Recap on last week Cash and Profit Benchmarking Assessment

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 Previous Session: ◦ Be able to calculate gross margins and net margins for an enterprise ◦ Know how to categorise receipts and expenditure for an enterprise  Enterprises  Costs (Variable, Fixed, Capital)  Depreciation  Receipts (Enterprise, Sundry, Capital)  Margins (Gross and Net)  Cash – Can you pay your bills?  Profit – Can you fund private drawings and business growth? 3

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Recap on last week

Cash and Profit



Previous Session:◦ Be able to calculate gross margins and net margins for an enterprise◦ Know how to categorise receipts and expenditure for an enterprise

Enterprises Costs (Variable, Fixed, Capital) Depreciation Receipts (Enterprise, Sundry, Capital) Margins (Gross and Net)

Cash – Can you pay your bills?

Profit – Can you fund private drawings and business growth?


Cash Flow Budget (Liquidity) Planning A forecast of money going into and out of a

business over a specific period of time


Compare actual payments with expected.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total

Cash sales 200 350 871 6,391 5,800 2,786 16,39820,000 20,000

Total receipts 20,200 350 871 6,391 5,800 2,786 36,398Variable Costs

1,193 555 1,535 767 4,0500

Total variable costs 1,193 555 1,535 767 0 0 4,050Other Costs

600 600 600 600 600 1,000 4,000100 100 200

50 50 10050 300 50 50 150 600

Loan Repayments 263.5 263.5 263.5 263.5 263.5 263.5 1,581Bank interest 160.6 160.6 160.6 160.6 160.6 160.6 964Accountant & Ins 300 300 600Total fixed costs 1,024 1,174 1,674 1,474 1,074 1,624 8,045Capital expenditure

15,000 15,0005,000 5,000

Total cap expend 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 20,000

Net Cash flow -2,017 -1,379 -2,338 4,150 4,726 1,162 4,303

Cumulative CF -2,017 -3,396 -5,734 -1,584 3,142 4,303



DrawingsHire of tractorRepairsUtilities



Layout of a Cash Flow Layout of a Cash Flow BudgetBudget


Overdraft not being repaid

Not reinvesting in the operation or selling off


Low drawings

◦ Off farm income reducing the need for drawings to fund

family expenses

Borrowing money

Not paying bills

An expanding business with increasing assets, but few

sales High withdrawals for family living Repaying debt rapidly Buying next year’s inputs from this years cash

◦ e.g. prepay on fertiliser

Increase in accounts receivable ◦ have not been paid yet for product sold

Vital to plan and review bank borrowing A means of adjusting the timing of payments and

income Shows if it is feasible to continue or develop the

farm business


Sales +150,000 Sales +150,000Variable costs -75,000 Variable costs -75,000Business overheads -30,000 Business overheads -30,000

Telephone bill (2/3rds to farm)

-4,000 Telephone bill (2/3rds to farm)


Machinery purchased (no loan)

-50,000 Depreciation (buildings & machinery)


Drawings & tax paid -20,000

CASH SURPLUS/DEFICIT (after drawings & tax)

-£29,000 PROFIT £32,333

Purpose of tax accounts - to calculate the farm business profit, which determines the amount of tax due

Purpose of management accounts – to measure efficiency of individual farm enterprises and whole farm

Neither tax or management accounts include VAT


“Helps farmers to assess their own business performance and

compare their physical and financial results with

other similar farms”

Collect data

Analyse data

Compare your results

Identify reasons for variation

*Formulate action plan*

*Implement plan*

Enterprise reports on Physical performance◦ Look at individual enterprises

Enterprise reports on Financial performance◦ Look at individual enterprise but can build to a

whole farm report – based on profit not cash


Output ◦ Sales◦ Value of product grown but not yet sold

Variable costs◦ Costs associated with production that vary depending on scale

Gross margin – (Output – Variable costs)◦ this will show how efficient you are with raw materials needed for the enterprise

e.g., Seed, fertiliser, Sprays and other variable costs

Fixed Costs – costs that do not vary with scale◦ looking at the whole business. What is needed after variable costs. The biggest

variation between farms is the amount spend on fixed costs

Labour, conacre and finance ◦ Value of your own labour, rent for land and interest and capital loan repayments

Gross Margin – (Fixed costs + LCF) = Profit!!!

Physical performance is a measure of the quantity and quality of what you produce on your farm.

These will differ between enterprises, e.g.:

◦ Grain/Crop yield Tonnes/Ha◦ Straw Yield (T/Ha)◦ Tonnes / Labour Unit◦ Seed Rate Kg/Ha◦ Fertiliser Rate Kg/Ha

Financial performance is a measure of how much money it took to achieve the quantity and quality of product sold from the farm. This financial performance will be broken down into output, variable costs, overhead costs and capital costs. This will then produce various performance indicators e.g.:

◦ Gross Margin/Ha◦ Gross Margin / Tonne◦ Total overhead costs◦ Overhead costs/Ha◦ Total cost of production/Tonne◦ Machinery Costs as a % of Total Costs

Farmer records data throughout the year Data Collector gathers data once per year Data processed Reports generated and delivered Local adviser helps interpret report and plan

for change


Financial Performance Measures All 19 Greenmount Your Results Your Results Your Results

2012 2013 2014 £/tonne £/Ha£/tonne £/tonne £/tonne £/Ha Average Average

Main sale   £165     £151     £255 £2,465     £270   £3,234Other sales   £105     £108     £120 £220     £132   £649

TOTAL OUTPUT £182     £133     £233 £2,685     £230   £3,882Pruning   £1     £5     £4 £50     £3   £46Picking   N/A     £32     £46 £533     £31   £515

Fertiliser   £5     £5     £9 £100     £9   £144Herbicide   £2     £1     £3 £33     £2   £27Fungicide   £17     £15     £34 £391     £29   £497

Other sprays   £4     £4     £4 £49     £9   £144Other variable costs   £49     £2     £0 £0     £0   £0

Total Variable Costs £76 £63 £101 £1,157 £81 £1,374       

Gross Margin £106 £70 £133 £1,528 £149 £2,509Machinery costs                            

Specialist machinery                            Contractor   £0.0     £1.1     £1.2 £13     £2.3   £38.9

Depreciation   £0.0     £0.3     £0.0 £0     £1.1   £19.2 Total Specialist machinery costs   £0.0     £1.3     £1.2 £13     £3.4   £58.1

                             General Overheads                            

Machinery   £0.3     £3.0     £5.8 £67     £7.7   £129Fuel Costs   £1.7     £2.9     £9.4 £108     £8.1   £136Contractor   £0.1     £0.2     £1.7 £20     £0.6   £11

Machinery depreciation   £2.0     £4.9     £6.8 £79     £15.7   £265Total Machinery costs £4.1 £12.3 £25.0 £287 £35.5 £600

Property   £0.0     £0.8     £0.0 £0     £1.2   £21Building depreciation   £0.0     £0.4     £0.0 £0     £0.6   £10

Electricity   £1.4     £1.4     £0.0 £0     £2.4   £40Telephone   £0.1     £0.3     £1.4 £17     £0.5   £9Insurance   £1.9     £1.8     £14.2 £163     £4.0   £68

Professional fees   £0.6     £1.0     £6.5 £75     £1.9   £33Miscellaneous   £0.3     £1.6     £1.0 £11     £1.5   £25

Overhead costs less L,C & F £8.3 £19.5 £48.1 £553 £47.7 £806Labour   £0.0     £1.1     £0.0 £0.0     £0.5   £9

Conacre   £0.4     £1.4     £6.5 £75     £2.4   £41Finance   £0.0     £0.0     £0.0 £0.0     £0.0   £0

Total Overheads £8.7 £22.0 £55 £628.0 £50.7 £856

TOTAL COSTS £85.2 £85.3 £155 £1,785 £132 £2,230

Net Profit £97.0 £48 £78 £900 £98 £1,653

Gross Margin - Apples

Your Results Your Results Average2013 2014 £/Ha£/tonne £/tonne £/Ha Average

Main sale £151 £255 £2,465 £3,234Other sales £108 £120 £220 £649

TOTAL OUTPUT £133 £233 £2,685 £3,882Pruning £5 £4 £50 £46Picking £32 £46 £533 £515

Fertiliser £5 £9 £100 £144Herbicide £1 £3 £33 £27Fungicide £15 £34 £391 £497

Other sprays £4 £4 £49 £144Other variable costs £2 £0 £0 £0

Total Variable Costs £63 £101 £1,157 £1,374     

Gross Margin £70 £133 £1,528 £2,509

Net Profit - ApplesYour Results Your Results Average

2013 2014 £/Ha£/tonne £/tonne £/Ha Average

Gross Margin £70 £133 £1,528 £2,509Machinery costs        

Specialist machinery        Contractor £1.1 £1.2 £13 £38.9

Depreciation £0.3 £0.0 £0 £19.2 Total Specialist machinery costs £1.3 £1.2 £13 £58.1

General Overheads        Machinery £3.0 £5.8 £67 £129Fuel Costs £2.9 £9.4 £108 £136Contractor £0.2 £1.7 £20 £11

Machinery depreciation £4.9 £6.8 £79 £265Total Machinery costs £12.3 £25.0 £287 £600

Property £0.8 £0.0 £0 £21Building depreciation £0.4 £0.0 £0 £10

Electricity £1.4 £0.0 £0 £40Telephone £0.3 £1.4 £17 £9Insurance £1.8 £14.2 £163 £68

Professional fees £1.0 £6.5 £75 £33Miscellaneous £1.6 £1.0 £11 £25

Overhead costs less L,C & F £19.5 £48.1 £553 £806Labour £1.1 £0.0 £0.0 £9

Conacre £1.4 £6.5 £75 £41

Finance £0.0 £0.0 £0.0 £0Total Overheads £22.0 £55 £628.0 £856

TOTAL COSTS £85.3 £155 £1,785 £2,230Net Profit £48 £78 £900 £1,653

Performance MeasuresYour

Results Your Results Average  2013 2014 £/Ha  £/tonne   £/Ha Average

 Yield main crop /Ha 20.2 9.7 12.0

 Yield of other/Ha 14.6 1.8 4.9

 Total yield/Ha 34.8 11.5 16.9

 Tonnes /labour unit 426 69 221

 Total Machinery costs £12 £287 £600


Machinery cost as a % of all cost 14% 16% 27%

Physical Performance Measures

Discuss the benchmark report Compare to average figures What are the positives? What are the negatives? What could be improved?



• Assess your own current performance • Allocate ALL production costs•   Gross margin is a good starting point•   Control overhead costs• Identify strengths and weaknesses • Feeds into whole farm management accounts• Information for farm planning and decision



A process to help farmers assess their own business performance◦ Physical performance ◦ Financial performance

Benchmarking will identify areas for improvement No action, No benefit



Barley Cattle

Existing land

Total Farm Gross Margin


s mar




s mar



Barley Cattle

Existing land

Overheads Profit

Total Farm Gross Margin



Barley Cattle

Existing land

( 1 )

( 1 )

( 1 )

Total Farm Gross Margin(Increase Gross Margins)



s mar


Overheads Profit


Barley Cattle

Existing land

( 1 )

( 1 )

( 1 )( 2 )

( 2 )

Total Farm Gross Margin(Increase Gross Margins & Increase enterprise size)



s mar


Overheads Profit


Barley Cattle

Existing land

( 1 )

( 1 )

( 1 )

( 3 )

Total Farm Gross Margin(Increase Gross Margins, Enterprise size & Reduce overheads)



s mar


Overheads Profit( 2 )

( 2 )

+ =Wheat

Barley Cattle

Existing land


r inc


( 1 )

( 1 )

( 1 )

( 3 ) ( 4 )

Total Farm Gross Margin(Increase GM’s, Increase enterprise Size, Reduce Overheads and add off farm income)



s mar


Overheads Profit( 2 )

( 2 )