Mrs Godfrey Mrs Jordan Miss Parish Mrs Ransome Ms Chrominski Mrs Forde

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Mrs Godfrey Mrs Jordan Miss Parish Mrs Ransome Ms Chrominski Mrs Forde

Tuesday 9th June 7.00 arrive at Ashby Fields 7.30am - Leave Motorway stop – 10.00am 12.55 – Ferry from Dover to Calais Packed Lunch on the Ferry Arrive in France 16.00 (French Time) Nausicaa Aquarium , Boulogne Leave Boulogne 18.30Arrive at the hotel 19.00 Evening meal 20.00 Evening games at Stella Plage

Wednesday 10th June

Leave for Berck-sur-mer

Arrive at the market

Bagatelle Fun Park

Lunch at park

Evening –visit to the war cemetery at Etaples

Thursday 11th June

Leave for Hardelot-Plage to visit the boulangerie

Leave for Le Touquet ‘Parc des Pins’

Town Trail

Lunch at the beach followed by beach games

Visit to snail farm

Evening – French quiz

Friday 12th June

Leave for Boulogne

Arrive at sweet shop

Leave for Calais

13.35 – Ferry home

17.30 – 18.30 – Arrive Home

Clothes(warm jumper/T-shirts/shorts/pyjamas)

Weather is similar to Britain.

Essential Sun cream/sun hat Trainers or comfortable shoes Back pack (small) Water bottle Towel Rain coat

Please name all items to avoid any clothes being lost.

Clothes must be appropriate for activities, no really short shorts, bikini tops etc. Swimwear is not needed.

Children’s responsibility £3-5 (service station) 20 Euros

Hand to Deborah Godfrey on day of travel with instructions of when to give it.

Travel Sickness Calpol/Paracetemol etc

Breakfast – Range of cereals and croissants Lunch is usually a baguette with either a

ham or cheese filling, crisps, snack and drink

Dinner – mixture of food such as Spaghetti bolognaise, ravioli and omelettes

Evening meals are served at a nearby hotel not the one we are staying in.

School policy is no electronic items to go on visits – includes:

Mobile phones MP3 players/ipods etc Handheld devices (iPad, DS, PSP etc) Any other item with the possibility of

connecting to the Internet.

You are allowed to bring a digital camera, but it is your child’s responsibility.

Please do not give your child too many snacks.

No chocolate for the coach journey