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高一期中考试 英语试卷分析

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高一期中考试 英语试卷分析. welcome to my class. 听力部分参考答案 1.C   2.B  3.A  4.B  5.C 6.A  7.C  8.A  9.C  10.B 11.B   12.C   13.A  14.B   15.A   16.C   17.C 18.B  19.A    20.B. 在英语“四位一体”教学法中, 听力的“四位一体”是: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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在英语“四位一体”教学法中, 听力的“四位一体”是:sound( 语音) vocabulary( 词汇) Grammar( 语法) discourse( 语篇)其中 sound 语音部分是整个英语听力知识结构的基础。


1.C   2.B  3.A  4.B  5.C 6.A  7.C  8.A  9.C  10.B 11.B   12.C   13.A  14.B   15.A  16.C   17.C 18.B  19.A   20.B

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第二部分: 英语知识运用

单 项 选 择答案21.C  22.B  23.C  24.A  25.D  26.A  27.B  28.D  29.C  30.A  31.A  32.C  33.D 34.B      35.C 36.B37.B 38. D 39. A 40. A

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单项填空注重考查基础知识及其灵活运用能力, 解题时,必须领悟题干,分清主次, 特别注重语境中考察知识用法 具体考查内容可以归纳为以下三点:( 1 ) 考查在特定语境中准确运用词汇的能力( 2 ) 考查在特定语境中准确运用语法知识的能力( 3 ) 考查在特定语境中准确运用日常交际用语的能力

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对情景交际,短语考察 21 , 25 ,40• 21.——Could I use your computer right no

w, Mr.Wang?

---. I am not using it anyhow.

• A. good idea B Nothing serious

• C of course, you can D. I am afraid not

回答请求允许时,同意时: of course, you can./ go ahead, please/ Sure/Certainly/Yes, please.不同意: I am afraid not./ you’d better not/ I’d rather you didn’t

•25. 短语放入情景考察:•________ I got the 1st place in the exam, , my parents were so excited that asked me the reason. ,I studied so hard before, in and after class. , I made such big progress.

Believe it or not,as a result

As a matter of fact

In return

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• 40. ----Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.

• ---____Have you got the first prize in the competition?

• A What for? B Thanks a lot. C Yes, I’d like to.

• D. Why not?

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冠词 主要考察具体名词与抽象名词的区别 22

英语中一些词如: failure success difficulty trouble knowledge , danger etc, 既可以作具体名词又可以作抽象名词

a failure/ success/ difficulty/trouble

have a good knowledge of English; Knowledge is power

Failure is the mother of success.

Have difficulty/ trouble in doing sth

be in danger/ be out of danger

cOne way to understand thousands of new words is to have_______ good knowledge of basic word formation. (2002 shanghai)A / B the C a D one


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词词组短语用法辨析 23,26,31,34,36

23. worth: be worth doing/n./ $The history book is worth reading.26.get relief 得到缓解 in relief 如释重负safety 安全 shelter 避身处 defense 防卫,辩护31. 花费: spend take devote34. looked strangely familiar.. 看起来非常相似 secure 安全的 dangerous 危险的 attractive


sb. spend time (in) doing

devote …to doing

it takes sb. some time to do

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32: 毫无疑问 Sally 是学好最棒的游泳高手

there is no doubt that= it’s no wonder that…

there is no use/good doing=it’s no use/good doing

There is no need to do

36.Mark 通过和当地的小朋友玩耍间学会了很多英语知识

Pick up: 捡起;接送某人;偶然学会;加速

set up: a new library has been set up for us .

add up: 把…加起来 add up these numbers, figures…

make up: 编造, 化妆, 弥补

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语法:定语从句; with+ 双宾语;被动; it 形式宾语

• 定语从句: 24&35• The old farmer has two daughters,___of w

hom is kind to him,____makes him sad.• A neither; which B either, who• C both; which Dnone, who35. My close friend, Tina,____the disabled c

at belonged, aske me to take care of it.A. With which B with whom C to whom D to


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• 27. 一、 with 复合结构的构成 1 . with + 宾语 + 现在分词 doing 表示主动或正

在进行的动作2 . with + 宾语 + 过去分词 done 表示被动或完

成了的动作3 . with + 宾语 + to do 表示将要执行的动作With the world_____fast, we have something new t

o face every day.A. changed B changing Cchange Dto change高考衔接 I  couldn’t do my homework with all that n

oise _______(2005 年北京卷 )  

Agoing on Bgoes on Cwent on Dto go on 

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被动语态:• 33. A warm welcome ___to the American guests

at the airport tomorrow morning.• A is given B has been given C is going to give D.

will be given

将来被动语态表现形式: (will be done; be going to be done;, be about to be done, be to be done)

故 37. 天气预报正在被播放,请保持安静选择 B.( be being done) is being broadcast•

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贰 句子结构的考察 30. He ____the 8:00 bus because he didn’t leave home till 8:

05. (对过去否定推测)

couldn’t have done 不可能做过某事,对过去否定推测

shouldn’t have done 本不应该做某事 ( 责备)

39.have/ get sth. done 使得某事被做

I‘ll have it repaired this afternoon.

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… … find possible1. S+ think + it + necessary +( for sb. ) to do sth. /clause. feel important make… …

Sentence patterns:


2. S + V + it + no good + doing sth. no use

38. ---Are you enjoying your stay here, Jane?----Not really, I find __hard to get used to the weather here.A those B that C this D it

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点击高考:1.The fact that she was foreign made ____diffi

cult for her to get a job in that country .(2010.辽宁)

A. So B. much C. that D. it

2. The doctor thought ____would be good for us to have a holiday . ( 2010. 全国 II)

A. this B .that C . one D . It

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完 型 填 空 答 案41--45ACDBB 46—50ACBDA 51—55CCDAB 56—60CBADD解题技巧:1. 从整体入手;通读全文,抓住中心。这是篇故事类阅读。文章通过描述作者小时候的一次爬石墙经历,从爷爷那里得到人生感悟,要表现出自己的个性,做自己因为世界上你是独一无二的,人们喜欢真实的你!( you made this day a special day just by being yourself, always remember , there’s only one person in this whole world like you and I like you exactly as you are.)


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( 2 ) 以上下文线索为主要依据,寻找关键词、信息词,注意后线索。

41. 从上文“ there was nothing I liked better than …”可得到作者最喜欢爷爷家的农院, because the farm provided endless hours of fun.

53. 根据下文, the response ( 不被允许去爬墙的 反应)was just as I’d expected 得出 I was’ too disappointed. 作者已经料到自己会被否定所以也没有太失望。

57. 从下文 爷爷说“ and come to see me after you get back.”57 题爷爷说的是 “去吧,孩子” go ahead!

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( 3 )利用句子结构知识理解英语复合句的层次关系 43 , 49.

• 43 Since my first visit to the farm, I’ d wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stone walls. 后面的完成时和 my first visit to the farm 不是一个句子只是一个成分,可想到用 since 作为介词来连接,自从第一次去了农场之后就特别想去爬墙。

• 49.entered the living room where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner. 我进入到一个大人们都会在餐后聚集在一起的客厅里。定语从句,先行词是 the living room 地点名词在从句中做地点状语,所以用 where 来引导。

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( 4 )区别同义词、近义词及反义词,进行词语辨析 如 48,50, 60.

48. got up all my courage鼓起勇气进入客厅patience耐心 build confidence树立信心 kindness善良 50. 当我说出自己想要 climb the stone walls 的时候, ever

yone looked up.每个人都抬起头来看我觉得不可思议。 Look out 小心 look back 回顾,回头看 look around环视,东张西望

60. 世界上只有唯一一个你,我喜欢真真实实的你, I like you exactly as you are. Exactly 真切地,确切地 possibly 可能地 nearly几乎,差不多 directly直接,立即

( 5 ) 短语的应用 48. get up all one’s courage鼓起勇气 just as I expected正如我预期的那样 55. hold on等等 pass on传递 57. go ahead 去吧,开始吧56. for oneself亲自,为了自己 59. be oneself 做自己

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阅读答案• A 篇: BCD B 篇: ACBD• C 篇: ACB D 篇: CCBD• 五选四: DABE61. 推理判断题。“ from the first paragraph,

we know that, 第一段 their father was gone, I had to earn money myself 及最后一句: the seven of us went to every factory, store and restaurant in our small town, No luck. 得出作者急需一份工作然而结果是没那么幸运找到。

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• B 篇体裁为广告信息,为事实细节题的考察,要求我们学会短时间内快速锁定细节信息,寻找关键词,标志性的词。问题设置多是根据小标题的安排来制定。

• 事实细节题: 65.Where will Jack , a volunteer, receive the training before he is sent to work in Malawi?

• 根据地点的关键指示词锁定信息为第一个标题,根据第一句话:“ six months’ preparation in Denmark” 得出要在 Denmark 培训准备 6 个月

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• 67. 事实细节题• What are the volunteers for an experiment

over the internet supposed to do?从最后一个标题下 I am looking for native sp

eakers of English to join in an experiment. 得知答案在这一部分。倒数第二句 The tasks involve( 包含) reading texts and designing questions and answers. 得出的是 to provide language exercise.

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• C 篇:总——分——总• 1 ( introduce the topic: some artists of tod

ay have forgotten something what makes a truly talented artist)

2&3(body: make a comparison of the bands, musicians of different times)

4 Conclude that we should pay more attention to the real musical talented than a popular artist.


70. the purpose of the writing is to share the opinions about music of different times

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• 68. 推理判断 ; The Beatles is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph to show___ 可以根据第一段和第二段 topic 来判断,第一段引出 some artists of today have forgotten something what makes a truly talented artist 第二段举出 the Beatles &the Rolling Stones 两个著名的赋有天赋的乐队的实例和他们的行为来说明 what makes a real gifted musician. 而不是说明它曾经有多成功 B ,更没有提到现代的艺术家无天赋一说 C 。

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• D :文化故事:餐桌上中美文化差异和碰撞

• 推理判断 71. On hearing that Robert would come For Christmas Eve dinner, how did the writer feel?

• 根据文章信息得知答案在第二段,找出形容作者心理状态的词:I cried, poor, terrible, nosisy chinese relatives … upset

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• 细节推理 73. By saying “ Your only shame is to have shame,” Mother’s wished her daughter___

• 根据题目关键信息得知答案在第五段 my mother said to me, “ you want to be the same as American girls, but inside you must always be Chinese, you must be proud you are different.” 得出 B to be proud of being a Chinese.

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• 78. Compare your outline to the notes of the other members. Review your weak points with the group, and help those with areas where you are strong but they are weak.

虽然有 weak points, 但不是 discover而是 review,

这一段重点讲的是 study with a partner or Small grou


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( 1 ) 要理解句意,找到适合句子意思的单词。

( 2 ) 要熟记一些短语。

( 3 )名词要注意单复数。

( 4 ) 动词注意语态、时态

1. athletes 2 a real bargain 3. replaced 4. According to

5. signal 6. remind…of 7. attach importance to 8.Personally speaking 9. think highly of 10. take apart

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改错• 1. what—which (从句)• 2. fortunate—fortunately( truly, possibly, terribly)

( 句子副词来修饰句子,反应作者观点)• 3. jumped into( a )taxi (冠词)• 4. head—headed( 时态)• 5. had been left , been删去(主动)• 6. to my great surprise(搭配)• 7. myself--me (代词)• 8. such---so(so…that )

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书面表达My opinion on cheating in examinations

主要原因 考试偏多,偏难 不用功,懒散 取悦父母,老师

个人看法 作弊不对,违反校规 要诚实,努力学习 …… (其他看法)

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The reason of some students cheat in the examinations is that the exams are too many and difficult. Many students were not work hard in their study, and they want to make their parents and teachers happy.

I think cheat is wrong that against the rule of examination and it is also unfair to many other students who were work hard in their study. We should honest and work hard. Cheating is not good for you. I f you are caught cheating during the exam, that everyone will not believe you.

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The reason ofof some students cheat in the examinations is that the exams are too many and difficult. Many students werewere not work hard in their study, andand they want to make their parents and teachers happy. I think cheatcheat is wrong that against the the rule of examinationrule of examination and it is also unfair to many other students who were work hardwere work hard in their study. We should honestshould honest and work hard. Cheating is not good for you. I f you are caught cheating during the exam, thatthat everyone will not believe youbelieve you.


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书面表达答案 :

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don’t work hard at heir lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What’s more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.

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原因: 1 、书写不工整。 2 、对内容的把握不够全面。没有依据所给材料内容的提示恰当发挥;即使有发挥,也是与所给材料的内容没有关系,故冤枉丢分。 3 、简单句的表达能力较差,复杂句子使用错误较多。 4 、词汇量欠缺。 5 、行文的过程中没有注意语法及时态的正确使用,整篇文章的时态与名词的单复数使用出错较多。


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建议: 1 、每周写一篇小作文( 100字左右),内容可以为课文内容的改写,阅读材料的缩写等。

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22 I’d like to buy a present for my mother’s birthday,_________ at a proper price but of great use.

A one B that C the one D which


1 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _____I will always treasure. (NMET 2002)

A that B one C it D what

2 The parkers bought a new house but _________ will need a lot of work before they can move in. (NMET 2001)

A they B it C one D which

3 ---Why don’t we take a little break ?

--- Didn’t we just have _______?

A it B that C one D this
