+ Running Repairs B5 The Living Body

+ Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

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Page 1: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these


Running Repairs

B5 The Living Body

Page 2: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+Running RepairsLesson Objectives

Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases.

Discuss how these defects can be treated and the advantages and disadvantages of some of these methods.

Explain what causes blood to clot, why this is important and why it may need to be prevented.

Explain which blood groups can be used to donate blood to which other blood groups.

Starter make a list of things that they know can go wrong with the heart

Page 3: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+Key Words

bypass surgery • coronary heart disease • heart assist device • heart attack

agglutinins • antibodies • antigens • anti-coagulant • aspirin • blood groups • fibrin • haemophilia • heparin • heart assist device • platelets • Rhesus • serum • transfusion • warfarin

Page 4: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+Prior Knowledge Needed

The human heart has four chambers that work together to circulate the blood.

A build-up of cholesterol in blood vessels can put this function at risk.

The body’s immune system protects the body from foreign antigens by producing antibodies.

Page 5: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+5c Running repairs Heart Conditions/Diseases

Lifestyle risk factors– diet, alcohol smoking, stress, drugs

Condition Effect Treatment

Irregular heart beat Pacemaker

Hole in heart Surgery

Damaged or weak valves

Replacement with artificial valves

Blocked coronary artery

Bypass surgery

Heart attack Transplant – disadvantages?

Page 6: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+5c Running repairs Blood components

Blood groups: A, B, AB, O

Rhesus positive & negative

Agglutinins – markers on the surface

of red blood cells which make them Clump

if they contact the corresponding antigen:

Blood group Agglutinin on surface

Antibodies in blood

Can accept blood from

A A Anti-B A or O

B B Anti-A B or O

AB A & B None Any

O None Anti-A & Anti-B O

Page 7: + Running Repairs B5 The Living Body. + Running Repairs Lesson Objectives Recognise that there are many heart conditions and diseases. Discuss how these

+5c Running repairs

Blood donation – cards for everyone? Religious objections?

Blood Clotting occurs:

1. When blood vessels are damaged

2. When blood comes into contact with air

3. To prevent too much blood being lost

4. To prevent pathogens entering through wounds

Vitamins K & C are needed for healthy blood clotting Alcohol & cranberries slow it down Anti-coagulant drugs e.g. warfarin, heparin & aspirin

reduce it Haemophilia is an inherited disease where a faulty protein

stops blood clotting