YET4H - Humans of Digital Health - Slide Deck

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NigeriaLack of inclusion of

LGBTQI+ individuals in thehealthcare service

delivery in Nigeria; Digitalhealth as a solution



LGBTQI individuals in Nigeria are especiallyvulnerable to discrimination in healthcare, from

humiliation and harassment to denial ofnecessary medical care. To avoid mistreatment,LGBTQIA+ people delay and sometimes forgomedical care, increasing their risk of furtherphysical and mental health conditions like

depression, chronic diseases, substance use,and suicidality. In my story, we hear from the

LGBTQI community how digital health could helpprovide them with important health information

and reduce the discrimination they face. Grace IsongAkpanSocial Worker

Grace Isong Akpan


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I held conversations with my peers andrealized they were going through somany physical and emotional healthchallenges and didn't have enough

psychological support at theirdisposal. So I imagined a heath

application that my peers and otheryoung people can use in the comfort

of their homes and in all confidentialityto seek the support they need.

KenyaMy story focuses on the

mental health issuesyoung people face andhow to help using digital




Cliffton AfandeSigariDigital Marketing andSoftware Design


Cliffton Afande


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Anjelou Marie Estrella



Anjelou MarieEstrellaSenior ImplementationManager - reach52

Demonstrating how ourdigital health platforms are

being used to improvehealth services in lower-

resource settingshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVuHluIWLsQ&t=42s


Digital solutions are critical inimproving the healthcare system indeveloping countries. Most of thecommunities I am working with arebased in rural areas where accessto healthcare services is limited. Asa public health advocate, I want

share the positive impact ofutilizing technology in service

delivery network.

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Samuel Lamptey (Nii Lante)



YoungExperts:Tech for Health @yet4uhc yet4h @yet4uhc YoungExperts Tech 4 Health


Samuel NiiLartey LampteySocial Worker

Using interactive theatreperformances to

empower young peopleto access information onreproductive health on

their mobile phones

This idea was inspired by the recentincrease in teenage pregnancy cases in

Ghana. One of the many causes ofteenage pregnancy in Ghana is the lackof timely and accessible information for

young people. So my story focuses on howmy team and I use interactive theatreperformances to show teenagers howthey can access reproductive health

information and services via mobile healthapplications.



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Strengtheningrural cardio

healthcare systemhttps://www.youtube.com/




Dr. PriyanshShahMedical Doctor

Inequitable access to health servicesbetween rural and urban India inspired my

story. We are currently working on deployingdigital ECG machines at Primary and

Community health centers across India. Thiswill provide access to ECG and specialistdoctors at the peripheries. We are in the

process of deploying over 100 machines inthe next month which will provide access to

almost 3 million people in rural areas.


Priyansh Shah


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We got inspired from a truestory of a women losing herchild because the lack ofambulances. I wished toshow how technology, AIand digital tools can solve

such problems and improvequality of life.

Using technology and AI tostrengthen Medical

Emergency transport inAfrica to reduce maternal

and child death https://youtu.be/



Republic ofCongo

Kalala RolandKongoloMedical Student & Co-Founder - Medicab

Roland Kongolo

@Roland Kongolo

Roland Kongolo


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Shannon ThomHIV Program Coordinator

My project explores someof the positive functions of

social media for youthmental well-being, which

tend to be rarely discussedin the mental health space



For me, digital health is not onlyabout cutting-edge technology and

gadgets that facilitate medicalcare, but also the many ways in

which everyday technologies affectour health more holistically. Digitaltechnologies are a determinant ofhealth that impacts everyone, and

these impacts are highly contextual.


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The struggles immigrants and other nativeshave to go through to get health care in

different countries due to inaccessible healthhistory, language barrier, the wrong

diagnosis inspired my idea. My story imaginesa digital health application, where all my

medical history is stored. I can then share thisinformation with any health worker who can

access accurate medical records andprovide me with the correct diagnosis.

Creating stress-freeaccess to quality

health carehttps://www.youtube.com/



Ernest KyeiResearch Assistant


Ernest Ohene Kyei


Ernest Kyei


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Digital innovations forachieving Universal

Health Coverage (UHC2030) - The Ghana Story



Dr. GideonAssanMedical Doctor

First, to place the digital healthecosystem in Ghana in focus onattracting the necessary policy

interventions and investments andsecond so that other young people,

especially entrepreneurs, areinspired to go into digital health tohelp build a more holistic, equitable

health system in Ghana.


Assan Gideon


Gideon Assan


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Exploring the impactof social media on themental health of youngIndian women and girls




Tanvi NairContent & StrategyManager

Experiences of women around me, myfriends, colleagues, acquaintances, mine

too. While social media is wonderfullyused as a tool for networking, connectionand business, the mental health impact on

women in India has largely goneunaddressed. It is only fair that we bring

to thr forefront, stories and experiences ofthese women to a global platform.


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