Corporate Etiquettes

Etiquettes are not learnt in a day or two, it requires constant conditioning& a conscious effort to apply them.It’s learning 2

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Corporate Etiquettes

Etiquettes are not learnt in a day or two, it requires constant conditioning& a conscious effort to apply them.It’s learning


They say don’t judge a book by its cover but in reality, we are all influenced by presentation. Within seconds, we instinctively form an impression and can even spend the rest of the meeting finding data to support our decision.

Etiquette: First impressions


According to research, seven seconds is the average length of time we take to make a first impression, based on appearance, behavior and communication.


When a person gets into employment for the first time he gets confused with the corporate culture and finds it very difficult to learn the corporate etiquette which is otherwise also known as business etiquette.


There will be vast cultural gaps from the background from where the individual has come and that of the organization he enters.

He finds it very difficult to get along with new cultures, customs, norms and rules.

There would certainly be a gap. It takes certain time to get adjusted and

adapted to the corporate culture and learn the etiquette.


It varies from culture to culture and from country to country and from industry to industry.

All the differences are only superficial in nature with the commonalities of basic business etiquette being at the core level


Etiquettes are of different types. It is desirable to focus on a few basic etiquettes which collectively constitute the corporate etiquette.

They are Hand shake, Interview etiquette, Mobile etiquette, Telephone etiquette, Office etiquette, Dress code, Giving business card, Dining etiquette, Handling people, Email etiquette, etc.,


On the other hand, if the person allows his own palm pressed downwards and lets the other person’s palm upwards it indicates the submissive style of the person.

In the third scenario if both the persons keep their palms perpendicular to the ground and if both persons plays neutral neither being in the dominant level nor in the submissive level then it is the right method of handshake and it indicates win-win or assertive handshake



The person should greet the interview panel member like ‘Good morning Sir/Sirs’ depending upon the time of interview and wait for the permission to be seated.

If there is a woman Interviewing Officer(IO) it is etiquette to greet her first followed by male members as it is part of the Indian culture to respect women.


After getting the permission to sit, the person should sit with straight posture at the back with his back touching the chair and without dragging the chair or dragging the feet.

No attempts should be made either to lean forward or to lean too much backward or to sit in totally at an ease position. The person should sit straight and be alert by keeping both the legs together with both feet touching on the ground.


When the question is posed, the person should fully wait till the completion of the sentence by the IO and then reply.

No attempts should be made to interrupt or interfere with the conversation of IO.

After listening carefully the person should analyze, process with in his mind and then should reply appropriately with clear cut thoughts.


In case if there are any differences of opinion, the same should be handled with tact and diplomacy.

In case if there is a need to clarify anything, the same can be asked with a request to speak the same.

After the completion of the interview, thank them and exit the room smartly without any unnecessary noise.


Now days, mobiles have become both a boon and bane.

Whenever there is an engagement or any hectic or important activities are going on, the mobile should be kept in a silent mode. It is not proper to talk over the phone



After the completion of the meeting the calls can be attended as unattended calls are reflected in the handset. These days, marketing calls do come frequently and it disturbs the mood and also the precious time. These are known as unsolicited calls.

The best thing is to cut short such calls by saying, ‘I will get back to you’ or ‘Can I call you back?’ when important discussion or meeting is in progress


“Few days back our client CEO had come to have a look at offshore development facility. Initially he was expected to address his offshore relationship alone. Later it was relaxed and opened for all, since he was expected to share some “gyan” on world economics. Our Auditorium has some portraits of few great people lived in India (of course with those etiquettes), but biggest among them all a notice please switch off your mobiles



CEO was on his middle of his speech, one by one cell phones started ringing. In that air-conditioned auditorium, with the pin drop silence and imagine how irritating a high-frequency cell phone ring will be. CEO obviously noticed it, but said nothing. He wasn’t there for teaching corporate etiquettes. For him its not just irritation, it’s an insult


During my graduation one idiot classmate of mine received call and said “Darling, I am in class room … can I call you later”.


Switching it OFF: If you still haven’t learned how to keep your cell in vibrator mode, Switch OFF your cell phone when you are there in seminars, meetings, movies etc. (keeping it ON in religious places is left to you. It’s a very small chance that I might be there and get irritated.). Any one, who is trying to reach you, will call you again later, if it is important. “


Silent mode. : When you leave to work keep it in vibrator mode. It is very easy to get notified when your cell is in vibrator mode, than with a ring tone, especially when you are there in traffic


Make your cell phone silent in movies and public gathering. You might confuse lot other people, with “Is that my phone … which is ringing “?

Feel free to cut a incoming call. When you do it, the person at the other end gets notified “the User you are trying to reach is busy”


A cell-phone is a double-edged sword. While it has revolutionised our lives and made us a truly “global village”, you have to admit that it can be an irritant.

Hark back to that grating ring-tone in the middle of a film or play. Like everything in life, there is a correct way to use that ubiquitous device.


Suppress the urge to doodle or answer a quick email in a business meeting. Respond only if the matter is extremely urgent. Put the device in your bag, leaving it on the table is distracting when it receives a message.




Ten years are over since cell phones introduced in India, and you are still fascinated with the ring tone…??? Grow up…!!! And if it is for showing off, every one has a cell phone for crying out loud.


Hands-free reduces the risk but for longer conversations, pull into a parking area.

Road Safety:


It is more or less like mobile etiquette only. The caller has to identify himself first, and

then should confirm whether he is looking for the concerned person and then should start conversation.

Even if you are interrupted, exercise patience to the caller and respond.

Radiate energy and if it is not possible, at least exercise warmth so that the caller feels comfortable and convenient to communicate.



Do not keep the caller on hold without asking ‘Say like, may I put you on a hold for a moment?’ and then put the caller on hold till you connect the right person or to give the correct information.

Personalize the conversation to make it polite and presentable.

If the concerned person is not there and if the caller provides the information to pass on, then note down on a paper or a note pad, sign and make it accessible and reachable to the concerned person.

Small things make major differences in telephone etiquette. Ensure that your voice mail system is working properly and is not full of messages to prevent incoming calls.


When you visit to somebody’s office, do no roam around as though it is your own office.

When you are a stranger to a place maintain and behave like a visitor or as a guest not like a host. Do not disturb the receptionist with too many queries.

When you are asked to work in your cubicle stick to that only and do not encroach into others’ cubicles.



You can call person by name at the corporate world but politely. There is no need to call ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ frequently.

The body language must be positive and assertive it should neither be aggressive nor submissive. While addressing a woman if it is not clear whether she is married or unmarried, you can use Ms as that can convey politely for both married and unmarried woman.


For men the shirt should be in light color with a tie. There should not be any cabbage socks. The socks need to be changed regularly. Avoid wearing white socks. The body can be applied with light perfume



There is a traditional formula for male attire.

BBTTSS is the acronym for Boot and Belt which must be of the same color, Tie and Trouser should preferably match with each other and Shirt and Socks should match with each other.

Ultimately the dress code should be pleasing, neat and clean and presentable.


In face-to-face meetings, up to 58% of judgment is found to be based on appearance and body language. People first notice the face then the hair and finally the feet. Hence, being well-groomed is a critical part of creating that first impression.



When business card is given, it must be taken with the right hand in India. It must be read with details like name, designation and other details and then it should be kept in a visiting card holder. Always give fresh cards and do not give the cards that look dirty or old or faded cards.



Following are The Top 10 Dining Do’s:

        Do try a little of everything served to you, unless you

know you’re allergic to a certain food.      Do take small bites and you’ll find it’s easier to answer

questions or join in table talk.      Do remember solids (food) are always on your left, liquids

(beverages) are on your right.       Do butter the bread on the plate, never midair. Eat a

bread roll by breaking off a small piece, buttering it and munching on it.


    Do remember your posture at the table. Sit up straight, and keep your arms (including elbows) off the table.

       Do point out stones, bugs or hair in your food to the wait

staff, but in a non-combative manner and you’ll get a replacement immediately.

       Do remove objects such as bones or gristle from your

mouth with your thumb and index finger and place it on the rim of the plate. Never spit food on the plate.

     Do keep your hands on your lap or rest them on the table (with the wrists on the edge of the table) when not eating.

       Do leave the ice cubes in the drink – they are not the

edible part of the drink.

The first move you make in a meeting is the salutation - a handshake, or a “good morning” . A warm, cheerful greeting, in a well-modulated voice, sets the tone for the start of a good impression. Studies show that people who move 10-20 % faster, are viewed as having a “can-do attitude”. So, pick up the pace! When conversing, use names to engage effectively.



Though words make up a mere 7% of your first impression, they are powerful and should not be left to chance. Words like “thank you” and “please” make you appear elegant while words like “certainly” and “absolutely” are power words, adding weight to your dialogue.

To cement a new relationship, demonstrate that you fully comprehend the needs of your business partner by listening to what’s said, summarising and reverting with phrases like “Let me see if I understand...”. A smile shows that you are glad to be with people, while direct eye contact and body language signals like leaning slightly forward when speaking, makes you appear confident.



Etiquette: The art of small talk

While it may seem that conducting small talk requires little skill, good conversationalists know that it is a combination of strategic planning and plenty of practice! Small talk is the fine art of discussing "matters of little consequences with strangers", that help in creating a great first impression and building rapport.

There are two critical elements in effectively conducting small talk


There are two critical elements in effectively conducting small talk:

CONTENT: Key to ‘what’ you talk about is the ability to quickly assess what could be potential areas of interest to the other person. Current affairs, sports, books, theater, movies, food and travel are good conversation starters.

EASE: Being at ease and making the other person so, is based on ‘how’ we conduct small talk. Good body language, an expressive face displaying interest without appearing inquisitive are key to enabling people to open up to you.


Try to ask open-ended questions and ‘listen’ to the response. Add your personal experience/opinion where appropriate, without being offensive. Avoid controversial topics which ignite passion e.g. religion and refrain from asking too many personal questions.


When joining a group, listen intently to the conversation before contributing. Keep your body relaxed and lean towards people, to show interest, while respecting personal space. Use non-verbal communication to gauge receptiveness of others and if you are not well-received, excuse yourself politely to join another group.


Finally, end the conversation subtly by breaking eye contact by looking around, or using words like “ok...”, “well...” Say a polite “enjoyed chatting with you” or “looking forward to staying in touch” and move on.


Small talk can lead to big relationships So view conversations like a game of tennis,

volleying gracefully back & forth, not a game of golf, where only the number of holes you hit matters.


Toasting etiquette

Toasting helps establish bonds and gives recognition to deserving moments and people. It can be intimidating at first, but if done well, it demonstrates confidence, grace and humility.


One-word Toast: Words like “bon appetite” (French), “salud” (Spanish), “kanpai” (Japanese) and “cheers” are universally accepted. When doing crossborder business, learn to toast in the native language but be sure of the pronunciation!


Tips for toasting:


Be brief and interesting - this creates a sense of festivity. To get the attention of the group, stand up and hold your glass up - do not tap the glass. Set the glass down after getting their attention and raise the glass only after the final words. Do not read the toast, memorize it - remember the spotlight is on you!



Raise your glasses and take a small sip to acknowledge. Teetotalers can toast with water / soft drink. Champagne/ wine are traditional drinks but water, juice and soda are acceptable substitutes. Before you grab opportunities to offer toasts, it is wise to practice in more informal settings. So, go on, raise a toast!


Every business person should learn basic etiquette to deal with people. Of course, there are number of written and unwritten rules and guidelines and when in doubt stick to the basic and follow.

• Build good relations with peers and subordinates. • Never differentiate people based on designations and rank.



• Memorize the names of the people. If not, then correlate the name of the person with that of your previous acquaintances with in your mind for effective retention. Make a good practice of collecting the names of the people with their phone numbers, date of birth, family details. This will help you to build strong relations with them.

• Learn to appreciate people sincerely. If it is essential to criticize, do not attack the person rather attack his behavior as it takes the matter away from person-centric to problem-centric or behavior-centric. • Never surprise your boss. Always keep him informed about the work related activities and try to be in the good books of your boss.


Paper correspondence is gradually losing its relevance. In every business there is growing significance attached to Email and it is necessary to dwell at length about email etiquette in this context.

The subject matter should be simple, specific, short and identify yourself. It should not be like compound sentences. The receiver should be in a position to identify its source and the objective behind it. In the ‘To’ address column put the main addressee and if the same is to be informed to other addresses you can add those emails in the ‘CC’ column. It is usually considered unethical to use the BCC column. If the mail is not to be known to the other addressees and in extreme cases you can use ‘BCC’.


Personalize the mail to create bonding with the reader. Dear Sir/Madam, followed by the name of the person with designation as it impresses the reader for the significance you have accorded to the designation and also for having made it personal.

Follow proper alignment and the margin on the left side. Write the contents in simple, straight and short manner. The contents must be concise, crisp and clear. Put across all the points. At the end, you may conclude with ‘Regards’, or ‘Best regards’, or ‘With regards’, or ‘Best wishes’ followed by your signature. Before sending check for grammar, syntax, sentence format, punctuation. Read and reread the email before hitting the ‘send’ button as it becomes an evidence for future records.


‘Never type the contents in capital letters as that indicates that you are shouting at others. And also avoid using lower case.

As far as possible the business letter should not last more than a page as it is an official document.

Do not visit ---- sites as every company has an internal scanning system to check the same. Ultimately you will be in deep hot water. Try to use soft, polite and neutral words and avoid using unparliamentary language.


Here are some points on email etiquettes that will definitely help:

1. The font of mail should be Verdana and font size should be 9.5 or 10.

2. The mail should have a Pyramid Structure i.e. , it should contain:

* Situation: What’s the current situation is* Action items: What you expect from the reader of the mail to-do* Information: The information you want to give to the reader* Conclusion: Conclude with a Thank You.


For writing use only Black or Blue color. For highlighting purpose make the word bold. Avoid using Red color as Red signifies danger, so use it when urgent.

4. For greetings in mail:* For Americans: use Hi* For Europeans: use Hello* For Asians: use Dear (Don’t misuse this suggestion.


To be more formal we could use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by Last name or Full name. We should not use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by First name alone.

5. We should not put ‘/’ in greetings like Hi X/Y. Instead we should say Hi X and Y.

6. We should not use ‘Thanks and Regards’. Instead we should say:

Thank youRegards<Your name>


For requesting something we should not use can, instead we should use could.

8. We should not write ‘Please find the attached file’ because the reader does not have to find or search for the file in the mail it’s already there. So instead we should write ‘The file has been attached for your reference‘.


We should not use sentences like ‘As per your mail’ because ‘per’ is used only with units like per Kg etc. Instead we should write ‘According to your mail‘.

10. We should use parallel structure. Parallelism enables readers to read documents more efficiently. For e.g. The analysis will include planning, organizing, dividing and assessment. Instead assessment we should write Assessing of turnaround functions


In our mails we often write ‘Please revert back’. Instead we should only write ‘Please revert‘ as ‘revert’ is nothing but getting back.

12. For the Signature in mail, if we are sending to people in our company only then we should not write our company name in the signature because they already know that we are part of the same company but if we are sending mail to an external party like client etc then we should write our company name in the signature because there we have to brand our company name in front of others.


Tipping etiquette in India

In its original form, a tip was a gratuity given voluntarily in return for or in anticipation of service. Today, it is a gesture to show your appreciation for services rendered while traveling or dining. Figuring out how much to tip can be complex and these are a few guidelines:

At the airport

Taxi drivers:

Rs10 per bag. If you rent a car for the day, tip the driver Rs 50 - Rs 100 per day, depending on the distance travelled.


At a hotel Bellboy: Rs 10 per bag, depending on size/weight ( min Rs 20) Housekeeping:


Room service: Although the bill is signed for settling later, pay 10% of the bill value. In many cases, service charge may be included - check the fine print on the room service menu.

Valet: Rs 10 - Rs 50, depending on the establishment/car, each time the valet retrieves your car


Etiquette and business etiquette is essential to survive and succeed both at the personal and professional level. It has paramount significance and importance at the corporate world either to make or break the business deals. Therefore, it is mandatory to stick to the basics of all etiquettes to become a successful professional. To conclude, the business etiquette is essential from peon to principal and from employee to employer.