© 2021 Andrea Vahl

© 2021 Andrea Vahl

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Page 1: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

© 2021 Andrea Vahl

Page 2: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Here’s What You’ll Learn…

• The Key to Success

• Outlining your strategy

• Setting goals

• Focusing on your Funnel

Page 3: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Developing a Campaign


Page 4: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Developing Your Ad Campaign Strategy

1. Set Your Goals

2. Write down your KPI – Key Performance Indicator

3. Match Your goals to your best ad options

4. Split Test Your Ads

5. Measure and tweak

Page 5: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

The KEY to Facebook Ads

and Conversion Success

Page 6: © 2021 Andrea Vahl


Page 7: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Facebook announced that top-performing ad accounts created and tested 11X more creative than less successful accounts

Source: https://www.ecommerceinfluence.com/facebook-ad-creative/7

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Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)

Ad Set #1

Ad #1 Ad #1Ad #1

Ad Set #2 Ad Set #3


Ad #1 Ad #1 Ad #1

Budget set at the top level, Facebook optimizes budget

across anything below

Keep Audience Sizes similar.

Audience Overlap issue is removed

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Not always optimized properly

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Always Testing – Facebook is Getting Better


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Ad Set Budget Optimization (ABO)

Ad Set #1

Ad #1 Ad #1Ad #1

Ad Set #2 Ad Set #3


Ad #1 Ad #1 Ad #1

Keeps a dedicated budget to the Targeted Audience at the Ad Set Level (better

for initial testing)

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Split Test Demographics

Ad Set #1US, Women 35-55Keywords: Small

Business Saturday, Entrepreneur

Ad #1 Ad #1Ad #1

Ad Set #2US, Women 35-55Keywords: Marie Forleo, Ali Brown, Success Magazine

Ad Set #3US, Women 35-55

Job Titles: Marketing, Social Media Manager


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Split Testing Ads – Local Business

AdImage #1

AdSlideshow Video

Ad Image #2

Ad Set Local Area +



Page 14: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Find your best performers with

split testing

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Compare your Key Performance Indicators

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Monitor the funnel – leads and purchases

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Test images

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Image Results May Be Different

• Because Facebook optimizes the budget across all the images, some may get an uneven amount of the budget.

• In this example, I turned off the Ads and Ad Sets that were underperforming under the Campaign

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Gather Your Assets for Audiences

• Email Lists

• Website Traffic (if you have had the Facebook pixel installed)

• People who have Engaged with Your Facebook Page

• People who have watched your Facebook Videos

• Customers (either in an email list or through the Facebook Pixel)

Create Lookalike Audiences of these and test them

Page 20: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Example Test Plan

Ad Set #1 XYZ Event - Conversion - US 35-55 Lookalike (US, 1%) - Email list - Multi images

Ad Set #2 XYZ Event - Conversion - US 35-55 Lookalike (US, 1%) - Past Attendees and Speakers - Multi images

Ad Set #3 XYZ Event - Conversion - US 35-55 Amy Porterfield Pat Flynn - Multi images

Ad Set #4 XYZ Event - Conversion - Retargeting (Pixel, Email, Facebook Page, Video Views) - Multi images and Video

Ad Set #5 XYZ Event - Conversion - US 35-55 Lookalike (US, 1%) - Past Attendees and Speakers - Video

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Testing – Small Budgets

• Total Budget < $5000/month

• Testing Budget – 10-20% of full budget

• Consider significance of your Results to determine how many ads you can test– Objective = Link Clicks – Cost per link click is low

– Objective = Lead Generation – Cost per Lead is higher

– Objective = Conversions (sales or optin) – Cost per Sale can take more budget

• In general:– $50-100 per ad run over 3-4 days to test

– 10-20 ads in initial test phase


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Testing – Large Budgets

• Total Budget over $5000/month

• Always testing and optimizing

• Points of concern:– Creative Fatigue

– Audience Overlap

– Dynamic Creative

– ROAS break even point

– 1st Time Impression Ratio

– Campaign Budget Optimization

– Dynamic Audiences vs Static

– Overall ROAS 2x or better (this metric may be different for you)


• Testing high-value Lookalike Audiences• 1% Purchase

• 1% Multiple Purchaser

• 1% CLTV – big spenders

• Widen to 2% to test scale

• Testing low-value Lookalike Audiences• 1% Add to Cart

• 1% Time on product pages

• 1% 10-second video viewers (or variation)

• 1% Lead

• 1% Email subscribers

• 1% Fans of your Page

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**Changes affecting ads to

Apple iOS Users who have opted out

• Tracking Pixel Actions from Facebook ads – Purchases, Add

to Cart, Leads, Complete Registration, Custom Conversions

• Optimizing your Ads for these actions – Over time

• Retargeting ads – No Apple Users who’ve opted out

• Building Audiences – Lookalikes from Pixel events

• App Installs – Facebook Apps

**Strategy, Tracking, and Testing may look different mid-2021

See the Facebook and Apple iOS Changes section in the course

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How to approach your Facebook Marketing Funnel

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Facebook Content Funnel





Highly shareable



Quick Tips

Special offers

Longer Content



Multiple posts




Sale isn’t the end of the story

Build loyalty with repeated

visibility and value

Customer ServiceRepeat Business

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Give away something valuable

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Have a Special Offer - Retargeting

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Instagram Ads have less text showing and NO Headline.

So the headline will really need to be in the image to catch people’s eye.

Videos also work well in Instagram since you can demo the product.

Instagram Ads

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Setting Goals

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Setting Goals and Calculating ROI

Page 31: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Marketing is not

always going to be

ROI Positive! It can

have LONG term


Think Marathon

not Sprint

Page 32: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Typical Results

• Cost per Engagement or Video View –Engagement/Video ads: $0.05 - $1

• Cost per Like - $0.25 – $1.50• Cost per click – Web clicks: $0.30 - $2• Cost per Lead - $2.00 - $10• Cost per Purchase – varies widely

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Beginner Strategy

1. Experiment with Like Ads to grow Page (VERY sparingly – just to test)

2. Boost some key Posts to get more engagement or use a Traffic ad to send to website

3. Use a Video ad to grow audience

4. Create an optin and grow your list with targeted Facebook ads

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Intermediate Strategy

1. Create an optin and grow your list with targeted Facebook ads

2. Run multiple split-test campaigns to determine your best audience and experiment with different image/text/creative for the ads

3. Experiment with Custom Audiences in your Targeting

Page 35: © 2021 Andrea Vahl

Advanced Strategy

1. Develop a multi-stage funnel to warm up your audience with different pieces of content (especially videos)

2. Experiment with Custom Audiences to retarget your campaigns with different messaging for abandon carts and different stages of the funnel

3. Do A/B testing on Landing Pages and offers

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Focus on your Funnel

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Optimize Your Ad to the Right Goal

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Traffic Ad


Page may or may not include the

Facebook Ad Pixel



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Lead Generation Ad


Tracking not affected

Lead form popup Can Redirect

to a website

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Conversion Ad Sequence

Ad Website Thank You Page


Facebook Ad Pixel (PageView)


Facebook Ad Pixels

(PageView) and (Lead)

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Conversion Retargeting Ad – Video

Video Ad

Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel


Website Thank You Page


Facebook Ad Pixels

(PageView) and (Purchase)

And/or Custom Conversion

Thank you for buying here’s instructions on getting your product

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Multi-Stage Sales Sequence

Ad Website Thank You Page

Website includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel


Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel

(PageView) (AddtoCart)

Add to Cart

Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel

(PageView) (Purchase)

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Ecommerce Retargeting

Ad Website Thank You Page

Website includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel


Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel

(PageView) (AddtoCart)

Add to Cart

Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel

(PageView) (Purchase)

Thank you for buying here’s instructions

on getting your product

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Event Promotion


Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel


Website with Eventbrite Eventbrite checkout


Facebook Ad Pixel

(AddtoCart and Purchase)

For tracking

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Authors – Straight to Amazon


No exact tracking


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Authors – Website


Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel


Website Thank You


Page includes:

Facebook Ad Pixel

(PageView) (Lead)

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Messenger Ad


Can automate responses


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Video Ad

Used to build video views and engagement

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Here’s What You Learned…

• The Key to Success

• Outlining your strategy

• Setting goals

• Focusing on your Funnel