--- ANNexue£ -..L CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMI NAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT. LTD. FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lor lrr yea r I (FY 2016·17) pi co (INRI SNo Tariff heading Maximum rate par applicable unn: SUbject to Minimum Rate appllod on Levied on "lJar<ULWho.mlloUlnnllc,tllJo TARIFF FOR Ij ANDUNG INTERNATIONAL CIIR GO TarUf lor Exgort Cargo handling Gono ral: 1.12. Minim um c narc es 220 Spacial: 2.23. Minimu m Charges 360 Valu able: 2.23. Minimum Charge s 380 -- - 1 TERMINAL STORAGE & Hazardou s: 3.33. Per Ky POA PROC ESSIN G .M!!)!mum _ _. PharmacuuticalrPerisnabln : 3,:S3. 325 Expr oss Delivery' 25% mora limn the role lor 11 m cal cUory 11m cargo Ialls under. Minimum C narqes: 25% 01010 than th o mlntmum charqo for Ihu catego ry tho cargo falls 11I1<1el 1.36. Por Kg per day , Fmc Period of 24 hI S (or POA 2 DEMM URRAGE · Goneral M!!0)lUm Cha rge s ._ - Agont 1.65 Per Kg per day, Free Poriod-o f40-Hrs for Airlin es Aitll nes 2.3 1. per kg par day . Free Purled of 24 hrs for POA 300 M ont 3 OEMMURRAGE -Spc ciol 3.30 Per Kg per day, FrOBPeriod of 46 Hrs for Airlines Airlines 3.06. por kg per day. Fr ee POrlod of 24 hrs for POA 375 lIaenl 4 OEMMURRAGE-Valuablo 3.30 Pcr Kg per day, Free Period of 48 Hrs for Airlinos Airlines 2.31 . .. - ')el kg per dUy, Free Poriod of 201 hrs ror POll 5 OEMMURRAGE ·P erishablo I Minimu m Cnam ea 380 1I.9 0nl Pharmaceutical Per Kg per day, Froe Poriod of 48 Ht s for 3.30 AIrline s Airlines 6 X· RAY Machlno Charges 1.00 Par Kg Airline s - Minimum CtHlf UCS 120 7 X· RAY Screening & c ertlueaucn 1.00 PorKg Airlines Charoo s Minimum Genom l; 1.30 Airline s 8 Unitization Spacial: 1.30 PorKy Airli ne s Bulk: 0.75 Airlinos CargoAcce ance & <1 hours lrom E TD lor RFC AWDs TSP 8nd Demu" !!fJo Chargos are applicable on Gross WOi,9ht or Chargoablo "'N ight, w/lichover is hlghar, _ . Tariff for otner Export Cargo handling sorvlcos for both sch ed uled and Non.sch!duled Minim um Chargos 25 .09 POt Airway 0111 s RE· PACKING Pa ckag ing f Ro·pac kaglng chargos will be 12.54 per packak qe POA (1015 o f 50) por shipping bl1l - For tho weight difference or more than 2% and up 10 5% of lh e doctarod wolgh!, pen al charges double the appucunte TSP chargos will uo loviud . For varmtton above 5% of me dec lared weiqht . tll a pouul 10 WEIGHT DIFFEREN CE chur go s will be 5 times tho applica ble TSP ctHHUOSof tho POA dHlarantlal weigh!. No ponal charge will Do levied far variat ion up to and inclusive of 2% of tho dc cl.ued welghl This will not bo applica ble lor valuable cargo 1-- - 11 DGR/Llv o Anim al Acc eptance Foe 3390 Per Chockli st POA - 12 000 Preparation and Acc eptance 6760 Per Checklis t POA Foe 13 Pel Assi stance 1255 Per Checktist POA .. 14 ULD CleanJng Char ge s 60 00 orULO Airlines 15 DlV leo Acca ctance Check 660 Par AWe POA 16 Miscellaneous Ac tlvltv CharQos· 1000 or AW e Airline s 17 Miscellan eous Packino Charoes· 100 0LP. 8ckel Airlines 16 Miscellaneous Pa ckin g Char ge200 porAWe Airlines Matol ' 19 ULD Bullidlng·rcb uilidlng Charge s 1.30 PorKg AIrlines 20 ULD Customization 25 10 l or ULO POA 21 SKID char es 415 or SKID POA 22 Build Uo Unit aup Acceo rance 600 POteUp Airlines 23 Em olv Pall et Sl ack 60 0 Per Stack Alrlln os 24 Withdraw Shipm enl (X· RAY) 1.00 PorKo POll Minimum Choroas 120 _ .. 25 Withd raw stuomem Demurraae 1.65 ·Not covered elsewhere Notos: 1. Censignment of human rem oins, co ll ins inclUding bagg age of doce ased & nunmn eye s will bo oxemPted from We purviow of TSP and demu"age charges 2. TSP ch eraes is inclusivo ol lorl<liNuso insido the torminal . No add itional lorklill charges will be Icvieel 3. C/Jorgos will be roviod on "gross or Iho "chargoa bfo al tho (:o /)signme nt. \'IWcll ovor is highor. Whorovor tho ·gros s \'Ioigll l" anel (or) vort/me \'Ieigh t is w(Oflgly Indicatod on tho AWe unciIs 8clu ally IOllfle! marc, chorg es will bo iovtoa on tho ·uctlw l gross \'Iuigl//' or mo vctumctttc weigh/" whichever is Ili g/lor. 4. Spacial cargo consists 01pen'shabfo olld tomper eturo sons itive proclucts. live animals, llilumlous goO(ls, valuab/ os il1ldlor DlIY ether such cargo which rccuirosmcs special handling/storage 11Is/rll ctl01ls 5. Valuablo cargo consists 01gold, bullion. cl/" oncy notes, socuauos, snores , silUro COUPO" S, trovolors ' cncquo. elinmoruls (Jnclue ling (Jiamo rlds for inclusfrial IJso). dlal1lond Jewelry & watches mode 01silver , gold , platin um and items valucd al USD 1000 fWr kg and abovo 6. AUinvoices will be fOunded 011 (0 n oam st of Rs. 5/- 8S por lATA TAC T Rule book vida Ctouso No . 5. 7.2, rounding oft fXOCoduro. when roum/iny olf Unit is 5. 7. Tarill proposod 8S abovo will bo m aximum and domurrogo lroo period sfwll bo applicab /o es I)()r Govommcnt Orders iss ued lrom lima to rimo. -;. "!!:! "4. .. _ .. "".. Whon the of calculations arc between I and Rou nded on am ount will bO··=- -=i 102.5 - 107.4 10 5 107.5 - 112.4 110 '#1 ;1 ;\ ' I ! 'b S - . C ll!1ula\ol'l

ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)

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Page 1: ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)

---ANNexue£ -..L ~

CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT. LTD. FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lor lrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)

pi co (INRI SNo Tariff heading Maximum rate par applicable unn: SUbject to Minimum Rate appllod on Levied on


TarUf lor Exgort Cargo handling Gono ral: 1.12. Minim um c narc es 220 Spacial: 2.23. Minimu m Charges 360 Valu able: 2.23. Minimum Charge s 380 -- - ~

1 TERMINAL STORAGE & Hazardou s: 3.33. Per Ky POAPROC ESSIN G .M!!)!mum C h a f.9.~5_ _.

PharmacuuticalrPerisnabln : 3,:S3. M!!!!!ll~~!L~ ~~~ e s 325 Expr oss Delivery' 25% mora limn the role lor 11 m cal cUory 11m cargo Ialls under. Minimum C narqes: 25% 01010 than th o mlntmum charqo for Ihu catego ry tho cargo falls 11I1<1el

1.36. Por Kg per day , Fmc Per iod of 24 hI S (or POA

2 DEMM URRAGE · Goneral M!!0)lUm Cha rge s ~~ 9 ._ - Agont

1.65 Per Kg per day, Free Poriod-of40­Hrs for

Airlin es Aitll nes

2.3 1. per kg par day . Free Purled of 24 hrs for POA

M!nim l! r.!~es 300 M ont 3 OEMMURRAGE -Spc ciol 3.30

Per Kg per day, FrOBPeriod of 46 Hrs for Airl ines

Airlines 3.06. por kg per day. Fr ee POrlod of 24 hrs for

POA ~~ h ;lt g c s 375 lIaenl 4 OEMMURRAGE-Valuablo 3.30

Pcr Kg per day, Free Period of 48 Hrs for Airlinos

Airlines 2.31 .

.. ­')el kg per dUy, Free Poriod of 201 hrs ror

POll 5

OEMMURRAGE ·P erishablo I Minimu m Cnam ea 380 1I.90nl Pharmaceutical Per Kg per day, Froe Poriod of 48 Ht s for

3.30 AIrline s


6 X· RAY Machlno Charges 1.00

Par Kg ~

Airline s - Minimum CtHlf UCS 120

7 X· RAY Screening & c ertlueaucn 1.00

PorKg Airlines Charoo s Minimum C ha r~'J. .

Genom l; 1.30 Airline s 8 Unitization Spacial: 1.30 PorKy Airli ne s

Bulk: 0.75 Airlinos • CargoAcce ance & Loadin!)~~hffl <1 hours lrom E TD lor RFC (ro~.!9!.. £orri a g,,) AWDs TSP 8nd Demu"!!fJo Chargos are applicable on Gross WOi,9ht or Chargoablo "'N ight, w/lichover is hlghar,

_. Tariff for otner Export Cargo handling sorvlcos for both sch ed uled and Non.sch!duled o ~ orator s)

Minim um Chargos 25 .09 POt Airway 0111 s RE· PACKING Pa ckag ing f Ro·pac kaglng chargos will be 12.54 per packak qe POA

(1015 of 50) por shipping bl1l


For tho weight dif ference or more than 2% and up 10 5% of lh e doctarod wolgh!, pen al charges double the appucunte TSP chargos will uo loviud . For varmtton above 5% of me dec lared weiqht . tll a pouul

10 WEIGHT DIFFEREN CE chur go s will be 5 times tho applica ble TSP ctHHUOSof tho POA dHlarantlal weigh!. No ponal charge will Do levied far variat ion up to and inclusive of 2% of tho dc cl.ued welghl This will not bo applica ble lor valuable cargo

1-­-11 DGR/Llv o Anim al Acc eptance Foe 3390 Per Chockli st POA


000 Preparation and Acc eptance 6760 Per Checklis t POA


13 Pel Assi stance 1255 Per Checktist POA ..

14 ULD CleanJng Char ge s 60 00 orULO Airlines 15 DlV leo Acca ctance Check 660 Par AWe POA 16 Miscellaneous Ac tlvltv CharQos· 1000 or AW e Airline s 17 Miscellan eous Packino Charoes· 100 0LP.8ckel Airlines

16 Miscellaneous Pa ckin g Char ges·

200 porAWe Airlines Matol '

19 ULD Bullidlng·rcb uilidlng Charge s 1.30 PorKg AIrlines

20 ULD Customization 25 10 l or ULO POA 21 SKID char es 415 or SKID POA 22 Build Uo Unit aup Acceo rance 600 POteUp Airlines 23 Em olv Pall et Sl ack 60 0 Per Stack Alrlln os

24 Withdraw Shipm enl (X· RAY) 1.00

PorKo POllMinimum Choroas 120_..

25 Withd raw stuomem Demurraae 1.65 ~ Pe r O e v -~ ·Not covered elsewhere Notos: 1. Censignment of human rem oins, co llins inclUding bagg age of doce ased & nunmn eye s will bo oxemPted from We purviow of TSP and demu"age charges 2. TSP ch eraes is inclusivo ol lorl<liNuso insido the torminal . No add itional lorkli ll charges will be Icvieel 3. C/Jorgos will be roviod on "gross wol ght ~ or Iho "chargoa bfo weight ~ al tho (:o /)signme nt. \'IWcll ovor is highor. Whorovor tho ·gros s \'Ioigll l" anel (or) vort/me \'Ieigh t is w(Oflgly Indicatod on tho AWe unci Is 8clu ally IOllfle! marc, chorg es will bo iovtoa on tho ·uctlw l gross \'Iuigl//' or mo ~fJ Cl l1 fJ l vctumctttc weigh/" whichever is Ili g/lor. 4. Spacial cargo consists 01pen'shabfo olld tomper eturo sons itive proclucts. live animals, llilumlous goO(ls, valuab/ os il1ldlor DlIY ether such cargo which rccuirosmcs special handling/storage 11Is/rll ctl01ls 5. Valuablo cargo consists 01gold, bullion. c l/" oncy notes, socuauos, snores , silUro COUPO" S, trovolors ' cncquo. elinmoruls (Jnclueling (Jiamo rlds for inclusfrial IJso). dlal1lond Jewelry & watches mode 01silver , gold , platin um and items valucd al USD 1000 fWr kg and abovo 6. AUinvoices will be fOunded 011 (0 n oam st of Rs. 5/- 8S por lATA TAC T Rule book vida Ctouso No . 5. 7.2, rounding oft fXOCoduro. when roum/iny olf Unit is 5. 7. Tarill proposod 8S abovo will bo m aximum and domurrogo lroo period sfwll bo applicab /o es I)()r Govommcnt Orders iss ued lrom lima to rimo.

~ -;. "!!:! "4..._.. ;,~ "".. '?~ Whon the rC 5 ~ l t s o f calc ulati ons arc betw een I and Rou nded on am ount will bO··=--=i

102.5 - 107.4 105 I~"-107.5 - 112.4 110 '#1 ~

;1 ;\ ' )~ I \\~ ~~ !

'b ~~~ S - ~'too(l . C ll!1ula\ol'l ~

Page 2: ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)
Page 3: ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)
Page 4: ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)
Page 5: ANNexue£ · PDF fileANNexue£ -..L ---~ CELE B BI DELH ICARCIO TERMINAL MANAGE ENTIND/APVT . LTD FOOll 14 (b). Annual Tonfl Propo.al ror lorlrr yea r I (FY 2016·17)