< r T fL r fi U << 1 I = t fY tt I fr tf t y It r r 1o iWi > Ith 4 4 THE SUN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1802 Horr IT VIKLS ro JMTB cnorFMA A New Tork factor TtlU 1tI o trl- Wndtr n Attack of the DIeaa e Dr G 1 A Romero of 148 TwentyelRhth street clalniB to tuvo curlal twenty patients safely throuah genuine ARlntlo- cliolcrn nnl also has lilmfelf experienced tho disease In Its most sovcro form Ho Is ono or the oMoNt physicians In this city IiaMnca- prnctlco of ovor thirty yeltr4 stnmllnu In this community niul throiich Ills study and ob- Borvntluns while In contact with tho disease hli I moilo of t treatment nnd emeriti Instruc- tions ¬ nro of npcclil value und ilcnlllcunce- DurlniT the jiMrl iU snld tlio Uoctor- I nttcndcd nlMcvti patients BUffwrlnn with Ailitlc cholorn Iomlocn of those woto In rated In thlB city imd two n Clnclnnitl 0 In tlio IMII ton yonrs I hnvnsueco fully t rented fciurciiBcs rlulU In New York city I claim tint thor Is no Insoluble rule for the treatment of a cholera patient So much depends uimii the physical sliito of tlio subject that u Kkilfu- llihyilclnn will vary tlio I treatment to a urontor or less ilosree accortllnc to lib judKincnU- If I f ttrlcken t vllh I t the malady HOC u physl chili nt Ii not nttempt to nlluy your MllTerlnc OICI by homo doctorln Do not nllnw yourself to horomollnlc lriklnlor on the other hand should you 1Ih lt IOIII deemed necessary In mi omeruonev of this kind 1aiulllatity bieciHcontimpt of death nmUllfeiBiivi ll in other ox lie nnil n Wt havo bucunio moro or less familiar with ro torts from thu licit shipi down the bal there Is Iorhalsl muchilaliuer of tlio spread of the llseare should It gain n foothold us front the luck nf f HerloiiMiPSK with which niivny regnm I I rOllrtlckot with to symptoms to tho noaiust ot t thu hospital I whl uxk to bainkontlHro- Amoiiutho I I methods by lelnsof which I hnje- Buccesslnllr treated s I s tll lowlnu drop ol carbolic aclil two or t tliroo 010011 In rut Utt Iltgfl itt I intervn ot twenty minute until the vuinltliiB is thuetkol Then endeavor to cheek tho dliirrlmal din of ustrlncents Somotlinpsu preparation of opium or load too An application 01 hot water bottle with tore Vent rlsldltjr If the dlarr ma continues itnut 1 ocomoH excessive administer oiioslxth ol a grain of mornhlno and 11JO of a hralnofi- itrophta I In ttft eon mtnlnit of oh ll tllleil I water meanwhile I loed t tiu i patient with crocked jot continually to allay tho lover Sometimes a leetal Inieotlon of laudanum ami weak ntnuilils i muff ulToctlvolUBruduiillystopiilnL- dlHrrluiul dl oharce AUr havtni treated sixteen patientui StIO ccRsfully In I tills manner I wus mssolf taken down with tho malady Jly nvrnptonin com- menced ¬ with rico wator discharge contlnu tnt for houft I Then fullowcil unero crumps accompanied I by I profn o vomltlnc I ho cramps In mylvws and 1 contractions of thou muscles of tIle toothy wore ttomcthlnit ter- rible ¬ similar I Imacine to the ollect produced on a man biilnB shocked hy electricity Throimh nil this I nnvor lost coiiFclousiuSB lout a loollni of complete tndllleronce OMircame me J did not care whether I lived or tiled This foollnc of utter Monthly alwajsnecompnnles nn attack of t a- ulnoihiilera The first symptoms of the oils ¬ ease dmulopeil at I iiolooK ami the illairlmii continued for six hours diirlnB which time tliedlschareo amounted to ahuckellul Jio vomiting lasted for only one hour There was given to mo a halt t teaspoonful of laudanum every forty minutes aNo a roj1 toil Injection of hiiidanum nnd weak starch which finally arrested the discharge cracked I toe waailon me constantly IKi es of laud aniiin worn administered freely tooth by mouth nntllnieclol In all I rncnlved half an ounce My prostration was com- plete ¬ Tho crisis however was 1aRsed8nl thA second lily 1 became rOIalosclt- I was curious to peo If my had np preulably altered my personal appearance A mirror was handed me A most htnrtlinsr Bight mot my ear I did not know myself I thought there must ho homo mistake The skin was drawn back over tho bones of my face In a frightful manner My hands worn more claws I locked mor like u mummy than a human My eyes ere- eunkl1 deep In tholr sockets BUBKest chnxtly skulotonllko appearance- My whole skin was of n bluish tinge CHiis d- byconcestlon And nil tilts chnngu wrought In two days strURBlo with cholera microbes It seemed Incredible Notwithstanding the shock experienced at the sight of my altered appearance I continued to Improve tub finally regained my former physinueand lood health The laudanum treatment to was kubjected Is tho old method of combat- ing ¬ the disease Although successful in mine In many cases It might provo nn utter failure for as I snltl before upon the const tution and natin id resistance ot the everything depends Since w of cholera In 18312 each visitation has grown less sovero This Is ample proof that wo are steadily progress- ing ¬ toward the lay when this disease will no longer sweep away thousands despite all medical nld The sanitary conditions become more satisfactory every year and the medical treatment correspondingly effective Under our present conditions It would bo well nIght Impossible for choltra to become a scourge J 1 ALL QUIT DOWN TIE BAY xo CASK or invtKKA Titrnn iv- TIIIIKI i i it A rs- llr tTrnkltin HrplleH in thr Quotnn of hf- tChiiinhrr of Cnmmcrrf fT o- I I linn will from Hnlnbllrnp Ixliind There have ben no now cases of cholorn or even suspected cases on board floe chips de- tained ¬ 1 Lower juarantlno or on the Quaran- tine ¬ Islands ulnco Tuesday Dr hymn selt Word from Hwlnburno Island at 12 oclock last night that his patients would all bo well soon The steamship Polnrla from Slotlln with hor 118 ImmIgrants did not arrive yesterday anti she Is now two days overdue Tho Hiiavtu Was relcnscllnll proceeded to her dock In ormnnll nuuln nut Mora via began to lighter their cargoct Tho lid u Bolnnd has completed hoer loading The P ldlwls released whllo tho Herrmann tout Adrlnto nro still held Yesterdays ar ¬ rlIIA were tho Apollo a fiolchter from Ant- werp ¬ I tho Critic from Dundee and I thn Cl lor lir manic with I 218 cabin pa oencr rs trout Liver- pool ¬ and tho tramp llnnnoch from London Dr Jenkins sent this letter yesterday to f Chairman Alexander K Orr of f the Chamber of Commerco Hleellllolllee- I hav nf Srptt 13 ont 2o all A teleKrion troll tin ilvipory riiiiiniitiriiMli- Jhainbr or Coirnifrri iinir Dial I h nlilililfly- annwrrtnir Jon iiie tlnn tunlainMl In I truer tit tlm- Illli initant until cuter tlin inrullne uf th Viluinry- 4nmtnUter nt which nieMlni I an t rR11 In I toil f t site nfllie rnnmlllrr I ham l too rricKnl I 010 re nfl 01 lti Jlellciil itilnnryntiunlttto rormiilntrit t after ill rrnleri ncc I Oil my in irrnend I till I- I 2 aiprnvn of tha nnilllniriti rractiril anil hoot the nr In Lonfonntt witti tlm tta Uittiiim irlnili Iii IIPMI ere out at Its NVw r erl gutritnilno stmimi in HI i far ai tie tncllltleii prnMdei b > Ito uoue irujM I itr tall In reply tn the infKtloTiK conlidiitd hi your letter of p the inth I woutl my I MerchanilU arrlvlnc Irnni ntmlnffrtftt niirl ilo f ali reiulre ill lnr ietloi nnlei ii I It Iii loeOi llmt hlp1- f t frnin an tnfvctu I port ami trani tiliintt I tll a non In i port er I cannot Con pllr a bill nt tell rtiiutiiK Iron pert I Known I to I h loot rte t l an of any THII I al 1 tie method of 1011 I ed ton intii deiirnd urnn Ihe- Batureof the cnrito 4 Tr > I I In thi Inlinton of th Ieortofl Pot nllo- t I t any lldr disinfection ill ii II With rrfrrenA to the appointment of exntrta ai- lcoramrnileil I Ii tie rhanilttr nf Cnmtnorre Advuory- ommltier I Mliftl IT Mernt t nr ol I 00 I J ii A In ennnullatlnn IK fora I I ht nni ointin nt nT I ttit AilTinry tooll routine aim lrof ittoh M II ot lolini llnpklni i Lnlvercltv and Jrof fcrKllnun of Ntw Vork aim con aulied with Hr Klcrotin i C Ihe MIIIIMF I iliiiiiiialir olr vice prior I I tn Ito tiieeltntr of that tomuilttce i ud l 1W Steinberg iso teen uppolnted rnnnulllnr toe i terloloitlut bi authority ot Oie scrr lnry of VVtir and i i- JI Klnyoun ai riipvrintenilfnt or lnteitiiii of ihlpH In tin on er ltty I ti Htilhorlt ut Lhi MirtTf General ollb UnrlBu llofliatftl tcnlie Ktniy > uunV- V i 1 JJNVIN llrnllhonitrr William Hunt tho englneor of thn temler Crystal Water which is lying at Swinburne Island and John Lrowloy u watchman nt thin disappeared early cstonluy motnlng I island nmnll lout and rowed up to thu city i After n tour of tbn taboos along the river- front they turuod up In U iiarnntlm Commis- sioner ¬ Mcholas Mullers oHIco and Lstee t that they load been bundling the hod holer victims Commissioner Muller sent policeman In a hurry but the I tact got out of the ontO before they could bo captured engineers I homo Is nt West Nosy llrlghtun and he soon Ppcured there und son 1 dispatch to Dr- Jlyron that ho was till right The mohsaen was caUBhtby Dr Tonklnss operator nltllh < Health Ofllcor notilled the Staten to arrest Hunt Hunt was captured nt West Kew nll blOt to htupleton where 1ollce Captain Blake kept turn until it tug ai- rlved to take him back to Swinburne Island lie will have to stay there in quarantine until IMr Jenkins decides to release him Crowley tile watchman was caught ut his homo In AVnshlngton street and was sent buck toKwIn I burno Island In a tug Albert Lent a cahin boy In tho Hermann escaped from thin ship and svmm ashore to the Clifton hOlt house early yesterday morning t With a preserver around him He was t I taken before Justice WaMi who ordered him to bo hell to await Instructions from Dr Jenkins The boy sail he had been mAl tnt 1 on bard thin Hermann und he I get wae sent buck to the ship In tho r afternoon cc f AO trmr CASIS I CIIOTKHA- Xlldence of < lie Aalatlc Illntaat Not Fonnel In Thrre MiMprcted Cae i Louis Volnhagcn the board3rtn Mrs Gun thera Extra place tenement who was sup- posed to be recovering from the choUrn died yesterday morning In tha Deception Hospital Wointmcons makes the seventh death from 1 the disease In this city Mrs Gunthcis house has beet quarantined Several suspected cases have been reported- to tho health omclalslut none tins turned out to be lorlous Wilson said yes- terday ¬ I that the only suspected cuso reported within twentyfour hours that he was alarmed about was that of Henry Frlck of 4110 West i Thirteenth street Prick was removed to tho Iteco Hospital late on Thursday night I uttering from diarrhau and crnmis The bacteriologists uro now making an examina- tion ¬ Frlck anti a man name Philip Itupp sri partners In 1 fancy goods store They also conduct nn Immigrant agency anti have steep Ing apartments In the ro ir of their storo The house has been quarantined and a friend of Prick who was visiting l him when ho was stricken is detained there- At tho Bureau of Contagious Diseases only i j two cases needing immediate investigation j were reported One wits Lifb MKnowitz IW I oar old of J43 Division stient Hn was om I titer us a watchman by n Inl named I Connell u cloak miiuufactuior load n until room In thou rear of tho that thor Hn was found with thn nyiuptonui of cholera early C yesterday morning in tho afternoon was I removed in 81 ambulance to tho Ituceptlon IIoepltnL building wits not quarantined Tlio other case woos that of Martinet Couch years old of b Avenue C She has ID5 uvoral In Dr Martin ihttrke of I 147 Lexington nvcntio ruportmlho cnso tu the Health Hoard but the Doctor of thin de- partment ¬ I after an examination decided the I dill not have cholera At 4 oclock yesterday afternoon the Health I Department Issued 1 n bulletin stating that no cotta of choleia had appeaieil since tho last bulletin Appended was tho report of Doctors Dlggs and Dunhnni that bacteriological ex- aminations ¬ In tho cases of Mm y Murphy of 113 i Cherry street und II Viiichulk oflineeond- street WI turn still sick tint of Hpn Wall Who on Wednesilny hail fllol to reveal the Hplrlul of iholora Aslut aiek Kovviinky tho sixyear old Polish boy whoso mol und eleven fluent iieohtl sister died cholera on thu- tcamshlp MoruVlu called at Kill Island yos terdny to greet his little family He hud rend f pothlng ot this ext ltnco of iholara tl Ih- oflrla and hi a uIllo1 his wife both Itl clout voru alive Ho hroklowl when told t tholr death hy I regi st i Col Weber learned yesterday that Franz Kuhourzt the lather of Frunk and Kllrubnth- liogaschnlTsky I whoso unmurried toothier diud on tho Moravia I Is u toldler in tho tilted tato4 url Ho enllxtod rhcl ho heard that Miss oheT k was l Mif Uunthor proprietress of the Extra place lodging hOI o whore Welnhagen was taken sick has u claim with Comptroller t Myern against tho city for damage occasioned to hoer liuslnesa und her fuinltiire by the Itt quaiantlnlng InlI lnrctol of the promises by amount1 tlio Hoard I cll 1 does not name all I triulo In flour to South American I countries Juts been practically stopped by the declared against New a ork by QUltltl1 mIMnlormed I lovornments hIts IIIH In New York lorf cy City Jlroklvn and Mitten iBlaiul whirl turn out hour ipeclaily prepared tl withstand tutu tropical heat nr- consoliiuloliin otto concerto The output of been between JOOOO und 40 000 barrels u week mun Savannah llrfct declared a quarantine agaInst New iork tutu troth In cuhbngcB was- p remptorlly Btnppod Vesterduy the Ocean BteamHlilp Lompnnv of f Kuvuniiuh Issued a notice to the ofleet that tho cubbage business would bo resumed f 111 UIINl C11fJZIP Th Wjomlnn ° Cabin Pnnarngcrrii Comti Tp- lo Tonc Tnlrlrrntk Ke lrarnt Itrlleved i The 1LO cabin passengers of f tho steamship V Wyoming loft Fire Island on the steamboat Cephous early yesterday morning and arrived at the steamship dock foot ot Morton street at noon I TheCophous touched at Quarantine nt 10i oclock Whon her passengers caught sight of Dr Jenkins on the wharf they rnlsxd n I chorus of Thoy did not relish tile lisa of being Iroan8 quarantine so long but Dr Jenkins says that ho released them as soon as be could safely do BO Two detachments each of 100 men from tho Fourteenth and Fortyseventh regiments left Brooklyn yesterday for FIre Island to relieve the Thirteenth lleglment men LleurCol Clobridgeof the Fourteenth had command of both detachments Thin Thirteenth lleglment boys got back to hirookhyn late yesterday after- noon ¬ ItwasBXpoctoil tlmt Rherlff Darling of Suf- folk ¬ county would obey the warrants issued by the Isllp Hoard of Health and orde all persons to vacate lIre Island but not appear Dr W M Beward I it now In charge of the lire lilatid quarant i UICIAN2S BACCACn JtVtKKD- Menlde4 la the Trunk Hint from lotaeJl- otnd to iimp Iov CAMP LOW Sitt HOOK Sept 23No new cases of cholera barn developed herr and un- less ¬ somolhlnlllforcAtcn should occur before I II tomorrow mornng the Immigrants will leave for Illls Island I Commandant Hew teller received word today front Col Wiber that everything had boon prepared nt Kills Island for tho reception of thin Normitnnlus passengers snot they wore notified to bo ready early tomorrow Tho baggage of tho Immigrants was piled twenty foot high on tho plot hero today It consisted of I Ig packing boxes anti huge bundles nt clothing numbering In nil 1100 Pieces Although tho hagcngo received I thorough disinfection on Hoffman I Island It Is presumed that rermslr still lurking In the clothing nnd heavy antI Dr llntich ordered tha boxes and bundles opened ant t the contents overhauled Moon women unit children Mvnrniod over tho baggage und IntuIt the Interior of mot 1 of the boxes covered with mould which gave forth a sicken- Ing odor Most nf f Iho baggage I Is ruined bn yond repair every article having slot unk to half Us moper slso- Tho wall troin t Ito Itucla died I In tho bins pltal today Louis llenwlnklo the wife liiitor t bus been rolia ed from the guard tint lie was penitent and bogged forgive- ness ¬ Ills wife gave tier consnnt to his release ntherwlsn Cnmiuanilunt Srvtollo woo ld have it tilt him In Irons for twentyfour hours lopgnr- I lie two steam launches havo begun thn pa- trol ot thn water fiont Two sailboats drilled In too close to thu shorn rt noon nnd were overhauled and towed to this Nantuoket Com- mander ¬ brooks satlslled IdniHelf that It was no fault of tho skippers nnd thoy wore re- leased ¬ rrtavE AIIROAI 7n Berlin Iermeailed with the Odor or DlaB ferllnn- IxNnoN Sept jA despatch to the Morn jolt laf t from Derlln says that l precautions taken by the nulhorllc81ro so universally ob- trusive ¬ to siiht nut smell tlmt they nro to throw a now arrival Into a state enlculutel Ilarm medical examination of trains Is repeated four times between Cologne and lior- Hn The Inspection Is of a superficial charac- ter ¬ but doubtless Is adequate It Is noticeable how perfunctory boo custom officials become Titer handle baggage as If they do not desire to dlturb the repose of the bacilli The wholo city especially the public offices Is redolont of lie odor of a dissecting room Failure to comply with tho sanitary rOJulntouslR pun- ished ¬ by a line It tho otondor a poor per- son ¬ and by Imprisonment I Is rich The cholera wi proo a boon to Hamburg- and other cities If It loads to bettor housing of tho poor Although thor cannot be compared with Hamburg tlio older parts of Ilerlln tire deplorably overcrowded One case- In point Is a slnglo building which Is occu- pied ¬ by two hundred nnd fifty tenants mostly ramltlcs lOut ironic contains n letter from M- Xerlondl a British merchant In Persia de- scribing ¬ the horrors of the cholera epidemic- in that country M orlondl says The conduct of Mls Bradford the Ameri- can ¬ laity who came to Tourls for tho Ameri- can ¬ missions stands forth in such striking ro- ller ¬ as to be worthy of note In the face of tho general panic when everybody was deserting thou cholerastricken town she worked Itl calm unremitting attention under grout cultles nursing cliolera patlentB and encour others under the awful circumstances 8lnl hattlo will epidemic I do not think It an exaggeration to say that hundreds of Iersthiis owe their lives to the courngo and devotion of this heroic woman A despatch to thou Xnc from Berlin says that a reporter who Interviewed twentythree- burgomen today found that eighteen of them were quit ignorant of tho fact that tho Spree I Ib Infected and that warnings had boon Issued- It lit I fearod that the oppressive weather is hav- ing ¬ a bad effect Slany experienced people in Hamburg be- lieve ¬ that tlio water I Is not the only or oven the principal cause of thou epidemic In many parts of tho city whore the sumo water Is con- sumed ¬ rot single case of cholera hits oc- curred ¬ 1 allln several streets only ono house hns It I Is also noticed that tilt disease hns appeared oftener In new houses tItan in old The dlfeuse Is now raging worst In Ham merbrook a newly I built suburb of Hamburg roots suburb is bui on muddy round which was recovered dredging Tho buldlDR regulations of Hamburg are vory UHf working classes are very neglectful of pre- cautions ¬ 1AiiiH Sept 21Thorn wero fiftynine cases ot cholera and twenty deaths la this city on Wednesday M Jean Ilaptlsto DumnY1 member of the Chamber of VIputeo has been at- tacked ¬ as wife ant family hy a sickness wel it is feared is Asiatic cholera VIENNA Sept 23Five persons ¬ I ly hero today after suffering front vomiting anti dlarilinn- HAvnr Kept 3EIJht new cases of cholera and two deaths were reported here yesterday an Increase of four cases and a decrease of ono death compared with Wednesday AXTW KIU Sept 23Two fresh eases of cho- ler ¬ appeared bore yesterday Tho total up to is IHit close and 03 deaths I lUMDUiui Sept 23The weather remains coot und damp There Is no dust and the air Is kept clear hy strong winds Should such favorable conditions continue for two weeks morn physicians suy the end of the period would find tho plague virtually extinct ton the fall and winter Tho nuinborof fresh cases today has been Stll orM4 fewer than yesterday the number of deaths 144 or 1ft fewer than yesterday riot interments hrvo numbered 241 or 50 tower than yesterday Tho hospitals contain yMt patients or 184 fewer than yesterday The majority of the patients In the hospitals urn convalescent Hv next Monday when thou sudden diminution of Ire h cases will begin to bo the number of patients probably wlllhavMBUnktolJOUor 1ottl as hundreds will bo discharged as curod within tho next two days The Hoard of Health have been nuthorlTed to destroy many hlIS0811 tlm suburbs which havo sultcred tho plucue Tho- hoiiMs named for destruction are tenements which have no sanitary conveniences and no adequate moans of ventilation All of them have been occupied by laborers families whose members have dlnd oft llkosheopdur- Inz thn plague Seven houses In Harmbeck and three In Horn lime lost twothirds of their occupants through cholera In tho last three weeks und they are so thoroughly saturated with tho disease that no disinfection the Health Uoard say could render them safe Took a Halh Willy NlllrY- ITMA Arizona Sept Awostbound tour- ist ¬ slnepinz car containing fifteen through passengers on tho Overland route was quar ¬ antined yesterday at Ogllby Cnl A New York nnd n Nicaragua passenger worn sick with bowel trouble and the health authorities ten rod they load lion rholnin The tar wits Juinlifated and the passengers weioeoinpolled to tuki 0 hath Thu train wilt bo allowed to proceed today unless tho suspected cases turn out to be the genuine Asiatic cholera rHeloh A cat t tie Clern Next Year OTTAWA Sept i3Thoo Canadian Medical Attoclatlon In session hero has adopted a series of resolutions on tho host meant of dealing with cholera ant the management of Quarantines In the event of Canada being In- vaded ¬ by tho dUeaso net year A claiisn recommending tho cremation of the undue of those ihlng at such stations as Ornate Ulo caused iiulluu discussion It being hold that DO iovernmont wull adopt It hut It wits agreed that It only recommendation that a body of men could formulate fin Cliolrrw In Nan Antonio Col C C Gibbs of San Antonio who Is stop- ping ¬ at the Fifth Avenue Hotel received yes- terday ¬ a despatch from Dr J Druunagel Health Officer at the port of Han Antonio de- nying ¬ the published retort that cholera exists there flue Health Ollher WIVH tha rumor Is 1 malicious falsification anti reiiuostt Col Cilbbs to give publicity to Its denial To Adierltser Jn fitriitnnce lit joie announced jam o tltnr tack lo TIJK Huss UuMe la- Ano alf York bulky with I if Iiiio been iltcldeJ loitop a1lf adrertiitnitnlt fur the pro rral run o lie There art still I 1m PIT ferrtil pnftlo Im disposeS of The Guide IIJ ICIII licrltt blnftruf vir ci nt Ann York and lie backs of these drtubte pln- ltpafei V carry the only diaptet v rrrtuinv in o tin oak ole of litest Iate been told tnd wIl ia5e anu of Ihe offers should ppy it t once to the Guide Jlonk Depart tnenaTuE NcwYoRK SUN Advertisers will pleas hear in mind that TUB Bust guarantet- tfrit 0 I edition o 7 O cozo lea The reniarlranlK Katllrona- Ji 1 Ibi sty line that tnalntalDi a atrtctlr nratclaii- limitedtrain between Sew York and Cleatn AOl oCbe Ilinited aspresi uratni art luiilatlfas II etUbraua reonjrlyauia Umlt 0iila7 Morn a Brotntr IOrK warehoniri 2t 2 284 28A I Wet 47lb sL near Jarge nadHeil vanafor 1 removal 01 furniture in oily or rouuirr lloilnir- packlnir and ihiiipirf iirtmiptly atuoded 10 lilt lyhoat 1153a4J Te shadows flit I lour life it yoiiTO a I feeble suffering I woman can be- taken I out of It I The curonio I won knoase functional de 1 raqecmentH and painful dlrd- eJl t your lIZ can DO f IY them I Dr Pierces pvoyitoSresertition- It corrects cures and builds you up It Improve digestion enriches the blood du- peu aches and palm melancholy and nerr- ousntos brings rmfreshlng sleep and restores health and stronrth For periodical pains internal inflammation and ulceratlon week UcU leuccrrhM and alt kindred aliments its teed a positive specific one that is garn I It foils to Rive satisfaction any c money paid for it I is returned- A little hook on Woman and Her Dis- eases ¬ n sent to any address sealed fr ob- urvation on receipt of ten cents to pt Addres World Dispensary Medical A J odotioD 63 U >ln Street Buffalo N V King of Mtet ft Is what I consider Hoods Hara parllla Jior t enrI I was confined to my bed with trMlf nrtUlutll and cifnlni cooss To my- Wm A Irltr pocal Joy when I began with lltKiitnSAnsAlAIlllIA tho sores soon decreased I kept Inking It for 1 year when I wile so I went to work anti since then hnvn trlllt ultiv on account of sickness I am always well and Imven pmd appetite WMI A 1111 Kendnllvlllc Ind IIOOIIS IIIIH SIP the brit attrMlnnir rillt alI I dlcfitlon cure headaihe sad blliuuineia T S1AHDl oii p comfortable items silt I CblBonnlera Dk end U ocoupvinn leai than ned bedttead i r- uiln I 1 l to a tluu JCIXI tott rirrtfleEarO- NE WAV TO SAVE- WlTlbOU1Al1lhTlOfAL u TOO MAVIKAVK TO- UADJRTIPJMJNT AMKRtrAN DIHTRICT MKHMKNOBM- Offlcr if in nur Hut of Adrertltlnir Airenolet r do not Cad one conv- enientFlandrauScCo i j a DOWN TOWN 312 314 316 BROOME STREET DP TOWN BROADWAY BIST I ST 7TH AV ELEGANT CARRIAGES < IP FilE ntxr GRADE I FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY ANI or iviu VAUIITT oi DKSIU- Mcoioit AND VIHIIIT TOJ OroNW IIIIKQ BRADLEY WAGONS Handy VVagoiu I In pdnt ant natural woods Banner lliiBKtfi with four tijltt of licnllea and the eailea- lrldntaprliiirever Invented Surreys Ilxtenitnn Tops I ant HiiRirlei Twn nheelera that ceo atiiolutaly Iot hone motion Koad Crts that are in ads to carry people HICVnlKV > I CO lt tVARRRN FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR AIIVKRTIMKRN OFFICES IIAVI iiiN OPENED AT 50 EAST 125TH STM- AH MAIII ON AV ANT 1265 BROADWAY I NKAB aJI I ST C JI1II- NKPOLAND WATER Iti rare purity nalei I a aeUclov sat lairtlljaj- UUi walet ° J i Li I A BOGUS EXPLOItER relna MKtelluneen Irapoaed TTpoa with it Hole Hlairy Travel One of the loading geographical magazines fftmnaimii Mitthelhmacn has been made tho victim of literary dishonesty In the April and May numbers of the magazine a Mr A J Ceyp describes a journey which he asserted he had matte recently to tho frontier of loloe clilstnn Ho described tho country told ot tho doDpliite nnd sandy regions he crossed on lola way of the robbcts who lurked- In the ravines ready to plunder caravans of the settlomentH found here nll there In widely separated oases anti of tho run town ot Yozb the original homo of the 1iirals Ibis story was very interestIng and ax his routo lay throiich n region thut was almost unknown ant as it abounded wll ccocraplilcal detail of apparent accuracy magazine niado the narrative very prominent tile tory occupied 5eerlllal In each ot the numbers number of this Mitlhfihinifn tho editor prlntH conBpicuoudly the fact that Ceyp narrative proves to be notlilnu more titan an accurate transcript of tlio travel ketches of Gnfitolcer Khan which were pub lished nt Innsbruck In IHMi Aathirteen hail elnpsed tlnco their publlcntion Ceyp thought ho was Nifo In uppropriatlni them as tOte recotd nf n journey muilo hy himself Tho fraud is somewhat Hlmllur tn I tlmt Im- posed ¬ InCapt Olarler upon I scluntlllo jour- nal ¬ of this country when he sent nn article contnlnlnl hirtc extracts front Kelioolcrafts his journey to tilt source of tho I Mississippi ns I record of his own visit to Lake Itascn It In very heldnm that Prtrriiinniia- Jlitthfiliinani makes un Important blunder In Eeoeraphlcal matteiH loot It hIlls been Imposed upon by tin most cltrlnc piece of 1luaArlsr that has come to llsht for a long lmo A JII4IUAnTI LAKE I Grow lor Tear Then flue Up cad I hen feturM In Afrrali Near Koborbrunn In SIleMn Is n remarkable lake which sclentllla men do not yet under ¬ stand Tlioro Is u hollow near the town con tamIng about 2000 ncics nnd at it Intervals of nearly thirty years Is converted Into a lake For a short time the bottom of thou hollow Is almost perfectly dry Then water begins to ooze throuuh this hIlls that wnli In bmsU through thou hotol ot tho and grail uiilly forms n At present the holow Is abnut hiilf full of water and tOot tlio lake IH still rlsint In a short time however I It IH expected to recoiln aciln and tl t thu eoiir e f next twelve years or ho hol- low will probably bo waterless fur I thins No phenomenon exactly I Ilko I I this i JN known In any otlior poort If tile vvoilil Thern ID somo- tliliiKllknlt I I liowever in I IliuiKary I I whore Ito Lake of NeuHleill has several times dried up Hiirinc tho laat two years It has lost half of IU wilier unit Is now riot much more tliau three foot dorp The Hungarian jovernment has ilecliled to tnko ailvantiitru of this opportunity- to drum off tile water Into tutu Itaitb Itlver rho round Is not swi1010joy an I It can bo used at once for agricultural purposes No AID Tier tVlicn rlTid- Ho5iKRTEP this Detective Ar Bnpt 23 Detectives who have been trying to locate tho arms taken from the IMnkortonB on tho day of the riotonjulyd traced the weapons to a coal mine near Thin hull Station atovo lure The detectives made 11 raid on tile mlno toilny hut the expected- arms wero not to be found They have since llncllhat the arum were removed n day or They claim to know the persons Im- plicated ¬ In their removal and a sensation I U promised Craton Juke In C td Cpn4ltlon Commissioner Ollroy received a report yes- terday from Charles H Lent keeper of tho flrxt division of this Croton Aqueduct which- Includes Croton Loire Keeper Lent reports that there Is nothing In the vicinity ot the luke which will tend to contamlnatethe water Hu hits detailed seven mon to patrol the lako night and day to prevent con n lnaton SIX CENTS FOR MR CONK pnIICP r KLXNICDr flJIIP1fl ata Jtrlr 2 OU SETKItKLT Bat his ilnrr HUT the flop WM WilfUllY Inmiberdlntite and Deserved rislbest- A tomptrto Illnlnrr of the OrlBl- Projcren mad NrivMrkii romeo Come Tue case of Conk vs Kennedy In which every father every lawyer every school teach otnne every Tudeo In Newark woos Interested en tried but not settled 1rlnclpnl Ken- nedy ¬ hogged Conks boy Conk sued for 3000 damages got six I cents has appealed It was an InternMIng nnl full of technical points 1 established a precedent nnd It has a morrtl One day In February t teacher In the Miller street public school of Newark had tin tooth Icll I tho ncho hud only waited a day or so all this thlt follows might not have happened- Hut Ito lulho camuon a bright crl P day when the snowlfty thick upon tho ground and when thu ponds were frozen nnd tho skates were shaipnml lion sky was blue anti when Jimmy Conks heart wont pltapal with yearning Had the tciiuhcr nt had the toothache tlmmv would havu kept his yearning within bound Hut tho teacher went to tho dentist tutu 1 substltuto took hor place and IXR tho suhstltute was young nnlllnoxll rOlrCIITm- mys ¬ yenrnliiB otrnowell First his pencil h1 put tlnl splinters down the hack of tim boy who sat In front of him Boyish honor forbade the victim to open his 811 complaint Then he chewed n piece ot paper rounded and moulded It to his perfect satisfaction and smiled A piece of stiff paper was next rliol Into I tubular shape and loaded paper bullet Across the room sat the girls wishing that school were over llcrtha Woodruff 13 years old and curly hllll turned around and glanced lt Jimmy Conk Jimmy hold up his tube llorthns eyes queRtonol What Is It Jimmy held one his lips Tho next Instant Ilerthas hand few to hor neck and she screamed Tho paper bullet had struck hor plump in the neck and stuck tIters licrtlms scream attracted the teachers attention and she asked What Is I Itf Dense maam said Berths can I go down to Mr f Kennedy 3Ir J Wllmer Kennedy being the principal- of tho school the substltuto hail of course to say certainly ° liertha Woodruff went unl down stairs appeared that Mr J Wll ¬ mer Kennedy was 1 trifle out ot sorts that day rioase sir Bertha said humbly Jimmy Conk throw I spltball and hit me in the neck Tell your teacher to send hint down lucre at once the prlDepnlslld Ho load soerl serious complaints against tills I bad and thought It was lilch time to lien do sOlothlnl Jimmy came down sulkily What did you do that for ° asked the prln C Along silence and then a mumbled didnt- Ileuse sir Ilertha broke In I sawIra dolt Very vroll Bertha licturn to your class- room Bertha went nnd Jimmys heart sank as tho door closed behind hor Mr Kennedy drew front his desk a yards length of horsewhip Then he drew Jimmy Conk across his knees There lei twelve blows anti Jimmy howled With each blow Jimmys yells rang through thaschoolhousei Aflurthatthe substitute hal no t roll bIn with Jimmy that afternoon Jimmyn hither Uenrico W Conk Is a dealer- in paints on New street Whcn he heard Jim t ¬ mys story and saw the redncis of Jlmnns skin In certain parts hn was indignant Its an outrage I he exclaimed Ill see hInt immediately lie saw him Tho Interview was stormy nnd thu two men came to blows Knell punched time other Who had tho best of it Is a matter of conjecture as the gentlemen will not talk about it lint In a dny or two Mr Conks suit damages oguilift Mr Kennedy for assault and battery will como up In court Immediately utter this interview Mr Conk engaged Lawyer Joseph A ilencher and bo ¬ 8ult principal for 3000 dam iAn for assaulting and letterIng Jimmy J Tho case after manv postponements came up in the E ser County Circuit i court before Judge Dopue last Monday Thejurr was composed- of those men- Meturcthnn W Jenkins Ptttr hark Itornurit tidier rinrlei Klllo- ltMuk Ullinui Wijttlui- jAmeiMlriun X lars Herman S Inmet lira- MHUir lumel Hartn- Theuilora I llillllpi Bpaeri The court room each day was flue with school teachers Illuov all deeply Interested In the ease 010 llrst witnesses was Jimmy Conk Did youthirowthospltbabi asked Lawyer Beechcr lIon silence was deep and every ear was Mruined to catch tile answer The tunis leaned foruaKl npeiimuuthed watching Jimmy with eiiMous eyes Vos was the ilollunt answer Tho boys nodded approval tho teachers ant whispered to one another thought so Mr Conk then went on the shulilud told low Jimmy had conic homo sore hu bad made thIn boy disiobe how tlio welts looked roil ant swollen anti how be hat voncd vengeance It wits remarked this tluio that Juror Meluncthon W Jenkins began to clans at the principal This woos commented upon as being unfavorable for the defence Tlioro were half a do7 n other witnesses for- th plaintiff who toatlllod to tho sIze of tho whip thin volume and compass of the bowls thu nbpearannu of Jimmys Iklnlld nilimr details and thorn thcplalntilT llien- liertha Woodruff t took the stand After 11lnl Impressed upon her mind that if Mio I her fate after dentil would bo deplorable tutu lawyer asked her hid James Conk do nnythlnl to you 1lease sir he tired 1IIIIInnl and tee sir ho hit me in tho That was thu mainstay nf the deftnce Other wlnseleott d that TImmy Conk had lied Irllclnl on sovural occasIons that Ih- ellrileilalllll very forbearing that young ful of devIltry and that the princ- ipals ¬ patllnelnd given out on buIlt sides summer up nndluouuht In lluo law I seems of tho laws of Now Jersey thnt no teacher is 4100110 Inflict cot eioi punishment upon for any Hut there Is another law homo here to the effect that when a city his a special charter Its hoard of Education his the right to make rules for the schools 1 Hoard of KdumUon of Newark took ad- vantage ¬ of tills law and declared once tlmt the pilncipal of a school could chastise a pupil when noepswry for tho maintenance of discipline anti till education of the pupil That was the rut Mr Kennedys lawyer said he cruld Mr CunkV lawyer Still ho colt itt nt I 111lemnlbrol t thnt ho did I the weie the lawyers jury landed tho jury up beyond all hope they stopped and tho Judge began here IK no doubt In mv mind hi said that to principal Ims the right to inlllct cor- poreal ¬ punishment when It becomes necps sari Ihe nucstlonfor you to ilncldo Is how tar ran ho BO In exorcising hits authority The punishment should not be unreasonably se- vere ¬ and tho uuehtloiis of health age anti other conditions should considered lileboy- waoigtiiloofoiioordsrIhovttbsnco shows that headed wilfully If you decide that he was guilty of wilful insubordination then tho d- lundantwas justified In punishing him In that cn ° e you lime only to iunslder whether the piinMimcnt was too snvero I wits 2 oclol k Wednosdny afternoon when jury retired Ition reahing tho jury room they nt one tcmk a vote nnd found that they wirc dIvided homo were for giving the I utti IT tll I I rln I wouldnt have any child of mine whipped by a bchool I teacher mihl one ol tlie e nnii Others Ihtiunht tile hey richly dB eru d Ills whlppiiiLund wanted to give t the eaf tutho- dufiiiclnnt I Jilt I third lot thought It I better t to soothe I I tlm feelings ul1IlyCnkhltI11hu l I sumn tlm i not tll lit Home of tho jurors Wont to tho prlncIII looked out upon the streets Others began readme tho papers anti u few whistled In hills IhllllpsMiild WIly an hour was spent and I thol Foreman Well Bentlomon I supposed WOo got to Bcttlo hIs case lets do HumetlilniT Homo one suggested penny ante lout ho was frowned down ahoy began slowly to talk about tho case and at U oclock they Bent down word that they wero getting hungry After slight repast hoy rOlowollho discus- sion ¬ lucli man r a dozen times but It was noticed that Ole ma- jority ¬ wore o gradually coming around to the principals sIde Toward U oclock one of the jurors l foil asleep in loIs chair anti his example became contagious At 10 oclock tIle foreman sent down word that the jury hood not come to an agreement anti the Judge ordered them to bo looked up for the night When this order reached the iurr room most of the jurors wore fast asleep Ienple retire early In tow Jersey and even a thrilling lawsuit wont them up niter 11 oclock- At midnight tho jury room resounded with snores At II oclock on Thursday morning they were all awake nnd had sent down word that they wore hungry After breakfast thou discussion woos renewed tout It seunied hopeless to try to agree At 101 oclock they went down stairs and time Judge asked If they hud agreed i- fNo sir ankwured Mr rhllllps cheerfully I think you had better an oot the ground acaln It Is I an Important ruse and I think you might agree upnn 5 verdict Very cheerfully they returned to the jury room end sat there At last ono juror bad an idea Ho submitted It to the rest end they Belred It With delight Why didnt wo think of that before they Bald It resulted In tho following note to the Judge Jmir IIol- Can we brlnr a Ttrdlct In this raann ri That the boy oo ai willollr nbonlinat and dss rvd lbs punIshment bill tliejurjriir that toe wai whlpox- lWtiee WILl I 05 IL PotLle Foremen The Judge oestl this and smiled Tell he jury boo sat to lie constable that I will accept t Ibis ii 1 1 they omit the word ° ° the before punishment I A row minutes looter the jury filed Into trio room proud In the consciousness of having done their duty have you agreed upon a verdict the Judge asod- v ory gravely tho foreman read We tliiit that theboy was wllfnllirtniiiberdlnal Snot iWrtJf Illnl1n but tb Jury says that b Wit wtittipet a excess Than ho looked proudly around the court roo tooWlhatdamagodd you assess asked tho- J iHlJO The jury luau forgotten alt about damage anti Mr rhllllps was Bomewhut embarrassed lie led his men brick Into the jury room and they went over tho case once more Finally hey decided that six cents would bo enough and this tiny reported to the Judge There was Burnt laughter In the court loom nnd much snickering among the hove but tile Juilgo rapped tot order and soon the court rooru was cleared Its a slmme sail Mr Conk and Im going to tnkii Iho case to the Hupromo Court Jimmy dldnl oven got tiltS sIx cents and went home unhappy The moral N l6nt throw spit ball 3llt HAItRlX JV DISflVISK lie Gets Through Yemen with a Whel5- Hkln ImiiBh lie IOns n hard Time ot It M> Walter U Harris Is one of the most Tontiiresomu of travellers If ho keeps up lots recent exploits among Mohammedans who object to Itilldels it will not bo surprising to hear Some day that he has mot the trnglo fate of Camllle IJouls and other explorers who ventured whoro they were not wanted The story of Harriss adventures among the Uerbors ol northwest Morocco whore only ono whlto man load preceded him Is welt known Ills latest exploit Is n journey In Yemen In tho southwestern part of Arabia whore hn truollcd In disguise early title year during tho rebellion against Ito Turks He started from Adeu In limitary without guards and accompanied tly only one servant sOil n guide Tho three men wom mounted on camels lien ho reached the Jlrltlsh frontier hu succeeded by means of his disguise In ott tnlnlng u permit to pass Into Turkish torn tory for mnny miles thou country through wntch lie wniidcnd wits tort dangerous and nearly nil I his I travilllng I I WHS done lit night Muring the day the little party hold In thou Jitn slo Harris was nineteen days in leaching buna Ito capital of tlm countrv On his arrival at Sana his disguise was pen- etrated ¬ by tIn Turkish authorities who threw nun I Into prison a lark damp unwholesome place Tlm water glvin him to drink was to- nad that only the cNtiomity of thirst could Induce him to taste it It is no wonder that under I thu unhoilthful conditions hu oil i III with Inter Whllo thou fevor sins raging hoe lurks took him out of the hole where hi hail spent five days and sent him through the mountains westward to llodeldu on tile lied Soot midSt under an escort of Turkish soldiers lhe journey occupied live dais hoe distance being a little loss than 20ti miles Harris and his companions were released then with a warning tlmt if they ever returned lo thn country much severer punishment would be visited upon them In mitu of tlio hardships Harris underwent It was a very successful journey and the re ¬ port he brings home gives us some revised Ideiis of Arabia Felix Most people rogaid Arabia as little moro than n great desert hut Harris reports that Yemen nt least is u coun ¬ try of magnificent fortuity and that hoe great plateau at nn nlovution of from 7m o touuoo feet above the sea level Is In n state of excel ¬ lent cultivation He found rivers of consider ¬ able size and water was by no means scarce Harris is not the llrst white man to islt Sana taut it is believed that ho Is tho first Ku- ropcan who hoots reached that cnpital by way of Aden In spite of the hardships and dangers ho experienced he ro died Aden toward lIon end of February In excellent health and with mnny photographs tend a large collection of notes und Hketches portioning to the little known country It Is probable that he would base bad little trouble In passing through Vo men If the country had not been In a state of insurrection Thp VnlehcntFr County nail YONKERS Sept 23The County Ball which was held in Toutonla Hull In this city tonight was a Brand success Guests were present from High Bridge Morris Heights Kings bridge Itlversido Mnmnroneck Ibis Larch mont Now llochelle Ielham Kotonah White Plains rookukll Irvlngion SIng HlngDobbs lorry and all the other towns In the county The walls and ceIling were hung with dra- pery ¬ In which yellow predominated Golden- rod peeped out In alt directions from thu dna pony stud in the pyramid of pumpkins and constalks which were emblematic of the sea ¬ son and stool in time north end of the hull lluhlnd this tile Hungarian bund putted tho promenade music rote column of the balcony were hidden by sheaves nf corn with n base of rlpo pumpkins Tho basement of tho halt was used tonight as- u supper room Among tIle patrons of the ball wore Mrs Chiiuncey M Mopuw Miss Kate tarv Mrs Arthur I llurnoy Mrs Whltohiw Hold Mr Tamos McYlcknr Mrs David flows Jr Sirs Ihlllp Schuiler Mrs William 11 llohorthon Mrs Moss Tuvlor mnnboll Mr K Potter Mrs Itobert hoc Mrs Uohincey A hme Mrs Horace I Hotchklss Mrs I Gilbert The Imnd Mrs James M Wntirhury Mrs Oliver buinnorlVnll Mrs J Harden llnrrlman and otherwcllknown society ladlesof Westchoster county Thou committees were made up ot prominent society moo of the county When island were ut the Men Bottom Geologists have collected In Bnrbadoos and other Islands In that regIon some curious In formation which they publish as ovldenco that during tho pliocene period when man it- is supposed made lute advent the whole of the Caribbean region was deeply submerged They havo found plenty of earths not only In- llarbadoei but also In Jamaica and Cuba which contain great quantities of the remains if radlidarhr At present co raillobirinn ooze is found on this floor of tbo Caribbean Sea nl bough o ion greater part of tho sea Is moro than JliOUO foot elect Those earths must of course have boon deposited in this depths of the sea and it Is Inferred that in the course of time thoy were raised thousands of fact until they became a part of time land surface Mr Jukosllrowne and Irof Harrison think that thin oceanic deposits of Bat hadoes wer form- ed ¬ nt a depth of l0K to 18OOO feet below sea ivel Irof Sollns says that It clout no longer be accepted us nn assured foot that deen sIc deposits never enter Into thin composition of land masses MorlnR front the Nri Hfiltnm- QOKnrc Sept 13Mr Alfred 1 1alraer C H of New York city Is the contractor for boring across the stormy Straits of Northumberland between 1rlnce Iwnnl Inland and New Brunswick for the proposml elghtmllo tun- nel ¬ Mr 1almer Is able In HH fset ot tooter to bring up perfect cylindrical cores whlih itliow thin geolligica I formation I tliiough I I which tho pinpoHBd tuimi1 Is to las The test liohs- nru bored live lImo rolreii yards apart pnnrtrat I t big is carboniferousHamUtonobaie and clear ly showing that tills soft roil claysliahs unit red sandstones of the lower pormlun arc con- tinuous ¬ across thin straits A steam diamond drill running at tIle rate nf 1I10II i evolutions n mlnutu Is used I hn drill In attached to an I Iron I tripod rcstlii I upon t Ihn bed of I tho sit and flrmlyecuiid I to heavy nnehori A docked scow or pontnnu with holler and pinups attached i Is mouic1 alon- sldii limo tripod and hUmn and water aru con- vey IM tot I IOU drill throuuh llexlhlu I pipox i lly this invrntlon boring operations can now for t lie first time be conducted during u storm or guI o Y WI ulti Thlx I Interesting work I IB being uxecuted under tho direction ut the DominIon Government WAL1lt > JV UT CONAT Native round on hoe IIIiMrn Plutenn of a ltllle Iitliinil A curious discovery has been made on the Island of Kltnbn ono of thin Trohrlnnd group off the nortluiist coast of New Guinea A great ninny sailors passing this little Island have Imagined t that I It had no I inhabitants be- cause ¬ thor saw no evidences of human occu- pation ¬ Hr William Mcdiegor the Admlnl- strntorofllrltlfli Now tluiuoo MIYR tIle Mnnd loams nn urea of only live or MX snuuro miles On nil I I sides It presents a low nnd slightly I sloping margin usually about a quarter of a nillo broad covered by heavy timber Within Is n precipitous coral with which can bo as- cended ¬ only nt a few plaeis Thn bank rlcs to n height of 301 to Idii toot Unco nt t ho top thou Nitor llnils within this wall n Plato Ill which occupies the whole of Ion eiitotre of tile Island I and IB from llftvloa I bundled I feet be- low ¬ the orai wall I oil rounding It Thciunhout 1 10110 natives I live and till I t tholr- gnnlons Tlio rico chocolatocolorcd soil yields them an ampin supply nf fnoil They 1 urn iiooiu Oil etti nroteetiul from t thu wind bv t thn rocky rim that encloses their plateau The Island seems tn IIIIMI boon nu atoll which was lifted nbovu thu eta several bundled let so that thu ntolj ring now forms 0 tho coral wall Burroundlnc thin plateau On thus elevated and almoot I Inaccessible plain aro thir- teen ¬ lllagoK such of which contains over twenty houses i Sir William Slcflrogor says lIme natives gave him a most pbasiiut reception He found It illflbMilt to travel through som vlllagr out account nf the yamx- cucoiinuts mats unit other articles that were laid Muwn bofnrit him for lois acciptnncc Them hire no Intertilbal hostilities nnd It is not insihlii for thu nntlxes of other Islands to oppress the puiiplo because on their plateau tint it ritlh t torllllcd i as It I Is they are I InuccosM- blo to hostile tribes The drainage of tho I plateau I is excellent I There are great cavities In tho coral I wool through which tho rainfall I filters ami makes Its way to the SOn IHIUOKHX 1lllniCAIt 25 TE Thin Peoples party lice unfurled Its banner In Court street near tho headquarters of hoe antisnot litters The Hushwick Democratln Club will have a- rousing hnuseu armIni next Wednesday night at Us niw club house In Dushwluk avenue and Hart street Following the example of Henry A Meyer Luwyor Tluodoru lttu of I lie illghth ward has renounced Itopublicanlsm anti joined the ranks of tlm triumphant Democracy Thin lion Jacob Worth is rapidly regaining his I old form ns a Itepuhlicun leudor and many pcoplu expect tlmt ho will ho placed In chief command nftcr the party recovers from tho impending disaster In November Thai iltpmobhlitun managers urn making ar rancementH for a big barbecue early next month at llldgewood Park und it will proba- bly ¬ occur on the santo day that liov Mcninley Is to speak ut the Clermont Avenue lllnk The proceedings tn oust the Republican Executive Com mitt < o from Its Lawrence street quarters will bo withdrawn tho committee having agreed to pay the back rent just as soon as Treasurer Homy returns with thou check hook In view of Tames W llldgways probable re notnlnatlon for District Attorney the many aspiring young HepuMienn lawyers who wero looking for the nomination nro one bv one re- tiring ¬ Irom the field and it would not be our prosing if thn popular Mr lllduwuy would ImVe tint race nil to lilnholf this year Slnco the remarkable Hop of Henry A Meyer Into toe Democratic fold Itovenun Col ¬ lector irnst Nathan has taken particular patina to announce tlmt hu was not responsible for making Mi Meyer thu liepuhllcun candidate for Mayor list year and bo now regards Mr Meyer defeat us n lucky escape for oils party Although thou Fifth Congress district Is nat- urally ¬ Kepubllcun by about 1000 majority tile DemocMU tire going to make u big light to capture It Ub well as the other four districts AUIOIIR tho prohublu Dcmocratfo candidates are K Htuwatt WhitihoUie John W Wolior- Theodoro F Jackson time present City Comp- troller ¬ and ex1olice Commissioner huh Wliivevei unpleasant relations may have existed between exllistmastrr Joseph t Hendrlx and the leadern of tIle htalwait Tenth ward Demuciacy hart entirely disappeared and perfect harmony now reigns In that Mom cralie t stronghold yr Heiidrix IK thu most eftectivo local campaign oiator at time disposal of t lie Cam palcn Com in nice anil Ills oMifarlty with the rank and IIlo uf the organization re- mains ¬ I unimpaired IXConcressman William Copeland Wnllnco who was no sic load I y lieiteti in Ito Third I dU- trlcl two years ncn by Mr Coombp would like to return to Washington as tilt I leprespntativo- nf tho now Filth ditrlet butt Manager Na- than ¬ of the Kepulillcan forces IH opposed to Mr Wallace and that virtually disposes ot hl- ihanco Charles K Dennett I 1rosldeut of I the KvergreenH Cemetery is supposed to bo Mr Ntt bin ris favorite candidate i Tho opposition to thu renomlnntlon of Coroners Hoonoy and Lindsay hy tile Demo- crats ¬ t has tetl ill C fo pronounced that each will pronnhly be laid aside at the close of holr- BoconO trill In n financial point of view neither will he out in the cold during tlm com- ing ¬ winter Dr Hooney being u solid property owner with an immense medical practice and Mr Lindsay having been n lucrative oillcu holder for more than twenty years Once Was 1nnuch for the Monkey 1itnn t ii Sf fnvit Glabf Emorrat I once wont up the Amazon and Orlnoeo rivers on an arilmulcnpturinc expedition for the late P T I Itanium said Dick Cowpor nn old showman I got iiuite a collection of snuks bird and monkeys I hit on a novel plan for iiio rapture of lie latter und It worked like a charm A monkey Is n greater Imitator than n Chinaman Hn will do anything he sees done nnd that is vvlmt gets so many of his kind Into lie cage I riggml up an ilectrlc batttrv and attached it to an apparatus that would allow n score III tOut simians to got hold of It 1 thon took a partial natives and went Into the forest ttheie I there wore troops of monkeys We put tho apparatus down attached tIme wire and removed tho battery to n considerable dis- tance ¬ Ihe natives then took hold of theo ap- paratus ¬ I danced and yelled then retired i Tho innnknyH itt It Ic ii dash for It I Half f n dozen caiitlit hold and I turned on the current They began Ini shriek nnU Miulrm butt the ftliors thought their performance a putt of time programme and fairly fell over each other to- gil nold of the mnrhlne I could have stuck tlm whole troop It thoy could hove got hold w to itoiho Oti note u descent on them with I sacks und xnnn hud u score ouf f them corralltd ISutlt would only work once Wo tried It a month afterward nt n point fifty muss distant hut not a monkey cnme oft lots perch i In I tho trees Thoy vlevyed the proeoedliiBs with curiosity but without tony desire to imitate our war danco around floe machine Fear nntl Cholera FI HI tlf HjiLtrytnn trtntiy cor- A l striking exiimploof the oflects of fear In times r Ilioleia is tip frdlowlng autlientlo fact which it recorded In the newspapers of that time III 18iU or IBiL I now forgot which wo had the cholera In bIoio I Monnal Thu professors at the I great gunoral hospital In u hoe A I coir otrojotsat both their lItmus full A man by I lie iiiimo of hrtmuiz Holrlocj woos tlotoo vvnltliiL Scot tenco of death for murder und the director of I lie hospital presented a petition I to I impornr Irany Josef to giiitit u full pardon to tills man providing the Kiiliirit in nturn would consent to sleep In a let from which a corpse nf a cholera iei I tim had j juht been I lemovod l be Eon uerot Kranted t I u fullI pardon under the aforesaid condition and t the condemned man was only ton ulnd lo comply hit usfs taken Into the hospital and ordered tulle down nt one in t lie same bed from which I In his i pres- ence ¬ boo coroso trios removed The man un ¬ dressed anti wont to bid In loss than half an hour lie began vomiting and In six hours he dliii front cholera The man died of cholera whMi he took from fright The corpse removed roan the bod was not that of u holeru victim lout of u man who met lute dnuth from a gunshot wound Tlm experiment did not lake place In the cholera wing but In till ward for skin dlscasoo i JIA TA novrxnw vim A Nfl revirr The Worlds Fair Kritattn CommIttee Askeb i Krrp nn Eye Tlil Wmy The National Association nf Amateur Oars thin Vflll hold nn Important mooting at the nllsoy House on Oct 8 when tIme question ol where the next national regatta shall be hell will be discussed Severn places have ulroudr been mentioned us possible sites extending all the way from this city to Chicago In fact bulb Chicago and Detroit have putln strong bids for lie event anti It Is stated that prov- isos ¬ havo been rondo In boUt cases to defiar all expenses if the association will look with favor upon cither of theto two cities If the regatta Is held In Chlcugolt will beoa Calumet Luke a very shallow sheet ot water and hardlv lit for such an event In Its present state There Is a possibility that the Worlds Fair Committee may bocomo actively Inter- ested In the mutter and a SUN reporter Was Informed yesterday thnt thou committee would make an otTer to dredge the hake and deepen It to tho satisfaction ot tho association If the rczntti should be hell there The clnlms ot Hiuntngn lor the honor of a second national legutta have vanished A few months uro oaismcn were very favorably In- clined ¬ towaid fMrutoga but It Is doubtful now I if a half f doiMii nt I them could bn Induced to visit the plueo again for racing purposes Many of tlm noon trio took part In the regatt there lost Julv claim that It was otto of the poorest in the hUtory of the Association Among the urnwhuckB complained nf wars poor management tind the distance of the lk from tho town Thei legiitla next year If handled properly will likely last u wuck and as the slightest er- ror ¬ of judgment will surely cause moro or less dlsustorit johurilly likely tlmt time committee will iottlo tile important question without duo Cole unit deliberation In tint It 1 ls possible that final decision may bo postponed loom the October meeting until the meetlnir In January not Thu Ho ml consists of toe following members Charles Cntlln Chicago F Ti blandish Detroit John I F Huntlneton and H it iJ I I I yell ni hon lb iliod iii phi it 0 P oviiiuill- iafhlncton A It hwi ut 1iiwtucket Walter Stlmsnn Cnmbrldca P H Iolton Brooklyn Jheodnri Von Iladiar and George D Phillips Nuvr York Fird I ii Tortmeyer Newark 1 bo iipinlon I Is prevalent in this city and the Immediate vicinity that the bebt place for the national ruuatlu is around New York city and the opinion Is backed up with thn showing that at least 75 percent of the revving mala- rial In the United States Is clustered In the vicinity ot > ovv York One of the most sin cesblul regattas ever held In this country un ¬ thor thou auspices nt National Association took pliuo in 1RSJ at Newark This regatta moot witnessed by over 30UOO pennum npl over ilpHI was eleared from the grand stand alone It Is not nt all Improbable thar the Iasaic lllver Kowinc Association will nuUe bid for tile worlds lecatta A Vrrr Short FIght NKWAHK Sept 2MDan Eagon the Montana kid and Mike English the Scotch giant loiiBht near Newark lust night for 500 a side Kagan was seconded by Iaddy McGulggun and English by Tommy Dutton George Burrell of Ito Pastime A C was referee It was one of the quickest fights on record English wilt weighs nearly twenty pounds more tliiin tannn was knocked out by a luckr righthand swing in lortyoignt seconds and was not on his feet again for morn than two minutes The blow caught him on the jugular vein Tho fight took place Indoors and was wit- nessed ¬ by about dltl persons After Knelish recovered Lagan nfTered to give him another go on tlio spot tout the giant refused The a Eagnn offered to light any 145pound man In the country Th RIcheSt Bllllardlit In the World A group nf billiard Invert Wets gathered ftboat Qtorfe- Sn nn nt the CoiumbU racIal yesterday w lchlnf the expert toy nub Ivory eicres when the subject of the prollt nf tIe iirufcitUui lmUte up lot A theict ot pltiualc- iinvrri nll liiit- Vlo l > tin irraltblFit bitltarilUt I on of to > froafi- Viil utiililrlll- jvti4rt inml hfyon doubt the Btadent S14- Iniuutl II l Ii ttC nchut hlllUrit player In tbe S hue so irtl hi also lil WHI a man of living habit nnd I hiitliriri I Ij eanblnl tim to lay aside a fortan o suIi sob II If ant It util ha intrrmtlnir to Americans in ln mIst inirnlrr IhoiiKli ten yrarmldrr und more ilian 5 lnn ti I loot plA > ni bllllaru s here plays eyes tit tti r liillltritu tuan tin did Mbn Its woo A touro- nicnt etlr la > tH Irk He praclUea fmiatanlly ao4 vtiin I cow him in Tarts plijrd the J4 luch bafkUae KIIIIIC siuli ottnitlotg iLthi sat teadliiu It oil of Bowline Clnba- Tbe lollowlnt Ii a list of bowling clobi with their offlrlitli and Its dayi and places ol bowllnr Comm nlcatlona of this character tu Vet butt should contain the slave full Intoruattitu sIgned by an ofllcialof llM- cluli onKtcrsPresIdent Jam F Coluover D pety- omonisloner Of Jurori secretary Lout 5cbleseInJr- Tressurer 0005 h Mactest 5roceanlIuArms Jere 111010 iieolnenhiy hod Si Ito ti Iowa Auambty minnie hutid iteiue mad lotIynftb stccou Wlns4aya- lglius Media Coalelln Im Town Martin Colello Ihe mlddlewelf boxer arrived Itj- thUclty jreiterJay from San Iranclico Ho west Ita- mrdlately to Ihe Coleman House to cell on tall I4 friend Jim Corbett The champion wu raryda- Hlhted toeee Ioite lo The letter when seen t 7 s la prIer of la it bii soot Inni nrrriin builneii and will SiltS any maa U tha iniMI eight this l lIlt rurilinmona or lay holr I ran let backing fur JloinKi lluw was 0 It I could nut heat llmr m > S liM I met hint I Welt I- riiuuint meet him that nKbl toO wilt tight him aalall 1 can traiue a match sot IlKnetmll NotM The Nanain would live InMranira a trlts ofiamat with ill viKitailoo lvriinii II II U each team to stake slot ttdiots Tony Lester manager JVO Buib Itrtot hlroito Ii The lloiton railroad men and New York rMlroal toes win pia > ut rruaperi iMrk tlii afitrawa Uame will ta called I J ocloc- kHiun t to x Kept St Atameetlntof lb Williams Cnlleitr hn > eha l boil lull iioriiln Oapt B Howard 94 hitiilrii in lilt iKnatlon At anutber meetlni 4- lijrnch MM wa elected to the vacant poilllon Lynch pla > rd Ill excellent thud hue for illume Last year- aoih prevtuuily won a yinul rep lallou on tha llatr- Iroi nine tpt I Mt liaineld of lOis football t cain held tic lint pnrtice raw autho campus thu alice noun about thirty men taking han They wars loaiutd by Vile old full Dark JUcharda B6

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...< r T fL r fi U Ith 4 4 THE SUN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1802 Horr IT VIKLS ro JMTB cnorFMA A New Tork

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov...< r T fL r fi U  Ith 4 4 THE SUN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1802 Horr IT VIKLS ro JMTB cnorFMA A New Tork


r T fL r fi U << 1 I = t fYttI fr tf t y It r r 1o iWi >




A New Tork factor TtlU 1tI o trl-

Wndtr n Attack of the DIeaa e

Dr G1 A Romero of 148 TwentyelRhthstreet clalniB to tuvo curlal

twenty patientssafely throuah genuine ARlntlo-

cliolcrn nnl also has lilmfelf experienced thodisease In Its most sovcro form Ho Is ono or

the oMoNt physicians In this city IiaMnca-

prnctlco of ovor thirty yeltr4 stnmllnu In thiscommunity niul throiich Ills study and ob-

Borvntluns while In contact with tho diseasehliI moilo of ttreatment nnd emeriti Instruc-



nro of npcclil value und ilcnlllcunce-

DurlniT the jiMrl iU snld tlio Uoctor-

II nttcndcd nlMcvti patients BUffwrlnn withAilitlc cholorn Iomlocn of those woto In

rated In thlB city imd two n Clnclnnitl 0 Intlio IMII ton yonrs I hnvnsueco fully trented

fciurciiBcs rlulU In New York city I claim tintthor Is no Insoluble rule for the treatment of

a cholera patient So much depends uimii thephysical sliito of tlio subject that u Kkilfu-

llihyilclnn will vary tlio Itreatment to a urontoror less ilosree accortllnc to lib judKincnU-

IfI f ttrlckent vllhI tthe malady HOC u physl

chili nt Ii not nttempt to nlluy your


by homo doctorln Do not nllnw

yourself to horomollnlc lriklnlor on theother hand should you 1Ih lt IOIII

deemed necessary In mi omeruonev of thiskind 1aiulllatity bieciHcontimpt of death

nmUllfeiBiivi ll in other ox lie nnil n Wt

havo bucunio moro or less familiar with ro

torts from thu licit shipi down the bal thereIs Iorhalsl muchilaliuer of tlio spread of thellseare should It gain n foothold us front theluck nff HerloiiMiPSK with which niivny regnm

I IrOllrtlckot withtosymptoms

to tho noaiustot tthu

hospitalI whluxk to bainkontlHro-Amoiiutho


methods by lelnsof which I hnje-Buccesslnllr treated s I s tlllowlnu drop ol carbolic aclil twoor ttliroo 010011 In rut Utt Iltgfl itt Iintervn ottwenty minute until the vuinltliiB is thuetkolThen endeavor to cheek tho dliirrlmal din

of ustrlncents Somotlinpsupreparation of opium or load too

An application 01 hot water bottle with toreVent rlsldltjr If the dlarr ma continues itnut1

ocomoH excessive administer oiioslxth ol agrain of mornhlno and 11JO of a hralnofi-itrophta IIn ttft eon mtnlnit of ohll tllleil I watermeanwhile Iloed ttiui patient with crockedjot continually to allay tho lover Sometimesa leetal Inieotlon of laudanum ami weakntnuililsi muff ulToctlvolUBruduiillystopiilnL-dlHrrluiul dl oharce

AUr havtni treated sixteen patientui StIO

ccRsfully In Itills manner I wus mssolf takendown with tho malady Jly nvrnptonin com-


with rico wator discharge contlnutnt for houft I Then fullowcil unero crumpsaccompanied Iby Iprofn o vomltlnc I hocramps In mylvws and1 contractions of thou

muscles of tIle toothy wore ttomcthlnit ter-


similar I Imacine to the ollectproduced on a man biilnB shocked hyelectricity Throimh nil this I nnvorlost coiiFclousiuSB lout a loollni of completetndllleronce OMircame me J did not carewhether I lived or tiled This foollnc of utterMonthly alwajsnecompnnles nn attack of t a-

ulnoihiilera The first symptoms of the oils ¬

ease dmulopeil at I iiolooK ami the illairlmiicontinued for six hours diirlnB which timetliedlschareo amounted to ahuckellul Jiovomiting lasted for only one hour

There was given to mo a halt tteaspoonfulof laudanum every forty minutes aNo a roj1toil Injection of hiiidanum nnd weak starchwhich finally arrested the discharge crackedItoe waailon me constantly IKi es of laudaniiin worn administered freely tooth bymouth nntllnieclol In all I rncnlved half anounce My prostration was com-plete


Tho crisis however was 1aRsed8nlthA second lily 1 became rOIalosclt-

I was curious to peo If my had nppreulably altered my personal appearance Amirror was handed me A most htnrtlinsrBight mot my ear I did not know myself Ithought there must ho homo mistake Theskin was drawn back over tho bones of myface In a frightful manner My hands wornmore claws I locked mor like u mummythan a human My eyes ere-

eunkl1 deep In tholr sockets BUBKestchnxtly skulotonllko appearance-

My whole skin was of n bluish tinge CHiis d-

byconcestlon And nil tilts chnngu wroughtIn two days strURBlo with cholera microbesIt seemed Incredible Notwithstanding theshock experienced at the sight of my alteredappearance I continued to Improve tubfinally regained my former physinueand loodhealth The laudanum treatment towas kubjected Is tho old method of combat-ing


the disease Although successful inmine In many cases It might provo nn utterfailure for as I snltl before upon the consttution and natin id resistance ot theeverything depends

Since w of cholera In 18312each visitation has grown less sovero ThisIs ample proof that wo are steadily progress-ing


toward the lay when this disease will nolonger sweep away thousands despite allmedical nld The sanitary conditions becomemore satisfactory every year and the medicaltreatment correspondingly effective Underour present conditions It would bo well nIghtImpossible for choltra to become a scourge



xo CASK or invtKKA Titrnn iv-TIIIIKI

ii it A rs-

llr tTrnkltin HrplleH in thr Quotnn of hf-tChiiinhrr of Cnmmcrrf f T o-

IIlinn will from Hnlnbllrnp Ixliind

There have ben no now cases of cholorn oreven suspected cases on board floe chips de-


1 Lower juarantlno or on the Quaran-tine


Islands ulnco Tuesday Dr hymn seltWord from Hwlnburno Island at 12 oclocklast night that his patients would all bo wellsoon

The steamship Polnrla from Slotlln withhor 118 ImmIgrants did not arrive yesterdayanti she Is now two days overdue Tho HiiavtuWas relcnscllnll proceeded to her dock In

ormnnll nuuln nut Moravia began to lighter their cargoct Tho lid

u Bolnnd has completed hoer loading TheP ldlwls released whllo tho Herrmann tout

Adrlnto nro still held Yesterdays ar ¬

rlIIA were tho Apollo a fiolchter from Ant-


I tho Critic from Dundee and Ithn Cllorlir manic with I218 cabin pa oencr rs trout Liver-


and tho tramp llnnnoch from LondonDr Jenkins sent this letter yesterday to

f Chairman Alexander K Orr off the Chamber ofCommerco Hleellllolllee-II hav nf Srptt 13 ont 2oall A teleKrion troll tin ilvipory riiiiiniitiriiMli-Jhainbr or Coirnifrri iinir Dial I h nlilililfly-

annwrrtnir Jon iiie tlnn tunlainMl In Itruer tit tlm-Illli initant until cuter tlin inrullne uf th Viluinry-4nmtnUter nt which nieMlni I an t rR11 InI toil

f t site nfllie rnnmlllrr I ham ltoo rricKnl I010 renfl 01 lti Jlellciil itilnnryntiunlttto rormiilntrit

t after ill rrnleri ncc I Oil my in irrnendI till I-

II 2 aiprnvn of tha nnilllniriti rractiril anil hoot the nrIn Lonfonntt witti tlm tta Uittiiim irlnili Iii IIPMIere out at Its NVw r erl gutritnilno stmimi in HI

i far ai tie tncllltleii prnMdei b > Ito uoue irujM I itrtall

In reply tn the infKtloTiK conlidiitd hi your letter ofp the inth I woutl my

I MerchanilU arrlvlnc Irnni ntmlnffrtftt niirl ilof ali reiulre ill lnrietloi nnlei ii IIt Iii loeOi llmt hlp1-


frnin an tnfvctu I port ami trani tiliintt Itll a non Ini porterI cannot Con pllr a bill nt tell rtiiutiiK Iron

pert IKnownI to Ih loot rtet l an of any THIII al 1 tie method of 1011 I ed ton intii deiirnd urnn Ihe-

Batureof the cnrito4 Tr > I IIn thi Inlinton of th Ieortofl Pot nllo-


t any lldr disinfection ill ii IIWith rrfrrenA to the appointment of exntrta ai-

lcoramrnileil I Ii tie rhanilttr nf Cnmtnorre Advuory-ommltier I Mliftl IT Merntt nr ol I 00 I Jii A In

ennnullatlnn IK fora I Iht nni ointin nt nT Ittit AilTinrytooll routine aim lrof ittoh M II ot lolini llnpklni

i Lnlvercltv and Jrof fcrKllnun of Ntw Vork aim conaulied with Hr Klcrotin i C Ihe MIIIIMFI iliiiiiiialir

olrvice priorI Itn Ito tiieeltntr of that tomuilttcei ud

l1W Steinberg iso teen uppolnted rnnnulllnr toei terloloitlut bi authority ot Oie scrr lnry of VVtir andii-

JI Klnyoun ai riipvrintenilfnt or lnteitiiii ofihlpH In tin on er ltty Iti Htilhorlt ut Lhi MirtTf

General ollbUnrlBu llofliatftl tcnlie Ktniy > uunV-Vi 1 JJNVIN

llrnllhonitrrWilliam Hunt tho englneor of thn temler

Crystal Water which is lying at SwinburneIsland and John Lrowloy u watchman nt thin

disappeared early cstonluy motnlngI

island nmnll lout and rowed up to thu cityi After n tour of tbn taboos along the river-

front they turuod up In U iiarnntlm Commis-sioner


Mcholas Mullers oHIco and Lsteet that they load been bundling the hod

holer victims Commissioner Muller sentpoliceman In a hurry but theItact got out of the ontO before they

could bo captured engineersI homo Is nt West Nosy llrlghtun and he soon

Ppcured there und son 1 dispatch to Dr-Jlyron that ho was till right The mohsaen was

caUBhtby Dr Tonklnss operator nltllh <Health Ofllcor notilled the Statento arrest Hunt Hunt was captured nt WestKew nll blOt to htupleton where1ollce Captain Blake kept turn until it tug ai-rlved to take him back to Swinburne Islandlie will have to stay there in quarantine untilIMr Jenkins decides to release him Crowleytile watchman was caught ut his homo InAVnshlngton street and was sent buck toKwIn

I burno Island In a tugAlbert Lent a cahin boy In tho Hermann

escaped from thin ship and svmm ashore to theClifton hOlt house early yesterday morning

t With a preserver around him He wast

I taken before Justice WaMi who ordered himto bo hell to await Instructions from DrJenkins The boy sail he had been mAl tnt 1

on bard thin Hermann und he I getwae sent buck to the ship In tho

r afternoon


Xlldence of < lie Aalatlc Illntaat Not FonnelIn Thrre MiMprcted Cae

i Louis Volnhagcn the board3rtn Mrs Gunthera Extra place tenement who was sup-posed to be recovering from the choUrn diedyesterday morning In tha Deception HospitalWointmcons makes the seventh death from

1 the disease In this city Mrs Gunthcis househas beet quarantined

Several suspected cases have been reported-to tho health omclalslut none tins turnedout to be lorlous Wilson said yes-terday


I that the only suspected cuso reportedwithin twentyfour hours that he was alarmedabout was that of Henry Frlck of 4110 West

i Thirteenth street Prick was removed to thoIteco Hospital late on Thursday night

I uttering from diarrhau and crnmis Thebacteriologists uro now making an examina-tion


Frlck anti a man name Philip Itupp sripartners In 1 fancy goods store They alsoconduct nn Immigrant agency anti have steepIng apartments In the ro ir of their storo Thehouse has been quarantined and a friend ofPrick who was visitingl him when ho wasstricken is detained there-

At tho Bureau of Contagious Diseases onlyij two cases needing immediate investigationj were reported One wits Lifb MKnowitz IWI oarold of J43 Division stient Hn was omI titer us a watchman by n Inl namedI Connell u cloak miiuufactuior load n

until room In thou rear of tho that thor Hnwas found with thn nyiuptonui of cholera early

C yesterday morning in tho afternoon wasI removed in 81 ambulance to tho Ituceptlon

IIoepltnL building wits not quarantinedTlio other case woos that of Martinet Couch

years old of bAvenue C She hasID5 uvoral In Dr Martin ihttrke ofI 147 Lexington nvcntio ruportmlho cnso tu

the Health Hoard but the Doctor of thin de-partment


I after an examination decided theI dill not have cholera

At 4 oclock yesterday afternoon the HealthI Department Issued1 n bulletin stating that no

cotta of choleia had appeaieil since tho lastbulletin Appended was tho report of DoctorsDlggs and Dunhnni that bacteriological ex-


In tho cases of Mm y Murphy of 113iCherry street und II Viiichulk oflineeond-street WI turn still sick tint of Hpn WallWho on Wednesilny hail fllol to revealthe Hplrlul of iholora Aslut

aiek Kovviinky tho sixyearold Polish boy whoso mol und elevenfluent iieohtl sister died cholera on thu-tcamshlp MoruVlu called at Kill Island yos

terdny to greet his little family He hud rendf pothlng ot this ext ltnco of iholara tl Ih-

oflrla and hi a uIllo1 his wife bothItl clout voru alive Ho hroklowlwhen

told ttholr death hy I regi sti Col Weber learned yesterday that Franz

Kuhourzt the lather of Frunk and Kllrubnth-liogaschnlTskyI whoso unmurried toothier diudon tho Moravia IIs u toldler in tho tilted

tato4 url Ho enllxtod rhcl ho heard thatMiss oheT k was l

Mif Uunthor proprietress of the Extraplace lodging hOI o whore Welnhagen wastaken sick has u claim with Comptroller

t Myern against tho city for damage occasionedto hoer liuslnesa und her fuinltiire by the

Itt quaiantlnlng InlI lnrctol of the promisesby

amount1tlio Hoard Icll1 does not name

all I triulo In flour to South AmericanI countries Juts been practically stopped by the

declared against New a ork byQUltltl1 mIMnlormed Ilovornments hItsIIIH In New York lorf cy City Jlroklvn andMitten iBlaiul whirl turn out hour ipeclailyprepared tl withstand tutu tropical heat nr-

consoliiuloliin otto concerto The output ofbeen between JOOOO und 40

000 barrels u weekmun Savannah llrfct declared a quarantine

agaInst New iork tutu troth In cuhbngcB was-p remptorlly Btnppod Vesterduy the OceanBteamHlilp Lompnnv off Kuvuniiuh Issued anotice to the ofleet that tho cubbage businesswould bo resumed

f 111 UIINl C11fJZIPTh Wjomlnn ° Cabin Pnnarngcrrii Comti Tp-

lo Tonc Tnlrlrrntk Ke lrarnt Itrllevedi The 1LO cabin passengers off tho steamship

V Wyoming loft Fire Island on the steamboatCephous early yesterday morning and arrivedat the steamship dock foot ot Morton streetat noon

ITheCophous touched at Quarantine nt 10i

oclock Whon her passengers caught sightof Dr Jenkins on the wharf they rnlsxdn

I chorus of Thoy did not relish tile lisaof being Iroan8quarantine so long but DrJenkins says that ho released them as soon asbe could safely do BO

Two detachments each of 100 men from thoFourteenth and Fortyseventh regiments leftBrooklyn yesterday for FIre Island to relievethe Thirteenth lleglment men LleurColClobridgeof the Fourteenth had command ofboth detachments Thin Thirteenth lleglmentboys got back to hirookhyn late yesterday after-noon


ItwasBXpoctoil tlmt Rherlff Darling of Suf-folk


county would obey the warrants issuedby the Isllp Hoard of Health and orde allpersons to vacate lIre Island but notappear Dr W M Beward Iit now In charge ofthe lire lilatid quarant i


Menlde4 la the Trunk Hint from lotaeJl-otnd to iimp Iov

CAMP LOW Sitt HOOK Sept 23No newcases of cholera barn developed herr and un-


somolhlnlllforcAtcn should occur beforeIII tomorrow mornng the Immigrantswill leave for Illls IslandI Commandant Hew

teller received word today front Col Wiberthat everything had boon prepared nt KillsIsland for tho reception of thin Normitnnluspassengers snot they wore notified to bo readyearly tomorrow

Tho baggage of tho Immigrants was piledtwenty foot high on tho plot hero today Itconsisted of I Ig packing boxes anti hugebundles nt clothing numbering In nil 1100Pieces Although tho hagcngo received Ithorough disinfection on Hoffman IIsland It Ispresumed that rermslr still lurking In theclothing nnd heavy antI Dr llntichordered tha boxes and bundles opened anttthe contents overhauled Moon women unitchildren Mvnrniod over tho baggage undIntuIt the Interior of mot1 of the boxescovered with mould which gave forth a sicken-Ing odor Most nff Iho baggage IIs ruined bnyond repair every article having slot unk tohalf Us moper slso-

Tho wall troin t Ito Itucla diedI In tho binspltal today Louis llenwlnklo the wifeliiitort bus been rolia ed from the guardtint lie was penitent and bogged forgive-ness


Ills wife gave tier consnnt to his releasentherwlsn Cnmiuanilunt Srvtollo woo ld haveit tilt him In Irons for twentyfour hourslopgnr-

II lie two steam launches havo begun thn pa-

trol ot thn water fiont Two sailboats drilledIn too close to thu shorn rt noon nnd wereoverhauled and towed to this Nantuoket Com-mander


brooks satlslled IdniHelf that It wasno fault of tho skippers nnd thoy wore re-


rrtavE AIIROAI7nBerlin Iermeailed with the Odor or DlaB

ferllnn-IxNnoN Sept jA despatch to the Morn

jolt laft from Derlln says that lprecautionstaken by the nulhorllc81ro so universally ob-


to siiht nut smell tlmt they nroto throw a now arrival Into a stateenlculutel

Ilarm medical examination of trains Isrepeated four times between Cologne and lior-

Hn The Inspection Is of a superficial charac-ter


but doubtless Is adequate It Is noticeablehow perfunctory boo custom officials becomeTiter handle baggage as If they do not desireto dlturb the repose of the bacilli The wholocity especially the public offices Is redolontof lie odor of a dissecting room Failure tocomply with tho sanitary rOJulntouslR pun-


by a line It tho otondor a poor per-


and by Imprisonment I Is richThe cholera wi proo a boon to Hamburg-

and other cities If It loads to bettorhousing of tho poor Although thor cannot becompared with Hamburg tlio older parts ofIlerlln tire deplorably overcrowded One case-In point Is a slnglo building which Is occu-


by two hundred nnd fifty tenants mostlyramltlcs

lOut ironic contains n letter from M-

Xerlondl a British merchant In Persia de-


the horrors of the cholera epidemic-in that country M orlondl says

The conduct of Mls Bradford the Ameri-can


laity who came to Tourls for tho Ameri-can


missions stands forth in such striking ro-


as to be worthy of note In the face of thogeneral panic when everybody was desertingthou cholerastricken town she worked Itlcalm unremitting attention under groutcultles nursing cliolera patlentB and encour

others under the awful circumstances8lnl hattlo will epidemic I do not thinkIt an exaggeration to say that hundreds ofIersthiis owe their lives to the courngo anddevotion of this heroic woman

A despatch to thou Xnc from Berlin saysthat a reporter who Interviewed twentythree-burgomen today found that eighteen of themwere quit ignorant of tho fact that tho SpreeIIb Infected and that warnings had boon Issued-It litI fearod that the oppressive weather is hav-ing


a bad effectSlany experienced people in Hamburg be-


that tlio water IIs not the only or oven theprincipal cause of thou epidemic In manyparts of tho city whore the sumo water Is con-sumed


rot single case of cholera hits oc-

curred¬1allln several streets only ono house

hns It IIs also noticed that tiltdisease hns appeared oftener In new housestItan in old

The dlfeuse Is now raging worst In Hammerbrook a newlyI built suburb of Hamburgroots suburb is buion muddy round whichwas recovered dredging Tho buldlDRregulations of Hamburg are voryUHf working classes are very neglectful of pre-cautions


1AiiiH Sept 21Thorn wero fiftynine casesot cholera and twenty deaths la this city onWednesday

M Jean Ilaptlsto DumnY1 member of theChamber of VIputeo has been at-tacked


as wife ant family hy asickness welit is feared is Asiatic choleraVIENNA Sept 23Five persons ¬

Ily hero today after suffering front vomitinganti dlarilinn-

HAvnr Kept 3EIJht new cases of choleraand two deaths were reportedhere yesterday an Increase of four cases anda decrease of ono death compared withWednesday

AXTW KIU Sept 23Two fresh eases of cho-


appeared bore yesterday Tho total up tois IHit close and 03 deaths

IlUMDUiui Sept 23The weather remainscoot und damp There Is no dust and the airIs kept clear hy strong winds Should suchfavorable conditions continue for two weeksmorn physicians suy the end of the periodwould find tho plague virtually extinct ton thefall and winter

Tho nuinborof fresh cases today has beenStll orM4 fewer than yesterday the numberof deaths 144 or 1ft fewer than yesterdayriot interments hrvo numbered 241 or 50tower than yesterday Tho hospitals containyMt patients or 184 fewer than yesterdayThe majority of the patients In the hospitalsurn convalescent Hv next Monday when thousudden diminution of Ire h cases will begin tobo the number of patients probablywlllhavMBUnktolJOUor 1ottl as hundredswill bo discharged as curod within tho nexttwo days

The Hoard of Health have been nuthorlTedto destroy many hlIS0811 tlm suburbs whichhavo sultcred tho plucue Tho-hoiiMs named for destruction are tenementswhich have no sanitary conveniences and noadequate moans of ventilation All of themhave been occupied by laborers familieswhose members have dlnd oft llkosheopdur-Inz thn plague Seven houses In Harmbeckand three In Horn lime lost twothirds of theiroccupants through cholera In tho last threeweeks und they are so thoroughly saturatedwith tho disease that no disinfection theHealth Uoard say could render them safe

Took a Halh Willy NlllrY-

ITMA Arizona Sept Awostbound tour-ist


slnepinz car containing fifteen throughpassengers on tho Overland route was quar ¬

antined yesterday at Ogllby Cnl A New Yorknnd n Nicaragua passenger worn sick withbowel trouble and the health authoritiesten rod they load lion rholnin The tar witsJuinlifated and the passengers weioeoinpolledto tuki 0hath Thu train wilt bo allowed toproceed today unless tho suspected casesturn out to be the genuine Asiatic cholera

rHeloh A cat t tie Clern Next YearOTTAWA Sept i3Thoo Canadian Medical

Attoclatlon In session hero has adopted aseries of resolutions on tho host meant ofdealing with cholera ant the management ofQuarantines In the event of Canada being In-


by tho dUeaso net year A claiisnrecommending tho cremation of the undue ofthose ihlng at such stations as Ornate Ulocaused iiulluu discussion It being hold thatDO iovernmont wull adopt It hut It witsagreed that It only recommendationthat a body of men could formulate

fin Cliolrrw In Nan AntonioCol C C Gibbs of San Antonio who Is stop-


at the Fifth Avenue Hotel received yes-


a despatch from Dr J DruunagelHealth Officer at the port of Han Antonio de-nying


the published retort that cholera existsthere flue Health Ollher WIVH tha rumor Is 1malicious falsification anti reiiuostt ColCilbbs to give publicity to Its denial

To AdierltserJn fitriitnnce lit joie announced jamotltnr tack lo TIJK Huss UuMe la-

Ano alfYork bulky with I if Iiiio beeniltcldeJ loitop a1lf adrertiitnitnlt fur the prorral run olie There art still I 1m PITferrtil pnftlo Im disposeS of The Guide IIJ

ICIII licrltt blnftruf vir ci nt AnnYork and lie backs of these drtubte pln-ltpafei

Vcarry the only diaptetv rrrtuinv in

otin oak ole of litest Iate beentold tnd wIl ia5e anu of Ihe offersshould ppy itt once to the Guide Jlonk DeparttnenaTuE NcwYoRK SUN Advertisers willpleas hear in mind that TUB Bust guarantet-tfrit

0I edition o7 Ocozo lea

The reniarlranlK Katllrona-Ji1 Ibi sty line that tnalntalDi a atrtctlr nratclaii-limitedtrain between Sew York and Cleatn AOl

oCbe Ilinited aspresi uratni art luiilatlfasII etUbraua reonjrlyauia Umlt 0iila7

Morn a Brotntr IOrK warehoniri 2t2 284 28AI Wet 47lb sL near Jarge nadHeil vanafor 1

removal 01 furniture in oily or rouuirr lloilnir-packlnir and ihiiipirf iirtmiptly atuoded 10 liltlyhoat 1153a4J

Te shadowsflitI lour

life it yoiiTO aI feeble sufferingI woman can be-

takenI out of ItI The curonioI won knoase

functional de1 raqecmentH andpainful dlrd-eJl t your lIZ can DO f IY

them I DrPierces pvoyitoSresertition-

It corrects cures and builds you up ItImprove digestion enriches the blood du-peu aches and palm melancholy and nerr-ousntos brings rmfreshlng sleep and restoreshealth and stronrth For periodical painsinternal inflammation and ulceratlon weekUcU leuccrrhM and alt kindred alimentsitsteed

a positive specific one that is garnI It foils to Rive satisfaction any cmoney paid for it Iis returned-A little hook on Woman and Her Dis-


n sent to any address sealed frob-

urvation on receipt of ten cents toptAddres World Dispensary Medical AJ

odotioD 63 U>ln Street Buffalo N V

Kingof Mtet ft Is what Iconsider Hoods Haraparllla Jior t enrI Iwas confined to my bedwith trMlf nrtUlutll andcifnlni cooss To my-

Wm A Irltr pocal Joy when I beganwith lltKiitnSAnsAlAIlllIA tho sores soondecreased I kept Inking It for 1 year when Iwile so I went to work anti since thenhnvn trlllt ultiv on account of sicknessI am always well and Imven pmd appetiteWMI A 1111 Kendnllvlllc Ind

IIOOIIS IIIIH SIP the brit attrMlnnir rilltalI I dlcfitlon cure headaihe sad blliuuineia


oii pcomfortable itemssilt I CblBonnlera Dkend U ocoupvinn leai

than ned bedttead i r-

uiln I 1 lto

atluu JCIXI

tott rirrtfleEarO-NE WAV TO SAVE-



AMKRtrAN DIHTRICT MKHMKNOBM-Offlcr if in nur Hut of Adrertltlnir Airenolet rdo not Cad one conv-









BRADLEY WAGONSHandy VVagoiu IIn pdnt ant natural woods Banner

lliiBKtfi with four tijltt of licnllea and the eailea-lrldntaprliiirever Invented Surreys Ilxtenitnn Tops I

ant HiiRirlei Twn nheelera that ceo atiiolutaly

Iot hone motion Koad Crts that are in ads to carrypeople




50 EAST 125TH STM-






JI1II-NKPOLAND WATERIti rare purity nalei I a aeUclov sat lairtlljaj-

UUi walet °


i LiI


relna MKtelluneen Irapoaed TTpoa

with it Hole Hlairy TravelOne of the loading geographical magazines

fftmnaimii Mitthelhmacn has been made thovictim of literary dishonesty In the Apriland May numbers of the magazine a Mr A JCeyp describes a journey which he assertedhe had matte recently to tho frontier of loloeclilstnn Ho described tho countrytold ot tho doDpliite nnd sandy regions hecrossed on lola way of the robbcts who lurked-In the ravines ready to plunder caravans ofthe settlomentH found here nll there In widelyseparated oases anti of tho run town ot Yozbthe original homo of the 1iirals Ibis storywas very interestIng and ax his routo laythroiich n region thut was almost unknownant as it abounded wll ccocraplilcal detail ofapparent accuracy magazine niado thenarrative very prominent tile tory occupied5eerlllal In each ot the numbers

number of this Mitlhfihinifntho editor prlntH conBpicuoudly the fact thatCeyp narrative proves to be notlilnu moretitan an accurate transcript of tlio travelketches of Gnfitolcer Khan which were published nt Innsbruck In IHMi Aathirteenhail elnpsed tlnco their publlcntion Ceypthought ho was Nifo In uppropriatlni them astOte recotd nf n journey muilo hy himself

Tho fraud is somewhat Hlmllur tn Itlmt Im-posed


InCapt Olarler upon I scluntlllo jour-nal


of this country when he sent nn articlecontnlnlnl hirtc extracts front Kelioolcrafts

his journey to tilt source of thoI

Mississippi ns I record of his own visit to LakeItascn It In very heldnm that Prtrriiinniia-Jlitthfiliinani makes un Important blunder InEeoeraphlcal matteiH loot It hIlls been Imposedupon by tin most cltrlnc piece of 1luaArlsrthat has come to llsht for a long lmo


IGrow lor Tear Then flue Up cadI hen feturM In Afrrali

Near Koborbrunn In SIleMn Is n remarkablelake which sclentllla men do not yet under ¬

stand Tlioro Is u hollow near the town contamIng about 2000 ncics nnd at it Intervalsof nearly thirty years Is converted Into a lakeFor a short time the bottom of thou hollow Isalmost perfectly dry Then water begins toooze throuuh this hIlls that wnli In bmsUthrough thou hotol ot tho and grailuiilly forms n At present the holow Isabnut hiilf full of water and tOot tliolake IIH still rlsint In a short time howeverIIt IH expected to recoiln aciln and tl tthueoiir e f next twelve years or ho hol-low will probably bo waterless fur I thins

No phenomenon exactly IIlkoI Ithis iJN knownIn any otlior poort If tile vvoilil Thern ID somo-tliliiKllknltI I liowever inI IliuiKaryI I whore ItoLake of NeuHleill has several times dried upHiirinc tho laat two years It has lost half of IUwilier unit Is now riot much more tliau threefoot dorp The Hungarian jovernment hasilecliled to tnko ailvantiitru of this opportunity-to drum off tile water Into tutu Itaitb Itlver rhoround Is not swi1010joy an I It can bo used atonce for agricultural purposes

No AID Tier tVlicnrlTid-


this Detective Ar

Bnpt 23 Detectives who havebeen trying to locate tho arms taken from theIMnkortonB on tho day of the riotonjulydtraced the weapons to a coal mine near Thinhull Station atovo lure The detectives made11 raid on tile mlno toilny hut the expected-arms wero not to be found They have since

llncllhat the arum were removed n day orThey claim to know the persons Im-


In their removal and a sensation IUpromised

Craton Juke In C td Cpn4ltlonCommissioner Ollroy received a report yes-

terday from Charles H Lent keeper of thoflrxt division of this Croton Aqueduct which-Includes Croton Loire Keeper Lent reportsthat there Is nothing In the vicinity ot theluke which will tend to contamlnatethe waterHu hits detailed seven mon to patrol the lakonight and day to prevent con n lnaton



Bat his ilnrr HUT the flop WM WilfUllYInmiberdlntite and Deserved rislbest-

A tomptrto Illnlnrr of the OrlBl-Projcren

madNrivMrkii romeo Come

Tue case of Conk vs Kennedy In whichevery father every lawyer every school teach

otnne every Tudeo In Newark woos Interesteden tried but not settled 1rlnclpnl Ken-


hogged Conks boy Conk sued for 3000damages got sixI cents has appealed Itwas an InternMIng nnl full of technicalpoints 1 established a precedent nnd It hasa morrtl

One day In February tteacher In the Millerstreet public school of Newark had tin tooth

Icll I tho ncho hud only waited a day or soall this thlt follows might not have happened-Hut Ito lulho camuon a bright crl P day whenthe snowlfty thick upon tho ground and whenthu ponds were frozen nnd tho skates wereshaipnml lion sky was blue anti when JimmyConks heart wont pltapal with yearning

Had the tciiuhcr nt had the toothachetlmmv would havu kept his yearning withinbound Hut tho teacher went to tho dentisttutu 1 substltuto took hor place and IXR thosuhstltute was young nnlllnoxll rOlrCIITm-mys


yenrnliiB otrnowell Firsthis pencil h1 put tlnl splinters downthe hack of tim boy who sat In front of himBoyish honor forbade the victim to open his

811 complaint Then he chewed n piece otpaper rounded and moulded It to his perfectsatisfaction and smiled A piece of stiff paperwas next rliol Into I tubular shape andloaded paper bullet

Across the room sat the girls wishing thatschool were over llcrtha Woodruff 13 yearsold and curly hllll turned around andglanced lt Jimmy Conk Jimmyhold up his tube llorthns eyes queRtonol

What Is It Jimmy held onehis lips Tho next Instant Ilerthas hand fewto hor neck and she screamed Tho paperbullet had struck hor plump in the neck andstuck tIters licrtlms scream attracted theteachers attention and she asked

What Is IItfDense maam said Berths can I go

down to Mrf Kennedy3Ir J Wllmer Kennedy being the principal-

of tho school the substltuto hail of course tosay certainly ° liertha Woodruff wentunldown stairs appeared that Mr J Wll ¬

mer Kennedy was 1 trifle out ot sorts thatday

rioase sir Bertha said humbly JimmyConk throw I spltball and hit me in the neck

Tell your teacher to send hint down lucreat once the prlDepnlslld

Ho load soerl serious complaintsagainst tills Ibad and thought It was lilch timetolien

do sOlothlnl Jimmy came down sulkily

What did you do that for° asked the prln


Along silence and then a mumbled didnt-Ileuse sir Ilertha broke In I sawIra

doltVery vroll Bertha licturn to your class-

roomBertha went nnd Jimmys heart sank as tho

door closed behind hor Mr Kennedy drewfront his desk a yards length of horsewhipThen he drew Jimmy Conk across his kneesThere lei twelve blows anti Jimmy howledWith each blow Jimmys yells rang throughthaschoolhousei Aflurthatthe substitute halno t roll bIn with Jimmy that afternoon

Jimmyn hither Uenrico W Conk Is a dealer-in paints on New street Whcn he heard Jimt ¬

mys story and saw the redncis of Jlmnnsskin In certain parts hn was indignant

Its an outrage I he exclaimed Ill seehInt immediately

lie saw him Tho Interview was stormy nndthu two men came to blows Knell punched timeother Who had tho best of it Is a matter ofconjecture as the gentlemen will not talkabout it lint In a dny or two Mr Conks suitdamages oguilift Mr Kennedy for assaultand battery will como up In court

Immediately utter this interview Mr Conkengaged Lawyer Joseph A ilencher and bo ¬

8ult principal for 3000 damiAn for assaulting and letterIng JimmyJ Thocase after manv postponements came up inthe E ser County Circuiti court before JudgeDopue last Monday Thejurr was composed-of those men-Meturcthnn W Jenkins Ptttr harkItornurit tidier rinrlei Klllo-

ltMukUllinui Wijttlui-jAmeiMlriun

X larsHerman SInmet lira-MHUir

lumel Hartn-TheuiloraI llillllpi Bpaeri

The court room each day was flue withschool teachers Illuov all deeply InterestedIn the ease 010 llrst witnesses wasJimmy Conk

Did youthirowthospltbabi asked LawyerBeechcr lIon silence was deep and every earwas Mruined to catch tile answer The tunisleaned foruaKl npeiimuuthed watchingJimmy with eiiMous eyes

Vos was the ilollunt answerTho boys nodded approval tho teachersantwhispered to one another thought so

Mr Conk then went on the shulilud told lowJimmy had conic homo sorehu bad made thIn boy disiobe how tlio weltslooked roil ant swollen anti how be hatvoncd vengeance It wits remarkedthis tluio that Juror Meluncthon W Jenkinsbegan to clans at the principal This woos

commented upon as being unfavorable for thedefence

Tlioro were half a do7 n other witnesses for-th plaintiff who toatlllod to tho sIze of thowhip thin volume and compass of the bowlsthu nbpearannu of Jimmys Iklnlld nilimrdetails and thorn thcplalntilT llien-liertha Woodrufft took the stand After 11lnlImpressed upon her mind that if Mio Iher fate after dentil would bo deplorable tutulawyer asked her

hid James Conk do nnythlnl to you1lease sir he tired 1IIIIInnland tee sir ho hit me in tho

That was thu mainstay nf the deftnce Otherwlnseleott d that TImmy Conk had lied

Irllclnl on sovural occasIons that Ih-ellrileilalllll very forbearing that young

ful of devIltry and that the princ-ipals


patllnelnd given outon buIlt sides summer up

nndluouuht In lluo law I seems oftho laws of Now Jersey thnt no teacher is4100110 Inflict cot eioi punishment upon

for any Hut there Is anotherlaw homo here to the effect that when a cityhis a special charter Its hoard of Educationhis the right to make rules for the schools

1 Hoard of KdumUon of Newark took ad-vantage


of tills law and declared once tlmtthe pilncipal of a school could chastise apupil when noepswry for tho maintenance ofdiscipline anti till education of the pupil

That was the rut Mr Kennedys lawyersaid he cruld Mr CunkV lawyer Still hocolt itt nt I111lemnlbrol tthnt ho did Ithe

weie the lawyersjury landed tho jury up beyond all hope theystopped and tho Judge began

here IIK no doubt In mv mind hi saidthat to principal Ims the right to inlllct cor-


punishment when It becomes necpssari Ihe nucstlonfor you to ilncldo Is howtar ran ho BO In exorcising hits authority Thepunishment should not be unreasonably se-vere


and tho uuehtloiis of health age antiother conditions should considered lileboy-waoigtiiloofoiioordsrIhovttbsnco shows thatheaded wilfully If you decide that he wasguilty of wilful insubordination then tho d-

lundantwas justified In punishing him Inthat cn °e you lime only to iunslder whetherthe piinMimcnt was too snvero

Iwits 2 oclol k Wednosdny afternoon whenjury retired Ition reahing tho jury

room they nt one tcmk a vote nnd found thatthey wirc dIvided homo were for giving the

I utti IT tll I

Irln I wouldnt have any child of mine whippedby a bchool Iteacher mihl one ol tlie e nnii

Others Ihtiunht tile hey richly dB eru d IllswhlppiiiLund wanted to give tthe eaf tutho-dufiiiclnnt


Jilt I third lot thought It Ibettertto sootheI Itlm feelings ul1IlyCnkhltI11hul I

sumn tlmi not tlllitHome of tho jurors Wont to tho prlncIIIlooked out upon the streets Others beganreadme tho papers anti u few whistled InhillsIhllllpsMiild

WIly an hour was spent and ItholForeman

Well Bentlomon I supposed WOo got toBcttlo hIs case lets do HumetlilniT

Homo one suggested penny ante lout ho wasfrowned down ahoy began slowly to talkabout tho case and at U oclock they Bentdown word that they wero getting hungryAfter slight repast hoy rOlowollho discus-sion


lucli man r adozen times but It was noticed that Ole ma-jority


wore ogradually coming around to theprincipals sIde Toward U oclock one ofthe jurors lfoil asleep in loIs chair antihis example became contagious At 10oclock tIle foreman sent down word thatthe jury hood not come to an agreement antithe Judge ordered them to bo looked up for thenight When this order reached the iurr roommost of the jurors wore fast asleep Ienpleretire early In tow Jersey and even a thrillinglawsuit wont them up niter 11 oclock-At midnight tho jury room resounded withsnores

At II oclock on Thursday morning they wereall awake nnd had sent down word that theywore hungry After breakfast thou discussionwoos renewed tout It seunied hopeless to try toagree At 101 oclock they went down stairsand time Judge asked If they hud agreed i-

fNo sir ankwured Mr rhllllps cheerfullyI think you had better an oot the ground

acaln It IsI an Important ruse and I thinkyou might agree upnn 5 verdict

Very cheerfully they returned to the juryroom end sat there At last ono juror bad an

idea Ho submitted It to the rest end theyBelred It With delight

Why didnt wo think of that before theyBald It resulted In tho following note to theJudgeJmir IIol-

Can we brlnr a Ttrdlct In this raann riThat the boy oo ai willollr nbonlinat and dss rvdlbs punIshment bill tliejurjriir that toe wai whlpox-

lWtiee WILl I 05 IL PotLleForemen

The Judge oestl this and smiledTell he jury boo sat to lie constable

that I will accept tIbis ii1 1they omit the word° °the before punishment IA row minutes looter the jury filed Into trio

room proud In the consciousness of havingdone their duty

have you agreed upon a verdict theJudge asod-v ory gravely tho foreman read

We tliiit that theboy was wllfnllirtniiiberdlnal SnotiWrtJf Illnl1n but tb Jury says that b Witwtittipet a excess

Than ho looked proudly around the courtroo tooWlhatdamagodd you assess asked tho-J iHlJO

The jury luau forgotten alt about damageanti Mr rhllllps was Bomewhut embarrassedlie led his men brick Into the jury room andthey went over tho case once more Finallyhey decided that six cents would bo enoughand this tiny reported to the Judge Therewas Burnt laughter In the court loom nndmuch snickering among the hove but tileJuilgo rapped tot order and soon the courtrooru was clearedIts a slmme sail Mr Conk and Imgoing to tnkii Iho case to the Hupromo CourtJimmy dldnl oven got tiltS sIx cents andwent home unhappy

The moral N l6nt throw spit ball3llt HAItRlX JV DISflVISK

lie Gets Through Yemen with a Whel5-Hkln ImiiBh lie IOns n hard Time ot ItM> Walter U Harris Is one of the most

Tontiiresomu of travellers If ho keeps up lotsrecent exploits among Mohammedans whoobject to Itilldels it will not bo surprisingto hear Some day that he has mot the trnglofate of Camllle IJouls and other explorerswho ventured whoro they were not wantedThe story of Harriss adventures among theUerbors ol northwest Morocco whore onlyono whlto man load preceded him Is weltknown Ills latest exploit Is n journey InYemen In tho southwestern part of Arabiawhore hn truollcd In disguise early title yearduring tho rebellion against Ito Turks

He started from Adeu In limitary withoutguards and accompanied tly only one servantsOil n guide Tho three men wom mounted oncamels lien ho reached the Jlrltlsh frontierhu succeeded by means of his disguise In otttnlnlng u permit to pass Into Turkish torntory for mnny miles thou country throughwntch lie wniidcnd wits tort dangerous andnearly nil IhisI travilllngI I WHS done lit nightMuring the day the little party hold In thou Jitnslo Harris was nineteen days in leachingbuna Ito capital of tlm countrv

On his arrival at Sana his disguise was pen-etrated


by tIn Turkish authorities who threwnunI Into prison a lark damp unwholesomeplace Tlm water glvin him to drink was to-nad that only the cNtiomity of thirst couldInduce him to taste it It is no wonder thatunder Ithu unhoilthful conditions hu oil iIIIwith Inter Whllo thou fevor sins raging hoelurks took him out of the hole where hihail spent five days and sent him through themountains westward to llodeldu on tile liedSoot midSt under an escort of Turkish soldierslhe journey occupied live dais hoe distancebeing a little loss than 20ti miles Harris andhis companions were released then with awarning tlmt if they ever returned lo thncountry much severer punishment would bevisited upon them

In mitu of tlio hardships Harris underwentIt was a very successful journey and the re ¬

port he brings home gives us some revisedIdeiis of Arabia Felix Most people rogaidArabia as little moro than n great desert hutHarris reports that Yemen nt least is u coun ¬

try of magnificent fortuity and that hoe greatplateau at nn nlovution of from 7m o touuoofeet above the sea level Is In n state of excel ¬

lent cultivation He found rivers of consider ¬

able size and water was by no means scarceHarris is not the llrst white man to isltSana taut it is believed that ho Is tho first Ku-

ropcan who hoots reached that cnpital by way ofAden In spite of the hardships and dangersho experienced he ro died Aden toward lIonend of February In excellent health and withmnny photographs tend a large collection ofnotes und Hketches portioning to the littleknown country It Is probable that he wouldbase bad little trouble In passing through Vomen If the country had not been In a state ofinsurrection

Thp VnlehcntFr County nailYONKERS Sept 23The County Ball which

was held in Toutonla Hull In this city tonightwas a Brand success Guests were presentfrom High Bridge Morris Heights Kingsbridge Itlversido Mnmnroneck Ibis Larchmont Now llochelle Ielham Kotonah WhitePlains rookukll Irvlngion SIng HlngDobbslorry and all the other towns In the county

The walls and ceIling were hung with dra-pery


In which yellow predominated Golden-rod peeped out In alt directions from thu dnapony stud in the pyramid of pumpkins andconstalks which were emblematic of the sea ¬

son and stool in time north end of the hulllluhlnd this tile Hungarian bund putted thopromenade music

rote column of the balcony were hidden bysheaves nf corn with n base of rlpo pumpkinsTho basement of tho halt was used tonight as-u supper room

Among tIle patrons of the ball wore MrsChiiuncey M Mopuw Miss Kate tarv MrsArthur I llurnoy Mrs Whltohiw Hold MrTamos McYlcknr Mrs David flows Jr SirsIhlllp Schuiler Mrs William 11 llohorthonMrs Moss Tuvlor mnnboll Mr K PotterMrs Itobert hoc Mrs Uohincey A hme MrsHorace I Hotchklss Mrs I Gilbert TheImnd Mrs James M Wntirhury Mrs OliverbuinnorlVnll Mrs J Harden llnrrlman andotherwcllknown society ladlesof Westchostercounty Thou committees were made up otprominent society moo of the county

When island were ut the Men BottomGeologists have collected In Bnrbadoos and

other Islands In that regIon some curious Information which they publish as ovldencothat during tho pliocene period when man it-

is supposed made lute advent the whole of theCaribbean region was deeply submergedThey havo found plenty of earths not only In-llarbadoei but also In Jamaica and Cubawhich contain great quantities of the remainsif radlidarhr At present co raillobirinn oozeis found on this floor of tbo Caribbean Sea nlbough o ion greater part of tho sea Is morothan JliOUO foot elect Those earths must ofcourse have boon deposited in this depths ofthe sea and it Is Inferred that in the course oftime thoy were raised thousands of fact untilthey became a part of time land surface MrJukosllrowne and Irof Harrison think thatthin oceanic deposits of Bat hadoes wer form-ed


nt a depth of l0K to 18OOO feet below seaivel Irof Sollns says that It clout no longerbe accepted us nn assured foot that deen sIcdeposits never enter Into thin composition ofland masses

MorlnR front the Nri Hfiltnm-QOKnrc Sept 13Mr Alfred 11alraer C H

of New York city Is the contractor for boringacross the stormy Straits of Northumberlandbetween 1rlnce Iwnnl Inland and NewBrunswick for the proposml elghtmllo tun-nel


Mr 1almer Is able In HH fset ot tooterto bring up perfect cylindrical cores whlihitliow thin geolligica I formation ItliioughI I whichtho pinpoHBd tuimi1 Is to las The test liohs-nru bored live lImo rolreii yards apart pnnrtratI t

big is carboniferousHamUtonobaie and clearly showing that tills soft roil claysliahs unitred sandstones of the lower pormlun arc con-tinuous


across thin straitsA steam diamond drill running at tIle rate

nf 1I10II i evolutions n mlnutu Is used I hndrill In attached to an IIron Itripod rcstliiI upontIhn bed of Itho sit and flrmlyecuiidI to heavynnehori A docked scow or pontnnu withholler and pinups attached iIs mouic1 alon-sldii limo tripod and hUmn and water aru con-vey IM totI IOU drill throuuh llexlhluI pipoxi llythis invrntlon boring operations can now fort lie first time be conducted during u storm orguI o Y WI ulti Thlx IInteresting work IIB beinguxecuted under tho direction ut the DominIonGovernment


Native round on hoe IIIiMrn Plutenn of altllle Iitliinil

A curious discovery has been made on theIsland of Kltnbn ono of thin Trohrlnnd groupoff the nortluiist coast of New Guinea Agreat ninny sailors passing this little Islandhave Imagined tthat IIt had no Iinhabitants be-


thor saw no evidences of human occu-pation


Hr William Mcdiegor the Admlnl-strntorofllrltlfli Now tluiuoo MIYR tIle Mnndloams nn urea of only live or MX snuuro milesOn nilI I sides It presents a low nnd slightlyIsloping margin usually about a quarter of anillo broad covered by heavy timber WithinIs n precipitous coral with which can bo as-cended


only nt a few plaeis Thn bank rlcsto n height of 301 to Idii toot Unco nt t ho topthou Nitor llnils within this wall n Plato Illwhich occupies the whole of Ion eiitotre of tileIslandI and IB from llftvloaI bundledI feet be-low


the orai wallI oil rounding ItThciunhout 110110 natives Ilive and tillI ttholr-

gnnlons Tlio rico chocolatocolorcd soilyields them an ampin supply nf fnoil They1

urn iiooiu Oil etti nroteetiul from tthu wind bv tthnrocky rim that encloses their plateau TheIsland seems tn IIIIMI boon nu atoll which waslifted nbovu thu eta several bundled let sothat thu ntolj ring now forms 0tho coral wallBurroundlnc thin plateau On thus elevatedand almoot IInaccessible plain aro thir-teen


lllagoK such of which contains overtwenty houses iSir William Slcflrogorsays lIme natives gave him a most pbasiiutreception He found It illflbMilt to travelthrough som vlllagr out account nf the yamx-cucoiinuts mats unit other articles that werelaid Muwn bofnrit him for lois acciptnnccThem hire no Intertilbal hostilities nnd It isnot insihlii for thu nntlxes of other Islands tooppress the puiiplo because on their plateautint it ritlh t torllllcdi as It IIs they are IInuccosM-blo to hostile tribes The drainage of thoIplateau Iis excellentI There are great cavitiesIn tho coralI wool through which tho rainfallI

filters ami makes Its way to the SOn


Thin Peoples party lice unfurled Its bannerIn Court street near tho headquarters of hoeantisnot litters

The Hushwick Democratln Club will have a-

rousing hnuseu armIni next Wednesday nightat Us niw club house In Dushwluk avenue andHart street

Following the example of Henry A MeyerLuwyor Tluodoru lttu of Ilie illghth wardhas renounced Itopublicanlsm anti joined theranks of tlm triumphant Democracy

Thin lion Jacob Worth is rapidly regaininghisI old form ns a Itepuhlicun leudor and manypcoplu expect tlmt ho will ho placed In chiefcommand nftcr the party recovers from thoimpending disaster In November

Thai iltpmobhlitun managers urn making arrancementH for a big barbecue early nextmonth at llldgewood Park und it will proba-bly


occur on the santo day that liov McninleyIs to speak ut the Clermont Avenue lllnk

The proceedings tn oust the RepublicanExecutive Com mitt < o from Its Lawrence streetquarters will bo withdrawn tho committeehaving agreed to pay the back rent just assoon as Treasurer Homy returns with thoucheck hook

In view of Tames W llldgways probable renotnlnatlon for District Attorney the manyaspiring young HepuMienn lawyers who werolooking for the nomination nro one bv one re-tiring


Irom the field and it would not be ourprosing if thn popular Mr lllduwuy would ImVetint race nil to lilnholf this year

Slnco the remarkable Hop of Henry AMeyer Into toe Democratic fold Itovenun Col ¬

lector irnst Nathan has taken particular patinato announce tlmt hu was not responsible formaking Mi Meyer thu liepuhllcun candidatefor Mayor list year and bo now regards MrMeyer defeat us n lucky escape for oils party

Although thou Fifth Congress district Is nat-urally


Kepubllcun by about 1000 majority tileDemocMU tire going to make u big light tocapture It Ub well as the other four districtsAUIOIIR tho prohublu Dcmocratfo candidatesare K Htuwatt WhitihoUie John W Wolior-Theodoro F Jackson time present City Comp-troller


and ex1olice Commissioner huhWliivevei unpleasant relations may have

existed between exllistmastrr Joseph t

Hendrlx and the leadern of tIle htalwait Tenthward Demuciacy hart entirely disappearedand perfect harmony now reigns In that Momcraliet stronghold yr Heiidrix IK thu mosteftectivo local campaign oiator at time disposalof t lie Cam palcn Com in nice anil Ills oMifarltywith the rank and IIlo uf the organization re-


I unimpairedIXConcressman William Copeland Wnllnco

who was no sic load I y lieiteti in Ito ThirdI dU-

trlcl two years ncn by Mr Coombp would liketo return to Washington as tilt Ileprespntativo-nf tho now Filth ditrlet butt Manager Na-


of the Kepulillcan forces IH opposed toMr Wallace and that virtually disposes ot hl-ihanco Charles K Dennett I1rosldeut of ItheKvergreenH Cemetery is supposed to bo MrNtt bin ris favorite candidatei

Tho opposition to thu renomlnntlon ofCoroners Hoonoy and Lindsay hy tile Demo-crats


t has tetl ill C fo pronounced that eachwill pronnhly be laid aside at the close of holr-BoconO trill In n financial point of viewneither will he out in the cold during tlm com-ing


winter Dr Hooney being u solid propertyowner with an immense medical practice andMr Lindsay having been n lucrative oillcuholder for more than twenty years

Once Was 1nnuch for the Monkey1itnn tii Sf fnvit Glabf Emorrat

I once wont up the Amazon and Orlnoeorivers on an arilmulcnpturinc expedition forthe late P TI Itanium said Dick Cowpor nnold showman I got iiuite a collection ofsnuks bird and monkeys I hit on a novelplan for iiio rapture of lie latter und It workedlike a charm

A monkey Is n greater Imitator than nChinaman Hn will do anything he sees donennd that is vvlmt gets so many of his kind Intolie cage I riggml up an ilectrlc batttrv andattached it to an apparatus that would allow nscore III tOut simians to got hold of It 1 thontook a partial natives and went Into the forestttheie Ithere wore troops of monkeys We puttho apparatus down attached tIme wire andremoved tho battery to n considerable dis-tance


Ihe natives then took hold of theo ap-paratus

¬I danced and yelled then retiredi Tho

innnknyH itt It Ic ii dash for It IHalff n dozencaiitlit hold and I turned on the currentThey began Ini shriek nnU Miulrm butt theftliors thought their performance a putt of timeprogramme and fairly fell over each other to-gil nold of the mnrhlne I could have stucktlm whole troop It thoy could hove got holdw to itoiho Oti note u descent on them withI sacksund xnnn hud u score ouff them corralltd

ISutlt would only work once Wo tried It amonth afterward nt n point fifty muss distanthut not a monkey cnme oft lots perch iIn Ithotrees Thoy vlevyed the proeoedliiBs withcuriosity but without tony desire to imitateour war danco around floe machine

Fear nntl CholeraFI HI tlf HjiLtrytnn trtntiy cor-


striking exiimploof the oflects of fear Intimes r Ilioleia is tip frdlowlng autlientlofact which it recorded In the newspapers ofthat time

III 18iU or IBiL I now forgot which wo hadthe cholera In bIoio I Monnal Thu professorsat theI great gunoral hospital In uhoe A I coirotrojotsat both their lItmus full A man by Ilieiiiimo of hrtmuiz Holrlocj woos tlotoo vvnltliiL Scottenco of death for murder und the director ofI lie hospital presented a petition Ito IimpornrIrany Josef to giiitit u full pardon to tillsman providing the Kiiliirit in nturn wouldconsent to sleep In a let from which a corpsenf a cholera iei I tim had jjuht been Ilemovodl be Eon uerot Krantedt I u fullI pardon under theaforesaid condition and tthe condemned manwas only ton ulnd lo comply hit usfs takenInto the hospital and ordered tulle down ntone in tlie same bed from which IIn hisi pres-ence


boo coroso trios removed The man un ¬

dressed anti wont to bid In loss than half anhour lie began vomiting and In six hours hedliii front cholera

The man died of cholera whMi he took fromfright The corpse removed roan the bod wasnot that of u holeru victim lout of u man whomet lute dnuth from a gunshot wound Tlmexperiment did not lake place In the cholerawing but In till ward for skin dlscasoo

i JIA TA novrxnw vim A Nfl revirrThe Worlds Fair Kritattn CommIttee Askeb

i Krrp nn Eye Tlil Wmy

The National Association nf Amateur Oarsthin Vflll hold nn Important mooting at thenllsoy House on Oct 8 when tIme question olwhere the next national regatta shall be hellwill be discussed Severn places have ulroudrbeen mentioned us possible sites extendingall the way from this city to Chicago In factbulb Chicago and Detroit have putln strongbids for lie event anti It Is stated that prov-isos


havo been rondo In boUt cases to defiarall expenses if the association will look withfavor upon cither of theto two cities

If the regatta Is held In Chlcugolt will beoaCalumet Luke a very shallow sheet ot waterand hardlv lit for such an event In Its presentstate There Is a possibility that the WorldsFair Committee may bocomo actively Inter-ested In the mutter and a SUN reporter WasInformed yesterday thnt thou committee wouldmake an otTer to dredge the hake and deepenIt to tho satisfaction ot tho association If therczntti should be hell there

The clnlms ot Hiuntngn lor the honor of asecond national legutta have vanished A fewmonths uro oaismcn were very favorably In-


towaid fMrutoga but It Is doubtful nowIif a halff doiMii nt Ithem could bn Induced tovisit the plueo again for racing purposesMany of tlm noon trio took part In the regattthere lost Julv claim that It was otto of thepoorest in the hUtory of the AssociationAmong the urnwhuckB complained nf warspoor management tind the distance of the lkfrom tho town

Thei legiitla next year If handled properlywill likely last u wuck and as the slightest er-ror

¬of judgment will surely cause moro or less

dlsustorit johurilly likely tlmt time committeewill iottlo tile important question without duoCole unit deliberation In tint It 1ls possiblethat final decision may bo postponed loom theOctober meeting until the meetlnir In Januarynot Thu Ho ml consists of toe followingmembers Charles Cntlln Chicago F Tiblandish Detroit John IF Huntlneton and HitiJ I I I yell ni hon lb iliod iii phi it 0 P oviiiuill-iafhlncton A It hwi ut 1iiwtucket WalterStlmsnn Cnmbrldca P H Iolton BrooklynJheodnri Von Iladiar and George D PhillipsNuvr York Fird Iii Tortmeyer Newark

1 bo iipinlon IIs prevalent in this city and theImmediate vicinity that the bebt place for thenational ruuatlu is around New York city andthe opinion Is backed up with thn showingthat at least 75 percent of the revving mala-rial In the United States Is clustered In thevicinity ot > ovv York One of the most sincesblul regattas ever held In this country un ¬

thor thou auspices nt National Associationtook pliuo in 1RSJ at Newark This regattamoot witnessed by over 30UOO pennum nplover ilpHI was eleared from the grand standalone It Is not nt all Improbable thar theIasaic lllver Kowinc Association will nuUebid for tile worlds lecatta

A Vrrr Short FIghtNKWAHK Sept 2MDan Eagon the Montana

kid and Mike English the Scotch giantloiiBht near Newark lust night for 500 a sideKagan was seconded by Iaddy McGulggun andEnglish by Tommy Dutton George Burrellof Ito Pastime A C was referee It was oneof the quickest fights on record

English wilt weighs nearly twenty poundsmore tliiin tannn was knocked out by a luckrrighthand swing in lortyoignt seconds andwas not on his feet again for morn than twominutes The blow caught him on the jugularvein

Tho fight took place Indoors and was wit-nessed

¬by about dltl persons After Knelish

recovered Lagan nfTered to give him anothergo on tlio spot tout the giant refused The a

Eagnn offered to light any 145pound man Inthe country

Th RIcheSt Bllllardlit In the WorldA group nf billiard Invert Wets gathered ftboat Qtorfe-

Sn nn nt the CoiumbU racIal yesterday w lchlnf theexpert toy nub Ivory eicres when the subject of theprollt nf tIe iirufcitUui lmUte up lot A theict ot pltiualc-iinvrri nllliiit-

Vlo l > tin irraltblFit bitltarilUt I on of to > froafi-Viil utiililrlll-

jvti4rt inml hfyon doubt the Btadent S14-Iniuutl II lIi ttC nchut hlllUrit player In tbeS hue so irtl hi also lil WHI a man of living habitnnd IhiitliririI Ij eanblnl tim to lay aside a fortan osuIi sob II If ant It util ha intrrmtlnir to Americansin ln mIst inirnlrr IhoiiKli ten yrarmldrr und moreilian 5 lnn tiI loot plA > ni bllllaru s here plays eyestit tti r liillltritu tuan tin did Mbn Its woo A touro-nicnt etlr la > tH Irk He praclUea fmiatanlly ao4vtiin I cow him in Tarts plijrd the J4 luch bafkUaeKIIIIIC siuli ottnitlotg iLthi sat teadliiu

It oil of Bowline Clnba-

Tbe lollowlnt Ii a list of bowling clobi with theirofflrlitli and Its dayi and places ol bowllnr Commnlcatlona of this character tu Vet butt should containthe slave full Intoruattitu sIgned by an ofllcialof llM-

clulionKtcrsPresIdent Jam F Coluover D pety-

omonisloner Of Jurori secretary Lout 5cbleseInJr-Tressurer 0005 h Mactest 5roceanlIuArms Jere111010 iieolnenhiy hod Si Ito ti Iowa Auambtyminnie hutid iteiue mad lotIynftb stccou Wlns4aya-lglius

Media Coalelln Im TownMartin Colello Ihe mlddlewelf boxer arrived IItj-

thUclty jreiterJay from San Iranclico Ho west Ita-

mrdlately to Ihe Coleman House to cell on tall I4friend Jim Corbett The champion wu raryda-Hlhted toeee Ioite lo The letter when seen t 7 s laprIer of lait bii soot

Inni nrrriin builneii and will SiltS any maa Utha iniMI eight thisl lIlt rurilinmona or layholr I ran let backing fur JloinKi lluw was 0It Icould nut heat llmr m > S liM I met hint I Welt I-

riiuuint meet him that nKbl toO wilt tight him aalall1 can traiue a match

sotIlKnetmll NotM

The Nanain would live InMranira a trlts ofiamatwith ill viKitailoo lvriinii II II U each team to stakeslot ttdiots Tony Lester manager JVO Buib Itrtothlroito Ii

The lloiton railroad men and New York rMlroal toeswin pia > ut rruaperi iMrk tlii afitrawa Uame willta called I J ocloc-

kHiunt to x Kept St Atameetlntof lb WilliamsCnlleitr hn > eha l boil lull iioriiln Oapt B Howard94 hitiilrii in lilt iKnatlon At anutber meetlni 4-

lijrnch MM wa elected to the vacant poilllon Lynchpla > rd Ill excellent thud hue for illume Last year-aoih prevtuuily won a yinul rep lallou on tha llatr-Iroi nine tpt I Mt liaineld of lOis football tcain

held tic lint pnrtice raw autho campus thu alicenoun about thirty men taking han They warsloaiutd by Vile old full Dark JUcharda B6