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Multiple Intelligence Results

1. Bodily Gross Intelligence (Medium)

You work well with your body but are effective in maintaining full body control only in certain, one-off

situations. You might feel stressed if faced with activities that involve extended use of your body. Even

though you might not be extremely attracted to fitness, it is advised that you practice sports, yoga, or

meditation to strengthen your Bodily Intelligence. You can stretch your capabilities occasionally to be good at

working with your body; but, when it comes to your bread and butter, it’s definitely better to work on your


2. Bodily Fine Intelligence (Medium)

You know how to work with your hands, even though you might never actually be inclined to something like

gardening or dentistry. Many a times, you get a feeling of satisfaction when your sense of touch is engaged. If

your work involves coordinated use of your hands, you can be good at it. However, you might not be able to

sustain the dexterity levels for a long period of time. To improve your hand-eye coordination, you should

observe people with strong Bodily (Fine) Intelligence. Also, enhance your dexterity by learning how to type,

playing computer games or learning crafts such as woodworking or poetry.

3. Interpersonal Intelligence (High)

You have an aptitude for effectively interacting and dealing with others. You are essentially a “people

person”. You have a knack for communicating with others, and can strike up a conversation or make

friendships very easily. People with strong Interpersonal Intelligence are often called on when friends or

family want to share their problems with someone and need a good listener and adviser. Your interpersonal

communication level is an asset. Use it judiciously in your work areas and you are sure to win many hearts


Famous people with high Interpersonal Intelligence - Dr. APJ Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Bill

Clinton, Barkha Dutt

4. Logical Intelligence (High)

You have an aptitude for mathematical calculations, logical thinking, and pattern recognition. You possess an

innate reasoning ability; can think in logical and numerical patterns and make connections between different

pieces of information. A game of chess, a Sudoku puzzle, or an activity involving complex mathematical

calculations can get you revved up. Since your mathematics and logic are strong, you should work on

improving them further by actively participating in work areas that evoke your logical reasoning skills. Your

Logical Intelligence is an asset; lead with it!

Famous people with high Logical Intelligence - Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aryabhatta, Vishwanathan

Anand, Shakuntala Devi

5. Linguistic Intelligence (High)

You have an aptitude for learning and using languages. You are often attracted towards writing poems and

enjoy reading anything including stories, dictionaries, signboards, and even instruction manuals! You may

easily spell words that others are not even able to pronounce. Your friends love your ability to use quotes,

proverbs or clever phrases while communicating. You should further strengthen this ability by reading more

and being involved in literary clubs and events. If your work demands exceptional reading and writing skills,


you are sure to excel at it. Let your Linguistic Intelligence lead the way for you in your life.

Famous people with high Linguistic Intelligence - William Shakespeare, JK Rowling, Rabindranath Tagore,

Ruskin Bond, Shobha De

6. Visual Intelligence (High)

You have an aptitude for design, drawing, coloring, painting, creating models, etc. People with strong Graphic

Visual Intelligence find it easy to think in pictures and images. You easily see images in your mind and can

represent them in visually artistic ways. You have a knack for looking into details and often see elements that

others miss. Your Visual Intelligence is your strength. You should try to make the most of it by getting

involved in activities that need you to utilize your graphical designing skills or artistic creativity.

Famous people with Visual (Graphic) Intelligence - Pablo Picasso, Walt Disney, Manish Malhotra, Sarnath

Bannerjee (graphic novelist)

7. Spatial Intelligence (Low)

You are among the last people who can manipulate objects easily within a space. You are rarely able to find

your way without a map or move comfortably in the dark. Don’t worry though, there’s nothing wrong you;

you just don’t happen to posses Visual (Spatial) Intelligence. If your work demands you to have a strong

sense of spaces or assembling things, try to work on such kind of tasks with support from someone who is

good at this kind of work. For example, if you need to drive a lot and are not able to make way or give way to

people easily, you should practice more and keenly observe experienced drivers. Focus your attention on your

work and try to learn from others around you.

8. Musical Intelligence (Medium)

You are musically inclined and have the ability to learn a tune easily. However, you may not be able to easily

distinguish between the sound of a guitar and a mandolin. Even though you like listening to music or singing,

you might not want to make a career out of it. Public singing is not meant for you… bathroom singing is more

like it! To hone your skills, increase your collection of music and listen to it regularly, or, learn to play a

musical instrument. Or even better, make your own musical autobiography by compiling a list of songs that

have been meaningful to you at different points in your life. Better still, closely work with someone who has

high Musical Intelligence and try to learn the nuances of music from them.

9. Intrapersonal Intelligence (High)

You have an aptitude for being in tune with your emotions, feelings, and inner self. People with strong

Intrapersonal Intelligence have a clear understanding of what makes them tick, and have good control over

their emotions. You might like to read about topics like psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, and also

engage in religious or spiritual practices. To enhance your inner-self and gain an increased control over your

emotions and reactions, you should practice yoga or meditation. You are internally strong; make all efforts to

sustain that strength through constant self-improvement.

Famous people with high Intrapersonal Intelligence - Swami Vivekanand, The Dalai Lama, Anne Frank, Sai

Baba, Osho, Paulo Coelho

10. Naturalistic Intelligence (Medium)

You are sensitive to changes in the weather or environment. Often, you might feel the need to spend time


outdoors in order to recharge your batteries. However, when given activities that are hugely centered on the

nature or environment, you are likely to get bored of them after some time. It is important for someone like

you to spend time outdoors, do gardening, or photograph natural objects. Get involved in greening your local

park or join an environmental cause to get up, close and personal with nature. Better still, work with someone

who is Naturalist and try to learn more about our nature and environment.


Multiple Nature Results

1. Protective Nature (High)

You have the tendency to protect yourself, others, bodies, ideas, or practices from harm, damage, injury, or

loss. People with a strong Protective Nature think first and foremost about others’ safety and security. You are

lovers of justice and find it difficult to turn a blind eye to prejudice and injustice of any type. Clear-cut rules

and well-defined systems please you and even more so when people follow them. People like you tend to be

challenging and critical of others, often looking at spotting mistakes and correcting them. Your Protective

Nature is your strength; lead with it and leave an impact on the lives that you touch.

Famous people with strong Protective Nature – Kiran Bedi, Jhansi Ki Rani, Tarun Tejpal, Kapil Sibal, Bhagat


2. Educative Nature (High)

You have the tendency to acquire knowledge, skills, or experience to teach, instruct, guide, or inform others.

People possessing a strong Educative Nature derive immense pleasure from putting information together and

filling up others’ knowledge gaps. Your greatest satisfaction may come from helping someone learn or

understand something. Discovering as to why someone cannot understand something may come to you as a

pleasurable challenge. This drive encourages you to devise numerous innovative methods of presenting facts

and data for helping people overcome this problem. As soon as you catch on to something, you are eager to

share your findings with someone. Your Educative Nature is your strength; play to it by journeying through

the process of continuous learning and self-discovery.

Famous people with strong Educative Nature – Maria Montessori, Anne Sullivan, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Jean

Piaget, Arvind Gupta

3. Administrative Nature (High)

People with a strong Administrative Nature have the tendency to focus on details, organize and get work

accomplished. You are good at delegating responsibility, though may, require someone else to set the vision

for you if you decide to take the behind-the-scenes role. You love to get the job done. You are detail-oriented

and have an innate urge to make plans and goals and to see them through to completion. You are meticulous

about details, and prove to be great taskmasters — creating to-do lists, schedules, and most importantly,

deadlines. If you wish to be an administrator par excellence, you ought to play to your strength and make the

most of your special abilities.

Famous people with strong Administrative Nature – E. Sreedharan, Sheila Dikshit, Dr. MS Gill, Lord


4. Creative Nature (High)

You have the tendency to generate original ideas or works that have value. People with a strong Creative

Nature are always full of ideas and constantly engage themselves in creative pursuits. You are brimming with

innovation and invention, great in brainstorming sessions and make excellent problem solvers. If you have a

passion for words, you might create poetry or literature. If you are interested in music, you may end up

composing original songs. If you have a vivid Visual Intelligence, you may produce works of art. In the world

of business too, creative people stand apart from others by coming up with clever ad campaigns or innovative


product concepts and designs. Creativity is your biggest asset; strengthen it further by continuing to be

involved in new, innovative stuff.

Famous people with strong Creative Nature – Walt Disney, Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison, Edward DeBono

5. Healing Nature (Medium)

You are capable of manipulating your body to overcome imbalance and establish a stronger physical self.

However, you might, at times, find it difficult to help others in staying healthy or regaining balance. You are

often able to assess the energy in other people and accordingly use techniques to restore their systems and

help their energy flow freely. If your profession demands you to posses a Healing Nature, you should read

more about alternative health treatments such as Ayurveda and regularly read information related to health

and fitness. Also, if you see others not behaving in healthy ways, make an effort to suggest diet and exercise

to them.

6. Entertaining Nature (High)

You have the tendency to amuse others or attract, focus, and retain people’s attention on oneself or one’s

work. People with a strong Entertaining Nature have a special interest in amusing others. You have an

uncanny ability to get others’ attention and to stir their emotions, whether it is through singing, dancing,

making jokes, or even through their writings or drawings. People like you have a good sense of their

audience—what it takes to get them to get focused, and control them with their great sense of timing,

dynamics and expression. When it comes to career choices, people with strong Entertaining Nature make

good actors, comedians, public speakers, writers, and cartoonists. You get spurred on by the feedback of your

audiences in the form of applause, smiles, laughs, or appreciation of your work. Your Entertaining Nature is

your strength; go with it!

Famous people with strong Entertaining Nature – Charlie Chaplin, Shah Rukh Khan, Steven Speilberg, Ekta

Kapoor, RK Laxman, Khushwant Singh, Navjot Singh Sidhu

7. Providing Nature (High)

People with a strong Providing Nature have a built-in drive to serve others. You may be the ones who give

others gifts, offer help when someone is in need, and so on. At a moment’s notice, you get ready to put aside

your own work or interests to help others or to support a good cause. You take a keen interest in

understanding the particular details about what makes someone else happy, and may even make an effort to

remember and do those things — without being asked. You are able to project yourself into someone else’s

mind, understand what they want and serve them accordingly. You will be great in social service, cooking for

people, serving customers, or any other work that involves serving someone else. Your Providing Nature is

your asset; make the most of it by enhancing your strengths further.

Famous people with strong Providing Nature – Mother Teresa, Baba Amte, Sanjeev Kapoor, Annie Besant,

Melinda Gates

8. Entrepreneurial (High)

You have the tendency to create value by taking on projects or creating opportunities of a commercial or

humanitarian nature. You use a high degree of independence to create social or financial value, where the

reward may be monetary or involve self-satisfaction. People possessing a strong Entrepreneurial Nature have

a natural flair for business. You get pleasure from creating financial value and the ability to sustain and scale

operations. People like you are constantly on the move to bring together people, concepts, and capital in a


way that generates wealth. Where others see problems, you tend to see opportunities. Those who are

entrepreneurially inclined have a knack for thinking up novel products and services and have an excellent

power of persuasion and are able to sell products, ideas and even themselves to others.

Famous people with strong Entrepreneurial Nature – The Ambani Family (Dhirubhai, Mukesh and Anil), Bill

Gates, Warren Buffet, Shahnaz Hussain, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw

9. Adventurous Nature (Medium)

You are someone who loves a good challenge and likes pushing the limits. However, you might not want to

take risks or do things differently all the time. You are competitive and have the tendency to seek out unusual

challenges. But then, after a point, you feel the need for coming back into your comfort zone. To enhance

your adventurous streak, try saying ‘yes’ where you would normally say ‘no’ especially when opportunities

are presented to you. Whenever you feel like you want to give up (in doing work, in exercising, etc.), push

yourself a little further, telling yourself things like ‘Just 3 more’ or ‘Just 10 more minutes’. It will not only

increase your tolerance levels, but also keep you challenged to get better. Also, take inspiration from someone

you deem highly adventurous and find out what makes that person tick.