ТРУДЫ НАМИ - NAMInami.ru/uploads/files/Trudy NAMI 258_2014.pdf · 2017. 5. 10. · Ivaschenko Nikolaiy – D.Sc., head of the cathedra of MSTU of N.E. Bauman Kamenev Vladimir

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    Издание выходит с 1923 года

    Москва 2014

  • УДК 016:629.113

    РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯМ.В. Нагайцев (главный редактор), С.В. Бахмутов (зам.главного

    редактора), В.Ф. Кутенёв (зам.главного редактора), А.А. Дюжев (зам.главного редактора), И.А. Фисенко (ответственный

    секретарь редакционной коллегии), О.И. Гируцкий, С.Н. Девянин, Д.А. Загарин, А.М. Иванов, Н.А. Иващенко, В.Ф. Каменев,

    Б.В. Кисуленко, И.А. Коровкин, Г.О. Котиев, В.И. Котляренко, В.М. Фомин, В.М. Шарипов, А.А. Эйдинов, А.И. Яманин

    Труды НАМИ / ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ». – М., 2014. – 224 с., 19 табл., 89 рис. – Аннот. рус, англ. – (Труды НАМИ; вып. № 258: сб. науч. ст.).

    Издание входит в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий в Российской Федерации (Перечень ВАК), в которых должны

    быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание учёных степеней доктора и кандидата наук

    Ответственный за выпуск К.О. АзаровКорректор Т.П. РаевскаяВерстка А.Б. Дунаевой

    Перевод Т.А. МелинковскойОформление обложки Т.А. Мелинковской

    Адрес: 125438, г. Москва, ул. Автомоторная, д. 2Тел.: (495) 456-30-81 (справочная по институту «НАМИ»)

    Факс: (495)456-31-32E-mail: [email protected]

    Сайт в Интернете: www.nami.ru

    Подписано в печать 05.12.2014. Формат 60х90/16.Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Таймс».

    Печ. л. 14. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ

    Отпечатано ООО «ТиРу»: 119049, г. Москва, ул. Донская, д. 4, стр. 2

    © ГНЦ РФ ФГУП «НАМИ», 2014© Авторы статей, 2014

  • 3


    В.А. Петрушов, Д.И. Хохлов Разработка метода оценки влияния аэродинамических качеств, и сопротивлений качению автомобиля на топливную экономичность .................................................................5

    С.Б. Шведов Пути снижения аэродинамического сопротивления автомобиля с прицепом ...................................................................39

    А.Н. Евграфов С.Б. Шведов Метод расчета параметров верхнего обтекателя легкового автопоезда ..........................................................................................45

    М.М. Нагайцев, И.А. Фисенко, С.А. Харитонов Этапы и перспективы развития автоматических гидромеханических передач легковых автомобилей .......................................................................................52

    Л.А. Румянцев Полуавтоматическая диапазонная гидропередача ДГП-420 .........75

    А.К. Афанасьева, А.В. Отчерцов, В.Я. Шапиро, С.В. Гончаренко Новый шинный продукт – тонкостенные шины сверхнизкого давления (резино-кордные оболочки) для внедорожных транспортных средств (история развития) ......84

    В.К. Азаров, А.В. Васильев, В.Ф. Кутенёв Современные экологические проблемы грузовых автомобилей и автобусов .................................................94

  • 4

    А.М. Сайкин О.С. Юдаева Методика оценки термоокислительной деструкции полимерсодержащих конструкционных и отделочных материалов транспортных средств ................................................102

    Л.В. Грехов, Г.Г. Тер-Мкртичьян , А.А. Денисов, Е.Е. Старков Методика определения характеристики впрыскивания измерителем НАМИ–МГТУ при испытаниях дизельной топливной аппаратуры ................................................................... 115

    В.И. Панчишный Расчет сопротивления каталитического блока .............................136

    Г.Г. Тер-Мкртичьян Манипулирование коэффициентом наполнения и фактической степенью сжатия за счет вариации фаз газораспределения в двигателях с количественным регулированием мощности ............................................................144

    В.К. Ванин, П.А. Щеглов Проблема загрязнения теплообменников охлаждения рециркулирующих газов и пути её решения ................................177

    А.А. Демидов, В.И. Панчишный, Н.А. Макаров Адсорбционно-каталитическая технология восстановления оксидов азота в отработавших газах дизельных двигателей ......186

    Сведения о членах редакционной коллегии .................................205

    Editorial board ..................................................................................207

    Сведения об авторах .......................................................................209

    About the authors ..............................................................................213

    Аннотации .......................................................................................216

    Abstracts ...........................................................................................221

  • 207


    Nagaytsev Maxim (Editor in chief) – Candidate of Technical Sci-ences, associate professor of Moscow State Technical University of N.E. Bauman, General Director of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Bakhmutov Sergey (Deputy Editor) –D.Sc., Deputy General Di-rector for Research of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Kutenev Vadim (Deputy Editor) – D. Sc., Chairman of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Scientist of the Rus-sian Federation. Laureate of premium of the Council of Ministers of USSR. Honorary President of the World Forum (P-29) of Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

    Diyjev Andrey (Deputy Editor) – Candidate of Technical Sci-ences, CEO of the State Scientific Institution “The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.”

    Fisenko Igor (Executive secretary of the editorial board) – Can-didate of Technical Sciences, leading expert of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Girutskiy Olgert – D.Sc., professor, Deputy Chairman of the Ex-pert Councilof SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the State premium of the Russian Federation in 1998 in the field of science and technology. Laureate of premium of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2008 in the field of science and technology

    Devyanin Serey – D.Sc., professor of МSEU.Zagarin Denis – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy CEO–

    Director of «NAMI» test center.

  • Ivanov Andrey – D.Sc., Vice Rector for Research of МSARTU (МARI).

    Ivaschenko Nikolaiy – D.Sc., head of the cathedra of MSTU of N.E. Bauman

    Kamenev Vladimir – D.Sc., leading expert of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Kisulenko Boris – D.Sc., Deputy CEO of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI» for technical. Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation.

    Korovkin Igor – PhD in Economics, executive direct or of UAR.Kotnev Georgiy – D.Sc., head of the cathedraof MSTU of

    N.E.BaumanKotlyarenko Vladimir – D.Sc., head of the department of Minis-

    try of Transport of Russian Federation.FominValeriy – D.Sc.,professor of MSUME (MAMI).Sharipov Valeriy– D.Sc., head of the cathedra of MSUME

    (MAMI).Eydinov Anatoliy – D.Sc., professor, director of center Techno-

    logical platform «Green car» of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Engineer ofthe Russian Federation

    Yamanin Alexander – D.Sc., professor of JSTU.

  • 213


    Azarov Vadim – Ph.D., head of the business assessment center “Business Planning” SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Afanasieva Anna – lead engineer of the Association «ARCTICTRANS» by development, making and implementation of ecological all-terrain vehicles on pneumatics.

    Goncharenko Sergey – engineer, head of department of the Federal Scientific Research Center of mechanical engineering.

    Vanin Vladimir – acting head of department «Internal combustion engines» of centre «Energy devices» of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Vasilyev Andrey – Director of the Research Center for technical expertise SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Grekhov Leonid – D.Sc., professor of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, honored worker of science and technology, Moscow.

    Demidov Alexey – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of project SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Denisov Alexander – Graduate student of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

    Evgrafov Anatoly – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Academy of information technolo-gies, FGBOU VPO «MGIU».

    Kozlov Andrey – doctor of technical sciences, head of the research department of the theory, workflow and simulation of power

  • 214

    management settings “Energy saving technologies and alternative fuels Center «Energy devices» SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Kutenev Vadim (Deputy Editor) – D. Sc., Chairman of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI». Honored Scientist of the Rus-sian Federation. Laureate of premium of the Council of Ministers of USSR. Honorary President of the World Forum (WP-29) of Eco-nomic Commission for Europe(UNECE).

    Luksho Vladislav – Ph.D., head of the Energy-saving technol-ogies and alternative fuels Center Energy devices SSC RF FSUE «NAMI» Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation

    Makarov Nikolay – Senior research worker, the department of energy-saving technologies and alternative fuels, SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Nagaitsev Maxim – General Director of «KATE»

    Otchertsov Alexey – engineer, deputy general director of the As-sociation «ARCTICTRANS»

    Panchisny Vladimir – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior research worker, Еxpert, Honored chemist of RF, SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Petrushov Vladimir – Professor, Head of the Department of passive safety SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Rumyantsev Leonid – Hydraulic transmission Chief Designer of the SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Saykin Andrey – Ph. D., Acting Head of Departament of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI», member of Russion Academi of Natural Sciences (RANS).

    Starkov Egor – design engineer center “Power plants” SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Terenchenko Alexey – Ph.D., director of the center «Energy devices» SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

  • Ter-Mkrtichian George – D.Sc., professor of the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (MADI), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Head of Sec-tor Center Energy devices » SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Shvedov Sergei – Postgraduate FGBOU VPO «MGIU»

    Kharitonov Sergey – Ph.D., Associate Professor of MSTU Bau-man

    Khokhlov Dmitry. Leading Research Engineer of Aerodynamics, Rolling Resistance and Fuel Efficiency Department of the SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Shapiro Vadim – candidate of technical sciences, senior research-er, general director of the Association «ARCTICTRANS»

    Shcheglov Pavel – design engineer of department «Internal combustion engines» of centre «Energy devices» of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI»

    Fisenko Igor (executive secretary of the editorial board) – Can-didate of Technical Sciences, leading expert of the Expert Council of SSC RF FSUE «NAMI».

    Yudaeva Oxana – Ph. D., Head of transport sanitary and hygiene laboratory State Moscow railway transport Universiti (MSU of rail-way transport).

  • 221


    UDC 629.14.01-72Petrushov V. History of the tool base measurement and certification

    of automobile tires on load settings / O.Mishutin, D.Hohlov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 5–38.

    A method for estimating the parameters influence the resistance movement of the car on his travel expenses of fuel with characteristics of working fuel engine proposed by prof. IM Lenin. On this basis, de-veloped a mathematical model of the energy balance of the car with a hybrid drive unit by the starter-generator set.

    Fig. 15, tab. 4, ref. list – 10 titles

    UDC 629.33.072.5Shvedov S. Ways to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle with

    a trailer // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 39–44.

    The peculiarities of the flow past a car with high trailer. Offers de-sign measures to reduce its drag by rounding the front edges of the trailer, the tilt of his front wall, install windshields fairings on the tow-ing vehicle and the trailer.

    Fig. 4, ref. list – 2 titles

    UDC 629.33.072.5Evgrafov A. Calculation parameters upper fairing passenger road-

    train / S. Shvedov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 45–51.

    The methodology of calculation of the optimal settings windshield cowl on the roof of the towing vehicle passenger train with a high trailer.

    Fig. 2, ref. list – 1 titles

  • 222

    UDC 629.021Nagaytsev M. Stages and prospects of automatic hydromechanical

    transmission / I. Fisenko S. Kharitonov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 52–74.

    The evolution of automatic transmissions, structures torque convert-er and planetary gears to the automatic not hydromechanical transmis-sion torque converter.

    Fig. 14, tab. 1, ref. list – 9 titles

    UDC 629.3.023Rumyantsev L. // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014.

    Iss. N 256. – P. 75–83.Semi Quadband hydraulic transmission DGP-420. Given control de-

    vice and the design of domestic hydraulic transmission range DGP-420, made by the scheme: torque converter clutch lock manual transmission with manual shift. Hydraulic transmission is designed for an engine capacity of 360 hp. A graph of input power loss of oil pressure in the torque converter

    Fig. 5, ref. list – 2 titles

    UDC 621.436Afanasieva A. New tyre product – thin-walled low-pressure tires

    (rubber-cord shell) for off-road vehicles (history of development). / A. Otchertsov V. Shapiro, S. Goncharenko // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 84–93.

    The article describes the materials on the history of development of the new tire product- thin-walled low-pressure tires, also referred to as rubber-cord shell or pneumatic indicating the size, characteristics, and developers.

    These products are used for wheeled all-terrain vehicles for better maneuverability on soft soil.

    The article shows the dynamics of increasing the number of types from 1990 to 2013.

    Fig. 5, tab.3, ref. list – 6 titles

    UDC 621.43.068.8Azarov V. The environmental problems of trucks and buses /

    A. Vasiliev, V. Kutenev // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 94–101.

  • 223

    The vehicles operation environmental situation with the pollution of the urban environment with harmful substances of the vehicles. The further studies to reduce particulate emissions from tire dust.

    Fig. 4, tab. 2, ref. list – 12 titles

    UDC 62-623.7Saykin A. Method of estimation of thermal-oxidative degradation

    of polymerсontents construction and finishing materials // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 102–114.

    Development of scientifically based guidelines to ensure standard-ized eco-toxicological parameters of ambient air.

    When burned in an air medium, receives the multicomponent mix-ture of chemicals having high toxicity. These compounds contained in the composition of the combustion products containing the polymer materials include carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chlo-ride, nitric oxide, acrolein, phenol, formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and other volatile chemicals.

    Fig. 5, tab. 5, ref. list – 7titles

    УДК 621.436.03Grekhov L. Method of determining the characteristics of injection-

    meter in tests of diesel fuel equipment / G. Ter-Mkrtichyan, A. Deni-sov, E. Starkov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 115–135.

    The method for determine injection characteristics with advanced processing algorithm is offered. The method does not require additional testing, accompanied by measurements of the fuel volume and it’s tem-perature. The method is applicable for the calculation of injection char-acteristics over a wide range of speed and load modes, different fuel systems and quickly replaceable nozzles.

    Fig.6, ref.list – 11 titles

    UDC 621.43.068.5Panсhishnyi V. The resistance of the catalyst unit сalculation // Works

    of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 136–143.When designing systems neutralize important their payment of

    a hydraulic resistance, including resistance of individual functional elements. Among these elements specific role metal units structures

  • based on which the catalysts are for disposing of regulated compo-nents.

    Fig. 1, tab. 1.

    UDC 621.436Ter-Mkrtichian G. Volumetric efficiency and actual compression ra-

    tio manipulation due to timing variations in the in engines with quantity power level control // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 144–176.

    The methods of influence on the volumetric efficiency and the actual compression ratio of the engine by varying the valve timing. Possibili-ties of implementation of quantitative throttles regulation of engine ca-pacity on modes of small loadings are proved.

    Fig. 13, tab. 3, ref. list – 5 titles

    UDC 621.436:621.43.068Vanin V. The problem of exhaust gas recirculation heat exchangers

    fouling and methods to solve it / P. Shcheglov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 177–185.

    The problem of exhaust gas recirculation heat exchangers fouling in diesel engines is considered. Influence of heat exchanger fouling de-gree on EGR efficiency is analyzed. Different solutions of this problem are given and positive as well as negative results of this methods are discussed.

    Fig. 6, ref. list – 7 titles

    UDC 621.43.068.5Demidov A. Adsorption-catalytic technology to reduce nitrogen ox-

    ides in exhaust gases of diesel engines / V. Panchisny, N. Makarov // Works of NAMI: coll. of sci. art. Moscow, 2014. Iss. N 258. – P. 186–204.

    Development of adsorption – catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust of automobile transport with diesel engines today is the most promising solution to meet environmental standards set with Euro V (VI). The features of this technology are considered.

    Fig. 9, list—12 titles/