* Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

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Page 1: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton



Page 2: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

Athlete's foot

* Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis.

* It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton.

Page 3: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


*caused by fungi that grow in warm, moist, and dark environments.this conditions may make the fungus which normally live in the foot skin overgrowth and cause the infection.

Page 4: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

Athlete's foot causes flaking, and itching of the affected skin. Tinea pedis most affect between the toes especially between the fourth and fifth toes.

Page 5: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


Candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus called candida (Candida albicans). It can infect the mouth, vagina, skin, stomach, and urinary tract. About 75% of women will get a vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime, and 90% of all people with HIV/AIDS develop candida infections. also people those

with a weakened immune system.

Page 6: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


Normal amounts of candida live in the mouth, stomach, and vagina, and do not cause infections. Candidiasis occurs when there is an overgrowth of candida. Causes may include taking certain drugs (especially antibiotics) pregnancy, being overweight, having a bacterial infection, or several different health conditions (for example, a weakened immune

system .

Page 7: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

*Candidal infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas, such as underarms Usually your skin effectively blocks yeast, but any breakdown or cuts in the skin may allow this organism to make infiction.

Page 8: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

Typical affected areas in babies include the mouth and diaper areas.

Page 9: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

Adults also can have yeast infections around dentures, under the breast and vagina.

Page 10: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


--Diagnosis of a yeast infection is done either by microscopic examination or culturing.

-*For identification by light microscopy, a swab of the affected area

Page 11: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


*For the culturing method, a sterile swab is rubbed on the infected skin surface. The swab is then streaked on a culture medium. The culture is incubated at 37 °C

Page 12: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


Cryptococcosis, or cryptococcal disease, is a potentially fatal fungal disease. It is caused by one of two species; Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii.This fungus is found in soil around the world.

Page 13: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


Cryptococcal meningitis most often affects people with a weakened immune system. Risk factors include:


- (Lymphoma (is a cancer of lymph tissue

Page 14: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton

) السحايا) Cryptococcal meningitis *التهاب( infection of the tissue covering the brain)

Page 15: * Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis. * It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton


*Symptoms include fever, chest pain, dry cough, headache.

* Detection of cryptococcal antigen by culture of sputum and urine provides ,also Blood cultures may be positive in heavy infections.