.

1 1 would be idle to utteuipt to ttrgttc that German failure In th-biL r in* >ut« l ultimate German vh-b-at. Tlie thm- for Mtcii forecast® t® not yet collie. Bill- it la true that Mil- !ulhtr<- of October has gravely Increased G< rman eilffieiiitle*. multiplb-d the odd.. agnRist tlie Kaiser'* armies, made uith-ate victory far lianb-r In nibtin. rcilced IiL rnMHirces In n-n nnd equipment in two tinsuceesaful uw-ler* tn’iltiB*.



NillRi oh! •mid

"s HI h'I V ‘ im t**d I Him- that -link''.' Cynic".:;—Oo. nan nlwav.v lock? obl«*r t!iai

The Slow, Sluggish, Torpid Aetion o! iho Livcris Responsible for Many Ills.

Milhuru'x Lava-Liver PilD stimulate the d-iRKith liver. clfeiU tiiecvttrd tonsutr. swee ten the obnoxious breath, clean away all waste mid poiMimm; matter from the system, and prevent ax well a» cure al.r c:»mplaints ari-iag from a liver which ha-

CoustifgUtou, sick hcaibchc. bilious headache, jaundice, hcurlburn. water brash, catarrh «»{ the 'tun teh. etc . all come from ;* disordered liver

Mt Victor B McN.ilL. Sandstone. A lt i. writes- • f thought I would write and tell v>*a of inv espcricncc with Mdlmrit’®" Lu\.i-!,iwr Pill*, a* I am greatly pleased with the results I rc-

I was triMihkxl

WHAT IS YOUR FATE?It is my « woman -aid t

oth'r day, a trifle bitterly, "always, be disappointed."

A good many eif tin-think Jhi* that Is our fate-. Fonie* <*f »® Kp fortuBi'-tcllcrs in Ho* hop.- of di-'ri -ring our fat*-. Tiic MohftmtmxJnhim-

I h-l It flying, "K 1

( that. And i

by whh> ot l


imn growinglleve they nr - ruled or movcu a® paw li* t.v e*Ut®Ide (ing iiiKin this belief. H-- > thr** all responsibility b.r ilpdr act

with it shrug. "Whnt com*- come. I can't hedp or hinder.’

vs hat Is fate?Greeks have n saying

character Is fate. Hint vve nil are In loads lo our nature, and that what a man most desire® will in the cad en­slave him. It will In; Ids lat»‘. Rut It will not he a fate shaped by some outside power. *t will be a fate ho has himself evolved.

It Is a more hopeful theory anil isn't It n truer one? Isn't I; hut a different phrasing of that familiar - lying. "As >o «ow. so shall y<> reap?"

llui Urn woman w ho complained bit­terly Hint it was !pr Snte to bo dpi- ap|u)intid vrontd contend that sbe had done nothing to bring her aiiany dis­appointments upon her. Ay*I llk'-wii ’• other® who say Fat" inter) flii® or that would argue they have <b>u<* nothing To brine these cmi: ;u-rt-< ® upon them.

But haven't U»ey?L i them lc-*)k r. tittle more keenly,

more hon'-sliy at their *-»>jtr®!> and I'crtiat j they will be able to trace Hmi thread of fat" winding throug!- it and to **'«.- :ii»t ‘t I® of th- ir o'- n making.

Tills woman who Is always dls»s>- polnUd r.tr*dy looks ali«-ad suffh-lentlv to plan for the sccompl'.shmcnt what she wants. Hr If d ir ■'dm*® and see® what Is ncedeil for nccomidlsh- ment. if she doesn’t .ilk** what sh*1 rt "s or UtH-sn't wish to take Ha- step® necessary to gel the desired ends, she will not do it. Then, of cuors". sin- hi dlsapiioibuxi and say* it I® f it". It is fate, her own fate, the Inevitable v ■ full of her conduct. Slit* "Hi look ahead six'months or » year nnd see what sin- would like to Ik- or Ilk * to do at that time. rifmietUu. v that U n - far ns she goes. Yet when that Gm- rolis around, she think* she ought to he at the point she h e. wished. Or If she dot's go so far in 5i a* lo discern "tint she >

-rnttipllsh the desired

thrilled with wonder and delight at Hie very iitifamllllirUy *>f R all. and f<lt that living on the dc***rt would give an »\p.rionc*' of Ilf" dcllghlfatlyout of the ordlniirv.

And Hon he stuck a lot o f' nulls Into hi® mouth, much a* a woman doe:- hnfrpin-. and wont back to Iris

... , hammering.j Ami you return'd to your hotliwv

itai- i !|o! I ta?»>. thinking of the vivid, in­i',’ . terecting tif- lie lived at times, and of

end j H > b'iiuriful niIiid*p1«'lurcH ho had lo ,... ! g:ov upon while h" was i>roxaleally

| driving nails and sawing l>oar*l*.



■-."I ! flitng In ®r

llaoa 'l you seen it used as a club to hold people c> some line of work or living?

Had n't there b-rn time* when you i. ii- if eh-neh' i^ybur teeth and studk

to some task in hand because you thought h lib-graceful to It** a quitter? Haven't ' ” u gloried, perhaps, tn hav­ing It said of you, "She isn't the kind to’ give up?"

V*-t Ik at! the praise to be given to oil" who dmrrti't quite and all the

Isn't* It snfliT-ti.'iie® part of good s-n-e i» b, a qufuert Ami Instead of wSioh-jah- ur.d ImUsrriminat" condem- nnfion of tiimqitUter, ought we not to hlit our position on this question

;,j-d that one side i* a? worthy of pr;rinc a-; In the other of blame?

\ counts fellow (darted In on a Job involv'ng much hardship and ex(*os-

I nt. Alter a few weeks ho had the good sense IO that If lie kept Oil,

.. tie wh'ihl land on a »lck bed far from of hf-ni-t among stranger®. He quit. Im-

‘ mediately the cry went up from Iris i< Mow-worker.:. -Qi f t-r." nnd lie wua almost oxtraei®*®!.

y .i warn t bis rour*" justified, and didn't !i<- show a courage to be com­mended instead of condemned, and weren't fiio.se who cried him down In

A i into a certain line of l long,before lie rcul- i fitted either mentally

r It. Yet I • heof that word

r foresight

dne i takealw>stop*, fh.. won't, lit this

(Midi Hie time roll* around at which ! she desired certain tltlhux of life, kin- i !* disopnoJirievl.

Isn’t that .the way a r,n:.<l <nany of ;

\V< ask certain thing.- of rav faL* L against e®.

We want a liatu v honu-.


a Imp).?*IHnn would nainnriB

•sine*w<- Htc i-iirictnai. reltaide. *t*Mdv. i fiif worker tliat can l»" trusted, fur wtioqt si'eec.ss is ®viu>n- »tu>n«-

We want the io><- of (•• rtnhi pen tmt ar- *»" malrinr oKf*"t* i-i lova are c.<- living ft” to !V bl-.i!» llios" people ®p flint Hn-lr love flow toward it* a* ('nfo’Mn-lv n flmvt-r turn* toward Hi*' t-hi?

hit,' i think "tint ' " will tiiiif not onlv make our own fate, -hut .wilt rejoice that Hu* power to «!'■ lx right In our own hand*.

stood In such dread ••Quitter." lie held on. in n year, no v.ux » .bankrupt.

ivtq-h* vf-rc sorry for him and *rid he ilhl :h.- host he could. But did he? Didn't ii- lack moral courage? Isn't he'really to be more condemned than

* a I,.i aren't w e in a w ay wqionslhle . for sonic; failure® by fill*® Indiscrlmln-

,-<>nd< mnatioa * of the quitter? GmMit *-- not to withhold judgment? Ought we not to he willing to admit

iff.. i,pt w. I that tin- quitter may have Just an | iuu< i on hi* sld" as the one who

r, " brb-hl' i The vfeahllnK who quit* Is another would ere- : tiling. He 1® th" one who thrown up

■ 1 1 1 . fiasidr- at the first thing that tests \«'ite?rl his mettle and Rees- hbttie and smokes ul ar" i while hi® wife take® in. washing. Such , ,r... ; quitting i* worthy of all kinds of con-


He was a young man who dlil odd Jobs nt carpentry. He would build a seat for you on He- porch, put. In bookj slicivc®, fix up hand* cupboard* in ihe' kltcln-n. and do It all with ;< define**; nnd an ey e fr.r good eff.-et* that was • most gratifying.

lb- had alert, bagel •■*«*. a gm®! • 1 ,,T ’’ ",ruddy color, and a sail!" than won d*r the sea t; friends. On the whole, be.aeciimd a: in which tit* fellow Who took life easily., wax tg»«*-? fLhe® resit fled with hi® work, and would drift ■ rifSnk. this e iiloug with the current of ililtigH. tak-! And b lug tin- good that came hi® -way. making no special effort v<> strike for himself and get more.

And then one day a* he stoppe moment In his work and stepp'd bark i f'*1

--i, ftx-ia?:

B n ?„ J ilt every one who quit* ln- ‘ tu (hi-! < la . i- doing Incalculable mis-• . hi. f. For we at" condemning what

fn ttiativ Inetanec* i> a wise step, and; by this v.btdi Kit.- comlentnaUon bold- I fun many a person to a cours? that \ bring - onlv disaster, j \«,i cv. re on*- ha* flu* moral ccmr- i :ige lo stand being called n quitter.

. It > ii- lie careful-bow we fling ! •:,!» word about when we know noth- I lag of the fact- of the- ease, except• iimt some one has qnlt his job. given Slip ;< chosen lino Of work, stepped ! from und'-r a erushlng load of house-• t,abi care*, or in *ome fashion *eems ‘ to be wind vve hove In the past i tinmghflersly denominat'd a •quitter."

Dream Castle Under the Sea.v lining certain <:f the Japanese

1-sbelf lie «lag. in* cspieil art aiiK-nstoi'k corner, on which tin* name of mountain* climbed hail been

lli» cyv* Hgrittsl a® he * » » sc- you have done gome elltnbing." be) renuirkixl ns li" iiegaii sdinptng n bit nf! iHiard. And then foibvwel :i vivid ae-| count cf a camping trip b<* ba-J taken- In which be had climbed same of Hioi lilgli mountain* of tlie west, tiut which wax more than » mountain climb-: ing expr-dttlon. For he h»d ®<Kure*l o hor«e and wagon, fitted out fl"* wagon| with’ J!o* rn'cessBIc* for » Ions trip.[ and b ’sur.-ly and enjoyuh'v made hi*! way tor titor** than a Hum-and mile®; along the Pacific coesi. It" had camped, fished. hunt*

that rtunewhere i r" I* a wonderful ca*t!o beautiful queen of the

Fomeliitic*. theytie rises to the surface o mortal ey es—a belief

that prolmlj'ly had It® origin in tho vV iO Tiim i of tin- mirage. When the cal Hi a!-!'*'.irs. the uperatlHous

v . Hi- r'-prc-cntatlvo* of all tho Him;, tribe® hasten to It to pay hom-

their ruler. Some time ago, T ,-i live “ fishy" queen and her

J,. ■ subject*. Ho- fishermen of Futami t i m.ub a number of gigantic fish of |-i„canvas and bam!,*oo. paint'd in gor-

. do 'day. : he .

* jtixt blesvol • of Ho

ed It. TucVei > In i

- towedyien through the water, enor- erowtls wiitching th» curious < tr tm the rher*.

Life o f the Sun. ^priu? the v" it known hypothesis imhotz. which atttihutes the pro n of th-- heat emitted by tho : it® contraction, tut idea can be

vei-n Hint of lie arrives at t.ikca • the >i I* ;t,tt*>q,ppo v

would j:cudaebp (tx

.. . among tlie o»ti«-r Grin, wason were 'Walden," Van l>yk»-'*: •Idltie Rivera" and "Flalierwnn'* Luck." Muir’s “Summer In tin* Sicr-1 rr.®" and other book* .<1 Ilk - mrim---. ■ togetfor with a few good work* ott the! flowers nnd fish of Hits western m :-; Ion. Ho could give an interesting; nnd accurate account of th- flow, r®; and vine* nnd tree® and sbrnbs fr.-inj tin- valley lands to tho n;ip r monn-J tain regions of th" s'-eHni throuqiij which he travelled; and he could de-‘ »«rlt>e and (ell t!i" hablls-cf tie- finny; tribe* Hub swam Ho- mountain; streams and lurked in the l ikes. A*

had a

ft lei»*Ved c<T a vl he a

Mtll.uroV Liva-J.iwr I me tficy h;wl done him <o lii* »l»mtaclt. I uwd ®et I found Uiry did me '*> i 1.- oi iccmintend them tn ill*: from liver trieible ’ ’

M iiiiirn‘*< l.:\id.iver viri. '» vht® for at all d- ■milled direct oa leccipt T Milbitm Co. Limited.

of that trip nnd plain and for*-®!, that bef.-ll by the camp!ng by mountain str rl!"it primeval wood*.

•‘That's Ho- Ilf.- t lik". entlmslnntli'nlly "if l e >

rich! next to natm \ ? ii* 'i.tit" d.iv." h" went nu.

| titunctdmd clatto. on.)

shmi". n o i l tiojK* i > tmike in' Jiving on ii t»'i And tlo-n folbiw'xl a d- vivid and ln«rrc®Hrig a- H-



t radius; in par- i would have taken in.ooo coatr.ict from infinity to a p-o its present radius. Fin* mt veil I take 2oft.O0O.ptiO years et from It® present radius to

radiu®. and «•»< u then its ire at iho surface will be :c".-s. -Hclciitsne American.

W hy Is It?

iiKcii everybody ungs get bigger,

w.i'P they arc brink or v-ontroct <*{ cold, rio if a Slot water or put

>r breaks be- -f It d.-M not be-

:'ii * i < io the pan boil It* g Ihe wltolo 1 *, there U no d> and «-ut*lde and

why ii should



be hot. Gift neon. Tin- varifH' of met us, their grotesque shapes, the odd flower* were pictured, until y<



win ictiird layitu( ivr evvcrtdweeks. Give the pullet* every enatK# to net ttoiuaitihci Him their '"liter uunltora In pki’ty «.* time, ami feed lib­erally, »m that they will start to lay h<* iott the «vbj Weather,S. l*o m>t fe*'U fceartnaty. hut Jinllclon*- ly. Though r-ed may he hl«h. ft do«* not nav tv stint the layer*. Kee* lh«m stain In a litter «n the flour, aiwl *« the weather kcs» odder Increase the nuanlttv of litter. ]» addition to tna grain, see that they hove either a hopper. with dry iiiunli constantly he fore them, or If prefer red. «tv<* If in the sbar*- of » moUl once a day. Have tbe houee clean, preferably white-washed. and allow plen­ty of tuiiMhlno In. We have found Hint with » rhrd-roofed house. n hoard pro­tection alonic the front of the hou»o a* fetch »» l* let-fie* freon tbs ftoor U *n advantage: from this tin ct**» »r>4cotton In ths proportion of one of ulara to two of cotton, make th* moat Ideal front for tho nvrrago Canadian

WHY NOT m o w : city h e n s .Many town* and city pcoplo could not only produce sufficient eggs lo keep ■ heir table Keltic but hav« enough e«*»

left ovar that would no a lotus way to­ward* supplying tho household with gro- ceric*, etc, There «r« comparatively few city lota Where n aiuull flock of poul­try could not bo kept and enough scrap* find ther way Into th* tar bane can H provldo a la w proportion of tho food. No male bird* should t>« kept na they are both n nulaafico and nu vxpenae which. If done away with, and the house keot clean and **n!!*ry. th.-re U ab«o- lately nothin* about such a plant that could tio**lhl» annoy the neighbor*. If •ay one In every one hundred city fam­ine* would produce eve,, enouKh era* for their own table, it would reduce the number of those who only con«ume. and »dd thal many mere to the Hat of produc-


During tbe fiscal vear ending March JI*t. D14. over It 1-4 million dt,*<-n egg# were imported Into Canada, ’i'ntau came (rum Great Dntuln. lion* Kon*. China. New Zealand, and United State* thU Year. If all help in tht* matter there ,hould bo no lack of c**» and If care 1» txerclHi d In Uni production there should bo a good rcvetiuo to the producer* and the consumer ought not to pay such eat* rbitaot price* as tocnellmew have been asked In tbe time of scarcity.1IETXGH LOW COST THAN 1UG1IG


Q WONDERFUL DISCOVERYAn eminent aclentist, the other day.

rave hi* opinion - 'at the most won- Jerful discovery at recent ycara wna the discovery of Zam-Uuk. Just Ihlnk! A* soon a* a single thin layer of Zam Buk la applied to a wound or a core, such Injury la Insured SKiilnut blood poison’ Not one apectw of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk Iocs not kill!

Then again. Aa soon aa Zam-Buk Is applied to a tore, or a cut. or to skin disease. It atop* the Binarllng. That la why children are such friends of Zam-Uuk. They rare nothing for the aclence of the thing. All they know U that Zam-Uuk atopa their pain. Mother* nhould never forgot tht*.

Again. Aa aoon as Zam-Duk Is ap­plied to a wound or to a diseased part, tho cella beneath tbs akin** sur- face are ao atlinulated that new healthy tiasu* la quickly formed. Thla forming of fr«-*b healthy tlaauo from below la Znru-Ituk'a secret of healing. The tlaaue thua loaned la worked up lo the aurf&eo and literally cast* c£f tho diseased tissue above it. Thla is why Znni-Uuk curea are permanent.

Only tho other day Mr. Marsh, at 101 Delorlmler Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam link Co. and told them that for over twenty-five yearn ho had been a martyr tr fnsma. Hla hands were at one time an covered with sores that ho bad to sleep In glove*. Four yenrs ago Zum-Iluk was' Introduced to him. and la a few month* It cured him. To-day—over three years after hla euro of n disease ho bad for twenty-live yenrs—he la •till cured, and baa bad no trace of any return o f the eczema'

All druggists sell Zam-Uuk nt 00c. box, or w«i will acini free trlrl box It you tend thla advertisement and a le. •tamp (to pay return postage). Ad- fir*«s Saaa-uuk Co, Toronto-

W ill Be Very W elcome in Englaud Says A n Expert.

Country LlLs, one of liiu foremost mngnzliu.-* of ns sort in hntilntnl, lul l tho following t>bout Canadian Ii m w :

Tl,o news timt a very eotutldcrabh* nddltlon to our horse supply is coming to this country from Cumulu nuiki* the subject of Canadian hurt-- breeding of considerable Immal ai tii»* present Umo, Some jvara ago i had occasion to study this subject with r.trc. From the various Canadian ag-ncics and horse breeding nsfwlailoii* l colk- t- .l n largo number of fact#. mid i'.o con­clusion 1 arrived at after Hit,* study of Canadian horse breeding and it - result* waa that Canada was Jertiritri to tnko a lending place among the horse-producing couutrbrs of t!i<- v.orld. In tho new world affairs move quickiy, and in the yearo-That have ,m - - d b> siiuo first I wrote on tho subject tie* Canadian horiu bret-ders tiuv- mud- great strides, Itoih In the scientific and commercial rides at tin- raising t>f horses. This is shown by i‘ ie met that iho Cauduiun* have tpnv l»-*.n able not only u, mount, th-sr own «X|Kdltlonary and bomu arm! tnlt, to provide the English army with a largo number of remounts.

Tho horse* of Canada have, n.itn rally, a common mlglti with tho-e of America and parileuiurly with thov- of MassachuseHs and K‘.nttu.k>. Tie- original hors--* i f the new b it d wen o f Hpanisit and Dutch Impori-ulon, but in JC.IO the fled Ktigllt ii hurc-s wvro Imported by Caycrttor Wlntiirup Into Masrachu.-clts. Seventeen >,ar^ later tho first English horse was brought Into Canada. Canada possesses in th*- Norihweai njlfondla t>o«iiblHli,-a tot htirse-breodlnz, a soil wiiU plesfy «,? limestone and a dry gnd invigorating climate; then there In good puyture. In the early »lay« of the colony there

largo herd* of horse* on th- ranrlie*. which, like those of the Ar* peiitlne, doiilule. n make good foindn- tion-stock, tho bull w ild life ellntiila:- iag the weaker and haviti.t a uum»«-r of sound, hardy hbr***. tint i!e Cana­dian breedent hh>u set to work m lm

their hors**. Mom c.t.ilial vta » iKveslfd In hors* bri’cling. rio-nan * were mdeCD-d stallions of the le - > breed* were imptiribd. and snelter. fteid mid fencing were proVl.h-d, Nat,, ralir. In an aertmtinrat eouaitv Ilk*' Cgncda drmmiit horses were needed, and to-day *omo. of this Canadian Clydesdales ur- worthy to stand »lon?.- alde the old country's best. Canada has, in feet, right nourishing breed iKicletlcs for working In the Intert^l of draught, hackney nml light hors-s* and jKinle*. To turn to 'the ,-,<ddie horw-a; By IS*: Canada had evolved a hunter which caused the English visitor to nob* th* combined leddn-s'i. elevtrness and Moot ness of the Cana than horw. In tiie wane ><’nr l.fWd liorHea , were sent to l.lverptml and, as I happened to knoe. some of the buntera did well over EnnitT,* hunt­ing eountrles. About lh - am,* tine* » d<-mnud art,:-" to IWigimn for Cana­dian hort«s o f hunter type. A>; io their r*onle*. althoncb ih-y ;>r*.-t ir.atiy harnejis pc-nii * with i etion. y, i I hey have had liiccess with juihi i-obb •. Non* of us will forg. t .Mr; lbi. k-.-a. ter's Jlendlco, which ranm «r«mi nda nnd was as perfect n poic in

il nnd

ground. When I was making • -;i>-;.iirb ■= ft bout Canadian librae*, I mi told that of those that were sent to Fug- land a* hunters, not one went wrong They are hard horses and sound l.ono-s, Just what are wanted here. Their blood l« good, for the Canadians hav«* always Import'd and used horse* of good strain'. That the Canadian honm Is of the right sort we learn by tin* fact that sonic of the efiolcoid American rnitter» have Cunadbo rtrain* In their is dier. - s. 8n.*li Is the progress of the Cnn.nlinn !iora*s from their half-wild aueeators onward.

Why~Not?J.lttle Anna - fathvr ■' a htt*ehall

enthusiast, and had taken her to sev­eral gam*-* On - Sunddy mornlnr






l iuur» tauco new lam nut uy va,ettti «u»n-IMCCIUCUt thu uvcrugi- co*s «,i uuv UeZeUor vtiK* nuaht tiu Kent a* lew •< u«uai. It U at tna proauctiuii «n*i mat yn îu-.-Iwtter la »*\v at this cuU than to cancel rxtremo prtevs. Tills is always tn* case, and «»uvclall>- will It bo ho till* Winter, when vvcrythuirf th-, consumer baa to by wilt Le dear, and money to ti*y lor it scarce. it Hilt be a loyal »ct to study now cheaply the egg* can ti* produced, rather than how much can oe charg'd for them.Prof, Udward llro«n, the Veteran (ryman. of KodanJ. made a suniccstion

S> TheHousekeeper



Hull ull t'urktf heforu buttling plcklua ir prcw’rvia. While hot the cork# may bo proved Into IhjIHc* and when old lhey swell insuring alr-tlghtne»a.

Will rooked rice mid inni'iiroui run well tnko Ho* pluco of imtHtow* when tho old. ewe* ar.- jsu.r and Iho new

* arci strained with flutver water

an lw eleanod with tea lonvra nmlst- • ue.| with vinegar.

Satin sllp|*er* of the most delicate color* mil l>«* cleaned with denatured alcohol.

Is** stains should first to* washed, zsi* In cold water, then In boiling v.i.i* r.

In cleaning clothes with gasoline a ring I* fwuuetimr* left. The ring can be removed by htenmlng over a tea­kettle.

A >ard of cheesecloth soaked in kerosene oil. with a little linseed oil added, make-, an excellent duslclolh, and leave* it bright surface.

I so ammonia water always instead of soap if you are ch-anlng whlto paint. It has the advantage of not dolling tip* surface.

When riitiiiii,.; djtog, figs or rais­ins thrrngh a food chopper, add a few

of l< imm juleo to prevent the fruit from elogglng tho chopoer.

*t’o niak" it tooe-h et*ak temh r, ruh it on loth *ldr« with vinegar in-l olive oil thoroughly mixed nnd allow It to slant! f<*r two hoursi before rooking.,

Tho right way to peel onions is to begin at the root of the onion, p^llo? upward, nml the juleo will ntt fly in­to your eyes.

fnrnbs will soon warp snd break If washed with water. They should 1*0 rlrnto-tl with a good, »-(lff, dry tooth­brush or nailbrush.

If you nd-l two tnblespoonfuls of vinegar to the water eggs arc boiled In, they will not Imil out If cracked.

ill ye hi siove polish nnd also to rave labor In |>o!lsh!ng 'he rime, mix the polishing ;*tM with -Iry soap row.hr. Any tort of *oap pmv- d*'r nnswem tii- purjmiO. and too shin * ‘ ‘ ei! i< far l<-ttee than whet* tbv

JH-li-h 1, u«d.When using bottled hiuing. tho com-

non tendency to pour too notch In ran lie overcome by tying about four ihirknets.rf! of old muslin over the neck of th** bottle. This causes the bluing to fitter, fo thm you can put in just the right amount

Kerosene oil is a *s>iendid aid In cleaning n bath tub.

Household Helps.Itmeh plici? of nit'at or an ni,lb d fowl i.in ho «Coked on t.mbi i.i

the choicest cut If put on the stove In

Tills cmdtittR ketri* br.s ji.ueb* «o i ‘ommtlid ii. for It lx so eonstre, tc.j hat nt«olo»! Iv no steam r:u» '•••* .i k» »ml tho meat is *• • ed sr ««‘ rm*nl i*-. !; mu. J n ic -T in * Irltk I* in Hi** orpmtbm of the i no :,t the t.»i» >, tho keltic Into A hivd* the r fit i mklng on airtight' vessel. In thJs wey

| Another Severe. Case Cured, Through the Use o f Dr. j

Williams’ Pink Pills.I St. Vitim dance 1* a common form of j j nervous (rouble, whieh affect* not j

«*nly young chlidten but mm and w*>- , men n* well. Tho only euro He* In j plenty of puro blood, iMs-niiBO good

i'iood i* tin* life fowl of (ho nerve*. *»r. William’*' I’ ink 1*111* enro the most severe cases of St. Vltn* dance, lic- c.niHe they actually make the rich, red blood that feeds and restore* tho starving, shattered nerve*. Tills ha* been proved In hundreds of cahos, am­ong them that «>f Mr*. John Duncan. London. Ont., who says. "About a year ago I found myself bmomlng very nervous. At the outset I did not pay much attention to It a* I thought tho trouble would pas* away. In this I « « i disappointed, for I soon found myself rapidly growing worse. My right arm nnd leg began to Jerk and twitch all the lime, even when I was In bed. and I found great difficulty in walking or doing any work. Finally the trouble nfferDd my speech and It wa* with difficulty I made myself un- derslood. o f course I wa* doctoring for the trouble, but was not being helped, and finally t)i<* doctor wanted me to go to the hospital for treatment. This I did not care t*. do. and it was at this sluge that I decided to try Dr. Wil­liam*' I'lnk Fills, «»> the tlm- I had used four box*'* 1 fell much IwMer. and In a short time longer 1 was RUtt* wc|| and pfrong.' My nelghlu r / look upon my corn a* quiie wonderful, and Index'd * think It K and ’-ball *1- wav be grateful for what Dr. W il­liams' Fink IMM* did Tor me. '

These Fills are sold bv all medicine dealers or ran le- had bj mall at W> cent* « box or six boxes for bywriting The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock ville. Onl.

WHY l)(MVK FIGHT ?W« sok n..< ism-. w« flijht not r .r a

I f Zeppelins Came?— An E xport’s Optimism.

since' .,.,'|>«C.'*I is lb*, fr. -don. of outAVltl»rVmt,st. *t.-*t w« 'l the iron

Ari’l *» the «a„N.-: " i »«'> take o*»r jpint*.

Khali f«*- men U.m,- *e.> helpf*'** millions j An>V>c',*” b*<» the croc! jyrwnls j

fi„i wbii*’ rcmuln* tie- l,lo*»t in UfUisl, | YtVIl f'Rl't f-r' tight, t-r freedom atv-l i

f..r <;• IOur d»D> char, the realm of war's our j

iid nil t • flaybat It* retained if , s,k< >;srn;'cr cuts wilt 1m- v* ry >m*T v.jjcn th«-« nrr r* adj t


i mnke * Fren ii senm, first ba-u • *:t» jii* rlzhf side, then «Ut«b

ba’.f-vcy lwtwc.;> ba.-Dne, and th - iy, . , n* \t irlnt Off Mi - tsfa*** «b«»- lo X* s-tlichlng, remove tin- hastlir. ro. • ry.c the fold »o tbat'th* ar«», 1-1 l«iMcen thou tli*-n -titib again v Dial 111,*;-' ar*’ hebi b*l«ceii th * two



Mr. Frank Hedge* Butler, who was founder of the Jtoyal Aero club In 11*01. and who with the lain lion. f . 8. Bolls was tho first KiiglUhninu to niakn an ascent in tt dirigible airship in ISO?. In the course of an Interview- regarding the possibility of Invaalon by Herman Zeppelin*, said:

■'Personally I think if would be a good Job If they did come over here. Bveh If they did drtip a few bomb* they could no do very much harm at the moat, hut 1 feel *ure the very fact of their coming would greatly stimu­late recruiting.

"Hut fir*l let u* see what would happen before they reached this coun­try. Before their arrival, say at Dun­kirk. aeroplane* would, set out to at­tack them, Then wireless telegraphy would Inform our cruisers of the In­tended crossing of the t’hannel and everybody, would be on their guard. I feel sure tlm airship* would be Mopped before they reached Shccrne**, where, again, if they should miccecd in get­ting so far they would me* t with great opposition from another fleet of nero- plan*-;*.

‘ Supposing they even got past tht* cordon of speedy machines, there would still lm the London aeroplane fleet* lo contend with, and the Invad­er# would have to run the gauntlet with a vengeance.

"Then there are nature's force* to be reckoned with. Zeppelin* would have no chance of coming over in windy or wet weather Soon the •ujulnoxlnl gale* will be with us. nnd it would b<* a matter of Impossibility for the dirigible* either to come over here or return under such abnormal condition*. Airships are not able to curry any great weight, and therefore they arc at a disadvantage *» the mat­ter of men and ballast or bombs. It is so much easier for aeroplane* to soar t.!>ove the airship and destroy It from abme than It l* for the latter to do any damage lo 'ho uituckiug planes.

“ As on-* who Was In itb*tm» during the bombardment, I can speak with touie authority on Ihe subject of to*- mult# from aeroplane#. Personally I do not think that It i» quite n cessary io darken l-ondon to the great extent of it* present gloom, a# I fear Hint in likely to e«u#e more fatullHe* lluui

, | any airship would do in passing over i the city, but of course, it t» a* well not t to tab*' any chances In these day*.

r " I f the H* i man aeroplane# do come.| I think they would have a similar ft-

• ! feet on recruiting to that which I ( j mentioned •« tie* cer e of Zeppelin*.

Kvcn if an inr» ndlury bomb were drop- | ped on ont* of our public building#

I there need be ro alarm, as we have :» splendid fir*- brigade to cope with any »neh trouble "

Ja va ’s Teak Forests.t , TtnU m JiiVii eov-r l.l' O.O*̂

, iv,,, an.! ball time* .!> larc- a# tin « j niea fell'd in a *i'*n tlm**, thl# nine*

1 ulflcent Me*'; <f Ht »b* r cimt'.fti.atly


If Rubbed On at Night You're Well Next Morning.

Nervilinc N ever failsWhen that tdd coinc*. bow Is It to

or mred' Tin# method I* simplicity Itmlf. Itub Hr.; chest and throat ilgor- ••osly with "Nervlllne." Bob it In g « d and itftp Lots at ri bhlng isn't do any harm. Then put dome N< rvlllno In tlm water anil use it mi a gargle; this will «a*o the cougn cut out the phlegm, a*-

#»*t In breaking up tho cold -iutckly.Tliero lx no telling how quickly Ner-

vllltis break# u,» a hard rn'-klng cough, cases a tight tnewt. rclltve# a pleurttlo jmlr.. Why. thorn l>n t anothei Bnt- m nt with half tho power, the penetra­tive quail Hex, tho Imnot merit that l,f.* made Nervlllne the in«*t popular American househidd liniment

A large f«0c vottlo at Nervlllne cure* III* of the whole fumllv. nnd make* doctor's bill small list It to-day. Tho large *lic I# more rconomlca! than tho S-'.c trial Hire. Sold by dealers overy- Wiytr*. or direct from the Catarrho- xono C<v, King*t»q. Cxnada.

\ How to Grow One’s Own : Vegetable Seeds• (By W . T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist)

Sealed Orders. *i Bachelor Curb- Well. Frankie, j 1:1 i what d<> yon «ant Frank!.- ; | ’i Oh. I want •<* hi- rich. Cneb* Ulch! < j Why 7 l-raoklc Beenu#*- l want t o ! ; !1 I be pelted. »ii*l ma hay* you ar<* an old !: fool, bul lOUht hi- petted because yon ; j ar*- rich, but itV « great secret, and ■ i I muMi’t tell '

.........* * * -------j HURT. CITIES, HELPS FARMS.

«iVindxf-f IberndiI Tlie wai lm* u-Iv-jc>-iv :>tf»*l> l IndiM- j

Iff cr.i • (inn--rata m’.m In <-M* r tx. »r< v.m tl*« •• i f lh!- ntuiil, hiw'ln ■ !-• to »

»> h r*‘ t. r- mjw i l*gu- plant ■♦mvm in* -lauea h>twi<n

tb*-? »'"«•( i*a h ' eiiHit1:* Tiilachoke- the altinr, k'*--# the roll ch an nnd *tv rf*h*v th>' —dt la hunmv and nFrop n, and ftlttn-atrlv iib;« peart vltn the In- ere-.>-i' i f i"im forent cover.


mi who cuuldn't he ->| xtutriei with f!rc-

'•«*«: I - «s<* gunning

On a PedestalThose things we value most

highly, as symbolizing the best in Art, in Science or in Litera­ture, are fittingly placed upon a pedestal, where we can look up to them.

Figuratively speaking, we also place upon the

f>cdestai o f our imagination, those high ideals, those ofty aspirations, by which, in our more thoughtful

moments, we would wish to guide our conduct.

Among those guiding principles, why not place upon a pedestal o f its own, an ideal that may be better

• described as “ Canada First,” rather than “ Made in Canada."

The “ M ade in Canada" movement stands for far more than mere commercial patriotism. Pride o f country, pride o f national resources, pride o f national accomplishment in the realms o f literature, art and science, pride o f virile citizenship, and pride o f national destiny, are all embraced within the brpad sweep o f this deep seated and soul stirring movement

>■Future generations will look back to 1914 as an

epoch marking year in Canada’s history if you, in common with all her citizens, will only resolve, from this day forward, to be guided by the motto


A* condition* tn rome o; Lie court- trie* which aupply Canada wltn vego- tabb* unfit* arx' not likely to be favor­able for the production of feed next year and a# there wa*. no doubt, le** seed produced thin year In thowe pari# of Europe which the war ha* affected It would *fcm desirable that Canadian# should make an efforl Ihl* year to #11 v«i #orne horn** grown *ecd and to plan lo grow *om** next year Not only would It ensure having a mipply but it would be found a very Interest­ing occupation nnd the results which have been obtained In the past from ualng home grown *ecd have been very good In many case#.

It I* a Hi tuple matter to nave need of vegetable# which have only an an­nual growth #uch as bean*, corn, pea*, pepper*, tomatoes, cucumber#, melon*. t«|tiatili. pumpkin#, radish, let­tuce. etc. All that i* ii*-ce*#ary I* rle«n tho »*ed #* soon a» po##lble after the \< K< iablr# are ripe, dry It rapidly and then keep It dry until It Is needed for nowing Raising *eed of biennials turh a* bcvl*. carrot*, par- #nlp*. onions, cabbage, cauliflower* uml celery Is a lUlle more difficult, but it i# these which are imported mainly from other countrle# nnd tf I# hoped that a lurgc number of per *on* will try raising m-cd of them.

To raise needs of beet#, carrots and p.trrulp#, good medium sired shapely #p*clmcns «rx- selected at dlgglug time, the lop# arc cut off to within about two inebe# of the end of the specimen, thu# having the centre shoot. Culling back close to the root will remove Mil# centre shoot which I* not desirable. Store th*- root* In a cool fairly dry cellar or they may he (tilled outside, but If this is done cun- should be ’ itketi not to cover them with much roll until really rool wea- iher set# In »o as to avoid danger of heiKhtg. Karly in the spring plant the root# out In - good well drained soil, planting the roots about two fw t apart in rows three feet apart- When planting it is desirable to have the top of the beet#, carrots or par- tulp# slightly below the surface of the ground, Cultivate the ground regularly nnd the reward Is likely lo be u fine crop of need. The stalk* are eul when the seed }» beginning to ripen aud allowed lo dry thoroughly after which the *enj may he thre»h.-d out uml put away In a dry place until it l# needed tn spring To grow cab­bage seed, plant* having the best head# should be selected aud tbe whole plant dug. Hair formed head* or even the stumps after tbe head has been removed will produce seed, but it is recommended to use plaut* with good head*

During the winter the plant* should be kept in ax cool a place a* possible without frectlng. aud if freezing can­not be prevented they should be kept where they will thaw out gradually. The best plan is to store them out­side. A trench la opened where water w ill not II#. wide * notigb for Ihrce or four cabbage* side by *!de. They are set in this In a slightly sloping posi­tion with the root# down. The top* are then covered with straw at first or # light covering of earth to keep tut light frosts, and later covered with sufficient soil to prevent free*, lug It I* Important not to put tbe soil on until it is nece*#ary to pro- vent front a# there Is danger of ihe cabbage heating. Cabbage can bo suc­cessfully stored in any cool cellar If It I* not very dry or very wet, in the spring the cabbage* are taken out and planted when #evere frosts are over about three feet aparl each way. put ting ail the root and stalk below ground and leaving the head above VVli.-n solid luad* are used slits should be made cro*»w!#e «n the top of th' head when planting which will make It caaler for the seed stalk to force Its way out. Seed stalk* will soon b<* thrown up and each plant will pro duct* a large quantity of seed Hank- lust the earth again*! the stalk# will help support them When part of th<# #*«>d pod* have become brown - the stalks should be cut and hung up and threshed when dry and Iho seed kept dry until needed. Cauliflowers ar.* treated much the *am*> as cabbage but are much more difficult to brlir; through the winter. Where the season I# long, plant# from early spring seed­ing might ripen *rcd the same season-

in growing onion seed the first step is to select medium Mixed well shaped

and well ripened bulb* and then *tora them In a cool dry place. Early In tho spring they should bo planted out about six Inches apart In row* three feel apart. If the onions hare sprout- <-d the sprout shbuld be cut off when being planted as they will then throw up stralgbter stalk*. The upper »ld*» of the bulbs should bn an Inch or two below the Burface of the ground after being planted. This will protect thelh from spring frost*. Tho ground it then kept cultivated. When the ptamta have grown sufficiently they should be banked up about six inchos, to help support the plants when the tops be­come heavy »hh flower* *nd send. When tbe seed stalk* show yellow mar the ground tho seed balls ar* cut off with about two Inebe* of lh* stalk attached. It being necessary to go over the plantation several times us they do not *11 ripen at onc*\ They ar** then spread out to dry and when dried are threshed and the seed Is cleaned and put In a dry place until ueeded. It Is Important to dry tbe seed os rapidly ** possible.

It is rather difficult to grow celery seed in this country. Where celery seed Is grown in quantity the planta are left outside and protected from frost if it should be sufficiently severe. In tno8t places In Canada It will be necessary to store the plants unless they can be protected sufficiently In the row* they are growing In to keep out frost. This may be done with care hut there I* danger of Ihe plants heat­ing in the spring unle*« some provision i* made for ventilation. This can Tie effected by nailing two boards together

; In the shape of a trough and then In- ; verting this and putting It over th*; plant# after they have been well i moulded up. supporting and ralslug it . . nougli for alr-to readily pass through.; When there Is danger of the plant* t being Injured by frost they should b« | bunked up well, tin* Inverted trough* ! pot In place and then some straw put i over. A* soon as severe frost* come i and then* Is no danger of the plant*

heating more soli nhould be put on j ami the plants protected sufficiently > to ke**p out frost. Towards the close of winter tin- ends should be opened

l to let Hie air pass through. Celery ! may be stored for teed purposes in the «»Bar. bat it is very difficult, unless

j condition# arc very Rood, to prevent ’ It from rotting before the plants can

be set outside In the spring When severe frosts ar? over tn the spring ths plants are set out about a foot apart, in row# three feel apart and the land kept cultivated It wilt not be long before seed stalk* are thrown up. The seed Is gathered when about ripe, dried and cleaned and put away until need­ed

The methods which have been sug­gested for obtaining home grown seed may not In nil esses be auch as are adopted by large commercial seed growers, the object now Is rather to tell how the average householder can grow his own seed.

W orked Both W ays.When no had carefully examined ths

shoes the physician had brought in for repairs, the German cobbler hand­ed them back, saying. "Deni shoe* ain’t worth while mending, doctor."

■’Very well. Hans." said tbs doc­tor; "then, of course, I won’t have anything done to them.”

"Veil, but I sbarge you fifty cents already yet.” '

•Why. what for?""Vy, ven I came to see you de udder

day, you charged me for telling mo dot d#r ain't nuddlnga der matter mlt

IMPOSSIBLE.(Ottawa Citizen)

*ip#p*r man rot>bed_ - f tl.M


Ths Cermet!* may he paying for ths supplies they eomm»ade«‘ ‘ —

HARD TIM ES..•’»<ion Advertiser}

sr. the world * supply


With Turkey Joining Ihe German alliance, more than half the wrortd Is now at war. Hero are the figures


Hrittal) Empire.............................. ............. . . . . . 1.UM.Franco (with colonieaj Russian Empire .Belgium twitii Congo! .................. ........................Japan ... ............. - - ........................................... 35”S ervla................................................................... »;•Montenegro . .................................................. •




,20.871 youTotal lTriple Entente! .............GERMAN TURKISH ALLIANCE

Area.tsq miles »Germany (with euluitles)........................... . .......Austria...........................................Turkey . .............................. *

Total tUermnn Turkish)

Total area and pop of war :Earth' total a rea .............Earth's total population

. Loeo.oort


. 786.200,000


' .11,500.000


H o w ’s This PI NO MOKESATI’RO ' V t'tttUVhJ | Wish ntr.I mail driH.-ty L>m »)>i> («**•<> and ii«- iii.mt'1.. , Illltirf umlH'lo*,!« |.l inn, ttnue *

i . CURE OF ASTHMA! .J , i . ih'. ■" .11 Silts,TtitiMf fcr 15 tun Until Hi

............ . h i ..... « ini-- ........ - i Tiisd "fiuiU-tim"




Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies

or other valuables in one of these boxes5. 39


1There Need beno

UnemployedAs long as Canadians do theirjduty arid buy Canadia n-N lade goods in every case

Kellogg’sTOASTED CORN FLAKESis C au n d ia u-H iade, au d t li c o n ly c e -e a l u n d e r th e K e llo g nam e th at is m a d e iu C a n a d a . A l l o th e r s a re im p orted

'Spend your money on Canadian -m ade goods and help C an ada ’s w ork people

KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKESM ade in L o u d o n , O n ta r io , C a n a d a .

1 I

D. A. WHITE. E««.

si Wa ll a c e A v«>, T oronto ,

Dec. aaud. 1913.

"Having fetch « great sufferer from j Asthma for 11 period of fifteen .rears j (sometime* having to sit up at night• for week* »t n time) I I-cgjit the use j of "Fruit-a-tlre*” . These wmtdetftd

thfefil relieved me of Indigestion, nml ' through the continued me of same, I i am no longer distressed with that ! terrible dhteaac, Asthma, thanks to

" l?ruit-n-tives’' which are worth their | weight in gold to anyone suffering as \ I did. I would heartily recommend i them to all sufferers ftotn Asthma,* which I believe in caused or aggravated\ Indigestion". d , A. WHITE

‘ For Asthma, for Hay I-'evrr. for ntiy trouble caused by excessive nervousness due to Impure Ulood, faulty Digestion or Constipation, take ‘ Ftmi-a-tiw*”

50c. nbox, 6 for $3.50. trial sire, 25c, At nil dealers or from Fruit-adivea Limited, Ottawa. __________________

Published L'ly Thiirxtay tnor

Watkvjton. O

agruyd was iO|UidiftWil by: Urn 0 |>» porit'ut*, aud rcquest-nltd » » a Lsur ior duvieu Ut (ear lho I nbilftld awpt fr.mi lm weeping tamily ami make him light the ltattles of England. The C’au8c-r\'attu'8 ttt.tl Natioiialial*Of QUOIh'C Wui), Tiro partisan*,Lav- ins tiwdml fejood, kept »| the attack on the Lturicr Nival policy with vigor, ami this was on • o f the main 0 in-os <>f thfa tUfeajt of the Laurier |u rwt 11 mi'llt in inn.

The shtj-s that were }danut,d and- j ot thu Lumet' naval policy wonfei j have heel: com pie lt<l in I t 'l l , iu j time to tsko part in tho pret-eut war j Tho Droadiioutapl which wore pro­posed under lb* policy which was substituted for tlio Latitiir po'iey | ■ would not havoheeu comply tod un til UHO. Iu other words tho "em- orgenc)" motuiiiro could not havo been clVectivo during the emergency with which we arc confronted, whilo the despised Canadian flout might have played a useful part.

No one denies that the Laurier naval policy won capable of milargo- meut or improvoiucDl. I f the Bor­den Government, ou attaioing pow­er iu l f l l l , h d enlarged aud im­proved it the country would have Hiipporlod that devc-Iopement. Un­fortunately the Borden Government listened to unwise counsellor# who J advised if, not to enlarge but to destroy what its predecessor bad douo. That occasioned delay; and it is uecauseof that delay that this country is miablo to do what Aus. India is doing.

There ia little n*c, howerer, iu regrelling the past. Wind wo must do now is get Canada iutoline with Australia as quickly as possible.— Toronto Star.

^ LABATT’S STOUT1Has Special Qualities

M I L D L Y S T I M U L A T I N G . N O U R I S H I N G . S U S T A I N I N G


If not sdld in your neighborhood, write


> Hi’ imniirTloN- SU*<I pur y< ur in j vivaec. Otlwi wi*e f l .Vi, Fidicd

'\S|.»((.» I I .1.Uj

E D I T O R I A L !t :


j The fact that tho mischievous Gorman cruiser Etmleu was dispos-

| ed of by the Australian erniser Syd­ney is giving much troilblo tc tho

' opponents o f the Australian policy — almost as much trouble as to the

| Germans, Iu WOlLhoth parties in j (Jinada agreed upon the polity - which Australia has carried to bhc- , cod. But partisanship:at last broke' ; the agreement. In lb 10 there was1 ■ a bye-election in Quebec, and tho i policy upon which both parties had

uMf.Nri i l.osKIt TO US.

It ii, - \pected that it will not be long until tho first of our Canadian boys wilt go from England to assist in fighting the battles of tho oiupire at tho front. Wo will then feel more keenly than we have dene that the war is Canada's as well as Britaiu’a becatis* oar representative# are in it, and we have confidence (hat they will give n good account of themselves. The Uucrofi doc­trine originally propounded by Geo. (.banning, a British statesman and subsequently adopted by President Munroo of the l rated States, what­ever intrpreeiatiou may be put on it wo rid not prevent the in­vasion of Canada by Germany if she were in a position to invade it, even though the United States might oppose ii. Between Canada and the German army and navy are now tho British navy ./ There are also tbo aliTed armies' bolding the





J s M

f r m : i f 1 w M ■

W ^ m/ : c J B I

p p / ■■

r . ' ! l f

Secure Perfect LinesCoitene Corsets arc th e correct fou ndation fo r tho

ufoy prevailing modes. T h ey are designed on precise ta ilo rin g princip les to g ive s ty le w ith hea lth fit w ith c om fo rt . Coitene Corsets m ou ld the figure

'Tm lines s o ftly siml com fortab ly . T h ey are wonderfu l £ $ in th e ir sym pathy w ith th e superb lines o f Nature.

0 £ » o i l e n e| L y o s ,,s e ! l ©& & i>rc What they an* hccauiv of rite (klcnllRc sy stem of «fe .iiinlng 't- ‘ feat product-# Hu m. and twcau*Kof Hut pw-rt« ,1 Cm! l,,nmg.

'• hi* Iwnlnjt ii 101 vuluoivv feature of Cottvm Corsets ami ran In* VS2fl hud In no other, Ii is ;n flcdhlc us Hu- body, tan be ItVni in

any way, even edge wist*. I i vmlllaJvtl, nunruMinj, lit i»t yet

t lolly MipiwifUbgi Cwhiie Corsets are su»c« ly high c.r,»dv . 'id

«K>ld ai the b in aiorys only. Made in huiii froni l.u-d and but k-laced oiylrs in it wide viirlviv of mmii'b. Pri.vs >.* Ad

' up- Every pair gmiruntccd. Write us direct 101 bookletehowlng latest siylts.

Will not bri nk or rust nr War,■ Coiluiit! Corav:.i made for wear



A lw aysGive



Germau army iu check in France aud Belgium, with good pitwpecfa of driving it hack upon i(a own ter­ritory and cruobing it into surreed or. Tho HtiBiian foo in in its rear, and with ail tho contradictory reports seems to bo approaching nearer to Berlin.

We in Canada shou'd bo ready to do whatever is rtquited of us to drive I ho foo of Bolginm, France and Britain— and tho foe of C*nada -back into itn own territory and

inflict defeat upon it.Wo have hitherto responded to all

tho calls made upon uu, aud though the thought of furnishing two or three hundred thousand men is rather nppaliug, wo must be prepay; ed to face the possibility.

Many of those who go to tight for us will never return. They will d»e on tho eoil of France, or of Germany but they will dio in n glorious cause, to vindicate Belgium ruthloFbly outraged, to sustain the honor of Britain, to preasrvo in viol; ate tbo blessings of liberty aud freedom which wo onjoy . in this laud and which would be as ruth: leaidy toru from us as Belgium was invaded if (ho militarism and the idea that tbo weak must bow to tho ulrong which animales those who art* in control iu Germ­any today prevails. In (ho last analysis Canadians in lighting with Britain wilt bo lighting for their own homes aud tboir own. liberty aud for thoso of us who aro compelled to remain at borne. Tbo idea of what it means is only beginning to pen; olralu our thoughts, — Stratford Beacon.

Rural Route No. 4Foilbwihg dir Hit Llst-of fatiuvra who have tfiihteiihrd for lust* «>u KutalH’>ute No, J. out of Waliwfiii'ii:—

i Andrew Zgiltey J J Zvttfe r Alvx Knott Archie* Weir ,J>i' Whilchead Jitn.T Crawford Aio-tiu )iiitdorue»S

■ George UosefehU Milton McLean K II lA)»g G t hildn Fred .Sta.le Long Bros l'tios A Cliibholm Alex Wucehter Jos Kent r.Goorge Wuccliler aytvvaUM Psikt.Jno Knultedge

* W A Bell Jno L liniton Conrad Kautfmiin Wui Schuler John l'rodeiick l)a\ id Jolinstuti iicorge Sviiioml- Frsnk SmuUr Wui Burry Jno B Chisholm Itohl Mutiny Jno KuvitBtr.vu tlrockrlhonkFied Voigt II J Wui-, liter F A Kent Amhony Sutler A t« Mcm 'ihuui DaVId Allerdyi'ri Angus Mm fav John Kuiloljili Frank Wfllielin Aimus Ctiiq.Wlt Noah Urwdcr Cun Zuhvr Frank Geislcr JO hit Nciltf John Carr J Abell.InoU SymoiulslooigeKm.ilW e.l.yr Atwti

| John FJoluiMun

Wm All'll Julius Holm George Fan-


D E N T A LW. J. H A U . I O A y ^ il.L;/.’.';

; J-S. R !■: k n,

M E D I C A LD R b r o w n , ', ';r „V ’. l

W . A . H A I .B ,S S iJ L 'N !:'

fBrs *ea r<Kt4ei>c<' on tt.tr.tr or I'ofi-orr a CnjItyMlrrru


>4*4 id gl:amt Pitman sh .n'lmnd am! alt emreint *afej < Fall Hrm open AmJnsUfBt. A i - r.nr 1-atf logUfAddress T. \Vwt |, : Principal.Yung« & Met lit S K . Toronto

k Every Woman

veolxily... IMt!,' « r i i

t ilic TelMcopllTKIt. Urecnot

•s. Wnlkerii.1

V E T E R I N A R YS . I I A N M O R K .V .S . JILW orlfc

...w . -• "lanraort ba»

Harvey IhuckG' Win Moigan

Unborn McLeiui W K Johnston GiistrtVf SHiultr.

jilt Mfl.ewlOltvi Met;,: .ell'd;uin Hoth Ih'iirv liorghimu Jno Flm h Sian Johnston Phil K.islnnr Mr* V«l Knoll Mi n. .be* Chisholm Jno Buddy George Gierler Mm K iivInui Geo Frederick


Merchants BankO F CANAL/.

P A ID U P C A I ' IT A L 17.000,000 R E S E R V E FU N D S 17,218,134

220 BranchesTo- SWIN'TS -Y’dJJIMfS « f

Un:»M' dej-irtuR a strong SAVINGS HANK, are cordially invited. Inl- c re si midedlasi dny of April and October instead of May and Nov ember, os fortnerly.


M a n a g e r

Sm ith & M c C o n n e l’sChoppingMillF e e d (EL S ee d S to re

A l l K in d O f C e re a l A n d C o a r e F e d F o r S a l in T o n L,t*O r In A n y S h ap e*

Sm ith & McConnel| W A LK E K T O N , O NT

P r a i ) t T ° u / i )S i ip

Farmst havv. in Biant, *2 fifty acre

farm*. I forty-six aei»* faun, I one liutidmt and thirty acre fuiin. - two hundred acre farm# all M b latPilOVBlfe convenient to itanov- vroi alkerion. and Ihe nwnem have illaced thru* in my haiu's he- cause they A HE BOl NDTCSELL I have also a 100 A rc farm m Perth, near LiMr*w» 1, Hmbest farms in the County of I enh, with extra improvement*, ft vtry great bargain at $7ik0. I ®f , « fee/nro had Bitch a choice of Fa:ro« as now. My office is HEADQUAR­TERS and you should come to; e# me if yonwant tobuy *t riglttprfe e»

H. vt. Mi l l e rHANOVER - * ONTARIO


tteal Kstate bought slid old: money t** loan; also »g i mor the Farmet »v Cent lid Muloal Fin In4tiranee Company. — I’ b' line 110. i lug ~ A- I.

p n ? £ g r iV P2SU5ED|, * * i * * t 1NVKK.,*,.- ' - ;:>'■■ ;;•< ■ t- icut Xrtfc M V? J J O N & M A BH >.\\ ’it '̂.>iva/dty ii Moal'^Al*

Wood’s Phospliodiao,Tkt tlrta!

w'» HlL'-J______ ,u ol,l Vein*. Curt* AyrraHt

& & .■aitgistevaMroiciud co.,toia#ro.o»T.

T REES t T R E E S ! I

Ail kinds e( Fi-ult and < rnn- meiilal Trees, Evergi-oeits. It<*»t*s, Shriilp,. l'liml«'t>, etc. ICveiy- thing in the Nurnery line S*-ml

-Ji-t - I y..or wants for price*. Catalogue fm*.

A««nU W*»t*d Ev«»ywh#T»

Apply for term*.

J. H. W ISM E RNur«orym«n. Pori Cigla, Onlmlo

Ow en Sound, Ont.It i* r?*ogni/.ed as the m<»*t thor­

ough, practical feusincNs school in Caend;«.

Individual li)»rructi"ii.

Our three story college building.



C A FLEMING, F. V. A.. Pnncip*

DG. FLEMING Secretary.

1 )

pur photograph* are more " 'i ban good phorhgraphs—

they are true portrait* bringing out nit that's bc»l in character and individu­ality. Make your »p* polnrmentfi NOW.

1 1

' V M f J t

S T O V E S !

If you want a stovy

buy a " H A P P Y

TH O U G H T.” Nont better. Aso a tut)

tine ol Heating Stoves

H A HAVILLWalker ton - - Ont.

Dr. de Van’s Female Pillsa*. Tbr

«lii* sold * 1

rfe* Sc«l»*U Uruv fe* . 9L CariuJla**. Oa*.

Cook’s Cotton Root Compound.toft, rtlia^t rcgwA»»fB8

Iinne. 8,1,1 in Jfare* <!*■■


TemperanceFIELD DAY

in Brucetn connection with the above a

Public Mass MeetingWill be held in tile

Town Hall, Walkerton.SUNDAY Ev’u NOV. 22nd. 1914

Speaker: R E V . BEN. H. SP E N C EGeneral Secretary of the Dominion Alliance

Soloist: r u t h v e n M cDo n a l dThe Famous Baritone. Toronto

This vviii be a Meeting Worth While. Don’t Miss it.

-liroy County I* mmliug i'll men in l lie «tccmid cniilingoni.

A device Iihp been invented to drlct I •iivo.(lro|ip*-i> *>ii li e mini lilt|ihoiu*

-peak* wi ll lor I

!• Min. Hc-igo Ftnnk ami her Huh.'! daughter wn e vjull«•»'!* la WMlketToi),| over -SitndaV.

Iinnil- ! .Mr, NoImhi t.mnlK'Hn* nl W * lh i I .\ddre** t» IrMt r !•» In ■ t ofion. ivakh visilor in town on Wed net*- | Trade Mini COtuinercc, .»li|ili* Division, <Uy ivt (tie home .»f Mr ami Ml*. H. j D lU iu , and you will receive firool Frank. Mr. Lunbertn* who Is a drug j i-otil m booklet with 200 apple delight*, gist-it North Bay. inumdt* reluming j It is notneeeMiaiy In Hunp fuller*, to that |*Imc» « «*»i wr*k.- Miidnny I hry ko Irer. I 'm il II .M S hi

j „ }. S, |,I ol . (iHxetle, | i Itnrol comer wh« r< tin- •tamp


The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires unchang­ing of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

c. n. vox3<iiKlicr. UliilkcrDn.

Eoty to ts ii ii that wcarm

“ K in g H a t”King Mat*are flexible anil self con orming. jest vTm tl t- but <« ci l « he head.



in * school with ;■ continent a tepututiou for high grade work and for the success o f its gradu- ates. a school with superior courses and instructors. W e g ive individual attention in Commercial. Shorthand and T e ­legraphy Departments.

Why attend el** where when there is room hot'? You n.tty enter at anv time. Write h i onrl*»pc free catalogue.

I). A. .McLachliui. Principal.

Il;i*in> — in 1‘iOMiht will ham. The demand for well - ti.lined young men aud women fur I n -in.—. will he keener Hn.n evri The w Im- me preparing ti"w. t.et into hue of schools mu) It© reedy. A lew month* will do il. If wd! pay von w,.d). Free rntalngoo. Write for it.KHA WK BUSINESS srHOOD*-

Toronto, Yonge*t W Show I’m .

The Uritish niiilnixailoi' is whl t h*vc a lieu rt best' « plot tn (Tirielnnati to nleze Canada. We have an idea i hey would return in their homes -adder Dud writ or men.

Mr. Waller Widiuryei yetutiled . \V.« Button bt-i Saturday.—Ajtendvaoee.

Me,-.-1* Otto Schatta an.I Itoy K< ettig i r|*eut Sunday at the format'* batin' in Walkerton. -Ayton Advance.

migh of vent- trade to ink for ii.

A writn in CollieM >aj*- that it i* an iiiUioiitiom .ln.jiuK tint •'when Hit-English oei.itpy u rmmtiy tiny IiiiUiI it eustotns I unite; Ike Grtluttn- a fort, Hut Fiench « road." I f> that was

J an intermnibnal raying it was of long ... . . . . ... . ago for KnaUnd since‘Mfiy in the nine-Clttrite, w .r . v l . l l . n i . Walk.ruip,

tho custom bouse from her bordett*. Whatever the custom house D in op­eration in the Empire it has hren e»- UblUhel by an Overseas Government

iis own revenue*. Even (ierinauy h a high lari if! wall surrounding it foul free access to Hie inatkel* of

the United Kingdom. The fact is a snfTiricnt .insiyef lothe<*c:m»n charge that the Kngli'ih were influenced to wat by jealously of Germany's • -spand ing trade. Neither Itritirh fiscal pol Icy nor Hie British navy' offered an> opposition to Herman trade expnn-: sion.

< iiviiititv placed.Patron'*# home it.du*lry and home ,

trade. Thus you will I** putomring HAVE Ĵ.UOo.'ssi. youiKtlf. Simp when- yon aie invited j flu* nun>t itnjwnl.ilit and wo.ilihif t to shop. For invitation* comu:t nor | .’'fuhummt-dnn Independent ruler in

*»lv etthkiugfoluinns. There you will I India has contrihoted « petsopirl g«lt lind the names of dinh'ir who think of ♦?.0 Hi.noa to th * espctisoa

.'Its. Jueoh Schmidt and danghte trice, were vDitors in Walkerto Monday last,—Mlidtitny Hn/ette

Mr*. Katraerrice of Walkerton via- ited with her sister, Mis. Ivekfoiil. for n eoupleaf day thu diat of the week.

Houthampton lleacon.

t'ouncillor Diineiui ('ample II t rd his leg cut to the Inme on Hatutday. He leaned against a-aw run by {tower, nnd had « very narrow fseape from having his leg sawed off. He will to laid aside lor some weeks.

auadn timl Australia stalled out together, on tin* »mue day tocirntc

es of their own. Owing t«. a change of Hovernilicnl in Hill Cumda Abandoned her plans. Aiistialiu ke|>t on nud made a navv. which although, still small, is mighty useful to her­self and the Empiie.

When the farmers ol the Mil-round- ing townships hrontchl Iii>il" their I *st load* ol oat* to Paisley station on Wednesday last for the Patriotic con* tiHnition, the total amounted to ‘.sin sacks. A* the sacks contained three bushel* each, thi- made 270*1 bushels which tilled two cure. This in n < libeiat showing for our farmer*, and w« have no doubt that when luore are needed Ufeie will again he the same

| readiness to contribute. Paisley Ad j vocate.





Y. It C. A- BLDC.-r LO ND O N, O K K

StndenU assisted to positions. CoDegn in session from Sept. 1st Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. WesUrrelt i.V .W oUm K,ft,

W lXHIlAM FACTORIES UK OPKN.The Pnlon and li*-ll factoiies at

Winghnui hu e open*d with the full ipioth of iiieu with h they U»d beforecb'-it'g nud will r.ow nut steadily j T o PI'T'IJUMUU IN*-PIKI.D

FARM HELP TO UK SCAKCK Mr. ii. A. McDonnell, Diteftor

iiiiiuigrstion foi■ Ontatio, is of the i inlon that next spring there will he a larger demand fot- tmnt lalmr than ever before known itt the Province, and that It will he to the advautsgc of lh » farmers to secure help at the pres- cut time. Owing to the tacts that immigration from thu old counfYy has been practically »t u standstill, and that so many fartn hands have gone with the Canadian contingent, n short age of labor will ho experienced when the spring comer. There is no season Mr. MscDouell think-, why farmera cannot make ariangementa now by hiring help on a yeatly engagement. In u-spon-c to the '♦irculnra which hale been st*i-t out to farmeta it is stated that a good many application' nr* In ing icieivi d each duy li t hi Ip.

Winter ToursTO TIIK LANDS ( »F

Sunshine ana Summer Days

T H E'• C A N A D IA N "



Particularu fumi < . P. 1( AgntitK iir wtlte M. u. Murphy, District Pass- vnger AgenL comer King and Ymiye Ktit-eiv, Toiomo.


Aineii;aii Cotton-Li-le

HosieryThey bare Hood test, tiive

teal tool' comfort. Nil acnlliH to tip. Never hecouiv Irose or baggy. The rhspe is knit m not piv»s©d in.

G U A R A N T E E D bitilm-txe**. style. sti|«rrtot itgofu n »i - ■ aland woikin.itiship, Alan lute- ly stiiinle.-s. WIM w.iti il month withmil lule*. or new om-r fn e O U R S P E C I A L O F F E Rto fvoty oil© M'luling usfl.nu m oMcreney or pmdul note. In in.vg cr udvci tiKlug uud-hippingeinu- e», wt- will seudpnM-paid. with written guariitlti e. bucked by n five inillh.ii doii ti enmpanv. either

:t Paiti, <-t oili 7.i • vabu American Silk Hosierj'.

nr •! P.iii* n| nur fiOe, value Ameii' uii Crt-bmetf li< -i

I Pacry.

ul IAmerican Cutio

Ilo-leryb Pair- o f Cbildlc

d ltd led.DON'T DELAY - - infer e*.

pircK when u il«.*ier in your locality i* ielMcled.■international Hosiery Co.

p. O. H"v 211 DAY roN OHIO’ l'. K. A.

Htrniigh the fall and winter. tuctiHn Mi Pied John*ton Hie manager, deemed it bettet lot b -<• Jilting the - miu.er monlhe when men could get employ intuit. Till- llleiius Hint practically a ll« f Wiugham'* indti-* trie- ur t tunniog iioimslly.

UOlNli TO NEW ONTARIOIn ala)ut three week* Mr. ami Mr*.

Fred Sbide and family o f lluis town il Mr. and Mr*. Fred llfiiv t i of IHHi t. Biiinl. leave f.«r liowuiait Ip. on

the Potcnpiin* ltoad d, mile* from Mutbes'in. Stnde line itonght a fntih tif |i»l acre* f«*t fto.'ianil Dr.tve * ipiai •

t- -e r t ‘ 'ii cv»t him i-V*'. An i ledric |*:iy will m il pas I their |ito|inty

kiiiiiini r. 1 lolls s.nde amt Dravc* •light out ietlb t» and them t« a 'U»c and coimideiahlc clcarinti oil the wlj'.iutjuiitd pioi«ii t i - — t'lnah y

Billet |>ri*e

Hi it-ilent lili Ic liltie lubil oil Hie top of thi- papei —ah. It tell-a story! Ye*, it trllr whether you make the |mh1i*hi'i'a heart glad tn sorty. It in. dicatv- whether you hi> ,i -aift pav or a *l«iw our. It riatup* you a? a man of duty or ii N.ddier who shirk*, lu tact it IcIIb everything. What bn* it to say alxtut your No matter li»vv far it shows you to he in arrears it d«ie> not say you are a dead boat. If we thought that, there would be no paper and no l^lde for you. By the way. we -hail revise our mailing list in thecouri-vofa few day.-, the last time for 1VM, prohaldy. Pay up now and etui ihin year with n clean re­ceipt.

Canada spent $100(tKl0(<M)O last year in intuxiciitiug iii|Uorv, anya F. S. Spence of Tomulo. The Doiuinioii Alliance sja-nt flu,nOtl in lighting the traffic, and would icgithc umru litis year. The temperance movement has grown more rapidly than hid L hiiiti- unity during tip; first eighty yt hi $ of the pre-rut era Eighty y»ar* ago

e were im tctnpei*me loc ir lio , Ivigiity yearn ago insurance companies

mil 1 not instil© total ahstatner*, re­garding tlirtu a- laddist*. endanget- ing ilitdr live-. Six yem- ago Hint* states of Hie uuioit were diy. now. fourteen ate. Nova Scotia bin n o il-! ceoseout-ide Halifax. Piiure Kdwnrd l-latul i» dt y, a* is mo-l of New Hi tin- i snick. OntofSI2 inunlcipaliHis iu Ontatio, .Yfo aie without liquor liccn- »■». Utl Ilia other hand thet" ha* ŵ u ute-t* la»t year for drunklilies*.

The War Does not Effect the Nursery Business

fisii'fr t'Hisi. \Vt ),•■. M-'mlm .̂liiil.c1l"; V<ml t l"*:\ .1 ‘:a?!im

-f.fc orK* o.<i.,.K* ih»

Tlios. W . Bowman Son & Co.


Boy Wanted !

•Ron over fourteen v.-ni- •• age. with fairly u<mnI etimviHon wauied t«i feat'll Hte printing. A giM*i op|MiHunSty for blight lioy

i the lrude. Apply aThe Tele-,•.,{«. Offln

anucunn im-nt from laotdon that tiieal Hi itain propones to put nil army of two mliliou uiaa In the Held, undoubtedly mean* that^ corie»|Wmt- inglv big rffort uiuA <©• unde hy C’or. ada dm ing the next year to maintain a Heady and ever Increasing ItoW < f the Uunmlinu lighliug turn towmd- tlie firing line in Europe. Il isesHm* ated that if the war t# still ill prog' reds* a year limit now Canada will hare mi ui'iiiy uf np|ti«xiniatelv l.'ai.onj men im the held. In government and mill tary I’irrhs, h is sjjjpcd ted«y D.nt Camul t i* prepiieit forv an itdefiuUe period to send lot went men a* l*-t as they can he jirintd fatul upiipped. it will not i «• a tiiHtter/'i one l tvo oi tlnee ci'iitingeutAr-mut " f lending hu ivnid u o-tithmoii, *titam >*f iciu louriuetJts so inn ** r«*j»iH'd to ar- elompli»b the decisive defeat <>f the Cgioa* of the Kaiser.

DEATH OF LoKD ROUKKtH At Hie rip© ulii tg rcfiC . and wlii!'

-till in harms-.''Field Mai-ball Halt Unbelt-diedol pneuutoliiM Sntutday uigli; at tiie headguattersof Hie Brit isir c-pediticnai v f*>ice in France •■Hulls ' who was cclonrl-ln-chicf ot the Indian vreop*' had gone to Franc to extend thrni his greetings, but oi t he day after hi* arrival be solfci ed i *eveie chill. Pneumonia devetoprd rapidly, and hi* great age mIHUled against hi* recovering.. When ho tell England on Wednesday with hi> •laughter, Lady Aitceu Roberta,Ilia SL'it'lo-lnw. Major Lewiti. Loid Rob eria wan in tils usual good health, and d rl not ap|>ear to suffer any if) effect from a rough pain ago across the chan nel. laud Roberts bud motored to the ihitish hate*and camp», had reviewed Hu- IniPnu troupe, confetred with leading officers, ami wa* about lo rr> turn to England when his last illneri srixed him. Funeral setvicc* for flic lute hem.of the .Smith African \V,n w ill probably lehald nt Si. Paul** whet*; Ilu*s*r ot Wellington, N* l-oi* ami otlier HtH'sli l'ero* a have bun field* It i- «xid tint LadyRobert* drsiro* apiivate funrial. and that burial w ill *»» «t AllSaint-cluueh Ascot, ne»r his haute.

W ALKED TO WALKERTON."Battling Burke" an ex-soldier o

the Afrirmi war, who joined tho ond contingent now r« cmiting in Lon- d in in l wliure.;i)ivi,>dhl*di*mi-s *1 fmm the taiiK* liec.»u*e be vm- intosic.itrah passed through Miiduiny Vtstrrduy in route lo hi* home in 'Vulkoi ton. Iluiktf, it *eems rude Ivor, d to enlist in Toronto nftei hi* disiiiirsal by the London autlnuilics.lmt evidently Id* record was di-coV'etcd and Le wer again gtveu his walking ticket The Slug .Id piece:presented to Uurke hy Hie Wulkyrlin mayor in rrcogultim* of his < tTer to culist, iiad no doubt hern exchanged for r mn at sumo llurs1 counter, a* luck el nmd* i-said lo fiavr compelled Huike to i-ovrr »on- •iderahle of the distance bet ween Tt i ■ onto nnd Waikei tan Iry counHug tlie tn-» along the Untml Truck Hack-. He spent Tuesday night »■* the purst of Hepu'.v t*'eve Con. Scluuidl on the Etna mad and diil'.cd into town Milne tune tile next morniuu. It ph-MMil ns

mite, however, Hint Uurke Im* not yet discarded the sweats r • oat |ir« -ml ml him tiy tim Waikei Ion ("miiicil in evidence of their admiiatiefi isl Ids hrav*t action in otfering tonight'urath- Urita'ii e tlag. —.Mildunij tai>x«u.

o f tin*exp'ditioitai v fur-;© from India • > oi l the Hriti-h arm-in Euro|M‘. H«v J- C. Hciwn -.' i.'tsry <>f Mm Baptist

eign uiiaainit luutrd, Im* jo-t ic cei v«>l in forma tins to Ini* elfcctina Id ler from Hcv, John Mcl.autin, mis amnnry at Av-innigadn and Mr. Me* I.mi in write* that tlds gift of O.OOU, «00 rupees ( f2.ndo.0ou) is 'entirely from the private fort iiiio of the Eixani. The Mohnmmedau ruler* ara even out doing the other native prince* in their exprr-*ions of loyal sacrifice to tin cause of (iicnt Britain.

CANADA W ILL BOOM- James Oliver l air wot d. am Ameri­

can autlior o( note, holievr* that (•*«■ th* giealest immigration

movement in itt history folic wing Hu- war. He sty*: Fallowing the signing of peace will follow an immigration movement, that I believe will ntnaxe

nrlil. Have people lot got ten what tmppemd imo-esdiatcly aftu

Franco-Pi in-,ah war of lfi'Or Have they lorgotten Hint three of the greatest state* iu Hi* PniteU Ktale* Newbiusk, Minne-otn amt lown—wtieuttled 1>V iiaoio Tlfnii iwu Itiindt«*<!

thousand tierman* during thu few year* that followed the vittoiiou* march to Paris? And that war whs a Herman triumph. What then will follow n Herman defeat? Today Neb­raska, Minnesota and Iowa ate our three great Herman -tales nnd three of our richest stale* The F»nn.:«- Priuninn war made these stale*. And where one tier man sought new oppor­tunities acrovH he ten in those day* I look l * live to -ee live to come after the present war. They will not go to the United Slate--, lu spite ol trein- eudotu real estate Ix-oms in Tex is aril oilier pints* c f our south 1 thenfully jilace myself on record a* saying that tlie-e are no lit lauds left open in the United Ststes. To Cniinda nml Smith America it:net go theriuigrnut c-f the Dilute who lam-eklrg I nd na which to make a I ivt Ii lie oil."


Mis* Sara, danghitr. of Fi rdirnod Si-limuck wan opeiated on for iippeu dicili# last week at the WalkertonHu-piiaL

iiusl Tu-.lrV little girl ulm tvu- *ei ioil-ly hui ueil, i-iuipniviiig.

tlohn HUtinger )* - ill hu-y pick­ing apples f.o the hunter* hcie.

Weller A Stave heating fiicti'iv I1 still haul at win k.

Mr. and Mr*. J. II Sell-fter tm.k ii Hie Sunny Si uihfhuw.it Wnlkertci last week.

Jacob llusmatl at Amhlcside nh< baitx'en sei-ii indy ill is Impioviug.

Mb-ill-'-are .-till getting in fowl.Tliet*- was a lively time at tl <

riio--ting mutch on Thmaduy of last week.

On Sunday of last week we h«d rain r,ll day and an Mondaj' tve had a nnoiv storm.►*Mr*. Frlix Xcttlcof Chepstow who has been here lot- -ome lime went Imnn* la-t week.

Matthew Writer i- supplying the town with href ami pork.

Henry Flack cum© home from linn- over Inst Week.

Mli«s Nora Kramer mint* home from Hanover, where kite has spending thepa*t Week.

Mrs. H.uoil of Detroit \\ Im has been visiting her parent - for some time, left for home l«*t week.

Just Sit Back and Think.

Is business qu iet '! Then slmly fli« |>os.si- liilifies o f your telephone. Just now it cun pre­vent business slowing Up anti at the same lime effect som e real economies.

As a salesman, file long distance telephone is unequaiiefi. Il enables you to get in touch with ciistoniors ami by a wise .word dispel Iheir uneasiness. You can keep them posted on prices and |«)sslbly dissuade them from curtailing iheir orders. In countless ways your telephone can help you.

•Study file possibilities o f your Iclephone your­self. Its u.-e in your business may b e different from its use in oilier lines, aniFlhe saving in (ravelling expense, lime and lidior is a greal faclor.

The Bell Telephone Co.OK C A N A D A .

E S 3 S3 S fiTTn - f im . u :

L in k e d w ith m u sic ’ s ch ainSunday evening at home assumes a new

and deeper significance when the family gathers together and sing the hymns that have rung on down through the ages, to the accom­paniment of the hcaptiful melodies that flow from the

Williams Player PianoWith its w onderful Mcister Touch Action,

the control of tempo and rhythm is absolute.Even totally unskilled though naturally musical performers can achieve effects that arc usually the prerogative, only, of a master.

There i- pride a* well <»* economy in llu- ownership of the bcw. The New Scaly William* Placer ic the *uf*rl«- tivc of piano perfection—the be.uitj’ of itc tone and finich i.-* unsurpassed.

Art CalatogiM'. illuciraiing the making of Pianos and Players And containing portrait* and biographies of Master k Muslti.vps will interest you greatly. Mailed free on request to t

GEO. B. SM ITH ,Ayton, RepresentativeTh* Williams Piano Co . Li^iitad Oahawa. Makari ^ ft


It 's not such a “ long way to Tipperary" Biscuits— just as far as the nearest grocery store.

Each one bears a p ic tu r e - troops o f the allied armies. Each one is crisp, brown, and delicious.

Say Tipperary to your grocer.


" v!(“ r W hav f N*fllH4u>» '


^ f v v y V V ^ *t R.W5U M 30| ^

oftod* - ■! V-


•*1 know what h« Ip. Ami l dv car© for that. I liked him at Bret right bccauso ho'didn't awn like n siraug- er at all. but like au old, old. dear. d « r friend. He felt near to me, Willy. 1

•‘Well. I ewcar! If that len t the •oflest rubbish I ever heard In all the days of my life! It's well I sacrificed all my prospect* In Australia ami como over hero to look after you, blest If It Isn't! See herd, Suzy! That swell's over head and ears In love with you, and don't take no trouble to conceal it. And similarly you as If you wero over bind and cm loro with him and didn't care about hiding It. Blest If It Isn't a good thing 1 did como to take care of >

"Willy, 1 can take care of myself. I am of age. And you may go a trifle too far. 1 will not have my guests nf- frented. You know nothing of thi Igcnctos of my Ufa. t must live as I lived at Pari*. Berlin. St. Peters­burg and other continental cities. I must give elegant little suppers hero as I did there. And you are not be­cause you ar« kind enough to take care of mo'—you are not to fancy every gentleman an ogro and affront my visitors. 1 shall receive the earl as I receive others. Good-night," raid Susy.

And she retired and left her rough but well-meaning brother to his own reflections.

Did Susy receive the earl as sho ro- ctdved her other guests? No doubt •ho intended to do as she said, for she was the Tory soul of truth ami honor.

Howover that might ho. It Is cer­tain that from that evening forth, the brilliant young patrician. Lady lllnda Moray, missed from her circle the moat favored of her admirers, whllo the lovely prlma donna numbered among her worshippers the handsome and talented Earl of Wollroeo.

Rumor soon connected the name of U>o rising statesman with that of the renowned songstress, and whispered that Arlelle would add one more to an Illustrious list of artistes raised by marriage to the peerage.

Of course this rumor never by any cbanco reached the ears of the Duke or Duchoss of Cheviot. They be­lieved their son was pleased with the Î ady Hlnda, and that In duo season ho would proposo and bo accepted by her.

The duke, however, though a hand­some, healthy man in the prigio of life, was growing rather impatient to see the perpetuation of bis race In­sured.

So one day be look hi* son to

■ choked'wilh emotion.

Hi toltd tell t

since* all that 1

•I. clasping both hi* hands and drawing him toward herself.

Almost Involuntarily he yielded the impulse. And before he realized what he was doing, ho found himself seated opposite to her In the pretty lit tie brougham.

Once more she leaned from the car rlage window nud said lo the nston Mud earl, who was standing near:

"I-ord Wcltrose. will you kindly heokoti a itollreman to clear the way? These people are so rude! And pleasealso tell the coachmoa 'Horn*........added.

"I wonder if | am awake,” mut­tered the earl lo himself, obeyed all the order* so cavalierly given him.

The police cleared Ihft way. The coachman started his horses, and In du<- time the little brougham drew up lo thp miniature pataro In Park l.ane.

"Open the rose parlor. Smith; and mind. I'm not at homo to anyone at nil this evening!" she said to the ser­

if who attended the door.If l.ord Wellrose should call us as

usual, miss?" Inquired the man, hesi­tating.

"Not at home to hint either. Not at home to anyone, I tell you! Now open

ie rose parlor!"The man. after a furtive glance to- nrd hl» mistress' strange companion,

led the way to the back of the house, and opened a door leading Into h love-

bower, fitted up and decorated h roso colored furniture and hang­

ings. and opening upon a conserva­tory of tho rarest and richest rosea.

"Servo supper hero ns soon ns pos­sible. Tell Mrs. Brown she need not Join mo this evening," said Suzy to the bewildered servant, who went out, muttering to himself.

"Veil. If this ‘ere ain't tho runt meat > as hover 1 see! That young core • some poor, miserable relation or

other of hern, ns Is n-blnckmnUIng on •r or something!"Meanwhile Suty turned toward her

poor guest, and noticed again how very thin and pale ho looked, and yet how perfect, notwithstanding, was the likeness between him and the Karl ot Well rose!

Tho nutcase seemed hut tho faded and defaced counterpart of tho earl.

"Oh, Benny, dear, sit down! Oh, Benny, l am so glad—and so grieved

you! Sit down. Benny!" she raid, a* site threw off her own light opera hood and cloak, and dropped Into ono of the luxurious little chairs.

Tho poor outcast turned his eyes around tho room with a dazed and be-

Hdercd look, and then, fixing ui.-ra n her compassionate face, answered: "I am not fit to sit down bore." "Oh. don’t say that, Benny! Don't

say that, brother, or you'll make me wish, for alt that ha* coma and gone, that we wero both children, hack in Junk 1-ane again. Please sit down.

! Penny," she pleaded, beginning to

"As my heir and only son. Welrose.I confess that I feel anxious to see you married. You admire lllnda Moray and she likes you. What should delay your early marriage?" he inquired.

"Pm euro 1 don't know," answered Ix>rd Welrose, “ unless It I* that 1 feel there Is still plenty of time to spare."

“Ah. yes, ‘plenty of time,* Sf all my daughters were sops. Well row. or If a few of ilicm were. But as I have but ono son, ! confess that l should like to see bslf-a-dozen grandson* or so. Now I do not know what should hinder your marriage.'’ j He looked nround again upon tho

“ Hlnda might hinder It, laughed aa(1 delicate chair coverings-the young earl. j white satin, embroidered with roses—

"Find that out Immediately for > ftmj j,0 „|ghod u* j,e |np, tltoyourself, my son. Aek her; »*k j nearest Heat­her. Th« sooner the belter,” said: 'Dear Benny," tho aald, drawing her the duke. j chair toward him. "when did vo’J get

Lord Welloro laughed, but gave no back? Have you been in Imndon long?And why didn't ■pledge.

He.had really not made up hi* mind on the subject.

He wa# very fond of hi* distant cousin, tho beautiful Lady Hlnda: he was also very much charmed by the lovely young singer. lie said of M1U„ ,them that they wero beyond question j j |onR,s,j ,() tl( tho two most perfect beauties In Kur- j,now j,ow ol

>u find mo out and she continued, hur­

rying question upon question with breathless eagerness.

"M>* tfmo wa* out last Michaelmas, you know." said Benny, nnx-cerl little ostdo from her questions. "And

iff, Oh, Susy, you long* to get homo

i let t1 your own house. But you must ro be seen In public with such as 1.

"Oh, Benny. Benny, you hurl very heart when you talk that wa>! Don't 1 tell you all that hah come » * gono can make no difference hetwi you and me? You are Benny and I Snxy!” She wept.

"You *r© a renowned prims donna and I am a returned convict," he p wered.

"Benny! Benny! you will break heart. You never deserved lo be < down so low; | never deserved lo lifted up so high. And It make* ... wish I could roll back all these years and find ourselves children again, the poor, dear old tenement house, with all our 'dear friends around us! she said, weeping abundantly.

"Don’t cry, Huzy! Indeed I dldn' mean to hurt you. But you must look facta In the face. dear. It Is not f! that I should bo seen with you."

"And why Is It not? You look like gentleman. Benny; you apeak like gentleman; you are a gentleman, Ben­ny, notwithstanding all that has come and gone; and In heart and soul always were a gentleman, Benny. And you need only lo be well dressed to be seen anywhere with anybody. Well, there! you arc tho living Image I-ord Wellrose— that Is. l*ord Wcllroso In poor health. If you could get your health and n fashionable suit of clothe*. 1 do not believe anyone could tell either of you-apart. Y< a natural gentleman. Benny; while I

™ Nothing on earth can ever make lady of me; and 1 have senso

ough to know It."am no fit Judge of a lady

gentleman, Susy; but l know thing thnt your good, true heart Is worth a kingdom .If n man had It to give you."

"I wish all that was so for sake, Benny. But now toll me you hnvo been doing since roi back to England, and why did

seek mo out and come lo so o*y you lodged In tho poor, dear

room w* used to play in. Now what did you do the next day?"

"The next day f walked to the Strand. And tho first thing I noticed there wa* the great bill* posted every-

her© with ‘Arlelle!' 1 knew the name, Huzy. I knew it must !>« your*.I remembered that day .at tho Uelenlc Gardens, when you danced fiidt name of Arlelle. Bo I went to f ’ovent larden .and hung about the theatre

all day. In tho hopo of seeing yon go In "I wa* not at rehearsal that day.

But why, Benny, didn't yon go to the box office, and find out my address and como lo see me?”

'T-ook at mo. Huzy. Was It likely that I would wrong you so much as to

Inquiring after you. as if I were an acquaintance? No,, Susy. But l wntch- cd cgaln at night. And I elegant little brougham drive up to the stage door. And I heard tho loung- era on the eorner say. ‘That Is she! ‘ And 1 saw you eorae out of the car­riage closely veiled, and go In at the stage door."

"Oh, Bonny, why did you not make yourself known to me, then and there?"

"Why? Ah. Huzy! I. a poor returned convict! You. a celebrated prlma don­na. Would It have been likely that I should affront you so grossly as to claim acquaintance with you there? No, dear, nbt But from that hour I watched morning and evening, and I saw you every lime you came and

"You did! And you never made yourself known to in*-! And I n< ‘ saw yon! And I suppose. If I had chanced to ace you to-night speak to you, you never would hav


Arising from Constipation, Cured and Regular Habits Established by Dr, Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills.In tho western Province*, whero so

many thousands live far from doctor* and drug stores, very ninny roly on Dr. (.'haso'a medicine* to cure dimnot' and maintain health and htrength. Thi* tetter gives perfect control Dr, Phase's Kldm Liver Pills exert over th- most ro mon Ills of life.

Mm. II. K. Hewer, farmer's wife, Knslburg. Alla., wriles: "For about ten years I suffer**! from constipa­tion. Indigestion, headache and lan­guid feeling*. Treatment from two or three doctor* offered only tempo

> Dr. Chase's Kid-: ncy-l.lver PHI*, and with moat satis­factory result*. Headaches have dis­appeared. regular habits established,

d the general health very much bet- r. Both my husband and I can speak

highly of Dr Chase* Kidney-Liver Rills, a* we have both been greatly beneflUed by them." Doe pill a dose,

box, f. for J! ,WI. all deader*, or Kdnmnaon. Bates St Co., Limited, Toronto.

hen they’inot allowed to come. I used to d of homo."

"Home! Ah. poor boy, what of a homo boa Kugland been to What sort of a homo has the world been to you. poor Benny?" sho said, and her eye* filled with

"But it was home. And I loved In world was hero. And all these

of exile I did *0 long and

opo—Hlnda being tho most beautiful brunette and Arlelle the most beauti­ful blonde.

But at this period he was not really very deeply In love with either of thorn, or with anything else. His mind was more occupied with a great and comprehension bill that ho was about lo bring beforo the House for the reclamation of juvenile offenders and tho amelioration of tho condition j }”aj, y’of the destitute classes than with any j v ,-ary to get home. At length l think question of tore or marriage. Heaven took pity on me. and

And yet every evening when he was j h o ,no 0¥crv. not In hU acat^at tho House of Com- j ..S(.nt 'yo„ homo ovcry nlgl„ mens ho might bo seen In an greues- trm stall at the Italian Opera, and af- - jn dreams 1terward In tho/olegaut drawing-room j M P01tn' aH my <,yc8 would closeof the young prlma donna, at Park ! ln „,r,?p , woul(, ,H. at ,lo0U!< ,XjU3P- , ' . , , . .. ; to long for night to come, wt I could

Ah. If he had only known that then %(, ln nod „rt horn-. Xn,t tvtTyhis solo attraction for Susy w u not ; ,)ay , tr, „ r<, if „ ut with his manly beauty, bis brilliant ml- . „ l0r„ work „ ,an , ,„.0ll t„ t,avfi done, eltns. hia rank or wealth, but - b!» , M be sure to go to sleep atperfect likeness to her early friend and go home In my dreams. AtBenny! [!«««. when the long, long years all

C HAP! Ell XII. j rolled by. and my time was out. I tookIt happened ono evening after the. pa****, in tl.e ^ ry first ship that v «

opera wa* over, that I-ord \\ellr04e. },„jnoward tmund. And. Huzy, I nevewas conducting tho beautiful prlma ; unn M0 happy In all my life, aa J >vadonna lo her brougham, that waa wait-; wjmn I stood on Die deck of that ship, log at th« stage door. ■ and she stood out to **•« with her

As usual, a great crowd was around }ir»d toward home!" said the poor oul-the door waiting to get a gllmpso of Arioile a* she passed.

Ono young man in particular, pale, emaciated and poorly drtw*ed. was pressed ao near tho carriage ns to be seriously ln the way of the earl na ho handed the actress to her seat.

"Htand aaldn, my good fellow; you j again. Impede us," said hla lordship.

. his pah; fnro lighting up again with pleasure at tho recollection.

"Home! Oh. poor boy! home!", peatr-d Susy, with sorrowful tares

"Yea. homo! Ah, voti v never b an outeast from your jiatlvo laud.

>u’d know the feeling of R.ithig back . was a long voyage, though, only reached Ixmdon tlirt-c

_____ Instant n slight daya ago. It wa* nightscream from Aricltc atarued him. red our anchor Stay; hut I * » t i

"Stand aside, sir!" he repeated, • of tho first to como ashore. 1 b sternly. "Do you not see that you are down ami klnsol tho ground. Sum' really frightening the lady?" > did! I cried, too. I could not help

"Oh. no, no; be doesn't- be doesn't B- That Mine night 1 frighten me, my. lord! Ho is Benny - b« u*c In lunk Jj»n*-. lint all tin? my dear old playmate Benny, whom j people thsi I mod to km 1 have not seen nor heard of for four- j ««•«<*. not « » ly *’rnn> ,!l‘ teen long years! Move a little, my J«»w the neighborhood, lord. If you please And, oh, Benny, j hen**- I* tamed Into a rag ronio hero to me, my di-ar!" said Huzy, j day and u lodging for Hn leaning from the earrlago, uneeranim- bŷ night, lonsly pushing the *-*rl out of thw . ‘way, and beckoning the palo apectn-, , to approach. : , 11

Ho came at once, the crowd still; ;£r "pressing closer behind him

■ (herb

AndI'd school homoh

1* At ta Mr*. Melllsa

low gooil she 1*! I renn-m- r her *0 well! duty, 1 lodged In it house that night. I slept In vour dhcFa old room. Where von bud I

.. trtnu ‘ lo ,,,ay nn'1 bttvo grind, ’ ;a" Jf®"* partIc-s out of ha pennlc»‘ worths ofu vn-w os aii, - - - — -

sight of tho beautiful singer, who*'* unveiled face was now leant the carriage door In full view

Susy neither cared for them, even saw them. She only saw friend of her childhood.

“Oh, Benny! I am ta glad to yon. and so~*o grieved to see youway!" she added, bursting Into tear* ■ j|,r. dear old place againof mingled Joy nad sorrow. Botott day you and I will go there and

"And to think you should know nm, Uenny. for the rakeattar all that I* come and gone! Ami j nf oId times. ' she answered, with a to think you should spsak to me. uqw , >D,patbatlc smlls. yo« MS so famous and so w«*Hhy!" B,.t tbs outcast shook his h«wl.

i tk* f * » t young wan la a "TkAt wf]l m * « do, ho said.

ginger bread and taffy." said miirnsl, with the old tenderness melt­ing Id* blue eyes, and the otd sad smile wrinkling hla i«Ie cheek*.

"Oh! did vou, Benny? |>|J you. r<-ally? Oh, I should

"Never. 8uty—never, for your taka! But I should have wateluu >ou Irmn a distance, and I should have delighted In your triumph*, all the same. It was the pressure of the era* forced me up ngnlnst your carriage and precipitated this denounemeni."

"Yes, I bless the crowd, though l blamed It only tht« evening, denouement. Benny? I have ticei Being all this ev.-nlng that you longer speak a* you used to speak when a boy. You have Jniprov self, Benny?" she said, looking In Ills face.

"Ye*, perhaps a little. You know I learned to read and write while I In prison here. Well, when a know* how lo read and write, and withes to gain knowledge, he ej learn almost anything else. 1 Iw Inkcn every opportunity to learn 1 much as 1 could."

T am so glad to hear you say that, dear Benny! But I think. Ilcnny. that when you showed such a good dispo­sition to Itpprove yourself, they might have pardoned you and sent borne! 1 do!"

“ Why, Huzy, did they acquit m< cause I was Innocent? No! They vlcted me because I would not betray my supposed accomplices. And do you think that they would pardon cause I had been unjustly convicted, or because 1 behaved well under this ordeal? No! Because Mill 1 would not betray my supposed accomplices, whom the authorities were ao anxious to arrest So. Huzy! I had to /dree ray weird,’ os tho Scotch say. In oth­er words, I had to bear my doom. And now, Suzy, since you are so kind and good to me, tell mp wbal has become .of all our old friends; for I have not been able to find any of them, or to hear new* of any of them. And first or all. your own family, Huzy."

“They are a!! ln Amurall*. You aee. toy father and my brother* were un­willing to be always dependent upon me, though I could have kept them all in comfort all their day*, and would have been willing to work for them all my life If I could only have kept them with me. But they took the Aimtral- iuti fever .ami must needs go out (here aud try thHr fortunes at sheep farm­ing. So tho first thousand pounds I made, clear of expenses, I g»vu lo my father. amJ scut tlfem all out."

"And they all left you?”"Every one! Aud I thought my

heart most have broken tor I had not n soul near who loved me. or whom 1 loved. And. Heony. the very night that I achieved m> fim and greatest triumph, when I knew that all the city Was rltiglug with my name. I out down and wept in rolilude and home­sickness. aud longed for the poor old house In Junk lame, with my father nad mother and you to love roe!"

Suzy. Huzy: I wish you could accept your brilliant destiny with gra­titude and Joy!"

"But I cannot Never mind that. Whom else do you with to bear of. Benny?"

"My poor mother.""HUB hopelessly insane. Benny! I !*it her. for your sake, on every vis­

iting day."The Kctnpton*7"Mar Jr Is married to a Baptist

preacher at Croydon and Is doing well, The real of the family went out to Aiistrdlta with mins. Mrs, i f «!!!»• paid thstr way,"

I t CttHlswHB


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All Weather Alike to Men Properly Clothed

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A ll these handkerchiefs were bought last June when the m arket was lowest Today we would have to pay a heavy ad: vanceon these prices, jet, w e will offer all our handkerchiefs at last years prices while they last.

Start your G ift B uying on these at once

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from the narrow baby and wash ribbon

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STEPHAN BROS.<4 \ V;i | L -

Temperance Meeting 'ill.* <>f tIt** |

erton and noigld><*,-h«od; 1* drawn t* meeting of imuMiui inlet,-.-t which \x U* lt.*id in Die Town Hall.,on snml, owning, Nom-iiiIki 22ml, nVIook. Till* .Into i* M ug oticorvod Dil'oughouf Pi nt*, mint o«il)ly Fiobl Day. in with the work of tin* Dm,, i of tin* Dominion Alliance. setitnDveamt nggre-Tveorgaiiixution of tin* itroviiioe.

Hi** results of tin- emiUoimu* and on* * getie eaui|wiign again*! tlmliipior t*.af licumlor sDllftuihoi'*fmigDmnli.&th' |Htjililttf tT>o|iltionfo get riil o f «» win n il exist* nml to k.-**|. it ont o< t !»••— imiiih-ipnliUi-* fnfijn ** iiMrlt it; ha- Mu «‘xjM*|t<,«l. A ttfa\ t- in ,»o„. fin- !(| who will ;r—<nn!>l*/it, the Town ||«| on Hominy oveidpg *u*xt. The (Jenor alNeei-clarynltfu Alliame. iln* 1,V\ Iteil. H. SjK-n.e. will tli-i-n— tin* Ti-mpoi'iim')* Sit tint ion and tint look. il>

? will Ik- iM .oinpani.d l»v Uj||jVi*ii M->*- | Donald lh»* *v*sll known baritone. win* ; will (i.M !«• tin* iu!ci**-t and a< traction of till- aweDllg llV |ljr.!ij«)**l(tli<lsin«ttllt*

onliaily ittvifwpt*.. at K.I5 <pivo-iib.t geimmlly }................. j

1llu- iikkI liiltimntiill ;««»)*'(:!- i

eommetS.-n l iut»| iMpcts* in th,» Dominiuo'. t-* *ii-- ,*».. II. am i, ‘ way nllmr* ivfei- l"Dn- wo«*kly'.Sun **f jDm n jne- l T.XVllilf*. It i-;, |>a|K-r -which stjijteaD |

t.-nijmraoc- ’ I-, tin- nidi-nwak*- fanner*. indi-jK-n- \

Dloilln WinghnmThe tli*i*lli took place at the ms-

iintii hospital on Sunday f»* i <4 Ms*. I’.-t.'! Meiftto-.lt »| Kitllow*. she h*»v. t<. mourn her )■>-'. her httftounl ttinl nine daughter*. Draco »nd Eunice *<f

it and -iise. daughtel

Tin* ; .lout an.) fe/nh***, il has ithvuy*guui<d

i-huUm**. A-id«* ft** iniiile ami rai-ofolly . wjnn tK .-m<I mtmitiiU'i* .1 I'uwf ieitl gra-pof in

that. it> a* ipiled mat k* ivolln* mule

to ilollat' s rojHMt.l I'o.-nmitii-mlitlion : ot> 'Ho- Suit is on l In* g«

; h*»u»**s oi- oomtaisshiii tut stnmls for Tanner* fthu in tin* jv.tr. It is tin* fat' yo o o iig h ttn Ik* uri'aiter.

-mnl. m.il it y jtaeUtug

■, ovotyilay

This Smart

ladies’ Jumper Dressis included with m any other

stunning chic styles in the

n ew D e c e m b e r B u t ter irkI.'.. ..t. : . C! , V/n ew . ,v v v .n WV.

F ash io n S h e e t . Y o u m ay

call at our Butterick Pattern

Department and get a copy


Phore - 53

Symphony Quartette Concert

Opera House, Walkerton

Friday Evening Nov. 20Tin* Elocutionist MISS ADK1NKOX is t-xcrj.tionnlly

line anti lair rendering of "King Hoi*et I of Kicil v' hy Long­fellow ivixii ran* UettL

The Violinist, Mil. FROST, is upially good. Thu fdlutioIoMbv MISS JENNIE FROST were nil eucbmed,

Tint programme wax one oi exceptional merit and variety tit which tin* Sight am! mu mm, wen* delightfully tiling)** t).

Welland. October 0th.. U'M.

Plan at McCrum’s Now Open.A KKW HI'S!I SKATS AT .i5cls,

file Walkerton Electric Light and Power C»*. have agreed to supply the light for the cmllng tink while’ Ihe

t.natd are drilling, lire ofcharge.iew t.lteraturcTin* I'uhlie Litr-u y have j«>S n * ei** >

.( new loose leaves f..t 1 he N- S-*u - ■;iurv('!*<|wM*»liii, These Iwne-eolttaiu luoitoloui.nl events leiuliug up n. tin v,u ami all *wnts of «nqK.( tan. • up o Kept, 2,*»Di. ' \l -*.itl tuouueeiion With the .1*


Tie y may «%•— en Jat.le in tin- lihiurj.


ron/uvanwas atr**l«'.I <-n Friday niuht.hy night■wtiUhtnitti kwhKHCit tut a t iiiHKC yf vnB<'Htn*y. Hy*m hao ix-e» sic* pine in the palace al lie* t-v- hthttion groiindf tbitinc the Min tm*e and was found there hy Mr. K\vaimt<*n *-u Ftidav. Ileappiitr. d l>el. re Mag-; Wtrnte Toltnn tut Hat m day utid was ouiteneed to :«» day* in F««*. »ftt*r which he will ptohal ly I e >ctt to the llmisti nf UeftlRt*.

flra lli u f >li*x MfCliiU’UiThe death necittred on Th-usd.»y

lust at her home on jncKcuit Kt. allot a I'.'iiRlhy iHock*, " f Mis** Jywd.' Me »;<>v»St»at the hr.* of ’.a» veal*-- Ib*. aides her aged innlher she is survived hy t-wo hrolhers. Janirt <»f Ottery.lHe. Uni., amt Ando- ** o f ( ‘altender. Ont- The sympathy of Uieir tunny fHemls wilt Ih< »*xtetiilrd t*> the family in their hcieavctiient. The remains were in- tot red in the Walkerloa reutcfeiy on Saturday.

I'ajK Trtluite To WalkeMouI ii r-p mint: (lie antiu tl nicotine

tin* i.ih aiy lusiitute i.t theSttaifotd llet.tfd .Mr. J. D. Ham* » the |»

j id>*ltt lit part say-: Our District | 1,-hr.wy tii'litittc met this j.ssr for the i fit-I Dine .mt'ide of Kti.of rd. acef - i ting an invitnti-m from AN atkei iqli to { hoi J its annuai tneetiiiR there on the ( 11th and I’Jth. in the new tut thou- I and doll tr Carnegie HniMiny, t reontly{ built und opun-tl. It is a comp »eii sttustute in an agtieuluual (own that | sjireuds over the ha-inof npietute.oj<ie { SitUgeen valley. For liydt<> service i Dll*river i* d immed well up -Droits.

' yielding (KKI h p '•<* that il -lnM wat« r i scapeis ai> *ve the t<tWn. Il . til ' were another dam lower down :~tt <

; Iwlilty would he morn rfteetivc (lull ’ oin Vietetin. The sth**'*: - ar«- kvaled ; nhotit « wide eamjrU'. whh h is pr.o - 1 |,tir.rHy the .park. Mayor Kippeit ; otic*- a .Stratford apprentice -tu wel­coming the visitor». was optimistic w

! bant the town's uliuo-t dchttess future : unit Wc found it good to listen to -t \ man who looked a* if he was ptoqu r- ' iny* him-elf, nnd win* had fit) fenI'X a* i tHittlhis town’s fill.ire.

- lleunin ger*.IUctrlChiA pretty wedding was solemnized

! on Tuesday morning, N*>v, |(ith.. at St. -Vntte'a church. Hivefsdatc. when

i lUllian Mae, eldest daughfer »»f Mr.| u«d Mrs. Albert Uiettich. and Me.

Lattietjci* K Heimingcr. <>f (iiHud Val­ley, were united in the holy ln>|id of untrituony. l»y Hex*. Father t’app*.

. parixtt priest at TccswaU-r. The til n’t-

. who was prettily lillircd in while silk ’ erepe wall *ha*l->w ho e and rincslont \ Itimming. wasuosislcd hy her si-ter.] Agnes Al.. who loaked rlntt luing in a : pale pink crop* gown with khadow late and mtrilKut triuiuilog, The

' grmiut was ably a*si»lrd liy liis y>*ung- «•-! brothel. I'leophnr, Alter the ceie

• m*’tiy the happy couple repaired to , Die home of the In'id we pnte»d-> Where ; Die many gtu*M . partook of aMimptif* j on» rep»?t. The yming couple wvrw ! llio roclpenls « l many beautiful at.«l I costly present*. A delicate Jovwliet- set with pcai I* ami (crinoline* wa,* the ; thw gM*<mi'» gift t*> the bride, white 1 the hiideMtiaid icc.-lvid a pearl amiatn-lliystlnooch and the groomsman a bfat-lifnl jn-arl scarf pin. Alter the

; rei-eptinn the young couple left, i/ii a shore visit to Die groom's sj-fer at Hepworth, after which IheV wilt re- -dde in tlmnd Valley. The young-

* .ample take with Diem Die good wish- e- of the cwnimVmity f.-r a very hsppy

, and pcospotoiis inttrnwy thro' life.

(Continued from page 1)

Town, thanking4 hem Tor t licit pit-- eiiei*', and hIm* tofi-rciug h* l ho g<*m*i;«) pisi-perify ufthe.Town tittd t'onnty,

H»-v. Th*o. Wilson then gave nirml- ihs-— oiethe I’ossibh- (.«mh1 nml Evil«I n t'ulilie l.ilnarv, in which lu* discussed -ot.n-of tin-(KUHts in n-gaut 1*. the g It'slltls of J, W ell tegnlitU-d ill-lil • <i(ani. This mo- followed l.va talk bv Mr. Davhi Williams Vi.cdVc-fd.-ni of"tln*dl. i.. -N-. of r'ollingw.KKi, ,.n Do-

Look at this List ofMcBURNEY’S

Real Bargains$3.5o w ove b la n k e ts 6o x 8o ou sa le at 52.95 jier

pair.C biU lren s 25c vests a’ l s ize s on sale at 15c each.1 2 /*c and 15c w ra p p e reties 28 to 36 in ches w ide new

c o lo r in gs and d es ign s a ll on sa le a t on e p r ice joc yd.

$t .25 and 1.50 plain and fa n cy s ilk s al! the correct a u t ­um n shades, on sale a t one price, 98c pe r y d .

2 5 c rib bons in a ll colors ou s a le I5C 2 yd s fo r 25c yd R e m n an ts o f flo o r o ilc lo th s and linoleum s lc n g lH s u p to

to 6 x ~ y d s 1 yd to .} y d s w ide at s p e c ia lly re duced prices to c le a r

S \ v e a (er c oa ts o f a ll co lo rs and com bin atio n sam ples an d v, :al lots $5 00 to 7 50 now 3 50, 4 eo for ‘2 /5, 3 *v r 2 50, 3 00 for 2 25, 2 50 for i 75, 2 00 for 1 50, l 50 for 1 0 0 , 1 25 for 98c, 1 00 for 78c, 6oc and 75c for 49c.

C h ild ren coats and the n ew est s ty le s, best m ateria l sam ples and special lots, $2 02 and 2 2* for 1 502 75 for 2 00, 3 00 for 2 25. 3 5o for 2 5o, 5 00 for3 50, 6 00 for 4 00.

L a d ie s ’ and c h ild ren h a ts a t less than h a lf price, lad icscoats reduced, com e in and see them .

L a d ies ' co a tin g special p la id c o a t in g 54 in ch es a t $1 25 2 25 for 1 70, 2 00 for 1 50 Se e these and you w ill t r y them .

liii.r vf.l In Dm

i- Dm Ki­

ll l.ihmim- in 4i-. <-mimttuig g.-. Tbi-niblu— w.v- l**lli*w ■

. A. M* Nub. .,r l'mh*i- «*.*»!. «h»*guvi* h w**H iui-jkiukI puju r

-W hM I'mi-Iitutv' an Kllb-hnt Lihimy.” in whivli In* <<*v**m-.I u gm»l ilonl f>t gj-ninni umt v«*iy |Mihilt*iUy -•h<‘W. <i whul i- n<W'~niy f.*v a g««tl lihi-.-n y in u v«>i y i-xliiuiKliu niniliH'i.

()n |''i'i<lny inoi'iiing. Mi*— I'nlili’lli K*|H-mniim »*f Do- Ik-jmvtnmnt <*f - tv<lu* <'i»D»u, Ti>r*niI« gnv«* n vm*y inn-lvi-t* ihg iiilk .11* “ Hnw Hi..*k- .Shuuht »«>

iIh-jMii- nml Unbin.l H*mk-.-' 'I‘lii*- talk Wu- .if 1*' vi-iy pnn licul ami n-.*ful nutim-. points Din! -b**ui*l Ik- nl|fn>l* *l

Mi. II. E. IltiKl.ni. E.\*i*t.*i, gilv** -..«m int. ».-Dh« m*i.K .»• •M.mD.ty U.>ni.l M.-viiiig-." vvhi. h w«»nht Ik* w.-tl

nh it t Mi. .1gill. {«*.*k'i m v uvtiv** |ini-t in talking .... -|,it*i;ny u.l.t l^«-nl « lnb». TvlaDng tuMum* <*f hii* «*v|k*i ii-m*i*'. Au«*Du*t: i|it«*i-«,-Diig l«*pi.' wn- .ii-i-iiKM'd «U» •*Fin.--' amt IHvinlm* lh«>k-. Dm n|i5ni.m *'f iiiM*-1 lutl li«ii*K kIiuiiW nut only tu* iin|n*-><‘tti hnl i-nlh-i'tinl. w«*» D*<- p<q**r u»v«*n hy Ml-- Hmht. «»f Flint.'

*rfi. ..ni'\!» . .1, D->

- f.n :-l*irm-U, Ktialfmil: Vi«v. NIi-Nul*. I'ml.-t vv<mk1;

*•;. Mix- .bilm-l<*n. Stnilfot.l:

1 y. i'aigltli M i- K.-i v, MilVt'H<*m V Smuulci -. KDn‘l! .1. MvNmtghl, < !..n; M— M.Vuitmn. iMi-h-v.





We are not going to make a big splurge here of the immense bargains we are giving; but we’are giving

BARGAINS, BETTER BARGAINSthan you can get elsewhere in the country.

This BeautifulOAK

ROCKERU ph olstered in

A rt L eath er for$.700You can t beat this as it is catalogued at §7.30 in the Mail Ord­er house catalogues.

Bring your friends and tell your neighbors o f the B arga in s a t

E.MYLE’SFurniture, Pianos, O rgans and

Sew ing Machines.




Erdman’s s.V.'»»

NicRleP l a t i n g sAutomobile Parts B icycle Parts Hearse Trimmings Sanitary Supplies Table Ware Stove Parts Surgical Instruments


The Madlgan Plating WorksW ing ham, D\r.

8. Elllnghauscn - AgentWa i ’ kiituv ■ Ontario

C - , ĉTTr/,11’ i3 G ro at Sacrifice Sale w r s w e u S G ro w s G rea te r « •

A great burst of special values

for Thursday, Friday and Saturday

ONLY TEN DAYS MOHK Many money saving op­portunities in wanted merchandise are offered

. in this great sale.

Special prices in every­

thing marked in plain


Extra SpecialA big Nmiul,i)- Haigaiu in Wumen's Winter CwxtK.—ct) Womt-n's

t'<nu« in.nb* «>t whim nnd^civiewable nil ltllS di*i>igiiB suit*;»tih> tor young or oldyrly wnmou. log *1S, Sittimilty for .............. gb.bo

For Thut *tl.,y. Friday <»ml Solunlny )*liop|»tr«*tl»i»lHt «T v, ry rx- ropiiount.vAiucH iv in«|Mri'<l.~Cnnm tnirty tor x»b«t yo.n want. Only TEN* MURE DAYS OF THE tiHEAT SALE.

*t.‘ i MEN s I'NDEHWEAHf.n- (52 .T

20 ilozoit Mims Heavy EDuUc rtbtKjil wont underwear, teg. S!.'k'f>ali- piir.- ......... UTc

-70c. MEN'S FLEBCE tJNOKK* WEAR for S7;c

3oO pi«*«* »̂ Men's Fleece Lirn-.t iitt- •i>rwe»r reg hOc. sale prien

$ !.(« LINED UNYi KRSKIHTKfor the.

Women's Hack Sateen Under* y-kitts lined with heavy m l canton, full range of rixca ri*g fl.W, HAcrifiei* »ale price . ........................... UK*.


f. r ft. InSli only Me i n Kwrutitf Cor.t- high

citlaiK, eolir*- g«ey. browns. tmvie.N, loiiK «*mi imuounK. ri'g |2.00 Kiilo pi ten . . . S i l t )

m .m MK.V S.SWE ATEU a >ATS tor $2 20

2n only M.m's axtrir heavy wool K.v(*itt.*f coat*., ii-nortnt col­or*. high collar*, reg $3.-Vi sale price — ......... $2 *21)

31 00 WOMENS UNDEHWKAH TtV.Ms«|&.of tine wool yarns in natural and vr-«m sliadcF,’ size* ikt. Rs, 40

and extra out sixt*i», reg i l »a!o price ............ ....................... "3cOne. WOMENS UNDERWEAR 45c.

23 am! Draw, min grey, natarat and while khader, made ofJu ovy even jauiKieg 65*. aalepilco................ ....................

3.V. NEt-K MUFFLERS 12tc 10c dozen MulTler?., suitahlo for

boy*, girt*, men or wonirn elo*« titling at neck, nil shade* reg 25c* sale ptico 12Jc

He, WORSTED HOSE 2Uc. ' •Vi d«yzen heavy ribbed wot vied

lirtse. suitable for boys or girl# ail Sikes, teC HX-1*>r ----23c

50c. 0 1HLK' ri.KKCK UNDER­WEAR for Tk\

50 pieces oirl* ftcecv lined under*

Extra2oO Pieces Childs Vests and Drawers^regular to 25c

Sacrifice sale price........ ........... 5c. eachE x t r a S p e c ia l J and I’ t-oal>. Sewing Uotton, faerifirc sale

P r ice ............... ............... ........ ......................... . .. .. . 2 for3c.E x t r a S p o c it t l -liO’'Poplin Coni Silk, newest Shades, leg $100

facritlee sale: price — .... .......................... .......... ......iPcE x t r a S p e c i a l —500 yds fine allavooI Dress tiood1- «vg f 1 00, ►se­

ll five sale prize . . . . ,.. ___________________________ 4lie.


Com e Thursday, Friday and Satu rday ___________ for G rea te r B argain s_________

CARSWELLS'^ The Noted Sale People


Medicated PlastersFrom e arly d ays plasters have Wen used for IfcaUog

many nitVmtioiis requiring a beating or stim ulating application and as a f luster does not con I He t with any internal medicine?, there can be no objection to their use.

J & J Piasters are the StandardYou w ill find the following good for different purposes recom­mended: — J .1 Halladonna Plaster — J \ J Balliidomm and Capsicum Plaster— Red Cross Cough Plaster— Red Cross Kidney Plaster— Pleurisy P laster, for pain in the side or chest—

—25c Each.—

Hunter's Drug StoreDrug* anJ Kodaks C. P. R. Ticket ffoentv

Christmas PerfumesOne cannot think o f C hristm as without thinking oi ,

F or fumes, — Sachet Powder is needed fo r so many g ift s .

Come and look o ver our stock o f powders. Our perfume

stock is more complete than ever and a t prices to su it every

one. H ave you tried

Madame Sherry or Dolly Dimples

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

Learn While You EarnYou may continue your regu lar daily duties and also fu yo urself fo r a much better position by

taking advantage o f our

M O N TE; • f e T d ir S T C O U C A CPrepare now fo r the future opportunities which a re sure to come to the energetic and welbfrained young men or \Votnen. You m ay begin to-day to take our lessons in Penm anship. Shorthand. Commercial Work and T ypew ritin g at your home

and finish up at the

WALKERTON BUSINESS COLLEGEI*. J . Alujyo.vy, P rinc ipa l * Box 171

We Are All

Expected To

Do Our Duty

IVc iirc jit lb 'j 1 rout, deter"! mined to keep our stall on j full time during these an x . ious.and dilfieu ll times,W ill you help us? N aturally J wo must have orders, and so we .i»k you ask you as a j patriotic duty to refrain from j buying yo ur clothes made outside ol W alkertou, but to buy from a local tailor who j is doing his best to keep locul I men employed. I f when j you are distributing your . valued patronage, you would j favor us with au order, we ! would indeed be grateful.We have an excellent flo ck j o f En g lab, Irish and .Scotch materials suitable for Suits > and Overcoats and can as- j sure you of quick d elivery, i

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class T ailo r Men's W ear ’

* P .Store, W alkcrton, Ontario. j


' p H E Woman or Miss who is look-

■in** for a dressy Hand Bag should see the line we are showing.

There are stylish hags in variety of designs.

Dressy bags ir leather and some stylish Mesh Bags.

It will be a pleas­ure to show them to you. and the prices are right.

R . L . G i b s o nJ e w e l l e r W a lK e r t o n

TENDER FEET— ~ ~ ~ x >

D<> you have trouble with your feel? Sore, tender

points? I r y ’ a pair of


I he easiest shoe on earth.

K A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

A ddtilm id Loral* on i»ag«- 8.

Pull t—Hit u| lllrtlrillge It-

‘ I . K, A ftw ood, >»»tM ” f o tn triage! iivnsci.

Haw a took at M< -fhn-ueys handker­chief display. *

I All M. EtdiiWI. w n-'a vt-R or in T .. . .

t.P .It, {.mu ticket oMro at Hun* tl-»'s DlUgStolv,

W yrlln . tltc i ■a S tephan U» r

1 lllUllH'll lot- W.dsD

Three imthrd iulesaek* f«t sale. u JUecwti.— S. W. Vegan.

Fancy in*tv Christmas ribbon* mill handkerchiefs atS'epliair liras.

J1. 0. Ilm'k of Toronto is visit in liis patents Rev. ,iml Alia. ti. Rock.

Air. Joint Hay of Th-mt-viHe is the ew junior«t the Alcrt-lmtH* Hank.

IVu-lai' buttermilk reran- will keep your skin right, 5«v. at limiters.

f lay y o u r • D r. Iles-V unit •’Itnyal purp le" prejuirutimr* n t H u n te rs Dr ug dorr*.

'ti--> D ia ry E lia liners of Dundalk •p*ill K tuolav at tire liiiilH*<tf Air. W in W ell-.

Air, W ar. Lind.-aV re turned *>n Alolr-ry a n d i- v»- tit ." <«t Ah. T . E. A lt-


Air J* - F ram <1 Toronto spent San d«y with his parent-. Air. «tul Alt*. F.

I**. Nutting tiunu - agent f**r Img meal, eatf meal. .V poultry food'

roue tCt.

Alt-. J . II. A|»|>*-1 ami daughter. AJP* •h-i*«l, left mi Monthly to -pond a rvrek

HWlbs r*f to n in '- hog m eal i- cp m l to .Vm Hr- of grain. t . I'. Nutting, Flum e tit.

Spycial Jo n«gs extra standard graSuS'atril «ug *t* at $7.d*f je r cwl, at )*l«*kry’s,

Tile D em in I ter Se—m u- Mill l«- licltl at tin* vunrl Im u-e Iiere. com m encing T uesday Utli.»

£-le*key'- g re a t rc< ig rn i /a l ic n -ala tmw in full sw ing. Cut p rice* in every ilf p a rt lit *ut .

tlm- monlli tom ye-tet-il.iy j»l'h»5*tnia- - r»>t too ivii!y to .lu yo.if- fliri.-t- m u- shopping?

Fttr*er>Hared atul ftir-Sintsf coats f«! nu-n ami women at -perk! pricr*.- •Stephan Hr<>-.

Mr-ti"- Sl-.Viaml f|C>,i»i -lux-: eleariutt at $Mk> in lite window. Uaun Sh«a* Si ore.

Young titen'ti uciv'shawl collar uvoi- cont*-~Veiy dressy, Jpt, $pj and $14 Stephan Bro*.

tret mens' nu«l women's umlerwear at Stephan Bros.—The i«e-t unaiitie* at the price.

Life Htiov -airw piuof riihlioi- nfe made of real tuM--r, -.|,l ul U«m-4*y'' SIuh> Stole.

tjuite h nuiuU-r «<f Walkert uiiacs ntt»mUtl» box social ;n Milduniy ■J uesilay ereuin*.*.

Tlie indittM th-pariment at* .o-king for remits fur » thud Canadian Over- wen* < onlinyeui.

V|»-. t.rvet rettniwrl ;«r Satriotay form Toronto nlieie -lie Inis -pent tin*pH-1 I Vo lllolttll-.

Try a pair of Dr- -jKn'iui .-lew- they* are uni in.dry nud eoiiiforialilr* sold at ItalllO v . Shoe Strife.

Air. Hu^ill >>l I’uliiier-lon i- -|hhhI- injs llii- week at llie home <«f hi- •htughter. Aft-, K, Mv te>.

Life Ifimy li«lii iniiliei- aio made wil h leal her inner heel- and. uimlt'rs -<dd at litUtiM-y - Htiov Stoie,

Hitch fciade -vviatr r roati- in Hue M-sottineiit of eoioi*. w*>rth —Special Stephan lhp>.

S> only. Mid a**, Tweed rout-, light and dark pnttem-, teg«d*r i'A> ami fj>\ diariiiK ‘it tftl.W8 at I’ leskr > -

'I t - IhtJba AVattar* »t Flint.Midi. VVasittuoUH vvlionlt.eiuted theRidley- Wallaee unp.tiid- Ve-teMlav.

Tlie .la jKin<>*' tioyernmeiit ha* ofTer* ed to plnee „i, army of .Vm.H"'t inKuropr* ton—i-t tin* Allie-lfnere^uo ' •

timin'— hog meal will make a weak Imtt-tmiiK ill It few days.— f . K. Nuttiim- Agent \\‘alkr'»tou. l*boite

Air. AVjn M< l.iuruit who bits l;em emplaveluu the t 1*. R. !»>-<e durintt

Mimiucr left l<>r Toronto last

NnthittK can In* more personal than ~ phutoi'aph what her of yourself, bahy. or indeed. lh« f»»0|Hv- Make an appointimuit, to ivoid the final days, FtHserV Studio.

Alt—e- A fra and Stella Kehuuunli er ..‘Dirtied mi Salutslay laid, from Tor­onto when- they have -j* nt tire j*a-»

eek.Regular nnH’tiiiK of llntw pw*»Mer,v

vvr'l In-Judd in the Knox ('hurt'll hr I'ai-ley oil Tue-day, DeeelulKT let. all II «. m.

Tin* Uev. I*e»er Keith of Olau.i- will lake tin- work in the Knox ebtil-fll on Sttliilav. while ReV. AVil-on.Will eon- ilnef tin- Auuivefsarv Servii-i- at tilaillis.

Ah— Dlivi* lletittiiatii teturm-l »u Monday from Toronto wlu-roehe-fH'iit I lie pa-l Week, She vva« aeeompnuii-d l>y h«-t ron-in, A|i— Dale Uirke> w ho w ill *j*end n rnonlh'witJi her Iieiv.

Mejars Alex ami Wui. McCartm who have spent the pari »utntse> Its the west icturned on Saturday and will spend the winter with their par­ent- Mr and Mrs. J«*> McCarter.

Air*. A iImiii .lolitiston .daughtcr-in- U«V of Alin. JnoMoIwan.Uied fnfioodc land 1-rsi .vceX. She leave# four child­ren who are liciitK l>r<>tip*bt to AValk- erton t«> reside with theirgrandmoth-

S per in I Sale ol Hiilti*hoice Xi*. I Ifyaelnth-, itj-ol.o #1.3*

nl'tM r: tn lijw IOe'|a*». d o /: da tb slili- IiV' jH*r d o / .—II. Al. N o lri-h . thu i-L

ilos SocialA l*ox -iH'iiil will I** held in s. s. \o,

:i. I limit (Hainl* -ehoob on Friday rveniug. Iks-. Ith. timul proKSam. pivnytilx in aid of I’atriolir Fmnl. Admi—ion !.*•. Ijidii— with latXes

Kverylvi.lv vveh-mn*-,

Charged With ThenWilliam Kxlutin. a yoimu fellow

from Tara vva- l*M«rght In rei.u Friday uni lri«*ri In'foie .Indue Klein on a •hat-gt- of -teaEng SW* lr«>m hi- em­ployer. M t raw foul. Kxlwm wa- »«'. mamhd to naol and will apjaw for a further hearing on Alomhiy nexl. -M>tli

.Mi— Dorothy Dewar who ha- -penfc the pa-i tlina- w «-.-k- at the h.inn*of ,Mr, Jr , llidH*rt.-on, ivtiliiU'il to her lioini* in Hamilton on Sal tudity. Sin- » .»- a>-<-<4u|i«hif**l by Alw-tet Not man Shaw.

Tht* Soldier-'Aid frft Reeiu will I .* opened in the Sis cl*<r block on AVr.| acrd»y DecendnT - id. from i p, ui. until in i/vlock in I he (veiling, and every f •Hewing AVedncrday, Sale of hontr-mad*- Iwkiug. ctr., in runneetion with leit rrmin. AH donations are tbankfuHv tvcrivei fr< m town and country ladle-. Klrdlv leave dona­tion- hi tea ro an.

Mr. Murray AVil-on of Queen- Fit ivei—i|y. King-ton, sjtent Sunday with hi- parent-. Ilev. and Alt-. Tho». WUmni. Atortay. whoi- manager of • he Qineii- II.K-key Team this year wa- In Toronto on Saturday alleittUiig tin* 'meeting of the Intercollegiate Hockey la>.ign»‘ amlj look ad van! age of rile nppotlunity^/r visit his iNtiviit-

Mav iug -etruvd the agencies for the following high ela— Fire In-niauee l *>iiipaitie-:—The (inn- Di-lttci Aftilu- al File In-nraiice t o. the llatirotd tin* Atlas,, tlie Canadian Surety t ‘o, the New A.uk I’late gla— Insontiua- t o. I would M.liiit -haio „f your luisine— which will alway- have my rno-t evteful rrttenrirm, Kent- roller- ted. Real K-t*fe tran-fer d ami money loatusl.- AVIiileliead. next *b-« to s . AV. \Vigau.

Women'- tn-liliilclln* Women - In-tittite meet- ut

Mr-. D. Morgan * onTlmt—Ja* . :i.A eoni|M litioii will I.*, held in .aimed fruit.

•kn S»»ci*tA l*o\ soeial Will tie held in S. S*.<'attick (Dtter Creek School) ol

Friday ever.iug the. Il It. L .--I j,,,. gramme. AV. II. Riwkelltank nue (ioiiW f.

Strip t.y ( noaitfnn Evpres-Ship your C liri-t n ia- g ‘»al- by C a n

ad inn K xpre--, S p ,. ia l a tten t io n gjv < u to X m a- tai-iiie—. and t*.*( -. ra i.-e, CMllee o|H'll n t <tH hour-. II. ,1. Ho agen t.

Engageiiieni Aunoiiuceil.Air. and Ah-. Rol.t, Ru—ell of Walk

etton anuoum-e the engagement t heir daughter. Jean, l*< Mr, Ray V an ol Walkerinti. (lie him t inge lake place rally in January,

'lored ironi Ktnrnrrllne,Mi» Alartyn rvli > r«ceutly| erected

a residence near the roller tick, moved her hoiMeholdtuods from Kincardine on Tuesday and will take up her deuce here thi» week.

O p era ted O nMr. Thu-. I’elloW- was taken to the

hropital ori Mombo, where he vra-op. eiateil on f..f hi-inia. Air, l*ell. many liieuds will Jm* |jli*a-ed to know that tln*o|M>ration was -ui-»-»-—fuf and tliat he is M*eovering rapidle,

Moving to TorontoAir*. \V»n Aloody loitueily t*f fat

rick who ha- ln*en a rerddriil of \\ralk erton dnrit’g the past few month-, ha- decided to move to Toronto, ami is having a sale uf furniture at hern idenre on Saturday, Urealh.

Steer StrayedI'lom |o| la colt. II. Ilnild, I led two*

yeataildsteei, drlioHied. nmrk.sj with a round hob* punch'd in each information leading l«* it- recovery wHijte -ninthly rewitMlcd. AV*. Find ley. Il.lt. No. I. Khn*o<-l.

Sale ol HiMIsellold IJoiXlsAn auction-ale rtf botweboM goml*

vrill be held at the residence of Mi-. Win. Moody. Catherine t>L. u***d- the <' I*. It. nation dtr Saturday. Dec. udt at tell u'clock a. m. See hill* tor pat ■ thutlati*. AV. II. Rroi-kellMtik auction

hist.Opened Itc-iaiiruni

Flunk I’alpm and Reg. Ab - fnrler have ojiene*l a Inin h i '» w in

ore iveeiitly ratMipied by lln* Dept, of Agriculture, one door ca-l of O'Maltey'- t.arkery. *i be Savoy t ab '

the m*w n-*tmuant i- railed did a good bu-'ines-on Satmday. tin* o|*>n- lug night and it apl*ear* that the l**y* will mnkeg<**t ill I heir vent me.

Lecture on The War ’lln* ftont -eat- down stair* in the •wit Hall will Is- reserved for the

pupils of t lie school* on Friday even- g at the lecltm* on the war. Rev.

Wilson ha-m-cumsI over Jim *Uile- for lecture. Collie early for good

-eat*. Help tire w ak of the ladle-.olleetion taken at the door of

mil h*— than lUc.

l*rlv»te SateA private-ah* of lioiisr-hold i Heet-

will Ik* held mi Deeemlrer l-t and and at Air— 1km-re-idemv ea-t of the river litJeles to la* -old include one kitchen itpltonrd. one dresser, thtce U*d—I end­ed h mames-o. one ga-pliue stow,

t Inee -mall table— ete,, ete. — tiernge *arlK*ii.

Itamlage- lor lied CrossThe outside t audages re<pnr(d for

Red Cress snpplita should be rlthcCi wide wt d 5 yards long

of good factory co!t<-n or old rbret* iu good Qfiihdition, to be fastciud by safety pir*. As great iptantjl'e* of these txndagc* ate rcrjuircil for Red <l.‘ro— Work, we would urge tin* ladies to send contribution* of them to Mr*. Oeo. Martyn at tin; Aroaomir* any Tuesday or Thursday nltcruonu.

Start Idgtitiog PlantR. K. Ttvitx & SoO have derided to

ut'hxe the “ Id plant of the Walkerton Klectrfc L igh t* Fewer CVy and «*- tablish a private lighling system. The Hint intend to iorinHn dvnumo and with tin? current generated they will supply light ft-r tbtlr factory and it is undefotuod will also sell the cilirrul to rcridentM in that rectionut the town »t m price considerably trrlow ttrat cluoged Ly the power company

BtitidingMhed** Tin- Roald of Management of the l la pi iM and Clui-tiaii ehuivh owing t<> t he inadaipta* > of the chureb -h<al-a- at pte-ertt bate Ixs-rt 'S'llIJM-lb-l to build an inldifiou and tin* -irm’loiv will la- extemh-d to willitu a few feet ot tbe -ttrvt, Tldswill somewhat t«- Ih-ve t In* sit nut ion it- on iiiauySuldMtt It- -oiiio fanners B tic crowded out and oblig'd to put their horse- in tbe tjiieeu- Hotel stables.

The Chris I max fa irTlie WnlkoHon Cbri-ttoa- Fair A -

-.-■ in(ion an* making gteitf eHorts to ivvive the hdere-t wbleb wn-ttikcu in their aiuuial Fair in former yeat- ami air putting up »*ver !*»3*U»> in pri/a- money >gello*»* with a number of -js-eial prm*', For s|*rcial pri/e* and jwirth'ular* *(’<■ laige and -mall bill- wbti'ii w ill la* po-ied up I hi- week. Tlie pt i/e li-l will iipjs-ar iu our next i--ue, Det**mt>er Iltd, Remends i l Ip* date ot lln* Fair. \Vcdnc-dny Deeeun !a*r I6t h.

i kr Quick Haleir A giHid jiveu too ut buck veneered bourn with altetric tight-. *cre*odonr storm sastis, cement flour in tbe (’ •liar- Coal bin in t ear ol cellar. Good stable with shed attached oud mom for nice garden. This property must be sold a* owner is leaving town. Sit- •rated in cite of the best residential sections of \Vnlketien. Apply to Jn— Whitehead. — Next door to S. A\‘ . A'ogau.

Live ’slork L\|>osli)on fancelled.Til** International Live Sloirk Ex-

po-ilion which.wa- to liaVn la*»*n held at Hu* Cnion Slock Vai*l- Chicago, from Novemla'r S^th to Dei-eml>er fdh Ini- U-en declared t*lf. 'llii- ha- U-’n done by tbe Diivet«>r- by rco-oiiof tin* n|i| eaiauce of tin- dieaded “ ftMit and miitIt It' di'ert-e in I In* ea-t and middS west -late- Itv order of tin- Dovero. iin*iit tin- Cnion Stock A aril- Ihm<' lh-«*u elo-i-l for a J« ’rh«l of tyu da v IJn- i* tin Hr-l time in lifty year-1pa? not a hoof ba- ta*eu in Die yards. 'Flu* euneeHation **f tin* c\po-itiou w ill t»* a >li-a|i|adutuH'iit to many in tin* lion win. lake m lln* annual e'cut.

'«*** gianD iu lerdiug aliade*. regu- ta r fk tW jw r y J ., »a!e p rice 3!Q yd a t a t I’lesknv s,

'f a n T r a in - C ance lledi hw ihibI o f the (b -rea -e in |s«—-

enger rra llle a - a result of th e hau ltime- i*l hy the the til a

the, ili i f ii

Trunk Railway ba- camelled a huge tmiuliei of train* ini ir- b nnrhe* llirotighoul t ’amulu.' On I hi- liraiielt

VO |*a--4'Uger I lain— have |h-u* catlr■IM. ib e li,2a s«»ntIr n » d tin- l ed u tb am i it general ebauge ha - Iteep a*|e in tin- tim e-tabie. In tin*I vice' lire 7.«W a.in., -mtlli nud tbe

IMP p.ltn. muth teiirain a- foiliicrF while tbe mail I rain which arrived from tin*-mitb at tu.iff will in fntuiv tie due nt ||.:fl»ami Ibe afternoon train

>r tip-south which wa* dm* at i fu illleave one In.m later, fkltt. The ew >erviee will crtnnm*nceon .Monday ovemln’i Ida b. ami it i* eX|**etcil t hat n* four train* daily instead of six

willJa* «|Uile sulllcielil to e«iTy the riiallieon this line. Coder amingemeut- traveller- *an

leave Toronto id 7n.m. and arrive Itet e at ll.lBi.n leave Walkerton at :kU»and

Toronto^hat evening,

opening Iteil Cro*« Tea HoornIbe meeting « f young ludic-f ‘held

at the a*«uour>* on ..Saturday aftrr* tiuou to rousider rim advisability t! opuning n Red Crota Tea Room iu Walkerton, wa» well at tended, Capt. O K. Klein we» clmavti to preside and aft* r a brief di-cu*sioti, it wa- d» tided irt pi'-etfcd with th<* .prep/attion ami the following otllceia were elettvii:— I’rcaident Mist RowlandVice-Fre*. ** Ol^rleTreoBUter " R. ClatkSeViclary ** I- Oust isCot»v-iior of Canvao-iug t ommiltre " AlcFarlaucAlnuuging Ccmmirier, Alisres AA bite. Cumutt-r. . Rowland, AlcFat lane,- tbwii.dt, Kckcl. Oberie, t.'. Sinclair,

U ADllry, Renton. Kdbcrtftou. Ueotz, Knud, C. AV. Wcttlaufer, L. Truax, iD cU ik, arid A'egt, The young lad­le* have abcady s« l to wolk and have -neared a ataml'iti the Sinclair block where they will condact their tra- ivniu. Jbey vvp.b to thank tlrntM) who bavo already uldml them and solicit the help of every citizen iu carrying on thi* gnat and noble wmk. For ihebcmdll oi < tradeia who maynot be aware » t the im u r j raised in this lUitti V - to xprttdcd We would say fu tho ptdceede of the Soldiers M t Ten Room. it U called, wi l be devoU*d to the general welfare of the soldiers on active service *ml also to the work of the Rpd Cross Soeuty. Tbe tta rm*ui wtlrlo* open every Wednesday «ftcrt.m>U.

Death or Mti»SA 'cry - «d indsiia death .*ccut-

red iii Wnlketton on i * *day morn­ing. when AD— Mati.it a -SpUxlg. youngest tiaiightir ol Mr. ««ud Mr*. Henry Spitxig, paesrd away at the early age •.( twenty-riiwe years. Ibe deceased bad been Milferitg fioin an alf'Ctiou .if the lung* for »o?n« nioulh* and having Hjn-nt the summer at the Mu-K<>ka Satiitatiuin. returned about om* uiuntli ago in apparently improv­ed health. Do Monday she wa- in I letter spirits than u-u*l »n;t af*tr spending the evening with several girl friends, she retired about o'clock. About r iiiht o’clock Tui -day morning slio was taken w ith a In in ortl uge and died very suddenly be­fore medical AsUtance could la* secur­ed. The earlv demise of the late Ali-? Spiizig is depleted on every side. She wa* a young lad* of imimpeaehal le chat acter and ji'*—i'ssed n disp'wition which made iiet a friend ol everyone with whom she licau;e *Ci|U«lnted Tin* .-ortowing family have the heart­felt b) tupathy of a lio-t of friend* in theh great Ut**, Reside- her pa ret«». the deceased, i- *ui vlved bvtlve broth- er* olid tlnev* sWtrrs. v. .—John * f Ibiffvto. Anrimay of La Salle,' William et Meaford, Frank of Buffalo and At- lH*rt »f Stskni am. and (Alary) Air*. A. Bettologer. iAIinnie) Mu- ri. K. Kbin. and (Krnmi»> Mrs. Frank Walker, all of Walkerton. The lufetal taki pine this'Thinsda) - mondrg, n> theteiidence <>f lie* pairntu on Ai toria street, t« the It. 0. Chinch thence to the Walkerton cemetery for interment.

lied Cross Aleeipig.A ni<-. t -<•£ «»f tbe Red Cross S**‘ iet v

wilt !*• held iu tint town hall this ev ming at M p. tu. sharp, for Hi* pm - |m*i of e eiHroiirtg tba elrWtloU Of <> f le e r O n ly those wh<> have paid tba mduibersliip fee of .yj.no >-ue entitled to vote, Every fsaly c m e aud p in in the noble wmk. --FredAN’ . Lippert. Al ityur.

Hockey ReelingThe annual organization meeting ot

tlie Walkerton Hockey t’lub held iu vbe coitnvil cbamfcer on Tuesday evi n- ng, was well atteuded. The f«dlotv.

iog ufUl-er* were elecied: — llou. Fie-. R. K. Truax, Al. F

A'tcf-Fics. F. AV. Lippert.I’lrlidctil, Vicir-I’n sidert M«c y-Trea*.

A. A lcCatlney. R Al. F lvyar.C. L- Wherle.


Di.t i itit n-. In Riant oil haturrlay Nov, 21- '. Lm»i- Deitrich »gul W years. The funeral i"» k jdai the Walkerton cemetery oil Tin- m ottling.


,»nuf,K In VValkertuu XoVemlsi i*»b.. 5-- Alt, Liddle .Dice Alias Alai '

"it F riday , .ml Mr-. T.

R urivlii a

lll l i l .i v • AA'M.n.tM. In AViilk' i:.... W '-dn .-dav . N .o . 2Vh. M D . Kit* \ \ daugh ter <>f !and Alt'-, J ..- . W athiee .-f AA aik.-rton I.. Mr. IP.v R id le v o fF a r i- . Rev. I’lOM AA'il-.m ofHri.t‘e.1, Ai.-. and

Mm. Rhll< v w ill t«*M'le In Pm i?

T toniM dN - J < » '> - - ln T o ronto i 'lo u d ly , Nov. 21. AD-- K ua Jem- d a i.g h te r (4 AD. and Mrs, ( i. .lon rs of AValkerten. to .Mr. \V v I J i-n n P u b tT o i.io io . M r.and M rs,Thorn ton w ho.w dl reside iu T"H"it<» a re spending p a i t " I lli|-ir lumev tm.nm a t th e 11 id es hom e here.

.Managing Ccinmittee, K. AI. Taylor, F, ii. Kidt and \\'. A. Clatk. I l waa decided to enter a team in the inter­mediate series ol iheNotthern League and it •mflivieiit material call >>e secur­ed a juuior team will *bo be entered. l'< os|>ccl« arc blight for a good itilci-. iiH.diaU* team.

meet 8lit|>|K-d f ill* Week.The delay ill tllo rt.vetloll o f llto wash

••lid bridge is causing tin* town fallu-i - and the Ihsod of Tr.vde a great deal *‘f eniicem. The business (ho town Ita* lo-t tbrotigh the *-l*»siiig of the bridge is diHicult to estimate, -nflhe it t»* -ay t hut t he merchant* have been heavy loser*, and apimteiitly lltcieis nothing for them to d«< but lo grit) and hear it and await tin* time wben tin.* bridge

inipony will two lit- U» complete their contract. AAV have been ittfOMitwl that the steel for thebt idgewn* sliipp* i-d from Kincardine on Almnhvy and isCXpeetisI to is- «>u the gtvm.d this Vis*k. This being the ease ih. long utleriiig uolth-vnders will soon 11ml vlief a> t he struct me -hoidil tie t«-ady or tralll'' in two wed.*. A meeting

ot the apemal committee, compi led if Warden Alcwhintey, D. MeDt-nald

of Kiulmaand 0. D-xjui of Fort Elgin momhcjsof the county coined and Mayor Lippi Hand M rvni Rennie and Hr her of the towu council, w »i laid here on Tuesday alu-rnoon to consider the situation apd a lexolutiou was ad­opted to tlie vStcl that if the alee! wa* not on riic ground iu out- wcvk’a time and erection commenced at cue* tbe contract would be taken from the HiiuD*t Bridge amt Boiler Coutpauy ami awarded to other contraclma, iu Eogtncei U*rber would »ee lit It wh» also decided to place » woodon floor on the bridge tbia fall which will allow ita u*e as sooa wa the steel work t* Hnuhed and tho* another two- week'-delay will h.* prevented. The cement floor will be pUceil on the sliuclmv iu the spring. For tbe de­lay l « date tho company is liable for fTW darn*ge*. half of winch will fall into the town coffer*.

F in e d $1*1.00 a n d CostsA ra-«* of more than ordinary inter *

, -t and om- in which tin* town uut Imts ittcs may yd U- Woridcd Win* heard by Magistrate Toll*4) «»»* .Monday wfter- lusiU. H i" defendant was Air. A. C. Davi'v, of t'liarl-lon. West A’a.. a ro* |acM-nt«t i 'eo f tin-t"tnmt*u», ObiipOil t o y who wwst-lmrgcd with retailing coat oil in AValkdtou witlmut taking out tin* licen-e rnpiivcd by thctnwn bylaw-. Air. Dnvey pleaded imt guilt y but after a brief bearing Die magi-traic im|s*wsl a line <>f $IO.f*l nud eo-ts. hi- only ivasoii fordoing -r Is'iug l bat the defendant some time ago hadlx-rii fined mi being found guilty of a simitar charge while in A Ills! mi. Out. Should a n.ngistrate convict an accused man mi the sola ground of a ptecrdetit > \\e think not. and in this ease gross laxity is #p|»l> cut on the j»art of the H ire court omeiat- iu Walkerton. It appears that iu April last the Oduinbu- Oil ('••mpaiiy -cut a man through Hd» -*. tion soliciting oi>ler» , trout tba fanner- for fm-ty-gallmi tanks of oil which they were wiling nt ■ dro-tsl price and mt Friday ear emitaining nlstul four gnllmis logethci-wirir a ear

. I tanks and tixtnrrs atrrvxt ti.T.R, dcjs't to till these orders. Mr Dave)' * ante hen* to s.ija-i bitee * delivery of llreoii audalth, , n-kod by the fanm-is . nlmdutely ja-fu-ed to g|» ot In . - \ball tbo»e who Iran g»r*n • wZ. *“ ’ b'* t*» ri.e ecmpauy iu -j.rmg ( *.miar v to tin-eoni t - tlmliug tliciv. ton* In- wa-not selling tin ml t„,i ..onlydelivering if. With ivgmd to rite Alli-t'Ut charge I In- oil < oni|w»uy ap|»-al(s| the ease ami the conviction wa- .j Hashed at Osgoride ||«H. on Nov- emt<ei 17th. The evidence m Ibis ease wa- of n mm »• conv ict ing nnliu.- ri.an the local ea-e, a- an apt»-dt ba- l>vn • ufensl i- evident that tin- town " i l l not *»dy h*ve i „ refund the...... . P*‘d 'mo «w H lart will alsob*v e ,» be iv y bill of co- ts to>ltoiilder. and jio—ibly an action fnnUintiges to tight. Tin- t'olnuibit- Oil IV.. ba- oats 'iioitar to that w Inch was at the ti.T. R. dcpiit at tlitToid, Orangeville. f,i»t."U>*l. l^indoti ind otlic-town-in Out.a»>o and it !- p.,|H*-leem(s to think that a < rtftporatioii *uchnit thi- would i iskdelivel iug oil In thi- maimer if rin-v were »r<n writ protected from paving heavy tin.-- in every town and village No doubt the authmitn - cap ex jw t further develop vents.


‘'U n d id Wood?”"In matron of trio Ducketts* School

for D estitute Boy*. But you know riro wan going to Im before you left.”

‘•yes. Captain ljaulknerV widow nttd cbltdrea?*'

•They H ro a t Brompton, supported by Mrs. Faulkner's father. Tile Htll- dren arc grown up, as you nnd I. litany . Is the re anyone else you would like to hear of?"

"No, no one else.”“And here come* the Coalman to an­

nounce supper." said Susy, a* a man servant drew aside a sliding d o # |h » t divided the little apartm ent, and dla- Idaycd an elegant Utile supper-table set for two.

Suty took the arm of her poor friend and w ent to the table

H er glance combeltod the watting footman to shew a* much respect to tier poorly-clad guest ns If he, th a t guest, had been tho carl Instead of Hit outcast.

A few minute* a fte r supper »# i over, Bonny nroso to take lil» leave.

"Como to mo a t tw o to-morrow a f­ternoon, Benny. ! have something particu lar to say to you," aald Suty, a s ho bado her good-night.

The poor outcast bow el, ntid prom­ised.

CHAPTER XIII.Suxy slept little and wept much tha t

night. And It took a great deul of rose w ater to cool he r eye* th e next m orn­ing before sho went to rehearsal.

In tho greenroom sho found I.ord Wellroso, apparently w aiting for her, evidently corlou* to hear some explan­ation of her strange conduct, and some account of her stranger acquaintance of the night before.

Though courtesy obliged him So be quite silent upon the subject until she should speak, ye t she quickly perceiv­ed his uneasiness, and in the Intervals between her business in the rehearsals sho talked to him of he r early life and humble friends.

“You know, my Ion!," she said, " th a t 1 am a child of the people--™"

“Like Rachel, Rlniorl. Jenny L in d - " “And all tho rest." she added. "B ut

my lord, I wa* much humbler born than any of those. Ifcoutd scarcely hnvo been poorer .lower, than I was In my childhood. If Madam Vesta had not seen me and pitied me 1 should never have been richer o r higher, 1 think,*

“You ‘th ink.’ Well, le t tha t go for the present."

"In my childhood 1 had a friend, dearer to me than anyone five la the world. Wo were of tho same age. My m other used to tell me tha t we were fond of each o the r In oa r cradles, and th a t strangers always took us for twins. When we were but n few m onths old. Benny's mother used to leave him with m y mother when she w ent ou t to work. In the sam e way on Sunday* my m other mud to leave me with Benny's m other while she went to work. T hat *■#* the way In which tho baby lov* began. 1 do not remem­ber tha t; but so far hack as I do re ­member we two were Inseparable com­panions. T here 's th e prom pter's call,'' sho exclaimed, breaking off from her na rrative to run upon tho stage and sing her part.

Lord W cllrose walked up and down tho greenroom, hla soul flooded with the tide of harmony that swelled from the stage and filled th e building.

A fter a while she came back to Itlsa and took up he r subject Just where she had left off.

"Wo were very, very poor! As 1 told you, wo could scarcely have lx.cn poorer. We wore, very often half fam ­ished and h a lf ‘frozen. But we shared everything with each other. W inn Benny had no fire. 1 brought him In to ours. When ,wc had no fire, Benny took me In to-his. If Benny had a ha- penny roll, he alw ays divided It wish roe. If I had one. I shared it with him. Wo two poor little heathens were like tho prim itive C hristinas In one respelt—■*«* 'had a ll thing* in common/ The call-boy again!" sho exclaimed, breaking off and running away.

There wa# another rap ture of divine harmony, tha t filled the place and transfigured the world for a tim e, and then again she came back and resum­ed her reminiscences.

"You may judge, I-ord W rtlrose. how dear to my soul w as th is friend of my childhood."

"I can Judge."“ But f could never make yon red -

Ixc how gentle, affectionate, compas­sionate he was; How true and faithful ho was; how u tterly unselfish, how de­voted to h is frjend*. Ami yet. Ixird W cllrose, there were those about him, those he loved and trusted. who taught him always evil for good: who led him Into *ln by hi* own purest a f­fections; who taught him, f.*r love of them , to break the law* of Bod and mau, and to believe th a t he was do ­ing a brave and good de 'd , >!>• lord, you. In speaking " t your own pure childhood, have told roe how you used to boast of the great things you wottM do for hum anity when you 'should- grow to be a man.' Benny would ear-

•css hi* slarvjng companion* and beg them not to mind, for that !>■> would ‘crack a case* and g* t them plenty of 'prod' when, be should;'grow to he a big man.' All this, you sec, out of the misled goodness of hi* heart,"

" I t Is very deplorabb-,'"Yes: bu t I loved Benny d.-ariv, no t­

w ithstanding all.- You tiaty Judge, therefore, l-ord WeUroso, what a deep, lasting. Incurable sorrow U was '•> :n>\ when 1 wn# en trapped 'by an artfu l de­tective Into betraying my dear pipy- malo to the hand* of the poHee, to tr ia l, to conviction, to transport a lien for fourteen year*! And all for a crim e th a t lie never commit! *?:.

Here Fu/.y dropped he r far-- upon her hand* and wept.

Lord W cllrotr wan deeply b ocb- d. lf e laid Jtl# hand upon her-bowed (>.:•;> I. and in earnest, tender ton* ■ inquired: V 'C an 1 do anything for h o f<: you?"

"N o; thank*, but no, you «»n do nothing. Me had to 'd ree Id ; w eird!" ft Is over now. He is baek he re accin. I t was lie whom I n e t last night You do not w onder now tu anything I did, do you?"

"indeed, no. And 1 oh* uW Ilk- ».* do something for the* young roan ’

•If there should he nnvlhhm that, you—there! i m ust go a tta in /' rip* said, hastily drying he r ey< -• and h u r­rying off to take her part in ti e la s t and longest scene o f,th e reehamH.

When It was over she »:«<.* r o w rejoined Lord W cllrose In the green­room.

He asked permlss'on to attend her to her home-

•T hnnks, no; not tht* morning. If r w B1F lord Ooms th is av«n-

Ilng, a fte r the opera, if you have no e th er engagement .and I small be very glad lo receive you," she said.' w ith a

i nolle.1 Lord V I'ltroso tmnded h e r to her I carnage, hewed;' and went away very f Ibouglttfal.! And S tuv drove home to he r p u t ty 1 house in Bark Lams to keep h e r »p- J pointm ent with B< nny. i A s soon h* she entered the ball the

tn a ttendance touched, hf.i{ forehead and sold:

i who'i f you pb'UB*'. miss, the pi rw .. w as here lost night has come again, and is waiting to *<*e you.'*

“ W here i# h e ? /“ fo tlw? servants* ball, m iss/’"In the -‘TVant-/ ha ll!" echoed Susy

an rrily .“ If you please, twins, h e ratu; the aer-

v:ints‘ ta ll M the •< rvants* dorr, find -;»Jd he would welt In th e t.m sR l* '

i ha ll h im self/' «sld the forinron. who ; rtrm tglv fuispeeted th a t Mi" strange \ •.‘s lie r was r o n e pear, shabby, dlsrc- ■ ,intable rela tive <f hi* .oung mistress, j -T h ru show him in to m v kltting- I room. And nev tr keep him walling | tp th e servant** hall again. He is a | very old H era t of mine. Ih* you h e a r’ ”

“ Vo.-;, m ips/ «vd th e m an, tmicblng hH fbroliwtd ns he turned to go upon

! h L e rrtn d

i{?u*y went Into fo r b r li/i t lit tle *dt- tln r-reom . fragrant and blooming with th e boui|ti> f>< that had hc-’ii showered noon her the everting before, and she i ttitew eff he r tvone* t and ' i ll. and he r

j rbdi Indian shawl, and sa t down to wait for Benny.

1 Ho o-une fit last, inhered In by the ) sam e doubting footman, who !mm«s!l- i pjetv shut the deor and withdrew.! tie was «tlll very pale arid th in ...still’ the faded nut f.te sim ile of Lord

d nuv couth m an. r.nd hi* fa ir ha ir. combed hack from h is bread, pale forehead, tu rned’ Into tbe soft curls so fam iliar to Sury tt memory of h is childhood,

“ need-m orning. Benue. 1 am very clad to see you. Ob. dear! I don’t menu that. I should have said tha t to t h ' carl o r anvbody. Benny, dear, 1 am gladder, m«d> gladder, to have yon barq in E ngland than 1 have twen of anything else tha t 1ms happened to me *:lnc» von were fnreed away,"' 'she wild civ lug him both he r hands, as her eyes filed with tears,

“ You a re —oh. you a re wonderfully | good to me, Sutv’V he fitlt« r« l, with ; mneh emotion.

“ N -. I’m not. I'm a 3tea*hen. 1 ( th ink , to have lei you go away. Hen-■ vein know# w here,-last n lpht. When 1 \ had four o r H' e empfv room* In the

liousc. A very brn lheh . Benny!"“Suzy. you are a sa int, more like.

. And you were righ t to let hie go. Be­side*. my d.-ar, I would not have stay-

: < d for a thousand guineas," he an- : swered gravely.

-B u t why? But s it down first, i Benny. Sit down and then tell me 1 whnl you mean—why you would not i hftvn stayed In my House; and, mor<- i over, why you w ent to the servants'* dmir th is m orning and waited In the■ servants* ha ll? '' ■i "Ileeause, dear Suxy, dear, fortunate : sister, I could no t do otherw ise wlth- i out Injuring yon, H I* no t f it o r right i th a t I should visit you nl all. MuchI ns I longed to sis* you, 1 should not i have ccfiie here a t ail If I had not so j faithfully promised to do so. WhenII did come, I purposely rang the »cr- j vants* door arid w aited In the *er- ; vattv*' ball, a s heeawte the j*oor fellow i Hint I am. For. Suty, w hat am 1? i Not even a tlcket-of*b ave man! Worse seven than tha t! 1 am a returned cou- i vict. who had to **rve ou t h is full | term of punishm ent "I Huty hurKt lulu tear* and wept \ vehemently, saying tmnveen her sobs:

"Oh. lb tm y . Benny, • never, never : !!»> anything like tha t In me again,; It cuts through and through my heart ; like a knife! Yam »<t »* sen t out Utero i for th e s ins o f other*, no t for your o w n . You ought at least soon to i have had » tfrket-ofdenve, and chance i and help to recover and Improve. But j no, you had neither. Oh. Benny, why : wna it Hint you had neither? I know■ you deserved Imth,”! “ Alt. no, Puiy; m the law I deserved; | tin ittdulgenee. My ia te followed m o ’ 1 even out there. Listen, dear Susy," i i “ Ve*. Barmy."i "‘You knew Tony, my At^ifather?'* * , ''Of: Course, Bonnv/'; "And you knew the Nut Braeker?" j | "Nut Crnn'licr? t 'o , Benny/' j| “ No,"of course- you d idn 't. Welt, he ! i\ pal of my stepfather's, after my ; : stepfather went i ntlrely to ihri b a d .! ' It •' a* my stepfather who committed | l th a t burglary for wltleh ! was lagged. ? j t In g your pardon, S yx); t should ; ! h :»*•'«* tu t i l l ra nseorfed i it tn trying t n : | forrett Hie th ie v -/ t atic iw. i n t as f ; ; can, but Ike force tit habit is very j [strong . Well, it w«* T o n ., mv st<-)i-| i father v,hu lommlUist Hi*- crim e fo ri

which t Was transported. And it was*

colonist. T here, also, I tried to do right, and to please my m aster and m istress, unit still 1 Huecoedtd.'

"Of course, Benny,""But, ah! my late! 1 bad been in

tha t rervlco about fifteen mu.tth*, and vMm liked and trusted . One night, during tho tem porary nbsenco of my m aster, I was orderevl to sleep in the fron t ha ll of tho house, for tho better protection of Uio m istress and ch il­dren. I slept In tho hall four bight#, and nothing happened. On th e fifth night I wn# waked up by scream*. I H urled to my feet. I t watt pitch dark It; th e house, and through the darkness there was the sound of rushing feet and m uttered oaths, and, above a ll, continued screams. I wa# groping to ­ward the room from which Hie scream s came, and w ht:h was ruy mistress* rexnn, when the re was a #udden m sh or notneono paBt me. and a tiuddon flash of light auil email of sound. Hint wa* «> eloso it nearly t.Haded and di-afened me. But In tb e Instantane­ous flash I «a.v tho ftice of my s te p ­father, with n pistol In tils bund, and t jxw the fall o f Hie woman Im had shot, and whose scream s ho had silenetid forever,"

"Oh. Heaven of heavens! how hor­rib le!’" cried Suxy, covering he r face with her hands.

"Then there wax tho silence of death In tho darkness. And then a gaitiercd group and a m uttered conversation, and then the flash ol a mutch and a lighted candle, which showed mo my stepfather Tony, the Nut vrucK'-r. tie ' Drum Breaker, t Tacksman Jack and two ill-broking men who were s trangers; ami tin* m urder’d woman In a pool of blood, on I ho floor a t th e ir feet."

‘“ All qu ie ted!" said ono of the strangers, ns tin* light flaslmd.

‘"H e llo ! tha t'* no t so. Hero’# a kid must bo silenced!' swore the o ther siranger, draw ing a knife.

" 'L e t tho kid alone! lie belongs to m e!' sw ore my stepfather, snatch­ing th e knife from the -hand of hhs comrade. 'T h a t's my son, th a t is, and Bill broud of him! As skillful a sr.skesm an arid a* faithful a pal as you'd find In the world. W hy, bless you, be was lagged for uh, when he m ight 'a ' been let off If he'd listened to the gosja-1 grinder# and peached on us! Ain't th a t so. t ’racksinan?'

“ ‘T hat's s o / said (’racksinnn Jack.“ 'W ell, then, lie must go along with

Us, anyw ays/ said the stranger."In horror of them , Suxy, 1 refused

to go. T hey laughed In my face, and the Net Cracker took hold c f me. w hite the Others packed silver , plate. Jewelry, money, clothing find e v en ' food Into nacks brought by them fo r: that purpose. I Implored my step ­fa ther by a ll I bad suffered for him ! to leave me alone,

■ ’Would you stay here to be found! and to be forced to put the bobbles! on ou r track , you little sa rp h itY In-i qulred T<

"I rendu .<<l Mm th a t 1 had never yet betrayed him.

" 'W ell, then , you know If we wa* to h a v e you here, end you the only one ltdt alive, you'd be forced to glv<> a full and particular account of th is here event, t>r else to be scragged as an jueompHsh. And you might b<‘ scragged w hether or not. And so the long and short of It ts this, th a t we m ust do one thing o r the t’o ther wtib you- we must e ither take you with u*. of kill you where you stand.’

" K i l l me where 1 stand.* said I. •" ’Now* It*# all fo r your own x»k<\

you know, so 1 th ink we’ll take you with us. W hat do you say. pa ls! ' he inquired of til# companion*.

'" B ra in him t« d be done with it*' said one.

'"Y«-s, quiet hint tha t wa*," said an­other.

" ’Fetch Itim along with u*/ said the Nut Cracker, 'l i e stood by us In our troutde. and wa# gam e through the whole on? .'

".So, Suxy, they decided to lak*- file witii them. I resisted to tb** last. I had rathe r di'ut then and th* re, than h a -c gone with them , 1 had such a ho rro r of them. I had been. n*ed - too used to thieves, but no t to m urderers! And. oh! 1 had by tills tim e found out tha t in o rder to ewrapo with all th e ir booty they hail murdered nil in Urn house- m other, babes, female #ervnnt i

.HI hnt myself, who implored them to HuS*h lh*ir blood work and kill



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Dcpartruont of Affriculturc Pub­lishes Import Regulations.

AH person# Importing Irees, shnihs and o ther philitH; collectively known a* "nursery s tock / into t ’nnada, ar'o required to observe tht: regulations of Hie Dominion D epartm ent of Agrl- < T.fure which govern such Im porta­tions. These regulations, passed un ­der The Dextruetlvo InRect mid Best Act. preserfba th e conditions under which plant# may l>c Im ported; apec- Inl conditions a re attached to certain chi*!“’< of plants, somo clans# aro sub­ject to inspection, o thers to fumlga- jon. In order Hmt all Im porters may lemn w hat nro the condition# gov­erning the Importation of tree* and p lan ts Into Canada, a c ircular en­titled ‘TiistrucUotts to Importer# Tree.;. Blunts and Other N ursery Stock In to Canada/' bos been pub- B*htd at Entomological f 'lrcu lar No. i. by the D cpaftm ent of Agrlculturo, and all persons wishing to Import plant- Into Canada should apply to the BnldtenMons Branch, Department of ARrlctilmre. O ttawa, for a copy of till# circular, which will bo sen t free t„ all applicant*.

TAKE SOMEONE TO CHURCH.(iTttstiurg <<axette-Tlmc»)

The Kt*at mrrtcully ea<v)unl«r*U t>»- o

r Jr>*t#nce. tl do** not .......<!e f«*r *ny fnllhful church fnd'ICO one other parson to mlar participant, In, way.

* to Hie mission of

» to triumph in tin1 APPLES AND POTATOES

W A N T E D! We nr.' In the market for A p p W ___; B-'tatoc# In car toad o r lex* than car load


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good rS S T Jret !;

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With sligi.t cry Suxy hId her

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hnving the wpefl

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le Uicd Or. Chase’s Ointment for Protruding Piles W ith Splendid Results.Too often a doctor can only think

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Mr, Simon K. Jones. Hallway r.treet, Inverness, N. S.. w rites -“ I have found Dr. Chakfi’a O intment tho best trea t­m ent for protruding pile*. For threo Jenr# I suffered from pile*, and was advised j,y local physician lo try Dr. Cliaan’# O intment. 1 had- tried many trea tm ents In vain, and there­for* know which 1# tho best. 1 can highly recommend Dr. Chase's Oint­ment. and you nro a t liberty to use th is statem ent."

T he record of cure* of every form of pile# which stands behind Dr. Chase's Ointment is the strongest guarantee you can have th a t It will j promptly relieve and cure th is a il- [ m ent, oven In tho most aggravated form. 60c a box. all dealer*.

A PECULIAR RESULT.(Detroit Free Press).

The frightful imm ensity of the pre­sen t world w ar and the horrible toll demanded by It a re duo largely to movement* which aro distinctly hu- • m anttarian , notably to achievement# of modern sanitary experts, to the fight of science ag ain st communicable dlseaso and Infant m ortality , to the development o f surgery, to the ex pan- j si on of the hospital system, to thesuc- ciwsfui effort for be tter economic con- [ dltlons, all of which with other sim ilar factor* have resulted In an unparall- j tied increase In world population.

I S S l 'K N O . -18. IN 14

GOOD THING FOR EUROPE.M tcehc.K r Herald j

The wived l aril* tn Cc-arfafit*♦«<:-$ a re mid to adiUJt ihut, the eiitroocoTir T urkey Into the er< u? Knrettenu w ar wilt mean the < nd of Tuik> v no tn- »h:|i<-nde?it nation. T here cao h# IMt;o doul.i, wi> think, In i 'I'fiol to Him, Tim e m u when lir-a t BrihHii p ro c e ­ed Tnrkci- and kMT lo r ln t« .t , but G reat Britain rA t protect, her again TutVv hax now va.hiolarBy mitered Iho v-'tr, and In-.lt-d lo r

U wit) he a e l Uut'-rt for thireqw to Bet rill id T ut key. V.> do Hotmean by tht* Hull the Turk? ore bud

Tit; tnd d.'\

rtU rhui, But flu* T urki ;h H a th ine fur h !>‘- iI t. has made tr.v t.o - . world. It Is tin niim ht- >; opc.

WORSE THAN PHAROAH,t Brantford Expositor)

The ?n#k Imputed by na rJ-hcanod [ Pharaoh upon lim children of Israel of j compelling them to make brickr. w ith- ; o tt ’Straw wax decency Bselt compared : with the nelien «f a bard-!unried K aiser In compelling the Belgian peo­ple to resum e work a tie r having le­st royed everything !h»y could w--rk with.

$ 7 0 0 i n C a s l iFIFTH ANNUAL



Friday and SaturdayDec. 11th and 12th, i !)14

Many other prixea offered. For all .riformatlor* adores*

C. F. Topping, Srcrxtary. Union Stoc'x Yards, Torcr.lo.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert Milter, J. H. A shsraft. Jr., J, W. W heaton, Martin Cardhouse.


Albania'a Blood Feuds.

tlleeto: _ _ in.lri# hank «a» horsor-

Out o f the Moutlis of Bnbes.Pat a - Willie. TU rive you a nlckle

it M-n'll act haif-wav ilkd a gentlem an v Idle grandlitri I# iw*;*,'

t-'suall Wllile- .M»kc U a dime, papa, a».tl I'll go the Umlt.

■What's: twin*. Kddle?" asked Hula i ; cf Iter broth.'f. r*?cd ■\Vh»/' replied H ddl’. glad vf an l ortiii.iiy ?», dirfday UM knowledge,

lx t« o kltuL Just Iho *au*e age, triplet*, four's quadruped*, and in tiped*/'

BETTER THAN SI’ANKINGSpanking doe# not cufe c|ii*siir«n of i

bed-wettiny. Tii«<- i# a e«ii*tituiioaal <*is*c for llii* trouble, Mt*, M. .Sutntncr* ' Jlox \V. s Windsor, Out., w /i .vml free to any mother her »uvi‘e*«fii! koine trratuU’Ot. wills foil iaAtriJetoei#.: ■ » money, but m ite l;*-r today- if year children I rouble you >u ta x way Don't lit*Ole the Cllibl. «f»« chamex are it can’t ’

Nut t ».1gotxl* iirui dlspou d of them , |

j lsnd who harIior<*l father and me. I ;; had nothing to do with th e burglary, j i rind knew noth ing about it until St w a - |[ all dune and over," i "Of course. I always knew tha t you!' ! ?n*d nutfdng to do with B, Benny/' [ j “ Hut. you hee, I knew who did U .j l and where Hie iideves and tin* 'goiMls j \ Wi-re both to he found. And then (he [evidence wa* v«-rv s ire n s against roe,} j also, And l M l you. Suxy, ti wa# (g re a t stretch of eleinctiey, o r of poliey. j ; to give roe tbe chance. u» the court \ ‘lid, to et.-ar myself by turn ing •| «pie*sn’s <-y|dence and giving tip the \ } burghirs!”j "Ob. if vmi hud onlv, only done It j { and waved v.inrxett! Von snicht now j he a g raduate of tbe duchess* school, I | w ith a pr* letitutlon to Oxford," w ept!I Nil*’-4.; - w .ii , v . ! 1, it wa« roy fate to be-j •oirtpelled to do as 1 did I could rod : t* II on Ho in. Fuiey I only tell you , now. tx-eauro tov doing so now eon In j no v.a j hurt 11,. to. while' ll will ex- i plain tniii’li In my a fte r tulsforiune#/' i “ Vex. Benny. Ho on."

IH A PT B R XIV,’ ! row#! explain tha t on the voynge

{out to Van lu.'imui'* I/and. the chap- i lain on the whip was very kind to mo : and gave m>- Instruction. When we i reaclu-d the convict eplou.y, I w as -till ( kindly treated and put to light labor.\ I tried to do r igh t; and to please all In | authority over me. and 1 soce.s-d -1 In {doing #o."j "You were alw ays sure to please,; dear Benny; you alwny# did."; “ Ah! but my fate ’ A fter some i niontti?, I we# placed out, as a K«r-

danar’s hov, 1# th* hmtaa of # wanitny

"Forgive me. dear, for telling you these horrible th in g s /' sold Benny

”<!o tut If yiet Could live uirougU them . 1 can sorely listen to them. «»o

"f resisted..to tW last, hu t what could a slight boy do against six dc- f'rm tned men? 1 hoped tha t they wot)Id kill me when one of them t nis- <d Ids p istol; hut Inst end of firing it he struck me a stunning blow on the head. T hat w as the last I knew until I opened my eye# and found myself in Hie hush /'

’ VoUr ciiiitur* were the terrible Bushmen of the (’olonlcs. then?"

"They were. I learned afterward Hint my stepfather; T o n ', and the Nut ‘ 'rocker and Cracksman Jack and the Dr»m Breaker had alt b*-.vn> arrevted and tried at the Old Bnlley for the fidihery of a bank and Hie wounding of » wriP'hmjH, and th a t they had b m i convicted «nd senicnced to irans- 1'n r‘Btloti for life. A# very desperate character*, they bad been pent to T as­man •. Peninsula, and set to the ha rd ­est lahor, under ...The severest r**?ric- ilrins. By ii deep, roni'oeted plot, they murdered the ir guard and made the ir escape. .Suhsoquentlj* they joined t!ie most formidable gang of bushranger* in tin- colony, and they Jived by m ur­der, robber* and rapine."

Susy shuddered." But the ir end was drawing near,

d e a r -Sury ! I warub retl w ith them In the hush, the ir most unwilling cap­tive. nntlt a t length a strong body of soldiers, hi conjunction with armed police; was sent in pursuit of them, traced them to one of the ir rendez­vous. lab! in ambush there, and nur- l'Hsed and surrounded them. There "n# n dt*Hperate fight, for they were de:>p«-rote men. But every one of the gang wax killed o r taken. My wretch- id stepfather was uiortully wounded, and he died In Jail before hi# trial

O oeksniau Jack was killed outright In the fight. The Nut Cracker ! ami the Drum Breaker worn afterward • •'Xeeitted."

'Oh. horrible! most horrible! B u t ' you. Beany, you?”

■ I. Suxy, told my story told how I had been violently carried olf by t h e ! bushmen. T here wa* really not e v |- ' denco enough lo convict me of a n y ’ complicity with iliem, but the clrcrim ?, stances of my near relatlon#hl|) to the most notorious of the buxhmen were mi auspicious nod also the record of! my tria l and conviction u l Hie Old j Bailey wn* *“> much agnlnar m<>, th a t! a ll la te good conduct w as fo rgo tten .! and I wna sent lo Tasm an's Penln- ; sulu, to Join u gang of the very worst convict*.

"Oh. Beany, Benny! 'Ru*y.

(To be Ctmtlnuod).

help it. i hi**nu agt#l pcopic tio.ib’c l with urine dil- lieu)ties by day pi night.

CENSORED.ilMtlTiuri: tmzv>• '!.. .<• •

‘ ■'UHparing the let to! tile American farm er with tha t of th e Knrepcnu set# t-le r-. a November tnatja/ine jkx < a -k “ And w lm t arc they tn irlo s al n,w?i W ithout lb ? fKtmls'Slon of the • ■ u -or wo can only say tha*. the answ er l- a word of four letup*.

"SCRAP OF PAPER"—-No. 2, tToronto Telegram*. ,

?it*rnn»ny’» bD-yeur has.* of T dng-

l o f W om en’s AilmentsOr. M artel's Female Pill* have been the Standard for 21 years and for 43 yeart y escribed ar.d recommendad by phyaleiar*. Accept no other. At tit druggist).

COSTLY MILITARY DIGNITY.‘ Philadelphia Kocerd)

‘liiiit Diu» of $|,‘‘b>d.tH)o Imi-oscd uj«m Brmwelr, by tin,. (>? riuuim !>.'< im r ' two of ti <- K a o f t 'i tod li.-rs v.«rc hurt In tv x< u fib ' with ikigJans f* i in# to pu l « loo tty high estlmnti* upon the m ilitary d isu.tv . It | i a t I'ti.llug to think of H’“ twtrolt; sb;>! w. obi Imyc tr-ui Itv- f 'n n i {• « ro«>b h«»J li-s.x'd a getir-ral PUt* :t n,ii,i puddle - r kn.-i ke.-l til# bat over lit# eye#. On«> mny l-p «itru tha t lit (ho front r<-, homier the Belgian* vTlf^. t no s .h a n t.iso

;< Iv u.ddet.inlly Hint niiltfl•• Into cm I m l*! hut

Micard'* Linim ent Cures C d d ) , Etc-

T H i NEW OUTLOOK.■ Pittsburg G atettc Time*.)

iTiudoner# have discovered som e- ■ tidn jtm ore Im portant than being "for* ‘ ward looking men." It Is to ho “rip- . ward broking." with feet turned to­

ward the ro-arc*t cellar if a Xcppclln's eighied.

T he difference between luck and i jduck 5# the difference between our

vit- 8UCCC8# ilml m at o f o tir neigh-

T he fall is tho roost sevoro season «f the year for colds—ono day Is warn: v.jtilq the nfcxt hi wet and cold, and nnl. *s tin* m other Is oil he r guard tiro lit tle one* are seized w ith cohl# th a t may hang on all winter, Difliy's Own Tablet# are m others' best friend in preventing o r banishing colds. They net a# a gentlo laxative, keeping the bowel# and stomach free and *wo*t. Ah occasional dose will prevent cold o r if cold doe* cqme on suddenly the p rom pt ums of th e Tablet# will quickty cure it. T he Tablets nro. sold by iroalfclno dealer* o r by m u ll a t 25 a box from The Dr. W illiam-' cine Co* BrorkvUle. Out.

1 Medl-

WHERE TH E GIRLS FAIL.(M ontreal Evening N<"

A girl does no t buy tho firs t ha. th a t 1* offered her. She put* en on* a fte r another and parade# with It bo fore tiro ts lrro r, crith-aily observini its e ffec t;, she carofully sSudle* pvtr> curve and ribbon and flower ant feather; sho discards them , Trot aftei ha t, un til only th e m ost desirable ont Is loft, nod with trial *he ;■.■>.* he.mi nappy.

Now, the same critical "try ing on* of young m en, tiro dlscar«Hus; «.f tin ril»jectIonabh‘ and the final M .e tu .j of the most desirable m ight make im n-i wise an 1 a* happy In her huihan-J as she 1* It; her hat.

But. alas! while Hie young womas .eare ta ily : selects he r ba t, she allow j he r husband to select himself.

And *•> H i* the iidsriaod th a t it mo.it often tho misfit.

FAIR WARNING.TSpringflchl Unj.ubLtan)

"B m ight n s helidul lo p rin t on' tha t no European Power could ovur lu vtide t ’nnada w ithout causing a try- tn tudous eomrooti.-p and arousing the I keenest apprehension tn the t'n itvd f P 'a tes; end Abnt, too, I# sa id without .he 3lt?!be»t*refqret.<.' Jo llig Monro; ITxrlr*- Canadians and A n arlean i nave been living in N orth America t“ - geih. r itir *omo t)ir*j<! hundred yroiro, ad they will be living here side by sulo for a t h a s t th ree hundred W ar* to im i e. No European P* wer snoutn ever o ttem p t to eotmtror Canada witii- i.ut careful!v w clghlng thri prcbablllHcs ,T having the C«»lted s>Ut“* te con* drier fit tbn sam e Hate; and ttda Is fated a s « purely academic c miribti- tiun to a subject tro n m o le In Ba character a s one ;.i<•■*.-•• - "__

WHERt MONEY IS TIGHTEverybody suffer*, when boots are

tlglH vtmr corn suffers, bni ttn-y can ho puli.l.rsly •cnted by Puiiiau«*.» Coin E xtractor. G uaranteed In all eases. Fee only Putnam 's. a ‘ 3H d -ate r..

I w as cured of Rheumatic, (lout by MINAHIVS LINIMENT,

Halifax. ANDREW KING.1 wa* cured of Acutft Bronchitis by


Sussex.I wa* cured of Acute Rheumatism

by MINAUDS LINIMENT.Markhafci, Out; (■. BH.LiNG.

L ak-field. Que„ Oct. ’J, I!*37

PITIFU L SIDE OF WAR.G’hitadttpbla Recur.})

tl*ih, ruivN are feature* ef «ti the Euro* !-'#« eoj-lini* new. I he t-U.ful*.... «.f tin# I* }).<■ run# on *t:c skvlrwatmiiks, Tb- dc»t«»K'-c.« have »#.«<> rca*

Orville Wright, better in New Vw Wrench roon«t>lw

*b«klng hl».•Ka»?. tad


Costly Speed.

"fi#/* **td Mr. WrtKh• there * one ‘ bins lb‘#nd tha t * their rsrontttg cx;waee«.'

Minard’s L inim ent Cures Diphtheria.


//.ii'V -


T H E I M P E R I A L O IL C O M P A N Y . L I M I T E D , a Canadian corporation with over three thousand employ­ees. is manufacturing and distributing refined oils, gas­olines and lubricating oils in Canada for Canadian trade.

^ W ith its two large refineries — at Sarnia, O n t. and V a n ­couver, B .C .-—and its five hundred and twenty-nine branches throughout the D o­minion, it offers to the C ana­dian public the facilities for securing the best grades of Canadian-Made petroleum products at the lowest prices.


HhnutiW arm*! ouf broth.Crippled* worn, baiter#.

Bottle with the btno.1’ W th th« ‘ ' " '

Hording no.. bul!•<?>>« «rlp of Scorn; >t <tr»tru«!on'* fury.

......... .. death for froodron'x »#k*.■elnn onwnrd flrr

• th** mon»tcr-dra*on’» wBritain c*!I* to turn honor

M<-n who virtue ever *hte!d; tienttemen of nntde courngo

On or off the hatllnflcbJ;

’Mb) tho rtrlfc o f bitter won Britain rail* weft,J.wide heree*

Cat?* but rail*, ah! not tn vain; fjee- iier nobte-heartnd kinsmen

Korward k<> f>'ou mount and plain;

What “ Borough Signifies.

In the vicinity of <«#itretlon had (It 1* nan: Mine, and the xoldror there were catted bun hril.ituntM of there t.i

ronfrrmi ui-on


tn'.einfctltnal lavrade riKht* of nn•f Hit! Brltleh B..vr

etpUhlllUM »f ntwtrnl now***.

Oarc of Screens.I HUi't take nu t Ht« wiaUnh-

too early, tin* 11 Ins .will be: for a wlillo lotigcT, but wit. r. tai;,- them down b<> euro an them and d u n them , ;< nvay so tha t they «s>i bv .* tmot.'ior ioasoii.

A fter tho dual la Hiixture of HnsCiri oil tarjrontlu.' tw» pasts,: \Hat bitiiili np!>ly t;ii:« uri.v tiro; w ire rod?riot, both r.a fram e n» woJL Apply H* so a# not to tloq tiro- u'.< -

Thy avroe.-T- van !>*' .•-‘or- wfciTo la th l3 .a.(.million, -

•:i -. N.I hinka a ■ p trf anil th e trilU,

m oa* < umulatr'd ■■*

si way nny. •» l In tlu) • d (C-V af rolng baric

Minard'* Linim ent Cures OUternger.


the.e lf b-:> » Urk give

World ____"W hat n wniBlprfnl pomploxlott tha t

woman fin*!” "Truly vumderftiL" re­plied M5f« Cayenne. ’ » think it is the morit becoming o f an.v I irovit ••v-vr suen b a rw * a r /‘ 'WnalilnKtOMriitiir

DODD’S y,| KIDNEY^^ ,a s~4


LAHGR A D T.;E WAR.Mr J. A. S -dd-h . president Of tbe

H n ih h Trade Union l'onf<re*« nnil M. . .. who „ ! sin Toronto recently

-M ahd that had the labor organisa­tion# of Europe li.iil a nionili in which to act before the wap broke out there would have to u t «•» war. Ho a h o sta ted th a t the British Inhli.n union- l#t# w ere at the bac* of the Covert moot in the war with G ermany, a Britain hail been forced into It against h e r will in l-chalf o f Belgium her own Interests. To couttterac pe rsisten t attem pt# which. It is stated, an* being made in Germany and Aus­tr ia and in the neutral S tates of Kur oj»e and America to m isrepresent the a ttitude of the British L ib o r move- meat tow ards the w ar and the Govern- incut, the G eneral Federation of T rade Unions has issued n m anifesto which, while pointing out tha t it has always been on the side of international well ua Industrial pence, declares tha t: ••In the opinion of millions of trade unionists, th e responsibility for the war thu s not rest upon the |«»licy or conduct of (Itoat Britain." Dealing with the problem# which affect the political and economic life of tin nation during the war. the m anifesto suggest* that the policy of dealing with transport problem s and public services on communal Hues adopted by the Government during the should be developed afterwards.

“ In this w ar," It Is declared, "the men a t the top of the social scale have given the ir live# freely, and would he ungenerous not to give cro for. and express appreciation of, the ir gallan try and self-sacrifice. The workman, too, at the call o f his coun­try. has left his Job and his home, and ts doing hi* share , and doing it voluntarily, but there is n large per­centage of the comfortable cla»s whose main contributions during this crisis have been in (he na ture of criticism and advice." It is now hinted that may tie necessary to get a fte r ri clasH by means of conscription T Socialists arc ai#o supporting the w because, as Mr. Seddcn says, there a worse things lhan war. the suppression of liberty of action and of speech.

conscription .Will U real Britain have to resort

to conscription before the wat over? T h at Is u question which Is ag i­ta ting the public over there ju s t now. There are sections of the country tha t are responding nobly to l.ord K itchener's appeal. white- other d is ­trict* a rc not doing so nobly. Dis­cussing th is question th is week the T prento W eekly Sun says: "la-t us not fre t bccaure voluntary enlistm ent is stow and docjj not Inyjt-dlntely re ­spond to th e demand c f those who would end the German menace a t once. I t is be tter th a t the war w 1th all Its horrors should drug on a little th a n tha t w e should submit to con­scription. to which most or the ills of militarism in Europe lo r more than a hundred years and including th is conflict may be trared ." During the American Civil W ar conscription was re so r t'd to several tim es by the I 'n ltid S ta irs Government; and if the British Government resorted to it. It would be only a» an em ergent war

As we urtderriand the situation in the Old Country a t the present tim e the burden /if active fighting Is being *houlder-d/ b.v the young mew, whose patriotism aud pluck has made them ready and willing to enlist, w hile o th ­ers who arc equally entitled to be In the trenches sh irk the task for some reason or other. There a re young men fighting who have m ore reason to be a t home than have many who stay a t home. There arc parents who re ­fuse to allow the ir sons to go to the war. although they do not need them wi home, and there a re young men who hold back when they have no th ­ing to- keep them from going to the front. The result Is tha t the whole burden Is being thrown upon those who n r- willing to fight o r die for the ir country, w hile the other fellows jjrc allowed to shirk the ir duty. Now th is Is not right. The defence of the country D a national task, and all should be made to bear u share In Its d.-frnre. The shirkers should bo made to do the ir duly.

T he statem ent Is made tna t what h» known as the upper and lower classes a rc responding w ith alacricty to the call. Tin- Mins of the nobility and gentry and of the working clauses*aro fighting *lde by *ide against the Ger­mans. while the great middle class are more or less holding nloof. I t Is to reach th is class tha t conscription would be necessary. It It be a t all nc- ces.-ury. But even if it were not n e ­cessary It Is not fair th a t because a man Is willing to fake the risks tha t he should bnve to do so. while the sh irker stay* a t,hom e .

t i ’ I I O R I A L N O I L S

J# King Carst ti m the front?

V The larndon F ree Is trying to disown Bmirats.i. W hat Ingratitude.

T he Toronto News is more ansioo* to defeat S ir Wilfrid l.aurh-r Ginn H J* to deJcdt the Kalth'K

The Dominion G overutnutl. rcallxlhg Hint th is country. Is n« war, lias given orders that a ll essential point* -Mould have m ilitary pruUctled.

Th e Cause of Dyspepsia.

The Sym ptom s and The C u re .

THE CAUSE.Too rapid eating, eating ton much.fltid

t<H* often, improperly chewing tin- food, eating tort much stimulating food. and imhdcmg in Imjuopcr diet generally. TH E SYMPTOMS.

Variable at>iH-titc. rriing aud souring <*f •owl. heartburn, wind in the stoistach, a feeling of Wright in tin- stomach, in fact a feeling that your stomach has gone all wrong and that the food you cat does not wem to agree: with you.


BURDOCK BLOOD B IT T E R S .Mrs. K. Williamson, W hi-b r. Out .

write*: *1 have hern a sufferer years from dyvjK-pd.t. and could scarcely cat anything. 1 tried Burdock Bb*ol Bitter*, and I am entirely ctm-l I hive ' *, I wen tronhted since I tr>.,V it. aud tin t

i two s ago. I ,thing I ... ...

B.B B. is muuuiav tured «ndv by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Out.

Immigration iu the States for the pant th ree mouth* was only one-quarter as large as the corresponding period last year. T he w ar 1* keeping the pw>- pte at home.

S ir W ilfrid L iu rle r’s cml**r# -..-outd have come in handy in the Pacific Ocean ju»t now. They w ould have Ireen of ruoro help than three- dread­noughts lying inactive in tier North Sea.

'1 tie British Parliam ent 1# voting an ­other trifle o! over a billion dollars for the prosecution of the war. She I* not only financing her own hare, but 1* also helping he r allien am) the Do­minions to flnnnce the ir share. Money Tight* »* well a s talk*.

The Detroit Free Pros* qtmxiiotw If Austria Is a free agent any more. The command of her arm y has been t over by the K aiser and hi* son. It also »ay* that "T here has been consider­able prophecy tha t If Germany should win In Uto present w ar it* next mnvi would l»- to absorb the Austro-Hun Raristu empire, hu t 1* It waiting for »

■et-ttful outeoinc of it* struggle In- fore Minting tha t neat little trick?

to the m anor and k<-\> R i-ph-n out of the way7" the colouej asked,

"Oh. no. no, sir? D on't let her #et- strangers!*4 broke in Pnrkcr In an agony, "Rh«- couldn't b a r I t ’"

"B etter stay and tell Ulddcl when he returns. Elliot. ' lie 'll get a car­riage to take her hack t<> Rpkford," answered David, now cool and -ajurbl- ngain. "Breve, you ride home a t once: Parker nnd I win drive to Seldlek. It

she# not a t Ashland*, come on to u>;find her we ll retu rn to

I 1 of l > intuit ke-iful: hut wi

fair quiet.""Oh. Mr. David, she is sure to go

back to .Seldlek-idle loved tin- squire Mil*' cried Parker, her tears falling, "How could I be so carctevs—-how could H "

Her lam entation told Colonel Elliot plainly tha t Parker had no Idea of her mlstresN- guilt, and th a t she was deep­ly attached JD the wretched wenvnn.

He saw them all depart, am) strolled hack to St. A ustin's w ith a curlou? s-nse «>f W ing an actc r In the flna* scene of a dark tragedy. He did not care to p '-e itte r the house, hut paced slowly up and down the flagged path, h is c igar glowing like a red eye in the

-turn j (hick silk cord from the tmrth out ! fran tic haste and brought It to him.

: By his direction she wound it around | Lady Dare's arm s and body, rem lerln;

• M‘« | her quite helpless. Tltmf sh • wu: i ***> s Dmnd to a chair, and Elliot drew a

deep brea th o f relief. But EthePi 'h en ! strained liervca stiddenly ga*o way;

she leant against the futile, and tier deliverer, scarcely less agitated. trie-J t»* soothe her.

"KU r-t. dearest Kthi'P It I* all post now. amt you are safe*'" lie said, un­conscious of the tenderness of bis vole- ami wont*. 'Wl.ll see if Dr. Prior has fe|, knew she had escaped: he and his brother are searching

I wilt go," *ho, nnd ’

i-credout. leaving him

In a brlei j th e r < full.

Canada has no pari in the r a rfure or to-day. Great Britain

recognize in th is Kmdcn incident aluatde aid tha t A ustralia was hh d to bring to hear, and by t

purinun Camidn will suffer. The that S ir W ilfrid l.::«rler. ujMia whom honors and Attention were show by the British people, failed through- ut hi* long tenure of office pro­file to Canada's name » single mod- rn fighting ship will In- recalled

toipprwacd dlssatlsfrtctloii. I.ondoti F ree Pri***.

iIs Is rich; Our conlefittMirary known well that Canada would Inn

able In do what Australia tins done, had It rnd been fo r the Tori-

refused to <urr> out hi* imtiry having a imyy sim ilar 18 tha t of An»- Iralfa..

• ro bus h « n much ta lk of Uo -•p«redn*> of Brilntti tor v-.,r

TT;t Cnit«-d Jvtntcs is In a somewha sim ilar s ta le «.( ttnprcpurodm - Ti n

i Mayer, cay* of the nav».The fh-ct In cas<- of war v.ou'd is

i-: d im stm tts for collier*: wo .ire im behind every o the r nation lu hy<ir».< rt-plancs for scooting .m ijsees; cm vserve of smimurtltton U entirely tn iiifflrient to m eet thA pr<»hatilo retdret

of t irpedn'-* lit.*! wv Vmld mharrnsscd. nnd our tratr*- 'o lim ited tha t w,» t-imuld

It tnu-k on a m-'rcocnt tear- hie which hardly exl.its."

They should to- thankful Uutf Gt-r- any is not Mucking her way ihunigit

that country.

TH E EMDEN'S COMMANDERt Montreal Ilerald-Tclcgniph.t

it is liiiimssildc not to adm ir - the during and ihorouslily spor'Jmtanlihe

ncr In which the umim iml- r »>: Kmdeti ha,i gone nlsoit h ts work, end of sheliering un-h-r land for

tiflcafionu In m ortal te rror of tfi< y. a* *o many German captain* ming, ho has gone nut looking for

trouble with the gay abandon of u stage hero.

i t - has managed to sink a lot «» iti>x. but in every cate'. If Cie r«-j«»rt* • true, he 1ms shown the itttUCifl con- deratlon for the safety oml even the c n 'o r t of the rn -u s and !as«*nvers. Ills is warfare a fte r o u r own spirh daring to a degree, hut citivairoUs.

T hat Is tile British wuy.

WEAK ARGUMENTS.(Buffalo hltl.tr,

nun tOicioilstw are said to nave t lO lgiura t*»<iy to try t>,

j v - s a r : ? !

Don’t A llow Your B ow els

To Become C onstip a ted .

If the tru th » a ' only known you would find th a t over otk- half of tin- ills of life arc caused by allowing tin ImwcH l<> get

l-,l.p; cd e nditi.itWhen the Ik.wcU Income o m -tijcu d

the stomach j:ct. .s it of «>rdt r. the liver doe - nqt wo.-U projarly, :md tlicn follows tin- violent 'n k m adachrv, tin- .o«rt:c*s >.! th - yb»3s»h. I ifchmg «d wind, hcart- iHirn. w ater 1 '.e h . l.ilimiMie**, and a gem-mi fetlin- tic.it you do not care to do anvt’ihc:

Keep ).»!>/ DiW.U tezuU r by u'in* Milhura’s L i- .il.lv c r Pill*. They will clear away all the effete trotter which roll*— i - l*o- - • ■ tem and make ymt thinkthat " h 'c 1* w -rth livtrs '*

Mr;. C m - Sl> Kitrl- <. WiA.ftcjd,

troohlc-1 w*t*» -.tur -totendt at.d l-illouaa ne\i «!H r e t f e t relief until I o 't tl Milburn'* lavrdV'Llvrr Pill I had only tik t -i them two wnvksywhett my fronldc

ml I will - :endI did "

Milburn’* 1.. , -Liver Pilb arc 25e jtcr Vial. r» vial* for ?l <Ht. nt all drug Mores or dealer', or will be mailed on receipt H juice by The T Milburn Co . Llmiwd. Toronto, Ont

Do lookorl tip nt tin* rectory wln- nv» and drew a faint sigh, for h - member.xl what Steve had wald. tha t y one was at home hut E thel, so he mid not cull even Imd tic wished. A an passed hint quickly and ran up ii- rectory steps, tt was Silas, th - mtmnn nl the Manor. Acting on a : l>. and non

sudden Impulse, the colonel halted and ! But once said: 1 which they

W on a rc late, in town. Silas* Ha* ; i-aroxj>m . nil Iw-c-n well since I left till* morn- ; and the lis t­in g ? '

Silas touched his cap."All well, s ir ; Mrs, W atstngha

nit* fn by train w ith th is note going to walk back when I g

Ethel had n u t the lecture party just Outttlilc, stud tiipy know alt.

"Thank Hcttven yon wero iiero. Ja ck !" Agm-s satd.

"What is to lu- done? Shall wo keep her hero until David cornea?" inquired the nervous little rector.

Hut Mr. Biddel promptly relieved all anxiety.

"David must take eharg.- o f lu-r. There can lu- no question of her re ­tu rn to Hookford now—It would not !•< safe. She must b« under Davld'a eye il!t *ho can lie rcmoviyl to a place ot restra in t. I •on*' you agn-.- within**, f'ohm -1 E lilo tr '

"Decidedly I do!" »a.t the emphatic reply, and the lawyer's ailvfc- was aeteil uj»on «t ouc>\ Lady D.vr>r was transfcrr’-l to Dr. IfaBgot s v - r . quiet­ly. and none of the aervsHH* saw her.

But once la Um other house • to a ll gone with her -the try buna forth again,s sKmxI appalled us the srds rolb-d forth. Tin-

! sight of Evelyn seemed to r*»u*c on- a-nt i gov. nta tdc turv. t'm j "Vim «r<* hut n poor creature!" she tlie lilsxitL i»dmlitg a long whit-: Unger at

. the shrinking girl. "Hut you cun sting, rob you »t|H-r! You would md eut*-r.del-

dick tml'-ss I loft B! You would hu< uo divided1 sway, fon-ooth! Stephen I i Iih* is a c iw ard aud Is the Is-tter man! I knew B, though I lmtc him for coming to spoil -,i plans. He would n<>vcr have ture< me out. Oil. tha t I hod hut known It in tiim-! A* for you -" w ith u fierce gcslore tow ards Ktlx-I "I coutd kill you* You read my letto r—yuo -liscov-

red and betrayed me! I wilt k ill vou was ; vet! And th a t other — " Dm i».r the I fury choken li*-r Utleranee. and Ada

d the humiliation m eant for

The man was adm itted, hut the col­on* 1 noticed thut the door " a s not quite closed. Rome of the servants must be out, he surmised, and it had tie*n left so in order to save trouble

As ifexjurped downward for the sec­ond lim e ;» female figure was adv%t< - log. lie *up|HS*cd H »a.i the absent mahl reta in ing , and he walked slowly on. As tdte m ount'd the steps tip*Mrallity way ii» which she imercd round s«jrj»rt*ed the colon'-1,

W as .-he a servant ? H er dris dark, hut us tin- moon rose ove church its pale rity* fell upon a very >*«» handsome furred m antle, on w w hite : her. hand ami sparkling rln •* as she soft- 1-ady Dane had just clos.-d he r rav- Iv puahed iho dtmr half diten and gild- Ins* "hen the aoarchera .ent-tri?*l to cd In With furtive agility . t-*or ; commit •< to where th -c should go tn instan t the soldier stood transfixed : next. W ith a wild scream of joy i«*.r witlii ntnazi-ment: then a amid>*n llx ltt j B arker rm*he.f forward, and at .dght flashed into hla eyes, there u a c a quirk ' " f Iter falfhfu! maid Dame R*-lim» b--- evclatnatioo, and li<- iMvunded op the : ean«»- one-t more h e r dlgnlfh-d w lf. steps a fte r tlie woman, who had not ' " I should like to retire. Parker." stir fnstom-d Hi** door, hut merely rlojfed j«*ald, "I am very weary !"B. W ithout oanslutr. ho entered its ; "Oh, tm lady, my lady!" cried Pur- quiet!) a s she had done, but he s h u t ; k< r. hywterlcaUv. -*it was alt my fault, the door Is hind him nod slipped the : h frilng yon when Martha *cre*nted. bolt Imfore he looked ronn«l for h e r . : Hut U can never happen a q a ln - uev«-r, Rite Imd 'd isappeared , and all wan j for I II not go out of jo u r sigh t for q u id ; only the faint sound of o lc e s ! , v' w » motm-nt!" from th e servants' qua tters indle.vt*->l | *-«dy Dare r**xy lt>Pblng utterly ex-tha t bilaa was im parting the latest • ImoHU-d. ' \news. - j "I «»« very tired. Barker.' she re

f’o lond Elliot had never tw o In the I p»at« d. and went quldtly a r**tor>: he had no idea which way to ; t>av»d followed to xbe th -m into his torn. As to* paused Irresolutely . tin -1 housekeeper's rare. / tllOBflht o f the frultltw* quest ot th e ! " I t is absurd .toyfttink il

-rs, of his own uanxiKeted. u nde-: -ir.--( n io r iw , tnmbb-d him. Whn | ould in- do to sf.eurc lutdy* Dare? Ho "•can to mount the stair* cautiously i

listening w ith eager atten tion a t every |

imrself■hunce r

lu* safe, hut


not In*Dame eleltna would tak-

n the fonaequeme* might ih T. rrtm e, No; Park* r must he tohl

ig. lamp-lit upper lmll, with Muu an assistant Is, necessary, :-ii-I u of closed doors, stretched h e - : trained o:n- will b* sent to Gookfont

for.- him blankly. If the insane visitor alone will* them to-morrow. But don't •'■'as lu-hlnd one of these door*, which \ h< alanm sl. uncle George; she can't one whs it ? Through the imrtnius of j reach either of her intended victim* • tic on the left a la lut glow came; h o : »"'*. we are w unud. R tning- to w v, ..dvanod to It and, soft!*' moving th e •'’f 'phen will h ; quit*; safe, so r ill I. heavy folds aside, pooped in. At an- kmother tim e In- could not have done. He Mopped nhruptly am) hwihsl at wiieh a thing, bu t now necessity com-1 '*r. Clddel, who for a m inute sewmed i-oHed the action. The room was th e ; m«z*l*'d. but with a i.uddoq twakened sm aller o f the drawing-room s, th e \ lhish<-d sltglitly as In* nod-

t»«»lvil: th« la *K'lnR dosed , and n* , irtlero near t!i<- Isearfli. with her fae -, wards him. -at Ethel busily writing. I rt op-n b-tter,w as h e ld '- 1,,-r. nnd *h<- hi; «d.h*c.tl; pennhiK the a ns >ur fo ri fas to take hack. j' c ry fair and sweet did sic- look in j •r him* «lrapcrics. nnd t he mnilcd a* j •■ wrote. Tim unseen w atcher fell i

> right thus to spy; h(

ould look a fte r his n!**ce f»l*l,fj||y- Dave o r Rtevc would look affer *eir e<msin*."Rim Ims heen mb.-mitUnl womun in :*r day." .lack Elliot rem arked, hut te Hmsf have b«-*-n a very d ir -« J one1- disguise her temper :<;> long.""Vcl Hie dear old d in l- th ’ lies*, of

brother!" 'a id David.

"Odd? UuHe markedly **»!' Colour) Elliot assented,

“Odd? Dies* my life, I didn 't know I f Ada. child, why didn 't yon tell me? H adn't 1 beu*-r retire?". He ex­amined himself all over w ith pretended alarm , (hen suddenly burst Into r hearty laugh, followed by the others In the middle of the m irth David ram* in. looking round with amusement.

"H ero 's ano ther mid specim en'' chuckled Mr. Riddel. "Davie. lad. ar< vou aw are tha t you and I arc the odd­est met- Imre?" And he went rdf Into ano ther peal, to tin; young doctor'sbewilderment. But David cadjjht thu joke presently and Joined In the laUB'i.

"latvv and medicine arc belter left alone, you know!" he dct;lur»-d.

• I wish you were lonilhg with us. do* tor. your brother and M enditit are. Wo shall he roughing H ra th e r for the fortnight of our Mny, ns my ahitor rem ains here, but w- Intend making tho most of our lime, f a n 'i you see your way to joining us?" Colonel Elliot was very desirous tha t tho young man should b** of the party.

"I really cannot, because I ought nut. colonel." was David'* firm hut regretful answer lo this Inst appeal. "Poor Maggot will never be t i l ror work again, and It Is a large prac­tice."

"David will fight till he conquers Your task m ust be abandoned. Jack.' said Ethel, half sadly.

Something In the girl'* tone caused tephen to look sharply at his friend,

but the doctor wav perfectly e-xii and ic,' so the s ta rtling expression

faded from the squire'* face.It Is David and Jonathan

again—'a love passing the love o nett.' Only It I* David who I* the osor." whispered A gnct noftly In •Ithcl'K cur.

"Yr>; aud Jonathan would mourn bitterly if ho knew." answered Ethel, almost ti-nrfully.

"Ay. If ho knew?" repeated Agnet. Hut he never will know. At IfM l,

1 hope not. for Jona than—o u r Jonnth- - is worth the sacrifice."Amen to It all." said Ethel under

her breath a* she smiled ra the r wist- fully a t David P rio r nnd Stephen Dart*

(The end.)

H O R S E S Q U E E R T R IC K .

Q u its R a ce , S w im s R iv e r a n d H e a d s I n to M ill W h ee l.

Of all Ihe *tr;iURc happening* Con­nected w ith: I he lurf. what l* tirubahly ihe m ost rem arkable of all occurred on- April Kith. Bit'S, at ItollcMofi Btice- c(ti|r*e. situated mblway between Ntd- tIngham and Wnetdn. England, on the MidlamI railway. T he courkc ndjuln* tin* railway, nnd u also clone prtixi- mily to the Itlver Greet. » poled trv»at stream , A horse ta iled Hanker III,, owned by Mr. Perkin*, wan ridden by a jockey named Watt-heorn al Ihe Sdtlfhwell Rteeplreha»t!*. He was al»<» placed in ih** rs.ee. *ay* ,i w riter In Ihe Reptembi-r W ide World Magazine, hut th rt w hi* Jockey. and with (hi* ndvan- la w over Ihe o the r horse* *m>n tought bfa way to ib*> front. Inxiead of niukiug a left-hand turn und keep­ing lo the course, he went stra igh t ahead at a good puce, and must have twi-n greatly su rp rin d when In- sud­denly saw n river d. front of him.

h wna im> wide for him to Jump, and. h*- wa* goim« too quickly to turn There ws»* nothing else for It. so in he went, • One would have thought Him its a Klei'plecll.iM i- he would soon have scrambled ou t of the o ih»r side: but he did nothiiiR of Hi.- kind, lb- ju st struck out strongly up-Mrewm. No one rea lltcd ut ttrsl

lakmg lo r the mill.

!'|m- would ikiileh he <ii nilll-wln"C, his

likehole Hei • ny ,

dropping tip- curtain when hi* ieye* \ V "Here, E thel, drink tol* fell upim Ihe porilt re and his hand : , ‘'n*D '•m r nerve*; then go hoiu- wn* arrested. i l"'41-

The rich plush slightly moved, pa ri-! 'v e furaoUen Mia* aud mi-d slowly , and from the opening a face j < r , f c r l e . 1 , luokeil din a haggard, beautiful face, -v '*N,‘V4'r mind Silas; I'll drive I.Ut the eyes gleamed wildly, tin* whit. Mow \ \ nlsInRltam." so ilB «th w ire bared as Ihe th iu »lp*: ,R he«»*. please:

id fen

“ my.

! in ; wful sin tie* of triumph

feet deadly

be U ra the rwhat I huw

"A v .rv Mr. Itiddc

Tin* tim e M-emed long: in reuilty i t !.!> hut a m inute before Ethel laid j

own Iter two, white- slowly the w hite fit*:ue behind lo r vs.v* th ru st forwarvl. i ’»• i-ortier- wn« drawn farther hack.; nd the mad woman glided n-ar»’r h e n 1ttsiispecUr.s victim. Th>-r-- was a mall p8t*-r-» utb-r of Nilvt-r. iluKRer- : •'•utnfli-ld Imped und chnrp. lying by th e d.nk. v ll*re . ml niton it the crafty , cruel eye* were ‘■ rill'd a , the stealthy feet ap;<t qtriiv*). 1‘ **’'

The long, white, rinK-cb-ek- I finger* 4 r*Ntnilchlng out to ;<ei'<- tie- w u - I’rietorhhi

there was a low chuckle of tb-mb ■ w<r‘- all i l h detltfht, the girl, pale and b rea th-■> ,4*r «b‘- •

w ith horror, had torni.*'l to eon-; ,;ik‘ it byth a t let-ring, mocking, sen reel y ................

human face, win n U*.er«- was a rush.;rlng. a strong arm drm ; a* tin- silver dagger wu

tth.ft. ami Jack Elliot lia-l t r l , lunatic'* wrist* and wax - trugaUng to

ur fo r lo the floor.W ith n low. savage cry she dropped ,

ihe tiny weapon «n« tried to bury lo r g«lh«-*Hi in the strong harnfx that heM : iwinkl

Kt*ta In th a t ('•■%rfnl moment 5 inquin Ethel did not Ncream; that instinct i "W h which ip-rv-* winte women In tim e ..f < lorr.d , illinger told .her a ll 111" facts of the hand rare in a flash. f!a>ue<

Eiln-I, dear, don 't muko uu* noise; i ae»*lot ilidit ulurm Ui« servant!:’ *ici mo! "I « •>metiiit;^ -anylhlng t - tie her with! ' > }*lra:

he pari ( e l as hr- fouRhl with th e sib d<*pi-r:tti» cr»alure. Once,, tw ice .. ..almost freed herself, but at length ’ of Ho* p Ihousii her teeth had draw n blcnvl and , "There * Id# c-vat sleeve# were la shreds, no had | exempt v»

c»_.1 lici Ethel had (om Bid u«f*l. dm**

smiling. ry e \o -llen t >, rbitned fn the

w art :> i f a.-aln

re but David, v r>: might be iptutn Mbri-HUi

__ ... . funniestEthel i HorklngUm b

rals-d ; :,f k<d. -i ue iinlqm-!"

?. all funny. I thought it an ex- D ........ . bill very happy

5(-ok for the fun""the ubm rditv

r o ! " said Stephen gruA'clV. •otbtug odd about k(fy of d* «r*e5|, Biddel IU mm. bml. he nut, Ada’"'

.iluabb- ra t- lio ix - wedged the archway of a mill race! Tilings wer • beglmdhg to look serious, fo r the paddle of the mill was g«in*. ami there, v.a* in> toot»i in th e narrow en try for Hie horse to turn around.

The employe'. * al the mill w ere np p rai'vd of what had happ* hed. and the mill w.i* slopped; tml the re still re Uiained tin- qu» sliou, "How was tin horse to he rescued from his pi-rlluu* tK»ll‘oii?" E v .n if unhurt by the pad die wheel of the mill, ow ing to the narrow iie*s of lh«- entry and Ihe low poritian of ’b" rii-f. he »»* iu grcal danger of being sutfoeau-a by having hi* load lorced under the wnt»-r. T here wu*. id course. Hie Inevitable crowd 01 p-'ople to *ee what wa* happening, and t»H r- was HU iaek of euggesHous.

Aflvr many scheme* were rejected u* unsuitable, a rope was floati d down stream and fastened to one of his hind l<gji, The hor*e* lu a u however, was pressing against the roof of the entry, and before the people on the bunk could make any headway w ith their equine *alch hi# head had to b<- pushed down with plank* Then lusty pull* were Riven to (he rope by a number of policemen *n<i others, and the anl dial wa* dragged Into m idstream .main. He emerged covered with black slime and looking more like a huge dtowtted rut than auyiltitts els*-. Much how, ver. stilt remained to be done as subsequent event* proved.

Bunker HI w»* a«*i*i.-d In In* *w»m up f trvam b) a rope, and « a s eventual 1> hauled lo a shallow place. Every- body naturally thought by this time tha t Tt<- would have had enough of swimm ing in the Itlver Creel, and it was Bit, mica a* soon ft# lie n-gaiued bis wind id coax him up lo I ho bank terra Brunt once more. To everyone’s surprise, however. Banker HI. had hit own views on the subject, and a fte r a breath lie suddenly revived, plunged in again on hi* own, and #»um up s tream like a giant refreshed, lie ftp P&tfnily had painful

visit to Hie mill: litis occn- direction . lid liter- ■ Pi lasso

t lu Hu During b«s pro*

, d u a l a ttem pts vif in. but there 1* not much loll to tew of a horse when swimm ing, and l i* not surprising, therefore, tliut tin Hurts wer»- uitsueecsslul. Eventual

* hill­ed •

tank, ar hi* t-ad

1 the ilopd wa* »tIpjted alottg tlx* and east over the op|M»*ib

1 the anim al wa.* go ' ashore.wor<e of hi* extraordinary

The Gathering Hosts■You have a num ber «f relative*

itlng you. have you not?" inquired able editor of tin village v> ekly.

"Y*-*. grimly confessed Motnilstle with

excellent exeusit for no being. "Dc*pH« ii iiirlct censorship, I nm able to au­thoritatively Inform you that practi­cally Hit* entlrw standing army of my wife's klufolks, together with tl.e re- cep ids. Him 'olmtlul*, tho ! a* ml welt r and the t.*nd*tr» m. u now momlUinR nt t ur house, with Hi*' fbi.'ttUnn Ot luvutlng II for the l ttUueo «.r ».mj beotad t#rm. '-Judge.

kh i a r t way and when his 'trraig th fulled, dintuu, a man from I 'v rtne. In Afti.u, whn (ompell.d •» tin -nidieis to carry it for him '£'£■ •olgoH-;.' Tot Ivs-Htbn ot G*<|g.»tha ‘Is

tint tb-iinUcly known Route k*. to the ncrili ol Jerusalem ui»on a pill tha t I t ar* a n-wmblnnee to -j skull, and thU Is prolwibly th e piaee. Zi ’ • ine ntlbgks! with myrrh-— -In Mxt • hew it in - p -lten of iv vfuygnr uitx-d with gall. It was a * Him tying fsre. said to have lw*-n firr-vldH by tin li'dicg cl Jerusalem to deaden tb> pa nl tho#*- about to b - e n title d . In- r eelvwl ll n tn —Do ta* tc l u and lh< r-'lttscd to d rink it (Matt. 21 3G A tbough B was offered In kludne*#, Jcsun would not drink it, bdcftd>< w(Nltcd all his senses :<> be active w I-*.- wa* undergoing hi# suit*ring#Hie sin* of tlm world. 2f. crucified him - i*riifl\iou w«.; a Botnnn mode <: punishnunt, and only the vilest trimnab- - ■ tlm

ltd Hie Ispike*fasten nil to th

driven through tin- uni Into th - wood. This the rrox* wax raised and fixed i*t the g rruo l The psin wn-< cxcrttciatiriK .tod death usually canto slodly. f a r <d lti> r . i r tu 'm i -Tite «xeeutlom*i .,» rc * a lith d to the o j te r c a m - • tin victim, and In th is case, a# /.t<, a robe o:th without scum, lot* wero <•»: to determ ine to whom It should t gi»- u. 2?*, th ird hour- -Nine • clock.

riptlnn r f hi* AC'u?Ption

Mllyof on,

beard c ■ I a t t h » lit-u of th

Ion, its it n ovc! toward the plAC vet ,nl m, o r was *u*i:emJ-:d from «<k c f tit- j-rtsencr.• A fter be ruelfbd. It van nailed to the r im e bis It .'.ad. The King of cw — in-tlth.

the iPnlfnr



l"it ha lf in mockery. 1'Bato Jta«l It writ** tt in three taitgtuia-

cw whs Hi- languagt. of th - cot peo|dc. Latin wax the official

IftitRUSR- end Greek wmoftic (jitgong-! r f tin- fi.rtrltn i-opulatiqn. Greek wu# the fauRttaye ofiruBuri*; Igifitt, of po*v.

m l Hebrew, of ndigton 27. two «■* - I t Is more then probable Hint belonged to Hi- band of HarriirTtu.

m. Bib. L'S Buinbcfed with the tran -gcN '-rs-T ii- ic fire n -c here 1# to

a. ■>?■ 12. Hr* wo* rount-d uthong i tut nuts. althmiRh he was innocent, id lie w.t* number**' amoitff tnm#- •c r ora. whom he ram * to redeem*.IL Jesus reviled (vs. 2*J-32t. 29. Ball- l on Him—Insulted Him. They #ht»w- 1 no pity and had no sympathy for

Him. U’agging the ir h t«ds —Moving thejp bend# In scorn. T heir words and

ires expressed the ir exultationa fallen, enemy, for they believed

th a t He was jwrmanentty defeated ami dektftiyed. A lt- An .exclamation of derision. Thou that destroyesl the

-tuple, e tc -T lie people took up the d ie charge that was presented

against Him a t tho tria l before the tell. They did not understand that uttered a prophecy of HI* death

resurrection when Ho spoke at I lls first cleansing of tin; templeabout HI# destroying the tem ple ami building It again three days. 30. Come down trout the cross—In the ir derisive outbursts the people Intimated tha t He had declared tha t He had great po«'-

r. >et He could not come down from in cro#*. If He had left the cross. He ould have (ailed to am unplhdt the

great end for which I t - came to earth . Chief priest# mocking—TIiom- high

authority and dignity pUc-ed them- Ivt** upon n level with the mob In

Iheif derision Of JeaUS. They Iwlievcd the ir trium ph was complete. He saved

•s Till* wa# said in nuH-kt-ry. yet us a great tru th . He hud spent earthly ministry in saving the

bodh-N and souls of men. Him**-lf He •annot # a v e~ |( He had saved himself He cetllil not Imvc saved others. He did m t come to earth to save Himself, but U lose Hi* life th a t He might wave the •vorld. T hat we may #<-•• and be- leve if He should eome.down from Hie Toss, Tin v r«-fused to believe even af- • r He arose trom tbdfdead.

III. The thieves on the crow* (Luke It. J jM il. At first bulb thieve* reviled Jc*u», but one ceasvtL w hile the other

on alm ost. U not quite, to the point of blasphemy. Tho form er in re ­buking th - la tte r acknowledged hi# guilt. He became conscious tha t He

ho bung on the cro*# beside him as lit- Chrial and was abh- to help

him. "In reply to Ills humble requeet to b - remembered when he should

in Hi* kingdom, he heard the gracious words, -To-day shall thou he w ith Me In paradise.* Thu* ev.-u from tin- tree th - ta»rd began to relgu. and

hen lilted up to draw men. even n# He had said, unto Hlmcclf (John 12.

This is one Instance of tin* sa l­vation of a soul when just about to

Into e tern ity , enough to Rive hope other# who seek God when death

1* in 'lew . but it i# poor cncottrag-nd

their soul s salvation IU»HI the deal It.

IV .ton* gave up Hi* life tv*, iI* lit.- ,tu h hour...Nisxt. Tckotilng «a* ........ sunrise, darkle

: off

; l# tl 1 Hie t .sterh-s„ „ . .. _____ mission and

explained by a ttribu ting (he da rk ­ness directly to divine ag-n«y. it wa- tit- time of tlie l*a-*sov»-r full moult and therefore could not have

..it retipso or the *uit, Again, tit eclipse of Ihe Ntm last# only w few mlnai* but th is darkness confinued ihr.s« hours The darkne**.wa# typ- ical ».f Hie night of *!n tltat Jesus i-atne to dispel and of the Mirroring*

tutThr.-.-.1 T h - ninth

with a loud voice r non Hit time of the morning sacrifice until th - tint* of the evening sacrlfre Jesus *uff«-r«d the agony of the ertvs* with

e Hi* Bp*. In Uil» hour, a# lie wax ftfibut to give up

i* Ilf- l ie called uttott the Father, „t -tot, latoa -jtfuichthanf Th-*- „riU ite* a mioiHtlmt front IVa. 22:1

Hu- Heltrcw language. Mark r- rds tit'* etfiv. »b- fourth

c f t I Hie •'ntll'-t lorg*’ •

- o th e r ‘John (•*■ ?•' ??♦. The '- | t Y * r «fobu «9: ?<(»• The sixth. "H i# fifth hod " (John in . ;mt. The *• -h th . ' F#titM,i in to Thy hand* I «o

mend my Sp irit" fl.uke 22;4C». The firm three have references to others, the next three to His awful conflict and with (he Ia*t He commends HU spirit to the Father. 3». He ralleth Elina MiHunderstanding his words, ■onto thought he wa# calling for E l­ijah. ?S, Gave Him fo drink~~Je*u* bad #aid. "I th irs t.' nnd isorne of the sour when mixed with water, the com­mon drink of Unman soldier#, wa*' offered to Him. 1,-t alone — Mpl- thew # word# are, "T he rest imld./Let tie. let us M " whether Ellas will /omc to save him ." ?7. Jesu* cried w ttW a loud .voice—The accounts of Matthew. Mark and Luke note^Jhe loudness of

us' expiring cry vl « a , physical •ngth wa# fill! firm. I t - closed

His I lf- a conqueror. Gave up th - gbost -Gave up his life. He had

life—No man tak-th it from Me but I lay It down >f M yse lf I John 10; 17. I8>.

Dt rSTiDNK Where Christiclficd Who arrted HI# « > to

tho place of execution? Al w hat hour wa« Christ enirffted? W hat saying of Christ on the crc«# dm.'s Mark reword? W hat were tils other saying ' W hat cla».<*~ of iiersoo-. were- t-rcM iit at the cro**? W hat In­scription wa# placed over J onu#? Why w;i:, it written In different languages? He« long did the darkness continue? W hat took place In the temple when Christ gave up IH# life?

PRACTICAL srttV K V .Topic. The Supreme Event.) • ‘‘loaed c iirJaf# earthly m lnistrv.11. Provided a tonem ent for haman-

I. f.Io*ed ‘ ?tri*t * earthly ministry U !..-!! JeaU# W;M htd to GolguUlU, In; Iian stood at Hi- focal point of * sinful wurWV b xt Hghl and had *>e«, pro- nooijced w o n 't / of deafit. T h - |«jwer

f Lome was joined with Jcn-Uh fau­lt a ism and malice. T it- world'# *in ;:'tln:Ina(td In the relecUon of ihe vo rld* Saviour. ■ Th-y crucified him

t;, tn,. b rief notification of the hum! Htup-udouH -rim e eoimnltted in the history of mankind. \ ;>traogc ple­at,- wo* prci-.ntrd on M ount Calvary.

There were tho Indifferent watch of Ut- sold let#, she jealous w atch of hi# en-mte*. the anxloow watch of the women and Ct - wondering watch of In angelic host. AM cla#*e# were In ,n extraordinary m anner brought Into

c w fac t with th e Redeemer -hiring hi# a t Nufferlngx. All had an -qqiortuu- . My of dinplu-ing the s ta te of their mind* toward hint. The pass-nt-by rolled, the rtiters derided, tho soldier*

locked nnd Hie thieves reviled. The •w# gloried In hi# agony. They •Igcd result* by what th -v w anted tG.er than hv Ihe declared plan of nd. The Mofdler# were ttncoiiscloit#

the character of him who wu# wuf- rlng th-re. They were equally nn- Hi#ciou« of the nature of the nilNaction in which they were con- nted. L ittle did they think th a t the

divine law was being magnified, that Hi- great- M ac; ol obedlmtce to the Uvino command was being performed, vnd tha t In fh rin t all the ancient pre­dictions of the Jew ish prophet# were fulfilled. T here was not. on the part of the soldiers, any personal enmity tow ard Jesus. Still there vv-ro evident

,t»rk* of bru lalpy and cruelty. T heir Indlgnltle# and Insult# w -re founded chiefly on hi* claim *.» royalty, which

a red abxur! to them. A# soldiers desplred bw mcekn*”*x and gco-

(•#* and rion-re#f#tanc*. Tltcse actual murderer* of Jeans were not h- most crim inal: perhap* the least o. They were l-w* smllty than Pilate, *ho pronounced th - sen t-uce or death, -nd he Ic## xuilt> than the t>eo|)l-i who demanded 111* d‘n tlt , and they lex# tn lB y than the prleats and rn l-r* who

-•dgned II nod who Instigated .<hc !>*•!♦- proc-t ding.II. Provided a tonem ent tor hum an­

ity. The necessity which bound Je*us0 Uto ero#a wa# a spiritual one. tn*

.h id ing free, willing subnthodon. Tho nature of Hi# work, th - -verU ntlng purpose of the Father, t i l s office a# Priest, victim and Redeemer, the glory anil honor of God. the love tha t he bore to humanity were a ll included in tha t necessity. The one word which describes th - whole gospel plan of sal­vation Ik substitution. C hrist suffered

erv way possible, tn th a t He might reveal the Father and th a t man might h - redeemed. T he darkness wa# lymliotlca) of God's horror of #ln. -v-n when borne vicariously by the l^tmb of God, and a eyntbol of HI# -vrath which fell upon those who had slain 111# only begotten Son. The seem­ing abandonment of His suffering Son

the crowning manifestation of ; w rath against #ln. the la st and

most appalling ingredlenr of His atoning sufferings. He bore at that

-n t th - w rath of God on account ttn'H sin. The divine horror a l that

moment I# unfathom able by m ortal mind. Except on the great principle of on atonement all thl# I# unaccountable. W ithout th is last tria l the temptation# of C hrist had not reached the ir full.I t rendered HI# trium ph more gloriou*. Jw u# wa# m an# representative on Calvary T h- value which God places upon a soul wa# measured by th a t cry. At tha t moment the curw wa*

oked, the doom recalled and \the gat-# of everlasting life opened to a ruined world. The rending of the veil threw open tha t hBhertq inacccsalwe place, the !t»! of holies. It was a mlr- ele attesthitt Hi- divinity of Christ.I t *l»o H *nifi. -1 th - end ot Hie age. the cem iontal dbpcnNatlon and the re-

,1 • - till distinctions between the and Gentllo nations. In th -

eenturlon'* confession began the t r i ­um phs of th e kingdom of the cross,

r did reason obtain more cotn- vlctorv over ttrejudlce. Hfs con-

fess Ion wa# a« lh - f irst-fruits of the crucifixion. T. It. A.

G u lls a n d C o rm o ran ts .bile watching the corm orants on

thp F a ro - islands. *a js a .-orresitond- n it lu an KnRlitdi paper. I was am ar-d

>. th - boldn-#* and che-itlne#* of the1 r biack batked gulls. T .te s- t tar-t.d-r# walk about among H i- sitting t.rmorant*. and a# w-on .ts ottv* of hem gets off her nest, even If rite h** •nt> Just Jumped d.»wn. up comes a ; .11 and xtick# Its b -ak Into an •■«*. i t - lift# It tn.- til" no I ' thenprid-:. tt agaiu t«» *■ ■ if it fc» fresh.It; tb -ti » '!*•« i t -tnOWeen hi# man- iliM-s l.-ngUtway* and #*allow* it wb.de. On- -an #-e Hie gullet buhtlng :t* the en tire passe# slowly down. Tbi mill# ore the most invet-rat* i-t-.M -alen*. nn.l the unfortunate cor* nioinni colon' lm* been iblig«-d to p:«v.> its quarter# tw ice tbi* e'-ason, j n Mi(tc ot b -tt- i such dreadful tbievc*. U:,.#,. gwlls a re intrlllg -n t bint*, and

cut,not b«di' admiring Utalr rmsort- Sttg power*. Ft* -.u-ntt) th-v w o be

catch large sea urvhln». Ttir*C hard -it I . t » the gull fB-s with

M . catch tll» ht- coiti-s lb a rori*. aud H o d r e x th - ><■;» urchin, which 1*.

c.mrae. tnu .she l convdct.le . The ctpI ituirk!) a liehtx am t stick) up the •:• (•' C'lUtent".

III the no tm ot Ilf- some tellow# arc ill the coup aud o ther* a»v«<up for the dessert

W A U C I5 R T O M r B U S S C O P B J W . U .K r t R r O N , O N tr ., |N O V R M B E R ;2 ( ! iK




S A F E T Y D E P O S I T B O X E S .


W ills , T i t le D eed s, M o rtg ag es, In su ran ce P o lic ie s

o r o th e r va lu ab les in o n e o f th ese b o x e s


IT, M . L A Y M a n a g e r , vV alkerton O u t

There Need beno Unemployed

As long as Canadians do their*,duty and buy Canadia n-Made goods in every case

Kellogg’sTOASTED CORN FLAKESis C an ad ian -m ad e , and th e o n ly ce~cal u n d er the K e llo g nam e that is m ade in C a n a d a . A l l o th e rs a re im ported

Spend your money on Canadian-made goods and help Canada's work people

KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKESM ade in L o n d o n , O n tario , C an ad a .

i I

Mrs. Kelly Advises all Women to Take “Fruit-a-Tives”

lUct'.RSVtuat, ONf.,Aco. Ifittl. !9U< I •*l r.vn highly recommend “ Fruit-a- *

llvct" liee-iitsc they did jnc aii awful j lot «.f good and I cannot speik too highly utiout them. About four y « « ago, 1 commenced taking “ h'iuit-n- tivc**’ for a general break-down and thev did rue ft world of good. We

, bought a gool many dollar’s worth, hut it was money well »pcnt Ix-caro* they did «U that yon claim for them. Their nolion i*» so pleasant, compared with other laxatives, that I found only pleasure, a* well a» health, in taking them. They r.ccmed to me to be particularly suited to women, on accountof their mild and gentle net ton, and I trust that eorae other women may - tart taking “ Frait-a-tivc*" after

••Pntit ft-tiTO*" are sold 1>T *H dealers at $<x. a ho*. 6 for $*.$». trial si/e. ?sc, or sent postpaid on reecipt of price by Pruit*a*Uvc3 Limited, Ottawa.

AnnouncementTo Commanding

OfficersOf Regiments, Military Camps and


T h e C o lu m b ia G rajriio p lio n e C o m p a n y w il l be

p leased to do nate, f r e t c f c h a rg e , a r e p r e s e n t a ­

tiv e co llection o f th eir fam o u s C o lu m b ia P a tr i­

otic R e c o r d s to a n y c am p o r re g im en t o f th e sec

ond C a u a d ia u c o n tin gen t, a s w e ll a s to a n y R ed

C ro ss H o sp ita l o r o th er m il ita r y o rg an izatio n .

A p p lic a t io n s fo r sueti reco rds sh o u ld h e a d

dressed to “ C o lu m b ia G rap h o p h o n e C o., T o r­

onto, O u t.

T h e se C o lu m b ia P a tr io t ic R eco rd s g iv e y o u the la te s t an d beat o f a ll so n g s that th e w a r h a s in ­sp ire d , in c lu d in g a new “ T ip p e r a r y " R eco rd b y a fu ll m il ita r y band w ith m ale c h oru s. T h is record n as a sp le n d id c lim a x — T h e B r it is h V ^ ar S h o u t— “ A r e W e D o w n h earted ?— X O l

C o lu m b ia R eco rd s a re do u bl-d isc reco rd s, h a v ­in g a se lectio n on each side . T h e y w il l p la y on a n y d isc tn fk h ig m a c h in e , an d y o n eau ob­ta in th e m fro m a n y d e a le r lis te d he low . I f th ere is no d ea ler n e a rb y , send e ig h ty .fiv e c e n ts to ‘ T h e M u sic S u p p ly C o ., 6 W e llin g to n S tre e t , E a s t , and the " T ip p e r a r y ' ' R eco rd w ill su p ­p lied to y o u a t o n ce , o r se n d 30 c. fo r a D em o n ­stratio n D isc,


C.A.FOX, Walkerton


every T hum b*y m orning at \V.*lkurb>ii. Out.

g in r io s ■*!.***> $ < j y«u*»' lit vttiu'Vi-'sjHhurAV'iFU .$-L5tv 1‘uiUtl

S ta le s il.V *


| ED I TO E l A L I$ ii i

T h e S e le c t io n o f B o o k s

A v. t y brief *yu«j»*i< of a j* >*»<•» tend l .v M t - O l .u h n Dm-.bin Public Idbnmv at ibe I »»!***m eeting held in VVulkerimi; N*>v. la ' and KUh. P>*H

T hem »- iilrni * IccUon id book; th n t arc iip |iiten tdc tou il. though m any a ttem p t* havt* been m;ut*r m th a t »!«»■* t-c‘inn, S ta u d it 1 l»m>k« m e Ib-M ' th a t lm vc *Nn«i tli,. t o l ‘>f tim e am i I m v gll-iC I'ftt V'dittOCS. I f th eMl.-, ..1 ... i c lv h . tl t o - , h e ! a m int Iku u f h ie ru ttite Mintbiography , in- m ig h t tie th o u g h t tty K- aneX p t t . ye l tln > e i w a y ln*» 1"' read.).' r<ppiefi,t!ed by Hie m u le is W hati*; w an ted * * M uuetb ing toph 'ft e-

am i *<mi« th in g Unit i* w m lli while Muiu lh in g iluit mi will lend and use:

If in si u tii ig .1 lu 'w lib ta iy th e ie m ay be fund - m v «?,■> o i-S h -: to in' eSJH'E- l<*d ini bn* Km. Tin- member*- a te ;mx

hut* tu 11 \ ** enough book* to «•> i • mid tw o tir tli.'U ' tiiin-* *>r a t least »>• m any

! a* p-ivsiblo. 'H i' ti tin? juiddem is wind ebook* t<» get w ith tli • !*«i» ot ’fllHt. i H ,i- w ty !.• ilia -1 ra t'd fiy a ! totY meifmd in lim fing w ith thi* pint* i min, by st.-tting w liat Ini'* been dun*' hi s snatiingi* newjilfwary in u rm a l-w tiu u ] In iun-uAM- tho tun* e f $!<*! w«a avail, iil.h? for |inreJiM*ing hiKik-i,, In g i't itn g( bank* i t m u s t ba h u m a in m ind th a t > th e I lepailm tiit«rK *lticR t*«o. f< > 0 » -

t;ul«> w ill no t gi*n a giant u|»»ii tin*, i.vkpeiulitnru n|»»a iw«<Sisnf ficti.u i.in I t-xri'f* i.f f» !> ■;’ e.<nt >.f a tn-nm t exp-u-

iiii'il upon n th iT Is ink*. Now in divj.1* iilg oiu Slun os follows, a lh iw ing SiM*

< w hich is w itli i 'i th e m a rg in ailowed fu r fiKtimi the iia iln w #.‘WfnrehMilr»mV bunks iiinl tb u tu ina in ing 1̂*1 fur

j b .n k * o f th e ntUrrUatieoH* >:.T h is will g ive a fih ialiiftrihitdon «»f th e h ili i.js an liam l. *i T h e .(••►in- a m i »«•»»* m ad t<»j iitals ili in it em uinm ifty i* a fuel uml I m.i*l In- ni: l in a ll well lygulubsl lib-

ta rie s , hu .. i lu. . l - p lo f i l

«l:issns Hint >li» ulil lie '.•li-uii-. the nt'.-iln'l ihi-< 'in n unit I n v u t ,u .y i:.l ii»Im.tiyvu inity. ;\’» i nn ugi i. r l in tf h«ua p«-ii|t* y i, ilu .c .l

liv e rV lihm n f tlaiiftiliui*. Ii*»*rii

*M*lifi*, * nj ( j | . ;n

It IK a K“ •'! p in . In k- I- <■ *! pal'.* -. ( i .u.liiiu *Imtruvel shm ilil 1> * ■ ( I In* la te VV;t»«'b fi'i I’aikman*:- »l,tt«-»«-i mi t'.m a.iia ii liid.u-y. tln-y i (iti.itietiy.v iiii.l w In n ma*.' r»- t a i l a n in !.'! . *! in ih ii g s C in n n u y a bn.Ve' li .«»t ilia never have bi'eiiihi'niiglil nu t.

W ith l In* ha Ili*v«* li*fi,'wi< x.igh t in have a getml iliclium irym ill ti.n la d . .liiim i ul I lie Canadian A lm ai'u i'. IVoln ih> -<- tw n ImnkS \re r a n .ir«|U»t»- a grea t d e a l nf lilfni llMi iotl, • "l ici t pt uimtitu iatinli, and .b lloitiniK if; w ords, w hich xhuuld « | a ay* iK -consiiiud whew in doubt.

T hu iiiiiDinil ftll.diai for rlitl.liTin,* hnnkS m ay Is- divided het weeil and general literatim *. T h t»e itn iie* m ay enntiiin a»i»'< n f I In* *>ld favnriles, but lit tle f. lk*. h k - .something U mk- u f th isfifir. u n r twenty u m - eimli 'I h e n - , to l i f e , ire Uto ilw lico ttions o f CbarBrt' m «V lit* wi cluui'ii a!* tngive amlroli. of g.-n*aal t ending fur juvenile*.

Saute nf the differen t si h < Ui.jJ new bunks m e: rev iew s; A u then tic lawk 1:Vi.-.A* to a lilu o i v ; I. Itrokx pi . Vftl fi<>n. publishing houses ' tin*. H ltt.uy: 1‘i.nn v is its by »!»***. le rtu t* In a reta il b < k M«»n* « r to bxetil sam phr 'nuu iia u f n putilisliini* ftgent. T he respective in n lt* uf the d ilfe ie n t IF d in iru it tn decide , in the Old l iu in trv U e l .m d in Tiine*W eekly NewX, WeMIllillNtel* OftXefte an* fear*tug tev iew * t* ansung th e A inerh an revii w*. T he New Ymk Tillies It. vi.-W g lv .s ne t e. *• f huge Rum heeof th e la te s t l»* A v a iu lam ung m u t'u n ad i» n i,-views, th e .Saturday, im m beii. >f the n h .b e . Mud >V Kmpire and th e .M unti.al W eekly WiOie** tifts-e lits-ra iy review*. In th e t ’aniet tail'A Tiga/.yi" th e re i . a seeti.uii dev«>i «d lo th " lev lew nf l..-.k>, chiefH » •nadiii* . Tne'-e p ih liea lii nt- wil* f.trni»h it gnnd d i iv r y o f C u in iil Lit- e i i t in n in K n g b 'h . p e r e th e r Bug* ii-h im j.-w s. I m igh t m eiit!im tin*.Mh!i?iis-*um w ltieli i- devoted < xelm ively to lite ia d iie . Miienee and line art*-. The Sjt-el i> r end N atiun a ie s ta n d ard mid ic l’iib’i* and e*m be de ­pended iijHin Mi i t th e ir review * will not H* li.fiurnr* d by any »ide issue.The reviews in T iuIUThhI the Ilritisli weeklyim* id-uv*ry deed A b ok Mst btt-< also l>*eii pnldlslud by the Oepai tiuriil nf K.!n :;\f nui nf Oiitnrm, am i t*ce< m nipiuled hy^flie On la th ) Lih ra n Avseeialii n for pnreh»*e>>M'0 ’h* hy putdie librare • >n the province.

Ax a rule. I><> .k • >n npprhrn! should l»> aptuu.u'heu warily, when **ne ron- eidei’s tile gieut liumbtu nf Ixtok* puh- li*lied yeiuly, tin* fewhuaV* «m t nn approved only leju. .* n ta mete fraction m that i-.*t!« ecacnnt he done ny sel­ect iug in (his wny mdy. often the “bipper wfU send it i»< nl hook* which he desires to get rid cf, may he hooksom e n thee lihrnrv d iscurded; T he seh-etioii lr<*ui tin* reta il h,*ok-svlter* i* o f ten ve ry email, *o th a t a very liinlied m leeiioi, can m* niadt* and it is d itf ic id t tose le . t t n tu th e la.ek it­se lf w ith o u t a g rea t deal of expet k n e e and know ledge nf the n u ttie r fttid pul*.


VV. J . H A U . I D A V . ik i j , ! ! 'kot,', »..,r t.» iw i -,iai,i., Mixtern mctlnuf- *•>« !*!«.>> .< fu a ll -lenta<>-i>* («U(i»>*. >-}■ m * »u* iiii*in nieVown; <u iit„< uuii n-iii.v workTi.ree linn.* ..|K( .li ,, su.ir.i-' visits i .mil*t null ant J'inir> lu> mu ration *». n nn.« tli.

J .S .K F 1 - n .


p u . b r o w n , ;

* d '* j*11?' 1 1 1,):’ ' * '*' i' iintuuS

VVr A H A I I A. M I*. C >1. It nn. * n - Urn.I.iMi, luAfl.i.mlMeuleliirjit Qiieen'K I'lUvrsllj. it* n-lar ’*■ann-se*>f p b y a n d Xorcionv.

» .*»!>,! rr.iarnco on rorm r of Con-oriu lift Cii>•!«■>■ m/ertr..

A U C T I O N E E R .

’ m id nil -

Every Woman

I riilllll 11- it is ii Invoi ii.-I julym n ing in*w I in-urt *'. iI on various suhp 'cte ; un.l > ..n*.i •jun* ttV { it in tin* du ty <‘f evt-iy lilu a ry •*' I provid- good fictien. J t t u rd e t tn g* f I tin* m ost In r th e th ir ty d iku*. '■»««■ ■ nul"t he l liken tu I In* >e/(* linn and tin* i d itfere iit ed ition* inv**ligal*d , aae j have found fur wu.o* <*l th e h u r l «dit- | Inli* <i| S tu iida rd I 'iv tu 'ltf t h iltev • m an’* iih im v u tters a gend seleetie | ho <k;. T h e ir p m ee va ry fsnni 2.'*? tn

la pe r Vidittne and r* published

lUheiNever ehro».< a lu-ok hy its tide only

aiwn>5* get nn upiniutt ftoiu si tin* out side lelhiblw source. Tlieie m<* in many way* t" judge fiotu the lu«*k ii. m it a* to U* met it* if you have time In devote !*. it. ('here is the fuitlmr what position d'H-she huh! in the land <>t letter* and what olhet l»o:iks hu* In* writli'ii/ l'ln* edition of tin* honk ** tube considered in {udgirnl the p-iee' A* nfJcn.au eld editit n is dear a? nny price. In time niu* will gel In know the general b* os hooks inibiislied hy uitferent limin'*, and »<• eal» 1*11 -•unethihg of fin* rlas* el' bui k* from knowing the piihli.*ln i*. The dale <d

*<■ may | puhlieathm is *eiv iinj« ri.«« t inseicn plae.* I,, J lift,- «*■!Its ii* af*o the time of copyto J iMi.- welt

nt- J right is n

Hi*ut a n d Sou*. T H unt".NVImui . i l l 'i t . , jlftVi* : lillil tie r *.fj-Uiliilitul 1 .ok*- ,* Irnv pr . e* m <1 1 fu i tftlul C". N V ul ,> i-*u** cuE- legilCM:t*’»,uu Hu e ta t ft ■gU IM »V M m Ice I

1 idiotU T * v ■Imiie* f.>ethe f r i low ed.The be*! (ieleethm *)lmuld be iUllllH-

led w ith llu* view • )f ge ttiU gU c t io tL boufcsin * l.'h el, »**, x» high u n y hej divided jim hdl.'lV f l l i l ......|d i . Uel

im p o rta n t, ns e - ha* lv : tail! on husk* Ufa

ju p -dar . tnu ,i t< r . bu t Uu se m e eln >- <'» u s it iia-ati-, lu .iu end. T hey max se rv e a s a persuasive h o v e f«s nn>r» e* tensive le a d in g and the person­a lity i f l In* Uht ni inn. It hat* ht e» s.iiil

e i '.Sln xv im* wtuil a m an n e- w u h lit* ! isu ie tim e ; t,d | will shew yen

j xvhftl lie is” • and th e li h im inn sliutdd l : Ini tin* c h ief tn iedu inuy ill vnv*-uxaging

j- - pie in th e t x,si ust of tin* m arg in o f ■their t im e not te s tin g until a tuasiui nlifciiuiniint o t'lh e ir .*p4fe tim e i* dr* v,>,mt in th o rm -b iig of go>d In «>*<s (,'miMih’t t h r 11 h u e i In* ii fpensih ility uf th** -eh*u<*r :iiid h t ym ir -Iv-Osyug ti-done tb-ui^ iittn liv

iginli, Hi.cinl >}'v. N atu ra l N Useful and I'iin:- Alt - !l»- toi y Iti'ugrnphy im d t.il* iai nr*-

e o n n try . in a ny.au whu-5 gratu tiin i* ly h u m tin ilepartlilvlt!*', Uos'k * a) n tav well Im inttw lycw l

eau hr had i .overinnrnl A'! rntii’iuy

a- that i- a h* very inti r-

night v i'i - u- a »t »i*ahold mid

A HKUt'iv t 'Ol .N I Y AU nl«>U*l>, ■•Uraihun” ia tiro fitto of n situy

frniu Ihopeu nf Agnea U >wtu Hull, published hy liiu Box . ornugh I'ub- lialiiug C*. ” f BomI'.iii Brice $1.-5. Tue tm lborisft native « f I'inkerlcu Village, ft dnuphlei cf the Inin Wm, Ut)\vt*t>, imd abutlt her old home ueigliborhood, embracing Pinkerton village, Cargill iiiilla mid the (lu t-n . tick swamp ate located Uio fcCibts ciT a charming romance. Abjnne fu - ; i|Uii!iited a iih lliu piemeru nl Ihinj, seetn-n ran ircall the natias m d ; fitCi s' of n ruierie nf inefi of tmlahlv j . aCrtuig charecler, their Inune iyn g j

* '“ ' ,i i within th e e iif lr immcdiaMy e o v -u d i

...... .! ' ’V • " > ') .........u ein their sen, turn than tu othe | could he drawn p n ptelurte cijual^

T he Tcroi.Su G ly h e uf M onday ,g tv ta a fu ll and favo i ab le rev iew of "C ra ig io ," te rm in g it " a g rip p in g e to ty ,” a n d “ a hook w orth w hile, w ith olm ractc ttt th a t ap p ea l hecanao they a re h m n s e ," a t th e sam o tim e th e review o r a lso p icks o n l th e only b lem ish in th e Imok, th e a titho r 'a ta d u ro to e lim in a te th e " o a tn r a l l} ,, l<rufano u tte ra o c e a of to m e o f the charac ter* .

in literary merit to tlu se fotc d in the most readable wr rk of tlciidn,

j The author of ' ‘Craigio ha* succeed, oil in producing a volume in which a ;tiniulier of the on?*t*odiDg figures : ni rrA-tual.-',

;in the history of tluse settlemenh) \ ,u" 1 s | ‘ *> , ... , , . . . <'im.*'.'.l Hlbjw l . ...............; are eofaithfully portrayed *8 to ho ; August.:tt*i. A’t ’i . - i . . . ootidocm-

J-- ni Atoned for * most readily r«;Cogni?,i'd, So ftne i Addr. >- 1 W. li: pv. Pi*n* u »t.A'nngO A'M< * *it Si* , TurimtO

" er, the form of speech, the trend of I thought and manner of action, and

l, Hdiitlilt* I «o wolf placed amid scenes and c ii“M cum slauces that would naltiraily ttI*' occur in the period represented that

some of them) old friends*, long sinco passed through the vale, actually soeiii to ho restored 1o muhdano ex* istence while one is perusing the pages. They aio grouped as of yore, particularly in the checker playing scents at the homes that can H»>ll bit heated at a , menial glance upon the map of the neighborhood.The ' ‘movies” of today are deemed uy somo to ho lit to entertain only the y o u n g e r vacuous minded, bin the “movies”' of three decades age all'ordc'd r< creation to only the active ur.nds of the large-hraioed and ex- pfricnetd men of that day. To tho geuerrtl reader of fiction in search of a good wholesome book, in wt^$L can ho found stimulaUng pages of wit, humor, sefitiojent »od philoso pby, “Craigio” will ho found to he of eiptal interest and value with the stories by Ralph Conuor and other popular authors. With local read ­ings there will ho no difficulty in discerning, behind a light disguise, the personalities of such men os tho late Wm. Bowes, H enry Cargill and other men.


Merchants BankO F O A N A W

P A ID U P C A P IT A L *?,000,000 H ESBR V K . FU N D S *7.218.1IM

220 Branches'H»s s a v in ;;* a ^ c ^unin ; o f

those de*irio{! a MrotiJ SAVINGS BANK, arc cordially invited. In t­erest milled Inst1 day of April and October instead of May and Nov ember, a* formerly,

WA LKIvllTON fill A NO HK . M. T A Y L O R

M a n a g e r

I f J f ' A l i T ’K ti Lleeiikeif AUt*il>»«J * , / v u ' 1'* <«t f.-fir,-.*«,«(.!v. ! Hr tire; S«!f*0 full kind- »,«.„> j Hr *!• i mil ni in, E'Brnirtoefc »«:U lri.i.!tiufi«t» n '{‘t rinity, lnn,, n HMinable, J «-r *,i.l. »i wril« J li «‘A1!1 Kit, Ohi idh I; I*h , „r h». rnmti iiij-cIh i-au to inkftc nt the Tole»eoee • >IJ!<-i>. Wnifcefloo.

V E T E R I N A R Ys : i i a n m o k i 5,v .s .ftllo VV|oti«*ry Voli+t*. i'f Ho moors tin* <.f..o<<t o.n.. In carxiii o|.|«>*n<5 I’nurr*.' Hotel, Tfratiiioiii ■,( Mti (loinmlfi! BoJiotsi* ov ll*<> 100*1' Dt.i.Iirn iljiplianceM. I'ltlir fttSbl mot iluy ultended

Smith & M cConnel'sC h o p p i n g ' M i l lFeed fXl Seed Store

A l l K i n d O f C o r o a l A n d C o a r s e F r e d F o r S a l e in T o n L o ta O r I n A n y S h a p e *

Smith & McConncI, WALKEKTON. ONT

p r a i ) t ’ T f t W i j s l i p

FarmsI hit vc, in Itrftftt. 2 fifty acre

farm*. I forty-si* act e faun, I uos hundred and th iity acre f ilm . 2txvo hundred acre far mk all HI.LIM Pitovi*:!). convent* tu to Hanov* e r or alkein i>. and the < xvnets have placed tb* m in it S barn’e be. r.ui-e they AKi: HO« NDTCSKLL 1 hnvcftbo n 1“0 iurc fiuiu fit Berth, near LtMrwel. « rss of Un> best farms in the l-otmiy of I 'e tth ,with extra iliipiuveniflHj*, a v*rygreat bargain a t S7"i t>, I r* «cr., l.e.'or** had such a vlieic** < '■ Fauna *miow. My . iriceic HKAl-Ql'AR- TKKM and yon should et im* tn»C8 hie If yoowant inbuyat riah lp i if vs

M . H . M i l l e r



Heal INtat** bought sn? oi*U inoney l " 1 nn; ul*i* ng* e t n f tilt) Fat im*i>' tb nt i nl M nt uni Kit e,l in in ',m n , UotnpahyN — Phone Hoc l td . t in g 2 A !.


By Hi- Honour < i f s. Hnidrie.Lieut; < ftivcr;)i*r of Untriio.

T'i ’l l« ‘ / ‘ai/ilt «./ OnUtrio.It is proposed to bold drd. 'fuh - erculomis Sunday in the churches throughout Ontario on .Suuday, Nov ember iKHb, and the 2nd tuberculosis day in the schools throughout Ont­ario on Monday November 2'Jth.

AU those whoit* position m ight he used to further this most im portant health movement, should do every 5 thing in their p jw er to make the : mootings ou both duys as imccesr; fill as [Hrtsibk*.

fix ,.,, children are briefly (aught > tlrff causes of this dreaded dtetHbo ii should make a lastiug ini|>r«>sion on j their minds and u**sn-t them in avoid ’ iug thorio hahifs i.*f life which make ! the inroads of consumption easy and the benefits to he derived from ! the instruction in the schools should j bo uifut useful.

Of vi|U#{ importance should he the results from the Stiod»y services j hearing the appruval and support < of iheM inisttriai Asfseciations, j

More no now than «t any othertime In our history as a part of the , .......... -r------- —. —.

, , . . . ., , , , * a* W ***v., *>M \mwv- Oi»r* .W og re a t hm pue.xve sb o u b l *Io a ll l a s t ! tlrbiuia, Mental «a<f Hrnin II any. Iktjren

' . . . . , drHCtt. lo t , „/ Kiterw. I’alpiMion «/■ th,wo eau to im prove th e h e a lth o l o u r u r«rt. r<niiin</ Mtmaru. *» e*/ »•»*;

. . . l-.riv* Ul^wSIl'bow.sf**1M><*«l(Hn-nilN ation “ '“ I I e sn u o t t,u> - s tro n g ly j Ur=et<- *, *V,. trrf* TMf WOODappeal to tiie people of this provinco • mcoicin*: co..moiue.o«r. tfmm#ttto give tit is movement every assirp. <—........................ ........ ......... .....—....alien possible.

(S g il .) do h n J Io i

fmlivldmii im iriiciiin pt*imi(*i you to enter any U«y nt th«

. N V r f t r / t y 7

y . - t S s / t / i i . J -

Owen Sound, Ont.It is jrsjogtxi*cd a* the most thor­

ough. practical hitcim-ss scltou! iu CmuhiIu.

Ind iv idual In struction .

Our three story college building.


V A FL E M IN G . 1*\ V. A ., IT m cipU

D O . FL E M IN G S e c re ta ry .

Wood’s rhosphediis,Thr Orta! Tna’.ith ’’ t .uv-j, ntnl invi)t*>ratM O »'li>*l'*

"ij *j >irm, oi.-iko s**«

T R E E S ! T R E E S !

How This PA I* k:


iil:< of bVuil au.i > i ‘fee- Uvcfgi ct U - It** t'iiiuix-r-. *-(•> IN* site Nu*-eiy h»<c s • >,ir waul - bn j>)ii in five.,

A««iii« W*«leU C*«»v**Se**

Apply f* r terms.

J. H. WISMERNur«aryniMn. Po*i Sight. Oul.'uto

S T O V E S !

If y o u w a n t a sto v e

b u y a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T .” N o n e

better. A s o a full

line o f H eating S to v e s


H A HAVILLW a lk c n o n - - O n t .

n (si!*. i : „:*:«W.'W»M.lllglV IKlftt’IIUI ill tW'llUUnH IFf- "..it , - miiw i, R*lu-ft. * **tv -Mim > Ui*. »•» *.-•!,i s'. :* : „ . '* : 1' * * I ■ ■!. M , -Vi * -' sfts1 % .* liter SU CfttlMiiuem O.uU

Cook’s Colton > . i ; ■■

W A U C E R T O N ' T E L E S C O P E , " W A L K E R T O N . 'O N T N O V E M B E R 2fitK

Culross Council

1) l ! > i T im--<*1:1 »«• « St

ntfl < u l inn! *b * wv jj<|<uinl I!**■ .>t:(1 h :- 'S A im -n . I«! t*> II*'*’

«»n*0 m** * - "** >»- j“ - f . m t -




Brant Council. PIN KERTO N<l«it«iilv»l fo r l » l w*-* k >

\V«*lli»lgM»t« fll-H 'fll of Slln

liim -tv illi Iii-i '!<. pJt<l M r-, jNil'll ii ,

A* I»-t <mr ••bi, '( ii- H gbtinu .-v-ltii; I i- in -Ight. H i | <>|— ,»•<• in i n »H t»<«< i m ill i i* 111*- i'-'i m i «>f li li l * i " in ■wlipu.*' l l i ty '*<11 I •* m id itm i-il «*{» rn .ii. ~i. Mini if <<*mli(iti| N. « 4 i» i

TIPPER A R YBISCUITSE a c h b is c u i t b e a r s a p i c tu r e o f p a t r i o t ic i n ­t e r e s t , s u c h a s C a n a d ­ia n S o ld ie r s a n d t r o o p s o f t h e o th e r a l l ie d a r m i e s . U n io n J a c k , B r i t i s h B u l ld o g , e t c .— 10 v a r ie t ie s in a ll.T h e i r d e l ic io u s f la v o r a n d g o ld e n c r i s p n e s s w ill g iv e y o u a n e w r e s p e c t fo r t h e b a k e r . E v e r y b is c u i t g u a r a n ­te e d , a t y o u r g r o c e r 's .

•r.*t “ t o; p e th if t *r* tli« t

liiitm-i tl *l«lllg**fc m il I t . i l f in* tu t '

i H i <1 u ln-r Mm I l<

<:,<ni:t.;' : ‘ ll* 1 .v r <1 * rilling' «<» * i !i*ii • t . : . I * y > lil'CU ! " i l l : umltr llir p u n nl j n.i.l

M.’P h u <•»< \u m f io i k.». - Ib r- < « if ba»

i.lv.'llx * lljto .ti.’ |l>: - IV (I

. .1"poll,* I; A u i - l t ' i i ; M<’Plu*r."Hi i'» utnewil- ! : lim n T l’u ’. w<* .n«l> |>t lb** |»lilii*ft*n»l iln*.< tin* ftlin ln re i’ Ink*’ I'.lOiml* *. ;• |*,.r ill.- mmi<>ii lii.ii.l.lsoit-i K ilbU . if«*r ill* f»ii!«*«ulii.i*ni. A rts-s* *ir«wi«t—.Mi~l*iH'!■"'** jw rtiilitti'H l two. j ■ M.iti "li i’ ** 11 il.

Electric Re loroPh'>*>phon<»P .%sa» ***J nUW. I '* .Vnei* •*« ’ I l e u - i tn.kp *"■> a n.-. r»-;< ‘t \ M.l'e-1 • ' " l - M " " VCali -On*<». Out.

for Men


The most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires noohang- ing of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

C . i l . TOXJfit'c lltr. lU.ilHerlcn

‘ R in g H a t”Kirill H als<iv ?: S a rm tug. jiifctjv I . h«- h <•«'!.


% ? '*V PaA TF O P D . ? F T .~

s a !»fln>*l w i th a c o n t in e n t a • em u la tion f*»r h ig h g r.rJe w o rk a rid (o r d ie - ik v ,-— «.»l t ts g r a jn - ate?., a ic lio o l w ith M ipcrior C ou rses a i tJ instructor?? . W c g iv e u n it v t4 u .il a t te n t io n in C oH lriie reia l. S I. n t l i a n J a n d IV- Ic ^ ra p liy l) .p .« r true t i l .

W ill' a l l «<1 • i • «»in i *• I «*nIII. .** 1- I 'U'lll *»«•» 1 n (ini < 1:1' Ial ,iu s ln u e W il l- i ! l t | l l t ; l

I*. V M I,.* M ail , l \

1 1 I I

M I.W V S It I -IN I •

W in ter ToursTO T ill-; LANDS U P

S u n sh in e an a S u m m e r D a y s




Pat'ti.’u la i . lo n u ( I*. U Ag«'nlf.«*r >vi .ie .M. M urphy. DbtMiu I’nsiri Ae*'r*. r i ’i i i t r Kii*.; arid V oiige Sn* T i>h *ii!i).

(iood M .riling !WL ARE IM KU nuC IN G

A«a» rii-.ui Silk

M io a to , Nov, *.* h.

T h e X ltm io ip il O n m r il of I U ^ ^ <IX m onliip o f tlrtnO •»’.*:t « t H e T o w iir liip 11 til on I l.o Ih li.. Ui»y of N 'vcm b -r Mo nbenr a ll pfCKenl.M io uHm ^ ]**t n u t t i n g re a d , f tlh lt - c 'fuo .l cm ree l.

W eii- N cobiti T int! H u g h W attbe paiil t i.e H im o f $<’*(>• *» J>*>nifcUt **ill pr«.l>alily Im . vh ii.U iI i., UUuii>. ill full o f bin a c c o u n t fo r gravt-l, L o t 1 I t i« exuectw l th a t ►muo *■! th e f a .u i- lij , C uu to , fo r th e y e a r 101:$ — vvevt .,f t l .e Village « i in ^ U 's* i.lu U n to

.... in am i II C a m e l . • ; """», i” « ,o l i ; W *" T,>!’ T'«<h. .o n !"

V * ' Ih - Wi lo u g h h y n -m a rn l - T h a t III n .1 H „ m y . m l. rnU tU iiner h«i»i l . . . .mMu. ipa ioy il..- *ou»pli*»ico w ith a i t i iu e a t m a d e b y fau „ ., „ il «mii, .-n Tue..la>

,p in ,,| ; m any ratopayeiH of tho E a s te rn Sec- ' evoning of I *it week bill wo a re asuir*Mti.l A. II. T tw k .- r WAX na titl «H<* r e - ' tiuo o f tho m u n ic ip a lity m ak in g a p . »’<> •'>’ p ‘e»eet rlu .i iUe rom -ertpl.u e tin iri nm l he d id ri*>i co iiip ly . i p lic a tio n to have a conelab lo » p - j ' v** H Vt' ,y e” *oy*W« th a t »h- «!eik wiio* Mi, T ln .k . r «<> i .M, in to ,i ,b e village o f E lm w ood , i " is “ “ C h i l l y le p o ru d tlm l llu-.................................... council llin <.r « iu " ^ ^ ^ » 1Ham i il *.«»t pair! I*V «1.< fl«>t d a v « f , . . . . . . „ . , , ^ a iu n lay evormiK m th e »Miher ►hopDm .-m l" . :>> tm n i'- u* la- t..k .m i t l : p o in t of Jo h n M axwell o f K luiw ood, , iy |l|il|)a f„ r , hl. ^ p,u rc o f the M.mt to r*. ■*•. ^.i>l i .u ." O i.t~ P n iu ; an « c o ostan le , in a u d fo r th o to w n - : K a U r un it hi* for . rim cm m i.*, 1 ; whip o f U ta n t— C * r r k d . j -pint; *vili p!-.**e n fr*io Horn jentlmK.

M ci'lict soii 1h -i.aM vn s *v.* • J^ nvand - W illo u g h b y — T h a t Jo h n ' T he oMMImueii a i t? mnkfiiK thelt- r.n-C.n »!.<■ Posh dpp >- ;* 1*1 1* * mi 12 and j \v , |k e n he pa id Ih e im tu of$3 .(W ao ' ' ,m! r -o n d u p . T hey «oi».»t very few

......... ........ : o f expnO M , in Bi* in g " i -

■hint »R*iD**t m ® » » w U, i ....... , . l c m » n | |« . , oe m iopttd aaapec ttn l o f w o n y m g a h ce j— C * r- ■ , „ |>plv w as f„ r u ,P n r .*hy

i of ih o j r ied . j te rim i p u p lit la«l SiMiday. Hev. Mr.

A tt.ixir'j ,1oih< -_ I’ui fi.-*!.

M cPheisen - Dminl t.e.UlC.e |e|> 'l l O"'

. r.Otl " td . ’l * I-*-*:• <1 f 1• 'ic rouate. —Ctuitetl.> Tin- rouocil th e n m lte a .t »»l t<* »««.—t i ;.rf«iiM*n'i iio-d iv 1 . |.‘<ih o r «t Ihe ! - nil * f ’■ lie Her* . .

; . PlNAM » Uli.tOJT.

* D JM oim ack . <Ugfe*iif<»l*nioui.i)ftiro«*ldng t o vs1 * i.tn - *1

1 pm i. i .............................. -• - i :*y! .Jexcpli Iviiuiicr. l'o«' tsi ■ -

U iug e idveit

N c a b itt— H ow aud— T h a t lb o fol* j W ise w ilt , lomlmjt th e wervieia lo w in g a ccount* b e in g fo und c o rrec t j u oung xabbaib. th o ltoovu and C ^ r k ie»uo on le rv on ! th o T re a su re r fo r th e sam e. V iz |*» follow *—W s .$iihii*-f"H. xloa'i* k lih .l i U.00 jI. SclniM . t>; yd* g r a v e l ......... *M5«I

! the

Hosie ryTin v have «««!:*

ii'.ilfin-p Oiiiiifuri, N .icciinm ii• ip. .N ever lx*coim? |«’i»otx.rfgy. Tim xhap ’ .< kn-t it no t p W oed in.

G U A R A N T E E D im Ii..."H">H, sty If, *np t .- in , , .'a l am! **<•»km;»H*».ii>. Ah** ly W ill **..„ i i „ !i „ i„tr iilim il h *h's, o r new im»» (r--«* O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R to e v e .) ».!;«• *emll ;i . IIIKIIE) Ml' (Hixltl) l>*e .*gu « ily« i,l* tiigun l- iiippgg r-hu r- v*. We will *.•(,.) p s i .p u ', w ith w titlvo gm ndliti'--. «a<k ,o I t

iuilh.*ii;.*h*ir*i' eoiopHoy,v illi" .

:i l».ithe

o r t.i P,*.«'4„f U hiU r-r.N Honi*

l»iv<* iho < ol<jr. si/. •, >uiil w hetil- 'i* o r tie i'i '** ho*icry iv

DON r D E L A Y - ( l i t . , ex ph 'f» wlmii n .1 • <ler in your l o c l i ty i . •t’i'O'U'il.International Hosiery Co.

u . H a s hD A V tu .V D ll lo . ( S a .*

c m l"it M'ilfiiPiih p t poym ool g r .tie h

Jp g to u t m e t • ................ Jl••ttlig etm*

| f . D attxgii, Iam b killed »<> '!->'* ; j l ‘ E tg ; . r , . im l ra 'l givivelHtii;. 1 j jm * Aitkem-. ill. p ee ling sheep , k i l l 'd by dog*; A Sim pson , ia rp e c lit-g g.av*li

iu g «* m trrtv l . . . ...................W ifi U kuiierm ao. <n» i»ng wilio** *

,»r,d lix ing J« i !};•• nd

M. Khiiioh K ros.c uU nuit g)»yilt*to* «‘<m « ......................................51

.hi* th iid y . fo r 51b v.k*'giov.-l S H m Decking, y d - gt <*»•' 2,J o » S c n t . m u io g e u h v r t <«'

let 17 e *0 t o . . . ..........................Jti*> .H eoli, in»|H'Cti<ig cOnUoel

am i III yd* g ia v . l ................. .A K '»*. >»c fo u r h • *•• double-

tw 'c fo r g ra< l-r..........................\Vp» W .ingb , tik- cu t v e il lot V>

W m K ecking, ■u'.'t for Iu ii.Ik i v ; Jm* O .'la!Icy , c x u tm i t giavel!-

u .g r . Ii A d c .o td *!t"l*» IV railb, iiM pi'c lin / con

t r a c t To aide* ead . . . . . —J - Mo <y. u r .k io g ill;- and

" " ik in g g rade r ................... PU"li» < ‘e ititi , tn>|i<’;Milig»' M «liey

e > n trac t........... . .K il'l I ’olvi.t, oti*/ day n,a«i *»p<l

!»' tm on g .r f .h 't . . .I 'h iiip K eller, on * <i >y «• m arid

(cam .*n grad* i ...............• u o ^Spouftfcj |»i j< tymi'iH on

.p ;iu t.*ng :.1*1 tg - Kltpii, fees i<- M ct'e t m urk

•Irain .............. ......... ,. . I■i ■■ A .r i o i, f«c-» r Met <if»u ; w

d « a u i. . . . . . I< ■ A June-, t* " • tf 'I I llil.ick

d ra in -----. . . . ................ IIVt"« »* N'.iit**y, c o n ira c tg .a v , ll-

lu g g * a t'e l ro ad ........................-an

i n c tT l t 'r m v . <h»k.

1 »

Mi.... A. il* tdig&Vw y.U. * r«'•*! .1

Mr. Htimlcy- (lOrlaml am t h i- mol he r w ere in W alk c rto n «<nTur*day o f last week.

VVImt i» lIn* m a lle i w ith uigaiihlihR a botue g u a n l h e re ! T lie ie an* at le a d fo rty m en in !h i- v ie tid ly w ho

Ih.U-rtM 'n N- M rN abb, ?* iv t'.ir*t i l ; I 'rd g e . . . . ............. .*1.03

Ju». W nin -n , a*', re I ’u rgill andM a tu r ity liti*Uev. ..........

I I . W a lt , at*. *>f H»I3 in lu ll fmgravel lot 13. eon 10 . . . . Hu.U»}

W m . 1,-xkie. tile . ..................... 23.:’- . jJ , S in c la ir , j .b e in g 3 7 y d r g ta v e l

nil b n :u . ro ll I I ............. 171KIW, lli-iltv. dwg i h n d ol cem ent

k.t 1*5. eon I N . . . . . . . 1.01.E W ilk e n . ••vldenco ra ow ner--

• op of ih 'gs w i 'i r t ln g •>lt*ep................. . .. 1*■*

i . (itaw icr. l»i*nl<ng gravel le tI .! il l. "on I N ............. 'Jfi.JT*

Kr>»»k. p iitM ig iu vulv.-rt op- |o*t ito l**t 2rt, eon ■'» . . . .

I'. Met* u r i ly . dw g tile am t workon e i lw i t 1 <t lo . i'ou M 2.'»U

W E ngel, work a t lil! to l t p e o n S 2>» J tviirtz.-m: rc repa iring g rad e r y.Uo Treax of ( ‘a*rick Tp._ w k and

m at <’ii T I, B *V t: . . . t:J-‘>dKM, t ’ottuora, 1170 lr**f iieiulouk

httube r .......................... ... 23 10,i<ix. r*Iet!*t'o*n. b a iim c e o f g ra n t s I lijih Hody. teiiitTbing . iilverl and

p is t tin g o r t (u v e tin g lot*2»*eon 11. j . ......... ............ 2 -

H enry A hrens, lli 'iw irig tile andp lac in g ja lu o lo t W conU g o o

F re d D*ave-. d raw ing tile andplacing ’•iitue h ,t I'j c o tih 0 to

t in*. Dick m an d raw in g 7 loud*.<t (Jr tv el 2.'* s . U, .-art 10 «* So

J i lin C lancy, h a lf nccotMti forna il,' fo r C arg ill b rn lg e .. 2 Ikl

C >hn t .lOipi’x’lt, h *ifc ?st of cedar(><r t*.»r-g»l* b r id g e . . . . 4«l *'«

J a m * ' C o u lte r , se lec ting e v id ­ence a nd Wldio-x *ce> t*<.dctN irdy c » - c ................ I i s ’*

M. A. McUMlufir. -* hreting j'oior* expanse i** M e fu rd y cu -c po*tag*? and tcD phonuig **up to d a te , ........................ 12 13

A . 'i . M e L n irian .-eb c tio g iuriir* I *W M. A . Mcl, alhmr.>"h*ctrng ju ro r-

lord cntim il m e e tin g . fi 7 * S p e tn e N e-h itr. ,'t>mn il nreeting 2 "0 Dave W illoughby, *’ ** 3 30vV A HoWAtld, '■Archie Weir. " ” 2 70

W eir— H -swand— T h a t th is co u u -c il d o now ad jo u rn to m oot a l th o tow nbhip ha ll on T u esd ay ib t l,*»th day o f D e c e m b e r fo r th o t r a n ­sact ion of g e u e ra l businchf*.

M. A. M c f u u o , d i r k .

could drill line ha f duy a Week, Ifthlrr could not b: atrauged in the village tlu rv is nodoiihl that ettinviUtmti In drill exleiidtd frmn the larger eentris

I .vlicrc Mich organicnions exUt would i ii* heartily acecptexl by many, liy

auglng loo ts, li anr|wrlatii*n cmt!d alv be elfecled.

Boy Wanted !

Ib*> •■(••* i- .u rlren >eai~ , ag.% W ith fitiilv g ,a -l *'dnrat,i"i* uiiul*'-’ i :> ;< ;tl(» li»' printing. I good »:j*|«*nuu0 v i*,r t.righ t l»«> n . le . t in tin* I note . A pply a

'J h eT o l," .* |< eO n b « .

T h e W a r D oes not Effect the N u rs e ry B u stc c s s

i T h o s W . Bt/w m on S o n & C o.

I m in .K Y D d .E • O N T a KID


Subject* taught by expert in strut tors a t the

mL O H b o i ? f o i x r i

Studerita assisted to position*. Codega in session from S e p t 1 s t Catalogs* free. Enter any time.J.W . WetUrvelt , J. W. WetWrTstt, Ju

»lao'ia*3a“ •


‘Beautiful Hair

Goods. )isplay”^ T r ic D orenyvcnq C o . of

ToronflTtT ld .'

C anaria 's prem ier Jmir-Koods hoiisu announce t heir visit t


The HartleyHouse Walkerton on

Thursday, Dec. 3,w -n there will he shown an exclusive sample stock o f Quality Heir Goods for bod ies in Sw itches, Braids. Transfot mat ions, Pompadours. W avelets , etc

A n invitation is extended to every lady to calf and inspect the goods.

T h e D prenw cnd S a n ita ry

Patent fo u p c e

is an absolute necessity to every man who is bald. It will protect your health and m ake you appear yea rs youngar.

Indetectable, Featherw eight, Hygenic

f \■ 0 ' |

t I ?


Mr. M*rr ray S m ith w ho 5i«>* b* w o rk in g n t M r. A. Fm riu .n J* d u rin g tli* '>um m «r »m l f»ll rtiontli*' le ft h Tw*nt«* or) Fr t<l**y. » ii*H ’ h r intondr? lo o p c ia t Ih e w ia te i . W u uw v »«>rry l»» I* se M urray fn>U» I he burg .

M«— M yr-le (ra rtm ul t f P in k e r to n 'p o u t T liitr? tla |i and K riday wit It lift - I ' te f , M r,. A- Fureum n.

Cll|wid«rill| t he Wrilllill the w.illl.oil’** I-i^t lu t" M eetingrtt M tr. K .ltoaV <>n lb n r * d » y o f t»*>i we*k, wu» w ell a tten d ) d.

Tm* f in in g people a ro u n d I lit* corn e r a re ver y bu**y prn .U ei* tng f<*r a ln*x x 'c ia l to la- h" ld in th e -ebool mi I ice. 11th. A «oo<l*|it"gram n» bx'ing p le p a m t *o <b»rt fo rg e t th e d a te .

Mr. atidlM t-. J , M eagher and lil t ie nephew AI**y fiu« t lauey iriteiuU leuv

lu Eue-alay f,*t a vi-iS to I ie t to it ' Mich.

■. am i A t is*, t ieol’ge M 'dfal am i :h?er vi«*t*fMU<d»j«H on th e flth .


In i"? iug uiHim-ry of tf r -h a id (iu tnn In. |m -.».I aw ay N«v. I7 tb IWI3,

One year hiu* Jmx’.rd away. «*nr heHftS - dl -ore.A- tlm** Him. i y we rut-* him more, memory i- a* di i.r today A? in III*' duy he passed «wu\

He i-.g*ui- bu t no t fo rg o tten F or a* daw ns a n o th e r ye n

In mil lonb v hour# of, th in k in g T hough t* <>f h im a te e ' e r none.

D ay a f te r day w« *aw liiin fade T hen peacefully wink aw ay .

V et in ou r he art* w e prayed T h a t b e m ight longer *tay.

Even though we will yield with g U due—

Our. f a th e r t o l*»al:t«» keep.A nd rejo ice In th e r*w<*et u>Miiam e

T h a t he g iv r th hi* loved " tie -Jeep.(Sigm d t W n t: a m * t iirr.bKKs,

lii iK-st Hovlc «if Sonih iim pto ii hiok** in to lie- U .T .tt. e la tio n h e re la te :»t n*gtit —.me w eek- ag>*. **»t to* net ten wa< i *k?n liv llin au tt'o tU iev at th e tim e. •- th e ti . T. It. - " i tt (* d e tee ticotlere to i 'tv e - tig a le . t,l»*t Week ti e d t 'lr i-m v bed Dot h ' ar n -•« d timl h*’.i(i|ii*'f.'d l e fo if A, M cintw di w hn-en th im t<* Watkert. n t . ' t trial. tie-« nl 'iiw rllo Uni " month* in jail at W.«lk*'it*.n. Soulhirmplon Ke.iro’i.

tier- SUOIMI tic.Ole- >t dal.Tire billow-trig it»*iu !• from lti«*

I tel».*it Free !*». -- Th* M*. t a lk in - »el< tl« - t , t** i- a g rao d o o t <>t M r-. ,li'r»'iui(ih lb*l*i* n >*l W alker to u r « I 'bal l* • V. F.itM li-. *!<• 'I‘h in(

.m ime. «b- y..«n»« t»*nd ',»b-u*.*n

iota) lot bra

>l i-imiu*-'!"

Be sure you see them on day o f visit,A demonstration places you under no obligation whatever

Remember Date - - Thursday, Dec., 3rd

Vi. ̂ Z 2r Z k U i'/Ti h >A f i r m ) i . I . JA SA /A th JA J J

Linked with music's chainS u n d ay evening at home assu m es a new

anti deeper significance when the fam ily gathers together and sing the hym ns that have

.rung on clown through the ages, to the accom ­paniment o f the beautiful melodics that flow from the

£Utllidms 'Player Piano

W ith its wonderful M eister Touch Action, the control o f tempo am i rhythm is absolute. E ven totally unskilled though naturally m usical perform ers can ach ieve e ffects that are usually* the prerogative, only, o f a master.

live id piano perfection—!hr beauty cf it- tone an J-finish is unsurpassed.

Art C*t*h*g«c. iltu-tratiug thv making of Pianos and Players and containing portrait- and biographies of Master Musicians will interest you greatly. Mailed lu c o n rerjuestto

G E O . B . S M I T H . A y t c n , R ep re se n ta tiv eTh* William* Ktino Co . lim ite d 0th*w *. M*k*r*

HD 5

t g ? ’ g g g g a n g * r *f m m m *

^ w r in r


Business is Waiting —Telephone for it.

Business may be quieter Ilian two years ago. yet there is no cause for depression. (Tops are good and already business is waking up.

rail \our customers by h>w/ rfta- t a n c c t e l e p h o n e . ‘ h e ir g lo om

by Hie beany spoken oord. Keep both votirs.df'«i«l iheiti jKtstetl oil prices ami general eoiuHtioits. and (here will be no slowing up in //our business.

The economy of leleplmue sidling uiitkes it a welcome aid to business just mm. I he Iona distance telephone is lii,. proven ally of economical business.

j tu it filf/iM w

^ ============


The Treasury aiiu-utticc# Hint alt i t currency notes Daia-tt -from tho Hank of England hereafter «UI In of a destf.n. I>ut i t a tm ,-nty hide* of tin; original dcrigu v^lll column- to Ih- lei; nl Under, Th* now note** - if ' larg-c than tho old- They measure- *• I .'♦■to by ;; 5-Ui Inches, e.in-imred with ft Inchon by 2*.** Indioi. T;U*y w o printed In black upon a white pap* t. with *1**- ctai w ater-m ark*, and the d-sten In* dudes a medallion allowing S t. George slaying tbo dragon.

A now currency noth for J»V. a bo iarger than th e o tJ. Is In preparation. I t will measure 5 7-16 In d u s by ;r 1-ta inches and will be printed In red Ink.

IPC-YKAR-OLD SKA CAITAIN*Captain .lack-ton, it silver-haired old

fellow, who will In' t<>7 years of as** next month, w earing a Cnton Jack bat- ton. was among tho congregation ot nearly U.OvO a t the animal natlumil se r' i-e for seafarer* In Si. Taul's Ca­thedral. and followed everything with the greatest Interewt, though he kept Ills neat throughout tno service. lie reta ins all his faculties.

Captain Ja<-k-*on went In taxteab to St. lAtul's, and ns ho Jdejqicd ou t ho called to Ids companion. "Heat - w ah.” Jim jf l bn son. a "jounK ster.'' of nearly eighti*-stx. to burry o r they would be late. The 0011111110 have H u d at the Homo of Host a t Tooling for some yi*nrs.

THAMES CLOSED ALL NIGHT.An A dmiralty announcement, issued

oh Tuesday week, tin ted .t 'n tll fu rther notice a ll Irafflc Into

and out of tho Tham es muni pas* through th*j Edinburgh Channels or from Htark P-2-tp. south of th e Knot k John and Knob Buoy*. and through the (H»« Deep All o ther channels are closed.

No ve>?-l* may rem ain under way Inside Sunk Head Buoy o r Inside <>f the line adjoining South Long Samis and Hast Sldngh-* Buoy# al n igh t lie- tween the hours of 7 p. m. am. 6 a. m. Yesw-ls at anchor w ithin the first- men tinned lim it m ust net show any light al night between the hours of 7 p. in. and 6 a, m.

CHAMPION DAIRYMAID.C osing day was t'ornwall'#- day id

the Hritlsh Dairy Farm er*' Shov ;«t tne Royal A gricultural Hall. London. Prldny week, when (he dairym aid 's championship was decided. Dernwall had won already the b u tte r .banipi-tre rhlp: and th a t success v. as: fnll.tv.ed by Mi.<* Owen Tiickctt. of Pei qiilHe. Pnr Station, winning the t.ord Mayor's c*ip fo r th e county for the first Hare, with nuoth-'r Cornish lassie. M bs Sid* w d l Stephens, of T ren itrn r. Itetedon. reserve. . The Jtidg* nfterw srds de- -w-rl»**'d It a« the keenest rom priltlon he had ever seen

DEADLY C.CNNERY,Some detail* have r*-.i< lied Dover :>f

the exlraordlnnrv flrhi-T of our naval, men off tho Belgian coast. The crew of one of t h i m onitors in '-t a n<w on-) v.atehed the German# bring up one of Ilielr hTe puns T hey nlh*w< d them t<>get It Into position and even to p»» the shell In the breach, when one of their 6-ln-h cun« “ let drive,*

The first shot told, mid n further, five shat* h it everv tin v \ the gun and men being smashed to pteee*,

s o l d iKicA p r o p i i c t i c m E .Ju s t before leaving for the front, as

a joke Q uartcnnariereSergt. T . J . Moss, of the ntfh Brigade Royal Field A rtil­lery, whose bom c\ I* a t Tedillngmn, said to hi* wife. “D on't w orry, -l -.tr; >ou will see m e come back with a conimlmdon."

He now write* to III* wife; "YOU will be pleased and surprise! to hear th a t 1 am a se tW l-U eiuenant.” His promotion wa* gazetted on Oct. 23.

SWELLING T H E HANKS.Since the outbreak of the war TOO.-

000 recruits have been enrolled In the United Kingdom. The W ar Jilted de­sire* to raise an arm y of l^Oi.OOO men. 1-ondon In particu lar has so fur re- upocdml splendidly to the call, p ro­viding one-alxth of th e total -nllst- taeiit* for th e whole country. Man- chertcr and Glasgow have *.!;. » done well.

LicuL-Col. Sir Frederick I’oneonby has been recalled from the from t< bc-conie keeper of the Iviuri# privy puree. In succession to the la te Sir W illiam Carrington.

Six patrol women are to bo ap­pointed In Porn-month. where they will work with the police force.

Mr. J. M> W atson, eh h i conri.iblo of bevonport. has been tipiKiioicd Chief constable of Brtatol.

Un the Feast of All Saint*. Shore­ditch bells a c re rung half muffled for those fallen In tlje war.

Geo. Moon, who drove the Tantivy coach from Barnstable to f.yuton trout is? s to 1S9*. when th e light railway was opened, lias died In St. TllOmfls' Hospital, ixmdon.

Major Geo. Dlgby. of tTnlm lngton tD om -i), brotiiv r-ln-law of laird II- ohester, second In command of lie; Lomet Yeomanry, was found killed on the railway b 'ww-n Mald-.-n Newton, near Dorchester, and Evi.-rshot,

Although the Atlieretono H unt com­m ittee will continue fox hunt hi:{ dur­ing the coming season, they will only hun t tw o o r th ree day# a week, and there will be no formal opening meet. Mrs. W. B. Inge, m aster of the hunt, succeed* he r father, the late Mr, W. K. Oakley, who was m aster m any year#/

T he Bishop of Carlisle gave Jitdg* m u tt In th e appeal by Minor ' ‘anon E. A. 1’ole, of Carlisle. ng;un*t Ills dismissal by the Hewn and Chapter of Carlisle on the ground of alleged ln- d itc re tt conduct with a woman of the ticlglibbrliood. The bishop held that the dismissal was justified, m il d is­missed the appeal.

The steam er A djutant, of th e Gen- erst Steam Navigation Company, bound from Naplct to lain-ton. was stink In collision off Deal with the Ocean Prince. of Newearite-, front Havre. As the A djutant was le-lng examined by th e A dmiralty patrol tugboat Chester, the Ocean P rim e crashed Into pe r s tem , Upping her open nearly to tho engine room, sin- wink in seven minutes.

Donald Aldridge, a t :- < ir ol-l l o t , was wartn'y commended by the Devon Jtort mnKlMrate# foi reselling » young- -om an front drowning, when the no- man wa* charged with attem pted sub cloo. The lioy w t# lying In bed ‘..inn he heard shout:,. Looking out of th*- window In- saw tho woman i.i tlx- water. He ran cu t with only id shirt ou, bwam to the woman and brought h sr tabor#- The boy will ho rccom-

i f«tided f»»r the Itoyal Humane S et *’# medal.A iKiisonlng accident Involving tho •* of two lives I* rv|»orl»sl to have

wcnrppd at tin* Crlrhton Itoyal Insti­tution and Southern Counties Asylum, Dumfries. The victims were Miss Anna Todd, ix middle-aged teacher, and Mi*a Emily N- yyton. The two were i»aUents, and It is said that with some others

given iiK-dieino which, through Inadvertence, contained t*oi-

pntient# are ill: but are likely lo recover.

N e»» was received at Epsom on Kat- urday, Ju»t after the funeral of tho Itev. E, W. Northcy, Woodcote House, Epsom, of the death In n lioulojtno hospital of IBs fourth io>n. Captain William Northcy. D. H. O.. of the Dur­ham Light Infantry, who had previ­ously been reported 10* severely wound­ed. Colonel Edward Northcy. a broth­er of Captain William Northry. was present at the funeral of his father, with his right arm In a sling, having bw i wounded at the battle of the Atsnc.

Tho Home Office order dealing with ie question of Belgian refugees with­

in proscribed atva* affects many mid­dle-class Belgian# In the f*le of Wight. Many Belglnns lmve taken houses, which they have furnished hut they hav<> now been ordered to leave, itev. oral are living with relatives Joug resi­dent In the Island, hut It appears tin exception can he made,

* the last soldier serving of the Royal Artillery who fought at W'at- •rloo," Is the inscrlt‘ ion on tho tomb­

stone of tho great-grandfather of Ser­geant F. Myatt. A. S. C\. of Twlrken- ham. whose name appear* in Sir John

■mil'* honors list. Sergt. Myatt'# father and grandfather were also In the array.

The movements of the Inhabitant# 1 Sheerness and the Isle of Sheppey

will be restricted alter Sunday. Col. Wardo, Chief Constable of Kent, ha# Issued notice that all resident# of Shcp- pey outside of the Slieerne#* defensible canal are to provide thcmselre* with a pass Issued by the police. People of Shrerm-i# proceeding to places In Mheppey on business will require spec­ial iwWW-s which wilt be limited In number and available on the day of Issue only.

The death I* announced of Sir T. Marchant Williams, stipendiary magis­tral.- m Merthyr Tylfll. South Wale*, sine.- llKH). A barrister of the Inner Temple. Sir Marchant .had taken a prominent part in the national life of Wale*.

The lairk Mayor of York. Councillor Henry Rhode* Brown, ha* offer**! hi# services In npy rapacity to the mili­tary authorities, and 1* prepared to en-

duty three days after he give* uj< civic office on November P.

The Postmnsier-O.rneral has accojd- <1 the lender of Messrs* John Mow-Jem i Co, .Grosvenor W'harf. Westminster, for the construction of the railway

Paddington to tho En#tern Dl-trlct Office. Tills funnel Is for a miniature tube rallwav which will convey mall* and parcel# acres* lx»n- d«m,

In 11 letter lo a relative at Middleton, >. t'erk, SVrgt.-Major Win. Bremen.

2nd Battalion Connaught Ranger#, that he has been specially dec­

orated by General Joffre with the Cre*s >f the legion of Honor for dis­tinguished conduct at the battle i<t the Afsne, while under a flertu- artil­lery ftr..*.

The death-rate in the 97 great town# last week averaged 13,9.

N.-ws has hem received at Grenoslde that Private T. Burltlnshaw. a signal­ler in the 2nd King'# Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, previously reported tnfss'ng, (s a t-r'soncr of war.

While working at the Carbrook Steel Works, on Tuesday week. Edward Bower, of K9 Bradford street, Atter- Ciirfe. was caught in kook* machinery, and sustained Injuries to hi* shoulder. He wa# conveyed to the Royal Infirm­ary. hut wa# not d-ialned.

As a result of being knocked down by a motor lorry In Shoreham street. Sheffield. Sarah Morion, of u r " hall road. Winroimnk. now lira at the Itoyal Hospital In a serious condition. Her injuries Include *-v*ral broken ribs, besides « wound on the hack of the head.

At the me. Hug or tho Sheffield Edu­cation Committee. It was dec.-Ied to accept the- offer n ado to the ratepayer e.f the Kim* Edward VH .'b-niorfalieine f,»t Crirjdo,! rpiHren. nower»*t*d m lit*.Jin Valley rend. It wa t-Eit- -I that this repr.w.'ntcl a gift of C "S OCd to tho city.

Among the men niention.tl ;» the di- pat.be* of S ir John Frenrlt for a n . < f gallantry and devotion to duly with

j the Kjcnedttlnrnry Force was Driver W | A ustin, c.f th e D-*t Brig.de. of th. i I-‘ova! Fi. J.I A rtillery, whose home 13

l:> Sheffield, flrttl the Kiu-f hn# opftrnv- • • the grant lo hint or the Mrdnl

, for Dl#ttngnl*h'Nl Conduct in the Field, i At tin ioeu-*i a t Rotherham on E th­

el H u t-h if /m and Edward Stewart. \ un i, aged nine, who were found with i th.-»r f .r r a t* < it. a verdict of 'wilful

m urder ' was r*-turne.| against the mo ; 1 her. who afterw ards romiiilted sulclih

during a s ta le of tem porary Jn*anity.’* ! A* KIBamarsh ;i v -nllct of “Snictde { " h l ’e of ttn*>mnd m ind” was returned 1 it the inquest on Georgo Hill, wim j hoi at his sw- ethenrl l*-.j#le Hill, or j Harr!#, and then kilted hlmstdf.

I Joseph t.llbd, *is'. a ntlmr, of Hurnt House read, II.-anon, wits Saturday right fottn-l tlead at the bot­tom of the -dttlrs bt* his con. D-ath

j we* da.- to a fru> Hired nerk. and If I#: * tutieM d In- had fallen down tho Blairs, i Tuer* will nut be n single contest in ; the t-titttn iftal ward* of l -̂cd*. a# the ottlv candidate threatening opcsition wJtl-drew

•xtent of about jur...i*y a firo a

F<q;?r.n A- Sun#* woollen mill, Bath . Carr Yorkshire., A verdict «.f -.suicide during f- miior- •irv Insanity" wa< r»-»urne«| st a Brad- for*l iruuret on 1t»nnc ihompatn. b.tiider and con tractor, of Lebdcrdykc, who had Iwen d-jin-eo-d since the «ut- brci-l of th*:- w ar. and took art«-n!e.

! '"ut Colon* 1 ,|. A. C’tan.Ifp-Polc- GHI the s-pilr- of Hoploti, ju-nr Wirk-* wort:,, lias been w.-tmd-'d Jn th.- check during an aeihut. «-.d ,>u #i«w actl-.-

rvhs in lb** Bo< r war. and wa* tnk-• n n pt(- «-m-r by Ftn-m-ml Crenje,

lie- li t meeting of the Wakefield IMuc.-ileu Comndilee, as at pr**v*nt «o«stitnt<sl. a-. Hi" lliy hud r-ssived countv borom:h power#, waa held on Wrdne.alny w<- k. when the Chairman. Alderman C Wordsworth, rtronglv > *>t < i< t*cd The ins-e-niv of (ttutfnmd• tudv after I■ r lug the elementary -tchooi. in vb-vv -if the altered rondl- llc-ns vfdtq would follow the war.

Tin- 2 tilt untilvmarv of tho dedica­tion of th* prlvau chapel of th« Duke


N o i l S e r t c . n i . c l

illy Idaft̂ McGlone GitUODd The girl wlim-e greatest claim In

beauty Be# in her „auey appeal can make hermit acclaimed a popular beauty.

Firm her chin must be carried high the air. This will give her neck

a beautiful curve. And-white her hair hottld be plainly dressed, yet some

of It may he brought forward ov,-r her forehead, sf done in an unconvention­al manner

After the til: of the chin, the saucy girl depends more upon the expression and care of her eyes," said Mbs Neil Bartrand. a model for high class ad-

-rtising arllnt#."If you wish to look snticy, or pi­

quant. you must be sure that your •yebrows do not meet across your

nose. If by any possibility this is the

cause with you! it l# not necessary to go to Hid olcelndysl# expert, just pull them out « it tithe tweezer# and then rub your foremad with a solu­tion of on*-thirds ammonia and fwo; thirds peroxide tjf hydrogen.

It this smart#, you can put.on a little cold cream. Go through this pro­cess as often ;w tho hair -coined in. and ufter awhile you v.-iil lind that the root* have been Skilled,

Be sure and ibrttsh your eyebrows carefully nnd a-lUllo'beauty patch id

•one corner of the eye Is always an ad­dition to the girl's fac-- whose beauty is described as "piquant "

This type of girl should be very spar­ing in her use of powder, because the piquant beauty must h«- thoroughly natural in apt«»ia»tco---«ven if she mtiKi gain this naturiilnc-s# uriiflclutiy.

of Neweastb- In Clumber Dark was•lelirnt—I last week.Tin- Notlnglmm corporation has tie-

elded to pnxvtsl with the work of Im­proving tli«- navigation of the Trent between Nottingham and Newark. v.Mth, white making Nottlnghnm an inland port, would provide employment rlur np the war-

The Itinerant vendor of a hair r- stnrer iadiilv pb*ude4 ;»! B jw Cotttdy Court that h*- was unable to pay bD debt# bceaosc sine.- the war p< g-«n f-co-

did not care whether they wore gate or net. whereas he had 1 rev Ion sly !»«*:<» able to .-am mor* than three Itouttd# a week by »ii-xUis <f. hi* speci­fic.

Th i rlmlpal event at u swimming caia al Matdlcsbro* wa* J « . Hatfb-fU's nttempt to Inner the world's i.OM varil# recortl. He proved successful, .ootnplishing I ha distance Itt 13 min­ute*. tfit-A *c<end*. thts* twwting the world * record by 13 -econ l*.

For abtalititm from the seller of a home ho had purchased on J-ehalf of •h<- Government at Derby. Eorhort Fhauchncssy, a llcuP-ntnt in the A. S, r. -Territorial*, was fln-d L'2(T and ecsts. The prosecution wa« under thu I'rt- «ntic.r. of fTimtptton Aft.

Billy Bryce tit-1 I w-jro !p reparable coco-an Ion*. \v e w ere eppewite* in «U*- pt *itu-t<. Billy was tu c h eu y a c-ittip as ever lived. 1 wilt IlicHltcd t»> ts- morose. Billy .a id nice thin*-, lo |w<»- t ie which i t « Tntj hu ll m eant l said grulf thing* to them that I didn 't mean a l a ll. *

I w:v» very dependent upon BUly lo r cheerfulness, and when he wrote no’ tha t in- wa* engaged to he ,tt*rrh-.i It nan :t *u«s i-h*w fc tac. I had had e ther friend# who Junl m arried. a«*t the (riendsbip between >,* wa* never t?-< Kune ar. In-for.- tit-if m arriage

I wish," ltd s lid , " th a t there xhuil Is- *,»»♦- *in> - fri* ndiln—f?>J*etwt't:ii you and l.u< Un st* Let"«'i> jo u and me You shall hove the treedom of ttn.- itous-.* nl all litm s. w hether I mil at rune o r abo-nl Y««i m ust not exp<* t

mo to h a w tho sllgtiHct Ji.tlonsy lot you. My fiance-' agree* with me per­fectly

i v r< te him th a t if he dot not wl it the lady he wa# to m arry to freeze ni-: o a t of tin- house he hud b< Her lell h e r tha t if #lu- wishes! i l he wf.-ihl l ever •«<- »«• again. 'I h a t's just like yotf.** lie replied, "but you can’t m ew Cither me » r Ltde .with yo'tr pes*i- mts-itt,'

!Ut|y ask<-<i me to t»- e,-#« n-.trs. but t delt-. t i'-s-o-monlc*. and toi>k safe to b>* s ails d away on n matter or huslne#.-, at the time of the wedding But I cut a h mttanme wetMins pt« -ei t

AfH-t the us-ddlug Hilly bnmght ItM wife to Hu- city where ho ttml - had pl-vnytt lived. The first time I m d lit* wife l wa* *urpr»M-d that be vtioull hav« married it girt with a dl-»fK»IHcn «r» like lit* <i"it Ills wlb- grnjtjifNl my hnnd cordially, h ok-d tit tin* wim' a -■ciit- *>« her t»r**tty Ih*# ansi * twinkla tn her bright eyes and mid

" tillv s«v* you nr** nlwaytj tinimpy. Imt "s*'ll take that out of you. won't wv. iJillyT ami she i»*;k<#l at himhttonlngly.

My firr-t cull was ttlioil. 1 vtippin.-- 1 it-ii prom* to look for Irsujhle. l-ul -i *« er.,«l to nt ■ th a t Mrs Bryce was a trifle to d.-moiitstritivo. t w a. xtrieken with fear Hint instead of lining icnfT.iix of me. a* I had #nppi*-ed -1»- might make Billy Jtaietis of me. I r*-*.»i'es| th a t I w-caid not call on Mf* Brjee t'paln fer u m onth, a t least

But lit* very next da I wa^ *am- nmney by teiejslionc. and heard the Indy « .ticory voice say;

!s th a t you. Mr, Q'llmhy? Como up


to dint-sr this exening. \V*. dine a Don t Mil me. : Billy hae to go ami I shall Ik- « 1! nlotf."

White I * 4* trying t<> fruei- an Mi->- I loiird a iqo fe. aniljUiat was end e.f th*- one-sided diotoMÛ .■'I hud list pla--; to rps’mt Jfe * ve

hut ns> viui*. ami i wa-i tt»*|d «-ns of H ! v«isit-nl to ba-vt in th*- fight of Mr# IB's ct>--rini . .. /

Jt>t peAtro dinner *v4a_«rv* si I *s»w si t*rsant eorrytag » trny «our«d with ti-itc* up stairs, i hijc.cm e| Billy nod hi* wittt tv el'** al->n<- iq the liou-e. ex- iept for tho »v« v»n*s' and ;t*ksd if auy tme was ill

A rviatlt. Of ImV." s.ti-1 Billy "Slt.'s not til, only iMo.hfn!; slt>s-**n'l Hks io iiis-. t *t-U:tv' r#, yen know,"

Bitty didn't ntor- t.san hatf finish dinner hcf**r-* ft# arm#- front the

lab!.-.f-'-.irry t.>

s.tnc hack.'

stid ! in.” lie


i i>r«llyI #»•** lefttitan. I slid not fear for , .but I slid fe.tr f.-r my-.-lf.

Billy wa* t«> return by f t s/cloek or at ft. A* half-;..mt il 1 tore tm-.lf h.vynv after having pas.e.d a delightful evening. ,

Derleg the ns-xt week Billy and III* wit« wyre <.-nst-intlv tUejihoolnK for me I found ntynelf h:-s< nine "iiifatu* nte.l with It -r ;tn<l tried lo keep away, t. it they w.u-tsin t let me Billy wa* as pcr-lst.-nt a* hi* wife.

A guilty s-ontschtiee n«dt» no ac- sis-. r, amt it . s-etiir-d is- me that Billy mu,.' noth - my end arrasxms-ttt. my rsh a-n efac -d nB u t he didn't. At nny rptt--. he wa-- n# eoixllni, a* Jovial, tt» nffsH-tiaitab' ii> hr had ever been.

I hast not hem introduced to Mrs Brv.v a week I'-fore I'illy ant-.-snnecd Uj-.ii it- wa* called ttv-ny on hit,-me*#

•o-td woithl h*- absent for about lo slays, I --sent every c->.u!ngat Billy** nru#*

sli-riug hi* nl s-nt-e. I mnsle «»»■ 'Js klj effort la ml-* an ovenlng. hut Mr#. Revcc 4:*k>-sl tin .velmt ltt th** world isles wt-uM d<> alone.’ l axks'sl her if the r*?- Inlivs' Billy had m.-titiots.*! a# fn tug with lis-r would not iu*:i roinpttniujfj for her, Imt sits* said thyt per.-s.it had gone

nay 1 » HflBy the time the t o lays of Billy *

fthse-ue had gone and they #»s-med Put half u au k —-1 Im l »o far glvs-n Ply iis-ari to hi- w its that l dare not ttu-ct him. 1 asked Mrs. Bryce whs n #he ex- jssetul him. fit-d #lm rtM hot for -t v -u- phs «>f day st. Hut when s'inlng v.!*ft far I Itwrvl a fcev tn H>. UgcIi cf t'-** fwsht Mfc* Jitsl km-. Hint nty l « no friend - no" ii.yfbososn « n* me—had re- lurticd. He n*hcrcsl in a holy whe l noth . s, r. s-onbled id- wifs-. Ftu; cue s t j- t > mo and *ttil|i|i£ty put out fser hand. ,

I a-i* tr* Hryeo." riaA.-ml. *«W« ha\s ,.U Iw<-:t t.laying n cam- , Billy thought it vvsttthl be,1 gseui p-ks; to in­

to my nlssjer. EdJih, tuthi*

-etkethasl a 'it; rry »H wstl-h vnts only-marrctl by I Illy, who t.r-ttld not t»*l#t !tlte Hnipt.ithm to guv n.s- U>r my d -voft.m ts> one whom I ItitsI *upl>C!<d to be hi* wife. Ml* wifs It is ii to frown him -"i; hi* #i*ts>r-1n- law lmjks--l degftere nt him. while Ibath'd sdlly.

I pul un <rtd s«» th? s-sobarrao-ms-nt fiUehtlihg llm join fleil had been pla ;- I upon me shy pri'pswing «*» Kdtfli.

ilwlght Nerwodo In llt<- ft'erbont’ Kvaiaitisr.

Funeral Festivals.Tins Gr«e*# ,>itsl the Kntrnin# never

prs* eriheil s-ldltljig sdlf-Ute at futleraht. On the contrary, they regardcsl them #s festivals amf entertainment* and rhoxe ttn-.-e sxtXirT-itcc# for tho pro- duetioit* ssf tln-fr great play#. Every comedy of I'lati^u* wa# flr*t produced at a funeral ci-B-hratlon.


As The ResultOt a N eglected Cold

He Contracted


The following aro exlrectr, from atlitsry of n Oorraim officer founsl on one f the hattb-ficlsl* r»s:eittly. and which serw titads puidtc by the Britl#h DffP k-t fK-.*# Bur/utiAtigt.-I !»,—Near Gouvy (Bc)gium.

northeiNf of HotBfulttr-i. 7 U~ a in. \Ye ire -till •( iHoc.it strd.-r* to m o v . . vVe linsi a balUo lit the tdrsatn, A gterltnt* stay. . One -,f tin? hrl--mb' stuff of office,•» cams' <;ut in the - *dng and waj aatonf/hfxl'tn fins! u*

dlls hero (etr orvlcr# just-t have been issht on Un- roasl. . . i hear that our

in tl'« :»;‘«u ilt on Liege wer-- v -ns-thiug like lA>d men.

AtiRtiHt •t.—Tlisj Gr«!s*icp'naln I (u«- Mir* living Albert’# Ovsn» arrlvsd and brought si# tlx- new# announced In D»«*dcs. papsr# that the dtth Brlgaiic Uhe writer # own hrlkmlc) had 'teen Imdly s-ut up. Ami wo hiivt-u t had a si “tit cf la*' enciuy;

.Yxguxt ?a -\Ye matrix.1 westwards in the <ltr**rt!nn of Mont le Bnn. The et-s-my I* apparently etdrcnehinl on tbs> Mr tire. 1 went Into tbo village to ;*sini*ltts.»n a dictionary, but I <ruldn't •st one. I was nutonifdx-d tofiitd *1* much Nt Sit left to miulHlthm. elisor laity ItuHcr. conxiderltiK thni 16* '■71th RrslitK.il had gene through in front cf in*.

DIslAGREEABU: WEATHER.Yc.gUi-t 17, - -DamnabB' wet. We sr •

staving nit sxtra dav here to prevent our men K--Iling tx#̂ <e<i Hirmtgli. In T.ii-atts i-iieon ! Imd a Isnik nl tin-little .-P ,ts an m-lnagiug to one of the King *

it-tori'* *m»t nt home.t Our men had iM-Jtaved like rcgnlnt vandnl# Tiis y iiaii h otcii th-- cellar flret find th« -> had jjttn-cd their att* ntion lo the bsa«ros»ms Ami thrown thtnr# aheut all over tlx- place. They Imd even m*.sle liitlHe- s --ffstrt* to nr-.-anh the jafc oncit. Kveryihina vv-u t*>| *r-‘nrvy--innsnin- r'ti? faroiitire. -ilk. and h -h s-hiun. I'bii.k .vlm« h»p|H?n* when the nti*ti or»- itllowed to retjuisltlon for ti.--m* **lve>, t an- *ure they must Ita-e fstktn nwny n lib«j» of «*'h>s# duff slm; ly f<>r tlx- ph-u-sitre of Ipotlh *..

Au-JiWt 2*» —We mar--lied to Aehene t in the dire-tlon of Dlnant.l Tt-e ns'-tt ;tt»- ii«.t ;x< te-timrd to long mars tm* y e f find thev art- tmt « h netivc n# one eotftsj «l*h I shhttldn't Ilk- to take Ft*-t>» iml-r fir- ev. ti after 2*- Hlome- Irs- f l l lhilps) Yh- d|v|*lon a*M-ni' t.x-il ut Athene, it is lmt.n.«-lbl«* to hmtain- tlx* size of such u forre nns! tl >- iratfie s<n th<- read*, mostly motor* i f ttm staff. At Athene w<- nxt tn<* lt:sxt«. wl.o (*H-k Dinant. tmt Imd to retire In ths* fa--- of superior number* -;t i. fnntr. They told u* tlx enemy'* M-switlng wa-- tx*er item, itlgh*. n# in

Attsm*' 22. Fariv in ths mernliiB ti e s taff s'-rt the ns w* that Namur had faUen. We got th «uilsr to tts- r>,vsiv to nmreh, Somt* of the enemy's

ri ; lane* s-a**e<l over u*. but so hlgts t'- tt t!m infantry and art-tkrv did no p.vod hv slmoting nt them. The bet Plan wmthl te< to «<m 1 our ncrcplnnes tip after them- ’.V** haven't yet got -- vv atiH-alr-'raf? sun*.

« V’JLLAGKIta SHOT.August Night alarm. A house

wa* oa ffrs-, prs.-bahly to di*c!a#e our position to tho enemy. A tspy ««< caught utisl ahot. We marched to l.imgne. hut after passing tHtrinn- the •-s-luu.u went astray; «>’ tiad t* re­turn ou our tracks. Our regiment d< ptoyetl In n little* vulley tending Into tlu* Ms-use. . . . Tin* 1st ansi ”rrt (’atinlion* of ltie 17MU H-gim-nt wer- in tiie firing lies'; the 2nd Battalion in column of rt-uto and In reserve till tl.» sdndl# te**an to come ovs r u*. The ;;nt Ihmathsn toted up its ammunition very quickly. The Mlt Company hand­ed over It* supply to Hx-m. und *0 was out of action for the UintU'ing. Dor lie a came ba« *. and sahrtha: .,t the I*,till where t ie valley johx-.i tlie .\x-u#e we cstuUi not get an any further, as the villager« w*-co sttootln,; at e* from every house. We shot the whole ted, sixteen of |«em. They Were drawn up in three ranks: the yam- # »ot did t-»r three at a Hmc. Two #-in.*h h«»w- Hn-n- #uccoe»l d in gstting ints* iMtsl- tlsitt, and In 2# idiot# redues-d tin* vll- lag- of Houvluv. to ruin*. The Mb t'orfipsuiy then entered the 'Blag.'. We tsxik up a position tn a ttoase ovet- Ipoking tho .Meu#c} At th- -lossr I : t. iqx-sl over Hie hotly of ti- * «> os-r. Tits iniiablunt* utlght have ti.e penalty hy bmxting over the guilt:mid paying 13,000 frane: ....

-ur rs-glm-nt *•,,,

t<;t»l darkncsfi. The oilier tdde of Dow- rnery wo came 011 a woosf when.* a I elllah fir*; #iu'q,<d us. The whole edge of tfx- wood *a* one tins? of fire. There wa# a panic; every hotly gstvs*order# and nobody Ihougiit of fs-tllng u# to Us- siown. There Wa# a. slxarking mesa, shot# in every direction. I wouldn't live through those moments again for world#. At last tho captain managed to get a few men together to form a Bring line. We were being shot at by fr'-nd ami foe. it was a grave error o-t <ne part of tho #laff to start the r *3 lm t.l sot a nighi march after three Ot.ns d*y#. After Ihc fight the iitglit .1 <!< rs- one might have hnnghx-d that Ho* cfcray would inks' up a «tr<tng r.ta-eh Stddcnly firing began again.1 st'n v.-«a nothing to t#< to-en hut Iniahc#, behind which Hie TtirWHl wa n* very cunningly hidden. Tho enemy tin# been remarkably well trained in mak­ing ».i*e of tlx- ground. The regiment deployed again, mid nftcr tt flercs- at­tack seized a little ridge m-ar fdtunnht. The fighting sts>pped; our left Bank could not get on; our right wing, s.n tho other hnnd. covered hy tlx- Mlt Company, on It* flank, putdii#! f«>r- w#rd rapidly.- it was an a " f" l fight: we had fix- sun In smr eye*. We had ts> cross ground that had bes'lt systema­tically prepared for dcfs-ites'. with "in- entanstement#. etr. . . We got onjo sonic high ground, about t.OOO nte- tre# from I.mmol#, when our own ar­tillery opcns.-d firs* on us. Some sUctt* buret only to metre# awav from sir:It wasn't a hit nice. . . Our machine gild company toiffercd heavily frsmi ossr own shell#, unfortunals-ly. Several offteere were wounded. Suslds-nty - >• came up agaiiift tho enemy'# artlllorj. whlcli wa# tn a |>o#Itlon'on a flank. The men fell back. Tlx' enemy'* gun* were probably to btre u# on.The whole nf L.aunot* was in flam**#. We advanced again, and by mean# of a very heavy fire f-irr.-t t?»c Zouave haltalinn fo relire. I^stnol* «a * the t7sth‘# haiitism *»f Brs-. We had lak«-n on the enemy's artillery practically Btemo. The other brigade followed up tho enemy, white r-e-.fed after four exltansHng day#. Our ioks*-* were enm- l-arativ'd)- slight. Tim enemy makes al­most too good it>s* ot tho ground, with the result that he shoot# too high. Bulleta were alwnys whlHtllng round tt# without our being ttbb- to see the enemy even with an rxe-db-nl pair of RlaXSCR.

IN A TIGHT PLACE.August ;:0.—\V<- wititdre v In ord*-r

to rejoin the other division. The light began again, probably hy fix- II. Corps, which ha* lo gourd the railway line. Retliel-Mcaiere*. Th** 2nd Battalion of the 17M h »a s escort to artillery.We had to be very much on our K>inrd against the left flank of our urtllh-ry. W.« soon found that th*- enemy had more gun* than wo had, espcclall; more Utnn the t02ndi "ihteli wa* In re #crvi' and hasl cnormdu# logst--*. Wo h>st a few men. ts>o. After fighting front one ridge to Hx next ’ withdrew, an-1 w»- seized Aiiitoneourt. We are In a t« rrlhly tight place, as have pu«!x*d far much tmt sjuickly.

ScidetnU<*r r,.--SUU at Rethcl. guard over prisoner# . . . T i f house : ire eharmlng Inside. The middle* class in Franco has magnificent furniture, w,- found stylish piece* ev.-rywlser«-. ami hiautlful silk. Imt In what a state!. . . Good God! . . . Every hit *> fumiUir-* broken, mirror# smashed The vandal# theiitM-lves could not hftvs done more damage. Thi# place 1# ; disgrace to our army. Tlx- Inhabitant- who Red could not have exprrtcd. ot course, that ail their goods would hn> been left In full after so many troop had passed. But the column comman­der# arc re*t»ott#lbte for the greats-r part of the damage, as they could have prevented tlm looting ami dc#trus,-tton. Tlx- damage amount* to milliott* of mark#, even the safe* have b*->*ti at tarked. In a .solicitor's house, in whirl as luck would have it everything wa­in exc-jltent taste, including a colter- Hon of old lace and eastern work# of art, everything vvn# smashed to hits. 1 couhln't resist *nklng a IHUi* memen­to myself here and there.

RAIN OF Bl'LLETS.steptrmbrr *>. -■ lx* Pelix-is Log*-*.

Tour#-8ur-M*rn< I never want to make such marches* again. Simply tost of endurance. We rr"**<-J t Marne Canal on September On our left the XIX. Corps marched straight'

Mt W T. Allen. Halifax. N'.S , writes: *'f feel that 1 vv.nil-l l«- • l-.it!-.; v*.u n-ul >-mr great remedy. l>r. Wood's Norway I'tne Syrup. :»*:r-r.- ixjuMirr if I del not write iiiist let y**u know the wonderful n-Mtlt* that I hove obtiinnl fr*»m it*

l.a-t '(xiriR I happened in von trac t aold. I , tin ;..................>tnm<m

• anti'-e, and I dhl not take any purticu- tar n-ite-c of it at the turn*. However, it slot n->t break up a* quickly a# coM* generally did with me, wraftcr two week*, cit-l no m-;u of improvement. I larzwo to get alarmed. art*l went to my local phy*k-ia;t who informed me that f had contracted wvcrc bronchial trouble as a ft n it of neglecting mv cold, Jlc pre- •*ri!*«» *»#!•■■? ntt'Iirinc fof me. which I t-wk f--r s!*nil t#*» week-* without auv f-ign of itnprrtwincnt I wa* getting pretty much dtwmtrajtctl I»y lJi*-n. hut ««v- <i.»y a fri**n-l happened to lie in to "boat 1 «#-» rclatiii;; my trouble, nod he advised Ole to try- Dr; Woori's Norway Fitte Syrup, paying t)mt he had obtained very |Hta:f»i‘Mi result* from it* ti'< i« a Mmdsr e.t*c. I t'-.-k hit advice and procured -everxl is-tCe* from my drng- gi t. After taking it, accs-rding to direc­tion . for aJstvjt lw*» tiav ', t noticed a •Icetdesl iinprovtrncnt, and front tiiat slay <fit t ftejjan f<» grt better, and in ten dry; f was m my usual health. I con- *i<!t-.- thi# an r v - iient *howing for ymir remfxly, and can highly rccommcmi it to uovonc ftfllictcl ti* I wa«. 1 *-hall always put its 1 : <>’k\ word f*>r it whenever the opportunity '>!Trr* itself.”

V-«» can K-Kxirc J>r. Wood's Norway Ibnc Syrup from auy dntggi-t or dealer. J*ncc. ansi The genuine ismanufactured only |>y The T. Milburn Co.. Lunited. Toronto. Out.

The 105th Rcgimeni ha* imd a furl- our fight with th© Knstlrii, 1 bear Saxt-nv i* finding a fr<**h Army Corp# against Ruttsift, under tlx- command *)f War Minister von Karlwlu. And that’s where w>< badly want relnfsvrr-?- tnetti*. A *ht-!J ha* just buret In a Ixtu#*1 am! killed ten men,

September 2 J.—-Quitn eomfortablo hehind the firiuB Hoc.

Ss-i-teinher 2t.-- I took leave of nty heals and went back to th*? trenche# at yille aux Bol«. >

September 25. A furious artilte-rvdUi-1.


Replile Attacked by Red Ants Causes Own Death.

That a #nake will commit sufcltte to • veape torture wa# demon*trated hero thi# week, when two cat#. property o f a homer-leader near the lake, herded a big diamond ranter Ints a ... I of red

I in- came battle also showed that a cat i# quicker and more active than a make, nnd that the feline family !n- #Hnetive!> know* tlx- difference be­tween a poit-onau# and a harmU-## me *llo

Although the cat# that drove the rat ti* <* lo d- ath. by B# own mouth, have kidl'd sent** of harmles# eras# make# uiisl tievec hiivi* *h(iv,ii fear of the non- ppizoiujli# variety they kept at a #afe diwsnneo from the head of ibe burz-taii r.-ptih-

Tins rntth>r wa# flush'd In the #age-brs.eh. diisf it #tarted to zigzag bts- iw 'eu lb" btl#he» uiie of the cal* pounced upon the ringing tali. The angered make turned quickly, colled tmd struck, but th«- cat was out of r> .irb before the rattler was half un­wound.

Again fin- race started through the « ik-’ One cat crouched and scamper- <:! just a few inch*# from the head of ill*- make, the other again attacking Hit- whlikiiiK tail- Repeatedly tho make coiled for a strike, hut when U i ituck the cats were out of roach, and when the r- ptilo waited for his tor- mentors lo approach, the cat* merely Circled th->ir pi*-.v, advancing and re- treating quickly when the snake moved n* If to ntrlkt*.

IT.st fmulcd snak- fhinlly gave up the fight and started through tho brush otj tho high gear. Tlfe race ted over an anthill; «nd in !(# effort# lo c#eaj>'* pursuit th*- rattle.' tried to squeeze Into the small hoi-' used by the limed# as a doorway.

Thousand# of ant# Instantly resented the intrusion and joined tin* attack of the feline forces.

The bite of the red an! Is as painful a# the sting of n honey bee, hul not so poisonous. The little inocct* swarmed over the buziins hissing intruder. They crept Into tho mouth of the siiake. fastfjned thcniselve# lo hi# eye# and covered it# head. The rattler struck bUttdly in all directions, beat-

1 to bum everything, »n<! Htcy j throw n the enemy hack, and th a t 0 « r j jn g the ciKe-btU’-b- th e jrroundi any- ded. ton. In se tting light to '-ev- j division wa# to take up tho nureult. We (hliiu in U* t» ih H turned belly up- ou#e*. In the afternoon *«*r j wore in a wood which tne enemy ward, H un fried to bore i n head Into

vvotisidcdl were caused chtefl/ by v ll- ; through t'liaion*. On our right front lagere, who shot nt u* from the j the Guard Corps w«8 hull? engaged.1 *>n#c#. Th** men were absolutely nuid j When we reached Vllleneuve w-* at Hit# snenkhis: way of flglillitK. They | heard that the Guards Corps had

* ix-ecedseral house-.. ••• *•■- —...... •••■ .... i m-rif 111 a wikmi which eus-mjartillery fairly sprinkled tlx- principal ! searched with shell fire. Left and right tuihllng# in the piac*', tne ‘ hate ; s, „{mply rained bullets, but C.ie one l length of th-.- place, with incendlar* , an, M0,, « «# not among them,i-h* 11*. Il WMS a ntarvclteiis.sl.jhi. th*-j cannot advsnr*- any further: Use S-lKl* =r?“ "'l Sra-fflgMM M S w H I. , „ , m, » , » , lt„ nc („ t Oo n»r ovCTlMk<M!»R' # —•*—, , Irtt 11,0 XIX. Corp* c*n„. up In lime

Iml ,1 n* « • » MnSM. W n - , , p„ „ i„ t„n„ iflecllon <if this Ilf*1 iu.nl' loo waiir. j ,• ... . . iiro-ifui iiiirst-

M-u-u-on r«- H W J I “ t . " " ' , S 5 “ i

S v i s w S ™ , I » III" mm,...... UK, S i " S i »•"M>DINM .R. NO BIXOl A. . . m y ,on|t<.r s<> njjin-l,August 2*'. -We marchvtl to Ni^m-'s. \ \ MAGNIFICENT Sl’ KvTACl.E

Atttr passing Mlrlemont wc earn® to I , . . . . . . ,Vllii-re-eii'l'agne. Tlx- Inhabitant* hn-l j ^' I'tember **.--««' "«•»< r«rwgr.l warned tlx- French of the arrival of | aftalii to the atia.-k againri an enemy »*ur trxoit* by ;» f lgual from the church ; P» rfm ly entrenched, in snltc of hi# ar- tcover. Tlx- s-nemv's gun# ..pem-sl on tiltery fire, which noihlng could sl- 11# nnd kilh-sl mxi wound.-sl quite 11 | tetice: we passed through tin- wnoslfen. So in tlu- evening w • set fir- - again. A* #<#>» as we r -achetl the ______________________________10 the vtihre.-: the priest and mm- northern vdge. a peri<*tly insane fir- * » ■ u i « nof Hi- inhabitants were -bo.. W - ; opened on us. Infantry and shell, "ijh U fa * T r f l l lD f id W ith l»a##ed through Itetllgny mil - s-ivlr., i reilouhhd lutcnsllyi A inucnifle.-nt: i i w u w i v w n i i uCouvin had b«*n partly lo-i-ed. We ' spectacle lay Ix-for-- us; in the far;reached Bml> and crossed the B -Sglmt barkground l^nherre# wa» In Barnes.j fmntter. Tlx- villngs # all rsjnii-1 were i and we saw th- enemy retreating, t urning. We l-itletesl ut Gqy d'DJMire. ! beaten al hist. The enemy withdrewthe firm French village that was re t j trom on- wood to another, but shell-{<jo Hr-. Tlie lllhabltent# ftr*'l on our ! x l ire roHnumlv anO seaileted ire with! men again. Tlx? div ision look ilnuiic

th*> *artb.. Th- ant* held fail.A hom esteader ami his wife and the

tw o cats were Interested spectator#.Finally;, the snak - looped It# head

and deliberately sank two poisonous fangs into tlx cen tre o f it# body, clinging In this position until the buz­zing tall ceased 10 vibrate.—Silver ta k e |O re » corr. Philadelphia Record.

Plain Hint.“ Miss Kni*!.' began a young m an—

■long enough to drop th e 'Miss,* hav-

" Yes; I think yon have." she said, looking at him steadily. "W hat prefix do you wish to riilisnuite .’ London Tit-Bit#.

Nervous Prostration.

lo #(0)1 the villags-s li-'in; hurnt aixi the inhatilants shot. Tin? pretty little village of Gut* d'o&rii* wa* «p- I'.-is nHy sci on fire wlthbttl canw. At

ni-e upparently 2<>0 men *.vcre shot,

, Many people although they know of furiously, and scattered si-* with! nervous prostration do not know what

their machine guti#. We goi lo th--; the sytnptdntf; arc. The priucipat <mc* village at t»*li but were driven out of, arc. a feeling of Bight when m crowded it again with heavy Our I*i#*e« jdxwx, a -lieu.l *»1 twdng alone, fear ofwere eiiornnuis, Tho 17-tii Regiment U-mg in a confined place, ,t hxtTor of alone hail’ 1.7W) nn*ii wounded, bwihlcs society, a dread of thing* lulling Iroin

killed. 1 hell lt#e;f. There,r t , . f nil,*! 1«™ » » • !umv.nl I wrr, ,,m, „ „ u v no i f f i m l- it.

S ’ t t ; run u r n okncm retre.Inqulr.-guilt Instead of riiootlm; theta. I11 tlx tv-ping ws* marched to Maul>-*rf-Fon- lain*', Just un we were hu’ lng our u'ljit Hu* ntertn sounded: s-v-i-yonx l* very lumpy. General Sehramm told us there- was i» nimrt that two of the enemy's antitea, had tak*-n tip « prt;-te Hot: it-mr Mi-ums. Th- Hie Corps ivjis a* luullv i-ttaeklnK ’ io*«ho; the 12th and unit were to the •• -*». We n-nrrhed to M< rh-uiont. No dinner, no Id venue. W.- lay down bv Hi- reiad- shh When morning cam- Un- major i-u«i the bright idea of sru-llu-? It-r io.nq atraw.


fright at travelling ou railroad traia*. met «h'b:s>- i and rereUes*. un- rcJtcshhts •teep, -dtcu troubled with

. . . . . . . . , ■ dream*.

Hr,'. Our la>l ottlmf 1 (1. «m l n w jjg l Ui.ru'. . .........I N-ivi- Kill.. I r„<itd l isit do my own work, it t-»s« ,v!v one,.or would I

Mv nerve* were text for iit-l my lic.trf " i* *0 Iwd it:«h‘ - (•* .vv-.r, l t-** Oute

the head. Our artillery wa# *ho!iting dangerously short. Tiw- Krturli ar- | ai 1 not v. te-Her al #tre*-; flghttne. atol a!# t In E„ a,,y j,j uny Hghtlng In w-ldch they can make three ve x-. ts»v* of any - obstacle that g-v - them nu-le tn<- j.rover. j l*>w-»

Scplember 22.- Troops of th- ’ Mb' than 1 an ,i„w. 1 welglt 21) jwund#thirp# passed all day. Appure-ntly Ux-v m-if 1 ever sli urt- lo com** up on tlte r'ghf wing. ‘'M ilburn'* Hurt .0. 1 W -tw I’ilR ant T heir infantry has lost a s heavily a# o'*' j#-r ten. A im r- f<«r $1 '2o. a t all our#. God know# whnt the Idea of tifla dealci-. *•! mailed direct -*n receipt of reinforcement i» I am convinced tha t Prire by The T Milburn Co t.im iud,

A uguit 29e—O ft #t 3 « .m . tlm u it iu tbl# country *»Ul |D < us #11 « *r«vg Totooto. c*nt

D a y s of R h e u m a tis m N o w O v e r ! W o n d e r f u l M ir a c le s W o r k e d by

Its ^Strange Power is the Marvel of Thousands it

Has Cured.You " ill wolcoiius tlu> good iif" ;;

that "Norvilitv* ’ rnpttRy reR«v«* tit*' most vxmiclatiiiK pains.

Nirvllim* p*'itidrate* dividy in to (lie Thump, ami tMts»e*<*<-w itnitfuibilulng |Jt»wcr a t P 'ss t five tlntea Riskier than tdiyllilng h»T<dufort» discovered. Its nirntlv** bifldi-tie** ii|«m rlk’UtimUc pains is really wonderful.

N* rvlHn«' is « ffcr< *1 tu tlio jteupkv <>C th is fonm nm in tuttl* r » j>o*Rivc g«ar- mtUc of Us rcllublen-

As a cuntllvo au»*nt «»f severest pain, ever o rl»* tim a«lt s!»>alti test th is g rea tntne.lv .

UlicunititiMtt is Ht*> gr.-aN-.-t i* KtrvlUiit* Inis to m w t. l t enre.i p:tlu',- b is mid m ill'. Inti to riieutmtJic ♦ <■ flail,v i; Is « Bf'itt lit;-: slits. :i.1 H Is it* 1110*1* who tutffer irotit ti!*nra1i*.!a.

. Hlitfltfl

T it#


fit 11.! You can u*.? it freely I tlr. n for th*tlr aches amt j d* pemlatde, r.-lialtli', *-.*f:I • qua! K<mil‘ old N'ervBim- as -t f i f a i i family remedy.

I O l tlut sdbo.'Rt fii'tib* T>Tti­lt h far more cctuutmlcnl Uimi lira cen t tria l site. Sold by ib'nb't.. < -n vitere-, o r direct Irani Tin- ‘ \ h **r oxono Co., Kllifiston, Cmtad.*.

TUANSPLANTINl.: F it IT T TREKS.Opinions ar<: tn tided ror,.<rdins the

»«h*on for, irausplittulns ircc t sotmr FK-lntainint; i?:i; c-prlng L* b«d . others prefer ai'ium n. Th« arsum cm a In built ease* pro good. But, nU<-r nil. If th e work t» well done, ami the sub- 5sr<jtttiu trea tm ent of the trees i* c<tr- r e d . i t itu idcts Huh* wbul »*hkou la

.gUwt'U for setting.Mich hardy tr**-s a s the apple se>'tu

to do better when t-ei ou t In th e tall, no they thus yet. on earlie r s ta rt in spring. On t!io other Ituud. louder tr te a , ax the p. je h ami apricot, a m very oltw t injured by unm uully un­favorable- " inters, o r taicii «* am »e~ eompanh-d hy (requcul and sudden change*, t : p*-fial.y if the w eathertarn* to m ; On noils ilitu " in te r is very of them . urd. drained. iU> s ou t peach

>.id a fte r lefts rain*, re heavy, a very w e t id to kill more or lees ; th e grouid is well

safest plan i* lo *<;t ; in the stprim;. IMm*H


j received from a disianee in full, the root* and a considerable portloa of ihe ste ius should be burled In fine; multow earth , where mice cannot reach them, lining careful to fill the; Interstice* between the root*. If placed In tlii* way on a d ry ' location, they will kop *afcly durliiK the ntos’l severe w inters.

To properly tran sp lan t a free, so b* to cluck the growth ns little «s pos­sible, i t should be luken up ns nearly a s possible with the en tire mass of the root*. Very few p«-r*ons w ho dig up trees a re aw are tha t they a re cutting off and leuviiiK in the around nine* ten ths of titv network of finely branch­ing fibre*. The root* usually extend to a distance about equal to Hie height of the tree.

However, It Is not posslbbr to avoid m uttlafing th e roo ts to some extent, hu t the leu* It is done the be tter will It be for (he th rift of tile tree. Some kinds of tree* recover more quickly from its effect* tha t others, l o r ox- am ple, the peach will reproduce new nlloois very quickly, nnd neneo If the top la lopped in a corresjutitdlng do- g w » to the mutilation of Use roots, new *hool* will soon be throw n out, ami the tree will speedily recover from the effects o f transplanting, provided, of course, th a t th e best cultivation is Blven a t the tam e tim e.

The* cherry, <m the o the r hand. I;; ,t very slow in producing shoots, and i \ ; easily lojurc<! and cheek*--.! by much i trim m ing, an*l It i« im portan t t o ; Bccure n* nearly na po*>tible the en- ’ lire removal of the roots.

In lid s respect th e apple tree 1* be- tw lx t the pcac'i and c iierry. conw- qnontly tho topsvfiliould bo more spur- irg ly pruned tliaii tho peach, in tran* . planting, in re.cjfi ease* it 1* a good rule to cut off only a certain portion of all th e on* -v*vr Khoot*. Kcr hi- ? Btunce, threc-f&urtb* to n lae-fetuh *>f i cacit shoot mdy b? cut off from poach ; t r e t , onc-fonrth to onc-lialf from i nppla trees, tutd vi-ry few if any from > cherry tree*.

T he best modem pracliee ixnbrac*** ; Ihc fellowlns requisite*, n tte r the tree ; linh been eurefully dug up. the soil j properly enrich<*l, and the holes pro- ! ja m ! for Iheir reception:

ITrst, Faring off with a knife ihoee i pnrlr of ihe roots which Ituvo been ; bruised o r wounded with the spade, I s<i :,>■ to prevent decay.

Fteontl. If the w eather I# dry o r the ! root* have tu'eona* tlrhal out of (no | ground, dipping them iu a bod of *ott { m ud, to eoat the ir surface.

Third. Setting the tree no deeper ’ than St «PK>d before, except th a t it he j an Inch o r two to allow th s se ttling i of tho cull.

Fourth. Spending out the fibres lit i every direction tt* widely and evenly } a s pc¥slbl*\ while fine mould Is *pr!n- 1 kk-ti o r silted la oniong them to till up i the hole.

Fifth- Hashing In a few ipmrta of w ater, when ijoje Is nearly filled, o r ; ponririK It. fr.uu a v,;«icring-|*dt while ; filling, to se ttle the earth ilosely tm ouK all the flue r**'»t* and h ave no interstices. Afi< rwurd*. the tillltis Is completed by" a layer of d ry .'m ellowr-^rth. T his mode «>i stiltflng th e '-a rtu 1* much better than trending with tb" foot.

Tree* pet out In autum n will to- ■ quire Btlffcnlhs against the w in ter | w inds. If they art* »f m oderate s i t e , ! r mound of eartt* will l*e wtifflch'ttt, (•mbattk*-d uftout th e <r*-‘. S jcSi a mound also tends to prot**:t ih e roots from tho Infhienec of w ln t-r frost; ii is to !*• rem<i'*ed and spread In th - spring. W hen fciaken nr-- u.-**i to stiffen Hu- tree*, they hlumld !>• d riven ! iK-ftro t!m hole 1* filled, nnd straw isaiid* tle<l between th e tr*— mi i th e : Make m ns to prevent nil jKe*R*lllty of chafing the bark.

FARM NKWS AN!> VIKVVS."Caatlc-main* Nancy, lil t, 2S,**J*.id," i*

the name ami registry of nil A>r*liire cow bred »ad owned by I’erclval Itub- <ra*. Jnn.. l*«i*hnr*t Farm . X arberth, I’nw tha t hit* been declared chuniphoi of tho world, She wsia bom ’ Oct. H>, 1'Jlb. and iu color t ; whip-, with a li t­tle red. H er weigiit lx l.«ir> pounds. From August. !!*).", to and Incliiitlng Ju ly . 1!*I4. her rfeotd warn d ll pounds of bo lter and dsp*. . quarts o f milk. Th*! la tte r at six e t*t.- a qua rt, a m ­ounted to fib'.".*, I! cost f l - 1.01 hi feed he r In tim t time.

A warm bran mash h a good tiling to few! a ewe right n ite r he r latnh ha* been born. Thi* tend* lo help the flow of milk.

U tte r* «f Ibrc-v* to five a re too low. and tbc sow itiat enu <l*> no better af­te r a fair tr ia l should h» discarded from the herd, if an average sow ta n save eight ply* till* number " t i l b<- found t*i lake care of tv norm al tnllh flow and will ninku larger and imtrc uniform growth and in m ost cnacs bc f*ior« f rofMable to *ha farm er than wt*

nbnoratRliv larg*- in te r «»* idp*In nverace *(re and lew iu vlMitiv.

The bull a t the bend «»f it vtradi* li**td aliuiilii,; if posftlljie, lutve richer p ro ­ducing Wood titan one «t the bemi **f « herd of purc-br*'.! cow*, n* he ba* -* harder battle to m aintain hi* um*d •itialltle*. Ho rcp rw 'tits a larger pn* tH'rtiop of tb*' vatu*- of the herd. Only ill* heifer* will be of value, and oil bull calve* htioiild bo sticrlfired.

If the lamb is to be dropped In early w inter. It |* desirable tha t a little * '-• Ira grain be fed, and for n little lon­ger period. In order to Irtilht up the lamb and ••liable the ewe lo j:iv<> a large am ount of milk. It tho lamb* ar<> not t*» he born until hi the spring, for slu-op tu good condition jtrolnlnu a month before lamhlnB Is Ions en­ough.

lteinem hrr in u*l«R commercial f*r- til itc rs th a t nitrogen i» th e elenu-ut heat needed to stim ula te the growth <>f foliage and Pander branehea. t’he*- phorlc aeld J* needed for kornW-t of corn, Krain* of vvlienl; oa ts und rye; potash for rigid sta iks. roots and stem s, flavor, color and quality in fruit*. '^ 'x-

F or the hog; shout o r pig tha t drag* It* hind quarter*, feed a heaping table- spoonful of sulphur to a gallon of milk once n day for Ihree o r four da vs. (Jive bu t little . If. any. w ater; o r f*** *l besides this. A fter two day* repeat ami you wilt rejoice a t the r»-*ult and re ­member the remedy.

Htiftar bed* and mangles are cheap and produce I'ork with am azing rap- hllty when Judiciously ft-d iluring the grna«lo*H season. They *urim*s oil menl or innknge nnd are less cosily. The w riter has rained and fed !»t« of theju and consider* them e -s-n tla l to cheap pork production during Uk- win­ter months. They are splendid feed for hrixid sows.

Live stock men say tha t Improved methods, of feeding and marketing lmgs, together with the public demand for m ore lean m eat and leas fat in the t*ork line, explain The decrease In w eight. The name lit true with cattle. Ueof steer* a re averaging much ligh t­e r th sn 30 years ago.

Tuesday. Nov. !0.-~Tberr "a* prac- tlra lly no m arket th is m orning, and; although produce was scare**, there was no change In price*. .Meats were fairly plentiful, but a s there have been very few buyers during Ut«v past four o r five weeks, it 1* very cheap. A nother drop In live hogs and pork H monmnWrlly expected. Hay is selling a t |I7 ; and although thore |« « itofnl crop. It Is cxtit-c«*-d lliat It will go up. (Jrapcs are nearly done, bu t its the ir place a re large quantities of apple* and other w inter fruit*. HtUtcr went up one cent a pound, but Is " till fa ir ­ly cheap for th is tim e of the year, due to the f a d ih a t late pasture has been plentiful.

NOT CORRECTIs Notice Sent to Butter Makers

From Toronto.

During Die past few weeks, produce tlrm s in Toronto, dotihtie*!. with Iky i»!-*t inten tions hut without anthoriO from th is Department, have been *• tid­ing th e following |o tb -e to ihe ir < «r- re*t*omi< nt* in the country

Im portant H otter Notice. All ieil- te r In package*'or wrapped in pue b- ment paper m ust lit futur*- be labelled “ D airy" o r "C r.aiue rj '. This no bu tte r con be nought <*r w b l la plain w rappers o r In iinhramJtd p.iek- agc*. No bu tte r can be sold nr bought under brand of “ .'v j a ra to r.'' T he word “ Dairy" o r "Creamery'* m»H appear on w rapper o r package.

Failing to comply with the above (Joverm m nt Act you a re Uablo to & fine of *10 to $30 for each offence.

For fu rther information wris.< Urn Department of Agrlcultur.-, OltaV a, and a?k f*.*r copy «f the Dairy Ihdu*- trv Act. I9H ,'bu lle tin No. 42-

The informutbm in the above notice Is not quite correct. T he regulations, m ade under th e authority of thy Dairy Industry Act, m il . yarn*- into to n e on Sept, i, and provide (hat when dairy bo lte r is put tip in bb.x’ks, square* o r print - and r. tapped in imrchtnem paper, Ibte p a to r yhall bo printed nr branded with tie ‘ Dairy H otter,.' In !* ” • t •* one qua rte r of an <«*’*> eqosD . »n au­dition lo any o tb - r wording Foal »**' butterm aker may d*-s!r<* to M**-. Tlo ro 1* nothing in tim i-.nv o r regulations;, to prevent th e use of th*- •'**<:<- ara to r,” In addition t" the w ord’ •■Dairy Hutt«T,'> but no such grade <>f Idito r a s " g e e a ra 'o r, ' 1* rtcoguD 'sl by the law. Thy R utter Act of !*-‘03 fined only , wo g rade ,, namely ’ Dairy nntl ''Crearnyf) / ' The Dairy Itnluidry Act of 1914 define* « th ird grade a* , "W hey" bu tter. ISutt.-rmaker* rsiay use ntij" form o r p rinting or branding, I including th e words “ Dairy luut* r," j which is not iccstnsistcni with th** do-1 finltlon «*! dairy bntt.T. Mutter In roll*, creel;* o r tub*'T* not required J to he branded. Dairy bu tter in f

R e d Cross Has This I tn p o r ln n l Feature in Hand.

Tin- b rg g hospital barges under tic*: eciply*-* <if Hie Ftilon of the. Wooten ft( Fiipiee, fitted np anil used lo r ner­ve • befooen -Farin', and llm bulilc fron t, arv proviug a l«»>tt , io the ’woihdctl; The uso of barge* Is n<dh- »u i P its tlian an Inspintihm , b's-nuse tl - t>ar<;.--. »"ip,cr p*».sitde wfcut I* ipp i.'.d lde by mi) o the r up am: trea t- met**, " title In course of tram It.

f be ■ !|.> tie Franco" Is 1> log a t pro* s in mv.r the Fiffel low er. T it# is the Delne barge of *|»«* usual *!.,<; ami type. ; blunt iiov tl, lo-jv|l> un*l r«-o. il> ootti. ; Yon en ter Ibo ludd by a ->lcpfadtb'-r.. which: •* part o f tho hospital t-<pii(»- v-unt. f l i t ' i ; ;t kifg** utam lxT. not orach, h-sa high from floor to celling

Than a u - ordbt.tr* mmiih. wolMH nnd* ei tiiati-u by npatm of skylbtltia. Tite

o f ,th e holds have leva painted j e fitie . Tno fe.c*« bn* been thorouglily j ernlde d <ti»t for (bo reception of te-d*.: of which m u : foH V o r flftv Will he accomnpMlatr*!. At th e n ite r end of 1 the cham ber «• < «<• is a llltlt; npart- i tiP'iit, "h lelt v. ill form nil excellent j i* *trrug room. Amidships, and built in x ’.eh n nutnvicr th a t ctvtrv can be : i.iniie ehii.-r from fmt*pi<* «.>• a *<mrt ; i light of slops b’!«*llng downwards «>r : from tip* bold itself t*y a fllgiit lending : tq-'v.trd*. l> the Itargo m a tter'* c a b in .!

i»nv<rt«-d'into n living room for t wo surgeons.

'Hn* forw ard |o>rtfon -of the t>.«rg*'• an acevunmixlalt! more bet)*, and the re j is no reason why a |s>nion of it. should ] no t bo vvttlk'd in ntpl'utosl a s mt oper* >, siting room, more especially slue*1 b» | «:•** lesw a useful washing apparatus is ; lilted.- Tlio banto is heated by s to v e s .! ami ;» small e b e lrlc plant la usually | liodallcd. It iy calculated tha t f«r ! J,vw- a barg>- ran t*e eonapl* t* ly trans- | formed Into <t floating hospital, fu r- : t'lnlicd s»n*l pu t into commlssbm. Th*> I cot! of the h ire <>f each harge is ! roughly about a day,

'l ira m eat ndvnnlaso of a floating • hospital 1*. of course, ihii! tr'-atun-nt • ran begin Immediately tin* patient la l-rroght nlsvard. Moreover, thanks lo ! flu p resence of a ssnall erane, a ; stre tche r rnnTto lifted in to the bold wltiiotst d islurblng th e wound#! scat- ! in tin* least, and llf t-d out again In ! tin* same manner,, It Is Hitss timde i clcttp iha t tlm lo t o f Hi” severely : v,muolcd sutta who Is carried to It arid licstPsdlaU'lv ruU n ic d by a txmq* tent Min'ctm is .happier than th a t of a sol- j dies wins tm isi travel many nlllcs by .] road. It 1*. of course, not to o> com- ■ pa»«*i wltii th** bu of a man who lma ! a tra in Journey «>f ;« couple of d a i s to ; endure before trea tm ent Is pusdldc.-j Ten o f these fa rce s ar*‘ .'illicit**1 fo r! ti e use o f tb,- H ritislt tn>o;*s how a t i the front, to 1« <s|tti|i|>ed and supplied i ly tho l!«d (ho .* Ambulance A x-bib 's. I T.ot * the sphere of l t d Frin.t siriJvltb s ] In* loco toe *-plargisl, and tho ne* d . t ! <if (hat human*,' society exteh bul. It ■ is easier to send a subitdfisdi oi than i be a wound* d sohlicr.

Help ft:*- Red t*r*>'».

THE LABOR MOVEMENT.tChicago Tribune *

a n d , Injustice a re human. Folly, selfislltP.',-*;*, uiul * lioftsiglised- j mes* a re human, and a ll **f these ap* ! pear on i*oF; s:d* > «.f the industrla t j .-'troggie. W hat "<• need to realix**, and a re r* nlii-Jug nior*. clearly a t Hup- ( goes on Is tha t the labor movement \ Is a pa rt of m an's .'irugglc upward, a > pa rt of the democratic* advnuco { which Is the main ph< nonp iion «d ou r |age.

Cun Oily Find Relief hy Tonin<f the Nerves Will* New

Rich illoud-T he v...man wbo *'fltA» to pics*?, j

over the b,a s t rtotso or excH>.?n* tit , soil fades iiud' hiM S h ;.* good hoik*. |

Dark rings appear under her eyes, the j •/'lines about it r ip.mth :m*l F r*xhad-

the ; im and:; Icngtlpsi, th > «•>>:•. b*x;**m*‘ • : oo|:<p. fh>> fm *•: draw n and the com- ‘ ploxlon sallow.

Iho tiouid ♦ 1 * ncr'-oustio-ss and u i; the sii-.tin is -pu r *i;ev«-*| ami the t

u* r u p r « * p o r ly nonrlulp-d, nervous • ttdlap.-c and year! of sickness nmy : easily fola-w. Jtr, Williams*' F ink 5 I'llD Sor l'.d-< I's-pt*' will save >“ u > fDim th is dnqidfitl afHhitlmt. 'T hese • STIls lUiik** t*n-in ■..« rich blood Unit * n'kirl-h'w and tom s tho nerves und banl -lnw «•.-•ry (race * t niTVodBmss. < .Mis. Miiigar -i Dimley, Amhert*l. N. S„ j m o -,: - I h.-tieve Dr. Wllllama’ I’ltlk f lits «vvcd up- from th e erave. I w as! ink-o (hnni "K h P-rvo-.n j-rcg-tratfCn, ; and for n ienlhs wu.i iinahlt* to walk. I ; shiwly r*covi r*-d u n til 'I was able to : v*. Btsalti but (hero tie; Jft'p rovcnm it ; cinbd. I was getting weaker and : "•-user until I .-oulit jnid. get from dim bed to a cun-b; j!:li - least u<-De would : s - t me ti* >/!•:*»: a ll over, an I «(«<•« 1 Mle-u i went F> tbc table 1 w odd h-.n** ft it tnsrv unit;; v t mmldo to 'so | IkmctbiPH l " a s tuk -n with rnm tber- | in e Rs and W t tv*-If > E«dng to ; d!e At other Hm- ; 1 weot.1 Ik* m> i in reieiN Hint I #>nld : md hold any- ; Thing in my bntrls, i was d*-<-torlng ; nil th e tit *, . bt‘t w ithoot temefit. and , firmllv l made up my m in i ! would try lo vv'llHam^' f in k fills . They w«ro i tin* firsi imdiciiio Ihat r »v« nm any j j r l i ' f , and I was <* m aid*' to tak*- a . diort * walk- I e.miinued ustng Uir f fill* , cradmillv :gHtilq*: new health 1 a id e tr n-.-.lb. un til 1 fllhdlv !‘‘lt i p i m i l ever I did In '«*' »«'* At f m i tim e D r WUHnmT t’lnk I’HI* <»f"d me : I was living in J.tc’tviM... and mv m - j

C. P. R. Gets Important Link With Russia

mx- and • nr-» wn- known *«» .->eij***« ; la Ihat |d.tc«\ m i 1 m v fri* ud<. like ; m vtelf. licllev,' tno f ills i-a-<d mv

' T ’ -m flits ire sold by s ll m*-*ll< tin* dealers o r will h ' s -n* by t“aH »» V»; e.'ot • a- h*<v *.r jlv have* fee J" *o l*v ; T he Dr William;-’ M« Ib’ine «*o Jtrt-ck- i vide. *n;t

WHY* NOT WALK?H am den \*lv*rtl"eii

f 4>05« d in ati:; office p H day. there ! a te !< | t«f piagdo V.l:o ft cl they 3*0 | nut gem*!,; H tdr d u r r i l *’aa :idn 's ; rloMon:. lull weallivr. >‘m> :M-.trUi’ a tte rnc *t *>i*ent • - *-r :• d< - do i;. t in* to ticti b .* the lim i t Fraud j of option.m> inf v.h.ti tin- qm tlm : 1 tim e a fip u d there Is • '• wby «-*- - hVatM walk lsv t* .vi «t erowd- h-.g lut*» ■-<r • •? <.<»'*. and »*■<»> 1> * 1 Dt l*v tb«- O ntario uhtuii.n- Throw' Uuk vt o r shoubier,’. bresiiu- detply. s ic - «-d bri-kly O n a e ng nhd <«m;vxiibm. V-U*r Mill, a • 'p jr.td e if \ •))) „ r. ..-I*- < f ti c lo. I.i f-w who

t..r lit-s.ldl s bat *

In connection with Il« round tho world traffic th o Canadian fac lflc Railway lias, for a number of yearn, had close relation** with Hie Trans* SlU-rlan R allw iy, and m*K--d has bee»tint only railway on the N orth Ameri- cuii continent to take part In (ho In- tc rtuuloual round tho world rai -ay ooiifem tec, which In U»F5 wok held in Moscow, und thill y ear would Intvo b*c n held In Marseilles if th e w ar had ho t broken out. It w as on Up* pro pttsnl of the; fauudlim fac lflc Ittillwn.v ihe t th e liipanre*? State Hallway a atnl to*’ Canadian Pacific Railway ehcitaJ tpemlM’ra <if thin canfercnee «» Moscow. The d in 'd ocean link between Iho Canadian f a th l c Railway and the T rans-Siberian has h ltherlti Is-- p la rk ­ing. but thin link may v.*rv Hinm h- forged by th*.' establishment of. a d lo w ,- * r * (ce of Hit* Russian y o lun its-r llccfy a Russian tJovernm rnt servle j opt ra t­ing from Vl.uIDontoek hi .-mitoeUmi with tli« TriiriioHIberlan Rnllwaj-.

Tbc recent w ar has brought Rutislan ami British Kmplrc hit*.-ex* much dost r together, and " i ib * lusbb’rabl*' enterprlae tlm. Russian c.ov* rm neni has arranged to semi tip- Nljnl No* cos rod. a volunteer fle*-t RP-aoe-r. n> Van coiiver fo star v.-,ial bugltiess y.iti tic tdiked up. She will leave Yaneoiivt*r oh Nov. 25 with several tim asand te n , of freight delivered to Iter bv Hm (’onuilltin t’uelflo Rtillw n;. h o lm l. <oi promising i* Ihd hU»lt»*'a« th a t a

rid vessel, the Kiev, U rch-slulc*; to a rriv e a t Vancouver earl.- m -n MKtnih. lenvllis lignin for Russia ms C hristm as Day. T his Is evidently h ad ing ot> t<> a possible nrantid s*-r- vica tKtweon Canada and Russia, and llinugh Hie C’mmdlntl faidfic FlulWny is ill present only Issuing through hills of lading for freight, there D n - rea- twn why # tn im iiger buRln*-.-! should not prow up altio. ;\s si maHor o f fact, ti,-. t anaillnti fae lfle ftnilway, which kat’db-d th e Vo-.gorad at tie- fafun*sr j.,*ro> on lier eastlmund to :- * g I m a k t# iwverjil ii;n*8(digora for,: VnntMUvqr. Tim d|s*ilact*menl ot th is v s s c l is e,2»j

There ;»r<- many tom niodlti > which c m profltubly In- exclmiu:* J b#w.*en Hi* |w o counlfies, for instiup'* grains, i: aeSiittcry. nti-.u rals. hides, fora i* it* n. tohiiceo, * ond*nrail nil!:, t*p>b lea. a |ipl -a. etc, Tbe'UdSSkoi vol- i: , t :> r fie -( is an extcnalv*- :itp|- Wrlf- ti’a.isp- d orgatilra tlon. tsips'-tlng^ of i.-y.rl's-n t* -,-‘,:!s, io ta lling alwrat 7 >.*i0p t * ms, H lias an . xeoiu-n* aervie* frtim, \ ijiipvi-.iioeh i > TsuriiSd and SltlnP'nl- .'■ *,!, tw o Jat«aRe*<- ports, Th;' sdeari- • r.i ir . 'l ts wrv:*- • were built mo-tiy in tfhsgb 'v and Newcastle, tip* Novgorod ( .tilin g front tb*' • erds *>f Vrui.-- AMeli.-il t- «v./, «,f Newctieve. m d lh>;l- l- v from t!.< * f A'-S. Thompson.. f C.laygo"


E. W . G i l l e t t C o m p a n y L i m i t e dW INNIPEG T O R O N T O . O N T . MONTREAL

,„ . . »h<* fin«M t l dw'ltl* ;i Mill-Hu* p a rt. I*

M»n* l:o lv !"t< . * Inlet' «*ut. i -HU re»o tin iiM |.l* a la n d n* •• i«.f appllatp-* •* in*O'— tH n : i..•an st'lm al • JP tfi »JiFlil the !•■ • k C* Cui’ - >* -I l

» .-• (Tit.I- I' »< >i ••••H*. Cliini t!p.-c f in d *1 :n« ifliaiTu?yif c-

H u render io n •;.t* b b v V ,*lk i* r .la .H . at’ « *»«

V i i . r , *.-.t b e 'ie t. I >1 te tf r r . F«h !-tr.ii* 1 on* large diiddea y . lu health , eh. -rl-d it ' ■ > , V bp*)K HP 1. il* q>i(V

It- pia* i»C Hie \ ib nUid stilt*'* ■

■ said the gratefu l \ r(*p!i*d the *>5d J

was a fine M ate- .; going to bav.* a ;


*N**»' like l*< he Pt til>;

>* -- bssh been g n a t so; ......, l . . t tp-v-r diiy or night t*a*a but| still r*nieii-b-r what .tip- laird hath

• !

i*'M a Is*i

i.'datlon is pro!

Ihv.viile. On!., o riho '"* ' t o ’r b** '* r t i-iJ- from nepuraior er*nm. *»' Mrs. John Doe, Rose Hank Farm . lmcvU!*Vi,QiR.

The full t‘ .\t «.f “T m 'lm - n . tad->r- try A< l. I9S4.' ;rad tb - regulations madi' iberemi'b-r at- •, ':b'.is'ie.( «- Bulletin N*», 13, ’ Cwbt Htorage r'*-riu|, v. h jrb l*e qbtasnol *o,- dersfgne<Lt»r fa : Cm' i’t>b;i* i>D<Po Branch, D cparino ii Agriculture, Ottawa. J. A. Ria'ilP-b, tuilrv Ciuainh

If you found a roll of bills in a shabby purse, showing that it probably rep­resented the hard-earned wages of a working man, what would you do with

•it? Keep it, and so enrich yourself at the expense of some poor family’s food and shelter? No, certainly not! Try to find the owner, and return it to him? Yes, every time!

There aren’t many workmen losing moniy on the street nowadays, but there are more than you would suppose who are losing jobs, and jobs mean money, so it am ounts to the same thing.

If it would give you real pleasure to hand a laborer back his lost money, it ought to be equally pleasing to be able to hand him back jhis job.

Simplest thing in the world to do! All th a t’s neces­sary is to rem em ber when you go into a shop to buy anything, tha t the article you pick out means some­body's job. If it’s an imported article, well, th a t’s a job for a fellow in some other country, but if it’s “ M ade in Canada’’, i t ’s a job for one of your fellow Canadian citizens, who for the time being, is a little down on his luck.

T ake your handkerchief out right now, and tie a knot in it, ju s t to remind you about

Canadian Jobs for Canadian Workmen.

i t cm «il*l (limirb-a *ra trii-d llihl are thn | invcttUoi* **f Uic beginner In ** largn nuin-

I Mnnjr poultry keeper* n>*Le the tnU- P*ke ,if hmciipiK i tiirtm from i*»t<- rmteii- • *l ep».-t* >'•«r after year, with the r*-,«uU

, of low-ring vigor In the floek «n»J pr*»Iue- : Itiir -j-e<:i«*-rae n«H Mf» to »l»*vl»n) weight

i Fuller,. haULi-i p* March and April (uul nw| :«« hre-iler* tli- following year nfier they have prove*! Iholr worth «>* layers th<- first laying year, are goo-i

h- kin-t that « ill pr*»ia<e K-ex)

FUt I/.HY HtH'Hi;At tile | - »nl most iepitlry faneiere

ha>» ti very <arge a nun* lit *-r stock ti* ih 'lr } a iris. Clm.9* n s or various age#.»PI| Some of : lilt, (Mrltc-M ;>UII>:|.< ••*•*•«: nt Isyin.'. in aq,tit’*u> to th*- oi*i et>H-k. a t- still <■« hio-l A* th - '•!•! hen-kHI- p*« i*>-t has hnt'lly s iiIvmi. «■>* sohmiso nil iti*. various h*-mt of stock »**,Him there t-hnuhl he no overcrow*Pn« jof T-ulVry Ukeet^r* are { Ti!‘* *lt,n o{ «**<* totnatoeg should al­tio > m t„ think that chicken* can t » i »# »'» 5n.- removed l»- Immersing In boll- t*f<■*( In large mmit.-ra. every pen tccup- 1 |nK wate r for n minute before they areI’nJ S h w « 5 e i" b r a 1 ■n ‘e |ime me *.» ! winter nnd et rinic sh-o.i-t nr*- never offcrad In a salad al a well- 5:e quile ruffiejent. alone « <t?> a f-w (•<rvHl table.«n«ll ebPii.n vonj.*, t̂« house nil J TablwJoltiii gliptihl bo Ironed rather

vet. The longer nnd drier they are ironed, the better they look aad tho longer they «IH keep dean.

To make any kind or plagsaare sparkle IIk« cut ulass, brush It well *lth lukewarm water and soapsuds. iVnuli off the &oa;> and then dip the «lans into hot water In-which a little dtithe* bluing has been dissolved. Do not dry with a cloth, but allow to stand until dry.

If liquid blue is used for bluinK the clothes. I hey should be thoroughly free from soap before It la used, as the' combination of soap and blue finises rwd.

When kid i$tov<*4, spotted with rain.> allowed to dry, they arc hop*lcss. I. they arc kept on the bands and mimed evenly all over with n damp doth, the stmts will all disappear. There 1* no use to try gasoline or any- Hilna else.

lieforc lu-ntintt mtik In a saueepan, H' ays rinse the- pan out with cold i *>t. The milk is then ra.nvii le*s •a; ily worche-l end the pan !« easier to ptenn.

| Never pour bolt in* water over Ja- ̂ panned ware, tea trays, etc,, a* it Is

i great**! egg ; to cause llte varnish to crack. pra« a ten by : vvipc off with a moistfloth and polishleNThalM. U , ftri 3 i oni.(,

<*<>»(mon bakitiK soda will dean a tcrllttg or tJerman aliicr purse. Take

just the soda and n little water and wa»h H with a t-rush. Wipe perfectly dr* and rub with dry soda.

!i»*U water will clean bamboo funtl- ;ur« and Chines*' and Japanese mat- ting. and will prevent U from turning yellow.

Before using tea. spread Jt on a sheet of paper and {dace In a warm— n»t hot -oven for lb or 15 minutes. It will greatly improre the flavor and It will nlso go much further.

\ mbit-spoonful of water or mtlk ‘,1* should I-** allowed for each egg In *:*» | piaklne an outlet.

....................... '<• When n screw bt.'cemcs loose, rc-............ .-■■■- >.< «*'<-frs t wlnt.-t r ib : j .... j, ttntj fjj| the hol« with- bits of

It! I-:' ;T-''I ** flUldit Of t*t** I - - ' ! ' , , , 1— (.(tv T l , , , r(llls(<*i J , -leaner ra.-h mstchtog. h *»* ! %poog« packed tightly. *hca repiaco«\t»V b-! > - , end th*- r<i«t cover-j sercW and It will hold AS flrtXJl>f ,1 vij»n f.li *I'.I 'll cold dlslriflr also

prdvl-Dit Money j AUow’ tw(v j.-vel teaspoonfuls of bak-vreM j jnK phwder to each cup of floor when

. eggs are used. .When mixing pie crust. If the lard.

H O ’Rti.'* A?‘“ ‘-AYMc? „ l)Mr a „d salt a re mixed before add-> — > >? 1 i « «■» »»*-* "><•c" ' " •>* •* *

lust I*.?

and r»utprl**ne what a

>:«> t.AYRltf'

. . t»- h..i.:.;*'i uu>i* ditf-fnuy j _„„ lutended (*<r ltmtkcl :purp«**e», tltl'l lias.-,ii.uk. t f*<"5. "b.-lht-r :• ..-jUMi-l*- broiler.' « «•» l-Sauib "*<d t

i cat>*»t st**<Uf*f... , ... -... ____ On the other handhrx.b-r:: <•( p>v.li> kept for *•« pr»»dHutlot< BltMihi' li ti>* sttotiy vigorous coustltuUens , , , : t» *)t,k- t>* p*-r(<>Mn property work .J of tlivit*. Th»tr ittu*<uf»r«n<l lii.o 'm * sy»t*»ti* should he welt il*'iet->t>*-it. the fir«t Uirougn »..,.i**w*ht #•».* t '-i-e Hie sermnt by being: compelled t„ yiitid th.-ir **">i tt'sfn

tf » >a»s;* i»U!Ot'--r of ehleken* are ra»S- *il for )»<-.>t'-r« or !»>er* t**e co)<»n>- heu«* ivi-teni >' the tie.-* !>• adopt (or In 'hat t*ur<- tim uidivhltm! Buck

THE DAY.■ Tbc tuU*«r of tbt* msgnutvent poem. wiiivTi titrt appeared "•t*r uondirti. Dtigiaitd,

r* *UiT*’S*.‘«l* I tailway Foct." A poem *uch...... l.l.x (hit ------- -------

............................ - .Mr Henry Cllap-» railway porter ^*1

Mppeit - ‘ • *-’* •iStiii. »ta..--» . . . . . — —tins iitt« Mm to tho rank* of «

ttunai poet.3VU U-**t-d the t>*y and you toasted

the Day.

and' pe-Cbe* '• suhStltUtcd, riel ( !<•'! .otuarc. with “

T iitic vou reek «/ the* numhlng bah. Tha W at'ln* *h*n. cr the “ white arm'*

liu-y speed jioor Jiuruans homo.stioutd tic

itiifslste «n Ind'vir the rtitcK.** «»<* *dd 1

reitteved ,bultdlng j v„u jp,*<l for the Day. you lieu tor the

.. _ window and ,«*>•* with 3-t*ty tar- At,j «,

thr pttr- j ,M„n,icr. Huetv

III! aee>«ntm<»la'e fram SA t« nr.ti! liltv *je I*!d enwueli u>'nt-* (|ii«rt*‘r»,

NUT HP. beil pull*'

i-O’-i t < - . hi!

: t->ultr> cahitras !I* * He diffcrcUldtsplay—'hifti outer <;nf.y and avoid

j rosli and. inuuv Utiica delay tli /t u imd to happen with l;o*|.uiinme ctucra, 5 Tic pt. diivvr. fc.- i! f si tu stuff or |w»ai- jlr pt.iduc'u ebovc a minimi pr..f.!. i Is cry from l!ii> city/dweller. ngiilnM I • farmer and poultry-raiser is unjust, ""■ * ' ”■ *■’ * * woyttitB* j

».._.. __ . beea advanced 'tin- farmer or imulliy raiser has not re- MlVed the share of tile advance dial the ic»> pTtwIucer shoidd obtain. J he great trouble lies in the I»»t between the t*re- Uucer nnd coiisnim’t. From tin- produ­cer's hands, at !>! cents a psund for three to five-pound chi>'k*-n», tu Jm- *lr*-sae*l in

• mark* t« of :Tito <

. ... citio*. i r t*ur» baser i 1

largo*-xt»i* iiamtllug from the nslimer. Wln it iliis is r*-R-

i|waller will md he m , *.< nh*« h, hut tie- teat pro-Idnlniojj enough for- I k la­

th* Day's r«*l *plr««.

4 Day, your schemed

i blood oa a he* In ownrdly foe.

I'atvyoU hear the groan* and the awful FatDvotl see the ti-ap <*f slain that lies. Amt rightlcs* turns to th* flame-split

»U!r* . . .The gtnssy eye* of the dead:

have ivronaod for the longed for the Day.

That lit the awful flam e;......................•Ti* nothin* to you that lilli and plain Yield ♦boevo*. Of dead amid tho grain; That .mourn for.thetr loved one*

slain.And tPdlhers v'urse thy name.Hut after the (Hy there's w price to pay

fo r th-- *i**per* under tho sod.And lie you have mocked for many a

t Miff*uttg of (tin el

>■ once fu lly ;

V.* they'wifi | “Vu-ilo' 1

That »t iv w ««rksn*f»i** it t«

wage* is unfur-

purchased (Af*us’,!."*, :rfoundation nt iIs generally

- merits ot the stock

n ( a p a r a d o x . vap stock j iM-.ii!r<a! Mail*

| , i SiUi.V »N-!T'K*t!'U ■ Wfh bank-

'.d these j in taklllg rt ivnu", a matt t* but even success*j Knit ui» enemy, tu t.In passing ll over

-'-'m ha f« *ui'*rl9r-- TbRoiobby Book,

w a L k r r t o n t e l e s c o p e w a l k e r t o n o n t ., N o v e m b e r s *

Your Winter BuyingWill be done economically if you take advantage of the

lines mentioned in our advertisements from week to week. It's a good time too, to pick up any of your liobday needs, stocks of acceptable and practical gifts are here in greater abundance than ever and values are all in your favor,

The Best Fur Values in Years. Boys Warm Winter OvercoatsThis is the verdict of those who have

been looking through our splendid stock of furs.

The opportunities of buying good furs a t moderate cost a re better today than for many years past. Manufacturers

S ure ready to make price concessions to adjust their stocks for ready money and THIS STORE always ready to take ad vantage of low prices has gathered the biggest and best Fur stocks in the coun­try

Northern Sable, AI asks Sable. Black Wolfe. Mink Marnaot, Dyed Coon and Siberian Wolfe, tn.ade from select skins, full furred and durable.

Th3 neck pieces come in many new designs, shawl ties, stoles, cape effects, all prettily trimmed with heads and tails. Muffs in ■■■new large pillow and holster shapes, plain and trimmed. Special values at $ 5 .00 —$6.00 $8.00. <12.00 to $25.0<>.New Viyella W aisting Flannels

The new thing for waists in ar. al* wool texture that positively does not shrink. Comes in light ground with stripes of grey, b! ne. pink and brown.

32 inches wide, per yard 60c,

They're dandy coats. Right in style and warm and comfortable

Double and single breasted. Shawl collar or convertible button up collar, belted backs* wind straps on sleeves.

Chinchilla cloth and tweeds. Colors grey, brown, navy and tweed mixtures. $3.50, $4,00, $5.00 to $7.50

Men’s New Winter Gloves.

C a p e kidd i l l ! ta n 's h a d e , g re y a n d b ro w n M o c h a w ith .h e a v y fle e c e d lin in g A l l A 1 v a lu e s a t $ 1.00 to $ 1.50 a p a ir .

Men’s New Christmas Ties.

An extra choice range of Christmas neckwear in the newest and choicest silks. Four-in-hand shapes and hook- ons. 25c 50c and 75c*

Boy’s and Children’s Sweaters

P la in sh a d e s a n d c o m b in a tio n sh a d e s w ith h ig h sto rm c o lla r . S p le n d id w o ol q u a lit ie s . 75c $ 1.00 to §2.00.


1915 HospitalCALENDARS





............ ... in pii/4< li'» •.( il..m i - i'.tir flolli fitll l 'l ' "ot fin b xa l|Ktf M r- o r IV..... lb.- Si l t. la ry , Mr. N.« . M cKay.

Mr*. F icd W illiam* <*f TolnnSi* 'iti -comp.'Uiicai by In r t'v* • c b itd rrii i*v is i tin g s t tin* hom e o f h e r fa th e r. Mr* W in . \V»*kli*y.

L ' .fnvvct is x lill tir ing fum bled w ith inV m dixty ih**>. th e « »«l aitft w o n l y a rd o« O liver & Kill* living pm tta lly ib -U n y ed vat ly Tm*»tloy mb» tilng.

Tht* \V tiHi(i||i,n Itin ii C om pany an* axkiflg (or n |'|i li ' iit ioim lo r ll««* o f ia r r l a t i r r o f th e ir bnildiiiB for the coining ie a so t i, Hro m l on p a g e $.

Air. knit M i-. \ . W 'il'im o f Nn-.-iti< g r a y , in a r O nrlj.Jt. w ho \vct»* tin tm ed m i W ixlmrsdnylaxt sjn-nl On* tvix*k-ritd a t tin* h o n tr o f (In' fo riin -i 'sin in t, .Mr?.. \V . X orri-h .

Srv<'i'iil vo.-xid* t i c i r Wrecked III a w in try Kith* w hirh> \vopt U»k»| .Niijkt- io r m i F rid a y am t S a tin ,la y o f b«»f Work, E igh t Itodirx. |Jtn»« t*fntx lo rn ninl i « » w omen w vw m aw m -ril.

Tin*aatvinliux w hich have ts< n on-.i In tlisLndtc* llo-pU nl Aid, » tv ntiw' iiii Milont It. t.. (iilnonX jew rtti-y -tm n.X icvrj iy'lit’- l»n<g Soln - o r a t 't he rexhle iirr of M r-. .III*. WltilnUnatl* Seem e y o n r «-*»i*y early . P r im 25* % .

T ile ll<» |iitai: ( 'h r i- tn ia - ••alrndnr- • nil Ik* hail now til a n y linn- lii>ih; Ah'*, .la -. W h itehead '-. s iv i .i is ih f - Ih n g S te i.. „ | „ | liiloonV .I rn e tlry S to le .

I Snn .lav Nov. in te r tsnh . n i tIh> ..leerve.l a - Tnlie iviiloo- .Ntttidav

j in a lt (lie c h tirc in - tluiH ighoiit O ut-

T ile jteavir I (nil of -MOW It'C .tid 'd ! •hiHiig th e finm ih N ovriidw r (e r a| iiiintl* * «.f yen*-. sva -llia io f N nttudiiyj am i S in n ln j. w hen ne arly tw o feet ..t | tin- '•U.««ni(*|l": fell in th i* ’| kiii, o f

P r im 25c.

Alt', ,\l|.in* lio |- .1. Iltn n ll. ;« l;*-t yen, g u n ln a te o f th e W aikeiio ii Hu— ine~ - ( ‘.illrge. Ini- urcopled a pn-iliuli a* l«>okkm|«>ri»tid >tenogra'j»iter t« aTotoli otliro

Air. .la-. W H itrheail fvtitffiod lu.-t Week frotll il - n m r - f n l hun tin g : * * if. to N o rlh en i O ntario , hi hid ing w ith him a large th-er w hirll wax".It:- -hare of th e tro p h y .

T he C argill i la w m ill, p ||B tti|i m id vie. operat* il l*y C a ig iil L im ited Writ* r le s i t l ilo * n till- week ow ing to cl.tcfc tim***, (ipcM litii.-iii the lum ber wood*in 111. 1 viedtU'y I» u - n l.o eea-eilT h t-w d a b i r d bliw t-» th e vntvr- in ii'ing village ami ii i* Imped that the •*htin|> will he id *hmt ilimition.

You keep ahm e-t of I In- tim e* w hen you le a d I he W eekly S un o f T oronto. It In a fnrtnet*. new-(«tper. and th a t .|iu-au», m arket: rv|x»t1*. <ditoit.-il~ special fotltiili'fiirl u ’ho. -peria l depart - lue iit-fo t a ll U iefam tly. -o l liei -oj.iuh.n*-.' wliei** th e n 'l i i l i 'i - iiiii.v -ay I h e ir -av am i ;l ••onutie-- li-t of height feat ute> o f in te ie -l am t iinjnii't- a tH -e lo a l i f a r io r i- . F ifty -tw o Week- iii th e y ear th e S un i- oil th e joh . Do

< inf ill to.

The |ir<>e. eil* ove r anil ataivv e\|>eu xv*»f the box uncial held a t th e D un k* hi Kehnel on O ct .’Si in a id <.f th e He,I t'rnen K uril, n tiieun ie il to Tln«n tneunt w a > iw e lv o l l.y th e loea* hra tn h e f th e lo t i Cross Society mj A loinlny.

T he u ttc tiilr tiae at th e te iu jn fa m e } im e tin g In tin . to w n hall on Stimhiy | exciting wax on ly fair. Hoy. Hen

S p e n c e .le liv e ied a n excellen t a i ld m « am i Mr. H n thv rn M c lio im h l- >t,ln*

I w eie high ly apprerfalcil

| A nn-cting i f th e Youvk M en# * U tticii C hih wax hehi in th e Uwi.k < Uonmiurve rom us on T uvmIi»v evening : to m ake n n a iiu c n n nts, fo r th e ir an- i mini N ew Y ears Hall, The Leinltm IU arpv rx have lu en nngngvil anil th e ; d a le of th e ll»H fixed f r r N ew Y eat j , liv e . Uci c in ln r Jllel.

laWiif merchant.-te(N>ti th a t i In i-t inn- tu rk e y - will !«• J.ov in price tli i- y ear. Thix U ifl lw giHnl lie n - to file .u i iage w ork ing m an w ho hu - m tin- |xr-t few y i a i-U - nd e n iia lth ep i i* ih-gr o f p a rta k in g o f r h r i s l in a - t u rkey . on - iu g Ii* exlm rhit u n i priei--.

A -ioiiiniiiig I'a-iialifii - w hieh th ree am i a ha lf m on ths of nio .le in w ar fill a have p u - h u rd i- a -erioii* tun tti r hu t h e n h o ie o f lint ope, , \u a n ttn u ilv

s fa t i '- lh a t th i- u a rh a sa lu 'ad y a ee o n n t: ed for -onn th iu g like •> o f th ep ic k .o f Kniv.)M-nti lunnfnenl. It has Ihs-ii w orked ou t V a tcfid ly .

S ijf toca te ii It) C oal t i a -.1; Ii, .M cArthur and O eoijjn ( d o g g

w eie f.itnnl dead ill th e h itle r 's Inum- a t t'litVoi,l oo M onday a fte rn o o n , ap . p a te n tly hav ing Ix-ai stiff,*e«ted lie ro a l gw*. T'lfe lati*. Mi. f*:egg ua» au eh let I y m an. Whim Mr. A hA tflim n e alxnit fo il y yennx o f age.

This Smart

Ladies’ Jumper Dress

is included with m an y other

;itunnif% chic sty les in the

ihav D e c e m b e r B u tte r ic k

F a s b to ii-S h e c t . Y o u m ay

c df at our Butterick Pattern

D epartm ent and get a copy .

1U EE.

J . H. A P P E LP h o n e « 53

FORMOSAi L ast Sa tiiU y vve - a lont'-oiny day ; w ith sto rm m,<! -now . j Al i -x IN a HifiM , ut*o( N i-gai.t I '.d l,: i- visif jog h e r pal* nt>. Air and Mt>. 1 SH . H ild-te n,| Mr. and Mr*. .1. II. h i l n l w r « i ‘n< ill | i Ml id m ay i l l Lu-ni<. - < n T h m sd n v < I j■ Wl.'k.■ SiT.nnn>ihii; »fid W« ih i a t e Tu>yj • m ak in g s leigh-.j T ed K ory j t . ■> In m e ttv in H an | | over.i The I riiite ix urn all busy, a l te r th e !

iAhl.it.s I k >* L ehm an w ho u<-nt on t west , laxt Mintmer, r e tu rn e d hom e l ist

w eek.i O o SHUmlny lafcl. vve hiul idclghitig

here.\ A Iargv > |uatitily o f cider app le- a re \ -afv under th e snow,

E dw in Finch ol iiL lfa td ia visiting | re la tives here.

1 ! Mi. and Aim, Frank Svhunm tdivi i n d m m d from P rex tnn <>u Sa tu iitay . l a s t .

• | A inorote.A Iplim txe, and A lh e ti Pen- ! l in g e r a ,e l .u .y a t th e w in te r wood 1 again ,j Ja k u b i'h io id l, ol M tldm uy W«f I in la w n on huxiticxx lu - t Monday.


l 'i ’he lirevuock cuuncti m et in Kn«»xV ( hotel oil A lo.alay t*,* Iranxuvt general ; b u - in t-s . I t is a m a tt r td ptajfonisd | reg tv t to uio-t ol th e p a tr io tic p re jie j u f tin : tow inddp th u t a t tin t lnveling . held sm a rt Ith* ago todiscittos ib e m a t t ' j vi a tuotinti to coniiT bnie io n ic hu«d- j m i s o f do lla rs to th e p a trio tic fund i wa* defeated* th e vote b ring we uu ; tle if ln u d . th re e to tw o. In vtrw uf the

a itb ita iitlu l xu iin votei! by th e n e ig h ' j la jiin g lowtixhipx, tirre ttveka h to say■ tb e le as t no t v e ry c ted itab le .1 ~ATr'.'\odre"vv Culhiim , th e P inkerton ! l*oy win* vnlixted a t Paisley to r th e i second con tingen t is home front l*on- ; don and ix ri'i iij ie ra ting a f te r a xomc-

w hat sever.- illness. A ndy is keen ly ; itisAppoifited a t tint l r in g allow ed t <; go ’hu t nn account of Uni p rohahle

. itt.*<:i.'»xity^if iin d fig o iiig on o p e ra tion ! he Wa* nu t co lt.dd tied ip tltv fit.

j Mist- E thel Millelt* w ho hits item ‘ -pend ing -otne tim e in lla r ris to n w ith i Rev. and Mix. tw o. Ala-on, te t i i n e d j hom e lust week.j Uev. A. K. N eely o f lla in iU o o . w ill S occupy tile pu lpit in th e P tesb y icr- i inn e lu ircli n e x t Siindnv > W edding: hell* a re r in g in g on th e : I Ith cop.

pleuM-l to tak»- th e Sun.

Wb,lo- p-IJ-'l . will Is

E le c tr ic R e s to r e r fo r M enPhosphonot

! Old Mild vllalut. I’nni.it»li; if.• wriVio** **«H •! a'

. O f


y . u. c. a . B teq -xLO ND O N. ONT.

Students assisted to positions. Cotteffo ia session from Sept. 1s t Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. WesUmlt 3. W. Werternlt, Jt

ioCfclW CT**‘ *

Letter of Thanks

The follow ing le tfei of th a n k - w,t- ri'ewvod onN alnrth tv by All. Al. .1, Ih tm -ey ftom t in -h .a .t ..ttieeuf Alon. f r«'nl. of I tie t i'liel w ork fo r I lie v!e< f im -o f th e w ar 1m Ih 'lg u in t:■ ■Dear Kit'

lx*g(0 a . k now l.tlge |e . , tp! ,.( -ev. n c.i-e- of.idot hitig . eU ,. which th e lad le- o f yon r tow n , a - well a - o f Itranf a n d , tS tvenoch. hav i--o geltvl'otl-iy eon I ril.iited to Our reliefcork.I*!..

nio-t - in e r t>• th a n k - fiu th e ir udtd dona tion -.>«t> v» t y tru ly .

T il- Hoi y T o. : lleefo i I’riid holuitie.

t ' . n ia d o j ta - l - e n giv ing tt .d lv In th e relief o f the ijw dilu le |«'..pl.< of -ui< k- eu Ilelgtu'm G[r to OL'Iidwi' L’Stll, Whieh w a - th e d a te o f tin- hi-t »»j«.tl

! nu td e n u f. th e to hud lieen doiiatc-l in i lnonev ii .l l t is w orlliy euu.-i' i*ud tx - td e - th i- H vethoU -and to n - o f ehdt»|»l« ««*d food-U lir- hud ̂ XH'll IV-

■ reived a l tile head nfllrv itl Aluiiltynl. s i lice then til t- timmHil ll.l- U-en iloidded und ii i .-JhiH o f to ta l dotirtl- h u i- re t e ll ed W ill Ih> tuilile pilldie ill

Look at this List of

M cBURNEY’SReal Bargains

$ o .5> wool b la n k e ts 6 p x 8 « on sa le at $ 2 .0 5 per pa ir .

C h ild re n s 2 5c v e sts a ’ l s izes on sa le a t i 5o each .I 2 '< c and 15c vvrapperctti s 28 to 3 6 in ch e s w id e new

c o lo r in g s an d designs a ll on sa le a t o n e p r ic e joc yd. ,.UJ|

$ 1 . 2 5 and 1 .5 0 p la in and fan c y s i lk s a ll life correct a u t ­um n sh ad es, o n sa le a t o ne p rice , 98c p er y d .

2 5c rio b o n s in a ll co lo rs on sa le 15 c 2 y d s fo r 2 5c y dR c u m a n ls o f flo o r o ilc lo th s an d lin o le u n s le n g h ts u p t o

to I! x ; y d s 1 yd to .j y d s w ide at sp e c ia lly r e ­duced p ric es to c le a r

S w e a te r coats o f a l l c o lo rs and c om b in ation sa m p les and ; 'H a l lo ts $ 5 00 to 7 50 no w $ 3 50 , $4 co. for *■ £75,3 r§2 50 ,3 0 0 for 2 5 ,2 50 for $ i 7 5 ,2 00fo r 1 5 0 ,1 y , fo r $ t 00, 1 2 5 fo r 98c, 1 00 fo r 75c , 60c an d 7 5c fo r 49c.

( ’ h ild reu c o ats an d th e n ew est sty le s , b e s t m a te r ia l sa m p le s an d sp e c ia l lo ts, $ 2 o.- an d 2 2 * fo r 1 50 2 7 5 fo r $ 2 00 ,3 00 fo r $ 2 2 5 .3 So fo r <2 5o,5 00 for $3 5° t 6 00 fo r $4 00 . C5v* v *“

L a d ie s ' an d c h ild re n h a ts at le s s th an h a l f p rice , la d ies coats reduced , com e in an d se e them .

L a d ie s ’ c o a tin g sp e c ia l p laid c o a t in g 54 in c h e s a t $ t 2 5 2 2 5 f o r $ l 7 5 , 200 fo r $ 1 50 S e e th ese an d y o u w ill t r y them .

M c B U R N E Y & CO.Application for C are- >


Ri-W V-latf -lUfjr ivtyti.v.f,

■ '


if, FOR


Erdman’s *.?«£

N i c K l e

P l a t i n g ,

Automobile P arts B icycle P arts H earse Trim m inni Sanitary Supplies Table Ware Stove Parts Surgical Instrum ents


The M adlgan P|atm n WorksW im s iia .W, O n1?.

S. EHInahausen - AgentCRItTOX - -O.VTAIUI*

Catltarlpxf, Op».

rhotphottol v.lit The w.olKti nrufi





vVe are not going to make a big splurge here of the immense bargains we are giving; but we are giving

BARGAINS, BETTER BARGAINSthan you can get elsewhere in the country.

This BeautifulO A K

R O C K E RU p h o lstered in

A r t L e a th e r fo r

$.700Yuli cau l beat ibis as it is cntaloijueii at $7.30 in the Mail Ord­er house calulogues.

Bring your friends and tell your neighbors of tho Bargains at

E. M YLE’SFurniture, Pianos, Organs and

Sewing Machines.

Carswell’s Tremendous Sacrifice Sale

Final Clean-up of Greatest Sale on re* cord. Business Boomers for Thursday,

Friday and SaturdayDHJvSS tiifu D S

<1 Div*» tiutH.lsIlOiil *.«ti- jir-l'iiL50 __1.50 *• • •* fC.'1.00 S6 itlvll Pi)|»l K Sil't 10

<;<>HSHTSU nreelllnx l - ib ' price V i:mi, ’■ »• “ 6'U-


2 ’h; V ert- an.I ilm w i'ix (Inal xiile p ri. c ...................... Uk;.. .. .. w c‘ ‘ - ** He

$1.00 - - ••

CO A T SW K A TK R SA L K$2.00 fiivit - iiml w om en's Ciwi,

H iven 'et» .................£| ip....................... • |.B5*■&> 3.2W2.*<l JJwseft H ivoater C oni- L4K2.0 f H iy 'n Sw i-uief CmiU |.2y

IIO SIE K Y S P E C IA L S2. V,-. Hoy’s W orrU-d . ITJcJkte, llt'itvy VVoLfi'.l Ho-»30t*. i-xtiu Heavy w ora 'd ht*«<< He3. »; Alvii-*. L im a S*‘X . . . . . ,X k\5oc Women'x ]].i ti< .............. Ho.

W0,M U S ’S COATS $12 .^1 C o iia tloa l »ale p rice

ni.Yi - •• fio.ik*20.03 ’* ** H.'JA


MTAPI.K SP E C IA L S I'Me pu re lin e a lowviHtig . . . lu te l ’>; - " • . ,12jcl2Sc b leacbed o r Kivy c o tto n 10;o•I'*,'. bluAclitd sbt'ctitiK ........20c15c h e avy (U tinele tti' - b e r l k 11' *3..7i W ool b lanket* fo r . . FJ.fRi

J.'iO ffroy wool blnnkots , . j**:t.tu» I6e >f0 luch EnKh»b p ttn ts 11 ’x

M EN'S C L O tH lM il H K D IT K D tlo.oO Mi'ti'-ttliHx f in a ls p r $7.45

15 *v overcoat* ------7.15: IUUO “ Trot n e t* . . . . l.S»

2.00 " *‘ ........ ,J.5tU12.50 fhr eo llitr c u rl liuwl coaIO.0515.00 •* •* I l.N ,17.50. ** . . J3.0C*

M E N S IN D K H W K A H 50c. wool fleece tb i t t* &r di> 87ic1.00 heavy ribb wool and dr* O'.^c 1.25 Heavy r ib b wool •' iM •* bite

H O Y S U N D K ItW E A ltionI'laM ie tib b , - lilrN A* d i - life 5y«c wool fleece *' * 85c

f.IU L S I NDEHWKAH5th;/fleece V"»f#nuil d r«w ei* 25e 35 j wool r ib b " " J?e

M EN 'S HATS AND CAPSS2.50 h»n i (eU lin tx ............. $1 302.5*) **>ft fell b a t s ....................LSI*1.2S W in te r C » p * .................. iK»e.5.00 fu r cap* ......... 2.50

Extra* S p e c ia l -25 to 50 pi r r e n t dfcscouM elf sill fui - E x tr a S p e c ia l 2'* to 50 pe r cen t off nil la la n t w, C hih li vn e arttl

MiW'x Ccaf-.

Extra Remnant SaleFor Thursday, Friday and Saturday

We are offering values that no ordinary store can a p ­proach and more and m ore people are realizing the benefit derived from shopping at C arsw ell’s.

Vour money w ill go a long w ay i f you conic w ith the crowd that w ili throng the sto re again on Thursday, F rid ay and Saturday.

CARSWELLS'The Noted Sale People

WALKERTON TELESCOPE.(f5l. X « W ill—No 48 W A L K E R T O N . O N T A R IO . T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 3rd 1914 - 8 P A G E S

Begin Your Christmas Shopping Now

I t will save time money and worry W e urge our custom-, era to begrin their Christm as shopping now. O f course we keep our stock up to its usual point right up to Christmas, ho you have a good choice anyway— the main thing is to avoid hurried buying.


H u n t e r s D r u g S t o r e

Drug) and hod«iK» C P. k Tickd flgtrnv

Christmas PerfumesOne cannot think of Christmas without thinking of

Perfum es, — Sachet Powder is needed for so many g ifts-

Come and look over our stock o f powders. Our perfume

stock is more complete than ever and at prices to suit every­

one. Have you tried

Madame Sherry or Dolly Dimples

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

Learn While You EarnYou may continue your regular daily duties and also lls yourself for a much better |Hisition by

taking advantage of our

H O M E S T U D Y C O U R S EPrepare now for the future opportunities which are sure to come to the energetic and well-trained young men or women. You may begin to-day to take our lessons in Penmanship, Shorthand. Commercial Work and Typewriting at your home

and finish up at the

W A L K E R T O N B U S IN E S S C O L L E G E .I\ J . M»tU»NV, Principal - Box 171

W e ^ A r e ^ A d

Expected To

Wo nrejut tho front, deter* j rained to keep our staff .on i fu lltim e during these nux-! ions and difficult times.W ill you help m»? Naturally wo must have orders, and so wo ask you ask you as a [ patriotic duty to refrain from j buying your clothes made j outside of Wulkorton, but to ' buy (rora a local tailor who j is doing his best to keep local j men employed. If When\ you are distributing your • valued patronage, you would favor us with an order, we ! would indeed bo grateful. \ We have an excellent stock | of Eitgisii, Irish and Scotch j materials suitable for Suits and Overcoat* and can as­sure you of quick delivery.

G. T. ROURKEHigh Class Tailor & Men’s W ear * Store, W alkcrtou, Ontario.

TENDER FEETP C .......... ----- ~ 3 Q

Do you have trouble with your feet? Sore, lender

points? fry a pair of


The easiest shoe on earth.


H a n dB a gs

'J 'H E Woman or Miss who is look­

ing for a dressy Hand Bag should see the line we are showing.

There are stylish bags in varie ty of designs.

Dressy bags in leather and some stylish Mesh Bags.

It w ill be a pleas­ure to show them to you. and the prices are right.

R. L. G ibsonJ e w e l l e r - W u l k o r t o n

Simp t-sirly.

shop in Walki'tlnn.

Thm - work* to l'liri*tm i-.

Read Ablhunoy'.* Xmas ltd.Addition it Local* on pngetl.

Uuy. Mudc-in-Uniuidu goods.

Swell sweater* mi sale a t McBurn-

thud tin Xiiin- Fair piiw li.-t on

!*>•« • - 9* liiiig till 822. *21 it 82ft •.nit#

l**l ll;- <>i Em in'* hog incut i* e<|uul to.VWtlu »f grain.—tV I*’. Nutting, Fhoiurtfk

Ju*. T«.lt.m isKiivt* »>f marriage It-

Special price* on I’n iicf Xinm. liuemit .MclhtrneyV.

Tur-tmii pins, k in 'll stylo nl llu n le i'.

ll.tnwu JUsk.i;ek in Huriph.

Three huidit*l hrtesack* for sale, new Ilk' each.—S . W. Vog.iu.

Mis. Frank Rennie Mini MSs.* Alild* spout .Moinluy in Clifford.

2*1 per cent reduction • n ladies' f ohiountitb (■oats.-Stephan Bros.

T. Pyo is showing the la test novrl- tius in neck wear nml muff lute.


I*. J . .Maloney wit* a liiodiiews vis liter in Soutlrampton on Monday.

.Miss Priscilla Keller o f Ber lin is vis Ring her ablet'. All*. Ueo. Uruder.

V»m.s \\ ill Hint many uppi-opiiariX m a*g lfi*a t lim iter's Ding Kturo.

'V m iih i '* and cltddten's cloth coati mliicud 2ft per cent.—Stephan Bros.

Ihristma* handkerchiefs, riblxtiia aud gloves on display a t Stephan Bros.

V good hot gill. 12 veil *

t>» your Christm as l o ving now— All X iiiun goods ma here.—Stephan Bros.

You eati save m ney bv huying men * aud hoy # sweater coats from T. Pyu.

M.-. X. A. Wall.>i.l >* -la nding I hi* jveek .it the home of her patent- in ilespeler.

F.X ulting i- ( o u i n a g e n t for h«g meal, calf meal. .V poultry final'

.Mis- .Matgin< i Ijifrtu iee ha-accept* .-I .( |H.-iliotl on the - tail of \V. It.Mctluwiey.

Have you your Pilrnitrut- imomxl? do not let the jsdtey expite. See Jam es Whitehead.

Mis» Kdmt DciUI of liattovei was a guest at the home of Mr. ClaudeCoop- er «ni Triusduy.

B y using tim in'- hog jural you save 20 ' on your feed bill,—A gl. I*. F. Nut­ting. Phone Hi,

W liitt #Ikiii|iiw i« Kite I iistu am e? do nol, wait until you have a Kin*. See Jattu-s Whitehead.

Miss Muy .Mc.Douon of Dniltuift wit- Hu* guest o f her friend. Mis.- Jean Everett mi Sunday. •

Smalt I oy»; and big J*»ys* stylish, wntut overcoats in navy, brown and grey a t Stephan Bio*.

Mr. Tho-. Welch left, onTuesday for* lteamxvitlv where he 1*ju> taken it l»*d- tion iu u planing inill,

ltev. Tho>. Witsoe. conducted mini* tvaty M ivi.es hi I he (Jlttluf* Plow-

hyterian church o a Sunday.

Any jHa&jti th in k in g of buying an *>igan would do well to m o Mite B o o before purchasing riant* here.

— Plotet,re Vogt, returned on Monday from n three week*' visit to Ton>nto. littejph and Abutt-Lur.

A tine display „t neck-tios mul glove* f or Chi i-( inns, from 2ftc up to $2 30—1*. '1. Uourke mens wear store.

mi's hog meal will make a weak hog strong in a few day,-. </. F Nutting. Agent W alkerton. Phonem . ,

.Mis. Claude «’oo|wi left y .-le n ta y for ilttltovi-r when: -he will *i]x-ti() a week \ritlr her friend .Mis-" Edna Deilxl.

Al»>nt twentymemlR-i-sof tho loeal ( . O. I'. I’ontl iittonded thoiledicat ion of the PoresU r- hull in Catgill on Monday evening.

Aleva*. Joh n and Frank Spiixig of ilnlTato, William of M caJoid, am i Anthony of laCHa‘le. itU/aildcd the funeral of their sister, which took, place hen L,st week.

Alt. Wm. Hiitehy. who ha- In-ell op­erator at th e r . I*. It. |,ition for tin |i.is| few mouths, left on MotalaV' i<H hi* hoiiieiu Mount F*ne-.i. Ills Iteie has I teen taken «*y Jack 1V1I of Toronto.

Air.'I*. It. AleKay, elilef lia itt tie. j KNOX t ’lIUltCH-s|*;itehel o fth eC , I’.

.Mis* Kate M rthirrity, imi-so o f lai don. Don ait extended visib to In l-in ’iits. Ale. sum! Mr*. Peter U c lia o ilv in North Braid,

S|»-eial mi.- C. P. B. 8I.I*> to (Im-lph via Toronto, going the ."ih. to Hah. ret urn up it> the llflt ,—Tick e|,s it Hutitci - Drug Store.

Don't foiget the and ion sale o household gtauln ab the homo of Air- Wm. Mitudv, m ar tin- C. P, It. slalioi on Satmvtay morning next*

Air. I.iira* teller o f the Bank <-i Con merre sta ll has tveeiverl notice I tin1 he w ilt l>e unwed to another hniueli of the Iwink in the Hear future.

Mr. Jo -. Aiislette who hiw Ixs-n m employee at the It. Trtutx &Kon fuel m y for 94*1 no time, returned to his home in Chej**to\v oil Satm day.

Air. Davyl Traill Avhu hiu* been iu the Bruce C ofuty lft*spilal during the pasfHvo weeks, ha*o-covered from his liperutiim mid left llial institution on Monday.

Donald Clarke one of llu) ’pioneeisi of Bruce t ‘ounly died ut Iiikl homo in KiliertivUoe tp. •*» Sunday at tho age of III. Coll Hugh Clark. M P is a son o f t h e deceased.

Mia. B . H. Ferguson left. >vstenloy lor Niugain Falls to attend tho fun­eral of her granddaughter, M a*j«rle Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Mr.W.K. Hamm, who died in Unit elty on Tues­day.

H yon have not go! a eopy of Hob- ei'tsou’s lli-iory of the Conn'.y of Unit e in y.mt home, now is tin- time t.i Sev ille Hite, Bead the sjH’eial offer made hy Hie TeleM-o|M- on page ft of this issue.

Air. Kd Deiltel of the Kgg and Dairy stall left on .Monday for his home near-Aytoo where he will sjand w week. Kil * Uotne will iu the futui-e la* ill Hanover, where All. jfeibel tins pnrehasvii a livery stable.

One ear of st,^|N|„, the W e-t end* bridge arrived at tile (». T, B . dep*>t last week and hits lie n teamed to the •n idge. It js h.>|HsJl lhah the company mean hm.lnes.'i.jjn this occasion and will rush the laadge to completion

■rived ;M i'. J . t;, ffriflln i ftoin her Im-lxmd win the British army in France, .Mr, tir if I’m haslieen «u the firing line for some tim e, but lias -o far route through the »ide*iunscathed. He ivaam tn l ninny of the liatdsliitt* emlmtsl by the *«1. diem in the trench*

Rev. D. C. Boek pastor of the Bap­tist ami Christian church duct anniversary services in the Palsv ley Baptist church on Sunday The pulpit of the local chinch will l*e occupied by Bev . Air. MeKwcii of Paisby.

FO R BALE. - .A first-ct«»i> Bril organ, -wen oc

tire.ip ian o case, good «- new. Price right.—.Mat v Bone.

F o il s a l e .A double house clow to front street

with good garden. This propel ty pa>> g<*o*l inletvsl oti the i lived men t over 12;. jht cent.—Sec Janie- White- head.

PHUTOUUAPIIS FO B CB HI STM AS.The mdution of g ift problems, pholo-

gtaphs carry the paisotml feeling that no icady- made ••gift'* can convey. Economical, too. How long wince you Imd phologt upln* to give your friend*r Fraser’* Studio,

CLOSED HA ILVESS SHOPMr. Milton Ab-Carter w h>* ha*

ducLnl a harness -hop in Formosa during the past siiium cj^u- closed hitty business, tlirie and tvlufmvl to town. M ill will iu lutuiv' assist Jits father curing for the trade <>f the McCarter Harm ss Co.


T iiomi'min—In Chicago, on Nove|»ftk*jf 2Stlt. lantor daughler o f Mr. «ml Airs. Tliompsou. rtgeil one year month-.

BufULK—tli Walkerton. on Sunday. Novciidier25Mb., to Mr. am i Mr-. (usage Binder, a s..u.

Noui.i: ~Iu Brant, on Wednesday, November 2fttb. to Mr. nttd Sir*. C. E. Noble, a *ou.


Air. and Mt>. BV. Spit/fg and fam­ily: wish to rxpivs- their heartfelt thanks to I heir flieuds m id MeighlsH - f«*r the ttthity kiudiH's*- riiown them during their tveenl !»■* leaveiueiil eaiiM-d by thedeatll o f their youngest daughter. Mi** THIie, Which ocouted on Tuesday of last week.

Dr. (iimdier. prim i|Ml of Knox College will occupy the pulpit o f tile Preshytvriati ehuiyhon Sunday nmiu- ing next,

BO X SOCIAL.Han't forget the box *oei*l to lie

held in till) Public School. Cailsiohe. on Wednesday evening, Dec. Kith. Aa excellent pNgrame i» Ic in f p»**- vided. Admission 1U,\ La.hci* brirg- ing boxeN free. Evetybivly Wclrouie.

SPEC IA L PIH'/.K.Mr. Hold. Hussell. *uu< of the Walk­

erton milkmen is giving a s|a-* ial pri*.- of tfci'lOaf the Xm as Fair, for the l»--t Dairy Cow show n by an.v farmer from whom ho purchase-,milk.

MOVED HEPAIH -SHOP.Air. William W hite has h-asisl the

latildiug ait Jaek-ou slnV I, m which Air. Wm. Hush Ini* been eomlm ling a slUHifing gallery, ami will move hi* rejviir simp there. He will emitiimc in the repair hu-ine*- ami will also con­duct the shooting gallery,

OPENING Bfe'TOHER SHOP.Walkerton 1b »oon to have h third

hutcher-xlmp. Mr. Andrew Oberh- having drculed to open anotlur bm*. inc*» of tlii* kind in town. W e have been informed th at Mr. O le ile bn* rented the building on Dmhaui St. re- cen tly occupied by F . X . Sebum i butcher.

D isso i.V K D PABT.VKHSIHP.Ale-sis. Hearie A Pielsch who have

Incii eugnged in Hie milling tumble** at file Walkerton Flour .Mills for sever­al ream have dissolvedpiiilm-r*hip and that business will in future iM-emiduet. *sl by Mi. Pb-t-ill, Air. Neath- is at present undecided as !<> where he will ha-ale. hut will proluihly remain a resi. •lent of W alkerton unlff -priug at

D IED IN PA ISL E Y Mr*. Albert Dietrich o f' Hivet»da!e

who i- well known in W alkerton. died very -hddeitly frtiin heart failure wbihr visiting, friends 3u Paisley on Tuesdirv. Tie-deceased spent Nuctlay w it h friends le-lv ami left on .Monday for Paisley. app*n nlly in ginxl health and the new .̂ o th e r sudden death came ns a gis'ul slea-k to her neipiuilt- lance-. Nile wa- alsait forty-live ye.il'- of age. Jo clrie li ii h w lioaUeml- •■d lie- AValkertoll High sehiNil two year* ago is a son o f the deevax d.

OPEHATOILS LA I D O FF.'I'he Bell Telephone Company is an-

olhei *>f the I tig corporations which «»»• taking dmatte uieasures t«» meet tlie slump in hnsines* caused by the "Mr. The Bell C«>m|s»ny are dismis­sing employee* from atmo-t ever y e x ­change mid of i he local staff, two op- c-intoi>. Misses Alary Bauman and Margaret l^rFrance have Is-eu given leave or ab-em-e for nil indefinite |*ctiod.

MC.ST STCD Y TH E W AIL ‘I'he MTtilster of Ivduc-atlon ha* dt*

eidrd thaVlhe sririMd* of the pioviuce 'h all devote attention during I he pieM-nt year to the cuUm-s o f h«»*tillt. ies among the nations, ami the l*-as*'ii' why the British Kmpitv islaking j*art, Tiiis will l«> done by direcling that tli* sulijw t shall form part of the history

•eouisa- in all grade* of the sehools w here if can In- iiilelligeutly studied* and by quest imis not only iu depart­mental examinations but al-o in the st-himl pibiuot ion exaniiimtioDs,

CANE DISM ISSED Nix well known men of Clu-sley w ho

weju* sent tip for trial by Magistrate Toltoti, it short time ago on a charge of forcibly entering the premises cf the (.‘lie-ley Furnitnic ( <>nij>any oil Sept, loth, np{H-ared liefore Judg*- Klein on Monday morning. Tin- healing was of but a few minuics dur­ation. the Judge finding that Hie

^uo-eeutioli could produce ini evidence ik a convicting nature and the men 'wen* eou*eijiieutly di*mrss,s|.

F SE D PICDFANK LA NO l* A BE.A local young tunn was summoned

to apja-iU-in police court mi W»shn-s- dnv e\i uing, mi a rhatgi- of using pro­fane language nit the -tre ct-o f Walk* ertotl. He, however, settled thc ea**- by {laying a tine wiflmnt allowing the ritalge against him to I*-, aired in court. Thi~ .should l e a timely war­ning t<* other >ouug fellows to Walk

on who persist in Jising piofaiiilv t lie st reet > even iu t lie piesvhrc * if

Indie*, and |wilieula»ly t«> a l«u«| of thtig hiadhm is who hold nightly vet* on the street and whose eon.

duct is anything but gentlemanly. '

C AN YOU K M T NOCKS.Tleoe in ehatge of work f«r tin* >ldiers -ay that theiv is « riving

need for hand knit -*«ks made o»• 1 ply grey <>r Whaki ting

vritig vain. Wash U fon- using; tiring •fill to east mi and knit h***riy a*

inaiiV of the sock- ss-tlf have bi eu l«H< 'mall. Csc coal—- stee l mesHe*. «!**«»

listen 72 ri itches ribbing I Wo plain and t\v»i purl. UaiklUg leg 11 Sit*ll>s t>* turn *>f be il ami foot li

be- long. If |*<>-sibit* knit 0 low - of white, one melt frimi top as this mm k 'tlie -ice. Nen.t work l>* the armour'

and i f voti ranuot -npply yarn, ap" ply to l lie Daughter* of the Empire ui

almonries Tuesday evening' or Tlim-dtty afternoons.

FABAIKH'N CLUB,The aouoal nietiOugnf the BlWlit

I’hrmi'i s Chib w ill I*- held at tin­horn*- of-Air. Wm. Itowaivd *ai Tues-lay evening. D>* . gib. Mr. J . J . Morrison will address' the meeting, Ladic* welcome.

I.Kt T P ItE D N WAIt.Under the aii-piecs «.f the Walker-

l*u» branch **f the H»*l ( i> s. Nra-hay. Prof. Ik Hmldcr Williams will gi\e Itis V. I V popular lei!tn*.e “The Threat • f W ar.” >*n Friday D*r. Ilth , in I be town-tintl nf. No’cha-k. Tiiis is the llrsf of a series of In lines that is l*-lug ar-

Tin- admission bu* I o n minimum of |u rents anti Is after deducting exjHiuse*

are.to !*• Used to further the works of tjbf Noricty. A- flu- fe«-torei very biglily ira-olonienib-d it l* to Im- lo»|w*l that lher*-will U- a laige at. femtaiice. A inn-n al piogmin »fc «|mi


laliged fo«

tin* proeei

•a-ing a

V D lT lt W a n D lSC llA KtiKD .William Exham. a jon th fmm Tara

appealed Ix-ftae Judge Kleid on Mon- •lay luot ning to receive hi* seutem*-. having rceentlv Item found guilty oj the theft; of a Mini o f money. Since hi* trial the Judge teO-ived a largely sigm*t {N'tit ion from the {H-ople «*f A m in ami Tain,praying that lie show lenteney toward Kxbam who wa* but « young chap, fimniapjicaraneo* hav­ing just entered hi* Iren* and w ho had a previous gnud rccnid. Tliisap|t«ieot- ly had conshlciatdc inthiem-e wit h t he Judge in hi* derision for hediselmigeil the youth after having given flint a *t*ud talking to. which bouight a flood of tear* to the young fellow * eye* and which In- will mi doubt rein* ember for many years to route. Tin- Judge's sound adi ice and exlmiloltuu

-to do the right should la* of great n*- si*i«)ic*- to him in the future in resist­ing temptation tegimlles* of it* imt-

HOHisK-THIEF ESCAPED.John l.aiigton, *i fa uu band, about

twenty.threw years of age. employed in At ran Township dccamptil with aic im of horsey and rig, the pioperty of hi* employer ou Friday last. Cun- ktat-lc Roht. Mill* o f Tara, traced him to Chericy and thence to Uesboro, where he arrested Langlon mi Nun- day and rvcoecrwJth*- team aodoutUt. The prisoner wv.b scut up for trial by the Tara Mugintrute and when being brought to W alker top by Countable Mill**, Monday, to await bin trial he Hindu a sensational c.capw from cus- tmly, LnngtOil asked leave of Mill* to walk to the end of the ear and* en­tering One of the lavatories, opened a window and jtuu|icd to the groom! Item the fast reovirg train. On *e- iMi'liiugto the scepe, the oilier i feu ml no trace «f hi* prhoger and he ha* ptoUridy made good bis escape, but how he,escaped injury iu hi* leap from the train 1* a in fstery .

BAUN BCHNKD.‘I'he barn and contents of Mr. If obi.

Stxflle who !e*idvs on the blind Hue running n o th <>ff the South line, Braul, wcid eutltriy destroyed hy lire in the early hour* of Sunday uicrnmg. M r. Steel*' and uu son were aroused from their slumber* shortly before two o'ct'K'k by Uiw bal king of their d"g and discovered thebatn in dauirs. ll.irricdly d ia lin g they rushedt<> the scene am i w ereable to take from "the building all the her»c* and cattle bat when thin wax itcconif lished the heat wa* " " intense th at iui tbei work was inipossible and there peri*h«d in the flames, th iee *heep. a nuuditrof swine and abnut hhV hundred fowl. The 11 lines spread rapidly to the cntbuild- ing* and they w uc *11 corstuntd, to­gether with all tho farm Implements. As the entire season's crop wa* aho destroyed. Mr, Stvi lrV 1<>>- i* plat ed iu the neighlnuhi »**l of |Hiuu, with but |iiWi», insurance. Tho origin < f the tile is a mystery, the only plausible theory being Hint a kuight of ihe road h »d spent the night in the barn and iu some manner sla tted the destructive bis Re.

RID L E Y W ALLACE.Due of the ptvUicM of weddings

Wit* la rfoi iucd <>u Wi-dnc*d(iy of Iu*t week by HcV. T . Wilson, when. Alt- Boy Ridh-y and la d e WoUare. . Idc-t dmigiit.'i of Mr. ami Mr*. Jo*. \\«l. hue of tin* town. Weic i{uirily limi ti**I at tbc bride'* homo lu re. 'Iltc table piettity itHltvd in a white br.aade *iiIlu *bi'r* with 'bitdow lm e Irtmudog and ciuvying large white ritiy -*»n- thcmuiu*. ciiteKsl the i*tom outlie arm

a father to the ,*(iain* ofriadicn » Intdid choru*. During Ho- *ig«.

Ipg of the icg i'te r the beaulllul song. A Pei Icel Day. wu- *ung by Air-. \. J . Thick at the .<>m fusion of the *vie- hiony a fter tho *li<d«* of Abndri*

i** wedding luUirit had •rax'd, (■. was "ting to organ. act*>m|Mni- 1, mid the bridili {Mrly and gm -ts

tmmlH-riug twenty, *ul down (*• a umptuun-i rejsi*t. which gave gieat I«*ln t** the bride's mot lot-, Tiw*

table decoration* Wt'iv <•! huge while chi v-aufli'im im -. a* w»»e the io*mi* and the Inid.ti u x h trimmings. The imintter of Iwaulifol pie*enl* show Hie m eat e*Hr*U with W'luch the ymiug voupie a te held. Mi, and Alt*- Bi'llt y left on tin- afletniHtfi tiain to visit T*u*'iito .tnd 11 her |»>iut* They will rvseh ?u Purls wlu iv the gt*s<m

interested in a garage.

REA LENT ATE DEAL.Air J M Hoethet has pmi.'hnsed the

two doiiM; dwelling h*>U*.w on Col* • tome N(. n.-ar the Presbyterian church fiom the Barr Estate, We un­derstand th at Air. Huolher put poses raxing the structure-nod erecting new up-to-date residences.

NKl C ltKD TW O SC HO LARSHIPSA <«>»tvot*-d »v|*orl *«f the jtapets, of

Hie t a lle r Nriioinr*hi|i eonLestnnta *lmw* Hun o f Hie three scholarship* eomiug |., |Jnin> County untlrr the < artet In*|ii, *i , ttv.t w*'ie captured by Walken on 'indent*. The awmtl* ue te for highest m ark*' obtained at Hie De|»aiimenial Exitiniimlions in IV"ii th Form'work. S, I>-w i* Honey Udng x**i»nl liigle - t in the county *e- runt\ a *ehnlats>hip valued at Btri. and Mi** Hu/.cl Tranter ia'ingihiidcaptur- . d m>, worth gfu. To win Iwo.tut of thi- i- *< luduiriiip* i* noLnnly a gieat ctedit to these student* hot »lx> to tie- school and testilhw t<>the - rtlcb n-ey obtle-teaehing MnlT and that this honor should Is- In ,night to the scliofd should lie very gratifying to Principal Morgan and M* assistant*.

COUNTY COUNCILThe December session of the county

conned is being held her» this week, with all im tnhcts in attendance. Tbo •exsion commenced on Tuesday after­noon, but up to the tim e o f going topress, nothing but ordinary routine bu*ine»» hail heeu transacted. Before tin- c!o*e of the «*»*ion the ccuncil will mi doubt follow the example of other counties iu Ontario and make a con- irilmtina tu the KedCroM or the Pat­riotic Fund, but what amount thin will be or lb what manner il will ho donat­ed hat not yet l*-«n decided u|>on. Hi nee ha* long item considered the banner County nf Ontario and II i» hott­ed th at the council will in acme degree *howr the patrioliMn of the jn-ople of the county by contributing nti amount which will do justice to the sons of Bruce W e venture to > a t th a t the people of the county will stand be- Itlnd the council in thie matter, re- gmdtesa Ot bow largely they may tev lit t i donate. .T h e only other item o f special interest which the council will be called upon to deal with it- the considering of two low amt* with which the County !■» threat­ened. One of these t& an action for damage* bioughl by Mr. Lloyd ot Nuatfonl :w» a lesiilt o f uu automohilu accident which occurred oa the Urey and lbucu boundary toad during the summer, iu which hi* auto was badly damag'd. The plaintiff a* usual at- tributes the accident to the bad condi­tion c f the road. Tho other is {in action brought by Mr. A. (t. Hampton, ioun- dryrnan of Walkerton lor unstated damages I tit? los* of buaiuesH canted by the closing of the west end bridge dur­ing the pa«t few months. No doubt Mr. liauipMdi ha* been a heavy loser a* a result of this bridi'e being closed but whether he t» able to collect re- tnaius to bo seen. Both cases will ha referred to cotuinittucn appointed to •investigate, who will submit their re­port a t the January Session ol next year. This session of tho council will probably close on Friday alternoon.

AN EXC ELLEN T LECTU RE.Thu seating capacity of the town

ball was taxed to th e utmost on Fri­day evening last when Kev.V The*. Wilson delivered his illustrated lec­ture on the war. Air. Wilson baa the reputation of beiug an excellent lec­turer uml on this occasion be more than upheld th at reputation. To <»t>enhi« subject, tbc lecturer, began a t home, showing views In and around Valent tier camp where the lirst Cana­dian expeditionary force was trained. Tills was followed by pictures of the crowned heads of Europe involved in the war; leaders oJ the attn irsof the coIIutile# at war; sections of the arm ies the infantry, cavalry and ar- H tlriy; it stiutncnt* of war, the guns, submarines; totpedoes. g.iu-lioats, mines, aeroplane), shell firing, elrt all ot which be d cfctilxd to Ihe audience, ti lling the port each takes in fighting the battles of the nations. He tbeu gave yjeWa of battlefields and enlarg­ed on the work of the Red Cross Soci­ety. This was followed hy views showing the dtstruction w uugbt by tho < h i man airny in towns and cities in Belgium and France and picture* of im portant and historic parts ol tfca cities of Paris, t-oodi-n and Berlin which compleUd his lecture. Fi’he p-ngtatu wa*. interspersed with -ongs, •’The Maple 1a «I \ “Rule Britannia ', “T.-uliug on the Old Damp Hr-ound'1 and "Uml Nave the King", all of which were ilturttaled by slide*. There was tint a dull moment during tho even­ing's program itud ihoeu who did not itllend ruiMSd a rare treat. The lec­ture wa*equally «* interesting to Ihe grown-up* ns to those of the younger generation and from an educative point of view, there is no belter way of becoming’ acquainted with facts th a t e.very Britt*h subject should know than by listening to a lecture ol this .nature. Everyone who was pres* co t would I e pleased to have Mr. Wtison secure Miffirient pictures on the war to warrant hie giving a suries «*! lecture* a* the war progresses. The silver collection taken at the door amounted to fftO.OU which has been given to the Daughters of the Empire, under whose auspices the lecture wa* glrou,


"Don't we-e-p, dtar. 5 a t fried with mo fho memory of all tb« good In­struction I tm<l received from Hie chaplain at Newgale, and from the missionary on i*o*rd the convict Jrans- port ship. TIiIh paved mo, Ruxy, even In that hell, with devil* for my com­panion a. It saved mo. There " .r o very few chances of Improvement there, hut I made the most of all. Af­ter five year* of bitter slavery there, I wa* ftlven a little liberty to work for myself, under certain restriction*, and to receive a part of my wages. I then tried my boat t<>do richt, and to please those in authority over mo. and attain 1 *oo- ,reeded: but. Suxy, the old black ( load hung too heavily over me, and I never got a tirket*oMr*ve. I had k «I!Ip < restriction* npon my liberty. The weary years roiled on. and l gre« more homesick nnd heartsick oh Hie time of my exile approached Its end. Out every night. Just an soon oh my head would bo upon the pillow. I would fall asleep and dream of home. Hut i have told you alt this before/*

''Yes." said fltwv, weeping Mill. "vs*. Oh. how I wish you had found my dear father and mother out there! They nre wealthy aheap farmers now. liens*, nnd they would have employed you. and took you right Into the boaoni of th «r family and loved you like a son. 1 know they would. How strange and unfortunate you did not meet them!"

"More unfortunate than strange, dear Suxy Australasia l» n large place—Australia alone nearly as large as Europe. To wbnt part of thn !*•

lla."“And I, you see. was on Tasman'-*

Ptmlneuln, a thousand miles .ir so south of them, with no knowledge of their being out there, and with go lib ­erty !<• seek them. If I had known where they lived."

"Benny, dear, what do yon Intend, to do. now that you have come here*"

"I have not thought yet. You know It will bo difficult, if not impoMtlbht for me. a returned convict, to get em­ployment from anyone, for no one will employ n stranger without a recom­mendation. And wlto could give me n recommendation'’"

*T could. Benny, And I would, heartily."

"But you should not- Suxy. l would never consent to IhajL"

"But why?” .?"Because It would bring reproach

and trouble on you.""1 do not cam If It should But how

could It do so?**"In this way. You would glvo mo n

recommendation nnd n referenc* to yourself. Upon the strength of that some one would employ mo. Then someone else would he sure to find out that l was a returned convict, and would expose mo. Why, Stay, you would even be liable to criminal pru‘.e- cutlon for giving false cbnrhcrer, my dear.”

"But it wouldn't tw a false character If I were to ray all that Is good of you now. Benny, ii would be tru e"

"Ab. but dear, opposed to alt vm r faith In me would be the hard fact of my being it returned convict."

"Oh, Benny, my poor brother, what can I do for yen?"

"Nothing. Suty. 1 am fit for noth­ing but service, nnd no one would em­ploy me."

"Beony. 1 am your sister—-yourheart's sister! Iw-t me do a *l*t<Fs nnrt toward you. (is 1 do fpr Bill. I."? me advance the funds to set yon up in some business that would be to your taste. Benny.**

'T thank you deeply, dear, haptiy lit­tle tdaler: hut 1 cannot accept your generous bffer. I cannot and will not sponge upon your resources, little tls- tor."

“Oh, Bcnny.Xto let mo advance the funds to *ct you «p In seme buslnesv would noi be sponging on me. t only want to loan |yott the money. Benny. You would pay It back to me n«ntn"

“No.S'Uxyil should lose H and m-ver be able to repav it. No. Snxy. 1 know nothing of business, and I should be sure to fall."

"Benny, you will break tnv heart If vou do not let mo do something for you! Benny, t have no agent but my brother nnd r»v business bores him. Couldn't you be my agent, Benny?”

1 "And supplant your brother? No. Su iy!""You need not supplant him. but only

supplement him ! have business en­ough for two such agents as-Bill makes. Bo one of them, Benny."

"No. dear Suty, 1 nm not fit to he vmir agent or your brother's co-labor­er. ! should bring discredit on you both, and that 1 never will do."

Suty burst Into tears nnd wept pas­sionately. sobbing and gasping forth her lamentations.

**1 am wretched! 1 am miserable! And people think me so fortunate and happy! Oh! tf they only knew how l suffer they would pity-instead of envy­ing me, who connot even rave or help my own old playmate In his bluer need! What is fame or fortune to me. when my heart Ik bleeding and aching alt the time? My dear father and mo­ther are far from me! I shall scarcely ever sec them any more! My sisters and brothers, except one, are gone!

• in my homo! And I am lonely, lonely, lonely! And now when my fortune could at loast bring me some happl- And a stranger fills my mother's place ness by enabling me to help my old playmate, lie Is too proud to let me. help him!”

"Suxy! ‘Proud?’ 1. proud? Of what, oh! heavens! have I been proud’ I. who have been ground down to Use dust! No. dear sister. 1 am not proud, bit I hope that I am too just and gen­erous to take tlie least advantage of your magnanimity." said the poor young man, earnestly.

"But you will not let me help > nti! Von will not let me do a single, thing for you! And 1 wish, I do! that vou and I were back again tn the poor, old house, In the poor, old times when we used, to hunger and shiver and Mpnb jno U| tjioq ow 1*q j .tsjo jo tujtsJte astioq mduretioj pjo blood ®Ut it) ‘Katun PP> Mood •*i|» ot oS pinoo | pun no.< i«u> t)»f.u | ,*.<> ■qO *XL».\Od Jno «( <ddei| .»« puts oaqt \t->»|* pu* jjq lo jq dfUI-'JUl j .qjo ■ nr a no pt.\0( om jo; !.i,ti|»->siot fwjd- grave*," shn said, with a fresh burst of grief.

The poor outcast latwed bis in-ad, but whether In accent to iu r words, in amen lo her prayer ,or inSubmlcHlon to her will. «he could hot know until he apokr.

"Buay, little, faithful r-lstcr. »eep no more. You ahali hoip me, If you will. In the only way in which you can do * * without compromising yourself ■—

only which you canin th<make me happy

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me quick­ly !” she exclaimed vehemently.

“Ij will tw> no degradation, little sta­ter. «t will lie n Kerylce of affection aud devotion that I shall render you. Beside*. | shall have the comfort of honestly earning my own bread, and above all, the happiness of living in the same house with my happy little sister, and of seeing her every day. Take, this into serious consideration, Suxy,"’'',

" ‘ .Make mo as one of thy hired ser­vant*.' " he said very gravely.

■'Benny! Benny! What -do you

■’{ told you. dear, that I was fit for nothing hut s-rvice: Suty, Hive me & footman's tdneo in your household."

"A footman's place tn my household! t Will never; never, never degradn you *o. my brother!" she Indignantly ex­claimed.

"1 will not fake it into consideration for a single moment. I will never, nev­er do such a tiling as that. Benny."

"I think you will, dear Suxy: becauao you w|j| come In know that It will be the only tiling you can possibly do for me. Hood-morning. Suxy,**

"You are not going?" she said, dry­ing Imr eyes.

"Yes, dear. I must not slay long and set your household wondering what business such n poor fellow as I am chn have with their mistress.”

"What do I care .and what should you rare, how much they wonder at us. so that we do right? You will come again at this hour to-morrow. Benny?"

"No. Ruxy. t must not come again to see you. It Is not fit that 1 should do so.”

"Not Ml! Oh, Benny! when so many not half so good as you nre come to sec me, and whom custom obliges tnc to receive! Oil. Benny, come again to­morrow,"

"No; I cannot come here again as a visitor. T cannot come herc^wgatu un­til you take m<> into your service — which you will sooner or inter do, Ruxy; and when I can see you every day. and watch over you faiihtuUy. And then it must he no longer Ruxy and Benny between us, since wo will be no longer little children on term* of equality; it must bo — How do people address you, Suxy? On the bill# you nre ‘Arielle- nothing else. But surely your visitors and servants do not call you * Arielle.*"

"No, Benny, they do not. It is bo extremely ridiculous. They call me ■ Mademoiselle Arielle.' m though i were a French woman- -because I w as

, educated in France, and because t sing t in the opera, l suppose. l,ord knows i wby they do it; 1 don't. My Nnsisih : servants call me simply "miss.*"

"Either will do. Uood morning, ■mademoiselle.' When you require a

; footman, and are wilting to tako one s without it character, I ahull be at your■ orders," sitid the poor young man,: jestingly, so as to raise her splritr, as : ho turned to leave the room.

"Benny, come .back to me! Where ; arid you slopping?" she inquired, atixi*; ously.> ”in the old house at funk U a e in

night. Nowhere In particular by day.""And you will not come to see me

to morrow?” site pleaded."No, dear Rax..'; for your own sake

I must n ot.""But If I consent to take that pro­

position of yours into consideration.• will you not come to-morrow to taik ! it over with me?*'

"No, Ruxy; for if would be unite : uteless. and t must not visit you here■ uttlcfiS in a ease of the greatest tiroes- ; ei|y, if such nimuld arise. No. I hove

raid all tliat can be said'In favor »f : my plan. You will think of it, and if ’ you think favorably of It. is J trust

you will, you tan send to lot me know < that you have decided to engage me. (Then I come to you a* your faithful 5 servitor, and open no other term*. I ] would die before-i-would do anything

to cotnproniDe you, Ruxy. tiood morn- : log, little sister.”

Rite held her band, out to him. He rnlHcd It to hi* lips, bowed ami w ith ­drew.

> And Suxy, left alone, fell to weeping j again.[ "Tho only one who ha* corns hack

to me out of my lost childhood, and I the dearest one of alt. and be will no*

let me lift him up!" she complained, j iter lamentations were interrupted, | by n knock at the door.\ "Come In." she said. cros*',>.! “This new dress for 'Marv Ruirrt,' i mndemolscllo, will you hnvo it trimmed

with gold or silver Jaee. or se*-«l pearls?'* enquired the costumer.

It wn* her costumer."Trim It with black crape. If yet

like, 1 don't care what vou trim it with," snapped "mademoiselle.” T*ttn, bJanving hersc-lf, cite soid, "I heg *our pardon, madam, i did not mean to speak so uncivilly; but Indeed I am

j vexed. Bray use your own perfect i tante in Urn decoration of tl»c robo, and

1 almil be quite aatiefled with It.”\ Tbo custumer fciaUed, nodded, and \ withdrew,i At the same hour Benny went hack ! to hlu poor lodglngit In Urn Itouxe at \ Junk lotue. where he had been per- : ndued to leave, hi* box of clothe* with { the old woman who bad ohnrgo ot tiie | place.■ As the ragged school hud been dht- ; missed for the day, Benny got leave i to go up to the room wlmro ho slept I at night, and whore un had loft hia ’ trunk.; The room had six small single bods j in it, but nothing more, -; At ibis hour there was no living ; creature In It except himself.

Me drew his box out front under his ,(told, unlocked it, and took from It a ; small parcel.\ He sat upon tin* side of the bed and : oerolitxl and looked at it. j i t consisted *•' a baby’s Mno white

merino sack, t.mbruidered with white i silk, and a baby's little tine, white i knitted woollen sock, with whlio silk j < ord and tassels.; He took the sack in ids iianda and \ narrowly examined the embroidery, j thinking:j ''.That poor, wretched Tony Brice j gave mo lids on his death-bed. Ha | liad managed to keep It through all ; Hi< vicissitude# of ills miserable life. | lie had hoped, ho said, that some day ; i' might make my fortune and ilia •own. And be went on to tell me that i i was not tin.- son of Madge Hurst, j whom In; married, nnd consequently f tliiit t was not ids stepson. lie told : me that I was the *on of a lady; that t « was palmed off upon Madge In j place of Jier own child, which died ! toon after birth: that this waa con-* fcsxed to Madgo by the midwife

who attended bar, and who. In con­

junction with I lie doctor, had prac­ticed the fraud upon her; but that wgs all e'en (be midwife could tell, for sh« died before she could utter the doctor's name. And a pnrcct containing this little sack qud this little sock, supposed to be part of my infant outfit, and tbo work of my molber'H hand*, and which was found by Madge among the effects of th“ midwife. Is all that they could find to afofrd a clue to thy hlrth, Madge kept it carefully as long a* she re talncd her sense* or her liberty. Then Tony look charge of B. and contrived to keep It nafa through all the troubles and rhango* of his life, hop­ing some time to profit by H. Ah' if they had only possessed the wit nod knowledge lo discover what I now see, they might have been more sue- ct#sful in their search for my parent*. For here is the sure clue. On the fop of the tittle slipper and around thb border off'the sack, among the embroidered wreath? of eglantines, in­wrought th,. crest of the Barons of Mnllthgow."

CHAPTER XV.Three days passed, during which

Benny haunted the neighborhood of t'ovent Garden Theatre morning and evening, for the pleasure of catching a glimpse of Ruxy. as *be went back and forth lo the rehearsal or to the opera.

But while thus watehlng for her. he tried to avoid attracting her atten­tion. or that of anyone else.

On the evening ot the third day. after he had seen her go In at the stage door for the opera, and while he was waiting weary hours to see her conto out at the cud of the per­formance, a man from the theatre r*m«* up and addressed him.

"B e your name Benjamin Hurst?”"Yes.” paid Benny, wondering."Then I wrre to give you this, lt'a

a bank-note. 1 shouldn't wonder. Marmnelle Is werry charitable, nnd fling money about like dried leaves In Nowember. And you look os If you might be a hobject," *»»d the nmn, a* he handed Benny a sealed envelope nnd hurried away.

Benny was not acquainted with Busy’s handwriting, but he suapectcd the note lo be from net.

Ho took It to the nearest gaslight, opened It and read as follows;

Hear Benny; Feme to ray hottie early to-morrow morning. Conte on your own terms. P;ny.

He pressed the little note to his lips and put It In hts bosom.

He waited until she came out, wr.tn- ped in her soft white-hooded onera rloak, and escorted by Ixvrd Well- x * . who carefully handed her to her

^H ^ saw the door close, and then he turned aw-ay to his humble, lodgings In Junk l-Ano.

Very earlv In the morning lie arose nnd carefully brushed Id* m»or dallies and washed hi* face and combed his hair; and thus having made hlnmdf as dean ami neat as hi* circumstances would permit, lie »et out to walk to Bark i-sne to keep hi* appointment with Ruxy. . ,

The distance was long, but he ljftu no money to pay his omnibus fare. Therefore he had started early to walk all the way.

It was ten o'clock when he reached (tie little palace.

On being admitted he enquired >or Mademoiselle Arielle, saying also that he had been ordered to wait on Iter at this hour.

He was told in md> that mademoi­selle was at home. :ra.d had given or- d-rr* that he should be shown to her presence immedlalety upon hi* arrival.

IP-nnv took off hi* poor hat an,, fol- , low ed tilt! footman; Who conducted him ; upstairs to the rose .-parlor, where !<c had last seen Suxy.

"The young man, Mtu>i please, in!**." said Hie toot ms Suv open Hie door for i t e m .to enter* , and then closing it and retreating.

Ror.v was dressed to a plain » muslin rohe, and rente fable, upon wliicit lay

IN OB! CRUSTHair Came Out. Scalp Itched and

Burned. Scales like Sawdust. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed In Six Weeks.

N EW D E P A R T U R EGovernment Bulletin on "V entila­

tion of Farm Buildings."

The Px*. Manitoba ~ "Four r-vr* **->1 iM-cati ti> lw ray hair- It «««-*t <•> won*nut any lime that: l rotnh'd 1(. I think It

IxvaiK* my head was hill of dandrtiiT. Whenever I t-nwtwd It th« wafc* flew oft tike Xty «-»lp fttwj Itebad *ndburned and my limd wav like n dry crust. Tho danitruiT vIiowihI v.ry plainly.

"1 appttr,! *«:verat mn«lle* hut found no Imper«»«!«>! !|!i I uuvl <‘vu|e»;ra and Ointment. After uvlna <Tillcura Snap and Ointment a few day* I f*-»in.l a sreat dlf. fen-nee «> I pontlnUCil *l»li Own. *1* week* and they ron>p$rte{y healed me.” (Signrd) 1,. D. I..ski*(»d. Jimcd, 1»M. >

RASH OVER BABY'S CHESTt«» Polll* Ave, Tnrmitn, Ont. "Prom

hlrth my hahy *ennilM*n had a nvsli .ore hi* chr«< Wh!eh p*v-v«tte,| hi* vleejde* nn-t aermerl to trrKate Kinv a enrat deal They were a r»\M of tiny red pimple* nil Id* eh<wt and arm*. Ho «M too young to wratch Imt *A» very m *» and fretful.

“ I u*ol theiviropiovof hothf'utirerwSftap end Oininqit Amf they npiunml to afTnnt: him relief immtylkXely *o t Imught more. In (herd nr four week* bo w.v* entirely heated." {Sigred! Mr*. U Compton, May 23, 1914.

S u m p lo q F r e e b y M a i!Atttwwijh Cn'icue* Soap and Cgtkuen

Ointment are **>td throunlmut tho wislit, a aampln of each wilSi-llUp. Skin ll.wik wilt t«. rent free uixMi reqqed. Aildre** po*f -eard; J*Cuticura. Dept. »>. Boaiuh. V. ». A."


.KjfoKot* ;'" I - putdi-:

- O r i

move (.nek m the! matter,

A Woman’s Message to Women

"Ventilation of Farm Building*’ Is th.* HUo of n recent bulletin prepared liy J . II. tlrlHilale, B. Agr., Dlrectcr of Dominion BxtMTinicntal Farms, and Mr. K. S. Archibald, H; A.. B. 3. A.. Homlnion Animat HuMbanilman, and i&su«J ns Bulletin No. of tho regular eerles of the Experimental Farm Bul­letins. Thin lit an llluntratcd publica­tion of thirty-two pages, and treats ex­haustively of the subject of ventilation.

During tho past ten years or tnor-v much experimental work hit* been car­ried on at tbo Experimental Farm building tn farm building ventilation, nnd tho icaull* of thtwo experiments nro cieorljr outlined, nnd froit; them, rceommendatlons are ret forth, and therm only after ran*t thorough Inves­tigation and repented trial under every likely condition or handicap. Tho bulletin is divided into . three part*:I'art 1 I* entitled "VrntllattnR tho Cow Burn": Fart 2. "VcntllnMng tho Hor*o Barn.” and Furt 3, "Ventilating the Bigger y."

Tho Rutharforit avalcm of ventila­tion. winch It fully described and Bit's- trated In this tmUcttn, Is now In oper- atlo in the barn* and stables of all ox pert mental forms and otatlon* from Prince Edward Island to BrUltth (!oi- ttmbia. (V-pteo of *hl* Inillettn may tie ohtatned on application to the Publica­tions Branch. Department of Agricul­ture, Ottawa.

THE USUAL THINO.(Ft. Catharine* Journull Heddan projeet* an Adamle*

« herein aft property will be ti

S i c k H e a d a c h e s — ——are pot caured by anything wrong in the head,-but by constipation, bilious- ne*» and iiidigotion. Headache powder* or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr, Morre'a Indian Root Pills do cure »irk head­ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or tick xtomach which earned them, I)r. Morre'a Indian Root Pills are purely vege­table. free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headu- he coming take

D r . M o r s e 's rt I n d i a n R o o t P i l l s

BETTER TIMES COMING.(Philadelphia IJecard)


With Frequent Sick Headache* and Much Pain After Eating Or. Chase's Nerve Food Cured.

I S S U E N O . IH m i l



Thl* letter Is from » lady w-ho gain ; ed 14 f»ound* by using th.- great food; \>ui fure. It did womiera tor lor In: 1m ■ >■“' proving iter general health. Rite i.x: >*yl, enthUMlaatle in it* praise, and refers | »n.t to her nelghts»ra as witnes.ses of th- ;h*i-i t-plendld r<*sult« obtained. \ '"V

Mr*. Sunan Dobson, Spring Hill et-.-. Mlnro. N. .writes; "It h with j •'«> pleasure that t write to you tn pralre | |‘f ,, of Dr. Fhowea Nerve Food. I wart' V- trouble* wlili dyBitepsia. arid oiuld i not e«t without suffering much pain; : also had slrk licadatlu s frequently,; ff nnd tny nerve* were in had eotulHIo)..; About ten year* ago I look a tliorough treatment of Dr. Fhave's Nerve Food. aalng altogether 2t boxes, and Mm ■ xt* then can oat nothing, have been freed from Itendache*. nnd my liealtlt ha been great lv Improv'd In ever.' way. I gained 14 pound* In weight,nnd feel sure l owe everything to Dr Chase'* Nerve Food. You may - us" this letter, and my neigh!H>re ran (<-H you my condition before h Muk tbi;> t rent men 1."

THE GERMAN FUTURE(ttuffab) E*p(->-i

The Hermann ioii(i oy till* 'Un­begun li> recover truio toe or ----- hteh tm-y


chance that Oermany tnay ’•>tatv terms of peace and secure f .r h* retf subsiantUt eenqio-*'*. F«r *■-: time the German attack* iiav,- mert heen In nccordsme with the rav.rlle <;- . man principle* that a vlg«.r"u- offense: i- j I lh- bc«t det.-n.rivc for m-re * r*m»th It w-uld not. riveref'-rc. t-̂ 'for Atcrmnny to feet that If the old *f»t_ .quo could to KBtnred Itinoorii mediation | I »h« would have alt that she c.o now l I reasonably hope to «*m by pritlftrurift* ‘


Beisium >.** *«»»n t*-»n prevret !•■ > ■ tn th« wrong. The V <>,<»hc e^o rng of Berlin nmintBln* that tin- Iteieinna tai l no right to rerist the licmmii crowUn:,- nf their country, becnui* it was not i>t

B r a c c U p !T A e



'Sri4E«fvw!-MArv PtttU Vaa

* n wk*t'»*L»H a“ Buy it lor Purity’s sake*'

endedTlv or a I are inadding

breach of <»ve t»iderervlng of • vit aantfin InsuH In

. -<f nation* path}’. Th‘« incatnutnhte

A COMPARISON.i W0* cured at painful Holt re by


..da Of

i- eueh talk

tntisic.Rite iuintvdiateiy arose and brl«.

her baud, HaySnq c«rn«-slly-•I am very glad to see you. Benoj,.

though y.m do t ome only on ><»■>r o*# hard terms. And I only agree to t!u*v terms because you will not permit me to help i mi ou any other*, and because also having ’ t»u u«-ar «»**, I hope to in- dure vou to Iff me s*rv.- you. my bro- lltt-r. In some lu*tt«r wny. Frav down."

"I HmM»V jo «. Ro~.-«" »atd th- vonss man. seating i.Irnsr-U. for In trttBt be* was very tired with bl* long walk.

■ Now. brother .dear, .*« *an talk ptainlv wKh w h other, can a o t l

"Yes. Mute sister .but It must be tor the last time. Alter t become your vant there* van tie no n beiwecn us.”

Oh. dear in' ! 0ear hie! ' moaned the poor child, wringing her hands.

Ii seemed very hard to iu-r to speak of wage* to her old playmate. In faet. ■B.-r several efforts, site Raw It np- and said:

• Benny, I would rather write what l have to say to you In regard to one particular of your engagement, tf yon don't object, '

"Anything you please. Ruxy.”"Everything else but that 1 van talk

about. I hope you will feel no toruple lit aecepling this small advance on ac­count. Benny?" she said. Hipping a sealed envelope Into his hand.

"No, Suxy. especially as St Is really necessary to procure my livery before f (tiering your service. Your livery Is blue, while, and silver, t think. 1 wonder who makes It up."

"You are not to go Into livery! t won't have th at!" exclaimed Susy, bursting Into angry tears. "You wisSt quite to break my heart. Benny, 1 believe! But 1 can tie nhstinnto as well as you! And t say I will not have you degraded by an> badge of servitude! Livery, Indeed! You in liv­ery! Ulo Karl of Weltroae, w ho Is so much tike you that you and tie might be laken for own brothers!"

Benny Marred and ('hanged color.Hniy, too much absorbed in her own'

passionate denunciation*, did not per­ceive his emotion, but continued ve­hemently:

”Y*es, (hat he Is! Enough like you to be your own brother! And he may bo yonr own brother, for aught 1 know!" she added maliciously.

"Suxy." said the young man. speak­ing with forced calmness, ”»* you are »0 welt acquainted with the Earl of Wollrose, do you happen to know whether, he Is in any way related to the Scottish house of Seton-LInlllh- gow?"

Ruxy looked up «t him from tho cornora of her tearful cyca and an- awered saucif?

" I b the Earl of WeUrose related to the Rcotch house of Rcton-Llalltligow? Well, t should really think he was On the surest side of the house, too; on his mother's aide. Why. I though! everyone knew that his father, the Duko of Cheviot, married Eglantine Rcton, Baroness Linlithgow in her own right. What's fhe matter. Bonny?" sho suddenly Inquired, aoelng tho young man grow very pale, and throw his hands to hla head.

(T* b* Conti»««(l).

Better Light and Tore of It

Ke r o s e n e

lig h t is b est for y o u n g e y e s a n d old e y e s alik e. T h e

J& x y &

l a m p g i v e s y o u k e ro se n e lig h t a t its b e s t — a s t e a d y , g e n e ro u s g lo w th a t r e a c h e s e v e r y co r­n e r o f th e room . • T he R A Y O does not smoke or smell. It is made o f solid brass, nickel-plated. It is easy to light, easy to clean, easy to rew&k. A t dealers everywhere.

Made in Canada

R0YAU7F. OtU. V ,( for «H

Import No. « of the of p« rluritianc ■ for p entile 1111* rcc-’nfjy been Issued by the Live sto ck . Brooch of the Dominion Department of ARncuttur»\ 'fiii* re­port covers .tb;* period from March ::i, m l”, to Mured I'i. «!>M. and include-) iS.o records of production of milk and buri- r far of 120 \yrshie, it:,*. Holsicin, ::•) Jersey, .» ShorHiorn.U I i oik Ii -Cauadiati nnd eoc s a* well (ho uam'-s and pro­geny of several. Ayrshire-. Mol- fj.-iu and Jpjrsey tiull* tliat have OUnlllied, hy reason of tirudiieilon of their offsprins. for registration. In an oppi ndix to t|ie report wilt be found lho record* of n number of emu which produced sufficient milk an fat to qualify for registration, h»i taibil (o freshen within fifteen month ofter tin* commencement, of ih*> te*t. ’ *i The rut*-* ami regulation* governing » the record of performance teat* and < ,, the sisralurels for registration for the ' u various breedv ot dairy cattle nre a!so j ' given. Copies of this report may be i bad f»n application to the FohUcatlons j w Brnneh, Department ot Agriculture • t Ottawa.Minard'a Liniment Cure* Catdt, Etc. ; „

Tt^O DRANDs'oF CULTURE. : »•>v (Toronto Star)

Or. Martel'a Female PUU have been the Standard for 21 year* end for <0 years i ‘escribed and recommended hy ; phyalclana. Accept no other. At cl! ; druggUt*.

«*«*»>• reroiww *»■« ..**o« * *c-l*t the ctrret or delivered to the Vtii.-

ribera doe* not pay for lh.' While pa­ir- they wilt 'probably wonder where- the -ofits ctone in Tht* state of thins.

rovriMt- to boom time*, with * j-P'* mra of advertising to m»'.- *-tM tl-.< «*ca due to elrculBtfon; but if runnel n*er tontinue If n>-w*(»iper publlahlnu

■lUfih ->f thatIhe' wnr \\ re«J!> dreVdVl t-̂v «be counter.wld/HlC Bill*-> ' (.<*- -lareif.'.l of' uKbnsto,-letnry. They hov.* th- wraith, and sto>y

i Vrelof'-d. v’nfKrta ' of British culture-* wilder

n Aualratl* pro*rt»J i*

Image it they d-vMmard’* Liniment Cures Diphtheri

uutil (•'

K ' S anUt !!'*.'able to 1

a. n* liollvtdu.iiititribuie to c»vti a* they »ci .-l,faln«l Me'dole* t>.-f»r* the cf»c*-or*inetj i>re» *>r

Jternhardl and the Kai*tr K«t Into the German blood.


i i there any wav of knocking head of till* pedant »«d hureaucrat Dern- hunt the fact that we tn Canadu nre deep­ly *tlrred by the wion** of Belgium, and that we honor (treat Britain b*cau*r she

-n the Belgian »-ide? W> fen* not idn. In Dernburg * Oplqlnn. la n colo­

ny. like <-no of the he tried to Hover ip •sight tf It* <-« Mand freedom; I democracy, He < Canada I* Brltla) the Prueslan !<!*« *i*» D regarded ■

e does not understand >ea not understand that from choice, ami that w fetch has crushed Bef- * loathing in Canada

, LONG-FELT WANT. (St. Thomas Journal)

. __ waiting for someone to iautomobile that do**a"t costume dm. Then we’ll buy a maohlni



SLANDETS REFUTED.(Chicago Trjtmne »

(ierraan or Auatrlan cartoon an military te conteutpluuua ■ s it lias In the f<'re,(r»"iml a dh* . The Bttte father: In- hi* »■«** and the vedetic in the t

n their i

of the I noukIt I hott!*- :




F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y

Dec. 11tli and 12IH, 1914Many other prlxet offered.For all infdfm.iUcn «d rest

C. F. Topping, Ssc'.-.r-ry, Union Stock Yard*. Torrnf).

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert Miller, J , M AehreaH, J r . J . W. Wheaton. Martin Gartlhou**.

.tho irtiinle virtually pure *

The « iim m are «■ drunken. i« now »ot.f •■d Rhiteintuu* fey a t nhaolute autocracy jd had prohibition wi

ment of a til hurt (y » word.

F"tre#»*it I* th* "i tjan eivlblxatiott


OISTUIBFTMtSh-SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. (hrffltsls and tUirtrrloioflWta.

e.ttMf?.!*. 1ND., t'. S . A.

EDITORIALT :t» !nwi‘ \ v m i ,

\ HAT tUR NAVY 1$ U)ING• V\ ■!<<■: u>.' people of Britain dreaded for litTUiy Ii ijk yi.ar« before this war breke < nt »a< flint. in th,< event of was with » tiqrojwan power. «luy might l-» starved lit «»• all! by n.i*>mt of Tlirlt- mi riaiiifU1 Nhippltig being driven front fit.' Mv Winn serin* i*»C would tirgu<* thai Britten emthl »«f In; In- i-olul by a litT'tiii- unit' it was a I

<«t C at it would not be in !■>•*■ ary liwjnvade, the eounto. AH fjii' riK'itf.- vvmiid have tu tin wtniltl be In blockade fbi Tirflbh port* and th" frit'll would dene, Hot m for ft Han till H teeUor w«>. British' ports arc open. British are mill*hig the s ‘ and foml m»d ►tippHe'* ©f all kinds are plentiful in tin* light Hub* island. Hut tin* enemy's (tort t ant i lifted. She iia» no s i l i c on the emutp and (Tie is being slowly bill- surely hampered fer want rf the n<v i-ewarfe*. AH tills has Item achieved without lighting wltal might be called a tuna! bnH!«*. Trim. Ho< BrUkdliiitti have «n l dime what -one* ex­pected It might do. <t bts tiol searched mil er deslrow-d fln> Kaiser's fleet. tut rvrcpl for A-ecasiinai »»tp* tits* H'At fleet might pa Well not tin In iWiMeuee.

Britain b»*> t« -« unite » Pw ships Hul II is dimbHitl if ( I"’ ha* lo*I more than b f . Cermunv Winn '*<• cmj- . tiler Ho* ditfereme * f dotation. the Bril |»tt f?*« t Jms « considerable; ad van • luge, It has to kiwi* M»* North Boa open . H bus (irefi’etid British o'.or-

routea, (i has convoyed. over ::.ot*t>,. poo treofi; front Britain to ("ranee; ft ha* taken ever ISO.dW from Canada to Urltaili. as well a-. “.OOt front Smith Africa. 70,pftU from India, nad from .\ns*U*Jia and New Zealand. It baa done all this, without the loss of

■troops hip ami to-day the* fleet . H not stronger than It

war began.;•■fleet is now doing is

. nerve-wrecking and wearl- Hut if is doing H with a will.

Without it ilriittiu would tie heUdes*. With St she Is All tmwerful. and at* though there have been nu Npietaeu- Jar victories. it is fulfilling Its mis­sion. protecting Britain's shores from attack, keeiilng the >m«; open to B rit­ain?. whitened sails, and turning ihn’; North e'.-a into a ferrv for the passage of her Hoop;*.

CANID* AND 1 HE ViAP.We iio n(»t know wlial n'trcetuem or

pndcrMaudinj; the Ihiminton ftovern* turnt has with the Itrillet* Hovcrnment regarding the help HiIh couutry is ex* l*cete«| to stive In connection with tit*’ sa r , We know what t'anad* iias done, and V'hat It |h iiroiiosi.il Hint rhe will do. Wit know »Iso wlial Urltatn is ilo- injt. and that tier cry Is for men, more men. Sib one can read the desiiatclies that dally totne from tin.* front with* ottt being Imprwicd wlui Ut** tliougbt that the nil lbs lire flsbiiUK ugnlnst itnal od<ls, n fisbt that ts trying and tenting the Itrftish troops beyond atl : nd»iratie«, and Hie tjItexHoii is asked, how bun; can (key go <m fills wa>without proper reiafom'tueats* Kiteir- eniT Is ra ŝitiK aiiother ttiiliioti of ine<t and I'urliKnicnt has i-.iNs*,d the neew* ar? a|tjiro)*riatloUs tor «arry»ng on

the war, t̂ fut the Hermans are still in Cram e, ami fitcre Is tio saying bow long HtoV may stay under firoeitt coo- diilons/u will be tiprlnB. we ore told until tile new HriUtdi army l« ready for the front. Many things may Imp- i><Ti by that time. Iff course, we have nu nktdlng faillt that Hrliuin will mud* die if)rough this war somehow, just as she muddled through the South Afri­can war. As a nation she M yet nn- louA'IjAsi, her territory is not Invaded. Iter «ommeric* is as fr«s* as ever, and she is NlIH till»tr«KK of the seas. Hut ihiSywar m u s t » n eml some time, and : be must >se ttcat H ends the way sin- wants it fo end.

Now lid;; war is Canada'.* war as much a*, it is HrltatnV. W<* have heard how Hue t.erimin |tisi}de mm, women amt elltldr‘ 11- are all figlillnR In some **ay or other for the Cathertand. Ar>- we doing all that we should? (»«:f>ot for Hrllsilit vvauiKI in*’(tff defeat fo f Can­ada, tf we' are lo tax our resources a - HrtbAfn ift dolnc ">■ stmufd mw) ?on, unit or dtw.hoo men lo Hid front, il we are to.do (bat. it Is time that we c . redoing something more than we are doing non. Hut evidently tin* Uov- ernuient is not figuring on sending NOclt « t*ody of Ul*-n. What is fine mat­ter? go'far .there Id no hick of volun­teers to go i» the front. In thh ea«t and tile west, inert are found to res­pond u>. •ftiiekly ;in the call is made, and there are many men anxious to go. but cannot find flic ©ptKsriunsfy, Ir may be that the Hovcrnmcnt bun not got flte equipment. We know Timt Ibey have not, but no doubt Hritaln would tm glad to take the im-u with* "tit equipment, lad the Camolluti Hov- ernmeof eouip what tbey'enn. and in Hie meantime send Hie unenujp|rt*il. KUeJietler n*eds then'.

We are often told that the Canadian people have riot yel begun u» realUe "h a t the war means to them. Home of float are more Interested tn fo»vtbali or baseba!! than Hie war. It In o for awa> Uiat they imngiiie it cm have lilUe d irm Interest for them. Canon Murray, in an address this week i»e- foro the Winnipeg Canadian Club; lidti no doubt as to the vital interest it lias for ait of us. If'- eabl;

In regard to Canada's place in tin* war. some people raid they w>re very willing to as#i*t in the war betaus'

tiny wire loyal tt> tuc A'litplrc. That was very gmal, m* far tv* It went; but it did Mot go far enough, tie did not think people hud fealicted Huit tbc i In wUleb w« are cngngial Imilay v one nt Hie mile-stones In the iibdory of t’anada ami affected every pel in Hie eoi.utry on Hie ground of, bis

Hie people of tfrei t Hriluln. Kranee I Itowvja or Heigh m. Wb«t would he the

reNuit to Canada If Crew! Hritaln wer- defiati'd? Tile other tiny a Herman genUeman. *vritlng to a New York | elob, prol'iiesird tint Canada would b(< H Herimtii eobmy in H<H>.'"I think lie Is it little premature, but there I* not Hie least sltatlow of »lmil<t ttiat if Croat Britain wet, cnistnd tty litany abe would lake tJreat Hritalo s n ilonlo. In fuel. It i > her colonies Hint ••ermatiy rovef*. Herman) would tn»f be »<injMit with m lurbic Hr*,it Hrt- tuin t,» u ihlrd-elaNN power; sin- would take over HrUlsii luisse-siom*, if ilrspotivfn of Hmuany trfumpbft. It is for <uir hearth* and homes we would liaVe to fight and w e woubl be in il mlnent danger of being subjected outrages Htieb as had taken place

l Belgium and northern I'nMiee. If is for ‘ e that wo juke fills vvur as

[ D l f O R I A l N0 1 ES

tfl tl, llilglu**' rebuke of Col. l -̂i.surd wa; net a wry diptemaU* aettet*. Hut the Brneral Is not ntuidi of n diplomat

Why should the I . * . eoniplainw|u ii Hritaln is iodging in the NotHi Hen lo Nave their shipping tt« «e|

We have no desire to see tie- t o lied States embroiled w ith Tut key i’mddeul Wilt,on may be depended upon to do nothing foolish.

A New York doctor «iva that he- man beings can take tin* foot-and- mouth disease, and that children are particularly susceptible to it. How about m*r 'pollticiaip*’

Hen. Hughes' attnek on Col I - has met with gn at n^egM ciu in Toronto- That city wilt follow Ho- advice of the Colonel, and treat with contempt the Ccncrul's advice.

, The women folks—the ehnrch wo* men- hiiv,. seored a vicuiry. The «'*»•* - vcntien of the Kjdaeoinvt elmrcb In the diocese of New York hit* cttfrali- elilKt'd women. Hie.- may intend parish meetings and vote op parish matter*.

Tim Herman Uovernment ran hurdly pass ovt*r the m*»rt «*f the ib-lglau Commission in silence. Tin? <Tiarg*‘> Hint over sly hundred citizen* wore killed In the village «>t Tamtm-s, *<»«>• seven hundred at ldnant. and about a thonsand In tin- I’rovim e of I.nx tairg, arc Indeed startling, if trm sIiuwk tiie Hermans up in a lurid iigtif- Such killing*, wore m ere mni<»ner.e,

Bi«at Britain :;s o*»t wily Hnp.m Iter own share of the wnr <■Ap. u.-c.Nlm î teylpiriR tlie oilier:. Her . ivsi;*- of treasury IdU* Ita v all f»*ru pvonuihNorlbcd, and she him niso nunte the Pillowing loans; ' L* tu.nmi/MHi Hciglow. ZSM&.W} to India, ---V* ftOO to France, ifSfW.OtKt «o Norw glinmntcc of Tlgytdiun loan, nnd lotto e f ViO.QOO.Odd U, Australia. Hi Hen «he i« homing mime' io Cud for military nud naval pnrpose-i as r* i,mre* it, l.loyd.Ceoro * i; bullet works wonder!'.

—~---- a-*-**After an existence of io.ariv a boa

tired years Balt ba*m ade up Ifft mind to become a city. H was founded IS Id by Absalom Shade, and if -do- not wish to remain in the shade as longer. It w ants a place in III** :-u I.eglsIiUlon will be as kit I for a* t: next meeting of the lay! slat ore, win a combined m jfenohi! and eitjliond ceb-hrallon will tie held. It i» not u vanity Hiat is ip-tnatinc Balt »•* ; the ! landing and prestige of a *The canny Scotch town figures ih> will rave 14.000 a year «*y t o *•*»»

lu our opinion Hie New T oi l! Hun some other American ne'*- '.pao*r- vvtp ji Kiev a; sum.- that Brest UrifaiM by uddresftlng a not” i<« tti<‘ Wastitut*. ton B-overnim tit regarding C« uaibu and Colombia, is a;w>muiR that t ('. S. In In any way responsible for i atlIon* of liiwi* two eountrh-:'. Wim* Hritaln has done ir- merely to a (..plaint tile States with the steps tukeii

prise. Hrilain dtxsc not want to do ; tiling Hint would .not Have fresh WilsonY approval.

Tin* Winnipeg Free Press, In noting tlm cry of laird •IvlIehenV'r. Hen Frcmit and Premier ArqtiiHi for diet nnd more men, wonders why tio* Can adlgnn who nre anxious to enlist e«u not lie sen: lo the front, ft asks '•Wlm* ts wrong" 5, is no explanatlm to say that uniforms and rifles nr not reitdy. Tin- training of rurutts cat go on without these. For tin- matter n Hint. rK-r||M could be taken over b Knglaud for Hi vvjth to do their training there. Plainly the authorities in thi* country are failing to show tiiemiodvi* fully ispuii to their duty They nee to be r purteti to gr> ater d iu rtitram .

A Poser.

- Oh," >uld lltth- .Mary, ' bm > ii ivietoO Ifwveltng W'ttb It* mot tier :«(«! rstfier; - * » i Just t»uVe.l!WSf

W A L K ICR T O N T E L E S C O P E , W A l .K ; iR T O N , O N T „ DF.< 'E M B E R 3 rd




Wills* Title D eeds, M o rtg ag e s, In su ran ce P o lic ies

or o th e r va lu a b les in o n e o f these b o xe s


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and Think.Is Inwiiioss quiet Then study the jtossl-

hilities of vottr teiephone. Just nowit can pre­vent business slowing up and at the. same time effect some m il economies. ’

As a salesman, the lon g d is ta n c e te lep h o n e Is unequalled. It enables yon to get in touch with customers and by a wise word (lisped their uncasim*>'. You tan keep them posted on prices njul possibly disMiude them from curtailing their orders, in countless ways your telephone can help you.

Study tin; inedibilities o f your telephone y ou r- se lf . Its use in y o u r b u sin ess may be different from its use in other lines, and the saving in travelling expense, lime and lalmrisa great factor.

The Bell Telephone Co.O F CANADA.

AnnouncementTo Commanding

OfficersO f R e g im e n ts , M i l it a r y C a m p s a n d

H o s p ita ls

T h e Columbia Grapliophone Company will be

pleased to donate, fre t of charge, a representa­

tive collection of their famous Columbia Patri­

otic Records to any camp or regiment of the sec­

ond Canadian contingent, as well as to any Red

Cross Hospital or other m ilitary organization.

Applications fo; such records should be ad

dressed to “ Columbia Graphophoue Co., Tor­

onto, Out.

These Columbia Patriotic Records give you the latest aud beat of all songs that the war has in ­spired, including a new “ T ipperary” Record by a full m ilitary baud with male chorus. This, record has a splendid clim ax— The British W a r Shout— “ A re W e Downhearted?—-NO!

Columbia Records are doubl-diso records, hav­ing a selection on each side. T h ey w ill play on, any disc talking machine, and you can ob­tain'them from any dealer listed below. If there is no dealer nearby, send cighty.five cents to ‘T he M usic Supply Co., 36 W ellington Street,* East, and the “ Tipperary** Record will sup­plied to you at ouce, or scud 30c. for a Demon­stration Disc.


C.A.F0X, Walkerton

TIPIBISCUITSI Illustrating the soldiers j of the allied armies, British j

Bulldog, Union Jack, etc. i T en different designs to / stir the heart o f every J patriot.

And one toothsome / goodness that reaches j home to every taste.

A t your grocer's, j every biscuit guarau- j teed.

D. S. Perrin &Company, Limited London • Canada

| Ttio Now York "T in n is" miked editorially. "W hy tdioitid the plan to celebrate a century of jjtetcf, be i Iweuti 1 ho two liruticlitH of Ihu Eng- I lu h -e j caking raco bo deferred o j t account of the war in Europe, in |

; which one of thorn in Involved?" | And continued, “ it will bo nil the I more appropriate that wo and our liritiHli brother* tball call the at*

5 tontion t f the world to tho wond- j I orful bunc-lltH that have followed tho | long uninterrupted reign of peace i between as, and, no far hi. may be,, to itu causes."


(Published by request.)

Along in tho Mtuuuior when warm | wbh the weather.

Two bal|ote wero cast in the box together; j

They nestled up close, like brother ? to brother.

You couldn't tell ono of tho votes __________________________from the other

I W R u X ti UUMMI IT At. PA PERS.Chant*: A despatch Trntii Kingston dated

They are tmth rum votes, i November tuth, This nit rn'iettAnd sanctioned the Iicodro piau: ; tw<» officer** imivi d ....... Wnlkciioii

But ouo was endt by a jolly old brewer,

Aud ono by n Sitmly-Hcliool man. j it ««•, found that tho <>i' j did: not liav • the pi-oper conn

The .Sunday-school man, none'pt]1 could bo truor. j

lvei>t busy all seBsor, denouncing


every Thursday morning at Walkerton. Out.

S r n m m i1 ru>N -451.06 per year in vnnee. Otherwise #1.50. United

States *L»»

« *

l E O I T O R I A L | I :


Should tho Hundred Years of Peace celebration between Canada aud the United States and between Great Britain and the United States bo abandoned because of tbo war? This question has evoked a consider­able amount of discussion both in Cauada mid tho United States. In a circular letter just i .-sited by the (Jarmdiati Peace (Jonlenary Ahhoci- atiou tho answer is given. The As­sociation took the wise course of consulting tho Executives of tho British and American organizations ami of requesting the opinions of a large numler of leading men throughout Cauada.

At a meeting held in Ottawa on August lUUi, last the following re­solution was passed:—

"That tbc Association desires to record its opinion that, notwitb- Ht'udiug the present war there should be an appropriate celebra­tion commemorative of the Hun. dred Years of Peace betweeu the British Empire and the United States. T/m Association recognizes, however, that having regard for tho Tory serious nature of events arising out of the war, it would be inexped­ient to attompt at present, detiuite arrangements as to time and place for u celebration of an international character. With this exception it is decided tho Association proceed with its educational and other work as far as possible." •*

At this^meetiug letters wero read from Sir Kobert Borden and Sir Wilfrid Lauricr. one sentence of Sir ltoburt Borden's tellur expresses bis view clearly. - ’ ’Tho project of marking in an appropriate manner tho completion of n century of peace between the British Empire aud tho United States ought surely to command the widest sympathy. That terrible storm of war now sweeping Europe, the ravages of which reach even to the chore* of this'eoutinout, brings into clearer roliuf the more excellent way which those two great powers have found anil followed." Sir Wilfrid Lt'irior is also equally omphalic;—-"I am certainly of the opinion that the celebration should not be interfered with by tho war On the contrary, at this moiuont more than over, it would bo advisable that the Ameri­can people and the Canadian people should give an example to the world of their uniliucbiugand deter­mined desire to maintain peace,"

Tho Chairman of tho American Committee wrote after conferring with his colleagues:—

" I f there was reason for holding a celebration over tbo historic fact of a century of peace, there is boub. ly tho reason for celebrating peace in the light of tho awful war in which Europe is engaged,”

LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for jiera^nul or family use. Write to

JOHN L A B A T T , L imited, L ondon, C an ad a ,.

j with Willi.,.

tbo brewer'But his fervor cooled off ns warm

grow tho weatbor.And on in midsummer they voted

togethor.Tho Sunday-school man has al­

ways boon notedFor lighting saloons, except when

ho voted;He piled up his prayers with a holy

perfectionAud knocked them all down 011 the

day of election.The foxy eld brewer was jolly and

mullow,Haiti he, *‘I admire that Suuday-

school follow:lie's true to his church, to his parly

he's truer,He talks for tho Lord, but ho votes

for tho brewer.

The Homiuimi Gtiveriiritulit plans it> hiriea-*-(hr mimU'i «>f troops hi train­ing t«> f if th o u s a n d til once, nod whi­ttle Mfcniitl contingent »nib. to c ilib t l7,ooO more immediately.

S H E E P A N IU ^ .s s .A lliml Wide I'jjVpOlh'UCe in lieejt-

raWug Imn <dTeud tin- following rim-.; ph* scheme to prevent lm>* tbiougb dog* chasing thanlnck. If n man tin* -ay forty *hvep. he should liny ilsiut two dozen l*-)ls. Mtnilut to .» !ow belt, Ixit smaller, and tie micro to

the sheep-it i* a peculmK thing that dog will not Imllier « sheep if it l»«> j bell on its neck, mid tilt* i* the real

ninth 11 «>f the problem. This mau followed theat r< heme and kept

short din unco fiom the city for twelve yettra Slid did not lose otu\ |i* ueighbot* w«»tdd not follow the dvice and three sheep were killed in

. in* night ou the next farm. This plan i* worth a trial anyway. >,

It is gratifying to know that the Canadian Peace Centenary Association is proceeding with its educational work. that, literaluie’is being prepared for the school*, that prize* will be olT- end for the beat e»«ay* on A ugh** Aineiicnn relations. that church *er- vlcvs will be held on February 14. next and that tbc organization is being kej* tntsrt with a view to the holding ol public festivities alter the conclusion ot the war. The relations l**tween

da and the t nited States for yeai* |i»«t have lieeu more than

friendly, amt th«* attitude of a large majoiity of Americans towards Great Krilinn. in Mie eoiillict which tins been Utriisl upon her by rierman grc« <t and aggression, is such today, that it a great celebration between our noigli- lmr.» and oio selves can he arranged, it will elicit the warmest enthusiasm on j both idl'd ot the boundarytilffptm TiiO M K FOB U fltlA t.

The 1 .m ains of John MacKlnnog^ son ol .'lr. nnd' Mm . Mm-Kimi<in. of Kiuloss, were interred m Km- li>i - cemetery on Tuesday of this week. Tin* deceased lm« been on the Paeilie Coast for neat iy 20 years - - in British Coiambiaand the State o f \Va«hing-

ii, where lie followed diamond dtili- g. He w e- U7 vears of age and was si tong] and heavy man. weighing nsiderablv over pounds Thai * death o.qdrred in tho city of

Sc rule. Gi.u it w as sudden and due fall which he sustained is all that

appeals to be known —Lucknow Son- tied .FIN A L DIVIDEND.

An order for the payment ot the thud dividend ot the York County

mi Savings compai.y tins been made mid checks have been i*#ued for

leave him police m .o W alkertoi

Of the C •they tclej

a have the

It' only thr.*i' week* till Christmas and only another sln-U week after th at wo have to learn to w rite IM5. f i istioas is the time for spending m uii-y. i t is the time to send tokens o f tcmemtiram e to friend* to show you have not forgottui thcui if fi t no other reason. Other neee»eiti«s having ereiu in it i» highly probable a curtailment « f expenditure will le practised I hi* year e-quo-lully iimona If*» pt*or<( elassi * many o f ivtioin |H-r- It*j.:< itavt* an unfounded fear of hatd times ahead. Oil the whole, howevet we have no iloutiL that larger huius will l.*c sjH-ut la twc< M now and Clu isi in.tti than on any otfa-r fori m.easton, Charily toward* thn li v*t, but starving poor ln > n claim every m an orw om nn with a he ami to meet the im perative demands fnrclm rity we m ust deny om»r Miino of the luxnrioi we would indulge in under ot hcrcli'•umrtancOB.

H o w 's T h is P


Y. M.C-ABL0&. “ L O N D O N , O N T,

Stndenta assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1 st Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. Wertemlt J . W. Westovtlt, it .

Pltncfpal Carteret AaoiaUU________________ to Vioe-Pnactpzl

D ir Mr. IM


Merchants BankO F C A N A L./,

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D E N T A L .W . J. H A I .r .IU A Y . i;

J . S . R E K U , a r a w g i S j - w ?

M E D I C A LI)R. IIR O W N . f r e »•;.........-a ......... . w m .»

y .",i v , 1,1 'a

w . a . h a l l , . V ' , : ; v

..... ..... a . . . i. jh i . m" :* 1,0 , ’*'orr or

a u c t i o n e e r

V E T E R I N A R Y| S. H A NM( )RH,\'.p. Vsironml

i.tsl.ft.rtVla'yaUySSSf: fa ll*

| S m i t h & M c C o n n e l 's

C hoppingM illI F e e d (Q. S e e d S t o r e

A l l K i n d O f C e r e a l | A n d C o a r i e F r e d

F o r S a l e i n T o n L o t a O r I n A n y S h a p e ;

S m it h Sc M c C o n n e l l

W A L K E N T O N . O N T

P r a i ) t T ° W i ) s i i i p

FarmsI have, in B rant. 2 fifty acre

farm *, I forty-tlx acre fsn n , 1 <*tn< hundred and th irty n cre .fa im , 2 two iiniidrrd acre farm * all KI.I. INPHOVED. convenicnv to Hanov- c ro i alkeiton , aud the ownem have placed them in my hand* be- caus*- they AUK B O t’N D T C SE L L I have aDo a l'O a«rt farm in I’erth , near Li*tow-«l. r.-cc of the lu.*t farm * in the O n i t> of P en h , w ith ex tra improvement*, « v ,ry great bargain at S7ttU . I j i ‘ M before hud eurb a choice of Farm s a« now. My office i* HEADQUAR­T E R S aud you should come to »ee m eif yonwxntlobwyat riph tpri.ee

B . H . M i l l e rHANOVER - - ONTARIO

J A M E S C O U L T E R( r e a l e s t a t e a g e n t )

Kent E.-late bought, end old;

lotbvr live pe •ent . ta il : theHal up to US I 2 per cent.on an i* ta te lilt promised only 2-‘> or IW e. lit* Inn it w ilt into liquidation in IiRv» lie pi iiicip.il a*,e t of the company avail a n a of tinitupiovcd land in u- High Park di^ 'rlit Toronto, Inch, with tin- city '- giuwth wert aid ., be nine very valiudde There ere a number in Lfstowel who were itereiiieil tluauclallv in the defunct mi pan y. and they ate in receipt of

their check*.

per patient per day: so, deducting 11.28 from $2.34. It braves the Hospital Vdth i t . 14 to pay out of subscriptions It receives from tin- people of Toronto and the P r o v in .T in - hliortage la»t year ran i«

Since at*«ut t.ooa ras.-s of club fed, bow 1<-Rs and knock knee* haeo been treitled. and of these had perfect correcilou Nearly all tb«^c acre froni differ- i;t“part* of th* Pro­vince outside of llio city of Toronto.

Remember that every year la a war year with the Hospital: every day is a day of battle; every minute the Hospital need* money, not for its own sake, but for the children'll sake, The Hoapital Is the battle-ground wlierotho Armies of Life have srappbd with the Hosts of Death, and the life or death of thousands of little children I* the issue that Is settled in that war. Will >on Jet the Hospital be driven from Ho- field of lit* battle tr> itxve the lives of little children for th<> Inek of money you can ctve and never mis*?

Every dollar may prove itself a dreadnought Hi the battle against death. »l flagship In the fleet that tights for the iiv** of little children.

! Remember that the din-r of the tins- j pltal'* mercy I* the door of hope, and

your dollar, kind • ‘ -

, 'Wood’a Phoophodici),The Or.at

OtbaUv. Mental and Brain H’errv. )><•> d.ncv. I c e c f Knenn. / ‘alpHat** » / O.r Heart. EalJ>«? Memory. POec *1 t*t »■ » lot t y v n r wTlI lSssw. w.llcun-.wSoW to « IdruitslMs or mailed to plain pk*. on reeoni,\Vicpamphlet mailed (tee. TMt WOOD MCOICINe CO^IMt»T0.0»t. ir«».l»Bata-

the do< for ilnalv s child.

Will you send a dollar, or nmro If you can. to .Douglrta ttnvidson, Secre­tary-Treasurer. nr «?» ^

a J . ROSS IIOrtF.i'TSON. ChalriiMJi of tbc Hoard of TnnUoam

j T R E E S I T R E E S ! !

' AH kind*of Fruit and - inn ll mental Trees. Evcrgtcen-. Ro»c>, I Shrub- i'linibcr~. e tc . Every- | tiling in the Ninx;ry line. Svnd d li>t < f yo.tr - want* for price-. I Catalogue free.’ As.nl. W .nt.d E«.rywh.r.

Apply for term *.

J . H . W IS M E Rlurs.ryman. Port Elgin, Ontario

individual inrtruc you to enter any

It is re:ogni/od a> the most thor­ough, practical business school in Canada.

Individual Instruction.

.' Our three story college building.


U A FLEM IN G, F . O. A.. Principal

D O . FLEM ING Secretary.


Our photograph- are more t ban good phothgrnphs— they arc true portraits- bringing out nil that's best in character amt individu­ality. Make your ap- poinrtnents NOW.


■3'. S fitw aej'Studio - - Walkerton.

S T O V E S !

II you w ant a stove

buy a “ H A P . P Y

T H O U G H T .” None

better. Aso a .full

line of Heating Stoves

H A H A V ILLWalkerton - - Ont.

D r. d c V a n ’s F e m a le PHI*A It* M o Kt»a<h (rtsblM iivin t»it*.

Cook's Cotton Root Compound.


Ai n rtt III >-’.lk ^

H o s i e r yTh.-y linvf I- 't.

tt'allool full.I n I. Ni> M'nli;» I" iii>. N«-vi-t lu'(i>nif |i i* i* or baggy. Tli»» »li«|i.* i» knit in -

Ijr MiiiiilfNj.. Will w*ai Oiiu.nllia without li -IfN, hi iii-w iiiiif li-r. O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R .i«» y 1*111* M*...lii « ....orit'iH-y «»»• puhliil ii'*'i*. In «■ vg t-r ml vr| I u>iiig nniMiipiHiiKeliai- e>. mi- will m-inl p >t-|Mi-t. wi h • tillrn goalmt'i'r, I a-kul liv a live itiillti.ii iliillu- company.

It I’aii* i-l om «.’>•. v.iluit Anivric.in Silk Hosiery,

or 4 I'.iiis of uur valueAtmtih-an Fuilluicn- Ilnftl-

IHlNT DELAY — OiJVi v* pii-i.N when a dealer in your b>c ilily i* M’loeted. Intcrnalionol Hosiery Co.

I* it. It n 211DAYTON, OHIO. r . s. a

E le c tr ic R e sto rer fo r M enPhosphono l ; ; * £ * * » tlm and »IUMi IVmii’tieU - -> sndsltwouj 1 »»•*<*; yii

i-* T.nr » Mti.t. 1 ur -.lubrll l'tu|(;o..Ui. CMliwrl* m.Oi.1.


Pure Blood It Absolutely Necessary To Health


These W onderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Ju ices, A re The

Best O f All Tonics To Purify And Enrich

T h e Blood.

Pure, rich blood can flow only In * clean body. Now, a clean body is one in which the waatc matter i# regularly ■ml naturally eliminated from the avitetu The blood cannot be pure when the tkio action i* weak, when the Mouiach doe* not digest the food properly, when the bowelulo nntiuove regularly, when the ktdnaya are •trained or overworked.

Pure blood i» lha result of periect health and harmony of •tomach, liver, bowel*, kidney# and akin.

••Fruit-a-tirea1*. by their wonderful action on all tbe»e organ*, keep* the whole ay Item a# clean n» Nature in­tended our bodies to be clean.

••Fruit-a-tire*” tone* up. invigo­rate#, strengthen#, purifies, clean* and give* pure, rich, clean blood that!«, in truth, the stream of life.

••Fruit-a-tivea” is sold by all dealer* at y>c. a l»x, 6 for $1.50 trial sire isc. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fnilt-e.tivcs Limited, Ottawa.

! Mis. Anthony Cunln of WaUeiiot, spent m few day* of till*. w.-.'U *vi* 1 Ii, i iu . lie, in town. Mildumy *•*>

I ell *.

I. lit- i -.1 -v lillet•

mill I

I f> r tin- si* 1 - 11 Theluuil-.’ dull .lint wot MWBV 1

; t • .............. .. • k* «*»*» 'v,...t ..r ! ..■ . . . . . . . i- . u.

. \vv

\\ e ln«' •• eoiiii' t» the e > tei rending tin* week > \l If-ritM-Tisti* Hut the «h»p* *-.nu|»o-ed by the *ciibv of tin pn|n r

bui.ui >*f-

lint ell...Mild uni)

Ml. A Smith ilio week ci t..n Echo.

Ml' j A- Wesley smd M of W.ilkvirton. 1 ii'iHu it hotne Rpeii.ltng n w.ek iu Hcrvle. Th-y Wl.„. e*eotii|M*iiied by the formers a.M.tlin. Mi*. Ilild ird .- Kincrdine


utly d<-i"nipohv*l mid ol I ( timhc F.nnrr, the Englmhirservbljnnimditui,. variety ' L v|„, i.-fi heim>ooii itIU’r tlm outbreak _ lie. L f w„r ai,d who on hi* arrival i»»r

pi ohal 1> s

f Walkerton spent li It Issm brother.-- Wiur* (

direct lo the front Frame, him been in the him-

pita I the | i.o*t lew Weeks recovering from n wound. Such iu the infoinni lion eon veyed inn I* I t«-r to hl« wif • lust week. Tlm wound fortunately is m>t of a >erioua nature, being <-n the hand made liy « rille bullet. If Pinnor

1, . . 1 ... i .t . m.. 1. . , , , , Ims Iweu inilin trenches Almost everIl ls leased the Mildumy rink for tlr«- . . . . . .ing season *»nre lie w n t over he will likely

j iippirrlnte the rest and compniHtivcIy wood sleeping ipiarteroat thehospilal. —Lucknow Seiitiurl.

Kt'tiNttM V in EAT m i l l I’rlre* lot p*» d*iy .ie low

parboil with olio 1 >iiii-. said tlo-y are !ikey t.- g .lower era rny that the ont»ide den vci v poor this year. People at ing down ex|ien#e* nil over thi



Mayor Fred Lippetl of Wulkct tun, wa* a visitor in i *wn *.n Monday.—

Mr. K.lph C.mk of Mull iw Like

warded as « luxury. which ll w-*# at the price* (hat prevailed (or tlm p«M

•o **r tlm-* ye us The price lu» ilb-n so much iu companion with atelier moat that it look* like econ­

omy to eat fowl iu»t»ad ol |*ork or bael.

OLD KINl.t»J*-N RESIDENT.One «>f the very old resident* *•( Kin- 1

loss township paese*l aiv«y oil I - ‘ ’-l> of Inst Wee*. tlmliUth, in the penmn of Mr*. Roderick tadlan. S|o- w m In tin H<M b year, and had been living oil tin l.mnly liomvstead on the h i c mce-w- ion of Kiul* with liet n*n Al*x tinllan, and dmightei, .Mrs. A. M> lasal. The ftineial t«**k place on Monday to KinlO'sceuictery.—Luckuow Sentinel.

Every Woman

C o l t i n i b i aQ s a f o n o l a

T h e m o st w on d er­ful in s tr u m e n t e v ­e r in tro d u ced . It r e tiu ire s n o c lta n g ' ini* o f n e e d le s . C a ll an d h a v e it d em o n stra te d .

c . / i . T O X3mt<iltr. lUalktrlcn.

W in te r Tours*Tt) THE LANDS OF

Sunshine anoSummer D ay




Patticular* from i . I*. It Agent* or write M. •!. Murphy. Di»r*ict |'.«->• ngei- Agent, corner King nod Von go St met,. Toronto.

T h e W o r D oes not Effect the N ursery B u siness

; T h o s . W . Bow m an S o n & C o



j LeaiU in age, iiilluenre and snccrir j ol gt-Milunle*. Npccinlixe* iu tin-gg j aud Pitman Shorthand and all coin- J i utrci.il aubjvct*. Fall term open ‘ August Iflol. Vi lie for our caUilogi - Addre** T. Wauvh'-ia*. Prittcipi

• Vonge A Mcfiil St*., Toronto

"K infe H a t”King lints arc floxiblc ami *elf-coi ortning. )usl when- the but ttiutl - h<* head.




VrnATfORO. OKT,s* a school with a continent a

tepulatioii for hifjh grade work nd fur the success of its i*r.iJu- itc*. a school with superior

courses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial. Shorthand and t e ­legraphy Department*.

Why attend rLewline when there it room hcie> You n.«y enter nl nnf (line. Write for our large ft v* catalogue.

I). A. MeLachlan, Ptincipal.

The history of the County of Bruce

And ol The •

Minor Municipalities Therein<UV NORMAN ROHEUTSON)

Forty Illustrations, Sixteen Maps,F U c Hundred and Sixty Pages.

T h e above volum e covers th e h isto ry of th e c o u n ty from th e d ay s when it was th e h u n tin g ^ g ro u n d s o f th e In d ia n s to N ovem ber 1 9 0 6 . I t h a s eleven ch ap ters devoted to th e co u n ty as a w hole, follow ed l y tw enty-seven ch a p ters , each of w hich ta k e s up th e h isto ry of one o th e tow ns, to w n ­sh ip s or v illag e s. A ccom p anyin g th e ch a p ter o n each tow nship is a m ap of it, c le a r ly sh ow ing e a ch fartu lot th ere in .

I 11 addition to b e in g an h isto rica l n arra tiv e th is work th ere are to be found n n u y persou.d I n ­cid en ts re la tin g to scores of p ro m in en t m en in a ll parts of th e coun ty.

A nu m ber c f h is to rica l d ocu m en ts have been collected and -are priuted in th e ap p en d ix, a lon g w ith a la rg e am ount of s ta tis tica l in fo rm a tio n , both ol which are im p ortant to have preserved. T h e edition is a lim ited one.

Regular Price, Cloth Binding $2-50 T h is h isto ry will be sen t to iuo.se w ho renew th e ir su b scrip tio n s to th e T hl 1 s c o n : for 7 5 c or b o th

The Telescope for one year and the History of Bruce for


‘ftichakdAQ U IC K NAPTHA



DIVIMtX fOt'UT t'ASESli.vi-.ii-D Omit "*« hold h*-r-* on

Tur-iltv morning. Judg-- Kl-inpic- Ki.lii-g' Tin-following c-uw* w*-r*- db - posed ol iH-suli-t tin*-*- jn lgliH'iil *u»n- m.-i, • < *••> — It.t EtiV v». J-. . Mnk writ sml llorwtlna Naxwrll. ««-tli*n mi cf-eunnt, judgment for plaintiff. Dr.Uicliu v*. Ileiiilieckt-i. action on account judgm*nt f**r pl-iinlilf. Tara Lender

HKIk IU/M)I> AND m*UE.I. -, in tin- British ranks hive

Itevti plie eil -'»7.lin0 by pi einler Akijui'lt. In U'l'*) ' - 3 i|'ir#liwll i'l I'n* I »0' f of

*> giiiiti emth g ut.anil iudidicale* n ̂h *vy >leui*iid upon tin- c*-ut»g«r and | cndiir nconf the lv/>np». ft expUin*. i -il o why the But‘j-Ii conliiigeiil li»*■ «* >t I w i i «igly iritH iofd »l*ove l i e jo iitim l niiii(b*-i -cut I** 1 lie enntiogei i J All thrfelufirtccniViit' wort- needed lo ! r-placr the b.*•<-*-. M-iuy men have I «*cen ’el mu d to England, not

naumlod, but ir te t ly lu*»krn under the terrible strain of llm tltn th -v n u . fa* ing death coimlmdly and continual­ly linbln fur iiiiiucdiute CaIIn for IihiiiI- tn handw ork. In nil thi# the nSirer* have taken tln-ir full shaia and t»o(e, and thu ni-ihtocrney Imvo t-isen lo tlm highest glory of tlmir old family tradilionh. lleaniuK lie dniu-d Ihnt hliM-d l«ll«.

HAMMONS ALREA D Y, YET- Tin- Mildmav ‘ iazelte odltoi n- lmv

mg heap* nl fun all by hinmclf m writing almnl the iu>l‘it* o l Mildm*v'i p jl4-l“» liockev team, and according to epi-tl**-. thechaiiipion*hi|i silvnw ai. i» *ltcaily in the hand* of tbo dutch men. Tlm following which i* alum-pic of his railcrv w u elippod frt b i 'l week’s iH-ur: “Although it M-cnm dilUcult to predict with *ny drgieerif accuracy, and though it is not known that every t.iwu represented in the N'orlheni Le-tgun i* oiitei iuga strong team. iudicatinn> iu local hockey circles point alrongly to the fact that Mildumy ha* at last succeeded In pul­ling a championship team on the ice. The f*i*t acseti which icpiC'Cntcd the club from this town lis t winter ban Imeii str -ngtlmin d by the arrival of

iral pUyersof not* from « utsidi* liiwii* and it would alm ost l-t-a safe bet. even fn-iti thi*'distance, topre diet tb i t the league silverwaic- will find a routing place within 1 In- tow n limittr when lhe »mnke of ImttI* clear* away and tlm hockey seanon is finish-

At all event* w* would n-k those doubting Thomnu** at Walkerlmi, “ to

.t'cli -i-.ir iini-kc'* when the hockey suasini opens. Tlm uiuitsgei ol the Incut club ha* received many oiler* from hockey player* in dilferent towns of Ontario^—ri-king that employment ho Mecuted forUhciii here and a ehhnre given them to iry out with the Mild iu iy club, andl I'iiiCe einploymenl i* a hard thing tydodgu in (hi* town sev- _. i*I new men will, no doubt, be on the line-up 0! the l- ĉal team this winter to defend .Mi Id may’* lepulutiot a» a It ockcy town.

G r e e n o c k C o u n c il

Com cil met a* per udjournumnt. all ie in*tuber* present, the reeve

I lie chair. The minute* of la*t imv. t- ing weie read and adopted.

Tne following accounts wen- pit-sen- t*d l«>r payment:I’eler l)nle>. < leaning out d itib

i-a * I 20, ........................ d ll ' .Anthony F t iu , plowing and re

inoviiig bru-h, con ti, 2W in. Coudiuns. 107 ft tomaiae

atSM piTM .......................... tTho* O Hagan, taking out almte

urnut and piling limber at Thomp-ou 'bridge * I 15,. tl

Tho* Saywer. hauling 3 yd»gravel .neon In............. I.

J B McCormick 4 days shovel- ling iu gravel and ruttinglllll.il 1.11 r. 1 I'l.................... T'H)

*.co McKeii/.'e, work on con I"................................................... 2.00

Walkerton Christmas Fair Prize List

Town Hall, December 16th, 1914Class I. HORSES Heavy Draught

(3000 lbs. and up)s..-, l.t

1 « * » l» > .... . » '•••Agricultural (Under 3000)

2 S|hhi to iniiv evaiUf ........................... I '* ' ■’>:i 2 veal- ..111 Fiilv m- fielding. Age. m

heavy draught........................ 2 '*' I **•t I year .-Id Filly m- U eh ling. Age. m

he^vy draught................................. 2 ' " 1

General Purpose (draught type ex­cluded)

................... ................ ....... . I hi :l

Carriage-j ' i -


•i C.iiMib* will hum. Tin- dentaiid f< r well • ir.iined ymint: men and women for bu«in*-»* will in- keener ill .n ever. Tlm wise arc preparing inw. Into on* «*f•cIiihiU xml laiiesily. A lew inuiiths will do it. If wit' pay von well. Free eatnluguc. Write for il.

SHAWS Bl SlNKss SFHOOLH Toronto. 3U5 Yongest W ribaw I’re

Christmas Business as Uusal

( ’UIIISTM AS—three weeks from Fritlay- Are ve downhearted ? N o! Then m akeChritm as as merry as il ever lias been. True the war shadow falls over the world. But the Empire is in the right, and right is might when the God of Battles controls: Then why should not the anniversary of the nativity of the Prince of Peace be the outstanding occasion in the world and the people rejoice. Buy gifts, give g ift* end keep things normal here while helping to care for the dis­tressed, wounded and bereaved. Christmas as usual, business as usual and Christm as business a little better than usual. Watch the newspaper announcements of the live merchants. The dead un s make no announce­ments. Cobwebs for them. Thank you.




llcn iy Brindly, 1 load of gtuvelon Durham road. ............... ..

John Hall r vp culrvi t con <l. opp3 5 .................. ......................

Archie M cIntyre, railling <-p|* lot 0 con 21. umt tillingwashout................. ........

John M ntiic. 210 f t m k elm nli#3ti per M., 'pike* ISc.........^C.I5

Jrt* s D«wnr. lilo accnuut...........T MclutO'b. 55 ydr gravel........i*

gravelenntm et * I W c««li It 25 yds nl hie per yd $1"

Jos F t»ue*t, refund stnlutc lab-paid In tnxe»..................

John Mutrie cutting bni'hon •I 3. c«m 15.....................

Benuingrr filliug hum out on- I 25........... LO"

D. pinkci tyu. rep. bridge and siIt cedar at $28 l*rr M • 2 l>Doyl-'. diggitig out waterway on con I.......................... *>.uu

John C v*'idy,-rep bridge « tltiveisdale............. ................. LW

W llnuihly, It’liind slut tilt ■Inliet*vi.l iu taxe>.................................. « 00

I h o s ll t'utdy court of u-vhion on voter*' lis t .. . . . ■ . . . . .

John Deebaii, work on * I SO...A Knox. J one linlfdajralnipcv t-

Ing WlUnmu contract and Wittering I'lmit-ut, 87 touliifor council im eting.............. .l# l—

Win W ittuian, cement n n h a t I ’inkertou 2 75, rondwnyII 50......................................... 2S0 50

M Ca*»idy. balance no timberimunl ulMyniou' ̂ bridge.......■ -5 (XI

W T Stcw ait. in 'p n ting lamb killed ut W De-nioiid s . .

8 I'jvtker. H'2 yd* gravel perColwell, p m . . S 20

liny -MeKinnnu Ilial tlirfoigo ing uecoiiiit* Iwing found .m in t be paid «n«l that the t- eve i*»ue bi* *>»d t-r lm the tame.—l art led.

McKinnon - Colll*oii — Time I hi- rmiucil do n«-w adjourn to m eet r. Cliepetovv on Tuf-Mlay, Dec. I5tli, lur (lie tMiisuclioii of general bti-d Far i led.

T hi-» II r e a n v , Cletk.

ir ..hi l-'illy m- fielding . . . -• *wtJndgo miiy vvithnld pliw* if liod««-' m>l eoimider an

ui-nliv even allhougli tlier*; I*- iiply one entry’.

Class II. BEEF CATTLE•e. . l-t1 Fin llulloek 2 yeur> old.......................* :M*l i2 Fat Heifer 2 )ea«> old............................ M •*» - —a Si.-,-i or Heifer 1 year and midei 2 ... 2 W» I <_»»I t ’ulf tinder 1 vviii-.................................. I 5m 755 ll.-'l Ift-of Animal <>n ground' ............ a 1"

Class III. SHEEPre. l-i 2nd1 Fat Weather I year and niub-r 2. an>2 Fat Woatlieimulei I year, an) laved •»' t •*>:< Tluee Ewe* niiiler I your . . . 2 •'*' I 5u

Class IV. BACON HOGSin-. l-t 2nd1 lt*n*>vv '̂*1 It*., and under. ............■* 2 "O f t •*'2 s.,» "£*> It*-, and nndei . 2 t:: -I Bniimv'. Iw-**n typ«-................ 2 .Vi I 5n*ultie. 'ho*j»and hog*- limit have l«-en own.il bvevliib-

ilor for at li-iet •> wwk- prvv ion* to Fail ’.

Class V. POULTRY (all 1914 birds) Live Poultry (Utility Type)

V I’lvmoillli ItiH-k Foek.uel................. > * ~ -'52 IMy.......Ill Hook I’ullel . 25

Wyandott*- F<n ki-rel... . . 5 i 25f \\ v.miiolie I’nllet...................... . 5n 255 llh.ile Island Bed t m-keitl.................... ■" 25•I Rluile Man.I Ih-d Pullet...___ 5"* 257 Uipiiiglon F.« keie|.......... ...................* .*#* 25S Orjiingt-’ii Fullel.................................... 5" 25


Class XI. MEATS|b-*i Hog, dct’KM.'d.|M Sub- lta<i»it.......... ...

1 !**Ib-'t hind <pmtl<-i .’f Ibi-f Boimt of Bt.’t-f. 10 ».. 15 lb*.

l on

Ho*! t-aii-it'* Limb............ib -'t-uiok.il Mam . . . . . .

l ««,v»

l l l l l l Folk Sanoagi-'----5 |l». Blond Saumg.-'....... ?'Ib-t 10 Ilk*. I.ivrl wur*t.... ib.-'t i-nx-k Htxid Fhei-sw-... 50

Class XII. FRUITl#i

FoUn-tton Ik ix it Appb". U variftiv*nammt (llywltt.............. ............... *

75) bu*hel Spit-*.......... .........•• Baldwin' . . . . ...

I | *• any other winter variety.... <•' •*'

Class X III.—VEGETABLESi.., I»t 2nd

1 ||e»t laiiliel of l'..lat.*-* * F* • *2 Dozen Felery ... ............ ■' %

ll Turnip*, table n«- ■*’ .f.I | -b./. o Hb-.l lbei>. ’ '-SI Jn :: t'ublmge. Winningitadl ..............T 1 dozen Farrot* • -s I*, .k Onion*... ~

In It FanlilloWi-r......................................... *jJJ ?,II 1 down I’lu m in * .................................... T,12 l*ug«-*t F-uupkiu. • “|:> s.pia*!i illnulwivl*........... “

Class XIV. BUTTERAll print Imlti-i mu>l U--vvinp|«*l *n. l“ l"'

and eiiy e'lx.lld t»» til* -,-ni (Joveminent ivgnlathn

1*1i- Fe



Class IX. I'l 2ndI Be-1 eolleetion of Turkov*. t.e«-*e.

Ihuk>an>lITiiekeu*ouj.*-a«Ti>IPIl.f .• <•< f I «~ fin.- rlozr-li White K(fg«.......... ...•I f bie domi Bi-ovvn Egg*..,.. . .. 2-i


Fhieken. any ». Till keV . . Fair T urkey-.

l’<’Portion of IVmIiiv . . .- '- •••• (Fonlii-y i.. It.-dry phtekml ;<

1 li.it 51b*. BtiUpi in print- S» » ■ j*>In lb>. <-i.» k <>f Bultei 1 " "

.! |n II*.. print*. iS|MN-ml by WalkeitonICgg-V IM»i >- .. .MU

I IU-i 5 P**. Butter m print' "iwpp.il in iwli i '»ippli.il l«y Wmgefelder .V Ki iti-gi-i, iSjH-eml by Winge- felde. .V Kmeger. I •>' *J

Class XV. BREADS.. I-l 2nd

1 |le*t 2 lonvr* llieitd. white ♦

a I do/eil llllll'1 Fruit t*ake...................... • ’.j5 l dozen Fi ltnl Fake-.............................il A , I ’i . -7 IP-'T dinner for,2 ...................... *-

Class XVI. Fancy W o r k , 'Needle Work and Knitting

s .i * l*t 2ndi ' 2 pair W'.m’IU-i, Milt*.......................... $2 I’air fancy knit W«*ollen tduve*. >*»:: Folb-etioh knitting, fatirv work and

needle WOl k ....... .......................... • 'J"

Class XVII. MISCELLANEOUS1 Ih-at hm:t ll»'. ll..o. y in glo*' | 5 Hi*. Ilon.-y in.omb 5 Fail of Sauerkraut •1 ’ gal. hoiito-made Fi7 In tral*. Sweet FLU-r

SPECIALSeondug the great«-t di«t*nee;

itll exhibit'............ ••■•••••••*'» Frtrmi’i-witli givnleil iiiuoIh-j ot ex­

hibit. .................... ......................:t Fhieken plm-king nw't.it i.nte'tant * to fin id'll .-hiek.-n*

Ii».. kill and dry pluek I he i-ount in making awanU- ̂ j

’ail of eonbilitiil* i " fui ni»h own -mw and •’ from a log on the market *.|Uaiv*.I ..H li aiUnu • ■'in............. . . . halte-

I lat

•iiletesl i ell . toll.

wtilt a< llatn

,.n tin- mat kef njuaie ftotu one of the follitU’ltlg *tivel*: Dutlntiu on lb- Not tit. Fayl. y on the Sjiuth. F. tei oil the XVo't. and F.'ltnrm- on lb.- Ka*t. after tin- UP ring* nl

T h o T o w n H a l l w il lib o h e a te d a n d a ll a r e a s s u re d o f a c o m f o r t ­a b le p la c e to m e e t t h e i r fr ie n d s . A ls o L u n c h e s w il l be so ld in th e H a l l b y t h e L a d ie s o f th e W a lk e rt o n H o s p it a l A id S o c ie ty ,p ro c e e d s

f o r t h e B r u c e C o u n t y H o s p ita l .

R E G U L A T IO N S,‘clock Dev. 16th with S eu ctary who w

i o'clock.l iu t - r c s ex h ib ito rs can he m ade up to io o 'clock Dev. ib tn w nn o be iu T o w n H a ll or b e tter m ail them e a r ly . Ju d g in g will com m en ce at i

PotC itry to rem ain iu c ra te s . P ig s and sh eep in s to ck rack s K x h ib its m u st remain on e x h ib i t u n til 5.00 o’c lo ck . D ecision o f Ju d g es to be final. P rize m oney will be paid th e S e c r e ta r y 's o ffice on or a fter Dec , 1 9 th

O w i'.e r 's w ill be allow ed to se ll a ll produce in th e b a ll or on th e m ark et.

A. P. J O H N S T O N , F. G. EID T, N. C . M cK A Y,FR EBID EN I , pi-A<i itK it SKFRBTA R


HEROINES OF IRELAND.The women are wonderful. write#

Katherine Tynan ;a “The .New ** **- ness." It i* one of tin- good fruit# of the (Jreut War. It is heroism which It only possible because the Individual burden is lifted by He- common j»artlel|*#Uon. Imagine toyourself In Uim-N the situation of » mother or a wife who knows that ;<t any minute of her waking or si.x-j.itig eye the blow may have fallen that dcatroH'd her all. 1 am surrounded by mothers and wives and sisters who have this knowledge. I have n ott.een tears; I have not seen a shadow­ed face. Alt the women are busy in one way or another for the soldiers or the refugees. Beyond that we Hve our common, dally lives, only ul a jiitch of courage, of exaltation, it bearing on<- arother » burdens, which make the interests of peace-time, looking hack mt them, itmudihly small anti niggling. A great wave of goodwill has flooded u>, who are not mined forever, bro»u#e on the great essential (titration we are together.

HONOR FOR DEAD DEUGKANT. The widow of Sergeutit M. Hunt, of

the First Fast Surrey Regiment. has received the French geld medal for '■Valor and Discipline."

Sergeant 11. Hunt, with his brother; Sergeant It. Hunt, was killed in the battle of the Al«nc. Hath were nuts- cloned in desimtelies by Sir John French nnd iiolh were ri-enmmeuded for the French decoration. Tills tie- coratlon is, however, awarded to only one man trcuu nny one battaRon-

For the past three yearn the broth­ers Hunt had been the champion bayonet lighter' of Ireland, and had figured prominently a l the Naval and Military Tournament.

In forwarding the decoration in tin' sergeant's mother. Mrs. Hunt, of Fhertacy, with a rctiueM lo give It to Sergeant Hunt's widow. Colonel Loug- ley. commanding the 1st Hast Sur­reys. and the whole regiment deeply fel ttho loss of her two sons, anil sympathlxed with her,

ATKINS. TMK 1NKXI'l.U’A 1U-K. Tommy Atkins I* Invincibly contrar­

iwise. He will risked* life to get a "wash and brusb upf* yet he di#-- not object to being tailed "dirty": IllB of­ficers are hard set to prevent him running into unnecessary danger, yet he cheerfully adopts the title of cow­ard A letter found on a dead Her- man concluded tints: "The English soldier Is the best trained soldier la tiie world. The English soldier'!' fire Is ten thousand times worse titan hell. If we could only heat the English it would lie well for u*. hut I am afraid tec shall never be able to beat these English devils." About n hundred years ago Napoleon, who w#< really » great soldier, came to the same conclusion, and expres-ed htnrielf in similar words. And I find it ns dif­ficult to explain him as our enemies have found it lo beat him. Tommy is as Inexplicable as he is unbeatable. So l sheath my pen for luck of argu­ment. giving Tommy Atkins op and giving him my respeefs at the same time.—Mr. Holbrook .Jackson, in T. !•.'* Weekly.

LONDON LIGHT R IL E S .With a view to rendering more ef­

fective the orders for darkening lam- don the Home Office has issued an­other order with Hie following addi­tional regulations:

Tho intensity of the inside lighting of shop fronts must be reduced from ii p.m. or earlier If th«* Commissioner

.of Police on any occasion so directs. The lighting bf railway stations, sid­

ings, and goods yards must he reduced lo ilio intensify sufficient for the safe conduct of business there. The upper half of the globes of all are lights mui be shaded dr painted over.

The light of tramway-ears and omni­buses must not la- tnor<- than Is »id- flcieat to enable fare? to he collected and must I f obscured while crossing bridges.

TWO COIX)NEIJ> CASHIERED. The London Gazette hint Friday

night published the following War Of­fice announcements:The Koyal Warwickshire Regiment,

Lieutenant-Colonel John F. Elklng- ton is cashiered by sentence of a general court-marltai. Dated Kth September. 1914.

The Itoyal Dublin Fusiliers, Llciitcn- ant-Colonel Arthur K. Malnwnrlng Is

her. 19 M.

EIGHT NEW GENERALS.The King lias been pleased in

provo of tho undcr-mentinned colonels ftemi»orary brigadier-generalsl being promoted to the rank of major-general for distinguished conduct in the field: Henry F. M, AVilsmt, V. It.Sir David Henderson, K.(\tf„4l».S.O. Juaisj. A. U Haldane. C.IL. It.S.O. Henry s.'Horne. C.B.

•Frederick I), V, Wing, CJt,Hubert de ta P. Gough, C.B,Edward K. Hulfsn. C.V.O.. (Mt,Aylmer G. .Hunter-Weston. ('. It.. I>.

S. O.

THE KING'S SCHOLAR.The King at Sandringham on Sun* •

day week presented his gold .medal for general proflcleuey at King Edward VII.'# School, King's Lynn, to Mr. Horace Spencer Itab.v.

Mr, Raby was Introduccil Join his Majesty's presence- by the Rev. Walter; Boyce,.M. A., (the headmaster*.

NOTES.Mr. T. II. Fisher, the «im>? U. ;

•laving taken silk in dksl til hisresidence a( Bedford Park, iamdun. \V. ' 'The ib ath is announced of Miss Agnes ,

Stevenson. sister of s ir Daniel Steven- ; son. who reeently completed three ; yrars' tenure of office ns laird Pro- vo*t of Glasgow.

The death nas occurred at The ( lktCChPB. Hnthersage, of tin- Rev. c , H; ; Butcher;w ho for over a ijiiprter of a ! century had been In the imnLstry of the Fulled Methodist Church.

Great regret was expressed at Grims­by on Saturday night, when k hr- . cam<- known that the Mayoress, Mr*. r Tate, had died suddenly. S!i<- »a* an ardent worker in supplying comforts for Lincolnshire men at tho front.

The sudden death has 'occurred to London of Rev . Father Edmund Wnh.li, rector of Waterloo, Llverjioil, -tho had Journoyed to London for the express purport? 0 f attending the fun-rai of the : late Mgr. Denson.

Pto. If. Walker. C Company, Third i Battalion First l.lncolnshlre. a Slid-

trout wounded receivedin action.

The death rate in the 37 great town# of England and Wales last week aver­aged per tjxki of the population.

Tlicre was only one context al Rotherham on Monday week, hi lint East Word, when* Mr. A. Htizlc- wdod wa* r»»'W ted. jsdlitig 'V. vote#.

rrwm l.t iro.tps «>f II. I’. Scout;' In fl.cMerthsM dii.il t lelt* G8 ocotilH have joined t lie colors.

At the annual prize distribution of lb>> Chesterfield Art and Technical ScUouIh .It was stated that ''luote.r- field wmt tho real eatdtui of iter by shire for educational purpose?.

Owing lo m riou# outbreak «1 measles, the nodical officer (if liottllh for the Wmpel-en -le- Frit It district ordered thi- i-fcsuse of the Hamford t'ounril schoo’s until Nov. Iff,

Several o fth e Industries In Die Mai- |<vk district urn working night: and day witlt army orders. This tarticn- lari; relates to the hosiery works. One rec< ived by a loenl trader, who could itoi meet the th itmud. was for over • ,iH'<o,o*«t undergarment*.

Tho Yorkshire Minors' Axsoclntlon inis decided, in respect t" the mini* mum wage it.card, to take test cases Inio court.

("onishro's nnclotif cimrch w«* on Wediii-sdiic !week, lifter restoration and additions, at a cost of t".(PM>, r*-- ( j-* ne«l by Dus tllsbop of Ahoftb-ld.

(h.micliior 8, Italmforlh has I»--<-n l.onihmtcd a# the next Mayor of Dorn aster, and Mr. A. i*. Wllllatnwut a« the new Mayor of Retford.

yvntencc* of Itiree monfiis were at Woi-kwop passed mi John Hahimm, a Tickhill miner, and Erin st S.'ithy. a fmnenster fishmonger, for night j nach- iltg at Healey Hall. Tlit-V were also I'ound over for Iwolvc montlia, with the aUornativ.- n f a further Hire * months.

hoc. (‘atioii ( Coper Sndt, ' h a r for almost forty years of St. John's. Fite#* n r . ha* placed his resignation in the hands of the bishop, and it will take ( fleet in the new year.

Rev. Kben le wis, of Milchutn. U>n- iion, has accepted tiie jtasiorai*- of t’(*rtumhon Raptist Church, and eonv- p'cueo# ills ministry on Sundj. Ian.

Rev. Hoard matt McClellan, ‘nlnlator of Carver Street (Sheffield» Wedeygn Chuteh, wiso underwen* a **-riousi iriratioit in a nursing homo on Sun­day week, is progressing unthifnetorlly.

Rev. F. D. ftuujphrey*, after nine . work at the Darnali Congrega- tiotinl church, Imn nccepfud a call to the church at SfamlHMirne, Kshcx, and will etose his ministry at Sheffield on Dec,

■ Mr. Tliomas A. Wood, A. U. C. O., organist at St. ttarnabn*’ Cimrch and 1s t - crganlxJ ami choirmaster at ’/Jon, t . M. Oldham, luts been appointed tnfu r competitonl organist and r ltolr- muster to Carver Street Wesleyan Church. Sheffield.

Rev. Walter l^nwood, if. \., LL. II.. having renigned the pamorale of Mi ersbrook Dark Congregational Church, which he had hold for nine yctirs. the church, at it# meeting, nc- i-epD-d It with very great rc^tet. plac­ing on record j-igii appreciation of tin- great work he had done in many way*.

wunam Crook, -*■ wa# commuted for trial a t Rrltdol. charged with the inatmiatighter of hi« brother Matthew*, jg e t 20. and with wounding CsroHne Rrltton. aged If . I! was stated Dial tin brothers, who were territorials, were gmirdins a railway bridge near ll ib to l when Hrftton and another girl vl-diod them. Matthew Crook, l lahilng of the loss of tlijv had:Ids cap, (ticked up his rifle. William *' ‘zed another, which went off. killing Matthew nnd wounding Britton. Wil­liam said he picked up the rifle juke.

In Soidhamsdott Water Mr. Vidor Maid, with Mr \Sfon n* i- is-< uger. was testing a new vvaterplaiie wiieo tile machine fell into the water. Sonic fi*! err.** n rtwaed At;*. Man) from nf the floats of Up; wr- k's! machine, which sulc.KjiK ntly : :in!{. In ', Mr. At- Den uni; drowned His body ha# not l-H i n t 'e a ro l.

.VIS. Hatfield, wife of J . R. Ilutlield. ul Edllngtnii 11 nil, llorncaslh-. Lines, •-as k'llcd <n Thursday last week while 1 *in< a hors • prior to it# pnr- eluiH-. At tie- final jump Dio animal stumbled; turned u somer.iunlt, nmf tolled over mi It* rider, vim died ul- pio*I in.n ediately. Mr*, Hailidd waxii iHtlcd #portsw'otmtn. being a regular ftdlewj;,- of the HouDtv.old and Ihirton iloutul* and an expert golfer.

So s-rieus toe Shortage of nt the dorks that the Liverpool Mersey Duel:# all-; Harbor IP card have decided to siig^ -t tr* the Ikmui of Trade to si i,d to Mverjxwvl tinen>pfoycd from «>i|i«r towns. A ditdneliimtion on the purl of laborers to work regularly and restriction* of the D xk latltorer#’ l n- i»n :»tv 'Ugg-Rpsl 0 4 cause# of thetdioKage,

Mr. .I.'.eph Cowen. .,f St.-lla Hull, m ar XewcastUr.on■ r>ue. hit* sent to the t^mi Mayor of NeWm-dtc~oo-Tyne a elieipie for :C.'»,duo to ha ciir-tnarked for the Tyncjddo Irish D.t'iaiUhi of L-nd Kitchener Army. Tlds make# v t*;- '»* riven >>y Mr. Cowen for Die

Tv in-si-''; liatiiiiloitA Air, Dmigfas Wimil-nvorih, of SPer-

n-ghan- i r-jutri-*-! to have been ■frnc.*»et while hiffiiiu at Havre, wtiece he was an active Service, Dr. Witsdleworlh was wyirefitry ot the Norfolk Deck-ej.er.*' A<'**iation. and midertc.-k the «>r,’ iudrjtt|rai of The Dally Jhill -nrnpaign for reviving Die b-o industry i.t that codiily. He also put Into practb ? th ? Id-M of curing rlnumatisiu by • sDngs,

Tlt« King lias setit -j nrexent of game to woitiuh d m hUers now iinder’ ireftt- ui'Ht i:: Wes* Norfolk and Lynn Hos- ,dta*. ami by dir-- hut »f the Queen of N<: »uy flow dx, fra il anil vegetable# have Ihcii S«’» t from Appleton House. Sandringham.

A huge ludhling at l*'*rttd>el|,;i, on l 'lr l ;t ( f Forth, wjiieh milil recenti> -.nix mruplrd as a fP-rman-eoutroilnl thocolvte factory, ha* been tak«'n over by the military aoDtorltle# ami win be used n* a Iwrmeka.

Mi-*. I'.htker. wife of the town t rier el Chets *f,v. Surrey, who t> a sergeant to the C.ih Fii-x Snrr«:>- IteRi-ncut, has been {to -lint- <1 (own 'rie- during li'er hushuinl's id* - in * with his regiment, sir- lif.sk r. win* w.'trx a uniform of to** Genrafatt jxtim L c* pndiildy the oni;' tvniiwft town crier m Dn* c«uiniry.

Military l.(v‘. vvtdeh •-•ut - into oi>er- at ion at >'<■, <■ airy-* ;<ii No- , to, is to be < (llijidod t*i tier other side of the Med­way estuary. From Noe. nil >e«l- (hin>i ir tie- !*b> of Grain, inured lately op; •'•site ;S'< oth*«d, wili have to pro- sjit( then's! J- < s xeRli p >llee iwss.es

.Vinom/ the r-uopavers and (ounril- l--r of V'ortidii'4 tluv-r in said In lie siii'iic oj*i e'itpiou t » Ho* election of Mr> l-JlPu Cb,ij.jnan« a meii.ber of the tov n t eiinell, u# mayor; Sixteen mem- ! rr», half of tho council, have signed

memorial to Do? mayor, stating fltcir intention of notuitmDng Alderman White., an ex-tnuyor. The only objee- D-m to Mm Chapman 1:< that sin- Is .» vvr-ensn,

Tiie Kheffli-hl eoroti-r held -in in- oidry iiitoTlie ilea Ut of Alhort Edward Flemming, "a. Heath Road. Wadaicv Rridge, wiho was kill-id on Satunfu'* l y .O fall of idml in a eluv hitle, whei<>

e was workimt with Herbert Dai > in. A# Darwin was drdling a hot -

in which to pn? n charge vo <•*«-» hang­ing nine# of hind #1ip i«?d. mid pari of it r-ll on t<* Flemmlnj A vcrdlei nf aectdeniiii death wa,» returned.

German Spies' ; Clearing House j

Before th e wap Belgium was called l»y a well-known American writer ‘Thi? clearinK hou#(* of mpIch." This was not intended as a sitir on the Belgian gov ernmenl. but referred to the fncl Dial Belgium, as a email and presumably neutral country, was Did most eonvcni- tu t territory in which more jsywerful nations rltould niaintutu their itead- UiinrtPW of espionuge If Inis long been #al«l that the spy system of Ger­many was the most ,extensive. Inthis connection, a recent event would have made Brussel# laugh had it had not it# sinister ami dangerous aspect*

A deputy from Liege, which has since become the Brxt battlefield of the war. was the owner of a family estate in one of Die villages between Liege ami Vrrvier*. He passed atl his sum­mer# there and was Ititlinate with the people of the countryuldo. They eon- suited him on intimate matters: in short, his roh* "a# that of the In-nevo0 ut intermediary ue»w-«‘eu Die man of the soil - who is alwuy# timid When lie has to deal with officials - and the civil and military authorities

There was an old wheelwright who had lived in a village for more Utah ten year* He was of German origin, hut his honesty nnd eagerness to make liim#elf agreeable and useful had won for him the affection and esteem of alt. The poor man had only one fault: he was illiterate, ills book-learning burciv i-mibled Inm !" Hpcll ml! simple printed words nnd to write hi# name very indefinitely One day after his return from Liege, where he had been stimmoned by the German consul, he sought out the legislator already re­ferred to. and showing him a booklet that had been given him at the con­sulate. he remarked:

"I don't understand very well what1 am expected to do with this. It is true that it was explained lo me. but so nuickly and In such a stern way that my brain could not grasp it. I was told not to show Die book to anyone, hut all the #ame I must find out vvhat it contains and what obliga­tion I have taken on myself. I have attentively read ihe first few word*, but do not know any more than I did In-lore. There are Some curious tilings spoken of. which mean nothing to me. You understand German. Read It and tell me what it sny#."

The Deputy look Die booklet and was thunderstruck to find'that It was a manual of espionage. It enumerated the various kinds of information that it was Die duty of the* German bitlxcn to obtain - in cities, the strength of the garrison, the numbers and name* of regiments, the names of command­ing officers, tiie resource# of the numb clpality. tin- name# of the burgomaster, and the official in charge of finance*, etc ; in villages, estimate# of jirlvuti fortunes, figure# regarding the corps, the name of the burgomaster, etc —not to mention incidental uuestions which it would he well for him to study There was a blank to he filled out and returned to the Consul, who would then furnish a new- one.

The discovery, as may well he imag­ined, did not long remain a secret. The Belgian government ordered a discreet inquiry, which established tin- fact that all German subjects living in Belgium had been furnished with the same lit- tl*- manna) and that the greater num ln-r of them had sempulnuBly observed their instruction*. The information that filtered into the consulates from these source* was catalogued and the more important items transmitted di­rectly lo Berlin. When iho citizen-spy had shown uuusuut sharpness he wax rewarded with a money payment suf­ficiently large tq increase hi* zeal. Thereafter ho was attached to the cen­tral organization In Brussels, with a regular monthly salary, and if he de­veloped teal talent wna promoted to more res|Kim>ible work and hln salary Increased.

There I* every reason to suppose that Belgium i* not the only country In which the system prevailed. But Belgium feet* particularly aggrieved. She believed that Prussia would keep her plighted word to observe lin- neu­trality of her smaller neighbor. Now she admit# that she ha# beet* fooled, but i# equally confident that it can never happen again.--Brussels eyrr Brooklyn Eagle.»

Roses.In the garden?Very naturally.But also uj*on hats.Especially are (hey upon hats.There’s the classic wreath of roses.There's the single rose just dropped

there.There's the proud scheme called a

rose aigrette.There are the quaint little bunches

stuck here and there.In fact, there arc large rose# and

small roses used every way.

W ar News Affected Her.

.Many jwoplc who have been reading the terrible war news from day to day, especially tho*e who have iclativrv at the scat of war. have Income m» nervous that >t )■- impossible for them to sleep

The nerves have become uiotrung ami the heart perhaps affected.

Miliiurn's Heart uml Nervi- Pills wilt build up the unstrung nervous system and strengthen the weak hear.

Mi'S Hitdia Dicairc. Mai tint-two. Out , writes " In August, I t 'll. I was out: of'School; for my health. I .was vi-io ins friend' in Loudon, and heard of Un- war it made me « nervous that i could not slcrj). but after using Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills I improved greatly, and could lake my school again, I have rreounnended them to many of my friends.”

Milhurn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50- tw-r box, J l«»*e. (or $t '2-'i at ail dealers, or maited direct on rcccijit of price )>>• The T. Milburn Co., I.imiled, Toronto, Out.

‘ THERE'S C H U M I I WHITE 11”Savs Belle Madden, Model

Again I pTatigiied, Of rour.-e. yog wouldn't - that'-* why I wento It. I hadn’t fnrg«ti"n ;i c'-rlairi prMc of jctirn j f..R the w<<rd would prove gulling, and Hint notblng would keep .'op from I'omhc: to shenv inc-yon (lirllt'l care Wasn’t I right? ’

•Y, x||x artsweff-d. **t>«atv ti e in) I fe lt ' at Hri-t. But h-rr

He held h-r to him silerDy t kno-v, little woman, all -rtiout It Buffalo N-w*,

The W ork of

the Submarine

Naturally c.iough-.ftie mraauri! of .uu- cv»« autitcwd uy tiie German; #ubm»rlnv« •rt torjmloliig lliiii-li wt!b-ot.,(:w>i ijiu-otiant »r«n* a m.liuir* v)

tv by i

.ouitli r baa lallvt) a p»«?y tag" t'i?rtUon» «f tbv - ;>>>.marlii t- liningcounter »lroK«s< navi- n-u o-s-n naw official t<»tim*:>«y, dealing y U »bc- work of the British- rut>m»Gi« ri- - on which, for the Diet time, -i-utic •> :'

Tin- (dfic’Hl refH.nx rtf the naval t-> ps,mi- nt In the ll'.’ hl of l!>-!t(#->I*»-! Aueust iMh. in which the G.-rmans to. nt Ion*! five *lil|>#. nnd no lc,»* than thoueniiil iiK-n, wldb- the RrUfxh Do cmeryi-d wltluiut Die P>** *»f a single -!t iand a r»»uitiity IW **f only >.v?s-s:-- ktlt.st fiO't w-OUIxl-sI. #•,- «,<;>■ e,slTill-## M-iMirt# show that (no .-.iv«v?-;;umwin. conducted t-v .............of bant-* eruteccr. light 1roy>-r > nrnt subraartn**#. In w;nt*o? no- <frrenl ly|<y «.f onlis w-jfk-̂ l teS-'lb-r« well-*rrmi«ed nnd w«-tl-e?uir»-iyod -.! The report slmwa t*'Information e

combined .iperutin

(By tdah McGtonc Gibson.)"Y< s ," ..iliil MDs ih'l’v Madd*-h.

■'white hair is tu-ansdut <m uHu-t' peo­ple,''

Every one Iuvi> wlute hnii' to look at, but mu < n lo r own head. But. having grown'tlx* snowy crown m art age where one may be ahus-ed. Pe­can?© nature tumrid one ro badly, one need hot despair.

Many a girl who Inis bm-n sailed plain ha# blossomed Into a r x ! beau­ty when her imir ba# imncd whiri*.

If your ha-r I# streak>•;!. u J ,i H:- D<? tiuiclt of Dtltum powder ♦ it to gi»<* B a uniform tie! of ..now, but you must be careful e,< tieicg tho powder tno profusely fur day <itm- wear.

The sallow' w iiite-iiafred woman— ami unf- rtumriely tnithy xvnmen from bad habit# in eitlfiig Brow- wqliow ns they grow- older- is perfeefty •Red in ri»ing a JiliSe make-up provid­ed she does It wjth dii-cr«-lkm,

A Dm of rouge no iho tsiccks. and D r, Hit# she grea-e rouge )* bettor than she powder, a little on-iho chin umi the iche of the ears. Put thi* on with n h'.i t f (osteti and rub it in carefully with your finger-.

Now powder your face well with a baby's hair brurh. Esc an ey*vbrow brush for ynitr eyebww# and if they are Hi in ami tight. In color you can u#«? a little maveara

A tiny tut of tho red.gritnse paint on your tip# will throw our teeth into prom in on- *o you can to#*? It-or not a* your teeth wi!l bear ealiiug atieatjon i<> them,

A wliiid iialDut wotiidtj with u young face can wear aimost any color, but fSm bok# jursicularty well in blue nr gre*-n. Black ornaments or featli-

■cr* in while hair are .striking and if >our face i# nbsolutety unlined you eas; a ■•M a lot <>f black court plaster as a beauty patch. •

A year after Judith Fairchild'# re-1 turn to h>-r falhcr # heme, why r e - ; ceiv«-d Dick * R *tter,^fn is* brevity • it was a masterpiece. .Tersely he in- j formed her he was cot»u-mp!aii«s Die.) *ab- of the bungalow, furnislo d. T iia t.; (i Is tasteful a* a inWRlBK/betwecn them ; would lie, lie Wii» enbipeUed to ask j Iter to go over content* with!him.

•ludlth's siiinl! hand;- H'-mJe-d ,t» j Hi(?sword "di-ta#tefur‘ le gan tu stand f out with unpleasant protoim-n- <, Dis- : txstelut ! An ottoutinuhlc word*. Mon- \ dully site had it>t-<l n tmeHnn with 1 Dick ntt '•eitiharrassTng occsteiou,", Xhe bad pptur-d a flushing ot Dick's I its wolf »# her own • h*< k u hungry 5 look in l«i* gra) * 'e#. a Might •'leva* j tiun of Iter own citin ' But di*taste* j lul*

Khe crumpled lie- ietb r angrily, i tossing it tur from her. Sin- would I ignore it, ihe thought. >« t in a toe-j mem site iiad pt« k**l if nj* and again i was devouring it. Ami a# she read j Do- iptestien e.-tiue, w'otlldu't there i.e » certain mulsfjfc'tlon in ueeiiui; DU*k: ! Hhe was imiking j»ariictiU»Hv - !i thnl 1 summer, sin- knew.

Kite hit iter lips a* she thought mt-3 j eertatn room filled up a* a tmr*< tv. of | a cradle ttandhtg tin re and little; red chair. Her bauds went to her eyes j swiftly a* though shutting nut Mr vis-i too that tortured, hut after a new meot's imatul struggle e -r head lifi-f ed. she became Die iitdtfferenl wo- i man of Die liast few- inonlhs and sat ; do*o before tor writing desk Tweo- f fy minute* later a note was ort it- J wny to Richard Fairchild, making an ; appointment tor tin- following after- * noon at 3 ««'c|oj?v.

tt was liarely 2 o'clm k wio-u . *5u- j turned Into the familiar street in tho; suburb Where Hi*' bungalow stood,; Through Dtc long hours of the night- memory a brtisli had paiuD-d pjetUr,t-s of iho tturxer*, \ Hie cradle, the Hub* j reU chair, other ait-sir. Inanimate tiring? j And witeti nmniing found tier plDfoily * unsirutig, with u great tunging tn her; tieart. she knew Mu- must him- n few j moment* alon* So Hi*- home that had* seen happiness, sorrow, distrust, dis­ruption.

NYhen sto- stood In the bungalow, garden, she did not find it In th«*uukinii<t mnditiou she Itnd expeei*d.,Evidently wlih a -ale in view. Dick had thing# tidied up.

Her eyes wrere blum -i when slo- fltled Die latchkey ami wheti she stepped into the hull #llo could not Icok aimut for many moment#. -At last she ventun «l 3 glam-e into the living room, the dm. Do- dining Tooin. ami iu-guii Ki treinble. ,Klo? turned in­ward Ho- stair Wlndlv/sto- ■->- a - et ta- hn-aking j*oiut and km-w that the or­deal before tier must tu- faced ut wucc if tfiit- would iu*ct Dick with a shred of comjtoauzc.

"h e n #})e had tumtnt'xl the stair- site glanced m ither to Hie right nor to the left. Sin- diil md dare' She walked hurriedly down tip- hirii, paus­ing ht-for*- a door at It* * nd. "There she wavered, : pteiuoriei *«« ■'! Slid bitter --crowding her. Not until her wrist wanted her tint*' »#■ flying, did she Mnmblo into tf)'- pink ami white room Dick ami jshe hml HH- *I up for tho 'T.irtP- Son." who had |..h>u glv.-n them tor tw<> •■*-n>terfu! o ar? , ‘fhon. as In; the hall below she eoiibl not look about. A oain that griji •• <1 nhd wrcncheil was etiokiivc in h<r throat,

A cry to;ht*r lip*;. Kh*- m-*v,<l unsteadily toward th-- cradle.,, Her hand# went out to it In a gesture all enveloping, Ami when her fingers fruited up and down it* swindle*;, where soft IRtb- hattv.‘hands hud T (tri­ed. and- pink little tm * h»d t>r<S!«-d suddenly « to'autlful pv-acc stole over

her. The t»itt<r feeling against Dick, which she had bugged close, left her. There «a» no rdoni tor it in that holy spot. breathing of Little Son. The separation of a year, the conlcmplat- <(l divorce stiioil out in liiilcotts nak- editeas, tippaillng her. J.itth* Son was a* much their- now- as when he Pad cooed at them from Do- cradle. He urnf gone -out a little way from them. M - m s waiting tor tath-r amimother, a»d tather ant* mother were deftbet - at«:Sy putting nway trout them tho cnaticc ot that happy reunion.

The (*attt In Du- ihr*e;tW,>-. e tc h ­ing .train- Shi it ft the cradle and * ’,><sl by Die shabby little r-ii chair.

She id.ircd ut . ' t c s-imir »nw with . hepi-j.s-, ,-ye*. t i;, Mie loog-rl

to vry? To b'vo;n-: iitltuan for Die D<"»t Dm- i« months S ic wp* lonely

loiclv! Sir; watiteU: - HO; she euut i, n<* ft*r 1mby vet » vstiile. buttie- ImOvV tnti.er. A- the .t'xmgbt ca!tte diie front door openedctxaklly ami < h »«tl. ,

ste tt,.‘i»-d ah-ut vs ildt>. in a mir- ? <r h'- < aught a gltttui;*- «l u pale. ilivUsuigfit -Dick must imt Dud her nn itttsiruut?, Ktriured w'otnatiS l i e rttritlng to hint --ox merely » nt.Rt- r »-t bushtesv- iitst»’..tcf»!l I ti-t*

>j>- ).Hitp-<l itla-ut fie- r-ropt. iing-r- (tigty, lo'.Lvgly. th-n tur*r<xt toward H e hail. Out there *he t-.<»dd valt ■„ mntt- i.t, then #Ik- would ?bg*,*' It t - *e!f In hand for the imefhte with Dwk But t»?«re -.{w r» it* Seri the ♦h.or ?.he heard hint eutm* no *.hd *init (. along the hall, (Utd; Ilk - p friu-hri ned child, she Hew intt* it ettr- {aftnsl above. In a women* he enter-

From her | hn,-e oi m ealntct'.l x’t-s v.ntri. sf him with oil her heart in h.-r . - 1 -!(■■ had no, >*x n him .it* a y«p*t. nnd to thought wttli a little • J the old idfctm ss that Ho-t'M>T nr ••acred m-otorh- I tad nut the power to rack him ;>* It had r»<k>xl.h.-r f?.r lo- raixlv trlattced nkont St. He (ltd not ; t't|ulde t<* the erm'p. sine hath tt n><md nothing to him now and loiti-.i-r dtd she, >he tiantgbt

A ot; taught Jp tin titront. nnd ne tisded ur< uttd tin* room tjulcklv. Mt- stood a m«*fueut where the sound had sen.. t-<. him. Ha n his hand* went **ut in so liui .dpn* jrr-#ture Mi* said blond "I -hntild he tieeosioHi:(I lo ti)i> tiun. iti »•>(* ro-mt to that strung ■ help !* of Judith’# pr'‘t*'n«-e ><t tiodirihttv*? .'V.-oin l Itinrd Uft *oi( • * GiiAr."

tf.- • v- — it In a »;»He •! '«.ji:-dv.* mil* tut.; .1 chair. He dr-w » phiv lowrapti toward litrh, which Judlt.)i;i 'lt : untie' lie *

■or and earnestly, and #tor*-d at hin:

It wx# not :*i(tn utnuigtlna ut he.- throiii :«•<««. Imi a gm t< .iHtwdhwpbh' rapture- Dick tun *l fsav* ptaerd her.’ picture l|i<*r»*. Die knntsT he it ft- -ptent vi-tiov tu the nurt* r* Her e ye# h- *-ilU to plow k-giUtifult*. If be w*»t:*d ixok around »«;l -t< tn<- to to r She cifjild -ut go 1. him : I c f* it dritfjtrely sl>' But rtf a sudden. SI; Di- h - he.pt eve nt (t«.WH cn bt* ariitk < ti th.- (abb, c - a lunging *ry o t ' ’-jn- di!t;' ludltb!" ■*■«()!» to lo r .?nur-#*e le ft in i- illtd 11 prole* titU! nu-thcr love look it- ph-.c Dit'V wanDxl her and

e vftfns lo t. a- Lit It** Se-iv had <:>!!<*d Imr ill H int roommany a time

SiP- vvi-nt to hint swiftly!.. 1 :• a-sfc-d; "tlow: could >0*

think ->f selling ogr luingaloi■h k '

She*"Hul ; wrote-Thai

th e 'Von ’ ;p! refuse I fm eJedly to :-.<-*• ,oe„ vr«t kijo'*. . 1 was ?dm**st hope.

e:- t me ihlnklpg- She mid t.mmtevcr vl-i *-it I.Hic-.tlow. umf -ft.* bn.'**- tb. t. „-.*?* vvhv you e-ere afraid of

Hot,' !-h - tnterrnptc-d. "von said Hit* ptcMing would l—- illstm tclut’ t didn't like that. Dt-'k ’’

nf * ty.- sear. tt r\hews tbst tt*<> tvav-' not t.-en idle, loll **n (be contrary, tin*.- perf«»rJtn-*' most tirilllnnl vvoak. esjuudooe.

ftlro thrlr cnlerjirisc; and ■ pvtwvi

ItrittHh submnrinrs Oirriril out

xrrylre# out llll* scheme tor the prelec­tion of the transport of the British * x- p'-dltloniiry forces to the ('-nllie-nt w* ro invaluable, for dioccupied by the -_ ,they mntiitatnr-d a patrol of the e-xlts of the -eiiritty* naval ba*e. nlBht nrul day, wftlioiit relief, The: shit!; e-mragi* and even inroism, with which they have Ik-cu doing their part to iodic#!e.| by th* »e|K>rf (iftlcintly made that in reeonnoilr ing Hi# enemy*# coast they hud been "bunted for hour* n; n ttrne by torpv* i|o cratl. nn-f xltscked by tire * 0*1 torperdoes." One extract' from «be of- fieial re|s>rt mode to the Admiralty l>> Mm t’omnuHlorr *tf the snt-murlite fleet hear* eloquent testimony (o th# splendid work of the .iibmartoe.

Three hours after the out beak of war suhmarttK' K-g (Ueut. I'-'mman- der Cecil V. Tallvot) and G-S fl.leiit. Comitiarder Francis It M. Goewthearti l>roei-*e.!e.t unaceompaiued to .-xrrv out V r. <y>t)n*l*#*uce In th*- Heligo­land Ruth! Thcec too *■•"*'-!» re- turned with useful tnformati-m, au-l had the priv!le«e of IW-irnr the n--n<?efs on a »- rvt<s* which is s-'- n-!—' bV

Ftredrnke and oil the eubiiiurlio-s of the wislah ttut*m«rine Ftotlita *>es'i-

.tlon* tre>m which She) e-r-ut'l

of eff-ctlv# tnterfere-nce had di»Hi>- These oulelUittine* have- s(0>■- been

snity emrdoycd ;

aid*- Information regarding the i f«'e#ltloe> and mnvemen* of his I-"lT?i*> (save oveelj..........re.'.inii'-itrej hi* a......... _ ..... ...at wtdte

eiignaed have heeu rulijei-ted In SkilfUf and vv#ll-e.veeutei| antf-siltimar. fne luetic*, hunteel for hour# ;> rime t>> totc-iio craft. a«d !*>■ Bonfire and torje-doe#, ., in Hi# tiattte in the Right of Mi-lltm

Ittist we learn from the nfft#!«t rejuir that lb# Brl*i*h battle cruiser Miintdremwa* rv!<e*tedly aUaefeed by tb»>-({<- #ubmari|jr.-s, on the morning of tin He. arid again while leading th.* , . _ >f netfon. But, In <‘«eh rase the haul** cruiser*, owing t» their »t-e>» and o* uv flog evade*! d«nc*r. The fa* the Herman aubmarlnes Imv? t«-Mi #ucces«fut |n sinking ships limn the

is under protection nf It.* heavily forti­fied bases, and Its network of mine*. ,\> (’oinrinslore Key## put it it* Id? sep-ert • againri »U enemy »h>w ca>- ls! vessel) have never, amt tight cruieer-

xttn-k* have Siep?.-mb*T. hasdurtr el#.

esartty tssen few. niy, t-rior t« (he Vt*.h


"Where H ere's a will thr-tcV n way." (juotcil t ic Wise t!uy. '■Yea, and c'nentHy a lot of thing# (<> got *>tit *if the way," added the rituipl*- Mug.



tried n ea r ly e v ery t h in g




Mr. Wallace ii . Gra»»,'., Yaitrinevct, H.C-. writes: " I luring « <•*>!<i sjn ll bere nlumt the middle of la-it October il'.U ri I eaughl;» ctdd wkkh K>d w.u c d< -pit all tt:-,.Intents I txmid iditain. until about Novcmlur J.'-td, ;» fri-.-ml -aid, ‘ Why not try Dr \VV»sS * Notwa) I’inc Syrup*' Really, i bail no i.-itipiii il at Die time as [ had tried nearly every ether remedy 1 I tad beard nf, la u.> avail, h?R I thought i sm M ),iv. this Li-t (elllvdy a tri::i. I j-iit.-ha-eii a ’dl -x-lit biittV. uud ut llnv- days I iv;i* fevlinn « (IrtL t. nt man. Mv cold was ,) liard. tu-l the eoiKtiiiu; -*» -Us;*it. thatv-vnitin,. (Kvom-d ;ot- r a ic.r.J s(s-ll «>,* eoughiug. I carried- the botth* m my p K-kct. and everv time 1 w >* -? ioxl with »cau:;biit ; *;#il t w. «l<> taieusumltder-.-. t can mei-t liv.trJt'y recommend f)r, VY;red’s Norway j'li.c Svmp to iihyonc with a severe (x>id, iv* i t ; jKiwt-r* ate nw>*l marvctou:, uu-l t never intend living without it at ail times."

When you ask for "D r W oodV «*-c that >->.t get what you «-*fe.{*#*. It is put rtj> in a yeil-'w wrapper; Utrev pin# trci'-i the trade mark; the price, 3Ae ami Ml; mamtiuclurcd only by The T, Miibunt Co , Limited- Toronto, Out,

Odd Told Tales of Old Mexico

01 alt Dm relatively iarg-r cHlc# on Du- Antc-rican tnatt#idit*re, the euidlal o f Mexico is by fur tin* oldest. It# Ireginniiig was lung before- Cotum- bus saitesi ,on hi# memorable voyage ol (liM-ovcry, when It was the sent ot Hi'- Azlte empire, (TritixaDon of a -ort HiutrDhed there long i*cior** tiie tir.-i liarny pionwra settled utntiK Hu- uurllictii AttanUe roast.

It has t*e> n a *«> «>' matt vietswiy tnu* . tt has been i>* Id **> IroUatl and ft|ii(iiiard, by vleiruy, by republt* can, by rrVtdutioiiifit, aud by northern invader. Many ot. Do? Atfri-ts am ui Du- griab-st antbjtilty. Many of its traditions are so obi that no tuult know# whe!her Dicy originated In tho day - ut .Miiutezuatas or ot lb# t\ni* (jutatadure#.

A« is inevitubb, »it*rT-ily ot Mexico has it-- own p*xiill«r folk lore, tt?* tuvftterioas 1*ge-n-i-. Ther>- are old tales thnt have Jie.-ti handed down lrum ReneraDon to generation b>word ot mouth and ar>? still told b> M'.xiian nurse-)* to tit*? rhlldrvn «s the > wore odd -eeuUlrica ago.

A relic (if 'Axtcc folk lore is Dm Ute tab- uf Du- Walling Woman, One**, a long Unto ago, tro- story rttus, there was u very bad w'omaii hi Old City ot Mexico - Hite gave birth to many children, but ebitdrcn l#»m) her. and. as last as one camp unun Dio cartb, she drowned it. Finally Iter c n seiitic * begat) troubling Iter. It I,; rupiKrifd that her puni-bment was to go through eternity looking tor her children,'

Fie'itienU.v sine*- then, tt > said. •• -it- Mil* n , have* t * . !. a woman tn v hite. wtlli a white tmtntRia over lo r head, roumhig titratigb the street# at night; Those who have itojuired her tmsiucss have r*>‘-tved the an­swering innttlry as to where her chil­dren van b*- found. Tiuf'Bret)test mitt- fortune- always overtake's those who <1 tier lion tier. Most of them are strick­en dead o r become insane. Tilts latter fate t« said to Itptvv overtaken a gltted army ot fiver, who. our** trl(*<l to Dirt with tho Watitng \V<h.nan tt is said Iter lamentations are still heard

.at night sometimes.Due story with a foundation ir. fart

is the legend of Don Juan Manuel. As thi! into survive# in ihe folk loNt Don Juan was an amiable enough genDe- man. except that he had a bad habit o f wandering out nights ami murdering people, HI# custom was to approach somebody on the street, ask him tho time, and. when be replied, telling him he was lucky because he knew- tho hour of his death, stnhhed him to Hie tieart. This went ot. until 010* night t>ou Juan killed ids dearly ts-tovnl nephew, whom he had. not roeoe- nixed

stricken with remorse, Don Juatt cenf* r.M-d t<* Ids priest, who for iictt- itm-e ordered ttim to go alone ul mid­night to a certain churcii. before which was a gallows, and to tell hlw rosary under th# gallows. Three nights he nuempted to fulfill the command, but was driven back by tlto groan# of the jn-rson# he bad murdered. After begging in vain for » lighter penance he ftimtly reached the gout under the galtows. And then angels from heaven ram# down and hanged him.

A# n matter of history there was Bur It .u person In Mexico In tfiit and he wa- a dishonest collector of rev­enues He was jailed, and. to #0 cure Ills liberty. ht« wife was com* itellcd to suffer Incredible humilia­tions »? the hands of a judge, Don

"Juan broke prison, went to Ids home, toijtid the .'ijiIbc there, nnd slabbed hint to death. LaterTm was mysteriously lynched one nigtit before the church, and froth this grew the .legend that tin- angel# hud punished him for IiIk 81ns.

A striking story ei ghost" re­venge* is tho.-.legend of Don Juau do Nhvu, pri'",t and Kuanllan of Tils orphan nJcirt. a beautiful girl. A t’ortHeoev" onbicman, IV»n Intarle d«* Barraza, fell in love with her. and Bio* reciprocated tho witachmcnt, hut the pries’ rejri?u-d t>on ltu.»rt- be ­cause It# was known as a gambler. One night the pric^J came upon Don Duarte talking to hi* niece through her. window. Duarte struck Du* old matt with; his dagger, which was im­bedded Jp Itltf’skulL killing him. Ho threw the body, dagger, ami nil. Into a ditch. Just one year inter !>on Duarte was found dead at Die site (jf Die crime. Kneeling over hiut, one of Us bony hand# gripping hi# body by the throat, was a skeleton in priestly garments, " it t i a dagg-r sta king in Its skull.

Decidedly creepy, is the story of Father l-ecoena. Thi* soul priest, Itttrrylnc to Die iiurru- of a friend, wan met mt tiie street by it woman, who told hint a (tying man « idi#*l to make w confe-Ntoti. Y ietdiug to id# entreat - fea. he went io tm* hovel t!< which she led him. Titer** In? found the emaciat­ed form Ol a mwi s ho lookril n» If he find long to-* n dead. The man told hltu that In ancient: times lie had (tied tin- shriven amt tool l»*eo blinti-rittg in it' ll < v, t »ii*e*'. A* a . ;>«:ciat tavor, Ju)wev*T. he hud (•(-*-« perwittdl to re­turn to Du- earth to ?c* it he could. Dtid a prh-at who would hear his eon-f»-#»‘e«,

1'a it re i^cuotta thought he hud to deal with n madman. He luard th" conlaxron and administered nttsolu- tton. \V()eo !«? told hi# sior,* at the house of Jtis friends they scoffed at R, one ot litem saying the hovel had been uninhabited for many years. To mak<* a test of it Die priest and companion* went to tiie house o* m-xl day They found the door covered with cobwebs, as it it bad never bee-n disturbed, "h e n they DnaUy uuloekest it and went inside They found nothing except a fr*-:*h handkerchief. The priest Iden- tltie.l it as Altei)i‘ had T arried tb>* .night ■ before.

Bciiutyw arn .First think.Think a lot. ;Think of food.Think of drinking.And think of bathing.Of l Otlrse, you'll tiof tiH-fbi) lute.But f ully it is nev« r t<s* iate to

mead."And ver>, *(*r> truly, "white there’s

life there’s i-ope."Once your dikestieu ;> rtiiued you

avoid Dio raining item#After you've ngglectctl drinking wat­

er you must make up with pl»nty of r tn-twe-eu meals

Utuye with liav. '-takeucsi Dicm- sfdves uRh hot baths should strength- Dumselyes wRh cool on#*,, beginning with the sponge bath.

MANURE.Farmyard manure Is, uh a rule, eom-

potrod of tho x ’Hd mid liquid excrt*- loentv of ottimala, wime la a Male of *iec«'ini*otdt!pn, and some frcMi mid ntiehiuiged.

Thera exist# a great difference of opinion n» to whether It f* Im-ji in use long- or' (r<Mii manure*. r.ulror ihan (hat which Is* completely rolled. K ll Is* Intend'd ouly la benefit Hi*1 liumit- db.t*d> anev-voding crop, (he manure should ho romplctuly rotted, but Jong manure, if ployed In and eovrad lx inert.* beneficial lt> fultire crop*. nmi U t referred for potrUHi*, »>» rotted man­ures Wave a tendency in make liitiu vnlory and worm<cnWll,

If Hte (le-tinr. Is to furnMt tier soil with the gr,at« »t atarmnl *>f organic matter. the sooner the application :ls

m ade Hie better. On compact day sobs the ml stunt of straw anti coarse manure L valuable. rendering thcnt loose mid light, while lint producra '■( decomposition are m ore completely In Id Ilian In a looser soil.

Foarso m»n«fd make* soils locror. nnd loses inoro of its elements in do- composing; For ftrfn reason com pat I, fermented manures are test on such roils.

For crops which have n rapid growth and mature In quick order, well fer­mented manure* and fine composts are mere Immediately fell. Turnip*. b«ck- wheat, clover nnd many garden vege- tnhh'B might almost matures Irofora de* rompovltlon would he sufficient I vRnced In now and coarao manures to do them tiny sited.

Where It Is desired |*t for <’ quicken a crop, a we!lTorm*iMrd fljte-bcaUns manure should he ti ns rlcii compost, lame dust or ninintrc of horses nnd sheet). The straw wheal, oats. etc., contains a mixture of saline ruSodattces which is exceed: ingle valuable tta manures to almost ••very eroi>: the same is true to - their chaff. It 1* more economical, g* oily. i« rot the straw and chuff In Hi** barnyard. Instead of dissipating nil their volatile matter In lit” tilr. When buried dry th v< decompose slowly end produce n less sensible effort succeeding crop. During fermentation an unavoidable loss of organic nnd of saline mailer occurs.

Theoretically It Is true id dr.1 well ns of green vegetable nmt(or that H will add moist to the noil If plowed previous to fermentation. Hut litis is not the only consideration. Instead of a slow and prolonged action crops. It may require no Immediate and powerful one tor a shorter time, and to obtain this.' one may be Justi­fied In fermenting the tdraw, with tho certainty oven of u loss.

Thus the argument about *h» aopH- eatlon of long (>r abort manures bo­ttomed altogether one of oxpedb and practical economy, Fhnff par­takes of tho nature of straw, but de­compose* even more xlowh when buried dry. If Is also difficult, to fer­ment even when mired with liquid manure. The principal general d'.ffer. inee between vegetable manure of the same kind, cut tit the same ngc. nnd applied In o green or dry state. I» tha't lu the former U decomposes more rapidly, and therefore acta more apcedliy : tin; total effect In either faro will probably he very nearly the same. But if the vegetable w afer bad troea but at a more advanced stage, or he*-n more exnoaed to itro weather white drying. It will no lunger exhibit the same efficacy-

A ton of dry straw cut green will be lunch richer tiuiu V cut ripe and dry; not only because the green plant contain* the materials Iram which the grata Ik afterward formed, but because us the plant ripened it restor­ed to the earth a portion of the aallnd matters It originally extracted. After It Is cut, every shower that falls on It washes out « portion of the salt rontatned In Its pores.

AH those troublesome pests, the robbers of our fields, should he cut down In tli^lr greatest vigor ami laid In the barnyard or plg-gty »«» decay. They are rich in fertilizing salts. and when ever pud however applied, are valuable as. manure.

The damage done to crops by weed?, add the const-qttcot advantage of destroying them in Undr bloom, cannot be ovcr-esUntalcd. Almost ev­ery specie* produces millions of seed* which are wafted to far-distant stmts. They shade and occupy tho soil, and by their superior vigor drain out the sustenance prepared lor more delicate plants, ami at last smother them.

Tho remains of plants with Urn ex­crement and carcasses of animal*, if returned to the earth before tltcotti- po&ltlon, must contain all the mineral, organic and gaseous mutter* which the animals derived from Hodr food, or thd plant* front the soil. The solid matters, must all p**« through the proce*rt of decom posit ton, before they assume their original, gaseous ■ or r art lily form*, and become food for plants.

The science of manuring conslats In applying to the soil those element:; which have been taken up by crowing crops. The richest manures may he applied to a falling soil, nnd if tlie) lark the particular elements which the crop require)?, and which the soli doe? not contain, still the field grows bar­ren, Farmyard manure probably con­tain* the greatest nurnber of elements necessary. to fertility, hut for their full development particular plans re­quire special manure*.

Manure* operatic beneficially In var­ious, wav*- First, bv ror-ing in some tnp|an*<•s;.̂ r’s food for plant;?. Fceond,bv causing ehem<c;»f ehungeji In tile soil tn whh-h other ctibstanee* are prepsje-} to h<> taV-o op «*s food. Third hv neutralizing wovious >»th*tattecs In the soil, which prevent the growth ,,f crops. Fourth,bv Frolr hulk and tex­ture they «Siance- Ih* no rbaolesl pro­perties *.f SOit :.

■NOTE.*II animat:; in the last or*- in the

daytime can resort to a shed or deep shade, or to Water, the* are nimdt h"> troubl'd by ft!* Net* or light covers nre, of course, u proiectinn. Fome ; numliiu * of oim gernin of florae fly j attack- itrlttclpallv about the ey>x and ears of stock. Horse;’ ear* may bo ;

'.protected by net*, c-r tio- ears and skin j about the eye* may be t,mearcd with; a rcpellnnt solution K.’ l - Wa- hhurn. - FntnmelugUt, Fn'.v e*>it' Farm, Saint ‘ Haul.

The drains are often (logged by tho* T*u>t rtfiirc*'1’; A good plan I* to t*!aec | veyetrtt t'-sieknes-. . <,f ta tfo l paper* \ over ti ' Joint* of the tile, which !■- , sold l»* proyent the enlrunc'enf tie- J roots to sorpi

cause* the-: formation of a cedar ap­ples. Kpore* aro liberated front the cedar apple, vvhlen lu turn causes iln- chnraelcrisilc rust when they alight upon an apple tree,

<*lt»v«f Iteiong* to the same family as alfalfa, and ean also he iiM*tt.to ex­cellent advantage In eotincctlon with corn. Both bay plants tu-.ppiy th« nutrient which Is lncklruc~tj» corn, nnmely. protein, t** Rive a wcll-lml- auccd ration, though alfalfa la some­what richer than clover in thl*

Berrlc* should be market*-d a* M*m ns possible after picking. The hold­ing over which may he practiced with larger fruit* will not do for the berry. ns Its life hlMorv ceases soon after H leave* the parent plnnl

Rvery owner of a fruit Orchard, particularly pcarb orebnrd. no maltcr whether targe or small, should ha'*- a canning outfit. Vlllng** and ■ city residents arc always glad «<* buy peaches ready «annrd at high prb*-«

SnraylnR does not pay "lien the fundamentals of the operation tiro not • arefulv followed The right material must lm used In >ho righi way and at the right time, otherwise fallnro )« sure and certain.

The. road drag I* the slmpt- • * and least contrivance expensive yet de­vis'd for malnlalninc earth; road-'


1 liercV r> »lr<-|c*)i hunt, aud 'ths l-s*

Itraeoodtng (Preuah the sirIhcoe * ti omriisi <-c a «uvaatt**i v-: t,Aa lie in Midi vs to. tn*j i»tr,‘1 here’s a ciariun cnli so.muii ovd .til, . .

1- pt«; ar<- *i)ulifl*'w« r an umtin. l u - t i n * hdid Into -cpmut*- flmvrti* .•ml urrouco tl*« ut In n pah hi uHornnh*; u iry with v hit • vac «• spnuktdi With pi.ii- il - In * ->‘ «'*.!• r lie ’.up of He<!ii h with better •! 5 r< -pi ceutub4* iuttl»-.ik e, (!| Ii>e top i - nicelv hriw :o-*.

It Is le tter to use a little ammonia in tile wnlir lu v.bieh white pain* is in he Wiisited, I linn to use runp, even i;i<, best soap. Fare .should tte taken not to entplov t<*o nturh of. th<* am* ttiotiiii.

To blnmli-nitmmdsi shell nnd pour boiling water over ilmm. I.d them

| stand In the water until M»e skin niav i in. removed, then throw them in cold

• r. rub orf tjie rkln* between the ■l* and -dry the kernels between

A small db-it of elmreoal and a raw poiitio will elcim kltclten knives.

Machln- srcii e may lie removed by using cold water, ammonia and soap,

j Thin " i l l »’"t cause old *ob’r* to run. i To remove palnl spots from serge, {■cover the spot* wltiidUve oll or fresh j ’bullet la soften, and if the paint is 1 hard, lot Oil* remain on lor some i hours: then apply some chloroform ’ carefully with a dean cloth, taking

• are not to Inhale the fume*. Hcnrim* will answer if vou do not earn to use oftlofttformi- hut It I* u«( quite so ef­fective, Be careful to do tin* eleati­me a«»v front alt fire,

A (bdtdimi .ind etnt'ib* trull pundi i. mtide >f canto *1 plnruUld*'; tdtredded.

{ ‘ink*- ;< pint of this frui* and to it ! u.-ii the ynbe *d Hire? good-sard Ion- { ->n.! Ho- Jntic of hear ot'ditgi *. tw<» :t dha-d Pnnnim* ami cu e nnd a lt«lf cup- i culs of s'ig;(r. But thU 'ulxfurc In a { i-oal v.tib u gi?*sl Moed lom.i of it:

itnnd f*-r an nope or mo nod ! thefi hild -i pint of earhoualc l water | Lemon* may U*s kept for month*, by

* (oerttig them In nice dry rand.! inst"iol t-f ulwayt* fnldltig (aide- I cb-ths and .dpvK lenctliivlse. It i* nn } -vc*-!tent plan to rontetime* fold tbent 5 * In? other way. ns they are Jens likely | to wear mil If the fold* nr*- tn cnHhmal- ! ty ebanged.} Fold bolted cabbage baked In a dish ' iti allcrnatc layers of white sauce

’•prlnkled whip grated cheese and linked make* « subslanliat dl*h.

A few can* of wsparaRtis Up* In ill*? grocery closet Insure a delirious salad •»t all Hull's, when other product* prove Sow and as emergency urfsc*.


T y p e o f A rm s Used b y the Variou* P ow ers o f W ar.

WHITE AS A GHOSTPale or Sallow Cheeks One of the

First Signs of Anaemia.Bale amt sallow cheeks, with blanch-

i.enecr. to';**nto; ot- *?d lip* anti guilts, and dark fifties an*..... •• *’- ' * •* ’.....• d* r the »■}•« -, urn tin? Itrst sir.t.B that

inuat'ittltt li.in begun H« deadly pro- -r*^- 'Hit ; first warning hs followed i*v great w curt ness and breath les*nes* jiMor tiny exertion. You grow mciiMI* t i-.nlv, have frequout headache*. ,t in the-morning frating tfr*d. Vi«t bet <iiue morbid and nervous, Marling n( the sllgh im noUc, and

i- h .art pihiit.itev violently even i*n going vijw-talrs, .Mod girls from l» •in 2p Miller from anaemia. Neglect ■to supply uevy blood to tho Innguish- it1?. blootib'S b .(ly. meau.i u life of >»ti .erv - Ind*.id. It Is an open fhvlta- lien to Dial fm>-' hopehv.i of nil tils* t its)**, cpiisiuitplion.

I In? new. rich hlqrvl that cures an- u<mia and gt » « new hraltb and xtronglb in raildily r r-a t- l bv li j. Wil- liano ’ Bilik l*l!b(. That is why the*o t til have* cured mors ’xscs of blood- b -liras und tdo*>1 dtrordei* than any other tm'licliic. They have ninde t anusnml* of girls and women strong, well and roo;., with bright eye* and bew * n. rcy. Just fwsau-e tbev nourish iln- tmdy with a new, rleb. red blond <!i‘ health. Hbro is'r. typical IriMiBiee- kli<s l.aur.v tb-mps"y. Auburn. S’. Y , ra»v ”I’»-r several months J v.ns In a very bnd Mal’o of health, with many of •■the symptoms that ueompnnv au- a*m !i ! ??as pale and hloa.M***. bad tcrritd« heaiLtchcs. would he hreath- lr** »l the least ox'erUon. H iving tried a number of uiedieiipw. without relief, t naturally bream** dlsctturaged and hegan to b a r that i was doomed to eotiiliuieil Unices. At this tdnro a frb nd who bad Imrs. Jf Ics-n lienefll'. led l v |)r. WllltaniF i’iiig D ll* urg-M me to try ihcm. ! did so. and thfinkn to ibe idllu i »••( now enjoying the heM of ; health. an*l f *d that I cannot t-enmnohd this sph-itdl.l tncdb inn 1<v> highly ■'

Oibee weak and ailing girl.s enn also obtain new; health and -irenetn through Hm of |»e Williams' Bink ■’’({I*. You ran gel flies* pills through any medicine tb’.«h-r, nr they will tie wot h-< mall ijrt.it paid at So cents a bi.\ i:r *ix bo\c; far $J'dl bv w rit­ing d he Mr. William*' Medltlnr* Co . Brmkvlllc. Fnt

A n Ode to tho Censor.The censor icatnc down like tho wolf

on Urn fold.And his .-.cowl tt was U’oeK. uud hl*

oyo It un« cold,And »h*' things that h** did to th«

news of the «»rHave never been witnessed h> mortal*

before.Aero** the de«pat(h>-* hi* pencil flew


Tii the i-nttle front sfiu. ‘ .Mid iti>' roaring ««m:, oud There the ktmki i.With lewd »nd i l f l. Unit

The ilrltish bo*' *iill heldr.There'*

r~- ,With tho war d»B* .u Th**lr r>r < aic luon. f<From their t!i'*ttn>r batilrmen! Tbev ««<«* the ro**. thiough

ding hrccxc.To keen our sen wnti.? clear:

Wherever the Moth' i’l irid eenm, X*> erester love, »«>•* on- »)«>?., Than to give one's life for hts fnrTtiere’M n falb-n tear, on tc .-nldicr’, b*rom a mother'* wounded heno. But .die fill-? hi* :t>t«v<-, v.oil Ut-

■ nJ race.Proud I* *he r-f her part She dr|r* her l-nr« «o-| eiitlnt her t'rnilll n f Ut'- h >V mill lit* hr. »,l Through eoi»t ne lit. rh* know* she Brdeet (be “b»tt«»e*f r<-«.t "* l'ive< ever thus, true -••iiiot-', jduj TiHilliimiR of *mr rsro For as'* r*!d. *"ir wonim < b-,)d. Have keel for ««» Otir pt?. - What Britain mak-s. the t;-oj-,re * He ft tre*lv. t»*'tc For i '

: theIdieh'-d vrord.

F.RVfisr HBStfirriL

Ono W a y to C lean Kugu.> has* I it.Several person*

declare a simple and x»U*f«vt«ry mo- thod of cleaning rug:; i* lo take llicm outdoors, sweep them thoroiiglilv. mid after banging them on tin- lino i«rt» the hOK<* on them and let t<>** waloc play on them full force, Thl* shotild ip- kept up until the w'ttfcr rim* off them peroietly eir-ar. and then they -hmild la? left lo drill dry.

| And knocked mu the punch from tho The v ’rvicrjibiiity of ihe rifle* ear. I I'd s,i H lump'd,

tie»l by the troops of tiro various na- i . . . . . .lions at war In Europe S* *d keen in- Tho war rqrrosjmndcriL d.Mortrd and lerest. The following table will wtmw pule.the- pattern and caliber of tiro rtHes ’ Walehed Hi** Irorrihte hash that wna also the standard calibers of artillery j mad<* of his Wit*;

Franr.'-Lobet magazine rifle, caliber! And the -amud of hi* wading reach**! | ..IfS (in.; envnlrv Uhe* a carbine of I farllmr, « let| saute calibre. Light field artillery, ?,£{ Than s»m despaicite* he penned ever | cut, FJ,95*lHeiti *alihf»-, field bow iircr, ’ got.I i2 < tu. * t in .* , heavy how itzer tsiego) ;

f;j IS,r? ein, tfidblnt'bb .'•'ehtroider-Fr* iikoi And there lav the copy (hat nuee told | models. • ! a story' Belgium .Mauser magazine rifle, i Of thund-'^ng baHle and world mov-

• ] calibre, .till m i. Fi-Sd artlib ry 7.5 5 ing glnry.etu. Kritpp model. And nothing wu- left hot lead idnek-

ftreat Britain Lee-Enfield rifle, -.on i ened scrawl.*' ■ < m. calit>re; rame arm for infantry and i A jtiBible of words test said nothing

| cavalry, Hor*.. artillery l.l-pminder; «t nil. —field tK-imunder,, field howitzer. Ad- \

• ; pounder: lioavv jib-gej dd-pounder. \ Oh. the juibiie at tar *̂* I* juA(pttrla-liungar> Alannlieher mag*- ’ it- howl.

, ■ zinc rifle, iitle -m. calibre. Light ar* , And ill** errovil* at the’ IniHetln* grtim* ; tlllcry 2.;(f>dm'it, field howitzer tf.a cm,

’ ; F'-d-poundert; heat? howitzer Ot.j pounder, a M.S-pounti shrapnel shell

■r ; i* used.i- fb'rmnny .Mauser inagazlne rifle, i .311 m i, eali!ir»; Mauser carbine *?*

.* same roll hr*.* for cavalry. Krupp tS- ] pound i:fin f!T field arid horse nrtil- ; bry ; tieavy field nriillorv no-pounder;: heavy tiowtizer ht-pounder.

Japan Aricaka rifle (improved. » sa?....... .....«.<«•-* *»•| Krupp and altered Krupp gun* W d ! »wa> m0hl *>f dangera of ! in artltterc; 7,5 cm. for field and t.c,. \ war lor the army employ ;ng his toven ; inelt and 5,3-fneli for h'-nvy field, horse \ [iot,_: k.n»l siege. | |i eonslki* of » *t*‘el ej'Hmlnr en-

Montenegro llmodah 2.53-lnch. V , , , «,?},<„ another cylinder which • • h _b THilcj ■ , ;i,l, ,i K 1 T he f:ght

j Scrvia -Mauser rifle, 7 mm. ealihrtk | |nt. |jov?<<r l* *<d in motion i*y mextis . French artillery. f ,<f wireless telegraphy, the inner cyli Itnssbv Threo-Htp. y.9h;iBfh rift*: h ^ e r rlstfig to a To ight of about fiv«*

carbine for cavalry field artillery 13.5 S f,.„, nhov** tiro e-irtwee or iho ground.• ' Idmnd with heavier model* of French A, knme time mi automatic gunc : Pattern. Fein.* Krunp gun*. Kauai* j Ux„,j ,he « ylin'd.: r opetm fire with

’ * • Btar.___ ^ ____ \ tone hundred bnilcts in any required*"** |s direction, f - ■

lit** nut (Him He soldier* may lie * liroughi lni«» action by nn offtevr at «

in-1 ti'i Mine* i distance of five m?S*;; from the iiac • u j.n*11 i-! ..i of def't*ee Further, ti i* itointed out. fic-rHnH a s.-tiij). i dint tiler** (a tin danger of pinitc

H is claimed that a few hundred of the**? steel w arrior* would suffict? to defend » position against th** most

‘ powerful Infantry nitnek To stop the munierou* shower of bullets the enemy

ends j Would have to dcsUoy the steel cyl­inder* »ne by one. which, of course, in active: warfare would be a most

.. .'mlntary l - W t - i nitt-m” »t"l«rVc- | haranto'i* proceeding.• *l*-i Shat witt feievcr t>aot*h #1! 1 — ——

S . - K S J ? c : .......... .... • tm e un* t t * i« * b l (:.


Even Doctors Marvel at the ib" yk'“- dr,**s ,m *5t M,Q'Penetrating Pow er of

t profuse In

i a world beating wonder in swat­ting the news.

Jain**** Ji Montague, In New York American.

M echanical Soldiers.

A DanssSt engineer ha* invented »

SHOULD MAKS GERMANY PAY.. tlnmtiti IV-- I’ro i)


!>J ht* with *1! that ’hi*tt'cn (hero ?<ili be keen dtrsat-

i npi'n Hi**' part of many. <>’••?• *•“ " ...... »wcfe nunixh-ix

CARE NEEDED IN THE FALL.’Elm main object of tho majority often w|i» keep poultry la Dm firodm -

|tinn of eggv nnd meat. To develop the (fowl that it will nav * some meat on •its bone* Is IDH 80 iiard. To have Hi*? proper anuuiut in tin* proper time t* not ro easy »'(> gr>w fowls io the Htandnrtl weight In tho given time, -m cording to lh>j breed, ami Ibcn im e ihcm commence layin,; in the tail and winter, mem* careful management, and only under this kind of licntmen’. win a Deck of poultry grow, mature and shell out Iron fruit during tho fa!! and winter month*.

Perhaps in no time of the y u r must tho poultry ralr.er exercise more Judgment In handling tM flock than during the (nil. it Is during this time that the pullets. If properly grown, nr** reaching’ full maturity, and Ihev re­quire good cafe Pi getting them in lay­ing condition, find then In keeping them at tim work of steady egg pro* duct)cn throughout the whtlcr. A nood atari means a good *c< yield, >m- lc*v jio irly innungcd ttftcf they have ■ ontmence I to lay. Properly grown 1-cshorux should bcein tr» lay nt from five to ***, month* of a go*. *1 they do not do this thero la Mnnething wrong with th-v flock, or In Iho management of the flock. Wyandoftex iKqjln lo lav at five and one half month ? to r l* and n half from t’to stroll, Rhode Mnrnl Red* arid Bivtuouth Rock* n Rule lat­er. Th.* laying period I? due *cry largely in the j-trnln of fowls and in the care.

Foil ed methods nr* not raw’d in tiro four run. The fowls should l*e grown s.ea.llly. without undue 'on-ins from babv Itrod io Ittyinjt nutlurtlv, nnd I he la*ttpr (bey haw-*' iK'eit grown during this perio-t the tmror producer* In the long run tbev ?vtil iV*. Heavy feeding one dnv and half «i.\r.it(g ih<* fowls >!te next 1* potir tnnnnyctro n* ilaphaz- ard rare wilt H t h anv fto k What is worth doing ut nil with poultry Is worth doing well. There is .very little profit, if poy; in a mismanaged flock. These -oMlets that n r ' reaching the maturing fdae.\ that nr* nearing th*’ -•amlard wr-ighl of ilro breed and sltow cist?*; of full developm* nt Mtould be ret* r.vcd :>t once to tb<* r . after* that wjil he ti:e winter liome. Tltev wiil then become aecu-troncd to the new rtunrier* nnd with rend tare commence to shell out hen fruit at the proper time. Moving th*- troatlv matured pul• l l « ft cm place to place; pen t<t pen. or piaciiip anv utimber teat ha?e gtowtt togethoj -aMb aunttar flotk will van** for n time di?contenl. Fowls (<. do Iheir tic*?* fhot'id be tt big, hippy Jam* By. n*td to *e> ure ihl* place in the ••oultrv quarter* the pqlicts that have been grown together nnd nte of th** came age

Before plat itte the* f»«ts In the w in* ter opart«•—; the (oultrv bulldlag viibttld be ihoroucldya'rani’d ami v.eH *!rle(V for at tbl.s time of year, w ith the man* -udd'-n wea*h)» c lan g 's , a dry liep. eL' rav<ntial. Fall cxdde chicken- pox. etc., arc ehroky. le a s e produc­tion. r.ud tier 'cifc-i ' is more lusting

■ »!>*;>' raiwl ;>,;t»im k*-cpcfi credit.I F- It;* (»n m* avoided hv'welt-v.ntilxt'• ad , <>:(!»« * pwirttfr*. amt pfepty ofj hon **-r(ottt rtvcrerowdetl apiarter*,I speMatiy it* »b.- fail tibd car!* winter, j arc t’o •.; • .' of tn; »;v coids. oft-ft J trading Into roap. if pot promptlv■ e-te tjee t■ltick-,o..pee». or sore head.\ if arproring In ibe fleck, fhoyfd ***> j t romtdly 'i:tmr,c<l out. It can only he j snccerafuMv oped with by removing | at o' go all fowls tiiat shmv eyniaq.m*| c f the pox and m ating set arat'ly. To ’ try to f'frst a "ire by placing ntc<it- ! vine* in the drlnhlpg vvHt*-r, ntlmvlng ; the sit k fowl*;’ io mingle wtih thru*\ t!:at ar«: •veil, << folly K»«rv rbk j ;ov*I should be rentov<-d frcun ih« re;i > c f «he Buck at once. I» i< *ebloin Him j n»ty tliit*?; will nilatk a f!«;k veil ! ixt cd and managed, and It b w»,«e b > j k»*( p eny f̂ir-vlit that bave l;cen ill in a | bott*e bv thenvt'd .-••« ttn*(l <lls|K"*('il of.i Breeder* who be?** the sit *ng<-st «to?*k i *iB never ”>e f*r at - br. a dine a few!| ihal has at «ny time been vhk It is . I tin- one safe wav t<* keep tin* vigor {

f ibe f!c*k up. In Fro tare «tf fowls ? | fhtrine t!-c f.*U netbing !• mere Itnphrt- j rt.it than ib1? oqe«tlcu of tdneing the ; f.'x i: lu health*' (-((million In the win-• i.-r ccarte -< )'-,<! are prooeriv vent- i *l:t(e»l ar.d bent cP ?t),xn! (ii« ’?•.!•■':•I. Boor «ca<.e alvcn to cacli fire'' In the | ■ nlot'liw -trances i< >» ma*,v fowl; arc { beat ted ter tber Frn< * three to five

i«nd a half «tuar*- feet finer- vnace j-j nqt too much for the lighter breeds, i while iiit ltd)vice.l)-Ci*d* should bn*e

i froe< f.utr 1** five Ma«*v »-.->*)!(rv ke-ro- j t f* itavc ce-si re- >it)< e if h lets Boor | c -at-e to en, h fowl bet ro the begin- j ncf p!mty of room will be>af**d

Good Old ‘ 'Nerviline”

Bain* anywhere in the chest, ne side, back «>r musefe* they are »a>* a discomforf.

If the inflammation Is sever#, pit in will be intense. if allowed ronlinuc. compilcationv wiii follow

1'hyslclan* say one of <he best r< edlc* in "NervlBne'' it can't help nothing curing. beratiKO It penctrales Ihrottgh result*, the,sore tissue*, carrying healing pro- tu-nies that destroy pal ii,

general household use, for cur­ing Hie ailments of the young or old. for destroying ft.ll pain, outward or inward, nothing can excel Nerylline;

g, thousand*; testify to thi* effect, j j . For nearly fori> years NcrvlHne has

l.c*n a ran owned and trusty remedy to- in thousand)* of horn ex where prartl- to cnily no medicine Ik needed.

N’ervlpne 1* safe to u«e. For child conghs, colds and sore throat

•<d with more cerlnJn

in case of colds. >

large 5*> cent family size mplom of hott!e to-day It is more reonomlca!

than i Iln 25 cent trial tdze, and la stir**

pleurisy, them should be-a good hand- rubbing with Ncrvltlne, and, of course l«* prevent ih« troubto coming hnck, il’.w advisable to put on tt Nervillnc

chests and to keep down the doctor’s hill .and

Boroux Plaster, which, by absorptionFanada

cure a ho*t of minor ills lhat *rh e in every-: houKehold,

All dealers veil Nnrvlllne. or dir*a t from tin- Ffttarrhotone f.’o., Kingston.Lulu Fado, Newest of Dances

M iss N eill, of Pavlow a’s Im perial B allet, Describes the Steps o f the Picturesque

Spanish D ance and Poses for Pictures.

’ perpetration *«(l : I'MH'OM)* lei' ii;**tittdly ciiutc. F,ir tbk- 'icrntanV j houtd t ay in A) way that will nut. only

GALL.llUUsbu’ c c;a*ette<Ttmeei

(iermau jjovrrnmcnt lets n (broush AmbasAsdor llernstorff tt t* h!«h>y r>l>M*r*-<l wt*n Aro»rt< j (hi h ftOc* to til* Belgian*.: Fan yon? best | r a n

(St.- Thomas Journal.)Th<* r„:»ie stanmnsf with it* brad t>**-r

the ten**', with ear* dmoping and mouth •Ircotina ft>r tli< krave in ihc m-.x* tO'lil.

t>e j which t« itenlly not n whit better limn ft.M, :i good type of sat) t>< >«V’ w tro ar«* sS- th- thtna* which at*- h*t they have.

. NOTFS.whllo Burred Blymoutlt llock** * tin

Hill justly 1m* cailcl Iho king <>! all around ft*i!v In tills cowulry. I be While U vatidoUe lx a elpjto p.vontl. l.lkc-Du.' Blyttioulh Rock, ll r.et iic tin •nt tt<tog; bnl stands en its own meritv a;- a great, all-around fowl, brolt-T, ton?ter ami layer, nnd perlinf>s has tn* rival ip* a broiler at two pounds and over.

tint (hr- pull'd# In wittier qutirfcr*)1 »e> m t allow liti: growing pnullry In t rovdiil quarter* To Insure egg pro* ducton Hi:*) xhonbi lo* totxfortxldy q^artered that no mailer how change



Fan vou dance the Lulu Fado? , the genllemnn forward, keeping the If you can. you ar** not only up to 1 « m e poalllon with Ihe arm a . In flrat

;be nroeeselon hut ahead of th** band , , . .' « ,h" l " " ‘ .......... * “ * l.,Tn « V ™ Y S u A d o ™h,eh

If you can t h -re’a your chance to | 8how lls Spj,niBh or|K(n The couple learn to whirl ami glide ami dip. and ^ p4mte - .,h« fi(.nt!eman making » tap v our toe* and map your Bugera j c}rrir {() {!)<, rj Rhl - t ho l#dy a circle to in fbt« fahlaatic ami pic»ur«»que iu>w • ,(lff They conilnuo tho name atep Spaittsh dance. as in the firat Btep only they arc each

'the new dame ;* practical!? un going around » circle away from each known in America, but R icada o tf tin- other Now atop 1—2, 1—2—2—4— list of Koclety dancpK that Mise Edna mapping the finger# on ( and 1 and Neill ferurorty with Pavlowa i* lot- ; clapping the hands on l when the lady pc-rial Ru-t-ian baitet. brought over aud gentleman complete the circle front Baris Hits fall. Miss Neill i* fh- ant! meet. Foniinue thla twice then trodiiciug Htc uioiieriiirod fandango to ; route together face to face, gentleman American dancers Her very first s steps forward with loft—lady back clara wiii be mad*- up of Times read »ith right foot and continue the firat cm for the ypotiBor of tiro Liutt Fade otep.lias posed for the accompanying dance : Fourth step The turn in now made picture*, and elm has written •■b*t* which may be called the pivot turn none" which (Mm declares will enable ,-,nd t« unlike any other turn used In any one to acquire the Kicp.x of the the-otlror dances brand new- dance Thu right foot is used as a pivot,

Here it ta! Start the music! Twirl | the i* ft fo*>t moving or tts**d la make your tom* tii the mares of the latest ; the turn The left foot touching tho

’ - - - - - Hour into on :t complete turn Thepivot is di)ii - two or three turns with a great deal •-.? vwtng.

' In theae Otrcnuoua days do not send your money to foreign countrie*—keep it within the Emp(re~-add to Canadian prosperity-•circHtatp it at home. *v!;cre y*-ur crops are sold and where your money will come back to you Our “Hedrliffe” Corrugated lr*in tx British through ami throughm ined, smeiicui. rolled, galvjmiza-d and corrueaied within the Empire. Wo could use thu forelgn-madn ID-yt-ion** eheett.. H tve wtsbud, bill vvu prefer to buy * t’hln the Elipire and so should you.

Our titir' ■■ ir rejeitu'i.,-; for :.-|ua,e •!< (ting is behind eva-ry one of the famous *’HedcUf<<*" British-made tUlvaulzed Sheet*, which you « .i! it you buy from m, A al onr prices are as low or lower than sheets made ta the United State-:

O U R P K I I O K ® T O - D A V A R C i


28 Gauge--$3.60 per 100 sq. feel 26 Guage-$3.80 per 100 sq. feel


pop! 3 and othe(onwnod family ar

• Hoggin# (train;: and tdiou.ltl planted near them

Apple met s: k»*n «« I by a fungus which must Dt Its life on tiro f-editr fr*e

. Of thebad We wilt fliadly help you with your barn plan*. Let us hear from you about your requirement*.

Metallic Roofing Co., uldT Manufacturers Duty's* Toronto

Galvanized "East- take" Ste.f Shingles

rugated Iron make a ataunch timz- proof barn.

dunco, the Lu!it.E'adoBY EDNA NEILL.

Formerly with Paviowa in Imperial Russian Ballet.

walking stupa- Tiro lady going back • c<ioad of returning i*» lo r orlglniM partward and gunltcman forwftrd in R k B ‘ '* ‘ * .......... .. ' 1‘*l*r one st*-p jMjxtUnn Thi* i* tinned four time* Thu conn! is !. 2 I. :i. -t. L :\ i. •?. c

Second step Ia*<I* f>*>lkas backwa

Now legal wtth the Drat atep again and r<-|" ,'.s (h-:- ** ho|c aerie#.

If tin (<- arc several couple# dancing togelht t t lady may change part-

the third rtr-p That it> in-

at tiro end of the circle she may go forward to th*> next man, »ho I# u-xt to »h<' left of her originitl partner

Thirt Is ilro wttv lb'- i,u?n E’ado I* daiK'etl In tltu rural dt*-'*icl» of Spfi>n

able tiro wcath'r ltroy will bn v x llj t “.Uc'led. A good egg yield t.x m>’ j .ill the feed Tiro properly rruxtiueted f f.onilry building pla a ;>n i ’nportaut ; tinri.

Egg production ia u*< my.Mtuv E* j unit a ary obtained by tbo>»- who com- |.lv- with tiro t.rojror raxentlai’*, verb a j good frumiation Murk, proper time of ; bnlehing properlv growing »•"; ;to matnntv. end then hoe-;nc tram '« pronerly-r*-nstnw'ie*' t«*»l»r* l »ll- inxv Tiro proper keowlfUge is net gain' < *'; . n yj.ir. b^l by experience of sraera! yxar*More and mure the j euliry !ft**e. ary

(.eminent lug lb breed t» a (iuH*:rr.» typo {not egg type .for that iv till to <

.!m* discovered!, but to tiro-Ban I ’ d ft - quirementr ->f tiro differ* nt 1»r ** •!> N<> mailer What breed, the flock I an •»>" hre*l to look uniform and still retain the mueb-reught-ror qnaBtio; *-f <e<- pqtdttclipu. The «ocmr the ro-t-aifoi ulll'ty breeder. r>ftlire** that tic- .•»d(,r of th-* t\>\ »r turrlagc <d ll'*’ '*ro o itm m si e «gc ors m* the mere uniform the utilBv flora * " i ! ! b*-**tuc.

I'oultry i“ hi<.'iinr (hr**- Bin: '•tral; hccarou* it ie ixtih ware • and iho * •cf |>rcw)«*ing fh-’ tatr,-' h tnor*. I n -

|; pn**i»is r.way. R*;(l quality ranharutv i’c bmartl for hi nny poultryat «-iiu ;*:-r* iaS market .otb v-*

B»> !• (» - ru;w f <r tf)** 1913 ***#.«**« More ro tmrv and ecu- vy|»l Irorunium- Oilxovt ve-ir than r v ’t The poultry- o-:tov»k to *t)B'* of th* v>«( i* rood ( ••miit/rcia!i> » T;,era will be » good d( ti.nliu for *uitoh<itc < ecu and vlwk. .v wotfs-r all kinds of 1 eulfrV entBp

DOWN ON U^WOR.lOnavva Jouriuit *

o. *„,.!»)»’. mat*» c e l outer ufh- ,/«.« - -> tram xaktiu

i’utiMin.* •’a))*•'*•that »I he ubto

* »at.(hat* duro a drir.k «i

Of iit itiu |ai*lne*i* *.‘

v > r (;nzr!ei! say* he only I'r nka *«> ti.** raVo *>! S’.le bMtUh, W*»iw - Be* ’ i d i« l« to be #s ( aineaiUby u Guzzler.

W A L K ICR T O N T E L E S C O P E , W A L K E R T O N , O N T , D ECE M BER 3 rd

The New Shawl Collar Overcoats

For Young Men, Men and BoysThese a rc v ery sm art overcoats, the sty le is just right. T h ey h ave

tin* fashionable show 1 colhir, helled hacks ami are a little longer than knee length. They com e in navy, grey ami brown ch in ch illa s ami inn ported tweeds. H ave th e very best tw illed serge lining am i are nicely tailored. Three special grades"‘at $ 1 0 , $ 1 2 , and $ 1 4

2 0 P e r c e n t o ff a n y o f o u r Ladies* o r C h i ld r e n ’s C l o t h C o a t sCommencing this week w e offer any of our ladies and ch ild ren 's cloth coats

all this seasons's sty les, including cape effects etc. at 20 p ercen t off regular prices T h is is a rare opportunity to secure a good stylish coat cheap. Don't m iss it they must be cleared out at once.

W o m e n ’s L o n g T u n ic S k i r t s , S p e c ia l p r ic e $ 3T hey are fine, all wool serge, long tun ic on a ch ecked foundation, they come

in black an I n av y only, sp ecia l each $ 3

N e w W h it e B lo u s e s

A n advance shipm ent o f spring Blouses ordered for Christm as. There are a dozen pretty st\^es featuring the new stick-up co llars T h e y ’ re extrem ely sm art P rices $ 1 .5 0 t o $ 3 . 5 0

Y o u ’ll fin d S p le n d id V a lu e s in H a n d k e r c h ie f s , H e r eW hether you w ant handkerchiefs for yo u rse lf or for C h ristm a s Gifts you II

do well to inspect the specia l display of our new ham lkccrhiefs. W hen you see the variou s lines yo u ’ ll agree w ith us th a t better values w ere never offered. T h e y ’re da in ty good style and serviceable, prices l O c . to 7 5 c . each

M e n ’s D r e s s y S h i r t sC lu e tt & Hagen makes, in line cam bric m aterials au d in new est com binat ions

of s lu d g y most I y with attached laundered cuffs, sizes M to 171, .prices $ 1 , $ 1 .2 5 ami $ 1 .5 0

M e n ’s F u r -c o l la r e d C o a t sA line of coats that we can recommend for sty le , com fort and d u rab ility , im

ported melton clo th with heavy quilted lining, rubber tissue interlined, large marm ot or astrachan storm collar, sizes 3(> to 4(>. prices $ 1 5 and $ 1 8


m o n e y t o i .o w

0 v. ;»t (lit- <


j.ia. inii- n». Titi--a lunik*.I' < ||l*.t H'l’t'k Hilt! itll ll'MI}(liV |>|,-> atllh-li Iw-UH; titkl-l* I»V I lit*

In.iltli oftiivm il,t- <l)t>.'1.1 I itillt*** ll> Hlltl Jtl ln«l.»VJI,|lfs

1 M-y«'li*,»-l( lititt! Ih'.-I, -. Ol.' .!■>» !»*' . N..|irilf Out"<« fur |>tt>v.'ii fatal.

DEPOSITS (iV tilt In May JlMI Uuj Luiuluii Slut hh,

whitrh i» well ktu.wu as *»*i*t «>f tin* IfeailitiK tliiiinciiil jmirmtls <>f , lju»

tttl, |>ulili«)it!il a v«.»y h»ti'H‘«Umt »rO* t« on VVwtlit Kltnou i*. It may: l>«, SnlntVhtiiiK t«> »o**;,H I that tin. .lit... of 11.i- |in|icr Was Sir Oeorun

Pat«li, win* stuee tl»» uttLtijWhi- i>t»»kc >ut in Kuupa tins tv'sijtoe*! itUs editor- >ltt|i «it l|i<* Statist: to liccoinn On* lilt nuci.i! Mil visit Oritish

lit, unit win* may th,*«*f»*«<* lo«k- dil ution n* ono of thu.it n-s|i<>n-,ibl.' lor tin* hrillmut linatidal loort.-.iir^t taktu l»>* Urn OovortitRont after tin* war •»*■ K<h t<> rmitiro tioull.lrnft. hi tin* tow- iin-st# worttl. Sin crtlion is a r**j>rim*nt - a live >f tin* Ilrtti«h * iovnrnno n t, Sir

•oorgn Pninh hits viirttrtl tho Stnti’M ami OniMitn, so (lint In- i» no alrnnm-r in this rou nttv . In th *

-urso of till* a rtic le . tbcfstntist |>rit»t* ■I a lint, o f the largest Iuuika in the

wot lit ns at Urn *-ml o f la ta showing Unit Ibt'it* uro only HI ItnnUx .villi «1< > pa.il-. in t»xcc«t o f iI.Vl,*r«l,0/i). Of

.* t ’i ar * silonto l in iho Itrllb li Kni(>tr«*,T in Franc* mui *»lt» < !<•> m any; lhi> Pul tint Suites eltiftn* U omlCitiifoln 2. The two hitter tuo the i'ftnnttiutt It.tnK of Couitn<-rc«* atnt the Bonk otM unreal.

Public School Report.

Hon.—W. Sm *11. M. VVibon, |{. j llii'rington. It. Kvi-t«-u, M . U<>nny* | n o n . N, t,iy . II. K f io y . Pa-., - V. I MVIA*, s. T.«gut. I. Wivu>. lv Kitiu-! w y, t«.TIIt»t*.?r», A, Kerry, It John ■ Halt. A. .Mim.Ii.

H. L, Witt nighhy, jiiinf-ipa*.(il*\l>fc\ll, '

Hon. —ti. Vail Ho rile, I. Kcliuv. s , iir«mtn»r. M. ttylktjf-. J N»i.i,|i’ l7 Wat luce, C. AttAvoyxk :S< H’ l'fifn im tli. ! ’>*«*—tV. JogUs y . K.rolit.*, <*. t« «rn, <*r. W. O.-orgf. I, M mi «*, 1. logli: , J . ttennir. It , i ’aiilt, <«. Swan -t on. K S ittoft, A. M et'iitin y

Ste.ol. liM. t.m . o ittiiR . a.

Sen. IJonm • A, ivv iett, t jv A n . m , .1* l?h*.wctli«|f..J. K ttnry , A. Mmtly. Sen. 1-‘ W ihoo, .M.H »yw. K. Orjr>W«i3ii. V. Uanh; ■('

Kei ii.-y, I,. Si* eons. K, .Jium*t*. Jtl. At»r tireg n . A. K ii. luiiKtrk. Sim . n . Huot.-t, M i*.*ilc|»l.u:».*. i l l . Uitlr.. J . Krnn I. lv. Sw nl-.i

M. K»w*x h m-liei. tSiUl.K t

Hi-n. 0 . W hyte, K. K-.t,.«o. >• X >i»ing. (I. Harrison, A. Hunt.) M.

| V. AlOlflX'lt. V “l.oon. II. l ‘<>u!t, P. [CiMwfortt. A I». AinterI I I , Itoeht ov l» iMStov. W. Hoot, t Agm-o \Vt«t i-oh. 0 ocher.! Hi; m u : 2

Fiti ’; It blC>mvft

1 Cta*Of. A. Til

l»o I ' I f . , K. I’ei.l

(».A. It<> .1 Van H i


L \V*|>iMH, If, V,tn H,*i ii**. K." y ,.»-*•>. f . Qmw t.ti-it. .1! IVittu, Kj/ < W t. l l K. Ft-But-n. J

lvmr|*llai', K . F .n s jlli . '. A.. Fc!*«*ii*>„. I t .! In^lis.

Mi Minch*U-. t-ru-he*Il J ,m . S '. „ •'it- I I ,.,,. K -Sch',11*-, A,.1 iit«ll<*)', M RvUvriiutt, »,,,<*’* M.

I'i- ski y. ft Uaiuw,,y «• L.iMikiW. It,| W<it!:if.-. M.- t ,,>*f*u<-, t! MawJilimj F . ;M«>rtl(Cc* . K. Fyr. ii. V.i t ...lijoti, |*.,t;,M ,..,tI Xol.I.U 111- v Hun. ~ J W.

A. Itro* kclhaok. I'm

T H E P E O P L E S ’ S T O R E

1 hree V/eeks until Cnristmas

1 his vVt,eg wc arc displaying a large range of C h r i s t j ) ry Goods, M en’s F un tish ings, etc,

He W o u ld LikeA suit, an overcoat, a sweatercoat, a shirt, a

hat, a pair of gloves, a muffler, a tie, pair of braces handkerchiefs or nmnetons other articles:

W h at She W o u ld L ikeA fur coftt, a fur neck pivtc, a fur muff, a

d o th jacket, a sweater coat, a waist, neck scarfs aprons, collars, gloves, hosiery and fan cy handker chiefs, etc.

W h at They W o u ld L ike-T able Hucim, chillis and napkins to mat'*h

live-o’clock aide-board < oves r, tray <h*ths, centre pieces, towels.

G roceriesNew arrivals in finest select raistns, currants*

dates. Jigs, peels, oranges, and lemons, etc,

J. 3£ 3ippelP r o d u c e W a n t e d P h o n e 5 3

>». Mnwhimt' i'. V.A. llfifh fiihiK ’ln .1. tlHflln.

IVim.-r Pan. K. Jvin«er. \V. tivliu, t*. .l.inn-!. K . Ilaw th fi i»>*. » . Ki«»t<t>. I* is* - s FfnufH. d. II.fnl. L. Mnrtiiu «r, K " I'lt-uh. F. Joh n-J-m , It. Friifii.

W . Tin *n»|»-<m. tea* h«». tilt.un; I.

s t . I’mtiet !■:. l.u fll.-v , lv. I m ax t«. W .ttfjit-, I .s.!iH ifh. c I'mili, s , ll fln i. II Kim -a. A. Htifltlnw. K I'folin -. I*. ,M< Unniii’H. li- Smith. .1. .Vuttintr, I W .-Ur

Mi l. l-i-<im>i N .F.-i>>ihf, A .Hvkli fu ll.ifk . H. Lynilifi y, K. A lifl, .'I. l.iiul Ivui Jf. OfiH'r, N. Kvff-'tl, K . Fortum*. H. Ituxii. II. M*..Uf, I*. Wehh. I Uinnite, X . Itni’lilmv,

J r . Prim , r F. Lyml i-iv. I- Al»'1. M. l v v f n , ,M < *.<-,;«•<. U. l-i'iik. I„ Pliiyfr, A. F.'iuifll.

A . P . Ttium|»un: tfiuher.

STK K II S T P W K H * Fixmil-.l l.‘» «-<*». it I Irani, I o*»t«wi y. «»vo|,|vj,'t*r< <!< !i .‘un <l. m.« with a r Mint li**l*. Jiiimrlif.l t|i >-.u h . at . ,\uy infill tliafi,in : I, )iiliiia*to it - n*«*uv«'i ywill !•,- .nit.itJv i >•« ;U'i->l. W. Ft ml k-y. U.H. \ - 1. Khtivto-M.

ii. s . P A Pkii.t i.im.iftn iiitrwith tl»i- N.-w

|*ii|iil» ><f i h f Wnlkoi Om ItinhSi-lm I will |t»|l>Hsh i, sflmot |ni|*‘*i' >** ls>* ««llf,l Tim f . Th»* JM|*» ill In-txlit.<l I iy -t mli-iil s o ft In- .• I..- n ml |il lllti;«l til o»i: of ih f I<»<*li! U'*" jKij^ r o rth o . <\oim* ninmllt*-,! *< fllgoH

til AIFMHKK T i l l : 1 VIlllfllllH t till- .lit 1 Xm.. -

l-’.-t 'Vi-iltii-.'tht y. 11,1 <T Ibth*Ti - s . < i,'i.iiy Iw*. at,. <lv 1 !■<•« He*

ny .-iH*i, • :ilt<l *)i -111t<> Im- a JJK'Ul -IIH-,

,1-. I!,- **f l In t,»o I'loUit l>, .1 -t , i ,1. .*W , |,i- l«|K to*Ti •• j*f Hv IM w illin' (uilmt » * I'-'!:-*,f lii> j»»m, ,<)' lli** Ti «•»< pi*

\V!,V .I,. >tBt.-»B, < It \V*r ktyK* ii ,•!' Tni.uit,,/ 15, •itll:' il (Hi, JMp-•*t u ith a tiijnituli>in Hill t lllt«,ll> —t* •m*,t. \ i . til.- <t ■jmjm.'i ;uj,| i> Wrttdiii h r<> V till,**.

su it Ijio tilii,*. A hi.-. «* •ii, jr«>iii! i\y imttkei »• j« ,tts wlit*-|* nn< ;n kitou

l.-.lj-.-.l t*> I«- lit. l» -t in I In* Hnniiihn i il t • a |*.i|ici nf wfi'.-hl. V«»U >ltni|!] Im . . it .......... t.- >..*»* Imjm* mm

k. All iliOfitgli Hi.- !«>»«> vvino it- j| will funii.ii a W f.illlinf iiiO i iw i«-iolina in.drti.il it th<»o»n«l ffiahl.* , Imivi.-O i . H’Ii i*. j .-'P * In -inf i luliliiiijt iii i.ina.-im ui • >ni

I., I , IfctvI I he Kuii ii !i,f F>j« i

Tin­ t ’ll,-.lev • 'l" ’*

\<»LiViiiil„n iVii ■- l.i.uiijM a <•!.>> lax*, hav o.jr •Jt.iav ...n ii * h.iiy*'

mil lliifi,l* iiiiii> Inn -i- <>f Ihi- n«Hloin

N o t ic e o f D is s o lu t io n o f P a r t n e r s h ip .

N o w O p e n < ^ *

2 Poors West of

B reinner’s F air—



Q u ic k L u n c ha t a ll H o u r s .

— O p e n S u n d a y s -

Beautiful Hair

Goods )isplay”

T o e Dorcnwcnd Co. of

Toronto Lid.

Canada’s premier hair-goods house announce their visit to

T h e H a r t le y H o u s e W a lk e r t o n on

T h u r s d a y , D e c . 3 ,

w ’-vnthere will te shown an exclusive sample stock of Qualify MalrGoods for Ladles in Switches. Braids. Triiiisfonnalions. Pompadours, Wavelets ,ete

An inv: : tion is extended to every lady to call and inspect the goods. \ <

T he i Dorcnwcnd Sanitary

/ Patent Toupee

is an absolute necessity to every man who is bald. It will protect your health and make you appear years younger. \

Ind||pct able. Featherweight, llygenic


Be sure you see them on day of visit- AdemonstraNin places you under no obligation whateve

R e m e m b e r D a te - - T h u r s d a y , D e c ., 3 r d




(̂ DEIN0NTAR1011W e are not going to m ak e a big splurge

here o f the im m ense bargain s w e are giving; but we are g iv in g

B A R G A IN S , B E T T E R B A R G A IN Sthan you cun g et elsew here In the country.

This BeautifulOAK

ROCKERUpholstered in

Art Leather^ for

$.700Y ou ca n 't heat this as it is catalogued at $7.30 in tlit: Mail Ord­er house catalogues.

B r in g y o u r f r ie n d s a n d t e l l y o u r n e ig h b o r s o f t h e B a r g a in s a t

E. MYLE’SF u r n i t u r e , P ia n o s .O r g a n s a n d

S e w in g M a c h in e s .

All Ready for Christ­mas Trade

W e ate better prepared this season than ever to show you a large ant! well assorted selection o f prac­tical and suitable at t id e s for Christinas gifts.

.Handkerchiefs of all kinds, plain, fancy md the new wide iicmstit-.h while colors, 2e, 5e, juc, 15c, 20c, and 25c, up to the line sheer qualities and 40c, 50c, Ooc, 6ac and Sr.00.

Fascinators in lovely silk plain and fancy color-* Sngs, now is the time to choose these at 5 oc, S l.oo $1.25, Si.So, $2.oo to $4.00.

Fancy linens to interest you. W e have secured a beautiful lot of these at a price and now have them on sale at much below regular prices while they Ipst.

We have some handsome mufflers and silk s carves we are 'showing for ladies and gents nil the new shades Special pt; • s«c» 75c, fct.oo,$ 1,25 , $r. 5o and $‘2 .oo.

We liav 1 added to our stock another big lot of new coat sweaters, splendid Xmas g ifts, nearly all different styles at a saving of ! j to '/* on regular prices#

TheTinest line of hoys overcoats wc have ever slmwn, you must see them to apprieate, $3,00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.<wi. $S.oo and Sio.bo'

INumerous other lines iu display, come in andlook.

Watch this space next issue for special prices for Xma> Fair day, Wednesday Dec. 16th, w c will have interesting items for everyone coming that day. Don’t miss it.


Tli*-nr Jia<̂ bticii a iiuinlxT <>t I'ti/jMir- |<*a it* tb tins n«tw rniiulmloiis p<- i"« - ili« tmjijxn-. Tim t*w regulation* tin m*l vir,-tt ivsidont IrajUK'ii, in »ny .may ,-*» tlioy d » not 'mjUIin *> Itcent-t* i'> >li'iH>!*e nf theit* cjitcb of furs, l« it io- -iii'Ii tor--f,.|,iiifN;i IUkiim*. tin* km fur which id S'J jiur nun »ui».



J E r d m a n ’s s!

N ick le _ P la t i n g _

Automobile P arts B icycle Parts H earse Trimmings Sanitary Supplies'Table W are Stove Parts Surgical Instrum ents

E tc.

The Mudipan Plalinq WorksW inoii.vm. O sr.

S. Elltnflhausen - AflcntWa i.k kiiton- - Ontahi*'

More BusinessT h a n U sual

This Store is proving its value ' to Walkerton and Vicinity :

B y g iv in f its best service during these times o*

faiaucial depression.

T he unsurpassed bu ying facilities aud the straight cash selling system of the store is m aking itself felt now when the public need it most. W e are offering values that no ordinary store can approach and more and more people are realizing the benefit “derived from shopping at W alkerton’s straight cash store.

N e w B a r g a in s A d d d e d D a ily . S o m e s p e c ia l I t e m s f o r t h is W e e k ’s B u y in g

36 inch Flannelette at ® K C *2000 yds 36 inch flannelettes light and dark patterns

regular 12k on sale at per yard. S ic .

H o s ie r y a n d G lo v e B a r g a in s25 dozen plain Cashmere hose sale p r ic e ................. - • ♦ * * 22e10 down ** *' “ '* ................. *HC$1.25 Kid Gloves “ ............. 89c

G o w n s a n d C o r s e t B a r g a in s5 dozen W hite flannelette gown, sale priceC dozen Corsets, I g arters, sale p rice................................3 dozen " ** ........... .................

S a le o f M a r m o t F u r s2 only Marmot Muffs $13.50, sale p rice ......... ............3 only. ”* **2 only,1 only2 only.2 only,2 only,3 only.10 only Child’s Plush and senk-tte sets reg $2.50 s p $ L 8 9 set


Stole I3.5011.00

*• 10.0010.50

. 69c 19c.

. 05c.

18.95•1.396.95 5-398.957.95 6.156.95

R e m n a n t S a le Come and ^fo r Y ourselves

CARSWELLS’“You Pav Less Here”

V V A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P E .V 3L << <VHI-N© 43 W A L K E R T O N , O N T A R IO , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R lOih 1914 - 8 P A G E S.

Come In -- Look AroundYou will find something in our store suitable for

nearly every person— articlesthat will be appreciat­ed and used-

We invite you to visit our store at any convenient time and look over our g ift suggestions.

Watch Our Window Displays

Hunter's Drug StoreDrugs and Kedah* C. I*. It Tichu figrnrv

Christmas SuggestionsFrom Sieverigh*’s

A Box /of Chocolates A l^odak

A Box of Cigars A Oise of Perfume

Something in Ebony Goods A Manicure Set

Leather Goods Handsome box of note paper

Christmas Cards. Togs and Seals

A . r . SIEVERIGHTD r u d s Kodaks

IPake Your Christmas

Selections Pou*

. W e ll gladly resti ve them v for you.

Shop now ' Conic in to* day %nd look overour v«wy complete atyour hit*, nrc. Wo shall bo glad to m erve your order* until you call for them.

C. H. TOX3<URlItr. Uljlherlon.

H andBag's

'J 'H E - Woman orMiss who is look*

* ing for a dressy Hand Bag should see the line we are showing.

There are stylish bags in variety of designs.

Dressy bags ir leather and some stylish Mesh Bags.

It will be a pleas­ure to show them to you, and the prices

v are right..

R. L. G ibsonJ e w e l le r - W a lK e r t o n

Satchel povi i- tfy.it-.

.McHurm-yV display of Xiiiu;

Amber CiiM-it pipe*~beet quality at Hunter*.

Ihlkl'a Ic Sc 2 forom«J Sfc up to SI 00 « ! Appal*.

Toilet watei> 23e to SI. SO at Ilttuiww Drug sum-. 4

< at,

loiflis front 9I.to t#

..fall styles and

iwest styles in combs—fancy and plain, at Hunters.

She would appreciate a kodak, get it at Sieveright's,

Christmas unibrellus at reduced prices.—C. A. Fox.

For any thing in horse furnishings goto McCarter’s,

20 per criit off ladies' and childrens’ coals. —Stephen Brc*.

A few'boy s and men's sweater coats clearing at cost.—T. Pyo*

The Young Mens club held «> dance hi the* armory Iasi night

Nothing «iu lx-at our Christinas prices thin year.—t*. A. Fox.

Mark Cross safety razors 25c—other kind up to $5,W at Hunter-.

Fancy Xmas ribbons in narrow atd widv width*1.—Stephan Uros.

Ladle*' fancy oxceida Imndkerchlifs 5c. 7c. i t 1'Jc.—Stephan Bros.

Chief Feigusou i* making his air mud rounds, collecting IhdlTux.

Stabhtaud stiv<‘t blankets of strictly first class <nmlity at McCarter's.

For robes of nil kinds and sizes 1st cias- ipialify.—t*o to McCarters**.

Sewing arts and needle case* for gift* at lot. lo $1.09,—Stephan Bros.

Head M eUurney's ad,

Ksad Stephan Bios', ad.

Men's suit sale—J. H. Appel.

Flashlight lamps at Hunters

Boxed chocolates ut Sieveright'*.

Iljer Kiss jiejftime at Nievcright'*

Collar hags from .Vie up at Hinders.

Sec our docks made in Canada.—nt Fox*.

See prayer mid hymn txa>ks at Uuu-

| censes.

Our Store is Full of Them Now

Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Brace,Gloves, Ilutidkm'hlefi*, Arm Bands, Garters, Sox, everything in Men's Wear.

See the Ties wo mo soiling i«Fancy Boxes at 25c, 50c, 75c,j Appel' and 81.00. Seo our special shirt wo are offering daring Christmas week for 80c.

T o H elp o u t th e W o rk in g M an

We are putting on Sale from now till Xmusall our Hats, Caps, Uudorwcar, Smocks, OveiallsJ Beady:to:wear Bants, Shirts, etc., at 20 per cent olf.

Como in and inspect our Store of Xmus Goods.

G. T. ROURKEQuality Tailor & Men's Wear

Walkerton, Ontario.

T. E. Altwuud, Liucr <>f niariinge i cense*.

See the big di-play of Xums good* at Ap|*elV.

A big clearing in ladle*' coat* at

.Special, Heavy u.»ol socks, VJc pi*. T Pye.

India ivory nmniciu.! -id- at Sicv- tfight*

lidny rtutionory I&c t«> Jj!2.W)«t

I'ur yum winter overcoat, in 11 at J. II, Appel'*. ’

X uium cards, tags, mnt -cal- at-Mlwv- crlght’u.

• MeGatterVfoi wmking men'

■our mitt- an n specialty.

Mr. IVtor Lam>H‘rtu* I- learning the ding bu-iue>> at Hunter'- Drug Stem-.

Al«ay*< a huge assortment of trunk- and' bag- and *nit eo*es at .'IcFurter'-.

lteg*l on your shoes mean* ipiality in them—Sold at Bam soy* Shoe Stoic,

Wednesday next, December 10th, is the date of the Wulkmou Chriitinns lair.

llodftccd faro to Toronto, Dec, Hull to 12(h.*g»*,d to loth. Ticket-at-Hun*

*2.50 aud $2.00 linlt-. new stylo-. ..ade tVi |t,On. — U, Hourko, the men's


Mi— J. Dixon left mi Wednesday by CM’ , H. bn hc» h um- in Stavefj, A l­berta,

Buy u t iilumUit; record at KV for your friend for a Christmas gift.—F. A. Fox.

Beni Irish linsu handkerchiefs for ladies at. d uicn al I0e« to 40c.—Htcph- an Uroe.

C. F. Nutting t- Ouqu - agent for* hog meal, calf meal, A poultry fowl* Phone tit,

A hot water ixHUe make, a ti-cful picmiit.— .Sievci-hfltt'- have a good supply.

IU0 lbs o f Ounn*» hog meal i- «-pml to 300 11k ol grain.—C. F. Xutting, Phone 02.

Cull hi and we can suggest and show you useful acceptable Christmas gifl*1 C. A. Fox

Playing caixIs lOe to Wc. Hoe ou -jK-eial gilt edge cards at 25c llunlcn Drug Store

Men's stiedp, mocha mid kidd glove lined and Atilincd—specialty prlccd.- Sieplmn Bros.

Woro*n'a $1.00 and $4.V) shoos clear­ing ttt#2.i@~-in the window.—Itfttnscy the Shoetmtu.

By ttMiig tiumi'-. hog meal von eav 20: ; on your feed bill.—Agl. C. F. JXtil­ling, Phone Oil.

Willards l-’orkdipt Chocolates—th "ipiality^ line fresh front t lv factory for Xuias at Hunter*,

Call and got one of our Calendsr«.— Wo do not give them to children.— iU u m y the Slioemnn.

250 calendara will be glren away by the Walkcitcn Rtisiners College, lo- teiestcd parties Write.

M.»ke Wednesday of next wzck your Christmas shopping dny and view the exhibits at the N̂ mas Fair.

We have a fulV«tock of nice warm slippers suitable for Christmas pres- enis.—Ramsey theShociuan.

L’dc-buov Rubbers arc made with leather inner heals and counters.— Sold at Riuwey'a ^Shoc fcitore.

Mis* I). fh-ikee tvho has spent the past week with b#r cousin left for her homo in Toronto pu Monday.

Hiliro bciiuniHtlicr of !<c!h bridge. Alta.. I* visiting her parent*. .Mr. aud Mr*. J J;t5cbuniachei.

Mrs. Win. Hpltzig left on Monday for Me a ford where sho will join Mr. Spitzig and will iu future, iv-idc.

Bill says, *• OeV. Wo*v<t had lots of m in our house since w«- got our Col -

umbia (Jrafonoln, frm i C. A. Fox.

Farmer*! Bring your ptcduco to Walkeiton on Wednesday of n*-xt week and attend the Christines Fair.

When at the Christinas fair bo suit; ami call and -<••■ McffdrtorV large as- lortmcnt of light and heavy harness.

Ihiy "Royal Purple H e »'' English -undition |K>wdcrs and yoiir other vet- •

V inery napiircinetits at Hunters Drag i •Store.

(hum's hog uiettl will make a weak ht>g strong in a few days.— C, F Nutting. Agent Walkerton. Phone «f.

Mr. and Mrs Robert Bother of Tre- garni, Hrtsk.. sjieut the past week nt the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Robt Coptle.

Mr. U. $. Schwiudt, acc< u.pauhd by b!s sun ()»e»r and Mrl Wilson atlecd- ed a Y. M. C.^A bamptH in Hanover ou Friday lust. <

Beforepujingijour Xmas presents for the men, se«.bur dbplay nt men's gifts. Read q’d on front page,—G, Rout ke, men's etore.

FOR SALEil hriek venccital house with

good .stable, situateil m-av Public school. Apply. James Whitehead.

FARM FOR SALE.One lumditslncrcs in go,«1 neighbor

mosl le«s than four mile* from Walk* rtou, ten act*** go**l Irtish; rural

mail passe* the door daily; phone in house, I’ rice$l»M.W. For ipiick sale apply Janie* Wln’leluiul.

BOX SOCIALbox sodal in aid of tin Red Ci l will be held in S. H. No. 1 Brant

(Joluistou Corners school) on TucMlay Ceiling, Dec. 22ml, Boxes lo U;

by ••.shadow," A good program will tie pnivided. Admission ltV. loidie with boxes five,

NOTICE TO PUBLIC.The town of Che»t*-y wne thri atened

wi'h uu epidemic of diptherit owing to the able manner in which it wa* handled by Dr. Downing, M. Or tl.. it hn> been checked amt at the pre»vnl time one isol » l « l cate is the only one Iu town.

BIO XMAS SALK Big reductions on all Hues of fancy

goods china, etc. ‘The sale s -Monday next and continue'* until Xmas eve. Must reduce tie- -lock,

is your dinner b* m'itov Christ gifts nt « small priit*.—Misi


XMAS FA IR VISITORS A cordial JnvlUtiou is cxtendtff lo

visitor* to tbe Chfi*lma* Fair to call lid liwpeet Ilia gioenhousc ol IL M.

Nortish at the rear of the |Kwt office. A choice telectiou "•( plant#, t.«h etc., always ou hand. Come iu, look around, no obligati’ ui to lay,

EACH TO PAY H ALF.he queation of thu iiahility < f (lie

County for life bridge at Cargill was again b»ought b«ioi«thocoitutycoim- cil at their tcsslon lurt week and ot*

liuncd a lou:* dl»cu»elon. it wne Qually agreed that the County and the Township of Brant should each pay lrdt of all future luulutoualice,

SUED FOR DAMAGES Ocoruc Bros, enteted suit dzainst ha* O'Brieo a picturo man of T»:

onto, last week, for the payment of livery:hill and damage* to w hngvy, which way wrecked when 0 ’iJrien drove iuto a ditch while in an intoxi­cated condition. The uiagDtrate awarded George Bros thu full amount o f their eldtu and oidem l the defen­dant to pay all costs.,

Mv»M'» Harry and -Sam tinny who CHHISTM A S CA LENDA RS},tm> bcenemployed S»> the Walkerton The Christinas calendars of the LadElect ih-Light and P iwi-i- t o y Tor le* Hospital Aid can be seeim-d onmuiii- mouths, leave fu tludr homo iu Xilia* Fail-..ny at tin-Indie*- tearoomHamilton this week. in tin- town hall, price 25e.

Mrs. P. EH, an ag d resident of SESSION CLOSED FRIDAY.Walk ci ton suffered a r,»k<- |.<st week The December session of the countyand Is now in n preraHous condition at tho home of her son*in-law, Major llomleiKm.

The people of Walkerton and viein* ity should boar iu mind that the Sol­diers’ AM Tra Rooin will be open oil Xtnav Ka’ r day. afternoon and even­ing.

Despite minors to the contrary of­ficial news ft old England. stnt<- that the (hist Caimdinu contingent Inn not yet left for thu front ami is still «-n- cantjmd on Salisbury Plains.

MONEY TO’ LOAN.About $1500 to loan on farm swtte

Iy.—Apply nt tide office.

LOSTMuff, on Siumday night. m»hHi of

Walkerton. Finder leave atilt})*office and claim reward.

FOUR DAY'S LEAVE In * expec'cd that ■ the local youug

men who joined the second contingent will spend Christmas *t their home* hero, n« the* are being granted four d tvN leave of absence at that time.

S.S ENTERTAINMENT.Remember Xmns Eiruruiuntcul hi

conneetbn with Cbilitiaii & Bgttlit Sunday School on Thursday evt uhip, Dec. 17to. A Xmas Cant-tu utidother

tere* ing tc« u-es Admiision 10c. Proceed* for Uelg-au F'und.

OPERATED ON.Miss Matilda Cain, daughter o f Mr. ml Mr*. John * nin, was opemted on ir appendicitis in the Bruce t omity

Hospital on Tliuts*lay last- The oper* at ion was successful and Miss Cain is ifcoveHiig.

GRANT OF iLV-fiA delegation from the Bruce County

Hospital Board add»ess,sl the county council,during their last session |H>int* ing out certain badly needed improve-

•ills at the Hospital, A Committee i* apjHtlitted to iuvc»tigate and limy commended a grant «*f $500 to nv?i’d

iu the**;impioveuieiits which amount was granted.

RED* BOSS LICIT UK K Lecture in the isown hull, Friday,

Dec Uth- at S p m by Pmfessor Williams o f Trinity University under the auspices of the Walkerton' branch d the Bed Cu>« Society. Music and

Solo*. Admission Jbc and ns much mom as you can afford to assist iu ing for the sick and wounded on battlefields. Every body come and

Ip along the good cause.

UNRIPE S. S. ENTERTAINMENT On Friday evening, Dec. ItjtJi. the

McUiodist S School will hold, their an­nual Xmas concert An unique feat

it; is that the children instead of re- dving presents ns formerly, arc each

asked Jo bring a present, suitable to nt to tin- -MiffcHiig children of

Belgium. Already the lH»ys and girls are enthusiastic over the opjKirtuuity

how their loyalty,

SUCCESSFUL ANNI VERSA R V l-flfst Sunday, Missionary .Services

were held in the Me»lu«Ust elturelr The jvistor ivo* avsisltsl at the morn-

vice by Mr. IL 11 Miller of Hanover, uml at the ('Veiling ,by Mr, Jno McCool, the addiv— s - f loth hose layinenAVCtv niueli appirciatod vhile tin- contributions to the work of humous, wa> considerably in . ».•«-> d last year.

SUSPENDED SENTENt K.Tho e-arge aguiutt William Tot film of euiboz/ding the funds of the

ine*lcOU>tof tin* Woodmen of the World tv*# beard by Judge Bu te ll at the court house <ixi Hiituidny. .'!)', For-ythe pt *i(ded j}u lly and the judge

i*ve<y b-n-c talljvvjog th» aerated go ••ususpende t sentence on condi- iit that, hu rapay tin* amount takeni

about f'ifO, to Die society itt motdb’y P yut- nta.


Mr. Kobt. Steele of the South Line, Brant, wishes to express his m tuanks to his friend* aud neighbors who remlored such Utnely assistance on thu uighL of November 28;h, when tho barn and outbuildiug* on bin far were destroyed br fire.

GRANT OF $5tM.iAt the Deecmber Session of tin

County Council held Imry Iti-t wed the comidl made « grant- of t< patjiotic purposes. $yX» e f this go* to the Belgian Relief Fund and $2t)trt to the Red t po»* Fund. Besides the council rccotmnendcd that /

's eounoil at their January session ! makes a further litieral eoutrlhutimt ;

the Patriotic Fund 'IIh-h: gtauis were made without a dissenting voW.

1. a. l>. E. WORKThe l-'csl bianch of th*-Dauglitersof

tli<* Empire held a very •Hecussful bamlago shower in the armory on Tuesdayoveuinp. the proceed* amount log to fll.oa. The I. O. D. E are pre­paring a fourth shipment. Which will be sent »o the so’diet* soon, So that thou-'tteral putdle m*y boemne ac- ipi tinted with the nature of tin* work which t* b-in* carried on bythe Ijdie* and the dilTerett article# which they are engaged in makirg a lurgu numb­er of there at tirle* will beouexhibition in thu window of Mr. T. E. Auwood'n office on CuristuutM Fair Day, Wednes­day, next.

council which w*s held liure I**t week v.-w concluded on Friday morning Thi* was the denning up session for the year when all bu»in«8S possihia was closed which meant a Inigo num­ber o f incount* to bn paid and com­mitter report* to be gace Into and settled, item* which take time nud

htu little new bul|g|s# w** brought up.

RIZE LIST COHUKUTION In the Christmas Fair prize list,'in

tin; list o f •Nja-eials" a slight mistake was made in that given by the MeCar- ter Havm-ss (,‘o'y which read;

C»lt leading contest. Ojh-h to boy* 13 or under. Behavior on halter to lie considered as well as eolt. 1st, Rus*et Halter, value S 2.00 l.W) The alwve is misleading as it would

Infer that tin- cult iva* lube considered liicli is not the case, as the prize is > be mvarded to the In-st. halter-btok- it cult, regardless of il* jKuligtx-e.

HAU iAL LINK T o THE "TUB ".Dot big the session of tbecoumv conn II, Mr. Scott reeve nf Esalnor.

brought up Uie question of tbe pro­posed alcenic railway from AVtdYtop to T da i nun y. pointing out how bad. ly needed this was on the Peninsula and th »tb would also to a comdtler-

xtent, sot ve the M*ni<mit>u Is­land and north shore. The council p**sed a resolution >,*ktng that the Hydro commission Investigate the prupo-al. The people ol Bruce Penin-

v*- U-t-n rlamotirg for e i ail- road for many otopn* and the building o f a •adi-t liii** to the "Tub" would be wel -t m«d by them.

BY ACCLAMATION.‘I he time tor mueieip*! ehcllon* ia

neaeat h*«ul and r<t*p*y*-r* are din* ca»s’mg thoiprobn' le 1010 council, Tho geiinal feeling is that the ptcrent council should l>e given aoetber turn in office by ueeliimnUon. Tlifk would *ave a considerat le sun* of money, but St is not to* ihi*r*-asou tliiu we adroc* •to tid* procedure, i he 1914 council haw worked la harmony in transact* tag he bdsine** o f the municipality ami during the War we have failed to hear anyone objectii g tc their ruling* and th refer* t hey ore deserving o f the confldonca i f tlio towtnpepplc, which could be shown in no bettor way thsu by returning them to office by acebmintmu.

SUSPENDED SENTENCE.Chat King. * young m»n from H*p-

wotth ueighhqrhopd, who baa been in tbe Walkerton gaol for tbe past two week* await log trial at the December

ion on a charge of In caking Imo a freight car nt Hcpwut th station and taking theicfrom a let of harstra. a^ p-nrvd *>efure the Rtatul jury on Tuee- d,»y. Tho h cu bg of the charge *gaui*t him was completed, out while tiiej'lry wexo in tbe anteroom deliber­ating «t* to their verdict, K ing plead­ed guilty and Judge Barrett allowed him In go on »u*peud*d sentence, on condition that he give bond to the amount of $100, that be should appear at any time that he u»»y be called uj»- on during the next twelve months.

THE NEW M AIL SERVICE.Iu another coiumui tbeie appeate

eomiuunicatton from Mr. Jno Rut laud'iti whicl* 1*5 l>ei»tes in uo u. certain tone the-p* »vt.ger and mail nor vice ou thu G.T.R. aiuce the iuau- gutatiun of the new service; Mr. Rowlandregisters an objection wltich ia being voiced by bm-iiu-ss men iu all towns north o f Guelph which In I (ecu atfecU d tv tbe recent chaagu. Uu looking Into tho matter it i* appar­ent that tint change has brought atwut eouditivus which » r « anything but ilesira'alo tu tho Itavelllng public uud Uie average busltfllte man to oay noibing ut the effect ppoumailcairtet* on rural route*. Mr. Rowland cov lha grou id th uoughly and voices the opinion ni the people of thi > section when he 8»y;< that tho government should compel thu G.T.K. lo give fe tee rt-rriee to Rime, Huron Wclliuglan counlier.


Albert Deitm-h uml faiullydusitv to t*x|uv*N tlu-lr thank* to their many friends bn- thrh- kimlne**, symi«ithy,

I aid ih < ho -u»d beu-vement which ■y have Mifferttl thrungh th*- death

of a beloved wife and mother,


Boas -lu Walkerton, on Tae*d*y. Off-cmbei 7th, to Mr. and Mr*. 1! J. Roan, n son.

UAitt-A<>AY —Jn Brant, on Friday, December 4lb, lo Mr. and Mi*. J. Halhttlay. a sou.


McK,YY-0'DnosKtl;-Oo Wcuce<d«y Dceombei 9th. « t Gadph, by tbe Rev. A J. MacOUUvary, D. 0. Anna 51*ud O'Druskie to Norman C. McKay, B.tJ. U., of Walkatton.

MF7IHODI8T CHURCH Next Sunday night Dee 13tb. (lie

choir of t he Mcih<>di*d church will* ■provide a patriotic song service. Tho following selection* will be rendered: "Thu Recessional" "Hymn is time of AVnr.” "Gieat God of Nation*," "Now the Day is over.” Everyone welcome

PROVING A SUCCESS.The Soldier's Aid Tea Room which

ha* bc*n opened in the Sinclair block, by the joiiojt Udiea of the town ie proving a very *ucce»»ful method of raising money for Red Cro*a and Pat* tiotic work. On Wednesday evening of last week, thu opening night, the receipt* amounted to thirty-flve dot* far*, which D an excellent beginning and should be very encouraging to the young ladies who are devoting their time to this noble work. The towns* people arc urged to help along in tbl« 'ciime l>y making purchases of home­made baking, etc., at tho tea room which will bo open every Wednesday afternoon and evening.


To the Editor.—Dear Sir,

Ilaviug been in consultation with some of the railway men outside of Walkerton. In regaid to the ridiculous mail and passenger service now inaug­urated on ihe Grand Trunk Railway.I was surprised to be told by them, that the Board of Tiade of Walkerton Fad passed a resolution ai d sent a let* ter to tbe officials of the Grand Trunk Ry., stating Hint they were well satis- fled with the service and bad no fault to find whatever. This I have good reas­on to believe is not tbe troth. AVbat protnp’ed tbe Board of Trade to pass a resolution on November }9th, thank­ing the R ilway for their past good service and hoping that it would be re-ioii*gurated when time* were better and this at a time when notone of the Board knew what jorvicc- the Grand Trunk was going to install, D for the Boatd to sav, I cannot.

A t the present time a reply to a let­ter mailed here on Monday for Listow- el or Moon-field, will not bo received hero until Wednesday morning, evsn if the party is prompt In icpiying.

The reason given for tbe aerTica now Installed i« that tho two passenger Gains were rot paying, notwithstand­ing this excuse, they have put en two extra trains, one between Palmerston and Guelph nud the other between Stratford and London. From these ruins, northeru travellers get no ac­

commodation abaUver, became, not­withstanding the extra train, a paw- cng*-r cannot leave Moortfield and go to Harriston or Listowel and return tbe same day, a distance of only 20 mile*. This would also apply to a traveller coming to our town. A bua* itn-M man knows that neatly all large corporations hare small branch?* in their different department* that do not pov on their own merits, but are used a* feedets for the larger depart- monte.

A passenger leaving Prsstou, Hea- peler or Gelt on tbe drat train will only arrive at Walkerton on tbe night train, having been compelled to wait in Palmerston from noon until 8.19 p, m., and thi* notwithstanding an extra train between Guelph and Palmerston.A train leaving Palmerston at 1.15 connects with Guelph and Hamilton, but, unfortunately, alt towns north of Palmerston have no service which will enable them to catch Lhia train.

A number ol men who travel a great deal, and mvHslf. after having looked into the service now being given, have come to thu conclusion, that both tbe mail and ptueeuger department* ou the Grand Trunk, have brea set back, ms it were, for tbirty-two year*. There have beeu some parties who have an interest in throwing bequeta to tln» G.T. Ry-, and icicles to tbolr own town. I foroue, do hot believe the people of this Northern Country, who have helped build and pay for these railroads will slund for any such service.

The Rural dcHvcty mail carrier, Is hLo to be pitied, as uo doubt, he will haw to grope bis way through tba dark locking for mail lioxcs, on ac­count of leaving Wulkurtou «o late.

There 1* a big kick over the country through which I have travelled and I hope that tho Board of Trado will, since they have found out tbe condi­tion of thiugs, do their utmost l»y peti­tioning tbo Government and the Rail­way Commission for » better mail and p tssenger service.

The L-Bowing is an extract from a letter received by a prominent citlxeu of Listowel, from tiie Supt. of Traos* p-trt*lion. in reply to n request for bet­tor set vice.— ’

" I might say for your information that we have received a very nlca letter from one of the towns which you mention in your letter os being badly used. These people are well SAlisflrtd with tho arrangement and have no fault to find whatever."

This goes to *bow that probably the tetter written by our BoaVd of Trade wa* the one referred lo.

I tbluk it is up tbe Government of tht* Country to see that the people of Bruce, Huron and Wellington receive better treatment from a tailway which they practically paid for building.

Yours truly,i John Rowland.


What were livery?"

•'1 was saying Uiat you should never, never, never Iw degraded by -.tucli « badge of servitude." tiogaii (ho young Kiri, flushing up again with Indigna­tion at the Ideas recalled. "1 toy that 1 should Just us soon expect to s>“i tho Earl of Wellroso In livery! There!”

"You are right. Su*>; I will not wear tho livery."

"Thank you for conceding so much. Bonny. I was afraid that yon would hold out for tho livery. Now listen to mo further. Since you will s*crv«, a« least you shall servo no one hut mo You shall stand near my chair at meal times, and never leave it. You shall not so touch as hand a chair, nr a plNo, or a glass, or anything "hut- over to any person present except i<> me. The footman In livery shall wait upon everyone else. You shall wait upon no ono else but me. And no mo shall wait on mo but you. That will be a bond betwem us. And oh. Benny.I have Just thought of something, and I wonder I did not think of It before."

"Yes. Suxy."“This la what It Is You shall bo

my bntler and house steward. Since you insist upon taking nothing better than a service from me. you shall tnk* the brat service In my sift. Yon shall be both butler and house steward.*’

“But. llttlo sister, shall l not he dis­placing someone else?"

-No: for I have neither batter nor steward, nor over have had."

"Nor over would have, but for your goodness In trying to make a better position for roc," said the young man with emotion.

"1 am not so sure of that. 1 cer­tainty need both butler and houso• steward; and you shall be both. Benny.; and be at tho head Of my household, and keep the keys of tho wine cellar, and pay tho wages of tho servants, j And when we go back to l*arii yon • shall go with us there. Benny, if you j win. And we ahull never be parted In this world again. Benny, unless you wl*h It.” said Suxy. in a tremulous, j but happy (ono.

"Heaven knows 1 never wish to (cave you." answered the young utan. in an agitated voice.

• Then that l» settled, my good bro­ther. You will come to-morrow- to rnter upon your—offloe?" inquired Suxy. after hesitating for a word.

"Yes, llttlo sister. 1 will coma to­morrow."

"For. after alt,” wild the young girl, cheerfully. "It will be an dlltce. rather i than a service. Uiat you will have with j mo. Why. dear me. n queen has i<!~ j w*ys a domestic officer railed ‘master of the household.* And call inot I set uphold’ ?” she added, laughing.

So delighted eho was to think that j she had found a place In her estab­lishment that Bonny would lake, and j that waa not quite menial.

"Llttlo sister." said the young man. "I cannot now say much my benrt Is too full. Bui 1 am deeply grate- j ful---- ’*

She put her hand u;*on bis Ups."Hush. Benny, bush! That word has'

no business between you and tno. We have been brother and sister »n our j Infancy and childhood, with but on*; interest between ns. If I had had mV j will, wo would havn boon brother and j sister up to this day. But fate was ; against us both. But aa far as you ; will let It bo done, we will be brother, and slater again, and to tho end of our Uvea. And now. .good old brother. It Is time for mo to go to rehearsal."

While she Bpoke there came a rap at j the door.

"Como In." she said.A footman entered."I f you plcuae, miss, the brougham j

Is at the door."•'Very well. Smith." she carelessly

answered the footman. Then turning

■ of the household. And t»y ; * the ‘Quern of Song.' So. why j iet up a -master of the house*’ a>ut ftditrd Imishinc.

_) Benny, sho said very formally:"Mr. Hurst. I shall expect you to

enter upon your duties to-morrow morning.”-

Benny bowed low In reply, nnd then left the room.

•The :house steward. Smith. Tou l will In future take all your orders from him,” sho said In careless ex- ' plication as she put on her bat and mantis, that were Jylug on the sofa beside her.

"Yea, miss,” answered the footman.And when he bad attended ht» mts-

treas to her carriage, and returned to the servants* hall, be informed his fel­low domestics that their young mis- treaa waa about to provide lor one ol her poor relations by making him her house steward.

"Ono of the Yerl of Wellrose's poor relations, you belter tay. for there , never was two peas so much alike as , them two," said Miss Jenny Smith, j tho footman * slater and Susy's drw* ing maid.

And so It was quite settled. In tho » servantn' hall, that tho now liouao steward waa some poor, unarknow! ’ edged kinsman of the noble Karl r»f j Wdroae, whom hla lordship had re- . commended to their mistress.

Meanwhile Huxy went to her re* hearsal at Covent Carden Theatre, where she sang with oven more anl- j mation than usual.

And Benny walked very thoughtful­ly away from the house. He had | much to occupy his mind.

A jvcok before this ho bad arrived ! In Ragland, after hi* fourteen years' absence, and bad been filled with «**; j deep delight that only a returning | exllo knows, once more to touch his < native soil, to view hi* native .sky. \ to breath bis native air.

But then had followed „tlnj feeling ; of deep desolation, the sense of hi* own solitude In the crowded city

But now all that w»- chang'd!-Suty. our/* hls dear lltth* child

friend, but whom be hud not <ui>ur-d ,to **rk, not knowing how prosperity,

wraith nnd face- might hsv.- «tf*ei-d her. Bur.' the celebrated singer whom he worshiped out' at a distance *>uv • bad found him out, bad sought him and drawn him to her home ami bad ! shown herself the vcry same dear, loving, trusting little shot r (lint -he : had been it* him in th* :r j<o*ert> •

\ stricken infant', and childhoodAnd now she hud made nn office fur

him In her house, in Which h>* could ; really be <<f »»> per. and • bwould also make trim independent.

She had done all that h< v. ouhi per mlt hpr to do for hint, uni he knew that she would do mu* ifwould only let her - that v.oulu' do quite « » much for him as for one of her own numerous brothers.

While thinking of all these thing* , ha eama upon a larg* old church.

standing back front the street In it* shaded churchyard, lit' saw Hint the door was ajar. He opened the Iron gate and walked tn from the rear of the street to tho quietness of Hie churchyard.stuin<d glass window* filled It with

lie entered the old church. It was ni this time quite empty. And the subdued light shining through Ha a rich, solemn, pleasing gloom. Benny sol down in one of the lower pew*, bowed his head upon Its front, and earnestly thanked the Lord for the peaceful life that was, opening before him. and earnestly prayed that be might be able to serve and benefit tola little adopted Ulster, and that she might be forever saved from the great temptation* and perils that surround­ed and pervaded her art life.

Then he arose comforted and strengthened, and went forth out of the church.

And not only on his constant friend Su*y did his thoughts run. but on that mystery ..f hi* unknown birth that was beginning to po«*e*» a mor­bid and absorbing Interest for blm.

A* ho walked down Oxford street he mentally summed up hi* case,-so for as It was known to him.

Ho know, for Tony Brlee on hls deathbed bad told him. that he. called Benny Hurst, was not the *on of Madge Hurst, but that he was the offspring of unknown parents, who had found It necessary to conceal hi* birth, and who had effectually done fo by the agency of u midwife nnd n confidential medical attendant who had palmed lilm off on hla delirious foster-mother, la place of her own dead child, which was taken away nnd burled; that this much had boon con­fessed by the midwife, who had died before she could divulge the name of the confidential medical attendant; that tho name of the latter had never been ascertained; that the only mementos of hla abandoned infancy

the little sack and tho llttlo sock, both embroidered with a wreath of eglantine*, and with a family crest.

lb* knew, for he hadjpoked into a took of heraldry «n the table of a Street vendor of old liooks h<> know that that crest was Hi* crest of the ancient and noble Scottish house of Svton-LlnlllhRow.

Ho knew, for Siuy hail I old him, that the Huke of Cheviot hail married the sole heiress and last representative of that bouse -Eglantine Boton, Bar­oness Linlithgow In her own right.

Ho knew, for hi* own eyes M tnm him. that there was the strongest, pos­sible resomblnneo between himself, poor Benjamin Hurst, the abandoned sum of someb**lv. and the noble young Earl of Wcllrose. *<>n ,,f Eglantine. Bucher* of Cheviot and Baroness of Linlithgow.

He knew, from hls own persona! ex­perience. that the beautiful duchess had more than once encountered him la hls wretched childhood, and nad Shown Strung * emotion at sight of him.

Ho remembered that wintry evening at Brighton, when lie had stood on tho sidewalk In front of her house on Brunswick terrace, and by the whim «.f the little Lady Jessie; lie hod l.een brought In by « fool man. and after having beet* washed ami brushed and polished up » BlHe. and made decent, hod been taken to a parlor where the children were holding a Twelfth-night festival; how Ibe children had made much of him. and little latdy Jessl** had given lilm a slice of the Twelfth- day cake, and tho ring having hen found «n that slice, hr was pquinglv made the king of the festival, and told ic crown hls queen: how he had gone trembling to the beautiful duchess, and laid t’uo crown at her feet, snd tried to speak the words set down for him, hut sho had looked on him with such compassionate, * tearful, tender eyes that ho had tost all hi* self-con­trol, and burat Into a storm of pa*- nlonato team and sobs, for which ho could not account, and how Hie duke bad ordered him to be kindly s»*nt away.

Ho remembered, later on. lying III of a fever In the hospital, and in a dreamy, half-conscious state, seeing tho lovely face of tho duchess bending over him. hearing the tender tone* of her voico murmuring word* of lovo and pity, feeling the tight, warn rain of tears upon Ins face, nnd trying to wake up nnd *penk his thunks, and falling to do so.

He had thought this ail a dream until ho had been assured by Itsrhed Wood that it was a reality.

Ho had not seen the beautiful ditch- t&a since that time, now flftem r~an» past.

Why waa them such a perfect like- mum between hla poor self snd her uoblo eon?

Why had the croot of Sclon-Lfnilth- gow been embroidered on hi* own In- fimt sack and nock, ami the eglantine*also?

Why did the beautiful duchess weep over him, na ho lay iu tb« hospital bed'

Wm he perhaps her poor little dis­owned brother? or rather half-brother, he meant. And did she know It. or suspect It?

If so, why should she have J< ft him In tho hospital then, nnd never In qtilrcd for him again '

Ah, he remembered Hie reason now.Of course he was too lit to be re-

moved at that time. And the very next day ho bad been taken to tho dead-houxo for dead, and hi* death had been reported to tho duchess, as well n« to other*.

And how should she know, more than other*, that he had recovered from tho deathly trance that bad been taken for death? „. And beside*, its Ttncliel Wood had told him, she had gone abroad almost immediately after hls reported death.:

And he himself had Ikmii trims- J ported within n year afterward.

And fifteen year* bad passed, and no doubt she bad quite given him up; for dcail. and utterly forgotten him. j

But Hi** wfmie subject so troubled t his s.ttjl that he resolved to go Into a ’ bookstore and examine the Peerage.! to find mu nil lift could about the nn-j • lent amt noble Scottish house of Sc-«

Then he*looked down upon hint shabby cloth*-, and doubted whether

ksellcr would let him examinehls bo.*

r M.outfitter" i

-pi on his way until he reach- • I *!’•• Strand, and found a shop that noted lit* purposes. He went In and selected the article* lib wanted, . took out the seal**! envelope that had been placed In hi* band hv Suiy. Ha openod It, and found that It ooaUlnod


ARE 1 HERE MMKEfcS?i.ord jScIlwrue Is aeliug its a re*

♦rutting agent In (Sm l Britain. ap­pealing to the young un it to count for* Ward utul fight for tlt«lr country. i» a W tn l speech he declared that "If the 'women of England met with th>* fate of flu- Belgian women it woultl be due to the cowardice and selfishness of (bo young turn of litis country."'Ihere tire two great dangers In front of us. Dtp* Is defeat, defeat would be »o terrible tfmt Mtme of you do not dare to hear If mentioned. There is something not so bad as defeat, but very bad. and that would be a ttrace

•of exhaustion~n iieace that would lead to no settlement and would mean j a renewal of the struggle as soon as It suited Germany. "lojt us |Ut« tills Ihlng quite plainly." said laird Sel-' taitne. "The young man who is sound in hndy, and who has nut got obvious­ly a greater call for duty elsewhere, and has not come forward, that young man Is a shirker."

ta>rd Selhnrne sees the weakness of the voluntary system. It befriends the selfish ami the shirker, while tlm i>i»trhdb\ courageous and public-spir- Urd have to do nil Hie fighting for the other fellows. There are miy numher of young men in Hrilaln who should bo at the front, but they arc not there,! while others are there who have less reason t» lie. H might he a good thing to have a limited conscription for a lew months, so that the men who arc evading the doing of their duty could be rounded us* and made fight for their

IKHANP IN THE HGHT.There is great unanlniily nmong the

Irish Natfonaflsts as to the duty of Inland In Ihnc great European war. william O'Brien. >vho has Ion;; been et variance with John Redmond, is now fighting by his side and on behalf of Hritnln In this war. Joseph Devlin lx also hand in glo'.o with Mr. Itcd- >»tor.d. and all etc urging on irishmen Ibolrj duty to assist Britain In the struggle. At n meeting ip Belfast last week Mr. Redmond declared that ' ‘ Ire­land s rights wore not to lie defended merely within Irish shores. if fho .manhood o f: in land refused to strike a blow whore fho real fighting was going on, the country would he env*♦ red with disgrace, : The,, would be humiliated if after the war waa over ■they had to adtnil that Hie safety and llbertle* of «r»*!and hod Isv-a saved

:" by the oacrlflre «d other moi while Irishmen remained at home and took t.eue of the ricks. They had teen illuming for generations past that the Irish were a fighting race, and If limy had not been bragging tlio teU had r.o« come, affecting not merely a good cause, hut a oatisu which meant the liberty of fhelr own country and the freedom of Belgium and other small Mates In tho world.- If the. Irish people contented themselves with par­ading and drilling in safety in Ireland, and did not strike a blow hi defence of liberty, they would belie the tradi­tions of their race, and would call down upon piemsolvc* the odium nnd reprobation bt fho world.

Mr. Dev tindeclared that they 'hud promised Kurland that if she tmnted Ireland ns,a sister country, allowing r'c.r’.opmrnt of their gr-nios and appli- M.tloo of dliplr energy and t*ow*>r In ttu- creation of tiielr own greatness on Hi»ir own soil. they would be not only j-..rlnr-r» in her. glory, but dim-rs In j.t t peril. In till* gigantic strujRle on tr:e continent, they stood by tho anil's, first of all because England was Bieir i r lend to day, and secondly because In ihut great runts Id they stood tor the principle of constitutional ..IRxvty and democratic government a gainst Urns- i iatt uuRresslen," In view if ihose utterances by prominent NarionatUt*. liiv.v futile anti chUdlBli the overtures of the Kaiser to dupe Ireland into «.;-i-l I et that Germany I* Rs^rtend.

The acting Socrelua>*<fthe foreign (iffice, hy order of the Imperial Chnn-

has issued » statement declaring that Germany would never invade ire- bool with a view to Us conquest or the overthrow ol any Irish Nation.il.st toslliutlons, and. should fortmo' e'er tuirig Gorman troopa p» the Irish shore?. Hie trmtps would not hurl «n arm? of invaders io plllag" . destroy, but a.« I he forces of a nation inspired by g.sxl will towards Ireland and her people, for whom Germany ih-.dred nSttional prosperity umi fr--e. dom. The* Kals*-r tired not worry. Any Herman troops that might land in Ire­land would get short shrift from the Irish now.

BAD BLOODit The Cause of Boils and Pimples.

When ItoiU or pimple-, -tart to break out «>n your face or body you may rest assured that the blood B io an impure state, and that lu-forc you can get rid of them it will he nece -ary for you to purify it hy tidin' a j;<>od medicine tied will drive all the impurities out <>f the

Burdock Itlis. l Uittecxt. a Ithuxl puri­fying remedy. One that ha-, been on the market for the past forty yrat*. One that i t'known from one end of the country to the other a-- the bed blood piuit'ur i:» existence. It cutis b*»ll“. pimple-' and. a'l other di-a-jve . art'in ; front bad bb».*d. BOILS CURED.

Mr, Andrew It L'niber, Ittvrr TUaile. NSH , « . * trirrhh 1 with IsvH for >> .*: -. in tact, did not know what it was to be rid <d them until lie u-ed Hmdoek'lthm*l Ritters. It cared him.PIMPLES CURED.

Mr. <>ttn Itav.e, Yorker, Out., had hi. face and reek break .nit with pimples. He tried vevcr.il kind's «>f medicine with out -Wtsat's.a. Two bottle, of Burdock Itluofl flitters banished them.

ft f*. II. iv manufactured only by The T. Millmrii Co., Limited, T<»r«mb>, Out.

an additional lav of M-v.-n urfition dollars, more per monlb. on poor IM Hum. Sorely the neutral*, ahonfd have Hoioethfug to mo iilwnt tbhi.

\V.H*r.nt O'ltrpn ha-. h*tn**l totm Redmoml hr helltlpg |‘rltaio t<> fe-at I he Kirl'.cr Thai’? the ;mr<-.t vvpy to w|p Hr* >!C Rule.

“Sijiier Siihh-'x .Sewing Sliirt? f«»t the Sohllerr," t.v s-ai.1 to have .» !uor-- aurmtlve air than ha* ''npperar.'.' To sing it 'properly you mmd belong hr tiie dry canteen.

Hon. Ur. Ileland M. P,. i-- »»•)<• «‘f the berrt'i. t*f Ihe »nr. H«* wa» weunded while artending f«» a «o**ud nl llrltbh marine at Au»»< rp. "1 am here to orrvr*." h<* i-vploluod, a- l'<? went to the p« *d of duty,

are apparently a an.ifher of trr«wonellab!ea >n Dublin whieti tl.e Britiah aulhorlties will have to deal With fUimninrtly. As they ate not r*'- c*'HIng the support of tie* I'loiF.-h or

the Natloualb-l?. they s-u ihl ict• obit* to give much trouble.

Hew would this Kah. rbm ? tit r»a- adlau n«w»p»por8i The "Hejunl.tl." a Danitih newspaper published 'r« S.hi - v wlg-lfo!*tdn, ha.s t<en Ftop: - ‘t for Bve ijitvs by ibe (iertuar, military V.iivor Iwcmtif it mad.* no alluviob to tne birth-lav of th» (kumm Kmpr—

I.x-Probhlent Ta.Ts oplnifur on the Mrarcw fV>ctrln<- and iiv «ppH**vtS*<» to Canada Im not. unlike that tf other Americans. Hut If Herman. i ne<* overran the Dominion, how .voufd she States iiroce-'d to apply the d-e trine'* Thai might to worry him a little. In the meantime Canada I* mu worr* Ine.

The only peraomtl ornament of the 'room wax a group of irhotoumpha on tin: mantelids-e -, Two wore faded and tnown, and Pcpt*vented KcndnEM par* i ls. Nub of whom p.itd heeit dead x rn»* nears. The other -v.rs a larg-- iiidnet photng.’nph of a woman *u»

li nger very yonnu- n idrlhlmt-l niJilhg *s emmi. with a fine worn fa v and ,% gem-rd air of distinction and • l.iirnch r. There «tif« a .arum; re<om- hhrm-e hetweiar lo r fi alnrigi -.mil thoar et Euxlacv Kendal, and she wu t iudix tl hi* elder and only * l*f r. tin wife o t1 a Kretii’b senator, mid her brother'e chief friend and eounwlor. .Madauo ile fhati»«•'!«■»« was. a very notlce- ubie per>en. and her Infhteme over Knstai-e bad been sirong ever since their rhlhlhth days. She wa* « wonmit who Would have juxllfO'd a repetition in He- present day ».f ShnondlV eu- thtixlosdie oaitninte ot the women of :the fir*» empire She- had that ni"> la«g» da nu jleur ton, "with the pur e-i i|e«ame of manner, and a xfore of varied’ inionnathin. with vlvarpy of impression mid delleaev of feeling, which,' as he declared to Madame d'Atli,*ny. "belongs only to four >-v and i '• bithd In It? perfection oiily ln lie- Milel* of f’ rO'CC,"

in t»< - day.* when alto and Ed <.*e» hail tsei-n the only ehtldren ot a di*: u *ii i* in'd a ml vvi’tt II hy tathei, a poll

l ento <u smtn* lame, and tam-in-iw« io the 'lory pr»-iu»er ,>t hi-: youns day * i.u - 'imii alv.iy,, list;mid lulsuencial net luoih i lie followi d lo r iuliiilr.iigl • through her London s'Mwotts, waiciilng 111* miprt';sxion site made, triumphing in lu-r triumphs.:and at home dlsctiKs- Sng every new hook with her and bhariiig, at b-axl in hi? lolhge vaeu- t»<•»;*, tb- j.-x-ri-tarj s- work ior then lather, wliitli nhe did exeellenti*. mid wltsi a gniek. keen, iiolithal sense wltieii I u,-(aee h.Ul never ?efn III an* t-iio-r womans Nhe was handsome in her own refilled and delhate way. i speelaJly at night, when the sparkle of her white tuck and arms arid the added brightness of her dt«-. ~ gave her the in cent and color she was Munew hat lacking in at other time*. Naturally, she »a> In no want of suit­ors. tor she was rich and her father w'a« hiffhertUnl. but she aaltlx "So“

many times, anil wax nearly thirty beieri- M. d>- fhateanvteux. the first secretary of the Krcncli embassy, per­il,ob (1 lor to marry hints S)me then

she hud {Hint an effective pho-e in Parisian t-oefs'ty. Her husband had abandoned dhdoniaey lor polllh- whleh his geui>ri,i teiidench-A Orb soil-1, While, lu ilti-raiiire hi* well known a- a '-utndsnt contributor to the Revue d'-.-s Deux Mbndi

There will he an attempt nuide in ibi V. s. Congnaa this coming • s ion to dr w hat wax attempted to be done In-the Catiiidhin Venule, senator Works, of California. vv|l| try o | rex.s the passage of his hill to nndiltdf fijm to portent and wnlt«rn on trains and steamboats In Intersfaf*' eommem*. It's » straight tip that the senator will full.

The Arvnbbhop el York dap Jon Hint reproves "the c»r>!.!< and vulgar" nlmse of the H'rman Enumror lit ti*I ritish pr<s?, t-sjea-iall} the »omtc press, llii does jttsUeo to vVHbol'ii more than that, to "thr great r. *fr.mn t «.old*- “ t w hom lie .hwgRrd that the British piddle and nrwt>i'.'i|*ei-' •>iuid; wills a;-in it at loti ’ Bit HI.* larddil-i ♦h«»otd ,^e wuaf Ho- Herman ;<aper* s*ay alauit Hie English swine.

Tboso who Insist thsl liter - -vow'a Herman menace and emergeiu-y lust summer aldnihl r*n<l alias Lhiyil- fieorge »s»ld the other da*. Her-* it i*.

"When ttds v*«r broke <>tu w*- weja* on better terms with Herman,', than we had been for fifleen yi-ursi. ' here was not » man in the *'abln-n who thought that war with (iernmny wax puselblllty under present iunrlltlons. Our relations bad Improved. There was not a diplomatic el *ud ovec the Herman Ocean."

That Carl Hans laxly wn -. a danen - mm flerman spy and *’e.-rwtt Id- death may be yeen from tn-- («•• that ho wired to Me- aiithorilles to *:• i many the folios Inc, M il * «wn« I .Ir im w very III hist four' day > "hall pave shortly. Thai is- « v*rv fnno- «eot looking wire But It sit. a P* wire for Hi*- Uerii’aos la»!v 'Idmllleil In iinirl Hi.-B the H'leBtatn wtlly tiH-auf "I ’ rllbh Eh t .*rr;vei|■ Ktrth of E«*tHi, and will !*• hu'-lne in

i-enlng mid far Into the

fiiA i'TK R H.'f wo o f tnrei* day? afterwards Ken -

dal, in looking over Ills engagemeti: Immus. in wblrlf the entries were meth­od!! all* kepi, notic'd "Afternoon tea.Mrs- Slunrfx. Friday," unit at om-e se.-t off a net*' !•» Edward Wallnee. suggesting that they should go to the theatre tnuelh<r on T bursihiv even­ing lo see Mis? Hrnlherton. "for, as you vt til • ee,” to- »rot*-. "R w ill lie impos­sible tor me to meet her with a good •-oiiseleui-e nnbxx I have doite mv'dntv liefori baud by goinc lo see her per­form." T<» Hdx the American replied by a «-mint*'r i-roi-i xal. "M»:- l!r**!h"*!t>n.' he wrote,:"offers tu* sister and m» seff a box for Ffltlav night; ii will hold four or five; Mill must verUinlv t»- <>( the pam, and I shall ask Kurbes,'

Kendal felt blmsi-b a little entrap* jCd, end would have preferred to see lb-- iUiomf tinder.: londititui? mows favorable I- uti Indepemtenl jilitg- pieiit, hut In-; was euneeioiia fiiat a nTti al would h - fihano Puts. ,n he u«- cepU-d, and 1-repar‘ d himself to m<x-t the hi-aiitv hi as r •• mputlietie n frame ot mind :• (•im.-dlde.

Or, Frida* dlfcrneou. after a Jons ami fruitfiil >fa>V work, he found himself driving wy -iward Inward the old lashloni-d Kensington home of whiiii Mr . Stearl. wllh lor bright, bird-like. American wa>s. had sue « "filed in milking a i-onsidcr.ihte mi- eta! i*ntre. Ml - mind was xllll full «»f JiIh e ork, tdtrasirs of Joubert or of Stendhal i.ei-tueii Jo be still floating about him. mill certain subtleties rd art.; H>- and ■ rilieal s|M-ulatIoh were xfill vague!? arguing Bn in«c|ve» out with-n bim ah, he sped westward. drawJntj in,tin- tdf'iinani iiifiuemi~' *d fit*- ; pring siinsidit*'. att'l deilghlius ids <>«> in the May green which was triumphing more and more every day over the gray ness of larndoii. and would soon have rem'h>'«i fhaftovely short-lived pau.-e of victory which i» all that summer can .hope lo win antll Hie dmu nnd eroved id a grciit city.

Kendal wa? in tfial londltien whit-It is proper to men p<’messed of U»*' i t true lilemry femjicrametti. when lie* b-i ilrst fervor of youth for mere living i.s gone, wiieij the first crude difficul­ties of accumulation are over, and When Hie mind, admitted to regions of mi ampler ether and diviner ulr titan any ha* inhabited before, feels On* full charm and spill of man's vast birfit- right oi kmtvvlcdge. and Its solaetl with- kuiitler eiirlositles and Birfher-reaelt- ittg desires than an* thing she ha* >< t itevn *-onw:imtx *if. The wotlti of fart

pltHiie, and yet, af Hie aatue time, nothin ; eonltl exceed dm dclieale fin ish tif the phvsleal oiruetury Ifself. What w«x indeed characteristic in her w«x this ■ oniidnatiou of extraor­dinary perfectness of detail, with u flash, a warmth, a force of Inipressimt. such as often raises the lower kinds of henuty into cxeeHenee and phtUir- estiuenesH, hut is soltloin fouinl in eon- itretlon with those types where tip* beauty is. ax it were, sufficient In and by Itself and does nol need anything hiit Its own fntiereni harmonica of line and hud to impress itself 'on lit*' beholderw.

There were Mime, Imleid, "ho main mined that tlto smallness and deHeney of !i<>r features was out of keeping with tier stature and her amide glid­ing motions. But here,' again. Hie im­pression of delleney was transformed: half way into one of brilliancy hy the large ba?ei *■*•-; ami the'vivid white­ness of the ski-). Kendal watched \ir from his corner, where his conversm

€'!■- H" .in- II' x lll-ux XIOIIU' ... II'- . . . . . . . ...I__..ltd hu Wife maintained an Interest- > *,n' W«* Is open, uud the M P lo w m

• influential salon > inKimmenlw are «* perBtl u<* t lt ^ a nHI 111 mull X.«1 II. , ....... ..I i nlMm-l-• h i - W ma.If. TI,, M SnV.IM . otlh, I,..., Kn.ll.h ,nd Kr.n.1. ■ * » , *- .................

d off ut one* Hie deticale Jladunte de ChateauvB-uV:

is full upon him .and lassitude which Is tin* Inevitable 'Nemesis of an un­ending task, and the chill which soon­er or inter descend* tiiwut every isu- tuan hope, are ax yet mere names and shadows, counting for nothing in Ute tranquil-vista of his Ilf'', which seems to Be spread out before hint, it * rare state, for not many men are cap* abb* pf fht* ajiprontleeship w hich P*uda to it. and a breath of hostile circum­stance may pni ?»n end to Itfc but in

- ................................ ...... ..n .„ *»«*• :m*flU.nu- IiIk ini.r.'.t, l.„th , f t.„.l , 1,1 11 l" 1'- 11 lw " f , ‘ 1

h.J 1.,-n m , r n , „ , iu l „ l J ; ” * 1" - * ” ' than is often tiie «a»e with

ipialttv tinti';li“ci'.c-' and the ior*'*' and kind- linos of her womanly tact. ,

Shortly after fu r marriage the futh- i < r utid mother died v*tth!n eighty-n : months of .-arh otb- *, ami Eustace found his Jot in lift- radically chang­'d lb* had been hi-, fathers secre­tary after leaving college, which tire-, vcntid his making Mn>« seriwix effort •

d at the bar. and in toitse

within the walls of hilt litntn-. lie itatl admired his father sluccreh. end th" worth of his mother** Psjua' i- mts and somefimes meddlesome ten- il'Tin--t-s lie never remixed fully till h«- had lost if. When he was finally Alone, it became nreessarv for him to •hoo-e a Hne in lif«*.

....nnei it : feels Hits mviterlotL gift of exls- luilto tejlee to lut'e bCCU .1 kfltdl} IsMUt frOItl

somo beneriiu-nt power.Arrived at Mr-r^Stuart;. Kendal

found a large gaUtcritig already fill- ing Hie (deasant low rooms looking out upon trees at either end, upon

, ,, ..., wliicii Mrs. Stuart had impreaiwd; thruitgitoni Hit* statt>|t of 1tt?r own keen

x mm* r auu i in,. ..-ns i-omiietetit

“ i s ™ !a fortune such a tt> the cv« nt t...v t » lHH<k. and more titan vompc-

....................... «L, humof I’rm (dene

sssr;. ssu5 is.’ssrx * . . . «>•<*aiLrr; s is r^is -ra «*« *deeislon in either eaxi-'tuwin him. Sli*> saw that, without th*> etimulous oi the frtHii-r'* jiresence, Eusiacey. Interivi ft) poll lies wa, less real than hi? in-

in letter-, no did the tlnV's si

\ Hu- most delicate skill and unity of ; plan; tier pretty dr«*xsi*s, in \v It It'll pat trailed ubotit lo r sUft-eolured nnmtx

I her energy.; fo r kindliness, and even I the evident hut *iuile inma-ctit tutr-

H-iol tii'rletillon in whleh she

ti<>n with: two nitisleai young ladies bud bn-ti suddenly snap- Jed By tin* arrival of. the actress, utul tltotiglit that his Impression of till* week be­fore bad bc*n, |( anything, below the troth,

•s|u* i i ia.*< into t<*h rooui well, te.o, h s/ipi to Idmseit, ,*ri icallv; she is «e*t a mere milkmaid; she luei ?<!«** mariner, -time p Bvpptalify. Ah, new. F"nmnde/"- tntmlns th** .Minister Pit' got hold of Iter Then. I siipjwso.

l!nsttJ<roc*k" t'h-; in-'teb-r ef the Ho*- >rn* tec.tr * '.vtll torn* ncisr, and we commend jonrtaljt In <uir turn,Mltnt nleairtlili -x th**? • thing: art;!"

Ili- r*Meci|onx, however, w*re step oeit In the exelamaUt.ns of the gtrls In side him, who w**ro up-eiidv warm ad­mirer; ef Mi . Br-'t’ icrlrev. ami wild

of- cntbo bi nt at finding th* mseivi y III the : ante remit V fth bet. Tin y dt... n-.ere*l fhut It" was geiug P* m e tier in the evening, ihey envied hfm. They d«.. r'.K || lb- ,d*x to 'tlm. the;- itwitl •n vuperlmUvcx ott ibe crowded state m 11**: fh'-.tlre and «*n the jihutdits v* hich -tre-cd MP< Br<'tiP’ r»oi»'s first s;r»i«.-trance in th-1 t*aH-rc«»m vw*- in tim Mr t a t. and iitov allowed them- :.*•)x . f.- hoing !|e-.t||o||l ditflPiClK rolled In snl it or—nisli-sravs -a gmitle la- t t- n? orrri lh** wmiv-what vtotrot eob-r- Pt*r of one «,f th • adc. as' costumes «hl!<*■all: He* ilme keeping fltelr evex l.ittivcfv fixed ut the gbanting ani- reali if prof»ir- ami gttteefnl xltoithler*, cMr whleh; in. the entrance of the drowing romn, dm MlniMcr'a gray head britdinc.

vfrx Stnart d>d h*-r dutv lir.tvely, MBs ltrefhr.*rfon had unnounc. tl loJi'r wifh n tiiouotnd r**gMd <, Hint shq had •ml*, hnif an hour fu give- "Wo pemr

■i»nals, yon know, must dine at That math* me lute, nt.d now I

fiml l ptn xu*'ii it long way from hom" that six is litx l.ite-a moment I cap >ta* >o that Mrv St'iart was uuf io it to g.u throurh nil the Inttodur- U*.n* r'o* htt*l prentimd, Bill she per* formed h?r ttek wlthcm, flinchiPR, killing remm-od x-dy ep.-h nasc-nt ronversatlon In the Inul. giving artinl. ittilhrif, *ir in ntb'r of I'arllttmenf Hi- prt i*. r Hf.le sentence «*f ihtroductirm. and at last tmckonlng !t* Eustace Ken- hiL whe left his corner Px’llng t ocloiy t*. he *t fooliuli luixines?. ttntl ‘visiting the ordeal were over,

vtivx BretherPm tniled at itlm ntt -he iuol ;tm*Ifl at all Htf others, and im sat ilr*w-n #or hit thret? ■nlntiti's cn the chair Imsldc her

1 h-'tr von are satlsfitd with your English amllrocex. Ml«a Brcthurinn." tie hecntt at once, ha* ing orci>arcd sdnix* if far "To-niebt i am to have tiie plrskm? for tlte first time of mak­ing die of: vnur admirers “

•| )«nu* it wifi please y*>u.* *lio said, >.ith a ;Uyn'-'. that was still bright tun! friend!»• "You will it" cure to *"'<ii(* *p| p c iii" alp rward' I have peeit arraitglng It with Mrs ittuart 1 am‘'never fit to t»*k to .m»*rwar«l. I get ,<* tired. But H does one good to r'o * p.'s ftiinds: it m:tV<*< one forge! t *e th*-atr<* a llttl** Indore going borne."

•»>o vci find London verv »*cIflligT "Vex, verv, People hav « brt n so ex­

traordinarily kind lo me, and It lx all s- «'h a m w >'M"rieoe • after that li'.fle ’ •lrp.-» Kincstdi. i ,-honM have my head turn' !. I think." tin added, with a happy little laugh, ” l»*tf that w'hcit one carer- al-*’Ut •ut *''• att one !< net llk*\v to think t«vi much et on*'*s xelf. I am ahvitvx dcsutiricc -tvnr what then- K still lo do. an I what one may la -e done s.yem , to make no matter "

yite '.orv.e will, a prettv t iitnlHy. evIdffttP tti-anlnc what she wild, anti yet there was Midi a dcllehlftll v-ounJ tffo ntd* U* h--r manner, such an in vupn-fable (ottselousiics* of nrtlstle

tiu>i Ifenilal fetf a setrei stir


December 13.—The Great Com- mieaioh—Matt, 28; 1620; Luke 2<: 36-49,

tonimentarv'. I. The Meeting In Haiit*e tvs, 16-JK), id, weut a »»? in­to HnHIi'c T’hla was evldentiy soine time after Hu* rftturmstloii. and not long U*fore the aseenttlun. Ih-forc tin* erucltixinn Jejnts had announced to his disciples that after Ills resurrection lie would go hefore tht*n» into Halitei* ‘ -Matt 2*>::t2; Mark II N i. and the discitth-s were keeping the appoint- mmit thus made, ami vvliteh was re­newed on Hie morning of Hie resurrec­tion (Mark H'*:7». into a mountain where Jesus had aptHiinted .them Jesus had designated Hie place In Hnli- tce where this mo-ting wa.* to tak<- idaee. " i ’erhaio fit wasl the high­land behind Td Hum or ('oinrnanm, the ’ scene of their earliest pilcreour*" witli t'hrlst. and the very spot wherethe new law was first given,“-—tT...it ix unite itossihl*' Hist the five hun­dred who are spoken of in I Cor, 15: Id met Jesus at the same place. "Tills mppoaftlrm fi t : accounts for the teiir- d: pin* '• and formal uppoliitiie-iit.

It also lieltis to explain why this meet­ing wa* to Im' in 0alllee. |ki!|» ts*eai)«<' HallJec contained a larger nuinhi r of promuinred and trust wort liy dlsclph uf .1 evils than Judea or f ’erea. and lucau**- if was farther from the watcii to) ii-idoilsy of lie rub-r.x of ii-niM leiii, <::i Tiiis acconnls also for Hie stress laid at tiie outaet on going to "alilee and seeing him: there was he Hip great meeting and tin* giving of Hie great Commission." Ilrundus. when they saw him they worshipped him. The disriidca dr*'" Yiear to the meeting-place and s«w the form of Ihelr risen laird, PtillsUncUy at first, hut plainly a* they earn? vloae to him. Ax they recognized him. they pros­trated tlicniselvcK hefore him and imtd him haulage, some doubted if this refers fo the dlik'iplea, some of them doubted from the fart that they hadnot drawn near enough to ............•learly. for they had aii been cured of their doubts before this.

is. Jesus came and spake unto then '■Jesus came to them and spake un­

to them."- -U, V. All power is given unto me— Included In the power here mentioned is authority, .leans had paid redemption's price upon Un­cross. had gone through the portals of death and had come forth from tomb on the rexurreei ion side and Itatl Ute keys with Hint. IBs kingdom was now eslablhthed. and was to be an enduring kingdom. He was accorded Ute place of King to reign forever. Theae words, in which the Infallible King Himself announces His eternal posxcxsion of the kingdom, Matthew,

ho Is essentially the historian the kingdom, alone records." - Cam. Bib. in heaven—All spiritual power and authority belong lo Jesus, ills resurrection from the dead declares this truth (Bom. 1. H: Eph, l. 19.In e îrth—Christ has power over

ileiigltlid all made her popular: and vt »<tttt:* t*ient ns he rot-ailed fhrt crltl-

I ? « * $ & ? % 1 s ; * s ; A s

- a * i v ">■ A-Jfr.Sstr" ......six- xfirred bint up to n turn to some .... * . , _up to return to some of the projects < f hi* Cambridge days when lie ami sit - wore first bitten with a passion for Hint ureal, fascin­ating ■ French literature whleh absorb', geoeralton nB<r generation, fit** in lerexts <-f Hvo.Ui.rds of ihos>- whoar-- sensitive to the things of letters. Sh-

t*,i, x,* »h!.h

was vervIn 1i*t lenient. All around her

wen* iteoph- tuore or P'ss distingulslt- e*t in the Mjlidun world: Imre wax an editor, there an artist: a junior mem- twr of the Uovernnsctil < iiattcsl over Ills tea with ii foreign Minist*r. and a flow (>f the usual London chillier «f

superior kind »a* rippling through

E0II0RIAL NOIESThe Hu lino's holy war will he a holy

terror, no doubt.

Ami next year wts will ecl'dirat- ing the century of peace.

' I’ rajers for tiie safety of tho*e who “ go down to Ute sen In ’ ships I" now

( -P'eiall'- needed,

B he has no iillcffor ohteet in view. Sit Robert Borden ought to assure the country that it* i* not contemplating tut early apfteal to Hie people.

Mysterious placard* Have begun to appear on th*' wtrecls of Berifil dc- bciidlBg peal--, says a <;oiH'i»jl*«Cu t.»*j aic>t. But hiume the weH,

The (jcruiitn fiovernmcii;. mu t hepud a* w*{i i t tamlH**

and Griping Action of PillsIs Now Done Away With.

Milburn'x latxa-Liver Bill* gently unlock Ute secretion*, clear away 1̂! waste and vflete matter from the •> um, and give tone and vitality to the who!* intestinal tract.

They do tin* by acting directly on the liver, and making the hik pa;v through die bowel* instiad of allowing it t«> get into the IiIikkI, and tint** cueing • • nMt- pation, jautvlicc. vaturrh of th- stomach and Mmtlar tewthp-'

Mr*. L. M. Kc.tcb'etd. |*i urtmro, fm t. milc'K "Havitig I wn iwtjbkt' lor ■ycarS'Wiih con'trp8t;oi& ard Uyii-t many different rrmed"? whk h <'<='• me n»< ?<xxt whatever, I v., aHed f » try MiUoirnN latxa-l.tver fill *. 1 have fmrml themnxv*t hcnefteJal. for the* su imfee*! ♦piendrd jnlB, red I can gladly m<vi- mend them to ril people who ntHer from Constipation."

Milt>um’.» L**a-l.iver Pill - are 25c a vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all di«t?Utv or dealer*, or'mallfd diteel on rtrript oi prlet hy The T Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Out;

his fancy, and in planning it soin*H filing of tlx* old zest of life returned i to him. Moreover, it a t»ook which" renhlrr-d him So soend a i*ari of i-u-ri >rT)r fit l*arlx. anil tlx* rxdgh- j lunhood *>f lih*, Master w as how more j d*iichffui to him than iwir

Fo. after a lime, he ■•'*111**1 down : eonti-nti dly in tils lamdon ehamlicr* will) hl‘< book;* itlHiul Jiiiu. and pr*? entlv found than glow of tabor -.p aling over him which r- ai non Hi - stimu­lus and tiie reward <>t every true mui of knriwtedc*’. His lx>«'k r'-concllo'l him So life asaln, and ;>oon he wa :t;. efs*-«i : * i'ii to the common haunt-, rif London mw|Hv a? heforo. He dined out. In- went So Hi" Hoa!rc. lx* tre- «jiicnl*d hlx dub like other ru*-n, and every ?<ar he spent three of th« wln-

j ter months in Par!', living in She best j Fretielr world. Sulking ax he never: j talked in London, and cuUivaling.

w hether fn the theatre or In the salons of Ills tdxler** frlenda or In six* aSudio* rtf *r.mo of the more eminent of French artists. « fast id too* * ritieal temper, which vs«s rauldly bwontittg more and more oxneilns. tuoro nnd m'»rx master of the man.

No*, op this May afternoon, ax he .•til'd httttxelf down In hlx work. It would have given uny of those who liked. Knste.oc Kendal- and they were . many-—plraigore to see how- the look of futlcue with wliich lx* had return ml from PI* round of the Academy fnd*il aw-riv, hisw lie shook back the turn Mire ?.r*v Imks from h>* eve* with Hie g*>«t and cagc*-n»e. ̂ of one xofilng foi tii ro l*i*ttli*. m*d liow a : time i<as* cd Oil and the shadow • d'-eO''n"d i)ijij,. -.r,<(x •.-*!♦*> o**xo-jte. the consentmens of suecrxedul inlmr xhow-d Px"'f In th*- slow rincorisc'ou < i-arexx which f. i| even iHe back of the sleeping cat * er“'d ((•' in the chair bold*- him. of !*> Ho ulemii! lutt af til kindly smile •vlHi w-lticii be ftreafed the punctual entrance cf Ih® servant, who at five roj.-rk ( W o to put tea and the even ‘.nt eitbef heg'da him and io make tin; IV« fir*'. Which crackled on w|jn

.Mrs, Stuart put him In tin a elmlr umj of iihumLint ehaticea of eonvi-rxaiioa. and then lest him w ith ;» r.hn*K of Tx-r should' rx and a whis­per. "Tiie hejod v lx xhockinglv late! Tell me what I ahull do if all tlteae peopp- ar*. dlxappointed." lo tcalp* Mrs, Smart «ax ieginninc to he rest

KendiHI lia*l iilmacif arrlvi’*! .Very late, amt as III*- talk flowed las-

and she room fill'd fuller *>f cu*x(x eag'-r for the new s-ensallpn which had tu-oii promised llx lll. Hie Sidrlla ol Hie lirrle liostcs;, ticgau So alnk. Th*

"Vc*. 1-iricd," he answered plcn xsntlv I •i*p;wea> every artist Bet" til- vumr 'Vc all dr F are go*«l for -oivtl.l e- " c wh;> : cribble pu w<>J| as* t<o who act"

T»h vc^j .»x* sal*’ . wish kindly, •iUcrdfonfm* • vex, "yen write a fire.Ti

I know; Mr. Walht-c loM Do K.tvx vou ar*' x*> Burtx'd, and that »enr l«v*k ."'ll b- xdcndii! ft must be grand to write I 'mkx. I siimild like it. I think bettor than acting Vou n**d ebfv .ici-en-t o:> •< rursclf. hot In aeil-.o; v »»i'f alwav* dep'-mllng n i,..tue one cb.e, rind vou gel lu ruch . rage wlx-n all vonr own grand Idea: are . :k>P* <i !«- • ,U)*M* if*' ’ •'•.ding genth- i.-n «.-ei»T *lo aiiviliine different from w P-.H lo* hu« be**« useilio. or Hie n'*vl |*d> . an) te - liov. i ff. «r Hie slip?*’•»;.«»-ee Pas i gro-tTe a;aio.» you' '-.-.*■*.thing elv.acj i.ams-ns "

i “ Atuum ollv the rmlv fhlttc Hm* :H .........i.^....... . in ij ,,1. . c xald

Ktr-r had v ie- ->iiti<m»)v look**! at hi* ' |v«daL rather haSlnr, him * If for tiie watch. Mtid s tsr*'ss'»me lady friend Stud said gond-bv in a voice which might

I'eje’a*. rch|aii!.* s' of th - e'impllmenl. “ I bear ^.onderBil reports of **»<• dlffityilly of

,'c'jtlne a ■cat nl the falHoec. j i t-; fricodv tell me that Mr. Uoblnsnn I li ekx ten vt .irw yOunBcr- Poor man! If

lower, and. with a lament which might have Men apart*!, Mr*.Stuart e.-l gnat store upon I he « w ,w i n i .............. .eess of lor social tmderiakloga. and jj,.,, f„rj(ine smiled on himlo Rather a crowd of people io meet ..y(VH fn.lced- he had a ted time tn«t Hide rising star of the x*av>n. and - , ThM Harw«»1. the Am»r- !b"n so Have to send them home will) ,,a„ !4rtr<Mt<, timt they thmight vveuid only t.a and talk in remember. " * * !l(, m ,'K a xp.-ec*. didn't come off nl on-* of those failure* which no one ' s{,c didn't hit She public,with env x.-lf-r*:*x}xct x.xmld oJiow , ,, ,4 fn ,hsl the EngHdttlx-msi lvex to risk. | , „i,jp. (s Imrd to pleas". Af tfmt

However, fortmu; whs mice more i ,.r<1,(.iu.,| j|Up. Hmatre In Klnrston i a n t nevrlv so much ox mv easekind to one of hifr chief favorites. *

Mrs, Smart w»* Ju-» llxtening with a tired face do i;i<- " . ’ll-meant, hnl de- i-res;iln« eimdolenecs of fix* barrister standing by her. who was describing so tier Hu- "abvird failure" of a party to meet the leading actress of the Comt'dle Erani-aix", to which In- ahd bei'n invited the previous season. »Sun «!;*-'!* pw heard outside, Mrs. Ftnari mmle » uuick sp-p forward, leaving her Job's comforter planted lu Hu- middle of his -lo r'. ihe hum of mik drepiK-d in art in»ian? and the crowd aloni m< door fell PasHly Imck as it was thrown open and Miss Ure- thcrtnti etiiered.

What a glow atid radiance oi la-aut' entered Hie room w it it heb! tjlid came in rapidlv, her graceful head thrown eagerly back, her face ktudiind and her hats'-- outMretched k* she taught sight o’ Mrs. tifnarf. Tllhro wa? a vig-

. ..... ___„ ___ _ ...... or amindcmlnr of Hit) about liOf thatepsaty "c.Rn?anleuahl« viutids ib*.«tjk made .-.l t|*«r roovruHtiii) <ftd tu**

. Mfre e r" cm nlw.ivs dohost and l>e -ttre that the audl-

( *.*•• v, st! a torceiiif" B I I’ll'T *.-rJ of prob->* in mv head Next year t shall have a I’x'-lre of my «>«•»• I ihfnkt and then

"And then v *v “1111151 s*v you in nil tiie nr it oart-"

The pi-aot* had bpii begun her pt>- .• ('•* wh*n Kendal •>< • nroe -’oexcious , f v r Ffaart slandjttg hexh’" bin1

nit.::’ • elbowa-**’ . »th*«c roun’iii d for him hut to -'tire *• i(i> n hast* stni!" nnd bastd- •):*!. Mi s Brcl’ai rten hrlglitly r»-•(xHuk Istof that they -beuld rv’cf ii gafo (To in* tvmt.mned t

■•D'stajife lend* rtiehanfnt 'm to the vice " oUotfxl t),c V iv* hi'. Vey: 'xptMfcily In (lie t>vf’<- p r fji« ijup- mad h.eking for work.’ ' aihsken1!* 1‘ ltt Pfitiid** MWk.

tur*\ over disease, over death ami He Ik aide to move In the nffnlrs of inun nnd of nations, to Siring them Info confusion and also to bring order oul of confusion. U’c are inclined HlHe lo reeognlxp Christ's power earth. Because of (lie possession this power. Christ wax prepared to glvp the great commission lo His follower*.

II. The commission tvs. 19, 201. ip. b ye therefore —J"*"? had the author-

tty to send His disciples forth. He had tiie power with which to equip them and He had the ability to all who would believe In Him. There

direct and close connection be­tween ( ’prist's declaration of His pme session or power and the command to His disciples to c»rr? the gospel to the world. Teaeh all nation*—"Moke disciple* of all the nations."—H. V. Jesus gave no commands Impossible of fulfilment. The gospel has power in it fo change the hardest'hearts and to Illumine the must sightless spiritual

There Is no nation that fa .not susceptible to the influence of the gos­pel, This, commission declares with great emphasis, the missionary char­acter of the gosiiel. Baptizing —Hy ihix act the convert declares hi* al­legiance to Christ and Hi* separation from the-world and sin. in the name One name, one ftodhead, but three Persons. This is a strong proof of the doctrine of tin; Trinity. 20. Teaching them The disciples were commission­ed to instruct those to whom they were sent in the truth* of the gospel

hielt Jesus Himself had taught them, am w-uh you alwuy-Jesus had

shown U K disciple* with what power He was i*orscssmL and now He a**uros them that He will he with them con­stantly to the end of the world.

The truth to be preached tvs.*4-isf. 41. These arc the words■Icsiis refers to Ms announcement pro- viemdy made (Mark IQ: ”;i: Luke I*; ;K> regarding bi« death and rssnrr«v- Hon nnd hi* nmnlfeniation to til--* dh«

All lliliiga nioHi he. fulfilled to tills verv Jesus shows enipbalically that there is a clox*' and neecvxxr? contieetion beini en III" Did Testament and flu* New. Which were .vrilfCii

concerning tne This leaves no O-iphl als-ut ciirixt * Ix-inc pm-ented in the Old Testa men I eerhi!*x'*-s. The law of Mos*’“." ‘ the prophets' and •the psalms" include the whole *>f H:e

Old Testament, ami each portion umkeN mention of Jesus. Til" disfbdes v.'eri* lo tireaed that Clirtid i« Hie tul- i Ilmen t of tl»e Old Testa men', vrip- lures. «h. Opened iie tiielr understand­ing -leans gu •* them spiritual Illu­mination so that they could grasp tlte deep meaning of Hie word of the Lord, and could t»reach to others The otimtrelinhle rlehes of Christ ' I Eph.

' t. pi. To suffer, and 10 ri**'-- The suffering' "ax to make an atone­ment for sin. and Ot" rising wn* u npi 11 heaven 10 mankind, ns well as io declare Ills power and dolt; Enwntanec Repentance lx man's -act in,.turning away from sin toward Hod. it i>; more than mere sorrow of heart,It 1» guillv sorrow timt rexitlta.-In a renunciation of sin with the purpose of return to it no more- Remission of t i.i- - The for.rtvene** of sbtx with the relief attending It. and the assurane" 1 that there !“ in Jexus foil .Mi'cranee ir<e*o the |h»w,»»* of sin nnd *'*ent*c front Its punixhmeiti. Among nil natlona- The whole world H the flcpl for gospel cl fort. Beginning at .teruvjh m-The

"«x to !-• offered first to lb*' .|i "x, hut It was to la* jirochitnicil t*> alt th.- world. «>. Ye are vltni-xx<'' ot these things They had hech witnesses to the great fueis of Christ * death a’" ' insurrection, inm limy; wore to give their teatiiho.i:- to Hie wort-1. Most of them would he lAitcxi upon <o scat their Hstiniou? ttIUi their Wood.

IV The promlm* of power tv. 4t'». T» Th" promt*- of my Father- Tlte

promise ol Ho; gift of another Com­fortercontained In Christ's last eon' tersnMon wlrli Hie eleven (John 14:

20; If. 2-;. tv. tft: 13, Ml. ThL was the promise ot ih" Ea«lo*r. made io Hie Old TeHlamenf tisn. 41;."*: E*nk. ; « 21; Joel ■£■ _*-:52L recalled to the i» rt *mbmnce of the nation by John the Baptist f Matt. T li t, nnd renewed h\ the Son. Abbott. Tarry ye—Make your ab)jde in .1* rusalcm. Do not ntt* Jerlake the gr«at work of preaching

gospel to the world until you an properly equipped, f’owef from on high—Them would in*,power to live hot? live*, jio'vfr to proclaim effev- tmiily Hi'} truHm of Utq « o» ih>1 and tsn* er to In- constantly victorious over unfavorable and dt stressing clrcum-

x. Acts 2: 1-4 record.* the com­ing of the Holy rtliosi in hlH fillnoax to tin? disciple? of Je«ux.

Mnestlons. -How- many appearance* M *nir laud after (he rcsurrocUott are rceorded? In wlmt place did he «(»■ pear ' To whom did he aupcar? YVhttf t*artfcutar aptiearanee Is mentioned in the present leN^m!’ YVhal power doe.- t'hrlxl possess 1. What commissiondid Jesus give hl« dtsclplra? YVhat

o i»e the nalure of thrtr preach­ing* Whm stiows the missionary chnf' aider of the gospel? MTiat was to he the source of the apostle* efficiency?

PRACTICAL SURVEY.TupP'. Christ's missionary charter.

I. Proclaimed a great truth, it. Prescribed * great iruat

lit, Includeil a great promise.I. I'roelalmwl a great truth. The

ruelfixioti liud disturbed all the plansfor action and life which had been formed by thQ apostles. They had passed through deep distress and over­whelming grief. In their disturbed mental state thry struggled against blighted hopes and darkest fears. There wax excitement among Hiem. nmmhmed h>- reports of th" resurrcc- tlon. Christ's app*'*ran«c put an end to their suspense. He sought tiielr < «*m- piinfonship and eniered Into fullest PM- inwapin with them. He eame to Ihcm in .fulfilment of hia own prophecy, in evidence of the acceptance of his atonement, as the conqueror of aln and death Ills first purpose wan to remove the, agitation of their minds, so Unit they might be able to receive evidence of c.-rtaln great truths, of which they were to be the future her­alds, namely, his sacrificial death and resurrection. To remove all doubt and to .siablish faith h" exhibited -the marks of his passion. Then were thetr Mars dispelled, their dim hope* reat- Ixrd, their belief In his prediction es­tablished. their pleasure in his society renewed, their confidence in his divine mission revived. The proof of Ibe resurrection, the understanding ot the scriptures and the inspiration of th*- Holy Spirit were given with a view to n practical issue in tiie publishing of glad tidings to all nations*. A* Chrint’s power extended over all the earth, so should hia commission to his disciple*. His "all power” he would use to conquer the world.

II, Prescribed a great trust- The largeness of the Redeemer’s purpose was sketched to His disciples. He bode them leek at mankind and con­quer the world for Hies, He knew* their weakness, but He also knew the power of \he tiospel. The command to teach ;Hl nations Puplled that Christianity Is a universal religion, not merely one or ibe religions of tlm world. The gospel Ik hern represent­ed as the outcome of the love cher­ished purpose* ef Ood. grounding It­self In the atonement and resurrection of rhrhit, with humun InHtrumentat- ity appointed for the furtherance of Cod's purposes. Christianity l* a manifestation ot the Trinity a» en­gaged in fhe great work of man’s re­demption as creator. Redeemer and Sanctifier. The doctrine of the Trin­ity linn heightened and enriched man's conception of the nalure of (Sod. The commission of the dU- ciplex included the universal publica­tion of tiie gospel, the baptism of such a.« embraced it and their Instruction in Rs doctrines and precept*. Jesus emphatically urged that repentance should be the great feature In apos­tolic preaching, associated with the blessing cf remission of sin. Repent­ance, such a« He demanded, was not lo be found In external habits of de­votion. almsgiving, prayers, fasting, but in tbe return of the heart to Ood, Remission ef sin* implied forgiveness without reserve, lull, entire, complete. Baptism Implies a dlsilnet dedication to Father, son and Holy Ghost, the entering into covenant and Into serv­ice with faith and cm obedient, sub­missive spirit.

HL Included a great promise. Christ's parting promise Implied the Indwelling <l a personal energy, a spiritual presence distinct" from sim­ply a memory of.Mtrosclf. as an evi­dence of Ills love and an earnest of everlasting fruition. 'Vc are given here an insight Into the essential na­ture of Christianity itself and ̂ Its guarantee of permanence ami power. It ix something more than an out­ward revelation ot farts, more than a (immunity of brethren. It Is a life.

Christ dwells in the lives of His dl»- Ipiex to protect; to direct, to comfort

and in the *- >d to crown with Immor­tality am* -P r*.-. The apnetlcs were wUnys-i-■ ■! (In' gravest things that were r'<r attested In th«* hKtors of mankind, th*’ imauUDH life of Christ.

*.*■• , of power, H in words oftruth. I is sufferings nnd sorrow. His icbomlnb ns death and His glorious resurrection They were given a incs.-uige of hope and merry to he de­livered to all mankind In the n»m*» of that great Teacher. Healer. Sufferer and Conqueror. T. R. A,

Bronchitis.No one suffering from t hronh- bron-

chltlH can be cured unless he or she taken care to avoid as far a* possible chills and ail r*u*e-* of bronchial Irri­tation. such, as tobacco smoke and dust-laden air. If expeelorallon Is difficult, remedies must be taken. At- tration to the general health is a matter of utmost Importance In all ensex of the dlseax". more particular­ly among persons whose avocations entail? exposure, and tonic* »Hb cod- liver oil will be found highly advan­tageous. .____

Would You L ive Long?Work a-plenty.Am! olav a-plenty.Keep up your interests.Avoid pessimism as the plague.And he eager to live while you live.Think of vour*e!f no more than ta

nt ecssary.Fat and exercise alwuya according to

your m-edsIf your Infeteslx Bag. Immediately

take up new ones.

there I* plenty of counterfeit money :R circulation, in sidle ot the tact that It is a thing of the pawed.

— It l» always those who arc m d r who auftfr In dal*va,—B*ot«.





Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgage?*, Insurance Policies or other valuables In one of these boxes

t e l e p h o n e j


II. M. L A Y , M a n a g e r , W alker ton Out

Linked with music’s chainSunday evening at home assumes a new

and deeper significance when the family gathers together and sing the hymns that have rung on down through the ages, to the accom­paniment of the beautiful melodies .that flow from the

& l i l ( i d m s T l a y c r P i a n o

With its wonderful Meistcr-Touch Action, the control of tempo and rhythm is absolute. Even totally unskilled though naturally musical performers can achieve effects that are usually the prerogative, only, of a master.

There u pride <va writ as tcunomy in the ownership of the licsi. The New Scale Williams Player in the superla­tive of piano perfection—Ihu beauty of its-tone and finish Is unsurpassed.

Art Catalogue, illustrating the making . f Piano* and Players and r ont.vfhfcg jMirtm 11 s .md Iii«>graj*i»i* *v of Master Musicians will interest yougrrattv. Mailed free on request to

G E O . B. S M IT H , A y to n, RepresentativeThe Williams Piano Co., Limited Oshowa, Makars


r ^Biseulta of delicious,

golden.btowii sweetnaaa, bearing; picture* « f troop* ot the allied armies, Union Jack, British Bulldog', etc.

Entertaining and instruc­tive for tho kiddies and super­latively delicious for the grown-ups.

, every

0. S. Perrin & Company, Limited

AnnouncementTo Commanding

OfficersO f R egim ents, M ilita ry C a m p s and

H ospita ls

T h e Columbia Grapliophoue Company will be

pleased to donate, f r e e d charge,a rep resen ta­

tive collection of their famous Columbia Fairi-

otic Records to any imp or regiment of the see

olid Canadian contingent, as well as to any Red

Cross Hospital or other m ilitary organization.

Applications for such records should bead

dressed to “ Columbia Graphophoue Co., Tor­

onto, Out.

These Columbia Patriotic Records give you the latest and beat of all songs that the war has in ­spired, including a new “ Tipperary” Record by a fu ll m ilitary band with male chorus. T his record has a splendid'"climax—-The British W a r Shout— “ A re W c Downhearted?— NO!

Columbia Records are doubl-di.se records, hav­in g a selection on each side. T h e y w ill play on an y disc talkin g machine, and you can ob­tain them from an y dealer listed below. If there is no dealer nearby, send eighty.five cents to ■ The M usic S u p p ly Co., 36 W ellington. Street, East, and the “ T ip p erary" Record will sup­plied to you at once, or send 30c. for a Demon­stration Disc.


C.A.FOX, WalkertonI


BitblrilmdThursday morning at

Walkt-rtou, Out.

otln'j win- fl.Sri. Statin

E D I T O R I A L 1


5 The Guelph Herald attempts to jnet’ fy a goueritl tjtefion for the

i Duurinion, and duclnroti that tbo op* i poBttion ta ’U from tho , liberal . in simply a wail of protest, promp- ■ tod by fear of the results. *‘I f the Government wribt* to consult tbo

( people and secure nu endoreatiou of its conduct with regard to the measures already taken, and about to he taken in the ensuing session,

I let it do so by all means.”That is a specimen o f the fair—

. ness of aouio Conservative journals, A war session was called in August and measures taken for Canada to do her part in the war, This was done with tho unanimous consent of-tho House. Conservative# amt Liberals agreeing that it was no time for party differences. It was, moreover, agreed that until tho war was over, tnere should be a truce to party contentious, and the Liberal mamba rs of parliament have loyally adhered to that agreement. Sir Wilfred Laurier has given no utter­ances of a party character since, and tho Liberal press has refrained from discussion o f party questions to a very large extent, though provoked very much by the sniping methods o f the Conservative press.

tisthhing <0 what the neighbors ! sty over lint parly bn*. li l i>bom<« is j tho Mibj ><'t of 1111 article in tlio L it ­erary Dqp.-st for list month. Ac | eutdpanyiiig lids nf.ido is a cut of 11 j W'.miau who has the* ti'lepboiu? re- > reiver fastened to her ear tiy means of a doth wrapped round her head \ white she sit«at the sowing machine, i Apparently she does not intend to j tosu a word of her: neighbors' con- j venation. AH party lino kubscrib- j era know what a ntiisanoo this habit j has become. I i is n very common j thing when yott ring op a neighbor j cu a party line to hear many recoiv-j ers lifted o ff all along the line, and - consequently you can hear children j many. y**t wh o h, crying or dogs barking and many M"' I'usi !>v such interruptions to your.conver­sation.

To atop this sort o f thing Mr. A.G. Howard, of Nebraska, has in

JP > L A B A T T ’S ST O U T 1Has Special Qualities



If nut sold in your neighborhood, write


< (bn or dmitheud,: well J

ley* it found tin* men who h?* -w •|»mv to get businoM “get aflei ii.W;ilk'TD>n Inis mure inducement* Hum {>\ny itther town in that imrt of th* _province. two railroad*, good w ater! irt<*»»M«»«>ri, ■*'.*” “ * R'-u twenty-four lumr elvcUlu I ‘

Every Woman

one indcutify the eavesdropper* The difficulty will bo to got all parly line triers to consent to haw the device attached to their phone*. I t will deprivo anmo’ of the country subscribers of one of their keenest

bjpwcver iHegituiate it may be, while j others who use their phones for legitimate purposes only will con- eider Mr. Howard a public bene­factor.

Com m unication

Mf. Kdiior.! do not exactly kimw whether the

following IflU ’i- will 'interest you iu any wav, but jf not. iroJuum done.

In this h«i*y ciiy, even busy at Hu* lirv-uuit tiuovl meet many people who have lived or vi-iu-ri Walkerton at one time or other and « « evety one bn** >nu' leering or thought ' to express, regarding that town in Some *t>aj-e or other, t will t*y to recall von** of their thought*. »le.

This city has many young and old who hud from that town, many have boon away from there for year*, with um*dd Vi-it now and ngriu. Walk- ert'Ui town that i* known to u»o*i- iv Older people heie. Mini (liolllld♦ riielph. Why? Well, simply hr- rau*t\ yc-ai * ago. Walk ‘Hon wa* a famous town with o bright oulluok, known formany mile* away. Now it i* *me of the forgotten you might

I power anil light' * a;eiii: rtJI . tiler jmcanr but I tell yo» when then* 1*roTin 1 >r linprov'in? nt that it nt el....

.trim th 1". whciiyou mo hfiimrcd by jelect l<? i to KivrllH town, dir so nut ■only t< vr> ir own interest nr nsiim.but to ii'Ip tlle.inw I lliPK'fm-i' lu ll?•'•cry j >. It i* not an honor to

: y«*u. Mr. Abtmnap , »( you have togain •-! M til **. m ?t a -O if you i!>> it fn* j

D E N T A L! W. J .H A I.U D A Y . H.Li.lr| StM>c««mri<>rir <‘uranr. Mi«1rro bwIIumI* <o»l*l«»e.l In nil >IeiUai»i>rr*lii>ii*. Mi.s .h

• Tm'eeu!'! J^rT''n' ',r"'^ ‘P1** Pork>*' »«*t « *Run««r"of ̂,Vfb

M E D I C A Lo k . b r o w n , 7,',,U;,■>",'• f 'rM a jr 'ii> S wh.u!*

!w . a . !IA L I...»^ ” S-£3f;t>SSiUavva « l'n»»rr*lty.

j <i <1 «‘*yley Mirect*.


, l ; £,T P h - ; x

7 - 1 r,g vav -A Tf . ® , " a : g , s : , b

Well we might a k why is ltd*? Well « will tell you. Tivenly y« aia'ngu Witlkerioit had as many at ores ami place* f bn-iness (if not morel ** what it bits t-iilay, but hi that rime every stoie was doing but ires* of ome ktml. totUy It >w imtity stmei ire vacant. Tweiity years' *go « rnmic •ay. thiny, the urimiBt Fall F-ir last d betw.vn throe and five days there

being exhibit* from all over the prov­en?. We will look 'baric 10 yearsHgo, a t* market square, do you remember hat a busy *p»t that was on Jiatai *

dny morning, That- waa’market day. Every town lm* a market uay, lias Walkerton? Hul.ha* everyjt >wn a* fine a iu'u aef H|nnrt* ami Inilbling as Wslkerlmi? Noll HerltnJ^.* the Hii« est eml-wc» k market, as held in the

ince, with m line n market build* mg as can tie had. Now Walkerton ot* just a* suitable a building, built •specially foi Hie pm po*e, and 1 sup* lose at piv-aut, is VncaUt.iif nut being isrd a* a wuodshrd.) Now, wbal inducement d>» you offer the farmers

line to town amt trade and do bus ihess? absolutely mm*. If Mr. Far­

ter uee'ds a loaf ot bread or anycther 'tides lie will! come to town, bill » eggs ard *o t»n. where do they go

, , .,»? Well tlie r*>»d agent get* thoseolectmii m *«® | for hi* provision home, especially

wn good.I*e*t of ad just imagine the sue of

Wnlkei ton without a baud, Imngiiiu ’ yomself liviug »ri Wotk* Hon leu years ' ago, the tine band in uric you would i he u- i'oguhii' every wio’ki well, I gue*ti! there are no lovers >>f music, aitve now . no tm<! Uiuoush enoag to form one.! Tim oi l 3«i»l hand brought many on I llo iof to Hie town, whal'd wrong Willi ! iirv i-;; a lan d in the t<nvn when J the new maps are got out utter Hie wait U»>y may thuupriul the mi mo a lit f ■ I »r*,< r *>» the map.

Tnanking you for the space in yeti paper. 1 remiisn, ,


Sabjects taught by expert wstructors at tho

Y E C. A. BUX5.. LO ND O N. ONT.

Student* n gristed to positiooa. CoOege in session from Sept. 1st, Catalogue free. Enter any time.J.W. Westervelt J. W. WMterren.fr.

* * * * * to01®

A ton i Walkerton hoy

TO Ht.lt ADVKRTISKHS.Wc must a*k our adveitriers to

kindiy have changes lor advertim- mvnt* i« ach the office not l«ter tbatt Tunday morning ot each week. At this season of the year i here are heavy demands ,*n oar space and slatf ami it advi-r«im» will leave iheir copy they will ensure better M'l'Vice. Wc cannot guarantee change of ad vt. unless copy is left at office by Tuesday morning.

H o w 's T h is ?


Merchants BankO F CANAL*/.


220 BranchesThe SAVINGS A'-villJNFH o f

those ilcriringa strong SAVINGS UANK. ore cordially invited. Int­erest added lft»i day of April and October instead of May and Nov ember, as formerly.


M a n a g e r

I far Sick f ! "i'r. . .iiiu tre at

p r a i ) t T o w n s h i p

FarmsI have, in Brant. 2 fifty acre

(arm*. I forly-tdx ncie farm, 1 one hundred and thirty bcie fatlii. 2 two hundred acre fat n s alt El.I. IMPROVED, convenient to Hunov- or or wlkvrtoo, and I he* owner s have placed them in my hand* be­cause they ARE HOl‘NI> Te SELL i have also a loO' at re farm in Perth, near I.iMow-t I, one <>f the best farms in the County of Pei lb, with extra improvement*, a. v« ry great bargain at $?us *c I i **er bc.'ore had such a thoir >■ < I Far t»#

now. My office i* 11KADQUA R- TKRS and you should ccme toree mcif fouwanltobuy ai rightpiirea

H . H . M i l l e rHANOVER * - ONTARIO

To bring ou au! near future ami make tbo conduct I ptuihry at tbU timeof year, petli«|>a ; uf tbo Government in reforonce to j lho farmer may bring in a doteit or* tho war tho main W ie would bo | *'* »•*«*»«I’onltry ntrcl trnG** it

. , , . , ,, into ttu'uieicbnnt. I'lilthririn teiioughjii.t M (o r twu uiaD to go cut « « 8 ,w !

i tight with tho hands of om tied bo- j s lf, MMU, ^ town and theta | hind hih bauk. What can tho Up- , <.»dy ono way, timi i* by holding > position eay agaiuet what has been ; g-.*sl market aim by this method, the j done to taking part iu tho wot? ! K *" ,,rtl 1* ,w 'c given fivch citablcs

I each week-: I am glad to Ileal- thatI riwjr mted (or ll. 11*0 buldmg u , , „ w FA|r' will ou-ln l***M ; a general election in daatardly, bit j M-hic is a good move «.n thcpatiofthe •it receives the eudorsatiou o f tho j gcnlRuiaii. imdct taking *aroe. tbit* t Guelph Herald and other atways was a great » uccesr. in pastativojonrunls, uu tho principle, it > >c.u* and should at way. have bn n

I may bu supposed, ptmt ia fair inlovo |*<*i»tin»ud. Xmas f.or* tttl* *?**,u'* .*■•.. , , , nog a great event in towns and calico

or war. Iu the latter there have L ,JovillK 1JIlilr WK.cr. .|tl|. i.udph «-• come to bo well recognized ruiea, | i„j, t|,,-i>ist i » « n to lu bl a winlci

; except by Germany, and the ruler# laic. Waikcrt -u being the r.wt iu• of that couufry ate leceiving the j ,ry i* wl‘ b z««'at , woit-iuerited cxecrotion

v In III*- ehml i>i •

; world fur the violation of those v principles. To bring on ati election \ white this war is going on is to in* i Iroduee Kaiae-mui into Canada,

n | Liberals had taken Nir Robert : Borden for a geutteuian of a higher , typ'.* than he wilt prove to be if he ! conswiils to this outrage, and they : w<|l tw sorry t‘ i liud that to? is con*| trolled by tin? baser eletmtils iu his ! cahitiel. They Lave it lovo for their ]

unity which rises higher light and

*, »be .first tew attracted great crowd - iu ti " n,

in factor huge crowds as the Faff Fair does at lim ps* > »*? time.

.Still there i* soniotbisig wrong with ih*.* idvauceoii-nl. >?l tile town, whnt is if? has it not the same n* n behind, tie? tuvvn a* la?foie? No! t he men who made Wulkciion ill those days ari»,tm>*ttygom*. it now ha* Father* who I think hrvea »Iifffei< nt inclin'd of smuiriiig tnrtushiesaml firms in tin* town, for Inslaner We will pick up lb** Mail and Empire and read >t iilrieratde

I little add. uffeiing big indm cmi iits t« Wafff'erton, F»»e

i, lock hete M> bustu-

Prminee oth«-r » It emus u* S:

J A M E S C O U L T E R( r e a l e s t a te a g e n t )

Ileal Kstaic bought and old: money to loan; ul»o agent or the Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire, tuxuranci' t'mnpar y. — Photic line 110. ting 2 A I .

<t pa

l i r o f 'E H J ' . - • ! -UHED• iN'vr.

U : . :•• scat fret • MXRHLV,

!lo»t* of Death, and the life or death of ihouaands of iiiilo children ts <h« tfinue (hat In settle?! in that war. Will you let the Hosplial be driven from I ho field of Hr battle to save the live* of little chddton for the tack of money you ran give and never ml**?

Every dollar may prove itself a dreadnought In the battle asalnst death, o ffagship in the fleet that tlithts for the live* of little children.

Remember that th?* door of thp Ho»- pilui’s ?n«*rcy is the d>x>r ot hopt* and your dollar, kind rosdi-r, rn*y ha?tha

thuir love uf party. A gcimral oluc- ( « » « m,Hu hat<Hy nothing wiJI • ■•me t«* ? key tbnt opens the door for some* tion m*v result iu » iriumph for the j you with mu ealting. g«> afier tin *>* | a dollar, or more IfConservative party but it will be ft ««>'.<-m ‘k<- ym<r t»n n ktmwn. D . j y0„ ran j>onR|«a Davidson. 9ccr^

. . . : . . not rvty on ttmt. rntteii add get alter - ury-Treamiror. nr <•*jfiuniph which means a great loss in (|u> „ ^ (|| Wlll|, ind.ieemenri A j. noss ItOnKPTflON. * the conduct o f public affairs t ° . n*a» Hao?>ver in this lespecttbau Walk j Chairman of the Board of Trtwtoo^ a national honour, I erton. None at all, in fact not i

pay for pat lent- ft p? r patient per >la). the tlmerni... iu allow# :•* cc»ta per pat out per «Jjv. deducting$t.20 from $.‘ 34.1t loaves the Hospital with »! I t to pay mi of Aiib-mptlons it receives from the people of Toronto and the Province The shortage, last year ran to tis.ono,

.since ((t.so about t.nmi cnses of club feet, t*ow Jess and knock knees have been treated, and of these poo had perfect correction. Nearly nil these worii from dlffereni parts of the Pro v)n??e oufsitle of the* city of Toronto.

Remember ihat every year is » war TlT* w v,im ■ )V(r„year with the Hospital; every day is tohmtu. »!*»<<•< »»rf Araik l»w » . V%»*na day of battle; every minute tho dtnrv, ! <"• </ Knrtvu. PnfmmpoM <*/ <•■■■ Hospital needs money, net for ita own > f f > * « e ? . i - I I ' . ' .'.F^iVip: VV *ak**. tjat for the children's sake. Th# i HiwpitaRls the battle ground wherothe \Armle# of Life have grappled with the ?

W ooi’a rhospto4ia?,

j T R E E S ! T R E E S I 1

L Alt kni,I, ot I'm il »*i.l >***»•I ..... Tr**—. Kv,.*k*.■,■*„.11..-.-.I sbfiib* t'Siiiirir-, etc. Kvt-ty- j thing in the Nui*ciy line S.-ud ,1 li*t: of your wants l<u price*. !■ Catalogue free.

Ax*nt« W»nt*o E**nr*rh*r*.

Apply fur terms.

j J . H . W I S M E RI Nur**fym*n, Ron Griitn. Ontario

V E T E R I N A R YS, H A N M O R K .V .S . ,7, T Mario Vrtrri(i*i, c«.iie«e. Hr. Hantnof* bi»«

' ,n ‘ *r*!in opposite Power*'"?>t«i. Tmiiinent of all ---- ---- -< Ihe ino*t ?tio<i**rit i ighlaad«t») attended.

Sm ith & M c C o n n e l’s

Chopping'MillF e e d CD. S e e d S to re

A l l K in d O f C ereatl A n d C o a r t o F e ed F o r S a le In T o n L o t#O r In A n y S h a p e -

S m ith & M c C o n n e ll W A L K E K T O N . O N T

liidlviiinit] iiHlrtieliin pemiit* you to voter any day st the

j/'') /V'PrffMMg/W

O w e n S oun d, O n t.It is resogtrixod as the most thor­

ough, pmstleal bualnvss *chool in Canaiiu.

Individual luMruCtioii.

Our three *tory eoffege? building.


O A FLEMING. F. CJA,. Principal

» G. FLEMING Secretary.

1 1

Our pliotuijnipb* arc men.' than good phothgrapbs— they arc true portraits— bringing out all that's best iu character anil individu­ality. Make your op* poinrtnent* NOW.

1 1

S T O V E S !

If you w ant a stove

b u y a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T ." None

better. Aso a full

line of Heating Stoves

H A H AVILLWalkerton - - Ont.

Dr. d c Van’® Female PillsA rc!ial>t«>»»ach irsnl*''**;never l»il». Th*-**

Jills (,re rx?re.llnslv rowetlul (a trxttUlIng Ih* H«r*aUve j*v**.-a ot Ice fenuie *,it«3>. Kahu • I £h«p Or. d* Tom'* «•« *,-!J ,iIf, * Hi*, <w Ihtee ln» IWt ?o »nv *<Wtr»*.ka* Bt«bel» Ortur Cn - 8U Catharine*, Ont.

Cook s Lotion Root Compound,

iWd t-y *11 <l?uf«miC «>» *»«(V C rp Z PK % M S ;THt C«OK MCOtCINE CO.

W A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P E , W A L K E R T O N , O N T D ECE M BER I Oth

G o o d M t r u in g !WE AKI INTRODUCING

Ai i- ii« silkA • • • nit I • Glllj »*• '


• Tit- •'!«»!t.i pi

. knit

G U A R A N T E E D ^ It....nr'#, nt> !<■, »nj»> Y'« Kty ..t u »*ei - <al and wotko- *«>#tlp. Atw< late­ly Mninlt>»- W ill w*<u dmonllil \\ it lion! or iK'tr omit free. O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R

k>every one «*>«*!»•« u»$l.<w n*. 1 IIHK J ul p»*tnl HO’*', to «•< 'K ct ailv. I t 'Ninn Miiilsltlneiuroliiif es, no will wod |>. Nt p.itd, wt !« written Ki*#iann»\ (»-kt-«l l*v a rivi* milium doll-i coiupiir.y. fillin '

:» Pali* < f oni 7«V\ vain, it American Silk H i»iny.

i.r 4 Pairs « f »ur Wk\Aiio'i i''i«o I'H'limi Host

m "l%loor 4 Pair* o f . ..

Aiotiit'Jin ( llotuery

nr G Pairs of Children’* Ho»i-

tiivi* the color, si*-, and wheth­er La«lhV or Gei't'a Inoicry i» dcsn.d.

DON’ T DELAY - Olfct . x> jliras whin u d-'clof in ymtr l«»C »li* y I * -decled.international HoMcry Co.

P o. It N 214DA V TON’ , OHIO. V. s a


By Taking “ Fruit-a-tives ” Says Capt. Swan

Life is very inferrable to th<we who

F O R M O S A . S O L W A Y

I’d f. I |#»l l

Mr! r«

s I...>*T*h«

•I III.• 1.(1

w . i «<|t i

, ! Mi John K«>.>!»•»> « li-- * ..I J l Z»H | Iris t*im leas* d Ih l i e |>*t » i » .e

, ! yf.it-. I..... .....ntlj 1'OiOi‘Md it.| Ml#* Lmetia M .rm illv is vlrilli'K

\vln> luii i ffn »u k ri

i J.»ke*T tell* bow (<■ get quick relief , (into Stomach Trouble.J Port IIorwhm., Ojrr.. May 8th. iqij. i “ A man list • poor thaiiee of living

•nd enjoying life when he cannot eat. 1 That was wluit was wrong with me.

I.OM of appetite and indigestion was brought on by Constipation. 1 have had trouble with these disease* for years. I lost a great deal of flesh am! suffered constantly. For the last couple of year*. I have taken "Fruit- a-tive*" and have been »o pleased with the result* that I have recommended them nti many occasion* to friend* and acquaintance*. I am sure that "Fruit- a-tire*" have helped me greatly. By following the diet nilca and taking '• Pm it-a-tives " according to diree t Ions,

*“ ~ rpepala will :If. SWAN

“ Frult-a-tive*,'are*old by alldcatcr* at 50c. a box 6 for f J.$o, or trial she 35c. or scat postpaid oa receipt of price by Fniita-tivca Mini ted, Ottawa.

qni.| hod tt 1 ok.| J.<> Klig ti' « I.r.-I, laid «|ij ihutuatixu f r ' " « » tin.* ■’ .lord* I Li.Ml!able t < Ih- out

.Milton M. th.ttrr.1. *fd hi* lism nt -hop hero I st Tnu.Mlny uml hack to W Iktrtott.

Phil H:rau*f. of tiiecrnwk sold a lot : of hay to Mikf and Herman Wei#, j Mi# 4"* Brick and daughter ft ! Fort Arthur visited their relatives hurt* Iasi week,

Mr an l Mr- Fred Week# of He 1 morn 'felted tchttlvv* hen* Sunday.

Mr and Mr# John OehtTng visited Un.tr r< I .tiv.-a here 1 *#t Sunday.

Our urn il collie# in ni. lion; l-.lvi since last Mm day

Died on Monday of this week after a long 11 near. Mrs .Mathew We Mr

’ aged otl years the teiniin* were interr­ed hereon \V d B »il«y


irp .r t * M*. ai d Mt> PstM .i

E lec tr ic R es to re r fo r A tenPhor.phonol» j; * ;t> •t)m and v»»!at .V.i? !■ '. - ‘t

a.rft I it etv •. w- l—v. «- * - —* *“ ■*- - « Tbefe^ttLreig,'oHUt. Cattiarlui

T h e W ar Docs not Effect the j

T hos. W . Bowman Son & CoLd iitkii


I’i .iiu IV> 1 d • 1 D Nelltvart/. M Kielfvi', O OIh i le. ANursery Bnsiucss j ....... .w «ii„. r ,m„ , t w .i...

~ - IN DeUliliRcrKolOl III.

LOlnJtlo, J l>*hun*nn. II Ikuinget; O lieuingvr, C Ktiutx, L Ktmtu.ei . C Ciitirli'inSe.lininr, II l-.dy.M Fedy, It Weil- r, l i Outsclie 1 , A Meyer

F«*hm 11.M Suhimri, J FtJdy. 1* Strau--. Mary

Weisa, A Dueir, COhetle. It Wtishar, W Dm tr. A Weller. O Kraemrr.


GsafonolaThe most wonder­ful instrument ev­er introduced. It requires noehang- ing of needles. Call and have it demonstrated.

g. /i. TOX3tu'{IUr. iUjIKcrlcn.

Ei i y r o l l ti ' ti at weeoa

“ R in g ' i l a t ”King Hat# us flcvittle and sclf-cott urtning. iu#t Wht'ie the lift* lu i l o h* head.


irrs iA TroPD . o k t .~-

5 a school with a continent a eputatioii for htifh grade work inJ for the success o f its gradu- jtes. a school with superior :ottrscs and instructors. W e five individual attention in Commercial. Shorthand and l e* icgraplty Departments.

Why attend rl*« where when [line im roam h m * Vmt may enter tt .111 v tltuw. W rite for out' I***!*** tree catalogin'.

I). A. MeLachlnn. Pt inci|«l.

IPlkili 'N* ill Ckinadji will hunt. T’ti»* demand t » r well - train. .1 young men and women for hu.jnr** will 111* keener »h .11 ever, The u iee are iirftpiulng now. « « into oil'* of chon!*and Iwready, Almvmonth*

will do it. I f »>>’ Pay w t well. Free catilogne. W rit« for it.H IIAW S OlTSlNIiSS SCHOOLS

T oronto. Yongest W Shaw Pre

W in te r T o u rsTO TUB LANDS OF

Sunshine anaSummer D a y




Pet-ticnl M « Lout ( P. K Agei t* or write M. ti. Mutphy, Dt-t'i.-i p..*- ••tiger AgoM, « inner King and Yongc Stt. clf, Ti'imiio.

| TO S A IL IN JAN lA ltY .It 1* Iwlived that the S.i-oml Ft

, tliitn Contingm « will sntl lor Liighu.tl ! .-.iile in January. The port of de|wtt< j utv \v 11 l*c Halifax. If tlw plan- arc

imi'I icdout Canada should have ttv«i * complete army divhilon* in the Held l>y | May I. and n third in ' ttatniug ritliei ’ MPSaiisbury Plninsm Valtatli. r. Sinic ‘ the depart mu of the llr-t vomingent. j aten have b «n recruited andi nectiplvd f< r service.

BRITISH AMERICANLeads in age, it llucnce and -uccef.

til graduate*. Specialisms>in Uteg and Pitman Sh »rlh *r.d and all com emrcial *uhp-c«*. Fall t«ro> open

i AiigU't lift. A’ t lte for C*ur ral»li>gMC Addrces T. Wauehojfe, Piinclpal. YongcAr M*tl 1 Sir .Toronto

The History of the County of Bruce

And of The

Minor Municipalities Therein‘ (BY NOKMAN KOHEHTSUNl

Porty Illustrations, Sixteen Maps Five Hundred and Sixty Panes.

The above volume covers the history of the com ity from the days when it was the hunting grouuds of the Indians to November 1906. It has eleven chapters devoted to the county as a whole, followed t y twenty-seven chapters, each of which takes up the history of one o ' the towns, town­ships or villages. ' Aceo ppauyiug the chapter on each township is a map of it, clearly showing each farmlot therein.

In addition to beiug an historical narrative, in this work there are to he found many personal in­cidents relating to scores of prominent men in all parts of the county.

A number cf historical documents have been collected aud arc printed in the appendix, along with a large amount of statistical information, both ot which are important to have preserved. The edition is a limited one.

K run I ar Price, Cloth Binding $2*50 This history will be sent to mose who renew their subscriptions to the T b i HSCOPi- for 7 5 c or both

The Telescope foyone year and the History of (Bruce for

.751$ 1 ,

You can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an oven full of good things with a

McG ary3sPandora

at the same time- Many exc,u_ l y g t i Z y i * sivefeatures you should know about. Let the McClary dealer show you. »

f iic f ia h d iQ U IC K NAPTHA


W OMANS SOAPMr*. Tie*. Conte* u» v*ry HI. ytt it i*

iioi'.'tl lin t -lie will -<»t,u ivjov. r.Mi*. Hen Mluliel i, rpeudinK « few

I day* with h.-rpaieut* Mr and Mr* John Whitehead ive-t of tVnlkrritni

limn To Mi anti Mr# C H Ni bln on Nov 2.>lh. a > n.

P I N K E R T O N(tnieiofed for U*t w.vkj

.Mii*rc# Ida H vuni'V nnti Jcnnio Pink­erton S'lD.layvtl uu the MHi. eon.

Mr*. John Mutrieleft Inst week for St. I^itil*. •

Mr tlmdou Dm land dtove Mi*#' Myrtle and Mr* Cecil linrland tu I’ai# ley on Saint day.

We regret «n report that Mi** Hand U •eriootiy Hlr

Min# Rus-fll who wax under the doctor# ca>e I# i»bl» to b« around again.

A young gentleman (torn the vicin­ity of <»l itui- «a t observed onSond*y evening, demonstrating tu Id- best girl the proper method of repiiiiliig h ti nree.

C a rg ill S chool R e p o rt

. S l » i i n LUl?r, Be**ir Atn-ll, Kditb Jordan. J Cl they, t*. Martin, F. Claw- ford.

Jr. IV - A pegeln. U Ilettrick, L. t 'rawfoid. C. Klder. A, llamiPmi. M HvImtbMck.

St. f i t __ft?. Cargill, B. Nye.Jr. 111.—T. Power#, W. Spalling, A.

Wabdi, A. Thompson. J. Clancy. ,N. S*itattrack, C PoWci#. M, Urainger. D.Sohrotnn, AJAiHler*oo. I. (Jiainger C. TTiomp*"U D. Marlin K. MahoneyJ. Parlor, ('*. Taylor absent.)

8r. II.—L Brown. J. Hood.K. A. Knt 1 le, toacter.

* »K.VI»K I.Jun. IL —Hon. — F. Ilu tilck, (P .

Somerville, 15, Kcahurn.) J. Martin. Pass—Ktta Klphnk. II. Thomyei'n.

Sr. Honor*—Clara Peg*lo, F. Clancy, 11. Hichtudson.

Pass—Auta Hood, J. Power.Jr. I, Hun. -U. Meyer*. M. Hood,

F. Nyr. L. Hopf.Pass-O. (irceOBWay. N. Klphick. C-,

Oreenaway,Sr. Pi lu i.-llm i.-M MeWhintiey,

N. ShtiuU, tW . Better. I'.Schatbtck),K. Rvahurn, B.Streeter.

Jr. Pr. « Hou~J Power, I! Htrdakcr, F M .honey, .1 Young. T lUillie. Pas# —I) Streeter, C Taylor

Piim aiv—Hon—J SchaibMch Pars M Clancy. W Pegeln, I Ciawfotd,

(P Elder, W McWhiitney.t fO ray, F il*R30ll

M McCoy, teacher.

S chool R e p o rt ,CHEPSTOW

S EP A HATH SCH 00 L Sr. IV —Hon. Louis Phillipi 7*; pat#

Ague# An*tett.e 07. Ed McN’ah (in.Ji IV —Hod. Peter Murray Ah pa>s.

— Hilda Kriie*t "I, Frank Zettel 66 Hmma /.••tiler Wi. Frank Meagher bt Willie Litierer oQ. F MulltnS'', M Djc* ef Xi.

Sou 111 -Camilla Coumati# 02, Mary Strau* On, Peter Uraf 59. Suite llibn V<. Melinda Mulltu oS. (i. Strau** 40. F Lippei t' I Jo« Me Nab 40.)

Jun I I I—H<m Maty Beckhutger 7X pa**— Jo* Z-ttel GO, F W*gner 52, (Marie Meagher, Antoinette Smith, and Laura Philippi, 47; C, McNnh.

Second;—Hon Mary Mullin. arid KHiiof K ills. pa»s Torn Fleming. Ed­win Ernest, Susie Zettler. H Smith. F N\ alter K l!« Schankle, Mary Zi t- tier.

It. O’HeillyTeacher

JUNiOH ROOM lorderof merit)

Jr II —Melinda Straw**, MatteSchmidt, Frank Likleter. Annie Uhl- beiser. John Ifiiu/ager, !4«rtrtide Zct* U*». Chas iiauthier. Stephen Rcinbatt.

Part II — Hihl t MeNah, Annie Urck- burger, Jo»epbiui> Ement, Melinda Doer. Ague* Meagher. L«ur« Zettler,J Broi.. Alex Walter, J Illhn, Andrew Zettl-r. lily Schaokie. J Diehold X Schmidt. Jo* Bt»>.

I'ait I — Hannah Petllippi, Annie Uraf. A. I<c*terer, S Zottler. B Ueck- herger. H Husiger. Marie Ohlhcieer, Marie Wagner, P Zettel W Down*.

MeNah. Abide Strauh#. A Ubl- het#er. Aoiue Lippeit. Ja# Mullin. Philip Zeuter. Jo* Walter. Anton*tty,K ills. Clara Zettler.

Ireue McMab, >• Teacher

liX AM IN IN ii BOARD APPOINTED 7 h« long raooled queation of an ex-

nminingienwd tor the undertaker* and cutbuluici* of Ontario Imn Iwen appointed. On# of thw board t* J. Totrsuten of Milveiton. M. P. P. for North Pei ih. ITuH-r ttii* law ctu- balmcr* will hay# to obtain a license twfmv they out carry on theirhu#iuea# New uietl rnictliiK Hut proftv. am will, after complying with u lei m of pro tuition, rttjulrvd to take the ex­amination tyfoio laung allowed to practice. Cp to the preneat oiidtr- taker# have .»ei n allowed to cany on emlMlmiug, but in future they ntUM

place their confidence iu the cuHm!-

Mi»* Auuie Sehrai k.wa', a vi.ilor in W»lkerton uu Fr;d»y « f l« .l week. Miblinay Cnsctte.

M«"*«r#. Clarence oberh* and Win. Hinchy, e f Welkmon. were r-in town on Sunday.- .MMdmtiy (iax.-ttr,

Walter Schnuir. of Watkciton, i* in town f*>ra few day* this week employ­ed on the ebctiic light eyyleiu. MHil- may (iaxettc.

Ml. Duncan MeK. nmdiei. • f Walk- ertmi. wa* iu town on Toe.idny in- #p*cling the local elevtiic ligt t plant. —Mildmay OiMtle,

All I Mr# iu Hu- piitvime o f MiUiitoL* will l*‘ e l w l at M-veu p. m. during the war. nccmiUng to nit otvhn-in council jmsxed tlli- week.

December 1# icnening time. Ifyour label i cad* Dec. II, vnur «uli«cHpii> n has expired and you should loornctiu*'* paying for next year

Mr. Mam Quay,of Walkcrton,re* ent- ty employed cn the electric light sys­tem h*i«*. « '» * a visitor in town on •Sunday. — MMdtn*y Caxcttv,

M v* Cheswright of New York mid Mi#f Stalker of WalknitOil Were tin gtiysl# of Mr. and Mr#, Sinlkcr or S#tuid»y .- Hanover post.

Mc-si-. ftavi.l It iIh'i t>on. 1C. C.. mi Matthew D< ct/. Clerk of tbeSurrogal* Court, o f Wnlkerton. wera buMiicn vlsllor# in town on TucJity,-M-ld may (L m te .

The people of L'Htowi I have refused to form a Red Cro»* Society, fearing that It vrouldconflict with the work of Daughtci# ul the - limpin', the Women * Patriotic League ami outer *ociciic* already formed.

Mo m *. Dan HupjHd or L.vat mi Clarvm e McWliinm y ..f tiroham m among the new student# who »|r i « t ng the home sttnly I'om-nc’ o f iIn W nlk. rton ihi.imv# ( -dlege. Mr. Ma- h.nt y top*'ll# that hi# eta## i# inn iug rapidly.

Croup No. 1 iu the Northern hockey IcagUi will piotikbty Ct listrl Ul Icainii Imm Mddmay, WilkciUrn, Paisley, Putt Klgii» mid Soiuhaiiiptun. Han­over nut being expected to cutei . Nu dotilit tue'charapioiiHliip ul the diHtrat wilt twit between Walkcrton or Mild* Ui*y. a* these inu lea iu# are lecognu* ed tu.hu the * longest.

It isn't work #o much ** wcirv that make# a man die beluie hi* lime. 7 he Kui#et i*#aid to he aging tapidly. and we h^v • nu doubt the wo>ty uf the pa*t lent- moiitli# i» idling uu him much muru effuclivdy than if In* prnc- ti#e»l p-faca an t ova# #atn*fi«tl to go on in the even t-uur o f hi* »vay#. Worry i# wealing aud War t* hell.

U Hie people will h i traded after it*- ju.V.ed warning# Itom the peer#, there can be very little sympathy tor ihem iu their ttunolc*. A few week* ag •, it gang of e*nvi\*r-tt« overran the country amt gut a number of tucket- to fat t tu with their tchcnte. Some we lesi o, signed what were supposed tu Iu li.it lilies# order*, aud now it turn* out. if mtuor# ar* contot, that that the thmigtlc#* signaluics rcmlteil in monienl.iry obligation*. There i# danger always in dealing With *tr»n- gut# uf whom you know nothing, and many o f Hie agreement* contain

•nceaLd clau*e* that may later eantc trouble. It is always belter to deal with the home merchants, mid I# wrong# occur yon know w here to seek for retire**. Peddler* going round the country. ptyin< bjunl and liorsw hire, are n<>t charity cotKcrn». »nd the hoy ci# invAilably psy the expetist*. Durham L7iiouiclc

HEIFER HAS WOODEN LED Sum# time ago a valuable HoMcin,

heifer nine month# old, owned bv Mr. Worwll of tiodcricli, had uae of it# legs ft act tired by u rifle hull fired by sumo carclc*# person, and the

a# »u bad that M i. WuW*||, wishing to save the animat had the lower part uf the leg reniuvcd. He thee mad# a wmiden leg with leather

kt-l and streps, which, alter Un­wound heahd he strapped on and the animat has worn it evcr*inc# with comfort ami get# around with #ppa« nt ease.

Q IHL C OMMITS SUICIDE Our community w »» deeply slo ck'd si Munday morning when ord inu |»a*#c«l alemt that the

body »r Mis# Flureuce Mitchell ha.) been found in the harbor. She W4U» engaged by >It*. K. W . Shaw a# d"iu- •fclic and attended the Pie*, church ci vice last Sunday evening #eeiniug

fh be In her usual bright spirit*. In the morning a note wa#found <m her dre*i*ing Hthlf. #uying: " I f you want to find my rest iug pfacc. you’ll fin-1 it in Hie twltoiii »>f Deorglan Ba>.” A sealed letter was atwi left ndrtresM’d to her paier.i#. Her fatherand otbm#

it warm-d and a ecar.-h Was

hav ? tlVI ycAi*‘ experience In fore (hey water near lU(t at the whaif, life•tie allow «nl to take uni a Been#* «ml. being ext*ik 7‘h* ira.l.-cy *»t ».the eture, tlii# will he thu meat)# ol tlecp gloom • r - i lb e vilbip' ami then*M Iho public that they cun •ort “ wing p. rent* have the heartfelt-

sympathy of the community in their tenihie troiihlr.—Liub’s Head Now#

|...t-------- .i..p „. ibielm-t ..,f i,H pi, I

EMPLOYEES STUIKE.Oter a budded cn pt>.y.* «|

!-)«• t --t tin- (Canadian Melleahr,- i t.o. went on Strike at Owen Sound Tuesday mmniiJgof |t»#t wtek L it mg m-„ annoiinreui'-nt of a cut

unity p>

ug,t- in Atlantic M>k‘ l)<isy McFarlane of Wnlker- liulo, y ol tin s , t -U was in town over Sunday 'he . (In. highly c » . ) | *-»•#(• Mr*. A. S-.n-iUc. Pa.-ley .d ku imm - a # j Ad **cato,»# (., »;. j ..<< is ' DESERTED A ALKHKHtN- - I. "lit # - i tb.- j Willi .m lliiii'b’ , a g " «i lender and

I"*1'1 | one < f Mount Forest*# »ld rgund of 'o t ii „ t’eabi it , k*j,y j ,»ye #, Within She Wndkeoon

; lao» Wire counti- g «»n »u k e .f the i ulihei out of.(Ire in 1# when lb*y play Mi Id may tin* wilder. h»# de«oud the • ounty (awn for #umethtugletter. Ha left for Tr o-nlo uu .Monday wliei« he exp»>;i, to grab it place on the liue-up of one < t ihe leant* In theciiylragU' - Thl# l-avm Walkerton witn nothing but home liicw* to pick u hockey team

da- II Wage#. ;7 hi* was il,«* third * nt since early •-omiurra„l il,. „ „ „ (,|, "Kr. Oot mu.hni-t. .iol IviUK 11. ir-K w -v '«■ “ Gsl.l ..f » , •vl«.n,. On ,«n

! ntn.inpiottsbi,. ...... . - Wll.liuo, ,etl-.


Dear Sir.—Would you kindly permit me sp ate in your valuable

paper to draw the attention of the younpr men of the Ccun* ty of Bruce, to their duty in the present struggle.

The entire world is cognizant of the great struggle now going on in Europe, and each and every British sub­ject is keyed up to that point of enthusiasm, which words fail to express.

Canadians, as well as those of other countries, have done, and arc doing, a noble work in helping to alleviate the sufferings of the gallant soldiers, and their depend­ents, also those who by reason of the ravages of war. have lost their all. and Canada, like other British Colonies, has sent her best to give their lives, if necessary, in the defence of the Empire. Another contingent has been mobilized, and are preparing to join their brothers in arms, and a third contingent is to be mobilized in the near future.

The County of Bruce has already given of her sons to the number of one hundred and thirty and five officers, and we will be called upon very soon tef supplement that number, in all probability, by about one hundred jnore. Is the County of Bruee going to maintain her reputation when the call comes? I think she will; and I appeal to the young men to see to it that it will not be said that the County of Bruce was not equal to the occasion.

As Commanding Officer of the 32nd “Bruce’’ Regi­ment, l would like to see a generous response when the call comes; This is our war. and we should not. be back­ward in responding to the call.

The County has done nobly so far, and I have every confidence that she will not be found wanting in the future.

I would suggest that any young man, between the ages of 18 and 45, who is physically fit. and in a position to do so, should hand in his name at once to the nearest of­ficer in his district, so that no time will be lost, when we are called upon fora further quota-

Young man. the Empire needs you. your country is calling you. Will you not respond?

Officers who will be glad to take ihe names of any offering their services, are;—

Major Fletcher, Wiarton Capt. Danard. AlienfordCapt. Langford. Port Elgin “ Klein, Walkerton Lieut. Carson. Southampton Lieut. Savage, Chesley

“ Malcomson, Kincardine “ Eckel, Paisley Ex- Lieut- Fowler, Teeswater-

W. J. Douglass, Lt. Col., Commanuing 32nd Reg't

That Personal Touch

MORE business results from the personal touch than ever can be estimated. Keep in touch with

your customers by means of the Long Distance Telephone. Enquire if their last order was satisfactory; let them sec that you arc really interested in their prosperity. Make your customers your friends — gel the “ Personal Touch " into your business.

The Long Distance Telephone will enable you to keep both yourself and your customers posted* on changing markets and general trade conditions.

The Bell Telephone Co.OF CANADA.

READY FOR INVADERS.Remarkable rumor* are circulating

In London roncerolnj; Un* mean* U»- Germans «'*pecl to um? in rcachluR England. Guns wlllell can shoot mrox* tin* Htraltx of Dover, xubniarfu” trum*- ports capable of landing Jaw d?'Ucb- mcnt* of soldier* on fin- English coast. and submarine fort* alrnu: Tito Helglan etvaxt, are anions the mys­terious devices com.Ip accredit* Ger- ninny ax having in reserve.

Tin* activity of (he Germans In pre­paring fortifications of sotuo sort u» ZoobniRK". or* 4ho Iklgian coast north of (Mend. and not far from the mouth of the Scheldt. Im» given rise to many alarming rttorivs. One I* Urn! caissons arc being Mink from which the Germans » i l l ho able to fire tor­pedoes. Them* caissons ore supposed to be permanent. and of such char­acter (hat (hoy ran also txi used to coiftTaJ disappearing guns, which oan in an emergency In- raised for two above the water.

"Christmas dinnor in London." is the latest slogan of Urn Get imm troops along the Holglaii mist. Of­ficers and men have constantly circu­lated the rejfort that they expert to Invade England. While English of­ficials have wild little about a pos­sible invasion, there lias been no lack of preparation to-receive the on­slaughts of any.force of Gorman* Which might manage lo crow the twenty miles, of water between Dover and ‘ 'alalx.

Knglltfh neroplnmv mid dirigible* are constantly on the alert. The sen I* fairly alive with naval craft of all descriptions. Mine* are carefully plac­ed. and «nv landing in Knglnnd .would doubtless be made ut terrible cost, if «uch a landing be fnysiibb*. and once landed an enemy would find coast artillery nml every possible sort of obstruction standing between the sea- coast and lxmdon. Wire entanglement's and breastworks of sandbags bnr «H Path* leading from possible landing place* to the tops of Hie chalky cliffs which snrrouad the Island. Trenches for riflemen and field guns have been dug in strategic points all along the roast.

Hundreds of thousands of young sol­diers have been given prnriical les­sons In digging entre'nehmenls from one end of Kngland to the other. And the work ha* been all directed by mil­itary experts who saw to it that earth­works were erected where it was po«. sible they might lie useful in <a*e some great disaster should befall tho Kngllsh navy.

ALLOWANCES FOR DEPENDENTS.At a meeting of the . .......

Pension Committee, at Wakefield. the.! ,, chairman (Aid T. If. Ford! said a h>t- ! 'ter had been received from the Local Government Hoard with reference to j the new- scheme of allowance for the j dependents of soldier* and sailors cr>- j gagctl In naval and military service, j The letter stated:

blued with 4f71.7.'IIU7i5 In October of he-t ymr. Willi - exnorly totalled £2 *•"1 >15. against C 1 0 , <tcer««.j v 2«,f n».| l tv??o,gst resiiw-Ih 'ly.

8<n-e -y.ihio nt titers: employed nt HaHdyl v|< h V-dli-ffj-s, Hn»>«*n. w.-re

slide <>n W.-ttiesdny week owing u’ ‘i dispnt* over t’n- minimum rate of

Af a meetit g ef tin- Durham ConeII ’ n'ltm Heard at Newcastle (he Durham miner* <vh« c* were ridm-ed :t cent Tb- last ndueiion w»« 2 •cot. Sn May

■f he death; way announced at Dublin er Sir Andrew Red. |{ <’. H. who n’fi'*v wars vas inspcctor-fieneral t*ie Royal Irish Comdabnlary.

At Mondav— meeting .>f rtio Shef- !•< Id f ’llv Ootmcll Mr. Oliver V. Wilson C.a* elected Lord Mayor.

Tito d. uh rat* *n the 07 ?r<-at tmvns I neland ami Wnlca last week aver-

n;ad I! t pep l.rtOO of the pnpul,-MU*n •'■Hil <:?!nn»h parade of the

- - -■ heldmorning week,

•>.*‘i turn wire ->« parade. Afv at Norfolk IHrracks, a Futon as presented to (lie battalion bv

>ir >. ILdarls M |«At the Sh dfl.Hd Bmikniptcy Court

Mr H gfsbtur Hle.ney made a ree<-iv- ins order mi a »:r-'’Ut«r's petition

I II# also proposed to mnke allow-,■ Woralsent* Cenernl Slot os,auces to other relatives of men on ! ,e,i ‘ i^HTfiold road. Sheffield, service who were, at the time the men were enlisted or called up for sec.; vice, being supported In whole

T K. \v. tliiest, of Warrington, ‘1'orl'-eight mec'lK'rw of llie Central

Criminal Courl Uar ar«? with the iorcea.

Seven bf > !nn. of an Irish family nrpiic-l I ’.mdgmt. living in ta-anhead, are ;>» pr-venv serving in the arn»y- ~\Thi> liod box of Afdchurgh sprats la'kct Hits yrar Jt w tmturacnl to tin: King, and another U» 5h - l^ntl Mayor of Lvtrdctt.

Hy <r. voles tok. Worthing Town fnmu rl Itas rejet ted the nomination of Mi*. Selim chapman }•" Mayor amt « n*t>d Alderman White.

i ho v. heat crop of Lugluitd and Wah’r; this year rca- hes T.ttlK.uS-* titntr- terv. with h is ‘57-5,» J riuorters more than last year. Itorb v and oats also hro letter than In 131;!.

A Lo.ikii** of dhtbrprr’ten* has boon f-irrta *1 in Î >ndoo to assist Helgtan tool l'r» ni h n fuc-'CH win nmy find tliioiiMlcos In lingiiitdic illtflonltfoH Hi oor vtr- ct* aiid puhlh- plaei-s.

man,' were tli* las', worda apoken on tho tiaffold, by John Havre*, who war < v ented in North-impt-in for the mur­der of bis vc|r-, at IVterbro4.

I he Prexidcnl of tho Crouch Hepiib lie llitir llert'Dved tllO ibs'oiallnil Mo- d,tiib>n MHitaire on igg firitis’i war-

ccis ami moti in te-omittfou of their gull in try

AHhoneh Hriii-.fi trade during th< aiotifh * f Oi foie« imounteJ In valut to iiSiotil eighty milHnna .st-rling. Iarg> •hr i-iies v err- shown in Itotli lm|Hirls"■ * export*. The value ,>f import?



lonth Cat.

Riding i c! 'w , W- n,> ^3ll* Mcn Id, the.t * -• <•' Sunday me

Jack v

part hy tho?*- men. The Admiralty and the War Office -have drawn rule* governing these allowances Is reeognlrc-d, however, that Home local Investigation will be needed in order to establish the validity of elnlnm to these allowances, and It has been con­sidered by the Covernru.-nt that it would be advantageous if the (oral ehfnery which was entabUshcd in nection with the grant of old age pen­sion*. and which has administered Old Age Pensions Aci* so cffteiently. and with ,?ueJi general satisfaction, were utlti/.cd for the purpose of con­ducting the neceasarv local Investiga­tion of Ibc claims, other than those of wives and children of Bailor* and sol­diers.

It would seem that the only duty which the pension officer and IV-naion Committee will Do asked to undertake is that of making any necessary In­quiries to establish the fact and deter­mine the degree of dc|tendrnre The Hoard suggested Mmt In all eases In which sub-committee* have been form­ed under tho Old Age Pensions Act* the claims might be dealt with my the suh-commlttcc. without any reference fo the Pension Committee Itself.

I .ESS 11N EM PliOY M ENT.Official reports to fhe (Jovcrument

show that unemployment among Is now about one i>er cent less than it w-«» at the opening of the These figures ur<- somewhat surprising. In view of the fact that nearly »n*> million men have volunteered their service* and are under training In tho army.

Men who have not entered the army find little trouble now (n finding work, notwjthslanding the fad that thous­ands of plaee* vacated by men have been filled hy women. Th<- Govern­ment has hurried forward a contract for the construction of a new postof- flee tube, which will give employment to thousand* of men for a year or

A WEEK’S KAILUIES.According to Stubb s Weekly Cur- ite,

the failures in tin* Cnll<-il Kingdom. Including rCgiafered UmhIs of arrang* - raent. for week «-ndlng Nov. 7. 1011, were 109 < Knglnnd and Wales wt, Ire­land 4, Seollnud -SI. agiilnst 169 (Eng­land and Wales 142. Ireland 5, Scot­land 91, for corresponding week last year; drercase. 56. Total for 45 week* to date 4,631 (England and Wales. 4,029, Ireland PM. Scotland 4JS), against 6,129 (England and Wales 5,175. behind, 215, Snilhiiid 7»:m, for the corresponding period of Inst year; decrease. L498

\ Bills of sale registered and r*--regi«- tered In England were *7. ngaltist 159

- last year, decrease 72, unit in Ireland ■ ™. against ;! last year. dcereas<*To­tals for England (46 WeeksL 5,592 against 6,462 Inst year, decrease X70, and Ireland iOl, against 116 last year; decrease 15,

NOTE >,The hojinrarv-legree of Dm for of

l.« ttrr.* *- (o b-- M’nfvrr«-«l «*n Emile Verhaer-ii. th*- fanuuis imlglan po«-t. by ihr t'lm-rsily of l.«*ed-.

'Ir .1, Sv-lwiiy ha* been tipp-dniid s-MKrintet-dcnt «>f the tin- -»f the Dr.-at N-irtheru Hallway in sneersslort f " *ue Lite Mr W II IHIls.

Mr S H Carti-r, Maneheapr district to.rnaver of th" l -̂nde-i A Noriti-West ••rn Railwav Company, lur* sueret-ded Mr W. .1 rurnbull a* mmwg-ir of Jin* Liverpool dl-trict. that sentieniau having been transferred to Euston aS assistant superlutenden*. of th" line Mr, Cirtar win h« sucmrt*d by Mr. ing

arlly insane was returned « i the in­quest on George Crabtree. 25. private *u the 5th HaitaSlon York and lg»n- i^ster Regiment, at Sheffield, who, receiving hi* discharge through defec­tive eyes, became depressed drowned himself in the canal.

There I* n prospect of a eon lest In the fortlieonilng elcetloii of a feoffee of th" common lands of Itotherbam, Mr, J Jenkin. of Wcllgatr*. having e*. pressed-:bis Intt-nllon of becoming n candldato.

Recruiting in and around Leeds Is now regarded a* very satixfaclory comparison with what it was a r< night ago.

Jaines Smith, a reservist in tht York and Lancaster Regiment, and j native of Keatherstoiie. near Ponte Tract, was killed by a rifle shot In the streets of Sunderland,

At Derbyshire Assises at Derby. John Prosser, 35. clerk, was sent n prison for twelve months for de­frauding his employers. Ley’s Malle­able Casting* Co.. I .tin i ted.

Charg’ d with the murder of a com­rade named Burrall, at Po t Talbot, Henry Croat, a Territorial; was sen- tenet tl at Bwattiwa try six months' bard <»bor for nmnftltiURhter.

At Ihdlast George Hople? mantled. Itall twine refused, eharged with eomniiHiicaflng <*r auempUng t<» eoinmUHicato to eerluin perttoim notes and dr a-u in en I * ca 1 eu la t ed to ln> of value t<* an enemy.

At Greenwich Police Court a de­fendant who said hi* occupation wax that of a vendor of toy balloons. »*at«d that the trade had been klllt-d by the war. Mr. Hymmons - You should »ell model ZcpjH'llm* and mark them "KuHur."

Two elderly German ., Hugo and Al- Krebs, who have Jived at Hast­

ings many years, were fined 4725 each, or sfx months’ Imprisonment, tor non* compliance With the Allens’ Restrie- lion Order. I.nter the man was round with hia throai and wrist cut. and he died before medical aid could he moned.



'•v. John liiigbc*. Pwllheli.appointed pastor of the

Hoad English Presbyterian it Hangor.

The Archbishop of York has pro- hi filed the Rev. ,̂'anon Hatcman. vie. ;«r of Marhro’. to the living of Wis- tow. mar Sr-lhy, which i* worth about C4"" a year, wltii r<-shb*nce.

Canon Carnegl--, rector of St, Mar­garet'*, has replaced Dr, Charles a* Du- (anon-ln-rwddence and Sunday af­ternoon preacher at Wemmlnaier Ah* hey. The Doan (Bishop Ryfei Is also In residence.

The President and Fellow* of St, John t> Coll,ago, Oxford, have presented the Hcv. c, j. Horrongh. vicar of SummcrUmo. to tlo> m-ton of Win< terbourm-. near- BrisHd, which i« "fr ill nhout Jlfidh. with house,

A beqm-wt of £12,000 to Walter Coat«". of Fleet street. -»* fl (oken of my appreciation of his faithfulness to me nod a* a man.’’ ha* been left by Mr, Joseph Cel*, the Amerfean soap- maker, »h<»sc will for the English grant wax proved on Wednesday at £ 123,000,

For the >‘-cotn! year In succession Alderman Ernest Shenfall was unanl- iiiously eheted Mayor of ( ‘hesierflcld.

M’lth unanimity atld enthusiasm CouucHb-r \Y. t!, England. J. P„ »a « rerlcefed Mayer ef Harpsley.

•b'fore a large gathering: of his fel- lew-iovvnxmeti of the extended fcor- " ’,<{h bf fk’n«a*r« r. Crmncillor Samuel Halofkerib »a* <l(-etcd Mayor.

nndldate who has broken the re­fer lowest elcrtien exoeo.es '* <ill«r J Peck, for Rrighpdde. made a return Jhst hlsexpcnscs

elrciiou Kniouiibid to Both-

a r e r a r e r ^ -B c a u U f < A

x e a u U f w l f a c e ” .t h a n j e e a u ^ ^ ^ ^

U u h 'a . B r una(By Idah .McGhute Gibson.) it nnike* »

There l» a kind of beauty that • ” {)* in much demand by ur<i«i* and often it is (he kind that is not particular­ly noticeable in a crowded drawing room, or on the street.

The peculiar loveliness i* possess­ed by Julia Bruns, and consequently

till i gbl.

she | i very popular model. She ha* hand.-the beautiful rounded chin and set wide apart and generally regular features that appeal to the artist or every nrilouality and clime.

Mis* Bruns ha* particularly pretty Ho rn hands. '<•?

"What do you do to keep tlicm soft and white." | asked. and wfi

"I give them «n olive oil baih »t burned least once a week and 1 wear glove whenever I go out of diuir*./’ site at

convenient, the bauds could be cased in the paste and the glovt lowed to slay on only for a eouple of boor*.

girl who would have beautiful not*? take particular car

going t « the oTmlcurist vtice a week, a girl can keep liev tlnjls n p-rfeet condition the remainder ef

time by five niinui-'*' work

her nails.

alhnv the hand* to get hell’ tanned, if yoq wish to keep them sof

11 *.!d age. a* skin one* tanned never regains ft*

tortnor flue and delicate texture,If, however, you're unfortunate

• ugh to k*-i your hands ami arm* i burned, first rub them with peroxide

The olive oil halli that Mi*.* Hum* of hydrogen ami fenion juice andi her hands Is i

fine oatmeal into warm olive oil untili by stirring u*»* Hie oltve-rdi hath every night until

- bleached and softened.

A large gathering of burife**es and | r b l-h and t> r- th r th? - red*- to It- uiembcrs of the Council was present s horn;.-, where sip < tiP-rlaincj}: hi«u - at the election of Aid. I*. Hancrofn | dintu t.. A f ' ' “ ' 'Counrd to the Hotherlmm clv|c,clialr i hK jouinev for the fifth year In sucessfon. ihi* | Within « belKR the record for the borough. ; >ky

Aid. H. U, Malt by. a Liberal, ##» ##!(« O sonht >1 Ot. {», th.' i.’dy >imdatlcd us Mayor of Mansfield. Aid. i Imd *m- <! him iUlh”Mttlthy has rendered twenty-five j three year*' servin' tm the Town ]Council, and is a native of the town,

Councillor .1. H. Morell. of Horten Croft. York, was elected Lord Mayor of York for the en*uinK year. Coon- , clllor Oscar F. Rowntrei’. who lint* \ been a member of the city t since 1906. was elected Sheriff.

The Pontefract Corporation elected Aid. J. H. Shaw as Mayor for the time and the fourth > <i«r In succes- ! xion. After thanking the Council. | the Colonel, who wn* in bis full util- ; form, announced that he wax not glv- |Ing a banquet this year, but would! give the ro*t to the variou* fundx ?In very little over a fortnight he hud jraised 1.269 men for the Sixth Reserve K. O. V. 1.. I ax well a- hundreds for the Miner*’ and other Rattallon*

Councillor A. I’ . Williamson was tinniilniotislv ’ elected Mnyot of Ret­

ies* thai the (


m ijni:t th dpal crops I


annual meeting of the j

acreage under the prill- i England and Wail’s wn» Wheat, l.79i,‘ kS. tiarley,


Jill. Since she r.’-w;.vx go “ her qatp- m Sonia Mara- nic.S it »U* xujqw.* si fhvt nmrrletl,Matty uu'tt strove t-* win her.

d ly> pft-f >r (l>

Ikehiie win* had lutr**i’i< •*

i-vo?e*J u» her. tmt i iown; thill !: • was a

l^s.5^;; <»atx. 1,974/442,ft3:>; pops, 35.676.

Tho tb-ath occurn’d at iletRird on Wednesday week Of ;» flve-year-oid child named V'era Ww-I, of Thnimp* ton lane, who was badly burned nf, her home earlier in the evening.


Vlien- > tt*t.u’i it- Russia tla ««;<n *>f r*ttili rn ty ntarre a wtimati w>nHh. giving, her tit*- right to b-ar Iti* iintue aad ttlle for


5 of a

The •oviiKc of Yya'krt. in Httssl.r.

found Jus pat-roal ,- *>tt- tnvoir debt. A utfx-r -rt *ourt was open liMlt. Itiit l|<* imist hav-r itenns achieve t! |-'or roubles he tfiv-tt a c.'fcdi!-.-. wo-nan Die tight rail herself; the Count*.:,* Geronsky. Th<- marriage had b -. n hy proxy, and

hybrid-! « « « » M< diu-rlm. nn.l. IIjoikIi It I, I 1I“ ~ « * • ....... ••»»»• « “ " » » ' •: c ntlo’i to .viiOinMnratisctf and to “ o1 “ '•■r Sl <•«■<—»-.! i, „ j . r.,11-Inin?. It Is father a wild country Near ! e« In fove'vvith: Sicr, nU-eateg of fit- its centre is .» fin-* mtito in whlrh r tuacriag.- sVmpaibie <( vyith him. f«ir i* it Hpat-iou* r-Midt'iice One dav a *V*7*“ u:'-’ a '• tfain dignity a*:ont Dll* li, 1, ml, mil trum idh .100, 0' .m f ' ri ,lr" “ '

hack. It was the epritiR ol the j c.-wrHtK *‘ ' 1winter had

Tin lady had been (ol*l Dial >vol\e,* from ft"' lo fsts imd liev-n drivn l<> l-onger to >e.-k toait in tho more <U»- H-’ ti region, and *b-’ hud pistols and Holders ut (Ip? )wm-rue! of tier saddle

*ito.t rttb? Gnng o-*?f her shetib

her Jti* vvlfd.

lag xl the \t mi. r |mUi I* *1 1

;t chaste Jdi-nt that tio ifftirtlt making

on la van da tie-• t t.v k- v »up. t'.-bsr.tm ori a

forwarded from

?t*-r . a l«

w hieji had-:h«her abtsfe d i - •i|»->n- d it. and it wa* evldcat that it -tuttaiutd souse dis> tre-dtig news, Nile ‘draiglitway bit tip; room. )tn-l alisocln'd wa* she that she dropp’ d her Sclegeou, A lady l-itk? d i; up rad read ?h?> soldrex*. *'Conliter s vk’roiisky.'

Tho Ineidcnl

dtort distance In the r -ur. She was go­ing in visit a charitable InsHiiHlou In which she was huerasted.

Daring in-r return « xv-uni of tiark- (up and allots was heard belli ml her, which drew- rapidly u-arer. Then a sk-iph appeared, tho driver lashing his hofse* :o «-scape? i pack af wolvt-*, A nail in the rear ***.it of th.:- sdi'lgh finxt j shot ;ti flit United, then threw down ! .

its sup, it was evlietil that he i»:»d i " r ” *>"■ * »soa ha f dpoaptd the isetl his last .artridg ". The r.|U?-*m- ' ; h - “* »*i1*if (me immedlaiely. ||»

rtetl by bee uermoi*, be- * found ii-r In an tip;trgfteOD'wailing tor

; t no inetutsnt vvos/mun coi'vttum talk, j ticrmiskv* was ortgrai'ilat- d on his | marriage with Noti-a MurAidctf and

ity >»».* lunl not anuoinifoil It it was itstsmlslp'd. and wli?n

tiring at Up; waiver, widen btad otf irvt-v tie- w.*)*i.<. Then the toan in

sjelglt tlmuk'd them fot his Hie e. Iind It not hc*’ti for d**’1i com-

lug. in a few minutes more both he and hi* driver would have p in Je vouml. Ibitiillng .t card to Die. Infly lienrlng the name of Count Boris tier- •nskv. Ip- said;"It yon --v.-r rout*- to n». l’clsrsi-urg

please aflvis ? tnc. 1 trust I shall be make vonr v)sffi there enjoy,

(arrhete. • -aid. :

Wh ■s lady iard tin

efl, hip tlm i emit, who I. did

Irtfiri had>t notice tie * at -?f.

rest ami refreshment. leplled in Ills re-pp-st. ‘ vVe art? all a tbucn v-Txt* fr.>;n toy hr»U4*. »i " id partake of my hoypttnmy

.1 «v( t pi your U)vH«tlO’i Inter, for iliali soon visit tho chuHaI ’

From file fl.’irislmr,: Dally 1‘ecf.*.

A Travelling Tip..laice collars, jnluii*, rihhottK and

similar artb-b - emi Is- tarricvl with­out imiS-lug In a suit case If they are placed between the different leaves of a ma«ni,1ue. This lak?-* up HUH* room, and if v»>u preier, the ta?c* can he pluofl b-*t. • n to • paper tk-fere being nut to the s-.’ngayjiv*?

< Ity M.nii.’ Kiitrii**, in I'ail Malt .Magaiin'?.)

Iferinboi met Chrixtimu- ill a Milieu and icsiMltfilf: humor. With xia-h auni '»!!»,?<««'» Gn; ham] of Tinn? pressed "jen his wound, too new «* yet for fpitliuR, Imt vvlueti tin- ordinary reasons, v̂ ti'-n work could y*> «rv ?mlaterruplcd, left; to-aMbly uukrscenL A holiday, a i I'lt-lniiie iioliday, lutwcver, he mighl K.» to igip’i*; it, i-uetiiii'f, officious, of ft n-Uclv cltCeriUi. *)utf« regard I r*«- of ’■ bethel lie vveii' in sympatliy *vill« it i not. foveed it* way into Jim routine,

'•pelted door* li” had cl'**?*l, and vrakvthxl --hoe* I- pi»»ve tin- deadly *ilcac« that bad *H|}cd in (hi- deserted ptac<-s of Id* lit”.

lie h ot bought >■ groent or two for Itamd*. and h f**w toy* fur-hi* little oeplinu* and piix-e*. He vva* deprived

Du- pl'M*me of seeing the kids cx- plnfe ilicir parcel?, lor estrangement bad >-•”•«<• L lwccn hi* sWder ami ftitH*e)f. -c had •pb'J. unnaturally lie tliouglit, ami m defiance of the tic* of blood and Die lotmuou heritage of chihlhtHHl, with Miriam, hi* vvife, T3ver<- was nothing ?.*» take aides afeiut really, no acute issue (hat might !>•• i-omptoiiiDeil or a (van •(•■lied In- would t" G*sl there were - s >1 i.nlv tlm dull of altercl>'?•" V

‘ hie gilt purchased lw-t year had on i -xth-f Die whole spirit of hi* Christina* fob-; the ouli.sioti of it now Ul«dc him fief .be. Iiad I’oughl iiotiiiiig; tiiat the lime found him empty handed, entpiy- britrtcd. I’roai the h.«|ipy, confident - r -l - ->f flu ('turn-' shfipper* i-nun fle-l a palpable atmosphere of the domestic Ipx-Doiim: it wa* like an affluence filling

fhe <r"-t.v air, which h.t*l its gros.sci .>terra 1 n-unlerjwrt in tlvc spiced eleam

••I jmdiling* tiiat breathed from kllriten ehmmey* amt area gratings. The world -i-'-nn-! to wear it* intimtt- affection* ?i:->ft* oj<enty for this -hurt interval.

Tin -hop* and street* made him v.iuce. In the country lie might escape inert ol it, and Hillard had a*kisl him t<> *|x-iid Christina* with them at F*r- b‘igh. hut Diey had .» liune--part.v, i-en- pie lie knew-—tilts Nortons, the Grace?,< .-ell I’aitlju*. and Mis* Everhar-lt. Hi* *i?.ry. their various conjecture*, iinpre* simis. and opinioiH regarding liimsi-lf and hi* wife, would give relixh to tin- talk' vvl.eiven-r hu 1-aeW «a « turneJ. The sole ex)4anali<>ti he had t«* offer—that hi- wile vv,i* in Italy with frioids — would Idllld IIO on- to t lie' breach,

them iiunt.ng more

At last, to d»*Ve bout:- ti”- *-*o*i-*tl-*« hat t-»:t’Ursl him. and < shan’ t its |his-

patu. in- rose and lightedlid ti’ . - tier »

: TJi->A if W ’ I

.andlet was rpread i.j^n the be),:tlowers Hoip. the greenlioiise her ilressing-tiidc, Dhl IMuekh'V kept it as it she m'-phi tvturn tty morrow. It piwfct-td this thi-tHy, b- »li<| not bk to tblllk that one Ol Die botlsekcepel' ft tends iiiignf sii-ep in AitDam'x r<wm. it ‘ eeme.i to him that (be <eiy tfagr'i of his wife"* piesooc. that f>ilit. matin it* *! i e>s of v.-Dvert -u wlmli kept her linen, bung in tin- air. Alrm-t he •-Vjx'rteit to >*■«' t—r little -I-op huddled in ti.,- vuid ll?- -.1 Ut” fl'X” site lull kicked them tile two

*t time it «4* ffimlity v>f that ?lick I'x'k. Me -lc*>t tsidl.v.(*> the vivid imigi’*’ tiro? that he ht-atd

sound o| weeping in the' -tight. ;




- I’efonkea*t> «t :

ad-1!f efallei* l«-r.

but. This lit disiuissed is knowing that thev v> ei5d *> »r

•hately.Hi? th-

the ,

..r the ra lie had III) home of III;

sjwnd tills hristuoaf. Tl'C body of

a htjiis**, n- had, like * ?iet,| of dormant thing, wanting light and warmth and life. He had left the housekeeper in charge*. *»!.. Mr- I'lacklcy. with her

nci-ni:. ■ !.’•! "I llf'.eeli ve.ue. Slid d.itly In- hud an iu*|Mr»tion. Why not ’.•animate tiiat hou*e and upend his t hri*t»a* there; He had n<> wife, but j,e might have a bachelor house p»ity, nil the merrier, mote unrestrained. He would have River*, that confirmed miso- gvi'Nt. and Hrcthrb.gton, who was dv-v. lived. He reviewed ids short list of uniiiifted or misiiWtcd friends; nut of Hit* wreckage of matrimonial hopes hew. -uld build his tliristma* ixmiitc, that: like drilTwoisl would hum brighter for. Hie salt wlu’iovvith it was seasoned—the j brine out » f life’s hitter seas, the salt; . f l.uvg.bievl tosi- He interrupted hU lachrymose vein vvtth a shout of *tdf- fleriMve laughter Hretliiington wa* t„-,rc apt t?> blaxe like a hasty pudding; with an absflwdic flame.

He set about putting hi* plait into execution at once, but midway in the;

,.f til. lirst n<’te uf invitation*tnwk '•

bud I'

thciMi*. I'luckie

i t<> ( jiolmhurst and ixl there, and what . could provide for

aiteiuooiisecond ela»« xiuokilig carriage ol tUB huuthcastcrn Railway. . They always g-.t into a Mimking cariiage. --vpn when Miriam vva* with him. Site didn’t mind the pipes. It was tea time when he r.-ached- hi* *tat»"n but light enough as hi* fly tinned in at the gate for him to mi it ice an empty bird'* li'a.- bush, all it* pGvaey that the leafy **

fliih'i ” *>ad iwill. *

a* gone a a last y

'* sprang intofilledhi* mind. It s-eeiind

Nhe and the swallow' wcie gone get her. llem it wa» isdd and grey . Jreaiy; they vveie with, the summer lit.- >outli: The swallow* were part those happier day-, R?wring up theehintne.V, with a sound like windy tlrtino, ••irvling'. dipping, fiaaliing their hreitsts agaiii'l tin- *uu. uttering all the while a throaty gurgle ot *»n-. they bathed the house in their imrlal joy. She *Ki?l they were the only birds that took conscious plcwsUle in Right. He iiwikwl u>. at th.- rlnmncys, and wa« surprise*! to .’-e that H mil three of them smoke

*"(Md .Mj«. nucktc...----- ---- .jswciing hi* summon", gtiaidfdly drew ick tin- iiuitx. Yd, ax she bnbheil to ill in tin- lllili. lie tinted that she w»x ipja-d and aprune.1 and a* trim .?» ever,

l»ilM.**ibh- to take her by surprise af JA long year* of *civtce. >hi' h.d .1(111 )g<i tin- dining room, vvheie a fire wa* *■ - - * - nut the damp, the

nunfl.lv. sit," she i-xplaim-.l.how in* f-'U that iu> iirtruded. A •f piepaiatinti or of esi'ectatiou the all. He caught sight uf pul

iv and the mi»(letoc iRiove the shelf of tin- great fireplace. IMuvkley might

have had a teh-jatldc previoon errand. And her. further expts

tuition flint she couldn’t abide to ,ee looking so doleful and

Un­ did Bhim. He felt Hint though fluent. *h* ra* xiu prised and guilty IVrhap* ini ia* making le.uJy tn entertain a pa.ty d her own s.-iation* «r frbndv? o.cr tnlslrnas. M ell, if the owners left th” iface ithns desolate, lie coithi not ol in;?* ;ef. He liadpltv on Iter di-coiufi'.ure,

Thilhcr Plnrk'er ine-enttv follow**! dm fo know where he vvotihi sleep. He aid in hi" own room, of course, "t bought. I’Cthaps, as. the mi*tte*»’ svim

le vileiiced bet with a sharp negative, that ailed tite woman? She hovered

•<mfe*»init.on-ting with t

i.-i’t have l«vn i

nJt.mV hi* wife ote-l.lit- wt-mleipd

i w hnln she ' - de

1 f f . 1 count invjtod htr In In nitThetq |« »l«av* in v*lcr,—<

» theie t’ .ving duiitHrily *uh

(ei led iiini^elf Jo such torment, to this bill'- evepnv'g in a haunted innl-e. Mem orte* rfl other cvenine* defiled hettrem him and Hie page. His hentt renum­bered too well fvery-filing site that one* t»e heard the *oF ~ “ •—* - -•*■ k«Mliijt hil deer.

ylrs. Hlm-kle" terroption hi* visit vi ccn'inn*-.! Ivy her it , waited on bint ..( bu-a* In t. mviVccIv tii.xl I,, i-oe*eiJ hor ptof- • ti'*j■< in!*-ncy ;»» d di-oop'sntuw-et. bix-».«lity • f tip 5o j-lo-si »n paint moved fur to gratitude, hut

•in the wav to the si.*tio» -oeij I «»n :* ired him. >?-mc <>f that pity tiiuiself with vihioh ho w-s smeJ’a «-voiHewed uj*ot* Rliiekl*-?'. \V.<.

ntitlevlj live uifh that nltaliug '-n«-c of al*cn : .!>h1 in gleet in those dart: ro-.tn* that i hung? fd for sunshine ami < »icc*. i j be lit bv .Miriam's gulden head, to ! j showered with her diffusive g-airD i \n>l now - when the eld woman b I jdamied to itnjmit » bttfo of f*-e spirit j of riirirdmastidt- info * he I -ii’M-miv upjKxirml :unl heri Vlc?ari, H« thought co*0-o—dottj ! of her frn«trat«?l pr-|Mt it»-in«I vvoiihl, go Uw-k forthvvitti and loll ! she might hav-1- ;» friend O. two e | with t-cr in fit* servant** wing if I (jinsttiws d'niH-h. and even*Jo I with her in the servants* win-, n • liked; tie- imn>e wu* big eiioU’;!i. Urey i wnuidt.'i Is in i »at?b a tatr-r train to town; it didn't matter. He (old the iliiver to »top. (>|x>nisl the jjmif. and sjuftpo out. "I v?> forgotten st-rtiethiilg ̂ he sab!. Tie ’-iibbv made to for utbc bsds-'V he.ot, ImLjfrr ud-m cher-krd him,

*1 atIon. 'l l ! ' ratctr «h e ' t 2 . V - «dlie: cut aein*.s tiehl*. s»iiii’- brown

with ntuhtde. some green with winter wheat, and eBmtwii the thatbrought him into that long, narrow wedge of woodland skirting in* dnw. and *?* t»» tin? rear -if tin? house.

In the shrub!tory Tomwino met him, the black *~4t, .s-lwecn whom awd: him self there stood tin am-lent feud. Hr disliked cats' eves: a dug‘ « eye* told you everythin-,’ * call* eve* watched you and t'dd you nothing; shut against .light, and were receptive only to darkness. At (DV hour ut the ilay the yellow curtain* drawn, and Tomasiin* spied upon the world thr-uigh ktiife-ida*h- ».|ite. though even at twilight, when tin- •ditw v' rne,| or Ideally, be *?? wea reefy lea* cietive and m»cnitab!e.

From the first tin* little h?*a*l Wen a trivial but sufficient source disagreement. Her ml on bad ohjestevl tn Miriam’s ca.jying nicuit a fat sing of a kitten, lavishing liW *m ill inii'ii* e* i||Kiii it, Uktieillonw <b-xecratinu, it •rented to hr* mind, dwelling propi’eti -•ally upon deeja-i iw<w fot hi* wife’* tenderneas. and thy hope uf seeing hist with children in her arm*. Hut ttuw in hx* genera! mood of »<’ft?»*e and ecu ce-wion in* made ovetltite*.

■'Trmioj Tnmnf*' lie vailed. -Hcilo, old fellow ?”

Tomo lifted the ’’patimw ol bright gold.'’ hard little yellow ’ g.udc,| him, .More limn ever it seemed that (In- «\«t wa„ in possession of some secret and »ope»i>'» informstimi. And then, whisking <mt of reach of Hem- dime propitiatory hand, flic creature raced aero**, tim lawn and launched him*eif joyfully up a tree.

"Well, von needn't Mi *o i-is-kv atmut il. you fieggar: you haven’t got her either,” llerndnn said.

Turn- slid down, t lotted lock gm gerly, and with tail still aloft, feath­ery and elate, led tin- wav down a hedged !*ath, stopping half way andbeikiiig Lack to e'v if H' lu-bui jotiove-

"He wants me to come, VVhafa lie got there. I «--«n<lcr, in the *umiuer- htoise? Kitten*; ,\<>, In-V the wrong sort for that,”

b’rniu MiriainV lap Tomaxirio *ig- ualcil in* triumph hut the fta*h of « eciond. Rtoshing the cat aside wiie ro*c hurriedly.

"1 I though you hml gone," eh?- etanuncrtsl.

'■| cam,.- tuck.” he answered; nml then, "So you knew I wa* here all along'"

■| knew yo:( Welt- here.'’ she ad milted, "llow: c*mid i help km

‘’Ami you uevet made


To Gel a Foothold on Your System.

Chock tho Flrtt Sign of a Cold By Using


A cold, if neglected, wilt -:.<*?ntr ?>e f t’er develop into some s»>?t of Turn? trmdde, v* vv would mlvi’c you that «m tin? first

imm? Ihltrly, For rhi- jmr,-v?:- we know nf nuthin.T b’U-r than In. Wood's Norwiy .Syrup. Tin-* p cpiratbui Has L

u*e.! i-


*t-' II. N tiili, Tnj»<i. N S., write*; "L i-r J.vmary. 191.7, I deveb.pe?! mi «wfo! ?old. nml it hung »m to io-* for e?( bvag I v a** afraid it wool*! tu*n iot’> co-i«m?i<te«i I v?vea«d yo r-, ?*,d m-h?". ami i iKlId n<>'. j- t tiny • hs-p ::t all *»«f the choking frclim; i i ray tlincit nnd fungi,

wxmhl turn Mi?k i i tV fare. A fric-rd i.rme to me. ami o hi cm <■! y-.-ir remedv, |>r. Woo’l?-*N-rw.-rv Pirn-Svmp, f ’:?>t’;v itott'ea’f it. aed offer I b.vt taken it I r-mld - -.?; <r,eb*aye for the Letter. •■* I ;;<•« am*tb: i. and when I had taken the two iMitUes my couch wa-. wi|: gone,

t bad anaU.u k of it yince.am! t?i

Dr. Norway Fine. Syrup is put wrapper; three pine trees ; i.n-1 pei< e. *J.V and ,W-. mrioed on!-.- by The T- ,imit?-’l, T«'?mt->, Out. ■

"Vi>: ll»(, piidc Ill’s."

happy here »*m?*'time» <

> kriof

amen-fesf Mir-

1 "I'Ttlmrc ia«t night reliving it atl. pie?e he pi?-<e. an l I *avv the misilake*. And I ia-gged. iii niy Im.ut I licgg’d. fur :• ti ofiicr t’ i«l I .at there In tin- silence in the midnight, and aif ?mr surrounding*

dc.it' old liou*e I hat lias ln-M ♦?» imieli life nnd *<> much "trib-. periiap?, and looked *m birth and death and marriage and Die encred things, grew voral and preached to me. As I say. what i*a ya l. and the first war of married life e«j.e*ialiy, «hirh,rver.vWIy x.iv? i* the hardest ? Ia>ve 1 e-gin* in ;» humility that i* overdone. exce**ive; it can't last, dud after marriage our ic:i*^-rtive ego*

•'I haven't <>nv ego," *to- said abject Iv.

HI* tilted brow. «e«e ebsprent of irony,

"I did have a great big oin>. 1 yvciit av* av,,and then I found I wasn't infer- ede-i in mvself. My.-’f was shrivelied

find I c'liihln’f liv?’milliniit you/V•‘Thunk God!’* Il” said, and ’ aught

• f discovered one filing last night while I wa* in hiding." she went on file moment »h<- wax free for speech again, " f o*«l to demand -> much, and now I sliuutd f«- eon tent t>» live like a motiStt Iiehind the veniii«eot. uimntice*l and neglected. j” *t to hear vour foot step in the passage., on the stair', all your coining* nnd goings -just to know ymt wen* in tlie same honoe with

e l ( i tm not hx-d!*

Wln-ii it wa* long pa*t th?* lunehe-m hour tliev heard I’bh-kley's voice i» the ahrwbbeiy, plaintive and protesting, ealb ing up hei • mist lea* to come and eat. To eat ut regular and established inter­vals being, in Plnekh-y'* estimation, hue'* .olenm duty t<> t»ne’«* self and oth­ers. whether one swallowed lumps in the throat or not.

"Won't »bc la- surprised, and won’t -he !«• ’blighted, the deaf «?M thing.” said Miriam. Demurely •he added. "What about your Christmas liotwe par-

I’mmpllv ami- nugratefultv he com signed hi* guest* to n place more note?! for it* hospitality than its Hn-mwiin- dat’on. Aloud he said devoutly. ''Thank heaven, 1 h#ven?t invitol one *>f îleln.•,

QUEEN MARY TEAS.Queen Ma’ .v teas are do rlgeor (n

Weernuninf De-fc ufterntn’m?. You don't know trlmt « Queen Marv t*« ix? Why. It's n faslflonable tea w-itti nit the vrlm- minit# left out~n-> expensive eonfeeHoBs. (loexrr or rousi<s~ju»r plain

i nmvtui’i « sandwichItV Die Imlii’H' r

“ namtes. They

i fasten the band!”* which have become- loose on enpbtevrd'. doors or bureau driiwi-rs. warm some powdered ulurii In «u old iron suonn anti apply

th” handies, pressing them (irm- t*

rd ‘Hat

in- «ax sib-utAnd I’ltickley that I »va* <-uu»id

eritig to the extent <>f coming buck to her a hi!>•!?»*»•** 1‘iucklev <leeeive*t

Don’t bianie her, Geoffrey Poor tiling, *!ie wa* dying t-< tel! you.

lank- I let ’

, 1 s?i’'j«<*e. at two tT-sp’c ■ ionH" •ir <han??> away; tloowitig lupjHtb'* I ?d the window, She’, old. jtli

"FeVirty U*iaT tvtoi in «» «i»»

NERVES WERE BIDHands Would Tumble So Shi Could Not

Hold Piper to Rud.

When the nerves become shaky the whole system seems to Ixxoine unstrung and a general fecliiiR of collapse occurs. m the heart works in sympathy with file nerve*.

Mrs. Wm. Weaver, Shallow Lake. Out, writes: " I doctored for.a year, for my heart and nerves with three ?ltf!ercn't doctors but they vltfl not teem to know what wa* the matter with me My nerve* got mi find at last that I could not hold a tMpcr ia my hau l? t « read the way they trembled. I give up tirvtnnn;: thinking 1 could not get better, A lady living few doors fr?*m me ad Vised me to try a Ixn of Mifbum’s Heart and Nerve I'd!*, v. t-> he- I did,and I am thankful to-day for ibiing-MV, for I nm streiug. and doiilj mv own work withmit help ”

Mrlhurn • Heart and Nerve Ihlls are U) wtfto, twr l»ox. 3 boxr* for |L3 5 : at all drugjbts or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt .*f wic* t,v Th* T Milbum «0 , MaitaJ, Torpatj. Oat


A Miracle of healing P o w er ! ,Urt^c „ , i on Hit* bedroom shelf often s-avrx call*in Every Bottle. 1 i„K i„ ......

Mule children can't bo expected to j Young anti obi alike can Palely u*e fotttp. day In atnl day out, withoutj Nervillne th« re * no harm In It jiki aotm'Umo coming to grief, Some of! a heat* of curative power wli<n (vmi their cnim'it ami rough and tumble. mb It on,:mu«r undue fatigue, and not Infra* j Whenever there i* a pain or »ick- qiu-nUy the kidneys ate bruised. hav'ej ness. NervMjne should tie close by. D strains, awclllhgti imd aches, just tike’ In a true specific for rh* utimlbtw. Him* their elders. ! ham*. sciatica or neuralgia;

Wb.en children eotae in tired and: As for earache, tqolhach--. sure hack, wire. we that they are well rubbed j sprains or strains, nothing else will with NervIHno. It dues Wonders in; cure so fasti .an good'old Nervillne. In breaking u;* a cold. -lias an anutx-1 use about fifty years - odd by dealers lug effect on anv sort of muscular j everywhere, the targe Uw family*,,ain. ; Imltle la the most, economical;

The vvltfi* milliter always kwjut trusty j wl/.o 2fie, all dealers, or tin*Hnlttrfho. j •dd S'eriiKne on baud. It has a won-' zone Co.. Kingston. Canada.

CAIIKOK YOt'NU UltCtlAUDd.The afier-maiiagenieitt ami cul.Ha-

tlon of the young orchard is o f great ltii|Htrtunco; The three e#xciillal» In tills work ure watering, mulching ami cultivation of. tin* soil. If Ure innlclt- t«S and euili.atioit are properly at­tended to the itotvly transplanted tree will hardly ii'td miy watering. Ho-torn the leaves start to om n very HtUe st.ob-iure escape# through Its stem and braucitcs. It i - not only needless. but njit to ho hurtful, to iiour on large quantities o f water at the lime, as It causes water-soaked room, Having a tendency to Induce dt-enp. After the kim-c begin to expand they will throw off water rabidly. Hut even then water will do more harm than good, unde** properly applied. Trees have been known n* he killed by drouth oeca- rloned by watering. A little has been poured upon He surface, hut which never reached tin* room and caused only a hard crust, depriving »ho soil o f the fine, sixmgeiike quality which unable* It to retain moisture. When It i.oet) become necessary to apply water, a few niches of top soil should l <• taken off and the water poured In directly on the roots. Tin* earth must (hen ho replaced, care being taken to make it ftno and mallow*.

Mulching, in .connection with a mot­ion Mirtnce. will, as a rule, make watering unnecessary. This mulching can be dom> by covering tho ground about tiie trees with ohl straw, coarse barnyard litter, have* from the woods, sawdust nnd other material tending to reiain the moisture of tint soil, which Is otherwise con r,t an tty, t-scaplng from tho earth below. Generally the mutch- Inp is applied much too thinly, nad it: too small a circle about the tree, it Is best to leave a small space uncov- cri-d Immediate!) about tb« trunk, as mice are apt to harbor under the mulch­ing and cat the bark of the tree.

Of all operations, jtnKlvatkm of the soil la I he most Important, as on It depends rapid growth, early bearing, abundant crops, ns well tut-largo she and high quality of the fruit.

f’ostlj mistakes made by many bc- ginnern:

i. Allowing pew?y -purchased trees *~ dry in the sun or wind. * lln* cold, before setting t

from tho end of tho old root. The-! diirk-cmtirvtL u'iim!*'# plowing under of I he orchard soil In i I'm- of breeding. nII.,- 1,11 0.11. . I i m -III >!•— j JJJf “ rS .......jiroy many insect posts and eggs \ Mratimi

GuksoU fa better aerated, had ....i f ford » larger moisture rraervoitvThL j i*> *<>•!«■•• i Is parliculnrly importani in sections !«•-*» exhihjtmn where there nro wInter- rain- ! " r fU" " '

FA It .'I NKWS ANI) VIKWS.On account of their large water cim-

tent, potatoes atone are not suitable for ftaslitig swltie. Kxpcrinienlal r< - nuHs at many stntlonM have shown that ono pound of grain Is equal to about four pounds of cooked potatoes, or four and oue-balt pounds ->f pota- j toes raw. On this basis anyone can figure out the probable return of pota- i toes when fed to hog*. They must bej fsitiv fed with grain to return Mtisfoctoryresults, l'robalily not morb:than four................pounds of potatoes should bo used for ; itiVn-d inwit*. each pound of grain where rapid gains j ***»« “ " **•

w hefever

jjro desired.

One I’ennsylvania peach grower used | in.rf.-d n<*ck* >•1,01 water with g<«>d success in killing . **JV grubs pestering jieacli trees Juki below j „ inrhtues ninnbm the surface. He digs away the soil j „t nnd Imvuntil a few* Inches of the lighter hark j honeh*»( »!nng th appear, fills in tho tpnee. with -leatcw j p’.vbing' uk- 'ii?e>̂ q«S or straw, which he rcniOVOS by hand, j esrth. wh<-n im* !!■•* when tho hot water Is applied. It la | laving <•* scratchtiiK cIsIbksI that If the water I* applied . huSr,,-frcquently and abundantly enough t<. j noak tbo trunk of the tree well, not only all grubs r.re killed, but the tree will take on new life and bear better.

The best tree to order, evervthihc considered, I* a young, vigorous whip about five feet high. Hueh a ire- 1;. pretty sure to live and grovr^cv!; a setback, and it may he cut <> whatever height the owner wisbeq tho head to start.

Cultivation had the same effect on the food of plants as has mastication on tho food of animal*. U divide* if finely, so that with the aid of crater tho plant will he able ip-appropriate to itself the nourishment most needed.The proper cultivation of the ground Is one of the greatest factor? in th- production of a crop.

Among those associated wtih the Grand Trunk Hallway System, who have enlisted for active service, i.v Mr. It F. Morkitl. Signal Engineer, who was gajscUcd a Lieutenant. Word ha.- -hern received at Montreal

filial Mr Morkill l* already ensae*"!I In important work In Europe for tiio ’ Imperial auihorlties.: Another of the Grand Trunk's ■<?•

\ 1 ficers who has enlisted, is Mr F. <5English. Genera! Agent, Freight l)e-

, partment. with headrintirtcra in I-bii- ‘l j dun. Etlkfand. While the railway has p supplied a iarse number «>f men ra

both the Firs* and Second Canadian Contitigoiits.

Aetordlng to Sttformaiion received a: Graal Trank Headquarters in Montreal, yesterday, practically Id

< r n'1 ftsilway employes Jn :;and. Ireland and Scotland have i-q the o'.et HartiaS return* iiahb) • iio‘-v that' at..Me men had the nrllMt Haiiways .to enter

navy (Jut of this total of H3.135 employe* on a!l roads.

On the M>i<lion and North Western thmo P.fdO■queii have left, while the treat Western is second, with ?.d>d; tie Midlsml, third, with d.TdO and the Iv.-rtlt Ensiern next with

From lit.* employes of Hrltlsh rail- sp.'tla! corps of railway iroop.

-,a*e been recruited »<> assist in re- icrlrui and intiintainirig rail commute erufons iti Franco with the allied

si ihe (rent Tb»*a« consist i f m*;ii«rn*nr«* m**n. ho-tnaii t*q«*. grapher* nnd other*, wbl!** two cone puuI***. r..nst.t of enene drivers, slg oat men. Rusrd* and swttihmen. to a»ri*l * »*'*G of fifteen thousand Fronrh railway men nlr.ndy organ- Ucd for ra».' •!> work of a military

*. Crowding ini' riMJii. imu.miMii. j J-oleii cut out " f u wtl. • SucJi trees, if i they Jive at all.. maintain a stunted end feeble existence.

.'k Setting1 them out well, ami (lien comUderitiK th-* labor ended. Such 11*.-r. suleMsjMentty suffer from t*elrc cbokeil with gru!,!<. nc-da or crops of grain some If.'*, hut many die* under Up> hardship.

Tree? are often skinned In enlliva- lugwllfi a tetun.j To pr^virot this tho lior-u'B can be nrranRctl, When working near the line of trees, one before the other (tandem jtyle). Let a boy ride Ui; forward on**, and use tong traces nnd short whirfletree. When bark la accidentally rubbed off, if In early summer, the fresh surfae- should te» left untouclicd. and a now nark will toon form and cover the surface. Kub- hlng the wound with earth spoil* the surface and leaves a bad wound.

When it Is nccosoary for trees to stand In gras--, an In so mo Inslanpcs mar dwelling*, a circle of several feet oround each tree must to- kept niellovv hy the gpader Thu work should he shallow nearilio tre« to prevent Injury to tho roots, nnd gradually deepen as It recodes. Tills operation, when re­peated aevcrafl times during the mim- mer, ban been known to Increase the growth fivfc-fold. Hut a not less Im­portant result Is tho exclusion of the mice, for which this l« by far (Ik* most effectual method. If the surface t* raised nine or ten Inches around the tro<- Just tK-foro winter. Tho gross no longer affords theau animals nny hid­ing place, and when they reach the t ank of fresh *at?h they are iqimedi- atoly diverted from their course and never nttoel! the stem.

Alt iow-hoed crops are best for voung orchard*, such a* b^an*. tur­nips. field beets and carrots. Sowed grain crops are had, and meadows •• orsc. . Hut even hoed crops operate In some degre" a* weed*, and hence Gin most successful oreiinrdista keep the whole surface In clean, mellow cul­tivation, without any crops whatever, and find it most profitable. The only exception they make is in planting u portion of the space, in very young «>rohard*. several fed distant from «a<h tree.

All orchards should be manured as t Hen us once in three or four years, and d«arf pear*, which need very high culture, should b» veil manured an- tumll;, for whUli pnrpobc a heap of good comport should always he ready, and a peek or httlf a bushel ui each tree. All manuring should be in » « -

Now la Urn time for tho orchard in t to l-cgtn his orchard work for next M*»r. Th** practice of leaving all until spring n« « rule docs no! bring satis­factory results lit tho long run. The first orchard operation should bo th.* l-'owing under tiie *»:»!<> Plow- d«app-. sis or more inches. Ploy, both ways. Feme objection-: '<< thhi work arc conic- linn-? cited by fruit growers for the Kftson tl.at '!•-*■{» plowing wilt break ntf many of tie root*;. One of ifn> tilings that should h« kept In mind in growing fruit trees Is to have as

hire roots siioiild not he enc-niraced. by syxtrinatle mid continuous deep plowing they may be maferultv rc- •iiittd. Surface toot* are .generally the result of shallow cultivation, ami no plowing. If the orchard has not ls>-n

i plowetl a* it vhoold have iic-.-n for a Hong while, naUtroily many of tho roots wilt come to the surface. Ti e nooncr

“ these nr*' cut off the la u.

Winter bran, according t « ntmlv.:-. made by the t’ennsyfvnnl i Lxperltnent Station, furnishes a smaller iptniitity

, of nUrogcnou-.t nutritives than spring frc'se from j bran,- In spite c.f its tilgher pile-*. This

i liran, however. Is usutillit soring bran.

BE CAREFUL WHAT VUU SAY.Ir> sneaking ef ■ wuothnr';* fauU-»

t’rav. don't forget ymir nwo. t tlem<rnte r. ib'-.-e w ati h<>n»>,;> <■! ««»** Phoulil nev-r throw a 'ton**.

"th-forV MhouM i

r i f s f c f t t . . .> not like hi* ertwipsiv * th-* world \> wide ' f*uJt*-:m«l w!>'< ha* O'!

The old r. I'crlnvo* vie

KJftv to t

Tbm t-t us all when «-* -* To slander friend or

Tlilnk of the Parin on- wof. Za thoac we tittle know

r of o

MAKES FOR LASTING PEACE.{Philadelphia t:-< *fl>

H I* clear that non- of lt»o nati-oi: no- engngni Ip war vlll. nfice It* eh>*«. t nhlu to . keep up their recent exp'-n*!1 for armament* Hid defense an.! :<t tl: esitto time p*v Snterr .t on the »t*esrti«either they I

t mo.O'/i.m » year hmaintenance of !doubtle.-ia will France, other natlonn'lnviilvcd pettee 5-curcd 1* not sntfsfnetori............. . armament* keeps up. nsIt i»a» far several ycatr. te<cVrupl<->' reern* tnevitohb-.' tn ibis fact p,.* th. chief lnq><! of the world for a lasting


••d r e a d -e v e r y t h in g s .”(London Advertisers

* Kaiser"* fJrerptnittigbts are attll uj> to their leputstpui iib'Jx

Make Way For the Hoop Skirt! It’sComing, and it' Four-Yards Wide

Beware o fF ake B ak in g P o w d e r T e s ts

“ THE SPICE MILL" 'N.Y.t, SEPTEMBER, 1913 J1 »rl|Hum rupulou* manufacturcM of bakinif powder.m order

their product, sometime* resort to the old game of what n known "the glav* test." In reality it t« no test At all. but. in cave* where the prospective buyer doe* not understand that the »<>.tailed * le*l" i* a fake, pure and ainipte, Ihe salesman it *omeUme« aide to make him believe it *how« eonelutively that the. to talled baking powder he i* veiling, and which of course contain* r ( ( albumen, it tnpenor to other brand* which do not contain thi* ingredient.

Bulletin No. 21. ittued by Dairy and Food Bureau of Ihe State of Utah, read* at follow*

"The sate in the State of Utah of baking powder* containing minute quantitive of dried ejjR ialbumen; it declared Illegal. The albumen in these baking powder* doe* not actually increase the leavening power of the powder, but by a teriet of unfair and deceptive frttetuch powder* are made to appear to the innocent consumer to po**et* three or four time* their actual leavening power.",

Duchess Zihi May lie Future Oueen Of


PRKC10US STONES.Their Love is Inherent in the Hu

man Breast in All Ages.There l* a good deal tnat l» curi«u»

about the tin-tin< and working Nl tn«>>/ •>r tr.e.tv precious atone* before .tney maov into jewcj*. wnm* the *srnnge *t->. ■ i*s cliuK'tiK to I Hem In their iinncform- **«» cimaitlon or.- withoui number.

j out what MiMtiK- power* arid aunmite* j int-y aacrlbod to "time of them, and how i 11k- diKcreet h-tter writer Pliiijr uui tu<- j tmnh t; b-n*»ih him to p-n a vaat I amount a trout their hletory and .char-

* - of precioua atoneat 'nanv of them come.; .lay.* admlrattoo for them v a» equal! v

JxJ>! n difficult way of insuring the *ue- r*. < of one‘« t'i-titlon*!

In tils day, uUo. fir- mad* from lav­ing this Hone on a piece of ory wood sn>5 thro altraeilng th* nmi ray* up*>* it m> a* tq produce a flame, we* con- ► iilercd Mtttil. and c«lle<|— only fire," Not <irly w*» q a mnrt sensitive anti

•ymiusthetic- *mne, which, when given ':V ope fr!»m| to another brightened o* i»!cd. affording to iht «onsi*nry or for- :;*lfu)m *s of ihe a brent one, but H iv« » ale.- » pure preventive of any per- ifdik -treiffent lo it» wearer.

t aoJernnity by *'Iter t«>ORjfn« t

f trch d u ck e .3 « Z/C&-

*Ht; was sweep* away thy thrtmu of Au.-t.ria, thi* Arcbduchf-rs Ki?«. form­er I'lincnsa Parma, wilt be Auairia’* future rp.ieen. Her iiliaband. Archduk'* Cliarleit i* heir to the throne of AmilrmHuagary.

The future queen ha« on** child. Prince Fratix Joseph Otto, it sturdy Ittih* boy wtto has just celebrated his fira! birthday

........ - ...... .... unlovely* a-....,Hot! (tint he Had hlmseif te*ted th* Wonderful properties nf the tiirqiolse,

! «nd found them unfailing In their ef-i it!* faihrr,,having glsrn bin a handsome i inrrmolac ring, hi* life henceforth become

I1 charmed, and notwiihstandlnv rl*ky tourney* end breakneck fall*, nl* bone*

I remained intact. Every time that h* • e;soaped injury, however, th» faithful and iin*r!fi*h turquolee was fotma >o hove *ustalned * sharp crack. In the

, place of It* master.! tt is diffleolt to believe that *en»iltte

I‘ resn living only a century «r two ago, should hove er-rtouely tvejievcd and ** iertoi|»tv written down (heir nonsenre-

j l.ot i» seem* le** astonishing when w»! eonsfdar that-t» this d*w many native*! "f ttslv, Spain *od Itu**!* »ti!l vie*r i -und their peo*<» IHMc amulets or Image*

e slow ly bu* surety going hack Fur w to the ottf-fasbioti'ul hoop akirts Tho winter,

pp‘* kklHh at*t dircttlar hi fonu uriij trinitii' d at h ast lour yards around tho bottom, if you t: skmio of these art- formed by godtrt* the furor which run up to tin* hip mid ot httvo (ho ful|iii*na outy m iho e

OfTvcccastty those skirt? »f*- rhori Stitno tif them being Halit ion incln-a fropi, tin- ground.

I-b**j very much worn litis «equt» ewstumeAmt it liUtrk veivs'l skirt I ’p tv* date, utider all the wide villi; MiirHit or nmiiiiey Dir, skirts, then* Is ftlwajii « iiuriow one, i afford if. will put .son in hut one emt yafety pyomiso that this

! be dispvti*s*i! with befor** the winnil'll With lo*o* i'el Vet rltitHin umbra nee of ;** A black

A» i» till* t.is- with withi short •kirt*. lilglt French heels trill be the only kind worn

The iithletle girl can no longer wear '(•llnkera "

r the. hi-o ffr

: PlowHie {&!!, theii longer (Inm to calltn by .‘•prltig tt wilt he etodcr for* the Argo number of (itirou* r«>o!» to pro“-

Buy “Redcliffe British-made Corrugated Iron■ money within (be Empire. Buying foreign made iron mean* that the foreign*' gets

the Empire are juat that much poorer—-that"* wrong.

THE METALLIC ROOFING CO. LIMITED belies i the Ontario farmer ;* | e f ami t he quality high*

the fol low ink rpeyjnj


Frclgiit prepaid t<

Kvety far mi?!’, shot foreign-mad** e> <*d in the Klilfdo', an ••Rede!iff* ' Htui-;

Sidint; UUa K nnd

28 (Jauge"$3.60 per 100 sq. feet 26 Guage--S3.80 per 100 sq. feet

ny slat on in Old Ontario, T*nri- a h .w.ltjj she order. We can »i-u aupi-iv SP'-Hiil prlcea also quoKul for other parts of I'titiada,welcome tbU opportunity q« buy gutintevd Hriti*tt>mmle good* m prWe e*>«id sell you KeysTone and other foreign-made sheets, but- be btijiu^'<* expect every patrioilc farmer to bu ck n» up by sending »g his u.-dcr ndr* Galyauked Sheets, when eomiKate.l by us. are absolutely dependable f»ihts ^ p I ilurablUty.'Sciid us jour order now Special reduced -u.c, ,.K,» quoted for "Metallic* Steel

Metallic'' Steel Felling and Wall Plater- dtuubix and beautiful, Forrespnnd- plans. Tell us your problems.V/e will gladly help you with your


• talvanivcd '*Gast* ■take'' Steel shiaRlea "ftcdilltfc" llrlUfitt- niailc 'Corrugated Iran make the ideas Iwirn eOVcrhiR.


Famous Blunders in British Com­mons Speeches.

Like the Irishman who said his rape had only one end because the other hail been cut a way. John Burns when in* tqiqke r<< ctitly of "throwing out » ! HWlntr in parliamcat. provided » very atinn»iiiR JthKitratlon nf the art of mak­ing a ntut'Oicnt which •-ciitrHdicts it* :;Ht; AUudtng f> one of Hie labor ment- l«-ra ditrinK thl* eOiifcc of a debate, the prraident nf the British hoanl of imile snld. "1 xlioulil lfk-> »u throw the Honorable member a lifeline, »u that 1 Bsljlttt pluck him »* a brand from the burning."

It recalls tit" Inmou* "bull'- mad*: be sir William Hart-Dyke, the Union- i*j rx.wlptelcrftvtho caused uproarlou* laughter in the House «f t'omraons one day l» n-marklng. "The right hon­orable gentleman has caught big fist in bis time. He has gone to the top of the tree to find them."

Alluding »« n» Hhu of £2,000.000 in the army estimate < on«* year, a certain meruber des-erltied i! as 'a flea bite in the ocean." while another, advocating an increase hi the Kuropenn troop.' employed in India, remarked, "You niav depeed upon it. sir. the nalo face of the, British soldier Is Die backbond of the’ Indian army.”

An Irish member. speaking of suicide, said. "The onlj way to stop It- is to make it a eapltnl offence, punish­able with death.” it «■*»» *h" «um'’member who assured the House that ■As long a* Ireland was silent under lmr wrongs. KiiRhtnd whs deaf to her < rle* ” while U was during a debate on the scandal of i a< ked jurie* during th«* Irish troubi-s that a member In sup- port A»f the government exclaimed, "By trial by jury have I lived, and by the bleraiag of tied with trial by jar*- I will die.”

Then* vena a wild howl of delight, too. when some prosy member wa« careless enough to remark. "The time has tome and Is rapidly arriving, which Is equal to Jim cry of the men her who wished a motion »in 'at t i*' bottom of thi* bottomless pit."

When It was stated on u money grant that It was uiijuat to saddle jma- ti-rltv with a debt incurred to hiuiefu the present one member asked, "Why should we beggar ourselves to betP r posterity? What has posterity done for ti* r The laugh following rather jnrprlsisj him. as be was unconscious of liia blunder, and to* promptly raa l ' matters worse he saving, ’ ST, hy pos- teritv t do not mean our aurestei* but those who com.* Immediate’ .-- a.* ter them."- lumiioii Fhroniete.

->rr'r»»>tlv mad'* *1 wtth je*,»* <-ha*m»

Economical Woman.Most men are not bu»sed with sueh

a treasure of n wife as Is Langley "My wife Is the moat economical

woman in the world." confided Lang­ley to » friend one night, with pro­found pride. ‘ 'Why, do you know, she's even found a use for the smelt of m* motor earl"

••Great heavens! Do yon mean It?'* exeiftltned ills friend.

"Surest thlnK. you know. She bang* cberaeeloth ou*r tfc»* gasoline exhaust nnd pin ks aviay her fur* In It to keen the moths out during the summer Harper s Magazine.

Too Polite.

The thread of many

,ilk that

?lr ear-

Some women cant*- lV thy married look, oven after the:, b et .-at-* widows

In most eases th' kindne*s yield* nsor- butter.

Soma peoples Idea - .< i*iilfltli:i :sa 60 cent article i.iatk.ti down *.<* GJ

that may he worth t- cents;There are lots tif fi*n>d peoplt* hi

earth, and there are it lot tiiure about six tut below the crust.

Almost any man n,ay work inf',- wdf up to n high degree of populur- ftv with hi* neighbors by lakhig up bis residence* on an *uihttiab*,ted is land tn tu?d-ta »*«n Fineinnatl Tlniv-


•ep. tin* end of all,--

ĵ Provioclal bharity ? -FDear Mr Edit*Ft?~

Thanks fer tho privilege of appeal Ing through your columns on behalf of tha HoapPai for Sick Children. The Hospital take* car* of atek and do- formed children, not only in Toronto, but tn the Province, outside of the city

Thia coming year, of all the year* teeth* H-japitars history, ha* a mor* • crux** outlook, a* regards fund* for malntonanre, than any year that baa phased us calendar.

So many r.sdh* are being made on tb* purse* of the gonerou* peopl* of To­ronto and Ontario, to help the soldier* of the Kmplr*. 'Thai as 1 make my daily rounds through the ward* of tb* Kosrual. and *e* the suS-rlng chil­dren id our cois and bed*, the thought slrlkoe me a* to whether the people will a* of old. with ail the demand* made upon them, answer oar appeal and help to maintain the Institution that I* lighting in the never-ending battle with dlsraw and death, tn tt# endeavor to save the stricken Httte ones tn tho chUd-tlfe of Onlario.

Last year Gienv wore S9J In-patlcnta from 210 t'a -'r* nuUtde of Toronto, and in U- ( > t twenty yoara there have 1"* : *t‘ ) from place* In th#Provfr. <• <*!h. >- than Toronto '

It fee-. ::•* S? !« per patient per day for i. >. >-.ance. The aunirtpabtie* pay -fot patient* *l P*r p«tle»t per day, the (Jovornmant nllow* fh •,onW per patient per dar; co. dedaettns ll.SO from *! J«. H leaves the JIotpHai with 11,14 to pay out of siibxcrlptlone It reoelvc* from th* people of Toronto and Ihe Province Tho shortage '?«t year ran to

Since I860 about l.dOh vi«* « of club font, bow Icri and knonk knee* have been Irested. and or the*-? V?b had perfect correciton Ne»rl* all the*# were from different p*'t* of the Pro­vince outside of the city of Toronto,

Remember that ov-rv year !» a war year with th# Hospital: every day t« a day of banle. every minute ih* Hospital need* money* not for its own wke but for the children * siV* Th# Hospital I* th- battleground *u*r*ih# Armies of have grappl'd w«'i <h# Host* of Death, and the hf# or death of (hciu*andi of Bttle ehlhlieu Is th« issue that i* settled In that **r. Will you let the Hrspi’ at b<* driven from th* Held of ItA h>.*Gi* to *av# th# live* of little ehildfetv for the lack of money von can gt'w and never m!*x*

Even dollar mhv vr<.\e it*e'.f « flreadticmghi in the haul# againM d**a'h. a ftagsh'p tn ill'' He'.-I that fight* for ihe live# ef 1HH» children

Remember ll,*; *?*e «5«or of 'he Ho* pita)'* marry 1« the dc*or of hope, and vowr dollar b*r:ii rc-edr: may be th# kev that e*.".« the doer fer mis# bodv'w child

Will you refill n dollar, or ni-'r# If

.1 It OS:* HOB HUTSON. Cbnlrnu* H the Hoard of Trustoag,


IV A L K E R T O N T E L E S C O P E , W A L K E R T O N , O N T ., D ECEM BER I Oth

G IV E A S U SU A L7 / I\» uof let the holiday season of 1914 pass without the usual gifts cv.*u

f j though it takes an extra effort to provide them. Make the Christmas / season a., merry and as joyous as possible under existing eircutnstauces

by giving useful and practical gifts. You will fiud T H IS S T O R E ready as never before with acceptable gift suggestions so economically

price*! that the buying of every item oh your list will not be a burden. BE­GIN’ YOUR SHOPPING TO DAY.

F A N C Y K N I T T E D S IL K M U F ­F L E R S FO R M E N .

A rich collection of these useful and very pretty silk knitted mufflers. Nothing that you may select makes a more acceptable gift than these. They come in very pretty shades and two- toned effects with fringed ends. Ex­ceptionally good values at S O c,7 S c $ 1 .0 0 to $ 1 .5 0 .

M E N ’S S IL K SO XFine shot and plain silk hose, black

and red shot aud plain black grey & tan shades,size 9 to 11, prices 5 0 oc 7 5c

T H E N E W S H IR T S FO R M ENO u r big purchase of holiday lines are

in stock. We assure you of an unusually attractive choice of new designs aud col­orings. Prices $ 1 , $1,125 & $ 1 .5 0


We’ve never shown a finer range cf high grade Christ­mas ties. The patterns are neat and new and shadings perfect. Made of fine lus­trous non crushing silks,flow­ing ends. Three special grades 2 5 c , 5 0 c and 7 5 c .


to r X m a s G iftsTEA APRONS made in fine dot

muslins au<l organdy, point luce and torchon lace trimmed, 2 5 c , 3 5 c , 5 0 , and 7 5 c.

P re tty B o u d o ir Caps, 5 0 cA big shipment of the very newest

Yestees, Military Flares, and Flare Bows, in tulle, l«*e aud organdy at 2 5 c , 3 5 c , 5 0 c and 7 5 c .

FURS a Splendid GiftI We re showing a beautiful lot __

of furs made of high grade I s ip s , Sables, Mink. Marmot,| and Wolf. Stoles in large two | skin effects; throws aud shawl I collars with ■ ■ ■ muffs to match in \ large pillow, bolster aud rug

shapes. The values are excep­tional! v good. Prices from $ 4 .0 0 to $ 1 6 .5 0 .


FINE SILK UMBRELLASMen's and Womens Umbrellas, «ilk and wool materials

and pure silk ou closely rolling frames, silk cased. Fine long

handles with Sterling silver, rolled gold and pearl mounts,

with silk cor* and tassel. Specially priced at $ 1 .7 5 , 3 .2 5 , and 4 .5 0 .

Men’s & Boys Overcoatsi We’re giving some ,VO? jderful values in men's and boy:; overcoats. I hey arc fashionable, splendidly tailored aud

lined ami are made of the newest materials such as Chin­chillas and new.- tweeds in brown, grey and navy. Prices $ 4 .5 0 , 6 .0 0 , 8 .0 0 ,1 0 .0 0 ,1 2 .0 0 a n d $ 1 4 .0 0

Stephan Bros.

giving at nil. I f I had *uppor:e t H»c ition tojgrnnl live bundled dollar*

out of Lhrt township fuuil< without ‘ he c «>( the rate-payer* of Giver-oclf, I would he forcing them t<t con­tribute tplhi* fund, vvh'thrr they

U h tao j not am! I would feet that I was robbing Peter to pay l’*ul and would bejjiiri a* guilty no if I put l»V hand into their pocket* and teok their

y. iOur Government hove itk iil for luetu who wore willing logo to the front to light in the battles o f the Bril inli Empire. i f G if crock hod no who offered their service* would

l'hikerti» curmpondent hi the council tone the joung men *0 do their duty nod mud on trmtiv no n >• our neighboring townships. Wo dtoul l not forget that thi* Ual*t> a voluntary contribution,. Canada b »» sent thirty three thousand men *cic*t* thft fto to light in the batlvs: of the Empire. Him has also tlitis-ml* of non in training ready to go when tho

call o f duly conn* aud notune of these wore forcd lo go apaiutt their

will.Our government Is forced to spend

million* of dollar*! caused by tint ter- rible war, which fin people o f Canudit will hare to pay whether lb« v tvUh to or not for it i* the bueine** «.f our gov­ernment a* Sir WilfiVd Laurici In*

said to give our I r*t dollar and our last man if need bo. in defence of the Brit­ish Empire. And it is the btisima* of our government to -«y how rids mon­ey •b«ll be raised * 0 that each tuan living in Canada will be forced to pay hia ahare for tlic protection ev m tc* eelving living under the UrltUb l l « i 1 tliiok this i«* ll 1 uetd hiv, bopi- ing your correspondent will give thr matter Ida most set ton* consideration that the light may shine in.

Thanking you. Mr. Editor for the •pace in your paper.

Yours.Neil MeKiuni

PINKERTON , tfitiU' n number from here at Undid 1 the box *ocml at the sixteenth school hwtMw«A» Friday evening, fbSy unite

I to pi ui*.utti.lug it the best they evtr < siltrudod. The proceeds which go to

— - ..........- .arfrpt* j ih va ’u of the Bvlglattfc amouuttd t<»in the rrcsbyteihn contx-b last . SS2.VJ.

Mbs Myr.ie Garjamt jt iuu.nl .T, litL'tgfik-mb in i’ iiisv-y hut iv* ,vk. Her. .Mr. Gale preached very

1 For the hem'U* «>t Visitor* to tie dr. aLd Mu. Rybrtk of the J « w‘- beg » « announce ibaltbecen*1, con., lb nee, Suud.tytil M.r. j . tral telcphoii* office for Ontario is nut •Km-V, \ ’ located at Finkerldn though thefomd

£ m **m *t$*0* * * 9* * £*sam * 1


Two Weeks until Christmas

This week we are displaying a large range of Christmas D r y Goods, Men’s Furnishings, etc,

He Would LikeA suit, an overcoat, a swcalercoat, a shirt, a

hat, a pair cf gloves, a muffler, a tic, pair of braces handkerchief* or numerous other articles:

What She Would Like. A fur coal, a fur neck piece, a. fur muff, a

cloth jacket, a sweater coat, a waistv neck scarfs aprons, collars, gloves, hosiery aud fancy handker chiefs, etc.

What They Would LikeTable linens, cloths and napkins to match

five-o'clock side-board covers, tray cloi hs, centrepieces, towels

GroceriesNew arrivals in finest select raisins-, vo/rauis,

dates, figs, peels, oranges, and lemons, etc,

J . M 3lppelP ro d u ce W a n te d

* W W ' » M * I '

P h o n o S 3

f of poles might lend or,« to tliat con­clusion, the Bruce Iturul having, sdd' cd thrir quota to Beil and electric light pole* last week. We umlvr««aml

! they have quite u mimbei' o f oubtci lb-

A large consignment of book* lmv been iceelv«d by the librarian for the public library

Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. Thompson »nd daughter o f Glamis Suttdaytil at Mr. Cecil Gotland's.

We uoderMond that Mr. Samuel Raeburn is thinking of bUiling h fu farm. W e wi>h him all buccsss in hi u»tv vent me, and arc prepared to oi d-tr a “ codu" coat or fut -lined hoot any time.

C o m m u n ic a tio n

Tu thf Kditor <j the TelcMripe.

De*r Sir;“ H |k a in it er of profound regret to

moat of the pitriutlc people of the . tcwuihip that at the morning held ' t>.>itie tiiUedgo to disauit the matter 0 f motion to contribute .some hundred* o f dolt *r* to the patriotic fund defeated, the vote being we un ite- eltu l three to two. In view of the subataitial sum* voted by the neigh- h iring township?, Greeabck it to **>' thu It* i*t u « l very t-rtdiuble.’’

The above ctilicisut appeared in the Pinkerton new* in last week* issue of till Telescope. With all duo respect to the op’uioueof your corr.*»pm in regard to th- action of tli-) Green ock CpWitcii in defeating tho motion to grant live hundred dollar* . (*> the patriotic (uind 1 would like to *»y a few wotd* imping he may neelhc light and come G» the fohl. Tho Ref- orniitlon is still gefeg on and wbilt the lamp tmlds ou to burn, the great­est siontr may return.

We sitoutd n it forget tbV. tlie paGi otic fond i* made up o f voluntary con* tVibuliuii* to help relieve the sutfvr- iug« of our fellow in tit caused by thkt horrible war. Oar government has not o*t any obligation* upon u*. bnt It it a privilege ami a duty we owe to ouc fallow man to give pat t at least of what Providence has bles-ed iin with win'd we see the great need. There la money pouring in from all earner« of llii? e.tillt; sum • are giving up their wealth like water, while oilier* are not giving as much and some are not

DEATH OF MBS. DlKTftlCII.The sndile.i and unespreted death f Mrs. Albert Dietncb of Htvet*dsle. >f acute on vous prortiatiun which oc­

curred at Paisley on the morning of Dee. 1st., where she aud hrr husband had h«*u visiting Mr*. Dieliich’s untie,

P. O'Kagan, has cast n gloom over the community. Mrs. Dirt rub. Margaret OTfegnn, eldest daughter of the lave Kugece O'lfegan, had spent all her life in the parisiiv*c.f Chepstow and Bivctsd-de and from her.early giilbood wa* u fevorlle of evetyooe. Her kind nod sympathetic nature en­deared her to everyone. T«enty-tbr<e years ago she mauiid .Mr. Aibott Dietticli, who. together with a large family of eleven cbtldrtn, n o It f t to mourn bw. J’bc funer*! took plate frcui the feutdy tesiden.o to the cbnrch cf St. Ai;tte in it vsisdale, on Thursday moiuit g, Die. Hul., where requiem high mm* was celebrated by Hev. Fat be 1 Capps tor the repose of theeoui of the drcettHd. The fuueinl wasonc ot the tarpesf ever seen in ltiveisdaie. I he p»lilaM)er< were Deuuis Phrlai*. Anhie McKinimChutlrond, John <?«»*idy,Jr.. T .....Mullln and James Quintan, The chief mourners wete hep liusbatd, Albert Dieti icR Mr. and Mrs. L. Brnniuger, (Lily Dk-trivh.rAgue, DiYui.b. Joe Dietrich, Eugene Dfeulch, Mrs. Hug. 0 ifegun and her four Stine, uncle* ol the deceased. D Thoma* N'ichofee aud Patiick O'Hagan bet aunt* and imele* Mrs. Pmlebua, Mrs Hoyle, Dim C lfeg-m, EiUa.d n'pii Tljaiuds McEu- ter, P. O'Hagan of f-sirfey » nd Hrniy Kimine, Mis. Dic^iich stlirt-e sister

Mi*. Dcningir and Mr*. IV ik ir of Montana and Mis. Dorsey of Allotte, were nnwjld© to he pii-feat. Mi*. Dlel»ich:te«*ra behind to inetitn h*r mi'iim-ly lentil her huslut i| amt rlev j cn chililten. the yonngrit r*f whom ' is but tht<-e year* o f :*gr. Just thru* week* ago her rldest daughter Lily was iiiarrlril to Ioiwren e PenlKRer ot Utaud Valley. The eldest »oo J«*trph ia <»t presen*. teacher of the Hivovdale public school. Amongst tin »o w ho attended tho funeral wer*: J>coa‘ or j and Mis. Donnell -y, Dem is Pin l*n. Iteeve of Greertiick, Mr. and Mis.) Ht.yh-of Port 11 then, Jlleii., Ur.'."ho*. O’ilagnn of NV indsor, and Mr.and Mj*. Beuiuger of (hand Valley, It. J. Clancy, J, S. Mtmel, J Kogan, Wto. Couinni.t a id srv* t* l others ftotn Chepstow Hid Mr*. Petit m * of Wa;k- -rtoo. Hev. Kalin ' Oppa trfem d tuoat feelingly in hi* eoman to f t r deathof Mis. Dietrich and sdilrrs-nl to the bareaved family and friend* words of em sofetiou. sjwskirg of the beautiful chilMinu chsinctrr of the deceased aud the bond* i f faith and love which still united tho mourning household with iLc dr nr dr pm led in heaven.Heat to thy l>caul Ifni £i ul «r.o*h«r and

ivitenad (ilend The dawn of thy life ha* begun; to tbe

ctastenirg ri d wo 1 t-rd.Fail h in that .final n-uniou. love that

survives tho grate Bosomed in Christ nod His Mcthfr

there arc the vroj-da that cfctcr.-Conti iboted.

CKRINT.M AS.SAILING.In eonneetion with (he Christma*

•ailing* of Canadian Padtle Stemn- •hip. ‘ •Mi*sohahh'" nnd Allen' Hue •team-hip “ Seniidinavinn” from west St. John, on December loth. The Can u< 1 inii Pnelllc Hallway w ill o|*einte sol­id tliKmgh -iH-cinl train romjKwd of th--t anil second rla— <-|iiipmeOt ami hinrh counter. Imr leaving Toronto at P to a m Monday Dee. I lth.running d;n*ct to steuin*ht J»*‘ sole. Part id i- lai* from any V. P. H. Tieket agent, or Write M. (J. 'Morphy. District Pits* smiger agent. Toronto.

BOX SOCIAL AT BAIRDS.:Baird'*, school house, which ha*

Ixien the srvne o f many a sud-r-**fni eutertniumeut. was parked tothedoor Inst Friday evening, when a fm.v social tVa* given in aid o f the Patrioth- fund. I'lie programme which was well k -o- leiisl throughout, consisted of n-ud- Ing- amt irritation*, and vocal aud iosjnuoeotal music. The tuanner in

hieh the chitdrt'li nequltteil theiu- •lve* •■very time they n|>j*ermsl. «•*- i

p.-einUy in ail Indian drill, gave cvid-: e:n;o of eaieful and elllcieut training, A laughable farce, cntithsl "Wmli- day at L«)tfilt-opjien*r in which Mi** Ko—feldl aiol .Mr. Frank W'ehenkel di-plaved talent seldom -ecnon the amateur -Iage., brought down the muse. Some clever sketching by .Mr. >. Krnmp was tnuch enjoyeil by the

mnliei.ee. Mi** IJua ll.. »feU * *oK "Tliere's a mother old nnd grey who need* mo now'' receiv.sl very hearty appl.-ur-e nod in la-spottM- to repealed eneotr*. Mi** Ho*»feldt sang. "\\ hip- jHsirvvili." •■It - a long way to Tipper­ary" was given in masterly style by- Mr, Steve Brorkelbnuk. by amale chorus. "Tent ing on the old camp ground*’ by Mi**. - Bariev ual feldt and M.*v*rs BroekelGink nnd Hos-fehlt concluded this very «• lent ptogvam.

Mr*. Holm's violin accompaniment added nmeh *o t jlb evening'* entertain



"MADE IN ONTARIO”We are not going to make a big splurge

here of the immense bargains we are giving; hut we are giving

B A R G A IN S , B E T T E R B A R G A IN Sthan you can get elsewhere in the country-

This BeautifulOAK

ROCKERUpholstered iu

Art Leather for

$.700You can't beat this as it is catalogued at $7.30 in the Mail Ord­er house catalogues.

B rin g y o u r frie nd s and te ll y o u r ne igh bo rs o f th e B a rg a in s at

E. MYLE’SF u rn itu re , R ia n c t . C i ( t r > f i d

S e w in g M achines.

M c B U R N E Y 'S — a

Christmas FairSpecialsWednesday Dec 16th tve expect a crowd here from

far and near, we are giving these ext-oadiuary induce­ments to encourage early Xmas shopping.

20c aud aSc emboridered aud hemstitched baud- kerchief 15c each "2 for 25c.

Beautiful brocade velvets black aud all new co’ors, $1.00 special Fair day 79c yd.

Fancy beaded votUe waists patterns worth $3.00 speci il $2.2a each

Ladies $2.qo fancy erepe waists, white, all sizes special $1.95 each

$1.00 and $i.25 knitted silk mufilers and silk scarfs special 75c each

$0.50 silk and satin underskirts, while they last special $2.95 each

25c and 35c silk ribbon 4 to 6 inch wide all colors special 15c or 'l yds for 25c

2 <loz ladies* fancy collars to clear at x/x regular prices.

5oc wool totjucs all colors, special 35c each Childreu 25c vests all sizes, while they last special 15c.

75c uhool umbrellas,steel rods, special 49c each $3. 50 wool blankets 60 x 80, special $2,1»5 perpair.

A ll winter bats fox ladies, Misses and children at less than half price.

Winter coating, per yd $3.00 for $2 50, $2.25, §2.50 for $1.75, $2.00for $ i 50

i2*/2 and 15cwrapperette and flannelette,special only 10c yd

Boys overcoats $9 00 for $6.5o, $8.00 for $5.0o, 86,50 for $4.95. S3.50 for $2.7*

Sweater coats, all colors and combinations at a savin g cf * j to x j ou regular prices, all the new styles show it.

We also have a big table of short ends of all kinds of goods at a big saving, you will be sure to sec some­thing you want.

M c B U R N E Y <& C O .

Mi. D JvMvH f tin-

him. The j>k

(.'•Kill**the ^hnmtuvr n( the *;

•fii‘1 mmlv h nuiim a riaiutr «m*U<«ivev amomiti*! t<> about St*), Tlio

ahtgiug.uf ilia Xiitiminl Atilluuti brmight a vlu-i* nu vutvitalumviit that was votiri hy one atul nlUo l v tlio I «■*« I'U'i* hvM in thU ohl hi-loi'ia buiMiii^,

Notice of D issolution o f P a rtn e rs h ip .

NicKle _ P la t i n g

Automobile Parts * Bicycle Parts Hearse Trimmings Sanitary Supplies Table Ware Stove Parts Surgical Instruments

Etc.The Madlgon Plating Works

WikoliAM, O.vr.

S. EIHnflhausen - AncntW.\t.Ktctm»,N - Ontaiiio


Walkerton’s Straight Cash Storeis splendidly prepared with a magnificient stock of Christ­mas and General Merchandise to supply Christmas Fair Buy­ers and Xmas Shoppers.


Xmas Fair Dec. 16thThis event will he celebrated at Carswell's Walker- ton’s Leading and Largest Store with msny unusual offerings iu all departments.

F u rs ! Funs IOur eut'uv stock ou sale *( reduced price*. Thrteouly ladlts.* A -

iracban coat*, giiataotvfil ptifict goed# ngfVJ Fair day price $17.50

Manual Muff* rvg $13 .’*1 for f*,H>“ ■’ '#t*t.oo for ffl.U>’ ■ - O.&Ofer 4 3»V “ «.5'> for

Mat mot «tulv* $13.50 for... .$S.l!5 ■* * “ tJ.uQ tot . . . #.95

“ “ lO.Oo fo r....•> ,,.u« 10.50for ... 0.05

C ir*wall's entire stock of mens suils *n<i nveemts t*» bo clean'd ■tt grouly rcdiicvil prlvos

'>*} utily ttveetl *u»l*.(12 lotto, Fair day price ..§t.4.».'i

25 Men'* hvavv winter everaottt* c<mvcrtlbl« collar*, teg $12 to8!5 Fair day pries...................$«.K*

10 Mon'* fur vail w. cur! hood co its u-g ?15, Fair day prica . . . . . . . ........... f ‘*95

L-tdias’ shd MG*-» Smsrl style coats, i vti 2515 to for .. $10.05 timdeof very Irtiest *tvhi cloth* and mix (wefd* and coil cloth* la grey*, blown*, navy, tan, vypeii nnd black,

|13 for collar coals for .. ,$10 {?fi 2>i far collar coat* for, . .. 11.03 7.5(1 M i**»-i>* coni* for .... 3.1*5 0.50 ahlldtenV coat* for ,. 365

12 Infants coatato clear Fair d*y p rice ............ ................. $2.35

S ix Special S ta ples for F a ir D ay36 loch heavy flanelcUc regular

13j? for .................. . .. t»*c36 inch heavy grey cotton rc«10c foi" .............. .. . . . . . . 7' c36 Inchiudigo biooptiut rcgolat

I5c fo r ............................. II Jc

■30c lonvy black drill nod cot'ou*dc for ............................. ... 22c

Extra heavy flannelette shirringivg 15c for....................... ll^c

30 to 15 inch chintz rrgolar 15c for. — > .y . . . . . . . v ..... -.7tc

C h ris tm a s G ift S pecialstfiOO Lttl ca' embroidered hand­

kerchief* 7 (a t ...... . . . . . 25c25doK-n Ltdlcv' embroidered

handkerchief- reg 20c 2 for 25c IddoMy Ladif.-'Muffler* leg 25c

2 for............................... 25c.3or ladle* wool and bilk

f<.c ..................... 2i*c6o« ladies' wool and atlkscaifa UKr $1.25 *• ** :• btlc1,25 •• Kid Gloves ....Wki

35c Fancy cellar* ................ ‘i!»c'5cfancy cellar* -------. .. -53c

2»>C*5 Men’s Etccldn bandketchi v7 f o r ................................25c

26 dozen Men's silk Initial bar d-kerchie»*ri'8 25c fo r ------ 15c

.YJc Men's elllt tic# tox«*d for 36c 25 dozen Men's suspender * at U*c 5 dozen Men's muffler* f t fi r ij‘ic 10 dozen Men** black LLma Fox

for 20c

Grand Display ofall Christmas Goods every­thing special price marked for Fair Day and Christmas Shoppers._____ :___________ ;

CARSWELLS'"You Pay Less Here”


Fine Brush GiftsMany attractive and useful gifts can be chosen from our

large lino of all kinds of the finest quality bristle goods— Hair Brushes, Military Brush Sets, Clothes Brushes, Bonnet Brushes, etc,, etc:, in ebony and ivory.

If you are undecided about what to buy a look around the store may help you out. You are welcome.

Watch our window display.

Hunter's Drug StoreDmms and Kedah* C. P. K- Tichtl Afflict'

Christmas SuggestionsFrom Sieverigh*’s

A Box of Chocolates A Kodak

A Box of Cigars A Case of Perfume

Som ething in Ebony Goods A M anicure Set

L eather Goods Handsome box of note paper

Christm as Cards. Tags and Seals

A . P . SIEVERIGHTDrugs and Kodaks

l»aKe Your Christmas

Selections Horn

W e'll gladly reivi-ve I hem for row.

Shop uo\y t t ’linic in to- day nut look overpur very complete stock atyour le'*- !»■«•. W l1 shall be. glad to tiserve >our order* until yoateall for them

c . n. t o xJm x lltr . iUjIhericn.

W h a t W o u l dY o u l i k e for a

C h ris tm a sP r e s e n t?

You will find some­thing here that will be "Just thetr.ing."

Here ia . -m excel­lent display of the lat­est novelties in Jewel­lery-Rings, broaches, lockets, n e c k l e t s , bracelets . cuff - links and scarf pins.

Dainty China1! too, and Cut Class. Pretty Bed-room Clocks and Parisian Ivory and Eb - ony toilet articles.

We will be pleased to show them to you.

R. L . G ib so n

Alfllmiioy-' for,Xnnr» iicvkv

Give |K*l'f»nn<\ get it iti Sii'V

Pa|*clt ie-. all prices al Siov

Bend .McBium-y's Xmii*



ulid value in jm-i lu im - a l Kiev

display of hand-

Iiidtrtivoiy lmtliieitri*- s c ls a tS ic v right*

Film 4*11-w Stephan Hod

xil 'MVOnivr coat*

I, issuer; <>( iiinti Inge

1 hymn t**ok*

G iftsOur Store is Full of

Them NowTies, .Scarfs, Shirts, Brace, fj loves, II a mi kerchieft*, Arm Bands, Garters, Sox, everything in Men a Wear.

See the Ties we are soiling In Fancy Boxes at 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Sen our special shirt we uro offering during Cbristmas week for 80c.

T o H e lp o u t t h e W o r k in g M a n

We arc putting on Sale from now till Xmas ail our Hats, Caps, Underwear, S.uocks, Overalls, Heady :to: wear Pants, Shirts, etc., at 20 per cent oil.

Come In and inspect our Store of -Kraus Goods.

G. T. ROURKEQuality Tailor & Men's Wear

Walkertou, Ontario.

Tuesday o f this week un-ing day. o f rabbit limiting.

t ’hildien'.s W hile Rutd*n> up to sixe I i" ttje Hhwman.

T*hv Hisd *novv*«lu»emg party of the year wa» given mi Tuesdity evening.

!i*l lbs uf Gunn* hog meal is equal »o.y>»ltw *>f grain.— C, F. Nutting,

i i ’hone

Poultry Dressing—fresh Nig**, mhii- i nter savory attd thyme in >V< packages| a t Hunter*.

| Women’* *1 ami $ t 5*V Shoes, clear* jin g a t SitVi, in the window*-~R.im*ey i I he Shornmn.

We have a full stock of Men's. Wo in- [tit's and Children's warm i Ramsey tin1 Shnctnnn.

Gunn's hog meat will make s ;ll"g*t«lw ig in a few . d ity*.-' Nutting. Agent WnlfeeHon.

Mr. and Mr*. IS. B Schwindt *pvi Sunday in Hanover.

Men *, high-grade Arrow shirts SM 1 Jo $l.al>~St|»ahnii lim s

.MjN-einl values in mink iiiiuiliol fin * atid muffs at Su-pluvn Brian

Aland .Vh- I sixes o f Willards bilk- dipt ehoeolates at Sieverights,

Tim finest Inf o f Indies’ and men’* handkerchiefs at Stephan Ht-os.

Y*>t-ViJny wan T ag Dag. the pH), cned* going to ih* Red Cioss Fund.

Men’s Hue silk ties and knitted silk urnffhasi for g ills at Steplmn Ihsi-,

Come in *ttd»ee ih for X tints gift* for men ami l oy*.—Kou» ke’■> m en* More.

A diamond ring makes a U-autiful X iiiiis present. — See Heichenlwik. jeweller.

Hi** M tCaitrr Harr.rts C«»'y have it- sued a large number of attractive cal* emlai a.

A lied-tinnil dock m akes tr gisslgift. A large iissiirlnienl in sloifk a t It. 1..(•ib-on's.

Y^4’. Nutt Jug is (hum's ugelll f>n" hoy meal, eatf meal. \ . |sml(i y f.«>ds Phone ISC

Women's Satin SlipiK'i-s in hlack, pink and »vhite in »t<n/fc~n«m*ey the Sti,Hinaii.

For the very latest styles in bran-h-ts. l.w kvts, searf.pins. e tc.. K“ R.I.. Oilison s.

By using tiuiiu's hog nieal yon save ■Jd on your h-,s| Idil.—Ayt. Ntit- liny, Phone 0>f,

IttsUlvvil rates P. P. It. fm Xluas - Uet your tiekets at town otllee lim it, el ’s Drag Slope,

I toy's >vrell shn'vl e.illar o\eiv. wai'iiiiy lined, at sperm! prii’e Stephan line..

The county couueif have ordered that electric lights tic installed in nil county building*.

Mit . M. McNamara o f NoHIt H»y ia vieiting a t the home of her sor. Mr F . H. McNamara.

Mr. Dave Best of Lethbridge, Altin is renewiuy aviptaiunmees. arid is vi* it;ny at his home heio.

For a man. a pair o f Dr.Beisl's eusli i.*n slews makes a nii-o pie-.*ut -Sold at Kauisey s Sh«H. Store,

Finnan Haddie l ‘i F i l i e t s Ivike Hetritig and Salt Herring m snli-dft O.MMle,VMeKay.

A full line of cut flower* for t'lui»t m as season, place your oiiler early .- H; M. Norrishr Florist.

Mr. A. Martin ot Brantford has ac­cepted u pesitmn a» m iller a t tlia Wulkerlon Hour mill*.

Mi. Sm ith of Lethbridge ha* beett a giii.'Ml at Mr. J . .1. SciltlliiKcli* ei sduring the past we*k.

y Mr. Jno. Wolfe and *oo William, eft on S tturday for Montana, where

they will (.{icnd the winter .

Place yoiir order early fop choice holly and other decorative given*, with II. M. Norrisfi. Florist.

Jlis * Hilda Welter o f Mildtuti v wa» the guest of Iter eoustn, Mi«» Uo>e Kllingluoisen on AVislnesdiiy,

Mr. Tiros. MeBeath and daughter . Miss .Mary, were visitor* at the home of Mr. Itobl. iihdianisoti thin week.

A beautiful tanjtc o f neckwear in boxes for Xruns gift** 2fi. 35..V). 7f». and $I.IK).—««. 'J*. Kunrlie. uikii'b sto ic.

Dan’lforget the box social in aid of the Red Ffo ts Fund' a t JohnrtouV corner si lint I on Tuesday next. Dec* ember 2.'n J,

Owing to low water earthed by slush in the headrace the K. Tcuax A* Son factory was cleseddowuduring Thin** day afici noon.

who Ini* been a**i*laiitMcKay, local reptexenUtive

of the Department of Agriculture for thepa»t two month*, left for hi* home In UilClpli 1 his week. His place here has but'ii taken by Mr. ilu tch m ou , H. S. A of Mouut Fore*t.

There isjiiothitig that makes » t* r- er Xnins pit-sent than jewellry An Melleiit display of (lie latest novel*

ties at R. I.. liiir.«»n's.

If yon get your Xniii* ( ’lioeol/ilf’s— W illanl's Forkdipt -at llm itei'*. you rail dej*end <m them to lx* right, fri-sh and dnint y—Sole agency.

.Miss M.Cummvr of the High school s 'atf was In Toronto this week, xiieod ing the funeral ol her gruudmolher who died in that city on Sunday.

Among the judge* a t the Xm as Fair werv^Mr. Mwilwr Fividtorne ofUucIpli formerly uf ih e Depf. of AgrieiUtuu* and Mr. A. Duff, the Depaitment*' ri'pre*entati\e of ti»i>y eoniity.

At*a social htdd in Abwtlour Ihdv lie Sehmil Iftsi Kridiiy evening, Rev, Thus Wilson gave his illu*t rated; lih> tm e eu t he w«v. Tin- prmvrds which went to the Belgian’s Aid, ammiiited to$|(*l

Art>you pctplexiti almnt your f lu i»t- mila gineeries? If so. why lint give Us n trial:- Our Fltriidiiius go**N are of finest «tiiality—at sja-eial Xnu»s prieea —the leading grocery. Walkertou.- tiiside.V MeKity.

W hether you buy «»r not. we invite you to d rop in a t onr sto le and ba>k over our g<«*ls. Yon may j*>s.tibly '<■>* the very thing that will help you amt iti some difficult aeleetioti—Hunt­er'* Drug Store

The ideal t'lirid u w steiu em bram e should carry with i l l he utmost of your pctsutlitiity. Nothing eart exeell your photograph in this rrsjH* t. S it­ing* made this wrek can !«• Hniahed for Flnistiinis.—Tlia Fraser Stmlio.

FO R SA I.KSttven leonnal bii«k veiiinicit I n ine

in good iecality —A|ipl} .U uusW Iiitr* head.

< < >.M .M KNt 'EM EN T EX KIM 'ISKN( ‘omiueneemeitt i.*x»>ii'i»4*v will Is*

held in the High* S*'lt<*d building, Tm*sihiy next at 2 p in. Tliediptuiun* won in t in* various courses will la* pre- selded. An inteiest ing pcitgrannm* i* being prepaieii, Two of the l,oy* will give addresses The piddle is eoiviinlly invited,

FK LE TO PA VEM ENT / W hile engaged in repairing the I al* cony at the Central Hotel on Wcdmu- d*y hut, the ladder on which Mr, Roman Balk w#* sianding. slipped ou the icy pavcu.cnt, p iccip itatiig him to tii-mde-wnik. Mr Bolke re­ceived a m istr gash on tlie h*ad but otherwise, fortunately «a» uninjured.

RA CE FA DEED O FF ;Among flics|H'cinl pii/.i** which it

wasadvcitIseil would I*' given at the X iiiiis Fair, wavone of $.VtolH‘ a ward­ed to the Itrst fat iif-r reaching I In* market s,pia«v a fier leaving one of a nnnilH'r of starting |Miinl* hi town at !».■'*»» o'clock. The authorities consider- **l this cnee in l e a dangerous pro- OHilingand nsthe town would !*• held liable slimdd any accident happen. a*k<*d the Fair Association that it I*- cnncelhal. Owing to the condition of the toad* and for the safety of pedes 11 iaiis |In* director* dceiitcd it advis­able that the r a c t '!*• called off and

a* it did not take place.

Plants for the Chiistmns s.-,»soii a bilge assortment as usual, palms, leru-. a/aleas. evelameii. piiniulas. piimi«r*4*s. |«du*eitbis. lagoilirt'. e|e., also lauc>' basket iiitaiigeiuciits at II, .M. Noriish, Florist, plume ll>

SC E O F«#|{ AI.IMONV.T h eiion -ju iy sitting of ihe High

Conn was lu-hka) tin* court house i«u Tuesday, The only case so tai di-.po-.cl

- a suit foi-aiiiumi v brought by Mr*, RussvVorm »<f ihtiiuver ngatlist bet' iiuslwnd who is a resident of Cars-

k township. 'I'lie hearing of the «• was coiieluded W cdiiexlay noon.

Mr. Ju stice K*-Hy *.f Toi«mt*> who was bvsipillg is'-M'i viug hi* decision, Tile

we of the plaintiff i* said to have been o f « very unisruviiielng nature, and her suit w ill pivdinblv Im- miMie-


ESCAPED BY NARROW MAIM*IN i it It.'Ucr received during I >••* past’ k. by Mrs. tirilfin . from Iter Juts*

hind fhe Ih itisli te.M-rvist, w h o is mi the liritig line In ITutns-. thelg tlei' re- iiuiils some of his exiw'l-ieiiees while liightirig in tier trenches, tin oueot- ensioo, Mr. Crifliii eseape*! with hi* life by u narrow umigiii. The tb-r- inan n il llery bad s**-nits! the range of tin-British lines, and a shell burst

t yard* frmil him. killing tl.ii*-o f imrades. He bad oot^ision at

this time to move to another part of t In* IrcMelt a few ytushdislitiit mid had

1y afiaineil h i* new }*ositiou. when a second shell expb«leil at the jMit widest hi* had left , killing a fniu t h

A party of six locrl sportsmen made ■* hnutiog it i|> to Saugrcit juuc* tion one dnv last week and banged thirty fmirrtt*>bits ami it) addition t.i thrso Jim HclVermui one of the nuiii- bit »hot four coon*. The Saturday previous, tea W alxetfonioti* shot fit* ty-iwo hare.

T h e SoWier - Aid Tea Kmart is open •■very Wednewhiy afleriioon and «vv.it- ing uii.tiMeh o'clock. CiU/en» are i *# *pieded to U-ar this in miml and help along a goodchases id’ hoim-mmle liakiug priH-cedsoit Wtahiesiluy of last w eek. nnioiinted to W>.—^

WANTED TO EN O IlA N tiE.A good frame hou*4io t jWUfwrfartu

would pay bal4i,cc/)*i cash. Apply Janie* Whitehead./

TO-NH.’HTRemember I lie Xmas eid ei tainiuciit

o f the Christian and Baptist *umh»y selnad tiefflttllt at 8 o'ebwk- PpK<*eils fm- file Belgians.

XM ASSTOCKThat foi<|unlity. price, and variety,

cannot Ire sur|*assvi|.- raiseijs. currant * Peels Nut-, Malaya gni|a*s. cianbct- »ies. dates, tigs orange*, eonfeetipnvry and chmolate*. a t special price at Geode Ai McKay.

is.W ont- /

BA BE CUB isTENlvl >.The infant sou uf Mr. ami Mi *.Tims.

Kenny w a*rInisieiusl iii Know eltuieh hy Rev. Tim*. Wilson on Sunday morn­ing the nnme gfveu the Ixtlw In'ing Ha told Patrick.

DAUGHTERS O F TH E EM PIRE The regular bietines* meeting of tbe

Daiightcis c.t the Kni)iiie will be held in llm nrmouric* on S-ttnrday Dec IP. atR.dd p in. i t is boped thntail iitein- her* will make a specixl effort t ;» be present.

RETU RNED FROM U IARTON. iS M i. Roy OlK'tle ivturned on Mondav from Wimton wheie lie Ims spent the past summer-. Roy has taken a posi- tion ns clerk in < da-tic > store In For­mosa for the w inter and w ill likely Ih* a tin line np of this year's Walker* oil hockey team.

ELECTED PRESID EN TGeo, ih Aruitttongof J eeswater

waseletled president uf the Ameiicaii Leicester Breeder'* Asroiintirn at their annu*l mretiug in Guelph on Tuesday of last week. Derides tliie, .Mi. Armstrongavns also recommend­ed a* judge «.f U ice*l*r» a* the Inter- national Favstock Exp sition in Cliic ago for lido,

TH E XMAS FAIRNotwithstanding the lihudct v Weal It.

vrand blocked ro;vd*>, Uie Christinas Fair which wan held yesterday wa- Miccer*. There was a lu g e number of exhibits in nil d{tY*e». As » ( go to p m * the judges a te ** work and full report of prix-r winners etc. w ilf be pubtinhird next week.

M A \*»K E NI ERTAIN-S COUNCIL The nUtulory Of winding tip nivc

in g o t tile 1314 town council being held on Tuesday evening. Mayor Lip pert took rtdvmitag'i of the oppoi tun ity Li "Show hi* appreciation .ot the support given hint by his fellow conn* eiliors at- the eounell Iwatil during the yenr hy tendering ati o yster supper to them a l th e close of the meeting in Mrs. Etd m an* testa w ant, Besides theemiricUlorr, other gueats at t i e M-tyotV table were, Chief Ferguson R. K. Sutton. A Collins and represent ntivosof tbe'pre.-s. The mayor is a good bait and those present spent an cujoyahie hour a»»outhi* table.

AN FUG ENT A PPEAL,An mgent appeal conic* from* the

General of tin- .Salvation Army for money to carry on the social and ivs-

work in this and tlicOld Cmintry. l y isk* for S5o,utt> half to In- used in' gn

Canada, t lie iither half to U' in Eng­land. The-a* institution* will have t«Is- closed if this inuney is tint sidiserib-

is is an op)wirttine time for the jH'oph* ol Walkertou and vicinity to

*w their appreciation of the army's trk by eoiitributing t*» this worthy

«dij»*»'t, -iPei>i»ns wishing to do so, kindly give money, before X iiiiis. to

bmrge CdrlM-rt <n seiol fo Box - lK W a'kertm i.

by m aking pm L■ linking etc. Tlt^fUKATH O F MRS. E LI.

JilD; iVtfV Ei* an agist and respxi't- t-d r xidei-t « f W nikeiten jmnscd

«w ay « l the residenre ofhef soil in-law Major Henderson on Friday morning ht‘ l, following a rtroke r f partly si* which *he rnffered a week previonr.TJit lai© Mr*. Kite who wtt* tfii yeai* c f age vr»s burrr in the county of Mirth, nrnr Dublin, Ireland iu ISTJ imd at an evily age came to Canada with her parifiita, In the yc*r Il»d7 siic w*s married to Mr Eli and they went toKmdicMer tu reside,, rctitt nlug t*>Cmi-

d taking np their <e*ide»re in WalkeKnn alanit t w* nty-five \mr« ago. Bt-sidra tier hnsbrnul wh.i still ieside*in W alkertou, »ce ■* sut vived by two doiih. Rida-rt of Niagara Full* and Charles of Hoboken N. .1. The funeral tuck place to the Walaeitwt cemetery on ftnmday nfu-rnnnu.

Iinillder In shoulder

A NARROW ESCAPEi i i'lental disehnige *<f a sliot-

guii on Sat unlay hist, eaiiO1 wit hin im •f causing serious injury if not

lho death of Mr. Chn*. Hm k.’ A local iiiiumd tx*luruing from a huiit, inet Mr

nek whostopjx-d and a»kisl him the uni questions aland hi* luck, and

w hile doing so be uotii'islthat lit** Ian- *«{! of the gun was phigg.-d with earth

d lifting it in his IiiuIiIk Mr. Httek pmcec'led t»» clean it out, W hile so etigagisl the trigger caught in the hull-

•at slow,-aud exphabsl the ear* tridge which 11 Ad lieeti left ill tin- gun.

•Iiarge of b, lx shot, sending Mr. H iiek* Imf sailingthnm gh th ca ir . ll

■lose . stiave, amt fortiiiinteiy the shot siittck Mr. Httek'. Gu­

ndy damage being that tmth parties ‘tv given a Kid scan*and Mr. Ilnck s t was torn lieymid repair.

Meeting amt recoin- Teight im li well Uj, G JRt t E OLD B O YSdug station. They Tin- Toronto Bruce

TO i f R IL L W E L L Owing to the vs-arcity uf water tit

the Waikettun ie«ervoir during 1 be jsisi two mniiihs Ihetowii eounci deeimsl it advisable to tak'i 'l»-p* nf•nee tosecuis* a more adciptulc w ater aipply for th** town. Mnym- Lippcrt

atnl Couucilbn Douglass were ap|H*in- iisi a emuiiiittee to investigateaudthev bumlcd in thcii ii'|su| at the coiineil

•tingon Monday ev«-ning.Lipja-il and Doughs on a lour *>f in­quiry, visited tl«e towns of Lisfowci. Palmeis on. Beriio ami WaterI<«*. ami found that invariably the w ater sup­ply was secured from drilled wells iu

proximit y t<> one another. Tin eotnimGeeadvised that this piojHisil ion in- bioiigld bl'fore (lie I!>l,Veoiiti<-il at their inaugural nieet ing and mein list thatdrilled at the pumping stntii also iulvist'd that action be tak> the m atter as M«m a» |v»ss»ble.

LFC TC KKO N TH K WAR.The lecture g'tvru in:the town hall on

Friday evening !**t nnderth" hiopices of the Rod 0r<»>».Society by Professor W illiam s of Trinity Fniv irsd v well attended, the proceed* of the «il. ver tmlloetiuii siumuiiing to fltl.W). Piofessor William* ** one *d the most abl*l«etm ei» who have ever spoken On a Walkertoti idatfiu ni and In dress on "The T h reat of War" wa» of a most intm estipg natuie. Th eie not » du'l m iurnt t hreughout Itii course and those who were perm it ic ft th e haU with a great- deal more knowledge a* to the cause of the war and facts in ronufctKm therewith' with which everyone should le veisant, than when they weid. wan tin* first of a series of lectmes under theat»*pi*.•* of the R«-d Ct< Gceiwiy, ami we feel *u ic that the who Ileald Prof, W illiam s will rot tail to attend tlmve which will la- livid in the fnttry


W i;ti,i:n - In Wnlkemni, <>u Snuda Dee. 61I1. t'» Mr. ami Mr*. Frank W eller, a daughter,

llv.M > — In Walk e ll ''i i on Tgrtaluy D c t Hh to Mr. a ad Mr*. F Hym*., a daughter, (still bam .)

• Hgig-

S P E N T S i NDA V H EREs|>. "Smn-e" Ilnck. lb 'll . Cart*

w right. W aller Kingsbury and Alf*_eil Tidton. f"iu local young men. inept-

of t In* second CitUildhtll '" l i t ing* tit wh*» have Ixs-ti training at Gat-

amp during t In* |»a*t few w i-cks. 'pent Sat until y and .Sunday at theif

-|Hi*t«v** hoim-s or vvEGi friends hell** waseX|*-ct«s| that tin- Liys would

'|iviid Christmas in Walkertou but osiers were issued cominamling every

o I** <>n. parade «»n Christinas litoiiuttg. the reason for (Id* lM*lug that the ladies of i^auiou an* tvitder- tn ga Christina* dinner <•> Is>th ineti ami otlieei ' stationed there. This will doubth-s Ih* the latgest Christmas itiuner ever servtsl iu Canada and tile ladies of lamdon are Asking I lie people of Western Ontario tit cooper*

e in making it a.sm viss, tty making tnliibiitionsof cooked poultry and her delicacies which these young dd iris* who arc sarnHctog their all >r Canada, would appm-inle. <>n this,

which t'lsoiue will be tliiTirlasl Christ- ,' diiy. The local Volunteei s aiv in

the l**st o f health and arc enjoying military life, TW y bade a l|t-t fine-

l! to theit friends licit- and let limed t«> Guidon . morning.

. Sunday Moinlay

old Roy's held their annual meetiugoit M<otday night at the Piiiice (usage Hotel. Gw gathering, while Hot no well attended

usuulon account of seven* weaGi- provingof mueh interest. Election oOlcei-s vvan held, and it w as derdd*

i-d lo iiobl the annual ' At Home"' for the nwtuliets. and their frietels on Fri­day, Fcbrarat y -Mb, til the Oddfellow* Temple. College and Union Greet*. Two rongudulnioiy resolution- wen* 'ntri'dueed bv I.n ut. Col, Belcher and jianml - o(u* to lion , Dr. Pyne, Mini’ ter " f Edm alnai. expressing t he atgiovai o f the association, at the sup" l*>t l giv en by t he Proviticlnl tiovern- tiieiit to the movement for th e 'tra in ing >*f cadet* •’» the school*: the othe* to linn. W . II. Ilearst. Pn'tnier «*f

iltarioTvho. a ' a Bruce Old !h»y, was n*lenxt the congr;

.•i*s»ici«t ion on ht.sseleet ion and eh*'I it'll aiĉ Premier «>f thopmvinee. An inter esting featnte1 «»f the mis ting was Git exhibition Ity Col, Beb-lier o( ,,sotin Itispijical domthteHt* dealing withm atin s r,n»n*‘< ttsl with tts eatiy dayof '.he count v. Ortltvrs of Gie nssoeint ion were elected as b ill.ow *: — Hop Pies b lent' - Ibm . W, G. Ib a i- t Lieut C-'l.C. E. Bilcln 1. t'has M< Ibwvmun, .la* H. Sjienei*. J . tstuail Briict* Wesley Billl'ty, In, .t. M, .lohu*!W . .1. Fuitoa.: Pivs.. E. findmtii, First Vice Pres it.Vic*1 pics. Will". t*i!*s*»i.; Sec. JaV. Oil. c h ii 't , Treasutcr, First A. t». Johns! Chaplain. Rev. B, B. Wet jiciell.

IRC V Z ' :.V\LKRig i cdiielioie-mi all lilies of fancy

go**|s china, ei**. The sab* startisl 011 Murid ay and continues until.Xina* eve. Must ivdlu/e the stock. Tlits is ),.iir ebam * lo secure tTuisf* mas gift,-. «» a stand price.—Mi** .Montgomery.

THK W A R SGTCATTONAsum m ing up o f Gib war duiing

Um pus! 1 n o week*, gives Gn* Allii-n the b«-*t of th e»tiu gg ie in all nuait* et>. Toe urmiei1 of France, HunkiaMr.il England are playing the waiting game, in an effort, to wear down the fiueei of G«u many ami prepare H e ground f-r n general- 1 ffenGve and ml van r, which, vvtll probably net take place un­til spring. In Franca and Belgium the Germans are slowly lint surely r e firihg.to th-*ii own country. Trite, the pf.>g«e»« of the Allied artoit« in this ipiaiktH s slow, but it must !tecoft<«rl- ly be so in utib'f lo keep the e«sii«ltic8 a t a* law a mark a» porsible. In Russia and A m iri* the foteea of the Czar ate indicting heavy Iov*c m m the Kwisct’s aruiv and are advancing toward Berlin t S . r 8efviaos bav««l*-» 1 allied and an; pushing the invading Austrians out of their teritory. O uttiescav the aso«t Importaet tia’ tle of the war wa*fought hist- week, r.-sidiiog iu a ifecisivo vict­ory !>r the British navy. The fight took pi *c* in tbe»<>ntheru Al!*nHcand Gtc (i-rmau wjuadron which Iiin been huupet ng shipping nit ti e Pacific was pfactie illy wip *d out. four o f the big Gm man cruises'* including thu lanpz g and Dresden and several siMitii -r ship* la-ing suqk or caplurrd. Tir,* iosse* of tin,* Bdtish in theenfisge- men* were intrinsic. On the faca of Carte b ioeta-u l adverae*, GermanT i» at ia*t beginning tore*lixe and almost admit th at she is fighting iu ti war which can eml ion<> <>ther way than iu Imr Mi-feat and that the whole woihl ia npp * îng Iter in this s 'rn gfle.

The December Session*.

Tie- Dro-mber .Se»rIons which were In Id at H i' court hmise Inst week, Jud ge &>rrett pr*siding, n « * ci>c* eluded on Saturday last. There was a I u g lis t i f c'.*ic« lo he heaiff, h it. le ­st l*» the one criminal case whieb was disposed i f last w tek, ot ly four civil apt l->ii? came up for lu'Hriiig. the others I*dng either settled or |»«j*t- ponot. The case* disposed of were as follows:—

CoN'vgv v s. GltKV.This was the find ca*c lo come up

for hearing and w«» one in which Mr. Jan e1* Convey of Ktncaulloe vicinity, aotes-sd >uii a ja in rt iame» Grey of Ito kwmd, t.»r 1 ib’gcd breach of cov­enant in o farm lease, t i le r , i t ap- p -.»is j t n*»d Convey'* farm fi r a five year*’ term *nd dmiug tiink tim e *1- h*weil the buihlings to get into n »tate of disrepair, did not <ake proper 1*1 e ot,Gmi ichaytlsntid fnrG:ciun redid not leave as I «rge a quantity of hay and grain on the pre.uiGc* when leaving a# was agreed upon. The he irlng of 1 he c me took up a full day and a haP, the ;ury do illy awarJ»'>g Convey the su«n of IRff.fXt.

itorrkk'u v* Put.i.oi k - During 1PIL John IloeGger a well, driller sunk a well for Mr, Polliwk a farmer iicar Tiverton, striking w hat Im i-.>n'i*b,-nnl a g.>*t How ,» depth of I is feet . He toi»k hi* mnchinei-yyfroui tin1 pientises. but Pollock iHsimVehil that the w ater w hieb he punijssl frotn

•11 wa* full of sand and notwith­standing n great amount of pumping and a lapse i>f several niontItscoutlnn-

il to tie so. Owing to this he refused to jwy Ihiettger. lUtil tile IHtter enter,

it »uit i«» recover payment for drilling the 118 feet. After a large unmber of w ilite**(is had th*en henivl and a day of | he Court's tim et alien up, the disput­ing parties came to an agteemenl, BueGger agreeing In return to Pol-

k'* farm and sink tho well until ha - ■mod a g»»oil gravel t»>tt*>ui.

By MON* \*«t. T. H.In tbi» case, Mr Chn* Synit U* a rivhaol o f AVIarton, wa»»uing tbe

twand Trunk? RallwsT fer J-lhO daro- agcB foi an in jury to his thumb, it appeals ?hai m Fcbru*»y la*t while travelling with Gift W iBitoti huckey tetin enroule to Oiillia, between Han­over amt Neuvladt un the t i. T. K. Mi. .Hymoii*. by 'th e lurching of tbe editch. wax thrown ngaiud the door : of the lavatory, bis thumb being caught tit pun and baipy fractuted.I he accident it w-m el limed wna due to the exeC**ivc *pced o f the train, which a t th u Bui**, accirdlug to wit* lies* was travelling nbo.it fifty milra ait hour, t he jury awarded Mr. Sym fit'stiiidv m aee*. M r.D, Robctt*on acted for the plaintiff.'

Uvan v* Bn.viu.r;v Thi*. which w»* Gie last ease to be

heard at the .sessions, was a suit, bt'Hlght bv Mr Rvan, manager of the S t m L td BAttk. Paisley, against Mr. Bradley o f Toronto, for the recovery of $2(10 (•oiumissioii pa the sal* of the la fe iV ftrio locatcil near Paisley, to Mr. W. Hyde. Tne defeno* claimed that ttyaii bad zigued off his commis­sion. but the fcvfdene# of thedaiendant wa* adjudged iucOuGMent mid thpc ju ry awarded Hyau the full aitp*'' ol eommiomjii el*imed. G ..F ' acted for plaintiff, and p

■K. C* for defendant,


nr.- Incapable of forming just pnunt*. You are not rwiwsgthle for

us Ion*; as » hnro known raywlf, am »ur.- of thin. The sins of your «*hlUI-

i'll' I mm'''ll It 18|‘>r:" 'Benny look hi* l.ai to h are ih«* i ,lir ‘

hut recoiled iovtnr.1 the hack of tt. j «»M «e

J S m SI. ' i otm.w t w r S - , - * « | » uhstood the equipage of the J>«eh<-*a «*f . lt| , J , . . i*o or nriti^ *or*'«hctiior t!lh<

Harden Theatre, to hear '* sell* Arlelle" alng.

He hat) not had the opportunity of He went into the rer vania doing so before, for he had had neith m-foreM' had U-.iM-- am.

II* W h y . * . h.V* run* lllft |l,F I.F II,F ..F. I.

re««itHene*» O fbls nature, tie prefer- as vnu wiw to come up to tier lin red to lose himself in the dense crowd * «... -

r well: l am finite ready to go,- Ih njiitulti.

• Then come with me. if

’ “Z d II,. . . Il.o ,lr«|,-„F0F fFll ,„ „ „ n iA IT K I'. XVII.Fund t . blF.il. bill Aril'll- b.d ,-ji 'Imul mornltir, Ib-nl.luiii I .in•Piwrwl. -■>’> W b'-r- m -i* ,. I M » » «

The round ..nip . . . « ..... . m Hu- uik t. I»m oUIii. .oil I i«Ud

! S s. ' , o * « , n , WS o ' t t

I Jenny took it and bowed over It, ha: did not apeak. Kmotlon that lie could

r s g £«*&•;£: ‘' leaves of a forest. j duties to-day. And I tired scarce < uj. "Hod Save the! you that I will Make Ihcm a*

lenjatnln looked at neither <iu.*m h,- your own private » nor prlne»».n>a after that, u<- looked; jiitiiln. whore you can retire when you only at her. And he asked himself: wish to Ret away from everybody.''

"Why is it that my heart i* so She paused and looked at him. But troubled at the night of that lovely again he only bowed hi idlencc. And lady? That t «m «omethln« u. her f tm-die continued:

Hitle I f fir.- 'h ! ' tiic'Tron't’ V^<-ijreDt.

tlelmof thVhOUre. H is'fitted up with_____ I ...... ................................. , . . hdok*«helveu and cupboards, and athe penal colonics; I. who hold thyself writing desk and table and comfort- unworthy even to enter my old play-' nbh> chain. I think y..u will like ^

vant. i will never trouble the'hcau-! And then again she s'-auWl. Hut tlful duchess—no. even though I ] again he only bowed and should discover myself to he hut! cut,

son.” You have not sjmken to me sinceWhile these tad thoughts v.c r e ! came Into the room. Why M i? "

passing tl,rough the mind of Itenj .mli. "Oh, Susan. Susan! he wild. In - Hurst, tlm hand finished plny-tug the; choking voice. "U is. perhaps, that myNational Anthem; th down; the prompters bell rang, ami j denreTwItiyhe memory of m y^ past

A rlell fTalunJ° m ' th . ' rtajpc lieeit—when'd 'recall m v'et.iInJl ami

soul, SO rejoiced Jo her triumph» that! ought ..m to be h hh^ bloc eyes fairly dance! -..ita ̂ Susan c i o n i ! ^

oiitli, in> cur*- l l foci that I

test lackey, tf h-As she s a t retiring tlio third time.! would not obey my <

amid it storm of applause, a rcih|.-men. h«< would not even tolerate my preB- slttlng in the front row of the orch* - ! - m e in t - house, hut would give you

' |,e t Susan wept hliterly. He went on

»r,! .-an, '"it- i.t first I felt tmahb* to res ny i lt» you. • he

I rne.-kl.ho Karl of Wei

afar o ft tha Intense |t|im orii# of f»w>. foftiinaie past Mb*. Otnne. it t* not

Me was tho Karl of Wdln-s~ .Susan HfUtd up her head, and dashed, Arlello pick.*.} up the hmt.juet. and! the tears from U-r fa->, ar, she aus- smlled and coprfreted to the kIv r. ami

SO. nred not be btlgiited by these an­tecedents. They were misfortunes that stilt darken your Inner life, because you are so sensitive; hut they shouldis .VJr ■K",,yr t£

how£tn,over,Utho hand" of Susan end <d it to his tips.

iX X st ' S r a n * s r s t i :.«soffice, and take the keys of tno

there.YoW; w-hV a!«l

sntUcmetit. He 'will pay the ser- * their wases. and ho fn authority them. You will have hi* meals

young man. and placing In ute hand i

show you your bodroom/ ^»ld Mrs. Itrown, Iwdlue tho way.

and opened ‘tlm door of a spacious

with every possible comfort, and hay* Ink two lofty windows Hint limkc.]

njamln looked around with evi-

"Vbu^wdlT know where «o find tills

• she showed him a front room

ItKsh• And now. if there's nnythins -Iso

yon tired. » nave orders t-> supply It."

•Tp to tliK i rjsahave no doubt of It. ‘ nnswi-r-d the

.’ n . t s j s t r r " ' .............. ......And whe, the matron had M« the

remit he pruecc.Pd to,open ttid buoks

He knew that she had con-- !<» re- t-earsal. And then he applied himself it pall! to the revision of bis account, books. j j c m ill r wit;*

<"udtwh’," Hk rHe saw no more of *\uy that day*.He had chosen Ms « *n U t. cuosen

it in Ms •y of h

He micht have been her agent, in place of her very Inefficient brother

And brother HIM would no doubt have been welt pleased to lie relieved

he felt that he v

Drawn to Furl AVellrose first of all bv sonmlhhtK in hU face that at first sight had rewmd«-d her of her best beloved early friend and playmate, she had received him with ̂ pleasure ^

vlorfoThU manner and the j.rofttndU* and brilliancy of Ms ndpd. .he had Icrtincd first to wonder at him. th-n

Ms^nreouht honks, tie knew that his

evening, after the opera. He Arlellc" was to give a

a r t s .

f relret.*’ P“ Yea; that'*

Is Always Inherited, nnd Always From the Mother.

Ihii'lriK recent ■■years Ho- ».iihp-el of

been devised by menu* of woob* amt

such (Ksipb- e.m be tested, tt tins now

ol way a Inherited, and that a man

I I S I S fSS?ways fuherUed thnnigli tin- motlo-r ami never through Hire father. There

et to III* ehlhlren except ill eon-

ever.That ihe'ti.mher'h-'rLlMi.-.'.M.e color-bllml. but she must have Inherit-

feet from the ancestor £ome. pro-

K i s s xJOilUing the defect. amioUKh they iscivcs r-»> «m b<- color blind,

a« n rule, they nniiit it to

lmThUsexes lmThe’f so'i« ' wim’ m'herit

'llIiinr -I'uV lb'’ i’uhr rirtni' MVi.̂ Vr

provided that they nro able to cany their tiivestlKatious -hack through at least u eoupte of g.-nerattohs In the fanitiy. If H can he showu that two

?ration* are free from <-o!or blind- t them is at least very good mo­tor supposing that the third gen-


fever*. No cr of young Children should be­nt them." Tito Tablets are mi.tr-

with perfect safety amt goc.d They are sold by m-dh-ine

r* or by j i»it at cent-* a Ims

.Hie. On I.


• s s r . T i . *• ' • v : r , y r

Y o u C a n f l a v e

M l l t e t a d s

And Cuticura Ointment oc­casionally. They succeed even when others fail.

F r e e by

tTlie New lj. j,

t r ,^ i v b T . . : ,v . - “ v v ,L .." !s a s r .S #

." S '' ,'. ': .™ '.: :S iV »,

\ iHTitM NSHX.

■ 'V’ m. F.v - ‘i1- ‘ . W- M1NACI*. t.IM.MKM 1 11. l.l\nt>:t,tie.; uafimmubm f-< i>- i (ienllrtuen. Last winter I received

•'.nn-o. *""!• tnr..m...i ' j e n m hem-fit from th- no- of MIX-:‘-Wh»» t* Mi- i -ec-. Men.'" v o tie- 1 Mil*A t.INtMKNT in .1 revere attack

.... .. ... ■ . J " ' |.'«: 'I|'I". I i '- i" -o i!>



i s s 1 1 : n o . ;» i . ] s im


Trick of a Young Seagull in the

Of ,ih .* m«ny"mo»rnatnU\ o £ in"fihm t'r.juhart. say* a correapomb-nt.^we

hand (lire habit which <cMMti tdrds of feigning death when danger I*

We had fished with some sue

shone out and the. wind fell, the loch then beromhy; *0 calm thn't we knew

lilies, which grew very plentifully at the Bide of the loch We rowed tire*

era TuhTt. fearing’ I''had ■ hurt by contact w I l i f t

> it* trick of feign

rtletodt Free

E'H rLSLsEW autSi; 1:


1 f-w boxes of the *

t. fdetou. N.H.,

relief,'1 After

on. Hales An Co.,


Turfcey Z T u .

" sr«!K ,^ r.

, r , ; : v f&f . r v


a tiie ciiil.l <he .bSUCee are it can’t : E iff i-K '-l'■•if 7 k . >- •H'v i m i s v-„:;* ’5 * (w.-pc treutcreJ with ui.M d>f . • x * j« « « M-v -ticu lf^ i.y day * * * * _ _ |

, ) I

DEATH REPORTED.and hi* wife cultivated a utimll sugar cane plantation The man had been jreatlv annoyed by having hi* cunt-

1 ruttn l» !»:« m-tgh’Kira- buffs

............, I- HU -M. Fir up lii-hlnu II. I.F .1 lurk 11 iuIifii l-iilmim , !» a w l in II. S a - ■ ml ,,, Mob Tin-• r » !l M m Fiilutui dnippvd ullllout a . 11."

- . t iling ,, m u his, wife what he hadNOT H10INC BEHIND THE U. S. ‘ <]ohe, anti added, “That calf will steal

•Tie- *«!k i‘1 the- il->»«*e*'- .»«vt»t»e d*f*n*t-; (,>;.ud that the c u ir was a full-

■Iran . w . w»s ■ capo that lie took to lit* neo ami wa*UP BRITAIN’S FLEET, « ' * '* ,0 f a week - 'louth'it Lompanipn.

(Malt neportsr) THE MAN'S THE SAME



British Army Lieutenant 0

W i l lp £ ' S ' ? ? i v :

E l f 4SSrav * sa -

was a flaxeU-; ...... J i - ; : ; :

1 hiring g chat wph a friend"^whom*ho had. juet met he Klu.ued nut of the

of it There U Is

AW *re

K s s a . 1


S z r • . . r r K i . r K ' . r f . X ' K

v.-.rM I. fr. I .very. net ion is ruHert o«K 3 r K r ! K ; S ' ; ; . f f


CAMEL.<XV-.*»lSf-.'k f*. »itii"'t Itevhw)

ii; r

E r ^ v & . ? y T £ i j E 8

F o r W o m en ’s A ilm entsOr. Martel’s Female JP*U* have been the Standard tor 21 years and for 40

Lessons Come Easier

IF the child has a big, generous

light to study by.

Ifeyblam p saves eye strain. It is kero­sene light at its best — clear, m ellow, and unflickeripg.The RA YO t«oes not smoke or smell. It is . easy to light, easy to clean, and easy to re- wick. T h e R A Y O costs little, bm you

lamp at any price.Mode in (



EDITORIAL 1 W as A ll Run Down1 ItSDAY. I »»•:«


*'* htiau rrllcf fund committees are afire almost all ovw the world rol-

” lv<*t1riK fundi. and fowl for the v.«r- .-trhken Belgians. Britain. Banada and Ihe I'nlted States are making great MICrltll-CH to l|(*l|» lilCSO people. wi nre Hot In Hit and other Fnroyfau i oiuitri*'-. Their fatherland it;*- been ravaged, their cities iitul *»»*>««> destroy iil. itn lr i rops trampled Into «!•*• dirt toot their vattli' ami Sti*:-**« carried away. Tlulr looil has been tiiKi'li from tin*: Bermans, ittui levies and fines have tn>-n luasH-d ut*<m them by ordei «'f tin- Kaiser, and extortion of ever) Mnd Is wai t in ti uinm them. Noil turntmtanta have Keen murdered and mutilated, And all for "h a t ’ Bee the Belgian!* soughL lit propel tl selves and their {•roiwrty tr**m Bermans, who had no business tliidr country. No war was declared nsainri Horn. They declared war tui oni*. Yet they ha'*' b**«H nutdt* li suffer; untold aeon*. misery mid prl- ration by war waei'd agaln-t tn*it! Without an* rieht. And own at this moimnt thf Kairer is plotline and striving to steal their country twin than altogether.

to-rmanv boasts Dial il bus plenty ot. food enough to Iasi another year

>rt It allows titer* poor people to stiller Hn? pangs of hunger, to dio of starvation. The allies and the nidi*

Urals ore doing what they can to main* tain life in ihew- liarrnssiri people. Oni* would Imagine that tin* time has come when the Foiled Htates and the* otiicr neutral countries should make demand on Bcrmany to do justice to Fclglum -to see that the people provided the necessaries of life nt leas! until the war Is over. The Kai­ser. I»V tils Conduct toward- Hte*e people, i» heaping tip endless troulde for hfnisolr when the day of reckoning arrives. Should ftusaia, now that her troop* are In Kart Prussia, tie blamed If she should adopt Bertiitiu births to­wards the Prussian*. demolish their rJtle*.’ drive them from their homes, and Inflict fines and punishment upon IlK-inf Who Is responsible for the war may |>e a debateabh- question, but there Is no doubt ntiout the devilish work of Ute Kaiser iu poor Belgium.

THIS HORRID WAR.Bliutnelhir of the Lxctinitier l.i

v-torge L oao ot the great tu*-u tltat litis war inis brought to tip- front. When wi> remember that lie #a» a Boer and almost i.>-1 his life i frenzied mobs.during the South Afri­can wur, It. seems strung- to tlilnk that he Is. in the present crisis, tut" of the driving forces in JlrUafu Not only li* be Hiiuieing the war l«r Britain, and •*l?o h r !.• r alii. . hot he is e n t it l­ing his country men ut every opportun­ity to dciermioe that Ocrmany shall he crushed it (Iritis** might van do it. do an' address Iu lore a gathering «f Nomoiilormist clergy no n recently he declared that one of the great*'* t gen- •mis in the French arm* said to him: '■The man who is responsible for thiit war has the soul of a devil." The man who is responsible! repealed the Bhaiieellor. Who Is rcsponKlliie" Not Breat Britain. Britain was only armed for defenee. Had wo -meditated it war of aggression against anybody, do you tbtfck we would h«vc bail to improvise an anny after the war began? When tills war brttke out wo worn tilt Ik !ter terms with ttcrtntioy ttian we bad been for tiftot-n * ear-. Tiierc was not n diplomatic cloud over the Uerutun ocean. Wt /iiarbore*| no designs against tUrmany.i We meditated no tpiarrcl with Certnany. As the laird livctli, wc engaged in no eonspiracs against tier- many. lie lurtiter dcclar*'d that a Bel­gian statesman told him that there were three time.; as many old people, H W ta and children, deatroyed in Bel­gium as there were soldiers in her gal- lant-nrmy. Tli-y Jm*<- paid ransom to tieunanj. Titty hate given their goods to tlennany. Tltat lots not saved them.

Mr, l,ii»d-U»-orge* in d-atiog witii Hu* entrance ut Turkey into the strife, said;

I am eiad the Turk is to be called to « final fcccouut for Ids long r*< ord of infamy ngaiust humanity. In tltlst gl- gantie battt-- between rigid and wrong H is meet that the Turks should tuareh In action sliuulder to ahould. r with the devastators of Bel­gium. They hove made themselves fit comrade**- the ra 'acer- of Armenia and the *lisolatora of Klandtrs: the Turk of tlio East nhd the Turk of the West—both ^ruthless military empires with onl*' * ne grsl - tad tiiut is v|n* icnee. Their dowtifnll will bring «l#d- ness, security and peae- to ,s world which ba* fur generations na-o <»!>- I i f w l and ilarken-d by *h«dr grim presence. *

Tha*. ought to mnkc the trick .Matt of l urore very *fck.

The Flimncial I'ost of t'nnudk is op i'ecd to the holding of a general cb-v- tlon in spring. It jotys:

Tite story is revived thflt a general election will be. held early in spring. Thf#■will otwt wish dietd<d ojn*oritlo!i from business Interests of tbr- country. TIiIm inelmies employees ys sell its .utploy.rs. For the last two •-•-..'•k* the lir»t old* toes in man* month!* of art improved epdorumc to btlHiucsk lti»*e been felt. to:t conditions ar<- •**» deli-

v* atcli adjusted at the present time th*»t an election eams>aign wotdd not el fly slop an* progress towards a r<- forn of coofbtence. l»Mt Would be the •■arts** of or excuse for further econo­mics. f'de. tion in wages and di*mi'- *ul of workers among tbe "o res of i unc<rn- who nrc to-do* foregoing part, if not at!. <>? tit* Ir proflm in order to maintain their businey* ronnoclions and carry through tlndr orKanlr-atbui until cotidliioos improve nod fl.*b » Inu pro***



Wlicn Uie heart dm -> not do It* work j piii|s ily and tin n m o Itcvotuc iiii'tiuti.. ; ttu- whoh '>>!»«» iHi-otnc* vu ik ami j rust * low si. tm*i aeixli* imiklup; up Uioje I you van iccl. til agaiiti

Mtliiiirn's If cart an 1 Nerve Fill- win | «!•* thi lor y.es,

M r- Hugh Mohif, Cllc t ; 11. iu. N.S, write;: " j i e l ,i fee. bm i.. let you k.r • . ivjutt MilUtirn’ He..rt and

Miilire*! giratlx with lse.irl ti.-utde ;.u-t c (v*e: nv- . ,;:u| v . .dt rim t‘pttU. I

i ySJvf.ttsC'ttl ! W.i. o 'vci.l to lr . un,t ■.'ill-, ami <!*■{ <«, ..-;.i i>* itsfi-1 inti* tiri lie-l lln _fi"t I I.:-. .. jin:,-h letter |got .1 Ihixc and e,. -, i*e>l stud strong

'p«» hiahlv I i' .whti•,■»:<! them to utiy bile MilTeii's. front beart. irontdc,"

Milburo*' Heart end S m v Fill4 are. .. ' box..s, or mailed diie. t

pr*"' by The T Millmru l Toronto, Ont.

r ? I 'J at all..f


While America m l<’ctBitg tn« > itig Belgian-, tormany L taxing t

A- l.otil Kltidiem-r pajr, me in ing tinny dm1* IU>| Iisually hide i in trenches.

Tile Monroe doctrine could not snvt the Fnllctl Htal.-s nttb>» the* are will ing lo fight for it.

:• lloslllg ot til:- Muhitt'h* lilioon oTbajk m«v lead ’■>. H**»e;| :< • I told you s*»,‘

hTattels Joa*C|»h or the KaLer might cat their ('hrlMnia* dinner nt Btd- grmlo. ir not In Farl-

Thc demand in the St»te\ t,-r an in- rcanvtl army may lm in com ■ way

rigtHonable. But after this war there w ill not likely be another in Frc-ddent Wilson’s time.

The Moni tory Time* adv i--- Sir Bo Iwri ibirdi-n to cunt pel <!*<» Minister of .Militia to cease his irresponsible chut*

•. But talk like that Just makes him talk all ‘.be hard* r.

»r. tieUttmtun-Hoilwes; bx-j nmohef< bating. *; f rxj \

mild lie inii'-nmitte I !■ ' ilm i' her. Xus’ !iiflTVO all - il - -To* jtt

ati t!o- llama that she

Is r«, ttlng.

If itmso thr'i* tierman pn*t• sflurs arc i tie iianishi <1 ftont the Toronto Fnl* ■rsily, will they let allowed to leave ic country or be allowed to starve? r will they tie pot Into a concentn«

lien camp? - .............ti;>il.v pro|Kf— to Itier* :*•■> it •

flawing fore** at Be; In a P Lord KitilieniT realizes, no iloubt, nil: tii.it s liefore him before •Urvntn. i- riiKlted. and i! tuny be Int-tn .i jtmt htitudu is ac-iitg untb-r lilt isstrt:-.

The Uindult Time*, tin- iyundtit* .Morning i'ost ami *itle*r Brifl.:; ue**s pajwrs ntake a s;-«efalt; *>f dalle prlnUug a column or so of the bitter

t attack* on Britain''■ that'appear it e Herman newspapers. This *lo*-s no. i in lo warp Tiritlxit opininti e f th - ir ou the (ierinans.

Talktog *1 a t'amulbtu iu-asioit. to • I'lUsburg t*a« tie -Tin**-. ;uvs that To.. Dominion officials n i tu f ;*>> a - ’MiLh* *r,g lack Of iOtif,?* nee ».«;•- itdltly *

nffed Slates UQvcmnmnt t*i '***• Bte aeutraiity pr«« (»»»>:*«*•*■» <*!

the Fr»» l(len!. They sun tv • To phi rcat- lw tlmt lr»tiv utuvemehi were on foot n th!- lountry to invade "a fa -i- prt- ySratiopa on the ne<< .*,tttdv « vt*'n-tv.* •ttb' euitld 'i.ol loo*; « itli-me wtHieut

flUiaeting of'ielal atteiulcti ’ -

The Winnipeg Free Fr*-.-- imagine- Hint Fntinda Ik rather slow in its re­puting for the front. It want* «.»»*'

stimulus aptiliedj and it tgow thut n series of public j^ lU tti^ Itt tbe bad

I’anadian et«io.<. to l« addo ..i ur leading (uitdic ni* it IhiBi pat

Be-; being repreKctited mi < v.-t> jd;j|- - would have :t i«.*w< rf«i apd in<

ItHMIgte <-rfc<-t tij«u, the public. It Sir B oIm rt Bordet, and Sir Wilfrid laitirler

lo uplKar togethit ,m ihe pla" t«>rn* in any Fanadlan city; to rail- public support to the v.ar. it would

gnai eveu| ju „Ur mtllomtl life. Kir Wllflrld Is ready t*ttd willing.


L A M E B A C K .

Cettld Hardly Stf*i|hten Up For Pain.

! toao’-i lvMl,..,y i*ii>- ea«- -• lliafy back t*y ettriug the ;u!im i ktdiu * • ttcvUt -f-r H t - .e *l'y the ki-iuey* " hmg and i* >1 th>

1»« «W»**\ the khlnev-.V,; 1 V,'. Avl: tt. South t» F

riile ; 'T l:avr m sh j-!

;t |.„w-, f -* >1 u.V, ,t :d! «!< or ,muled dire t *.. n - dpt of price by The T. Milburii C<>. Lupiu d. Ttmutto. Out.

VVb.tierdtrinjd,tr<t *ptctfy' D»au ».

It* eijim- forwapi in lor long tpavina lari, u.m-ieet . lioldln,*. Mr*. K*»mrt v the hayd. the «row'd dlvbtmg i.e ea m i. «»n her way t*. th - doer Iced a child. Mr,- SBi.trt'x v«*unge."*|. .•kin ■ at h* r l;.rg

j dinner fh*w.vl on pleasantly till the ! coffee was banded and th** carriage ! antiotineiil

« l ftuiddet*l;

tit-r-rgi'* 1::f*i and velv.t-, »nd <**s ,ei. as ipusinlt*,. -s. rew Its Hull* whip*"arms around •iti *1 nt «*,* b*rs an I ‘ - “teeth* d

(iilAFTKll ill<»u their arrival at the Boat! .

■ il with Mbm Brclherttiu’x order/ Stuart x part* found them-,

wondering-1 ahown inl*» ,* large ro*,u»y Ih.x * i» lit*. Thi' i„ (h** tage t«'o el<r<- lnd"tl, for «* her. lift'd . ( urposee i f xeelpg well. The hpltse ; pbyii.al , ,u„ a :r.ad» crowded, and Kn.dul n**- " , " ‘T ■**' ; tlivd. tei h- -.tanned the.stalls and

:,, r V I ! : u" - ' ‘ Frougi, bis a glass, that itHi- e.tibl j ronlafned a flonidderali!*' sprtukling «*r.................... mnabilitie. ef vurloie: kind . tt was

• larg- ticv* the.ijr*-. wh»e|, hit' -,-to hail «:t joyed but a ■■.very noah-rat- ,b;**" ri popuiar fttyor. -o tliai the brilliant limidj eager cr<-«d with whieli

fill* *1 wa- in lt»*|f a >uf-min* i

odd* jilv dull and empty >;e n e f l tv -I ' "ltd

-BIui- !*> Kemlal a* they -

i fi.l.-t !• liw ho had

Iratniforumtifln. "What an exp*

I tilewrotlgfij mi great

w blspered Kctitlgi eomforlithly

■ tsix. her < ni.*!! dainty fig*!"- -■ j tin- < rlniM.u eurtnin * behind i j etiltltl If,lid'inn uct.or\ Ffe u

! Itidlvidoalitv,; that P te-i-1 t * ; p* w- r into iie.ioai.amt -tr i t -

!""!?!..: England, at ai

j. | *m t is, theiri training Is it},<

• Bo* lower

i ■■. i r-xilf' m*sb-t "V* r : c--it*!*-. .i il Kcntlii!

i *airioie. aud». a charat t-r tal.cn ! .... tiii;-li ,‘ti oatur- t. ami «»tdd ■nt* L transiioti I in*** B e "lid-! of m V ,.- l.ctideii triumph a - thi*. i ■>■•*• j iv 1(,

icrmipi' " i - iH»ich attnie'ed,:jarnt tee! in* lit** .! to uuarr-’ wt>h y«>*t t for havitig inn her dawn. 1 heiii-v i -iiull admire lo t’ more tlmit you «•» •tc-night," -v .

- i -.-a may." ?4bt B»< Am- j jj,,, ..............erican cnrdirtll.v! I etn aftaid. bow *;<|f wiiitc tgidv,• vet-..that front ape •tandutd that I- ! ..W|ia»- (|„* sartiii w erih nxitiK there >- «*»t tinmh io i«- j ,,-r;d f -r her a ;.n a ii t -■: rail .*- ; ‘ Mnt. stuatt UOUdcd. V t sownhunmn being rin- " very neitrty t" > : | , i K |p i„ve with tie- b-aatlftll feet!« lt '' , , , , ! t outlteKS llibkt voti Wolls-enslcin. Ite.i-

The oft* rnci « mo lts departed, and , ^ Mat,_ i f, oblige hint toj..x, ic; the last bed p flr. Mr t-nrte* , lfinw !t. r „v* r and to lak- . t-ps to- w.i* utimrinetd. He tome in lit « two j var,|H marring ■ with a Brine w.i of• amoer. Farina •"’*•« d-Ia- .-d l,y liu-t- i wurtcubegg. Titty hut. .u«l been hc- „ . • amt presentl* >at down to dm-i , {„5tl„ , w!l, „ c u n t c - . mtd wit.i

hlgll'T,rly Uirpugh tb - morltiro.!*• hefiu— tb- ••arfaf't ■;:<* •' ej dng alwctt toe ;da-. 1 t=a*<,*T> V<«pp> Ideas .dKOJt it. Tin Ic laid in Fcrllft."

lit B> - rites "-'eh!.**-. lit ik-rltn

*ii!» Mrs, Stuart lull Istiidai in « v rate- «•!’ tuimi.(id abb- law*i

jir.l'Bm t I-*’ mild uni rcttclt Imnie

iow, Fnt **ut<*. wbat'x the j ic to sec that cirt with * pillg fellow'-.'" Il- began. •

ever hf* soup. •’She j

Mr*. Stuart V pi*.

Ilia a Id njitiii'turtw d *team like

I Will !tel-

i of :li- White i Hi- prlu'VS;*. to

terrify io,r put of tit- pr.;posed

Hut. husii* tii r Is the signal. 'Ink*; j|* ymtr tuimi! !•* bo lair***!,!*/ llHj prln-n><: she I* *m» of the X'orri rdleks

The fir.-t .-<: m- ropre'.ciip.! the ball- roout at the: ;-«litc . >-r rath 'r' the royal ant-n.K»fti. beyond which the vi-ta *; ;h« bail I e*id open-d. To - Fru. -'lan uni WiirtemlsTg royal!i-x. tnni no*

- matrimonial to turn. He

• rittta-

tiitall aiiow toys, if no m ; - a n t mark-, and i shall inak- as .mueh i,cl,.- a" ai» v tw-dy iii the t heat re."

• Mr* -'t!;,*:! you : -'?t h*- the judge j Prince Wilhl-bp.cniif our iK'btiv!or.“ aid Kendal, f-tnil- j prospect.* !b«j playing ■ Ic :t<nl I'orbc were e\i ellent j wa> engag' d in c\p|giuiug friend? "F-rb>> i- not ><< -• judfeal I tion . to :>L ' rrC'iut. Wald, frame •! uiiiaJ. hut w>* wiF- tm-t you i HMhetitcH tb- .liftietilti > Sa wf'tcii to li*> fair. 1 • ‘ipnose. Kories, w cjbo win* piHe«d.: bin pnx.'loii tor Hie bin* It*' allowed a grumble or two at I t'ount. ss Jliljla, the |MtU(ltiai me* ■d- liu-vi s if y*.o shut cor •mouth. *'i» the i tie?; w'tiieh <*>t. d him fo marry a«<jl>.i >t »•! Mi Br»;h. jton,' ! uanghter dT tpe HoUiw* of Aiirt-mle rg,

• itav.i ; doe- his »*-'«, aid Forlies. j tl-p pro-suit*< bru iglif to b-ar upon hintvvHti a limtdt of «di.'tlna* v; It*1 lock -j te. |ti» pan'ir,-, and ids o»vn iti-siw.irwell, h -triib - v-. ii, lo is a Bit ' Bg- I at having tofhrvttk th- w * : to tf -««■' i t ;> mao with « !dg bullying ] la.imt* ks. jv. oire; f rtop t know •* hat mot- you i -I In* riory ik broT-li .<>ff y the urri-witot in .» rs* rmttn prim*- it (■* fhlxt v,»i tg tu.» r*»'l»ltiiK. litWudiugdJic pink-

rlading *ivper;-rltb i*oi » 5dv!» spoil* |Ct.d-wnlt** ingiden whd ts to !w Friin e ail !*.!•• p’e , a n d frightmts all Wtihclms fat*', and r«*yal tpiad- •he ebitr.i* t: i out Of Bi artbdx' ' nib* begins. \ I’ll- Bflnco lead * 111**

A» wit!* !* Miss Stuart laugh d and, i I'rinrcwfl to ip r vh-’n il i? dHw. e o a n « . f w * r v * d that ,.b- sup- ■ •'UV‘,r**i that auoB.er lady l* rgqulrvv*

complete tile figure, and tut aide-spattbed into the Intll'

m i*i fetch ien*-. lie returns, ut hcrinr w hich dr*?* a fun- j *«i Be !w-jutind Hilda vt>-t Weiiso n

bo?., balf-pctulanl. half- i *J*in, , , ,■tlft of the nrtNt. ill vvloint For■ tills iiinni-nt l|ic dtldf -Uce had c stfeng**.t not.-? of eliara**. ? *-«• •• impalhttdy waltltm. mtd *■!,* tt .is e-ei; td'i’it? !<* the a*. |th* darillog ! igur*' in it? trading, f women h>« arl-embrohi-ml r*d» ? -appe

it wa cut* priiplc woo, like j to to bud Miecce*lril in disarming de-cat

lie-, c,b.» .• uid afford to vt-obl ? " * •"

iVailae*t her r* ltd-.

to Forb"? ltd t

1 * V all.rforth again n

a riormid again

»!»•' Monday.” wii W-B. a ! t-il you.

a'.- to h# crflle;*! 1 don't whittle s*wa< the few pi*a*-

tiii? duil life can iirmld" lo Ci!' p -rpetmii <Fseuiit* iB ! t'f- • et b‘‘Ior*' cnc. Why rail * : an*l tc thankful? To (««’- ir! is m id* rat edmatiuii. ?!

. and her !the - I i f -

art of «rH«,' Wltal a inrututlgein .* but i gtiplging. ung.-if if. a tt-r ali *•>■- ba» ?'*■/■0 . t -hoitld abuse a .• l*c • an t Kpeak »Ull Iter lire-1 - a - Wi ll it"- otie of youi

.Voflittlg. in 1> < d, • ott' 1 da ■ lei It k«i!< r valritiMud than fills *«;j*?i.it»g p* dfypk ■ th * jc-e-dtar gilt* ol Bo- m ito o. Th- pMilrlll • a * lately

«ctai-ular •iinjday, id iiie'.i k; iendld •It. -, and stirring n*;t»t* and Bsc

*«!t«ct> of riti«ltmi- m-»timt Lot !*c-n lir<;ip.:bt tre-ly imu p!.n f-*r -m- ,l>'*iubt

i .ii tii<> huiloltF’rs. dtetWl'eit'tlitediunrei* ! i j-. r- »ex a Ittrie ikf wli - managyvi ; action. inosB* ttt dumb show. Tic- ; movi Ptentu of Uie jealou i bCHUty amt | el her faithle's lover were hi-cried ! throughout wi» t •‘nfftebni dramatic : tneauitig *<« weep op tpu thr>"?! i cf the > phi /. Bill it w.M nor tl. • dramatic

• for with h the a nli ills

i ieatw-l

1 lav in ; dri

it. id:, ehstir. t from M* slow

wttwply'...’e .

itotliiiiS lei! ail at How SFt* But top *• * «»»»*!» and -----t..r-'fidl* l.oight. nothing \ b'VelB"'*-. ri^m ri'^eoer-*m w df

■a.' ^ n d ^ ^ p ! ,d j ! * L DDu/D^‘. ,, h o c pha*e of; hit. I'ttimihil |.ie>try

tape him.ii. tl)|*i Tnir.wl it,lory ce *«••, in ei --

..n its which v.eti: I*, mak- »** Bb?.-\er. l '" l ov* r *e'i’ pudlclie*

w.-n- terf. cst dbtingul'diahi •• Keu i!stla *'M*ItUtalii*lt *d it to ldt»i» !f « « '(bat it u.,K h.t'"'d Ulum nil e.v* '.dioiml, t.atuial ••ndtfvynteMt f ph; shut p<-r-

und -pSrioutri'ri "

*t thf'-V ii!m*elf buck > -■il Intel* id- gray hair i z black rve;*. and !md;- Keioial, who w.i it-

*.u*tl(Bi-s wideb !1. in : fretikm;

i kind oi eBl*p>m-c t i id trr-iigth. aliovif 1 j iiei ip.xild- tiol to f*! deiilJy rtma-d flm

i *..1Ui'K. bv implieity.of out »e. Tip r** W,i.

on and Walla* e wea!d ?al end I v. Ill have to det-Ti , Mr*. Sttmrl. mraitiri tb-n

J priglilinrhoo*!. U p wipe Vxpntirivc mdnil, Blfvcmu

! at- hour m ine- f.cd'dLas ; Bo ttr*li tit. ptBde « >

, arid *

fiml , mili

it ii <lgli

■ <• ’ll! Id

'filjll?.;. Ill [-.iv

raw her every day. and w ’ - In .• < !|ent practice. Forb* look'd a !Be xenrilfol. (nil al thi point Mi Ft cart s gee ceded lit dhertiuR Id- .-teotton tu hi<t Uteri picture, and the virtuou. spe.vbvs. volfloRUV drive

Bdiowi'dilitcmbii mid -. lmr*!i> !•'■ *< t III.' r.(.|ge. Tip- prim-e*. t!ld >•.!, alt that Mr*/ tttuarf bad pronoun*;I * r to in ; - oe way riitf-r and ’ benri thiiii <.»«» her Tnntutlic role could jPitllv, and alp* marched

I.. . loiiKeiousmi-i that the

Bo end of tlibfli ami of her.In Bii* litti" pamwt wiileh

llo diaatipear.mie nt til" : t*eitoil |u»ir int i Bo- dUtartf Mrw. Stuart leaimi back o. vand K.dd t" Kemlal

’’Now Bi'ui. Mr* Kcipkil. yt.nr rrlticUois! lit the ? e.:n.. jurt coming Miv> Hr*tmrt;H go*iil deni titnrc to do Bum

followed n -w |y -lie tallriKim, hef chair

i Itvik

"Oh. Inn mu forget our emu pari •1 xald K-tnl.B. ifcnicitder vou are t* i>* Bus Juilij" nf «nir Imiiavior at tin • till. It l» nut the par* nf ;t judgi to tempt HitHC in winint hfl }•* l<» d*- It>cr Judgment tr> crime '

pm * i dCIt' nirstcii!" stid .Mrfl, siuart-. immiiiut 'Vih* aitd Kdward can in . t!i- Iwl

like in. in tnng mi yrpt 1-t Mr, J?i rlie pertunu? Id'* *icv«BtMP* t(itdiri«r*g*hv

At tiiix Fnrttri* half turn—t r»»*mo. i io! viicol* ilia r r at niatif. under *?l«t*T» eh'iiint.l a ritii'if-.iaiiee i f * • n menace, at *lp» two nioft .teultii'l

B r.' *>it-" bit

matt play rout widen the 'White Lady ' had l**tl adaptml. It was in- IcntlwF in allow' tin- romantic ami pas­sional- character »»< the Fmintwts* and

oggeri that veil of extravagance...... oaring iu her which wan the * x-plah.i!:on nf tite i,id sei|in ul acts, lit tile original the dialogue Imd a cer­tain Herman Torre and iutrtisUy. " im p lost untiling of its occasional In .Ivlin'S:, iu tite mouth uf Hawes, tin- l(irgcSlM>ni:d ktt'aggctr.ng f<cr«*«>tiag*'

with Miffirli ut. for* *• *d fci linc. <md an urllatte sense atibBe flioilgb l*> Hiu:g..,j t„ her the iteci-.eiary modula­tions, could have mad-- a great mark in is. But tlie Brat words, almost, re- vtjth'd t-aiicl isr**theri*in': jliniiiatiuua and Is'fore two minute,, vie re over K'toial wax eonsriwus of ;tvronudet.y collapse of dial Hyntpatlieile rilatfotl b»‘|wc*ij| bint and (it*; atti‘o«« which i!i»i first "'em- had produc'd, in uti- otiter x.ntrw-e or two the spell had bwn irrev.aabty broken, and lie seemed to IiIiumIi to liave pu-sipl Trom

Be *>{ sriisliiM tP SK to ail that « a*rxtjulsit*' ami rare in her to a riat*' of

• irritable eonxctousti.vK of her defeet,-*. It was evident to him that in

:t»e id great capabilities she never lieiond the tricks of t n ele-

mentury cltHuibn, Biat her vblunto ‘ ml a toiieli of euntltumtiess in It

iiicii wax almost vulgarity, and that even for attitudes bad lost half tiidr charm. For, in B in effort Bio eon-

■luu* and litl«*rc«t effort of acting r move an-nli. which bad * \> m*< d *h an #neiiantmeui ov**i}:b|ni In she

r,-: '.'('iil', imd become mere stride* id rushes, never indeed without ?;**••, but often without dignify, ju:d

ail tint** lacking in that ciiindidcticy and Him! unity of plan wbleh is flic soul uf art.

The sen,,- of chill ami dfeiilttstuuwas extremely disagreeable to him, and, bv the little the seenc w n»- liulf- wat tbrangti. lie bad almost reased to watch h**r. Kdward Wallace, who had been hutking out for it.

"Nm mueh l« be t*ald for lo r. I ant afraid, when rite comes to burin*.-**.’

s-tld tu K*ndat In a whisper, as the two boned iicainri Ut** dour of Urn

"Wlif r*' did she get Bin"' Uru- trieks »ii*- has, that sc**-saw’Tu-

tonal ion situ puts on when rii- want** e path' lip; and Mint absurd r* st-

b'Sxite»x vvhii.lt/spdlls *■ very tit log* I f * s jerritde pit*, stometltncs t think I rat*:< a gleam of some original tower at tii** huUoni. hut liter" i ' sucli a lack of ijiteiligenec fn the artist wnsg. li U a striking instance of hue much and bow little can be done without ■jJui.it Ion."

■ It i» curiuitsiv Itml, certainly, said Kendal, while t'.. arjrvrri deuutitia- ttorix o! her lover were Mill rlngitig through the theatre, "Bhi look at thu house* What folly it Is ever to I'Xpiwt

great dnttttfttk- art tit Kngiand. W« ive no *<t*4e tor tin rudiments ot

Uie thing. Tin' French would no more tolerate "teh iwUng as this because ■f tile beauty *>f th" actress tiiaa they ivoitld judge n pit tore by its fame. However, if met. Ilk" Forties kuvty fltelr judgment keiiind them, U's bo w**nder if eotanioror mortat* follow suit,'

'There?'' *uhl Wallace, with a sigh relief aw tite curtain fell on the first . "tiiat’s iliMte with. Tiiere are two thr*-e tilings In th" s.-eond n* t Biat

• lieaiitiful, in Iter first appearance tiu White la»*.y sits is .as wouder-

Phl a? ev>r, but the Biird act is a niiisniie" ”

'.Vo wtilsperii.K there." said FortH*a, ooktug round ujwm fiicm. "On. 1 know what y*u'r© alter. Kdward, perfectly*I bear it-ail " itii on** * ar.

•Timt." said Wdljftgp. moving up to hit *. - il physical!.' imjawwibl..I Hui t '■« so pugnacious. We leave you Bk* front *if llic liox, and when we »p* l*ehr Iu your territory ottr moutlis are eliistxt. Iiut iu rmr own domain *■! elaliu tiu- riglits ot tree turn.'

Four girl! said Forbes, witii a rigit. 'flow slo m.inagch to tatti" i.< t. don a ,-u«- diH-s h a marvel to u * if rile • .* .'« sioidi- less per feel an : * *;»- iterliil tiian Klie is. she wouil Iu*'n Ip*!, tarn to tdeci-s t, vuu erlti";* lung ago. Vim have *h*to; your beet a» it 1-. •utlv the; public won’t listen lo yon. (Ml, (hul l suppose I don't see 1*11 that M>i! ;• o. Tii*' eritk-al poi/on * in mv veins, jus* -*s it l» iu >txtrs, but I hoH it in check it sliau t masier tnu. I will lia/.i* in* pleasure in spite o f it. in I when I com*- avrtvss anytiilnc in life Biat makes me feel, 1 will pro- l**t iu* reeling from ft with all tu> tuigit."

"We ar*> tUimb." xaid K*tidal, with i riittl* . 'eBierwiM. t would peadanti

a iiler v ? thebspffnsK to with ii Bin druiiiuiie pn*p* r»* and legitimately oppval--'

"Oh, hang yottr dratnatt* art." raid Forius, Bring up: 'h an’t you take things simply and riraUtfititirwnrd!,'

is there *!,<■ is doing her best

■o* :< w.hieli Hti’t *•>> glorious «s Biat of ■ ' ’ana tome t*> «■-*r*>* and vou "mi l

let It ehatm you and compier you. tu ■V, •• ?! I *V-> th- bargain

,*' eoiifoiHoli d|* clever .1 > yott:;:gr<*. '•> •*>* |t*>.' Well, it's your lues, lint

M> d»ar Mr. F*it'**, ; . fai*i Mr* Ktuart. with tier Tit lie judjelui pence* making air. we shall all go away con­tented. You. of «*utrxe, v>Ut ii«v*- l*a*t vour setiwMbui; they " i i ’ ltave imd their M-Uxe nf : lipet iorit>. and. a« for me. 1 siiull g.f Uie best ot it .*11 ruuni. For. while ‘ ou are her*-. I sc*' Ml** Misx HreBu rlott with your eyes, and

,!«t, as Kdward vvill get bold of me <>a the way lionp*. 1 shan’t go to bid without having experienced all the Jens or critb l-V DIB but now hunk and listen to tills mimic..ft 1» on" of Hie U»t thlugs hi the "Veiling, and w< fchall h«v« the White 1/ady dlrcr.tl* ."

tTa he Continued^

i the t- nth etlitpt* t d un>-tu n of tiiii:

V'xv>xa.'>?. '.’ hhh v ie i*mjs*t>•■* in th- mi til iu- dt m i 4it th" K-dur - ef I.* Itation

t,p> t u- - are. wit;ill/ <b'*ttruyiil, »hoe m* vio/et* spring from Ibrir tes>t«. Tfte prophets juivv no t-'xt'ira'l'U, for Assy* i In. hut fer dml.ili lb«T" was hc.p* in dab would b** *af oft and taken iR>*>• aplivit j ‘I !e f" wontd Is- tlirasler and distress. Inti a u - r t «-r 'dump, wunld I*** left rill, tif" and vigor in IL and a shoo* would ap^nr wobh v*»'uj*i r*,r*i» and fh nririi, tori* ad -1 < :.t«!ug the .tm-ri.lr.ii line David, ill*.; pnijihe* speaks it as l***.-o. w'iio was th" fa* tie r - f DwvFI. The great Kina would a<t»e trout this dtwk t<» rttl" a*td bbws. lot tlie I ' " ' aliiii*'. hul all the ".'.rid. a,*d * f th" kingdom liter** «n ;hi in- no on*. V Itianeh The bt;'* * f I a nt wtdlid rink very tow. 'ml a v*rdattt, vtgotoiisi, b.putilot. fruttfu’ tH'Ugh ■ * nld apt • ir. "A tir:»ne*i *mt of tus indr shall tsar fruit ’ - B \

il D"' < liara< t< r tv ? i l The spirit< f t*m Ltd'tl shall rest upon him InBi*' vers*> seven «nara-1* rf'*o s «d*'hri;d t " ' r>n n«iot'*o, r»mtt*dit -- or *d tiie ih '-cfpBoh given fit Itev. t It, '• in t< ,tr« frivjitenl referent In But• * rtpllir* s to the tt|dr«t S coming «;<*«» i. ,.,x tlxa *;< i . Mall. irt; ,J*dm I

'>8,t Th" thrcH- t.i.|r; ef attributes vvhlelt f«dt*!" in Bil'i v-r:- are pi**p«'rly tin* out.ddtitg * f wliwt is luiluhsi in "th- *u|e;t o! ttu t.tirl ' The suirit< ! uis'luni and imderstutpintg Tiese cprilHt* ■ i t r t<> Be- ir t«d"etual Pa- I >*< . T in y denote ; tear dl (•'re-nri'.* rani miuii'T jadgnu tit, *|UuuU* k that are OMhtful in u judg* or kttig. (’oi'itsil attd mlgiit yFotiiis 'i" K th.* fdeuity of adapting n <a*m to ends or «d fc.rtntMK rigltt r* ednttotm. "etight, * Hie tuetgy he. m wiry to ctirry tliem Bin ugh, • Bam. Fib "Bonus I un>f miget" arc itnc;ability t-« plan and th" ability B*< ' e< ntc. neither of whieli ran mall without th" oilur -Alexander. The rt irlt cf t.uowlcdse .i-.iii of the frar of Ft** ld*fd- Tb'sc tr-rncs itidirate the tael that Bio Mes-d'ih w.-uld kmivti tlio Father and would sustain to him tin uHltu'k- «d olKiii'toe, "That is a<- juatdfance with Bto true will of <*GU, iPiiihitiMi with Hi ■ detenuiimtimi to «ttrr> tint that will to li e ftiH."-~d*ol-

•lUalltics lore s.u*t to belong to B e .Branen" ar-j suelt as.M'ul.t beionfc bin, ns the Messiah. Hu- Kin., t t . Bod with »;s.

Hi. tits work iv», "-'il. .Shat- mat,, him >*( c-uiek umler*(a:nliitg l;t

th* laird "Hi i tlidiglii sfiall h*' iu tiu fear of Jehovah." - i;. \ Tb* Messiah ri.aB m t ntv t„ iTtlit. ouH mi i lady hiins- ll, ?mt in* rllitli didigiit in Hu m* (pialiBes in men. Tl<« ilgbrew. evpretgsioa i« that lie I » ath.w in tits Bur of tl," »**>rd as fragrance, util is delight. 1 with it, Nol judge after the si;lit *if It fa even

s’ltrist shall havo s. p'*rft*«t iu-dnUt ftdo fuoti'es. it w ||J not be me-esurv

hint to si— aria or call wbnesses. In- knows both tit-.' nit Ward aei tho intention. Uepiw. * "D*vti*,-

. V, He ..ill f»* absolutely impar- Bul dud jiist. j. With; rlr.l»t*JOU**ncfls shall he jmld* Hi** piuir -)m- ,*f th* shiv ciiarged agginri isravt was Bmi tt < people oppressed Hie lK»tr. 1 u< MesAiali would Itttva » pr.ip-T ear*.* i-*r the d'B'ne*,lx s and downtrodden. Neither social |<*wUL*n a«r politic*' (landing would turn liiiit from julglttg riglttixiuslv. in Isa. 6 i: kt» Bm work

t flirist li set forth. Iteprov** witii unity tor tit*- meek - ' ltlca.»v*i .are the ink, Kir tin*.* shall inherit tin- earth Matt. -V i t . The Mestdui, would take tin ;.taud on the .principle* **i rtghte-

again:: the wlckol m b"iia!t of Bit* meek or Btotte who "ere op* pr* »«il, Ito.l >:f lift* MKUB.i His .,-mxls would be iKiaerfuJ. He would need i.n'r. to speak and wliat-' ■ r *ahi would !<u doti". With tin* breath ot I :* lips xlmil h*:f slay tlie wicked-Hi*

;d would strike terror tu Bn i curts of Utc ricked. L ItighBom*

.Bn* gird If of his loins -Th" Klrdb* *v«s "ini.ioyod to .-mlrel" tin-

;.t and tuda ail tin* garno-nts *'K.*-; th" body. Bifded loh* * 'tsttif' ■iikBi. readiiioK** and x.vittn* *•• A!1 i UrlsCs auttyUtcH wor * to ?»•■ *v.i*r-

ecurltril by rlgiiumusn-'s-'. Hi* «*>'- -muntil was to ts- Impartial and right. I'l.ltlifliinosj' - VM ills pramitcM v oidd

bi* kingdom would be conderi'il witii t-l solnt** falr.-K -:- Human covcrnm. iit approaches pence tion in pr. t*ort**»n « ' si is diaraei* riricl by tip* spirit ot BbristianUy,

JV T.U* ' !’* : ! * Of bt * ri>m«t»g F* x >• ;.* I *5 flu* -volf also elutti 111" lull btho i

which Billow. ..............w a vivid picture ot thean ! Id*svcdit"** that ettvnild

H II ..................| H tic* MiSxIalt **'il..* tlgur oi Hi - > Ii »ng*xl •ll pot'ltloti, r anio.alx »*»war*l •xrib <*F'>r, Its it. if.I-- meiiliomd tog* tbor nr* ̂ hot HPinUy tov.,rdM*mdi oilier The on- f;i the nautritl l r- > of th<? *>"** r. .1 m veil Is r*rib ri and (■' !-'". while Be* iamb ii a »*.rinb<d *d m -ckii'u * »»'!«. .pur.l This atilt.btl lx te.mFic . < pur-(!ti:. its pr‘>> in piav* ‘ ina>s?*-xri-

(.. tbr >"*tf «ml is l.loodtnlraty. v.t ,t i|.v:fiin'* tu<* liarndess eumpan-

.j* th«* young go ti. l.t«m- -The lien ix net out * so re v but strong- H 14 abt* to carrv Oft the fatting M >*

g. ntl'' and liuriph*?. ami st'b- i,derive " ‘ *tt 1» *‘ «htl*l. ?• Klialt cut »»ri*c iik - the ox t ?'- lion '*<■?»<* 11?.- bv the d<structt*m «B>flr an­imat'. mnt w ill InsfOnuMhc coinpaillott *;f (he ox. d. The sib*' An o.xe* *>hngl.> ,»,l ».■«, /

<;!».- et the mo t uelpiesx ote h i ts In the animal orra'icn. yet it t

rfevtlv safe with dansorijud reptdev t’oekatflros’ d-n -Tho eoekairt . *>

large and ,*nomoU* .stronger figures "-rihl «rarv«-

jv P, - M-t. though drawn from th** , -.Bre *:.*«! <•: uAtBt . to e *p r v " t’x** W'UUli i lul effects of the coming gr< at in. *.,l fiaus* a under the ire* Daridie- M- i.»-i; rut* ’ * •Seat! ■>* ? Fcrtn er

- t.ai: d-* evil *r act .i.rrupB*. ' " " ,tiB< *i t*k* this prevail * wb '* * brtri s kutg buu fnlty hold* **sv Tie' U«H* j / , . - ipli;,*B**t that

bulv untain Tb • protdu'lall i

............ .................... If-**eaTtf* should h-> uft.-ef-ri by Bio !«"•" r ,,j Bn* . , ' * !. Slum* would limit th*« \t.** • b .* to Include only /ton *>r, nt mcri. tuv utB'Vo.mBv of FateritU", pull of Bio. tuiowbilgc ot Ove ta>r«l

Tin traih Ik clearly roeoalecl that Bn? r< Sj« t K to la- itirro'l t*» "very land "lu re >i ,ui is I -und. and is to have He l» n* liM-ut of>*•-• * B»; In that day-Tin daV widt h B;* :»roptut *«* in iif* 'I?ion ri the t 'ing rind N**t*a«Hug gl.'v vl Bt* Me,- riali. A trad of Joss"

r.'io M-fxl.ih All **n itg* A riand- nrd •?*> wbiei* (!i<- t./oj:le riioutd rally Tin- * r«,*4 le* ? Iteroi.te Hi emblem tit Buristmuiiy f « it rii»H tlio LhntUtr* ,(i'*k< " I ’et i liim .diiill tin* nations • *k, • l* V Uio M* - -(aii wan tu

* a* • i'o7 to tin- I*;-wa alone tttff to alt tin tuition: IBs t*-t* small he KiuTItii*

F->r "ro.-t '»tin* Itevl,-. .1 Yetspui ha-*' lo'dittc ida«:< ' Bhrist'a B>r* n* U to ‘: * »n.i.*n<-nf .oil bis rrigu forever g!*ui»U(

• B ' F H T i s — VVHo lx the writer uttbSf, T *- * 'h y -YV’bat i- there strikingalmui id* prophecy” Wii*. lx meant bv tin- Hriimh .' Wlmt work did Bhrfot tome to earth to accomplish? YVhat iv *«:d of Bio jmwer of Ills word*' Vcliat ligur**x arc* used to denote Bo* iff<i;t*> of BlirihiV work for *.!•*: world" How widely i» Bt** know- !>«tc* «f I!**- Kr.x'.w'i to ia*.spread.*

FliABTIBAI. SBftVBV,Tnpie. -Blirist in prophecy.I. HD nulling.It, ttt* spiritHI; His reign.I. ML, coming. It |*i , vid* nl Biat

'-he peture ef the future which ruts ti.i- * hapt* r !- one of th*. niost ox- Ifltlkivo wtiieb tin* pruptn-l Laitth has drawn it .ertululy was not from him Biat the J***bd* nation denied th** X|.*y tation that the Messiah would In* a mighty teinimriil pritteo. tip* loader of urinli's, w ho w ould break the, yoke that hound fh*ni and give them do­minion ow r ail Bn* nation* of Bp* world, Tlio prophecy here revolt|h that w'lieu tin- liuuM- of Ti-sxe s*-*'med like x tree hewn to Un* ground, a Branch would spring forth, bearing fruit mid, ov*'rsliuda*1ing llu* earth. Th** picture here presented is deiign- ■ d to b- in ebart* *ontrast to that of tiu unjust jtidg. -, r.*f*rr«*d to in pr<-- •loiri chapters. ft i« iiecrHsarv to riimicct tin- opening «*r BfU chapter with the *b-s*» ef th** ((receding on**, n order .to fed Hu* furoe vt the con-

•tram. There we Bud Biat the cedar ■i Lebanon, the symbol „f Assyrian •K*w>r. representing the pawing tK>n»i* or a jiigaji mijplro, whip* Israel is h*r.' represented us rising again, though x*> far rat off. The green shoot wfi« In fulfilment of the old eovendflt that there should always be 1 ■un- to -ii on David's throne. The metaphor b taken from the growth of vegetation, that process of the •v-..ml,-r.working Bod. which none can explain, yet the existence of which non*- <au dispute The "dry ground" was the barren soil of a corrupt age. n depraved humanity. When Christ tame. Mary and Joseph were the liv­ing representative* of an illustrious ant *-tn The prophecy begin* in full M. -rianie strain and swell* Into a sublime propheey of the reign of Christ. / *

IL His spirit, Tlio*** graces are |p*f<* • <i forth vvhie.’* wt?r*» spedally matii-

ustui in she Messiah. wivt->m, cour- » and r* * ou r". He saw al) B.ings in Heir actual mil essential mitur** slid in their tin.' proportion:!. H * pra** nt*'d a -*t charaeler, IL* i>ud

F < Fpirit w ithc.ttf memoir * tnat t*e might pcrlettly timlerstniid Ids mi'li'r- lekii.g. lie revealed tin* divine fatlutr e«t.) men. I'x- jiropheti/* conception *.* B e M. 'jia ii is oi * tintu specially '■ndt-wccl mill titled for Id* mission by* huts Spirt’ , with a perfect eoiitpre- tieushm of B. j in bin nature, uutli- t;< x. nttribm* • and works. The M**e- siivh is Jii f ' t* i iescited in Ids riglltf- i:*:.-.ii<-.xk and Idittlfuittesc, acre* aid' t/endril t«ig;*!h r. ntutunli* Blurirat- iltr *-aeii other.

Ill, IBs reiun. Fr'ipItcUc *t;rlplur<'.»• *t forth u perf.-cf Being, itrl mi ideal King, with k'mg’y autborttv. We liay well rind* -Ids picture of Ine Men rinhV reign, drawn by n divine band, tor through It v*e can sec tin* answer to * - r praye r . The wind*? earth shall li- the sjdrll*,.i! retiiiration of "hat Me tint /fun vu< iiut tltenjinlKil. The v hole world iM-til h** fre**d from In jus- tit" amt viol a * a n d Boodml with Christianity., Tins prophecy was part- *:■ itdfiiled w’un tfu* Bhrlstinn <ll:i- Ivunstion wax instHutml. but a fat mot* Hlustrioui day is tix»k <l forv.artl -to v hen B p* prophecy shall have It * eompiMd Hceumpiislinient. w It* n <Jt»d i t f,«S'gnir*il everywhere, when men's rctaihittship to each other wilt l*e o‘ the happiest nml most Imipftll kind, when separate iaml» an* brought into remniutdeattou vritlt each other, com- ptctely and hclpfuliv. when love* will iiav* victory uri*r ail forms of division mid hate, when rlghteousn* ** can foily reign. v»;>en Ft*- perfect King Is uni* V'jf.iU: «ckn'»'vledce«J and B e i*erfcet kiiigtlont establish,xl, with iinpaittnl ju lemeuts and ifplitiihl" o-nrouf nr-? aduiltdstercd. in prophet ic form w« cuv< her** expressed th" truth whlrfl tin* Moslah himself de,'li«r*d when In; hi id. "And t. if l is* lifbxl up from tl? * arih, *..m craw aH men unto me," J.-rin* aros" to an, appreciation of tin* tesentiid oiieipwi of Immuiiity. and l re.-entcul himself a-s »it>- ensign of tii*- prop!*-. Hi? perjieFt.il tne.-"tjt-' >uak"s Bhristianily poKsihh*. His king- riom Is repr‘**W'i!t<ii as riel, .mil flotir- tsidng. i(«*m*r ■*! and |K>werfnl » hr!*;- ttanity > *■ utmUy oaettk to Hvj.it.it. its .......'oticv. itn ten<l«neb?s xmltesuF. f* *“•

C 0 1 .0 R O F A R M Y H O R SE S

A M ove to Have All W h ile o rG ra y M ounts D iscarded.

. | lie color line i:* being draw it by the army in the "iircnax*- of horacw,?t l’u> bent fit drawn *u favor of v.Jiij ■ nr light lior-e:., mu against tin ut, ami •;« f»/»r »?! -orr* ?>. brown*. Pa.'?* and »■>>n tda«k-. Beraus-e c*f their viiuliltitv whit*' and grav liut><*«,r - mil . uridered ite*lra»de ? for

iu til" tic-id* they art' a trpvli'ud'f?. and on thi* ipiarti’i'iuaster corps lui* ii !(.i;-iUg Vigil l eoion'dif * *x ;>i - permitted to


" ing shot : i the

i tiin army .er. *1' . * out ere'*.i•Bo r? of the army fro

• nf a. i ?d* r sir. idddng the >■' ■' ̂‘ f

-'vUvse! 5'!.v? e.etv with J, ( ■.* , ;<<( , ;t jsgivt colored moutirath- • m:./. V.it! I**' aide lit local*' a regdm ni '*r a . om, all.- wit'vU Wight t-e ett >. -ut duty. The uumtion whether a e.'.i* hoc,.-. ri offlelally re- gardiit a* a 'tillable nituut for an of­ficer hax b.-eti th<* uibject of lively rontrowry al al Icari one army pc»» —A m y and Na-vy Journal



! popular ami vTELES'lOPE «l««uuo*lr*iiuiiH ill a, till# COUtil}’

* edcb.atm l l»r ram* pari



tMh.-jwh.- f l5 » . United

i Mr. Kuwait aoiit a tdogran : ibrngraliilationM to Mr, QataplMlI ! expressing b 'fe <l*hght *1 tbo result l wbieli showed Mich n remarkable

change it* U io v o 'c , It wan closest election for the Provincial House in DiiiuU h for thirty y

Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies

or other valuables in one of these boxes


Hi M. L A Y Manager, Walkcrton Ont

* E D I T O R I A L l <■ ♦ •> ♦* ♦ i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦•-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a

A lm o s t a L ib e r a l W in

Duodas C'3«*dy, fallowing the loud of W e t Hamilton a fow weeks

“ Well, Father Can Play”Ye.v Iv iu t than L ever thought »M»v>ili!cf

All tlu yc.o r, th,u In- has spent unable t«» play have Ih v n storing up .t great fund of memories, and now that the

idihiiiC,- Flayer Pianowith the wonderful Yi> istet Totieh Action Inis set his musical heart free from his untrained fingers, he finds himseh able to give wonderful expression to’whatevci he plays.

Me can play "Mule Britannia" or the "Marseillaise woe. m» • h vigor and go that one's feet start march ng whether or no. and to every other hind of music he brings the same genu the tmdtrsiandlrtg of latent talent.

̂ Tln^Miprrt* iitslmne-nf iv llte very (meat csa*ttplc of

An t .Player*

.ItllM > Ihir Of PI.t |- «,n


G E O . B . S M I T H ,A y t o n , R e p r e s e n ta t iv eTh« WlllUm* Fiino Co.. Limited Okhewe.Mekere

im r s

HACK TOTUK I,AS||I luring tbo past fow yerrs wo bad

several cases of gro*» immottklity nud adtiltory, but that which wn boforo tbo police court last week ii which a man and his wife's alter were involved was tbo moss loath- aouie of all. ()uo shudders to take in tbo wboto situation and turns

l ,v,,“ v‘ " ,ow ,>uuno away in disgust. Hitch a shameful..... .. Oeawnlin u

• > I« l« .l .> > > < lS » jd o g rM o lc l1ri8. i 1 V • S t.«n civilisation. W il.t b » M M

!'* ,t , down th at it should come to pass.Wfc.l linmilto!’, Col). ...... n i l . 39 . „„r , gonc, , i M l (o r

Coiiaty, Co... n i.j .<,:)■ Alt. lu, m ort, „plilt t a - M l l r „ ,| ,d

Total 2171 UN . in its duty? If tbo press has been

T litre t« » I.K.II a m ln u ton o f ! Iuu'““ '“" l tbou .« is tiiuo lor il Uovornm,L.t m .iof.ly .11 i h m t » o " l * * k * H « w M om io hmhioij

. l.y .-«lM lioM . M .I »U.ce Mr. Ilon rsl! ®V« « W » * >')> » .* <t«wtiw»U« l ber.uio l'rem icr. of over -.’,0 0 0 ! Iu* f,ert C‘.t the pro*. i , o o l , oue I votes. i 8Rt,nc>'» Others must answer for

1 thomselvos.

Ju n e lu l lC«u 32

LibCou 252

253 „ 1U5

I The extent of the turn -1 ■ Dundas Countv may be realized i fully by au examination of the fol.

lowing details:

IMorrieburg, Dec 101 i Morrisburg, |,ib. 50

[ Iroquoje, 19i Chesiervillo „ 12 | W inchester 2U i WSlIiatuburgh.. 15u . Matilda Tp, Cou 205 | .Mountain Tp „ 1G2 I Winchester Lib 18

| Whores* in Juno the Conservative | carried seven ou t of eight muuici- j palitiofl, this week tbo Liberals car* 1 ri«d six out of eight.

Tbo Liberal candidato was John i A . Campbell, a chocs manufacturer | and the Conservative candidato who > now tmceootltrtho late Sir Jam es j Whitney by such a narrow majority

was Irwin Hilliard, K. C .

Mr. Campbell emphasized in bis appeal to tbo electors progressive

; politics of agriculture, education ; and social reform. His remarkably j good run, which was securod iu 1 spite of the etrenuous efforts of the [ Conservative organization assisted ' by Andrew IJrodcr, M. F . and How­

ard Ferguson, M i* I*, to keep the • majority to a substantial iignre. was

The question now, is how can the society of any community be proved that these repulsive disgraces are practically unknown? Tbn gen ora! moral tone of every community is far above i , but there aro always some members of society whoso lives have been cast iu a lower mould and it is for the church to reach them in some way, and when offen co4 come then punishment must he severe.

F o r the man before the court iubt week the three months in goat may give him time for reflection. If he had not a wito and family the sen­tence of the C ourt would probably have bocn more severe. IJut why not the lash as well. Society must bt protected, and tno lash will do mere towards that end than other form ot punishment. — Wiarton Echo.

“Oil! Look What Santa Claus Brought"You Can Make This Picture a Reality by Sending Home or Sending Your Friends a

COLUM BIAGRAFON OLA anil COLUM BIA DOUBLE-DISC REC O RD SAny one of the dealers below will giadiy demonstrate any Grafonola, from the one at $ 2 0 .0 0 —and it's a real Columbia—to the many other models ranging in price to $650.

A amall initial payment places any Columbia in your honie—and on Christmr* morning if you wish. Balance can be paid at your con­venience after the holidays.

There is a full ihouscind 85c Columbia Double-Disc Records in the Columbia Catalogue


C. A. FOX, - W a lkerton-i- r-.'-ia Records ar< /dill1! Made in Canada

Ttiri.K N K IIAHS To close all bars and ciuos in

Ontario during the war.At the end cf tbo war to sub­

mit to the direct of the people the question of whether the bars and clubs thus closed shall remain for­ever closed or bo re-oponed, the question to bo settled bv a majorityvote.

3 To impose such restrictions upon tboresiduo of the liquor traflic

will most effectually limit its evils.

Tbis is Mr. Howell’s proposal of a definite plan to deal with the definite situation iu Ontario arising ont of **•' — To accompjud/these ends he has offered to co-operate with Hon, Mr. {{caret m bringing them about.

Mr. Howell wen t further and said' now renewed to M r. H earst, the

new Premier, the general offer he had made to his predecessor, name­ly, to lift the temperance question entirely abore the realm of party controversy nud to settle it by unit­ed action by wiping out all bar and club licenses within tbo Province and by imposing such restrictions upon the residue as would most effectually limit iD evils.

If the new Premier Uid not fe*l like doing this, \tUen Mr. Howell made hie proposal to close all bat« and shops during th« war.

With so much unemployment and financial disorganization in the Pro­vince as there is to d a y , the closing of thj> bars and the subsequent stopping of the waste of money and energy, Mr Howell considered would be ol the greatest value in such A time of Hre*».

The proposal is exciting keen in terest throughout tbo Province and is sure to be oue of the interesting subjects uf discussion ut the pend­ing Sussiou of the legislature.

All. through <li< «mini»y fntineiam eputting up luiif ti.iiiM*'.. The high pih'c *>l ' ’-si* hi* m ale jisjuttfvt«*Mu}! a p**>- liubtc t>u(.m«M. ;

•MONEY IN o.MO.V-.The nnms»K*-im<*«« m the Jtn n .i.

I are leaden, in „

A. Job' o*i T ucmIii.v and

company to br in iitoio inl pt ion deapil •* I he gem i .»l »hu i. m>

Every Woman

ls..M 1 illcompany.finds it*«lf with «'««uial Iminru-i* to its ci thisyciU' :jpi|Vlitt|K in IwUct |ln> condition than »inc# th«* llr-t jrca tfn-y. ’.cd t<u*im>>*.—Mililmny tin? ettc .,

BREAD HACK TUB CENTS Tin- price of bread w;»* b«*( 1 »i*. ,1 t cent- pc- I.Mf by out' h eal baker*

but the good ti<o»*~kcc|N-i*nf th* low'.did 11 t lake ides ml

liiitcd btking then

ot.alnt ftcei.u per loaf at d l ha >1 oor im-trlautM in have il »|«ip

tad it. amt In- a1da*.t rclotl it at <i«cn loaf- WiuulMm Time*.

<5 HI,ICS ALL t i n t u\YN.


Low D onfoSr.Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept 1st Catalogue free. Enter aay time.J.W. Wedervelt J. W. W otemlt, ft.

Principal _o>utsf»n AccwaUst10 Wcsftsoou

Tic Gazctl?' tintu i . surely l. o ‘mgable# id In- «>« ijfistiiow , W. arcir-taiitly Wing ct.Mitvd for the at-ide wo have imcd and tlu* n ill-in which w ai i* dealing with the

t**!*?» war. S ucoth i<t- fourth ..f.• k - papulatinujUto'i

t r belt* *>ur a'-fn Intra tbo kaiwr in I he pretx ntjlar.-d. '<■»t in jtmUc .* tv <»U'clvvl*. WCthink <>u rcadera Imuld onaidcr ju*thow 1 uv. wc weu|d !»• all M b . poi­liAi a *><•vqupcrif w-cnjM nty advucat**.1 the c, .HCidrau nda*t* tcinic-. A* itU, many of them?w *twper thronglicutlh»* ctiUHliy Innpublish articles iittcudcd to sraatti

among the (Jit nadiat) people, a ad ul4«»k onr tcadeta, when ihey

htdiikc cancelling their rubscriptiou article* have la;cn pnh-

litihed that » rn - net sltictly ;n at with then? sciitiiiluut. —Mihtmav

S c h o o l R e p o r t

. iV. A Clliehidiut J natluiid IV. -P a** - ,M. Knoll. IS. Gar­

land. A . Buddy,I I t ,—Hon —M Abell. 1H Gtrhiud,

Uallvlc D.u laudj. P.io* W Parker.J r . i l l .—(K W acchcr, V A t«lb. W

thnldy, C Patkcr, B Kastner, It Ches- uey. L.Kuol!,

Sr. It — 11 $cbn:t/leiJ r Il- P**s—I. Svmoml', (» Johu-

>t?>n. Joe Beckhergei, I Parker J r I—Hon—A Garland, It Chcsuey

i Kmdt P « - s Brekbcr«er, It l ark!

Sr lb — (A; llna — J Monahan, P Bcckbergct. F Jofcn*to»» P»»> — F Syim.nd*. M Johnvton, J W aetiin . H

phell pass—T Knoll, I Abell, II A, P lloUhler, J Hetchter, M

Cstdwell. W Parker.M* M. Keith, teacher.


Merchants BankO F CANADA


220 BranchesThe SAVIN’ .!-i A * 'c a u s r - o f

tho*e desiring a strong SAVINGS BANK, arc cordially invited. Int­erest added Inst day of April and October instead of May and Nov ember, ns formerly.


M a n a g e r

P r a r ) t T«> W i)s}lip

FarmsI have, iu B rant. 2 fifty acre

farm s, I forty-*!* * n e Isrtn, I one hundred and th irty acre faint. 2 two hundred acre fauna all KI.I. t.MPKOVED. -miiveniem to Hauov. c ro r" alken on , ant! the oworra have placed them m my hand* he- cause they AKIv BOUND TO SE L L I have a|*o a ICO arre farm in Perth , near Li*towel, one o f the beat farm s in the County of Porlh, with ex tra improvements, a v<ry g rea t bargain a t «?<*(’. I e r * * r be .'ore had such a choice of F»im s a- now. My office is HKAl/QUAB- TKH S and yon ithonld criue to tee m eif von want tobny at t «phtp» u e«

H . H . M l L L E gHA NOV KB - - ONTARIO

KUtiivi:*»»*«« at »;selv > .it they m e*

! In- lit let? note* mi- they <vpyndrd $3i3

i « r »etu auu it..- crop rcuii/><t 8 2 5 !L«u , o net le tn m of $2I|l,tsi. The yield, j rile bust the HmtsCul K e t tle |H> v. t jtu d , Has all been soht mat paid for j which al«octaud<i(« the c m lli o f the j shrewd umnugament for owing to. tbo ’ j falling off in the demand » consider-' j able portion <d Hie crop throughout j I the country is mill iu the hand* of the ! ' producers.

\PERRINSTIPPERARYBI$CUITJEach biscuit bears a picture of patriotic in­terest, such as Canad­ian Soldiers and troops of,, the other allied an ites , Union Jack , British Bulldog, etc.— 10 varieties in all.Their delicious flavor and golden crispness will give you a new respect for the baker. Every biscuit guaran­teed, at your grocer's


lira! K?t»to bought »ud old: money <«• bun : also agent * i the K.omm- cvm ial Mutual Fit.-. Insurance t -m p a iy - - P to n r line H*». ling J A 1.

[ S p ^ ; r ' y ' I Y - T JUREffl

j r j W t o | W rk siiia ,

s£r.s..-»> i - ’ J

:»OICtHt co .mcato.oM. tfm

T R E E S ! T R E E S ! !

AH kind* of bruit and .an a mental Tn**, KvergtWuk. H»m*n *<hriii»>. I'timla-r*, «-t*. Kveiy- thing in the Nnt*r«y linr S<-ml livl of yit.tr want ” h-r pricr-. i ’aulognwfivr.

*«•«!• w*nt«a E»*f»«a***

|X. Hided to^ st.u T!>» Ncolx-ll ltrng

Electric Restorer for MenPh osp honol '• • ' ' a »Le !- ir |

.1 j . h . w i s m e rPort Elgin. Ontam

D E N T A D n * I------- Mb.

W. J. H A I.L ID A Y ,

! J-s. RKK » r : ^ * r r J 5gr

M E D I C A Ld r . b r o w n , l

o y i-> hV:’J X ; of o t — »■*

a u c t i o n e e r

J; G. C A R T E R ,

i1«‘ «l «u Vr>*L*V


S m i t h 6c M c C o n n e l ’s

C h o p p in g 'M illf'eed (Q S e e d S t o r e

A ll K in d O f C e r e a l A n d C o e ra e F re d F o r S a l e in T o n L o la O r In A n y S h a p e :

S m it h & M c C o n n e ll W A L K E K T O N . O N T

Individual instruction M|i»ii» ymi to enter Any d *j at ,jie

-/;> w w /tf/tA W /ty

O w e n S o u n d , O n t .It is* rcjognlzed aa tin? moat thor­

ough. practical bm>iov’>» school in t'amnla.

Individual Instiuclion,

Our three *to»y college building.


C A FLKMINU. P . 0 . A., Principal

DO. FLEMING .Secretary.

S ey i'a /iA t


Oar phoiuiiraiibs arc marc than good phothgrapbs— they arc true portrait*— bringing out all that'* bc«t in character and individu­ality. Make your ap­pointment* NOW.

1 !

J . J lQ t .‘J ’M C Jt


If you want a stov

b o y a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T .' None

better. Aso a full

line of Heating Stoves

H A HAVILLWalkeiton - - Ont.

Ur. de Van’s Female PillsA t<■!:)!'!« rtn&jtihmiatorr«w*« f«>>«. Thr«*

**» e«*eflo*l* p.'»-fi.ii in •rcuUila* . ” f*.«t**l**n*J* K

*,'<| *»? Or. d< T u 'i ere *-M «l*«»• acebell Dm* r» . au C*Uk*r

t o k 's Codon Root tompiwroa.


od Me ruing !ft't AKl IMTKODUCINO

I’̂ KKr* Tin* i- knit innot in,

G U A R A N T E E D i.-illm- lit-.**, *t \ ;.tii*i i id it v »l u ntv* • ini ami At>-<|..).-.ly Htatolros. Will \v* in UtiiniilltW ivit limit l«.>!••», <>r now tun « Irvi-.i O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R t*trn-iy nm> ♦riulii ii it* $ L «» tn .a»tt>»u>y«irjM»Uil to «».*kev wtiVvtt't'iiiK niiil'lil|i|i'iiKrli(ir- cs, n*> will ~.-ml |Hst.|Ktiil, with written rum « tin-.-, 1 a. krtl l*v * fiv«- ntillio’i ih .ll.r cmnintr.y, td t her

it Pah*. r nil) valoro American Silts llron-ry.

or J Fairs of our iiOo. vntuo Ammo-nn Un<-llU)m>

I Va ..I..American Cot to

Ih.Mirryfi Fairs ol Children's



when ilrolclioc dily I-* M'le.'l. d-International Hosiery Co.

I*. O, It *N 211 D A Y lo X OHIO, r , s A


By Taking " Fruit-a-tives ” Says Capt. Swan

Life t* very miserable to tho*e who

l.akevY tell* how to get quick relief from Stomach Trouble.1‘oht ltURWHi.L, ONT,, May SUt, 1913.

“ A man fix* a poor chance of living •nd enjoying life when he cannot eat. Thai was what was wrong with me. ho** of appetite and-Indigestion waa brought on by Constipation. I have had trouble with these diseaae* for years. I lost a great deal of fleah and suffered couatantly. For the last couple of years, X have taken "Froit- a tives** and have been to pleased with the result* that I have recommended them on many occasions to friend* and acquaintances. I am aure that "Pruit- e-Uvc*’' have helped tue greatly. By following the diet rules and taking ,*I,ruit-a-tive*"according to directions, any person with Dy»pcp«U will get bcBefil" - I t SWAN

•‘Fruit-e-tlve*” are sold by all dealers at 50c. a box 6 for $3.$o, or trial sire 25c. or sent postpaid oa receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivts Limited, Ottawa.

M». .1. A Jilin-lxi

1 ir.cltMr. thmrge Hrinhail mill d.mghtcr

: Mi-.,-. Antionede, atul Mrs !gnatx ti*uh J left on Sat unlay for n week’* visit to : ( i iiclpll. Hcrllimud l?i'it<lon.—Mildi | * i.tzelt**.

'I 11 s • hell r< turned to town Tuesday for tin* winter and Miltluiay thus gain* anotln r»ntbu>in*t ic hockey fan In cheer f<>r the hoys when they numtAtid trim tin* Wnlkoiton seven. Miidntav tiatetle.

Messrs .Intiica Syinon iuul If. Miller were visitt rsin Walkerrim Wednesday -\Vlkrlon Echo.

Mrs. Cunpb. ll of Walk. 1 ton v * 'mI her daughter. Mi*. Robert Donaldson, last weuk.—Teeswatei News.

BUSINESS COLLEGEheads >n age. IHlnence and >t,rr *

III gtaduale-. SjH-cialij'A'S in t in g and I’ iinian Sh-.rtlmn.l and nil com eturcial anlijcets. Fall term open August Hist. .Vrlte f< r out rainingu- Address T. Wauclu'pe, Driticipai A'onge A Mctiil; .St*,, Tortmln

“ K i n g H a t”King Hats arc fl-i<il)le and self-coi orining. just where the Ltd n m I c he head.


T he W ar Docs not Effect the Nursery Business

| Thos. W . Bowman Son & CoLijiitkij


j IC t CR EAM jG O T O f

! Erdman’s \

•TRATfORO. o r r . -Onlatlo's Best Practical

Training School. We have thorough courses and ex­perienced i dors in each of our (hi • depart* ntcnls.

Douxuiercitil, Slun thaml. TH- "graphy. Onr gijuluate* m e. need and you should get our lurvv.l free catalogm*. write for iyat unco

D . A . M c L A C H L A NFRtN 'ClFAL

Butlnro* in Cnnula will ham. The de'uixnd for well • trained yomnr men nml women for tm-lnei,* will lie keener than ever. The wise arc preparing how. ».. l into one ol

chmdsand b*r**»dy. A tcwMuonth/ will do »l. If will pay von well. Fro** ci.teh.irue. W rite fur it.

S llA W S m siN KSS SCHOOLS 'I r-ront**. 3tY>Yotige»t W slu.w Pro

Winter Tours*T0 T ilK LANDS OF

S jnshinc dnaSam nxer Da y




Particu lar* from ( '. I*. It Agents or write M. O. Murphy. District J'n 's- en^«fr Agent, corner King and Yong'j S treet* . Torom o.

Win. Fnwl.»r and Robert htdniid were in Walkorrun tin * week, neting on the ju ry .— l eo w n lcr Nvw>.

Tho Smith llfiic# election protest against Mv. It. K. Truax. alteKiog that he had secured liie election hy I'm rnp- tion aud hrihorv will Ik. held Imforii Justice Kelly, ofToronto.onthefourtb of Ju ne next year.—Mil Itnay Onttcte.

, Mr, Kd Difltel. tin employee of the W alkerlim Lgg«V D aily C ". bus*pent the part week with his p»rent# here, where he him tidied up hlr sleeve* and joined in »help In* folks move thrir tionKelitdd gcodt. to lU npver. Ho freiiuently calls lo Ay to n .—Avion Advance.

It was some joker who sent the scare th a t the Herman-American* V ain preparing an invasion of Cnuada by crossing on the ice over the Detroit r! vet. This river has been frozen ov­er sutllclently hard t«» make this pos- sihlo only once in the last thirty years.

. Failure of the elTort'of Pope Ibmr- dict to bring nhout Ti truce between lh« warring nation* during Christina* holiday* was formally announc'd from the Vatican on Saturday. I t is stated that one of the power* opposed the

F plan,%/% ac*- i

C o m b in a t io n O f f e rsYou want good reading during the coming year

Y ou cau’t get a better paper for local news than theT E L E S C O P E aud with it we offer the following at the

prices shown T he T e l e s c o p e and

One new Subscription,. .......... ............. ...............<>-75

Saturday G lo b e .......................... .............. .. i>9o................. 1 .9°

Toronto W orld......................................... . ................. 3-75Farm er^ Advocate......................... ................2.40

Cauadian Farm ........................................ ............... 1.90

W eekly Sun ............................................... ..................1.90

Catholic R egister......................................... 1 .do

Toronto Daily G lo b e ............. ................... .................. 3-90Toronto D aily Mail & Empire.................. ......................3-90Toronto Daily S tar.,. . ..................2.90

Montreal W . W itness......... ..................1.90

Loudon Catholic Record,. ..................2.25

Canadian B a p tis t .......... . ...................... ............... 2.25Presbyterian, .

W estmiuster ......... ................ 2.25

Ontario Churchman ..................x-5°Ghurch Life. ...

Farm & Dairy

W eekly Mail & Empire

Saturday N ig h t.......................... .................3*5°Loudon Advertiser ...............1.90

The ii eat North *tn Telegraph t*««i: pany will assume e<>n»r»l of I he Tele graph system of the Canadian Nor Ii era Telegraph Company on Jan , I.

•Iudga Barrett of AValkcrton, one til Sonlhstnpti nVsnmmei «v>i ‘eat*, whe has iieen III for many mouths, i* not Imprilving in health n» fust ns hi* fi-ieml* would like to *ee hint do.-- SanlluimpUtti Ueitcon

Cheslav Woolen Mill- l> ., h * ship* ped2».*«U»l*nkets f<* the n-e of the French army. This firm I* wotking day ami night to complete their onle Itefore Christmas. Messrs Wilkin Hn»«. and Iheir staff are Imving strenuous time of i t hut they hope l< get a few holidays pefere K.istar. The hrm bedde* Manufacturing n:my hlsnketa i* working on 11 large order of army socks.—<'h*»lry Kntetpri**.

F O l’ Nli A W IF E . •Somn weeks ago Mayor Ruler, of

Heriiu r«< eive*J a letter from a C'tfTord 101 requesting th at he liml him «

wife—which the Mayorundertnokl» do 1 result of h i- advertisement

twenty*two applications wire reeeiv- d utul the t-iilfoid man la now said t

i e happily mnrried, the lady in que— Uon- coining (mm Ridgi-town, Out. The Ridgetovvn lady joined her hns- haml last Week anti hoth pai tie* are and to ha -attilled wtlhthe bargain. -- Mlldmny ' • */.«tie.


.Mr. E HrownsCOnthe has tiuished ie- modeling his tile kiln and is llxing up lit* sheds, and iixing things in gen­era'.

M rj. Ja sR o se, w en t«» »m«y to re- jiort t* confined to her room with

ickae*-. wc bojH' to hear of her *jn-ed-

M r. Joh n McKay i- engaged wi«b Mr. Drydeu for the w inter and Mr. B ert Mewbinm-y is engaged with Mr. Jm * Ho** for th e winter, lici t is going to stay with Lo vat.

. John MeDay has bought a house and lot in town and intends moving in, in the near future. We arc *».rry

use Mi. and Mr*. M cKay from the m-ighlmrhoad.

Warden Mewlnttncy was n 'tending ie county eonneil Inst week in Walk- lon, Al* x inlends to quit mutittl

*»T»irs.IJco tirmyn and Jim Johnston* are

the tw«i spoken td, it* contest lor the reeveship.

\ mim'-i't fi«m around here. t< nk in theH raoiey lx>x siH’ial.

Wedding Indls tire ringing:in 'h e liuig. something tlmuii in out town.

(or M Ohi!dF8R, tim Great

Hrov.nciai Gliaiily ? - t -

Learn While You Earn1 ou may continue your regular daily duties and alao fit yourself for a much better position by

taking advantage of our


Prepare now for the future opportunities which are sure to come to the energetic and well-trained young men or women. You may begin to-day lo lake our lessons in Penmanship. Shorthand. Commercial Work and Typewriting at your home

and finish up at the

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G EBox 171

" the•himimla

tn.rS ■ upon tin at, ;w>w*>r our anpc»i

t'.i.-.f ««hi!i;g • i< the numr-ending’ ti.-iuK- uiPi «i -'».**• and death in its .if,*!, or ' die r.u!*'{*.-» little<>t» * m, th*- child W<\ of Ontario.

-.var tb>T<> n< r.- • ■:*< In-patients from d o place* out rah- of Toronto, and Ini tlii» pant twenty vvars there b*v«' be "ii T n*5o n (,m places in the IVmlUro otficr than Toronto.

It cost- tts 52JM ta-r patient per day for iitalntotiflncc. The tntiHlClpalltlcs pay for patient* $1 per patient per day; tho (Juvcmsncnt allow? i'A rente per pailont per day; so, deducting f l. ’.’f from S2TM. Jt leave* the Mosptfat with JLlt *0 pay out of snhscriptton* it receive* from tho people of Toronto and the Province The shortage lust

. ntf.tv

A IbqoMUlh v. uiig holy pirk.d *>*\v 1“ bl.oim if* hl'l U'ttll n m e <i* * -t wc*k. Old Out*iio iw gettii

if they 01 ly wi I.

Winn *s»'b■vening fall- j ou Hkt eraround the table and rt Wholetniuily dye*. The weekly Sun »d' Toronto bus dcpuitmenlk nf Interod t<> everyone, from the market* and ed­itorial* f«*r father down to a -na y u,t the boys and 11 bright ihoughtlu! page for m ther ami the gliP . It i* ,,!! in- t*-re«tlngand evny i--tieIs Well worth wh’lc. ‘ How would it la- for a iTtiM- mas gift, it wou ld certnlrly be « prof• >side one and help ><>11 make ihe farm pay.

Mr. Ron. Po.t Oftl e -Suia-rlr.tend cut bn Cnundo, has asked that Special intimation be given thrmigtoniil 1 be province that (Ihrivtma* M-ali*mint la*

u the hack o»dy.' of sll mail uinttci . rtria Is specially *t iptdateil by tin* I* •yitiMilrt-tiwierslal Ottawa

11 having seals <>n tbo face can he for warded to destination. All such mail will In- held hack as contrary tn regulations. Tho'utmnd* of people

iqlhout the province already using Christmas seals, To any one them the alHtve may be » vital matter as im pnrtnnt mail matter may nut reach des• iiiaiion if PoslniHsterOenevar* order

not adhere*! to.

.S HR VICKS AI'FUKCIATKD;That Mr. .Mawhinncv’* lei vic- - a-

Warden o f the County of Bruce hav - heen appreciated by bin fcllowtnciubcr* of the council is evidenced by the foil­

ing resolution which upj>e«tvd in the tliit. repent of the Wnidru'* Corn- mi lie*-.

.■We hrg leave to exprtts the high appreciation of the uiembere of the Bruce County Council hi to the very cmiitable manner in which thedutiea of the present Warden have Iieen per­formed. It i* not too much lossy that Warden Mewhlnrn-y has filled the Warden”* chair with that same high degree of elficlency mid digiut y with which the Warden of previous years

;-! th« position. We trust that' Jen Mewbinuey will lie spared

many years of iwefnlnr** in whatever pheie his future life may I* placed.

W IFK DLSAFPliAKfi.The mysterious tlisappearrm- of a alore.1 woman, Mrs. Ilexekiuh l\:i- sr, of Owon .Sound, hasgiven rni» lo Itspicit>8« that she bad met with foul

play, and her husband, also colored, been arrested, and is In-ing held

1 charge of vagrancy pending a through iuvestigaUou by the police.

LA N’ t iTUN STILL AT LARGE John Lnugtou, lire man who st<>le

the horses etc, from Mr. Wni Trelford pleaded guilty lo the charge

aud aftirwards enrapeil from the cm*- tody of Comity Con»lal>e Mills, is -till t large. Hooercr. the authorities ;ol *om* trace of him last week near

t'batsworth He bad meal* at sever­al pluces between Des.boro and Cliats- worth and stole h sweater co«t,wbivh

at hanging on the fence, where a fa-mer who was plowing in the field, had left it. Since last Friday nothing has iK-en *e*-u or braid of him and b«

y yet succeed in making hie escape. Tara Leader.

KNCOI R AtiKTH K XMAS SPIR I*.<ut*l seem us if, nil over the

country, there arc people who *eix*» any occasion to -el up s> cry

against tiinobonoi'cdsoeiajobiei vancts, and even lo put a dumper upon ail localeuterpnse—all l>evatt*e of she war. It would seem lo three people that the clock had actually stopped, and that

lerytbing el-e would stop, for the line r eason. Nothing could In' mote

mischievous. The loss people iuteifcie with existing obrcrvauce* and existing conditions, under tuc pietent jnnet-

better. One of tin* most foclitdr movements that have hfcnat- tempted is to get people to agree not lo buy Christmas pic-ents this year, but 10 turn over the mouey that would ordinarily be spent for that purpoie to the various fundi for the relief of mdf-

in the war countries. The mot- i commendable — it. appeals t.»

humanity, but humanity iinut attend to that. I* there no room in the hearts of these people for the children. Why ’ •ut into their innocent, simple enjoy- incuts? Surely, it would In- a shock to the vouogster* if thoy had to be in­formed that it was this dreadful war

had held up Santa Claus! And there are children at an older growth

idtly obtain thcdecpni salis- bern tFontod,-and of tbcm> 900 lmd J faction from the cvulciices of the perfect correction Nearly all the** , .iftiietion in which they ate held by

annual gifts, however modestwere from different parts of the Pro­vince outside of the city of Toronto.

Remember that every year Is a war year with the Hospital; every day la a day of battle; every minute th* Hospital needs money, not for Its own sake, biit for tho children’s sake., Th* Hospital Is the battle-srouml whelm th*

they limy lie iu certain instnnn movement* to stop Chriitunr* giving should not l*c encouraged, haviog should not bc cUititUrd hecatisc of war.

ly lliliig in fact sliotiul IiArmies of Life hsve grappled with th* ’ euceurage not check, trade, that it » « • “ r,-*th; *I>1 lh- V I ' o r.<>'•*••' not 1,0 llirollf.tl .•ntlivly. K m yof thousand# of Kltlc children Is th* „ r, 1 .....issuo that is settled In that war. Wll|>'0“.,,r ,irp,’arul r'" h you let the Hospital be driven from the field of I|s battle to save the livesof llttlo children for the lack of money you can ptvo nnd never mis*?

Kvery dollar msy prove Itself a dreadnought in the battle asalnst death, u flagship in the fleet that fights for the live* of little children,

Remember that the door of the Has pltal's mercy is the door of hope, and your dollar, kind reader, may bo the key that opens the door for some­body* child.

Will you send a dollar, or more If you can. 10 Douglas Davidson. Seer*- tory-Treasurer, or O _

d J. ROSS RODRVTFDN.Chsirmoa of the Board of Trusts**,

h'lutUiou, aud i t Would be nupat r io tic to put » tirtU 11 pint Uhristuias buying for Christmas giving. That the relief of tlie iionnfltiv in belgtuut, and o f tilt- dfqiendrnti tjf those a t the float, t> demimded. I hi* tvuilil adm it', ami throe needs, will be met l»v all who have 110011 Idcfeed with that prosperity thin bus bean derived iinui thehuuian- itv th at arc now iuviteil to aid. If there ever was a time, however, when ihe spirit of Chiistmns should not be interfered with it i* imw. fortbat ultve the wo«Id will see that outraged hu­manity will be healed and soothed aud recompensed.

Business is Waiting —Telephone for it.

Business may be quieter than two years ago, yet there is no cause for depression. Crops are good and already business is waking up.

Call your customers by long d is­tan ce te lep h o n e . Dispel their gloom by tlit* hearty spoken word. Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions, and there will be no

slowing up in you r business.The economy o f telephone selling

makes it a welcome aid to business just now. T he long d istan ce te lep h o n e is

the proven ally o f economical business.

The Bell Telephone Co.OF CANADA.

The History of the County of Bruce

And of The

Minor Municipalities Therein(BY NORMAN ROBERTSON)

Forty Illustrations, Sixteen Maps,Five Hundred and Sixty Panes.

The above volume covers the history of the county from the days when it was the hunting grounds of the Indians to November 1906. It has eleven chapters devoted to the county as a whole, followed l y twenty-seven chapters, each of which takes up the history of one o the towus, town­ships or villages. Accom panying the chapter on each township is a map of it, clearly showing each farmlot therein.

In addition to being an historical narrative, in this work there are to be found many personal in­cidents relating to scores of prominent men in all parts of the county.

A number cf historical documents have been collected aud are printed in the appendix, along with a large amount of statistical information, both oi which are important to have preserved. The edition is a limited one.

Regular Price, Cloth Binding $2>50This history will be sent to inose who renew their subscriptions.lo the T hlj-iscopk for 7 5 c or both

The Telescope for one year and the History o f Bruce for

.7 5$1

, - j i ^ * r « c a a s c 2 r r ' C a n * . ^ j a - t g i ' g ^ r M a a ' j

Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware—e a s ily , th o ro u gh ly an d qu«ckly. L e a v e s them bright and h ig h ly polished ab so lu te ly clean. F o r e v e ry k itchen u se P an sh in c is eq u ally

effective. It keeps w oo dw o rk and p ain tw o rk spotless. P a n sh in c is

x iO lA lU u a Pu rc* w h ite , and clea n pow der *c\ w ith o u t a n y d isagreeab le sm e ll-

PANSHINEthe m a g ica l k itchen clean ser.

Sold in handy *| sifter top can JLvrC*

At All O.otvrv

; low TIIHY w on T in : <The King has approval the •

• followingaim* Victoria C r t* * * to t officer*, tH«ioutnmlaxhm*d »f •ami men tor tlrolr cottapteie:.- bravery whlla wrvinc with the oxiMSiUikwarj lo w . It alii 1m- nbre-rved Dint two recipients linvi* also been rallied (nun the ranks to -ummlsstons

faptatn Francis Ortttvaa Or* n t jl , !*tIt latnwrs. For gnlhititry to action again-*! unbroken In tun try at Andrea- nice. Belgium, on Aug. - I . 11*11. and tor gallant conduct lt« »n.4 Hug t<> save tbp gun* of the IlHtli I tatter'', Royal Field Artillery, near I»ouloot tli«; Same day.

Captain iKimRa* HvynoW*. -!7ti« B»t- icry, Itoya! Field Artillery, t'ateuu, on Auk. 2*>. he took (t ains and limbered up two guti* under heavy artillery and tutantry Hr*-, and though the enemy was within 100 yards he pot one Klin away safely. At IMsseloiip. on rh’pt. !*. lie rm*»n«»!rod at dose ranee, discovered a battery which was holding up the ndvanei;

' and silenced It. lie was severely wounded on Sept, 15, lu ll.

Captain Theodore Wright. Uo>.ii l ‘n gineerw. Cnllnntty at Mens on Anm 2 ‘> In altemptlne to connect lip lb - lean It* demolish a bridge under h*,»' • lird: ntthottgh wound'd tn tin* fiend In- made a t>ocond attempt. A! Vallly .m.'Sept, IS. he ufcslshsi the iwaxttge of the 5U» Cavalry Brigade over the pontoon bridge ami mortally ">uuJ*dwhile modstlug wounded men into shel­ter.

Lieut, Mauri* *' James 1> • * v, til* I'allnlhm. tin* Key a! KunRL-rs. i'hoMrh two or three lime* badly wouud-d. he continued tu control tin* fire h i his machine guns at Moor on An-;. until nil Ms men were shot, lie died Of fits wound h.

Captain Hairy Slivrwcod , {;in,;-i». Itoya! Army Medics! Corps. For lend­ing Wounded In the trench** under rifle and shrapnel fire ut HsnRvreme* on 8t*pl. 15, ami on Sept. 2*> continuing to attend Uie woundsI after his thigh and leg had been fdtaRemb Hie has since died of tils wounds.!

battery Serct.-Major <(eo. Thomas Dorrell tltegt. No. 12^43) im*.* second Rm enant). imttery Royal Honso Artillery. For continuing to servo u gun until all the ammunition win >-.x- 1H tided after all oil ter rw wore* hl|!rtd or wounded, in spite of *i concent rated Dro from guns mid machine gttnu at a range of go*} yards, at Nery. *‘-o Sept, 1st.

fw-rgt. David .".eieont It*';;'. No. "L- •119) (no * second lleulonauu. " f." Fat* trry. Hoyal !lor><* Artillery. Helping to brine the guns into action under heavy flro at Ncrv on fktftb I. ami while severely wounded remr.inltig with them until aU tin* ammunition ' as ex|*cnded although In* bad h-ou ordered to rellrn to cover.

Corpl. Out*. Freest Harforth ‘ t!*«t. No. 7 .3 0 , I Si it Hussars. \t tUrmtg- idw on Aug. 'obm tm ed i<» cot wire under fir**, which enable his squadron to esc*pc. At PnmmarUn he carried a man out of action. On Sep*. when under Maxim fire, he extricat- > a r- geant whose horse had been phot, and by opening fire for thro.- m hciu* *n- ubled the sergeant to get 8 W a t- >.

Igmco-Corpl. t h.irles Alfred -ir.rvig iltegt. No, 57th Fit ill CompanyHoyal Kngtno-’r.' For gallantry ;t* Jcafcppe* on Aug. 27 tn working for one nml a half hours under heavy fire in full view of ihe enemy, and lit sue* eewfully firing charges (or the de- Milition of 4 bridge.

real- ii Sunday week by n and blDrard which iv*tnu*rland and the

in an* to !>*■ tu*«'*l government service*. *r»* r*'on*'st»'*i n<

1th the bird* while

Admiral! hi- House t

supply of

WAR WFDldNHS CM NF.W V C •• The gtirrk-nn of \Voolwb-h b* mil of

the ttory <>f the Uattc.r* which na. • tt'iue t-» c.edrge Thomas I unroll uml David Nelson. **f the " i i" HaU*ry. Roy* al Hiwse Artillery. for their con*pi*-n- <»us bravery Jn France

That thee h a " ' hollt received their loui-nission and the VlcUirit Cros* ̂In Itself matt-r for r.enetal rongratula- Unit ami rejoicing but ,;,r the <»*»! utu! military p< jniluiv; alike in Wool­wich the Story has received a Hoc.hltu t*euh along the most appr. v«l line; of drama by tb lfae t that luilh the itnw s have jti*t • emhiat**! their weddings

Lieutenant (formerly S<rg*ant*MaJ or) IW rcll married (our wi rier r.go: Lieutenant tfortnerlv .Sorgeanti Nelson im k'it hrldi* t*> the alio* only las» Saturday acck. and Is now rn his


TWO NBW* m <\ioh*<;f x k u a l s Th*. mnJtsrrijcntinned colonel*, teo;-

porary brlgadluisgemmls, have t«sn promoted to th- r.iwk of major-gen* r- ,il for dl«llng*tbilled service tn Diefield Dates} ('ct -ber 2d:

Arthur B. SandhuiSi, C. IS. F-, S O. - Served Kgyptlan War 'Ss2. Sudan }RT. Nile expedition IWS. SoSth .'(rt- «m, where be wop his D. > O.. tv.''.*-

Frederick w n McCn cbcn. c tt..»>. S. (>. Serv-d Kgyptlan War 1 ^ ; and thriuijlw'iit South African * io-- p.tlgu. " lu r e be won his D. S .M<m•lloip d lo Sir J. Fr*'0«'lt * recent it* - (•atehi-n,

Was raging i.ve IVmilnes,

Homing pig* connection u 111 amt the public nboot or intorfv'ro pit pasNpg*'.

At a eis*I *>f CJpO.'sm is . tiiji'ti i»r. Maenamara in ''ominous, bu 'o Issued vvifiicr clothing !*• »!«*•Ile.i,

Sipeial «lassos tor gills of H'* ami under who have been thrown out. of work by the war uro to In* openi'tl by th- ohicaikm authorities. amt the girl-, arc to tie paid li*. w*s kly while* iiucmiing ihem,

A Lloyds telegram from W«*lls tNor»«dli*. »ays «h,* schootter Nancy, ert'-ltaiiisgau*, tipple, for Sandwich, lnu b*'* ir driven naliore at Ibirnhuill, and Is I total wreck. The captain, mule uml otto man are missing.

Tramway-ear * ondu* ion- "ami labor er« who nr*- being trained «.* drivora and eonduclpra r* apci'ilvcly to fill tin plaeet* of those* on war service are t< rc«s'lvc from tin- l«ondPn County t’oun- eil lull wage's during their training.

Sheffield Tramway** Committee app*aling for marrie*! men to act eondin tors in the plate of tlios« .« $n» have ciilisK'd, marly .100 tramway workers having joined Die colors.

On ti*>' occasion oi his r* ifrvtm nt- uftcr 12 years' post oil lee service, .Mr. A. Hemswortll, of 12, llnvcloek Siiiiar*-. Sheffield, was presented by his *<>lleague*, on the gup<‘fvising staff of Sheffield l * m Office with a silver- mounted walking-stk-k. pipe, uml to­bacco pouch, together »lih a silver* mounted umbrella for Mrs. Heniv- wortb.

The new laini Mayor and Laily .May­oress of Sheffield, Councillor and Mrs. 0 . f . Wilson, on Saturday evening week e*tebrnl«l the opening of their year of olftce by entertaining at the Town ||a|| the whole of the staff ahd employees of tin- Sheffield Smelting t o., of which his lordship Is a illroe- tor. together with ihelr wives and friends.

Frivat. r, A. D.ik*-r, 11, Hummer, and •L It. Hlunser, three members of the Sheflb'ld (Service) Dattalion of tile York and l-an«t»ler Itegituent. who !iuv»* been transfem d the 5thYork and Lancaster Hegiuieiit. were under Tuesday s date ga/.etted tn he w-eond-Uewtenant*. Cadet J . IVr- i l 'a l ; of the .SlidHeld Fnlversltj t>. T. C., is also promoted to a st'eomi- lb tenancy In the t!th Sherwood Foreut-

A u im r mimed John Charles Syh t* r, o Tucker lane, Hoy laud Common, iiad iii* leg broken when a t work at th*- Ito* ktngimm Colliery.

Tin* l.angwlth (Voperalive tkab.-ty (if their quarterly meeting, resolved tu pay a dlvld. nd of 3s. 2d. In tin* C.

ft «as stand of a tvruperani ode meeting at Ripley Dial mil of 200.- Ofltl members of l!*«r I’rlmitlve Metho dl-t Connexion IW.OOO were enrolled abstaitnre.

Tin* Council of tin- Derbyshire Min­ers' Association^ at Chesterfield, «av< Instructions tor it.*- prei«ratb>« of :* list ol members who have lost tbeli lives «r have been disald**! in tin

Thomas Ingieton (TO), an ex-con- ‘ table v* ho was pensioned about y a rs ngo, and liv ing nl (he Collages, Fli eadtily, Cbesterfldd. was on Wed­nesday week, found with his throat n il. lie was removed to the hospital und detnlni'd.

A man at WUhsd.n Follee Court t«»W the magisdrate that hi* wife's ill- uis^ was a "family heirloom.-*

At Runcorn Join) Llttler. muting Ing director of a company and a jus­tice of th** )*•»<<•. rmiande*l fora week, bail M ug refused, an a gravu charge.

An apjwai from the decision of metropolitan magistrate, who held a < ae.; of alleg.d overcrowding on t too of a L.C .itram w ay ■ear tliul the covered-In top was the inside of err. '.vas allow.*) by a Divisional Court.

The Fittigor Kolf t'lub Ims decided lo a*k Frine()*a! Itee , oi the North Wale* Congregational College,- g**r. t.» i*sign ids membership of the club cn account i.f his views war. which, it Is contended, a trary t*> tin*s<- held by the majority of the members.

At Urlstol ,*lfr*d Kn-< . forty-three, who was wearing an oltieers uni­form, was setitemcd to *l)r«t- mouths' imprisonment for obtaining money by fiil-e pretence:-. Major >ir Rob­ert t'ochbarn. Ttii Shropshfre Light fiimry. stated that Kttre s coiutulsston us a lieutenant was eauc*-U*d througlf in* ftielettcj I’leadlng guilty, ih** lieutenant said he wanted money u> enable two men to rejoin tbeir r*gi- mem>.

A "llluejaeket Day was e- iehrate,} at 'Ihormon Heath on Tuesdny in ronneetloii with the F.ldrldge Ma- bl.tatbm Of the Frimrose League, when Lady Markham received a larg- bt-lion of eutuforis for our sailors, iiieludlug a number of vueiium flasks, tohueiii and .cigarettes, kuitied

>irs. Stephen Bloomer ha-* received a tlclos. an.l writing materials. Thu, letter from tier btiiUaed tin- lamou-* ; was understood to be the first "niue

.'international, which r* a* he«l 1u*r on ja* k* t Day ’ held.


Friday from iWIItt He toys he P right, and a> eotnfcrtabte a* i-tytmu- iUaiireK will pe.nu't. Tim «l«l* with which h<* W’o* emmg.d have (.* im <-<i very well to him He was arr.ste.j on Nf»v. 5ih, and tnad*' a prisoner of war. bwmg one of over two thoie-aml Fi-g-

.llstuuen of milltuty age wlie bnvi* luen similarly inei*r' i-r;*t*A) Flo* m* r whlus to b*- ten-ember*>1 to bis o il

NOTKSt iw i ' Al 'v-ndrn. vyriDur, t.* Mi.*, i

l.lveiwf'lae, flu; wife of Mr MtltPcn: Llv*usldue. who is '<7 ? m p **l as** und : Wind, find who orgar-ire <\ a recrntthic ' i.reTillvTI piorr-rio'i. sire * a';*- ' that hi.- efforts will poet with «very 1

Ml-. Aloe (Uilii- has dry-Pth hirflolay.

A ply sold In aid of the IP tglan Re to-f Knud ut Uewl'ng made a r** *ru prire-of tu '-

All (lle.pilhllc -i low*!- ip N*"en**fle wv*t ilattwliead have io n :,>k*u o*«>r !>ys the miliiarv for mir.eree *,r roe

"All licensed ;>r*-mLes la ’the »ut|*l- foref H-’urreyi I’-tty S-w^ionti Hivremn are lo h*; o|*en only from ? «. nt t*< .'I* m . and from d p* m. to f» p m

"I have two sot!.* serving pr-val- : •'* »•* ~‘l a wo k < lea." . .•■••I lt*dg*' fs.ny ly unrip ? the hearing of a case ;.i Fliotertllch 'ounty Court

Railww*. nnd road comtnnniratbm*

flu- lbs*rd of Trinity College. Dube : iln, pa—ret a unanimous vote order­

ing tho Mipprvxsbni of the Trinity College iSin-lie Society, hitherto reeog-

: nixed a- on*; of the student*' s*sieU*s within Trinity College.

At th<- annual m<-ting of tile Kt*.iex and Suffolk’ Hunt at Colchester It

j "(re stated that there «* r>- ten mas- • b o * f foxhoands serving in the | .So u. r-:-1 and Devon Yctimaury imw ; i|Uarter<*d m-.ir Cidehesfer. Several ■ tu.mlKT- ef ti**- hunt said that tio ir | hunter- t„ . a eiuntuamb <<re«l. and : " we itK-nttotn d that tiitmoaniMk of ‘ luu- . ; had leau drawn front various : hunt-.

At R f s h o f t s etitord Thomas Ap- :,"l*'b* w». -i-niemed (*» opo uuuiilrs

bard !ahe;f U>7 ohstructing His Maj- "*!y tree;,, and with .-is-aulting CoL

John Knight, officer commanding *5"- Jab North Staffordshire Regiment. Th. oobwi.t stated that Appleby p*>r- ■M.*i in wheeling » |*en»nibulator In tie- tii'.d.'.t i.r a regiment. The colonel tbr.w On* re bleb- Into a illteh. Apple- b- th* t* follow*-d and kicked i.l.h, injnnng him badly.

ti< in-ref Xug. pi, eMMimindiiiil of (In- llumla r *l(strf< (. i lrculated an order further re “rbfing the lighting of H-sM- Ail Hgiii* other than the ’me ; n--» > isibb- from lb*- oulslib- are* to I*.- kept cxtlnttnbdo d bet wre n half

la-b Anvc r . : ip;; th- re'KUliiilnns. I 'rial before a court-martial.

Only one steam drifter *r

Lowestoft on Monday wre-k with lu r ring*. There wa* eager eompe.tRlon for her catch of lw*-nty-flve crans of fre*>U and fortv *rans **l ov herrlngw, the fresh (toiling at tl cord price of C6 a cran, and the daV- at ii 1 17s. There are roughly Mas) herrings in a <ran

Th*' roflRiintlon of Sir Cluirle* Mil- earn front .the oltico of Fresldent of the Kederatbin of MtWter Cotton Spin ners was aniu>mu*-d with regret at meeting in Mnmlosi*^.

IlccauH** he Is a iiitiur.ill/.**! (ierini a majority of the llambton Urban Coiintll have called upon Hu-lr ebnlr- mani Mr. S, Werihelm. lo resign, but he reluaes tu do so, and lit)* council is accordingly divid'd into two camp*.

Mrw. Fiwiltics, of Huthwaitc, Noll: has. including her husband, twenty r« htUvet* in the war. Thirteen met relalrel lo tier a» liroili* r.-Iu-law. and cousins, arc serving in ihe :arni. navy, and six women isisters and rotwlnsl arc tn France a- nurs*-

The funeral t«**>k place at Shi * of \YRRatn Thomas Cover, agrel Cllllngham. who saw ueUvc serv th*; Bailie and In the Crimea, to-arly thirty years later took part In the bombardment of Alexandria. u.-in also one of lb** few survivors of the ships company «i"> ac*omi>ani*d Dr. LlvinRslon*-, the Afrh-.in traveller. In his expedition for the Itrlilsh erumenl for exploring . the Zutuli*- and Its tributaries.

t'apiain I'a-per Mayne. ••oiretable at Hast Siitiolk, gave dim e ut ilm Inquest on VYIlifam Smith, gchodlniastcr, <*f Hentmm. Wangford. Suffolk, who was found dead after having received nolle tin alien < n*inv to leave the iltsirlct It was a Regret at the t>j**;iing of 1 in i«nwt that Smith iiad be* n drlv to Ihe verge of madness by. the til­th-tattle of III.- villager*. The jury return**! a Verellr* that Smith aiitlrel stib lde While of ntlsound mind, ■misctl by false report* against Ids Patriotism, and expressed tin- opinion that ihe jatllc*' were very much blame in not obtaining locsil tnforma tfon before acting on reports and

Colon*! Thomas William Ch<s!er Master. c>l Tin* Abbey. Cirencester, and Knob- Dark. Almoudsbnry. died on Katurday wre-k. aged s<-v three. ||«> »a* Conservative mem- b*-r for the tmrough «<( Cirencester from D'7'' to IXS.T In lk!>2 lie

lured «d*ctret tor the Cirencester division of tJIonccslcrr-hlre by a Jorlty of thr*s* over Mr. It. L. Lawson, but on a scrutiny the return

pronounced void by reason equality <>f votes. A new election being ordered. Colonel Master »vi defeated, and retired from active p- K.tlra! life.


Famous Soldiers Who Had Sorao Marvellous Escapes.

There Is a story to ll of an old era;* of the First Napoleon, win lived until I Vi.’ . It. the French villag*-. oi Favury. and who owned a wooden leg.H woodift arm. w gla-s eye, a Silver paiaio, a complete set ef fal**' t*-lit .uni a salver plate on Ihe top of lii> hea*L uml y f ili*-l peaceably III bed (■'imparrel with su- h i k i i . the provPrb ial nltie-Tlvv*) < it is now n -re. ttut a- on*.* reads lh<* stories it great wars of the pa.-a th*' manner In which lamcus general* have placed touen-and-gc with death Is liltl? shut* of miratm- Iona

The Wonderful «*«a|e.s» of Napnleoii and Wellington w-t * prov.rbtaf. Though bullets grnsrel them and rid- d|ed I heir clbthci, ami hollt bttil horucs -hot und*T them, yvt both pa*-*- «*i thre-ncii a life of battle and dangei With two or three slight wounds npiree. Rut their grim old eonuatt- hiu-ir urms. tim enti lMttclK'r, did no l.'-re- ro well. Wounded ; < v*-ral time •vhib.-**crv fng under Frederick tn (ire-.ii In; re-llr- d from the army wttdi that lr>»*clbb monarch swore at bin:

In rv«w>n*«. however, to the patrio­tic - all lu* (cok up arms against Na- t olei n, nnd was re;rlously wounded Lutre n At l.i’/nr. too, be was thro; flow*, and rltldep *»vcr by the ifcm li tunl I’rnssiaii cavalry; but by drinking t.uaeilll.ot <*f Ids favorite gin and v ter {he eld war-dog was able to if hlr Ires'* s «»’• the following day trod mater) illy a*y|it In the winning of the buttle of Waterloo.

Mars'ual x»y. the b ia '* st ef brave, was eontltuionsly fitrliuug lor

Im i v*lt!i <few slight wounds to meet a traitor doom at the hands of the Itourbem king He hi nih il countless ebarges. ba*l doxetiH of liorei's slit t under him.* ag< fly courted *lc4tu wh*-u leading the Old Cnaret at Waterloo, and yet was never seriously wounded.

Few east * art- more rcmarkuble. how* v -r. than that ol Hcneral Sk* nxv- iiif-ht, who got .M bullets tlirongh t;D cloak during tic* battle of Oalrolenka. In the I'olish inturreetlon of |«3I. or M r IT Ia*cv Kvaos. vvhose ear ka» p-r- fnrated by a bullet In the Carllst War of 1SC7. Curlbaldl. too, had nany narrow shaves, but none rimer than vreiep re-tu g on*- day at VoRurno. While drinking from a pull of n -jiRntvr from a rl-o* 'n i slu ll grroiesl hi* tiilrli und killed some j«<.pte n-ar

The hup b-r of pun wlio ha'** rimed dfulh through having a Bible, a re le. love b Iters or some othc; urn- «!•'> In their iss kets Is l»glott During the ,m-5|Di Afrn-in war o''*; pm*> p»*Id life to ilm fact that tin Ouee’* iliotelat- h**.t. vvTilcii be currlrel tn •’ l r«ast of hi* tuf.le. st«*pjted a wel atm«*l bull.« in anott < r race a »"t* Kind n l tilloi huh* ddrel in n snn- hook In- currlrel ip his pocket, nut) third -.wc*l lits icsfcj** to reretain -i '« r colas which lefleeted Dm mlsclit - v.iii. m.ssll-'.

la;r*l Wol—l -v ct*m>* wilbip an at- e f d at:* while s*rviug as a *'4ptj»ln te fore- K*!*jo*i*qu.|. If * was assisting lo r'lilr.- i' n numlM-r o? gahlous under a *e<*retire*, when t id;; sit**f struck Dt- ttnhhdt he was holding. dre>v<- r. Iurg«* xioin lhre*neti lit* < lu -k and jaw u» b(» nrek MuaHlmtl Ids right wrist anil In­jured TIs -kin Fut lawtl R«*be»t* was* •— trot.- fortunate. As h - sI««,hI on the tower nt l.u*'knon signaltlh|( lot ihe British army i** advance, thou* sa -ds of sfii'ts w r • Mresl at him u«d tli* Rag «ns siiot from his hand. Calmly (Roping down. 1m ralsrel up a regimental color .in I continued lo

that. HD coupe on that ecea- *»qn " a * Hub short of a ptfratlc Tid Hits

‘Breakfast Table Beauty ? ’Cl IIC I 'H A N C K S N HI.S O A H A S I T

looks well op jj break! liM-mi'tit; ' sa,.! Miss with a laugh she otic redturkrel upon Imr wh

T tip* kind of: hen marked, -thai a man acres* th*> breakfast titorttitig *-f th*- thre* *ixl>-fiv.-. year in am:

** Nelson'* etirtr*' jdiclty and w b«Jle***un'

A girl of |or typ.- .

alcohol to *

whit water' lo I make ;* iiiit k lasher »ud waoh your .i:a ,r ami wcatp lie* re uglily with J i:iusi* y>u!r itair earufnlly. nnd repeat j ihe prneesa a third time.• Be sure that every part-eie of reap ; i- mi). Hair ** often (•poiled by p-av- ; uik soap in after H is wuVimd Hi.ro

■ \<-y. dry your bait w.tfc »ow*-U anilj i toe, ai ia-i brireli it up lightlyj <"> this you Will iilw n^ have

re-rs which b,*«oim» luflumed, painful, and which Ihrew off an offensive dt»-• imrge tnixid wRh blmeJ. In every* ip*o of ulcer It lc is-ttcr to consult a qiinllflcd man at mice, us under skil­ful treatment Urn ulcer may »*c healedt*cforc it tteromea t«a» mucl) dcve|i>jie*|. t nfuriunaiely with ulcers tlicre is n ietidcncy, cv*n on Do- purl of |M*re*onri win* are- sane enough in other matter*, lo seek old wive* remedies, and even tin* services of henlcrs In Kuril mnuers. I fcera are difficult to licivl. an*l a medical htan can apply r*-mreBe# which will gleans*- tin- wound und give it power lo Inal before R gro"« tiyi large.

I » Kt. s t At -K ll it\ V\t;BT(, t.

r Hi- ittepticti

i nure* *■( Ilm ilto-iiH*' lb*- ptdM-nl n ay Sreii i>* <l*-,*'.ti. A Itgntnrc sl.o*'b! I**'

’.!* * ' tb< sore-, and t*.< ja tb ii l I j*t 11reti .< ill until ilm Jin tar »rrl >< •

•tl tm* * *«*• The tr-M'tn* nt Of 'itri- *.-<■ nlre r* rnm ti row-'nitd." the tr*.al­

ii. - 1 I mi Dmibl b* bandaged frenu *1 s. af<< r applying i " ‘

vuh hai" of jane lotion r»s*>; .«*en*l.tl itliovc, Tld* bun 11 ; > ■mi d (••• k* pl *m i!i*ilnr the d.iy. ini; muv b - rcmov*d ut ; * i A n cl re lie 'ticking nnret at., wav w.-nt if (be irendse* ts «e- niovrel, f{* >.' j* ti very ituimrtant iunf-

r: Mid wlmnevcr is-ttibb* the leit *l|*M.ld lie I Voir- v.ltk,


real liver oil and IronII up'.:lie system. If

■ will le tp tit, |n v* ry

U Ilm M> pi lea Don *.f fi.'nen'u- popdv iirenl* will «;!-ie pain.

■ tills. M l ;t Handful »:fT«»t,itys In a * , r «

• liquid .Ml,, apply It -re t ;re can lie b uim. ii f a f, iiicitlntmii. ere ar*1 other ;‘* no*tu t*nt t!>**-c

s mi );.i*urt'initv oi seeing tlm fad. f'< nstitutlon and ether s have much to 1*» with tb.<* healing tim e ulcers. Frev*nflon. ns

‘n tliing , *flre\ i* b -»tcr titan cm i! nny «tie sufferinc fre m varlr in*- efmnM either he'.** them timov- n! once, or « Im always wear

(locking, ami avoid Mnn.Lni

The Slow, Sluggish, Torpid Ao

Ihe Liver is Responsible lor M en)Milhurn's laixa-Liver Fill* ;.tiuml.

tlic ‘liiKSi li liver, clean tin coutrel tong n w it# the <«*Ki<>vimre trrc.tlil. dean aw . all Ait tc ami js ,i“i:i*niv matter front th*:sy.tcu. '.sud prevent'av well as sure all rernplainti urreiiu from a liver tvhfeb lw*tsr.- p.nc cl o live

Co.r tljs sti St. IA headache, tiiliou* In-adauhe, jaundice, hrurtburu. water lira*h. catarrh of the -.tomoch. etc., all

Mr. V, t « ft, McX. p.l . Jk*nif«tone, Alls . wr,! • I thmu-lit 1 would writ*;Mil 1-11 v*i <»f my experience will* M i L i t " is.x i-f.iv r Bs’L. a- t am great*v' [ d r 1 "»tT Ft t< t(U- I r* - redv ’ t ley irein* Up*;n l wa- trembirel

• •k ft i l-*r mlafter i *tr my

Dm 11»! I,

Torel r


Mill.urn's Laxa-Uvcr IMK Be tofel me they b.pl «}.>:»;• tu n *r, much r.o-rl for in- st-ciia-h. I used scvcml vial , and I found they *li l me -o cumh goo*I that I < v-» u.orsimcstd them t*> a ty one <u(Trr- tm *'*•'« liver t»*> iL’.- "

_ Milhursi'' laixa I,iv* r 1‘ilK arc 25c a

mot*-! *Hrcet o t »c<»b *. - J jobs- by The T MUintrn C<>. j.i•!),*-• (, T.iroato, *n>t.

tch ; relhlr

Chats With the Doctor

B y a P h y s i t io n

DDOJ’.nV,npf-y f* an abiiunn-il -volb*:•)<’« '!ry iliipl m iii- . intUtr in* mbran*.

b*math th.* skin, a;:-! in varv*.a-* *avi- ;* - oi Lie i»ssiy i»re Known «•* m .v r.rl m-ii bv .lift. r<■nt’k 'n .i:.-u re o H - : ag t»‘« Dm »ftu.|!t*.!j ftp - uarre •-! '*'•

l.slg. d Alilotirelt IreipJ '** frrepicnil:•d In ti* fitlljy, it i* nt’*r •« r b- . a ,

a)n i nun of varp*wdro.itib * co iu»x.t- | 111; l.id>n h. r and »■ art ' l l , ’ >

01 ̂ 'v IIFatV*« ^ '*■ *' ' ■ ‘ * ! the nnk!> -

itatg'.mt b- ca

« )i any pan, of the body. The. pre Rmlnurv sv utptoiua are* a c amo unt of aw oiling. tCtldeniCfc: tsaiciiihg. nl: apwiyitii* pressure lb* |art: Hi;- ti>mlerii«xs being more perceptible at t,n*; particular thre ts ing wa.re the head of Urn ab- '•< •--- will probably njipcar. The pain in*r.a > tapidly and lb*' throbbing !,*“ «»o " - y - top- owing to the i

. t ti. ■ s ain T h i»«* i- fre«iuent- j> ri *• .a t. ui. '-ratiirc, if the nh.c i* a fare- one, Tim treatment an a te * * " » o n ; t . in encouraging the fotmation < f matter -and the op enhig * I l!»*■ ate-Yc■** to jtllow ihe mat i*t i*' *'ii'upe. The -sooner llib

iptreh.vi* atod

' of t

i-ihn*• im -rt»*b

p-h then nmount *>! tl;*- puT.m may ho ah-!;s*i by (’ '• hie.sj and an s»toe• ri- , s*i it,* in may u:>pi>nr in other

>■; Dm boily Occasioiiully •- r.ijs of Kniall oU<** may a qa-ar

r-.d the original .*»,*. this no doubt tig <bm re* th.- premature’ lacing of ■ fired . nr o f.h s being allowed to s! 1- ;• re* |i had le*-n thoroughly shod of mails r do tiring

(o a is*ail. p.mliii<* enrirliroutisly poultice*, inking cure ihiU

r allow j set

ally uresrh swollen lit Up * mornica Tb- Im.mdiaf*’ cuu e of all drepfy m .Uh.-r a*t *.x< • - i " i ybal.llion s> tto ja rt of the ; mttil (Aierio. ami y.vt;

lion *,n *hi i>ari of. the a!"*ofbfitg ■L of th* l«>!v D;.*'* y- Is ;ilv ;c s ■rioire. and sopmUmes u daiigermre

dfy t*. ii re stilt*

Drwit! a l.'nlg a

t-ymjdoui*. ;uv Dcqip : tiy ’m-r- ■rutil*.' ».» the pasiciit. a* • they 'mid ■ re t lilv jo tr.-ttns* nl M h r

fbe throl’b: ford! ita. * '.tain* ; . * firm hold on th- * M.-ditutb-u ibaf it t -

nlupret roipres; ifits t o »ure- l; except by

owl pi'ffhi;? *sf fli-- feet anil utikhK “rtill- fare Wbah J H- on

t of .

He It itutigv to largi' fold*.whichfill--I --.Its, llttfd. v !>:!-■ tb.' a,--into D.< Til- i- a delicate,

pink Tb* r< !tef. or tore of th* •*»•, whb n , < S' ns''.*, the drip-teal

otidBL’n, up)at !'*• !*>, fir i mitigxitn. 'l .t iu-voto) tbre tj. > tre-stmetii

etulv * *-ti.t*t- .» ptirRMl'*- ami dinr- •iii ltie*i w l i* h tsim at rcituV-ln ;

III- I In i ‘tin

lb d tn lie I .i^M.llll.'jy l.-V'.'.

with no sod whi h?ian t.< resi-t'd.

>)> *? *r in altch I tm-

imilv. Tii* eidhetimi t*i mutter isthe result iif ittrlmiih si'ii it. vvblih liar

I d t*> a **tas;e whet** yuppuratinn u. Ati abxit-ss may be formed

■■:<} lit*) fomentation;" ‘ T. ami* are b -s Irouhle ret apj*ly tlmu (imilit'io lancing f-f t **<—- *■ alt*ay* re, t»- (.referred lowing t< ■ h;,ol ts> burst, a ̂ th

11 u n•,• " ‘'ari- nt lara*-. The iircsthlne of Up* ahM-e»» usually dc-troy*, ti; vkjit for a e. rfnin area

> ;> the niece:** lta>* in- n iqiencd and tb - mutter *urefnlly *-xiire*i*s*:-d. tlm vvi'tmd s It mi Id be well washed with a i'or.e ii- lotion or with hot »;st. r in which mums' borncV add bus..... . 'll-: " ! ‘ ' d. Keep applying hotfomentation;., until tbs*- ar- ; : rfeclly eire ts. |h,.„ f^rer with

"•o-n** miflscfifle enure, changing the dt*---ns; twice a day until the wotirt.l * • a - - to dLcharm- \ftcr- " ;ref- (he S'!a< ** nuret In* k ;*t coviTeti trot:! ihe skin h-coup- slrong and flier** i- no danger r t Ire being f-.re.l \ l i , t t i d . - b f*»rm under Pm . irert* r-f *!»•- iaul', where tip(-i,,!;(bb- for tin* tender to <■u***-: r-1- 1. e imd'e.al it I--,ills',n ats>n,> . ;re )b- retention of matter hind ;tn» bnrm heentto* at once u ism ; icafter

l l.t'KRS ON TIIK LfvtlS, l Irers on the legit are frcqiiptRlj ...„

result of an aceldenl, liavlng gatno'd a large Praise which has not lmcn l>mfcd to at the tinm. The rauMing intlammathm, title to tin* hruU-d •' ■'•* of Da- fkln and muscles, having tntlatnul th'* liroks-n skin, result- in an ,uil‘ *JL ’'b b b is very difficult to heal. Ttid freaking nt Ok- skin may apiicar tmmiire Piter tin* Injury has rous'd. Tin- bruise persists, s renrpllsit jihiee <>n tin* leg, and insti’ad of fading tin- Wulso remains as mark- *d a Lip's, t a- when first rex-clv cd, " in s j tn thi- state. . v.n a slig'.st knsa k. or ov* r exertion of tile lauseb's of t!i> leg. will -,-t up inilammatinn wldch MMin bre«k!» the skh> and forms ah indolent ulcer. Any bruise which l a b * a long time to disappear should '»• Tdnovn to sliHtur, as tin; Injury ••‘ay by e ' en d. * in r than an nicer, ami .**ven then it Is not a pleasant 'b in s to (*u(f*'r with. 'Ha- wound must Is. k'(>t perfectly clean and cleansed frequentfj with an autfsrptic dressitie. Ti*i> is a|u'lls-d ln ti,,- form of a circle

lint, cut I .n li. ' . vas t sire of the til- " i . Tile But is dipped Into u weak ;*’lu!li*H <•! .artmlh' avid and laid over •h.- w-re, Tlssu cover with oBrel slik ei.l a bamlagt* amdlcd lo keep the "i(ob’ in place, if the ulcer show* no sign of fmaltng. 1? must 1«* dressed with a lotP.n made by dissolving r„rt.V grain,: of p J$& U ' of xiflt* In one |dnt .-f water, ami then add half-ounce of compound nurture of lavender to the mixture, Thla tnny; be applied lo ul-


Each Has Its Use in the Great j Struggle in Europe.

MisHgiMe unsafe hr *1 ay tight

!>» amt jaintc of tfce iS.'Miism eoitap- forty mite* a;s P air They

iptliOe. fit,!*'dcstrucisv,- lisill <’f

tottrlv-i |v*»*tro«o amt p

I oioise ,

wax iner>-ii'*-l to over Ox-thrce miteJ hour, ami their maximum .-*,*•*■,I. with

I r- vistI ■betKbre^twice sis'raj,ally ;<» Di- Utglgarde.| sot verUaW' batttrshipe ,;f *(,;xirsliiiw.' For th*- same c-ssois lthere- sire •liesidn-tiH.Tlts S-I-I t"l;«(-!««- - ur. visefot^ehiefiy^or tactical *

■« «te moving'plan*’-. guid-M I-OCcUpV, APPosml, .............

Skilful (■ibite of marvclou. eduratse*". Lav. *'»>• t aloft <»mttmK*.«e(>' for more It,an tvw iiv.ftjtt houre. IP*' ’

ry liiimi flight

-1. r s* • * - *1-SDnielx i

• American Review -

. Household Helps.To make KlA»* tvnre Bllstcn. wash t....

glas* an.l rtn*o in hot water, then plunmInto cold water, in;-- ws.U’n « handre ef xLarvlv ha« N'-'o ,IDs*>!ve-f Drain ti claeaware^on t>jsel»^iiil:I |*>'Jf**-ltr <|r;

A xiuq-l* UU'th'Nl of m:*kii>; sroowor prre-r axaisixt ru>t t* re, heai <t until i<- alme**t r*"i ts«t, sn.l )ts* n priseh it ov*. wkitii tlpreed oil. Tin* liiBkex a varnish

■ " " unlike orelinarjr i>aint or eii

Women ii'i- learn tu *uiok- drink. " W e l l " B u t ;boy will uevor adopt tire* isabi? of getting tn-hlnd t:ew*pnj.er at brcaklaxt and cmtlribut- •tig only crniRs to the eoitvorsuthm,

ITtixlmrg Fust.


OF A COUGH OR COLD.Cough* an,.) void" do not call tor a

niimttc recital *<f symjdout- a* thtv are mU known toe very,.m-. i»nt their di.iyir* arc not so well known. All th-' mo t >crio)D affection, of the t'lt-ui. the lun̂ v and the lironcittvi toW■ an-, in tip- StnuiuR, but tirtiglre and redd'.

Munv jK-opic whet)

thatulleutcirt•lilltt redd do i

it. thtnki-;.x p t.wav i ;i ,» day , -j iw*. »tie iqa-ltpi Ih-tl before they know it, it It ts wtt Ml Kivtr bmv-*.

T-s| ui-Teh -Ut • . . i,:;su->i !->- (.ml *«t i

old it imretbe gotten re! of iimncdiasc


■ l* in a vt !l*o-. w 'jpjH'i: tli(" pci.- tit,- trade mark; th.- price, 2-V .sud utanufayt itrel only by The T.

Miliejtn C o, Limited, Toronto. Out.

• HUNTING A SPYShortly Lof,n* • tbc.wur br-ik** out in

tin italkuna li»-tw«-.-i) tn,- Turk,* amt (.!*> adb s. I l.ff Aqrlatiopb- one even. *>•»'- nbmit dark bo B* l»;r,i.l ', There*> is - nil* pimiemgcr in lint vompurt- ttienl 1>* -Idea Inyself, alt i i TkOtltrel •hat whih ■ ailing tor Le- traf;: to

Du- guard sdnu Uml loeitoi nu* *i->or b- s* "ined ,si breath.- ««sler, but w;m «ti!) r-vld.-n’ l; impatient for t»,sy train to Ik- u»l. Wiicn nt la.-*t it began to roll mil of |)i.- rentinn he put hl» m-ad otll of tiro window eager!' ■

KolUiwin*; tint directt*.,!i «,f !)is eyr-y i saw a man, wliutil l kn*' v to Im> a Turk by bit! f*v.. running for the train. Hu ran like it *t- *-r, my fellow i-ax.'.en- K>i- watching him nreathWxly. Thelut te l OCCUplm! lip' u !»<}«« s o that Icmild not -■■'• if fin* Turk .«*jgtit the train, but prreu>ntly mv cuntp-uuoti fell t al k ,K4'J*hlg.

■ |.«!iilv ho moau.d.I had xoin- knowb-d<> of on*- or

two of tin- ,natty langtmgres s*l*ok* r» in tire- Balkan,i, :>.> (hat t und-Tdood lists woiil. 1 u1k*> a poke xonie *noh ami (Jetman. tin*) tried in*-, man in both, g* tllns t*n tindcrtdaudiRg In tire fetter longue.

W hat la your trouble"" • naked. "Are yuti 'lermnn?*’ he tutkctl, in-

’dend o f rcidvlng.■ No: Amerigan. '‘ Olt, American. You ib*n are a

lover of liberty, ('erlatnlv >ou have tie Kympa'hy with the Turk-*. I aut ih onicd. i fiav*- bre-jt la Adrurouplo qiyins on tin* (nrtiflcat'.nna. I wan urrerted, «n-| draw'lugn Wert; found in me. 1 was cenf nre*t to death. While waiting to *a? cxeeuled I raaght my guard napping und CM-ap-I. I :R»ped to gel away by HRs train, but UR* man, in v is .:-- charge I *«.-e* placed, will go Uiremgsi tip* train *'5iet» it tt«pH am) rt'.'. »-er me."

Then, t-ikttn out n )»cni>il uml tear­ing a bit :tf i*a;»>r from an oW b.-ttcr, be wrote bis in me ,»n.r nd.lr<’x> on it ami hamhsl 11 to tile.

■•When von reach 5>oft,».'' ins con- tlnurei. "wilt j on toil my » p .* what 1 have toid >**u nnd what billow.. Say M at my hix* tl.migbtK .’ < r of her and our dear ehUdren,'*

• If you are sure to lx- exenttrel, vhy not take Me’ ehattce of jutnoliig from tin* tn'.lnr''

" l am going to do thai .out, l--atii insure -re tf I suffered nty»,if to f*o

token liaek to .\ilrlami|i|e.’'"You may Ktrike soft ground.''By th*- time 1 hud i^mken the vords

!*.«.* " a s out on the footboard. 1 pet my head <iut tiirnuglt the window trod (taw his Mint figitro not fur from it. It wax very dark, f’resamtly I ceased to see him and bctieved that ho bad. jtrot|K'.l.

Tin* firm : >op tho Irwin uade ««« at Tehlvmcn. ttiddt was readuil fa about half an hour alter the spy had d!*u»j»- mured. The guard unlocked the dtxir. but would Mitt let me alight UR after tin- compartm-Tt? had been examine'! by the man whom 1 had #cea retnnlng for the train. Ak coon no ley hud pksm .I i jtbyqied, down on to the plat­form an.l followed him t-> v e If he got bf» 'piarry. He did n*n find him. and this train moved on.

I wonder.xi v hut imtl tmeonte <.f the •y. He tm»« have jutitiKd «r Le mild ha * bren found on th-' '.rain.

Nearly all tic- im«*e»gerw w-*re Turk», trod I noticed the moment I alighted that there wa* a chain of men wyar-

**«•;» aurr eroding the train, proh- al.ly pai*s*en«, r* who had voInntwrfHl

le tp th - ofMclal In his efforts to arrest the *py.

Beforo w.* pac-.-d over the T-irkidi ie t o ;.enter Knidern Komnellu the

train «top. * d lor a long while, and I •It sure th u 't was tec the p'lrjKixe : making .♦ tin:'I search tor the coy. i time •»,' i lartrel on. nnd in u ftf*'1, dnutca v. r - amongst a different

U'lionslity. VVI«n a idly." t said to I/.- "that the mun coutd not tiave -ali-il !iim* -lf on the *ra(n till "<■


Tho Drst top "• RtMd** hi -.'oum.-hx ax at Ih'l'euroL Then? I aBubled (*(

stretch mv !-g*. slowly *alhtng :ar.S t • its- l

Killing who 1 x’lpJN.r-'d coal slioveier <dl the engine,

ot ly. he " a s blacker than anv sinker Wnai was rtty ; irprU

A toward me. !)>* threw Lb begrim-d nuns around t

i know said. **t

Tlien tu tii cognised tt!-


limbim: i

II.' MICi ittd i

a* a ^ervj.tn. ny story.that -nre*' Mi> train

'hied. I had V tt - hidei h»v *

of tl;-> under, amt ith th- c**»L“ -Donald t’handic'r-

1 the W’ctl r.ilk' Dali'- UepirUr.


' R E A D T H E L A B E L



CARR OF imEEDl.N’tJ SOWS.' In rnhdng ldgit ffirTnnrkti. U l» itu*; (tenant that, Ilu* rich! flop be lakon In breeding anil in ltint there i* noth­ing more liuiKTaiivc than the selection ami ct»r*'"uf the brecdlttT sow-,

in wicftlng a breeding so * , on-; should be ctioM ii xvhleh has been thrif­ty ami vigorous In »:ro» line. A long body, a deep vliost iuhI strong kgs are good points. It Is not a good plan to ili note I ho prettiest pigs of tin- Jit* ter before Boy have been can oil. Winn thi> piss Have been weaned ami ftil for a mouth or two. then the sow from iho Hit-, which shows the great­est lutprtm-menl win generally he the best sow for breeding |>uri>osc». It Is important that tin? sow should he one of a quiet disposition. ami that she should h<- a jioml milker, in nursing a litter o’ < h::u or ten young pigs the milking ;f.-i it called ttpoo to furnish nearly .v* toe.eh solid* in her milk per day !i« nr- given by an ordinary cow.

it is a lias! practice to hrved from immature If a t.oure-' of breed­ing from immature «>«» t>- continued, the animals will degenerate In sixe and vigor. Hoars ami sows should not be os<n| for br*-'*<!i :ik natll at leasteight or lt-n months «>M. They can ho hem to advantage until they ate six or seven years old. The danger of »o«« becoming useless tw-for.r they are of that ago results from improper treatment in fceiJliiK. .vant of exercise and am or i-ohl sleeping quarters. Thus cau>» »!;>* animals lo go'att Uiuir feed. Hot if a sow- Is well preserved she will iisimJly give the hist litters of pigs, and nurse them host from the time she Is two year* to six years old.

The tint ion I* held by a few furthers that u breeding sow should he 'kept thin and jracifealW iialf carved. That Is a mistake. There Is tto time in tin life of n sow when she requires suit- t>hl* feed and good quart.-ra more than when she is carrying and nourishing her young.,She should It- kept In a fnlr etimlltfon of fiesh eatised to take plenty of exercise, and li ft to sleep i In shelfcr on a dry. sand) soil or ear­then floor, with n Btoall quantity of i bedding.

s w i ate (•» i’l umirishrd and 1 Other* aro so exees-k< l> fat that their young pip- when farrowe;i a rc'

■tooweak|v pi live. Sometimes sows, nr** deprived. ets;<eeia!ly during the winter *' .tson. of aeoc*s to mineral tmofer. It is n good phin to slnek n quantltj of f.ndii hi the autumn; and to throw a soit six or right Inches-, srjnarp hv two or iltr< • Im-he* thick to enrli sow every day .Treatment like that helps to beep sows in such gooil ! health that t-o y drop welt-nourished • «nd, therefore, well-born pics.

Ten days or a fortnight before the «mv IS due ‘ to farrow »he should in; put Into a pea and foil there morning and night, During the day she may he : n I low ed (.tit to tnlii- exereho with ' tin* rest of: the herd. For Terri. d ays’ before the farrowing she should he kept |n the pen continuously. In that : way she comes to recognize, nud is mil i afraid of her nttemlant. She-should be allowed plenty of bedding for the mas- i (ng of Iter nest. A sow carries her I young frouf 11- fo 116 days.

Sometimes a sow will attempt to eat her young. That Is usually beeauic she has been badly nourished or Is In ill-hedUh.„Jf she has had an allowance of enough' of sod* of earth every day. or aeee»* to a mixture or salt and sooil ashes, that will usually prevent nttv Im-lltiaUnn to eat her pig*. There is the instinct of motherhood forprb- tectlng h*'r young. If a-stranger b u s into the pen whore the sow l« lying with her new litter, fries to remove them nod makes them squeal the sow mother will be aus to seize anything- - n young pig ns likely as anything else, it Is a good jdan to let the sow become used to the appearance, anil even to the clothes‘am! v<jfr<> of her attendant. 0n>- has hardly ever known of a «ow running on a pasture field iating her pigs. It Is a good plan to gh«- j. «n».' an allowance of root* daily during the winter.

livery care should it- .-v-rcltied |r> prevent tin' cow* from tareoni Ins m u­st If <st*?4 !><-forv «>r after she has f.-vr- rowed, and for three nr four days After she hnti inrro'ved ithi? should ii- trd very Sparingly. Tiler- is danger of milk fever until the young me able To lake all iim milk which «Iu, <au give. 11 I* n good plan to have the young pigs so hungry the third day as to ho squealing for more utlife; Im­mediately afP-r the young have h-i a ljorn Up- sow should receive ,i drink of warm.w ater with a handful of rliortr or bran eflrrcd in it, \ litter of young pigs will increase in weight tit the rui- of from two t<> four pound* a day. i ’ua«-juent'r. afi- r *hev ,lt .- a week old tto- ww should he f. .| i„ LirchTi wnv a* b promote the produc­tion of milk. Imring tie- cold weather it will In? found profitable to give Ute

-sow tor feed lu a want) condition. ;ii n tt-mpernture anywhere front -0 to fill tim ers, SMm milk, hult'-rndlk, mid­dlings. bran, around oat*, with .» m ail ttear.tlly of :«t|l Cake, make excellent feeds, Vh<- middlings nud groin mny be steamed '■ K?: mliaiitag". tliil, zbwibl not be*added until f-s.dlng time.

FARM .\i;VYS AX|» Vfl-.WS.Ought hors- i be clipped ’ flolh i.'ng-

lish nud Aiii'-rti i>n authorities ugr'-v' that It k a mlsiake. Tie ,v»r.-..- p*

enntti-mhd with <

jdac*-« I the itatoi mid A i.stria ntid ccentrl’-:-, h< ■ *- -t<«te«l by tievn'-

warm seasons thuti In wluti-f if | a < i.Qe-ot hi d.

Often, ah-e, tie- color of the hair.■ si« chill) tlte;darker rluuhw, i» altcizd j

cMppIrnr. and dulled to an extent >

O-tU l* twit » .-n ini lioesi-.-i that have never been eiipjx'd, lm> Itave been gpeoninl In -.men a way that the skin hs>» retained it* normal ctnidUi-.u of hmlih.. On burse* that are elippod enr often se>‘i the Imir rubbed away by Hie friction of tin* fcjiraosw—and ; even of the rein*. The ee»ielu*Ions are tbnt clipping i» horses is tfd( Imlis- pein-nblc, and idfemld only be pr tie Used in except louas eiiv unLOftnef-.-. That tlio more frequent!) 'She hors.* is dipped the oftener It to-iyle to b>* ellpped. an tin normal fuuclMtnx «*f th« tfein aro alterisl by fr<Npient clipping. That with careful grooming and imeiiigr-nt use ol ilothes tin' fall of hair ia promoted, mill the glosslnns of ihc coat is main- talmwl. That the .sweating that t* observable In undipped hor*** at work l« not dungerojn to Pealtli if the nnlniabi nro properly lookcsl after;

A pHttl mlicll row, will Rtv> nt least twci quarts of milk a day. na>| have a period of InCfatlon of four to six mom ha.

Dairy cow.•** weeds mor6 Ilian hay or grnin. They n-’ed concealralu*, such ns wheat nildtlllngs. bran, ek-., to fur- r.ftli protein, l.egume hay. such n* alfalfa, clover, cow- pease, etc., are lb* ntaelves high In protein and pro* iliii'c part of the amount of -.enccn- frates needed.

Tlicro is no doubt but 'UlU. practice- of working stnUious s*> common In some of the older countriev. especially u* b'rance, is m e that ffbmtld bo pra< - tiffed much more widely. Thorn la too much of it tendency among t-oiito iiors<- owners to tr*Mt a st»HUm vas*l) dlf- fetent after fit-? hrredlng^oestsoo than hi fore. He-muy bo put away by Iifin* self and cerlaluly in too m il- doe?; not set »!<e care las "tlwrwis* should. The honw should bo j-iat :o> carefully fed after Iho breeding ff'-u- run ns before; and while there iiuty iiot bn a* much time lo attend Llm ?o closely a» pre» iouniy, there is no exctiso for th" nbsoliilc inch ot otvwtiu- lug. poor feeding and general poor londltlon a g.Kd matt' do! I cm-- g* t into after a breeillng pcason. if tin- horse Ih not worked, lie should n? b-hffi In- given plenty of gmul leed. and ii pot running outside >ilie?dd h;u jdenty of exercise, and a clean, dry stall

THE • C00D-F0R*NAUGHT HINDUS.'They wouldn't lei you land..lads, they

id. It wouldn't d»T*» open op our foontr) to* toe like*

lads, wi)

»<ititbn. In the colder ellin- nti-s: ton t'Uds i;>'« p > natural feud whnl*Mti-M-r. ii i«, tlii-refnri'. nec.'imaiy tn"tll'plv II III the ratten In ail efficient!>>>! r>->'!...tnl<*ai ferin The T<k>4 *upply wf 'll- laying flork U the raw material'foiti tvbii-h: they manufacture eggs Anument fur liuiunii for),I i-ntmuiiu>llnn.

WHhmil tlii* nnper fond It I* linpoa- *lb!» fin tec In in produe*! >•>•* proper •tuaJity ft ml amount of r#K« When feed­ing for c,,'K pK-HjoettSa; the following fncliirr should |». cnn.'ildercd w-tien mix- hut the feed amt eiipidVtilK litem.

Hr»t- N'otliiny but -dean, wtio!e»<*m*f.ve) |*> t-e M?e>|.Sccitid, i'onvidefftWe varlity in the i«-

"■ 'ii sli'iihl !m- iillowed *..1 thaj inch bird •■ «»» ••id.-tnc*- tier nvrn rntlnn.

Third ,x lilwrat f«*edinB i-f meat ecr«;- !»r«rly rci'P'-'oSiblc for great ptodne-

tere.J (i, jeep lilt'-r This keeps bird, si-five and In coni health,

l-'lfiii Plenty- of wntu xhould be joip- ' clear wnfer etimild b* kept

fetxtb-Thr- idrde

fedThe f .,1 wlmt, ... ..... .......Agftcultural Kxjperl-

Went K n̂tinn. nflcr venrs of cxperlrnentftl w-nrk nml ciijeftd teAflna. Th'-v hnvft •fiveu , v*-ept(>MiuI!*- go.>d re*idt*i through- wet t!>e St»m The latt-vn* «* r-c-im- snepde | a;.|d; nqa-eiaH.V to the tleh; *e. five liriede Ul<o ftio fe'ctiorUff Such modifications am see-'*a»y foe ftofirihle feeding and for heavier breed*

«'5r iiitul on»s............cvirnmrnt .CTluten feed........,'lfaira f-h-*-? r:.;v Aleut sets; rhitjh «r»

Total .. .This dro a*h Is iiilc-

hef.ire (he T-i?-ts at *r!f .feeding, hOUie « ... . . . ,the molt )« going on -'ll fI,-: (111 AuftttM nml He|d»tht»ii>r If-la » t:«' Keo to auhatttute ell meal for ii eo meat lo the same eropettpi •Ja-denr- s «,1 «?r<.al|i -,f ‘ featbei Cniisrs (loin to floUtt off nitii-H \i soon n* the h r '

alt 11 mi-*-*

rely ebmlnsted,

\V*b*o the •he M n ; .f ) f-r .\ .n „V ’ thi.de I.Hirnl line* and' t*

tirm -uih It". V« and

>;V- ftinwuot


nt: anrltfcitlly wnrcn'l Ih*'

wanted ttver heit-;they kepi tbt» cwaat-lm

nml wouldn't let ><«u uca- ea-ept

'They epofec of you ft* "coolie*" and •'Kom!-ft»r-tmugbt iifndur,;'

Thi-y didn't like >m»r turbans, am! they lauglwul loud nt >utir tthoci-.

They ihoughi you'd be a nuisance and yon ought to stay .it hum-,

So t hey answitrt-il tmy w }n-n you ask­ed to eiay and they chnfu d you o'er the foam

\Of course F hit you harsi 'ads, yon

couldn't mnierstatwl.W hy Hrltish cabjct-Ln such a* you

were barred from Brithdt ianti;And then you said nod did Ibingit.

which ofttliwv yoiT rcgroi,Hu? yott'rt* Hritirh aflli. with & Bfit

bit will., ami you'll prove,you're} worthy yet;:

When they fen lid last t’anada brand­ed liicnt as m « « iJ f.hb ami scuas

And they vowed in their heart* That day. lads, to contradict that lie;

They'd prove once more, a* they'd done befere. they *-.-n- willing to do am|. die.

When the call to duty cam*', lud». • ’ and India heard b< ftrd th<- si;tU; t i

A'mt "RtHuJ-for-naugi:! Hindu* " lads, so vulunfcercd one nud a)!, ̂ I ’

There wasn't a one lomg lutes, lads, i r you came with a good Tree will; I ,

You wore glad to fsgii? yout j •country's right, and fliftw you j| were Brlt<>n» .*!•!!

Tbu folks who had ttitned you:down, , 1 lad*, her** glad to set? you go i !.

To the .1-Ip Of Iht-it King sml --.-it: I .lad*, and * - y*».t faco the ' e 1

For they km-* that you «-iHiltI light liols. they knew ynu had mt fear;

And the very tnou wSio bad ‘n-orned

*'1*11(11*T hs|n«.|l )

thus keeping i),eglittyid*: i-f till. *.*r*»eWr: ' 'f.ch !-'w bird*. Til : rntjoft, t* made up s

etslns umf i> f-,1

Amount A v •

“ Empire” Corrugated Iron— It’ s British - made |Keep your money in the Empire. Get a vastly better article.

E v ery Canadian w orthy of tlio name w an ts to help Canada and the Em pire in these strenuous times. Olio w ay you farm ers can help, and help trem endously, is to buy Canadian and B ritish made goods. The M etallic Roofing Co., Lim ited, strongly in vites your orders for Corrugated Iron on b eh alf of their fam ous ''E m p ire ” brand British-m ade through and through. M ined, smelted, rolled, galvanized and corru gated within the Em pire and w ithout an equal in the w orld for rust resisting qualities and durability. W e are soiling it to day d irect to farm ers a t the follow ing special cut prices;

ORDER 28 Gauge--$3.60 per 100 sq. feel ORDERNOW 26 Guage-$3.80 per 100 sq. feel NOW


C or. K lnn anP U u tlerln S is . , Toronto

Freight prepaid to any «talion in Old Ontario. Term* ca»h with order. We can also tuppiy Corrugated Ridge Cap, etc., to Ht our fthecU,

which i

U*e “ Empire ** Corrugated Iron and “Eatelake" Steel Shingle* and bu<td a splendid

rd in tint |i«»t that they ««uld mt t»i| which g.*,.!* ttr;<* llrititth n* tfnrrt)g«l<-'l Iron i» rnn. r̂Med. tb.r~ i. nl.mltttrly in —"Km-'t*-"

r n u m -w w — u. .......It Jack Hftrlf. It iff -xbjslutrJy <)rt«-r>.Jal<!». tor MO'f.-trn filtiay, .if Th(Ml*, water tlKMriei.» Rod ru»t-ri-»l«Ung tturablllt}' V-'U'lt never regret buying ii \V«- . .ubl self v"« K> v«t*<i find oilier fftrelgn-nimJfi nhi’nto, but we nrrf-r to linmlb- lirltlHli-nmdr ir 'od* mid «o clinubl y-.u pfit-.-i n«w » dut-nl. llrnd u» your order to-day. Our W-yenr-ohl reputation I t your xtiMrcftlrc of at.* dutc r-inttfe deal'ti

i liritUlwntnde »* the old t'm

• M-year-obt reputation It y-n We gladly help you with «uotK*Jl«»ne tor ooy hultdlna >oo are no Inn < put tip. Tell t»* your yrebljm

1 1 E l HIIIN TEE “PEfiRLV SMILE”i'rtl III foil git bit Kkuit, and rtiit nt t*i • ̂ back o f'b l* law on the i«f( sbh. It- i him not putty t<» took upon. b>?t tm ! nunlc ft imtrvt-lmi-t rcc'ovpry. whldt wn<! til- main f-omsiderstion \ While lie was In SooUt Africa c'ir | Frcilcrlcl; Trnvest canto m rors mai v | luhtaftccff of what bo cadetl ntarxcinuA-. * anatomical frtit.-t tK*rfnm»cd by th*

......■- 1' ""aOc ; Mauvftr bbllr-l, perhaps the -oa-t ?-. . . .. i nmrlisblo'.liajiis; iht , r in wblclt, IP-)

la wulking about the • bnilot p:n-ffoi| thrt.uk'h tin* btuin wlfft- D-.ts! trifling; >

Surgery In Modern Wars

Many a mzlrot-v of l/imion today who wav ( licit tiiroiigh the Uiftln Sn Kouth A#- | lotus. Tin »;

S v onnils. andrlu* , , , . . Fm broken 1Manv a !>>»or. I/Tottfor or lit»ioTt>. i ' :! ; lot* ►tri'-fe-n on tin? D-ifelati Held! with n tiullt't wound in hl»To art t \ his s.i-ftd. A yi-.tr i ago sw-wUicam. si*ttr, t r w do woiiid Itavo civt-n itim j up H r d-ad. ;in-i w.-pt tdtt-?r !««».« m cr tin- iovi d on ' vTto w ould not or rt-nirn.

visit * * tint- h .tilPrison Hcfornier Now Sing Sing Warden

I'.-it - ft so inn

heft nting

lars. \rt jx-arn

tt—,t ntlratlr'vor*»*r if ever Tlb*r*s'was 1ms !t-mi;i«rti (ill this, llh v-ray t.mi Ids lanc-t a ,•<. a few (if th* maatio mpauu af » rinninr th ‘ apparently d-ad to Hm, and fUllni; lit ? Jo-.irr of the bmne foik .with joy m ar to btirsling.

It it certainly ;t artthtb of • -mfort t*>; Sa :*-an -thoui "■ fit?!?* for hi* trmttitry» I in feqow that in tiaFlo not a Bn * v • ij cry . 00'. pri'Jit till" of all 'It'O'Hotlomt | j amt tvr'gbl tak fi -ff--> t, but It l* bet- i t*r io know that many of tbm-o wbh-n ’ j:!in him In th- nci l ?r IuhI , nrr. ront- 1 ' p.iraHvt'lv spt ftklitK, liaruib,';;*. j

A »ett-.trfe-.(Ub* '« .( • -tf t»t!< kind or- j <mt> T during tin? tlyitth Atrlf-m ram-1 (•lie?) rorporal Tletntft*. of the.AY or* | i-cvH r mmtliied - Infattirv, m m Itadlha j {•(< ( op v t!?i \ lilll at Artimiei whm a : P.wr. about too jar?ts away, ffrevt at,; hint amt iilf him four ilin*w. One btillol J wftit through him In immediate prox- i tttiiiy to Ho* h-ptf. ami another t-a-K-d i ibrro.cb Tbs tjpi» r jcti*. of tl:e at.do-' men. I lad titix ltai<;.tnrd •** Waterloo. | •,tr« Corporal Thotmm v/ixild l*uvt* j i - i-ti" in-r: t of her tm hind, and th# * Ynoma*' . hiblrr-n voulI hv.e peon o r-; ph.VK.

Mot is w a t itt cit'd?I| M rin . and dir fWiii!;*pi Mat • Vnoae tss.t In fttirmliinc*? i on tt(o inrpttral- lip * vsttiinrd ,tbo |) a"d fi.'-itd tlp-ro'nx - vmpH-nt-i !i f h-ti-roal iuiury to rltber fite cmwi! or J (• *Tub<u-mfn The Vnrporat had a t

7 1 iam£usM.Qsbornft.Auhm a. A t . - I noma* ; Mon' Os

borne, tnllllonaire jirlMiu teforin* r roceljtly appoio(* >l w afdt it of Ttit v Sing; ig tiie matt who ?.(ie:ti g.,short fenu in Atilmrn (iiiffon slud.v'mi;-prlt- on problem* from She "inrido look­ing <

Oriiornp. who tn I'itairnnttt *?f the Slew V>'rk State Frii-on Reform com- uis ' 'tt. ln'ilt*vei| (feat. Uk> prison re-

. .'-rot and penology Stas b<*e« studied from art. I' , sllsitt ii-o *?f f«*i»p.?r.ii?.ir* f»<r ti n-a { only bj tnrji "oiitiidr! looking ia." f*n

spi le.- 1 il.tv, and n v-et-k later be wa* kUtlnfe j «cpu»inlmr, mJ3. Itp had hjmsolf ‘vaslilitg i in a tiain t t'Utb'-rnlt t; the fa?.> tvhlt ti • f i autneed In a ehort lerm at bird it give j ttam feutd bln? down * r.vetrv «ll <.>i { ’

outd .o f , tint* Vliffer-s

■ iSv:̂ :L

finvt r-jontiff."fixer;. » trc <

a'jfnU lib-, bu-dt


•our fingeriiulh


»* know* anythtiip IHm heart' I 'm s^ m j Cleveland Hen T ak es D aily T rip

Iitt.po.-ed. and fit’' art ' , -'irm oit.. mo«? On a Trolley .of a ';, know - that evdti « Idjllet larcr- ! There' wu*t b<* a gypsy strain, a v*. afit-.g ami <!; Trmtt: -' tho.tch it may j grant nomadic streak, in Sortie some-

* I-'*. t-( pot alwnxs fmal j whore, Smlio in a brovt ii leghorn brn........ 1 Men ate ullxo to-day who ratty In i of uncurtain age. outwardly no differ-

their heart-i InilltTft which bavn mod-* ! ont irons any other respectable, newt- ttscit* Inj) '- iher-' * lovioK bird, but in reality a barvtnp

. Iu .th »*!;'* ' •ampafK'i I a Mororctt a i ffcnrunt. a fly by night nud a ne'erJ Fren-’h scddler was w- tninlert bv a |)l*- ! do well, no better titan the wontl night

‘ -l S alt, which itvl,?cd H the left ttpF-er ' hawk. Sadie ?* the joyriding hen. iamb? r. an auricle, e* • iofttl. Kdr ; Every night for tbt last ten days *h-'- week or t«c* fee walk d nbotu i s if j liar* tdolcn a ride underneath Scovili

Pat gus I t'xtlbleg Utd b3(iput<-'l; tmqt h> began > avenue trailer No 322, clinging lb her two dish ! fv« •'■'* ;a !n . -->"-1 b l i breathing tm- j preeariot

ro r- ady for ttix?!

>«? u.rtad. thlui* r Hi*- "Hiitcb !«■ pro'tutR t»te Ilfi? !ab|“e’otbi »ltd

with t .tmplt«ir< rt ’ 1 ./(It. feteam - ;

W*f(|! I 0

H m vS *

TiP/a! thnlteior, "Init

< ii? lanipcHt)',; v ith j

Idticed tflnrti it, rnl : oil

FcUt ll writing a;: ins or i as-1tig the tongue over it. i

It egfes at. .-..Tret- and .< u t ; r<? mak- j "*’1*Ittfe pumpkin (it'v uie a tabimp.injufut...............

.^if Ittior in ot.iv ..f one, of tin* <•««»?>ou Tvo'tld -!*'*d. andnever know th differenc-.

1 t'isffoln- .. !'<'!.• -*;t-1 in alettuniOpift,

; take out.

with P o tato Doughnuts.

n cltm.-r

tt bravely’ Ri'"

Yon (struck t<*rr.r !• wRU your Tiueep knlve*;

Hu; many of these w! that you bad u*»

Were film! to know ; tbp foe, wht!-- home.

AVe who know ..on ■’ lad';, 'm at's j .’tie

.Never «•#* Jioart > love true

\nd if Robe vt?.- pis

And he'd V- T-. t <>i} ■bt'Vft Item It.'iocV

tli.llvtji.ffl 1n''‘tffr«>>

* n t-. r , . .

m 11T

know that It iOUte

t her; *. lir.v

anil perambulating perch . "M-.i were np> i from the Bolton car banm. Quincy ;.v-

!‘t . ii -.t. an I tii<» loti), i i n ! emu* and’ Eaxt S'.'tlt street, all the wayit- . ii bctii-d In the "oft ffeih to the city nud hack to the barns..-art ,-»n#5 wftct.JMMt Uk<- a penda. : f.itlle does Sadie care whether the ev -rv heartbeat. I fare is three cema or five, whether iho

......... ? ‘<le- work tf an hour to cat i penny tratiftfer? charge is refuto-d nrhim In bwftltal, open the ch.--o, nud gobbled tip to appease a hungry deficit,

j j j I cxtnttt the ! :>**••?. ami innst before the ) Sadie mtsV have her ride, and Have iti fieluiri" etot.-d tin- (tallant irooper was I doee.

m i t oi v Ph III • .-Jf*n again. i The carmen declare Blm ban a! leastwit’ ? fir ?rh-tf ;■ a <; 'ro .m mr-een who { olamfelitsicy knawb dg*' of mathmnnllc'i

v \ v . - j thrr 'e-.t ?ii-> sUtVM)Tai att«e war, I »» the x-xtem of femmintc one figuret per*, npllv C'.nnlm-I *..m sniciji.ru' of From anoth-i. Tor «be always piefez

......... .. rreii n l . ill ol » l.om M ' " ‘W S» . * 3 to* >" T' rwoxemt fr«»n* tfe-fc wavtrtdff Tt r-m s t ommisaioner ft itt w attention w.i*

*»" - vv?"■/. V?.»"•«««**. .»-j i s f f e i S !said, half lb >. soldiers wounded there iMark two latil.M potato

ft.'d ?o )lr,i iiox With it two I*to gtspe of fthorfeuing When cobl add | were•»btmp? oue and ot'ethirtl cop* of xugar. s tir ; fall diilv. In s<mv» r>ginuist-; tn* le*?* uteeHldx ( r<,ft and ffnmotlt, and then add i ttutn Tb tmr cent of Utno >./-M.nd'd at

h-tif ei;p of mvt-et milk beatenwith one I Mnbdcn re-.-ovcretl, nnds re.xmnctl actlv.j „•*; Sift tegether one and onc-hitlf | -r-rvice within three ntnntbc.

1 f \ tmpi of flour, four teaspobna of bak- { Never *’.< o>a*r. is the t.tolle

and pul in a bowl In » foxv minntett ll-.till be jni-Ut rer.dv for UW.

In tnlxlnw podding or cafes* -. vt.cdtn la-ai Up - oiixtnr.the hock of Ihc spoon. It lit fur easier i ami the tn.tleria! heroin?'!? bettutUnlly :Heat in half the time.

To remove grti-so from eolt.red - ,.,(i r 0nv*.niently and fry fn tho umtal j goods mm From it ehmk. ptming I t ; I119n„,.r :

the spot and bolding hot. iron to melt the grease v. blie the t balk absorb* it.

Every ont> dislikes to pare potatoes.Try parboiling Uteiu lu untmlted wafer.The ftkln van iiien Ik? sjuickiy unrt, „ l l , r.-n.m.. ! M (ro» , u»M*d to- .......... .me to. Drop Into boiling suited water. k:m> mt th.? fnrtn

teasjmon* of bake ; Never deveatr, t* tit** r<t«Un t*>r the Ing .powder, one quarter teaspoon o f ; robller slrti k >n In lb ? field, nn l lltrt ttulmea, half teaspoon of unit. Cora- { rav of cr-tnforf for the l.'Iovcd one? bite th-- mivture. ! waiting f> r his rctom

A little more or !<-*» flour may be { Hero (s •» ren rir’a-M - cave of r«cov- •IV A gallant major was snot at

maptier. ; ‘ latiiffaut while »»ncagcd— ------+• *------- — ' Mafftltlns relief fort

STAY ON THE FARM, --;nt'k hint in ilm l>fRt, Thoma* J.-urn#ll | tTte Lrentiparflly/Td ft) both l-fes,

Jt v.ns a wtff* man,-who teinarkrd ccutiy thstt tf th*

she hopped from beneath the Scovilifr.t'ttrperfrtrmbftl uMWt i,! 8uP°r,or #vvl,w »««* 'Vest ?n>nt m rr.trmnm | Th|rd Blr, « her,. ;l traffic jam cau*-

-lie fout.-ti out ftlie t̂op place. Richard Mttr- ind Wlitiam Afjcrs, at mi ear No, St'.rt, pull- said Sadio has made .'lit for some time ted-TO Mr Will that

he have n n o t put unittr the trailer for Sadie's co»veiii'?li

pt-d back <" b- pby, motto n *,« comlut-iMi. on « lug th- ' 1 r ■Dip tr.p - it t!

■ \ Mauserbullrt ; j,r41. llca! r- uson th at: she «* - F "*( *,>*,' '!» . Wtomto-M. fto";

tbt ytftr, ftftd ............... ......... — — ----man, ho would im !ndciiciMl«nttjr rich.

ii'.r j?



L ig h t in th e D arkness.Tin ey.'ff of eats and certain other

; inintai? sbin.- in the dark because of | construction of Ihc choroid meat- I brant?, situated behind Die retina. In ; man this tn* tniiram? is Impregnated I-.THt black pigmciu. >*hlie In ca?» it ! • t. formed of fiat . *-!ls . ontatning Ji < rxatatllm- bc-ft<-H which reflect tto? j | i.-glit. For if must.lK1 reiuciutM-red tliai j | n e a t* ••>< : do not sitln** tr. abaoi'ii" ■ i darktic-s: liprc must tm light to In;! r fleet.*1. The a i l ’n e.vts collit-t a!i 't;:;- light (here Is and reflect It In one ; fa tot rwj. Ti'er.- sr<- eertain butter*; flits and bicil.-s whose e»es when ; Hchiert from Ihc side shine like roh- j <• ?,; ITiifcssor Bttghlmt has found that : ti-.:. retina of a sphinx moth (sphinx j rupjijnbhu is \er, ti.l.fe anrt to tm*I pfefeunted with a rosceolorctl pigment.

e.tlb-tl «*r> tlirnpftln. tn it tin- t.-fin I lion et tile light iff d»*r ?<> netwnffe ' t f siiv- rv : pirai vessels that enrpei

1 *ri «>f H-e retina. It Is prolmldi* Dint ■ ?« ;?,' )?Iowin« eye?; arc mor*’ acnaitlt - >

the retina ate (truck twice by the I tight, o n e l.x Hi.- direct rays, and ■’ isaln t>« tin- reflected

Don't Mo'urtukty to-night coughing. ' f i r Utrmtt sorc -don't lei your chen cold d.irjdpp further—that's tSie way to coax mi Tumutnoula.

lie hcnslblo ami. us thousand* lu foro vow have done, u-e Ncrvilitp- i-; u bull): tin-' thing to km cold o r hail cough.

AfD-i isiuK Net Minnar by It f<>r all Unit? u» cm

You’d way il'st mote li«<? a twin than nuythim; (.< f o ! its ... Mitohlup «e||.nt t()K>» your- tight « o

You'll Is* Mtuar.-d at the tpdek . It cured ymir tough aud lirok*- x' ur bud (old,

ft * KifiX for av«n a child tr* rob


anil for th'

ably pay, in;r fare by laving an ega each tup

For two months tie lax at a fat.a- Jo|m itmt. starter at tie Rolteu 'worked » li! bi.u-?'. and then to* was brought Into j ^ UUj discovered imd named - stadte.

the ihy i Ihc Imp-rial Y-vnanry Iio*tdtal. by y|, rri!( Rr«n. dispStcbcr, and Fredw hich Du <• he ha-l r- eax.-rej the use ; barn t-lerk, did not belie*<?of one Icsr. riu exnminatfem the bullet j Hurt's story until they hud sbxdmnw* found to tm lw>* |ncb«'s Ivlexv the , matched one nigh). The three nmttskin and a piece of Proto n hone was | con'ribuu- ?;? a fund to buy corn, preffslnn on tbc*nlnnl rerd. Rir Allred j w-heat and chopped meat for Sadie Frlpp brought Ills m in t!■ > xxorklmt | The it*-n s contribution to the fund ► fell! t.» t ear on ttm patient, ixtrartcd j u m iH'casb’Hal «:gs but in a-du*?. the bullet, an l r -itivst tit? pressure > }„,a j, *n u,.> tiwtji, but th;- . of v«ur*.c. cn the »i Inal .•orl. and In None of 1 ,|0,.,n t mule up tin- d-tot? i l- vc- li’tie the rallantTW»|or waft on bis feel < |tUid m i tore. N< " York IVcrfe” again Wfdklps with the old of f <?vtlri .P

.i'.bn M'-R 'ip,!'-, u Hritpran v. ternn. i .rtlcl ;t bullet re cived in that cim- paittn In hi? heal t<? th* day of Li? fjcn.tb, which sw-oitrfed it Torouay tn t mi/, and the oylv effect «•? it w'.i l«.»«-rra«c the power “f itf : voice *>> Itmf whiti h- -?ans tn the <Un« h ibolr )t bad u di.t'..nr<-rlSn,J cff*<T

Dihiisg the Indian mutiny a soldier, was Truck In ;i bull.-* bi-nim; (b-

III* to ,u „ , mlKh.v 1 " " M - t o r f t f l * **»•?,,„jch, | t.flrj wards he did ids duix I hen opTin? mother id « large family can !«'•>«• ** t-rm-'d. a? d win-,- It vas to

-i - t.'-sit"' .-f work and -vorr;. .an i t?»w •*» 1« «*•«“ •» ‘ h j .u!llt?litre IlltJc II!.* heiore they grow hfe:. ; " ' brnd ha t l^ u ni-tt'iK towbrem can kiep the- who]., family well by In th.- ir.P rvn? vithimt tatmtOR "»"» alxvjtyn Imvlng NcrvIHnc iuiiidy on tho • tie* Might, t Incmi? ml'-nee.(bell. The largo Sth? buttle I? (tn* A« Miners font-'In there s r *most Rrumunic.il. Trial *)se s > . all } ■ F '• r i- - -LmI w.m-* »>'*dealers or the t atarrltornm* IUiir- intf down. thru.iKltTjmjop^eMm^K^a j

Simply Wonderful For Chest Colds Makes ’Em Well Over Night

Nothing half So Quick lo • Ncr* JllRe- Although flvctlm ekm orc Relievc and Cure as Good " ”WM>‘ n"**

Old “ Nerviline.”.povyerful than most other linlntonts, • Je t NervlUuo hasTivver yet burnctl e/ - I ilslercd the ti nder akin of exen a : child.

!('» worth while to remember that i wiierover then- Is an achu or puht ! Acrvlilng win c?,r>.. n.

Try it *»« your a«u« miiffctes. on » * joint, on the v/orat (Ktssiblu casa *



: !<V 1


'M'Y E v e r y b o d y S a y sThe Same, Useful Gifts this Year

^ ND Vi)U'LL. liml a Imst of fascinating ({iff filings — a ll useful — ill our well-stocked score. You have litt le over a week to co m p lete your Christm as Shopping and we would urge you not to de lay. E very day.

p articu larly ill the afternoons, brings lugger and busier crowds, and every­day to o . sotne lines and perhaps the very things you had decided on. are being sold out.

Buy Use)ni and Practical Gifts and Buy Them To-day

C h r is t m a s G if t s -f o r W o m e n a n d C h ild r e n

A re on d isp lay in higger varieties and better values than ever before.

You can choose useful, and practic- “ al and acceptable g ib s at m ost reason­

ab le prices.________ __ -

H a n d k e rc h ie f s a re P o p ­u la r C h r is t m a s G iftsMade from finest lawns,sw iss

organdies.am i Irish iiuens.hern* studied, embroidered and lare edged, ia a ll a beautiful co llec­tion and prices arc 5 c . 10c.I5c, 2 5 c , 4 0 c . 5 0 c , 7 5 c , to $ 1.00

K n it te d S ilk S c a r v e s

Long, cotnfcftabie size, per­fect chest and nee* protection navy, tan, grey, black and fan ­

cy colorings.5 0 c ,7 5 c ,$1 t o $ 1 .5 0

L a d ie s 'C h r is t m a s K id G lo v e sFine French Kill tan and b lacks, the

quality and price if 'h e sam e still, no advance 6 9 c , $ 1 , q>1.2 5 a pair.

Fine Suede Gloves, in grey, brown and black, finest soft dressed, fully g u a r a n ­teed ........................... $ 1 .2 5 $ 1 . 5 0

C h a r m in g W h it e B lo u s e s

In very pretty styles. V neck ^

C h r is t m a s G if ts f o r M e n a n d B o y s

A m ost elab o ra te disp lay of useful and econom icnl gifts acce p ta b le to m en o f a ll ages.

S ilk N e c k w e a r2 5 c a n d 5 0 c TOand am ong these W , lines are values \ J equ al to m any at double the price Choose now while the assortment is good.

M e n ’s F in e S h i r t sW ho ever beard of a

man h aving too m any shirts? Shirts are ideal gifts and the choice here

is splendid,sizes I I to IS,prices ? l . $1.50

M e n 's F a n c y S w e a t e r C o a t sF an cy stitch, two pockets, high storm

collar or shaw l collar, a fine assortm ent of colors.T hey 're m ade o f fine soft yarns S izes 36 to 41, regular selling price $5. our special a t ...............................$ 3 .5 0

new turned hack co llar beam ifttlly trim m ed and finished. 8 splendid s ty les to choose front at $ 1 . 5 0 t o $ 3 .5 0 c *

F o w n e s G lo v e s f o r M e nW hether you w ant the lined or tin-

lined, in grey or tan, in cape, kid-mocha * or suede,our stocksare

* sw , com plete the values• • V ' . T ' " a re particularly good

a • ; ."H Prjces S i. 1.25 and

tth k _* 1-50 a pair

Special Display ot Ladies Neck wearSilk Hosiery and Long Silk Gloves

Extra value in Men s Fur Coats and Fur Collared CoatsKorean B eaver, S itk a Bear, and black Dogskin, a lso splendid fur-collared coats a t

$1 5 t o $ 2 8 .5 0 . You can't beat these values.

6 T E P H A N B R O S

M. il. II . sTATKMA r

IMmv will 1 •to.md the itnrm.itport o f Dh R. r. I'ot i. i. lie M.sliridOltl.,.,. o f Health, which wt<> the town . . unt il at th ■if ims-tiugmi. Monday-v mlug. I’la, u a peo-ulof if, it will lx- •mu 1 that during tl**-pa-t year the town Im-ly free fioh, rMliiftgim - disea-es.w hich is itinix •ill for n to VII the -i/e.,f Wnlkcrioh

\\nlki'rion. D •4.7th. lu ll,T«»f heriliaiin (tM-k-ft

or the Walk. rtou IhMtal II. .:! ’ i I,H/nUrtuftt:

M give- Ilf ! jikmuniy i > lx- able to

soiatl|K x on out* hand* during iheyear bat that win# imported from Lon-•loll. ( think. tml t here Wtt* no -pn-adof the discfts* 1 think the rate ofdeaths from m ilitary can -e* lia> Imuilower titan u n.al. but a.- I h a ' <• nothad tim e to 1K,k Up Ihe i*-cord. 1 am

1 am afraid we have not matte uni'llpiogivs* in it trying out the - >gge--lion* or ortfc of t In- ill t rlct «dllcerr*'gnriling ilu slaughter h m-ft-. 'll left-aw*. Ik wever kept in g**» 1 eon IllHUl.and tlierv Im »• U-cn no comi nlnt-.i t would, of < mrft- lx- mu •h nice r if all


Lust weak on Tuaadk? the Culrosrt la * collector w a*m raking inthe balance of the townrinp tax.** for I thin year.

I-ast vrrek the toad* were haul curl I dotty, this on Monday, we had l it snow stmnr,

Jo e Heck win h< I business lustForty,hour devotion aervlcu was held in our church here last Sunday. ; week.

Automobiles were all the go last j Mr, “«id M»*. Philip K uienein ami week. ! s,,,» Joseph arrived from Provost,

J Alta., last week on Tuesday.V «•; I T M .p p i, »mt c ...... n.ill

m,<). a tiu .ln .i , trip i« Ui, burn | |ltl„ „ ,Saturday.

of sausage and


Tw o Weeks until Christmas

T his week we arc displaying a large range of Christmas D ry Goods, Men’s Furnishings, etc,

He Would LikeA suit, an overcoat, a sweatercoat, a shirt, a

hat, n pair of gloves, a muffler, a tie, pair of braces handkerchiefs or numerous other articles:

What She Would LikeA fur coat, a fur neck piece, a fur muff, a

cloth jacket, a sweater coat, a waist, neck scarfs aprons, collars, gloves, hosiery aud fancy handker chiefs, etc.

What They Would Like‘T ab le linens, cloths and napkins to match

five-o'clock side-board covers, tray cloths, centre pieces, towels.

GroceriesNew arrivals in finest select raisins, currants

dates, figs, peels, oranges, aud lemons, etc,

J. 36 3lppelP ro d u c e W a n te d P h o n o 5 ,

Mike Graf 1* * i hi* big hound dog. Joh n Helm of Greenock w»- here

bt!*itie»M Iasi Sfttuidar.Mrs. J e t Strfllcr bit* been on tl

*:ck list lor the past two week#,

s h o p EARLY .The tti-e m erchant ha* him rihrixt-

‘ iua>. good* in early. a t d J s now sd v«rti*ing and displaying them, The wise buyer ia im hand 8* *een #- tin y

■ are on display. Select mg the C hri*l- j in** g ilt «-* said lo b e the most blessed | part of the giving. It, i- in the sole ] tlou of the g ift that tin- loving. s.yt

pathetic thought is given* Fittin g gift* can la- selected t nly rtf leisure. There must he tim e to think c f the once for whom the g ilt* arc cboWM Then' tittlet be opportunity toexaudm many things and from among them all choose wisely. In the gr» el crowd of la ter Christum* buyeitj it w ill b inipcrtslhta to think, clearly. t<« Inspect a r t ic le with arty discrim ination, Be­sides. the best things w HI be gore h

i for® the rush begins. The wise Chrlsri > mas buyer is th e earty one arat cfti } nway the prixe*. The Inter om s find

only the things thet have been much handled and. many time* rejeclrd . T h *

. thoughtful few do thru shopping in It lit) early morning. It is then tho ' etart** *re in order and the >alespc*ple , fresh and cheerful. > I t la Iheo te lrc ? lions enn be made with ra ic and com- | fort, loiter ia the day th« unthirk- | ing, push in*, gtahbing crowd* »u»h in,: the salespeople are overrun, and all is ! confusion. Buying under such

ditions i* torture. Kcirctmg gifts un* t d *r such condition* is little less limn j Insult. The Christm as spirit should ! n o t be confined to the giving «f ^ifts.1 It might t " show «I self ill the buying i and to ovettlow in eousideratlon f«* the overworked employe* behind the

I counter*. If. because of I hot usb. they cannotj(ive you good service, the fault is all ycur own. You have no need to

■ g« at the rush tim es.

iinpiotn nhsettn- of t on tagiou* o r opidi-mio disease* in the

>w n of Wnlkcrion during I In- past

i hav e nut, a* far a - l ran ivnicm- Iier. bwn notified of a single rasti of typhoid -fever, or diptherin. scarlet fever or mea*ie* W e had «

t Ih* meat idah «»n« slaughter

nen would iMunlnne and fur- f Imiftiighly up • to - date

ImtiM-'lo Ih- tisotl hy all.!(«•*] «H-t fully stiiauiUesl.

If. T , i*«utr»:it.

B r a n t N o m in a t io n s .

A Toronto hockey (coin bn* w ritten to the litcal Hub. lokiitg U i an • *1**1 - limn game to hr played b*ie on Jan2 n d .,..... >lu-b e will not la- in lead-inCss on that date, the oiler bat n< c» *- satily been turned down.

The t ’oimly t ’oulidi have oiilt-iaai u large m-vv flag for tins Court How*, a - the old one bad fallen to ple*W. not lM*W.'\Vr ladoro il \yn« needed. There mt’ n l«i a numlx r o f other flog* in town which have been dying airn-** the oulbn-ak of Ibe War and rtn- now in tatter* ami should lx- replaced.

The Ts:i.t:-aui'if is receiving many ol der* for . opie* of llol« t tM ..,'* Jli* - Im y o rtb * fom d y of tlrm-v. Ib e t.- i* but « limitixl muulter of eopie* left. If you wish lo xeruH* «»m* M'lttl in your order ut one*-. Ai^excvptiuuaJ bar gain, the Tl-I.Kseril’f. for one year and I bn History of tlie (/nimby « f Bun n for « l 75,

TH ANKS TO TH E TIM ES Owing to the breaking of a rod in

the big pres-, the Telex rope w a* «>ne mail tat* 1**1 week and bad it net been for the kindness of our contemporary the Herald and Tim e* editor, who cn bearing of the accident, gram inly proffered the ux« *»thl* press, we would probably have been sercraldays liehiud scbctlulc f im *. W e extend our tlmuks to our t.-onteuipoiary, and al­though we wi-h him no hard luck, uo hop* some day t-> follow up the golden till* of# "ou a good tnr.i deserve* anOther.’

SOM E H KALW INTH It.King Wlntei

Tin* nominal ion* for the Olfices B k m f , hM-fc MRKVf: *n il the three Cm N« »i.i .oh% for the Tow mb ip cl BRANT for t he year 1015; will be In Id at Ward's Half. Elraword. MONDAY, the 30th. dsy of DECEMBER. t»U . coirineueiug jit l2o,elo<k r m n and closing at I t/clock |>. ut.

If more eandidatet a te nominated fot un t lTice tjian to be i Jecled an elec­tion will be held on Monday, the llh dsy of January . IttlT», (tmlcts theie is au elect ir u by tern on ot tin* resigna­tion of any candidate or candidates uouiinati d> when polls shall be e ven­ed in each p illiig Mtb-dtvifii.n by Deputy Ketundi g Olfieet» ami Boll C lerk*at the plates mentioned in the follow ing list ua per By-law No - fc6. A. lb . IBM.

H i-n um ber in each ptrugraph is th at >f the division, the fir*I iiduic that>'f the |> |{, <)., thetecotnl that of the poll clerk, followed by the place of p o lling ;-

1. Wm. Johnston. W alter Kent. R. Long's, lo t II, con 1.

2. W alter Bov ml, Ch»*. Tar.neII. J . Ernest. D it.

■t. Norman BtockeRianb. CIm *. Jn r t- gent. J . Jxgelewxki. near M, If.. D. IL

4. <ieorge Sirre. I. L. Mnrtin. I’ub* be Limory, Cargill.

5. Daniel Giegg $r, Harv«»y Kerry. McKeeman’x h< use, Eden Grove;

b. Wm. Tullock. W alter Findlay. Freil Ltefso, lot 11, eon 12.

7. J O’Xrilb JacobSchtvii.dt, Farm­er A Hall, Malcolm,

X. Kit M id d lem en. Frank thaler, Henderson’s shop. Elmwood.

!». Jnhbs lloltii. Joh n Hmaeldt, H-.s- feldt’s h<u-e. lot lo, roil 7.

By order. M. A.- Mi C A U .n i.Returning OfTirer.

Brant Township

aud tin *torm whit-h ragetl Sin tiny.Monda and Tm--da> lift* left M» withalx.tll wo feet of km , The hoi -moinet i tea,Led tin |.wve,f Ift.il 1 -of.u tld- w inter \ outlay wh u itii'gixU* e.l two deg. a lx we zero.The -tri >ng wind am whirling -m.umad,-it feel inm-li .s.l h r than it leal-1;. .-.as. 1 h—pill- tile full of -now m«»-tIl a ins av i e «u» Hint*. Ttte-duy’.- T .R. Ton utotia iu th'e i« ll .p t a, in. u -hig tw« iilv mimile- behind -ch altlje

N. IL L G U o lT 'IN fiS ] The on mud meeting of the Northern , IL ■ f ey League was bebl iu Lisfowel j on ITiday |«»l. That tb i* irague is

growing ti-pidly is evidenced by the fact th a t there are entered this year

| tb iity -fon r senior ond four teen jrmior ! team1-. Walker ton waaplaccd iu gioup ’ No. 2. with Honlhniupton. Fort Elgin,

Mridmty and Hanover. Each of the above meiit ioned lowiix. I? ptaeirg a fa*l septette on the ice. and the local fans will no doubt witnes* t-ome fa*t exhilutien»<*f Ciftada’x N ti n»l wint­er game.

| EN(» INKERS TO FRONT I A despatch from SrllxbMrv Rlaln*, i England. *«>■':—j “ rhe Canadian Engine* r.uml er *j ing seven hn» died, may shortly go i lo France t<» m eet lowpHafs am!I < ther building?. Sir J *b n Jack»on.

a gieat auny eiuiUactorWantrttbem ; Tl.« corps include over t wo hundred

Toronto men.The I'tincc»!> PaU'iciaa will be lenv-

i ing Winchesler any day for Finnce.i'ractieaFy |fe whole < I the fii»t

i coritinkent isst-ll in Knglnm*. the only CaHadianrt iu Fiance being doc­tors and uu«>«#."

According to thi*de»p*U-h, Dr. F’ism t of Welleri ton is already at the front

i and M r Hoy Robertson, von of Mr. ; .tnd Mc*. D, Robyrt*on. will Ix-among f he Canadian etiKlnrers who will

: leave England in the near future.

Three Cheers For

ChristmasY ( >U know there is no home complete without

a few hig easy comfortahle chairs. This life is a funny road, but we all like to travel it ju st the same. So while you are here get satisfaction, as you can cnjoy’ it much better by having your owu comfortable big chair or rocker to drop into.

We have them abeaut- iui line, running from

$ 2 .0 0 t o $ 1 5 .0 0

This Big RolledSeat


at $3 .50Every piece iu the stock is ^>t as good value as this. * *■

A n y piece of Furniture will lie set aside for you until Christmas, so buy early while the choice is laige.

E. M Y L E ’SF u r n i t u r e a n d U n d e r t a k in g

Xmas Gift SuggestionsO nly a few shopping days left.

Handkerchiefs, bigger and better selection th^n we ever showed 2c, 5c, 4c, 5c, loc, 25c, 35c. 5oc to $i.co.

Ladies’ collars, ties, belts, Fascinators and g loves ar,e suitable.

Special values in all kiuds of fancy linens at al prices.

Splendi 1 choice of R u gs and mats, 5 tv, *St. $1 o up to $5.

Ladie’s rippikttc ties plain and fancy R o m an stripes at 20c.

Gents lies, scarfs aud mufflers, 25c to $2.oo c r ib

Ladies’ , misses’ , men’s and boy s sweaters and coat v (; ( u s new styles at special prices for Xmas.

Special silk and satin underskirts, pretty shades reg. $3.50 on sale at S2.95 each.

16 butt . '-mg kid gloves worth $2.75 aud $3.00 fo r $2 00 per p ,..;.

Beautiful bonnets f r babies at any price you lik e

Ladie>\ misses and little girls coats reduced in price for X u n s.

F ia iu mid fancy ribbon for fancy work 10c to$i.25per yd .

Everything that is new, correct and up to date iu gents form s Rings you will find here at right prices.

Hundreds' of other suitable articles for gifts. Come in and we will show you, do not leave it off too late.

M c B U R N E Y & CO.At till.- po-rtt-llt film.* lltfH- «»<■ fifty

t\v<t iumatt— 5i» tlw- «>f Itefrigft.

CHRISTMAS SAI LING.In r**mir»'tl*»« with ih<- ChrixUna*

-ailing* of rnumUrtn Fm'illr steam - -hip. “Mlxxttunble” ami Allen line -team -hip ,‘»4-amUnaviair f«*>m w.--t S t. .Rilill. «>» I)e«-«'mlx:|- I5tll. 'Hie Orttmdiati Rai'illi Railway tvlll i*iwi'»t«' -j,lid through trsiin ev.mjxe-ed..f Ih-t and emid ela— iHpiiptlWIti and tnlit’li cnunlef liar Ivnviug Tm-mi* Iurtt tU» a. m., Monday IK-e llth , titttning diwat ,«*> -team -hip'- -ide. lit el ienlai - O'oin any *,<’■ ! ’• R- li 'k et ag.'id. >>i- will,- M. G. Mnrphy. 1)1-

riel I ’ft'M'llgei Ag< id. Totwi>t<>,

TENDER FEETo c .................. 13 0Do you have trouble with

you r feet? S ore , tender

points? T r y a pair of


The easiest shoe on earth .

R A M S E Y the S H O E M A N

Carswell’s Clean Sweep Christmas Sale

S t a r t s F r id a y M o r n in g ,D e c e m b e r ,1 8 thSix d ar* i« all that i- left t > el ar eu<- magnificent asKortment of

lw«>utfiil X m t- it mdft T «e ,-ati«<- stock btu nndfrgone a rigid Invest- Igali m a*d the p«tci»* nave again been pnine-l to positively Gleet a npi rily clearance. trtk?> ndvuulagc o f Ibo giddrn opportunity. The new pricereifuetion* are not cn ly o n the few vnlm-* Usu-d below hut on our entire *l«nk i> . hiding our very ebohexl Xtuax goods. ___________

F o r th e C h ild r e n'iOOdpictiirehdkfs Reg. 2c fi for-VttOO ....................... 4c >*5*'

.2 for 5 '.400 i .•elds

I0^> pDin II . S.

l atioy ' ii.iki- J

. for !-■<

75c fancy wmd tn c * $«!• 25c •’ “ glove*25 1 w o o lW t-. »*!.- prk. 15c wool b« out-x *»20e ’• *• **■15.' wind fall- 8*X? wool jackets ” fLO O -w atri rout# •*#2 00 ”82 5 ) infants e«w»t>” "♦4.50 girl* ..................2*c firm ta-h. ho**- “T o l M i l i i1 5 c ..........................■ 2«V ....................................!2 le hair ri>>b m* *'20c *• *' '* “SO,- wotd To»|itt‘ '* "



F o r t h e .L a d ie s

81.25 wool H o d s ' 4*; r.taia H .y .h d f*.' 5c fancy If . S.7c emb. •*

•• — 79c •Vfor 10o 7 for 2<V 4 for 25c3 for 25c

)5o fancy cnilnldvred 2 for 55c 25c emb hdf*. 10c or 3 for 50c Fancy emb *’ 4 in Ilox|1.25forf*5c

, -* ,.«• 3- - 75c for 59c35c - sale 29 or 3 for 85e25c initial linen hdf*. 3 in box

.......................................dale «0c15c II S linen hdfrt.SSe Wool rtCAlf

. Hale lie

wool scait-7*c silk o 11.00 “ •• '• i l . » silk scarf $2.00 “ •*81.25 silk muffier* ♦2.50 ••♦1.25 kid gloves 75c fancy collar*50c "85.00 knit tnaekinalv-

F o r t h e M e n$25<» -ilk liutfd mocha glove*

............... ...................(Hsle $2.1982.53 wool lined mocha gloves

........................................ Hale 2 1»*?.2S silk or wool lined glove-

................................... Sale 81,*311.75 rilk lined glovf* Hale fl.3» ♦1.23 wool - " Hale SihSite silk tic* ho**-1 ’ -fiL*

kiilt tk-s ** 12c25c25c suspenders " IUcf l Ort Hu-pc-.Us trter- H>xo.i

..................................... Hale «)c1 arm land

................... . . Hal* 5Uc20W1 ex.-el ift hdf* *«l<- 7 for 2V- 25c -j|k initial25c50c * * * • • ’•A’v j li .m ,...............2.’>*. H F linen3 5 c ...................... "♦UNl n.-gligeexliirt- *81.50 ..................|1.?5 silk knit nmSl>'i 8UN*..................* 1 .7 5 ........................8±IN4 ** •*S2.V* -


*1.2ti♦L3ii*1.7»I ’-Ml*

E x t r a S p e c ia lIn only ladies smart winter co»tj

made of xebillnr. camelbairan- twcMl materials ninkea sensibly' Xmas gilt. Rrg 818.80 Nina- a l * p j t * c ...........................810.55

Rag. S23.00 Xmas sale price.......................... $14.95

Rugs for Xmas gift* special priced

S25.IHI rug* Xmas sale price $10.08 UC.U» F'-g- Xmas sale pt.ee

.............................................. 110.05$11.03 R u g ...............................$7.30A lug assortment of blankets,

comforter*.Quill*, table linens, table cloth-, napkins, dollia*. centre pieces, pillow cases, tawela, etc., etc.. rttCWftt'SWeepXmas sale prices-

E x t r a23only tU*U tweed suit* Reg. ;

$15.00 Xm*> rtftle price . $8.95 25 men- Itxiivy winter over

costs, lat*»ft design*. R>*g ||3.0. Xm w *ale price .............. IA.90

C o m e E a r ly .C o m e w it h

C o m e O f t e n , t h e C r o w d

CARSWELLS’T h o N o te d S a le P e o p le

J“ ™ * « •.111;,

mW A L . K E R T O N T E L . E S C O P E

VOl xxxvltt-N W A L K E R T O N . O N T A R I O . T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 31st 1914 - fi PA G E S

U l c U t i s b Y o u a H . i p | i t

m u l P r o s p e r o u s

1 9 1 5

Hunter^ Drug StorePhont 35 Uru^s ml Kodalif C. P. ’ Tichcf flflenty

t. John tV, Fo»bp left «»» ,Mm '.F.K . lot London, England;

a* t'idio,** earned was t mother trim by arefonutficr.

i.’ <':*.** WUtlmn u..8 i.'.-ie mayor uJ Hanover l»y »c»*l tuBHion.

Mr. anil .Mi", Jack Rieliaidson ami hildrcu spent thia week in Toronto.

Mr. Ih-*Ia* tiiecr r>( Mormton, w-«# a go ns l at the ({net It'* Hotel this' work.

n ti race C h i hue i sou Mtmrtpn i* the floest cf Mis* D mtdda McKerh* i -.

Mr. S a* wart Welch of Winnipeg f* spending the ..holiday at 111*home h-ie

Cure that Cough with

Sieveright’s Syrupof W h ite P in e , E ucalypto l

a n d H o n ey .

• “ *— *‘

Big Bottle 25 cents.

A . ?Drugs


To My Patrons

and Friends

I Extend theCom-

pliments of

the Season

and the wish lor

a prosperous


R . L . G i a s o nJ e w e l l e r W a l H e r t o n

Mr J W H-rtith *p* nl j FOR SA LK TIU A.\ l A* TOM V itJliriatmn* with 111# dHUghthet. Mis. j White Wyajadolt* ('.uckvirb*. la igC jf^ 'In -R -K . Trm«\ A N..,( fu«t.,is sinrhtir itii.il d ln r fiiorols lit f lu lien- healthy bl*d»: hied ftoin M el.eid , been rfoo d dining tlt«> |.»»»« wV-h

Bros/p**n. whim w.n> «*<;.,nil p»'/« in ' will : pi*.l. .t>i* n.a ....... . >*■ op­tin' Intermit me i»l . gg *«>*• K <»"<•>' * ;” U- mod Mondaynl S im ; h Apply tn John T. L 'tnl ■ H Will* tin*

It. immI .M vs. .», He.-t a Edith. :ar<# spending Ji©«


Mi.- amt .Mis*. Frank W rilei-oftinm **y »|ti'iitTiirihUtHis «l tin* futnfer Mini! Iietv.

Mr Hugh Wnlfntd <1 B-thn, >|>« i Ctitudmm* with parent*. Mi. Mini Mr K. Wolford.

A H a p p y a m i P r o s ­

p e r o u s N e w Y e a r

t o a l l . . . .

C A. FOX.J e w e lle r and O ptician

M i-' Kathleen is sjM'iiditig this Mr. I*. Todd.

Mr. Eugene Hergoll o f I let mil is visltlwg h s parents, Mr. «mt Mrs. J. D. Hergott.

.A i r . Win O'Malley o f Tmohte. spent rhttsiiua* with ht* JtitjentH, Mr. and Mr-, -inn. O'Malley.

Itav, amt .Mix. It. Kivneof London ̂are visiting teJutm* act! ivnewitig a.-qua ii'anee* hate this v

Mi. Cha- Bird <n of lliiir.iio, it ml Miss F»ankie liit*hnn»l T<»tv>itt**,**i*eiil X nut- m ttu'lr Itimu* line.

Mr. W in Sutlou of St. fElipuuo#, s}H*nt Cbiislntas with his patents, Mr anil M s. It. K . Sutton.

Mr. and Me*. J; D. Hrrgott ami '•u Eugene spent Monday with the form

Mi - ami Mi s J T-rl.ii t aiiH • l Dilk*> mV ;trc vj#|tlng r< **tin*» *ml in

ir-wing acquaintance* m tbi# vStiuity lev willspciid the w.iimr lieie.

lings r*i*«d e u ; lltlhto's H« g meal piocnird fl»#t and sei< i;il rt*/es. T«>r-

,u (at Kt ink show, Poe. II ami Ik*. Agent, t . F. Nutting, W alkfrteii.

Mr. V. V. |h.liiiimiu’nmimK,-i «<f tin- Inenl Boil Toloplnmo n.vidiatigo aitcml-

infeieneo of I>h*«1 ..talingers of the t'oinjKUiy in W ystmUhi- w irk ,

Mr. nmt Mrs. Jn<>. M ilntoe umi laughter. Mi's Martha ah u huves|M'o! tin* past. nioiiUt heie,iol«iUie<l tolheir

imo in llml Ati*. Ma lt,, nu Momlny.

Noininn MoKay, Agiictilttuyil Hup- ■ l iutemhinl at WnAtfirtnn, was Bhelie-

(f Seioma-of Agrienlytml last vs.s-k t.ul he is mm * i«st «ou.—|.hm’s I trail N ew s.;

/ " < ami M o. -'in k J m kl« y nml*»>o r |-*lHyd win-have Isrpn visiting at the

no <>f B HlHnghtitorn***. n*tm nr<l fhuvsilwy to lltell':: holno ill Fort,

lalnl. t he.

lint''.Mi". Tho, Wilson ami two hihUvn m e visiting frieml- in lam- ,.11, Mr. WilsonV pulpit* will ho„t - npiml on Smiihiy l>y K«*v..Mi*. Young r ch ifoj.i.

Ml . t”. Patrick ht.spurchnseil tin* inteirsi. iii the Walket toil Telescope of Mr. J. K. McConnell of Ia;mlnn ami will join the staff ol this paper m manager.

. ami Mr-. W in >«wniistoii ami children of Oslmwn sja'lit vlit isf- with the I'oimier's jaiieiits. Mr.

and .M«s. A. Swaptsor. Mr. Swan , a IU"iIlher of t Jm '•■ eoml Cilltit- vjK-ilithmmy i*>£*•*. n ow trait:

n,t H ta y r* is lit tXr ho|

I Wish My


Customers, All

A Happy and


New Year, 1915

G.T ROURKEQuality Tailor and .Mens Weni* Stmt*

W a lk erto n , O n l.

P .S .-W a to h cut space Iour Send'A nnusI»lark s*

W e d e s i r e t o e x t e n d t o o u r f r ie n d s p i e b e s t w is h e s f o r a

Happy and Pros­perous New Year

M a k e o u r w is h c o m e t r u e b y h e l p in g a l o n g y o u r o w n p r o s p e r i t y

b y t a k i n g a c o u r s e in

T h e W a lK e r to n B u s in e s s C o ll e g eP. J. M n l o n e y P r im .

S p e c iu l J a n u a r y O ffe r .

Mr. fhni fCuiwt - ingllu* holid *y

ul M i'. S. Kllinglwii't-n.

Mr. mill .Mr*. W. .1. II*.— <-! FmrM on* g u e s ts« t tin* lioiiie «>f .Mi. II- II,

M> K ty. <m t'ini,S»iin» Hay,

n l forgot, ibo (ill <>f Jiuiiiui v i- o|x*tting day •>! On Wnlk< it*.i

BUsillO" Coltogo. KtUv.il >»•«.,

V lr. Alvin i ’. Whit** o f -StM»t»y#hi|M* A itm .i, -|«*mli»g u immth vv»ih hi- pim*ni>. Mi, ami .M<-. Jo-. Whito.

Mr. J. If. Itm-thoi loft on Tu.-'.lai >r Fort llojx* vvlu io ho wilt r.m dmta lie of a stork of g. iin al drygmal*

The antmal Now Year's B ali < f Bachelor:-mid Benedicts, is h m g held

tho town hall tonight (Thun

of Mr, A. Olit-rle on t-h ristm , s I *.<

Mi. W ttlhuo t iinninghan* «h.> u tlom liug T oronto F iuvorsity is 'pom l ing till! holiday wit It h is p H rm tt.

Mr. and Mrs. t mt children o't Fergus, #r week w ith th e la tte r '

'Purl o‘.IU».

Head MrB iim v - Big Ad.

A Happy N**w Ye«« tn ah.

Big Bi.iiikrl i t i t t w i at .MrMiini. y

Ktatl IWI5 a t MeButliey * tsair^alHr' day.

Mr, llrrh H.im k i. |f fm r-.ruul.

■ Tol

: -JO-. savo.l on all g... ds Hi. Mrli ry V Stuck-tiik'iig Sah*.

. Nua*»' your 'hatire i<>;«vi* 2o ’ pci teiil nt Mrlhtrmy .

S .Mi** Jt-an Bus'ell !vturm*l 1 Vam’.nivei, B, 1'.. last work.

Mr; H atrv (jfnlhraith i»l Shelhtuii jieut S unday w ith f ro n d s hero.

Dovrroll and► pending thi#

a, Ontario

^ M r. no Mi Do iir It <*i Hail < is 'pending tt 'i 'W irk a!

Homo of i <- »i-Hi. ,Mi ’ l>. McKechni*-. Tnl# i# Mi . Mel> wiiMIV II* nt visit- to

(hr 'im * h i loft lor the*iv-fm i y-*ais ago. and fiotu his

expsih*! c" *o fur tif winter nustlier in this part of the Dotijiiiion. he state# that he prefers tire wjuter# ot Wes Ivtn t'pnada

u .i. ;t

IMU/.K LIST COBB lit "H<»N .Hindu in ptihiishitig 111**

li.-t of pi i/c tviumwsnt tliu Xina.s Mr'. Wm Kirsliin'. Bmnt, l«*n»g dilrd with M*eond pri«-of StkOilforthf Kgg »k. Hairy «|n-«*inl for tin* l»-i tyn jsumds o f hotter. Tins should hav*1 read Mis*. A. S w u i'to ii. Walkirrhui.

- 4 ‘ Kty.K W lif Thu hdlnv

a* now rmuung i 11 1,10(1.111* wln-ro i king n

••nipl.hours u day

W lN N KR sTin* following m y iht* uautusof flu*

wiiummi ill i In* i*nui|iet if ions w h ich

FOB SA KK.o ^ r .-a

X*. Apply lo

I,K.MU-:ii*l7l'.In the 'i ll.' o f th e ir H'K. .a le n d m '

th e I .n tie . H..-pi*;,i Ai l-< f Burnt and sm to ii r le a u d over $1X0.

HOME til A BU io T B T Zc Home t t u i i d w ill d rill in the , i ! I loll ,*u W cdne-day Ja tnm i y

All tneliihei- arc le .jlie 'ted toUttnim i.

HO.MES W AN TEDud Imim# *v-«utc'l f- i two n,ee

g ir ts on,* l.ive.tr-. tin* o th e r M y»* A pply to Ho*-. 1) McEe ‘ 'W alket ton, A

Mr. E. It H:k who h**> spent the past month with hi# parents Ryv. and Mr*, <•.('. Hock, left for Clevrlaud I week,

.Ml . ami Mrs. J Wahhpdst fllitl daughter Florence, of Berlin, t-peoding this week nt the humi! of Mr.N. Kith.

Mr. ami M rs W. II. Adams of Tot- onto tvmv*holiday* giir.'i> o f iht* liitt- m's parent-. Mr and M l' I*. E. Trtmv.

Mr. and M is Jim Bussell ol NinthH*y ao* visit mg at ijie home ol the for met s h ta b rr. Mi. R«ld. lpi"« U,

eiifilied loan >,d on text hook' a the Teh-si o(«> toil the y ear |!>1.'» free,

COM M KNCKM I-Jn T KXt EBJN1*>.BeiiieiiiU'i tllat the High Seln

c*iniim'uev-Hienl exerri'V's. winch v*i j*o't|Ki!ted, will lh* liehl in the sehin*| huihling next Mimday ai 2 p-tn. Fuhlie mtrlially iuvilesMi! aUetttl.

OPEN W EON i s HA YS.I):ri«’t forget lliat the S -M iu -

B ruin, iii tin* isihebrtt I lock i# i every Wednc*d»yi*ftvrnutiii and i tug, Help al*mg A good caiise by nmk iug putcitHMs *>f home-tnade hrrad etc.

UL SINENfj l.ii.ANtiE.^/ Me, C. Pntitclc who fui» teen <l«e'tng the W ailort n Brumn Bi ie-h Works i or a great, tunny ytnt# iia* disposed of that bushiest, the pfdpr«tt«u» tR-'iiig Midlin Urn', ul

EXiiAtvK M ENT*A N M B Nt El*.Mr. and M is M atthew f*o.*i

iiuHui’e .hi! migitgenieiil o f Ihe ir oidrst d a u g h te r Ida Mm * lo Mr. Mn hael 1*.

KBKUUKIhMl-SCII Tim mairtitge «a« #*demr»t*e*l «>n

SiCuidav l„ot of Mr. t.'laienee Ktfuiger son ul Mr. and .Mi#. .Ino; Ktvtigei*. t* Mi#* Ida Miseh, daughter r,f Mr. ami Min. Bmitdph Mii-ch. Both Mr. ntid Mis. Kfenger m ow ell knuwn |o, *h> and their many friends will t-x'tiiii eoinrat«l»linus. Mr. Kreuger has rented a Hat above I lie e|t»eltlc light ofllea and Uu> young c- • ;<Ie s will r<

de there.

I'D B M C MUETINti.A pnIdle meeting of the ratejvijers nl eiiisMMis of tin* tm vim f Walktu lon

Will lu; held in the town half on Mm day evening lies*, commencing .S iVlock. The Mayor, Reeve and t omi* lllnra will tie piijreiti mut ptescut

t> the ratepayetss their plan# for the ensiling year. Those elected to the U m ia k and Brant cntiueiN ate nl*n a-iked «> attend dud take part in tin* piograurine, Kvetyone ititeteMed i# urged to attend.

Bit ANT Nt*MIN ATB»Ns Theit* was theUstiol largeaHondam*«*

nfTnte|Ktyrrs at Thu Hntnt Nominal* ion meeting vvhieh was held in Watvl’s Hall. Eden ti.ove on Monday. Tim following immlimlloir*.: w ere umdo: For Hii*ve B. s . Ne'hitt and tiro Mr- Calluiii: for I»i*puty Reeve. A. Weir. Han Willoughby, it ml F. Fischer fur eoiundllot -. W, A. Rowaml W..Findlay M. Motif*.*, tii *. Furr. W m. Kerry,

'I'lms. Rea born* J. M. llopjH'r ami . Abell. Of those uomiuale*) for «*tHiu* >«illors thu*e withdrew vi/. M*-"t> -E ItopjMi*, Farr ami Abell, tin* only other w i t hdru wo! Ireitijg Mr. Frank

> Fi-eher. wiio was noHnnatral for Hei>- tit y Reeve. 11 will 1h* wen fiom I he above tutnn*'there a rea imiuher of very aide men in the held dud the light for Ihe elmll* a t ,tlle eotmcil It* tart I in all quarter-** will lie n hot


;iig man. Ih*w im* y*m going to* v o o rw in te r eveningsr One

mtthl Im to f ake lip :l coin si* of gi«ul and u»eful reading. .Something

* ill elev ate voiir inimt and your geimial nitr-llcelmi! litlenl'. By lak-

aking up such a eonr-** you w*ndd l>e te l mid your general usefulness •' much improved. There i* not

v. ho! should fake up a ismise of self eilltUH* that will develop Ids physical, mofal. a-w ell his inf . ii

dual natm ew hich mp#t lie done to­re he r# ml all murid oseful. tnaii... ff ui have a liking to any hram'li of

*!udy. then follow that, hut no! to flu* xeltisiiUi o f other g,»«l getieiid r»*ad- ug. lo our library then* an* many HMitp* on science, lile iatiue, history■

not 111 leading, mid w ill repay you in their peius-ti. •

Of A gii

ii Jan I Jib,jmfat***'.

t 'lawford.yield 'Mr,

Mr. Han MePhailot Toronto is-j-m l rug f In* C ln istiiin tiohd a ys with hi* parent'. ,'!r. ami Mr-*, .brim M**Fhail

Mi-- N.v.»lia Sc lm tier of S fin tfo id and Mi-- E**u*» Selm ltei of Em ihni.•pen t ihe C h iis lm *s tudhl tys uinlt-r th e p a ren ta l ro«f.

Mi- A Co

th e ir hom e bore

.Mr*. J . H. Riimsoy of lle* i*olHJMIl''c,l l,V Iter Mm-.Mn.st>> *|»*uding ib is w«s k w ith h* r Mis. N. A. W alf.ud

mil S;*'k. Tie •piietl.V

HIN SiilA El> FAR IN Eli.vl 111'M e-r- R M cfa rt.r ami ii. Fat tun

who leva ntly bpvlast a eat- iit thebudding next t*. Ih tuniigei .' , hutln-rshop, ha c di"Ulv etl partnership. .MrFatton ha- dt-|»*- •>! *d hE mtere.'t t*‘MO ait* ■ and ll •'*! business will infuttlte h, n,ndm*ied hy him

l l f i l d HA V V ISITORS. yT lp fidd itfo il to lhe holiday

,I 1,-1 ...... I

v. Enndoii Boh K<*


Mr Al, . Ikdlanlym* who ha K guatvl duly at (he uheJo at Tolierimu y let timed e hen* on TltuiMlay last.

K iU g'toii M / ' N ef.ie K enny , T‘-li-.-t>r,*lta K enny, y l'o ionto. Vie

UuH'ta'hler. F>!er larn *. II Ol M ount Foies?. W in Muttell. Beilin I ho * v Buck, Berlin. Ire n e Mat tell, B eit in.

>re conducted by On* H< |.It me lliiotigh its hn*al iopri"ontn ,e during tin* fiast v**ur. Tin*'**

i*d judging at the O. A. >

pr.dlt C*anpel'?i’ *n.Ue-taufs |sl Willie

.Walkerton. R. B. N - t. irndieis. pi.,t|t 2nd Clui' kunb.Walket ion. R. B. No. I. vieM »C* bw-hols. protil }T»,:C*. Hog raising

unjH*f it ion 3 latnlrstaut - 1st Thr>s,, Smith. W alkerlun. Av« rag»* (ii'*-

llt per hog. $1 Ot

HEATH o F t I.ABK t BYHEB.M AN.A very sudden and■ ix!giv,llal»h*dealh

oecnm-d at t lie lh m e t 'm lldy i|W)>it.-d on Hum lay afternoon, wht*n Clark, ilm yoiiugcHl **oti o f Mr. and Air*, t . W. t rvdei wan pa"od aw ay folfmv- itig ati *>(*eiatiou for the removal of a grow 11* in Ins -t<tmmdi. The *|eeca,~*'«l who w.i- but llfti'i’ll v cais of ago had iiern in |h«>i- Itealib for ***m>* time, hut h i' eonditlou Mill md Income seraais titdil last w«*<*k. when oil ex- | a«>dnalh*ii Hit* «l*H.*t**rs> fouml that h<- wassujTering from a gttovth in the

much and it..........(foil to save thevoting lad* life advised an operation. This was |H*rfornnsh on Sunday, lad Ihu slmck was two greal lor his, <h- lieale sysiem and the s|*ark >>t life *h- |i«if«sl shortly afterwards. ‘ iaik. w h<*was tr student «*f the YV’alkeHon High Eehi:<d"as *l bright little chap,

laud a favorite among lit' playmates and seiiool fellow.*, ami hi* untim ely death <' regretted and mourned wherever tn* was known. I lielHueav- *hI family have the s\:iup.itby of their many ft i* mN in I heir greal bereave, meld. Be-oh-' bis parents |*.e t» sur­vived by two liroib.*r«.iml t bits* *ist«*r« cU-. \Vilbnt a student ,.f T»r«nd«> I'niveisity. Arthur *if tin* Bank <>t CtMinneivc >lafl at Hamilton Mm- u sfmleUt of the Fnlverfdty of T**r**u*

Ethel of the Toronto general >i Eilce at home Tin* s piivuteb'ok jib

E K TIF R FROM FRANCK Wti.lt* •. * .o mg In i e t hi# week Mr.

• S.pie,.' Hack received » leFel* firm M S.*; tirirtin tin- i->e.l B iitU b n*» eivi-t who is with tl «* KvH Stit rej* *{* g iaien* i f t 'u* Bnltslt Expediiinimry Force in Frar*:*'. M*. <*» ifSIn who v» a# jic-r f*fm ini g to M e tienehe# * xt«rid. e.l tic* M'ftuinX giceting in the un in- t*,-l - I t i e W iiSo-l ton FOOtlMil Cltlb n>td at> tig i>lher things r-tuled that tin* v.cslbrrirt th«t time (Drc. 12th> *.vas very vv*:’ .and slush V, which vr«» th:T«m»se of a great deni of di*cumfctl to tlit* men in the ticnclu?*.

s l ’ KNT CH RISTM AS HERE / Norm, Hucfc. Belt C#H-wright. .W sltn K ingtbariv, Alfred l'< l*.u tames l.m eh. J#«-k A odor#* n.Ed ErdirSae, Ro** Wrodrnan, ■ Wm. VwuiiHloti ami Btim Rii'-st ll. mcruhcni of tin* second Caimi’ ian rxpfdith.rary fore*-row i« traiuteg *t J.ondou «ml Toroide, >p«nt ChriSMmt# Day at th* ir houses in Watkei ton. It w*u not *>x|« e tc »that the l*oy* from London camp vvtmJj spend Chrixtimt# here aa ihev lmd Iweniadeiril to he on parade on Ch«1stni*' m otnieg. Thi*» oidrr. lunevii*. w.*,' rt.uutr naauded at *1 the ijtgaiiiic C h ri'tm a ' tlirita-f w hich was p>ep,r*ilfor them v\Hs**>rv'c*J Christ­mas eve. thus giv ing the vt-lnulcer* theepuorfunity of tnuing the train* the fn'doiviug luurtdtig lor thrit homes j*. drtl,-ren* p»rt* of We»l«ni Ontarir. Nine.*<heii' I i't visit'here Ihe •mldit’is **n tamped a*.' l.omtr n bare been tinder (ptataidineovviog to an outbreak of snoil'poA. Till#, lu.wcvrr, ha* been ellci tuaUv stamped out and the t|gar- xtiiitif b s » t;r>*il hut w* **k. Burins* th« iimii nmini* the soldii r# Munsed titcirndves hy playing football and lie f*db*«tr>g extract from an aittele

Pi thet luetjih Mercury written by one of tin* v. I inteec** frum that city show# that *h- W alksiton lx>v* have net lost «ny <*f th*i< ablf ty a* football player*;

-W h ere nil pi<*>ed niile Hug game •tn*l worked like Trojan*, ;t i« «n invidious task to single out nay fur s(*cci»| nu ittien. F*.e. Noimwn Hack a Wslit* »iou Ulan who h#' been - w-rli r u r t ’ iy. from ?b<‘ M ail. wr« at

il< * '^ / - w n >fum*ia1 w hich w th.* Walket ton* Tn-sduv


V Mi lo NS if ; Is,HI in 'Welling.ountv. lietlu t*m*lpit. iHt'ettda’ fisr.1

- It VI VIA' tan ii iii Waterloo

l**«.Et* Eli 11VI VN: i* *17#

Ihe.niU 't hblt. I-SB.

I E im il» D c citd**•! . ltd It.

E l,E t TEH IM A t'C l.A M A TltrN

>i-ow ill be tt W.i inlay the


T H E F U d ir IN BRANTlu il iia tt i s i» *iuf to i l Jmt IlglM foe

b a th th e R * ■wahlj* and H epu tj - e .hijv o f llra n t tow nship, t i e

cuptest tuf the fm m* t being hot w ren S Ntt.dnU anti ti- M cl'a lluni. and th e la tte r hrtvx'* o VtehWeir* *rtd

D, W illoughl.v. la ih*.* figh t for the ■* ritmir, Mr. N srb ljt o p p m 's to Ifre a dvantage ove r hi* *>p|Hii r itt * receiving the ;tip tH,,t o f the

ratepayer# in alm ost a ll pint** of tin* tow nship . N atura l!# thi# i» «o. fo r. a llh .m gh a com parat vely new tunu in iniiitietpttl a lfa iis, If. S. ha* show n him self to b e a nm n of a b ih ' v . u man ol c h a rac te r wit It a g-eai. repu ta tion w hich w dt **rv*.- him well in h is fight for Ute h ighest honor w hich h is fellowrntejc* »*i s ran confer ur*m him.W e w*for Mi Nesbitt If tin y at e dr shorn* - fHvcartiiga >traigln*fot wa»d mtiniupalgoveri turpi With an * ve fur the beetinlet'*#t« of tile tuwmdtit tor with itl o u l s id* as h i' at the h dm. it couldtn* mm • ottie.r,* With teg*id to thec inti'# foe Deputy*Reev . Hie general

Of. »veve.YoUmillo! '!«•<•» hav ing l«***»t r.*.**lei'ti*d foe an i te rm lo .ueliim iitinu. Tin- p<-r

•outlie! **f » be t-mmed f»t U 'la i* a ' f<*{.

,\|v viui

V. I*. Johil'to Hotigla'. <•*'«». F Val Fiwher.

Si in*«.n. T h* - F j . Fra'**!', .'!. .1.

11. K. Muityn

lelt ti*ick. thy *iut»lnnding matt on tin held, in nil three garnet*, and I d mb? if a liettr r man could In-found on llm whole balirlnu’ , I*te. Sion. Sdmlliehl.tGrptuin:, played u g*iml scroitd t*» Httek at tight track. Car:* weight, AVolkertou: Billy Stuart omi Jatk Borland, Htudpb*. V'yles amt Mar i 't ' . F -tn w 'H o i: ab osta r- i*d / ‘

Altbougti iticonh'i s have been it*»utd. ir is expert** l that the s* Idler# in ttsining f< i llm »erond Canadian force wilt teava for Eii(|hiod before Januarr •J5U*. w loclt proh#ldy mean# that tfce

•sdian foice now in England w ill Jc'-t'i* fur tlm field alnnit that time

i c d l will al-o lm is*«u>d asking <*t in*. *«*r f<*-. the thitd ccutiti-


optidm t* that tin* fight l*'r this Imn* or will he none even than that for Dm reeveshtp. Both Mr. W*it and Mr Wtlbmghhy ;ir-> men *>f **x(»vnea»'w and have also shown ih*m#ii*i*s to Ih- fmui of a» ility. H wi'l he t». lo;« mn between them.

on Motida b id Fatrick. M«-. Beth Mel tl)e fat** Hr. at

‘o.\Mri.l. f*t W -lsortot

• if WalI»*'rtOf. 'mincll. dattjjhb- ■l.Mrs.'J. E. Hi*

deln**iisti*il**s that tile

C o m m unica tion

* Hurt'.7‘/m. /./

<iny ••venlug. J.itMiai > f * hail whets ?h*< <osm, il el it pi t*g m me o f impivW'i

'h i p M avor »a(*p* f! t o . me llm t it would h,*.-spi self andcottneil Bmtoi f> ptvM-mati‘ *' * f Bt.i

l l t v iK - ln Durham, I.YUu lldt, to M*. Ha vis, < hue .Miss Lank) a son.

u» T n ta la y , Her. and Mis. Im*

LHlmitl Btoekka

Vo the HU cfors» f f t ra n t 7 W «*/*»}>

Having Iren mtinti>gU*d fnp Oic *»f- fice o f Reeve in flu* township for the current Tear, and not hehig able to see *H the mtepnyei > |<yt*sotin!ly, I lake this mentis of soliciting yuttr vote anil Influem e. At the eotim-il lauirtl lit the

I have endpavored to m.*»vo tin* lovviiship tollm i»**'t of m y ability mid if el.-eted rri-v** w ill * >.ntimte tofurthc1' tin* interests ,.f (he munfeipality.

W ishing you tlm tsimpliment-s of til** '**<t'*iU, I leiHitlU.

Ri>t>t:«T*t ?.t.v Y*»rus».K. S. NTxrrrr


it*hip -~t,s ANtr t i l Vri.K.MKV:—V>ng »hs id< *l to h r a cam ltdate It.* ofliee of |i.-pm y R*-eveof Brant t#hip I sulirit voity s itp jm fi and

l ha 'i* -> s v**d ;e- eouneillot fo r c u t ami as tte tts tirer ftn* a num*> *f years iiut| in th a t tinie have **ii- ,ne*t Io look to tin- w elfare *>f the .ship and should 1 he the nex t de*

pu ty jceye , I w ill con tinue lo w ork in ■? in terest of th e ra tepayers.

R i . r m t i t i i . v v »ctmA. W tilH

FOR t o r v t l i .f .o u

r (ioh jHiytr*Hntnt T*o*n#A*F.'

I,s \>t» Blivri.bMUV:o vote and inlltiem *- i* t ieipi-et'

t th e i FdfvB(

W . A Row \s i t ,

I tiR COI N FlE l.O R

' Hiii nt T<»< Hsht/K -

derided t*> fa* a candidate for < t! for IHla. I rc*|H*etfii)lv.1 *t*p|s*tt am i if e lected wRI

niy |tstw**r f*o the 1n"t In te r t,tw tiship.

Rl:xi*l tTl t 'i.t.' Y a rn *J . w . F in d l a y .


Ua>* l'Aftcd. »»>U I'rih **:> W illiam Juniper trea ted Ifrojamlit H urst more like a bro ther Mian » servant.

And daily he th a n k 'd llw v tB for th e peace th a t had descended ui*oahlnh

CHAITKH XiX.Tfao young i:«rl of W elroye carried

the very sp irit of honor in to ail tho Iran sat-1 Ion* of bin Ufa, yet wus hit conduct toward the. youthful print;* donna very ambiguous.

Ho loved her; there could he no doubt of tha t in ht« own tnlnd, in hero. o r even In poor Bw.ny'e

The earl'* devotion to the rinser was the talk of all the club*. Hap- >l!y it had not ye t become th e goroip >f th e boudoir*.

He made her munificent present* - of the rarest article* of »ertu. »»«

which tthe Accepted with a so r t vf de •jreroUng grace. For. in tru th . »W .‘

• in theJ

WCCSUng Rri»Cc. r v i . *« ««'*•- »*>the *■*» very unw illing to take such j mean: o h . come quickly■: She•irngniriccnt gift*. ahe wna much too rentle to refine them. esPbrially "h en hey were chosen with •* much Rood ■ante and propriety, and offered with •uch tact and delicacy.

He devoted hlm*clf to her in al- « o f t every way, bu t he never spoke •f love or marrlaKe'

And she toved hint; there was no ueation of tha t, either in her mind

*>r In his. o r In poor Benny'*. She .ad been drawn to hint, first of all by tla perfect likeness to the lost friend of her childhood, hu t now she w as round to him by the goodness of hi* a cart. th$ brilllnney o f hi* tulnd, and he charm of hi* manner.

He was w hat poor Benny m ight t »ve been if Benny had been educated. And now "she loved him with n love .b a t wo* her doom."

Yee. she loved him and she trusted aim; yet she feared with a deadly .c a r to lose him. because ho never •poke to her of love o r m arriage,

Afcd poor Benny! Benny waU«n« b— Mud the chair, n t th e l i t t l e f a r t in g vhcro the enrl was « favorito RtHwt, tnd watching with the m ost devnted Affection over th e weifaro of bu ry -- ttenny saw the m utual love between the noble carl and l ho beautiful >;h)g-

:.iill, and to nil nppcnraidead.

He flow to her. fttudicai her in his arm s, and wi<lly. tier name.

But it was ex if ho hold T here wax no w arm th la the limbs, no light in the eyes, no breath be­tween tlio lip s .o f the senseless body.

Ho laid her down on the sofa and violently ran* the bell.

And then, w ithout w aiting lo r any ­one to answer it. he ran hindly up the sta irs, ra tline nloud for help, until liK reached th e honsekees»er's room donr.-ju tt as th a t worthy m atron pul ou t he r iiinht capped load in terror, and demanded:

• W hat on the face of The earth is tho m atter?"

••Oh, come! Home ipiiekly, Mrs. Brown! t fear tha t she Is quite dead. t( I s - i t Is Susy. Mademoiselle Arl-

tho hesitation and lnih*eisi< n tn ’tho mind of tho man. ami the fear and dread in the heart of tho Ctrl.

Ho saw It all. bewmsc h'S vision was .'tdlghtened by love for now ho, too. loved S tuy . and no longer or.l ' is « oro ther loves »< sister. Ho loved tier s» tho Burl ef W ellrw e ioyed In r. only Infinitely morn

And lie watched thorn a t those little supper*, and saw, evening a fte r even­ing, Uic Mine little dram a performed —the attachm ent between them ; t!o doubt in th> mind of the m an. th< dread in tho heart of tho woman -lie anhl to himtudf tha t imd ho. Benny, ie>on an earl o r ev. n a prince, mid had hern ro blessed a? to win h r r love, he would never have hesluded an instan t : , , ^ V l r l ' l i o ’r'i*d”a s * !?• * t '.li.s S x 7 M 8 S £ - 1 » n - h loinintt ... m i .

fa la the draw ing rooni *>»» the sofa. Bead, <»r In a deathly sw oon!" ex­c laim 'd Benjamin In great rx ri t— tnent. as he ran down stnlr*. follow­ed, a* fast ns tier ago would permit, by th e housekeeper.

"T his Is a fainting fit! B rins some brandy!” directed the housekeeper mi soon as she saw tho unconscious form o f s?ue>‘.

Benjamin flew to do i"-r bidding, while she laid tho g irl down flat upon the soft and began to rub and bent the lifete** hands.

Benjamin came back with the b ran ­dy, and was Immediately sent for Smelling sa lts, which he also quickly brought.

And while the experienced matron was using every proper m eans to re­store the senseless form to conscious­ness, she closely questioned the young man.

"How on earth did th is bnppou? And how did you find It out? And how earn-* you u» be up so la te ! And *he, too? W hy, It m ust bo near, 3 o'clock in the m orning!”

And all the while she hurried these questions one upon the o the r w ithout w aiting for an answer, t he V « k also diligently rubbing the patien t s cold hands, o r opplylng the smelling salts to her n o ,- . o r putting the brandy to her motionless Ups, hu t without prc.i- enl good effect.

"W hy can 't you speak. Mr. Hurst, and te ll rue a ll about it?” she im- paUemly exclaimed.

"I can tell you 'c r y little , ma'am ." answered Benny, who then stated the ease, and asked If mademoiselle was in any danger.

"Not in the least! Though wlmt on earth could have caused her to fain t I have not the «ligh test idea Have yon?”

Yes, he had, hut the did not mean to tell Mrs, Brown So, keeping his

fixed upon th -*- face of th e faint-

W ellro e was a gentlem an of stainless honor.

W hat did he mean ?Rernv. with hb. vision roUghUm-d

t»y pure love, saw clearly enough w hat th e Marl of Wvllrove is « n '-

He was w aking for som ething; pos­sibly for a favorable opportim kv to make to h is parents th e astounding announcement th a t he wished to niarr;

Is she not“Yes,'' said Hie 'housekeeper, after,

a scn itln lring look.And soon, with a deep, gasping

■-Igh. 8u*y recovered her brenth^open- cd he r eyes, and looked strangely tiround,

"There, my. dear, yon are better Take a teaspoonful of brandy

nent th a t lie wlvhm to rnarT' 1ki11m Vi. .,1it. ,,uUtng ,u ,|..Inger; perhaps f«r the ils ing , . .

Parliam ent. perhaps for tho rnarr - j Suj;y „ b^ , , . n th , ttg ||oued the fle.y ' - Wall' 1 liquid, which half strangled her. andage

everlug, and meant to

And meanwhile Suxv, lo 'im r him with al! tho deep la sstcn of her aw ak­ened heart, tn ir tliie him. y-f fearing 'o lose him. grow nick and palo with "hope deferred."

H er broth, r Wtiimm gavo h« r «•*; the ?k!n off the Inside of my threa t comfort H e u* v<t missed an om iortu- .\ntj wjliVi u iu tirr heronlty o f reminding he r tha t it wan ulto- fl5f, ,i,„ t you a re n» .standing gether useless, for her to cxpact a pro- j around me?" half angrily demanded posal of m arriage frem such a "Heavy ■ Xuiv bet«e*m to r gasp*, swell” a* he was - meaning the Karl of • you were found here in u dead Well rose, of (course. • swoon by Mr. H urst, when he cam - in

Upon theso occasions Suz.v -----’ *

x little ."There, never mind its strength and

j flre. i l win do you good," s a id 't h e ■ housekeeper, putting her on the hack.• “ Why did you give mo tha t hum* j Ing stuff .' I th ink it lias taki

•vould. _ ............. v iittl

ardrsdeceptlon/ o r perhaps a tittle h y ­pocrisy. tha t/'.sho was sure Mho did not wan? anybody, to propose nm rrlago to her. because she had r-o wish to be murrl-d n t ail; tha t she wished everybody would Mind: the ir cwn business, and for tito m atter «? tha t, dukes had n»rri*si aef.-.s '-- before now -w lines* the Bo he of St Albans."

But Sury grew pale and th in , thau^.'i rea red v l«w lovely; for now there was a tc if lo r penslvencs in he r face, n touching pathos in her tone*, more beautiful and endearing than th*- most b rillian t bloom and geyest spirit*.

T he ninny wnrahlfpcrw of he r geulns sn'.d tha t she was wearing herself mit: th a t she would, meet th e sw an ■< fete and die in music.

Benjamin’s heart ached fo r he r sor­row. Night after night ho lay nwnk-*In h is room, wondering when the Hart o f WfcBro<x- would pal an end to ?I>* suspense tha t wan killing the fair young singer.At length one evening when, as usual,

the earl *u»pc 1 with the yrninr nrimn donna, and Bonny sto-nl behind her ehnir. hu heard Ida lordship say. In an­swer to rote*! remark of hers, tha t ax soon as Parliam ent should rise, he, the oarK should bo off !u h is yacht for a ernlso in (lid MMlIlorranean.

Benny could not r«o her face, but he kh(-w. by the fudden yllrt!'-- (hat came

, upon her, how heavily the blow had fal’en.

Tho earl bade her good-nfght. am! w ent away ra the r earlier than usual

Suty roinhlneii seated In her ehnlr in « , . _ ,tho drawing-room , !

Benjamin went down to h is tittle? offteo-room, deeply tum id<4 in mind.

Hi; remnlncd silting over his ac­count books, bu t doing n< thing, until the clock cn hi* cbemhfty-;>leee riroek two.

Then lie started no, ami renteinhered a neglecied duty.

It was h is euxtom at 12 o'clock, tnld- night. to go over the hmis* t - see 'h a t all was right, and then v,lth hi.- own hnnde to .-w-cure the fastenings ..f th i doors sub window*, and t„ tu rn off the gas.

And now he hnd remained so long j m. _ ...... ..Hmt he «.V3< two j s s ty v sake. tu*. poor Benjamin H urst,

isuai tone. ‘ would bring the noble Karl of Well-

off the gas. He called your assistance, and 1 came, and 1 liovo brought you to yourself. Take another tcnapoouful of brandy;"

“Thank*, no. I am sorry <o havo given you so much trouble," said Susy, with a aca ry sigh. Then tu rn ­ing to her dressing mnid. who had Just now joined the group, site raid; “Jehny Sm ith, give me your arm t<* my room. I win go to bed. '

"Oh, pray, let mo assist you! Tho girl Is not strong enough io give you much help.” pleaded Benjamin H urst, coming in hqr sight from the lieu! of the sofa.

"Oh. a re you there. IP-ftoy * T hanks very much. Y-s, ,«riainl> ou may held me. (j|v« me your arm ." she sold, rising from tho sofa.

H e drew her arm within his own, and supported her with firm ness and t-mlerne-t: a s th e a tt-m pteil to leave the room.

• "D on't look so distressed. Ikn t.y . ‘ t is la real I v nothing, t .mi much

• tie r now, and I shall ho a ll right to morrmv." sho murmured, with - smile, a* she notlc-d Benjamin'- tiou- bJcd comitenane-'.

He tenderly sustained he r dropping form up Die s ta irs , and •<:> the d-mr of Per bedehamlKr, cvkoro he left her in charge ot Sirs, Brown ami Jenny sm ith , who hud followed io i- closely.

Benjamin went up ano ther flight <>! s ta irs to hi* own back rootn.

But ho did no t go to ie-J.Tho sum m er day was now breaking,

end Bonjutbln cut down a t the hack window that opem-d above the llu l- ib r u l j t e r j.

And a» he »at and though? over nil yu>>’;v long aimpense and eayscd by th - hesitation and Bid-: I- sion of to r !ov< r, and her reron t o— j-pnir occasioned by the annomicgment of h is approaching ijeparbire <m an < xtensjve cruise. Ib-ujamln took k tu-l- den resobitUm.

< If no on-- e)-i,« would Interfere to j save J ie h he would, i f no one «l*e ; quid sjHiik (>> the Karl of Wellroso In

fo r inb ro J % h<- would. If no one elw« | n.inhl nsk the nohle earl w hat wero ! his lordship’.* inten tions In regard to j tho Ijeautlful young pritna donna, j whom he had made the ob j-rt of his j devotion, and whose heart ho had won

.in h is Sadhours behind hi* usual t

"tie arose and w ent qrtlekly, but j {,rnoV to h” <d' ttolrojecsly, up the stairo , 1 K>-en as ,in his ^ m e lte d chihinood.

He looked t<> th - W i doors imd - jio had r.-ver hesitated to risk h is life windows, which he found fast. ; »r libertv in the service of h is old

Then he passed Into she draw ing ■ protectress, Rut it Drug, o r of Ida poor, room, where the gas wn* burning | suffering urqiinlalancc. Rosy Flowers, very low. '■ -o . In the Inter. *!/ of hl« chtldhoorl’s

H e^w as rross.Jtig.-ibe room tow ard | p laym ate, fluey Jun iper, now tho eele- the front wlndo">. when h is eyes fell brntod prJmn dfmna, Mademolsollo upon an oliject tha t chfilMl lii* blood * A rlelie. he would no t hesitate for ono with ho rro t motnoni to tak* th* dt**tngttl*h*d

ymmg K'nrl of W ellrose roundly to task for Ida thoughtless conduct ' In. regard to her.

"Thoughtless conduct!” Beniamin g o e r eunshtered It anything worse than flint. Ho never once suapceteil la>rd W ellrose «>f tuiy preju<d:iat**l « icketlnesa. Ho, like Su*>, find Die utmost confidence In tho young enrl'e princlplea. A bd, moreover, he nail lh< strongest and the roost unaccountable affection for him. HI * heart « anm I toward him. Ho could hellevo no '•v lt of him. H<> felt sun- th a t lie might safely go to him and ray all th a t was on hl« mind to say. w ithout being m isinterpreted, nr In any nm nher m is­judged.

He strangely felt th a t he m ight go to him a s man io man almost ns bro­ther to bro ther and plead the •nuse of love and faith . And m he (Irmly resolved to do. before ano ther day should pass o 'e r his had.

Ho resolving, Benjamin, overcome by fatigue, fell asleep with hi* head on th«> window all..'

Tho sun, shining brightly and hotly In a t the window, awoke him.

Ho collected h is faculties, arose and made h is sim ple toilet, and then went below sta irs to a ttend to the duties of h is office.

T here wero none of the female ser­vants s tirr ing yet. *o bo could not hear how Buz.v was ihlti morning.

At e ig h t o’clock Mrs. Brown came dow nstairs, and. In reply in hi* anx­ious question, informed him that ''m adem oiselle" wan fast mdep.

-The hourt, of the fnt» noon panned heavily nwr.v

At 11 o’clock Mrs Brown went w ftly Into Sury’tt rm.m. and returned and re ­ported ,he r trill! rileoplng quietly.

"B ut you had better vend a m«wsas-> to foven t C ardee T l.ro tre to *ay th a t Mademoiselle Arlelie i- Indisposed, and will no t b e a t tho rehcnrsal th is m orn­ing. Sho is due there, you know, a t th is hour. Mr, H urst. <( i

"I will take tho message myself.' said Benjamin.

And having got through hi* m orning duties, he drevved him self In h1r t*est clothes and went ot tlqveni Burden T heatre, w hen lie delivered hi:; mes­sage to the expectant manager.

And then he set ou t tr, walk to Che­viot House, deterndii'xl to reek -in In­terview with the Karl of Wellrose,

t!HAI*TKR XX. .In ntt vVganlly-fuTnished eltiing-

room. helo-iclnc l*> l'l* own privnio suite of apartm rn ts. the young Knrl of \VeUw>*e wax -ented a t a table revered with hook*, patters and ■■writing m a te r ­ials. when the dn<.r opened, and bU own vaP't noiselessly enU>red and Pow<-d.

‘’Well, w hat now, iv-i-alr,*’ lim ulrro tlm enrl with a .awn.

••If voti pbase. mv lord, a perron broughi th is and v.aps an answ er" j K.aid the vabd presefiUng th e HJMo penrl trny. nupon which lay i small, to-aily folded note.

•Hie c»rl took tl-e note IlsUcwsJy. oriened ir a n d read*

W ill the Far! of WeUrose kindly re rm lt me t«» *eo him alone for a fewm lnutro? I come from N o .----- . I’arkl-mc

Benjamin H urst.Mademoiselle vrielle's stew ard."

n-uBer .1 Hi* enrl to himself. "Hocrimes w ith t oine ni"s.saJf*> o r room M - te r from her. Dial he t* to deliver to no- a lo n e /' Then s-u-nkltig uj) he said;

“ Cei iiiinly, i’erkln*. Tell the young m an to rotne lip.”

The vatft ‘mwevl and w ithdrew, an 1 lifter a few moment* returned and u hered In th- vM tor and again re- tlred,

YTe broth- rs. •> much a like St* j er- Win and in diq.oalHon >o>, widely a ra rt- In social Htmvdtnc. so clo»eiy connected bv th e tics of blond, so u tterly u tron- > lou: of to* B rolatfom-hlo. etc* d fare to face, and h o k td a t «»ieh o the r with more of deeply-curious Interest »han r ith e r cinihl r ip la 'n to hfmrelf.

B-njavnhi .l»ir?t hesitated 1-e now B it tha t it " a s A*r.v diff-rult to enter Upi-n to r dellcnti iiibjcet of hl» visit.* Yet he w as flrtulv, resolveil to do it. A lter a > (tort pause, during which tlm young earl looked a t him with a most em barrassing atten tion , a* if w aiting for him to go on, he said

"My lord. 1 fear that you will think B very presum ing hi me to come to you a* I come this m orning, and speak to you a* t must speak——'”*

Here (lit- Karl of W ellrose lifted his eyebrows quetitlonlncly, hut said no th­ing.

"B ut, my lord, I >ome here in theInterests and for the sake of Hur.y------"eootiriued Benny.

"8uxy!" repeated the carl, more and more surVris«t and perplexed,

" i beg your pardon, my lord. 1 should have said Mademoiselle Arlelie. But perhaps your lordship may know th a t thi* i* only her pretty Homme do theatre ; am) tha t she Is of KnRtUlt birth, though tif French train ing ,'' Benjamin explained.

" i have heard vt> from her own Bps/', the earl absented.

"Then, my lord, yon may have also heard front her, who lias no secrets from tier friend*, tha t loug before he r French train ing and her splendid success under her French name, long before all th a t, e 'e n In the days of he r childhood, when site lived in her hum ble Kngllab home, and boro her obscure Ivtigllah name, she had n child friend of her own age, dearer to her than b ro lh rr or si*tvr; for be loved her beyond everything on earth or In heaven," murm ured Benny, his voice nearly break ing down,

"Yes, m,v poor fellow, l have heard a ll th a t. too. ami how she wished and endeavored, in memory of tha t child­hood's friendship, Io do a friend 's part by you, and place yon In som e better l osltlou than that which you now oc­cupy in her house; but tha t you would »wep* »»f nothing better than U. I n e 'e r heard why you would not,” said I he earl, with n eompasslonate look; for hi* Bean was strangely, strongly drawn toward the poor outcast.

■ A mixed motive of mingled pride ami shame, ! believe, my lord. She emiltl not have told you the whole of m> miserable past, o r you would snow th a t I am not oven worthy of the place i now, through her good­ness, hold lu her house. But 1 utn not hero to opeafc of iu>v*lf, ruy lord, but of her. And your kindness to m e. makes it much easier io do «o. I lutve : y<mr lordship* permission, ! hope." '

"Fertaln ly . Sp-Mrtt o n , ' replied th e I earl, as a slight shad* of annoyance : puss is! over ills face, "do oh w ith ' w hat yon have to say. and he sure tha t [ no Injustice shall m isinterpret your * words o r motives."

“ My lord, what I have to say Io you I* ihis~~th»t there Is a rumor every- wpere afloa t to the effect th a t *111! ano ther pnere** is to be recruited from d ie rankn of a rt. And from the bot­tom of my heart I hope th a t tho ru ­m or may be true, which intim ately couneci* the names of the Karl of Wt-llroee and Mademoiselle Arlollo and -honorably, I mean, of course. Again let me repeat tha t from my heart and soul 1 hope and tru st tha t th* rumor may he correct," said Ben­jam in solemnly.

(To b» Conttnuod).


Much Inflamed. Child Not Recog­nizable. Troubled with Itching, Used Cuticura S«ap and .Oint­ment. Free from Trouble,

pie,—" A year aso my Iittl* ear* old, w«* wlditbs cld«. a del wit »tq*-Ar to ,nat>« him amt I iwlil no atlcnlkm ii> It. But wl»t s a , my wu-iirho alien Wt*r a Ui«<* Uw) eruption In- rrtuMtl by half and »a* tnurh tnnnmr.1. I comuati«*l to two ! n-metly. but tho Pmifc- in* out ooty spread w» that

Ji It rovcrol »t» whole <-f W« 3 1 faro. Ilo wiw not re<*M-,ii!r,- X nl*v Hu veratetii*! tl-o

orupttoa oft CO. *kH : mi-!-) Ur o t What trouided him

i tlm itching.** I had taken can- of It fur a year alttwut

doing Mm any Then I wot f,-rCuttrura wkI Ointionu.. I his fare nionilua>.n<t cvrsilas with itto Cuti­cura Soap anil »arm water Ix-furty spptyfn* tbu Ctttirurx Mlntnwht, At the civi of a month he w»* rsan)>:- («!y fr>'o from tho tfout-lf." Mrs. Alfred Trcpatilcr,Mar, 10. 19U.

Snmpliui. F re e b y M allFor rot. rou«h. cliamicl ami iitmllng

luuuK Itching, hurnlftx pslin». ami painful finger-emt* «tth shaprlew. nvlU. a o«e-otxht Cutlour* trcotms-tii work* woml-v*. Hoak hand*. *>n retiring, in tmt waiwomlCutlcun* Hoap. Dry, nnelwt with CuKciira tliiitroi-nt and wear **rft twoslaco* or otd. InsS gt-i - ' t d-.atng the night, HAmp!.’ of each mtUo-l free, with 32-ii, skin Book. AtldtvsM t<o«t- carfl “ Cuticura, DopU D, lUwton, ft'A.”


Modern Stirgeona Show Extraor­dinary Skill in Operation.

T here appears t«> he no lim it to th>> daring and i.kiil of tin- modern su r ­geons, whlcli a re nowmlnya so amux- ing Umt they vergu on tin .miraculous. W ithin the la /t few months, says a. w riter in an KngHsh weekly, we havq read of the restoration of a blind mutt's s igh t by transp lan ting si.-ciions

j of th e cornea from a hoy’* eye which ! the surgeons had been obliged to ro- j move; and of n girl, p a rt of whosq i l>r:tln had h<*n taken away, w ithout i tb« least hsrfa l results.

In ano ther case the heart of n wo- nittn, who had been slabbed, waa :e « ii up a t a Baris hospital; nnd w few minute* la ter she walked off m* .ound and will a* ever. A Sw isssu r- t f oii ha< removed tho en tire stom ach o f n patient, who gets along just a» well without it . *atlng and digesting th rough: T he::gullet; and a noseless man Inc- .wen provided w ith tt new organ from one of his own fingers. 1 b - psti-n t'* arm was encased In , '- . t e r , and for four weeks ho had to ludd hi* "live" finger to his fnce un­til u took root, when It « u am pu­tated. to Boorish a* a nasal organ!

COURAGE IN WAR.(phltsdeiphla North Amcrl. ao,

•.(' »<!shv>t ?yt>* of marital heroisiri t» Bn- usfhtng adventurer nf romance,

(stained man In tlm trenche* r—tlie French peasant. Urn

; rndver-.iiy: student, the British rierk or , j.,-r er men like ouraelve*.I used to pram nnd order nnd dreeney,

wiie. are . ndurlng unlinaslimhle horrors , / . ..... „r id-st- Th.!r

ARMORED WARSHIP BOTTOMS.(t'tillndilphln lcec-ir.lt

Five British dfea.limiighu hutbling ai Devonj'Ott a te said hv an anoffir-a! writer t-' have ihnodr*-d Put torus. Two .r throe IBirop-an navlev am understood lo have adopted tinner four inches thiol for th" 1. Item.. - f hst(t*-"b!ps ICxper*- :c»nts have shown that this 5. rofftrienl •m the outside, : T!i.- i-n irm.-u-ly ••\i-li*s- IV* Bases, or m •*! of Iheiq. would pot -nter the v s* .'! «.!.l th" inner sVt.*ouW k<V!> the ihi|> fr.un sinking Many 'f (he (hr,nan: batti-shlt'* said !<>liftv*. t« n amt even tt.reo hot(nnts. »a that

uuds of sim-ol tot


• In;(e|, th"

iiernai construction j which nrmrd* * hami-<‘r« in v ‘ ' * *rendering *t»*ea>roa*.-d t»v the ears earon-t s o t e-'.<-« With r.o sre«Jury to ttve ve->■>-!.


The that '<•

(R-e?, Hindi'rd

iyt Jte,taken rcmi




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Crippled WithRheumatism

And Skeptical A fter Trying Many Medicine*—-Or. Cha*e"e Kidney-Liver Pill* Cured Hint.iVhrri the kidney.* fail to purify th"

do,«l th'‘ |Kd*»u3 left in tho aysiem nuMn palii uml miff«*rlnB, surli m hntk iciic, iuinhiigo an l rliwimallKUi Head how this ‘•k-'ptig wax r ‘ir<<! by Hr. KiiuroV: Kldary-Livor Filin.

Mi. I'i; W. B roun, KBignbury, Mm-,. crlt<“»-, "i b ;i'.- hci-n cimipluHdy cured if Lxckarhu am i b in s h ick by using Jr. t.iio*e s iiiilnqy-I.lvor IMIIr. I also

rc'i hniiiii’iidod tlm plU'i io n iiuui ;hbo h* u eripplu from rii"umatlm» lb; a r skcptlfai, u n i ho *xid th a t bo bad

tried nearly everything on earth . F lu- nBv ho cotiwntod f» try them , nml lo iiix aiirpflao was greatly benf-fltcd in th « fJr*t week, and th.) paBi* le f t b(* b'g* until ha w in s» rnipplo - tin f-oiihi walk wiilm ut p tin o r dUfienlty Dr. Chose*!* K idney-i.lv t I’tl l t hav-j v < rked won-iftrs in th is place, tutu wft think niore Is no me-ll-dna Jlko them '

Dr. f’lmseu Kldn-iy-I.lver Fill*, on* I'll! a dose. V> ren ts a box. & for T> all .’eaters, o r Kdmatmon. Bates 4 'Co., Limited. Toronto;

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The Latest Aid When Taking Dis­agreeable Medicine.

Who lias .ml revolte.! agaimt n dnsc of cantor oil. rhutmru or other naus-:- on* medicine? The placliiK of nucli drug* In aolutilo capauiei « « a great Alep to- mard making it iw miWc to »w*!low without taettng them. But titer* are many people who cannot swallow « An Ingenious Frenchman ha* produced »

tvip which A** heen named «» » i*wti to tin Minn who have Imd to take twiill auloitancro a* cod Bv-r oil. Bo call* It the i/omponetlp. When »uu drink your medicine from it It give* you first «om* liquid that is fle***nt to the Vast* and (o the fttncll. 7h |* 1* succccletl wHliuut interruption hy th* incdlcine. and lhl» ngain by a delicious liquid, -rncli flowing separately without tho t""**!' btlttv of becoming inlx-d. Thu* you have taken y«ur medicine and have nut perceived clthiT B* (atU* or lb* odor.

The pomponede hold* twice u* mucli a* the dose you are to lake, ' I t must be drained »t one draught, but there ■» no difficulty about «hi» It h«* thr.>eupper arid lower (ontlilm. th* Or’anu" juice, wine «r whasev.r pi-asant liquid y>u may prefer tb - middle -me contain* in* the medicine Tl>e two partition* are movable, and must he rnljuated to reel m*on the liquid so It* t-> l-nv* no air spate These pftriitbm* are piere«l with oblique gr«ve> that V< make it im* |«)«»ll.|e for ti,e liquid In one turn- partmenl to pa*

When you false ;* > ,ur up* youdrink first the eonteni* ef the upper com- (isriment. When this I- Blnmat einply iho content* nf the middle e«mpartment give* out it* tontent* in turn.

The promponette la to-ing o*«i eoai* moniy In Franco for administering dn*e* <-f rod liver oil; which i* to mostpersona one nf the mott nauseous sub- stance* thni H i# ro**!bic to take N* 1'. American;

. GERMANY'S BLUNDER.(Chicago Tribune'

A f- v. more -u- b attarb* ao-l the Brfi* b h Will he wiioleh-nrtedlv In the war. B will n>< longer hror nnv reneniblanc" t - « policy war. hut »dl *


If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding p!ln», s-md m» your address, and I wiJi teil you how to gtyt* yourself a t home by the new ai*orj>tiofc treatm ent; and will also semi *om# of this home treatm ent free lor trial, with t(te<e»e«a from your own Ideality it requested. juimediate relief sod per* maoent cure awured. Set*-! no money, but tti i other* of tbi* offer. W rite lo- d»y to Mr*. M. Suwuiers, box l* h, Wind­ie r, UnL


A New Substance to Displace Cel­luloid and Gelatine.

Most trau?parent mile-tum c* a re more or iesri g l a ^ j . ttp-y i*rc brittle , o r a t lend lint roinpletelv..f:b».xB»b>. A th In *-!»<•«.-« of e ti migi pliubb- tiiiirle tim t i* trai;«i a ren t h. a iio-.- itv . g< vb, apparen tl), ■ It-. • ecllapbna--" a ttv* produet tiftMTibed by « w riter ii> Fo* Bios fFaria). T his Mihstame I# a siHliuiu voippoutpi aiq-urintly allied to Bit- ro-calic-l "w au-r-glassirV . but i:

iso fontsiliift c- llnlosi'. the character-

ibift fabric. ssHl '.s a i tiip same tim e ita tispiircpt. J

Th.- w rit.r of if f ripilv. iiiitb’c in Crotuo* >a»» c.-iloplrane H » new » i prodm t #hn«e priq -crtiif a rc sueh |'J tha t it ought, in th - m a r future, to I * replace celluloid kud t - 'v . ’-r-- In many ;.. nf »';• Ir aj-pih it i* a rcllu- • *1Hwh \n ti tb a tr «.f fUNlitiin. which look? ! J like u sheet nf p.iper. hut of paper that |« m> traoa->ar-nt a - «!«•». w y -j •' tough, insoluble in »• uter. tm iw nne-j J Kbit- lo grj-a*' a-ii-/'.no * ■« uh a ttae k -i , Hide li» cilier-. alcohols ami alkali''* i .! Bhtpbane ha* the ►a;,i. qualitie*. hut j '

{ tide British "UnS.f<><m 5"" -

j l "«* «ur<Hf of urriblf- luiiiliqgn b; j MiNABDB UNIMKNT '


MBS. S. KAi l.BAf K.



British n --t li.to th" op-p. « lu-r- they . Wo-dd bo expoee-l O- dang-r from mine* and subfriarine#, say* uttosh"r ' t 'c a f-■ Iswough. Hnritcpftoi and Whwt.y. ri>" place* a ttack 'd , are «.f no si'td -s le iro- portative, say* a third: wherof •>«’, the o*- railanls rimy he presumed i<* hqv» merely t/een engaged !n a raid Ail ef whP-ti goes to *buw ttwrt ;(:■ mjq« object « f the tk-wiw..^ was !e k - j - t!t"ir en-rny

! Mlnaed'g 'L inim ent Cure* Diphtheeis*

I Thousands of Miles of Blossoms.A great marry uf the big treds tit

Far.'Ku'.i) — iltu gtatits- flower It) tin* l irpriiiB unit bMutnier, and vu«l liiufsc.)

i f the iiiovt Kcirgcous tdcn-iiv itn- at. the disposal of the b*' --. in fac t, a I# tliffieiiB for t>«<- who has never emu it (HP!) to jiihufilie tllfSO tboil-;andH of square m lb* nY fore#t, ab lu je with gold and h«ltotr«>'.-e,whUc. ‘ e lltm , piqk aBd gtecn bUmma* tSur* lug Bio fim.crim? pennon. Furiously ciiougli, the tw o' tr- t s which attain.

| the grt«u->t « (r., stud oJutowt luvari*! ably *land head and siuniidi rs «bov<»• ill*' g-ncrttl lua^s. bear Up - most hrou- I tiful flowers. They ore Die lapaetio J and lapsebt* < <*-*)«.; th e form er hav - j (tig lars-1 heliotrope and purple*, tdooiii:. Miiu- tiiiiig like t'afilcrhury i I'ells-- cluster* of wbli'h arow nt tit-*; <-nd of each twig. '( !:<• laparho crosiu* j has a i»ltK»m exactly almilur in shape,: iiul of u rich cold-n vcllow : color, j Both thi*s.- tret?* array tlicmoelvcs laj l*r!l regalia *>f Idootn before a --incio

leaf appears, and it i* only a fie r tho flowers liegin to fait t h a t ,iho follaan conitiicuccs lo nppe.tr. .W hen ult tho nthcr tro<* how- teased flowering Tlicr*' retunitii tin? b itte r oriiiiR-*. »f uhlcli Iho fniV'-t* nro full, nnd iho Idoasont* •>( whlcli Imi-art to tho lion- ci a i-ftril-tdarl- d- b r.tto flavor - Wide World.

A L M O s f T Y N C H t Disiq - nd to u local drur*i»

s tblci ■ ll".

CHILDREN AND DOGE,{Montreal fivrntos N"w,*

T)n- dft# breed- < in » fit of iint'r limy ft-rl tempted to llirsi'h n puppv. but WhenisV rid CdollVtK, otf of % » b*Ure-frs!n». t?»fort«ta*(fl* Mart tiirvftt* <*> not vstlruatr the valu- of n«»ir. vbiidrcn s . i. a re fully. Th* enyry onpuiro ho* no rcftfrofn* * > far »< the child )« ton, ccrnrd. C**y Is n,u«liv taken tha t no » « r* b* thfUctol -cot* tiiiid'* (at" but n» c*r«- 5, s irrn fee (he wear* laid drop In lbs iuilc tittf’* s-'ui.

FuaSihlv, if chlldr-n I'-c- ral*«d for »*!*. they miuht hit Ufvsp mui- -an-; cuutideraUon an-t «patVd much injury'

Ihiax -Tbcy alw ays pull («*» tin r Jo-tx—Who dt>'’ llcax- A poor liarber ami « dull ra /o r

• uidl-ourd Ir tu imp-r. and it costs Pv t. w• itlii (or ' -Iglit. Owing to !!*••».> man* k-hhI -pm Ihi-s. tlmnc n-« pradmt* tmm dottued to si brilliant future oi useiulfii- * in (ita»y hraoclim* of imliistry. AI read- rU<y are much used In pi rfum- r> and incdteltte. l*cr- iiitnciy axes t cUoplmti** ns a wrapping for it* different products; amt bin- piiam-c serve, in the uKumfattnrc of transparent boxes, that .whilft thy. arc a* strong as tie- oriiuary kind, nllov. the boiiie, or bread. « f w*m;i Hurt Uiiq■ coiRdia i<; he n from tit • outside. Coniprc-Mide tuiwn* may at*o bo made of ft iiod-ad s-f lit*- ntore < \- p- nslvc tin. :

".Medicine en ip lq ), celfopbaue iu num erous way*, o f tug: to ii* vaiuabb quality of being oa-ily stcHUicd, •lither by st-nut, which it " i l l eland up to tin «li'sr<-, (’.. o r by boiling w ater, ab-oboi. hydrogen. dloxt-P fonnol o r lyrol. It may, for Bmtonce, he plnecd d lm tiy in contact with wounds, euabling the progress of cicatrirasion to be vb--scd by tranepar- ence. I'otnadca, tsilicyiatc of tnctiiyl, of cblorotorm do tm t uituck it, and it replaces gummed taffe ta to .advantage. It# use iu surgery i* indicated to r direct dro-sings a lte r an oporu- tlon, it hi suimle, -iroutr, lu a lb rab le , prvaerve# m oisture welt oud H cheap. Finally , It j» *M) serviceable in the pri-Mgvutiou of object!* "'rapped in it; imGib'Ulitely ilroegiiiK'. Bterllliutlou io **1 Icctcd in the BUtoela'e 3t H.« dc-if - and the roc towed obj-xl, timx stcrUi-Ycd. remulns perfectly sp-rlb.*, owing io the t * euliur prop- rtieu of the •••dlophan-. thtuhtb-#.* mauy otU-r 1-raiifhies nf.-:Industry, it) th is and otlp-r coulitre , will Bud utHI wider applicatlcus oi fids product endowed with e-m!* rem arkable qualH bs.” T . F. s W-s l,iy.


• Mild rt cheap arid i --iu >* •if the r-'Balde Fu irum -* « tor Substitutes burn the name euros t! b--*i ' Fiitnum nt all dm

narti'* Liniment *C .iro* G argst InCn*#*.


ill the -holy iicwcpap-r from Far**!--. Day- by d»v pc . in tin- making in it* most ..>* awo.inn.Hin* farm. Thl* i (he great cl»* in th" historypul, to which historian* by •>-!y will,.b-votc ihi’le labor*, fur

• i-sniurw io coup* To have !iv*d »<rU ? ’

;! U* doings faithfullv fro"' day )•* dsy-J# 1 i fm-iticr' disBucBou and pirn stir,-. No ; ( wl.-rolcvo.-. much

Minard’s Liniment Cure* D lttem per

No Beauty »or Him.lieKtt'TlY utld hit) wile " v ie ruling

hum - on the s tre e t car H aggerty was it* Hi t; mellow *«a’e which urged him io he extra n i t - U» hi* wire—to trea t Imr u» tf Io* was courting he r ugitin. If yod-know w hat "«■ utcati. H aggerty # -,vip . *«ugh? (o d ivert hint from (ho ex- intvugam complimeiilu he was paying

'■'••tmok dear." she said "T here 's u j> m arkahly pretty girl stMing across tin* aisb- from us. two tow s hack. ! want you td iiolic- b - r "

-Ah. my d jriiug ." w bupered Hag- gi r ty . jeam pg’Yb'S - "I hsve no eyes lo r in-ailty npw i just w ant to look

f«c,StlVs ” ako e!’,iJh.- '(ndivl

...... ........ . ..j th" »»es»t*-st t<h:**(n«* on mankind i* '» »w k f»< I'n* Shin* i that -h> th - mft« gftwl «>- »hc m-Pvriu'

in the first >!»«•*.'rath-i* ik io '-> v ia for incfi*-ov, which. j?<v>d a ,

For Women's AilmentsDr. Martel'* Female Pill* have been the Standard fer 2( year* and far <3 year* t -e*critM*d and recommenued by phy»ician*. Accept na other. At ell drugs!*?*.


dlnard’e Liniment Cure* Celd*. Etc.

BETTER CONDITIONS.< Windsor llcronjy ■

Moiv-y ;« "osier than at m.y tom- sme* be bi ginning o f tbu IPw-pt-au war. <ccp plugging : «w;iy. Thing, w ilt ho

Tb;i a th - ,* !»r

lion. V.tlAT IB ‘ DOINIS.’ (* :•* t

OH IVIU.IAM: i tu r n s H n a v y

THE WRITING ON THE WALL.1 l^ndon Daily Mali)

The Profitable Linkin (hue l* StH»HN*'r> U Q t'iD

It t-wrrlca colt- through the rn Dintroiper hi it# vari«u*

few vt ry *ms!i lioc -


M*UHN MEDICAL CO.. ( him•*!* enJ B«ri('l*4*(.tu COStlfN. PsO-U.Sk A

TOD Death


. '<<«» be **..l )d.They insy. but it I* not likely. The >. ori-t will acsrcrly be H#(i>ul*hed »t *ny

Inctt limt been milking irtdm lv I rb ly , KM! V.-nry MHHl lilll'l"! In .< t!l*CUWttOU of I Li I tac * method* of ••liarar!. .* 'Iw j - Inn. Ar Kugem* do lUstlgiiitt., ;•» Pure Lorlol nml «dd t .n im b i r<-.«l ItcInfH or iiu-re incarnation# of qiMlltl'*#, loathe- iPutlcat doductlutis front a g lv .n |a>int? At last I *a« draw n In. und lit*' Htu- n rls; Kliinrt lira trained lilt wife In i Inline, it ml In* ha* a dry. original way of n novel. w hicht* tlmn-hiilng ami Ste«)n« lh* ball rolling. I* wiik iim first linn* that tin* tali- hint not centred In otn* any or another rtitilitl M b' Ur ■«;>» rtnti, *itn, of course, wiiK the first mntiiilemllnn tbm o-boui lln tiny In all ou r mimic. \V.> grew vehement nmi fo|'g*'tful, till at laid » Mule movement* **f her# d revrti* llm general eurron-.. sin* ami tain n off be r lull uml w.m Icnnliut hack ina insl tli«‘ oak inni-tr which sin* •■at. vva'chlng with parted Up# am i a tear** «-f the

: parent delight ninl non tin iiln of a iml-linicli rr< attire of lit** woodpecker kin I, will*, de licate purpl'* gray plumage. " In » iit tapping «in* branch above lie; for in serts *vl‘h Jilx largo dlip.irnpot tioiiate. bin. mi l Ho n skim ming alone In a u n tl ‘un it p lllll * dl*l.x where In* disappeared wlLt ':l.< |>roy Itilo hi# nest.

• H at .rid N ulla o*. vii-i i- bird lover, ‘r. true*? t«- r..ili«'*, and : t to v tticlt tip #<• nuMiatcli'#! Ml## Slretli- erion’s quite right to |*r».-f»;r them f re n ch novel#.'

’ 'Preueii novel#!' »ho -afd, with­drawing Iter e><** from tin1 brunch above her. ninl Irowulng a llltle a Wallace a# sin* spoke. Tb-asc tlcm- expert me to talk about ibem I l.no iioihlni: nbout them I have never wished ti>.‘

•'Her vob*#! htul a tom* almost of hauteur to It. t have noticed It before. It I# iln. tone of Hie innuuiH netrcK# .>ctuHU>tn»il to U'lleve In ItenciK an.l tier own opinion. I connected H. loo, with all one near# til her determlna- tfnn to look upon Imruelf iw charged with a mission tor lh<* reform ol Mage morals. French no h'reneli iieirc.s.se#* apimrentl gurded them nil m* no tmiuv imknown horror#, stood lug In the >v«» n lh< purification of dramatic t f by a beau­tiful .young person with a high *i.inii•

rd or ilniy. It I# vary mbit l5vhhmil> he (h the ScoT’b Presbyterian (laugh-

ter #tlll. lor all her profi“*.Mon. ami hercess, an*1 her easy way* with the

Sabbath’ ‘ Her remark produced u ttmal deal of unresseneralc Irritation in me. It she "a# a lirstwatc artU t'tn begin with. I waft inclined io reflect, U'l# moral •>ntliU»la»m would touch and charm one a good deal more: a# It 1#. conshb-nn* her position, it i* rmlier pelting the cart before the horse. Hut, of course, one can under* •land that it I* |u*t those trait# In her that help h-r *.»» make Hie Impression sin* doe# on laindon society and the orthodox puhllji In general.

••ttsUace and I went olf alt* r the tint-ii#'ch* •. cnji yins a private laugh by toe wuy. o 'e r Mr#. StaariV little lock ol niaaseineu’. ami dl-eor. f.irt n* >lt*s ilrcthcrton dtH'er*ul h*-w»lf. '.VI-* ti »*• ««t'u* bark we lound l*orb* # ikeiehiutt her #he sitting rather flm hcd nml sib at tmdei Up* ir**e. and tie .'rawies away and working himself :i< «w«r> *lr«k** into a cr*a'*r andy.\r.irr inlhu.-ln#im Ami coi’ alnly

'wa# :i# l.v jr.illfill »•# a drum , sit- ling against th.nl tre**. with the crown h*nther nbont b«T anil ihc young *ak leuvi's eveih*a<l. ibit I rcHymd in an ante»oni*‘li» from** of ,nlnd. a little mil e> pattcnri* with her a»*d her b~*n

afu* vunderiug why Nat ore *lwn>.I lunler# >mi;«•wlioic!,

;■«>*■*■*• r. o*» the *v ;v horn. »he hail wnolher auu a pleasant, r nrprlv* for *. i . v earrinr.e v a# w aiting for ns on tin main rend, and we s in 'll, il toward !« tbrm-gl: th e g o n e and the tre**w n rd tip r irh level * venlnc llchts. I de.pi l<d biMiind i«ir some primro.## #’lll i ln v ring In I loom Inside :t lll'h* H ook: #he sdayeo !•#>. a ml wj* were i. f > out o f rar-sbo'. <1 Up *

*■ vjr i{.*ndtil.‘ :die .a l l. b*'ki'ig• tra'ghl nl m**. a* I hnndeil tip- '! • « .

r . to he*. •**.-.tp may !*«*< n ..m n‘b r -#loe.l o*m.*thini: ju t l now I b :v't want t*> pretend I * wlial I havm t c>*••i m tirt know Fri'iPni. nml I can t r » ! Fr*teh novet# l< 1 wl#h*»i i , e»*r -» m.p h.‘

■t\ tint vwift i l** #n> She nm .t b*. k big at up* #eilri»»ly. a Kill* proudly, having cay.**! b» r < on»r;< n*.-<\ ; >. ii• t • o <-l to ice. ni *.cin«* ciw.| in b*r- *lf I fell a t first Incline! t< turn ll*.e thing off with a i.-ni hut suiPi*'il*. I tb* tight t« n ysu-lf tha t I. loo. would #p*ak o.y b'lnd.

•;-vv.-l!.- i ,yi‘.l, dclllier .1' V. vv dk- h i : - n h* ide her. ‘you lose n muvl (i«-.il H i. re a re b'v*i-. of Krcr.ch c.*v- . which : would rathe r net «wopinn ton-h w lih the (Ip# *-f ln-r fln-

:.u» there ore otbt-'r#. which lake em- Into a lie s* i world than wc Fi g if di ipp *.)** will* our i*nr<S'hlu! way# of v.riling and sndm f Imvi* nay notion of. '.•'• ryu* Sand carries yon full Into th« tnld-K*iro;#oin - tc g n i ->-*•> f**l it f:«v In,* you are bronc.i t Into r# in t« t w ith a ll lltd ' *:r<-H* Idea#, nil the big HMertsis; »h* I# an e ilur.ulrii In her- (w‘lf. And th'-ii F a lis c *hc hSW > 'uh a range and brchdth. he leai-lie# one ... irm li of btiimtn m tu re . nml wllh t n h c*iii*ele!i.e. raich fore* of retire-• > e la tio n ’ i t ’# tb* some wlti* th e irnovel, to* wllh the ir tii r .i tre. Wlint- .-'•■ r e*ln r fsiill# ho may have, -> flr#t- »..i Frei.cnman o f F ■ artis tic -o rttaKO* more pains o <r Itl# work than .invhmH el o In ■ the woild. Tliry *.< t.'t -d'irk. t in y H.iow the ir life* *d*>cd into it . w h e l le r l t \ actluc . or p -ilrtb i? »-r vtiHm* Vtm’vo nevers .- u l <sfpr>'l#, l ild id :’ —no. of '■oirs. ne t, ami yon will lr* gene be­fore rh.* - etn*# attain. 'V liot -a pity!

■ ’ ll## nr**«h> rft'ii picked cue of my l>ii* ;r< • < ruthliH-dy to t.lcces, andii m? i: a wav froin her ' b h one *v>f h r nervous e-**iur v . I am not # >r-

#h*< * ild ’N othing nouiit h.:v«- in- hircd me to eo and sc * her '

■•’Indeed!’ ’ * ild . w aiting ** Huh . jir|c»i*|y fe;* w hat *.he vw ilJ n**\<.

'• • h i imt tinit I am jiiihatM of her. »h«* rxclaliacd with t lidck prcud look »l xtu't not tb.it I don’t b -ilrve she 's a iiretil aeirr#.*»: hut I can’t »c|mr«le her ne tlnc float what she b herself. I t I# oo-.m-n like tha t who Urine discredit ru th e wind.* proh-sslon—lt 1# women lino thm wle» make people think tha t r,o e-.od woman cjnt h* an ncir* ## I r- -< , 1 it and I tu oi to take tie- e ther Mm* l w ant t-v yrov<♦. If I can. th a t a •• tn*ao i r a 1- .».» alt .1011 and Mill he

I. tv ..nil b i r *.ited Just ns you Ire-.n lb* wont-n v >u kno*.* nml ro-

h- I . | |.i »m v • th a t ll.e rr tun'd)pv< r.bo a word nr n lii '.l ncuhiM her.• i.-.| s|o* j * *n vIi.hIv’# e*iuiil. ftnd tlial

i and not blo.xl H.ll

Iks tally

• erlvnf*

lo ’>rar I),,- V, IVb.»k nli.Pt! M i lame IVesforoi -:

-ii h in» n-* .f veil who would> oi*r w if.- or voar s ia ir shake

•is wil t lu-r, in I ye» bow you rav - :■ ( li>r, how vmi;M!k a# If there e r.ottiiog in tb.* world but eoiilti#-

and Fr -n .it genius’ ;lT<* l«* '.fhnlInued.*


January 3, 19IS—God’a Patience with Itrael— Judcea 2: 7*19.

t'OMMKNTAItV.—I. The death ofJoshua iv# 7. S*-rvcd the l-ord

Israel was, first of all. a rcll£iuu# people. They r<*eognl?.< d Cod »*> their tulcr. both la matter# of #ceul«F Ilf*: mil in ridriiuat thingv. Their gov- ernmenl «■ «.( therefore a iln-oerai >. They nerved, llm laird a# they kepi

III# mnimaiidmi-ni.. They had got** maty promised i»> do lids when liishuti assumed tile 'leadership of Is. rnel by the l.or'l's upimliitnieut iJosli. I: P-t. All the day# of Joshua- .loslma li»<-d Iw enly-fi'c years after Israelnlercd Caiman. lib* earnest rellg-

ieiift clntraeler and hi# strong person ilit v enabled him to exert a twnverful mflmnre for gi«nl tijion hi* |*e«)ple Filler# that uiitilved Josluia—The eld- r> were ihe recognlied lcad*w# of the

• cvcrnl tribes of Israel. They pro­bably lived about twenty-five year* after .Icshna-# death. • fSreat works- lip > had Wltne##nl the great work* (if Hod In Israel s behalf' during the latter part **f their Journey toward Canaan, and In making m passage Tor them across the Jordan ami In help­ing ihcm lo drive out their enemies. S. A servant «.f the tawd Jotdnia Is first mentioned In Kxod. 17: !». and he was for nearly forty year# Mo#*#’ faithful servant and i-omeaniom !*. Tltmmth-hert-ft—Tim loditlon of this plan* Is uncertain. Fmlnent wliol* ar* accept the Jewish tradition that It was nine mil*# south of Sheehem This wit# the inheritance given to hint lr Israel after h<* had divided the land between the trite* according to tied'# direction.

II. Isra-l forsaking <«od tv#, lu.ir.i, I**. Wi-re gathered uuto their father#.

This expression meant that ilu v died. Kmw not the U>rd—The lead­er* of l#r«cl at thl# time n eg lee led the true Hod. H the lather# had taught his law to their children, they were disobedient to II and went alter other god#. Nor yet'the work#—They had not seen the miraculous work* whirh Cod bad wrought for them, nor had they been impressed upon their minds by their parents. H. Hid evil—-They forgot tied and a# a consequence they went Into sin. Served Baalim Ban ii ill Is the plural of Haal. There were many heal hen deltler. that were known by that nann*. Baal-worshipwas common In Syria.* It »*« gross* h licentious and corrupted lln* mor­al,, of all Who look part In It. 12. For­sook the l^>rd «cd of their father# - Phi# was; a fearful charge to bring ngaiuM Hod's chosen. #pc*eiol people. 1 Itev forsook him who bad marvel­lously protected Israel and provided lor them, and went after god# that could do nothing for them. it was the ba*'#t Ingratitude on their part, and tin- most Inexcusable departure from tin* Hod of their father*. Hro- \ oked the Lord to auger— Incurred HU displeasure. 12. A#htaroth —The Plural of Asbtareth. This was the f. ma!' ddty corresponding to the male deity Baal. Tin, worship offer- d to her was grossly Impure. It. De-

llvered thefn inlo the hand* of spoll- -rs- TIm laird gave them ov.-r a# a

punishment to their encinle*. to hand* i f plunderer.-, who defeat*'d them in battle and carried #«»» their pro- |M*rt«. Sold them—Thcv were Hod * pciuHar people; but because of their -iti* he let them fall Into the power t f ethers. He witlidrcw His |iroH-c- ilin from.'Thrm. 15— Hand of llu*I . rd ^as.aKalBM them it wu* very different t" have the Ipird working #gain#t them, front what it had been to ha'i- Him working miraculously for them » - I!.- had been doing for nettr- t a hundred yearr.

. i tw liver, r* r*l*i''l up tvt iC-F.u K >• > rTth^hws -This word lmlb*i»t >> in the thought an*l purpose. ih-t Tic bad -old' them to t#* ,..sni*h. ..ml tie n he worked signally i ti,. lr bcli'-f, The Lord raised up

Th« }edc<** Whom the la>rd rat-*d up ’vr** by no mfcans cffCcr- t.i administer Justho. they wera mi,re »wpectally iiilllutry I.viler#,w i:« m the I a if d .vdewf-t with ;k>wcm of mind and b»dy to Inspire Israci'# eiie'.ib* with fear or to defeat fTiem in ia.lth The Judge# had to some ex­tent to d«» vtth the execution of the tin-., s.inim-l wi* i from play? to |.i.»** to hear cuux-# ami to pronotitm* Jtidgmrnl. ’I lie Lord raised tip Huso* ik C-.ui It wa* t-ii work, oven if hu­man iuMronumtRlIty wa* vm|dcy»sl. I>. tlv.-rmt them—With vital It vva - mi

matter t » give »#resii <•'* » hito tin- imttd# of cbM tie* that the nation might he puiil,;iii“l . nml it we* easy abo lot him to employ bPStmt tor Unit jK-i*pte* dfllvctum-e. In niuicnntx in- .m m 's the Judge* -arctight deliver­ance* through the direct tnterpoftltion of the Lori himself.

17 They would not hcjarfeen—Thi* statement shows the perversity of toe l.uuinu heart. Kvon "her. tie land KdMMi up deliverarw nlld signally wrought with them for the. relief ot his people, they refused to gl* • herd to them. Went ■ . alter ••1111''. god*- Tiu-y left the true Hod whom «hcy had promised 0 love »»d serve, met vent iitt<*r the god* of the peoples- nr.mnil them. Tlielr act Is hero «*>n* par. d 10 that of ft tn*W who d-wrl* hi* v ift i.iet Mek* to bccouie h-lnel to another w«. 1.1.0. The jieoplc *»f isra. 1 w eie untrue to their vow# and eonvlc- H„i,s. They offered v,«-r»hlp t^ hftth- ',11 dcltlv>. Tutn.tl julckly vul «1 th-* wav- It wa# a com.lMntlfvcl.vrahmt lime alte r hwUmi * detltl*; find almost itumediately after the death of Ids sue- efgiCt' , that the I*rstc!itc- departed from Hu- Hod of (bei* father*. Their father* walked In the way of fftlth and oh<dt-.n«e and enloy -x.l the d\vit,«j la- uir. Obeying the oenMUamiti.-nl* ot the Lord The cc muunuhncutft given by .Mcsc# ut Sttnal were wcknoWlsdged jo ta *aH in for1'-', fhe* eld nofTo-- While the T fathe r* had been arvl-.il to olmervo fiod’s law, the children turipsl away from It. thus dlshonortn-'* both thnl -ind th**lr fathers

;k, rhe lairtl "ft# with tb-* Judge-- it wiiK because the le id was merciful t. want lsr.ml Ilia lh*.- raised up well'* #r»rv lot th ut. at'd a* tu- rai*«d them up. be vias with :iie;n t->.'direct. and euipovvci them lo lo th-* v-ork to v.hi.-h tu had calkd shem. It re|# t it-i the -mt'l tn-eaus• ;f their gfcmulng#'•'In land 1# tinelutnttetldi* an t doe# noi ,-epvi.t ht th.' sense In which men do The lerni 1' nest in j:. :i.'c-o-..mod»tot

Hod changM ht# eoarae only a* men eluimn- ilo-lr attituda towmd him when men rebel aTHlnst hhu. he xen- ’. 11.11- M.cm and wliut they i-'jvnt.

lie -reive* theal. The vji# Wi)'-nl i.v 1 in* ureunings ->f hi# people if. When tin- judge was drad— lt J* lo bo t* r e in's r»-1 that first raised up tbo

I juditw and "a s .with him. therefore h<' had an Influence 1 >r So*#l with the

|e epb* us tout; jVJMCHved. 1 he fact

I Hint the |Nx#pl? wen*. Info »!n when tip ptdge •ibil showft ho>.- .dioiiK an Influtnce lie had «jvt-r th ■ jieutde.

OuratinNK HI. • u brut ot

■ |i!< et io.-hua What watt ilio last «.T*I tin- lie rendered to l#nal? .Vluit was

tits influence upon his nation? What took place in tie- retlfioti* life oT !*•

fuel ,ift«r ids death? Why wipi pnu- IMiimnl visltnl ti|M)n :lm nation? For uhat pi rpos*** -ver** judge, raised up? What p ro f Is there* of HodV ompi-,- .simi tow uni Israel?

I'l.Wf I'tt AL'.SFUVKV '•eph - Hl#IV. liU'll'OlJn, t 'it eon vim lag men ol sin.H <’f /'storing lit* 1,Inner. .1 Ot convincing :c.*n of am ,T5i|a

• d"tdm: leaao.i Mtinn ,ip H * Book of atdge*. and ol#.* the History < f Ihro'I

n>r over four huiidml ,.«ar* It sounds tin main them** " f l it» : torv which

. - ' iln- cm., -,f th - nation r»-iu-ut- "V'r .uni over rtgalu. r dap#e Into

hh.latrv n 'r i but ion. respite an<l <<d»v- "x* Jtnl brief return t«* H<#l t#ru'I

had id) th? imiiinn factors i f Miieoj,., a Ir 11 Itfii| eoiinlry. a g-nbtl elimMte.

exm-rh n«.- in .iri# (lf war and peace and tin- • uM lga o? 1 frlttiupt'al march (roe. Keypt to Canttan. lh • hind which bn! I'edgne I tor them to ftuhrluv onto

lh» r-.-cL'-, Tln-re wa, se- tnlngty eu- etgh to nnik'*-tliun n 'iow<-r among

toward Israel that he raise J u-i dellv - t-'l’.tt wit, missing, the -Jivinr favor, "hlrh they had forfdt «I by their Mu " l u l l cousiMcl in sparing Hie (!an- .uiiilte* in nmleiupt in I violation of

t: covenant with them and hi*romnKvutinenU t » tlie.n. They grow fnntllinr with tueni and induig<sl them,

lln* wlu!" gi'im itloii of iarnel who #« n the mighty .leM* which at-

I'u.hsi tb- ci'iii|iie*t ,f Canaan atood firm tu obedience u, (j(Mi. bat the rl#-

j.-iuratlon severed H'emiKlves t the |m*1 and lapse j i„,0 a state

< f lU'iehnev unt indifference. They (•(•voted th'*ni>.'lvf*n to the lius'nnxft ot the world. rttey Ik , mm M-lf-Indulg *UI. forgetful Of Hod and Id* hot* «■ !"<• *. and uer. -aslty drawn aMdo to Ihe vvpfship „ f (.wj„ wjf|. n), ,|f<f-i-.Kiln.ilil - :iii|M*r#UtIons.

The nation -a s no toner.- braced b>- em common ambit Ion or fn-nt tpou one object sbishuaT liiflumien with i n* l#rae||(|ftf. nation had boon such that for 4 period of a llttic tmu Uma

-. lialf century, it o ffice* to kcet» th*- .jekle-mlndrd i.eople Kfadfast in Ha ir altfKlan." to the (hut of their fivtiicra. HI* constant endeavor va# to promote Hod s glory in evervthinK- b* pos*c#n(st force of character, Inflex­

ible principle, quick discernment. loftv »"urage and constant un**lf**anee*. Lruel felt th« force of hi# ucraonaf tciitlniony nml Influence. * He had srcccedcd Moses as the nu'diator of the onenaut. He the living wtt-

m 1# of nil thnl had been done In' tho exodu# and at Sinai. Huninti nature, »h« same In nil ag.-n. »#« slow to learn the al#«>!iii.- and unallerablecojv ditlona of prosperity, that sin and suf­fering are Inseparably linked together, bra"!'* flr.-j homage to hrathen altar* deprived them of tholr sreret power, end the doom of apostasy began to (nlfll Itself. Tib’v* were no longer ah!** to xtand U*fon* their »-nenii"». Their

tempter* tMcanie tiK*ir tomi'-.itor*.■ were sold a# Insolvent debtors

lo sin. Hod was true to hi* threat­ening#. Merck 1 despised. p:t»|!e-i>* stern*d. pledg'**, made to Hod in cov-

* nunt ami broken, b 1-11110* tile foundn- tion for their lowering Ini'iulty. Never- tl-.cte** they were made to rvalUe the M«rn Justice *>f Jehovah’# government. Though the link of faith between .loah- oti * generation and ihrfr own had not l cc-n strongly forged, and their devo- l*»n to line old deities of th'* native population took the j»rw*d*»H<N, they were convinced that they i-oitid not multiply god* without the Mi4*tl«o- nu nt of the one Hod who had brought Israel from Kg/pt to t'anami to e#tab-

!|sfi' them as tits [K-opIp. All advaiiee- tm.nt and pro#;#crit> gave pia<» to de­

feat and discouragement.II. (if restoring the sinner. A. often

’•* the tin* of tin? tumid" brought down Hods «*ha#tl*.*ntettt# and* tho*.* cliastiwmtpit# | reduced repeutance, Judges wore Tallied up to repel the In­vader and restore i*t-ac* and tranquil­ity. It 1* Hod * method lo elevate and save nations by the influence of men. whom he brings forward for that pur­

pose. IP* rals«*l up Judge* '.n Israel 1 the exigent'll* of the tin* * re­

quired. He sent them forth Impelled .1 inward impirnllnn to a.*! in his name. They were the chief magis­

trate* of the Hebrew commonwealth.had to ili-iil with religion* and

civil affairs, for a fluctuating and un­settled nation, v*hi*re the context was sharp between trn<* religion ami wper-

slitlou. nml " lu re the effect* of earn strongly c"utr»»led, Thu period Of the Jqdgt-i sbowet In a remarkable v.stv Uie long-suffering of (tort tevvard Israel. The people Binned and were punished. They repented mi l found

mem-, lustier* nml merry alternated,T. It. A.


Ancient Bit o4 Kgtt *#;•<»(je «<• liscovcced ty F-ench Prpfe#*or.I Joul- i;, i,fofc***>c " f th>- Agrt.-ut- •I (?.-»;.*•• r « t i iw-Mraw. an- im-.d i" the ngriculmral world some

,. • . that, oker exhaustive expert- nl, bad at I»it ui*rer*red HK t l" t would make herw »•>- £hl* nelbO'# proved I" it** wine, whtiti L uiv.'n «" the fowl# Mally. « t.creitpoi. y laid many more egg* Mian b.-ns not irestcd IveuUlU) etiougli. U t» ?»•" n̂ w klr-a. foe the <-*rhen poultry onlclT. ••Columella.'' the firsttur>, recommended win for tsttentnx ouWka* many aged country folk* era ienrt-c» hsw c'minon U « ' m ’ he m*'-r day* tv give beer i*» ben. to en- iraae tbem t>* !“>'• Manv “''l-M-ue cl" r* mad" It a praetlc- to give their tK fowl* wlne-»oak"J |dU* J'»*»X were Judited to t.ngbten up the

* . that they would »ti»*' off their ut' i.olnt* <>i"i fancier, not *■ _) many r * M 0 at a snow. InadvertCt.Uv gav"

too many of thr.e t*ll «. and poultry ̂jud*" bad o>mfvrt«Wy fln-


I m-'tiut'liohed "make* no .tlffei- fsu-l t" our mind* P. render*

.I all th*- more important to t“*

tainy aim11 i" ' j —1 >* ackn»wl.Nlee.l

Ht.Xt wlo’-n gnvernln* bodie*. try to prevent reporter# from

I’ftformatit-ii, tb* public at *>rc«

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\ E D I T O R I A L *


Because the appointments are generally believed to have been mado bh rownrdH of party aorvico an«l not for the pub-w mt rest, the elevation of T. W, MdUrry and G. Howard l-\.ryu»ott to the Ontario Cabinet ;* not nron.ii g nny cooaid* ••jnble entbiidAMii with the general pit blip, # ith«r Cor stva'ivcor Liber­al. I • >» generally iinb s t*„..t ar,.ii •i: fact, i* Nl.nl. <1 m .*«■«!|v a | tint an notincpirect' • f the eharge, lh»t llnms !«•> uitti bate rcor iu-1 their Cabinet jioailioPM n« n rewnltof iht-ij* active wc>ik on tb« Public Account* ConimilU'O, Everyone known, how, ever, that what they realty did <>( this committee waa to toad the blockade in tho investigation of the Promifeot ami Snider cares a* well as iu other Iws widely known in- stancee. Ou thrito <iccn»8io»» sever­al Conservative newspaper* ami many (>nwervat>TO private mombore protested loud and long against Ihe methods need by l-Yrgttion and Me- Garry.

At |#wt three events have proved detriment a! to the Ontario Govern­ment in the last few months with the,,result that their prestige ie noticeably lower then it was in the summer. Of the*.-, the first was the death of Sir James Whitney, lho second; the patnarkablo and itnex- |**et«d loss of rot's incurred by the Government candidates in the bye- elections of West Hamilton and the County of Dnndae. To these two is now added this third—tho ap­pointment of McGarry and l ergu- sop to the Cabinet. With tbceo men in the Government with their record as it is, the Government is likely to bo involved in a aeries of increasing troubles,


A Dutch newspaper prints «n nr tide presenting the decidedly' Ger­man view of the future of Belgium, It protests that, Belgium must be made a part of Germany, for that Empire cannot permit the mainten­ance of a semi-independent conntry which Great Britain may use as an offensive aud defensive arm. ‘‘The German army,” it declares, “has not made so many sacrifices in Belgium for nothing.''

It will not be surprising, if, in making a peace, Germany tries to trade Alsace-Lorraine bock to Eur­ope for Belgium, hoping in that way to win over French support for tho oxjinctioe of Belgium national «t». At the same time, it may be expected that Germany will seek to gain Russian support in this partic ular matter by offering to rnako some territorial concessions to Rus­sia in the East, German Poland be- ing the obvious place for them.

It will bo Germany’s effort to divide the Allies in interest, so that while they ure disagreeing she may get the best possible term# for her self. That might not be no diffi. cult as imagined, for the reason that even if Germany is beaten there will not bo a groat deal of spoil to be distributed.

Great Britain will never agree to a peace which involves the deetruc. tion of Belgian independence. Go: man intimations that this dcstruc; tion is a sine qua non are simply equivalent to insistence that the war must goou ton eomploto oblil oration of tho military power of one aide or the other.


war t.x overihoofands mose wilt l>o n-nt to uferiiily by the same nation which profesM il a williugnos to cease fur one day--and u p day on: ly—the ruthless killing of men, Tho n!i;iod;«*«hlen grounds of Ik-lgium, tho dcsoUtcd^bomeaof Britain, Can; mhi, Franco, Russia, Japan and other nations cry ru t in protest against tho hypocrisy of the nation which would wreak vengeance on unoffending nations, destroy stately cathedral! and pricoUas historic works, commit outrage and atroci­ties of utmost fiendiahnoBs •— and thou turn round aud way that ou Christmas day it would cease it* fiend-eh work, only to commence the slaughter tho day following. It was a terrible Ghristmastide, t*nly, with tho (daughter Ruing on, but Hotter that than permit such an ex. hibition of hypocrisy to insult the Prince of Peace who came to bring “ Pe coon earth, good will to men.’


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M a n a g e r

Mi. William S< lu»mU ».ud hr* *»U«f M iH xilutl-f. w ni. tin- tiU.Niw ..r Me. amt Ml-. Frai h W ctec «»« W a lk .it . u on Sunday,—JliWumy

•Hi ■ bit OV'ClIlJ SU||i&“U just iM Ian orcris still cb-»»d. The aclor, Mr. Praxt « l Hanover has

The'.tdaa of a truce between the warring nations at Cbristumstide did the Bopo credit, but it was queered at the outset by Germany 'a report­ed willingness to accept. It is arch:

I hypocrisy for the nation which j started tho terrible slaughter to i give any public exhibition of tent:| porar.v loyalty to the Prince of | Peace ou His birthday. Thousands ; ye*, hundreds of thousand*, hare l been slaughtered because of Germ;I nDy'e warlike intentions, Evident- . ly the Prince of Peace was further: v»t from its mind. And before this

liadcmrshb raid difficult v tu securinga found triaa b>r the com. ut nhtiimentwhich he i*»pLv Ug, Will h h<m ctuevdItn- tii-lay.

Wa’kmto « \r> t *1* '■ on s'cruxiningho,... f m « g ...it onderfor tllfic tiookryt- .m 1 ml. w •tk. Mr. Jack lld ik havingIvft for Ttd *rm »y t o r .. l a c u Wiartoil iH.ut wt » t»r (f.-i-mi pi-riding thowllitor in U. >r* 1 Itls In «> •• - j l iM w .r

UDVrOTriN'. GERMAN GOODS A cm in 'ty wide buycml has l«ecn

tb r l.n d h; ('anmta on t »nan-iu*dc gmul*. Mei'chitn'* t«re r» furtng'to t m chan- rife ' Made Inlici niiiuy" at l icb th<* icR-.-n f.*? tbi- bcinit that t ’an v ilt.i.fcovi** ywb*fc ..re tl-ctUitngto «c.

. wheti ms king purchases, uoy l-s niim ifaciuted In Germany,

his i- the ease tlmnigbout the lit D ish Hmplre. in Fr nicc, Russia and Japan, then* !* no doubt tmt that afier the war, rnaapllc-s <tf ti e outcome, licrm sny's trade w ith the world will l)c detnerahzckSv

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O ne n ew *Subscrip tion .................................................

S a tu rd ay G lo b e .............. .............................................. x*9°

F am ily H era ld 1 • 9

T oron to W o rld ............................................................. 3-75

F a rm e r’s Advocate 2*4°

C anad ian F arm .............................................................. I ,9°

W e ek ly S itu .. . . . . . . . . ^ . .......................... 1 -9°

C atholic R e g is te r ........................ I *^°

T o ro n to D aily G lo b e ....... ...............................................3-9°

T oron to D aily M ail & E m p ire — 3-9°

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T oron to D aily N e w s ......................................... — .. . . 2.9o

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Loudon C atho lic R ecord ......................................................2.25

C anadian B aptist ....... . ....................2.25

P resb y te ria n ........................ — ................................. 2,25

W e stm in ster 2-25

O n tario C h u rc h m a n ............................ 1 5°

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F a rm 4 D a iry ......... * -9°

W eekly’ M ail & E m p i r e ...................................................L 9°

S a tu rd a y N ig .i t ...... .................... ............ .............3-5°

L oudon A d v e rtis e r ................................ ..................... . . .1 - 9 °

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Their Value In Thou*and* of Cates


Only Remedy 'H»»l Act* On All Three Of Thr Organ* Re*pon*ible For The Forma licit Of Uric Acid In The Blood.

Many people <l> nitre tlial lit* Skin I* one «>{ the tb -rt elimina­tor* of tva<.te uiaUet . '<■ body.A aanm ttcrof fitrt, tin* mi^Uie ayatem of more Urea (*>r tv tine mailer) than the Kidneys. When there is Kidney Trouble. Fain In The Bark and Acri«t urine, it may tu>t •«.- ihe fault of tlie kidney* at all, hut be due to faulty Skin Action, or Constipation of the bowel*.

. ‘•Fruit-a-Uve*** cure* weak, sore, aching Kidney*, not only because it strenj-llicns these ordain hut «Uo be-, cause “ Fruit-a-tive*'’ o|>en* the bowels, sweeten* the vtomach and stimulate* the action of the skin.

11 Fruit-a-tive*’* I* sold by all dealer* at 50c. a box, 6 for } : 50, trial *i?e, 25c. or will be smt postpaid ou receipt of price by Fruit-a-Uvcs Limited, Uliana.

W. A. HA 1.1., nAA&£î SSiMr.llfltieat (Jtirrt)-* 1 i.lvrr.lt> Mrim-.r(•rtlia College of |iiiynlcl*ns anil Horgeun*.

mill rraitleuee 011 corner of eolborn. n rt ('ayley.MIreeU. .


temled 10. Karin*loek and Irnpli-inenl* a ‘ jieelalty. Term. r>a«onat>le. Yor order* write J <s OAliTKIi. Ureeuwfc |* 11. or ar-

n gtm sa st ’“-a- ■■V E T E R I N A R Y

■S. IIA N M O R E .V .S . “ .ario Veierlnary Coilcsr Hr. Hanmora b«» on rot.I olive in t arslll oppo.iie f s a m ' Hotel. Treatment of all dome, to- aoimaT* >y Hie mv»t modern ft|<j>ltanr., tall*

uijtht and day attended.



Students assisted to position*. College in session from Sept 1st Catalogue free. Enter t s r time.J.W. Wotenrelt J. W. Westemtt, Jt.

Principal î Chrrtr̂ JSwM̂ ust 4

e lectric Restorer for MenP h o sp lio n o l; • « ^ S S S i f vim and VtUhlfc I’unmluit dr>̂ y and all »*»kne** avcrict »t out Piu»»phoa<

jn»lt ruu • eew ta*f*j J'rice *3 a l--.*. nt two f vr *-Jdre*:. Tl5*»cob*U I>rag

lio.iat.Catltarlnet.Ool. •

p ra ijt T® W i)skip

F a r m s1 have, »n Hi .tot, 2 fifty sere

fturuja, I lorty-six «t,»e farm, 1 one fittndii-d and thirty uerw fitiiu. 2 tw o hum iird acre farms all E L L IN PROVED , convenient to Hanbv- orot- nlkt-rtoi), aud lh« owner# have placed them m mv hands he. « «u*e they A U K IJO U N D TC SE LL I have nU<> a DO At.J t Du ill In Perth, near LI.towel, r-r.t; o f I In* tieat bum * in the County o f Perth, w ith extra improvement*, n v r i j great bar (tain a t £7<«0, ! u n t lho.’ore had such a choice o f Far mi ain ow . My office is H EADQUAR­T E R S and you abould come tr < e« rneif yo nw sn t Itfhtiy nt rif;ht pi It t-s

H . H . M i l l e r

J A M E S C O U L T E R(REAL ESTATE a g e n t )

Heal K .ta te bought and old: money to loan: also ugctit <-r the Farm ers*Central Mutual Fire, Insurance Com pany. — Ph*>ne Inc UO. r in g -2 A- t.

In’ • - • ' l.NVL.V-Tou rf ■ : Jt - • seat frea.

M \i SON A MAIUOV.m : jfuvetsiiy r- Maaitdaf.

vYood’s PhoJphcdind,_ „ U. ■' •' /• •

Ihf UilU. I ■■>••> H” >m IIW ilrnsy. »«•• F»«ru*. I'nlp-i-It,.. > Ur -. f I’r- - *

T R E E S ! T R E E S ! !

Alt kinds o f Fruit and menial Tree*. Evergreen*, shrub-. UlinilMf'. etc. thing in the Nursery line, list of your want* for Catalogue five.

AK.nl. Wanted Evarywhara

Apply for term*.

J . H . W IS M E Rlaraaryman. Port Etfitn, Ontario

S m i t h & M c C o n n e l ' sC hop p in g'M illF e e d GL S e e d S t o r e

A l l K i n d O f C e r e a l A n d C o a r s e F r e d F o r S a l e In T o n L o t s O r I n A n y S h a p e ]

S m it h & M c C o n n e l| W A L K E K T O N . O N T

m fEm OPENSJ a n . 4 t h , 1 9 1 5


O w e n S o u n d , O n t .

Our catalogue tells you why the Toronto “ Globe” said “ It is thejforemost Business School in the Domion'* W rite for it.

C A FLEM IN G . F. {’. A .. Pnncipfat

D G. FLEM ING Secretary,


( 1

Our photograph* arc tnoit- t han good phoibgraptm— they are true portraits— bringing out all that's bc.i in character and individu­ality. Make your nj»- I'oinrmcnts NOW.


J . ffi/ im cpstudio - • ' Walkcrton.


If y o u w a n t a stove

buy a “ H A P P Y

T H O U G H T / N one

better. A so a full

line of H eating Stoves


H A HAV1LLW aikerton - - O nt.

D r. de Van’# Female Pill*A rrUabt* Fr*a*h tertUicc;o*«*r tod*.

*'• r P*a*.lv| (n rc^Utlri

iKSMs. s.-S4BiS^aCook’s Cotton Root Compound.rrbaWf

1wofpinr. iMd in ibrre d*. p n * H .irraWh-N" I. SI. N>. $.i. S-< i. Si t*r »•■ >«.t>-Id by .11 ,1,<.»«.«». nr war



W A L K R R T O N rE U E S C O P F ,, W A I.K E R T O N , O N T D E C E M B E R 31st


Hosiery«U.. N-


baggy, »* M R *"not pressed in-

G U A R A N T E E D ait lino- »«**, **f n ‘Met-ial (»itd w«rk*»»nM>»F» Absolute­ly wtuiiilt-s. Will wear ll im.nl l>« without or new «n»* free. O U R S P E C I A L O F F E R

t<>"every one sending «is$LM In ,sirroncy or postal nole. to e*.vg et- «dveit'.<<it>g audshippingehav- e*. we will send p; st-p*i«l, with written guarantee. backed bv a five million dolTu- company, either

;i Pair#of dm 75;. valure American Silk Hosiery.

«>r 4 Pair* of our rax-, valueAmeiieau Cashmere

I Pairs ol our 8th*. v, American Cot ion “ " ’TTosiery

G Pair* iif Children’


Ho>»Give the color, mid whelh-

er Ladle** or Get'C* ho-tery i*

DON'T D E L A Y ~ Offer ' «‘ X- nlrcs when a dealer in your locality w jetected. International Hosiery Co.

P. O. itn.v2UDa y e o n o h i o , v . s a

A copy «.f itoiwrlNUK* H tolury o f l- 'n " ‘ '• e t m in ty of Hrtiemtnd ih e T rtc sn * * '} u

tile } th e m .kii

| p rep a rin g t” hot'l j tow n hall d o th

K.\KIHM>K 4 C A N CELLED Tim e n m r .1 e m e n trx e i who )•

I e


Lwadmn age. Influence* and xtice-a til graduate*. Specialize* In Hr egand Pitman shoriltni d and nil corn euirciat subject*. Kali t itm open Align*! dlst. A’ r ltc fo i onr ratelOKUt Aitilreen T. Wauciiope. Principal Y on ge A' M'l.iit Si*.,.Toronto

ii « iO- a d v n i .i d would he he'd i High School on T'luwiluy itltrrt.ot n were cancelled and it woa airanced to

| have them a t the ojKining of tl e sr'iool in January.

Mr. Clayton Untchald. of Toronto, and m u of Mr, and M i». 1C. N. Huleharl-

:*iH*MtnntHi>r. ia sp en d lrga few week* with friend)* end relative* in town. Mi-; Hntehar*. or., will ho rcmemt.i rrd a* having been formerly in the dry good* busine** in .Mildinay.

“ K in g H at”King Hats .ifj ftcGbSc mid scif-con arming. Just wfceie the Itt u u 11 - he head.


^ T R A T fO R O . OKT.<-

Ontaitos Best Practical training School. We have thorough courses and ex­perienced 1 actors in each of our In. ; depart­ments.

Commercial. Shorthand. Tel­egraphy. Our graduates sue* cced and you should get our Jaree, free catalogue, write for it at oace


Bun! ness in Canada will hum. The demand for well - trained young men atnl women for business will l*o'keener than ever. The wise are preparing now. Get into one of

chooU ami l>e ready. A few month* will do it. If wit? pay you well.

K B 2 Q 3 Q 2 B B iH m u u S S PChristmas and

New Years i q h . i s

O n e - w a r F a r e good going December 21th and sSSth, returulini* it December 26th, l»l t: also good going December 3L t. H<M. ami Jan­uary I 't , 1W15. return iin*ll Jarman 2nd, 1915.

F a r e a n d O n e - t h i r d good going Decern her 22, 23, 2t. 2-'., re­turn lim it December 2X }DI4; also good going December 30, 31. lo ll. January I. RlJu, rotnrii lim it .Inou- ary 4, lltlo.

(Minimum charge 25c. f PartictilaiH fir m ( '. P. R . T . . .

A gent*, or w rite M. G. M urphy. D P. A „ Toronto.


v y K W ISH ALL OUR* * Friends and Patrons. A

Bright and Prosperous New Year and take the opportunity of thanking you lor your kind patronage during the past, also hope to be favored with your your patronage during 1915.

J . 3£ Jhppet

Learn While You EarnYou may continue your regular daily duties and also fit yourself for a much better position by

taking advantage o f our

HOME STU D Y COURSEPreparem ow for the fu tu re opportunities which are sure to come to the energetic and well-trained young men or women. You may begin to-day to take our lessons in Penmanship, Shorthand, Commercial Work and Typew riting a t your home

and finish up a t the

W A L K E R T O N B U S I N E S S C O L L E G EP. J. Miii.ony, Principo1 - Box 171

■ V:H P

| P

M r . j . j . H o u s t o n / w ho lives on a roacl th a t has lately been im ­

proved, in Lauderdale C o u n ty Mis­sissippi, makes the common-sense statement which follows:

** 1 have naver made an investment for which I have gotten M much financial returns and f.icsion out of a* I hav* out of this road The advancement In propetty alone has been sutTicient to four or five times pay the whole cost of con- -triwtion, and ( don't think the county could make any investment that would bring in as much returns as lo build a network of them all over it.It is such a good thing that l want every man in the county to have one just like it, and I am willing to pay my part of the taxes to help him get it.-*’

B uild C oncr« t* R oads

Then your road taxes will be invested and nor merely spent. They will return many timesthe amount they cost, and those return* will show in the increased valuation of your property, the lessened cost of marketing your produce, the longer life of your hone*, and vehicles, the gretter conveniences and general prosperity of your community.t 'n rm te roads oullaa* all other kind* of roadi and-repute prseSksdly no ?ej>ait> f-r mine rf*rt They are safe, clean, permanent an t

evety day in the year.Vt’tiie fur, free, G<n>d Koadt liieraiiire and Warn how good road* will betttr your conditiow. Addrett :

Concrete Re«d» Department

Canada Cemenl Company Limited808 Herald Building, Montreal



(Intended for list week,)Mr. Jim Hell xptm l Saturday and

Sunday with friend* at Arkw right.Mr. Murray Smith bar- re!•lined to

t he burg again.M>s* G erim de Alexander from In-

Hay ha« been renewing «Id xc* liiaiuiancr:, nmund hero for the last

cnupleof Week*.Mr. PelH e Moffatt of North Hny

Normal School is spending hi* vac#* Uoo at home.

Minx Viola Moffait litile donghteruf Mr. and Mr**. Geo. Moffatt lia- been under the weather tbe»<- iaM few day-, having a very severe cold.

Who carries* a flashlight? The curl- osji.y of < -me jw opt eon Sunday night?.


•ok. wo had a ’ :*toiand night,

Mr. and Mr*. Phil Krnewoin uno back from Trovost. Alta.,

ago, has b< tight a hem Cwl-near their aon'iu’law Kred Wnebs

List weak.Mr, and SIt*. Oswo[<l Bidng»senit

epent l<*»t Sunday with relatives ie;t trick,Wintei eaute in like a Hon*Hcrby derhiitg <•( Hanover epeut

('liriMutao heir.The horse buyers call ar* unit bet®

quite often,Died, in Carrick. on Sunday Dec. 2U,

John llotho, sen of the late Jacob Hu* rb<*. of (Jiilrms, agedtk(yeas* Smooths Tho remains were interred he«e on Tuoilay,

and Mfe, Fiftuk Ilei/. spent Chrisitmas with the latte s mother in Waikertoo.

,T<W Mvastnerof Hanover was III town on t.-hiixtum*.

■1 Mu- Kd -Xcliwehr of I frit- ti-ld, Alta.wit it their daughter Dekota

liven vi-ittiig n l ujvi - here for ptst ih»w wv*-k».

Miss I KrBluer. May Ifrick mid KU«hellare liniue from Pre»ton fm- ineir

holiday-.Kalpit Ot*erln of Walkvttmj vishitl

iivrelaat week. \Mi -1.-< Hetgptt «.f Beilin h-* ».en

slvnding the past- r .Mr. and *fct

Mi-- Paulin.-< lapp. at * - :

f.-T V. .. . nt-. I>. mmI M»s. H W.— MiiditiiV «»/*»!••. .

M l'. Antimny t:oni< -<td h< e h ld i .e . .1 W .PkM io*. <• n il... w .xk u i i i i tuu inothyi; Mi­di > M bh.uij l..i« ‘?,t*


Miss Kiln Teeple is ybiiing at hoi:

Mr. Howard McKe.oimn i-spending bin holidays in Toronto.

We ail join in wishing Mi < and Mrs, Jieo .McKay a long and piTsperoux jdiitimy lluoiigh life.

Mr. Hiclianl Acton spent Xums in Chesley.

Mr. Andrew Babcock t« sj»ondiog his holidays visiting friends around hero.

S c h o o l R e p o rts .

S. M. No. 2 Brant..Sr IV. A MielhHiisvu 70. N Kckeil-

•ivlller. 75, L Ernest 05, T Plowright <9. 6e a « € 'J

■I i IV. M Ilemphent 741. H Kllis 75, 0 Grandi-on 02, E Rapp •'>*».

Jr H I.-J McNally SlU-h S«Ji H .-(B Kllis. K Rapp 7»>, B

Ktscll. 00, N Eckeiiswiiier (5, A Wilhelm 08.

Jr. I .-P Miseh.Sr P r .-t i Kill*. H Bluest.Jr Pi . I Ktsell, I Erm-.-t. G Ashley,

13 Miseh, W Kukenswiller.Jr. I.—Sr Pr. nud Jr. Pr names

are in order of merit.

S c h o o l R e p o r tS,S. No. 7, Brant

ri <i’i

ek - h.-Jafcn Ovhring o( H.

- sjKini Christ mas with thi » lU-l V.

re is

Mis* Anuic Dictitcr, only daughter of Mr, sad Mis Jtreph Dieturr has ic* c ited a dipbuna for tin* etcliMgrapbiv course and cduim«ieh<i gouiw. She was »l%»> awaidni will* a writing dip- louia which is the first one ever issutd tu the Waixvitoii Business College, fioui the Spmtt Writing Department. We extend our heartiest i<>tigratul«t- ions u> her*

(Imorrlcd for lo,t week A ^John Vogt who has been at work at

Otter Creek, returned t wo weeks ago.Mbit Sarah S^boiuck whft was oper­

ated on fm appendicitis at the Walk- crioti Hospital -was brought homo last Saturday. She will he alright in a few day*.

Alex. Krupp of Berlin visited hi* mother and sister here last week.

Mr. J. H. Scbafter anil daughter, Lillian, spent last Sunday in Walker- ton.

Mika Geotr. of Teeswater, Simdnyed with hi* mother Imre.D»Kp~On Wednesday of last week,

Mr». Joseph Stelllvr, aged 117 yi#., the remains were Intern'd hero last week.

A fierce *iio\v storm ewvpi, over this place last Monday.

Schuuiacjter «k Weiler arc busy attiro hand Heigh business.

Gils. Thule'* little girl wlio w«* ionsly bwroed, ia improving fswt.

The Dentinger l>oya are busy chop­ping wood for the farmer*.

Itoy Obvrle of Walkorton has taken a position as clerk tnOberio s store.

We wish everybody a Merry Xtua* and u Happy New Year.


FORM IVDaria Schwartz, Oscar Oberle. Al­

lied Hiliu, Jfichaet Kieftcr. Justin a Woiier, Ceeeim Weiss. Tlomioo Mou- t.»g, Harotd Scheflei-. Henry Houck, Clemen* Zette!, Hita W<w< hter,i.orel* la .Monlag, Noibcrt Dcntinger. t.'latH Weishar, Ralph Kedy. Bli/ah<‘t)i Zim* luer, Joseph Obermcyer, 'Magtlalene Schnitzlcr.

i'OUM IIIEugene Fischer.’ Clarence Kuntz.

Caroline Mepitiger, Loulto OtK*r!e, Magnus Fedy, Helen Body, .loM-pli I .oilman. Le»> Kiamer, Clara fvclmurr. i.e»nder Di-nlinger, Rosalia Weiler, Wilfred Rich, Cyril Hviugessiutr. Marv llehn, Caroline Duerter.

FORM liMario Svhnurr, Jolmhua Fcdy, Ida to

Oiierle. Ciatence Hauck. Richard Kuntz, Nicholas Weiler. Ruja-it Wi'islmr, liildegard Shauss, Alice Weiler,’Olivia Kratuer. Clara Zituno-t, K tgar Lelunsnu, Artlmr Noll, Alvina Doi Marie Dentiugor, Mary Weiss.

Sen. IV—Stella Scott 72. Florence Y'o.mg 71' Wilfred Btown 08. Fret* Kerry 07, Mattlm Fnrdyco (VI, Huftii Reed Oh Oliver Seiler t»>.

Jun. IV- Gtudnn ScotlUl. Dan Me* Kteuiau fff. Tom Dennmid 02, Gordon Kerry 45.

Sr. I l l—Greta Gregg ?t», Lillie Scott 71. Winnie O'Reilly 70. Dick Desmond 50.

Sen 11 to Jr H I—Jack McKeomao 7l»,

Sr, II—A >»bony Hotfarth. Pss* — Florence Smith 72. Ve.ua Bine 72. .Marjorie Ifiown 72. Mum ice Viuing 71, Tom Vouug 07 Arthur Ycumg-60,

Jr. II— LMa Kerry. Lloyd <»*«gg. Tracy DeMiiomt. Pncx - Edith Blue PJ. Harry Scull 81), .Marjorie Vouug Sf. Frank Desmond Si, Nelson Ke»*y 01. Joe O'Reilly, 6o.

Sr. Pnuierlo Sr. I—I*et«y 'Rcgg, Melvin Marson. < aia-le Hc-ttai ib. .

Primer to Sr. Rrinu r - VVillic Zetlh'i Marisct Napper. Bioil Kdmiimh

ie Alexander. Joseph Kupper .chmidt.jCI^IL B8bw

Ihiuier—Gti»i-o Kerry, Lizzi/e1 Zettler.

> enrolled 42. Average .itn-miauce H. S. Ixivelt. Teacher;

Hint Personal Touch

MORE business results from the {wrsonal touch than ever can In- estimated. Keep in touch with

your customers by means nf th~ Long Ih tnnrr Telephone. Enquire if their last order was satisfactory; let them see that you are really interested in their prosperity. M ake your customers your friends — get the "Personal Touch " into your business.

The Long Jjititancr. T t lephouo will enable you to keep both yourself and your customers jxrated on changing markets and general trade condition*.

The Bell TelephoneO f CANADA.

C o .

Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arrange.' heat is forced to travel over top of oven in

McCIaiyisPandora* j ) a r * r f Q down behind it and twice un* M V g 'y ' ,jer tj,e bottom before escap­

ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer, u


u ;i’r/H




Set Your Musical Heart FreeF ro m Y o u r U ntrained F in g e rsMake yolirself independent of the een.-i :.i;y of those w ho can play- Learn tin: supvn-.e defittht of interpreting your favorite ratio, to suit your own best taste on the preem inent instrument

f r U f i - 'v -,-*»i k .v t iU a m a r .. v--With the “ M'

G. B. SMITH,A y to n

iter* 't u-a>.h— t,

R e p r e se n ta t iv eO n t a r io


;;-k i -" 7 /S / i f " " n * 'm -

A STORY FROM MIDDLLSKX. | two l«.What la described as a "standing J IIHHsh

match" i* reported trout the villas.- « ( ’ Harinombworth In Middlesex. The Hrrt offender was the village cleric. A pouter was affixed to Hi • Vicarage Hall diHtr, headed) "Jelly back#. To all the cowardly and slackers of llnr- niondsworth." asking llnriit "lo affix their name# to their roll of dllijtimor.'* tdne* were left tor that purpose. Tht* notice hod but a short existence. Hut a further notice appeared. requesting (lift remover of the notice to affix his


e and r # of the -1 el I > Intel

<• OtllCt11 Is V


stand why the village parson Is *<» of­ten a failure. A reply xvat* posted tell* •ng the occupants of the Vicarage to tnlad thefr own business and rand their own son*. This retort evidently Rot home, for another report said: "Jellybaekr. were probably not aware that the Archbishops of Cant.-rbury and York had forbidden clerc' men to take up nruiK, mol so under this pro­tection the Vlet.r's sons tire excused.” Is It surprising that this limping re­tort was received with n salute <if mud and broken glass? As a matter Of fuel, one man had gone from every other house In fhc village: but If not one man had gone from the village, what fight had or has anyone to adopt such a tone towards anyone else In the matter?

A. It HAL HIT OH "HOBS'' , That Is a fine story told of the late

laird Robert*. who, forty-three > cars ago, rescued a little British girl from the juuglo In India. The child, Mary Winchester, had Hyed for a year among the Lushal Indians, her cap­tors and the murderers of her father, and when l-ord Robert* brought her away she was fast becoming a little Jungle savage lo-rself. it 1* easy lo un­derstand the extreme Interest which her rescuer* would take In the child: but l-ord Robert* was more than merely Interested In her. He took

containing romlorts P Idlers and sailor* Inti

iiilngen, Holland.Tin- Attorney Oem-ral ha* made the •Itowing appointments of junior coun-


quitlt as cotnisel I land Itvemo- (coin Wilfrid Arthur (5i

« t« the i taw t : Mr. Rajm

Isnidnu t'ounfv loT Ih*. i

it'll 1ms

mantle* collected from It* school*.tiic r Ito.tWW Nottli-Kunteru Railway

employee* are paying lo a relief fund covering the whole system, the mini of A- '- Uti being subscribed In October.

TmUiWlDr of the Durham Presby­terian t ’liureh. thp Rev. Alexander Rob­ertson Baton. M A . Inis enll*ted in the Army Serried; Corps, and gone Into training-

A coroner's jury at Gateshead found that Elisabeth Bratton, u child, of two. had died front blood poisoning, prob ably caused by ibe Idle of an Insect which 1* found In the packing of buna tin*.

The Blackball t'olllery font party. Durham. 1* to be temporarily closed, for over l.flflO of the employee* have joined Hie color* or the Territorial* The remainder are being transferred to the Horded t'olllery,

British Imports of mcrchandiMc for the ten months ending October were valued at L4SKM»3S,O00, against £ 52?.* 650.000 for the same period jast year. The export* were valued nt £ 37!i.ft59.-

tan*, against £ 451.358,900 for the same ten month* last year.

The death has occurred at Winch- field (Hunt*.) of Lieutenant-Colonel Courtnay Bruce, who commanded the fith Drag««>ns In the Indian Mutiny

Speaking of a meeting of the Birm­ingham Chamber of Commerce the chairman, Mr. Uambidge, *ald that in­stead ol Industry being |wral>#ed by the war they found a very healthy condition of trade. Instead of men being out of work, manufacturers were experiencing great difficulty owing to

shortage. of labor. Their flnan-himself a personal responsibility for «>|U1 position had greatly Improred.

the fatherless child, and hi* benign ! credit had been gradually re-establlsh- care for her Interest* was maintained , < d. exchange* were easler^dnd the right up to the last few weeks of life I targe reserves of gold mid other fac- life, when, the little jungle child be-1 -ors were hopeful and healthy signs, tog now an English lady with three! \ court-martial was held at Cardiff

children, he used his Influ- j when five women of n certain class unmlsxlon In th e ! were tried under nh order issued b; The story throw* | Colonel East. commanding the Seven

cncc to obtain army for her sor a beautiful light on the Ixird Roberts; It Is a Bobs." as the Amy used the same time, it reveal chivalry and "knlghtjline!

I Defticing <

prohibiting I of C i tin:

spirit of. . . . . . ............... hlcb the:

British army ha* often been found to nurture amid the harsh condition* of

BRKKTKKSH,A gentleman writing from Wimble­

don tells a stor?. He says; * Wc have in Wimbledon t«o Belgian waifs boarded out with the mother of one of our soldiers. Frightened, motherless, in a strange country, an unknown language. Is It lo be won­dered that they showed fear uiid uchildish unreasonableness? The son . , , , .tn ktiakl appear* one day. and th ese ’ 1 refuse to commit »ny further poor miles, crying. "Rreeterah! Brew - *« t Mirlstma# In prison.tccshC run io him for protection and 1 remark,d Judge Shorn, nt Last Kent comfort, and nil goes well. Who would \ County Court at \-hford. Accordingly

r khaki If they could*" ““ “ ‘

hoursaccused women, who pleaded guilty had been arrested in various pari* of Hie city during prohibited hours- It was intimated ~ that the sentence* would be submitted to the general commanding the district and proinul- sated In dm.- course, the women moan- while being detained In custody .

The Christmas menth was heralded at t.'oichi-'ter in tlni<-honor,d fashion, when the town crier went round the itreet* chanting the linos ■ Cotd December hath set In.Poor people's back* are clothed thin. 1 lie tree* are bar.-, the bird)

story is very pretty and wt The last time w.- read It one oi me children had cried for two day* and nights, and the doctor w«# sent for. He came clad in khaki, and then one child said what two are reported to have salt! at Wimbledon.

FISHERMEN S f-OST TRADE.Between 10,'W0 and 12.009 fishermen

are affected by the recent naval ord­er* concerning the east coast of Scot­land. It 1* estimated that the fishing village* of Berwickshire. Haddington­shire, and Ftfwbire win. during the next four month* lone between tSfl.OM and £ 75,000 usually obtained from the winter herring fishing.

The ! ail the judgment summonses, number-'pended until

next January.A pot and toast would very well suit.

lo the tenth annual v*a angling ‘ hr»v day*' boat festivity ended at Deal on Tuesday week. 12-'. competi­tor* mtight over '_’<U09 lb*, of fish, 990 lbs being slxeable, The highest one- day * catch was made by Mr. Oiby. of liroadstalr*. ami weighed SO lb*. 7 ox-. He wou Ho- D-al Corporation Challenge Cup and gold medal.

"Every gi*>d woman ha* sympathy with soldier* fighting for *our eoun- iry.” *a!d Admiral Sir Algernon de 11 or.-A', chairman of the Isle of M ight lb-neb. at Newport, to a husband who had refused to allow his wife to re-

: turn h»r»«' U-cau'e *h“ had t»evAn oHlcUl ot Ihp h an C tw.l , ..u „klnr ^ KTO,,.|,

A.MH-intion u la i -Tim Imw- | wM ........ Admiral. -'ki«« nursoldiers when they meet them on the battiell and you must make altow-

deelded unanimously limited fishing, so that the work of the navy shall not be Interfered with In the least. I call It r«‘al patriotism

NOTES.The d,«th-r»te In the 97 great town*

last week averaged 19.0.The Rev. H. V. Cotton. B. A., In'*

Bolstcrstoue. Sheffield, has been li­censed to the senior curacy of Penis- tone by the Bishop of Wakefield. Sir. Cotton reside* it Mlllhou**- fir<-cn.

The member? of the Mecrsbrwok Park Congregational Church held farewell gathering to the pastor, the Rev, W. Lenwood. and Mr*, and ML* Lenwood. who arc leaving after nine

the church nn*T congregation and tie institute member*.

Dr. Wilford McUarn, wjto it;,* <*•- copied thp position of medical officer under the Sheffield Cnion Board of Ouardfans for Darnsll for the ta** 16 years, h«* reslgnetl thin position and nlso tliat of piddle vaccinator, ow­ing to lU-hmltlu

The village of lUacklmro, near Stotb- erhatu, ha* made a magnificent m - pon*o lo the call lo arm*, having sent nearly 25 men op to Ihe prevnt. Titn'e are now at the front, and, 6ne ha* been Invalided home.•To abl Hie Rial Crow Society at Mut­

ton a pig was sold for £25 and a calf for £24.

Extensive damage win, ilone in Northeast York*hlre on Tuesday w.-ek by a heavy thunderstorm, followed by riob-nt downpour of hail.

In collision with tlnwieam trawler -'h-al off Scarborough, jt destroyer had her bow* damaged, and the trawler In to Scarborough Harbor.

Af Si. Olle*’ Church. fClllaiimn-h. special services wero.hp’ef In con nee- Hon wRb the dedication of the new reredoe, erected by the rector. Rev Joseph S. Powell, In memory of hi* mother. Tin- vn-aeher w is Hie Veil, c F. Crosse, Archdeaeoti of Chester­field.

Mr. It. A. Hanford, soil of Hie late Mr. R. Hanford, or the post office, cidwn. has been appoint* d Rurteyor of Tftxe* at Nottingham. For the post two. years Mr. Hanford ha* been an assistant In the office of the- Surveyor of Taxes at Sheffield

The engagement is announced of the Very Rev, Joseph Arniltngo Rob Bison. Dip., and Ml** Amy Edith FaRh full The bridegroom-elect h.v« beet. Dean of Wells since lu ll pn-ilob* n» which l> wn* well known to Iwuirfoo- ers ;>* lleka of Weatmlnstcr

Mr fl II R THdc*l>-y b»* le < o ;,p t clerk of Be

miwthies."Lleutenant-roInnCl Kiiolto W. Doug-

l:i*. IK S. <>., f-hlef t’onsluble In the lamdon Metropolitan Polite, »a* *p- polrifcl t hief ron-fabh- of tin- foun- th-v of til- Uifhltni* and Pcehlcshlrc. Lteutenant-Foloncl Douglas entered the Royal Artillery In !XM» and served for twenty year*, going through the South African campaign. For the last four year* tie ha* been a Metropolitan Chief Constable. He married In !b9t n daughter of (lenentl Sir James Wolfe Murray.

A“. Sheffield 1’nlverslty* annual meeting the Vlee.t'hanwJlor. Mr. H. A. L. Fisher, sold until recently Hie Cernmn I'nlversR.v had been the Mw- ea of every ambition* student In Eur­ope, but wh-n the war e.«x concluded he believed If would he possible for England very l.iraeiy to *tep Into Her- many’s place. Knelbb universities., he * iid. should l*e a little more imag­inative, They kIiouBI try to repro- dm - some <if tin- perfection of organ- izatlon which had brought etcraal honor to the Hettttan nation,

ow ing to the war. Yarmouth's her- rltte catch fills year stands at 179.* ey«i :i. com timed with 7*9.60S.<kH at till- time last year. « disdlnc of more Ilian £,590,090. No piekled her­rings have lM-<n s^ut lo Ntirthern Karine* this »ea*ou. whe-refts last year at this Hnn- 525.781 barrel*, worth C788.879,. hod been «hlpped

Hooking a Bat.While fishing in a Highland stream

t had rather a peculiar experience, >»>.* .. iofr*-i'Ond*-nt (Ate In the evening . I was making a cart, and while my .fly wax In the air I felt u sudden tog «t it Thinking 1 Pad h«4*k*d a bird I b<-,»i *— ll. * !*. *." t f tb>- water, add in Meadylag my H.ie found •')' sdriuiio* correct. There » a , u small b»tt on the hook. The hat had evid*;«(l> made a dive for my Hy, and tin- hook had caught Its w’lnyf. in tie- tlp»k ii was difficult io release the little animal, but with eoti -hP raid* trouble 1 managed to do so, Htlhuttgb ! bad to u*<- uiy knife, i braught tin- bat home lit my hand, and in the Interval* of gnawing my linger it mad.* a strange grinding no!.*- with Its teeth, My captive seemed to make no atempl to fly away, so 1 left it at libertv tlrat night, but in the morning i found Ii had flown. B was evidently none the

* for . adv-n* u- Hmffbld.


‘̂900D COMPLEXION fifPENDS UPON CIEMWIESS’7Lessons F rom Iren e 11 ouch's B eau lv



»|ly Idah McHltme Oibfeolt.) py right. 1911, Uy Irene Hough.)

Youth I* alwayw beautiful. It ha* a faiicinatlon all it* own. And moM of Hiat fa«cimul6n i* in i<* promise .

The tragedy 1* not In the number of added years, lint In ihe failure of nie*i of ii* to redeem the promises of youth.

Irene Hough, who wit* judged the prettiest telephone girl of all. ha* either cinsctotisly or unconsciously started tiYMnake good some of “Tier youthful promise*.

Although she ha* been at work working in a telephone exchange who ha* kept her toi-y complexion, her bright eye* and her wide *mib- of happitie** and good nature

A* long a* she can carry there with her through the coming year* just so

long will *hp bo called hcatidful hate already told whm Mi-n llohg doe* (o keep her eye* bright hud li.»v given information of the courage, et ergy and sympathy (hat hide* h< hind her smile.

Win . pCcomplexio

First of all she keep* her lace eli I am astonished In reading Ihe her eoluntn* at the f»>«iu»*st * for re mm blackhead*. There is just <m«- t and that t* cleanlliter* and cart-

• hot

muter how cd I ;what hour 1 go so bed, 1 Aiwa time to bathe in a* hot water can Rtntid." said Miss Hough

'During this dally hath 1 pay tScalar attention «•> my face and i I scrub them with a stiff brush plenty of good suds, covering


with lather as a man dm* when he i* going to shave. Then 1 rinse my face In several water-, the last one being ice cold After litis 1 rub some cob) cream into the skin of my face anti tuck, afterward* taking off all superfhuiua grease with a soft cloth When I have finished my complexion l* a* soft and pretty a* that of my younger sister and It will <*ttly need i da*h of cold water lit the morning

to tone la up to resist the ravage* i f the fltt't and dit; of the exchange.

"And la*t, hut not least. I ttlwayn g.» to steep with a pb-asarti thought la m> mind; on* tltak »Ul bring a -mile to my fan-, for I know that I ( it-, tbs* I will Hud that smile there in ihe montlnu *’

Mts* Hough pacoi tor a picture that would show what a difference smile#

'am! frown# imike In one'# good look-.

Many Famous Lost Paintings

Occaalonalty. (he rank and Hie of art lover* are uHiunl*lud by the an­nouncement. generally abroad, of the discovery ol a lost work of art. In recent year.*.many have come to look upon those announcement* with *kvp- tlcl-m. Only recently, say* the N.w York IT*-**, M. Ttmiiud. a French cur­ate, ha* anooiirtnd Unit In- hu* lit Id* jm*s-**lon forty work* of the Italian'* n aster Raphael. Hi# <iaiut» ar<- to be Investigated.

Till* all bring* to mind the fuel that canvases »tlll nih*lnK.

i to have been t‘*i«ted. n-abouts have be*-u a

mystery, (tip several hundred years. Thai we nl-ver ml*# what Wg have never known I* true; wlnrefi r> the pleasun- of the delighted crowds who flock dally through Hu* national gal- |erb-r* of Europe and America Is In no way dashed by the recollection Of the masterpieces that have disappeared front

that tit


there are many < They arc kulTwn but their whi-nt

(fine , lo*t Piettome again to tin- know ledge of thc world. a-< when |h<* original of the Dulwich VehiMiue/, the I’hllip IV.. was found in a Polish nobleman * tasfb-; when the portrait of Isabel de Vnlot?. King I’ hlllp II. s third wife, by ( o.-llo, the original of (lint by I’nntola de la <*rt« In the I’rado. was finally jdenti- fled at the Hrafton gallery, to which the O akw nr of Ifnrgoda had lent It:

'w hen Titan'* Fcrseu* and Ariadne wn* found by Sir Claude Phillips In the balhroom of Hertford Hou*e. and Bottlcclir* Falla* and (he f'enlaur «a* Identified by an English critic, forgotten and unnoticed In an obscure place In the t'fflxl gallery, a queer place to lose a picture In.

When we speak of I**,* we do not Include the |o»* that I* destruction. The terrible toll that, has been taken by fire, by shipwreck ami by willful mischief make* up a list that p, al­most staggering. But th- los* by disappearance 1* B-*# diglrdtialnk only ‘....... “ ‘ always left opento hope.

It t» declared that no fewer Hmn feu portrait* by Sir John Reynold* have disappeared. No wonder that new one* ire;* up from time to time at Christie'* and that anything at all resembling hi* school Is christened Reynold* by possessor# afflicted withoptimum.

The historian* of art--the Anonlmo. Vassarl and and many nnnlhcr—*peak with adralriHotl of ldetur*-* #o ln- numerabic which have pa**<*j Into the limbo the unknown that th*- en- nounci-menl of a discovery I* rarely treated with absolute skepticism, im uin the ia*c of the greatv-t ma*lcr*.Ther. 1* plenty of room for the ap­pearance of a number or curly works bv Velustiuox—do Bcreutc give* a list “* them--hut especially th- portrait o ' Fonesca. which gave to Whowjuex hi* footing In .Mudrid, and more par* (lcul(tr)v the equestrian jeirtralt of I’hlllp IV.’. vhifh placed him *o quick­ly upon hi* pedestal.

Hr take Correggio. There 1* the picture of' The KavJour. n copy of which hanr.x In the I’rado. IhiTo 1* the Reitose In Egypt, the Heredia* triiHeh: the Balnt Bartholomew, the Young Man Fleeing From the Cdptor# of Christ, The Birth of Venus and SafiH Man Magdalen and others lie- side* all lost.

And Titian «a group of who!,- roue terpfpce# »w-re burned in a gri-at p;ng- Bsh eoiintn-house), where l* hl« por­trait or Kli/tibeih Hourala and tor sen. which i* known to u* through

f Fordenone? fBorglon*.


There t? In Japan a man who u popularly believed to have killed 509 bear* with a Imw ami arrow , A short time ago some American* visited him

of Hokkaidohon the

amt. <1 .ti i. .. .< r .ra.; i;> m o ir.r.v Thm j,-';«ud belong* lo ih«< group all In.the "two f ..,. dlrii*-* I-. .tnd tK>rS>, ol j ;,j,iU. otoko Yama is the o b " Vmr ■’ >-<<> t •■ rm .p . |*aoi ror naf>„. ,j„. p.ar hunter. IP* prefers

apun-t. Reci nHi he srleil an old niuxzlo loading gun. ,tml white had some success with U he liked.hi# bow and arrow better.

titoko Yatn.i i# an Ainu, a nu-niber >r oip- of the ubfiriglnnl tribe* o Japan, Stowe yeUra ago when He


Irdble rlridity and ms eiitlimni ;i,-ji a deHtflllfol avety and

land |k»s

!* imU'm-P«,| bv the • ar- j j (V dicnliy nod gravli' which they :


Hokkaido oi* III the r or make

•f the Inhabitants. This « m long

and Half wild people had no mil «» ih<> Japanese author- i to name every man a# best

a *uhp * ( painted b- t«mny NVtVr-1 ^litudlsh ortlel- »•' Roger • an d« r ; ’ <„ ,i„, „,„untuin# (hey cameWeyden. I .m.doi Bl»n.b < I. Mabn«-. • uiatt who *.wmed to m- b-ad^rVan 1l«em«k»rk. bv Mi-!-.:-; WoUm- ; .uedhc the people In that vieltiily. Hemw . A)derr;,v,i. me* Bout' Martin i rta*'stgro«( Imnter ami loueh admireddo Vo*, and «nH a f-w l. dln painter* S |tV Ho- nuttcex because of hi* prowess Of tip- Br-i "Uelt a- Mrmtegna. | u b. n the Japan. #e officials teamedLma c.lordano. B'tob-v-l.- Vnnlbalt '■ that be had killed many bear* wRh » Cameol. liirn-. i.. ’ its! andf Ribera - s„:pU l-ow and arrow Uu-y ctudd umt vet «:• ran IB *j«»re the. picture* scarcely believe it. bin In- took them of Quentin Mat*"-. Ibal «fe!!«htfu! > im,, <|ie for«>i with him and ow n hnmorlxt awl ln?dr*r of Marlmv* van-proved It by ksllmg a b< ar with a Bomet>-wa«i nnd *i»!o r* of - 111* school, i |H>i*om d artod sent with m-eiiran-aim

The portrait■> cf Terlmrg Ognlti are , mi,, i,ruin'* bodv below the tffth rib. a delight, and a lm-t of them exl«t Ib^au*.- thi* man scented to be headHneludi-i- nie - f«-w not onwofthy of the jwople in th<v moiintafn district

•••ally by tin- hand of hi? ; (hpj- culled him Oloko Vania. Hiokopupil.K im read «»h-

e e!l a* j -.which I

reUMv.Oftin* dlsani

sin’s RlnaSdo and Armlda unite uwoth.-r: plane I* ibo my- tie- portrait* «hi< h i el {minted for l udovleo Btorr: which vanished Into thin nir f Pletely his; .Mona Li-:* co

Th<- jocund lady hâ - no« r ged Inin Urn: light of day. la l.udnvbo porfralte an- praetht

' hubtains.

' How old Wlgtaoro by

lid t a

r aso Major We; :nore. for licuu Attache at Tokln, and ll. Japanese secretary of the

•ompanied Hioko Vama on In the Hokkaido moun-

you?” asked Major afi# of an interpreter,

wpi-roupon the old hunter commenced to repeiM • hu rlng. calniou. hot ring. *atnwo> herring'' and so on. Major Wigmor*' know a little of the language and It** was pux/Jed. Tlio interpreter laugh'd

"He is counting up hi# years.” he said, ^ n d the way he dees it U to eo m iffie season# To him there art* ottly^juo seitKon*. wln-n Ihe herring

■ scat lii'ii - ‘ min'* o f } tome and when the salmon como, One i,r<d wraithi or the Vet- k store- i Ip-fring sraison and one salmon season of minor deabrs. * make a year '. tdoko Yatmt Dually

----- - i gave it up lb- could r« memher aboulSUCCESSFUL BOOK. ' ||By herring and salmon season*, but

■ decdrathiK Hie

Bn- mosthi Aim-rlea

"Yonder gora mie <> •e -fut bi.-nk putdlsher? me month this *««r I ions of bookv*uil the •ak.v”

"What sort of bank*


In ed I.*' nioko Vania s arm w»# jog- twlg just a* In* releasiel the

K and It!# ar.nw tailed ty kill The animal started for

Que* t I* . » iii«<< ompaulon.— Ilallhurto.* alikelie

i numb< t>. ,md i»* qualliv

ACRIFICE. a " ' ,,l! 11 * , , ,>*'' iil anm hcrue « 'a ti j tinotv to jo u r Imiw- string, draw it

I *uiu>e?e, tike till government eftje- *lnt gull ghoul. Uhl DokoI n i ,* a t d tie- man «h» *e- - rs. •*>-,»»» a te ! pro ba tty knew nothing ahotu the solar mukim. w io :ia l <■#• rir(•#•* o» «*t-b« t<» j pb xu*. but he knew there wa# a ten- ' ’/.y*. vjil.-n. postmaKtci i ,|, r j " '’1 Hie bear's rib#.“Jtv iiVein > lur.i t„ inive n»*ke -■> j. ol- ! and so when the bear approached he in« address. # when I'd loiiu-f i - i ducked him head and butted him In*i in- tnKtno * f i i—<i< «1'i- - th e pit of the stom ach. Before the

Mr, F*’-. t«r T hat'* n pr«ly v.oumn j bear could recover he hud killed him that jn i |gi*‘o-d n Mrs. I v - i . r «*th a knifeD m! .<c< " vf.-arlu; her la *. ! T he native* #u> Hioko must haveLai, >:«t naif* d -u t m au l, m r hair, l killed a t b a s t a thourand bear*, a# he Iter v'.dM htfc.-x -v, in t :»«- I,nil; and In r i »•'< e traps «# well as Low and arrow, ybirt '* t i t am sl<l 4t«n ne*orP«i- Tlufto; trap* a re itrranged with n '.!■'*< all: m int’ • Bi«*l04> * lobe strong bow htdden In Hi# undcrbr*i»h





Mr. Wallace II. Urau.-. Vancouver B .C , wtiU-x: " During a *old >}#.-ft heft about the middle of lad <» tohvr «lyL*> I < tught a cold which got w* i . |*'tall trv a t’ac iit ' I iP i l l uit<

blit I Hum hi I w..;tfd gtv < rcm.-ily a trial. I imr.liascd a Itolt!-, amt in Hav- day* l w.

voaitla: •li'rr.d** ai l carried '

h.;r s|H.ll e

r \i T he O ther Girl \

To «:i their friend# there seemed to be Mdrii-ihlng rssentlully lncongruoui in the Idea of their tnarrlsgc.

<ir»*e Omuior. » 1 . * New RngUlt'l K»i -t «n ol-i Jtosten family, who * *>< «■

d t<* «i>oak * ir inarrbt-

lor with

and ♦ I v ciro.t withic.m;;hiin;:-|», 'l 1 v * ni l take a small du>r. I ca*t iini-t heartily n.oamwud Dr, \V<i-»r* Norway I’m.- Syfnp to anyone with a wverc e*>l<5. a* it * fiowef* «'e miet marvelous, and 1 never intend beiuj* without it i t till time..”

Whcu you a vie for “ Dr, Wood'#" sec that you get what yon a->k for. It is put up III a yellow wrapper; three jdttc tree# the trade mark; the j-ri-c. “ocand V>; manufacture*! *ejly tv The T. Mdburo Co.. Limiu i Toronto, Ont,

and a string »o arranged that win hear tilt# It he will be directly in the path of the arrow and hitting the Ktrliig will reb-.mo Ihe arrow. T arrows arc poisoned.

When Mr. Arm-il r.nd Major more visited old Oloko they mol wife and daughter. These An were v- ry fashhmahly drewred for that part oj the crmnlry because Otoko had made a .orlune at killing bertr#. Oto­ko besbleWjl# bow and arrow had long awordilllia knife in hi# belt. Tlfc cloak# Hie woinX ̂ wore were made of


I t ’s a ttme of Sacrifice, as Well as a Time of Hope.

With June, the month of marriage must conic many scriotm thought i to engage J«.ung fotk. Mar­riage I# no light thing to enter into, and, while there arc some that lure ll on the npur of the moi for the most cl the novitiates it mean# an assumption Hgntlon. tt 1# no small matter for a young man to ask a young woman to join him In * life partnership, lb should reallte that it mean# a com pleie cltkOKC in mtrl o f,h is hablta and rmtiomx. From a member of a family with perhaps few responsibili­ties, htr become# the head of a family. The time# witn the ' UnyV tin degree. b<- served. No longer steer his course with regard only for hltnsclf. Instead of getting jnyment from the glut* and the lodge It must come more ami mora from the new family drcle. Where heretofore hi# purse ):a# ja-rhap# had no closed door and hits been at tin- brak and• all of friend#, he inu/t reailxe that hi# tbjrtner will hav** a right to It In­stead. 'I he currant of hi# life stream must h" diverted to necommudate It­self to the new channel |« which It must flow.

The girl, too, will raalUc wli ilig ves.nnstnM. It mentm a severing i t eld home th-* for her. From •mall cog In the family wheel she b« eoiura an Important purl of new m? ehinery. H«-rs will hn the respon*: blHty of ordering dcmesfle affair- She must attend to at! the minute household detail*. She may m* long­er depend on mother. Ills peopla must bcccmc her pcoi te and lo r pco- pic h i. i-eoii!" Ih e friends of each mu**, he adapted to the changed con* •lltloii. Sonic friendships must bo terminated. New friend* w ill be made.

WRh the marriage- contra the know­ledge thut there must he sacrifices for each other that never had been neees* «ary before—sacrifice* of Uni? and of draires. Trail* bltherto nn<'u*pect«'d In' em-li character spring forth after marriage. Constant association will bring ont the gold and the dross in character such as nothing else wfll. The wife Is wise that rcallxes that she may not expect her husband to remain »» all times 8# he ha* been to ber wh«n be lias #<-en her only occasional}'. Bltalnra* worries will be brourht home at tllttra. with their ateadar,! dis' o*Ulen. The husband, too. will learn that household care* have ihclr effect at time# en n wife.

But w ith a little giving In Imre and* strengthening, there t f (be ship ofdomesticity the *ea cf matrimony inuv safely be navigated. Indianapo­lis News -9


W ar Hews Affected Her.

> Lnu!ralth 1 «

J Ik ; : tbctn.it l

CO lid not rl.H-p, but U ut u iuk .MiI- huru-- Hedrt ami Nerve Fills l improved greatly, amt could take my »chW again I have mxwnmcwlcd them to many ol my friends."

MiHnira** Heart ami Nerve Fill* ,oc firt; p.-r, bo*. hove* («w f l 25 at all dealer*, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Out.

‘d n * t ) m-v/ .-mtar *al»

. u», I,„», v.r. She b#s»n to thinkih. tinknown vol wl... In*.lying. With

1 trace resolved t hc«J*Me before *! she cot)!*! make

tlm" ehutkle.

•nt itlsmteM-d the iu«-a a* a morbid loncy.Harrinutoii met ih-m with « cordial

landsbalw am) a »ir«ng*- • »*•-• rfulm.-##.; The «

*i<iiy i

reply Thorough


Does tlio Parent Want Her Daugh-1' ter Wed and Her Son Single?\Vom*n )*»-■ • the m in y lB s habit;

men «ld not. Tld* I# not strange, fur troncrallons of girls have Ik-ch taucht that every woman should Im married ond that to tcumin unwed l* a dls- prtu-e. Being n ''married woman’* lui# In.-cti a nor* of boast of .supcrlor- it' on the {-art of wives. Naturally, because tinlr mother* and almost

’* ry MalirochI .i- tii of emphasis o:» the

dtvirabih)> *>f Wing it>arri*-<l and none at all on the desIrabIHty. which wimcunies exists, of reumlnltiK un­married. girls look on marriage »* the goal of amtdtipn and bond their whole <*norgU*s lo getting !iu.*bnttds.

Bather than enduru thi- unjust, Migitia of being “old maJds" they too;. I-O' first nan who gave them a Chnttce. T lo ir object w«a not love, not a husband; but simply to aoiulro the *tnltss, provllegc* ami -leferonca which they had »H-*-n .attgbt wero lietoed to all of their sex < xe-*!>t Ibrt "married woman. ’

Fan yon Ituaslne anjthlng more «i;*a strolls*

Vt-i this is only half tbo sto p . Tlio alum half con sist In the fact that Bui ver- same mother# who fairL drivn' r - ir daoxhtcr* to marry ar- slnxolar- 1> relnclhtit to **e their sou# wed. The molhcr who i* employing nil the arts and craft of she chara to entrap some other woman's rot» for h*r daughter's httshnud wilt w*cp at Hie aunmincc-

,it that the « ii <r woman :* d.»u*jhter * shackh-d her s*>n.



The Miraculous Mealing Power of This Liniment is


RUB ON NERVILINEThere may bn a thousand pains; you

excepting sciatica, neuralgia l# Um worst. Most'Yemedk-* are not strong enough or penetrating enough to re­lieve neuralgia. Vou know everything you have tried has failed to give oven Momentary relief, and you have decid­ed that ucurnlKln mind bo borno for­ever.

Do not make this mlatake—try NKHV1LINE.

Apply to the #on» ipiKil. Notice tho glow that spreads deeper and wider a:«

i N'ervlllno'* curative power is ntrrli i further and further Into tlitt ti*'»m\ j How quickly the pain is soothed: Ilp« i rapidly it U**<ns! In a 1H»K> while- you have forgotten tin* pain it baa a»; j tually gonr.

Neuralgia Bites Xervlllne ,-»» .*ppor tunlty of demonstrating its- *uperi*>r- tty over all other pain remedies. Nnl magic, aa.yott might Imagine after Mill have u*eri it—tdmplj rite application of scientific, knowledge to the relief id puin.

Nervllino is a great outcome of i ern medical Ideas. You cannot afford to tar without It, because j*aiit .aim- tiulckly and conn's to u# all. lluarflli- teed to euro tho aches and pain# of tin whole family. Imrge bottb*. :a cents, trial size, 23 cents; nt drugglsls. or tho Catarrliozono Co., Kingston, Can­ada.


tiKfTINO iiKADV FOR NEXT YEAR While In tho limited apace given this

article muon specific information ran- not 1"' given m Important a subject ns fall untl winter preparations to pre­vent plant disease In next year's crops, r-orne suggestive statements made.

H is a mistake lo plant the tamo crop on a field iu which last year ttirre w«* considerable plant dlstaae. Instead, such locations should bo de­voted to some crop rotation.

in selecting seed. It should bo laken only from good, healthy plant#, that haie not had a chanco to spread dts- 'asir spores on the seed tobe planted next year. If the. grain fields that were smutted last year must be used ugaln, then It Is Important that the smut spores on tho grain be killed by the u#e of farmaldehyde. This Is a comparatively simple and inexpen­sive process.

All the haves, pods aud steins of beast* Hint were bothered with the b<an rust should raked up andburned. These are often tho source of infection for next year's crop. The dead leave# and twig# should at#o be rakej from under the currant bushes, raspberries, etc., a# some of the leaf discuses of these plants live over the winter In Just #uch a kind of a leaf mulch.

U Is a bad habit to throw the trash from the wagon bed, after various croi*s have been harvested. Into tho pig pen or corral. This may do harm, inn |f there are needs or rotten vines, roots or Vegetables in the trail:, tho " " ' l *.-*<«- and plant disease spore# may pass through the animals and he tn prone coudittumt for germination next Spring when the manure Is spread on Ute field#. Many kind* of root rot mny be scattered over an en­tire farm in thin way. All diseased portions of plants should he burned tn preference to-being bed to stock or thrown in a manure heap.

ft i# well worth the labor to go over tho farm and gat?:*.- up the dead and decaying part* of diseased plant# and hurt! then. Which will he tile moans of destroying million;* of disease-produc­ing spore*.

" ‘hen grow big plant# in seed beds, to bo Inter trani*idant"d Into the field. It I# important tn dean out th« old s-ed bed# and refill them with earth from a field in whirl) the particular Plans* have never been grown- if It I# mcesxary to make cutting* from

• plants grown in seed beds, care rau»t be taken that the plant# selected, or the cutting# made, are from healthy stork. Weak plant# tfnil are trans­planted often are more suroeptlblc to disease than strong, healthy ottos.

i'lean tho orchard. See that them are no mummied- fruit* hanging on the trees or lying on the ground. If them are. they mm*t be gathered nt unco untl burned. Kv.-ry one should bo pl< k. .t up. The evil that I* In each mummied fruit l« for greater than the money value of many piece* of (ho ntoHt choice fruit that can he raised. Each mummy Is said to contain hun­dred* of »pomw.

All tree# that have suffered from the " tdlzht should be marked, so that In

pruning, every jW a u H * been blighted can be cutaw ay. These blight­ed twlgiathould be cut six Incite# below tho blighter area, and gathered und burned. ■

Ottroray places will also i»»- found on the trunk#, nnd branches of ||n> trees, the ihprf*; should bo cut out and burned when the pruning I# being done. Th«-**s gummy place* are frequently the source of tin- spread of the blight.instrument* u sfctl^ cu u in it out dis­eased porticos (should be kept steril­ized.

The soli of tin- orchard tdiouid hi* proporty aerated so that the danger from a rotting of the roots I* les­sened.

I.nrge open wound# left In tree# nro ideal places for disease Benin to enter. The Jate winter 1* the time to clean them out. disinfect them, nnd In aomo ItiMhuice# it f# well to plug them ut> with cement. All knot*, cinkers, "witch'* broom* or other abuurimri- ">»« on t.ie treer.. caused by fungi nr bacteria, should he removed and liurn- ed when Ute pruning I# slots'-.

Never accent any nursery stock «*r» v.blth them l# crown gall or. other die

careful Investigation lie has boon nld to i.peratc nn sicm of n *.-year-old apple orchard for $15. Ilo hn# la- <sedK-d the output of an old farm orchard 600 per cent, by cutting down tho high (up IIiuIib 10 and 15 (n t, until about a third of tho top ha* been removed.

Take good cam of llto Implements that have been set aside for this ##» son. Thl« will ms an shelter, repair, oil. paint. «tc.

Save the moisture by cutting town weed# nnd maintaining a mulch on the uUtfuce of the will. Cultivation will do this. If timely and properly done.

Teed the colt# regularly and give enough grain to keep them growing; It Is enduring qualities that are looked for iu all kind# of bora's, and ’l l Is bettor to feed lo gain tthat point.

Whllo those who use draft horses want strength, ansj *fcc mom tho Let­ter. they want along with it good action, good liorso-acntsO und a# much style and beauty a# I# consistent with the general make-up of a largo hor#e.

Cement floor# for dairy farm# are easily kept clean, and. wh*-n property made, aro durable; but. unless well covered with bedding, they tuako u hard, cold betl for tho cows.

The colt'a feel »ou j be more sl.apc- ly and not Habits to dlnenso If kept well trimmed while It 1# young, and It# legs would bo more symmetrical of form, healthier and stronger.

Svvlno to bo fattened should have an abundance of grain, but not grain alone. They will nt**^ some protein food, and. If possible, an occasional meal of green feed. Seo that they tiro given alt they will consume. ro that fat will be taken on a# fast as ]>os- tdblo.


Rougs and Flesh Colors Have Been Found in Classic Rome.Thousand# of years ago the art of mike-up" a# practiced in llto dress­

ing-room# of actor# and actresses of today, wan known to tho Egyptlcti# and Roman*. Kor proof of thla on<» only has to study tho many intero-st- ing theatrical relic* In the British Museum.

The Egyptians tuipply u# with whit! i* probably the oldest wig f» the world—a wig, Jt is true that was In no way connected with tin* drama, but one thin will compare favorably with the finest creation* of the thea­trical jn-mtouier. Strangely enough, the tresses are made of plnitcd crept* hair, exactly similar to that Used by modern actor* for moustache#

In the Graeco-RomSh department, any# tho "Bra. Annual," may bo ** the cotrinudie box of » Roman lady. The white and flesh colored chalk* and rouge* are similar to those teed for "maklng-up" In llto tiny# previous to the Invention am) manufacture of grease-paint. There are also two ob­ject* of the theatrical lift* of the past that have Utelr replica* in the thea­tre# of the present day. On- I* a thin, oblong slab of stone, bearing the Igriln words, "tircu* JMenu#." which wh# occasionally to be found outside it Roman circu*. and corre­sponded a# tin* familiar modern no­un-. "House Full.*' The other 1# it plain ivory disc displayed in the Egyptian room, but which would hardly attract attention, This eotn- nton looking object j* « theatre check or pa##, but whether of a letuporary or permanent character cannot be asrertafned

Much the richest department lit' Rtago object#, however i# tho Graeco*1 Roman room, where one ease of stage exhibits may be seen. Here arc to be found specimen# <»f tho mask# worn by actors, which were modelled ac­cording to strict rule* They were made of terra-cotta, and must have been very uncomfortable to wear. There nro al*o nuinerooi idatuette# lit bronze and terra-cotta of nctor* wear­ing their mask* in the various char­acter# they Impervonnted. in addition lo model# of tua#k# of every descrip­tion aud kind

THE FUNNY SIDE.■ If you were n» English Mateiumm

and wen? attacked b, a iultitant su.— o'.'.getto with u itorsowitlp. vvlia would you do?" "Oh; I would halt ii-r in 1-er tracks." "Rut how would you a< - ritniplish that.' 1 t would sa.v. ‘ Wo­man. Jour iioho j# ..nny.' and white she watt applying jmwder l would make my ocape."* IfciUlmor*! Sna.

Kathryn—Jack Huggins J«»t fell at my feet tin- moment In ::r ute. K lt- tjt.*— .Stumbled over them. 1 suppose.— Kansas CUy Stsr.

Sitigleltm-- H,- !«.,«>. to me like # tmu v.ho lit. lo u d and lost, Hen-

peekk<* lie looks to Pi- more like a man .who na* l«<<#t and won -I'uciv

TIi*' new *5t r>- mart w«# #-nt tor b • an elderly ta-I>. "Ob, sir." die imhi, • | hop** >oU Will excuse t.H- asking you to calf, but when t heard vo<t preo.a amt pray last J*uri<*;>.v you did >» K-.nin i jn,- of my poor brollier. vvito wasxioid! from me, that f felt I fUUKt Speak with on.'• And ho v long turn did -m brolhcr die? ' nslo-il the clerojoan.

i mpathethai) . "')it, sir. he fundwo# tin reply; *ls-.- was took m

the asylum." Re*tmi Transcript.Un- #t- arp.er roil, d and pitched In :

tin* tnoulUHltlOil* wav:*, nnd Algy wn-.i | very seash-k. *'f **;-;*!» I oy. he groaned, "promise m- v«u will -.•tel my f,;. wain# to !■ ;' }:•;>>;•!<?.' An hour pass­ed . “ Hear boy." feebly moaned Algv, I

nxdn t lioliier about s*-itdinK my ■ remain# t.om - !he»*> »*mT I«* any." ; Ib-itou TratisiMid.

r<- aiwnv# most dlsppttsl to ■

tfty Nixola Greeley-Smith.tNew York Albert tJallatln Wheel-

cr. Jr . broker, banker and #cbm of one of New York'# oldest families, ha# begun a suit for absolute divorce against hi* wife, t'iaudia Cnrlstcdt Wheeler, known nnd tonsted alone Jlioadwuy IT year# ago a* "th« girl Itt the red tight#."

For the purp«*#e of filing a counter stilt the ever-bcmitiful f'iamlln hn* Jlixt returned from England, where #he say* she recruited 175,»H»1 nt**n for tie* Rritish army by a #ong she sang In Ut« English "hall#."

A* we sat in tier room at the Hotel •McAlpin tbe oilier <!a>’ she told me Ju»i how and why a rotusne* which

r-be once described as "a love that i# more than love" had gradually but permanently congealed to îce.

"It I* trtto Hint I loved Albert Wheeler. Jr., with a love that was more than love," she raid, her big brown eye# filling with tears.

"And what kind of lovo 1# that?" I asked, because I thought perhaps you—tho reader—would like to know I wanted to, anyway.

"Why, IF# a lovo that combines tho fervor of a full-blooded wonmn with the faith of a little child." Mr#. Wheeler answered. "I had absolute faith In my husband, ill* father start­ed him in husin*-#* with #lx million* Why shouldn't I believe In him? For 18 years I forgot that #nrh a person a# Claudia FarlMedt had ever existed and I threw myself heart and *oul Into my new mle -the most difficult part I bad ever attempted *<> play— that of Mr*. Albert Galtalln wheeler. Jr. I n eefr made s hit In that part with anybody m d oven with my hn** iinlTtl. not even with myself. And to- day t understand why It was bectm*"

sudden, fny bliii'l love and faith in him left tin* lie hud alwnj* neglected me. going away on strange bu#iiwvx trip*, staying out !-,t‘ a* «!?/>!. not Coming home for dinm r. or Sunday even. That afternoon I bud vv«tcin-d for him »t ilp- window of mtr apart mer.s :u TJ".-! ► tie; • for two lustre, I had »(fti ai! the ray Jour.K boy# and girls going i*y. ami i ri-ud in Utelr eyes a# ithov looked at emit other. th«* love that wa# more than love,

The throbbing, passlouat**, sarri fieial feeling 1 had experienc'd for n

■ matt who proved unworthy of it, left


Need All the Strength That (iood Red Blood Can (Jive.

Youth 1* tho time to lay the founda­tion for health. Every »<•*> ami girl should have plenty of pur*-, red blood ami strong nerve,. With thin, impure blood thev start Ilf*? with a handicap too great to win tmce*># nnd huppi-

, Pure, red blood inetut<* health­ful growth, strong, nerves a clear bralu and a good digest Ion, In u word, pure blood 1* the foutulatlotl ««f health.

Tho .sign# or thin, inijiur** bloo dnr*' many and unmlstnkalih-. The pato, l.r ntablo 1h>. **r girl, who ha* no opi*e- Hto or ambition. U always tire*! out. mclMIKhoiy, etioft of breath, ntpl who doe# not grow strong ,1* the victim of anaemia, or idoodlcssncst tho great- c*t i.neJti) of youth.

There i# Just one thing to do tor these boy# and girl- build up the blood with I‘r. William.-.' Pink fill# for Pale People. You can’t afford to •xperimen! with other reined,‘sw for

there mild be no guesswork in the treatment of anaemia. Through neg-

»*r wrvtnr, ir'iitmetit anaemia grnduiiHy tlovelop# into-tho pemlelmt;; form wfdeh is pr.« (i-olti im urahb". j l*r. William Pink Pill:. «ork directly >n the blood, giving u just th<* >-l<-

nn-nla which it‘ Jacks, in this way» Pills build tip e v r y organ aud

nerve in the body, thtm developing strotig. rugged hoy,- and girls. Ml*.* Anna I.oseke, tiraml Forks, II. C., *d>»: *J ihtnk that before taking Dr. Wflllams* Pink PHI# I was urn- of the most miserable girl# alive. 1 was hnrd- I.. over fr*-** from awful iu-adnehe#, was a* i*ale a-* u ciiost. and could not go upstair# without stopping lo rest. Now sinceMflklnt; till* PHI* tho head- aeh.» have gone, nty appetite I# good an*i I ant *<iual to almost any •sec­tion. and vou Way be win* I will »!- vvnyp rc-oinmend Dr, Williams' Pink Pill#.**

Sold i*y #11 mediclno deab-rs «ir#*x>t by mall. |*o#t post paid, at J»0 rent# * box nr six box*,-# for >?..r*0 by writing direct to The Dr. Wliliants’ Medlelno

Hrwkville. Oat.

Two Cropu nt Once.Approxlnial'dy nine-tenth# of llto

arabh* ar*w of Majoriea. one of the Spanish Islands iu Um Mediterranean, l i planted ynu to crop-yielding trees. That make* on** storey ogrlculturo. Tliett beneath the tree# grain i# grow tt. That mak.e* the eeeond storey, which mny properly he llk*-ned to tin* cy- eloao-celiar. For tulle* ami mils# In every direction that tu-autlful island in covered with eotititiuotiit orchards of olmomls, ollv.f*. figs and carob#, w|R) «>ei-u#lonal graft'd oak trees, the sw o t arorn <*f which are t‘rieed »s highly «:* the «-l«vr*tm»t. Tills tree ag- ricullurtU l» mulling new for many of tlif-e orchard# are of unknown age. and *<<!«<■ *>f them giv«> evidence of having M*n generation# of men rise, dig « while and die he.’ar* folambUs sailed past on id# way from Gemva to . fllbraliar ;and throiiKhout nil Um j vi.-ar* that the whlto man lias itirlven j In America, llic#e same old olive and carob tr*-*-< iiave lw*n *tandlng there, ! and iiaitding down their harvest# of j fruit and beans to the | iw who ralgtsl otio-r eropa at their feel-crop* ot j wheat, tvirley, tKats# a«*l pea*.-- r From "Two Storey Farming. ' by . J. j Rmseii Smith. In the Century. |



■ it*. ' • • meci ^ Drink Each Mornong to Pre-* 'e-iot ' tiii .. vent Illness. .



ROYALYeast Cakes



.W I N N I F E O T O R O N T O O N T . M O N T R E A L ;


If bamboo furniture 1# inclined to crack, mix together etjual part** of tin- «rfcd oil and turpentine and mb It on tho (urnituri* with a noft rag.

To prevent gin## dlshc* from crack­ing when pouring in * hot roixtur-. place the dinh on a hot cloth.

f’rackcr# wltli grated rlioe#e, pul in the oven and browned, are good nerved with a »alad.

To remove ink Main# from the fing­er#. dampen Hit* head of a aitltdiur match and rub the #poi*.

A simple and excellent way to re­move dirty mark# from a raincoat i« to cut u raw potato in slices nnd rub It well on the mark#, tt will also re­move mud stain# from dre*# skirt# children'* roai* and non'* trouser*.

To prevent the wash boiler front rustlne. wire dry after uidng and then j

ib ** il with #<«s» b fore putting It win.\V!t'*!» iHiti ■. .i d.mt.i*' b'di* r tlie foo*l j ill took mor ■ i-tU-kly .f fho wa‘. .r lu j

the outer v. ,* 1 1* -va’.ted in the pro portion of a f* unit of a tup of- suit | to t.no n»'*»ri of water.

n ilth d i ami celery in e.juat pari- ntlnred vtrv fio** and mixed wan nnivonotti* mak - o* exnillont «nnd- «i-!n* ns the miMurr d c * a #u»ad.

To remove paint from clothing *»t- orate tbe spot# l«o or three time* w ith c<|iia! nari< of ammonia and tnr- pehtltte. nn*l tliett w«#ti out iu soap-

*. ,|*..»i a im*r br»nh mix oue-lialf i d *jo'h of s.iit mid tlour. nnd nib

through -<i> I into brl-th-w. shake out !h«- brush will l>e clean atnl whip*.

*»*•! dee- no* soften Ho? hrl*tl<*s #s gshltuf dot's

Turt>*'ntine will keep uiotii# away from woolans.

ltiack kid glove*, nave n way of rub­bing white at the tip*. This may in)

ni*-d by putting them on when and applying s very little vaseline

to each finger-tip. Rub the vaseline It into the kid until al! trace# of the a»c h»v«- disappeared. This ought to

t.< don** before >*kinR the glove# into regular use.

Whet! making an apple pie add a few drop* of lemon Juice to the aoptew and the apple* win keep tbclr color, while flavor l# improved,

remove1 xmeko #laiu» from I- cry.I mm t • tt in hyaline and t-o over it

Th.* l»'*it materiaK for « lUllo lad s; ,dtoot >*uit i-. corduroy. It stand# the Lear and tear better than anything

el»e.Atony* lower the ttsmpentUtrc of e men somewhat 15 or 20 minutes

after » roast ha** iweu t*i*r*’d iu it. Tills will insure, that the juices w ill be ( retained, *

l.emou Juice und eotumoit salt will iron row Horn whit" g*M.Kls (f

m: have nothing better at hand, eeuse her udvcrsarle# of had faiti* nd throw the resiionstbillty of a.c*m-

l l in on Tim Servian affair.... u pretext t<* make the Austrian#

mid German# heUevo that Russia's tjustified intervention in the Austro* •li difference was the role cause of

tie- general eonllaKratlon."bread a piece of tape through the J

button shank when sewing on a but­ton wherever j*oe#ible. and the button

ill not i-ninr off in n hurry.


The Young Bee and the Thief of Her Burrow-home.

The 'mini, itt passing, carelessly : ..vUlmd hi# caue against the wall-j flower. ,,t»d #he went oft from it a f | though »h* were a rocket and y lc ; cane u match.

She was a b*v -r.ot very big. heir.it’ ontv at>out half au inch In lengthy? but she was blii< k, with towny-yellow j legs, aud she was very hairy, and | somehow- that made her look larger.; than Kite was Also her bum made • her seem more dangerous than site i . ally was, for there la some doubt as ' to whether her wring could h*v<# plerc-

d anybody's skin. At that moment ■ u-ring honey and pollen. •

she wn*

by one bird, unco nearly caught by another. ntt*j onc« ttUscked by rotiu- big wa#p thing, they left thotnxelve# down to a clay bank The face of the bank was alive with femulcit of oub- life's own kind, rustling iu nnd c ho!* - * ach to her own hole Fu air was alive, too. with males, dancing the inadih'st dizzy, humming dance that ever you saw.

Our bee hurried straight to her own burrow, only to bump into another bee who wn# coming out T|tfs bee was more slim, and black, with white spots on her body She harried away, and our bee, instead of killing her. ns site ought to have done, rushed In anil placed her store# of honey and "pollen beside the egg she had already laid.

Then «h<* eeiiH-uted the vvnlls up. and came away happy Hut nhe might have saved berrolf the trouble, tor Hi*- other he*- was a "cuckoo." who had already laid un egg there Iw r#elf. the grub from which would eat up all th«* money amd pollen intended for our bee# own grub,


The attemp. to find an illuutinatiti» account of tbe tacton# which may modi fv or determine the growth of hair will usually be » vain one. The old* r writers, who did not always hesitate to make dogmatic statement* when they were reipilml to produce a fin­ished account, sometime* discussed the subject with considerable freedom. Not ho the modern scientific author, who realizes that every sentence from his pen is likely to be subjected to tbe scrutiny and criticism of non,*-one who has studied the topic at lirst hand. Th** general description# of the processes of growth have been Satisfactory Farts court mine these prt*r*-».»*-# aro P"t man* tit antjuisitioiiN of pJi>#lolog>. but tiicy do not commonly rise to the level of practical problem#. Why dots ot doe* not the hair grow in cer­tain regions in certain individuals’ What are th*> condition# contributory to gttiWlk? I:**w ar*- the natural change# iu color brouclit about and what di lcrntlties lltcui?

Bxperiimutul sludu# in tbla field cannot readily be eonductc*! on man < ertain fact# arc. of course, matters of -common obs-rvatlon. The bean) grow* anew after shaving, and this tonsoria! prsctlce i# bcli» v.<: to stim­ulate tin- growth «if the hair. Pre­cisely why it do*’#, is nut clear Tho heard i* a Iso said to grow more rap­idly in summer.

if the pigno-ut which produces tho natural color ot tin? Imlr I# lacking, the hairs present a gray or white ap- P-jraiico The silvery color may for- liter h*- d"*> to flu- rrescuce of more or !*-## air in tli* hair To account for the blanching of the h air-the familiar «tc»mpaitim; nt of old age ant! a phenomenon which frc<iuently be­gin# long before middle hie Is fairly concluded - various view# have been to« forth at different tlm-* The sil­very gray appearance which is seen In aging person# (# .irobubly charjicf.-r- Ued to some extent by the oteurrettee of larg» r number of air cavitie i, and rmf by the destruction of the pig­ment. Hair pigment can oc destroy- cd only by the most vigoron# cbcmlrnf treatment. Dry hair# contain more a ir and. therefore, will appear some­what lighter in color thun :no!#l on*#, jet black hair may he drict to lb* ut­most without becoming white, and the hair of mummies dried through «hv centuries still show their pigment pte- <i#cly a# do tre»h hairs.

The explanation of the familiar coior-chntiges of the hair I# probably to bo found, tun in a destruction of pigment already present, not on any bleaching of halts already formed, but rather in « complete renewal of the It air. Pigmented hairs fail out and are replaced by unplgmentcd or white ones, rhe appearance of gray or white hair i#. thercfar<v-*ririhutcd to the formation of a new hair coat rather than fey the filtoratkm of the old one Compri-lcly pigniinri-d hair# never turn v? * . they fall out. It Is. neverih' l* observed that the pro- e*-## of pistwr.t formation may cease during '!>■ <P v, lopment of a lmlr. In

in pig-Up ' i the

i t*pac«*. till she could collect \ odd face, with huge :


• ■ to harmonize these slateiitcntN with the litany publlahed recortls of ha ir having turned white suddenly a# the presum able rm>*» •tJUrncc of flight o r o the r profound •'m otion’ A cnretul study of tlo* re­puted Instance# ha# invariably shown th a t they were mythical. It is popu­larly related tha t Marie Antoinette grew gray during the night a fte r she was condemned to he executed. It t* tru e tha t a t her death he r ha ir was g ray : but he r biograpners all m w l that lo r ha ir bttd been gray long be­fore the tim e of her death. It f# a!»n Unite possible tha t the - h inge in her ha ir while in p ibyn "n* due to Un- fac t that she did not have ue ifs# lu h a ir dye* as 1 other toilet py> p.im lions. This may ro n e Jo iilustrate th e value " f hearsay «Vidcucv* und popular Hail it (or.

The cm»pk-««K# ebaoro# which th -


\W A L K E R T O N I T R i .R W I P R V U .K R R fO M O N T ., D E C E M B E R H ist

[BIG STOCK - TAKING SALEOn at McBurney’s .20 P er Cent off II T h is A nnua l E v e n t S t a r t s

S atu rday jan uary 2nd

a n d C o n t in u e s u n til

S A T U R D A Y , J A N . 2 3 r d , 1 5

This is Our Annual Reduction Sale Giving 20 Per Cent Discount on a il Goods Bought a t this Sale.

I E v e r y t h in g in S tcr.k .fio e s a t M c B U R N E Y 'S i B IG S A L E fo r 1 9 D a y s , B e g in n in g S A T ­

U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 n d .

W e c o m m e n c e t h e N e w Y e a r of 1 9 1 5 w it h o u r B ig R e d u c tio n S a le t h a t is b o u n d to a p p e a l t o e v e ry o n e in n e e d of D r y G o o d s . E v e r y t h in g g oe s w it h a r u s h f ro m th e s t a r t to f in is h . J u s t th in U f o r a m o m e n t o f t h e s a v in g it is to g e t a re a l r e d u c t io n o f a t le a s t 2 0 p e r c e n t o ff r e g u la rp u r c h a s e y o u m a k e . G o o d s m a r k e d in p la in f ig u re s so y o u c a n soe f o r y o u r s e lf t h a t t h e r e is no fake a b o u t o u r sa le , n u m e r o u s a r t ic le s i.p to S O p e r c e n t le ss th a n r e g u la r p r ic e s , n o n e le ss t h a n 2 0 p e r c e n t .

p ric e s o n e v e ry A m o n g s t t h e O f f e r in g s y o u w il l fin d

Everything Included, Choose for Yourself in this Sweeping SaleS ilk s Gloves R ib b o n s H o s ie ry P r i n t s M itts

S q u a re s an d Rug's T ies O v e rco a ts C o tto n s T ow els Fla. •’e le t te s B la n k e tsL in o leu m s Shirts. S u i t s L inens T o w e l in g s W ra p , '’e t te s C o m fo r te r sM e n 's F u r n i s h in g s C olla rs Oilcloths L a w n s S h e e t in g s F la n n e ls L ad ie s ’ w e a r

A nd M any o th e r l ines in o u r well a s s o r t e d s tock2o p er ecut on all D ress Goods i« black am! plain

colors and tweed dffc is, re g u la r price p e r yd.. 2 5 c . vn> $ 3

Brocaded V e lve ts iu a ll th e new shades for d resses and w aists, ou r spccia l$ i q u a lity sale p r 7 5 c

B eau tifu l P ailette S ilk s , 36 inches wide, o u r best re liab le $ r an d $ t .25 q u a litie s ,sa il p r . 7 5 c yd

25c, 30c and 30c p lain am! fauev. S ilk R ibbons 4 to 6 inches w ide, c le arin g for sto ck tak in g

1 5 c . a y ard , 2 y ard s fo r 25c.

L id ic s ’ F ancy li tivn W ais s all sizes irood sty les.75c afidS ^c ones on sa le a 1 3 9 c each

, 1.30 and $2 Fancy w aists in lovely sheerm ateria ls on .salt; at 5 0 c each

• Come ea rly for these

Special S ale of Ladies* and heavy < tild ren s Uo.it-tu g s on safe a t $ 1 .7 5 per yard

Sr 00 “ “ 1 . 5 0$1 25 am i 1.30 “ “ 9 S c per yard

6.. -. T able*!.incus, z yards wide, sale p r 4 5 c y,<i;d

51 30 ami 4.00S ilk Under)- k ir ts a l l tl e ! ew V hadessplendid w earing qualities, spec ; 11 pr $ 2 . 7 5

15c , ‘ioc and 25c E m broideries, Race and In se r­tions. T h e re is a sp lend id choice in th is lot allall a t one s a ls price 1 O c per yd

l 2 ‘i c and 15c W rappere tto s and F la n n e le tte s r p to a yard wide, pood co lo rings a nd designs all

. 1 O c a yardone price,

60c; C orduroy V elvet, 27 inches wide for d ress m - tcria ls, c lean in g out now o n ly jw* \ a id 4 5 c

All lad les’ and C h ild ren 's ready towe r H i t - ' bough?,now at a sav ing 'o f 30 to ;o per

L adies M isses and C h ild rens W imc; 'newsty le s , now w hen you-need them , at ;* sav ing of 25 to 50 p e r cent. T hese w ill not las t long

m e, 12 ' • a and r 5c E m bro ideries, Laces and In se r­tions. all exceptional sn ap w hile they last on ly p er y a rd . . . . . . S c .

C h ild ren 's 25c V ests, now 15c each 2 for 2 5 c .

20c am i 250 Em broidered H andkerch ie fs 15c 2. for2 5 c .

R em nan ts of all : . U «f goods w ill Ire on ourB cm naitt tab le w hieb will m ean a sav in g of 1 th ird to one h a lf off re g u la r p rices *S h o rt ends of every d iserip tiou in th is lot

» per c e n t off all Men s ami Bov a S u its am i O v­ercoats dt;rinv <111 R ig S to c k -tak in g Sale,

Specia l Sw eater T o il Prices. W e have a bigM pugc of th ese a il size;v from 3 y ea rs up . N o th ing S >s th an 20 per <.ent, som e a* a sav ing o f 25 to per cent.

M en's and Roy's 30c Tie*, broken asso rtm en t of - a r ? v C h ris tm a s stock ,special a t 2 5 c elicit

$ 1.00 m l I . 3 K n itted aud fancy S ilk S carvesand M ufflers, choose th em tiow, c u ly . 6 5 c

Big B lanket B argains, $3.50 W ool B lankets 6ox *>•» about. 25 p a irs in th is lot ail at one price en iy $2 75 per pair. A ll o th e r B lan k ets 20 per cen t off re g u la r prices.

R oy’s and M en 's C ravenette and R ubber ra in coats a ll sizes, prices * 7.50an d $8.50, sp p r $ 5 . 7 5

M en 's F an cy V ests af 25 to 50 p er ceut off re g u la r prices, tra v e lle rs S am ples of various artic lesa t a b ig saving.

W e have a. su p erb selec tion of B u g s , M ats and hoy-- S quares iu B russe ls , V elvet, A xiutniu* ■>tev,' W ilton au ‘ T ap e stry .a ll a t a reduction of 20 er cent

S a t u r d a y M o r n in g , J a n u a r y 2 n d , w e o p e n th is W o r t h W h ile D ale in a w h ir l w i n d o f v a lu e s , t h a t y o u c a n n o t a ffo rd t o m is s . T a k e a d v a n ta g e e a r ly of its m a tc h le s s o p p o r t u n it ie s f o r m o n e y s a v in g . D o n ’ t h e s ita te . S o m e t h in g y o u n e e d m a y b e s o ld w h ile y o u c o n s id e r . Y o u k n o w o u r r e c o r d f ro m p r e ­v io u s s a le s . W h a t w c a d v e r t is e w c d o . K e e p th is d a te in m ir 'd . S h o p in th e m o r n in g w h o # c o n v e n ie n t . N o S a le G o a d s e x c h a n g e d a f t e r S a t . J a n a r y 2 3 r d

McBURNRY C o W alker tonIt' III A- (lm n il i.-r tin* only inn* The » inuul C- O. F. oyster supperr o u .11 wh«< fisw n iithu d for w ilt W t f U e n S f w Ye.-u V cvc. O rlyHell «. nfivi,' Hi, yon..* of the Forester - mid thvlt families wilt teviiii»«t-fi»i.i i 2 <*««•, ».»A *■Iv of admit It t hi* year

h i? ! »«)*<> IK*? tu s k i t i» r a l li* h«uo* :<>» liw , Mt. -Sjrt 0? Toronto occupiedt tkiV < 1

ant i» liiunl-ttic |>iil|iil iii tlie Pies, etuucli on Sun.day. H‘ v. Mr. IVckovrr wilt preach

rOllli W next S a nlay.Wit' pent n lo w in g miltill! aiki'ftM '.t vi 1 In* kiluJ- Me*** . 11, Huhei and Loyd t'inker-im t 1 "Ant. L .i« S > m - ton are rrparim: ?<> inatmfACtut-e ice

Mi . VV. V ■S-.lumvt.'h la the fa r palace. ^

A h« . in visit li'K lm .1* Mr. 1 uutubei Hi u-nded the closing.Mr-. J- tm At ex.;«vo? at the school on Wednesday

<*i t .- tw esk. The td io cl rbildrenaent

« f f


a It Ilf ; 1. 11 . li

Us-- U,*| ■ 1 flit-1 Mr.

;t Hindi contribution of (heir own in mejf* la the »ick cb itiln iii t>o£{4bd. ~ ,

JIh l ' M k FJoke**i Inui lind the ' "so -. -uni,; ti ■ 'l l* ill ! t|in electric.light i»«7t into Ida house and

Vlv!> sty. biirn.

T h e H isto ry of th eC o u n ty of B ru ce

And of The

Minor Municipalities ThereinitlY NOK.MAX ItOHEHTSON) *

fo rty Illustrations, Sixteen M aps,Hve Hundred and Sixty P ap es.

Tlic'abtfye volum e covers th e h is to ry of th e c o u n ty from th e d ay s w hen it was th e h u n tin g g ro u n d s nf th e In d ia n s to N o v em b er tq o 6. I t has eleven ch a p te rs devoted to th e cbn»i> ^.j. :t y ho lr followed l y t wenty seven ch a p te rs , each of w hich take.*, up the h is to ry of on j k th e tow ns, to w n ­sh ips o r v illages. A ccom panying th e ch a p te r on each 1 own.ship is a m ap of it, cleat Jy show ing each farm iot there in .

In addition to being au h istorical n a r ra tiv e in th is work there are to be found many personal *in- c id e u ts re la tu ig to se o re so f p ro m in en t m en in all parts: of th e county .

A num ber < f h isto rica l docum ents have been cg!levied-and arc psin ted iu th e . ppeudix, along w on .. large am oun t of s ta tis tic a l inform ation both ui which arc im p o rtan t to have nreserxedT he ed ition is a lim ited one.

Kcgulai Price, CI0II1 Blndlnu S2 .50T in - liisi.il V will be sen t to 1 iio.se win, renew th e ir su b se tip lio n s to the T m rsco i-n for 7 5 c o r both

The Telescope for one year and the History of Bruce for

$ 1 . 7 5 4