Whose Nest is This?

Whose Nest is This?

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Whose Nest is This?

Introduction / Instructions

• Bird nests come in all shapes and sizes!

• This game has six nests from birds that are “Species at Risk.”

• “Species at Risk” means they aren’t doing well and need our help!

• How can you help? Learning more about these birds is the first step!

Whose Nest is This? Click on “Helpful Tips” to see the chicks and habitat! To see which bird the nest belongs to, click on “Find the Answers”

This bird borrows

an abandoned

burrow from a

gopher or badger.

They love to eat


beetles and mice!

Habitat: native prairie with

cattle or bison.

This bird prefers grasses

that are not too tall or

too short. They like wide

open spaces. Look for

this bird in native prairie

pastures or rangelands.

It takes this bird over a

thousand trips to build their

nest with mud, grass, or

twigs! A family of barn

swallows can eat thousands

of mosquitoes in a summer!

This bird lives in trees or shrubs

near wild grassy areas. They

impale their prey (mice, bugs,

snakes) on thorny bushes or

trees, or barbed wire before

they eat their meal.

True or False?

The ground in a riparian habitats have moist (damp or wet)

This bird lays their eggs on the

sandy, gravel area beside ponds,

lakes, sloughs or rivers. The hunt

for bugs on the beach.

This bird of prey will use a

cliff, tree or building to

protect their HUGE nest

from predators. This

species is considered to be

“Climate Endangered.”

As our climate changes,

there will be less habitat




Sprague’s Pipit

Barn Swallow



Piping Plover



Image Credits: Pipit—O. Balas, Pipit nest—S.Vinge, Pipit Habitat—D. Steinaker, Shrike —T. Davidson, Shrike Nest—A. Kotylak, Shrike—A. Fortney, Ferruginous Hawk—E. Putz, Hawk nest—K. Burrows, two cows—T. Davidson, Plover Habitat and Nest—K. Burrows, Plover Chicks—David Krughoff, Burrowing Owl—J. Ng, Owl chick—Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre, Barn Swallow—K. Miyamoto, Swallow chicks—L.T. Flavel, Swallow Habitat—C. Mroz.

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