THE SUN WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1901 8 I rrp r DEMANDS DEVERYS REMOVAL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION PR- FKttS CUAKQKS TO MURPHY Fairly tp t Tammaay Wow What to- Do About the Trial Boom Bally In- JUUM Tynaay und Opproaloa AN- Irgrd and Bp elfle tattaaoe of aUet- iOlr l An Immediate Aiked for and If Not A oil on Mill Takn ttght b nabb- Tho Merchant Auodatlon through Ita counsel eerwd upon Polio Oomiri loner Murphy yetterday formal Deputy OommlMioner Dercry an- a that the Commlmiooor romov- Povery from offloe The charge are bar on Dorery conduct of tha trials at Pol Headquarter and contain fifteen pecif- lcation tending to how that the Deputy CommUaloner haa been guilty ot lnjt lice tyranny and oppression Accompanying tho charge waa a brio letter from the Merchant1 AMoctatlon re an Immediate hearing of them OominUiloner Murphy took the paper home with him when he loft Police Head- quarter end Mid ho would read them over lat night He will make morn- Ing hi decision a to or he entertain the charges Lest night he wouli not dUouao It U thought probable that ho will Ignore complaint from an ociUon repttwentlnj the cornrooroUl intore of the city which may bo considered to only betterment of tho biulnos Intonate of th city at heart When Mr Deruy warn uktd If h anything to w y in reply to merchant said tie Bern them them It w- ucguled that ho might Ilk to eo a Hnve you got thW be eked ho added with good an aMumptlon Indifference a possible Oh I haven got time an I havent got my ty maybe I might ned copy o Pradtrrf too I might nut find whole bunch of merchant among em- It wo evident however that the Dvput- Commluioner waa a great deal more led then he cared to show He long talk In tho afternoon with Councilman Tom loley who recently defeated exJudg- Dlrvor for the Ttinronny leadership of S nnd Awembly dUtrlct end who Mr Dlrver ay WM materially aided in hU fight by the police under Derrrye orders with frank Hood win who dopooed John- C Sheehan aa leader of the Ninth A- rmbly dUtriot and who U generally r- gardnl aa a warm friend of Mr Devery and with Battery Duo Finn These three talked for an hour with When they left hi office they oil had nothing to My In view of Pig lira Sullivan talk with Squire Crokrr on Monday nljtht Councilman Tons Foloy visit to Derery regarded a highly nignlOcant of the gravity of l ercry position Devery friend realized plainly in fact yesterday that now that the Merchants AiwociaUon have taken up the fight againt him in earnest hi position I very Indeed The AMocUUon Intend to the tIght to a flulah If Oommlloncr Murphy does not give Ita charges Immedi consideration it I the Intention to take other action action will aume tn the event Colonel hanging up the charges and not granting a hearing within a few day It could not be learned definitely yraterday It U understood however that If it become Decennary an ap peal would to the Mayor Then- If nothing wa done lor Odell would be asked to take the police situation In hand In preferring thmn charges against Devery it U not the intention of the Mer- chant Association to Interfere with action by PUtrict Attorney against leery on the complaint of neglect of duty end or prr lon made Jiiy Policeman Oneill The specifications am similar but mer- chant U a civil proceeding simply The Merchants Association believes an It lime already told Commiwioner Murphy In correnpondenca whlah hM pub INheil that Devrry methods are Injuring- the liueinvo of the citjjami that It will IH for th good of the city to remove him emil the association U prcpvrd to piuh its chorgfo to a Onlsn no matter what It may oast Following are the merchant against Devery In full iicAo C Ptlici Commit tnrr iily V f l ri Sm The Merchant Amociatlon of Klrst D put Police Oiiiiml slon r of the City of J ew York in tlm discharge of tho of that ofHot end for guilty of Injustice tyranny and onprmMcn loner of Pollt- witllo presiding ax a of Po lieu at of of the uni- formed fnrcn of tho 1ollce Department of of NewYdrk mcm S r i f Ihe unifnrmnfi force of trwPolice Department of the City of New York of and tmwnoratKit tn the niM cificallon here- unto annexed the said William 8 Devery then arxl there will knew were without of law and to the police regulation of the Mild city of New York of these tho Mer- chants Association of Xe York tho nlllcatioii hereurio annexed nnsr iirrcirCATION Tho Mild William s t ov on the Hth day nf Marcn IBOUwhllo noting a First IVllce Coiamlloner tinder u thority delegated to him by the Police Commli loner and actually In the investigation iw a complaint charged with not discovering a fiW a coming a Dejuitr Iolk i ommls loner in that he language urjstanlally a follons Its for the police Depart- ment to stop those hold the persons wn arrest and strata Poole I nnn of men here Is young man who cnnfessed that lie was ng to make a burglary Ho was found r the wagon that stuff away with the bekle him and slttln on a And vet IVxiln die him If that a C IM nf mal fessnnre In oltlce Id like to know what U Then to tpt Iliad mde the complaint acn th pAtml- Ynenthn Deput I4 iniiiis lnisrci i Its to make a npi ri of tlist- t i the VirnnilioiHMr end nx mm n l Uiat lie bilng tli liWHer lieforn tie DIMrict Attorney touchin an s your duty In let th business ienplo- f Out ilt ir rt Snow Imw lisle m was trrate MiK MAfMrati P l ill t if that wagon after w e afreoteil want lo know liat when tin arre t lry n liVe thst- Magislrate IVmVt ruts POt IM Into the Jrent tn 4y their iwatlun nxrr again ThU and tin two others arw- r rtrtv nf alt iMirgUnes In that tl s Met Men tike IIMI rut l o e In- r Ilietr foeall1 rvr sushi If then vr mslrs ti tti fTVv thl Magis INU i emgM I tm an lb tel TW Mh UiMtai M vn tM e Mid- i V ir Apr IM wlwt arUTw s rV t- IVHt r nti t iiiK umter sg- hin ilftetfalnl to MHI br tlw OsnmiM mrr end srtusllr Migsr t la- Ahr tiiVrMUK n and IrUI 4 a onii UlDt iuM Patmlotaa srftrU let i M u t It Bee I alt I know them a the chg blot OPT of Cl- An a such a tub the Due wai rTe aston ton bud the calM rlv a IIWH Sllll of hereby S o a M or City rrk r nt bUlla d won a hal n IchAr I tnt C II err t tan A t bathe n- I I t lIe charge will hardly and baYs the bed and as the s ate the the been lice New York organized under the n the York IllIm Firet Commie the New i auth hew who ifluilvttIb tit that the The a tj a as MOi arutnrii < bc > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > > < > < > > >< < < < a fight In a laundry belonging to one Charle- QOnn a and for a who told him about It dldconduct hlmsel In a manner unbecoming a Deputy Polio in he um a follow to an officer testify come over testify for tacIt other an fool me got to protect Chinks and Sheealo th am a people Warfleld I you thirty pay Hereafter yo protect Chinks and when protection TimiD BMCincUTtOK The said WUliaaa 8 on the JSt day of 1901 while acting a Deputy under to him by the Commissioner Urquhart falling to arrest of the complainant then conducted himself In a manner a Folloo Commissioner In that used toward the complainant language ubslantlally a two to do the solidtla a lad and a gentleman Tb lady wont eoUcf if you googoo eyes If you hadnt been wouldnt have troubled you Anyway I guess you were excited rocnrn irccirtoATiox The William H on the 3SU of IMI while acting aa Deputy Commissioner under to him the Police Commissioner actually In the of a complaint against Patrolman Cavanagh hi then did conduct a man a follows Twenty days for not time you him nrrn ncmoinox said William 8 on I day of May loot a tr under author delegated Police Corn saloner actually In investigation and trial of a complaint Michael J conduct himself In a manner ing a Deputy Pollen Commissioner li that he used langutg ublanttaUy a follows complainant offsred In vdenos mrtlfled copy records of flp c a there guilty for which wee then on The called Deputy OommUMonrr attention that sfoleOM MoManus hail Im r three Justto of whom Justice William Tf ers Jerome Justio Jerome ehf Tide complaint a lot of runnln around this town with o their shoulder shoouV em off in treat and raising riot and rebollion an whole the whole com- munity outrage Judge Jerome In it I an Its claimed hen that thus man was wrongfully convicted- an I believe It It about time a halt wee called rent rmcxnoATioN The said William 8 on the day of May IMI whIle acting aa First Commissioner au- thority delegated to him the Polk actually John conduct hlmtolf In a manner unbecomIng a Deputy Police Commliiiloncr In that UM language as follows There warn a big crowd around wasnt there Just what you fellowi meaning reporter like Its a pit there wasnt tome of them Un around to make some and excitement for Too bad soldIers dldni there with a bream band an give you another MnsaUonlB- TXNTII armctnaaTio- Th eald William 8 on the I th First au- thority delegated to him the Polio actually In Patrolman Patrick did himself in a manner unbe- coming a Deputy Police Commissioner in that he language ub itantlally- as follow If you wanted to go on a bum why didnt you a surgeon to give leave a couple of Any ono would- a The said William 8 the Krth Police under au delegated to him the Pollen Commissioner actually In gaiiwt Patrolman Meehan after i ark Commissioner CUuxen which stated that Patrolman Mnelian hail done his July no more In making the arrest on ac of which the charges had been brought affoiiu him did conduct hln elf In a manner un a Police Commisidoner followg- CommlMloner the general If the to on gnu a right to Taint for jommbMioner Clausen to make regulations to stop em Ill floe thirty and that will roil fellows not to go a cluuUn ladies an children off the gram NINTH HPICCinoiTION The said William H on the 37th of Jun IMI while acting as First Deputy Police Cnmmlxslon under au del giited to him tlm Police actually in against Patrolman Joseph Ollrien lied Pstrolnum Burke wee guilty of did conduct hImself In a manner unbecoming a ollce In did substantially as follows men liars to remember that all human an you aint no right bully one of men In that Alter you Just keep head TOUT a your way this depart mont for a good many an got stop TTMtH HrXCiriCATION The said F Devery on the th Commissioner under author to him the Police Corn actually in the investigation of a complaint John and James I Kane did conduct himself a manner unbecoming a IVillce CommissIoner U that he use language substantially is follows Well men have dismissed from force for less offences tlun that shall elate this osse by recommending that these men ought to out on petrol lOtS instnod of up hem ritlt either of th Me two lumUUUng themselves currcmi Mmplait their testimony ro as tn T dont like Ibis political testimony and while there wi many tr1nc to flint fault with the fiollcn a t to lAlll all pr lio m n up lien to cut tacit others throatsI- UVBNTII upsrincAitoy- Tlie WillUm H Devrry on 1 1th of t hell while acting as Flnt Pollen ComnilMlonrr iimler author IV d l g t l In hun by Police l m- nt isiiM r actuallv In the nvrvtlestiiin end trial of a complaint Kln t Officer John HeMkUn gleet of duty dkl conduct hlmsrlflnai- ianner unl otnlng n IkrHitr IWice Vm- Miif ner III that lie UKH the following ngusfe In qiirvtioiilng complainant lllound mn lio I e mmiltliunt- w IS i4 annri f f ll 4 n h i moman- O Are VIM neat iglited A Weli tny ws l lbs r m n- g WrM lady must l a facing i 4 Is Jew Inf for 1 Ion her d they Apr Pole and InvtUon ot crt a ho and at him t- oN l a In he hUn Doer Commoner ItT the of did a tbe Our o how be Uome for on t one the the Ion I N In a ou Ye nol dr ot under a the InU Ia while on don day of June 181 JlUl thin In ot man hAd a runt the In ubtatlr aWn ant n a t ow You wan to the to WIn ot Deputy In and- J of for I It dl a t Mil daY lid I I t the on trial You and fine actually and a complaint Un- becoming said anti revolver a and then allowing to Deputy Polico Coin mtrnsloner that language cub him The the First obrtan charged with family been wee this town If its 3d the Investigation complaint lie 1901 while as Police Commissioner a complaint charged with urn ElOliTit crctrICATloi Dn whIle acting as First and a complaint litter front and beIng that did use language public bee the investigation complaInt after use language been while am First PolIce and against been the both you ho diemiseed frnm the All lute hurt all are hate I tie te s ie he 4 lii I tatt elLa C Dwtr asked of le1an hat ties been hew I TI IC itewatse The egsiwe 1 E S I erie es my 11- Si iee lssn flwrnie35i4 lbs uI- MI eases s dep sae > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > <> > < > > > < > > < > < the Didnt o of on Didnt Up you couldnt see me I wouldnt stand talking to a lady that kind again If she couldnt you when the wa four feet me That Is pretty near u to It You have any soldier running around you and not are like a other that are against It and fall to It A Well the man woman were alongside each other- Q are caught that close want to stand up nerve and nerve You dont know anyUilng then No matter under what circumstance a want to know anything when he I with the on bn young lady the next time you are to when you have your back one direction let her look in other r that she ran you off qulok Dont caught always get If can Now you ten days for not being tipped off The said William 8 on the ml of IM I while acting a First Police CommlMloner under to him the Police CommUwtone actually engaged In the investigation and a against Edward Oneill charged shoeIng i prisoner whom he for violation law himself in a manner unbecoming a Deputy Polio Commissioner In that he follow- Ing language In questioning complainant- In answer to f ii A I bad to pistol to make him the complainant drop tongs beoauw there was of I wee alone O At what time wee that A 10 oclock in tho morning- Q It I too bad throw you the window A Well I 8r should have thrown through window What right have you to In and Interfere with that mai t ll a violation law In my presence Q What good would It do he went and bought groceries or meal or anything else If she to put on I think he has as good a to sell plates as anything A I am ordered to stan from station up Q At a certain time A I a hardware store end house furnishing good He Mil dishes end and saucer and to boll potatoes different other wish to eat I brought Mm out to go In there with a and take that man out A I had to protect my life Q Ye will teU you oufh to have done with ought have thrown through the You will have enough of reel of the tin s ildl r that she ties reinforce to enforce the blue laws going In and clouting and clubbing a wing of the party now that I starting t work ought to have a little axo with you long thnr with your to force a tItan like that out of It I the rottuncwt kind and their rights on the pert of all i ople that it city of Nei It Is high lion that it should of their business pl c In the rooming at the of a pistol- It U a bloody and even a officer You ought to have plenty of time so that like a lot of people that have out ooe of an I mono One mad- woman eaton here yesterday and four or five were tore You ought to resign from the Police you I suppose if I would stand tar a shakodown- I thirty days pay and everything A This Is because I for a shakedown I will have you ordirwl before the Hoard of Surgeons The csj l closixl A I wouldnt give for a irene Q What did you A I said I wouldnt stand a shakedown arid I have l nen transferred four or five times luce Commlwioner I will a complaint against you for Insulior- dinaUon none talk out of You are a loafer In concluding h aring the following threat wo UMH toward Patrolman OmlU time Deputy CominixsUmer at this trial hut Is riot to found on this stenographers minutes of such trial Til you TiitnrEivTH srEciricATiox The sold William S I every on the 12th tominl sloner under authority delegated to hint time Police donor actually In th i In tlgtlon and a caiiipUtnt s lrwt Patrolman John Marrlnan 1 with wearing A oilxl uniform on in aiixwar to tIe pina that bud ItfHin enil l by contact with mud htalneil ulotli M s woman whom ho hart arrc t d for Intoxicntion nnd found her lying In thin gutter turn did conduct tutu In a tnanne a Police Commbviionor in that lie used ian gtiaze nilwtatttlnllv a follows did she elotlio on for you No matter how filthy lm wa she wa than voti It U out out obi rport imfore Patrolman MarririBii coudi much loin inK lon r again angrily broke in That no excuw Itmixctor your uni- form filthy I will fmo n days par mImi Xon go hun and If can git that fine re Oo on bum you hider You flltliy unclean and everything rive Fifteen lays get urmehody to remit that Hue Will you You are a dirty hun Turning in this irlers pr nt he said re Is l a remark that cannot he printed In A non pn r The mid VIUism S Devoir on thus 2d day of rfll while acting as Unit Police t ommiMon author- ity delegated to him the Polios C mmU- Kioner anti actually engaged In the invmtl gallon and a complaint against Mlchanl J lions here and n motive for HIM urod and the conduct nf thn said raws anti this ue of the said hot full In the J M did IIMI aid language and conduct hlin elf as set forth In tlm fifths and lath lioriH on account of thee proreolings takin by thin lion William with out conferring with the police authorities r f the city of Xow fur of mforcing thus nrdiiuincrs of the sitld city tli provisions if tIe Petisl Cotln of the State of as a result of which Kald proceeding charges hued been snail anti agnln certain line officer for neglect ami tefibgd to their SJH to enforce the law riintrNTit prcincTiox flue saul William 8 Deverv on the th day of r pteml r IVOI ariinc IV V o ViintiitM irMT under titthoritv delegated to him l y the ISOIfw- n ninl Mimer and engagnl In trw Calnliiian Julio Marrinan iHiarg l with earinr a Krileil uiufiHin mi InrpedlfMi was guilt of tyranny arid inn limn SIM against Pstenlnwn John ilarrinan a nnire in Ur MH forth In thirteenth tiC Uuliau In Uiat the ski flrmi tlm sM Julia Martinez lftei n dr I V wlilrh U oenrydlng t- tnllce recuUilm an excM vt firm for jesting a MUleit uniform It t u m l l trial said IVrery wnnn trial iHiiashmoiit of Mar run del of rUT show dOt roust say no t Dnl up In I JUly b and all teN Abut die In A mil 1 tem I J the tu thorn tOI Yes A- Te And not for to In or two with I the ore to A I wnl to cub Q to the fifth or h- ill with York now of to stop it a man tao pi- nt out 0 and but Join tlsimn I A do ot Q hove 1 to fr A7 of 0 M CIr foul uu mil nuw 0 of and mQf MoIOol to In the II Tm ok I dlt h a- nt Jntrtlgetinn cml I rid or a Ilml lit raIt listen I M J she Upping o doIng the off nail sitting e man everythIng stand and try to You tell that talking get IwaLrrtt spgiflCtROL him business place be coin end am obeying order bourne do sir We cups it I as a omcer pistol a Nation ant man- like he You ought make clxiii iou poor Interfering buelmiese these are wIser there are 4MUtK be stopped and the pole ought lOll out before go- on can band 1iey are vir- tually been Department anti go and will clays pay You wont will go You ieen horse else make let tier the day trial inspection tim your sit sew rouIi1tarTll srrcirtcarmox I will family against latrolrnan John Vtliiamus referred fIfth as irk And the bbs iud > > < > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > < I rinan as berelnbnfore set forth In the i thirteenth apeciflcaUon waa actuated b malice tint said Marrinar thn trial of Patrolman Edward Onell before Second Deputy Commtmloner York- on the 8th thy of loot toUfIe that he on March II 1D01 been days pay for interfering with firemen at a after hi trial he ilirccted br another man to a saloon at irand and streets where lie wa to see a mar hirsch about having hU floe remit- ted that thus name of ixike to him was Kottetnan who raid tlial buxineM with llcnnon the want man of the Chief and said Marrinan testlflmt that It common talk In the do that If a man paid a um when deinnndvd fines would remitted and the officer allowed U remain or Iwcliangwl to such as IIA should doin the Icing that If an ofilcei submitted In thu money would IHJ lunch to ilennon Glen given tn oome one In authority who liat power to remit fines transfer oflicen the Mercltants Association of New York saving to thomirlves the lll exhibiting at any time hereafter further or charges of conduct unbivomliig an officer or acts Injustice tyranny oppreHsinu against the K IXtvery Deputy Pollc- Commi sloner of the City York and also of replying to answers which he shell unto iirtlcl w herein against him and of uttering proof of tho lassIe every part thereof am and every or charge which shah bo a the cast shall rwiulro does demand that the said Wllllain H Ixi to answer thn of conduct unbecoming an ofllcer and all act of Injustice tyranny exsmlnaUons trials and had and given as may agreeable to law and to the regulation tlui ordinances of the city of New Dated at Now tItle 24th day o September 1901 ABHOCIATIOK or N T YOUR lly 81 ned D LR Roy Dncucn President Attest JOHN 0 KAMKH Secretary SCllROElHit KrTTffVS TO OtAM Nary Urpsrttnrnt HaUsricil With III Nt- uaus Order WABIIINOTON Sept 74 Commander t ton Schroeder Qovrrnor of Ounm has been In Washington as a witness before the Knhley Court of Inquiry today fllei with the Navy Dejxirtrnont his report the conditions In Guam which led to order directing the attention of thn com- mand to the hoodlumlsiu and lawleNsnetu which are rampant In it That the Navy Department I aUnfl with the explanation nf lot Schroeder the oniiMi for his strenuous orders Is shown by the fact that he was aitnnioon dl rocteil to return to tho Island and continue hi work Uierw Ho will leave here or Thursday for Son Francisco and sail fron there to where hn will Im by tho gunboat Yorktown whIch has been to nod family to Agon- tlie capital of Ounm rport Oor Schroeder reviews detail the in the island which occnAlonml huts ottlon Hn explains that just before hn left lunni the Icing cleared up that many moon con- cerned in the lund been inarUallni and cotivio1 l before sutiuuan court antI punliihod At tin Umn of his departure had and u tlon nf the trial genera court of a few of the offender remained to bo utU d Transport Unfort Floated WAtintNOTON Sept 24 On Chaffs cabled War Department that the transport Duford which aground In Mindanao province had floated without injury and was loading- the Infantry for return to thou United States A letter received to dy at the War shows thnt V Hton who was sup to have taken passage on the hill not d so Hn returning on the transport Thomas which eipectixi to FranoUco this week Appointment by Irr l lrnt RootevrltV- AnntynTON Sept Prvslden- tlAdar appointed Frank II littell a H r nf in nuvy with tho rank of Uvutenant Army end Navy Orders WAMtiftcTox ftrpt army erdtrs l ufd- l 4 of l rure 10 tadido No I r ranlttf Capt Lnuii U uitnuin Tvrntr Mtralti Ttir rflirrnxnl rum rtl r trtim u Jfnl Cnl John i lttr TblrtltU lutanur tojr otxralioo ol- Uw I announml- Th lr ic or cnnltd flues IJut A lon Hgbtli lnlnl ir llfudd ttrrn tfrt Ullllan II CDnraluary Tort I trn urtli la Ctleara a liunl la Ut Vrunil iJtut Trjotr A Jnn v AiUIIrr Orpi- li UB J I Slur sett Dili CnnMnr Artllkry n l Ijul larry w Vtvlon Artlllrr cow rfrrnUy pr n1 4 aulirrd lo Alitr wtrnUi Corn pnv t tl Artillery lo Ion Anrlllnc urn dun Uul rtrn Swift Jr flrUi Catalry- n m Nf Voik lo run Afwffi A freud at nQrrrt la mnil l nf j ul l John 1 Tltrooii Uful tot John I Htorr Arallfrrr- orrM pt AlttrA V I tmr gu nrmi lrr- lo mtri at Anil r Iht t urj of r i rtlnr upon th nrfuliy of puira lnt sOilllloiul hand it point UfUlrM Wllt n P titr Corps froze Inc ul ahvnrr lo ron Colunbuv lf sisUnratnu In Artllltr r n Pint lJit tjMnn lllrnlr treat third it- Tsrntrninth ArtMUrr Nrnnd I l cd L i the T AniilrrS- rrund IJful Loch Kuurtrtnia- nUntrv foci Canton OhlJ la tinttrixua Ulnd Atmlt villUm T dtarrid a nmman 2aMl Nary Yard tlo tun in horn watt rdtt- ll r Mnrtlmf U Johnson At- vimmAn ttnt Nivnl Ilojral to hon Ilr r Admiral ld ln M Shtptrd Naral War r l MnUon Isirt smnul n Vrrr Iron NaTal War CblHf- In borne nd ll ordrr Call r br M irr from attrndsnr on muss it l W r mll r end i dulr Ihrr- nipt f mttr I r Wtl fn tb Kant War nol r t Nar Ysrd IMrunoulb N It CrH ln- mmoianilrr VTItllara V Kimball true Naval War Ilrr l V hlnnon- roimnnndrr Durran ma Naval War OUr I POmP and wait ort r lifotrf I CWn ror w from arsl Tar omif f Kaihlnrton ant resume debits tn- Narnl Wat Rfmrtl fnr- U iitn nto mrnan lrr f lea UrulftKinloininiitMtrr Auttln V Ssrtl IVsr Cntlf rr In hnif and wslt nrdf- rIJfitn M Vmn n fr ftwilfs Dlr4 rom Nstsl end vslt nntfM Unit v llurii n n rr wnt W- Ater when nmrnlulonrd Unit irtnf tune In Vsrr Yard l sru Island I armt lri Inhn MiHd lo Addlllonal duty as- VMlOaM Id fur l Irufrlor of let end upon rllrrrenl of assume dutlM itn ral ln i rtor- IWiep Mrllnnnrll liees Abroad toes peelnll- ni hop McDonnell of Ilmoklyn and his TccrvtArvMgr John I lianettwere among Mn2 rM on time KniMr Wllhelm iler n rn which wiikil for luroxi y lerxUv- klot of Hie Cnthollr clernr and laity nf- ihn llrnnklrn dincc were In of Uio as them md mi limiiiary whatever lb Ut It It U nllpM that hn IH going it 1nirdw to present at th mnsocra ion nf Ameiicaii shrine which i being reeled lien oiirleenVrarIHcl Girl In Heil Xllulng- Tlio Jei ey Illy pnlicn rut out a alarm yestrrdnv f ir Ctivli lUng II years M of Jd las ih trrrt who lmn i ni4exl n 1 tan and wore a rod r fVerwl iln n nit bus coat and a red trimmed with lUmtcs low this Knmelhlng e ial n Hel ItsIr Inr s l r 1 M will l In leer Aj M l M TMk K k drrMUIne- vti ntn M the l t- leiliti i h which le reseh lS e llvlnc- i imr iMir He jH t fr r te ill r i wIth pript r i on Writ 1nr- an cttttHc fcc JlJ said fined some wee police I who J IlIIChdld else I 1111 mcio lit Lot I HilI of I Ilia ut anti alon office against him anti Unit such be of HE on him of thi I toot I I hi In I I wee court been the today ran I I an HUn the rat nlDuT too hint rapt se dlln mnmtfl purer nan Porn tMutd liter sllI dIr 1 dlar d N Condu mill nil II 10 or Iron Sal Wet Im dun S nltt UrI rd duiV Us S a lnrio If rp loans I general Itig SIIIIII I of light If t air I r1 hr IIr to 1 v was tin any ew eeil Dever in proceedings may- be Pled who suppressed born oee4 time 21 This Thee hale lee tour too Put the east end for stud tin lot that and lent neat tilL tte ouch erdir ties tape and Stalks su i a Ce Iurl as Commandant NIT lard hail hlte ann ml CCI bafistnn from War from in ttutfl sid wittu htaiile as am I litmnt Crmpi ahipeard 1 temp this len net its 1 lie idni 151w tort hid ui < 0 a C sisud > < > > > < > > < > < < > > < > > > > >> > > < > < > > > < < < < < COMMON LAW WIFE LOSES BUT SPEAKS UFn MIU AtlOV- UK ft LOT II AM O Kin Matrimonial Tangle About a Ureail way Iron Mert hant and IU Favorrt- Mteaegraphrr but Magistrate Moll Keep It Clear of the Police Court The affairs of Frank Dana the Iron mom chant of 32 Broadway which much tanglod up on Monday night when an alleged Mm Dana n real Mr Dana and a good looking young woman who ap- pear to bn a favored stenographer since wears t000 xrl necklace travoU around In victories with her em ployer all figured In nuitrimonlal inliu In till vicinity of the Hotel Savoy were straightened out yesterday In till polloi court Mr Dana appears to hate been a very gay Lothario tn hi time In addition the two Mm Dana and the stenographer ho several children two of whom lieu with ono Dane and one with another IIU love for Mm Julia Dana the woman wise matte the trouble In front of the Havoy and who now confesses that h lice no legs right to the name she hears lint linn kept It booaum Dana recognlted her a his wife for yean and her children baptised under It grew cold time ago end returned lo hIs wife and daughter with whom he had had little or no Intercourse for years nut he spent a groat deal time with the stenographer Must Bertha Heaslay of 1341 graw street llrooklyn Apparently mat Mr Dana has made no objection In fact she seemed to be on such good terms with the young woman that ah allowed her the free darn of her apartment There wee a good deal of curiosity In Yorkville police court In view of what hid bean printed about Mr Dana and hU trou- ble to e Just how things were going to itdjust themselves Mr Julia Dana ww in court dressed all In black and looking very determined She 1 a goodlookini woman of middle alto A short distance away Mt Mr Dana very nervous and apparently very anxiou to have the mottci overMagistrate Molt took up the Dana oac at once The policeman told just what had occurred In front of the on Mon- day night Mr Dana admitted that he struck the complainant In i moment of excitement laid hands on her clutched him bj the throat In true a k l the Magistrate He truck roe unld the woman H trunk me a be baa done many time before Hut did dutch him by the throat before he struck rout nd Hl I did said the woman with apparent pride the case said Magistral Molt Mr clutched Mm the throAt before liz touched you you have no against him Thus woman protested that MItrvAted hut at one that not Danas legal wife Then kayo no standing in tiiif court madam raid the Magistrate vumrnon law marriages You say that I have no standing here aid blue worriers Why sMventien vear I lived with man a hU wife Until qultw recently I believer tliat he was and that I wee hi wife We Unve two children a bo 10 antI a girl 13 When he tame to mu h told me that he would noon bo free from hi marriage and that this very tact that we lived together would constitute a marrlagn wont tn anti I alay regarded mynell iw his wlfu lIter two years ago lie liogan to aUi away from mo I tint hn was Uio habit of visiting hits real wife whom h i hadnt divorced at tie at Fifty sixth stntt and Park avcinio Ho hm i n nmrrbHl to h r for thirtysix yours and ho hind a dauglitor JJ years old living lit tlw tarot Tlieii I that IK was nUo pitying attention to thus young nomiin He was going every liere with her and I KW her i carrUco with him loaded with dlarno itl while I anti my chlUlnn wars nefjlectml I went right up and denounced him to hit fsc You are not Isle wits and have no legal standing in this the with a wave of hand he signified that this ease was closest hue woman who calls horoelf Julin th court li riot wife and never woe For she line harassed me and I liar stood It tiently hut I am sick And of It and do not propose to stand it any longer I own at 27 West Seventieth street whero she and the children live and In addition tn allowing them the use of it I have it for them I have nnver failed In my ohllgstlnns to this wornnti and tier hunt I dn object to the money I allow m r to live on USM for of to shadow im whemver I and to make it unromfirtnlilo for mo and I to l with The woman announced that she would sue Dana Mrs Darn of thn refused to MK Hoaolev could not n tier homo In Brooklyn where she lives with her mother Jill two Nlsters pn l Their relchbnrs han Ix n c b- wrvliig enough to that sho carno homo nlmnut with an elderly man whose description fits that nf Mr Dnna- C HIET TALKS HMUROCITrr- eahirnt Itixvirvrll for Mewt on MlpH lo lie Taken b ncrr- WAsniNnTos Sept S4 Only four room bore of the Cabinet tern pr wnt at the regular rmetlng today the Hbeentfen- KliiR K Tretari Hay hoot Ixmc ivi- diltchi ok Tho time was occupied by In ll xAir HlnK at IVrwhlcnt HOOI- Meltn rrxruent notnwhAt In detail the work was ill line with IrceklOTitn to betnmo fruniliar with all nudist of wn ilnc ailmlnlxtratlon nut able emt f Ilie Calilnot meet a brief reference by tho IteoUlnn- to tIme of rr Ho hnw xl- ilmwlf to thoroughly In accord with the views on by tlie late n ldent McKlnlry shortly hiss loath lie sense however if the of thin MJbjoft anti th- llftlculUni thAt will overootn- en out a cnrtniM nt nohiMim of reciprocal trade rrlntlon with hir coun imld hn Hhould hltwxIf to the study of th question indicating that he thU next greet to b dealt with by OongreNt and the Admlnb tattoo RIPM5 I am past 65 years of age and have jutlcred from constipation and indigestion One night I WAS bA when a lady told me about Ripans 1abules Going home that night my wife nude me buy a cent package and when I had taken the first Tabule I found such relief that when they were all gone I thought I was a new man At dructnti The FIvtGrnt riclit It tnoueh for an ordinary ocriuon The family bottle 0 ctntJ contains a uprb lf a year OAr became muoh clue and a to hat Mrs hashed he of the the lI h ou I IlIa yoU arui discharged tltocJ lId I or for IHlIIlel Learned in JAn ur when court taI Aid Dana outaid m t1II1I tired ri detectives u on ort every fit I tit the lit tJI 1 hAH to d- ote to 5 very some has has sib tim eases tent she was urn sick this tioniene o lila saul 1ana Mr see lie wee hot ails the others desire The oiuly trig wits Ic President feel- ing very b t3w it 1 t > > > > > > > HAMMERSLOUGH BROS QUITTING RETAIL BUSINESS CLOTHING AT HALFPRICE- I The values offered in our Retiring Sale now in progress are the most remarkable ever witnessed at a clothing sale For we arc positively going out of the retail busineM and in order lo dispose quickly of our immense and Winter stock every pannent is offered now at former prices Suits ntfrnutt rtoU IttBf nl cud stkttnr4 fuDilr i Tu Mo stills rtt Pie All trr msnuUituuu la thu onn btwlnrM In our nlialMSI J p rtm nl tit Ihfrfure made at the m l fabrics In the UU t fathlun ted to th huh u rtlUMt moo lot obltta our rlolWnr IK lonr t n brslrtf Several hundred of our finest 15 f 8 and suits are now marked down to 850 T ln lud Usuuful bl rk tttd unAnUhrd jr fd Inforttd wor tfd end essstont la Mlc- hrrk and soul cram BttU dujunil snd Thltii tutu u AU srf beautiful zulU and voottf- A tout nnrit 111 ted III rsllaifrrmU en iludri cud Oilord frsjr Titan rl sir msrkfd tloun la J7JU nib Sum ilk lliil BROS 830 BROADWAY t5r ij i i t roll n Albert lId I 20 each jJ blur back liii I ID DOW I HAMMERS LOUgH I striped lath Winter testS sod u bpf itt eaiuti tOOul our all black < Taking of Testimony Nlopiml ti An nouncrmrnt of Iuds Wiltons Heath WAHII OTON Hi t 51 of the tVlilny Court of inquiry was brought to an abrupt aloes by the announcement hat Judge Wilson of Admiral Kchloyi counsel hud died suddenly TIle court nxsembled promptly usual at II oclock and about flftwn minutes later a telephone messagn came to Mr llaynor one of the other attorneys for Admiral 8chl y that his venerable colleaguo wee deail A former machinist on the Texas hid tern put on the stand and had just answered tutu formal preliminary ijuoatlons when a marine orderly brought tho message III regard to Judge Wilfons death Th news spread quickly about the court room The witness was forgotten and nearly all of thorn engaged in the gathered around Mr Itaytior Admiral Dewoy who had tile sudden stoppage of the proonedlngM did nut understand what It meant and nokcd what the nuttier was He wo visibly shocked when told the now He had known Judge Wilson very well and they were good friond- Mr Ilayiior was not willing to accept the news as true and oont a message b telephone to secUre a verification flu carne promptly and at 1180 tie ruse and May it please the Court I have very Intelligence to communicate Wn have Just heard nf the death of Judge Wilson- I left hint at 10 oclock morning slightly Indisposed I was with him late last night and saw him again at 8 oclock tItle morning leaving him at 10 oclock slightly Indlsp posed We have heard by telephone that he has Just died at the Khorenam lintel I respectfully ask the court to adjourn day To meet again tomorrow asked Ad- miral Dewey You said Mr We should like to attend the when It takes placeThat rein be arranged afterward re- marked the Admiral and to the audience I have to announce that owing to the death of Judge Wilson of counml for Admiral Rjhlsy the court will adjourn until to- morrow momliiic at 11 oclock After court adjourned It wee ar- ranged that there would lie no session on thus Uy of Judge Wilsons funeral When the court assembled title morning then wee a larger number of spectators than hint appeared at the opening of yes- terdays session The interesting charac- ter of the testimony yentenlay woe evi- dently responsible for title IrtcruAstt In the Hudliioe Sohlny anti hU cxmrtwl were on hand i Iluut II II Ward nf the who twin been assigned to awtUt the Advncato in time ariatiKement of sren soul charts presonoe y tentay was rewmtod by Ad ml nil ys vial next to lie wore lit Hervlce unlfnnu ol tile rank loinmvi IT A lot finder II Iatiii who was thus Chit LjiKiner of tlo Tvjai In the West Imllnn cni aicn was calkxt to certify to coriwtn i of the ofllclal the testimony rivon him vi Capt nf Admiral Scliliy- To him Commander hates said that steam log of time 1exsji for tIe battle of Julv 3 a written n ut dny thus Court aUsi hind conic question to ask of thus witius were to the Jiidff Advocate who road them to v lly this Court Arn you positive that the estimate of coal on this OH orted on SB wns correct A Yes iw nearly M can IM positive that an Mirnnttof oulonb viixl Q Was tIn muclilnvry of the Texas In efliclcnt xindltion for sortie on May 31 thndar of this lomlrfirdment of the A I shoMll my frmi reixjllectlon e- wn notlln the matter with Um engines Unit I cnu nxvllici- Inrnniander Hoaton Sohroe ler wns again rrUtfxl tine to ay that Ills as n i rtwl win cornvt Hn was ten ilUolmrc hi order that Im might return to hiim where he IA Jovernor When Arthur H CUxton was oalled n smoothf v i man attired in- lnlin clothes ntoiM l forwnnl and Mid liad mrv l cm Uxinl lh Texas In tint stAr with Kwin ni II machinist flrBtcl H- wns no out nf the Korvi unit resided III Wanhlncfon On thin day nf the twIll wuh Ccrvems ships he was In engine rin of tilt Ihforn the Ailocnte hued lienun to develop his ten tIny the news thou was desl WItS tvcolvod and prooee ilng- wvle su iendo- dAlWlRAt SAVPSOX IS BETTER lie Will Remain at Fort Hamilton If Not llcuulrcit at naUUnEtou Rear Admiral William T Sampson who is at the home of lila daughter tho wife of LJeut H II Scott of tlm fifth Artillery Atationud at fort Hamilton spoke cor- dially to a visitor afternoon who apin aclH l him un the subject but lie was nut to the inquiry at Washington hi willingness to attend this If ummorixl and smith that he Ulirtviil that hits h wiltli was o mitch ito tliat hv could the strain with- out further impairing hiss h vilth TIe AdmirHl t to stay for some- time at thIs fort union ncwled at Wash- ington Viennese Hating More lion Mrat and Kimie Donkey Meet WASIIINOTOSC Sept 24 to United States ConsulOenerol llumt at Vienna this conxurnptlon of hore meat In thus Auotrian capital as an article of food- I rnililly increoxing In a report to the Ktato he sluiws IHfl- ISOia liaise and donkeys acre kUufiliterxd for fnml Thin was over a UmiinMtd tunic tItan In this previniia year and aliout Sww rmirr than In IC97 kiys The price of hnr e ment ranges er pound- of f re uarter from five to eight cents lilnd uarter six to nine centr chain cute for Meak and msM Imm live tn eleven fOnt Pound ll taiin nt kfeperswhoMrto- horwmeat designate In a x ixl column on this ofTenil- tn jvatronA- Tr a nr urelia ea More hoods WtMIIMilON Sept J4 Tlie Serr- nrtti of Ion Since April t Ilm linn n- i ui burM i t iU3v i sr uil- nf t Ttl ninliQM Of thIs amouiii 122- 1n is TI paid out lnee the Ugir- ulug of the fiscal year n Jui 1 IIILI flIRT ToLl ion CAM noticed sad for- th I I funeral the I I 11 Judo lint CIO rot b I butt 0011111 tll itik hint I I thi wit j I III HII I llllTtlot 110 nut rcrnetuiur settling tUllnl t i n t the d I tAn I I mulct I 1 1lrrhL U eel lent J T 4 11101 ItS said this sian whose the purl some lit the I Thee sir I eronc Tborn hue merely tee I tIt I I 5 it v- of th IflirntiiV tno1y his hIs > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < < < < > < ¬ < ¬ < > TO REORGANIZE MILITARY ir vrfvjvr An IKS- XPISK i PHILIPPINES Many Offlren mil llrlurn Home Cm- pCroilrr May lie IXIalled a New thief of thoreau of llrdnaneo to Spite or Ills Inrrrlor IoilUonW- IHIIIKOTOX Sept AdJutentOen eral Corbln wIse It expected here tomorrow after making on extended Inspection of military situation In the Hlilllpplnes will begin soon after his return the preparation of a of hU observation lila report will mark tho beglnninj of a complete reorganization of thu military force In tin Philippine Islands a chungti which Secre- tary Hoot hopes will brliiKnixiut a reduction In thus expense of mnliiluliiiiig a Phlllppln- WitlUti the next few wreks other officer tint by the Kerrelary of VNar to tho Phil- ippines T1II olio return to Wahlnglon and they too will on their oljeer Allan of thrlr reepxMKe departments officers are CommlssaryOnnera Weston VuarterriiastrrticiitirAl LudingloE and Hiir ivnfkncral Httrnlierg Moll xl from each of them show that they sgrco with the Secretary ol that tmr I room for retrenchment in I ho conduct ol the military ofietnlloni In the Philippines Their return will bo followed not only b a reilulion In inpendltur but very prob- ably In the number of ofiCers on focclgu duty ad well Ihe military departments In the Cntted States have iKeii horthandd for otflcnr for a long t and I is believed thai the numlier on duty In the Philippines cat lie greatly reduced thus bringing intuit to thl country a many tutu available fur homo nIUi their rcRlment Not nnly wilt hero bo moro than Ilm Usual rhnngei of tlln fall but therv will soot very Important dinner Ui the t tslt of this Irenldent Hon evelt and Secretary lIed have already agreed upon a nuoceN or hi len A Chief of the Hurvsti of Ordnance who retires for the latter part of November Thorn Is munich specula lion hi the War Department a tn a MM- ceMir but eo is not though it is generally agreed that Secretary Root li to have dttAiUxl Chief of this Ordnance Ilurejin- Tlio neloctlon of a succuwnr to lien Ilufllng ton will have to Im mode under the pro- visions of the Army Reorganization a I- CongreM The new chief of the bureau will 10 for a period of four years ln t sd of living appointed to the permanently as tho custom for time Thus now befbre the department U whether a Captain can over this hoods a number of Majors and Lleuten ritVloiiel and CapU- Cmzier while the Secretary nf War as one nf lbs fitted officers for the position and a oman of great energy toni pmgr Idoas does not oven fct thin hetd of In the Ordnance Department and titers sure a number of men who are seniors JIIWE WILSONS CAREER nrllllant Lacers Death Great Less to- A Unit rat Nrhlr- WARIIINOTOX Sept 34 Jeremiah Mor- row Wilson who died suddenly totUr fur tw ntyflve years one nf the fore most members of thus Washincton bar anti widely known for his work In noted legal battles He was In hU seventythird year He was chief of counsel for Admiral Schley- n time jictiding Inquiry and In consultation with hU colleague an hour lieforo his death expectliie to attend court litter Mr Wilson was In Lebanon Ohlq hut at an early age removed tn Indiana whero he rewlvid an smdemlo e lucAtlon- Ktiuliisl Uw stud wits admitted to the heir He w tOixi tlely Jml r of the Court of Cnmmon Pleas anti of tIes SUtn Qrcult Court rrklgnlng from thin ench when elivtwl to Conitre in 1WS In represent thee fourth Indiana di ni After serving two terms he liegan this practice of Uw In Washington a ociating hirueelf with former ItHprcMntativn Hchellenbarger of Ohio Thus firm enrly attained prominence thnmah the numerdiik which Its members were counsel and later Judge WiNon aoiuiml a high reputA In criminal practice huh brilliant cm n of witnesses lie took a leadlnc v rt in the Star I lout o tttat Uio courtmartial nf Judgo Advocate Swami of the the breech of Milt nf Madeline Pollard HRslnst llrt the AUIwiiii and French Spoliation Clilma cases and the Income Tat cases In the most Important criminal casej In the District of tho twenty yearn Ho Pn iilenl of the Potomac Telephone Company- and ilirettnr In various Mr Wilson a anti a daughter the Utter the wilts of William formerly United Con ulOeneral at Honolulu Judge WlUnns deaths will bo a great loss tn Admiral a he was depended on- tn crohooxamlno tim made a study nf thin rae and it was thotiRlit that Isle mind and M- Tcatl teiiKue would hair ft strong Influence upon wltnenftwt and create a In public mind Judge Wllrnn wn moreover a warm personal Dr Lyons PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Usod by pooplo of refinement for over a on r of a century luriitKMM Im uwnsa t EX this j I report I I mllltry utaLIWmfOlit I rh I viet 4 present reports tar I S limo gnat ddt allot t ozlur its C which became a at the Last o detailed a bet hiss wee Curt of was the born contests huh premise at cite and leaves sum Statue t clue i lIt friututi of ctley I- CM C1sn1Licm- ge Is is tTW hew dei4- 1iiir titus sITWAI U- mi yes epesIss lass iteeaCwa rw 5 ¬ < < > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > <

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-09-25/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · I THE SUN WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1901 8 rrp r DEMANDS DEVERYS REMOVAL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION

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Fairly tp t Tammaay Wow What to-

Do About the Trial Boom Bally In-

JUUM Tynaay und Opproaloa AN-

Irgrd and Bp elfle tattaaoe of aUet-iOlr l An Immediate Aikedfor and If Not A oil onMill Takn ttght b nabb-

Tho Merchant Auodatlon throughIta counsel eerwd upon Polio Oomiriloner Murphy yetterday formal

Deputy OommlMioner Dercry an-

a that the Commlmiooor romov-

Povery from offloe The charge are baron Dorery conduct of tha trials at PolHeadquarter and contain fifteen pecif-lcation tending to how that the DeputyCommUaloner haa been guilty ot lnjtlice tyranny and oppression

Accompanying tho charge waa a brioletter from the Merchant1 AMoctatlon re

an Immediate hearing of themOominUiloner Murphy took the paperhome with him when he loft Police Head-

quarter end Mid ho would read them overlat night He will make morn-

Ing hi decision a to or heentertain the charges Lest night he woulinot dUouao It U thoughtprobable that ho will Ignorecomplaint from an ociUon repttwentlnjthe cornrooroUl intore of the citywhich may bo considered to onlybetterment of tho biulnos Intonate of thcity at heart

When Mr Deruy warn uktd If hanything to w y in reply to merchant

said tie Bern themthem It w-

ucguled that ho might Ilk to eo aHnve you got thW be eked

ho added with good an aMumptlonIndifference a possible Oh I havengot time an I havent got my

ty maybe I might ned copy o

Pradtrrf too I might nut findwhole bunch of merchant among em-

It wo evident however that the Dvput-

Commluioner waa a great deal moreled then he cared to show Helong talk In tho afternoon with CouncilmanTom loley who recently defeated exJudg-Dlrvor for the Ttinronny leadership ofS nnd Awembly dUtrlct end who MrDlrver ay WM materially aided in hUfight by the police under Derrrye orderswith frank Hood win who dopooed John-C Sheehan aa leader of the Ninth A-

rmbly dUtriot and who U generally r-

gardnl aa a warm friend of Mr Deveryand with Battery Duo Finn These threetalked for an hour with Whenthey left hi office they oil had nothing toMy In view of Pig lira Sullivan talkwith Squire Crokrr on Monday nljthtCouncilman Tons Foloy visit to Derery

regarded a highly nignlOcant of thegravity of l ercry position

Devery friend realized plainly in factyesterday that now that the MerchantsAiwociaUon have taken up the fight againthim in earnest hi position I veryIndeed The AMocUUon Intend tothe tIght to a flulah If OommlloncrMurphy does not give Ita charges Immedi

consideration it I theIntention to take other action

action will aume tn the eventColonel hanging up the charges

and not granting a hearing within a fewday It could not be learned definitelyyraterday It U understood howeverthat If it become Decennary an appeal would to the Mayor Then-If nothing wa done lor Odell would beasked to take the police situation In hand

In preferring thmn charges againstDevery it U not the intention of the Mer-

chant Association to Interfere withaction by PUtrict Attorney againstleery on the complaint of neglect of dutyend or prr lon made Jiiy Policeman OneillThe specifications am similar but mer-

chant U a civil proceeding simply TheMerchants Association believes an It limealready told Commiwioner Murphy Incorrenpondenca whlah hM pubINheil that Devrry methods are Injuring-the liueinvo of the citjjami that It will IH

for th good of the city to remove himemil the association U prcpvrd to piuhits chorgfo to a Onlsn no matter what Itmay oast

Following are the merchantagainst Devery In full

iicAo C Ptlici Committnrr iily V f l ri

Sm The Merchant Amociatlon of

Klrst D put Police Oiiiiml slon r of theCity of J ew York in tlm discharge of tho

of that ofHot end for guilty ofInjustice tyranny and onprmMcn

loner of Pollt-witllo presiding ax a of Polieu at of of the uni-formed fnrcn of tho 1ollce Departmentof of NewYdrk mcmS r i f Ihe unifnrmnfi force of trwPoliceDepartment of the City of New York of

andtmwnoratKit tn the niM cificallon here-unto annexed the said William 8 Deverythen arxl there will knew were without

of law and to the policeregulation of the Mild city of New York

of these tho Mer-

chants Association of Xe Yorktho nlllcatioii hereurio annexed

nnsr iirrcirCATIONTho Mild William s t ov on the Hth

day nf Marcn IBOUwhllo noting a FirstIVllce Coiamlloner tinder u

thority delegated to him by the PoliceCommli loner and actually In theinvestigation iw a complaint

charged with not discovering afiW acoming a Dejuitr Iolk i ommls loner inthat he language urjstanlally afollons

Its for the police Depart-ment to stop those

hold the persons wnarrest andstrata Poole I nnn of men here Is

young man who cnnfessed that lie wasng to make a burglary Ho was found

r the wagon that stuff away withthe bekle him and slttln on a

And vet IVxiln diehim If that a C IM nf mal

fessnnre In oltlce Id like to know what UThen to tpt

Iliad mde the complaint acn th pAtml-Ynenthn Deput I4 iniiiis lnisrci i

Its to make a npi ri of tlist-t i the VirnnilioiHMr end nx mm n l Uiatlie bilng tli liWHer lieforn tie DIMrictAttorney touchin an

s your duty In let th business ienplo-

f Out ilt ir rt Snow Imw lisle m wastrrate MiK MAfMrati P l ill

t if that wagon afterw e afreoteil want lo knowliat when tin arre t lry n liVe thst-

Magislrate IVmVt ruts POt IM Into theJrent tn 4y their iwatlun nxrr againThU and tin two others arw-

r rtrtv nf alt iMirgUnes In that tl sMet Men tike IIMI rut l o e In-

r Ilietr foeall1 rvr sushi If thenv r mslrs ti tti fTVv thl Magis

INU i emgM I tm an lbtel

TW Mh UiMtai M vn tM e Mid-i V ir Apr IM wlwt arUTw s rV t-

IVHt r nti t iiiK umter sg-

hin ilftetfalnl to MHI br tlwOsnmiM mrr end srtusllr Migsr t la-Ahr tiiVrMUK n and IrUI 4 a onii UlDt

iuM Patmlotaa srftrU let i M u t



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a fight In a laundry belonging to one Charle-QOnn a and for awho told him about It dldconduct hlmselIn a manner unbecoming a Deputy Polio

in he uma follow to an officer testify

come overtestify for tacIt other an fool megot to protect Chinks and Sheealo tham a people Warfleld Iyou thirty pay Hereafter yoprotect Chinks and when

protectionTimiD BMCincUTtOK

The said WUliaaa 8 on the JStday of 1901 while acting a Deputy

underto him by the Commissioner

Urquhart falling to arrestof the complainant

then conducted himself In a mannera Folloo Commissioner

In that used toward the complainantlanguage ubslantlally a

two to do the solidtla a ladand a gentleman Tb lady wont eoUcfif you googoo eyes If youhadnt beenwouldnt have troubled you AnywayI guess you were excited

rocnrn irccirtoATioxThe William H on the 3SU

of IMI while acting aa DeputyCommissioner underto him the Police Commissioneractually In the

of a complaint against PatrolmanCavanagh hi

then did conduct a man

a followsTwenty days for not

time you himnrrn ncmoinox

said William 8 on Iday of May loot a

tr under authordelegated Police Corn

saloner actually Ininvestigation and trial of a complaint

Michael J

conduct himself In a mannering a Deputy Pollen Commissioner li

that he used langutg ublanttaUy afollows

complainant offsred In vdenosmrtlfled copy records of

flp c athere guilty for which

wee then on Thecalled Deputy OommUMonrr

attention that sfoleOMMoManus hail Imr three Justto of whom JusticeWilliam Tf ers Jerome

Justio Jerome ehf Tide complainta lot of

runnln around this town with otheir shoulder shoouV em off intreat and raising riot and rebollion an

whole the whole com-munity outrage Judge Jerome

In itI an Its claimed henthat thus man was wrongfully convicted-an I believe It It about time a halt weecalled

rent rmcxnoATioNThe said William 8 on the

day of May IMI whIle acting aa FirstCommissioner au-

thority delegated to him the Polkactually

Johnconduct hlmtolf In a manner unbecomInga Deputy Police Commliiiloncr In that

UM language as followsThere warn a big crowd around

wasnt there Just what you fellowimeaning reporter like Its a pitthere wasnt tome of them Unaround to make some and excitementfor Too bad soldIers dldni

there with a bream band an give youanother MnsaUonlB-

TXNTII armctnaaTio-Th eald William 8 on the I th


thority delegated to him the Polioactually In

Patrolman Patrick

did himself in a manner unbe-coming a Deputy Police Commissionerin that he language ub itantlally-as follow

If you wanted to go on a bum whydidnt you a surgeon to giveleave a couple of Any ono would-a

The said William 8 the Krth

Police under audelegated to him the Pollen

Commissioner actually In

gaiiwt Patrolman Meehan afteri

ark Commissioner CUuxen which statedthat Patrolman Mnelian hail done his July

no more In making the arrest on acof which the charges

had been brought affoiiuhim did conduct hln elf In a manner un

a Police Commisidoner

followg-CommlMloner the general

If the to ongnu a right to Taint for

jommbMioner Clausen to makeregulations to stop em Ill floe thirty

and that willroil fellows not to go a cluuUn ladies an

children off the gramNINTH HPICCinoiTION

The said William H on the 37thof Jun IMI while acting as First

Deputy Police Cnmmlxslon under audel giited to him tlm Police

actually in

against Patrolman JosephOllrien lied Pstrolnum

Burke wee guilty of did conducthImself In a manner unbecoming aollce In did

substantially as followsmen liars

to remember that all humanan you aint no right

bully one of men In that Alteryou Just keep head TOUTa your way this depart

mont for a good many an gotstop

TTMtH HrXCiriCATIONThe said F Devery on the th

Commissioner under authorto him the Police Corn

actually in theinvestigation of a complaint

John and JamesI Kane did conduct himself a manner

unbecoming a IVillce CommissIonerU that he use language substantiallyis follows

Well men have dismissed fromforce for less offences tlun that

shall elate this osse by recommendingthat

these men ought to out on petrollOtS instnod of up hemritlt either of th Me two

lumUUUng themselves currcmiMmplait their testimony ro as tn

T dont likeIbis political testimony and while therewi many tr1nc to flint fault

with the fiollcn a t tolAlll all pr lio m n up lien to cuttacit others throatsI-

UVBNTII upsrincAitoy-Tlie WillUm H Devrry on 1 1th

of t hell while acting as FlntPollen ComnilMlonrr iimler author

IV d l g t l In hun by Police l m-

nt isiiM r actuallv In thenvrvtlestiiin end trial of a complaintKln t Officer John HeMkUn

gleet of duty dkl conduct hlmsrlflnai-ianner unl otnlng n IkrHitr IWice Vm-

Miif ner III that lie UKH the followingngusfe In qiirvtioiilng complainantlllound mn lio I e mmiltliunt-w IS i4 annri f f ll 4 n h i


O Are VIM neat iglited A Weli tnyws l lbs r m n-

g WrM lady must l a facing

i 4 Is


Inf for 1 Ion her


AprPole and

InvtUonot crt a



at him t-oN l a

In he




of did

atbe Ouro how

be Uome for





Ion IN




dr otunder

athe InUIawhile on

donday of June 181


thin In ot

man hAd a

runt the

In ubtatlraWn ant

n a


owYou wanto





of forI

It dl at





the on trialYou and


actually anda complaint





revolvera and then allowing

to Deputy Polico Coinmtrnsloner that language cub


The theFirst

obrtancharged with family



this town Ifits


the Investigation complaint


1901 while asPolice Commissioner

a complaint

charged with


ElOliTit crctrICATloiDn

whIle acting as First

and a complaint

litter front


that did use language



the investigation complaIntafter



while am FirstPolIce




both you ho diemiseed frnm theAll



I tie

tes ie

he 4 lii I tatt elLa C

Dwtr asked of le1anhat

ties beenhew I TI IC itewatse

The egsiwe 1 E S I erie es my 11-Si iee lssn flwrnie35i4 lbs uI-

MI eases s dep sae








< >

> <




> >




the Didnt oof

on Didnt Up youcouldnt see me

I wouldnt stand talking to a ladythat kind again If she couldnt youwhen the wa four feetme That Is pretty near uto It You have any soldierrunning around you and not

are like a otherthat are against It and fall to It

A Well the man woman werealongside each other-

Q are caught that closewant to stand up nerve andnerve You dont know anyUilng thenNo matter under what circumstance a

want to know anything when he I

with the on bn

young lady the next time you areto when you have your backone direction let her look in other r

that she ran you off qulok Dontcaught always get If canNow you ten days for not beingtipped off

The said William 8 on the mlof IM I while acting a FirstPolice CommlMloner under

to him the Police CommUwtoneactually engaged In the investigation

and a againstEdward Oneill charged shoeIng i

prisoner whom he for violationlaw himself

in a manner unbecoming a Deputy PolioCommissioner In that he follow-Ing language In questioning complainant-

In answer tof ii

A I bad to pistol to make himthe complainant drop tongs beoauw

there was of I weealone

O At what time wee that A

10 oclock in tho morning-Q It I too bad throw you

the window A WellI 8r should have thrown

through window What right haveyou to In and Interfere with that mait ll

a violation law In my presenceQ What good would It do

he went and bought groceriesor meal or anything else If she

to put on I think he hasas good a to sell plates as anything

A I am ordered to stan

from stationup

Q At a certain time AI a hardware store end house furnishinggood

He Mil dishes end and saucerand to boll potatoes differentother wish to eat

I brought Mm out

to go In there with a and take thatman out A I had to protect my life

Q Ye will teU you oufhto have done with oughthave thrown through theYou will have enough of

reel of the tin s ildl r that she tiesreinforce to enforce the blue lawsgoing In and clouting and clubbing a

wing of the party now that I starting twork ought to have a little

axo with you long thnr with yourto force a tItan like that out of

It I the rottuncwt kind

and their rights on the pert of alli ople that it city of Nei

It Is high lion that it should

of their business pl cIn the rooming at the of a pistol-It U a bloody

and even a officer Youought to have plenty of time so that

like a lot of people that haveout ooe of an I mono One mad-woman eaton here yesterday andfour or five weretore You ought to resign from the Police


I suppose if I would stand tar a shakodown-I thirty days pay

and everything A This Is becauseI for a shakedown

I will have you ordirwl before theHoard of Surgeons The csj l closixlA I wouldnt give for a irene

Q What did you A I said Iwouldnt stand a shakedown arid Ihave l nen transferred four or five timesluce

Commlwioner I willa complaint against you for Insulior-

dinaUon none talkout of You are a loafer

In concluding h aring the followingthreat wo UMH toward Patrolman OmlU

time Deputy CominixsUmer at this trialhut Is riot to found on this stenographersminutes of such trial Til you

TiitnrEivTH srEciricATioxThe sold William S I every on the 12th

tominl sloner under authoritydelegated to hint time Policedonor actually In th i Intlgtlon and a caiiipUtnt s lrwt

Patrolman John Marrlnan 1 withwearing A oilxl uniform onin aiixwar to tIe pina thatbud ItfHin enil l by contact with mudhtalneil ulotli M s woman whom ho hartarrc t d for Intoxicntion nnd found herlying In thin gutter turn did conduct tutu

In a tnanne aPolice Commbviionor in that lie used iangtiaze nilwtatttlnllv a follows

did she elotlio on for youNo matter how filthy lm wa she wa

than voti It U outout obi rport imfore Patrolman

MarririBii coudi much loininK lon r again angrily broke in Thatno excuw Itmixctor your uni-form filthy I will fmo n dayspar mImi Xon go hun

and If can git that fine reOo on bum you hider You

flltliy unclean and everythingrive Fifteen lays geturmehody to remit that Hue Will youYou are a dirty hun Turning in this

irlers pr nt he saidre Is l a remark that cannot he

printed In A non pn r

The mid VIUism S Devoir on thus 2dday of rfll while acting as Unit

Police t ommiMon author-ity delegated to him the Polios C mmU-Kioner anti actually engaged In the invmtlgallon and a complaint against

Mlchanl J

lions here and n motive for HIM

urod and the conduct nf thn saidraws anti this ue of the said hotfull In the J M did IIMIaid language and conduct hlin elf as set

forth In tlm fifths and lathlioriH on account of thee proreolings takinby thin lion William without conferring with the police authoritiesr f the city of Xow fur ofmforcing thus nrdiiuincrs of the sitld city

tli provisions if tIe Petisl Cotln of theState of as a result of whichKald proceeding charges hued been snailanti agnln certain

line officer for neglect ami tefibgd totheir SJH to enforce the

lawriintrNTit prcincTiox

flue saul William 8 Deverv on the thday of r pteml r IVOI ariinc

IV V o ViintiitM irMT undertitthoritv delegated to him l y the ISOIfw-

n ninl Mimer and engagnl In trw

Calnliiian Julio Marrinan iHiarg l withearinr a Krileil uiufiHin mi InrpedlfMi

was guilt of tyranny arid innlimn SIM against Pstenlnwn John

ilarrinan a nnire in Ur MH forth Inthirteenth tiC Uuliau In Uiat the

ski flrmi tlm sM Julia Martinezlftei n dr I V wlilrh U oenrydlng t-

tnllce recuUilm an excM vt firm forjesting a MUleit uniform

It t u m l l trial said IVrery wnnntrial iHiiashmoiit of Mar




dOt roustsay no t Dnl up







In Amil


temI J

the tu thorn tOIYes


Te And not for


Inor two with I the

ore to

A I wnl to cubQ to the fifth or


ill with

York now of

to stopit a man tao


0 and

butJoin tlsimn I


do ot

Q hove 1 to

fr A7

of 0 M



nuw 0

of andmQf MoIOolto In the





h a-ntJntrtlgetinn cml I rid or a Ilml lit raIt



sheUpping o doIng






everythIng stand andtry to You tell that



IwaLrrtt spgiflCtROL

him business place be coin

end am obeying orderbourne do

sir We


it I as a omcerpistol

a Nation ant

man-like he

You ought make clxiii



Interfering buelmiesethese

arewIser there are 4MUtK

be stopped and the pole oughtlOll out




can band 1iey are vir-tually been

Department anti go and willclays pay You wont

will go

You ieen horseelse


let tierthe








rouIi1tarTll srrcirtcarmox

Iwill family againstlatrolrnan John Vtliiamusreferred fIfth




bbs iud












> <

I rinan as berelnbnfore set forth In thei thirteenth apeciflcaUon waa actuated b

malice tint said Marrinarthn trial of Patrolman Edward Onell

before Second Deputy Commtmloner York-on the 8th thy of loot toUfIethat he on March II 1D01 been

days pay for interfering withfiremen at a after hitrial he ilirccted br anotherman to a saloon at irand andstreets where lie wa to see a mar

hirsch about having hU floe remit-ted that thus name ofixike to him was Kottetnan who raid tlial

buxineM with llcnnon the wantman of the Chief and said Marrinantestlflmt that It common talk In the do

that If a man paid aum when deinnndvd fines would

remitted and the officer allowed U remainor Iwcliangwl to such as IIA shoulddoin the Icing that If an ofilceisubmitted In thu money wouldIHJ lunch to ilennon Glen

given tn oome one In authority who liatpower to remit fines transfer oflicen

the Mercltants Association of NewYork saving to thomirlves the lllexhibiting at any time hereafterfurther or charges of conductunbivomliig an officer or acts Injusticetyranny oppreHsinu against the

K IXtvery Deputy Pollc-Commi sloner of the City Yorkand also of replying to answers whichhe shell unto iirtlcl w herein

against him and of uttering proofof tho lassIe every part thereof am

and every or chargewhich shah bo a the castshall rwiulro does demand that the saidWllllain H Ixi to answerthn of conduct unbecoming anofllcer and all act of Injustice tyranny

exsmlnaUons trials andhad and given as may

agreeable to law and to the regulationtlui ordinances of the city of New

Dated at Now tItle 24th day oSeptember 1901


YOURlly 81 ned D LR Roy Dncucn

PresidentAttest JOHN 0 KAMKH Secretary

SCllROElHit KrTTffVS TO OtAMNary Urpsrttnrnt HaUsricil With III Nt-

uaus OrderWABIIINOTON Sept 74 Commander t

ton Schroeder Qovrrnor of Ounmhas been In Washington as a witness beforethe Knhley Court of Inquiry today flleiwith the Navy Dejxirtrnont his reportthe conditions In Guam which led toorder directing the attention of thn com-mand to the hoodlumlsiu and lawleNsnetuwhich are rampant In it

That the Navy Department I aUnflwith the explanation nf lot Schroederthe oniiMi for his strenuous orders Is shownby the fact that he was aitnnioon dlrocteil to return to tho Island and continuehi work Uierw Ho will leave here orThursday for Son Francisco and sail fronthere to where hn will Imby tho gunboat Yorktown whIch has been

to nod family to Agon-tlie capital of Ounm

rport Oor Schroeder reviewsdetail the in the island whichoccnAlonml huts ottlon Hn explains thatjust before hn left lunni the

Icing cleared up that many moon con-cerned in the lund beeninarUallni and cotivio1 l before sutiuuancourt antI punliihod At tin Umn of hisdeparture hadand u tlon nf the trial generacourt of a few of the offender remainedto bo utU d

Transport Unfort FloatedWAtintNOTON Sept 24 O n Chaffs

cabled War Departmentthat the transport Duford whichaground In Mindanao province hadfloated without injury and was loading-the Infantry for return tothou United States A letter received tody at the War shows thnt

V Hton who was supto have taken passage on the

hill not d so Hn returning on thetransport Thomas which eipectixi to

FranoUco this week

Appointment by Irr l lrnt RootevrltV-AnntynTON Sept Prvslden-

tlAdar appointed Frank II littell aH r nf in nuvy with thorank of Uvutenant

Army end Navy OrdersWAMtiftcTox ftrpt army erdtrs

l ufd-l 4 of l rure 10 tadido No I r ranlttf Capt

Lnuii U uitnuin Tvrntr MtraltiTtir rflirrnxnl rum rtl r trtim u Jfnl Cnl

John i lttr TblrtltU lutanur tojr otxralioo ol-Uw I announml-

Th lr ic or cnnltd flues IJutA lon Hgbtli lnlnl ir llfudd ttrrn tfrtUllllan II CDnraluary TortI trn urtli la Ctleara a liunl la Ut

Vrunil iJtut Trjotr A Jnn v AiUIIrr Orpi-li UB J I Slur sett Dili CnnMnrArtllkry

n l Ijul larry w Vtvlon Artlllrr cowrfrrnUy pr n1 4 aulirrd lo Alitr wtrnUi Cornpnv t tl Artillery lo Ion Anrlllnc urn

dunUul rtrn Swift Jr flrUi Catalry-

n m Nf Voik lo run AfwffiA freud at nQrrrt la mnil l nf j ul l John

1 Tltrooii Uful tot John I Htorr Arallfrrr-orrM pt AlttrA V I tmr gu nrmi lrr-lo mtri at Anil r Iht t urj of r i rtlnrupon th nrfuliy of puira lnt sOilllloiul handit point

UfUlrM Wllt n P titr Corps frozeInc ul ahvnrr lo ron Colunbuv

lf sisUnratnu In Artllltr r nPint lJit tjMnn lllrnlr treat third it-Tsrntrninth ArtMUrr Nrnnd I l cdL i the T AniilrrS-

rrund IJful Loch Kuurtrtnia-nUntrv foci Canton OhlJ la tinttrixua Ulnd

Atmlt villUm T dtarrid anmman 2aMl Nary Yard tlo tun in horn wattrdtt-ll r Mnrtlmf U Johnson At-

vimmAn ttnt Nivnl Ilojral to honIlr r Admiral ld ln M Shtptrd Naral War

r l MnUonIsirt smnul n Vrrr Iron NaTal War CblHf-

In borne nd ll ordrrCall r br M irr from attrndsnr on muss

it l W r mll r end i dulr Ihrr-nipt fmttr I r Wtl fn tb Kant War

nol r t Nar Ysrd IMrunoulb N It CrHln-

mmoianilrr VTItllara V Kimball true Naval WarIlrr l V hlnnon-roimnnndrr Durran ma Naval War

OUr I POmP and wait ort rlifotrf I CWn ror w from arsl

Tar omif f Kaihlnrton ant resume debits tn-Narnl Wat Rfmrtl fnr-

U iitn nto mrnan lrr f leaUrulftKinloininiitMtrr Auttln V

Ssrtl IVsr Cntlf rr In hnif and wslt nrdf-rIJfitn M Vmn n fr ftwilfs Dlr4 rom Nstsl

end vslt nntfMUnit v llurii n n rr wnt W-

Ater when nmrnlulonrdUnit irtnf tune In Vsrr Yard l sru Island

I armt lri Inhn MiHd lo Addlllonal duty as-VMlOaM Id fur l Irufrlor of let end uponrllrrrenl of assume dutlMitn ral ln i rtor-

IWiep Mrllnnnrll liees Abroad toespeelnll-

ni hop McDonnell of Ilmoklyn and hisTccrvtArvMgr John I lianettwere among

Mn2 rM on time KniMr Wllhelm ilern rn which wiikil for luroxi y lerxUv-

klot of Hie Cnthollr clernr and laity nf-ihn llrnnklrn dincc were In

of Uio as themmd mi limiiiary whateverlb Ut It It U nllpM that hn IH goingit 1nirdw to present at th mnsocra

ion nf Ameiicaii shrine which i beingreeled lien

oiirleenVrarIHcl Girl In Heil Xllulng-

Tlio Jei ey Illy pnlicn rut out aalarm yestrrdnv f ir Ctivli lUng II years

M of Jd las ih trrrt who lmni ni4exl n 1 tan and wore a rodrfVerwl iln n nit bus coat and a red

trimmed with lUmtcs

low this Knmelhlng e ialn Hel ItsIr Inr s l r 1 M will l Inleer Aj M l M TMk K k drrMUIne-vti ntn M the l t-

leiliti i h which le reseh lS e llvlnc-i imr iMir He jH t fr r te

ill r i wIth pript r i on Writ 1nr-

an cttttHc fcc JlJ



wee policeI


J IlIIChdldelse

I1111 mcio lit






Ilia ut

anti alon officeagainst him anti Unit such






I tootI








the todayran



an HUn




too hintrapt

sedlln mnmtfl




tMutdliter sllI

dIr 1 dlar d

N Condumill

nil II



Iron SalWet Im dun Snltt

UrIrd duiV Us S

a lnrio If




Itig SIIIIII I of light

If t airI r 1

hr IIrto 1 v















21 This

Theehale lee

tour tooPut

the east

end for

studtin lot





tte ouch erdir ties tape


Stalkssu i a Ce

Iurl as Commandant

NIT lard

hailhlte ann ml CCI bafistnn



in ttutfl sid wittu htaiile as am

Ilitmnt Crmpi ahipeard



len net its

1 lie

idni 151w





C sisud









> <<






> >

>> >










< <




Kin Matrimonial Tangle About a Ureailway Iron Mert hant and IU Favorrt-Mteaegraphrr but Magistrate MollKeep It Clear of the Police Court

The affairs of Frank Dana the Iron mom

chant of 32 Broadway whichmuch tanglod up on Monday night whenan alleged Mm Dana n real Mr Danaand a good looking young woman who ap-

pear to bn a favored stenographersince wears t000 xrl necklacetravoU around In victories with her employer all figured In nuitrimonlal inliuIn till vicinity of the Hotel Savoy werestraightened out yesterday In till polloicourt

Mr Dana appears to hate been a verygay Lothario tn hi time In additionthe two Mm Dana and the stenographerho several children two of whom lieu

with ono Dane and one with anotherIIU love for Mm Julia Dana the womanwise matte the trouble In front of the Havoyand who now confesses that h lice no legsright to the name she hears lint linn keptIt booaum Dana recognlted her a his wifefor yean and her children baptisedunder It grew cold time ago endreturned lo hIs wife and daughter withwhom he had had little or no Intercoursefor years nut he spent a groat dealtime with the stenographer Must BerthaHeaslay of 1341 graw street llrooklynApparently mat Mr Dana has madeno objection In fact she seemed tobe on such good terms with the youngwoman that ah allowed her the freedarn of her apartment

There wee a good deal of curiosity InYorkville police court In view of what hidbean printed about Mr Dana and hU trou-ble to e Just how things were going toitdjust themselves Mr Julia Dana wwin court dressed all In black and lookingvery determined She 1 a goodlookiniwoman of middle alto A short distanceaway Mt Mr Dana very nervous andapparently very anxiou to have the mottci

overMagistrate Molt took up the Dana oacat once The policeman told just whathad occurred In front of the on Mon-

day night Mr Dana admitted that hestruck the complainant In i

moment of excitementlaid hands on her clutched him bj

the throatIn true a k l the MagistrateHe truck roe unld the woman H

trunk me a be baa done many timebefore

Hut did dutch him by the throatbefore he struck rout

nd Hl I did said the woman withapparent pride

the case said MagistralMolt Mr clutched Mm the throAtbefore liz touched you you have noagainst him

Thus woman protested thatMItrvAted hut at one that

not Danas legal wifeThen kayo no standing in tiiif

court madam raid the Magistrate

vumrnon law marriagesYou say that I have no standing here

aid blue worriers WhysMventien vear I lived with man ahU wife Until qultw recently I believertliat he was and that I weehi wife We Unve two children a bo10 antI a girl 13 When he tame to mu htold me that he would noon bo free from himarriage and that this very tactthat we lived together would constitutea marrlagn wont tnanti I alay regarded mynell iw his wlfulIter two years ago lie liogan to aUiaway from mo I tint hn wasUio habit of visiting hits real wife whomh i hadnt divorced at tie at Fiftysixth stntt and Park avcinio Ho hm

i n nmrrbHl to h r for thirtysix yoursand ho hind a dauglitor JJ years old livinglit tlw tarot Tlieii I that IKwas nUo pitying attention to thus youngnomiin He was going every

liere with her and I KW her icarrUco with him loaded with dlarno itlwhile I anti my chlUlnn wars nefjlectmlI went right up and denounced him to hitfsc

You are not Isle wits and have no legalstanding in this the

with a wave of hand hesignified that this ease was closest

hue woman who calls horoelf Julinth court li

riot wife and never woe For sheline harassed me and I liar stood Ittiently hut I am sick And of It anddo not propose to stand it any longer Iown at 27 West Seventieth streetwhero she and the children live and Inaddition tn allowing them the use of it Ihave it for them I have nnverfailed In my ohllgstlnns to this wornnti andtier hunt I dn object to the moneyI allow m r to live on USM forof to shadow im whemverI and to make it unromfirtnlilo for moand I to l with

The woman announced that she wouldsue Dana Mrs Darn of thn refusedto MK Hoaolev could not

n tier homo In Brooklyn where shelives with her mother Jill two Nlsterspn l Their relchbnrs han Ix n c b-

wrvliig enough to that sho carno homonlmnut with an elderly manwhose description fits that nf Mr Dnna-


eahirnt Itixvirvrll for Mewt onMlpH lo lie Taken b ncrr-

WAsniNnTos Sept S4 Only four roombore of the Cabinet tern pr wnt at theregular rmetlng today the Hbeentfen-KliiR K Tretari Hay hoot Ixmc ivi-diltchi ok Tho time was occupied by

In ll xAir HlnK at IVrwhlcnt HOOI-

Meltn rrxruent notnwhAt In detail the workwas ill line with

IrceklOTitn to betnmo fruniliarwith all nudist of wnilnc ailmlnlxtratlon

nut able emt f Ilie Calilnot meeta brief reference by tho IteoUlnn-

to tIme of rr Ho hnw xl-

ilmwlf to thoroughly In accord with theviews on by tlie late

n ldent McKlnlry shortly hiss

loath lie sense howeverif the of thin MJbjoft anti th-llftlculUni thAt will overootn-

en out a cnrtniM nt nohiMim ofreciprocal trade rrlntlon with hir coun

imld hn HhouldhltwxIf to the study of th

question indicating that he thUnext greet to b

dealt with by OongreNt and the Admlnbtattoo

RIPM5I am past 65 years of age and

have jutlcred from constipation and

indigestion One night I WAS

bA when a lady told me

about Ripans 1abules Going home

that night my wife nude me buy a

cent package and when I had

taken the first Tabule I found such

relief that when they were all goneI thought I was a new man

At dructntiThe FIvtGrnt riclit It tnoueh for an

ordinary ocriuon The family bottle0 ctntJ contains a uprb lf a year



muohclue and










ou IIlIa yoU arui discharged


lId I or



Learned in




Aid Dana outaidm t1II1I


ri detectives

u on



fit I titthe

littJI 1

hAH to












tentshe was

urn sick this tioniene




1ana Mr





the others


The oiulytrig wits




ing very

b t3w it 1 t









I The values offered in our Retiring Sale now in progress are the most

remarkable ever witnessed at a clothing sale

For we arc positively going out of the retail busineM and in order lodispose quickly of our immense and Winter stock every pannent is offered

now at former pricesSuits ntfrnutt rtoU IttBf nl cud stkttnr4 fuDilr iTu Mo stills rtt Pie All trr msnuUituuu la thu onn btwlnrM In our nlialMSI J p rtm nl

tit Ihfrfure made at the m l fabrics In the UU t fathlun ted to th huh u rtlUMt moo lot

obltta our rlolWnr IK lonr t n brslrtfSeveral hundred of our finest 15 f 8 and suits are now marked

down to

850T ln lud Usuuful bl rk tttd unAnUhrd jr fd Inforttd wor tfd end essstont la Mlc-

hrrk and soul cram BttU dujunil snd Thltii tutu u AU srf beautiful zulU and voottf-

A tout nnrit 111 ted III rsllaifrrmU en iludri cud Oilord frsjr Titanrl sir msrkfd tloun la J7JU nib Sum ilk lliil




roll n AlbertlId











striped lath Winter testS

sod u

bpf itteaiuti

tOOul our all black


Taking of Testimony Nlopiml ti Announcrmrnt of Iuds Wiltons HeathWAHII OTON Hi t 51

of the tVlilny Court of inquiry was broughtto an abrupt aloes by the announcementhat Judge Wilson of Admiral Kchloyicounsel hud died suddenly TIle court

nxsembled promptly usual at II oclockand about flftwn minutes later a telephonemessagn came to Mr llaynor one of theother attorneys for Admiral 8chl y thathis venerable colleaguo wee deail A

former machinist on the Texas hid ternput on the stand and had just answeredtutu formal preliminary ijuoatlons when amarine orderly brought tho message III

regard to Judge Wilfons death Thnews spread quickly about the court roomThe witness was forgotten and nearly allof thorn engaged in the gatheredaround Mr Itaytior Admiral Dewoy whohad tile sudden stoppage of theproonedlngM did nut understand what It

meant and nokcd what the nuttier wasHe wo visibly shocked when told the nowHe had known Judge Wilson very well andthey were good friond-

Mr Ilayiior was not willing to acceptthe news as true and oont a message btelephone to secUre a verification flucarne promptly and at 1180 tie ruse and

May it please the Court I have veryIntelligence to communicate Wn haveJust heard nf the death of Judge Wilson-

I left hint at 10 oclock morning slightlyIndisposed I was with him late last nightand saw him again at 8 oclock tItle morningleaving him at 10 oclock slightly Indlspposed We have heard by telephone thathe has Just died at the Khorenam lintelI respectfully ask the court to adjourn

dayTo meet again tomorrow asked Ad-

miral DeweyYou said Mr We should

like to attend the when It takesplaceThat

rein be arranged afterward re-

marked the Admiral and to the audienceI have to announce that owing to the death

of Judge Wilson of counml for AdmiralRjhlsy the court will adjourn until to-

morrow momliiic at 11 oclockAfter court adjourned It wee ar-

ranged that there would lie no session onthus Uy of Judge Wilsons funeral

When the court assembled title morningthen wee a larger number of spectatorsthan hint appeared at the opening of yes-terdays session The interesting charac-ter of the testimony yentenlay woe evi-

dently responsible for title IrtcruAstt In theHudliioe Sohlny anti hU cxmrtwlwere on hand i Iluut II II Ward nfthe who twin been assigned to awtUtthe Advncato in time ariatiKement ofsren soul charts presonoe

y tentay was rewmtod by Ad ml nil ysvial next to lie wore

lit Hervlce unlfnnu ol tile rankloinmvi IT A lot finder II Iatiii who

was thus Chit LjiKiner of tlo Tvjai Inthe West Imllnn cni aicn was calkxt tocertify to coriwtn i of the ofllclal

the testimony rivon him viCapt nf Admiral Scliliy-

To him Commander hates said thatsteam log of time 1exsji for tIe battle ofJulv 3 a written n ut dny

thus Court aUsi hind conic question toask of thus witius wereto the Jiidff Advocate who road them to

vlly this Court Arn you positive that the

estimate of coal on this OH ortedon SB wns correct A Yes iwnearly M can IM positive that anMirnnttof oulonb viixl

Q Was tIn muclilnvry of the Texas Inefliclcnt xindltion for sortie on May 31

thndar of this lomlrfirdment of theA I shoMll my frmi reixjllectlon e-

wn notlln the matter with Um enginesUnit I cnu nxvllici-

Inrnniander Hoaton Sohroe ler wns againrrUtfxl tine to ay that Ills

as n i rtwl win cornvt Hn wasten ilUolmrc hi order that Im mightreturn to hiim where he IA Jovernor

When Arthur H CUxton was oalledn smoothf v i man attired in-

lnlin clothes ntoiM l forwnnl and Midliad mrv l cm Uxinl lh Texas In tint

stAr with Kwin ni II machinist flrBtcl H-

wns no out nf the Korvi unit residedIII Wanhlncfon On thin day nf the twIllwuh Ccrvems ships he was In enginerin of tilt Ihforn theAilocnte hued lienun to develop his tentIny the news thou wasdesl WItS tvcolvod and prooee ilng-wvle su iendo-


lie Will Remain at Fort Hamilton If Notllcuulrcit at naUUnEtou

Rear Admiral William T Sampson whois at the home of lila daughter tho wifeof LJeut H II Scott of tlm fifth ArtilleryAtationud at fort Hamilton spoke cor-dially to a visitor afternoonwho apin aclH l him un the subject butlie was nut to theinquiry at Washington

hi willingness to attendthis If ummorixl and smith that heUlirtviil that hits h wiltli was o mitch ito

tliat hv could the strain with-out further impairing hiss h vilth

TIe AdmirHl t to stay for some-time at thIs fort union ncwled at Wash-ington

Viennese Hating More lion Mrat andKimie Donkey Meet

WASIIINOTOSC Sept 24 toUnited States ConsulOenerol llumt atVienna this conxurnptlon of hore meat Inthus Auotrian capital as an article of food-I rnililly increoxing In a report to theKtato he sluiws IHfl-ISOia liaise and donkeys acrekUufiliterxd for fnml Thin was over aUmiinMtd tunic tItan In this previniia yearand aliout Sww rmirr than In IC97

kiysThe price of hnr e ment ranges er pound-

of f re uarter from five to eight centslilnd uarter six to nine centr chain cutefor Meak and msM Imm live tn elevenfOnt Pound ll taiin nt kfeperswhoMrto-horwmeat designate Ina x ixl column on this ofTenil-tn jvatronA-

Tr a nr urelia ea More hoodsWtMIIMilON Sept J4 Tlie Serr-

nrtti of Ion Since April t Ilm linn n-i ui burM i t iU3v i sr uil-nf t Ttl ninliQM Of thIs amouiii 122-1n is TI paid out lnee the Ugir-ulug of the fiscal year n Jui 1


ToLl ion






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Many Offlren mil llrlurn Home Cm-pCroilrr May lie IXIalled a Newthief of thoreau of llrdnaneo toSpite or Ills Inrrrlor IoilUonW-

IHIIIKOTOX Sept AdJutentOeneral Corbln wIse It expected here tomorrowafter making on extended Inspection ofmilitary situation In the Hlilllpplnes willbegin soon after his return the preparationof a of hU observation lila reportwill mark tho beglnninj of a completereorganization of thu military force In tinPhilippine Islands a chungti which Secre-tary Hoot hopes will brliiKnixiut a reductionIn thus expense of mnliiluliiiiig a Phlllppln-

WitlUti the next few wreks other officertint by the Kerrelary of VNar to tho Phil-ippines T1II olio return to Wahlnglon andthey too will on their oljeerAllan of thrlr reepxMKe departments

officers are CommlssaryOnneraWeston VuarterriiastrrticiitirAl LudingloEand Hiir ivnfkncral Httrnlierg Moll xl

from each of them show that theysgrco with the Secretary ol that tmrI room for retrenchment in I ho conduct olthe military ofietnlloni In the PhilippinesTheir return will bo followed not only ba reilulion In inpendltur but very prob-ably In the number of ofiCers on focclguduty ad well

Ihe military departments In the CnttedStates have iKeii horthandd for otflcnrfor a long t and I is believed thaithe numlier on duty In the Philippines catlie greatly reduced thus bringing intuit tothl country a many tutu availablefur homo nIUi their rcRlment Notnnly wilt hero bo moro than Ilm Usualrhnngei of tlln fall but therv willsoot very Important dinner Ui the t tsltof this

Irenldent Hon evelt and Secretary lIedhave already agreed upon a nuoceN or hilen A Chief of the Hurvsti

of Ordnance who retires for the latterpart of November Thorn Is munich speculalion hi the War Department a tn a MM-

ceMir but eo is not thoughit is generally agreed that Secretary Rootli to havedttAiUxl Chief of this Ordnance Ilurejin-Tlio neloctlon of a succuwnr to lien Ilufllngton will have to Im mode under the pro-visions of the Army Reorganization

a I-

CongreM The new chief of the bureauwill 10 for a period of four yearsln t sd of living appointed to thepermanently as tho custom for

timeThus now befbre the department

U whether a Captain canover this hoods a number of Majors andLleuten ritVloiiel and CapU-Cmzier while the Secretarynf War as one nf lbs fitted officers forthe position and a oman of great energytoni pmgr Idoas does not ovenfct thin hetd of In the OrdnanceDepartment and titers sure a number of

men who are seniors


nrllllant Lacers Death Great Less to-

A Unit rat Nrhlr-WARIIINOTOX Sept 34 Jeremiah Mor-

row Wilson who died suddenly totUrfur tw ntyflve years one nf the fore

most members of thus Washincton bar antiwidely known for his work In noted legalbattles He was In hU seventythird yearHe was chief of counsel for Admiral Schley-n time jictiding Inquiry and

In consultation with hU colleague an hourlieforo his death expectliie to attendcourt litter

Mr Wilson was In Lebanon Ohlqhut at an early age removed tn Indianawhero he rewlvid an smdemlo e lucAtlon-Ktiuliisl Uw stud wits admitted to the heirHe w tOixi tlely Jml r of the Courtof Cnmmon Pleas anti of tIes SUtn QrcultCourt rrklgnlng from thin ench whenelivtwl to Conitre in 1WS In representthee fourth Indiana di ni After servingtwo terms he liegan this practice of Uw InWashington a ociating hirueelf withformer ItHprcMntativn Hchellenbarger ofOhio

Thus firm enrly attained prominencethnmah the numerdiik

which Its members were counsel andlater Judge WiNon aoiuiml a high reputA

In criminal practicehuh brilliant cm n of witnesseslie took a leadlnc v rt in the Star Iloutotttat Uio courtmartial nf Judgo AdvocateSwami of the the breech ofMilt nf Madeline Pollard HRslnst

llrtthe AUIwiiii and French Spoliation Clilmacases and the Income Tat casesIn the most Important criminal casej In theDistrict of tho twentyyearn Ho Pn iilenl of the

Potomac Telephone Company-and ilirettnr In variousMr Wilson a anti a daughterthe Utter the wilts of Williamformerly United Con ulOeneral atHonolulu

Judge WlUnns deaths will bo a great losstn Admiral a he was depended on-tn crohooxamlno timmade a study nf thin rae and it wasthotiRlit that Isle mind and M-Tcatl teiiKue would hair ft strong Influenceupon wltnenftwt and create a

In public mind JudgeWllrnn wn moreover a warm personal



Usod by pooplo of refinementfor over a on r of a century

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