.,, h, opened with o sermon by Blahon Starkey, of «- Joriev aud closed wltb a sermon hy Bishop Holly, {£,Vrihkiiown colored bishop of llaytl. EASTEILS OONNEOIlOOl XOIES. MILITARY. RELIGIOUS AND PKRSONAL. irSOM AS OCCASIONAL COBRESPOXDKNT OP THE I lil Ul M.. {few-LoXDON, Sept. 8..Everything ib now o, readiness for the annual encampment ot thc Con- eeticut National Uuard next week, and tbe indicationa unt I" a Itttice attendance of tbe frlenda of the volun- ucrinl'l"1*' wtl° wl" *va" themselves of tho oppor¬ tunity to tike a brief vacation aud visit Mantle to seo how " the boys " play soldier. Thursday, lt is expected, will he thc day of tue sham battle, and numerous mili¬ tary men lr un athel Slates have signified their Intention ¦I be peccant ea Cut occasion. On Friday. Governor Waller and bia staff will review tho hrigale, ou-J tho -rrmoule* of the day will eaaoledc with a brigado ilreia r»rH le- On this osssetoa his Excellency will bc from the stutio.'i on the arrival of the VU o'clock iraiu l*am Ne.N-1'Oiuloti hy two companies of the Gov- 0,«K j.-0,it (iuiir.ls from llurtford aol New-Haveu. Xb.7 wi:l rein cu ni camp during the rest ol the day, so that cu tbe ititi mst. all tho citizen soldiery of the Mute. will ho encamped on otto large Held. The bctgsde is e inin.'' ttt bj Qenersl Bl K Smith, ot New-tluveu, ¦af hst"'*** th*lat BegiBMBt, colonel Barber; Sd Regnueui, colon l Orabemi M RegmEEBt, Oaleeel Tubb*- *'b K slment, Oolonsl cro'ut; Gi li nattntn.n icilnre'Ii, M-'i'" I.inc sud a ba'tory of artillery eoui- Biaoded nv i aptain U>e. Pearly all the summer hotels In this vicinity will clo^o Marabout th- IS h. Iii" as moo hus been a very pro-. lorena one, aud ino notel-keepera are already laying pinna for un'-r neal seaaoo'o mot x. on tut-nu aud 20 a ni too present month the Unl- siriallt** "' l,;1" wtate will Bold tbelr annual conven- iee in I- le city. A Bomber ol eleraymeu, Includlna the Kev tteeata Libby, al New Britain: Houghton, ol Mid¬ dletown; cnapiii, .t Meriden! Blackford, of Norwich, sci limes, ol una city, will addtwea t ne gatberlae. Mrs Lui'" I',- >V siib irne, m ir ot tba lan- din,i igulabed I h m's fiateeman, is viaii mg her iilenu, .Mra. Joseph ll. m. bits. iVaebburue ls a granddaughter ol ii Hem.>st( ad, oue ol ihe heroes of the battle of Ornum Heiante. ftepte t li rd, 17*1. c.-i. John l'lii-'P-s'Taylor, U.O.. who hus recently lara appointed Proiesoor ol Biblical rheology in Au- Sever loilege, lefI for hw new epbere ol dmr trna week, j»r. Taylor bad u ien pMtor ol the Second Congregational Caiiuii ni nus etty lor six vi aro, and durum tuat time i kad mn in'1' the strong allic, ions of his (inns.,inners. vu Wedaesday tuc OonnectMoi Bptntuallata at ptaauo cloee their camp-meeting season, inti- hus bren a i.,r_'i-r attendance nus iear ttinu ever be ore, mia 'ticat inn rest las been manltMted at ai dc wettings. TUE BUNDA! TRIHI SE. In its issue of yesterday i'HE &UXDAY TUBUKl pi muted numerous features of aspeds] Interest, and sll its departments *cro crowded with impur- tsst Bews, editorial, literary, and other watter. Booie leading articles wen- the following: Poicisb PoUtaee..dpeelal cable tatter to TbeTbieuke ». ut the Praneo-Ciitaese troublea, tm Oertnan alliance, Me Madagascar agalr ibol (Mote de Pana ano the lyeuii- liuisic, ami various phaeos ol I as Irian qneailon. Oeneral pr,-as .bout tho quarrel over To..o,ulu, and ft«iiu.ainuu allan's. Benia Politic*..Special dlapatcbea to Tbs Tbibcxe ats,.i lhe in moorain: dlaaens.oiis lu ('.cv, lunn, ano lue i-ii-ciioii ol New-YorS Stale Convention delegate* Hewa oi the Deiuncraiic ievoit lu Cincinnati, the Democratic quarrel ni tins city, and Kepa. a. iona fur Hepnb.icau pr, naries. Manarra Pantie.Se vs or the driving of the last apse on Hu- Morl Bern 1'acitic Kaurna.!, reports ol tmt,-, u-1 by President Vi.lard, Mr. Evana ami ex rr,-si. Seal iiilll,igs, ami di seripiiiiu ot lin ide,its ot tue. i-xclir- .iuu irom a specialeurreapoadeoi ol un: lunn \,. Waaetngton..¦Ueneral uews fruin tea var.ons depart* nie ta Ol (ioVi-rn.ueut. Landina enies..sp«-cial telegraphic lettora on proml- nc.,1 ivi-iit of tue week iu Booton, Ctueago aad San 1 r.nielsen. pons..Full account of Interesting rscMst Bbeepe heal H.l.i. aili olOer coiiieHia on and tum w.n. r. laical..Reports oi ooooouopeBlug preparations, talk ai-m. un asBtstaat Prutratobi Eplseopsi umhop, contest ov. i ii Hr. -wui , irylEg M suppivas a uulsame, tm- it i. estate market, ..nu many otucr topics of tuc dey m this en v ..ni vicinity. jty Weaitit-r..Account of damage betag done ia thia T,< iniiy oy the lacie of rpm. Mame and Drama..I'ruepeetoa ot the Metropolitan opeia seao"ii, millee ot .. Ino Merry Uucucsa," aud areola nf ike ..ran...,ie wc k. -ir.it:.ml slyaMry..Barta! of Hose Clark and in- rtsug.tii.'Us into mr murder. Home liiteres.s. Miscellaneous Foreign News. lnsa«iers at Sea. Ti,eFire llccord. Obiinaiy. harrow Bacopa of Convicts Lake Mohouk. Ti.e Week ia Society. Sale of ihe (in ch y Finn. Kilimai Int- nieeoee. Wuai I'ur.s l.iiKs About..Letter from I he Trihi nk's eonvspoiidcui about mo De WcBst/Be -iii. .ill i i, and ibe neeta ot the Comte ue Cuatubord. Cauiiiug ia taut orilla. .Letter trom a TBUunaatad r aspooSent, deoorlblng UM last days ol tue c.uup, aud jonie curious traits ol Chinese character. Duanes?tc correspondence..Letters ir.,ni Tbieunb BarroopoodcBis sboul ike eorguum sagar plantatioua of Hr*.J I-.-,, -i ii, s uiiiOuK mo lu.uf>un,i lali-s, and a virh iiin.i sui viv,,ra oi tue Msrrassaaoii Indiana. .aih, ><a:i.mal Park..Lette! irum sspevnal eorre- BMeaaal ui mt iKiiii'M. deeonolug tue J,.m.ie, ol Mr. ¦SB0h1 limul lion pally in tun M-a,umj.h Hoi Spring,. -ivker lliii.".Letie.- fruin B apOCISl TSIECKE oOi'IC- ijn.itieui ueaenbiug some rouen lest urea ol .u or nie, *ieuch Poduea..Letter irum les reucME'a i-u.is coireapouticiii aboui lue Fresco Uoverameut'a reck.csa comae ;u itu ..., .flu in,. aue a.,n< ol lluihlng..Description ol one ol tho Cl...'sgli-t nidus,iles. bmaiiwav Note-Book..A Broadway lounger's personal no.i» al.i1 in,.l,.ls ou sou und lornas tm- country round. lew I'uh.icaiious..Kt-vp-w, wita cjuoua exuucis, ot Un.I.- .li.e-'., 'im ly, --Daisy Miller." l*ltio-y lu tue Nurtuweal. lae Mes Poai ige Stamps A Chmern Pmclamaiioa. Au liu.i.in eeaool ol I'oatica. Ilidiall Whistles iu the .Museum Ti.i.ei M> cn ,. Central r«rkai Nistit. Liipb r Dean ra1 Free Lu:,ches. Fellowing is a brid summary of the principe] lopiibof tin dav: luiuiKix..The points of the BgreeoMBl betweea Ctiiua .in-i 1 unite regarding Tonqam, euggeeied ky ths siarquia I "eng, were lucile public m i'aiis u. hsttuday. King Alu,uso, of >p in, Mas in lii.v.m. on BetUTlleV. .. An nnti- Kagyar mob amablied tin- windows ol ttmrument offices in Croatia oa Friday ireaiBa, lin- negotiiitions betweeu ¦saemiiiaand Germany were coucledcd. it Wes BBBoouced thet tko Birelt ol Benda was la a Mle condition lor navigation. tDOMESTIC.1 be last spike was driven in tho Ronberu/ucibo Kailroad at Gold Bpike lo Mon¬ tara Territory, Saturday. ==. Lunl cinei-Justico Ostandge waa received by ihe lawyers ol i os. tou at ih- Brunswick Hotel. lin- annual SEssmpment <'t ihe Maw^Jerasy Depart* ment of tin- Qrand Army ol the Bepublic was closed at 1'riucetou Junction, N. J. li was reported that Host on Friday nu nt had damaged Um toni crop in ttinovsoia, Dakota and Iowa. "- I bc adh.-iciils ol Join, U . Boos waiter wen- in the majority at tho Democratic Convention iu Cleveland, Ohio. = Iboezamtna- liou ol the naval cadets charged wil-h hazing was coutiuueu ai Aouapoli . i.iry am. Hubuiiban..Wandering, Ecaador, Uisd. Eole, J'au K. ami Disturbance won inc fekeepebead Hay racee Baturday. AS40.000 ha occurred io Jone] cry. ^-. Jassra Bryce yas arreatod tor embezzling $21,0(10 from Hoary terrie &, Co., brewers = Another raid \>as nude on the Coney Island cainhlers. =_:- Ex-(jovernor liedlo lirote bis leg hy :i full. lhe action of T.nn- Uiauy Hall in extending tboollVS branch is n- gardwl by the County Democracy as u trick. A lively ooutest is iu progicss over a liic-wall in "est Fitly-secondst. 1 ears el a water tam.ne ate lot in Hrooklyn and Paterson. Three canoeists were upset in Hie hay bye gels ou Baturday and narrowly escaped drowning. Begaitai ectcrowed hy the (Juiou, Passaic, Gieeu- »ood Lake ami Valencia boat cluhs. : lhe Hoaaectus of tbe coining season of italian opera at the Metiopolitau Opera House wits lESUed, A hotelier was killed in a light in J.-rsiy Clty.== lhe Umcley farm at ChsppaqBE was bought by Miss Gabriello Greeley.-^.Gold value ol thu ?.gal louder silver do.iar (41'j4 gralua), "5 coate -Stocks wero active and lower, aud closed Weak. Copies of thc paper may still he obtained at tho ettie ol Tiik Tkihcnk or by mail. Price, 5 cents. COURT CALBMDAR8-8EPT£lfBEB io. BcrsiME Couai-CllAMBElts-Before Uoaomie, J,-Noi. .alf0',^ *H> 53- **' *>*. .»'¦»¦ V2.X 1.11. LL', IBS, J5H, Iga. IBS, if*. Wi, V,4. iso, "iai. 184, Ida, . «». 2*0, 2A2, '2t>0. 2S4, 2A0, '2bl, *t, Ob. Jio. di'.i, i'ig, 'tel, 'fis, 2t>H, '200, ME, USS. 'io*. ^rrstME CoittT-si-xciAL Term..Adjomned Wednesday, BiritKios Cohtti.rtrECinL TEKB-Before Van Vorst, J.- .ocaienaar. Conaos FLRA»_srB<.'uL TcniL-IJeloie Vau Braal, J.. "«v«'tiiUr. _vTT Coist-Tkial TEKM-PABT I. Before Hawes, J_ J-"*- 'M. bt.il, 660. 668. S.'y. 47y. 471. 47S, 47.', 474, 476, 47G, ST7. 47s, 4B0. av,*?1 'I--"afore Hyatt, J.-Noa 4C6. 4C7. 4CS 48U, 4H5, w'.»"'''.6-':'!- JV*- *'5- etO, Vii. S-'S, d'.'B, 6.-.O. ai^ ?LIU.Bolore M Anani, J.-Nos. SSE. B4S. :,47, 404, .OJ. 408, 40i, 4U5, 4ui(, 410, 4il, Ali, HO. 414, 414. OOTION MAHKKI.-s-UV TBI.KOAAPM. t»i,n,,t5I'o0L- ".?*. «.-12-30 P. m.-Cottou-Tht insik. I ls itti. "'dauar 0Dianas o"le(i.. d0. unsaui. .t^.mjl. Hales, .""" o^es incluomr l.SOo wiinuiii ni nun, ro- wo'^ uodo. r murta.ll Dianna, Low laiaaiinr clause, sep- ..o«r (lallvorr, .si^d; do. ^-e.'ieiii'ei eau OcioDrrueu»orr, J7«4".; kiwi ..<JMu mao l««««d . Uo. oeiooer ano .\oveiuhsr BSl- f*S***i >laoj«Ma.;aa .Nuveiuiiai ouo Ucoiiioer ' **o-, 0o- neceuioeraaa Jauuarr oaiiTerv u«««u.; Il»i.. *" *u0 *"»uru»ry aelirorr £>.«,«(:.. do. I unriiary st d gsxeni iau»or». 6«»»,u.; .lao 6*«Md.; no. March and April tm »try, j"m4; aa April and May oeltaery, i,<s»S4d.; do, May ii.."1'* ^'HetT, i*°aa(l- Kuiuraa ateady. ".aaeoot, f,ei>U s.-i H u m.-l oiiuo.The aales of ma ii.,u.cju<l*j e.loooai«n Aiuoiii-au. tlimr rSi"**' *""~ b.Csiiuni am, mao.io*,o3,c. now Mm- i'UJJ- »7i*e.. uooo Onunary. «»i«o.. oal receiuu, t.i. 1 *J.i47 b^"' 'Ai71 "**** ' **i**' l"jb* **"*' .w"'*' »»N,1W'^KUC*''b-s"'t- *..'-'otton quieiand Orni; Miaauar, rt.*.,'. ,r*". Midanoa, u^wo.-. Oood oidiaary, O'uc. ust ItoL. m. rU'i\ *""** 1 Erasa, SOS balsa, aaisa, 400 oaisai ".«*¦ 44,785 baiaa> THE MONEY MARKET. Sunday. Bern. 9-r. m. The Custom IIouso returns of thc loreign move¬ ments of merchandise at New-York for last week do not make comparisons with the movements of tho same week of preceding years which are sufficient¬ ly favorable to the port to warrant the common talk there is of gold imp .rts in tho near future. The balance against the port <$ 1,284,830) on tho move¬ ments of last week is $1/151,373 less than was the balance for the week of 1882, hut is 9049,037 greater than the balance for th- week of 1881. The imports last week ($8,437.5IO) worn 91,707(388 smaller than for the work of 1*k'..», and wro 903V OWatsllst than for the veek cf 1881. The ex¬ ports last week ($7,17*2,690) were $405,915 less thee for tbs week of 1883, and were $1,'_'70,116 smaller than for the week ot 188L The merchan¬ dise imports for the thirty-six weeks of tins year hive heea 981,408,791 less thea for thu same period of 1883 and §18,808.800 greater than for tho period of 1n81. The exports [eg ttie thirtv- six weeks of this year have heea 814,883.787 more than for the same time in 1883 and 830,001,' 889 smaller than in 1881. Hence tbs belenoe lutanist the port on the Bterebsndise movements ot tbis yeer (979,002 400) is 940,889,078 smeller theo at this date in 188J, bot ts 989,406,290 creator Iii;m at the S8BMdate le 1881. Tin- specie move¬ ments of the three periods, however, so modified t IC belenoe that tbs oct balaaee i!f"s,7'.»n.."il I), Bgainet the p->rt on the movementa ol this pear laoaly 90,098.134 smaller tban t!n> belenee al this dato lss'i, and is 94,973,841 greetei than tbs balance at date, issi, IMPORTS AM) EXPORTS PROB JAXCART 1 TO DATS. mkiuiiamiim:. 18H1. 18891 1--!. Imports .$.!()C.inn..171 S3S2.45u.70H 9320,9!li».l»77 Esporta. '.'¦'.-'.'.''.'."til 'JJ7.1111.7s l 241,907,371 Imports tn excess oft'xpurU. $3i».594.111 9195,341,084 $79,008,406 sri:. IK. Issporta. E4B.371.17S ga.4S7.017 *in.i-s.r,7i Exports. -s.'-H..',-'', 42.4SS.S2S lo,7(Si,«:ifl Imports in excess of export.* $34,232,602 . Exports in excess of import*. 999,968.306 lll.8>:9 MBBCBABDISE ami si-i.i ii Imports in excess oioxports.97M16.703 986.383,6,78 978.790,641 A Wastiiugioii dispatch says that in thc a»ove« bmbIe of tbo whole country for ths month if Juiy the Imports exceeded the extorts Uv £1 183.589; bot we ere yet without the data tn doted !.» make up our usual monthly comparisons trom. Tbs ex¬ ports of breadstoffa in Julv of tin-, yeer were 810,179 507agalna1 818.108.269 forJuly 1882 and 918.976,767for July 1881. I lie exp..its .,f pro. visions, s c. in July tins veer, aero 912,832,163 against 88,976,078 in July lss'-', and #1 1,546.504 tu Julv issi. The totals of both for tba montti of July for three jean oompar as follows: ISSI, I--.' 1882, 936,622,971 996.444 ''.7 923,001,762 Lett week developed no meterisl change iu tbe gem ml commercial ait nation. Tbe trade a il ipecu- lationa in bread stuffs ami proviaiona eere ta ne early in the week, (nit ur Ibe rices brightened up on !. ira of aeriooa damage by froot to tbe euwatured corn crop. It ia beyond queetioa thal a large por¬ tion ol tbe crop in what lorroerly waakaowna* the 'Corn Belt".Ohio, [adiana, Ullnomaad [owe.ia finiii wo to throe weens late In matunne, and hem e in in a critical position, hal Friday night's frosi does not seem to have been br enongh sooth to cause any material damage. The export demand continues smell, aad stoeks of imth wheal and eora ars sccomuleiiug. UtaEmgiareriog dud Minimi .Intimal r, view* ttio situ.itioii ol t a Bath recite eoe! trade sa follows Tiie attaatloB n ia nm uni er al v e muged * report. Coal oouilnuea a .autieul, aoil .is-nie ie* imyers there are are raw ,<n*. tbere iai.istani p move a aorp'aa. That there oau be uo real un-'.nv i lu the pr cos -o looa is boob a ooodiiloa ul sflWira I utii, will bf patent io cay. The Fae to ¦. ti al ea are largi ly supplied out sn- ezpociiua ouaid rable coal mil tn oe delivered, doea ool eoeouraee tho \< ,. i i,. Ihe lr nie will WI I POO* Hie Oaual fall .i, iv-l,-. 1 ni ,,. wa lrom Ihe Iron trude la Slaoouraalor,aod from I.i-- ru naoufaetunug centres Ibe frequ'biiy rep ii duiluvea i- repeated I lie early future tuuai n, <-.,i,- whether lt will be poadble to eoutinue full u ..¦ k .lu .te¬ thered ftBe year. Two ol me companies aili pron ably, trom special icaooua -nil at t- timi "f in .i\ i .1 j,--, ur in- 'aeli.lleH nttfle.1 fill pUOblUg ci il 0 -. resist auj lueu eunoge iu ibe procraiuiae j ni :n,i. la nine ,i,,ni.t r.mt thev to all tool tbe pre i,...riots tiffin toro traci with the boginuioa ol winier, lhere le a very sb« p competition lu bu uun ¦. tor wtiut luile tr.nie tbere ia, and uttn g i* apparently Indulged in ouiio liberally, The new crop yeer in cotton (frem Bepl mber li obcubwi li h..iii receipt a and exports for tbe 6m week Urger tban for tbe week ol 1882, I'be n- ceipts Inst weak wars ;m..'ins hales, against U8,6mm h.iles for tim week (>f 1882, aod tbe exports were L'll.dti- balesaejeiiiEl 19,137 balee Tbe monetary situation at tbe Block Ext li.si week wasons ot contioeed ease, Excepl un aaa day eben tho rate foi cell loeni ruled at 3 per cent, itu common rats all tho week iras -' pei cut, Lenders, however, aie groarlog lucie exact. ing in their sales lor tune loane, end we have heard Of as lunn ES I j per (cit being paid for sixty-day loans arith city revenue banda pledged ss collateral. Ilereeottlo papei rn closely scrutinized, aod ibo rate for such aa will pa.s- is 5>g to ii1.- i»i coal for doable ami tingle names laspeetively. Yesterday's bank statement m-iIi oed a much larger shipment of mooey to th- interior thea wea inspected. Ii inn* Imremem bared thal tbs ins* ia eaafa reported, of i I, '.M's, inn, (aaa average aod aol tin-actual !o-s lrom friday, August81, toBeptembei 7: thc sctuel loss to tbe Bob-Traesurv durlag tbs we.-k ol 9720,000 (includ- lac9455,000 for exehaogej did nol Bgnre in ibis Etetemenl a* eb average loss of more tban iM 30,000 leaving 81.500,000 Bathe average repreeentlng lessss by tbs direct remittances to lbs Interior. Up to last Thursday Evening the amount of bonds ol the l'-'lst call which Iiml been presented br payment wes 910,887,800 leeving aboet 936^000,000 still ontal mding, ..f wilie' ah,ul 97,000,000 is held in Km..pe. I lie domestic exchanges tarried agates! Non Vork al .ii! the principal commercial citms. The letesl quote- tumsiii tho pleOSS nained ETC Et follows: 8 iv.-ninali. -,',,'4 <ii¦ ((lin:t; ChsriesiQB. '-i discount to par; New (ii.! oil 11 BO cu's discount for commercial and £1 premium for hank Si. Louis, 28 cont.', (li-i-nunl Chicago, 80970 coota discount; Bootoo, SO cents discount. Tbe foreign exchsBges were dull all the week through, but ratea were steady foi business on thc basis ol 94 $l$t MOA $-1 80^9 for lon Kami short sterling respectively, The stock Exoheogelast week witnessed aneetlvs and at tunes an excited Speculation in shales. Tbs improvement in prices which began with tba closing days of the previous week made steady pTOgTCM after a matoiial reaction on Monday and waa not checked until Fnuav noon, Tbs advances eera general and in some instances aero large LoalsvlllS and Nanhviiie, the Nott beln Pacific system, Dsever and Kio lin.tide, l.'nuui Pacific and North weetera wen- eonspicnens hecBnss of their large Irauasctlons ..md advance-, hut tho. ebola list on 1'rida.v showed advances which rBBged from .'I to IO per rent. Hy Frulav noon tbs short interest practicallv was eiiiuinated fiom tbs maikct and prtosa slmitst immediately reflected tbe loss Of that important sustaining dement. As u result dering ths following eight hours of business thies on Friday and live on Sa'urday.mom than one-half o the Week's advance generally was lost ged in SOBS InstsnOSS all of it. The London market was against thia narkal ali tbsweek, uud the talk iai><mt "outiidc ' house haying was that kind of iiniiL'cry which fancies a inole-hill to he a spur of the Kooky Mountains. Tranaai tiona for I be w.-ek amounted io2,516,442abarooagaiasi 'J.'MK- 838shares tor tho Brace noa week. I he desliags Ie Government hoods wsrennnsually small, and tin' final (|Uo(ations aro Bnchanged lunn a week :i(.'(>. siiiie bonds Eisowcre extremely dull, but Louisiana consols ros.. 1 percent. Tbomsreel fi 1 1 dlroad honda ot a apecolsiiye ebsrsctei was active, and prices sympathised with tbe advances made for shares, but with lhe downward turu iii Btocka bonds beeams dull, if aol lower. The I. .nun- ol laat week's otlicial statement of tho r.nl *;i\ sliipineuts ol limn, grain and provisioua eastward trom Chicago, is hm-'s showing of tbs lergrflt louuaitc f"t anv OM railroad, lt carnell 7.10O tons, or 17»-j per cent of lbs wholo, against Fan Huddle's 0,332 tons, or 15 1-111 per cent, us (ho next largSSt. lhe tetel tonnage wua 40,!i!»4 tons, or 3,-ir»l tons moro than for tn« preceding week. The two Vanderbilt linns .Lake Shore and Michigan Central.gamed on the preceding week 1,115 tomi, snd Nickefi'lata gained 1.0H4 tons; Eris gained 1,880 tons; ballimore and Ohio gaited iiUO mat, I'euusylvauia's two Hues lost 382 tons and the Grand Trunk lost 482 tens. Com¬ pared with preceding years, the tonnage of last week was 10.937 greater than in the week of 1882, and 14.222 tons less than iu 1881. Deducting th« tonnage of the two new lines (Kl,:i7:l tons, oi 25 IMO of the whole) for last week a id there- maining tonnage carried hy the old lin-'s was 43<J tons greater than was carried bv the sa^ne lines in tho same week of 1H&2. and i.'4.505 tons less than in tho week of IRhI. lhe two Vanderhilts last week carried 7H.1 tons less than in thc week of 1883, aad 18,111 tons loss than in 1881| tea two Pennsylvania lines 749 tone more than ni 1 883 and 3,400 tons less than in 1*81 ; Baltimore aud Ohio 1,117 tons more than in 1883 aad 1,653 IOOS WEB WEB la 1881. and the Grand I'mnk ;><>/ tees less than tn 1883 and 430 tons lens man m 1H81. The effect of the new lines noon tbs basined of the old lines, perhaps, is beat shown h./a conman ison ot tbs ueroentagoa of cich system lor thr weeks of three years aa follows: Weeks ended Sept, S. WEI. 1SE9, I*0^, Total lons. 65.'JIU Ul'.".'. 7 4o.!f.H \ .(iitleilmi iwt. llnei.por .ont. 9S.9 Bel '»'.'¦¦ I'i un. tv,,, lines. |, ri -, nt . 98L8 3S.7 BB1 Baltimore aud Onto, per cent. 77 4.H OA (iuiltl lllliiK. percent. '.».« 1H..I 12.. Ni, kel Plate, |«r ceul. . .¦', Kile, per ,out. 17- Total pi-r coat. loo.o 100.0 loo.l The following table ahows iho toes shipped by railroada east of Chicago of Hour, grs Bond pro- visions for tbs week ended laat Saturday, in o»m- p.irisoii willi the sun:- week ol I*VJ and ls-sl TTaaca easies naetamner 6 ISM. v*-*'2. ItOO Mlelmraii i-oiiiral. lons.U.7-4 I1.1*1 4.691 I ..-tin- si.oro. Pms .111.914 1Mb B.111 gert w arne, toaa .»o"."> '..3 o.ow Pas Hamil,', loos . o.7-i . t.'i'it t,Ml Halli,non- imt ullin, l.ns. 4.2 .''. l.AUt maud Hunk, looa. 6.417 MOS 0.001 Niik.l Plata, Inns. -,--1, Uno. tons. i*lm Total tons.Bb, ttl S 80.061 404 Mt The totals of eaoh article oarned l»y ell tba r.ul- roeda in the weaka ol l brae rears were ns foliowa: Weekaeaded September*- ISSI. ISS* HR Floor. !. ii-. T.-o I.iiM t'."\ drain. «>n» .;l7.7.'l ih'.Ml '-''I'.1 Provinoaa tom.i». .-5 h.s.it 1.1.1^0 Total Inns.69,919 90.091 -io.'.'.'I I'ln- following arc Saturdays quotations for nu¬ ll itc 1 i-i mintiest ii 1. \siici .ni..!-- At. 0 I'.if. I'"" ks 11 1., lill Hil.. 1'en. liiv. .ll». UL lo .in, it MX] HO*, lsi ti,,-.i.ls Hil l.'.i'a H.,H. A I.t -v .Vt \ 'v lill,11 ce 1. tn.-. I... ii,,.. ,1,,. iM at'ea.. '. >.» Im-owes. 0 SH iiiiil.il". N. V. ao.l 1 H. -li": ni" sn is. il'l ri .M I Pea A Ai . SW C'l.li'.ll I'.lllStl'l'lll. Ill lill ll. V Hill. .-vi ll [..-ii. aa m.1 ii. ¦ ilia O': I ' i-niisiiis.77 7;n., [V\,s.-.t. 1... Deo., iii" Umaria in M. ,k a dil BS "2 end Western. 1 17'- ,, Ineons do.. II 26 I lil.. H.t.. ,t .Ceil. if. x lu -'ls IS 1 Isl nue. t'1'1 G7'-j l>. .pit sou Isl I ii A W, los lida .'.' ; aita Boaaa ni .. N ."I. mist 1 \ s 7'» b tU IHs-i.7- 1 11 1st tatt Mex. Natl l-l in. ..;t, .;- V lund «l D * IOU Ililli.au-1 (I. SOO* 100 lt ¦ nt li vi- I'i Ot k il'isl I' - ,'.ie .l-l- 19 (¦. itiii. ins. |6*a -.- Vlckab'i I Merill N. v.. W - .'-¦ nm. I 1st si's ti'-.iv'ii eben ["randi I '-' luooi'lsubs 39 K".v ni..:..i. ll 11 K.V., ,\. - .1 iltur. Nea in .-. ll. A I . ".fi lui uni 1' '1 Sorta i'.i-11 in. n. . .,IS Loni- . ll-'Hj '.'ii s|. Ju,. A W.s-.tii 7 Xorin ,..\ ".I ¦1..1 SB B9 _ ( J.0-IN1; PKK i.- OF I'. HI IN ITO K"» .-I ,s. -1 u li-. -.¦,.(. -. I-" I. Vestal Iai I j.1 ir. iv (I ir. Waurr.ntr. .... il\ « ¦ f t 1 ¦¦ 1.- , Boston 1,sn-.. '-', . . OBI(Joleaf. iii'.,. ...,:.* a. ia tf >. s ou. tai. !;.,i is..... 11.1 «niiii». t in .«. Ill 21 I..HU , S!V|t>.Ill A .1 FOO ll ti.. -. SSSIIH. lt. I' Boee A K 1.17 ... - i', .oilni. <i_ i i,.,:ii ir t a';».. l.'.-j >. I'i * lu. s«i 4 . . casu- | KS. .' (. I'O i'.iEi.-. ,--t tar. , , . I is liuviai'ii ... -i Ju .,,,,,",._ MINEH a.\i> Ml mm;. si kdav, Sepi :., V m. Tin- business In m ningi ... I'.'e-eii! a si- gie iv il uro f»i wore mot 'Iii uaua .:, prl , altbo iitb the) lin,',h.i'i-1 s,.n,i\ o.r, »how lillie Unal c ange. iAttiS it eli i :: 11 , i « . . . ¦ .it' I. Ml ito., ttiiutim. . i.niaui, . 1 I 4 )ih| ll 1-SI III... II." M.,.Cl-,.J I..Iii ins-. ... lon Sj,a" _ ll.n-.it. .. ... Sion .r.n.i.'. l.ll, I.U, l.ll ,, ..r- i,i . . - li 1 m..li ,-n . I I lu Vi o* Iai kt: ¦|"t:ii tali s Ln iii" d iy VLOSISO fut 'a sar. ... .. »:as, i ."«.-', Il .. , . * a»i ., mi- .,... i ..... IW-si atti '.» -it: 4 ll'. S..,ili'.ti., ,, , r.,,u. "U.'. ..a . ...I . MN ,. ...,,- , ".i /ll .'.. ¦,,..,. t Ce il. ... i Kareaa caa .. '. i w..um ai 'i.i rr. d , ,.-...' Ulina .- .Ul ' The I til ,- dillina Coln,. .11 , meni ol .i'i ieui . pei - an*. Ji .unni \ -nile :-i .tKT.imi i .-. i, rereivi I in v.iu un Sui ur,ai u h lor lha week I r-H i.OUO. Tne .,1 ale ti un Min.if vto k .uni N-i io ul I' r tiin Hy i,r u l ;:, ne .'-in ... da.a c. (.nu .Vol. s: On In le, el, l.-'in tons; ,-. olid !. rel, !.' K) liiitl level, (I-'-' I".is i,t nulled, . , il... noti«l level, in VI loci, ii,, Aug. . I ihe :¦¦ .- in i,-,-i. Hist .Mil oi '.ll le i itopped, in-.ii-i I,.-.ii'.'ni- I, i";;i..;i!i, ." ii'.t. . ^t*, TUE I FsTHOl ri M U.I REI i. ... .',-,. D Btatisticallj considered, lhere is u ito pro ve- iii,,, t bcgiiinmg In the petroleum almatioB. :,, ii. lew imp.ii inn oe im la t e mw oil lie IlkCljt IO onie Ul lor il ll tl v., :,.,i.'r to disturb the ea >dd a.; Ibo tra.' inttll'Il p.i t un-, llo.MII .' a tit .1 || in, itoa Ktiii ooikof th i.'onper t e hy tm- gauge taken | e -t, rda nuapare -i, lollof tao in,. i-'inir week Prodneiloo, it.irj hai sllnoof040barrelai lil prodoclai wella, ooebaacei iii wella in,nm'.' iiml 16 nc* op ead betiding, aa tai rely of 2 aod I. Tbe mooth baa opeoed wuh a ina.n ;iMi axceaa of dsllverte iver ron as reported i<\ ail Ute pipe Uaea, The opiates ol mi. . relive .pei atora anddeaiera la petroleum la tin-it tb. locrcaai m aei iteeha mr tba rsmatoder el the year will he small, wine thou- are bo mon probeMlttiea thal bo le etlibeshowe Thc pipe Una Bgurm te cue are es follows: '- .le pei dir Rona to September 6. a..,, Deliveries to fteptewoer 8. 4(i7,v_'(l Kxeeaa CaUverlea. «i..'oo haileis to SHjilt-nil.if 7... 999,994 s 'in, ro i aa itt'i" "-d'iroaee la tha votaasa of business ui n.e twoXew-Terh Pi troleum Bzebaageelaal week ead the week pn vinns. lituinns waa aeiivo only by tl Cn and sim I-, und Ibo buln nf the tra lag wau ('unlined lo profeeale al operatora after n raaga ot guela Betwees $1 ot>\ tat >t us7g the iin ,i prieea record only a trifliii'-' gita lrom the pr, vn.iis neiurday. Bul the lnwoHt prices nf tim wuk were iii..,1,- i-ail", and were ,,. reeull of ei ir/eran-: reporti of toa prodUQtlo of a new wi il oo nu-1 roi. ter "> in- Belltown n ann., advteearvatored lheeoofldeneool too "batu," uun * luarkot BarSeoed uiiaost to tee end. Tha public ure snli SpeCUlBtlUg only a little, bBl the pol teni ni Mocks duos not appear to be ebaoged. lutbefbceof tut Onrneala Wan street ii ti<i bte reoeel lacieaaa lu uew producttOB the "bulls" have Batutalaed the milli' i ai eiiiiiparalivoiy strm.' pm u«. Tea etiiinna aeaaon would arsm to ba s poor Hew tor stocks t,, n,- (I mp (toil, Wheo tin- Illili -ut Inns pinn; tn tho dlaplaCOmool of unfavorable by farorablejnflueneea. A welMupported udvaiice, wuh m eontlouaaee of eaceuraglog stat, ti cai ibuwtaga, um uun.iiuiuiiy would laduea puiii.e buy. lat, Whileootblugeaabe predicted on thia pouu, n >a boll" movemeol by maolpuiatora would ool be «ur- pnalng. Pomibly, however, the market uiuy await the iosuii ol tuc pr (lurer*' inspection ol pipo lino BtOCkS be¬ fon developing maeh act v.t \. lim Hinno ol pi nos uni nu- *x»ti*l transacllons huro for tbe week eera *¦* toiiows; N. V. Pat, Cans. g| Oponlsr. 10*^ losi, Hutiifi;... I0M', ins', lutnrai. IBa% ln','« Puia.-.- I) < los'. Boms, hals. 14.939,060 Ji.i.i.'j.uo) (.. area aaa bbls..9MI40S9 in,ui7.woo ino reliiii'ii pot!Oleum lanrkct on a moderate volume of business maintains ns rocuii.v developed atreagtB, ead tiie week closed willi a sum ot a oom lier iralluu. i-'luul tineeawsrei Weej-York ksikV',, unit i'liiiudeiphiu uud Jaltiuiore 77«38c per gallon, BCOOCdtag to lest. Said a oniiiluctor of a slow-gnins Western train to au Impatient traveler: "No, wo ure mu meek Uii BBUlhllattag spact.- OD this road, Out wa do immune tc kill a good deal of time.". [COu-maall baiurday Matu TOE MARKETS. TOTAL BHHlPia OP PRODUCE. Fer!fort\ ttlotr, rswsKi.il liilroxii, Nkw-York. flat urduy, Sept. 8, l^X Roans, BMa Cot t'n, bat's Comir. obis iO|>p'r,r-k* Pf r T. ak* rut', ok**. 1 Flour.bbls. lu (' Meal, bgs Whaat.hj HW L'ora.oiiaii illh Oats.liusS.li-, fifo,omni.. '2H 2.12 '.'Sit MS san 41 Oil-, 894' BlU 900 too Tun Malt. bu..i. Peat, bush. OMeal.h'cs F t>,.f-.t. o'gs 0 Meed, t)'i| i ¦eoe MMe Lead. piss.. 1 .oal lier, sui (iii' .ii,i- iii Hork, picas, beef, pkgi ClBl'tS, psi 13,200 lard. pkg*.. ."¦(»,. Lard. kegs. '.'.Mil linn.- t. ss BBC iip.is.-.p w. Ul ll Hoks,Na Tallow. V let Tow, halos.. t'ba'co. .1 ll r'l.a'co, pks 1.14 j Whiskey ms 122 2.0.191 1.871 5,6 "ti '.'. 7 u I 1,813 fi, Ul15 4.71i( 6,5(17 110 iff 14(1 li5 126 BIG KHIB4L MAKictii kb po kt. Nrw-*omi.rtiituriUy. ft-pt, 8. 1893. ASnn^-l'uchanaod. UUPPKB.Spot KM i|mot but stoady st 10o. for fair, boc Itu-si,,,k waa lu, ream-,| by tho antral of the Hipparchus lo 1,1.4..7 h..ks m (Irs! hinds. Solea. SSS bag! i.ulna on private tem* apOoea higher. Balee 10,500 bees Neil ai is.,,., lor u. .oner, B lu lor Aoveaaber, s.ln««.l.', for Decem¬ ber. n.ll,ilr,.2n for Jami nv. a.98 for February, UAH tor March, closine steadr a* toilows: August, «.5i«-.(i5i bep- lenber. -iflH.HI; etobar, mr.ti:,. November, 8.(1609.1 Ol Iiaeeuiber. It.10e8.lftj Jami.rv. 8,1.'. n K.'Jo; Ironiary. rl.llldi 8.2.',. Alurcli, H..&#«..r,. AptUXtlU 44.3ft. Mild erades brui .-uni sHilng steadily, sales, lull havs Savanllla. lHl.lu.420, (".nu h.i. in,I IBO Lagusyra eu iii-, vate tarma 11 ION..-pot Cotton quint, so- niy ano tiuchangail. Hales. .¦-'I bales (M.> lui Ovealagl, all tor allillinna. Icecoipla at Iho iior.s to-day. M.lsit bales, against 2,10b Hilt (lay Inti, wet-k uti.i (i.niiiias rear, Patons aSvaaoaS :i/*4 liomin, hui, l,,s« n. 11. -:. Balee 's,-ii naies. Prices pud: *eptein- lier, I't.lJoi -.1 I; ()ii,H,or .". Jl <* IO.-J4. November, lu..tl il li...:.;, ln-ieinner. lo. 42 d lu.4.,. January. lU.93elU.06i Feb- marr. IU.uialil.BS; March, in.sna ni.sii. April. lil.'Jl . lo...l. Mav, iio.-eil.tti June. li.Hail.lo July. 11.99 Oi 1,2ft, l'IqoIbxoneea september, lu. IS: ooiobor, io.2da> ¦- N "Min er. H'.ilJ ,; in il.t: llecepibur. lU.43eill.44j Jaaoaty, lo.ftttfiuftft; Pebroaiy lu.Oooiu.BVi Mutch, m.ii . I .'. Ainu, io.:.- ml, ,.'.11. Mav. 11.1.4*1 I.n.".. Juno. 11.15 a 11, it,: Julv, i.-.-i j.h. d... Trauslerable orders lt.. i... I- I.'il lt a X li A OAlu.ttAJX ii-naikai sean ,-ly so active st line ..rn .s aoaarauv mu Bl ill and lu nisiau. o a (Bade bal¬ lar. A uihmi «i,,.,ri Inqnli r. with tba boataeas obeoked by ilia n at supply of desirable mate* a aiadarata toojing trade .'n.i .il. A t.nr .onoiiiit ot Ula s.ilot 'xr,-,v lois lo arrive iu Bil lina uml in-n ntuOtb. -,uie«. 94.ftOO ni.ls., of will, Il l,,-('it inn-, «ei« for ,-,inii(. motoning 8,300 Iuds, ('uv Mill hilra. |ft A,mao 7tl I,uni bids. -No. 2, tU 4Ji/*.liiO; l.'.to Inns, auuorliiie S3 2>o*.. fl.,; m.u bids, hour Ki lid. *l no./. I .... I. ililli bbla. Lo* .rade extra, T.i ~.,o »4 lt; ann 9,800 bbls. Winier Wiioil I. xii;* iiiiini' iv,inn ih- linne, $1 i,i»».i CO. minta lions No 2. !?'_' .'ul/; T.I BO. -;||tei .iui\ ».. >o.,«.i Aft, altai "i.i.-u.-. lomuiou tl .-'ur gt^ri HX.I, vi flO«T4 2,. WooU to I-inr «' .- .i .!'.?(> ,. mihi ii'i. ie ti,kui eura Western. |.l -H»rl .'. lon ,1 «. *l I .., ri .', t. .', ili"ON f.iiTi (imo. >.> abttgl ut- itu, tt oin ,,. ttoei i I me*, t.i ri i i.-rn 7t uj u n ia ciiir, aieaeMt* *i tO m AA *0. Clear. si ,'.,/*»" ara antara, eSesft ft* tt.-aigat. Eft tia in s,; I'ateu1. eft BO *«] otb ta latins i'.iu,i»j ci r'air I.nra. » -arl .,1; i-air to un.-it. it* Hu rn ti ..(I: Woo.i lo V.-rr (.in'-', . Ui« Jj Pa.eii -Viuior ^Viieai i-.xtra. f ,'»ti'.M, n aa astreaa .'.:< dm i-.un for wm lades, !.i.,mt"'., seale Antenna. Eft SO OBS, Martel i- (i ling linn.bul' I lli.ll.N l-l.'il ll quel and Hle.inv. *. 7. nt',, ni' u.1.1.; louiiuou to in, "i i.itru at ¦»! di '. i.I In 'linne do. tt i.,ttt'< ,'...KYK I...ti .. nu, ii.iiiK'ii wah a iiin.i. ian- ii .ni,- -ans. i,ni buls. Millennia >..-I .( ou.N MitAt. t|iii.'i ann a out \ c-iiina Weetara, eawSS Sui mau.mine. *j io* .- 'I ...vA l\-i(,l,.Ai- ¦. ,, kel ii lOtju ..ir alni nus, lied o|,en tn rn* i no 1'ir ailv.iu, e auil, I",, 1 i.e.. a ai, a, I.» ,n .. in ir, ailfbi ti Ile tor 0I|Mn, min snip,I,-, .n Hoad to ii.",i "ii. a i.u, business reported 11*14 eau large eal lousocaiauv accooa i lu/ ..nu- is oiov on i. ililliM dst.'ni. -a.es, .I.. JJ.noil i.i.-u tu ioi-,i ,a i. m. ,.i,inn: Degraded Winter . . i oat ln*a| .\. I nen, ...,¦,.,-.. ... ..,, ., uun. *i i-,', ,i ,1 !-, i., i.1.1 ij .... ... ri io ta elevator. El Hie e. -i ., t, i I i -/I fl 1" t-i, - .1". 'I.i, til. , #Tl ls, ClOHIIK tl '.jj il,.. Neveai bet, Si Waeel 0, tmauia el i-.'1-. ..¦. ueceu.. ."-ni,- :i l t-j.HVK Marat I », Ji.,1, un Iv lol".. . I .. "it tn, .li. n.i.i.i.. .-, .ie at T-1-.-!- 7.1.00 ,i-h ¦" --ai,;,s..e a ale Ka- i, ; Wi H. IOil li.i h -ia r, ii \ i; 1.1. v Market uml amt ll ...lllial. I,Alli.I.V MAL1 .lUf |. .,.; -ul,-. ., ; .i fo, ..o. -.,» ...... Ju...,. -" a-.COHN ii . ii.i.it'..., ii.;. inna ¦1 all i ll .1 " 1.0 ,.v ,.i, .. lill u 11 Uti tl a .m. ill , .. iii nun.I ann Vi y !,..».. ia ¦> :..!.'¦ II..1.- BU ti .nini omit, i..mill,a n ra ;ed Hived ai net,..,.- >,,. .., t.. .«<* i.j.i..., .' ii ,t. ..,, IN ....', i. n ll, e. lao.. 1 '41 iliill'lf,.., lie a 1 , '. mi v. ., i'.. ..,.. lied, I s - lr',1.,^1. g , .,,»!! '. .(.; " 1 I' If,,. I, '¦- « a ., ,.n. V ., ,1". ...¦' cu.'. 1, II - .. .1.lill- .1 .... li.,., a.l... ul, ,,, ... U- "!. ..* , ... llUOUll) Ins, ', ., "ina. I,uni.'. Ioi .OOo liii.ii. .. .., in.1.1, -o. ., eiieo t.. .-" .so. ,, , .v Bite, ... .... --. eoe n ¦,... .\.. 1, a.,-.-, .'. WBll -.«¦*.. ., W into stale, ... -. Mitt .. .:. .1. \* . 1 I . il, I* ".>"« ¦. "v.1 1.,. li-.uar., s, a y ni, 1, a lair bus. ,,a\ a n l> hTUAW Lower gi adea ol Hay i,ientirui ami ..I . ¦ Mow the w .".».. eil lo Pl I.i r limul 1 lever, soe- irrauej. a.,,* .. .1 nu.. (Ut. I ,1 r ij lu 1 ..-,¦ . -eoi|ilu»s 1 nail) quoted foi - , ..e» .1 .iriiiii'i at.,1 no. messed '"' » ... aged , , \ A 1 ¦¦ -> i'i' >!. I ill Hillie dull -i i I Sll , "i hirsuied. ,1 Men ., - ,jo -i.,|,,v. However, aad ,. v\ ^ 00OIC lt v .... ». I i.' .. ,, ...... .- . ill 1". Umllk, ,i.,., .'....- \ bal rate. *. » lill.(... I.. v I ll .\ '. I. \ ,',,'. . ... , .(.'.a lol, ... (,,! \ I HO.Nil '. .. .. ions t" terms, \ a ..!'¦.. 1: 1.. .' ll I N \ -., \ \ .... r. Lei, -.'.'I 1,1.1., .... .1 Sliced a mil,. li elma I- , .i .. 1 na nu.*. Meas 1 .,..,» .. 1 ., u. ..... tl " *¦* . nra ¦' .HI ll .IA. .... 1ID - Hy ,'it-slod Mi . . 't Mill. les ..il li|i ¦¦ .... I ileai) av.I [r, 11m ,i , |. uv. ii. ,1.1 to '- II .11 .1 -I ¦ -ll H. Ill".lt,iv I, 1,, ¦. ¦¦ ¦'..,- lill l«S. ,.,. i,. Notembei - fe.! 1'itr -Mea 1 -i u rn.1 ,,,,..;. s ,., - ;l", eatll A RICI Ml ill "to l u, .1 ..-. 1. -1 1, vi- Kaw lu nm ,11, s m 1111 ,1 were »".<i .n in ,-,..: ni -. aili ." lo.ly e par.n 11 lara ol j ¦: 1 . tran « eeiuedi,' ool .1 -;(i u-lii"t, ¦' -. ¦. .. I'u-r len fl ..' " to Mould "A. S ,-.. 1,9'itt'lin;.'is" "A, t.. -lanuurd "A.' - , tit "A, . ¦','.'¦ ..¦!. .:. a, 1 a "'.." ," i. -,n 'w iii "¦¦ r- a lil SK.Dull aod somewual 1. "iinu.il Kr, >|U' to. I ,1 th uniai.a. ur oteai .in. -.. l|li,ilr,. ll ij .. '.t ,, I A il.', c -'j 0 ..tel si.aiiy. I'li.-itCiy quoted 1\A; ^.ile.i 40,"Oti li ... I Itt, Mill ni' TRADE. DOME inc Ma uk li -*. na in mi 1. Bept ll i"u i|iii'-l. Middling. IO1*. Flour quiet sad n ii.,n ul. Wheal, houmsre blabei and active .\, .1,111 a .ia.:, belier, clueioa oaen bontberu Hod, -1 >/ El IE ua Aia . ,. .1: -1 ., j 1, ,1. .,,. ¦! .vi'io'i ilea, sid -1 1 ,'u»'.' l3Ta Ucd.lier, ,1 ,t. -si ., inveniier, *i 11 $ i ne. soil e.. Bl .11 .("ti 'J0*m (om vu im. quiet sad iteody, vi,,.. em blgaeraad strong; Boutin ra Winn-, j7oo0o j,tu, leliow, iitOi'i- .; tt eel ern ima, (1 l4»l" c *epiember, Li,'. I..,:, ti.-i o's '.¦ ¦-,.- Novi-iii: it. .,-.'.¦ "hi learner, ,.,, in.-,, nats Bim seut hero, lOwdsc A esters M'lute, 3d ,».i-,-., j ,. -ii.fi. tt j I'enosjrivanls, JftOiiKu. Rva quirt, l.il/fi.s,'. Kai- dun ami (Ile nauged. ProVUIOOS 'lu aad aaa] wllboot cbaoge. Batter Bra tor Choice Weetera i'n' wei "ni'. i.reaaierv. i-m..,- i-kit" stead*, iioo, r in", um uucbanged. . oOee ttruii Km carguaa, urdiaar* to lair. » '4 d id'-, bugin t|unti, A. Oofl, - ..-. Coouer, Kottned sieaov. 14',// ii'. Wblsaey qillel and slea,IV #1 trw tl ir-j. liei^'i.is linn unil unchanged. Ile.is. pioar, .¦in, him. Wneat, M.ouu niish.. lorn, la.ooobusb. nata, .i.niio 1. n.e. itu. ..uni. boab, ibm.ts. Wheat. ...min hush nu. non mi h. Baiaa, Wheat, 40 .imu boab^Uoro, n,iMintiu,l.. ri, 1 ai.". Mt;.t. Ht. noni «,',a. wt,, ni in in. ul demand at ni,1 unoaei taloa, ,"'-o Na wino- Mimer ai -rn in'-j. it .ats ii", at *i i-', d t'litt so, 1 Red Wiater ..t *i IL cora limul, salsa, US j bush tiauntie la car lots al Hi '.' 'an .No. J a: .'ic nus slea.ly sal.--. 0 in No. J »l lulu at 35c.) 1 ,-ar in "hen .in.-. Rye in lubt deotaad i aale of 1 ear oa private lenna, Kretahta to New- fora by rall atosdjr. Canal In-iK'i: iiishir Wneat, I)1-..,-.; Corn aol Ilye Se. H.illmal tei-einls I-lour. Lite. nins. w li",ii. '.".'.noo muli.: i "rn. ..'7.'(ii' oats, .i.nnn. Barter, LOOM Kg* -. ».v lase rtc.ii'l.s I lum, 1 ,."iii A Iii-.,.. 9.,.iii'i- Ini-'i. . ,un. Ii47.iit.tl busb.i Ilye. -bush. Hall road sUiptusiits.l'lour -'.'..>' 0 Wueat. 4 o to (mu. IS-OUU IMM S.UUO; Barley. 1.50U Ere 1111 h. cami io tbiewatar.WBaat. 117,000 1, ia. 1 ern 1 .0 1,nh.. Uge, S.UUU baiti. '1',,intel- noiute-wbeat,. IS.uuuba ib.; ."n. H,uuu boab. 1 11.1 .n.e. Me|il. rs. t loin iii,ii mnl iii.aged, nanam- k\ i.uu. ui.i. mo demand; opened strong sod nigher, need at inside pi loee dT*e. sepiem' ictobari ai ininti ni1, November; -ki n- s .c.ber. '><». t m- tairo -spi iMtr. '¦'!'. c '. 1" So. 0 no. istk..,-.. No. 2 lied Miuler. Si 09. («(» Unsettled, aiiivi, uu l,l|<ber: 90%e, casu BBd siepieiiitii-r. oiiv. ncluneri I'.i'uo. Nun iiilier, l,*<-. an ino y,-ai. 4-i',',.>lai. nan la Oood demand [ines un- settled, bnt generally nigher 26 V- eaen ..,'. tl 0. sap leinlier. ii'," \u di "v teiubefi 'Ai V .MtV.-ni.ti '-1, U tl 20 ',0. nil Hm year .u'»a.tt)-vc. May. nye moderately acme ai .! blaber ai ft I 'ea ilaiiov uui-t inn linn at noa Kiaiseee lu a, tivcui inai.u .it tl dr Og! 2'J. l'oi k lu lair ,1, luaml. o, ein-tl HtioiUlaiiil l'l<h.i, i io«r,| al inside puces, at tl I -J..O-.I1 .III cuni sn l ..i-pirnu ..!. i»u .catii a1<fOetobee; s-ll BBB gil 27 Hi .No Kin uer BU 10(*ll lil Hi sil (h. re.r; VU l.'-"i tflltii Jiinuari. Lard lanlv actlvn, bul nromiiar M io<» 8.12H|(<. caah. heptouiber ami nctoi.or. 7.J.K* i.u7Hw. No- veinber 7.H2'tei.'.lftO. all lbs \ear. 7.91%eSO. Jsuuaiy. »> mm matu needy aud firm; sbouiCara, 0.76c: Sault bib. 6 O0e.i Short Olear. 7.00c Bolter etosrtv, with a lair ile, maud. Ergs quiet and one hanged Walskev steadv snd unchBogod. Pit-lghta-Cora to Huff.io 4H,o. Keeeipta- Hour. 7.000 bbla.; Wheat, 147.000 oush.; Corn. ftlT.ood bush..- nam, 24:1.11,1(1 bush.: Kvsi 4.'.ooo busn ; Karlev, Hu.isH) bush, Shipments.Kinur, '.17.0OO bush.: O ora. 677, u«o hush.: oata. 27...0UU bush.; Rye, 7,iou boah.; Barley, ft,SOO boah. tSWWEftn, Sept. 8.- Flour Arm and unchanged. Wheat nichol and more aottve at Bl OSVVfl Oft* cash, SI Obha tl 055»Mep(ember; Bl 05=4 October; 91 dO1* November, Ile celuls. 21.000 bush, Shipments. t'.t.OOO bush. Cora strong and acttvo at 54^- rash. 52(«»6:ic, October. Dat* si rom aud Inabe- at SoeaOa. cash: 30i«e. October. Rye lo fair ni-iiianil a! snt., eSS^O. l>iovinlo,,s nrmer, but not ^notably hlsher. Whisker tn mai gi IX Butter lliimt ; I'nii.i-« ream- ory. .'tlc.: Coolee Dairv. lHr. >ucar higher: Hard no. tined, it leBS 'C.: New-Orleans. 0VO7J««k Hogs-Maiket fa,r. Common snd Light tiiHiafi *,-, Pacxttu and botch- ers'. »i Oirntu J*. Keceipla, 1,100 Boao. aMpiaeuis, .>U0 bead. OKTROIT. sept R.-Wneat steady No. 1 White Kail rash. 81 os; .-epicmbt-r. vt Ul**t october. $1 0*>a November, f l'".'7si No. 2 do. *102'a: No. 2 Ked Winter. SI OSH* He- coipts, 24.000 bush.; elilpmouts, 18,000 bush. Corn strong; No. 2. .Sic. Oats strong No. 2 30c.; No. 2 White, .(le. MIl.WAtHKB. Sent. M.-Piour in fair demand. Wkeai lr- ngii ar ai i»7HiC. casb and september SEO, octoberi gi Ol Novembor. cora buoranti No. 2 t>0>,a.-. Rejected. 4iiHi<-. Oats sroiicor ; No. 2. 20>»c.: Mixed, 27S274C.. deliverod. Rve strong ; Na l. 570.: No. 2. lOc Baner sttongor; No. 2, (lillee.-. No. 3 de. 62c. Previsions stranger: Mesa Pork. Sll 40 casa and October. $11 SS January. Lari. I'o iti» steam. S.loe. casa aud October; 8c. January. hogs stea,lv at M tlnmai tai. Butter Arra: Crearaerr. 2'1 <T24c; Oalry. Kl*l7o Cbneae linn. Kggs in good de¬ mand. Ileeeipis-Floor, il.isio obis.: Wneat. ls.000 buen.: liarler. Ki.ooo bush. Oklpmeets-l'lout, 6.000 bbls.: Wheat, l.ooo bush Barlee, i.oonnusu. iMiii.ADkLHiu. Sept, H..Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat advanced un. iu,. ailll )niu.a fl,,,,. Hpeeulaiors, however, wi if tining little or nothing and exoort orders were nowhere near current a king rales. Cur lots wero In fair demand and slronger; sales or No. 3 Red lu eipoit elevator, $110Hi: freat Western No. 2 Ked do, 91 14 -41 Delaware No. 2 Ked o.. *1 IA; So. 1 Pennsvlvaula Ked do.. 91 17, 91 17'-j and Ul 17'4 No. 2 Ked "ctober. $1 Ki: do December. $1 2i|3si No. 2 Ked September, SI H<3« bbl, JI li's asked; Oe loner.91 lft*Ind. Ot nm, asked; November, gi 17J* bid. 91 I*', asked. iii-cemiiMi. $1 dil bid, $1 91 asked. Corn.Ac¬ tive and sirona In tbe early dealing- nuder ruuioiw of damage to the crop in the Northwest by float, t'rices advanced I Hn* I'o'. bul subsequently brose 3.<ilc. and closed unsettled. There waa a g" it s eOOlatlVO movement, but nothing doing fnr eiimit. tai lots for local trade wme In good t.emand aud "tiona nuder scarcity sales ot Rejected track, at ol ci Na. 9 Mixed, track. 830.1 No. it Yodow. track. 6M0.. steamer, trai k, 99eSS>ac.l Low Sail nixed, trick. (Mc.: sill nigh Mixed, ti act,. 64900 <«ei sail Mixed September, til v* 8 tuc, du. October, nlaiilV'.; Bat txod ... amer, 9 c. hld, Gi '.c. Maned: etolt r ,iii-^e bhLOl'sC asked: Nnveiii lui, "'ic bid. (i.e. asked, lie, ember, jn-.c. bid, j c. asked. Oats. amuls ia (air Oomaiiil aud Hie. hlibei . aaies o. No 2 MlxeB. H'J'iCi dejected White, ,12c; 1No. A White, S4e.j l-.itra No. il While, S»«iie.| So, 9 While, off c nor, 96%e,| PairaodOood NO 2 Hbite, tlc, u'^c. and bS'tej hxtrano, 87c. PatoreaInproved S'Sc. m sviupathy with tho ad- vane,, in Corn, bul there w s untiling .loin*: No. ''White BeotenDer, .,,\,-. bbl. iiiie. asked; October. 3,'>7ec. bid, ll c. Hskca: November, a,'e. bid. a.'-^c. ass ed Lieiem.ei .(8c. bul ..no. asked Provision .Firm. Ue~, Hams V-'l «+--'. limns BBMBed, per Iii. il -.ill C.; do, "S. F.," tully curott, I el.li.c. Lara. j ii iii*-r. itv Kenned, 99 2oO*!i So ; steam, -i 7fta so. ltiitter-Fano.v hlgbOf and geneial i.»'i tum. Pennsylvania (.'reamery Kura and Wesiern io.. '..'!'.; Fir.is. la ,". Western r^xtia. IftOlSO, it-gg».->. aree uni tum: re ii n sylvan ni mattoe, -lc; Westi-ra Kxtia, -.-.ie. Cheaaa Qmei boo weaker; sew-Yoik Full Cream, lie. Bogar.Koo needy at Utf-lOeO ll-16e. Ior Fair io oood defining 4uscavadoee Peed.Pinn; *\ inter Krsu, 9182.'.m 91.. Wln.skOT-II.ghor; Western. 91-JD. other arti, les nactungod. Receipt*. Flour, ..ooo bois.; Wheat, 99.OU0 bush.; coru, B.00U bush., outs, 2,0oo bush, chlpmeuta. ii,.uo. ¦m. laOOta .-'ept. s. .Pion- dun and unchanged- Wheat finn aim higher No. I lied Fall, -il 02>4 anti 0J1» rush *i ij'H september *i n.i^e octoOer and Noveaberi Decemoei *i ". \ all tbe vear: No 9 Mes, yo* :'T i-jc (om itroog and higher ai i»J\i</47c. casi. ss^c. Seo tool bal 16 »¦: Ooiouer 4i'sc. tovomliiir; 42 Lj0. all Mm ivar; IJ'jc, Hay. osM higher. Imt glow al SS HO 2i'<c. casu -.-... MptembeTi 9SV0. Octobor; 27c. N 'run. bot. -i.e. all ibe veat '¦'',' Mav. nye tlimorat 4'Jc. bid. Baner ouiel il (Wo8 c nutter anti Hags steady and un. ed ( nriKueal tlrm at td I.,. Wtti*tr,t tteadr at El ll. I'r.ms.ona dull, bm arni at previous quotations, itece.pta. I'm ii. ln.ijoo obis. IVneai. loH.00,1 gita. I tun 2d,ono busn. (.ais. B4.000 ousk. fire. 9,1100 Barter. -'. "'. saipmeate. i-'iour. s.ouo ooix-. wneat. base. ora, 3,00011 umu.. oats, none; ure. 2,000 1.usn.; nailer, none. I.IVH sl>,),j|v MA!li<r:r--UY TSbC0ft4PK Bi halo. Bept.H.-fuWe.K-eoiptsI ,ttar I.40u hoad, total for week Hum tar 9,7201 I" MOM line laH Weal 9,J"0; II ei pis consigned throo-rb 299 (its. uurket aul sud low fol l "in nun Choice Heady, sales -Light lo Uood Steere ti '.io,*«.", ,'n ( holes 99 Shitfi ,.e,,.pls today 8,000 le .ld, total tor weeli ttl us fal .--.ooo lo ..tl. foi lim same tine Ioi' week 26,000 liea.1; in-.-ip s unsigned ILroiigii-ti ¦¦ ns market dall and lower, sales.Pall to",,,,,) Weatern 94 2fte941ft; ( BOMB to Fancy 9ft 1 -'ii ni ..nuns $.. '.Mani. Kee .e.r.mils to-day ft, si 1 heed! total bk «**< teas far I*.'"" .,-... ne Mme tl uo issi ,.-,-.ui .: fi, head- reeolpta 1,'i-ia oed through ISS ur<: market quiet bul steady Vin acts %:, 20*8 Ipi. Hr»s,e;s unit Mil lil ;au.s »4 TJOt.i 1S| Uood. dedlun ami Mea%y 4 1 <o03 1 np 1 n .it s /" /,,,,.,. Journal reoortsi.Jfaga Ile, eip-s 1, ii shipments 1,600; uia'.ei active, sn,mg and .'ihl^iiir si's Pac kl k ti tm* MW), Parking and si,ip. bios l-l Ko*a*80 Light 94 1'Ott't .: si, i's 9330*9460. ¦'¦ ' Keieipts 2,'tun. iblpmeau S.loO market vi duli, nut piit.-i ii .ai., lowei f,,r p«or io Medium. Balee. Ka* iona 90*96 45; flood to Chotee Sbipplai *'¦ i »-.'.'- ni 10 Medium +Ui', Kinge strong Wvomloa halt* bree ls ol from 1,' lui IO 1.12.1 t», 91 2'i*9l 4 J; ress >'t a ns ? Aiunied Icx.un «.. !Mi<»>4 iij. Amer.1 ans+4 c 91 ,,. "n i(,.,-a; t.s-o . shipment* 1 600; market slow, --ales lltleiloi lo F. ir 92 2.1 eft" 2.i; Uood 4, CbotOO tl 2i; Toiaaa s: *.i imbi -1 26*94 pei head -1. Loins. Sept, -k.' allie . rieceipte too. sh' ntioc 1* ftno linn, mar kel steady, wltb a good d aaa lol lau abipplug grades "f -s ,11 -.. - b.it non,- here; transactions 1.tn 'r to bun :, < 11, local bnj s ¦. .. . .,¦ ree; 11 ak,-, . " "ii.i a ", .1 li na j'i 1 IftoS .. .ti ..dv and Arm. Bales ht 1 .. Packing 'is 4ju*.'< in Let.;.ts 1,100, luip- melita i EC KOPEAN .MAl'.KI.lt m. -To-h, Prime Base. Kostera, eteatr el no.. Heal l-.xtra In is Mesa dull ,.t sl/i . Haas dall, 7 ,i Prime Im vu f at I iiSd. Wheat, Heady at ndld. Uoru. Jf tai l. new. steady ai I..-., .-¦.op m Produce m mts of Turp, u- per wt c.' Ul p i quarter. TBadoeUae due lo tne large arrivals ol Lia- sarwaBP. Sept E Petroleum. Ploa i\,ie Anieocan. 10 ........ .- vu M "....a l.si.i dosed in,, ti, eulin soper i'Mi kilos " - Wilcox's Laird ,1,'S'' l at 4.i marks, 50 pleuaiaa* i-1 no lt.. Kilt iI'ilAV l-'IN'.V.s III, MAHKKTs i.o-.t't'i. -'¦ hi ,....,, i ,-> foi in-'tioe a,.,i ', mint. l.ll-. " el COOS di, \HM i-l, ru mortgage li *; Illinois I t nital, .,. I'i.:.i." phil and .te.nl. , -. , ..ii m,lin.ii '.-ti n.-,v *ui«. wiuario aud I ,. -i. Pam Co umon, i i."\i' ,s sa t * din m. Pan. id rices un,to three 10 Tif-i i ir I m-.-ontit. lt p .. I linois einral I.U. IVnn- .,.1 .. I,.,.! ¦'. Heading, 26^ Bealcaa Ordinary, '.( ',. .New lui., (mini io .iud u .stiiu. -d's .r .ii., ..ii. .' ti i. 111 .->i i mt i tiu iii i. u Kagiaas ea I. lia'.'-la,- ts -. 2 t. I f"l- li ll'r ll -lill'. IH , ivs tu th-oe I pi ll .1. . ', s ,,¦ '.-lit. .ii -. .i li I si S'j per lil ., li,: .,.: -. A.,h.. .ll ind > ' OU Sltl.d -.in '';.,-.' .., 2**d aa* a heavy si iiuu tu Meaicao naitooal " HEAL b lAIh Kbw-Yobe. Batorday,Sept. B, iss.j. BCCOKDED lii.il, i.-i'.vl'.-: I'.l.vN-. :: t lOOtb-sl n *. 100 ft o nf Cl: ¦>'-. I00xl00.11i lld mer to W il liaben . g.i-.'.ooo ino: John I ii ...un. . \\ || ,m il. Nu, 1.0 no rt -t, Maili W I :.. ,'..- .i .i li hann ..,',, I Max baa. ... io J 1. Maschke 9,8 Itt WO ll i" 1X102.2 l-.i! liaoy to 1 I reci . it ,. ol Mu 'is t iv -, 2Ix 102.2) Fd ; , c. ,i 11 icy nti'i anoibei . 206 tt I: ,- ol l-l-,i\,-.ti loo.',, .1" in Liv. lugitoo and wife to K J Mahoney. ... i ¦iril n toO W Ila toi'l . " ive. 60x102.21 .M H ri. i's mid w fe t" Berths 8 mtb . S2d ii, n s, 400't wot Ulh-avo, 5ttfS.9 Marta Mab it i- to Annie t' Han li. ni," len Mur.ay .in.i husband to Da* d Prank ., loo i. 21 no "(1x102.2, I incl.uo jotm i,,u el ii to Jac ib li mi. i'j.': ,1 , -iii ive, iS.s ;i"i>.t Alfred Kehoe and wife IO J ll noan". . Mnue pro tiiy J'lin il Deane aad alla te 0 K Kt los.. 9,060 0,000 1'. .Ki no 1 1 500 8.500 1.010 12.000 2:1,01 mi ii 900 U!itn JJroperin £o tt:. ADVERTISEMENTS POE THE NEW* J\ YclMi lill ItD.NE Wi 1.1. UK uKfRIVKll AT TUB Vl'IdW.'- OFFICES, Na l..'3-i BroaSWEy, coner lUlilv. firs; st.. i;,| :1 ;i |. m.. aad 3 8 Weat iweuty ihlrdet.. cor- Ber i thth uv».. So. V2 sst Fotirteonth st . corner T'nlon. aoaaie, '.tJu Tllrd-avo., c..ri,or oiiy-seventh-st.: at tho il M.- Li M OPPICK.H, N,s 1.001 am! 2,900 t.li't ave corner Ono hiin.irod.aiid-tifeuiy.flfUi-si, up lo a p. OX, at regular ot- Bias rales._ r|\> LET..The liitrlilv desirable roar-stniy, 1 high-stoop, browa atone dwelling Ko 29 Eaai BSd X, beiweeo fttb aod MadUoo area Apple to il. C. l'tmiKii, Arnold. Cornubia ECO., tttt :ir- and liltli st. Unction Gules ot Ilea! (Estate. tl)!.IAN ll. HULLER, Auctioneer. TltUSTBW sali: OE thk BHINHBOOCK BILIA TOWN Ol' StJl'lHAMl'TDN. L. I. Ai'.iisn ll. Muller ,t Son will -,,.11 .il BOOHOO BB EbIEIiIbi Hi id. J. al 12 O'clock, at tho KXcbaagf ^aies Kouui, .'»o. ill Kinadway, nv OBOES OE TH SBOABO Ol TBUSTBKE Of TUB siiiNNiirncK illi.t.-s. Tho traci of land sltu.it betwa 'i t'l'-i'uic- uud sblnneoock I-1. s. roon ol aootbamptoa. Huifolk Ooaoty, I. I., coetala* lng sboul 4,.I seres ol upi mil -tim.io,- ami lund uinii-r »i -i. togetoor with Bebonae Nick ami liam lalaod. lhe I#iiii lalaod Kaili oad illus ihiuini-ii tho pr,i|,, rtv. J. A. BOWKA *, in, sid-ut. Kui ilu-i- parliculais ut thcoltl,,: of tho Auctiouucie, Mo. 7 Plue st. Crooklnn JJropertn for Oale ano ila £et VFIRS I'-i'l.ass riiinisitcd brownstone home on "Tho lilli" to let for the board ot lin.-,-persoiia; .re,|iilit-,l. Addiess VA N !>! lilli 1.1'. _P. O. Rox ii. I.-J. Now. York. 1^ LEGANT idin-stDiv browii'Stooe house tor J suie. puce, ^-,,1)00. "iuuuiio '20u \S asliiimtou ave., Btooklya._ CM)H SALE-VALUABLE PACTOHY FEOP- A irtv, lirooUlrii. II. I)., near wt. nf.i^o. 12 ,,,'.(, hrio« Ililli I- lags, ii'iuii'Uiil,; ml < uer li-'Mi s,»,-l,i| i 1 (o.i a ll >t ung nu- Iniprovt-d price modcrato; lonnsnasr. KKI.-SBY & SUV- ham. .So. ni. Broadway, B rooalyn, l-l II._ r|MlREE now privuto liousos, Qaeen Anno A style, eal.met truoined osoh rtoir, lu ilrooitlyu, to exebanae for a nuuiry resldanoo or larui. J. o, HOI I' A BOM, 2> Maana » Citt? Real <fstate /or Sale._ l^mrsTLE~o7TO RENT..A sim*. 2-storr J brick house, nearly new: lot 2«xIDS; location flrat-elaee for health and aoelety; price Ed.-M 0. Addreaa OWNER, Tribune office._ N OS. G aud 8 EAST 44TH-ST.. near 5tb-ave., Very Elegant 26-foot Residences, one wltb dining.room extension. alhh, MADISON AVE.. 60TII and 619T STS., Handsome llousoa from 10 to 26 feet wide. Houses all uew and built br ourselves. ALWAYS OPEN. Send for desci lp ti vc p.-imptilct to CIlAIU.Hs UUEK A co.. Architects. OH East 4lit-st.. corner Park. ive. 1">EARL-ST., near Bookman, 5-story brick store for salo. RULAND A WHII INO, ft Beekman st. npilKEE LOTS, 75x100, 70 feet east, ol A Madison ave on grade itnx't. n stupe to build; 918,000. Apply WILLIAM A. TAYLOR. 17 Wallet, IS Conntrn Jlropcrtn for Gale aiti do ttl.' A T PLAINFIELD, N. J. sebstsotisl bride il residence, with iiiipiovenienti; stable aud ls, acree lo exchange for Now-Yura »r Brooklyn property. HULANl> 4 WlilllNO, 5 Ile,-kluan -t. AT MADISON, N. J.-Forsale, country seato/ 12 acres, larne double house, mo lera I u.iroveaienis. largo bani and stable, hau Isouio Uwn.or.uiis it ai trjuatil .blubbery, abuudauce of choice fruit, H. KIIDY 4 l.'i)., 14ft Broadway. "HaTTMORE CITY^Ciiii rei Property ai or eat Value for Comnn rent. Purposes for salo. The Congregation hartog deiermlned io remove. PRO. POSALs will bo received by the u mei smiled up lottie lia' OCT,>III-;li N t'.XT for tbe purchase of tbe veiv valuable' property known aa thn /IRHT METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Ballimore city The lot is situate st tho NORTHEAST CORNER OP CHARLES AM) FA YET l'l-. ST-.. I,. t'ie heart of tu .: elly. fi.n.i.s about SI feel on charles st., rune oack on Ku elle st. about On feel to a lo-foot aler, ami is >ub)ect oa yo.tiiy trioiiiid ion! of $.">tU. Aplin (ruin Hi. un;, ov, monta tbe !"G has meat value for COMM c. Rei AL PUKPOM K* Toe I hinch ls in. s siibstantla Iv anl tastefully constructed and is In lr»t-class condition it couts rn-ii ly tin- eui te lot. aad Baa a Beating capacity foroou ct sou*. The I'mposaU may be for the lol and Improvements lolutiy, or for vltlier »,-i,aia ey < Propooaia lEialfl he ad.irossei to JAMES he ATTY, Tri'UNUH r. 92 inman'* whirl. Ballimore, Md I Roi, J. P O. l( Ul R, JAUlis BEATTY, LEWIHH. COLE. Cou.iullioe. llaltiinoi.,. .Md nt-ptoin'tor H. I8ES. ELEGANT COUNT\TY~~PLACE-Ih Dan- bury, o'i'i h hui.iTH? t, h" estate of I he late Colonel N. I. k\ tnt,-, lit -i r;tul Boaaa, iii morinish repair and nm- voiiii-iil.y hp ange iinely sui healthfully BUBSleSl willi Ha,, w.iti-r. ii, st Military plii'iil.mg and all modem lumiovn. iiienls: very sbori walk (ri'in tnee ralirotd denota siipoi-t, shall,. ii".-.-., pi.eiu< nvo li un I .-cs. hamlsouie mound*. Uow>-,r i.ii'i vegetable eardeoe. luqalira of uka.vville m. M'll ll h. lift Mest iUth-st., or of Mis I'llAllLEs J. Ii KM I Ni;, l au hu I r, Conn._ 1JH)B SALK or Exchange I<»r Country R*ai- (.(¦iKO.-A elly Louse iii coiut.lcio onb i lui. isln-d or. i-iifuiiiis..,,l. willi stable and extra tote . m-uhioihooi uuev cepliouahio. J. O. HOYT A SOX. 1*5 Maaeail at. VDU SALE at RICHMOND HILL, Lone A Inland--Killeen minutes liuiu il miter's point or Brook, lyn. a bo.uitiliil (nuotry seat nu the Itouh's. noe (hit n-r- Viur. iii.umus house with m.nore cupels, die., kim, -lao, , Ac. Aiso a uitieiy of Uuueu Auue stylo utse'iiugs lu piocnsa Ol couslrucil ni KULI. WATER si I'l'I.V oVEB Tlltf KN lli:]-l l-l.Ai K. Also superb building sites ou bills or plain, silt,allon linsurpase,-,! lol health.ti urn h.'aiilv nt scenery, and COOVOalsooeet access, luuiun-r and winter. Riv ¦trietao agelnat ao inusauies. Apply IO J. W. fl ELBE lt. No. 59 Liberty sr. elevator), il (o vi a. m.. or to QUO KUM I- POW LEK, Richmond lilli. ORANGE IS. J.) REAL ESTATE SIM> ci.titr.Residences. s*ta til -> ic,'l.* ut ul ail lalor Dished.noi.lit v ,n i-ii ,. II A MILT') Vt FULLER.',* Piae TX) RENT..Weil appointed house pleasantly X localed; furnished ur unfurnished- 10 nilnutoe from sta¬ tion al Elizabeth, N.J. Addles* uwuer, os Tiibune up'owe iitiie, l.dis Broadway. £itn Xixj crin IDdiUeii. IV AN IKI>, both for sal and ! .- ." vv Blahes, hui ni ni Bed. or pa Ur teretM .ni Inn,Ts,md -.-ooii.ii'spous.bl. Ional xl. il ..'-, -s 1,200 l.ioB'lwav. ii usisi ¦ ii HMirsaairvmiiiiiiii li -at Conntrn Property GDatUtft. IJMNE saharben r^sidenc to exchange o,r lar.u Hans or neate Peal (,.,,(. Sea -. ¦¦. V is |irouo3i.la. IROP08AL9 FOB COTTON DUCK. Navy PBFaflXMBST, 1 Il I.'lt KAU tit li. tl,.-;, \> am, l.«,1H|\i:.> w i- iuioi '-.. D.c., :>. 1.1 - -. | selle-! propoaala, indorsed "<T»pe*sii f" ittoa Doea." Will r Celved al th I Ilute.iu itu til 19 orin, k M IN p ni- b-t I'. is»i. an,; opened Immediately tboreetter I.i 'Uk i.te-.-i.i "ol ld ld.is, foi .i.'i.iMHI vants Cotlou bl k to be .. iiier-d at Ute Mary Va:.!. Broolnyu, Kew-Yorii 1 .'S»i va ds to ne del rares within ieu ,tavs, aul tho reniit'ider wiiiiiu lin- v daya f'oui the A ,,<¦ .t ooatraet. rheCotton I.iicS inti-t oiiltniu to the ^avy stundant, anil pass tue usini naval inapoc ton suda reoeivation of 30pet cenl wlil ba withheld fr->tn th" amouut of ea, li de.ivi r) uutil tliocmp'olion 01 the outia< t i,md.rs aie reieund to tho fnsn«.-t<>r of Provisions snd ("olldiiir at (he Brook 1, n Vary Van! tor specirlcaliotti. for no of offer, and all information lelsftv., to iho irt.oies i,'.|iiired I io- proposals must he made ou (he pmpei Plunk tonne AMI FII.LKI1 OUT A-s INDICATED KV THE HLANE. Thone arfaalraaarveaitoHaEI to reject tay pi,ip..«ai Got tous.d -ted advantageous io the (ioveriiuu-nt. J A. SMI III, _Paymaster (ioi.oiat, (;.8. MmVt. PB0H)8ALS Eolt FUKNISHING COM? I Pi.t'Nl) ARMtlR PLATKH F'Ul f il il I URREl' AH. HOB OK THK U. >. lIuMTiiK IflANTONOMOS. Navy 1'EI'astsikst. > WASHI-Iurox. U C August ao. IHHl. j SEALED i'!(t>"t inaL-j araherebv invite.1 until noon *M t'ciiiei \). ItSm, for th) supplv. und, r cotitiacS wini ilo.- Bureau ol Oonstruo'lon aid ilepitir. Navy nepali, meni, of ll.-- uni, i monti ni tl compound a-1:1 ii Btes wo of 1J¦y li nc aooot .'l'et-ine ,j .i i-ii,",' "i :; ¦-j Utchee thickness. »«ivhiinc a.Kiut 11\ i.'i-eaf , sud oue of 11 "a Inches ibtckness, welahtneaboea sJ4 to is, iriih otue! umalier plateau lochee in tLI turn. Alli Blom l au,i titled i.i Hccoidauoa wlilt plaiisandspecincatiene tobe seen on application to t e lie- art:"-. '. and toual hr Belli -is Bl til" S u: v Vant at llroo*. lyu N'-" o -. i¦'¦ "i r\ .r ,-. .., the noi-ernmeut, wilbla - a -ti t.'- h. ct is 111 uru-s tala ero to n-eiene sjilna t ny oviuo lue lo the Departweol ol their ubiiiy iji perform ibe wuikln scoordan,* wita tba p aueaud ip6ctil« i aatli inner. s ii nldler. oi h.s iawrul anent or attorney, wiU bo required, wltbln tweotr ..- ie mi epfaime of Ble io , "te, into .i f dm ,i eootiaot i»r (I. supp y of (bet .old armor pintos ub|eot to tito loeciOed conditions i.f tl ..il ol I. .f ... a. d lo *' io ., bond tinn-loi. wlln sulllcle.iB srlettes in t'i» p.-ia, sin.i of BlO.nOO, tobo for.eltdl to tho ( . ve: unii-nt In el nt ,-i u< n d, .ln-ry ol tin- pim el uniter UM .' "1 the p.al>s («> exlalOlt Ihi* aoalitiea ana eudure ilia teeta uicuLoucaiu ihe »poeino»« ii,.i.s. ni'. no it ;i p. wtr.stox, i ,'iicf Caaatiectof, v. is.T.., ebie: vt Bureav SPBCiriCATIOXfl POR THE OVEEVt OP COMl'Ul'N,' AttilOR PLATES FOR THK VVMEUEB Ai;\i(jii ok ihi-. u. s. monitor M I \N ruNOMOH. vu supply io, eMlal of i..« leUovtog platen Tl HK.1T riaATMk TWO pott plates lEVJaeEea thick, of t:.e size and ihape Shown nu tie I. ..h.s. ri,,, po: (sto be I'o,i. lily fashioned, lo ae I,, !,-. \., u luarifiii "I at le asl half au lucia ou tiie tiuUbril lido at Bte v lo iBl t Utttp. !. * 11 Sjli ches (tilck, of sl/e aid shat-e shown ont thu plans "itu plate 11'-a lu, lute thick, or sit- and shape, ia in- piena. two pllol -., o e loibii 9 lucho* thick, o0 Bl a 'ls. ipe ihOWB "U Ul.- p..US. h" c iVi il to pliol hou-,-1 ve le in one or two parts shaped.' ii shown ou the | .'Qi. lh- pail" of tabbil or Julie.11 "ii i" he i ci thal, aud al ri^lu antics Ul the hue ot Ore ul toa Killis. lh, wbu supply to he fashioned and titted at the edges lo aeoordaiiee ntu the plana, au ,-<lireaU' be ututuu by a rab. bet. ilnid:tn? the ihtcknoiaof the lightest piste lute tbtee e'piai pans, e.tli aceplli of half au luci. The aituor tobe erected .it the works of tho unui icloi. uud caieiudy tealeiV us lo thick nels au I lot rn lefote h'lii_- deiiyervl. h. p "i"> tion of steel and -,vfought lion, aud tha quality, U, be 1,-fl.u, iliBconirac or. 1 no whole lot ol put s nutt exhibit practical uniformity lo rheum ai aad physical cha at ttl 1st.cl. lu a»c ri j iu hes,- pot nial, thee nt: actor will take from eteul pinto- In the p;e*o:ioeof an aisetitol tho Dopartmaut) iucq, uuuihxi oi teal .pcciuieiis from suth poslUout ib the piitoi aa mac be directed. These will be tested by the Uepirtmeut. The p,-u outage uf oat boa lu any of the ileel puta mun nat din, mora mau one.tenth of oue per cent from the mean, noe, liiiitt ih" amouut of phosphorusolfTei mo.e than VA-loOuoC Baa per cent from tbe mean. 1 be soi cuncus thal iho* per* cenlages of carbon above ihe moan mint uot show auy phos- phoius above ttie mean. Thu ailicou shall in uo case exceed four-tenths of one pea cent. The physical rharactettitlcsof steel fiom the same relative positions tn Ute plates must u.t var, more (bau (en uer eena trom lhe iud,ti. :<ud ibuse of tue liuu uoi more (bau nie per cent. I heea tes's win be uiade st tbe expeuse ut the .Depart- mont, and by au ageut tneieur. Retort, the pia.es ase Dually matched, oue out ot the loa Will Be selected by lbs liepailmeut fora Illina test, and rn portion not lesa than six by eight feet In sue win be out ott aid.iv,Ted hy tue conni, lol. at his owu expense, al suets plsue as may he directed by tue liepaituteut. This plate ibeut to the proper radius) will be furnished backed, Joined aud bolted as suowu uu the putni loo the otiiai turret, sud resoiubUnc lu til respect* a koiiuo thereof. ihus prepared and flrtniy braced or supported, from thn rear, near lie edges, ii must be subjected lo Ut* following PRIMARY TESTS. The plate must receive at its centre a blow trom alOlnoE ilt'u ste, l shot ol such uualuv and design as th,- Department my set,-ci. 'lhe waight o. shit to be eon pounds, aud ibo striking veltelir l.SoOfeet per second. The blow lo be de¬ livered nounal io a tangent to tue surface of the piala aa tho poiu. ol Impact, iho point or trout edge ol the shoe mus uot gel through the p ate, neilhei must auy pan of tho plata >.' uuL^iihed norn the backing, by reason of tbe efiau ot the si'-t. SIX 'OX DA RY TESTS. At each of the three portion ibowo ou the plans one bloir la to be dallvarod npou i..., target by a lc-lucb Ode steel thoa of .," v design aud Weight as sforenieuuoued. lhe sing- lug veio.lty tone 1,188 ieoi ne. ie, ou,l. Each biow to be delivered uormsl to* tangent to the io^ face ol the piuie at the point of Impact, or, at the dlici ellon of the Department, any or ait of these neeouuary shot mar bo tired so ut to etruo the same poluta at any »u«io with the ooo. mai Ute corresponding Uitai energy ot Impaot (o oelnoreuil« iii the i..(toot uiosacautof lue angle of lire wnh lhe normal. tinier these seooudary leeu tue urgei, u lo be at uo limo 'TuaieiTst^niToireaterthanUve *,uare feet shall noa le stn ¦ned or shaken olT by the end ot the expetuuouts, neither shall »uv part of the piste fall from lhe uaca;u/. The tcst-puto only need be delivered before the .cieptaace 1 twill BO aaea thal M the Department should require iho rnntrictoi toeutoue of tne iarae plate* (for (he flriug testis il,en one of ihe luriel* wUi coutam OOO p.ates, each welgluuiT ab ul S's looa, lh* nepali mont la to have the right lo keep on* or moro Inspector* at the works, who *haii be furnished every f»ei.!tr tor ixamtulng the raw material aad witnessing all pal ia 09 be | ..rn 'I he eliensical and phyilcal tents miy ne made »t the *.iT*a* at *i*isliiit, *t the dl*cretii,ii of iho Le 'ailment. THEODORE R. WILSON. I .tibial Cooalruotor. u. e S-. ta,*i al Boreas*

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.,, h, opened with o sermon by Blahon Starkey, of «-{£,VrihkiiownJoriev audclosed wltb a sermon hy BishopHolly, colored bishopof llaytl. EASTEILSOONNEOIlOOlXOIES

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.,, h, opened with o sermon by Blahon Starkey, of «-{£,VrihkiiownJoriev audclosed wltb a sermon hy BishopHolly, colored bishopof llaytl. EASTEILSOONNEOIlOOlXOIES

.,, h, opened with o sermon by Blahon Starkey, of«- Joriev aud closed wltb a sermon hy Bishop Holly,{£,Vrihkiiown colored bishop of llaytl.



{few-LoXDON, Sept. 8..Everything ib now

o, readiness for the annual encampment ot thc Con-

eeticut National Uuard next week, and tbe indicationa

unt I" a Itttice attendance of tbe frlenda of the volun-

ucrinl'l"1*' wtl° wl" *va" themselves of tho oppor¬

tunity to tike a brief vacation aud visit Mantle to seo

how " the boys " play soldier. Thursday, lt is expected,will he thc day of tue sham battle, and numerous mili¬

tary men lr un athel Slates have signified their Intention

¦I be peccant ea Cut occasion. On Friday. Governor

Waller and bia staff will review tho hrigale, ou-J tho

-rrmoule* of the day will eaaoledc with a brigado

ilreia r»rH le- On this osssetoa his Excellency will bc

from the stutio.'i on the arrival of the VU o'clock

iraiu l*am Ne.N-1'Oiuloti hy two companies of the Gov-

0,«K j.-0,it (iuiir.ls from llurtford aol New-Haveu.

Xb.7 wi:l reincu ni camp during the rest ol the day, so

that cu tbe ititi mst. all tho citizen soldiery of the Mute.

will ho encamped on otto large Held. The bctgsde is

e inin.'' ttt bj Qenersl Bl K Smith, ot New-tluveu,

¦af hst"'*** th*lat BegiBMBt, colonel Barber; Sd

Regnueui, colon l Orabemi M RegmEEBt, OaleeelTubb*- *'b K slment, Oolonsl cro'ut; Gi li nattntn.nicilnre'Ii, M-'i'" I.inc sud a ba'tory of artillery eoui-

Biaoded nv i aptain U>e.Pearly all the summer hotels In this vicinity will clo^o

Marabout th- IS h. Iii" as moo hus been a very pro-.lorena one, aud ino notel-keepera are already layingpinna for un'-r neal seaaoo'o mot x.

on tut-nu aud 20 a ni too present month the Unl-siriallt** "' l,;1" wtate will Bold tbelr annual conven-

iee in I- le city. A Bomber ol eleraymeu, Includlna theKev tteeata Libby, al New Britain: Houghton, ol Mid¬dletown; cnapiii, .t Meriden! Blackford, of Norwich,sci limes, ol una city, will addtwea t ne gatberlae.Mrs Lui'" I',- >V siib irne, m ir ot tba lan- din,i igulabed

I h m's fiateeman, is viaii mg her iilenu, .Mra. Joseph ll.m. bits. iVaebburue ls a granddaughter olii Hem.>st( ad, oue ol ihe heroes of the battle of

Ornum Heiante. ftepte t li rd, 17*1.c.-i. John l'lii-'P-s'Taylor, U.O.. who hus recently

lara appointed Proiesoor ol Biblical rheology in Au-Sever loilege, lefI for hw new epbere ol dmr trna week,j»r. Taylor bad u ien pMtor ol the Second CongregationalCaiiuii ni nus etty lor six vi aro, and durum tuat time

i kad mn in'1' the strong allic, ions of his (inns.,inners.vu Wedaesday tuc OonnectMoi Bptntuallata at

ptaauo cloee their camp-meeting season, inti- hus

bren a i.,r_'i-r attendance nus iear ttinu ever be ore, mia

'ticat inn rest las been manltMted at ai dc wettings.


In its issue of yesterday i'HE &UXDAY TUBUKlpi muted numerous features of aspeds] Interest,and sll its departments *cro crowded with impur-

tsst Bews, editorial, literary, and other watter.

Booie leading articles wen- the following:Poicisb PoUtaee..dpeelal cable tatter to TbeTbieuke

». ut the Praneo-Ciitaese troublea, tm Oertnan alliance,Me Madagascar agalr ibol (Mote de Pana ano the lyeuii-liuisic, ami various phaeos ol I as Irian qneailon. Oeneralpr,-as .bout tho quarrel over To..o,ulu, andft«iiu.ainuu allan's.Benia Politic*..Special dlapatcbea to Tbs Tbibcxe

ats,.i lhe in moorain: dlaaens.oiis lu ('.cv, lunn, ano lue

i-ii-ciioii ol New-YorS Stale Convention delegate* Hewaoi the Deiuncraiic ievoit lu Cincinnati, the Democraticquarrel ni tins city, and Kepa. a. iona fur Hepnb.icaupr, naries.Manarra Pantie.Se vs or the driving of the last

apse on Hu- MorlBern 1'acitic Kaurna.!, reports oltmt,-, u-1 by President Vi.lard, Mr. Evana ami ex rr,-si.Seal iiilll,igs, ami di seripiiiiu ot lin ide,its ot tue. i-xclir-

.iuu irom a specialeurreapoadeoi ol un: lunn \,.

Waaetngton..¦Ueneral uews fruin tea var.ons depart*nie ta Ol (ioVi-rn.ueut.

Landina enies..sp«-cial telegraphic lettora on proml-nc.,1 ivi-iit of tue week iu Booton, Ctueago aad San1 r.nielsen.

pons..Full account of Interesting rscMst Bbeepeheal H.l.i. aili olOer coiiieHia on and tum w.n. r.

laical..Reports oi ooooouopeBlug preparations, talkai-m. un asBtstaat Prutratobi Eplseopsi umhop, contestov. i ii Hr. -wui , irylEg M suppivas a uulsame, tm- it i.

estate market, ..nu many otucr topics of tuc dey m

this en v ..ni vicinity.jty Weaitit-r..Account of damage betag done ia thia

T,< iniiy oy the lacie of rpm.Mame and Drama..I'ruepeetoa ot the Metropolitan

opeia seao"ii, millee ot .. Ino Merry Uucucsa," audareola nf ike ..ran...,ie wc k.

-ir.it:.ml slyaMry..Barta! of Hose Clark and in-rtsug.tii.'Us into mr murder.Home liiteres.s.Miscellaneous Foreign News.lnsa«iers at Sea.Ti,eFire llccord.Obiinaiy.harrow Bacopa of ConvictsLake Mohouk.Ti.e Week ia Society.Sale of ihe (in ch y Finn.Kilimai Int- nieeoee.Wuai I'ur.s l.iiKs About..Letter from I he Trihi nk's

eonvspoiidcui about mo De WcBst/Be -iii. .illi i, and ibe neeta ot the Comte ue Cuatubord.Cauiiiug ia tautorilla..Letter trom a TBUunaatad

r aspooSent, deoorlblng UM last days ol tue c.uup,aud jonie curious traits ol Chinese character.Duanes?tc correspondence..Letters ir.,ni Tbieunb

BarroopoodcBis sboul ike eorguum sagar plantatioua ofHr*.J I-.-,, -i ii, s uiiiOuK mo lu.uf>un,i lali-s, and avirh iiin.i sui viv,,ra oi tue Msrrassaaoii Indiana..aih, ><a:i.mal Park..Lette! irum sspevnal eorre-

BMeaaal ui mt iKiiii'M. deeonolug tue J,.m.ie, ol Mr.¦SB0h1 limul lion pally in tun M-a,umj.h Hoi Spring,.-ivker lliii.".Letie.- fruin B apOCISl TSIECKE oOi'IC-

ijn.itieui ueaenbiug some rouen lest urea ol .u or nie,*ieuch Poduea..Letter irum les reucME'a i-u.is

coireapouticiii aboui lue Fresco Uoverameut'a reck.csacomae ;u itu ..., .flu in,.aue a.,n< ol lluihlng..Description ol one ol tho

Cl...'sgli-t nidus,iles.bmaiiwav Note-Book..A Broadway lounger'spersonal

no.i» al.i1 in,.l,.ls ou sou und lornas tm- country round.lew I'uh.icaiious..Kt-vp-w, wita cjuoua exuucis, ot

Un.I.- .li.e-'., 'im ly, --Daisy Miller."l*ltio-y lu tue Nurtuweal.lae Mes Poai ige StampsA Chmern Pmclamaiioa.Au liu.i.in eeaool ol I'oatica.Ilidiall Whistles iu the .MuseumTi.i.ei M> cn ,.

Central r«rkai Nistit.Liipb r Dean ra1 Free Lu:,ches.Fellowing is a brid summary of the principe]

lopiibof tin dav:luiuiKix..The points of the BgreeoMBl betweea

Ctiiua .in-i 1 unite regarding Tonqam, euggeeiedky ths siarquia I "eng, were lucile public m i'aiisu. hsttuday. King Alu,uso, of >p in,Mas in lii.v.m. on BetUTlleV... An nnti-

Kagyar mob amablied tin- windows olttmrument offices in Croatia oa FridayireaiBa, lin- negotiiitions betweeu¦saemiiiaand Germany were coucledcd. itWes BBBoouced thet tko Birelt ol Benda was la aMle condition lor navigation.tDOMESTIC.1 be last spike was driven in thoRonberu/ucibo Kailroad at Gold Bpike lo Mon¬tara Territory, Saturday. ==. Lunl cinei-JusticoOstandge waa received by ihe lawyers ol i os.

tou at ih- Brunswick Hotel. lin- annualSEssmpment <'t ihe Maw^Jerasy Depart*ment of tin- Qrand Army ol the Bepublicwas closed at 1'riucetou Junction, N. J.

li was reported that Host on Fridaynunt had damaged Um toni crop in ttinovsoia,Dakota and Iowa. "- I bc adh.-iciils ol Join, U .

Boos waiter wen- in the majority at tho DemocraticConvention iu Cleveland, Ohio. = Iboezamtna-liou ol the naval cadets charged wil-h hazing was

coutiuueu ai Aouapoli .

i.iry am. Hubuiiban..Wandering, Ecaador,Uisd. Eole, J'au K. ami Disturbance won incfekeepebead Hay racee Baturday. AS40.000ha occurred io Jone] cry. ^-. Jassra Bryceyas arreatod tor embezzling $21,0(10 fromHoary terrie &, Co., brewers = Anotherraid \>as nude on the Coney Islandcainhlers. =_:- Ex-(jovernor liedlo lirotebis leg hy :i full. lhe action of T.nn-Uiauy Hall in extending tboollVS branch is n-

gardwl by the County Democracy as u trick.A lively ooutest is iu progicss over a liic-wall in"est Fitly-secondst. 1 ears el a watertam.ne ate lot in Hrooklyn and Paterson.Three canoeists were upset in Hie hay bye gelsou Baturday and narrowly escaped drowning.Begaitai ectcrowed hy the (Juiou, Passaic, Gieeu-»ood Lake ami Valencia boat cluhs. : lheHoaaectus of tbe coining season of italian opera atthe Metiopolitau Opera House wits lESUed,A hotelier was killed in a light in J.-rsiy Clty.==lhe Umcley farm at ChsppaqBE was bought byMiss Gabriello Greeley.-^.Gold value ol thu?.gal louder silver do.iar (41'j4 gralua), "5 coate-Stocks wero active and lower, aud closedWeak.Copies of thc paper may still he obtained at tho

ettie ol Tiik Tkihcnk or by mail. Price, 5 cents.

COURT CALBMDAR8-8EPT£lfBEB io.BcrsiME Couai-CllAMBElts-Before Uoaomie, J,-Noi.

.alf0',^ *H> 53- **' *>*. .»'¦»¦ V2.X 1.11. LL', IBS, J5H, Iga. IBS,if*. Wi, V,4. iso, "iai. 184, Ida, .

«». 2*0, 2A2, '2t>0. 2S4, 2A0, '2bl,*t,Ob. Jio. di'.i, i'ig, 'tel, 'fis,

2t>H, '200, ME, USS. 'io*.

^rrstME CoittT-si-xciAL Term..Adjomned Wednesday,BiritKios Cohtti.rtrECinL TEKB-Before Van Vorst, J.-

.ocaienaar.Conaos FLRA»_srB<.'uL TcniL-IJeloie Vau Braal, J..

"«v«'tiiUr._vTT Coist-Tkial TEKM-PABT I. Before Hawes, J_J-"*- 'M. bt.il, 660. 668. S.'y. 47y. 471. 47S, 47.', 474, 476, 47G,ST7. 47s, 4B0.av,*?1 'I--"afore Hyatt, J.-Noa 4C6. 4C7. 4CS 48U, 4H5,

w'.»"'''.6-':'!- JV*- *'5- etO, Vii. S-'S, d'.'B, 6.-.O.ai^ ?LIU.Bolore M Anani, J.-Nos. SSE. B4S. :,47, 404,.OJ. 408, 40i, 4U5, 4ui(, 410, 4il, Ali, HO. 414, 414.


t»i,n,,t5I'o0L- ".?*. «.-12-30 P. m.-Cottou-Tht insik. I lsitti. "'dauar 0Dianas o"le(i.. d0. unsaui. .t^.mjl. Hales,

.""" o^es incluomr l.SOo >» wiinuiii ni nun, ro-

wo'^ uodo. r murta.ll Dianna, Low laiaaiinr clause, sep-..o«r (lallvorr, .si^d; do. ^-e.'ieiii'ei eau OcioDrrueu»orr,J7«4".; kiwi ..<JMu mao l««««d . Uo. oeiooer ano .\oveiuhsrBSl- f*S***i >laoj«Ma.;aa .Nuveiuiiai ouo Ucoiiioer

*» i«' **o-, 0o- neceuioeraaa Jauuarr oaiiTerv u«««u.;

Il»i.. *" *u0 *"»uru»ry aelirorr £>.«,«(:.. do. I unriiary st dgsxeni iau»or». 6«»»,u.; .lao 6*«Md.; no. March and Apriltm »try, j"m4; aa April and May oeltaery, i,<s»S4d.; do, Mayii.."1'* ^'HetT, i*°aa(l- Kuiuraa ateady.".aaeoot, f,ei>U s.-i H u m.-l oiiuo.The aales of maii.,u.cju<l*j e.loooai«n Aiuoiii-au.

tlimr rSi"**' *""~ b.Csiiuni am, mao.io*,o3,c. now Mm-i'UJJ- »7i*e.. uooo Onunary. «»i«o.. oal receiuu, t.i. 1

*J.i47 b^"' 'Ai71 "**** ' **i**' l"jb* **"*' .w"'*'

»»N,1W'^KUC*''b-s"'t- *..'-'otton quieiand Orni; Miaauar,rt.*.,'. ,r*". Midanoa, u^wo.-. Oood oidiaary, O'uc. ustItoL. m. rU'i\ *""** 1 Erasa, SOS balsa, aaisa, 400 oaisai".«*¦ 44,785 baiaa>

THE MONEY MARKET.Sunday. Bern. 9-r. m.

The Custom IIouso returns of thc loreign move¬

ments of merchandise at New-York for last weekdo not make comparisons with the movements of thosame week of preceding years which are sufficient¬ly favorable to the port to warrant the common

talk there is of gold imp .rts in tho near future. Thebalance against the port <$ 1,284,830) on tho move¬

ments of last week is $1/151,373 less than was thebalance for the week of 1882, hut is 9049,037greater than the balance for th- week of 1881. Theimports last week ($8,437.5IO) worn 91,707(388smaller than for the work of 1*k'..», and wro 903VOWatsllst than for the veek cf 1881. The ex¬

ports last week ($7,17*2,690) were $405,915 lessthee for tbs week of 1883, and were $1,'_'70,116smaller than for the week ot 188L The merchan¬dise imports for the thirty-six weeks of tins yearhive heea 981,408,791 less thea for thu same

period of 1883 and §18,808.800 greater than fortho period of 1n81. The exports [eg ttie thirtv-six weeks of this year have heea 814,883.787more than for the same time in 1883 and 830,001,'889 smaller than in 1881. Hence tbs belenoelutanist the port on the Bterebsndise movements ot

tbisyeer (979,002 400) is 940,889,078 smeller theoat this date in 188J, bot ts 989,406,290 creatorIii;m at the S8BMdate le 1881. Tin- specie move¬

ments of the three periods, however, so modified t IC

belenoe that tbs oct balaaee i!f"s,7'.»n.."il I), Bgainetthe p->rt on the movementa ol this pear laoaly90,098.134 smaller tban t!n> belenee al thisdato lss'i, and is 94,973,841 greetei than tbsbalance at date, issi,IMPORTS AM) EXPORTS PROB JAXCART 1 TO DATS.

mkiuiiamiim:.18H1. 18891 1--!.

Imports .$.!()C.inn..171 S3S2.45u.70H 9320,9!li».l»77Esporta. '.'¦'.-'.'.''.'."til 'JJ7.1111.7s l 241,907,371Imports tn excessoft'xpurU. $3i».594.111 9195,341,084 $79,008,406

sri:. IK.Issporta. E4B.371.17S ga.4S7.017 *in.i-s.r,7iExports. -s.'-H..',-'', 42.4SS.S2S lo,7(Si,«:ifl

Imports in excessof export.* $34,232,602 .

Exports in excessof import*. 999,968.306 lll.8>:9

MBBCBABDISE ami si-i.i ii

Imports in excessoioxports.97M16.703 986.383,6,78 978.790,641A Wastiiugioii dispatch says that in thc a»ove«

bmbIe of tbo whole country for ths month if Juiythe Imports exceeded the extorts Uv £1 183.589;bot we ere yet without the data tn doted !.» makeup our usual monthly comparisons trom. Tbs ex¬

ports of breadstoffa in Julv of tin-, yeer were

810,179 507agalna1 818.108.269 forJuly 1882 and918.976,767for July 1881. I lie exp..its .,f pro.visions, s c. in July tins veer, aero 912,832,163against 88,976,078 in July lss'-', and #1 1,546.504tu Julv issi. The totals of both for tba montti ofJuly for three jean oompar as follows:

ISSI, I--.' 1882,936,622,971 996.444 ''.7 923,001,762Lett week developed no meterisl change iu tbe

gem ml commercial aitnation. Tbe trade a il ipecu-lationa in bread stuffs ami proviaiona eere ta ne

early in the week, (nit ur Ibe rices brightened up on!. ira of aeriooa damage by froot to tbe euwaturedcorn crop. It ia beyond queetioa thal a large por¬tion ol tbe crop in what lorroerly waakaowna* the'Corn Belt".Ohio, [adiana, Ullnomaad [owe.ia

finiii wo to throe weens late In matunne, and hem e

in in a critical position, hal Friday night's frosi doesnot seem to have been br enongh sooth tocause any material damage. The exportdemand continues smell, aad stoeks of imthwheal and eora ars sccomuleiiug. UtaEmgiareriogdud Minimi .Intimal r, view* ttio situ.itioii ol t a

Bathrecite eoe! trade sa followsTiie attaatloB n ia nm uni er al v e muged *

report. Coal oouilnuea a .autieul, aoil .is-nie ie* imyersthere are are raw ,<n*. tbere iai.istani pmove a aorp'aa. That there oau be uo real un-'.nv i

lu the prcos -o looa is boob a ooodiiloa ul sflWira I utii,will bf patent io cay. The Fae to ¦. ti al eaare largi ly supplied out sn- ezpociiua ouaid rable coalmil tn oe delivered, doea ool eoeouraee tho \< ,. i i,.

Ihe lr nie will WI IPOO* Hie Oaual fall .i, iv-l,-. 1 ni ,,. walrom Ihe Iron trude la Slaoouraalor,aod from I.i-- runaoufaetunug centres Ibe frequ'biiy rep iiduiluvea i- repeated I lie early future tuuai n, <-.,i,-whether lt will be poadble to eoutinue full u ..¦ k .lu .te¬

thered ftBe year. Two ol me companies aili pronably, trom special icaooua -nil at t- timi "f in .i\ i .1j,--, ur in- 'aeli.lleH nttfle.1 fill pUOblUg ci il 0 -.

resist auj lueu eunoge iu ibe procraiuiae j ni :n,i. lanine ,i,,ni.t r.mt thev to all tool tbe pre

i,...riots tiffin toro traci with the boginuioa olwinier, lhere le a very sb« p competition lu bu uun ¦.

tor wtiut luile tr.nie tbere ia, and uttn g i* apparentlyIndulged in ouiio liberally,The new crop yeer in cotton (frem Bepl mber li

obcubwi li h..iii receipta and exports for tbe 6mweek Urger tban for tbe week ol 1882, I'be n-

ceipts Inst weak wars ;m..'ins hales, against U8,6mmh.iles for tim week (>f 1882, aod tbe exports were

L'll.dti- balesaejeiiiEl 19,137 baleeTbe monetary situation at tbe Block Ext

li.si week wasons ot contioeed ease, Excepl un

aaa day eben tho rate foi cell loeni ruled at 3 percent, itu common rats all tho week iras -' pei cut,Lenders, however, aie groarlog lucie exact.ing in their sales lor tune loane, end we

have heard Of as lunn ES I j per (cit

being paid for sixty-day loans arith cityrevenue banda pledged ss collateral. Ilereeottlopapei rn closely scrutinized, aod ibo rate for such aa

will pa.s- is 5>g to ii1.- i»i coal for doable ami tinglenames laspeetively. Yesterday's bank statementm-iIi oed a much larger shipment of mooey to th-

interior thea wea inspected. Ii inn* Imremembared thal tbs ins* ia eaafa reported, of i I, '.M's, inn,(aaa average aod aol tin-actual !o-s lrom friday,August81, toBeptembei 7: thc sctuel loss to tbeBob-Traesurv durlag tbs we.-k ol 9720,000 (includ-lac9455,000 for exehaogej did nol Bgnre in ibisEtetemenl a* eb average loss of more tban iM 30,000leaving 81.500,000 Bathe average repreeentlnglessss by tbs direct remittances to lbs Interior. Upto last Thursday Evening the amount of bonds olthe l'-'lst call which Iiml beenpresented br payment wes 910,887,800leeving aboet 936^000,000 still ontal mding, ..fwilie' ah,ul 97,000,000 is held in Km..pe. I lie

domestic exchanges tarried agates! Non Vork al .ii!

the principal commercial citms. The letesl quote-tumsiii tho pleOSS nained ETC Et follows: 8 iv.-ninali.-,',,'4 <ii¦ ((lin:t; ChsriesiQB. '-i discount to par;New (ii .! oil 11 BO cu's discount for commercial and

£1 premium for hank Si. Louis, 28 cont.', (li-i-nunl

Chicago, 80970 coota discount; Bootoo, SO cents

discount. Tbe foreign exchsBges were dull all theweek through, but ratea were steady foi businesson thc basis ol 94 $l$t MOA $-1 80^9 for lon Kamishort sterling respectively,The stock Exoheogelast week witnessed aneetlvs

and at tunes an excited Speculation in shales. Tbsimprovement in prices which began with tba closingdays of the previous week made steady pTOgTCMafter a matoiial reaction on Monday and waa not

checked until Fnuav noon, Tbs advances eera

general and in some instances aerolarge LoalsvlllSand Nanhviiie, the Nott beln Pacific system, Dseverand Kio lin.tide, l.'nuui Pacific and Northweeterawen- eonspicnens hecBnss oftheirlarge Irauasctlons..md advance-, hut tho. ebola list on 1'rida.v showedadvances which rBBged from .'I to IO per rent.

Hy Frulav noon tbs short interest practicallvwas eiiiuinated fiom tbs maikct and

prtosa slmitst immediately reflected tbe loss Of that

important sustaining dement. As u result deringths following eight hours of business thies on

Friday and live on Sa'urday.mom than one-half othe Week's advance generally was lost ged in SOBS

InstsnOSS all of it. The London market was

against thia narkal ali tbsweek, uud thetalk iai><mt "outiidc ' house haying was thatkind of iiniiL'cry which fancies a inole-hill to he a

spur of the Kooky Mountains. Tranaai tiona for I bew.-ek amounted io2,516,442abarooagaiasi 'J.'MK-838shares tor tho Brace noa week.

I he desliags Ie Government hoodswsrennnsuallysmall, and tin' final (|Uo(ations aro Bnchanged lunna week :i(.'(>. siiiie bonds Eisowcre extremely dull,but Louisiana consols ros.. 1 percent. Tbomsreelfi 1 1 dlroad honda ot a apecolsiiye ebsrsctei was

active, and prices sympathised with tbe advancesmade for shares, but with lhe downward turu iiiBtocka bonds beeams dull, if aol lower.The I. .nun- ol laat week's otlicial statement of tho

r.nl *;i\ sliipineuts ol limn, grain and provisiouaeastward trom Chicago, is hm-'s showing of tbslergrflt louuaitc f"t anv OM railroad, lt carnell7.10O tons, or 17»-j per cent of lbs wholo, againstFan Huddle's 0,332 tons, or 15 1-111 per cent, us (honext largSSt. lhe tetel tonnage wua 40,!i!»4tons, or 3,-ir»l tons moro than for tn«

preceding week. The two Vanderbilt linns

.Lake Shore and Michigan Central.gamed on thepreceding week 1,115 tomi, snd Nickefi'lata gained1.0H4 tons; Eris gained 1,880 tons; ballimore andOhio gaited iiUO mat, I'euusylvauia's two Hues lost

382 tons and the Grand Trunk lost 482 tens. Com¬pared with preceding years, the tonnage of lastweek was 10.937 greater than in the week of 1882,and 14.222 tons less than iu 1881. Deducting th«tonnage of the two new lines (Kl,:i7:l tons, oi

25 IMO of the whole) for last week a id there-maining tonnage carried hy the old lin-'s was 43<Jtons greater than was carried bv the sa^ne lines in

tho same week of 1H&2. and i.'4.505 tons less thanin tho week of IRhI. lhe two Vanderhilts lastweek carried 7H.1 tons less than in thc weekof 1883, aad 18,111 tons loss than in 1881| teatwo Pennsylvania lines 749 tone more than ni

1 883 and 3,400 tons less than in 1*81 ; Baltimoreaud Ohio 1,117 tons more than in 1883 aad 1,653IOOS WEB WEB la 1881. and the Grand I'mnk ;><>/tees less than tn 1883 and 430 tons lens man m

1H81. The effect of the new lines noon tbs basinedof the old lines, perhaps, is beat shown h./a conmanison ot tbs ueroentagoa of cich system lor thrweeks of three years aa follows:

Weeks ended Sept, S. WEI. 1SE9, I*0^,Total lons. 65.'JIU Ul'.".'. 7 4o.!f.H

\ .(iitleilmi iwt. llnei.por .ont. 9S.9 Bel '»'.'¦¦I'i un. tv,,, lines. |, ri -, nt . 98L8 3S.7 BB1Baltimore aud Onto, percent. 77 4.HOA(iuiltl lllliiK. percent. '.».« 1H..I 12..Ni, kel Plate, |«r ceul. . .¦',Kile, per ,out. 17-

Total pi-r coat. loo.o 100.0 loo.l

The following table ahows iho toes shipped byrailroada east of Chicago of Hour, grs Bond pro-visions for tbs week ended laat Saturday, in o»m-p.irisoii willi the sun:- week ol I*VJ and ls-slTTaaca easies naetamner 6 ISM. v*-*'2. ItOO

Mlelmraii i-oiiiral. lons.U.7-4 I1.1*1 4.691I ..-tin- si.oro. Pms .111.914 1Mb B.111gert w arne, toaa .»o"."> '..3 o.owPas Hamil,', loos . o.7-i . t.'i'it t,MlHalli,non- imt ullin, l.ns. 4.2 .''. l.AUtmaud Hunk, looa. 6.417 MOS 0.001Niik.l Plata, Inns. -,--1,Uno. tons. i*lm

Totaltons.Bb,ttlS 80.061 404MtThe totals of eaoh article oarned l»y ell tba r.ul-

roeda in the weaka ol l brae rears were ns foliowa:Weekaeaded September*- ISSI. ISS* HR

Floor. !. ii-. T.-o I.iiM t'."\drain. «>n» .;l7.7.'l ih'.Ml '-''I'.1Provinoaa tom.i». .-5 h.s.it 1.1.1^0

Total Inns.69,919 90.091 -io.'.'.'I

I'ln- following arc Saturdays quotations for nu¬

ll itc 1 i-i mintiestii 1. \siici .ni..!--

At. 0 I'.if. I'"" ks 1 1 1., lill Hil.. 1'en. liiv. .ll».UL lo .in, it MX] HO*, lsi ti,,-.i.ls Hil l.'.i'a

H.,H. A I.t -v .Vt \ 'v lill,11 ce 1. tn.-. I...ii,,.. ,1,,. iM at'ea.. '. >.» Im-owes. 0 SHiiiiil.il". N. V. ao.l 1 H. -li": ni" sn is. il'lri .M I Pea A Ai . SW

C'l.li'.ll I'.lllStl'l'lll. Ill lill ll. V Hill. .-vi ll

[..-ii. aa m.1 ii. ¦ iliaO': I '

i-niisiiis.77 7;n., [V\,s.-.t. 1...Deo., iii" Umaria in M. ,k a dil BS "2end Western. 1 17'- ,, Ineons do.. II 26

I lil.. H.t.. ,t .Ceil. if. x lu -'lsIS 1Isl nue. t'1'1 G7'-j l>. .pit sou Isl

I ii A W, los lida .'.' ; aita Boaaa ni.. N ."I. mist 1 \ s 7'»

b tU IHs-i.7- 1 11 1st tattMex. Natl l-l in. ..;t, .;- V lund «l D * IOUIlilli.au-1 (I. SOO* 100 lt ¦ nt li vi- I'i

Ot k il'isl I' - ,'.ie .l-l- 19(¦. itiii. ins. |6*a -.- Vlckab'i I Merill

N. v.. W - .'-¦ nm. I 1stsi's ti'-.iv'ii eben ["randi I '-'

luooi'lsubs 39 K".v ni..:..i. ll 11K.V., ,\. - .1 iltur. Nea in .-. ll. A I

. ".fi lui uni 1' '1Sorta i'.i-11 in. n. . .,ISLoni- . ll-'Hj '.'ii s|. Ju,. A W.s-.tii 7

Xorin ,..\ ".I

¦1..1 SB B9 _

( J.0-IN1; PKK i.- OF I'. HI IN ITO K"».-I ,s. -1 u li-. -.¦,.(. -. I-" I.

Vestal Iai I j.1 ir. iv (I ir.Waurr.ntr. .... il\ « ¦ f t 1 ¦¦ 1.- ,

Boston1,sn-.. '-', . . OBI(Joleaf.iii'.,. ...,:.* a. ia tf >. s

ou. tai. !;.,i is..... 11.1 «niiii». t in .«. Ill 21I..HU , S!V|t>.Ill

A .1 FOO ll ti.. -. SSSIIH. lt. I'Boee A K 1.17 ... - i', .oilni. <i_i i,.,:ii ir t a';».. l.'.-j >. I'i *

lu. s«i 4 . .

casu- | KS. .' (. I'Oi'.iEi.-. ,--t tar. , , . I isliuviai'ii ... -i Ju .,,,,,",._

MINEH a.\i> Ml mm;.

si kdav, Sepi :., V m.

Tin- business In m ningi ...

I'.'e-eii! a si- gie iv il uro f»iwore mot 'Iii uaua .:, prl , altbo iitbthe) lin,',h.i'i-1 s,.n,i\ o.r, »how lillie Unal c ange.

iAttiS it eli i :: 11

, i


.. . ¦ .it'

I. Mlito., ttiiutim.


i.niaui, .1

I4 )ih|ll 1-SI

III...II." M.,.Cl-,.J

I..Iii ins-.... lonSj,a" _

ll.n-.it. .. ...

Sion .r.n.i.'. l.ll, I.U, l.ll,,

..r- i,i .

.- li

1 m..li ,-n . I I luVi o* Iai kt:

¦|"t:ii tali s Ln iii" d iy

VLOSISO fut'a sar.

... ..

»:as, i."«.-', Il .. , .

* a»i.,

mi- .,... i .....

IW-si atti '.» -it: 4 ll'. S..,ili'.ti., ,, ,

r.,,u. "U.'...a . ...I.

MN ,. ...,,- ,

".i /ll .'..¦,,..,.t Ce il. ... i

Kareaa caa ..'. i

w..um ai 'i.i rr. d , ,.-...'Ulina .- .Ul '

The I til ,- dillina Coln,. .11 ,

meni ol .i'i ieui . pei - an*.

Ji .unni \ -nile :-i .tKT.imi i .-. i, rereivi I inv.iu un Sui ur,ai u hlor lha week I r-H i.OUO.Tne .,1 ale ti un

Min.if vto k .uni N-i io ul I'r tiin Hy i,r u l ;:,

ne .'-in ...

da.a c. (.nu .Vol. .¦ s: OnIn le, el, l.-'in tons; ,-. olid !. rel, !.' K)liiitl level, (I-'-' I".is i,t nulled, .

, il... noti«l level, in VI loci,ii,, Aug. . I ihe :¦¦ .- in i,-,-i.Hist .Mil oi '.ll le i

itopped, in-.ii-i I,.-.ii'.'ni- I, i";;i..;i!i, ." ii'.t.. ^t*,


... .',-,. DBtatisticallj considered, lhere is u itoprove-

iii,,, t bcgiiinmg In the petroleum almatioB.:,, ii. lew imp.ii inn oe im la t e mw oillie IlkCljt IO onie Ul lor il ll tl v.,

:,.,i.'r to disturb the ea >dd a.; Ibo tra.'inttll'Il p.i t un-, llo.MII .' a tit .1 ||

in, itoa Ktiii ooikof th i.'onper t e

hy tm- gauge taken | e -t, rda nuapare -i, lolloftao in,. i-'inir week Prodneiloo, it.irj haisllnoof040barrelai lil prodoclai wella, ooebaaceiiii wella in,nm'.' iiml 16 nc* op ead betiding, aa tai

rely of 2 aod I. Tbe mooth baa opeoed wuh a

ina.n ;iMi axceaa of dsllverte iver ron as reported i<\

ail Ute pipe Uaea, The opiates ol mi. . relive.pei atora anddeaiera la petroleum la tin-it tb. locrcaaim aei iteeha mr tba rsmatoder el the year will he small,wine thou- are bo mon probeMlttiea thal bo leetlibeshowe Thc pipe Una Bgurm te cue are esfollows:

'- .le pei dirRona to September6. a..,,Deliveries to fteptewoer 8. 4(i7,v_'(l

Kxeeaa CaUverlea. «i..'oohaileis to SHjilt-nil.if 7... 999,994s'in, ro i aa itt'i" "-d'iroaee la tha votaasa of business

ui n.e twoXew-Terh Pi troleum Bzebaageelaal weekeadthe week pn vinns. lituinns waa aeiivo only by tl Cn

and sim I-, und Ibo buln nf the tra lag wau ('unlined lo

profeeale al operatora after n raaga ot guelaBetwees $1 ot>\ tat >t us7g the iin ,i prieea record onlya trifliii'-' gita lrom the pr, vn.iis neiurday. Bul thelnwoHt prices nf tim wuk were iii..,1,- i-ail", and were

,,. reeull of ei ir/eran-: reporti of toa prodUQtlo of anew wi il oo nu-1 roi. ter "> in- Belltown n ann.,advteearvatored lheeoofldeneool too "batu," uun *

luarkot BarSeoed uiiaost to tee end. Tha public ure snliSpeCUlBtlUg only a little, bBl the pol teni ni Mocks duosnot appear to be ebaoged. lutbefbceof tut OnrnealaWan street ii ti<i bte reoeel lacieaaa lu uew

producttOB the "bulls" have Batutalaed themilli' i ai eiiiiiparalivoiy strm.' pm u«. Tea etiiinnaaeaaon would arsm to ba s poor Hew tor stocks t,, n,-(Imp (toil, Wheo tin- Illili -ut Inns pinn; tn tho dlaplaCOmoolof unfavorable by farorablejnflueneea. A welMupportedudvaiice, wuh m eontlouaaee of eaceuraglog stat, ticai ibuwtaga, um uun.iiuiuiiy would laduea puiii.e buy.lat, Whileootblugeaabe predicted on thia pouu, n>a boll" movemeol by maolpuiatora would ool be «ur-

pnalng. Pomibly, however, the market uiuy await theiosuii ol tuc pr (lurer*' inspection ol pipo lino BtOCkS be¬fon developing maeh act v.t \.

lim Hinno ol pinos uni nu- *x»ti*l transacllons hurofor tbe week eera *¦* toiiows;

N. V. Pat, Cans. g|Oponlsr. 10*^ losi,Hutiifi;... I0M', ins',lutnrai. IBa% ln','«

Puia.-.- I) < los'.Boms, hals. 14.939,060 Ji.i.i.'j.uo)(.. areaaaa bbls..9MI40S9 in,ui7.wooino reliiii'ii pot!Oleum lanrkct on a moderate volume of

business maintains ns rocuii.v developed atreagtB, eadtiie week closed willi a sum ot a '« oom lier iralluu. i-'luul

tineeawsrei Weej-York ksikV',, unit i'liiiudeiphiu uudJaltiuiore 77«38c per gallon, BCOOCdtag to lest.

Said a oniiiluctor of a slow-gnins Westerntrain to au Impatient traveler: "No, wo ure mu meekUii BBUlhllattag spact.- OD this road, Out wa do immune tckill a good deal of time.". [COu-maall baiurdayMatu

TOE MARKETS.TOTAL BHHlPia OP PRODUCE.Fer!fort\ ttlotr, rswsKi.il liilroxii,

Nkw-York. flat urduy, Sept. 8, l^XRoans, BMaCot t'n, bat'sComir. obisiO|>p'r,r-k*Pf r T. ak*rut', ok**. 1Flour.bbls. lu(' Meal, bgsWhaat.hj HWL'ora.oiiaii illhOats.liusS.li-,fifo,omni.. '2H



Malt. bu..i.

Peat, bush.OMeal.h'csF t>,.f-.t. o'gs0 Meed, t)'i| i¦eoe MMeLead. piss..1 .oal lier, sui(iii' .ii,i- iii

Hork, picas,beef, pkgiClBl'tS, psi

13,200 lard. pkg*..."¦(»,. Lard. kegs.'.'.Mil linn.- t. ss

BBC iip.is.-.p w.Ul ll Hoks,Na

Tallow.V letTow, halos..t'ba'co. .1 llr'l.a'co, pks

1.14 j Whiskey ms1222.0.191

1.8715,6 "ti'.'. 7 u I

1,813fi, Ul154.71i(6,5(17110iff14(1li5126BIG

KHIB4L MAKictii kbpo kt.Nrw-*omi.rtiituriUy. ft-pt, 8. 1893.

ASnn^-l'uchanaod.UUPPKB.Spot KM i|mot but stoady st 10o. for fair, boc

Itu-si,,,k waa lu, ream-,| by tho antral of the Hipparchuslo 1,1.4..7 h..ks m (Irs! hinds. Solea. SSS bag! i.ulna onprivatetem* apOoea higher. Balee 10,500 bees Neil aiis.,,., lor u. .oner, B lu lor Aoveaaber, s.ln««.l.', for Decem¬ber. n.ll,ilr,.2n for Jami nv. a.98 for February, UAH torMarch, closine steadr a* toilows: August, «.5i«-.(i5i bep-lenber. -iflH.HI; etobar, mr.ti:,. November, 8.(1609.1 OlIiaeeuiber. It.10e8.lftj Jami.rv. 8,1.'. n K.'Jo; Ironiary. rl.llldi8.2.',. Alurcli, H..&#«..r,. AptUXtlU 44.3ft. Mild erades brui.-uni sHilng steadily, sales, lull havs Savanllla. lHl.lu.420,(".nu h.i. in,I IBO Lagusyra eu iii-, vate tarma

11 ION..-pot Cotton quint, so- niy ano tiuchangail. Hales..¦-'I bales (M.> lui Ovealagl, all tor allillinna. Icecoipla atIho iior.s to-day. M.lsit bales, against 2,10b Hilt (lay Inti,wet-k uti.i (i.niiiias rear, Patons aSvaaoaS :i/*4 liomin,hui, l,,s« n. 11. -:. Balee 's,-ii naies. Prices pud: *eptein-lier, I't.lJoi -.1 I; ()ii,H,or .". Jl <* IO.-J4. November, lu..tl illi...:.;, ln-ieinner. lo. 42 d lu.4.,. January. lU.93elU.06i Feb-marr. IU.uialil.BS; March, in.sna ni.sii. April. lil.'Jl .lo...l. Mav, iio.-eil.tti June. li.Hail.lo July. 11.99Oi 1,2ft, l'IqoIbxoneea september, lu. IS: ooiobor, io.2da>

¦- N "Min er. H'.ilJ ,; in il.t: llecepibur. lU.43eill.44jJaaoaty, lo.ftttfiuftft; Pebroaiy lu.Oooiu.BVi Mutch, m.ii. I .'. Ainu, io.:.- ml, ,.'.11. Mav. 11.1.4*1 I.n.".. Juno. 11.15a 11, it,: Julv, i.-.-i j.h. d... Trauslerable orders lt.. i...

I- I.'il lt a X li A OAlu.ttAJX ii-naikai sean ,-ly so activest line ..rn .s aoaarauv mu Bl ill and lu nisiau. o a (Bade bal¬lar. A uihmi «i,,.,ri Inqnli r. with tba boataeas obeoked by ilian at supply of desirablemate* a aiadarata toojing trade.'n.i .il. A t.nr .onoiiiit ot Ula s.ilot 'xr,-,v lois lo arrive iu

Bil lina uml in-n ntuOtb. -,uie«. 94.ftOO ni.ls., of will, Ill,,-('it inn-, «ei« for ,-,inii(. motoning 8,300 Iuds, ('uvMill hilra. |ft A,mao 7tl I,uni bids. -No. 2, tU 4Ji/*.liiO;l.'.to Inns, auuorliiie S3 2>o*.. fl.,; m.u bids, hour Kilid. *l no./. I .... I. ililli bbla. Lo* .rade extra, T.i ~.,o»4 lt; ann 9,800 bbls. Winier Wiioil I. xii;*iiiiini' iv,inn ih- linne, $1 i,i»».i CO. minta lionsNo 2. !?'_' .'ul/; T.I BO. -;||tei .iui\ ».. >o.,«.i Aft, altai "i.i.-u.-.

lomuiou tl .-'ur gt^ri HX.I, vi flO«T4 2,. WooU to I-inr«' .- .i .!'.?(> ,. mihi ii'i. ie ti,kui eura Western.|.l -H»rl .'. lon ,1 «. *l I .., ri .', t. .', ili"ON f.iiTi(imo. >.> abttgl ut- itu, tt oin ,,. ttoei i I me*, t.i ri i

i.-rn 7t uj u n ia ciiir, aieaeMt* *i tOmAA *0. Clear.si ,'.,/*»" ara antara, eSesft ft* tt.-aigat. Eft tiain s,; I'ateu1. eft BO*«] otb ta latins i'.iu,i»j ci r'airI.nra. » -arl .,1; i-air to un.-it. it* Hu rn ti ..(I: Woo.i loV.-rr (.in'-', . Ui« Jj Pa.eii -Viuior ^Viieai i-.xtra.f ,'»ti'.M, n :¦ aa astreaa .'.:< dm i-.un for wmlades, !.i.,mt"'., seale Antenna. Eft SOOBS, Marteli- (i ling linn.bul' I lli.ll.N l-l.'il ll quel and Hle.inv.

*. 7. nt',, ni' u.1.1.; louiiuou to in, "i i.itru at ¦»! di'. i.I In 'linne do. tt i.,ttt'< ,'...KYK

I...ti .. nu, ii.iiiK'ii wah a iiin.i. ian- ii .ni,- -ans. i,ni buls.Millennia >..-I .( ou.N MitAt. t|iii.'i ann a out

\ c-iiina Weetara, eawSS Sui mau.mine. *j io*.- 'I...vA l\-i(,l,.Ai- ¦. ,, kel ii lOtju ..ir alni nus, lied o|,en

tn rn* i no 1'ir ailv.iu, e auil, I",, 1!¦ i.e.. a ai, a, I.» ,n .. in ir, ailfbi ti Ile tor 0I|Mn,min snip,I,-, .n Hoad to ii.",i "ii. a i.u, business reported

11*14 eau large eal lousocaiauv accooa i lu/ ..nu-is oiov on i. ililliM dst.'ni. -a.es, .I.. JJ.noil

i.i.-u tu ioi-,i ,a i. m. ,.i,inn: Degraded Winter. . i oat ln*a| .\. I nen, ...,¦,.,-.. ... ..,, ., uun. *i i-,',

,i ,1 !-, i., i.1.1 ij .... ... ri io ta elevator. El Hiee. -i ., t, i I i -/I fl 1" t-i,

- .1". 'I.i, til. , #Tl ls, ClOHIIK tl '.jjil,.. Neveai bet, Si Waeel 0, tmauia el i-.'1-. ..¦. ueceu..

."-ni,- :i l t-j.HVK Marat I

», Ji.,1, un Iv lol".. . I .. "it tn, .li.n.i.i.i.. .-, .ie at T-1-.-!- 7.1.00 ,i-h ¦" --ai,;,s..e a ale Ka-

i, ; Wi H. IOil li.i h -ia r,ii \ i; 1.1. v Market uml amt

ll ...lllial. I,Alli.I.V MAL1 .lUf |. .,.; -ul,-. ., ;

.i fo, ..o. -.,» ...... Ju...,. -" a-.COHNii . ii.i.it'..., ii.;. inna

¦1 all i ll .1 " 1.0,.v ,.i, .. lill u 11 Uti tl a .m. ill ,

.. iii nun.I ann Vi y!,..».. ia ¦> :..!.'¦ II..1.- BU

ti .nini omit,i..mill,a n ra ;ed Hived ai net,..,.- >,,. .., t.. .«<*

i.j.i..., .' ii ,t...,, IN ....', i. n ll, e. lao.. 1 '41 iliill'lf,.., lie

a 1 , -¦ '. mi v. ., i'.. ..,.. _¦ lied,I s

- lr',1.,^1. _¦ g, .,,»!! '. .(.; " 1 I' If,,. I, '¦- « a ., ,.n.

V ., ,1". ...¦' cu.'. 1,II - .. .1.lill- .1 .... li.,., a.l...

ul, ,,, ... U- "!. ..* , ... llUOUll) Ins, ', .,

"ina. I,uni.'. Ioi .OOo liii.ii... .., in.1.1, -o. ., eiieo t.. .-" .so. ,,

, .v Bite, ... .... --. eoe n ¦,... .\.. 1, a.,-.-,.'. WBll -.«¦*.. ., W into stale,

... -. Mitt .. .:. .1. \*. 1 I

. il, I*".>"« ¦. "v.1 1.,. li-.uar., s, a y ni, 1, a lair

bus.,,a\ a n l> hTUAW Lower gi adea ol Hay i,ientirui ami

..I .¦ Mow the

w .".».. eil lo Pl I.i r

limul 1 lever, soe- irrauej. a.,,*

.. .1 nu.. (Ut.I

,1 r ij lu 1 ..-,¦ . -eoi|ilu»s 1nail) quoted foi

- , ..e» .1 .iriiiii'i at.,1 no. messed '"'» ...

aged, , \ A 1 ¦¦ -> i'i' >!. I ill Hillie dull -i i I Sll

, "i hirsuied.,1 Men

., - ,jo -i.,|,,v. However, aad,. v\ ^ 00OIC lt v


». I i.'

.. ,, ......

.- . ill 1". Umllk,

,i.,., .'....- \ bal rate. *. »

lill.(...I.. v I ll .\

'. I. \ ,',,'. . ... ,


... (,,!\ I HO.Nil

'. ..

.. ions t"terms,

\ a ..!'¦.. 1: 1..

.' ll I N \ -., \

\ .... r.Lei, -.'.'I 1,1.1.,

.... .1

Sliced a mil,.li elma I- , .i .. 1 na

nu.*. Meas 1.,..,»..

1 ., u. ..... tl " *¦*.

nra ¦'

.HI ll.IA. .... 1ID


Hy ,'it-slod Mi. . 't>¦ Mill.

les ..illi|i ¦¦ ....

I ileai) av.I[r, 11m

,i , |. uv. ii. ,1.1 to'-

II .11 .1 -I

¦ -ll H. Ill".lt,ivI,

1,, ¦. ¦¦


lill l«S.,.,. i,. Notembei

- fe.! 1'itr -Mea1 -i u rn.1

,,,,..;. s ,., - ;l", eatll A

RICI Ml ill "to l u, .1 ..-. 1.

-1 1, vi- Kaw lunm ,11, s m 1111 ,1 were »".<i .n in ,-,..: ni

-. aili ." lo.ly e par.n 11

lara ol j ¦: 1 . tran « eeiuedi,' ool.1 -;(i u-lii"t, ¦' -.

¦. .. I'u-r len fl ..' " to Mould"A. S ,-.. 1,9'itt'lin;.'is" "A, t.. -lanuurd "A.' -

, tit "A, . ¦','.'¦ ..¦!. .:. a, 1 a "'.."," i. -,n 'w iii "¦¦

r- a lil SK.Dull aod somewual 1. "iinu.il Kr, >|U' to. I,1 th uniai.a. ur oteai .in. -..

l|li,ilr,. ll ij .. '.t ,,

I A il.', c -'j 0 ..tel si.aiiy. I'li.-itCiy quoted 1\A; ^.ile.i40,"Oti li ... I Itt,

Mill ni' TRADE.

DOME inc Ma uk li -*.

na in mi 1. Bept ll i"u i|iii'-l. Middling. IO1*. Flourquiet sad n ii.,n ul. Wheal, houmsre blabei and active.\, .1,111 a .ia.:, belier, clueioa oaen bontberu Hod, -1 >/

El IE ua Aia . ,. .1: -1 ., j 1, ,1..,,. ¦! .vi'io'i ilea, sid -1 1 ,'u»'.' l3Ta Ucd.lier,,1 ,t. -si ., inveniier, *i 11 $ i *¦ ne. soil e..

Bl .11 .("ti 'J0*m (om vu im. quiet sad iteody, vi,,..

em blgaeraad strong; Boutin ra Winn-, j7oo0o j,tu, leliow,iitOi'i- .; tt eelern ima, (1 l4»l" c *epiember,Li,'. I..,:, ti.-i o's '.¦ ¦-,.- Novi-iii: it. .,-.'.¦ "hi learner,,.,, in.-,, nats Bim seut hero, lOwdsc A esters M'lute, 3d,».i-,-., j ,. -ii.fi. tt j I'enosjrivanls, JftOiiKu. Rvaquirt, l.il/fi.s,'. Kai- dun ami (Ile nauged. ProVUIOOS 'lu

aad aaa] wllboot cbaoge. Batter Bra tor Choice Weeterai'n' wei "ni'. i.reaaierv. i-m..,- i-kit" stead*, iioo,r in", um uucbanged. . oOee ttruii Km carguaa, urdiaar* tolair. » '4 d id'-, bugin t|unti, A. Oofl, - ..-. Coouer, Kottnedsieaov. 14',// ii'. Wblsaey qillel and slea,IV #1 trwtl ir-j. liei^'i.is linn unil unchanged. Ile.is. pioar,.¦in, him. Wneat, M.ouu niish.. lorn, la.ooobusb. nata,.i.niio 1. n.e. itu. ..uni. boab, ibm.ts. Wheat. ...min

hush nu. non mi h. Baiaa, Wheat, 40 .imu boab^Uoro,n,iMintiu,l..ri, 1 ai.". Mt;.t. Ht.noni «,',a. wt,, ni in in. ul demand

at ni,1 unoaei taloa, ,"'-o Na wino- Mimer ai -rn in'-j.it .ats ii", at *i i-', d t'litt so, 1 Red Wiater ..t *i IL coralimul, salsa, US j bush tiauntie la car lots al Hi '.' 'an.No. J a: .'ic nus slea.ly sal.--. 0 in No. J »l lulu at 35c.)1 ,-ar in"hen .in.-. Rye in lubt deotaad i aale of 1 ear oa

private lenna, Kretahta to New- fora by rall atosdjr. CanalIn-iK'i: iiishir Wneat, I)1-..,-.; Corn aol Ilye Se. H.illmal

tei-einls I-lour. Lite. nins. w li",ii. '.".'.noo muli.: i "rn.

..'7.'(ii' oats, .i.nnn. Barter, LOOM Kg* -. ».v lase

rtc.ii'l.s I lum, 1 ,."iii A Iii-.,.. 9.,.iii'i- Ini-'i. . ,un. Ii47.iit.tlbusb.i Ilye. -bush. Hall road sUiptusiits.l'lour -'.'..>' 0Wueat. 4 o to (mu. IS-OUU IMM S.UUO; Barley. 1.50UEre 1111 h. cami io tbiewatar.WBaat. 117,0001, ia. 1 ern 1 .0 1,nh.. Uge, S.UUU baiti. '1',,intel-

noiute-wbeat,. IS.uuuba ib.; ."n. H,uuu boab.1 11.1 .n.e. Me|il. rs. t loin iii,ii mnl iii.aged, nanam-

k\ i.uu. ui.i. mo demand; opened strong sod nigher, needat inside pi loee dT*e. sepiem' ictobariai ininti ni1, November; -ki n- s .c.ber. '><». t m-

tairo -spi iMtr. '¦'!'. c '. 1" So. 0 no. istk..,-.. No. 2 liedMiuler. Si 09. («(» Unsettled, aiiivi, uu l,l|<ber: 90%e,casu BBd siepieiiitii-r. oiiv. ncluneri I'.i'uo. Nun iiilier, l,*<-.an ino y,-ai. 4-i',',.>lai. nan la Oood demand [ines un-

settled, bnt generally nigher 26V- eaen ..,'. tl 0. sapleinlier. ii'," \u di "v teiubefi 'AiV .MtV.-ni.ti '-1, U tl 20 ',0.nil Hm year .u'»a.tt)-vc. May. nye moderately acme ai .!blaber ai ft I 'ea ilaiiov uui-t inn linn at noa Kiaiseee lu

a, tivcui inai.u .it tl dr Og! 2'J. l'oi k lu lair ,1, luaml. o, ein-tlHtioiUlaiiil l'l<h.i, i io«r,| al inside puces, at tl I -J..O-.I1 .IIIcuni sn l ..i-pirnu ..!. i»u .catii a1<fOetobee; s-ll BBBgil 27 Hi .No Kin uer BU 10(*ll lil Hi sil (h. re.r; VU l.'-"itflltii Jiinuari. Lard lanlv actlvn, bul nromiiar M io<»

8.12H|(<. caah. heptouiber ami nctoi.or. 7.J.K* i.u7Hw. No-veinber 7.H2'tei.'.lftO. all lbs \ear. 7.91%eSO. Jsuuaiy.»>mmmatu needy aud firm; sbouiCara, 0.76c: Sault bib.

6 O0e.i Short Olear. 7.00c Bolter etosrtv, with a lair ile,maud. Ergs quiet and one hanged Walskev steadv sndunchBogod. Pit-lghta-Cora to Huff.io 4H,o. Keeeipta-Hour. 7.000 bbla.; Wheat, 147.000 oush.; Corn. ftlT.oodbush..- nam, 24:1.11,1(1 bush.: Kvsi 4.'.ooo busn ; Karlev,Hu.isH) bush, Shipments.Kinur, '.17.0OO bush.: O ora. 677,u«o hush.: oata. 27...0UU bush.; Rye, 7,iou boah.; Barley,ft,SOO boah.tSWWEftn, Sept. 8.- Flour Arm and unchanged. Wheat

nichol and more aottve at Bl OSVVfl Oft* cash, SI Obhatl 055»Mep(ember; Bl 05=4 October; 91 dO1* November, Ileceluls. 21.000 bush, Shipments. t'.t.OOO bush. Cora strongand acttvo at 54^- rash. 52(«»6:ic, October. Dat* siromaud Inabe- at SoeaOa. cash: 30i«e. October. Rye lo fairni-iiianil a! snt., eSS^O. l>iovinlo,,s nrmer, but not ^notablyhlsher. Whisker tn mai gi IX Butter lliimt ; I'nii.i-« ream-ory. .'tlc.: Coolee Dairv. lHr. >ucar higher: Hard no.tined, it leBS 'C.: New-Orleans. 0VO7J««k Hogs-Maiket fa,r.Common snd Light tiiHiafi *,-, Pacxttu and botch-ers'. »i Oirntu J*. Keceipla, 1,100 Boao. aMpiaeuis, .>U0bead.OKTROIT. sept R.-Wneat steady No. 1 White Kail rash.

81 os; .-epicmbt-r. vt Ul**t october. $1 0*>a November,f l'".'7si No. 2 do. *102'a: No. 2 Ked Winter. SI OSH* He-coipts, 24.000 bush.; elilpmouts, 18,000 bush. Corn strong;No. 2. .Sic. Oats strong No. 2 30c.; No. 2 White, .(le.MIl.WAtHKB. Sent. M.-Piour in fair demand. Wkeai lr-

ngii ar ai i»7HiC. casb and september SEO, octoberi gi OlNovembor. cora buoranti No. 2 t>0>,a.-. Rejected. 4iiHi<-.Oats sroiicor ; No. 2. 20>»c.: Mixed, 27S274C.. deliverod.Rve strong ; Na l. 570.: No. 2. lOc Baner sttongor;No. 2, (lillee.-. No. 3 de. 62c. Previsions stranger: MesaPork. Sll 40 casa and October. $11 SS January. Lari.I'o iti» steam. S.loe. casa aud October; 8c. January.hogs stea,lv at M tlnmai tai. Butter Arra: Crearaerr.2'1 <T24c; Oalry. Kl*l7o Cbneae linn. Kggs in good de¬mand. Ileeeipis-Floor, il.isio obis.: Wneat. ls.000 buen.:liarler. Ki.ooo bush. Oklpmeets-l'lout, 6.000 bbls.: Wheat,l.ooo bush Barlee, i.oonnusu.iMiii.ADkLHiu. Sept, H..Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat

advanced un. iu,. ailll )niu.a fl,,,,. Hpeeulaiors, however,wi if tining little or nothing and exoort orders were nowherenear current a king rales. Cur lots wero In fair demand andslronger; sales or No. 3 Red lu eipoit elevator, $110Hi:

freat Western No. 2 Ked do, 91 14 -41 Delaware No. 2 Kedo.. *1 IA; So. 1 Pennsvlvaula Ked do.. 91 17, 91 17'-j and

Ul 17'4 No. 2 Ked "ctober. $1 Ki: do December. $1 2i|3siNo. 2 Ked September, SI H<3« bbl, JI li's asked; Oeloner.91 lft*Ind. Ot nm, asked; November, gi 17J* bid.91 I*', asked. iii-cemiiMi. $1 dil bid, $1 91 asked. Corn.Ac¬tive and sirona In tbe early dealing- nuder ruuioiw of damageto the crop in the Northwest by float, t'rices advanced I Hn*I'o'. bul subsequently brose 3.<ilc. and closed unsettled.There waaa g" it s eOOlatlVO movement, but nothing doingfnr eiimit. tai lots for local trade wme In good t.emand aud"tiona nuder scarcity sales ot Rejected track, at ol ci Na. 9Mixed, track. 830.1 No. it Yodow. track. 6M0.. steamer,trai k, 99eSS>ac.l Low Sail nixed, trick. (Mc.: sill nighMixed, ti act,. 64900 <«ei sail Mixed September, til v*8 tuc, du. October, nlaiilV'.; Bat txod ... amer, 9 c.hld, Gi '.c. Maned: etolt r ,iii-^e bhLOl'sC asked: Nnveiiilui, "'ic bid. (i.e. asked, lie, ember, jn-.c. bid, j c.

asked. Oats. amuls ia (air Oomaiiil aud Hie. hlibei . aaieso. No 2 MlxeB. H'J'iCi dejected White, ,12c; 1No. A White,S4e.j l-.itra No. il While, S»«iie.| So, 9 While, off c nor, 96%e,|PairaodOood NO 2 Hbite, tlc, u'^c. and bS'tej hxtrano,87c. PatoreaInproved S'Sc. m sviupathy with tho ad-vane,, in Corn, bul there w s untiling .loin*: No. ''WhiteBeotenDer, .,,\,-. bbl. iiiie. asked; October. 3,'>7ec. bid, ll c.Hskca: November, a,'e. bid. a.'-^c. ass ed Lieiem.ei .(8c.bul ..no. asked Provision .Firm. Ue~, Hams V-'l «+--'.limns BBMBed, per Iii. il -.ill C.; do, "S. F.," tully curott,I el.li.c. Lara. j ii iii*-r. itv Kenned, 99 2oO*!i So ;steam, -i 7fta so. ltiitter-Fano.v hlgbOf and geneiali.»'i tum. Pennsylvania (.'reamery Kura and Wesiern io..'..'!'.; Fir.is. la ,". Western r^xtia. IftOlSO, it-gg».->. areeuni tum: re ii n sylvan ni mattoe, -lc; Westi-ra Kxtia, -.-.ie.Cheaaa Qmei boo weaker; sew-Yoik Full Cream, lie.Bogar.Koo needy at Utf-lOeO ll-16e. Ior Fair io oooddefining 4uscavadoee Peed.Pinn; *\ inter Krsu, 9182.'.m91.. Wln.skOT-II.ghor; Western. 91-JD. other arti, les

nactungod. Receipt*. Flour, ..ooo bois.; Wheat, 99.OU0bush.; coru, B.00U bush., outs, 2,0oo bush, chlpmeuta.ii,.uo.

¦m. laOOta .-'ept. s. .Pion- dun and unchanged- Wheatfinn aim higher No. I lied Fall, -il 02>4 anti 0J1» rush*i ij'H september *i n.i^e octoOer and Noveaberi

Decemoei *i ". \ all tbe vear: No 9 Mes, yo*:'T i-jc (om itroog and higher ai i»J\i</47c. casi. ss^c.Seo tool bal 16 »¦: Ooiouer 4i'sc. tovomliiir; 42 Lj0. allMm ivar; IJ'jc, Hay. osM higher. Imt glow al SSHO2i'<c. casu -.-... MptembeTi 9SV0. Octobor; 27c. N 'run.

bot. -i.e. all ibe veat '¦'',' Mav. nye tlimorat 4'Jc. bid.Baner ouiel il (Wo8 c nutter anti Hags steady and un.

ed ( nriKueal tlrm at td I.,. Wtti*tr,t tteadr at

El ll. I'r.ms.ona dull, bm arni at previous quotations,itece.pta. I'm ii. ln.ijoo obis. IVneai. loH.00,1 gita.I tun 2d,ono busn. (.ais. B4.000 ousk. fire. 9,1100Barter. -'. "'. saipmeate. i-'iour. s.ouo ooix-. wneat.

base. ora, 3,00011 umu.. oats, none; ure. 2,0001.usn.; nailer, none.

I.IVH sl>,),j|v MA!li<r:r--UY TSbC0ft4PKBi halo. Bept.H.-fuWe.K-eoiptsI ,ttar I.40u hoad, total

for week Hum tar 9,7201 I" MOM line laH Weal 9,J"0;II eipis consigned throo-rb 299 (its. uurket aul sud lowfol l "in nun Choice Heady, sales -Light lo Uood Steereti '.io,*«.", ,'n ( holes 99

Shitfi ,.e,,.pls today 8,000 le .ld, total tor weeli ttl usfal .--.ooo lo ..tl. foi lim same tine Ioi' week 26,000 liea.1;in-.-ip s unsigned ILroiigii-ti ¦¦ ns market dall and lower,sales.Pall to",,,,,) Weatern 94 2fte941ft; ( BOMB to Fancy9ft 1 -'ii ni ..nuns $.. '.Mani.Kee .e.r.mils to-day ft, si 1 heed! total bk «**< teas far

I*.'"" .,-... ne Mme tl uo issi ,.-,-.ui .: fi, head- reeolpta1,'i-ia oed through ISS ur<: market quiet bul steadyVin acts %:, 20*8 Ipi. Hr»s,e;s unit Mil lil ;au.s »4 TJOt.i 1S|Uood. dedlun ami Mea%y 4 1 <o03

1 np 1 n .it s /" /,,,,.,. Journal reoortsi.JfagaIle, eip-s 1, ii shipments 1,600; uia'.ei active, sn,mg and.'ihl^iiir si's Pac kl k ti tm*MW), Parking and si,ip.bios l-l Ko*a*80 Light 94 1'Ott't :¦ .: si, i's 9330*9460.

¦'¦ ' Keieipts 2,'tun. iblpmeau S.loO market vi duli,nut piit.-i ii .ai., lowei f,,r p«or io Medium. Balee.Ka*iona 90*96 45; flood to Chotee Sbipplai *'¦ i »-.'.'-

ni 10 Medium +Ui', Kinge strong Wvomloa halt*bree ls ol from 1,' lui IO 1.12.1 t», 91 2'i*9l 4 J; ress >'t a ns? Aiunied Icx.un «.. !Mi<»>4 iij. Amer.1 ans+4 c91 ,,.

"n i(,.,-a; t.s-o . shipment* 1 600; market slow, --aleslltleiloi lo F. ir 92 2.1 eft" 2.i; Uood 4, CbotOO tl 2i; Toiaaas: *.i imbi -1 26*94 pei head

-1. Loins. Sept, -k.' allie . rieceipte too. sh' ntioc 1* ftnolinn, markel steady, wltb a good d aaa lol lau abippluggrades "f -s ,11 -.. - b.it non,- here; transactions1.tn 'r to bun :, < 11, local bnj

s ¦... . .,¦ ree;11 ak,-, . " "ii.i a ", .1 li na j'i 1 IftoS ..

.ti ..dv and Arm. Bales ht 1 .. Packing'is 4ju*.'< in Let.;.ts 1,100, luip-

melita i

ECKOPEAN .MAl'.KI.ltm. -To-h, Prime Base. Kostera, eteatr el

no.. Heal l-.xtra In is Mesa dull ,.t sl/i . Haas dall,7 ,i Prime Im vu f at I iiSd. Wheat,

Heady at ndld. Uoru. Jf tai l. new. steadyai

I..-., .-¦.op m Produce mmts of Turp, u-

per wt c.' Ulp i quarter. TBadoeUae i» due lo tne large arrivals ol Lia-

sarwaBP. Sept E Petroleum. Ploa i\,ie Anieocan. 10........ .- vu M "....a l.si.i dosed

in,, ti, eulin soper i'Mi kilos" - Wilcox's Laird ,1,'S'' l at 4.i marks, 50

pleuaiaa* i-1 no lt..

Kilt iI'ilAV l-'IN'.V.s III, MAHKKTsi.o-.t't'i. -'¦ hi ,....,, i ,-> foi in-'tioe

a,.,i ', mint. l.ll-. " el COOS di,\HM i-l, ru

mortgage li *; Illinois I t nital,.,. I'i.:.i." phil and .te.nl.

, -. , ..ii m,lin.ii '.-ti n.-,v *ui«. wiuario audI ,. -i. Pam Co umon, i

i."\i' ,s sa t * din m. Pan. idrices un,to three10 Tif-i i ir I m-.-ontit.

lt p .. I linois einral I.U. IVnn-.,.1 .. I,.,.! ¦'. Heading, 26^ Bealcaa Ordinary,

'.( ',. .New lui., (mini io .iud u .stiiu. -d's.r .ii., ..ii. .' ti i. 111 .->i i mt i tiu iii i. u Kagiaas ea

I. lia'.'-la,- ts -. 2 t.

If"l- li ll'r ll -lill'. IH

,ivs tu th-oe

I pill .1. . ', s ,,¦ '.-lit.

.ii -. .i li I si S'j per lil., li,: .,.: -. A.,h.. .ll ind > ' OU Sltl.d

-.in '';.,-.' .., 2**d aa* a heavy si

iiuu tu Meaicao naitooal "


Kbw-Yobe. Batorday,Sept. B, iss.j.

BCCOKDED lii.il, i.-i'.vl'.-: I'.l.vN-.:: t

lOOtb-sl n *. 100 ft o nf Cl: ¦>'-. I00xl00.11i lldmer to W il liaben . g.i-.'.ooo

ino: John Iii ...un. .

\\ || ,m il. Nu, 1.0 no rt -t, Maili W I:.. ,'..- .i

.i lihann

..,',, I Max baa.... io J 1. Maschke 9,8Itt WO ll i" 1X102.2 l-.i! liaoyto 1 I reci .

it ,. ol Mu 'is t iv -, 2Ix 102.2) Fd; , c. ,i 11 icy nti'i anoibei .

206 tt I: ,- ol l-l-,i\,-.ti "¦ loo.',, .1" in Liv.lugitoo and wife to K J Mahoney.

... i

¦iril n toO W Ila toi'l .

" ive. 60x102.21 .M H ri. i'smid w fe t" Berths 8 mtb .

S2d ii, n s, 400't wot Ulh-avo, 5ttfS.9 Marta Mabit i- to Annie t' Han li.

ni," len Mur.ay.in.i husband to Da* d Prank

., loo i. 21 no "(1x102.2, I incl.uojotm i,,u el ii to J ac ib li mi.

i'j.': ,1 , -iii ive, iS.s ;i"i>.t AlfredKehoe and wife IO J ll noan". .

Mnue pro tiiy J'lin il Deane aad alla te 0 KKt los..

9,0600,0001'. .Ki







2:1,01 mi

ii 900

U!itn JJroperin £o tt:.ADVERTISEMENTS POE THE NEW*J\ YclMi lill ItD.NE Wi 1.1. UK uKfRIVKll AT TUBVl'IdW.'- OFFICES, Na l..'3-i BroaSWEy, coner lUlilv.firs; st.. i;,| :1 ;i |. m.. aad 3 8 Weat iweuty ihlrdet.. cor-

Ber i thth uv».. So. V2 sst Fotirteonth st . corner T'nlon.aoaaie, '.tJu Tllrd-avo., c..ri,or oiiy-seventh-st.: at tho il M.-Li M OPPICK.H, N,s 1.001 am! 2,900 t.li't ave cornerOno hiin.irod.aiid-tifeuiy.flfUi-si, up lo a p. OX, at regular ot-Bias rales._r|\> LET..The liitrlilv desirable roar-stniy,1 high-stoop, browa atone dwelling Ko 29 Eaai BSd X,

beiweeo fttb aod MadUoo area Apple to il. C. l'tmiKii,Arnold. Cornubia ECO., tttt :ir- and liltli st.

Unction Gules ot Ilea! (Estate.tl)!.IAN ll. HULLER, Auctioneer.TltUSTBW sali: OE thk BHINHBOOCK BILIA

TOWN Ol' StJl'lHAMl'TDN. L. I.Ai'.iisn ll. Muller ,t Son will -,,.11 .il BOOHOO BB EbIEIiIbi

Hi id. J. al 12 O'clock, at tho KXcbaagf ^aies Kouui, .'»o. illKinadway,nv OBOESOETHSBOABO Ol TBUSTBKE Of TUB

siiiNNiirncK illi.t.-s.Tho traci of land sltu.it betwa 'i t'l'-i'uic- uud sblnneoock

I-1. s. roon ol aootbamptoa. Huifolk Ooaoty, I. I., coetala*lng sboul 4,.I seres ol upi mil -tim.io,- ami lund uinii-r»i -i. togetoor with Bebonae Nick ami liam lalaod.lhe I#iiii lalaod Kaili oad illus ihiuini-ii tho pr,i|,, rtv.

J. A. BOWKA *, in, sid-ut.Kui ilu-i- parliculais ut thcoltl,,: of tho Auctiouucie, Mo. 7

Plue st.

Crooklnn JJropertn for Oale ano ila £et

VFIRS I'-i'l.ass riiinisitcd brownstone homeon "Tho lilli" to let for the board ot lin.-,-persoiia;

.re,|iilit-,l. Addiess VA N !>! lilli 1.1'._P. O. Rox ii. I.-J. Now. York.

1^LEGANT idin-stDiv browii'Stooe house torJ suie. puce, ^-,,1)00. "iuuuiio '20u \S asliiimtou ave.,

Btooklya._CM)H SALE-VALUABLE PACTOHY FEOP-A irtv, lirooUlrii. II. I)., near wt. nf.i^o. 12 ,,,'.(, hrio« Ililli I-lags, ii'iuii'Uiil,; ml < uer li-'Mi s,»,-l,i| i 1 (o.i a ll >t ung nu-

Iniprovt-d price modcrato; lonnsnasr. KKI.-SBY & SUV-ham. .So. ni. Broadway, Brooalyn, l-l II._r|MlREE now privuto liousos, Qaeen AnnoA style, eal.met truoined osoh rtoir, lu ilrooitlyu, to

exebanae for a nuuiry resldanoo or larui. J. o, HOI I' ABOM, 2> Maana»

Citt? Real <fstate /or Sale._l^mrsTLE~o7TO RENT..A sim*. 2-storrJ brick house, nearly new: lot 2«xIDS; location flrat-elaeefor health and aoelety; price Ed.-M 0. Addreaa OWNER,Tribune office._

N OS. G aud 8 EAST 44TH-ST..near 5tb-ave.,

Very Elegant 26-foot Residences, one wltbdining.room extension.

alhh,MADISON AVE.. 60TII and 619T STS.,

Handsome llousoa from 10 to 26 feet wide.

Houses all uew and built br ourselves.

ALWAYS OPEN.Send for desci lp ti vc p.-imptilct to

CIlAIU.Hs UUEK A co.. Architects.OH East 4lit-st.. corner Park. ive.

1">EARL-ST., near Bookman, 5-story brickstore for salo. RULAND A WHII INO, ft Beekman st.

npilKEE LOTS, 75x100, 70 feet east, olA Madison ave on grade itnx't. n stupe to build;918,000. Apply WILLIAM A. TAYLOR. 17 Wallet,


Conntrn Jlropcrtn for Gale aiti do ttl.'A T PLAINFIELD, N. J. sebstsotisl brideil residence, with iiiipiovenienti; stable aud ls, acreelo exchange for Now-Yura »r Brooklyn property. HULANl>4 WlilllNO, 5 Ile,-kluan -t.

AT MADISON, N. J.-Forsale, country seato/12 acres, larne double house, mo lera I u.iroveaienis.

largo bani and stable, hau Isouio Uwn.or.uiis it ai trjuatil.blubbery, abuudauce of choice fruit, H. KIIDY 4 l.'i).,

14ft Broadway."HaTTMORE CITY^Ciiii rei Property ai

or eat Value for Comnn rent. Purposes for salo.

The Congregation hartog deiermlned io remove. PRO.POSALs will bo received by the u mei smiled up lottie lia'OCT,>III-;li N t'.XT for tbe purchase of tbe veiv valuable'property known aa thn


The lot is situate st tho NORTHEAST CORNER OPCHARLES AM) FAYET l'l-. ST-.. I,. t'ie heart of tu .: elly.fi.n.i.s about SI feel on charles st., rune oack on Ku elle st.about On feel to a lo-foot aler, ami is >ub)ect o a yo.tiiytrioiiiid ion! of $.">tU. Aplin (ruin Hi. un;, ov, monta tbe !"Ghas meat value for COMM c. Rei AL PUKPOMK*Toe I hinch ls in. s siibstantla Iv anl tastefully constructed

and is In lr»t-class condition it couts rn-ii ly tin- eui te lot.aad Baa a Beating capacity foroou ct sou*. The I'mposaUmay be for the lol and Improvements lolutiy, or for vltlier»,-i,aia ey<

Propooaia lEialfl he ad.irossei to JAMES heATTY,Tri'UNUH r. 92 inman'* whirl. Ballimore, Md IRoi, J. P O. l( Ul R, JAUlis BEATTY, LEWIHH.

COLE. Cou.iullioe.llaltiinoi.,. .Md nt-ptoin'tor H. I8ES.

ELEGANT COUNT\TY~~PLACE-Ih Dan-bury, o'i'i h hui.iTH? t, h" estate of I he late Colonel

N. I. k\ tnt,-, lit -i r;tul Boaaa, iii morinish repair and nm-voiiii-iil.y hp ange iinely sui healthfully BUBSleSl williHa,, w.iti-r. ii, st Military plii'iil.mg and all modem lumiovn.iiienls: very sbori walk (ri'in tnee ralirotd denota siipoi-t,shall,. ii".-.-., pi.eiu< nvo li un I .-cs. hamlsouie mound*. Uow>-,ri.ii'i vegetable eardeoe. luqalira of uka.vville m.M'll ll h. lift Mest iUth-st., or of Mis I'llAllLEs J.IiKM I Ni;, l au hu I r, Conn._

1JH)B SALK or Exchange I<»r Country R*ai-(.(¦iKO.-A elly Louse iii coiut.lcio onb i lui. isln-d or.

i-iifuiiiis..,,l. willi stable and extra tote . m-uhioihooi uuev

cepliouahio. J. O. HOYT A SOX. 1*5 Maaeail at.

VDU SALE at RICHMOND HILL, LoneA Inland--Killeen minutes liuiu il miter's point or Brook,lyn. a bo.uitiliil (nuotry seat nu the Itouh's. noe (hit n-r-

Viur. iii.umus house with m.nore cupels, die., kim, -lao, ,

Ac. Aiso a uitieiy of Uuueu Auue stylo utse'iiugs lu piocnsaOl couslrucil ni KULI. WATER si I'l'I.V oVEB TlltfKN lli:]-l l-l.Ai K. Also superb building sites ou bills or

plain, silt,allon linsurpase,-,! lol health.ti urn h.'aiilv ntscenery, and COOVOalsooeet access, luuiun-r and winter. Riv¦trietao agelnat ao inusauies.Apply IO J. W. fl ELBE lt. No. 59 Liberty sr. elevator), il

(o vi a. m.. or to QUOKUM I- POWLEK, Richmond lilli.

ORANGE IS. J.) REAL ESTATE SIM>ci.titr.Residences. s*ta til -> ic,'l.* ut ul ail lalor

Dished.noi.lit v ,n i-ii ,. II A MILT')Vt FULLER.',* Piae

TX) RENT..Weil appointed house pleasantlyX localed; furnished ur unfurnished- 10 nilnutoe from sta¬tion al Elizabeth, N.J. Addles* uwuer, os Tiibune up'oweiitiie, l.dis Broadway.

£itn Xixj crin IDdiUeii.

IVAN IKI>, both for sal and ! .- ."vv Blahes, hui ni ni Bed. or pa Ur teretM .niInn,Ts,md -.-ooii.ii'spous.bl. Ional xl. il ..'-, -s

1,200 l.ioB'lwav.ii usisi ¦ ii HMirsaairvmiiiiiiii li -at

Conntrn Property GDatUtft.

IJMNE saharben r^sidenc to exchange o,rlar.u Hans or neate Peal (,.,,(. Sea -. ¦¦. V is

|irouo3i.la.IROP08AL9 FOB COTTON DUCK.

Navy PBFaflXMBST, 1Il I.'lt KAU tit li. tl,.-;, \> am, l.«,1H|\i:.>

w i- iuioi '-.. D.c., :>. 1.1 - -. |selle-! propoaala, indorsed "<T»pe*sii f" ittoa Doea."

Will r Celved al th I Ilute.iu itu til 19 orin, k M IN p ni-

b-t I'. is»i. an,; opened Immediately tboreetter I.i 'Uki.te-.-i.i "ol ld ld.is, foi .i.'i.iMHI vants Cotlou bl k to be ..iiier-d at Ute Mary Va:.!. Broolnyu, Kew-Yorii 1 .'S»iva ds to ne del rares within ieu ,tavs, aul tho reniit'iderwiiiiiu lin- v daya f'oui the A ,,<¦ .t ooatraet.rheCotton I.iicS inti-t oiiltniu to the ^avy stundant, anil

pass tue usini naval inapoc ton suda reoeivation of 30petcenl wlil ba withheld fr->tn th" amouut of ea, li de.ivi r) uutiltliocmp'olion 01 the outia< ti,md.rs aie reieund to tho fnsn«.-t<>r of Provisions snd

("olldiiir at (he Brook 1, n Vary Van! tor specirlcaliotti. for noof offer, and all information lelsftv., to iho irt.oies i,'.|iiired

I io- proposals must he made ou (he pmpei Plunk tonneAMI FII.LKI1 OUT A-s INDICATED KV THE HLANE.Thone arfaalraaarveaitoHaEI to reject tay pi,ip..«ai

Got tous.d -ted advantageous io the (ioveriiuu-nt.J A. SMI III,

_Paymaster (ioi.oiat, (;.8. MmVt.


Navy 1'EI'astsikst. >WASHI-Iurox. U C August ao. IHHl. j

SEALED i'!(t>"t inaL-j araherebv invite.1 until noon *Mt'ciiiei \). ItSm, for th) supplv. und, r cotitiacS

wini ilo.- Bureau ol Oonstruo'lon aid ilepitir. Navy nepali,meni, of ll.-- uni, i monti ni tl compound a-1:1 ii Btes

wo of1J¦y li nc aooot .'l'et-ine,j .i i-ii,",' "i :; ¦-j Utchee thickness. »«ivhiinc a.Kiut 11\i.'i-eaf , sud oue of 11 "a Inches ibtckness, welahtneaboeasJ4 to is, iriih otue! umalier plateau lochee in tLI turn. Alli

Blom l au,i titled i.i Hccoidauoa wliltplaiisandspecincatiene tobe seen on application to t e lie-art:"-. '. and toual hr Belli -is Bl til" S u: v Vant at llroo*.

lyu N'-" o -. i¦'¦ "i r\ .r ,-. .., the noi-ernmeut, wilbla- a -ti t.'- h. ct is

111 uru-s tala ero to n-eienesjilna t ny oviuo lue lo the Departweol ol their ubiiiy ijiperform ibe wuikln scoordan,* wita tba p aueaud ip6ctil«

i aatli inner.s ii nldler. oi h.s iawrul anent or attorney, wiU

bo required, wltbln tweotr ..- ie mi epfaime of Bleio , "te, into .i f dm ,i eootiaot i»r (I. supp y of (bet

.old armor pintos ub|eot to tito loeciOed conditions i.f tl u»..il ol I. .f ... a. d lo *' io ., bond tinn-loi. wlln sulllcle.iBsrlettes in t'i» p.-ia, sin.i of BlO.nOO, tobo for.eltdl to tho( . ve: unii-nt In el nt ,-i u< n d, .ln-ry ol tin- pim el uniter UM

.' "1 the p.al>s («> exlalOlt Ihi*aoalitiea ana eudure ilia teeta uicuLoucaiu ihe »poeino»«ii,.i.s.

ni'. no it ;i p. wtr.stox,i ,'iicf Caaatiectof, v. is.T.., ebie: vt Bureav


Ai;\i(jii ok ihi-. u. s. monitorM I \N ruNOMOH.

vu supply io, eMlal of i..« leUovtog platenTl HK.1T riaATMk

TWO pott plates lEVJaeEea thick, of t:.e size and ihapeShown nu tie I. ..h.s. ri,,, po: (sto be I'o,i. lily fashioned, lo aeI,, !,-. \., u luarifiii "I at le asl half au lucia ou tiie tiuUbril lidoat Bte v lo iBl

t Utttp. !. * 11 Sjli ches (tilck, of sl/e aid shat-e shown ontthu plans "itu plate 11'-a lu, lute thick, or sit- and shape,

ia in- piena. two pllol -., o e loibii 9 lucho* thick, o0Bl a 'ls. ipe ihOWB "U Ul.- p..US.

h" c iVi il to pliol hou-,-1 ve le in one or two parts shaped.'ii shown ou the | .'Qi. lh- pail" of tabbil or

Julie.11 "ii i" he i ci thal, aud al ri^lu antics Ul the hue ot Oreul toa Killis.

lh, wbu supply to he fashioned and titted at the edges loaeoordaiiee ntu the plana, au ,-<lireaU' be ututuu by a rab.bet. ilnid:tn? the ihtcknoiaof the lightest piste lute tbteee'piai pans, e.tli aceplli of half au luci. The aituor tobeerected .it the works of tho unui icloi. uud caieiudy tealeiVus lo thick nels au I lot rn lefote h'lii_- deiiyervl.

h. p "i"> tion of steel and -,vfought lion, aud tha quality,U, be 1,-fl.u, iliBconirac or.

1 no whole lot ol put s nutt exhibit practical uniformity lorheum ai aad physical cha at ttl 1st.cl.lu a»c ri j iu hes,- pot nial, thee nt: actor will take from eteul

pinto- In the p;e*o:ioeof an aisetitol tho Dopartmaut) iucq,uuuihxi oi teal .pcciuieiis from suth poslUout ib the piitoi aamac be directed. These will be tested by the Uepirtmeut.The p,-u outage uf oat boa lu any of the ileel puta mun nat

din, mora mau one.tenth of oue per cent from the mean, noe,liiiitt ih" amouut of phosphorusolfTei mo.e than VA-loOuoCBaa per cent from tbe mean. 1 be soi cuncus thal iho* per*cenlages of carbon above ihe moan mint uot show auy phos-phoius above ttie mean.Thu ailicou shall in uo case exceed four-tenths of one pea

cent.The physical rharactettitlcsof steel fiom the same relative

positions tn Ute plates must u.t var, more (bau (en uer eenatrom lhe iud,ti. :<ud ibuse of tue liuu uoi more (bau nie percent. I heea tes's win be uiade st tbe expeuse ut the .Depart-mont, and by au ageut tneieur.Retort, the pia.es ase Dually matched, oue out ot the loa

Will Be selected by lbs liepailmeut fora Illina test, and rn

portion not lesa than six by eight feet In sue win be out ottaid.iv,Ted hy tue conni, lol. at his owu expense, al suetsplsue as may he directed by tue liepaituteut.This plate ibeut to the proper radius) will be furnished

backed, Joined aud bolted as suowu uu the putni loothe otiiai turret, sud resoiubUnc lu til respect* a koiiuothereof.ihus prepared and flrtniy braced or supported, from

thn rear, near lie edges, ii must be subjected lo Ut* followingPRIMARY TESTS.

The plate must receive at its centre a blow trom alOlnoEilt'u ste, l shot ol such uualuv and design as th,- Departmentmy set,-ci. 'lhe waight o. shit to be eon pounds, aud ibostriking veltelir l.SoOfeet per second. The blow lo be de¬livered nounal io a tangent to tue surface of the piala aatho poiu. ol Impact, iho point or trout edge ol the shoemus uot gel through the p ate, neilhei must auy pan of tho

plata >.' uuL^iihed norn the backing, by reason of tbe efiau otthe si'-t.

SIX'OX DA RY TESTS.At each of the three portion ibowo ou the plans one bloir

la to be dallvarod npou i..., target by a lc-lucb Ode steel thoaof .," v design aud Weight as sforenieuuoued. lhe sing-

lug veio.lty tone 1,188 ieoi ne. ie, ou,l.Each biow to be delivered uormsl to* tangent to the io^

face ol the piuie at the point of Impact, or, at the dlici ellon ofthe Department, any or ait of these neeouuary shot mar botired so ut to etruo the same poluta at any »u«io with the ooo.

mai Ute corresponding Uitai energy ot Impaot (o oelnoreuil«iii the i..(toot uiosacautof lue angle of lire wnh lhe normal.

tinier these seooudary leeu tue urgei, u lo be at uo limo

'TuaieiTst^niToireaterthanUve *,uare feet shall noale stn ¦ned or shaken olT by the end ot the expetuuouts,neither shall »uv part of the piste fall from lhe uaca;u/.

The tcst-puto only need be delivered before the .cieptaace

1twill BO aaea thalM the Department should require ihornntrictoi toeutoue of tne iarae plate* (for (he flriug testisil,en one of ihe luriel* wUi coutam OOO p.ates, each welgluuiTab ul S's looa,lh* nepali mont la to have the right lo keep on* or moro

Inspector* at the works, who *haii be furnished every f»ei.!trtor ixamtulng the raw material aad witnessing all pal ia 09be | ..rn

'I he eliensical and phyilcal tents miy ne made »t the *.iT*a*at *i*isliiit, *t the dl*cretii,ii of iho Le 'ailment.

THEODORE R. WILSON.I .tibial Cooalruotor. u. e S-. ta,*i al Boreas*