英英英英英英英英英英英 Halloween and thin gs about the holid ay 英英英英英

英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

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英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師. Halloween 由來. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

英語科電子白板融入教學Halloween and things ab

out the holiday


Page 2: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Halloween 由來 萬聖節的由來 ( 10 月 31 日 ) 萬聖節是西洋鬼節,對國外來說萬聖節就像我們的中元節,這一天他們會把自己打扮的鬼模鬼樣,到處舉辦狂歡派對。「萬聖節」這個字,起源自天主教教會。每年的 11

月 1 日,是天主教慶祝諸聖的節日 All Hallows Day 或 All Saint's D

ay 。而在萬聖節前夕,每年十月三十一日的前夕是塞爾特族人的年度豐收祭典,象徵著一年的結束,以及新一年的開始。當時二千多年前的塞爾特族人(即目前的蘇格蘭人、愛爾蘭人等)一年之中最害怕的日子莫過於十月三十一日的晚上,他們相信世人的生活是由神明所主宰的,而死亡之神 Samhain 在會在每年 10 月 31 日的夜晚會和逝者一起重返人間。所以每年的這一天是塞爾特族人表達他們對太陽神的敬意,因為太陽神讓他們的穀物豐收,以應付即將到來的冬天!可是在這一個夜晚也是惡靈力量最強大的一天,傳說中,每年到了這一天,所有時空的法則都會失效,使得陰陽兩界合而為一。因此,這是遊魂出沒找替死鬼的唯一機會。

Page 3: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

The Halloween customsTrick or treat?

古代的愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭一帶的人民害怕萬聖節的來臨,害怕自己的身體被死去的的鬼魂佔據,他們想要把鬼魂嚇走,所以他們在臉上繪上圖案、把奇裝異服穿在外面,然後,在南瓜上刻著可怕的臉孔,並且把蠟燭放在南瓜裡面。在 10 月 31 日這一天,鬼魂會回來,他們用火把和舉行慶典來嚇跑鬼魂。很快地,萬聖節種種習俗才經由愛爾蘭移民帶至美國。 今天萬聖節,人們不再感到害怕,反而覺得萬聖節很好玩。在這一天,人們用巫婆、鬼、骷顱骨架等圖案來裝飾他們的房子。所有小孩子則打扮成嚇人的模樣,去附近鄰居家玩著「不給糖,就搗蛋 Trick or Treat 」的活動。「 Trick or Treat 的意思是給我一個招待否則我就要在你家搗蛋。

Page 4: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

融入藝文表演課程如何裝扮 ? ㄧ塊白布 .. 就變成小鬼了 ..簡單到不行 ~~ 捲衛生紙蟬起來就是吸血鬼了 !

Page 5: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Halloween 活動Game: Bobbing for apples

這是一個萬聖節 的傳統遊戲,在水桶裡裝蘋果,手放背後,然後只用


在紐澳,又稱為 ducking for apples or bobbing for plops

Page 6: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

What is Halloween?白板填空

On October31,people celebrate_________It is a popular festival in ___________.On Halloween, people make _________________form pumpkins. Children wear different ________________. Some children wear scary_______ or _________costumes.

In the evening the children go to houses in the neighborhood, knock on the doors and say, "trick or treat!" people give the children________________.Many people also have parties on Halloween. They eat candy, bob for____________,and have costume contests. Some cities have some exciting costume parades, too.

Page 7: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Halloween Jack-o’-lantern

南瓜燈 在萬聖節還有雕刻南瓜燈的習俗,這是一則趣味的愛爾蘭的民間傳說。據說有一個名叫傑克的酒鬼,他有一天邀請惡靈來一起喝酒,但喝完後卻沒錢付帳,他就設計要惡靈變成六便士 ( six pennies ) 來付酒錢,可是傑克又沒拿它來付錢,反而用一條銀紙鎮住惡靈讓它出不來。惡靈苦苦哀求傑克放他出來並答應不來嚇他、騷擾他,於是傑克就它出來,到第二年萬聖節,惡靈又與傑克達成協議,答應這一年不會來騷擾傑克,但沒過多久傑克就過世了,這時天堂拒絕收容他,傑克只好到地獄報到,可是因為惡靈已經答應他這一年不騷擾他,所以也無法收容傑克。天堂地獄都去不得,傑克怎麼辦呢? 而且路實在是太黑了,傑克也找不出路離開,這時惡靈就丟給他一塊已經燒得通紅的煤炭讓他在黑暗的地獄中比較能看清楚路,傑克將這小塊媒炭灰燼放在一個打了許多洞的菜頭當中,好讓它燒久一點。根據這個傳說,後來愛爾蘭人就用菜頭來製作他們所謂的“傑克燈籠”。但是當移民們到了美國之後,發現新大陸的南瓜比菜頭普遍,於是改為用南瓜雕刻成各種鬼臉,然後在裡面擺蠟燭了,這就是“南瓜燈”的由來。

Page 8: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

What is Halloween ? On October31,people celebrate Halloween. It is a popular festival in America. On Halloween, people make pumpkin pies form pumpkins. Children wear different costumes. Some children wear scary costumes or cute costumes. In the evening the children go to houses in the neighborhood, knock on the doors and say, "trick or treat!" people give the children candies. Many people also have parties on Halloween. They eat candy, bob for it (parties), and have costume contests. Some cities have exciting costume parades, too.

Page 9: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Halloween song 歌曲 Song:  Three Black Cats

sung to the tune of "three blind mice Three black cats, three black cats, 

In black hats, in black hats, 

They all jumped into the Halloween brew.

 They teased the ghosts & the goblins too!

 Have you ever seen such a Hullabaloo?? On Halloween, On Halloween

Page 10: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Holiday Activities 歌謠

Jack-o-LanternJack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern,

You are such a funny sight. As you sit there by the window,

Looking out into the night. You were once a sturdy pumpkin,

growing on a curly vine. Now you are a Jack-o-lantern,

See your night lights shine.

Page 11: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

上網看看 Halloween 萬聖節的由來 ~~





Page 12: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

角色扮演 - 分組討論 Halloween Party 劇 本 解 說

1.Vampires 吸血鬼 2.Witches 巫婆3.Ghosts 鬼


Page 13: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

Halloween puzzle

What ranks can you play on alloween?

在萬聖節時你有哪些捉弄人的方法?We can put the skeleton in the window.

It will scare the kids.我們可以在窗戶上放一個骷髏頭來嚇小朋友

It‘s almost Halloween. 萬聖節快到了 Let’s decorate the house. 來佈置房子 Hall

oween costume party. 化裝舞會Hang some bats. 掛幾隻蝙蝠

Make it spooky. 讓氣氛變得詭異Carve the pumpkin. 刻南瓜

Get ready the trick or treat . 準備迎接 不給糖就搗蛋的遊戲


Page 14: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

1. festival (n.) 節日 2.harvest (n.) 豐收 3. return (v.) 返回 4. costume (n.) 服裝 5. bonfire (n.) 營火 6. ward off (v.) 擊退;避開

7. nowadays (adv.) 現今 8. zombie (n.) 殭屍 9. witch (n.) 女巫10. vampire (n.) 吸血鬼 11. skeleton (n.) 骷髏 12. Frankenstein (n.) 科學怪人

13. lantern (n.) 燈籠 14. bob (v.) 以口去咬 15. sweet (n.) 糖果 16. prepare (v.) 準備

短 文 閱 讀 What Is Halloween?

   A long time ago, there was a Celtic festival called Samhain. November 1 was the beginning of the new year for the Celts. This was the day which marked the end of summer. It was also the last day of the harvest. The Celts believed that on the night of October 31, ghosts would return to earth. So, the Celts celebrated Samhain by dressing up in scary costumes with animal heads and having bonfires to ward off the ghosts. Later, many Celts settled in Britain and Ireland, where the festival became p

opular. Those who moved to America took the tradition with them.   Nowadays, people only celebrate Halloween for fun. Kids dress up as zombies, witches, vampires, skeletons, Frankenstein, or anyone they want to be and go trick or treating and make jack-o’-lanterns. Many people go to costume parties and play games like “bobbing for apples.” In this game, you must pick up an apple out of the water but you can only use your mouth. Want to get some sweets ? Go prepa

re your scariest costumes! And go trick or treating.

Page 15: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

尋找 Halloween 歷史 - 分組討論

  1.Why did the Celts have bonfires on October 31?

(A) To party with the ghosts.(B) To celebrate the harvest.

(C) To ward off the ghosts. (D) To celebrate the end of summer.

2.Why did Samhain become popular in Britain and Ireland?

(A) Because they wanted to have fun.

(B) Because many Celts moved there and took the tradition with them.

(C) Because people there wanted to celebrate Samhain.(D) Because Samhain was a lot of fun.

3.What can you be at a Halloween costume party? (A) Vampires. (B) Frankenstein.

(C) Zombies. (D) All of the above.

Page 16: 英語科電子白板融入教學 Halloween and things about the holiday 陳慈珍老師

翻譯練習Halloween is a holiday on October 31st.

翻譯 : 萬聖節是在十月 31日Light the jack-o'-lantern .

翻譯 :把南瓜燈點亮Most children dress up in costumes and go"Trick-or-Treating" by walking around to

houses and asking for candy. 翻譯 :大部分的小孩小孩會穿著特殊的服裝然

後去別人家裡要糖果What are you going to dress up as for Hal

loween ?翻譯 :萬聖節時你要穿什麼

My mom is making me a gorilla costume.翻譯 : 我媽媽會幫我做一件猩猩裝