,$ --~'-'- - - '--- -- -'-- ",- A T ~ ~ - j' , ~ ... L; - ~ '1, '- ,., - "'~~" GS ~ 1"[; 1: - !:' '~ ~ ~ I" '- ~,.;: 0': .L'."" = ~ L;1 "'-' '- -I ;-. ,- " I :::E S T C. 0 -, c ~ - "" ~ ~ ~ CF!"'SP" '-' srrv,cr: O:-T'C'E Regd .Jo, r- ; :'1438 (M'jrnb2.i'i Ref: GSO/09-08/623 Date:20111August 2009 . To. A II Intergroups/ Delegates/ Trustees. Dear Sir, Sub:' Permission from Inspector General of Police - Maharashtra for putting up boards of Alcoholics Anoml11ous in all Police Stations Greetings from G.S.O. (I) The f'eIIO\\ship is tr)ing hest to create an a\\areness of Alcoholics Anon) mous and trying to reach suffering alcoholics with the help of friends of Alcoholics Anon) mous, Experience of the felkmship is Plitting up (Boards. Stickers and hanners have been most useful (in creating awareness in societ). Recentl) West Mumoai Intergroup was granted permission oy the Inspector General of Police Maharashlra to put up informative boards in Police Stations. Police Department has heen helpful 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them. We are enclosing the copy of the permission letter for your information, Since this letter is in Marathi. we are enclosingthe translation in Englishof said letter also. On the basisof that letter )Ou can approach Police Departments in your region and can get the permission for putting up hoards, We have ohservedthat the experience of lew regions has helped the entire fellowshipin augmenting its activities, This will certainly help in spreading the message of Alcoholics Anon)mulis ancl reaching still suffering alcohol ics. Yours trul), In Service. \' v0 Asliok Nikte General Manager - G.S.O. (I) Enclosed: copy of letter issued to WMIG Rn )'11,i\JO E; 2 GROI_' [I r,- J( F" M,- \1 C PhL. [[\JCl i" -I S' ~ C", L, F.:,r::Hlf~L) E,' I'LL 1-\ r If- ,--, I ' J. [" fv1EGHRAJ SETHIIV1AHC~, B'yCI.IL:.J-\ !VI,--IV t JC,I- 40(1 ()rJfI

,- A Taagsoindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/police-permission.pdf · 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them

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Page 1: ,- A Taagsoindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/police-permission.pdf · 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them

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CF!"'SP" '-' srrv,cr: O:-T'C'ERegd .Jo, r- ; :'1438 (M'jrnb2.i'i

Ref: GSO/09-08/623

Date: 20111August 2009 .

To.A II Intergroups/ Delegates/ Trustees.

Dear Sir,

Sub:' Permission from Inspector General of Police - Maharashtra forputting up boards of Alcoholics Anoml11ous in all Police Stations

Greetings from G.S.O. (I)

The f'eIIO\\ship is tr) ing hest to create an a\\areness of Alcoholics Anon) mous and trying toreach suffering alcoholics with the help of friends of Alcoholics Anon) mous, Experience of the

felkmship is Plitting up (Boards. Stickers and hanners have been most useful (in creatingawareness in societ).

Recentl) West Mumoai Intergroup was granted permission oy the Inspector General of PoliceMaharashlra to put up informative boards in Police Stations. Police Department has heen helpful10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to AlcoholicsAnonymous by them.

We are enclosing the copy of the permission letter for your information, Since this letter is inMarathi.we are enclosingthe translation in Englishof said letteralso. On the basisof that letter)Ou can approach Police Departments in your region and can get the permission for putting uphoards, We have ohservedthat the experienceof lew regionshas helpedthe entire fellowshipinaugmenting its activities,

This will certainly help in spreading the message of Alcoholics Anon)mulis ancl reaching stillsuffering alcohol ics.

Yours trul),

In Service. \'

v0Asliok Nikte

General Manager - G.S.O. (I)Enclosed: copy of letter issued to WMIG

Rn )'11,i\JOE; 2 GROI_' [I r,- J( F" M,- \1 C PhL. [[\JCl i" -I S' ~ C", L, F.:,r::Hlf~L)E,' I'LL 1-\ r If- ,--, I ' J. ["

fv1EGHRAJ SETHIIV1AHC~, B'yCI.IL:.J-\ !VI,--IVt JC,I- 40(1 ()rJfI

Page 2: ,- A Taagsoindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/police-permission.pdf · 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them

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Ref: GSO/09-08/623

Date: 20111August 2009 .

To,A II Intergroups/ D~legates/ Truste~s.

Dear Sir,

Sub:' Permission from Inspector General of Police - Maharashtra forputting up boards of Alcoholics Anonvmous in all Police Stations

Greetings from G.S.O. (I)

The fellO\\ship is tr) ing nest to create an a\\ areness of Alcoholics Anon) mous and trying toreach suffering alcoholics with the help of friends of Alcoholics Anon) mOtls. Experience of the

felkmship is Plitting up (Boards, Stickers and nanners have been most useful (in creatingawareness in society.

RecentI) West Mumbai Intergrotlp was granted permission by the Insp~ctorGeneral o,f PoliceMaharashtra to put up informative boards in Police Stations. Police Department has been helpfulto the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to AlcoholicsAnonymous by them.

We are enclosing the copy of the permission letter for your information. Since this letter is inMarathi.we are enclosingthe translation in Englishof said letteralso. On the basis of that letteryOUcan approach Police Departments in your region and can get the permission for putting upboards. We have observedthat the experienceof lew regionshas helpedthe entire fellowshipinaugmenting its activities.

This \ViII certain Iy helr in spreading the message of Aleoholics Anonymulls and reaching sti IIsuffering alcohol ics.

Yours truly,

In Service, \'

v0Asliok Nikte

General Manager- G.S.O. (I)Enclosed: copy of letter issued to WMIG

Rn J\/i i\JOE: 2 GPO!...I! [I rL J( F., rvL " C P,~.L E'NCl i'- -I~' ~'C" L, F.:,f:Hlf'h! E.. IIU/e; r d- c

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Page 3: ,- A Taagsoindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/police-permission.pdf · 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them

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Page 5: ,- A Taagsoindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/police-permission.pdf · 10 the Fellowship worldwide and good numbers of alcoholics have been referred to Alcoholics Anonymous by them

Maharashtra Rajya Police MukhyalayaShahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Colaba,

Mumbai- 400001

1th April 2009

To,The General Secretary,Alcoholics Anonymous,West Mumbai Intergroup,Post Box No. 18710M.K.K. Bhavan, Gundavali. Azad Road,Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400057

IRef: Your letter dated 24/01/2009

Sub: Permission for putting up boards regarding alcoholism


In view of above mentioned letter and subject, you have been granted the permission to putinformative boards for awareness of alcoholism (2' X 21/2' ) in Police stations or near noticeboards in Police Stations. However, please note that this will not be on permanent basis.

Sd/Mohan Bhankar

Asst. Inspector General (Rehab)For Inspector General

This is translation of Marathi Letter