--Image: Detail from the cover of Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013) William Carey Library. --This image is one way to summarize our presentation. How? 1

--Image: Detail from the cover of Global Member Care ...membercareassociates.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/SDGs...--Image: Detail from the cover of Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors

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  • --Image: Detail from the cover of Global Member Care: Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013) William Carey Library. --This image is one way to summarize our presentation. How?


  • Palestinian refugees (IDPs)...in Syria.


  • In addition, here are some of the opening remarks by UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the UN General Assembly’s High-level Meeting on Sustaining Peace, 24 April 2018. it seems to us that Guitterres, like ourselves, is under no illusion that the SDGs mean the Salvific Development Goals. “We must recognize that in some fundamental ways, our world is going backwards. More countries are experiencing violent conflict than at any time in nearly three decades. Record numbers of civilians are being killed or injured by explosive weapons in urban areas. Record numbers of people are on the move, displaced by violence, war and persecution. We see horrific violations of human rights, and rising nationalism, racism and xenophobia. Inequalities are increasing; whole regions, countries and communities can find themselves isolated from progress and left behind by growth. Women and girls face discrimination of all kinds. These are all indications that we need greater unity and courage – to ease the fears of the people we serve; to set the world on track to a better future; and to lay the foundations of sustainable peace and development.”



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  • What are two nice people doing in a place like this…? Photo taken after the screening of the film Whistleblower, at the UN Geneva. “I don’t want a scandal, I’m just doing my job.” Film trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E56OYUV7BWw


  • This Wiki entry has some helpful overview info about the UN too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations “The United Nations' system is based on five principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice.[52] A sixth principal organ, the Trusteeship Council, suspended operations in 1994, upon the independence of Palau, the last remaining UN trustee territory.[53] Four of the five principal organs are located at the main UN Headquarters in New York City.[54] The International Court of Justice is located in The Hague, while other major agencies are based in the UN offices at Geneva,[55] Vienna,[56] and Nairobi.[57] Other UN institutions are located throughout the world. The six official languages of the United Nations, used in intergovernmental meetings and documents, are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. On the basis of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the UN and its agencies are immune from the laws of the countries where they operate, safeguarding the UN's impartiality with regard to the host and member countries.“



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  • We are aware that there are different perspectives about the United Nations. It has many strengths and weaknesses, accomplishments and failures. In spite of its shortcomings, we are convinced of its critical importance in our world along with the huge opportunities--and moral responsibilities--that are before us all via the sustainable development Agenda. We encourage you to carefully review the Agenda, noting especially its core which consists of 17 goals and 169 targets. It is a plan of action that involves five overlapping areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships.


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  • Note from CORE MC weblog,16 Dec 2015 http://coremembercare.blogspot.com

    --We also want to mention the need to address global injustices and global inequities related to the current global governance systems--a central issue which relates to but is not sufficiently addressed by SDG 10: "Reduce inequality within and between countries." For example with regards to health, consider this perspective: "Power asymmetry and global social norms limit the range of choice and constrain action on health inequity; these limitations are reinforced by systemic global governance dysfunctions and require vigilance across all policy arenas....Global governance for health must be rooted in commitments to global solidarity and shared responsibility; sustainable and healthy development for all requires a global economic and political system that serves a global community of healthy people on a healthy planet. " (The Lancet-University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health, The Lancet, Feb. 2014, p. 5)



  • Which of the SDGs interests you the most, or are you involved in the most?


  • Shining a light on SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere


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  • Possible activity: break into small groups and each group discuss one of there three paaragraphs, then report back to larger group.


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  • A Faith-Sensitive Approach in Humanitarian Response: Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Programming (2018, LWF and IRW) excerpt from Forward: “We hope [this resource] will be a useful tool across all sectors of humanitarian response. Psychosocial support is a logical entry point for looking at faith identity, but precisely because it takes an inter-sectoral approach, it enables this tool to provide insights on how to take faith identity seriously across all sectors. Faith finds common ground with human rights in a people-centred approach which affirms the dignity of each and every person. It is our hope that this guidance will, in a modest way, help that to become more of a reality.”


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  • Model updated in 2016, See Multi-Sectoral Member Care, JPT, December 2016


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  • World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) is an international membership organization founded in 1948 to advance, among all peoples and nations, the prevention of mental and emotional disorders, the proper treatment and care of those with such disorders, and the promotion of mental health. Two examples of its work: World Mental Health Day (10 October, starting 1992) and conferences such as the International Summit on Trauma (November 2018). https://wfmh.global/ Dr. Kelly O’Donnell is a psychologist based in Europe the past 30 years. He is the CEO of Member Care Associates, Inc. Emphases for consultation, training, and writing: staff wellbeing, Global Mental Health, and integrity/anti-corruption. He is a Representative of the World Federation for Mental Health to the United Nations. http://membercareassociates.org/



  • Summary of Kelly’s Presentation on “Health for Peace: Contributions from Peace Psychology” Why is it hard to live up to our ethical aspirations and to live harmoniously with others? What can help us to “fulfill our political and moral responsibilities” on behalf of sustainable development and well being for all (paragraph 25, Ban Ki-Moon, 4 December 2014)? These questions were used as a springboard to launch into an overview of the multi-disciplinary field of PP and to feature a few of its many relevant concepts for building peace. Said another way, I had 25 minutes to make the case for PP to a multi-sectoral group of colleagues and graduate-level students. I described PP as “a field of inquiry and practice dedicated to the creation, maintenance, and restoration of harmonious interpersonal and social relations and inclusive human well-being through the production and utilization of contextually-informed psychosocial knowledge.” (Taylor and Christie, 2018/2015). I highlighted three research-based concepts to support the peace building efforts of colleagues across sectors: cognitive dissonance (Tavris and Aronson), active bystanders (Staub), and intractable ethnonational conflicts (Rouhana and Bar-Tal). My summary included three key messages (take-aways) and a sampling of core resources for further insights and applications (books, articles, reports, videos) Three key messages: --Connect/contribute to PP: Get further informed and include PP in peacebuilding work. It can help to navigate internal/external issues at individual-interpersonal-institutional-international levels. Link PP with SDG 3 (physical and mental health/wellbeing) and SDG 16 (peace, inclusive societies, anti-corruption). --Integrity is crucial yet vulnerable: Political influence, policy development, social action, etc. are susceptible to self-justification/distortions via cognitive dissonance, moral disengagement, willfull blindness, etc.). External norms and accountability are needed. Trust yourself but don’t always trust yourself.

    --Live in truth and peace: Cultivate altruism, active bystanders, moral courage, ordinary heroes, virtues, character strengths, responsible local-global engagement, etc. Build the future we want—be the people we need.



  • Image: Murambi Genocide Memorial. “Here, on April 21st, 1994, between 40,000-50,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers were murdered. The perpetrators carried out the slaughter in over eight hours. The site is a haunting reminder of what this country has endured and what it is still overcoming.” Quote from Letter from Rwanda: A Privileged Engagement (November 2018, Global Geneva magazine), Ashling O’Donnell http://www.global-geneva.com/letter-from-rwanda-a-privileged-engagement/


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  • Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 (2013) World Health Organization See: Fact Sheets on Mental Health, World Health Organization

    Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development; The Lancet Commission on Mental Health and Sustainable Development (October 2018). See the Policy Brief (summary of this report) by Mental Health Innovation Network.

    Turning the Church’s Attention to Mental Health: Binding Up the Broken Hearted (November 2018) Lausanne Global Analysis, Gladys Mwiti and Bradford Smith

    Global Mental Health: Collaborating Across Sectors for Sustainable Development and Wellbeing Medicus Mundi Switzerland, Bulletin (June 2017) Kelly O’Donnell and Julian Eaton

    Well-Being for All: Mental Health Professionals and the Sustainable Development Goals Journal of Psychology and Christianity (March 2017)

    Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development Global Mental Health (September 2016) Kelly and Michele O‘Donnell


    http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/action_plan/en/http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/action_plan/en/http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/action_plan/en/http://www.who.int/topics/mental_health/factsheets/en/https://www.thelancehttps/www.thelancet.com/commissions/global-mental-healtht.com/commissions/global-mental-healthhttp://www.mhinnovation.net/sites/default/files/downloads/resource/Lancet Commission_policy brief_MHIN2.v3.pdfhttps://www.lausanne.org/content/lga/turning-the-churchs-attention-to-mental-health?utm_source=Lausanne+Movement+List&utm_campaign=67f4d909ff-Lausanne_Global_Analysis+-May2018&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_602c1cb67d-67f4d909ff-91687345http://www.medicusmundi.ch/de/bulletin/mms-bulletin/mental-health/global-mental-health/collaborating-across-sectors-forsustainable-development-and-wellbeinghttp://www.medicusmundi.ch/de/bulletin/mms-bulletin/mental-health/global-mental-health/collaborating-across-sectors-forsustainable-development-and-wellbeinghttp://www.medicusmundi.ch/de/bulletin/mms-bulletin/mental-health/global-mental-health/collaborating-across-sectors-forsustainable-development-and-wellbeinghttp://membercareassociates.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/format-single-space-MHPs-and-Sustainable-Development-Goals-JPC-Spring-2017-ODonnells.pdfhttp://membercareassociates.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/format-single-space-MHPs-and-Sustainable-Development-Goals-JPC-Spring-2017-ODonnells.pdfhttp://membercareassociates.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/format-single-space-MHPs-and-Sustainable-Development-Goals-JPC-Spring-2017-ODonnells.pdfhttp://membercareassociates.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/format-single-space-MHPs-and-Sustainable-Development-Goals-JPC-Spring-2017-ODonnells.pdfhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/DCAED6DE1AA133F8A7D876F3564126A4/S2054425116000224a.pdf/global-mental-health-sharing-and-synthesizing-knowledge-for-sustainable-development.pdfhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/DCAED6DE1AA133F8A7D876F3564126A4/S2054425116000224a.pdf/global-mental-health-sharing-and-synthesizing-knowledge-for-sustainable-development.pdf

  • GMH work in and from Geneva


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  • Opening remarks by UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the UN General Assembly’s High-level Meeting on Sustaining Peace, 24 April 2018 “We must recognize that in some fundamental ways, our world is going backwards. More countries are experiencing violent conflict than at any time in nearly three decades. Record numbers of civilians are being killed or injured by explosive weapons in urban areas. Record numbers of people are on the move, displaced by violence, war and persecution. We see horrific violations of human rights, and rising nationalism, racism and xenophobia. Inequalities are increasing; whole regions, countries and communities can find themselves isolated from progress and left behind by growth. Women and girls face discrimination of all kinds. These are all indications that we need greater unity and courage – to ease the fears of the people we serve; to set the world on track to a better future; and to lay the foundations of sustainable peace and development.”



  • --The HL Meeting was called for and convened by H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, the president of the 72nd session of the Un General Assembly in order to build upon the peace emphases in the UN and especially to follow up a) two 2016 resolutions by the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly on the Review of the United Nations Peace Building Architecture (more information HERE) and b) many other recent documents/resolutions including the Secretary General’s 2015 report the Future of the UN Peace Operations (implementation of the recommendations of the 2015 High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations). --I appreciated listening to many heads of State and Secretaries of State/Foreign Ministers as they shared their concerns, perspectives and yearning for peace in our world. Everyone is pro-peace. Not everyone is willing to openly acknowledge and address, however, some of the underlying “sustainers of conflict and war. Noteworthy for me were the President of Columbia’s call to combat trans-national drug cartels and expressing appreciation for the role of the Kroc Institute at Notre Dame’s strategic help in bring the tow major warring parties together to help end the 50+ year civil war; the Foreign Minister of Turkey’s highlighting hypocrisy (e.g., the five permanent nations in the Security Council with veto power); and the Foreign Minister of Peru’s emphasis on the devastating role of regional and international corruption. Many speakers emphasized the key-central role of including women and youth in the peace process. --Above all I was impressed by Dialogue Three, especially by Jeffery Sach’s candid comments on the need for clearer typologies of violent conflict; the reality of major lying; proxy wars, major powers threatening overall world stability via the ongoing covert and overt operations; and the need for honest reporting and real debates regarding the arms trade that feed wars—follow the money and the arms and armies to see what is feeding wars and who is benefitting economically.



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  • Global Grids: New Strategies for Staying Updated--Applications to SDGs Global Integration Update, October 2016



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  • Excerpts: “I am with the world community in its sincere efforts to resolutely go globable (globe-able) on behalf of the world’s growing globeails (globe-ails). We yearn to be able to address all ails—to act on the moral imperative to skillfully scale up our global efforts for wellbeing for all people and our planet. So I am in, and I encourage all global integrators to be in too. Nonetheless I have two cautions, which I share from my perspective as a practicing Christian and a clinical psychologist. They are the Bael and the Babel dimensions (metaphors-realities both reflecting selfishness) that affect global progress. Please note that my thoughts are still in formation as I try to connect my world view with involvement in areas like global mental health and sustainable development.” CORE Member Care weblog, November 2015 Kelly O’Donnell


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  • --Purpose: Overview the UN efforts to realize sustainable development and wellbeing for all--“leaving no one behind”—sharing from our work experiences and applications for the Church-Mission Community.

    --Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell and Dr. Kelly O’Donnell are consulting psychologists based in Geneva. Respectively they are the CEO and COO of Member Care Associates, Inc (MCA), an NGO focusing on the wellbeing and effectiveness of staff and their organizations. Their multi-sectoral emphases for consultation, training, and writing include: personnel development, Global Mental Health, and integrity/anti-corruption. Kelly and Michèle are International Affiliates of the American Psychological Association and Representatives of the World Federation for Mental Health to the United Nations. Their publications include over 70 articles and five books in the member care and mental health fields (see recent publications) as well as ongoing Member Care Updates and Global Integration Updates (archived on the MCA website). They did their doctoral training in clinical psychology and theology at Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University, USA and have two wonderful adult daughters, Erin and Ashling, raised in five countries. [email protected]


    http://membercareassociates.org/?page_id=2007http://membercareassociates.org/?page_id=2007http://membercareassociates.org/?page_id=2007http://membercareassociates.org/http://membercareassociates.org/http://membercareassociates.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]