1 ن الرحيم الرحم بسمReflections Day 13 Juzz 13 Surah Yusuf 53 to the end Surah Ra’ad – All Surah Ibrahim - All Surah Yusuf (53-End) You can take all the necessary precautions in life and yet, there are some things you just can’t control; no one has the power to defeat the Qadr of Allah SWT. His countless decisions have infinite wisdom and at times, cause anguish, sadness, hope, and fear. From a Tarbiyah perspective we see the patience of Prophet Yusuf. The lowest state of the Nafs- Nafs Ammaarah Bis-su’ ٌ يمِ حَ رٌ ورُ فَ غ يٓ ّ بَ رّ نِ إ يٓ ّ بَ رَ مِ حَ ا رَ مّ ِ إِ وءْ السِ بٌ ةَ ارّ مَ َ َ سْ فّ النّ نِ إ يِ سْ فَ نُ ئٓ رَ بُ ا أَ مَ و﴿ 53 Yet I am not holding my soul to be immune from sin, for the soul incites to evil, except of the one on whom my Lord shows mercy. Indeed my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful. " The Nafs by its nature is inclined to evil and what would cause it to be in a better state would be the Mercy of Allah SWT, faith and lots of good deeds. This is the struggle of all of us: controlling the Nafs and preventing it from controlling us. Yusuf (AS) now has full authority in Egypt after being imprisoned wrongfully ِ ضُ نَ َ وُ اءَ شَ نْ نَ ا مَ نِ تَ مْ حَ رِ بُ يبِ صُ نُ اءَ شَ يُ ثْ يَ ا حَ هْ نِ مُ أّ وَ بَ تَ يِ ضْ رَ ْ ا يِ فَ فُ وسُ يِ ا لّ نّ كَ مَ كِ لَ ذَ كَ وَ يِ نِ سْ حُ مْ الَ رْ جَ أُ يع﴿ 56 Thus did We give power to Joseph in the land: he had every right to take possession of any piece of it that he desired. We bestow Our bounty upon anyone We will. We do not let go waste the reward of the righteous people; (56) The authority of a Prophet of Allah was not only to carry out his function in land to see that the grains were distributed justly. But if Yusuf (AS) was giving Da'wah when he was imprisoned then when he had full authority in the land it is more establishing the Hukm of Allah SWT now that Egypt was fully under his control and authority. Yusuf (AS) reunites with his bothers َ نۡ وُ رِ كۡ نُ مٗ هَ لۡ مُ هَ وۡ مُ هَ فَ رَ عَ فِ هۡ يَ لَ ا عۡ وُ لَ خَ دَ فَ فُ سۡ وُ يُ ةَ وۡ خِ اَ ءٓ اَ جَ و(58) And Joseph's brothers came to Egypt and presented themselves before him. He recognized them, but they did not know him. Allah SWT’s plan was for his brothers to come to get grains and meet with the very person they tried put away only that this time they were on the other side of the table and Yusuf (AS) is now in full authority. Look how Allah SWT turn the table around! When the brothers had power they tried to kill him now he has power he tries to save them! This is true Imaan in Allah SWT. No

ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسبmycc-rdu.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-Reflections-Day-13-Juzz-13.pdfcontrol; no one has the power to defeat the Qadr of Allah SWT. His

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Page 1: ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسبmycc-rdu.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-Reflections-Day-13-Juzz-13.pdfcontrol; no one has the power to defeat the Qadr of Allah SWT. His


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمReflections Day 13

Juzz 13

Surah Yusuf 53 to the end

Surah Ra’ad – All

Surah Ibrahim - All

Surah Yusuf (53-End) You can take all the necessary precautions in life and yet, there are some things you just can’t

control; no one has the power to defeat the Qadr of Allah SWT. His countless decisions have

infinite wisdom and at times, cause anguish, sadness, hope, and fear. From a Tarbiyah

perspective we see the patience of Prophet Yusuf.

The lowest state of the Nafs- Nafs Ammaarah Bis-su’

ور رحيم في غ


ي إن

ما رحم رب

وء إل بالس

ارة م

س ل

ف الن

سي إن

ف نئ رب ﴾53﴿ وما أ

Yet I am not holding my soul to be immune from sin, for the soul incites to evil, except of the one on

whom my Lord shows mercy. Indeed my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful. "

The Nafs by its nature is inclined to evil and what would cause it to be in a better state

would be the Mercy of Allah SWT, faith and lots of good deeds.

This is the struggle of all of us: controlling the Nafs and preventing it from controlling us.

Yusuf (AS) now has full authority in Egypt after being imprisoned wrongfully

ض ناء ول

ش نا من


صيب برح

اء ن

ش ييث

ا ح

ه منأ بوترض ي

ي ال

ا ليوسف ف

ن مك


ذسني وك


ر ال

ج ﴾56﴿ يع أ

Thus did We give power to Joseph in the land: he had every right to take possession of any piece of it that

he desired. We bestow Our bounty upon anyone We will. We do not let go waste the reward of the

righteous people; (56)

The authority of a Prophet of Allah was not only to carry out his function in land to see

that the grains were distributed justly. But if Yusuf (AS) was giving Da'wah when he was

imprisoned then when he had full authority in the land it is more establishing the Hukm

of Allah SWT now that Egypt was fully under his control and authority.

Yusuf (AS) reunites with his bothers


منهم ل

م وه


يه ف

لوا ع

لخدوسف ف

يوةء اخ

ا (58)وج

And Joseph's brothers came to Egypt and presented themselves before him. He recognized them, but

they did not know him.

Allah SWT’s plan was for his brothers to come to get grains and meet with the very

person they tried put away only that this time they were on the other side of the table

and Yusuf (AS) is now in full authority.

Look how Allah SWT turn the table around! When the brothers had power they tried to

kill him now he has power he tries to save them! This is true Imaan in Allah SWT. No

Page 2: ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسبmycc-rdu.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-Reflections-Day-13-Juzz-13.pdfcontrol; no one has the power to defeat the Qadr of Allah SWT. His


revenge! Even when the same brothers who did not recognize him accused him along

with his little brother Ben Yamin saying : "If he steals - a brother of his has stolen before." But

Joseph kept it within himself and did not reveal it to them. … (77)

Another point to note here is that while Yusuf (AS) made a plot to keep his brother Ben

Yamin he never uttered the word “thief” for him whereas his brothers called both Ben

Yamin and Yusuf (AS) thieves while quickly disassociating themselves from him.

A Believer never gives up hope in Allah SWT

س من

ئي يا له إن

روح الل

سوا من

ئيا تخيه ول

وسف وأ

يسوا من س

حتبوا ف

ه اذ ي

ن ا ب ي


كوم ال

ق ال إل

روح الل

My children, go and make a search for Joseph and his brother. Don't despair of Allah's mercy, for it is the

unbelievers alone who despair of His mercy." ﴿87﴾

Despite “losing” a second son Prophet Yaqub (AS) did not give up hope in Allah SWT. He

had hope in Allah SWT that one day they would return to him.

At the same time a Believer complains to The All-Powerful as Yaqub (AS) said: "I complain

to Allah alone of my sorrow and grief. And I know from Allah what you do not know.

Eventually truth comes to light



دي ق

خ ا أذوسف وه

ا ينال أ

وسف ق

يتن ل

كئنوا أالا ق

ينل ﴾90﴿ … ع

In shock they asked: "Why ! Are you indeed Joseph"? He replied, "Yes, I am Joseph, and here is my

brother. Allah has been very gracious to us. …" ﴿90﴾

This is the second time the truth came to light after many years. First Yusuf (AS) was

wrongfully accused and was jailed for almost seven years till his innocence was known

and he was freed. Now the truth comes out again; that no wolf ate him as the brothers

lied. Instead they tried to kill him but Allah SWT protected him and honored him.

Forgiveness and move on is the greatest lesson here

احمي م الررحو أم وه

ك لفر الل

غيوم ي

م ال

يكليب ع

ث تال ل

﴾92﴿ ق

He replied: "Today no penalty shall be inflicted on you. May Allah forgive you ! He is the most Merciful of

all who show mercy.

Despite all the treachery, plots and lies that the brothers of Yusuf (AS) did to him he

showed so much compassion. Often someone says something to us and we don’t want

to see or talk to that person for the rest of our lives be it a relative or not.

Yusuf (AS) even defended his brothers saying: وب

اخ ي


ين بنيط


غز ننعد ا

after Satan - ب

had stirred discord between me and my brothers

The dream came to reality…What patience!

ويأا تذت ه

با أال ي

ا وق

د سج

هوا ل ر

عرش وخ


له ع

ويبع أبل ورف

قاي من

ي ﴾100﴿ …ل رؤ

And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, "O my

father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality…(100)

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This is the fruits of trust and patience in Allah SWT. What is lost comes back with much

greater value. One can only imagine the joy and the gratitude of Prophet Yaqub (AS) and

Yusuf (AS) at this moment.

A true Believer always acknowledges Allah SWT’s favors on him.

Many people believe in Allah SWT but they taint their belief with Shirk



م مش وه


م بالل

ه ثك أمن

ؤ ﴾106﴿ وما ي

So, most of them who believe in Allah join other deities also with Him.

Majority of people believe in the concept of a Creator but in the process they commit

shirk in the process. They do not hold esteem Allah SWT the way He SWT directs.

Da’wah and its requirements

م الا من

ن وما أ


اني وسبح

بعن ا ومن ات

نة أ صث


ل ع


و إل

عدذه سبيلي أ

ل ه

كي ق

﴾108﴿ ش

Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I

am not of those who associate others with Him." (108)

Knowledge ذه سبيلي ه

Sincerity الل



لة ع صث


Jamaa’ah ي بعن ا ومن ات

ن أ

Surah- Ar-Raad This Surah is very scientific in nature. This Surah was revealed in the last stage of the Mission of

the Holy Prophet at Makkah. On the one hand, Quraish are looking for ways to stop the Islamic

Work while the Sahaabah (RA) were hoping for signs from Allah SWT to convince them. But

Allah SWT has His methods to guide.

The Qur'an is Haqq; Truth

المر اب

كت الات


ك تل

ك أـكن


قح الكب من ر


نزل إل

ذي أ


ونمنؤ ياس ل


موات ﴾١﴿ ث ع الس

ذي رف




مد ت


ث …بغ

Alif-Lam-Mim-Ra. These are the Verses of the Book (the Quran), and that which has been revealed unto

you (Muhammad SAW) from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not. (1) Allah is He Who raised

the heavens without any pillars that you can see..

The entire universe belongs to Allah alone, and therefore none should be worshipped

but Him alone. He alone fashions them and controls them.

The Qur’an is nothing but truth whether people believe in it or not, it is Haqq.

Allah SWT places signs in His creation so that man can use his faculty of understanding

to know Him, believe in Him, love Him and worship Him alone. This is the true essence

of Tawheed in Allah SWT.

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From the rivers, mountains, fruits, trees, great galaxies etc. are all for men to reflect and

know that Allah SWT exists and our return is unto Him.

From the time of revelation until now people are looking for faults and many who look

for faults having failed come to accept it as the Word of The Al-Mighty.

Instead of seeking good from Allah SWT people demand punishment to prove His existence


لمثبلهم ال

من ق

تل خدة وق


حبل ال

ة ق

ئ ي بالس


ست وي


ل ظ

لاس ع

لنفرة ل

و مغ

ذ لك رب



اب عق الديد

ش لك ﴾٦﴿ رب

They ask you to hasten the evil before the good, yet (many) exemplary punishments have indeed

occurred before them. But verily, your Lord is full of Forgiveness for mankind inspite of their wrong-

doing. And verily, your Lord is (also) Severe in punishment.(6)

Quraish wanted Rasoolullah SAS to ask Allah SWT to hasten to bring about Allah SWT’s

punishment as he threatened them.

Generally this behavior is typical for those who do not wish to follow any rules.

Despite their rebelliousness Allah SWT is extending His Forgiveness to them.

Then no matter what ever sign come to them they are not satisfied. They always ask for

something else.

Nothing can be hidden from Allah SWT

س ال

أم من

كار سواء من

ه بالن

يل وسارب

ف بالل

خو مست

هر به ومن

ه جول ومن

﴾10﴿ ق

It is the same [to Him] concerning you whether one conceals [his] speech or one publicizes it and whether

one is hidden by night or conspicuous [among others] by day. (10)

The Creator knows every atom of His creation so whether hidden or open He is aware of

the entire creation including man. From His wisdom He SWT also places Angels to record

all what we say and do.

This ought to bring about the awareness in our hearts that we cannot hide anything or

any thought from Allah SWT for He knows about them.

Allah SWT does not change the state of people unless they make an effort

سهم …فنوا ما بأ ث

غ ين وم ح

ما بق ث

غ ي ل



Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. … (11)

This is our side of the deal that Allah SWT The All Powerful is ready to change our

situation from fear and insecurity to authority and peace and happiness but we have to

make effort to change from our evil ways to uprightness.

The similitude of iron and foam from water and foam from metals

… يمك

اس ف

ع الن

فنا ما ي م

اء وأ

فب ج

هيذ فدبا الز م

أباطل ف


قح ال



ض يلك

ذ ك



ض يلك

ذرض ك

ي ال



ال مث ﴾17﴿ ال

…Thus Allah presents [the example of] truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off;

but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth. Thus does Allah present

examples. (17)

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Two similitudes are given here. One foam from the water and secondly foam from the

metals that melt during purification. What remains in both cases is the real thing. Water

and the pure metal remain benefit humans they remain while the foam disappears that

has no value. Such is the case of truth and falsehood. Truth remains and will benefit

mankind while falsehood like foam full of fluff eventually will disappear.

Recognizing the truth from Allah SWT is a great blessing for it leads to right actions

Then Allah SWT asks: He who knows that the Book which has been sent to you from your Lord

is the Truth, is he like him who is blind to that truth?

Zhikr brings tranquility to the hearts


لق ال

مي ط تر الل


ل أر الل

م بذك

هوبل ق

مي طوا وت

من آذين

﴾28﴿ ال

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably,

by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." (28)

The hearts of the Believers find comfort and become tranquil when Allah SWT is

remembered and pleased to have Him as their Protector and Supporter. Zhikr after every Salaah, waking up and going to bed, before and after eating, leaving

from and returning to home, morning and evening Zhikr are some of the daily

remembrance of Allah SWT that bring peace and tranquility to the hearts. Do people want a greater sign than The Qur'an?

ميعا… اس ج

ى الن

ده لـهاء الل

شو ين لوا أ آمن


س ال

يأم يلف ﴾٣١﴿… أ

… Then have those who believed not accepted that had Allah willed, He would have guided the people,

all of them? … (31)

Sometimes as Believers we wonder why doesn’t Allah SWT send some very powerful

signs so that man has no choice but to bow to Him.

But people who have failed to see the light of the truth in the teachings of the Quran, in

the phenomena of the universe, in the pure and spotless life of Rasoolullah SAS and in

the wonderful change in the lives of his companions and those who truly adheres, would

such people see the light of the truth in the moving of the mountains, in the splitting of

the earth and in the coming out of the dead from the graves?

Such people are the dwellers of Hell-fire except if they repent and as for those who

believe in their Lord they shall have eternal bliss and happiness. They are commanded

to say: "I have only been commanded to serve Allah and not to associate anyone with Him. To

Him do I call, and to Him is my return."

Some people of The Book are fine with revelations while others reject

اكتم ال

اهينت آذين



كر ب

ن ياب من

زح ال



زل إل

ن بما أ



ف ي ﴾36﴿ …ب

And [the believers among] those to whom We have given the Scripture rejoice at what has been revealed

to you, [O Muhammad], but among the [opposing] factions are those who deny part of it. … (36)

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These people have evidence in their Books affirming the truth of the Qur'an and

conveying the good news of its forthcoming revelation.

Allah's promise them in their Books to send a Messenger. So they recognized

Rasoolullah SAS and thanked Allah SWT who has fulfill His promise

The responsibility is to deliver the message and Allah SWT will take care of the deniers

و م أهعدذي ن

عض ال

بكنري ما ن



ا الينل وع

غبل اليك

لما ع

إن فكينوفت ﴾40﴿ ن

And whether We show you part of what We promise them or take you in death, upon you is only the

[duty of] notification, and upon Us is the account.(40)

Allah SWT wants the Believers to keep on focusing on their responsibilities and perhaps

He would show some of His punishment on them or perhaps Believers may die without

seeing any punishment on them. However, the Believers must stay firm on their faith.

Surah Ibrahim:

This Surah is an admonition and a warning to the disbelievers who were rejecting the Message

of the Holy Prophet and devising cunning schemes to defeat his Mission.

Purpose of the Quran is to guide to light

ع اط ال ص

هم إل

ن رب

ور بإذ


مات إل

ل الظ

اس من



خ لتيك

إلاهنلزن أاب

ميد الر كت

ح ﴾1﴿ زيز ال

Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring

mankind out of darkness into the light by permission of their Lord - to the path of the Exalted in Might,

the Praiseworthy - (1)

Da'wah in The Language of the People

رسول إل

ا من


م وما أ

هومه ليبي ل

﴾4﴿…بلسان ق

Whenever We sent a Messenger' to convey Our Message, he delivered it in the language of his people so

that he may make it plain to them. ….

Allah sent down His message in the language of the people so that they might not have

any excuse left that they could not understand the language of the message. A Messenger was never given the message in a different language just for the sake of a

miracle or speaking in different tongues or a secret. But it is guidance for man in a

language they would understand. Gratitude to Allah SWT increases the blessings


شي ل اب

ذ عم إن

رتف ك

ي م ول


م ل

رتك ش

ي م ل

ك ربنذأ ت ﴾7﴿ وإذ

And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but

if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.' " (7)

Gratitude to Allah SWT brings about increase in blessings from Him such as faith,

contentment not necessarily increase in material things alone.

Ingratitude on the other hand brings about His punishment and anger.

When nations cannot defeat the Prophets they resorted to ban them

م م كنرج

خنروا لرسلهم ل

ف كذين

ال ال

المي وق


نلكهنم ل

هيهم رب

وخ إل

أا فتني مل


تو لا أرضن

أ ﴾13﴿ ن

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At last the disbelievers said to their Messengers, "You shall either return to our religion or we will banish

you from our land. " Then their Lord revealed to them, "We will destroy these evil-doers

Many Prophets passed through such fate. Whenever they preached Tawheed to their

people they are banned or expelled.

This is preparing Rasoolullah SAS for his expulsion from the place of his birth; Makkah.

On the other hand if the Prophets remained silent on their Shirk and lifestyle they would

be fine.

Shaitaan acknowledges that he betrayed man but acquits himself

م بمض …تنم وما أ

ا بمضخك

نم ما أ


فنوموا أ

ي ول


ل تل ف ي

﴾22﴿ …خ

… So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my

aid. …22)

Satan acknowledges that he misguided people but then he would blame them for doing

it. He will also acknowledge that neither of them can help each other. This is where the

human being is held fully responsible for his deed. He cannot blame Satan for his evil.

The Parable of good tree and a bad tree

يف ر كم تلماء أ ي الس

ا ف

هرع وف


ا ثهصل

بة أ ي

رة ط

جش كبة ي


كل مث


ب ﴾24﴿ ص

Do you not see to what Allah' has likened the `Pure Word’? It is like a good tree which has got

deep roots into the earth and whose branches have spread high up into heaven.

The parable of a good tree such as the date tree is like the believer's deeds, good

statements and good actions.

On the other hand an evil tree like the colocynth tree (a very bitter, unscented plant)

which brings no good is like a bad word, bad deed and bad statements. It is disgusting.

Allah SWT’s gifts to man are countless but man is ungrateful

افوم ك

لظ لسان

ن ال

ا إن


ح ت ل


وا نعمة

عد ت وإن


تلل ما سأ

كم من

اكت ﴾34﴿ ر وآ

It is He Who fulfilled all your requirements so much so that you cannot count His bounties, if you tried to

number them. The fact is that man is very unjust and ungrateful.

Du’a of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is for the sanctity of the Ka’bah and Tawheed

ام صن



نن أ ي ن ي وب

بن نا واج

من آدبلا الذعل ه


راهيم رب

ال إب

ق ﴾35﴿ وإذ

Recall the time, when Abraham prayed, saying, "Lord! Make this city *a city of peace, and

protect me and my descendants from the worship of idols.

The plot of disbelievers can move mountains

جبال الهول من

م لث ره مك

ان كم وإن

ره مك


دم وعن

رهروا مك


د ﴾46﴿ ق

Verily they have plotted their plot, and their plot is with Allah, though their plot were one whereby the

mountains should be moved. (46)