I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I - -- J,_';mie K. PII. J) ppt'r,ll (l j> (')' ,l L i l \ lJ :; lk 1- \ \ \l ,- C l' i t Knn:iil:, Ci ly" i P(l1 j L',' J)'-'I'<1J tl'<'nt 3()() En!lt Str('l't:, SU"jtt' WiG I:nnsns Ci tv, G/dO() 234 If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov.

 · I I I "1 I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I .' 11lay be ill.ojljJroptinLI: ilt L11(· 1n1 tinl :4l.';'I'f] of t1le cv(;.lnt ion of fl program or prOi~J:ill1\ C(}.~'J1C

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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I~ ~


- --

J,_';mie K. ~fc'ycr, PII. J)

ppt'r,ll i.oi1~; !'.1l:1l.~n~t

(l j> (')' ,l L i l \ lJ :; lk 1- \ \ \l ,- C l' ~lll i t

Knn:iil:, Ci ly" ~.[j ~;nl'llr i P(l1 j L',' J)'-'I'<1J tl'<'nt 3()() En!lt j2~h Str('l't:, SU"jtt' WiG

I:nnsns Ci tv, ::i~;i;(lIl1'l" G/dO()


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I ',.


1 .. I

TI1<:I'C i.s nbl.1ndnnt l'viucncr' to f;\T,;C'oL· that pub1 it" service delivery systems

an! not: I:.vJ"Q.J.y inc,ffLcLcmt .in provi(ljl:g haltl1, E'ducntiol1, 1m.; l!nforc:emcnt,

1 I I 1 lmtnry fl1~Hls. Til" origin "nel gro'-.'lh ('If s~('h plllJ~i:: senTlcc. inutitutions has

fol1.o\Ycd on th(' tlV\·(l1.opnlC'nt (Ind/or r('('og'l:.t.ion of hU1llnn problems. The pat"-

I Lc'rn has bee}} the; idcnUficotion of [l bio1occl;11 probl(,l11 (such 11S ,poverty,

I ~nd PC('I-pssional concern and concluding

1 1073: 14!,-6) .

I In mOf;t (','1fO('::, public service,; nrC! opor:1Lcd, out ('If organizo.tionnl models

in "'hieh t],(; h;:H.:ic form \,'ti!; lisunl1y {h':iigned prior 1.0 l'l1'.', turn of t·be cel1-

1 tlll·Y. \':lFi LL'VC1" t 11 c pol i L iL: ::1 ond sc.t' i:11 v :lJ.ll ('f; t 11a t 11 nv c main t ,"lined: th esc

I 1

(Druckl'l", 1973).

I III Ih;· midr.;t nf lhi.:: d'i:1:lrrny of 'lc'('th and sc>rvicps, proscr:ipLions [or

I· 1 235

I '.


so;:inl ~ll1d economiC' pJ!lll11iJ1f~; lIw Jink:!g,' ,,[ function to ')tructun', n8\"

forms of 'Jl"tjnnl::atj:j:wl. :.ll1.:11ysiri and g;,L;}C'::> Ll1l'ory hn\'~ all be,c'n applied to

I I lln,1ortullntcly, just" as illl('nLions to liwn'jpuJnLC' ','(~1J.-8p(;',cj[j(:d publi'c

I dCf;ignr:cl to c{)nrrihutc to thc> 121:f(>(;tiven(~~s of sllch action. j1l"l1gr:1ms ,,'('re' noL

I . 11 d' Hulo;l1.'IL1ca .y dl.:CCpt.c , ;·.llLl i n m~lny ,'a:'h'S: \;Cl"':' ignored or rcj ccted by pro-

I bitlC'd f,dlu1"cS of so T:H111y plCl:1Ih:d atL('mpr3 at. l\h'J'Y: social chnngc .:::nd the non--

use of c>vrtluat" L()ns v:hic;}l at,tu::ptcd to clOC'-1l!h'nt. tllusC' at! empLs have been dis-

I &ected nt er0<1L l~l1L'Lh C:l1;('\·;hl>re (C:no, 1971). The upshot of sU':".h autopsicr;


po] j t.1(';·1 com:tr:1ints, orgcinizaU on:t.l obsl;lCl es, budgc>Lary problt'ms and limi-

tat"iollf; of j.L!rS()nne] and facilities. Adm"ini.;:;tY:1tOYS Clrc more likely to cx-

I plain IHL',,'.r;lr1 fanure iIi .i.r:Jpll~mr:;llntion rntllcr thnn a faiJuyu of the l.lndcrl~'hlp;


I I if Pv,J"lu;lUon i~ an ongoing proc('ss f<:r fv('cli.ng infonnati.0n back tu lhe .:ld-

I mini:;[raLoj' al (';n'h "lng.:' of a l'l"ogru:.J to givt' him guidance on "'hob nnd hO\·,

I I 236

I I I "1 I I I I I I I I I I I I '1



11lay be ill.ojljJroptinLI: ilt L11(· 1n1 tinl :4l.';'I'f] of t1le cv(;.lnt ion of fl program or

prOi~J:ill1\ C(}.~'J1C>lwnt, I'!i1i1l is ll('(~di:.J i:" LC born1\\' from E. F. Schumacher (1973),

<111 ",intl:r.:i··..JL1t.c,\ l(·c'hn:l.l(l'-~y" of r(.'13(':' 1 ('11 ":la]yt~-i,t" ilppnlpcbte to tIle daily

cll'c-1L;ioll--r.l1Idne llL',ds (l( puh1 ic f ervi l '(; 1l£l'llCj(-:, \·~hich m.'1y l1evt'J" l"L!ce:i.vc Ll

[l,c1cral ~~l'ifnt to L,.LtLlll' ;, TilcH~f)'~VC COl.l1't::.nnLed altack on \,'hatever the fundjng

ngdlcy cU1'nmtly call s the "cnvlJ1Y. I! A p\'llic 5c'1'\1i(,0 institution is rnUlt:'r

url)[ll1 l)l1blic servjc(:,~ must b(~ 1"(:[2;111,)1'1y CCol1c'.l'lualized if pubLic agE'ncic's

D.J:8 to fUll(li:lln effecU.v21y antI effidcntly il1 providing ·the services they \·:erc

cl'C!<1tcd l0 deli.ver. Public ngcndes need to IHl'.lk 'out of the rcn:cdial, re-

V.'':lnJ {]j~'l'riTlg the r;;LL(~rn 01 s(-'rvice ~)ysU'lll d)-~;;unction. EvuluGtive analysis,

u~;il\g LJl(' '111[~0jng J:lla cnJ 1 (H'L-Lm COl1:'~I()n to public .:1[;ci)ci<?s as \,'L'll <18 I;on-

n~conccptll;l1 iZDti (11).

Thl' p\1l';1(l~~(' llf this paper :is to d<,'<;('ribc sc'veral jllu-sl:YGt.lon[~ of \'laYS

in \"bleh :";ucil rL!c(1tl~'l'pttlall~.;IL IIHl [llhl ('v<11unl ivc <l11:Jlysis can be clone 'Hith

)'('liPl'l't t.tl Ul(' crir;·jl~nl juslit:c systc·ri. Tile fil:f:;L cxmnpll~ traces the hi8-

1.:('1·1ca1 {lJ'i!~jlls or 1ll)liC'(! jldll'(l] (IlH]" tlI(' l'rrl'C't. of tho~;(· or:igins on pr:lC'tiro.

The' ~J(~L'lll1(J l'}:'11"p1(· vi t~(·s tlnt:1' fnlill ,Ill ;l1wJysi:; of juvcnUl' f:ir~;t offenders

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I

rl';'l'~h'C't't\I:)J i;~;lt inn ill!..! i1n:!ly!,i~; rl'l,\';;;\t to imprC'vinp; pol iCl' inl('rv('ntions

:in llCJlh!stic di:·tH1'l,;:llCi·S.

One \,(1)' thL' proc,,:;!; of rCCl'lh'cptu,:l1::in!; a p.lrtj.l~t1};ll· urhilll pUbl.:i,c seX'­

vict.' can bc· ini LinLl'd :is Lhn1~lg!J l'xo;l,llUl ~()Il of the' ossu:nl'LloIls l)l1 which cur-

rv.l1t ('pC:1'<1l.ion is ha:;cd. Police patL'l)! j;~ rt !?,l)OO examplc' for illdstrnting

tltlF; lil"L)C:?SB C:S, \lnU.l qult(~ rcc(:n~·ly, L\", cVllLury-old pnh.:tices l.Jere widely

"\ssm:l'lll,ms that: gC'oc! pol;'c(' patrol: f: oi1.niprc,sent, rondom and rapjd-

responding 11;";\'(, tlH:lr source in tIt" histc,t ieo] (w.i.:,;ins of Am(~ric;:lll police.

The mooel fnr l\;nericai1 11t.111cing cnmc fru:]: t',o :~'lIg1is~1 prc\'c·nti.v(~ police!, the

J~e,,' P(ilicC', as the ?'lctrc'H,..\lital1 Pol1c2 of LOlldon cst:nblislH'd :in J829 were

cnllc-J. !1netl,.'cCll 1830 ,md tiw Cid.l "aX', eVl'-Y importnnt ,\;ncdca:n l:o\.Jn ad-

op!.:C'cl the tC'T'rj tOl'-;.:! I ())'g'::illiz;:t: on <l:1d s: r::\.(~gy of tilt' pn,v(·nt.iv(! polj ce."

(l~\Jl'_'n[;tcin) 1973:J2). The <.dc)i)Li.'~It) OI L11ir' ap;n'oach ttkn k.i.s ])0.cn an unquC:!s-

tiC);)"'ll aSstlTIlrtion of ll'I<lny ,1f tile' l;cvelop;;'.(',1ts \,l~Jch fo]IOl·'Cd. For example,

introduct: ion .. ,f the p,!tJ'(Jl eot' and the (1c'vt.']opmcnt of tho. \\T'i.rcless rndiowcrc

IH.'l'al cll'd ab a ,·:ny of allc'·,;illg l:11(: 1'011\,(' offit'l!t' ['0 cover his turd lory more!

cvc'nly 11no r~t;pund mOl'L! nlIddJy. (B(l)"dlW, lCJ67:!f8). ·SindJnrly, tIl(> more

X'el'(>llt <It.\(lpti('!1 oJ' r;ldar-op~'r"l('d c31'-locntor sYE:tems und c.orlpUl:er-a:i.c1ed di~;:­

p:lLch systc'::lS ,In.' tcchno l{l,~icill r('[jl;,·:,;I..'i1!.:~' \<1hi('11 <1dvocnt"s bpliL!vt' \\Till in-

.r..~p) <L-:-El~ Sp~')1:11 n.!,~ p.'1.l' l~\l,2-. Thut" il S SUi'lP II UM, il bo Lll' Llw i·~l:J t;j 0 nship 0 r poU .. ce

l'C:'PI)J1Sl' .:md 1.'1' [Wl' conl r(ll m:il:l' 1I,'o l'lun~lr,'d yc.'nTn ngn nrc' I1t ill i',uj d'il1g the

form nf patrol today.




" - .5 -

Study suggL:~ts th.:.,l cll.1nijcs in i:lw amOlll1t of raJlthm pn:vent"Lvc patrol jn '11'81-k(;1

cnn~ does not, by :Lu;(~lf, S('('i\1 tll affect, c·Jt~r olle yco.rts ti.llW In K':}l1sas City,

:- t! C] • (KcJli~g, 1974) In another

:."c:spC'llse-t imc ,oft eri me [l rc being

spone-tililc \"y j t!301f cJ(1c'f) llC·t l:\!('l'ss;n:i Iy ( m~;t:i lute "good t! servicc'.

pulice service fm1Cticm; Ri10ulJ ~)e doi.l/J, ,lu1 1),.,·: 1 L(:~' can OL! best dl?ployed. 1£

<.jlla] ity p01il~C 881,\,' LI..'C! con no 1 onl~cr "::'~f~lllTlC to b(' cliaraeL ...:rizcdby omnipresent,

randum and r"pid-l"C'sp.,"nuing J'r\tn,I, tlwn a re-Gxdmination (f police service is

lr'·l .. " .L L .... _

. .

nic)l"C' produ~tivdy rQl.:1Lcd to CdnK'.-C'.(lll~l·ol funcUons, Tiw henef'Lt of exam-

ll1.GLur.ic;lJ.ly, tho juvl'nLl,0 court J:,,)\!cTIlC'nt 11;111 bc~cn under att."1ck since

inln\:urn in 1899,[n ;lddi,t::i.ol1 t.l.) Lhe' crit::ic:i,f~ll\!; that j\\vl~niJc court fitotutes'

clvpdv.:? "IIi.ldn·n el [ b.:I~,j.l' c.J.j1<dnal 1""'J rights, Ull':n' Ins nlso .boen a shift


I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I

,nl1d gin'll (orm by tIl(' rl'l:"lI:I~:I~ncliltLC'i' or llH' 1'1;1.,~;jtlL·ntlf; Cl)mmjl,;:=;ion on L:n·)

Enforc('nJ.'nl" and l.lll' j\\JI:1l:Ji:-:tnlt'jllll (If .lus[·j(,(' I'llr tlH' ('st:'lhlisllITK:nt of a

Youth S('rvicl~ nun'au nut~,itlc 'the C'.rir;·,inal jU~,U,C'l) system. Such n burenl1 is

Par<"l\(·l t,· tIll; l:ll<lrt~~~·" in l'rcv._'ntiOlI Sl!':lt(lgy hil:-: come a procC'dunl1 n,'v­

olutiun in jllV~'l1ilt: COUiL 1m.' \.,,]uel! h~IS Iud itH (,f£Llcu; on the pn'-judi('j,d

pnJcC!f;s nt t.he po] 1.ce poi1lt of intak,.'. \·.r:l,i1(~ the pri1cticnJ. effects of ('he

rC:(ild,rr.~:'l(·nts of d\h: procc:s~, \:ith rCf.r:rd t: juv(-nilC' offenders. is tlnccl't;dn;

til C' ill!])()j' t, <': n (:0 0. f ll1 (! :i n u.l: (' Ill'OC(' f:S b('(~o n:~ s l~'.ore ,]ppnrc:n t . Ulldl'l- tl18 ne~.,

j11\,('n11(;'8, the lnl'<1kc prllcc-f;s is to SC1'VP ~l:::; a G('rNm:in~~ and filtering device.

o:;rm, 19/1 :13). Exc:rcihc: of policl' d1scn;tj('n in the indlvidu:tlized handling

of youth~ bnHI:~d '111 t'lIf.' ],l'iQl"iplc tll:l(' divcro.;L'l1 from l:hc' crimiunl .iustice

"y,';tem L~ dc,s[r-c,hle ,,-;IV!l ,HI reeidivi:,;u rN;,:1,-" plli~. thl~ officor in the very

vuJ ncr ,1111 (; i)os i t i 0 '1 (, [ r;l:;kLn g or ,: 1 ;,;:;.vn s ,,V:. t 11 ,)~~ t, finn ll' gnl ground b ~.nd f e"l

Such uSC' of PdJ i (l' d Lnn c't Lllll nr:t to in\'(Jl~L! Llw n-jm'i.n<Jl proc('ss has been

C'li[lri1cLt'i":':'zNl <W rl':.H!lUnr, in lO\\'-'vi:>ibjlHy 'dccisions In the admLni:3tratioll

11('l!n u<,t',] to refI'l' to d(lcirions 1jj~l' those mndr: by pollce nf[i(,l~r;.; at the

ju\'(miIL!I~; inil'inl int',J;.c into the ,,)':;('0111; thr· cblractc.rization hns been made

b0Cilt1;lt' :';0 liLtl\' 'ill(Ol'!l".1Lion is l'c':-t,i.i1.y :lvniJ;lhlc to the puhlic for consld­

vr,l(-;()J1 ,1'1:1 cril ivitll\l,

IH(llin thc' ,"'!1ll'Xt of til," nbo\'l' Hil'u:11:iulial prl'HSlll-CS, tlll' Kansas City,

Hi.';H,llll-j l',)\.ic .. , 1', i):lrtm(-llt. 1'ollLh l:nil lllld('rl,;,';, <1n l'xnminatiol1 ()f tIl(' YOllth


I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I

ttnit~; n'i,' \':ithin ck, illv"Hilt' jl~Htl('v ny:;Lvm. Onto :li;Pl'cL of this C'xilmin-

aL:jPll \':;l~; all ;In;~l·.'!ds of tlw yuuLh ()[ficcriH clbiP,)siUol1 (L'ci.siL)m~ I'll jtlvcn-

ile int.ake' ;JfL L")" nfl'(ISt.. TltL'n~ an\ i'f;;,cnt'j:ll.Jy t\,TI) (lplil~ns oP(ITI l:o the Y.)uth

llni t Clif i Cl'r: 11'.' cnn ''l-mrn-ill1d-rL'l ('.1~;L! I" eSf;('11Linlly a decisi.on to scnel the

YOU!')I IJ();il0 v.,jth 11i:,; P;:Il'l';)Lh l (1r h! C<l:1 rc:'l~r lilt' youLh Lo juvenilL! cOllrt for

Th(~ off J('C'l' , s referrnl dedsion is a c.riUcnl ont> both in terms of us('

rat to th", juvenile ('ourt lS the pr-indp)c l:l:E;O,P'(,,<: for counseling and other

sociCJl ~;('rv'it:(':;l thr.; off'jcc'r's uil(~J;';l;;:' Js COd'iWUl1ckd. /.dvocnt.c\s of a. c1iver.-

1n this Sl't lll!g, the o[Licvl- is f<le(!~~:Ll! :.1 clcssifjC(.l.tion prohlcm:

which juvf:ni11.· fin;t offl'nd('l- can be c:n'e1y \"<lrrli:~t1-;:mJ-rclnDset.1 \'iithollt

fut\I\"(~ l"(';Wl"l'SL:; m1t1 \,:lii(:h offendt:n; tlrc! ] il(( Jy to rcc'idiv<ltc. i.e., be> ar-

rt'SlL'c1 a "('c:l1Ihl lon' OVI'n lhi rd thllC'. Tt \·;c.uld 1)L' \lSC'flll for poLice· youth 0(--

[j('('1":: jf the·), ]~i1f'\'1 \vlIieh oifc'ndL'l" l'lJar'1(:ll'1'.i.::Lics ur cl)ll1hi.natioll of <:1\<11'­

ncl'vl' i.st i ('ii "'\.~l'l' :ilOJ:O :LikL'Jy to 11(' L]!,soci;;! eel \d th fULuYC! rC'cidi.vlsm.

11\ (11) (~ffl'1'l Lo <\Tl:l1y7,(' ,m.J jllll'rovl'.! Cll1TL'llL dc'(·'U;ibn-llJ.1kin)j, youth of­

ficl'rs \'!I.·l~l' jnL,:rvL('h'l,d tIl fi.nd nlll ,':ll:1t ('rjtvr'i.r1 ['11(')' curnml:ly used to assign

n youtll tl) a \m1·1l"'·;1[1l1-rl~1l';,.sl~ C;llL'f',ury (':i:;"l,li:l1Jy <1 pn.'tlieUI)11 of l1(?n-roclclivi:';I1l)'


I I I "I I I II I I I I I I I I I 'I I I

mo';t often ci tc..:d \,'(:1"(' c1C;';C><l1l0)" l)l al L i tude! of. tlh' Ylluth, the nnt:ul:'C or scr-

The u'laLiv.: \,,'(·i:,1d:·j Cls~;if,IH'cJ hy ,·q'i('(·l":' tCI. ('nch fad'ol" is I1n1;,nown as

is ;:'ny·r(·Uithl~ der-initlon u[ II[ittitu,~.:,,11 "offl'ns.L> se::rinuHne!';slt or "family

b.:h'kgrOil11d, II IIO\\T('VI'i", if \\'(~ n:';SlJ:l1L' th,;t: )CJllti1s referred to juv~nllc court

nrt! j1rddlct<"ll 1'cc:lcljvi.;tt.; hy yelllch offil:Cl S and youths ttVlm:ll(!d-and-r('l(~Dsedtt

off 1 t~;.;rs Lo l1JC n<.:ttl<l1 H!CJcJ:lV.U:l11 r;:tc.

In 1973, the Youth Unit processod 1753 juvenile firsL offenders (aRc 17

yc;n':3 nntl tlll(L'r). [};mninutioll of tf:P l\'/C ('o]w;.n:.; on thc left of Table 1 s11o\·.'s

t hl~ C Oi:l/,H i~' un of j w;!: lww (l c:cun1 r l'./ y Y .'.1 t· 11 of fl Cl' r s :i n ] 973 \ ... ~r(! pruc1.it.: tJug

fjr!~t on L!1c('r l"l'cj·livi:,JI;' The la;J.1e Sh(l\-i.~ rl'i'il ~-l9.2 perccnt of the first

cab''''s. Sh:Ly,·mlt' pC'l"rcnt ni juvc'nllt"Y'jn,t OflC'llrlC'J"s Herc not rc~-<1n:cslecl;

Yl1Uth oft1-' nj <':ol"rl'CL1y pro-dieted t11(':;(> non-r(·ddivists iIi L,8.2 pl~rt:ent o~:

the, ca~~lJ~;' E~~t.l'l1' i;ll.lv" Tnbll' 1 ~;Lm.':; th;t!: YiHlth officl'l:s ii)'O correct in

jil'.,;ictin1"; fin;t t)fft'll,L'~" rc'L:idi\';n~: ,11WU; h.:tlf or t'he Ume. Table 2 8110\-18

th;d' they Ull SlIlW\oJhill. h .. 'LLer 1'1 prodj,"t illt; Llw l"(·cic1Lvimn of youth \vho .11-

rC'aJy l'<:IVl' th'O offl':1f>('f:, 11.('y l'()rn~ctly prf'cl1c.:u·d ::apt'l"('c'nt of ·th0 n.·clJ-

At this jll)int, u\\1~:itl('l':llhlJl \,'<l~.: ~;h'('n to \·;hat hind llf datn analynis

might: J]('1 1, il~'Pl'(l\l' II{ f l,:t,), 1)('rf,\I'1li:mc('. J'rel>1.JllFt\'ly. rl1t.: mOl'V ,H','urat..'ly <l




I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -I 1 1

_ IJ ••

... -.~.- _ ... _-,--_ .... - -'-' .----------- % -Co IT~,~:-tiY-

? Co:rul'tly }'r(!CHetl'd by /. I Jlr"lli··:tl'd 11:; ))Lscriwinatu

~\CL:!:11 , Y('ll~h tHf:c'''J-''; . Fllnctiup :\r::llv}~:is

Ir""~~~~;'~:'-; -.--.-.~--.... r-······· __ · __ ··-·-· ... -.--;-----.----.-- I \ Fin;l Ojr,·rl~·~\' I 39.2, 5;.5 61.7 j . I ! i ":"u-r~~~:;~·V-i::,~-·--r-.. -I----·-· .. -·~---ll ----II i FJr:;t Oi'J:on:;\! i 60.f; 1I.l.:~ 9t:.5 I ' I I i . I ... - ____ ..._ .• __ ...--. __ -. __________ • ______ . ___ - .-l

/----.-----.. ------------- ,: con"cctlY--l % Coned I)' l'rec.lictvt.1 hy

, % P l'l!tUC tcd by Dif3crim5.nate liCtll:ll Ylitlt',h urfj,·,'!'H Function An[JIYI~js '

Rce;i d i."j f.tl;

aft ~. r .

~:l!clllld UI iL'nl~L' ! 22.(1 \

1-----.. -.-.. --,----l-.-.----~---.- -.------------

1l:-:on-rC'(:i,liVjtlttl! I I . a1 t ,'J" I I

I Sl'cond lJJ 1~'iW(! 'F1.!1 I 72.9

I , .! ,.._ .•.•. ---.... -.... _---.. -- ---'---.--------- _. -'----. -_.--"---_ .. _---- --------' 79.8

3] .3



I ill, jViull;ll first· orf~ncl0rH to rc~cic1ivist


811e'\,:3 that lhl' S(;')"11 \arinh]PF of (,it'd tl;,'L":.· jntcractiol1s) f)lIc;c~sf,fttlly pre-




1 I I.

I I I I I I I 1 I I I I

- I' -

. , . po1le,·' :11-c' 1'1'''';Cl-JC>f;''; L.) prl..;V •. !l,r 11 1i11"!~.(! 'number \)1 t.lwsl~ CI"11.t':'-~J '~'}J'i~~h ;.;'J i,:,l(~t' r'«1ti;"y Cir"):'·<:1J~ilL ~~::.\.::; th(,.' ( .. j!-C~~j'r~~:t.[;nec:-;

Of 1,!lJi j\:(;., \·.ll;L~:l :-~t.irl"(JtnJ(1 ,.ri.Li~" .. ~l iJ"'J~"L~\:·idt·!;. "lhc' ~lignif·.!J~:~~~r

f'lC.L l ~l:r... rg\'s t lint !il\)Hf.' n1~JJ."(1,'~t~; ,~rr.: l.'\'jl~"a-; Lt-Cd Ly relHt ivc's ("If

the' \,j,ti'.1 (~r )w)"::,'1:'; ;\(,C!\!;iillt· .. ,,~ .,·,';Ld niL' vjL'l:i.ni, 11' [(1'11"1'.'8,

tllt~r(:fln~\.', lll~f:' (':tit.in::..J ;~\),1~'icjdl! is, ton I~1ajur ('}~tt-' .. lr" (j

nal'loll:,] ~~odrtl l.llohJI':') bl'yond 1~\)UI'i.' pl."(~vl'ntion. (19'71:9).

puli ('(\. '1'1.(' pLll i.('(' mOl' m:ually (':11] (·d to t:1I.' ~j('l..·l1(' of <1 homi(:id(; or assault

f:Il'(orn lllll::t h(, cOll~;id('l"!·ll: .1) t11t' tlpp,lilllnity (L'nVir011lhf>nL, siLunt.i.on, [or






- l,~ ~

To 11L' tthle to h:lVC nl1 l'f-

I, \~[j:; the }'(: '! d i ':; ti ~;(' tn·]:; ri i,:·,;.;:,;j:~ ].;. t \,'('(~n c](lmVS t· i (' n.: 1!1 tr·d h~:lli.(:i,~(:, d.W prj,,{ F)]jcc: di. IUtlJii;;,'l' intC'l'v'.'nti.mls?

2. r;- ::"ll \ \'.;~ .. ~ v l !n:" l'.; -; l: l~1"~)'1~rt ,' .• ~~ -; tlj.;.it ; ;."~~~.'. tL,:::: ~"c~~ul ted ir~_

vj\')lcnt ~·;·iln(IS d.:~~ '-.,:rn.J:',Jc· 1 ru:n (-he jill"~"~Q n·l:.:-.n~-~ C,i.; a\,itn~.'urjG

r CllllLLi.l':.:': tt-',-") pl)lilt~ '~'l.~rL~ l"l..(~lli.j:L.J ~(; addrl'~ls'!

1. :n,(i~: of l~imS;l:; Clt,~·r::; lw;i!i, ickslnd 31.6% 0;: its nr,r;rovntQd ~Jm::1U]l!: l'CCt:l' in \~1~:,:(2"1 :c. ,;iHtlll')-'.llhC' situ~t!iolls.

,., "'. 1n 2C1,',; (;t' l11e' l:,'i::icic!l':: ;lP,1 17,[l:~? of tlH' ug)'.rnvntc'c1

'1!·~:wu·11 c:, "lit' 1'1' Illi.' 1':,1"( i (. ip;lill!; hold 1)('1'11 ilrt'vsl;.'cl for dis­llll'hnn,,· 111' L1H~,:ltt1t in l.lll' jll'L',:vdiJll~ llll) yearn.

3, 1\1 the L\·:,l yl'al'~; 1': ill)" to tIll' d(l:::"~:l'lt: .1 BS;","fI or ho:nicide, tlh~ ]1,',1 j('" bad In"vn :1! th,' ;h!l!n..'~;;~ l,r Lhv. llli'ic1('nL for dis­lurbnn(',' ('alL; ill i,'i,!,/ \)1' tlh' C:!:';(':: ,.t: 11:'ilH1 OIlGt' nnd jn

53. 9~~, t i ·'t' Ol' 11!t'P'\1 t rrl~):;.


I I ~I


- 1 \.

4. Til t 11(> (\.'ll '."'il ,'I; p')" i ('1 tot L:: C](lmL'SL -j,' ~IS:';<lld t or hoUl­

i l' i k, t h' p"l icC' h.:d IlL'e!'! ;': t h\~ r(·:;·j dl.·i1l'."~;i pf the vi ::L iln;'; ,;;Iltl ~;tl~ip(.·,~L:. [Ilr tl i ,;t \ll'll:mcl' (.;\ J 1 s, nt I.'ost once in ~;57, III t Ill: C:<l~~(,f; ilnd rh'\' I')" Jr.orL' l.ilacs in 1,C).7/;.

, 5, )1 scril:;; n;ll1 (" ,m'jl y:;-in incLi (', t,·;l th;l L ! h',' pr6;;c'!lc( of n gun,

i.he PCj(l(' di,c;(urb:JI)('c' hL.;Lor ... · (.\f tLL: illClLvjdunl. and tIll' w~e (\1' :\lc\lk! '.:L'tv th<' flt.rO!lp.vl:t :-11g1<' L,\'!'(\!"s BC'I..'I'\:,'1L'ing f('r t.he V<l1"i:}'iL>· b,·t\:l'Vl1 clist'urh'l('v,;in \.'hidl phys;,nl fo]"(~~

1111,' 110 pll\"; j ':::11 f "rl'I' O(,Cllrl"C'J. In 1 :iymnn terms, knOl,!)(·dge of th,' i'r··.·::~!H'(' (.f .J 1~1Jn COd: ': iii)]',)'.,' llw [L)r"'(';lsl:in~ of yjol{:ii,!(' J,y 11:;:,. l,n"l\,,,lL,lgl:' ();,' (il.' indl\.'.idualls prior ciil;"

turhanc(~ h i ~;.(Jl"Y n t' nn ;n,ari'll<'f;S .)f the' UHC' of alc.ohul im­proves [Ol'I.'i'<lSl·ing of ViO]('l1('C b~' 6?

6. ~'1'J1tivi1rj,1t:l' (l:1<l]y!'.i~. of dL;f·trh.j'1Cl' cLlt.:1 iden! ifil'd pall,'rn~ of si tu:lt'j·'11;11inl'vl'nctions (l;lU • 'I<~ frequency ,dth i,hich !J;jys[c1il [:Jcc,' \,';I~; t'fT1oycd in c.',l:11.

7. In i1tl":l.'l'~.f;:"I; tlist\,rb;,n,~es, ~)i·!tn _ 0ff-:u n; normally sepk tem­]'IJ"{!i-Y c:f1; .1';iol1 of L!l~' :;1tll{l( ion Ll11"[\ll,(l t\·l0 Tnl'rms. Tilc' [Jrst, in[(,nr.d1 l:it:pfJc;iLivii, i.JH:ludv; ~:j12 !;l'il::r:1tion c'r \v:lrnjlJg o£ tlie UiHPlJtiwts c.nd the: pons,ihlu l'l'fCl"L'lICL' 0[' thL' portit!s t.o an ClLl'.lrn. y le, l",:':-;o]\'L! civil d::.<llcn'L'lllL'l:t~;. The sL'cond disposition is aTn~';t. (..'f onl'. or ·t,oth 1)ru·l:ics. A1"r(>nt 'usually ncc.urf" ,,;hen cu~t,'L;n !l'i 1.::; 1.:, \':11' ,1 ,:1>1':~ (i. i..'" [:11" 11 "{':;;C'r)CC' nf <l g1l11, 1h(~ llse ~'l' alcD1H).l ()'- 'I Jlt.~.'t:L,-' C\":~l~.'!J!jtig J tl!irJ 1)l.1·(ty) Art? prt.)s(-nt.

Thc.' Lr.:t[1!'] nth1tl of the:;.:: prL'li:air,,:ry findin~~s 'into operational revision

, lWl!LIS g.l bL'YOl!c1 tlw mon~(lnLnry dcfusi on prnC(:c;}i;


I I ~I

I I I I I I I I 1 I


I 1 I 1 1


, 'I

PL'l'j l~l1(,V l)f ;111 in-iJnll~:;(' r()~>C',ll'(:h unj: of ('[ll' ](,1,18:1[; Ci ty, NiSHOIil" j PoliGe De­

p;,rt;:2:1t il: \.'ltjd: lJi,.; intL!rac;ti",n of (v,:J.alion i'nd mmlytic rec(Jllct.>ptuuJizatjon

a c1"p<lJ:L1n,:,nt) j t V~ l;Cc;n th~lt tlds ap]'rOdlll al'p(';~1'?> to n'~Hllt :in improv0.d

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