Axf/«t H. Ni.< t*.* i M Ion*' r. STATIONERY atvd PA FEE IIAVOISOS TRAD* ¦*«.-*»- icesoay. Oww/Ate*"1** ejkwkt* days, OS the a Ssttlol R ob So. 1. Broad St-. ai.BFRT H NU " «.VS AU! kXOL'LAR SEX ANNlAL TRADE SALE rryaturiseor ______ BLANK BOJK-. SrATWNJtM. »ArBBA, Pv.aOKSlNPr.KS' M vTER'A S, **¦» _ pat.r iu«»(;:so«. * >t use ** *->.ve. Tb* .,B*.*, mu|, st ,irt.i. b F-r*-«e and Djmertie rT^.tV'ehB.ewr'i.rfhu.e att-n^r. cf rb* entire trade BV,»Uvant tba IIrjit*J States »od o be 0* d wi-AoM r»*erve. LRSS THAN »100, CA«H. GtfAvVa*t near m*> **»'..» ¦ " . ?»¦ u "; I't'»J tbr 5 a NX t Bro»d'f lot el the .'BteifOoui. <0h>|) XinfliKifll. BaSitt.ov. Daui.a, Ajct^se-r. BY vjvkon DRAPER. Offlsje No. 6 PteMi, «»wBtrvV.hHm.-OnTrESD\Y.Oet. 1«., it m $M i v. .a. nlerchan-*' Kt<>atia. byorl'r 11 Ham! i ^n Pi n, Ese.t>. tot *f Mrs PI «t h Fiah.d'ceit-J: TO akertl of Ibe Butcher* tad D rm' Bank, New- i'ara, » IS p-th. 20 share- Bank Ol Fata ran, ft] "etch. Ii* shares Ntw Ycrk Bosreiy E..e Ili react I oxpt-.y, *2> ear*. S9ta»r»i N'w Jt«'t n Ln TiiMaiiiti liai Cj . ftian ftl.OOO oftbo But* of Kentucky Internal Improve-neat Lien . percent tuck, payo'^.e kBkrta years ttmm tie* first M m>Uj of JbIt, IttA Ortiti-U- N i. 18J, <Ued 4th Noyemier, ltf>. with swapons for internet sttlcbtd »**» «tat« t f Io lasna 6v« per c-nt Canal Stock r>r«i >v:e No. ** date* 2Stb June MV. C rtifijete for p-incical inooeva .fart*able on tb* rorom.t ot the tuaJ. In-. t-«- January. it'J. ftHO Stale of Indiana five ier cent Rnec'a' Canal 8*«ck. Cer- titj-ate for Interest m neya. No. f,|5, dated »»iib Jana, 1847. t hirgesble on »n» rot ruu«« of the Car a). ft00 *f tb* Wsba-h and >'il* Canal Sta per Bant Loan of »fvOOtfO, CeitifJ.st- Nu. 117, dated i& Jmy, latif, lor #100 of which t>2« have iiern [ail . 150 of the Wabiih end FHe Cant' Are p.r cent Preferr»! Sfecul C.ntl -ttMk. Cat I atatia for ii'o.Btt money carte able on the rerenaet of the Cant), .'.i»ed lit Jan. 1?>5. Alan r< r reco^n' of whom it miy cmctrn: ft ihtrn i: ..L'a Nettl Bank Itock, * i'< e«.h. Jt< ahuea H< wi-l Li'- Irturan-e C'.raptr y S">ck. <»50eieh. >' ahtret Part Kir* i: any Mock aklOG eac i 20 aha/et Comm; nw-t'th Ki.t Into ran e Comptar Stock »II teach. 1 ' ' W >balH Broadway Rank Stock, *2S>t?V »3'«0 Fire p»r c nt Canal S'. »ca, State of Indiana, interest r\jibie Jan. I and July 1. in Ne * York. 4io aba-ea Nantiln« Sülm trine Company Stork, *>V) eat'i. t H .fit Ke.-n per eeal dd Mjrt|a(e Ronia if tea New-Albauy a>.d fjah iti Rti.i**/l < onptny, doe K V Intereat payable Feb. 1 anal Ant. 1, in Ntw York, »1 0f/i etcb. A aiokin* fund o »*."0 perar.r.um to pay iheae. ? ¦>,i*t. Seven pereao.t let M rr'aate Bond* of the Co'nmbua. Piene ard Indiana R. roadCoaapany, 'lite 1., U luteteat pay- tbie Jtn. i ant July i in New i ttk, «l,<*0e%eb. »S,t«» I ape- Band 'at Mor'faft Bon-ja of the Little Mitin; Failroad t nroptay. dot: IKO. Intereat payable .May 2 aud Nov. 2, ia Natt Yoia »I Oto*B?h. 0)4 left eta per cent Bonds of the < um' erland Ctal Iron C. m,a->y, < co 1(61. In ereat nij lie Jan. 1 and Julv 1, in Naw Yoik, ft] i't.et-h. »900 hive per cmt Special Cant! Bfxck. St it* of Indiana. It. er< t payable Jan. ] and July 1, in Near-York. »1lll> -even r . r.t M Mi.r f> je B ,nda of Obi.) tn ] V. , , a p| i Ka 'read Company, due IM Intetoat pay iblc Aptil 1 ..'! Oc 1. in Near-York. .I.rs-Octrh. B aider t>f Aa.-:tne»i.: tJ'K' ,Se\en[-rctu l.t M i'tate V.ouit of the Mineral l'<l>t Ra-'nad Coropaov, due 1871. fr.freit pavahle Jan. 1 and .Inly I. »'.001 ttcb. Or rirr or Tnr Ci.tvri. tso tvn T»r.r[),) r, ft. Co., I Nn. It \\ til tit-t'.. .vew-Yert, Sept. Y7. u >i. J DrVIDEND.-A DIVIDEND of F0ÜB I) PPR CENT on the raprtt! af/ick of thi* Company bat heert declared out of the profitt of the lilt «;t moutli», payable el the eBica of the Compaoy on and after the 2Vh of Ociober. the TrtLafer Bookt wbl be cloeed from the 20.li to th* sett tXtobei. By cnior of tb* B itrd ot DUeCtor*. _K H. LITC JFiELD. Tt trn-er. On in. ot pnb EeLToa Eias Uavaaacs Co. i N,.w-YoB«.Oi^,-i*ed. ltrA. { Imv. BOARD of DIRECTORS of thit (Joui- pant save thia day tlrcUied a a>mi-innurj div.Joud of FIVE PER CENT, payaaat on fSefl of Oe-uber. _VVAf. MCLLIOAN, Serre.ary. VEW-TORK and BRIE RAILROAD COM- A~ PANT..At the eeenal elfe ion 1>t Dirarfrs of ths New Yaik and r,iio HiHroid < aaeet y, beid on ih>- \> h inat., mo f .]- le^it'd »eotleioen w-re e'eiled 1 e. t«ra f.r ilie enauiuf yea': ¦OlfFR EAMS'iELL, Wl f. <t \r k skiihi mi; ISAMl kL MARSH, LU IS on HOFFMANN. WilXltM t. DODOE, CHARLES MORYN. ICILvKMI'S -Mini. KAI.Pn mead. MAhStiALL O. ROBER -. RICH MID LATHER-:. Dt^lEL DREW, Hi "ley 8. OREO >lt X JOHN arnoi. IOHN Sf IWaKD AMBROSE S. Ml 11KAY, E »\VJ\ J. BRO'.VN. D. a. Cr.«U.\IAN. At a ateetirg of tht Dirertort h Id on tbr: Uth last.. HOMES RAMSDELL wa* rtelecttd Pic lit nl, lad SAM I EL MARSH Vice Preti.l- nr. both an urahaimaly. Now-Yoik.Oc. 15, lb... NATHANIEL MARS-I.Soc I <»AN for f!,..'.'.«,»mm»_l.r th.- ENLAROE- MJ MF.NT of the ERIE, the OSYVXOO, rho C\YLOt AND SEN Fi' \ RaJ tLS and Ayr the COMPLETION ol the BLAI R RIVER and OENEiEE VALLE1 CANAlsB, and for irtbtr porposea. The Couuui>.aioueTS of l'io Eanal F'ttd, by vlrloe ol the Act entitled .. An Act mtk't g aporcprittiora I ir the Canal Debt, aid the Mamtenation, Ewtageaaani' an I CoaV atriition ol the Canala l ir t!.e tia«.^; vi'- i.r-.-ncirig Oc . I, iiv^, and tutherii' t t loan for the En stgement Bad i'in trut tion ol tht Canala," paaard Apul 14 1«V», hereby give notice that Sealed 1'ropo.a's will be rectivd at the CtTtl Depart menl nntil the 24th day rf IVtnb-r Inst., tt 12 o'clock Don of that ear, tot a Li'tN of ONE MILLION rWO 111 SDRLD 4m» FIFO 1 Hors \ DOLLARS, f..r vthi.-h transfera- hl* Cerllfit ite« of Stetk will be Issiod In Oha name ol th* I'to- tftbe Stile oi New-Yoik, beajfng iutcreat tt the m'e of f>p»rcen tper annum, jsval. e >|iia:terly on the fitst d»vt of Janasvy. Ap'.I, Ju y and October in eaoh year, and lite p.in-!. pel reiinbuiailile < u tho lat .lay ol No. t uit» r, 1C<J. It la U> to uiiderrtoed »Int HtB Coiaiii.la«l<.Bet» aar« to he at IlK-rry t-» taka a Uaa torn, il ilie ort» rs are mil mok *t In th-ir Bpauioa aro »d- raotageou* to tbr intert ale of Iht Stare. T he Fiopoealt may be 'ir the eb.le ori".y |mrl ..| ani.l Lena aet ie«« tltau *'>."¦.«;. Ali Prop"«ala -o at >i i ad ay aad la m od " L au k r tii* En- ktrgemeut," and inch'; d in an tu\.-lope dlrecteJ to the An liter ait the 4 aaial Depart me' f a? All>*iiy. The rionev will be rf- quired to be pate, A per cent on th* accept .mi-. ot tho proposal, and the balauce on I'.e BTBt day of Notoniber nevt. tt the New Yoik Sta-e Har t in Albany' or f the Bank tht Man- battaa Compsay, la New-Yoik, but tin mouey will be revived and scnp issnetl at any umi bcti.ro, if JiJlrcd, tf.ar tho award if the Loan is mad*. Payments tu no reads by t'epo-i lng the st'iie to 'he credit o the' Teaser r *f the S't'e, on tittmnt Bf the CnaJ-Fund," In tie Bank of the .Mtnlivt*i.n l ompany, New Yt ik, or ia tbo New Y< rl St*i« Bank. ,ii tl. CltJT 4M klPMy. lu'ceit oc tbo Loti. willvomioenre n t i- frst day of N'ove-rlaer nrtt; and Ike holders of the Stock residing in Die let aud lid Judicial Dia- bicts. rtd these residing oil ol the State, aw ill receive tht ia- Seirea; on the tstotk held by them, q latterly.\l Die lltnk of the . klanka'lsn Comptny, ia liio i ily I N\ * York; tnd a'l ollier J aivckhohleis at be New-fork State Bank, in tbr City of Al- bars.- Dated Oawal pallets a*, Albany, Dot it l ... Hi SHY J. HAY MOSD. L.tot. Uoveiaor. J AS. m cook, CeeastroTi -. E, W, LEAVERWORTH, Sec*y of St»ie E. c IPAÜLDIRO, Tr nscrsr. On H t ur i Hg Illinois Cestb il Ksilboad Co., I N.fc . WssU-A.Naw-Toaa.Ost. I. s*S&) THE HOLDERS of tin- STOCK of this Com pa' y. apon which tiftea-u Aditrs per abai* have here.ofjre BsasB file*, aie hereby uotiti-d tU..t a further aisasa.iexl of FtVK DOLLARS per share has been-ma I', pavable at the Oflke of 'he t ompany, i i Hoet-Yorh. on or before lb* flist day of Notomber next. AnJ also, that iutetott from the firs* lay .f Jnfy, 1*54, to the firet of Jnty, IISS, will he paid to th* St .- kale* is, on and tiler lb* M i hi>; «i»y nl " Strvk tttndint in tl.e.r rv'i isepeotlrely, at the alnea of tl* hawks, on the 27ih of October n.srvni. The holders of Stock on wbl h tiueen dollars per share have bsen pt'd btUI IWeatrt Fighiy six Cents per tbsne, tl.ey S-st paying1 ibe insttlmsnt calisdis abore. rtebeldsteef as k , n w'oih Twenty l> l.vn res abare have been pvid wlI icctive One Dollstani 1 i.ti eatt por share. Tho Trtn.aVr B x>ks w'tl be clo-ed on tus «Ith iust, a id re. Ktril 11 tba l-l 4 N.vtmh-r. J. N PEUKINS. Tt< irnier. Ni u.YuBK.Oct. 1.'. liA 1>ACIE1C PANK. -At theELE< -TIOJ, tor DI- HECTOK-' eflMt Hi beM on TCESDAT, khteet., the tsDow .t r- pui^ I wan MsJi Wat. Tilden, I arlsM R. WTitt-, YYaa Smith. -'' ¦« t. Merrill. Bhear. R.t. lit a' Ames t Ht « .. Nait «n C. Eh. Heart Wet II. Ie>»k, rr. < so. R. Ja-ksou, D.vid L. Tsveavey F.bcnr. U l'rtv, sad » b»iK«* Ttahat laoeb Campt H. Jr. Aad at a e»ka>eq»et.'t n.ee. ( . t the Mr«-d \V.M. I . t " M, Fia<:. wa* re. Ietj"e»l l'io lei.'. Usd CliVULKJv b. t\ iMTE, Et<,.,\h-e rteskleat. ' t sMPBKLL Jr t thl.-r. Hwk Di t'v» «. \t ti Ottv, .'nty II, l*">"». VOTICE )S HEREBY (ü\ I N. pii^tttnt tm tne it s.»inte in an. I 4 and BtO*tw*dt that all tht ItUlng aeteg i:oi i to S. L IliNKS, an i...l'.iö J B ker tPI'lKNIX DtVK OF P\l\rOlMK.K n «f he p at the : »fhc* ol tht Si pt ->ndaiitoi the Hsnk a| Dvpwrt. if l.t eftha Stele of New-Totk f r pay m< nt w.ih'n t.io vc irs f'ora 0-e date bsisof. or the fi nds deposited t < the redimr»'. >a ol the nr. ilatin« u. I: a la. ;.-,! t.. ifcc .i .l bin-.- r *>. be given i>p. jyUlaw.NE M. .-CMOONM Su; .-t!nUudeut. Ktksi Dirt' it, nt AxatIT, Jalj .'. NOTICE it boreby civpn i»»ntuaut tft thr statute tn BtK'k case, made sr; BBBrldeaV that a'l the rirr.ilaiina states u nrd \\. B. l'r\ h, InditUael Rattaer,(l i l"'f KRv B»NK OF afAMILTtlR COl XTT tiirtUj ma.tlvs 1-reaeat-u at the it .e bs i reafhttl I la at of Ibe Hanking Itt part'neat ol tho .vaa s.l Now k ok. f .! pajuseat, v> itrrt'i t*o teen from th* dale he e. t Shi o.di derv««s»»--d tor l.io ts> d*iui«ikMi o. tht ataetdaAaai aaat s. 11 the r 4 i Bunker will ke given up. M. BCUOONMAKSR, jylT lawTw2y ttfl-^riutsndt r, Osmiw ri-r Cowvkmm xti.Tit E.tr It-rt w.-r Co ,1 Ro« . Wail-*t. Nb« You, Oct. IK. UVJA } rpnE BOAIiDftf DIREi TOBS bave this ttej 1 d. r a -si t seo.1 Bit at! .f\l t...d rf Slv PRR CRN r. ..... i- Me en sad »»Vr the 1st day oi N.-vemhet pn.f ast Tho fta'is- fag Booki Bui be .Jo. J i oi '-.uii 'nib ti.t aslant i ,cu mm r ilOtt. U CHER TEE, awtwelary. VDI'K'i: -tl.- firo* iwH k oi tb« Stocka Mtm 1% +! tse M'PER ID kl'NINO OOJIPi N V, t body c»p*> rate dvily fo med and -r :bo O*astral ' m1 .t a .: i? r ni ,u; of alibgan. v. I bo be)fd B< ths Ostk ithsi Waneast i Mtaiett nt»> y. Ne. "retosiiist .i itiritSDvy the l»-h ,l.y cf »bsTI in«t., at »1 o'cl^k \ .V N * » -a n ! 1 ',\ f UKDREICR W. ALLE*. TU >M tS s". UvSON. s v:ji>l j. w B.vnaY. N isArj;:-. CITf Oc' ChifnUsARD 7~ip sent Pe^At (Wsjaag I -»-iL CITY OF DV T :.»IT f acnt S.jmI. vVbisw IvaaV C1 .~Y OF CTN< tic. W on. Ctrl OF Cf HC "' « t cents ado city affliWAl ***V If so it t-na* errv oF Ui RAMKavTO a t*et oceatg, DDI iN.tlriEliMANsVer. n-E,s«,1||ttvpi*f ' füVf.^.! BRREtf- P"R'i '-oa-j-^js-. f. r. , .. , K a, ,jy , ;. k r<.lth*»- ta ' a . t kl .v 1 ' . ».t!t f '¦-»' S 'v* MO US X. .1 V. l»a!. O POTOMAC RIVER. >*f( irw^wiDC .Tb« Paper et ab:*»« Buk ajj .-e-*rt«d *t per era: dat-aunc, Sa. i5 Front 9. D. »»OODT. DRAFTS '»d ENM.AND, IRELAND «4 HfOTHwn _U', rtraw od UNION BANK of LONDON, NATIONAL BANK ,i I OTT.ATD BFI,FA-*T HANKINO CBMPaNY fRELAKD. f«74ll« »: »,L^ >l um 01 AI up«ltd, «t tivii.'. TATLOB miTlIFl', p. .. . , N«HWi|,«..lH«roik. _We wo. forward Drift« to any addre»» ia tbi* or :b« Old Oountry on receipt r.f 4 rem-ttaoe». JOHN (i. Wj>OTÖS A Co.. N«. 3 5 Wall-at.. fOtWof M«.*>*.>'. P. J->as*»A Co J Nnr York.-Sri,i KS .Id BUNDS cf er :T fceer-ptk*a b -.('.. nd f.!d «tri-.!» oi entiituW*-. al. Huer to BtLk cf to« Mpa««K| S*at ef Norti Amme» MINING COMPAVV..The N0TE3 of tbi« Cor nen» »r» | aeBt ¦' .>i>« per een' diaeiten* by OtO. kl. B j »\ . B ober. No. 70 '.Vt r. AOS fMMY^L\» EXCHANGE--In firtt- ty*mr*J,\J\)\t mmm Imp ored «-ROPKR7Y ia 'hi* cry fur en eo.i.,1 »aio.jr,i of firetei«»» KtlLROAD <or otb*-) BON |i« er sTf»f K «. A . none bo n-r-cUe» «eearltte» wi 1 be taken io exi-benee. tke»J |wti «. w. bialrwe-. Tbl» . rare rppo'ttmlty for t'.rvee »ho te«k « otty l'!v»»--rj*3t. Priaei- p»l» r-r,!y will be .-. %red w.ih and ia:h w.ll adireat Bot No, M New York P et tMKc ALARGE LOT of Dew LACES. Bru-at-U Point Uoriitor. t »len-ieroe« en 1 P-unt » Paf-riie »et». Ju»t recelvd blark Tr -en-l Wit and Lv»t »»ry .-.-to. Part* embroidered Coriar*, Set*, flan laeren eft, »od CtpM of the let»et ttyle* Prerrh txd Be .-eh W, -t IneertJ a*. Kdrinr« aid Btndiin pett rinetT. MILLER fc ijRa.N f, j71 Bruad *»». B L A N K E T 8 and FLANNELS, In.ported e»pre»»lT for fan. ly trad*, A. T. STEWART k Ca, Broedwar, i.ktwhai» e'.J TWe-ft BLANKETS..MO cwm ribbor.-bound laiüUj blank»tt, from eradle-rixe to 14-1. and cf rexkmi tq»uu<», tor-'her wrh Kecro Indian ltd H'ree Blanket*, front the tovhdtle «ad Oooie Ali. it. Will be lord low. _NESM1TH A Co., AaaL-j, No. 71 Broadway. LEACHED GOODS-A complete aiiortment, eeinpri»in« every w>d'h aid quality. for aale by_NESMITH k f^o., No. 71 Broadway. COSTLY DRESS GOODS 6 A c a I F I C Ü D ar (HAS. HEARD A Co., No. SOI 0«a\r> ST BE CT. Un it recer.t'y purcsaetd from A V <fTTOII Tbree entire TnroicfB of Rich Bb»wl«. Silk» and, .M.w,|] eher THIS DAY: 1,V00 RICH ItROinr Sil tWm, cAnae* I«I/ie. Prom 4-8 to #12. e/«Ao»or»fp utouotl eVtiena, 2.IW) sI'PERB IrEltLA 311 AWLS, u»t:vattd. Prem A-', to 4s2fi.m>( half m.t. TBREE CASKS, ronuioina 1VI J,:f*ri>r,t Pi'te-nt of RICH BROCADE PLAID and 8TRIPK BlttRS, New p « ll »au WiiTti t rv i. e a , From 4 £d. to ». pert ard. Pok Cl.OAKt AND MlBTt'.LA«. Rieb Lyon» Vtlrct», alt'vi n /.d awAr, f.-om *1 to #5 per va'd. «BO piece* I:Kb Etmin« »ad PaUawa ClelLi fj*m *>: fo %i :, ¦> L.ere* PBENrfl MEEINOS, I L perrard. ISJm %ardt RICH PARAMATTAS, d Mt ir«ffA, Ooe bbiillnc and Sil Pente per v adj. Cl )ari Bit II III * .IN' DE LAINE, t' (afi co'on, Ost. BnlLLiMG per v»rd <U AS. IIP ARD A Co., No. %l Gr»Bd-f. DRESSMAKERS and MILLINr.RS Will ni.d at LOBD a t\ \ Loy A mott exteotive ea«ortin«nt of BLIi K aad UMITE Ol [PURE LAr-fs, At . very lil»r*i diwoo-"t 'rom re»ul r priree. A|«o HAT, RIBBONS aad TRTBMINOS, Of rrrrv dtaciiption, at equally low iiricea. No*. iVi. 2^7 i<3 aa l 2IÜ f>r»nd »i.. And new Noe. 47 »nd ii Ca'harlne-rt. ü DERBY ck COMPANY are not n-pt-ivintf A * per »tr- roer* a rieb varl«tT of f ALL and A'INl'Eil CLOTU3, C'.VSSIMl.ai:s, A L'dTl SAc.No. U Park jilaea, F^ATlTanTTvHs I ER CJtOAKS. .MOLVNEL'X P.hl.L No. M C-n»1 ». , in.,i' » tlw LaaUa* ni SVw York ¦tri vicinity totx .min« an lininr i»»*'oe)t irf CI/.)TII CLOAKS, veiy tietny liuoiued »nd bi* own Hylaa, .'. |.ri;»t <n riit a'l. No. se CaaJaa L1 B E N C II C L O T II S l1 CASSIMERPS DO« S KI \ ¦<. et E kVEB«, VESTINOS, A5., < ol in It i.atha to ml' puinluter«. A. T. VI KW ART A Co., Bioadwty, CantTab rt and Re .1c at'. L^INE BIiO\\N (J(X)DS.ÖUU balea liockiof- A Lara, Hope and ottr-r raakaa. For aale by NKSMll'H K Co.. No. 71 Broedarey. | A M E S GRAY & 0 o~. *" Lave recr ned per tteamer l'ni n" eeevral ca->'of N-.W DREBA GOODS, Conteiuira um* very beaotiftil SILK- AMi »LOUNCEO ROBF.s, WUob tliey will open on WON DA V, tbe f>th.1 No. 7.It Broadway, or. Waverly alace. JUST RECEIVED and OPENED. 10caiton» Black OL'IPl R>. LACES öctrtaoi White do. A', choice nylei EU1BROIDERXD COLLARS.8LEEVEB. BANDS. SKIRTS ana llANDKKRl III/.k«. IN'PVNTrJ' RnBKrt. \\ \l-Ts. I APS, Ac, fc.c. I.OED «. TAYLOR, No^ IV,. 251. 2». *ul Wl Oranl .»_, Ai .1 uea New. 17 and ttt i »lhat JDFAN & SON, Newark, Delaware, . AtANI'FACTI RKRS Of WOOLEN YARNS, nlway* keep en hand at th it waTaheajaa, in the r-ar ot No. 4* North lld-tt.. Phile.lflphia. a ren«r«l «»aorttnent of ENITTTNG. CRAVAT, sot K «ik1 single YARNS. Day* of tttencauce »t their warebou*e Wedn<wd*y* and S«t- uro»y». All order* end coinmtinu-ati in* mutt be a'ddneaed te j. If an A sON. Newark. Delaware. KEEP WARM. . -»,0110 Rose and WhitneT bl ANKETS (reiy ha»vv I from *ito 4>l jter pait. 1 HEABO A t o., No. *.l lirand-*'. I HAN, \JE\\ SILKS by the " PACIFIC." XV < Hi \f sii.k< from ai CTI3N. B I eaata to Ii r'r )«rd.i Alto, LARfiE ADITIONS TO Till. Ultn BROCADE, SATIN PLAID ABD BTaUTED BTLKS, At r^2S p,>i Dre*«, (Worth «40 to #'-0,i Will he !r3creJon.MOM>\Y. OetebarU A. T. STEWART A Co Broadway. Cbn abari and Reale ttt.Bj VlrHITi:ROCK SHIRTIN GS..The Whiben>c* If Maiiuiaetiiiini Company'» auperfii« S7-incb Bleacked Cotton: alao, Wate tw.tt ditto, uoeo,ualod for aneoe**, p*rf**> tau and durability. Only arei. v _NK8MITU A Co.. No. 71 Broadway. FLOINCED SILK ROBES At *15«"-'., be pea«d on Ml IN' J * V, Oct .bit 1'., a. T. STK a AKT k Co., Broadway, Cbaaobeu ant Rea la-at .. '2WI *Tloit)ing. AD. GALEa Manu'aeturer and WholeoaJe « Denier *n Boot», Shoe» and Rat ben. No. !»4 Beek naj tl] FA L I FASH I O N.-Juat finiah-d. eWaut HI KM 11 ULR II ATS at the low price of 4U. ueoaUy a«U hi R4| ucat aid uuxab.e I'aU $i ML BROWN. .'10 Canal tt IV IN TL R WEAR..Particular attention it ao- I? l'ciied to inr prodtcil n* for Ot ntlen-ren't Pal! »nd B .,r\. OATS la van. i* now atrle*, Ta Baa*, Baabtfa* C<« t, A; . in the cinata tare of whicn we I BT* been »-tiated by a .leterrriii.itlca lt> re'arn tl.c tupremA t ti »t h.n b- en »v.ar,led the ettah hhment thn.rub a loax aerie* of jraia. W.V V. IP.NNIKO« A Ca, No. ?;i B..«Jw»y, orrpotil* the Park Koa.tain. ÖTtlTs'antTcllaTDUEN'* CLrOTHING fot *% a.. i ».Di ibaa* ta laaati raara, at wholesale. J B. Cl iist", BAH.-" V a C'n., No. t Park-place, N. T. Curpfla. tDii Clütl)©, «Cr. CARPET WAR E HOUSE . WHOLBRAl ND EKTAIL noun im >. BROTHER. Bo. ."tl Broadway, t-.pp.aito the P»rk,» Inpo.t.'i» an 1 Dealer» la eeerr deacr otion of CARTETiNG, OtL-cLOi'H, Ac. \Vr ere row fail In receivin* fr->m Kb ope all tbe lateat a'.d a>o*t -.'.> ttylca "f C«RPETINt», «u-h a* VELVaR rATEBTRT. BAUaaULS, Ai. Wl.ieh a. . »Vr at he lowe«t m"ket ra'e«. h. B PaiiKolM »t'.eatao< pari io Üt» Lph un~i? j-putaiecr. ©röA-cnc». '1^ H E H 0 PI MILLS, 1 DBVC Bli.lt aad aUBD-FAFBR BBTOF N 71 neekmtr at., N. Y. ( O) FEE enJ -PICE DKP AH rMK.ST, rfaTI rafbaaal B T. 0 .r 1ft Pr -.t »V N. Y., «u.« Misufie*TeT» »f PliAKMAt BI/TKAX V/kir POWDERta, (, .[.ti." ¦»,. h- i~,-r lileral 'e: n*. Karior> Nca o. j". aBd:« Hudtoo-at.. J**»ey City. N. J. ?J pioftwfiiAinai :ComcB. vi w PATENT 8PE< rACLES, tot SEEING 11 boti PAR ami Nt"AR U-eaib one pii; of «!«**.* oa!». -.?"». <., .. ..el t.-.U a j »fuer.: Park row. . t.t t.i-.r h.-eje. N. Y Attejjvn »f.-»m » A.M. te u P.M. ITN1TED STATES PASSI'OKTS -L-ui«d by ) 1 P. NONK.t. No Ii Waifta-at. Nat :-^f*»ed C>''-r*»« - .rat pr, . rt ... A.Nit LAND WAR¬ RANT S. PERMGNB, EXTRA PAY, Ac_ V' R^N-f^* M-KCTRft-ClTEMPAL RVTlf, T «. . .»-w.. n -.. N. Y .Töe inTewtc* of tVee BtiB*. a*> -. w ¦ i ta txutnjP aMtattki M*w*aatere4 xa - V ham-ia r-t*«tot and ta rare »-l A«e-u*a en..-.;'') 1 1= .ijcu-'-. n tad ta .¦..tl^ttiti* r> rr. et t \ twa-a ' t - *. % P». 8 .TV .*%**» Fa> r*. awtt. «j iih .:..>. I ..a.j iJJ At. «v Ki 4*..«-*« Jtritotlonttxt. (^OlTBAtOD* ITALIAN MEDICATED &CAP ¦ p-rt:iT*ry eVe* Tan. Pi-jrptes. Freckles. Eripr :v *i km SaitBUan. Prick'y Best*. Aon»a :te fs-n. Nesii* ^W&tV*1 b"t *,B*,laB icarrpctmsj r;«BB»vi PJCDRa" "'kB rl-E aproct» bBhr fraaa low r-b«ad* spt>*r bis. or any ; " <¦< '-is ooey, wnrtnied. LlCUD Ro! "JS Lrpto.ipf ltd :n«!»gs. HAIR DTE AND REST ")R 47. VT . l- s*-V>lieh* i Depot. Mo. «7 Walker-at .first sie sfrora Brutway Mrs. HI V- ßrcoS Tn. P. «.TT.* Ho. Wanket ttir, Ros¬ te«; laaXLENDAR. Na Bs South Jd-st . nawiletlikla HARRISON« HAIR RESTORER Ii a new BTtir't. It wi'l .1 nstd »-frdios to drer'i-et res ** % iaa»lai t crow he'll .i.- t>tie B »VI H«s'., v.:,. y esJ hotvk Ij tbe ; eeesed tad trig r>f «-rw h ¦ -»t.» >ii| b»ir. It slrts to tba roots oi" ho hair bo s entity sod eiieeasally pra¬ ter:, (h» Lair frjtn ftl ing. It ci»tn«»e of dtal-'ff sol art- i»r u "ceer.reB'rotBBist e. It rn-s s ntt-n' a ."-;'.. .> trs to the fair of ibe a>l-.>. m>! h cvst * »>. .fc-'ol gntrthto th» h' r f t,o-h. GSJl- l«« 4. ». KEN No. f. Maiden-It**. ¦sssbbsswI 4e>s> too . rt is i EraryisjtaBsr on. '! t'-i ' HtL.-ON No 1 j tiradwiy. has 't w .».».'. Tis-shabof ra-el growtn. »hi<-b < 'n>»m« th* 'Schaag* of swee* arj-C'loll ard Iber hsrrvories, . etp-esee.1 asaat p irr.y In the pertax-? f Haaai-ot's Eit t o SwcvrBtita. Mf O'f.LlCfC A- Co.. Mannficturer» of ail r::,dj of Pict.es. Preeerree. Catsups, Ss .jet. Ja-o*. '.<¦¦ %. hciD.et1cs.i7 «esled Eroi'i. Ssrept. Na. .") A'tshi igroo-s\ J.J VL\\Tow.\ PIPPINS and LADT APPLESfM 1" EXPOBT .TT.J En.- bat «.. kl aans] tw»*t?d. ptr-kt 1 ro d*w. flat B"oped. ab-tithr bar-tit sod warraat .-.! perSe I, t laige parcel win b* ready for Col los'l Sta* net of 'he 17tw. The . lerh-« oeAseit»; A rt t m r.iBT. f.. PELL. Pellhain Per",. » pus P.et uf'o-e. ''..-er Oataa J, N. T. \OTK E to CAP-MÄKl.K^l'rypoi»aU wilTbe At recfred st tb* Masot's UfEee City Hall, coal the II h dsy of f>et .brrtns* fur the mop's of Vivo Hsadred B oe Cloth Lapsfrr the .»« rf the Pt.i.ee 0»p*rt jjent. The Cap* t> be c.a'e .c si.' rrnrc-l 'its the lAtnc^e at tba office of 'he Chief of Polle*, sad to be fhrBiahed is such qitrj'.um sad at aaoh tiatas sj the Cfcuf of Potice uiay re juir*. Any cap f irmib-d of infe- r.i r ma'eiial 0/ worhmanahip. will be per .ma' ssAeaai i _FERNANDO WOOD. Mayor. PBOFESSOB JOHNSON9 ORRIS TOOTH sOAP wil sFactaaDl r-more the Tartar, cliana* lbs Teclh hsrden t-r fjo-ss. and v the It- 'h His tfEDL f ATI I) SOAP r*iros<a Preck.es and whitens the Skia. Hb CHEMICAL EaTABTVE SOAP, tnt waiVns w-thout ruVen*, and TTIA N >i PA RENT AkUtH* StiAI', a* »uoerlor srudos. Depot Be, 317 Bowery, oppo* la B e*..ker s». rt\) tbe AI KLKTED .Tho»f ouli'ering with A Neuralgia, «rpecia.ly in tb» besd and face, or with Hheu-Bi- turn or Oont, wi be inarac'eed a* re ander Dr. WHEELER'S treaiment. Office No. ttrti "roadway. Peraooa resident in the corrn'rr rested at home. Ofliee hours. 9 to 4 o'clock. Prtssts cobib tiog-rcoms tor Laiiea l'imph.et«. erlak highest city tee- limonisls, grails. Paints. ®iit, <91aet. &t. rHE FOUNTAIN LAMP and FOUNTAIN Oily.Designed tor general family use, will git* a bnlliaat Rght st s rc.»! cf CNE CENT LVEÜY TrTRKP IND-I HALF HOt'RS. IT t'ANNOT EXPLODE, »eins a pore, f sed Oil. «u-oktleas and scenLie**, and anil bora well in any OIL LAMP. As a lubricator of Machinery it is unsurpassed, being, en .rely tree from gum. The LAMP i* aimpl*.bolt?a half s pint, and re<rair*s filling and krin.iring but on e a week. LJROE LAMPS fr» Store*. Chsrches, Lector* Roorns ." «.. and Railroad Cars, that will give a most ipkodl« light for 11 eonaecotlre boars without trimming. (Vmntry fore keepers are ins.ted to examine into tie merits sf ibis matter and introduce them to sht ir deslern, MATHEW VANDKRHOOF, Noa. a and 50 Friakfort *.) BLAKE" PATENT FTRE-PROOF PA INT. . Tbe oilgmsl ar d only geooine art! e that ego be sold w.tkv xit t'oistrag my Peter* e..uata.iily on hand, both grennd la ot tad dry powder, at the Genera. D*pct, No. 11» Pean-st. Han >ser sfaar*, by tb* Pat-ntee- WIL BLAKE. CHARLES El EEER. Mantifarturfr of and Dei'er in CAM i it EM K. Bl RNLNü FLI ID SPIRITS r, ItPE NTINE, sii.l *ij a d on y, :m,t ALCOHOL, No. W J.-e-nwljb-st., be'ween Chmnoersaad '-Varrex sts., N. Y. COBITRN . EXTRA OIL >. warrabttNi oi t*ti snrerirr grn-lity ?".w Macliuesty or Bun.lng. Being tmiaiieg x d perfectly free f~om rt-u it w nrks Inely and norfesitly oarte artory on ms'h'ne. y. ail wi.l bum etroej to the tesg Sperm :i stechv.ical. N {It, and rt 1 Lsrrps. It has h'ca la est avgaly 'or the psst e'sht ye»rs tnd is a ierorite Oil with ma. we*st sietutnl. pa, «: p«, I nies, st«. far oll H frj H gaTJisaO atrfc W»rr»'"ed ontformly rtod, orrers' * »?..¦ rr.ed at 'he -sperir4 of (Coba.-n's only Agent) \V\)U W. JCINCT. No s> WuTfseB-st..ter.Fleet f E 8 8 U P c BILDS- 07 PalNTS. OfT.«, WINDOW OH-:«, er-. KItKNl:l and AMEItl' AN U\C PAiNTL B ort M k I 0 Wat'r St., Now-Tork. U.S..8,000 callfnti Miu'hinery Oil. ll.fsm gB'l-ms Preble's Boiled fill at 75 cents 1 lalloa. 9.fs 0 gallons Tanner's Oil at S ents s as lota, crsog ans Wfa u , Bl a. at 1 Waela 01 2,(00 gsl on« Wir'er Pressed Laid (ML i KOgalloia B-.i 'Iri Roof and Feii-«I)J. Portale by J HK.NRY SMITH. 113 Maiden latie, Nsw-York. PITE ZINC PAINTS..THE PASSAIC MJN- INO AND HANL FACTItRINO COMPANY harnti re sort'y *r> oted etteuaise Werkg la Jersey City for th* mtne Vctare of Dry While Zins and Whi'e and Co.o-ed Zine Prantt ws prepared to etc die orders. Their Whue l ue is raparior say other of AasBaiiian aaaaaOaolaie, tnd e orr'.resfarorai.lj arith tbe best a*ality of French. For tals oa mtorabit lataa >y th* Cotopany's A i< ntr liANNfNf) A SO.' IHR. No. M Coortltndt st IBnütiinBj Alatetialsj. }ENCAUSTIC TTLEB.For Vestibtilea, Halld, J Hearths Dlolrt rooms Cm- .. O AKSK t KK tHIMNEY TOPS, DRAIN PIPES, Ac Portale by MILLER, COATES A YOULE. So. F3 Pearl rt I) A TENT MARBLE for the MILLION.-Tho I'n.ted Stttts Patent Marble Co., Incorporated and"r the lews of the State of New-Ycrk, capital .Blb.i.tse. are prepared to execnts til orders for Mantlis, Table Tops, (V.tmus, Podei- tsw, n sitcrs, Slat*. Ac, H imitstioa of Siecnt, Brocatel, Pyranese, Neapolitan, and all fancy Marh'es; e piti in streut h, betuty, 111. liutt'ioty to real Marbl'. and a- less than half the coal. I t like mtrb.rijed iron, wood or slate, tkit ariicl* I* wholly free from a 11 hp r'ions urge a/t'.nst mere «arüi e w.irl, the polish betrg produced by in. tun and not by paint and rtr- ni-h. Orders from builders, Oobtnot-iakaro, artsiOtbsTt oli- eited, rod . v -'s.-', r gntranteed. Liberal arrtagemeatl mt.le with re No »»3 with responsible pviiea for ater.ciet in all tbe principal c:i 6 Piealnej. rorns.- of Walker s/. N. Y. .rn Laws, Secretary. PETER RENNIE, Presl.leot ROOFS ! BOOFS !! ROOFS! 11 . The ob«4jt set tnd beat article for eorerfrj* roofs Is TAB ROOP15« PAPER, which we keep OoostactTy oa htad tad srttl sell at 'arg* or amall qnantilies to suit purchasers. JASV*. DERRlCKStlN klX N- "> Bee kma* sL jBoontrj Can5 Cür.rriinpi. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. TAYLOR BaKu I HkRS, Rankers, No. KWsest, Hew-York. Wo will supply rrder* promptly. Werrena sswys on osad LAND-WARRANT OEKICE, No. 63 Walr-tt, New-York..Tbe highest mark't p-ice paid far LA Mi A AKIt ANTS; tnd all Warrants told by me ire gntruteed taC forwt-ded by BtsJ or otherwise noon raoeipt of reai:'taneea Ltnd-U arrants procure! 1 r toners and others an 'ii.sd lc Scanty Lands, upon tpplicttimi to T. J. COLEM.VN, No. S3 Wtll-tt, JindaTflnc« Companif*. CLINTON FIVE INKl'UANCE CoMPANY.- CAFJTAL ¦..'YiMiiiii. t'tSc* No. 52 YVall-sL, opposite Merrhait*' Eichins«. ULUU L-kL.NO, Prtsideat JsvrsB. Intl-, Jr.. P-;.et ay, HARMONY FIRE INSl'RANCE COMPANY, No. 6 B.otd rt., N. Y Cash i oasltal, «IM.fMHl witb tbaneeisBse turf.tat, .«irnnwi to ta*ors on lb* mos: fa'* sol* tsrm* Iswaaist loss anal daiuag* by ire, E >. OI.OVER Sec»y. W. CALLENDEE, PraFA rrHK GREAT WESTERN INSTJTLANCE COM- 1 PtNY barrrg its t>sb Carnal all staid la. will eotnaeor* 'aA.i t M VKINE RI-<Ki n MONDAY. OcA 1. U their otfic* OREAr t\ ES i*ERN BIIlDIVi-S - No. II Pines'. n SEVENTY-FIVI a*«*in Sciio. 1*4 by apphca- |J a a: the Sd.r»t*ij's ds*k. DOI'OLAS RoBlNSOV, Secr'-try. Oltt-s.1 »IMimi P L luin ..1 isrsse Tbks ConrmsBT returns to it* »stoateri UV1 i'> 11 l ENT of the net pr -h s a/ -he years' business Copies of the Pr wpertus tnd Charier ..an be had Coal, sJk'c. «C ei* PER TEN for EED-AÜH. BOO, -mrtj and BTOVI CO.kL, tleliyerel ia go>d ordtr front yvd No. 33 Stentotvtt., by L. I. COST.iA. CtfA L . My objcft id qtii'k tYles bin) imtil pn fits. Fat rash present atioe I* e>3 fx, wail scrsened, fn-tn toy yards, corner Knag, and wVeeawicH-rta., 25tb-**. ana ?ti> er., and No. 116 Daane-st. s>5 from boat, Ptf^r. CLINT (Tcpaitnci5l]ip Notices. THE lirmtif BBNBY SHELDEN »V To , bar- mg resame« p-yiu'-.t. K3 .VARD 4. SrlELDr. a tor nnder»igt el hu 'bis dsy t*so-i stsad wi h bin ROBERT C. LAVI ON and james W. D'.NLOP. aid . jrr.ta-1«. t * Si 11 fmi and l u^Bi"s n Beatnta*. anier '-»» 1rn of WEN I f SHELl'KN. LAW<iiN a Ca mEJtaT SdELÜEN. No- 3d Phve-at., N. T..0 t 1. IJoA i^cfi'.n SUtiastitt. -Cr. FOR CALUORVTA . 1MYS 0' S41LI«. . HANoED 10 b aid Ja'1 K U rI Mt.»N :U.->»W- T RE and CALIFORNIA E AMsniF LTNE, tie NICAj KU.' t vt EnäOR) YEANS T tOMPANT, of Nkv iatfea. P.-jprt ara.- TUB >'- OH ..t kDTANCXof ieMAl-» V* Mile* ^herser-ban s-roaber Krm a. -Ttf ssseadiI dat. j *. en^co Sreimt-ip NoE'IlIER... LIU It ^ M*J t J-» craaroL rar»«*i T1 k ep*-gh. wit leave PVer N* 3 Noitb at I e'tlxM, P. M., pre«Tee y. BJC P' N FA AkEN AS, oa tt t Mi I> \ Y O t .'I c rnev:ir.g e-tb »t* P'esxabip SIE RE t Ni- YADA tire ioBs tardeal.otf taw Ntatrsarrt 1 rasant soete, btwiap eat 12 m. to es sad u-sa^porttuoa by ntst-:l*as .ti.uty*. r. ' u '"ir- a . ...tea the -es>oe»i sat .. a**, y taty ie t H\'^y-i V JE AIL 'ft'. **o- i st /r»-a. I eetsy »!.», -». » , atrbs ¦ -na is* rtr-rs ts»ea Me ÜrK MALL fntAMFTTIP (XMl/NT-Fm a H \ v AN A*rd NX". ' >bllf. a.n"? -<»a Wl r«t»"DAY. f>u 17 u 2 P. a., ftuca pier met mt WuirnL n. V ire MM«I favente r«an*La; J.RAN ADA, «er . ifn Mr<» wwr, W.U MllMlkr*. ' Paaeage ten be oe-cr»«* »' dH Ci rrpar t > rffir». fr'-*t: te n-w C: e«.-.« in -».-.-» ~- rbippera wtil be «eppiiee wtk kul a. t f icri M 0.« fern: nn>4 by the Compact or. ir»!i«t> u i . r iff ee\ No ether form* «agned. MM do tu «t rading w... t-« uttii .u :n* hrir of mux|. _Ferfjraegrkt err p««*ee*. ipy'l ** t*V* of <lm C mpacy, No. 177 Keo»-r..ccTB«r ol Avarren. M. O. RCBEBIS. F'OR SAVANNAH mi FLORIDA.Co. ttvl r>u'»« Moil Lioe.TV» c»w .'. « "tart ft I i RNOXV'ILLE. C. U. L»a!cw. ccmira-ider. wlj S«w- > r Sit rttfc cn ir'f> >:m i:.. '.- u. - t V, l N- H ri , <k P. *.!. r-f **r> B...I t/:ji|-t;tt:t -,c-» ¦ i For tre-.gkt or ptuMf' trr-T M I S'.M' EL L ::iri ULL, K II h ctwav. Ct>.-n PtMtje ro StTtac*1! *¦. rFletSdi tai ajt U JMltaai:.]o,v*|. p atk». *il Tb-> Li K.ÜA MS PVc<>im»l eummuidr*. w... t .ceeJ leave co RA tUEPAT, Oct. JA FOR CHÄÖ^PON and FLORID I.MEilY- AVRBRLY f S. MUL LINE..TT» n-w *ai itat-gMna treue, r JAMES ADOER. C I To-e 4crrn.en.ler, trtfi _¦»** too No. 4 N. R. oa WEDNESDAY 0 t. 17. t>: i » dock P M. prrrae.y. Far rie.ghi epply oa bc*rd, wa>re a.. bul» of lading w.l! be rgner1. ttvi :>r paaaape. .biTing a-, areaaaaaeatuirae.i tt the office af SPOFKORD Tli^esrv.N .* Co., efa. ^' Broadway. «' - ataaa . P». r^rr-ian ticket* to rlorvleta to.lowt: Xe .*cktncni: ¦. *V i; to rrtatke, MC The nmr.itt^Ttt «tettner NA«'H 1LLF >t. Be-rr corrmtid- wul rccoerd learicf Oct. JO. TI1E VANDERWLT EUBOPEAfl STEAM LINE for SOUTHAMPTON aal HAVRE. I - ruperior fint-c ete .teamthip AR It f., S.SOa tine L-fevr». rooimaaatr, wiil p.ni irelr mil tt abute on lATOEDAY. - tt twe precaely, rrcni pier V Ncrth Aifrr, foot of Chuabereac Pint cltea peaeeaa.4>Ma Second claee peeeece. Bee rixi.o Dtrr* cr ItUfa I Prom New Yc -t. Fmn Hetre it 'oa'htmptra. ARIEL. Woe 3 ARIEL.«.V'. .3 NORTH S-BAR. Ner. 21'NORTH STAK..... Not 7 ARIEL. Dae. i, ARlEi. Ree.U NORm STAR. Dec. 1J ARiF.L.l»S* Jan. 5 Tiefe »bipe ha-e wttec :ubt oompertu.enu. u4 are built ar.d A ted in the bett rcinner for tarVty end eom'ort. I litt A 1 and inture at the lotreet rater. Letter* prepaid e«th 1*J| i-enf* f" i cr. at* *a**l*at] a? th* office of the line. No. 5 Bcw.lnj green, tili 11 o'alocA A. M. of the dar of aallla*> t..cm *no tpecie .»k«n tt r*du«ed rate«, and peree!« rrepaid each #1 i"0 ud uperttd. For t're aht or peMijre, npj. t D. Tt »KRANCK, No I Howlina eret-a, Neer York. ALBERT N. CUAVär. E. No. n Prece de Bcarte, Pen«. CHRVSTIE. SCHLOEBSMANN k Cc, No. 37 Uuai CaahaMJ I)ei»t:|ce. Il»v:e. HE NEW-YORK and LIVERi,OOl7ÜNlTED -r*T> I M ML STEAM?JlS.-Tke*nirMtaotarciin(tiua Roe ere rfce t illowinpt ATT AM It t"««v. Wee*. P ACI'IC. Capt. Nye. BALTIC,Oap*. Deaaaaa k. ADRIATIC Thsee ihtp* karinf keen bmll t>y eoi.trtct eaptieely Itor the Geeernsr.cnt aritwa, *very eer* ru ban tikrnie the' rioa. ae elao in their enp.ie», ro wire trrerrth ard rpe-%1, »:.J their t. ..onmjt>'»riont tut pettecaen tre one.maled fcreieaance and eotntort. Puce of peetetre rnnr N-w York to Liverpcol, in firat-cliM c»Mb, (MS); m «ecood do., #75: exclunre Aeof ex- trt tile r.ete-n troe, * töi from Liverpool to New- York. 90 and aoru neta. An eipenenceu Sargeor attached m each tt.p. No berth aecared tmtil pel.1 for. PRUl-OfEA/ DATES OF S.V1LIN9. ran* ar.w-Toaa. rto»t « ck. .VEDNESDA Y. .fept. 1*» WA * AT c' B D A Y.Sept. O, WA WEDNESDAY..diL I, It» SATURDAY.oa. 6,lat\t tVFDNE.-DAY..Oct. 17. |«A8 ^ATtTtDAY.Oot. JO, 1»M »'EI)NV>DAY..O. t. 11, lai'. s.t ;-| I.DAY.Nor. S. IM! n'?uVE.-"I»AV..N. ». 11,11V- H VITRDAY.N** Pf,IBM aVEDNE DAY..Nor. 31, ItUiSATCRDA].Dee. I, W6 JFF.DNESDAY..Dec 12. IBAJ.HAT! UDAY.Dee. IS, IBM W«-D>J* SDAY..D. e. 2B. 1AS5 SATURDAY.Dee. 3», lAi.s Eor trrithl or BJfjaji, applj to P.fm D K. CÖLUMB, No. ¦ WaM.et, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY k C«.. Liverpool, STKprlPN RENV ARD k Co., 27 Aoetea Knee*. L [.'<» P. rt. VV'AITfwRlOHT t Co., Pane. OEO. H. DRAPER, IUtto. The owaera of three thtp* will not be aeeeaatabt» aar |nM, .liter, beirion, necie. ,e w !ry praaiaa* t'.aiet or mr:t.<, onl-t* biil* at üb| *re :,>.*: thetaaoc, ttrd Ca ratie then f therein »ipre»r4 M.ipnr* «rill p!'**« tafc* notice that the tttp* of thi* I a* C*Q- oot c»r*J a*>2 i'.od» cor orehar.d oi war. THE BRITISH kai NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STKAMMIIPS. raott aaw-roaa ro LI*BBP**ki Oh ri ( «l ln Pa*«*re.Ol*» k'econd Cabin Puttt. 15 rar« aosioa to Livaaroe*.. Ch ef Ca! m PaM««e.Bllf St- ml f let. Pv«a*re. 01 TL- »l.ii « B to Baata* rail at ilalitaa. AtUmI v. i apt Jaakbia, PERSIA,Car*. ItTrie. . . I. i \ . II a BfA »i url n A i .1 A . t f F.( ROPA.Capt. -oani .a Ci NADS, i| lb a*. VI VC4"A.' apt 1 -'3 The«e teeael* carry a clear wie« hakt at inaet-need. p-tao* etarhoerd b->w; reo on pt.rt btw. AFRICA, Harriwi.Leave* Boj oa. Wt.lrr i»v. ¦*< pi AAIEBKA, Lan*.Leave* BeatOB, WaaBkOB lay, lOtM Oct- CANADA. S'Airk-.: I^ave* P.,t»or Wednetday. Jtth Ort AERICA, Harnaoo.L. »ve« Bott. n, \\ >dj<*d»y. 7th Not. ASIA. Loft..Learee Baatii., Wedaeeday, Slat Nov. Berriw not teccred .mtii pakt for. Aa arperieaced Borfeon oa h jard. The own-tt of the.* *tiip* will not '< ace..notable tot G M, Sliver, Bolliim, Specie, Jewelry, Pr Rinne* or r.leiaJ*, an- let* WCt «f lerllnf ut aianed tbei«f'r, ad tkw «*:** tuer-of therein ezpreeaed. F*r (zeitht or p&ttaje, tor W to E. CLNABi), Ro. 4 Bvwlk,MTaaa, There w n he no atea.i «.ip* of the .It* from New-Tora anttl fcrtber nolle*. SAILING-DAYS 5th and Mth of EACH ..^V.".'ry . rVtÜP ItCILili from OCKAN li OCEAN, by PANAMA It AlLKciArY tt, ,»». k.>..«. i... n... ,i, (, California, via Panama Railroad.-The CNITED STATE I MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY bat« ad to atapti w tat A*piu- wall on SATI-RDW. Oe*. at I ******* P. M. BBOBlllly. Haaa pitr loot ot Yvarrrc-er., Ncrth It..er. the woU-ewewa acd U- torlte*teamthtp EMPIRE CITY.Capt. PL Wir.Jle. Paiatc/ert anJ Mai t will be forward- J hy Pai tui* Railroad, andiont'ct at Panau.a with the Pacla* atari 1 lalpfTsm- pany'* mtanirlcent iteajn-hip JOHN L. STEPHEN'S, R H Peai.cn. tomn.axi.ler, which will be in re* Ln***, t .d e.sc u- m^rtate.T for "*an Pranri«. ¦>. The pub Ic are iafarBaed lhat :h^ P. M. S. S. Co. -.Iwajr- 1 ave ONE or MORE EXTRA BTEAMERS > |at PaaaawiweAy for tea, to avoid any pi.ttihle derm la* "I Paa"-d*. rt .,r M«..^ For pattiae, apply I. W. RAYMOND it tbeenly offi e A the Com pan let, No. 177 \V< *t tt, corner WaaBaPMA, N. Y. PATRIOTIC LINK..New Lire of NE W-YORK and LIVERPOOL PACKETS. TUa lioe wui be avm- poeed of the fcllcwmr n»w and «plerdi.1 thip«, vir: CALJBODN.2,000 tea* burd'n....C«pt. D. H. Trnmaa. V. CLAY.1.500 tent burden....'apt. Dai;.? CaiUina. wFIISfEB.2.Wttm*barden....C»pt. J. J. Laarrew^. ORIENT.AOOaturt* beaten....Capt. Ceo. S. IML The lU.v* reeeela b»ve b»-n recently 6.lit, and are Che lar.- t' at J mutt rabetaattal In the Uaie. luty are cemiu.auded by men Aeiperieace and al lTVy. The acoijiao.latt.in* are very anp^iior, aad every eierihm will la made to prcmote the com.'uri of put era rt an J the coriieu.cnca ofah'ppei*. P. r ft-elpht or pt«u« at ply 'o SPOFKORD. TILESTON k Co. Ne. 29 Br.adway. ...;.* ha 1.T. GRJMaHAW A Co. No. 1'. Ou* Pi- v glcamboflts artb Kaiiroiibg. CHEAP EXCT'R8IONS hv LONO ISLAND V AiLKO l D netw.rn itREK N Pl'lRT an J SAO ? i'lHOR and NEW-YORK. FateBL L«*ve Bro-iklynevry tVEDVr a DAY tad S ATI'HD AY at 10 A M. Leave Oreei p ,. every MONDAY aad IPUE3DAT »t 10 A. it. 1 QCg ÖTY~B0AT for lü'r- Jrlajaj), ALBANY Itndinf (each wiv| 1 Oaf*tt at^Nyark, Oratay Point. AVeat Point. Newburgb, Pjoaukeep- r.e, Rnjt.ite. k. Cattk.U, HuJacs, aad C. a v k.e. Meale »erted aa hoard. The ft rue «teamer ARMFN1A, Cai.L N. B. Cochran. it now aaakicf ber regular .rip* to A buy. Iett.ii« Nie Tak fr'in foct of Chamh»ra tt.. erery T'r<">.\'i, THL'B.SDAY and S.aTL'RDaY, at 7 o atk, a M M. B.-A B-.rttstl. Itter wilt aocoixipa^y the S;e M.rt e* -h way in check '¦»h*.<. free. For parlicnJa.-*. kaeyatja a'. New Vor« add Erie Ka a* J OS'e, Ca*eaVre-et. whart HUDSON RIMR RAII.ROAO.-Oiaiida'Vr MONDAY, Oct. 15, lA'i, i »eTr ln« wti! !*av* i'Bimber«- rt Stat'un ft to-lowt: Ezpr'ia T.-aii ( JL, sj , cicnecua« w.th N r*!*ea and "PaeteraTraie. ai i.«... . i. af. Tawaab W«y Traia. IS M. Eipreea Traia. 5 P.M. Pw Hu!»rn I P M. Pjr PeaiLk'-p-.*..Way Pr .iit aad Pa>*iarei Traia, 1P.M. P'r P- - k -kul, 7 A. If. and P. H For itUt-Tin. 3aJSaadl:AP. it. tttDabha E rry. U;u A. M.,* V. bi Tke Dokft tOITJ .' i - ii F"l«ir til lla^aon Traia* *t <JI at all lb* va ay S'ati in*. Paaeet«er* taken at i .ao.c-j:.. Caatf, (heran.! Mal t a. ButaDAY MAIL TR AIN .-¦'» P. M. frrmCanai 'L fcr A banv ao«! Vre*, ':>>pi-.* at *>1 auail rjia- lu.nl. M. L. S'i /a., Sj;*r ui -n In -. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD-(Suadiys ex ecpietr. Leave Broiklya ff G wtior 10 A. if. fjr Taptaik I" A. IL. it'i S r'-v .:C. P M f-f Farml-gd- * aad Slit., i if. " i >: P M ; f r HdjipareaL 10 *. iL. UM..*j<J;t5*!.4 5P. V.. fcrJaintea M A. M.. 12 M., J:ti, 5, aad K S*P. M. Leave 0 e-npor. for Brvoalvn. 10 A M.: Yiplai k. 11: J A. M. oa M n il-*. > :10 A JL; Ltii'e'-.l It-.U r XI. an Moedev*. ill. »1; P.rmiai »al«. 7: j* \ ' aiJ P U., Syoaett 7:V> A M. and » P. kt ; Ueaaptteai. iSS A M. and 5:5ö"P * .'am*.:*. Ipf an A. M. and 2:10aad4s«*P M. GREAT CENTRAL EOUi'E- Tfca TVt.agb Ticket aa I ¥ euht CSV' af tae '1PEAT va E- n RS h tIL'VA i MICH.U.a.N CENTLAw RAILSOaD. Aad thel- Railroad atd Steajnbca* Cwo--.-* r* f7b!e«r« '. »i.l-e.Ua l* Bu/^igtoe. tu Luukt, Caaio, xu) *-> p- rt* aa eat and BaaXavweag, Via SUSPENSION BRIDGE. BUFFALO,atOSVYEGO ia rt Na. us B AO AD'A AJ N. Y. Cjrr.*t rf Ccf.-ilar- t et- daäiüs CLARK, Agwet. VK^-YORX AVD NTW-HAVEN RAIL, A* ROAD."?I ¥M> t ARBANOEMEN7. Mav 7, taNk Taama La«vi Ngw iota-Pjr N-w-HavecI AM.. iPa.:| 12.S», iji. (Fa. and Ac » *. (Ek-J IM P.M. Fcr lnJgeport-7, l A. M., <Kx.,) \X30, U U. t"d Ei. ) 4. (F«.JA» P.M. Fnr MUtbtri Srrar. ¦¦¦>. i aad W«etport. 7 A. M.; LRJR 1 JO. 1J" P. ja. For Norwaik- T f A M., ll*i.l», fEa. and Ac J 4. (5x i A3». S.I5 T tL 1 For Dane« and Orecrwa-k.7 t A. BLi lAtat. 1JC. Et. u>4 4 4.1». i>5 P. M. Fur Steaafcrd- 7, », 1 A. 'f ;flU. ) Ri*t, I S», 4. fEa.,) 4JB. 1:5 F. M. Fcr »nr. CTjeer^r tad N*»- 5 i- 9.7,9 A. M-. A* L.. r At* ' atd Innimaaaila Band tae 1. I A. M.; LS..', ABS, RIB, LU P.M. Ccnarna* Ytaiit-FeT B>«tra>-* IS. "-t.il f. It. ifkU Pet Ihajaaaai aad ap.-regAeld «¦ (Eji;.) Ll**,4 f. at. fV.t } Fcr Cot^ectteat Rrrer Railrned ¦* Meo^-taJ-* 1. M (F-*-| Far Canal Railroad-1 A. M..fTr..> <A3B P. M. Fir Rcw-Loadtin KjuL. ad.4 ilt.lf.K. >'er H oaatot..; RekV read-4 A. M : AS) P M. Per Ntaaa- * Rairreed » A. JA; IJ» P. kt. Fc-r iraaaary and Rerw.jc A*m.^-7 t a. Hi 4 PM. Taaia* r* Na» Tita.Prow. N«w Hatte -Ut 1, »S* A. M -', . f ».(?.!'. F- v. a- -V- Aia.leU. I*, is A. M.; 2S2. trU-,) *Tl i.Jf. J.iixl From Pcjwtik.«, a.44 All !t.A2 A. M.; AM ft . _*5. va P. M. |F*.| r^a P.-rt A ieaft^- . ' ' 7 11 Aa.,1 . ; rf. Jit., c'. >.n,n,i FMILY TTfcOT.tr rTAalN* Ert» RTs-tg PtilLA . s.iFHtA - a -i <-p >«.<«. :t.« wOiiNrNO ntu I*** a in .***-*. T; .*< »»r»"« r*i*Hit> ** 7L*- and ssw..wT*Htsesrrae «V» Phita<le,pUbM 7 A. M. TkeFASTLINl .teas* rtma^lpAe 'or *SiUtV.gh «I U M., and P-ttaeargA fc-I Fbte'rlBava it t.*t£ Tr.. NMih? KXPRJCSS TAAiBl «tut fb«'a.fe'pr>a tor »v«»»^ u 11 F-At.. end Pw-J^ii Irr r-hwBAVfntV* at P. M. Twilnttcfi -jo. e :t tt »".*?* ga W-b tb* Aa'irwula fa sad rrrta *t. Loot*. Mc.i Alton, oil eat*, and Chicago. 1U.) Piaoafo-d, lAitnjUm ard Lotnvt-iL*. Kj., Terr* Htat*, Msdl .H* tad C:r -«nr-ttL Fc-r 'Vrbar perttceJar* see astd-ML* ta rba brae's ef rait Bjfy «-^ners w .1 .t.d .i.s'ho ihs^eatt, most aattatJMni ted' etaest-w-tb1* root* kterwesra it* r.av tod U eat. rtiotib Oatati etc ke tad u aitaeg cr tea al*rr*-m*a'loa«d »tat« m he Waat, «r or* B. I?LAN. Aae-t, V*w Jersey R*fl-"aad 0«. *oot of «v-. «len.i at. Mew- Vnttx. J. Is. ELLICl'TT, Agent. P-rrrr;T»r'a RiL.->*d fa. No. 2 Ai'or Moat*. New Yore. THOMAS MOt-'RE. igant it. tit* sr«d Mtrk-teta, | Basw-V oak. Aaafll P. lartV Ttaatadaiwkoa. I3E>^STLVA>1A RAlLKf-AD . Tb«s 0REA1 CENTRAL RCl"! E.ecutsr'-'iug to* Atlantic Cltieowlt» .Tea-, .-n. No-tkwest-rr.. and SvKhwet'ern Star*, br a m » ir. ¦.¦.a Railway Jkrvct. I*b* Road a'«o at rtnecrt %t P.itsburet I esfh .lair iln* of Stammers to all {or a -n the Va"eater* K arri ¦ riand »ud räao<lo*kT wilh t>! issuers to all n.m.* at ir,» l.va.errm Lain; mattrg tho tnoa» utrrCT, cheapest and a roan* by »hieb ERAHUtT as* be Itrwasded to *t> frraa rb« (l-eat Wet*. P. IT»-S f.EnVEE.v PH:r..«DE*.PHIA and PITTS31*R0H. Tratt Cl ts*.-Boots, Sb.ea, Dry Öoexia, fin j boiaa.) Far.. Fe, rera. v .1 **' X<* . jajraariftim latti *ol ^tarVvnery, Dry) Good*. i*a balea ) HaxJwar», L**lLrr.) Ma. F*c I«' ft. Waat, kr.> FarI u Cl la*..AatRa, Bartmf, Bao<a and . m P*rk,(in oaA.) brrnp.kc....-.i »" Fci KTB Cl in..Code*, Ki<h, B*-. o and 1 l v, _. Fork. (Parkcd ) Bard and Lard OU..[** I* ahtprfc* toiodt frnrn any point raat of PhiladaVohia, «a aar rVnlar b* mark paeka/o *. tr* PetM-.trlranas Railroad.'' AB rVrc.i .iT.rgt.«..-o the t,»oia of ihn Road at Fmladalphia PW »t i.r«b, will k* I rwanW wirbent detrnuion. FarjfiHT Acasra -M.wtj Pr.-tta Bo*ron; J. fa. EMlnat, ftfw-York; E. J. r*n*ty. r, PH a.teJphia. Maaraar A K jcbj, '^:: re. Oe<~. t". PianciavB*. P..'tbnr»a; »pririx'.iiati A Brown, Cfcnunati. Onio i J. t. bto.rrhea.1, L.uiavil.. £j H. C. MaMrim. Wadiaoa. baS.1 Rat. lit A Oa.. ta. '-a w r ¦Lu-hrll k Son KratarnV, ln.U*na. For Vi'-t r urt>-alai* or kola ot ladle*, arwfr Bo J. L H.LH IT. Atreat Penn. Raafc-<-ad Co.1 at C. B. ALLEN. No. « Aater Uoote, New-Tora. PI. H. HOtATON. (eaoeral "rei«ht Aceat. Ph tadelpkia. B J. LOktBAKRT. anpetiiiteBdeul. Aatooti*. Pa. i ¦ a MlcouaL A8UKK CVBE for DTOFHP8IA OVLV- CBlCUEoTFB'S DY8FEFBIA SPECIFIC Kar aa>a by CARI.K A SI R'l.NU, Drugawt*. No. UJAater t», Near . Ycrk;lnd Mre. B i\ES Nr, IIS 1 u tou at Bto«)kl)b. D pet at No. i"> Falten it., New York, comer CVnTlt. Ite ireahan- drcda. and 1* made from reratible*. t ali and aee the cor i.'..M'a from thote whom it ba* cnn A CRt MSB BABIaiS..All lufantn aro liable to the t olle. and many di* fancu tha oil eta of lat.Uuu-i and other dime,-, aa eine lie*, adminitBred to alt .i reJlai t.-t moth-ri remember 11 at Dr ¦AIBEETS'S COL UIXTCRES aj the ctly oet'aln an. la'e remedy, ae\er known to fall la fir- kj t tuataiit relief, and of trinatanlug frelml, <:ry ti.g Ba' aea in* tat and kaalthy ItMaklBi Cacraiia l atti alyJ itatotry f. «oM by all the Dr*jlfW>a HA»II. »Nt>. U't.NNAi. v Rl*- LT, P.BB ** No. U H arrei. lt.. \\ hoi'aai« A| '. RADWAY » KEiDT RELIEF.- I Diarrbea, Cbolera-Morhna cr pa'cW diarhart«* Iway Ska bowel*, are stopped in I'or .ft ininate* by RAD H AY'S R1 tDY KKLIh E. For rieadaabet, wh -tlier ikk or nenr Ml Klt'a-na- "i-m, i'aralysis, Lui.-iosg-i,Ooiit, Nearalfia, SwoCaa loiutiand penis aad weakt esa in LtM Bv k, Spine or KUnei, pan.i ar olJ the Liver, P.entity. SweMiuit at the leant* Betas in t. I I w els, Uearburn a .d ptina of all lb)it, R IOWA Y'S BJBAD1 RFI.IEK will, m t few momeo *,cbaags th* miseries yoa taf :'er to i ya of u '-aanre. R. R.R. No I^RADWAT*S RTN'H VTlNil RESOLA i'NT luf the ein of ehroLie ditoaae, t'i.h ts Scrofih.il> . Syp! a aatts, I asanioiln and etaet aatsaiasne et* lae tan«* a*>d throat. katterataaaS and enlargeroent of pa-ta, Neural», etup- ,e or.! TS'it is .'i«e-.. s f 'he *kin Dyipcrwi*. R R. R. No. J.RAD'VAY'S llEOI LtTORB tr* -he moat infe ind rrlitble Pillt in us*, end w.lt et.r* eFeet- iyely snd iul«k.ect yi ness, uidlgi«»lon, trttlammation of ths .he 1 owe.I, 'tyir<e""i:e lite,- complaiat; diaeases of ih-i BSBwt, kliTBstrjt. bladeeri woo.b .Jilli.-at»1.-«. ana til l»m»i* coeut l»ttri; all urinary diff.-ultus. Wbeue -rr the sytt-.r Is out of order, s dote af ttADWAi - EE01 L I ' t >R*« will ri itors't tsr»i ii tri ty. RADWAY 1 Co.. Ho. It2 FCLTON t»T.. CP STAIRS fl^lE OKKATKsT SAliDICAL DlhCOVEBa! 1 ri -he AOE1 Mr. EENNEDT. ' R. rtm y, he* d'- orere.' !n one of nnt ttBBWnou pettore-it e*-.'' a reu; .Iv-I, .tree II v i.Ii Y K !'. I >d Hl'MOR f'om ra* * nl '-j<ii*. ei->tca to aeommvn Pwantis ile'sta'ned it sn ovr eleven hntk..-ed ctaet, aad never .ss o et 'en* in'wo casts, both thunder tumor. He ha* b..w i Bshedter*l) vesor is y»iu*. ailwitbis twenty initeaol Boston. Two bottles are warra* t. d to "ire t nrsh.g-aor* month. On* loThrt* cilice auu.t the atetat kiud ol ^loiple. yii lb hue. Two or thre* b. tries will >.'< a- the »Wm °' Two bottle* a * WaarnaUs] to evii* Uta w rat c*nk<:t In'bt mo'ibh ted n.a. n. Thrre lo uvj UdtUs t.» wt. aotej to erne th* wont ctus 0' * 1rn*et i two K tt'et ar* warratfed to cure alt humor In tht a*ea. Two btttles B'« warranted to cuie miming of the oaa and blotches snnrtig the heir. Four Brant kattits are wtnantirf to ctre H :nii_ ami t-uuiitnl a', a. tinr- tTH itle IB enre scaly emptio|t. of ,n"' skin. INr* ar diree kettlet are warinwtadl te oase ih* worst cat* o. riurrwiirtn. 1 wo or three boftl. i t.-e «Mittlen -o eure tlit most desperat* Sate of ilo air.araam. Ybrec to font bot'let ar* warranted to erare aakHteem. s*hra lo rlsBl boltl^t wOl .rare the worst etvse of serofnla. A benefit It always ei|>erseti< ed rnias ihe flrtt beetle, and a per- fert Wrs >s warranted wh»n th-> aix'va ^uartlty is taken. i.si a i so irntrarobahli'to thoae who have In y»»n ail the avttsatV r^J m. ./t.-t... s of tht .lay, aa -hat t commen wees! §: j. ;.{ :lsg pss»iirea and alonr old tforia^walli asWi: t sera every humor in the tysaansi yet it is a i:xe>l fact. II you Bare t humor, it has to eta. L There are no ifa nor ain't, heim nor ha'i. sir-¦ t R, a mint aome catea, ant not yoora. I pr.ld. d over a tlMiOtat.d b.,:rlis of it iu the ticudty ol Bo'ton. I hoi w the ef- f< 'a of it in err-ry ra. e. It has a istdr d..ne lomo of Ihe great eat gnseaeyer Sana in MaaaasTasBeatta, I gave it te clul.iren t j ear old, to old pe..r.l.- ol aitly. I hate area Basar, po y, w yrrr.j- I<^ kingchflilr'-n, whosrt desh n as soil tad Dtboy, risUiied lo t perfect s|*te of iwralth by one l.otile. To those who ere «-rhj.-;t to a a., k headseha ons bonla w* aivtsys cwre ir. It gives gr» at re.ict'in catairh aiol -at I i. ¦'who ha-e'aierj i'hate been c*»ti.e Ski yeart. and hirs been regniau-.l by it. Iu re tho 'e^iy is sew I it works qs.la *a»y, bait where th*r* is any darr«ngement of tits fbn-ttons of BaasaPa, it wiR cans* very aiugular (eeiinga, but yon must uot b* ajaaaa dk*J »Iway» ilisepi«,.. ttxrn f^'ir Jayt to a w k. There -s neye» a hsd result from it; on the contrary, when that feeiiog is gone, yoa will feel yoausell uk* a to w pcaaun. I beard " me of ibe most tttravagant sacomioins of it anal ires maa i^r-n. .1 to. ManiuVMiitd by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 129 Wasiaaiat, Ettuxy.Maea, PrVetyi. Vahnfeaalii Ageiati lor New Yrrk: C. V. CEICKKNKR k So., No. «1 Bsnlny-st.; CHARf.KI H. RlNO, NelJ8ltr.aa.lwaa/; A. B. A D. SANDS, N >. Ml lYilliam-et.: MARSH ORVTS h Co , No. iöo UnseuwickrsC, sen ink t f.LIN, HBos. a. Co. Iln U 't. BOYDA PAI L.Cr.jnib<r*-st VVELfjlk Co.,* 10 Fiaitk h ii-st., M :KISSIJN. Rlj 11 DINS A Co.. No. HS Maiden- ei- HAVILtND BAEEAL k RI.-LEY. Wa/ren-st.; WAIID A Cm.. Masdsu iane; Mrs. HAYS, Brooklyn] ai^l ft r sale al rau 1 ly all respectable Drugvtts it..- ,«u ,.»ths atmen. ftgu! No lice IN PUKfjI'AM'K ofanor-le-r of the Siirrorjate of the Connry of New-York, tv-ttee h hereby aiyen 'o »': ears sons hariag ebjtns sgsiust JONATHAN RICHARDS, late of the City ot New-ink, Accra*d, to preatrot the rame, w h kern atihe ollir» ..f S Had wo Cbsprxtn, No. Ol VV ail St., in the Ctty ol New*I Mb, BB at l nsm rl.e niueferuü» day of February uext.-Dstc I New Tork, :n«; .. .-u'e. n-l. .;«, t in«-o.-. IgVn (anil lawijmiu') S. BALD at IN CHAPMAN, AsWs.wtti. i ANNA E. RICHARDS. Ailm'U, wi'b ths will aaaes 1 I~nTDBSI an( b of an i>rtl»'r^liie^^i7rowte rf the fVein'y a* New-Y..ik. rot'ee t* bei lb* th-. n to all [er- iii t.at n,t e'sinjs against C'iRNEi.ll a V. S. KAN., bj I ii he City ot New V rk. ileeeved, to present ths tame wi k ansehen thereotfn 'he snbacribers, tt the öS., e i r. BREE, No. A Wall st., lathe City of N'..w k jrk, oa er betöre tb« Srth dir of Jen .try netL.Dated **>w iork, lb* Aid day of J'.ly. Ik i SALLY L. A VN.2, jy.'l IttsHn.Tu* Adnalnifrf-'g. IN PUBflUAHCE Ott» mrirn stf tlit* 8mriy»te of I m. may afV*w Y rk. n< lie* at hereby giye-. to Ufaettu . haair.sciamja.an«. WILaVAAM B. BOOO.lets ef tie I of N*w-York, Ltyery Ssfc!* keeper, dictated, to praicn: tr.s see e with voa'ksrs thereof te the sni.teti.atr. tt la* «ttiee of DAVID J. i HA I FIELD No. sVWall tt.,u, 'aaCy of St*- \..rk, i n or tv '..te 'he Ittb d«T of Mt.-oh set'..Dated Ns- Yirk tie i"tb day it Anguat. It \ t. * itw-mTi Ii vP.r.ir.T M. ifoo ATaileliafili. IN I'LKsUAN* i: uf an oitkr of Kr-Jiixta H. Dawane, E«j., Sirrogate af He County of Eiugs: No-Ire is hereby gryen. srer/retiog to law .<> all persons he-ma els h .gatn-t JUUS It. DlNl'UI, litt of the Ci y ef Brooklyn, d-re.-ed. 'hat rbey tr* rrrjn r.-d to »xioByt the aa-ae, wl b y acb/r* 'ner^or, to tue anhat ib» ra, the Adufriist'Slors. at toe iU>e ,.; ,a. rge She*, Na it7 Broadway, iu the Ci'y of New- 1 .ir.on or before th* aee.mal dar of Jar ia.-y av at.Dalai, J-j.;aVy, 1 >a FLI/AEKTII OI.'NPiiY, { . . . O' tlBOE SHEA. 'jAdnjaa»,'..4o-i. W. E. EOBIN.-ON, Af.'y :«t \>uu . trt'o.a, i./Jti vtimTe I N PUIWJAJICE of ab onletr of the »arrof/ate of /Hj.iy of New-York, nrdie* It b.-r»by gl\-n til ps>f. ra* hsa as lainis agah < JAMES FOnl klE, Us of Hmt < if of New-York, deces'-d, to nrese .t tt* st> .<» r. io a ri itjteswflM nV» sueeeriaers, st 'be effee of fOBM Mat CA 1111.f. L Bat t Nsawat at., i* Qt] af .'«cw-Yurk,oa w ttior* lAe y"'h dty of 'Jetoberr»»f. DttasiN*w-Ycrk,:he :' '.t* of April, K Jrj. r \IM.f \ F'i>1 > ft. Et-'frti. JOHN FOS'iErt and i t » IswfdnTa MATHEW a. SMI I II, 5 r' I N I L'l Sl'\N(IE ofiinor.;. r..i f .- -urr-nrat« -rf A the I ._:y of New York, at iaa * I r^by g '.-n t a peg sases basing efaiats agtmet JOIIN C. TU v»lSO, late ef taw City cf Naw-Yort, aVitjea*cd,to proses* tbs> satis*, w.-a s»»oiaeti thcrsaf. to tt.! r.betvit. rs. tithe otT.itot c. A S W.THW1N0. p, _j WasV**., ta the City af N*w-\otk, oa or beaut* the ' h la* i kaafl. n»i'..Dare-: "fast-Tbia, 'a* lit U) tsf ije a> b4 li'A < HARLES T IWIBO. ) EHEN. W. rU-VlNO. A Jn.niitrtM.ra ej U-a.lsi.ia» UlLLM-'l TI.VtlMr, >_ IN 1 l'k>t.\N< K of ad tiftisyr of ttsS S.irror*a*e cfthe . ottt'y *f N*w Y*rt. er ,een1 eret-y giv-a U> »¦' ot fuea-in* H-uis taaiaatNAI IUMH (. N'iKJtlltLL.late Sr. i ;t ~i S-w Y. -t. <ieee».,sl ro ps»t' Bt th* sswa with at etaVeta abe.»xl to -a* a iks> rilerra, at tlae *#iie ol S-catstt E. l^.eit sfo *1 Ni-«tv«*. t- Hew-Tank.en rt tb* tw*a^y-seyarr.-.b a,« - a l- Dated * vw-Y»rk, .bo IStb i«;il I .. hrr. P.M/AhCTil I'tt 'BRlLL ' 4_ « IN the matter fyf tet ESTATE of *amu£T, Bl RNS, l«*ees*A K**>ce w h* «bt »...* -ha: a per*, aere oi an .sale* of he mmttmmmt* of Ike ( i 4*4 Ceealy ef -..w i ork ail aetia* ^nmt taeieet ike a«UL* of SAM I EL Bl R>.\ dreeeaea. in r»t.i~.l to riaiant the *a*ue wi n their t uchrr* o JOHN H. J W KSON Ne. Bll_J wat in Imm Ciiy ml N'cw-Yotk om 01 !«f..re lat lepiooaBai seal. *«7 lawtlm TV WILLIAM BOOKER Adaaiaavtr****. IN PURSUANCE of an ontorftf th« NarrofBt* -a of New-York Botww la hot*** give* to art J'-acna ha. a* c uai< i|ua( t LA'.uE JEAN BAPTiSTE I BEET. lau ol thi> ( ttyot Nrw O rasa '-¦. finite!, 'o ereaeat th* aaa*. with rotrhrn there**' to the Baba rAaai at BkeeBce. Nr.. m Wi 1-t. In the t By at New-Yoefc, oa or beeae the tenth a,, n Apru mexu Dated N*w-k oik. ihe lat day at October. la>v a -;« bb*i William w ri siel, tu IN ßlPBEjalE COURT-City «ikI Com.* mi l N«» "k -i uar.«iAtxr«-t1?aaL David H*ou*.«oa aad v " i -n lair <n.l on a'rert, T, DAM.' HENDERSON e-d A M. I. HEtDBRSON: Vaaa o*d and a««tr*i ¦.eawarartbe aenpieiat aiMaaci at ^m<* »a. tiled ta* * ai th*»*;*th ef taa i r aad Ceaety at R*w>T*ik*a im m day af October, law. «e -i f i. 'it anr»er f.. tars' eoaäp'aiat a* taaeak-' htm m mm m, No. It AVaJl-ti m ike City of Meer. > .a. « :r la a data art.i iha aeivlc* beteef. aaalasive of . ly af *nsh aaavaeei, aad fou I utw*r the ais .* r alat *al ¦ ihe Ihne aaaiaaaM, the mtjit-^f la that aataaa wtt) r Iba «mn of three aaJaaMa **<Ure, with tat11 * räta day a1 May on* th.»a«and BayM SS \ a' ibe ra.¦ I o-i earrea. keettk** « t. tifc .l»a rd>» h- *»r «th. UAo. \V 'KD A BR ACE 1 awtwTu Plaintiff* Aitortay*. Na Wall**. STATE of NEW-YORK, SECRETARY" 0F- riCI Ai um, Au»u*t fe\, l«V\-Te th* JherB of the Coauty .f New York: Sir Not , t.ereoT gl tea, that at tat) 0 natal I aetl a to bo htldin iha State on tie Tt'ESDAY aaa- i he 6r-t Menday of Novcmbat next, taa following Ota- taia ara to be eleciid.te wilt A laatotari S'ate la Ute plaee oi E'tae W. Leareerarattb| I * a taa aiaaa at Jan ..» M t ook; An Attoraet-Geieral In the alaaa of Orden ItnffVnaai i I Eagle* tt aad Ian pin* of Job* T. fRarbi A State Frta* trat n tb* piece ot E b.- l|e O. daaalAiaa; A Canal Coaiai'tiJoBe* to the place of Frederica PeOe* i An I* ipattaa i f f fate FiiK<it Ui the place of Dario* Clark) A Jaa'fa i f the t\urt of AppeaJa la the place of Addteca Ganliner; Ali «rbaee terau* itf aervice will aspire oa tba k*at day af 0a> rcmber neat. AI*o a .'n.'re pf ike Court of Apj-e*'* In tke place ef darlee ii Ret;!, l r.-tm i-.l. Ala), a eat kM i l the Hnprente Court for the Eiret Ja P.tiriai .o the p.*. e ol Edward IV Co« iee, wboee tera afeatea wilt expire or, tba taatiiay of Decemb>'r etxt. Arae.aaV ta r ihe Tbl d, r. anb. Filth aad Sattk Heoata !" . i as f Thon t* i Kan, thotuaa R. kA'bitaey, Mi. k Sp. acei aad Er**tu* Brookt, whoa* term af rraVaarB ta> pire . n the Mat >.*'< ef Decrmher int. iNi'. i . i. . as to a i' 11 i, rao i oa mVm cot * ry i Maieen Mea bei« of Aasemblyi A Bbeiif lu the Here of Jotu tArterj t C hi't t v-a ii. ihe olact ..f ItlcherJ r OeertfT; Pi or C. *aan at ihe place of Rvhrrt Gamble. Joeepk B.ltea, ra n H aba aad Wa Ü iK>un*lli A CeaaptroUer be tba fatae oi I*trieb *i Fleee; k Street I". .-. aer b> 1 of JameeFure«; aataaa r er ef Reptu* aal Mi^plie* le piece er Baitheko n ¦ B. I'urdy j 1 woOu vi nor* ai (he Aiui*-It.'oao in pile* of 1'atnck Heart a- J kB 3 HA, I < bj ii--i e. fa aba ptaaaaf l**aa*j r. Dowaiea; v i ei -. a i. raaraakaa la the p aaa al Rupert J. DUIoa| .1- eri aBaperio* ut in :be plaoe of William A\ t'ampbeli and Murray II tni-o: AJu*t.ieet Iba Muioe touit oi .h 'place of CbaiieeEk BhreV ..'.. A Police Jot Ice At ihe S>»th Jedicial DLttrtvt lu the place ef OaanraaW. Pea/ctyi AJadaeet Ike Oee t .if t'. muioti Plra* in place of Lewi* B. AAooiiud. '. or. >. i>aI », E. W Lt AAESVA lit I'M, verier y .-t ->t*f*. Sin BtrVa Otric*. N. « Toaa, Aagnat Ja, UiA. Vie a' ¦!< p-i'i -i e.! putS.nt to ih-. ne'lt-e or the Secretary oi Statt aad Iba tru» reiu^nn ol the atatuie laaueb.ate na.le an karatt lad, Jt>avM Ot«RA, ^he>iS of ih* l*itf and County of New-York. A! |l a 'ib ic nrwtpapemu t' - coimty wt'l paHlath the ahrve ¦ I nit the rlec Uti ami tbeo band in 'heir bill* fil adrattlataa the aani-.m that t'"» n.ty b* laid before the Boaiu ol t It] eltiM ra. and patatd lor paynient. QLTRFJÜÖ COUai r...IAMES~m7eeo|) aari k7 itMr't KRNYOM aid J'.l.l.'a C hi* wife. To tba Da- oi iatt 'i. -1 aarehy eaaaaaead aud ie.j,««.! t«aa*w*r . plaini la tale ». lea «lob baa tb.t dar been nl-*l ta the . hs r «i> It o'nify of New-Yotk, at the i IIa ai the raid ATwy, aaM ta aer«w a mmw pi yea/ aSMaraa li e ¦« » t" pu 'ihe auh cihwi at hi* othce, No. 7* Na*- at. la tba lid city, arAttla r»-niy d*y*aft*i the te'tieof .n \nn, Bsladee ef ras day ol *ovh wrti ai and if tin 'ail to ani«-r tire taid ertnp'aiiit «ithio the tun» afore- ai tb* ta tl.b) a ."i,u »..i apply < t the » Bart lor the '. i matdrd lu the s aiähabtL l>«te l New-to-k Sept, li, IUA, ¦;. lewawTn E KKl'i Ml M. I'lamutt'* Attoraay. CUPBEME COURT.<--tfl tbn matter of the tf> it plloatlna ol the Maior. Alderm. n eint i .»o o.na"y of tke City 01 N*w-Yi*k, r-iellra to the OPENINUand LA YfNG , M BLIC PL\<*y t. w-en'^'h and iM'.h ata. *t«l the Nhaadl h «it.. in the City of N*w-Yuik We, lb* otuaue- , aaeiB oi I >' taata and Aaren'ol lu the above entlllel n atter, heicby ajte notie* to the *Wa*l oi .wi.er* <.< ipeat or . and :o a a' .t iiuproTad tod aatnipa«T«d lai .i at'r.t.,! tl. r»by, aad to all otheie whoa It a ay »neuere, at ;o,.u« a, to wi': lit. 1 lift we haie ccnpltte.1 oir eaCni»»« ai"l a.ettiaaa*. at .1 that t'l pet ten* whote Irtrrett* are atWted 'hereby, aad i. n ij t, p . to the lame, >'o p" 'ent their obieetlon* lu wrlrbtl '- r tied, to th* Ci>rnuv»»'oB*re *f their *a1re. Ma. Broadway, n.-m l'J,) lu thUclty, on or b*tor* the tta day ot Noarmber 1SU. 2d That any pr raon or peraon* who map oeaatdar ib*ui**l*«* a.*i i'»td l y taid tattmate and eaaewaanl, wll be heatd in (rataltjt ii i.. la* taute, beleie u* ai the 111110 place, at 10o'clock A. V.. i ti tie Slit e.«v at Notatuber, liAV Ibal Hi* AI *tr*ct of the **i'l Ef.in ate an I Aaaeetrcaat t'.iethtt with om Mape. and alto all the allldatiti eaunalee^rui . - 'vrti'a w».ieh wet« tit. -1 bt ua 111 aakie* ««( report, have K 11 .lep.itite.1 in U>* Switet i'ciuaii«toa*r'* OrBce ef the CIli at of 1 of N't w Ytik, theie to leoiam until tb* loth .In'ol D'ceiiUr IAM. itb. Tin: the I'mlt* rmhrtced by th* aaratanent. are a* Bab low-: All tli-ei pi-cetof land tltnatrd rn ihe Mid CMy, beaaahat, ¦irae lntd auu i ouiaJnlng at Amowa, that at to *»y -mm tke aertk byihi ct met ue of ihe nlojk* Wtni 111th aad lltik-ek*.: on th* a 'Ith Ii» the BetMBI line of the b'oek* hetaeea alet aad a .1 I..H'-.; on Ihe ee«t by the cr.iter line of the blocke be- tttaeti t) r .'.I aad tt.l at* on tin weal by the center line of Uka . .. t" le-n >i..| 1111, a «. At. «:au aJl ikaw «at- tatn offer loft, pieces and perosi* of laud Iron 1 In* oa ettb*r *t*> 1 file '«h. t«ii. 7rh and »th arc, betweea 1 loth sad l*>ta-*ta. And abo all th ee certain other Iota, pieoa* aad aarceaf of laad Buatiai oa l> r ai.laot the .va uih, 7th aaa t'h-ara.. aad Bltaaawat br twrm id and lAiM*., a* Laid out oa the (aid aap 1 1.;- i.nt. "th. Thai iul( pi 11 lu ieln wll be preten'ed tn the »upranw» ' artet theBtataaf New York.ata Special Terra thereof tp l- held at tba City Hall in tb* laid City, on Saturday, the l\& ¦lay of Dectwler, A. P.. 1851, at the opening of She Court on tl at ..ay, and tbat tbca and ibere or a* eooo thereafter as eeaa- ael ran U. be*id, a motion »II he made that **ld report b* ioi.uai.rd Niw York, October'J, laAV. »I 1 LSUOEPI. Mt, 1 . AVII.r.l AM RENT, I L. BRA tilSII. 'Ceaam.'aroaera AA A RR EN ItRAtT, | O'jtoVii .IP.HEMfAli 111U LE,J ?eTTe^T^e coi rt.-Tiitho SSff of tA*) ap- k ' 1 1 loa .'¦ 'he Mayor Alderni»n and Ccmmetelt« of '.he ty o.New York relative to theWIUENINOOK« L1PT ST.ot) tbcaoith we'terly tide than of between Beajtman %iA Perry atav. n th* f Iky of New York. Notice 1* berebyjbjee that the eevtl. chargea ar.d rxprare* Inrsrred by rraaon of tba pro. .edhae* m the atoie rnt tied matter. Brill be taxed by the i*htrk of the Be- iren.eCturt »t bltoHo e, In the tity Hall of ike f »ty of New- Totk.oa Mu ,DAY,lho«V.hday of October, A D. 1U6. at M eVotk A M. DKORi.E H. Pt'RHPB, f HARLE« D. MEAD, J. W. arOL'CR. N»vn Ytrk, Ocobet 1». IIAA ft iialailaeia. Scfreile court..In ihm matter of Ute ap^ pl-otien of the Mayor, Aldermej and Cominoualt] of taa City of New-York by the Crotnn A.|tieduct Board of aaVdOlfy. relative to the ae-eim g of LANDS for a NEW RtHKÄ*OfR la the aael city, between ektii and ttatA-ita., and 'he itk aad Tttv Bv< in tb* lud city. We, the f tWiBiiaaionert of Appralal la the aa'Ur akw* aa> t! 1-J, beraby gl-e not.c» Ui ti" owner*, Iraeea porsoa* aad partlei lott-rertfl it, the land* tenatneriU, her»«b)etii*als aad prenu.-e* *fle*tvd thereby, aad to all othera wham ak may oaav StnJ, as fblloira. to win Errat: Thar, we, the eald Coamniationeri, have completed eat «*¦ »*e and app'Biaal In fbror of the orveraJ owner*, pert., t kB lJ rioot latateeted ta the leads to he taken ay that " for f" pr SM '.IH Im Ih* la..d*e/.rni*l»*d l\n flu. ai.d bare on" payee* ef the amount ol a |uat and eottitaUe cee*| to be paid to caaii easier*, 1 **!»»(, pettiee and p«rieaa« aAwt* rerw ellvely. n- ....: ."hat we he a* 1.1 r,. .«.', ,.er», bat« teyveetett * true rcry or tr«nacript of each Et'iaaeut. Apptawaa aatd Report to tb* tl*rk «Office efth* (by ef New-York, fur iha I at wh»*T*ie-y*r « n.*y ¦ o«M."riu nervi TBittny p^rtoo a* pereons whose rights may be af» I iherehy, aad who »l«til obr»<.t to the a*we, at to any part Bbaawaf, Bay, aiunn ten day* afl-1 U.» drat peMleatv« ef that aotice, tta'e Li», her or their oh)*eti'.na m writing ta as, the)aad Con.ui<iai'-t>tti«. at ear eaVa, No. «rt Breedwey, ka the IMj ml NVw-Yotk. 1 v Tiat oar ssUI Ropor», or ha ease the sane or aay part la, and thai I appear to ae ta tee^ure wn*» Uaaa, cor «* t ucpr.it, «sth« ain.e ilüli be rsr jnaaanf aaa aar- recttc. «1,1 b* prew nted k, lbs Supreme tleart. at a'Jeoerat t to be held in the Pirat Judicial Diatriet at the C 1 Ha.l ot the Ciiy el Ntw Y r«, en the Brat MONDAY sf N u.i-1 it, at the openmg of the Coart oa that darr, area e,on at e< aaaa can be beard, and a atotioa will tJata aad Bbere be auki* for ;ne v f nnat it. tr.ere« f.-Ne»-York, Asgt, aV.BMA EDWARD (.. WEST. ) AB.'IAHAM Tt.'RNLaVE, DANIEL DODGE, ) C LI'REME COURT.In tbe nuatter ef Uta ap- ij pti^- . n f 'Irf) M*yer, Aldrrsaea *ad Ceaatneaalty of^na ra ork r»iatrr» to tr.« VA IDKNINGof CMPP-BT- oa the nor'h »eateriy std* thereef, h**aj**a Beekmaa aad the City of N«w Yo ha** soanpteted ear e*tiaua*e and asassaaasat, aa>l that ell per- 001 mkc* inure«t* ax* aBr.tcd thereby asd who aay be «a- mm ti i. aaa, do prea.-nt thru objections ka ailtag «Aar* tei Aid,'-o C/.t/UOE U. Pl'I^EK.Eae . uoj Chaa-iaaa, a the tit lkaa»Sssa*A.i«*aaM*BBy, n ll* city, on or bc.'cr* the 1st day of Ocaeeer, is* i -'.y sack perv.n or prreoa* who stay eosatdar C+mm t a ... d by tetd oatimax« and asaaiiu at, will be aopptajrjsa ka ti* mum, Ufore a*, at ehaaame piaee a .s/iiaes P MVra the l>h d.y of Oeaoee*. IsAA X TW A e-ean-at, aagwther with a a.. all 'ha amda-.l't ewttmetes a*M **Aer SeKoe . I tare *s»a k7'-air''''«»»l rrrport ket« beea ttrrwt Con. .> i't OfAee '** 'he Ckry aad York tb*»* 'o rm.aln until the M day of Ne> , t. Th»t the Da ... »rnhrarad by 'a* tat'attaal ,'.r.. ,r« aafol.'owt: A ii a." ui* e* of Und attaate la the *_d ci./ Ui itina on both rAe% of Clia*-*t., betweea VaJatavat. axJaporr.. ..'.feet northern <f Eruikfort at.; bath *tdse«d P'rry t * . J««r,b tnd PecAeta. both eases of Beek ataavat.. e -a Gold end Peer* .ta , at the aaaa* at* lead eat v of tbe Corrarltrieaea. A Tbat ear report kerrin wll ; aasasl be the B*ai eaea Coart of tb* mumm oi i Special Tejm theaeef. te be beta at theObrp ift." ir. A II tb-t -t A it .rt -«r.-.»*>,-. oVttitng of ihe Caan mm Baa* eWr, eadthe* as teen thereafter ot auratet east be ta*** a -le :h« sai l reww. ba a**'« -***.*. Beta. Ai*. a ..!.'> 'i : r >*¦../, iui..- 1 MKAD. i. W t.>, < A.

» FOR J.J I3E>^STLVA>1A - Library of Congress...An Act mtk'tg aporcprittiora I ir the Canal Debt,aid the Mamtenation, Ewtageaaani' anI CoaV atriitionol theCanalal ir t!.e tia«.^;

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Page 1: » FOR J.J I3E>^STLVA>1A - Library of Congress...An Act mtk'tg aporcprittiora I ir the Canal Debt,aid the Mamtenation, Ewtageaaani' anI CoaV atriitionol theCanalal ir t!.e tia«.^;

Axf/«t H. Ni.< t*.* i M Ion*' r.

STATIONERY atvd PAFEE IIAVOISOSTRAD* ¦*«.-*»- icesoay. Oww/Ate*"1**

ejkwkt* days, OS the a Ssttlol R ob So. 1. Broad St-.ai.BFRT H NU " «.VS

AU! kXOL'LAR SEX ANNlAL TRADE SALErryaturiseor ______


**¦» _

pat.r iu«»(;:so«.* >t use ** *->.ve. Tb* .,B*.*, *»

mu|, st ,irt.i. b F-r*-«e and Djmertie

rT^.tV'ehB.ewr'i.rfhu.e att-n^r. cf rb* entire tradeBV,»Uvant tba IIrjit*J States »od o be 0* d wi-AoM r»*erve.

LRSS THAN »100, CA«H.GtfAvVa*t near m*> *» **»'..» ¦ " . ?»¦ u "; I't'»J .»

tbr 5 a NX t Bro»d'f lot el the .'BteifOoui. <0h>|)

XinfliKifll.BaSitt.ov. Daui.a, Ajct^se-r.

BY vjvkon DRAPER. Offlsje No. 6 PteMi,«»wBtrvV.hHm.-OnTrESD\Y.Oet. 1«., it m $M i v.

.a. nlerchan-*' Kt<>atia. byorl'r 11 Ham! i ^n Pi n, Ese.t>.tot *f Mrs PI «t h Fiah.d'ceit-J:TO akertl of Ibe Butcher* tad D rm' Bank, New- i'ara, » IS

p-th.20 share- Bank Ol Fata ran, ft] "etch.

Ii* shares Ntw Ycrk Bosreiy E..e Ili react I oxpt-.y, *2>ear*.S9ta»r»i N'w Jt«'t n Ln TiiMaiiiti liai Cj . ftianftl.OOO oftbo But* of Kentucky Internal Improve-neat Lien

. percent tuck, payo'^.e kBkrta years ttmm tie* first M m>Uj ofJbIt, IttA Ortiti-U- N i. 18J, <Ued 4th Noyemier, ltf>. withswapons for internet sttlcbtd»**» «tat« t f Io lasna 6v« per c-nt Canal Stock r>r«i >v:e

No. ** date* 2Stb June MV. C rtifijete for p-incical inooeva.fart*able on tb* rorom.t ot the tuaJ. In-. t-«-

January. it'J.ftHO Stale of Indiana five ier cent Rnec'a' Canal 8*«ck. Cer-

titj-ate for Interest m neya. No. f,|5, dated »»iib Jana, 1847.t hirgesble on »n» rot ruu«« of the Car a).

ft00 *f tb* Wsba-h and >'il* Canal Sta per Bant Loan of»fvOOtfO, CeitifJ.st- Nu. 117, dated i& Jmy, latif, lor #100 ofwhich t>2« have iiern [ail. 150 of the Wabiih end FHe Cant' Are p.r cent Preferr»!

Sfecul C.ntl -ttMk. Cat Iatatia for ii'o.Btt moneycarteable on the rerenaet of the Cant), .'.i»ed lit Jan. 1?>5.

Alan r< r reco^n' of whom it miy cmctrn:ft ihtrn i: ..L'a Nettl Bank Itock, * i'< e«.h.Jt< ahuea H< wi-l Li'- Irturan-e C'.raptr y S">ck. <»50eieh.>' ahtret Part Kir* i: any Mock aklOG eac i

20 aha/et Comm; nw-t'th Ki.t Into ran e Comptar Stock»II teach.

1 ' '

W >balH Broadway Rank Stock, *2S>t?V»3'«0 Fire p»r c nt Canal S'. »ca, State of Indiana, interest

r\jibie Jan. I and July 1. in Ne * York.4io aba-ea Nantiln« Sülm trine Company Stork, *>V) eat'i.t H .fit Ke.-n per eeal dd Mjrt|a(e Ronia if tea New-Albauy

a>.d fjah iti Rti.i**/l < onptny, doe K V Intereat payable Feb.1 anal Ant. 1, in Ntw York, »1 0f/i etcb. A aiokin* fund o»*."0 perar.r.um to pay iheae.? ¦>,i*t. Seven pereao.t let M rr'aate Bond* of the Co'nmbua.

Piene ard Indiana R. roadCoaapany, 'lite 1., U luteteat pay-tbie Jtn. i ant July i in New i ttk, «l,<*0e%eb.»S,t«» I ape- Band 'at Mor'faft Bon-ja of the Little Mitin;

Failroad t nroptay. dot: IKO. Intereat payable .May 2 aud Nov.2, ia Natt Yoia »I Oto*B?h.

0)4 left eta per cent Bonds of the < um' erland Ctal IronC. m,a->y, < co 1(61. In ereat nij lie Jan. 1 and Julv 1, inNaw Yoik, ft] i't.et-h.»900 hive per cmt Special Cant! Bfxck. St it* of Indiana.

It. er< t payable Jan. ] and July 1, in Near-York.»1lll> -even p» r . r.t M Mi.r f> je B ,nda of Obi.) tn ] V. , ,

a p| i Ka 'read Company, due IM Intetoat pay iblc Aptil 1 ..'!Oc 1. in Near-York. .I.rs-Octrh.

B aider t>f Aa.-:tne»i.:tJ'K' ,Se\en[-rctu l.t M i'tate V.ouit of the Mineral

l'<l>t Ra-'nad Coropaov, due 1871. fr.freit pavahle Jan. 1 and.Inly I. »'.001 ttcb.

Or rirr or Tnr Ci.tvri. tso tvn T»r.r[),) r, ft. Co., INn. It \\ til tit-t'.. .vew-Yert, Sept. Y7. u >i. J

DrVIDEND.-A DIVIDEND of F0ÜB I)PPR CENT on the raprtt! af/ick of thi* Company bat

heert declared out of the profitt of the lilt «;t moutli», payableel the eBica of the Compaoy on and after the 2Vh of Ociober.the TrtLafer Bookt wbl be cloeed from the 20.li to th* setttXtobei. By cnior of tb* B itrd ot DUeCtor*.

_K H. LITC JFiELD. Tt trn-er.

On in. ot pnb EeLToa Eias Uavaaacs Co. iN,.w-YoB«.Oi^,-i*ed. ltrA. {

Imv. BOARD of DIRECTORS of thit (Joui-pant save thia day tlrcUied a a>mi-innurj div.Joud of

FIVE PER CENT, payaaat on fSefl of Oe-uber._VVAf. MCLLIOAN, Serre.ary.

VEW-TORK and BRIE RAILROAD COM-A~ PANT..At the eeenal elfe ion 1>t Dirarfrs of ths NewYaik and r,iio HiHroid < aaeet y, beid on ih>- \> h inat., mo f .]-le^it'd »eotleioen w-re e'eiled 1 e. t«ra f.r ilie enauiuf yea':¦OlfFR EAMS'iELL, Wl f. <t \r k skiihi mi;ISAMl kL MARSH, LU IS on HOFFMANN.WilXltM t. DODOE, CHARLES MORYN.ICILvKMI'S -Mini. KAI.Pn mead.MAhStiALL O. ROBER -. RICH MID LATHER-:.Dt^lEL DREW, Hi "ley 8. OREO >lt XJOHN arnoi. IOHN Sf IWaKDAMBROSE S. Ml 11KAY, E »\VJ\ J. BRO'.VN.D. a. Cr.«U.\IAN.At a ateetirg of tht Dirertort h Id on tbr: Uth last.. HOMES

RAMSDELL wa* rtelecttd Pic lit nl, lad SAM I EL MARSHVice Preti.l- nr. both an urahaimaly.Now-Yoik.Oc. 15, lb... NATHANIEL MARS-I.Soc

I <»AN for f!,..'.'.«,»mm»_l.r th.- ENLAROE-MJ MF.NT of the ERIE, the OSYVXOO, rho C\YLOtAND SEN Fi' \ RaJ tLS and Ayr the COMPLETION ol theBLAI R RIVER and OENEiEE VALLE1 CANAlsB, andfor irtbtr porposea. The Couuui>.aioueTS of l'io Eanal F'ttd, byvlrloe ol the Act entitled .. An Act mtk't g aporcprittiora I ir

the Canal Debt, aid the Mamtenation, Ewtageaaani' an I CoaVatriition ol the Canala l ir t!.e tia«.^; vi'- i.r-.-ncirig Oc . I,iiv^, and tutherii' t t loan for the En stgement Bad i'in truttion ol tht Canala," paaard Apul 14 1«V», hereby give noticethat Sealed 1'ropo.a's will be rectivd at the CtTtl Departmenl nntil the 24th day rf IVtnb-r Inst., tt 12 o'clock Don ofthat ear, tot a Li'tN of ONE MILLION rWO 111 SDRLD4m» FIFO 1 Hors \ M» DOLLARS, f..r vthi.-h transfera-hl* Cerllfit ite« of Stetk will be Issiod In Oha name ol th* I'to-

tftbe Stile oi New-Yoik, beajfng iutcreat tt the m'e off>p»rcen tper annum, jsval. e >|iia:terly on the fitst d»vt ofJanasvy. Ap'.I, Ju y and October in eaoh year, and lite p.in-!.pel reiinbuiailile < u tho lat .lay ol No. t uit» r, 1C<J. It la U> touiiderrtoed »Int HtB Coiaiii.la«l<.Bet» aar« to he at IlK-rry t-» takaa Uaa torn, il ilie ort» rs are mil mok *t In th-ir Bpauioa aro »d-

raotageou* to tbr intert ale of Iht Stare. T he Fiopoealt maybe 'ir the eb.le ori".y |mrl ..| ani.l Lena aet ie«« tltau *'>."¦.«;.Ali Prop"«ala -o at >i i ad ay aad la m od " L au k r tii* En-ktrgemeut," and inch'; d in an tu\.-lope dlrecteJ to the An literait the 4 aaial Depart me' f a? All>*iiy. The rionev will be rf-

quired to be pate, A per cent on th* accept .mi-. ot tho proposal,and the balauce on I'.e BTBt day of Notoniber nevt. tt theNew Yoik Sta-e Har t in Albany' or f the Bank o» tht Man-battaa Compsay, la New-Yoik, but tin mouey will be revivedand scnp issnetl at any umi bcti.ro, if JiJlrcd, tf.ar tho awardif the Loan is mad*.Payments tu no reads by t'epo-i lng the st'iie to 'he credit o

the' Teaser r *f the S't'e, on tittmnt Bf the CnaJ-Fund,"In tie Bank of the .Mtnlivt*i.n l ompany, New Yt ik, or ia tboNew Y< rl St*i« Bank. ,ii tl. CltJT 4M klPMy. lu'ceit oc tboLoti. willvomioenre n t i- frst day of N'ove-rlaer nrtt; andIke holders of the Stock residing in Die let aud lid Judicial Dia-bicts. rtd these residing oil ol the State, aw ill receive tht ia-Seirea; on the tstotk held by them, q latterly.\l Die lltnk of the .

klanka'lsn Comptny, ia liio i ily I N\ * York; tnd a'l ollier Jaivckhohleis at be New-fork State Bank, in tbr City of Al-bars.- Dated Oawal P»pallets a*, Albany, Dot it l ...

Hi SHY J. HAY MOSD. L.tot. Uoveiaor.J AS. m cook, CeeastroTi -.

E, W, LEAVERWORTH, Sec*y of St»ieE. c IPAÜLDIRO, Tr nscrsr.

On H t ur i Hg Illinois Cestb il Ksilboad Co., IN.fc . WssU-A.Naw-Toaa.Ost. I. s*S&)

THE HOLDERS of tin- STOCK of this Compa' y. apon which tiftea-u Aditrs per abai* have here.ofjre

BsasB file*, aie hereby uotiti-d tU..t a further aisasa.iexl ofFtVK DOLLARS per share has been-ma I', pavable at theOflke of 'he t ompany, i i Hoet-Yorh. on or before lb* flist dayof Notomber next. AnJ also, that iutetott from the firs* lay.f Jnfy, 1*54, to the firet of Jnty, IISS, will he paid to th* St .-

kale* is, on and tiler lb* M i hi>; «i»y nl "

Strvk tttndint in tl.e.r rv'i isepeotlrely, at the alnea of tl*hawks, on the 27ih of October n.srvni. The holders of Stock onwbl h tiueen dollars per share have bsen pt'd btUI IWeatrtFighiy six Cents per tbsne, tl.ey S-st paying1 ibe insttlmsntcalisdis abore. rtebeldsteef as k , n w'oih Twenty l> l.vn

res abare have been pvid wlI icctive One Dollstani 1 i.ti eattpor share. Tho Trtn.aVr B x>ks w'tl be clo-ed on tus «Ith iust,a id re. Ktril 11 tba l-l 4 N.vtmh-r.

J. N PEUKINS. Tt< irnier.

Ni u.YuBK.Oct. 1.'. liA

1>ACIE1C PANK. -At theELE< -TIOJ, tor DI-HECTOK-' eflMt Hi beM on TCESDAT, khteet., the

tsDow .t r- pui^ I wan MsJiWat. Tilden, I arlsM R. WTitt-,YYaa Smith. -'' ¦« t. Merrill.Bhear. R.t. lit a' Ames t Ht « ..

Nait «n C. Eh. Heart Wet II.Ie>»k, rr. < so. R. Ja-ksou,D.vid L. Tsveavey F.bcnr. U l'rtv, sad» b»iK«* I« Ttahat laoeb Campt H. Jr.

Aad at a e»ka>eq»et.'t n.ee. ( . t the Mr«-d \V.M. I . t " M,

Fia<:. wa* re. Ietj"e»l l'io lei.'. Usd CliVULKJv b. t\ iMTE,Et<,.,\h-e rteskleat. ' t sMPBKLL Jr t thl.-r.

Hwk Di t'v» «. \t ti Ottv, .'nty II, l*">"».

VOTICE )S HEREBY (ü\ I N. pii^tttnt tm tneit s.»inte in an. I 4 and BtO*tw*dt that all thtItUlng aeteg i:oi i to S. L IliNKS, an i...l'.iö J B ker

tPI'lKNIX DtVK OF P\l\rOlMK.K n «f he pat the : »fhc* ol tht Si pt ->ndaiitoi the Hsnk a| Dvpwrt. if l.t

eftha Stele of New-Totk f r pay m< nt w.ih'n t.io vc irs f'ora0-e date bsisof. or the fi nds deposited t < the redimr»'. >a ol

the nr. ilatin« u. I: a la. ;.-,! t.. ifcc .i .l bin-.- r *>. be given i>p.jyUlaw.NE M. .-CMOONM Su; .-t!nUudeut.

Ktksi Dirt' it, nt AxatIT, Jalj .'.

NOTICE it boreby civpn i»»ntuaut tft thr statutetn BtK'k case, made sr; BBBrldeaV that a'l the rirr.ilaiina

states u nrd |» \\. B. l'r\ h, InditUael Rattaer,(l i l"'fKRv B»NK OF afAMILTtlR COl XTT tiirtUj ma.tlvs1-reaeat-u at the it .e bs i reafhttl I la at of Ibe HankingItt part'neat ol tho .vaa s.l Now k ok. f .! pajuseat, v> itrrt'i t*oteen from th* dale he e. t Shi o.di derv««s»»--d tor l.io ts>

d*iui«ikMi o. tht ataetdaAaai aaats. 11 the r 4 i Bunker willke givenup. M. BCUOONMAKSR,jylT lawTw2y ttfl-^riutsndt r,

Osmiw ri-r Cowvkmm xti.Tit E.tr It-rt w.-r Co ,1Ro« . Wail-*t. Nb« You, Oct. IK. UVJA }

rpnE BOAIiDftf DIREi TOBS bave this ttej1 d. r a -si t seo.1 Bit at! .f\l t...d rf Slv PRR CRN r. ..... i-Me en sad »»Vr the 1st day oi N.-vemhet pn.f ast Tho fta'is-fag Booki Bui be .Jo. J i oi '-.uii 'nib ti.t aslant i ,cu

mm r ilOtt. U CHERTEE, awtwelary.VDI'K'i: -tl.- firo* iwH k oi tb« Stocka Mtm1% +! tse M'PER ID kl'NINO OOJIPi N V, t body c»p*>rate dvily fo med and -r :bo O*astral ' m1 .t a .: i? r ni ,u; ofalibgan. v. I bo be)fd B< ths Ostk ithsi Waneast i Mtaiett nt»>

y. Ne. "retosiiist .i itiritSDvy the l»-h ,l.y cf»bsTI in«t., at »1 o'cl^k \ .V N * » -a n ! 1 ',\

f UKDREICR W. ALLE*.TU >M tS s". UvSON.s v:ji>l j. w B.vnaY.

N isArj;:-. CITf Oc' ChifnUsARD 7~ipsent Pe^At (Wsjaag I -»-iLCITY OF DV T :.»IT f g» acnt S.jmI. vVbisw IvaaVC1 .~Y OF CTN< tic. W on.Ctrl OF Cf HC "' « t s» cents adocity r» affliWAl ***V If so it t-na*errv oF Ui RAMKavTO a s» t*et oceatg,

DDI iN.tlriEliMANsVer.n-E,s«,1||ttvpi*f ' füVf.^.! BRREtf-P"R'i '-oa-j-^js-. f. r. ,

.. , K a, ,jy , ;.k r<.lth*»- ta ' a . t

kl .v 1 '. ».t!t f'¦-»' S 'v* MO US X.

.1 V. l»a!.


POTOMAC RIVER. H» >*f( irw^wiDC.Tb« Paper et ab:*»« Buk ajj b« .-e-*rt«d *t

per era: dat-aunc, Sa. i5 Front 9. D. »»OODT.


f«74ll« »: »,L^ >l um 01 AI up«ltd, «t tivii.'.TATLOB miTlIFl', p. .. .


_We wo. forward Drift« to any addre»» ia tbi* or :b« OldOountry on receipt r.f4 rem-ttaoe».

JOHN (i. Wj>OTÖS A Co.. N«. 3 5 Wall-at..fOtWof M«.*>*.>'. P. J->as*»A Co J Nnr York.-Sri,i KS

.Id BUNDS cf er :T fceer-ptk*a b -.('.. nd f.!d «tri-.!» oi

entiituW*-. al. Huer to BtLk cf to« Mpa««K| S*at ef NortiAmme»

MINING COMPAVV..The N0TE3of tbi« Cor nen» »r» | aeBt ¦' .>i>« per een' diaeiten* by

OtO. kl. B j »\ . B ober. No. 70 '.Vt r.

AOS fMMY^L\» EXCHANGE--In firtt-ty*mr*J,\J\)\t mmm Imp ored «-ROPKR7Y ia 'hi* cryfur en eo.i.,1 »aio.jr,i of firetei«»» KtlLROAD <or otb*-)BON |i« er sTf»f K «. A . none bo n-r-cUe» «eearltte» wi 1 betaken io exi-benee. tke»J |wti «. w. bialrwe-. Tbl» i« .

rare rppo'ttmlty for t'.rvee »ho te«k « otty l'!v»»--rj*3t. Priaei-p»l» r-r,!y will be .-. %red w.ih and ia:h w.ll adireat Bot No,M New York P et tMKc

ALARGE LOT of Dew LACES. Bru-at-UPoint Uoriitor. t »len-ieroe« en 1 P-unt » Paf-riie »et».

Ju»t recelvd blark Tr -en-l Wit and Lv»t »»ry .-.-to. Part*embroidered Coriar*, Set*, flan laeren eft, »od CtpM of thelet»et ttyle* Prerrh txd Be .-eh W, -t IneertJ a*. Kdrinr« aidBtndiin pett rinetT. MILLER fc ijRa.N f, j71 Bruad *»».

B L A N K E T 8 and FLANNELS,In.ported e»pre»»lT for fan. ly trad*,

A. T. STEWART k Ca,Broedwar, i.ktwhai» e'.J TWe-ft

BLANKETS..MO cwm ribbor.-bound laiüUjblank»tt, from eradle-rixe to 14-1. and cf rexkmi tq»uu<»,

tor-'her wrh Kecro Indian ltd H'ree Blanket*, front thetovhdtle «ad Oooie Ali. it. Will be lord low.

_NESM1TH A Co., AaaL-j, No. 71 Broadway.

LEACHED GOODS-A complete aiiortment,eeinpri»in« every w>d'h aid quality.

for aaleby_NESMITH k f^o., No. 71 Broadway.


ar(HAS. HEARD A Co.,

No. SOI 0«a\r> ST BE CT.Un it recer.t'y purcsaetd from

A V <fTTOIITbree entire TnroicfB of Rich Bb»wl«. Silk» and, V« .M.w,|]eher THIS DAY:

1,V00 RICH ItROinr Sil tWm, cAnae* I«I/ie.Prom 4-8 to #12. e/«Ao»or»fp utouotl eVtiena,

2.IW) sI'PERB IrEltLA 311 AWLS, u»t:vattd.Prem A-', to 4s2fi.m>( half m.t.TBREE CASKS, ronuioina 1VI J,:f*ri>r,t Pi'te-nt of

RICH BROCADE PLAID and 8TRIPK BlttRS,New p « l l »au WiiTti t r v i. e a ,

From 4 £d. to ». pert ard.Pok Cl.OAKt AND MlBTt'.LA«.

Rieb Lyon» Vtlrct», alt'vi n /.d awAr, f.-om *1 to #5 perva'd.

«BO piece* I:Kb Etmin« »ad PaUawa ClelLi fj*m *>: fo %i

:, ¦> L.ere* PBENrfl MEEINOS, I L perrard.ISJm %ardt RICH PARAMATTAS, d Mt ir«ffA, Ooe

bbiillnc and Sil Pente per v adj.Cl )ari Bit II III * .IN' DE LAINE, t' (afi co'on,

Ost. BnlLLiMG per v»rd<U AS. IIP ARD A Co., No. %l Gr»Bd-f.


LOBD a t\ \ LoyA mott exteotive ea«ortin«nt of

BLIi K aad UMITE Ol [PURE LAr-fs,At . very lil»r*i diwoo-"t 'rom re»ul r priree. A|«o

HAT, RIBBONS aad TRTBMINOS,Of rrrrv dtaciiption, at equally low iiricea.

No*. iVi. 2^7 i<3 aa l 2IÜ f>r»nd »i..And new Noe. 47 »nd ii Ca'harlne-rt.

ü DERBY ck COMPANY are not n-pt-ivintfA * per »tr- roer* a rieb varl«tT of f ALL and A'INl'EilCLOTU3, C'.VSSIMl.ai:s, A L'dTl SAc.No. U Park jilaea,

F^ATlTanTTvHs I ER CJtOAKS..MOLVNEL'XP.hl.L No. M C-n»1 ». , in.,i' » tlw LaaUa* ni SVw York

¦tri vicinity totx .min« an lininr i»»*'oe)t irf CI/.)TII CLOAKS,veiy tietny liuoiued »nd bi* own Hylaa, .'. |.ri;»t <n riit a'l.


DO« S KI \ ¦<.et E kVEB«,

VESTINOS, A5.,< ol in It i.atha to ml' puinluter«.

A. T. VI KW ART A Co.,Bioadwty, CantTab rt and Re .1c at'.

L^INE BIiO\\N (J(X)DS.ÖUU balea liockiof-A Lara, Hope and ottr-r raakaa.For aale by NKSMll'H K Co.. No. 71 Broedarey.

| A M E S GRAY & 0 o~.*" Lave recr ned per tteamer l'ni n" eeevral ca->'of

N-.W DREBA GOODS,Conteiuira um* very beaotiftil

SILK- AMi »LOUNCEO ROBF.s,WUob tliey will open on WONDA V, tbe f>th.1

No. 7.It Broadway, or. Waverly alace.

JUST RECEIVED and OPENED.10caiton» Black OL'IPl R>. LACES öctrtaoi White do.


ana llANDKKRl III/.k«. IN'PVNTrJ' RnBKrt.\\ \l-Ts. I APS, Ac, fc.c.

I.OED «. TAYLOR, No^ IV,. 251. 2». *ul Wl Oranl .»_,Ai .1 uea New. 17 and ttt i »lhat


nlway* keep en hand at th it waTaheajaa, in the r-ar ot No. 4*North lld-tt.. Phile.lflphia. a ren«r«l «»aorttnent of

ENITTTNG. CRAVAT, sot K «ik1 single YARNS.Day* of tttencauce »t their warebou*e Wedn<wd*y* and S«t-

uro»y». All order* end coinmtinu-ati in* mutt be a'ddneaed tej. If an A sON. Newark. Delaware.

KEEP WARM. . -»,0110 Rose and WhitneTbl ANKETS (reiy ha»vv I from *ito 4>l jter pait.

1 HEABO A t o., No. *.l lirand-*'.I HAN,

\JE\\ SILKS by the " PACIFIC."XV < Hi \f sii.k< from ai CTI3N.

B I eaata to Ii r'r )«rd.iAlto,



(Worth «40 to #'-0,iWill he !r3creJon.MOM>\Y. OetebarU

A. T. STEWART A CoBroadway. Cbn abari and Reale ttt.Bj

VlrHITi:ROCK SHIRTINGS..The Whiben>c*If Maiiuiaetiiiini Company'» auperfii« S7-incb BleackedCotton: alao, Wate tw.tt ditto, uoeo,ualod for aneoe**, p*rf**>tau and durability. Only arei. v

_NK8MITU A Co.. No. 71 Broadway.


be pea«d on Ml IN' J * V, Oct .bit 1'.,a. T. STK a AKT k Co.,

Broadway, Cbaaobeu ant Rea la-at ..


*Tloit)ing.AD. GALEa Manu'aeturer and WholeoaJe

« Denier *n Boot», Shoe» and Rat ben. No. !»4 Beek naj tl]

FA L I FASH I O N.-Juat finiah-d. eWautHIKM 11 ULR II ATS at the low price of 4U. ueoaUy a«U

hi R4| ucat aid uuxab.e I'aU $i ML BROWN. .'10 Canal tt

IV IN TLR WEAR..Particular attention it ao-I? l'ciied to inr prodtcil n* for Ot ntlen-ren't Pal! »nd B

.,r\.OATS la van. i* now atrle*,Ta Baa*, Baabtfa* C<« t, A; . in the cinata tare of whicn weI BT* been »-tiated by a .leterrriii.itlca lt> re'arn tl.c tupremA t

ti »t h.n b- en »v.ar,led the ettah hhment thn.rub a loax aerie*of jraia. W.V V. IP.NNIKO« A Ca,

No. ?;i B..«Jw»y, orrpotil* the Park Koa.tain.

ÖTtlTs'antTcllaTDUEN'* CLrOTHING fot*% a.. i ».Di ibaa* ta laaati raara, at wholesale.

J B. Cl iist", BAH.-" V a C'n., No. t Park-place, N. T.

Curpfla. tDii Clütl)©, «Cr.


WHOLBRAl ND EKTAILnoun im >. BROTHER.Bo. ."tl Broadway, t-.pp.aito the P»rk,»

Inpo.t.'i» an 1 Dealer» la eeerr deacr otion ofCARTETiNG, OtL-cLOi'H, Ac.

\Vr ere row fail In receivin* fr->m Kb ope all tbe lateat a'.da>o*t -.'.> ttylca "f C«RPETINt», «u-h a*

VELVaR rATEBTRT. BAUaaULS, Ai.Wl.ieh a. . »Vr at he lowe«t m"ket ra'e«.h. B PaiiKolM »t'.eatao< pari io Üt» Lph un~i? j-putaiecr.

©röA-cnc».'1^ H E H 0 PI MILLS,1 DBVC Bli.ltaad aUBD-FAFBR BBTOF

N 71 neekmtr at., N. Y.( O) FEE enJ -PICE DKP AH rMK.ST,

rfaTI rafbaaal B T.0 .r 1ft Pr -.t »V N. Y., «u.« Misufie*TeT» »f

PliAKMAt BI/TKAX V/kir POWDERta,(, .[.ti." ¦»,. h- i~,-r lileral 'e: n*.

Karior> Nca o. j". aBd:« Hudtoo-at.. J**»ey City. N. J. ?J

pioftwfiiAinai :ComcB.vi w PATENT 8PE< rACLES, tot SEEING11 boti PAR ami Nt"AR U-eaib one pii; of «!«**.* oa!».

-.?"». <., .. ..el t.-.U a j »fuer.: Park row.. t.t t.i-.r h.-eje. N. Y Attejjvn »f.-»m » A.M. te u P.M.

ITN1TED STATES PASSI'OKTS -L-ui«d by) 1 P. NONK.t. No Ii Waifta-at. Nat :-^f*»ed C>''-r*»«

-.rat pr, . rt ... A.Nit LAND WAR¬RANT S. PERMGNB, EXTRA PAY, Ac_V' R^N-f^* M-KCTRft-ClTEMPAL RVTlf,T «. . .»-w.. n -.. N. Y .Töe inTewtc* of tVee BtiB*. a*>

-. w ¦ i ta txutnjP aMtattkiM*w*aatere4 xa -V ham-ia r-t*«tot and ta rare »-l A«e-u*a r»en..-.;'') 1 1= .ijcu-'-. n tad ta .¦..tl^ttiti*r> rr. et t \ twa-a '

t - *. % P». 8 .TV .*%**» Fa>

r*. awtt. «j iih .:..>. I ..a.j iJJ At. «v Ki 4*..«-*«


(^OlTBAtOD* ITALIAN MEDICATED &CAP¦ p-rt:iT*ry eVe* Tan. Pi-jrptes. Freckles. Eripr :v *i

km SaitBUan. Prick'y Best*. Aon»a :te fs-n. Nesii*

^W&tV*1 b"t *,B*,laB icarrpctmsj r;«BB»vi PJCDRa""'kB rl-E aproct» bBhr fraaa low r-b«ad* spt>*r bis. or any; " <¦< '-is ooey, wnrtnied. LlCUD Ro! "JS Lrpto.ipfltd :n«!»gs. HAIR DTE AND REST ")R 47. VT .


s*-V>lieh* i Depot. Mo. «7 Walker-at .first sie sfrora BrutwayMrs. HI V- ßrcoS Tn. P. «.TT.* Ho. iß Wanket ttir, Ros¬te«; laaXLENDAR. Na Bs South Jd-st . nawiletlikla

HARRISON« HAIR RESTORER Ii a newBTtir't. It wi'l .1 nstd »-frdios to drer'i-et res ** %

iaa»lai t crow he'll .i.- t>tie B »VI H«s'., v.:,. y esJ hotvkIj tbe ; eeesed tad trig r>f «-rw h ¦ -»t.» >ii| b»ir. Itslrts to tba roots oi" ho hair bo s entity sod eiieeasally pra¬ter:, (h» Lair frjtn ftl ing. It ci»tn«»e of dtal-'ff sol art-

i»r u "ceer.reB'rotBBist e. It rn-s s ntt-n' a ."-;'.. .>

trs to the fair of ibe a>l-.>. m>! h cvst * »>. .fc-'ol gntrthtoth» h' r f t,o-h. GSJl- l«« 4. ». KEN No. f. Maiden-It**.¦sssbbsswI 4e>s> too . rt is i EraryisjtaBsr on. '! t'-i' HtL.-ON No 1 j tiradwiy. has 't w .».».'. Tis-shabofra-el growtn. »hi<-b < 'n>»m« th* 'Schaag* of swee* arj-C'lollard Iber hsrrvories, . etp-esee.1 asaat p irr.y In the pertax-?f Haaai-ot's Eit t o SwcvrBtita.

Mf O'f.LlCfC A- Co.. Mannficturer» of ailr::,dj of Pict.es. Preeerree. Catsups, Ss .jet. Ja-o*. '.<¦¦

%. hciD.et1cs.i7 «esled Eroi'i. Ssrept. Na. .") A'tshi igroo-s\J.JVL\\Tow.\ PIPPINS and LADT APPLESfM1" EXPOBT .TT.J En.- bat «.. kl aans] tw»*t?d. ptr-kt 1ro d*w. flat B"oped. ab-tithr bar-tit sod warraat .-.! perSe I, t

laige parcel win b* ready for Col los'l Sta* net of 'he 17tw. The. '¦ lerh-« oeAseit»; A rt t m r.iBT. f.. PELL. PellhainPer",.» pus P.et uf'o-e. ''..-er Oataa J, N. T.

\OTK E to CAP-MÄKl.K^l'rypoi»aU wilTbeAt recfred st tb* Masot's UfEee City Hall, coal the II hdsy of f>et .brrtns* fur the mop's of Vivo Hsadred B oe ClothLapsfrr the .»« rf the Pt.i.ee 0»p*rt jjent. The Cap* t> bec.a'e .c si.' rrnrc-l 'its the lAtnc^e at tba office of 'he Chief ofPolle*, sad to be fhrBiahed is such qitrj'.um sad at aaoh tiatassj the Cfcuf of Potice uiay re juir*. Any cap f irmib-d of infe-r.i r ma'eiial 0/ worhmanahip. will be per.ma' ssAeaai i


PBOFESSOB JOHNSON9 ORRIS TOOTHsOAP wil sFactaaDl r-more the Tartar, cliana* lbs

Teclh hsrden t-r fjo-ss. and v the It- 'h His tfEDLf ATI I) SOAP r*iros<a Preck.es and whitens the Skia. HbCHEMICAL EaTABTVE SOAP, tnt waiVns w-thout ruVen*,and TTIA N >i PA RENT AkUtH* StiAI', a* »uoerlor srudos.Depot Be, 317 Bowery, oppo* la B e*..ker s».

rt\) tbe AI KLKTED .Tho»f ouli'ering withA Neuralgia, «rpecia.ly in tb» besd and face, or with Hheu-Bi-turn or Oont, wi be inarac'eed a* re ander Dr. WHEELER'Streaiment. Office No. ttrti "roadway. Peraooa resident in thecorrn'rr rested at home. Ofliee hours. 9 to 4 o'clock. Prtsstscobib tiog-rcoms tor Laiiea l'imph.et«. erlak highest city tee-limonisls, grails.

Paints. ®iit, <91aet. &t.

rHE FOUNTAIN LAMP and FOUNTAINOily.Designed tor general family use, will git* a bnlliaat


IT t'ANNOT EXPLODE,»eins a pore, f sed Oil. «u-oktleas and scenLie**, and anil borawell in any OIL LAMP.As a lubricator of Machinery it is unsurpassed, being, en .rely

tree from gum.The LAMP i* aimpl*.bolt?a half s pint, and re<rair*s filling and

krin.iring but on e a week.LJROE LAMPS fr» Store*. Chsrches, Lector* Roorns

." «.. and Railroad Cars, that will give a most ipkodl«light for 11 eonaecotlre boars without trimming.(Vmntry fore keepers are ins.ted to examine into tie merits

sf ibis matter and introduce them to sht ir deslern,MATHEW VANDKRHOOF, Noa. a and 50 Friakfort *.)

BLAKE" PATENT FTRE-PROOF PAINT..Tbe oilgmsl ar d only geooine art! e that ego be sold w.tkv

xit t'oistrag my Peter* e..uata.iily on hand, both grennd la ottad dry powder, at the Genera. D*pct, No. 11» Pean-st. Han>ser sfaar*, by tb* Pat-ntee- WIL BLAKE.

CHARLES El EEER. Mantifarturfr of andDei'er in CAM i it EM K. Bl RNLNü FLI ID SPIRITS

r, ItPE NTINE, sii.l *ij a d on y, :m,t ALCOHOL, No.WJ.-e-nwljb-st., be'ween Chmnoersaad '-Varrex sts., N. Y.

COBITRN . EXTRA OIL >. warrabttNi oi t*tisnrerirr grn-lity ?".w Macliuesty or Bun.lng. Being tmiaiieg

x d perfectly free f~om rt-u it w nrks Inely and norfesitly oarteartory on ms'h'ne. y. ail wi.l bum etroej to the tesg Sperm :istechv.ical. N {It, and rt 1 Lsrrps. It has h'ca la est

avgaly 'or the psst e'sht ye»rs tnd is a ierorite Oil with ma.

we*st sietutnl. pa, «: p«, I nies, st«. farollH frj H gaTJisaO atrfc W»rr»'"ed ontformly rtod, orrers'* »?..¦ rr.ed at 'he -sperir4 of (Coba.-n's only Agent)

\V\)U W. JCINCT. No s> WuTfseB-st..ter.Fleet

f E 8 8 U P iÄ c BILDS-07 PalNTS. OfT.«, WINDOW OH-:«, er-.

KItKNl:l and AMEItl' AN U\C PAiNTLB ort M k I 0 Wat'r St., Now-Tork.

U.S..8,000 callfnti Miu'hinery Oil.ll.fsm gB'l-ms Preble's Boiled fill at 75 cents 1 lalloa.9.fs 0 gallons Tanner's Oil at S ents s as lota,crsog ans Wfa u , Bl a. at 1 Waela 012,(00 gsl on« Wir'er Pressed Laid (MLi KOgalloia B-.i 'Iri Roof and Feii-«I)J.

Portale by J HK.NRY SMITH. 113 Maiden latie, Nsw-York.


sort'y *r> oted etteuaise Werkg la Jersey City for th* mtneVctare of Dry While Zins and Whi'e and Co.o-ed Zine Pranttws prepared to etc die orders. Their Whue l ue is raparior .«

say other of AasBaiiian aaaaaOaolaie, tnd e orr'.resfarorai.ljarith tbe best a*ality of French. For tals oa mtorabit lataa>y th* Cotopany's A i< ntr

liANNfNf) A SO.' IHR. No. M Coortltndt st

IBnütiinBj Alatetialsj.

}ENCAUSTIC TTLEB.For Vestibtilea, Halld,J Hearths Dlolrt rooms Cm-.. OAKSK t KK


I)ATENT MARBLE for the MILLION.-ThoI'n.ted Stttts Patent Marble Co., Incorporated and"r the

lews of the State of New-Ycrk, capital .Blb.i.tse. are preparedto execnts til orders for Mantlis, Table Tops, (V.tmus, Podei-tsw, n sitcrs, Slat*. Ac, H imitstioa of Siecnt, Brocatel,Pyranese, Neapolitan, and all fancy Marh'es; e piti in streut h,betuty, 111. liutt'ioty to real Marbl'. and a- less than half thecoal. I t like mtrb.rijed iron, wood or slate, tkit ariicl* I*wholly free from a 11 hp r'ions urge a/t'.nst mere «arüi e w.irl,the polish betrg produced by in. tun and not by paint and rtr-

ni-h. Orders from builders, Oobtnot-iakaro, artsiOtbsTt oli-eited, rod . v -'s.-', r gntranteed. Liberal arrtagemeatl mt.lewith re

No »»3with responsible pviiea for ater.ciet in all tbe principal c:i

6 Piealnej. rorns.- of Walker s/. N. Y..rn Laws, Secretary. PETER RENNIE, Presl.leot

ROOFS ! BOOFS !! ROOFS! 11 .The ob«4jtset tnd beat article for eorerfrj* roofs Is TAB ROOP15«

PAPER, which we keep OoostactTy oa htad tad srttl sell at

'arg* or amall qnantilies to suit purchasers.JASV*. DERRlCKStlN klX N- "> Beekma* sL

jBoontrj Can5 Cür.rriinpi.


No. KWsest, Hew-York.Wo will supply rrder* promptly. Werrena sswys on osad

LAND-WARRANT OEKICE, No. 63 Walr-tt,New-York..Tbe highest mark't p-ice paid far LAMi

A AKIt ANTS; tnd all Warrants told by me ire gntruteed taCforwt-ded by BtsJ or otherwise noon raoeipt of reai:'taneea

Ltnd-U arrants procure! 1 r toners and others an 'ii.sd lcScanty Lands, upon tpplicttimi to

T. J. COLEM.VN, No. S3 Wtll-tt,

JindaTflnc« Companif*.


t'tSc* No. 52 YVall-sL, opposite Merrhait*' Eichins«.ULUU L-kL.NO, Prtsideat

JsvrsB. Intl-, Jr.. P-;.et ay,

HARMONY FIRE INSl'RANCE COMPANY,No. 6 B.otd rt., N. Y Cash i oasltal, «IM.fMHl

witb tbaneeisBse turf.tat, .«irnnwi to ta*ors on lb* mos: fa'*sol* tsrm* Iswaaist loss anal daiuag* by ire,E >. OI.OVER Sec»y. W. CALLENDEE, PraFA

rrHK GREAT WESTERN INSTJTLANCE COM-1 PtNY barrrg its t>sb Carnal all staid la. will eotnaeor*

'aA.i t M VKINE RI-<Ki n MONDAY. OcA 1. U their otfic*OREAr t\ ES i*ERN BIIlDIVi-S - No. II Pines'.

n SEVENTY-FIVIa*«*in Sciio.1*4 by apphca-

|J a a: the Sd.r»t*ij's ds*k.DOI'OLAS RoBlNSOV, Secr'-try.

Oltt-s.1 »IMimi P L luin ..1 isrsse

Tbks ConrmsBT returns to it* »stoateri UV1i'> 11 l ENT of the net pr -h s a/ -he years' businessCopies of the Pr wpertus tnd Charier ..an be had

Coal, sJk'c.

«C ei* PER TEN for EED-AÜH. BOO,tß -mrtj and BTOVI CO.kL, tleliyerel ia go>d ordtr

front yvd No. 33 Stentotvtt., by L. I. COST.iA.

CtfA L . My objcft id qtii'k tYles bin) imtilpn fits. Fat rash present atioe I* e>3 fx, wail scrsened,

fn-tn toy yards, corner Knag, and wVeeawicH-rta., 25tb-**. ana

?ti> er., and No. 116 Daane-st. s>5 from boat,Ptf^r. CLINT

(Tcpaitnci5l]ip Notices.

THE lirmtif BBNBY SHELDEN »V To , bar-mg resame« p-yiu'-.t. K3 .VARD 4. SrlELDr. a

tor nnder»igt el hu 'bis dsy t*so-i stsad wi h bin ROBERT C.LAVI ON and james W. D'.NLOP. aid . jrr.ta-1«. t *

Si 11 fmi and l u^Bi"s n Beatnta*. anier '-»» 1rn of WEN I fSHELl'KN. LAW<iiN a Ca mEJtaT SdELÜEN.No- 3d Phve-at., N. T..0 t 1. IJoA

i^cfi'.n SUtiastitt. -Cr.

FOR CALUORVTA .1MYS 0' S41LI«.. HANoED 10 b aid Ja'1 K U rI Mt.»N :U.->»W-

T RE and CALIFORNIA E AMsniF LTNE, tie NICAjKU.' t vt EnäOR) YEANS T tOMPANT, of Nkviatfea. P.-jprt ara.- TUB >'- OH ..t kDTANCXof ieMAl-»V* Mile* ^herser-ban s-roaber Krm a. -Ttf ssseadiI dat. j *.

en^co Sreimt-ip NoE'IlIER... LIU It ^ M*J t J-» craaroLrar»«*i T1 k ep*-gh. wit leave PVer N* 3 Noitb at I

e'tlxM, P. M., pre«Tee y. BJC P' N FA AkEN AS, oa tt t MiI> \ Y O t .'I c rnev:ir.g e-tb »t* P'esxabip SIERE t Ni-YADA tire ioBs tardeal.otf taw Ntatrsarrt 1 rasant soete,btwiap eat 12 m. to es sad u-sa^porttuoa by ntst-:l*as .ti.uty*.

r. ' u '"ir- a . ...tea the -es>oe»i sat .. a**, y taty ie

t H\'^y-i V JE AIL 'ft'. **o- i st /r»-a.I eetsy »!.», -». » , atrbs ¦ -na is* rtr-rs ts»ea Me

ÜrK MALL fntAMFTTIP (XMl/NT-Fma H \vANA*rd NX". ' >bllf. a.n"? -<»a Wl r«t»"DAY.

f>u 17 u 2 P. a., ftuca pier met mt WuirnL n. V ireMM«I favente r«an*La; J.RANADA, «er . ifn Mr<» wwr,W.U MllMlkr*.


Paaeage ten be oe-cr»«* »' dH Ci rrpar t > rffir».fr'-*t: te n-w C: e«.-.« in -».-.-» ~-

rbippera wtil be «eppiiee wtk kul a. t f icri M 0.«fern: nn>4 by the Compact or. ir»!i«t> u i . r iff ee\ Noether form* «agned. MM do tu «t rading w... t-« uttii .u:n* hrir of mux|._Ferfjraegrkt err p««*ee*. ipy'l ** t*V* of <lm C mpacy,No. 177 Keo»-r..ccTB«r ol Avarren. M. O. RCBEBIS.

F'OR SAVANNAH mi FLORIDA.Co. ttvlr>u'»« Moil Lioe.TV» c»w *¦ .'. « "tart ft I i

RNOXV'ILLE. C. U. L»a!cw. ccmira-ider. wlj S«w-> .« r Sit rttfc cn ir'f> >:m i:.. '.- u. - t V, l

N- H ri , <k P. *.!. r-f **r>B...I t/:ji|-t;tt:t -,c-» ¦ i

For tre-.gkt or ptuMf' trr-T MI S'.M' EL L ::iri ULL, K II h ctwav.

Ct>.-n PtMtje ro StTtac*1! *¦. rFletSdi tai ajtU JMltaai:.]o,v*|. p atk». *ilTb-> Li K.ÜA MS PVc<>im»l eummuidr*. w... t .ceeJ

leave co RA tUEPAT, Oct. JA

FOR CHÄÖ^PON and FLORID I.MEilY-AVRBRLY f S. MUL LINE..TT» n-w *ai itat-gMna

treue, r JAMES ADOER. C I To-e 4crrn.en.ler, trtfi_¦»** too No. 4 N. R. oa WEDNESDAY 0 t. 17. t>: i » dockP M. prrrae.y. Far rie.ghi epply oa bc*rd, wa>re a.. bul» oflading w.l! be rgner1. ttvi :>r paaaape. .biTing a-,

areaaaaaeatuirae.i tt the office af SPOFKORD Tli^esrv.N.* Co., efa. ^' Broadway. «' - ataaa . P». r^rr-ianticket* to rlorvleta to.lowt: Xe .*cktncni: ¦. *V i; to rrtatke,MCThe nmr.itt^Ttt «tettner NA«'H 1LLF >t. Be-rr corrmtid-

wul rccoerd learicf Oct. JO.


ruperior fint-c ete .teamthip AR It f., S.SOa tine L-fevr».rooimaaatr, wiil p.ni irelr mil tt abute on lATOEDAY.

- tt twe precaely, rrcni pier V Ncrth Aifrr, foot ofChuabereac

Pint cltea peaeeaa.4>MaSecond claee peeeece. Bee

rixi.o Dtrr* cr ItUfa IProm New Yc -t. Fmn Hetre it 'oa'htmptra.

ARIEL. Woe 3 ARIEL.«.V'. .3NORTH S-BAR. Ner. 21'NORTH STAK..... Not 7

ARIEL. Dae. i, ARlEi. Ree.UNORm STAR. Dec. 1JARiF.L.l»S* Jan. 5

Tiefe »bipe ha-e wttec :ubt oompertu.enu. u4 are built ar.dA ted in the bett rcinner for tarVty end eom'ort. I litt A 1 andinture at the lotreet rater.

Letter* prepaid e«th 1*J| i-enf* f" i cr. at* *a**l*at] a? th*office of the line. No. 5 Bcw.lnj green, tili 11 o'alocA A. M. ofthe dar of aallla*>t..cm *no tpecie .»k«n tt r*du«ed rate«, and peree!« rrepaid

each #1 i"0 ud uperttd. For t're aht or peMijre, npj. t

D. Tt »KRANCK, No I Howlina eret-a, Neer York.ALBERT N. CUAVär. E. No. n Prece de .« Bcarte,


CaahaMJ I)ei»t:|ce. Il»v:e.

HE NEW-YORK and LIVERi,OOl7ÜNlTED-r*T> I M ML STEAM?JlS.-Tke*nirMtaotarciin(tiua

Roe ere rfce t illowinptATT AM It t"««v. Wee*. P ACI'IC. Capt. Nye.BALTIC,Oap*. Deaaaaa k. ADRIATIC

Thsee ihtp* karinf keen bmll t>y eoi.trtct eaptieely Itor theGeeernsr.cnt aritwa, *very eer* ru ban tikrnie the'rioa. ae elao in their enp.ie», ro wire trrerrth ard rpe-%1, »:.Jtheir t. ..onmjt>'»riont tut pettecaen tre one.maled fcreieaanceand eotntort. Puce of peetetre rnnr N-w York to Liverpcol, infirat-cliM c»Mb, (MS); m «ecood do., #75: exclunre Aeof ex-

trt tile r.ete-n troe, * töi from Liverpool to New- York. 90 andaoru neta. An eipenenceu Sargeor attached m each tt.p. Noberth aecared tmtil pel.1 for.

PRUl-OfEA/ DATES OF S.V1LIN9.ran* ar.w-Toaa. rto»t « ck.

.VEDNESDA Y. .fept. 1*» WA * AT c' B D AY.Sept. O, WAWEDNESDAY..diL I, It» SATURDAY.oa. 6,lat\ttVFDNE.-DAY..Oct. 17. |«A8 ^ATtTtDAY.Oot. JO, 1»M»'EI)NV>DAY..O. t. 11, lai'. s.t ;-| I.DAY.Nor. S. IM!n'?uVE.-"I»AV..N. ». 11,11V- H VITRDAY.N** Pf,IBMaVEDNE DAY..Nor. 31, ItUiSATCRDA].Dee. I, W6JFF.DNESDAY..Dec 12. IBAJ.HAT! UDAY.Dee. IS, IBMW«-D>J* SDAY..D. e. 2B. 1AS5 SATURDAY.Dee. 3», lAi.sEor trrithl or BJfjaji, applj to

P.fm D K. CÖLUMB, No. ¦ WaM.et, N. Y.BROWN, SHIPLEY k C«.. Liverpool,STKprlPN RENV ARD k Co.,

27 Aoetea Knee*. L [.'<»P. rt. VV'AITfwRlOHT t Co., Pane.OEO. H. DRAPER, IUtto.

The owaera of three thtp* will not be aeeeaatabt» aar |nM,.liter, beirion, necie. ,e w !ry praaiaa* t'.aiet or mr:t.<, onl-t*biil* at üb| *re :,>.*: thetaaoc, ttrd Ca ratie then f therein»ipre»r4M.ipnr* «rill p!'**« tafc* notice that the tttp* of thi* I a* C*Q-

oot c»r*J a*>2 i'.od» cor orehar.d oi war.


raott aaw-roaa ro LI*BBP**kiOh ri ( «l ln Pa*«*re.Ol*»k'econd Cabin Puttt. 15

rar« aosioa to Livaaroe*..Ch ef Ca! m PaM««e.BllfSt- ml f let. Pv«a*re. 01

TL- »l.ii « B to Baata* rail at ilalitaa.AtUmI v. i apt Jaakbia,PERSIA,Car*. ItTrie.

. . I. i\ . II a BfA »i url n

A i .1 A . t f

F.( ROPA.Capt. -oani .a

Ci NADS, i| lb a*.VI VC4"A.' apt 1 -'3

The«e teeael* carry a clear wie« hakt at inaet-need. p-tao*etarhoerd b->w; reo on pt.rt btw.AFRICA, Harriwi.Leave* Boj oa. Wt.lrr i»v. ¦*< piAAIEBKA, Lan*.Leave* BeatOB, WaaBkOB lay, lOtM Oct-CANADA. S'Airk-.: I^ave* P.,t»or Wednetday. Jtth OrtAERICA, Harnaoo.L. »ve« Bott. n, \\ >dj<*d»y. 7th Not.ASIA. Loft..Learee Baatii., Wedaeeday, Slat Nov.Berriw not teccred .mtii pakt for.Aa arperieaced Borfeon oa h jard.The own-tt of the.* *tiip* will not '< ace..notable tot G M,

Sliver, Bolliim, Specie, Jewelry, Pr u« Rinne* or r.leiaJ*, an-

let* WCt «f lerllnf ut aianed tbei«f'r, ad tkw «*:** tuer-oftherein ezpreeaed.F*r (zeitht or p&ttaje, tor W to

E. CLNABi), Ro. 4 Bvwlk,MTaaa,There w n he no atea.i «.ip* of the .It* from New-Tora anttl

fcrtber nolle*.

SAILING-DAYS 5th and Mth of EACH..^V.".'ry . rVtÜP ItCILili from OCKAN li OCEAN, byPANAMA It AlLKciArY tt, ,»». k.>..«. i... n... ,i, (,

California, via Panama Railroad.-The CNITED STATE IMAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY bat« ad to atapti w tat A*piu-wall on SATI-RDW. Oe*. at I ******* P. M. BBOBlllly. Haaapitr loot ot Yvarrrc-er., Ncrth It..er. the woU-ewewa acd U-torlte*teamthtp EMPIRE CITY.Capt. PL Wir.Jle.Paiatc/ert anJ Mai t will be forward- J hy Pai tui* Railroad,

andiont'ct at Panau.a with the Pacla* atari 1 lalpfTsm-pany'* mtanirlcent iteajn-hip JOHN L. STEPHEN'S, R HPeai.cn. tomn.axi.ler, which will be in re* Ln***, t .d e.sc u-

m^rtate.T for "*an Pranri«. ¦>.

The pub Ic are iafarBaed lhat :h^ P. M. S. S. Co. -.Iwajr- 1 aveONE or MORE EXTRA BTEAMERS > |at PaaaawiweAyfor tea, to avoid any pi.ttihle derm la* "I Paa"-d*. rt .,r M«..^For pattiae, apply t» I. W. RAYMOND it tbeenly offi e A

the Com pan let, No. 177 \V< *t tt, corner WaaBaPMA, N. Y.


poeed of the fcllcwmr n»w and «plerdi.1 thip«, vir:CALJBODN.2,000 tea* burd'n....C«pt. D. H. Trnmaa.V. CLAY.1.500 tent burden....'apt. Dai;.? CaiUina.wFIISfEB.2.Wttm*barden....C»pt. J. J. Laarrew^.ORIENT.AOOaturt* beaten....Capt. Ceo. S. IMLThe lU.v* reeeela b»ve b»-n recently 6.lit, and are Che

lar.- t' at J mutt rabetaattal In the Uaie.luty are cemiu.auded by men Aeiperieace and al lTVy. The

acoijiao.latt.in* are very anp^iior, aad every eierihm will lamade to prcmote the com.'uri ofputera rt an J the coriieu.cncaofah'ppei*. P. r ft-elpht or pt«u« at ply 'o

SPOFKORD. TILESTON k Co. Ne. 29 Br.adway....;.* ha 1.T. GRJMaHAW A Co. No. 1'. Ou*

Pi- v

glcamboflts artb Kaiiroiibg.


and NEW-YORK. FateBL L«*ve Bro-iklynevry tVEDVr a

DAY tad S ATI'HDAY at 10 A M. Leave Oreei p ,. everyMONDAY aad IPUE3DAT »t 10 A. it.

1 QCg ÖTY~B0AT for lü'r-Jrlajaj), ALBANY Itndinf (each wiv| 1 Oaf*ttat^Nyark, Oratay Point. AVeat Point. Newburgb, Pjoaukeep-r.e, Rnjt.ite. k. Cattk.U, HuJacs, aad C. a v k.e. Meale»erted aa hoard. The ft rue «teamer ARMFN1A, Cai.L N.B. Cochran. it now aaakicf ber regular .rip* to A buy. Iett.ii«Nie Tak fr'in foct of Chamh»ra tt.. erery T'r<">.\'i,THL'B.SDAY and S.aTL'RDaY, at 7 o atk, a M M. B.-AB-.rttstl. Itter wilt aocoixipa^y the S;e M.rt e* -h way in check'¦»h*.<. free. For parlicnJa.-*. kaeyatja a'. New Vor« add ErieKa a* J OS'e, Ca*eaVre-et. whart

HUDSON RIMR RAII.ROAO.-Oiaiida'VrMONDAY, Oct. 15, lA'i, i »eTr ln« wti! !*av* i'Bimber«-

rt Stat'un ft to-lowt: Ezpr'ia T.-aii ( JL, sj , cicnecua« w.thN r*!*ea and "PaeteraTraie. ai i.«... . i. af. TawaabW«y Traia. IS M. Eipreea Traia. 5 P.M. Pw Hu!»rn IP M. Pjr PeaiLk'-p-.*..Way Pr .iit aad Pa>*iarei Traia,1P.M. P'r P- - k -kul, 7 A. If. andSÄ P. H For itUt-Tin.3aJSaadl:AP. it. tttDabha E rry. U;u A. M.,* V. biTke Dokft tOITJ .' i - ii F"l«ir til lla^aon Traia* *t <JIat all lb* va ay S'ati in*. Paaeet«er* taken at i .ao.c-j:.. Caatf,

(heran.! Mal t a. ButaDAY MAIL TR AIN .-¦'» P. M.frrmCanai 'L fcr A banv ao«! Vre*, ':>>pi-.* at *>1 auail rjia-

lu.nl.M. L. S'i /a., Sj;*r ui -n In -.


ecpietr.Leave Broiklya ff G wtior 10 A. if. fjrTaptaik I" A. IL. it'i S r'-v .:C. P M f-f Farml-gd- *

aad Slit., i if. "i >: P M ; f r HdjipareaL 10 *. iL.

UM..*j<J;t5*!.4 5P. V.. fcrJaintea M A. M.. 12 M., J:ti,5, aad K S*P. M. Leave 0 e-npor. for Brvoalvn. 10 A M.:Yiplai k. 11: J A. M. oa M n il-*. > :10 A JL; Ltii'e'-.lIt-.U r XI. an Moedev*. ill. »1; P.rmiai »al«. 7: j* \ '

aiJ P U., Syoaett 7:V> A M. and » P. kt ; Ueaaptteai. iSSA M. and 5:5ö"P * .'am*.:*. Ipf an A. M. and2:10aad4s«*P M.

GREAT CENTRAL EOUi'E-Tfca TVt.agb Ticket aa I ¥ euht CSV' af tae


Aad thel- Railroad atd Steajnbca* Cwo--.-* r* u» f7b!e«r«'. »i.l-e.Ua l* Bu/^igtoe. tu Luukt, Caaio, xu) *-> p- rt*

aa eat and BaaXavweag,Via SUSPENSION BRIDGE. BUFFALO,atOSVYEGO ia rt

Na. us BAOAD'A AJ N. Y.Cjrr.*t rf Ccf.-ilar- t et- daäiüs CLARK, Agwet.

VK^-YORX AVD NTW-HAVEN RAIL,A* ROAD."?I ¥M> t ARBANOEMEN7. Mav 7, taNkTaama La«vi Ngw iota-Pjr N-w-HavecI AM..

iPa.:| 12.S», iji. (Fa. and Ac » *. (Ek-J IM P.M. FcrlnJgeport-7, l A. M., <Kx.,) \X30, U U. t"d Ei. ) 4.(F«.JA» P.M. Fnr MUtbtri Srrar. ¦¦¦>. i

aad W«etport.7 A. M.; LRJR 1 JO. 1J" P. ja. For Norwaik-T f A M., ll*i.l», fEa. and Ac J 4. (5x i A3». S.I5 T tL

1 For Dane« and Orecrwa-k.7 t A. BLi lAtat. 1JC. Et. u>44 4.1». i>5 P. M. Fur Steaafcrd- 7, », 1 A. 'f ;flU. ) Ri*t,

I S», 4. fEa.,) 4JB. 1:5 F. M. Fcr »nr. CTjeer^r tad N*»-5 i- 9.7,9 A. M-. A* L.. r At*

' atd Innimaaaila Bandtae 1. I A. M.; LS..', ABS, RIB, LUP.M.Ccnarna* Ytaiit-FeT B>«tra>-* IS. "-t.il f. It.

ifkU Pet Ihajaaaai aad ap.-regAeld «¦ (Eji;.) Ll**,4 f. at.fV.t } Fcr Cot^ectteat Rrrer Railrned ¦* Meo^-taJ-* 1. M(F-*-| Far Canal Railroad-1 A. M..fTr..> <A3B P. M. FirRcw-Loadtin KjuL. ad.4 ilt.lf.K. >'er H oaatot..; RekVread-4 A. M : AS) P M. Per Ntaaa- * Rairreed » A. JA;IJ» P. kt. Fc-r iraaaary and Rerw.jc A*m.^-7 t a. Hi4 PM.Taaia* r* Na» Tita.Prow. N«w Hatte -Ut 1, »S*

A. M -', . f ».(?.!'. F- v. a- -V-

Aia.leU. I*, is A. M.; 2S2. trU-,) *Tl i.Jf. J.iixl FromPcjwtik.«, a.44 All !t.A2 A. M.; AM ft . _*5. vaP. M. |F*.| r^a P.-rt A ieaft^- . ' ' 7 <¦ 3» 11 *«

Aa.,1 . ; rf. Jit., c'. >.n,n,i

FMILY TTfcOT.tr rTAalN* Ert» RTs-tg PtilLA. s.iFHtA - a -i <-p >«.<«. :t.« wOiiNrNO ntuI*** a in .***-*. T; .*< »»r»"« .» r*i*Hit> ** 7L*- andssw..wT*Htsesrrae «V» Phita<le,pUbM 7 A. M. TkeFASTLINl.teas* rtma^lpAe 'or *SiUtV.gh «I U M., and P-ttaeargAfc-I Fbte'rlBava it t.*t£ Tr.. NMih? KXPRJCSS TAAiBl«tut fb«'a.fe'pr>a tor »v«»»^ u 11 F-At.. end Pw-J^iiIrr r-hwBAVfntV* at 1« P. M.Twilnttcfi -jo. e :t tt »".*?* ga W-b tb* Aa'irwula fa

sad rrrta *t. Loot*. Mc.i Alton, oil eat*, and Chicago. 1U.)Piaoafo-d, lAitnjUm ard Lotnvt-iL*. Kj., Terr* Htat*, Msdl

.H* tad C:r -«nr-ttLFc-r 'Vrbar perttceJar* see astd-ML* ta rba brae's ef rait

Bjfy *» «-^ners w .1 .t.d .i.s'ho ihs^eatt, most aattatJMnited' etaest-w-tb1* root* kterwesra it* r.av tod U eat.rtiotib Oatati etc ke tad u aitaeg cr tea al*rr*-m*a'loa«d

»tat« m he Waat, «r or*I» B. I?LAN. Aae-t, V*w Jersey R*fl-"aad 0«. *oot of

«v-. «len.i at. Mew- Vnttx.J. Is. ELLICl'TT, Agent. P-rrrr;T»r'a RiL.->*d fa.

No. 2 Ai'or Moat*. New Yore.THOMAS MOt-'RE. igant it. tit* sr«d Mtrk-teta, |

Basw-V oak. Aaafll P. lartV Ttaatadaiwkoa.

I3E>^STLVA>1A RAlLKf-AD .Tb«s 0REA1CENTRAL RCl"! E.ecutsr'-'iug to* Atlantic Cltieowlt»

.Tea-, .-n. No-tkwest-rr.. and SvKhwet'ern Star*, br a m »

ir. ¦.¦.a Railway Jkrvct. I*b* Road a'«o at rtnecrt %t P.itsburet Iesfh .lair iln* of Stammers to all {or a -n the Va"eater* K arri

¦ riand »ud räao<lo*kT wilh t>! issuers to all n.m.* at

ir,» l.va.errm Lain; mattrg tho tnoa» utrrCT, cheapest anda roan* by »hieb ERAHUtT as* be Itrwasded to *t>

frraa rb« (l-eat Wet*.P. IT»-S f.EnVEE.v PH:r..«DE*.PHIA and PITTS31*R0H.Tratt Cl ts*.-Boots, Sb.ea, Dry Öoexia, fin j

boiaa.) Far.. Fe, rera. v .1 **' X<* .jajraariftim latti *ol ^tarVvnery, Dry)

Good*. i*a balea ) HaxJwar», L**lLrr.) Ma. F*c I«' ft.Waat, kr.>

FarI u Cl la*..AatRa, Bartmf, Bao<a and . mP*rk,(in oaA.) brrnp.kc....-.i»"

Fci KTB Cl in..Code*, Ki<h, B*-. o and 1 l v, _.

Fork. (Parkcd ) Bard and Lard OU..[**I* ahtprfc* toiodt frnrn any point raat of PhiladaVohia, «a aar

rVnlar b* mark *« paeka/o *. tr* PetM-.trlranas Railroad.'' ABrVrc.i .iT.rgt.«..-o the t,»oia of ihn Road at Fmladalphia i»PW »t i.r«b, will k* I rwanW wirbent detrnuion.FarjfiHT Acasra -M.wtj Pr.-tta Bo*ron; J. fa. EMlnat,

ftfw-York; E. J. r*n*ty. r, PH a.teJphia. Maaraar A K jcbj,1» '^:: re. Oe<~. t". PianciavB*. P..'tbnr»a; »pririx'.iiati A Brown,Cfcnunati. Onio i J. t. bto.rrhea.1, L.uiavil.. £j H. C.MaMrim. Wadiaoa. baS.1 Rat. lit A Oa.. ta. '-a w r¦Lu-hrll k Son KratarnV, ln.U*na.For Vi'-t r urt>-alai* or kola ot ladle*, arwfr Bo

J. L H.LH IT. Atreat Penn. Raafc-<-ad Co.1 at

C. B. ALLEN. No. « Aater Uoote, New-Tora.PI. H. HOtATON. (eaoeral "rei«ht Aceat. Ph tadelpkia.

B J. LOktBAKRT. anpetiiiteBdeul. Aatooti*. Pa.i ¦ a



by CARI.K A SI R'l.NU, Drugawt*. No. UJAater t», Near .

Ycrk;lnd Mre. B i\ES Nr, IIS 1 u tou at Bto«)kl)b. D petat No. i"> Falten it., New York, comer CVnTlt. Ite ireahan-drcda. and 1* made from reratible*. t ali and aee the cor i.'..M'afrom thote whom it ba* cnn A

CRt MSB BABIaiS..All lufantn aro liable to thet olle. and many di* fancu tha oil eta of lat.Uuu-i and

other dime,-, aa eine lie*, adminitBred to alt .i reJlai t.-tmoth-ri remember 11 at Dr ¦AIBEETS'S COL UIXTCRESaj the ctly oet'aln an. la'e remedy, ae\er known to fall la fir-kj t tuataiit relief, and of trinatanlug frelml, <:ry ti.g Ba' aea in*

tat and kaalthy ItMaklBi Cacraiia l atti alyJ itatotryf. «oM by all the Dr*jlfW>a HA»II. »Nt>. U't.NNAi. v Rl*-LT, P.BB ** No. U H arrei. lt.. \\ hoi'aai« A| '.

RADWAY » KEiDT RELIEF.- IDiarrbea, Cbolera-Morhna cr pa'cW diarhart«* Iway Ska

bowel*, are stopped in I'or .ft ininate* by RAD H AY'S R1 tDYKKLIh E. For rieadaabet, wh -tlier ikk or nenr Ml Klt'a-na-"i-m, i'aralysis, Lui.-iosg-i,Ooiit, Nearalfia, SwoCaa loiutiandpenis aad weakt esa in LtM Bv k, Spine or KUnei, pan.i ar olJthe Liver, P.entity. SweMiuit at the leant* Betas in t. I I w

els, Uearburn a .d ptina of all lb)it, R IOWA Y'S BJBAD1RFI.IEK will, m t few momeo *,cbaags th* miseries yoa taf:'er to i ya of u '-aanre.R. R.R. No I^RADWAT*S RTN'H VTlNil RESOLA i'NTluf the ein of ehroLie ditoaae, t'i.h ts Scrofih.il> . Syp! a

aatts, I asanioiln and etaet aatsaiasne et* lae tan«* a*>dthroat. katterataaaS and enlargeroent of pa-ta, Neural», etup-

,e or.! TS'it is .'i«e-.. s f 'he *kin Dyipcrwi*.R R. R. No. J.RAD'VAY'S llEOI LtTORB

tr* -he moat infe ind rrlitble Pillt in us*, end w.lt et.r* eFeet-iyely snd iul«k.ect yi ness, uidlgi«»lon, trttlammation of ths.he 1 owe.I, 'tyir<e""i:e lite,- complaiat; diaeases of ih-i BSBwt,kliTBstrjt. bladeeri woo.b .Jilli.-at»1.-«. ana til l»m»i* coeut l»ttri;all urinary diff.-ultus. Wbeue -rr the sytt-.r Is out of order, s

dote afttADWAi - EE01 L I ' t >R*« will ri itors't tsr»i ii trity. RADWAY 1 Co.. Ho. It2 FCLTON t»T.. CP STAIRS

fl^lE OKKATKsT SAliDICAL DlhCOVEBa!1 ri -he AOE1Mr. EENNEDT. ' R. rtm y, he* d'- orere.' !n one of nnt

ttBBWnou pettore-it e*-.'' a reu; .Iv-I, .tree II v i.Ii Y K !'. I >d

Hl'MOR f'om ra* * nl '-j<ii*. ei->tca to aeommvn Pwantisile'sta'ned it sn ovr eleven hntk..-ed ctaet, aad never .ss o

et 'en* in'wo casts, both thunder tumor. He ha* b..w i

Bshedter*l) vesor is y»iu*. ailwitbistwenty initeaol Boston.Two bottles are warra* t. d to "ire t nrsh.g-aor* month.On* loThrt* cilice auu.t the atetat kiud ol ^loiple. yii lb

hue.Two or thre* b. tries will >.'< a- the »Wm °'Two bottle* a * WaarnaUs] to evii* Uta w rat c*nk<:t In'bt

mo'ibh ted n.a. n.Thrre lo uvj UdtUs t.» wt. aotej to erne th* wont ctus 0'

*1rn*et i two K tt'et ar* warratfed to cure alt humor In thta*ea.Two btttles B'« warranted to cuie miming of the oaa and

blotches snnrtig the heir.Four Brant kattits are wtnantirf to ctre H :nii_ ami t-uuiitnl

a', a.tinr- tTH itle a» IB enre scaly emptio|t. of ,n"' skin.INr* ar diree kettletare warinwtadl te oase ih* worst cat* o.

riurrwiirtn.1 wo or three boftl. i t.-e «Mittlen -o eure tlit most desperat*

Sate of ilo air.araam.Ybrec to font bot'let ar* warranted to erare aakHteem.s*hra lo rlsBl boltl^t wOl .rare the worst etvse of serofnla.A benefit It always ei|>erseti< ed rnias ihe flrtt beetle, and a per-

fert Wrs >s warranted wh»n th-> aix'va ^uartlty is taken.i.si a i so irntrarobahli'to thoae who have In y»»n

ail the avttsatV r^J m. ./t.-t... s of tht .lay, aa -hat t commen wees!§: j. ;.{ i¦ :lsg pss»iirea and alonr old tforia^walli asWi: t sera

every humor in the tysaansi yet it is a i:xe>l fact. II you Bare thumor, it has to eta. L There are no ifa nor ain't, heim nor ha'i.sir-¦ t R, a mint aome catea, ant not yoora. I pr.ld. d over a

tlMiOtat.d b.,:rlis of it iu the ticudty ol Bo'ton. I hoi w the ef-f< 'a of it in err-ry ra. e. It has a istdr d..ne lomo of Ihe greateat gnseaeyer Sana in MaaaasTasBeatta, I gave it te clul.iren t

j ear old, to old pe..r.l.- ol aitly. I hate area Basar, po y, w yrrr.j-I<^ kingchflilr'-n, whosrt desh n as soil tad Dtboy, risUiied lo t

perfect s|*te of iwralth by one l.otile.To those who ere «-rhj.-;t to a a., k headseha ons bonla w*

aivtsys cwre ir. It gives gr» at re.ict'in catairh aiol -at

I i. ¦'who ha-e'aierj i'hate been c*»ti.e Ski yeart. and hirsbeen regniau-.l by it. V» Iu re tho 'e^iy is sew I it works qs.la*a»y, bait where th*r* is any darr«ngement of tits fbn-ttons ofBaasaPa, it wiR cans* very aiugular (eeiinga, but yon must uot b*ajaaaa dk*J »Iway» ilisepi«,.. ttxrn f^'ir Jayt to a w k.There -s neye» a hsd result from it; on the contrary, when thatfeeiiog is gone, yoa will feel yoausell uk* a to w pcaaun. Ibeard " me of ibe most tttravagant sacomioins of it anal iresmaa i^r-n. .1 to.ManiuVMiitd by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 129 Wasiaaiat,

Ettuxy.Maea, PrVetyi.Vahnfeaalii Ageiati lor New Yrrk: C. V. CEICKKNKR k So.,

No. «1 Bsnlny-st.; CHARf.KI H. RlNO, NelJ8ltr.aa.lwaa/;A. B. A D. SANDS, N >. Ml lYilliam-et.: MARSH ORVTS hCo , No. iöo UnseuwickrsC, sen ink t f.LIN, HBos. a. Co.Iln U 't. BOYDA PAI L.Cr.jnib<r*-st VVELfjlk Co.,*10 Fiaitk h ii-st., M :KISSIJN. Rlj 11 DINS A Co.. No. HS Maiden-ei- HAVILtND BAEEAL k RI.-LEY. Wa/ren-st.;WAIID A Cm.. Masdsu iane; Mrs. HAYS, Brooklyn]ai^l ft r sale al rau 1 ly all respectable Drugvtts it..- ,«u ,.»thsatmen.

ftgu! No lice

IN PUKfjI'AM'K ofanor-le-r of the Siirrorjateof the Connry of New-York, tv-ttee h hereby aiyen 'o »': ears

sons hariag ebjtns sgsiust JONATHAN RICHARDS, late ofthe City ot New-ink, Accra*d, to preatrot the rame, w h

kern atihe ollir» ..f S HadwoCbsprxtn, No. Ol VV ail St., in the Ctty ol New*I Mb, BB at l

nsm rl.e niueferuü» day of February uext.-Dstc I New Tork,:n«; .. .-u'e. n-l. .;«, t in«-o.-. IgVn (anil lawijmiu')

S. BALD at IN CHAPMAN, AsWs.wtti. i

ANNA E. RICHARDS. Ailm'U, wi'b ths will aaaes 1

I~nTDBSI an( b of an i>rtl»'r^liie^^i7rowterf the fVein'y a* New-Y..ik. rot'ee t* beilb* th-. n to all

[er- iii t.at n,t e'sinjs against C'iRNEi.ll a V. S. KAN., bj Iii he City ot New V rk. ileeeved, to present ths tame wi kansehen thereotfn 'he snbacribers, tt the öS., e i r.

BREE, No. A Wall st., lathe City of N'..w k jrk, oa er betöretb« Srth dir of Jen .try netL.Dated **>w iork, lb* Aid dayof J'.ly.Ik i SALLY L. A VN.2,

jy.'l IttsHn.Tu* Adnalnifrf-'g.

IN PUBflUAHCE Ott» mrirn stf tlit* 8mriy»te ofI m. may afV*w Y rk. n< lie* at hereby giye-. to Ufaettu .

haair.sciamja.an«. WILaVAAM B. BOOO.lets ef tie Iof N*w-York, Ltyery Ssfc!* keeper, dictated, to praicn: tr.ssee e with voa'ksrs thereof te the sni.teti.atr. tt la* «ttiee ofDAVID J. i HA I FIELD No. sVWall tt.,u, 'aaCy of St*-\..rk, i n or tv '..te 'he Ittb d«T of Mt.-oh set'..Dated Ns-Yirk tie i"tb day it Anguat. It \t. * itw-mTi Ii vP.r.ir.T M. ifoo ATaileliafili.

IN I'LKsUAN* i: uf an oitkr of Kr-Jiixta H.Dawane, E«j., Sirrogate af He County of Eiugs: No-Ire is

hereby gryen. srer/retiog to law .<> all persons he-ma els h

.gatn-t JUUS It. DlNl'UI, litt of the Ci y ef Brooklyn,d-re.-ed. 'hat rbey tr* rrrjn r.-d to »xioByt the aa-ae, wl by acb/r* 'ner^or, to tue anhat ib» ra, the Adufriist'Slors. at toeiU>e ,.; ,a. rge She*, Na it7 Broadway, iu the Ci'y of New-1 .ir.on or before th* aee.mal dar of Jar ia.-y av at.Dalai,J-j.;aVy, 1 >a FLI/AEKTII OI.'NPiiY, { . . .

O' tlBOE SHEA. 'jAdnjaa»,'..4o-i.W. E. EOBIN.-ON, Af.'y :«t \>uu . trt'o.a, i./Jti vtimTe

I N PUIWJAJICE of ab onletr of the »arrof/ate of/Hj.iy of New-York, nrdie* It b.-r»by gl\-n til ps>f.

ra* hsa as lainis agah < JAMES FOnl klE, Us of Hmt < ifof New-York, deces'-d, to nrese .t tt* st> .<» r. io a ri

itjteswflM nV» sueeeriaers, st 'be effee of fOBM MatCA 1111.f.L Bat t Nsawat at., i* _« Qt] af .'«cw-Yurk,oa w ttior* lAe

y"'h dty of 'Jetoberr»»f.DttasiN*w-Ycrk,:he :' '.t* of April, K Jrj.

r \IM.f \ F'i>1 > ft. Et-'frti.JOHN FOS'iErt and i

t » IswfdnTa MATHEW a. SMI I II, 5 r'

I N I L'l Sl'\N(IE ofiinor.;. r..i f .- -urr-nrat« -rfA the I ._:y of New York, at iaa * I r^by g '.-n t a pegsases basing efaiats agtmet JOIIN C. TU v»lSO, late ef taw Citycf Naw-Yort, aVitjea*cd,to proses* tbs> satis*, w.-a s»»oiaetithcrsaf. to tt.! r.betvit. rs. tithe otT.itot c. A S W.THW1N0.p, _j WasV**., ta the City af N*w-\otk, oa or beaut* the' h la* i kaafl. n»i'..Dare-: "fast-Tbia, 'a* lit U) tsf ije a>b4 li'A < HARLES T IWIBO. )

EHEN. W. rU-VlNO. A Jn.niitrtM.raej U-a.lsi.ia» UlLLM-'l TI.VtlMr, >_IN 1 l'k>t.\N< K of ad tiftisyr of ttsS S.irror*a*e

cfthe . ottt'y *fN*w Y*rt. er ,een1 eret-y giv-a U> »¦' ot

fuea-in* H-uis taaiaatNAI IUMH (. N'iKJtlltLL.lateSr. i ;t ~i S-w Y. -t. <ieee».,sl ro ps»t' Bt th* sswa with

at etaVeta abe.»xl to -a* a iks> rilerra, at tlae *#iie ol S-catstt E.l^.eit sfo *1 Ni-«tv«*. t- Hew-Tank.en rttb* tw*a^y-seyarr.-.b a,« - a l- Dated * vw-Y»rk, .boIStb i«;il I .. hrr.

P.M/AhCTil I'tt 'BRlLL '4_ «

IN the matter fyf tet ESTATE of *amu£T,Bl RNS, l«*ees*A K**>ce w h* «bt »...* -ha: a per*,

aere oi an .sale* of he mmttmmmt* of Ike ( i .» 4*4 Ceealy ef-..w i ork ail aetia* ^nmt taeieet ike a«UL* of SAMI EL Bl R>.\ dreeeaea. in r»t.i~.l to riaiant the *a*uewi n their t uchrr* o JOHN H. J W KSON Ne. 7» Bll_Jwat in Imm Ciiy ml N'cw-Yotk om 01 !«f..re lat lepiooaBai seal.*«7 lawtlm TV WILLIAM BOOKER Adaaiaavtr****.

IN PURSUANCE of an ontorftf th« NarrofBt*-a of New-York Botww la hot*** give* to art

J'-acna ha. a* c uai< i|ua( t LA'.uE JEAN BAPTiSTEI BEET. lau ol thi> ( ttyot Nrw O rasa '-¦. finite!,

'o ereaeat th* aaa*. with rotrhrn there**' to the Baba rAaai atBkeeBce. Nr.. m Wi 1-t. In the t By at New-Yoefc, oa or beeaethe tenth a,, n Apru mexu Dated N*w-k oik. ihe lat day atOctober. la>v

a -;« bb*i William w ri siel, tu

IN ßlPBEjalE COURT-City «ikI Com.* mil N«» "k -i uar.«iAtxr«-t1?aaL David H*ou*.«oa aad

v " i -n lair <n.l on a'rert,T, DAM.' HENDERSON e-d A M. I. HEtDBRSON:Vaaa o*d and a««tr*i ¦.eawarartbe aenpieiataiMaaci at ^m<* »a. tiled .« ta* o» * ai th*»*;*th ef taa

i r aad Ceaety at R*w>T*ik*a im m day af October, law.«e -i f i. 'it anr»er f.. tars' eoaäp'aiat a* taaeak-'

htm m mm m, No. It AVaJl-ti m ike City of Meer.> .a. « :r la a data art.i iha aeivlc* beteef. aaalasive of

. ly af*nsh aaavaeei, aad fou I utw*r the ais .*

r alat *al ¦ ihe Ihne aaaiaaaM, the mtjit-^f la that aataaa wtt)r Iba «mn of three aaJaaMa **<Ure,

with tat11 * räta day a1 May on* th.»a«and BayMSS\ a' ibe ra.¦ I o-i earrea. keettk**

« t. tifc .l»a rd>» h- *»r «th. UAo.\V 'KD A BR ACE

1 awtwTu Plaintiff* Aitortay*. Na 1« Wall**.

STATE of NEW-YORK, SECRETARY" 0F-riCI Ai um, Au»u*t fe\, l«V\-Te th* JherB of the

Coauty .f New York: Sir Not , t.ereoT gl tea, that at tat)0 natal I aetl a to bo htldin iha State on tie Tt'ESDAY aaa-

i he 6r-t Menday of Novcmbat next, taa following Ota-taia ara to be eleciid.te wiltA laatotari S'ate la Ute plaee oi E'tae W. Leareerarattb|

I * a taa aiaaa at Jan ..» M t ook;An Attoraet-Geieral In the alaaa of Orden ItnffVnaaii I Eagle*tt aadIan pin* of Job* T. fRarbiA State Frta* trat n tb* piece ot E b.- l|e O. daaalAiaa;A Canal Coaiai'tiJoBe* to the place of Frederica PeOe* iAn I* ipattaa i f f fate FiiK<it Ui the place of Dario* Clark)A Jaa'fa i f the t\urt of AppeaJa la the place of Addteca

Ganliner;Ali «rbaee terau* itf aervice will aspire oa tba k*at day af 0a>

rcmber neat.AI*o a .'n.'re pf ike Court of Apj-e*'* In tke place ef darlee

ii Ret;!, l r.-tm i-.l.Ala), a eat kM i l the Hnprente Court for the Eiret Ja

P.tiriai .o the p.*. e ol Edward IV Co« iee, wboee tera afeateawilt expire or, tba taatiiay of Decemb>'r etxt.Arae.aaV ta r ihe Tbl d, r. anb. Filth aad Sattk Heoata

!" . i as f Thon t* i Kan, thotuaa R. kA'bitaey,Mi. k Sp. acei aad Er**tu* Brookt, whoa* term af rraVaarB ta>pire . n the Mat >.*'< ef Decrmher int.

iNi'. i . i. . as to a i' 11 i, rao i oa mVm cot *ry iMaieen Mea bei« of AasemblyiA Bbeiif lu the Here of Jotu tArterjt C hi't t v-a ii. ihe olact ..f ItlcherJ r OeertfT;Pi or C. *aan at ihe place of Rvhrrt Gamble. Joeepk B.ltea,

ra n H aba aad Wa Ü iK>un*lliA CeaaptroUer be tba fatae oi I*trieb *i Fleee;k Street I". .-. aer b> 1 .¦ of JameeFure«;

aataaa r er ef Reptu* aal Mi^plie* le piece er Baithekon ¦ B. I'urdy j

1 woOuvi nor* ai (he Aiui*-It.'oao in pile* of 1'atnck Hearta- J kB 3 HA,

I < bj ii--i e. fa aba ptaaaaf l**aa*j r. Dowaiea;v i ei -. a i. raaraakaa la the p aaa al Rupert J. DUIoa|.1- eri aBaperio* ut in :be plaoe of William

A\ t'ampbeli and Murray II tni-o:AJu*t.ieet Iba Muioe touit oi .h 'place of CbaiieeEk BhreV

..'..A Police Jot Ice At ihe S>»th Jedicial DLttrtvt lu the place ef

OaanraaW. Pea/ctyiAJadaeet Ike Oee t .if t'. muioti Plra* in place of Lewi* B.AAooiiud. '. or. >. i>aI »,

E. W Lt AAESVA lit I'M, verier y .-t ->t*f*.

Sin BtrVa Otric*. N. « Toaa, Aagnat Ja, UiA.Vie a' ¦!< i« p-i'i -i e.! putS.nt to ih-. ne'lt-e or the Secretary

oi Statt aad Iba tru» reiu^nn ol the atatuie laaueb.ate na.lean karattlad, Jt>avM Ot«RA,

^he>iS of ih* l*itf and County of New-York.A! |l a 'ib ic nrwtpapemu t' - coimty wt'l paHlath the ahrve

¦ I nit the rlec Uti ami tbeo band in 'heir bill*fil adrattlataa the aani-.m that t'"» n.ty b* laid before theBoaiu ol t It] eltiM ra. and patatd lor paynient.

QLTRFJÜÖ COUai r...IAMES~m7eeo|) aarik7 itMr't KRNYOM aid J'.l.l.'a C hi* wife. To tba Da-oi iatt 'i. -1 aarehy eaaaaaead aud ie.j,««.! t«aa*w*r

. plaini la tale ». lea «lob baa tb.t dar been nl-*l ta the. hs r «i> It o'nify of New-Yotk, at the

i IIa ai the raid ATwy, aaM ta aer«w a mmw pi yea/ aSMaraali e ¦« » t" pu 'ihe auh cihwi at hi* othce, No. 7* Na*-at. la tba lid city, arAttla r»-niy d*y*aft*i the te'tieof

.n \nn, Bsladee ef ras day ol *ovh wrti ai andif tin 'ail to ani«-r tire taid ertnp'aiiit «ithio the tun» afore-ai tb* ta tl.b) a ."i,u »..i apply < t the » Bart lor the

'. i matdrd lu the s aiähabtL l>«te l New-to-k Sept, li,IUA, ¦;. lewawTn E KKl'i Ml M. I'lamutt'* Attoraay.

CUPBEME COURT.<--tfl tbn matter of the tf>it plloatlna ol the Maior. Alderm. n eint i .»o o.na"y of tke

City 01 N*w-Yi*k, r-iellra to the OPENINUand LA YfNG, M BLIC PL\<*y t. w-en'^'h and iM'.h ata. *t«l the

Nhaadl h «it.. in the City of N*w-Yuik We, lb* otuaue-

, aaeiB oi I >' taata and Aaren'ol lu the above entllleln atter, heicby ajte notie* to the *Wa*l oi .wi.er* <.< ipeat or

<¦ . and :o a a' .t iiuproTad tod aatnipa«T«dlai .i at'r.t.,! tl. r»by, aad to all otheie whoa It aay »neuere,at ;o,.u« a, to wi':

lit. 1 lift we haie ccnpltte.1 oir eaCni»»« ai"l a.ettiaaa*.at .1 that t'l pet ten* whote Irtrrett* are atWted 'hereby, aadi. n ij t, p . to the lame, >'o p" 'ent their obieetlon* luwrlrbtl '- i» r tied, to th* Ci>rnuv»»'oB*re *f their *a1re. Ma.

Broadway, n.-m l'J,) lu thUclty, on or b*tor* the tta dayot Noarmber 1SU.

2d That any pr raon or peraon* who map oeaatdar ib*ui**l*«*a.*i i'»td l y taid tattmate and eaaewaanl, wll be heatd in

(rataltjt ii i.. la* taute, beleie u* ai the 111110 place, at 10o'clockA. V.. i ti tie Slit e.«v at Notatuber, liAV

Ibal Hi* AI *tr*ct of the **i'l Ef.in ate an I Aaaeetrcaatt'.iethtt with om Mape. and alto all the allldatiti eaunalee^rui

. - 'vrti'a w».ieh wet« tit. -1 bt ua 111 aakie* ««( report,have K 11 .lep.itite.1 in U>* Switet i'ciuaii«toa*r'* OrBce ef theCIli at of 1 of N't w Ytik, theie to leoiam until tb* loth.In'ol D'ceiiUr IAM.

itb. Tin: the I'mlt* rmhrtced by th* aaratanent. are a* Bablow-: All tli-ei pi-cetof land tltnatrd rn ihe Mid CMy, beaaahat,¦irae lntd auu i ouiaJnlng at Amowa, that at to *»y -mm tke aertkbyihi ct met ue of ihe nlojk* Wtni 111th aad lltik-ek*.:on th* a 'Ith Ii» the BetMBI line of the b'oek* hetaeea alet aada .1 I..H'-.; on Ihe ee«t by the cr.iter line of the blocke be-tttaeti t) r .'.I aad tt.l at* on tin weal by the center line of Uka

. .. t" le-n >i..| 1111, a «. At. «:au aJl ikaw «at-tatn offer loft, pieces and perosi* of laud Iron 1 In* oa ettb*r *t*>1 file '«h. t«ii. 7rh and »th arc, betweea 1 loth sad l*>ta-*ta.And abo all th ee certain other Iota, pieoa* aad aarceaf of laadBuatiai oa l> r ai.laot the .va uih, 7th aaa t'h-ara.. aadBltaaawat br twrm id and lAiM*., a* Laid out oa the (aid aap

1 1.;- i.nt.

"th. Thai iul( pi 11 lu ieln wll be preten'ed tn the »upranw»' artet theBtataaf New York.ata Special Terra thereof tpl- held at tba City Hall in tb* laid City, on Saturday, the l\&¦lay of Dectwler, A. P.. 1851, at the opening of She Court ontl at ..ay, and tbat tbca and ibere or a* eooo thereafter as eeaa-ael ran U. be*id, a motion »II he made that **ld report b*ioi.uai.rd Niw York, October'J, laAV.

»I 1 LSUOEPI. Mt, 1. AVII.r.l AM RENT, I

L. BRA tilSII. 'Ceaam.'aroaeraAA A RR EN ItRAtT, |

O'jtoVii .IP.HEMfAli 111U LE,J?eTTe^T^e coi rt.-Tiitho SSff of tA*) ap-k ' 1 1 loa .'¦ 'he Mayor Alderni»n and Ccmmetelt« of '.he

ty o.New York relative to theWIUENINOOK« L1PT ST.ot)tbcaoith we'terly tide thanof between Beajtman %iA Perry atav.n th* f Iky of New York. Notice 1* berebyjbjee that the eevtl.chargea ar.d rxprare* Inrsrred by rraaon of tba pro. .edhae* mthe atoie rnt tied matter. Brill be taxed by the i*htrk of the Be-iren.eCturt »t bltoHo e, In the tity Hall of ike f »ty of New-Totk.oa Mu ,DAY,lho«V.hday of October, A D. 1U6. at MeVotk AM. DKORi.E H. Pt'RHPB,


N»vn Ytrk, Ocobet 1». IIAA ft iialailaeia.

Scfreile court..In ihm matter of Ute ap^pl-otien of the Mayor, Aldermej and Cominoualt] of taa

City of New-York by the Crotnn A.|tieduct Board of aaVdOlfy.relative to the ae-eim g of LANDS for a NEW RtHKÄ*OfRla the aael city, between ektii and ttatA-ita., and 'he itk aad TttvBv< in tb* lud city.We, the f tWiBiiaaionert of Appralal la the aa'Ur akw* aa>

t! 1-J, beraby gl-e not.c» Ui ti" owner*, Iraeea porsoa* aadpartlei lott-rertfl it, the land* tenatneriU, her»«b)etii*als aadprenu.-e* *fle*tvd thereby, aad to all othera wham ak may oaavStnJ, as fblloira. to win

Errat: Thar, we, the eald Coamniationeri, have completed eat«*¦ »*e and app'Biaal In fbror of the orveraJ owner*,pert., t kB lJ rioot latateeted ta the leads to he taken ay that

" for f"pr SM '.IH Im Ih* la..d*e/.rni*l»*d l\n flu. ai.d bareon" payee* ef the amount ol a |uat and eottitaUe cee*|to be paid to caaii easier*, 1 **!»»(, pettiee and p«rieaa« aAwt*rerw ellvely.

n- ....: ."hat we he a* 1.1 r,. .«.', ,.er», bat« teyveetett *

true rcry or tr«nacript of each Et'iaaeut. Apptawaa aatd Reportto tb* tl*rk «Office efth* (by ef New-York, fur iha I

at wh»*T*ie-y*r « n.*y ¦ o«M."riu

nervi TBittny p^rtoo a* pereons whose rights may be af»I iherehy, aad who »l«til obr»<.t to the a*we, at to any partBbaawaf, Bay, aiunn ten day* afl-1 U.» drat peMleatv« ef thataotice, tta'e Li», her or their oh)*eti'.na m writing ta as, the)aadCon.ui<iai'-t>tti«. at ear eaVa, No. «rt Breedwey, ka the IMj mlNVw-Yotk.

1 v Tiat oar ssUI Ropor», or ha ease the sane or aay partla, and thai I appear to ae ta tee^ure wn*»

Uaaa, cor «* t ucpr.it, «sth« ain.e ilüli be rsr jnaaanf aaa aar-recttc. «1,1 b* prew nted k, lbs Supreme tleart. at a'Jeoerat

t to be held in the Pirat Judicial Diatriet at theC 1 Ha.l ot the Ciiy el Ntw Y r«, en the Brat MONDAY sfN u.i-1 it, at the openmg of the Coart oa that darr, areae,on at e< aaaa can be beard, and a atotioa will tJata aad Bberebe auki* for ;nev f nnat it. tr.ere« f.-Ne»-York, Asgt, aV.BMA


C LI'REME COURT.In tbe nuatter ef Uta ap-ij pti^- . n f 'Irf) M*yer, Aldrrsaea *ad Ceaatneaalty of^na

ra ork r»iatrr» to tr.« VA IDKNINGof CMPP-BT-oa the nor'h »eateriy std* thereef, h**aj**a Beekmaa aad

the City of N«w Yo

ha** soanpteted ear e*tiaua*e and asassaaasat, aa>l that ell per-001 mkc* inure«t* ax* aBr.tcd thereby asd who aay be «a-

mm ti i. aaa, do prea.-nt thru objections ka ailtag «Aar*tei Aid,'-o C/.t/UOE U. Pl'I^EK.Eae . uoj Chaa-iaaa, a the

tit lkaa»Sssa*A.i«*aaM*BBy,n ll* city, on or bc.'cr* the 1st day of Ocaeeer,

is* i -'.y sack perv.n or prreoa* who stay eosatdarC+mm t a ... d by tetd oatimax« and asaaiiu at, will be

aopptajrjsa ka ti* mum, Ufore a*, at ehaaame piaeea .s/iiaes P MVra the l>h d.y of Oeaoee*. IsAA X TW

A e-ean-at, aagwther witha a.. all 'ha amda-.l't ewttmetes a*M **Aer SeKoe

. I tare *s»a k7'-air''''«»»l rrrport ket« beea>» ttrrwt Con. .> i't OfAee '** 'he Ckry aad

York tb*»* 'o rm.aln until the M day of Ne>, t. Th»t the Da ... »rnhrarad by 'a* tat'attaal

,'.r.. ,r« aafol.'owt: A ii a." ui* e* of Und attaate la the*_d ci./ Ui itina on both rAe% of Clia*-*t., betweea VaJatavat.axJaporr.. ..'.feet northern <f Eruikfort at.; bath *tdse«dP'rry t * . J««r,b tnd PecAeta. both eases of Beekataavat.. e -a Gold end Peer* .ta , at the aaaa* at* lead eat

v of tbe Corrarltrieaea. A Tbat ear reportkerrin wll ; aasasl be the B*ai eaea Coart of tb* mumm oi

i Special Tejm theaeef. te be beta at theObrpift." ir.A IItb-t -t

A it .rt -«r.-.»*>,-.oVttitng of ihe Caan mm Baa* eWr, eadthe*as teen thereafter ot auratet east be ta*** a

-le :h« sai l reww. ba a**'« -***.*. Beta.

Ai*. a ..!.'> 'i : r >*¦../,iui..- 1 i» MKAD.

i. W t.>, < A.