Позакласний Захід Свято Хеллоуін

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Page 2: Позакласний Захід Свято Хеллоуін

Методична розробка свята-HALLOWEEN

Цілі:- Познайомити дітей з традиціями країни досліджуваного мови.- Розвивати у дітей комунікативну компетенцію.- Розвивати навички говоріння та виступи на публіці.- Формувати вміння працювати в команді.- Виховувати почуття товариства і взаємодопомоги.- Підвищити мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови.Оформлення класу: вікна завешиваются чорними шторами, на шторах і по стінах

класу розвішуються картинки з символами Хеллоуїна (привиди, чорні коти, відьми, летючі миші, гарбуза, мумії, скелети, чорні кульки.). На дошці плакат із назвою свята і газети команд. Столи розставлені вздовж стін, за ними розсідаються команди одна навпроти іншої.

Хід свята-гри.Перший ведучий: We begin our traditional Halloween Party! We have two teams which are

going to have a contest tonight. Welcome the team "Bloody Oranges"... and another team is called "Witches"... Now let me introduce our jury...

Другий ведучий: Let us start our Halloween competition. The first contest is Halloween Theatre. The team "Bloody Oranges" has prepared a play which is called "Bloody Oranges"."Bloody Oranges"Pupil 1: Once upon a time there was a family. There were four of them: a mother, father, a son and a daughter. They were having dinner on the 31-st of October. They had already eaten their dinner but suddenly mother realized that she had forgotten to put oranges on the table.

Mother: Oh, dear! Where are the oranges? I think they are in the cellar. Jane, go to the cellar and bring the oranges.

Pupil 2: Jane goes to the cellar, opens the door and has the feeling that there is somebody in the room, but she does not see anybody. On the shelf she sees the oranges.

Jane: Ah! Here are the oranges!Pupil 1: But when she wants to take the oranges she hears a strange voice.Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!Pupil 2: Jane is frightened and she runs up to the dinning room.Jane: I could not find the oranges. Ask Max to bring them!Mother: Max, go to the cellar and bring the oranges, please.Max: Of course, Мама. Only those silly girls cannot find the oranges!

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Pupil 1: He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them.

Pupil 2: But he hears the same strange voice.Voice: Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!Pupil 1: Max is scared too and he runs upstairs out of the cellar.Max: I have not brought the oranges. Let father go there!Mother: My darling, will you go to the cellar and bring those oranges, please?Father: OKPupil 1 He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to

take them. But he hears the same strange voice.Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!Father: I am not afraid of you! I need these oranges and I will take them!

Pupil 2: Fifteen minutes passed but nobody came back. Mother, Jane and Max went to the cellar together. They opened the door and on the floor they saw their dead father with bloody oranges around him.

Voice: Ha! Ha! Ha!Другий

ведучий: Thank you, "Bloody Oranges"! Your Halloween play was really horrible Пор now

it is "Witches"' turn to act out their play which is called "A little witch""A little witch"Prince Henry: I do not want to hurt your feelings, Merlin, but I am tired of wizards. I want to

invite a Witch for a change.Wizard: When do you want to make a

change?Prince Henry: On Halloween, of courses.

Could you find me a witch?Wizard: Certainly, I know a lot of witchesPrince Henry: Great! Get me a Witch today

and you can leave. Wait, I will bring you a purse of gold.

Prince goes outWizard: That is gratitude!Prince returns with a purse of gold.King Henry Here you are, Merlin, your gold.

But do not forget-before you go find me a witchWizard: I have already found you a witch,

Sire. You should only cast a magic spell.King Henry: Oh! I love magic spells!Wizard: Repeat after me three times:

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Abracadabra bow-wowTadpoles and lizardsInstead of wizardsI want a witch!Wizard goes out. A very big witch appears.A big witch; Hello! I am your court witch.Prince Henry: Oh! You are too big!A big witch: You do not like big witches, do you? Then say a spell again.Prince Henry:Abracadabra bow-wowTadpoles and lizardsInstead of a big witchI want a smaller one!A middle size witch appears.A middle size witch: Do you call me? I am at your service!Prince Henry: But you are not much smaller than the first one.A middle size witch: You do not like middle size witches, do you? Then cast a spell again.Prince Henry:Abracadabra bow-wowTadpoles and lizardsInstead of middle size witchI want a little one.A little witch appearsA little witch: Will I do? Now it is my turn to cast a spell.Abracadabra bow-wowTadpoles and lizardsInstead of a princeI want a dog.Prince turns into a dogPrince - dog: Bow wow, bow-wow. I want to be a prince. Turn me back!Three witches: Ha! Ha! Ha!Перший ведучий: Thank you, Witches! Your Halloween play was also horrible and at the

same time it was funny. And we continue our party. While the jury is counting the points let us play our favourite game "Bobbing for the apples". Stand in two lines and when I say "Go!" one by one run to the bowls with water and apples and try to take the apple out of the water. Don't use your hands! You can only bite the apples. Those who will manage to get the apples out of the water first will be the winners. One, two, three...go!

Well done! The winners are....

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Другий ведучий : And now it is time for a poem contest. The more poems about Halloween you have learnt the better for your team. But you should start with an action rhyme about Halloween.

Pupils from the team "Bloody Oranges":Halloween action poem 1Flap your wings like a big black bat,(pupils wave their hands)Arch your back like a witches' cat,(pupils arch their backs)Prowl around like a goblin in a town,(pupils prowl around)Dance on tiptoes like a clown,(pupils dance on tiptoes)Float through the air like a ghost all about,(pupils float about)Now everyone together, let me hear you shout:pupils shout:Happy Halloween!Pupils from the team "Witches":Halloween action poem 2I am a pumpkin big and round,( pupils show size with their arms)Once upon a time I росло on the ground(pupils point to the ground)Now I have a mouth, two eyes, and a nose.( pupils point to their mouths, eyes and noses )What are they for, do you suppose?(pupils shrug their shoulders)Pupil one from the team “Bloody Oranges":A Halloween rhyme1The духів are out tonight!The духів are out tonight!

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They will grab your nose,And bite your toes.The духів are out tonightPupil one from the team "Witches":A Halloween rhyme2You'd better watch out on a Halloween night,Because the witches are out tonight,They are a terrible sight,Hide under a chair and lock your door tight,Because the witches are out tonight.Перший ведучий: It was marvelous! Let us play again! The game is called "Collect a

skeleton". Which team will manage to collect a skeleton quicker? Throw the dice and stick the part of skeleton's body on the board with the help of magnets. Each skeleton's bone has a number. A “1" is needed to start because number “1" is a skeleton's body. The first team-go! Your time is It is Witches' turn now.

The winners are...Другий ведучий: Another competition is called: "Wrap up like a mummy". Use toilet paper

and wrap one or two members of your team in it. Whose mummies will be better? You have 10 minutes for this task.

Time is up. The jury should decide whose mummy is better.Перший ведучий: Finally you are to cut out Jack-o-Lanterns out of pumpkins. Don't forget

to cut out a nose and a mouth and eyes. Make Jack-o-Lanterns and light them: put an electric torch into the pumpkin. These Jack-o - Lanterns will save your houses from ghosts tonight. Take the pumpkins. Be careful with knives. Our jury will say whose Jack-o - Lanterns will be more frightening.

Другий ведучий: And now the teams are welcome to sing a song Halloween"This is Halloween".One little skeleton hopping up and down,Hopping up and down, hopping up and down,One little skeleton hopping up and down.For this is Halloween! Two little witches flying through the air,Flying through the air, flying through the air,Two little witches flying through the air.For this is Halloween! Three black cats are walking on a fence,Walking on a fence, walking on a fence,Three black cats are walking on a fence.For this is Halloween! Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road,Bouncing down the road bouncing down the road,Four plump pumpkins bouncing down the road.For this is Halloween! Five white goblins skipping round the house,Skipping round the house, skipping round the house,

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Five white goblins skipping round the house.For this is Halloween!Другий ведучий: Our party has come to its end. Let us listen to the jury. So the winners of

our Halloween contest are...Перший ведучий: I hope you have had great fun tonight. I'm sure you have learnt a lot about

Halloween traditions and symbols and practiced in English speaking.Receive your presents. Happy Halloween! Thank you. Goodbye.