민민민 민민민민 민민 민민민 1. The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway. E - Scibner) 2. Cry, the Beloved Country (Paton, Alan - Simon Schuster) 3. The Awakening (Chopin, Kate - Mass Market) 4. Animal Farm (Orwell, G - Signet) 5. Lord of the Files (Golding, W - Mass Market) 6. The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger, J D - Mass Market) 7. The Thing They Carried (O'Brien, Tim - Broadway) 8. Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck, J - Penguin 1993) 9. Hiroshima (Hersey, John - Mass Market) 10. Thing Fall Apart (Achebe, C - Anchor 1994) 11. Heart of Darkness (Conrad, J - Dover Pubns) 12. A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens, C - Penguin 2003) 13. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain, Mark - Penguin 2003) 14. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald - Scribner 1995) 15. Death of a Salesman (Miller, A - Penguin) 16. Hamlet (Shakespeare - Mass Market) 17. Rosencrantz / Guildenstern (Stoppard, T - Grove Press) 18. All men are Brothers (Gandhi, M - Continuum) 19. King Lear (Shakespeare - Washington Sq) 20. Farewell to Arms (Hemingway, E - Scribner) 21. Brave New World (Huxley - Perennial 1998) 22. 1984 (Orwel, G - Signet Book) 23. The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck, J - Penguin) 24. Autobiography / Malcom X (Haley, A - Mass Market) 25. Epic of Gilgamesh (Sandars, NK - Penguin 1972) 26. The Chosen (Potok, C - Ballantine) 27. Mythology (Hamilton, E - Back Bay Books) 28. Pride and Prejudice (Austen, J - Bantam 1983) 29. Phaedo / Plato (Gallop, D - Oxford) 30. Don Quixote / Cervantes (Smollett, T - Mod. Library) 31. Waiting for Godot (Beckett, S - Grove Press) 32. Eumenides (Aeschylus - Duuckworth) 33. Bury Heart / Wound Knee (Brown, Dee - Henry Holt) 34. Walden (Thoreau,m H - Penguin 1986) 35. The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne, N - Mass Market) 36. Sound and Sense (Perrine, L - Heinle 2000) 37. To the Lighthouse (Woolf, V - Harvest Books) 38. The Story of Philosophy (Durant, Will - Simon Schuster) 39. The Wealth of Nations (Smith, Adam - Bantam 2001) 40. Beowulf (Heaney, S - Norton 2001)

민사고 영어원서 독서 리스트

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Page 1: 민사고 영어원서 독서 리스트

민사고 영어원서 독서 리스트 1. The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway. E - Scibner) 2. Cry, the Beloved Country (Paton, Alan - Simon Schuster)3. The Awakening (Chopin, Kate - Mass Market)4. Animal Farm (Orwell, G - Signet)5. Lord of the Files (Golding, W - Mass Market)6. The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger, J D - Mass Market)7. The Thing They Carried (O'Brien, Tim - Broadway)8. Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck, J - Penguin 1993)9. Hiroshima (Hersey, John - Mass Market)10. Thing Fall Apart (Achebe, C - Anchor 1994)11. Heart of Darkness (Conrad, J - Dover Pubns)12. A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens, C - Penguin 2003)13. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain, Mark - Penguin 2003)14. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald - Scribner 1995)15. Death of a Salesman (Miller, A - Penguin)16. Hamlet (Shakespeare - Mass Market)17. Rosencrantz / Guildenstern (Stoppard, T - Grove Press)18. All men are Brothers (Gandhi, M - Continuum)19. King Lear (Shakespeare - Washington Sq)20. Farewell to Arms (Hemingway, E - Scribner)21. Brave New World (Huxley - Perennial 1998)22. 1984 (Orwel, G - Signet Book)23. The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck, J - Penguin)24. Autobiography / Malcom X (Haley, A - Mass Market)25. Epic of Gilgamesh (Sandars, NK - Penguin 1972)26. The Chosen (Potok, C - Ballantine)27. Mythology (Hamilton, E - Back Bay Books)28. Pride and Prejudice (Austen, J - Bantam 1983)29. Phaedo / Plato (Gallop, D - Oxford)30. Don Quixote / Cervantes (Smollett, T - Mod. Library)31. Waiting for Godot (Beckett, S - Grove Press)32. Eumenides (Aeschylus - Duuckworth)33. Bury Heart / Wound Knee (Brown, Dee - Henry Holt)34. Walden (Thoreau,m H - Penguin 1986)35. The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne, N - Mass Market)36. Sound and Sense (Perrine, L - Heinle 2000)37. To the Lighthouse (Woolf, V - Harvest Books)38. The Story of Philosophy (Durant, Will - Simon Schuster)39. The Wealth of Nations (Smith, Adam - Bantam 2001)40. Beowulf (Heaney, S - Norton 2001)