llo 7Itt5t20 t 8-plisIl +l I i qi {I{dI{ / (]ovcr.nntcnt ol.lnciia a,TfS+,ritayflefrrftvill / l)cpartment o1. personne I & ?{iq;..iflr{ ,4jJ4 q}'1, / r)..Lr: ,. rs / l'llDIt(: l.r)lcrl)flses Selcction 'I'raining IJoard aqT.{ffic-in 14. I-llock No. 14, C.Ci.O. nt'R,"'{tu f"i+rf'+niz l)atecl: Su bje ct: Sclecriorr CPSii. fbr the posr ot' f-lrrccior ti:i",iir.* C".t i" Shipyard I 'l'hc Ptrblic I':nterpl'iscs Sclectior-r Boarcl (PlrsR) is secking qualilierj candidates I)t'cctorll:ina'ce). Cochin Ship;,ard I-,i'rircrl (CSL), a schecfi.rle .,iit tl.;t ir, ilr;";. "i bcing Rs' 65000-75000/-. A copy o1'tltc.job description ibr.thc pgst is enc6scd. +' lt ls rilqllested that nantcs of a.Jl-candidales seniority wisc for the saici post a applications. in the prescr.ibecl f.l.rnot, ,luf l, ".ii1i.i ,r* O,un,, be 6rwarcjed so as ro rear Ll,qq lior's on 4tr'.Februap,-2Q12 nii itplttir:;r;;o,;;;/,;ii ;;,;'i,';;r)r-'r,,,u to be aa Kintbtrrtrtg Kip,qt:n, '9ect'r:lctr.',t (PI:.sll), lloont No :23, pttblit'littter1n.i.ye.s,Bh,tt,ctn, I]loc ( otnple"r' /'odhi llortcl, Nev' Delhi. It is also rcclr.rcstc<i that ad'zrLrr:e aclion 'ray bc take. t. 1o. last i01'g2''t o1'1Ltc cat.rriiciates rcady:rlon;1 witli thcir latcst 'igila'cc profile [(i) pc'alty dr-rring thc last l0 years (ii) details o1'disciplinary aclion iniriated/bcing initiaterJ if'any. etc.l in: olu ri'ltctt thc :;eiection ttteelitrg is sc:ht:clulcd. It is li,rrthcr rcquc:sted thzrt the vacancl, * l n]Mllt "pioadcd-ott titc *'ebsitc o1'tnr: YLliltLyrl?cparrrerr ti,r;;i,r.iiri,hri.i;.t ':--::::i ': -i l1'thc reici'ant clctails are rlot rcccived rvithin thc stiprrlatccl tinrc, it will be assr:rnecl tl applications rt:ccived to be spotrsorcd lirr the post. I"urtrtr:r, tho.te r:urtdirlotes wlro have usainsl the I'llsB's vQcQttcy circulor da/ecl I2.0g.20lB.for the po.st, neetl ttot appllt ngai, Iincl.: As abovc I)r:pLrty Seclctar.l, 11y \,1 i nistry o 1- Shipping, lShri Ciopal Krishna. Secr.crary). l'ransporr Ilhaw,an^ Sansad Marg. New I)clhi a'*//'< t, Ia,[)t / aq. "ft{]'1l Corn ex. l-odhi Roa Ne I)elhi -- I 1000 2Jtt' :ernber. 20If (crsl.), a schedr,ric 'lJ ftrr thc post r: o1'thc it<t: )' ng with thc h the PESII tr t't:.s.s'r:d /0 t\l No. ll. ('(it eep thc A(ill tposcd. il'an be frrlnislrc tire post nta at llrcre arc rr 'rearl.1, opplie (''(),,t tl | )r r' ..-: \ - -'{,.11 \, i')t (C) A .lacoi iovt. o1'lnrl e l. 14 i6lt),]

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llo 7Itt5t20 t 8-plisIl+l I i qi {I{dI{ / (]ovcr.nntcnt ol.lnciia

a,TfS+,ritayflefrrftvill / l)cpartment o1. personne I &?{iq;..iflr{ ,4jJ4 q}'1, / r)..Lr: ,.rs / l'llDIt(: l.r)lcrl)flses Selcction



aqT.{ffic-in 14.I-llock No. 14, C.Ci.O.


f"i+rf'+niz l)atecl:

Su bje ct: SclecriorrCPSii.

fbr the posr ot' f-lrrccior ti:i",iir.* C".t i" Shipyard I

'l'hc Ptrblic I':nterpl'iscs Sclectior-r Boarcl (PlrsR) is secking qualilierj candidatesI)t'cctorll:ina'ce). Cochin Ship;,ard I-,i'rircrl (CSL), a schecfi.rle .,iit

tl.;t ir, ilr;";. "ibcing Rs' 65000-75000/-. A copy o1'tltc.job description ibr.thc pgst is enc6scd.+' lt ls rilqllested that nantcs of a.Jl-candidales seniority wisc for the saici post aapplications. in the prescr.ibecl f.l.rnot, ,luf l, ".ii1i.i ,r* O,un,, be 6rwarcjed so as ro rearLl,qq lior's on 4tr'.Februap,-2Q12 nii itplttir:;r;;o,;;;/,;ii ;;,;'i,';;r)r-'r,,,u to be aaKintbtrrtrtg Kip,qt:n, '9ect'r:lctr.',t (PI:.sll), lloont No :23, pttblit'littter1n.i.ye.s,Bh,tt,ctn,

I]loc( otnple"r' /'odhi llortcl, Nev' Delhi. It is also rcclr.rcstc<i that ad'zrLrr:e aclion 'ray bc take. t.1o. last i01'g2''t o1'1Ltc cat.rriiciates rcady:rlon;1 witli thcir latcst

'igila'cc profile [(i) pc'altydr-rring thc last l0 years (ii) details o1'disciplinary aclion iniriated/bcing initiaterJ if'any. etc.l

in: olu ri'ltctt thc :;eiection ttteelitrg is sc:ht:clulcd. It is li,rrthcr rcquc:sted thzrt the vacancl, *l n]Mllt

"pioadcd-ott titc *'ebsitc o1'tnr: YLliltLyrl?cparrrerr ti,r;;i,r.iiri,hri.i;.t ':--::::i


-i l1'thc reici'ant clctails are rlot rcccived rvithin thc stiprrlatccl tinrc, it will be assr:rnecl tlapplications rt:ccived to be spotrsorcd lirr the post. I"urtrtr:r, tho.te r:urtdirlotes wlro haveusainsl the I'llsB's vQcQttcy circulor da/ecl I2.0g.20lB.for the po.st, neetl ttot appllt ngai,Iincl.: As abovc

I)r:pLrty Seclctar.l, 11y

\,1 i nistry o 1- Shipping,lShri Ciopal Krishna. Secr.crary).l'ransporr Ilhaw,an^ Sansad Marg. New I)clhi

a'*//'<t,Ia,[)t /

aq. "ft{]'1lCorn ex. l-odhi Roa

Ne I)elhi -- I 1000

2Jtt' :ernber. 20If

(crsl.), a schedr,ric 'lJ

ftrr thc post r:

o1'thc it<t:)'

ng with thc

h the PESII tr

t't:.s.s'r:d /0 t\lNo. ll. ('(iteep thc A(illtposcd. il'anbe frrlnislrc

tire post nta

at llrcre arc rr

'rearl.1, opplie

(''(),,t tl| )r r' ..-:\ - -'{,.11\, i')t

(C) A .lacoiiovt. o1'lnrl

e l. 14 i6lt),]

Page 2: shipmin.gov.inshipmin.gov.in/sites/default/files/560839220Scan3.pdf · Created Date: 1/8/2019 3:54:21 PM

No..: 7/45i2018-pES_B

}Tr{A TrTT5R

Government of Indiaflffir ad qfQrerur heTrdr

Department of personnel & Training(ril-f,Ttrrra+affi;

(Public Enterprises Selection Board)

tfrfrr's*qilarrNAMEOF THE CPSE


f{f,d dr dfrsDATE OF VACANCY

rfr" *" vs. g- fr rrsf*SCHEDULEOFTHE CPSE


@16. Fsqr r+, S.fr.:fi. +ftn#rg, Fffr tEBlock No.14. C.G.O, Complex, Loclhi Road

af fumi New Dethi- 110003

;Cochin Shipyard Ltd.

:Director (Finance)


: Schedule B'

: Rs. 65000-75000


cochin Shipyard Ltd (csl) was incorporated underthe Indian companies Act, 1956. The main objective of thecompany is to build and repair vesseis to internationai standards anci proirrde value adciecj engrneerrrrrr services. it !sa Schedule 'B' Miniratna CPSE with the administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Shipping.The company went in foran IPO in August, 20j7 and is presenfly listed in BSE and NSE.Its Registered and Corporate offices are at Kochi, Kerala.The company employed 1829 regular employees (Executive - 313 and Non-Executive 1516) as on 31 .03.2017.The authorised and paid up capital of the company was Rs. 250 crores and 135.g36 crores respectively as onMarch 31 .2018.The shareholding of the Government of India in the compa ny is 7s%.

II. JOB DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIESDirector(Finance) is a member of Board of Directors and reports to chairman and Managing Director. He/she isoverall incharge of finance and accounts of the organization and is responsible for evolving and formulating policiesrelating to finance and accounts as weil as imprementation thereof.


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1.AGE1 On the

2. EMPLOYMENT STATUS:The applicant must, on the date of application;apacity- and not in a contracrr t^r-A t^^^ ^^- '.as well as on the date of interview,(a) cenhal Public sector Enrcrnrico ,;;.:;;"""rrv - In one of ihe foilowirrEs.-

(b) centrar couu.nr"n,lffH::::j""::E) (rncrudins a rurr-tim" run",,."", Director in the,.;i ;;ij?,;;J1#i:ffi1ff )::*:ll#: J' t : ffi trfii:: : :"j,::X l^"

B.a rd .f a c pS E,;

(d) Private Sector in company *;"r";:;;"8 trrtri'rrnual turnoveris *Rs

1000 crore ormore;siven to candidates -;T;J,?:"J;X:,]::'"' turnover is .ns tooo crore o*oru. pr"rurence wourd(- The average auditedadvertised shar be ""r"i:::';';:iiiJ]!"'i^':'"!:::" " !""rs

precedrng the catendar vear in which the post r,s,",fl".ff:1"ilf e considered for apptyins .:,;:;;:;,:::; i;;:,3. QUALTFICATION:

Eligible Scate of pay

Li'Jlill;llffi:ll::Iil:j::1,*:{:4il_;::::i,[.,j,ffi,1fl1"","* be emp,oyed n a resu ar

i; I :"?J: :'::il : ::" : 5; ::il T J ::i: : :::i:[ :i iliilJ: 3J:'.;ffi :ff]'.,,..u,:l:-" "

candidates from tisted.;;;";;. be

ll,. ,"J:"":::::1nt siro.ulo be a chartered Accountant or cost Ac'counrant or a ru, time MBA/'GDM course(ii) officers

ntc record from a recognized University/rnstitution.

**m :,*:f: :T#: JI il l#:::T ra* l: ;:"r ff r : ffi ".'r,T,

"'": T:;;


": J;from these educational gualifications

Accounts serviceJ working in the appropriate revel are exempted

l;:.-,,:;T:T' ilJ::il:,n: ff"ff::',:j:"::,ilT1ff:::'or the Union,A,, ,ndia services, wi,,a,so beexperience'as mentioned in para 4(iii) below. : provided the applicanrs nave 'the reievanl

rn respect of appricants from organized Group ,A, Accounts services/centrar Govr

. ;j!i: yJili:l::ffi services, cnaii,.ecr Accountant/cost Accountant/MBA/pGrilffTlT:::ffi:


(i) The applicant should have at least Iyears in the area of corporate Financial M-lve

years of cumulative experience at a senior level during the last ten

:'1, ", " ":::l T i:: :: fifu1ffi


11? il::::?: *:: :: :H il T il 5 lliui,T:: "",, ;,;, "'(iii) 'The relevan, ;r;";;;;'.: ; ';"jj"" vears in the area or corporate Financial ManasemenuAccounrs.

Union/All tnoia servl experience' in respect of applicants from central Government)Rrr*o Forces of the

,ast ten years in .n" iri!:3:,[1:,:"-il""ffi:::J:n:;,^"ffff* ;;,;; ;;',"i.n,o,,eve,durins the


:iFXJ,T:ilUrJi:fi"#::il"'::,::?fj:;:1:,rank,,eve, wi,, be one year ror inrerna,,",

T,::,,:::,:l::, ::rEs shourd o" ,,",*i"n in the rb,owing or a hisher pay scare:

(i) Rs

(ii) Rs

(iii) Rs.

(iv) Rs.

(v) Rs.

6250-7475 (lDA) pre 01/0jt1gg2

8520-10050 (lDA) post 01/o1t1gg2

18500-23900 (tDA) post 01t01t1gg7

43200-66000 (tDA) post oi.t01/2007

14300-1 8300 (CDA) pre_revrseo


of.superannuation 60 years

2 years of residual service as onthe date of vacancy w.r.t. the dateof superannuation.

3 years of residual service as onthe date of vacancy w,r.t. the dateof superannuation.

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(vi) Rs. 37400-67000 + cp s700 (cDA)


(i) Applicants from Central Govt. / All lndia ServiceGovt. of lndia or carrying equivalent scale of pay.

s should be holding a post of the level of Director in

,.l,3iH[HffiJnffiT#,ff;l;3" u"i'" shourd be hording a postorthe reverorBrisadierin(c)

Applicants from state Public sector Enterprises/ private sector shourd be working at Board revelposition or at least a post of the rever immediatery berow the goard revel.6. CONDITTON OF IMMEDTATE ABSORPTION FOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS

;ffi : ,|:fi:il::j,:[:;; ::";ilil;J:m;:o]o,.u, o, in", ". "r"o,h e Ai,,ndia Se rvices, wi,, be


Jff ffi:I."J::111"::J::::il:: "t rive vears rrom the date or joinins or upto rhe date or superannaution or

V. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONSAll applicants should send their applications as per the format .1. The appricants should submit their applications through proper cnanner as fo'ows:

:?.ffi;ffi::J:"""' includins those or the Armed Forces or the union and Ail rndra Services: throush cadre

(b) cMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in cPSE: through the concerned Adrninistrative Ministry;(c) Betow Board level in CpSE: through tfre conceirled a;;;;"':?..:ffiffiffffi:|i;:T:,:jffi:: il; the concerned Administrative secretary and cadre(e) Below Board level in SpSE: thiough the concerned SpSE;(f) Private Sector: directly to the pESB.

2' Applicants from Private sector must submit the foilowing documents arong with the apprication form:(a) Annual Reports of the company in which currently working for the 3 financiar years preceding the carendar yearin which the post is advertised (prease provide URL or attach/encrose copres);(b) whether the company is listed or not; if yes, the documentary proof (please provide URL or attach/encrosecopies);

(c) Evidence of working at Board level or at least a post of the level immediately below the Board level;(d) serf-attested copies of documents in support of age and quarifications;(e) Relevant Jobs handled in the past *,,n O"rr,,u. alrons;

ilt-Page 3 ol 4

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,."",f' "' ;::::liiNc BY rHEAppLrcANr. An applicant has to give an u. applici

1. Tl j::: no, n,Ju ..,1n trndertakins as a part or

ror candidates rrom Jlll,il #.;::iil::H"'^TilTi';* jhat he/she witt iointhe post, ir serec

8 iliH#fr;|m*ff'ffi;;trliiT:iy"" ;;il;'rersne w r j' n'fhe p's'l rseec'ied lran

period or,r:uno'.",* .onu"u, ;;"-o't'" 'ot"'oi"i";;;u

rorces of the Union I All lndiaservices

l?,,,,:::[::"":'J.":",fffi:1,',,i1::ilJ::;X,?*'::;J::::J:e'|d helshe w.u,d b€ debarred rora

e ve po s, " ff :il?; #:: :1;"J; J:l,TJli:;;:*;;, j:,fl l!"ff :i.:,?

pos, n a nv c ps E

:lo*r of appointment, he/she2. For candidates from cp_str _. *ryv,,,uuenr ror being considered for a Boarda rf a


from cpsE

v' ' ' ('

'E uate ol offer of appointment fi

period of ,*o 10"tu conveys his/her u

I T#:l f"t;:['ij,,:":,,"jf[ilT";Jil :::k-i:ii:::::5[;:::":: w.u d be debarred f.r a

rr post in any CpSE other thanwould be debe

",",0",,," *i'lXfli,ll',.'lj;if"'"".";."ffi1,,1ff:,."'1,'l,f:" :n"r the issue

",:j,,::"_, appointmenr, he,she

a rr a candicd: es rrorn ;r;;, ;ffi:

t" -*t ;;" ."#;r:T"ffi:"intment ror beins "on,iouruo ,1,.'a'soaro

period or*" rJ::;:ffJJfl::T,l[1',]'"nnu,s to join arter r

b. Further, if abe deba rred,o,. ""no g"," .on uun, i,Jli,l 1 o"'' n """+d&ii [13; fff ?: ;"r'#debarred

fo r a

posr in a ny .r, J pe,ioo or two ;**ffi T: :,],t;;;;: /"j; :"' *",.,," oi'"iJ,".

4. rn tne aoovu cases, no request,",^ -":::1" ":"*ror appointment ro, oui,is::::n::fi:: j?:ni:;j

Vll. THE A''LICANTS CAN E,THER relaxation or otherwise would be entertained.

(a) fill up the Apptication ,o.r-oi,r* ,n,and thereafter fonor rzard ir onlne. or.nu.,r,1lt,t^'1': ':?

o""cription on the website of pFSred in para V(1); - '" rveurr(e oI PhSB - http;//pesbontine.gov.in/

(b) trll up the Appliraxe a pi'intou,

""otlii.Forrn onfine agai

Note : ,,rhos"

""rj,::: ']

orrrine, ;';;::'n:::;fi:"tion on the webs*e or pEsB - http.://pesbontine sc.v rn/,

posr, need "", "*ll'ljl",,].who

have alreadv appried "s";.*he pEsB,s

vacancycircurarLast time/date of recc .

appricationshalr be";_,:::rcompleteapplicationdulyforwardedroptraD'-,"

"' !-rrcularda.*dl2'092018forthe

,::',::.TJ,ece ved J::il:il:iffiffi.ff.,,ift:il:"j#jf:?ii#J,"ll'i,l:u," .n 04 02 201e N.

Applications are to be addressed to I t""'o *'"t::1'::iliffi:li:::ffi:#:

Smt Kimbuong KipqenSecretarv.

Pubtic Enterprises SeleBrock No r;

";;;"jtion Board, Pubric Ente

nprex, Lodhi *""., r",j3:;:: tff





i'""Page 4 ol' 4