=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

= Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = …Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

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=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

Welcome to Shelby County! It is an honor to host this event and we thank you for participating. What a joy it is to see so many of you, who are so passionate about your craft, come together like this. Shelby County Public Schools has a long tradition of participation in and respect for transformative learning experiences, and we are pleased to carry on such values today.

As we all actively work to create legacy, conferences like this are a part of the story. Our goal is for each of you to have a wonderful experience that continues to bolster your solid foundation of enthusiasm and hard work for students. In Shelby County, we pride ourselves on approaching our learning with a growth mindset, and I know you are here today because of a similarly-held belief.

The SCPS mission is to prepare wise students who master standards, lead by example, and embrace their social responsibility. We do this through personalization - every child is unique and has passions of his own. When we fan the flames, the sky is the limit for every student. The work you are doing today aligns with these beliefs, and I am grateful for your leadership.

Thank you again for your attendance today. Your dedication, effort, and devotion to the youth of our Commonwealth will yield positive results ahead. Please let us know if we can improve your learning experience in any way.

Superintendent, James Neihof

If you’d like to know more about Shelby County Public Schools, please visit our website (www.shelby.kyschools.us),

follow us on Instagram and Twitter (@shelbycountysch), or like us on Facebook.

=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

Martha Layne Collins High School Layout

First Floor Second Floor

=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

General Session Keynote Speakers

2016 Awards – Sponsored by Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives

Teachers of the Year

Elementary Launch - Tabetha Housekeeper - Lemons Mill Elementary Middle School Gateway - Todd Hanley - R.A. Jones Middle School

Biomedical Science - Natalie Mountjoy - Life Science Academy Computer Science - John Robinson - Johnson Central High School

Engineering - Tim Oltman - Martha Layne Collins High School

Programs of Excellence Elementary Launch - Mason Intermediate

Middle School Gateway - McCracken County Middle Schools Engineering - Grant County High School Biomedical Science - Corbin High School

Dr. Vince Bertram – President and CEO of Project Lead The Way Dr. Vince Bertram is president and chief executive officer of Project Lead The Way (PLTW). Since joining the organization in June 2011, PLTW has grown to serve more than 9,000 schools across the U.S., trained thousands of teachers, and received numerous national recognitions and awards. In 2014, he was appointed by the U.S. Department of State to serve as the education expert for its United States Speaker and Specialist Program. He has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives, is a frequent contributor to the Huffington Post and other national publications, and in November 2014, became a New York Times bestselling author with his book One Nation Under-Taught: Solving America’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Crisis.

Derrick K. Ramsey – Secretary of the Kentucky Labor Cabinet The career path of Derrick K. Ramsey is one that personifies leadership most notably as an All-American football player, nationally-recognized athletic director, and his service to public office here in the Commonwealth. While these accomplishments over the last 40 years have occurred in various arenas, Ramsey’s commitment to success and gift for building consensus along the way has remained a cornerstone of his legacy at each stop. In December of last year, newly-elected Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin called on Ramsey’s proven track record on leadership by asking him to once again serve the citizens of the Commonwealth, this time as Secretary of the Kentucky Labor Cabinet. Upon appointment to his current role today, Governor Bevin was eager to praise his distinguished career, saying: “He has been successful in many arenas – both on and off the field. His passion for excellence and his superior management skills will be critical to his success in this new role. He will be a staunch advocate for Kentucky’s workers and an integral member of our team.”

=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

Breakout Session 1 – 10:00 to 10:50

Advanced Research Techniques in Biomedical Science Natalie Mountjoy – Life Science Academy – Owensboro / Daviess County

Take your student research projects up-a-notch! By adding or modifying the context, rationale and analysis you can increase the sophistication of your students' scientific pursuits. Let's talk about what works, why, and how to make it happen in your classroom.

How to get the most out of MIT App Inventor John Robinson – Johnson Central High School – Johnson County Schools

MIT App Inventor is a simple graphical user interface that is a great introduction to beginning programing. Learn to design apps for Android devices in a simple environment and create fully functional apps in just hours.

Traditional Drafting Techniques that apply to today’s student Lynn Settles – East Jessamine Middle School – Jessamine County Schools

This session will demonstrate traditional "tried and true" techniques to help GTT DM instructors lead their students to develop solid visualizing and sketching skills. For teachers who have a strong math or science background, but little prior preparation in drafting skills, helping students develop good sketching and drawing skills can be a huge task. This session would give them several approaches using traditional methods and current technology to help their students build those drafting and visualizing skills.

KY FAME & T-TEN: High Paying Jobs and Great Careers for Your PLTW Graduates Dennis Parker - Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America Kent Suiters – President KYFAME Louisville – General Electric

Learn about the incredible careers and the additional educational opportunities in these two job tracks, both of which place a high value on the unique student development gained through PLTW classes. Representatives from both KY FAME and T-TEN will explain these two gold-standard programs (both considered by many to be the best in the U.S. for their fields) and explain how many students can not only complete them debt-free but progress directly into job openings, and continue their education after going to work full-time.

PLTW Student Panel Ashley Fishback – Shelby County High School

Would you like to know the student perspective on PLTW? In this session a panel of 6 PLTW students from Biomedical Science and Engineering programs from two high schools will be answering your questions.

Industry Certifications for PLTW Programs Aurelien Mansier – Freedom High School – Orange County Public Schools

In this session, participants will learn about the industry certifications available to PLTW programs and will explore Certiprep Guides, a powerful tool for teachers to use in their classrooms to supplement their instruction. See firsthand how these web-based training courses prepare students to take the industry certification exams.

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=Administration and Counselors = Launch = Gateway =Engineering =Biomedical = Computer Science = Exploring

Breakout Session 1 – 10:00 to 10:50

Recognize Your Students for Their Successes Chastity Rohan - Grant County High School – Grant County Schools Elaine Dietz - Grant County High School – Grant County Schools

Come learn about how to establish reward programs to recognize your students in their PLTW classes. At GCHS we honor both our Biomedical and Engineering students for their completion of their chosen pathway with special ceremonies.

What is PLTW Computer Science? Joy Neace – Lee County High School – Lee County Schools

Learn about PLTW’s Computer Science program. In this program, students will learn different programming languages, computer ethics, project management skills, and other essential skills to help them apply computer science to the career field of their choice.

You Can Build a Village! Integrating and Intersecting PLTW and Core Curricula

Julye Adams – Elkhorn Crossing School – Scott County Schools Sara Anderson – Academies of Innovation and Technology – Kenton County Schools

Today's students are great multi-taskers, but this ability has led to the compartmentalization of their abilities. Being able to apply concepts learned in one class to a problem in another is extremely important in training the 21st century work-force. PLTW courses provide an excellent opportunity for the integration and intersection of required, core-course concepts in a real-world setting. Both the village and academy systems help to drive these integrations for the students AND teachers. The establishment and maintenance of these integrated programs will be discussed, culminating in a "brain-storming" session on how to incorporate integration between PLTW and core courses in a traditional setting.

Breakout Session 2 – 11:00 to 11:50

Round Table Discussion - Biomedical Sciences Robert Bauer – Barren County High School – Barren County Schools

An opportunity to hear what's happening in other Biomedical classrooms, share your experiences and help improve.

Engineering Notebooks and E-Portfolios Travis Mills – Knox Central High School – Knox County Schools

This session will help you understand how to make the engineering notebook more meaningful in the classroom for you and your students. We will also discuss tips and best practices for keeping an engineering notebook neat, accurate, thorough, and legible. Also, how to grade and monitor student progress in the engineering notebook.

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Breakout Session 2 – 11:00 to 11:50

Best Practices in you Gateway Classroom Brian McDowell - Mason County Middle School – Mason County Schools

Middle School is a critical part of any career pathway. Experience practices that will enhance your PLTW Gateway curriculum and increase success for your students.

Round Table Discussion – Engineering Danny Goodwin – Danville High Schools – Danville Independent School District

Join other PLTW teachers from across the state to discuss what's working and what could be better in your program. Roundtable discussions are often the best opportunity to hear what's happening in other classrooms and share what's great about your own.

How We Run PLTW in Shelby County John Leeper- Director of Innovation – Shelby County Public Schools Eddie Oakley- Chief Operations Officer – Shelby County Public Schools Donna Jones, Associate Principal - Martha Layne Collins High

Shelby County Public Schools initiated its first PLTW course in the fall of 2010. From the planning stages of two high school programs, to the opening of its first elementary program; come hear the story of growth and expansion, difficulties and stumbles, incurred in this eight year journey that continues to impact the school system and the community.

Standards Based Grading in Canvas Jared Cordray – Shelby County High School – Shelby County Schools

This presentation will cover how to use outcomes in Canvas with standards based grading. Starting with how to create custom standards inside of Canvas, we will continue with how to set a scale for grading and finish with how to align your standards with assessments.

AP+PLTW, College and Career Ready Students Through CTE and Core Class Collaborations William White – PLTW Vice President of Midwest

Attend this session to learn how the partnership between PLTW and the College Board is developing and what it means for your students and school.

PLTW Program Implementation Dwayne Humphrey - Turkeyfoot Middle School – Kenton County Schools Session is designed to provide schools and/or districts a general overview of PLTW (Goals/Vision, planning for implementation, sustaining programs, etc.). Opportunity for Q & A.

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Breakout Session 2 – 11:00 to 11:50

Round Table Discussion – Elementary Launch Kristi Walker – Kathryn Winn Primary – Carroll County Schools Jessica Breeden – Richard B Cartmell Elementary – Carroll County Schools An opportunity to hear what's happening in other Launch classrooms, share your experiences and help improve.

Breakout Session 3 – 1:00 to 1:50 Best Practices in Biomedical Sciences

Kristin Howell – Martha Layne Collin High School – Shelby County Schools

This session will focus on enhancing the 21st century skills inherent in the Biomedical Science curriculum. Strategies for communicating scientific ideas will be discussed, as well as collaboration with the PLTW Engineering program.

Best Practices in PLTW Computer Science Mike Crowhurst – Pulaski County High School – Pulaski County Schools

This session will explore best practices for implementing a Computer Science Pathway in your school. Topics covered will include relevant information for programs implementing AP courses, a Computer Science pathway without the AP options, or if you are simply offering Computer Science Principles as an elective in your Engineering pathway.

Inventing Art Melissa Mills – North Hardin High School – Hardin County Schools

Learn how the collaboration between art and engineering can help your students sketch properly and express themselves. Then have them use that skill to create three dimensional on the computer.

Best Practices in Engineering Tim Oltman - Martha Layne Collins High School – Shelby County Schools

How to thrive in the flexible classroom environment that is a PLTW classroom. Here are a few tips and tricks I have picked up along the way.

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Breakout Session 3 – 1:00 to 1:50

Coding in the Elementary Classroom Natasha Craft – Pulaski Elementary – Pulaski County Schools This session will provide an intro to computer science at the elementary level, pedagogy, and an overview of the PLTW computer science modules. We will also share strategies for teaching “unplugged” classroom activities, as well as several free apps that can be used with elementary students.

Engineering Posters at the Capitol Greg Conley- Marion County High School – Marion County Schools Getting exposure for your program and providing the students with an opportunity to present their work can be difficult, but the Posters at the Capital event gives you the chance to do both. Join in a discussion on how to get your students involved and provide them with the necessary resources to conduct their own independent research and present during a legislative session in Frankfort.

What is PLTW Biomedical Science? Sarah Brown – George Rogers Clark High School – Clark County Schools Whether discovering new cancer treatments or teaching healthy lifestyle choices to their communities, today’s biomedical science professionals are tackling big challenges to make the world a better place.

PLTW Biomedical Science students are taking on these same real-world challenges – and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Working with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs, students engage in compelling, hands-on activities and work together to find solutions to problems.

Utilizing Mentorship to increase elementary Achievement in STEM Jeff Sorce - Estes Elementary – Owensboro Public Schools Estes Elementary has developed an innovative way to increase mentorship of their elementary student by taping in to the Biomedical Science students at the Life Science Academy. Come learn about their success and how you can develop a similar program in your district.

How Can PLTW Benefit Your District? Darrell Vincent – Bullitt East High School – Bullitt County Schools

This presentation will describe what we have seen in Bullitt County in just our third year of implementation. We started with one high school in 2014 and have grown to include 2 High Schools, 4 Middle Schools, and 4 Elementary Schools. Participants are encouraged to bring information from their own districts as well so that we can share information and learn from each other.

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Breakout Session 4 – 2:00 to 2:50

Biomedical Posters at the Capitol Jennifer Wilson - Pulaski County High School – Pulaski County Schools Getting exposure for your program and providing the students with an opportunity to present their work can be difficult, but the Posters at the Capital event gives you the chance to do both. Join in a discussion on how to get your students involved and provide them with the necessary resources to conduct their own independent research and present during a legislative session in Frankfort.

Update for GTT Design and Modeling Caleb Wetmore – Bate Middle School – Danville Independent School District This session will overview the new GTT Design and Modeling curriculum. There will be opportunities to share tips, suggestions, and questions regarding the curriculum update.

TSA and PLTW a Key to Program Success Mark Harrell – KY Dept. of Education Engineering Consultant & Director of KY TSA The Technology Student Association (TSA) and PLTW partnership builds on the organizations’ shared goals that will lead to greater access in STEM-related competitions through TSA, and enhance learning opportunities for PLTW students. Attend this session to learn how TSA can impact your PLTW students.

Mobile VEX Testbeds for Engineering Classroom Bob Lind – Covington Catholic High School Make teaching control of motors and sensors in RobotC engaging. Mobile testbeds allow students to make immediate connections to manipulation of VEX devices and encourage quick confidence in programming.

Screencasting Lessons Gabe VanCappellen – Hancock Middle School – Hancock County Schools In this presentation I will discuss how teachers can screencast their Inventor and RobotC lessons. Students can also create screencast to present a project. Works well for schools with a 1:1 student technology ratio.

Hour of Code and Beyond Brianne McDowell – Mason County Middle School – Mason County Schools

Introduction, exploration and sharing programs that complement the Hour of Code program. Programs such as Beyond Hour of Code, Scratch, Snap, and App Inventor will be discussed.

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Breakout Session 4 – 2:00 to 2:50

What is PLTW Engineering? Mollie Shirley – Carroll County High School - Carroll County Schools

From launching space explorations to delivering safe, clean water to communities, engineers find solutions to pressing problems and turn their ideas into reality. PLTW Engineering empowers students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, and make the leap from dreamers to doers. The program’ s courses engage students in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers.

K-12 Collaboration: From Launch to High School Pathways Julye Adams – Elkhorn Crossing School – Scott County Schools Tabetha Housekeeper – Lemons Mill Elementary – Scott County Schools

An idea-generating workshop to establish collaborations between the high school PLTW pathways and Launch. Examples from Scott County Schools.

Breakout Session 5 – 3:00 to 3:50

Optimizing PLTW’s Learning Management System Andrea O’Bryan – Jessamine Career & Technical Center – Jessamine County Schools

PLTW’s Learning Management System is a central part to any PLTW classroom, are you using to your advantage? Come explore new ways to set up your classroom, upload your own files, set up groups and much more.

How to Earn Your National Boards Brian McDowell - Mason County Middle School – Mason County Schools

Now more than ever, teachers are feeling the pressure to prove themselves in a constantly changing education landscape. Board certification is the highest mark of professional accomplishment. It allows teachers to hone their practice, showcase their talent in the classroom, and demonstrate their dedication to their students and their profession. During this orientation, you will be informed about the NBCT process and candidate support

Newton’s Attic Supplementary Activities Bill Cloyd – Founder of Newton’s Attic

Newton's Attic specializes in providing STEM resources to science, math and engineering teachers at all grade levels. In addition to offering hands on classroom activities that that can be tailored to any grade and learning level, Newtons' Attic can perform grade wide or even school wide engineering and technology demonstrations with our collection of larger than life exhibits that travel to schools. Newton's Attic also host field trips where students can engage in unusual hands on activities and learning experiences.

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Breakout Session 5 – 3:00 to 3:50

VEX Robotics Shane Ware - Martha Layne Collins High School – Shelby County Schools

VEX Robotics is a great way to draw students into your PLTW program. Hosting a tournament allows you to invite other programs into your school as well as community members and VIPs to showcase your successes. The goal of this session is to provide you some useful information on how to host a successful tournament, how to make money for your program, and how to prepare in the months ahead of time.

Grants for PLTW Doug Klein - Affiliate Director - PLTW KY There are grants that are either currently open or releasing soon to help fund Project Lead the Way programs. We will take a look at their common grant application and talk about methods that can be utilized to strengthen your application.

What is PLTW Gateway Program? Todd Hanley – RA Jones Middle School – Boone County Schools

Middle school is a time of exploration, a time when students are figuring out what they’re passionate about today and how that relates to who they’ll become tomorrow. During this transitional time, PLTW Gateway’s 10 units empower students to lead their own discovery. The hands-on program boosts classroom engagement and excitement, drives collaboration, and inspires “aha! moments” and deep comprehension.

Robotics in the Elementary Classroom Victor McElfresh – Mason Intermediate – Mason County School

Robotics is a fun way to engage students and is the focus of the 5th grade engineering module. Come learn the "inputs" and "outputs" of Robots in a PLTW Launch classroom.

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