CHARLES Demuth 131' ANDREW CARNDUFF RITCHIE THE illUSEUill 0, MODERN ART Nf.\\' YORK MoMAExh_0439_MasterChecklist

< =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B

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Page 1: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B





Nf.\\' YORK









Page 2: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B


Mrs. James H. Bcul, Pittsburgh, l'cnusylv.mia; LouisBouche, New 'York; Christopher Demuth, Lnncastcr.Pennsylvania: Irving Drutmau, New York: George J.Dyer, Norfolk. Connecticut: George H. Fitch, New York;Vliss Elaine Freeman, New York: A. E. Catl:u!», NewYork: Philip L. Oood,«!n, New York; xtrs. Chutm Gross,:"CII' York; _\Irs. Edith Gregor Hatpert. i'\CI\' York; l'hilipHofer, Rockport, Maille; Robert E. Locher, l.ancastcr,Pennsylvania: i\liss violcue de \Iazi:l, Merion. l'cuusvl-\";1111;1;Henry McBridc,:"Jew York: vliss ::-'", E.. xtultcn,Merion, Pennsylvanin: John S. Xcwbcrry. jr., Crosset'oinrc Farms . .\lichig:lll: 1\li$5 Ccorg!a O''Kccffc, Nell'York: vfrs. Frank C. Osborn . xt.mchester, Vermout ; '\[rs.SI;1nlcr nosor, New York: Edward \Y. Root. ClinLon, .'\lewYork; _\frs. B. Lazo Sleinlll;m, New York; "[iss Ellie Slclt-heimer. Nell" Y01·k: i\liss SllS:lll \V. Slreel. :'-i(;I\' York; C:HI\';Ill \·CChlCll. ?\Jew York; Rich:lrd We)":llld, LlllG"lSler,Pcnnsrh':ll1i;l: .\11'. ;1lld Mrs. S. S. Whil.e III. Ardmore,Pennsyl\-:11lia: .\11'. and i\frs. William Clrlos Willi;ll1ls,Riltherford, l\'c\\, Jerser.

The Addison C;lllel'y or AmcriCII'l An. I'hillips .'\(;1(\-elll\. Andover, i\Ltssachusells: The All1l'ig-lll Art Caller},

131111":110.Ne.v York: Tile An Insr.irure of Chicago,Chic.rgo, lllinois: 'Fhe Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleve-1:111(.1,Ohio: 'The Columbus Cnllcry or fine Arts, Corum-bus. Ohio: The Detroit lnst.itute of Arts, Deuou, Michl-g:ln: Fogg Museum 01: Alt, Harvard University, C;1111-bridg'e, xtass.rchusens: The Meucpofitan Museum ofArt" ve,v York; Museum of An, Rhode Island School ofDcsign. Providence, Rhode Island: Museum of Fine Ans,Boston, xt ass.rchuseus: National Gallery of Art, Wash-illg-IOI1, D. c.; New Britaiu Art Museum, New Britain,Connecuciu: Philadelphia xtuseum of Art, Philadelphia,l't:n'l~) IV:lI1i;l; The Phillips Gallery, 'VashinglOn, D. C.;Saurn Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, Califor-Jlia: -rhe Toledo Museum of An, Toledo, Ohio; Lniver-sil)' or Nebraska An G<lIIeries, Lincoln, Nehrasb; \V<lds-wUnll AlheneulIl, H:lnford, COllneCLictlt; The \Vhill1ey.\llISClIlll of AmeriCll1 Art. :"ew York; \VorceSler Art ~lu·SCUIll, \"orccstcr, i\l3ssachusells; Yale Universil)' AnCallery. :"kw Havcn, ConncniClIl.

The Downlown Callery, :"ew York: Durlacher BroLhers,:'>iewYork.


C II Til LOG 0 F T f-I C EX I-IIII I T ION ~I ~~

An :lslerisk (*) preceding' Ille CII:i10g" 11111111)1.;1'illdicalCS JII .\IA~ Ai'\"UTWO C1KLS. J912. Watercolor, 814 x 5];4"- S"D. ~-3111:11Ihe piclure is illusll':IICd. In lislill.~ IIle diIlH':IISioIIS, Lenr by Durlacller Brothers, New Yorkl~JJ'f )/orGXH.height precedes widlil. v(c> SL..\SCAI'E. C. 1912. \Vatercolor, g"\ls x~". The 60.~g/ !.k\~\\\'~ :'-leLropolitan i\[USCIlI11of AI'l, Nell' York. Bequest

tff.l-~/8'/1 TllE 1I0XEIC IgoG _01"117. Cll111e el'ayoll 7V" x 7~' 01' Alfred 51:icglillLelll I»' Roben L Locher, L:lIlC,ISler, I' A? LA:'il)SCA['£WITH TWO HOUSES.C. lClI~. \Valercolor, ~. ""

Jl.f.:I.'1If''.! U;'1<.-\W[;.;c. IfloG or ·u,. COllll: cr:lyon, !)v.2 x 7Y:.:"· ~ij§x 12%,:~o:.,"!-1\}7Ji\IeLropolit:1I1 ·l\ILlseLllll ot Art,," Lelll hy ~obe1't E. I.ocher, Lallc;lS(CI', 1';"1. III. i). If) New York. 'bequest of Alhwl Stieglil'1.

~.I"'1Ji/l3I'Sl"lJlJln 1,.,rlo:IUOIC IOO,? \\':lIercolor, I:!'!~ x gl~". /*I;1C"'-'.;]'\\-' HOPE, P,\. 1911 01' 'I~. \Vatel'{;olol', S:h x 49.::1.'13/, Lellt IJy Roben F. L.ocher, L1l1caSler, 1':1. Iff. fJ. 2U 11%-". f'{ohcn E. Locher, Lallclslcr, 1'~1) III. fJ. 2I.ojJ~J.RCHIlI(.-rD.I'" J-l. Kl~I'IE\\' 1.'1 PAlH.~. Paris, [ooi? W:!Iel'color, lOY:.: x /1;; ~1()1<"'INt; (Etrelal). 191201 'Ii). WalCl'color, C)W~~9.'~~P?S'

v 7"%'" LellL 11)' Roben, E. Locher, L:1I1caslcl', P;1.~"1~~...l'\"'" ~. ~ 13')(.1", ~_enl' b:' Robert E. L~,c.hcr,. La.n~I~Lel:: }~:,(~hni'"tl· "'[LLI~()U, ..\. lC)lJ7 or lJR. Conte crayon, S\'(l'x -~ . 10 L,\RLY LAi'\"DSC.\Pl,. 191,1. \V:1lCl(olol, 0'\; x l_~._. b""D. (p,+q·.1Jf~ :J Lent h\{Rol.Jcn E. Locllel Lancasler, P:I) Ovit .1=tC,WlEC The MelropoJiulll 1\f.uSCl.lrn 01: Art, Ncw Yort.

! " , 'l,v(~,..,i1 [ .\ f' '5' ", , ,ii.-t ~ J'-"VS I'AIUWTS. 191 1 or 12. Watcrcolor, SIll- x 6·~ .. Let1t I Jkqucst 0 ,I 1C( tleg Iti. 'l~ (I,,\,\\li\")f.l b)'~\obert F.. Locher, Ll1lcastcr.l':YO~LRr.UeJC. J 17 TI1C GOSS[ps. C. 191.]· Watercolor, 5 x S",. Len!' by S7J./I>O

1(",/1 ji-"";',\KIS, THE N1Cl]T llEFOI,E CIIRIS"I":-1;\$.191:.'. Ink ;]nd :'-lr. ;1I1cl Mrs. \Villi:nl1 Carlos \Villi<ll11s, !tlliher-.rD. T . \\'ash. l(}~ x 7%'" Lent by Roben E. Locher, j ford, I'\..J. 90/1 .>S\~l,:",\"f)

Lancaster, l'a, .!Jq \1~1r,.:r,~ 18 T~IE lL\Y. C. 1915· \ValerCOlol';~x [3'(:1,".. L~nl by 671.814- 9.~1j.'t 8 WHITE HORSE. 1912. Watercolor. 8~ x 5X: . Lenl 1 he Toledo Museum of An, I oledo, OhIO I<..,<,h"'~

by Richard WC)':1I1d. L:lnc;lster, Pa. J 19 THE 60..\1'. c. 1915, W<I!crcolor, 8lh x 10~~'. Lcllt n.n... *g,tST1<OI.U:\G. 1912. \Valcrcolor, SV:-' x 5%", The ,by Durlacher Brolhers, \'ew York

ilt>.J5 '-51usculll of !\Iodcrn Art! gift of .\11'5. John D. V~!o':::..I)U-'1ES. 1915. W;ltercolor, 11%:-\ IGnr". The Co- 57}.;23Rockefeller, Jr. Ill. p. 22 • lumbus C;d!ery of Fine Arls, Columbus, Ohio.TWO ME""; WI"1'H~vo.\lA.'I ON BleACH. 1912. ,Valer- j rerdin:lI1d Howald Colle(lion, 1/1·1)· 23 ,color, sy:-, x 514~"~ill by(Roben E. Locher, Lan- 28 FLOWERS. ~. 1£)15·. Walercolor, I j x ~lh" .. Lent by 57).3'1_casler, Pa) DvltJ.AC.H5!? The DetrOit lnslltlile of Arts, DCtroIL, Mich.











Page 3: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B

S'S: J trv 22 I' CU1WEKS. liP::;. Watercolor, 8% "II The Mu-SCUll] of ,\Iuclcrn An. girt of Mrs. John D, Rocke-

11'lr 'J"]\ (,q""VELLOW A,'\"I) HLUf.. 1015. \V,Hereolar,:t:t" :s-1f',The Metropolitan Vluseum of An, !\CIV York. Be-quest of Alfred Stieglitz 1..

n./01/ J.'.!.,! C)'A"'SIES. 191:,). w.uercotor. JOVl x 7-iJA. Lent byI\lrs. Stanley ucsor. SCII' York. Ill. jJ. 25 (<,,(,'r\~")

FLOWf:R l'IEeE. 1915. w.ucrcolor, 18 x II Jh~. Lent

by i\liss SUS;]I] W. Street, New York. III. f;. 26 3 ~)J·'liG 'I '",' ~I"'*THE I'RIMf\OSE. C. 1915. ouac ie. I£d'.l x II H)' \

The Culurubus Callery of Fine Arts. Columbus.Ohio. Fet'din.md Hownld Coftecuon

Is-D,3';< V'G

feller, J r.

tiD.3/ J':!.i l'or'I'IES. c. )9IS· Watercolor. 17:/"" x 11~~". TheColumbus Call'el) or Fine Arts, Cnlumhus. Ohio.

/.", 1':Cl'di,I~:I~ld1-I.01I";lId .'C:()~I.CCliO~1

!j"f).tf _O·LO\l'I·.RS. l~)I.,rI· \\dl.(:lcolol, 13 x 8" Lellt by• Louis BouLllc, ~CII' York. Ul. 1)· ~.I

f>"7J, /.)-'~9C.J'ISII. Co 11)1,",.Watercolor, R x 13"· ~.CIlt bJ(RoberlE. LocilcL LIIlC1W:r. 1';1) ,1Jr.J1't J..RGHE..£

'>0. S"?,J30:"';\'I' ,\l,\RSH,-\I.1.'s. IfJl:) \Vatcrcolor. ,lis x 10'".. Lenl hI' .\'Iiss Ellie Stcllheillicr. .'-Jew York

s-b,;lPlJ'JIt,.J'IIE rm;,'\"KI':RS.191;). \V;llercolor, IO}:b x 8-l/L". TheI COllllllbus C;lIlery or Vi[IC Arts, Columbus, Ohio,

Fcnlill:lne! I-IO\\'ald Collection

n./Db JS;j ACROU,\-I'-~HALANCINCAr.T. 11)16. \V;llerculor, 13 x8~~~tt"lhyThe \Iullell Collection, i\feriOIl. 1':1.

57J./O~/~'J6 VAUOEVILLE: 11'0'\1,\" II'ITJ-~ W.-\LKI."/; STICh:. 1()ln.\\';lIcn:olor. I I '\ S/"\L"'e~l~by Thc .Uullcll Collec.

I lioll, Merioll, I'a, If!. jJ. :!S /

5'l).J.j..OV37 "IUSIClM';S. c. 1916- \V:llercolor. IUYL x ~'y.' LClll Jr,.'Y-

Is b\' (rhe DOII"ll!O\\'1l Gallen'. ,,\1ell' ) 0\ k~ '~\ ' .. ' 1<>"$""D,4/ 38 RI\IEI\ _ 101[j. \\':1Ierl:Olor, 8 x IlJl/~r. ~I)\ The

NOT e><.H. DOI\IltOIITI Gallery, .\k\l' York

5'b.~-C:. J3pC "LCRO JAZZ 1l.\'"I'll. IgIG. \\,;llercolor, IiI " 7~"·j LCllt IJ}' HCllry \lcBridc. _'\CII' Y?{~ 1..,=,"f..elJ.)

n,ll:, '10 .!1J{,;GI.ER. 1916. Walcrcolor, 13 ,,~'1~Lelll by CirlVall \"ecJltell, New YOI:k . .{"\tI~-0

n.9 fV P 1\1'0 Clkeus (IRl ~ 191fl. r \_\ :ltl.::rcolol,·. S ", ,I I;: LelllI b\ \[1 <111(1MIs S. S. \\l1ltelll .. -\TdllIOIC. 1.1.

SCJ.931·I'~OIIE(kl::(C"'])A'\CIl( 1916. \\·;t1crcolor. II x~". Lelllb\ 1\11 ,1l1d i\11~ S S. \Vhite [1[, Ardmore, I'a. III.

I' 33 (<",,<1'VAUDE\'lLl,E ..\CT. 191G. W;ltercollll', 13 "~r.Lell[by i\ll's. Ch:lilll Cross. Nt\\' \"qrk

Jllllslr;lliOll for Zola's t'AssoltJ.llloir. 191G. \\';11(:1'·

color. 8 x II)~". The l)hi\:lde,lplli;1 \Iuselllll of

An. PlTil<ldclpltia, 1'3. A. E. G:t11:1till CollettioTl.

J1t, 1), _18

133,&7). /01

In·IO f./31

$/), fb),3,~,71"'11

\'.-\UlJEVII,I,\':C!1.,\R ..\CTE1'S. c. 1915. \-\lalel'color. IUy',

:\ ,%" Lellt by Miss Violettc de ?vla.d:l. i\[erlull,


V.-\UDEVILI.E:BICY(:l,E ,\CT. I~JI[1 or '16. \\"<llercolol'.

,-; '\ lolh". Lenl hy The \lltlJcll Collcclion, I\krioll,P;1.

".\I ..\,'\"Y llR,-\\E HEAkTSt\RE .-\SLlcEl'o-j_\:TIlE lweI'

Inll1. Watercolor, Iq x S"~<"""r:-e'r{1b); The i\[ullc:ll~ . ~CollcttiolL '\[eriol!, 1':1, 1/1. jJ. :!8


·451,....,.-\.",\,SEkrE!) LEFT,:\,'1ll St\Tli'\'AI' LA URE'SkEST,\UR,-\i\T.~~,.35"llustrauon NO.3 ror Zola's Nnnu (Chap. V[ll).

Ig16. Watercolor, Slh "IU%" The xtuscum ofModern .-\rt, gifl of xfrs. john D. Rockefeller. JI".III. 1'. 38:-".-\,\:.\ III':I'O](E 'rur; ,\llIUt(H(. lllust ration :\0. G for"9 ..l~:J.1Zota's Nallo (Chap. XI [). IgIG. Watercolor, 77k xgY,," Leur by Richard weynnd, LmCasICI', 1';1,fII. P. _IISCENE AI' nell. (:EO]((a,S STt\IIS111.\ISEI..I0WITII TIIF.~CISS(IR~J,t~Z. Y l): ..(second version). lllustration No. S for Zola's I

NOII(I (Ch:lp, XIII). IgI!, or '16. Watercolor. 7"'.1x ru" Lent hy Rich:lrd \VcY;\Iul, Lancaster. [';1.

Ill. V.!g1'1.011'1'1<l'IEeL 1916. \V:ltcrcolor,_ II x S:;{;". Lel1l~./r7

by(!lohCI I E. Locher. Laucasrcr. I';t) D 1J£I.RCHSe1-l0R51·:S.1916. W;lt(:I'color. S x II" LCllt by \11'. 57J.'1qaile! .\Irs. S. S. \Vllite III, Ardnlore. l'a.

J,rp I." TilE CnIN,\SIU,\1. c. 191G. \V;llcrcolor. lO%- x S". b7J. ~LenL by Tlte Fog!;' \IUSCIIIll or An, Harvard UlIi·\·crsity, Call1lJridg"c, _\[;ISS.

rilE ,\:UT, I'R!':-I'01.STE:\tllJ,.\YS, 1~)l6. \Valercolol'. [Ili';; rd.2.i'\ 7{-{' , The C:ollltllhus C:t1lery or FillC Arts. e(l·Itl III !>IIS, Ohio, Fcrdiltalld How:J1d Collectioll

:"i2.v1:·llE SIUi\'L I!JIG. WalClwlor. ,X, " 10~_"_ The/~b.3'1

J~ IISClIll1 01' ~lodCI'II :\1'1, ~ifl, of J:IIllCS \V. Barne~

:-)g IIEM:II SCEK!'.. I!JIO. W;llerwlor, 7:;4 x 9ti':·" Lent n.tf3hy I rl'illo' Drllllll<l[1. .'\Iell' )'ork

j"il .-J1l·:I(~tlJnAl.A.\:nSc.'\I'F" Ifl16. \V;llerculor. 7:}~"~)Y8". n. 9,f'"I. LCIIII))' 1\[1'. a11([ l\[I'~.S,S. While Il[,Ardlllorc, I'a.

I:'):". BEIOIUII..\ !.t\,....'IISC,II'L 1!J16. \Valel'color. 1)%,,, 131,\" 50. /7Tile COII111l1!tIS(;;tlkl'y 01' Fille Arts. Columbus,Ohio. [o'crdill;llld HOII':tld Colkctio[1I")(j 1I1':IOI[il).\.. '\'u. 1 (l'RI':E ANti IIOUSE), 1!:1I7. W"JtCI-.f7)·S'"1color. II) ,'\ I.~l~". The ;\ICtl'opolil;lIl MllSeUtll n{..\n .. 'itl\· )'ol·k. Bcql[e~l or i\lfred Slieglili.

v'*:"li l\ER.\llIIM. :-';0. :! (rilE SCI-1I10:-lER). l!lIj. W:tter-j? "0(·olor. 10 x I!J'I...... Tllc MClropolil;1I1 _VI\lSClllll o[1\11. 1'\<:':11' York. [kqllesl o( Alfrcd Stieglil?, fil,

I)· 0,'"i.\:--'IJSt:,\I'," I ....TERI'I(I;:r..\rto .....'. llEk,\lun ..\. 191i· \\';ller- S'D.9Lcolor. II) '\ II". Lent hy .\Ir. 311d l\lrs. S. S. ·WhiteIII .. \rilmore. I'a.

';1) Tl<EES .\."')) 1I.\II.,\:s'(IIE]{'\ILlIl:\). 191.7. \Vatcrcolor, i'D. f'791~ x 1:31~" I.ellt I)" .\lis.~ 511.":111\\'. Sl.rccl. \'CII'York. {fl. /J. (iiItilE .\lO'\lt\IE.'\"T. BFII..\IL'D,-\. 1~)17. \V:l1crco[or. I [sjo. ~1III Tile I'llillips G:dlery. Washington. D. C.I"REI'_S.Ifll,. \\';ltcr(Olor. gl'} x 13+-!r". The Co-5"b.37111111!JllS(;;t1lcr~' of Fille :\ns. Columbus. Ohio.Ferdill;l11d Howald Collection

A In'[) nOOFI,:ll11(leSE.c. I!) 17. \\'a lcrcolor, IU '\ q" .~"Zl.17';'Lelll hy The DOWlltoWli G;t1ler~·. :"iC\": York

\1'lltTt-:t\RClIlTFCrLlln:. 1~)17· \\'atercolor, ISX 111~'·.f'l./73l.e111b)' The DOIl"ntOI\'11Callcr~, l':C\\- York .

II1,:,\(;11. I'RO\'I,'\CI~TO\\'i\'. 1917. \Valcrcolor. S x II".~~./~-S'

I.CllI Ily~{oherl E.. Locller. Lancasler, p,~ DIlIt.LRC.HGR,EICI-I,'"O·CLOC1,. TfJl7. \Vatercolor, ,:~ x \0' .. Lell1f1.:I.'t'1f

b~' Ceorge.l. D:cl', :\o1'lolk, COllll.












Page 4: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B

5"113(66&IIT O·CLOCk.1917· w.ucrcotor, 7% x IOYs". TheI" Museum of Modern Art, gilt of l\ll's. John D,

Rockefeller, Jr.VAUI)!::\'ILLE. 1917. Watercolor, S x Ilni". Lent by....Liss Elaine Freeman, Xcw York. 1//. /J. 29TI-IECWCIJS. 19(7. watercolor. 8 x 10%". The Co-lumbus G:tllery of Fine Arts. Columbus, Ohio.Ferdinand 1-I0II':dd Collccuou. 1/1. I), 3!)

I f.' S.....-690· Ufl!':\'IL!.E .\lUSICIA;\S. I!)li· \\';11Cl"coI0 r , 13 .X 8"

I/. ·if Ihc vl uscum of xlodcm An, Mrs. John D. Rocke-Iellcrvjr. I'urclursc Fund. Ill. fJ· :r~

Ifl).I'!/Vio SQU>II,1( 0."" LEA\J·:. c. I!)li_ watercolor. IO:}~ x ,:xl.".C. Lent by \Iiss Vtotcuc de l\!;llia, xtcricu, Pa.

NOT X}!71 I'Hon.'·CETOW,"". 1!)18. \Valcreolar. Lent Ily Chris-

AJO-r fec'? iophcr Demuth, 1.:IIlCIS(Cr, 1):li3

:sA X. '1'l1.- II. .:l. ..j/:!( .-\RCIlITEcrURL 191~. W:llcn;olor, ~ X ~'. 1.1..'111by57J. ~ --\irs. JllllCS H. Bcal. I'illsburgh, 1':1.

73 1I0USES. 1918. W:Ilcrcolor, 13:5'1 So 0%". Thc Co·fA IV C--. lumbus G:t11cry or FillC Ans, Cultll'llbus, Ohio.

I Fcrdinalld l-Io\\':lId COlleclioll

S"b iJL)J'I,., n\-o .,\CROIlAr..". 1915. W:llcrcolor, 13 x 7Y:!"· L~lIl'T I j '.:.,-;;;~lrs. Edilh Crq.;or H:t1pcrI, j\'CIl' York, III. /J. goo ,.j I{l'll ClII,\J,"E\"S. Ifllt), W:l1C1'(.:olor, 9% x 13=7.1". LClIl

n'TO by The Phillips C:d1cr). W:lshillglulI, D. C.3/1 0 iI6JI~AI{U' II(JI',~I':S, l'I\O\,I:-.t:!,:TOW=". i!)IS. \V:lIcn.:olor.

'T I (..:..-(.,x 10". The ~lllSCllllI ol i\lodcl"ll An, 6"ifl ofPhilip L. CoolllI'in. I/f. j!. ii.11-'1.0\I'EI\S. 1918. \V:tlcrcolor. 17'}~ x ll'i;'\lclropolil<ln ~lllSCIIIIl of An, NCII' YorkIMISIES. If)l:->. \\':llcn:o!ol', 17lh x Ill/:.!" Thc

\r1lilnc)' i\IIISClllI1 or Alilcrir:111 '\rt. ~CII' York.III, J), '.:.7

.)D,' ;;./"

;'O,I.1J;,67J.81 ViU l'OI'I'II·.S. 1918. W:llcrcolor, liV:: x II 'iG" Lelll by

/ Edll':lrd \V. Roo!. ClililOll. :'1,'. Y.

67J J 7J/(jsoC/AcnOllt\Ts. 1018. W;llcn;olm, I(I~ .. x ",;;.-::..,".LClll by• f' \11'S, Edilh Cregur H:i1pt:l'I, i':ew York. III. jJ. 31

_;-),IJ 1I\l\CI;I,'L SMI.OIIS, 1~1Ii':l. \\':llercol~r, 7~ .'\ 9~5'"1'f7. ifJ The 1\III:-iCIIIll or i\1()dcril :\rl, \'11's, .I0ll11 D, I{uckt;'

No, f;:.J(H. fc:;lkr,.l1". I'lIrch:ISC FllIHJ

.n, I tj o?cI

'1111-.,\:\1.\1·\1. T·\\IEIl I'IH;SI':,""!,S 1.111,11. 1llllslr:llioll No,I for \\'cdt::kilHI's /·:I'II[.:,'I'i,lI, (l'l'olol;llc, Ao I). 1!)18."'<ilercolnr, I~Hi x W' Lelll by i\liss Violel.lc dc\laZi~I, .\!el'ion. I'a. 1/1, I), ,19

J1.~).~/fl":1 110\' ,\:"Ill (:II<L. Thollg"ltL lO hc rronlispiece [or

""frr~ .Iamcs's Tile TIII"H of Ille Srn:n', 101~. W:llcrcolor,SIll x slhs"' LC111 hy Philip Hofer, Rockport.

~Iainc. Iff. I,. 22

rl tf'~'-':I/·\r:\ IIOU.:E!: 11'~~Ll\Y S"I"IIEET. IlltlSlr:tliol1 No. I

"v. tJ :::··fcn .Iamcs s I he J 11m of Ihe Scu:w (Prologlle).

If1l8. W;llcrcolor,8 x II"', The i\111!iCllmo[ Mod·crn Art, gil'l of .\Irs . .lohn D. Rockdc!1cr, .Ir." Ill.

V 53IX?'J LIE (:O\'~I~NESS I'mST SEES THE r..HO:H OF ,PETER QUINT.~·77 . 1IIIISIr<ll1011 NO.2 I'or Jl1l1CSS rhe TI/rn of Ihe

.\rfl'W (Ch:lp, III). 1018. W:llcrcolor, S x 10%".I.cnl hy M ..S, Frank C. Osborn, Manchesler, V!.

{fl. 1)· 54

l,fll. ;;.,7C/ I ~~". -rI<A-r,.N, fI 7'R.1NC.e.. 0»

" '/'f " 7 r'e,



)8UC..YLOIlA :\L'\I) Tl-I[ GOV[IINESS. Illustration NO.3 for 60,7~t james's TIle Tinn of the Screw (Chap. VJ). 1918.

w.ucrcolor. S x 10%", Lent by J\lrs. Frank C: os-I born. Martchester, Vt. 1/1. 1)· !is

V'*'S7C,;r1,rE (;OI'!::RNt,SS, JllRS. GROSE AND THE CHILDHE1\'. Tllus- 6(3.7(,... trillion No. 4 1'01" james's The Trun of Ihe Screw

(CI1:lp. X.I). 1918. watercolor, S 'x 10%" Lentby

• 1\lrs. Frank C. Osborn, Manchester. vi, 1/1. p. suV8NUi'II.ES At\D THE (:OVI~Rl\I~SS.luusrratton No, :) for 6-z1· rs:

.!:IIIH:S"s The T/l.1"IJ oJ the Screw (Chap. XXIV).1911:l.W:llcn;olor, S x IO:.x-lP, Lent by Mrs. Frank C.

r Osborn, Manchester, VI. !/f. /J. :,1 .

V tl'':;9C--'f1I~':HOAr ]{JI)E FI(O~I SORREi\'TO_ jllnstra tiou No. I 3>0'.1.1/-" for .I:1111CS·S The Beost ill the Jungle (Chap. 1).

1019. warcrcotor.B x 10". Lcn t by Mrs. Frank C.

j Osborn, I\fanchcslcr, vi. ill. p. ~)S"'!),'C,;!'IIE REI'Et.:\T10.,t CO~IES TO ,\lAY liARrR.-\;\1 I,....' IIER ~. 7~

DRf\\I'Ii\'(;-noo,\1. 1111lslr:t1iOllNo. ~ for James's TheNeasl. ill I,he JUllgle (Chap, IV). 1919. \VaLcrcolor,8 x 10". Lellt by Mrs. Frank C. Oshorn, ?\I;lll'

chcSlcr, Vt. /11-1)· 59/'tjIV\I:\IIClIEII RECEIVES IllS REVEl.ATlO:-" ,\T .\I.-\Y II.-\RTR.-\,\I'S 6'1.7J

"l"0i\11I. l11uSlr:uioll 1':0, 3 for .Ialllcs's The Hc{/sl iI/llie .Iul/gle (Chap. VT) Iglg. WaLercolor, 8 x 10".LClll by Mrs. Frank C. Osborn, .\lanchcslcr, \It.1/1. J). Go

vtl92 TI"o skelchcs for .\1.-\liCHEnRECEI\'ESIllS IIEVU...-\TION Iftf.;;l 'f..:t1V :\"1" .\I:\Y B.\I\TII:\i\I'S TO.\IB. 1~)I9· Pcncil. C:lch S x ri..1

IUY:.!". LClll by Robert C. Lochcr, L:tIlCI~lcr, 1';I.1f9· 'I tfIlf. I). 61 liP )().,()'

j*93 CI.OUCES"I"EII. 1919. Tcmpera, ~ x~" Lenl 6-0. Yoby lhc ;\Iuscurtl or Art, Rhode island School o(

Design, J'rovidcIKe, R. I. I}f. IJ. Ill}. •V*9.lc.SAILS. 1919. TelllpCriJ, I~~k J,,,.HLClit by Thc ~.I?~

.. S;llll:1 ll;lrb:lra \'luseulll or Arl, 5a111.a narb;lr~l,Calif. 1fT. 1). 67

V:~F>(..pACK'DIIOI' 01' E,\S"I" LY,""'/. 1919. Temper:'I. I!lV:.! x ,J7. ~S--f I:>V::". LCllt by The UniversiLy of ~cbr:lsk:l An

C:llicries, Lincoln, Neb, F, M, Hall Collecliol1./ III. jJ. 68 ~V~liC)~oxOFTRIC1'$. 1919. Tempcl:l, 19:;:" x 1.1%" LCIll jO.IOJ-

by The PhiLidelphia J\lllSClIlll of Art, I'hiladclplli:l,J'a.

V97 FLOWE1IS. 1919. \Valercolor, 1;)=Ji x 9H·'. Tilc Co· SV • ...<jLlumbus C::illery or Finc Arts, Columbus, Ohio.Fcrdinand Howald ColIeoion.

08 COI.U"IRI:\ 1919. Watercolor, Il-Ht x 8". The Co· CflMe..IUlllbus Callery or Fine Arts, Columbus, Ohioferdinand Howald Colleclioll

"'99/,\CROII"ns. 1919. W:l1ercolol', 13 x 7~" The Mil' ,j-/. 3~/SClItll or i\lodCnl ,.\rl, gifL of Mrs, .101111D. Rocke·

feller, .11'. Color fronlisJ)iece C)'t100 XI' "THE GOLDEN SII'..\,,·" SO,\IETI~IES CALLE!) "HE~.LJ/.'i. '<~/7

HOLL" (Sclf-porrrail Wilh Marcel DlIchamp).If.Pg. Walercolor, SljJ- x 10%,", LelH by Robcrt E

j, lochcr, Lan(;lster, l'a. Ill. j). 17101C-DUNES. 19::W. Walercolor, 9%, x q". Lcnl by Mr . .51). '1/• and Mrs. S, $. \\'hile Ill, ,·\nhnorc, Pa.

9';:,p!' rATeR-'ll> fiS514Y .111 WR eRt!,C"O.eT '?H'Nrt:,eS. l'll'l, WR e,e.GOMIC.,

/.15A1T ~ Y tfR,I9;t1~ IVICS, SRN 11, hS/Q,o;JNM









Page 5: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B

5'J..JJ~I02/sT:\IIl.S' I'ROVH'CETOWN. 19:!o. watercolor, 23V:? x~91/:/'. The Museum of Modern An, gift of Mrs. "

I John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 1/1. p. 69 'f~lft.57). 97J'~r;/~'EDClll:'l,,"!':Y. 1920. Watercolor, 13% x L~ J"'123


Lent by 1\'1r. <Inc! i\IIS. S. S. Wilite Ill, Ardmore, POl.

:t' 3b I04~'II'; TOWElL Ig~W. Tempera, 23~ x 19k"· Theo . • Columbus Callery of Fine Arts, Columbus, Ohio.

~ Ferdinand Howald Collection ¥r,f,7J./D 'J j'06 1\1'·~·~{,SjIl.CHRISTOPHER \l'KEt". 19~W. Temper:!.,23"*

P\ x ~'~fLe1lt anonymously through the counesyof the worcester An Museum, worcester. Mass.


s», cs: /'ui

1If. I), 71I~N1) OF THI: I'AR,\I)E: COATSVILLE, 1':\. 1920. Tern-pcra, IOV:! x ISY::o". Lent 1;)' Mr. and Mrs. WillianlCar-los Williams, Rutherford, N. J. Ill. fJ. 'ioJ\1,\CH1NER\'. 1920. Tempera, :q x 19"18" TheMeuopofium Museum of Art, New York. Bequest

/ of Alfred St.ieglh.z$7),/LJ>llIOSCA'l.OWERS, CYCI.A~II·~.". 19:!O. watercolor, II:%, \(

, 130/1,". Lcn t hy The An lnstinue of Chicago,I Chicngu.Ttt. /1I·j)·77

,57J.9PJ.. JI(J0 FUClll:\S. 192U. watercolor, 9Y.'S x r;". Lent by

j ,.\lr: :1.ncl Ml'~~S. S;,\.vhi~.eUI, A1:dll~~r~, ~~:'",53 . " ¥' I 10 ,..."'·Uf.USr L1I,H,~. IV- I. \\- ,HClCOI01, 1_ " 1,.)4 LCI1l

by The \VliiIIICY 'MUSCUlll of American Art, NewYork

/ 1)· 7'2~1l..¥7 1116 NOS1'.\I..\5 ]\1. ECIAI' NOSI'M,\S. 19'2101' ''2'2. Oil,:q x

/ '20"' Lent I))' .\Irs. Edith CregoI' Halpen, Nell' ,"orkJ/.tj ..~\f'S2- ';-117 Four skelches for l"'\QU£BOT 1'001<JS. Augusi. 1921.'I 4f .. 1.-1/ ; 4 Penci I, each 7% x 5-ft". Lent by Roben C. Locher,l+"~'t ¥ L . P T '/1If , ..1-"13 ~""'j. .allcasICI,;1. 11'0 I . i)· 75S7J.;).9 +118vi{,\QUUHH PARIS. 19'21 or ''2'2. Oil, '2..j,lh x 19-h'".

The Columhus Gallery of Fine Arts, Columblls.Ohio. Ferdil;:lIlcl Howald Collcction. 1/1.1)./.1TUB.EROSES. 1922. Walercolor, 13th x II~" Lent

by 1\1r.and i\'1rs. William Cados Williams, Iluther·forcl,N.J 111.1).79STILl..Uflo,~IO. I. C. 1922. \V:ll.ercolor, II%X 17%"

The Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Colurnbus.Ohio. Ferdinand How:dd CollectionSTILL Lire, No. '2, 1~22. \V:ltercolor. g'lh \( 12%".

The ColumbllS G;'d1cry of Fine Ans, Columbus,Ohio. Fenlin;lI1d HOII':dd Collection. 1If. f). iG


~·tM j.",

.f7}.1 0/ /'''9

<III <::..XI\"·CASTER. 19'21. Tempera, 19 x 15l,,{;" Albrighl. Art Oatferv, Buttn!o, N. Y. Room of Comcmporary

j Art. Iff.]J. 73112 IlUSIJXESS. I!pl. Oil, 2U:\

of Chicago, Chicago, ill.

rion. Iff. jJ. 75

2.1ll.J," The An lnstiuucAlfred Stieglilz Col lee-

.\IOllER," COj\'VE"IE:"CES. 1921. Oil, '.!5T'[;" x 20h}"'

The Columbus G,dlcry of Fine Arts, ColllmIJLl~.Ohio. Ferdinand Howald CollectionJc-'CE;\"SE OF:\ i\'EW CHURCH l!:r,:1. Oil, 2:31h X 19~-{'The Columbus Gallcr\' of Fine i\ rLs, COllll1lUUS,Ohio. Ferdinand How:;rd Colleclioll p.. 0 iy x. J:r'lr •RUE nu SIM;E QUI I>ECIlF.. 1921. Tempera,.JJ'f x lGYi,".

Lent by The DO\\'lllolnl Galler>', !'\ew \·ork. Ilf.

VI;J.! STILL L1FE-CAIUW'I'S :\:"1) :\I'I'I.,F.S. 19'26. \V:llcrcolol',n ..l.f1f13% x 19%". Lel11 by George 1-1, FilCh, New York

jI35VWIJ..L l,ll'[-AI'I'I,.ES ANI) 1'£..\1<5. 1926. \Vatercolor,.6l' . .3 F~ 13~ X lOY:!"'. J~Clll by Thc Yale UniversiLY An

/ G:dlcry, Nell' Havcn, Conn,./1 ;;6 [(:CI'L,\.,,"!' AND SU,\lMOt SQU,\SII. c. 1927. WaLcrcolor,~. ro

13'l{: x 10%". Lelll by The \VadSlI'onh Atheneum,I-b rI ford" Corm. 1+-;"U:GI'L,\NT ,\NO 'rO,\I,HOES. c. 1927. \Vatercolor,o\19~~Iff..~'I~o~. LCIIl by Richard Weyand, L:wcaslcr, Pa.

JIff. 1J• SO

""138 ]\I\, EGYl'T. 1927? (Also dalcd 19'25 or 19'29). Oil, ~ ..103G x 30'" Lent by The "'hitllcy Muscum of Amer-ican Arl, .'JCII' York. Iff. lJ. 8.~Two skelches for .\IY EC\'I''I". 1927? Pencil, e;lcldj.fj.2-lf2-9By! x G~". LClIl by Roben E. Locher, Lancaster,4'y.,,?¥J'OPOl. !fl. 1)· 85 'l.,\ ROSI: i\"OIIO~ (CoslUme [or Black and WhitClff.cZ33113:111). 1925. Watcrcolor, IO:Y.~ \( Slit". LClH hy~lrs. 13, LIZQ Sleinman, New YorkCOSTU,\IE ,\I'TER U£,\ROSLEY (EoI' Black and Whilef9.:l3'10 ~BaH). 1928. Walercolor, 10% " Slit"'. Lem InMrs. B. Law Steillman, .'\Jew VorkZINc-'lt\S, L,\RKSI'UR Ai"O DAISIES. 1928. \V;Hercolor, 51,83171h x 11~" Lenl by I\lrs. B. Lazo Steinman..'Jell' York. 1/1.1).81

';/ '39



STII.L LIFE, NO.3. C. 19'22. watercolor, 13Y'2 s: 9%". n..3.s-The Columbus Gallery of Finc Arts, COlll111hus'NoT 1S<H:Ohio. Ferdinand Howald CouecuonLOWER STUI)\'. c.1923. Watercolor, 17~ x 11%, ..·.5""1)..15

Lent by The Cleveland lV1USClIIl1 of Art, Cleveland,Ohio. Iff. f). 78

} ,

Lent b;Phillips

/V 1.10









Page 6: < =:!>8 P^/"" H,,/' X,*,0W 3'/&'!# ;',,P =_V`>B /R,/"" X,,XB,,, /01 X,!'',# B4W/a8CR4 =:!>8 ?B(C R48C,, R`??3,?,,# bR$'< =:!>8 S/*3B,!M c'dPB,,,M- 9,,,DP,X,'!-.*55"!34B,,V/8,B

1>"7J./lOJ'3lJoT fix".~. ~3f.4-1

LO!',GHf ON BROADWAY (Poster portrait of .EUg"CllC

O'Neill). 1928. Oil, 34 x 2]". Lent by MissGeorgia o 'Keeffe, Nell' York"I SA\\' Tile FICURE £) II" COl,,!)," 19::!8. Oil, 36 x

29*"· The Meuopohtan Museum of An, NewYork. BCC]lICSL of Alfred Sticgtitz. Cotov '/)[OIC, 0/)/).

p. -io

5b.¥{iJ-~5:J1HEEN PEAR,S., 1929. Watercolor, 131j~ x IgY...:I Lent by PI\l!lp L. Coodwin, Nell' York. 1/1. p. 82

.57;.7/ JLJ6J'I:.LLOW PEARS. C. 1929. watercolor, 13Y:: x 19".: Lent by John S. Newberry. Jr., CrOSSe t'olmc

Farms, Mich.

RED Ct\IIBAGES, RIIUll,\Il.!1 :\:"0 OI<,\N(;E. 192!}. water-color, q x 19%". The Mcrropolimu Museum ofArt, .'Jew York. Request of Alfred Stieg'lill

n.v.f.j~~c;:.oPI'tES. 1929. vvmercotor. II x 2U". Lem 11)"

Mrs. Edith Gregor Halpert, ;\'1:\\' York. Ill. jJ. 83

~/~jVI49C>.""LL'1 LILIES. 19~9· w.ucrcolcr, 11 x 19};··. Lent

.• / I by Miss Susan \\I. Street. ;\'cw York~.r~50 KISS-)II:-OVE~-TllE-FEi\'O. 1~)29.watercolor. Il'ts xNOT 6XH, ll~~"· Lent by Durl.rchc r nrourcrs. ::\'cw York

BiB L 10 C; iLl P11 V

This bibliography, Idtll two cscepliolls, does 1lUl illcluderdercnccs lO ilcrllS which h;),,(; :lpjJcarcd ill nell'spapers.OllliLLecl also arc :1 fcw rcfcn;llccs 10 minor exhibitioll110lices, lisLcd ill Lllc An Illdex Ig~9-lgl~-'.f\ddition:1I 11l:!tcrial is (0111:li1lcd ill scrapbooks (3 vol·

urnes of L) pescril)lS :llld clippings) 011 CII:lrlcs ])ernllth,in a pri'·:ILe collcClion.The lisl of c:..:liil>itioll CIl:ilogs is liy 1101I1C;'III$cOlliplete,

IJut indw.lcs oilly 11105Ccltalogs w)licll IJ:1VC IJCCll acces-sible 10 rhe cI>lllpiler. Thc)' havc IJ(:;CII :l1T~lIlged c1non-ologically, :IS h:Jve Ihe rdercncc~ to SlaLCnl(;lllS by lheanist. References III wl'itillgs all Ihe ;(I'list, however, arclisled :ilphabclically 1Ilider lhe :1111110r'sII:lIne, or lInderlhe lille in else of llllsig·llec! articles.All maLerial. exccpl when preceded by :1 d:lgg~r (t),

has been e:"::llIlined by lhe cOl'npilel'. llems marked wilhan asterisk (~) :Ire ill lhc Mllscllnl Libr;lry.

ANNE l\(ll.l.;lIANN

.r1b/)I"f,'ViatiulIs: Ap April. hil)l bibliogT:q)hy, cui colored,. D December, cd ediled, edition, ediLor, F February, ilillusmllioll (s), incl illcludillg' . .J;t JlIJUar)', .Ie June, JyJuly, i\lr \'1:Irch, 1\1)' "'-1:1)', N i'\ovembcr, n.d. nOl dated,ll.p. 110 place, 110 Ilumber (s). 0 October, p pag-e (s), porportrait, S Septcmber, suppl supplement.

Samj}/e eltifY for m;lg';lzille article: L\NE, j.UIES ,\I.

Ch;nles DemUlh. il PantllSSIiS (Nell' York) 81103:8-9 1\lr

1936.ExjJlrllwtiol/; All :Hticle by .J;l1l1es W. Lane, enlitled

"Charles Demuth" accompanied by illustratiolls, will be(ound in Pal"lll/SSIIS (published in New York), volume8, number 3.. p:tges 8·9, lhe \larch 1!l3G issue.

151 leoRN ,\NO l'E,-\CHLS, 1929. watercolor, 13% x 19:t.!". r3..3~The Museum of Modern Art, gift of Mrs, John D I/e £:.X u.

j Rockefeltercj r. Pi T FT.

152 WAITING. 1930. Tempera, 15~ x 19%"', The Art iilJ· IiInstitute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Alfred Stieglitz

~r'!l COllec.:~~~\I_~:,I·I_!~~;; OF TilE 1II{AVE. 1931. Oil,30

x 2{'. The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Gift of j\,tiss Georgia O'l\.cdl'e. Ill. p. 86Cl-!L\lNEYAND \,'''TEI{TOWEI{. 1931. Oil, 2918 x 2318"· tJD./~.3Lent by Miss Georgia O'Kecffc, courtesy at TheNationa l Callery of Art, Washingron, D. C.0.....' "TH:IT" STREL::T.193~. watercolor, 10% x 8Y~:". !JO, /3The An tnstiunc of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Alfred 1V6T EX};}.Sticgtuz Cottecricn",\FTER ALL 1933. Oil, 36 x 30", Lent byIf1·A'f 0lfMiss Georgia O'Kcetre, New York. Ill. p. 87"IAN ANV \\'0,11.-\:". 1934. watercolor. 10% x 8Vt"· 6~.S"'fLent by Durlacbcr Brothers, Xew York. JIl, p. 88Ten Studies from Provincetown Sketchbook. 193+Watercolor, each SY:,. x II'·, Lent by (Raben E.Locher, L:ll1caster, Pa. :5=~ 1.1' -r)

h58a 50.171


l,IO!'lEN ON BEACH(Dur1acher)







(Dur1acher)GROUP ON BEliCH [

(Dur1acher) If IGROUP ON BEACH l

(Dur1acher) . 1



AAI{Oi\' !::S]l

loricol Soci /158c50019t2.THE A;;.lJRE

3' D '9'3' J158d*;) ~ET\I"EEN 1




York) 11047

_Reply10 J158e 50.163l'ILUNG "Hogue (i'\e';IS',x"""" 158f 50.1611922.B,;e[ ,ep\JI58g 50.158lhe sigllil!

["'I<OO"C" 1158h 50.159G:llICJ'y, N(folder Nell'Rep,-;nte)158i 50.160

!'EGGYJlAr:~Call",Y' Ne 158j 50.165New York,lFoRE\\'OlW.l

Repril1teCONFESSIONI':lris) ]~n02:30-1 My 1929.

Replies LOa queslionnaire,ACl{oss A GRECO Js WRlTTEi\'. il (J col) Creative

Arl (J\CIl' York) 5:G29-3,1-S 1929.LIGHTHOUSES ,\NO For:. In Americo (/Ild AlfredStieglitz; :1 colleclive ponriliL, cd. by W:1ldo Frank[and olhers]. P2.1G i\'ew York, Doubleday, Doran,












