S Law Bachelor’s Occupations Cem ARITEMIZ

Cem ARITEMIZ. What is the role of a law school graduate?

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Law Bachelor’s Occupations Cem ARITEMIZ

What is the role of a law school graduate?

Proficiency: YeterlilikAttorney’s Act :Avukatlık KanunuLegal Barrier: Yasal Engel:Ranked Job:Statülü işBachelor: Fakülte mezunuDoctorate: DoktoraAttorneyship: Avukatlıkİnspectors: MüfettişCandidate: AdayJudicature: HakimlikAcceptance: KabulInternship: StajLucrative:Kazançlı


1 - Lawyer

Lawyer: Lawyer is the first thing flashes in your mind when some one talks about faculty of law. There is no need for proficiency to be accepted for this job actually, to be accepted for being lawyer, you only need to carry these features which is stated at attorney’s act, 3rd clause.

They are:• To be a citizen of

Turkish Republic• To be graduated from

a faculty of law• To complete the law

internship and have the certificate of completing law internship.

• To have no legal barrier to be a lawyer.(In terms of attorney’s acts)

The one which carries these features have a right to be a lawyer. The report of Union of Turkish Bar Associations, there are currently 74000 lawyers.

For a person who graduated from Faculty of Law, have lots of options like, to be a self-employed lawyer, articled clerk, for a company or public institute or chamberlain.

Cem ARITEMIZ with Lawyer Aziz KARACA

2- Academics

Academist: Academic career, is a high ranked job for a bachelor of law. For academic career, after undergraduate study, master and doctorate should be studied and a foreign language is needed. They also need to pass the university’s written and oral exams. Since the number of faculty of law increases, our country needs law academicians.

3 - Notary

Notary: It’s a job for only faculty of law bachelors, it’s stated in 1512nd notary law. To be a noter, the 7th law of notary should be carried.

The internship is for one year, after completing the internship, the the one who carries right features deserves a certificate. And notaries are bound to Union of Notaries.

form of proxy

4 – Bailiff (İcra Müdürü)

Bailiff: The ministry of Justice prefers bailiff and co-bailiff from faculty of law bachelors.the one who carries 657th civil servant law’s features, after taking the exams of OSYM can be appointed as bailiff or co-bailiffs.

OSYM makes the exam, but it’s announcement and method determined by the ministry. For 2012, 300 bailiffs, and co-bailiffs are foresighted to be appointed.

5- Judge(Hakim)

Judicature : Judicature and prosecution are the most preferred jobs after attorneyship.

The 2802th law of judges and prosecution says that, everyone carries the proper features, the ones graduated from faculty of law, in case of passing the written and oral exam, and completing the exams which is held after the internship, will be accepted to the job.

The ministry of justice accepts new judges every year by making exams. In Turkey, in 2011, re-here are 7604 judges.

Şarkışla Prosecutor Hasan DOĞAN and Şarkışla of judges of Mustafa KARGACI

6- Governor(Vali)

The governor leads the city in every cases, from the military to substructure.

They can appoint officers in the places they believe it’s necessary, or they can the workplace of current officers.

They can use their wardship affect on the management system of the city..

Governor Of Gaziantep Erdal ATA

7- Expert and İnspector in Ministery (Bakanlıklarda Uzman,Müfettiş)

For the law bachelors, there are lots of job opportunities except those I’ve already mentioned about.

In different ministries and with many inspectors, bachelors can find jobs. To work in these area, candidate should pass the KPSS.

8 –District Governor (Kaymakamlık)

Prefecture : For this job, political sciences, economics and administrative sciences’ and faculty of law bachelors are employed. For this, candidate should pass the A group of KPSS

9. Consultancy in Banks and Financial institution and

Solicitorship ( Banka ve Finans Kuruluşlarında Danışmanlık, Hukuk

Müşavirliği )

Banks and financial institution, employs law consultant and solicitor. To work in these areas, carrying the features and passing the exams which institution announced is needed.

10 - Public prosecutor(Cumhuriyet Savcısı)

Prosecution: Prosecution is the 3rd most preferred job after attorneyship and judicature. It’s acceptance is the same with judicature’s. They also need to past oral and written exam and they need to be successful the internship test too.

In turkey, there are 4.443 prosecutions in 2011

Sarkisla Prosecutor Hasan DOGAN and Sarkisla of Judges of Mustafa KARGACI

11 - Bank manager

Distributes the work and makes employees work properly

They analyse the branch problems and make a solution

Provides employees education and training.

Generally they are busy with other orders from head departments.

Bank Manager Of YapıKrediBank with Cem ARITEMIZ

12 - Everything

Everything: The law bachelor does every job. For a law bachelors, jobs are not limited with those I’ve mentioned. The bachelor with the wide law formation can work in public or private sector. There are lots of major, undersecretary and deputy are law bachelors.

Quiz time

1-What is the third most preferred occupation that law bachelors’ apply?

A) LawyerB)NotaryC)JudgeD)Public Prosecutor


2-To be a district governor, which of these exams should be taken in KPSS?



3 - Who is the exact governor of a city?






4 - Which of these is the second most preferred occupation for law bachelors?A)Lawyer B)Judge C) Notary



Public Prosecutor Hasan DOGAN of Sarkisla

say that ;Law and justice are symbol of equality.When you become the person who can judge the people, to be fair should be your first principle…

Hukuk ve adalet eşitliğin sembolüdür. İnsanları yargılayacak konuma geldiğiniz takdirde adil olmayı ilke edinmek en birinici göreviniz olmalıdır….

Atatürk, at the İstanbul University of Law Faculty (15 December1930)