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第四十六章 作用于免疫系统的药物

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第四十六章 作用于免疫系统的药物. 作用于免疫系统的药物统称为免疫调节药. (immunomodulator) 包括:免疫抑制剂( immunosupressive agents ) 免疫增强剂( immunopotentiating agents ) 免疫抑制剂是一类可抑制免疫系统作用的药物 肾上腺皮质激素 钙调磷酸酶抑制剂 抗增殖 / 抗代谢药和抗体制剂 免疫增强剂主要指具有免疫刺激、兴奋和恢复作用的药物 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • (immunomodulator)

    immunosupressive agents immunopotentiating agents / immnuoadjuvants (immunonormalizing agents) (immunosubstituting agents)

  • innate immune response/adaptive immune responseBT

  • 1. hypersensitivity2. autoimmune diseasessystemic lupus erythematosus1type 1 diabetes mellitus3. immunoproliferative diseasemultiple myeloma

  • 4. immunodeficiency diseaseHIVsolid tumorshematological malignanciesinfectious diseases5. graft rejection6. tumor

  • 1 2 3/

  • 1.immunosuppressive agents2.3.4.24~48h5.

  • /

  • 1. 2. 3. /4. 5.


  • calcineurinTFK506-FKBPTNFATIL-2TIL-2FKBPmTOR

  • cyclosporinCsATIL-1-transforming growth factor-TGF-cyclophilincalcineurinT(nuclear factor of activated T cellsNFAT)NFAT

  • ( systemic lupus erythematosusSLE)(lupus nephritisLN)(myelodysplastic syndromeMDS)(nephrotic syndromeNS)

  • B

  • tacrolimusFK506FK506FKBPNFATTFK506G0ATCD3IL-2FK506Ca2+TBTB

  • -FK506FK506

  • mycophenolate mofetilMMF MMFMPAMPAinosine monophosphate dehydrogenaseIMPDHde novo synthesis pathwaysalvage pathwayIMPDHMPAIMPDH4~5TBIMPDHMPA

  • MMFIgA


  • ATG

  • ATGTCD2. CD3. CD4. CD8CD11aCD18CD25CD44CD45TBT

  • Aza10%~15%TATG

  • -CD3 (Muromonab-CD3)-CD3TCD3TTT

  • tripterygium glycosidesIL-2

  • immunopotentiating agents

  • 1 Q102 3 NPT-15392poly ICpoly AU4 5 PHAAConA

  • 1 -2. AIDSataxia-telangiectasia syndrome2 3

  • (bacillus calmette-guerin vaccine ,BCG) TBNKBCGBCG BCG

  • levamisoleLMS LMST/TEPHAcAMPTIL-2


  • -2 aldesleukin IL-2IL-2IL-2ThTcNKBIL-2IL-1

  • interferonIFN-NKIFNIFNKaposi

  • transfer factorTFTFRNAreverse transcriptaseTFDNATFTTFIgG

  • 1 thymosin 1T1 T1TT1TdTIFNIL-2IL-2IFN- HBsAgHBeAgT1CD3CD4HBVIFN-T1

  • 1.2. 3.4.5.-CD3

  • /

    immnuoadjuvants (immunonormalizing agents) (immunosubstituting agents)1.

  • 1.immunosuppressive agents2.3.4.24~48h5.2.

  • 3.


  • 4. TIL-1-transforming growth factor-TGF-cyclophilincalcineurinT(nuclear factor of activated T cellsNFAT)NFAT

  • 5.-CD3
