An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

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Page 1: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 2: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

An engineer is someone who:◦Makes systems work◦Uses science, math, and technology to

solve real-life problems in a systemic way

◦Creates plans for a system, design, or solution to a problem

◦Builds models and prototypes

Page 3: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

◦ Aerospace◦ Agricultural◦ Biomedical◦ Ceramic◦ Biological◦ Chemical◦ Civil◦ Computer◦ Electrical

◦ Environmental ◦ Fire Protection◦ Geological◦ Marine◦ Mechanical◦ Mining◦ Nuclear◦ Plumbing◦ Petroleum◦ Structural

There are many other areas in engineering.

Page 4: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 5: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Average $80,000, most common $75,000 Starting with Bachelors in Engineering

$50,000 A lot of potential for growth through

ownership and partnership opportunities $250,000 and up, up, up

Page 6: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Own firms Major engineering and architecture companies Government (federal, state, and local) Universities and colleges Manufacturers Building companies Armed services Organizations Labs and testing centers Worldwide, as consultants

Page 7: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Engineers in the office, field and lab

Page 8: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 9: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

2500 B.C.2500 B.C.

•Egyptians place bathrooms in the pyramids for the dead•Copper pipes used for Egyptian irrigation•Pipes used for Egyptian drainage sewers

2400 B.C. to 200 A.D.2400 B.C. to 200 A.D.Ancient Babylonia Between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers - hydraulic engineering evolvesNetwork of brick structures similar to modern-day manhole to handle drainageRoman aqueducts built to supply water to Rome

1818thth century and 19 century and 19thth century century Europe starts to install public sewer systemsEarly facts:1455 – first recorded use of iron pipe, Germany1562 – cast iron pipe, Germany1664 – first full scale cast Iron soil pipe project. France, King Louis XIV orders a 15-mile water line to feed a palace fountain. 1738 – Cast Iron Soil Pipe introduced to England1775 – Water closet used in England

American codesAmerican codes.Regulations generally follow catastrophes1870 – Wash. D.C. first plumbing code separate from health code1913 – most U.S. cities have codes1921 – U.S. Dept of Commerce begins the building code1930 – Temperature and pressure relief valve required.

Page 10: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Plumbing engineers work on designing systems that move liquids, solids, and gases through pipes to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the public along with in compliance with all applicable codes.

These systems are used in office buildings, industry, institutions, hotels, schools, airports, apartment/condo buildings, hospitals, prisons, petroleum plants, manufacturing plants, etc.

Today’s Plumbing Engineer:

Page 11: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Water systems (drinkable, gray, black) Fire/sprinkler systems Heating systems (solar, geothermal, hot

water) Storm Drainage Systems Gas systems (propane, natural gas, air) Industrial systems Sanitary Drainage and Vent Systems Pumping control systems

Page 12: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 13: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 14: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 15: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 16: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Fluid science - the “Manning formula” Open Channel flow

V = 1.486 / n R2/3 S1/2  V: velocity, feet/secondn: coefficient of roughnessR: hydraulic radiusS: hydraulic slope

Quantity Rate of Flow

Q = AVS  V: velocity, feet/secondA: cross-sectional area of flow, sq. ft.Q: quatity rate of flow, cu. ft./second, (cfs)S: hydraulic slope

Hydraulic Radius

R = area of flow wetted perimeter 

Stack capacities

q = 27.8 r5/3 d8/3 q: capacityr:rationof cross-sectional area of the sheet of water to cross-sectional area of the stackd: diameter of the stack

Page 17: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Building Sewer


Septic Tank

Distribution Box

Distribution Field

Solution for black water drainage flow

V = 1.486 / n R2/3 S1/2  V: velocity, feet/secondn: coefficient of roughnessR: hydraulic radiusS: hydraulic slope

Page 18: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 19: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 20: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 21: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 22: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 23: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 24: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans





Surface Area = 75 feet x 47 feet = 3,525 square Surface Area = 75 feet x 47 feet = 3,525 square feetfeet

Page 25: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans





Page 26: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans





Swimming Volume = 60 feet x 47 feet x ([4 feet + 12 feet])/2) x 7.48 gal./cubic feet= 168,749 gallons

Diving Volume = 15 feet x 47 feet x 12 feet x 7.48 gal./cubic feet = 63,281 gallons

Swimming Volume = L x W x Avg. Depth x 7.48 gal./cubic feet

Total Water Volume = 232,030 gallonsTotal Water Volume = 232,030 gallons

Page 27: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 28: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 29: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 30: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

◦Water reduction/conservation products and design

◦Water efficient products and design◦Solar and geothermal heating◦Water reuse◦Low energy usage products and design

Page 31: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Low flow fixtures Rainwater catchment systems Solar water heaters Tankless water heaters Hot Water Recirculation Dual flow flush valves Solar Powered Faucets Bathroom Greywater Recycling System ENERGY STAR rated products WaterSense rated products

Page 32: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Waterless urinals

Page 33: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

For a successful design: Determine how much water is needed

Determine the roof area available Determine if harvesting system is adequate

Page 34: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Roof area for rain Roof area for rain harvesting must be harvesting must be

calculated calculated

Page 35: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 36: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Used with permission by

Page 37: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

A urinal is used three times more often than a toilet.

A urinal uses on average 1.2 gallons per flush.

Moist surfaces attract bacteria, dry surfaces improve hygiene.

Water usage rates have risen faster than electrical usage rates over the past decade.

Page 38: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 39: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY/ Community college

construction, engineering, architecture firms, government agencies

How Do You Become a How Do You Become a Plumbing Engineer or Plumbing Engineer or

Designer ?Designer ?

Starting from High School

General engineering degree then specialized in fluid mechanics

Life after College…Engineer-in-Training (EIT)First jobState registration (license) Continuing education

Page 40: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Communication skills (verbal & written) Teamwork skills (ability to work well with others)

Interpersonal skills (ability to relate well to others)

Strong work ethic Motivation/initiative

Page 41: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans

Flexibility/adaptability Analytical skills Computer skills Organizational skills Detail oriented Leadership skills Self-confidence

Page 42: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans
Page 43: An engineer is someone who: ◦ Makes systems work ◦ Uses science, math, and technology to solve real-life problems in a systemic way ◦ Creates plans