1 Συγγραφή - Επιμέλεια: Μανώλης Μαρκίδης Σύμβουλος ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικού υλικού: Βασίλειος Ραφτόπουλος ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΕΡΓΟ «Συνδικαλιστική κατάρτιση και ενίσχυση κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων εργαζομένων ιδιωτικού τομέα που εκπροσωπούνται από την ΓΣΕΕ στις 2 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εισόδου, στις 3 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εξόδου και στις 8 Περιφέρειες Σύγκλισης» Οριζόντιες ξενόγλωσσες ικανότητες εστιασμένες στο χώρο εργασίας: Αγγλική Γλώσσα ENOTHTA 8 «Γραπτή επικοινωνία»

Οριζόντιες Ξενόγλωσσες Ικανότητες Εστιασμένες Στο Χώρο Εργασίας Αγγλική Γλώσσα

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Γραπτή επικοινωνία

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Page 1: Οριζόντιες Ξενόγλωσσες Ικανότητες Εστιασμένες Στο Χώρο Εργασίας Αγγλική Γλώσσα


Συγγραφή - Επιμέλεια: Μανώλης Μαρκίδης

Σύμβουλος ανάπτυξης εκπαιδευτικού υλικού:

Βασίλειος Ραφτόπουλος


«Συνδικαλιστική κατάρτιση και ενίσχυση κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων εργαζομένων ιδιωτικού τομέα που εκπροσωπούνται

από την ΓΣΕΕ στις 2 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εισόδου, στις 3 Περιφέρειες Σταδιακής Εξόδου και στις 8 Περιφέρειες


Οριζόντιες ξενόγλωσσες ικανότητες εστιασμένες στο

χώρο εργασίας: Αγγλική Γλώσσα


«Γραπτή επικοινωνία»

Page 2: Οριζόντιες Ξενόγλωσσες Ικανότητες Εστιασμένες Στο Χώρο Εργασίας Αγγλική Γλώσσα


Περιεχόμενα Ενότητα 8: Γραπτή επικοινωνία .................................................................................................. 3

Σκοπός ................................................................................................................................. 3

Προσδοκώμενα Αποτελέσματα .................................................................................................... 3

Λέξεις – Κλειδιά ............................................................................................................................ 3

Υποενότητα 8.1: Informal writing ............................................................................................. 4

Υποενότητα 8.2: Formal vs. Informal writing ............................................................................ 7

Υποενότητα 8.3: Formal letters ................................................................................................. 9

Υποενότητα 8.4: Professional emails ...................................................................................... 14

Σύνοψη ............................................................................................................................... 18

Γλωσσάρι ............................................................................................................................... 18

Λύσεις των ασκήσεων ................................................................................................................. 21

Πηγές για περαιτέρω μελέτη ...................................................................................................... 23

Βιβλιογραφία .............................................................................................................................. 23

Βιογραφικό σημείωμα συγγραφέα ............................................................................................ 24

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Ενότητα 8 : Γραπτή επικοινωνία

Σκοπός Αντίθετα με τη προφορική, η γραπτή επικοινωνία μας παρέχει ευχέρεια χρόνου να

μελετήσουμε και να κατανοήσουμε το ζητούμενο, και στη συνέχεια να

συντάξουμε την απάντηση μας. Συνεπώς, όταν γράφουμε μια επιστολή ή

ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα (email) υπάρχει η δυνατότητα και απαιτείται πιο προσεκτική

χρήση της γλώσσας. Χρειάζεται σαφήνεια στη διατύπωση, σωστή χρήση του

λεξιλογίου και της γραμματικής, καθώς και της σύνταξης, της στίξης και της

ορθογραφίας. Έτσι μπορούμε να πετύχουμε το προσδοκώμενο αποτέλεσμα.

Στο πλαίσιο της ενότητας αυτής θα εξετάσουμε μέσα από υποδείγματα την δομή, το

ύφος (φιλικό / επίσημο), και το περιεχόμενο επιστολών. Επίσης, θα αναφερθούμε στο

πως πετυχαίνουμε το προσδοκώμενο αποτέλεσμα, όπως την πληροφόρηση, τη

διευθέτηση προγραμμάτων, την επίλυση θεμάτων ή την παρότρυνση σε

δράση. Θα εξετάσουμε χρήσιμο λεξιλόγιο και φρασεολογία, καθώς και

συντακτικά εργαλεία όπως συνδέσμους και εισαγωγικές φράσεις που βοηθούν

στη σαφή διατύπωση του θέματος.

Προσδοκώμενα Αποτελέσματα

Να αναπτύξετε τη δεξιότητα επικοινωνίας στα Αγγλικά.

Να αναπτύξετε τη δεξιότητα της γραπτής επικοινωνίας.

Να αναπτύξετε την ικανότητα αποτελεσματικής επικοινωνίας με άτομα στην

προσωπική και επαγγελματική σας ζωή.

Να αντιληφθείτε τη σημασία της σαφήνειας και συνοχής στη γραπτή


Να αντιληφθείτε πολιτισμικές διαφορές μεταξύ των λαών.

Λέξεις – Κλειδιά

Φιλικές επιστολές – Informal /friendly letters

Επίσημες επιστολές – Formal letters

Ζητώ πληροφορίες – Letters of inquiry

Διαμαρτύρομαι – Letters of Complaint

Αιτήσεις – Application letters

Επαγγελματική ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία – Professional emails

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Υποενότητα 8.1: Informal writing

1. Σκεφτείτε: Look at these short messages and match them with the occasions in the


a. illness b. taking exams c. thanks d. wedding

1. Congratulations! Wishing you both the very best for now and always.

Yours, Tim

2. Thank you very much. I’ll never forget your kindness. You are always welcome

if you’re ever in England. With best wishes, Vicky

3. Good luck! We’ll be thinking of you! With lots of love, Pat and Simon

4. Mary, so sorry to hear about your leg. Hope you get well soon. Cindy

2. Χρήσιμες εκφράσεις: Match these useful expressions we use with the different


Happy New Year

I really enjoyed it

I hope it goes well

Happy anniversary

I’m sorry

Have a good time

That’s great!



Good for you!

What a shame!

Bad luck.

Many happy returns!

Good luck!

Lucky you!

1. We’re having a baby. ___________________

2. I’ve got a job interview tomorrow. ___________________

3. We’ve been married 25 years today. ___________________

4. I’ve broken my arm. ___________________

5. It’s the 1st January. ___________________

6. I’m going on vacation next week. ___________________

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7. I’ve passed my exams. ___________________

8. It’s my name day today. ___________________

9. My grandfather died. ___________________

10. It’s been lovely having you over for dinner. ___________________

3. Διαβάστε και απαντήστε: Look at this letter Katie wrote to her friend Alex and

complete the gaps with the missing sentences.

Dear Alex,

I hope you’re well. I’m really enjoying my stay here in Oxford. I’m living in a nice area

near my work. I have a beautiful flat, and it’s not too expensive. Everything you hear

about Britain is true – the weather’s very bad, and it rains most of the

time.1.______________________ People talk about it all the time.

Life here is a bit different from at home. Here I get up at about half pat seven or eight

o’clock. I eat toast, eggs, cereal and drink tea for breakfast – a real English breakfast,

without the bacon!2.______________________ We have a lunch break at one

o’clock and I get back home at five. I eat dinner at six, can you believe it? Then I

watch TV or go to the pub. Pubs in Britain are so funny – they close at 11 o’clock.

There are a lot of things I like here - the sense of humor, the fashion and the music,

and the shopping in London. 3.________________________

Anyway, I must go. Write soon!



a. I take the bus to work.

b. And of course, the weather!

c. When it’s not raining, it’s cloudy and cold.

4. Χρήσιμες φράσεις: Useful language for informal letters.


Dear Jane, ( to family /a friend /a colleague )

My dear Mathew/Angela, ( to the person you love)

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Hi Mary, ( to family /a friend /a colleague )

Hello Nick, ( to family /a friend /a colleague )


Thanks very much for your letter/email.

Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been really busy lately …

I hope everything’s going well …

It was great /wonderful /lovely to hear from you.

I hope you’re well.


That’s all for now.

Give my love to your family /George.

I’ll be in touch soon.

Write soon!

Signing off

All my love ( to the person you love)

Lots of love / Love ( to family /a female friend )

All the best / Best wishes / Regards ( to a male friend / colleague )

5. Σκεφτείτε: Look at the plan for an informal letter and put the paragraphs in order.

Greeting __

Opening (Thank for the letter / apologize for delay / respond to news)__

Give your news __

More news __

Future plans __

Asking for a favour __

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Closing ( say you must end /promise to write soon )__

Signing off __

1. Anyway, I was wondering if you could put us up the night before the early

morning flight? It would be really helpful and it would give us a chance to

catch up on all our news,

2. Dear Mandy,

3. By the way, you’ll never guess who I bumped into the other day. Do you

remember Blake Thomas from work? He’s been I Africa for two years. What’s

more, he’s met a widow and they’re planning to get married next year. He’s

lost a lot of weight and he really looks great.

4. It was really nice to get your letter and hear from you again. The new house

sounds fabulous! I’m really sorry that I haven’t kept in touch but things at

work and home have been really busy these past few months.

5. As for us we’re all well, and life is pretty much the same as ever. You’ll be

pleased to hear that Bob finally got his promotion. Both the kids are growing

fast – Mario has taken up the violin and Julie is in another play. One piece of

sad news – you’ll be sorry to hear that our lovely old cat Puss passed away at


6. I must hurry if I’m going to pick up the kids from school. I’ll write soon with

more details of our trip. Bye for now.

7. Lots of love, Susan

8. Talking of foreign places, our news is that we’re taking the kids to Florida in

May. We have been promising them a visit to Disney World for a long time

and it would give us a chance to spend some quality time together.

Υποενότητα 8.2: Formal vs. Informal writing 1. Σημείωση: Το βασικό χαρακτηριστικό της ανεπίσημης γραφής είναι το φιλικό,

καθημερινό ύφος και η χρήση μιας ‘προφορικής’ γλώσσας. Στην ουσία, γράφουμε

όπως θα μιλούσαμε σε κάποιον. Έτσι, χρησιμοποιούμε απλό καθημερινό

λεξιλόγιο και ιδιωματικές εκφράσεις ( χαρακτηριστικές του προφορικού λόγου),

σύντομες προτάσεις και συγκλίσεις υποκειμένων – ρημάτων ( I’m / we’re / you’ve


Αντίθετα, στην επίσημη γραφή χρησιμοποιούμε ένα πιο τυπικό ύφος. Κάνουμε

χρήση των μορφών τυπικής γλώσσας που συναντήσαμε στην ενότητα 5 ‘Βαθμοί

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Τυπικότητας’ και ένα πιο επίσημο λεξιλόγιο. Επίσης, χρησιμοποιούμε πιο σύνθετες

/ περιπλοκές προτάσεις όπως αυτές που συναντήσαμε στην ενότητα 3 ‘Απόψεις’.

2. Σκεφτείτε: Read these two emails. Is one better than the other? Why? Why not?

What do you think makes a good email? Who do you write more formal emails to and

who to you write less formal ones?

1. Hi Peter,

How’s it going? I’m feeling great! Just got back from a skiing holiday in Italy.

About the meeting, Friday is fine – will contact Diana. Send me agenda when

you can. See attached the last quarter sales report. Figures are GOOD – up 20%

Sorry but no info from Spain yet. They had data problems – IT failure.

If you need anything else, tell me.

That’s all.


2. Dear Ms. Kioto,

I hope all is well in Tokyo. I am writing regarding the Thailand project which is

scheduled to finish next month.

Helen Travis has informed me that there have been some delays and that we are

running behind schedule. I should be grateful if you would email me to clarify

the situation as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of any assistance.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Bob Devon

3. Σκεφτείτε: Complete the plans for formal and informal emails by choosing from

the phrases below.

1. Greeting

Formal ____________________________________________

Informal ___________________________________________

2. Opening

Formal ____________________________________________

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Informal ___________________________________________

3. Reason for writing

Formal ____________________________________________

Informal ___________________________________________

4. Requesting

Formal ____________________________________________

Informal ___________________________________________

5. Offering help

Formal ____________________________________________

Informal ___________________________________________

6. Closing

Formal ____________________________________________

Informal ___________________________________________

a. I should be grateful if you could email me …

b. Hi Peter

c. If you need anything else, tell me.

d. Send me … when you can.

e. How’s it going?

f. About the meeting …

g. That’s all.

h. I and writing regarding the Thailand project.

i. Dear Ms. Kioto

j. Please do not hesitate to call me if …

k. I look forward to hearing from you.

l. I hope all is well with you in Tokyo.

Υποενότητα 8.3: Formal letters

1.Σκεφτείτε: What are some of the reasons for writing formal letters? Match the types

of formal letters with the sentences below.

Letter of application

Letter of complaint

Letter to the editor of a newspaper

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Letter of inquiry

1. There are a few questions I would like to ask about the accommodation


2. Contrary to the views expressed in the article by Jane Thomas not everyone

welcomes such developments.

3. As a compensation for the inconvenience, I look forward to receiving a refund

for the amount I paid.

4. I am motivated, enthusiastic, and keen to learn.

Letter of enquiry

Plan Useful phrases

1. Greeting a. If you know the name

b. If you don’t know

a. Dear Ms. Jones /Mr. Dylan

b. Dear Sir / Madam

2. Opening /reason for writing I am writing to enquire about …

Thank you for the information about …

/There are a few further details I will

require. / I would like to have some

further information regarding …

3. Main part / make enquiries First of all, /Firstly, - Secondly, -Thirdly, -

Also, - Furthermore, - Finally,

4. Closing / say you expect a reply Could you possibly let me know …

I look forward to your (prompt) reply

(before …)

I would be grateful if you could answer

these questions as soon as possible.

5. Signing off a. If you know the

b. If you don’t know

a. Yours sincerely

b. Yours faithfully

2.Διαβάστε και απαντήστε: Look at this letter of enquiry and complete the gaps

with phrases from the box above.

Your reference GER/25/QT

24th September

Mrs. J. Marshal

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‘Homestays in England’

14 South Drive


BN6 32T

Dear Mrs. Marshal,

1._______my trip to Bournemouth which I have just received. I am delighted that I am going to be staying so near my work. There are, however, 2._______ about the accommodation arrangements,

3._______, I was wondering if it would be possible to bring my car. Will there be parking space where I am staying?4._______, I am a keen musician and play the trumpet in a jazz band back home. Will anyone mind if I practice regularly? 5._______, do you happen to know how I can get in touch with local bands, as I would like to continue playing while I am in England. 6.______, my girlfriend would like to come and visit for a long weekend from time to time – would it be all right for her to stay with me?

7._______ the answers to these queries before I travel on the 9th. You can contact me by phone on 00 48 30 5554 6754. I am sorry to bother you but I would rather everything was clear in advance. I am looking forward to staying in Bournemouth.


Michael Jones

Letter of complaint

Plan Useful phrases

1. Greeting a. If you know the name

b. If you don’t know

c. Dear Ms. Jones /Mr. Dylan

d. Dear Sir / Madam

2. Opening /reason for writing

/details of product or service

I am writing to complain about …

I have just returned from a weekend at

your hotel. Unfortunately,…. didn’t live up

to my expectations.

Regarding the … I bought from your

company, I would like to express my

disappointment/ dissatisfaction with …

3. Main part / make complain

/explain problem

First of all, /Firstly, - Secondly, -Thirdly, -

Also, - Furthermore, - Finally,

4. Closing / say you expect action Could you possibly exchange/replace it

with …

As a compensation for the inconvenience,

I look forward to receiving a refund of a

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two night’s stay at your hotel…

I trust you will take the matter seriously,

and look forward to your reply with an

appropriate offer of compensation.

5. Signing off a. If you know the

b. If you don’t know

c. Yours sincerely

d. Yours faithfully

3. Διαβάστε και απαντήστε: Look at this letter of complaint and choose the appropriate word or phrase to complete the gaps.

The Manager

Summer Holidays Ltd.

PO Box 109


W43 7GH

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain / criticize you about Flight AB 906 on Air Britain from Tel Aviv to Gatwick on 21st August this year, which I booked through your company on April 13th.

Staring /Firstly our flight was delayed for 40 minutes in Tel Aviv due to/ cause of technical problems. After/Secondly, a short time after we finally took off we were diverted to Athens because of engine problems. At Athens airport we were kept waiting one the plane without any information while the crew/staff were taken off to a hotel to rest. To make matters worse, when we were taken off the plane we had to wait in the station/terminal for four hours with no information about the situation. At last/finally, when we refused to get on to the same problematic aircraft, we were not offered any alternative but to check onto a different airline on our own expense/ with our money.

As compensation for the trouble /inconvenience, I look forward to receiving/getting a refund of a single fare from Gatwick to Tel Aviv.

Yours faithfully /sincerely

Megan Tailor

Letter of application

Plan Useful phrases

1. Greeting a. If you know the name

b. If you don’t know

e. Dear Ms. Jones /Mr. Dylan

f. Dear Sir / Madam

2. Opening /reason for writing /say

where you saw advertisement

I am writing to apply for the post/position

of …. which was advertised in the

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Standard on May 5th.

3. Main part / say why you want the

job/ give details of skills and


At present I work as a ….

As you can see from my CV, I have …

I am motivated, enthusiastic and …

I am good at …

4. Closing / mention enclosures –

attachments / request further

information / say you are available

for further information or an


I enclose my CV and references for your


Please contact me at the above (email)

address if you need any further details.

I look forward to hearing from you/

attending an interview.

5. Signing off a. If you know the

b. If you don’t know

e. Yours sincerely

f. Yours faithfully

4. Διαβάστε και απαντήστε: Look at this letter of application and correct the

underlined words or phrases.

BVJ Airlines Personnel Department

Crescent House Road 21



Dear Manager/Manageress

I’m writing to ask for the position of Air Steward that was seen in the Sun in 14th June.

Right now I am working as a telephone sales operator for an international travel

agency, where I’ve been working for the last two and a half years.

As you can see from my biography, I have several years’ experience of working in

customer services with people of all ages and nationalities. I got a Travel and Tourism

Diploma, and I can speak Spanish and French very good. I visit Spain and France

regularly, and I am a keen traveller.

I am motivated, enthusiastical, and keen to learn. I am good in working in a team. In

addition, I am a qualified first-aider, and I am familiar with both Word and Excel.

I send together my CV. Please give me a call if you want any further details. I’m looking

forward to your call.

Lots of love


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Υποενότητα 8.4: Professional emails

1.Σκεφτείτε: When we write emails, we often write with four main points: the

greeting, the reason for writing, the action required and the closing. Complete the email

with the sentences below.


Reason for writing

Action required


From: Sandra Galo

To: Francisco Ferreira

Subject: Sales meeting

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

a. Best wishes

b. Please could you send me an agenda as soon as possible?

c. Dear Francisco

d. I can confirm that I will be at the sales meeting next Wednesday.

2.Σκεφτείτε: Match the reasons for writing with the sentences.

1. I need to contact John Powel about

a computer problem but can’t find

his number or email address.

2. It would be good to discuss the

production schedule.

a. Can we discuss flight

arrangements for Tuesday after the

marketing meeting? See you.

b. Could you send them asap?


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3. Attached is an Excel file with

information on product no. 999

4. I spoke to Paula yesterday on the

phone about our trip to Canada.

c. Please contact me if you need any

more information. Best regards.

d. Could you give me a call

tomorrow? Regards.

3.Σκεφτείτε: Look at this reply email. Complete it with the sentences below.

From: Joe Ross

To: Jane Fonda

Subject: Report – July sales figures

a. Greeting ________________________________________

b. Polite opening ________________________________________

c. Information / action ______________________________________

d. Closing __________________________________________

1. Thanks for your email and attached report.

2. Enjoy the weekend.

3. Hi Jane

4. I’ll read it on the weekend and call you on Monday.

4. Σκεφτείτε: Match the polite openings with the emails below.

1. Nice to hear from you and great news that you’re coming!

2. Thanks for your general enquiry about our products and prices.

3. Thanks for the report.

4. Thanks for your email.

a. Please go to our website,

www.delcu.com, where you can find a

full product catalogue.


b. I have a lot of work at the moment but

plan to read it and call you before the


Best regards

c. I am out of the office until 22 May. I

will read your message when I return.

Best wishes

d. Please get in touch when you arrive in

Paris and we can have lunch together.


5.Σκεφτείτε: Match this emails for arranging meetings with the replies.

1. Hi, can we meet next Monday at 8 o’clock?

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2. Are you free next Tuesday morning for a meeting?

3. Would Wednesday be convenient for a meeting?

4. Could we fix a meeting for Thursday? How about 10 in your office?

a. That’s fine. But could we make it at around 10.30?

b. Fine, my office then. Will you send an agenda?

c. Sorry, I’ve got a meeting at 8.30 with Simon. How about 9.30 instead?

d. I’m afraid not. I’m on holiday next week. I’ll call you when I get back. Is

that OK?

6.Σκεφτείτε: You are arranging a trip to Geneva for yourself and a colleague, Hu

Wang. Match the stages in the process (1-9) with the sentences from the emails (a-i).

1. Agree details of the meeting with your colleague in Geneva.__

2. Enquire about accommodation in Geneva.__

3. Book flights.__

4. Book accommodation.__

5. Inform Hu of the details.__

6. Arrange for someone to meet you at Geneva airport.__

7. Propose a later time for the meeting following change in Hu’s plans.__

8. Change to a later flight.__

9. Inform Hu of the change of flight.__

a. The flight is booked for 0705 on Thursday 19th and we’re staying at the Ritz. The

meeting is due to start at 10 o’clock.

b. I’ve managed to get a midday flight at no extra charge. Hope it’s now OK for


c. Could you get a driver to pick us up when we arrive? It’s flight BS 345, due in at

9. Thanks.

d. Thanks for the speedy reply. I’d like to book two single non-smoking rooms for

myself and Mr. Hu Wang for the night of Thursday 19th April.

e. Ref. the booking number 7609/C, is it possible to travel later rather early

morning? A flight around 11.30 would be perfect.

f. Do you have two single non-smoking rooms for the night of Thursday 19th

April? Please let me know the price for this plus breakfast for two.

g. Please book two economy class tickets for myself and Mr. Hu Wang to Geneva,

departing 0705 on 18th April and returning 1430 on 19th April.

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h. Hu and I will see you in your office at 10 on Thursday 18th. OK?

i. Hu can’t leave until 10 so I’ll have to try and change the flight. Could we start at

2 or 3 instead? Sorry about this.

Βιωματική δραστηριότητα: Ας υποθέσουμε ότι έχετε λάβει το παρακάτω

ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα από τον προϊστάμενό σας. Διαβάστε το και συντάξτε τέσσερα

σύντομα ηλεκτρονικά μηνύματα στους αντίστοιχους παραλήπτες για να κάνετε τις

απαραίτητες διευθετήσεις.

To: you

From: [email protected]

Subject: Budapest arrangements

Two things, please. Firstly, can you fix the details for the sales meeting in Budapest?

There’s a 10.00 flight on 16 March that arrives at about 12.30. Can you book it for me,

Isabella and yourself? Get someone from the Budapest office to pick us up. We need to

return on 17 March around 16.00. Secondly, I booked three rooms for the wrong night.

I asked for 17 March – please change it to 16. Hotel Iris, same place as last time.

Please tell Isabella all this.



Write emails to:

1. Get There Travel – to book flights

2. Laszlo in Budapest office – ask to be picked up

3. Hotel Iris - change reservation

4. Your colleague Isabella – inform her of details

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Στο πλαίσιο της ενότητας αυτής εξετάσαμε μέσα από υποδείγματα τη δομή, το ύφος

(φιλικό / επίσημο), και το περιεχόμενο επιστολών. Επίσης, αναφερθήκαμε στο πως

πετυχαίνουμε το προσδοκώμενο αποτέλεσμα, όπως την πληροφόρηση, τη

διευθέτηση προγραμμάτων, την επίλυση θεμάτων ή την παρότρυνση σε

δράση. Εξετάσαμε χρήσιμο λεξιλόγιο και φρασεολογία, καθώς και συντακτικά

εργαλεία όπως συνδέσμους και εισαγωγικές φράσεις που βοηθούν στη σαφή

διατύπωση του θέματος.

Γλωσσάρι Υποενότητα 8.1

congratulations – συγχαρητήρια

wish – εύχομαι

kindness – καλοσύνη

be welcome – να είσαι ευπρόσδεκτος

get well soon – περαστικά

anniversary – επέτειος

brilliant – λαμπρά, θαυμάσια

what a shame – τι κρίμα

Many happy returns – χρόνια πολλά

job interview – συνέντευξη για δουλειά

vacation – διακοπές

name day – ονομαστική γιορτή

have someone over – φιλοξενώ


cereal – δημητριακά

sense of humor – αίσθηση χιούμορ

fashion – μόδα

cloudy – συννεφιά

lately – πρόσφατα

hear from someone – μαθαίνω νέα του

wonder – αναρωτιέμαι

put someone up – φιλοξενώ (για ύπνο)

helpful – εξυπηρετικός

catch up – ανταλλάσουμε νέα

by the way – παρεμπιπτόντως

guess – μαντεύω

bump into – συναντώ τυχαία

the other day – τις προάλλες

what’s more – επιπλέον

widow – χήρα

lose weight – χάνω βάρος

fabulous – θαυμάσιο, υπέροχο

keep in touch – κρατώ επαφή

as for – ως προς το

pleased to – χαίρομαι που

promotion – προαγωγή

take up – ξεκινώ δραστηριότητα

play – θεατρικό έργο

a piece of news – μια είδηση

sorry to – λυπάμαι που

Page 19: Οριζόντιες Ξενόγλωσσες Ικανότητες Εστιασμένες Στο Χώρο Εργασίας Αγγλική Γλώσσα


greeting – χαιρετισμός

regards – χαιρετίσματα

sign off – φράση αποχαιρετισμού

anyway – τέλος πάντων

pass away – μας άφησε /πέθανε

hurry – βιάζομαι

promise – υπόσχομαι

quality time – ποιοτικός χρόνος

Υποενότητα 8.2

How’s it going? – Πώς πάει;

agenda – θέματα συζήτησης

attached – συνημμένο

last quarter – τελευταίο (οικονομικό)


sales report – αναφορά πωλήσεων

figures – νούμερα

data – στοιχεία

IT – πληροφορική (τεχνολογία)

failure – βλάβη

regarding – αναφορικά με

project – έργο

schedule – χρονοδιάγραμμα

run behind – μένω πίσω/καθυστερώ

grateful - ευγνώμον

as soon as possible (asap) – το

συντομότερο δυνατόν

hesitate – διστάζω

assistance – βοήθεια

look forward to – προσδοκώ

best wishes – καλύτερες ευχές

Yποενότητα 8.3

editor – συντάκτης

accommodation – διαμονή

contrary – αντίθετα με

view – άποψη

welcome – δέχομαι πρόθυμα

developments – εξελίξεις

compensation - αποζημίωση/


inconvenience – ταλαιπωρία

refund – επιστροφή χρημάτων

amount – ποσό

motivated – έχω κίνητρο

disappointment – απογοήτευση

dissatisfaction – δυσαρέσκεια

matter – θέμα

seriously – σοβαρά

reply – απάντηση

appropriate – κατάλληλο

to make matters worse – και ακόμα


fare – ναύλος

post /position – θέση εργασίας

at present – επί του παρόντος

CV (curriculum vitae) – βιογραφικό

be good at – είμαι καλός σε

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keen – ενθουσιώδης

further – περαιτέρω

require – χρειάζομαι

furthermore – περαιτέρω / επιπλέον

prompt – άμεση

sincerely – ειλικρινά

faithfully – μετά τιμής

delighted – ευχαριστημένος

local – τοπικός

query – ερώτημα /απορία

would rather – θα προτιμούσα

in advance – προκαταβολικά

unfortunately – δυστυχώς

live up to – ανταποκρίνομαι (στις

προσδοκίες κάποιου)

expectations - προσδοκίες

enclose – εσωκλείω

reference – συστατική επιστολή

attend – παρακολουθώ (σπουδές )

personnel – προσωπικό (εργατικό


air steward – αεροσυνοδός

sales operator – υπεύθυνος πωλήσεων

travel agent – ταξιδιωτικός πράκτορας

experience – εμπειρία

customer service – εξυπηρέτηση


in addition – επί προσθέτως

qualified – πιστοποιημένος


first-aider – εγκεκριμένος για παροχή

πρώτων βοηθειών

familiar with – εξοικειωμένος με

Υποενότητα 8.4

confirm – επιβεβαιώνω

production – παραγωγή

report – αναφορά

convenient – εύκολο /βολικό

instead – αντί αυτού

midday – μεσημέρι

charge – χρεώνω

due – αναμένεται

speedy – γρήγορος

perfect – τέλειος

price – τιμή

plus – συν

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Λύσεις των ασκήσεων Υποενότητα 8.1

1. 1. – d 2. – c 3. – b 4. – a

2. 1. Congratulations

2. Good luck! / I hope it goes well

3. Happy anniversary

4. Bad luck.

5. Happy New Year

6. Have a good time / Lucky you!

7. Brilliant! / That’s great! / Good for you! /Congratulations

8. Many happy returns!

9. What a shame! / I’m sorry

10. I really enjoyed it

3. 1. – c 2. – a 3. – b

5. Greeting - 2

Opening - 4

Give your news - 5

More news - 3

Future plans - 8

Asking for a favour - 1

Closing -6

Signing off – 7

Υποενότητα 8.2

2. Neither email is better than the other. The first one is informal while the

second is formal.

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3. Greeting

Formal - Dear Ms. Kioto

Inform - Hi Peter


Formal - I hope all is well with you in Tokyo.

Informal - How’s it going?

Reason for writing

Formal - I and writing regarding the Thailand project.

Informal - About the meeting …


Formal - I should be grateful if you could email me …

Informal - Send me … when you can.

Offering help

Formal - Please do not hesitate to call me if …

Informal - If you need anything else, tell me.


Formal - I look forward to hearing from you.

Informal - That’s all.

Υποενότητα 8.3

1. Letter of application - 4

Letter of complaint - 3

Letter to the editor of a newspaper - 2

Letter of inquiry - 1

2. 1. Thank you for the information about

2. There are a few further details I will require … / I would like to have some

further information …

3. First of all, /Firstly,

4. Secondly,

5. Also, /Furthermore,

6. Finally,

7. Could you …

8. Yours sincerely

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3. complain / Firstly /due to / Secondly / crew / terminal / Finally /

On our own expense / inconvenience / receiving / faithfully

4. 21 Crescent House str. - Sir /Madam – I am – apply – which – advertised –

on – At present – I have – CV /Curriculum Vitae – have – very well

/fluently – enthusiastic – at – enclose / attach – contact me – need /

require – I look - hearing from you – attending an interview – Yours

faithfully – Full name

Υποενότητα 8.4

1. 1. – c 2. – d 3. – b 4. – a

2. 1. – b 3. – d 3. – c 4. – a

3. a. – 3 b. – 1 c. – 4 d. – 2

4. 1. – d 2. – a 3. – b 4. – c

5. 1. – c 2. – a 3. – d 4. – b

6. 1. – h 2. – f 3. – g 4. – d 5. – a 6. – c 7. – i 8. – e 9. - b

Πηγές για περαιτέρω μελέτη

Grammar Link 4, Maria Karyda, Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN 0-582-50467-8

Face2face Intermediate, Chris Redstone & Gillie Cunningham, Cambridge University

Press. ISBN 978-0-521-60061-3

Practical English for Adults 2, C. N. Grivas, Grivas Publications. ISBN 13 978-960-409-



Clockwise Pre-intermediate, Bruce NcGowen & Vic Richardson, Oxford University

Press. ISBN 0-19-434074-0

Clockwise Intermediate, Will Forsyth, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-434078-3

Clockwise Upper-intermediate, Jon Naunton, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-


English 365 Book 1, Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney, Cambridge University

Press. ISBN 978-0-521-75362-3

English 365 Book 2, Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney, Cambridge

University Press. ISBN 0-521-75368-8

Page 24: Οριζόντιες Ξενόγλωσσες Ικανότητες Εστιασμένες Στο Χώρο Εργασίας Αγγλική Γλώσσα


Βιογραφικό σημείωμα συγγραφέα Ο Μανώλης Μαρκίδης γεννήθηκε στη Κύπρο και έζησε στη Λευκωσία και την

Αμμόχωστο τα παιδικά του χρόνια. Μετά το πόλεμο του 1974 μετανάστευσε στο

Τορόντο του Καναδά όπου τελείωσε το γυμνάσιο και λύκειο. Στη συνέχεια σπούδασε

στη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών του York University. Το 1985 εγκαταστάθηκε στη Αθήνα και

από το 1988 διδάσκει αγγλικά σε παιδιά και ενήλικες.