em m* arl*« to be sny web Arro in «Mm* *¦*.__ ^m E-t min-mat i . *_J-_»¿ iTfxfmTt»xm)m merchant tmmm»m ^fjg ¡jgSSSsel the cu> *¦**¦»-¦ "w ».*": *rer>-T of «. u em-'"- a «^ . sS.ai»*--For ,in,?or.iS5«T« April t. l«w-F»r liunber.J.-. t*^ i«, i »<.*.* ¦ S^-Ät^m -re received fror» Mr. *__»£i -«eher, ft.» enr «MM. »** ***** ^intt><, u> oa.y ment« to bim in two >c»r» an* . MM~_; ToWa4rt : »bout owvwntta of the amount na»ea » r. Ita »KAW o' TA« IT. T. IW'r ¿"¡¡Si« your paper thLVornlnz m hsvlar i»«» »TO¿ County Auditor ti,. the cSueO*£i __*_*_nmm___ ** "fig?! ttn.rs. Ihr enormous MM ***. __^imtm_*} _ÄV3 tonwtovcn lor a <l*v °/.^S liento deny «tieri ynil ¦Milli to defraud the <1f£¿¿S« tw. am! M¦'*** _" ¦ii,Mf'»t»vM" " . ... n.irf »na no icaa.»"«. them tb. Sfcwg M,"T ant parties ant Ho .,'.,rî«SI cheerfully lojySJ | ¿»ve full value SP&^SjSSSSmmm ** t****»**'* yo« .«S J" SftSSR1 O. la SCHüTLKa. H irinei 't-kmnn. irprmht payment« on city ac- 2SSTÏ3! of ÏSm 06. The King ta» al- m two» tbe «.«M«-» /or tfe greater part of B*oa ar» said'» be among those lately stolen. Here. ¡¡Tt, ,B jprpdiiure Mt alnict »10.000.OM In two year* Mt King nile, vi «Web tilt full record* are not to be bad. WHO RXEW OF THE 108800 VOUCHERS I THE BINfi LF.APF.n« pr.CLARK THAT CONNOLLY OnMrEALED THE FvCr OF WATSON à TIIEFT FBOM THEM. Mayor Hall, Mr. Sv ceux, and Mr. Tweed hare denied te one of our ret. r ers iLat Controller Connolly Informed them of tbe 1< * vi ibf city voucher» reporteil ijiiaaiiit in jenterday's'ifJDrst. at tbe timo be first dis¬ covered It. On tbe sealnijr, Me<*rs. Hall, Sweeny, and Tweed declare Hutt the first Intimation that tbey rr- «l»ed of such a loe» was .given to them by Mr. Connolly After an inve»tlg*tlon of tbe Controller's account» bad been -demanded by the public a short time ago. Air. Coanolly, it dee<!lared by them, tbeu said in effect : ¦ My act ount* .are all right. Some luLwlug vouchers mr* tbe only »ouree of anxiety to ine." The thre* remaining leaders of the P.lng claim that -whereas. Mr. Connolly, five day» ago, proteased to make a dean 11'tnl of it to Mr. Haven:, j it and others, the aoci<deiiUl diacovery of tbl» previous abstraction of war¬ rant« »In bl» office to decidedly unfavorable to bim and tbe truthful was of any statement« that be may put forth, In the face of lila letter on the subject, published yester¬ day »nor nu ig. Another Tunna: reporter, sent yertorday to ex- lieputy tViitr.illcT Storry, asked lilui the following qw t.- tioa* about ibe uiiaalug vouchers lor paid claims against the city: Reporter.Mr. Btorrs. -when did yon flrat discover that woueben for paid claim» against the city for lieurly »i,M0,0K)«cre missing from the Controller's office! Hld yon write ti. the Controller about them; and If so, will foo tarnish a copy of the letter f Mr. Storrs.All I have to say ab<nit those vouchers is contained h my affidavit in the morning papers. TI»» rajH.rt*r then called upon Mayor Hall, wh^n the following conversation relative to thi-so voucher» took plaee: Reporter.Mayor Hall, when did yon first know that Toacbern for paid dalma against the city for over »:.080,ooo vere missing from the Controller*» office. Mayor li.iii.About Uie close o' July last. Reporte: .What were tbe cirtuuibtuucoe attendit g such knowledge 1 Mayor H.tll.I was surprised at tbe enormous accn- giUMiouirt of moQey paid Lythe Controller; I culled at his olmi-e to Investígate the matter, and Mr. Storrs, then Deputy .Coxitrollcr, told me that these vouchers were >aatot.liig. KepOarter- That la the first you knew about It f Mayor II .11-Yea. Controller Connolly ¡tay» his first information about tli«loss of tbeae voucher» »tis received from Mr. Storr« In the Pal! of 1WO, and that the lot* was well known to :iafor Hail, Mr. äweceav, and Mr. Tweed iinmetliutcly nier waf-ou's death. Whom are we to believe ob ibis Important point 1_ THE CITY AND COl"NTY DEBT. uEroatt or tot citizens' committee.titf. to¬ tal ACTUAL INPEBTEPNESS $»7.287,525 Vo.- IT 1> «TILL KAl'IDLY ACCCMULAT1KG. The Joait Commiti^ on the City and Connty Acaeanta met at ii p. ni. yesterday, Alderman Plmond lo tbe »l.-alr. Mr. Booth, the President of the Citizens ( ommltu* appointed to act with the Joint Cominitt<ee, reported: Hie Committee« appointed at the last meeting have all ¦riven pri per attention to tbelr arduous duties. The C'-om^nci « on Armories. Drlll-Raoonia, the New Court- llooae, Printing, Ac, have been In dally atten-dance, but, 0 aCoiMequcnoe of not being able to have command of the books and papers n*-eeasary to enter upon their work, tt ey have been delayed from day to day in going inU) the details. The Committees nave found a iMihM on the part of the Coutroller'» Pepartment to facilítate Uie examination. The beads of the departments have glvei; all the papers and iKKika desired fast as :bef .eoold but the la »ors In that department have been " It has I ecu d as fast as iiday that we received tbe book» and papers froni the Controller, which enabled as more fully aud completely to ent-r apon our work. rb»Oemniltt«eat one* engaged a number uf very eth cient aotountant», und pat them u j>oi! the examination of these books, eopvlng off aach h--counts as are n-íjtiíri-d l'util th.-,«. aceoo'unt« can be fut nia-li.-d to ttie different '.'«mmliU-es, It difficult for them to proc«ed In their work. It is expected that by to-morrow these accounts .»ill he inuiuly taken ot, bat Inasmuch the books »are ased In part try oa, aud In part by the head» ot the dc- parfant«, there to greater delay than we should wish. Tk* Owtumitioea axe in daily attendance, and ready the uomeat tbev can get »access to the vouchers with the avnctmiiU b.fore them to enter upo« their work. In th«. i »apartment of the City Debt and Sinking Pond, kowever, there ha» not been any pressure. The Cum minee have had ac<c«M to the account» aud to C1 tbe {av»n «nd immediately »after the adtournment ii the luiat (x> in m it tee laut week tliev entered upon their luUa». Tue CluOnnan ot the O^mmlttee, Mr. Phelps, and »a» or two other member» devoted thtir entire time tor »evm») day«, and made a most thorough examinât mu oí »ii that department of their work, .and tintolied it with th»ixee»pt,v»u of such part« as one or two members of tbe .ornum « could very well oarry out The health of Mr. Phelp« requiring that be should go to Newport, the woi k tia« agunr on very efficiently under the SBf« I MU« of Mr. »egood anil aaothsr memlior of the Committee. Thie t-omailu. e have aaoertalued what the city debt is, and ffjMg « ^pcr that tbey should repirt It to the MM Ooii.mittee at the earli«»st possible moment as lue pufcit- u cleep)* mt«re«tted. and the Ctnniiiitti-e are .uereiur prcaared to report their labor lot or they ¦uaveguie. J Mr. Booth then read the following report : t* tr^Ckoirmmt tf the Joint Committee of the Board of £//u «or»aM¡ Aldermen, and of the Couimtttei of «,» .r?" f%w Oxamirina the PxMit Accounts. ñxkm. . m***t»»A tiHieelstl Committ» ai^olntefl by ^.al'À^ ,,no*S} CkumimUtto to luv«»UKate the act ounu iwwu.l' ¦, .Coanty 1>eDt~<1 theBinkungFund,beg » _f«M?! *5? tB°w«f Wy examined the debt account« kaa_»^ft '«", »be books kej< by the General Citv Boo^- ïït ii St**** atmAmmWMtm, and the »lock and Bond iotAa*mxiJ\tïx**2t hl"> r°tnp*«<l the total» from these üwlLÜr '¦..dividend or tut«M*«it-book made use of by ^^Atoff' ~* -***** °* * -* ata trnkSaku . **£ ei»,uiB*i on« by one all the atock« and 3_y*J»ll>i»Wi-»llS<WIH of the Sinking Fund, Sat- Ï I**0**?* **-* **» ^'llowing statement tim.l, _____' *_*_*, contains an accurate account of nil the ¦any oonio Dttt uie îa-vors in tuai urimriiocui i very ardu, is during the last few da\ ». and It aiffleult foi us to get all th« papers we desired i ve wiahed. It waa not until Monday that we '¦' -mo, u'noi -01 "^ tU,r ** *.>U!awi "* .. y toterday Cltr-.Pa,Kl|kí.T~ír,,I)Kí,01 "«AlCWT D«BT. Igp ) -hie from Sinking «.We from Taxation.', "yahl» troan Taxa- t^ufXrui 'm\'...,..'£;.Oil,*"*,***, 80 .__..T.tlfLSoO 00 PfcKreÄ^SS SET4"hKn- Rp« atento ead Uomle- .__.-._.tll.«r<,IM1Q QO %^a>ahtoíSrs¡síri,o,,b*- m.w**m kkMntA....,.,_. MOenaOtt SO « ¦"..»I« told-!-*16..,8M ¦ Í*í*lai»«toof .«..gi** U Sinking a*mS_ «W a7-M,.ÍJMBI M »uJ..ti' U r**P*etf«»£ -«.»-mlttitd. a' _*>*kk \*HMiiPM, Chairman, RpMBT IJUIOI KkJ.Aai.1 te»,^,^^^ w.lLtmtok». ¿¡¿¡¡¡^^^.^.^'.^^Hlrtwlawtetw TT* *""».» 'h whtih u.iu booka IntL. dUfcitmlx ¦¦»-nekept; ud Mi. booth said; TU# bwok(| snfl P»«***" **.0ie <-^ntro,,*,r'1»offl<* *** remarinbl«- *****& ¡apt i **** ***T *** ******* * n*»»tBB»«is, and. In my oplaiaa. «*«»**»<*. * **___* ***** . *********** bo*ibaem*rtiT'* hooki are also «ail kept I am not so well pleased, how- rr(.r, !riUthshrMte»tv»f hoads and slocks, but I believe them to l»e perfwtl.V corrert. Mrl*ñet"»s-I entirely oolncide with the remarks of Mr. HfiOth. V:. 0. torn then read tbe following report : ^ Ac teeni of the Debt mf the C«i/«/ end County of Kett- Yorr-.ta':enfrom the Remetti and Statement* of Vu) t ontrolltr. ¡ti».rip, on of Imht. j«,, j, i-jai. ¡op, l, lim Fii.n'ml C'ty ÏV.1..».S4.138 M b*3<4,I»»T>.S'J8 SS Kiiiided County D*-t»t. 14,5ts,sns 00 l»,3l».«"M 41 T »ia fury dir Ikabt. S,l.a*.«**2 SO 6,768,571 »8 City Revenue lliind». MM«M OS 1,1148,100 OS c nu ty Ee venue Dunda., t.Mfl.soo 00 tmattM ** Total.«r-j.-itM.iso m IW..M6.0M m .>.»,-. .-»inking Fund. )*.i)il,Ml Bl )Ui,l«6,310 61 Total.iMJHyMi «t4\t«jfl.74i 51 Jaa. 1,1s-;!. Rapt. 14. 1ST4. Funded City Debt.tt.i,-ira.tija 61 »j)4H.016.,»«i 51 Funded County Debt.... »,981,38o 00 .fí.tilS.'ioO 00 Temporary City Dnbt.... 10,626,100 00 11,821,500 00 City Revenue Boinia. 8,i>0»*>no 08 ii,ni«*,«» n0 i oun.y lieveuue Bouda.. s,i**8S.200 oo io>ûi,s4«j 00 Total.«-^MaMis SI t)li.ieñi.»i* et Leas H.ii.lng Fund. ih.IIû.kim 49 iMva.¡*»*~ Tolal.t73,37SJλî W *kr,,'lb*l,6*i6 03 mi m in. Jin.l.ltVIO.fc)«.'>W,9OT 62 Jim. 1, ltfT).»4H,Oin,741 59 Jan. L1871.7a,3I.i,MÏ He.pt- 14, lb.l »7,287,676 03 Mr. Osborn.This tabular atatement shows the «t-p-aed with which our city debt is accumulating. The figures are too ezpresisive to reg ii rd -comment. No one can tell the amount of claims In the Doard of Publlo Works or in other department», or the »um of those in the Con¬ troller'» office.Bome of them Just, others calling for the moat rifrtU »erutlny. If Ute latter are prer»aed, they should be fonght out in the courts. The Controller has borrowed ainoe Jan. 1, on permsnent aud temporary loans, about t*«K,tjW,(>-~>6. Of this »um there was s cash balance in the Chnmlvfrlaln'e office, Sept. 14, of |2,64*>4,- 806 DO. The cltv taxes to come In during the last quarter amount to about t^OOO.OOO. But this bas been to a great extent, anticipated by loaua maturing within four months; hence there is no provision for arrear» for the expenses of the present quat ter. The Controller has Mild ti5,ow,(>tjo of 6 p. r cent gold bonds, payable in 1901, the pr«K*eeds of which, by statute, should " be used to pay off and cancel any bond» or stock of said city f »111 ne due In the year 1871." or, " In exchange for the city stock or lioiitljc." About |5,iXki,(*00 of these bond» are still to be delivered and paid ior at li per -*t*iit premium. It la de- blrablo to have statements at on* Worn the various de¬ partments showing the public vrc. s in progress snd the contraots now existing, with estimated outlay», and the periods at which such outlay» are pay¬ able. Every cltir.cn will desire that the bona fule debts be paid, and the credit of the city maintained. But every citizen should be informed that the public works now in progress call daily for largo »um» of money, and that the debt of the city will be daily in¬ creased until these work» are completed, or the prosecu¬ tion of them suspended. We are wholly unadvised, and have no means of knowing, at what rate these expenses ure accumulating, and what debt» the Departments are contracting. We have, however, the experience of the last quarter of last year, during which the tax levies for the year were paid into the City Treasury. Part of the floating debt was convertwd into permanent debt ; the total debt increased in those three month s (from October 6 to December 81) about tt.im.tKO. The city has to-day a floating debt of more than $a»6,(X»,0>90----6hort accept¬ ances falling due from week to week between Octol»er 16 and January 16. The-se bill» payable bear tho trade mark of " city revenue bond»," «Stc.i but no voucher recog¬ nize» a short bill maturing within the year a bond. The great evil in this City corporation finance the fir .t.t'a* debt. Through this the Tax levy has dis.i*»- pearcd acaln, as it did last year, in advance of its collec¬ tion, The act authorizing the Usuo of consolidated bonds, oetcnslbîy to convert all of the numerous classes of city and county debts Into tonda of uniform character, Is the lever through which the agenta of the city propoae to lund the floating debt of thl» year.issuing, lu tlie first instance their four or six months' bills payable, culling this piiper revenu«'bonds, and finding authority, possibly, iu tho letter of the matute to fund the floating debt. Mr. Clafiin.I» the amonnt stated in the report the entire indebtedness of th«' City and County 1 Mr. Osborn.It is impossible to make un estimate of what the ageTegate amount of the debt is, including the bonds, at the jrrosent time, without the most exhaustivo examination of the City accounts. For instance; the oo ii tracts given out by tho Board of Public Works are [ Just as mut h the dent of the City as If the work had been j-orformed end tlie billa presented ; and It is impossible to know what these are until we havo statements from all the departments; but as yet no estimate baa been made. The uiipresented c lalms against the city are very large, and any estimate at present muet be mere guess¬ work. Mr. rhelpi-The t»7,iD00,000 Include» the floating debt. There are nevera! different name» to the floating debt, such ua " City Revenue Iwnd»," County Revenue Itonils," "Temporary County debt." Ac, but all these debt«are flootlng di bts, and are rolled over and over. The theory- Is that they ure taken cure of each year, but in fuel they are not. Mr. Cutting.Are the bonds »tamped and kept so that they cannot be used for any other purposes than those they were deelsrued fort Mr. Phelps. A maj.irity of them are, but not ali of them. All the registered bonds are registered In the name oi the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund, and it Is as necessary to have such bonds »tamped coupon bond». I recommended that every bit of paper be stamped forthv\ltb and they promised to have it done. Mr. Booth.The Controller and Deputy Controller are both of the opinion that there is only about tl.taOU,0(»0 oi claims, at the utmost, that had been presented t » their departments which had not been paid. Mr. Booth then offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Honorable the Hoard of 8u,»crvlso**s of tho County of New-York be, and they are respectfully requested, by proper resolutions, to confer upon the members of the Ir body who have been duiy appoiutc-d a Committee to act with a Committee of the Board of Alderman of the City of New-York, 1n making an ex¬ amination of the act mints and financial coudition of aald Com.ty and City of New-York, authority to eserrlse the powers euumeruted und set forth In Beotion 1 of Chapter HW of the Law« of IBM. This resolution was adopted, and the C'oii.n.ltt« t nd journed subject to the call of the Chair. TUE UMOaS LEAGUE CLUB ON MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. TIMKLY RF**OI.rTIONS.HOW TO DEFEND THE BAUaOT-BOX.SPEECH OF EX-JL'DOE 11.111- RE'IT. The Union Leafme Club met laßt night, in re¬ sponse to a petition of co of its member», askingthe Exec¬ utive Committee to call a special meeting, at the earliest possible date, to take action in regard to the charges of corruption recently made against Tammany. The fal¬ lowing resolutions, prepared by a Committee of Fivo- Jnckson 8. Schultz, Dr. Lieber, Win. M. Tennilye, Jiid,*»» Kiriland, and Gen. Van Buren.were unanimously a<loptt*d : Wkeremt, The «I»-ctr» wb rlr i »re alva», btart iVti-a-arratir roxtre- iD'irt« «al lar«.« »ia J »i-f Ills, r * » « j rot* pit etyrmi tun fra-i ».« tat» rujjt'.mi and a iii«rr«,aril of iii« ui porWoec » tnd cadi hvaatt Tut« baa ia « |N«imlar .-..leruiu. ni, «nd, H AiT-rra« Tata« .titt« t.iii hi»« now htdtlra our 4*ltT la t ir_re- and with a rapidity wi.irl, crrtair.1» ara .,.i ooldone alert tun nturout moo ai« tit mad« raami|rti B *u object o( tli.it ter» p4ilie» «ml ii'/««ri..«. A UicrMirb ¡Munt «f otu itlw City Cbtrlai lu Inxom* in ni,:« r.t ni-ajcairty and UAertat, 1 lar itnlitrn.st rltirtna of Kiwi-irk, nott of tai taon ti ¦¦:... tatt already takru ineiaurtt in bebalf of ti.» p r- eau«, au t. rim«;'! Ha ('inmi'itrr- ol Setent» coalmtM with jutriutit teal to »lair.,rat* nu «tura» ti nü:r** to t ra!i<-«| rel.rtn all WiW.ijjr, VV« ar» «., i ir r. th»-. tbe fuil'>arin«t (oar mraaar»« »r» de- ¦nairdeU by tin* lir.Lor of «.ax «...a»irui ity. tbe hl-art/ of «>ur UiacnUaoa, aod tb« peruiancuce ol oui polie«, namely I 1. A rteaelini of on» City C b: rt«ri. 2. An abandi marni of all national party cHttlartloni to fcr at onr B.unici|aal n turua and gottrnairat are evacerned. il. A return to «tr.rt artountabllit», »nd lo bon« ti« tral t rettatina at ibt iai<jarlti«a and nuu fulnea. dafloted liiroa^b otu C'lly dun luunstit u fat auim fa «t tal |an*Bibl«. 4. Aa adaqaatc punubiatni of tbt Btoait-lDal ati)*doen, and I di»|7arg. In« of Ibeii cniamaily .rot-lcn ri-hei at In at may be. iit»nUi«»rl. Tbat the «t»rtiiti| >JJaeii*-nre« »t«t bara lately heen mide of tbt pSBSSMSMiaa al 4>ar Mt ¦uala*i|«al Gt-ttnuatot cab o;«ou Iba I lion Ia»»ru» «'lab at tbli. ill «arliaat ¡ rarticable <.|>i»..n...itt¦, to eip«-t*aa «lain Ila atll-kaown aeaibiaenta u|»on tart oorr»|Uout, aad to dMicaU li«. If anew lu tbe work of radical and Uionroajb lelutsi. Rrauited, Tbat at« torefratalaia tb« pampi» at oat ritt aad roittr» on Ilia yo»« tod «Hmi.. u'-aa of that Ora;, ponalai »ectimai.-. w'.irtr. b«*ld la reaert« by oat aianirytuati for iryn'1 eatarfendea, It eret fr.n. d oa twb noeaeioae lm-uiuiile la Ila «trenftb and raurit», «b4 wa lia it aa tb« baiwark of oat la«bt«liOBt and ita baal« of lb« gi*u_ futan o! otu eoaatrt. Vtartoltxd, Tkfct wv mgMm oat wtir» c*oB(i*tBee in the (Taanlttat of Ba.enty.«iBiaent atiiena «vpolnted by lb« p«.op'.e la opn atacable to «el for ikem I* ferreUtf oat iii rn*»«*a ami «i|.»lnt tn.l j.uu «inn,- ti,» criaillait «bo batt bwrtyod ttt« public tratU ard robb««! ttr» pohlit treatiry that tbe intégrité al.ility. tad pobl e ti.trlt of Ibe nxamltrrt of tbtt C'oBUBltte«, tad tb« etraoat dteotioe lb«y bat* axbibited la tb« work lb«? bare aadrrtakOB gi»« aatataaM of »ne« it .ucare.« «nd Jmt.ir lasatat tbt ttark ia lAeu hand«, wbil« tb« Club bervbr leaion to tbe iaaaitu« ii« aid aad ataJtUno« la aay .. la «bick I «aa bo waul* a»allatrie. mttetoked, Tbtt tbt Mit->t of I -»irtBoai Mbii« pram bat Bator be«« mm ettikiBflf tmmmkexi laaa la tho temi mai oionrbtlaüti deitrat- li«« bfttifbt aaoa tba ttioafo»! cinal.inalio« of wiekadaaa« exci kos ia Um eanma of Ibe Caatrallaf, bj «thick «a fowl a ata**»c «al «a utaiikk a man aa iBtt.w H. tttmm haa baoa alatad la «kart» »f tba laaasiil da- tssmmt al tilt tiki, aad tiwi «r« b tap «ok fot Mr Orara the eoaSSaata aaS tap .art of tb« people «util U hat I roonki oraor oat of eoofaaion. «b4 Baado a fall oat pBhSe c*_lblt mt *. trat eonditloL et tho dly't li.ai.tta. . ''"¦¦( rd, That ¡m ti«« af hat mat urina that b«tt hoon mad« and tb« Pttl iB'emta li Kale, tin pubbr * ilf.rv i Butai« tkal the peril«- of tb« « «-Lou» ia tai* elly be .u.a «rllalaa:» aal tbor.wi'l.'y Ibis»«!, »ntl tbtt, ti . ...,1,0 lui aaainal titule it . it-etiou« baie he-en lorn awai tu tb» it i»i-iau» I',: fall n io'lui IV tall., ti ui»t i. pro lit I "ll.lt. ...e of IB» io.-r. .,b'uC nil |i Ira. na e i.«tii'i»a lo m mi. the l.tllbl- 1 'i*»«- ..« irr...» m t,f ina i-i «I et at ttnllfia«. 'r«) ran la * tarlo»» .la« li o ileo-r.. Bon nu on ««I «J- I..1'1. ». cn ;«.,« »-o««aVik.u.k.u,u,.gt altiari attuaiu *\\\***t IS lil Otr t-Uoi^Hinl »*c> Ihr rat ir» dril wrrlr» mt aW ila laka hlgk nl.tlwn» af ahintr «ad tfaataaal em. n* x»*\» It Bx-Jtidgr Barrett, who wa» prteent by Invitation, ni thee (»lied for, end said : ¦X-JUDOI BARKKTT'S SMKCtl. I do not know. Mr. Prcaldeut end gentlemen, that I heve any haulm m here et all, certainly I have no buni¬ ne«« with «erne of the reeolutlon« that have been offt red to-nirtt When I came Into thto room I expected to eee knit brow» end aerlooa facea. I expected to see that the »cmbere of thto Importent dub were feeling Tory deeply Indeed about tbe existing autc of things, end I am here io say-lf I am to aay anything at ell-tl.et it doe» not neem to me, gentlemen, as though you treati-d ibis sub¬ ject wtlh the gravity which to due lo It I do not feel as y, Democrat work¬ ing in It day after day aa if It wero a light matter. I feel li the whole extotence at this nation wero at »take. [Applauae.J For if we cannot get In the City ot few- York an expression of the popular opinion in a legitimate wnyatthe ballot-box, then republican luitltutions on this continent »re at an eDd. [Applause.] Now, I beg of yon, gentlemen, who are of a different persuasion from mu In bolitha, but who are Just patriotic as I am, and |Kihai« more so, aa Tau are nativ e Uni, and I am only au adopted cltixen . although I wlU not admit that any native love» this country more titan l-l beg of you to do what you can to aid in this oontoo. I, for one, do not want to b<sar any more about Repub¬ licans or Democrat» [Orent appl.iuse.l As I sal.I at a met ling the other ulRlit, what we want Is not a fusion of parties, but a fusion of iltiieus. (Applause.) Let us try and fuse, and make a square lasue that there are but two pattieslhere.thoae who are robber« and those who are opposed to robbery. I had no notion of coming here to-nlgiit until e very few minute« baton tbia meeting commenced, and am not therefore prepared to make, a Bpiv-ch, but It occurs to me now to ter, that von need to do two practical thing». All the talking and resolving you can do will have no effect upon tho»e people who rule us. One thing to to and »ome practical way of iii mugan expiM -kaoii of the popular will at th.- mit elec¬ tion. As the law now stands the Mayor of till« city haa tho appointment of the Iusjicctors of Election; and now, ii Mayor Hail could be Induced in this preaent crlai» to redeem lilmaolr and those about bim.at all events, to give the people en opportunity to expreaa their opinion at the next eiotliou, you would rain a grand point. And It aeons to me If the best gentlemen among j "ii, and of all parue«, were lo wait upou (lie Mayor and insist upon having a voice in the appointing of these Inspector», something mav be done. Ii be could be induced to appoint even one ol' the Committee of Seventy, much would be accomplished toward a fair election. Something of this kind must be dime; for ii the »tate of thlug« now existing to not put an end to, it will iii Minutely lead to bloodshed. Aud now, you are a wealthy body, can you not raise enough money to hire good und trusty men of your own «election, or of tbe selecllonof the Committee of Keventy. to slum! by the polls and do the work which ia necessary 1 I be: rd ti.-d.iy thut n gcntliman, lu «horn yoi' all have conildeuce, sent to the (:ommitt<-,- of Seventy to-day to know whether a reitaiu sum could bo rai.--.-d. Now,*gen- 11, nu n, do not raise money for tbi-« object as thei raised troops lu the beginning of the Hebclliou, but tal..' all that is offered, and if you have more than you waut «lieu you get there, cite it to some charity. [Applause.] True, you have millions agu Los I you, but cannot you rutoe say I jim.uno t Do not let hear any more about ronr not having time, your best business is this.for what is business without a country! Ia, you not see that out of this state of things n great civil war may arise at any moment, tin um,-; brother ug.iinst brother nud father m m nat son I I implore you to nive your money, and to keep giving until you have gotten rid of the«* evils. Tuen- lu no lu tu r business for any mun to be m at present than this. [Great applause ¦lien. Van liuren.I have lived long enough In this city to reel disguBted with citizens who leave their political duties to hired laborers.it I* the bounden duty of every citizen to vote. Not inly should tLe elections be pure and free, but the result should be made kuown as it oc¬ curs. JApplttuae.J Dr..Thompson.I thank Judge Barnett for recalling us us to our duty, but I would I* sorry if that gentleman should leave 11s supposing that the jocularity he \t íiin-ssa-.l showed unj want of appreciation of the work before us. What is ou trial is tim moral integrity of the City of New York, but the conflict will not Iks terminated till we liuve shown the woi Id that morul integrity rulos li. if. What Lin brought Ua to this Condition ia the luck of this Integrity. PAYMENT OF PARK LABORERS. The laborers on tho various public parks were naturally considerably excited at the announce¬ ment made public, yesterday mornlnp, that the Control¬ ler of the city had made no provision for the usual fort¬ nightly payment of the wages due to them on Saturday lait. To thoair great gratification, however, the follow¬ ing circular was distributed among them yesterday morai 11?: To the Workmen in the Employ of the Department of Pub¬ lic Parin : It is proper for me to Inform yon that the Controller of the City 01 New-York hating neglected to provide the money necessary for the payment of the present labor- era' pay-roll, the Pi-ealdent of tilla Pepartment, Mr. Fe-U-v li. Sweeny, ha«, upon his pers«u:il rcwpoii«lhilltr, pro¬ cured tlic louey for the purpose. 0<SO. M. Van Kost» Controller t.f the Department of Public Parks. Jicyartment of l'ublic 1'arks, Ko. 265 Uroadtcuy, Sept. ji, um. THE DOCK DEPARTMENT DI WANT OF FUNDS. The law organizing the Department of Docks authorized It to expend annually ti.noo.nuo In the repair and construction of ducks In May lu-at, having deter¬ mined upon a plan for a new system of docks, the Com¬ missioners usk.-d Controller Connolly to raise for the use of the Department tl.ooo.noo, I. the sale of dock bonds. The Controller negotiated the full amount of bond« called for, and gave notice to the Commissioner» that the fund» were in hi« possession. The Commissioners have received tOmOtt of this amount from the Controller, and upon the .¿nth of August mude a requisition for the remaining tStm.OOO. The Controller did not comply with the de¬ mand, and the (¡nain ia! resources of the Department are now very «mall, du .Monday the Kx.-cntive Committee received the biter of M tyot Hull warning the Depart¬ ment« that he did not recognize Mr. Connolly us legally holding the dillie ol Controller. The Commissioners met yesterdav, and passed the following resolution 1 Henhtd. Tâat tb* SscTetarT be Instructed to Mud »to »tb. ("entroll, r af tb« rit; a cop« et tbe I-f" of Auk 2». 1871. from the ( .num.» or., inrloaing » r. .]uinti(in fur tHJi.""n. requealing at tin- lue time that 1 r.,i ; t attention be paid tv aaiJ rtqiuaiUvo, or ti.» tno«t important work of tin« I.ppirtaetit mast tt***. The Auditing Committee reported that the Dcpartim jit received for rents, during August, >|TMT1 71; from Con¬ troller Connon?, |2äo,ix»; from overdraft on Tenth National B.mk, t20.87« «4. Paid out lu elie« k-, l»l,:«i 5;t; pay-rolls of laborers, 115.937 0!; siilariesofclerie.il force, tl6,2C9 to J. J. »radley, Chamlwrlaln, *r¡ti,i:i 71. Hal- anea-, hiiottiug the financial strength uf the Pepurtmeut, |lU6,;i'.i8 7T._ A PLI'.TU AMROY CHOLERA FRICHT. CASE3 OF A MILP FORM OF ASIATiC CflOLOU. OM.T ONE PEATH.THE HLALTH OFFICER It »POSSIBLE. The Westphalia, ft German vessel, arrived at this port from Hamburg ob Monday. -Sept. 11, and went Into Quarantine. Her physician reported the death» of a woman and two children during the voyage, aasign- lng as the cause diarrhe» and debUlty. The vessel wa» placed under Quarantine surveillance, but ou Wednes¬ day Mrs. Margaret Schloesser procured permission to go ashore by paying WO to the Health Officer. Bbe slept that night at a Oeraan boarding-house, No. 118 Oreen- wlch-et. Mr». Schloeeaer had two married daughter» liv¬ ing at Woodbridge, N. J., and one of these, Mrs. Erb, vi» lted New-York on Thursday, to meet her mother. Falling to find her nt Ca»tle Garden »he wa« on her way home when she met her. and together tbey returned to Viood- bndge. During that evening Mrs. Erb wa» suddenly taken »Ick, and on the following morning, after boura Mckues«, biie died. Pr. Hearned of Wo«Klbridge had at¬ tended ber und bad consulted with Pr. Ellis B. Freeman, who ha« had experience with caite« of Asiatic cholera, which he pronounced to be the cause of Mrs. Erb . death. Mr«. Kcblocsaer. after the death of Mrs. Erb, moved to the residence of another daughter. Mr». Fleekonsteln, who had utteuded Mr». Erb during her aickneaa. At the latter place both wonion were taken »Ick and exhibited aymptoro» of Asiatic cholera. Pis. Andrews and Pierce of Perth Amlioy. Pt. Hough of Raliway, and Pr. Trejanowu of South Amboy were sum¬ moned, und alter making a careful diagnosis thev de¬ clared the diseaae to be Asiatic cholera of a»mild form. Measures were accordingly taken to *__*»_**__*** Ing. The fact that cholora actuallyexi«tod In the vii age fright, ned the InhablUnte, who called a town meeting and appointed a Sanitary Committee, authoring it to use all mean« at IU disposal to combat the cholera. The house in which the patienta lay wa» quarantluwl, and a large red placard, bearing the word " Cholkha. wa» pim ed upon the door. '___ __ Dr.. Camochan and Smith of New-York, NlSn Hamad, Freeman, Hough, and Trejanowu held *_*___ at.on yesterday, and all except Dr. Oaroochan bettered that the ram were cholera. Both Mr». Flecken.tet 1 and Mr«, lehleeaoef aw oonveleaoent and will RMMW» cover. No other caae« have been board of In the t icmlty. I'EKBONAL-BY TXI.GRAPH. ...The Hon. Felix R. Brunot. Chairman of the Po»...!!!.-.- on I »alias Atkin, nm In Ha« Fraaaaaa. ... .Oov. Hoffman deHyrml the annuel addreee be¬ fe»» Ua Viyamiu trtmmk, Afitaa^taaal kmriat,, jamtin,. ....Got. Cook ha. __*_*_*___ ^*í_£L?ía. A...i..t Altara»; «or tka (hbüt if OtmriU*. Tkéa gaatlaaaa was foiaulf a r«a.J«at mt Hen York. .... Gen. l'leeeontou ha* been 4p#lgHgi_ tka Tar« ir.nU and Cinriaaail «111»»/. -Haa «. M. ,w_»-wU, trntgumi. Tka lattar retain, tb« .yaattaa af Qltfmt0m\» .. Secretary Belknap. Gen. Sherman, and Geo. Uomm:te%e*ffîam^ ¦Hilary ¿MU il thal sMättty. Tb»» wtil M»«a tem»kmx*m, ****¦ ... .Friend John G. Lang and Col-DJD- £".*«£ Utaart» Uaa^aaal, ha.« km* iriftuxlri b; tmnt*r_ m_**__9__ tori te Mott* (ar.liaa aa» na«,'« tim mnXmxXnWt » »»A »mom m ma ladlaa T.rrttary ....Mark L. McDonald, late of thtñtm of _*____ »M k V, mxnmj, 'avwllnf «to, k brukm af km Fra»«te«». _*¥__*___» two «»li »i.r, ha. aaooaaea» bl« iliál»lM te p«J laiafcuaaaa». aad icaauifii buiaut. ....The i,fflonrn of the General Grand Mawilo tot»Axmx\mm^mum*Am mm mm j. 11 *__mSS_7. »I.li.-, Hlrt. Prit*], k H. trott**» et A..as'«.. li"«» »"- f"7,t I- «I »II (ihr o. iitnUri Ki.f:i1.*tle-ti nlintl .kfcnj» » -rib- lo tit* mon "' tt-UMOtu.-all« Tl»aa«twt-. K. « K"« .' «e"-l»rt' kmnkoo. POLITICAL. MB. TILDEirS LETTER TO TOE DEMOCRACY. The following i. Mr. Til*»»« project for creating a great uprising of the Teimata am u t_ State thUFalL It la In the tonn^fadreoJar letton DKAl ma: The time MmS&¡3&Í_K_.,&_. Convention and the doctlon Bffi-.HO*uUmS Ä Usual, it has laien deemed edvUahlc to **^£.««»£.n lions fur the can va«« al once, ao that even «"., îhaî the ordinary period for orgunlnaUoe winVnftU.5 Ä noll-lMiok for your Dlstnet In*« bMa already scut .1_ Chairman of your county Commute«, mjiA tttar ba *.* on application to him. ¦ ^^ Tue î>em<xracy have never been called oa to act when wisdom and courage, and detotitn to principle and to motit, were more neodnd Uniii at the State CeuvenUoa about to be hold I appeal to yon, therefore, to attend tho primary mcctl lug which mill tAOMOt delegate« te your Awembly, DU- II i, t, or County Convcutlou, .and to aend to thal Convou- tl.m your most discreet and best rltltnn«, In order that they lu turu may choose m delegate« to the State Con- > lillian men eminent tot Judgment, integrity, and honor, nn.l who have, lu tim largest degree, the truat .and toa- Meaee of I heir fellow-citizen«. Centralism In government and eorni; lion In adininlt- trallon are Hie I «in evils of our time«. They threaten with «witt destruction net only civil liberty, but tho wbo'e fa 'ric of our free laut li 11*1011«. lue Democratic party wa» organized by Jeflerson to oppose those identical evils. It conduoted the N at toual Government for M of the 70 year« of the present rentury, and gave the p<-«pl.> safety, prosperity, and hnppliioas. 1 ho present di-moraliution Um bappeuod under tbe asci iii'.ciicy of tho Uepubllcao party; and though the mass of them, like the maa« of all partie«, are honest in their Intention'-, and «om© allowance ought to bo made for tb« demoralizing influence of a great civil war, more of tlie-t) reu ita ure to be ascribed to the utterly false and corrupting system of tintinee uuneceaaarily adopted by tho* Republican Administration«; and there is no doubt the tendency of the principles Hnd measure« of the Re¬ publican party ia unfavorable to purity In government. In the .State I he Democracy ruled for 'it year«, from mi to Mifl. under Van Burro, Wright, Marry, and Flagg; und corruption, always condemned and punched hy them, wa* almost niikiiowii. In the ii yeera irom 1847 to KO tho Democracy iievcr had a majority in the HeiiaVe; twice only did It have a «lauder majority in the Ah:.1 iiiiilv. The Kcpublicana bad the legislative power of toe i-Utc; and that now the (ail-vermin i.t both at Washington and at Albany. The p."pul.li "¡111.1 mnde the moruls of tbe Legislativo bodies what they have recently ticen. When Seward and Wet-d timk the place of Wright, Marey, and Flagg, public and util, lal morality fell in the twinkling of an eye. Even as to the City Covernment of New-Yerk, until 1870, it wa« exactly what the Republican Legts'afure« made it. 'i'lu- Iii publkan iwrty «u bom iu 1856. In IHM, it swept the state bv *fí,oi*i. In the Senate of IBS1, the Democrats had but 4 out of 33 members; In the At- »(¦milly, but S7 out of iii. Then the llci.iibllciins irado the City Charter under which we have lived until 187a At the »ame «oa«ion Hie same hand which created the Republican party created also the Hujiorvisors' Board, which has bfisn tue aouroo of all the corruptions in our City Government. Toe league between corrupt Republican« and corrupt Demo¬ crat«, which was formed during Republican asc-enden'-y, wa« too strong fur honeat meu in 1870. Tho charter of that year had the votes of nearly nil the Republican«. I denounced it In n publie »peech. Wherever the gangrene of corruption lia« reached the lictiu* ratic party we must luke u kiaiie und cut It out by the root». 6. J. Tiunta. NEBRASKA. THF, R.ttCI.1 OF THE ELECTION IS DOUBT. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 21..The result of the vote on the adoption of the new 1 .'nnsti tu tion la »till nude terunnod: but it la geuerully believed that there will be a majority against the Constitution. TEXAS. UNPARALLELED OUTRAGES OF THE STATE POLICE .(»VLB THREE THOUSAND GOOD DEMOCRATS ARRESTED IN FOURTEEN MONTHS. Washington, Sept 21..The Texas State Police la bittc:ly assailed by the Democratic speakers theie, and Its reroid »gives good|groiuids for their oppo¬ sition. Aceordiug to tho latest report from Austin, they have arrested, during the lust 14 months, 3,476 criminals .282 for murder, 359 for assault with intent to kill, 422 for cattle-theft, and 1,643 for arson, robbery, carrying concealed weapon.», etc .»Republicans write tbat with¬ out this effective police organization they could not can¬ vass the State at all, und that, evan as it I«, this uttended in many parts with great tlaiiger. Tim Deno- cmU grow moro violent and disorderly in tone with every day'» proijrees of the campaign. KING.«« COUNTY REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. The Republican primaries held in Kings County last evening, to elect delegate» to the Aaaombly District Conventions (which will elect deleítate« to the State ('«invention at Syracuse on the 38th lust), paaeed off quietly-, and resulted in the élection of the following delegates. Fiaar Wini..H. Cornell. Ii al Baatarbrook, J. 8. Baan, Daale) Ward.M. OaaWf. .>K( nsr> M Ama.Jim»« H«nV«, A. O. Beerie, Artlrnr UeCtttnj, MirUarl Ua.i.t .»I» (¡tort* Wllha.. Titian Wahi» -A. li. Xltjin, ll;y'. t Rob«, B. F. Back, O«». I«. Nicliul«, Kamm 1 llairï.iOM>o. KiTHTii Wabd. Bar lett Htrrker lute Ali«», F. I,. DalUa. R. Orlr-bic. Wm. Uoirlaad. Yirtu \\ »k»- John Leary, B. P. Campbell, Chaa. A. Braad, U A Npear Leander ('«.ukiin. Mi mi Y\ a ii n 11 ugh Allen, C. Pariah, R. H. Kr l,.Kg. R. Y. Th.nij>- M *, B. WtoOmi aSlTKVTH U'iiu.Jeremlib Bedel, »Samoel limitar, D 8. Hlemrt, Ela niter Kiniliall, Aleiamlrr ('.«!,... I ».HT» Wahi.R. W TttAitmg, lok* Itcwall, Willia« Woods, W. A Blatehfonl, lu. Vaa Valkeobunr .Sim« Ward-P. P. Breuaat). T 8. Orreotj, O. H. PaTeaiwiii John Fl.n.nwr Art burt rjrtnn. Tknth Vix*D.l. Y. Hear,, J. T. Whitlock, Lo<aii li. Ka,.»¡anil. Qiwgl Tboma». 1. T Vartaa, Klktíktb Waar..Albert Amenaaon, l.rLeat Fowlar, Wa. Halt», I. H. Poatar Hauinel R. Monnt. TwiLrrn Waar».I M. 1'belp«. June« Jiabaaoo, Qeorga II. Boot», J .len Kbaw. A. B. Jubioon TRiatitBiTa Wari.W. B Coomba, BanJ. Wllaon, Melrill« Har- wiil. Cbarlaa HtaalI. J P ( ...kin, 1ni KTf riTii Wari..M. T. Middox, Tb"«. 81mpaoa, D. Oanrley, I. T T««i"T lu»** tittta. ï'irTBR.tTM Wakd-E. C. Hoit, W. II. Merritt, BJ. Ros«, 0. W. TknBM, H. P. Tartan. l-l it» «nth WAMA.limb Worth, M. J. Petr7. Chaa. Lennr, Thoa. Wbitlord. Alex.ader Koaen^arle« riRT«.TT»E.\TH Ward.ti. W. La-wi«, Wa». Penser, Cllnto» Färbt«*, John Koli el Qeorgt Lamb. , EiuuTiBMTa W ahí.I boma« I noner Waltar Ttrlor, Daniel Xtiler, f-amii-! L CiaTrler, K. a-.l Mimitao. N im « rr»s i m «íkii.Ornr,» It Piabcr, K. A. Walter, W. F. I.aaxter, Ot.arfa- I'ieir.liT Jiinea Kern. TassTiirit Wah- Samnel Belcher, A K. Rlcbanlios, M. W. Min eka-tter R. Iiadell W. ti. WngbU Twr>ti riMir V AHD-W. O B. Leleh. U. C Bari«, B. H. PUri«. P. Week. J L t.u ». ,rl TWBJTn «»".*(' W.aki>. B. II WlnrheiW, C. II. Rlchm, al Juba 0. !...(¦ W. W. Wbilehead, Y. ti Utvkias. Tue lill»* llepublii ¡ins have carried all but tho 1st, Vth. VI llth, and lXth District«, andaré equal m the Vlth nud VUlh AK»i'Uibly Di.-ti 1. t». rOLITICAT. NOTES. The notorioiiB "Overcoat" Murphy lias been reuoniluated for Assemblyman by the Democrat« of the 1st Albany District "What an outcry" TA« Argus will raiaa. As The Tribune foreshadowed on Wednes¬ day, the linn Wells 8. Dickinson ha« received the .Repub¬ lican nomination for Rtatc Senator from the XVIIth Dis¬ trict (Frauklln and Ht. .Lawrence). The Democruts of the lid District of Otion- dftca County have choaen Con. John A. Oreen as their delegate to the State Convention. Thoee of the Hld District have choetcn Rowland II. Gardner. The Springfield RepuUican't returns 6how that of M3 delegate« to the Republican Stat« Convention now -linsen, 243 are for Butler and 409 against bim. The majority ugalnul Cutler U6. LOCAL. Senator Michael Norton ha» accept«d the Presidency of the Tweed Central CTub. Judge Ledwith, Joseph Blumenthal, and other leader«.of the Young Democracy, met at the Sinclair Houae, last evening, and determined tocall the " Regular Democracy" Into active existence «*ain. For thla pur- JK)»e a Committee whs appointed to till vacanttiea ia the General Committee In the Wards not fully represented at preaent, and to push rapidly m poeaible the work of organization. A Committee of the Seventh Ward Matthew T. Drennan Association presented Wm. M. Tweed, yester¬ day, with eulogistic rewlutlon». Tw^d returned thank», and stated that be had nothing to be ashamed of In his career. He wm endeavoring to have Uie charge« «o freely made against him brought Into Court. Law and Justice were on hi» aide, and the evidence could not do otterwtÑ than »nstain him. He would try to make hi» course in the future M worthy of the confluence of his constituent» li had been in the past. TUE GOVERNMENT BELLING AXM8 TO ITS AVOWED ENEMIES. 8alt Lake Citt. utah, 8ept 21.-At the »ale to-day, at Camp Donglaa, of D.8. ordnance, the Mormon Ai\JuUnt4ieueral of MlUtle, Clawaou, pur¬ chased 1,000 stand o< ann* and lB0.0»ftxaed cartridge*. Rumor» .are rife aa to the proceeding» of the Onad Jury. It la »aid that elforta are ftocnea te indict aér¬ erai memboni ot the Mormon frteethood, among then. Brigham Young. There .are report« of lighting and bloodshed ameng mining olalmaata at Tlatle. - mt - ODD-FELLOWS' REUNION - ADDRESS 0V VICE- PRESIDENT COLFAX. Chicago, 111., Sept. 81,-At the OàkFellow«» Reunloa here, to Metropolitan HaU. lartereolng, over 1,000 nemma wete peeeeafc Addreeae» me., Bado hy D. S. »perry, P. O. *., at Illtooi« I Jota B. Haanaof CalW fbnaU t J. H. Pltalri«» of Vkftoiai «m. w. Baee ot EI_3ߣ57s5_s_6>S^» C^SraalduÄ fct nnM^TvtÄwy aeCTbSS amembef of the Order, and __*__?__*_*\_*__m to all that time he hw* nevt-r heard a word In the ritual or ?itara*» of Odd-PoUowshluto which the »evcre»t erltle or um I dexot.-.l <lTl"t'>l' «'UW »Wari. Ii« prlncip e. w. io «rewa directly-in _*___.*____*_* ._**_-_***. the barred lt.-4.rtl. Ile« «¡J^*»1 Jg,*!^__» __ »__ UalUid Ol lu« (**.* ********* ,,m.<** »oklk Uva tuv «MÉMtf ¿M thyself," snd ihr "Golden Role** Is the »erne of ISe moat beanftfnl dam* Aftaer farther v-ltWl- aatta«ttoiMer, Mr. Cutta* cbtmtm by sayin« that t«v victor.«** at 0(M-F« llewahip were nut the victories of Um». warrior ar the mUlionalre, but moro urie "I cot victories on the l«ati*»iHletiis of hmnanliy, where the work le elwrnrm i»lfntlful and ta* ImAmnn tam. At the aeasion of the Oraad bite of Odd Fellows. U- onj. tbe foiiuwirr-r smeifdinent was adoptai : Vo Bama th.ll ho mMtiti adaafaaiaa lo tie Or«Wit aimr-i ferr **k* Maits atmai mnnl enatmlt, ah« bar* am »al al U»a ate of ti ?...?,¦**>¦¦".'.. MIm« *t A Inpreiae H-iar, Cn»lor «b4 rrrarrrer. f tae dulxmn* aaaajfaj haaerer tb.l la ¿Urilla, Men-lrml*mt ami **]**_*_aauiem, au .«a ti,. ('..atiaaat of N..rt»»A*a-r.M, oa whick tte Ord t Ma bee. nail «WraaflT I- nitOi),' ed, etiatrraniioi.eet gteul lo .ret i,.r «j. «| IrjUo t ta i«« «-hall ho ir.fl u, ¡nul »»»tl.lattoii. Vloo-I'rriuiiriit CMtas. wau timm U en hero tor a»-.irai .«lay«»» luioruid to Snath Ueuti this uiorulu«. FOREIGN Milln. PBAXGK. at. BOCIUirORT 8EXTKNCKD TO PKNAI. SFItVl- TlMlK »COU LIKU.»KitUMlTlOIl OK tlEOOTlA- TlONrl. rAUis, Thursday, Bl pt. 21, DTI. M. Bochefori'a trial ha« concluded, and l»o has be« n II «.limul by the «Cuun-Martlal to trauaport*. tion to a penal colony for life. J|. U^hefort, in hi« de- fonse before the Court, itatod that he refused tee« opt of a release from the P.*u*ii»ns during the »l.a*e ol Paris. M. Thiers held a Ion« inter vi,-w, to-day, wich Herr Arnim upon the aubj.wt of the «lelaycd icmly i^tweou France and Ucruiauy. GRKAT BRI IA IN. MOBF. K**. PLOSIONS. AT THE WIOAW MIVR.TtlP. « «»NlKl.r.KATK BONUilOIaDKUS AOAIK llOFK- FCL.Tilt LONDON FKlabS ON AMEUICAM AV¬ IA lila. LoNivo*«, Thursday, Sept, 21. lim. A dispatch from Wigan says : TLcre havo been further explosions to-duy, aad the minc li binnia«». Tho fi**4*-4'ni*in«-B are all at the iioene of the uisaator. The townspeople are nearly paralysed with extiteuieut. The English holders of Confederate Cotton bou la aie organizing to present their elatina to the Couiuiiabtun of Arbitration at Wallington. The London Journal« of to da v continue to disou.ia the alleged exposures at New-York, and publish slurp tvlitorial* upon the finances of I hat city. The London papers also ecu .alo. editorial» upon tho .ubjeet of the relation» botvMVu tbe United States and Mexico, Inspired by tho oulr.ic-s loeeutly perpctratoi Mjiijii the ere va of t'io A merl' .iii barks Brother« and Hitrvoat How*, npou the Mexlca-J const. HALY THE CKLLI5P.ATI0N AT KOML.N0 DI-m'ItlUNCE. IiiiMH, Thuri.itay, bept. 21« 187L The pr«j*«C4r»-viioii ycaterduy iu honor of Italian nnlty wss iiup.isiinr. The Palriarclis of the Armenian Church paraded. Tho lliumination of the city last u>«-iil wa» very (relierai. Not the eli^htacet disturbance oceiured during the day and evening. APRIOA. THE DIAMOND EXCITEMENT t»NAB».TF.D. LoKimK, Thursday, Sept. 21,1-T71. Late advices from tho «Cape of Good Hop-: are to the o.iert that diamonds contiutie to be fouud lu great numbers In the field« at the mirth, cml t!..t tho rush to the digging» and the excitement over the di»- covcrles are unub.ite !. INDIA. DEATH OK THE CHIEF-JITBTICE.ARREST OF THE ASSASSIN. CAiaCtTTTA, Tlitindiiy, Bep*. Î0, liri. Tho Chicf-JuBticc of ludia, died to d:iy from the wouiiila inflicted by his aasassta. The nundi r.-r baa been apprehended, and feigns lu-sanlty. TUE WEST INDIA HURRICANES. EFFECT IN TUE BAHAMA*}.TUB ISLAND OF ABACO DIVIDED.MANT LIVES LOST.THE OKAM'K AND BANANA CROl'S COMPLETELY DESTROYED. Washington, Sept, 21..A general atatoment haa been received here of the effect» of tlie recent atomía on the Bahama». The (rale, or a »uoceuaiirn of gales, -was terrille, the Btorm ihlfting froto the north-east to the south-east. The whole cuanta of the Island» are strewn with wrecks, by which much valuable property and many live» have been destroyed. Sweeping through the laland of Abaco, the se» completely divided it into two uland», carrying with it a large numlxr of Inhabitants. The ripe fruit crop of the various i «Jam.» oompriauig tho group ha" been entirely destroyed, and It wa» lound lm- poaalble to g *t a cargo. Nothing remitios of the orango or banana crop but the very young growth, and the trade In theso fruit- baa been very setioualy disturbed. iYASIIiXOTOX. MEF.TIVC, OF THE KC-KLCX COMMITTRE. *tJ~* (OMMITTEES TO VISIT THE SOUTH.MuRE OlTRAiilafl IN ARKANSAS. (BÏ 1KI.KUKAPH TO TUB TRIBUNE.) WaiSniNGTON, TbuTuday, Wept. 21,1871. The Southern Outrage Committee decided to-day to »end a committee of Uve of its members to Investigate the affair» of Alabama, Miaalaaippl, and Tennessee, and another »ub-comnilttce of the »ame number to North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The Committees will probably not »tort Injinu* the middle of next mouth. The Chairman, Senator Scott, has appointed the Com¬ mittees, but fuses to make them public until the names bave been submitted to tho full Committee. The Dem¬ ocrats on the Committee wl.-hed to Include the hist Arkan- »as election, tho use of the military in Louisiana at the recent Republican Convention, and Gov. Davis'» election proclamation in Texas, in the mattera to lie investigated by the »ub-Cotiimittce», but the majority decided that these subject», were nut embraced within tin» terms of the resolution nutier which they aeted, snd therefore must l»e excluded. The testimony relativo te the finan- clnl condition of the Southern States wa» recommitted to the subcommittee, which has bad its arrangement in burge for the pturpose of completing the same. Tbe Di'ittoorats desired to ii.ive it printed aa it 1«, with only partial reporta from but half the States embraced in the investigation. Recent ttdvice» from western ArVan*a« dixslare that Ku- Klux outrage» have occurred within a few day» before the «late of the letter». At Pea Ridge, in Benton «County, a Mr. Lynch baa been unmercifully whipped, and another i:«pilbil«..n, named Stroud, wa» railed out and threatened» Another em* visited, named Foster, drove tho raid»)!*» off" with a Hhi't-i*iiu. An lb ..ii Cubic dispatch, received here to-i'ay from sb.iir.liiii, China, via New-York, came through tho whole dist.nice lu ii«) bonis. TnE END OF O'ROURKE. From The Sem-York 'runes, ftept it. One Matthew J. O'Ronrke. commonly called Capt. O'Boarkt, tbr paraos abo np-formeil a public «ittki. io up in a- ftum the nutrí, ler'« booka tttt l*ra***a «oith pro«« th« Court-1 loo«»* «n aaid »«forct ban og aaWeqaeall*' bera aunuBiltCil, Irai lo Sh. ni n'brien, .r, o-rlaus- to tb« atattattat o( iii« latitr. aad aft. mant lo The Amu. The above from The Brooklyn Ungle. Wc have never thought it our duty to say where or from whom we ol>- Uilned the * florea'1 ref.rred to.they were public prop¬ erty, and .m v paper which carne luto pxMaeeslon of tltcni Was butin.', to print them. lint for several rt-antnia wo art* now induced to »tale that Mr. O'Rourke had nothing to do *.miii tin* publication of the fraudulent wamuiti» ia our paaer. The anuorv uciornts wen» ocipieil by Mr. O'Rourke, and hut, ao far aa we know, is ali that be had to do vi ila the matter. THE COLORED SONS OF TEMPERANCE DFaMAXD- INU RECOGNITION. Richmond, Va., Sept. 21..A btxly of »wlored men of thla city have applt-ed to the Grand Division Son» of Temperance of Virginia for a Charter to organ¬ ise a Division, under the recent action of the Nsttonul Division at Boston. The application will l»e rtifiiBi*d, us the Grand Division »»111 not grant charter» to Colored Divisions within its Jurisdiction. The oolond poopio have heretofore had an organisation of their own. At the Flwiriy'i>od Park Trotting Meetin«? yea- terdsy Undine won the 2:S8 purse, Judge Fullerioa the .i'.'ii purtte, and Castle Boy the minute purse. TKLEGBAl'll NOTES. ....TlierívwerefourêteeXm t*sm yellow fever,in (.h».kr-atOB. jttaatOar. .... Mrs. Nellie Parsons committed suicidt at Plain- laid, derna., m W«tanti»», bj aaaa-ia«. ....Plum's taToiniMry at.d »ko adjiciiiB dwclling- lvo_«B itcr» h«i"-«*4l ia TW .^»Tl.atiUy. Um. S5.JIJ0, _Edward I.add. a saJcarn-kiwrier, wmn.it*i*ed eui- eiie M BaiHW. Co«»., i***Sui»»*;. bj takS« WPW ....The disoovery of a rich tin Blina near Ogden, OUS, Uk*m*Mm amtt*tmmmmMamimtitm**eaa*X ....The United Stetes Bte«uMir T*lU»>t*<*.«m, Conv ¦tnd« McKJvfli;^ «m»««l «Aat-llllBlfhlB f^mMxM, .* ***** U * ena. mm** ... .The teliMlTaph. cable te the Island of »t Kitts mmtltmtgnAuttjlTree^ m** **x*-ut*m »^<-U«li_id.fT.i«_»i. TWKniah» Templars l_»da«rraad arossasUa _ MÍM jeeuX»* Owfc(iai»iili»Bl»>MI«ei. Il* «»«aras»-, ___\m titaltalVai.ltitaay la «trial .**- aatmini ia BainuCatta ...l i mea ttlmmlXemme. V marni L ktrOmtt mt Ckkaean. »- . 1 ,.-ui«ir«a.|('«*>4i*a«B.B4ai'_iii. bet« «t» BbbMbi Tt- faaTM (lt..idi-«ttiUt W«»«I»f IrrlnfU Sialtfc of Kari ESw ¦¦"*. i^J_*ft l.m.a--a» Utaial JbbI.ií Wttatt. V?«. C PtllBB ok» «fSMaa, Mia» ti. tri '1-wia.i.n, J«a. W. BaW.I »( St-a laiti Cir-ual b^tiuui, tetm- iot* A Panis «f ia«« «J»!«*. »...At Um m**t WMMÍ »a*«*t*«t-w«>«a ia ITshmim I*** »...The _. fffk-lff ikif.nl » mer* omimOmetf Ig «warf. tAmmty »Mt*\*».xU _Mt_mm_ n*__ í__ft_lS Sir k», matai immm» t*m m SHI JP Kk4** .»*.<"* <.» di»» Tcrmerr. ...A worra! ord« fro« Col. Hver, fOtwBapdVi« .IWaMl'm.t «n«<rMl««l»t»fiba lila Pial Meb««. *e*m* kuti tiki *___***'_otvtntnimg I* men k, o?r¦ ra, ynltmrnn.mut erirtt, m o um ot The Cd»««¦ wealth *«t<0«f~* .ilk traatat.u tl**«»tcr ty a»d t.utak AtCllKf L-um«, S WJJrtñ - »» r«^ .* ..».*. I aaaar Ita la«M W Hg , baltimorb livr rrocK «Awyr- i«»-r. ti Catii« aalrratal, art te »t l.met r.ta-- »W/W* b* t*í,f -**»* <-r. 4 ¿ Értî r,,,»1 i eti*Ti-,iOi¡ uwdima. iftAttitM* X11, erintmef, .1*91 V'; fra-ri-4». 1 3eH tiomA; ml**. 1,11t keri- tia. loom na» .... c *«i »«,, i.i> j q j.,., al te hi« 01. nee yit. tjaV* k*o3. tbOuy M ¿n» i. -I fcf «1 wbi,% araaot lr yo**) >-a^pl r faWUfcp**'' iyOOt-tO*»* Lirnt.iuuft.; tt*ip*t,'*jma**L PASSKNtlKRS ARRIVED. rrOM (IMPf.-HW-In «lre.raE.ip Au.Ir.t1«. tttm tli-Min*** W,,ie. Wai. liMBjJ.ny.kIi« ll,..p«re«. II DaafartV Hr» »...ttrrtt, »"' t».ari, IV. j, He., IN.«», Albert 0 K., rick toauam'JrieO, 0. Ir.ml». Auraat lamont, Prtrl O. Compartí. Uli m Wtkaan. <%*'*-»¦ bbiei». Al» Al. .i. Maa aterí« y K ritn.ktu. Un Yar**A<i, Aa mo ira» Mme, Mu A. R. Carter, Mar,, a ret fmyett, 9tte. i.'bm- I'. A Mea n.i tkm tkrirre, Mt*, Hetty,. A. T***, Un '.atbralth. Mr* Ai.a K .».Hay. Mr». M. E«*>aa. fra l>.»«o«, C..,. Ita^»oa lean titeen. OOtM H«»», mkOtm t»Ê», loka 11, a. ». Hi-« Uatthewe, II. I. c l'i.ree. Ka. B II .H «r. U'ee e > d-va. Ora. Omet,, tonki. Un»-« Vi O. Carda, lou* ( fw*«, (Je-a, K Cart Rarah Itart'.rtt. D. D. Era.a, Tkaaa. I.1o-f«, Marf.tr>»'Bfwa, Mr.. (¡nemer, ,V I Irria«, Mr, In g, J««me Ima» ILL ii»,erna, Mr». Owros» Ir nek h,m». Jaaee bixldn, Mr«, -ft*««)«-«, »e r. ("--ri arl 2 r'a'. r.-n Ana I «¡re Patrie» Ma.-ra, HW Hn-n, ti. *ew ti'tre'. kin J.m t,el. atari, rei j (au »en, tknt Ptrxx* 1m V L Li.,.', li.a r W. Il i' .. I!c- Vt.Tt ti,»'m-t. 3o¡.L » ,-ret, li. bra ii.-:t> Mary Basmgaralaer. Joh» A. Plaak, Ht Barr«* tal UM la the ate raga. _ LAIRSI SHIP NE ITA ( For other Ship Kari tee »ecemd Pace. J AKBIVKD. 'P-a-e-malap fit* of n.'MI« (I r ). IVIaroatt. Xlietpoat »»Vp» ». »ai Wte'aato. ,tk. »aj H.lifai IM, «1* ¦*.. a^ yen W Job« O, M.-a»al.ip Ata.r«',a (Br 1. l(eJd«rWek, Glaag. Hept. 10, aad Maeilkr In, with nd... «m1 paa». ta taxnuteiOtM Bri» .^'«..».h.» W,ar,ok« Um m. RW+men-1. Cn j Tant ni Htttoll, xtUA m**, frl ua«a t«: nid I«. ». ala« M.an. k » (>. Rteaael.fp «ea^e B Vain. Rotuli. K*-umori, Ctkj Taxai, ari Mn- i»lk.«rtlk»(la». w aAtunaa fc (ia Rieemabip W_«tu. F_, Nea lledlefd, wttk ada», aad paaa. U far- gaan« k VforeX Uetk VAmi». Cetti., B^to. S daya. ta ball««. Iiark . «eyi-a.,..., j, jem, mrimaj, C. B.. ria Viaerud Har« Il dara. w11 ti r .] I.arb titrmmsn* pn,].r,%. ,1 *ri 1 dor, t.u Mntn n kalk***, liri» r..l»mae. Wilaw. K-ndoat le, tiomLn. ^f9_.*¿* J.a, t* mmmmï, H. M.), trim, Cm Bay, O B., . Wr* Pçkf liuaa.lng li.rd (Bl), »toitk, M. Jofca. K. B., l»j%ttUk lanilaar. . ' ~* pe-l,'.IWom,CUrl,Ma«,.»ajk,ll. B., rta Vlmjui B».» I lan, »iib talia«. ' mm tiibr. r», »r, (Br ). Tlollrr Ht Joba. H. B., ( iaya. «iib taaifcar. f-hr. M s II -thawaj. Cale, Ia .nun, M. O, rta T.iaaalia 0»-» M dit«, «c1, |>,liaf, ', K+r V;«(eiitWV¡ie(Br.). Hoblaao«, Bt Jaka, R. B, t\tw*,xntt K'hr. Ada (Dr.). B- r», at. joba, M. B » ian, « m Waa«. 1-rl.r lin Men. Mllrbe'1 toaUt H. t.. Il «an. w10, a tit, ti.-i r. Magre (.Uinn, F,.r«ter bo|i.-aau, HA. it ion, aitk laahaa, V. U U-S aaact, bgbt «. daar. *** RAILED. Ploi-T'Sloa Br-m-n far B-rw-r; Miwrn Tnitl«. for Harae«; lau, IiariH», fur UtttuK. ; All^m.il»- tar RorMk. It. DOMimo roitTs. Ravarva«. di. P. t 21 Qiawi, ... ». -b. a RenrU. l'otat fc« II»' .n.e.r. Ilerm«nn L.»mg tra. Ivr N.« lot* bttg labu bktraaad, fcg Mo- t^rilaru far ord- n. l-iiKi u »a M,,«ko.. *^nt. 11..TIi«. Bri'lah t:r»mmhlm ¡Mpte». ttnm LirariKwl, bu jiut pmmS ta f.ar M,..ula. FOBSIGN POETS. g.NOrrov, J«a.. Sept, m . Cue »laaouinp Biitag Atar, froa Raa>- k. »»('..I (e-.,!v. for Annu« .11 Ham.".*, N. a. titpi. 2, -Tb« «t-au»l,is Kara ootAitt. from\a.r [«.vi, . m ¦»'. ten to <day. DI.«A «TTItS. IIALIPAZ. N. A, S, rt ?1..'lbe rrtcat fjm mare imAtom te Amery ern «b j.;xn~ <-n th- r.a.t of Kora Pcoti.. Two barki î brigi aad f Kbitau. n pal in bire ¡**t uight, »awi« »orWa» d«u»ig^ at lealnag MARRIED. CABiER^BLACK-On Taieadar, 8t»t. 19. by tb» Rev. H M«-nai« p. «»fu., Paula, Brookh», lltarj C. Cartrr to Mia LiAile B.aet, ba.tb af Braaklya. COE.«BARS-Io îl.wark. N. !.. »»pt M. at th« ia*M»ara ti m l.r,»V.f« lier bruer. O.arlea T. bVrr», J «u.a. A. ( u* t, U Lomiao, daUAtbtar of Qearge B Mean. <*|. KI.V.1MIMII K-tm Wedaeaatay, 20tk Irai., »t Fliabiar, L. t., by Ra* a-: ti. ti, ra-b.l.l. Mr Oro. J. hlr (f H«btalowa, N. / ta l.l,u'*tb J «ne Haaiivr, daggbtw of Cta*. Il Kaabw of UW forawr piatoa. Na card«. MAt'OMBKR-SMITH-In Harlem al the rea.iíervr of Dr T PraekHa tiriCi. oa Tbor.de), fea«. 21. by Ue« Joba W. C . 'wirk Albert t. MaaoaWr of Toledo, Oma, to Par« II.. ¡XmexkUtt at lok» T ti. ¡milk ot lu.« dir. New-Bafrtfiard and Taunton paper« dea« e«pr. IIOSt-hLI- WltlKI K-O» Waedaeedar, tiry' M1 at the Raaalh P»|-tla« Church. Tntt. n»..ie, &. !.. b> K*v. H. Il,».... k. Mr. J. Tnnmt kaaaaaâ of llaokVn u Mim Tene Vt riS» of MtafUa All Notices of Marriage» must be indtwsed trxth fun name and address ^^^^^^^^^^ DIED. BI.AruWKI.L -Oa Wedaeada;. B.pt. ». Mia» Raaaa ;eau ma Btaaty ¡tri. Tbe rrletlrea «i,d fr.en.la af Um faail« ara rcapeeUali« Ir.nted te Utori tbr m,., on >. -.nrtav. the lid .na-, at I p. .«., at ter 1 .te rratilet,««^ Flea t.i-mu. H. I. Tau» leerea trnxt at Libertr-et. ill» a IX NCA.N -On Tue».Ur «vealng, kent. ).. Mr». Jaar f ettigraa 0*mtm » »a, » of the late Hanoi» Dnaran. »the t, th jool tiber ate. Keiat. >,» and f. .ead« of tb« faa.lr are reaperthlly laritad laattead koa funeral on Friday, Sept K, at 11 o'elixi a. a., at her late ra«I(lear% h.. Hi kaat ilnri.eU.-at. JFNMI'.-At N-wark, N J Sept 19, 1871, Reheera M. oil; ckiM tf Poluw.in end Ma-.-arei W. Jenner, ia lb'- Hat » ar of her ar». Tka'retail »»a and fnenda of the (an.ilr ar« leape. ..u.ir iro.ted (aitiaat ter funeral Ftiiaj. tbe HU luat., at 2 p.a., trun ;l* »raauieaee uf km [ -jreria. He. ti ilimy U. MKEKK&.At Columbia. H. J., oa Toeadar.lDU. Wet. Batik A., miitrn ot (be lL»ai Uaaaiel Meeker, lu the <SS(h »car of ber »rrv. Panerai «errie«« ali. le Uid al ber late raaUeaee, aa Vriiej, «M laat, .t lia. MOWATT-I« BrooklyT!, oa tb« Ila» .cat. titele*, um of Barra«re aad Mana Louix Mowat', aged t ¡tit*. Tb.- .relative« aad Meade of Ibe fbn.Hr «re ierttatl to altead tbe fanerai at tbe readenee af ula paréala, l>? guWcay-»t, BaWrdaf ttlxtnatm, til, »t 3 o clack. M(li(>I..S-Tbe member, of ti«- National Aeadear of Dean «ra inrtM !.. attend ka» ftiterai of Edward W Nichol« A., from bia wrilOJmMMt at feelwkill. N. V., at I s'eWek. iTni*,) aOanaea, Sd uat Cr. Ware ThirUelb-et <depot at II a. at T. A l. L'l SON HICIIARnS. Cot. Ree A. PTITINBKROER-Oa .Sert IT, at tbe raaaidean of her f.tl a-r la Ileaebe^ ter. N. T., Carrie la., »i.« of Albart U. titnuurtgtr at tom ttu, aad da-igbter of tbe Hon. Alfred Kl.r of ho. heeler TICKER-At Booth No-w«lV. Coan. oaWedveri*T,9*p*.tt,attm* f fldeaea »f ber daoghWr, Mr«. Alfrad Kuepp.Mra. Är»ba cea TockeT. Bal.tire» and frieuda ot tbe faailr. alao ti .-»¦ of ber »on«, Nathaa el aad ¿d:tln A. Wbi»tm»ta, are reapeetlalir iariied U attend tb» taaeial at tb» abor« reahleoee. ob HctunWr, Z3d Wat. »t ealotk a. ». T.ia leave. depoA. Tweutr-«arrntb-aU and E'<aurtb-««e. at I a. bl Carnagaa will .be ib watettng at tbe atatM» en tba arnral of tbe trala. WAIT.In M.maa.l«. «<ept ti, 1U71, «XUr a at.art Ulaaaa. Jeaaph Wa'.«, lu IbeCMh ynr of hi. »h- Beiatireaaad frenóla al« n » ted to altead kW Añera) at bia l«le raableaaa. I'ru«pe.i-.i. MetroM, oa IWetunW/, tbe :jd, al 1 u «Web p. ex., »ita»,«! fur lier ina »Uti,m. a Special Notices The Executive Committee [of tbe cmziCN8 aad TAX> PAYERS for the El.SAM'LAL UEEoliM »1 iba CITY aad COURT» af NKW-YORK: Tbe aaderalgMd, atembara of tba ftab-Tommlfm Wara and Meaa«, reapeetfalI« aolidt aa»hacr.puaaa to tbe kuti far «eft««lag tbe <u*aasa» of tie abore o«.m.'.ia-e af 8erantf W oer(.r«..g tbe da»»/ *e»«lreal eaaaa tbat CoaaltUe at tia neettag held at tba Ciapir UaWa, n »Lmmuxt ereniog, Bep»t«ala«r 4, 1871. Bach «ubeer j tw>n« imj be «cat W Hmt Bauer, rta,., Treaju.er, at N o 12c tiiurin*,; to t.ttar at Ike »ritttia^»**, or to eaUactora dal; «ppain.te.1 lor tb« parpne«, nie will »rim mm eailiatity. New York. Kept. 11 l«"| JAMES M..BUOW«, PAt'l. I». HPOTTOMtl. li EN HY CLK WS. H A: 111.«((.TON K. VBBMJIaTaV 6AMX li. LA li. -K1, WM. M. FUBoB. B. ti. IH KUM AN, J. «EU«.Ü AN, JNO. A. bTKWAKT, El ..r..,¡¡ BALUN. HENRY 0. 8TBBBINS. Caalnna». I _,___ WM. P. IIAVBMKYBB. Vie^^balnaa». I \_________ HallJ Men u the Front I PO« a"1» ->AT"H. WM. M. TWi^r.D. " Of great iDtellretaal fore«, larga-be«rt I. ilav W it «a Wj«*i a Ia.lb:«l iniai, and Bot aafaxglriH '-»em*' Tb« Citiaao» of the Foarth BeMWrWl Diatnct «ra lartWd W I MASS MEETINO ON TWBV1» rLuklA, 0»*m*kmtl BAST BROADWAY, NRW UAHAl, ARD ItnOHM^ u 1er la« aaapioe. «I Ice TWKBB vKJirRAL OMtAAHIZATIOM. ¦ FRÍIMT BVKN1NO. M MU, Mla-ebMb. for lb» p«rpo*. of «atUWia« tbe «diua of «ad I mair y^ BlllaM WM. M. TWEBB. C-.-. WILLIAM a ROriKRT* «IB pt rita- Mm WILLUM it. tal Aliot aaalneaat «paaI ara, «111 »Jirrw. tbaaaalng. MICHABt J. tilANIILKT (»VrreaU Wari). Mic«A»t».C. tA.tTO-r (Flltk Ward), 1>BM« buair» '.Mxtb Vf tri), ORAPCLLA'h PULL BABJb aiUbaWi I .«ni eu. Yetrlmyi ti».^uo, . C««B«li»ira ikjt "THF. ONLY QOOtf HAVCm.mr M nmtxnfn» n*riu* tri) «WtrtUa, mt MO WEM MM .*¦»._ UearedwaAlbTMiaa.IlUfcrkaHI|l»W|iiiiaii »*%m*»- . AAug m »a*ii«g am\y*amm*k tOUIITU. MWfmOM._ -houn-tU. CUaa Te. a«fcw 44 m*n*. f> U. iAaari* omya -g|-yp. g^pap^figa;* sap -J==-wSMStmmnymp-m*^*** ***** XVAPUSO* A k Cn.. It* *~fSX5 .fffifflUm V_*Shony, mmtt *>tmxrienlm*%_ ^rmminmm ***^^SSX ^mtmmkm

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1871-09-22/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · emm* arl*«to be snywebArro in«Mm* *¦*.__iTfxfmTt»xm)m^mE-t min-mati . *_J-_»¿

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em m* arl*« to be sny web Arro in«Mm*

*¦*.__ ^m E-t min-mat i . *_J-_»¿iTfxfmTt»xm)m merchant tmmm»m^fjg¡jgSSSsel the cu> .« *¦**¦»-¦ "w

».*": *rer>-T of «. u em-'"- a «^ .

sS.ai»*--For ,in,?or.iS5«T«April t. l«w-F»r liunber.J.-.t*^ i«, i »<.*.* ¦S^-Ät^m

W« -re received fror» Mr. *__»£i -«eher,

ft.» u» enr «MM. »** ***** ^intt><, u> oa.yment« to bim in two >c»r» an* .MM~_; ToWa4rt :

»bout owvwntta of the amount na»ea »

r. Ita »KAW o' TA« IT. T. IW'r ¿"¡¡Si« your paper

thLVornlnz m hsvlar i»«» »TO¿ County Auditorti,. the cSueO*£i __*_*_nmm___ ** "fig?!ttn.rs. Ihr enormous MM ***. __^imtm_*} _ÄV3tonwtovcn lor a <l*v °/.^S liento deny «tieri ynilT»¦Milli to defraud the <1f£¿¿S« tw. am! M¦'*** _"

¦ii,Mf'»t»vM" ". ... n.irf »na no icaa.»"«.

them tb. n» Sfcwg M,"T ant parties ant Ho.,'.,rî«SI cheerfully lojySJ | ¿»ve full value

SP&^SjSSSSmmm ** t****»**'* yo«

.«SJ"SftSSR1 O. la SCHüTLKa.

Hirinei 't-kmnn. irprmht payment« on city ac-

2SSTÏ3! ofÏSm 06. The King ta» al-

m two» tbe «.«M«-» /or tfe greater part of

B*oa ar» said'» be among those lately stolen. Here.

¡¡Tt, ,B jprpdiiure Mt alnict »10.000.OM In two year*

Mt King nile, vi «Web tilt full record* are not to be bad.





Mayor Hall, Mr. Sv ceux, and Mr. Tweed haredenied te one of our ret. r ers iLat Controller ConnollyInformed them of tbe 1< * vi ibf city voucher» reporteilijiiaaiiit in jenterday's'ifJDrst. at tbe timo be first dis¬

covered It. On tbe sealnijr, Me<*rs. Hall, Sweeny, and

Tweed declare Hutt the first Intimation that tbey rr-

«l»ed of such a loe» was .given to them by Mr. ConnollyAfter an inve»tlg*tlon of tbe Controller's account» bad

been -demanded by the public a short time ago. Air.

Coanolly, it 1« dee<!lared by them, tbeu said in effect :

¦ My act ount* .are all right. Some luLwlug vouchers

mr* tbe only »ouree of anxiety to ine."The thre* remaining leaders of the P.lng claim that

-whereas. Mr. Connolly, five day» ago, proteased to make

a dean 11'tnl of it to Mr. Haven:, j it and others, the

aoci<deiiUl diacovery of tbl» previous abstraction of war¬

rant« »In bl» office to decidedly unfavorable to bim and

tbe truthfulwas of any statement« that be may put forth,In the face of lila letter on the subject, published yester¬day »nornu ig.Another Tunna: reporter, sent yertorday to ex-

lieputy tViitr.illcT Storry, asked lilui the following qw t.-

tioa* about ibe uiiaalug vouchers lor paid claims againstthe city:Reporter.Mr. Btorrs. -when did yon flrat discover that

woueben for paid claim» against the city for lieurly»i,M0,0K)«cre missing from the Controller's office! Hld

yon write ti. the Controller about them; and If so, willfoo tarnish a copy of the letter fMr. Storrs.All I have to say ab<nit those vouchers is

contained h my affidavit in the morning papers.TI»» rajH.rt*r then called upon Mayor Hall, wh^n the

following conversation relative to thi-so voucher» tookplaee:Reporter.Mayor Hall, when did yon first know that

Toacbern for paid dalma against the city for over

»:.080,ooo vere missing from the Controller*» office.Mayor li.iii.About Uie close o' July last.Reporte: .What were tbe cirtuuibtuucoe attendit g such

knowledge 1Mayor H.tll.I was surprised at tbe enormous accn-

giUMiouirt of moQey paid Lythe Controller; I culledat his olmi-e to Investígate the matter, and Mr. Storrs,then Deputy .Coxitrollcr, told me that these voucherswere >aatot.liig.KepOarter- That la the first you knew about It f

Mayor II .11-Yea.Controller Connolly ¡tay» his first information about

tli«loss of tbeae voucher» »tis received from Mr. Storr«In the Pal! of 1WO, and that the lot* was well known to

:iafor Hail, Mr. äweceav, and Mr. Tweed iinmetliutclynier waf-ou's death. Whom are we to believe ob ibis

Important point 1_THE CITY AND COl"NTY DEBT.

uEroatt or tot citizens' committee.titf. to¬tal ACTUAL INPEBTEPNESS $»7.287,525 Vo.-IT 1> «TILL KAl'IDLY ACCCMULAT1KG.

The Joait Commiti^ on the City and ConntyAcaeanta met at ii p. ni. yesterday, Alderman Plmondlo tbe »l.-alr. Mr. Booth, the President of the Citizens( ommltu* appointed to act with the Joint Cominitt<ee,reported:Hie Committee« appointed at the last meeting have all

¦riven pri per attention to tbelr arduous duties. TheC'-om^nci « on Armories. Drlll-Raoonia, the New Court-llooae, Printing, Ac, have been In dally atten-dance, but,0 aCoiMequcnoe of not being able to have command ofthe books and papers n*-eeasary to enter upon theirwork, tt ey have been delayed from day to day in

going inU) the details. The Committees nave found a

iMihM on the part of the Coutroller'» Pepartment tofacilítate Uie examination. The beads of the departmentshave glvei; all the papers and iKKika desired a» fast as

:bef .eoold but the la»ors In that department have been" It has I ecud as fast as

iiday that we receivedtbe book» and papers froni the Controller, which enabledas more fully aud completely to ent-r apon our work.rb»Oemniltt«eat one* engaged a number uf very ethcient aotountant», und pat them u j>oi! the examination ofthese books, eopvlng off aach h--counts as are n-íjtiíri-dl'util th.-,«. aceoo'unt« can be fut nia-li.-d to ttie different'.'«mmliU-es, It 1» difficult for them to proc«ed In theirwork. It is expected that by to-morrow these accounts.»ill he inuiuly taken ot, bat Inasmuch a» the books »are

ased In part try oa, aud In part by the head» ot the dc-parfant«, there to greater delay than we should wish.Tk* Owtumitioea axe in daily attendance, and ready theuomeat tbev can get »access to the vouchers with theavnctmiiU b.fore them to enter upo« their work.In th«. i»apartment of the City Debt and Sinking Pond,

kowever, there ha» not been any pressure. The Cumminee have had ac<c«M to the account» aud to C1 tbe{av»n «nd immediately »after the adtournment ii theluiat (x> inm ittee laut week tliev entered upon theirluUa». Tue CluOnnan ot the O^mmlttee, Mr. Phelps,and »a» or two other member» devoted thtir entire timetor »evm») day«, and made a most thorough examinât muoí »ii that department of their work, .and tintolied it withth»ixee»pt,v»u of such part« as one or two members of tbe.ornum « could very well oarry out The health of Mr.Phelp« requiring that be should go to Newport, the woi ktia« agunr on very efficiently under the SBf« IMU« of Mr.»egood anil aaothsr memlior of the Committee. Thiet-omailu. e have aaoertalued what the city debt is, andffjMg « ^pcr that tbey should repirt It to theMM Ooii.mittee at the earli«»st possible moment aslue pufcit- u cleep)* mt«re«tted. and the Ctnniiiitti-e are.uereiur prcaared to report their labor a« lot or they¦uaveguie.


Mr. Booth then read the following report :t* tr^Ckoirmmt tf the Joint Committee of the Board of

£//u «or»aM¡ Aldermen, and of the Couimtttei of«,» .r?" f%w Oxamirina the PxMit Accounts.

ñxkm. . m***t»»A tiHieelstl Committ» ai^olntefl by^.al'À^ ,,no*S} CkumimUtto to luv«»UKate the act ounu

iwwu.l' ¦, .Coanty 1>eDt~<1 theBinkungFund,beg» _f«M?! *5? tB°w«fWy examined the debt account«kaa_»^ft '«", »be books kej< by the General Citv Boo^-ïït ii St**** atmAmmWMtm, and the »lock and Bond

iotAa*mxiJ\tïx**2t hl"> r°tnp*«<l the total» from theseüwlLÜr '¦..dividend or tut«M*«it-book made use of by^^Atoff' ~* -***** °* * -* ata

trnkSaku . **£ ei»,uiB*i on« by one all the atock« and3_y*J»ll>i»Wi-»llS<WIH of the Sinking Fund,Sat- Ï I**0**?* **-* **» ^'llowing statement tim.l,

_____' *_*_*, contains an accurate account of nil the

¦any oonio Dttt uie îa-vors in tuai urimriiocui i

very ardu, is during the last few da\ ». and Itaiffleult foi us to get all th« papers we desired i

ve wiahed. It waa not until Monday that we

'¦' -mo, u'noi -01 "^ tU,r ** *.>U!awi "* .. ytoterday

Cltr-.Pa,Kl|kí.T~ír,,I)Kí,01 "«AlCWT D«BT.Igp) -hie from Sinking

«.We from Taxation.',"yahl» troan Taxa-

t^ufXrui 'm\'...,..'£;.Oil,*"*,***, 80

.__..T.tlfLSoO 00

PfcKreÄ^SS SET4"hKn-Rp« atento ead Uomle-

.__.-._.tll.«r<,IM1Q QO

%^a>ahtoíSrs¡síri,o,,b*-m.w**m kkMntA....,.,_. MOenaOtt SO

« ¦"..»I« told-!-*16..,8M ¦

Í*í*lai»«toof.«..gi** U Sinking a*mS_ «W a7-M,.ÍJMBI M

»uJ..ti' U r**P*etf«»£ -«.»-mlttitd.a' _*>*kk \*HMiiPM, Chairman,RpMBT IJUIOI KkJ.Aai.1

te»,^,^^^ w.lLtmtok».

¿¡¿¡¡¡^^^.^.^'.^^HlrtwlawtetwTT* *""».» 'h whtih u.iu booka IntL. dUfcitmlx¦¦»-nekept; ud Mi. booth said; TU# bwok(|

snfl P»«***" **.0ie <-^ntro,,*,r'1»offl<* *** remarinbl«- *****&

¡apt i I» **** ***T *** ******* * n*»»tBB»«is, and. In my

oplaiaa. «*«»**»<*. * **___* ***** . *********** bo*ibaem*rtiT'*hooki are also «ail kept I am not so well pleased, how-

rr(.r, !riUthshrMte»tv»f hoads and slocks, but I believethem to l»e perfwtl.V corrert.

Mrl*ñet"»s-I entirely oolncide with the remarks ofMr. HfiOth.V:. 0. torn then read tbe following report :

^ Ac teeni of the Debt mf the C«i/«/ end County of Kett-Yorr-.ta':enfrom the Remetti and Statement* of Vu)t ontrolltr.¡ti».rip, on of Imht. j«,, j, i-jai. ¡op, l, lim

Fii.n'ml C'ty ÏV.1..».S4.138 M b*3<4,I»»T>.S'J8 SSKiiiided County D*-t»t. 14,5ts,sns 00 l»,3l».«"M 41T »ia fury dir Ikabt. S,l.a*.«**2 SO 6,768,571 »8City Revenue lliind». MM«M OS 1,1148,100 OSc i« nu ty Eevenue Dunda., t.Mfl.soo 00 tmattM **

Total.«r-j.-itM.iso m IW..M6.0M m.>.»,-. .-»inking Fund. )*.i)il,Ml Bl )Ui,l«6,310 61

Total.iMJHyMi 8» «t4\t«jfl.74i 51Jaa. 1,1s-;!. Rapt. 14. 1ST4.

Funded City Debt.tt.i,-ira.tija 61 »j)4H.016.,»«i 51Funded County Debt.... »,981,38o 00 .fí.tilS.'ioO 00Temporary City Dnbt.... 10,626,100 00 11,821,500 00City Revenue Boinia. 8,i>0»*>no 08 ii,ni«*,«» n0i oun.y lieveuue Bouda.. s,i**8S.200 oo io>ûi,s4«j 00

Total.«-^MaMis SI t)li.ieñi.»i* etLeas H.ii.lng Fund. ih.IIû.kim 49 iMva.¡*»*~ 4«

Tolal.t73,37SJλî W *kr,,'lb*l,6*i6 03mi m in.

Jin.l.ltVIO.fc)«.'>W,9OT 62 Jim. 1, ltfT).»4H,Oin,741 59Jan. L1871.7a,3I.i,MÏ 0Î He.pt- 14, lb.l »7,287,676 03Mr. Osborn.This tabular atatement shows the «t-p-aed

with which our city debt is accumulating. The figuresare too ezpresisive to reg ii rd -comment. No one can tellthe amount of claims In the Doard of Publlo Works or inother department», or the »um of those in the Con¬troller'» office.Bome of them Just, others calling for themoat rifrtU »erutlny. If Ute latter are prer»aed, theyshould be fonght out in the courts. The Controller hasborrowed ainoe Jan. 1, on permsnent aud temporaryloans, about t*«K,tjW,(>-~>6. Of this »um there was s cashbalance in the Chnmlvfrlaln'e office, Sept. 14, of |2,64*>4,-806 DO. The cltv taxes to come In during the last quarteramount to about t^OOO.OOO. But this bas beento a great extent, anticipated by loaua maturing within

four months; hence there is no provision for arrear» forthe expenses of the present quat ter. The Controller hasMild ti5,ow,(>tjo of 6 p. r cent gold bonds, payable in 1901,the pr«K*eeds of which, by statute, should " be used to

pay off and cancel any bond» or stock of said city f »111 nedue In the year 1871." or, " In exchange for the city stockor lioiitljc." About |5,iXki,(*00 of these bond» are still to bedelivered and paid ior at li per -*t*iit premium. It la de-blrablo to have statements at on* Worn the various de¬partments showing the public vrc. s in progress snd thecontraots now existing, with estimated outlay»,and the periods at which such outlay» are pay¬able. Every cltir.cn will desire that the bonafule debts be paid, and the credit of the city maintained.But every citizen should be informed that the publicworks now in progress call daily for largo »um» ofmoney, and that the debt of the city will be daily in¬creased until these work» are completed, or the prosecu¬tion of them suspended. We are wholly unadvised, andhave no means of knowing, at what rate these expensesure accumulating, and what debt» the Departments are

contracting. We have, however, the experience of thelast quarter of last year, during which the tax levies forthe year were paid into the City Treasury. Part of thefloating debt was convertwd into permanent debt ; thetotal debt increased in those three month s (from October6 to December 81) about tt.im.tKO. The city has to-daya floating debt of more than $a»6,(X»,0>90----6hort accept¬ances falling due from week to week between Octol»er 16

and January 16. The-se bill» payable bear tho trade markof " city revenue bond»," «Stc.i but no voucher recog¬nize» a short bill maturing within the year a» a bond.The great evil in this City corporation finance 1» the

fir .t.t'a* debt. Through this the Tax levy has dis.i*»-

pearcd acaln, as it did last year, in advance of its collec¬tion, The act authorizing the Usuo of consolidatedbonds, oetcnslbîy to convert all of the numerous classesof city and county debts Into tonda of uniform character,Is the lever through which the agenta of the city propoaeto lund the floating debt of thl» year.issuing, lu tliefirst instance their four or six months' bills payable,culling this piiper revenu«'bonds, and finding authority,possibly, iu tho letter of the matute to fund the floatingdebt.Mr. Clafiin.I» the amonnt stated in the report the

entire indebtedness of th«' City and County 1Mr. Osborn.It is impossible to make un estimate of

what the ageTegate amount of the debt is, including thebonds, at the jrrosent time, without the most exhaustivo

examination of the City accounts. For instance; theoo iitracts given out by tho Board of Public Works are

[ Just as mut h the dent of the City as If the work had been

j-orformed end tlie billa presented ; and It is impossibleto know what these are until we havo statements from

all the departments; but as yet no estimate baa been

made. The uiipresented c lalms against the city are verylarge, and any estimate at present muet be mere guess¬work.Mr. rhelpi-The t»7,iD00,000 Include» the floating debt.

There are nevera! different name» to the floating debt,such ua " City Revenue Iwnd»," County Revenue Itonils,""Temporary County debt." Ac, but all these debt«areflootlng di bts, and are rolled over and over. The theory-Is that they ure taken cure of each year, but in fuel theyare not.Mr. Cutting.Are the bonds »tamped and kept so that

they cannot be used for any other purposes than thosethey were deelsrued fortMr. Phelps.A maj.irity of them are, but not ali of

them. All the registered bonds are registered In thename oi the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund, and it Isas necessary to have such bonds »tamped a» couponbond». I recommended that every bit of paper bestamped forthv\ltb and they promised to have it done.Mr. Booth.The Controller and Deputy Controller are

both of the opinion that there is only about tl.taOU,0(»0 oi

claims, at the utmost, that had been presented t » their

departments which had not been paid.Mr. Booth then offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That the Honorable the Hoard of 8u,»crvlso**sof tho County of New-York be, and they are respectfullyrequested, by proper resolutions, to confer upon themembers of the Ir body who have been duiy appoiutc-d aCommittee to act with a Committee of the Board ofAlderman of the City of New-York, 1n making an ex¬amination of the act mints and financial coudition of aaldCom.ty and City of New-York, authority to eserrlse thepowers euumeruted und set forth In Beotion 1 of ChapterHW of the Law« of IBM.This resolution was adopted, and the C'oii.n.ltt« t nd

journed subject to the call of the Chair.



The Union Leafme Club met laßt night, in re¬

sponse to a petition of co of its member», askingthe Exec¬utive Committee to call a special meeting, at the earliestpossible date, to take action in regard to the charges of

corruption recently made against Tammany. The fal¬

lowing resolutions, prepared by a Committee of Fivo-Jnckson 8. Schultz, Dr. Lieber, Win. M. Tennilye, Jiid,*»»Kiriland, and Gen. Van Buren.were unanimouslya<loptt*d :

Wkeremt, The «I»-ctr» wb rlr i »re alva», btart iVti-a-arratir roxtre-iD'irt« «al lar«.« »ia J »i-f Ills, r * I« » « j rot* pit etyrmi tun fra-i ».« tat»rujjt'.mi and a iii«rr«,aril of iii« ui porWoec » tnd cadi hvaatt Tut« baa ia« |N«imlar .-..leruiu. ni, «nd,

H AiT-rra« Tata« .titt« t.iii hi»« now htdtlra our 4*ltT la t ir_re- andwith a rapidity wi.irl, crrtair.1» ara .,.i ooldone alert tun nturout mooai« tit mad« raami|rti B *u object o( tli.it ter» p4ilie» «ml

ii'/««ri..«. A UicrMirb ¡Munt «f otu itlw City Cbtrlai lu Inxom* inni,:« r.t ni-ajcairty and

UAertat, 1 lar itnlitrn.st rltirtna of Kiwi-irk, nott of tai taonti ¦¦:... tatt already takru ineiaurtt in bebalf of ti.» p r- eau«, aut. rim«;'! Ha ('inmi'itrr- ol Setent» coalmtM with jutriutit teal to»lair.,rat* nu «tura» ti nü:r** to t ra!i<-«| rel.rtn all

WiW.ijjr, VV« ar» «., i ir r. th»-. tbe fuil'>arin«t (oar mraaar»« »r» de-¦nairdeU by tin* lir.Lor of «.ax «...a»irui ity. tbe hl-art/ of «>ur UiacnUaoa,aod tb« peruiancuce ol oui polie«, namely I

1. A rteaelini of on» City C b: rt«ri.2. An abandi marni of all national party cHttlartloni to fcr at onr

B.unici|aal n turua and gottrnairat are evacerned.il. A return to «tr.rt artountabllit», »nd lo bon« ti« tral t rettatina

at ibt iai<jarlti«a and nuu fulnea. dafloted liiroa^b otu C'lly dun luunstitu fat auim fa «t tal |an*Bibl«.

4. Aa adaqaatc punubiatni of tbt Btoait-lDal ati)*doen, and I di»|7arg.In« of Ibeii cniamaily .rot-lcn ri-hei at In at may be.

iit»nUi«»rl. Tbat the «t»rtiiti| >JJaeii*-nre« »t«t bara lately heen mide oftbt pSBSSMSMiaa al 4>arMt ¦uala*i|«al Gt-ttnuatot cab o;«ou IbaI lion Ia»»ru» «'lab at tbli. ill «arliaat ¡ rarticable <.|>i»..n...itt¦, to eip«-t*aa«lain Ila atll-kaown aeaibiaenta u|»on tart oorr»|Uout, aad to dMicaUli«. If anew lu tbe work of radical and Uionroajb lelutsi.

Rrauited, Tbat at« torefratalaia tb« pampi» at oat ritt aad roittr» onIlia yo»« tod «Hmi.. u'-aa of that Ora;, ponalai »ectimai.-. w'.irtr. b«*ld lareaert« by oat aianirytuati for iryn'1 eatarfendea, It eret fr.n. d oa twbnoeaeioae lm-uiuiile la Ila «trenftb and raurit», «b4 wa lia it aa tb«baiwark of oat la«bt«liOBt and ita baal« of lb« gi*u_ futan o! otueoaatrt.

Vtartoltxd, Tkfct wv mgMm oat wtir» c*oB(i*tBee in the (Taanlttat ofBa.enty.«iBiaent atiiena «vpolnted by lb« p«.op'.e la opn atacable to«el for ikem I* ferreUtf oat iii rn*»«*a ami «i|.»lnt tn.l j.uu «inn,- ti,»criaillait «bo batt bwrtyod ttt« public tratU ard robb««! ttr» pohlittreatiry that tbe intégrité al.ility. tad pobl e ti.trlt of Ibe nxamltrrt oftbtt C'oBUBltte«, tad tb« etraoat dteotioe lb«y bat* axbibited la tb«work lb«? bare aadrrtakOB gi»« aatataaM of »ne« it .ucare.« «nd Jmt.ira» 1« lasatat tbt ttark ia lAeu hand«, wbil« tb« Club bervbr leaion totbe iaaaitu« ii« aid aad ataJtUno« la aay .. la «bick I «aa bowaul* a»allatrie.mttetoked, Tbtt tbt Mit->t of I -»irtBoai Mbii« pram bat Bator be««mm ettikiBflf tmmmkexi laaa la tho temi mai oionrbtlaüti deitrat-li«« bfttifbt aaoa tba ttioafo»! cinal.inalio« of wiekadaaa« exci kos ia

Um eanma of Ibe Caatrallaf, bj «thick «a fowl a ata**»c «al «a utaiikk aman aa iBtt.w H. tttmm haa baoa alatad la «kart» »f tba laaasiil da-tssmmt al tilt tiki, aad tiwi «r« b tap«ok fot Mr Orara the eoaSSaataaaS tap .art of tb« people «util U hat I roonki oraor oat of eoofaaion.«b4 Baado a fall oat pBhSe c*_lblt mt *. trat eonditloL et tho dly'tli.ai.tta. .

''"¦¦( rd, That ¡m ti«« af hat mat urina that b«tt hoon mad« and tb«Pttl iB'emta li Kale, tin pubbr * ilf.rv i Butai« tkal the peril«- of tb«« «-Lou» ia tai* elly be .u.a «rllalaa:» aal tbor.wi'l.'y Ibis»«!, »ntl tbtt, ti. ...,1,0 lui aaainal titule it . it-etiou« baie he-en lorn awai tu tb» iti»i-iau» I',: fall n io'lui IV tall., ti ui»t i.pro lit I "ll.lt. ...e of

IB» io.-r. .,b'uC nil |i Ira. na e i.«tii'i»a lo m mi. the l.tllbl-1 'i*»«- ..« irr...» m t,f ina i-i «I et at ttnllfia«. 'r«) ran la

* tarlo»» .la« li o ileo-r.. Bonnu on ««I «J- I..1'1. ». cn ;«.,«

»-o««aVik.u.k.u,u,.gt altiari attuaiu *\\\***t IS lil Otr t-Uoi^Hinl »*c>

Ihr rat ir» dril wrrlr» mtaWila

laka hlgk nl.tlwn» af ahintr «adtfaataaal em.n* x»*\» ItBx-Jtidgr Barrett, who wa» prteent by Invitation, ni

thee (»lied for, end said :¦X-JUDOI BARKKTT'S SMKCtl.

I do not know. Mr. Prcaldeut end gentlemen, that Iheve any haulmm here et all, certainly I have no buni¬ne«« with «erne of the reeolutlon« that have been offt redto-nirtt When I came Into thto room I expected to eeeknit brow» end aerlooa facea. I expected to see that the»cmbere of thto Importent dub were feeling Tory deeplyIndeed about tbe existing autc of things, end I am hereio say-lf I am to aay anything at ell-tl.et it doe» notneem to me, gentlemen, as though you treati-d ibis sub¬ject wtlh the gravity which to due loIt I do not feel as y, Democrat work¬ing in It day after day aa if It wero a light matter. I feela« li the whole extotence at this nation wero at »take.[Applauae.J For if we cannot get In the City ot few-York an expression of the popularopinion in a legitimatewnyatthe ballot-box, then republican luitltutions onthis continent »re at an eDd. [Applause.] Now, I begof yon, gentlemen, who are of a different persuasionfrom mu In bolitha, but who are Just a« patriotic as Iam, and |Kihai« more so, aa Tau are nativ e Uni, and Iam only au adopted cltixen .although I wlU not admitthat any native love» this country more titan l-l beg ofyou to do what you can to aid u« in this oontoo.

I, for one, do not want to b<sar any more about Repub¬licans or Democrat» [Orent appl.iuse.l As I sal.I at amet ling the other ulRlit, what we want Is not a fusion ofparties, but a fusion of iltiieus. (Applause.) Let ustry and fuse, and make a square lasue that there are buttwo pattieslhere.thoae who are robber« and those whoare opposed to robbery. I had no notion of coming hereto-nlgiit until e very few minute« baton tbia meetingcommenced, and am not therefore prepared to make, aBpiv-ch, but It occurs to me now to ter, that von need todo two practical thing». All the talking and resolvingyou can do will have no effect upon tho»e people whorule us. One thing to to and »ome practical way ofiii mugan expiM -kaoii of the popular will at th.- mit elec¬tion. As the law now stands the Mayor of till« cityhaa tho appointment of the Iusjicctors of Election; andnow, ii Mayor Hail could be Induced in this preaent crlai»to redeem lilmaolr and those about bim.at all events, togive the people en opportunity to expreaa their opinionat the next eiotliou, you would rain a grand point. AndIt aeons to me If the best gentlemen amongj "ii, and of all parue«, were lo wait upou(lie Mayor and insist upon having a voice inthe appointing of these Inspector», something mav bedone. Ii be could be induced to appoint even one ol' theCommittee of Seventy, much would be accomplishedtoward a fair election. Something of this kind must bedime; for ii the »tate of thlug« now existing to not putan end to, it will iii Minutely lead to bloodshed.Aud now, you are a wealthy body, can you not raise

enough money to hire good und trusty men of your own«election, or of tbe selecllonof the Committee of Keventy.to slum! by the polls and do the work which ia necessary 1I be: rd ti.-d.iy thut n gcntliman, lu «horn yoi' all haveconildeuce, sent to the (:ommitt<-,- of Seventy to-day toknow whether a reitaiu sum could bo rai.--.-d. Now,*gen-11, nu n, do not raise money for tbi-« object as thei raisedtroops lu the beginning of the Hebclliou, but tal..' allthat is offered, and if you have more than you waut«lieu you get there, cite it to some charity. [Applause.]True, you have millions aguLos I you, but cannot yourutoe say Ijim.uno tDo not let u« hear any more about ronr not having

time, your best business is this.for what is businesswithout a country! Ia, you not see that out of this stateof things n great civil war may arise at any moment,tin um,-; brother ug.iinst brother nud father m m nat son II implore you to nive your money, and to keep givinguntil you have gotten rid of the«* evils. Tuen- lu nolu tu r business for any mun to be m at present than this.[Great applause

¦lien. Van liuren.I have lived long enough In this cityto reel disguBted with citizens who leave their politicalduties to hired laborers.it I* the bounden duty of everycitizen to vote. Not inly should tLe elections be pureand free, but the result should be made kuown as it oc¬curs. JApplttuae.JDr..Thompson.I thank Judge Barnett for recalling usus to our duty, but I would I* sorry if that gentlemanshould leave 11s supposing that the jocularity he \t íiin-ssa-.lshowed unj want of appreciation of the work before us.What is ou trial is tim moral integrity of the City ofNew York, but the conflict will not Iks terminated tillwe liuve shown the woi Id that morul integrity rulos li. if.What Lin brought Ua to this Condition ia the luck of thisIntegrity.

PAYMENT OF PARK LABORERS.The laborers on tho various public parks

were naturally considerably excited at the announce¬

ment made public, yesterday mornlnp, that the Control¬ler of the city had made no provision for the usual fort¬

nightly payment of the wages due to them on Saturdaylait. To thoair great gratification, however, the follow¬

ing circular was distributed among them yesterdaymorai 11?:To the Workmen in the Employ of the Department of Pub¬

lic Parin :It is proper for me to Inform yon that the Controller of

the City 01 New-York hating neglected to provide themoney necessary for the payment of the present labor-era' pay-roll, the Pi-ealdent of tilla Pepartment, Mr. Fe-U-vli. Sweeny, ha«, upon his pers«u:il rcwpoii«lhilltr, pro¬cured tlic louey for the purpose. 0<SO. M. Van Kost»

Controller t.f the Department of Public Parks.Jicyartment of l'ublic 1'arks, Ko. 265 Uroadtcuy, Sept.

ji, um.


The law organizing the Department of Docksauthorized It to expend annually ti.noo.nuo In the repairand construction of ducks In May lu-at, having deter¬mined upon a plan for a new system of docks, the Com¬missioners usk.-d Controller Connolly to raise for the use

of the Department tl.ooo.noo, I. the sale of dock bonds.The Controller negotiated the full amount of bond« calledfor, and gave notice to the Commissioner» that the fund»were in hi« possession. The Commissioners have receivedtOmOtt of this amount from the Controller, and upon the.¿nth of August mude a requisition for the remainingtStm.OOO. The Controller did not comply with the de¬mand, and the (¡nain ia! resources of the Department are

now very «mall, du .Monday the Kx.-cntive Committeereceived the biter of M tyot Hull warning the Depart¬ment« that he did not recognize Mr. Connolly us legallyholding the dillie ol Controller. The Commissioners metyesterdav, and passed the following resolution 1Henhtd. Tâat tb* SscTetarT be Instructed to Mud »to »tb. ("entroll, r af

tb« rit; a cop« et tbe I-f" of Auk 2». 1871. from the ( .num.» or., r«

inrloaing » r. .]uinti(in fur tHJi.""n. requealing at tin- lue time that1 r.,i ; t attention be paid tv aaiJ rtqiuaiUvo, or ti.» tno«t important workof tin« I.ppirtaetit mast tt***.The Auditing Committee reported that the Dcpartim jit

received for rents, during August, >|TMT1 71; from Con¬troller Connon?, |2äo,ix»; from overdraft on TenthNational B.mk, t20.87« «4. Paid out lu elie« k-, l»l,:«i 5;t;pay-rolls of laborers, 115.937 0!; siilariesofclerie.il force,tl6,2C9 H¡ to J. J. »radley, Chamlwrlaln, *r¡ti,i:i 71. Hal-anea-, hiiottiug the financial strength uf the Pepurtmeut,|lU6,;i'.i8 7T._



The Westphalia, ft German vessel, arrivedat this port from Hamburg ob Monday. -Sept. 11, andwent Into Quarantine. Her physician reported the death»

of a woman and two children during the voyage, aasign-lng as the cause diarrhe» and debUlty. The vessel wa»

placed under Quarantine surveillance, but ou Wednes¬

day Mrs. Margaret Schloesser procured permission to go

ashore by paying WO to the Health Officer. Bbe sleptthat night at a Oeraan boarding-house, No. 118 Oreen-

wlch-et. Mr». Schloeeaer had two married daughter» liv¬

ing at Woodbridge, N. J., and one of these, Mrs. Erb, vi»

lted New-York on Thursday, to meet her mother. Fallingto find her nt Ca»tle Garden »he wa« on her way homewhen she met her. and together tbey returned to Viood-

bndge. During that evening Mrs. Erb wa» suddenlytaken »Ick, and on the following morning, after 1« bouraMckues«, biie died. Pr. Hearned of Wo«Klbridge had at¬

tended ber und bad consulted with Pr. Ellis B. Freeman,who ha« had experience with caite« of Asiatic cholera,which he pronounced to be the cause of Mrs. Erb . death.

Mr«. Kcblocsaer. after the death of Mrs. Erb, moved tothe residence of another daughter. Mr». Fleekonsteln,who had utteuded Mr». Erb during her aickneaa. At

the latter place both wonion were taken »Ickand exhibited aymptoro» of Asiatic cholera.Pis. Andrews and Pierce of Perth Amlioy. Pt. Hough of

Raliway, and Pr. Trejanowu of South Amboy were sum¬

moned, und alter making a careful diagnosis thev de¬

clared the diseaae to be Asiatic cholera of a»mild form.Measures were accordingly taken to *__*»_**__***Ing. The fact that cholora actuallyexi«tod In the vii age

fright, ned the InhablUnte, who called a town meetingand appointed a Sanitary Committee, authoring it to

use all mean« at IU disposal to combat the cholera. Thehouse in which the patienta lay wa» quarantluwl, and a

large red placard, bearing the word " Cholkha. wa»

pim ed upon the door. '___ __

Dr.. Camochan and Smith of New-York, NlSnHamad, Freeman, Hough, and Trejanowu held *_*___at.on yesterday, and all except Dr. Oaroochan betteredthat the ram were cholera. Both Mr». Flecken.tet 1 andMr«, lehleeaoef aw oonveleaoent and willRMMW»cover. No other caae« have been board of In the t icmlty.

I'EKBONAL-BY TXI.GRAPH....The Hon. Felix R. Brunot. Chairman of the

Po»...!!!.-.- on I »alias Atkin, I» nm In Ha« Fraaaaaa.

... .Oov. Hoffman deHyrml the annuel addreee be¬fe»» Ua Viyamiu trtmmk, Afitaa^taaal kmriat,, jamtin,.

....Got. Cook ha. __*_*_*___ ^*í_£L?ía.A...i..t Altara»; «or tka (hbüt if OtmriU*. Tkéa gaatlaaaa was

foiaulf a r«a.J«at mt Hen York.

.... Gen. l'leeeontou ha* been 4p#lgHgi_tka Tar« ir.nU and Cinriaaail «111»»/. -Haa «. M. ,w_»-wU, trntgumi.Tka lattar retain, tb« .yaattaa af Qltfmt0m\»

.. Secretary Belknap. Gen. Sherman, and Geo.Uomm:te%e*ffîam^¦Hilary ¿MU il thal sMättty. Tb»» wtil M»«a tem»kmx*m, ****¦

... .Friend John G. Lang and Col-DJD-£".*«£Utaart» Uaa^aaal, ha.« km* iriftuxlri b; tmnt*r_ m_**__9__tori te Mott* (ar.liaa aa» na«,'« tim mnXmxXnWt » »»A »mom m ma

ladlaa T.rrttary....Mark L. McDonald, late of thtñtm of _*____

»M k V, mxnmj, 'avwllnf «to, k brukm af km Fra»«te«». _*¥__*___»two «»li »i.r, ha. aaooaaea» bl« iliál»lM te p«J U» laiafcuaaaa».aad icaauif ii buiaut.

....The i,fflonrn of the General Grand Mawilotot»Axmx\mm^mum*Am mm mm j. 11 *__mSS_7.»I.li.-, Hlrt. Prit*], k H. trott**» et A..as'«.. li"«» »"- f"7,tI- «I »II (ihr o. iitnUri Ki.f:i1.*tle-ti nlintl .kfcnj» » -rib-

lo tit* mon "' tt-UMOtu.-all« Tl»aa«twt-. K. « K"« .' «e"-l»rt'kmnkoo.

POLITICAL.MB. TILDEirS LETTER TO TOE DEMOCRACY.The following i. Mr. Til*»»« project for

creating a great uprising of the Teimataam u1« t_State thUFalL It la In the tonn^fadreoJar lettonDKAl ma: The time MmS&¡3&Í_K_.,&_.Convention and the doctlon Bffi-.HO*uUmSÄ

Usual, it has laien deemed edvUahlc to **^£.««»£.nlions fur the can va«« al once, ao that even «"., îhaî theordinary period for orgunlnaUoe winVnftU.5 Änoll-lMiok for your Dlstnet In*« bMa already scut .1_Chairman of your county Commute«, mjiA tttar ba *.*on application to him. ¦ ^^

Tue î>em<xracy have never been called oa toact when wisdom and courage, and detotitn toprinciple and to motit, were more neodndUniii at the State CeuvenUoa about to be holdI appeal to yon, therefore, to attend tho primary mcctllug which mill tAOMOt delegate« te your Awembly, DU-II i, t, or County Convcutlou, .and to aend to thal Convou-tl.m your most discreet and best rltltnn«, In order thatthey lu turu may choose m delegate« to the State Con-> lillian men eminent tot Judgment, integrity, and honor,nn.l who have, lu tim largestdegree, the truat .and toa-Meaee of I heir fellow-citizen«.Centralism In government and eorni; lion In adininlt-

trallon are Hie I «in evils of our time«. They threatenwith «witt destruction net only civil liberty,but tho wbo'e fa 'ric of our free laut li 11*1011«.lue Democratic party wa» organized by Jeflersonto oppose those identical evils. It conduoted the N at toualGovernment for M of the 70 year« of the present rentury,and gave the p<-«pl.> safety, prosperity, and hnppliioas.1 ho present di-moraliution Um bappeuod under tbe

asci iii'.ciicy of tho Uepubllcao party; and though themass of them, like the maa« of all partie«, are honest intheir Intention'-, and «om© allowance ought to bo madefor tb« demoralizing influence of a great civil war, more

of tlie-t) reu ita ure to be ascribed to the utterly false andcorrupting system of tintinee uuneceaaarily adopted bytho* Republican Administration«; and there is no doubtthe tendency of the principles Hnd measure« of the Re¬publican party ia unfavorable to purity In government.In the .State I he Democracy ruled for 'it year«, from

mi to Mifl. under Van Burro, Wright, Marry, and Flagg;und corruption, always condemned and punched hythem, wa* almost niikiiowii. In the ii yeera irom 1847 toKO tho Democracy iievcr had a majority in the HeiiaVe;twice only did It have a «lauder majority inthe Ah:.1 iiiiilv. The Kcpublicana bad the legislativepower of toe i-Utc; and that 1» now the(ail-vermin i.t both at Washington and at Albany.The p."pul.li "¡111.1 mnde the moruls of tbe Legislativobodies what they have recently ticen. When Sewardand Wet-d timk the place of Wright, Marey, and Flagg,public and util, lal morality fell in the twinkling of an

eye.Even as to the City Covernment of New-Yerk, until

1870, it wa« exactly what the Republican Legts'afure«made it. 'i'lu- Iii publkan iwrty «u bom iu 1856. InIHM, it swept the state bv *fí,oi*i. In the Senate of IBS1,the Democrats had but 4 out of 33 members; In the At-

»(¦milly, but S7 out of iii.Then the llci.iibllciins irado the City Charter under

which we have lived until 187a At the »ame «oa«ion Hiesame hand which created the Republican party createdalso the Hujiorvisors' Board, which has bfisn tue aourooof all the corruptions in our City Government. Toeleague between corrupt Republican« and corrupt Demo¬crat«, which was formed during Republican asc-enden'-y,wa« too strong fur honeat meu in 1870. Tho charter ofthat year had the votes of nearly nil the Republican«. Idenounced it In n publie »peech. Wherever the gangreneof corruption lia« reached the lictiu* ratic party we mustluke u kiaiie und cut It out by the root». 6. J. Tiunta.


Omaha, Neb., Sept. 21..The result of thevote on the adoption of the new 1 .'nnsti tu tion la »till nudeterunnod: but it la geuerully believed that there will be

a majority against the Constitution.



Washington, Sept 21..The Texas StatePolice la bittc:ly assailed by the Democratic speakerstheie, and Its reroid »gives good|groiuids for their oppo¬sition. Aceordiug to tho latest report from Austin, theyhave arrested, during the lust 14 months, 3,476 criminals.282 for murder, 359 for assault with intent to kill, 422

for cattle-theft, and 1,643 for arson, robbery, carryingconcealed weapon.», etc .»Republicans write tbat with¬out this effective police organization they could not can¬

vass the State at all, und that, evan as it I«, this I»

uttended in many parts with great tlaiiger. Tim Deno-cmU grow moro violent and disorderly in tone withevery day'» proijrees of the campaign.

KING.«« COUNTY REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES.The Republican primaries held in Kings

County last evening, to elect delegate» to the AaaomblyDistrict Conventions (which will elect deleítate« to theState ('«invention at Syracuse on the 38th lust), paaeedoff quietly-, and resulted in the élection of the followingdelegates.Fiaar Wini..H. Cornell. Ii al Baatarbrook, J. 8. Baan, Daale)

Ward.M. OaaWf..>K( nsr> M Ama.Jim»« H«nV«, A. O. Beerie, Artlrnr UeCtttnj,

MirUarl Ua.i.t .»I» (¡tort* Wllha..Titian Wahi» -A. li. Xltjin, ll;y'. t Rob«, B. F. Back, O«». I«.

Nicliul«, Kamm 1 llairï.iOM>o.KiTHTii Wabd.Bar lett Htrrker lute Ali«», F. I,. DalUa. R. Orlr-bic.

Wm. Uoirlaad.Yirtu \\ »k»- John Leary, B. P. Campbell, Chaa. A. Braad, U A

Npear Leander ('«.ukiin.Mi mi Y\ a ii n 11 ugh Allen, C. Pariah, R. H. Kr l,.Kg. R. Y. Th.nij>-M *, B. WtoOmi

aSlTKVTH U'iiu.Jeremlib Bedel, »Samoel limitar, D 8. Hlemrt,Ela niter Kiniliall, Aleiamlrr ('.«!,...

I ».HT» Wahi.R. W TttAitmg, lok* Itcwall, Willia« Woods, W.A Blatehfonl, lu. Vaa Valkeobunr.Sim« Ward-P. P. Breuaat). T 8. Orreotj, O. H. PaTeaiwiii John

Fl.n.nwr Art burt rjrtnn.Tknth Vix*D.l. Y. Hear,, J. T. Whitlock, Lo<aii li. Ka,.»¡anil.

Qiwgl Tboma». 1. T Vartaa,Klktíktb Waar..Albert Amenaaon, l.rLeat Fowlar, Wa. Halt»,

I. H. Poatar Hauinel R. Monnt.TwiLrrn Waar».I M. 1'belp«. June« Jiabaaoo, Qeorga II. Boot»,

J .len Kbaw. A. B. JubioonTRiatitBiTa Wari.W. B Coomba, BanJ. Wllaon, Melrill« Har-

wiil. Cbarlaa HtaalI. J P ( ...kin,1ni KTf riTii Wari..M. T. Middox, Tb"«. 81mpaoa, D. Oanrley, I.

T T««i"T lu»** tittta.ï'irTBR.tTM Wakd-E. C. Hoit, W. II. Merritt, BJ. Ros«, 0. W.

TknBM, H. P. Tartan.l-l it» «nth WAMA.limb Worth, M. J. Petr7. Chaa. Lennr, Thoa.

Wbitlord. Alex.ader Koaen^arle«riRT«.TT»E.\TH Ward. ti. W. La-wi«, Wa». Penser, Cllnto» Färbt«*,

John Koli el Qeorgt Lamb. ,

EiuuTiBMTa W ahí.I boma« I noner Waltar Ttrlor, Daniel Xtiler,f-amii-! L CiaTrler, K. a-.l Mimitao.N im « rr»s i m «íkii.Ornr,» It Piabcr, K. A. Walter, W. F. I.aaxter,

Ot.arfa- I'ieir.liT Jiinea Kern.TassTiirit Wah- Samnel Belcher, A K. Rlcbanlios, M. W. Min

eka-tter R. Iiadell W. ti. WngbUTwr>ti riMir V AHD-W. O B. Leleh. U. C Bari«, B. H. PUri«.

P. Week. J L t.u ». ,rlTWBJTn «»".*(' W.aki>. B. II WlnrheiW, C. II. Rlchm, al Juba 0.

!...(¦ W. W. Wbilehead, Y. ti Utvkias.Tue lill»* llepublii ¡ins have carried all but tho 1st, Vth.

VI llth, and lXth District«, andaré equal m the Vlth nudVUlh AK»i'Uibly Di.-ti 1. t».

rOLITICAT. NOTES.The notorioiiB "Overcoat" Murphy lias been

reuoniluated for Assemblyman by the Democrat« of the

1st Albany District "What an outcry" TA« Argus willraiaa.As The Tribune foreshadowed on Wednes¬

day, the linn Wells 8. Dickinson ha« received the .Repub¬lican nomination for Rtatc Senator from the XVIIth Dis¬trict (Frauklln and Ht. .Lawrence).The Democruts of the lid District of Otion-

dftca County have choaen Con. John A. Oreen as their

delegate to the State Convention. Thoee of the HldDistrict have choetcn Rowland II. Gardner.

The Springfield RepuUican't returns 6howthat of M3 delegate« to the Republican Stat« Convention

now -linsen, 243 are for Butler and 409 against bim. Themajority ugalnul Cutler 1» U6.

LOCAL.Senator Michael Norton ha» accept«d the

Presidency of the Tweed Central CTub.

Judge Ledwith, Joseph Blumenthal, and otherleader«.of the Young Democracy, met at the Sinclair

Houae, last evening, and determined tocall the " RegularDemocracy" Into active existence «*ain. For thla pur-JK)»e a Committee whs appointed to till vacanttiea ia theGeneral Committee In the Wards not fully representedat preaent, and to push u» rapidly m poeaible the workof organization.A Committee of the Seventh Ward Matthew

T. Drennan Association presented Wm. M. Tweed, yester¬day, with eulogistic rewlutlon». Tw^d returned thank»,and stated that be had nothing to be ashamed of In hiscareer. He wm endeavoring to have Uie charge« «o

freely made against him brought Into Court. Law and

Justice were on hi» aide, and the evidence could not dootterwtÑ than »nstain him. He would try to make hi»course in the future M worthy of the confluence of hisconstituent» a« li had been in the past.


8alt Lake Citt. utah, 8ept 21.-At the»ale to-day, at Camp Donglaa, of D.8. ordnance, the

Mormon Ai\JuUnt4ieueral of MlUtle, Clawaou, pur¬chased 1,000 stand o< ann* and lB0.0»ftxaed cartridge*.Rumor» .are rife aa to the proceeding» of the Onad

Jury. It la »aid that elforta are 1» ftocnea te indict aér¬

erai memboni ot the Mormon frteethood, among then.

Brigham Young. There .are report« of lighting andbloodshed ameng mining olalmaata at Tlatle.

- mt-


Chicago, 111., Sept. 81,-At the OàkFellow«»Reunloa here, to Metropolitan HaU. lartereolng, over

1,000 nemma wete peeeeafc Addreeae» me., Bado hyD. S. »perry, P. O. *., at Illtooi« I Jota B. Haanaof CalWfbnaU t J. H. Pltalri«» of Vkftoiai «m. w. Baee ot

EI_3ߣ57s5_s_6>S^»C^SraalduÄ fctnnM^TvtÄwy aeCTbSSamembefof the Order, and __*__?__*_*\_*__m toall that time he hw* nevt-r heard a word In the ritual or?itara*» of Odd-PoUowshluto which the »evcre»t erltleor um I dexot.-.l <lTl"t'>l' «'UW »Wari. Ii« prlncip e.

w. io «rewa directly-in _*___.*____*_* ._**_-_***. thebarred lt.-4.rtl. Ile« «¡J^*»1 Jg,*!^__» __ »__UalUid Ol lu« (**.* ********* ,,m.<** »oklk Uva tuv

«MÉMtf ¿M thyself," snd ihr "Golden Role** Is the»erne of ISe moat beanftfnl dam* Aftaer farther v-ltWl-aatta«ttoiMer, Mr. Cutta* cbtmtm by sayin« that t«vvictor.«** at 0(M-F« llewahip were nut the victories of Um».warrior ar the mUlionalre, but moro urie "I cot victorieson the l«ati*»iHletiis of hmnanliy, where the work leelwrnrm i»lfntlful and ta* ImAmnn tam.At the aeasion of the Oraad bite of Odd Fellows. U-

onj. tbe foiiuwirr-r smeifdinent was adoptai :Vo Bama th.ll ho mMtiti I» adaafaaiaa lo tie Or«Wit aimr-i ferr

**k* Maits atmai mnnl enatmlt, ah« bar* am »al al U»a ate of ti?...?,¦**>¦¦".'.. MIm« *t A Inpreiae H-iar, Cn»lor «b4 rrrarrrer. ftae dulxmn* aaaajfaj haaerer tb.l la ¿Urilla, Men-lrml*mt ami**]**_*_aauiem, au .«a ti,. ('..atiaaat of N..rt»»A*a-r.M, oa whick tte Ord tMa bee. nail «WraaflT I- nitOi),' ed, etiatrraniioi.eet gteullo .ret i,.r n« «j. «| IrjUo t a« ta i«« «-hall ho ir.fl u, ¡nul »»»tl.lattoii.

Vloo-I'rriuiiriit CMtas. wau timm U en hero tor a»-.irai.«lay«»» luioruid to Snath Ueuti this uiorulu«.




rAUis, Thursday, Bl pt. 21, DTI.M. Bochefori'a trial ha« concluded, and l»o

has be« n II «.limul by the «Cuun-Martlal to trauaport*.tion to a penal colony for life. J|. U^hefort, in hi« de-fonse before the Court, itatod that he refused tee« optof a release from the P.*u*ii»ns during the »l.a*e ol Paris.M. Thiers held a Ion« inter vi,-w, to-day, wich Herr

Arnim upon the aubj.wt of the «lelaycd icmly i^tweouFrance and Ucruiauy.



LoNivo*«, Thursday, Sept, 21. lim.A dispatch from Wigan says : TLcre havo

been further explosions to-duy, aad the minc li binnia«».Tho fi**4*-4'ni*in«-B are all at the iioene of the uisaator. Thetownspeople are nearly paralysed with extiteuieut.The English holders of Confederate Cotton bou la aie

organizing to present their elatina to the Couiuiiabtun ofArbitration at Wallington.The London Journal« of to da v continue to disou.ia the

alleged exposures at New-York, and publish slurptvlitorial* upon the finances of I hat city.The London papers also ecu .alo. editorial» upon tho

.ubjeet of the relation» botvMVu tbe United States andMexico, Inspired by tho oulr.ic-s loeeutly perpctratoiMjiijii the ere va of t'io A merl' .iii barks Brother« andHitrvoat How*, npou the Mexlca-J const.


IiiiMH, Thuri.itay, bept. 21« 187LThe pr«j*«C4r»-viioii ycaterduy iu honor of Italian

nnlty wss iiup.isiinr. The Palriarclis of the ArmenianChurch paraded. Tho lliumination of the city last u>«-iil

wa» very (relierai. Not the eli^htacet disturbance oceiuredduring the day and evening.


LoKimK, Thursday, Sept. 21,1-T71.Late advices from tho «Cape of Good Hop-:

are to the o.iert that diamonds contiutie to be fouud lu

great numbers In the field« at the mirth, cml t!..t thorush to the digging» and the excitement over the di»-covcrles are unub.ite !.


ASSASSIN.CAiaCtTTTA, Tlitindiiy, Bep*. Î0, liri.

Tho Chicf-JuBticc of ludia, died to d:iy fromthe wouiiila inflicted by his aasassta. The nundi r.-r baa

been apprehended, and feigns lu-sanlty.



Washington, Sept, 21..A general atatomenthaa been received here of the effect» of tlie recent atomía

on the Bahama». The (rale, or a »uoceuaiirn of gales, -was

terrille, the Btorm ihlfting froto the north-east to thesouth-east. The whole cuanta of the Island» are strewn

with wrecks, by which much valuable property andmany live» have been destroyed. Sweeping through the

laland of Abaco, the se» completely divided it into two

uland», carrying with it a large numlxr of Inhabitants.The ripe fruit crop of the various i «Jam.» oompriauig tho

group ha" been entirely destroyed, and It wa» lound lm-

poaalble to g *t a cargo. Nothing remitios of the orangoor banana crop but the very young growth, and thetrade In theso fruit- baa been very setioualy disturbed.



(BÏ 1KI.KUKAPH TO TUB TRIBUNE.)WaiSniNGTON, TbuTuday, Wept. 21,1871.

The Southern Outrage Committee decided to-day to

»end a committee of Uve of its members to Investigatethe affair» of Alabama, Miaalaaippl, and Tennessee, andanother »ub-comnilttce of the »ame number to North andSouth Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The Committeeswill probably not »tort Injinu* the middle of next mouth.The Chairman, Senator Scott, has appointed the Com¬

mittees, but r« fuses to make them public until the namesbave been submitted to tho full Committee. The Dem¬ocrats on the Committee wl.-hed to Include the hist Arkan-»as election, tho use of the military in Louisiana at therecent Republican Convention, and Gov. Davis'» electionproclamation in Texas, in the mattera to lie investigatedby the »ub-Cotiimittce», but the majority decided thatthese subject», were nut embraced within tin» terms ofthe resolution nutier which they aeted, snd thereforemust l»e excluded. The testimony relativo te the finan-clnl condition of the Southern States wa» recommitted to

the subcommittee, which has bad its arrangement in

burge for the pturpose of completing the same. TbeDi'ittoorats desired to ii.ive it printed aa it 1«, with onlypartial reporta from but half the States embraced in the

investigation.Recent ttdvice» from western ArVan*a« dixslare that Ku-

Klux outrage» have occurred within a few day» beforethe «late of the letter». At Pea Ridge, in Benton «County,a Mr. Lynch baa been unmercifully whipped, and another

i:«pilbil«..n, named Stroud, wa» railed out and threatened»Another em* visited, named Foster, drove tho raid»)!*» off"with a Hhi't-i*iiu.An lb ..ii Cubic dispatch, received here to-i'ay from

sb.iir.liiii, China, via New-York, came through tho wholedist.nice lu ii«) bonis.

TnE END OF O'ROURKE.From The Sem-York 'runes, ftept it.

One Matthew J. O'Ronrke. commonly called Capt.O'Boarkt, I» tbr paraos abo np-formeil a public «ittki. io up in a- ftumthe nutrí, ler'« booka tttt l*ra***a «oith pro«« th« Court-1 loo«»* «n

aaid »«forct ban og aaWeqaeall*' bera aunuBiltCil, Irai lo Sh. ni n'brien,.r, o-rlaus- to tb« atattattat o( iii« latitr. aad aft.mant lo The Amu.The above 1» from The Brooklyn Ungle. Wc have never

thought it our duty to say where or from whom we ol>-Uilned the * florea'1 ref.rred to.they were public prop¬erty, and .m v paper which carne luto pxMaeeslon of tltcniWas butin.', to print them. lint for several rt-antnia wo

art* now induced to »tale that Mr. O'Rourke had nothingto do *.miii tin* publication of the fraudulent wamuiti» ia

our paaer. The anuorv uciornts wen» ocipieil by Mr.O'Rourke, and hut, ao far aa we know, is ali that be hadto do vi ila the matter.


Richmond, Va., Sept. 21..A btxly of »wloredmen of thla city have applt-ed to the Grand Division

Son» of Temperance of Virginia for a Charter to organ¬ise a Division, under the recent action of the NsttonulDivision at Boston. The application will l»e rtifiiBi*d, us

the Grand Division »»111 not grant charter» to ColoredDivisions within its Jurisdiction. The oolond poopiohave heretofore had an organisation of their own.

At the Flwiriy'i>od Park Trotting Meetin«? yea-terdsy Undine won the 2:S8 purse, Judge Fullerioa the.i'.'ii purtte, and Castle Boy the minute purse.


....TlierívwerefourêteeXm t*sm yellow fever,in(.h».kr-atOB. jttaatOar.

.... Mrs. Nellie Parsons committed suicidt at Plain-laid, derna., m W«tanti»», bj aaaa-ia«.

....Plum's taToiniMry at.d »ko adjiciiiB dwclling-lvo_«B itcr» h«i"-«*4l ia TW .^»Tl.atiUy. Um. S5.JIJ0,

_Edward I.add. a saJcarn-kiwrier, wmn.it*i*ed eui-eiie M BaiHW. Co«»., i***Sui»»*;. bj takS«WPW

....The disoovery of a rich tin Blina near Ogden,OUS, Uk*m*Mm amtt*tmmmmMamimtitm**eaa*X....The United Stetes Bte«uMir T*lU»>t*<*.«m, Conv

¦tnd« McKJvfli;^ «m»««l «Aat-llllBlfhlB f^mMxM, .* ***** U * ena.

mm**... .The teliMlTaph. cable te the Island of »t Kitts

mmtltmtgnAuttjlTree^ m** **x*-ut*m

»^<-U«li_id.fT.i«_»i.TWKniah» Templars l_»da«rraad arossasUa_MÍM jeeuX»* Owfc(iai»iili»Bl»>MI«ei. Il* «»«aras»-,

___\m titaltalVai.ltitaay la «trial .**- aatmini ia BainuCatta

...l i mea ttlmmlXemme. V marni L ktrOmtt mt Ckkaean. »- .

1 ,.-ui«ir«a.|('«*>4i*a«B.B4ai'_iii. bet« «t» BbbMbi Tt- faaTM(lt..idi-«ttiUt W«»«I»f IrrlnfU Sialtfc of Kari ESw ¦¦"*. i^J_*ftl.m.a--a» Utaial JbbI.ií Wttatt. V?«. C PtllBB ok» «fSMaa, Mia»ti. tri '1-wia.i.n, J«a. W. BaW.I »( St-a laiti Cir-ual b^tiuui, tetm-iot* A Panis «f ia«« «J»!«*.

»...At Um m**t WMMÍ »a*«*t*«t-w«>«a ia ITshmim I***

»...The _.

fffk-lff ikif.nl »mer* omimOmetf Ig

«warf. tAmmty »Mt*\*».xU _Mt_mm_ n*__í__ft_lSSir k», mataiimmm» t*mmSHI JP Kk4** .»*.<"* <.»

di»» Tcrmerr....A worra! ord« fro« Col. Hver,fOtwBapdVi«

.IWaMl'm.t «n«<rMl««l»t»fiba lila Pial Meb««. *e*m* kuti tiki

*___***'_otvtntnimg I* men k, o?r¦ ra, ynltmrnn.mut erirtt, m o

um ot The Cd»««¦wealth *«t<0«f~*.ilk traatat.u tl**«»tcrty a»d t.utak AtCllKfL-um«,SWJJrtñ - »» r«^ .* ..».*.I aaaar Ita la«MWHg,

baltimorb livr rrocK «Awyr- i«»-r. tiCatii« aalrratal, art te »t l.met r.ta-- »W/W* *¦ b* t*í,f -**»*

<-r. 4 ¿ Értî r,,,»1 i eti*Ti-,iOi¡ uwdima. iftAttitM* X11, erintmef,.1*91 V'; fra-ri-4». 1 3eH tiomA; ml**. 1,11t keri- tia. loom na»

.... c *«i »«,, i.i> j q j.,., al te hi« 01. nee y it. tjaV* k*o3. tbOuy M ¿n»i. -I fcf "¦ «1 wbi,% araaot lr yo**) >-a^pl r faWUfcp**'' iyOOt-tO*»*Lirnt.iuuft.; tt*ip*t,'*jma**L

PASSKNtlKRS ARRIVED.rrOM (IMPf.-HW-In «lre.raE.ip Au.Ir.t1«. tttm tli-Min***

W,,ie. Wai. liMBjJ.ny.kIi« ll,..p«re«. II DaafartV Hr» »...ttrrtt,»"' t».ari, IV. j, He., IN.«», Albert 0 K., rick toauam'JrieO, 0.Ir.ml». Auraat lamont, Prtrl O. Compartí. Uli m Wtkaan. <%*'*-»¦bbiei». Al» Al. .i. Maa aterí« y K ritn.ktu. Un Yar**A<i, Aa moira» Mme, Mu A. R. Carter, Mar,, a ret fmyett, 9tte. i.'bm-I'. A Mea n.i tkm tkrirre, Mt*, Hetty,. A. T***, Un'.atbralth. Mr* Ai.a K .».Hay. Mr». M. E«*>aa. fral>.»«o«, C..,. Ita^»oa lean titeen. OOtM H«»», mkOtm t»Ê», loka11, a. ». Hi-« Uatthewe, II. I. c l'i.ree. Ka. B II .H «r. U'ee e >d-va. Ora. Omet,, tonki. Un»-« Vi O. Carda, lou* ( fw*«, (Je-a,K Cart Rarah Itart'.rtt. D. D. Era.a, Tkaaa. I.1o-f«, Marf.tr>»'Bfwa,Mr.. (¡nemer, ,V I Irria«, Mr, In g, J««me Ima» ILL ii»,erna,Mr». Owros» Ir u» nek h,m». Jaaee bixldn, Mr«, -ft*««)«-«,»e r. ("--ri arl 2 r'a'. r.-n Ana I «¡re Patrie» Ma.-ra, HW Hn-n,ti. *ew ti'tre'. kin J.m t,el. atari, rei j (au »en, tknt Ptrxx* 1mV L Li.,.', li.a r W. Il i' .. I!c- Vt.Tt ti,»'m-t. 3o¡.L » ,-ret,li. bra ii.-:t> Mary Basmgaralaer. Joh» A. Plaak, Ht Barr«* talUM la the ate raga. _


( For other Ship Kari tee »ecemd Pace. JAKBIVKD.

'P-a-e-malap fit* of n.'MI« (I r ). IVIaroatt. Xlietpoat »»Vp» ». »aiWte'aato. ,tk. »aj H.lifai IM, «1* ¦*.. a^ t» yen W Job« O,M»

M.-a»al.ip Ata.r«',a (Br 1. l(eJd«rWek, Glaag. Hept. 10, aad MaeilkrIn, with nd... «m1 paa». ta taxnuteiOtM Bri»

.^'«..».h.» W,ar,ok« Umm. RW+men-1. Cn j Tant ni Htttoll, xtUAm**, frl ua«a t«: nid I«. ». ala« M.an. k » (>.

Rteaael.fp «ea^e B Vain. Rotuli. K*-umori, Ctkj Taxai, ari Mn-i»lk.«rtlk»(la». t» w aAtunaa fc (iaRieemabip W_«tu. F_, Nea lledlefd, wttk ada», aad paaa. U far-

gaan« k VforeXUetk VAmi». Cetti., B^to. S daya. ta ball««.Iiark . «eyi-a.,..., j,jem, mrimaj, C. B.. ria Viaerud Har« Il dara.

w11 ti r .]I.arb titrmmsn* pn,].r,%. ,1 *ri 1 dor, t.u Mntn n kalk***,liri» r..l»mae. Wilaw. K-ndoat le, tiomLn.

^f9_.*¿* J.a, t* mmmmï, H. M.), trim, Cm Bay, O B., . Wr*

Pçkf liuaa.lng li.rd (Bl), »toitk, M. Jofca. K. B., l»j%ttUklanilaar. . ' ~*

pe-l,'.IWom,CUrl,Ma«,.»ajk,ll. B., rta Vlmjui B».» I lan,»iib talia«. ' mm

tiibr. r», »r, (Br ). Tlollrr Ht Joba. H. B., ( iaya. «iib taaifcar.f-hr. M s II -thawaj. Cale, Ia .nun, M. O, rta T.iaaalia 0»-» M

dit«, «c1, |>,liaf, ',K+r V;«(eiitWV¡ie(Br.). Hoblaao«, Bt Jaka, R. B, r» t\tw*,xnttK'hr. Ada (Dr.). B- r», at. joba, M. B » ian, « m Waa«.1-rl.r lin Men. Mllrbe'1 toaUt H. t.. Il «an. w10, a tit,ti.-i r. Magre (.Uinn, F,.r«ter bo|i.-aau, HA. it ion, aitk laahaa,V.UU-S aaact, bgbt «. daar.


RAILED.Ploi-T'Sloa Br-m-n far B-rw-r; Miwrn Tnitl«. for Harae«; lau,

IiariH», fur UtttuK. ; All^m.il»- tar RorMk. It.DOMimo roitTs.

Ravarva«. di. P. t 21 Qiawi, ... ». -b. a RenrU. l'otat fc«II»' .n.e.r. Ilerm«nn L.»mg tra. Ivr N.« lot* bttg labu bktraaad, fcgMo- t^rilaru far ord- n.

l-iiKi u »a M,,«ko.. *^nt. 11..TIi«. Bri'lah t:r»mmhlm ¡Mpte». ttnmLirariKwl, bu jiut pmmS ta f.ar M,..ula.

FOBSIGN POETS.g.NOrrov, J«a.. Sept, m . Cue »laaouinp Biitag Atar, froa Raa>-

V» k. »»('..I (e-.,!v. for Annu« .11Ham.".*, N. a. titpi. 2, -Tb« «t-au»l,is Kara ootAitt. from\a.r

[«.vi, .m ¦»'. ten to <day.DI.«A«TTItS.

IIALIPAZ. N. A, S, rt ?1..'lbe rrtcat fjm mare imAtom te Amery

ern «b j.;xn~ <-n th- r.a.t of Kora Pcoti.. Two barki î brigi aad fKbitau. n pal in bire ¡**t uight, »awi« »orWa» d«u»ig^ at lealnag

MARRIED.CABiER^BLACK-On Taieadar, 8t»t. 19. by tb» Rev. H M«-nai«p. «»fu., Paula, Brookh», lltarj C. Cartrr to Mia LiAile B.aet,ba.tb af Braaklya.

COE.«BARS-Io îl.wark. N. !.. »»pt M. at th« ia*M»ara ti ml.r,»V.f« lier bruer. O.arlea T. bVrr», J «u.a. A. ( u* t, U Lomiao,daUAtbtar of Qearge B Mean. <*|.

KI.V.1MIMII K-tm Wedaeaatay, 20tk Irai., »t Fliabiar, L. t., by Ra*a-: ti. ti, ra-b.l.l. Mr Oro. J. hlr (f H«btalowa, N. / ta l.l,u'*tbJ «ne Haaiivr, daggbtw of Cta*. Il Kaabw of UW forawr piatoa.Na card«.

MAt'OMBKR-SMITH-In Harlem al the rea.iíervr of Dr T PraekHatiriCi. oa Tbor.de), fea«. 21. by Ue« Joba W. C . 'wirk Albert t.MaaoaWr of Toledo, Oma, to Par« II.. ¡XmexkUtt at lok» T ti. ¡milkot lu.« dir.

New-Bafrtfiard and Taunton paper« dea« e«pr.IIOSt-hLI- WltlKI K-O» Waedaeedar, tiry' M1 at the Raaalh P»|-tla«Church. Tntt. n»..ie, &. !.. b> K*v. H. Il,».... k. Mr. J. Tnnmt kaaaaaâof llaokVn u Mim Tene Vt riS» of MtafUa

All Notices of Marriage» must be indtwsed trxth funname and address ^^^^^^^^^^

DIED.BI.AruWKI.L -Oa Wedaeada;. B.pt. ». Mia» Raaaa ;eauma Btaaty

¡tri.Tbe rrletlrea «i,d fr.en.la af Um faail« ara rcapeeUali« Ir.nted te Utori

tbr m,., on >. -.nrtav. the lid .na-, at I p. .«., at ter 1 .te rratilet,««^Flea t.i-mu. H. I. Tau» leerea trnxt at Libertr-et. ill» a

IX NCA.N -On Tue».Ur «vealng, kent. ).. Mr». Jaar fettigraa 0*mtm» »a, » of the late Hanoi» Dnaran. »the t, th jool tiber ate.

Keiat. >,» and f. .ead« of tb« faa.lr are reaperthlly laritad laattead koafuneral on Friday, Sept K, at 11 o'elixi a. a., at her late ra«I(lear%h.. Hi kaat ilnri.eU.-at.

JFNMI'.-At N-wark, N J Sept 19, 1871, Reheera M. oil; ckiM tfPoluw.in end Ma-.-arei W. Jenner, ia lb'- Hat » ar of her ar».

Tka'retail»»a and fnenda of the (an.ilr ar« leape. ..u.ir iro.ted (aitiaatter funeral o» Ftiiaj. tbe HU luat., at 2 p.a., trun ;l* »raauieaee uf km[ -jreria. He. ti ilimy U.

MKEKK&.At Columbia. H. J., oa Toeadar.lDU. Wet. Batik A., miitrnot (be lL»ai Uaaaiel Meeker, lu the <SS(h »car of ber »rrv.

Panerai «errie«« ali. le Uid al ber late raaUeaee, aa Vriiej, «M laat,.t lia.

MOWATT-I« BrooklyT!, oa tb« Ila» .cat. titele*, um of Barra«re aadMana Louix Mowat', aged t ¡tit*.

Tb.- .relative« aad Meade of Ibe fbn.Hr «re ierttatl to altead tbe faneraiat tbe readenee af ula paréala, l>? guWcay-»t, a» BaWrdaf ttlxtnatm,til, »t 3 o clack.

M(li(>I..S-Tbe member, of ti«- National Aeadear of Dean «ra inrtM!.. attend ka» ftiterai of Edward W Nichol« A., from bia wrilOJmMMtat feelwkill. N. V., at I s'eWek. 0» iTni*,) aOanaea, Sd uatCr. Ware ThirUelb-et <depot at II a. at

T. A l. L'lSON HICIIARnS. Cot. Ree !» A.

PTITINBKROER-Oa .Sert IT, at tbe raaaidean of her f.tl a-r la Ileaebe^ter. N. T., Carrie la., »i.« of Albart U. titnuurtgtr at tom ttu, aadda-igbter of tbe Hon. Alfred Kl.r of ho. heeler

TICKER-At Booth No-w«lV. Coan. oaWedveri*T,9*p*.tt,attm*f fldeaea »f ber daoghWr, Mr«. Alfrad Kuepp.Mra. Är»ba cea TockeT.

Bal.tire» and frieuda ot tbe faailr. alao ti .-»¦ of ber »on«, Nathaa el aad¿d:tln A. Wbi»tm»ta, are reapeetlalir iariied U attend tb» taaeial attb» abor« reahleoee. ob HctunWr, Z3d Wat. »t I« ealotk a. ». T.ialeave. depoA. Tweutr-«arrntb-aU and E'<aurtb-««e. at I a. bl Carnagaawill .be ib watettng at tbe atatM» en tba arnral of tbe trala.

WAIT.In M.maa.l«. «<ept ti, 1U71, «XUr a at.art Ulaaaa. Jeaaph Wa'.«,lu IbeCMh ynr of hi. »h-

Beiatireaaad frenóla al« n » ted to altead kW Añera) at bia l«le raableaaa.I'ru«pe.i-.i. MetroM, oa IWetunW/, tbe :jd, al 1 u «Web p. ex., »ita»,«!fur lier ina »Uti,m.


Special NoticesThe Executive Committee [of tbe cmziCN8 aad TAX>

PAYERS for the El.SAM'LAL UEEoliM »1 iba CITY aad COURT»

af NKW-YORK:Tbe aaderalgMd, atembara of tba ftab-Tommlfe» m Wara and Meaa«,

reapeetfalI« aolidt aa»hacr.puaaa to tbe kuti far «eft««lag tbe <u*aasa»

of tie abore o«.m.'.ia-e af 8erantf W oer(.r«..g tbe da»»/ *e»«lreal eaaaa

tbat CoaaltUe at tia neettag held at tba Ciapir UaWa, n »Lmmuxt

ereniog, Bep»t«ala«r 4, 1871. Bach «ubeer j tw>n« imj be «cat W Hmt

Bauer, rta,., Treaju.er, at No 12c tiiurin*,; to t.ttar at Ike »ritttia^»**,or to eaUactora dal; «ppain.te.1 lor tb« parpne«, nie will »rim mm

eailiatity.New York. Kept. 11 l«"|

JAMES M..BUOW«, PAt'l. I». HPOTTOMtl.li EN HY CLKWS. H A: 111.«((.TON K. VBBMJIaTaV6AMX li. LA li. -K1, WM. M. FUBoB.B. ti. IH KUMAN, J. «EU«.Ü AN,

JNO. A. bTKWAKT, El ..r..,¡¡ BALUN.HENRY 0. 8TBBBINS. Caalnna». I


WM. P. IIAVBMKYBB. Vie^^balnaa». I \_________HallJ Men u the Front I

PO« a"1» ->AT"H.

WM. M. TWi^r.D.

" Of great iDtellretaal fore«, larga-be«rt I. ilav W it «a Wj«*i a

Ia.lb:«l iniai, and Bot a« aafaxglriH '-»em*'

Tb« Citiaao» of the Foarth BeMWrWl Diatnct «ra lartWd W I



u 1er la« aaapioe. «I Ice



for lb» p«rpo*. of «atUWia« tbe «diua of «ad Imairy^ BlllaMWM. M. TWEBB.

C-.-. WILLIAM a ROriKRT*«IB ptrita-

Mm WILLUM it.tal Aliot aaalneaat «paaI ara, «111 »Jirrw. tbaaaalng.

MICHABt J. tilANIILKT (»VrreaU Wari).Mic«A»t».C. tA.tTO-r (Flltk Ward),1>BM« buair» '.Mxtb Vftri),


I .«ni eu. Yetrlmyi ti».^uo,. C««B«li»iraikjt

"THF. ONLY QOOtf HAVCm.mrMnmtxnfn» n*riu* tri) «WtrtUa, mtMOWEM MMM» .*¦»._UearedwaAlbTMiaa.IlUfcrkaHI|l»W|iiiiaii »*%m*»-

.AAug m »a*ii«g am\y*amm*ktOUIITU. MWfmOM._

-houn-tU.CUaa Te. a«fcw 44 m*n*. f> U. iAaari* omya -g|-yp.

g^pap^figa;*sap-J==-wSMStmmnymp-m*^*** *****

XVAPUSO*A k Cn.. It*

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