© 2006 IBM Corporation JDojo & ScriptEngine Agile Planning’s Scripting Tools

© 2006 IBM Corporation JDojo & ScriptEngine Agile Planning’s Scripting Tools

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo & ScriptEngine

Agile Planning’s Scripting Tools

Page 2: © 2006 IBM Corporation JDojo & ScriptEngine Agile Planning’s Scripting Tools

© 2006 IBM Corporation

Agile Planning’s JavaScript Experience

> 3 years of experience with JavaScript and Dojo

Used WTP (JSDT), Aptana, Dashcode, Text Editors

Writing JavaScript code is easy...

…evolving and refactoring a large codebase is not

requires disciplined programming

hard for new team members to get started

component based development is very hard due to the lack of clear interface definitions

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Ways to Improve - Requirements

Need a growth-path from existing code

No lock-in

Must fit in existing infrastructure

Do not introduce new layers / indirections

Should leverage existing tooling

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Ways to Improve - Options

Tooling for (Dojo flavored) JavaScript

– This still doesn’t solve the problem of component based development

Enhance JavaScript with typed variable declarations

– Support typed variable declarations to allow clear interface definitions

Translate from another language


– Eclipse E4

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Introducing JDojo

JDojo provides a pragmatic solution

JDojo brings JavaScript to the Java tooling, NOT Java to JavaScript

– It is a typed/extended JavaScript using Java as its syntax

– Not all Java language features are supported

– Data types are JS not Java oriented

No new layers or abstractions:

– Use dojo as the widget toolkit

– Allow working with the DOM

Implemented as a compiler participant in Eclipse’s JDT

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo Code Example

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo Code Example (1/3)

package jdojo.example;

import static com.ibm.jdojo.dom.BrowserEnvironment.window;import com.ibm.jdojo.base.dojo;...

public class PersonRecordWidget extends _Widget { public static class PersonRecord { public String name; public int age; }

private PersonRecord[] records= {}; private HTMLTableElement table;

public void addPerson(String name, int age) { PersonRecord record= new PersonRecord(); record.name= name; record.age= age; JSArrays.push(records, record); }

// to be continued on next slide...

// NOTE: THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY!dojo.provide("jdojo.example.PersonRecordWidget");


(function() {var _Widget= dijit._Widget;

dojo.declare("jdojo.example.PersonRecordWidget", _Widget, {

records: null, table: null,

constructor: function() { this.records= []; },

addPerson: function(name, age) { var record= {}; record.name= name; record.age= age; this.records.push(record); },

// to be continued on next slide...

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo Code Example (2/3)

@Override public void postCreate() { super.postCreate(); HTMLDocument doc= window.document; table= (HTMLTableElement) doc.createElement("table"); domNode.appendChild(table);

HTMLButtonElement button= doc.createElement(HTMLTags.BUTTON); button.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Add")); connect(button, MouseEventType.CLICK, new IEventHandler<MouseEvent>() { public void handle(MouseEvent e) { addPerson( window.prompt("Name?", ""), (int) (100 * JSMath.random())); refresh(); } }); domNode.appendChild(button); }

// to be continued on next slide...

postCreate: function() { this.inherited("postCreate", arguments, []); var doc= window.document; this.table= doc.createElement("table"); this.domNode.appendChild(this.table);

var button= doc.createElement("button");

button.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Add")); this.connect(button, 'click', dojo.hitch(this, function(e) { this.addPerson( window.prompt("Name?", ""), (((100 * Math.random()))|0)); this.refresh(); }) ); this.domNode.appendChild(button); },

// to be continued on next slide...

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo Code Example (3/3)

private void _refresh() { dojo.empty(table); for (int i= 0; i < records.length; i++) { _createRow(records[i]); } }

private void _createRow(PersonRecord personRecord) { HTMLDocument doc= window.document;

HTMLTableRowElement recordRow= doc.createElement(HTMLTags.TR);

HTMLTableCellElement nameCell= doc.createElement(HTMLTags.TD); nameCell.appendChild(doc.createTextNode( personRecord.name)); recordRow.appendChild(nameCell);

HTMLTableCellElement ageCell= doc.createElement(HTMLTags.TD); ageCell.appendChild(doc.createTextNode( JSNumbers.toString(personRecord.age))); recordRow.appendChild(ageCell);

table.appendChild(recordRow); }}

_refresh: function() { dojo.empty(this.table); for (var i= 0; i < this.records.length; i++){ this._createRow(this.records[i]); } },

_createRow: function(personRecord) { var doc= window.document;

var recordRow= doc.createElement("tr");

var nameCell= doc.createElement("td");

nameCell.appendChild(doc.createTextNode( personRecord.name)); recordRow.appendChild(nameCell);

var ageCell= doc.createElement("td");

ageCell.appendChild(doc.createTextNode( personRecord.age.toString())); recordRow.appendChild(ageCell);

this.table.appendChild(recordRow); }});


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Calculator Demo

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

JDojo Benefits

Takes full advantage of the JDT tooling

– Compiler helps finding API breakages

– Eclipse’s API tooling

– Refactoring, Search, …

Allows components to specify API

– Document API using JavaDoc, @Deprecated, ...

Interoperable with existing JavaScript code

No overhead in generated JavaScript code

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Java based JavaScript Runtime

Developed for RTC 2.0

Improved for optimal interoperability with JDojo

Allows sharing code between Web and Eclipse

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Sharing Code using the ScriptEngine






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Sharing Code using the ScriptEngine





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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Sharing Code using the ScriptEngine







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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Sharing Code using the ScriptEngine


















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Use Case: Tempo Simulation

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ScriptEngine Features

Hide low-level Rhino API

Avoid using LiveConnect due to security

Initialize Dojo runtime

True bidirectional seamless integration

Supports debugging using Eclipse E4 debugger

Very simple usage

In progress: Web environment for WebUI testing

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Calculator Demo

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

Agile Planning Scripting Tools and You!

Give it a try

– Wiki Pagehttps://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JDojo

– Install the JDojo compiler from updatesitehttp://w3.zurich.ibm.com/~chn/jdojo-updatesite/

– Download the samples, try it yourself

– Grab the source from the JDojo stream on jazzdev

– Follow on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/JDojo

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Thank You!


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