1At* :>»r.»l| TaV.*..T*mf CArTTOHTlA -vm'* r».*e<B ¦¦raw* eneas mm M fi'.'-'i eats t-s :. ¦'. . s-.er. :»o.i.. <-:¦ I Oi .. i »f.; y -f > , 'mh M .»t» u-<.» .*.....,'<. : .' t n Weenie > 9 «..¦I» .>!'¦. :>r. q .. H Bar. ''' I U SMaS of BBSd rr. ?. I, Fi rcJu1L *.T;Rx> txii,3d ttkf^ivtBc*,hotrod,exelaast« >'"" ». ataVsai It wBo-h ue «>oaa CsMM'Wm**, AfTMl >. t> iBABBa <vr Ter. H».*f»T, T*im<« r. ,St»':«. ,i, BOWBL«, I. \r\ KlBXBVI .A *mru. b>i Main i oj4. l mnTs '. '1 ' lj n.aa'. atid I»mI«<t<. i.n i.*-.), (of «Ii .-?>./.?... Aj-r'e to Dr *». .'. Kni 'i, Ni !,l K-iv!«o, NmT ik. ftr kMMeM .>lf'« «-iib. r i ' eap I H »Barvb,ef «Irr«. Lere. I> o. I »!»'. ':...« N«-»-V »,». j uc y.ij «». .uirKubci .oi.:. !i' t aa l.ia S4CM. t Adret... f.'i' J fI IB1 Oaü ;.Gas tixti.r» s, einen «rd be'.utifiil Urs »!.?. »Ul * '. Um .' .i.i .. i.. j defat if lion \Vjimk4ii i,n inj Bi :w*t. BROOKLYN ITEMS. fJftUUIM Annsv.. A man tnrnei Js^e« Smith, xrrMii.g tt No. ITS OoWOOrd street, wia <i*T;;isroT»<!y wtwbV'il on SVur 'ay Bight by tw I Hermans n ;th whim lie bud an alten*, tiao. All of the y r. rt'.»« ara.esa] tr( the p,a«^-hou**f la Cooootd street, nearGobi, east .bont 10} o'e.Urk on Saturday night Smith mean stand¬ ing cavcrst/i m with JiVha'd Leonard tt the cor¬ ner of Concord andfroH, whea Krane*« I 3ariager an ' KVtee Winc>*c!l < «.rr;c Uj> and a«k d thorn to go and take adriak of lag^r b*.«r. wir b thoy did r.». PVaacil N-; 1- aaan'e houee, No. 'JUo Gold street. While hew a quar¬ rel took pkv*e betv.-e- n |ha par.; * ehuateoaaetxiaTa, asil they w^nt oat into *.Iio street. When opposite the eayine-l #UN of No. 11, io G i ¦. iisturbauce be« arrv-g' ti.-ral, and the huya aro.o i house urged Smith on to IgM the fJermsns. He nt.u k tbem .nee er twice, when they Ohaaad him to the cirn'ir of tJold and Coemofd, and "tabbed btaj with their knivc. lie wae Hev. r*'y injured, au i was tiken f' hythe bystawJei-s. Dr. r.yn'-h was cai'e.1 ia to dress hin wounds, aud found one deep wound in the ba k of the neeh, two on the hoed, aud one in the Utt shoulder. Iiis tat and coat wero much out up. The trouadl were boucd up without pruhtag, as the extent of the "injury was not ascertained. Me Heu in a very critica' condition, and may not recover. Teadavday Sergeaa Patterscu and Ofllcsara Phehta and MeBride pro seeded to arr''«» Wiuehel'. The t vo oflleen fouad h m about arson in Lia boeW, aid Ibwud a dirk-keif' on hi- Der« eon. He was tak"n t<> the Second District 8tatIon- Mouse. Th ether Geraaau had wet been arreeted bust c-eening. Baasth dot i not attaeh auuoh blame to them, he <ociid< rs hin «..! tie e.-g-et,S((r< Smith is a nun of family, and is about f irty yean of age, Fti.ai.im. a kfABURT'Waooa CowteüTs.. About 2 o'eloeh on .Saturday nauruiug OfBoar Calahnn a*i<*un a dim.m aasaed Aadraw Hoothe,at the ferand-atreet ferry, on so /..re.n of having in his pos- ecaeioii a atoll n horse, WUgow, and a load of potatoes. Yeateruay a fanner from ItOcheway ajip^ired at the Fifth Di tri t Station-Hoii« i. A rl.-iirned the property. Jt appears thnt a men in his aanptoy started for asarket on Friday night, hi I, probably be om ng LatOXtcated, tell out of the wagen at East Xew-Yorh, and trat aomewbet injured. The horse aattauad on until taken in obarga by IImthe, who aiincluded to take the prodawu bo marhet and esupeee ef i'. Ho was sbsposrd of by beiag ehe I up for examine'ijn to-day. Past.i, Oorarxarxii ICoaar..-BobettBttr, who keeps a porter-house ut the loot of liridge ajjaet, wn< arrested on I ridar eight by OJacec MuBeide, of the Second l'n cin<-t, on a ohai ga of pas bag e enterfait f.> aotos of the i.'e Baak, Alar?., oa Thomaa Coouar, heeper of a porteivhoiiau, ai d BaaiBel Mott, a milk¬ man, lie a'-o. 1 ; !j.' c 'unt'-rfeit bill of th« I!k *>f South]»ort ou John M( llhenoy, at the earner of Bahtge aad Joha str.-ei-. lie was taken befare Jnatioa C'ornwcli ou Saturday, cud c aaaaalttad in fall to await the actioi. of t!.. ilrundJary. Banrrai haaai it..-, tWoman..a woman named Mary lliiie« lUuMfaag in Tillan sfroet, was kno?k(d ekiwn, and brutally kicked and l-'-a: n. by n n. i.-hl. r named Mtebael Mewy, yesterday ruoruing, He was aiTestrd byBargeaad Patterson of the Beeoud Precinct, »n.d held to awad the resu't of the woman a injuriea. fsccixvaar..A boy ahaat eleven yuan of age, named ltnrney I.aoghlh , residio'-* at No. TH Waahhag« ton rtreet, area aeueiuly injured on Saturday at> .] . i»oon by falling through the beatUI in a factory ia procer« «l" eriH tii'U iu 1'i u.t *trcet, OWI ed ley Cainjv. beil et Thayer. He fell a dtataaoe 0 :i Ibet, and strm k on his head. He wai takea to Dr. Qlldlhta'a oflieo, and thence to his rcsiJem DARisri Kori kv..Tho house of Franc is Cotton, No. H9 First place, was robbed on Saturday night, nliout 9 o'clock, of a large qoaatity of bHtot plate, valued at about li'Mo, i,y soioe adroit ihief. The fam¬ ily had paitaken of t«"n, nud tho rilver w ire was pa. ki d away in u ba»ket for the purpoee of being kahaaapate] - ni the ¦ {htj the basket wai placed on a table in the back baeeuiei t. The attention of the servant was lulled to the fmnt doot by a person who *waa inquiring for sr«a»e penou ta the VSTflwity, aad it was. at thai time w' it tie lui-ket \s taki n. 1X0,171 st.-Coroner Keduing held an iuijuest on Batmday on the b dy of Philip DalllgUU, \ >. -t Main ifreet. who died ai disease ot the hearty Re was about 00 yeait of age. ami 1 .\ et U U .i b I BO family. &TitAt.!X4 ft \: PlXI I John If. I'arle Wf.« ar- .rented on Fri'tay Bight by Oflieer Hi'inn esn, for bar- ing in bie p»a*?ssii>n a birg« ouautify of gas fix tares, which bad hem ssasaatVomaoi ie dwelling. They can in aaewegthe rbirdD>atrmt8tation1Iouee. LA W INTELLIGENCE cm i kt Of (pvvox rlit AB Brarm Ttau fcrci TT Hri mm tmma Im.ruum. tmi law ok \itBtraATtoa, Sink I.xrt set. Thr ttitli llarr.uieJnth lei irty. Ibobauaji, P. J..The agweeaoBl to aabmll this sa.e to (.rMtratlsn wii aiaio-il '<j thr pru'.Unt urd two of th truttcri All oi the tlWSSecs vrrc prt-«out a: the arbitialiuft sud t'e>K put io .t. and ruoit. If a >t all of thein. « ere cxai .'.o«J at isVaawssi«. AJtawasjk tais ar*Unarj rale to n't a earpoiatloB lequiis« that It «hin.i.l jet i\ a uieoei a ..f tbe 1> .»ni '. ta< re may be cirruii itaaeei waata . .'.ef ea '.. ataitratara, aHbei rh at Iii*: laftnwaal, m»v Va TatWad ty the parties. Iu Haje art. Ha_v«, Zi \\ e:ni., joo iimlj- Cawea eaya: ' NenaBtac *'wli t the form w .. .li.l» r wklea ISM pan 1. a SStaoSttty pro- *' ir. dej, thr; were anaMaDi ..ittinjr to mud Bioaaettas the " wjaaaa.whs theeaatassataaaaato « taatrcantrowrdas. *'Taetr «et« ol them»ehe» aperatad »s a suaanlislosL" Jll !,. tjti A imp- ¦.'or, m.) «. i.i ie'.. t v. y. t!s.i Lv a furmul isaatattasa. IB bsruaaes n aamatirtanrnhe ritshllihadIrr eV'.iriitaneri I- T- , Co r P.._ f| U/ewJ., ..sa, \rrbal laatiu. t.ou, it... Ihr dttaetaes to an afaat, without .ay rura.ali. >.oUif. .i,. ».,, raBlcloiit. Ta aet« of ths l'ait. . u. <om-; t , ; ,-1, .. ., all lbs tri «tri. , :. ..... thearWtratioa I thlitk eaa ads thr «I .femiai '. upon tbe qteatien weather tl.»y asrre I to saiB> n.it t. it Tue saaar lata is taa llooad try laa Chaaeallor in the Atn.riian In- :r.:n *'e. »»l <i Pai»», .Vi|. Thaarts ¦ nil ssjsiiU ot rorp ik'. on«. i.ie .. al Lad Maats arbaana ir«'.aerj to wtiti" t e »y V lBlYtr*d froru other fcctsandrir- masat«iirr«, »it.Seiit « e. ' itlasi ol arer kwaarn I its St rvie.s u.. hi. .¦». eti- liatatua thai its s^atd u ostly »i»urJ t>> twwof tK- »rl -t»ter». By statute,? it B, a, lit, sea. T, n Is am «iderl Ihst tu «rra >i v a aWejasttf Of taa araBBWaSTS -iu', m> Valid, uple»« I'lt-rj' . . x|' j rii]ie.-,dlahbs Bmbivd'Mon i ibuii'-.ou ir tU . i n.' expre.-> prorlde« (Bat the drei»ioii oi a aua iunty pi ai ItUaataH akaU .oUi.« oo tveth part! a Ti e Soad, II U tr sewaks <.t au awaru hytbe arhtrator; but that la »iot material as U ai ». hs r >t. in>ssaaD(au i(r:itgu le Iu pjr» .au«"e of th- «.i!>rni-»i ..i. The ¦ward ia < .' il a thUie suBmlsatsa, and the aaotlae aaasl as d>oi««l, srfta ein its b. i..r» ladt« Haut I'edio Col! agt. BaaJ. Ls ry..-Order dbettargiag de- t 'daat Bess an KnncL- MnNteata«"t. G - Bait-i. .Drier for judg- ¦ ut. a. laaa istajs Br.«t»v. K eil,, k A. s a el ai. a,r. W n. H. Hlad 8 i »' .Ool.r for nvrnd 4,.-. « w* or BfEl U s; MIONB-^A .; Bel ' >. , t'o\.\oLLV and BaaWkSXL. nte eaaba a-sineut iu the way of organisation uu ler v«iiiei.th..t mitt has Ub.^. if,., the'.rw .ssasjsaM rv.t. Decaj Iii s<J at tri. Uwe *itd f..» opruu.-iti Se nnruioj. Ja%tirr Oahara area ret taa iu t.. eau-t upon hi* c.i«totu»rY d^. t. MOW «4 bad It, I.« tekarspi.ed :¦, Jutt,». Bn.a url. Ska »..nitli U.a.r- t. . . tat down asaia aud supply tlie * at. / .ll,. time pit'.l ... .1. '»« ail tu ,.',',: . H ... :. « S-lore.Ji Oiiii. .... uod u. ,«.«...J TueC-. nosiwe « . .arf -d U J. :.d a., p-es^dent v !j. M ^ rt| , u ».trat ... thr r«.-.-.rt - wa, l v . n-,,^.. Xhe f l mn i dasteMd m th ahuddlrd,.. p otortodiMis, o m imbrt- 1»| r-..n th- avria.- .-. .. t! .t ,...u)|v _J"i d ^ . ,-4 tlx. whole nun.» ar hf el sas tat d «, |. fg ffrl.. airadat weIr: trrty tirr pi-, i. eaa.-# Iwiaitj saaaw bat: m«m mt ten* .»..[»ndrd ea». a. A p.etij t -d er. p t>aaa;ju. iu -tt r-fht li»ara ' * Ihe fii.-t e <U«ri' tor judicial artbn were J »1 ;1 \v.l- ? oJ .t.'o M. j, t -kin Xariai.-p^l f-r itealirii, the rv'h Al i. »', a irli. Je, .i.-ilaialus tyuj uotea, aihrar coli, aud a ifgdyai .wd»ed ¦.»» t, *\ as ai law B.aVai '.s* si Ii « ta .'. . it-i .*. Tt-»f fog-m s w.te s' t>sm ''»j 's J i > »i -i » «er« -ied .*» sei .. *i--b »U I »VI I "DiplsiDirt wh.w »a. »a-kay !aio«»|B il .de ..» tt:.«:. Bot!. UraeeaSterJ 1ltd, ¦ I aase '"> aftcs ncstc-. Tl IH>H 'Mevt v 'W »n,»B f«r.». .. i *' 1 wl ..»». int tfc«- Pewiteodai, .'. rh u. .».«. ' Meyer» tot ill atoal II. n-> i.'.ir'« . " r . . f"i *" -so" e' Ist . «f aog-itt bank b. il J t. ¦'.>' Balisa BMW aa Vini. Lr»i, Pa I' j *i' ¦:.. tuest, ew ac d ; L [> -i llll BHMlUIOl tl ' M t « .(' « M '.»..'. " . havr.g »Vot la tbf, «SW; t.,'" "a* B»J uCSSt, S*ä wUa thrUttrri. fn-.h-f-V.i Bl * I'ntr: »* j»,-.T'l, Itaaoia Dowd »od E Iwnrd II igbe*, Uji,w.i."V:'«w.!bi-.'.. tr. f "'*''. '.»¦':;¦ 5 #1, ou tU l*h of A « .st, oo tbe toMfhuBt i : to* Juan.Issai Iiss lnnsws Brn »-. ». tsw I i wf B- esa <. - s'»,r. WlliStt. SB< ia.|' tni" '¦: tbeir .»l'« ff-'.t lU) wo'dd we* t- Ki'"'' d '¦¦ t!.- c 'j »::,: . ..: bs sm tt- I .i u - . ¦.fT.l' '. 0 ,. . David Hr-.tn. was at .*>.;. -d fr .t-i''r.iv -' ' -'. c! \ü«-«t tPWh of_prflU>,..H,: t«: . '. »- '" 'r;.' -' . .., Lawns tv. - tU« wfteBl t 9Vw H j -. N.» MB »u'l 29« Hovr. rr, Tr.» M Betty wat r m i nnfhvVriTit. WSR)Vow t 11 i teU it, run ta tt, sk< throw it »way »' tbn f"n;»t of H ... *. f.* M'tt ' .' .". roundtnat* andienten* Pea;' PttatTl '-". Jahn GUisva aad Misbael SLeridaa wert) arra^ ed for .t»*!»»?. ... tb« IBtl of »u.- tt, <. f«' ef weit r-l ?*¦.¦¦¦ * I at «5. twui Cb .i. D. Carter, S-.4A Jataes »gej L P \ d-ü ... waa .t..utr.'«-..'. fei eMail UM, »:.ü:a.; liMSHBia VSBS ^trys») Wadsra saw] Jare Wa^BTB, Ln«*;a?>d an 1 wifr. w-m Bfaaljaed .r. tw. -uip'te..-. .-:a««- "1 t ;t'-y.eu tie- |9JB ,,f A-i*r»t, er. Patri t»i riy. N' , ' The iwiianan*. Mtwtr, »»< a.- r c ... bu L ta ... «Uott« te»tifv. ».. w.« >uttU »et rr.<.s'.it .. r.»u 1 U* it <n tie -"Bit.-, u-h ub¦ »»«ur .vp..; ..i.-r_.;..¦.« br the Clerk to put bit "rif.i'. bui'i ..o the Bit wWi k Ouroy, aotaHSUsB»<tss>atwfBad, "1 aaeeaj seS^rtabl Ua , »iw ,i ... uas tht tos) t-adwaa ). ru..t:el " » s^titit ..e it- M- .a lt reMm.»»ted by these ..ef-r..! >»b%r i,e-a »n..lte ayAiavared oaa, and b-dh were OMTictM and seSMBCM U> the P^jrrtteBtWy for thre« a^wttha. m tjetilm J'aliner waa anf-igned for stealing, a! dll eittliie-9.rifhteei. Baasts.aq-.:t,two «hirt aud oaUaam» utT.Tshssl kttas wn«:- »t HIB,traai ruin? t^otoa, Nu Smii.w! strt't. Ine d-f.xdfcflt »ii/otted tr. .hi'?'. C.:. «i ...den«) »^n» to'he Patnteamar? for ttrrec nwt .!»». Mary Boso, eharged wirb »'ea'in;-, "t. *'ie liHn oi Autn< » bOj ilirt, rtl ied »i *'', ttott Itabelto CUMtj otwat, M SB EU f.reet. «it I .r. J | t.:y t ¦!¦¦.:.' t tu- 0 ij pViaae fjr thirty d»ji. , , J< im Dep ^-:.¦r, JoMpb Fnaeit, (i. v, iluaas« Car- mso, jätn Mf rnd C'.r«-i»l Jafstttn, all .-^or.'d a-rrt«, wt ie arntaaed fbi gin.ii :., m Um 2"th oi Aiiamt, < a tUeoaa- .,. <,f t ls-l. « Or. «..* tt"- -s-:''-;- V.'irt 1' T.i.'m- cnlnred " thsriH-r«" wre »u*h- phjiiu ¦ t».o!«-el :-r at furli itiairt. « aM k>T; "r M Ciaaolh C«nn .1'. aa l one ..th' y »n I- WBM ti. B»e wer»- arreitet. A:l the t'» ra Dann <i defoäaaati wen eearict d k i Iba ssatea .-» 11 Detarrtter, Vitr,A N >i were .n.p.'r.d.-d. JetJer»-)»! ar.J tarn an w«re te: tsij<;«4 to t'.e JVuiter/.tsry for 3 i. ontbi e* :n. Alary Ann Sullivan WOM arra1 en*-d ft.r st-ealing, oa th.- itah cf A'ii'.st, oae Bsttk o»t, ranted at 90 eeats, U u. :i i ..; yn-.-f N" ;iM'M »?".. t > ' 'p ':ioa-"l,.«-ij\, lot u!l " ti«k lr hy tnlstik " 'J' m.tit'i ii'< "mheake" waauod to I." «ppr. i^r» «t IrytUCoait, 7 ., v Miü Maiy Ann, and »ei.tei.red her ti the Ten;- taanery toe o tm* th«. ... Jaaaea 8 xton, a Loy, was charged a ¦<¦:, on lit IBtbÖf AaäÖsLl h,x ..I « igart, vui ied at #3, from J-.'.'r. t p.-... No.^aTProat iteest Th« >iaars wer.- Bnadfaue psMcnlra «t tU aes .»cd. Ko.md guilty aud »snt to tb» HeaM 1 l'eterknvonhall ar.d John Ilorah wero charfed witb kt.alinr, u tU II th of AiiS'iit, t*' i.ty fuur knives tad fork», \ ...,(! ,t tr...11 IJ.-t.ry J. Ilopr'e.-, N-...' r.-krl »treet. Ttey w> :e round «lillty and remanded for Mtitcn.-e. I ti.- (aae of David William«, airalfaod for ate :''ng, he2!»fof Aiir>i«*. t cs,t, wo: th ? from Elltab K. K^ar- N... za CfcraSi n »tr<«t, wm put vr 10 w xt Tassday. ¦try Am. OCaoti, BiTugaad for ateaMng, or. t'l.- I^th of August, eislt plat.«. worth z'> .-..nt«, fton Ivlaaltred Hrady. No. 8 MsnijattBTi mi iiIj was eeavteted sad seat to tb- city rrin 'i for tea d.-.}». Ji l.r.' Ti bnaa, a very respectable looking man, wi« arraifELtd for a..a.ilt rod hdtt.-ry, M tU Iflnf Al ;n-'. " t atlM rine T IIa tu, bi» v ife, N'o. HC C.r.-. i.. -fi.» f. lira, toll, n un \.t- a dl "' aSs kenas woana, th.-1 omplnoit was, tha* r buabard lad "struck her witahia ti.t and rkaUdb i." Sic Biaalfoatrd a good daal of Bali niilaetloa |o h»vL tin- J feadaat fniivlcti d, nid Blfad hi. esatBBM for a h-njer t IRB Ii the C' iirt leeBsad ioelksed to a»"i nt to. Kiuahy they iltcidi-d tfl eoarlel th« d> ft-ndunt »..d sead Bia ta tU Peedteatlsij km tasa uiouths. . i ml i Ji hnsoB was Krrnigncd tot stealing, on the 21 »t ol A'iKiiat. a ouantitj (.1 copper pipe, valued at frorn ii,, dees Ii Litse, No. ^09 JJ< nry Mit t. TU pipe wa« ibaad in ponseaaio.i < t tne an iiaed. II" v. found ».uillyaud 'int to th>> I'i BSh Bl iary Ibi tl.tee BaatU.t CbitefJaa lileishman was charged with stealing on tU Ith of / .iguat a rinc, vahird st *.', irom t'hriaiiaii Iieysr, No. BTS Bread rtreet, Hawark, New-Jsncy. IU evidence was h-aicrly SuBfotesrl to (a«t« n tU laT' eiijr on the » eased, sad be vt»i>. IUn tote, kimpiy osavJesed aad saataMs saspaaded, Wm. lbe>aiptoo and John Boyd, arraigned for as- ent.lt end lattery, were convicted and th.ii seateaess iin- per'ed. Susan ll'tkey wa« enaign.-d fts BOl iall at d battery with a aba, oa IU 3Stb ol Aags t, m Ltrid^et Dntjea, No. ^l MliInn »to'-t. TM- .1« f.-tidant wm proeenaeed a guter af. feudt r, f r J Ji .ti.'c Co:.no!!y teinrrleil t" 1' r, Wien v.-i lire "not itrallna job an flanthaa.91 Cmvlesea, auJ i ntletlM Peiiiirntiary for th:ee tnnTth«. Ar.» BflBtth was arrnigned for a^ntilt an 1 balt^ry, on IU IMiot A :;n-l, mi Jaiuea M(-Kav of tU BI|BM I'o iiie; Police, waseMvieted, ami rent to the Penitentiary for tlraa n.oulhf. \\ in. Bprigga, obojrgetl Vfith ateallag gold c'in, of the »utn of on the eouftaiBt of Ofloer Kewoeeaa, aad Oeorie Callahsn sod Kdw.'itl Ali Ilern, nt, eharaed with at.'al* lag is silver plated fesU worth s)7 so, w.ie found guilty aad ri BMaeed sh seaaaaea Aj i Blake, anaigned foe aeaaaHaad battery, on the It'll, of AaawsS, ou Markan t Jlaui.aii. No. 17 IfiiiUllJ itiBBt. by atrlabif her oa tU head whfe S ptteh i, tvoundin/t her "»dJ/, wi,« roi.vii t' d 11 d tin. d »|i>. Mary Ann Cora, Hash Waltera, Sforris Troy, .lohn Klin.r.Yl oti.a- B, llovtsrd. tod Monis Hiding, BrialjaedaVs aasaaltsadUttety, aad ABee yVataoa, abaraed with asaaliag if', in F.lvi r aha art re öi» har;«.d, in wenn», upp-'ai >.i. The Caae Off EbV.s l.i'ley. ebargod with pi-king th" pock.tof Im l.auib ol Ki tliah Town. N. J., ou the Jiith o August,ef0)18iaUak et'-, wm }»" eves to BeatTaaaaayi Use rases of Bridget Byaa. Beaate Meddee, Patrlel Kyio aod Mary Mad.i' u. Bttalaaed I a assault end b.tterr, were put uye to 1 iietday ; aad ther oi VYsa. Kays, loi aeeeatl an 1 UtSery on Wm Meet No.tl Jfi.u-s street, "was put OWT tuBBXt ToaTS- day. J ..on.as lialcii w as n. raigaed for awault end bat- t*i\.. i. Maiv \\ h»i. o. No. i'r..-...! street. TUevleVaee ¦Uwed oa gats aeesejdaaa Se be * tbnrnagktj here era-re He am ui) teJ ai m>a otbei tblnae, loiaBietdirera wooads ,pon ui. s< fewlthalnifs. He was Ibaad gunty aad seat to tU Pi i- ranltaiy for sig aieatU, 'Hit ooniplnial agair.ut Frank Coy'e, for a'^ iult anl l.aM. ry on l)i.vid Im Pinn^No. lit tVest Bkjltecntl sttaet, »¦« withoraau Patrick Brecn, rbarged with ajaaaM aad battery on niaiaawt Bit en Jlarv Cosle. < hnrgi-a v. ith assault and battery, on toe complaint of Kllza M. Corbctt; Joseph Tabor, arralrntd for as-«i B ami hatten. tud Thomas Betty, BBetBBS. »ith ih« lar. <. \ "la pen "1 t- I*. »< '.'¦<¦'¦ al 9>2, Inn '1 l,i,:.i>:. J.y >ui of n an Oieeueleb str. t, wen all BeavleSed, aud their . -n- taaegi Basaeaskyd, Jobs Leech was anaignod for assanh and battery. en the lr>th of A-ijtist. ou fslaim- OtMSer, No. 1kj 1 hlrd street, Linv.it.d, an,' i.:.ui af', wbiok iu* BQCBted prou.pt.y paid. Daniel Rosa waa an ibxaodwt aaaauU aindbattery w !tn>js i art Tune, on the 16th of August, ou Mic'c.ael Mi Bride, Kb IM| OreMe ssseel TblS was a eery agaravated a«.a-ilt s. ith aeatttwaaM IU bead of tU i imiplalaaal, iu wh li hi« lift Btighl baV< sUaaakca. Unite a nuiu!" r ol n.tuesn's wore sworn in tbe Biegtest of Use trial, and among then several very reeaee table loeliag lt-mel. a Bet notai'tiaiaudnir the ei laV nee n ¦" la uiiti|«ti"n of atro. ity ot ihr batts-ry. IU t'* it ii aMSaed Ua svebie bs lUb purpyie to c.evict and toiuQivt, ¦era rtt. atnslty that ¦ataU raatoa a w»mui^ to k',i .tt ruti| iseänanu betctl;r. 'i'he sentnei of the (lo- ti w*t that the defeadaM he a. ul lotU Penitentiary lor four luouthe aa.l aey a Bae ef Baa Mr rhiüpt ouaBBtlTbr tU prleoaer, bneoe- iLetciyiivr ol ^u sp,». ai fonitiiia lenteiioevaad Baled BW lall »M Us eUcaA, Tbrl'outt deelius J to enter: du the m i- ti'-n fi r heil nt test time aud Ito'j wa« eejaUoted lato the City Priton by tU eeäeee toi cUoje- TU aeeaeed erat ewiSe a i .iv-dn>a«d ti.- e, ami seemed to lieve many tri r,d* in f, Bit. i- » t «auki r ay tisde. hananel It, Bpiaoa araa anaignod Iba aasnau and bat rre, on tie llth oi Auguel oa Isartia M Deaatd, adth a poata hktidl". C< avVaed ouJ lined 0 o. Ailjo.iru'd tu I lock Tusaday u.-Tting. Aaoran Waieib ExPaniTion..Some partkea In Ibi city a bo have lu r. lofbia tx on coasni. nmi-ly en- gl ,.i in (icn. Walk'-r's Central Atner'-au erasada Mgnificautly assert that preparations an oa (bot foe another grand demonstration at BO di'tact day. A eecret plan ia aaid to azitt wb'.cb eaatcnajdaata tho taiabsgofan araayof 10,000 nun, ali cf wbaalahatfl b 1 ata or set -ail about tho samo time for s aaa port n Nkansgaa. Nothing is to be left Badoaa wLie.ii sbnll Und to saenre rlaeieaoyand . ventual aacocaa. Baltimore is to fnraiab Iron tnroe to four hundred a< her cci. plem* nt ef Iba aberve-naniod artny, with full ee^aipaaeata, n o»ey,Jtc. li liruthai stated that persons lolly pledged hare alisadj bona aaaaiod in the city, who art- (odj wnaiac doe aotioe, and tht (all aoneana natl t i>. t.i shi Walkei'aplana, ha be otL It is knewa the "Oaairal Amaiican League." Wm the partica ave attachad t" Ibbl league we are unable '." MT| 11 v,;,i th, r they havB be «n absolulrly coasoli- dated «e um orod, caaaot tie iu*.' aaoeitaiaad axnapl w tar aacnrrent ranter goea. Bach asenrl r.'libust-.-r- ing eipeditiocs are rejireherrib!', and if the one in adi . i'y c\i't its movement* will, doubt- haaa. be more fajjy B>ct rt.iiaediu due time. aTOV-Tock, li -..a. PI Ua It Iphla, N w-U.-l-ans, and al! the otlter Isaduig citiMof the Calen, are said to 1.--united in AkJ i:.cvi-mrnt. |Ma!t. 1'atriot. Aug. SO, Ai m.vT DBOveBKtx.Tic 8tm '(TaaajJ lira e**e Mya, that a custom prevails in S;amtord of do- votiag < aa Hatarday ia Aagaal n> a grand piesaio and I :.;hu g u; S-npjaa. lie twee-n .',000 aud ...msj pe >p!e agt I the beach and tba ao^oudag ttovm laai Bat* i t.iay ard pa^-ed :b- day as n-ual 1 ».;.-> g t L ritt BM at, a daughter of Dr. I mi v A tn.i a^otb. r ynaag iady g< t beyond thea depths la the wa: r and -a: k, \ g»: 'ltman from New-York ran to the spot dove down, aaaad the two aa tho bottom i lasps ii m each other's amis, and brought them nt. and nt La abaat iva labrates Ifaa Ayraa revived, but the Bibel iady i'il not breathe, appr.rently, u tl alter : anth is of an hour bad been sp<^nt in a. live ex- ntio a f. be; laalartUoa. A aanaa aacapa, .vi %kk1k1>. I Ski ; M 't.f Ttt K r. Tnbvze Bini IsasraajjaasM hasnasaaaeasn^a adtolsaeffveai s ;. las »? ... bo< ¦ b e:' oft i. atrti betereta OILBEat 0 1 Ol \'i aod IXIZABBTH K. HOaiON. J w Ii Bol r flllBlBlli, _>k jt.u to icutracl.-t tt.o sejne. Use eaiU ejexnaje aet Uvtaa kt B r!»' I. it h-.v a h.-. a iu«. rted thn u«b th. n.su,: one,, I at i uiuirtgal.-d sroundr -! Pnurt reaeeetfi.lly. DA NX HORTON, No. i On herd stn t Are V 'A A t «.!. IS .7 vi id. rr i s ae. C1.4BJC Oi. r.ui.r. *'¦« »'. ..»'.' > .- IV JMtaai end swseatad Cktgej aft' I year **£ i : ytt. lt-,t-,r "I «.'»«!'. » T IL I M.r.a Af r ^.,'jjj.,.,,, 1 Arr-u-e :b.' ..»;.. Br . '*J ,tW' vf tf. .ill} -rr <rra.li fc:« :.,*.-... it,.-. J 81 ib I I.- I... ...» .* M(f t;. r ,.. Tor»" Jit »«>r»U:...u. 9* . r * Hf .. .. tfj r-"' .'afparrj Baafkt h .*. Ii»-».'»«. Bfei -.r u.a.-it a*OB bow t :u'.e A mQ ofgJOOBa Bad iv ! i. E.*. »!*7 Bet r w err i ..»: ': ".Mi A i m't'i * »h» bbb1b, < .} c tt a BBM . wLr v a . u.f Lt. N. 'i.-ni. . gi «, i.oi :-(n. ¦etUetl ¦ Ii««» fjtr.'.; drar,'1 I Brd twa t ij t .»t; * Deer BavBBtt«BYcaa thj Baekaoe ib i w. f._ » ... kj- »u. » pa sw»j " I j .. . I BBt :. *t b * iBBSk Fr m a ! *hi» .Tor 4 of lo ..- ' W.'r- wafcBBfl yoa'wfek BaaaaaBteBM arm«, la a r L an I Baavaa ». *a. Br"V«0N-O:. « A.i. 3 Fi-J Ja-- Be~n . r»* i«:>*»r of H«*ry a; d It iiK B'm b, : j' »r. H Bl««tBiaa 1 -»j u»ja. Menei h ... vl:ai. .t of tb« familyara rear* tfticyMi- rrt -d t- e'trtd tan fBsaral tvaaa taa railaaj .«¦ ff brr p»:eo»«, Nc. jk» Hi .'..'.a rvrr .r, a: 2u'.lb* k i a Moneay, -Ith. Tu» m aaajas « .1 .¦. takes tv. Qtvaaiweod Cbraaet" rr f..- iafuiBBM ~ C.T.»rp-tatWsrtt) aaflM«BBj,A a- ÄAaaaajtb,will of lirnrv U. «' ..pp. t> >l«t yei 1 teiM*. Thr siaeni I aad Meada at ieie faa .ly tt- ia».t«d to Ha prea-ut at her foara] tkla .M s.dav) af.'T oat »' lyelacB.at brr ;»> ibbHibci. No. 7M tl§mk a*e*b<. iBtrrmeut ». On w<-.d. ' caisk-O' Fri.'.*». \ i. D J, «c. tfaVtll « d ABee Caxo, aard 1 yesa BBd I n iiiuif. I OR DIAL.In n'iriaBBlBBIlB, OB Ki day, Al*. 2!, J- i.ni iiiiBtul ni nf Ml aaeiaM£Uc«C sr»d .';.«¦»-ai.d 7 t*y .. .OM.Ml.-'O.V OB rrVay. A b. 21.< r- " -'- H Btjf On.miaA. v a a 'f J^tn BBM aViBgft Uuim.a»-v, ri . .. i BM il DELUfl KM.B> ddri.lv m Pr-dav. A r. ft, a- b!. r.v 1-urr. No. M ,M«.^ .?r r , Ur ? «lyrs f.ij. MtBBB,aead >>jr.r., twia at BeOrebai bob, ifimd. DAWSON-irn Fr^ay, A r. 2T, 3aM 5> waon. ar. I 1 y»fr u iita anal »'i tirjt. EVANS.Ob I bq i ar Inf.'A tx. a'» laaSaa, Infci.t daaiekaaf nf f-erlaaT aal r:»ttrr a. awaaie, bbbm 1 yrar, r b üi.thi and 9 diya. Ti <. i|i»r. '.. of .arr j IT'- .T.:':> * fit fLL.Ti 'u M ndf.y at p. BL, ffoin No. !»'. Cett irfi «. EVXMLET Ii thM ( i-y, a* S t .rdey. A-.r- ::, M.. ETcnlcj, raiiot of taw lata Jaks Kvanarj, te t;.r :.).«;. !., »»r. H< r xin-a!..a «01 I t t-*.<u b N.r«a:» i t irtrrmrat. FRAShK-Oi. a-rtBay.Aaf.3LaVibartL.latBataaa U;uin ar. I Ja.. Fiaf-, asjee SmoarfM ad 3 '.;«. CAYNOR.on Fri'Iaj. A (. 21. Kdarard Jone.-, icftüt nnof Jtoira ar 1 r-a.. i. K. ti. yin.r, t-gfu 11 niutl.a. UAICilT.<>r. *iii,.lajf -aorrin», Aur. A-'- ««a L" . wifr of Augrutiie 11 Hr.!gat, and dBuflter r.f t'.a.ate Le^aai.i Ocüiiy 7u> \:i< .10« of üm fari'ly and of fc.r tr.thrr«, th. lata Dr. 0*i!- hy an-1 Ike Rst. C. t. Osiiby, ar* raritM . atteaid Bat f Bi r- al on Turfdae, Auf. 2J, at to'(dock p. nu, la t;:.- etmr. h ..f tke Ai.n innaneai. iewiile«fajlk iU'-rr, a-iibo rt f.irth"r Mttaa HAYS-Ic thii r.ty. on Friday renmirf, A :f. 21. a* th.-r. « at lier pacdfttkar, w'm. Hib iard, r.o, .Prraidrnt of Bjwrry Ii ...rm. Con | any, Cliri«'.: -. II- - r- .. ...! i r r of Mt-. Wm Hf>«, L". 8. Army, S.--'.0.1 Ar.illrry, ar.-d " y< eia and 8 inoutuf. HALL-la BiooUtb,CS Tliur-.'ay r.i.-.g. A :g. 2^, Or ,rj h. Ho!!, in the ".th ytsr of kii agr. KEU 000.At Tr.:ma. ibaTB. on \V. drrn!»e. AOf. IB, ll-l-u i tii, da-.'skter af Edw.r.t R. ai.J Rto iJ !». ar.-d 2 yrara, ll bbm tkf and 1-i daTt. ¦fcDONNELL.In Brooklym. on K-i'aj <v»i Int, a r. 2'. bbBaaBaaatta«Ol »hr !«rg», Elizabeti-, v.fr o! A.- JiaDdrr U lltnn. II, a?rd it ytare. SJ PHERSON-Ob Friday, A-:«. C!, BtYaf a lerer« NO Mary ElllBBrtn. tarln daughter .! J-i-u am'. Saraii I». M- I'brrfon, ari d I" r onthi and 2t d. j-. char a.in OreeBBatat. Leaa lalui en Friday, Aog. 21 Jamea, yo-inernt ion of Rotirrt bi .! ttargarct O'ilura, t.fi 'J )rti-, 11 n oiitha uud »Ii liaya. l*OTTER-la BiooUtb, on Kr.day, a f. 2!. aft. a ahorj iil- re.a, Fiaderl i< William, young. «t w- ti of ti!t.!r»«i.d K.i*i b. ih A. Potter, aged II motrtha and 1 de}«. QLINN- On rriday, Aur. tj, Munr -> i> inB, or-- 111 raaia, a catlvr of tbr Pariah of Kilmorr, Ooii'it; CaTBn, IreWnd. RYERSON.Oa Meay, Aaa>«N.Jaa il ena iBo4*Jyoaf« SMITH.On Saturday, Au«. 22, alt-r i ikoit BTbbmb, JubbbB, »..;i. 11 harlei unu atary l.-ii.'. ,S'...:n. ac il I j.j.-a, 7 moctbi u>d as laya Toe ii laliv. I tnd frlrnda of tbe fanily ara rrip- c'fu'ly lr.eifd t< titeuJ tk<- f .trral, fron tbe r> oiir:..i hia aartnti. No. Iö7 tVctl K itT.iiiath utree", ooT ien!ay eJi'-nioonat 2o'i lock, « BBM't futtkal ineiUtiou. .SHiri'KN-.M I.'obok' ii, on S n lay. Auf 23. Ri hard, vonng- eat hud of Wm.W. and Ueoigira E. «i..-pp< D. agrd 4 niontb«. PAVAOE-On Kridr.y, An«. 21, I«;b ".. Savaje, da tfUter of Jaaaea and CatBertae e>«vage «ged I y-u> bbm t moutu«. THEAIX.Ol Kiiday, Ai.g. IT, AL -nau. TkoaTJ VOORH1 tM~ la tbe CUy ..i Bi al an Bal irSay, Ao| 2;. Mart H , «iff of Ji.iU.ii ti. V ovr.i" I, t j. d »1 ytaia, ti uioutbi ri i' X ddja. The r.iatnea and fii< Baa af the fan Of to I af iirr fatiirr, f.'. n 1'unill, err rwytO' tfally iiiiit -i to Btfaai he: luie-rai luin Bet lute n -id. '.(.<, Ni Ill "Li wn .(tree:, Bi-« k!vn. thu (Mon- daj) afti ra> op, A |. 2t, at 3 r/eto k, withoi.t nnrtkei iu?iu- tioli. VAN A ER N.At Iii«! rerun neat |>a .«hk.ept!r. on «tat-if day. Auk i"^. John Tinmbnll. If of fkT« t I'll Iii« TLr f. neial t> ill takr plj. r tbia rvenin» a? 4 v\ Im k, Croin t! r. .i.'.-nee af hia fathrr, No. IS St. M- pB» e. The t«latl«« and lt.-i>ia <t Ihr fkiio.v a.-e .lully i" vltad to attond wttkoot rkitker InTttatloii. WYATT.On Fri by, A-i-.. 21, K'millne A'i.-'ia Tounsaat tiau.Lt«r at t'ur lafa Ri< uard \\'ja'.t, ajed 1 yeara, -j taMtka rr.d 11 d«v WALSH.On Ti.nriday. Au«. 2". Mi». Mi y, BrtCj af TIk.wh Walak, In tka 4 ik xar.of wrii». COMMERCIAL JA I TIEIIS. Buir, hi ike aiio«li E»» aiiin»e.Ai'o. 2J. le.rnalliaaotnl .-ut- t;i..bj n a aaa eo.ttj IJSS N. V.»i u\ ftli. M Lsas do.M trn h.R. It R. lal M.. as B Had. B RR W M.. U RfSO IIm'.piRR. 1" ^t Ui Vo SfBed M'. h. Bi eiiikiiiK Fuiil Rondr.6(1 .». MM ni t en. RR. B< '.,itn Ii iboqaeand P K Tw lat .V f..- .. 75 2,'«-" Krir R.K. CatrTCfta- hlr Honda l.7ft) "> North Rlrt B-.A.PJS 47iMrtropolit«n Bank....!!« M Cantl. tiitai liani..W>; MPi Bank .Wt 11« Peui.a. Toni t ouipany. tBJ IM <io.70 inn iV.t«n C9 do.ia u K * letara. I teaOkie I. 4. T e4m M> il idai a River It*. ii«»d J>> ..TI ird uv ..... Raiir.o«l. ion N. Y. Central R K..b60 7.; 50 do.WO Me «Ol th.afJ 7j OB do.76 tSS «o.7tl k- it d.. 7." MS oo.aMtSj lie a.. 7«. MB de.aa" 7 .J 11« do.7»} im ,',.. 7SJ rexi do. 7S} ssa Eifci K- .2'. 6-ü de. 27« 1(0 cV.bö" 20 RraniL« Ra.iruad.6d( H<0 oo.bin wij JHJ BO.«iJ tiS 700 «!..tiT lft M>h. I Mitral R.B- 7i> |j do. 75T Ivi ,jo. 7M aaj do.en '4] mltatkafABI N.ll ItR. d". 2*>J de.at 2*5 do.e 2»*1 -."ai da.a 2»;( JiKl do.a 28' BR) do.e 27 110 Piuima Railroad. «»0 IASllhtiüeaCaaual RR...112 OD O v.- a Pit:«. It R... i->: jo t...ma A Cm- , It lt. n; 150 uo.as aaj IS <lo.»15tSj vvi do. Bt'i 4 ou. on' 2^ do.as| MCtava. A TaieioK.R.. 4-1 «Vi d...ili 42, M |'o.«30 42- MS do.aV> t:l m St.»sntzi .»<> d-.. ft l««la »i.h*'4t; MS do .aiar aw *i» ilo.pt: +i- WS do.e ti IfiO Do. ti, laeCkla a. f.. Id. RR..M 91 .W de.Ti6ft 9H M ia.Wi 9f| :.i da.90' so 1.901 II V i urt....» 47 Ml it.at J71 W do.Ml 43 do.ain 27*'ISO do. 2.« de.ado 27. p.: La Cro««« a MtL RR.. H MS 110.C ;3tO do. ¦ I 2<ii .'.2üi?>0 do...l.1 2i; IBS do.bio 2«: itcoro t. >«an. Z.aae RVamaeky Btata S«... BB1| I MB. S\B, N. Lffaf. «U \.\ ion t'i.n.. CaatXe. is so lUiavia. Oat. RJL.aM.ill MIC. T. Caatial R.R...u7t.; ISClete,St Pi t*. I..It.... 30 «e«l do. 77; 4.0rteva «V To. R. R. I 30 do.-.77. »0 to.¦>. 1, 100 d...afe) .'uo io.at» 43 ao do.blO 7".. 2<W) io. HI it Pavian a Railrtiad. !»> 7'«1. 11 ]«. io.»50 iX) do.aT II ms Erie h. Dread..... tro La t .meAMii.R R .. B «II do. ^.ll^tRradAf Rnli.att.«71 lti> an.a60BI||tSS do.aai <.. . 11 Ilk. S ^N lad K R.»60 2d .-o do...tee fitj 50 dr. 2e" ion do.mtw V] 2»a »'o.bio 27 IlUt P.tu. i w. « j..00 mj ' .a3 27 J Sati r.Dw Au^. S3- f. m. TIicn eras a !ar.-e 1 lalBBM iot I aj tl I Six-k B ianl tkis laallijl. BBd Um aaSplag was diLÜeJIy better., vi'iii a Bail aVaBBBai u>r eaajj nttxk. Tka <>p ladjan for a dt'cl'ut'. Loaever, otTere-d thei: ior^ oaajlnBaB ori'h rocfideraWe fre'tlum, wbi!»; tbey took :a MtlllfJflMa BSBOBBtS ti ca:b sti»ck. At t!ie Second Board the ira- prove i feeüi-g vea.< eu>tain«d, and the market left ort f'TXiip. Erie ac« Sek}; Ileaiüp'« ir IT); Outra!, t:>t;,; Sjutheru, s7«S7|j TeaeSS), 44], Ai Tbe inipioveinert oa yoetei day ia ./ilie uuike-J -m<>n a., iti Sout'iern f-uaiartted. whi;!. ft 'd after tbe S Bad Uoarü Bl 55. S..utbern BaayBBkoa »t j:k i uprjve 1 1 f ceiii, Cettrol, 1 «' eeiit; Tsladoy I] f tent; Pitt*- bo?({l., I ittt, Ä 8. lieaiiug. c!t!iotigh better t'jan in the iuorti:r>fr, ahowa a decline of | 4- cent on yaatar- day. La ClOSSa inproved i P cent P«nn«ylvania Coal .*ontiiit:ea to dectre. aud i<>!.! bar at ti", aeötr flxty, aeaimt regular, yrit«! hy. Io S ate St ike tie tu«iuef* ir mexlerate ard ;iri?e« Leivy. Kr.ilrtif.J Bii.0'5 sold t>'tO'-derate ext. nt at about j>r«- % iont rates. TI e renrket i?quiet f .ret.'Uariffean.lri'eaare BBBroa« ly »e firn:. Sterling 9J per tenU PBSBMSfS It Bffi h i. FrOafktSBie 4b1L Tie engageiu, r.te t> L:verp>,l are HlfcakMoattaaiM bb>j p ksiaastafi at;rj,r;i f t-v'e. We d.J tut !er.m tt anyt) ::1»; g BBf terwarJ t- 1. > MSBl orflfBMOtr. T:« (' arter» are a iL vritli 1 -raft hhIi 'u l^dt r. tt £ a »M.o< t.?r of » I U N v U e \Veit lliir- t-oei if<. fe 1 Ii.t rvvnd iTtc ef fl.t.-'j; «j Urk tf j) a if.X >- aid t . ae, wr.h MB «t Ifa, p'r > .-I:. Tie BBBiaeaeaf Übt Bai Tl M ipy wi*, ..['". '. Hi I'tyr-eate, Ü:' M«i Halat.. 1,012 Ul,< HI m. !.>*.. IT. SLcday'a rr,- ar ataa! et-k'y noetic a .*V i.f S;-tb» cvi B r,d-n, u.k- pa . cnMoclay Mat, tha Sstth barb, at IS) e'ehnnk, at tha Merchant-' behaaf*. Tbe P'.d-iiuigb Cliff; Mil leg C mpnoy bive da> CitT'd adivtrtlead «f *:c c ^tre payableoath«Slat li-tnlt. Tha iteBrr,..r today tool ^,990iat]e->. Tie li ipnent« f> r t> e «e k have baaBi »IciHi ran. B- Km, ."" reifM. f"1 ""a Bl St-iui«uif Kupr« try. H*v»:.-, laaerleeai 43,543 10 BtlQWlblp Bwoflro Ctty, HBTBBJB, BjaSBtsB |BM ITI.UI S* 8'eon,»!.., r-.r .. , ;.j ||,o,.os, Amrri sivlvet r ; ¦< Bwaja jBMjtraCity, Havaaa.ImMsilver.¦ ivi N ¦ill 1. I». «.\ La« .iia.*p-. .«. - BeMBMBSp Arg Br»ir.er, raaM «Ltv: total .... »V S>U£tBip P. r-ie, f.eerpoot, fold b«r». TKiW 91 ... o IV- i. I.:\trr> .' ; ... in. 7i;i,">J I S-»» bbJ ,p Paai ». Ltverp al. Mini ban, <..¦.. :> aad Eagtiak cQvce. . üi.6'3 » St'tttth p P»r»!j. I.iverpei !. Preach ;.'''.. it,J*a at lOeam.rip r.:r ct Rtlriroore. l.ivi rr ., \m. eo.nor) oO Bteeatebtg Puuea, Havre_l iB. s*>... o «o Bvam.rop K.i On, Dam, g>>!4 b«r«. U.*M <>i S:-»n'hir I It l. IliTia oeUearfoSjrer. 144,000 M la:! N. I '.».- ., P.. -, A-. r . JC-'V e t't. I fr r t.'.e wwk. S>UM BBJ M Pievteaeii iBfaatsd.».ui'o.jts i> ^ ro-ai, ran.*m,:v,7x ;.* We aaai i a cob parath risk an af of Varafga tat* poataal New-York foi ; .. k and since Jan. Ii ibm. ism. uajr. nryf;.r»i.azi,5,^1 *;.'.*7'>.i a 2, Maja Bebend Minaaada* laejifM i^ataat MJM*< Tatal tni tka w«»k. 01,471,115 0 >.7 V:-« ai.M"><"'. Pi«>.. «».j t'l*.t,«. M,at9,7*4 1I2.T.V/71 ij: 3.7.717 ¦taeaiaa.1.a ' c: ai4a,aat4a* BMW,111,BBJ We boar <'f a Joiat s ock Itrah pn ject. wi-.h a iarg'1 aciiital, by sonif ftty iaftnoatlal partiaa, bat thode> tafls are tot y< I trrr.ngrd. Ex>Oot. Myioa B* Chuh baa «--tab:i;hed hbaaadf in thta city nniiYr the linn of Cbttfc <!»: Fatilkuer, a< an Amfrienr. !.-.r, ] aad Tax-Payiag A^' 'I he anthracite coal trade from the Labidjh aa<l SchaylldH rcffaiaa for tiie past w>jk and eea/ou :.«t BCaa aa ioilort .: Waik, b iiin. tvaak. aaasoa. T^ktrh f*r.«:."4.: « *J,*^ 44-194* LebijtL\Uiey H^;irn»a.MV JJ C », '/ I ".'I 7<.. ;. «.' ivi ( ... «:.Mltf bx.mi 23,4*1 6IUJ4 Bt »d":r» it»:;r-»«:.aMsi j,jij,»7j tAat) t.;^it< Tot*:.|3*,084 J.t.,;,vii u;.t>7 .'75<i,.,'l 2.7-j<i,2lM iJ0,196 Daeaaaai. i6i,3p> i m liy tfic aborc it ariD be aeca tiiat tha tuumge the pas; week ia 18) 1 tnaa behind crre-pondirg wetk lait year, ThetaJUBgoa* taaitii the l.< Mg'. N*».gation Company and tiie adhuj railroad. The fornec Ml off tun», aad :'.<¦ latter tune. The faliirg in the Lahigb wa* pr^btib'.} in QOBaeojBeBca of the lin-ak iatbe Delawara Diviaioa. The BchaylhiUCa* nai laeraaaed 10,901 taut, aad the Ie high Valley Kail- road t.trp. togathei 16,303 tüc*. Tne ttinrjugo for the pca'on by the MTCral liacs connecting with tbe 1.- high ai;; BehnyLhill r-. i'.ns la3,921,644 tana, ag*iu«t 3,760,204 tun« to the rame time la-t year, being an in¬ crease ot' 161,340 tun*. The coal baalaeaa ia atiO a good deal decreased aad the market ratiier henry. There ie no change of price, eithar for «hipmeat or for horr.f coninmption. Ia relation to the failure of Kdward C. Hates, eam- mrnicated in a t< 1. graphic diapatcfa from Boetoa yes¬ terday, Thr Datlj) A ' i titt r ofthai city remarki: "No event in tho ooaamercialworld oonld hive been more startling und imexpe<;tccl thao \va-< the BB> BaaaaMBaaad ye-t'-niay af the (aBara ol Edward ('. ltates, esq. Bach an event, deemed alnaoat ac impos¬ sibility, has b'.- n broaght about, we andcratand, by bo speculative spirit, but by losses in the depi-ekti >n of vessel.*. a7or 35yaan ofr. Batee haa labored aaal> oaaly, roapiag as labored a reward in lichee, an unspotted remitPtmn and a legion of iafloeatial frh tid?. Aad bow, wmn he supposed himself to be tue po.-wea- soi el half a million ..t doll i--*, he le-coircj a bankrupt. We feel sure tbnt the whole cotntnetrial commnnlty will deplore this sudden rcversi m of Cartaae, aud with a readiim.-s anil gone.ne-ily characteristic of Bo-tt >u loercbnnt?, Come forward to assist and c'joor Mr. Hates ia bis fre-h enibavots aad twewed labOfB. It should be bofae in mied that this failure doe« not in tie- iBghteel degree afled tiie lmiiM,> gt K. O. Hates <v Co., so widely known a- agents for tbe Canard ttcetm . Thia lcuso rm.if.ir.s perfectly Bolveat, and its ii fluent e a- agents can in no wise bu impaired y tbe failuie alluded to above. We understand that Mr. Bab i'a HabilitiM tinount to upward of bail'a million, md his assets amount nominally to that ^um. We aensxa comparative statement of the export* exclusive of specie) from New- York to foreign pjrta bar the Wet k, and ein« e January 1: T , , IBM. IBM. IS.X7. Tetel bribe week.... »-^ 'C7 f-' Pr.»;, , »:y,iej.. n.J.... JC.2U.i, l i ,j.< .". 4i.irW.277 s <.. j^o. i.B3a,aa,Ni aaa,ayj,eia aat,a7s,7aa The f.'.lowing is a comjtarative statement of tbe value of certain Krporta from the conuneucement of the year to k\ IHM. MST. nst-et... r<.!f>n.07,4^2,725 B70W.7SS a Plea. IO,3A5,7ai 4,UI,815 5,SM,''II Csti Meal. \w.r>a BLael \VUs'. ö.til U4 2m.7e, t i'.i.jng <<>rn.LBHCn bajgM 57:,*,* Href. i«8,j»f» anXasi j:*,*;« pork. LBXtM T9I ISO 1,078,641 fetal.a.-j,i"i,7'"7 Bia,4t9raj0 . D»»rt..» teeel pt.r»(l »i'ö 1Tj6.tl2,0Ii,?i7 lie land talMOftbo Illinois Central Company for dbe flxat two woaka ha Aagnat atara in round numbors |900,( BO, TheearaingaOf the Michigan Central Kailroad for ihi at two nreeka of Aagnag arcra: UMM, I sty. PIret e,ek.*4S ^. 4 BrJ ¦aaaadaaal. si.ia 74 4--,9W 71 land.. BankBM 4> #: i.s74 17 D.-n a-eit 1-"7.a.'.il'» Hi The liist two «recka af tbe \\ abash \'al!eylt>ad fSa^BN. The re»eipt* of tha BtOttiagtaa Kuilroad were: in jbir, U57.aataai 17 In July, laH. 2l,t'77 Oj ln.rtas..BUM 5 Ti e exper.diuirvs in July, 1837, cjuipircd with same il, iri :a-r .Mar, ahow a dooroaaa of $1,398 :M. Au arreegem« r.t to keep the Ilud-on free from ice t! .. coniitg ;easou wr.> d< finitely cjik !nd<-d yest 'rlay. The requi-ife boats have lx."en placed at the disposal uf CapL A. If aVihaltf. aad bo fuels confident of hi* ability to penorm all that he ha* undertaken. The demand for money is rather net've, but is well ii' l. Tbe Bkarkat, however, appear* to be gradually _ On :< r of TBI Li Cro**e Mn.wickbi ) It.I:. Co.. No. 19 Baeeaa -tr. L KbW'Yobk, Aaa>91, ls-'.r.) 7*B i S I left .'I t.e- ex'ra-irdmary daBaatlia Ünata tha Wall ¦traet price of our stock is my apology for odfeliag a word of oun-el on tbe aahJoet. li.i suend''essubmirrcd to byetochB*3ddofBarearita sal eaw.n and ne>tjiutifi"l bv anything in the trtnw- Ikoaeorconduioa o: the Cou jiany. Those who are now submitting to sni b unreasonable BBaraBOBO arid, mh ii a few montha. rcg-.-t t'teir nivcipiimcy. as w^ br.\e the best reason to b Keve». The prhyei at whieh we made in Wall -tri. t are no e-nterio of '... in- .: value, but ratnt t ac BTidcBCO tint the se.lei is the victim of mi .atttement-, mvexted and in Instri- obbIt prvainlgated by the avowed enemies of our road", who. -»i :.it'or» might le't to bo received aj euth .-nfv Vttbaal due investigation. 'ihe r.ffa.rs i the Coaijany are BaaBki, Bl I ita re- sruu.s aaficieat to t avaryaagagaaaeaa, not¬ withstanding the eliort» to prevent it bv tho-e whott tab ti -t n.av be advanced by milling the ho'.dera af oar atarh The Dbectnra tool that they have per- Hxxaed their daty BaBafally to tiie ito^antaVtri. and iia%e tt all tiinea lal.ired /.-.ilou-ty to protect the in- terestaof tbe Cenpaay. and that there la no Ju t cause for ti e pr. vailing panic in regard to the stock of ov Coaapeny, however mu n :..- e mav be R t it ir regard to others. Hut ti e Pine! r- CaaBOl pre\- it d ¦signingfu.^n from publishing inissutements, nor jircvect others ftaai Lel.eAiug them. If, theafore, dana^ : resiilta fiom giv.)g ttKi mu. b credence to unfounded tvp-ttls, the Director.- ought not to be held aecoun'.ahl'i. If «o kl older-, mete-ad of yielding t> tbe prevailing parie, w. u:d staud firm and lend thit support to the sah paaa «rlaeh migi-t to 'm-'iy s,v.-t. t. n.i to wi. v.. y ef tbeaiare ntodgad, t!. .. w. .'.. alaVatt] n goiag on rapi tly toaeaaaeBafal conclu-ii >n, a:-d {.lace in their keeping the b'«t paying stjok in the Catted Btadi a. Tha wiil be tflected, a* we have tbe «trongsst rev MB to becte. aatwtBaataaabag the e't'.rts to throw .. :.. ... r..r, il ..-' : . ..-c|\»» K\ . tl - I t«e>er 'L/- ii^-e-jcv ef *>o reo?i. yet a ruci b-Ay tl Ibem are ir:::, ihd uettfrnuiaod to ej«t«ua the work. v . i I: ¦*m . ..!>. it- * "* '..>.."»....'' rtoekWMota to lbs Batapaaal af ftait itoek it man¬ age met t of their private Safajra, ami it ia not my ia: it- ott to offer aaah adv aa> They hnv a right to mm their ttjaafe at a noiniQi' aafca, Cf ghra it a»ay if t!i v "boo*;- ttii-< la t v - f ¦IBB, aaj in whi-h I have no right to :nt .- hra: bat it ia an tatkt ani, coni-ivie nr. * tho paaxtioa bl wniea I an; MM '1. 1 Jaoat aw duty, tuny to tho great boly of taa stookhoidert that th- teeabaoee mi* ma-le are unwarranted by aijythipg in tbe t oudit ti tho CVmpany. as tbej will, >>¦ tan '.- r.-, ha well s*t:j- lifit. B*y iag -nnl Utaa BWCB, aud /riven dne anrnn _., tl e r< at iri rt be |af) t'» time MT ita d^vnlopaients an 1 taaaJfOa * ery reape tr'nl'v, Inc.. BYRON KIL.BOLRN. Pr lidtsat Mail to.A\-. real bp TeUfrmpk. BfiM... Ali. 22.U p at,.Flora n«kuuM; iieee 709 boAaat 04 tortone aew OBaei *.! 2i . «6 dr fat astrodo. and Ow Tt.. *? I aj Mtra «H I dies* »Vaa «t«tt ail aa '.. I1 'nnlv wi'b «mal! aalet: white Kentn.ky 01 4'' a_ ked Colts. Inserand dulli «ab . as','*'"' bue.i. at Tt.:.. for d'-iiv«ry H aJl fbit month, am! 74t<i7g;.. .m thr MOC 0»T« .| ..ot and noo'lnt! at ibVnt Vilr. Ryr Viver with until talea at AV. W ii *KV -i .11 Bjaij aa!.>.t> >. bi:.. at Ik. t*t I.! B*. Kki luliT. a'.-. U. for Corabtrov, ani Mia t >Ne* Y'. rk L««.r IwroBTsup to rirfla to-day: Ii.*« bMa. Flour, trV*»0 nuah. Whet:. !<'.'Nij bu-b. Corn," and r.oTO bi ah. Oits. C't\«:. roar«: I7.0M b tfc. W belt, 30eW bnab. Com, both BkSattj ti litta wat. r. Ü>wn;n. Ay- 22.d p. ni Fl.-l'a at.a.ly, .1-a-.and Ii*!.*. IVai it iBfhanpdi .* ¦.. taOaobaab, it 01 421- r Mitwaaaei tlnb,ano 01 38 far Lutea*» Sfiriii*. Coa\ in lair denjinl; aatr» p,i«*0 bnth. Kaii -iir mi. UauarJ. LaCB Ivioaratu- i t* X.i»t K.-f. Corn. Caxai. K>:r».RT*. ».nnobu.b. Corn. I'hilrrl Iphia Harken.Al B, NL Tbt .>iiiand f< r QBHUBCtTaOB BABB BM tal. ..It, and li.it No. t ;.'.own a let of 13 bin'., t.'lir.« at a>4 t "> Cot ro\ raarkn ia quiet, but (inn; «|»iun»r« bu\i:U aptrlutly. (¦tout ¦Bikal la aBal.BBii mrlrh 'afjaarraoa ptap.-i ra .a «c att. rhoi (M i' '.¦Tiari.1 ia limited, and atand^rl braid* aro BBNt d a: ». '.»» bol, wfAhout t.ndn i bayoTB, SBoaat (or haano aaa, it pr:'-«a ra.iaiiK liom 07 to Ot lor BSBMMM Lrauda and extra, ard OS .«Ot/aot ,r f>il(.T brand*, foes- M'-a '.¦> >a-t t*n »4 Ii r i'rnniylviuiiii Afral. but the market i. utiuara bare. Ri Flora i.<i»ii.'t»t it *»i>hU I; OB ii\ thrrr it not nun h doBBf. 'l'hern ia erry Uttta piiei I Wbrat. tlriina, but thr tnillrra uro holiliaaj off aud on!* about 4. KXIbntii. la har.' to-n taH.-n in lot. tt öl 60« Ol i r ftir t.. p:irnr rrda, and 0163u01 »'S for «o»l white. RjOAalli Prun.yltanm ia brld at Mc anil BaaatAtafB BtNa., WltBMl ti id inr bnerra lo ai y rat. nt. Corn retnaiua iiuetfee: eine VOO't btiaBall yaflowBOVB bern taken at B?o. in atorr and T. c. arloal Oatl a.-.- .!..!!. with further aal a of ».««»>,. ei.«N». b IsWa S. ith* ern a' .:,'/?' for blfcrfctV and >7« 12 fir t ir and prftur lota. Poi i It t.rmer, with «mall aaVa from afore, at if 2a 50 t* hbl. Cat Mt»a, at »Lieb holden arr ii.did'. retit .rllera. Cn^rrB i* aalet Sl'ciB dnR Alotof toOISa CLOVBBfBCD aoli at *7 . I I lb. SfltIT-»rr hravy. tVBISBI i' BBBBtttadj aalaa . . p. :. at M i ><>. iind IM bb!a. Ohi-, at 2t'.. «y galL iTlnrkrte..C«RrFei.i.T EiroRTiDroRTwsTRiar«iE. ¦avoaaaa, ii t tt i ASIIK.S. T ir niLrkn Ii rm tot Piaria *>7 jij. fata are h food it niBBiland firm at 08. COTTON.Tbia ttaplr ia iirmly held, though wr rjti uoti.'- »o!> a an.si! bufiDBBB. O r fBOatatlOM ire tnr ijmr aa Ihaaa af jtitt rdiv. aaa roaa ciaaarricATtoa. [Mud. Florida. Mobile. tLO. Ittaaaa. Ord'mry.13 13 Vd~, 13 MlaÜÜäi.IM IM l^t 15; ailddiin»l*ir...lf.i Ml 17 17 Fair.161 Iii; flotn. num. COFFKE ia very quiet j the only »a'.r w,- b <ir-i d of to-Jav, WOB I"" I ara Ho. at Me. HVKUOOliS.Th. -t..koi i.orwo.*i hai beooBM roak I br aeeotat aalra, and the market la now tit o»r aalra of ton tana St. Di Bahnja Lodvood BBVe tern i irttrd at 01'' ruaii. whieb, l.owrvi t, M tatre IBI ritr; btaea kin ia are rather qui.'-. BM itorka oi all kiuda are 'i|bt. a::l Kieee HUB trad' FLOUR AND AtK AL.Thi Inqtrln tir Waatara Canal Floor i. BMÜ IBtO. the arti\a!» in BXroef of thi i!. n ar d m \ pri'-r. of tbe lew iridei are aaa! i 5a eaairr. The hettrrnrideaar.i heavv and »r)l i!ovely ; the »nie» are 1,7011 b*>l«. a*. *<> 2"># ififi 40 lor roufleon to food State. Of 60? it IS for a-.tr« do MSB ?6 411 for raperttna ti .üa'i» indMlchiranj $6S i tilSfl tot tot m teijood extra Ohio; 07M9#Bae lot aaod toe do.; *7 2j«a9 for rxtra (Kueaoe,Md 07BD«0IBSS for St. Lovna Mania »Vi aetwa taa firat arrivals of new Miehiran to-daj, the qaality really very band.MBB- it waj (roaa the "St. Jilirn.Mii;»." Cauadiiu Flonr ia in lair r. qiirat, it offered freely BMeleeaa leworj lh« «aleiart IIHtbMa at ajtIfri T640 for prtiine »1 ' t for rxtra. So'ithern Flour ia b< avy ksd Iraa active I the rerripta arr liberal and the teu.irn-v bj iownwaiit the aawa arr 1,400 bMa it Ott .W" t>1 tot niixei to rocil bnnda Alexandria, ir. an '. *7 l'5£8 2.» lor Ihe h--tt. r k.a 1 Rye Floi la itaajy 1 aalet of HB bMa, at Brittas AO. Com Meal l. iinnlv bei '. t! ... paly |. litnitrd BatoBofSM L' la. ul Oi AB« B3iM lot Ilrainlyw Im FISH. Dry Cod arr .ready and in moderat« retrieat: ia>a of fiVOto700atJa. on trrma did not learn. Mackeral ar>-tliui at tkli! .Wa>*5ll for lane ;'.. OlSwOll IS tor Iwite Z«. and OS 7.'.4t9 fir lur«r 5-.. at tvbe il 2IKI to 3IVC bbla. WOTO BOli I'leklt .1 Mi rring r«ma:n q ii> t if tpSti i*<3 nO. Box Mrrtinj ure quiet, but fiim it Ma f..r Sralid, uud 30e. for No. I. CHAIN.The Uli .f xrk.t i Lim ttli \, 1..' 1 ;...".». ntt lower: the herviueu ia thr moat marked in rei|the a'tpp'.via fair, and tho tend'Li y atiil downward: the aalea are 6,710 hiialirl. Poi.tli-m ird it »>1 18« #1 .'I, 7.200 hitibeta Southern w MM tt f>l 7ua 01 Bt'.thr latter an extreme rate lor anything >t the rlo e. It f.. it quiet, aud It more plenty tdat of 700 bu.htfla at B9b.fOI i.rw Jerary old i- he! tl »"«Ol. Barry in q bit, aud U t.. lalaol A aäuiplr of new Canadian waanbibitedto day, the ijnaliiy only luir. Oata ire in fair deiniud ti.d iitavy aale« of SUtt at y.afu., and Weati in ut tfU&U: Com ia tc. .. i he anpply la ample. »: I thi BOBMOi rimdcrato ; aale« of S1.U0O hu-h. la ut tl«8ie. lor VVe.tnu mixed, and t"1... i. r Sjuthi ru yellow. BIDES eontini r very qni.-'; we ioarr only of allot of jo bales Cede ntta Butialu, I'J Iii atertte, at 2t'e.. Iium HOPS are in.ii-ive at 73 UV. forr mniouto f:lr. and Mi) lie. foe fair Mehoiot K06a. We do not learn of any eMfMBSa BatBf loied to day. HA\ The ahippinn drmanj is ftntl: ht' Iera ire firm »tl^a oi j(>i balca at l.rmU<c per IBS fc, IRON.looteb Pin n miii a quiet at 094 by the Mvafeo, aud S .'¦ MaSB)3S, 6 moa for »mall pair, la tu n yard. Bai ia in iBtlted dtmand «t a>t'/ f r eommon, ,-ud +«! ./ A77 M foi rtAaei Sheets are io f.tir reqntit. and linrliah tre ahado firaier; Mlaaof 300 bdlt. dooblea and triylaa at if>i a., and 4.>> I baa, oi Rutatt it UJ .. 6 noa. iRATUER eonttsnea antat ani lathet heavy : holder» atk nn linn, e on preient rjfet. LI.MK.Ko< klaml la quUt at 70c. to; i«uigu aad 01 t I Lump. AlOI.ASSi - < Ü a ural.-rti-d. NAVAL ITORE8- grdrrtt TirrBorrtloa baa ml eatroaaelj fliliet, tut pri. .¦« ire t.oinfally ruehatIgt d tiie s!... < .. got bur- aaaaaaBBB, BBS the lere'pts in BMaaOOtBIOHAatal »t.-) b, t»ra runatonetitly ari holviii.t ltr.k 'oi redu-rd rate« ibout I'sJbhia. ingtiod order io!d tt -toe r«.th; aud tiiil!. ab .et the !»..'. pi:< e tbtf cm be <.»,».dm d. t'; .. it Iu htbl atork end firtn at 01, bat tap deaaaai la BaaMod, Cra*aaaoa SMata It »tili iBtrra and .rantrd at extrei ... rat»-a; aalet of sblt. it *l »S 310 Pi Salin pad the Snot aaallttea ara aleo ta MOM »uprrlyan t pttooa mir firu Ij lain IM bb't. meüium Na. tat SJAV id" it). Tar ia rather on!*? bol ia buoyant a* At 02 25 DM latter t.t- for Wilmincton. OII.S-l.in». la :o!\ at lot Eufüth, und Matte, for An.rruan; but thr demand ii la t tetivo. Crudo W hale bl finr.ly helJ at 73ii75c., b< t btryota at- not laiioua MirdjoaBta at thete ratea iti-tired fvirW latrnirai for tt Sli Be. for Bent- mi r and Fal', a::d lajarv. i-.r'w int« r l ira. I- d Cr .d# dprroi Li .iiiit.- d II, ar.d nominahv brld it 01 M taliOB. btauuflae- t.r-d;. ntharqatat, ani bub fraap 01 >«.:. (i Mfoi feaa« ut and Fall, and 01 4.'..il BTfbt Winter. Bt to n.alitv. Uati Oil it in nioderat« requeat, und tirru; talea jtatfon. tuod to prir e '-'y ;.nd w»atern W inter i' 01 12' «! Itl. loi - nionfha Ouva Is a aCaio eeaSBri atlet SM pk^». at *o 12 l 'j:-. Red Oil ia lint ml. PRO\ 1SI('NS-Th. '. .!,/ Ibf Pork is r, od, in i price* of Mi tf err.. Me. i^-tt... tad Tiiu r bald with treat.- Brat* nr-.; Iha rtJtjt aroTMbbil tt pt6 n$)$j%% lot Al'-aai «2« Si lac Thin MeaBi $MSS*»27 ...» dar; aiu *22 for Prima. B-r| It in ftir requott, and laqjitefnu it tiie iinf>*overx»eat; the aaioeireTtO bLIa it B>iTva>|fl t.,r n-ptikid waebara Me... and tr\S b"'a+iO for extra do. Frltraa Moat lt.et and B-.f Hbbbb bio iiBohaBB«d; the atoch of b thia very Matt Karon ia firm, lud in fair demand at IV. Cut M< ita are firmer; »alei of Mbhda.al llfaBISa, for BhooMert, iud I2iui.; for Man.». Lard ft more active, ami I'again better: tho re. eipta »:.¦ in H.a.«, Ind tho atoek la aanall: aalaa oi tV'bbla. bb4 tea. at 1(311 the latter piier tat, boiee. Butter ia In lair ». mind -t 13i":20r. fur Ohio, and l7ci 22c. for State. Cheete it in loud ri e ^Olie RICK la without variation; aalea of 100 tc*. at 033 A3 7i t* ii I I. aa to iiuality. 81'UARS tJO Wlthotrl u. ,ter!»! e! »nfe: rjiototalBttottoitr are ab> ut .««> bhda., and bjoladt 2i«i ..hda Cuba at Be., 2.*i bhAt. Md W do at |e for exiiort; IN boxea flavin at Be. ruh. iud Vj bhda. puri Porto Biee m rx.nd it B)S(e. al«<i fac »hltiment. 1 ALLOW .Tbe BRhrala vre light, aud baldail a.e ii. 1.1, »ilet of 7.rani m. it 12} u Wr. rtah though Fat it brui it V \. IMSKV.Ttv B ark. t is BtOpB BltlltO. Bild b BBBll ir.n.-r; »»!. a of 1,4/0 bMa (pait la-t .-Yeuiugi it IBM . Rerripta of Produce_\, .. S, Bt "¦' Scrth Rittr Hoatt-tjm l'bl«. Fl .t. Ms] lo. tV*b S t turn biiah. Com. 37 pkga. A.hra. Hy the t.rU kit il,.«/./.". 4'>0 »iJ.-» t>at':i«f. i'lbi«. l"our 30 t.-WHM ..-.21 lagt Oat*. IJ» pkt. B.tt-:.^4 bait-a W ',..,kt All.et. Moveiuewia ol" On nu Nletaiuiers. to DaraaT. ?t--»n:trt. liBBTaB F..r r»»*e Cai.ade.B. at.,n.L'vrrpoo!.y.lr. jS Banittat.New-York.. Hamborg.-tpt. 1 Jaaoi.New York..Itrrxr.eii...^.Seit. 2 Aral .a. New-Yoi<..Liverpool.S,pf 2 Ttty ot \V..«nagten..Ntw York.. L'vrrpn.};.S.pt. 1 Kd i.^urah."r. Turk TJltatIa.Sept 3 ¦*.N»jw.Y..rk..Aip:nwiii. Ri.- .. I it"."*' But.p.-T_--t rrtaiBB Tla iaatli'a Tibt I ' iiet»on.rrew-York..Br »jen..,.Hi p'. 9 Ailretir. .Kew-Yotk..LiVIrpe ¦!.-. p:. 12 Vanderhi':/-.Nrw-York.. Smtbaaipton.-»pt. 12 TO «IKIVI. A< rth Star.Havre.Metr*Taa%.A at. 12 f Wai |toa lit - Ne-w-Fork.* U II a t.e.ffverp ol ....Near-Tort -Aug ..Aap; w,':.New V si.K i 1) Afri'i. r.itrrp<xl.N«w V-rk.h-it. 22 \ aadatbiii.Havre.New-York.A g, 22 Alago.Ila.r-.N. w \ ."a.A ig. St Ka:.<iioo.Liverreiol.New-Tort.A </. 2fi Bilt>.Utetfoal.N-w-Y rk.S of 2 < o; \\ a»i.iu|tun..Liverpool.New V. it.S. pt. 3 O.'.; w.Olaag' r.New-Yo.k.Sept. S »Taatnir-et To avo >i BAVASAä StramtKip ft-iladrtfhia. Ffuti New Y"rk 2d, arriving it fTa* sani i'l. and .New Orleana 11th. Fiona N w 'Jrii i.itijath, Hi vuia 23d, airh .ng at Nrw \ >tk 23Ui. SLaaihip (jualer City-Fc^ui New-York 7lli of ear Ii m m'A, an i r at Havana i2lh, and laokilt 14^. From al jb..»224, Havana IsRa, arrivi.-x it New-Y' tk 2Sth. Mm»Mi> roAotToo-Frcu New York I2th, arriving tt Ha- rtnaUtk and New Orleani 1'nb Fnau New Oi.etaa Utk, Htvtxi 23-h, trr'v.i.a: it New Y^rk Sept 1 S'teOtaatiB EmAm City.f: in Raw \ ,rk ITth, orrlrlBBal nevaai Md aai Mew-tJrleau 2Sta. Freai NeerOi waa 8 pt. 5, HitJ.i rth. urivlrt at New York 13th. ott.:.. r Hewa Hi I ui New York 27. ;r ivet it HavaOa f> pt. 1 Bl i New Or!-ir.t SB, Proat .N. a 0;..-j:i» 12th. Havaxa 14th, BaTmag at New York tili». . otAe> haltl. From Chartoatoa ith and ISth d-a»»Io yti i7tL aLd 22.1. Praaa. lUviua Mth aa Il Sr., York l*tu uudUliL Pajaatrajwera Ani veil I .f ttromthim Jan i/reat Brtmtn and ttBtflOBMiajB Ml WhlU ajad fua.fy, MUi K. He .drirkaoo, J. .tlathanaou, y.a li\ y U'i'»"»»'^, w. MiwHVAaaaiMty, Mr S. \Yt!j r s..p-fniic;,.,. *. r;. f? ,t.' Tr~:. rv --.naifi.*^ 1 Mwtoa, O. Urtoi,, C A. Beth, M. Vktr, W . V "¦' tl 1. I' l..r,t. C S't.i'k. B I -I **> 1. b ' H v ..w.--. I KH«to*,D N4cZ.tf Pet i. <. ,1 . 'I j . .,?.> tad f.n..',, J An!««t»Ui L. EsWj, O. II... , , \T« rth, A. I *-».-, V. Fn..t. F.. V»rke,.*4. rwV.rLg» Pi .u'ai M. Or-ii'i, Mi.- .'.! h..-, .\ S01, ,, J Or.«i .. ..... .i <tl, f i « . ,- " ki'rE**» ; r. ' " m. l.w ... r. .It. ., , j...,,- ;«.. «..., t-f\u-- SiIuJl* .... ,.J ..:,!( ;. , «>J»'|. 4Wl.rt* «Ild .»d*. J>*epli S,3., \l. .. .,,.'., °*" Erleier*. rttf. 1l..Vrrw.rth. J. tto^rrWl* S.*V 1 iS"** W». feBJa*, Ri b»rH Bnwde*,. <). W n !. -M m»tt Ii**, h » b c .. , n \% ¦, $* V , ;..** St art, R. I.e. Ural.*. W. Dm, p m, r y?k*Z loir. I try. W. PBfcee. Reedw,, J. p7gS*iAr-J°Sf^ y tfaryCwtiii ."d Wily, b. t.i.» a* *.*.* \\. »elMek, C. Be:.,l.,rl ird l»d*, '. D^C*' * fUo«S Ktfkaa B****b, ff. Prejern * «-l I w »,,,£, \a..*"*» I Hot V. too A ..I-'!.: I-,... %\.***9> r. v\ s. ... i. bum,, j!. - 'raM^H'. t, [i A Finher. F v.iuvii, I" :*r» Sc»-W»,v^B.A* rVhubcrt. Mi-vr it Schubert. II. Ue.ike. J. KivovT, U a?r keel t. K Otrttner, H. Britb and tarty a. v |.«. w I ...... i»! il I..." uiAim. U. " n-f iBdlddS K. Niii'i. A Mtl R. Es« i> \ ..! A C. Mijc i riii.k. J. Ocfa Uni la ly. M. S Minfel. Li inter of r«biu nw ülirr», ^*l, in »It.' /. idMMtate KdinOurfh /rum I.' 1 .'. A 'I. I»r Bwbi .,iü,ll,rt rlaltfs BuiBBiwnrBh^ VVia. W«JJ I, tad* rmniüy, llr"tv St. < ijv. Mr* 5li«»r. f»f:i'!r «.»"77« Uniom.oud Hi J 1s.It. 'S»ml. Hi tl '! " W_ Jane Mnitb, AVx l)«viJ...r. Jobn M. U. bb k !wlj Ja»«. Oraraa. JaaaaaQiay, tadraM taaaaljr, Jobn Tb.<m*«. Mr* j b.'U« Cairrrua, Jituw. Woo«l, U ly «nü fann.v Mid \ .nJL MiCu'Ioi'k, Jsjbm s*f,-'* «nd lady, J.rui,. a B1 a ¦.,<.. ajj t>\lw, '. .'v »nd i ,.;,l SiiDuu Reld. kfr*. Jdme« R 1 j Hetay. Jaam Pam i, 0. 1'. A'atjaBuL Ha*. Wo>. Aa4ana_ Tii. . M.f'. :.!««, r;» |»r. DaaL »'¦.!«.» »od btlj. Wat. \w\W liiu.it f D. Batht rland, Oeora« M«Klllop, Mia tf.U* Bkaaal *. ti, Mku Campbell. Prter N.rV. l. o «i wlaly, J-.- tm mA .v'y .Mn.*. - l*!eu !t -, J«re - PrtMtly an-' \miy. « rtartat e A,', i. lidu»rdi «ad UJt. ( »pt. AWc M "*.-mi, j T Tbouico, J. i. . Du o, John irN.a'.. T V. Bj.«j ; rj/Joa! \^ ibl lady aod ^ml!t. DarrbH P'V* ti»o. R. .«.',(¦.> ,i m Pike! Mteeaai Jeaeie ind Lilie« H*ll, T. 8. M.t:h«!., J. Jj. c^Si tvnt. Da I beta B ina i<o\r. t! «t ..n»e. le tmtkttiUp Mmrfartt Kmtmt/r '. ..I » 'p ...«aa .Chaa P. Riebe« .nU lad*. Mr- MmL<». a id «eJU, Mlae 11 ti bi a, Btiai raulaaa, Wh. T. Cooper, CharTei % 4^ uwa. I 'i BturiATtnta RLBUkac... .Tan Dir. Snn-Ritfl.A:I'M 8et«. <. It Mooo-Met. .. 8:1««, BIBB w A r t h. .. to.* o«v. l«Bi«jBook... S:o? U.'d... 10;4" .i Hell Oate... .<:.% MARINE JuUllXAL PORT OP NKW-YuRS.V. ...rfc .leare«t. Bteamtblpe.Augutta, Woodbull Raraaneh, S. L Ml kiDi JiineaUao, P.ni.h, Ni'ifiilk. Lodlaoi It, ri<«iauUi M.ri. u K««. tu, t'liurlt»tou, Sprlford Tilrit-n i Slip.ii Orwumau, Wilb. r, Ne* i>il.«n». W. T. PreatiBJ Reed. French, Caere* ea4a aiaibet, Vt A KUteunn Bi ks.Can lu< (Brem ), StriK. 11 b n .ud. Pa* .'»dtk > p k.r; il k. Arph"n»on. P. »t. M ibilo, 1' - tab. Co.; ('. Win.u. r, M. fiiren Per »n Prieee, R. J O'dwlaf Juaper, Bennett. (. harieatoo, Diinbam k llinion. Brli^-lioT. Bn.wo, Ai»erthy, Aptlecbicohii R. Pa.:; S N p.daom. Buigor, Metcatf It Uuneaa ; f>. tut. MrCa». I B| Jago, Peaai.t Urn.; Speed (Br.l. Wille«,* J..«a, N B., R. l)eVV..Ife; M. M R.- ti .. V ntoa, TboBafBoaai BunUri R C Dyer. T mef PbaUMabta, II Bw HrOoeaaBB k Co. Mariipden, Emery llanxin. Brett, S u k C«,| Ii' loakBi, Mit. ii. IL Boit"u, 8nillb a B-y-.toa 8. onere- J. T. Hainatd. Stit. .. Rirhni.aid, Merrill k At* botti J *l. WoeriB, Chipiua i. New-Havea. J. B v:dw*rdt| L Robinem. l)»*if. Rmr..|, 1. Kenay; S. aauan iBr » Agree* J, it r. J. 8. Whitney k Co.; Plan.'...me. lln.nn Savwiuaa, De* o,illk Co. ; Aiinada, Eli-y, Prfdcrickihi \«n Br..m t 8:*gatl Pilot*! Bride, Clark. Porto Cebello, (i I. Hatcl 0 Poaaig* (job, Baattfc, N. eMHIeaae, R h. -t a UHtlame; W. L. Bar- rough*, Jeuk*, Sai«iiiiali. Ilunbain k llinion; K'lip«e, J>,«¦«, Ckarleetoa, B«-r«i.i.'.t k Ta in . ». S.altfc, Bpatrt, It'll. ;. a. J. 8ai<tb k Co.; See Ranter, D arow Wi'alagtea, Stod.Ur.1 1 ("e, k;.S. Colliua Keerett, Rll/abeMi City.B. tiiiuet, Boa k C«. i PdMTiiIe, Cbeeter Bli baeoad, t II rW* »..ii: A. feateaaaa, Orealey, Pre.ier.i k.biirit, Van Br-at kj Sit»t)t. W. lt. N. in ib, IU. t re.l.-.icklk it \v. BJ*» Keei Robrcea, Woltem. City point, 1. lluuUi a C . : fl«% Brajton, Roter*. Philadelphia. J. >'.'. Meliee 8flvi, ^t-tee», Crawl«*, Pbi.'.uelpl L, master; feat, Ma, PaelkNa, Beel B, (He* ton k s'piiigii' Leaaea* Claea; Boeten. 8 W Lewi* *i Oo. Sloop«. Rbode laland. Hull, Pro\ ideaOB, uiatfr, >V. R. B. wi n, Hailoek, Briitul. L Kenny. Stcann r§.Wrateinport. Bony, Portland, If. B. Cr ,w*fl| N. veltj, Bell, Philadelphia. Arrired. BteamiblpEdinburgh(Br."eerew) Citaaaflngi, <i. » Vig. I,witl -e andpae*. teJ. Mt'Byiuen. Eapetleiu-,.' the aeag tad m, *tron| wiitetlv wlndi, the la.t three day., enateit*« it,7a in !at4fttN.,ie&MtSr\ .«i>..ke i,..r. Wtta, ofaad M Bouon. 2l.t, 4 p. ui p*a,ed a acrew *te*auU|l .teering E. .-h p itaieBlj, TBJaiTIT. Liverpool, via Traloe July W, «HB oi in..'. BHI peek, to Itargaa, Cleermau fa Co. Ship laaae Webk Bnav. leteereool U «*r«, Britb and 6iM> pa.i. to C. il. Mar-l.«r ,V Co. Had tmt marriage, gfjg birth and one death "u hi.ar.l. . hbip Critettea (of li .a'on). naidtag Cardiff +) d^jt, witk* mtisi aud tailroad Iron to i.ia.tei. IIa-i ip<neu ed r.'ry iigbk \V. win i Um p»«.».r. Bble Matkatat Evan* (pkt.), Warner, London and P...:»moutk July Ith n.die. and 2JU pa.a to E ¥.. M^rtan Bath John lleiinauu (!Um ), Uon.lieldt, Uaiubnre 4.1 day*, with n d*e. an.t If6p«aa. to I Katrk. Biit Flora (8p.), BlHrUteng,,Uaii eleaa 72 dayi, with miu.ke, to Oalwsy, Caaai-. fa Tell. r. Hrtg Lattrel (Br ), Oleen, Sydney, C. B 9 d«ye, w<th eotlta. master. Biit (Jen. Pierf <. (of Balti-Mor ), K lferle, Monroeit (W*a> Cntit tri Aiv.ai. July 10, wtthaalmoUaaaeaaaai ..!.. U W. B. Hall. A.i^ in, Uu 37 21, Ion. 10, .p.ko ebip K .itlyi, I' Ii, ti; i tri in ti, >. tlrl. an* for Havre. Brf Plora(Sfaa.),Uarietaa, Uareelout 11 day*, altli wiae Oalerap, Ca.aiio u Tel .-r. Brig I.- Btiae Brey, Calai« 7 dayi, a itb lueib. r t-. /. May. hew. B r. Alum (f».V Oirurd, St. Pl.rr-, N. F. 12day., with tit Bah te Wheele ilajit k Co. 8. iir. \\ aa B. alarah, Beryee, Alb«n> f..r Pr.vid. n *. g -. Weaikineo, (Jo,bam, Pieimoai i«r Pruv'dtu,'. Bcbr.! (wrkr ), Meiutt, f.oui brig Roberta, ai..< re ag Reuth .inpiou, L. I. ft r VVai etnith. Fieber, C!i»rleitoa r>dayi, wi.h rice, woeat, far., t, s. .,. .. , fa Tallxnao. Bear. Blneyiiltnl. Mi.inb rü, \ ir^'nia 6 dayi, w,U eoru to a* C. Haven. Bear, B. V- V tter, Hir.loa, Poit Hwrn for PrOTldenea, N ur. BUsabeth An., (iir ), U iLilaur |0 dayi, with p.naUr BJ ;i D* Wolff. H i Nt it 'P.r ), Hunter, Winleor II day«, Vi» Poitlaai, nriih akwter, wool, i.e., to maat> r. 8cbr. kl. A Predmore, l'redmor», Virginia 3 day*, wood. fahr. Barbara, H»d«r*. Vlr*Jala > daya, w e d. Bahr. Pair, Riniiley, BalHaaete. 6 rtuya, with eaak Sehr. J. A. Chsdbi.iirii (S-oiaatedi, Mariball, Wliaajj , ,e, X ilaya, with ..ava. .torn te Baiter. Bchr Homtou B ub, Virmr.it 7 don, wood. Bear. Heieaa iB; ,, r.ot. rti, Plctou 10 Utyi, with e<;«J If Majatou fa r .were. Kiir. Joke, B i.-ton, Wilmlutlou. !,'. C ,7 day*. 8chr. t\ kiatler, P»,k.-r, Viuir.l» B daya. i- ,.r. I), parabieI, Crowe'l I)-.o. . v....: i.aii to 8. t w.lb( S. br. Jubu L. Darling, Howe. Provldaace. Behl Itkir, Hiitiu*, Providence. Bear, Ftank, Nn'kcr*cn, \\ a.ebam Bohr. Mare. Cook, Albany for Portland Me. n i r. A. ;.. Do'igla.a, 'ialaei, Kint-ton f«.r Ilartfcr l. M. in» r pieJniout, Willett, Baltiaiure 70 hour*, u ¦';*<.¦ W Hi B. CromeelL M.au.n Batti Ii. 8. Hew, PailtdelphI» f dCpo BJM Uht ITtth n i.e. to ff. P. rkina. ^ BtoataavOepnrp, Keaaaff, lrn**aeaaa M boon, md.c. to I* SAil.i :i.Ft omahipa Pulton. S.,iith«roptoii, k«.; Ne*-T* (R. i. Olaifow; Autnata. 8«»an .... Maimu, tu. .a .-a, v t ¦.¦ .. tb, fae. Toe p«i k't rf 'p Hamionla, 7IC tuui regiiter, wtl, thlg >. Hoaai Di.'.k tor czaialoat oB. Arrived. .. .Sr.anaT. Aaavat -3. 17, s. at i'.'-aicl.tp Benthtraer, R. n-'f.a. fhailettta, with ti.i.'-e. p.»- to Fpofcrd, Tilrito'i «V Cu. On Tbnreday, at I «. in., p.»».e atttn.ablp C.be.u ba, for N' w-Orlen.:«; at 9a**-, I N. c f I rylnt Par -pole b»rk Maria Mor«- u anl brlf UHen, bo ad B. od latinhoal. paeeed eebr. Marne, ol New* kork, »ah loa» of oiniuaail. From Hotter**, eaptrieaoed 4 liea\ j N. E, gme. Ihl| Th rntea, Cotlina, Ltrcrpool July 16. trlth mite* aM 'M pa.t. to Uiiilain- 4. (c Ian ad well, tHii It.at., I»t. 4> Ban - oki -hip Sir Robert Peel. The T. bad one birtt *faa on'1 deeta tn \< .rd dclEt the pa.evse. , Buk Palermo, laBhaa«, Palermo Jane 29, p*i '.(iM»»,*r Juli I., with liict, ., and 14 paai. to <.:i.»mb«rlain. P- F** Co. July 14, l-t M 14, to* 10 4 ., rp.,»e haik «u».l~l, 4 tM f .rBo»A*n,? d*yifr..rnMiirieil!ti Aog 18, wbll r -.r-iglba fereloMall Saneo i U -tt (boyl fell rVm the loretopnl aj.i-erfa attxeh on the fnreyaraai * bom taeaw»' letboBtd, deeu. the .*» outb forejerdbavlrj killed Mm. Th.- P. hai exp. rl. aeedB ,t. » f...-. n P««-«*. Bl : Ao adiai. (Br.;. L-oki art, Um «or. H. S., 8diy.,wllh ' 'BV-VB'eng*Via''Bt*plea, Sh< .lite 10 day«, witli lumber to U. ' hrig Ltiii.-, Bray, Caijla 7 deya, with lumber U Zeb. Haye Br I J.'anant (Br ), Hem berr*, H r.«y, N. B., 6 dayi, wl**, II ,'.m e 'k P. I. Nevi... It .-ot... N i r Dau.t:., Pi aer, CaiB.a f .lay*, with W'lt tC ti- B'»r*> Oi*n. II. Cnrtli, J .bnscn, Calaia 6 da*., with InnibertoMaj* low laib'itfct... S r H inetN a! II.n«<oaib, Eutporte ¦'. yi. v..t-i .«:caw pla.ru to Brett, 8oa k Co. ranm tl. PhhaMf, Beetea ta Uil-at. 8 hr. Ji hri .I«Tii.. Robert*. PhlUJe'u^,i^. for 0.4'oo. s or. V nil (Bi >, biaith, Wiauaor, M. 8., 7 d*ji, wii.ipk* trr to enter. h'hr. Adelaide. No keraon, Bo»toa for Albcay. II f 0 ». It. at I tm lea a Bteamei CNscrge'i Creek Moriey, Coarlettoa 4 -Uy«, *. Lett and cotton to H. 15. Crom welt. Eapcn. uced heavy %M* gale, tue w Belt ut tht (iiaa;e. St»»i.i»r Delaware. ( p. «, PL , j. 'j,uii, MJ c»pe Hay B heura, n.. »gel I'eikin*. Iti an i r Weatcbot r, « Itrk, Pio»lärm-e |f; houra, u-J**. *. bin, Oda'.l. Bleaaaer r*4 aiaka, CatBaaaa, K. a-B«df-)rJ, with mi.- m Jf«eph Ai'. u V. 1NU-Dur.3g tb* Jay rro:n S.W. By Telecriph. a , , B09T0.-. Aog. Cl.-Arr. thip Bea mirt. 9^" ,:'n L f I- >' I i .V r: A-1-' -si Fit : 1 t HARM - if N A ;t. .-.-Tie V, S- *.;.- per, Tan ... Ke»-k<"» ¦ * ¦ ing. , da Iga Ad* Ta Warlaer*. imtm*mi B* - r0l tb, VtU Hot.« Board. LigH lieute latjieetet, Pafth P-**r**V latflHIa. Aae* 9tm%% _t r%>i^ktBBrf BttjU tBBBBBJ

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1At* :>»r.»l|TaV.*..T*mf CArTTOHTlA -vm'* r».*e<B

¦¦raw* eneas mmM fi'.'-'i eats t-s :. ¦'. . s-.er.:»o.i.. <-:¦ I Oi .. i »f.; y -f > , 'mh M

.»t» u-<.» .*.....,'<. : r« .' t n Weenie > 9«..¦I» .>!'¦. :>r. q .. H Bar. ''' I U SMaS of BBSd

rr. ?. I, FircJu1L *.T;Rx>txii,3d ttkf^ivtBc*,hotrod,exelaast« >'"" ». ataVsai ItwBo-h ue «>oaa CsMM'Wm**, AfTMl >. t> iBABBa <vr Ter.

H».*f»T, T*im<« r. ,St»':«. ,i, BOWBL«, I. \r\ KlBXBVI .A*mru. b>i Main i oj4. l mnTs '. '1 ' lj n.aa'. atidI»mI«<t<. i.n i.*-.), (of «Ii .-?>./.?... Aj-r'e to

Dr *». .'. Kni 'i, Ni !,l K-iv!«o, NmT ik.ftr kMMeM .>lf'« «-iib. r i ' eap I H »Barvb,ef

«Irr«. Lere. I> o. I »!»'. ':...« N«-»-V »,». j uc y.ij «».

.uirKubci .oi.:. !i' t aa l.ia S4CM.

t Adret... f.'i' JfI IB1 Oaü ;.Gas tixti.r» s, einen «rd be'.utifiil

Urs »!.?. »Ul * '. Um .' .i.i .. i.. j defat iflion \Vjimk4ii i,n inj Bi :w*t.

BROOKLYN ITEMS.fJftUUIM Annsv.. A man tnrnei Js^e« Smith,

xrrMii.g tt No. ITS OoWOOrd street, wia <i*T;;isroT»<!ywtwbV'il on SVur 'ay Bight by tw I Hermans n ;th whimlie bud an alten*, tiao. Allof the y r. rt'.»« ara.esa]tr( the p,a«^-hou**f la Cooootd street, nearGobi, east.bont 10} o'e.Urk on Saturday night Smith mean stand¬ing i» cavcrst/i m with JiVha'd Leonard tt the cor¬

ner of Concord andfroH, whea Krane*« I 3ariager an'

KVtee Winc>*c!l < «.rr;c Uj> and a«k d thorn to go and takeadriak of lag^r b*.«r. wir b thoy did r.». PVaacil N-; 1-

aaan'e houee, No. 'JUo Gold street. While hew a quar¬rel took pkv*e betv.-e- n |ha par.; * ehuateoaaetxiaTa,asil they w^nt oat into *.Iio street. When opposite theeayine-l #UN of No. 11, io G i ¦. iisturbaucebe« arrv-g' ti.-ral, and the huya aro.o i houseurged Smith on to IgM the fJermsns. He nt.u k tbem.nee er twice, when they Ohaaad him to the cirn'ir oftJold and Coemofd, and "tabbed btaj with their knivc.lie wae Hev. r*'y injured, au i was tiken f'

hythe bystawJei-s. Dr. r.yn'-h was cai'e.1 ia to dresshin wounds, aud found one deep wound in the ba k ofthe neeh, two on the hoed, aud one in the Utt shoulder.Iiis tat and coat wero much out up. The trouadlwere boucd up without pruhtag, as the extent of the"injury was not ascertained. Me Heu in a very critica'condition, and may not recover. Teadavday SergeaaPatterscu and Ofllcsara Phehta and MeBride proseededto arr''«» Wiuehel'. The t vo oflleen fouad h m aboutarson in Lia boeW, aid Ibwud a dirk-keif' on hi- Der«eon. He was tak"n t<> the Second District 8tatIon-Mouse. Th ether Geraaau had wet been arreeted bustc-eening. Baasth dot i not attaeh auuoh blame to them,n» he <ociid< rs hin «..! tie e.-g-et,S((r< Smith is a nun

of family, and is about f irty yean of age,

Fti.ai.im. a kfABURT'Waooa CowteüTs..About 2 o'eloeh on .Saturday nauruiug OfBoar Calahnna*i<*un a dim.m aasaed Aadraw Hoothe,at theferand-atreet ferry, on so /..re.n of having in his pos-ecaeioii a atoll n horse, WUgow, and a load of potatoes.Yeateruay a fanner from ItOcheway ajip^ired at theFifth Di tri t Station-Hoii« i. A rl.-iirned the property.Jt appears thnt a men in his aanptoy started for asarketon Friday night, hi I, probably be om ng LatOXtcated,tell out of the wagen at East Xew-Yorh, and trataomewbet injured. The horse aattauad on untiltaken in obarga by IImthe, who aiincluded to takethe prodawu bo marhet and esupeee ef i'. Ho was

sbsposrd of by beiag ehe I up for examine'ijn to-day.Past.i, Oorarxarxii ICoaar..-BobettBttr, who

keeps a porter-house ut the loot of liridge ajjaet, wn<

arrested on I ridar eight by OJacec MuBeide, of theSecond l'n cin<-t, on a ohai ga of pas bag e enterfait f.>aotos of the i.'e Baak, Alar?., oa Thomaa Coouar,heeper of a porteivhoiiau, ai d BaaiBel Mott, a milk¬man, lie a'-o. 1 ; !j.' c 'unt'-rfeit bill of th« I!k*>f South]»ort ou John M( llhenoy, at the earner ofBahtge aad Joha str.-ei-. lie was taken befare JnatioaC'ornwcli ou Saturday, cud c aaaaalttad in fall to awaitthe actioi. of t!.. ilrundJary.Banrrai haaai it..-, tWoman..a woman named

Mary lliiie« lUuMfaag in Tillan sfroet, was kno?k(dekiwn, and brutally kicked and l-'-a: n. by n n. i.-hl. r

named Mtebael Mewy, yesterday ruoruing, He was

aiTestrd byBargeaad Patterson of the Beeoud Precinct,»n.d held to awad the resu't of the woman a injuriea.

fsccixvaar..A boy ahaat eleven yuan of age,named ltnrney I.aoghlh , residio'-* at No. TH Waahhag«ton rtreet, area aeueiuly injured on Saturday at> .] .

i»oon by falling through the beatUI in a factory iaprocer« «l" eriH tii'U iu 1'i u.t *trcet, OWI ed ley Cainjv.beil et Thayer. He fell a dtataaoe 0 :i Ibet, andstrm k on his head. He wai takea to Dr. Qlldlhta'aoflieo, and thence to his rcsiJem

DARisri Kori kv..Tho house of Franc is Cotton,No. H9 First place, was robbed on Saturday night,nliout 9 o'clock, of a large qoaatity of bHtot plate,valued at about li'Mo, i,y soioe adroit ihief. The fam¬ily had paitaken of t«"n, nud tho rilver w ire was

pa. ki d away in u ba»ket for the purpoee of beingkahaaapate] - ni the ¦ {htj the basket wai placedon a table in the back baeeuiei t. The attention of theservant was lulled to the fmnt doot by a person who*waa inquiring for sr«a»e penou ta the VSTflwity, aad itwas. at thai time w' it tie lui-ket \s taki n.

1X0,171 st.-Coroner Keduing held an iuijuest on

Batmday on the b dy of Philip DalllgUU, \ >. -tMain ifreet. who died ai disease ot the hearty Rewas about 00 yeait of age. ami 1 .\ et U U .i b I BOfamily.

&TitAt.!X4 ft \: PlXI I John If. I'arle Wf.« ar-.rented on Fri'tay Bight by Oflieer Hi'inn esn, for bar-ing in bie p»a*?ssii>n a birg« ouautify of gas fixtares,which bad hem ssasaatVomaoi ie dwelling. They canin aaewegthe rbirdD>atrmt8tation1Iouee.

LA W INTELLIGENCEcm i kt Of (pvvox rlitAB Brarm Ttau fcrci TT

Hri mm tmma Im.ruum.tmi law ok \itBtraATtoa,

Sink I.xrt set. Thr ttitli llarr.uieJnth lei irty.Ibobauaji, P. J..The agweeaoBl to aabmll this

sa.e to (.rMtratlsn wii aiaio-il '<j thr pru'.Unt urd two of thtruttcri All oi the tlWSSecs vrrc prt-«out a: the arbitialiuft sudt'e>K put io .t. and ruoit. If a >t all of thein. « ere cxai .'.o«J atisVaawssi«. AJtawasjk tais ar*Unarj rale to n't a earpoiatloBlequiis« that It «hin.i.l jet i\ a uieoei a ..f tbe 1> .»ni '.ta< re may be cirruii itaaeei waata . .'.ef ea '.. ataitratara,aHbei rh at Iii*: laftnwaal, m»v Va TatWad ty the parties. IuHaje art. Ha_v«, Zi \\ e:ni., joo iimlj- Cawea eaya: ' NenaBtac*'wli t the form w .. .li.l» r wklea ISM pan 1. a SStaoSttty pro-*' ir. dej, thr; were anaMaDi ..ittinjr to mud Bioaaettas the" wjaaaa.whs theeaatassataaaaato « taatrcantrowrdas.*'Taetr «et« ol them»ehe» aperatad »s a suaanlislosL" Jll !,.tjti A imp- ¦.'or, m.) «. i.i ie'.. t v. y. t!s.i Lv a furmulisaatattasa. IB bsruaaes n aamatirtanrnhe ritshllihadIrreV'.iriitaneri I- T- , Co .» r P.._ f| U/ewJ.,..sa, \rrbal laatiu. t.ou, it... Ihr dttaetaes to an afaat, without.ay rura.ali. >.oUif. .i,. ».,, raBlcloiit. Ta aet« of thsl'ait. . u. <om-; t , ; ,-1, .. .,all lbs tri «tri. , :. ..... thearWtratioa I thlitk eaa adsthr «I .femiai '. upon tbe qteatien weather tl.»y asrre I to saiB>n.it t. it Tue saaar lata is taa llooad try laa Chaaeallor in theAtn.riian In- :r.:n *'e. »»l <i Pai»», .Vi|. Thaarts¦ nil ssjsiiU ot rorp ik'. on«. i.ie .. al Lad Maats arbaanair«'.aerj to wtiti" t e »y V lBlYtr*d froru other fcctsandrir-masat«iirr«, »it.Seiit « e. ' itlasi ol arer kwaarn I its St rvie.s u..

hi. .¦». eti- liatatua thai its s^atd u ostly »i»urJ t>> twwoftK- »rl -t»ter». By statute,? it B, a, lit, sea. T, n Is am«iderl Ihst tu «rra >i v a aWejasttf Of taa araBBWaSTS -iu', m>

Valid, uple»« I'lt-rj' . . x|' j rii]ie.-,dlahbsBmbivd'Mon i ibuii'-.ou ir tU . i n.' expre.-> prorlde«(Bat the drei»ioii oi a aua iunty pi ai ItUaataH akaU a° .oUi.« ootveth part! a Ti e Soad, II U tr sewaks <.t au awaru hytbearhtrator; but that la »iot material as U ai ». hs r >t.

in>ssaaD(au i(r:itgu le Iu pjr» .au«"e of th- «.i!>rni-»i ..i. The¦ward ia < .' il a thUie suBmlsatsa, and the aaotlae aaaslas d>oi««l, srfta ein its

b. i..r» ladt« HautI'edio Col! agt. BaaJ. Ls ry..-Order dbettargiag de-

t 'daat Bess anKnncL- MnNteata«"t. G - Bait-i. .Drier for judg-

¦ ut.a. laaa istajs Br.«t»v.

K eil,, k A. s a el ai. a,r. W n. H. Hlad 8 i»' .Ool.r for nvrnd 4,.-.

« w* or BfEl U s; MIONB-^A .; Bel ' >.

, t'o\.\oLLV and BaaWkSXL.nte eaaba a-sineut iu the way of organisation uu ler

v«iiiei.th..t mitt has Ub.^. if,., the'.rw .ssasjsaM rv.t. DecajIii s<J at tri. Uwe *itd f..» opruu.-iti Se nnruioj.Ja%tirr Oahara area ret taa iu t.. eau-t upon hi* c.i«totu»rY d^.t. MOW «4 bad It, I.« tekarspi.ed :¦, Jutt,». Bn.a url. Ska»..nitli U.a.r- t. . . tat down asaia aud supply tlie * at. /.ll,. time pit'.l ... .1. '»« ail tu ,.',',: . H ... :. «

S-lore.Ji Oiiii. .... uod u. ,«.«...J TueC-. nosiwe« . .arf-d U J. :.d a., p-es^dent v !j. M ^ rt| , u».trat ... thr r«.-.-.rt - wa, l v . n-,,^.. Xhe f lmn i dasteMd m th ahuddlrd,.. p otortodiMis, om imbrt-1»| r-..n th- avria.- .-. .. t! .t ,...u)|v _J"i d ^ .

,-4 tlx. whole nun.» ar hf el sas tat d «, |. fg ffrl.. airadatweIr: trrty tirr pi-, i. eaa.-# Iwiaitj saaaw bat: m«m mtten* .»..[»ndrd ea». a. A p.etij t -d er. p t>aaa;ju. iu -ttr-fht li»ara ' *

Ihe fii.-t e <U«ri' tor judicial artbn were J »1 ;1 \v.l-? oJ .t.'o M. j, t -kin Xariai.-p^l f-r itealirii, therv'h Al i. »', a irli. Je, .i.-ilaialus tyuj uotea, aihrar coli, aud a

ifgdyai .wd»ed ¦.»» t, *\ as ai law B.aVai '.s* si


« ta .'. . it-i .*. Tt-»f fog-m s w.te s' t>sm ''»j 'sJ i > »i -i » «er« -ied .*» sei .. *i--b »U I »VI I

1« "DiplsiDirt wh.w »a. »a-kay !aio«»|B il .de ..»

tt:.«:. Bot!. UraeeaSterJ 1ltd, ¦ I aase '"> aftcs ncstc-.Tl IH>H 'Mevt v 'W »n,»B f«r.». .. i *' 1 wl ..»». int

tfc«- Pewiteodai, .'. rh u. .».«. ' Meyer» tot ill atoalII. n-> i.'.ir'« . " r .

. f"i *" -so" e' Ist .

«f aog-itt bank b. il J t. ¦'.>' Balisa BMW aa

Vini. Lr»i, Pa I' j *i' ¦:.. tuest, ew acd ; L [> -i

llll BHMlUIOl tl ' M t « .(' « M '.»..'. " .

havr.g »Vot la tbf, «SW; t.,'" "a* B»J uCSSt, S*ä wUathrUttrri. fn-.h-f-V.i Bl ?» *

I'ntr: »* j»,-.T'l, Itaaoia Dowd »od E Iwnrd II igbe*,Uji,w.i."V:'«w.!bi-.'.. tr. f "'*''. '.»¦':;¦5 #1, ou tU l*h of A « .st, oo tbe toMfhuBt i : to*Juan.Issai Iiss lnnsws Brn »-. ». tsw I i wf B- esa <. -

s'»,r. WlliStt. SB< ia.|' tni" '¦: tbeir .»l'« ff-'.t

lU) wo'dd we* t- Ki'"'' d '¦¦ t!.- c 'j »::,: . ..: bs sm tt- I

.i u - . ¦.fT.l' '. 0,. .

David Hr-.tn. was at .*>.;. -d fr .t-i''r.iv -' ' -'.

c! \ü«-«t tPWh of_prflU>,..H,: t«: . '. »- '" 'r;.' -» -'

. .., Lawns tv. - tU« wfteBl t 9Vw H j -.

N.» MB »u'l 29« Hovr. rr, Tr.» M Betty wat r m

i nnfhvVriTit. WSR)Vow t 11 i teU it, run ta tt, sk<throw it »way »' tbn f"n;»t of H ... *. f.* M'tt ' .' .".

roundtnat* andienten* Pea;' PttatTl '-".

Jahn GUisva aad Misbael SLeridaa wert) arra^ edfor .t»*!»»?. ... tb« IBtl of »u.- tt, <. f«' ef weit r-l ?*¦.¦¦¦ * I

at «5. twui Cb .i. D. Carter, S-.4A Jataes »gej L P \d-ü ... waa .t..utr.'«-..'. fei eMail UM, »:.ü:a.; liMSHBia VSBS

^trys») Wadsra saw] Jare Wa^BTB, Ln«*;a?>d an 1 wifr.w-m Bfaaljaed .r. tw. -uip'te..-. .-:a««- "1 t ;t'-y.eutie- |9JB ,,f A-i*r»t, er. Patri t»i riy. N'


The iwiianan*. Mtwtr, »»< a.- r c ... bu L ta ...

«Uott« te»tifv. ».. w.« >uttU »et o» rr.<.s'.it .. r.»u 1

U* it <n tie -"Bit.-, u-h ub¦ »»«ur .vp..; ..i.-r_.;..¦.« br the

Clerk to put bit "rif.i'. bui'i ..o the Bit t« wWi k Ouroy,aotaHSUsB»<tss>atwfBad, "1 aaeeaj seS^rtabl Ua , »iw,i ... uas tht tos) t-adwaa ). ru..t:el " » s^titit ..e it- M-

.a lt reMm.»»ted by these ..ef-r..! >»b%r i,e-a

»n..lte ayAiavared oaa, and b-dh were OMTictM and seSMBCMU> the P^jrrtteBtWy for thre« a^wttha. m

tjetilm J'aliner waa anf-igned for stealing, a! dlleittliie-9.rifhteei. Baasts.aq-.:t,two «hirt aud oaUaam»utT.Tshssl kttas wn«:- »t HIB,traai ruin? t^otoa, Nu -«

Smii.w! strt't. Ine d-f.xdfcflt »ii/otted tr. .hi'?'. C.:.«i ...den«) »^n» to'he Patnteamar? for ttrrec nwt .!»».

Mary Boso, eharged wirb »'ea'in;-, "t. *'ie liHn oiAutn< » bOj ilirt, rtl ied »i *'', ttott Itabelto CUMtjotwat,M SB EU f.reet. «it I .r. J | t.:y t ¦!¦¦.:.' t tu- 0 ijpViaae fjr thirty d»ji. , ,

J< im Dep ^-:.¦r, JoMpb Fnaeit, (i. v, iluaas« Car-mso, jätn Mf rnd C'.r«-i»l Jafstttn, all .-^or.'d a-rrt«,wt ie arntaaed fbi gin.ii :., m Um 2"th oi Aiiamt, < a tUeoaa-.,. <,f t ls-l. « Or. «..* tt"- -s-:''-;- V.'irt 1' T.i.'m-cnlnred " thsriH-r«" wre »u*h- phjiiu ¦ t».o!«-el :-r at

furli itiairt. « aM k>T; "r M Ciaaolh C«nn .1'. aa lone ..th' y »n I- WBM ti. B»e wer»- arreitet. A:l thet'» ra Dann <i defoäaaati wen eearict d k i Iba ssatea .-» 11

Detarrtter, Vitr,A N >i were .n.p.'r.d.-d. JetJer»-)»! ar.Jtarn an w«re te: tsij<;«4 to t'.e JVuiter/.tsry for 3 i. ontbi e* :n.

Alary Ann Sullivan WOM arra1 en*-d ft.r st-ealing, oath.- itah cf A'ii'.st, oae Bsttk o»t, ranted at 90 eeats, U u.

:i i ..; yn-.-f N" ;iM'M »?".. t T« >'

'p ':ioa-"l,.«-ij\, lot u!l " ti«k lr hy tnlstik " 'J' <¦

m.tit'i ii'< "mheake" waauod to I." «ppr. i^r» «t IrytUCoait,7 ., v Miü Maiy Ann, and »ei.tei.red her ti the Ten;-taanery toe o tm* th«. ...

Jaaaea 8 xton, a Loy, was charged a ¦<¦:, on

lit IBtbÖf AaäÖsLl h,x ..I « igart, vui ied at #3, from J-.'.'r. t

p.-... No.^aTProat iteest Th« >iaars wer.- BnadfauepsMcnlra «t tU aes .»cd. Ko.md guilty aud »snt to tb» HeaM

1 l'eterknvonhall ar.d John Ilorah wero charfed witbkt.alinr, u tU II th of AiiS'iit, t*' i.ty fuur knives tad fork»,\ ...,(! ,t tr...11 IJ.-t.ry J. Ilopr'e.-, N-...' r.-krl »treet.

Ttey w> :e round «lillty and remanded for Mtitcn.-e.I ti.- (aae of David William«, airalfaod for ate :''ng,he2!»fof Aiir>i«*. t cs,t, wo: th ? from Elltab K. K^ar-N... za CfcraSi n »tr<«t, wm put vr 10 w xt Tassday.

¦try Am. OCaoti, BiTugaad for ateaMng, or. t'l.- I^thof August, eislt plat.«. worth z'> .-..nt«, fton Ivlaaltred Hrady.No. 8 MsnijattBTi mi iiIj was eeavteted sad seat to tb- cityrrin 'i for tea d.-.}».

Ji l.r.' Ti bnaa, a very respectable looking man, wi«

arraifELtd for a..a.ilt rod hdtt.-ry, M tU Iflnf Al ;n-'. "

t atlM rine T IIa tu, bi» v ife, N'o. HC C.r.-. i.. -fi.» f. lira, toll,n un \.t- a dl "' aSs kenas woana, th.-1 omplnoit was, tha*b« r buabard lad "struck her witahia ti.t and rkaUdb i." SicBiaalfoatrd a good daal of Bali niilaetloa |o h»vL tin- J feadaatfniivlcti d, nid Blfad hi. esatBBM for a h-njer t IRB Ii theC' iirt leeBsad ioelksed to a»"i nt to. Kiuahy they iltcidi-d tfleoarlel th« d> ft-ndunt »..d sead Bia ta tU Peedteatlsij km tasauiouths. .

i ml i Ji hnsoB was Krrnigncd tot stealing, on the21 »t ol A'iKiiat. a ouantitj (.1 copper pipe, valued at frornii,, dees Ii Litse, No. ^09 JJ< nry Mit t. TU pipe wa« ibaadin ponseaaio.i < t tne an iiaed. II" v. a» found ».uillyaud 'int toth>> I'i BSh Bl iary Ibi tl.tee BaatU.t

CbitefJaa lileishman was charged with stealing ontU Ith of / .iguat a rinc, vahird st *.', irom t'hriaiiaii Iieysr,No. BTS Bread rtreet, Hawark, New-Jsncy. IU evidence wash-aicrly SuBfotesrl to (a«t« n tU laT' eiijr on the » eased, sad bevt»i>. IUn tote, kimpiy osavJesed aad saataMs saspaaded,Wm. lbe>aiptoo and John Boyd, arraigned for as-

ent.lt end lattery, were convicted and th.ii seateaess iin-

per'ed.Susan ll'tkey wa« enaign.-d fts BOl iall at d battery

with a aba, oa IU 3Stb ol Aags t, m Ltrid^et Dntjea, No. ^lMliInn »to'-t. TM- .1« f.-tidant wm proeenaeed a guter af.feudt r, f r J Ji .ti.'c Co:.no!!y teinrrleil t" 1' r, Wien v.-i lire"not itrallna job an flanthaa.91 Cmvlesea, auJ i ntletlMPeiiiirntiary for th:ee tnnTth«.

Ar.» BflBtth was arrnigned for a^ntilt an 1 balt^ry, onIU IMiot A :;n-l, mi Jaiuea M(-Kav of tU BI|BM I'o iiie;Police, waseMvieted, ami rent to the Penitentiary for tlraan.oulhf.

\\ in. Bprigga, obojrgetl Vfith ateallag gold c'in, ofthe »utn of on the eouftaiBt of Ofloer Kewoeeaa, aadOeorie Callahsn sod Kdw.'itl Ali Ilern, nt, eharaed with at.'al*lag is silver plated fesU worth s)7 so, w.ie found guilty aadri BMaeed sh seaaaaeaAj i Blake, anaigned foe aeaaaHaad battery, on the

It'll, of AaawsS, ou Markan t Jlaui.aii. No. 17 IfiiiUllJ itiBBt.by atrlabif her oa tU head whfe S ptteh i, tvoundin/t her "»dJ/,wi,« roi.vii t' d 11 d tin. d »|i>.Mary Ann Cora, Hash Waltera, Sforris Troy, .lohn

Klin.r.Yl oti.a- B, llovtsrd. tod Monis Hiding, BrialjaedaVsaasaaltsadUttety, aad ABee yVataoa, abaraed with asaaliagif', in F.lvi r aha art re öi» har;«.d, in wenn», upp-'ai >.i.

The Caae Off EbV.s l.i'ley. ebargod with pi-king th"pock.tof Im l.auib ol Ki tliah Town. N. J., ou the Jiith o

August,ef0)18iaUak et'-, wm }»" eves to BeatTaaaaayiUse rases of Bridget Byaa. Beaate Meddee, Patrlel Kyio aodMary Mad.i' u. Bttalaaed I a assault end b.tterr, were put uye

to 1 iietday ; aad ther oi VYsa. Kays, loi aeeeatl an 1 UtSery onWm Meet No.tl Jfi.u-s street, "was put OWT tuBBXt ToaTS-day.

J ..on.as V» lialcii w as n. raigaed for awault end bat-t*i\.. i. Maiv \\ h»i. o. No. i'r..-...! street. TUevleVaee¦Uwed oa gats aeesejdaaa Se be * tbnrnagktj here era-re Heam ui) teJ ai m>a otbei tblnae, loiaBietdirera wooads ,pon ui.s< fewlthalnifs. He was Ibaad gunty aad seat to tU Pi i-ranltaiy for sig aieatU,

'Hit ooniplnial agair.ut Frank Coy'e, for a'^ iult anll.aM. ry on l)i.vid Im Pinn^No. lit tVest Bkjltecntl sttaet, »¦«

withoraauPatrick Brecn, rbarged with ajaaaM aad battery on

niaiaawt Bit en Jlarv Cosle. < hnrgi-a v. ith assault and battery,on toe complaint of Kllza M. Corbctt; Joseph Tabor, arralrntdfor as-«i B ami hatten. tud Thomas Betty, BBetBBS. »ith ih«lar. <. \ "la pen "1 t- I*. »< '.'¦<¦'¦ al 9>2, Inn '1 l,i,:.i>:. J.y >ui ofn an Oieeueleb str. t, wen all BeavleSed, aud their . -n-

taaegi Basaeaskyd,Jobs Leech was anaignod for assanh and battery.en the lr>th of A-ijtist. ou fslaim- OtMSer, No. 1kj 1 hlrd street,Linv.it.d, an,' i.:.ui af', wbiok iu* BQCBted prou.pt.y paid.

Daniel Rosa waa an ibxaodwt aaaauU aindbatteryw !tn>js i art Tune, on the 16th of August, ou Mic'c.ael Mi Bride,Kb IM| OreMe ssseel TblS was a eery agaravated a«.a-ilts. ith aeatttwaaM IU bead of tU i imiplalaaal, iu wh li hi«lift Btighl baV< sUaaakca. Unite a nuiu!" r ol n.tuesn's woresworn in tbe Biegtest of Use trial, and among then several veryreeaee table loeliag lt-mel. a Bet notai'tiaiaudnir the ei laV neen ¦" la uiiti|«ti"n of b« atro. ity ot ihr batts-ry. IU t'* itii aMSaed Ua svebie bs lUb purpyie to c.evict and toiuQivt,¦era rtt. atnslty that ¦ataU raatoa a w»mui^ to k',i .tt

ruti| iseänanu betctl;r. 'i'he sentnei of the (lo- ti w*t thatthe defeadaM he a. ul lotU Penitentiary lor four luouthe aa.laey a Bae efBaa Mr rhiüpt ouaBBtlTbrtU prleoaer,bneoe-iLetciyiivr ol ^u sp,». ai fonitiiia lenteiioevaad BaledBW lall »M Us eUcaA, Tbrl'outt deelius J to enter: du the m i-

ti'-n fi r heil nt test time aud Ito'j wa« eejaUoted lato theCity Priton bytUeeäeee toi cUoje- TU aeeaeed erat ewiSe ai .iv-dn>a«d ti.- e, ami seemed to lieve many tri r,d* inf, Bit. i- » t «auki r ay tisde.

hananel It, Bpiaoa araa anaignod Iba aasnau andbat rre, on tie llth oi Auguel oa Isartia M Deaatd, adth a

poata hktidl". C< avVaed ouJ lined 0 o.

Ailjo.iru'd tu I lock Tusaday u.-Tting.

Aaoran Waieib ExPaniTion..Some partkea InIbi city a bo have lu r. lofbia tx on coasni. nmi-ly en-

gl ,.i in (icn. Walk'-r's Central Atner'-au erasadaMgnificautly assert that preparations an oa (bot foeanother grand demonstration at BO di'tact day. Aeecret plan ia aaid to azitt wb'.cb eaatcnajdaata thotaiabsgofan araayof 10,000 nun, ali cf wbaalahatflb 1 ata or set -ail about tho samo time for s aaa portn Nkansgaa. Nothing is to be left Badoaa wLie.iisbnll Und to saenre rlaeieaoyand . ventual aacocaa.Baltimore is to fnraiab Iron tnroe to four hundred a<

her cci. plem* nt ef Iba aberve-naniod artny, with fullee^aipaaeata, n o»ey,Jtc. li liruthai stated that personslolly pledged hare alisadj bona aaaaiod in the city,who art- (odj wnaiac doe aotioe, and tht (all aoneananatl t i>. t.i shi Walkei'aplana, ha be otL It isknewa n« the "Oaairal Amaiican League." Wmthe partica ave attachad t" Ibbl league we are unable'." MT| 11 v,;,i th, r they havB be «n absolulrly coasoli-dated «e um orod, caaaot tie iu*.' aaoeitaiaad axnaplw tar aacnrrent ranter goea. Bach asenrl r.'libust-.-r-ing eipeditiocs are rejireherrib!', and if the one in

adi . i'y c\i't its movement* will, doubt-haaa. be more fajjy B>ct rt.iiaediu due time. aTOV-Tock,li -..a. PI Ua It Iphla, N w-U.-l-ans, and al! the otlterIsaduig citiMof the Calen, are said to 1.--united inAkJ i:.cvi-mrnt. |Ma!t. 1'atriot. Aug. SO,

Ai m.vT DBOveBKtx.Tic 8tm '(TaaajJ lirae**e Mya, that a custom prevails in S;amtord of do-votiag < aa Hatarday ia Aagaal n> a grand piesaio andI :.;hu g u; S-npjaa. lie twee-n .',000 aud ...msj pe >p!e

agt I the beach and tba ao^oudag ttovm laai Bat*i t.iay ard pa^-ed :b- day as n-ual 1 ».;.-> g t .» L ritt

BM at, a daughter of Dr. I mi v Atn.i a^otb. r ynaag iady g< t beyond thea depths la thewa: r and -a: k, \ g»: 'ltman from New-York ran tothe spot dove down, aaaad the two aa tho bottomi lasps ii m each other's amis, and brought them nt. andnt Laabaativa labrates IfaaAyraa revived, but the

Bibel iady i'il not breathe, appr.rently, u tl alter: anth is of an hour bad been sp<^nt in a. live ex-ntio a f. be; laalartUoa. A aanaa aacapa,

.vi %kk1k1>.I Ski ; M 't.f Ttt K r. TnbvzeBini IsasraajjaasM hasnasaaaeasn^a adtolsaeffveai s ;. las

»? ... bo< ¦ b e:' oft i. atrti betereta OILBEat 0 1 Ol \'iaod IXIZABBTH K. HOaiON. J w Ii Bol r flllBlBlli,_>k jt.u to icutracl.-t tt.o sejne. Use eaiU ejexnaje aet Uvtaa

kt B r!»' I. it h-.v a h.-. a iu«. rted thn u«b th. n.su,: one,,I at i uiuirtgal.-d sroundr -! Pnurt reaeeetfi.lly.

DANX HORTON, No. i On herd stn tAre V 'A A t «.!. IS .7

vi id.rr i s ae.

C1.4BJC Oi. r.ui.r. *'¦« »'. ..»'.' > .-

IVJMtaai end swseatad Cktgej aft' I year **£ i : ytt.

lt-,t-,r "I «.'»«!'. » T IL I M.r.a Af r ^.,'jjj.,.,,, 1

Arr-u-e :b.' ..»;.. Br .

'*J ,tW'

vf tf. .ill} -rr <rra.lifc:« :.,*.-... it,.-.J 81 ib I I.-

I... ...» .* M(f t;. r ,..

Tor»" Jit »«>r»U:...u.9* . r * Hf .. .. tfj r-"'

.'afparrj Baafkt h .*. Ii»-».'»«.Bfei -.r u.a.-it a*OB bow t :u'.e

A mQ ofgJOOBa Bad iv ! i.

E.*. »!*7 Bet r w err i ..»: ': ".MiA i m't'i * »h» bbb1b,

< .} c tt a BBM . wLr v a . i« u.fLt.N. 'i.-ni. . gi «, i.oi :-(n.

¦etUetl ¦ Ii««» fjtr.'.; drar,'1I n» Brd twa t ij t .»t;

* Deer BavBBtt«BYcaa thj Baekaoe ib iw. f._ » ... kj- »u. » pa sw»j


I j .. . I BBt :. *t b * iBBSkFr m a ! *hi» .Tor 4 of lo ..- '

W.'r- wafcBBfl yoa'wfek BaaaaaBteBM arm«,la a r L an I Baavaa ». *a.

Br"V«0N-O:. « A.i. 3 Fi-J Ja-- Be~n . r»* i«:>*»rof H«*ry a; d It iiK B'm b, : j' »r. H Bl««tBiaa 1 -»j u»ja.Menei h ... vl:ai. .t of tb« familyara rear* tfticyMi-

rrt -d t- e'trtd tan fBsaral tvaaa taa railaaj .«¦ ff brr p»:eo»«,Nc. jk» Hi .'..'.a rvrr .r, a: 2u'.lb* k i a Moneay, -Ith. Tu»m aaajas « .1 .¦. takes tv. Qtvaaiweod Cbraaet" rr f..- iafuiBBM ~

C.T.»rp-tatWsrtt) aaflM«BBj,A a-ÄAaaaajtb,willof lirnrv U. «' ..pp. h» t> >l«t yei 1 teiM*.

Thr siaeni I aad Meada at ieie faa .ly tt- ia».t«d to Ha prea-utat her foara] tkla .M s.dav) af.'T oat »' lyelacB.at brr;»> ibbHibci. No. 7M tl§mk a*e*b<. iBtrrmeut ». Onw<-.d. '

caisk-O' Fri.'.*». \ i. D J, «c. tfaVtll « d ABeeCaxo, aard 1 yesa BBd I n iiiuif.

I OR DIAL.In n'iriaBBlBBIlB, OB Ki day, Al*. 2!, J- i.ni

iiiiBtul ni nf Ml aaeiaM£Uc«C sr»d .';.«¦»-ai.d 7

t*y ..

.OM.Ml.-'O.V OB rrVay. A b. 21.< r- " -'- H BtjfOn.miaA. v a a 'f J^tn BBM aViBgft Uuim.a»-v, ri . ..

i BM ilDELUfl KM.B> ddri.lv m Pr-dav. A r. ft, a- b!. r.v 1-urr.No. M ,M«.^ .?r r , Ur ? «lyrs f.ij. MtBBB,aead >>jr.r.,twia at BeOrebai bob, ifimd.

DAWSON-irn Fr^ay, A r. 2T, aö 3aM 5> waon. ar. I 1 y»fru iita anal »'i tirjt.

EVANS.Ob I bq i ar Inf.'A tx. a'» laaSaa, Infci.tdaaiekaaf nf f-erlaaT aal r:»ttrr a. awaaie, bbbm 1 yrar, rb üi.thi and 9 diya.

Ti <. i|i»r. '.. of .arr j IT'- .T.:':> * fit fLL.Ti 'u

M ndf.y at 3« p. BL, ffoin No. !»'. Cett irfi «.

EVXMLET Ii thM ( i-y, a* S t .rdey. A-.r- ::, M..ETcnlcj, raiiot oftaw lata Jaks Kvanarj, te t;.r :.).«;.!., »»r.

H< r xin-a!..a «01 I t t-*.<u b N.r«a:» i t irtrrmrat.

FRAShK-Oi. a-rtBay.Aaf.3LaVibartL.latBataaa U;uinar. I Ja.. Fiaf-, asjee SmoarfM ad 3 '.;«.

CAYNOR.on Fri'Iaj. A (. 21. Kdarard Jone.-, icftüt nnofJtoira ar 1 r-a.. i. K. ti. yin.r, t-gfu 11 niutl.a.

UAICilT.<>r. *iii,.lajf -aorrin», Aur. A-'- ««a L" . wifr ofAugrutiie 11 Hr.!gat, and dBuflter r.f t'.a.ate Le^aai.i Ocüiiy

7u> \:i< .10« of üm fari'ly and of fc.r tr.thrr«, th. lata Dr. 0*i!-hy an-1 Ike Rst. C. t. Osiiby, ar* raritM . atteaid Bat f Bi r-

al on Turfdae, Auf. 2J, at to'(dock p. nu, la t;:.- etmr. h ..ftke Ai.n innaneai. iewiile«fajlk iU'-rr, a-iibo rt f.irth"r Mttaa

HAYS-Ic thii r.ty. on Friday renmirf, A :f. 21. a* th.-r. «

at lier pacdfttkar, w'm. Hib iard, r.o, .Prraidrnt of BjwrryIi ...rm. Con | any, Cliri«'.: -. II- - r- .. ...! i r r

of Mt-. Wm Hf>«, L". 8. Army, S.--'.0.1 Ar.illrry, ar.-d "

y< eia and 8 inoutuf.HALL-la BiooUtb,CS Tliur-.'ay B» r.i.-.g. A :g. 2^, Or ,rj

h. Ho!!, in the ".th ytsr of kii agr.KEU 000.At Tr.:ma. ibaTB. on \V. drrn!»e. AOf. IB, ll-l-u

i tii, da-.'skter af Edw.r.t R. ai.J Rto iJ !».ar.-d 2 yrara, ll bbm tkf and 1-i daTt.

¦fcDONNELL.In Brooklym. on K-i'aj <v»i Int, a r. 2'.bbBaaBaaatta«Ol »hr !«rg», Elizabeti-, v.fr o! A.- JiaDdrr Ulltnn. II, a?rd it ytare.

SJ PHERSON-Ob Friday, A-:«. C!, BtYaf a lerer« NOMary ElllBBrtn. tarln daughter .! J-i-u am'. Saraii I». M-I'brrfon, ari d I" r onthi and 2t d. j-.

char a.in OreeBBatat. Leaa lalui en Friday, Aog. 21Jamea, yo-inernt ion of Rotirrt bi .! ttargarct O'ilura, t.fi 'J

)rti-, 11 n oiitha uud »Ii liaya.l*OTTER-la BiooUtb, on Kr.day, a f. 2!. aft. a ahorj iil-

re.a, Fiaderl i< William, young. «t w- ti of ti!t.!r»«i.d K.i*ib. ih A. Potter, aged II motrtha and 1 de}«.

QLINN- On rriday, Aur. tj, Munr -> i> inB, or-- 111 raaia, acatlvr of tbr Pariah of Kilmorr, Ooii'it; CaTBn, IreWnd.

RYERSON.Oa Meay, Aaa>«N.Jaa il ena iBo4*Jyoaf«SMITH.On Saturday, Au«. 22, alt-r i ikoit BTbbmb, JubbbB,

»..;i. 11 harlei unu atary l.-ii.'. ,S'...:n. ac il I j.j.-a, 7 moctbiu>d as laya

Toe ii laliv. I tnd frlrnda of tbe fanily ara rrip- c'fu'ly lr.eifdt< titeuJ tk<- f .trral, fron tbe r> oiir:..i hia aartnti. No.Iö7 tVctl K itT.iiiath utree", ooT ien!ay eJi'-nioonat 2o'i lock,« BBM't futtkal ineiUtiou.

.SHiri'KN-.M I.'obok' ii, on S n lay. Auf 23. Ri hard, vonng-eat hud of Wm.W. and Ueoigira E. «i..-pp< D. agrd 4 niontb«.

PAVAOE-On Kridr.y, An«. 21, I«;b ".. Savaje, da tfUter ofJaaaea and CatBertae e>«vage «ged I y-u> bbm t moutu«.

THEAIX.Ol Kiiday, Ai.g. IT, AL -nau. TkoaTJVOORH1 tM~ la tbe CUy ..i Bi al an Bal irSay, Ao| 2;.Mart H , «iff of Ji.iU.ii ti. V ovr.i" I, t j. d »1 ytaia, ti uioutbiri i' X ddja.

The r.iatnea and fii< Baa af the fan Of to I af iirr fatiirr, f.'. n1'unill, err rwytO' tfally iiiiit -i to Btfaai he: luie-rai luin Betlute n -id. '.(.<, Ni Ill "Li wn .(tree:, Bi-« k!vn. thu (Mon-daj) afti ra> op, A |. 2t, at 3 r/eto k, withoi.t nnrtkei iu?iu-tioli.

VAN AERN.At Iii«! rerun neat |>a .«hk.ept!r. on «tat-ifday. Auk i"^. John Tinmbnll. If of fkT« t I'll Iii«

TLr f. neial t> ill takr plj. r tbia rvenin» a? 4 v\ Im k, Croin t!r. .i.'.-nee af hia fathrr, No. IS St. M- pB» e. The t«latl««and lt.-i>ia <t Ihr fkiio.v a.-e .lully i" vltad to attondwttkoot rkitker InTttatloii.

WYATT.On Fri by, A-i-.. 21, K'millne A'i.-'ia Tounsaattiau.Lt«r at t'ur lafa Ri< uard \\'ja'.t, ajed 1 yeara, -j taMtkarr.d 11 d«v

WALSH.On Ti.nriday. Au«. 2". Mi». Mi y, BrtCj af TIk.whWalak, In tka 4 ik xar.of wrii».

COMMERCIAL JA I TIEIIS.Buir, hi ike aiio«li E»» aiiin»e.Ai'o. 2J.le.rnalliaaotnl .-ut- t;i..bj na aaa eo.ttjIJSS N. V.»i u\ ftli. MLsas do.Mtrn h.R. It R. lal M.. asB Had. B RR W M.. U

RfSO IIm'.piRR. 1" ^t Ui VoSfBed M'. h. Bi eiiikiiiK

Fuiil Rondr.6(1.». MM ni t en. RR. B<'.,itn Ii iboqaeand P K Tw

lat .V f..- .. 752,'«-" Krir R.K. CatrTCfta-

hlr Honda l.7ft)"> North Rlrt B-.A.PJS47iMrtropolit«n Bank....!!«M Cantl. tiitai liani..W>;MPi Bank .Wt11« Peui.a. Toni t ouipany. tBJIM <io.70inn iV.t«n C9

do.ia uK * letara. I

teaOkie I. 4. T e4m 9»M> il idai a River It*. ii«»d J>>..TI ird uv ..... Raiir.o«l.

ion N. Y. Central R K..b60 7.;50 do.WO Me«Ol th.afJ 7jOB do.76tSS «o.7tlk- it d.. 7."MS oo.aMtSjlie a.. 7«.MB de.aa" 7 .J11« do.7»}im ,',.. 7SJrexi do. 7S}ssa Eifci K- .2'.6-ü de. 27«1(0 cV.bö" 20

RraniL« Ra.iruad.6d(H<0 oo.bin wijJHJ BO.«iJ tiS700 «!..tiTlft M>h. I Mitral R.B- 7i>|j do. 75TIvi ,jo. 7Maaj do.en '4]mltatkafABI N.ll ItR.

d". 2*>Jde.at 2*5do.e 2»*1

-."ai da.a 2»;(JiKl do.a 28'BR) do.e 27110 Piuima Railroad. «»0IASllhtiüeaCaaual RR...112OD O v.- a Pit:«. It R... i->:jo t...ma A Cm- , It lt. n;150 uo.as aajIS <lo.»15tSjvvi do. Bt'i4 ou. on'2^ do.as|MCtava. A TaieioK.R.. 4-1«Vi d...ili 42,M |'o.«30 42-MS do.aV> t:lm St.»sntzi.»<> d-.. ftl««la »i.h*'4t;MS do .aiar aw*i» ilo.pt: +i-WS do.e tiIfiO Do. ti,laeCkla a. f.. Id. RR..M 91.W de.Ti6ft 9HM ia.Wi 9f|:.i da.90'so 1.901

II V i urt....» 47Mlit.at J71 W do.Ml 43

H»do.ain 27*'ISO do. 4«2.«de.ado 27. p.: La Cro««« a MtL RR.. H

MS110.C 2£ ;3tO do. ¦ I2<ii .'.2üi?>0 do...l.1 2i;

IBS do.bio 2«:

itcoro t. >«an.Z.aae RVamaeky Btata S«... BB1| I MB. S\B, N. Lffaf. «U \.\ion t'i.n.. CaatXe. is so lUiavia. Oat. RJL.aM.illMIC. T. Caatial R.R...u7t.; ISClete,St Pi t*. I..It.... 30«e«ldo. 77; 4.0rteva «V To. R. R. I

30do.-.77. »0 to.¦>. 1,100d...afe) 7« .'uo io.at» 43

aodo.blO 7".. 2<W) io. HIit Pavian a Railrtiad. !»> 7'«1. 11]«. io.»50 iX) do.aT IIms Erie h. Dread..... 2» tro La t .meAMii.R R .. B

«IIdo. ^.ll^tRradAf Rnli.att.«71lti>an.a60BI||tSS do.aai <..

. 11 Ilk. S ^N lad K R.»60 2d .-o do...tee fitj50dr. 2e" ion do.mtw V]

2»a »'o.bio 27 IlUt P.tu. i w. « j..00 0»mj ' .a3 27 J

Sati r.Dw Au^. S3- f. m.

TIicn eras a !ar.-e 1 lalBBM iot I aj tl I Six-k B ianltkis laallijl. BBd Um aaSplag was diLÜeJIy better.,vi'iii a Bail aVaBBBai u>r eaajj nttxk. Tka <>p ladjan fora dt'cl'ut'. Loaever, otTere-d thei: ior^ oaajlnBaB ori'hrocfideraWe fre'tlum, wbi!»; tbey took :a MtlllfJflMaBSBOBBtS ti ca:b sti»ck. At t!ie Second Board the ira-prove i feeüi-g vea.< eu>tain«d, and the market left ortf'TXiip. Erie ac« Sek}; Ileaiüp'« ir IT); Outra!,t:>t;,; Sjutheru, s7«S7|j TeaeSS), 44], Ai Tbeinipioveinert oa yoetei day ia ./ilie uuike-J -m<>n a.,

iti Sout'iern f-uaiartted. whi;!. ft 'd after tbe S BadUoarü Bl 55. S..utbern BaayBBkoa »t j:k i uprjve 1 1 fceiii, Cettrol, 1 «' eeiit; Tsladoy I] f tent; Pitt*-bo?({l., I {¦ ittt, Ä 8. lieaiiug. c!t!iotigh better t'janin the iuorti:r>fr, ahowa a decline of | 4- cent on yaatar-day. La ClOSSa inproved i P cent P«nn«ylvaniaCoal .*ontiiit:ea to dectre. aud i<>!.! a« bar at ti", aeötrflxty, aeaimt regular, yrit«! hy. Io S ateSt ike tie tu«iuef* ir mexlerate ard ;iri?e« Leivy.Kr.ilrtif.J Bii.0'5 sold t>'tO'-derate ext. nt at about j>r«-% iont rates.TI e renrket i?quiet f .ret.'Uariffean.lri'eaare BBBroa«

ly »e firn:. Sterling 9J per tenU PBSBMSfS ItBffi h i.FrOafktSBie 4b1L Tie engageiu, r.te t > L:verp>,l

are HlfcakMoattaaiM bb>j p ksiaastafi at;rj,r;i f t-v'e.We d.J tut !er.m tt anyt) ::1»; g BBf terwarJ t- 1. > MSBlorflfBMOtr. T:« (' arter» are a iLvritli 1 -raft hhIi 'u l^dt r. tt £ a »M.o< t.?r of» I U N v U e \Veit lliir- t-oei if<. fe 1 Ii.t rvvnd

iTtc ef fl.t.-'j; «j Urk tf j) a if.X >- aid t . ae, wr.hMB «t Ifa, p'r > .-I:.Tie BBBiaeaeaf Übt Bai Tl M ipy wi*, R« ..['".

$» '. Hi I'tyr-eate, Ü:' M«i Halat.. 1,012 Ul,<HI m.

!.>*.. IT. SLcday'a rr,- ar ataa! et-k'y noetic a.*V i.f S;-tb» cvi B r,d-n, u.k- pa . cnMoclayMat, tha Sstth barb, at IS) e'ehnnk, at tha Merchant-'behaaf*.Tbe P'.d-iiuigb Cliff; Mil leg C mpnoy bive da>

CitT'd adivtrtlead «f *:c c ^tre payableoath«Slatli-tnlt.Tha iteBrr,..r today tool ^,990iat]e->. Tie

li ipnent« f> r t> e «e k have baaBi»IciHi ran. B- Km, ."" reifM. f"1 ""a Bl

St-iui«uif Kupr« try. H*v»:.-, laaerleeai 43,543 10BtlQWlblp Bwoflro Ctty, HBTBBJB, BjaSBtsB |BM ITI.UI S*8'eon,»!.., r-.r .. , ;.j ||,o,.os, Amrri sivlvet r ; ¦<

Bwaja jBMjtraCity, Havaaa.ImMsilver.¦ ivi N¦ill 1. I». «.\ La« .iia.*p-. .«. -

BeMBMBSp Arg Br»ir.er, raaM «Ltv: total .... »VS>U£tBip P. r-ie, f.eerpoot, fold b«r». TKiW 91

... o IV- i. I.:\trr> .' ; ... in. 7i;i,">J IS-»» bbJ ,p Paai ». Ltverp al. Mini ban, <..¦.. :>

aad Eagtiak cQvce. . üi.6'3»St'tttth p P»r»!j. I.iverpei !. Preach ;.'''.. it,J*a atlOeam.rip r.:r ct Rtlriroore. l.ivi rr ., \m. eo.nor) oO

Bteeatebtg Puuea, Havre_l iB. s*>... o «oBvam.rop K.i On, Dam, g>>!4 b«r«. U.*M <>iS:-»n'hir I It l. IliTia oeUearfoSjrer. 144,000 Mla:! N. I '.».- ., P.. -, A-. r . JC-'V e

t't. I fr r t.'.e wwk. S>UM BBJ MPievteaeii iBfaatsd.».ui'o.jts i>

^ro-ai, ran.*m,:v,7x ;.*

We aaai i a cob parath risk an af of Varafga tat*poataal New-York foi ; .. k and since Jan. Ii

ibm. ism. uajr.nryf;.r»i.azi,5,^1 *;.'.*7'>.i a 2, MajaBebend Minaaada* laejifM i^ataat MJM*<Tatal tni tka w«»k. 01,471,115 0 >.7 V:-« ai.M"><"'.Pi«>.. «».j t'l*.t,«. M,at9,7*4 1I2.T.V/71 ij: 3.7.717

¦taeaiaa.1.a ' c: ai4a,aat4a* BMW,111,BBJWe boar <'f a Joiat s ock Itrah pn ject. wi-.h a iarg'1

aciiital, by sonif ftty iaftnoatlal partiaa, bat thode>tafls are tot y< I trrr.ngrd.Ex>Oot. Myioa B* Chuh baa «--tab:i;hed hbaaadf

in thta city nniiYr the linn of Cbttfc <!»: Fatilkuer, a< anAmfrienr. !.-.r, ] aad Tax-Payiag A^'

'I he anthracite coal trade from the Labidjh aa<lSchaylldH rcffaiaa for tiie past w>jk and eea/ou :.«t

BCaa aa ioilort .:

Waik, b iiin. tvaak. aaasoa.T^ktrh f*r.«:."4.: « *J,*^ 44-194*LebijtL\Uiey H^;irn»a.MV JJ C », '/ I ".'I 7<.. ;.«.' ivi ( ... «:.Mltf bx.mi 23,4*1 6IUJ4Bt »d":r» it»:;r-»«:.aMsi j,jij,»7j tAat) t.;^it<

Tot*:.|3*,084 J.t.,;,vii u;.t>7 .'75<i,.,'l2.7-j<i,2lM iJ0,196

Daeaaaai. i6i,3p> i m

liy tfic aborc it ariD be aeca tiiat tha tuumge thepas; week ia 18) 1 tnaa behind crre-pondirg wetk laityear, ThetaJUBgoa* taaitii the l.< Mg'. N*».gationCompany and tiie adhuj railroad. The fornec Mloff tun», aad :'.<¦ latter tune. The faliirgin the Lahigb wa* pr^btib'.} in QOBaeojBeBca of thelin-ak iatbe Delawara Diviaioa. The BchaylhiUCa*nai laeraaaed 10,901 taut, aad the Ie high Valley Kail-road t.trp. togathei 16,303 tüc*. Tne ttinrjugo forthe pca'on by the MTCral liacs connecting with tbe1.- high ai;; BehnyLhill r-. i'.ns la3,921,644 tana, ag*iu«t3,760,204 tun« to the rame time la-t year, being an in¬crease ot' 161,340 tun*. The coal baalaeaa ia atiO a

good deal decreased aad the market ratiier henry.There ie no change of price, eithar for «hipmeat or

for horr.f coninmption.Ia relation to the failure of Kdward C. Hates, eam-

mrnicated in a t< 1. graphic diapatcfa from Boetoa yes¬terday, Thr Datlj) A '

i titt r ofthai city remarki:"No event in tho ooaamercialworld oonld hive

been more startling und imexpe<;tccl thao \va-< the BB>BaaaaMBaaad ye-t'-niay af the (aBara ol Edward ('.ltates, esq. Bach an event, deemed alnaoat ac impos¬sibility, has b'.- n broaght about, we andcratand, bybo speculative spirit, but by losses in the depi-ekti >n

of vessel.*. a7or 35yaan ofr. Batee haa labored aaal>oaaly, roapiag as labored a reward in lichee, an

unspotted remitPtmn and a legion of iafloeatial frh tid?.Aad bow, wmn he supposed himself to be tue po.-wea-soi el half a million ..t doll i--*, he le-coircj a bankrupt.We feel sure tbnt the whole cotntnetrial commnnltywill deplore this sudden rcversi m of Cartaae, aud witha readiim.-s anil gone.ne-ily characteristic of Bo-tt >u

loercbnnt?, Come forward to assist and c'joor Mr.Hates ia bis fre-h enibavots aad twewed labOfB. Itshould be bofae in mied that this failure doe« not intie- iBghteel degree afled tiie lmiiM,> gt K. O. Hates <vCo., so widely known a- agents for tbe Canardttcetm . Thia lcuso rm.if.ir.s perfectly Bolveat, andits ii fluent e a- agents can in no wise bu impaired ytbe failuie alluded to above. We understand that Mr.Bab i'a HabilitiM tinount to upward of bail'a million,md his assets amount nominally to that ^um.We aensxa comparative statement of the export*

exclusive of specie) from New-York to foreign pjrtabar the Wet k, and ein« e January 1:T , ,

IBM. IBM. IS.X7.Tetel bribe week.... »-^ 'C7 f-'Pr.»;, , »:y,iej.. n.J.... JC.2U.i, l i ,j.< .". 4i.irW.277s <.. j^o. i.B3a,aa,Ni aaa,ayj,eia aat,a7s,7aaThe f.'.lowing is a comjtarative statement of tbe

value of certain Krporta from the conuneucement ofthe year to k\

IHM. MST. nst-et...r<.!f>n.07,4^2,725 B70W.7SS a

Plea.IO,3A5,7ai 4,UI,815 5,SM,''IICsti Meal. \w.r>aBLael

\VUs'.ö.til U4 2m.7e, t i'.i.jng<<>rn.LBHCn bajgM 57:,*,*

Href.i«8,j»f» anXasi j:*,*;«pork.LBXtM T9I ISO 1,078,641

fetal.a.-j,i"i,7'"7 Bia,4t9raj0.D»»rt..» teeel pt.r»(l »i'ö 1Tj6.tl2,0Ii,?i7lie land talMOftbo Illinois Central Company for

dbe flxat two woaka ha Aagnat atara in round numbors|900,( BO,TheearaingaOf the Michigan Central Kailroad for

ihi at two nreeka of Aagnag arcra:UMM, I sty.

PIret e,ek.*4S ^. .¦ .« 4 BrJ¦aaaadaaal. si.ia 74 4--,9W 71

land.. BankBM 4> #: i.s74 17D.-n a-eit 1-"7.a.'.il'» Hi

The liist two «recka af tbe \\ abash \'al!eylt>adfSa^BN.

The re»eipt* of tha BtOttiagtaa Kuilroad were:in jbir, U57.aataai 17In July, laH. 2l,t'77 Oj

ln.rtas..BUM 5Ti e exper.diuirvs in July, 1837, cjuipircd with same

il, iri :a-r .Mar, ahow a dooroaaa of $1,398 :M.Au arreegem« r.t to keep the Ilud-on free from ice

t! .. coniitg ;easou wr.> d< finitely cjik !nd<-d yest 'rlay.The requi-ife boats have lx."en placed at the disposalufCapL A. If aVihaltf. aad bo fuels confident of hi*ability to penorm all that he ha* undertaken.The demand for money is rather net've, but is well

ii' l. Tbe Bkarkat, however, appear* to be gradually_

On :< r of TBI Li Cro**e Mn.wickbi )It.I:. Co.. No. 19 Baeeaa -tr. L

KbW'Yobk, Aaa>91, ls-'.r.)7*B i S I left .'I t.e- ex'ra-irdmary daBaatlia

Ünata tha Wall ¦traet price of our stock is myapology for odfeliag a word of oun-el on tbe aahJoet.li.i suend''essubmirrcd to byetochB*3ddofBarearita saleaw.n and ne>tjiutifi"l bv anything in the trtnw-Ikoaeorconduioa o: the Cou jiany. Those who are

now submitting to sni b unreasonable BBaraBOBO arid,mh ii a few montha. rcg-.-t t'teir nivcipiimcy. as w^

br.\e the best reason to b Keve». The prhyei at whiehwe made in Wall -tri. t are no e-nterio of '... in-

.: value, but ratnt t ac BTidcBCO tint the se.lei isthe victim of mi .atttement-, mvexted and in Instri-obbIt prvainlgated by the avowed enemies of our

road", who. -»i :.it'or» might le't to bo receivedaj euth .-nfv Vttbaal due investigation.

'ihe r.ffa.rs i the Coaijany are BaaBki, Bl I ita re-

sruu.s aaficieat to t avaryaagagaaaeaa, not¬withstanding the eliort» to prevent it bv tho-e whotttab ti -t n.av be advanced by milling the ho'.dera afoar atarh The Dbectnra tool that they have per-Hxxaed their daty BaBafally to tiie ito^antaVtri. andiia%e tt all tiinea lal.ired /.-.ilou-ty to protect the in-terestaof tbe Cenpaay. and that there la no Ju tcause for ti e pr. vailing panic in regard to thestock ofov Coaapeny, however mu n :..- e

mav be R t it ir regard to others.Hut ti e Pine! r- CaaBOl pre\- it d ¦signingfu.^n

from publishing inissutements, nor jircvect othersftaai Lel.eAiug them. If, theafore, dana^ : resiiltafiom giv.)g ttKi mu. b credence to unfounded tvp-ttls,the Director.- ought not to be held aecoun'.ahl'i.

If «o kl older-, mete-ad of yielding t> tbe prevailingparie, w. u:d staud firm and lend thit support to thesah paaa «rlaeh migi-t to 'm-'iy s,v.-t. t. n.i to

wi. v.. y ef tbeaiare ntodgad, t!. .. w. .'..

alaVatt] n goiag on rapi tly toaeaaaeBafal conclu-ii >n,a:-d {.lace in their keeping the b'«t paying stjok in theCatted Btadi a.Tha wiil be tflected, a* we have tbe «trongsst rev

MB to becte. aatwtBaataaabag the e't'.rts to throw.. :.. ... r..r, il ..-' : . ..-c|\»»

K\ . tl IÄ - I .» t«e>er 'L/- ii^-e-jcv ef *>o reo?i.

yet a ruci b-Ay tl Ibem are ir:::, ihd uettfrnuiaod to

ej«t«ua the work. v . i

I: ¦*m . ..!>. it- * "* '..>.."»....''rtoekWMota i« to lbs Batapaaal af ftait itoek it man¬

agemet t of their private Safajra, ami it ia not my ia: it-ott to offer aaah adv aa>They hnv a right to mm their ttjaafe at a noiniQi'

aafca, Cf ghra it a»ay if t!i v "boo*;- ttii-< la t v -

f ¦IBB, aaj in whi-h I have no right to :nt .-

hra: bat it ia an tatkt ani, coni-ivie nr. * tho paaxtioabl wniea I an; MM '1. 1 Jaoat aw duty, tuny to tho

great boly of taa stookhoidert that th- teeabaoee mi*ma-le are unwarranted by aijythipg in tbe t oudit titho CVmpany. as tbej will, >>¦ tan '.- r.-, ha well s*t:j-lifit. B*y iag -nnl Utaa BWCB, aud /riven dne anrnn _.,

tl e r< at iri rt be |af) t'» time MT ita d^vnlopaients an 1taaaJfOa * ery reape tr'nl'v, Inc..


Mailto.A\-. real bp TeUfrmpk.BfiM... Ali. 22.U p at,.Flora n«kuuM; iieee 709

boAaat 04 tortone aew OBaei *.! 2i . «6 dr fat astrodo.and Ow Tt.. *? I aj Mtra «H I dies* »Vaa «t«tt ail aa '.. I1'nnlv wi'b «mal! aalet: white Kentn.ky 01 4'' a_ kedColts. Inserand dulli «ab . as','*'"' bue.i. at Tt.:.. for d'-iiv«ry HaJl fbit month, am! 74t<i7g;.. .m thr MOC 0»T« .| ..ot andnoo'lnt! at ibVnt Vilr. Ryr Viver with until talea at AV.W ii *KV -i .11 Bjaij aa!.>.t> >. bi:.. at Ik. t*t I.! B*. Kki luliT.

a'.-. U. for Corabtrov, ani Mia t >Ne* Y'. rk L««.rIwroBTsup to rirfla to-day: Ii.*« bMa. Flour, trV*»0 nuah.Whet:. !<'.'Nij bu-b. Corn," and r.oTO bi ah. Oits. C't\«:.roar«: I7.0M b tfc. W belt, 30eW bnab. Com, both BkSattj tilitta wat. r.Ü>wn;n. Ay- 22.d p. ni Fl.-l'a at.a.ly, .1-a-.and Ii*!.*.

IVai it iBfhanpdi .* ¦.. taOaobaab, it 01 421- r Mitwaaaeitlnb,ano 01 38 far Lutea*» Sfiriii*. Coa\ in lair denjinl;aatr» p,i«*0 bnth. Kaii -iir mi. UauarJ. LaCB Ivioaratu-i t* X.i»t K.-f. Corn. Caxai. K>:r».RT*. ».nnobu.b. Corn.

I'hilrrl Iphia Harken.Al B, NLTbt .>iiiand f< r QBHUBCtTaOB BABB BM tal. ..It, and li.it

No. t ;.'.own a let of 13 bin'., t.'lir.« at a>4 t ">

Cot ro\ raarkn ia quiet, but (inn; «|»iun»r« bu\i:U aptrlutly.(¦tout ¦Bikal la aBal.BBii mrlrh 'afjaarraoa ptap.-i ra .a «c att.rhoi (M i' '.¦Tiari.1 ia limited, and atand^rl braid* aro BBNt da: ». '.»» bol, wfAhout t.ndn i bayoTB, SBoaat (or haano aaa, itpr:'-«a ra.iaiiK liom 07 to Ot lor BSBMMM Lrauda and extra,ard OS .«Ot/aot ,r f>il(.T brand*, foes- M'-a '.¦> >a-t t*n»4 Ii r i'rnniylviuiiii Afral. but the market i. utiuara bare.Ri Flora i.<i»ii.'t»t it *»i>hU

I; OB ii\ thrrr it not nun h doBBf. 'l'hern ia erry Uttta piiei I

Wbrat. tlriina, but thr tnillrra uro holiliaaj off aud on!* about4. KXIbntii. la har.' to-n taH.-n in lot. tt öl 60« Ol i r ftirt.. p:irnr rrda, and 0163u01 »'S for «o»l white. RjOAalliPrun.yltanm ia brld at Mc anil BaaatAtafB BtNa., WltBMl ti id

inr bnerra lo ai y rat. nt. Corn retnaiua iiuetfee: eine VOO'tbtiaBall yaflowBOVB bern taken at B?o. in atorr and T. c. arloalOatl a.-.- .!..!!. with further aal a of ».««»>,. ei.«N». b IsWa S. ith*ern a' .:,'/?' for blfcrfctV and >7« 12 fir t ir and prftur lota.Poi i It t.rmer, with «mall aaVa from afore, at if 2a 50 t* hbl.

Cat Mt»a, at »Lieb holden arr ii.did'. retit .rllera. Cn^rrB i*aalet Sl'ciB dnR Alotof toOISa CLOVBBfBCD aoli at *7. I I lb. SfltIT-»rr hravy. tVBISBI i' BBBBtttadj aalaa

. . p. :. at M i ><>. iind IM bb!a. Ohi-, at 2t'.. «y galL

iTlnrkrte..C«RrFei.i.T EiroRTiDroRTwsTRiar«iE.¦avoaaaa, ii t tt i

ASIIK.S. T ir niLrkn Ii rm tot Piaria *>7 jij. fata areh food it niBBiland firm at 08.COTTON.Tbia ttaplr ia iirmly held, though wr rjti uoti.'-

»o!> a an.si! bufiDBBB. O r fBOatatlOM ire tnr ijmr aa Ihaaa afjtitt rdiv.

aaa roaa ciaaarricATtoa.[Mud. Florida. Mobile. tLO. Ittaaaa.

Ord'mry.13 13 Vd~,13MlaÜÜäi.IM IM l^t 15;ailddiin»l*ir...lf.i Ml 1717Fair.161 Iii; flotn. num.

COFFKE ia very quiet j the only »a'.r w,- b <ir-i d of to-Jav,WOB I"" I ara Ho. at Me.HVKUOOliS.Th. -t..koi i.orwo.*i hai beooBM roak I

br aeeotat aalra, and the market la now tit o»r aalra of ton tanaSt. Di Bahnja Lodvood BBVe tern i irttrd at 01'' ruaii. whieb,l.owrvi t, M B» tatreIBI ritr; btaea kin ia are rather qui.'-. BMitorka oi all kiuda are 'i|bt. a::l Kieee HUB trad'FLOUR AND AtKAL.Thi Inqtrln tir Waatara Canal Floor

i. BMÜ IBtO. the arti\a!» in BXroef of thi i!. n ar d m \ pri'-r. oftbe lew iridei are aaa! i 5a eaairr. The hettrrnrideaar.i heavvand »r)l i!ovely ; the »nie» are 1,7011 b*>l«. a*. *<> 2"># ififi 40 lorroufleon to food State. Of 60?it IS for a-.tr« do MSB?6 411 for raperttna ti .üa'i» indMlchiranj $6S i tilSfl tottot m teijood extra Ohio; 07M9#Bae lot aaod toedo.; *7 2j«a9 for rxtra (Kueaoe,Md 07BD«0IBSS for St.Lovna Mania »Vi aetwa taa firat arrivals of new Miehiranto-daj, the qaality really very band.MBB- it waj (roaa the "St.Jilirn.Mii;»." Cauadiiu Flonr ia in lair r. qiirat, it offeredfreely BMeleeaa leworj lh« «aleiart IIHtbMa at ajtIfri T640for prtiine »1 ' t for rxtra. So'ithern Flour iab< avy ksd Iraa active I the rerripta arr liberal and the teu.irn-vbj iownwaiit the aawa arr 1,400 bMa it Ott .W" t>1 tot niixeito rocil bnnda Alexandria, ir. an '. *7 l'5£8 2.» lor Ihe h--tt. r

k.a 1 Rye Floi la itaajy 1 aalet of HB bMa, at Brittas AO.Com Meal l. iinnlv bei '. t! ... paly |. litnitrd BatoBofSM L' la.ul Oi AB« B3iM lot Ilrainlyw ImFISH. Dry Cod arr .ready and in moderat« retrieat: ia>a of

fiVOto700atJa. on trrma w» did not learn. Mackeral ar>-tliuiat tkli! .Wa>*5ll for lane ;'.. OlSwOll IS tor Iwite Z«. andOS 7.'.4t9 fir lur«r 5-.. at tvbe il 2IKI to 3IVC bbla. WOTO BOliI'leklt .1 Mi rring r«ma:n q ii> t if tpSti i*<3 nO. Box Mrrtinj ure

quiet, but fiim it Ma f..r Sralid, uud 30e. for No. I.CHAIN.The Uli .f xrk.t i Lim ttli \, 1..' 1 ;...".». ntt

lower: the herviueu ia thr moat marked in rei|the a'tpp'.via fair,and tho tend'Li y atiil downward: the aalea are 6,710 hiialirl.Poi.tli-m ird it »>1 18« #1 .'I, 7.200 hitibeta Southern w MM ttf>l 7ua 01 Bt'.thr latter an extreme rate lor anything >t therlo e. It f.. it quiet, aud It more plenty tdat of 700 bu.htfla atB9b.fOI i.rw Jerary old i- he! tl »"«Ol. Barry in q bit,aud U t.. lalaol A aäuiplr ofnew Canadian waanbibitedto day,the ijnaliiy only luir. Oata ire in fair deiniud ti.d iitavy aale«of SUtt at y.afu., and Weati in ut tfU&U: Com ia tc. ..

i he anpply la ample. »: I thi BOBMOi rimdcrato ; aale« of S1.U0Ohu-h. la ut tl«8ie. lor VVe.tnu mixed, and t"1... i. r Sjuthi ru

yellow.BIDES eontini r very qni.-'; we ioarr only of allot of jo bales

Cede ntta Butialu, I'J Iii atertte, at 2t'e.. IiumHOPS are in.ii-ive at 73 UV. forr mniouto f:lr. and Mi) lie.

foe fair Mehoiot K06a. We do not learn of any eMfMBSa BatBfloied to day.HA\ The ahippinn drmanj is ftntl: ht' Iera ire firm »tl^a oi

j(>i balca at l.rmU<c per IBS fc,IRON.looteb Pin n miii a quiet at 094 by the Mvafeo, aud

S .'¦ MaSB)3S, 6 moa for »mall pair, la tu n yard. Bai ia iniBtlted dtmand «t a>t'/ f r eommon, ,-ud +«! ./ A77 M foirtAaei Sheets are io f.tir reqntit. and linrliah tre ahadofiraier; Mlaaof 300 bdlt. dooblea and triylaa at if>i a., and 4.>>I baa, oi Rutatt it UJ .. 6 noa.iRATUER eonttsnea antat ani lathet heavy :

holder» atk nn linn, e on preient rjfet.LI.MK.Ko< klaml la quUt at 70c. to; i«uigu aad 01 I» t I

Lump.AlOI.ASSi - < Ü a ural.-rti-d.NAVAL ITORE8- grdrrtt TirrBorrtloa baa ml eatroaaelj

fliliet, tut pri. .¦« ire t.oinfally ruehatIgt d tiie s!... < .. got bur-aaaaaaBBB, BBS the lere'pts in BMaaOOtBIOHAatal »t.-) b, t»ra

runatonetitly ari holviii.t ltr.k 'oi redu-rd rate« ibout I'sJbhia.ingtiod order io!d tt -toe r«.th; aud tiiil!. ab .et the !»..'. pi:< e

tbtf cm be <.»,».dm d. t'; .. it Iu htbl atork end I» firtn at 01,bat tap deaaaai la BaaMod, Cra*aaaoa SMata It »tili iBtrra and.rantrd at extrei ... rat»-a; aalet of o» sblt. it *l »S k» 310 PiSalin pad the Snot aaallttea ara aleo ta MOM »uprrlyan t pttooamir firu Ij lain IM bb't. meüium Na. tat SJAV id" it). Taria rather on!*? bol ia buoyant a* At 02 25 DM latter t.t-for Wilmincton.

OII.S-l.in». la :o!\ at lot Eufüth, und Matte,for An.rruan; but thr demand ii la t tetivo. Crudo W hale blfinr.ly helJ at 73ii75c., b< t btryota at- not laiioua MirdjoaBta atthete ratea iti-tired i« fvirW latrnirai for tt Sli Be. for Bent-mi r and Fal', a::d lajarv. i-.r'w int« r l ira. I- d Cr .d# dprroiLi .iiiit.- d II, ar.d nominahv brld it 01 M k» taliOB. btauuflae-t.r-d;. ntharqatat, anibub fraap 01 >«.:. (i Mfoi feaa«ut and Fall, and 01 4.'..il BTfbt Winter. Bt to n.alitv. UatiOil it in nioderat« requeat, und I« tirru; talea jtatfon. tuodto prir e '-'y ;.nd w»atern W inter i' 01 12' «! Itl. loi - nionfhaOuva Is a aCaio eeaSBri atlet SM pk^». at *o 12 l 'j:-. RedOil ia lint ml.PRO\ 1SI('NS-Th. '. .!,/ Ibf Pork is r, od, in i price* of

Mi .» tf err.. Me. i^-tt... tad Tiiu r i» bald with treat.- Brat*nr-.; Iha rtJtjt aroTMbbil tt pt6 n$)$j%% lot Al'-aai «2« Silac Thin MeaBi $MSS*»27 ...» dar; aiu *22 for Prima.B-r| It in ftir requott, and laqjitefnu it tiie iinf>*overx»eat; theaaioeireTtO bLIa it B>iTva>|fl t.,r n-ptikid waebara Me...and tr\S b"'a+iO for extra do. Frltraa Moat lt.et and B-.fHbbbb bio iiBohaBB«d; the atoch ofb thia very Matt Karon iafirm, lud in fair demand at IV. Cut M< ita are firmer; »alei ofMbhda.al llfaBISa, for BhooMert, iud I2iui.; for Man.».Lard ft more active, ami I'again better: tho re. eipta »:.¦ in H.a.«,Ind tho atoek la aanall: aalaa oi tV'bbla. bb4 tea. at 1(311the latter piier tat, boiee. Butter ia In lair ». mind -t 13i":20r.fur Ohio, and l7ci 22c. for State. Cheete it in loud ri e

^OlieRICK la without variation; aalea of 100 tc*. at 033A3 7i t*

ii I I. aa to iiuality.81'UARS tJO Wlthotrl u. ,ter!»! e! »nfe: rjiototalBttottoitr

are ab> ut .««> bhda., and bjoladt 2i«i ..hda Cuba at Be., 2.*i bhAt.Md W do at |e for exiiort; IN boxea flavin at Be. ruh. iudVj bhda. puri Porto Biee m rx.nd it B)S(e. al«<i fac »hltiment.

1 ALLOW .Tbe BRhrala vre light, aud baldail a.e ii. 1.1, »iletof 7.rani m. it 12} u Wr. rtah though Fat it brui it V

\. IMSKV.Ttv B ark. t is BtOpB BltlltO. Bild b BBBll ir.n.-r;»»!. a of 1,4/0 bMa (pait la-t .-Yeuiugi it IBM .

Rerripta of Produce_\, .. S,Bt "¦' Scrth Rittr Hoatt-tjm l'bl«. Fl .t. Ms] lo. tV*b S t

turn biiah. Com. 37 pkga. A.hra.Hy the t.rU kit il,.«/./.". 4'>0 »iJ.-» t>at':i«f. i'lbi«. l"our 30

t.-WHM ..-.21 lagt Oat*. IJ» pkt. B.tt-:.^4 bait-aW ',..,kt All.et.

Moveiuewia ol" On nu Nletaiuiers.to DaraaT.

?t--»n:trt. liBBTaB F..rr»»*eCai.ade.B. at.,n.L'vrrpoo!.y.lr. jSBanittat.New-York..Hamborg.-tpt. 1

Jaaoi.New York..Itrrxr.eii...^.Seit. 2Aral.a. New-Yoi<..Liverpool.S,pf 2Ttty ot \V..«nagten..Ntw York.. L'vrrpn.};.S.pt. 1Kd i.^urah."r. Turk TJltatIa.Sept 3

¦*.N»jw.Y..rk..Aip:nwiii. Ri.- .. Iit"."*' But.p.-T_--t rrtaiBB Tla iaatli'a Tibt I' iiet»on.rrew-York..Br »jen..,.Hi p'. 9Ailretir. .Kew-Yotk..LiVIrpe¦!.-. p:. 12Vanderhi':/-.Nrw-York.. Smtbaaipton.-»pt. 12

TO «IKIVI.A< rthStar.Havre.Metr*Taa%.A at. 12

f Wai |toa lit - Ne-w-Fork.*UII a t.e.ffverp ol ....Near-Tort -Aug 1»

..Aap; w,':.New V si.K i 1)Afri'i. r.itrrp<xl.N«w V-rk.h-it. 22\ aadatbiii.Havre.New-York.A g, 22

Alago.Ila.r-.N. w \ ."a.A ig. StKa:.<iioo.Liverreiol.New-Tort.A </. 2fi

Bilt>.Utetfoal.N-w-Y rk.S of 2< t» o; \\ a»i.iu|tun..Liverpool.New V. it.S. pt. 3O.'.; w.Olaag' r.New-Yo.k.Sept. S

»Taatnir-et To avo I» >i BAVASAäStramtKip ft-iladrtfhia. Ffuti New Y"rk 2d, arriving it fTa*

sani i'l. and .New Orleana 11th. Fiona N w 'Jrii i.itijath, Hivuia 23d, airh .ng at Nrw \ >tk 23Ui.SLaaihip (jualer City-Fc^ui New-York 7lli of ear Ii m m'A,

an i r at Havana i2lh, and laokilt 14^. From al jb..»224,Havana IsRa, arrivi.-x it New-Y' tk 2Sth.Mm»Mi> roAotToo-Frcu New York I2th, arriving tt Ha-

rtnaUtk and New Orleani 1'nb Fnau New Oi.etaa Utk,Htvtxi 23-h, trr'v.i.a: it New Y^rk Sept 1

S'teOtaatiB EmAm City.f: in Raw \ ,rk ITth, orrlrlBBalnevaai Md aai Mew-tJrleau 2Sta. Freai NeerOi waa 8 pt.5, HitJ.i rth. urivlrt at New York 13th.

ott.:.. r Hewa Hi I ui New York 27. ;r ivet itHavaOa f> pt. 1 Bl i New Or!-ir.t SB, Proat .N. a 0;..-j:i» 12th.Havaxa 14th, BaTmag at New York tili».

. otAe> haltl.From Chartoatoa ith and ISth d-a»»Ioyti i7tL aLd 22.1. Praaa. lUviua Mth aa Il Sr.,York l*tu uudUliL

Pajaatrajwera Ani veilI .f ttromthim Jan i/reat Brtmtn and ttBtflOBMiajB Ml

WhlU ajad fua.fy, MUi K. He .drirkaoo, J. .tlathanaou,y.a li\ y U'i'»"»»'^, w. MiwHVAaaaiMty, Mr S. \Yt!j

r s..p-fniic;,.,. *. r;. f? ,t.' Tr~:. .« rv --.naifi.*^1 Mwtoa, O. Urtoi,, C A. Beth, M. Vktr, W


"¦' tl 1. I' l..r,t. C S't.i'k. B I -I **> 1.b ' H v ..w.--. I KH«to*,D N4cZ.tfPet i. <. ,1 . 'I j . .,?.>tad f.n..',, J An!««t»Ui L. EsWj, O. II... , , \T«rth, A. I *-».-, V. Fn..t. F.. V»rke,.*4. rwV.rLg»

Pi .u'ai M. Or-ii'i, Mi.- .'.! h..-, .\ S01, ,,

J Or.«i .. ..... .i <tl, f i « . ,- " ki'rE**»; r. ' " m.l.w ... r. I» .It. ., , j...,,- ;«.. «..., t-f\u-- SiIuJl*

.... ,.J ..:,!( ;. ,«>J»'|. 4Wl.rt* «Ild .»d*. J>*epli S,3., \l. .. .,,.'., °*"

Erleier*. rttf. 1l..Vrrw.rth. J. tto^rrWl* S.*V 1 iS"**W». feBJa*, Ri b»rH Bnwde*,. <). W n !. -Mm»tt Ii**, h » b c .. , n \% ¦, $* V , ;..**St art, R. I.e. Ural.*. W. Dm, p m, r y?k*Zloir. I try. W. PBfcee. /¦ Reedw,, J. p7gS*iAr-J°Sf^ ytfaryCwtiii ."d Wily, b. t.i.» a* *.*.*\\. »elMek, C. Be:.,l.,rl ird l»d*, '. D^C*' * fUo«SKtfkaa B****b, ff. Prejern * «-l 1« I w »,,,£, \a..*"*»I Hot V. too A ..I-'!.: I-,... %\.***9>

r. v\ s. ... i. bum,, j!. - 'raM^H'.t, [i A Finher. F v.iuvii, I" :*r» Sc»-W»,v^B.A*rVhubcrt. Mi-vr it Schubert. II. Ue.ike. J. KivovT, U a?rkeel t. K Otrttner, H. Britb and tarty a. v |.«. wI ...... i»! il I..." uiAim. U."n-f iBdlddS K. Niii'i. A MtlR. Es« i> \ ..! A C. Mijc i

riii.k. J. Ocfa Uni la ly. M. S Minfel.Li inter of r«biu nw ülirr», ^*l, in »It.'

/. idMMtate KdinOurfh /rum I.' 1 .'. A 'I. I»rBwbi .,iü,ll,rt rlaltfs BuiBBiwnrBh^ VVia. W«JJ I, tad*rmniüy, llr"tv St. < ijv. Mr* 5li«»r. f»f:i'!r «.»"77«Uniom.oud Hi J 1s.It. 'S»ml. Hi tl '! " W_Jane Mnitb, AVx l)«viJ...r. Jobn M. U. bb k !wlj Ja»«.Oraraa. JaaaaaQiay, tadraM taaaaljr, Jobn Tb.<m*«. Mr* jb.'U« Cairrrua, Jituw. Woo«l, U ly «nü fann.v Mid \ .nJLMiCu'Ioi'k, Jsjbm s*f,-'* «nd lady, J.rui,. a B1 a ¦.,<.. ajjt>\lw, '. .'v »nd i ,.;,l SiiDuu Reld. kfr*. Jdme« R 1 b« jHetay. Jaam Pam i, 0. 1'. A'atjaBuL Ha*. Wo>. Aa4ana_Tii. . M.f'. :.!««, r;» |»r. DaaL »'¦.!«.» »od btlj. Wat. \w\Wliiu.it f D. Batht rland, Oeora« M«Klllop, Mia tf.U* Bkaaal*. ti, Mku Campbell. Prter N.rV. l. o «i wlaly, J-.- tm mA.v'y .Mn.*. - l*!eu !t -, J«re - PrtMtly an-' \miy. « rtartat

e A,', i. lidu»rdi «ad UJt. ( »pt. AWc M "*.-mi, jT Tbouico, J. i. . Du o, John irN.a'.. T V. Bj.«j ; rj/Joa!\^ ibl lady aod ^ml!t. DarrbH P'V* ti»o. R. .«.',(¦.> ,i mPike! Mteeaai Jeaeie ind Lilie« H*ll, T. 8. M.t:h«!., J. Jj. c^Sitvnt. Da I beta B ina i<o\r. t! «t ..n»e.

le tmtkttiUp Mmrfartt Kmtmt/r '. ..I » 'p ...«aa.Chaa P. Riebe« .nU lad*. Mr- MmL<». a id «eJU, Mlae11 ti bi a, Btiai raulaaa, Wh. T. Cooper, CharTei % 4^uwa. I


BturiATtnta RLBUkac....Tan Dir.Snn-Ritfl.A:I'M 8et«. <. It Mooo-Met. .. 8:1««,

BIBB w A r t h. .. to.* o«v.

l«Bi«jBook... S:o? U.'d... 10;4" .i Hell Oate... .<:.%


.leare«t.Bteamtblpe.Augutta, Woodbull Raraaneh, S. L Ml kiDi

JiineaUao, P.ni.h, Ni'ifiilk. Lodlaoi It, ri<«iauUi M.ri. u K««.tu, t'liurlt»tou, Sprlford Tilrit-n i

Slip.ii Orwumau, Wilb. r, Ne* i>il.«n». W. T. PreatiBJReed. French, Caere* ea4a aiaibet, Vt A KUteunn

Bi ks.Can lu< (Brem ), StriK. 11 b n .ud. Pa* .'»dtk> p k.r; il k. Arph"n»on. P. »t. M ibilo, 1' - tab.Co.; ('. Win.u. r, M. fiiren Per »n Prieee, R. J O'dwlafJuaper, Bennett. (. harieatoo, Diinbam k llinion.

Brli^-lioT. Bn.wo, Ai»erthy, Aptlecbicohii R. Pa.:; S T«N p.daom. Buigor, Metcatf It Uuneaa ; f>. tut. MrCa».

I B| Jago, Peaai.t Urn.; Speed (Br.l. Wille«,* J..«a,N B., I» R. l)eVV..Ife; M. M R.- ti .. V ntoa,TboBafBoaai BunUri R C Dyer. T mef PbaUMabta, II BwHrOoeaaBB k Co. Mariipden, Emery llanxin. Brett, S u k C«,|Ii' loakBi, Mit. ii. IL Boit"u, 8nillb a B-y-.toa

8. onere- J. T. Hainatd. Stit. .. Rirhni.aid, Merrill k At*botti J *l. WoeriB, Chipiua i. New-Havea. J. B v:dw*rdt|L Robinem. l)»*if. Rmr..|, 1. Kenay; S. aauan iBr » Agree*J, it r. J. 8. Whitney k Co.; Plan.'...me. lln.nn Savwiuaa, De*o,illk Co. ; Aiinada, Eli-y, Prfdcrickihi \«n Br..m t 8:*gatlPilot*! Bride, Clark. Porto Cebello, (i I. Hatcl 0 Poaaig*(job, Baattfc, N. eMHIeaae, R h. -t a UHtlame; W. L. Bar-rough*, Jeuk*, Sai«iiiiali. Ilunbain k llinion; K'lip«e, J>,«¦«,Ckarleetoa, B«-r«i.i.'.t k Ta in . ». S.altfc, Bpatrt, It'll.

;. a. J. 8ai<tb k Co.; See Ranter, D arow Wi'alagtea,Stod.Ur.1 1 ("e, k;.S. Colliua Keerett, Rll/abeMi City.B.tiiiuet, Boa k C«. i PdMTiiIe, Cbeeter Bli baeoad, t II rW*»..ii: A. feateaaaa, Orealey, Pre.ier.i k.biirit, Van Br-at kjSit»t)t. W. lt. N. in ib, IU. t re.l.-.icklk it \v. BJ*»Keei Robrcea, Woltem. City point, 1. lluuUi a C . : fl«%Brajton, Roter*. Philadelphia. J. >'.'. Meliee 8flvi, ^t-tee»,Crawl«*, Pbi.'.uelpl L, master; feat, Ma, PaelkNa, Beel B, (He*ton k s'piiigii' Leaaea* Claea; Boeten. 8 W Lewi* *i Oo.Sloop«. Rbode laland. Hull, Pro\ ideaOB, uiatfr, >V. R.

B. wi n, Hailoek, Briitul. L Kenny.Stcann r§.Wrateinport. Bony, Portland, If. B. Cr ,w*fl|

N. veltj, Bell, Philadelphia.

Arrired.BteamiblpEdinburgh(Br."eerew) Citaaaflngi, <i. » Vig.

I,witl -e andpae*. teJ. Mt'Byiuen. Eapetleiu-,.' the aeagtad m, *tron| wiitetlv wlndi, the la.t three day., enateit*«

it,7a in !at4fttN.,ie&MtSr\ .«i>..ke i,..r. Wtta,ofaad M Bouon. 2l.t, 4 p. ui p*a,ed a acrew *te*auU|l.teering E.

.-h p itaieBlj, TBJaiTIT. Liverpool, via Traloe July W, «HBoi in..'. BHI peek, to Itargaa, Cleermau fa Co.Ship laaae Webk Bnav. leteereool U «*r«, Britb and

6iM> pa.i. to C. il. Mar-l.«r ,V Co. Had tmt marriage, gfjg birthand one death "u hi.ar.l. .

hbip Critettea (of li .a'on). naidtag Cardiff +) d^jt, witk*mtisi aud tailroad Iron to i.ia.tei. IIa-i ip<neu ed r.'ry iigbk\V. win i Um p»«.».r.Bble Matkatat Evan* (pkt.), Warner, London and P...:»moutk

July 8« Ith n.die. and 2JU pa.a to E ¥.. M^rtanBath John lleiinauu (!Um ), Uon.lieldt, Uaiubnre 4.1 day*,

with n d*e. an.t If6p«aa. to I Katrk.Biit Flora (8p.), BlHrUteng,,Uaii eleaa 72 dayi, with miu.ke,

to Oalwsy, Caaai-. fa Tell. r.

Hrtg Lattrel (Br ), Oleen, Sydney, C. B 9 d«ye, w<th eotlta.master.Biit (Jen. Pierf <. (of Balti-Mor ), K lferle, Monroeit (W*a>

Cntit tri Aiv.ai. July 10, wtthaalmoUaaaeaaaai ..!.. U W.B. Hall. A.i^ in, Uu 37 21, Ion. 10, .p.ko ebip K .itlyi,I' Ii, ti; i tri in ti, >. tlrl. an* for Havre.Brf Plora(Sfaa.),Uarietaa, Uareelout 11 day*, altli wiae

Oalerap, Ca.aiio u Tel .-r.

Brig I.- Btiae Brey, Calai« 7 dayi, a itb lueib. r t-. /. May.hew.B r. Alum (f».V Oirurd, St. Pl.rr-, N. F. 12day., with tit

Bah te Wheele ilajit k Co.8. iir. \\ aa B. alarah, Beryee, Alb«n> f..r Pr.vid. n *.

g -. Weaikineo, (Jo,bam, Pieimoai i«r Pruv'dtu,'.Bcbr.! (wrkr ), Meiutt, f.oui brig Roberta, ai..< re ag

Reuth .inpiou, L. I.ft r VVai etnith. Fieber, C!i»rleitoa r>dayi, wi.h rice, woeat,

far., t, s. .,. .. , fa Tallxnao.Bear. Blneyiiltnl. Mi.inb rü, \ ir^'nia 6 dayi, w,U eoru to a*

C. Haven.Bear, B. V- V tter, Hir.loa, Poit Hwrn for PrOTldenea,N ur. BUsabeth An., (iir ), U iLilaur |0 dayi, with p.naUr BJ

;i D* Wolff.H i Nt it 'P.r ), Hunter, Winleor II day«, Vi» Poitlaai,

nriih akwter, wool, i.e., to maat> r.8cbr. kl. A Predmore, l'redmor», Virginia 3 day*, wood.fahr. Barbara, H»d«r*. Vlr*Jala > daya, w e d.Bahr. Pair, Riniiley, BalHaaete. 6 rtuya, with eaakSehr. J. A. Chsdbi.iirii (S-oiaatedi, Mariball, Wliaajj , ,e, X

ilaya, with ..ava. .torn te Baiter.Bchr Homtou B ub, Virmr.it 7 don, wood.Bear. Heieaa iB; ,, r.ot. rti, Plctou 10 Utyi, with e<;«J If

Majatou fa r .were.Kiir. Joke, B i.-ton, Wilmlutlou. !,'. C ,7 day*.8chr. t\ kiatler, P»,k.-r, Viuir.l» B daya.i- ,.r. I), parabieI, Crowe'l I)-.o. . v....: i.aii to 8. t w.lb(S. br. Jubu L. Darling, Howe. Provldaace.Behl Itkir, Hiitiu*, Providence.Bear, Ftank, Nn'kcr*cn, \\ a.ebamBohr. Mare. Cook, Albany for Portland Me.n i r. A. ;.. Do'igla.a, 'ialaei, Kint-ton f«.r Ilartfcr l.M. in» r pieJniout, Willett, Baltiaiure 70 hour*, u ¦';*<.¦ W Hi

B. CromeelLM.au.n Batti Ii. 8. Hew, PailtdelphI» f dCpo BJM Uht

ITtth n i.e. to ff. P. rkina.

^BtoataavOepnrp, Keaaaff, lrn**aeaaa M boon, md.c. to I*

SAil.i :i.Ft omahipa Pulton. S.,iith«roptoii, k«.; Ne*-T*(R. i. Olaifow; Autnata. 8«»an .... Maimu, tu. .a .-a,

v t ¦.¦ .. tb, fae.

Toe p«i k't rf 'p Hamionla, 7IC tuui regiiter, wtl, thlg>. Hoaai Di.'.k tor czaialoat oB.

Arrived. .. .Sr.anaT. Aaavat -3.17, s. at i'.'-aicl.tp Benthtraer, R. n-'f.a. fhailettta, with

ti.i.'-e. p.»- to Fpofcrd, Tilrito'i «V Cu. On Tbnreday, at I«. in., p.»».e atttn.ablp C.be.u ba, for N' w-Orlen.:«; at 9a**-,I r» N. c f I rylnt Par -pole b»rk Maria Mor«- u anl brlfUHen, bo ad B. od latinhoal. paeeed eebr. Marne, ol New*kork, »ah loa» of oiniuaail. From Hotter**, eaptrieaoed 4liea\ j N. E, gme.

Ihl| Th rntea, Cotlina, Ltrcrpool July 16. trlth mite* aM'M pa.t. to Uiiilain- 4. (c Ian ad well, tHii It.at., I»t. 4> Ban

- oki -hip Sir Robert Peel. The T. bad one birtt *faa on'1

deeta tn \< .rd dclEt the pa.evse. ,

Buk Palermo, laBhaa«, Palermo Jane 29, p*i '.(iM»»,*rJuli I., with liict, ., and 14 paai. to <.:i.»mb«rlain. P- F**Co. July 14, l-t M 14, to* 10 4 ., rp.,»e haik «u».l~l, 4 tMf .rBo»A*n,? d*yifr..rnMiirieil!ti Aog 18, wbll r -.r-iglbafereloMall Saneo i U -tt (boyl fell rVm the loretopnl aj.i-erfaattxeh on the fnreyaraai * bom taeaw»' letboBtd, deeu. the .*»outb forejerdbavlrj killed Mm. Th.- P. hai exp. rl. aeedB

,t. » f...-. n P««-«*.Bl : Ao adiai. (Br.;. L-oki art, Um «or. H. S., 8diy.,wllh

' 'BV-VB'eng*Via''Bt*plea, Sh< .lite 10 day«, witli lumber to U. B»'hrig L» Ltiii.-, Bray, Caijla 7 deya, with lumberU Zeb. Haye

Br I J.'anant (Br ), Hem berr*, H r.«y, N. B., 6 dayi, wl**,II ,'.m e 'k P. I. Nevi... It .-ot...N i r Dau.t:., Pi aer, CaiB.a f .lay*, with W'lt tC ti- B'»r*>

Oi*n.II. Cnrtli, J .bnscn, Calaia 6 da*., with InnibertoMaj*

low laib'itfct...S r H inetN a! II.n«<oaib, Eutporte ¦'. yi. v..t-i .«:caw

pla.ru to Brett, 8oa k Co.ranm tl. PhhaMf, Beetea ta Uil-at.

8 hr. Ji hri .I«Tii.. Robert*. PhlUJe'u^,i^. for 0.4'oo.s or. V nil (Bi >, biaith, Wiauaor, M. 8., 7 d*ji, wii.ipk*

trr to enter.h'hr. Adelaide. No keraon, Bo»toa for Albcay.II f 0 ». It. at I tm lea aBteamei CNscrge'i Creek Moriey, Coarlettoa 4 -Uy«,

*. Lett and cotton to H. 15. Cromwelt. Eapcn. uced heavy %M*gale, tue w Belt ut tht (iiaa;e.

St»»i.i»r Delaware. ( p. «, PL , j. 'j,uii, MJ c»pe Hay Bheura, n.. »gel I'eikin*.

Iti an i r Weatcbot r, « Itrk, Pio»lärm-e |f; houra, u-J**. *.bin, Oda'.l.Bleaaaer r*4 aiaka, CatBaaaa, K. a-B«df-)rJ, with mi.- m

Jf«eph Ai'. u

V. 1NU-Dur.3g tb* Jay rro:n S.W.

By Telecriph. a , ,

B09T0.-. Aog. Cl.-Arr. thip Bea mirt. 9^" ,:'n L

f I- >' i» I i .V r: A-1-'-si Fit : 1

t HARM - if N A ;t. .-.-Tie V, S- *.;.-per, Tan ... Ke»-k<"» ¦ * ¦


, da Iga Ad*

Ta Warlaer*.

imtm*mi B* - r0l tb, VtU Hot.« Board.

LigH lieute latjieetet, Pafth P-**r**VlatflHIa. Aae* 9tm%%_t r%>i^ktBBrf BttjU tBBBBBJ