GRBBIIBII BABUI. '10 81 DIIUIIDD --·- --- llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D AuiUit 41ptheria 0Jitito»- a4opte4 q&a1atupl.te 11b1oh were aband• I ill a.nd wboapiJIC oourll IONI will bo ad• · oned bt thou .tiler 4uo to oil'oaltaft. . aim.toro4 to the babica ud ooe. Altboup tMy , .... , DOt· lott OD cbi14rcu • haw nat JOt boon t.aooulat• TOIID S.tneor YtMont•e dooret.p be . oa, aa o. ccmtmuati• of tbo wart ot the wol\ll'lt&r'UJ adopted t• wbel h11 .,,..,_ Wcll•Bo.bJ Clinic started le#t FT14Ay bf Mil n.aod tho d•ioile ot ·u.o Cotten- Or. A. ctt.rilteuou. tall t•ll)' in oloar!D« lud tor a m ohcotilc up on t-he ta.ltb of tholo plaJCI'OWld• wbo soon to bo ;o"Uftl bodtc• and And DOW thoy haW their bulla full 10Uftd tli.DIJ.I 1 twcDtJ-twG AJ:d to kOCJp tlw l!w\nit'JI tw.t01 tull. ;tc" were acuurOd o.rcnal ltct\cJ, int; crttt.•llY had •chodulod ttJt IU".d thoroughly t¢'"':• two• .net !'ou.r but tl\Q.S() boi.r.r Dr.. cd by Or. Ch.ri.:ten.fe!l lMt fl"id.a.y l!!.Orttir.r,. fappcr•s hours thC"J had to chA:nr;o tho .l NCOrd ea.rd uut for baun for l"l-Ctic nouristaos. ?our to child so tb\t li Ni:Ord MY bo kopt of aediciOO droppcn of silk 1l:O.l his rrogreeee ant • U 11 thoy oqutra. Tbo rabbit& &N Tho C'li:>.ie i.l op:n to a..-ty you.ystcr. Jul' • woct olclard 10 aall CllO woulcl liYUC 1n Groonbolt wbothor it bOlOIJI· th1Dt that only a .•tobakor oCMlcl to tho a.alth »eoolatS. or •• ·Jio\ra .iuo tb• co• arc frca 8a!O to lOeSO Prida:Y• The V1ncoats aro to bo OCR?alllllod .for. fbc doctor wlU -..o DO ottioo hours tbolr noblo and tho 1r lr:Don on friday •raiD&• , t.Dtorost 1D glllo ocmaonation. Dr. Chrletcmaon laa that tho B. W. V. Lottcaam · Cl1Jlio 11 tor ._11 baJaioe•, not :tot -·-- anoa •. !bcao abUclroft with aoro throats, GCJ. IIPIDMI! 811VICI LAIDS JOB· or oo14a, .. t aD sp·ooial appoilltaCiltl POll ao tmt t)l)7 w111 not tho group _._.. of ohUclron to thoir a1111Dnt. · ·A tuU tiae poeitioa wltb tl» · Begimduc· next woot, tho PUbllo aoDt _. provicled· an unaaployocl Grocm- Boalth June Gorrott, will aeeiart Jlra. boltiaD th18 past wook through tJio ta• . John Pcrkilll, tho Ataooiatian _..c, in . o1litioe of tho lllplOJIIOut Servico ot tiil aupw-..,1Sivn ot· tiM» ... ··· .··· .... t·.. C1tisea•e Alsooiat. ion Voluntoor aonioo · 11 boiDg reDdorocl 41¢: tare UD4er Mrs. Barry tho ClWo by lflot. BDI'bol't llaath-'J, llt.a• . ",. . ,. · tho D8ll8 ot tll8 penon eo. eoned ._. Jolm Galo, Jlra. Joi'CIIlG lc8onthal 1 an4 ·nee: ••l-ed t• publioati•' but tho Jlra. Jaaea Bro-.n. coOpOl'&tOI' lla8 1Ml• aaa« 11o ·atreu the · nrat an"iftla tct be exaadne4 at the '·: < . tat tho Caalttoo 111Jd;a ..... , wa- . t1re1; aoaaion of tile· Clird.o 'W81'8. Bobby · . ponon in GI'GOabolt to aall Jtln'ieou, Paak, .Anthem¥

--·- I StUttc - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19380720.pdf · --·-GRBBIIBII BABUI. ---'10 81 DIIUIIDD llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D

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Page 1: --·- I StUttc - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19380720.pdf · --·-GRBBIIBII BABUI. ---'10 81 DIIUIIDD llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D

GRBBIIBII BABUI. '10 81 DIIUIIDD --·- ---llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D AuiUit 41ptheria 0Jitito»-a4opte4 q&a1atupl.te 11b1oh were aband• I ill a.nd wboapiJIC oourll IONI will bo ad•

· oned bt thou .tiler 4uo to oil'oaltaft. . aim.toro4 to the babica ud ~-fl_,.hool ooe. Altboup tMy ,...., DOt· lott OD cbi14rcu • haw nat JOt boon t.aooulat• TOIID S.tneor YtMont•e dooret.p be . oa, aa o. ccmtmuati• of tbo wart ot the wol\ll'lt&r'UJ adopted t• wbel h11 .,,..,_ Wcll•Bo.bJ Clinic started le#t FT14Ay bf Mil n.aod tho d•ioile ot ·u.o Cotten- Or. ~ A. ctt.rilteuou. tall t•ll)' in oloar!D« lud tor a m ohcotilc up on t-he ta.ltb of tholo plaJCI'OWld• wbo soon to bo ·cmjor~ ;o"Uftl bodtc• and

And DOW thoy haW their bulla full 10Uftd tli.DIJ.I1 twcDtJ-twG babi~ AJ:d JGU~Jt;• to kOCJp tlw l!w\nit'JI tw.t01 tull. ;tc" were •1~J\c4, acuurOd o.rcnal ltct\cJ, int; crttt.•llY had beo~ •chodulod ttJt ~~in, n.bclt~:W~, IU".d thoroughly I.'-1~U.· t¢'"':• two• .net !'ou.r but tl\Q.S() boi.r.r Dr.. cd by Or. Ch.ri.:ten.fe!l lMt fl"id.a.y l!!.Orttir.r,. fappcr•s hours thC"J had to chA:nr;o tho .l NCOrd ea.rd •u~ ce.a~ uut for ~oh baun for l"l-Ctic nouristaos. ?our to child so tb\t li Ni:Ord MY bo kopt of fi~ aediciOO droppcn of silk ~r 1l:O.l his rrogreeee ant • U 11 thoy oqutra. Tbo rabbit& &N Tho C'li:>.ie i.l op:n to a..-ty you.ystcr. Jul' • woct olclard 10 aall CllO woulcl liYUC 1n Groonbolt wbothor it bOlOIJI· th1Dt that only a .•tobakor oCMlcl to tho a.alth »eoolatS. or •• ·Jio\ra .iuo tb• co• arc frca 8a!O to lOeSO o~ry Prida:Y•

The V1ncoats aro to bo OCR?alllllod .for. fbc doctor wlU -..o DO ottioo hours tbolr noblo ~erta.tms and tho 1r lr:Don on friday •raiD&• , t.Dtorost 1D glllo ocmaonation. Dr. Chrletcmaon laa atJ~tM~sb4 that tho

B. W. V. Lottcaam · Cl1Jlio 11 tor ._11 baJaioe•, not :tot -·-- anoa •. !bcao abUclroft with aoro throats,

GCJ. IIPIDMI! 811VICI LAIDS JOB· or oo14a, .. t aD sp·ooial appoilltaCiltl POll G~ ao tmt t)l)7 w111 not ·cmpo~o tho group

_._.. of ohUclron to thoir a1111Dnt. · ·A tuU tiae poeitioa wltb tl» · Begimduc· next woot, tho PUbllo

aoDt _. provicled· an unaaployocl Grocm- Boalth June Gorrott, will aeeiart Jlra. boltiaD th18 past wook through tJio ta• . John Pcrkilll, tho Ataooiatian _..c, in

. o1litioe of tho lllplOJIIOut Servico ot tiil aupw-..,1Sivn ot· tiM» Cl~H ... ··· .··· .... t·.. ~. G~~lt C1tisea•e Alsooiat. ion Voluntoor aonioo · 11 boiDg reDdorocl 41¢: tare Ce~~at:bteo UD4er Mrs. Barry • tho ClWo by lflot. BDI'bol't llaath-'J, llt.a •

. ",. . ,. · tho D8ll8 ot tll8 penon eo. eoned ._. Jolm Galo, Jlra. Joi'CIIlG lc8onthal1 an4 iff~· ·nee: ••l-ed t• publioati•' but tho Jlra. Jaaea Bro-.n. fiJ.~,:x,·.. coOpOl'&tOI' lla8 1Ml• aaa« 11o ·atreu the · nrat an"iftla tct be exaadne4 at the

·~·· '·: < . tat tho Caalttoo 111Jd;a ....., wa- . t1re1; aoaaion of tile· Clird.o 'W81'8. Bobby · .· . ponon in GI'GOabolt to aall Jtln'ieou, Paak, ~~ .Anthem¥

Page 2: --·- I StUttc - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19380720.pdf · --·-GRBBIIBII BABUI. ---'10 81 DIIUIIDD llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D

ot it$kml'. ·vol~J.7lby·a b&nke lave been tonaed in In Russia canned. blood is uae\1. larger hospitals now use placental blood, all tor the sate of omergenoiea.

'mten .this bank •• orit;iADllf oon• . cievcd U1erc •• no baodia.te Deed t~ it, bu~; when, in thO ~at wok, tho (~mrr,uUC"/ uoce, · it booam on wsoncy • Anti rith ~ccidonta. aovcro intooticma, o.nd other ~u;c; or blocJ loea, there is ~ d.;ft:-~lw no+..c icr bl~ a:raUa• ~111 ty ~ . f;roeub<} 1 t cl ti;©ms ~ D.D•

~ioi~~ ~mt ~Jr©~.r~ to t'"'"' t ~u ~~rpl!:ci'IJ=• lt i~ c. ~J)e:·~e:~l h~~ur· 4f'!W r~~r ~ <;~ •. i~~-~ !"- !dw;.l lU"e &r.~, e.l• ..,~,.,.~;;~; "'-I""'·'' "''t~ .. "'""'- -v .,,""., ·•""""'"'·h<'4'_-l'liv L,J~;\1,~~ ~\,:._r;',,.J' ~l.-~"!""'~~~ ~, 9~~~~ ~';J'>V-""'-.~.ti.w~.;._

~~o~~~ {,.;. ,.~1\ID~t-'r ·<!(I;~Pir, :~- ~~ ~.o~w~~\\! "". ..,.,.,."" ... ;?>· ··*"r .. "'eli!' 1-e~ ... ,.. ar: li ~~ b,t_, " v~~~·.:sfi~'ltg ~ v ~ -: ,_. -- o@:¥ --- • .ft1 tE

tho tr~e blood ~f !.\~t~ ncii~~or. ·

;, ~ _ ....

~~-. v . : · ·~ r .. ~- 7-~~ __ : ___ .. ,~ilZz! ~~~;r t:·: .. t .t~·~;. .:1~~! ~·

(; .. ) .A~ I D-~~:i~~~:.;; ut ·~;~~ .. ,0 .. ¥~-',L lt m:~~ .. to·~""'-' tl~Y·>·-~ ·:._:_s:~~.uf.;:1 .:~ ... ~tl. ~~ .. -~ !:~t._..;~--


•,Q.Ot;P.Q' -·-~~O~~:"fOlt-'''tl~-0 '· '0~· thO ~O.icl GlTG1' ..

us ir. going to ana ·rrom. tho bosp1 tal o.nd the mny other :-;.eta ot kindftcas shown \:.1• We o.rc t~.Jd\11 n.nd vroud to bo livil;l.g ill O.•o OCDIU»ity vhoso -oitiiCDB p!'t\Cticc the GolClon Rulo cud regret t.bfl t 'ii/C .~r'-' not ~oqw.intcd with, ovceycmc who Ma cftcr~.Jt help, ao tJ~t:m: could tb.-mk ;·ou pora~lly. . _

. _ .. ·.Y!otor o. Rt..d~nt • -------·--DR. C:JHST&:SD; -l.S APPVI~T'~D

GRMJ~~ZL-t ;U:;:.L'n~ ~FP'IC!&:{ ......... · Dr. lh~~ J~. Cl~rietcn:,JD,· ph;r.lioitH~ ·

f'9lr tf:,i: 1\ir,.;;-;± ;.:· ~- t ~~;;:~l w~ A:uooi.f. tili;l;~ • \\\1~ ~w~n ~~~ e.t. t~Jo.; :~ CoYncil t~~ti~ :.:@~~.l·, Jul~· 11, :.~@ ::~1 ~ ~tloor ; ..-

,~.,< ... "'-~ .... -1. -~~ .,. "'lli'"""'""~'-'-"'''···t ... ;; .. t4dl @.fi• S!: c',f~ ~~'Yi~ ":f. ...~~' ~--~~-~~~ .. ~ ~ V• I"'

rc·A:~tu;~P4t. tt•;~ $~d..;: by ~"'Y r. ZicaM1 -;~:i~.-::i;._:. ;:.-~ u:.--· t .. -:or,.; ~:~-:t.~ t!~ .J.+.~·t:el.:.t!..;::~, :.!

· ~~~ :':':·~··>-~" t 1 =~·~~ J t i: ~....... ~r ~ ::.~·1\..- : t c~ ~ :t. :,__ ~~~ • ;.:;:;~~:ci~ ti~~t: tl ..... :;~~: ~tp~l.\-~-::l~:{;•


I ...... -I f.tr. S~!o Lruth:~, ~~~~~r of th\< Gre·t>n-

1 b,~ lt ;toed StcrfQ., ~:.tOk'>i ~for(< f~ t.r~up of 'o~~,;;,~~I"L\ i~ !~t"WY'd lkdr.Y~cb: ru~ht,. I "July· 1:], en~ ~·hi cubj~~t "lniY G\1\"'"rm~Cnt

• [cf',~iJd ~ tft e

1t.c p•otr;, ~Ctlt of 'WbOLJJ ::trv CU&to.r' rt · ~ ~- tiw ~f'{~fitolt. store, hclcr.~..w !n~r~tjtcd.

~ c0!1~w~r ~·~.e,/~lcm t'~ou.)• ~h..; lc~_ o{)m;u~r ~tudy broupa :'.:n:J i"-vc. ir.jae ted t.h:: "b~t+~r !t.,rlxtirJ;u ih\·:-~ intt- .~ very . ~-~~ .. l.,_. .... _ L,.... ••>"i •-\ .. 'b ._,_ ,. ,r•·•·~ "'·'~ -~ t•-1 ..Q.~<o~' • .,IJ;~~tl~'i~ ~ Q1t•"V':i '\&,t--. • .U,, ,.lt\~o-::::a, It: •

., --·--·-···----~-~--~~---~

Page 3: --·- I StUttc - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19380720.pdf · --·-GRBBIIBII BABUI. ---'10 81 DIIUIIDD llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D

. . .•

· ..•. · . ·• . . · · · IUoheloe·•·• w.:•-cu&'ilftat;,Jt.crt7&.1:' HlhCl&}lilt,,. · -~ Bra.dent' !Irs• :Jiobcrt Jml"k at, 1;hct neltt port~ . . Sohtd.dt, ih-. L;w. \Torley and Dr lp&tOn the Grocmbolt Plqora, .&ut;uat &rct·a.na· 4th s. Dodson. in tho Groon'bolt Theater. In this unuaunl

A Vr:.riod ~rogro.m aa proseutcd, be• tca.turc tho nudionoc tdll be o.lloaod ·~"Ulin:; nth &n accordion solo by Ur. to soc juat \ihc.t t;ocs on behind tho our• ;~·obli tt. This liU tollormd 'bf two ta.ine

· rea.diD&a by Hiss Phyllis nnrnor•• Cc.ata a.."Ul ctetfs ot tho 'VlU'iod pro:;rcft •Al i.cel' o..'W\4 ono a.bout tho l.Gdics Aid hAve bocm cumounoccl u tollmll& Sooict7• Hrs. Ho,rsh :»lAjod !ilaaouot'a Tho cCII'lady •Gooduitht Plcnac• 1 . uill "!~t4tion fra~t Tho.ia• :u; :1 'd-oUn bel dircot-.c.t b)· theodora. Hurrc.y. \dtn the ~olo, ~cc(U~icd ~~ !!rJ. O'!triene :-.sG!.Gtm.co ot SheilA Ccmc, rout 1i)k.yocl by A dicr.loc,t~ "'ftc B:u-sdn >"!u!ltt!r,• plc.j.fCCi ! Fcrdyc"" Lyrcn, :{...r.;nrct : .. :tll~r, i'hyllin b)' :;r.s. r~llcy cuijd llrl. F..ahbo.ugh tJU :u\mcr, Lyrnn ~~n, tJ.lurcd "~;wtc1n, do~ so clt·uly ttmt the~~- un=r ·no : Zl:i.ilU Huth~:, Me! im~Md Rwir..t,;"fmY• ~~rr.in em th'l \m.r.inot.ic~•. mulo \~ i 'ftc ;a~ei!J~i,pt i!iVt•r <Cpilcd~· •nc tiO~~f'ft:· fJd the trt:'$1~ of tvo :bo~per~ ~ !]ri~crt:", t:·J~ Virt!f1i~ k~ 5n~.4, :.rl.ll b:_~ h:tr.:f!:t "O!~ te.r<;..'t~~ •• Zt.tm, Hrs. L..:rt:ih ; .:irst.,.;~ b~· !ler:lthy :;;.;:.~t '-"ith tlvc tl~$h• ret•~..,d "·"' fi1av -. -_. __ ·•··. n••"i._,l.""'fg. t"' ·" .. t. "", . ..,,,. "'-r f"'O'\ ~~·-~c1'~ .,,,..1 'tl 1 "'"-•e·~ l~·• fi..-"'p-1..!1 -·- 'ltY "~ ._.,._V -"*_.,._.!!A< - V ·---;,1> >"- - ·-,f~ ~··· --~·· ··-~""" ,..~.,.. -~ "'.t ""''~ · ~ ~lu~ pa~t tm,joy~:lt of th~ c.udicmoce • :~ill~r, :~u·i@ ~-llictt, S~v;·rr~ ~;c;t, n.r;d A t~ort ~~dt, -m"1tt©~ by ::.-:t, Sh.orro4 , l)p'rot.hy fk~tTi;. '·'<;··"'. •::-• ..-~. ,.,,.._._,r ~"'·"'" ,.""'' ·-l-'-""·1· ,,., '"''• -· """'•'"'c""-· .. ,.,_.., ""'t e,""tn•-

11 ~. "--__ .__., • ·•··'-f --··· ¥ ... ~. ·''-'" f•'·,•{;- -: s-·-·c ·':: .. ""'-~ • .... ~."" ~ .......... • ""f ~~ ··~ it--:-· ".;r,. ... 1i'p ..... l'!'" .at:~.-~r ... _....: ... .:t:~iiiii'-~'··P•· ·. r :: ·~~ .• ~~:~~--·-·-~, ·:;":.~, ... _,_.~ p .• ~~ .•. ~:_~t.·. ~-·· ·j~ ~--~ ..• '. "'.~· .. ,-~~: •• ,' .:'.-• ~ ..• ··~--- .• -···4 -· ··~-~ ··~'"'• "·-~···-- .• _."- - - ~. -- .. - ··-·- --· ~ ~--· -.~::-~'} \·;.:!·~ ~~::;p•< ly r .. ~;:,:_:'!'._::;.. ~;; ;.;, n;{) '"115·:<: 'J~~--~ ·.:t.' h ?·:: -~l J..,!'.·='~.:· f',~-d :':·.;· .. : ir. iU!:.~-·-:.:.14{.~ b.,,d.d t.j;' qud·~·~~:;-.::~,.; ~~-·'-- ~'i+~ !.<.~, :·:'.'>'ik..:: e.-::·:r,·>t ';!.' ~·:"6?"-t·ti .. .! :.!':tl ,:ti:>JO$:..f'? ~··'"'""'"-!~'7-li' --~~1 :,.,-it" ·w· .. . ..,· .,~ ~, •...•• -.,··. ------=•;;:::1.!/11"~!,. ·~ ........ c~ .. l.. ~-.~ .. ,. ~- .. :

•• ·vh.._ ·"~·· Ji., .... ,._;:;,. ••. .ii.~c\.•,t:-."·-X'~~. ~:~'\,. ~·-·•--· . .J; __ . 1 • • .:> 0 '"""- • ~•- i~· t <.-•··~ ")-<,~··-·.,. '} .~J1:.t~~t.c·~.;~::;~. fJ·~ t~"'.~ .. ~~ ~.·.fi·.· ... ~ :"-,f t_h."' !"._.!;.,..,. ~ .. ~./ r,,., \:z.l"9. :,;;;..., :.- -~~ .. , C·.· ·~e~·"1.~,· ~;:.l"''":_-:::-:-:-.. •• ,," f •• r, 4''-' ~- V..._.~,,,;;, _ .. _~''-•f·,·<:-~ ... ~ ..... A;>•"•'"'•"~"-'''

,.,. ..... ,""C~C"''~ "f t""•· .... .-.~· """""',.·-'"" \:t~,_........,.,.ll ~~~-~~ ''"!' ~'-,t' '1 r"t~·'l'"'''"' ~~. , ......... "'""~-·""' .... ... .... u ..... ~, ....... ~ ... ~ .... • ..... """* .,.,. •• ~.~ ., .. , ...... -~ • .. ... ;, .... ,) .· .'' ... ' .,1.'41!

~:!Mhcloc, ~clt) w~ no.; Gro~~d "·;~~t, Jt~,~~ ::CJtrf'f.j{, .. :iht'r• Thu.rbd", r.!\d by aorc lAuch• -tha.u snob n ;n.tl(to the ~·Jl ~~~-r. o·ld micW:) ooc~1on shf'uld mvc in• ---···

. v~tt!)de .rho Julf-bom ~LCI"il o1' tllc ~:,~.dlODOt-, ocapetlD( with th~ ~~J~r­"'J~rn, r-;rc~cnt.;;,d ·a ltmf! o.;."\d dMoc ;.nan­bc.r, "Dclm ir~ Alcbc....-L1 ru: tltc>ir 1!1-pr<lt'.pt\l IM.t nnd, the Doo.~bom,

. tor their Hit,' nctbd:od Jllaabora or thd 't\Udi once. inclw11nt Rot Brtldon, h: tho stunt "Oc.thori::lg ot tho Duta• dir~·ctud t1y !~. l'hltcr S!tollcm.bort;ore Rctrcsht;wuts m..r.c ·· sorvod uhilo tricmds !!tfY3ani:cd on tho very cm3t:JCLblo ovmli.nG · nnd tho hith obo.rc.Qtor or tht. ·per· t~ in t•:l•ftle

-----~ CQRRBCTIOH-----LAst Week the Coopo~tor ga~ Rev.

Kil;lcholoQ crodi t tor beinG ti'..o l!lU&ioio.n ot tho~tn."9ily• '- o. -~ttor ,(}f tact it i ·l.frh. lboh.elo~'· l'fbo .. !•·to ·,be ao: -~todt-. . ' ' . -. - '-' ,·, .. _. -··" .. ~ ' -· ... · . ., ,' ..... "·-';."···· ' ' . :. ' ' . ' -· ' . -.. ' ' ..


Tuc.:tk\y July 12 I W tho plct.surc ot : ettc~ tho ~lny -"lnDp~ctor Ooucr&l


i ~i v= b)~ t."c c!r=utic rroup ot the Fed•

I cra.l Burooaa_oi. L __ lWGtiij,ic.tic~ nt Uhc S,rl•. wn ?bct'i.t:ra ia Ths~-ton. · · · Our. lo~l "mlliou Powoll ° FordJcc

Ly;1.:.n, 45•R n1~-:o Rood, hrld n loc.dblg rolo, "the nr.;~r" • !h~ :r.ir~t Mt TJnS truly lir. L~'s nnd ans ~utitully notode His nctinc surpn:ssod "1 oxpcotaticr..s end I . ·-·-- . m:.t loo~ ronr-rc to nttondi~-his next pl::.y. Wculcln't it bo ~ ijOod idcja. tor .. raoro Groonbcltitms ~o turn out to_ give otlr loonl lnd n hncde

Tho local ~re should L~op ~~oir crossed. · l'lb.o mows lihen Mr.

Page 4: --·- I StUttc - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/coop19380720.pdf · --·-GRBBIIBII BABUI. ---'10 81 DIIUIIDD llr. IJ'Il line lllt.rftJ V!Doout )aft StUttc 1D

!;1~·7fZ'·t··~·'· ·\~lQl~;~aium ... m. ~' .. •. tb: .. ~ .. i~.-..i. . · :In tcot. , .• ocl10Q.I'!d An-llft'llv~oCl "clolierApttad· a.t:ld 1\ietii '

COUll~ Of tho ~-ali:J tbin{;G tbc.t tiO de• cidc,d to do r. bit of ro3~rch ot· our .orm c.r~ roc.lly &ot to tJw bottom of tho icGUo. Attol• d\.llYirt. into volumes do•

· votod to suoh th.in(..a e.nd iu·wrvi~ pooplo trmlt:..r trith tbcll w orror our f."ind'.ll'.(Ge .

Tl~ ~oo:i- found in t..'U~ F.rt ot tho oow-:. tt-;.r :lt thie tiac or yc:;z :-zo )Cnolm .,.,> F.. ;'II...,. .. t-·• n-61' ;f~01... ('11'--'"'0""'tor v~•~ f~ ~ .~, ....... , ...... \ ...... ••·;• J.N/~ .u. ... -~-- ...... ..., • .... •

'VCl.riAb:i,.liG). Al thuut;~ tJw:y tCYO c. il'O­f~@~~f -~"- .i·r.-: ~~Qre~no~ t"11r dO( o, tbtry a.lso

i.i·p··. t h'~re~;, at.t.tl© <::.iA·, @.:!i ·;I~ ~ :rcu ~~~. bu..··~~-h;s. ·~~ ::.N .;'F'gei~.l!:t ~~f';C'V';.'}.~·r-,t 4. tf.•c ~;-,! t ",t.:~:,r~. :~r.:; rou.-A ~,h\1..1'~'-t'r.;:.'::.ly ~.ln~':.it: -~~~:c" rqg:.~t t'J';x;.., ~~~ "-...A ""·"" .. "'l~•t"'c-. •;:;:······,., · ~... ·v..;- .~·e. ~ '-''><' """'"" "loll,.... !!-'· _.... i-ii'l>< • • t ""..;:·

d.zc 1~ ':"'.oo~t t.}-.;..t ,'i,r E%~ rQ.nf.f~r ~ ~· l~d "'r::aU ;u:A.. t.h~ @@lor~~ let f~ !~,:·:-:i.~' ':tr;:r;;-. X~:_,,·~·--~~ L~ r~.!;:_;~.J .. : .. ~ .... :: : .. ~:>:: .. n . :.t·=~ 1~~ '. ~.:.?',;..; y.~~t bt:.·~t

, . · ·.·. . · . . · ;J ''tho f~ 110rc ·ul·· .. doubt just wllioh wa.y tO turn· til 'fibi .. ·. tbD tiro upon orrivipg a. t-.;tho tiro sto.tian, but thoy wore thoro _ill . short · order conaidoring · o.ll tboy ltui to ·· oontcnd with. 1hoJ b.?.d to drive the truok into tbc woods j;hrOU6h hor:LVJ under­brush ~bout ODO }lundrod ~.rds · onc1 sot up their pumping syetoa. .JD4whilo tboy · ..oN sott~ up . tho· })UII.PinG. · I)'I~'S on the truck :.. p-uup of volunteers took up tr.u porto.blc tiro ~xtiriptiahcro o.nd tie:tt into t!~ woods r.r.d \.."tmt tD '\:tbrlc

I r ~,TU:N; bl:~&o,-· :=oCI\ tho WW ~ I -. .bi _.. f-~·~ r,t :'.pprwdn .. tcly !,·. 2 i". ~:. tl;(;> bU.;c \.f'.:;. u:de:r ou:ttl'ol.

~i.t· ; .. lt'.:r..3 ~-' t~e b: :.t 1:20 P.u. ~tlw~;." (l~~t) ~.d th~ fir~~a~ p~d I ~gr ~~ tl~ ~ld.e:rir'i~ i:~~rn u.;at1l t P.i~. 'Ul~C4'. tH~~)' -.rc c~r.::t:.u~ t!~u"e: •• :·~: c~:.~.r.:crr: -at it ~tnrti~ up ~.<t,~l~.

n~;:: t"::-;(. e,'','.; !"·- ,: :.be·~·-~ t ":\:,"0 ~';::~·c.~ 0 f

i {:J5:.· · !•t ¢".rd:t'f'~ ,,f ~!,:.~:~;.;; ':'.~~l ~ >"i.;t·~·\5-~!:. J&:,·t..:~·:J.f.;...:J.

• " j t 4. .. ~ < • , J. ~· i . . ~~ .... - l'. ..:. - ... t-" - .~ "'i« ~ ..., i'o.. .• " . ~ """'' ;;:~-·>;·.:...,. ,"'v' .,;~''-": .... ·~ ... '::"ii'~"<·'-'·\~·;::.<'• .. ;,~""'r _ •• ~. ··~·.,)". . .,.,,.. ..... ~-, ............ a_. •• q: "'·· ' '. ~ ~ • -·· ~" ~ ·,, ~ .... ,<-~ ---~~j ... ·il"'·-.,"·~,;·:,~;,·, .. ~.- ., ... ,., ..... ~ '·~··.!i''~;. .: ;~:c ·;..~v .:"·)·~·.,~ ·c• ... ·.\ .:«"·' .:'·c -~-- •· li .. ~ ... :.... ~· ~(., . "- .•.• -. ..... -i:r;;..,

~.r~~r,;. t~l,;; ~-.J~~\\.$it~r~~-t *; ;-.-. U d~•~f:i;, ::y~k~-~ ·to ;.:wvitfnt i'ltl ~ i'~ .:<lit\ «<ll o1!<.1>l<l b.l . t: l:l»'>•. ~dl @l tM sys t.c<> b. hii. ·w t ~ f .cr .c. r ill t.'><l

~~~ d!J~ t!lJ~rc~ ... ~~lft i~~~"f~ ~~~~1~1 ©'t- U~··(l;f.t of ~ fire. w:::ti~~ tO tl~ ~ot~l~· 'n~t tot= of be.J"@• !4-e !tt'~ bee ~!10 NqUt~twd t:'.t\t t.ltiC r@~l#,(.,~ ©:~~lldrw:. ~~l:o yN~:~t ~ 1dti%l pt.ro:tto :atviuc tbolr cbil4t'c~ to keep ,~~r"""r~t. 1 t)" tf1r lilf~(l!tiot~ t,:;; tioltc. . Do , f:.'-~'1 trun t.~ r:rc firtd Uto t~rF~ tus . ;''·Q't Ol"Uch ·~~ 11\;ft:N tt~.~§ f,r NDQr:':'td iio,zir-& th~ ·firuC fer it 11 "l'-rl hw"cl

. {"r~fi ti~ :!t~.;h~ \~c~m~:· it 1:5 :O~~.Gibl\> fol• tlw fir~ to ~.tc!l @\It for t.~ · r.r i<.tcctlw• t;.> oct in '"'"" it tbo 1 ~ldron IUllll at\U 'OIOI'l< oa: tlw tiN.

sl.'"i!l is lmbrokcn• Pick t!d!l· ~rr ,;c~·.tlJ, 1 . Hr. ~ ix?c _n.lso sugoatcd t.•t ~ ~!t:!:. r~ stoad)~ pull, uain& ~·\)!"oops or · ., n.dult volunto .. ra cit until tOO)' crc t-;;:c ~z~rs. It po:sibl...- :1pply ~loobcl or ruquDstcd to holp· with the tl roc_ bot'orG i.:<'liil!.ill:~ to t!~ aiw r.~ diaid'cot 1¥W4s l E.~ twir ao1'Tioos, for ill:Sougn ~)' nftol' the ·o,.~rntl·~•· ~ Y ,.,.._,. t,· h<:lp tlwf ::~>.y.tJJrfllll b..,r, they flourish i~• bet ,;.,.r.thcr e1td , tllr• · · . ./' ~. will pro~blJ bo with us until ScpWt>..bur ~ -----10 ~ ...,..-t. :mel~-=~· . . I JIIIAL\'1\ ASSOCI!.'li~IIIBCf(d PICIIIC

T!m COOPIBA.!OR MAUIRIS T\10 1D' PIA• I 'l'ho JloQ.l th Association Directors 'l'URBS \'flfi! ms ISSUI• SIB DR. OBRIS!-- hAd· c. picnic by tho Lo.ko lO.st Thursdo.y Ei~SEli'S :JEAL..ai BOTE 011 PAGE FOURDD avoning •. !hoy IU'.d ns guoata Dr. !. A. AND··,DO'B·.miiTEHAH'S P.ADIO FUSHB:) Oil PAGE I :Jbriatcuotl~-J)ri;'.f..nd.JJrO. #....tlOO ll. BIOI!tiB'll• · · · l!cCnrl, t!rs~ John Porl:ins, nr.d Miss ..

··· · t ~thcrinci Uo.tzon. Wnturs.lClon T:C.S

· ·· t-oatul"od~t


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" :' Tho . Halon HottW:m, Exoouti'\'o Dlrootor. of tho -rtuhin;::ton Boua~;: JJ..slooletlon,·~~. pro• pa.rc.d oapcoia.lly fol! the ·1JP6o!lbclt Co­u~:'!Orutor. ·

J,. toarloaa ohmlpim in the oo.uao ot ~, ,,tt·l)r hous111fS1 Nn.- Bott~sm br.a. rmlliocl 1~ ~tor-a of !hahil\,.'to:t Citizt;nr; in r. ~!"~ tor clun· clc:'.rr..nco.

~"\t 1.ra1 Hot~ J\.-~;.a tc ~ a.~out f-N:~hclt mll be nclcclw .e~J7111hcrc • ,.;, ., .... ,o.. ··~.-. ~ .... • ... -,..-.Ji U"" .. """i~ ,_ . 't!l' ~ ~~ )ooo, ....... ~).., -~ .... ~ ........ .lt~"'i ~ M- ~li_y• . .T;."'. c.J',l!'

:tci:llt ~~ J'l'.n ~~ tlhich GTccn~lt ~ .. -~J ~~;tl: ~tt-.nd.s in the ti(ld or ~oocl ~1)··~1~~.

~'Ui:: ~~~~.Jer : ~.yif)r of ~re:~~;.elt

~ t.h.,,.~_.--.. ~~i U ~ ~ UtK-: r© ~:"-~: ':Jc :t~

f ,..._ ~;·w;_ Al."''-' ''" "'"'~t:c· . """' ·-t'""'~ ~-\.*11-;:.~ • .,..,.~ ~ ~,.... ~-~t4. -~''"'·~·-~· ;:~hJJ -!'~tA-~-~~~'!-·

':':.'t th~.lt f'; l!'lCO~ ter ft~4lt-f~ to lt~

.,it~L,. ~'"!".~"'~ .. 1 !"~.~n:.~-" "'.i!" ~.

:· .. ! ~::ji! ~:..: ·: ~ ':~. :· ~• ·_: :-·~': ~, :~~'.: ~ l ~ r~ c j:.: ~ i ! ·~ ~

~ :~~ ~ :r. ~4-::~~.t !!:: ~~~~~~~-:J· f\;.r !l'Gf~lthy ttl!~~! ly

l~ ~l! ··~ .,. ·":·""·' li:L~ _,. ··r·"~·-,.1·· .. ·-.--)v .. ~.., .. ,, ,.,.,..",jj "

... · ·~ .UJ ~·" " ·-~ \ "•'y'')'~ "' ... ~ ••.. ,'i·' ~ !io4i"'·"""" """"''~-~.

·~~~V'I"\Cl ~.~~· ~:t•tr.Q~~ ""t'AliC :~:;odat ! • f!'r.:)·l \)•t l.;'~ c~ey rcma :u:~llcht tn :t~iit rtt~J ~lt:~trio ll..;ht by ~.iv)\te t., Fr~~t t'-l:;;n-'1 dr1 vith C..OII~tlk.tl !!t :avA;,:ey :-~m. · . s. Sf»!·C~ trP.r Fr1wJ~f as ~11 r.a notio~. -~, ~~1 tr~tl~ W\19h L.~lu.dcs hot :-nl Qlold ~~~d.rc t:m.tQrJ · ooth a.."ld toiW u well ,.:: kitoho..~ ~inkJ clio corC<;;ns tor rn ';,·'! "~dm.-m r.nd outside d(){'!rs; end rrwnct ~~:rr$1:ut:c;. / s • CcnVfmioncos suoh us rutoquutc !lJ"O'dai tc:r h~!\t!~~c-oontrc.l h'"'r.t it po3:~1bloa ;·~ocl ClOSOt ~Itd ltOJ'1"""-~C GpnC- (\ rcfiPicor-

• tor, ncohn!':ic~l or s:mi tcry icc.. .. e. Comtorto euoh r.a. n qui at study p_lnoo tor ohilt!rc::. or tor !:.1G1lbcrs ot ·tho tm:dl)'

• to rost or ·rrork or thiDJ:a ~ o. plnoo to. plAy tor Ctll c.r;cs, . ''• Proto::ottor. fran n~iso cmd dirt ·ot trc.ftio hichmY&J ·rr(t';j, tiro bn.:c.rda1. troa buildil'-i: or_.· stl'\Jet~-l ,hA!r.r~sa. from . , . , ·_ ·· · · • cs ~~ .... ·. "onil, newo. nolgh,borhoQd... ~u1 qJlQ "' --~ 1;" •'• ., ' , .. ' ,., • i•cc.•

!lOuda'l · Pirat, tho tcnm as p).cmlCcl o.a en

oryorimont in tr.mq li 'Vine cmd not tor roc.l cstr.to apcoul.c.tion. .As in the CA&c. ot 0:11 {)X!Jeriacntc.l vort, 'flhcthcr bJ privc.tc indu&tr")' or b)' covcrmcnt, this one ooat r. lot ot nancy, end. ~ J.eseon.a Jxwc been lt::LmCd t!'ID.t would rt.cult ir. bc.ttcw p~ nnd lom:r ooata. But, in •urplrll\.' the ~·

. t.~lG fr,r the COod (:Wily life it h:..a c~t~d bt.~uty rml utility e!lJ. cra;~t"·d e. V©mf.Dmt pl::.Oc fOT fMily lh"i~e

Lk ht, d r i..nt! tspMC tl'C're . i5'ri:"'r._ey ecr;~id~r.r.thr:--1. ~c~.._c ef the ~.otc 1"()'9 'c;,'J.i J"(!~t;:~t s h.f.~o. ':~-~~ lo~*-: ir. ,;~!"{"'):"i:m; 1th~ !l~u:;;:~. ·~)" rrie.~"~~ '-1~::~ U,•,'r¢ ~~ I.t .. r -~ h~~~~- ~r ~l.~·fr..fti 5'~:.,~: k-~·t.::t:s M:f; •sooh little" r~~::;..~ f;~·~ cl@t~f~~· 'ct, bl O~l"hH~~:; tftth ~ ;r.,~ !,~~,;:: 1 *' p.,;-~' \:;.Ull •'_ ... <! *. ~ :: ~, ,. ~· .,~. ,.,:».,,. • f ~ ...:: : : .~ ..... + .... · ... ::·~ ..... ~ ......... -- ...... ··- ~-"""'

;J$J'·': t"i;'JS: ~~~~:::. .C~: __ -~ f._~ ·~·~t~:. t~ .. ~ 4~"r'-lli~-~~·; .., ~~ Jll .•·.;• -~·.· 1" ·-~ .· ~~- ... · ~..,,.-;- ;:;.t:~- ~ ...... • r ._ "~· ~ .. !"-; .-. .KO. ,....,-...;,.~ -..;:""~...;. ... ,...,>4..,. '.;) -·- ... J.. ...... y.i!- ~ ...... ·"'" ·"' .. ..._ ......... "!".

<i't'-':: r.j'r ~o;',!:i~t.tJ:.;_~~~ '·~-r-:- ~A·,:_~~ ~:~·flJ;t~

i) .. !1:·.~~.:; :~ ::.:·~:.t~~- r=~-t :~· a.::~-'. ~i;;i:~~:w:et ,..-.... ~ ~ 1. --;: .: ' f· !'("" '·' ~ ,,"; (· W-t-.:~ . ..-t:, ·-• ~ ,,_,... h: ;~ .. -ltrrct ~ ,tl~ ... '!It - ·•• .. ' -!i- -... • ...-- ",.!. ..... "'''· ... ~- -.i: .. - Jl~- ... "!o,.<-.. .,.~ ••

!'tf'"" ... ,. ·}-' .... ~ fiic'"'f"'""' ,-'11-~r, .,.~. ·'·""''~'-':r.""·• ..... ·t4o 'ltt!t·Q:·.j.~ ~ :y;'!t ·~:-~~~ t .u.:J.··-Jf~t ·,:.,~"! ·• '.!*·~·!c'v·.w:•

t~il~'t C::.t~ ~m:"!~~: Uft-'k~ 1~· tJ;.~ 1f,ld, tiC ~.th, n· n=ty Jdtoh~ cdr~, it t7.J11 1- ,

wbr.t Gr·~.;~lt d'f'e;rs is lwnuit~Jua• A · b_t.th, tdlet, -nr.d ;h~ '!{f.t,~hG.., a!W! · wlth hot r~ cold rumlr;t.: f:rt~·1', iuidc tht> hwcc li io bcJwd the prc;cnt roe· sihility tor mw•thlrd. cf th~ trnilios _ in the oc.pitnl oitJ. ot tt.c :mt1cm. Jtorr otm they stay v~ll t ThCJ do not. !he hospi~~~ tell tho tnlc c.~ tho tolle • ·!he SnaG npplloa to .tho ocnvcntODOoa ·

r.nd oaatcrta. Children Tl0n1t dio it tha,v do not hnvo c pl~oc to piny or A quiiCt wn;:ll•llt:ht·ud plAco to study. But thOJ do tail in their cchool work l'lhich · · too o~~ ~on~ to disonuracomont c.nd , -porhnps c!clinquonoy. There nro tavicr­a.nd fC\'ICr pl:.ooa tor tho -..ld.Uod t worker who tails for one reuon ur · _tmothor to. cot nn cduor.tlone

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GRBBVBIL! COOPBRA!bR TeiepJRma Greenbelt S131 Tho Woll-BabJ CllnD~iJ~[JJIG

Vole 2, Jo. 19 tllpCII'iallli aont&so to •• .,._. -- · Jlalbon of tbe Jllal\ll it

Pub111he4 weetl.J by the Gre811belt · • .,.. too w.luablo a aent.oo to bo rcmd• COoperator Publilh!fll .uaooiatlon. Ullllor oro4 tfoo to DDD • ..,... ThDY .laf • tho awpioes of the GN~nbelt Jounal• allould our .uaoeiatlOil'l taollitlca, t.stio Club. ttl lpMN ad pol161os" . 1lhioh - par tflr1 bo uao4 tor otiiON who aN '" tollOIIIc do ftCllt odr!Wto their IJII.n)J

1. A Dan profit entorprt•• Tboro are anonl aa•r• to tbta • z. JkmpU"tiau in pol1tiol. Fint, tbo Aeaooiat1GD -.r:&• to •ko a. Joutnl ht ra1~1CU Mtton. the tOIIl &I ,_lt- 0. pJ.aoO to llYO U 4• M ~ fo~ for 4'iric &ff'aine poatiblc-. IYoryCilO of Ul profits 1f WID

--·- · bno Malt"' .-m, •01111011• Uld childi"CCD . STAn · li'rinr o.bol& ut.

Editor (OD loaw) • .-•••• w.a •. Yolot!a\lltm SooaDcl, tbc AIIOO it& in 11 not a ~,IDI I!Utor .......... Board c. CUlt• olalod corpontlon but a oc.ND1tJ pro-u~t•t~f!Jt !ttttGr ....... s. Var.tn jaet. lt should 110t ltU4 aloof tsw :.:-c~t·~l:t;..:j• •••••• ••••••••£lit!\b.eth mtt '.:!\0 t:O~"ur.tty aa !1 '41\vlCa it ~h-l',dd ~\~.;}. i!";.<J~~ 1~~~~UI"e•• • • • .. lii)!J.r.ti~l !l\ll<1.l" :H•ter pe.c it hoe lc~vrlftlf ~t!f.~J'd eoa-!NOGUJ'OI"•••••• .. q•••uJoM le'rrillia.:c r!Ur.ity.wide hmltha. . Frod'Jeticr. Mra.r..~ar •••• .-TCI!:! H.,._rd ?hinl, it the ~t.~seemt iilfi ~ndcrs A:!~. !Toll. ,rl;\:~.t.t'cr ••••• ~nic.l !:irtyder -.:vary poo:!blc ;crYirC tc t~ C~unity ~o;: .. · ~ .. ~ .... ~ • ., •••••••• ~9cu·~o ~n~a ''l'ith·tho fUnds it h.M, then nare Met t.op.)' tl~•~••• •• •••• u •• •• lbsloy Suttor ao~ Groonbcltbns will catc to rO!\li&o CopJ Doake•••••• ••••• ••• Boman Axolro4 ~ ~uo ot jotn.i.Df the Aaaao-latiCile Copy Dolke••••••••· ••••• Dorotbr C\&ltol' ADd the ~~that happoas tho sooacr · WaMD '' 141 tor. •• •• •• ••• llilaboth Littlo Orooftbo lt will lave the aoocmd Ard third ChilclJtonf!s ldl\OI'eeu •• .Dorothj But doctors, U. aatoi"DltJ .rd, ·the spooial Sports 141tor ............ GoOJ"go Cam<~~ 9qUipamt, aDd tho CCIIPl~ ozopntaattw, nlustr&tOI'ue•~••~ •• ••••J• RataJdD that tho AleooiatiOD .. -pla.ml04 ffl ite

RIPORriRB = - ---····-

c_.mit)' Govenuaontu .Lo•da Boas~ tiS CIIDI! UJICII Grocmbolt Storos ....... lft.llu ll.Poolo · ••••· Dcalth Mleooiat10D ••••• Bao SawoU ot tho tbroo ooopontlw cmterprilea JuDiOI' Citkon'• »••n.Shola Cono now·~ GroonbOlt. tho Orocl1t adon Polioo, Firo Dopt •••••• vornOD Bitohooct cmjOJI tho aatt popular approval •. Its Jtothor'a Clube•••••••••Lou!so Burko oontribubion to tbo woltare ot ite Babioa.· •••••••••••••••• Sally Lanaoro mCBbere soCIIS JIIOSt st11.kiu& boOaUIO tho

• County Jniae • • • • • • • i • • .Dorol:hJ Rider tlbUBOI of tho loaaall.\rlal aft 80 detoet-ft.catro ................ Jotm P. 161rray abio GDl Nlict t1aa these abuloa i.e ""'"''W'"'''""" .

calcmdar ot. JvoDta ••••• Ptm SohoiD so noooaiU'f• . tYPISTS Bownor, tho opportUm\7 tho Unim.

Lillian SohwU'bl 87lvia Ploiaaig offers tor aato, 'profitable in'VOStiDg · Francis Jtosontllal Sara Axelrod · ia ndi eo genorall.J 1-ocopisod. . Madelino Conklyn Rnoll w. Grogory · Tho to.ot tha.t .there aro practically Milton J. Thurber Theodora T .Wilson , no V!lion , aul that

Rae· Weatherby


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thaaa are etfGrtl to rron4te ... aa'bie• taotory livb!g tar Greenbelt :Oi1:la••

TherefoN . the Co~orator strorigly · Ul'l88 overyoll8 to 8flY8 fiV'erJ oent tboJ can and iJJ'foat it in the Credit tlrlione There it will not ouly prow a Ve't'l protitablo personal inwa iaellt, but ·also an oxaollont OCiltrlbutioll to the •ltare ot tho OOIIllmd'tf• --· ·-1lB TOl'IU Com'CTL DtSC\IJSII

. Tho TOilm Council !lliOt londt..V night July 11 2lni did notb~ but dliOQII 0.

lot of thinga, aooordi~ to a r..,ort ob­tAi nod. tro~ t~ Tcftlm Clerk by o. repro-

. 5<mtat.1VO or the Coopa"iltor. . ~ortilmtel:r tba Coop)r«tcr Mod do-pt;nd~ upon Loub lkt~,. ~~r, • Jnd boon U.e rcportf:;;r of CowlOU ~ews. tor t1 ro­port ot tht1 •otm,. 11wJ met of tho ..... ,.~ ........... 1' i>lo. ... ;, . ~ti 1 ....... ·"- ._, , _ _.,,:,. ..,AiY S""' ~ I)Ut ~-rt •~.:.k•~ ~>!lpJr or ~,.,:;.r:. ~.t t!'i<i Citi.:cC'!"~·~ Az!aoe i t::t. i .,r.. "<Wut i nr, • 1•tr. :t ,}:H"- !"l)r if~ .. fo~ Ut! •h~t n•~ 'C!\.'l :;l} loritluT I""'JpOrt

th-v~ ~ ~t":t i ~ s, t:r1· ~ r j:1:on t. h.'l t ms to· d~ -rfi th the Cettr£ i 1• 3 ~<Yt l.nt; 'tJhich we t.Mf'"-'tor9.. ~ ~:,ot r<Jport. m;, ~ · onl;t ~,t,Y th~ 1IC ~i"©v tlf,t the NMOn· ia a ~~d one, t.hlt "C n~fi"'oiAto tr. &1&(8gJ" 11 pi~t oemeoa to uu, eel till t ln th«:; M.uN w trill n; 1\110 our ro­ports or co~il a;otinp with~ bono-·

. fit or tt;ic di~t\.fiOticm of cottmg ttcao rop:;rts dir~ct frol!l tm Town'o ltlyoJ". ---!o thG !ditora

With tho temporary olo·si~ doc ot tho -.~or front ono is mclo CJYOr-oonoioue of tho doairo tor ndDDSng aotlritieae . . Tho ~, sw'mming · ppol it oponod · in

Soptcmbor as oxpootod wlll bo.vo litt lo timo f'or out door nativities botoro tho cold won thor sat& in. .· It 1001111 to. mo that an indoor pool booauao .of ita yoat­round use is preferable to tm wtdoor ono. If such an il1dt>OJ" pool •ro clo• cidod u~on doaigna Jl}ight well inoludo o. romcvublo roof--this .,uld insuro ita ' o\ttdoor uso duri~ tho. S\qlllfl r. Tho a.n . tioipated progma-of winwr a.thlntioa

1)0JL1t'2AO olroloe- Of G~ceilbslt tmt he. ia oultlfttllig a cFop o1· wtoa tor the oloctian this taU.

I have lmown.ond workod with Jlr'. carroll sinco oarly 1n tho biat017 of Groenbolt. I bavo aevoral ti1Dcl boa.!d bill cloe liDo to allow ~olt to bo n..­imto4 tor iJ~tort&nt GI'OOllbolt otttcoe. I do DOt aJIIa18 o&roo with llr. CAJToll •. · bub 1 have bOOCM aurc t.Jilt bo .ia one ot those, and thoro a.ro aoro lito ldJt tllan atpt bo tb~bt. who aro wn-olJ etr1.,. 1Dg to -.to b11 ~ty o.e csoollont a pboo u po11ibloe AJ1rl when be ·~ tm.t ho docs not -.nt public otrtoc, Old the.t he locda ~ tc tic tiM eon he aD. ft

CiYO ~ere tlJle to bu f'.T..~tilJ, · I believe ~. .

. Bo Q.ncl I apco tmt the politic~ c,taoophorc is bee~ too donee tor th.laJ ouly itqo w the ftUO, Glld tat ·it :~ht.·u!~ be el-x.rcd ur ~ little, if• po:Ji• t•lc. !h;;.li;;\·1.~ ttt'.t e. atnte::cr:t rrc~ hL-, ~ittrt h¢lp rutt~~. ~ ~~c hb J!r'~:Cr:t cm.•••a.u:1ty 'flf(!rk r.cre t;ffc-eti~, ·1 M.vo hit p;r~ituio~ tt" nstur-a GNo~belt th!\t )itr. Pctar ~. C!\J'r"ll 1= und'llf' !~o oir­c\Dtt~lCOG t~ b4 o~•id~~d :. cm.··~cUdc.tc • t·t tho tc.etboCII,. oloot1cn.

·llom.l'd c. custer. --------All. lllpoliant 11l0Cting ot. tho Journal­iatio Club 1p to bo hold thia o'Ndng at 8e00 p... Sn tho Cooperator ottiooe

rompt 18 the iast night tor roport-~.· hours of wolk on Co·~tor dunwuP . Juno· -c ------1101ld voey mturallJ surround· the mter. sparta ot _tho indoor pool. 'llhoro ao large an D.lPJ"'Priation 18 involved ono ~ot ho• but CJleation tho wisdaa ot plac mg it all 1n an outdoor pool tciF' ·--- ·-··

. serrioo durbg four months of the JOO.~"• · I trust that thiS mtter •Y not be ·

brought torth teo late to tiDd duo oou-sicleraticm.

ID.lp~ B~sh ..

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' . ' ' ' . ; " . " " . ' ' . . . ' . " ' ~.. "

tbe ptrpO&e of .-gaat.aJag the Greenbelt we ••t tate e•te, JIIQI'8. . .. . . at .. ea into ccm-.1' CooperativeeJ. . uhtllauoh time ..., the depqalta oaa be,.

Last tall the people of Grerm belt built up to provide lor largo~ 10f1118 eloctecl the c. o. c. tor a a t.tlar pur- tor longor porioda• . pose, in oooperaticm ot OOU1"80 with Tho buamoas ot our orocU.t union is to tbD GrOGDbelt CaDI~ r Sernoea. givo eorrioe to all poasiblo and until

!hare aro tift ••ben on tho bOIIl"Cl auah t:bao aa tbe clepoeita o.ro auob .tJiat ot. ell rootora J t1D ro 8.18 Dl118 Mllbere of larpr a.JIIl leqor tora 108111 ao.n be do, tho c.o.c.· With onlr two ot tholo nino it ,.. do.acl adriaable to take thia e tbe bod ot tl'H • d1a oowr tat I action. · tho oammnit, 11 to law o a ldnor11f . All nail OJJtl .ot Groonbclt o.ro inritocl roprosotttatian of thn:to to two on tho 1 -tz, inwsttpto 'filet tho croclit Ullion can orpnhation ttat .Ul hl.w tl» ti:al ~ do tor JOu a.8 a. •~aYizlt;811 U.titutiOD 88)' 1n all the ilporta.llt cloci.licml of• j '1Uil o.nr ottloor ot tho \D'iion will bo toct~ tho Cooportltl•oe-to-bo. 8oAro01 !!mOIV tim Jlta.ci to c~lAin the J~L.-mcr 1D ly 0. Cood bocl.JuW4~ _tCIJO.N .cl.ocratio " •which a credit union opofttOI• control and CllfftO"Mp of oW" otcrQ~• . · Tho r• iJno.t ion ot Mr. llbort For1UDon, ·

A ~t~o l~i,•l ~ad euld h:.Yo : ·one t1 ou.r dir~otons, -.. o.cccptod, duo *n to •~ ukacl ttc c.o.c., eon~tlt•l tc bis n>co~ tmblfor to BoTtolk, va. 1n1 of cl•acmtioaUJ cloetod topro~oo-1 aa u ~loyoo ct ·the ron Credit Ad· .tatt•• of the oo :mttr. to ait iD OD 1 atltlatration. this bcnrd, thJOOe c.r 1!!Jh!ch ant nat , Prod WUdo, eitil'C~ or G!'OGnOOlt. It d~r.\tio I Vie<J r·runido~. pro<Hi;;ao !\te t~ opcrute i.H th" fer• ij ------~ti~n cr our Coopilnti'W it i!l up to will ner.;;tiAtoil tUI it t~>tlll cwr t~ Ja. ~4rroll t.nd ~r. Ocrho» either to· loe.l\l starce. '!'he"' 1.1 no ~re r..m.:um rG!lt;n ~"'t r.Hcw tl\Qi.r posititr•l toba fer !t;YU!g th..'\t it :hOuld he to~ tillud by .~ DpGn ~bet ion or to d.,. ot· loct1l t itiicm~, ttuu~ tb:roe \lrould N oliM tho eloctio111• · . · tor aviD& thlt tho voter• or riuc or- ·

Tho proeont sot • is throe to Q1o piaatlCil sho\lld. ohoolo tho ottlcors agallilt tbo o~mitJ• ot anothor. 'Wbclrl wo GI8U80 tho oblip•

· BonrJ Llttlo. tlcml ot tho CouWIClr.Soniooa, Ino. (Editor• a lotoa Nl'e Llttl.o is. Soce• the cud tDt until thaD ·w111110 ao• !rale of tho Grembolt c.o.c. ID 11 quiro ·tbo·priviloeo Or oloctSDg tbo aisiDteraod as w tho to!'IIS1oa .of tllD Board of·Dirootore. Groozibolt Board ot D~eotan. Tho• 'l'bo sol~otion ot two GrecmboltiaDB on DO such· group. !he grcup to 'tlbloh Dr. this baarcl •7 be aoooptecl as eridoDOo Dodson o.n4 .Mr. Carroll has just bocm of. the cloaire ot the In YOI'k group to appo1Dtocl, and to wh~h Jlr. Littlo 1'0• foster tlfl iator.Bta ot (lro.elt. tote

1 18 tlle Beard ot Dtrc~cn ot the !ho ...,_,. ot the Boar4 Deaf &181 ·

Groo Dbel t Cana18r Sorrioea, Inc., a R.I. BcmjQIIlin1 Proa14ont, Pa. Fal"JJ eu'beicliai"J of tho ConaUJII)r Burcau_Pcdere.tion. !fal-r.Islmrg, Pa. corporation, low York Cit7• · PonT/ S. Braiiii1 P'rvsidant, ce=::er Dis•

Tho Beard w as nd; tonaecl ft'oontly, tribution Corporation ·but befaro Groenbolt lild any oitile&e &rbort B. BvaM, Viae Proa., c.D.r.• -,

Tho Groenbolt CoDilDGI' Serrioes, Ino. Clark l'orc:aan, Cbiot, Power Diriaion,. 'u at present thG. onl.J Olltai~a1il<ll · P. w. A. Wulh~ten, D. c. baa a.ny capital invoatecl 1n Gl'Oo nbelt. fl~ Ga~Ttioil, Pres., ~is.on•lilgnor Co. storos, and iaturally it las ita <ML ·.·Poter J.-Carrolll Gretllbelt,. •• adDdnistm tivo. ottioa& to JDOD&f$0 .J: ~- .8. Dcldaon, Greenbelt, lti.)

. o.ttainh This "Boo.~ ... II. t"lrJ ~~up ...

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Ccntota_, !ho··it·x-.;ltb J.&socia.tioa ls ... -.· T..r:~.·,n-:cP" ly c. porsonnt nnttor o.nd ,~ ·briDGing it ·• be .

into tho discuscion or CL Rocroo.ticmal l'Jbo.t TIC rouiiCt' p~ioulnrly otro:usivo Contor tho writer caaplotoly cw.clod tho in tho Q.JlnOUncODOnt TJl\S tho· st..'\tor.ont · pcint, a.a no person \'lho ror.lly lu\8 the th:lt tho raise ms de :1occssC'.ry · bo• closiro or boloncinu to tho Hca.lth .usn. cause socia.l sccur!ty t'.r.d u:-.oopl~c:1t would lot a.. Rccroo.tion eontor or a.th• taxes bo.d booCI'lo a. mjor CJQCt:So rJ~d . l~~tics tcop b1r:. · c.tll\¥• Rocroc.tion is one a. 4lstinct burdet\e Thoro 1'1Cro t!tc other ot tho t1nost 13Qthods to holr proearvo stn.ncJcrcl ror.eans o.lqs cuh"C.:~ccd ":Jy roocl hca.lth anont:' •7otriDC ohildron. · dcirics to support e. price ris~·, but ~ F01" the intomb.ft'On of n.ll, it 1& nnt first end torczcat 1:IC.8 the excuse ot proposed to s~cure o. built!inl;: tbc.t uculd eoo1a.l soour1ty ta.xcs. be e buJ"(\c~~ on tt~e ton:uttG of Gr'flc:cbelt ~ This aac.cu of the pn)- ~~w<.l ~·?··;· U'l> tho t~ ot c.dditi.tmt\1 rent. Our ·I propc.;::,t'...!"Ub 10 p.re1·~lont d~qi::o,.· ~·Jl' c~u'ty hc.s 1cac tino or~"Ml,a.ticm.s lest prc.tsidc~Ucl .cl~otic-~ ~~c i• n e.~ .. r:t 1t r4V! th~ o.J"C not no:wJ em- I deUt,cnt~ ntt~ t~ ~r~r~© ~JJiJ~Iit1ro :oiw; ~\th~r. Uo el·J.b or ~:rr~..iz.eticm ~ t~ t.he Sociel Security .:.«:t r.~.,,f!, ~.t the c:.n ~UCC~f~~~ll)' tt~re.tc ffl.thc:Jt fu:~• ~ :~~ ti.~c, t~ ~f:;~ d .. {!\., t' t~~ e;n• All nc~io; rccei,·_;d ~ tl\{,~Hi el~.l~G ~r ~ ~·~r the ~11 t~)' ~llM.rh i: l.: _r.l\y oT:7·~;,1z.~t1f·~"" ru-e spent tor the :::rt~.t~lt; ~~d ~~-rnllJ the r\CC:~w.~.d~iU~y <9'f th~ !\..,~.,t Qf ~oocl t~ the o~~it1 fil ~ ; ~~l~©re :~t 'l;::;._ J\.:o:·l" 'i'l'~"C· lh•<t h:::re l~ Gr~t~bel~ !tere.rtir< the [email protected] thr•t t.he h:-:.,,~ t~.;:J"'1~-l.t'IS il!.::.o Cl':t·~t t~~e typ~ ~r 1 ~~-irt (:\r'!'.cr ~~'o.il$t ':;: ::c:.:1 ,-~~r''i.;, .. ~ !! .. - ..

:·.·· •. ,~1!-~_··r""-~ ...• ~-··:!'_.·.·.·.~ •.. ~ -_~,,..., •• --e~..-.~~~tt~.-::::. -~!t~.t ~!-... _ ... , ~:-,.,.'il t .. :;. ·~~.,•.':~~r.-..t!-,.f ~~-u- ~~~., .. • ~,-:o;~---·r p~Y." , __ --- "-~~- ·"' I J ..... - ....... ~·-"'··~·· ............ •···--·· -·.···

lc$irce ~ ;.~t 'N f~J.J t. fr.~r ~;-r:~t ~ .. !t<!, ~.t t!te t ....... ~ .... .,, ........ ,~,.>6; thd: al!.U" citi1l5"!F::ll eark..o .. n_c l·i.•·o.· ..... ·"'·""'""''""'''->·· 'P•ol"·

1··e .. '1"' - _. •' • ~ U'< • ~ •• ., "' •• ~ • - . . I "'• w • ~ ·-•"' tt "••'- "~••<> ... ._. • • ~ ~: "' • . . ..., ~ -+

!':-on ': :--,,~·~~ ~\:::;! ~~~-...1~1\:!: ~:h:c;f.; ~-:y • fr;r :-!Crc- !~~e.rly tht. !~.;."-.~ fT\~~ .. _; ~3 1n ~ .. ~:::•-:! .... 6; ,., :IC:t~--·--!·v,;-.. -;:;'··1·· t-,~t ~·~~..,,.., ...... ~. ~r t" ,<,." l·r·· el'"'l"-~~ ,·',i"' .t,~ ...... ;A-1. . \"f.r~ "u:~ .. ;~~,;."';.~ ;.,f'i;: .. ,i ~"~A. .... .- .... • ............. ~ .. ·"'. ~,;;."J " .. ~\,. _; ~.\, ~ ... ~ t>. ,,..~ .. • ........

:a':.!"o:~""~ !~;i!~~ot~\t ~~:!.:.!f ~!tin ~;~~~~.i~cs QrA IOOUI"O 0. 'bGlldiDC ul\01"0 tx..tfi (me! c.ll ' Md to ·ru,-;uc thc.t, even \ri.th the in• c1t1&cr.-...a cwld Rtct n."\4 p; .. rtioipctc 1.."\ orcucd pr1oc crtootivc July_ 17, o1t1•

· t)wsc \1hol4&«1D indocr aporta within zona ot O'rocnbclt trill ;till be i~cttinc; ~';,iJl" at~ o~.!ty. . ,, m.n ohoupcr ih:ut 1n nMhin:{:-tcn, 11

. . . Lost~r u. Sanders ckmninG v1 th feint pro.isc to ar.y the •••••• · lca.st.

·'!SID!:&ft TO BY U'll BY I . Should the Co•op co:Ji:lnuo to sell · Cl!'tUJ!S ASSOCIJ.!l<ll uilk tor eleven conts, we thin!: it

....... uuuld w troll wrth tho oxtrr. ottort tho tollOtd.IIC attOT..dtient to tho bJ- to oc.rT-y your 1;1il.k h<lio1 lest the

lcm{f~r the C1t1z~'!S Aseooic.tiou. tlt'.S pot'.cctul o.cooptonco of o. ono. oout ndoPtod r.t tho Associ;:..tiou!s l.ns-c nu\:.t• rr.isc lcc.d to another, c.nd porhnps inG• a.~othcr.

"ttotlbcrehip in tho J&asocintie»r: siw.ll Anywo.y, o.a wo sdd c.t first, TIC

be o!>o:1

to t-.11 citizens cr Groonbolte i objcot to pnyin~ l!r. &.rvcy's sooinl .. Thoro aha.ll bo no duos c-.. "1d ct-.ch t'a."lily 1 security tG tor hin. \1111 be issued n J:l(l!lborehip oo.rd em• J. , Gol"don BrQ.don .. , t1tlino thOt! .to pnrtioipa.tc in n~l 1\mo l •. · ··--•:--~--- ... , ·" "" tions of tho ~sociO.ticr.le"' , . . OFFICE HOUR~ OF TliE CPJl>I! UNION lRE FROU

. [,cOW ot the oor>P.~tc .!'r'~ will J 6!30 to 8 P.\f. EJE!1Y -miD.".Y lJID E'I!>."!Y PJ.Y . ,. 1)

0 disttt'butOd to cvOJT ~ly 1n Gl'colll, D£,.Y·ltf fll8·t!Et!ING ROO!! /.~OVE Da'1UG STORE

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! ot Greenbelt CoJJSUIIIB r s will entertain tm 1r

n~ Blook .,. and •s•, at · ··· the at 8a00 p.m. tcmight.

ladiee, leave your hulba.Dls with the diabtN 8.Jld tJte babios am OOM Out QDd get aoquaintecl1\dth leaders of the Di.s• cue ian. ~roup~ who 1rill acquaint JOU with what•• ut and lltlo'• who 111 tom.

An into.r~tiJ¥ prograJD br.t.s ooen u-ra.nt;od by ~. ?iteb and Mrs. Lee. --------Detter 'fiuyon_ ·club 1.G tho mJIIO ot the Gr~e~lt Ch4pter of t~ ~klti()ml f.;d~l"flti~ of C'on~~~f§. S~·Qlltvd by M"~ OlUo Boff•o• the ,.,_ •• UIIUli• ~ly adoptocl by the loflddrl ot tho 15 lo·~~l ~heucuJ1ae: ~·.;~.

A ~ti~ Of thz: ~t\l·~ !Jc:~d.a!'S ~~ h<i ld l.~rt ""ti:t;; ~·!':f.':/ i~!'titi"!\OC!l i.n ttw

· f l 'ii!. '· •s '.~ .., · .t .,.h.a '"'- ,., ... _ t1rs. ;t;''"A 4 ..:o-, ~'lu.r:G. •• m.... . .. v flw,:.;.;;v ·IJ..,. Jl,..., ~ -" ;wr - • - .._,.,

rr~·.;,:J :.;.r<l i' lu!t!·d.!V ~ "~~"'lber of iiorror;" .~r.:~i~ h't th;. drw,: at~ ~e A b\ble of Wi.fOnrt&\ti~::i ir. the gr01!01"1 atoro. -----J1(7f.l !COIOtt.lCS CWS VIS ITS . GRilli•

!lBI! --------Fittoon '&'DOd in n. heRo ooonadoe olua at tbo Uu!wrait.y ot liary land woro brott;ht to Grconbel t on a tour ot t!D point8 ot intor at Iemay . attem.oon. The tr 1p was aJT&Dgocl b)' Jfila ll\rio Kouut, head of the hCIDD OO<r! omio& dcpartmont. · . .

Bdfore risitil'f: tho town, tllo ~··d ts _.-. g "''"~"•• nw. 4 M.PIWIRA 1 s\8Dor a .. ~ on wv•v .......... , -· ·----

talk by 11rs. lhbol BossOIROI"~ on •tU'e . ·in Greunbiit"; · .,_

•• .. •• ,_._ lo

. - ~

b: lllGtJUJ n ot 11 . ._ ...... ~ gavo a tO& party for Thura day attornoon at tho FuDdill, 2•L OardODWI.)'e Twl311ltlr·r~our youug­ston · gathorod at 3 p.m. lUll wore ontcr~ tained with gamos bJ llias att.ey F1Dn ot 13-A Ridp Road *o 1a the auporriaor ot th.oir ai.U"ilbax.

At 4 p.a. rotroa..,se or atra.wbo~ jello 11hioh 1IDI 1nd1ridalq IIOU14od iud ga.rrdshod with whippc~ erma. eookios and ailk, wn:· scrwd At 11tt lo tnbl01 plac~ on the la-. Then il!ill Ftm aupcr­rilod ~rc g~ uhilc tbc ~tho re p~ cent retirod to Nn. Fundin 1i l,Yi.ng · room to ~njay tcod too ~ cookie•• ru!d to dt.~ews; the problCJ~~ wu! joye of tooir ar,;onbod sMdbax. o~t ~tutn.cticm lrith the . .mncr in •toh their ideu Arc •rldnr out .a cxprouod by ull. ':hb !loth~ i ~ Club ia plftMi.n.r t-.not.ht: r t·o.rtv or ~ieni" for thl! eh ildr~n !wxt ~d~" tl..a t~~Y httd t}U~h :::. r}orio~ ti!"Jl} ct thie ·or.o. f'~•orcs ot bfllloona !11\}I"C

rurn iohud ~· ~·trll •. huxH~~, lters. JcttdP~ u.nd Mrs~ ~WM. ·

Gu~t• ttr-.roa Po.~ end Jerry 'frriGht, Chu"lga ADl Llndaay Dowrick, ND.ey11.ou:iac, Jfano)' and Jam Mooro, Dcma1cl ud lhrold o •.

.,_,nlaw, lrio end ...-1tl Fundin, Joyce llilkr, Doria itarilall, Baa Doc18, 1lhrl'On 1lf1111a1 Barbara JenkiM, Jan )\ydor, &cmr, iroaim, Barbt\n.l.lb.rt&J &M tho Mca&\.mosa WJ'ipt, 'Dowriok, Jonki.'UJ, Rioharclaon, a..oralaw, FUDtlin; Burr, no.aa. ]\ydor and Jtillcr! ----A fall· traa his bod. last Se.turda.J at f. A.ll. reaultod 1n a fractured oQllar-.. bono far lool Morima, 4 )'Oar& old. Undor #

tho caro ot Dr. Christonson, Ioo1's oon• .·· • dition is improving rapidly. Uool is tho scm of Jlr. au1 Urs. lfori• ot 2l•F Ridgo roa4•··

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I .

· , ltdploall.are.tert&~·---·llant- · lilll'• aleee, lin• -Lob Jfalwoot ot car-. thap, Jlllaourt •. -----llr. m4 lira. o. r. JIDGoldriat aDI tally ot 16•1 RKge lead ·are motoriJ& to Bolton ...... wl'tll lire Chaae Bl&D . ot 16-B Uda• Road ttJt a ten da7 wb&­tlOll m Jew lacluact. ---lire ..t "'- R. Ae Gollas of lW Ridp Road. haYO u tboir poets IN. Gelloc •• brotber and ftudl.J ot St. Louia, 11Ja~our1 tor tho wet-aade ---~r. mt ~n. atoMnt lt&l"t ot u..r Ridp Rolli on oJJtortainbtc rolatiws ot ""· liar~ . ----. .... .. .... JobD lowtlla. u4 fDSlJ aN l•ftlc Greo Dbolt t• a brlot YOCct lett b ·· fiCW Yark e.n:d attor-'Jf't, rotu·r ~l~ te tho Chescpu~o 3.-.ay tl.r~• whurv ltr.Mo'liilU~ ax~u to dnin tho. ~.cy ct t<.ll ·the tiah tu~

.cnba. ............ ltr'. !lM ''n. ~htn !cnjontn hld

u thoir ~.liit tor a 1110k, tbolr niooo, 1111 11-hlo Siepl ttl Baltbloro. Sho loft tor \luh~OD lait Diftlt to riat.t bor auat Gild Vnolo, ur. · UlCl Mrs.· J\J11ua Lnm, lilt tntcmde rotuminc horo tor a few ~ab botcn going but.

.... ·.··· ...•. a Ngtllar · · .· .-.we readle4 ... Modioal eo.... 1tb ware all. bedeobd 1D OW" tbMtat dlapan, aal oach ODS ot us triocl to skD. a b1& .-.,roesion with Dr. Chrlete111en. ~lo •1ttng our tu~4 wo cUacove:r•

• ocl thl.t Bobby Ba.rriam, • lbOIItha old, 5a aattiD& h1a eeooad. tCDth.t that RaJ Prank startc.a • lk~ laet WodDCSdq., Ull th& Jathou:r !blarbor, S acgthl old., with wlican oarriod em ll nirto.tion · durin« our n.lk to tho Cltnio, las o. apoo!Al ltair ·m.b all hie CIIIIDe •t TOJ\Y roal.Jr •os ie o. .tooth-obrulb, "it '• t.bo oftl7 thhl 11Vo tOUDl to toop -r lair i1l plooo•, ho told tho· reporter.

fCIIII9 Tolbc*t, 19 ·JICrih.l old, is a YO'J 1"*7 )'~ 1111Antt AI hie Gn.ndaother llw. Ia Cottaco City, abo 11 eloeo 0. lloup to mit bJa OWCI'J woot-ond•

AlthO~b or.ly 3 YtiG~'' old AulUit 29, Jo.su~~h St~rh; i: tJilto ~ ~~l'rl-11 plAyer. He h~ tl ''it ti"';;..,' p~etieir.( with hh Dllctd:-· on th-.' lr.Tm~

YOtL.V. ~t ritt~~ iA enjoying ~ gnuid n<:>~ wr. ~ ~' eoo~l')·· He lett lu.t S&:turd~lY ~H l~h J".Ctbi<r ~ ftithor for SwA:t.lboro, "f ~ '• PD,t 1:: rob~ to holp hlo fo.thGt" til~h; .w\ ~ ~rr tho aCA-ehoro, tho nowons, ';!.} rudnr.ls rJ!d anJ mtor­Oitin£ subject Jii~ ~'1 find. Frat tbo DOYioa wo•~ t!i;·~~~, ~t is o. good little ACtor rlr;bt ;~.('".;:• · Sidney j'tJ~·m 11 •ito n JOUD& 1447

• •• ... ••• at' 9 ~tm. c"h@ 1fi1B •cta·Do.", aDd c.

!ftaa Mb Ya1l lela, pablio eohool 8 Good·bJc•, ~t;·~ aho·stt.Jl!·s up by hOnolt.

.... toaohor· ot Raaton, Mus., raoantly 1hcn it ocu:~ ~r;;•··~. thoU&\ll Sid:noy told apont ao'teral -,. -wlth lire .::ail .lllra. · ua, tho floor locJat llichtJ tar a_,. LJ-m L. ~. tOal Croaoaot Road.. We Ulllorut:md Sa.alra. Cono 11 Ollbnl'k-

___ ..... big on tho onroor of· jOurlllliam. · Attn-. line R. P. DohnkD ot 2-c Parkwa7 _ girl, Saniro.. tt•a a gr011t lito.

Road, lett S'CIIIlq tor an oxtondecl •· · Gcil !hrl~:l "J~ ~- !! !~m-- --- -oaticm with her parcmta, llr. aDd Ire. 1!Jg n tow .,nt;hs vn .. ~a.ticn in GroCilbolt. c. CJ. Bran of Sanduakf, Ob1o. Wo cortuir.lj oDjoy tDlidq: to hor wbcm

---·· eho pushes our carr.l~o. Ira.;. 11dte aD4 scm .lrl;hw lett tor It yo• 1Wilt tc a.ea e. perfect. littlo

=··~polis to 'ria it lira. llhiteta parents •.. ao}.dior, ~~'t a loOk. a'" Jolin ~liCG~ldz.l;, · · -·-·- ~·· . · 19 mcntba old. tho 8th ot Jult• I'Cl-haps ·

· Peter J. Carroll, Chairman of c.o.~ .. hD will 'b~ a.. .. t Poi;lt Ccutot somo do.y. :t.s confined to his hoae with a ba417 ~ .. ' ,._.~ . . . . too.. . . ~· ,., "'~ ,,;. {ii'.'iiii. _· a 11<1• e -~

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ShC~i~· ' . . :tiJtOc tor· 1l QOSJ;Kmli1'90 c118lt&t·~ at~tho ··W. .·tkao ''II DW:ltl0118 ~ till1nc.

': r'

. ~ "' ... 0no ot. tho ooet lllltri tiO'U aa1 JOt ooonooiaa.l toooc ic oa.nnod aa.l:loD. !tnt 2 ptta. Stro.wborr;y Golntill ia ooonoaiao.l onlyil' tJiO P1D1t Ol CbuD. 2 pinta t;a:;.to juioo •mon is wscdi . - - 4 Ts. propa.rod qut:.l.J'd

•aut~~, nab tho intu111t;ont Ghol~r,• 3 ta. aora.pod onion, alt, is P1.nl: or Cltm lc.lmn r;ood food? Arc mch GAycl'UIC popper 1'.bcJ not tni'Orlor crolca-& ~ttor D1saobo tolAtiD iD tcxmto juice lllhich CJ'Gdos 11 tho rott!~.tc~ lti.MT LtJA tbc.t hc.1 boon Jumtod. IJld other 1DtTcd1cuta,

• • • 1a 10 OX1~1l.VC • foroc tbru eicvu. fUm bto t. l'UII( 1bc ·~u ,r filbctrica, Dept. ot ~1.."'\!ltt ~ ohill u til tim. Tum out

~r~ ~Uc uo ~ toll~ •· ·~ ::. ~ ot lcttuoo lf»t"cl. •eo1or 11 e. ~tter «'f o.ppc:~,uoo Fill ~enter vlth cbiotr:~ GP.lc.d or

cnly, but prcjut.~i.Yo ;;,.~ ouato~ ~vc ~~"'~" .... . :.. ~·~ vofe:i'.A.ble &,.W. od the public ~ p~.:$ by t.M· c~!'i.p::·r ~ud ~t»lly fi'!JOlfJ'O~lO r b'.;k ~ chv::, ,nm:i• ~117 ~o::~~ ~'1cy ru-e not r~,1' uhon ~-nee•.. .

•Ptllb .;;md olU!::.~ u~Wl.lly ooomm le #e f:'.l '~J ~ .' ?~ \.'1U-- l 'tz·~ t!v:: !"t: '-~ c~,; r ~:~:.~rtc: tioe i.~ ~r~~z !p~..-ti1~ue hui l~!:~c :.:,tcri.=.l. f!oiv ~-.ri,. ).p•,,· !'1-r!c~C: -~~c-:-.u:ijc ·

. . .. . t

· f.lt t.h~ i.r ."..:m;;:.,~7.r'.ei< !.f:-: tho ~~c ~r lr.bor tr.vin,. :-r~chir.:...:r·: iL ~~~.;~li~:, ~:-:r.;.~ ~-..r.ni:..::

~ .. ..... - "V

the~~ lt~:.:- hl_h !:f'Jtci;·. co~umt :::\l! l~r oc~:t. ;·\li:ukr t,~~ nor~ Qa0::'4a;.:.d~l tkm no~t QJ-.im.l too.!c i.e oawcm usc. • ~ Dop;·.rt,r..-,n~t ot ~roc-BurMu ot Plldwrios bo.s n.,-, CZO(.} llcnt panphl4lt on •Jno:· tm.t ~•Y. bu h.~~ tor tAl fil~nt;;. Bosidoa ~nt~.ticm en pinll: ~ ohu:l

· OQ.lDon ::.JX how it' a .r.n.-lt•t-thc panpblct nlao oontrd.na 4-1 NOii)Oa, ct lx'Jcod, oootcd, stoancd, tmd''brailo-l oamod ~1-c - . "

::xm. ......... Hr. and i.frs. Joe lbhor had na thoir

t"UOBte Sunrley Hr. nnd lira. R. c. Bishop t'rCEl tho District, ~isa Polly' lillkcr lnarri.llo, t'cllr.e nnd !.&r. n. n. ~ Ips Jmcoloa. Grcr.;.t cobs ot crub 'dia­Q;ppcMU'Od botwoon 6tSO :;.M 'b30 P. !I. na the (;UO&t&. a.p~.rontly ccwo \roll propr.rod with OtlJ?V st(d!.cha • ............... ...... iiiAJIBr.tJBa.RIIIH

IIIII ...... -ODUIJOI . -... gfj:l'fiXl·••·••''j)i,;i: •. Ji.J • ,:, .

..... ···-----·· It DCWSpCpor 1c plc.oc~ \Ul'f!©r the ru.:c,

't.lx: tlOOI"a will be . protcotod. tf'CCil dult : .::}. dirt- ~~nc t.hrTJUch. "'~~H th.: nt.: ~-!'> r"'·-' iv f"'r "'''''""'•'·' J'1•<>*' .. ~'~ l"' ~- ... · ,. ~ ~ ·• .... J :u '- ... .._ .. • .. ;,. • .. '-' I .t>""" "" .t IC· J.- ~ - ·•· ~If-'

'"'·"~ ......... ., ,, ... >H<f' "H.t V<"'h'·· ~ ... '"'."l·'.H""•"'<"·~ •I if..,_ .. W-.,; ti"'' ... :oJ.. -w I ~~~ .. ::.·\.~ .J . .,.._.. .. ~ ~~ ,._.,.., ~ '!' • ..,.-~-~·

'· ... ., • · .,..h "'l· "'"' t r •'- ;.. fl"" ,.,. r ··· ··r.· •..... · "" .......... .....,VJi ~ -'-·~+ -..;~ v··J· V ..... _.?~•-.;·' .C·..,;.•

.}•i.ei-~lly : .. !"t~r :.11 tr£ ,. . .!~~ i! tt-~.::~-::~~

L: !YJ!:. t~ s~Ui.!Nse tt, ~ ~l>'·j~"'· > ii ,.. i.:re ~ ..... '1!1..,.,. ........

.,.. ...... ... -!('ny.: Bcitht. Volun~cr Fire ncp::rtnc:r.t tl"c:c1

Jul.y 18th~ to Jull ,!!!:!


IOBD l'lE:~•s iiGii!, ·ncmmSDt..Y. JULY ·2oth




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-~·-··· ,/; ... ·.aL~ tight~ l:ho 'lfrtoonth·~r·Ju!y,; • . 'ai~yHiicrtilb{;;· Jult''lGI:'a.tftiin6 ·· c.t scvontorty•fivc, the JUllior Citizens• · o'clock c. sortlnll gD.Z:ID wc.s· plAfCd be· Associ:.tion act c.t. tho cwsptiro grt'Unds · tlrc.,;n Blooka A 4; d &.D.: C A D. Tho ::"~~ t.hc aottbQll dic.!JOr.d. 'ft,c tire '. f'in:..l :score, ::.ttor oit;ht in:rl..nbs, •a -.:m.s ctt'.rtcd nru! the opon1nt; &011& vr.a 1 8 to 9, in t-... vor or C 1; D. . · •school t.\)'11• e Other .IOD£1 llero llmCt ~ 1ho Ttlmd.J'i tccz1, \7C c.to told., lr..l :;.1X, "uyll!.o ll:..mcr told throe go~ ~ oc=pc&od ~stly ot boys trCD c 8loot. :t~~Tt atorl.o;;li. Y-e!U'J Goode, _r"'or&e I~ the lripirc did not show u£• . · ~~uer, Jr., r ... "ld n·.hlc!!. !chbc.VGb told . Ricba.rd .~r.G r.h~at flltorit~~. ""~ !l)t t:~c otlucr ·······----;!c.!ldicu: tol~ ri~~l(;z:. · JmH~R imroi!T..::'?S ~. ~rr@u tr.l~ ~~ ftRf r~ ;-~~ --""·--

~.vc ws ~ t,:--.rt richlle ~) ;;;.t,~r. !~r. 'lttTC\1 repty;rt@r; h,:;.y" v~lur..tc~·r~ w m.lde led ue; i.n ~ t~ ~~~ .. ~;..~ :o.r-..d t~tJC,ht h©l~· t.~.~.,,:it~r ~'iti• tl'>£ ,;bildr~:~·• UG tl~ Gt)t~, ·~·d.t Uf' ;,"mn· tr~~l(!O; 1~ ~.,C. ~~ri~ t~n"' G!.C.Jr-~·r. 'it.e:y ~r~ .,. n i''u~ £5'lK! !:1t h:!:•• !~r. c..rrg·l! .t.~l:t! . :-c-p;·~;~~tfg' -~:; ~~ l~·;,i; t~~;~ ~f{)'.:t ..... ~c u.~ .:lt:J'f'). lJrt.~c.h. tJ.(¢. :.@;~ ~ ..... ( rr~. 1 Jf,~~· J"'r.e~, ;...,f..rily~ a.;.:~r:~. ~r..J ~ictznt

~.r. Jt\~© ¥ifj,~ ~ .. ~~.\! t~ t.gl.Jl ~ tskr-y ~:::~:wr-;. · ~~t ~.e h~d ~ Z'.S: ©'~ di~~• ~wr~ ~-~~~~~ li<v' ~r~ fil::"' ~·>< :~.~.:~ t:'~-1r n~©lfi, ~ 1fil©N ~~ .,;; ~-.~~ U:c 'iJ9mt ~~(<j~· ~~,~ 't~ ~ ~h~;,~lJ ti;) ;:;l!i~~ ~o ~w~ ye.ur bel~, •--~-'2~-~;;;:~~)~t, :_.: .. ·~~-e:. : .. -.~., :..~ )·\:'t~ :~ .. rt ~~~~-:.;:-:... . .:t·~~.

!~-l.:·:t $~~::·.:.~·~.:~<_· ~-t. ·J:-~f : .. : i~~:~: ~~~~- .. ~1

j. f, ~--'+ -~,, · '~ ~ t :~( ~ -~~ .. ~: ll b--·'- .. ~~ :' ;~:tt r :e~;~~- ;r :""i r:e ~·. r! ''ro• ~::'.~~-~ i= -~=i~~ ~~ ·~~l: ~-.;.; C!~" r--:~ • ~:s l~~ • ~ ~-l! --~u!~~~~ ~'~ t.

~~ri ~::~~ :z~r:n~


ThNe' ohildr~n slid!~ 4~t t:~~ lee ur~! :L ~u:::n.7r': ~:;, .·

As it t~ll cut, t~~Y nll r~ll ln, · ~\fl · ro~~ ti10y r:-..!1 ;t.\K~y.

·Oh, 1~ thosu ch!ldrt.~ ooon r.t 'School, . Or slidi;!b on~· cr~d, ~:r.. thou=::«! 2-aut-:c~: to one pcmyr .

. !hoy md not tho.n boo~ drowned •.

Yo puronts y;ho hnv\i childNn doo.r, And )'0 1 t\lo, \T. :O hcvo_f!CnG ~ ..

, If' ·you woulc~ koop tho!:l oarc nbr<X\d• Prn.y .koup thm:L . snto ::. t . bCI:IO. :

· IlOtbor Gooao

-------·--J<U SCRO£B VACli.!IOII!tG ·-----Jonn Sohooo is spondi.nG pa.rt ot llor

. · vacntion t\t llw gnuub:J.o~l!or's hODC ~r., ·.·. ··• , ... ;, ~~ISP•.~\'I:.l~~f• ··.ft:~· :J.~tt.t#;t.lJ ·

.:~ .. ti-t-:.!:!+~ ~.rt..;-r~sL\:~ j··.c~ e:~:.~:.. ~~·~. :~.-er :· .. t .


ltu-1lxr. ~If~. Qelcbmtcd ncr ~nth , birthdr~)~ oo Fridf..y ~~:lght, July 15. • ~~~ trer·~ pl.~yod, zmt! icc ~rcr...a, crlru, t c.~okics, · ~·. nn~ cbucokto· :d.U: \'l'Cro • S;}f'tcd. : It\ ~r on .a. ;!njor ~~ pr~ra.t11 M-& • ;;·b.ycd t~nt! prizos vx·:nt to Lrthur ~.llltc

tor tho· best joke Md to :t.rclJ!:. !q• l:ir.a tor ·~ up nn~ ~c~ her arm dtmoo. ·

(ldldron ·present wcro "<lrga.rot tUld Fe. trioi~ .Bromt._ Lois__llctJilL.ur. Sh.irlov

; Do Loouw~ Dorothy lfoort, c~oi~ Toap: r ki.Jla. Bobby end Jortbur.lhitc, . 'Do::.ld : BrmfOr, Locmr.rd toaior, ·lit\.hlon Ellhbr.U{;h

i. and ihvid kneyn. Thoy a.ll wont h()]lO .

singing •Goodnight, Lnd1os•. · l . ' . . . I . -••••••••• · 1. . Bovorly D~ss caao bc..ck to Groonbolt Friday l'l1 th hor ElOthcr ~nd oistor aftor

... · ~(;lpg .•.. ~·~1fl:tll :~.:~~onf:a.~.·~

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. . • · conco:rno~ -~- · -.tnr; period ot ~ao:J,-.tion ot .tbo pationt raJ be stated ns tollowsl ·

,1 •. tic."D~ocoooal !io.itia•; 1bo JXl. tion"t'li qunrnnHiiOd r fJiD oliDi• cnl courao of tho di&OAIO and until two 'll"t·cka to.f'tor tcmporAturo bas ro• ' tunlOd to !1.01"1Dl. Expoauroa arc iao• k ted tor ton ck\p h'CA lo.at cxpoiUI"'.

2. Clticton•Pox - h p».ticmt ia isolAtod untli :~.11 aoc.ba hc:•c d.ioa.p•.

·penrod. Sxf»oourc& lfho tmvo not ~d ~ di~ao tll"'<.intlpootod &lily for ·_ t\N;;r,tY-cno dc.)-s ~ cxcludocl em o.p• ~wruw ~r first ;;.~tcxll.

a. Di.pht.~~~e • 'l!tC FCtient is !~tth tcJ untti ~~ GUCCQI!i.iV~ tNl tu.re~ -~-;r-~ ~~'f. ti.vc. Sx.!;~~u~~ ;:.~uat c~~~e ~~Mr:e~e f.;;il~ ~f.ye ~:,. ~ue~"~Ji~rc J~ct;:..•

t.iv© c~lt~©tit · •• ~l"t£:1 le;.;~lQ~ - ~te ~ titr..t i~

(.'•eluded r~r ~~·~t· &:::\;~·~ ~')"~ ~ftt.,_ t ~ ~~i-{rZP ... r~.e- ~-:::.,1 ~:7·.-..:~~ .. ~ct ~:£;..,. t~:.c -:~·~-.·~:.:0

~ .. r·t ~;J' ~ .. c ~~:;:'~-·~, .. _~: .. '-t -d. ... ~::;~· :.-:;.r ,.~..,;~·~\,.~"' .. ~.~-.... ~-~~-1.~·. d : .. :;a :ct:~t.~t ":t~:t~··.!:fe ~:~ tL.v fi:;_::t .t·~;·

5. r~=~·~:·.tt 1~<-c ~:..:-~:i:t~i.f; • r .. ~ !1-~l· .,.r,, ...... :~~r-··~~~:: ... ~ ~,, ..... .:;~,., ,~ l<Xt~..;.~.,.,·c. ;.;. .. 1~-'lir ~ll,.-.,C•>I.

.. - ....... ,_ ;,,t< ;ic·._ 0 , ,~-~ .. <-~,~ ,._._ 0r~'-''glu ,...,..1!-vv ... ~~:. ¥* ~-'t::( ·:4!:--~·~~'**""J io· ,.,.,_.. AJ' 1t-~V

l~~©r tr.:m tTr" .~ty-on.~ t!~yc. Expo• ~W"'~C :\I"C @~OlU~~d ter f~u.rt«;en dny; trw .lf.'i, t c~~orur~.

u. }.;\i:,s,clo~ • t!rJC p.1ticnt in ox­()lW.(;d !'« ~C.W~ <byL :.ttcr ~p~OC ~t JW..1sh "rovl:Uitt r~o r.br~ot::ml dis• Cl!~CC or ~1~r~.turc is presont. Ex• _ OGW"OL who J;..'"\VO !'OOt llt\d tho di&CNI.OO t:t.rC oxcludt:r( . tor rourtoon days •.

·r. urr;j - !ho pa.tiont is Q\IU"Q!L• tined uu . 8\~t;lling or t,lnnda hrls" di::::,•:}o!\rcd. Expoauroa t7ho lr.vo not :~d thG. diso~:;(l mx~ins_iXootod d:lily fc·r twor.ty-ono dnys cft.cr lAst o.:t• ~?OGW"O end oxoludod on :'irst symptow:. · · s·. sOO,rlot Fovor - tho pn tiont ·· ·· · is to &J oxoludod _l'or :'. J:lini:u:1 ot twonty-ono do.ys b'OJ:l tho Ol)Sot and _ until ~11 n'bh~l. <U.•®.n:r::;os ha.vo s~ppod end sores henled. Exposures c.rc oxclud()d for oit;ht da;ys t'rom lG.st

· of to. .!own at. ~,&..;.,_ . ·"' . . . "lZ. __ Lf."' • ' .......... ~.; _ _.. t'

• .1MIIU ,o.a: I'VP· ~lt.l.- ... 9.r ~~ .. ~~ • 2. !hii poralt onti tloa tho bo:lror to not more them ono lnwtul ontcb. in ono · cmy. 3. Roaidcnt childron~ s;y i'iah without posaoaatng.~ pormdt upon proper idcnti· fica. tion by tho town ranger or other of'ticor ot tbc lo.w c.a euob. . 4. D•o aouoys derived tr0fll1 tho per­m ta shell bo o.xpcndcd for stocJd.n;. · rce:t<Ookift&, :m4 =intc~cc onv. ----·-----

9. b.ll Pox - %he pc.ticnt ia ex• clud~d u.ntll c.i1 •~c.b1 hc.vc di;;.p~ecl ·:..m lcsio::(i hc~lccl •. Ex.poauro vb" mvc :~Q;t b.,r~n WCOP:~:fully vee~i~\.~tcd t\f'C

~r.:.r~ti~'d f,qlf' tl'l'Cnty~n~ ,;:.~·~ rr~

t':{f'C :\lr!IS"

1~01. Tuber~ml@~i~ • ~ y...tit'~;t 1~ c~clud@& ~,:;; L~,., .;.a t~~ere ~r© ;iG~; ijf r.:! !t c H VfJ ·l)o~v( ~ ~ ~- "'»•

ll 1:'--" .~··· '-'~ .... ~-~ ·' ~ .. l~k ~ ~ .. i \: '.' t ; s e • . .)-~- .. a~--"irr._ ~:·\·\•..,.~ .. '!"'- ~~·1.4. •· A

.exc ~u.J.~ ·~ --:_~· .. :_\·: l- ii _ ~(t.c~!t i~~:-";: :-... ;""t..:r t.c~·

", ..... -- ... -,..,. r·_,. -~ ",,,,_.,"'1 .~,._, ....... ,,, .. ""''""'·"'~ i S'' •.o-ill'l-"a.tl.•''-· ,\_._·.a~:.; .. 'JI...~ ?<t·l...'•_.~,...,.... «:"'•"""'"'Af·""'~....,.~\,. . .._.

::r-o t::· '-J _ :! t-0. ~ it:l·~:.u~~i t~·d. }"'·. ""fir- .... ~ ~ -;.<- C '·U ~' • i'-1c "'"' *' '. ""!t,_. ~ ·~ --· "-..... · .... ·\..·.:;.'-" -'*;.~. ·- ~ _.;. _: ·it·- '4o<..4':V-""' ..... ~

!</X~l~~·'"'-~r;~!-tr ~ ~-·u: ·:·t~-J~~~ t\t!U r ~n~~ t . ! or tre we;:~~= ~t~r ~Pr~~rt\.itcc of whoop • I !X~OIW'OI nn~Q hnvc net !~d th~ dil«~l~ i t:U"o to be axoludod trcn ochcol mut

public g!\thorir.t;n tor t'ourm~n do.ys trca chltc ot the lnst exposure.

It is fo.lt t!nt ~nt O.."l ~~coo · l'itlik!tiuna l1f0Uld bo supcrilo-Ua, iil• c.nmoh 0.8 the l&\'!8 nro not docit,nod to work h~rdship but to protect tho con:nmi ty i'rO!l aprcc.d. or diace.sc. ~hero there is doubt ns tho propor procedure, ocmt unionto with tho Oroon­bclt Hc~lth otficor nt Oroonbolt 2121.

To kcop tho -oaami ty tree i'ra:t cpidcQie;s it is :uot Oldy dosirnblo but ~bsolutoly nooosa~ thnt tho citizen• ry ooo:pornto to thO lo ttor or tho law~·-·

Dr. T. l'-• Christenson. Hoto: Dl". Christon.son will ·answer

. q\iO'ition ·sot n g~nor.c.~ hoo.lth nnturo in thoso coluous. Questions should be addressed to hm :.t the Hoo.lth Oontor, zo~c ~idge ~4.

• - • • 1:. •'

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DOP£ FCil !BE 8 DLES" By Gco. F • CnrDoa ·---

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·. ' . . . . . ~ " '

Sll:lO &q · ~ bo tb,r\ nt:lltftPtltl t:i.mO that tho . ao.id dittoront th.inGS and whAt thiDcs ono011D.torod tho bbors to dD.to c.a

r11 sniclJ but oho little boy About nino their como a.s schodulod 1IIUI rn1noc1 out. tho neil richt on tho hoc.d. Srlid he, 11<11 ~a tho now soh9dulo shows tho Bal:lbcrs co•um, it c.in't none ot than thincs, Pl.D.J1DC'tho Clift Dllcllora m Thursc:lnJ rtidt;crts tCCJ.'\ 'i1n3 Cot !:Y'lmfe11 21 July, tho a.rdcnt to.ns Of Greenbelt

"Rho.t do JOU notm, thoy got rythnt SottbG.ll cc.n propcro to till tho stcxlda ms n.s~cd ot tho bOJ • His annor 1IU, · tor one ot tho. boat caztce pla.JCCl em 11ThOJ' cot- GOod pii:ch!nc ooabincd vith tho d1nmaqd: in 13N1J a. da.J• !ho Boabora tioldJ.nc, cood buo ruwliziG, r;oocl hit• ha.w clroc.dJ o.sacrtod thAt they do not

tine ·at'CD 1t thOJ arc n:lt 111 the t1ret intend to lose this bo.ll" CCJlO• So tan r.."'Kl ~}Caidou, they pb)' -.rt end sr.nc Pop tlcJccr better- co out CJid recruit · sott~:i"'.ll ~ ~ jtlU jwst·atch thea h11 ben a.va.llo.blo tc= tor thia t,;al'lC.t men .the loncuc ~~. Pop told nc so, until Thurs~J nicht o.t the Sott· ~corct like, tMt thCJ 1ICJ'C cotti:lc ~11 tlclcl where the cnnc will be ~!o.Jocl •. ©t th~G(_ prectioe ~a.•

Titer~ i:s ~ · M.V\Qr r..r~lltl t.'ut.t 1 h..~vc · tS' ~i.Jf .a,r_:y r;;J·ct.vrs. ~11, th.re~ ~lls .................... . f~f' ~ ~~t!'~'Ql l!! eh~p. ?tf tvlvi~e t~ you I Anonc the c~· plnycit! thiet tmet,. cld t!~Jn th.Q.t ur...nta t~ te.: 1 rw.nc ~~~ tfta WI"C outltt-.. ncHnce Beth the D'lcrnld4 11 to o~ up to ?U.r GMC• !Ec ~~ 1 c.rA ~h@ Red Bir4l tVJok the Jmploas r, thrill h' tvt·ry e.rcu::L::t. .!.eth !kld : Boo: for e. oler-~i,nc, th~ vtn ot the · '"),.. , .. _., ••""P'\.' _"'•"·~ ." .. .-t' .... -....... _~·in·~··· I ...._cr"lJ,.. '·"'i"'··· t~·-'-·'r fi·r'"t f"'·J" t'•-i'" ... ·...; ............... •1\,oo•iJ ·--'-~t .. ~ .......... -=- ..... ·········•·wr.._.. ..... ~ ........ ,..__...._ ~"'"'- ............. ~ w ... .....

··l~e 0 r·~·r ·~•"""' ~·-··vr:r ,.,.1• .. _,< ·"~.. ._._,..,V :'.~~.i• .... e·r-i~·. L<t~t:!·.-·_·,·r !"-'.'_".t '""•'l'"' c_·l'' tt>_-._·:P'. ;.ri£' ~ J :; ;;.:~.~·~··;l;ee·-t-·~~-r;; ;lt~hi!'~l ;.;f'~.h!n ·c~"e -urs -~;ly -o~ci,it.,1-ct~c; ~~ .... ·rsP ~h~~..:. 1 t~"':~ e..:tt! it ~$ ~. t'\.:'l"c ~er!'.teh hit.

(:D.IT<ItS.i :!011:) Thi~ little b-oy S!'ly~,.


! 'i"b'" th;:.l nccre ~r the· c:0~c t"~.: 9-:. "Tlwy ;ut lt.te.l:, t"•·o r . J.lt.~i>Ut;h it t:~.t'l: tht. R~d liird:: !2

- .. ---·-·-·-- lr~W.C; to ~crtem the sr.:u. trlct, the ROD JJID :i~ Birds ~t the Glltirc c=o, Wioh ----------- by the wny nus the lonccst cnn0 ot the

lmdCll' · i~1ndC treeD c.."\d On the ltJtHt OMCOD, wi th!\Ut nnJd.l':aG t\ ·sinclc. OrTOI"e

corners tho tollmmra ot Iz~.r.J: !'t.lton !he lc.st six 1nnlnc;a pitched by t\1"(. e~thcri.n.c· Pno11c W~UCI lo~c Gcor.;o Bnucr HW tho Boos cctt~ only nstouishi.~ly tnll tc.lcs Mel nll reeds · one ·hit .• , c.."1d then GcQl"co hnd to co loo.d to tiahholoa. ·mu Ck©4, vtao ohWul out end vin his oan ball owe vith n thct vi tb . Bert talliana tor a. c\ddo, tis oircui t clout Vi th one mn on~ Score 4-2. OM be ~ucJlt in .tho So.hc.l'n desert, is o.l Tho lbcraJ.da c.ll I\1JOQr I"OVODCC OD

1.. .... ta.vor ot n Iua!: Thlton Clqb tor · tho other toar:aa tor their pr1Yioua Gl"oonboltors. Bill lm4 Goorr,o Jtodacm drubbJ.Dcs and it is oxpootod tr~ tho oucht to cot tocothor ·nw thnt Goorco 18 . sharinc thnt they mdo this week t.hnt sportinG c pictUI'o ot his ~thO!" lnild• thOJ nc:m business. in{:· a. 343. lb. tunc. in Gloucester, lfa.ss. •---=Gl:..-111-:E-r.AL ___ ...;._... ___ CWIII __ 1_at. __ , for Bill would like to mtm' j\lSt wha.t he · · hD.8 ·to do to cot sOJ:lothinc bi~:cor tluW. n Ml' 18 to ~ 23 at tbe-14 Ole &Jprdhonde Baf1 DIOI!S Jill JIOUSI



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Snob· Hill i' Ctlba cee tiona Beoa Imero.lda Pa.ra.diae lane

'· 8 :l:">:; • 8 ,,., ..... ,~· 4

'I 3 ' 1 2 6 1 2 6. 1 ·o 1 ------------

USUL!S --------

:i· .. jctJ&' • &oo .429' .286 .286 .ooo

T/9 Clitt Dr1. 1 Para..Lcne 0 .Portoit 7/).0 Snob Hill 11, ~~ 9. . 1/').0 Clltt Daollorts 8, ·Coo Lioms 6. · 7/11 Cuba 1, Pa.m..tc.nc 0 Fortoit ih2 k'm141 •• Bcol a. . . 7/).'3 Rcc! Birds 4, Boos 2. (12 I1llli.rlga) 7/J.4 hml~..a 8, Coc Ligna e. . 7/16 ~~" 1, rvrut1ao. 1Ano o,rortoit 7/16 Cltrr ~llora 12, CUbe 6*

---···--------.,•-•••!l'"w,. _ _._._ ....

v:. :tetl !ti rd:; vs. Cliff fkrellers ..... Cuhs v~. i.\<JOJ

\"Se !led ~ird~ ~. Clir! lPollcr1 w. Snob Hill. . ___ ...-o _____ _

not ~ 'lhcthcr or net tho toana nrc· ])l.muWlr to ~lay out their I'CIZ!n• in(; er•a, I hll..o not publishocl tho timl ;tazad1D£a tor tho 2Dd. sorloa. In tb.o cmmt thOJ clo not plo.J, tho rAbcrtc s~a will be . otfloial cmd nozt·wook all the. other atat!att" rolati w. to tho sooom aeries will bo pubUahocl.

· All tho Snturdc.y coacs will start horocttor nt 6a00 P.M., wook genes 17111 sto.rt a.t 6a00 P.J•. ancl ·thoro will be no .

. Suncmy :_.'t'.DOs • Out•ot-torm tOGDI 11111 be ~t c.t 3a00 P.n. on Sa.tul"dn.JI• Odcla on Clift ~llors ropoAtiDga Pop 111cl&or•a

· · odds1 10 to 1, otl\01" teana odclat 1•10 ..

&pi)Jita~ · · 11111 bo mll"l«)oJoDC~• fhoao otyou 'who, · .... ho.ppon to lcnort ot llfl'/ sportinc CVOllt which bAa taJron plccc or which is to to.kc plnco 1n the· nonr tutu.ro, can rcmdor iliw.l~blo scrvi~;.o bJ droppint:; · · D. liDo on the aubjoot 1D the Coopcra.tor .. box looc.tod 1n the ::;occ• store r.ncl c.ddrosa1.J1C it to this dopc.rtr.,cnt. !he dcc.dlino tor crticloa is three o•cloot oa.oh Sa.tu.l-®.J. ..... ,.. ........... .


---------------Folloui.nt; the sr~ proccduJ"c prariclocl b! the chArter fer th{, cl~et1on ot the 01-of!:ub-Jlt TC'IIIn C~mcil, the Ju.n.ie.r Cit ... inns h&ve cloaicnatcd oon. 17cdncodc::~ July 27, cur. the lrurt dq tcr ~c~lat· !'r,tt~ r~ ohilclrcr 0,.,,"1" lc~ who 4e- . e~ re t .. ~~ '"t.,tJt~ r~~r t~.~ ... ~~!!~,. rfi J! t·~·~ e :u~~d 1 ~~-1! <:: • ~i 11 i.n t 1J.."T. d \; i~ t :-. · ~:;ar ~!! :.'; t .. ll ~ ~·r:.a!if~-.-~:- t~ f'~l·~~i~--~·:: ~~ Lt-,.~·~ .

.,,.."''T tc' t~.-isq: 1\tr!f".g, Go-D CrcccY'.Ct ~~.d by u on , '~cdt.y, Jul.)' 21th, bJ · all thocc uho desire to \"Ote 1n tho o'oot• · ·1on Vill he cil'cu~tccl We week cnde !fiaa Burke 11 cot~ qs fo=n Clerk until me- la a.ppointcd bJ tho CouncU. An , iclcr.l tine to rc.;11tcr l:ill be a.t tho acetin:: ot tho Jwilor C1tizCDS As a •n. ou Tuoccm, Juq 28th. At TaG Rf. thoro fllll be c. aovic a.tt(;r tho aoct1ztc.

!he toll~~ ottiocrs ot tho Junior .. Citizens Aosooia.tion \'411 . ttmotlon u the Blootion Doarcla ~ AshloJ, President . John f. 11llliQtl81 Jr. VicQ Proaidcmt Lorndno YlcruJt, Trcruluror

-----------~ Jnuni tn Joice Bl:ock, oir)lt yoc.r· old OOilSin of Urs. !!orris Oott 1& visitbJg tho Cofi'a this wook. ·

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;OGilOGruiag Jl'ad~, J'fllliO ~­aeptios.· 8l'Jd,_r&dlo ~lOU. Frat · · tble to tme,· I shall 'att.apt to dia• ousa probl-.. ot geD&l'alintareat llhioh will enable radio Ustenera to get DlOM ettioienc;y trom thoir seta.

A gQocl DBDJ people often aat • ,., lt ia tba t they OlD. DOt get 81

g·m4 noopt1on lltro in GroCI'lbolt on their aota as thay did in -•hinctcm• Thoro aro Ul'Jf roa~.au tor this, but tho p riDotpQ.l one 1.8 that tba m.jority of tho bousoa MJ"C· ant abicl4od:by c. notal lt.tho 11hidl abGorba tho 4ipal trca tm stai;ian. Pw'hn.pe all ot J"U lwavc QpOrioncccl tm fodb1g of tho pro­,rus on u D.utCI!liObilo mdio tiiMn PuliJI« under a !IIC'tftl br1d~;e. rhc i.a.r,w prtnolpGl a,pplitll ~tcm. . JtcfM.po tho OG.Gioat ... to GCOtrO

~tter rMoption would bo to m• an out~id¢ nerbl 'l~ttJ:U ()d. Yr. rul~r l'.,:'-.3 :tpt rOY~ out~ ith~ tl. nto~:r t!Jr ~ 1 t.~:f.:!} ~ h0re in t~r~ :e !t. :1\~- ~p:1rt• ~e~ta h~~M npoei~l ~ilt t~ ~eri~l~. Of ei7cU":!0 1 thc~e tJ.n".::on;~~~ ~re ot r~ ~=-"(jeittl e~.etr;eticm '!.nd =..t b~ !!1-~t.~~.uoo n~~ordi~ to N,tbl~tiCM• ~D can bo iDit~lod o.t the ncaiMl prlco ot 11.2& to )'CIIIIr sot. I, pat• somlq, cAnnot install those aor-W. clue to the lack of t!Jio, but I Ia w

. appointed a. MD- to 4o the wort~ - It_ 10\1 aro intoN&ttA\ in ·a outa1do aeriAl, just Oftll 8791 or drop ao a pcm17· post cud in bax 183, cud· I will ponODG.l~ aoo t~;o it im t )'Cil tmo A praapt installation. ·

Or1tl ot the WOl8t miaa.m• in radio rocoption u tho noise. !helo arv several things which ldght bo dono to olimimto nOUOe ~Of COlrBO, CUl OUt• sido Aerial 1s ono ot tho groutost Aids to pert0ot roooption~ Saaoti:Qos, rovora ing the tloor plUg illl owr• . come anr pola1it)' m tho- current Uld. afford a clear tono. During tho .

. mcm:the ~t Jul7 and August o. groat doal of electrical disturbanoes can bo oxpeotod tUid roai statio will por.

Yalllc'Qee! llo, abOUt sane troe mf!l$~n _......... . ..

b 3groamont Wt th requests from Groen• belt ho111o'111ves, lire Laakso wra.ppocl tho · bare .loo.vea ot p.-porDiklo broad in the toocl store - aDd tho aaJ.os ot that broad toll ott &qC. LoAioa, IAcUosl -----Under oxiatinr: Fodc-l'Dl, Sto.to Am Coun­ty la.• J mdN la can bo slaqghtorod in Prinoo Goorgoa• CowltJ' .ADd tho mat. sold 1n the county without ita hAv 1ng boon im poctocl far auob dieo""01 u tuborou­lasil.

····-------A~ t)l} -..on at Grcmbol t u.mrillt.ng

to QAtme tholr l!ho.n: of tho COfl!IIUDity•e rQGpcm:ibiliticsJ A cOIIRittoo or ten . liiP QptOUJtod boa the Citizen'• MlooiA• tion t() roiiltor nluntoOI"' tor blood _typ~. All ton ff.ro ••

....... -.M .......

MP= ~r::o:ttc the · t! ir ~o~ tm.n &ver. klo~r nt..~r posrai.Ront qooetion

b tt-.(} 'lll''l!\tter tht.t · rttdie- etnticn 'ilf(t. t: Go h~.rd to t;ct. Ottan i~ 11! ult

·li""'*' ir. the :set, tut ~cro th.t\."\ thil il tho fact t hilt 11lC>L ~ « i(!;imlq butlt to bo a lOI!f -pcMCrcd ataticm kt woultJ aono onl7 in tho rndiue ot ton a.lloa, or tho Diatrict. UO\IOYVl"t n !a f1 liw' w1ro .atntion Aut the)' are quite 011 thoi:r. toea t\Oim tbo.t'f». la41o liatcmori ce ox­poet in tho near tuturo to bo A~lo to bwottt trc. the iDitallatmn ot a tcm tbOUitU'Il watt ti'&DIId.ttor waioh wU1 . be broadoo.at-1~ '-n tho la1:tor p_.t of fl~r. .tldl poworful trA18111tter will l-c 1Ditallod on .tho qa.r rOGd near tho preacmt wac rmtezma. Also, this progreasiw atntion plana to olumgo tho voaont 1810 kU001Ql08' tro~~J' tQ 1260 e.aao . tDile in the. noar Muro. ·

There are m1'lJ quoatiODS in· tho minds of the Greonbelt nalera, I.

· am sure~ Afr1 quostion 7011 mii!Jlt have ~ ID rtni Ding tO m.dio will bo gladly .., , answorod in tbis c olUIIIJl. YOUI" ~ .· quo8ti9DB end inquirioa ·am ofD.:d~~17,,c~

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i j Ji .

ot are on tile, ·.. . rail bf •• tollCM'iilgt . . . .. '

r.iueation CCIIIIlittee • Dr. Dodson ·.: Leg1alat1w CCIIIIl t.ttee • llr. P're.aD Cooperatiw Grgania!JJg Camdtt;ee •

. llr. Carroll !OIIi. · Mm1n1etration • llr. Speotor

. Weltare Caalttoo • 11r •. Canoll the ntport of the tc:.a Adaiaietratl

CC811lttoe -.a preparocl bJ Ire Spootcr, 'but duo to Jlre Speotor11 iUDC11811 -.a· read ·by tho J'nloldcnt.

Kr. Boauk and Ill· !bomhill wore aout &Ill thorv wore DO ...,..U fi'CB eroat ion and bbomhip ~tte01. ·

Tho Troaauror, lt!r. Gibbom, Pftl'!ftl"'!.l!lllll

thAt cos;ploto t1ftii"OI 1D o(,nnoot1on thQ tth or July •olobration woro Mt aw.tb.blo. Other tnnaact iane du~ the llaltb WOnl . AI tollOif II

klA:noo on MIMI (Jw'io) l18el7 L4ttor P.6~ o.es f'Mt Cu.nhJ .2"5 Dnlivcry or thr~~~yn 1.25 Athletic Xqui~nt · (Jr1 Citito~o) 10.00 liold tor Boy Scout

Colcra· 16e07

··~· ••• u . line lbrpar (Kilt a.ttstion) m• ported tlat il\o l!lll~ onliDalloo bla · boon 4n.ttocl ud fonwardocl to tho Sta to IJoGl th Dopal't'llont •

Clair.a of the So)' Soouta lad no · report.

.Ul reports woro adoptod ~~ I'Qlde'. Ill'. Porter 1!104• ail 81dlou.nOOPCld; ro­

gudlq •ettnp ot tho Hobb~ Club t~ bo held resulal'lJ on !uesdt.Ls .... rt.~ W1C1 thul'lclq ntpt, ml urged all the)) o ·!Dteaatecl to attoul.

lfr. Moore -.cte. an &JilOunoomcmt tor tho Health .Uemi&tion to tho eftoct tlat it lad boc augested by,.Jir. Lot­komarm that all JVaidcmt• at- Groanbolt enroll to give the 1r olood t,pod am

. tbo.t those w:llliDC to otror the.il' b · tor tranatua.ima rogiator thoir JI8II08

at. th9 .. ~.~.-9!11tor.-. ...• _,~~o~~ioJ!, .• . - . : . ' . . '

· ·~·-· tcr···.mwt& .··ctthen•s ·Ms•!ll · A oopy ot th ia amolldmeJd; •• made and the amordmont as app rOV'Od by an un- · md1110111 voto of tho boq.

The motion tablocl at tho ·laat JllfJGt• 1Ds to tho ottoot tiiLt t be Jb:ooutiw CCIIIIitteo mko a r~aticm ngard• ~ tiJD BOJ Soout Ccna!ttoo n1 tho next o~ of buiJnoae. ·11r. Lutncr roportocl tlat tho P«ooutin Ca.tttoo had ocuidor­ocl tho aa.ttor and rcotMIOttllcd tbD. t an ontirvly nnr Boy Scout CCillllllittco bO- ap­pomto4. lr. Ba.ucr ·uteri (lbout the tonao_r o.-ittoo alii it ._. rooa!Aonclod that auoh co• ittcc .-.bore be ~de hcnor-01'1 .-crs ot the Camlttee. Mr. LGitnar read the tollad'f M-'""'01 QG DCIJ

· Ca=Jdttcc rac:abcra • lf.r. Go.il, ctw.ir=M, Mr. Bonctlol, Mr. Stoinlo, Jlr. Sot.ih, Mr. ~~ruua, IJl4 Mn. ~. ar. ... ,. .... t.t tbil ........... .. . e=.ti:l t¥tory to the ~riea.n LGgier.:, 'IWbort:. upon !lr. rro~ Gt!iitad thttt such ~; tht:: ~~a. !itr~ Porter ~ovcd ndopt• i..r. of ·tho ~oeutin ~tttoo•a ro­e<I!!Dlndoti.:r.., Uotic~ n.s eU'rkd.

ltr. §auor r.akod t:.bO'Ut tlv; ~y·ln•, llhoroupon IT. Lutnor usvrcd tho body t1at u aoon u ·tho rus~~llblont N«II'41Dc cluae t1 lnocrporatod 1n tho ))y.l.D.•, ooptoa will bo cliaacalD.atod to tho aoabonhip. ·

lJ1 rocal'd to·nowr baslnoaa, ..... . Sollmrta Bm4 adoption ot JO&olutlo~ proriouslJ ir3J"Oduoocl It' Mr. Moore

. with rogaftl to tJPilur ot blood ot Groomolt roatdonta-~ Dr. CbriatoDIOD 111rJJ ~tJ;llod en tor a t• .-.arb on tbD stlbjoct rull roa~ndod bJrolatiJJC acao ox .... ~t J:mca in Bal.tbaore aDd poiDttrc ,JJI ''\. +lt\" Ui w..ritagoa or tho plan UDdor c, 1 < . ..&C""l• ~.on, stating tla t it WCI1l4 ao.w 'ti ;.:.. "'~... c:.;xponao wfmll' caorsonotoa arise. l~'tlon cGI"I"led.

Mr. Hooao annouiiDod that he ht.id jwt hlld the ploo.auro of aeoilig Dr. Chriaten­aon nom ill as Boa l:th ottioer ot Greonbolte

Aroiolutiau a.cloptod by tho Welfare··

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_ ·· • -- ·· · -. · ·. . . .,liP< . . . _ · · -· · r~-~l40;rs._ !hO.noocl for adilitio.Da.l .Spl\QO , thQ work ·a.oce~:~Plishqd.,, ll.pd" . } for rcorc:o.tiODD.l ectivi'tzy me rovivod pointod 9ut 1i]¥lt quito a. maher ot Wdiim • by J!r. Clrroll ::uui thoro cs discussion, on the Tfo:JID.r'l CaJ:m. ttoo woro i.Jltoroatcd cost ot tho 6poo.}:ora boiug in t:lvor of in t\1ri or :JOro ot tho aub-cOI:Ili ttoos o.nd t~bU:.inint ;:.a. r.(ldittr.m~l buildh~, it tho pl:m to 8\dtch tho comnittoos 1rould possible. i.r. Cuator spoke "Lciut. tho onto.il a.n llddod :quabcr of DOotiD(,s tor rouolutitm sto.t!LL tlmt he tclt t.'lo pre-. tbc b:dividu::.l par:lbora. ur. Cc.rroll ar.id acnt f'a.cilitlca wrc c.qoquc.to and tl~~t 1 he tolt tm.t to~oc.lly he prob:-..bly tho support ~ :r..intct:t.":.,.~OC ~r ~u!di ti~~ orrO\! in orL,:u:d&illb scvozul bf'OUps urAcr a.etivi tioa Dit;bt oo.si \;t bc;;oa» c. b\irW~, , 'lltlc~o Co:llittooa, but thct since !\0 c.o­tili!C.nci~.lly, upon the. tor:n. IJ'tcr fur· ; tier. tc"J been tr.Jwu up to th.ia t~. he tbu.r :dizcu;oiou. l4". Porwr !XW{;;c]. tbt:_ : tc;lt t.l-nt t-o !Lito the ~~ propo;~d by prcvif'U~ qucat!tlU ~'!!ld ti~ l"'GOlutiou, n~ tbc i:xoOe Ccn;ittC'c i.\t thi1 ti."':''C \I(;Ulti r.:.'t:.d by ix •. c:t.rroll, wcs r..dcpwd. _ 1x; :;llOqt unrortun:.w. Rcsoiutloo ~drgptcJ.

~r. Cerroll. i.:ttrOOUO©rJ ..\ TCGClUti~~ l..~ . _ ~I'~ ~. kG• I()'Prord.ti~n ·t,~ ti.~e .~.oti~ ~r. ~t thtJ: {~tUtor's liotc; A alC"iry r;t ~t:;.~~~

--- QI~Ut1;4.·~ f'~t'eTt4 'hl1ll •;r;~f,\.f' iF ~t v ~- t ~- - - . ,*". ~''!"' """" ~ -

~~=z~ml~tT m:curs HOW LlCTUf..ZS !~ o,c. tf.c-.;-l!t'a Cqu~r~t~r.)

---··· • trgu~l t Cor~~r ~n·icwa h:-1 ~r·

f"f,!~e~!l fc:r 1 to C!~lC~iJG ~m: !r~f'Ci ef C:; \>~r:·. ti''~ Cr'c:-!-;.,.!1 :.i;lt. C .. :n~---11 tt.-: ~ • l!t \:c!'-'1'ld-:;;t:cm · •. ·it:" t.h~ '· c~ C-..-oJo:.;!' .. t\'.'U t.e • .:-\K .. !lt. !h:;dr·A i)f' d.}: kttur~a 5n :~r- ~ ,, • . t .. i, •. , .. ;i_,..{~--· n, j0~.,.,,,1,_,. ~ .. · il""-t;t ~ ~ "'"'11;; • -,. ,._.,. ~~>&,~, • _ ... 4 • ~ "-'. ........,._ ......... ~ i.lo., ·~ .. "'-.. !" . " -,. v....- • • •-o • .

""'•; ... 1-"'-•·-· ••r•· .. '1'i·ll b. 1..- ··•·_ ~-.... '-'.-"' -" ... • .. ~t!V ..... ~ ..-y. ~-oV! * .• - ;wrt,; 1._. ...... v ... UJ. '"'"'.t' ._ ........ " I t.-;.:Q :.~',;,! "i'ti;irncr K. (",c:;.l.Jlq· !',.t tl•'e ClC":.,... -

_ lAnd P"....r): Co»tJ"Ct,fi ti~"t\l Church, S 400~ Loucll Stroc t, .1. _lf., on aix no~a~lve ::~al~y:. c.t 8a00 P. 11. OOtilJWiDG July 18.

ftiil:t. tr.lka vill GUCCI fJ:QOCeyDCr­O~A.~it:i.D& .:.1 tJt~h tlw ~ntr.l prin -~itllos atrfl!Gictt nrc ~pp-lioc.blo to other ctorc opcrr.iJiowa. Ur •. Lc..xo ic socrctt.ey ot Coopora.tivo Food ·Distributor; ot -klorioc., a· nt:.ti~l C.&&OC!~tian of ro­tnil owned wholoanlos •.

Dr._ Ga.blcr wt\8 .. t\ oo-r.uthor \dth -t.~u;,.

1r. to BdwD.rd Filono ot "lcxt Stopo For­tmrd_ in Rotuiling". ifo is oonsul_ti.nG oaM£.C:lOnt ongincor tzbo is QD c.uthorlty i:: the field or distribution.

rt.c Ccn&ur.cr Services c~ providing tt--DGportt. tion ·tor tboso who wish. to _ n ttcnd tron tho atoro sto.tta and tho Coopora.tivo Or&c.nilint Co::mt;:tooa. 1bo oc.rs will lonvo tho bus depot t\t 7:00 o'olcck (;~Ch Mondny ovoni.Dg +Juoough August 22.

([ Cftlllll [ ({V [ LP~IRO\



GA£f.NWOOO • ZCiq6 •

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OW». ropol"ttr. .&t FOiudi~ ton nolchbor- ·. ho~ roportora ho.ft bOon algaod upa'·

· PollCJrliDb is ~ roptint . ot tho em• D.OUDOCI:lODt 'ahioh AppoGI"od in tho Ooop­orntor Ju1J a. 'Aaaoa ot "reporters a1-rcc.d.y ai~;ncc up tollotr their rcspoctivo .. boo.ts. ·

------The Coo:>CI"Ctor is atri vine to report

the lnrorte.nt ~:uta of c-rcYt'J ton!l:y tn, Grc~nh~lt.. It rcco¢1t!l no ·~est• tr.cUie:: :'~'W.y~ •J? no rr ... oritt-le

Sc ttw.t lt my aorv' n.:;~lJ c.chicve ! t~ nin, th'~ Coo;~n.tor h:'.s d1 rid~cl the tQillln mtf.} ·~:ec.t~• OJt.cl 1; DOU .r..o!!iDc for re~~rt~r~ t.,. CIQ\"!CT ·ecch ~:GC'toe

R«::~i~c~tlt t>f ~f~~h ~~ct, .~~ outliued . >:;,.l~r, ~~..,"/ tl.itJv,.r !'.i;. lr tor t..'le. j'C~ th ~.;:-~'!'~l~·:Q~ ~r n'~J~~t.; 0~© t-t t!\©ir :lli1i._:h':.Pv~ r~r itt fh~ ',;.Xt{;4"lt f@ uhioh oo~u~ nc1::h';;:\trho0li \Cdt.ts vitl-t thv r.o-3 '~ ~ter i~t ".:h.h !".tttter nUl .~1\}t:;..'T.'lh~oc:Y t,w-r "'~ ll ·::.... •··~~ ""~·!Fo.,r~.c:::-::;.:..+ '~ #it~ .... ~.-·~""·-~ ~"" \,.; • " ~. ,. - .... :"" ........ ~ ~,"" J \) ~ "''\,. ,_, .... .. ..... "' "' ' "-' ..... -)I' i.,.t-J·r t.l1 ~ :~ ~- :;-.~:~.:~ ::r '!: ~-:f.Tr~: "-r~, :·~r ;~ : -c r'\"i~~ :.e !'. ~'- -~~/~r,s-t i:¥.: ~t: l i.:, !:~.:-~·J ·thi -a i ~ t·.

h.r :~ t ~;~, t.b l~r~,z t~~'.t !hi< ·~;_; ,r ~it:s~J ~~':t!'"~~·~.;; ~~~ ·i!·~ ~~-~~ie,~ te ~~re ~~t~;.r,. ';:\.. ~.~:'.ll ;;.J)rtlc:~ u; it,

ilt.~·ortrrG uill rr-ech·.,:: Prell Cttl'dt1 . wbloh \fill G~,~~ to lntrf'duo' thOQ to their ~to, ~rul uill cnt1 tlc thea to ~~ut ln ~lroti t diatri !Nti em. c.ml to ~njoy ·!lthcr pri.vilct;oG fran t1~ to ti..f1.;·,. -

Arr 11 c:.u ~.a or n«liMtioWI my be dr"ppod in Coopcrr.tor box or l:l!.ilod, · or they my ·be rf!dc by pivmin.;; tho Actir .. :: E:dltor ct Grocr..bc1t 4692.

Tho boeta tollw. Bono nro clnrsor tbr .. ~ others, for one rco.son or :-.nothor. lio;o;;c sh\.lu1d ':ic too lnr::o f'>r on.: pcraon to hAndle, ::ut i.djus~ts ~y bo · mdo_ ~t. !U'Jf· tL"ll, · . .

1, l-1•3•4-5 Crescent Roc.d 2. 6·7-8-10- " "

lt\ry Jonn ;io earl '· 12-14-16-18 "


4. 20-22-24-26 " .... ·" Goorco ~. Shrnttor

5, 28-30•32•34 . " ·' Elizabeth Pria.tt .· .. .


vhi~ kill. or tl'Qin:·llrJ\111ELD1 children• v.rccmbol'li: ia a toa po.~orn tor .

tm:uly liviD(; in a. ..aodorn t.,:o. fhc • PltrtJOSo and pJ,cn r.rc ~• old c.s Goor~c ~sbiDca"tC?Jl, flill~QI'l ?min, Lord Jklti• :lore •• c.ncl other torotr.thors l.'Jbo pla.rmod cit~o' tor ~ly livin6 but their in• t~tion~ ucrc trwrtro.tc4 by unthinJ:inc creed. !hie rebirth of daaoc~tic prinoitlloa ia ::g..tn plnoinc tmilJ 11~ r.bcvc ~Jl oth~r cons1dc~tiona. !ft-"17 taun.:s tqr r. n"v dc.y is Gr .... en,,, 1 t • o 1\ 'J~tty ooll. Old. tcrmw nt;ht t;tc up tht cM.llon;:o n..wul b~ rc~orn. It it not yet toe l~tc. ·

----···---G, ~-36·~-7. -~2../~.J.~ ~. ·::a·fiO·!!·~-~-:

, :-a1lie.::1 ·Si~c~ 1 9. 66-68-60-eZ


. . II

.. h. n.

:ti~~:~ ~.·~.~.<!


lC. 19. 20,

l&·l f•l7 18-19. 21·2~ 26·26•21-NJ

SQ-31 . 33-3$ 37-39-·:1 ~3-·15-47.

Bcrnict Kelson

h J1


" " .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. It

ft. " n n

21. 1·.3-5-7 P..-rkwr.y A •• " • Linoll

22, 2•4-3•8 23. 10·12·1·~ 2t!. 9-11-13 25. 16·18-20-22 2!) •. 15~17-19·21

Snlly Lc.moro 27. 'ITopdlllll:dtm.y . . 28. Pa.rtoolt . 29 . .,. ~-· • .lca .... ww.y 30. Southtre.y 31. Northwc.y . S2, &strmy 33. <k.rdcnt-r.iy


II .. ..

• II


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Groondalo, ia . """'i"' bot;iDa ~t 7 nnd doa;ls. with eo- · J OP<*'atbG atoros t:hioh aro Cooporative

· opora.tivo llmacoaont:• , or aro to bo oc-opcrati vo and c.ro being Tho Loacuo has socurcct. such Coopcrat•l sot up UDder tho cuid!Dc bo.ncl ot tho

iYo lcc.dcra~s Loro;y E. ilo~Jt~t.n, populr.\r Ccmsunor Diltrlbuti n COJ:JOrntion a. lecturer on Coopcrc.tian, end nuthar ot. · Fileno cndoaod orcnnizc.tion. "Haw:r to Lccd DiscussiOI'!•, G.1ld J.c.~, J · fho lnlokorbootcr Villocc stot>o is Professor ot m.rkotin(; a.t •• tort Ua.• i now opcra.tod a.s a. service store but is iv.:r~ity. This a.,"'nCJlta tho ata.f'f' ot tho! bclDc rcorccntzcct into a aclt scl'Tioo

~::.c.! ..• Inatitutc 11t-..tch elTcc.ctJ includod f atoro like Greenbelt •a. Dr.J.P. 'llr~ao :\..wu! :;..n. ~ ot tho I ~. 14a.bo nlao pcrticiptltccl in c. CoQi~·~r-~11'0 Lcct.."Uo ot the u.s.A. u '111011 'dalonatra.tim ot u.~.!!cet Grc.dcs uhich . r..G L.:,..' OQdcoc!:, T.G,. ~~r and R.L. , vr..s hold y~csterdt~Y• this ms siniw r.nitb. ot the .Ql.R,~ k~'"Uc end ~bolocelc 1 t~ ·~c on~ b~ld in Gre<~lt this Sprint ~tt-..rrc. dllbich ~~ctcd =~ 300 Gr~lt

. !hr~_;u~t n.ud.cmtl ~ll &pend M ·i hcmaouivco. Tht U.S.Dc~ ot ,'7!• tnur ~oh n.<JJm\nc ~(l1" the l~r.del"ahip · f eulturc h abo ~~cp~n:.tinc ~th the. ·

· ,-;;f "':..im, Li;-M. !!.C.''.· .• Pield:r~. F~-'~O'd : ·C.m:nt:t~·r Oistr!"J,.rt.itm Cwp~tton 1n r~.:~·t~ Dill b~ th~ t~:s·!o t·~ on hour ~.nd I' ct~rn~b'r.tinc u.s. ··eet Gnr.dc~. to eo. ('. ~l:';lf ~c.b eft .J"ng.~n mth lt~CtUJ"t:O .t}' . . CJ)Wt~tivc CQr.f\l'l(}TI in the Gr~~.uhilla ~, • J .!!.~~~~. hcc~ ot t""· De.ir,· i :.:~d Or'~:Ddr.lc c~ tics. !~~~ut ct !ha;r-.cl\uscr-t, str..~ CollC~C.! 1•• ~4Jo i1 ~ctcd tc return t~ r:::;•r::l$ ~T.tctin~o ot the !k:.r~·.rtn~~t c.f · · • lit'~ ~n~~ rlt Thur:dr.y .fir Frid!:.y o.f th!: ' .... "'"lt"r"'·, ..... d ..., .. ~. · r• ht. &k. . ,.,. - ... '4 ... - ... ...... .._,..,.,.. ;..I ~o.i...... ~ • i . .

.... ~: lo ~~~t to tL..: C~t::·-r~.ti".·-e ~:-Te!-w::tl' J~~:Z!!S TO ~~'JI;.G~ G~::!~UlLLS STtt~~ ~:'ill 1:~.v- !'. :~~eeh~l JSerl.H of ~.t.~e·~::!u!~C ............. ____ _ ',;it!: t'T'<~!'tt!:~-r Dr'~lTy .:-~. "';!\IU'CT~ to :y. F'red. Jr.rrh • ~d\i.i Juu ~;etn in "!!{)'<:~l. r' Q>..a-.;:Jti(;!'ts,. • I ~r:..!!'li~~ for the ~..rt !'cur tte:t.J in th~

Th' ::~ri"'~ ,/l:f ~nin:: l~JJ"C; will It G~·ct·r.bclt F¥Joo StoTt~. ta hoi~\: .c'nt to include ~ ~U bJ Dcmc.ld s.zmt~:aae17, Groc:abills, CIUo t IXU.1C£o the food st"':ro . Co'rui1D:!ro• Coonsci ot the At;rioult'Jml 1:: thc.t CbamitJ. GrocDb1lle, ncar Mjustncmt lodntnatrnt1cn on "!he OoiOl"• C1nc1MAtt, is G sister town to Grconbolt. nnont r.:td tho CcmsU:lCJ'~. · !'he atorc there ... opened 1nst 110ok

Durir~ the tlCOcmd ~~~ t~r l'Jhloh onl.J unc!or the 8Uporriaicm. of i'fre .JGDos na.'14tct~cnt ctudontc will be present. a.. ·~ ot Grocmbolt •. , nar toc.turo is ~,lnnnocl in t1w tom ct e Ur. JGZTia, botoro oomzac to G:rcon• "project period" vhon smll croups cf . bolt, wna food products buyer tor tho studolrbo ':';ill work out problems of 1fl7out, TI.T.Onnt Co. in low Yort. Prior to nrrchc.ncli~in_:;, ~ ::xmf!tcncnte · his vort with Grnnt•a,· lfreJarris TIQ.S .

. An hour in tho nemine GDC11n tho OOJ)W)otod tor 17 Jca.rs tr.l.th tho JCli:IOs r..ttcrnt:'•!'ll• v:ith Jh-. Louis EbclCnclcr of tho Van Dyt food cha.1Jl ot lew York City wboro C8opOJ'al;i vc Loncuo l-.oo \"Urlti!Jf: Buret1u Td.ll he workod his m17 up tra::l clork to • bo dovotcd to tho b"'C•kkoopine records l!*Bsiatc.nt Gonorc.l lhnt.t.;or. Tlhich ovoey storo DIUJ.Q{:or r.mst tcop. · · !Jra. Jnrris wa.s '"born in ll0\1' YC>rk Cit)r

H.V. Olson, Doon of t)lo !uot Soh~ol :mel hAs livod in Yonkers, !f.Y. tar 2'5 · of Ad::dniatmtion :md Fimlnoo. ~outh ycr.rs. Ho is pltUJDizJc to to.kc his family Colloc;o, r.nd Horbort E.Evr.ns ot tho · ,. to Groonhills ~ore they will mn1r.e tHeir ConsUDOr Distribution Corporation nro homo. Hr •• Ja.rris and thoir two sons , schodulod for ~ tnlts. bclvo rCli!Ulinod in llorrYork during r:r.

I J~ria 1 sta.y in Grccnbol t and ll' • Jo.tris . : . CC'llt 1d;,~ce 24. . .

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EXT~~ llllTtiJfR(~ at 11o·extra Co.st.fl

0 '" '''• HHil\ll\\.\\1 •l tl 1 ' •11•<'1'·'"·" '"" •>loil.,IN"''-'"'tltiUili .. ~ .. ,.,..,,.,IIWUul>•tttlh>l+•tHt'<lli1 .... "''"'" I!I'~U)t 4'111lttf"lf•-ilf'"ll' Hllll!h'>t ·'H""' l'ft!H• '"'''' ''''"""flltj!J1.{:, • .,.il,. ,,,

1. :1Nldcf'~l1~"c ocrQlctclJ tWo.'!c,, .•:~1:-.1 et~~icc ';:!~~; .. ·t; ... ;;;)~i ~14 tr,J.tklc. · · ·

. 2.

& • . e.

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rm ~ae3Lt.1D !In." CL'CAi!L.~ ~:;.~ auo-; -:nil£.Ii!O . ' \ .

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II '22 n 22' n 22 tl" ·22 tl 23

• 24 .. 24 .. 24 • 24

tlula ~

8mldoJ School C«aan1 t7 Church .Anoriocm Locicm Picmio -------..-.-------

(Jc.rris, trcm pn.:c 22.) a~ he b~liCYOI it UUJ C\ pretty ~ oo4 idee· r~r if tb07 ~ cane ~c O,.ccm~lt tar t~ web it mcht be c. hArd job to .;::et th~"n tc nove r.~~ey.

'!!r. Ja.rria t3 norr n.ctin:: ~cr ot th<c nr~ c !~he lt et~e in the nh.ccnct ot nr. Sulo I..M.Uo.,vpm uboac rctUI"D =~. Jarris fllll p-ooc@d to CboimiAU.


'I tOO 'P.U. !CDC of Hra.;Ff.tch ~ '' · -' ·: • 'Ia so p·.u. soeiu Roca i ·•.

·r' , • 8z00 B.H. Auditoriua .. cS•SO <. 8a00 P,H, Hooti.D(; Roatl

7tSO P.He Piold by Boalth contor

8a30 A.n. Thoc.tor 9a30 AeU. .Auditorilm .

11100 A.:], Auditoriun 3130 P.:S. Indian SpriJlca

-------------------·--~--------· !ho Princo GOQl"COI CoWlt)' Qu:nbcr ot . Cot:lcrco 11 oppc·e1Dt; tho diaccmtinua.nco ot the Ri~c, W. stnticn bJ tho lic.ltinorc cm4 Cldo nc.ilroa.d. ThOJ poillt M thAt vi th a.dcquntc pcJ"!:in: tr.c111 tics :mel its c(nventcnt loc~tion, i:ivet"dr.lc cl3Uld acne. L.vee oecti~ ~r ··~ohinct;on Nid the r~ctl"o?~l1 tM a.roc · ot ?rinoc GcOI't:CI CWntJ lactt~l' tJum Unite ltc.tiOfte


J(e :Jpe"air~e II?

IJ\NIII' lllfl£11 (E([O)~·moo~ . mOJo=o= rnm~

. . . .


. £P[![RfJf!<LUD<DI~l ffO~O~rn-<CIDtx\[J>IJJIUII lVII£ liD~ <LllfiA\~O~<E

~JJ£-rr~oPol 1·r ;\ ~~ ·J.!~52

2·1 31 PJEf~C£ s·r ._ ~JW

: . . !

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• •

~,.;-,,..., ... · · ·· · · ·· · ' ~WILL au.t :.Af YOUR lD4I FOR·ll'BE~ BS!IUA!£ ". Qno..quo.rtor {'Ci.O .. ••• •• •• ~ •• ~ •••• ;'~ .2.·60 .


.,D, 8 lhirtl OJ\lf lf¥ ·

Uk our ICNtcmn ~bout Dry ·Glocu:t.

tind Rue Cl«..ntnc



Phano 2791 · . · . :• . ,'


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_tmtD fi:F.£S

Get !¥lnf UOJ"C :dlo; trV-1! C. G~~'I'CD . Used ti~o. tcr MJ.r-ft.5o tz. 7:; ts.oo



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II III-I IIJll -- ,\I. 1111

£()-()f · fOOl) 11()11

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·GO-Or COFIDS- • • . AN o~ blorulo4-fnsbl1 routed - t • ·

' ·f~ croa4- '. ~ .. Jlu" La"ll7# lb.;·lad ta~l 191 lb. Purple Label ~S! lb.

1 eed or not ~ !hey hit !h<: •:-~t-

. . - . L1pton 1o fal!lotJ.e ~· • 101 ~izo w 3 for '51 ·'t lb. siao Zll

. "

Co-op Jrlpoftltc4 UUt. Co-op Ullnootcmcd 11ortda Grapotruit Jutco-3 tiaa 251· tall Un t1 ,4.

.. #

eo-op lr.ktal-t eooo&

Co-op - 111eccl P~e J.ucoat tin 19#

,. 1 lb. tla, 1W 2 lb. till 19# j •

' . ~~ . ..

8ea~e ... Dcl»t•. SpecWa

. . It Q •• ""' • , •

. U." S. fl. Grado _ DltiDD' a 8ptce4 --.. ... ~ lb . 'Yl~ . --.. '--- .. ....-..:.. 'Vli~ .. ~ ..... -.OJ'S.- "··~: . .·· Il~ IP!I't lb. ~

·, - ' hot weather troal- . · · •

';'r;:.llll'' ,_ '·"·

: l.t.~t ~for taat7 ..... :;~~il:~·~·~~ ~-,~-' _.. [\ .. ·· . ;~ > '.··. -~-- _;:. :·: ;.~i ~.~_::;_. !:.:I'··;JU~-~-- ~~

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