RELUCTANT CONFIDENT FEARLESS CONSCRIPT TRAINED VETERAN MOTIVATION AND SKILL Britain fielded two armoured brigades, one from the Royal Tank Regiment, and one of cavalry regiments converted to tanks. Both are trained and ready for action. An Armoured Regiment is Confident Trained. (TANK COMPANY) HEADQUARTERS DIVISIONAL SUPPORT PLATOONS Regiment HQ HEADQUARTERS 118 COMBAT COMPANIES WEAPONS PLATOONS Armoured Company ARMOUR 119 Armoured Company ARMOUR 119 Divisional Cavalry Carrier Platoon RECONNAISSANCE 123 127 Scout Car Patrol INFANTRY Rifle Platoon (Territorial) LOC Platoon 125 129 Fusiliers Portés Platoon 149 Air Support 167 Armoured Company ARMOUR 119 You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each box shaded grey. British companies can have French troops (marked ) as support options. Remember that these platoons retain their own rules and ratings, and count as Allied Platoons (see page 183 of the rulebook). AIRCRAFT e HQ, Light and Cruiser Platoons of an Armoured Company operate as separate platoons, each with their own Platoon Command team. e HQ Platoon is a headquar- ters in name only. It operates the same as any other platoon led by a normal Platoon Command team. Although its platoons operate as separate platoons for all other purposes, an Armoured Company deploys all at the same time as a single platoon. For example, this means that you treat the entire Armoured Company as a single platoon when calculating the number of platoons held in Ambush or Reserve. CHARGE! British armoured regiments displayed a distinct ‘cavalry’ attitude, even on occasion launching charges in tradi- tional cavalry style. Due to their light armour and inabil- ity to successfully engage anti-tank guns, the armoured regiments fighting in France lost large numbers of tanks in their attacks. In the true ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ tradition, they were still keen to fight on. An Armoured Regiment ignores the first platoon Destroyed when calculating Victory Points. Light Mk VI B tanks maybe upgraded to Light Mk VI C tanks for +5 points per tank. Light Mk VI B tanks maybe upgraded to Light Mk VI C tanks for +15 points per Light Platoon. ARMY SIZE: 1170 POINTS Armoured Regiment HQ Colonel Colonel Regiment HQ Company Command A10 Cruiser Mk II 2iC Command Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B Armoured Company Major Subaltern Light Platoon Command Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B Subaltern Cruiser Platoon Command A13 Cruiser Mk III A13 Cruiser Mk III A13 Cruiser Mk III Major HQ Platoon Command A13 Cruiser Mk III A13 Cruiser Mk III A9 Cruiser Mk I CS Armoured Company Major Subaltern Light Platoon Command Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B Major HQ Platoon Command A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV A9 Cruiser Mk I CS A9 Cruiser Mk I CS Subaltern Cruiser Platoon Command A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV

: 1170 P - Flames Of · PDF filecavalry regiments converted to tanks. ... British companies can have French troops ... Light and Cruiser Platoons of an Armoured

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Motivation and SkillBritain fielded two armoured brigades, one from the Royal Tank Regiment, and one of cavalry regiments converted to tanks. Both are trained and ready for action. An Armoured Regiment is Confident Trained.

(tank CoMpany)









l su



t p




Regiment HQ

















Armoured Company



Armoured Company


Divisional Cavalry Carrier Platoon


123127Scout Car Patrol

infantRyRifle Platoon (Territorial)

LOC Platoon


Fusiliers Portés Platoon


Air Support


Armoured Company



You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each box shaded grey.British companies can have French troops (marked ) as support options. Remember that these platoons retain their own rules and ratings, and count as Allied Platoons (see page 183 of the rulebook).


The HQ, Light and Cruiser Platoons of an Armoured Company operate as separate platoons, each with their own Platoon Command team. The HQ Platoon is a headquar-ters in name only. It operates the same as any other platoon led by a normal Platoon Command team.

Although its platoons operate as separate platoons for all other purposes, an Armoured Company deploys all at the same time as a single platoon. For example, this means that you treat the entire Armoured Company as a single platoon when calculating the number of platoons held in Ambush or Reserve.

Charge!British armoured regiments displayed a distinct ‘cavalry’ attitude, even on occasion launching charges in tradi-tional cavalry style. Due to their light armour and inabil-ity to successfully engage anti-tank guns, the armoured regiments fighting in France lost large numbers of tanks in their attacks. In the true ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ tradition, they were still keen to fight on.

An Armoured Regiment ignores the first platoon Destroyed when calculating Victory Points.

Light Mk VI B tanks maybe upgraded to Light Mk VI C tanks for +5 points per tank.

Light Mk VI B tanks maybe upgraded to Light Mk VI C tanks for +15 points per Light Platoon.

Army size: 1170 Points

Armoured Regiment HQ



Regiment HQ

Company Command A10 Cruiser Mk II

2iC Command Light Mk VI B

Light Mk VI B

Armoured Company



Light Platoon

CommandLight Mk VI B

Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B


Cruiser Platoon

CommandA13 Cruiser Mk III

A13 Cruiser Mk III A13 Cruiser Mk III


HQ Platoon

CommandA13 Cruiser Mk III

A13 Cruiser Mk III

A9 Cruiser Mk I CS

Armoured Company



Light Platoon

CommandLight Mk VI B

Light Mk VI B Light Mk VI B


HQ Platoon

Command A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV

A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV

A9 Cruiser Mk I CS A9 Cruiser Mk I CS


Cruiser Platoon

Command A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV

A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV

A13 Mk IICruiser Mk IV

tally ho!Tally Ho! means that the listed weapon does not suffer any penalty to its ROF for shooting on the move at ranges up to 16”/40cm. In effect, it is assumed to be firing on the move at all times!

They cannot shoot when Moving at the Double.

deCk turret MgGuns mounted in deck turrets have an all-round field of fire, except where their rotation is blocked by the vehicle’s super-structure or other turrets.

BroadSideOnly the turret facing is used in determining whether a shot hits the front or the side armour of a tank with a weapon that uses the Tally Ho! rule. The facing of the hull is irrelevant.

The Broadside rule does not apply when the tanks move At the Double, as they always march with their turrets pointing forwards.

The twelve-gun organisation of the early-war Field Battery, Royal Artillery with its mixed gun types is quite different from the later all 25 pdr eight-gun battery covered by the rulebook. To handle the changes we wrote the Twelve-gun Battery, Combined Bombardment, and Mixed Battery rules to replace the Eight-gun Battery, Rounds On the Ground, and Mike Target rules in the rulebook.

twelve-gun BatteryThe battery’s Staff team is an Independent team which can join any Gun Troop as required. However, any Gun Troop within Command Distance of the battery’s Staff team, whether or not the Staff team joins it, counts as having a Staff team (allowing it to use the All Guns Repeat! rule for instance).

Gun Troops that are not within Command Distance of the Staff team can use the Combined Bombardment special rule to co-ordinate their artillery fire with the other Gun Troops.

CoMBined BoMBardMentAny Gun Troop within Command Distance of the battery’s Staff team may act as the base of a combined bombardment. Any other Gun Troops from the battery (whether within Command Distance of the Staff team or not) may join the base troop before

rolling to Range In and fire as a single combined Artillery Battery with a Staff team.

If the number of weapons in the combined battery is:Five or less, use the normal artillery rules.Six to eight, you may either:

Use a double-width (12”/30cm by 6”/15cm) Artillery Template to determine which teams can be hit, or Use a normal Artillery Template, but re-roll all failed rolls To Hit.

Nine to Twelve, use a double-width (12”/30cm by 6”/15cm) Artillery Template, but re-roll all failed rolls To Hit.

Mixed BatteryIf three or more OQF 4.5” howitzers fire in a Combined Bombardment, then all of the guns and howitzers firing count as having an Anti-tank rating of 4 and a Firepower rating of 5+.

If only one or two OQF 4.5” howitzers fire, the Concentrated Bombardment uses the Mixed Bombardments rule on page 133 of the rulebook, so all weapons firing will count as OQF 18 pdr guns rated with an Anti-tank of 3 and a Firepower of 6.


BritiSh BulldogBritish platoons may re-roll failed Motivation Tests to Counterattack in assaults.

Carry on, SergeantA leaderless British platoon may Launch Assaults. They do not have to Break Off, but may Counterattack if they pass their Motivation Test.

Guards forces use all of the standard British special rules. In addition they have their own Unflappable special rule.


Guards Platoons fight to the last and may re-roll any failed Platoon Morale Checks. Your Company Command team may re-roll Company Morale Checks.

Scottish forces use all of the standard British special rules. In addition they have their own Bagpipes special rule.

BagpipeSScottish Rifle Companies have a Bagpiper 2iC Command team. If a Bagpiper 2iC Command team is Destroyed by enemy shooting, roll a die.

On a roll of 4+, the piper’s music inspires the surviving team members to keep going and the team is returned to play immediately.

Otherwise, the piper and his officer meet a heroic end.

Any hits on the Bagpiper 2iC Command team do not count towards Pinning Down the platoon.






ArmourName Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

light tankS

Light Tank Mk VI B Half-tracked 1 1 1 Co-ax MG. Vickers 0.5” MG 16”/40cm 3 3 5+

Light Tank Mk VI C Half-tracked 1 1 1 Co-ax MG. Besa 15mm gun 16”/40cm 2 5 5+ Broadside, Tally Ho.

CruiSer tankS

A9 Cruiser Mk I CS Fully-tracked 1 0 1 Co-ax MG, Two Deck-turret MG, Unreliable. OQF 3.7” mortar 16”/40cm 2 - - Smoke only, Broadside, Tally Ho. Firing Bombardments 40”/100cm - - - Smoke bombardment only.

A10 Cruiser Mk II Fully-tracked 2 2 1 Co-ax MG, Slow tank, Unreliable. OQF 2 pdr gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Broadside, No HE, Tally Ho.

A13 Cruiser Mk III Fully-tracked 1 0 1 Co-ax MG, Fast tank, Unreliable. OQF 2 pdr gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Broadside, No HE, Tally Ho.

A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV Fully-tracked 2 1 1 Co-ax MG, Fast tank, Unreliable. OQF 2 pdr gun 24”/60cm 2 7 4+ Broadside, No HE, Tally Ho.

vehiCle MaChine-gunS

Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.

tank teams