contacts with Israel I. Xi Jinping Meets Israeli Prime Minister People's Daily, May 9, 2013 http ://politics.people.com.cn/n/2013/0510/c1024-21430660 .html Chinese President Xi Jinping made an interesting point made in his meeting with Netanyahu. These particular remarks were carried in Chinese in the People’s Daily (The translation below is by Alex Pevzner) In his meeting with Netanyahu, Xi said that “both sides need to enhance exchanges at all levels, increase mutual understanding, and actively seek to bring into play their respective strengths, so that to achieve pragmatic cooperation. Both sides need to develop exchanges in areas such as culture, education, and media, expand people-to-people contacts, in order to pass on the traditional

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Chinese leaders on the need to expand people-to-people contacts with Israel 

I.     Xi Jinping Meets Israeli Prime MinisterPeople's Daily, May 9, 2013http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2013/0510/c1024-21430660.html

Chinese President Xi Jinping made an interesting point made in his meeting with Netanyahu. These particular remarks were carried in Chinese in the People’s Daily (The translation below is by Alex Pevzner)

In his meeting with Netanyahu, Xi said that “both sides need to enhance exchanges at all levels, increase mutual understanding, and actively seek to bring into play their respective strengths, so that to achieve pragmatic cooperation. Both sides need to develop exchanges in areas such as culture, education, and media, expand people-to-people contacts, in order to pass on the traditional friendship between the peoples.”

“双方要加强各层次交往,增进相互了解,积极探讨发挥互补优势,深化务实合作 . 双方要开展文化、教育、新闻等领域交流,扩大民间往来,传承传统友谊。” 

Chinese leaders on the need to expand people-to-people contacts with Israel II.     Chinese Premier Meets Israel PM, Urging Cooperation Xinhua, May 8, 2013. "The premier said the new Chinese government has placed great importance on developing ties with Israel, calling on the two countries to step up exchanges between governments, parliaments, parties and non-governmental organizations, and work more closely in education, tourism and other people-to-people fields."http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2013-05/08/c_124683450.htm  李克强说,建交21年来,中以关系日臻成熟,互利合作发展迅速。中国新一届政府高度重视发展同以色列的关系,希望双方加强政府、议会、政党、民间等各层次往来,扩大教育、旅游、青年等人文领域交流,使中以关系不断深化。 http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2013-05/08/c_115692118.htm  

Peoples Daily May 10 '13 p.1 Xi Jinping Netanyahu

Peoples Daily May 9 '13 p. 1Li Keqiang Netanyahu