논문 요약 인터넷게임 중독위험 대학생들의 다면적 인성검사 II (MMPI-2) 프로파일 1) 임지영(林智暎) * 본 연구는 184명(남 91명, 여 93명)의 대학생과 상담기관에 내원하여 인터넷게임 과다이용 문제를 호소하 는 대학생 43명(남 25명, 여 18명)을 대상으로 게임중독위험 대학생들의 MMPI-2 프로파일 형태를 평가하였 다. 인터넷 중독척도점수 39점 이하로서 인터넷 평균 이용자에 해당하는 대학생 141명(남 73명, 여 68명)에 게 다면적 인성검사 II(MMPI-2)를 실시하여 불성실한 응답을 제외하고 122명(남 66명, 여 56명)의 자료를 정상집단에 포함시켰다. 상담기관에 내원한 대학생들 가운데 인터넷 중독척도점수 50점 이상이고, MMPI-2 결과가 타당한 41명(남 25명, 여 16명)의 자료를 인터넷게임 중독위험집단에 포함시켰다. 중독위험집단은 정 상집단에 비해 남녀 모두 남성성-여성성(Mf)척도를 제외한 모든 임상척도들의 점수가 상승되었는데, 특히 Pd, Pa, Pt, 그리고 Sc척도는 75점 이상으로 높은 상승을 보였고, D척도는 70점에 근접하였다. 즉 인터넷게 임 중독위험집단은 정상 대학생들에 비해 우울하고 반사회적이고 충동적인 성향이 높고, 의심이 많고 과도하 게 예민하며, 강박적인 불안과 과도한 두려움을 느끼고, 현실검증력이 손상되었을 가능성이 높음을 시사하였 다. 내용척도 비교에서는 특히 ANX, DEP, BIZ, 및 WRK 척도점수가 70점 이상으로 상승되어 중독위험집단 의 대학생들이 불안과 우울을 많이 느끼고, 비현실적이고 때로는 망상과 환각까지도 경험할 가능성이 높으며, 업무수행에 어려움을 느끼는 경향이 높은 것으로 보였다. 본 연구가 갖는 제한점과 함께 향후 연구 방안이 논 의되었다. 주요어 : 인터넷게임중독, 다면적 인성검사 II, MMPI-2 * 호서대 산업심리학과 교수 아시아교육연구 6권 4호 Asian Journal of Education 2005, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 21-32.

인터넷게임 중독위험 대학생들의 다면적 인성검사 II (MMPI-2) 프로파일s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/89054/1/06-4-02 인터넷게임... · 논문 요약 인터넷게임

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  • II (MMPI-2)


    184( 91, 93) 43( 25, 18) MMPI-2 . 39 141( 73, 68) II(MMPI-2) 122( 66, 56) . 50 , MMPI-2 41( 25, 16) . -(Mf) , Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc 75 , D 70 . , , , . ANX, DEP, BIZ, WRK 70 , , . .

    : , II, MMPI-2


    6 4

    Asian Journal of Education

    2005, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 21-32.

  • 22 6 4





    . ,



    , ,



    (Walker, 1989).

    , ,

    . Young(1996)


    . ,

    , .

    , ,

    , .




    . Young Rogers(1997) BDI(Beck Depression

    Inventory) 259


    . Gunn(1998) 20




  • (MMPI-2) 23________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    (, 2000, ).



    (1999) ,


    . (1998)

    . (2000)



    , . (2000)

    , ,

    . (2001)

    , , , ,

    - , .

    6 , ,

    , - , .


    , ,

    . , , ,

    , .





  • 24 6 4


    II( MMPI-2; , , , , , ,

    2005) .



    . 2 184( 91

    , 93) (, 2000) II(

    MMPI-2; , 2005) .

    39 (, 2000)

    141( 73, 68)

    MMPI-2 (

    , 2005); (Cannot say) > 0, VRIN > 17, TRIN < 4, TRIN > 15, F > 20.

    MMPI-2 19( 7, 12) 122

    ( 66, 56) . 23(SD=5.8),

    22( SD=.6).

    . ,


    50 43( 25, 18)

    II( MMPI-2; , 2005) .


    41( 25, 16) . 24

    (SD=3.8), 23(SD=2.4).


    . 20

    Young(1999) .

  • (MMPI-2) 25________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    , , , ,

    , 5 . Young(1999) 50

    . Young (2000)

    20~39 , 40~69

    , 70~100 . Young(1999)

    (2000) . (Cronbach's alpha) .84.

    II ( MMPI-2). 1989 MMPI-2

    , 2000 . MMPI


    , , , Type A ,


    VRIN(Variable Response Inconsistency; ) TRIN(True Response

    Inconsistency; )

    , Fb(Back F; -)




    ; (Cannot say) >= 30, VRIN > 17, TRIN < 4, TRIN > 15,

    F > 20 ( , 2005).


    6 (L, F, K,

    Fb, VRIN, TRIN) 10


    F . 15

    . MMPI-2


  • 26 6 4


    (N=66) (N=25) (N=56) (N=16)M Sd F M Sd M Sd F M Sd

    VRIN 49.97 10.48 11.69*** 58.72 11.94 50.17 9.55 4.17* 55.63 8.86TRIN 57.18 6.08 13.65*** 50.44 11.10 56.63 6.10 .37 55.19 13.49

    L 49.47 9.09 4.10* 45.44 6.43 48.29 8.84 3.04 44.13 6.59F 50.65 10.92 47.24*** 76.20 24.61 50.14 9.80 73.06*** 83.88 23.48K 50.03 9.72 3.76 45.60 9.71 47.82 8.07 9.11** 41.06 7.23Fb 51.33 11.34 72.64*** 83.84 25.08 52.32 11.30 71.87*** 87.38 22.89Hs 50.67 11.71 20.29*** 64.00 14.73 49.73 10.30 21.75*** 64.44 13.72D 48.42 11.41 52.76*** 69.68 14.92 49.82 10.06 40.48*** 70.38 15.31Hy 50.73 10.78 31.88*** 67.00 15.59 50.38 10.77 25.67*** 68.00 16.63Pd 49.95 9.81 105.50*** 74.76 11.45 50.13 9.21 103.85*** 78.13 11.28Mf 51.80 10.16 .65 53.92 13.40 50.66 10.18 .02 51.13 10.86Pa 52.35 11.14 57.30*** 78.08 20.99 50.77 10.42 66.86*** 83.19 22.68Pt 51.08 11.22 72.06*** 77.44 17.52 49.86 11.61 54.43*** 75.31 14.01Sc 51.62 12.07 67.87*** 80.80 21.18 49.32 9.56 92.21*** 80.69 16.84Ma 50.48 8.30 22.61*** 61.48 13.14 50.21 10.53 41.66*** 70.13 12.07Si 50.36 8.54 13.81*** 59.44 14.25 49.68 10.51 7.77*** 58.31 12.32

    * p >.05. ** p >.01. *** p >.003(Bonferroni).


    (, 2000)

    , 33.6(SD=8.42), 33.01(SD=8.40)

    . , 60.52(SD=4.74), 58.5


    ( t=-19.147, p

  • (MMPI-2) 27________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    , -(Mf)


    Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc 75

    , ,

    , . D



    ( Wilks' Lambda=.37, F(15,75)=8.32, p .05).

    (Wilks' Lambda=.47, F(15,25)=1.83, p


  • 28 6 4


    (N=66) (N=25) (N=56) (N=16)

    M Sd F M Sd M Sd F M SdANX 49.36 9.56 69.51*** 71.04 14.38 50.41 10.86 48.09*** 72.37 12.22FRS 51.47 9.90 2.03 55.52 16.65 49.62 9.69 25.41*** 66.06 16.50OBS 50.31 10.21 25.62*** 63.72 13.74 51.41 9.38 37.44*** 68.87 12.25DEP 51.01 10.32 74.36*** 74.24 14.11 52.55 10.79 37.31*** 71.62 11.79HEA 51.15 10.99 18.21*** 63.64 15.75 50.83 11.53 24.04*** 67.37 13.13BIZ 50.72 10.43 38.55*** 71.04 20.61 48.51 9.40 45.15*** 72.43 20.28ANG 50.93 9.90 7.05*** 57.56 12.33 50.62 8.35 43.54*** 68.12 12.33CYN 48.40 8.99 4.10* 53.32 13.24 49.41 9.61 12.50*** 59.00 9.36ASP 51.53 10.98 3.33*** 66.60 13.81 48.82 8.40 37.77*** 65.12 12.24TPA 49.30 8.59 2.54 53.00 12.67 50.37 9.22 19.78*** 63.12 12.84LSE 49.34 9.83 55.84*** 69.40 14.89 51.94 11.26 16.89*** 65.93 14.42SOD 50.18 9.12 8.33*** 57.36 13.77 51.14 10.20 .39 53.06 12.80FAM 51.65 11.84 15.91*** 64.08 16.50 50.41 9.28 31.50*** 65.50 10.18WRK 49.33 9.70 54.01*** 69.04 15.10 51.25 11.59 32.53*** 71.31 15.00TRT 49.27 9.28 43.16*** 67.28 16.48 50.83 10.86 20.73*** 67.50 18.56

    * p >.05. ** p >.01. *** p >.003(Bonferroni).

    . ANX = anxiety, . FRS = fears, . OBS = obsessiveness, .

    DEP = depression, . HEA = health concern, .

    BIZ = bizzare mentation, . ANG = anger, .

    CYN = cynicism, . ASP = antisocial practices, .

    TPA = type A, A. LSE = low self-esteem, .

    SOD = social discomfort, . FAM = family problems, .

    WRK = work interference, .

    TRT = negative treatment indicators, .


    II( MMPI-2; , 2005)

    . (, 2000) 39

    (, 2000) 50 MMPI-2 .


    , Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc 75

  • (MMPI-2) 29________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    , D 70 .

    , ,

    , .

    FRS, CYN, TPA ,

    SOD .

    ANX, DEP, BIZ, WRK 70


    , . MMPI-2

    (, 1998; , 2000; , 2000; , 2000).

    Sc BIZ

    , ,





    MMPI-2 .


    , ,

    , MMPI-2

    . D,

    Pd, Pt (Butcher & Williams, 2000),

    Pa Sc


    , .

    , ,


  • 30 6 4


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    :, 14(4), 55-79.

    , (2001). : . 2001

    , 223-228.

    Gunn. D. A.(1998). Internet addiction. Project Presented to the University of Hertfordshird,


    Butcher, J.N., Dahlstrom, W.G., Graham, J.R., Tellegen, A., & Kaemmer, B. (1989).

    MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2):Mannual for

    administration and scoring. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

    Butcher, J.N., & Williams, C.L. (2000). Essentials of MMPI-2 and MMPI-A

    Interpretation. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

    Walker, M.B. (1989). Some problems with the concept of Gambling Addiction: should

    theories of addiction be generalized to include excessive gambling. Journal of

    Gambling Behavior, 5, 179-200.

    Young, K. S. (1996), "Internet addiction: the emergency of a new clinical disorder",

    Cyberpychology and Behavior, 3, 1(3), 237-244.

  • (MMPI-2) 31________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Young, K.S. (1999). Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment.


    Young, K. S., Rogers, R. (1997). The Relationship between Depression and Internet

    Addiction. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 1(1), 25-28.

    * 2005 7 21 / 1 2005 8 19 / 2 2005 11 11

    * : . , .

    * e-mail: [email protected]

  • 32 6 4


    MMPI-2 Profiles of College Students at High-Risk of

    Internet Game Addiction

    2)Jeeyoung Lim*

    This study examined the MMPI-2 Profiles of college students at high-risk of internet

    game addiction. 184 college students (male 91, female 93) were administered the internet

    addiction scale. 141 students (male 73, female 68) with internet addiction scale scores of

    39 or lower were considered average internet users and administered the Korean

    MMPI-2. 122 students (male 66, female 56) with valid MMPI-2 profiles consisted of final

    normal sample. High-risk group consisted of 41 college students who received

    psychological services due to internet game addiction and produced internet addiction

    scale scores of 50 or greater with valid MMPI-2 profiles. Students at high-risk of internet

    game addiction obtained significantly elevated scores on all MMPI-2 validity and clinical

    scales except Mf scale. Scores on Pd, Pa, Pt, and Sc were very much elevated with

    scores of 75 of greater. When content scale scores were examined, high-risk group

    produced highly elevated scores on ANX, DEP, BIZ, and WRK. These results suggest that

    students at high-risk of internet game addiction are more likely to be depressed, anxious,

    and unrealistic, and may have behaviors or attitudes that contribute to poor work

    performance. Limitations of this study and suggestions for further research were


    Key words: Internet Game Addiction, MMPI-2, College Students

    * Department of Industrial Psychology, Hoseo University
