WORSHIP SERVICE - SUNDAY 10:30 A.M. Interim Pastors: Rev. David McChesney 13 Northeast 36th Ave Contributors: Members of FKPC Rev. Marianne Niesen Ocala, FL 34470 Proofreaders: Susan Jensen, Marianne Fullarton Music Director: Execuve Assistant: Rick Roberts Sheri Colle Office: (352) 694-4121 [email protected] Phyllis Altonn and Pat Merrill Nursery Aendant: Tammy Kesslar www.kingchurch.org Assemblers: January 2019 NEWS FROM PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN If you are a woman and a member of Fort King Presbyterian Church, you are a "Presbyterian Woman" and you are invited to parcipate in all the acvies of Presbyterian Women. You are cordially invited to aend one of our Circle meengs. Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month in the evening at a member's home. The next meeng for Esther Circle will be January 14, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the home of Judy Bowman. The Deborah Circle meets at the church, in the Session Room, on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am. The next meeng is January 15, 2018. New members are always welcome to either circle. ****** WOMEN’S RETREAT 2019 Come join the fun! Mission in Moon—God Speaks. Things Happen! Women’s Retreat—Camp Geneva—Fruitland Park—February 1-3 Facilitator: Rev. Carol DiGiusto 2 year old Cabins—Parking right at cabins. Bring your own bedding. (pictures can be provided) 4 to a cabin (all in lower beds) storage above—5 meals $135.00 per person 2 to a cabin (all in lower beds) storage above—5 meals $160.00 per person Deposit $50.00—payments may be made or full payment—Please give to Heidi Lawson or Bernice Henry. Fort King Presbyterian Church has a website. Its URL is: www.ftkingchurch.org . Peter Messmore w o rked to create and design the website. It has ample pictures of our smiling congregants, graphics, provisions for our pastor to record a sound message and videos. Please go to the web address and examine the site. If you would like to have your picture included in our new website, contact Peter Messmore at [email protected] . People with a smartphone can scan this image to access the church website Birthday Dear Ft. King family, I would like to thank everyone for the best birthday ever. I have never received so many cards, well wishes and gis. I am overwhelmed with your kindness and generosity. Thanks again, Sheri Colle

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Interim Pastors: Rev. David McChesney 13 Northeast 36th Ave Contributors: Members of FKPC

Rev. Marianne Niesen Ocala, FL 34470 Proofreaders: Susan Jensen, Marianne Fullarton

Music Director:

Execu3ve Assistant:

Rick Roberts

Sheri Colle5

Office: (352) 694-4121 FKPC@=kingchurch.org

Phyllis Altonn and Pat Merrill

Nursery A5endant: Tammy Kesslar www.=kingchurch.org


January 2019


If you are a woman and a member of Fort

King Presbyterian Church, you are a

"Presbyterian Woman" and you are invited to

par�cipate in all the ac�vi�es of Presbyterian

Women. You are cordially invited to a"end one of our

Circle mee�ngs. Esther Circle meets on the

second Monday of each month in the evening

at a member's home. The next mee�ng for

Esther Circle will be January 14, 2018 at 6:30

pm at the home of Judy Bowman.

The Deborah Circle meets at the church, in

the Session Room, on the third Tuesday of

each month at 10:00 am. The next mee�ng is

January 15, 2018. New members are always welcome to either




Come join the fun! Mission in Mo�on—God

Speaks. Things Happen!

Women’s Retreat—Camp Geneva—Fruitland

Park—February 1-3

Facilitator: Rev. Carol DiGiusto

2 year old Cabins—Parking right at cabins. Bring

your own bedding. (pictures can be provided) 4 to a

cabin (all in lower beds) storage above—5 meals

$135.00 per person

2 to a cabin (all in lower beds) storage above—5

meals $160.00 per person

Deposit $50.00—payments may be made or full

payment—Please give to Heidi Lawson or Bernice


Fort King Presbyterian Church has a website. Its URL is:

www.ftkingchurch.org. Peter Messmore worked to

create and design the website. It has ample pictures of

our smiling congregants, graphics, provisions for our

pastor to record a sound message and videos. Please go

to the web address and examine the site. If you would like to have your picture included in our new

website, contact Peter Messmore at

[email protected].

People with a smartphone can scan this image to access the church website


Dear Ft. King family,

I would like to thank everyone for the best

birthday ever. I have never received so

many cards, well wishes and giEs. I am

overwhelmed with your kindness and

generosity. Thanks again,

Sheri Colle"

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inininin JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary

PNC Ministry will provide ushers in January.

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 01 - Rhea Forman 18 - Joanne Ohlman

02 - Donna Maloney 18 - Bob Henry

02 - Bob Schlegel 19 - Beverly Scott

07 - Caroline Sperring 19 - Marianne Fullarton

07 - Jerry Merrill 20 - Jackson Merriam

08 - Sherry Pritchett 20 - Kelly Bush

12 - Debbie Pangrass 21 - Jane Muckenfuss

16 - Louise Olivarez 26 - Martie McLean

17 - Sally Layendecker 27 - Gary Powell

29 - Nancy Copeland


A big thank you from H.O.P.E. Ministry to all of you who were involved in making our first Advent

Market a success. We have raised over $2500.00 to help with the renova�ons to the H.O.P.E.

House. A really big thank you to the Mission and Fellowship Ministries for all their support and

hard work and to all the ar�sans who shared their talents and donated their products. This goes a

long way in trying to reach our goal of developing outreach programs for our local

community. As Church members your a"endance and purchases were beyond our expecta�ons.

Thanks everyone for all your support.

Chris Berryhill

Art 4 All will meet Jan. 20th 2019

Please note new �me for the winter months (2-5 pm) in Fellowship Hall


The staff of Fort King Presbyterian Church extends our sincere thanks for the monetary gifts given to us at Christmas. Your kindness, generosity, support and encouragement are always appreciated. God bless you all.

Pastor Marianne, Pastor David, Sheri, Rick, and Tammy

Nell Clegorne, Jo Ann Parramore and Chris Berryhill decorating for Christmas dinner and play.

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Mission Opportunities Interfaith Meals: Please make it one of your New Year’s resolutions to sign up for a one month slot for preparing a meal. The dates are listed on the bulletin board across from the church office. The Ministries have filled some of the slots but it is such a good opportunity to work with your family or another family or even a group of folks you do not know very well. What a rewarding way of serv-ing others in the name of Christ and getting to know more members of our con-gregation!! Habitat for Humanity: Watch for involvement during 2019. Information and dates will follow. Blood Drive: Mark your calendars for April 7th as our next blood drive. Food4Kids: Please continue to bring your chocolate and vanilla pudding cups on a regular basis. Remember, we are the Pudding Church. Nell Clegorne will help you shop for larger sizes if you can contribute $8 for a case from Sam’s. Box Tops for Education: We have a jar in the Narthex to collect these items for Ward-Highlands Elementary School. To find a list of the products that support this fundraiser, see boxtops4education.com Baskets in the Narthex: The white basket is for Domestic Violence and the brown basket is for Interfaith Emergency Services. Both entities are in constant need of non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, diapers and toiletries, as often as you can help.


Welcome to Fort King

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Finance/Admin Ministry

Treasurer’s report for Jan. 2018 thru November 2018:

Income = $207,141.23

Expenses = $197,817.32

Income = +$9,323.91

We are s�ll accep�ng pledge cards for 2019. As of this �me we are slightly behind our 2019 goal.

We will accept pledge cards at any �me during the year. Also, feel free to increase or decrease your

pledge at any �me during the year.

THANK YOU to all who have pledged for 2019 and thank you to everyone for all you do for Fort King

Presbyterian Church! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!


TAI CHI QI GONG Make a New Year’s Resolu3on for your health. Join us for Tai

Chi and Qi Gong. The movements are simple, and you can

follow along, either standing or in a chair. Tai Chi is therapeu3c

for body, mind and spirit. And it is free!

We hope to see you Thursday, January 3, and each Thursday

a=ernoon therea=er at 3 pm in Fellowship Hall.

Donna Lavery and Mary Beth Neely


The vision is that the house and the surrounding space can be used for a range of current and future FKPC

missions and needs, including but not limited to:

Bible study, Tai Chi, Tutoring, Health educa�on classes, Intergenera�onal technology classes, Counseling,

Paren�ng programs, Cub Scouts, Musical opportuni�es, Art 4 All (po"ery, pain�ng, needlework, and more),

Community garden on adjacent lawn, Book clubs, Job training and life skills …and more!

The Fellowship Ministry is sponsoring a trip to Homosassa Springs to see the manatees on

January 19, 2019. Brian will drive the bus for us and we will leave the church at 9:00 a.m. If

we can get at least 10 people to go the cost will be $8.58 per person. If we have less than 10

the cost will be $13.50. If you have a Florida State Park Pass, it is free for 2 persons. Please

join us for this trip, a sign up sheet will be in the narthex star�ng in December. The deadline

for signing up will be January 6, 2019. There are snack places there or you may bring a lunch.


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Crossroads II Classes

January 6-February 3, 2019

You are invited to join us for interesting, provocative, and informative discussion each Sunday, in January. Come at 9 am for coffee, and class begins at 9:15. During January we will be

discussing some of the chapters of Days of Awe and Wonder by Marcus Borg. There are copies of the book available at the Church. If you would like to purchase one, they are $10.39.

This is the schedule for January – with more details to come.

January 6 – Discussion of a chapter from Days of Awe and Wonder by Marcus Borg: Chapter 16 “Listening for the Voice of God” – Susan Jensen

January 13 – Conversation with The Rev Jo Anne Dyson

January 20 – Discussion of a chapter from Days of Awe and Wonder – Susan Peters January 27 – Discussion of a chapter from Days of Awe and Wonder – Mary Beth Neely

February 3 – Discussion of a chapter from Days of Awe and Wonder -- Ray Ruark


Thank You Adult Class!

The Sunday School would like to thank the adult class members for providing the fruit that was needed to construct twelve fruit baskets for our shut-ins and for those who are going through difficult times. The extra fruit was given to interfaith. We would also like to thank those members of the congregation who went caroling and delivered our fruit baskets . A big "THANK YOU" to all who participated in this event!

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Jo Anne is coming to us from Colorado, but she has lived and served God in a number of other places, especially in the Southeastern part of the United States. She even spent a year – early on—as a youth minister at South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church. Her mother, Ann, will live with her for part of each year; and her daughter, Glenna, will be here on her college vacations. Jo Anne tells us that she has a cat and two frogs. They, too, will make the trip to Ocala.

Jo Anne is full of energy and is anxious to begin her ministry among us. She says, ”I believe in a God who is loving, merciful, and best seen in Jesus Christ. . . . Through the Spirit, we are called to interact with God’s good world, healing the wounds of poverty, homelessness, prejudice, hatred, war and cruelty . . . “ We look forward to welcoming her on January 8, and beginning our ministry together.

Introducing The Rev. Jo Anne Dyson The PNC is delighted to present Rev. Dyson. She has accepted the call to be Pastor of Fort King Presbyterian Church. We believe that she is the right person to lead us forward as we seek to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly in the world.

Jo Anne: earned her BA at King College in Tennessee and her MDiv at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. has experience as a Solo Pastor, an Associate Pastor, a hospice chaplain, and a college instructor. is the mother of a college aged daughter, Glenna. loves scrapbooking and photography.

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Church Flowers 2019

If you are considering providing flowers (or a plant) some�me for a worship service, but would like to know more

about the process, I hope the following informa�on will be helpful to you:

The flowers or plant do not need to be purchased from or delivered by a florist. They do not need to be costly;

the source and cost are completely your choice.

If you bring them from your yard or buy them from Walmart, Aldi, Publix, etc., they just need to be in a vase,

basket, pot, or container of your choice ready to display. There are loaner vases available to use.

There is no minimum or maximum size requirement for the flower arrangement.

The flowers are yours to take aEer the Sunday service.

I will be glad to answer any ques�ons you might have, help with wording for the worship bulle�n, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: Please sign up on the Church Bulle�n Board OR call Judith Bullen at 352–351-0870. Thank you.

Thank you to these people as they share in dona�ng the flowers for the following worship services:

January 6, 2019 --- OPEN

January 13, 2018 --- Flowers provided by Sherry Pritche"

January 20, 2018 --- OPEN

January 27, 2018 --- In Memory of Jim Copeland, from Nancy Copeland

February 3, 2018 --- Judith Bullen for Lena Lewin

February 10, 2018 --- OPEN

February 17, 2019 --- OPEN

February 24, 2019 --- In Loving Memory of Nan Andrews on her Birthday, From her family.

March 3, 2019

March 10, 2019

March 17, 2019

March 24, 2019

March 31, 2019

There will be a sign-up sheet for Sunday Worship flowers on the Church Bulle3n board or you

can call Judith Bullen at 352-351-0870. Thank you!

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The story of the Magi in Ma"hew 2 is the part of the Christmas tale that brings the glitz

and the gli"er to Christmas. (It is also the part that inadvertently brings the tragedy too, but

that pondering is for later). Supposedly, a group of educated folks from the Persia area who

were part astrologers and part astronomers see a conflagra�on of planets in the sky which

produced a light brighter than normal and the alignment of planets indica�ng a great world

leader had been or would be born. These wise ones decided to check it out and pay respects.

So the journey begins. Liturgically, we celebrate their arrival on January 6, known as


January 6 will likely see me somewhere on the road between Denver and Ocala heading

eastward following my own personal star to Ft King. I make it by car, not camel. My traveling

companion will be the non-human sort - a cat named Rose who would have preferred me to

stay put in my Colorado condo that she has just begun to claim as her own. In her mind, who

needs the light of a star when you have the warmth of a fireplace? Even fresh seafood of

Florida doesn’t compensate for the inconvenience of being uprooted. Even if English was her

language, how do you explain to her the importance of journeys? They are seldom easy, but

they beckon us out to a road that is filled with new events, new people and life changing

events. We are never the same for making them.

The magi story ends with the words “They went home by another way.” It was a necessary

rerou�ng because their preconcep�on that a new world leader would naturally be found in

the place of power: the court of one King Herod, created chaos in this otherwise magical tale.

That assump�on incited the scarcely disguised jealousy and fear in the reigning monarch of

the �ny area of Judea. It meant, for a �me, their eye was not on the star in the sky but the

glint in the eye of a threatened ruler. The magi were wise enough to read the body language

and heed the warning of their later night dreams. The wise ones learned something

important: people who change world history don’t always come with the expected DNA, with

the mantel of power serving as their baby blanket. Some�mes they are found among the

nameless poor, the soon to be refugees fleeing for their lives from the country of their birth

to another land.

I don’t know what my January journey to Florida will mean for you or for me, I only know

that I am excited to be making it. We will both be changed. I look forward to mee�ng all of

you soon and con�nuing a journey together.

Reverend Jo Anne Dyson

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At its December17, 2018 stated mee�ng, the Session approved/heard from:

The Session unanimously voted a round of thanks and grateful praise for the Co-Pastorship of

the Reverends McChesney and Niesen during this transi3onal period.

RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS: The Session heard from Nancy Hayden, Richard Hayden, and Faye

Siler, each of whom recited their church histories and faith journeys. The Session

unanimously and overwhelmingly voted to accept them as church members and set their

formal recep�on during the worship service on December 23rd. Each will be received by

reaffirma�on of faith.

TRANSFER OUT OF MEMBERS: The Session voted to remove Brycelyn, Liesha and Trent

Herron from the rolls, the family having moved south some 3me ago.

PNC REPORT: Rev. Jo Anne Dyson will be at the service on January 13, 2019 and preach on

Sunday January 20, 2019. She will be at FKPC on January 8th

.The church will pay for her

moving expenses from Colorado which will be around $10,000 and she will be at the Session

mee�ng on January 15, 2019.

A welcoming recep�on for Rev. Dyson and a church thank you for the Reverends McChesney

and Niesen will be held aEer worship on January 20, 2019.

DISCUSSION OF ANNUAL MEETING FOR JANUARY 27, 2019: The Session discussed various

requirements for the mee�ng, including having one of the corporate officers chair the

corporate por�on of the mee�ng.

The terms of call for Rev. Dyson having been approved at the congrega�onal mee�ng on December

2, 2018 obviates the need for this item to be on the agenda for the January 27th

Annual Mee�ng.

The Session also asked that the first order of business at that Annual Mee�ng be to establish 10% of

the ac�ve membership of this church as the minimum number for a quorum at a congrega�onal


• FINANCE/TREASURER: Year-to -date shows income at $207,141. and expenses at $197,817.

with a posi�ve variance of $9,324. The Finance Ministry is encouraged by how the 2018/2019

budgets are looking.


Session voted to receive the Finance Ministry/Treasurer’s Report.

•SCOUTING: The Scoutmaster of Troop 196 resigned. A new one is being sought.

The Cubmaster of Pack 440, John Gilkes was able to obtain the dona�on of a new garage door for the

Youth House at no cost to the church.


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Ukulele News!

BECAUSE Chris Berryhill donated a ukulele basket from Parramore Music for the Advent Fair silent auction…

And because Pam Lewin was the highest bidder after a fierce competition with Joanne Ohlman…

And because Joanne threw a public pouty party over losing the basket…

Judy Harriss felt so sorry for Joanne that she ran home and returned with an old ukulele as Joanne’s consolation prize. What a

beautiful gesture! It had belonged to one of Everett’s relatives, and was stashed away in a closet.

But wait….There’s more! BECAUSE Chris Berryhill was present to see Judy’s ukulele…

Chris noticed that it was a Martin uke. As in, one of the world’s best. Chris is still researching an expert appraisal…but online

research suggests that it is almost 100 years old, in perfect condition, and a VERY valuable instrument.

Thank you, Judy, for your thoughtfulness and generosity! Needless to say, this is a family heirloom that will stay with Judy or her

descendants. And Parramore Music will undoubtedly be selling another ukulele soon, to SOMEONE in the Ohlman family….

Such a happy story!! Thanks to everyone involved D


2018 Christmas with Aileen Zimmerman 2018 Christmas with Bob Rile

Smiling Sherry serves

Children's corner with Pastor Marianne

FKPC Christmas Caroling

It was a special night of singing. We made quite a few stops with baskets of fruit and great singing. Everyone enjoyed the evening. I must say Michael Minicozzi enjoyed the music the most, we had him singing and dancing. It was so much fun.

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Italicized events are non-FKPC activities using FKPC buildings


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Italicized events are non-FKPC activities using FKPC buildings


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Italicized events are non-FKPC activities using FKPC buildings



Italicized events are non-FKPC activities using FKPC buildings


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Boy Scout Fundraiser

Fort King’s Boy Scout Troop #196 is selling meat s�cks as a fundraiser for their various scou�ng ac�vi�es.

The meat s�cks are made at Country Meats, an Ocala-based, FDA cer�fied facility and sell for $1.00

each. If interested, please contact Bob Barton at 425-8500. See a sample on the church bulle�n board.


13 Northeast 36th Avenue

Ocala, Florida 34470
