fIi> m < f:N ew ii^ p e r ^ ,'.•,,. ’: ....' TWIN FAUS', jbAMO, WEDNESDAY j u m , 1970 '■ ' wlIflRo studeht (IoformCT(a,,t^itf -.fejDONAtrrn. FINLBV ^ ____________ _____ -(UPIV • Aifio oifoctod iiy Ulo di'awihk:zKroup_ls liiimunc:frpm-Tn4ucr_. Nlnolofiti-ycnr-olds born on July vvcro nri • estlmnlod ^0,000 tlon next. year. But Iho drpft ^ ' D, 1051, wore OBslKnod Ihp No. 1 youny m6n'roacHlnft"li.UU3' numbers they got In tHU .,^^_caU.up-Wr-lnUuclloiwiDit^yeWrrycnr-but-holdingT2^--collogo-^_awinK'Muld-d^^^ 0,000 lO-yoar-prds, and a cnpsulo drawing fron\ ^ n Ropnrato drum cpvo Jiily 0 tno u/AcntNr> No. 1 position-In-lhc priority. order-of Selectlyo Sorvlco call quota' sinco blrthdato drawn, but youths i;,,iifiim ho«nn in ioi^H' born on that clnl«wcro n riB n c r “X^^^^ Jcrr/' «y GEORGE SKELTON , n n . nduc Ion m orlty 6t ............ .. ono'W two -WS ANGELES (UPD-cL’n- • Tho 10 WrmW««9trnwn prior „„„tl,„' his conlfovorslnl .Combo: • ^rdcrjrolrrl to^0rt*2H6 , i \ Hanoi's p^ans for oonquost. President Nixon today prepared no' ............................ Llltar: Laird rovealed.in a broto.qi - - . _____ _____________ ______ mwrniii. ■ ;|iyjjj,jjuy night that the AUhusI- pdllcles ln .an hourlQh#.lj?levi.' irv^t'alHrfr-fiion-appeflrflncer— ~ ■ '■— tlicNAtluustUOflO, quota, When W- wo^* drafted. It turned syalcm.olnied OLmoklnil : n . q ; ” ‘Wd' nathpil l0ttcr)<i)0K(m smoothly u n « r a sclbntHicnlly. dovljled -uunuM^ u»^ii order of , aclectlorh / random ns possible. Two cnpsuics were.' • (roT^ two Spparhtc drumj -bearlrig a dnto of birth; -Qtlicrdclcrmlning the priori, youth born on that dny would be Ijist year, whcn.tlia priorities nKnnr88o,oou iirflir' eiii^ibiiF V flilC{L'19 - to-^M " ‘were. __;bllflhedr^^lCc[ivo'*6 ervlce put slBfl'cap^aloii cilit4)ining a nronth and/dnte in a. Jar. The' 20,500- w o ^ ‘ drafted, aft call t S - ^ T o m g h L _ ^ . _j \Vlfitnam ' - •A-^yGmH&ELAV wan mii;flunigfM -m’tlflnBflrt qf the 1970 hadff W . Corili 'tarrVi Tlie President’s participati6 p tifalt lottery this morning jn Waihiflgtot^when a handlo c ^ e off r l^ l, |epks on anxlouily'as other o'" lonigHt In this unique o jta m in a ' ' fltic of the drums coataliilng the M ui tion of his policies wAs seen as another of-Uie-aeps-he-is,taking-, to build public -support he believes necessary to convince"'^ North. Vietnam- it. must. L i O l l t r O C 't negotiate an end to the conflict. ’ Tliere were Indications he might use the occasion^to name a new eiilof ncgotiator-at-Eark- In i O n B i d 'L o a n r G ^ a a f B e h ifid iH c fp .e s fully Implemented/’ Stans said Uie ftti WA£WNOTOK'(tJPI)^=Pp.-’ -_spflcJJ and used ^nd new vish>s4 iator8 will olash head<on- salefl loUrn i;. ' withh House lln-trying t«...(Jctermlne members of the No plans have been nounced this Ujrie for fwther , tiie Aiti(ro,of the Coojper^dturch dftvelopmenl on the iotti(';W / ;7; ■nrTmit^fmtT^’rHope Wc can AmondwntTcutllM off funds acrcs. (See picture’, Pag® operation." )-than-50a^fof . . H, nn^oiiSij rii™>cft--6*.u!^r » : .florgf wllh-Fldclily * “‘iS rM rf >=“‘ Wd-oMnlrtg - ------ - flt^^lefjaf^ ire Doesr - -any— f u r ^ AmcriconmlUtaryoperatlonsbi Cambodia. \ -On© group orvanothlf-wUl^ havtf to give way In the course of' long, hard negotiations to * ' LCOmiiEoml^vcrslon-ol^ Hanking officials from ^i.<u) Sl->»i.n»o.;.6r S lo c k >year; Thrfi.yo)ir; it wiis impojaibltt ,. ..to know wh^-dnlljNo.^- ' be drawn. Osliig, two "cKof“|)]aHf6'*(l[ruins'r bf Seloctlve Servlcd's YouUi day.Jrip-"t6^>^t}i^ T>io First Socrctary Maurice • \An -ratimnted 14 000 of caulpmcnl' and D S • k o l^ o r 41 ; d»f „ . , j e done .o,it„ck nl.. the military sales WU. * 0 » t>mr. A *v»%vv-1t '■•• SenateattaoMtho^numdmcnt -O Y ' ;/V K lie.W T^“^r to that bill t u e ^ y by a vote o! 5a t b ^ at the close of a two* l,No.-tW^d-jinddlhi!rp»rUorihoaUito.w««.^ com f iwo ro ti^ g ^on-lmlid 'torlllff'OiMntag ovor nt.UitLcloso otlho oxisllrg is:' M-offlVfi-morhriii)';-AIfibri|( btfrelnlfTf!mr-“ ‘S “' ' -nnoTd'n' series' of ................................... , ..... ...... , „,.lcd's YouUi Twin FI.11S-WM Lylo lA.- coSence7 X h his aides o t ^ ' “I AdvlsocjUtoiird drew.pnpsulilji-TYiiilcr,'former president of u,e CentuM Plaza Hotel here * /If ^ Thursday conialninc blrthdntos a id drnft' Fidelity who wlll bc ejcecullvo "f.™ specHlcation changes .lor , num ber.lnW rM to;W„y,v^oa^rosldentoflho,T^^^^ nrl'^m . , Ip* the first blrthdalft^tl'rawn in tjie --- TniT system lotlory/tould Up " drntt numlwr 305 or/any, other jimnbcc-U^ta ‘ vBank nnd who will also bo •cliHrRed with overseel ' branches at Fllor and H: the proi tioni ForOI have opplled, for IfWnses-nncf the Rovcrnm% has ‘'comn)it' monts" for‘(ft) more. am, titled *^A Conversa- vlth Uio President on J^V o H o r'U n d e 7 n e w B u t n o o n | ? l C T O w » « h c n - f r t jn Policy.’ -the adilltloMi 0/ firms ivill "'■Aninnn thoao altertilVnp frtm ■., ' W ^ d K. ^ I t h ADC, „p„n,(c -u,e-solitary Innrtlll lie.lim.opwulinB.-T ' - Ublse wot 5:Wm. E, W tT thnnce locofr-NBC-imd 7 “ TrmWloavrt'terytliln 6 tJ:’ IlMse \W>p.. E, ;IMIri,. , ,. ,,, chance,'Uio*. SdleAvc Scrvicex ch(|jrmnn oHhe Ijfttfrd Of,Idflhd c-nc wvereia. ot, wm even loaded tlje blrthdate and ■ I^ln.Ht Nnlionol. the number capsules Into drums In random oiKler. * . . . ln,A.brief opening statement, Torr ’ toTdv 'thMC ' i n , the Commerce-popartmenfr Audi* torium and a nationnUelevision ’and radio audience that “inten- oren. ' hO’ said, ^ill add . • ^ sive planning hflffBoneinto.thls- significantly ,rd the statewide - iV o W I I I - E f f e c t event because wo feel l i t •gcrvice.s offered ^by Uifr-^Idnhp, . . --- , important'to assure those men First Notional; Dank, The whose llvcR are bclaB«i/fccled that we, sought' a truly of the two bahkrforingBAogel two of IdnhQ.’s foremost fjnunclal institutions. The- strong position occupied ^y" in the Magic Valley w ftF tRe contractor, required ,/„. -only-to pick up > 00 x 1. haul ^ quo^lign Nixon,.' T he'live, gnrbage and trash from',Oie“ «inf*nl«nnronM r nfl»*» *Sii'.'.nil 11 / Under newly revised Tdaho Department of 'feaUh/stfln- y : . / , N unrehearsed 'progrnmi';*wlll piiv Mr. Irvin said that the^ierger . rfpver the whoje range onbrelgn un tlietwobankrbringBAogethor ^Hcj^ .but was expfectod to oopj Fidelity •area, “ ho cen'tDr.on 'Soutlieast Asia. Abortion Law dards, sanitary. \uv/\, fill operations harve-boQomo.moro restrictive and Mr. Milar ^aid it will-be easier for the city to operate the fill to meet these regulations..*.. I 1 S id S S ib S .''NEW-YORK-(UPI.)-N» w- th S c e K ldfent^-of ST r iS?hmipn-dSLs:'si"isiz^s^^^ impsrtlar'melhod of iletermln- Idafio rirsfnow ImR Mv>rncellV““" ,S r iS ? . finJ v T ’'?'.''’”?-*V,“ tail the order (or Induction for ■Uie state. , . n n j on, went Into etfecl ttrfay. A strvlcos In t^ie future 1D71 “"V .,y«e buiic. , Qj administrative fees were sot In i055 and-havt onfoo.inrcU/. tn fhi» ' Bxocutlvc * ontl rcliglous questions were been mointainM since that safeguardsc in the said Jhat full banking facllitiDS .still to be answer^id. • 'tlmc.Mr.Milaf ffild-thcjimbunl- pr/sent cbst . 'iiiiin irniio M'linr nnrt vinvnii/\n <v».i i... m whiTrogistorcd for or Uiem In operation by.now. pjrnr-nnd-C«y;-Dlttrlbutlns'» can InooMlofrlntoCambodia. , now store in a lire which struck Inslstcjl however, the. plan Is- ^ nota allure.Akpokeamnsald Max Casporson, manager, ■, ' ■ the huwtag is S enator*;' ' negligible, although some water . S . carnage was done la office j i 'areas. The fire Itadf was held jn* Ij A t a •s tbreroom'wlierc ll b'ogap. Firemon'and'two truck.H from uiing,-^ - --- - t .thc downtowrr^ station and a ;ans“^nnouiii(.ri ino- iruck nnd crew'Ffom Die^T^Hs -];r 7 — \ MESniC -procram JiyNo\ .‘tii- Avenue substation responded to Bv STEVE,GERStpi>-^ bur, he set the goal uf ion |,„j1 t},p n^c (^jt at WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ev- companiesbyJune30.Hutiiuilif , •. oryRepublicanknatorseeking Uie target was hit, Uie program , M r,. Ciisperson said 'sMrks re'Clectlpn but; one’dfiBorted could provide ^ *225 • q trash fire burning, lfr»i»>.&oaldjnt Nixon i\iesday when « e r r tin ^ P rpisij^pnt people In tHe UmtedAStiteh should 1m '^separatM and discarded'* fcrom society . -Agnew made the cemment Irt ' a prerecorded lntervle)r broad- V cast Tuesday night ever.Britlsh •Independent television with . jouraalist Be^mard tievirt. I f ; ’ ,was Agnew> ^flrst major !lnterview|for European audlen* * ces. ' / ------- ig-efl-diaaentWttM*- dlssenters In hU Agnew said: country; lewsaid: ...Ther^are people ig^ur soclet^wtfe should be Beparated- and dlscardM. I think It's one o( the tendencies of the llberdl community to feel that\every person In a rutidn of ovW 200 \ \ Airuitf \ n?THMn“K ^ fT n * T 40 ^iQB will ^ offered througbJh^ow "rHfliicdW pianno'd"parenthood ■meets ^ odvocates and condemned by requirement# 6^,0ie contrnct.of million In loans to minority* rear of tiiy iuilding apparently ;CQn«re^. overrode a veto for owned small businesses. Jjlow through an open doorway,-.the first .time in 10 years. "The potential- vipnture into boxes of stock.* lli^ G Q P lawmakers helped • capital available, to minority He/i-eportcd itemp burned or Droduce U iS oasy two-thirds businessmen eventually canTun damaged were mosUy canvas Into a billion or more dollars tiams. fall coats and bicyclejj.'' when the MB5BIC progranj is- •<i'm real pldnsed wlUi the Job ____ ______ __________ ______ ,. - , . - - ---- the firemen did-‘ they-got here progra'ift'^ver Nixon’ffadarnflnt going to hflvo our,priwhi,i nhil'O*A ..Jqutckly^dJ)clOanmc(a(ULl.oj>positlQn.-- j .V j 11«I I ---------- mininntnTT^Mr.-".Gflype>atfn^--^eiIouBginBfaock ov^rrwlo*— of;-prtVentw I . w . said. . ^ the veto 270 to Oft. The Seriate, psy^paths, n I. ’Thcfirmmoved'a month ago \WUi .unanirtious Democratic .Li ^ ' - from a dpvOTlown4ooflUon-imo-Tfoport, assured enac-tnfent of F l O i l i t — Ih^^new 'steel- .constructed qje thmn.yimg_hnr^7n to 10. * -i^grr.*V-»- , buUdlng nt,'-J115' BluV’ Lnkos— rRopubllcan senators seeking . w . :i«i. -J . ' k ' young-n ■instUutjons and-thftt-thefe-wi onponfin^B-who-cajl^fr it a U G 4 > ~ WAsiilNGTQNTuPry==1-atrtd- !mpl6yc~C;hH>igg3. - ' . boHinning^of J!j>-most tragic other sanitation i^ems such'as 1 „“5 “I S Umc'In lla'lB7.ycar history DlVd.,i.,. . _______ ____ -InaVnncc-odJostort wuru' un ' ajnuiig’J rc*«16ci Fidelity National h|)wcvcr, are retiring. *BaniJ;*'^lat6','’lFeTaw'become opera- . tive at 12:01 a.m. specti.flns, find .'rcnioyul, ,of old car b«|le>{. 4 Stoir.e^- B o m b e d ^ I n N .Y .C . hospitar construcfion and- „ »• / : jfiodernbmtlon. ‘ , .'^SAIGOH(tJPI)';^C The oriy Republican senator. -MtlaWfaft f- * * > Wc* bSlkoJwltii thoP^eadont ontho. was passed by the Sonatb early today to cap a .mnrathop ■ hour, 62^1nilto sesfllon. ■' '■-Tlio. ' b i l l .. to create ...an. Indepefidcnt postal Bcrvjco .and' • grant postal.workors ta '8 per. cent pay raise now.;i!a?,s to a Hou8 «.si!nato conferencij com- - - mlttfl'e. It Doacked B vtotory.fof the Nlionadmlnlslratlon. < u p t(>t election who voted to ^e rlc iU i iusldlh i tho •vitb:.jjiM ' Sen. Roman p. fllruika of Nwpska.' Xlioso' who'^rdld , not .were' I I, n m ma W./^Woolworth‘ doDnrtment (j^^ll,,.?! Now Yorli. olbrge • ^ i L - - F trtops «w»y,Jc<iia O iiX bodlsn,l)()lrdeivldllliK e 'Slltiryir^'^ ' moro*of ;lt« tn o p i (rdiA?i bodlalanil'Amedn- VIet.toiig 111 I , ., , 1 IXh cwtury niliu of4i WuT'- i„ t,.i/ a :*r .... '".i; iJiir i. firemen were' at tlie scene/ A « • ’’ed S o i . ^ . f e a w . ' ‘*'>‘;>^>“ 8 «:ABottto»ned 0 »^t ,t .......... «nd no injuries. , , .j: i sory,unionism whUo the Senato . , u . - d m u i i kt S o t i S n ^ a ^ o r ^ ^ -^‘^nniriimifriiitKiroBti" negotiate (or attnlon ^ p . p^,mp|„y8, „ 5 r®jujl leovlnjjJLl, ______________ , - ■ Y v ----------------- ^ o f^ Woolworth-steres-when-irtonths^ha#^ - LtS l Oie firsUliudciUanltcii. aWdtfig to the^^i ’ t° ne irartmiiht'^.wiunaff X drnwlnj ~l|i WtahWoIi hot stsrtod lire* lni4vc»l New ry ^oijfedepirtihenl; storen In j»l DMbItahtbe*nUrelwi).taday;« .?(\ flve.iUm; win I Uaho T int kad Uy K a i l n i d ^ b S ^ h S ^ t a e U . A, Fradcr.'tl^ VMpral -Waitan«B.IrvlQiBiiln,clii •«nd It waj'Jeelifcd W W " hW th.it wli)t,/pw?a> iu<dl 4bIle»fowouWfe^ •^huradjiy «t vhloh •utfefmal‘1 _ .'Itt-'a' time the eritire rfrawlnB^SOuld Wlw^napWiu «j)[ ^ ft« ihown, ' “ 'elves, (ftu»Wg» inwlt ,lire •■■■ r-H r a a S lW U»M:WWUe'’alt« the : ihan 4 w \b» - 1 month. (bucWwil' 0 f IhU, alUAd6 tt^W ------ ^ -- MNiDfa gaW; 88

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f I i > m < f : N e w i i ^ p e r ^ , '. • , , .

’ : ....' TW IN FAUS', jb A M O , W EDNESDAY j u m , 1970 '■ ■'

■ wlIflRo studeht (IoformCT(a,,t^itf- .fe jDONAtrrn. FINLBV ^ ____________ _____

- (U P IV • Aifio oifoctod iiy Ulo di'awihk:zKroup_ls liiimunc:frpm-Tn4ucr_.Nlnolofiti-ycnr-olds born on July vvcro nri • estlmnlod ^0,000 tlon next. year. But Iho drpft

^ ' D, 1051, wore OBslKnod Ihp No. 1 youny m6n'roacHlnft"li.UU3' numbers they got In tHU


0,000 lO-yoar-prds, and a cnpsulo drawing fron\ ^ n

Ropnrato drum cpvo Jiily 0 tno u/AcntNr> No. 1 position-In-lhc priority. order-of Selectlyo Sorvlco call

quota' sincoblrthdato drawn, but youths i;,,iifiim ho«nn in ioi^H'

born on that clnl«wcro n r iB n c r “X ^ ^ ^ ^ Jc r r / ' «y GEORGE SKELTON ,nn . nduc Ion m orlty 6t .............. ono'W two - W S ANGELES (UPD-cL’n- •

Tho 10 WrmW««9trnwn prior „„„tl,„' his conlfovorslnl .Combo: •

^ r d c r jr o lr r l to^0rt*2H 6 , i \ Hanoi's p^ans for oonquost.

President Nixon today preparedno ' ............................L llt a r :

Laird rovealed.in a b ro to .q i - - . _____ _____________ ______mwrniii. ■ ;|iyjjj,jjuy night that the AUhusI- pdllcles ln .an hourlQh#.lj?levi.'

irv^t'alHrfr-fiion-appeflrflncer— ~ ■'■—

tlicNAtluustUOflO, quota, When W- wo^* drafted. It turned

syalcm.olnied OLmoklnil : n . q ; ” ‘W d '

nathp il l0ttcr)<i)0K(m smoothly

u n « r a sclbntHicnlly. dovljled

-uunuM u»^iiorder of , aclectlorh

/ random ns possible.Two cnpsuics were.'

• (roT two Spparhtc drumj

-bearlrig a dnto of birth; -Qtlicrdclcrmlning the priori, youth born on that dny would be

Ijist year, whcn.tlia priorities nKnnr88o,oou iirflir' eiii ibiiF

V flilC{L'19 - to-^M " ‘were.__;bllflhedr^^lCc[ivo'*6 ervlce

put slBfl'cap^aloii cilit4)ining a nronth and/dnte in a. Jar. The'

20,500- w o ^ ‘ drafted,

aft call

t S - ^ T o m g h L _ ^ . _ j\Vlfitnam ' -

•A-^yGmH&ELAV wan mii;flunigfM -m’ tlflnBflrt qf the 1970 had f f W . Corili ' ta r rV iTlie President’s participati6 p tifalt lottery this morning jn Waihiflgtot^when a handlo c ^ e off r l ^ l , |epks on anxlouily'as other o '"

lonigHt In this unique o j t a m in a '' fltic of the drums coataliilng the M u i

tion of his policies wAs seen as another of-Uie-aeps-he-is,taking-, to build public -support he believes necessary to co nv in ce "'^

North. Vietnam- i t . must. L i O l l t r O C ' t negotiate an end to the conflict. ’

Tliere were Indications he might use the occasion^to name a new eiilof ncgotiator-at-Eark-

I n i O n B i d

'L o a n r G ^ a a f

B e h if id iH c f p .e s

fully Implemented/’ Stans said Uie ftti

WA£WNOTOK'(tJPI)^=Pp.-’-_spflcJJ and used ^nd new vish>s4 iator8 will olash head<on- salefl loUrn i;. ■ 'w ithh ■ ‘ ■House lln-trying t«...(Jctermlne

members of the No plans have beennounced this Ujrie for fwther ,

tiie Aiti(ro,of the Coojper^dturch dftvelopmenl on the iotti(';W / ;7; ■nrTmit^fmtT^’rHope Wc can AmondwntTcutllM off funds acrcs. (See picture’, Pag®


. . H, n n^o iiS ij r ii™ > c ft- - 6 * .u !^ r » : .flo rg f wllh-Fldclily * “ ‘ i S r M r f >=“‘ Wd-oMnlrtg

- ------ - flt^^lefjaf^

i r e D o e s r -

-any— f u r ^ AmcriconmlUtaryoperatlonsbi

Cambodia. \-On© group orvanothlf-wU l^

havtf to give way In the course o f ' long, hard negotiations to *

' LCOmiiEoml^vcrslon-ol^

Hanking officials from ^i.<u)

S l- > » i.n » o .; .6 r S l o c k

>year;Thrfi.yo)ir; it wiis impojaibltt

, . ..to know wh^-dnlljNo.^- ' be drawn. Osliig, two

"cKof“|)]aHf6'*(l[ruins'r bf Seloctlve Servlcd's YouUi

day.Jrip-"t6^>^t}i^ T>io First Socrctary Maurice • \An -ratimnted 14 000 of

caulpmcnl' and D S • k o l ^ o r 41; d»f „. , j e done .o ,it„c k nl..

the military sales WU. *0 » t> m r . A *v»% vv-1t ■ '■•• SenateattaoMtho^numdmcnt - O Y ' ; / V K l i e . W T ^ “ ^ r to that bill t u e ^ y by a vote o! 5a t b ^ at the close of a two*

l,N o .-tW ^ d -jin d d lh i!rp »rU o rih o a U ito .w ««.^ com ‘ f “iwo r o t i ^ g ^on-lmlid 'torlllff'OiMntag ovor nt.UitLcloso otlho oxisllrgis:' M-offlVfi-morhriii)';-AIfibri|( btfrelnlfTf!mr-“ ‘S “' ' -nnoTd'n' series' of ...................................

, ..... ...... , „,.lcd 's YouUi Twin FI.11S-WM Lylo lA.- coSence7 X h his aides o t ^ ' “IAdvlsocjUtoiird drew.pnpsulilji-TYiiilcr,'former president of u,e CentuM Plaza Hotel here * /If ^ Thursdayconialninc blrthdntos aid drnft' Fidelity who wlll bc ejcecullvo "f.™ specHlcation changes .lor

, num ber.lnW rM to;W„y,v^oa^rosldentoflho,T^^^^ n rl'^m. , Ip *the first blrthdalft^tl'rawn in tjie

--- TniT system lotlory/tould Up" drntt numlwr 305 or/any, other

jimnbcc-U^ta ‘

vBank nnd who will also bo •cliHrRed with overseel ' branches at Fllor and H:




have opplled, for IfWnses-nncf the Rovcrnm% has ‘'comn)it' monts" for‘(ft) more.am, titled * A Conversa-

vlth Uio President on J^V oHor'Unde7 n e w B u t n o o n | ? lC T O w » « h c n - f r t jn Policy.’ -the adilltloMi 0/ firms ivill

"'■Aninnn thoao altertilVnp frtm ■., ' W ^ d K. ^ I t h ADC, „p„n,(c -u,e-solitary In n r t l l l lie.lim.opwulinB.-T ' - Ublse wot 5:Wm. E , W t T thnnce locofr-NBC-imd7 “ T rm W lo av rt'te ry tliln 6 t J : ’ IlMse \W>p.. E , ;IM Iri,. , , . ,,,

chance,'Uio*. SdleAvc Scrvicex ch(|jrmnn oHhe Ijfttfrd Of,Idflhd c-nc wvereia. o t , wm

even loaded tlje blrthdate and ■ I ln.Ht Nnlionol.thenumber capsules Into

drums In random oiKler. * .

. . ln,A.brief opening statement,

Torr ’ toTdv 'thMC ' i n , the Commerce-popartmenfr Audi* torium and a nationnUelevision

’and radio audience that “ inten- oren. ' hO’ said, ^ i l l add . • ^ ■

sive planning hflffBoneinto.thls- significantly ,rd the statewide - iV o W I I I - E f f e c tevent because wo feel l i t •gcrvice.s offered by Uifr- Idnhp, . . ---,important'to assure those men First N otiona l; Dank, The whose llvcR are bclaB«i/fccled

that we, sought' a truly

of the two bahkrforingBAogel two of IdnhQ.’s foremost fjnunclal institutions. The- strong position occupied ^y"

in the Magic Valley

w ftF tRe contractor, required ,/ „ . -only-to pick up >0 0 x1. haul ^

quo^lign Nixon,.' T h e 'liv e , gnrbage and trash from',Oie“«inf*nl«nnronM ' « r nfl»*» *Sii'.'.nil 11 /

Under newly revised Tdaho

Department of 'feaUh/stfln-

y : . / , N unrehearsed 'progrnmi';*wlll piivMr. Irvin said that the^ierger . rfpver the whoje range onbrelgn un

tlietwobankrbringBAogethor ^H cj^ .but was expfectod to oopj

Fidelity •area, “ ho

cen'tDr.on 'Soutlieast Asia.

A b o r t i o n L a w

dards, sanitary. \u v /\, fill operations harve-boQomo.moro restrictive and Mr. Milar ^aid it will-be easier for the city to operate the fill to meet these regulations..*.. I 1

S i d S S i b S .''N E W -Y O R K -(U P I.)-N »w - t h S c e K l d f e n t ^ - o f

S T r i S ? h m i p n - d S L s : ' s i " i s i z ^ s ^ ^ ^impsrtlar'melhod of iletermln- Idafio rirsfnow ImR M v>rncellV “ “" , S r i S ? . f i n J v T ’'?'.''’”?- *V,“ tail the order (or Induction for ■ Uie state. • , . n n j on, went Into etfecl ttrfay. A strvlcos In t ie future1D71 “"V .,y«e buiic. , Qj administrative fees were sot In i055 and-havt

onfoo.inrcU/. tn fhi» ' Bxocutlvc * ontl rcliglous questions were been mointainM since thatsafeguardsc in the said Jhat full banking facllitiDS .still to be answer^id. • 'tlm c.M r.M ilaf ffild-thcjimbunl-

pr/sent cbst. ' i i i i in irn iio M'linr nnrt vinvnii/\n <v».i i...

m whiTrogistorcd for

or Uiem In operation by.now. pjrnr-nnd-C«y;-Dlttrlbutlns'» can InooMlofrlntoCambodia.

, now store in a lire which struckInslstcjl however, the. plan Is- ^

nota allure.Akpokeamnsald Max Casporson, manager, ■ , ■ ' ■•

the huwtag is S e n a t o r * ; ' 'negligible, although some water . S .carnage was done la office j i'areas. The fire Itadf was held jn* I j A t a • s tbreroom'wlierc l l b'ogap.

Firemon'and'two truck.H fromuiing,-^ ---- - t .thc downtowrr^ station and a;ans“ ^nnouiii(.ri ino- iruck nnd crew'Ffom Die^T^Hs -] ; r 7— \

MESniC -procram JiyNo\ .‘tii- Avenue substation responded to Bv STEVE,GERStpi>-^ bur, he set the goal uf ion |,„j1 t},p n^c (^jt at WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ev-companiesbyJune30.Hutiiuilif , •. oryRepublicanknatorseeking

Uie target was hit, Uie program , M r,. Ciisperson said 'sMrks re'Clectlpn but; one’ dfiBorted

could provide ^ *225 • q trash fire burning, lfr»i»>.&oald jnt Nixon i\iesday when

« e r r t i n ^

P r p i s i j ^ p n t

people In tHe UmtedAStiteh should 1m '^separatM and discarded'* fcrom society . -Agnew made the cemment Irt '

a prerecorded lntervle)r broad- V cast Tuesday night ever.Britlsh •Independent television with . jouraalist Be^mard tievirt. I f ; ’

,was Agnew> flrst major

!lnterview|for European audlen* *■ ces. ' / ------- — —

ig-efl-diaaentWttM*-dlssenters In hU Agnew said:

country;lewsaid:...Ther^are people ig ^ u r

soclet^wtfe should be Beparated- and dlscardM. I think It's one

o ( the tendencies of the llberdl community to feel that\every person In a rutidn of ovW 2 0 0 \ \

A iru itf

\ ■ n?THMn“K ^ f T n * T 40 iQB will ^ offered througbJh^ow "rH fliicdW pianno'd"parenthood ■ meets ^ odvocates and condemned by requirement# 6^,0ie contrnct.of

million In loans to minority* rear of tiiy iu ild ing apparently ;CQn«re^. overrode a veto for owned small businesses. J jlow through an open doorway,-.the first .time in 10 years.

"The potential- vipnture into boxes of stock.* l l i ^ G Q P lawmakers helped •capital available, to minority He/i-eportcd itemp burned or Droduce U iSoasy two-thirds businessmen eventually canTun damaged were mosUy canvas Into a billion or more dollars tiams. fall coats and bicyclejj.''when the MB5BIC progranj is- •<i'm real pldnsed wlUi the Job ____ ______ __________ ______ ,.- , . ■ - - ---- the firemen d id- ‘ they-got here progra'ift'^ver Nixon’ffadarnflnt going to hflvo our,priwhi,i

n h i l ' O * A ..Jqutckly^dJ)clOanmc(a(ULl.oj>positlQn.-- j. V j 1 1 « I I ---------- m in inntnTT^M r.-".Gflype>atfn^--^eiIouBginBfaock ov^rrwlo*— of;-prtVentw

I . w . said. . ^ the veto 270 to Oft. The Seriate, psy ^p a ths ,

n I . ’ Thcfirmmoved'a month ago \WUi .unanirtious Democratic .L i ^' - from a dpvOTlown4ooflUon-imo-Tfoport, assured enac-tnfent of F l O i l i t '

— Ih ^^n e w 'steel- .constructed qje thmn.yimg_hnr^7n to 10. * -i grr.*V-»- ,

buUdlng nt,'-J115' BluV’ Lnkos— rRopubllcan senators seeking . w . :i«i. -J . ' k' young-n ■instUutjons and-thftt-thefe-wi onponfin^B-who-cajl^fr it

€ a U G 4 > ~


!mpl6yc~C;hH>igg3. - ' . boHinning^of J!j>-most tragic other sanitation i^ems such'as

1 „ “5 “I S Umc'In lla'lB7.ycar history

DlVd.,i.,. . _______ ____-InaVnncc-odJostort wuru' un ' ajnuiig’J


Fidelity National h|)wcvcr, are retiring.

*BaniJ;*'^lat6','’ lFeTaw'become opera- . tive at 12:01 a.m.

specti.flns, find .'rcnioyul, ,of old car b«|le>{.

4 S t o i r . e ^ -

B o m b e d ^

I n N . Y . C .

hospitar construcfion and- „ »• / ’

: jfiodernbmtlon. ‘ , .'^SAIGOH(tJPI)';^C The oriy Republican senator. -MtlaWfaft f- * *

> W c* bSlkoJwltii thoP^eadont ontho.

was passed by the Sonatb early today to cap a .mnrathop ■ hour, 62^1nilto sesfllon. ■ ''■-Tlio. 'b i l l .. to create . . .a n .Indepefidcnt postal Bcrvjco .and' • grant postal.workors t a ' 8 pe r.

cent pay raise now.;i!a?,s to a Hou8«.si!nato conferencij com-

- - mlttfl'e. It Doacked B vtotory.fof the Nlionadmlnlslratlon.

< u p t(>t election who voted to ^ e r lc iU i iusldlh i tho •vitb:.jjiM ' Sen.Roman p . fllruika of N w pska.'

Xlioso' who'^rdld , not .were'

I I, n m m a W ./^W oolworth‘ doDnrtment ( j^ ^ l l , , .? ! Now Yorli. olbrge • ^

i L - - F

trtops «w»y,Jc<iia O i iX bodlsn,l)()lrdeivldllliK e

' S l l t i r y i r ^ ' ^ '

moro*of ;lt« t n o p i (rdiA?i bodlalanil'Amedn-

VIet.toiig 111 I , . ,

,1 IXh cwtury n iliu of4i

W uT '-

i „ t , . i / a: * r .... ' " . i ; iJiir i. firemen were' at tlie scene/ A « • ’’ed

S o i . ^ . f e a w . ' ‘*'>‘;>^>“ 8« : A B o t t t o » n e d 0 » ^ t ,t..........«nd no injuries. • , , .j: isory,unionism whUo the Senato . , u . - d m u i i kt

S o t i S n ^ a ^ o r ^ ^ - ‘^nn ir iim ifr iiitK iroB ti"negotiate (or attnlon ^ p . p^,mp|„y8, „ 5r® ju jl le o v ln j jJ L l ,______________

, - ■ • Y v ----------------- o f ^ Woolworth-steres-when-irtonths^ha#^- L t S l Oie firsUliudciUanltcii. a W d tfig to th e ^ ^ i

’ t ° n eirartmiiht'^.w iunaff

X drnwlnj ~l|i W tahW oIi

hot stsrtod lire* ln i4 v c » l New ry ^o ijfedep ir tihen l; storen In j » l

DMbItahtbe*nUrelwi).taday;« .?(\

flv e .iU m ; w in I Uaho T in t kad Uy K a i l n i d ^ b S ^ h S ^ t a e U .

A, F r a d c r . ' t l ^ V M p r a l

-Waitan«B .IrvlQ iB iiln,clii

•«nd It waj'Jeelifcd W W " hW

th.it w li)t,/pw ?a> iu<dl4b Ile » fow o uW fe ^•^huradjiy «t vhloh •utfefmal‘1_ .'Itt-'a'

time the eritire rfrawlnB^SOuld W lw ^napW iu «j)[^ ft« ihown, ' “ 'elves, (ftu»W g» inw lt ,lire•■■■ r -H r a a S l W U »M :W W U e '’ a l t « the

: ihan 4 w

\b» - 1 month. (b u cW w il'

0 f IhU, alUAd6 tt^W

— — ------ -- MNiDfa gaW; 8 8

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

■’V r* '■'' * ■, ■ liy*dn8»d«v^Jii5y''>i^o ■ i i ^ v p / ^ T " ~ j a - ^ j Q j j j j j j iT^-''' ■} - I o- '* ' '' - *v- i'll' •

I^'dflfl Northweftf whUe idiowen ara'fbraci^^^^ oVer (ho Nort^era RocUm Bod-tlie GreAt Lakes weather is anticipated clsowhcra with no major

a. .widely leathered iboWer and thttri-* tompei^aturc ^hanEertnnlght. (UPl-tatoph^.

...... •■' ........... ' ' ■ - m n p ) ----

E . C J Q t . o $ w e HHEVBURN--- — Edwnrd

Cameron Boswolli 06,- H e ^ rn ;r Bt -hU-

“ F o r e c a s tiimAGr-stGN INfiJor <

y^scrVe as headquarters for the BUI .Workman Ford Co. Inc., on- / ' Oge ' ^ u c l^kcs'Boidevard North Is completed hero by Mr. .Work- ' In I

Md^lc Valley; Burl^y.Huiwrt. of the Safmon niver; pV rt ly - m ^ Jc IC im JT U y NcHson of the contracHInn, NclRen and '

:he complete

*1— Uarryr'^JcBxUmtudyinfi;----. en^loymeni ra t^ ;. . . Onher <

|r‘ L o w teaalpgleUowworkera. . . •‘. Roy,CO WUlIapia' carrying"

j-j(aIky.‘tfllky.-.-> -.;JUrEy li^yri;— wolklng along road . . . Ctiuck

-Archer carrying bpies. R e v .', •-EfugeneiTja^ka fin^ chUdren'^• -apruoln^ up OTOundaHohurohV—7-

. , Tom Majors luVlng , .' Officfl' .. Jack R ichard taking ivabout .colur^Ist'-. ^ ; . .U r r y ' Trtiscoirftnd Charlie Cosgrlff '

having lunch . . . Ann Dally -sporting dark suntan’ ^fler'T ^.r Hawaiian'vacation . Bobble Sherwood'driving b r l^ t red

- HtaUon-wsgon.. . Bill Workman hiappy-’about now conatruction •. projact . . Xl/nee .roporPng on marrietl daughter.. I Carl Usswoll discussing fire ' at Farm and City building . . .M r. a^d MrsvnSslor'Jones and

. Barbara Jones, Lewiston, vlsUinjj.in Twin Falla . . ra n d " pvefheard} .-"The rainstorm— planned for-this.ovcnlng-has . . been cancolod duo to a sudden

.,bij,8cball game,” . > ' * . , .

M a l r y M i l l e r

/ ' ’"S'J’nS i'v iJ j! 'i ii iv M IDM wl“* 'fonlRhl'^ thunilcHhowcrs lo S H jr ^ d,y HowflS-bom h t « Thurnilnyi fa ir nlBhH and :

Hgh Thur«day 85 (o Oi. wrnlnpii-. ..wrnlcr with hlgli i F i u Chanco ot rain n tn r icro ts a S p n lic fd«! low lonlehl 37, “

, , IWlbett a l aoyoland, Ohio, Ho u j^ug i, Thunday. Ogtlook lor- lo « ! Wgh Thursday T5 lo 85.

was a truck driver. . jrrjday — continued sunny and LiBht winds, except gusty near ilOved to Hoybuf-n frort r n ^ « , -i>^i.iA.:!fui„i.^«h.m ,i^rBhoWflrB. ChonrP of'

^tlon 10 per cciit In the 1 and evening. Outlook

- He moved to Hoybufr frort i nmnt rm irm i ii- W y .'w h e ro ho had lived for ii" |„„ 42

sT h lS li Thur.day 87 '

M r . H e c k e r i lHAILEY ' . Theodore

Hockcrt) 06, died: Monday 'nt .May Vaughn 30, Pocat Ic Vo.Uey--MoVtoHfll — *

i cM r s . V o u g l h i l[CHFIEL

May V au^n a t St. AHtli

niCHFIELD - nfra.V.uonnnm 30, Pocatello, died sorvlcqs. for

ithony Community .Salmon, woo (downed In .Warm', Chi

O A K L E Y .,; sorvlcpfl.foi

Mrs. Mnry Martlcia. Miller, 70, dic'd of 0 short Illness Monday evonlng'at her home at 1510 Filer*Avo. E. — ~ ~ i

She was born IniNlarlon, III, y Aug. H, 1.8M, and had llved'ln'\ Idaho for 12 years...........J_-- ilcr first husband, Walter • • Miller, d l ^ in 1024. Her second

. ' husband, Frank Lecher, died in

F u n e ^ a l ' S e r v i c c s - ^Grnvoflidc ' nuUi- M. Walker, 2 p.m. Mrs. Rex Harmon, Pico Rivero,

lit Lnrson,.^, Thursday. While Mortuary Calif., and a sister, Mrs.- — - n - iir— - ■ ' V___ aayton Snyder, Twin Falls, a

icy operation pnd will replacc the downtown stfucturc now but scheduled to be tom down as part of the downtown

kldpmcnl iir^ram ., (Story, PnEB“tiy r:;:----7 c

u a n e sc < i l V ( I i a r s o n

-Ivlng,'besides his widow, ' ^ J , . , ,

w i F M “^ a i r ™ ' ^ M a g i c , V a l l t e y , I j o s p i t a l s

ja w le i 'B o w e U ..- B u r lo y ^ Jo u c (- . .a ,---------- — V— -)— -.ss:— *~j—

S o ^ & r . ^ B J h t o ^ r C a u f “ M a g ic V n llc y M c m l '^ n l \ ^^asR in lV1rii(ori«l

Mrs. Dorothy Aless, Phoenix, j Admitted . * Admlttcl

Arijt.; M b . Nancy G a n - ^ r s . MerylMemnlchnUnday;*Ql)crgar. Aihlofij and Mrs. Burg«ssB!ary=

IflTTeiw.l\b V.

"GardoL .................. ----------------- --------.. ipqVod to Idaho when ,tK r§b:'^^hone, to J.S.'jnnd Lucnna

H i w o /to rn'AuB- Brj '"G ordon Pi*aino, t*7

,i.! Richfield rosld

uommunuy samion, wtv> tirowncd in .warm, Chnpcl. _ _ _ _____

10>TlJu ^sday::Spclng?£-typy>y ft6m i3 fln:hiirTrtI3^aw ^w d tap4 ta iw »>»on^ s a formAr Sunday riight^MIl bo condu'ctcd p.'m.Tliursd«y.SnrinKdalo LDS Swenson.

J-Shc was'boraJNoV,.3,1*030, atT C ^nM#l ' 1/iinnnn

Sunday hight<^ll bo j a f l l- o.m., Thursday tn

p.m. Tliursday, Springdale LDS the WArOhuptl.

(oy Cemoliry. ’ . /HoXwas born^ln Dakloy and . j

~TichrflT)ld.-AsTryoungTTiirrHo7^^«tinw-novol-Sr;|SliB‘waa^n;rm6vtr%Tvtth*iTlr~Ji(imlly—ta%-:^._._:-:3r?^-......rto/ed .to- Park Clty,^ Utah .to^vgraffuntG...of Rlchflpld JIighi-SplMQn\jrul04ir''H5/ntt v w t^n ^h fijn inQ s . Whllo tfiqro. .Sphpol, ■- j ■” SalmwA'cnoofs. I -*' .‘ Vh "^nrrlDd Wllmn Hnnnnv nn '^nnA<nv0..1fl48fiHil.mnrrlp(l R. * Ki»r.i/Ji»hra-tn?il*iVln hlo hnrAnfu- ' v 1

?ora, C and throe great-grandchildren.

White Mortuary will an­nounce funeral nrrangcmcnts.

N|. MIIU m i

Lois. SaldpnQ, m y b a rn ; brother, '-Tota Boawe'

:ton, Calif., imd 13 grai]


- E u n M a L 8 e c .v i l _ . . ^ ^ - . conducted at 1 p. rp. Monday at McCdlloch F u n ^ a U . Home-

Bohnlnn, Lucllo W oUo/jimca „ “iL

JJrown, .all Twin Falfs . ^Mrs. nunort, ^nil Alicia

Hlgglnbolliam, W ^Burnett and-Jh^'Bumott,

'\ Mr« <:(n™n n T j M r, Mnrv '> Wllmn pjUttayl),.lIMBsll^marrlcd R. SUTvl'. \Mrs..Stovon no|Bj, Mrs Mnry ^ „( .Rlchlleld. ..Thoy ' M r.. nr

1,11.1111 , hniiimn..riBoi...,n.o/>i,imni,n,i Ti^ov^lo^shoshoii;,whoreUioy SalmoiIpbson, Mrs. Joat

D l'L lsicd ' ' ™ '‘‘ n col'll Ri

. FIna) rites will nt G e m ^ r , SMemorial Gardens, Burley. ‘ " m . , X T ' .Ilcwarcl and, dnughtor, n

■v"McCtm5ch l l n e r a l Homo k „ i Iv Icffrrv Dcdo : -Glodli ffi',o„lth '

•“ “ ' f*-'“*\'-Rayb<irn, Tina Mario Lynard ’„n l- X u 'c d j ScodS ' ■ ■ i ' ■ oonilucted a f ia ,ii ‘:irt;,T1i^i3afc~kcJl£Wso'dPr«ctlCTlNw^^ - . g l a d y O U d i d . N o p U r c h a S e IS' ■ - | . y a Pimilp Oillinaji, all Twin Surviving are Ills wjdow, at the. H o n d c W - B ff ii> !a U m o o ita ? W - b « n - ^ U !o n ^ „>>A .:>cc^r;,

Vails: )^nt?l5ilirTtt «nd^ ‘ . X HaUey; adaushlor.Mrs. Broda aiop<)lby Rov. Ja*BSiSiW oy-4Vt)(4.^0 p. m. July 0. oT T J ir iis- iiQ ® ^dauehtc/. Helen Hobpii and Max [ r r ~ ' ' - I I ’ ’ K W W t**Vhlirn,Hnlli)jf; two..otlluaMted*JotnSnKChifffii-.-(lospital. aiidltorluw;- Con-Cll/forivMason, all Kimberlyj ' I W in •_^spns,*Rlchbrtl Wefckcrt, Ogdon, . Ust- r l t q f l r o p o r te 'wlltv-.be giv<

I ITip marriage was solemnized ---- ----a lli8 Mesa, Ariz. LDS Tompltt r'o8iiietIi:t5jptU'’-.''rftbvlng to- Lacaij ir March 25,1065. Tlley lived in--P<»^UHli\vV053. Mr. Vaughn,Siroka, Utah, ami Glbndnlc, - . . . * . . ^

[{aho before moving to MU^

■ iy>-,^tnhr In 1D36, wHere ■

Tipany« In 1055.,Uio cou()lo '

.............. "i^y Where 4>cy-'.-Scolt'>V#lug'Hl

I. 'l^-vInclude nispurentsi-

Mrs. Earl Ursop, Uireo brothers, Koltli tiBounU ful.'A utah ;

- IV - y UiXorson-, PhlloWbth, as-dn accountant AOrc/,, n'rill .-V^illardJ,arson,

ilfldrRalkoady-Pbtoj^to)rYfcWc-:^Rlcp^ Murp'hyi *

S a lm onhnd Shtfley Urson,■ Bon.NeU 'Dp e.

' A l l e n i i o i t s

^ I N j f U U M V S E R S

' [ h e r e -5 a n f r o m B - D w a i t i n g f o r y o u w T th V

d i S t S f e i ^ ^ - . . V . d r u g g i ^ . . w F i ^ h a s y o u r p r e - -■' ~ ^ e r j p t e n ^ . - o i » 4 i l e t - > — ■— — ^

■ V t e i t - h i m - t b i s - w ^ l c - ' f o u l l L b e - ____________

■ Puhcrlil:^cpvlciiV i:*nF;^^^ •, J,. ''

" G . R ; P a r r o t t


B r i e f : :long Illness., He wan bom June 4.1887, nt WiilUng, ifnn__Uo—mawiadT

Jessie *^otUton Uiere on May- 7,‘ 1014 antf moved to the Salmon- »nd Donna

- ,- Jrtac tU > l« rn i.U 9 liirmoitherc \int)l- bln rfttirennent In 1055.

ichbrtl Wefckert, 6j( doni li; and Jack Hockort, Salt

___________________ Uko;City; Utah; two brothers—Buhl; Barbara Bea_n,_ George Hockort, Boiso, and

H a z ^ lt '^ ' Jam oa^IIonninc ; Mr. pnd Mrs. nichord Allen, piwin Hockort, Sumnor, Wn^h.; Hey )u>*n; R aymond Mon- nnkerBfioUI. Calif., arc parents n si^tor, Mrs. Porlq . )FHnk.q.

--Go- y, Hat^crman.

‘'oTFsoh Oorti'Morujay. Paler”naT~ijouldor, , _Colo.,. nine grand- «rnndpnrents are Mr. and Mrs. children and oho great- Cliarlcs Allen. Twin Falla. Mrs, pmnflflmiphtftr.

whan they moifod Into Twin Fa lls . M j; . Pflrrotf was a

• mombor-lftUhJLiBapllfll Church V -'whHe ho lived ifWhiUnft, Kan. -^-..^..^^rvivors incliido his wife and ’ lT 'W -sdhS ;.Dw ig !it M^ Parrott, ........ facoms, Wash'., and'Doniild R.

— - Porrott, Twin Falls; one .M nM pc_

(Dorothyr^Humphrlcsr Twin FaU*i one brother, Alfryd Varrott, Kimberly; *onb sister, Mrs. Rupi 'Lammera, ■ Twin .

. Foils seveii grandbmldrert w d

---thrWi^rcat.«randcnlldfcn,:J^!ru. ;i^rro t was preceded in deatl)

. ttiree brothers, tvvo sister^‘ one grandchild and bno gr>M-,

grindchlld^' .Funoraf sfirvlcds \vlll be

. “conducted a t 21?. m . Friday at

‘‘ the Whllo^Mortuary ChaBfil by - w i i r

S i . n c n e d ic r ^


" V Allen tlic forrr^"B]|^bara' Funeral sgrvicgj w ill hrt- ductod P f id ^ a t Fresno. Cailt.—piHTTT., conductcdaiVp.m. Tliursday al\ .whercshodlodofashortilljips^.' ......OiGMn pf-S^anb.

the Hailey LDS Church-by \- Sho was born and raised In Twin Fnllfi Knights of Bishop Aldcn Packer, and final Arkansas and was married to

Mra. Eva (jewland, Mrs. Columbus, Council 1410, Tlilrd rites wiU follow a l the Hailey Chnrlos'; Falconburg, Mrs. DcKree wllV have Its monthly Corpetcry.

Dorr^ll S m ith ^nd-R obe rt meellnK ntBp.hi. Wednesday In Friends may cpirnLHiD Bird Blades, all Jerome; Mra. Ralph.lii(i KniHhts of Columbus Hnll. ^Funernl Homo this p.vfinbiitjind Pruott, Rupert;' an^ Ho^s Twin Falls. RefreiilmientHnjJll until l i a.m. Tliursdoy.Borden, Shoshone. be served iifler the meeting.

M r s . H o r r i c r ; ^ - f e - rBURLEY — Funbrai serViccN ■ —7 .'BURLEY — Funeral servicoM

fpr Mrs. Hcnrlotta'Horner,.BV,>- former resident,’wbVo con=*f-

-DlsmlsficdCar/ Thomp^n .and Mrs. Floy'd DeWItt, Twin Foils, has

Pearl Lange, both Jerom?, and_bccn admitted to the Twin Falls Carl Harding) and Clyde ainic Hospital for treatment. Hughes, boU) ^oshone. '


A son was born to Mr. and J J J j gMrs. LoRoy Twitcliell, Jerome. ‘

follow at .Sunsot Memorial

w iniUhiayciiii.nttJ<oW ilto

• , ,G o o d in g M e m o r ia l ^

Admitted • Mrs. H. Gcno Baur, Bliss, and

Mrs. A. V. Cartar and Elmer lim?ffnwrbothxroamg^----- -

• ?T y o G i r l s

I n T . F \

\ lin i( loka M cm o rin l-

Admltted Sarah I^vnto, Minidoka '

DUmlsHcir Michael BossArt-, -Julio

Rodriquez, Alice Crcj Barrus and Clara Tliomas, all

V irg il. Horner, in Arkjmsas. They moved to B^Wy in 10,1fl. Mrs. Hornor taught hi tho t^urley schools and ip 1051, She moved to California whore she

fiuod to'teach in the public

Is. - ,

belonged to tho Burley Methodist church and was

active in Uio Woman’s Society of airlstlan Service.

’itT 'v - Survivors ■ Include her husband. Fntsno; two .sons.


l l l i i in c t m in l y ^ ---- dnaghtor, Mrs. -Jo|n—

Dl.ml«.cd ! » ' 1 ? ^ , ^ ; :Lorraln Sope, Corey.

T\to fjirls \yho wcrcslrudt by iT'ifickup truck os Itliey ranDismissed

across A v^ue : East

„ Jlorluary- C b p e i : T i.ur.day - ”f f o S ^ U ' t d T S S ' S:- tt«[jtfandFrld«yun\ lU im eol and Wayn. I^oBo, Bliss. -

' , :...... ...................................... , .Jloapltnl. '

CniVtMirrafflcrSwtWrBrriJl Arrod nbout'0 ;« p. m. iboul Fllor.Avo..,dicdofaloni! illness nW miles east oM>lrt\Fnlls. Tuesday niiiht at Magic Valley ■ ipioy said tho girls \ore •

Memorial Hospjuil. . among nine who wcrejn a wost-Ile was horn April 23,1880, in jj , . which stopped In Uio

Bear County. Mo,, moyed/to lone o[ trofllc wlien one ot tlic Gooding In 1WI8, and had lived In gjris.becnmo ill. Joan Dickson,

Twin Falls foif many years. ]B,.got out of Uie car'and lay ' . Ho was a rotlred.salosman Tor („ „ ju d , „„ the norUi sldo tlio Sweet Furniture Co. Ho was rood,

actlyo, In-U\e Homo Guard /Two ot tho othor girls, Susan , during'World.WM IJ. - Msyne, n .tn d Mary Cooke, IB, * ' 'H e married BpUnda Mai April ran'ocroM'tho road to go to a ^

,}W» noarby-houao for help. ' 41.-Survlvlng.-b^deri hU'r^^dp.W.. . ^ jheyran behlnd-the vehlcle-^r-

oro four dnughtprs, Mrs.-Qscar. and Into the east-bound larto o fN * ■ (Doivthy-)~Vimk, TWlnFa b-afflc.thoyweroitmck by lho

;Mra.-VMon: :TjWldr«d>-SjM--truck,rilrl^^^^'rioia, Jlmil0yi\Mra. MT. ' t ) . Brown, 67, K im b er ly " - “■ ¥, fl^iinlrff),iF;hrTRmf|n.,Mniintflln, ^ 'Mitt»0^ake wa j strBcfc by the

i 's m iH y iK im O N lU T K S V MIKTIMKS-NKWS ■

, -^Twlir Iddiio.

... ^ IV r A t i i n i h V . . i

. » . ( D n iW & M ia y ) i S2.25

H yM alV ,Po ld iVAdvnnfB j


-'-4 — - A ini i x t i i r_MaU|iur


« ry In

: S2.{>0


, ^ -23.00- l*rlplUii%ii 8gefpl«

H o m e j j i Thoirtts, ■

S)'®''.«n loll tront tBndor. and-LroUod ♦i*'* '® ni« i ; « away, Inlllnj to the pavomonl' n

_ 0 ( i t a c o JB. Swoe^ Jr., Tw n abojitlS feet to the i^ear of the « ,^ n « p - f « i r BUWrs, F 0 p i t y Mayne ♦

fe jto ln gU m . Twin F?IH; ,Zolo j j i j .truok by the ccntor ot the * . u iS fand 'H ace l Pari^ltr both

was struoV by the ccntor .

F r e e

g r e w

s t a m i p s

f o r n e w

It Cucn. ■ „ ■

liBle ' ■

Join IRc ccltbliiliSrand'ucej*!!'!

Slamps wil5nVoi).op{n,;iir a\jit;li,' yojr.EqulliJit

.,v. Savinas accounl. Sif6 ((e:one s li^ f« [ oicliltl you

'.save u|),lo a-m aiil^o l lOWslimpfiitMransaclii

........ 'illiirotow'niiickly atjitsalclptn .', ■■wnir.ir' ' ‘ ■flk:!r- BiiiiriMliLS.ivinoi.', •wyili.msiant aaily camrnos and ■ • ’■

iiisiin'd to jzo ^o 'o T ^ ';,

f ' j V;.ciiBgiii(5o3W Sm Iii(|iF.,Accbun)atonliijoj:^-. i': ^ - ■

■•■’J. ' ■. ’ - ■

and youil oct lta ji ll.GrSen.Slanips,',;. ;

f C » S i

Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

X i:l£ v " ' T ' ' \ -.v' ■ ••\ .,,* '\Wedne8dav,-Jolyiil Wo I Tlm«*N«WiTj


. ■■'/\ v s ,. ' ■■■\' .,;* • , '\W^pB8day, )Wo/~ T lm w ^NaW i^w ^f^^

— ■.: ■— ■ ■ riz::.' r-r;;.--


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a 5% V st F - ' l^ c . ls d y in o s

, T ^ b y ^ n y , o v l n a . c « ^ l ° c ^ n ^ o « o

: noaily. A«« i.rand iaJer.han l>^osJedln9 ^ ,■ ' ' ' a b l e , l o o l S t a r i w ith a n y q r a o o n . , U : ^ ;

■ . - a v a i la b le ( o r v / i* h d r a w o '‘o * “ ' l i ' * " ® * : ' - ° ^ ■:.■■:/:;:':::~X' I . : v- ' ■ ' • ; ’ '. L - -j ’ ., • .' •'•• .,1, ,1 ,,.... • ... .11 « ; ' . .. :

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}wLrrig ijfbu iav!e doed ma


y j ' I ' ^ ;■....:— -i t r f l ic b N p -m t w j ^ d H m . ^ i N B^K l:l^ j . '^ ^ d lv c ^ ^ ; ,< :^ v > l^ ;y . '^ l^

,.V •'■■/' ■ ■ /■ . ‘'7 — '- !.r ' ■■.'■ '■■ ^ ■ ■' : . . . ."■ . . ■ ■ -p .■"" - ''■' . r '

Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

7 : ' M a g i c .

_' \ ’ * / ' '''^ -T* • ' --*Clty and County N «w ipop«f , . . ' « \ ^A?Sib«r o f JUhIIT\\, ' ' V ^ A ^ b a r o d ^ f T [^ rtou o lflircu ru lio n and'UPr

•h«riby dift^O»ot»rf o» th* d d ^ « l f l | t . w..l< on w l,ia .’U^^^ ., duv,~4 t IS^TftlftT’SlrtAl Wflil/.Twin

4«wipop«r<; l9C..Ci>r«c«il dt Uconil claii motLr April 8 19ltT, ot t>i« potH,

v^efoss-tho^boaifiUjlKo.ln Soclol A lbortriJorij/i DHTonnM'“ t i 'pfogram,r'nifi Uixos collected Cornmllteo. . f 'SJecurlly. p a ^ o n U \ylll ^lio visorously ,,ur8lin"tK( Houso- •nroT«flw4'^l«»Uy-fi|gh foK tK i W rcpldly aJsiJJIiJ^wluit

—nn'nmu<wl,>«iillLvArvmtw>h'nnr|Ti—nnnnt'mt— i<i>Iaa lka;_Amnrlr«an^nhnriirtnrlyn^' fiM--Lnfl' "0X> 1

^n- 'Iliere- 'ir rii[tto*i, where tU ji uncertalnty ln now Mndlngi ‘Is Wwiwr Social oveK’lhls key '

One Kfoup,.__^ now 6efi0rVnncoHiu-tkeit>Ind<btko.In-Social A lbertr iJo rij,I DHTohn,

Ulled^for! . . bquarely opposing 5 ; ^ „„„ i^r;. Hartkd,"""Amo^iifln • contentlpn is anothw; group ^

^o'paylng moro>than'

^-^Icctloh conte«ta^.f)l“ed ;i4-iwco8sary for the benefits oMR-Tc/., a ranking m ^ b c r .bf

l , V . a n d - t h e - p r 080n t - 'S o d Ia U S o c u r ( t y - - U i0:0q u f lU j( ^ j ;08t lg i0U iU teP J45g ~ -W H ^ -k !^ A '“ l« ' pn>gram,rTlifi thxes collected^ConrimUteo.

I- ■; ■T r i M

- A j fttion-baged^ ihe.cQnceDt;o{:=- law rather than strong leaders w i l l ,

, survive only so'long as lts laws are

respccted an^l observed by its

citizfens. D lifesp ttat for the law by

- % x t b ^ ; & M < w d m e n ^ u a r a n t t c r H ]

S)x!edjr' tria l • stahds • on it^ c

met^ts. _/■ 1 ”TCoiirfS throughout the nation

o v O r lo ad e d ^ . w ith . w o rk ,!


S por/cont os„pi

ohTip-4n::rqn“i:t'cd-8-pw ',Mnl-ralB«-l»^-b«ni)flU-Udilevi!d,_AmiaKaIfc“''“ '‘“ “ *lff!!‘£.4' oltrtno;^ " ” >•' l l ! l » — .doublqd,to'III por c«nt on twb worlieri am 'bolng oviMaxmi pS tf5R ir tIS l^S l)nc?p t;iS aw «tW iW - :

by llio- Brounis; Sudis'boostto DO^^Id .uccauso\Uio assUmpUotu ,uji:i-..maihlalni;;:Sprt,' tho ■ primary. r [ r ^

approved j6-T>«f^« " • - .IJCTMM..«W - ."7- t

0 per/com as.pnasod by llio' grounds: Such;a‘booslla n e^ca *bccouso\lho aasUnipUons un:u..nialnlainB£!ip»t, ine ‘ prmiary

Houitbluijt monUi, oif 10 per oent,..to' offfiM "Qib ’ 'eAlllorf o fr ^- 'd e r ly in g V th o — aotiral-'itoHt'purpose of Social geoyr ty. Is lo as HWotlgiy ruvoi>ed->.in' tho ; tiftuing-influllon^th(rtflx bHBtr cstlmulc8\foi?- . lh (j:'Socia l ‘!prt)Vlda .a .basic- T oop of,

S li« ilU k iid iB _ l*»g 2 1 ^ ^

UioWagobol!«l>^maW«f,!|;;^" ^

iely.' fawHMl-'ln , tho illSulnij-lnnuUonlVthrUix baBO' ^ s i l i t ia ic s ^ f o t . lh o rSoo io i V''privlil8:^.a .basic-J “o ' ’, ■ (of'Sdclal^purlty, li| to<rhl(jJi.- SocuHly svstom ilro tindulv ccoiiihilADrotodlon.wdiiotinScnato\^' ■' • ' , , ior'aclaijSecurlty li| to<rhl(jJi.-Socui'lly systoni.'nro unduly ccoiiinl(fprotoctlon,ilidnoliin

Tlio ^nn_to„fin«ncD-'dam- imd.,ndilmohol bono(lt»\a5 0 ';conMrvaUt'o.’.'

tl i»-iiid lv id AHl, nnrt wih k in g a t -its u n rc a s o n a b lc~riclnvs a re "the ^

enrorcem ont b y - la w o ff ic e rs , \re ., r a th o r lth a n tlie exception , a n d th e . '

— — -certain-paths-to-anarchy«-=— P -----^ d m in ls f r a t io n 'o ^ ‘- i^ B t ic e ~ is " T

'W ithQ llL Ji«t^^Iing■ "tfi15^^i4ahy- '"■geribusly th‘r ® e n e d , by. it, 7 cM m pIcs of. a breakdown i n ’b b - ^ j Mofeover, once a court bccqme^ ‘ serv^ifce a nd adm in is tra tion o f tho fBog'geddown in A.hopclcse backlog,

law, th ^ re should? be l i t t le the w or's t.tcond itions tend to

:ariumen|| that effective m easures " '

leedda to.roturn this nation to a

mote-lawftjl Scltlety!_________ ......................................M a n y ■ sug g e s tio n s h a v e bee rij- ' d ic tm e rit a n d . t r i i l , r^em priES f ^ o , ^ ; ; ^

m ade a s to h o w Ih ia c o u i a i j e ac- w itnesses are: lo sti' ev idencd Is ^

bccomq the mfist prominent. ■'

As m any months y^-sometimbs

j^bars - — . d r a g 'b n ’ between in-

complishcd, b\jt a good ,placc. to

begin w o u l d ^ e -in c o r re c t in g

deficiencies in the adm in is tra tion

; of justice. I f the 'iu d ic ia l system is

{ sloppy, unresponsive and inef-

oved ooked ,

compounded and

. judgds a re sonii sk im over the pri

\ inefficioncic!s.'^.l»fe'

and ih dbsperatioii '

way for tho next 1 This is certainly 1ticient, the^.ryst pf f r e job-w hich . . .

nB B tb ttr ijtrc m n rw ilh B s tu lff lc n lt : ' " j f r a n iS s u f ^ B Coiiiitltntion imi

xT lrbH liliitrodUced by Sen. S am J r ' am endm ents h a d Jn JB in d ,2^ t a 7* ~ ' . . . . " . . .' Ery in t o ^ require th a t fe de ra l

crim ina l tr ia ls begin 60 days a fte r

Indictment w ould be if strong step

in the :iJttfi.rJU recfloncrT O ile^^^ se na to r'in te nded h is bill--as' an

- a ltb ra a te to t h e - ^ r a v e n t iv e ‘ detention p lan of the^N ixon a d ­

m inistration, e h fd rc e m e n i' o f . the

It would be preteijable' if the,

courts corild find o way- out of the

. linipaSse on their own initiative, but'

V '-Jh^Have m ade Jew .moV 6s in. that

dlrjpctibn. Se ;irE rv in ’s jsH I'alrlmst-

vWould fbrce the" issue,' and that Is

more than any othbr prbposaT'so/

f a ^ d v a n c e d would do.

D S u b l ^ N e g u t i ^

u b i io k - o r- llsingsJo;a-b6ok-or--lL'tul,.JSli)bodyjMu!d_lw jcJjipay_(aii I'ub knows the pr inc ip lo of . Something lic’ jdidn t order. ButlA :A » \fbpliotf.

It^ ls-bksed^onahc^yc.ry iJum in c l in a t io n to p u l , o i f ; u n t il; ,

tom orrow that which we ought to

doTtoday — like decid ing 'w hether

orl not to .pu rchase the ..cu rren t—

N m onth 's selection.. i r ito j m ost “ clu b s " are. set up,

-- fa iluM to reply by'a'Bpebififid date

u n lik e u n ^ l. ic ite d m ercKandise

w hich comes In the m a ll out of the

.b lu(j,nnd whieh'ls-anotl

t h e ,F T C is also considferlng ban­n ing, it can be argued that mcm-.

.bership in m ost mail-brder club^ i&

voluntary and th 'a t^ y the -6ct of

jo in ing a^ mem tJcr anSentsl to a

pa rticu la r clu'b’s “ by-Jaw£(.'’-

T h e .c lubS j_ which. ,are the^ “ IJL - o iJ S ^ h a t^ J to o t t i hbw, -valuoGle

-^nbga t^ve-5 pltopiS3 r d p r businesses, c a n j)e iexpSSfedlta ap

— " ' i c ^ 'mucTi more- vigorous

' T affoncompoMinB; proUraln ot'

'•'ccoKomlc support."- - • • 4X f -n o b e r t^ r 'M y c p a / * (< V T n c K [a ' •vlimgHiino' cWef actuary

• r iV IA to n s ^

the wage .roducp® .|tt«*P‘ ;

' Social SMgrltyUdmlnlslratlon, .Is cllcd by^Tiwcr Us iutliorlly .

'-forhiytx)Bltlon. Mvors.wns chief 7 ^® “ " w of^ t i i i r y . from ,lM 7^untll. his aasumo Ihlcresf p a ^ » ^ .

rcconl^Csienjktlw ^ , *1.*' jr ^ ^ f la lnthowith 'Social .

- mitwlqner Hobor^M. 'm IiT— ^ i_ tt«»um pM on8r^ ., . i » r e u i '_ * M j» u n iy n v n o r ^ - ’ ' " ^ ^ _Jo_Wor’* quotoJiyiyc.rj,.'. os'' Hartkc.J'is not

T’wnniing ithaj/*!© 'or--€x&nn^'* to3 i^4 tfto .prtgggV, ” vjrTTnTT"

of Social Security nay*"•osuTt (n drawbacks far ^cjiccoodlng tho .benefits gained/'

-Wlille- tlifl Son, Confimittoo. is I

__battratB\md .on th new ISoclm Sccuri

* ~ w l m iy v e H t ^ the issue.

In fact, it’s not

•H o u s e v S o n a k e - ’ - c committco. Hiaj^ nn until after )>alMr


Fbianco. curront

slzfl'of the

worker,.but Uiey would another much*nooded In > c l a l Socurlty witljout raising the cost of

burden. Under the •iodiflY)d assumptlonSi the

and at Ui6.sam«-iSocial

it thejjustice

[lor !.« T v S t f l lossiblll

kcly to ^ SocuW w stom would ,lln s ' c lo s e a c tu a r ia l b a la n c e w i t w jw

ntoTSucc chanBlns tho..... 11"“" “ ' ^ . . ,ny not bo provision or tho proscnl

Day,, and onmltiR baso," . 'n tiii rail; -THIS theory-ls vigorously a slorniy ''''ollonBo(l .by Son. To*®^

dipcTds Noltas U.at Dr, I J J - c r s ^ ,, I'cspodally-conccnicd over >'» .

actions oF co rta liu ^S lw ^ 'I r w K S l i f l v c M c n

--.. jlaKr.> Tho 1 )ossiblUty o((iBhl In Uio full Sona on ^ la t happens in tl lp Finnnco Commlttto. ,. \ ^

, If tlie comnilttco tufrTs-^own to. Uic IQ plr ecnl iTropo'saft thcpp 1s working In lilrecl -JCrtnhi'frinnrbrfjik lUtlle on U>o oKpross plillosopliy o' ,.

■r- 'Uio Senate floor.--TUcflnijkc-'^.Niion Admlnlslra Ion, _ J o w "f ---Gorc.group has already SctVcil_wi!rns!L' JT(Ilt.._tho-..-J>

'such nolipt,_nrid- wl h tho Socurlty program .Is o ' " - crossronds."


B e a i i

Denr Dr. TlfiesoTi; I lmv£. ones'thetic, niter ..wfi.lch th^

bcort-'-blQS,s£d • wiUj ’ wlOU 'W ^^^a rk is ron^ovod • T t f l l lb T ir - ’ b ' t i r a t r h T f M T r s T ^ a m ^ o c i i m c i ^ ' T -

not'hoppy ;Wlth tliejn- I have dictor/s office. It' Isn't pni^^*' ’

___ _ m ea n ^y q u wjll_be^spi(t .tfieTbopRX

— record or" whatevef, whetHer/ yo}J

: : : : _ jv a n L lt br=not',_____________—'. i«^proposal b jc^ lie u n fa ir trade practices d iv ftioh of the F edera l,

..iVade Com hiission would ouj)aw

"negative op tion ." The p r a ^ s a l _ would take the effect .q K law if

" /•a p p ro v e d by the five ,j«€ m bers of

, r the com m issibn , fo llow ing public'

.. bearings la n d ' due consideration.' _ , . ,

’ u n ite itttce, t K p is s u e s ^ m s c l ^ ^ ,^ o w n and let this one pass by,

A-' ., ' -


■, \ \ , •• V o T i i j g Age'

threfl on.my face thot Lwould Sdr don’t'be scared.

lifivo removed.' •' the

Uieremoval leave scara’ Cnn a dangerous (some k^rotpWS.^r genbral physician'do this \n his _pre-cflncorous)rTerr)OViu ^ o fflc^ If so, what la\ the- 'honlth precaution as'Wfi!

— procedttfe?-— Mrs.I wlshVou’d told me youfVge- Deof Thosteson: I

and sdmoVnore details, because ■<hat-'’Tril!u"rnct8 ' are bc*».H

'‘beaiity m « k ^ could t a number oXllilnBs.

that- fraction . of-the-'public 'hich at one Vf aTibthpr' has

f irgo ttqn to post a leU er'Iin til too_

ItHe. . VU se , it could be that'thb FTC will

e jlercisc a/.negative option of its

; •■WASHINGTON'lc^:' OVCp, Constitution uuauium ua tv wvbu V, niMi (I utt vw ti uiit ’ r . . . .--bcIbrc-tho-bilI-gl\Hnti8.yoap*-wnB-writlon-Uml>ermitono—itoedaioit2!to-:lKaSupremoy°jH“a»,wo-iolds- Ujo - right? to vote Yeachetf ‘-tinkering by the Supreme Court.‘ '^XSurt.'Since district Judged are p,.^BcciUdont— -Nkon ’a' ’-’■dwikr:;;^Tlic-blil provides for an'lm- lns^uctod'"to cause the casip-to. jJJjJ -j^Qgjjjjjgiy ^

•eme Court Insiders weronTTncdlato testthat final

Its - couE o« luui-Huu uoiwjw iicAv nnH • --H hsc markfi

graduallyi^hey^very the-sniAil thicke'pings

that Uie Sii'premo Court wdiUd strike -It—"TjownT as-- un-

■'constitjjtional.'— — — As one Court attache put it;'

“ It's no contest. Given Uie^

i w ^ s -

of Its con- b« In evoi-y way oxpoUltod," a S f^;,™ iidO T ’'nnoliior" s ta tM .J h a iJ ! !L » ^ IP r c m c Court ^ruling m SJ“S o r yoori

c o u n re roachcd bo oro noxt „ „ r?6 |,avc

- - o ' U'« develop

• / — likely niof the* ^ in called k'fratoses

i ia , u o c iipa u - in iH L i t i iu iu i . iD u»w ^ Y » ii , iglid be a n y o f ; re m o v e d b y c r y o s u rg o r y ^ ^ ^ l g - ^ I. W lia to O e r^ is r fu o , w h o re co u ld iT io v c t lU - l'‘" I 't think ' donoJ — I, L. P. ----

- l iU a U ^ - i— C c y o a iirB o c y J s -B U liJ iU ' i J tlioRC except that ultjra-lpw, - t i lw ? ry8* " p f c f 'a t i j r V t f r6r t fH q u ic h » it * ^

s absolute as- it^ Qiiirt, with nm cc t appeal from '(‘ t o ^ U y ^ ^ V t l i i j i i r e ® -

i t r o g « w r |^

ly pro moies is used to destroy tissueo f -u s ln s m s c B lp e W ^ J ^ V C « •

It is In us^prlmarliy ^ - , larger medical centers, remains,to be determined wn'P”

types-6f Bu;g'cry-will enhancedJ)y/it and. which ones

won’t . /I doubt_.thnt

cases arising unikcsprovisions would'bc heard by a Jan. 1 ,'effective da] -three-Judge -Fodoral District— legislation.


W e rriuat'point oU\ t h ^ th ro u g h '

■ specialization some' Of -the hum an touch is Iflit. e haveMn lijin d i^e

i “ f a m lU r _ d o c t o r ^ : i r ' • —

I ' o ^ r i ^ t o ^ i ^ i n g . u p y e a rs M F :

A m erican Academ y of General

Prabtice . The Academy is ' tW

n a tio n aU a ssoc ia tio n o f fa m ily

do cto rs .v ...,

A cotnpoBitc-of-auecessful-^Giin^

d id a tb s ta k in g \ the firs t

presents nmlieiptMrWr the th in g . ilDcsn't have a cTiniice,." Another remarked that “Even the Warren Court, would have ; found) Ulls one Iniposslble to swallo'

Tlio Insldei-s’ baslsVor thoir

predlcllons^slraple: Apassod / _ ■ . ■- Since they arc orr t:by--n— polll(cally-r>lnded'~-'5rtBM lNGT0rr (NEA) /munlst parUoS - one In Uio woiild ro'comraend Congress In,'n. touchy eldctlon while tHb'rndochJna'war Bets ‘ embryqulc stage, dcrmatoloiflat hnndyear, Uie vole (or 18-yoarJ>lds u,o headlines, .messaBos from

itfoBeous. li\-' this reporter’s contacts In Tokyo; llonfi Kong- and Soutli


D ifficulties

( k e t - f l r T ^ - ^ e a s ) .’If thc^Urc koratagca. U)cy y in your case, I d g u b tu ^ .

— can-be.- d^ly*'>emovedby"a“ Tnere Vvo’urd' bo"oiioufih

llpiTriafqiofijst v^thoiit'n scar. If ferenceto warrant thetrouUo^ * they are inoles or other-; such hunting for it, but.you * ■blemishesi,tlie size has a great'N^our regular physician If ^ *®. \

deal to do wiUiVwhetlicr any being done clo?c_cnough ^ V

visible scar will reaiain. ' '" ' travel expenses won’t o lM .^ J consideration*; S tqndara

. ^presents an optfagoous. 1>\*

irlngement 6n states' rlgliiav|H . fl Buarantcedby tho Coiyitllution. ^M rn 'ou luSV som o lo la ll.'th o y S / ' »They point out:that sinco the. . . vcYy serious difficulties the

Constitution does not give Communists are having In the ^npress power toiet the voting rtst of free Asia. '•

■Jll( n - t h n 7 p h u/p r id ro g ftr v c d - ^ Vtljc states — aB exnlicltlv stiitod ' »l"JuHn-ttT, Spec iator had a " f a m ily " doctor

7 w ho bperated o n 'h iip (o u r / t im e s ,. e x a n ^n a H o n Js ,;^ jnm e m em ber of

/ (Yefttdd h im for s tna ll pox? and a ' A A G I ,;40 years o f age, p k c tic ln g '■—^ ‘h o s t j i j fo iB r d ls e w s , gave/pills fflr ; r.-indiVi(Jua,Uy or-i'n parthersbiPr^who

c o I^ < r tr d B lt ls c o ® - ,o tp th ,M th ll( ig » ._ ; ;^ d n ^1 n t ia WsJocal,‘ ,C

m igh t c o m o .a s a S h o c t t® • sTaTej T in d . n a t iS n a lT A fiie r lc a r i ' ^ i ^ ^ n m M ' ^ a 7 < iia t?;M tv .^peop to t->_Jljcd ica l-A ssoo ia titin un tl»c ilo has

live^ th rough i t a ll — ‘ lly cd through, ■'takort an interriship-

rt\ali w i th o u t^ i“6pec ^a li^e d J(nB n ;;^ r(» id cn cy training,-is _

| H < l^ ib lf lW H « n t ll- h e _ w a ^ ;J ^ l,J _ n c t i> t f i^ ^ p ractico im a .no jo s____ a roqulromentlor obtaining tho linhdtul of oUlor spllntlr gro' m ld in S S fiO IMKiod.'f^fcDr,-‘-'iic least One ueflve appointrherit on trnncUla4,,JHi_J)rnhlblUn)( any^ffTin^niPtratdtjitjinoUire,—

,fi{7of: h is a ilm en ts -W6(:<y a Hospital 'm e d ic a l stoff A He in-.--. InrrlnBomont of voting rl?l\isi >diylo!)thor,o Isa pro-Soviet

b y f s e W a r diw tors — .a ll) . dude's in ternal medicine, surgery,v

'^ n ly one tiih ig ; h l6ro r ;oWlotiic8-gynecology, psychiatry,

o f ie s a ;\ '">1 :? , ; •; ■ -.i.arthopcaicL-andustria l. tiftedicincf'

Sinco they are otT the face, I ..oiild rocomroend that a

embryq^lc stage. dermatologist handle thorn,

splintprlng Is Undcc some clrcumsstances 'he (luitfr . typical . of Communist may.even reconomentl'a plastUv dcvclopfncnta .In the early surgeon, ^pending on'slzc^aifd' stage. Sonne year or another a location.*For. removal'of such fitrongmnri totjiUtarian lender ufemlshes elsewhfre, where: a

typo--n Mao T8C-lung*j?r a Ho ifmall scar mayv Tosull, a Chi Minh — may come along Jlp ginoral physician 0{in iiandle

JinltC tloinn. nr ihe fnrfinnB-nmi-^he mattw rvgdily^ \ doslroy tlie rost.* Hion there The procedure. In either case, could be tJje beginnings of \vlll be lniecti6li’"o] strong undergrounds.

,Now V « p ^ a U t y ,

new medlqoi V.and c^WgSnc'y. room carb It 're a lly is n 't , scf-v i^s gerierally rendoMd.’

c o t t o e t t t o n W « t t i e ' - " J i i m l l y i t ^ t o r g l ? n e c a l ^ a i t f i f l ^ y i i T d o c t o c .

—T h e g ine fa l pi'aclfcloher., SpectatoO ad ahout rjjached'M r.'S p ic ta to r reciflved-a-jeleaSo ebncIuMtCOjBHIootaJ^^^ (

fA 'm the A m irlcan 'A cfiaem yr of ;bnB thihg eacRT----------■ PrScUBb the 'othef dtiy in

“ i s .

riTwiwgthe-two^iW vexartAccoirainr to .^ e .

- re te lyW ,.th l9 *o» i» U (;c^ fU l ottho

■ . . - i i t e d s t a t e s b r - j

tlic slates — as oxpllclUy itjited , - , . „ .I)i Article 10 of tho Bill offflghta', opetlons , Increased UeJ.

Article 10ronds;'iH IbpoW a strongth In the Japanese plot

■noj-dclp^otoil;to .Uie United ' - Bui't^o?V-Co'mmunlst In^Statofl-by llKrtimatltutlon, nor 1’"'^*^ r ig frttn rin those Importpat

-frohlbltod by It to tho states, contlnuos.to fragment. countries gives Uieso

are rosorvofl', to the- statos,~— pnrlyThlSTear, sewclM'pro-' lands tiw rto "a ti6 rtit«« fu io lf~ respectively, or'to the people." J ’ekjng Communist splinter -democratic Instltutttjns and..Moonwhllo, the' long-ignored ■ "^oups started a rival Japanese^^ Uielr economic.'. _-X____ - ^

Section 2 of the 14Ui Amqnd* ComrriunlMpartySTliislson top ' it gives them time \to p u ll’- mcnt recognizes Uie ago of 21 as of ' a pro-Soviet partv anil a unhnppy-biil^Dt-yot^Mijdcfit,^.*.I •ho lds Q requirementior obtaining tho handful of btlior splinter groups groups Inid Uio mains^am.**" !

........................................ rrUthc--Unltod5tntci«yihah»tf

-- .............. . - - few.years'-^11 spcnd^a lOUi of. tJje amendment describes thoso CommunlsL party, with . four *. tl\o effort now being devoted to

«^l;ltlzonB protected as "being 21 seats in parliament, a pro>~. Vietnam Io~ (wlltJcar and In*, years of ago.u*!!l * • T - Chinese Conamunlst parly, wUli stltbtlonal afd lo the South and

, ,r i.During thq Earl Wari^n era, one pirilamontary member,,a Southeasnttlan countries in

considpratlon*! ^ surgical - procwli^B' ore y

vdry effective.

Dr.,TlJosteson welcorrieX^l mall from his readcw r" '^ bc'cfluse' of the great /volumo

received dally ho la u/iablo w y sw er IndlvldutiL-^— Headers'’ questions/are

c p r p o j i i ^ d I n ' h i ^ c o lu ” * )le.


gaged in

I Coiiit.might havo Mlthely

' lgt|orod such Constitutlonol riat^K.But as 6)urtexpcirla point

- < H i t . - t t w ^ l 8h - | ) « •--■..■■\knllln,iit«t(-by; ]uatlea|Vl]&

rJh?::3honc«rsridMry:."good:-‘t«M:: -A. . . . . ,— -t i-.^!-----3* r — Biero.wlll be noraddltiomil-

Oilcf-JusUco Warroh flutgor, jj.Tlilii last group bollovo(ni»*'Vletnoms(orCambodlnB)lnUio^ ^who tend to-nltlotfonstrudtlon olhoi's > ro ' not sufficiently.^ reasonable future anil UioNlxpn -

■ tlie notion’s fimdamontal > vlolontnr;H!l turnrliTpllt'ln lo holB-islohiHielif^cniw'Mpo-

ombnt, ■ \ factions, which are how V a l le y wlir l t * v ? a fIg lillinB ’ ,Iiu8.^inslditta,;^^; pto-.|)p.\a' violent dlsagriiemertt.)^'^'- \ciianco for success. .. -

,i[flfU9cBLlit»l.SfeW3si@Ml'^ , lE o ' l ’41datJ!nr;CoiiilW lnlaU ''^con6niIo .'ofil’T w l l l ' i>«: JusUcbOor overtlu 'Q ir^or^— hnv»7>beeiusi!l|t (or .several

.■ Offliigraluibhal'^a^oii.VDCT^ i ^ p i ^ P ^ l ^ pnrt^"and Justicc Harry Blaclohun.'i and’a pro-Moscow l ia r r

; p le a s b call:423..i5576 a t HahSen.- • - T !jothNlx6flflp^lntoes,tieadj|io\p,Tfo*d^

i , W (j:h av o 'fp ur .8W ,e fit p i ip p le s 'tb VsiSinilili)-,

, , - - G IV E A W A T D E P T ! - , r ^ M re ^ V tr ld w a b le P 't t 'h it ir kittens \

w hich ine i^^hom es. H y o g a i

nice p la ce 'fo pw e or m ore of thcni

, iyerthrow, 'ic c ird lh i 1o'llio,')! Paklitan and ijrM f' partyJn . whi;givtiaway;.ttpy:«e.flll’prettywlth:..x^^^^ : ^^^^^

ih a rT ilw a ^tlie lanKUBk* ot -r ; 0>m, JaflW),

TroUkylst Ijinka Sanijija party tl|U group and. to thoIr no|8h. OSSP) witli 10 pafJWmijnUiry; - bors (Malaysia, Tlialland, Uie sbaU and finalljj an M trjm lst Mllj)p|no9 an(l Indonesia), Uie

^nWovolutlq^ jT

Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

tw .ovbn«i({ itiwiKLiva oiM)/

IJrltiiln Iff ^ 0 prosporous. V ■

— - wjccfllj»Wlo‘ chib, w6ro, Irolundj,Norwfly..M(l Dcoiiiarlt> ‘ ‘

V AH'four countries ofl ' lnunchfl}minir morfihnraiijpl lH’n■* ' . a i a *two-1ipur coromiwij' '■'»« f ' iI-Aixcmbourg’sX 22-story Eu- ^

' -roponh Ccntdr. V ' ' '*

T J tc r r ro m io l.v ^ ^ ■ •'; inombcrAhfp inlka boRi*cri the,

, four oppllcants and'fiUdalsUnii--- incmbors—Franco, WofJl Gcy*.‘

, iniiny, cttjilyf BolBlum,, ''the' .■ Nolhorlandfl^d Luxoml)0 »r|{—

z.^- - prbducodTi<rsufprl868. 1' ,' ' *‘Wo.ttoronottakonnbflck-bv^— r r ^ vanolhlng sni(i

Belgian ForolBrfMinialiir ^orrc Harificl, president PI

markol’flVulintf-’- 'CSM __ ^ 2lj-MlnVstCF5

--- Tlio-10- liTuropflftn-nlntionfl—' V ‘- mual-^owTi-'Kelrort-tho-HQbr^> • narm cl*.p i(l, of '6xpnndlng

Europe’s economic and pc^Utlcnl

boumlaH^Si—— — — ~X:'- * ~— -TfiFTiext' rbund of'Ttnlka*-’ , ' * r t _ ■ ^

------t«»Tu>n-on- thp -niT _ Q X mon— J^EW-WAlKlSCQAllMfl-fflri|ie ^rlfl?-H>»lt<^t^-^axllUon-to thtf Extensive coiw tnic^_at^U»^* Miirkot nntlons andQ iT tain-^w ^nia lO ’tcary.JurtlorlllgfiSihOflriro^^ h{gh.aqhool.Jp<^>H»<t»wa*«MH^Hnn7>r^hinft<B lt|

lakes nlQCo- nt Uie mijrket's ^uiftiber-oLEroJ^iJi of the Twin Foils ^hS b l the home economlcB » ^ m at OlLcary, palntinR


complete. _________

- - “ Thirtnlks w crJfo llow crby i' 'j^K A n .T A ^iU P I) ~ ‘T (m F li tonT ijV l In An exclusiv7joknrtn'' « ttb iirb ^ mnnslon rounds Of bilntcN ^conversa*' likcajflniTwho Isnclthe/aUve Interview. which served him us a prison.

. tlons bctwcficn' tj^ JO'foreign . norJead.” ! • 'i " j ^ i o pretty l&-yVar-old favor- “Somctlrhos t took him for a ^ Jntajergr«ttcn^lfig--U>o meet- wiUi those'Woills.formcr-irTto daughter of Ih c - la te waljc around Mho gRjKlong;^A-

^ .Tntli i ■ A Prcfildont SuKnrno, who died 10 todonesian revolutionary talked guard'^wavs came rilftnc <uid^r Sponking at tho fo rm a l, days auo^at tlio 'aKe of flO, /mostly about Sukarno’s last two:»olhcr{K_wotchod from theponking at tho fo rm a l, days auo^at tlio 'aKe of flO, /mostly about Sukarno’s last two"»olhcrs^wotchod from

ining of Uic talkan the chicf' described, to his ^ iw h te r the . /years of life -which wore lived fe n w i Rap^imJlwatl said. • tish . noaotlatoCw-^Anlliony conditions of h is 'iife os a ouf urtdcr heavy j|Uard and , sVf

"‘sohitiop milBt bo-^poiitical exile wlthinitnri^nirdh"'severe fcst’rictlo] • ’ ‘ •■■ ............. ...-/-----Di'om in him- Uiat," \

o^HJnlng .of tlic • r it is h . noaol

\ /Barber, said n' \ I found during

>lrnpoacd by. ‘|Ho kWas-^ello'_ the foftlicoming heToundodr------------- / " ' ^ D io KovcfniaorttMvhlch.biistod nfiw^pflngrH-whiph w/re^iclect.

\- negotiations for sharing'the -“ Both oF-us broko dowri in himJitffrptfwor in\iW7;---- "- i j j by-thc-guardgV IIo had-a'Y burden'of Ifinaflcing/thij'Com- ibars, when he said tllat," \ Sukarno had-no measure of radio and televi^lon'scl but he- \.mon Market. _ . . . .Sgkanio'8d.n%htor lUchmawa* freedom wiUiln the did not like them:" .

A g ro a t selection ,p f .■drosses a lU from re gu la r

j .tC £k ._ iW Q irm tM _s ize s II8 =2 0 ^-JsAiksy_sizes.--V2?-ljck: 2 4 ? ” ^ ^

&“ /u n io r sizes, ^ S . 'T h o s e ^ . inc luded^ selections: from

ou r ;Spnpe-& S u m m e r ^ ^ c k . ,^ \ ,


Women’s Jamaica Shorts . . . , :r . M ”^P iK Iiin n > g ?]rfrinw't^w gurtrBnufa(»TTr<i»gr3^^0'Vutowtt^— ..iji—

'WomensBlousei&Shirts. T /^ b r i^ e r> ihlMf. gr«ol iiltciion of tolidi & pnnii,- tl<oMly fi>IM-'or'cl«i«ioo lU y i«3 fl4 fl. — ,

Women's Knit Pants . , i , *7’’100% Polya^lar l>nlt ponlt >UiorU<i colou^VulLiia t'ylat- «■>•(

.siovoioii.'-. -

[adies Shiftsft PantDresses . . . . *5”-SI»>v»l«<t-co>h>rw', w«ci»inn -ptlnU'lB~<lgitil~<l~nav?lty rty ilgnirtrudytoot---

lOmmT <q>>uont lint-lO'VO M-

> Shirtsp*fmd plYt«ra<nm«diDtid-«el

PA6RICSGROUP I ...... ................. i99 ' y d rVolutiio 3-39yJ, ' '< '

. . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 'yd.


/GROUP^IIVoluatto r.V&vulf

U P ill . r . . : . . >PWytilij- daubU in in . ValuiHb J7.00 y_<|. .


Lqdies-Handbags.Aitorl*^ ttyici & cobri. R*g.'fo 6.00.

Table O f G ifts . 1 /2 price-• M on/oddad .itim i. . . now o l................. .... . '

W igs , . . r . . 7 , . * 1 4 “

W e ' l l s e n d v o

T 7 2 S li^ . . . . . u , . ...........................Totf# Him bflfHtiort & r « g ^ r JanorhiTvolu*! lo j.oo/

Lingerie... . . . . . . . . . .3fi* lofflp ol long gowni Qn3 ‘BflU^doIh. »*0-'5^O<Hkntntyl*THW«

Park Avenue Ponty-HosferiT-il-JJ-'Poikolon-ptoliin lim & <o lon .

feTirU PanJt-'. cv'-,-*- - • ^ /^.oHWii'ua nVouB o> So»ina dn j Siirrin>«» ftonu. Vf|(> VJ-i-V.fl;

Tobficii.ltijly_W«:vaJoU>ftTq:tm'atJ ltom * «)« Spcina . to S8 Includtt knil & p«rma prtii’lc

-G Irlrf Pitfee-Se>s^^.-,-;^ir.-.^jV3*AII riglil oul ol our r)tiy noni* brands you know R»g.$4 ,35 lo JI0 . . . .. ■ _ , ;■ X '"

Girls Sppi wear Sep ratW—- /.*-!/3^ - tln<tod«», ihldt.Tomir lopi, (omaldihloH'tltmrsI 0onli </nd funicloprillttr 3 iQtrc.-— . ----- *.

Girls Sumhier Sweti>erji7):oo\ff *2“h8r‘3°*-gami brndrili«r4 nrtJlr '^ lii'y> (itrtfflh70 ltlll|d3U iI5^m m rT B H (l^

LINENSBeach towctls ,, . . . . iR§4^ft*d lo tU a r— ouf •Ktif# Hotli. ■-i,.

lOairidrGrabrTtibls- » —:-v —Aiu>rl«d lintn'jnclud<i,>«hitTr~plllbvr7^(«i. ctjrialni. low«li. oiMMa'cT.

il«m» Ifdm oor gill d«porlm#)il. Tryly on oddt & «ndi <Uon-upr • "■ "

Min's Casual Pants. . . . . . . . J *3*'*.Wat|;|j^.w«ar, (ollcft.lih^dii, ilrlptt. Rag. SB.SO to SI tOO, tiia i 39 Is M

[Mens Knit Shirts . . . . . . . '7.7>. *2??and CQHon Unif.iteg, $6.00 if p irU tl. Aiwrfad Ityly* and c c ^ l .

Mens Sox . ..77‘ pa ir or 2 pa irC M W ion.ifraUhiiwuM -n. ^ '

0 i lw . tlwitad quonlty.

K N ykm Wndbi^'ers . ; . ’4*W0% nytej^rwu# or WhIU. nowajiy ♦rfm on collar & R ig . i t valuai.

'o iS J ^ fb « H « r I.nil*,

\ J .A '.de.liCfpus^dpaTJry.tv^a^Qi^J-M S ila d op^-w fU sorfd you 5W;.Tfipr$ ' •

:!. hoja ^ u y X /Q . ota,lhal-ydu'll lo ve^ '(^a ll^ 'i "D ^co tW ie r i Fro!|<" (javoR.-f^or^-malfe- - r-‘—

^> .jM o lli)y liV tU h n ,.inm iUioslljilnrftdionlil.lhfe dt)t<ibtt!>»en mnrrTismrFmm thi/lwnriiir«d'-------- {.jKlolli)jriiV|b-lhn,.inmiUioshJiloitdiMlllhfe d%\tA»en .mDawmrFrom thgfenjarart' • ‘.yWtile R9s0^totbm4o.l^a;crjiip«b |>iclcl«s. D o -) fq ^^M ly -a n a 'b u ^ '''^ .a lovopTW''-

* ■ ■ • ■■■■■-jyj6lloyliPo|a1aSoladrAnBmali 30cenlswhill buyolDt*36ncl"tgupi»rBr Kti r'r'

V. '• N qi^y ' f;o?,footi^jn».rP;p:lBo» j3j-:oicj]iinljii^alilomio:9bia‘_ _ , , i C ; ^ « * ? ^ . r i . ? ' 'X- '•'• ■■ " - '.-{teHliimitVHllr* :(!0 !(‘,l0b<ilf (fo|t, NqlloFl.Pololo $plod.--VX-'- vr-riM^jrM^ary**»

W O M EN S -^iTAam



: f i l k »S¥

"WhiktHey lqst; aH s»y! V

Page 6: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

6 *TrpM<N»Wi, Twin »-a

. = V,— -1 . . . t . -— - , . .! — ; ......... ^.1


■T— r'-





I—VerioflUl I -.-.-v^v


Heorty Fovorit»; LB. .

3 ox. Pl(g.-4 In-x 7 In. EA.

y s . t i

' T o Y o u f h sH IG tttS TQ U ^im g ^ lO W E S I PRICES iWTdWNU

: l


L B .-ARMOURSr'Old .

Fothlonoc). Av«. 6-8 Lbt. Id- 99*

S A M P L I N G '


m i i i

f i i i .B r


FASHI0NED7 i WHOIE. / 12-15 lb. Aye. LEAN!


v3-5 4. ' jAv«rdg6. -

CfVetil %- To ^ l^ e p e ! -


- Poltygrovo, son of Mr. n’n(>Mrs. RobcfTT&ttygrtvci Hnn'son,^ Hqvo rccoivcd the 'Alumnr

Aaaoclotlon-. achotarsblp. [or

UnJvflralty o L Id a lu L _ _ : ; R E D fflK !!----gradtiater*w.Here-^he^m^|n--:--- tetne4 'ffTn*odgWfttTmtraRg^—~ - 3 ,^ oh'0.f0t)>;^ l p t SCOlOrMlsS-r;:^ J _ _ j ^ w c n c 9 wns ncHve in'fichool

faffofrfl. Sio wns a mombfir o f ' ..

— Natlonal.yonoK^ctetyrGlPj’s <Lfiaguo. Pcp^Cfub, DrtU 'Tenm ^- and Frchch Qub. Slie served a O . a’ocretary-tronsuror • of the’ ;

......"school band ond plpyed in.the ^band and ofchestrn; . / '

— Mlflfl Lawrencc wns named honor atudont to represent her

. " T d i ^ ln TwinTollsX ‘ was . honor Queen of

Daughtopi bothoh'S! . to maj6r in cducatton'ot.iilho

/ University of Jdoho. ;/fji

■ Ki'/.Pcttygrovc,maintalno/fl • grade point overaRC of ;r.74;bhn

four-point scale, at Hanson High

School, where he was also very ~~r^*Uve .lnv school offnlrs., tie ■

: ‘Kprod'OssoilK i'clnssprosidom^'

and. editor -of .Die schtJpi year- ■ *^-book-lwoyear i. He was chosen

' aa-tMPBote.to (jemJIdy-s^ti^Ie l-L









medium A A; X'


OUS4th of JULY SALE!!!!


, Janat.lee .9 In. f lObCnt.’ Pltg.

. Van Campi ' Hot or Col

«p«lidl t 13 oi.


Groat in Soladi • or Slice in 5Hci<«.

Gr. Onioirs. Scouts itnd lias received many

medols, including the Eagle " Seout nnd'^’Qwl' and CJnmlry”



; -j Um.v.ersity : .

And Mild!




Mrs. Royniond

^ 10'

I Krod T O F F _




—RoavyDutv. . Ft. Boll

Assorted Delicjpus-

; navfe ■ ‘ For> roR ONCY

5 ')■ . fo t '- "1 - ^


deaOt ies . IB.

SpQcial Low __Prict.ib;

It. OUen, Twin Fnlla, has rocolyod

,, "tlM Unlvoralty of WBhi). ‘ ; c' »£:U" 'V i .if M tiv»-ln—. Z lr v irib iu music tlclds" at TOln■ - " '^ . 5 ,3 j,,tl7- S H r wns ■

.«{t«n(l All-Slalp Or- • M-sat slxUi choIr in cHiioPoRIfJiltifJrSliff’- -

II muSra#ar<l-Tj a '



U . Big A|>ll. .

^ o i u i ! . . .i-.

'■'Cruityl I S««djraor

Main, 4H b . ’

toov'cf .


~Mode!~ 4





I C E C i ^ MSkyRocketRjevel.




DIAt. _____V- 5 an.

Better h e n / They're .

jjESroiHwiS.'Ur' Uia.n>ormo^ w n , •-neWa whUe-sHW""

^ f ^ U y breakfqstJ r* It tojwdslde. ^

. It olso would I y taxi ta get the man.o vto worki.do the.fwhuy grwwj'

, tinancea ™« S . T , : a iio w ’ Q ttio :-


\lhofar-theTbox oijly «iW»

ImaglnaUon.of t>r'.:l

;^D yn^ics and torm ir ttnannoi]. span openllbns for. ,,

Ihe National Aeroniailol J « 1 V'Space Administration (KlASA).

But ho orodicta It nilgbt W ’ ~

reality by tho_iear_SW O;c_p i.:l:— V The heart i f Ihe w om & _: .

I. gadset, oillmated by MMeUw tfi___ _ ' I - - costaboutll,«)i)_each,Sroiil(llie^;»__;

a small central / pttecessor, -> perhaps an Instrstdaran lnch-- -''

deep^and two Inches long., - .Mueller -said the Idea-tcir'

curred to him while he m i ireparlng 4 series of lecturM ' ' --

space-b be delivered ii'hatlonalsemlharlnlAustra- -

, He concluded there was no. reaun why technical develof^ '

inta-jlreadv-Jmown and l is ^

NASA shoulder be wedded' other concepts jJU l Onvthe^ ' ' -

1 “ "drawing -board "to malop^tfe— —

• easier for.houjieWveil'. r . ■ ■ He B^m oW ledg^hb dream —— r-

might hobbe wholly pleasing to- " -everyone. A l^er;-T thoa«

_ ‘ advice ran.counter to' that-Of. l _ l h 6 maBlcb0 « might be mltfed.I '-Bui Mueller, uras certain tSIs~

-muld be offset bv the ■Ihe^

-......— - Jfset -by "~ :h6U!S»ite’s'pleasui»-wlUr • cube. . . ■

Embedded lii a display . conjole : no bigger .than a - j ■ teM slon ie(, I f would have .sf' , ■ .Hlgh^peedT memor^ of ab6ut.'-j:^fj

sral '-days't of 'd e r i^ a t^ .. ^am s . • '

- ^ a t — woHW— be-only—the- Hboalluiing;'

- Tlie-housewlfe could'tell the. . - computer what muj l c— -

wanta^tohear.Md^ programs she wants to'"Watch during tJie''^. , ’

i day, and store Ihe hiformatloir^ ^ — fo n l ” ■

her husband is ready «6 ' leave for work, the computer

_ wooliordeta-taidHaiid itay on. the' Job uiitU then waa ' assu/'ance that the call was «n route,

-Grocery shopplnj. would b« revoluuonlied. Hie hard-work- y Ing housewife wouId\dlaI her supermarket Aid, with the aid--, of_th« compuUr’s comiir«#(«<l_:: Information and a renota TV / unit, select the. food A n n te _

and load 'it on an automatlo

. ahojplnij w t l a a N w i i l a r •-name and address, v,;. /

An automatically ijoiUpulM bill«rfiuld:br«ubmltt«a<iB7lJie~T"TV a a ^ :fof„lier 4 '

T S ra ia rie d to her! and credited to'the g n M 's at

i_theJociinbMk;=*--- -After on|eKiaLUw. a

The housewuki coflH"

TV___to hei;,!

'sW ore m ^^ .T he- tie


with a nmriln* account of h li peraonal flilaiicaa, srid iritb cunjint and' paat InlohnaUcn'about Ms itocka, nieUfperfci^.

/rmaiice-wouId-ta-Kal™ forecast, and teders ftfl sell would b«/hoi)or«d.!

-— Tha-oonipular-lioaldl' current accbunt of i I altuatlon, iwlvliw him [ w o ld t a x l l a b l ^ a

grocehi biUf-%hen L ZJiHiJlM magli! bo* c

evaluate the martu I preset, the action

i '_ c


:] ' cbiispBi'NN- \ - r - . ’SUN SHINe '. f 1


irtOCKER. la iu u o n u

tm&cdb-V KAUA.(I

- Forti aiujy, - c.:-

t j n S a *

Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

WB.:Ltan May,/ • A'-"

r r r r T mtFHght t« r

t p i K E c l y - i u m i i BEKFHUfcItMhrnpylmwlhononstoptU iiht-'_____ ____

•nie presldenl'of fosiiji Intor- ‘ XcHARlION HfSTON^ ,■

laUonal'guinea. W, ’ IJovd ......... ,. . . . »i.>ili'no. ioija uroaWnst mootins '''lOARNIGHT i ' of tho tjtiih Agonriea Momlny ,' —--r

r' I, . . ‘

. n-T-Gomwi-fivlo..’U S M c l_ ^ lV ,

S\,-MUlerooori ■■:.■<-hstT-V lftin'*

n - o w « ^•i_()«virlciirMTnrret

t f ^ v o r l v H illb llllot •4-Nflnnv anti 111# PrgiMMir / ;,0-B .om 311 , - _ ,

G iiiA f,— wSL-^rflfiimiy Glm

^MISS JAPAN,^tmShlmada, on left, laughs QB Bho knvters the , ai^Kbn, and^ ^'pu lling ^ UJirettlrlirtho lVIi88..Ujijver9« com'' -

‘70-WhBro'» |j-M«dlcnl C«f\\er ' 4j-M»(ll«flr.Conlor

.Frltndiy-Olfini.:■./ ■ ^ ..7 :00 I'-V ^ _____„ ^ -

DflUv.cio?«7' ' poiiHnn In Now York,CUy. WUh hci'nro MJbb USA, cciilc?,ucbbyS *~'linOVlfc*- ••MVIUV w«i in y . w«w vMn — Movlo ''In iid o Oflifc/ Olovet*

That G irl -----■^-Courtihip ol EUdl®'« F r tH ie L ^ ■ 7SU.— VUh«r* Now-7SU—WH»l-» Now- ■ . • ' : .............•70—Johnny Cftih. «|b—J ohnny. C«»h *

- itl-W irtic Hjill , • _

^’oomor Pvl«,,U6W C.•JDfGomor Py lf.,U______ ; j- Unom'. .1— r f '

,7SL—Acroit the P tnco .iiOO >’

’3&L—Mu»lc Hall

iV .-.'7SLT-f..............' ‘ .1M V

Jesuit Priest-jEdiicMQ^ o

N«l.'.70'~‘Then Cflme Bronton *6—Enoelbe&t Humpot'dineW


7s L Aduocnie*70 — Oonh M »^lln

”'3SL — Dr#bno1 • T '• B D rnonil ,

'3SL - Oofln Mftrlm.,' . 0 — D«»n M*rfln


provedf Sclroi. .................... ron'dlni! nwre.-rcadliii! hW)Ul effect bo nrtKllrs bo-lm|xi»-

JBV. Liio p. McIjiUKhlln, who' thlnRs they cnn relate Ao,” Icasons. But he- noncthelejHlHnodrocontly-ns-chancDllbrLlMcLflugliUnr:snldrinrair7mtrit*yni?nJniOlcJlie. blj U,t . M "•« ' «v ____ I* * A. 1.1^... iTflfllllltl M10Ifforiihnm University to

IrcctoLof frcshmnn

■ 7SL-»00U B®*t -_• _ _ _-:T=rtnkl ■ . ____

-T7STi=TirefrCTmo*n?oT«0n----■l-Enoelb*ri Humperdinck 7SL-*-Now» In P’ertpectlvc ,7lJ-.Wuilc Hall 1 VWutte-Hsll

4 — Mflvrrick- 7SL - Foriy lo SAOfl'.

2f> ~ Hflppv Dny> ■ •--- 3 - - ■

—i — Hrtppv Dflytr, ‘

vlevy. / ‘ ,If the video tnpe mtthoda- s ? c ^ to fu l,h a jjn ld ,th (y 's tu d e r t iH

EhKUall. history -pnrnmount.

11—Medici X e n 1ei\- • jo i_

3SL— N fw i. W M thor flnd.SporU .ja-Newrt, W o d lh v «niJ-Sf»rf4 *— 3-Nffwi. WoAiher And.Sports

■rS—M«w4r4Al«*thei:-iia;U£oacU.. 70—NQiM/ Weathor And Spot'• B—NonM W»B«tiin-iind Sporl!.


IforVfCnrollna,-plans to take fi wllLtnve ' Ihc key/.to-:intor| “tosame Strc6t’‘'arid liKcntfc—rending;'All othfcr riub- :ntlinrhrough-Hhe—jeehvn»iop6-rplnt«d-i

fio'of-Vidc/o ti poa./__— K -,‘ 11)0 57-yonr-old Jesuit prlcjit-. nViicre iff'_’na dpuUiy thilt .'do’

.v.w • - :'i?ftlucolor who reMrtsJo histcleVlflion lsnr4;aomlrtnnt m thd ’ -----3SU A Tjows. vvitAThBr'And sporf* poflt,at‘Jolmsoji C~Sniitli~rnlrids of A qU . young«tor;

lOuglilliVs ifain.arRumenl all tljo-'tenchiqg method

whitlV finds, the instructor [{5 5 — before— a— elofis

snyi/ig;\t9 ad thisi do_that\and

7B — N«>w», Woflthor «n(f Sport*— "•tfftirvCTJllI B — Now», Weflther and Sports- , , ,J — Prrr» AA^ion ■ JLUYHjTTinkCfl.it CU'ur.uK wmnB |t in m iBnCiyr not )ll

10*7? “ ^ ’ ~ . ‘.'>'rtrf/iuVllla n o iM d ijC n t lo n a l p la n s ' U ilhk , b u l how the,

'iiv w»rL> ■' \^li;did,effccl, a iC soo n 'jis iw ss ib lo . M c l j u ie l i l l n , . n

' -'•':---‘>H »nnHH<>TittldCT(a-toiiOTonl-;^oqtcrTvlth-yiiortr7SI. -- coiwmunlly

- *<1 satd- ome persons have' . died lil 'a roHuU of .carbon

-«?mitli-w,ir„to nf Tnii „n,t„ry6tnri .Undflf that ‘ system. "the monox!tft»,bolsonlJis ehiiUed by“ M wronB l.--lhal ,Klqi.«lb fcldo a home,,, '

I Bea

-' _BprSE (UPI) health official

>yi. Idaho"lhat backird chofs whi'move grills or Hlbachi pots indoora

so of-raln, may bo-lmpos- fereat danger upon theirnonetholosfl ’'J?® IJ...

— •—*—earrolhDcspainrchief-pflhe Ik and food|secUon-forlSe

XJohQ.said charcoal brlqu only be uspd. outdoors because of Uie dang'6r of carbon, mono-■xracnioisomrtBr

- T - H 5 r C H e ¥ E N N & ^ o a A L - C U J B -

, 4—Perry Mason'iPiflPrino H Ou'* 10: IS .

'7SL*-Communiiy Aicct . . ■ , . r 10:30

]hnny. C^rion

sNowvVMiSfi nrimHSi 'iaiv11 - Nows. W5«ih»r..'na.sportv-r-Uiin'((Al(fc'iiS il r«

turn;’ 3' ,!vn!.(lnO,-

* 30-^Duck Owdns -'■■J-Mcry GrltfinG.ritfiq

■Then Cam e Dronion, n:M ; . , • ‘‘Subpnarlno Command.''

«»N ew t, VQsathor, Sports ’

•Oc»an Floor” « . •X 11:00JSL-Movio ‘ 'WArninu IrotA Space" V-Moi/ia.‘*<itflr- Spanoled-ptvymrn-.

• - 10; JO • JSL JohrinV, Carsort JO — Johnny-qaVvn

. B — Jotihnv

.5 — Morv G>iHin ■ii-r- rjim.. £a)ideJawedJfy^aacUd'a^> ny UNDV HIGIl^ -Vtcloctcdiioiei

UPI) — Democratic abolish liie \lcpHr....... rili\ I candidate Ccclf' ini;ilstrallyc services and

---- - -- #«Hu-u»-***i<Hies'day Idnhp ’*'is" moVo-Uic I3urenu of PubI2SL •-nic<oCioSwsru\i' Fre*M T. ropldlbecominB 0 statp Of ccn- counts inlp.me office '

.... > l.sorshiD where Individual freo* ‘auditor n's a nos

4 — N»wi. wcaibw. ana,Sport!

U — DrACkon' iCitt 7 ■ abolia|i Uio Vcplirf'mopt or nd-J.— Movift VThP Wnl

n:30S , ' . . X' . gubcrniildrili

.sorship where Individual freo-I yv'/s n'cp.rnmufiijpt oin f-Uwught-lafln invilatlafl:

^ iirtAtvmlAtrTVinnfr ** *

Tfie^Alniam icQ y U n lte d Press in lem o tJQ n a l

T6diiy li WednesdayrJuly I," V F W C h a v i s

./-tor iinpmploymcnt.' _Andwis told n _ne\¥ confer- — Lines o'f’communiciition be-

ehce .fhe Western Idaho Cpm-'wet‘ft the Uiree Demotfratlc git, ErirBnTTijrnrnnTmatmr^

lh« 182nd t^ y of 1070 with 1B3 | X f l U o . V - M p f * l i n r f ' fCJp'f^R Ih,Idaho and said letters would pick one InloTollbw.- • r~ “ -V. j.*.» senrro ~ftir ~falilylTcoTUie jThe moon 1? between Its flrat . jfvu ijE Y ;> The Vo’tora'l^s of/'Bubernbtorfal candidates. tlic Democratic r

' quarter and now phase..1 The rhornlng

• ; Mercury and Sahifi?r^ '-, 1__ lliiicvdnmg/surs are*Venus,

’ Mars and Jupitor.- -J TDrhft-ago men. ln--tho ^United

■ -.v States bom-^n thfsjdate are • '■ number M in ihc loti

; On this day In': 'i;- lT).ip50_,AmhL

fiarmlnthc flr«t .baseball gamo

, liLDlayed ln P itu r

'mStt had planned a meeting In wQe open although |t la n clenn i'-Jiily to dIscuM,' poverty’ prob- campaign.” He snid 'voters

’ ‘ *■ ----- - .....................n August “and _man'wlIoTvlns ~

_______ ____________ _____ of/'Bubembtorfalcandidates. , tlic Democratic nomlhation in.

i‘'orclgn WoVs, biatrlct^lJc, wlflyi' He I d he was notified Mon- August 'will' be the next govcr*^ conduct 0 dfstrict-wldq'mcetlngCilay b^)iLeonard Harblson, exec- nor of Idaho.Saturday ^raid Sunday at tFiet^utiv^i director of the WICAP, , „ ' , .. *National JGuBRd Arrtory in .> a n i ie organirntion-had been — He oppo.sed a - o ^ l option - Holley, o*corillng,lo.-John; tokitocnncclHiempotlnR. aalcawr because II'wOuW be \ ,

'Ptrlcc, district”c£mmimd(n‘r-' j^A^'7 J®- sold' he dlil i'not- know ^Tbos6|.attendlng iire •asked. W i’ horq the order |o cancel prU

seveU and \iicfslUn k San Juan the Spa Ush-Amerl-

2 the Do(no ratlc party _nftmtnntnH tVnniln P. F velt .fof. Prc9|(fcnt. _Ho was

; ted to foui) terms. rTmwnhrtlrBtTwstwar-teat' of the atomic ljomti.wds.hcld.at_. Bddni island Ip the-Paclflc. • • - -~A“tJioDght‘ for'tho~day: Homnn'poct HoVacc said. “He, haahtU tholdeed.done. who has ftiado a boglnni/ig." , . *

piNi i strAw - —I .PENRITH, Englanc(UPI)- / Soccer fan.Jofieph

■ nJfTfrioneyTffTeinho'Eoropean r

Cup fnatch In Milan, «> hd r?? 'mitchlilkoa tho_1.500 mU^8 back

# to Britain a t no coat t~—until a ■ " loci^Tcourt h6ro fined him throe

pounds (^.21}) for usb\g a freeWoy.w a twiditttf)fln.. j '

i MdVlE RATINQS'FOR ■ :vpuisiaf*EOi

againstanoil)ijf.Heol^anjdhe « ; |U||B']{

Urlng afsoclrlUnch. Tlicre w ill'' Blnated, but noted the program . opposedHolisc Bill 3M ^ which .* - Iw W w l bo nolwst (or the me«lnn, The* la aijolnt (ederal-stale venture limits local taxing.units to a. * , i '.'

l»»< .WH- ■ formnt bilalncss.rtHoUnB. \ « lfeV d .^ ld 'Jiome peoplsjn-tht Jpu [ lie ■collcglalir-SjHj, ol 1 p.m. Siindoy! ' 'S ljitiSM llaho teei.we do not each year— beoauso itY'loclu- ^Which , woi; , ■ . ■; ...fta y f 0 poverty, problom-and in local unlts^of-,goverfpnent

I would be cmbaraased by.- whefe Uio people cannot handle .« fOlcpoinitp;'‘-He-said the Uialr-own problems. In a.sense APnpdlircntlycxtendsdthe you're putting hnndcuHs on l o ^ « A i.lh lhtlon to. Uie candiaatos In cal units of government," . , * ' J '

i-Uie men-would "comp----- tad sold4ocal-taijoycrs—with ideas that would help werooverburdentd wiUHirilpor. / * ,...lind now they do not ty tnxes because tliey hove toy.;» -

Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m


.. younK mounlaln>clUribi>r. has.■'r^bcori ioiiml '■fPOXen' tn'Orhuge-l

•^ "c lm nk.ortCcN k niontlis after ' y / > ho ondjpur companion^ Irlpd to /

'cllinb U»o'uhconqucMd„norUr.' . _ . v,-W X - ■' - t o w d itvC lD dor-C ark 's :W 8he lt : th o y ,c ou ld go t n n ^o r lx ^

■' Mnk ___■'liny , i hn^t gjlajia-Metr mv---- T I ir C 5 3 y w 0s W entH lod M onforfld ,Uio s co rch , a rm o d w im _

• TT'*:* tu«i n r^h ..,^ mr...-tu .......... «r tipflb ntf- Boica: ■mckS.'-shov^s..(hnt o f-Iln y - MarUfit^i 02; "o l .probing’ po|c«r Uutlc, Mont. " flnil.n motal do»‘

'M artin and four dUiors.sot^^' out Doc;27, 1069, to’ attempt ^

uf lilt, /ilovelnml. which _ i-IO,448-f6e^near-tHo-Caha'

leff.&raj from Waterton Pack.lhC _:Glac(ca...Park- Swerbiti _

' I i ' WlllI 'KT^e !«•> 18, BouniinTgi.ia7Si fe t '& t e ,5m j te vthe I

i. Mondpy 9<3

licks,'-shovoTs' iting device^


million■jl(^uo8(cd..£ui li^orolhtportant'

'-lyrLit wowii . ^ u i i ‘c.^Uint''hV spend not w / M l thb 'fiiridB 16 bo approptipic^ Junder the bill

• I „ hut/alM'vvhotovcf cIm -Cbn^c^

. Ibtor a'ulhb^'ite for pthei liealthrrelatcdpr^grams.lnclud-

. ing the vast rc^oAEc]) of thb naUonal institutes of health..

/In hia ■first veto of tUo ' Mssion, Nix^n called the bUl a ' “long step down the road ttf- U fiscal irresponsibility."

/ Some senawrs doubted Con­fe s s could require Nixon tff~|

, 8p«nd the money. Sen. Jacob K. " Javits^, n -N.Y., said the bill

.. > -kg^wd~>iotlc<rmrthr~ithat any* funds suGse^cntly appropriated under the men-

would bo exempt from any .• federal spwding ceiling Con­

gress mi(^»t impowh'.

_tiirhci|vAtt Intensive search wfid start- ¥

'tiir ly In ^ununr>r^l^w liH i ' l l ' O T U t I I v

ot «woi>chlmi storms

■ TtorSTT lmdhopes llio (Ivo wore sllll nhvt^ in ^h? Mh utlll'W lf f i in n ic c n m r r ^ r a ly . dcH


Ali'thnt w/fl found were ji ^nys>r soljooi.

THE GLASS BOTTLES and Jars Patty Bogarty la holding mepn cash to the cight-ycar- old U)B Angcl<^ elrl when ffiTtuniB them m at a bottle redemption ecn'tcr. It Is a part of the

coast-to*«oaflt prbgram being conducted by the 'glaRS container.induBtry to fight>)llut(on. The " collected (Mtt|c)> will bc_ciuuhed and rouseil to*

rdal^ hew ones. (Urncl^photo)

p a p e r H a n < b ^ B r e d k K

days of sohool.,

backpacK,™ p»rkn.nndn,™ m. l m t / c V / ' “ ' i "

..................... - - - ■ -

wcnUicrallowed rccovory crews. 7 ^1 ,00? i , out („■ .nrlnB 'lo probo Ihe mclllni! ico "" 'I , <;„cnllonMarfh Innda.wlthUio

Mm.,loy .n n v c m n n /S ^ ^

, tliVouRh 12has boon set a^lde as.

r n f ' Jh jn 1« Enster vacation, with the hgoi

ever, tlicy foun^ijRt oneTjo^y. ‘ • 'It woJi'Mn'rtln.•Park o ffic in l.T snld^ht re-. A yeni'. on th e ,planet Snt---

^ i f l c t lo n ' I n the ico cflusr-'^'- **' ! cnuJh yei4i's;^ntJ._

COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) — previous r-ccdrd ,wj»s 0.9 so- thined he u^bd a jm nll amount Luftwnffe ornft, complete^with , n^ga,WDddjecQrd.rw»rfrbrflkcn rogf|o ' ~ \ "of mn^nl ' In ' confltniction. all thfe noproprintc Gorman'

_ L . Tucsday-iaihainltUiUlyQffs-ofZ. -in-tht-youUi diviaioiL Gary tJie International Paper Air-. Harris of Columbus, Omi, set]

_ , anew distance record of Mfeet’/plane (Tontbst iiere. '

-r— Ai^Ur GcoJfrion of Willow- > 2 inches, exceddlng the formel

-ickrrGhior"bc8ted-thc-vorld-i?inrR'6^5^^c^ir^1nehes^^ record for duration In the adult Trumpeter Harry. • Jpmes’.^ nlhe feot, but the Four

-divfBlon-.by«kMping^»lfi-pap<w:— ytpyr->'llta yiyinfl4torn>^.wnB pHino-new-a>uihnpplng-2a. craft ajoft for 10 sefonds. The tllsquaUficd when It was deter- Douglas Pitcaffn of Ba\

Contcfltrrnilcfi dl5 tnte_ only InslgiUaT^ HisTentry nn,. glue, tijpe and paint may early lend-=r-xn the iidiiit

bbuSStflnlijomlruction.- - -o r ia ln u in y '^ iv l^n vbut fell . Hock sinRB^jnmes Brown's .behind In difitance tp ^n entry 'gOttl"-entry-fle\ ^ r<tagectablp"p(rom^Govr-Robert-Dockln8-oI—


, ' • , ■y-.MAYONmiSE-gflN P :'US'-THE-q


Page 9: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

''Vo:'nme».Kicwa.j>in^F«Ui^ Idahoi •WedtotdaV^iVrJDW^I t t ' CS 3 Sstesstira

r, NEw“ ^ i< ^- lu p i)- T ii( )r§ tB * f„ " ', ':^' . ■ 4 i5 a ro a rk c l jj« » ; if f lh t ls ,lo m !r ^

: ’ inqUlcttr»ulint{ ol me jnldwiiy:

' • noliltW’pdnes<lny.'\ 1-' ■ ' .V ' ' flio VPl■Tnl i Vptwidc^ndlca<•

. ' ' toK w«^ ulf .'0 :2V per. ccnt 0^1 T r r - ^ - h r W i i ^ S s o n the l in p o . 6 f '

M)7 (rgc}m ^U jnth 470--£{<;•**"•!

,V_.« gained,

‘ r / ' "■^ _________-

■ ' / chips was oH t o to.08,1.40,

■ Psr»h

' 3 ' G - r a m : . ' ’

l i ' K . i r (u p d - T .^ y s1,, w > Ju Ijraln prlco», f,p.b,.Ssot]l<i;''■

’S ® . W V« • *» , ..WA,. Un

rundi •• qu6lt<t bv •ht NAID incv ' •

' ’ “v r i i - - , 'Ahtrdn AOMUJALTV

" •-

»^:;s rtA R ’'

n j *, conaoHiia'te(tCr.eaulta'..M:.,l8,.S^„L... ,

-.•ti'n’ m» jr. . .II . W‘1 11, ■(■ H

. ’’ 'fiTTU'" u s- 'u• -- -MK-irw' 1 '' .Mi.i. u.

7 ‘ » Jcne/ InWlpr- if/CT' flVefHttc lif ^O aolbctod blue ' J-fi^«ir5.«

. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Pinnjolil... . . . . . . . .Mb t w — h,,—

H>I, U ' l i ' , . . : f*«p(ICo MrW 1' 44«|1 '■l i M'o . tJ*', U ~ t , . Piiitr .« W / » ' , J8-O0»fc * '1;o J9W-i*'.-jtvi-> phtipDs tft. 3I/4J'*,ir./• I - - . - ...................


- H n r d - W in t t y r i , 5 Q i ^ - ^ .

.Corn 58,50^.60

PofdMI 3,«Mck '10

S.OOO.OOCr aUnros’ wns;,-. - ''..•.s.-,___ / m f j>- I..

1)1 43W 41U-W IM» l?t* W'..- ■■ UVi U'4 14'l*

AMC• r»rii^« m w tto 'fb . No. f i • •-■'c»iaierf‘ »ooo »)M-ib, No. r i j^ v .to irw , .B a r lo v TO.OWV.SO " ' V ............... mixtd 006«» «n(j CWI« W.KTJl.OOj dijod ^11.00 IO.SOj llftmiird and low oOM'If.00 .-CHICAGO (UPI) G 'tin p'IcM «t............... .............. .................. . iC;l$ •.m. CDT: • r--*'

____ I • i l / Cho. '" i................ .. ....................... .....IIO IOJO liWHlJlT V - -(U. No. 5,4,,10.tf^f,Mrnll«*d : 7 >M'4 ,».)♦'» '- M 'l ? K * 5 ^ „ v 7 _

T5/I1.' 44TT

ooMt «nd cMKa w,.. . . . . , I . 4«.%iu.rfO>SOJ Al^ntiird And. I(pw yvtro 4*-\m

M W' hiH#M hifah cholct »nt* » »0J4-llj. No. 3 4

i " > ■b»<i «>’ UHvrHpclC* ChofeiTiMI.IOSl•»' UHjirHpi ,4, lO .w f '

jilllll>/ «nit cl^nm•rcl*l.3I.TM1.S0; +tloh' 0*C ■■ ■• dfw ino l? tTr~73:7^^^.oo^ 't^»^nlr‘llWB«" tuww

.irLM?!.*!!.. J * . o lV « ' f ' ........ '•31^|'34 r .l® .'~ .^C H O*nOH OuV '- Iit In S I ' l l '* lo

VWII.- *aiivj| Q WQOld you l cbp... _ , . ....... ^i i i i i i >ldlng]t^brfol'k.«< Westero Ry.ii'fili^rtVpr '88 c ^ ts per shafe:^., V

■4 ?i.i.u-.. sPck pd to4j ‘n:« ‘ deaplte? Its recent sH^rp versus'^.2 mllilon or tt.03i»» 7 ;';

S ss;:;! w h « about; the- ^ n r g i e J t n R ^ i ' A ^ . ' ■- ;iia'Ssiii jfe ............................................................

.HiiPt ssBi w X 3.n'fafHw" m1 !:ii. iM tU K ^ re s t rat«

:;5 El<v/,r. f s s ; ,; , ! : ! ! , l ! I = ^on i|o- ,iow aow .^-- ..,. . . .earnings growth- was

'- T iir r , EI35r*i:!S:iJ:!! ..sh*fpiy curt4iied.ii.Norroir&~'ir - W n i i l i i r r i ; ' r i ^ m n i i n v -r»nncliul_i

r va. |.4« ?.}|

M} I.SI J.JJ J.»l'

l.'si ic u o iA r p d i '<

, illjon' ibssf lncurred-by'. *Nor'. folk's two .Doreco sitb.<<Idi'&rIeB'

Eric tackawanhij .-And,

’ wlawaro i t Hudson IWllway — was cltod-afi'thc ntajof ta u »o t 4ho dticllne.'

In view, ,pf -*n r fo rm n n e B , . . _

, Jnirrj5ailmat?tfTj'6W; K«0'’’ Wnnjpflff'dfiU'lWO f'Miilli mny , fnly]ippf9»W,U:th'e'. W.60 j



■'lifl Qn‘2fi2,?o6'shnrOfl, ____Involvlnc'n block of 210/000 sharcfl ut lG*i off Salomon

-BroUicrc Ilut7,lcr hftndlod'- bothswpflof U)0 trijn^cU(ln/6K.- lnstitutions7-“ — 7-— *-— f------ tttf-fietr-teir

A lso'on th e 'm o a t ncllt<c Hat ^ri'i!,'!i:''f“ „

were 1-cim u o n lr n l o il •* on.'

. 183.5M slmros', and Intornatlon- .aooufh BlTclophono down ii on 133,400 ,!*shnrcfl. % .’ >0

tis Ij i. -.— ......... . . . N M»» }*'

-CnM0ll.?0d }0* '0 it. 41<o n m u i.M___o«f>&i»»i .10 4 »o>» 10' •G .nT .II.SJ IJJ }|»i, 31

............... ..... si'WI2''B‘!»Nai'raiesn^\s s ; . 4 j -.jj - F o r ' A r e a ■\UocliC 1 30.1 IJ 33 35'1 IV t - ' t ' * X »-m ^ . C l ' • — •

~ f Som. pofJui7C.(Lnioverfl,..iny;‘-GMAl ^ ^ r ^ i jil!

77 IS't V*H )SV.-> <4 ■ \ni5J JJ‘ » f r y jr-4’<

.18 1'. ' i ' f

f.'. i f i m'3 IS 3Mt

l l t lM ' i 24««W M « ‘-fS 3S>i

ufon-ap--‘'M-^jointedoaslsUint vico prosldonl .

sp« \3j.«3j«, ih^'Vflpdl-tcd'Jior-loeo. *nio

‘ ‘ d iv idend for

bu June' Ror!)l.3t 11.34 CUhuai. / . • u ,

I'ompletiily (! oarnlngs, th Shares a'ro'ciu

befty 0.O pc|-|

icl- hB/s ,

»vcriV*Jiilure,'*'r. be'-oflhfllderod;, -

t if the pro, i d . contlnij rcntly yicldl

♦-»? f v AMrtfor

! 5! • potidlnB.»>**' »_ . .ChcaaDCJ

~^TTin—rr 'i ' in iB v i' '*ur n i/io ■ .. _ — ,•

S av lr iK s '' P o e a ie l lb , b rn n c li,-

. i l 9>. ' nccorUltiK to ' Gcorf*c- Younfi, O . l t C U r y ^

7M l i i i u>t^ I J u * *I Vico prusU jch l Ip c l ia r« c of

.. eluded. Xwenllelh. Century-Fdx off I'a. Am^lcnn Tolophono up

‘, IrSupcHor-'Oilnilsor rilicjiipr,'

GfV■' n>. n>'i.

W M ir in l 31 U>« U'> >4W-<OIW»Uo.«(l____8 IJU IJ IS.m — |B«. 1AB..

fL l- IB M ^up '- l^ .-B u rrouchaM ll..,rX "i* ;^ ' 51 I!'' I?'o C u l^ ^ n-» 314 3)!» 33';lilRbor, and M o m h ro x u p 2,


•* ■ NBW vokK .(ui*n-S«l*^*d.itQ/i.» on r >,« Mtw Ydrk Slock e>ch*no«. ' [’.■■ ,5 — m «lhj)»| Hloh Low L«jll qho.

~j.....C Jcn itM W o' H jl~~ ’j l - l i ' +Xi‘1 lj.40 48 IJ* . 51'> 3ll- A

" --- »a i .

Alfe»nAI 1.30 - ^ Al|*oCp .lOd ^ 2 - *1 l-Wd »•«

c Alla Pw 1.13 . ^ Alld Cl 1.30

Aiilfdsn.«0 Atll»-ehiilm -

■ •«k...4lc0« tIO. « !— Am,.-f--*"'*lfl M ..

^ ABr«nd 3')0


C ' AmeUc l.«4 Am ei iMtrt AmHQml'i

- AmMp«p :j4 ^ .. 'A M »| € « |.40_




r " , uto 3»'«M, ■ tl « » !

.134 i r » . . .-14)4 Sl<4 SO'i SO^tf >•J|- 3J ■ 3*',I 3*'i->- ' i

. Ui| UU-»- ••t »<> 3 ^ i ' i

-10 31't 3|it 31 1 ...41 M»« »»« li» i- »»

133 33>4 33’ * 33««< U30 .10 . **• 9»»- '«

.104-11'. Jrv-S7'»r J.,..n J3'> 33'. 3J,‘»

o»!»a.w t:^— , i t 13U 13 IJ'

H«J»'mP»p V-I IM,'H«rrl» Ini t .\l3 31 I I 3fc' HfCUM .>0g H«rc in .SOd Hirihy 1.10Hiubitln .10'Hcwlll P .10

.HIIIooHQtl 1 Hoh*rt 1.30 ' 1 j<Holt_€l*cln--to--)Mo( Innt .33 - }0I 3i


,19 J3'i. J3*

• J 15_ I7i 1i 1VI SNi •3» 40'. :

34\. 3S'

30>i \05'.- ».

! ’ ?: s . ' . : " ; /

41 34'.' -SquftD-M*. It 19»1

;• . iguibb , 7 J d S U j__t--AJ-nrnd l.iO . ■ ' ■

' Sid KolltmnSlOICt 3 100

. . . . ...DsUichl Ip ciiar«c or .^->jUi:qullj|ble’/"Ii:aslcrn iDislrlot—

I The npp(iintme{yL-.i«s nn- ^ I J l l C d l

; nounpcd by EqiiltJihlo'a board o f .- tljr«5ctol‘s aUlbolr/meotlnB held

I June 23 at I^brtl/nd, O re ."; -Mr. Hair Iwyi been actinK ■ nlnpagni^, o t '/ t )h pocatello 1, brunch slnc£ January. Ho.[ 'Joined Equitnblc In .1909 and ' served n.s a irhince In the teljer J operations jjnd loan deportment.' qf Equltabre'sl BJise offlc'e. He

. Caoknir.. Can inv C-ip Shr»


DnriH—3 • Nat I I

WASHINGTON PDr-Attpr-^ ney Gjnoj'al Jolin. ^f.^MltCliell ' lins pc<?ml8^ljnmcdtaloacllon aeatnst' a'-7iUlltant’ "rTi{hi-wlt}]f' .tolophono .mossaafr calllnB for: fumn'' ■ 'buU o t''r i'^- to tjw c6 fnH ^^

of three ahtl\^r'’sflhato^i* '

The ^tiosango ■ntellablo - t o ' anyone dialing a certain phone

Tvxrr .Ap«ir i n « )}flal. . 7 10 B11 Com 10 SI It 49

,t n I» CtHFiiArnl t} i l< .j r rr»i “& ^ " ' • „ 1 3i 5'vnMn

u.»t l# »l -11*9* IJ.07 1

Guard- l»0it».0» •. JLi"

S i ! M i ■ “ «

Qwih- i l ; .9* 9 77 srilg* I hi 1.11

Horact 13.33 13.;:...........l4ub»hn 3,<0 3.J:'l0 4t '^1 J40 37;, I 4) 'l^l'lnc J 49 4 0:

I ]} itnpaci a Ot » t;(19 lirp C<ip M] I I , 5J Gr ' J-sa a 01

noil 51}'« 4_rn>fi in t ji

.Chcsapeok(^i would p

"MuFshVi-M^ i u j Sptclr# 14 . . -y

Cal Ind .7.4 717 ITBAtlMAN -SUbsldUriej

.V7bckl*n .I.JO M l »-<acV >03 ».;l XU m O .

>V im \o \ ro t \ q I ( f n 200 shnriia ohn. ' . « * !; j ; l ' ! ! ; ' ! ! : .Il^trln r&glridn,-lie Mijjlco;^

>rly llitcd on the New YorlT •'

St6c)«^., gxchange..' I t ’- haa

areco tqhd f t ^ re rd c V ‘ " ; l ) n s

|luc-burmny Uiko

Imnaiial C| ■|NA cb I 41

310..S5Wi i ' *

54*14 S*39 1]>. 33|t

30 j i j i 1S>. 1»’n o , to , 9

19 35'. ----- T.T—

1193S>. 35'

1 1) 3*3 1} •

13>« 1]14>

1 S3 tr . .ii»« ■

V,. W w| .11. \/t,,WW( CIV UJ.^wllV V4J t. ^ V M.. I • I* fOni ' \/ .....

.wns^pr.oylousli' nisociatcdnvith— number In Washington named stuo.


' P j M n e F t f m

A a i m r t i s e ^

e m T S t a t e

i n 4 *0 Cap *.43,k.4J ..“ ‘J

*93 rs i jup lnv ..................N«1 Of t i f 7,49 .»uplo*rN«u Cam 1.31 U 9 Svncro- » « dlsaOtNauwfh U IJ IV IJ TMOAP 9,Of 9 9) , * : ' i■NawWiJxIO }J N 17 'Tchiri 7 33 7 JJ a n d I hiNfwion Kll.iJ 13*0 ' • ‘.(''‘I* J.4S-S"Nlchniav 1.00 1.00 Ttch Pd s.** *Ntatt IT, I) *4 11 44 Tmpltn 33 *0 ^Ocean ' 5 53 $ 53 *

! ! ! !

ONell '11 31 11 31 Cl 3 41 ). 74 iocpAiM-i?o 19* 'SS-'OpkunderK

bd from th e n ig Board

y<^^becnNiinable to find ^ -

" ja p p e n e a and w hy no^ \

t was m ode In *“

it m e Qnythl/ig^

OppAlM-130 19* '«2—

fccVi??; ” ” ■ U mTKDFUNpfc:

II New York ' ' Afrll 22.

141 ))'» 311| 31'*:

1174 34'I im 14'.

. 39 }i'} 3$'» 3 i'l- ^

■ PLf ..

^ '*• Cmi' mc\.90 i~'-Amp*« Cp

•r- Anacon l.fO - '. -2.-Arm allJ.40.-

• „ Armour l.*0 Armi Ck .10

.« . A»hlOII130

AilRicniid 3 . AIIM Coro

AVCoCp 1.30

dabiwii .so nanorP..ljh 9alh Induit _ BaaiFood* 1'

---- --- J7 31'< .TuGalT 1 41 •!* 3»^jTuCiuSul 40 •\‘'4j-'t4»i

13*- I 14

................ -fH fe-Thlokol .40 111Tlmkao l. io * ' 14 3*>i

_ Iun iC a_9Q ___ 4 i t -Traptam 5) 91 I3>.■ ■ 4».

Sen. Mike Gravel, D-'Alask/i, read oru. the I Senate floor p . message trJbiitcd-to-Dn~’‘ "

' liam Pierce of ’the *Nntlc Socialist Wlilto’ People’s p|


K> 8 1*. 14 t4 la 4*

Pay S47 S94

• 37»i 37H-37»»

Traniii/o Tfanun l.i* Trant Air Tricon 3 34d

. T R W Inc 1 30inCin Fot

. Hnve you reaH>^ seen "Onc; :Way l/liiho? traltora,

Tlinfs the.question Mountain, gainwitli-them,.,

a ll_ ls— a<J;lna— Itfl— Idaho-^--S«nr-Wflip'F«n;Gr-Mn&uflonrI>— lustomers this month ln~ a-Wash-.Jold.'flie ScnateWltchell copra,. *\s *ij leciiil Insert. Included with had ^vcn~Tis.si>ronco of fmthe» p j? u

teleplione’bllls. hctiorTTfy the Justico cwno*i-s.ii sio

P h . l i f ^ d lS i j l r t ; van *34 * «

p :£ r v^ i) \ i \ vXtVt-LNV’-oy ^ r r \ r

pionFo V ir io o i Vfl'Snc ]3{ i

you Ilea dth I ’} i ” cS; ,tig) you Jon t Sipr*' cDiiua i Jp ‘

hem...you^ljl|llihimC'’~ is r f ; , foh? ??'^K '^ JT S i' ‘ -- --- 5,\J j’ V5

r«W »lUf «|UI I* .11 • -Prodrfft—>V»-f.4»—WaH-Sl/n

Pfovtut IW 190Puflian l i t 9 01 W J iw M

Is JlOW .tr/i( 1110 /'annual

declared...... ...... ......... ^han usual nnd

be pQld scni unnualiy at the

- 3*1.

, 5 'l9»» . 19». \1'

7S t3>* 13'i 13'«

i '* r . *i‘»-/I 13'.,..4IU-4;U- »

14-J91. MH ,19W-n \]'i U’ l 17.'<. . .

• 31 .3t -• ^ 0 .J3'» 43»» 43‘»-"'>

,30. 7**» 74’ i ;* '»- I..3* tO« II 11

. 33 30i< 30'. 30«t- '«37 10'. 39 39'<-1'4,

3S>« 3i>i 3S>(-

»V- UnPat Cp 3n « Cp 3 -■ IfdVal .70 ,Unli

O Alrcr 1 ............Un Ora'ldl a* 14'• UldCorp.JO i

J>SGyptn 3a 39 4*<. US inaut .SO SO 13 USPiyCh .14 101 31>( USSmll .7Sa IS 33' i

-USSlMl } 40 i— 74~4I1»- US Tob 1 10 4 19>.

,-|jl ^ l|lll|.93 .. - .l» _ l5'I

UtanPL .93 '

I IS IS '.- '• i "W’i-Tf**- »»— . V . S '.- '.

■ Oran^.IO

. SO'. '3SJ. 3S>4- 'IP . IllM- ’17', l7 ',- >

121 3S>i 74 j r ,

17* 911> ■ei

Camp s 1.10 . .CanPac I }0 .-XamCULit-

. r CarrnfC *0 ' • CaUfTr I 70. : » Cl'

’ C«rli>n> ' Caiina 49«> . Cfll Sll «0

•'f*f-Ch«JPI >30ChiiaM.^.IO^30-431

, ' • ChM Qi\lo 4 *1 41'’ . -i ChfiiCr,.)0« S9 1'. .

,CKf«l.f *0 ■ 1I1J_17’* 16'

-L'tfn*i££ri 1 • LOnaSO 1.13 LOU Nath 4a Lucky SI .90 Lukant S*l I Lvka»Y 30d

Maii-P 1.49d MaQnav t }0

' AAar Oil 1 *0 l>^_MOrcor 1 *0

MarMid 1 *0 •:

• ■/', ♦*»- ’ .19»»-19»». T 17^117',- I

WtD'anc 1 10 .WUnlon 1.40 V^atl Cl 1 10 .Wtivac 1 OS Wavarhai.U WnalPitt Sll

^Whirlpl 1.4fl._, wn uol .son Wicktt cp I WlnnDx 1*1

116 ' 30-

- rt 7’. *'• *>,31 1SI« )4>. U .3* 3S». IS 3S -

t3l *4 *l>i *lt«-31 1IU 1|>t !•> .-

,34S 43\ 41', 43'»r,3' lot. lot* 10>|

_4A 4?'i 4|ta-49C^110 loti 10'. 10*.->a i4i| 34'.

37>« 37'. 37>i- '31’ . 3I>.

JanllUB 1.40-- 3*-3S'

>4eV>'Y0HK IUPII-Stl«Cladtlock»on tht Amtrlcan'Stock Exchanga -- ...U la ilhd i) Hioh LOW L«»> Ci>9.Alltf-Coolrol 4 l«i *■AmPal^Ukt 9 34’<ArkLIO 1.70 13 31' . . . . .oraicanu I loa 13 llt> i i ' i-

■ M’l

I I i r .17 39

101 «9>.130 13’.43 13'.7 3<'.U Jl .

,■* Cit fiS I « P

Caliniti 160 - uo

• rC a lG a tU i 31 v : iJc A lo iv 4D 81 34 ‘ 5 C*<n EJ 2.20 * S7 31'

--«m O»«»<I*CP. - IJ 31fi^anlEd I »0 '•

^,|S*N0 'l 7* •

f 'tonvm f'w 3 COftt Air .SO CanCan 3.30 Ce*M1.141.>

Cento Daia __ ' • » » CornGl 7' la •

rWtiWlJi «* •-'' M.M Al U ."

MftinPL 1,30 MO Pac A 5 MOtlllOl 7 40 Montco-t.10 Monooram- Montah t .io . MoloroU .60 •

■Ml Fual,1 to

'W 'J 30',- *»\CI

13'. 13’ .- ' 34i.'34t«- J 19«> 30-.1 • ,>

Clary Corp * 4--- 4-

.H i:;; 'j:;33|t I4>l t4'i

rJal'Airl 40 NAiniU 3 30

. NalCaih .73 ' NatOlilil .90

Nal Cm .30 NatCvp I.OS NiLaad .OSd ^•IlfaaH 'T - Nav P>w 1.1*

• N»wb*frr-t •

N IauM o l.ia ’ }| 14'.* NorltWtl * 1D9 S7’ . s«>.

•J4oAmfil.t.rO .30-.«41i.’l

*"woit’pii^^2* ■ *1

The Idea'ijf .the four-color Department iniort is -the reminder for Tupsday night of Idahoans^ to travel within the message State to sec some of the at­tractions they may-tnke'^flT

jitPfL thrmi[7hniif.^thc_,vcar!^• The copy ur^ea residents t ^

“ ...Takea few days or longof/^iS; explortour wonderful state. It's

‘ l i lb u ls ld e .y o u r front door.”

,________ ‘T rtlllK ^ lIP I)— MCtlrt^I -prices:

Aluminum, primary,-DO per |-contplus,pure30lb. Ingota20.00 I c lb. I . . --

' Antimony, domestic, 00 ».a'per cent pure, f.o.b. LoredoTTdxas,

' bulkrc;00.c4b. . .• - ; Copper, electolytic deiivered• U.S. GO.OMO.^ c lb: lake fiO.OO c : lb._ J ^ n d . cf>mmon. N. Y . 10;50 c

lb,j St. Louis ’G.3I) c TEl• mannganese, 99.0 per cent pure


.135 oi; : . ■

Quick.snver,^ JWO^-IO 70 lb. flask.


Tungsten Fowder, 0B.8

con minimum pure, |.90 lb!ZInCi-Prime western, N,


4SI S.01 4U334I 33

- I f v ;LibrtyLila^LitaJI

x*37 *17 *4* 7.04

11 17 13 4]

•ITo orderyouj Sp«iir’r 5 Z i M

cessful InvcsjTso ’'V j ^ reviaed-an'tHn- — ^ .......TOnr:^scndlLw lth-n q and.addr.ess 1*4 171 to Roger E.Sp .Timcs-Nows, » * '* '* Box 1018, and Centrah

T l " ' ' 3 ? ji:

g f a r iJl-

R.nlrl 13 47 # M " ' " ’'o notf LM 4 9* s if. W'»«0'




10.00 c lb. East St, U uIjTIS.

PllTia St M Pnaum Oyn pubcop „isa

^ c y i»

Ik 314*

,Vi|;iiiti- luirL * "

-I/ -; a-.j ^ .**.■» .. 4‘.i.~ '

_I1) IIW 33'., 13' I


OccidP I 10 OonenC 30d ' Ohio eJ^I 54 OklaOC 1.1* . OklaND 1.13 OlinCo'P OmaUbin 4i'

. OrRock t.30 Otit El Co'3 Outbord

11 30)1 30. «o>«.

.1 .13'4 13'. IJi.3 ll*» l»»« ■■

___ n indutstiaiivck-Dn sajiiron .34 - 'i SldMaial'Sk- Slalhamjrt Svnta>|..40g II

. Ta<hnclf .« • UnvContr'Jl Ulan Sgr .10 , ' iiVtl Nuclaar'X-

: i _ ...................

,.j. l i . . I* "■ " ■ par cent A,

4 H f t

Q OomiMn .10 - • .^Daw ch t«a

v,.,.prM(arl.40 W.OvktP 1.40

, i«.DwPnnl 3. *0

1« Itv . . .

li'S il; ! t S + , < j .1 <i'. « 'iIN *1V» 45 *5 — ' j ''~ - P .P —r~ »* 3S'... M»» P«cG a»V i 70-53 , 73>..-33'.

k V - . » ; I ' K r i V i S . I S ' i r * ^11.': l i ! : '

il*,b..>«r« a* • fci II •I7».’ V7».- i i ' P«nhdl %*0— 13* . J74* 17«

■w SaianV I 40 JJN MU-* W Pannay JC T 415 e»P*"nNk*1 / » IS- . ”j ^ " ‘0 -

iK;-!' ii» . nr. iiv e

'’ 'Mined Grkln' ■■■ ..»JlQ ttW h ll«W «ia t,


.11.84 ExlrKU'rge tl.eo UrgeAA

...................... M lU l '



.Gnrrsltls Ida. PSw.^Pi'Of^i

4 ila,l8 lNall;nk20,M W 'lntemi,i3ilB.:.Lz:fl.a7Ji_^(i.r6'

r v«.02«i-' -7.K'

10.00 .17 JM,

l l .M _,M™umAA'. IK 10:Snu iU .

- V-■ J . f i . J 'u l . ' '

L . ■ #".'KeUwooil,C ^ r r js o n , .

!« ' ■t’aeV’Enar.' A i-SM "

n)lBer»B|ys.- <13.00

•StorfrttftW.00-19.00 ■ Silver Star Q.^


M ..y .

""iVyor i 'h< * ( i o i i n K ' r■ QuolrtHonvffom NASD nl op|>fo«- y)!'Qr’a'j*'’c"*s 'r* i'' **’ ■’]

Imolelv^oon AH l»d»-n«»-ifl»4ird*o(. - - WiialaO»la-prlca» rapoftad by iha ^h l.... iiM.yi|r il 1 _ , ....... »«n<i'lul.rr«nlM» •,


Sjiol Include »»loil ---

■nanlioffrn. .-,52:7!i,.t.53.iS 0 ?°

- A?WT.W oa.uu,. ./ Total , inipmanu lMi_irrlluppila*- Ipwfllclaft] M>

Page 10: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

- m e n c .Ip'additlarij to fivo miles of '

conitriictlon (n Uio Rock Crook ; canyon which hns necessitated closinR of tliot road,'.there Is n ono-mllciccnatrutftlon project I n , iho vlcl

-Mmjntair .Crook Rnngcr^latlon. Homrgcd motorists ontbrlng iho uppbr construction q^oq, which is not dosed, to w'Atcfl.for equipment

ond other contitructlon hazards..A


^ualityr' norro<johc.-wiiyiiMUoaolroodIcadlng-lnlo blindcnrvc,-_ . . *5 _ ' ■ ; ■ - .' , ■'

' NEW YOIlK— (Url')-Tlll! prize in tlic curront'ccoIogiciA

sweepstakes is no' survlvni--'‘lt Is the quniit; survival?^

Aftcording to Nntionhi Aiidu^ Iwh Socicty President Dr. Eivis

since, l& ^sa id , ‘‘Tills queBtlo| of c^lOgical survival Isn't ]us^, a n^attor of.^nt^pcopjc would! liko. Nkturb'^oti^r^t caro what I poopio would like. She's ^ointi A

exact , '0 price for\oll IRo '_________ __________________ .nbgo wo do to hor-;-^nd (hat■J:— Stahr“ Jr:r 'tb b - ^ u n y ‘ T)ricclmny-bo-fnrhigh«r'thnn - \

ecologists aro shouUhg only, soipeof^o^lacriftccsmannpw \ j f Y y Q ^ \ i J l : G - ■ — Uint "mankind may not survive^ 6ccmfi-lp w wllling;lQ rlnakq.”

' ' — ir. .1 . t . stahr, a n6U»d'oducator and


iajd, "But If you’re going to fn the John F. Kennedy ad- ^ o ^ lh rH ir filth - sndT w lso n rT T iln is trn ^ ib n T T M iy jH h fr- A udu bo n-

10 milhon 9trinlinflB.wlMHmttvJlULt:5 ihp;t>oint of surviving? Soclptiy'’s 'biggest role iri-thir-

got to vote starting.ndxt year S^rvjvf(ral^e fs not enough. .. con<5orvntlon*ecology f jd d is carvtliahkthreelegislntlvorelics "It is'vllai;* stiihif QOntinilcd, "eaMirohxpcntiU odiicQtion.\" so far iver the hill they hardly “-Oiat mart "apply his scientific ..yqu must, havb cduckion_/

can bo CKpectod to remember '“nd technologicQl-'a|cili' to^'nnj ypu must havo conseVva- ever havint( l»cn unjlor 30, rcpoiring'tlio dtimfl'go fiffdT ty tinn,'' hn •jsai'07~ “’Tliro\igh

.........' education ' wc must char^ge , ;defonslvo action Into offlrn)a>_«>| tivo actions. And by conscrv^- flon, wc must .try to siop >lio current damago and save thdt which-is Ujreatoned. Othcrwlsoi by the time wo educate pdoplo,',

' tliore wopILbc any heritage for> •

/ I n ' descending order . of nitlT"./ p e r a n n u h t i o n . R e >». ®ven more vital'■ 'Emnnucl Tcller, D-N.Y., that there bo an un d ^ tandlng

House iq a k o r Johnr M c .~ ^l“ll*>?setliingtfsho^'lhave

/ dormack, D-Maas., 78, and /',■ Senate Democratic Loader

/ : Miko Mansfiold. P-Mont«, 07.

;pnt' bftttle t op u l ; staimp. o youth on the ballot


rather Uian Just going ahead and doanlng up after, our­selves." . ' “

— MimTtnrcontlmnJdr'nrasnisir

his fore^flht — he should have used it long ago. We can’t

the education generation.” ■ARE A FEW XAMPLES:

\ ■ .r-y ■r .


In Iho ena.ol course, ttiQlow-.'-l'?«l> H 'u 'In i! water and ■ - - to 18 in nlrln thenome-of progrcssr ^.toJowor_the.voting ag e ............ , , , • - , ,

(edwal, ju t e nnd locnl clod-' "Monkliid will nlwnya fool n- Uonj.waS apiprnvi.rl hy n linnvyT-nccil lor |)rogrcs3-but some

majorltj of House nnd Sonptc, “ V you cnnt have proRrcss merabcfs who run to nn ov^or^gof, . dirty.wnter o ^ ilr . And

. .. . . . . • J . . . r.. - rnicno \/]ucstions .^bout

"w^arfo‘M {s«<i!gr^ you 4iave a houseful^gadgets—but you can’t go {^t in. the air?”

u/hH« nnr» nf wirronHPr ' thn Stahr, presidentTjf.tho 100,000 _______ _________’ln a l o u t c o ^ 8 t iu E t 7 m o h r ^ < ™ '“ ' ^ " “ ™rttei:^Votir-tii55p^

agolnthcmld-^OrahtibbviouiiyV ' raises

- jfo not a group to .he trnstctb Although the 'conKressionoy'

.battle "l^over, and K e Nixon-(age.57) hns up his


-Harry-Francis -Willard.- a --| magiclrfn who onco claimed m ■, ' was theonly person In the world ■

wlw could catch ‘a * speeding^ I bullet In his teeth, wl^b(Uiuric(U> I Wednesday.

iC R O IlM D B E iiffi

■Willard, a ,lon|(Umc friond p i escnpo artist Harry H o i ^ l and muBlclan' _ ■’The ' Grc^t,

Blackstonc," diodvin a local o M ^ ,



.a iQ -E 6 U N D S" W I T H TH IS ,C O U PO N


■ 9 0 C i r n rk W c- 9 LBS. 51 ^Bertie’s FRYERS it

V H O R S E i b t L t D R R t i u r i ^ I

' AT H RIWSTO: ,jg iiSv


p S S S S ^ g ■ > v ‘ .‘, ;

"3^• r r ...........

xx^.) 'X, .I.Ih . w X . ■ , ! . r i

Page 11: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

im m m

, , J U R I ^ V ^ ^Q*tfgl0\Coun^

Pon cumpalyh-In^o Hi' bo gyosl months a g o ^ : ' ■ .4.

bt. nyorr ;rhur8dny nV "M ypn ir^^tlnV iiu fl tosiiifo,ilt AnuBllcmMlJrig— fltiggp*tJqna lromlr'QaldenlAj!^--ad5iftorw MemorialftrM p^B ilK McCoy,vU»«Miwi^»-^ay«-lo-lncrcoso llospltal ^a're 'Mtow-belnii. ac*‘ I (rfHliff-Commlltflo-t6-c(flclcnc>rln stokWovornnionl coptodl \ .,'V o ’ '-i.' r^-

.;C,ov. S»muolflop,' • -'• q'n3‘to imv,o ldahd,tauil,';U i6. ,B ld .'fo rm a^d apecifTcation nilod.. IiIh ‘‘tiikp-’ tho iipvdrnor aaid. . 1 ; v ” : formff art avpllablo f(cp..,of Iqcnt'lo the pooplo'> " I will return'JiilV i os '

.....c l e r k V o f f ic e ; ' ......___ coiilityi

_ •‘reports JohriClurk, chairman tf

uda'orho«tiiiK“'S ( i nl7ton-\ ?»'"'*>' Commlralotiere.'

dlUjtolpti cqulpml^rit lor tl>q now.

. . . . ______ ______ ____ 08 i '

candidate for rir-clolpllqn/and I ,4 o 6H 'f itw « rd toroneurlhHTminy-v

' frltinaahips and iibquvinr'v . ho uddod,'

go tx) pros(S

: > IP V < W H A N T (T .O !\« e p r- -



i i c . y

W ! ? X -

1oqs 'wffo whQ.j- diunpod' .a itnln^r flllo^ witli lumpy pVoir.

:pf:n»7-jpectod bf bolnii 'hW hufl^ idlfl-jjwictlic^t-was-bnvict:-,

irgO-WSndijyi ' imm on Pleas. Gourti Judge

nnlninls, bn(on races, rolny .. abgut M pc^ ccnd pomplctcd and crews ak'e

racisnndnporformanccbyt^o j. '■ ■-. f " — / i . ’ -v., sheriff’s poflso. / ................‘ -

-jPresoott-iwW-ajjpointmonts ,A l j r 0 i t i n i l T l - l S S 1 0 1 1

•WrlKlil—Bondvue -mnyor,. w«B Misp^ded l(kluy><!Hyitcnio.and retained as fi\ll>tlpio mrtnntjcr ll(W__fino_^t)_-MEaw—Wandi)! ToT'tlio f l in g s duties i f 111 |n- Mdrgnnlliol. Sandra McArUiur,

'"i recepdbhiat at a locallradlo

tmionrjtcatiriuU Mrs. Monian* Ujnl wnjkcd into her officri-Mny

lfl.--fi«l4.^‘Hcre's some Unoy

iiiinKiHun;au« ffom your honcy?'"fliitl-.duiJipedz carjwtlnBWlllbelaldluthejiC'xttwowceks^^^^^;,/.— of -.Unihy Jbecjimft/a n plnfiljc Iwwl of honey, jvcr

’ problem. .-- I ^ ^ / her hchd. * '

' roade thu.s faf inclui{o 11(e Muir, -Inr charge 'of- stowardst-Chuck Andrus, placlnR judges;'-JohnIjVchargeyof-atcwardfl^Chuok'

-_Van Orman, clerk of scales; ,hyle tVAzilii. ulai lerJansen, In charge of

m im s-.-rfdcr.

in.s^in^chargc of out t’hucH Hoaman chair-

County 'iCommlaslon^ra w i l l , meet JulJv.O.as. a Board of

:"™njflT\vof:iJpecinrlrP6fliri56Wfccn'"‘Equfiliz«tionrT jn"tJir^i '■ •'.rices and Bill Priest, In charge property tax rolls ofJhecoi

t)ealer Is

Named For

e f r dJei^ome

county,^of 4’H events. ^ which llfltj^.peraortal prpporty.'v

— . j , not attaclib'd to‘;reh) estflte./—’nils 1070personal roll UUl list ronchlnery and- equlpmoitt,! ' sljiiwingJonly 25 y percent off' merchandise,. livosCock and

/forest prodiids, due • to Uio ' phase-out^Hhose Items by Uio

-RgtslnTmnrcnBOTrr— ------ ;

Tli(>-Bonrd-15!?eatlr ’ i s aclod ' na 0 b<u»rd'0 f equalfzatlon for

■^JEnOME - Weldon' K. Uie real property roll nnd to

WolBlo; Jorflm o ,.hnp been «x»mlnc. requests fof Inx m m D lU io iis r - Im Klngshiiry '.“ fxp '!"™ by widows nnd w»r

n aiibaldiory of Boise- ''Cterons. - • ■

lewnibflliihBrgr«rOTmn^ A i d c -Ui/^erome,.I}!te^o.

nas arid (^bbdlnB.'counties.' ¥ ¥ ________ ^ Jhj\s.openca‘nn;offico in his J t t O n O r e C l ' le, 313 Ejist Tliird Ave., • - , ' ^

ThOTCOitW .^'so'liry^prc- F o r W i n d e r

■ irmliicfc™ ! proliipetl---^SHOSHSNfr— fioirWillh— --to-Moriillim-witiiJj^to^ l.-on^TifforinS ' e q u lpm o itt

noor plaje, plus dMeitcs ond onerotor tolth Uic Slioshono

ustTSaffie! R .O .T.C. B u rn in g , B d n k o f iea b u rn in g , l ^ i v 0 rsity__l>urniitg< m u s t e n d !. I3ut-es|;

R N INQ , W e hope a ll y o j j p e o p le re a lU e 't l ia t•I-.1 ..J *:____ ...I.*--

F lag b v rn in g i iea b u rn in g , I FL^G BURNINth . ise la zy , .spo iled ;u n jv e rs ity ty p e s w h o th in l i the y

“ H 1fllT er“q u a l t l v ^ ( j l « W r l f l r a i r T h « T r o « i ^ i g s ~ a r e ~ b U i W l W

FLAG,. . .T h e y a re 'S y m b o lic a lly b u rn in g th e 'U N IT E D STA ES vOF AM ERICA a n d s a y in g ito EACH OF — — ‘U .S .A .!-A ^ U S p N K , WE HATE Y O U . . :


je t

a^d loyai

! • !■ ? • .-e-'

a u t * ' M e l t d 5 i


W u ! . .

o_niet*6 ^ .i . Vi r p 'R o l l i ^ l i i ' r i i l ir t ! f f o ' in --

T lt » ln n i a n d .1 w iin M (» la ltc l lii'h o ^ jx i r lm r i i f 'S f

J i t l l l l f c J ^ g u '— nil p far-^ymir-iwifdy^'riil lmifhitlctr

UimI frii'Acllhip nynr llic piihi I T.yrtiVh.

^ ^ I m U r l n n i i i ^ ^ ^ ln .r < m l ln i jr V m ir lo y ii l p u lrn ii- ' -

-_Hp« w llf i iVcl O / im * w il l o p «T a ln liu ' sfiiTin'irundtr '

I tlm nnmi< «f» I)KI,’S /»?» Si:i|Vf(;i:. V(> Unow/you'irKi- -

^lf>iuMtd,imi) liiipl[ily willi lIut^tTvirr.

—I, c ii,^ irt« ri!)v:s 'c iris i™ vi.cEL I I | 1 1 K i n i l i e r l y I t n i i i l T ty i n K i i l l s , l i l h l i o

^ ^ ^ B i lK C h a n « c y - . ? ^ = ^ l r c lm a ' ‘ C h n i i c c ) : r

7 % ^


B A ^ O NSigman'* thicU-Slicod


office build ing. Mr. Wol • -^is-faml.ly


and D istrict, J Ju r^au _of._Lnnd I ^ W a n a g e m o n t , was recently

>v — glvcn'Q-tSOO'Inbentlvo award.

- ■■n'lo- ownnl,_pr.ca<!ntod by_| - iCTglnoor^wl I. P ,stric t W llllom '

j Home n^lnlslrM loW . Mabbutt at a meeting.of all '

W™-' d ls lH il persomel, was granted . ,W. W. (Bllll^Welgle, Jerome, to williams for tKe development., and la rnarrlba to the former qj j, winder. H ie winder is'

Caroline Y lng^, dnugbter o i" ujjod for Balvnging barbed wire ■ Mr. und Mrs. Oarence Yingst. y,.Qp fences that are no longer

•Tjipcoiiplohasthreechildren, needed.

. , ’ This .unit can retrieve a one-

n ' a i n ! u l 4 fourtli ^mllc^fltrand^of^barbed

.... -Tukc-1'he- T i m e -f^Qmparod to-^arly- two houi;8 - I

i S / r ^ r iSoT .K^s‘‘i, r pSb^ V -g S b n a“V * c J S ° a ^ - ^“ ■'jitlaiinlon-Ioader aavs bLt ® tecluilcal. note that- is .

distributed to allBLM offices In

Ijjnlnutes, Jmt now. take-an :___w O W ON CQAST •. hoir because of long hair, sald^ _ R IC H F IE L D - ' Marie

^ r t t Hedrick, president d f Friestad, I d a h o S t a t e ^Mmion'.s U)cnl HI), He ]Universlty Junior,,hna Summer W s te d cliarges innde ac- employment In Son Diego, She COTlng to the trim a difficulty, accompanied her .brother, Fred

• T " S i A n d t r a o n , and lamlly tlieroS " ^ b a r b e r . fro raJI parta ■ ift«r.ij£«)qllonlng:.,.wJth , h e r ; .

. JM IIornln spent one-*y In a Mrs. Frfm ™ Friestad,..to lnar i ta e d at relralnlnB- niohirold.'and iGr aunt. Mrs.

For the 4 th o f-4w ly, S w ensen 's w a n t to s a y - lh a t jS ^ L O V E OUR-CO,UNT-RV-('jrnpBrfei!t ,as It m a y be) too m uch to se.e i,t de s troye d Ijiy im p e rfe c t punks! th e , leas t th is co u n try cori j o is o b lig e the FLAG-BURNERS fo n ta s ie s a b o u t a pe r- fe t t w o r ld a n d e x p o rt ' th e m to 's o m e rea l pa rad ise like A f-

\r ic a ,.C u b a , C h in a , E gyp t 6r m d y b e 'e v e n . Russia. MEAN->'W h il e , T H IS 'w e e k e n d , s u P E R a o w -p R ic E D 4»h o f j u i y .-^PECJALS FOR L< ^A J, A M E R IC A N ^ -1 ,


So - C a lle d .

W a r « h o u t e A d ^ .

- v « r lii* d - R r lc «-

PAPERPUTES H A M $' G r e a t fa r t>atio C o o k in g




4 I8 8 ‘

= T h 6 m p s o A > * ^

heedlessW e it e r n F a m ily .

S o o x . ^ '

.a 1 / 3 a l ia ' ; .


M X T C IC W M H C e rS :

js rP H u m iin iff lii^ i^ ^ ,

IH I6 IIN r 6 6 i l 'j j ^ j j a e x t r a c K q j^ o -

fllJdtaBtLvgn j* w9-» ,.1 -^v. .rai,|jic<«llyQWn.ed



r r - v r

Page 12: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

., />: -:, a L . , .I..;, ,S - W e d m id iy , ; : . J u | ^ ;V 4 j i| F 0 iJ T U « i )M t7 ^ V lW

' • ■: ' , I'.Rcl ^ns^^U rs fB 'iil'•

' i £ iM


,0 Iiroup moeta «LJ,r,.i„r„’|,d (roit..a.,Paul,:Mlhn,;K0 (,*0 nd imd fourlh •, .«. w - ■ . • oonV»ltl6 h^iat“*’Bol»

•/riioMlo w _ i i t . -tfm . n a tc r l boon nim^sd Maiav ;U>an)bur.Qfftce, an<i intorcstbd on Iduho dg|ej{ato t{rUio,.31atj> " ...................I ^ _ H i;iniL-.Ymim fvttfTV'l* ' — . iJ»u iim !r ..in in :t3 , iin il JIHurusiUU w» luu iiu u u iv ^ a w i f j ^ u t w A ^ n p j ; i v o w . i w in f .

r'hVo prftjoot, pfopoHo<l,'16~ poptana liro yrcVcorncr^ypnc^nuttonal^hvcntiiBn d Modci7i_ ^ e ha# been »-ni«mber Brrtvldc;H'H()ur^of j?()hflu^ uriUerlho UH j.of .15 muy bocomo Woodmen ofAm w Ica,'' . past nUiO.yeai'fr;' ‘"'£fu'][

' MnVCY^nUon~'vi« lolclflTono to- ii mtajtbcr/ 1 '. •',■ • -•. — r [___________iw ' « h t t f - — ■ '.. ------ ^ ^ ----------

Sean^ess jGiittenng k ,

~ Cr o w d O F ^ G E IR 6 i ILDRENI appear^*fi^m hotthcro" the Jerome Labor Camp When.Mrs. Jm e s Sloat appcarfl .w|th a \

—nru«Mttl4l^yfrteir4Wrlb4U<w^ldag^ll<HMI«le^^— lh0;chtldi'eni as well a«-eaBier for (helr-pvents wKO'Work UJnu— .bedding at-'tHo-laborcarajp.

'?" H.tp?P.E:;-Tp;Sta)^ 0 .p.en4 pM Evenin'gs E ^ h Mi^raijts 7

[tTEND FETE. j NE - M rijmd Mrs.

Wr ■KC/^llm|^nJitto|ido(l the . WfddlntI of Qgdon,Ulnli. Tljoy niso vlKitcd'Mr. and Mrs. I^v ln Toiiry while InUtnh.

_ BY CHAnU)*^]^ BELL ;__ .soljclU!(V residents of MorIc station In Uic 300'block of Wcsl toys\jbr lliom as tlme^New* C o rrp jpo ti^ t; Vnlloy- In. past, months^ for‘ Main .Street in Jjoroni^T-opcn, ns^lJillpK .- w it h "

well houslrii;

!__ iJ ERQME-— i tcni^ no .two.niKliL'uaLwoe'k-wiU-.cnablC- problema-l-Xlicy^ptQvidcd__-which houses H.O.P^|/wiirbc longer aro usIng'>hich-owubc ‘ ' ............................ .................open from 7 td 0 p.'m. Monday 'utilized by thomlgrontviforkccsT^ -j

£ workers wlio-must stny in' furnlsliejj'in Iho Inbor camp,, ......._____________ ^.afiuldsnntll:latcj»ftcrnoon-to-hnnuU>B*curtains In.the cabins

and Friday nights, reports /TJtese Items then arc purclmscd klrop thcrc^shc snltT. , I 'r— ^bcfoce^UlL'vorkcrs arrived. -•

--*offlolaU-or Uie. organization ,Jby. tlie:nilBranls (or'n imnll _IlvQ ,P .R . t»t-this, tlmb needs -whose Initials stand for Help, amount. ____ ... .JBfidfl^eflds’and'.olhijr >pd(iing The group-also provided

Other People Everywhere. ^ , j ' *‘-anjl, IwiuUnWd-eoods’-Anyone hoUj'ilnR In a locarmote\fdr oneMrs. James sloat, a.lpadcr of • p e workers are able td hiding y/hn rnn Rp ri> gnnh; < pmg l«t

' Uill^Vpiunteci; group, said the . ody limited housclioldj goods—asked to brtng-then^^^to -the- orgiinlzptlon operntoa irt-funds- request to open evenings',was jrtth thorn In Uielr travollr.^Irsrr-bullding on West Maln.“ received from the snlfe of the

'mode toiler by a delegatlori’ r /S lo a t explained, and tljirijrojcct Some of thd other projects thp/donatocl liouschold Items.; farm ,wpfkcrs wlw favor th e /is to try td provide th| extra volunteer wbnien- have -done . Plans5re beln« discussed for

work'the volunteers are dolrife; tilings they.jwed. } ^ include taking children frj)rh the , a cliild tluy cartJ'Cpntor, similar ,, Tlio,'group'Hfl-‘'Cbm]^Bcd of Haying tlie building, whlcluls labor camp Into Jerome to the to the:one opcrnted in ,Twin \ jerome area women who have housed In a former fsflmco swimming pool and furn/shing Falls, Mrs. w ji t added.

V 7-S U P P O R TY O U R L O G A t . . .


WcdVNi'i nf--

rii«iuiir\r(^titmli«-il itiii(‘'rln'U’Ml 'lh«' V .l. iH r .- B iM **

Vi'V(nm<>l-ltnl.>h,' MuiitiO khm * - Iniini ritlV i« f r / r V t i r i lv im - IliHH .U .jjlm trhW rlijb i «'( J«u*

(riml Kwi»V|.Uniilhfc *»nH* I.I.. Uii4ilnu ollmlrtiiV

Page 13: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

3 4 'j S ' i , J f 7 0 ~ ' .

.chudr'en wh(| ^ S ^ ^ Id rG . Juno 12ff-al(, V

, wore • l)romi,:Brtrift .m«lol,,boiH lh''(iulMHuiiiMVsirv'wrried’tf,‘i iu r S v i3 o ^ ....‘ Pohl, Ijronjo' .6 limiTJ)o"rafftW6r S ' s lN r !dljtW -aivlB lonnli-bropjor uad'JoKn.i.)n«iiaf-«ndi|Owen=Schreclcen.-nudd=for>ai8 ' 6g«i.:gr«up-lS..

• i.-L.-•‘-t'- i ' Ti I i — t ; ii - 1 r -it.__ ..u ««/l- rJ.^^ ,....1 .^ : 'ji^r'-' jonorf^rtlvlaloiCCHOlilmi fl|{o gi^up 13 !tlird\

g.'^brbniw-iViodfll, boih 'in thro ji^ Jfirin freti atylc. awlm-^ l o n *a r and-S ln ion~ B allD ff;‘rTn ln ffrw jd 'M Brl?no-AUread

|vWo9i 4 , j^ Id moiiali and’ago ^ paydpnnt medaUn Boflball

Krpup 10■7 GroVcsrS*lyof\ mfcdJil','- all Ifl'-’F'dbeliiVdl

10 ;md* ovcnVrlientf.^lhfowlor the-ag^'iro^

' I, sllver-’meda!' ovdKl-

........... - ............lUirflugh 16;<HuthVlvci{rdlnc U). pdnnVo•<Stcy^nJl^'. Clionby, Kold medal/ElVsitT ' l '9Up8 i Vl8or dt 'trpl^^g ffr (^9 . Drito, Jironxe.medal, Mary AI chlldroniy'^ ‘ ^ •'~'-GroVcsrs*Wor m6d«l',-all Ifl . .

1 • Approfl/nately- coo. medals ' (llvisloh'IfiJofrlo S ^ , bronze a»»d Terry pjolora,' bronza ' A$.-iia'rtlcipanta airlvS'd'iln,^: were awarded to.jnenUilly and .tncdul,' ancLJElalnl^iardwoll, jnodaL ‘ Allunt.UflCnMO;- Bold ' PocalulIo-IWdayv in- ordcr.-.toi-|

■ physically handltfapp^-Idnho—silver modal, bqUnrTdlvlsloq.a' . jyfiilianind.GayiA-MflJflOJt; g6ld /wmpotqip-free stj^e swSmihlffgT chlldron for.Uielr aclilcvcmonts - and.Douj{l;is M(iUKlin,.dit'liion mo^al; all lii division;2.' ,- • / ®In track pnd Hold compotUlon. • 4, brpnzo^qdul;-ngo groupJO—i-iW lrtiW of-aicjM :^4d/^dA lpf*i^^

J _Tlia coqi^petltlon Includod five U)rouMlUB;JRuMell MoMurdo;—were as follows: .ajjo B7cte}1()' Unll R oo l^ ■ . ■ ;. :-dlf{eront k«ti groups in al lonst* bronze mcd»l and SimoitiBniloKf-ythmiinirtigf- Jmny iW A yb:— ' THC-officiftl^nand^^nlhg-'

division ■(llvl.siorv'l gold modnl; M E d ' s artod Saturday/bomin« with )p, M •jyirq da8i),--8onba« ; oQid G.woj), ‘Rchrockonbccgi Hnrrlntfton,. dlyislbn) 1/ gold a Iflloflfairt- Jrbm Don

)WihjyhJUmD,35(^ctttlh--41\)l6|on-lriioW-nwdnIrmd-»pp::;'mcdntrimFSini^I Swimming for bollt boys group 19-’a?i,d. i)vfit<! V-Gn> a -.Glnnft'njwnn, divls^^^ gold chllflrcn. io .tbo.SpcclarOKm-'

, jj- , : Mnddoxj sllVtir »»ic(ll»l lu n i^ a n ' ra<5darttn(];Dcnn'JonM,-divlsIon- 'pIcB\F*QllowinK‘tfio rocltation of;

--_..v---J»ntfiwviiivOio aotlr^--Id8cnBeflrKo1d-mednrr.Both^n-^475nvcrinQ^al: ag6 nroupbo ohoscn .'for lUylsioa,!,. 1 I v i ' • . th ro ug h /B . 'Enrl . Casnerv^iBlUlrig.of-on 'Olympic- torch,

naUonnl Olympics and 5 ofU ioaeV yinnct^ 'o f Uib 5(^i(rd xlaslu dWlSion / t>ronzo medal,S and .track.nnOLHcld events began chfldrcn-^i bo choscw.frpm--wore-j|8-fQll9W8;' agi •group ts . ntfD^rouplOiind rovor.^lonry/^and^iiiiroTiiiWl 4 p. m . _ _

.Twbi-Koli6,J^rB^ Sta;tanB.iiaid^ u mi.Or^MlofH)t^ir^ivi«lon-l',’ ' Pab|ilifr Ulvlslon 3,' g iild ^cgBi r ' ----Henry-l'^abcla, 20,-is.jtho only gold_rnwliil; ngo’..Kr()up ’1 0 ’ ' g(|

‘i;parllclpnnl'wh(rhifs-be«n-pickcd—iKrougJj 12j Jorniy I 'arsons, goVd .wen

snttimo. medal and Albert-Dalles, ttijvor' mid D; Julie ‘’Olsoa. division 1 childrpn modal, both In ()i^niwy2. Kaqty-.bpony,o'~mcdal: nuo aroujT 1(1 o rs ^no nfoWn, divjsloniS,- titlvcr m edal,, Uirough 12; Rd lln^lngton,

for this tr lp ^ t ittfo present time.Accompanying the chl‘ ’


y^by.tJio chlljlrop and.flnals’ Ed narringlon, gold , . m Jicv iirai_i»gaH j^Tm|(- hlcdttl Wld AlMPt Bn!lCffT.bropzc

/fo r competitioni''TlTo^ran- medal; agogroupMUirough I'Sf- fflportfllion to ^ c a te llQ 'w a s /A rc h ie aiiompson-.dlVlsiorf; 1,'; suppt^b^SchoQ l District 3J1.' silver pficdal, Debbra.'Gollay,

were aa .fpllows:. age' group fl

* “ .................................... 1,i£L

medal and.'Qonnle gold medflli l>bth/ln

btonzo Drown,division 2;,ago group. 13 tlirough 15 Ehlinb.'Cdrdwell, gold modal and De^ra.Gollay, gold modal,

fly-over by 26 planes viiU )wm)r_

Gcnr Earle G. Wia-el t* IhvtfJl- ay oTTi rotrrcmenLcfircmony -

fo^tlic chairman-of' tlio Joint* Staff.

T '\:.V.---- — --------------------------— auver iituuiii, uiunn • Doui jii'uivision 2^ ogo gtoup IQ . Tflio cI»r«mony, foaturlng ftn/ ' FIREMEN WATCirhclplcsaly as the servants’ quflrtor$ at the , os folltjws: ago group 0-and 0; . BJbmn, divislqn 3, gold mddalv throitfli IB: Elfllne Cardwell apjioaranco • by Dofenso

' ,ElinKto-W Countn' CImJi near Chicago arcNlestroyed by flames. MnrctMT-Honklomon, division 3, ttind 1-nMar Hensley; division 4, division 2, gold medal and Earl Sccfetary Melvin R. Laird, will

fivc.Bijbarbdri communaie»flboltlod th,e b|azo in a(lver medal,/ond Julie Olson, 'E|slo •Britflrdlvlslon. 4,-'boM •Cnawr, division 1, gold modal- ^akoV place 'at 'Andrews ,M r early hours Tuesdayr but the.ibuilding woB.completcly..\divlsion '.2t. RpW .nri^dnl;.,nge-^*mDdal; ag()/groUpl0thr6uRh IB:' nml aao i;roun >lfl .nnd over- ForcADAsc outside Washington.

Wycdot;flnestimatedloSBof$8p,OOO.TwcnWvcemploycrf. Yow rt^O through,12;pn rre ll Ruth A lthV e . go ld .m od^; Jminitn K n u tsc tlV is io n 2 ,’ WliocW will be succoodoj by

............ 1 - ........ ........................... gQjj Kutijy' P^m Tflj'loiyslLv-crjne^lj^d . bronzo medal and Terry Peters, ,Adm. Vliomas II. Mooror. “ ’fcapcd urlKarhicd. (UPrtcicphoto)

H ^ p c ^ A v ^ r s T e ^ i is 'W o 'p ^

r', ' ,WASHIlJIGTpN-(UPi) - E n . tertaiiier Bob' 'Hope predicted •Monday-about 400,000 people'" jwoiild "attend- a pro-America "^ally July-4 at the Washington Mmument; and tliat he expect'-

a'lib’ troubliD from young war'prottfsters,^

^ Hvo to look.over Uiesite /dr- V*"' • ih(f Honor •.-America ■ Day prb- r^ '^rV w irHope-challcngcdnaitlcs" I ' w W w h a ....... - •

v f rV - B in

A L W A Y S F IR S T O U )


hovo.sald Its'Onlcrlnlnct'D 1 -f.j. \fcro hoavtly wclgljtcd In favor ' ' ' 'o t IKoso, supi

•administration i-___"WoWTiSrfr^ng ( sell imy •

moBsnsis hoi |," Hope - oW-»a n i =• onIo arc ]usl trying to ol



S iR I S

pronmm, but would not pei ’ polltjc«l-spcoch«s by anyone./‘ ■Itepe .and evangelist ..Graham arc honorary co( men . of the -all-day .

lions whld) Wnw felt wt*re rintl- JtaerlcarniL-WUlard Mar ott.

- dos6 friend and-flupportejj of

-lYealdont-NUon.-and - a .hotel and food chain cxocutivo,-Is

_^exccutlye drqctor.Hope '"^as VasTcod. about the

annoimced plans o f Oilcagb 7 dcfenaant Renhio Davis' to hold a marijuana "smoke-ln" on the monument grdlinds SitUrdiiy to counter the Hopo-Groliam pro* E^am. ■ a ./

“After this is all-o/er, I-may lokc some of thw mvsclf,

qulnpeci. Cfyovting serious,- he added, ■’II doiyv expect any

lroubl«.’--r1 why tlie program did od i^oro iJB rson iilitR jr >e l to the young,-Hope-

______ Jbe event's^CTtertalnors

-4iavi^wjde audloncb—appeal.' (clton. Jack Denny. ..

c young enougli.” V‘*^Hopb said he believed the

• y'-vc-askod,n>dfQf-a_‘ ftW-he-

'/ininU~Groji6r r “ cquld-

e New I-ofr c{\n come in if s some cntyiainers to

. ’■ ITope salfl. "Pd-.be y-io-jiudition-thtt^jUh^

■ the n'dvlsory committee Vor

Show-includes roll^icions. • , rmging-ln senllmont^on VIot- . I .Mm from Sen. Johrf G. Towop,

' -R-Twt.ijo Sen. George. S.TD-S.b., jftopp said/

ho^said “ thero* v^aa ‘ they or oUior

A ®S p o n L s h l r t s i n . ______ i

c r e w n e ^ k , ; s h p r t ^

sleeves, live ly^T ; co loxfuL^tripes.

. ^ r J p s T T l g l r r f o r l c o ^

— P R IS T T N E ^^f f p i . F lu tad B oM om


>!;■d ^ fo r


7 'U ^ iiz)»

'kn '^'k

16x30D y r ig fU

S b ip a n i io n


t r e m e n d o u sV ALU E! - r


^ f f l m H E T H I N a F p « S T I (- inT ^w onderflex-P an ts ] s l ig h t’ ini

—p e r fe c t io n ^ ^ t f i f ~a'^fernSj^oj^ va fu ’e i,:'long 'w e a rin g , 'e a s y cajfe, •


f e t e

' ." SPECIAL BUY!Lad ie i' opsy .qaro nylon Uifot\.

• h rio fi, cu i a .nd :,!o ito rod

ic u !- .( lu Io c l- f it )- ^ la i t ic - w a t il -

a n d log bo nds . W h ite .^ o s to l j


G I R i y B R t eS lyM in- 100% coHon w i l h J i N " " [ ' " O ' ^

b a n d logs. Full cut, made.-ob'>-

pac io lly 1o-our QwiL.fflquir®-

m o n li (o r to p q u o li ly a n d

oo iy carO, Scoop ' u p o bunch

lpO(u,,Pehn*Pr<iif Ibr ooty.-

cdf67"R«o ’< i n 'b ^ M ,


S I -


S P E G f A t B U Y UWAi/nrui MjMtEb ouar BEttspRE/vb ^

\-m fu ll q u I IM *

orgi ■ patirrhir'Royan,..oc6 tqt«/ coljon ~ :L

■ Hur'fyTKu^yi fiorry! At ll

*'arl/?ffr the belt i5l«|

' .V* l« n mon^b«aut1(ul

, L..-„ , Q u a in 1 0 2




y r -

l;1'"**\l()W'A(rVllc.' iiyjon-'

) iijIrtalnQ^.:. •

• j< l » l w / | ^ f o l K .

-• SbperjxflR.floliK.v.;.' Ink, Gold^olr-**


^|ot<r,bpd he«l i]{*( 0^9 ■ - ‘ ■ •'d ,6r*p tfo rr- ‘

» 'to,. tK*. lyn__^ I n p6l>rtit«r/<o»on

•|*lFfFiit,.'toel fiB W ly lai|a«d. — nnd d«tail»d. In wild*-er. piMll.

. . . 3 u n b e a m :-_.

osciLyS P R I I



- r^S P O U T —I

* * * ♦ l f

CHEStGroof foi.PicnicH^

. / t 9

O N tY

*-•%-* * ,* * - * •♦ * ★ * * Kt.Vlf-W,ilr» * lir * ^■ f -

P tfl. of

Paper Platts ■ — - 9 “ -St-ZE— ^


pel" CUPS



Page 14: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

;', '■,SUN.:,yiiLLEY , . =-^^'-BoBsions~wlth-. omphaalB X)n

■iti(!<llKncgiirlb|iie!(!win‘ (»"Trnioaica.-.»iim u,i,.<,h « ... v« « , .......... . W allerC.BoraMtiBigrraiM^^f'oiitui-MtUiconiiui.JmlMltaifof-Woman's iAuxlllory.

Uid Idaho- M o d lll V c la l lo i i , /Amcrlcon Mo<|ic»l A M oc ln llo n ./.-M f"! Dr. Erncrt K l h o u ^ i o Unfffa S&tos ■ ilorso . show- which. and Die Idaho Our

,ntTTSflturday.'' • . ' “’ [ ' s ' , -------- —

• , .1 . I ■ W slfah of' Iho IduUa l l i i r Saturdoy; ____-About 800 delog(itoA an d H lio tr- A fe w iio r t^ tho j o lh U t . ^

>'reK|jiVn:aw6 rU H ^ochcr, Spoknno, o grortr^nn wllliijc^Udo Dr. j

A!l-7frablah -''•fl‘cY<5 bjjgnn

intloff '- SBtaktiM tor Ihe 78tK,iinnihiV'B:^JHoj!ordi Chicago,;oxoo>iirvb iv iln Full. ■Tui.siliiviMiivoU

*ovcht«*“-wflsr^cluycd' tiourii . boci^usu . of

ibl'o into arrival o('orio,

iKJ's'Uia VegSs raiifchr".............- ................’ of-:;throe-<!Hy' show, which bcBittrf~T .'Re8 iUts of Ihc Tour cl

'lliitfs^lay, ]» Wayno Nowton

of tho'jiidfiOB, '.y ' ■' _ wdbknowniV()crsohallty)who Ainonit the 300' Ariiblun horao • s^nt fiyc head of prfze Arublnn.s

kflHdirintepnrate; thp Womnn’B Aiixlllju^. of the • mwllcal'lpKolJaw At Gonwiga' Hricjne, Jr.,-'Rocatollo,_ali_

"idiiho Mrocllciir'AVMcluUon. Unlvora^, amllDavQTIamifr.V tornpyfl,nnd,Bomorat).'HtrSch, •' -^rfl>Ben-E,^Krtt«rTMn’'rfl)lSc:>^«'^,»^l®>®®^^P«’<^clnit-it-;-*-CJilc«fl(y.-AMA:Gen6 fdl,0 ounflel;—

lllary>=tontey_uria',n_m the.proBldont'oloct of Uio a A.

will be Installp’d.M p t it^' succccd .MrtJ. O irl "

ItolHO, Frithly mominK.

^^" jia tn rod sryaker nt Uid >i:<rtr

Dowd of: Dlrocto^il of'diV m* • tomatloiiai Acadmoy of ^ i/ i l liwyorfi. - ‘ • \ -

■FoatiiKud Hpeaker durlni; Uio '’

. P_r..Wniimn.p..'Tr6tionb)K, -Bo B(h pr'esldonl-d^cl, ’ wlir-? HUit’ood Jolm' Ayora, ' Mokcow, aB-prosTdcnt-of the »

incdlcal aHsoclaMon. . . ■

IU 30 iiieeJC E ild^

i^ u t p Goes^lTrito^-P^eltaURLEV-/- 'Hiroc chlldrei),

-two qlalepaand tljclr Iwy cousin. /iJiitrrqiioxr 72C*^Hahscn'!Ave.,V • TB irleyi' arwl their cousUfi'-'iToe

iin«' n))rnnndcz, 12. .lie ulrls' parents and four

.... I'cra .nil _mnnoKcdito • pscapcfrom the swift w at^ unharmed.

G a ira lnvestigated:

- Hc^sntd-MrrMnnriquczr^s;.^IroWnod 'iburly this ‘IlWrnl

2 : when tlie car,wlilc»r was.tiikiriK Tli<^-'-%BlrfamUv-tyworkJtUbobcct-)

piunycdlnlo a cana^ofP^ from........................... .......... .

• 'Hldhway 3 0 iW rn llc ™ sro f- : Tlfo’ . Third— L m '-canal-4s turhlnK his 1M7 Fo rO lckup DcelQ^i' estimated to bo about flight feel, truck IcftTJniotbe.J^anjankr-

Tlve tvictjms -were Erma deep and 30 foot wide at Uio , Tlio ManrlquteitaflonwHgon. --- -Mmii'ique?.;—fo. ■fl»tl A»itn— )wint-whflre mwk r htgh— did-notrBtriko-tho-tfUokr-btti-

was drivlhi' a -1W15 Pontiac

syilipn'waijon, and was M- tOrpasB Lynh-TaylorV

)clo; who tt’ostoiuptiiifl-l 23, St ir Rpute,.Dccl

Marirlfuiez, dauRlitcru of *Mr. - andj_ - M rB ^Eduw lH os— M.

children isotno lubmergcd

way 30, according .W Stati! plunged into/Ihtr'fiilLcuhnU Patrolman Gordon Mjlla, who —Thcro js - n o -ralUrig -oyflSPuT

. *■ ----- ' shflfI brrdpTTIjc swiftness of4}>o^t«f tlio drownod distance from tho sul auto, which Itself was^raovyl sevcl-al fo6t from the spot where It hit tho W ter. ’ > "

T!io. truKody occiirrod 'about G:15 ond at 7 a.m. water waS turned out of tlio canal. I'wo divers,' Kenneth Wells and' Douglas Schell, wcco calleland'

1 fllrni' * ■ •

Marshal rWcworks- - ( J s l --- lx‘lteKnTOWorks-foMhMlh?B(^^P^I**'3’''''“* ■"•scni:olri

j u l y j . t e l n s p «


- DelbertHANSISN . -<.,\Iotb(>rsh^---J>ns assumed

‘ as- .marshal- waterma§ter,of Hansen,,after

Tli^ TOunBoat girl was found

Commnndcr of the E lm er »iS!ra\ o]iM lB)i^n mllolrom Miller. Post of llie Amoricnn cW, niid> ^r-niusln. was l^.ojpn ^_^<ipout»i-UoltnijIp.down»lrcnm.

-■nio ' display - is bcine' co-' -.Iho llWi!(ir-<ild gfrl’s body was sponsored by the CImmbcr of Uie lnat,to|be roCoyorcd and was

orco. thii^ nearly,

U .r™ ^ c Z rw c rc “ln

I S S . ™ S s „c™ d "Will start at V » t ■>>.

cuiting held Tuo«day atlW

uroj . . - ’ *• J , f> .*Obin culUrn) .El .H ad l,’ ;'

pivneS byX*pClildw»U,' a a r t r ■‘? r ' .H lr r f in r tr ^ c h B ;: owned ; J > y _ , --

.............second, anti-Jajmeel ,. •*

Haxah, ‘owned "by.^pVBrJopfc.

< m r AUmeda, second, and Hindi Badla,.John


[Qn-prnfflHBlonal »- Sam.^. :C',C;D.'-\LUidcrrq-Jtiere:z:Cinfn^

fij^M; |.Darti> Reed Timotljy. . O'cfloiy,. Colo^ sec(inji^ a h d -

CentauF,-Brusally Ranohesi-r

■i9cottkd«le7Arlr;rthlrdr^:<tittin|{’ ■'C l Hadti U

Qilijwdl, ridden by Denise .Knop,.' Clora, 111., first; U F las in , Harvey -Farms, ridden by DceDe« ChaunCdyj Steriling, III., second, and Sai

■ C.I3;Llnder,.rlddcnbyPrancL

^4iiO)dcr,,Tulor.fl»_( llf.:^__ f - ,tlie second Bo*round f ir the

four classos'bcgan this morning

and finals for (ho.cuttbig .events will b^ hbld during tho three '

-,.ilays.nf-thiUinf.fln-ahaw, Ttmr.-:,-sdoy t h f ^ h Saturday.— Brecdlnji •clWs^HbwW^^Ul.-r-*^ boglnJat^a-;iB«m. Ttiursday w l^

■ * ' ■pHraH-Ara"-------to compete for trophies and ribbons tOi flUh place.* This Ui* cludcB^yeaf lng {lilies and col,U: flllfes, 2 ' and 3 ycaTffj half*' ATflblan.ieldings.t’andi.xetttiL half Arabian mar^s, 4 years' and over; half;Arabljm_gledlnga, 4

years and over: half Arabian - champion and res^live mare,

and half Arabian ch i^plon rescrvb <AaCT|>lon


!” Pcrformanoe'classes w ill '^■bogln at I p.m. .Uuraday an«),'

wiio resigned, and l]«s accepted ji position' witli^Crbnifins.....

• A jjicw rlawn mower was - nirchased for the city paVk.s. An

)rdinance pertJii: ing to licenses ■/nnd control men.sures for dogSj

■jwiirija further studied.ocdinance drawn up in 1337

. still on Uie rec^ords, It -^amended at a hiter date. It is

.thrback'. stallonwagon:

painted brlghfredannouncers booth l|s________ r, rngmbor of tlfe Minidoka^ County _t ^ _____ftrandfitond has b ^ n ptilnledun atti^BctlVe redvwhite «|d bli

‘.I ••• , {/..■ '-begin at I p.m. .TOuraday an?^

, On Prizes B firom e tfe r ^ o r J u ly 4L^E;x£aife For Par

Tlie/event ie fi tho vicinity Is Ihvited to at

^tend/and enjoy tlife colorful rtisptny Pi rockets. Xfountaina and other aerial firewVks

f/iriher C o i i i n i i s s i o n

«jJIA\'ork :new ordinance for

__stud)«t ' J -j_ReiK(ftnt.S- wITd* aij/ k e cpirig'

' JMoct otariy kincL^Ve'n rabCTfs' ,

nnd chlckonvmust obt^nn a ' 1 l l i i n ;stock.pecratflronrtlic cjty of- J

yy^pfice. y ■---- — ------- ~ _ Det^ntvinB-^dr

Women Ask• "V

Ta wfi On— ^StlO'SHONE — Prizes for the

July \ parade will be provided

. the*aiarrtber of Commerce as

o f f ic e r ..^ ? ^ e , Uncolnfittu.<; *•

RUPfcRT -f .“ If (he i^UROfi-^-Don Reed, generai chairman Jamboree is.any indlCfl4loTnif^oim» jurnboree, rofio^tddflhij how successful th6 JuJy r/L -ycarVeycnT was tho biggc

......................................... ' ■ ■ '

RcKWents are. also! urged to 1 iel((kc(jp the irrigation ditchPS

,^ 'f re e .o f debris during the

___ .aummcili^ to help-kc'- the boat — 4. . — . . . .— ''hcotlgalos from going on down


BUpLEY.'- .Burley Sorop- tlmlst\Club members have QLcd.-loI:5HEc— tho-Jddha

a viWlloV, “then ll'siiould. greutesl everj”


- compieitoi'tidnngiit -was consJ)turetl-»null)cnilcjpdlml! P J l K M i n d J n i ! - I t a l p l i i \ ! r ' ~

unilor; KSdL-. ,... ..IS Hirough .'JB ye«r«rw nil~ purebred

^stallions..Iho ovonlrtg show, sot (or ll

p.m. w ill /include^ purebred —Afobian bleaiuro driving,

Piddlera' answered .encores purebnxh^ablan park horse froin/thc. cnllmslnstlc crowd. s tn llJo n jJ^u rW re d ^ ra b la n ,.

‘ !n__Tliiy'_(ilil;|»5!ilSDi_a.tmo«nliero_ M d_1®'-' ____ , .I • n iiH io n t l f ' T r ifK tm .ltnn n dflnCO

reported the pafhUe will begin at U, a .’ in .'and tlierC wi^rbe

Twin Falls, County m l^oners assumedli’ firtlHlrp^ sl«itus and ahnbunccd they will

com-, .congresalon,. < l . r . » . U » J j _ S | S 3 3 S

S iiii jA g a iim lT .F . -

'WnshlngtonrpiC. asking- suppdrt' ,1 for , leg'islrition

liilDB ..support for equal'[ f irrigatipu spq^n iipd be _mectinu^it^the_CQmithQU5C, , providing'...suppc •key) garbh^’e.'toyiand office three, and one htilf days rtghts. • — loafcls provided, for per week rather tlian two In t h e ^ I\eports at tl«

C Q U nt^npf^ism ilse^ sons in tlio worlii'who can do Iho parade of d hopp-dance ijslng 15 hoops. The| final Sat

..average.. 'Indian uses only formonce,


' I\eports at the last niooting- wer^. given by N^s. Harlowwvti(. ({ivuit Uf iiua., liuiiun

Chcnoy_on_thB_Oppoftunlt) scl]ool: Mrs. IxPago Layton.

• -HANSEN— "R ^ t- s a le s of home^ln'-*Hanson Includo.

r-rriiomc“ on“ Sccbnd~StreoFWest belonging to Mrs. Charllq Smith, yvhlch was


Sidered for the prizQftdEntrles^of---,all kinds are solicited in onler'to - mliHe- a' more interesting

,0— dltchesr^^iiact^caysln," , plugging and in some ca se s> ^ ‘ '“•’.‘ J’ 'J'*" “ ‘f . . . - .' nooding over into the

^ ‘‘smcss everyday throughoT

n feS 6 i,i ^

n lsB ionchalri^nntum lW im ilm-pJ™ I _ f

.0 r»,oriin wanc'ey soldijlans lire being Mrs- Ralph '■ '^S S 7 v \ iY l"n ¥ l~ T c T —

Coats, who ind iii^ t rng f la~ ^r^y o u » t’'PfoJoct. and Mrs.

-....... -.. - * > - - .third place. All i- 's fbe on tho,Independent’e theme. In-dividual pri'/es will be _ ____ ..................... ...........■K.QI)-*nnd- $1 .0 0 j a J ' r e e _ - e x p a n s e s incurred nur4n(f~tlic ~cTj;lrtrHo t o asslsled byArlyn

catouories also llic piitriolic been filed In FKth District Court defense. . .,_::<Richnrd.s, Acequla, onthc tom: Uieme; . ■' — granting dliimlssal of chnrfios The firm defended the termer lom-,' o(id i Ulc danM was by ~TCwcvcr, anyone may-entcr i,raugi,t by n local la w ! firm )“dBC iPTi dlspufe with PVanK blocic lluhls.f------x,.;.-

Uie parade nnd not follow the_ „ooi„st u,o Twin Falls County Barnett, TVln Falls. CTlef ,of ■■ A contrast In entertainment - theme, bilt will not bolciW- - ■ -■---- * ■ -


.E iu lU topR JW ro .mai-es .and______ rzjciiiing!t;aBif A r^b is ir«um m «r ' — —

tlio Order of) the-maMen English pleasure and , •;

larned the dunco t e ^ cutting. . ' .Scouting at-:-t|io , Tfe show- will contlniie •

-BriEhnm-Voi)nS'y.n|ver«lly-!il» -(htvgH-Frlday.-snd-S«tunUjf-------

ytnrs oiio .rw iiW ic/o f 12 pcr- . sUkes arid - , iplons set for the / . '

Jag - pe^/

UIP'defon.se of_fo rm er (Projantc,

- Judge Richard-'Reed’ an([' '

Book Fair«>W ; ,

Policor-MF.-Reid; wQ-was ‘wa.s provldqd% Uio IfawQlInn ’ sppobntrjadRrdurlnf^Jbccyseof' 'dhncersrof 'Solly , *

• Burley. A public danco was held w' . ‘ :

m ^ a # J ! o i | ^ --KETCHUM - .TOe B ^kPa lr ,'—

Commissioners. ................................ .■ScWalTnohW3W^li^nrm--P'*obntr:adRCTlurlnf^^^ . .. . ^ ,

.1 Kramer; PlariKey amKMeehl State of -Idalw versus Kd^ Burley. A public dancowMheld

filVd_suit against-the. county tp -waVd-Hoalhr-tlwn-^harifiled suit UKUiiiai uicuumivy lu - - ......... . --— .. . •.« ’ m i n 'ccJLpcI a^.ut-$3;0M from 'the conneetion. with .-«n\ovitlonce--lljo Melody;NTastcra,,TwlnFalls.^

commlsslonorB ,for- g-casc.• Chief .Harnet.t

tmvp mf>vntLin_tlni

-Tlie-li^e-belong!‘ • France/E. Lister \Vas sold to

.J^r.-0 ((d-m^n;jn\iuflK-WUl, . who plan to tMc iwss(^ ion July

• I. AnoUier sale of Woperty involved five loti oh main street

. "which WlonflfiU to.Mr. i.lpd Mrs.. ij.L.Gossell, Twin Fall were sold to Mr. and*Pollnrc}; Hansen.


ST. .LOUIS, Mo.• Police-said Tuesday

rlaln, seruJc'e-

T liV new system, •P*’pJccts; ■ ■ '“ ’.” *7 commissioners Hay, they will bp Members will hold a-Silent

will EeT^andled •Onder

T ^ r t f t e a l ^


and-umfi-foundrln\contpmpt oi rourrfor hls-actior-

UapCToUy-l 0 i4fburg.waaJM.. --kETCITOM - Hie BopkPiilr/— - p r

IK en)ojSblo ra^Uf»('<!f«™^^^^^ sponsore'd by the KelcHum.Smt ' ' l . JA- -and pfosenl^«irsiigei(.l(n'ael - comiffunlty Ubrafyr is^---- 7of^of ciueen candidates and »lcki scheduled for July 11 and U Jn -. :

— 1-n.dsloiyji—- n b lc r t o ^ p c i id - W c - t ln io - ;“°t|°,n-"l‘‘>-,':"' li-!"™ l« 'r>i^, ' . >•••• II.A nntnchecking out county business,

projects and problem areas by allowing Iwaulnd-on^haU-'(I'utsido of,offlcc Rchedulp.

From Crash ^ ,, , , charr linho-casQfurnish tliroo ltems for tho sale '"nUPEinT - A Dvirlcy wSnah - I J e T i r r O l i E l T e S ‘'111®!)“^ ’ ; " . ^ ' ' ’ '

been a city police offl'cor and and -Mike . McGrcoCj-^alria

forxnoL. ^ I c o ofncer, irged"'

■■ wiy-.c pm-fUhff • in MM. ' JiObBFt

Of Um

Uie nnnuul^^dCuJ''W 6^

UnderBailey. '^M4mbe'rH will

7:30 p.m. morning aiier .u,.,iwu*vumt.-iu | T M S rT sw n iim rsn in ii'iJ ir fn ; TucBdny-'-

at MO Eost andJOO Spiitl), of HAOERf^AN

coritlnuo to Burley. ■ _)m» througli .Mrs, Norma Wnrd; M, was

iporod-iq- this .’week and will open the ..;tol<on to Cnssln ^Memorial “ -io'of.~~-dr!mln v 'Mb'ndBv -In the Kospltal after the Old-

- ^Zjjasoment-of Van Enaolons. smobllo- sho , was ^dMvlns.

I- Cohtei

Saturday,'ahtfi'mm 10 a.m. until 3 pan. SuiuU]^.. U » h u d —/-- cover bodka, ranging In ’

now -^VatoTn,commissioners w ill rUcoive accept ortClquo Items througli.

$7,fl00 j^s.year as QomparodHQ' this . week and will oiHin tiib . $4,800 e.

. flclala. ■ ^Mr. Loughmlller said com- ! gits™ ,.jn U of two" boo^T anS ’ colHded with a i S ^

____ mlsslohcrs Will cohtlniivto meet Ijoldlng money paid by mem- truck operated by Dewnrd M," '~ 4 m n o 6 k l r lg ^ r B r r ) fB l l s n T 8 ir e M 7 “ i» » ^ f f i « * » l “ *® *« Jo iT - M o m lo y r^b O T flT fo r~ ln ff itt| D n a - o f c lu b ~ P e rk ln a , J r . . it), B u r le y . :

' who'^wappd from the .«lty Tuesday; and /a half-day on. rules, were given Mrs.Konrad Tlio truck la owned by Oscor

' ■ “ ‘ ---------— •— HtTvlll’beTivalloble, fur hcrtriprttrthirtntBT:......................county soaslbtis Sbroptlmist convention

'• \ throughJIulylOat^t.Ix

' ‘ ......................... aboutlOOf(■gravel-p>t t»

Mrkhtrfiirtrt rtJjn

'■•a tnxl and riding away. * .^Tlie cab look him to a tavern,

^BURLEV - About 100 Magic Vallov roflidonts. toured some 3MmiVtiofImmlgriinttfaiijiIn .Q isfila^unty by bus^^il-heard^'—Mr.._iind--Mrs.j-Brueo


Richardson, 42, Boise, formerly of Roanoake, Va., escaped aerk)U8 Injury Sunday evening when he lost control of tho 1007 Vblks^ivogoh'ho was driving^n a • curve on higliwa.y. 30 on the north city limits of Hagerman.

Mr. Richardson, who ' Is

employed oa a meat cutter for

‘ ‘ ' "*l^n 0 ns tfltTIt gonWtfldaodays tocpvor » ™ “nto(IJie alleged, u i j L j o , u,„ iVyck, Tho tm k, CIW Marshal Dona.,Qllmore,

'er^d ;wpgonWt was Indian MMsacro. ' . 8 “»‘' it lgnlto. T 'cilisod him to loose control of

Mr.' Md"Mrs;iMax Bnice glvoT amplified ; oqulj)i(ien(-^nf l<!n!dvo.;vlowhig^^;^ .ast’ ln ju ^ f jT T ^ v o s t lM t l? ^ ^lilstorftal facts pf tho varltius pojntliig out the hlstacloil Sites b™MllonS .a iid ,U hc lr_7^

A,: a w a o t

court, both which refused to

override Mr- Reed’s cbntempt,. charge against hini. . |h ^. Tlio'County commlijslonors,—

when billed by thc"low firm, . . ^ V , ’.:i. refused to acknowledge liability y U | r f ^ > w for the claim-and maintained v i i i c i i a

tJiey dld jnot haVe to . make -.woi , . , flfction

n rp it im iittn ) °-- t ' ' ? ‘W fy . 'C - ' f f V ' .Pntroltnon Boy I^olloway, county official. ■_ '-^ALBIOtJ - .Mr«; Vtvlan .;4.Uie Vehicles met at Uie.rural fromBolsotoE ko,Ncv.. whore , /nio-decision upholding the Holmes, fortnir resident and

intcrseoUon. Tlie ,a ir rolloU ™ commissioners'contention wn»-‘,di\ught«r_ or..Mr«. Bernjce ^abouUOO/eet Into an a b a n d o n c i j h a n d e d down by Judge Henry S. - BroweHon--Albion, hasl)«<h ,

- - prlQS--' .ftonii five cent* to 11.60, a r f ' dupllcstes of those' 'BVeldy Hh ■ Uie library *heWes.- '

. A vn rW M lwtlon, jTiany. l n _ ^ excellent condition, Includes conteinporalry retefence Wprlu,_

r S ^ - classics, Juvenile.'bookaj sellers, a d u lt .H ^ j i. , m d

Idaho F a l i r " ^

'■r-‘z W e-tehBaodliuscBVa^Sfia^oiilM rAUb ~,~tbri3ilhC-.,l»urSf>yi>#vlnj(-r^he>"tivi‘TtiBlor ■/ 'Buflciy •Juiilbi' High. School art! WcliisK , , ;.parkl|igMpi ; at'1(r p.,'.m;- nnd‘ >County,.wore'visited.

- Yotumlng at 8 p. m to Burley.,Thp ’teur sponsoVed by tl^

. % | L > , r c s t « d -

■ wo . JB o is e lM jlilw tr jarrests

. J c a ch c r ot Utah, - ; th^Greatei-Ulah

! A volume of

I4 b ra ry ' ,Qf fomuiUon was'

•^-H s lm o o it- th *

«»_H lg )i Schdbl

r ^ i s s i s k , ' . ^

io t thb,' to A lM S y iS ^

S ‘ that--«^<i«sto Oonitty .sit^»Probe:

itlal .1n-

_ metilipejlpw (ouh^BrMdwajr,

A t h s n i l B M e e t - ' ;

foiind In.ftsaia : where the gallows.fcere tlUll to-'i j Blted. r . hahg DlaiSJridWd; iMt,- but

( V v ^ k ^ c o ,

y , . . . ........... :-partconunl^titpartidlMiti(H\in'jjrrr* " 7

m rtmtlittrln science^(riwhte'ipher^dentsi . t t L . v . i t . - M i t i . h id h ' .BUrUntiib

. IhcIudcdrwVs the ^(ei of the

,---- iaunntcnm m lttte .— --- m ln ran ts laba iit ,1BB3,1 rteaf dii>tnn ih . rt.« .

I w i r

-m ltrants-abaiit■ '. Aimo.

(tiring UiB.il«|i the

tlj> 78th HangerTf' l» 'hw rie lJ iw aitIifr o)‘der»7-feir'- f u ^ t ^ _ _ ____ _

tty night i t the (IroVorks

'ino iD()te lue buseii tfavglet^ .'present-day, . . . . . . . . . , „■would havj takenithe aarly Sai^ yV<dIace.Tajrli)rtWmoK*»v*-a.r

" • ■ ■ n V

Page 15: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

V !'* *M»d*‘l« : . W «< in^y t^ ly iNiwO' •

.V’- afl ;;!tSelc teT ^

' : S ~ mrt: It .-51

3 S

i^- jM aH na . E g l iv s T !^ } 2 ■ ‘'SBLVatoi'o.MiUo, two Eur^p«U|^

dance stirs, will be tho f c a t d r ^ 231 Main J\vc E 'HUeet'artists with. Sap Frfin- . .....‘i; ' _

CISCO'S ,BaIlrt‘Celbst9 WHeii It ‘ ' ^ ' '._ ^n e s to the^stago <

Arts Auditoriu^ of ' •, o(StfuUie m Id a w Bt

M hoF l^o

=5 =^rr

Women's Ledger-Prln^W pracc Kelly Rainier,Y p^a r^E aH eT f A r~ «row ^

- Islolcs. ■ :, . . ----members of Uio Fodoration 1::\^licy.wUl ilfinc(? tho. londlDg |iolp_ cdlbbriilc. u ' Honol

. ; . T Q l c a | n t h o iwo^act Airtorlfca Day with- nn^V ' ballprwhlch Is tlic fpaturoftf tho fashlpnotl. Fourth of

^ iTto8t\

Nutcrncfer" will also bo onHho “arfd -prouramV^i-V— =— ^ L i . . ,

said Mrs. Brown, 'day, Ih Uto spaco ago,


' Hn\<■qtli" l/is now Uio.onlji- ’ vcn.on national holiday^. Lovo . comprtny fn tho ngtlon to bo of cointrwig on innate thing. Wd. ,

;; officinliy Inyit^dtb ptrfprm .at. arcll>awnvitlLU.but-wo;havt-a-_l ■ EXPO 7 0 In O tt la , J f lp a n r . .J p n ^ i^ to '-pother it' and ,

Mcmbcrs of Ute MirJliony-vvbo^oso wlJo would destroy .our liavq been solM ^tktrfuinil that freedom beijin by mocking Its -

. • orrgngcmbnt- will depart 1n sj^nbola.TTIFtnyilStw^lhnt a ^, August, first forHong Kongftho^Telob^W itfc^li n jr “Old •fil6py~ -Phllippino-IslaRds and finally on the Fourtii of Jriiy,Japan. Or\e of tlw ‘soloists who . “The futur-o- of America . -will aiyca^ locally i l l bo one of • depends upon tlw? cliaractcr- of ’

— — Holly Ha/nblem.--- ---r—-— toijethocf to celebrate Honor•■ Ticketsnroon^alelniadvnncc- America Day." ' ■ at Plclph’s'Hccord Sliop.' Thc . 1 - ’ ' '

V ; ' Bridg^Played

\ i \

^ i t e d i i i i-La«r»«0«r'^h-=JOB«p:e«llf;

r<linighterT-of-MrsV-:Biim)\. La\|Tence, San^ow , and Jol ru w rc n ra ; S tincytorifcr.^liT

an^ ThOmBS^Earl Ramsey,FUer, son of Mr.'and Mrs. Jack

;F .'ll(aniaoy. 'nrflcfnoon-woddlni! rllas

"W 8 T ^p6 H o F m od boforf ■baikerouifl/ dcCTratlorlii-org

{m IdcU bicEL inO rrantiW cntMo l dalslos and wlillo chry^un-

Uioiiiujtisi': OHidiiUn'it, m irerTiiiy. Jumsa Mo-' j r i t a i i f c C n i a t a

. _____ , ’l(i'rl(ui Churai, linil Rov.-r .^ e iT w r n t i iw r r ™ '" " '" » ' “ ■’|HPauVsMeth(>df ‘ '

| ..:F a lls rY ~ •1 > j'v*nw‘6 ndB, given in ftiarrlage •|~l^~h^r brdhorriJrjl""Co6 kc, San

wore a goXvn of cm- ________

d S S S n d o . T ' t l K ':K,:: ^Am>-hmrrHOM'AS ErPlAMSBy ,.an'-emplro Waistline, longr ' ' ' " -sleeves onrf-a long full skirt. Her Idng’velhtW^hem by' a Juliet caprllcr bouquorwhsToTwljUc daisies' and .chrysanthenjums^ and site carried a handkerchicT^ which tl^e ^bridegroom’s'

■grdndmolhorr, tarried. oL-l’ur *. wedding.' ;

j l j i D n c u l s s e d - B y — ? "

W p n ) 6 n ^ ; G l u b i i -

U r t S u o B The-— '

iP flho iw tetalfla*— ^ - rfw H U ad la ttl* ,

---- abatlBi«hom«ot .Mrs. Olcn McKMi>Klinberly. ,

TMM. Susie" WBiiuflaMf and ‘ . Mrs. Floyd . SniallwoQd/1 ^ 0 - S berly Were guests. , / ; . .

-..Chib>srn6mbef8 j_dec lM to ‘

. adopt. Arauscular..;'jiyflti:Oite patient .aA a.project dUd t ley: > ... <rill do spe^aUh6ughfful things 6'r- her-V - -

'July 12 af/tiie Park.-

VMrsV'Voela:,^ specif g ^e .p rl

birthdayianniversary gift from

rlicfcaeeMbslalefsr^ «.»Thp*clubj>; jWy Sa.aftemoofN meeting wjl bd}icl(^at the home T)f-MrsrWiilnc(rn

Gaidwoii, w ni^- y 'Magic Vj y^^^ " r ; ; _ ; M R S . j a w e ^ j X ^ s q m v 'T .- ~ v - ? Z 'L 'y f e ’

- 40.4 JoffoPJon S t .; Twin Falls burger,

Gail ■Johpfl, ______ ______ -•.maldbrhinoV; andbridesmaUlfi — \ I' 'wcrfi- Mrffr:niclc'JWhroJifi.r

I- Caldwell, and; |CniT»y^_Ca^or,I .<Inn .TaOi* ' ' ' ' ______

ATTRNDREJUNION-----lU N G J^ lL X- and l^ s .

Lee TralNand family and Mr. ,1 and Iwrs. w illiam 'Pruett and

famUy attondfijj a i fam.lly reunion in the Jdlia Davis Parle,

so,-.rocontlj<. They were >i)r*i g- 3be-|76t ' blrt}^day-^ "^-■ -^nhoffTM ftt^TYBirr^

Mrs -C.--H.- Sliam-




:m '/a_Hatch ,_ --

. .J t'orrison Say

'.Nuptial Vows

SHOSHONE - \0K Bridgo ; Qub niet-nl-Kny’s feipper-Glub— ~‘v

...-for dinner, then returrt'ed to play ^ ’

.[Ciirds afutlia home -of. Mrs. — 'rRobert Haddock.

■ Prizes, were won by Mrs. noger Freeman, Mrs. James Baralnca, Mrs. TliomasHeltia^ MKq. Joe Pngoaga apd Mrs

l- p I a c incrH am sw ■ BoIbc, was T best man, and Cluy Riimscy and ' Kirk Ramsey, F iler,'w ore

V - ushers..Ainfro brotherp or-the hrl4 egroom. * .

- — ^ — Mrsl Gerald Jensen.'aunt o f ., ' the bridegroom, was organist.

^ - „ Arcccpllon-washoU (it l h o . ; i . ie„ipo<,ri vonllln,.If desired ' ■ -PJonoor Room- »( grnhoni cracker or vanllln_ V lAudltorium.nt Uic Coll^Bc of „u|,,

— - -(J.i cup-CDConuticnn be added to

,;JTtts;.c6 uple took a honeymoon crust) \ / ' ;^^frlr>ti)<'Jacksbn Hole, Wyo'.- ' .Melt mnrshtif^allows, and

iSpcclal out-of-town guests At. cnpdy bars in milk In a double

Favorites. If you have . ., - ^ favorite recipe, ju.st mall It to ‘ a ir onho antj l stalnloas ■ wtgol

0 srrtoll Htfrshey almond the Recipe ■ Department, touehes^ll embellish fall* and

candy.l^ars, \ ______ .Women’s' '.Page... Editor--...Thc..-Wlhtcr-tl&tbcs.^ccklincs4n-Uie-‘/^jaip.tnilk \ . . ‘ recipe becomes the pcoperty of Pierre Cardin xoUectlon wectf20 largc'marshmMlows '. ' the Times-News and cannot be outlined with three inches of•v. pint Wmpp^^g cream ’ . ro turnbJ'T ‘ metal; l<<me cuffsr too. ; /(or'whipmlx) '

Wednesday Bridge Clubjjwst" a t tho homo of Mrs. Frnnk

S A N FRANC/SCO 'S BAU£T^^(^fft^y^'l7/-J’ a ''o fwd • .Uie woddijig were Mrs. Beile .bufier' Cool, ti^ ip cream and

Jop.£t;xi3ocan-dgna4/QnJied3j/5-CflsJ„fo>-tj}flL.fefl,gI.rf..TovlQr.;f.Sacrflm‘ciitQ.>CaltL..jQ lj-iiite-£i?fllcd ml;rturc-Rfliif.

.Vlolel. Oneida iind ilbert Gehrig. ' •.


;■ lianBhtcr of Mr. and_Mr». Elton ^

""‘I’ 51" ‘&-I ''■Mrs. R e x f w d '- W r iW l i ^ J * " ™ " " ' ' «?

“\ ] ^ ^ to llo r .” '~ ' ;---T *>y Mrs. Daumfann;

\, Accojfnpanying Uio cquple to . the temple verf) the parents of

thS'brldo ^nd bridegroom; the---- — Jidao.:i-£randmQlhQii»_MrB._,W.. *^Bt miin was . Steven- - H. Humphreys, Nampa; hor Kcnlso>i’, friend

. ” br6lhcr7 Gliadd Hatch,-VCoa; -bHdegrdbm. J \r^..*--- har-1 ■ • ■.................... ... • '

, Mr. ........... - -.........................................------ ProBton; Mr ahft Mrc .iEm**^ hridot^oom. *nw ^ifts were._fruit cake

ovonin£i on gag e m o n f\th a f fho com pany w ill proseni- . iirandmolher of the bride, aiid

of IbB CSI Fine A r ls iA u d ilo r iu m ■n.uth Hnmsey. Filer,“ o, „.e

Tfioy hav'o~>jusf com m oted a spocia l }p M on/o C a rlo , M ona co , and aro to C a lffb r-rtia -fo r-th is tour,. They w fird a n c o tho loads in ”C op~

po liaJ” Ti'ekoti arc. on ’saio q l Holon's Soc'ard Shop.

into crust and chill.

.Tbn Times-Neiva .vvill-Pflyj.ti

bolls . and, orange blossoms, Searle, Mrs. Milton Pavi niic-BppTrd-SlUi-K-rresli floral Mrs. Jcrn d D. Anderson.—

nVrifflBcmant-molchlnB llir-- ServiHrwefe lIi7 -O T 5 T “ ^ f “ ii's jrTaT]-

each week for Magic Vnllei^’

■ - ^vern lo f Now- York^sdcsign^' brinyinn back nn'old

DE C f^ - Art Tyler wns favorite (or fall 'and winter' honored.on.his.70th blrjhdny w«n’r. Ifs broadcloth, with its annivdrsaryatadinto party at jniootli and luatrous surface l»iS'1wnw: ln-Deolor-T)»o--”


ilhcr7 Glodd“ Hatch,: VIosvT~:bhdegr6bm. ^ , I ^ . arrnngcmenT matching th ? S e rv in rw e re Ihe W IdF s r r " compete w»n jera^-sisUrs ahd-thelr-husbands;^ ..-?Guc8ta'Wcr<r-rcBlat«rJ-by - multl<olwed colonial bouquet.«« rnlecwr—laiiira Jntcnsor~a'na _ favorite:------------------------- :—. and Mrs. Kay Titensor, SaundroGrlmmott,8lstcr%(Uio of Uio brldwi^alds. Tho white Sharron T ltensor,'and her nBtAn;_Mr ■ nhrf Mrc hridot^oom. Tjlm gifts were ._ fru lf cako was modo- by- the Stindfly School Students, Gayla

Wlnward, Kaysvlllo, UtahijVIr. arranged by ^Renee Harrlsoh, bride’s moU«r and frlendis and Anderson, Kafm a Wrigloy,ahd Mrs. Eldon / Pa.vne, sister of .the bridegroom; was decorated by her aunt, Mrs. I>lnne ChristonBcn'and Clndv

Ginger Harrison, couHh of Uie . D a W Lenz. R was cut.Pocatello; Mr,' atji




- • - DAY-SHIFT---- r— ii.-- ^ A P PLY IH PtHSOM '


— ---201-^mlr^n7»7Wetl. TwIR |!alU

Richard Anderson,San Gabriel, brldegroon]! Mrs. Larry served by the bride’s aunts.'l b lade Hatch, Calif.; her uncles and aunts, Kniile, Mrs. Blaine Teghn, . ^ s . Len*. Nampa;.Mrs. Eldonj bride,’Mr.'and Mrs; Wilder Hatch, Mr. -Ron^a Wrlgley and Ja .N an Jchka. Mesa,-Wash., and Mrs.* cei

-and-Mrs^Asa-Hateh.-nancroft. -LStokcr.Jlioy-Wcro-caiTiod-by Jc.w Coulam. KayaviUc/Utah.i pn and“~M r: and ’ rfre. ' Anaon Kcnt~~Wlnwflrd, ,-|CatTm WitT iti6 rcirestuneni aren w a ^ >Prayers

itonsoiV 1.......................................................... - - -

mooned in 1 are now In

H eg ^so n r Kngrce;TDr. and^^OPd^^'JanetPrntonsorV Todd •fcncedin-by;whiteposts. ycllgwrRoxfonfUarrlBi • H ^ 8 '^«y*S.“BroadbonlrP«)VO,~PaynSidlfuft---P<iyner"Angeln— satfn-flbBonTlina Uowsm ie -brid.cfiraom,-j

undo and aunt i of -the 'AnacHsQn^^Brad-^dorson and- quartet—tables—woro-^-covercd-^S^le, a friend. brldegro<lm: Bisltop andTlrs.. Terew Lonz, all nieces and with pink linen, centered wltii The couple honejtieloss Stoker, Mr. and Mrs.\nophews of tlic brlUe............- . snlftii'rjy with floating pink Souther/ndaho and fJohn K p y lo ,^ . and Mrs. David Backgwund organ music was W nations, tied with multi- South Uqbo Tahoe, Nov., whor<i

._Moffi*tL_jinri Mrs. Tholrha recordlniw oL_Mrs. Lo ,Roy colored satin ribbons. the bridogroooi wU be cm-Taylor, View. ' McBridorft’ cruL.ot thc"fi»mliy. " A.ulstJng-with~-thB-roffeiih-.“ ployerbiHhc-U:srf(?rcstry-for ~

A.luncheon dinner was served The b rldeV 4^ le was yen-\rrronts were Mrs. David Moffett, the summer. In Scptembtr he for the weddib)g party after the tered-.with a IKFBo-ticred Mrs. Evard Glbby, Mrs., Ray will report to Fort Sill, Okla., ceremony aP'the hwtie:of_^e wedding cake, enhancid ylth West. P ^ . Olen Scarle, Mrs. Army Base as a conimi^oned

' bridegroom’s___parents l n _ pale blue and white buds, siigar John^ Koy l ^ Mrs. Riiymond officer.

Pocatello, ^ c i a l guest was XfX l i t 1 '...Mrs, .RUSSOl Rnrr WilHnnrmon.

grandmother of the

to keep 0 uf the dust.Selling wigs fh p a ^ i i the hack door . . . ,^Js.jirnp ly-a-rnUstL

bridegroom.y, . '____ A rbcep i^n wns held the

following evening at the View

' LDS Cultural HnU. , • -■niB^ddlngrpai^jrrgreeted-

' guests before a white backdrop - with columns in jM chvtldo,

_ skirted wlth_tall beauty baskets ~ * .of'yellow chrysanthemums,

■t}luD carhatlons, pinic' gladioli yeHow


/^enhanced with satin

4th of lULY WEEKEND'*n\e bride t _

r.hcf:floor4eiigth-gown of-whlta-J peaU'de-sble. l lie emplre-atyled gown was

-rounded neckUlij ‘ dleeves with ' m«d-wlth lace and buttons. Three rows of Venice lace formed t h ^ panels down the

0 . meempire-aiyiea ■ enh^cedjiK ith a |

ckU)ullet<«tylc^ce—.e Ih Wide cuffs trim* I

f/front of the I Her nd«r.|on

I sfdrt..Joneth veil of oreanza,

_enhmici!d with matching law ', all at-ound. foll bito a train arid

-was'W iir«dibyj(i. tiara of laco

.... .jmdMifln.acccntcdTOthilwarla, -' Sho cWWodr 0 caW aalifi ■ bouquetlo/plnMrosesrwWtaand'

b lu t ' Icarnotiona, .whited stcphanollg ' enhancetf \illh '

— W h i r a ^ « t l t l~ “b o w r * ^ m l-

‘ , stremhani. ! ■■. .^...BrJdfjRnalita. nvolaUlBra.anft :

I • ' m lly 'e roomnAb M tha bride,

Winward, Marcia fty ne , Nada Anderson, Karol .Hatch and'

■ , Delay Murdock. ■:

-7.—■ KINO H IU .. - ^ f a i r t f f l f 3

M im la tw a ih 7 Ivinu! o<'rtr.

....... . ■rui.'iiv-i.-'-uJ


JUIY 3rd-4lh-5th



„ ~ Caia»h iif,.» ii>«*i

' Mra. H i m M u W e ll. in d ; broUy, Bo ja t tnd M rii MUdMd;;

Carnahan, OlAlni Ccny. Thli. I H-lh iiWMal w ’ '

an or Mra. MUdred Car'.

With' URBAN RENEWAL in progress today . . . j __are we out o f business~r7~r-or-qan w,el5iay?~



D R A S T IC R E D € C t l» M



Page 16: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

- y - - 'i j ' — '

T ^ '

-Ti— --

:;;:Jji!jPi3Ri3aiifir ssa ''to r ; ,-Uw'iilll 1l<|Iilpson^«^.M-S „ 'r ~ Hupbrt, wtl| bcrhono^cd' Juiy o -t,aU.ari:iopcn4>oiuto-co l ^ a t l

— th o ir ^ M t h '^ 'W i f i t l d l n i r ^ A h '

nlvcrftary.' - ‘ • ': The coupla^’wUl recfllvo

^ , Ancrnopn-at'thclr;.jwme-«fld j

- . - r ^ p B A t t i B B V ; toriishl «*« 18,-' -rtlce filrlfi snt lion^womJirlnK why IbbyflWn.l «etr askca. r .. jgjb, at ‘ Edon, and their

— ^om n nice bpy-who wcnt;:ond:nowLliw^tel-hadnltJ>nd±JU®“ ~'"4>MirrlhKC wn« ]ulor sbleirinllCd'<•......... -you.:why; It CMt mo over. $5 0 .'Nol‘ft)i\tlio prom jtfiolf, but on [; iho ^ShU Ijjko City -LDS

^~ U :^U ,llijL jun l{ ,U ia^ tt’wiUwlU>^^ ' r - ' . ' i ‘ f J t - — • Tcmnlo. l,-..— ':---- .■• :Mv Birl^irandv.haJ tlcT^ts to tHo:Droro-andJihe.5»Id.’v*‘It --- Ttw . roafdod in Eden u p ti^

... ...... ” won't cost much~lct*a «o." So I said. ."Surg^*— - •■ - llW4i-i\vHcn thoy^-'fribVQdV Iq'■..................... ............ t------- IJ i---«>"Oprt vvljon

m i

-^^--Mr^-W miaro-. ll_ (.,M rs i I,ora l?oss>ovi(Wd tK ■ |M *ri«W fte l8 ^U ia i^ l«M ',61 ()tti' oneLgoii J ot." (her,'

"Armga. ((tt^5P5iir'W ilon li«r ,—.... ....... ......ddlng^AVin)yitr9atyrr‘» l : j i- f c . jm d J ie iL - 4 a u g llU t ,J to .- - ^ ^

recent-mnHlng o (1hV (feWm- Dsviil W ^ s , Bolso.''!1(5y wor« pteiiWeiil.■ABo-a^b.-J-T-TT------— w lsiaw by-Uw lr-^UaW naj , '

■ “ aocompaiil Ulsoii..

. 151(1 PAV'ilull' wuli rtoconiUid Mrs.- iynyno_Wlio8lM‘; ... Jullh ^ar'doif ifUuusrs provided ' nnil ' hor UaUKlitera, l^ tl

^ . ' - T ".• V Jty Uielr.riiany, (r lcn^ , .DI_lmOj-(^Moxldr^-,\^

il-'(ir»lr»lio said. sHo would woor'her old (nrmnr>nd- l ' , lliippn> llw o Uioy liiW Olncc'• . . . . . iX • xikal.lnll - •

^<MlUld-W8ni*-myTgiiU .^ f^ ;i^ lU U -t kno W ^jho

hcernot to rent n lux lo mnltih, flo' I did. She snld she dl(ft't , hJivo-bocn oro-stlll aitivc In.. — abcd-a-CorsaBfcWfl nosca'Qy.-Would be nice. Well, thatwaa $10. '

., ■ bur trgt^ntBy-^hpi dn Tllftmpsnn WHfl fifnplny

............ «im,..uj8no,.^muoxierj:- Mr*-- acCTBBW y.. .........— u:;— ---- flbld^— jmdlr-Awrnte—Ilfllan-MlllH and~.Mra^NpiHa-.... iMni. P^rolHy Bi*ysonr•!

. of 6saifltcd:r— -r r— w I.o*ler - .8M : JftCk "^W W ..'themums on the- re ffp s^e iip r A-ttoId arrangeinelil of'l»rb\Hded the old4ime music f : table with.thegold:cakepbaltbd--:KUHUoUAmn.the-coupU!tfhioc«--danclng.,.Ca^2 S£^ . i

, and decorated byv tth . DaMd-ondntfphew^Waup^ Wlrf:,waa ihe-^iuMioree,. V W r ^ A ^' tohr,Filer, tmndleffand ndpklns also ^ Highlight o H h B - < l^ " 7 - i ^ ^ do^blrffcnlt'i were .'part) pf th o ' gnidfih _M r« . Emma~.aoirf?Tyag In" m>mhi«i accentedMth A pink

arranrfement. tl%j|u 8t-b;ook>-<>he--arid--white-^

Kuy^a ^lid forgot ho w« Wont to tlw rc«taur»nt au' Uto j(ids go

^ -^ -------- • ()y thcv

Abby; (lint ovoninfi coitt mo two-wook’s wnflofl. And for'

int? *— SADDEU n u tw iS E R . hnEMEftTON. WASH.- -

rrSnrEnSnC2 Unlli“onu

|)KAIt fiADDKn? The wdy^l s<»g It, you coulirhavff g<>nf

...w 50th .Wedding ,An|; - n]yerf<otj[ open lioiisp-wlU' Tiojltvnl'by tho^coiiplo’B chiUli ’

U A R S J iA R Q L D jM O U tiO H

Vour miBtnkc ^ n tf ifctUrnt Into a mare coxMy ilcal thoD

you orifjinnlly jiiiriJHlni'd (or. Hut ilon'l lilamff>lhc girl. YoiT"

•c.<wild jmvp'liclcry^'l{nujn«l. (!’• S. And yoUM iM lt^r loam

hnvy lo say NO nr'youii wihcl up with a wife who will put-yon-

In the poorjiouKe.I '

time 1 a|ot\ soy'f(ometliinB. 1 get about two words snld,• ■ Jintt’B|TC Cirffl"me pffniitd^rut-’ver do got to'flnlBh wimt~T~

I s ln rt^ to 8ily. " y ' • * ' ,r '

• 1- I think Ivis is.^usl pinin rude. In.thore someVayyl.eon loL

• ’jior know how.htuch'I dlsliko tills about her! DUGGED

_ \ -Dl^AH KtTiGKI): If you can't ([ct more than two \Conlii

• ilannjc/ore sfrip In(ei7 iiptii you, mayh7 you‘d"l»ettcr write.

nEIl.a'IcKcr ihiitea^ of me.

-MtHcr, Burlu^T ^ 'nionipson, OrangevnjoV Calif.;, Mns.'Floyd (Marjorie) Morrill, tllitdwcll; Mrs. pulp .(Gletinn)

.Whitnker, MnU(i,-'.urid Mra. Melvin (.GcanarSUmijer, Twin Falls. ■ • ' ■

jn iccc_arc. 21 i»^Hndclilldrcn ' JreiU-gramlcMclrenr

QoDclwilj c lub

Has No-Host -

_ P i c n i c _ M e e t _

, DEAJI ^BBV; I need your nsalalnnce. When your KOn’s '

•wl e cnils yoij upjuui savs. ‘Jl(jy family is og ling to dinner-

.to (;elcbrale Andrea's birthdny. Como if you want t'j:" ahould I refuse or accojit?-

“ ^■^mli-oal_____ __________ Id, ond I love-hof dunrly^-butwho^ kind of an invilntion do you call that? And what should

■ ' ' HURT

what kind

Ido\ '

DKAK Hl'HT: I call U n pretty nhnltby inyltatfon. But

'llic Gogdwill Cluliniol at the Idaho Pow.cr'Co,- !*afk for the annual no-hoat plciilc,' with Mrs. Ed Orndorff giving the prnycr.

. .Mrs. Gcoe^Tyner^-prcslcIcnt,. ..was Jiuchjttgc-oL tlie-.buslness

mcotltfjp^Phc'fUigwluttwus led hy Mrs.'Ed’‘Orndorff“ ^md tlic

- Urd's Prayer by Mrs. Emory Treat. ' . r .

Roll call was ’•Favorite nnH tho thnimhf'fnr tlif

Acqderny. Sesslqcrs At RicksGLI5NNS FEURy For Iho “"<1 Mcond cholr-nulo nhd

pn jt twp wooks, . Robby, Piccolo In Iho .concorl bond.

- Mcssoily »nd Knron fliompsop ■ Trophy awards were Blyen- lo, Imvo liocn nttcndlnj Uio R Ic ii outstanding itudcnlli.- whi'n ' ■' mdcmy-pf‘P|[ irA!lii'.'ut-ltlclw'~^ *“ *y7M»M*»i'ly-»‘0MtvwMh4-^

ill(!(!e,.ncxhU)rB( ' n ‘’“" ‘ ■'r Drania Sliidenl Trophy.......Kfra. Xoonnrd'Th'onHisbhA Ihu jludent rocllal corUof Iri,'Kwcn's moUicc, drovp them I ••'o week, Mils Messerly s W n ■there on Jurio 14.jind on Jutio a *>l»' fnd aho-and Miss Tliornp- 'thcy returned with their son .joined In. an octot up-

. pnrcnts, tho Leonard Tlionip- pcn>*nnce. sons.nnd Glenns Ferry Mayor I'll® Acj/demy, with (jucst

^anitM rsfDuyToTllosmny."''" "instructors from nnlvoraltlCs-

Tlioy wcro-ensagod’on tlie Uiroughout, tho west, offered

“ RWscnmpuslnmnnynctlvltles, " ' “ "V- opportunities fof,-ail-., climaxed at a final concert vnncemont >of "younfi pcoplt'j whore tlio.Elrl?. sang.In Uio'.tnlents. . . —

_ mixed dtorua. MIsa iliAmpson^^__ __ ;

aliio, pinyod Jlrst3ialr-iflulOr=-r=- ____ .____ ____ ■, Includlnn a number, of soloa, J h c Hebrew nami,

i-wlUi^Uie aympliony-orchcatra •n'MnjJ'™-'"''!.'’-

P R E S E Is J T - A

m m



” M0HDAY; J U L ri6r >11 A.M7t(rT p ;M r^

tT ire f am ily o n w ^ i ** m o 'b i



both, are • gl*nduaTos of Washington, Stato- JJnlvcrsIty, whcra-. Mlss , Jones - was o menjbef o r n ^ a m B ila ’nfota and Phi-Kappa Phi.honorar|cs. Mr. pox..was & member/ pf. Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Tau Io ta 'a n d Phi Beta Kappa


recorder; Mrs. Paul McCollum^ guide; Mrs. George Long, assistant guide;;_Mrs, .Foy Fenton, sentinel, and Mfs.- Martoft^urray, argus.' ^

..... _ Mrs. Clyde Greenup, a new *This past; yeilr. Miss Jonc8“ einbcr- of the Academy of

taught handicapped children in Frlendsnip, recolved her Tacoma, Public School8.--Mr. ■ tricndahlt>-ripg.-^— - - , - Cox Is attending Medical School A nejv rncm]>er, Mrs. Ca^sie ~ at 'Cas'e Western -Rosorvor^Raamussdn, was onrolled and""’ ' " - aoveland.Ohlo. : ' .presented the bylaws of tlio

A July 4 wedding is planned In ■ chapter. Her aponsor-was.Judy [Se'aflir- ■ - , --- McGinnis. '

"925-9 SIZES 10-18

■nlclly'T.row ' ‘ floarping naVrows tho waist of a Jumper' that doubles as a, dress. E'OAhlonablOt cuff-collar lilouse.

hfifi Rldo-lnterest tie. S*nd! . ’ -PrlntedPatterjiOliWrMinses^- aites IQ, 16.(bua{ 34) Jumpei^ 2 yds. '4Mn;

■’i’ b lo u w iH 'y a r d R .a W n .

Seventy*flvr-cents' fo r^n c lr -pattern add 25 qetits for eacH'

, ’ IfnndUnK}— --MarUtt;5^w*|Iewa3fe^^^

-Dept.V 282 Wedt.I8lh St.,

- V Vark. W. Y-.H)lill. Print rij&o, '—■-^ d rtM.wlUi t ip; aUAtiid j ityV

Exceed* FHA Ra^ulramanli

• Chooio from teverVl colon

• Eaty>lo>clej'i

• Eaiy>to«cUcin cortllnuoui RIament Nylon

• Living Room Quolity



, i H - o u n m j p A L _

- ^ C f ,A U D E :B f t ^ W 4 i 'S

"OViRBoiblLSFORVr" v n i rB::*;!:! P ^ 't in w -

S l^ n p Cgffliicafe§ of Deposit

T^ordm^ted^ Nrites

fbrr3 n1(nitl)i:

X.'-: f t i

5 l(S iy i® 0 s a jS ^ ^

Page 17: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

Les^s Tb y f^ r ^ d d s lB io ^fc

q- Include tho'"'‘Amcrlcnn ./ -J/fitwrriail'atlhe.Doony tyon', -.S.-‘ l d n - ’Storrr'~by-1laymohd---.|Pon6tlr^M>H»Uajfc^

M o r ) o r ^ J r : ; - p V f i « a ^ a f l- 8 - '- i iM l i « t r » h B p y ? ^ 'S m im r y 6 ( « t iy ^

TOTilliliry." — ----<i===Beiii^Mor«yi,-JJNo-;■ i T-r' ■ ^ . Glory,,"SU)rleao( World


5 jgKBSaSi' ■

TTimOTlM— b spO ln lg s rr- oM : ^ "ckl "An. Awlul-Naini lo- “ Po lr id lls ra , Pa trio tlliin , .

- Up 1 To," noalord; '"Tlie Palrloll3m,” >olcclcd ;by Holn; *"1

---B U n ir '^ 'Nino- girls nro teo\orBcmnnal\ljTIiKli!B6 will',■ seeking the tlt l^ ;q u ee n ot they;- tal^e |)^acenl 3 p.|[n. aWlic rodeo



- ------------ ------- W nrniS lrTOniTcnrMondoy,Installed noW >fflccr vdurlHg nici.Exclmnge Club will ognln, niRhl-trom Buflcy- to'CaldiveJl tlielr. luncli^ofi mub'tilrg ' ^ t sponsor llio Counlry-Wcstcrn where , two ,suspec.ts-..n;4ri!

-Jawboroo in August durlilB-llic-roportcilly^‘ in~Cimy,on dourtiy- Cassia County Fair, Scheduled custody. '

■ttr=nppenr-on—tlils-yoap's— Ijoenl-oHicortfaro^asldngtor'-

. vice ..program are Lyan Andersop, uiq arrest o f lh c two men in-L— .. i. <'.prpsldent|-n trahhHo lm os— Merle— Hnggar<lpHml=^tl»^nnScHom»-iUrihtrbiiatlnB-«nd- r , -^6i>«>l»»y-ti'o| surer-; Blano Strangers and. Bohnle Owcns^ robWng of Freil.SilvarBuriey,_-

Jones, Francis aermnnr_HaiTy_^PrM cntlrlhe!tlnb memblJV?-Sa^rdoy J i la l i lrH n JC I is s lir Workmarinnd Jtiren Josiyn,all are buirdihg JSO -benches which County.' bflicdfs reported the members of the board of will be used for ndditienal man-allpgedlyllbst'S120'when

-) . J directors. 1 ' seatingfoc the Country-Western beaten liy the two men in thisHensc k i d , . retiring Jambofce. / rural area of the county,

r t "9 Girls Seeking^itle Of Buhl iSlagebrushlDajs^ueenBuhi^gcbrushDayVr^ ftroun{fe.TJiopub|lcl8lhv|tccrto /runners-up Iq 1ho queen' and

......................... atlond\ tho iJprs'omnnsblp Junior princess\c0 ntcat3ImlBsronjQOi MlSfl ■ • Congcniajity. Nfltfs

" will be crowned during the July fltlo'hdV tho' iW s 'om ^sb lp„4p€rtarmancc. ' r- Judging Wd-no 1!• gQ^tcstantfl include '^ le n e will bc.chargcd.Gbrrlsort. Joyce Novok.; Lynn /^ll MrrtestiinU wmShertell and Mary Van Znntfi, \grnnd entry at they■ru ............ * '

^Palls;JanioFir( ail Jei Mai ,

A lltfie|iWfl will bo a c c ^ in g to

lH nB tO T rc fT !5 w !n~ ^ iB h t,''Ja lj^ 'n nA

' tlio Fourl|i of JulyBracJaJtttTury, Doannc Rickctts,

and Kate Pcnco..

IdliWruloa and will be .Judacd — .....on -porMnalitjri-boreamanflhip-

riding in\Uio pnr’adAwill •olyn Ilarvey of Twin Fnlla,.

las Rodeo Idaho; Wnrcy Valentine 'of Caldwclty- the

jrjingrodeb queen, ^nd Arl6no

■Gartlaon. of^nuhl.-r.cignlng-

>Tro|)hies'Will also bo nwafded to ,tho junior, princess, first

ConficnialUy will \be chosen from all (!fltttl5Btflntnj‘n M t g ^rige in tlie

) each boU] contcstii..llTTsin--- Trophitey-hftv^been-doftoted-

;odc. Also by Uio Farmers National bank, Idaho First National Bnnk. the Club Royal caf^and Lounge the Cellar 'Q ub and Ropers.- Tlio . first runnor-up- in the queen 'WiTO^rwttnti: gift certiflcatolfr&m the Tq.i

^ lop.


and appearance. The now queen Sagebrush Days Junior prin: . Prlxes for yhe Junior princess will be eligible to compete iii Uic ■ ccBS. ' • in addition .toVhc t r o p h /m » fc ,

— Pri tos (or the queen include a jn tiara courtesy of 4lm->and

A Junior princess will also be . Mddlo donated by Mr. anZTMre:— yaurin*-HopkinM)WJuliUaQd-a_ Icrowned. Buhl girls coaipeting ^e n Jonos of the Buhl Woatern pair ’ of toots from tho Buhl

- ; for-the title arei Kay-BlfdwcU^/Aiitn^ n-ttflcn-ilonhtcd-by-Sav v Mere.. All .CpgtfigWintS-in.the: — ^Jocklo CramerrlKay^eeman, H Jor Drag store, an arm Junior princess contest will

Janice Novak, Jiistlho Novak," libuquet of roses from Bonnie's fccelvcTriding pants from the

V -Twin'FaUs county fair—. ' • Tlie agenda -for -th6 -girls—

durlng4he three days of judging will begin Thwsday with a car

, caraVarj leaving the Buhl rodeo groundaat 10a.m. and traveling

- l—throughuMasic-Vnllcy.__________On Friday, there, will be a tea

■'— ■•ariHe’ trand “R:cafonat-whlch-

tlroe the girls will be judged on pors^fiallly-and" appearance. •


Cotinty Aide■ William CfiancdyV resident, of

-Twin Falls since .J038,* Officially

bijcamc a full time county ' a mmfssloner Tuenddy, one day

al ead of Uic legal'ifeadnne. '*

, \ftor some 17/ years In _b i SllTOflfflrtlho.8fln»Qiocatlon oij

7 busirteM

^ servlco-Btntloit, Mr. Chaitcey sold'his business and will.,

o te ju ll tlme'-ta-ti^e county posltuin in wblch ho la riot^

serving.M r. Chancey said,Tuesday

.has aold .the business to Do ,*€ipfln^rP<i«at«llo»*«nd4he*iiou

• , ownot:-iiBS-MW'aBSumed*^ full

< operation^ M*'- KChancoy operated a^aervlce si

^ ■ ■ Shoihortb Street qt-MhJ^vo. E.,

for five years and Ui6 n.|

the cit^arfd aa a stat^ officer ‘twlil*ifi*arklng-for~^pkea.Ai<ta

i- PaHa for- eight :years before • ^ purtf^qsing the Klmberlv Itoad

• JSews prRecoi•-■'tTASaiA -COONTV

l,_ '- ; i^ S u r l« y JB il lc (L i :o u l l^ -

'FloKjhAO 'A gu lnoga , 3 ii Rupert, ISff,. dUlurblng- the p e » « ' aha. ISO■ ---- -

o.'NrM.. B( „ i . J i, ... ^ ’ %ach;.

___________________ je«is -Som ,"M ,'

■*-i ^ i n l o K l c ^ In

. .'Par#

C O R O IM A D O l i s ' 7 C ix r t t . -

-l-dO fr'W HHER-*

■ '.''v .L..B«i1ancbd Cpfd fropzor.lias , - " adjustablQ. to^tip contrt)l.'‘“ .•

HQlds-up io5261b8 . lr>J5’

R E u » ' iniorlo fl;^B 8 y'QqBQ^

..You'-il navAr.dvfroiithii roomy. •waw' i-w(elii ^th»frV <n n 8 i:<trry---

'"“Tr . ...ir» nuiomiilbally^milnlalrved thro\it^ot'. fr^azer.four (uir-wldlh ih«lvai,'.4 ll(!Miut b « tW ., \

.'-^•loragapobr-WlthjuiMreek; Sala.hav look.'Sior*.’ 632.lbH.llood In'i i^ c a 32*^gaiJ«i:!T ~

Page 18: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

T-...'A'*: ■•'i-

| M ^ i^ in u g ls « a ^'^1}k.lflnnlBnniir«nln IfnlUt '(lj« ' ' ^ * *' ’'.i ' ' . ! , .' .’ -i^MUInn (tiIlSia''nf ifIrut llflr- flllirf. rAfllifMltjl wtll W S n L t i i - ■ -I.

:,7SSt«rt».=.-July u U U

- ■■"HijtilflS^-SSSifirrfnisSff Curry. V _ _ . ^ '- .

, . , ^ . / MraZRiiCSainu<!laQa..>^_ ■~nftIaho’s governor,' w ill' ac'

'. - r^ 'iU llon i 'll6rtU';of ' i j i f l r s t per- sald.fesldents wlll wonitJ v l^ l ■,■ .4. ~ " manViVillvM'WwMryrtal Bntl' the niiuijt ihlilirlcal dUJIayi-_>_,

---- -------•«»...... ........... - ' "EaiiM^mraa®o^iOTBiioi^»SM h o U i ^ ^ u ^ w i U i L l U e . d l w l f U ( ^ b a l l d l n ^

Ttilff'csiudlonj.wst,;. I tpp county muaeunv fBOISfc'(lby Mrai SamuelMnand ■Twin. PolUnlsloclcal Soclely tilral'national w

.....permanent wiHT)f5tfiJ(hltaTT«ll-ljr:M'7~tWS'86v6fnoi‘’J luinie In Bolaa'lo - (Irlntu on Uio groiii^ds dui'ln|j> Qgi;

■hc.iisnl.by (ulute.Ilrliti»>nlU9 S~tllit .'aiitclol.ovonl;—TT — '— ~ ia r i o W h e —Btalo.— The— Idaho^--- ----- ■ ■— — :-----------

Commiltco, funds Hdvo ' been aujiurto’h^towns of FlollcrHam

€olteQ(e<l^Fo tho nurcha^o of tho - and GIpnYllIo linkup o'n dppoBlto . .-___ 1^1 -11..^—. *.a4Uj>m MAltnHrl/ TiLifAB* fni* n

. ico'whlch meelsln

lo Qptorks, • Mo~l:

expiatrrtho dlBplfly. Mrs.■ ' . \VogKonor,. dlrocror of~tho '

mwsoumj; «nld all ioclc iy •• mombors mustr jiuvb thoir ' .■ membership cards’ 'for nd-

I ‘•''- rpiialon to'Uitf musuiwrr

— Items-. n ioHM 6rical A u im tn ry- ^u jT o 'w tir- ■••• : ^h>iipt&on 'sald'''Gov«rtjors;^ 7 wlllA iaiw 0 pm ona lv l?U . (H)nlrlbulod»27B^ithw|[ilc)idlo8 . p iu glnnt lUK-wlth IM men. ru^bnn and rurol -Bln'

- ;. of' .ti iOualio- ffeVltaH^ County July 12 to were modfl of .tho state syal to on • onch'; Bldo—yyjll hat u strong und-lionlli Committee; wHIcIHb rcapori- uiBploy't/io Ijinho ncrltngc:,on , be-usfld o n ^^o crystnrontj. j^ijchlow n Is tlio oldei . BiUi jigricu^ econom y'

slUlft for*tho,'dlsplay. Wheels.'/l^o'display w llf bo sliver. . \ ‘ - nTandmory.not oijly for Idil!-■ F k tnrml nro photoKrnphfl of r>nf^ to jhp p n b lf n( <Twth All fntorcstodyda ro8idonts. .ntcnn al Uils y o a r . ; for.liipc ' '

~- 'rrtll ~of thp-wivos of - Idnho ;. r ails- fT n s to r i^ > Boctcty arc.Invited to.attcn l tlio special Both coinmuffltlM w c r i^ b— Z-— ^. • 77lowndrs--<rHmca 4ii. tjpocuui ivi(us(F»uii-jil Curry during the July Vi dispjay. andxhonr Mra. Mrporatod on April H, 1B20. - ^ 7, . , . . .

small golden frames and . day. Mrw.SamuelBon will jpcak Samuelson explain th( project. 'Hjcre Is no recordof a Bpecino ^_ ^ . . K _ . . V

____mountr’<i.nn-rR(t-vglvcU[nu>d»— Bt-a-p.it/ ^ - ■ --- -4^-— -WltHc^ tifl

QryBtaljBllvor;lWons arid other {sides of'tnoMqhpwk River fora gimyjjor . ’• ■

I t o m i . f t o H l s f e • ;••• ■^^hiiipIton''Hild''(Iov«:75with wfijcii(lies . fliu Blnnt lUB-wllh,1B0 men.

STORE HM O N D A Y T H R U rS A T U pD A Y W * ? ^

SUNDAy 1 a NOON io''5,p.ii

' Orogun lUd Uto Holy Land.

{/t^Gil^iL''«f1ri^;'C0NNECTlbNS l«^ S U U ” ^fcn>el«ctroulc componenU-' to the ' lyttem '

WIlllQjnsom, seen B o r iln g- w lr in fto f one the ' .m a k e It possible, lo r ' up to 48 ,(enttlnali fonnbd scg)i;irat8 of B;Honey^^Ume*«barlxis .oay.wher« fal the couoi try to 'Halk*' io ( h ^ - -

-in^putcf slmultMeously (UP! telephoto)_______ _:i_"conipUlcT-syBtm atlfi'c'Honej^eU'factCfy 'St ■ From lnghanii MasB. The thoUSBnds of

f '

t o

J l. s. ■■■.-G R . 1 - W E R E T O ‘ 4 . 9 5 Y D .

• ( i h o B u i t i n p s ^ ^ a l l w o o lo

d ro 5 o " tn d r ic 6 • 'T jlo n f l

» k n i t s ■ p d t ^ t o r s Y D ..

G R . n - W E g E ^ 2 . 9 9 - ‘ 3 . 9 9 ,

• smn\t suUings •'b londs .

• droRtt po fnbncs . . - y o '

\ G R . I I IV -W E R 5 T O ‘ 1 .9 9 Y

-------- * 0011000• cropOB,:

G R ij IV - V V E R E TQl ’ 1 > 5 0 j

rTmryosior-cotton Blonds ;

» qo itqn Spbftswoor fobrlbfi .j

• su itings • rayon jorsoys . '

- r G R . V - W E R E T O ‘ 1 .1 ^ Y D .

■ ,_ ^ p p lv o s to r- q p t tp n p i i .n t s

-tito iTTwm nnm rrm iiiB-

* s h o o r s • s p o r tQ f a b r ic s

. GR.VI-W ERETb...........—............... I II *1 I

♦ c o t t o n s — ♦-flhoor jp l is s o B — —j

• . f lo n n o l s * • s p o r t s fabric^B

^ : a c a t a i Q l l l n l h o a ^ o t ! i o r “8."

Y D .

9 C /Y D .

A t i . R E M N A N T S

^_H o r»^o jfr 'o h n n c Q ,lo pick up somii toslly lon'ln.sliCe

..~ i;~ irb L iv rw 'U ra l qu»|jtyJ^br^<..Sow i (qmilv,.cb’thindr.,C. L .V:= ..7 ;— ^ h o m « n e e d » , t ;B 'v B llio a rS B v e o n e ^ 8 r y v a r d V > u - b u Y l— P : r


DiscountB E C O R D D E P T !

P ^ r S A L E N O W I

S t e r e o A l b u i t t S T ^ r j o p e * -

A lb u m - L i i l $ 5 .9 8

J l f f l . $ 4 .9 7 '

L i t I $ 6 .9 8

Jfm i H o ^ i x - Band of G y p iy s . '

| n c l ud « ? wh6 knows, Power of

L J.ibvc,-Changes,_nflttte.

/arthc ' ' '

Poiil. McCorfney- McCoftriey, h is

> fitsit soio*''alGi3m has 13 ortginol

■ song^ liKcludlng Jun lt-|^i)-You '

and-mycy^much-moretr;— —


! . .. CteaLBiatle.hiii includt-Htf Ju d f,

" o U A lK p ^



^N iW bEN s o ii i i i iB-Ti i i r t r

i5 9 r

I t C r ^ w jlh :lKi\b*»t^ivou|)v

. . ------ ,

“ ' t ib i i ’ v t i i i i i i i i jo u n ii io r

Page 19: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

I' •

S A F E W A Y L O WD 8 S C O U N T

P R ! C E

,!• - • ,. P a rty P 'r id U c s .M ilk “ v S lk D o il^ lous ’ Flav

S A F E W A Y L O W D 8 S C O U N T

p p i r K

: ........... ......................................

.■ ,. / , a M M C W M T L U WD I S C O U N T


S A F E W A Y L O W D 5 S C O U N T

P iS iC E



S . A I ' C W A T S-V/ W

D I S C O U N T p R i C t

r> A v « f« « A jr A a9j/Afr^mt I L. W VV


a A r E W ' A Y C ^ 'w ’D I S C O U N T


i ^ R e a u la r .b r Sosame B d rbociw B u ns-nr^^WprC 'oO'BWT^^

-. CraQ m o^*-Bbyorogog & M ixors ■ M —ShoprFop-Th«-Ho^-P5|v^"A|)^ocl-^ “


■XS^..,. Package. .V

B K o c a d ^ T T - W . H l t e ^ . j , ^ . . . . ’ " C o m p a rt a n d Save” ” *'*'

i j i --------------------- ^ * L L . - V

180-eouht;'_ ■ Packdge

-Z L ' l .■CrV9m'0 '-4i9 'erpp

.• (M e d iu m SlzQ •

• iv ^ , . .* 3 6 5 t B g v M i l d j - ? a c l « o o ^

' I n 1 6 < 2 0 b U n fo Packages

-Luce rne— LB m on-U m oi^-R ttf^berry;,^-- --— Frult-Puncfi,. G rape»-OranQ B'-pV-refndi\ode

• — " R e f r i g e r a t e d •

G allon

■V/ -

Save O n M a tlb rip l B rands > ' ’, Special'Pdck

r • - Get; r ^ d v for i'Jie holiffcy-'nh( Af]f.' StOfik .

u p a t S a f e w a y . , S a v a i ) n a l l t h ( 3 . f a k e - ( - a l o n g f u n J o o d s - y o u - n c iq d ^ o - f i t - y o u r — p la n s ; . W e . h a v e a - g r e a t a jb u n 'd a h t i i^ 'p f^ ^ ^

7 n ;h e 8 e f a v o r i t e s , a l o n g w i t h a g r a ^ a " • a s s o r t m e n f r j o o B ^ T o r s t a y ^ a t - H o m e V


V ipfeR iib

iiniatoesiS iT ft — .Pa'tfurl-CQr-SlicinoV

v J .a r g e - tc p b e r g

Head4!ettiice:x -



F rd n n jf lo Sunny-Tropics

id V " “'y



- ^ 1 BuWch

I, Oreen O nldns-i!“ : ; Y '

-qSiirikitt Lemon?^ R y s s e r P o f a h j e s V" 10 ^ ' ' r 7 6 t

Seedless GNtpes

m;I(I Gcircl<

C flip--- j- '

Tellowldnions M*,''” ' . 4 ^ . 44’'

Golden ttirroh-

:_OrttngtJukfc.m Orange Juice

- m S iT ^- a fd is c o u n f^ ic e s .'- '

S h o p w h e r e ^ ^ ' s a W r n b r e . . . a t ^Sateway'-DisCcrun'ir'

I— ^

Fan^^r^frs JGrorniiBeefVou G t t A n y Size Package .

-------— A tlT 'h it.loM / Prlc^___________Z

Freshly Ground : Sterjing Skin less Cu WicklbWy y F a ir i i ly P ack

ers _Sli(e<rBac<>n TrortnChopsU.S.D.A, Inspoctod


• P lum p & J u ic y -H a V o Plenty O n Hand ’■: M ealsFor Cook O uts o n d Q u i^ i

N o w Is The Tim e-For \ Bocon and Tornqto_Sgridt^Jch_es^


Quoti T rn r

RyeriBrwsis— - - Chuel^oost-


Fwer Thigl

CaHned H d t e ;- '" ,

1-ib. V ’*°y

59" Chunk-B

A Fryer-Drumstkks ti, 56? Berif Short Rlbst-:-..r;''‘°“ib.„fl>r“ ^rauitscS

-Wqde A Fryer Thighs ^,- , c -56' : -Rojind:Steaksit^^^^ _____ Rib_Roastii.l,

' 1-lbV.,

I S o ftw a /

This Is M i* ;o f ' i 'w fc ^ to lr r 5 l lc e d ' '> '^ |y ^ ' .9 lo 11 First & C ante r C u t Chops' ‘ “


5 1 S,68 T-Bone_Steaks-i 5i?r:, '"'‘'

64“ Sjiced Bacon

1.tS Lamb Rib Chops



Miro-Cu». ' •■

U.S.O.i. ’ _C hoitt_Lom b

S a u s a g e - ^ p Z ; ! .....

a t

, _ L U.S.D.A. C h o lo . 4 jij I n i l l . io U - f t v M m ---- lb . I .U „TurboO |llets

JfO w n JrtJa rva______ _ — . : l l i .__ iForoi«rly CalUd 0ri«n ta n iil H«llbu t— U .—


5 8 ^

S q f e ^ a yW i J l B e -

O M A T.-Saturday,

J u l ^ 4 t h


—M*w Crop 32“

DISCOUNT PRICES\ : i.s 9' Safewtrji'Coffee o,'

; Jdw ards Cfclfe? '”7 ‘r ; 1.02

;:'-l1|>}oj{.,i«rT6o>[r“ ‘ ■ 96“

Canterbury fcrTet Mix 69“

P^molive Liquidspec ia l Pock

70i3 2 -o r .-B o ftio -

DISCOUNT PRICESPierce'i Pork & Beans

Pienle's ‘ Pork~&Beans ■



f i '

Underwood'Diviled Ham"

Undej-wo^Devlied Ham ’

Hmnz BBQ Sauce

— Heinz BBQ Sauce S~ . :lt

H ^ z Hot bog Relish "

Heinz (Hmiburger Relish'T; 31“ -

“7-Seas Drejsiftg


Panty H o s e 'i :; -

H a i r S p r d y S ^ ^ ) ^

Truly Fine Shbmpoo

Secret Spray “"Irr".’ ;

Noxzema Skin Creom

Tampax Super Tampan ■

C e l d P o w e r ^

— ' P o w d o rv — l l ip e c f o l iR a c I c



- Tdngy LeriiohAnget Food fakes

Mazola Corn Oil

,_Ofnn.G o dd *tt


T T \‘' Hero's Proof .W^\ 'jrsirfowoy.- j • D iscount'

P r ic in g !^



NyMad* F f ih Slocli Pl«dmon’t

- I,

Surprise Y our Fam ily W ith A R e frcsh irig T r jq t—

_ 10-Inch

Cak t

Brocodt9-lt\cKDrocod*■in. W h l l i ' .

AluimnunTlFpi! j''.

Ripe Olives :,7.



Nallfiy's Pickles S™-

Zijipy pickles

erry Boston ...... *

H^t Dog Buns

Assorted Fruit Pies

Homburgar Ovan F>*th 6,«29“ '


Paper Plates

Paper Plates

bixie Cups

la s t irF o F K ;^ ;^ '"”"’-

Paper Plates S

Mayonnaise r,„.r

Sqlad Dressing



Pko, DISCOUNT PRICES* 8> 4 :ln .-W hil*

Ik— —I f .

01 Gciiji< Drtod Splil lo a f

\jn lr)U t» ■: C rc(^ Pies I sSitaitrfsSure To Ploasa^Pasl^y n . l l . Buit.fiink. ■

• 4.PI. lo a f

Dinner Rolls Dclicloui

16rand Paik

r ^ .^ 9“- ^ l (y l a r k :B f p | - ! :r ; i ,^ * ^

.Pdjjer Plates'.“ai!;!,"; nt 54“ Stonehedge B r e a d s S BO'

; S o l o - P ^ p e r - C u p 5 - S T q r - ^ y H 7 9 “— ^ t o n e h e d g ^ B f e d d j t e T '

n Brodnis -^,;.b 2.49 Soda Crackers Xt°"

1.69 Fig B a r s • * «<”«=


Permq Press Mops .

Roydl EZE W ax Appli^r

76“ , Boxed Cookies!

Bel-air5 ty lr ^ r » p n - B ito n irR B y a lQ rC n T 7 C y ro e r r 8 S o n » 7

Chopped Broeoli, Mixyd y#geiobl«i, Poai, Peai A 'Ccrroli, Corn, Yellow Squa»h, Soccolb»h, Turijip Greent, l(3 oi.j

Chopped or Loaf Spinoch, CooUed Squa»h,'l|f?QZ^

" B y T h e - | P a c k a g e

T u c e r n e "C h o c . 'f e ; ,„ 4^ '

. Cereal Bleiid !3 '„; ' " ^ 28“-

whippirtg BiiiHfc ";:;- 28“

;tofti«g9--Cheese^f'S^a^#-2^ '‘

■ uitftrr ?9“-

KnbftVe eeta • . ' ? ^ :i .21

jDhc'dUnts OttPkottrN'eeds-

h ^ K b d l a k ^ F f t i i tTnstarna llc C o lo r

t e m o i r a d c

R o ll

Radiant Flalshcubes

, i ^ ( o 3dlc Film_iw ew ekom e


S e la ir P i n k / or Regular' .

,.. (jS'j5_unce Con • I2c)

Meat Pies 17.' / f z 20“

- ^ ( jn q U 0 t - F r i 9 d 4 : h lc k e n - 7 4 ; ^ U 6 - = - - 4 9 ? o s - P r a

M orton Chicfcen;:.t„ ” t 2.1(l

Swanson Dirihers

Each • ' “ W R iiro rv f iT f f l t f f

S ave d $2.58ti/ t o pUfcliat* o f I30.B7 it{y <oM S3.S0 U i i -. ot-Sal«MgvJlton o t nn oth ir w o lBf rood 5 < o f'

■M r»rJudit)i G jll,

13.01. , J g 0

Rosarita Cocktail Tt^cos’ Vi": 48V

"Cook:'N-Bags\;3 L'-'-.’'X :

; air Blueberries

Strawberries K '

, 10.91. F i l ls 62-'


T s c p m i s ^ b n ^ N v f i o n a l B r t m d s ^ ^ p t e w t i y t - ^

L I.- . N o n S ting A n tlp e rs p lra n t ' ,5 -0 * . -■r r jAerosol — Specia l P a c l^ ^ V : . _• 'c a n w X “

hjllip s Mjlk pf5 9 ^

9 7 r

- OrangHuice;^ * —

: ' Orange JuiceBtl-alff fO I lh "

B ^ i r Cheese l ^ z a



Handiwrap Plaslit :3D0.ft._ro ll

Swoat & Sour’ P*»li

.'ihituy^ C how ^lM tlo - . . . K p . O ** -

Chocolate Cak9j;;;;;!:^ !c ;i4.ifr

C a k ti.iGetjaflB Chocolattt liSafa leerBrowhies

HawaiiatiiPuntyt;^^,.; CaiT

Weldiad^rape J)rink '3 2 -o rB o H ia '

(J!bver C lub •lS9c V a lue

Cattlemielns Sauce o r S m oky BBG^


% f r

H e s t l ^ B s t a n f c l e i :





TAKE A Price Br®ok AT SA F iW A Y DiSCOuNS=«iF

^ e ; sS ki A A 5

H I W E ' < 3 # < ^ e uD » A l e j n c A Tii9 I I . a e

m m aOKhlsm ' I w-

ir ••-I'--

II 'itsrf?' ' 9 ^ H El :3 " cs J 1---S


Page 20: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

8 ^^ , Hnnk-Aaron Wt *« lw(>^un j4jn«uo,ProsiacntC1mb Peonc ^ ^

- j homer In the first InnlnB and jf,aa on hand for the oconilohT'’■ *'> .Rico Car(^,addcd n Oiwo-run .p ^ i JarvW went U»o dUtarico.,< •. homer ^ .th e UUrd T ^ o ^ y ,;(or ntg Bravos, scaltfirlng nine .

S ' as he picked up.hU eighth ‘.- OndrihaU W to 8poM >6B«^ Victory‘BKalnflt alk losM^

- ■ ,'dflbut In their npw niverfront ^nded o Hed w inn lk stroaKjit^• :--^tdlum. ; .t ^ f N BOmes.

'A aollout-crowd »/ V.05&T Mack Jones (^^vo'ln three .;. - j IrtcIudiniil^cbiiH^ornnilsslon'- ^uns Vfth a pnlKof Wnfidrri lo ■

tjack thcr throp-lilLjiltchInK of _ Stove Henkoj and . spark the , MPnUcal^J^pos. to an .. M ;’

“ ^clMy-^ver ihd~PinTatIollilila^~j Ph ils ., , V -^ •

, Joncs.ailrtppctro,jc6rclOR?j tlfl... .^- Jn_tho_ fifth Jnnirig wiih vhls

'V a n d a ls IV Icci

5 T c ) ^~ r~ N c x 1 ^ 9 V cq r s _ _

-win.n^o^M d floronupp—*'• nrtnnnto Jn »tii» n n x t n tn n M n s n n R — i. - r ' ; - * '- :— ---------- -

_tB'o ____ PiiUJliJiiUor-^osc- C a rd o iif l lr ^ ^ ^ ^ - -

|_ .DA) JiWELI. :■ (UPIOolol)dol c rhsH cJt^r .J8Wo(]t:d,os tli(i'.C«bj-tool<_si^;lij;D ill.-----“

hornef in theoigmh^laiUiCEt— T , 'Tuesday .nlKhl’’ l2_'^pi|rirtho l!.Tho‘ Cowboys will return to, iMattlc.‘_’ ney'CW boy«‘'lo^a-7 (;^\jHyeec-Park--f<}r- a-six^ame— — ■--

w irt^er t?6 Cnldwoll Cu!imd^tffy^whil<rtfti«rtTrtt-^!ffl y ■'maintiUn tiic visitor's loop'lu^Hlr."‘ Al»iirsdjrrtHrou«N Saturday flnd”' •, ' .

:_-4:0,lrt:lnp PlonoerJ^nguti'raco., Jdiihn Fnll.'/'SlindaV tlirouuli _

I—.:.Hia homer broke a.&^.tid^ prnl— Tuos#;^— HlKl'HfO’ wRFiBor' :' tilen Cnivln •Keliy‘H 8lnn>« imil Ihe Vourlii. oT July Fireworks

tliroe walks (javc Twin FiiIIh;an Siitiinliiv. ,, ...

-in«uranco-euni-11jo-vlclor^a«-^--=^--- ___. j :FjKueroa whilo tir» , MpiJtC'VJllioy^piroiO 020=^7'6 4

isetawils.Gary !|oRnn. “. Ciildwoll ■ 03 WJl.OOO—5 7 5Seven |»HcHerfl saw action 1.1' 'Ford,' Dovlno. (4), FlHueron .

Uio Rnwo, foiir by Dildwdi. • t7),-tin'd fWltJrlo; •Maneeiy, w MaHlcValioya 5-41cadbut,'tlic<'tno|{«p (7) ,Acuvcdo ( D J E e c i i r ^ : <^ib<Ulod41w^am(Mt)-Ut»^ti*tli-^f.0)-aad.O>»nly.tCrWp;.#.'Fil{prftn;—

on'Cfll WlUfe’a flinglo and two IJP—frtoKan. HR Pierce, 3rdCowboy orrorH. — ’ 1;__ .:ln ;f«nrlh: Gaiopdez, 1st in . .,'nill n«rthylhit (i ,aolo liomur yfl^tb'Qi; 'Dortiiy, 1st In Ujli-d.'

lUrWith the/

. . • • Tlicschcdulosli

— —pi»flc^-Tuoil^ay-i........' (Inis will mcetfive Big Sfky.Con-

_ thrStrlumla GaiHllnala a 5-

Umbcachi . . _ winning homer to H.*ad off tiie - J .. Tlic Vnnante liW hnvo two ^ n .v c r J i m i O r IVl

P? ' " “ *“ Bnrry Guru, a Dob , Gibson— -.-Gclr*<%-J03fl---------- pitched on.ciglit liitter-to boost

hiff record to 11t3. i ^ —A'throwing , error bV rcltef.

Loca l* w in n e r s ' lu l the' InsnrancO'^wilK (jiinlilylng' frnBH-ln Im. Kevin Packard whtt shot a 77; Daye Wanicr.'whQ^iiarij ouniamc^n’t at Ihe Twlii Fails Mimlclpnl course Tuesday v/dii the . 76, ami Gary Duncan, who nlw}..liaiJ n l l T ^ y received t l ^ r

...................................................... trophies from A. K. “Ooch’' Dodds, chairmaa of the iriwt. Tjier^ViT^ltl^«y:«ver-8frhole«'al-BolB« July-WO-anU tljo-iour-loU-

scorers will odvunfb jo iiallonals In Oklahoma Glly;— ;-7

ly In.the stattf finals wKli a shot at.a national b'erthc ■jeff'Thmnienr?l*llriirth«allonrln:lajt:ycarl!


imefed rti the eighth inninB to , ,a(fonii-in-o-pr(}Xj'rIocai winner Jlra'tilDiidford, who (tliot a 67;

J-Gclrt-M-.’ . ' , , Outside of conference opr>on*

• cntslhc Vandal»play. neighb^o__ 'tln tt Washington Stat^ the most

■- eight times — missing only the AQl} seasQn against their

-ii.Vtradltlonfll.i!lvat^--- \---------■ • Idahoalsohasgamesschedulcd

T against such ojiponenLs as Rlc«,

-i~;£jlsaj.Texa8 Clirlstipn and I^wl- •T—Ing Green in-tiie coming years..

The. Vandalfi will, ihoot the —*vrUnivcr3ily_of Jho_Pflclfic slx_.

. (im epnd Utah State five 1* ‘in non.-confcrofico'play. •

l e d --.

Jlm_Blandford cnrvod' out a' one-under parC7J!uo«layiO-win thoJItWn-ttTrTwin Falls areii'

statJu'Hl m tv a S ” “ Hif 'h ltn l iVcssJntcmntional .sibei'l after two. wore out in thf ctTw'VV’'’, ' "Ju i__ ....... in _____ .Al. i.»* 4l.rk. iitwtilii fy.r* . ... __ I

lrinir.irwhld,-cnnWod-l^-No»-W.f^p^^^^^ York' Mola; lo ' CdBb -tlie

PIltsburBh Pirntcs 7J1. . ■ ' J ' S r nt Bob Bnrtiln hit » two-nin

’ " s i s s r s B i s E

nhonin_City Bi)og..PowclMroya. in three rm'iTwllb’ lwci'ltomerB and Don

seventh set the- stage for the \Mnnlng rally; Brinkman singled

n fi,.« oVm» Buford addl'd a solo homer iri ihe lying puh and Casanova

T*up Je ff^ 'l\iesday tii^U as the Baltiniore gi eeteil roliuvui VicenU‘-Rotno- thls-a year Oi ibl’eH snapped a three-game uilh a single tq:.scQr.efJhe‘4{0-

■ ■' ‘ccalLivr'’ ■ --------

^ i h < l r a i g l ^ « '" ilouflon A a tr l ^tiTtho u t . t " ’,';.

r W

- j

K n o c k o u t/

-^llfl-tlUMaU-. a t.'n v in


l )\vL‘irs firsj'liomer in the third\ innin> after Buford

got- • SEATTLE. Wash. (UPI) - ..- Third-ranked . heavyweight aiiainst 10 losses,

r-^^eorge "eiinvoiomfforecj acni-, itn o im 'L .. t U ' ’ s m a o n l l g h t - l n g \ooo

-I—.&cU;ooltoaclicr—Charlift-np.no -foMr-tli«ea-irv-tlM>-thlNl-HK)uml-

Angeles R-2 Umaster wus ^ r i i e ’ ounTiTevin Pncknld nnd ' ' “Ikecl gave the Orioles’ n 2-1

yrtficl Gory Duncan, the two 1-Uybar- «uford aiitl Powell then'Iwp butlers In the scvcntb„lwt

nUi-ln-Uni-losininitccnUJVillni l « victory lOifnil run'. nTimo-wiW-pltdieil'fr:-Warner- -^iverahe.Ucveland-Inuiuiui__ __UiL*__Uiinl •_.run_hrt!!¥ei_“ pie.lt__

" ... • ‘----------- Hosman won^his sev()hth garni.*,

in.M decisions.'

Jn co b B eam s o ld / —'

llis fira tbo rrero f

Bourbon back in

^^-W ^Srondhc i .0 t r a d i t ip n o f f in e

trip to state.

;u!ch?d solo honiecs-in-the fifth inninn td complete the,Oriole • ii.>'

-ngnringrHf^vii!^ the liKit m i\------- - - -■ -OthjlL'nHTS_<*Lthe sluyaiQ’fp t ,a':'Lh‘ J ? j ol u r - l L l u b . -p.,well-Davt‘---McNaliy-scHl. ' ' o

'i . - ........ ,1 I, L».. /'.'A in .-n »»ic 1'>»h ‘ 'onti-r |i j 0 0 0

■ J 0 C 0 MPllQt< f1

seventh stralKht" knockout in —lrying-fQt^noth»r’--filiot,j[^>e—..worldiUleir ”. Chuvaio, a'216-pound' Cana- .

■ “ ‘ idian.-gave'Up )H pounds-to-his-wit!i> p

Callsut'ar 1ti4 A 3

i Ls-Btrrv-o'. -----XO.O.2.0^ 0 Dill; pn 3 0 0

‘ S t^ in c lin g s his first liiajor ie«nue homrj 'it -\wih Uvi) out in. (he third In n in f^

• BQul-bo n - m a k ih g

tlTnTslosted for

oo. s ixgeno rn tio n i

T h a t’s w hy we


' o ld fam ily art.

"V.V S'*"' P*’ ' 0 ® OWcMsMc -nis— Wlt!|> p 0 0 0 O - v ^ —

.shorter but heavier opponer wiw made the fight Intefestlng


hb”'- nar'on CflOipMll. Callauhcr

-0-0.0--- I4 ) t if lu o 4 o a d in 'g '^ u r f .- a u O Q .[n in rc o - fiN T 7 n i™ | jfc «b i‘l 7 ,

oooo dropped l i ^ ^ l .Lounge tfrl on int'lndrd homorti Ijy MickeyUie s t r e n ^ ohk^mjprun fourth-^anley-jind-Ai^Kalino-as-thc—_

>oioo->' innin^udstarted'''WtUJwoout Dctruit Tinera. beat the New --Tuesday hlght la c lty > i4 iuo York Yjihkecs. 5-3, Cain..won


Hf> Proof Kuntuckv Strui((ht DoMrbon W h iik e y ^

0«) «00 OtI 010 000-}

Dieuo ■

T ',«r'',-V 'i^You„B-i.lto l,od^OO or more M 0 0 0 0 0—jnnihi'slnlQ different‘seasons. . ' • ^

-1 J. m;

innings InlQjIUfereht'seasons.

........... __________ _____ _______ ________ _ ... Dlitz, witli M ilt Iforton g o i n g . " ’-•4 ,r to the head ond piled heavy campMn. caiiauhcr ^ Uiree-for-four with a throe-run hp l>s l^ the e igh th , K a lin e ’s V.n»a» c.iy ■

— “-blowa ln-HenoVample-midriff:— Cbomui w ?-4 , ' homer, dronped Olvraoia-Ford homer ilY;lhe--fiKlrn\7i3-fr7tvvo-.---- - abrhtit^-^---- tb'rriBiIn the third round.'aravalo.. ^ „ , / • 1 H 8-1 and CulUgan belted Osco^ rim’ shor.HHt(^urllirjip‘.‘J flBI

. . . ^ c a u g h t Reno with . a solid mcmahpo . i o o o i o uuttrey 20-1 despite ji homer by single conMJKfvjd lhe'5t?ocing mcombination and ' followed ' lliat inning, lion Woodsjm his-

---- Uu:ough:vidlh4i-straIgntW Rhl-to-^.«u-«j~4-^^kw i,.«u-«--)-o^^— Hn^en- and-TIiompso'n- -w’cnt -sixtlvlwmoiploMlioJijCim k gc g ,- ,

_ deck |liS OJJpOftCnt. j l O O Parker 1 S U -Uirce-for-four In lending Coors' ' ' ‘•'!‘ '--d u pnir_■ Reno wept d o w n - f iW T n ro th C - ;w ™ ;;* ;fn 7 «;™ ^ ^ ^ l U n ill <> homcT.s thnl p.Ulod-_ he

. er combination in the game wauon ib o i o L»tou>-ri; jt> 4 p i o Parcntejuj was three-forUhree .Milwaukee-Hj-ewers trom oe-

• , round, nltlumgh lie was slipping S X j ' i ' S r ' ' ! . . ' ] i l l ' for Uie 13-secs. -- .. .. • l»nd-to a 5-1 victory .over Ihc

and.slid ing along the ropes. He ' M aloneantlGalleyhilhooiers-<^«Hf«i’f ‘« 'V

^_W As dropped again from a solid oiLaufo'p: o o.o o Mocu.r o^-soioo— im d-H liiW nbolhnm was f o u r - ' “N

., ; left hook and a right and was § § 2, fgr-four as Varsity Bitl-bcrshep ,--- ixoimtcd=out__QftcE._tJikinu_jj_______________' crAwigra pn I afl 0.. .,irnnA/i, Vrnft Tnnitnrini Cimniir scB Oil and sUihunod u two-Pun----L-crunchlng-4agl»U oliow XbyIa ^ s r . blfliSl ln ..lh iS< )iy)in_ U )t Vv'lilil.

- Ie f i: iw o k - .- T - : — - ---- ‘-V H „ , ; o « r 7 ? r J l ^ $ t : r ~ W s ‘H usky Serylce-lS^l. ; -^I>r«vetVto-he-tho-wmnlnB-runfi,

,yt'ls. Widton' tied 3-3 in, the third

honiup- of the

Ordinarily throc:'knocKt|G,WDS — —!tv^womoiv^H-^eflam—F irs t .. Al‘ '.^^ollp^-'n-t rii9ked n two jiun

• m a round signal a TKO, but

. : apparenlly' lhe’ rcferco; Pat— *s:,T*,?'• McMurtry, forgot the. knock-

.... down he signaled-along the; ropes. ' .

Tlie knockout came at 2:40 of ; the third round.

....J- This was the'trimmest weight.. rp t nonq’s eat-eer. He wore an • r Afro*Am'cflcan Tiairdo and

-7— --fioHtee.--- --------------Watching at rin|p|ildc-Hvas


Ip h■ - t t, ' 1)0

Cladilirtg 'Mociinr L 14 J I 4Pena ,!L J I 1

Lematlvr iiilclisd lo 7 b iV tn Save CladUmo l«l WP Lcma\<i

} A 16.19$.Allanla CintlnnaliV ‘ ab rhb t.;uacklon 5 04 0 Hdie ri Mtllan Jti 1 J 1 0 Tolan cl liAaron rl 4 1 )7 Poroi II)

ppuUa Iti

i Security Dnnk ,ovcrpower V"-nw In L i .W Anije ls . I.ew

; " S 15lfflTanconttructlonT!r.rwltti-''™u“ ‘>-'V->ivlUi;,-s« ^-Telford je o d ln s tb e wny at Uiu yi;ar with reliot lio p

Uiree-for-tbreo,. Post wns-four- « « • Cmiipancrls belted

— im i v e os Kim-1 jines belled-UlCH“-'-'>" hon iw lo-llie tlilrd j,. Hanpy&od 21-2. ' ■ inninb' to iiace the Oakland '

^b-rhbi . „ Atiiletics.to a ,4-H Victory over4 0 3 1 c J ' r A . the Qiicago Wliite Sox,vmdhelpl o l o ' I A U 1 1 ^ ' rlKhll^mder.Jitn Hunter lo Ills

, r^th triumpli ofUhe sea.son.-

ooo!“‘-(:)i«mpHneriH“honiei\-lus-10th-(»f--MoJa'r‘ tlie .season,‘ canie. off Tommy

heflvywclghrxhinHpTOT Ueofge dEoremanrwhoiralitcd’to-flgMr^; Clnivalo Aug. . 3 In, Madi.sgn ; Square Garden. . Aiuma

in . 4 0 0 0. ‘ , ■, ........o-if-- * o o'p—> 0 Molm» Jl> 4 J 1 0 I O.Woadwril v% 4 1 3 0 idaiioFaiU 0 0 McOIOthIn p 9 0 0 0 . ognf-n

Plonttr Ltagu* .

llrayo pi> I 0 t i Wa(ht)urn p 0 0 0 0


-Jolm- jiinKlosJiy-Pa:u(i

'41 I It I Tolil*

O f f i « n G o tfi S c c o n d

- W in Qv<?r A n p e ia

i p A i i o F A i j - s d j i ^ - 'n ^Ogden Dodgers, after two rough' first games wlUi Idaho Falls,' ,

-bounced bacjc to- down •' the — AngcJs, d-1, 'nroBday- night behind the strong pitching of

- Brucc-Riilblc..:•>nnII\tA «inn<

ton A

■Wcciitiitmo'4— noftan • -

'J.i ) 0 0 I

^ Tuiiday’t ntiulU '~wiuic'viir6v'.-7.;crtitjircii. 5-;

Ogden 6, idal^o f'Ailk t. '' iitiimoi i crcfli Kaiii 1'

" Am*ric;in t»agu« ttanditigt 11/ UMlvil Praii Inlfrnilionil.

' : Catl .w J pci. all

. llalfiinBfc.___ )« t jr --NfW Yf).h, • 41 10 sot) 1Oflro.l • . ■ Ifr 33 53 7

; tluillHi----------- -J4 14 414. 10'........................... 17'

JollowlnH'— — ..----------- -—- j;)iim A in _ /im l f ) l i;k (Iro cn a r id—

^Jid|HJd-lui^tlie_soulhpuwL.wiUi_| ''**"-!l2Ui loss in ‘ 17 decisions.

■ I lun\er. who now has won seven 'of his last' einht decisions, needed relief help in the elfihtli cLm'

1 * 3 3 0 0 . •MilltM'lOliJ

V..UOII cjh(ufmrt.

K4n»fl> Ci'y Ctiicauo •

11 3»‘ 441 «W«l'

w .1 p<l. Ob .-4 3 64)

____ 43 ..11 .J*l 4—7 "jjriT wars^

so*.'•■l vo

'R n lb lo scnttcrod; alK hits,; jievei^ more than ofia--In .iftiy

-^/iOKls.ror Uib Mcona time Ulls- 8cas6n.

.'Idalu).FallH scored first In Uto-

WatKliurn Culiei

T 3 41 A Sl.OiO Ctiicaga,

„....inger<*4*l lot'iuock II ,Pnpavici\.3i>. 4 1 3 Q‘..DavllUI(UJWilliam* |l * 1 ) 3 £(' M I I - 3*;'-'f

, ' . . " ‘ '’ - .."'(‘VCMlVltl>»*--^0.}.y..' York ' ■ 40.31- S4S -

Mtckr*i«n tf .J.Q . £allnon*fl.-i.{l.0.p Alltn ll> ' ^rr>ilh in 4 0 0 O-To'fa^lb-- &anio lb 10 0 O' Simmoni C

‘Oottir pV '■ r 0 0-0 RoflriQuej |> 0 0 0 0 -T*vlw

'nui-homer by CaiJas May — Kd- Brinkjnun-:_uiid^ I’auU Casanov'a delivered run-scqrlng singles In the aevenlljltuiing lo ‘Kive,the.Wa.shingtoniienntors a , .- ip h n;»-V-vlotory over thc*Bosh)n'Red—»;*J?7;vKn^«)-ii::^pr.-jnrj t

wailts off Sonny . • j . ” ' ! ! ,

..... 1......... 1...... . « i f liii

Sincfctir.... . 3 r# « M«I. t#uU'- •, IB IIMJIM- »C Giliton Dt* Cliltauo, 1. tOn Chicaiio

N»W WK' • M M« Ml—JDitroU . OOJMflOfl«- »

r~ti ^^lchaal.. Ullll OP- Mtw York X Dclfoll i LOII- Niw York 9, D^lroil 4

311 Clarke, iltnleyt W<rl, Woodt.HRt •C-nm-'Ul, 5f4liloy ' (4>; "KJihBo ilOI.


'__ toltonuoimm.foiirUi alien Hon

— •Frnnlu'drow'thc only baie on,

^ biill8 .;U|at. lU lb It ju ued .„H e .i-^wwent-to B6c6nd on B (lngl<tjiy- _______

=U .Bw ; l«ad^W M -rirtW .U lV ‘ di:

... '311 Dnwllllto. At.uctio*Oih\(m <»l. C«r<ito«i (Jl . AlUnJfl •

■ i*n FrannuiD»c '»^ . ,^ 3 1 ) J J 0 * . Mou»ton , ^n*jl/IOii8l .- •, Ja3 ,3 •].* 0 3, oi#00 ----

—— — i0 ’4t'.0_'B ..O’ O’ ...... vr*x.—I-' - ——l i v r j r'o 6-; -•'7 -.-'

JOY5ll«tSSl5IWE&8MEfeBnYS MDM.sf

-however,.lan .Ogjen licbred 0: U n ! i p l r c ^ / U ! i o c i « t i # > h

•p f^ led V he n - lh tH ftW lli- P ifllr

t)ie Twin Falls' ;Wotrton.'a. Golf Association

lre»- Assoclalloh, ,■ meets at II a^m. T lilii^ny.ot the

■ S w ' ' ' '

...................... id T o lls r t l l lb e s e i;^ ,

4 c h ^ u l^ m 4rur tho

Page 21: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m


~^'“ *"TH iW «]mur^T3eiffiy-M e^nU-avB>'l^ ,

. ’ U in'i tho_pitcher whose **pi«»l- to tffrnn^ft n—^lufnr^-^ ■WlU uni) llvarlm>"'L‘(JML hlrn li t»a>nl)lora' wlUi wjtptn e * •h ft lf;B V ffB on=*.t jipeV aIon^bu l==a iu« ltc lu lcd ;V ^-^-— ----- -—

M ^ n n ^ u w ^ if n r ^ lH c ' ' ‘8 aW 7 l^o sday tha

""" ''P lins lo-ifly Into Dotri^lt

n lfrw ifcrW erdn^^ay- ;

--y,.-.-'_wlwso Uncanny hblllw to throw-'-l. IffH'. .Ui» TiKer# ', McUlrl’fl ., McIJiln'^aW bo did not ?ool m M B i;i3D O > j;iir-B ngU rid^^ ‘ p lo n8H lp r:^e8dB r‘u1U!r:- »«bny-and-by.'t»w=HQSdMw:;’a uawballWdolilmTtlt6'mriJoi-' rohirn- nuiy-bc ;^ yoti “ In faci.-lf I c6 uld 7

CUPfj~AustrhHan8-JQ>m-T*Iow^1l>o-Unt^dSUteB-wa«-rtnl^bn8-yflafg l»tor.-lMid^^^planrtbd^to-loag^ea«^fi^sMO^^amci\v^n^a^lTrT:h^^fil^mJ^^lcin:thciICq^e5^ol;a£^gtlUVy'^4^1^Btm:^thlflKift^^^-i----■^illbgJ'W id Kfttt nosy\Yfall «nmo'awoy from losing lU last ItoeptheTmll away from Tony^a m yonfs, returns lof lws«l)aU--~WiimailL,Tho tciim ls '> U)!rd. iKls thlnK/lKht now I would bo1-- ,-.-.-u^(d-lho’>iMttnIIflha)s..nf-lhn--„mi«:&rcprosantnUvtLWht»n.rijln_tiimffrnua„badllimld:TlEY_Cryr^Aywtn7»CTnyntl|W» • ’p*^^ r~ ~ ^pl»rLfthi>frt'Amnrlp»m:ljn|»fti*niiJi:fntnVtorffrk:hyJViiHnftBrtny=yn^

— ^---^ItK^OOO.Wlmbledort Open tciinls ^fforod a tcmporairy respite. - thlnSf worked ll . vTh'c' Dolrolt-TlKor- iitflr*wlll Eimtl.pivMron, ' fiovon^UHmdH ■ J have. Just-.put ,lt out Qf-.)ny •x J • ‘ - Nowcomboi. Uio 26-yo(ir-old. - ' " j T " / \ I ' mnko.lila HoaHondoblifol IwKind nnltlmoro /five m indjism uch aa noKslblo until.

; ___ '■ ■ • Mooond seed and IM7 Wlmblo- 1 U g h - J o i n s l n r^-Tl«cr Stadium iifn nlijht ftnmp-.IwMnd.tho YhnkooH. / . tlio dny of the Kiinio."............. "i ^ Q l J l J r i C r r i • don chnmplohKr^>IHcd for a • nunlnst the i*'"

"-"Tey5s Vo tlcclsloii overVL _ ..........-nov-IErmiriin-oWiistfallaj

il% d for a I ^ - - " I .;.:- . V "Mnylw li;U-,Wko, u/- irpA 'r^rs4^.-r-M snrr„^„—

'spbrCswrllers who' havo tlkpdrtn-htnr i Bcciitiv. ' !___ 'J

loxas f>ouinorn universuy uiu^ O u rk in n i^ n c r o fJ Jo w York’ ff- i«ctlon ttwrtr-

Pn ia ra iiS iM n l com dT i™ p,„y ,

IhnnMyto mo|tthT b^oro ,tho - q',;,',dnji bocaiisq-Df rain. Ke^ro. Puiili la .nol In any!Slarrof MIlT^nctlre, _A u^M . woB Um'dnlyyjmcrican (tosmon-atthe momisnW-to J ) '

Nosucfosjorwns nnmedrPaU r („r „s u,o'*(|uarlcK-^“ 'y'l'l''« "'''Wd*'37, had a 27-1W rcwr<l.~,| “ijT-^-U ,5 .............

-\-NoBucpoMorwas nnmedrPaulr ....... ........ .......... ..... ......... .........................

.1' ...1". 1 1..! slcned ff'neW contract for

' T„;,:ri,srirz^' c

. 'b f -a--.Wf-aK»l»ta„t-and ^ ^ j - t S ^ , i l R M-ihcfenaed- ............ ' • ” .nn nnrr

including a i-^2 mark Inst fnll.< Snwyor said Paul was ro-'

licvctl of hia duties bccausc of n disciplinary problem . witli n

adminlstrntlon. for upgrmlinu tJio football program. ' “

- Tlio j!lficlpllnary'_ problem

Involved -stac* flnnkor Isaac pjjgg nj,,} jj noltcd-forehanti ,Jeffer«pn of Dallna, who got in Bnvc'Crricliiier two points for0 fight with anollier aludent-q,ecqmilizing l)rcnk. -

' • during the apritig semcstcf. tiJ 'lJU j «am(5 Tay Jefferson, .6-2, 100'R0und"^wo more fcltancea when he had

^-.sophomore. j^ S ^ p lr tc c d on, two iWatch poinU}, He lost the V— prol^.tionr--^ , fifst i'hcn he' wjia just lonK

"■"Tiiey wanlccrt^roxpel- him’, -wiUi (a lob 'UiiU had leli

iMif n fniiU wnii onllwi niifl hc ilcscribcs it simply as “X momentarily threw him and he “ rabos of doUaVfl.'Urm Je^li^

• - • - or hc Would piny out hla.oiJtlonr

^Ucnfro, a stellar'free safety wlio is'cxpccted to plut! up the

netted a volley. A tol-ehand

cofrtcrbnck* sore spot ,.ln tl Dallas secondary tlus seas<m, wasn’t quite as voluble, Ijut said that he ''was unhappy apd would be on the movo-abo

i i i r c o r n r

S A llE -

nnil IsjoodupjQLlilm 'nnd this riml-l|ni-r--sii-nn7l'cd'. ihon wps Hayca and Ills ag(>nt. slevcn_^ I Uitok-tiaii a lot to do with I t , " , inchcl nwnVwlUi li W o u s — P«>l<T>f-MlamlrFla-havfhad-.| Paul said. “ I would stand up • foreliand cross-court pass. - one negotiating sesjflon with A1 for him tomorrow, rie was a Hoscwall meets the winner of Ward,. Jbc^.Cowboys as^stant.kld^’from the ghetto nnd 4o U tc Ta y io r-O ra e b n e r c la sh with • Honcralmanager,nndwoibdup.

mrow him back in jje ghcttb\,^pwcombQ_hfineing fln ' •^very far apart" on terms: • well, I felt tl^e school has a vcrdict belwceli Gimono and’ ^ g h . n.sked how his sessions Tefiponslbillly lo him.-...............l-Qj^jchaelv '-^^^--~- — — —wont.wlUi-Ward,-repllcd:!_ _ —

women's soeH*lrom Austrrtli;\,• wiUi(b^«v from' two doubles .

my . job on the line for him.’ ^m kir ihjurV suffered In her Tills Is how strongly I fe lt. . winnbng quarter-final Monday about the kid." n«alnst Germany’s Helga Nies-

: >For A m c ric a C up

against Germany’s Helga 1 sen. Site is a doubtful starterfor. Wcdnc8day!a__acml:[lnnr ____ « .

-agaimit” Rosemary .naBals-of- - Snn Francisco. n )e other .semi- nnr rnntolios nillic Jean Kind

veterans of thcJVrncric^ 6 jp Francoise Durr of France.races Joined three American Newcombe ciune within a „ , • , ,yachta and a I^cnch 12-meter whisker, of elimination by

----- vo89el-off-Newport-Tuo«iayaB--E,nerson—tlie-UMM-flS^chnmpi— 41ia_AVS*Shadow,- a_l25fl.OOJ_— •^nr~g6ntcndcr»~Ti!X‘pnrud- fo r ' bot~h(r-pullftd-out—the-big— expcclmonLln..rnnigm..rnce qaff.

trials to pick a defender and seryico.when he needed It most tjeaign, was sqrlou^y battered—t^allcnger for Uie covcted lo survive. —perhaps irrcp(iyibly\-rby a

__ _ ^ _ ^ o phv. . Dcucc wascalM.sev;on times .'liighway crash

inic '"Weathofly ' and' - the- in the first gome of the fourth~"*0“ t*’®•• OinstollatloQ'worked os pacers set anil Emerson hold five Sunday's Cfto*Am. i-nce-at. St.-

• • the diallengers, the - b-eak-Doinls^>efore-Nowoombo— M t e. Quc.._Weatherly wluTVinianrandlho' got off Uio hook. Emerson also '“ n ’elfard. of: Costar-Mcsa, Conatollatlon with Ujo'F rance.- u„ii break points in the third,' .Calif..business manager for the

WcaUjorly won -thc- raco In.. fifth,-nlnl^ and I5Ui games of Shadow project^sald.tlifirothor• iflfl? n n fl r n natf>llntlon_dcfc f ltcd - (h < ^ fif< h - K n t- h flfn rQ - N Q w c o m ^ro < w ^ra m m Q a _ ln to = th o .'5hadQw •

~ 8 ;| a

Page 22: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m
Page 23: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

tiroHS (if.llio busfnuKs^riu. ................. colli

nf -tho. 122-yonjM)l(l -InrftiUJtlQp ■ nro,wuTch[n|P| ^

................ conU-from tlio; I4<,li(x. jii i0 thu k sp ‘JcUPoltT

corro.s|)()n(li»iMiltpro tliu. [)re.. A, iSt<iniii;ri{„i)h- ....... -.......... . . vIouTyeHr. ■ ' *„lwrseJ£lilncr. upprS icc l

One T»"~n>o ]iflth^oUlntic(l ' ‘- Qpon lnter.eat >*--coTitnrc‘(s iijienl' iiMUsido H (Jln'orjj(u)(l loW [j-miInK r(y>ni-0 ^ thri - lirtL iito - wincn-ijniUmd-Ao-bo Ketlled by hlr#|hC''liatti'o sure winner.^’ k_,_ ._.,^,cr3r=rcTrr::rn..i..i..:^_|p,i',|yi;.«(>p.l,y.pljyi,ly(,l ji-llyci-yMit!W M A to i^ .ul)UF»OfLu<lth

or futuriis contfliclH :t‘liihl). jftifil”^1060 'lcvds» ''^" V • . .In Uio-pjiKl two-yoar«. Uio... iDn Ihut’ Moor* tliiicpjH .dully lyiiird has • uwlDrijono nnnti> irii(llni> [n l)]>Klci~~f Hs»t»fft> ' c.iani'OK Which mnku llio

^'othor miitorlnlrf’ ^ ‘ present yo«i-s iirowtn,urfilor■^ltlCH';zlC:^Ui(^JU)ldcr—of—Iwo —fli«n(lHble;— ;■ ,■^wi]tirfllU)^eH'mnrtR'ln'Clilc/i^^ r<irmc*r I*r«iilcluulial Aiilo

iio. Quntotlhns the traders offers Many are,ig the adiplnliilni- •• on- Ms . iiri! v^li’<'‘^«iPd:^vV'f1(!hn^lYi(JnUitc-frotn tliL-

ariinnd hlli'-wiirld as irillif.alioli ' a s s u m p t i o f n i r - IJiif pres- ,_of_t^,^wstiito=of»pcimt_Iului:cs_' Idon'ey. nf(«r many .montiji' ,of


-StatcK. • fnt <1 cnndirintitj by Wilson. 111?'. (!or'‘ !»•'* iiiul.-tl fMiiif-’ n IS a former aide to Prusidonts corn, niiis. rye and whdaf; basic I A iiHtm'Triijliivs^ifi imcTT^^

lira fnej

.. __. nivtif cati"i'>

Ltp n * ^ dill '.'iK huno(jicryHo^nh|.,MuM h e i in jif scliool y r ^ U i j fp ; <»i»Ia In tynH

u h-6l.-,Hfcih()Knn«;' ond ‘iViiK/tColhiflpJut. . but. pal

in.4utv.Vrv.. ContrtCl. -f'iir!,onncl‘ -Diy<.«|lo<-,-j3il.43rft

H6RE i&ArArfrop( <tun|*ytofft«k{prol'H' Tf)iv.wai’ff,tflufr* J


W'*frrniioirhutr> efioM . VWit’oVttAv.iJnrfclv. P.O. Bo-

• - ..........— '^i3>os flnd yoo'irn^*


^ • r t o n a l '

i« of'cjvnr, ilOO Jar.J-wrfi’cKl-WorK A i‘/ i n ijrtH .W N o r LP N . ■.n iflntirf ;caiL.Cn(nnli''£^_G'fi'

■ ■ 'R ^ S i A u R A N I .

In Q urldy. idftHo. L o ny 'ti.j’m

T l i i l i s ; .s u y lr e iin s , . s i i .v l iu i in I s L ' i i i i u i j y j m i l i n i 'c i ;.nwil, 1111(1 soylMiin oil. ilic: .lust-. niui»lii..r iif Ihe-Niirlh .ainilirmrufinod belnR-thu liiRhc.'it in -sintcl^iiisliiliire:---

volume ilurlni; Ihii pii.st month; . n«-' bonnl Ims sUiniitti-'il to

.......... „i9Ci.-. -.ailvctjiriilwwiiflil.— -^ — _ _ ---

CoMKervnllve AsscxiimeiU put sit baf.l{ activuly in. .U;-; --iJdnnisoiirces suy-lho-alunip. seciiritit-s aroa,-n<o b(iai-d Ik im in sccuriticH trading.■nncLjhg.- iMiduiriy.ed securities cxchant’o.

rT»uKu: tligtjaTrhl'oy nave but~-ti^' not hanuiea Vran~r been roflcctod j n - futures . siiciiun'. siiicc 19W. • d e i f c ’s; B'/it t liuT ie lirc^ . ~ '

first "^Quarter and 'month-l)y- it »lso sh(,\vc(|.i{s,,riHjni-vrlni month Ifirmit^h May,J'J70. show .s|)irii in Ifiiili by admitting it:

■that- ibia—juay^bti- a -nit^l^lmit:aiom%nt(uiib<it;.s-.:;OLni;uil c;onscriiiiliveasse:\iiiIienl. ■ 1)’. they do'not participate in-i

__ _____ _ ~*7\nKoT}TrdT5nhrftrst-qwtur—flm7r~n*rRlin|r~K'ifriike''iiriiM\"

SriLLONTHE OUTSIDE, two womed |ici'lnta 'Hc® lVy'« - » lOJO. Prraidenl Heor.v H. major Inicliiiii |)it.s^™ro bi.ldini! Old Ale Homo In Niiw VorkTShlbh l> allll maintaining ll« niiin- WJlson reported thnt from , an. is loudIj voool .ind contoct i.^;'

only.pollwvUiitwcclij.lcdcriilludBorulcdthnlMc§ofT6y’» wii» • , '[“'Jjll' Murtli 'H. '• "i 1 " .■.ometnnes-ilifficii

oimWlcplncDnndlioiccmiMlbcnticncdto.iill Sililcre.ranlciind-' J;'" V n , 'i

tcrafllcnlllic.l1ic,siloonlinBnppgilcdlhcrull.HB. nn<lJ«»llo“'«|l 11- Im ‘1 ' , ,, ,

(1’OKYp (UPI) - Order a eliminating the need for'an el-i

hniise at a department'store,' ectriea! engineer .to supervise have it Rift-wriipped at a {no* ohase.of the operation. Al tory and send it airmail.to a constant pressure tociter as** friend who has an empty lot *s\ires Unlfonn -nuiliriy. .

’’Tt'eun be done In Jiiplin of[|c;uil5 ,L y

1 • iced ■ broilers, ihu Sceurltiea-and T.xnhnhi{i> Qifninission a hlan'v^lilrti umtKl

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS,-Twin 'Fnlli Cdurlhouio.. wwjneulnv ,*t'B :10 p .m . Por F u rO io f . J n . < orrtin tlon :‘ 733-iOiOr-Ai-A<ion->Vd - n o o r , 731.^457.

AtE lnufl»tlgii>or/-nJ‘4 Hour '. ■ „'tcp.' -all—CownUimtiBlT-Phowy .>/ ' " 'V i~n T T tm ‘l '

PRlVAtE Inuflitltjiilor/^r^J^our

CAMR lo7"r,nll(ircn.

‘I'fo.iro /inu c.iro (•»pon?.<.'S firov.tli;d olu'. clolhiny .loa TneOlCrti. cnrt-.

-CO'T-Ki l-Uio D'JPt-/ 0* PuTiIiC A-,-~iianL(.v:73J 2inh2j<::Ad^

__AytiijL- V/'-IiL-Twtn.hu— • —V :

k i i l r

t4EIED RIDfc-10 Phoenix. ^fil0n.>,-

^dby SI*t«»'*~-CKira~Car<— 16, .

CHI LOO FN’S.VILLAGE. ChilU C cijnter■ imnv 3 anu up- Ptionc 731

' F , i i n i i n ( i I ' o t i T n l i i i r

,J .( iu ll .| u m o IVr Vnur

.-_Lmiiiiiiahl/iii \ S'D r iiu ,

_ltan&fils l.ifc ln>iurin»:r

i t i i o n r—

. H o r n e t F o r S a U

rH T W lon ; ■

S lm r in t ' .

n jQ f.___ . _____ _____ 7 _ ;^ i? jirH -P<*rs«hn*^I O r f ic t

nQ m c..cxcoller\t locBl'Ofl |

5 ^ E ’ NE Y ! 4 'o ic J rd o ^ t . '< •> ' . I OPt.oy, i r r . oahof t — » J ; W » a o v / A A c * ■

.W E M O D E L E D Ih ro u o n o u t . . ? •' D earoom , lo fm a l, d i,r*n O '' 0 * ^iu rn n i:e ." "d o u b j% *2 *^ ^ ® * '

' ■ ' ASSUME 5 ' . . per C«nt lo « ". 'J "

- beoroom , I f lm i l / rodm . <J»r»0 V I l7'Kon~^/m>f~‘tniOOQ. Acf y.


C'^AUUEY. -pincemeni jiitmwi ,—?nH-Pina^Pnwn-o==


II. iliilil fi.IMI ji.iii.

. iKill I nil-

l;iir.i.l-.AU-1.i|UHl----l>|i|i>>rlNiiil> I miiliin r

F a r m W o r k W o n » « 3 ^ 7 i^ ' 3 3

IM W E O IA TE OOiVflVSion L p v i / Qtaroom hom®, lirBplilC**! DUilt-'H ' <ipoii.\nces, carport; ••^ced /nrd. |

' ciQii.-\lo Morn.ngtitJe .-Scnooh...,Slfc.aOQ E iC 0 il« r ii ierr«% S«« »h-» too.-*/ Cftli Dill 731 8033 MountaiA

■Si.iti^CP«flf'7^” -j'it74--- :•— •________...>s. ... ~ ^

N E // LIST|»!|G. four DiM]ry»mi, bII, r rr7 ftw rrn w iP B a » B » 7 ^o rm 4 l=

----------------------- I ' lu r n ic i t r -

News Of Record r$15, speedinB; Allan Lee Pid- cocki''4B3 Martin St..;$5. stop ■si[»rt v io lationJako/'W illiam

nnymohd Ira AlUiousc Sr..15fl V/Qsliingtqn -fit. N., $15. failure to yield; Max DeW^tyn(^ __

disorderly conduct with a motorTi^.- "$300,",drrvin}{

-vehiclc; S. -Joel Paterson, GG4' aqxicated- - ^itrrorrs-$i5-.

closely; William LeRoy Price, - SJioshone St


. . . , . -foiimltttionBi—oaft-«ur-v4w«-oai

..to 'nfliclnls ot Misiawj Ilomep

N., $25, drag In a recent test flighl..ir twin- devastated Peru in June. A ind -roKUtance text showed

bled, flve-riom liouee and deli- l''“‘ 'h*-' bulldinns will not rip verijd it to’a plot ol landjniles np 'i;! In mndsof 131 mjles

away. A window frahje w as ^ p

forfeiture-,-‘acratehed -on-ianditin-but- a n r iiririiUent slorr sales of I

disordoHy conduct witlia ipotor Hansen, $10, speeding; Micliaelvehicle; S. Joel Pateraon,* Gf)4 ’.Patrick Sproitse, Jerome, $10,Alturas, $15,’ following too ,sp^*cding;-nodley Dean Berry

. clnsclv: William^I.eRoV Price. . Ktler, -S27 bo nd ‘ forfeiture. _______________________________ __________Howard Apnrtments, $25, speeding-; Mic^"ael CT fipishing spray^^raseti it. ynits are a possibility. ^ ,

. d isorfforIyconra^inrrrn6Br ':.NU-Ginnis. lUc'io'p officials say. TIieiT! may comevehicle: Lelnn Swartzi 1530 light violatiiiilT' Robert D . maker and seller of pro-fabri* when the transaction will

_K lmhnr.l^find^^cnsl5. falUire Uissen. 7:i2 Greenwood Drive, catcd homes in J ai^an^It ^ -b,. conducted ovei- telephone

, iPr tt.ri..Ci:o ,v.irfnQuit<-i.ini wholcsc>l f'Kictncfll supply hoUn*. m.tior ,lcni;v Snl.iry open, Ir/ngu

_Ucr rtti.k.-musi-ffttotii o-io-touin - ■■ wr' l Wyoming. Sonil roium^fto* .

is5,.0 reon,0 >ver. Wvo-

inoi.73)31«or 733;,

CUSTOM 3WATHING and bhiino Joromo^324 53N ,---------- -

irp sales of ityg , ih'iiity, Misay!a ‘

I ,T n HutK^r,,

Mag.c -Valley anytime Evooi 5910 or 731 6S31

LOT&"Of*- CHAUW In IhU lovilf"'— brick hom»r-Pullv m li«rn kflchtfir-

)d. lovely (jrapti.-'full" rbAiftmint. 3 fi/sQ'scvit..

Are tirodSALESMAN!U u u jL lu flO on-------- ---------------------------

rpiociJ? We h.ivc 100 porconi customer ari’angod* Appoinlmonts

edit pro approved n you

-,;t|p.t:Wg5 d:Prob lorn •IN YOUR FIELOSOft PASTURES?

75W, or Lsi‘id OMict ol Idaho. : . . 0716, Reallo^t. Acrott .frc m Stari.

CUSTOM, roller h piantmu. ciiicny in*.l.-clici0cs H.irl 4226 — 733 WO.

Stanley Newton Itabedew, 703

Shoshone St. N., $20 bond for- fp itiire . expired d riv e r 's

Uoutu 2, VO,

expired driver^*; license: John Elvin Presgravos, Soa.JH«rrisori,

_ , $10, following toQ.closely;- Uortald MUflslor^2i).Ouk ^ Mormon building Is the Ta-• Flo'rence M. Gardner. Box KK. co'SlU, expired safety irfr its^s-thfrcompSnyTrallsthcm, pavUion which features p:

Twin Folla,-$15, failure to yield;' spqction;' Johnny D. Bryantl stand assembled m Japan s An- bricatVd. steel units and

•— — B«9Slo-B6fnoy— R ou to- 1 ^15 ,— j^oromer410-cosUplQud_pJpc^^_4anclij^aS£-aLihQWii^u_uih_tji,,t-fi\s.in(o-fl-wuUbintH>Wwnt- failure 10 vM dT^iiT es E ^ r i f s ' j 'red V inuunt F lu iu n C ^ Ki, d6i y lw p im ’ait“ A b i r W .^ sK;ei pipes.i. , ,

Jewell, 4Q2 Jefferson, $30.bond expired license plates; Tawho the M iddle East. Officials say pavilion officials say the units

fnrfoihire. dlsnrdorlV conduct M - c a n be assembled in one week " — with n m o r c i ^ e h i ^ c r ^ ^ ^ — ■’ ■dfr<^r*s-^icenfl©|-»«i‘n « r d i n o f l q t i « l - i « u b b o V a n o M . — ni^d lulfljfPUfnTn-tn tw inlnyaT

* Ellswortii W. GerrlshV 22B ' PuGntes,~“iIerftn!)c. *1 0 . 'fn«ltyr - Thecoro unit, a futuristic pro- li^ficliroo^Tilsadlcdir'capsule’’ ■'‘~ ^ ti~T*^^^ ' ^ ^ ^ 5:~exnlrgd~~equipment-«--Pam e la— JQ,ycc to t^ o of which is on display ut--ind thet)W 'nercan'arrHnge the-

~dt‘lvor^f*~H^en^e; - Peggy A.- Keirtonr3i(>3 -f t tlu;onT-^Ifl^t^l(^tijxpQ-^-lffQ£alcn,'-scll’r locaIly_Qp(jgp,nf iKf^roofna, ir e ; -bHth—•

' Brgnson, 357 Diswell West, n i , i-ule; nut)( Ann M ihgo , for $3,750. It can be assembled roomsncxlir)ihebedroom .since;

speeding; Myrtle' Brady, Route 390 Maurice St.'^ within a wt\:k by foiir/'men. Or, {jji cjipsules come in the same ;

pan in lubjgn f p e c . a l l y < l 5 S I t | ^ i l h e r i they any.- trailer trucks. It has two.fac* a 'Japanese pavilion ■oi ii.xpo tones in operation ami more are sttoVs what » fiiture homo m»v

look' like. Standing nexl to llie ........ •' - Takara

Vi ‘.U [K-fL'Hl'n

■nut^'Wey, Tvrfin


■HMEHt * CntHng-cnfraae m your aroii. wonflerlul ;Ci n’ccepiance •iind_<joo£j_

I lu w iiiy , ur tlcrO'CiflCS i d i*L‘ierv^. :

I_LhaV h a u l in g n

Phone 431 Sf«3. J33 3B71.


;lean li^o'Mdroorw e lot, boaut'lui yarQ

.... ,uiatJou»ion-Jegmt— Ntfar Shoppino CentliU'

phono 733 7613______________________I . . . .

EYE APPEAL ana pwrH.apo»ifT«.' Tni) aiiract<v* ana inavpantivi BBOroom'nomr-wili caniLyal#-v0tf7r“

'"'Wainui'paneihno, tirpot, Duill-lrt-

produci'.. Moy consider QOOd n ,• »ii.„r, i;»rms <ind rflnchos w

".T»V.s.". ■■■“ other iinci' '.TlVis- <s a won»lt'f lul oppor-tiTn'ity ' tor Ihe right fpan. Wrilt'today to Trans Conimental

i.nnit Co.. P. O no_» 713.flPBlrjii, ~'T Piefl'.p' encloifr-

isiory anU [Jnonc

VyANTEl>^U...... _Jil bee.Jerome, 374 S3B.

BY '<3^EU . Two bedroom, neg- . paint, inside arid-^ut-Uew cerpelTT

_»7SOO. 733 S7J4. :vSVl/ATHING^ and balmtr^' UlOir’i',-Cuslom -.FflV.mln0.i_C.all__fi.4Cl.V-. L

inqs ot/ uvonioaw-3?r>«4a.^

-3, $15, failure to yicld;“ Cli'arles . speedlngT^Howard'

Ellis Slotin, 354 Maurice St. N.,$15.tailiire to yield; Sharon L.Hanes, 1224 Syringa Drive, $5,expired driver's license; Odell

Cover Buttars. -1075 Sherry -bmerlZST-distyrtferlxreonduet-

;as thG"compnny publicist says:

' “ A CDiipUi-<ito-4<tiuia.tia«Jlicir..

_ w U h .4 i-n io L o r _ V £ U ic I f iu D £ b i:Q ____! ? M l s o !

-son; 1230 . Prim ro ile .,

disorderly conduct w’itli cl hujtoy honeynmoon with an e m p tH o f '

vdiic le, disiirderly conduct with i»nd je tu rn 1t> find their dram r I i i • *»n * I ^a motor bphicle; Janis/G W in, home completed." _ _ \ -iO ll | j l t ^ . • \ l i c i l i i h

442-Monroi S t;,.$ l5, sp<icdin)': Tlie block-shaped home has a . |^ ,

JPiamnsITfkpph nQv...mTylerv floor nrf»n M fp<-t._ A rm-V U t^U I I I O i l


*ifnp selling AVON'S lum/nor line ol coir"'.'i-.s nnd toiipi'-i-s b<irn lof. Ot Cnti-’nov-- 733 74Uor




D A L liji

.TOM* hay sincK ino anyw here, issonoor an^ Loz/ls, 334 J34S^

DALiTjG W fltlled . bio 1 ^ ifr.Have -i^topm an. Ba ler. iH o rm a n Ph!pp>. pji ne 733 H.W- ^

HAM S T A c jx iN G , E xp e r ie n ce d si.K'Kino (liih narro fl' t)cd Oo .inywtiero.f43 4041. Quit Uo.D nnd*

Norenc- Monroe, Route 3, $10,

■ ■ ' spccdlnBr"Bcnjam in -Herman

________ Jones.-IV)Ute i . . $100. driving^

Hori^r-conduct jwith d X H H l i r

{tnd its cQmnonents arc being>

s pr-ofluced at two Mlsawa snosH U M !: - .\1r. nrt'd-Mrs

W-1 Jndsay Mayes left this tveek -

whilo intoxicated; Tliomos JohTi' 'HpfoIcT

Flynn. Route iKK lmberly, $10. B luoLo

■no (irlvor’fi llccnse^ .G a g I f

^]ilcl6;‘ Arthur . U.^jpass . ./en.dell, $l. bond.Jo)S'fftetorles. Offk;ials sny they can ------ . ^ ,Impi/oRcr bockin^i'^fldliiatto individual requests and for .Hopid City, S. D. where theyf :ugct1ic74^511ur , ii02 .design homes to-tt. custoiTjcr-'s wuf; aiiend die reufftmr"onhr

Marsh, 634 Warion St.; $15,- -following, too closely; Shirley

'Ann Mllneiu-401 V/ashlngton St.

S:, $15f failure to yield; Valerie

Josephine, Cnsten, 576, Tifth,

M c . '^ D . , $15, fa ilure to yield; •

Dorothy G . Wenzel, Carey, $10;

Improper turn.- W illiam ' Kempe;-. - 7:17

Tlcense; iiarbara u iruon ,

llth Aye. E.. $5, no' safety

helmet; Herbert E. Stiles, 22V

Adairs', $15, failure to yield;

Jerry YoOffg’ 137 J ^ u r th Ave.

, ' Km $5, no safcly“lieIrfioli Steven . D'utler; 52r Fifth Ave. E... $15;

Jallurc to ■ j'leliTr-Jocy FItz- patNek. Eden, $15, falluro to

__yloWi_CarjQ_Tflylor,_(Illl _Iiyn-, — wood-Blvd.\ W, lmi)ropor;lanfi


$15, following too llkolng

JJnda-^-FTrrflhawyef;— PipcrconncctlCltS" linU other

World W ar II Army Group, the

______ (0 tiuiK ufliiaiioii,

Eden, tlrflg racing, r u t l l i i y i r o n l r o l s - o r e gathered in M r. ’Hayes was ‘ nam odJ . Abercrombie, ffi20 oncpanfl\Electrical wiringimd--‘Oiptain of thcM\ll-State ieamMarti ______-........... - „ .

Fourth Ave. E ., $10, following outlets for fixtures are built in

too c lose ly ; Chery l Lynn

K ukcndu ll, Rt/uiij 3 , .. $25

iMv conduct with fl motor

; Eve lyp J . 'tJun to r ,

$5, expired driver's

MnnuDl “ CMnr'Sftli.^,

b:l4«bor-e«nior.: r A . ' . » h W r u l e r ---------------

1 434 Rourth Ave. W., $35, ‘ Clcrk-s Office t 0 remain at the scene of Divorces were granted to Con

lent and $20. no driver’s W; Kcnnard from Wlllfnoth E. ): Ronald U o Giiil&ifnVn ‘Kennard; Paul H; Ale iiandor II ■tf;TirmtBT^rtp-wtfoty > fronv-SandrB'-A^xandcr; Nclea, t jTflfffo^ Ballonttne, fl(M I . Truff from Geary T.'Truc;

, $5 coJitfl, no'liafotj^ M arvin D . McGhoo from Kristi*

Post Corhinanders" 6^ Veterajjs

of Foreiwi Wars at Ih e rqcent

-Stale cunveritioriliidd in Boise.

■nii‘ award was liased 'on his work .'iscoinmamler of r*(i.st flIlO

Oteur-d'Alene wlwre he has

M A LE ",over 71, p a r i t im e w ork, can w o rk in to lliH t im e and possible assistant m ijn a d c rsn ip . Apply, in

•••person. -1133 q iu e Lakes Doulovard- P in a Hut,

MZ'N FOR general la rm w ork. M odern house lu rn ia filtd . 433 S4IS.

COORDINATOR — Contact and lucato Food Stam p R eclp ionlt in

DeFord. phone 4 3 1 iU l, Kanson.

CUSTOM D A L IN G b iu o r sm all lobs, have Massey Ferguson ba ler. Phono 733 S 4 4 I^ '-

•arHlieStat# Convention in Boise.j._______ -------

, ji;* iS'tttt son of Mrs, Denina 1 t o i l ond Found

lUidUlTack, Slui.slume.'

“V N O TIC E OF ATTA £W M C N T;................................... .................... . M arvin D . McGlioo from Krisll'

hclm cili n ic h jir d J.' Bocka, .K , M cGhcoj Judcc Loc Bonner Sl^'^DiHO J - ° -nnutoi‘2: $23. dr¥u'-riicRi'ii:'from’ Justin Joseph-.Bonner, M.'jay auTte aniruua-A.-Owrke,

- ' l > S a S l » T y

nda- L.

; LOSTMommot**StfoWion n c r fy d d 'o 'ta o ' Reward. 471 S4]7, K.mnerly.^

W A N T E D 'tf^pe rle nc i.'d din ing room w aitresses lo r top lob In area exce llen t b ijn u l l t i . 733 1314.

543 4736. 733 7405

LEO 'SCU STO M FAR M IN G P ite r 4703

CUSTOM hny"tiB ling . Call Bernard - n o llrr ta n , 733 3S3fl. ‘

r> o »cH A y.h flu tm B :a iw *n ircH j'n irca*«3'S fl59, K lnW wrly. •

- chanRo; • Dcvbrly Joan cosIr;. noisy plpoa; Rhonda-L. Jtidoe Loo Fisher; and P h llllp ^ ip sQ hcrnandez . p^jjndani.

v - V - - - . r . s c M d e f e ; 3 « a * a i 5 K 2 T O ; : ' ^ S ^ w w ^ ^__———falluiro' tQ yield; Jehriirer-S,. coas, no hblfffot; iJiyiTlT^lrlClrestwatlon-of-formor name of in. iho^#ftovoeniiiiod,-co6n

■L^f ;'Sijndfly’'lTsriiny baOiMwrnon R e s trvo ir, 110 re w a rd . 33ft »aO.

a .n d o d lo .___ . .. "floy"- ^ d • AventM —N orth

“ UOST r B la c k - r t i ln i f l t _ \a p p e n rn n c u l i t l lo shaggy)

^ c im ty ~ ■ *---

h , $20, fa lluro to

/..Miller, 18IQ.j^n

LiTlmothy^ . P e rk ins;

O v d r la h d r Burloy,


_ _ _ ..................... J ' above e....... .. .;acn , . « l H o to S i. N , , , » 1 0 , /C a r 6 1 w H ; S u th o i- ln rd , , iwlng too-closely: Jamoa .A-, marriage llconao was j„cii;dinQ ihiere*i

-- ---- .... . .1 niAUwWii i-n/Aij Tftc/lnn You Aro.lui'lher. nolillAd/l>)/|l orv'a lla chm o iU has been iKU ftd In la l i i ■nct<otrwo^ titihrT>rorertr«»<"»>«.» do londanl by iho C lerk of lha Bbovo-

l in cn tille d C ourt.1 # • • • i iM iii ^ . ATTE S T M y hand and m e seal ol

Judllh'K. Baxter from William S^id c o u rt th is 24m day 01 juoa, ------------------ -- . . . . . . . . . . .. • ,

(s f rrUG5^M'E-l. M cC O Y, ... 1'robalD iQiiQH

y iu lu , l o r r y IV. jv im w r, i i» iu . fw ii i . w i iu w i i i ^ lu u i; iu » u i jr , t itu u u a .a -. iu a i i» i» u v ••>.w.<uw .7 ~ -LoRuo, 110, •spoedlng; Donald ^ a r r o n , 13Q1 Fifth Avo..E., 120,■ i^uod to meharil bafoytJordor}

_:.,.^.,U i^tard-C^WT41^41th ^ yaU-Hl»oniorly-condHrta>/Uh-J..ipa>or—anJ .Knth locn./n ffarI / »8anr.hQDL

E.,-llO,.rollovHnR too closely; vehicle; Rolwrt a e ^ a h , 1432 ..l}oodlng, ',V .' .......‘ ' *“•'* L o ^d a lo IWvo, 110, following Divorces wore granted


FO U N D; w .i*e r »k lis at upper ' Salmon, bo fll dock. Id o n llfy nhd •paV.flllf'334.5183, ' ’

$10 ; ..loo"c'losoly; Richard A. EstL-. .....................................• ‘ Moumiiiri 'Homo^A lr F*orc6 H- uaxier; Jinirioy A. Mltcbell

■ Thomas Nwl rjHacmMd/*Na;^'::Baso; bond forMtiro,' lm-‘ from Calvin J . MltcholU'Noll Kr... -T r^ .rr • d. B - ____ t . I K . i « _ t . u i . . .. 1- iiMifn.

HaM nn(J k'rmboriy'Road..73J p7:07


Smali^black do[), RoboM fL'rt. V33.^Uin.^U_i:^a^

S p * f id l N o t l c « i '

: , lH Y P N O s ts ^ : i: ir= rIflVil. sm OklngandrViernoryT

1515 Kimberly naat). |5,

1 Culver J'AflH.FKe*w£on^

n '5lchw<^?, BuhI,. r^atoratloh o t n a t i v e of.

i.iE tW jc^rim m ino

E X P E R IE N C E D fa rm h a n d .^ ir lu il know how to Ir r ig a te , year around -iobr4Afrk«u»r-( ior-^3Mmj-J3&

M A N -'-F O R -uboo' a I -'IariV> ■ 4A)/k. “ rnoderln .house lum ishe d .. Phw>#

433 37M ■ ■

rbOD : ,5TAMP ‘..CDMMUiJt-t.y. . W CtR K ffR : Contact and •d u ca l* t ^pood S tam p R oc lp le n tl .In lha

. areas o( t l lo llb illlV ^ And fP»iUm\im ■ .....J t h -

o u d J iA le . p i’cYeri’ t J . r j l f e d l n o - t i i la r v .1300. A p p iv '* ! local em Rloymeiol P ll lc e .;

m e c h a n i c

' I * .^U lW ••■'Vic*!

i l P r o m i l r t l ^ R l

U R W A-.....

~Savot the valuab le na tu ra l

. w ith cha rm to SP ire ! »lT,40(h; r in to ro s t ra te SEE IT NOW^t. 1 E sta io Service, ?33 1416,. • . I .k. • •••

W E H A v e a good

I0U» 5 boOrooiT).I. K Harr.son Realty, 7

CUTE and neat as a p in . 3 bedroonf^I rn In g t ia t area. s ij ,u w >qoo« ; ■ .....

3 Q EDRDOM . fu lly c a rp e ltd h noO,ort q u ia t-4 ir« a U iu a u h ), la r q t lo f...--------fenced vk riL laT -P ^ 'lvacv. t h l i on » ,

r*t l»« l a i l u i r ITS.500. W eu E nd. •Ity . 1)0 South 6readwav> Buhri ^--------

t43-*400-l6ry.»#tM ln tm m t ; : „ ■

Acreaoc.i’DScD.e tai^ation in T w in .^ , n ho m e.. loU Of p a ilu re .'

-liv OWNea^'^i’* •■Vlnd-for m oney; be au tifu l ip l i t l i v t l . 3 btg bedroom s, la rge fa m ily r o o ir t i -

' lo a a i or s to ra o t-A p a c a .-b u ilt . In t...Buy m y e q u ity , ta k fo v a r S'< loan.


TR EM EN D O U S 9 bedroom b f lH hom e in encollenl loca tion . Love ly liv in g ro o m 'a n o d in in g room . ) '>

.........................j j lA tM i- fa m l ly - to o n u .w ith b o i lh in - b a r - ^ n - lo lM ln l jh # ^ — basem ent, doub le o a ra o *. c o v tra d

........................................... J a t t . Ort .

Cooper,' 733 49ftO o r L a n d 'b lf lc t Idaho, R e a lto rt., 733 0716, a c r o l i from Sears.' ' , ,

Iro o m s , . . . _____lire p iace . lA rga g ia ite d in Iro n

^.po rc ti. • d o u b le g a ra o * / 0 0 0 c i~ location n in lh ave. Nc^th. |

4 BE0e00M( —3 up «nil-V4eswirr....... .. J_titaptoMttite«m*te

in o -ro e ftrrN lo ub le -«a ra oe . I | ’4-

H A Y H ^U L rN < ^ <»nd .p a c k in g Edgar O a lla rd , 7343374: .


ybrppn O lan da f, W3.4S73.

............. - . - / C M hay »• a n dco m ttln ln o . Johri J r ip ia it , 734 37». Tw li) F * i l i . . •

W d n t ^

YOUR H A N p »aw

pr«S»™**5t>(inl“ s"l^f[^nlno -SM- vice. S4l Mh Avenufl N orth . I33’

^lnlin«r O'

m m

IRONINO^.thlrfAVipicIa ''.Trtrhour.'Phora'.4>)4A70.. r

Page 24: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

- V - - : r v > ........

. d v , „ '. ; ; ^ ;^ ; ;T a K v ; « * ^ t f i r a ^ f e r ; ; ; ; 2 ! S E S S S S , > ^ : ? K ! ; ' “ « i5 *ftS ,".« « , ■ ' * •

.^ 1 , . TI,K,.1. Inunlu- l»ulrnninL rtwrnnlinn i"rt#i..i Uiltt. I l^-.sl .r n Clif4i./ .11 Incti 0(1 nnrACie, (llCOlV ■• • ^ ' o ’ rX »• m rr ■• ............. . ^ ,...L . . _ •* ” ‘'l''" .» J* i'_ • .^ V 'V* ou^MM^«iK»uiga*-j>4i— TOJr''Vrrnn\rr.^XS;«^ »y ' I

i i ^ H o m « IFdT ^ o^•»HAND Uf.^^\ Ldvolv b r ic k honi«'

f ik t r f l cmiiCi* .iwrUiOflSLMQCilf luinf 'L t ir i iB l

»Y d w N C U ; 3 h(*(lroomK, H vlnu nrnl l ire .i.n v H h tlrop lacn

.H a m a t EerSaU

J'Otn<ii. |QV»|v liv ing .,rnon» n?«i

c iu i? ^ .itlnc fio d onrffoe. »iicolv Ih ’nc'ucI Ifliu lscopc^d li* trd . C.^li tu n lC b Coopor, >]3 49£0 o r i,Anil tticn ifMhp nro?,u

Hornet fo r So l

k 11 f I H tir In rf i 0 I h>co<i T7.1C k~ V iird

iflTbnl coMrof '■ t^ lt i i i. llUUl' ^O IlflbjT S jo j£ ^ in W I« h lT -

»9A/ I2_v AO'- O C L U X n Ploii(wooiJ7' l ln r l in llv >nrAl6h«iO* l]ecfroni^t&.

iU lo u U lf i i ra i lla lc iL

arm jU ipU m ahlt^lW A T M E M ,’ jO f 'm 'D C C R U .3l< 17 ^cul. C oo ii cqntiKf^on. Rontonnhl

85 HCAp or owovami 4 iiucki lor 4»lo. f*f»ono 436 5b48 rln rth n|

TWmttn— v o tir~ o w n ~ < rm T rr co io fi. T lire r lo v e ly boclrbonu a ith uyo i.' ( in v tttc bnth o i l owm 'r» k ijiic . A ll ilouDie D jindow i — tw-u (rt'o ia .icvt- ' - rou o ti p|Uf« l'0(t lor

, , n><ron llon I'Acfot, with nropinci 41b b p d ro o in . a d io c n ii. lo t . n iu s l ii

j *c'oft 10 ftp p ro c la to , phnnoTW M l ■'• r t» o r .5;30 o r.v /onkon tU .. >'. / ’

• ,j>,ive -(‘ i/w . O n ly t } 6.4SO. M<ia*c ’ . iM i i i t . i tunK on iivm o ro o m ;- > • <iurtrl«;rf. on irom cov„ . '.Vniri'V R r-n iiv. ^3SHSfl0 .iny»>nii* r to rm n l ' if in ln o room .. , : . » 3r ,M 0 / - ^ b ' d A f U k/OviH kC ,'■ & i t v - l ’T w r t r ~ ~ * ------ --

^^t^^ .„^w -m a jA B -o r-7 .i. i y}< ,n r-.L i^^ /■ ............. ■ f 4 E ^ M O N i c ~ . ^■ ■ ■ ' ■ '.•' - J t ' - T f l r = tr--— - , .AUSO^— ■, — ‘ . . . r - . - r r . . . - ------ ,— ^ O B I V I ^ 9 l ' A ; l B ' ^ 1 H I ' , • ■ • • 1 o m - ? Iio iim o m i>omv

___ ____ , N U ro n in ii.iu n k o n llv in u roorA ;'

* 37,500N E W J ^ Q M E ^

, HANSJnnrm '-wjiRinrSTTrTDmnnTn

aw irom c o v w c il-p iit io - ,

fl' c A m p CcH, tlulips, lour. Clon/i n -WltlMHi; C li l *^fur S:Ob, .}3A-4ViH. •

' f lir con iJ i)ift'n in iA ''in in iv •«'«»£/ on s k ir lin o In'c ludoti. C .ill 7J3 36(i0 or n i JUO. «vof>inii*. o r i i i l ' ' V)|l • '

40A7. tJUMl’ , '» ■ ■ ■'

C A M P E R S :.t Novi/', lo 'M in jic

X A Y J ^ l A G t t i - C C l ^ S l i S S L j ^Apisrtmanli— Fyfnl»h«cJ 70


" M o v o r " . ■ ’ '

m oo t 111060 house p . iv ^ e n is " ’5r ' i i fim .ttl Mc/t'c.'>o«u *o- r ii is u -.i r on rtion «n ^ /

SMAU^i Or U AR G I:,.H om e, liubn iriS — ot^p iu .i5U C C l_ l_ :_ ', rAl-.LQrDT:PP-UY—■■ - —

' % 7. Addison a W. W-. Tw in f- iills

^ H ^ M t E T T

- v R E A K ^, P l „ i , (b II7 i3 .a07 » toh r lin ™ l

» m H i. l lm iif .V « !3 .5 # lp |HSB1«I

'iw'vC5YWEWT.PHWFC]miN V O ^ U P t- lr -K e S w ith o x l r * ' iot

ansipn, c^crH ftf tU g r m t ------

• BLU E U A K U S N o r th , . np- p r o x in i . i lf tv 2. ic r v i.o o 6d J rn ff .ja c ..... . Prjip..

, iHaw;»i'4ihtiirtor' vtt’ tpriW cn«tTi------ .-■ ....

H e lt^ . i i^ 'D fo n ' J3 i ?41i ( i '.

k' s ' V \i

ONE’ ocii'. •» b^dfoomv. tnf(>nlnd l>'I toom l.te jkito, f.-ncort po«t •

„ „TM7HT*oTfi(V4nT-tfltoilon—tai^lifuHy IcintltCQplTod, mnl.o o(i.!< lo<


3-BEDROT6m S-v~4 b I th



'F U R N |^H E -0 4 tti« ) io :^W lm o n lT -li uriTft-iflS i)A i(li p r iv iilo w ilrno pu pa rk in g . 731 )BM o f lo r S. '

O u l of-Town H o m e i . _ _ 5) ;

5fl(U*^iiS Ni'Oud, 7J5 cullivott'tl.,' - IM.ly, C lTrrrU nri-p.lilyrO . •7413 i .

' \ td ie 'if .T ii.- ’ 'io ln i'nu r iih th . H o m c ,^ '"

-Gfassiffeds- WORK!

ONE.vHBSSTO N m o d e l' n ’w ip iiro w c r. i.

- J O i lN ' D C E R E j m b l r o lo r 17' 'W in l iT o •S A V IN O V « ■ , .

__________ .Modntw jnjiroW or ’ ■ '• TWO JOHN D ur-H R 71AJ. U.ilnrf. i t E V r r i A L ' . O T tld M .OOODU SlM l-.U A LaR 6 - ^ -------- i.- f

O N fi'N o . in rO R A G I;,tin rv irtH .T ' w iU i 3-row , corn Ijo .icJ ,/|nd . n<iv

'■ijickiio.- -G B M -B O U IP M E N -T -^

D nciu ttund nupp in i. I)ln;;k w jih iai^ ' -rTTtrrkfnvr~Cnirtif*flr*'#"Trffr# if‘>?l‘' 7071 ' . •• •

M C G H J iA T -D A N E 'i,' Norwflioa**-- , •. EiK .Mouncii, Pockiitis. G f/rm nn ; .

5l io r lh . i l r ! , ,v 4jn r,(;0A o d .-E rio i!4h* '. p n in to r i, nn o iis ii .io t to r . Mnc's — Kim n^i5r 31« 73t ^ ~ ' ------ ' — *,— — ■— “

V iZ 5U<L . rn«nj^“ AKC— rcgtiterertT— V------r‘ honn ' . .' • ^

Av<-'ni<c l in i i - 731 ■ ■■ i y - l

Apartme'nti—Unfurn: -71 Haavy'EqOlpmanf

r '.in fti PriCO. 1130,000.

FarfK* For'ial# • \ , M I

3J0 AC Ii ES unOlir sp rin k le r, p n c fd | ' .11 io(S ihn n V300-0e r - iu x c _ i^ ( l_ _ ;

"ifiio inO InricJ r tv iilia b lc . M ock .•m O fi'S ' R E A L T Y . 600 SoutM

M O B I I i i H o l K t S E'* V an Dyko

* SUyUno

\ C am olo t"**C harnp ioo MODULAR


D-7 CAT. 17A Gnod condiAoi -Uaai^notiiY p^cl^dHncl.rcadv-iti-UO-

—owminoA-J137UiaL----- i----

C H iH L iA nu A 5>u (j»'ie s 4. wechi ,010. C liocoinlff, Fnwn. <ind HUr.k*,

--VIS ,wf 135. l lh p n f U23 SDIO-^,;

POODLE -GnOOMING. Slyd '.vicu. ,puppii.'S. C iiori M ilU ;r 'K«n

—neii,-W Bit-H «K)cnp- corner,-»/.im ---.n*i f ln i '

■ T W Q -iy iC iiO O M m botTn Upmi), iw o . • i j iia y itu , tio pots Vrtrrt-mSlnT.’i ln to ' 733 761». ■• ■;

TvVO OEDROO M br'ick O i/p liy u 'i jy . 4lh A v i'n u u * 'E il i i .'• T.wiri r o l l i C .irp titco , f).ir b.iQif dispQSrtl,4y/inc|

i iq y rQ to lrt-andip«fd.. .. VW a n t e d t o n u v : good :qU *iitv^

X l i n t c u t lin fj l i . iy Tud Wl’ p.'hn, 'phono 334 4U9!'. <*'


POODLE'PAR.LOI^ Pr0<i;'i'..i0n.il C ro o fiin fj

—J ^ v nr.T*flo« Daq_—-M 3 »ivs

TWO P U O E O R E & '^J i'i i tM m .il liupv, 3 fwor'Ihs old 47a-50W or t» 451 Soi/lh, flOO Wcbl 0l HcyOurn

W O R TD "' nboR' . . .

iio><_ n / s . i * i o ,f fill'- ■ ’ I

" I 'pURNSeCl-E’/iNINCi i; •— Hur'ftaccs qjcnPPCnrnfTTPrvTc**, 4 i)

oilk^t0i/i>4, l7 « t? ty o r tr i oxportopco n J 7334. •


f;,»kL- .I'nd li.'rtiJ^fi>_your

W h C E L C|jfl)r%, o jw rc ii ln o ««uip »m « nU «u Jav ti^v i(a l> iU lJO C -t£ fl. '' ' '-V«io. K in o > tJu ry 'i P h A rm flcy / £ o E n y . 733 6574 o r^733 y i U

. ^o rv ’tce, 731'4706.

- > LAW N M O W CR S ■ ' - ______

N EW A N D U iiC P ■ HnvprnQW cri.'. '■ S h o rp iiiin ii , in ( r f« i ) * * r lo g . - f r o o / p if.kuu imcxniotiniriW).J:.U<ll t o m '

. 1.' - M A I .N lC N A y tp a -B E P A I* l» ____ _______

frfrrciiil roo»v~rtip*<rod, .C0«(cdi.'rttk iifc rup a iro t), %0 «|oa,

tfjav.m ed.- in w ro d I h M S r t t o c iT .n d

_____: —

S P H A 'V irfO ' .............. , ......................... ................... .. .,nn Ar'UP h a i

SPMAY (o r Mfloifoiton^,, woods And fc ? ^ ¥ jT iV ^ 7 3 ! l^ 7 . ‘ ^ ^ I ' u "-a ll iv p c s o f ip iuq tn - Syslorn lc Inwn - s - ~ ....................... -H o in i- iito PolfnH,- f i l i j r t l l o n . G orn - 'S p frfty in g v /^Q fjO w f ' - • -

P o li'n liA l 160,000

i o T I i i r y / o o l i 's ’Mob^eniion Mron ... bpodlQ i


uo m hlotoly;ovorhAUIp|l.

l ; i ) u l l ty p o m a lo r [lAs ni'■jipd ( l i i lo n y -

: ' u nr\pno'4D6 A7?5:

IQAHO TRACTOR onlvAdt', Cflsh lor

fir«o \jn»S-733 nj93, -

MAV-SvvVjHtMS-ntirt-bnter T w ill r i t l j i T r .K to rT , .

R c b is T f in e o A r«b i«n « t s m .,• H M H P hnrio a ra rii\*75

puTBbrod. 8B* 7517,

rH O R 9 tt?H O e it^O -1 rtnn ino i •; cow h o o t f t r lm n ^ in o an^t

lo roo n ilnn - 74 Hour snfvU V rD enve r*• Pine, 3?4-46M -,-f* tl*f.— y j " —

ALL TYl'R.i.*nl llUI Sf.%; Ixiu^hl. V’.ln'

D IN G t)AM OAJNY, drive out .^fid \. 5.1VC, wholp fiM ik 77cc-ni5 A dnnon, ' , . .no thm n ii(l(^<?(t. n n lh jn n iA k(‘ o ’ ’

AiUHkon Avi'Ouo EiiM.

^r-R A W D E R ttlE S p lfW cIi 51.50 per ’ ' ’ t rn llo n p io j lAK At ^^l•Vcr•^. Phonp y

MONTMOFIH ONCY .[jie c tip rr ic f^ .M .irlino J i'n ir Jfllh. 'P i iw i f ’s Or .

“ <h«rt17' 37«''4»4i - ' ••■-’■ ■• • . "•

S1R A W l»E R '« ii;b . vilu t i p rr - »rttioi>'pltiM»>'» I''*: «;iugust

' rt6'n‘SAt;r fnn pari t; i93'.Sup<ir-3J-s e r -

V IC lT "n C < V - br.eTM ; -Borvito • — S p « r n /ui'cl Llibor w n rrd n l lt j. L»w

l?orl, <11.2™C OM P L E ,Tl? • S E H V f c ' i r p u r • .u tiir l A|i-l(X-oenl6-JttfnSlrd,-P<Hil»rv.

- fitm iJ lv ** V, . ■■••-V : v

-34-HOUR*;;:L-ufcyiwer!hg^*rvic»r<thir;i6ithrirriUifi' wil|

'Aolf fTrtii U tho . talanhoM-of onV odvoftiiPr ir\’ lhi» '

I b o '

(lU ililVOo"'

iiiii, <1, .1 b iiaylttu i Lni.tami~ScoOJti iilS?u— ...

. i f c i ^ 2 5 a “

^ ir f lt lC 't l • CiuUM ..I r.i,> rii . i r l. la v i^ - - »rt.ioi»'Paiw . .« .'. .n r ;» 'n ____

--- AjjtAUrA! St.illlo'U, .It ylfgl, ---" -' ‘--- ■

____ i. 'D (= a R E .ii» ie f.- te > .,)U ,M i« i _____________ _______ _ ,raR” ! W t O ^ l d ' n ^.......................'.-Tor,.h‘-‘--


‘W7CNTCD P O tr tA S H . non w^ort^no r y c n * > iiB lwow. Sun V ^ J p j|^ y |d


_ L .

no—tw i titm ,flu id in back H r ^ . 43T-89i}f

‘V - - '‘SwfiSir .•’ -■v- .:in,:<5nN. — pi

»vtng. , » .n /tilw ir ,'c«l

ykn>lqu.ii-'. ' - ' 'RDlVi'^irhotirTi^-^itiinr '■

•:h T a n . U i i r e , . . - I lc i 'C f ly l :u raU ctlltnK > U I.. - J » uAAAiR:.vUahUtv.

in trT T im p ru A irB

Page 25: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

_ Z• I

“ ' 7 - ^ . "W e d n e s d a y s J u T / 1,V1970 > - M m n M tiN t;. T w in P a d s * l ^ h V v ^

NgvV y - D V i ’ n .w loc«lio<ii' R s llc i, O^IUVoe^^

V ifo r S^l*B B o u c e . e x c B s s . i i u i t n . w n i i

F L U IP R X , » i.< » — L o s n

"■” ■ ' y , ', .. [ , , . | ,, ';^ 4 - - - " ■' ■■■' '■ "■ ' ........ . ................' 2 0 0 Autot ror Sola , “p'-« j^ JO O ’ Mbloreycla^'-inMut For Salt. H a f AutVFor'Sal® IBP A'i)»o»JForSaU ;QOO Autoi (for SqU

on HlghWiiV J l. ^M SWS.,';

J PiteCES or^evM- p fts d i)n . .c u in n .4

cbm p lo lo litirv le o tor B. A lu » [lvo r |5 5 J W H P

£ :r o p S A L li; 1947 ynt>ii>hfriOO. pood

^Q n('< i> lon M ionn 1?6 S363. nowi

» ■ ■ t)lKprJvc.nJmf.e ' ......... '■;----T n -ir“ lnUl>J“ l\;'m^Io»~MorTTr

W nih ln g lon . Ituv A(\rf lo l t r i l ih o i* ._ ! 'lu rn llU f’p ^ R e rih ifi! r tp n ir , < iuniiiv ,, . -k n o w h o w . ’ ■; ■ •* ‘ .

-- . M lw lU nao m far SoU 140'

-'CODU V b u w V lL DC \Mief> v o ii rent ^ .1 p o r lf lb ic «fr CMdl.Hqnw.. Irom

— W i i l r ------ ------------ ---------InnUidlno c u ^ lo o iu lp ^ l^ A b bo lp i A p rt Supply. MS SlioB^Wtf-^SU Soulll.

; | i W y » l l ! m « M j : W n n ^ i d * l r r a z :

■ C D N O V /W T E fi^sT ro rcn ^n i ^ W incho tlor ^ ' I c r ^0. 5<i-5)

h c e T - lt t -D nnd iipud-t>#ilK-U>-i

ll^N N C R rU H N IT U fW /. 7U.1431; ^

uted.'ServlC ffAt) m a ko i. Com plo i* ite c k .of S T-R E T C H fa b r ic !. PoH«f_n8 and n m io M - S k ln nn r'i

. Sowlrtti SliOppo, SVfvoOn Shdpping • C on lor.. - • '•

^ R & M ^ T H r P R I C E

J Iu ll, f}ou/»i; oif-conj|.tiAniti(jT-' f(iiJlo, lioo lflf, oew ' ' ' i - - - -

1949 MARi:C<'-74 Choplior. CfltI B35 * .S9J7 or Sflo f l l . 311 NoHh M nln.

■Rdm—'V— ■- . —

Sdi”"Sho^trtynit. o r phonu MA »97t-o lH)r

. :!9^LP.5AiQlLa:.-l7iO,.»9S2J:hevv-.ivdo or( ( l ip , Cnii 733 A3KA r

"iM7'tniiyTroi:ETJMpMM7ittR-wtTfrIflC torv flir.; 734-339;; .

iW i'i .u o o r 'S a B C E 'IW iV J . l . ) « 7 olr.-*Powf»r ‘ br/iko«. je:

i f H A k * '

USUD R U R N lr^ ftfi^J^O W And u » d APPllAncoi.,l)uv - Sell ' 'T rade.'Halj

.o lM u tlc .: j j [^ . ) rB n d :a i lC - ro i '- ^ D i.

-. COOO^Osvd Qorn lnA A U to m n llc . o p c n -n rm -jB w ln o TrfAChlno. ‘ on-

V coliont Ctindillan. CaH 733-10}7'-or'— .---------------- -

• '- S h a m p o o - y o u r —owrt.-- c (» ru ** f- rTu.' . proftlslon n rfl»y|[|jk',.Rl)OU.CiarKfl*

^ 5PGCiAUl>C1oAn;titl.«ncUd|ujU-Airr* m nko o r model i«w lno irtnchlne, S3.99. New and u ied mAchlnot. C Q m m erclfll m n c h ln n A spe c ln lly . B rn fcg e lt 'i. 734^34t5. ■ .*

,-T005l«in?Sbl Tw ln TAili HloiOine!'____ C flna liflLJM ie j(M >lo j><m -^id-JA iia

s e lt 'Irv lo ti And AitiPV''* VVe re«er(/o m e r io h l >6 re fu te Any or a ll b id i. w r i te Rox Z-4 c o TlrSiot

■ , Npw»r....................

FOR- ta lo : '3 hydrAUlIc tiA ir ity lin o C h a in . Phono 436'39AB, R upert.


r ^ O . K v Silo — a ll s f o ^ l c g h s ^ r u c -

a a a r i lL t6 p > : ;8 ^b i l le i

T * l l l a r ' V u b o , ' 1 7 . f o 'b t " f n - .

. J i e r c j i b m e t e r — 4 5 - f o o f ^

h ig h / 'w l l lS p l l - ^ r - t r o d g f o r p j o p o t l V i ^ p i i ^ o q u l p -

v q lu e T T - w n to r ^ r ^ J j j lF Data o r p o n , D o le 'i

4 3 2 7 6 9 1 ,5 , 4 4 0 E a it C la rk , P ocate llo , lc|aho< 83201

W IL L »)U> Ulrucf o r Aiiofi'on youV _lurn iliirH .nppliAnco6,oatli:«yn!naT:‘ -

' ' Snnke RIvor Aucllon: 733 77S4

^ASnroii'ScliAniwETA-r—Copper. Drass. A lu o iinu n i,

• R ftd iftio rt. n « tle r ji« . Ric »|^KOPP{:L CQ, ‘ •

4 ipond lr(invmitiiori( 2 itp M i^ -^ iil« ,’'c o trn r \( l ctiattiii^^OSS-v- • - ' i.o in o . ' V ' •• •'

4 lpna(l.iranim1i«ion,*V-R anglnt, h«nl*r. ‘

' — . I f t u e l i t ,

r * S W1 9 6 -

1 9 6 4 D O D G C 1- lo n g v/he«l bn w rw fd d '

I 'A q t^ U L L -o irJ ij llv e ry iru c k * / fu l ly •«f|ulr)f)eo,— ta n k s m rtn lfo td to ou m n 'Q ho ip . e lo c tr ltT d fil, m o lfir, -GOou_Lcic'c.-OOfl{J-CQnclicJion„726_ S13i, KofChUm* .• — '

in iijp ie d carnppr lop . 8Mlrem*l)>,low miieooa.)967(;HijVROLGT4.M4iboldrlvn, .

ton 'p ic k u p .'.6 :c y lin d o r, ■ 4-5poJid

St.ortlndOM di )S9i 1 9 6 6 CHRYSLER. NEW PO RT: :- - : . ; ....... 1 _ > Hordl0(J_£0Upft—QUlOmOlit-"Ifa illllU kk io il,> *-» l

AAATCHCD:SCT northiArt*ttcrQ g o l f ; ] . . new fubl»of. ffld io . liBolof.. ..

^ i? W 5 - . i l f c r 5 p. rfi,

)/,■ SHELL LA(CE DOAT wilh 7i HP Johnion molor-.BJ'ono 7330001 , ,

C H R YSL ER iiOAti ana mOlor*.. SlnrcrAfl boflH. Cnmpor trailers, HArlBV DnvldKon m oto rcvc le i.

- • 1MPL EMENT "^ _ J p R O M e . ---------- M ARfNA-.

- 1 9 6 6 C H E V R O I E T I M P A I A 7

* 1 4 9 5-rmd-biuL#*, - •

» i 5 9 5

unuor.' 4-5poua _ii_,,9 9 ^ 8 9 7 ^ 9 9 * 7 -

-wrtoop'. 1‘o w o r w .in iiow i, rm iin , h co lo r , ve ry ,c lo f ln . Mny Irtkii irAdtf.*^\7S0. h3-a3<i- _ .

'7 Y n L L 6 w ~ m 3 ~ P 5 if r n c ~ C r . tm J : P rlK , now i l r o t , -gnod condiiion ;...........A lii •

-19M M G . 1 - ,v-— «« •'t<Hiwr;:winv!:utlt^ni»!nry.


19 U ,C 0R V A IR CQRSA cop vsrlib lft- — 4-<rte*drtuboeh«rg#(S-nflnierW hll*»

■,top. U/Ine Ih le r lo r . 394-4939, r i le r

W69 G R A N D 'P R iX A A o d o l J. U.SOO'.

_ H u r fy .. .w h ilB .A B U c lio „ i t b o i i i - ■ V ■ • ' •

J962 D OOGE_pbw cr-w noon, wlnCh,-* m tco brAkob. w arn hub». iro n& liir

rO R O n9 70 ,-4 'K -4 '> i to rf red prckuH.

PO’r S A U E ': 194SI M u iia n g c y l in d e r . ' 4 ^ «1 4iS CUlo’

1, powor ite4nriO,r’i

, i9 6 6 OLDS 88 . . . 7 \ , 'T : * - f 5 ^ 5 -Soclon lull powpt. oy’copilil.oiiitnj cjnoif njbbcfi uylio liooler. pne |. tir\e nutoniohllu

-------r tn r r o r r “ C»rflO” i io h ir n r 6 9 5 n 3 3 - ’-• 6637. • . -

IN T E R N A T IO N A L . 1966. 34S .VII Onglne< •1 0 <vidl£pl*)r. bnit d r ive ’, com u ination tp q d ond h.ty bod. p iip o r t . ' 543 6933. R olil. _________

-M O T-•flo ,

■RCSRQNSIOUlZ.:(or cn rp o lt .loAned any o ther w ay, ren t HOST fo r c lean CArpot». No neo<f to move fu rn itu re . H .W llion Dates, 703 M ain N orth . .

- . -T E N T S .- -S L E E P tN O -b a g i,- - ica — b o m . ..Colomnn .J lo v o i-a n d lan>, t o r i i t . c o ts , a i r m a t t r t i i e t ,} - n in o c u i f l j ' i : R E D 'S t h a d i n g

POOL TAD LE S. Plyice vour order now'. tSOO.OO to (700.00. FroighI prepa id . PennyWise D rug. ...i

j- - ,*. ■ 1 - ” . . ■. .USED ROUGH cu l lum be r, clejtn

and t lr n io h l . 3 n B. 13‘ , 1B‘ nnd 30' - ™ rrH e fto lh » 7 -* -x ‘ 6iTl2‘-end7»0Henoth^

543 5656,543-5310. • ,

H AN N AH 'S huibAnd H ector ^aio& ha rd ' w o rU -w h r cleans the rugs

. Ih n m p o o e r I I . G re e n a w a its /

DON'T m e re iy brigh ten carpe ls . . . Glue Lu stre th e m '. . . no rap id

' re io iu n g . ' Rent -u iarppoocr t i . .- DUcl^pr A p p lian te & F iii;n it iirc .

-D U R ALO N -. — D S ___•T IR E S . T H E T IR E T H ^ r f A M AZ IN G E V E R Y O N E THAT'S E V E R T n iB D — E M t ;B X T R A

..SAP-E, E X T R A L O N P .A M U E A G ^ EX TR A LOW C O ST.---TR V A — A V A IL A flL E IN 'T H IS A R EA H X C LU S IV E L V -A T .- Ttio. 0<j»)-l d Rell3

to r m n lch le is porfo rm ance .ind I s ly lin o , see ihc fabiilous ncwf1970 1

. Soa F lile lioats a r ih e L B. -L : M a rko l, Edon. iifoho. D35 S933

' LONESTAR boat, tra ile r , 15 hor&cpowor jtfln ^o n m o io r. i3S0.

-------M?3-Sherry'D r.ve-733-S564r---------

L E T ’S GO BOATING. Seo Ihc now."'1970 modol Iw i i t i <infl motcii;4 ril, DUO fi. MARK TWIN M A R IN A ,

' .Yo'ur E v in ru d e .m d M o rc o ry de a i'fr, 1167 Blue Lakes N orth. 733 -L19.4,

tn '.IN O O A R D . 3(te C tuvslor m o to r! ,and lrv» ilL f. J lJ 0 0 ,'m r4 W J to * ’ 75lTi


- IW -O lD S -D E L M O N T -8 8 -•I Cloor hotdlop, vofy Ig ii miloogc, ful lior\ally (lean , I ;

r I 196 4 CHEVROLET 1 /2 .T o ni:;- — 5-c-,-t^ jir 'o /p:n6L:ci.(i-*•>*♦! ♦

* 8 9 5

I'-condihonmg. a io i

• 2 1 9 5

1966 DODGE ' i ton p ickup,]JD VG, 4^ speed tra n sm ils io n .- 6 -p iy~ ^ ire i. good In te r io r .• 334 3400,

1955 tJO D G E p ickup ' j Io n ,. VO engine.-4 speed frnnSTiisstDn-1300,

____AiSQ_camp!gr_._Q.yj?r&ltOt. (vpo .nomomadD. com p lo lo lv ,pgQclod th roughout, s love , r o l r ig i ^ lo r . dDutJie sirvk, -e le c t r ic ' w a te r pum ping. 6 o r 13 vo it. 1700..~733-

- 106?. Ortvs.- ask. fo r Denny. 733- 4509. nVPiTTnn f ~ ~ ,

IN T D R N A T IO N A L , m odei COF 4000 D tru c k tra c to r , lO wtiooler dual ftn io. w ith Sleeper cnh, VD

w agon, ron io na b le , c a ll B86 7596

MUST S E L L . 196B Chei£illlo.'396, 4 speedf lots of e x IrA t. M igh'book v a lu u 'fo r . lo w book p rice . 43A 6835.

1964 R A M B L E R \la lionw agon , 6 cy lln d d r, au fo m a tlc , 1300^733^4536 o r U f / 5th‘»Avonub E a st, T^i^n.

P O N IiA C S ., rtUlC 'KS

C rtEVR O U ETS 'O L D S M O n iL E S

WORKMAN- ■*' BROTHERSPonlidc-Cadilloc

G M C l-ftupBrTridati07J3fiT3‘i7 r ~

- C .-n ii.rr j 19 6 6 CHEVROLET 3 / 4 Ton ,.lo 'ig 0 <»Undc> 4 \p re j, 'r

-*ubATS.-1^tqrr;gui rra:ivri._a -Xjti>cr.._AmomQliVL-f:..MTgiiftd.if.J

~19 6 7 FORD 1 /2 Ton . . . . ,'v-8«*"y"i- lo”T 4 ine^d t'ontmJwia

■*1395~ n T 9 5 ~

GMC TRUCKS — In Jcrqm c " ROSS. L E E FO B D i InC '

. A u t o i Fo r S o la

'P a u l. ' 430 5344x-m E za iuH iii


^ j u s t I s a v w


303 3nd Avo.. N, — -T w if Falls.M p to r c v e le i

Ts t e r I S s P H O N E 7 3 3 - 1 8 2 3

197033 W arehouse D am ap cd Name Drand..5tQrco's, f .

. ;■ A ll Style* and s ijes . C onsoles, co m p o n e n t/ svste

‘ Vci;k^..

m akes. Cvcio .nui Tr, H ighw ay 30. 3' j i ’ ’" H osp iln l. 7J3 5S67.


w herever you. need It, 3,000 w flli

m o re J n fo rm a ^ o n ^pjnwslr^lliln.V .

C O R N W ELL TOOLS; e ve ry th in g , needed to enter-'m achanlcs fie ld ,

__ tool-ChestJncludcd.:233-.37.M,___^

FOR EXAMPLEncautifu l Console S te r^ . Dfamond '

audlg sysfem . solid /sta te . Fu lly - C o a M n t ie d i—,t709.95. We w ill acc fp l J09 cash,

- M u il have good c t tm i f te rm s ar# desired,' For in fo rn ia tio n phone

-733-31 3 3 ^ n v tim o ________________

. .. iOon'do«l«rHo(,-wiii soil • tor-'S2300. 350 hp, nutOfn.li tronsmiss^on. (5owor sic(;nng'f

tin,'*, immaculate condition Call m Sun V^10| 736 5135.

BY OvV(JER I960 Duic'k cuMom SkyMrk, automanc, V O, oo'd

------- f>Tcra iilm rY C P t!cn rronu itjon ron*? -....... .

u r a w D D j j ^ s iDODGES

^Dirocl Fac to ry Doalor

H a r b g J jg h M o to r s

_ -_ .. ; l6 o o D i> iG V . J> -h o n g .9 3 ^ .4 .M 3 .

1 8 8 8 =

t / K X T O K i -

STOW A w ay bod for ren t, t3.00 A u l o i F o r S o U week. Danner F u rn itu re , phone ^733-1431. • •

— w e —r e b u ild —h yd rau lic— i«ck6— a i - A b b o lt 's -Auto S upp ly ,

------ Miotlu>ty»-SL. South.. . ^

9 v 15 L IN O L E U M rugs, asso rted ’■palterns, 16,95, D AN N ER FUR N iT U R B .'T w in F a lls , 733 1431,

SLIM G YM S, Homo E K o r S w ^ w ' dem onstra tion ', Sta-Well. 713 B3U

ST O R A G E - SPACE lo r yo u r snow m obile, cnm por, t ra ile r , boat, c a r , m o to rcyc le , horse tra ile rs ,

■ 'e fc . C entury A u lom olive MncjiTne, 561 Addison Avenue W est. 733 50J0.

D A S E D A L L g l o v e ' s p e c ia ll .■i.-S a ve r.r il:m o c fc la .-flu fllU -y -JT H ir-

chand l& e and w o rk m a n s h ip Closeout p rices. Call 733-4074,

196R t r i u m p h m otorcycic ce lle n l .con/fitlon, 1900 m iles . Call 736 5816 or Sun V itlle y Oartjer

. -_5h.ep...

DODGE CITY3 d 0 A u l o t F o r.S q la 3 0 0 A u t o i F « f S o la ^00 *Au»o» H i Sflle_;

H O W A B O lIf^4 X 4 Og f ilie PickupH

Voiionl 4 door t id o n , 6 cylindar tlor(dafd iron tm itiion . lor eton- omy IIS thu. • -

1967 CHRY5LEII $I89SNowpoti 4-door >edon. ,P ow ir

^ lo en no ..‘ powei broV»t, l""^wn- '.~V«tyim{ff intlffo nflH ^nilt.~i

_..._30tF-aUEHAUF_pUll.lEaiiCCaiJ!U»Jt • ' iC C h ltc h and ligh ts,-good sha pe T

900 » lO ru jlp P f- 3;4 404}..JP.COJr«

-]QA5-pMBV5lER—$1405-New Yokar 4 door.'V ;8 engint.ouiomoti(Lifanjfnij»ifin,_!iiLpo*:_.^• r. Kctory alr-conUiiioning, n l ^


No, 6_Woodstock C ircle,

a A N t eTRADER”

Dime-a-line SHOP-SWAP-SELL


---- 'AdvaillumanU-^,muil---• .be confined to Utad^

mercliondlie, iellirtg’

____ J u ^ d r la i i lh o n S ip O i- - -^ _XfLc»l>/artliamanta-muat_ ZZZ LL_m eiisu ife 'iH T ii~ tlfnnrB r^.—:— w.inor«.

. --------r - — ™ -P B R UNfi—, COST: I f l® PER DAY.

^ tA je V U ir - e r - l r a d f fo r I'u rn liu ra . c * rp * f b r a p p lta n ^ ir t f lu

iA e <cu rv , tSOm faw ian fjriKT r t r , 140. • W a f f l i t r a m 't na r 't. Goodlna. ■■

10 HP^____ W A Ih ^r, 140.

Clean ar's.J joodino.

POR S X t e i . C O LD '.S C O T • ra fr la a ra lo r . P rea iar a c ro tl- lo p 'i. wed a»ndllJoncUO/'334-40rV-"T

:C a fa ;.y iw > ty jy . j

. w rbckiNo .lMr Pord.o^iaKlt."-i'eVllndar. auro«mte;ti-anki»iU

. _ U S E O C A R S ' ; . . . . ! _ _ | T R U C K S .

ism m

1 —

3j'-Y«arrofHon«tt Oai• Wft'v® Earned Our Raputafion and W r'ra Proud o H t - • ' No Hlflh Pr«iiure* No Loodtd Conlraeti

1965 FORD. . .V $995F(]irlanT tlQtion wagon. VO an-

“ g 'in*.--ou tom olic tra n im in io n , pow«r tl«oring, runt good.

1964CHEVROIBTS toiionw agon-, V-8- e n g in e il . . H ondo'd ira n fm iii io n , «adia.: ond h«a1»r.'uni gbod ,, j

FOBD ,. . . . * f ? 9

1968 D A T .. P IC K U r 1 /2 TO

1 9 6 8 ; C H ™ t t i r - ; ll / 2 t r p M ^ ' ' I ; l |

I ('-•tv -4«ylin(l,Irirod|«,-, . |:r::...i.. MfhlJu^vy*dui .............

- 1 9 6 6 CHEVROLET;. ; l / 2 f fO H I

: 3 spied, bio nji<V..

i^ g in i, oulomolic lfon»min>- tpqciai Ih it w tak or\ly -

DODGE DonSMngtr , , . 340 V-8 fngin*, automatic tron im iition , powtr J l#e iin g -Jh itjtfa i-o da m o m u o J^^ ■)t ond ho t 3,600 m il* j, / \ 0 fu ll (oclory warranty.

-1965-CHEVROlET-$1193-lmpala,4 door hordiop. V-S tn-

- gine.-aulomalic tfa n im iiiion .____


4Q69DARY-. J i f ■" .

trQnim luion..9pOO < like r>tw.

1944 DOOOE-; .',4 dpor aOO..V^.anoin»,.aij)bmal;_ ie tronim iu ion, power' tlee 'log,-

-p ^ tr bfaLei.——■— ^ ^ -----

power tite ring. »l»orp.

196dnYMOUTH -. $795— engiw.-ouioiTiotic

1966CitEVRI Copiite 3-doQ(. I

T ti* r t» n r-p tn « » “

(LET $1A95srdtop. f o w l .

1964CADIUAC. $J0?,5''4 door hofdlbp;. luiljJOwerTT^t-

- tory otr-conditioning"pVem rom ' t in t , e«c8iienf'condtlio>l,________

“ 196S OLDS 9 8 ~ i l 4 » S “■ 4 -door hardlop. lull power. «ir*

condlHbnlpOr belonged to ieaal buiirteis won, nice.' ^ ;

X196BCHRV5lfeR' $339S . auiom..Tow nond C ouniri WaflOfcr'VB / , ilte flh n ond bfoUei, 6 way power-"enoio., ju to a io irc \l»o 'f» m u ilo^------

lO ^ 'r Vieerl^ng. and p 'o w e r ' - .' . . ...

.3395Vfl enQlni,

ouloe^ojic tro n irn iH io ". power -

o'vrp.'ibraliet', ioctoty air -ci lift owner.


muiion, (O d io on d )


v $ j6 9 S "


.1969 CHRYSLER $3795100 3-door hardlop. 440 engini. a ito M o ti^ trg n jin lu lo ii:;-p o w e r -

■«le'erino on(l..brakei, laclD iy ai(,

lo w . mileage,lo (i«V 4*^

1969M EBCURY , _M ontfgp 4 door, V-J, po w er, tH « f.

-«o d iar-*a* e'w w rr *b f " tana/nl

■■■ ■ iri l lo p . (ull ,,r O T O R T f f f r '-VJ a n ^ ia e ra u la - :^

I lltier. -I ,nnd •

^ .TRUCKSiaWHd.5 dnd 3.)on trueiit. Da4««»,V f»«ll —'.Chwy'* — o ^ C - - Initrriallsm l---^ V-->:an4i&:(VlUil«nh;.4.«

- ^ I S B r H E R C I I R VMoirieclolr .4 ttMT^ la d ^ ; 'M ie C V n u rT T ■

.o n t e ^ M f. tiran rad,,fln lth.-,U«th«r . iniaflo^-,l«JI pawrfr, ,#(•»« :*•,

I l l ■

Page 26: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · fIi>m

..i ■”'

.-.-A ■■ vywllwi Muly . V’ , . .. .

p n r e ^ S o ’A p T T i''^

i U R M I I ^----

,R 9 l iw m d i E x t r p T F e e i iC ^

n U i e « iM ^ # W u < k ^

-~CoM I»ttn«lsii*«|> W«l h a ^ » . t h , n i ; f e ^

, ' ' " Twin fa ili,

n o ^ . C g j j g g M S T A 1^ 303 S T ie .T ^ 15oz W<!jtemhmiiyfr<-!ihTIf R O Z - E M J

n-w. isy/-: