Th9 Kth tn. dea<7i 0/1948 Uapic Vallejf oce ftM *yV red OeU 17 at P liQ M of on accident - I Caatia countv. . VOL, 81, NO. 186 * Israel Oka Parley Bi Cease-Fi] TEL AVIV, Iflrael, Oct. 18 (fp United Nations offer to arrange the fighting in tho Negev. Hov flro propOBal. Tho foreign office said no c< acccptcd unti! Israel is assured t In actions last night, Jewish t heights dominating the road thr Bouthem desert. A dispatch fr< spondent Carter L. Davidson - ot the front said the Jews had / succccded in blasting open I their supply route to tho des- ert. (The Xtohed NaUraa securlly couneU h u been caUed into speclitl «cMlon tomorroB’ aomlng In Parii la consider the new ouUiurst of P) llghUns In the hoty lood.) Tiuefl Sonxhl ^ An Israeli foreign oldce spokn- ni miin'Wid the United NaUona had ^ proposed a four-day truce In Ilght- ins “to settle peacefully tha basle , . dltfereneea between the Ejyptlans and Isrocl in the Negev” and bub- u; ffentcd peace tAlks in Jeruuion. lurael. he aald. Is ready to meet tho esypUana any time, any place for peace dlseusalona. A cease-fire ^ Is Impossible, he added, unless the ^ United Notions can guanmteo tho Ejfyptlaiu will not take advantase of such a truce to Improve their {7 positions. Israel haa thrown a top command- n er Into the battle for control of tho Negev desert'area where reports In- dtcated heavy casualties oa Jews and EgypUana struggled fiercely. Tlie J, commander’s name was kept aeereU “ Third Day of BomUnx Zj The noon communique aald bomb- pt Inj targets for the third consecu- ae tlve night were the EI Arlsh air Ja base, tho city of Oaia. which Is both Ci the seat of ths new Arab govem* S< ment for Palestine and the Egyp- ar tlan headquartert, UUl Egyptian m troop centert at Majdal. ralujijuid Beersheba. th J There wer» reporti here, whleh ch C could not be coofIrmed. ■ lhat Arab fa forces were evacuating Oaxa. Q. N. observen stationed at Oaza T apparenUy had pulled out for bases | farther south. Thoae in Tel AvIt ■peculated that they might ba with- 1 drawn CompJetaly because of Urael-« J datlaaoo of the ceaa»-nra ord«c.aad . her-refuaaJ to let tho observers go to thA front. trnofficlal Informant* said that Unless the' Egyptians atrlko back In _ force, the present phase of the fight* ^ ing appear* to be near as end. That w would indicate, if It U tnie. that the at Israeli forcw fed they now are siTOQg enough to hold tbe Negev dl Boise Man Is 8th Fatality in « HuntMishaps ^ IDAHO crry. oct. la m>)—a a?-' year-oJd Bolsean died early yester- “ day morning from a gunshot wound In a himtlng accidcnt near here. nalph Edgar Smock was killed seven miles east of here on the Low-' “ man highway, Bolae County Sheriff ®® Fred Richardson said. , ' Ho said Smock's bunting com- ^ panlon. HoUard Hodges, 20. PayetU. “ ^ said Smock was killed as he showed W him how to load a rifle. foi ' Smock waa hit in the abdomen ^ by Uie bullet. Ada county authorities said Hodges is being held in the Ada county Jall pending an inquest to f*” be held here Tuesday. Boise County Coroner R. j. Mel- ^ lor called the Inquest for yester- day momhig and then conUnued it. Smock Is survived by hU wife and three sons. Ca Hb death was the eighth in hunt- Ing accidents In Idaho this season. _____ del . FOUR KILLED IN UTAH By The AanclaUd Pm a JP Pbur persons have been killed and five others Injured In mlshapa stem- mlng from Dtah’B 1948 deer huntUig ca tcaton. in its third day today. Ihree of tho fatallUeo resulted from ahooUng injurlea. ^ Cominform Issued J Order in Slaying SALONIKA. Get. 18 (UJ»-Oreek government oftlclals sold today that 1 one ot four lefUsts charged wltb the g„ murder of American Comspondent t,,, George Polk had confessed that Polk was killed on orders of the cominform in an Involved plot to urc halt American aid to Oreoce. hei Tvo Greek cabinet ministers is- gn sued a special announcement say- ( Ing that a lefUst Greek newspaper- *t i ona. hla mother and two fugltlv# *t communlstji had been charged wltn ^ the murder. Their tarlal will take ^ plaee in two months. Bo' According to the annotmcement. Polk waa ahot last May B in a row- boat in Salonika bay wbUe under Bat the impression his communist com- ^ panlons were taking him Into com- . ^ munUt lines to InUrvlew the guer- rllla leader. Gen. Markc« Vafiades. ^ Hb body waa discovered floating in Ujo bay on May ie. « DIE IN CAB CKASn POINT WDGU. Calif, Oct. IB <Jf) wll r ,-Nlna persona were UUed and tori one Injured In a head-oo-mtomoblU du crash on U. S. highway 1(KA three wtt miles south of hert resterday. at trafftf ... ^ 1948.«i, * / ocettr>- ^ "7— lent-ni T m n |r ly. ’ - ■' ARegi. u4 :ays U.N. Sid, S n u b s 'ire Order 8 (/P)—Israel acccptcd tonight a ango pcace talks with Egypt on However, she rejcctcd a cease- 10 cease-fire proposal would be red tho Egyptians will behave. [sh troops stormed and captured 1 through the Negev, Palestine’s tl from Associated Press Corre- in --------: ........ ..... . in Chm-ch Unit Selects Local 11 Man at Meet CLOVER. Oct. 18-Irvln Ehlera, 1 Twin Falls, was reelected president I , of Ute Lutheran Laymen's league of I K Utah and Idaho at the group’s sec- I « ond annual convenUon here Sunday, I ** More than 200 delegates heard I . afternoon and evening addresses by I ?* T. O. ESgers. St. Louis. Mo, na- I •" Uonal execuUve secretary of tho I league. I Eggcra stressed the need for more I ^ support by league members of local E ™ churches and ouUlned the work of the league tn naUonal affairs. During Uie aesslon, member# voted to raise funds for tho Lutheran col- lege. Valparaiso university at Val- “ , paralso, Ind. Work of the coUege In ri ,! the church waa outlined by Eggers. I , Members voted to hold their next * ' annual convention at Pocatello. Data of the convention will be announced Uter. Other offlcera elected Include Ray ZleroU, Salt Lake City, first vice ]• prealdent; Herman Martens, Sden. i- second vice president; Leonard Ir Jacobs, Twin PalU, secretary: Pete p] h Carlson. Pocatello, treasurer; Brwin gt 1- Koch. Twin Palls, edltor-recorder. bl > and D. N. Lyons, Salt Lake City, in meml>ershlp secretary. id The Rer. R. C. Muhly. pastor of Uie Twin Falla Immanuel Lutheran „ :h church, w u reelected pastor adviser lb for the league. » U. S. Demands n 3 Big 5 Discuss S Aiom Controls ^ In PARIS. OcL 1® WV-Hie United U States demanded, today that tho ^ kt Uhlted Nations tura tho deadlocked ~ ia atomic energy problem over -to the ro five great powers and Canada for dlrecUon negoUaUons. Chief U. S. Delegate Warren R. ^ Austin told the 5&,natlon pollUcal committee tho United NaUons eould go no further In its efforts to con- trol the atom unUl the Soviet union agreed to -parUclpate In the world ‘j" community on a cooperaUve basis.’' ■” Berlin DUpote Tomorrow Jl g The Derlln dispute comes up to- morrow In the security councU. A r.- new compromise plan which would > take the issue out of tho 0. N. is fJ, d reported under conalderaUon by the e. six neutrals of the council. <1 AusUn, commenting on a report drawn up by an atomic energy sub- committee, declared; 'Communist states desire to live T In a secret world of their own be- t hind which, for ali we know, they d may arm and prepare their people for war. We do not desire to Uve In such a world. ^ Impaaae Beached lu d *That is the Impasse In whleh — the United NaUons atomic energy o commission finds Itself. Thla Is an iJ impasse which cannot be overcome 1- by the Atomic energy commission." .r AuaUn aald the problem must be t. t«raed over to the United States. e_ d Russia, Britain, France, China and Canada for negoUaUons. ^ An U-naUon atomic commission q , suspended work last May In & deadlock over control plans. AusUn ..q was backing a Canadian proposal, at approved by a subcommittee, calling d for turning the Whole control prob- . lem back to the six orlgUial atomlo '' 2 control commission sponsora to de- Th cldo whether there is any basis upon vel d which to resume efforts to try for fly controL_____________________________ ^frt Job’s Daughters J Parley Here Fr t The HUi annual session of Uie da; ® grand guardian councU of Idaho, Jc>r \ Inleniatlonal Order of Job’s Daugh- ^ e ters, wlU be held Friday and Sat- £ 0 urday at the American Legion hall wll here. Mrs. Irene SUrilng, Pocatello, rep . grand guardian. wUl preside. ter Grand officers will bo entertained Ed . at a rccepUon In the Masonic temple me • at 0 p. m. Thursday, with Uie form- ina 1 al opening of the meeUngs slated 1 8 for 9 a. m. Priday when O. J. flc Bothne, aecretary of the Twin Falls Sal ; Chamber of Commerce, will give aa lon . address of welcome. Some 3M dele- I f gates from 38 bethels and 100 adults su . are expected to attend the sessions. Spi . Other opening addresses are sche- Mr . duled by O. Frank Walteri, wor- dla t. shlpful master of Twin Falls lodge m J No. 45, AP and AM, and M n. Lola; Bu: HaUey, worthy matron of Twlnl Wi Pans chapter No. 30, Order of>su; Eastera Star. uu At e;SO p. m. Friday, A banquet I ) will be held at SL Edward's audl- to I > torium (or delegatet and Job's wit i daughters. Twin FaUa bethel No. 19 quc } will conduct InltlaUon ceremonies Slu *1 « p. m, Flom a to 4 p. m. Frt-1S54 tegional Newspaper Servliiff ' u 4 Million Del] le t it I t- le ol BSSBHHBHIiHjHI Flame and imeke blUowa from » lar ^ height of fire which' injored at least I. 000." (AP wlrephoto from U. 8. navy) 1- S Truman Acts { ri To Stave Off Rail Wallcbut li WASHINOTON, O ct 18 tUJ9 — L ie President Truman acted today to *J Q stave off a threatened strike by 10 big non-opernting railroad unions. • Mr, Truman directed that atl v. emergency fftct-flndlng board be set “ up to InvestlRate the dispute. Tho ^ railroad labor act forbids unions to ^ strike -for at least GO days while the — board investigates. The unions now are conduelintr a strike vote. I Assistant White House Secretary Ebcn Ayers aald members of the board probably will be appointed I later this week. Jn his order creat- ing,(he boa^ Mr. Truman aald the dispute threatens'"substantlftlly to a Interrupt Intm tate commerce." Tie unions represent about 1.- jj 000.000' clerical workers, signalmen, J- Ule?ranhera, dispatchers, yardmen di (J and other non-ooeratlng emploves. jj Ig The strllce vote is expected to bo di comoleted in about a week. Union .. officials hrve nredlcted it will ahow , that about 03 per cent of thelr „ J members favor a wnlkout tf their demands nre not met. NcMtlatlona between the railroads jp n anti thr unions boitged down over a nj fj union demand for a re>*iirtlon In the ii, M h -lc wo'lc wrek froT" 48 to <0 hoiirs j,. without loss in pay. The ttnlonx n’«o » demanded a wngo increase of 29 v, • cents an hour. ' The unions opened negolIaUoM In g CTiIcatro last month by demandlntt “ that the railroads first grant thr rhnrter work week. The cnmnanim fr , refused and requested arbitration, ui The unions refiwed to arbitrate. tt; _________________ In : Tb'-po West 7ones » ; Of Reich Merged " BERLIN, Oct. 18 Mv-An almost fli eoroplete economic merger of the in three westem wmes of Oermany u ‘ waa onnounoed today, ot ' An agreement fu.-Ung the foreign ui I taide of tho Prench rone with that ca ° of the already merged British ond bc American tones was algned by the Ti “ threo weatem alUed military gov- bj '• emors. Thla united the economies of all zones except the Russian une of ‘ Germany, save for a few acUvlUes ‘ which will be regulated by consulta- tlon among the British, FTcnch and Americans. « I —- _______________ _________ et VOLIWTEEIIS ASKED wl 5 WASHINOTON. Oct. 18 (U.B — Je • Tha air force today asked for 10.000 to > veleran-voluntecm U> Tccep ’em Hi r flying'* on tho western European ca front of the cold war. to s Slate Council i Friday, Saturday £ J day, there will be » akatlng party for all Job's Daughters and mem- ad . bers of Uie Order of DeMolay at Ui Rhythm RoUer rink. ch ; Saturday sessions open at 9 a. m. Oi I wlUi a contlnuaUon of business and hi , reports. Luncheon for Job's Daugh- ca ters will be served at noon at SU af I Edward's auditorium whUe council I members attend a luneheos meet- t • ing at the Park hotel £ I Inst&UaUon of grand council of- . fleers will be held at 7:30 p. m. I Saturday with a formal dance fol- i lowing at 0 p. m. Distinguished guests from out*of- foi I sute Include Mrs. LuU Lydo. Ui. . Spokane, W ash, supreme guardian; th. ' Mn. Marie Orangler, grand guar- sh dlan of Waahlngton: Helen Uoqulst, th I .grand guardian of UUh; Helen da y Burke past grand guardian of Utaht 1 1 Warren Tyler, past associate thi > supreme guardian. Salt Lake city, toi Utah.__;____ hlj Housing Is needed for delegates be. to Uie meeUngs. Twin Falla resldenU wi with available rooms hare been re- Questrf to phone either Mra. Bay Ml Sluytir. l<03, or Mrs. Wallace Bond, th IB54. ^ hi, i/j TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MOI allar Naval Air Sts a large repair shop hangar of tbe naval i eaat nine persons and cansed loss catimat avy)_____________________________________ Safes Robbei I Buhl Offic BUHL, Oct. 18 — Burglars ' " houses Sunday night and brok .0 ?425.45, Police Chief Clyde Pryoi “• ■ Pryor said he believed all foui “ by tho same bandits. Ho said the iQ fcssionals. 0 Safes at the Home Lumber con ,e ;---------------------------------------- w y Liquor Count " J Trial Starts; 1 *IwoonStandj Ihe Jury trial of Eddie Roberts, S charged with tho indictable mla- th ° demeanor of furnishing Uquor to a as minor, began In dlsUlct court Mon- cc day morning after an hour was spent ia tho sel'ecUon of a Jury. T»-o ^ wlUiessea testUled and were crota- , [*■ examUied before the court recessed for tho noon hour. , Roberts Is charged wlUi furnish- n, ing wblsky to Lowell TTacy, 17, about Juno 30, 1018. Ko waived pre- j,. ^ llmlnary hearing when arraigned in u. Justice court. Mrs. Harral tesUIIed . Roberts and a youlh she believed to jg “ bo Tracy drovo Into Uio ynrd nt her farm north of BuhL 5j CaUed From Field r. She sold her daughter called her ■!, from work in a .nearby field and tt 1. upon arriving at tho yard found ^ tho youth oa a blanket and vumlt- ©I ing. Sho related that Roberti was lo talking "a lot of foolishness” but under cross examlnaUon sold he of- ol ] fered to pay for tho damages and ol asked for tools to repair hlA cor. Parley Hannon, Buhl police of- n It fleer. tcsUfled he was called to I e InvcsUgate and idenUlled Roberts y as the driver of a car he had met on his way to the Harral ranch. He n tald lhat on hla return he found the t car parked alongside the road. Ro- st; d bcru was not there, be said, but s e Tracy w as ••poased o u f la Uie ct - back seat. , dc Evldenee Prodoeed 1 Harmon produced a botUe of P. ^ whisky and a botUe of beer found In . in Uie car and said there were vc j several empty beer bottles In Uie 81 vehicle. ProsecuUng Attorney Ever- Ji ett M. Sweeley Introduced the a whisky .as evidence over the ob- W - JecUon of W. L. Dunn, defense at- 0 tomey. Under Dunn's quesUonlag. dl 1 Harmon admitted he had never had at 1 cause to arrest \Poberts during vUlts in to Buhl; fr Jurors hearing the case are R. 0. as Moree, P. O. Oraves, Mn. c. R. wl Chamberlin, Harvey M. Peters, E. — N. Pettygnyve, Mra. c. E. Teatcr, E. /- Hcrbst, Mrs. M. T. Hardy. August V T Nelson. Mrs. Sturgeon McCoy, Helen k. E. Caudle and Mrs. Edna Bailey. f Dunn challenged Oravca after be . admitted he was prejudlced^igalnst t the liquor business. However the challenge was wlUjdrawn after of I. Graves explained - he considered 1 himself dutybound to consider the . case oa Its merits and not to be “m , affected by his prejudice. Fi' ; Blast in Russian Zone Jars Plane ^ BERLIN, Oct. 18 (UJ?>~U, & air mi - force authoriUes reported officially joi , that an American OfM plane flying q, ; the BerUn airlift run was "seveiely gu • shaken'’ by tf ground explosion tn , the Russian tone of Oermany to- eai m LieuL Raymond Miller, pUot of an ) the plane, told the American mlll- , tary government's air bi>nch that « ' ils four-englned plane had not i been shaken by anU-alrcraft as first I was reported. at BriUsh-authoriUe# h»d;sald that r Miller Bent a radio message saying 17 . that anU-Aircraft lire burat near his ship. tw aONDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1948 Nation Fire ( U( tr '-'i Hi Cl di u tu ral air ttaUon la Qnense*, B. I, ai ^ mated by oavy at “weU over *1,000,- ed at Two fi( ices Sunday^ rs entered four Buhl business ot iroko open two safes to steal ryor reported Monday morning, pj four burglaries were committed the jobs were the work of pro- “ company and the Buhl elevator o • wero chiseled open. Although D the Jerome Cooperative ® crcamery office and Grays n Garage were, broken into, Ui nothing was listed as stolen, R. D. Alkea, manager of the Heme £ I lamiber company, said the bmUQi ^ knocked out glass in a side door to fftlQ entry. Ihey ehlseled the dial ™ 1 , from the safe door and pried open - Uie door. Abottt *33535 was listed X so mlsstng from the safe and wag _ - covered by Insunvnce. c > No anes Foond ® Aiken said apparenUy noUlng . else was missing. He sold no clues were found. J. D. Kennedy, manager of tha • Buhl elevator, (uUd the bandlu • broke Into tho plant through a rear door and used the same method In S,i brcjklnK open the company'a safe, ed “ Atwut S200 was reported stolen. The di " la-a wos cOT'ercd by Insurance. bi ^ Windows Smashed ^ Windows ill Uie rear of the Jer- ome CooperaUve creamery oirice li| *■ here ond Grays gorago were brol:en, but nothing wos stolen. Mrs. Vivian J" DaLvr. mnnnger of the .creamery’s , • ofllce, r.ald the safe door was un- ^ ^ locked nnd contained no voluables. ^ t Chief Pryor, assisted by members - of the Twin Palls county sheriff’s d office, is InvcsUgnUng tho burglaries. ^ I Top Tribunal Will S ; Rule on Divorces cr B WASHINQTON. Oct. 18 WV-The • supremo court today agreed to mako t a new ruling on the extent to which h. e courts of other aUtos may sUlke ^ dovn Nevada -qulcklo" divorces. Th# ruling was asked by Hermonle dc f P. lUce. who said ConnecUcut courts h 1 improperly overtumed a Reno dl- b< B vorce granted to Herbert N. Rice, tr B She ond Rice were married In Reno fe - July 3 ,1M4. two weeks after he won fr B a Heno divorce from Lillian P. RIee, . Woodbrldge. Conn. -• Six monlha aftor the Reno wed- ei , ding Rico died. His flrat wife then 1 attacked the Reno divorce In a suit st J in the superior court of ConnecUcut e> from New Haven county. Sh# also th asked that she be declared the tli , widow of Rice.______________________ ^ t Survey Shows ] t . L im its He] (EJItor'a noUi Is U m MooDd et a Mrl« ‘ or Wtkl«s «a tn tfk rMemB«M*U»nii ft I m«<Jt br th* AMoeUt«d Coswulunu for , T-la r»U.. Utlr rindinn on llnlu *C ’ >r< Jmrlbad. N at la Um MftM vlll b« aX > lmpfoTrm«nU tu«s«M rof Ui» Uim jJj r tn roinu IstmaeUon*.) ^ By BABSY ABNOLD Jiul wbat attention do driven at give to apeed UmlU Ui Twin FfllsT st > The rather lUrtllng answer is listed re below in a summary of speed checks sp ' made last summer at » number of th ’ locaUons by George W. Bartoo. an er : engineer for the Associated Con- dc ' sultants. In Following are the locaUons, high- ah est speed docked, lowest spe^, and 30 , customary speed range. All speeds bc are given la mUes per hour. ot Addison avenue west—one at 80. ® I one at 30, customary 39 to (0. . Blue Lakes boulevard nortb-.^ne ^ a t 65, one at W. crustomary SO to 31. J, Kimberly road—three at 40, one at le ; 17, customary so to 35. n Blue Lakes boulevard-one at 37. n two at 20, custom&tT 23 to 38. ] c< Nine Irrigated I ^ o Coontiea ‘Vinson To ‘Ha Presi 1 IHAMI, Fla., Oct, 18 (/P)—Prei I tlce Vinson to Moscow to ask Prei I trust” surrounding negotiations : I The President, in a spccch at t 1 wicked falsehood" what bc called Utah Man L In Cassia ( BURLEY, O ct 18—William R. I was killed instantly at 5:20 p.m liaion on U. S. highway SOS 10 Cassia county sherifrs office rc] The mishap occurred whon Mr. driven by W. T. Chealey, Salt Li U. S. highway SOS from the Brid turned, but both were damaged bi « 41 I Pair Hurt in a Crash Flown g To Hospitals Two Kimberly residents were flown to Magic Valley hospitals Sun- day foUowlng on automobile acci- ^ ^ dent on a hunUng trip near Pine, and an Iowa man 'working Ui this aen was hospitalised as the result 3 of aa IntenecUon collision south of 2“ 1 Twin Palls. Flown to Twln-FaiU county hoi- • pltal was Mrs. Melvin Shaar. Kim- ^ i berly. whoso pelvis w o bnien la _ . the accident new Pine. Her physl- clan described ber condlUon as "ga^** Monday noon. Flown to " ^ Gooding for audlcal treatment cu i DeWayno Bowman, 14, Kimberly, „ Els inJMes wera said to be aUght. IB. The pair was injured about 6 a. u 9 m. Sunday whea tho car in which M I, they- were riding akldded over »16- . foot.'cmbankment about one and » «u ? driving e i o S E B S K I H B l e Q a a r i a <CMUnB*4 M F»s* S. C*l««a I) Tl d " ’■ se ‘ 3,000 Attend ' M « Gooding’s Air ^ ; Show Events S r GOODINa, Oct IB-More Uian f! a 3,000 Moglo Volley resldenU atUnd- •. ed the air show sponsored here Sun- e day by the city of Ooodlng to cele- braU the compleUon of tSS.OOO In T Improvements at the local airport J. Speotatort watchcd the 100th • fighter squadron of the Idaho ca- 1 " Uonal guord put on a 4S-mlQuto J • demonstraUon of acrobaUcs, speed , runs, precision flying and parnchuu Jumping. Speakcni at the event included ^ -Mayor J. Wesley Miller, Ooodlng; ® Rep. John Sanbom, Hagerman. of- f flcIals of Empire Air lines and Uie fa ’• noUonal guard. I “ More than 300 courtesy rides were «« given in a 34-possenger plane own- ed by Empire. Both Sanbom and Miller told the 5 crowd Ul* compleUon of airport im- ne provemenU would help commcrc# in ° Ooodlng and Magic Valley. Sanbom ® Bold it •Tnarited a milestone of avia- wi ' Uon progress not only for Ooodlng « but for all of Idaho.- ««> Climax of the air show was a co 8 double parachute Jump by Sgt. John tr! s Hennessey and Sgt. John RoberU, ca - both Boise. They balled out of a >. transport plane, seconds apart. Si>00 >M 9 feet above the field and landed in *h 1 front of tho crowd. Yi !, Various aerobaUcs were demon- to ........ u- -miadron’s P-51 flght- - er planes. The enUre squadron Ti n , - ..1 .cvlew, simulated a ground; dr t strafing atUck on tho airport and th t executed a loop in line. At one Ume j fo: 0 the fighter planes former a con-1 at a tlnuous verUcal circle above the air-1 Dt port.____________________ ^ _________Iso 3 D rivers W iiik j [ere; Traffic Spe What are the speed UmlU now In thi f effect? Fifteen mile# per hour In soi J school tones, the business district thi • and IntersecUon#—30 miles per hour i elsewhere. The consuIUnU have thi quite a llUle to say about Uils, gri noUbly thla paragraph: ••Because of the relaUvely favor- th a able accident experience on the ap f streets and because drivera are al- Us 1 ready greaUy exceeding exlsUng bu B speed limits. It Is.recommended that ml f tho cltywide speed UmlU be la- su 1 creased to 3S mUes an hour .ia real- tr • dentlal districts, 30 miles iaa hour sa In Uie buslaeas dlstrlcU (which Ju • should be defiaed In the ordlaance). ep 1 SO tnllea an bour on Blue Lakes s boulevard north, 3& miles aa hour er on Addison avenue west, and 30 tr ) tnlles on Kimberly road." wl ' After these speed regulaUons bave bj beea approved the englneen ex- pl f plalDi- standard signs should be eieeted to notify the publlo of tbe th >t legal limit, aad enforcement made ex permitting no more than a five- to f. mlle-an-hour“ loIcraBCeV“T be-ac- lot ] ccpted pracUce in ttculaUnc speeds, pl : E Lies 1 Plan’ y alt D isti adent A •President Truman said today hc con Premier Stalin to help dispel “the po: )ns between “the westem powers ar at tho annual American Legion coi lied "loose and Irresponsible talk to ----------------------------^ ---------------- Sta Loses Life ^ Car Crash ^ a R. Sadler, 60, Midvale. Utah, p.m. Sunday in a two<ar col- &nd 10 miles south of Malta, tho self 5 reported Monday morning. “ “ Mr. Sadler's car struck an outo ^ It Lake City, as It turned onto he i Bridge road. Neither car over- mt" td badly, sheriffs deputies said. ^ Mrs, Grace Sadler and Mrs. uon W, T. Chesley are both in the und Cottage hospital here with “ *« bad injuries received in tho ^ mishap. It is believed Mrs. in i Chesley has a broken leg. Tru : vem McCulloch, Cassia county ^ > coroner, who Investigated thft accl- ^ , ' dent, said Mr. Sadler was kUled la- stantly when the ateerlng wheel ol ^ ■ hla car crushed his chesL McCulloch , said neither car waa traveling at » ^ ; high raU of speed. ^ t McCulloch said no coroner's In- ^ , quest is scheduled. Chealey was nol ‘ held foUowlng Uie mishap. He was ^ . given emergency treaUaeot at the . hospital, then released.- , The Sadlers had beea in Heybum ^ . Boaday Tlsltlns Mra. Sadler's bTOU>- ™ , er. Cheater Hayes, and were enroute ^ a to BOdrala wheq the accident oe- ^ t curred.. . ' '' tim r. Mr. Sadler was bom Sept. 8 0 ,i_ 1888, a t Draper, Utah, aod bad been _m u an employe of Uib U.,8. SmelUng 1 and Refining campaoy. MWrale, In additloe to bis wtdo«; tu la «> t furvlved hy three daughter*, Itak jyj Ttouj.™tff teoSe^SroaSeSaSdl seven grandchlldrezu . - The body la at the McCuUoeh tu« I nerol home h en and wUI be sent to J Midvale for funeral aerrlcea a n d ,^ burial. I !Vr.. Mr. Sadler^B death brought to 38 Ma the number of traffic *deaths in i Maglo Valley in 1948. The last fatal- ‘ I ity occurred Saturday also as Uie a . I result cf an accident In Cassia coun- ty. It was tho fifUi trafUo death of I tho year In the county, I ^ Dewey Ending ^ Drive Tonight lOU • In N. Y. State': EN ROUTE WITH DEWEY. Oct- 1 18 (U-RV-Gov. T h o m a s E. Dewey . campaigned in upetato New York ^ I today wlUi a promise to give the e ' naUon a government with '•both a . . head and a heart- ^ Dewey spoko brieOy at Buffalo. e advocaUng again the formaUon of a . new federal department of social tl progress under which all wellaro yg* IX servlees of the naUonal govenunent * . would be centraUzed. a 1 J Hla elghl-doy campaign swing ends at Albany lato today after ^ ft covering 4.600 miles. During thU a trip, Dewey made more than 60 I, campaign appearances in 10 sutes. a Dewey spent Sunday at Owosso. 0 Mich, his hometown. He left Uiere b t) ahorUy after midnight Four New ^et York towns were on his schedule nrg: today ^ Dewey will stay In Albany through neg n Tueadoy. Ou Wednesday, he wUl «ui 1: drive to New York City for* speech Th« a that night on the Hcrald-Trioune be • j forum. The next night he wUl speak T -1at a dinner memorallzlng the loto cou: -1DemocraUo govemor. Alfred E. ties IsmlUi. _____________ resc c at Speed ® [>eed-up U rged ma 1, they conUnue. Is to esUbUsh a rea- “ 2 1 sonable Umlt and then to t the pubUc to ot»erve t^ t UMU « r Other noteworthy Btotements by B Uie consultants are these- para- 1 , graphs: ^ n t has been found generally true •? - that when excessively low . Umits e apply, the pubUo realizes that tbese ^ • limits are not to be taken Uterally, g but then lacks a basis for deter- * t mining wbat is a proper speed. In - such cases, drivers of good Judgment • tok\-el at a rato Uwt they consider " ir safe and prudent Driven with poor p - b Judgment are prone to tnvel at ), speeds far above a reasonable Umlt » . (The speed checks) gen- ir erolly estabUsh^ Uie fact Uut ox- , 10 tremely few .people are traveUng wlUila the limit aa now estabUsbed k -e by Uw but U ut Uie bulk of tha peo- ^ pie are using good Judgment ir, « In fact aU indleaUons are Uat • tha poUce departmeot-haa.dOM;«a t excellent Job .tn<persaadlnt_p«g^ - to drive lafe^ fai spite or UU 1|» ^ - loglcaIly“Iowspeea'llaiU-tha*--*pri I, pUea.- ------------------- -rlV - ...................... editi 6 n ^ ''^ | V'’ PRICE 5 W as trust,’ '] Asseriij le considered sdhdirig Chief Jo8^ ;7 he poisonous ottnosphere of dl*i', ’ - ers and tho Soviet union,” • ; in convention, described as ilk to the effect that the United States Is deliberately follow- ': ing a course that leads to '-.' war.” i “So long as I am President of Use' United sutes, then wUl be no chip on the shoulder of America," Mr. . Truman declared. Trip “Non-PoUUcaT, He flew here from Wsshlngtea : » In an avowed "non-pcdiUcal". role, : and in his address clescribed him- 3 self aa -a delegate from Mlisourt,' a eomrade-in-arms,-and command- , er-ln-ehief, of our armed forces.** > Mr. Trum aa previously had,said . ) he caUed oft tbe propoMd Vlnsoa . mlssloa after talking with SecieUrr of SUto Marshall He explained • MarshaU thought single-handed ae* Uon by the U. S. might eause mls- e undemanding at the United Nation* . 1 assembly meeting tn Paris. . . Explains Flaa ® Referring to Uie discarded plant ). In hla speech to the Legion, Mr. Trumaa said:- , V T n recenUy conslderliif tbe WDd-’ ^ ing of a Bpeelal emissary to Uoa- . oow, my purpose was to aak Piemler . rf SUUn's cooperation Id dlspeUlng t2u h preaent poisonous atmosphere ot . distrust whleh now surrounds tba - ne^ttatloiu between the western . powers and the Soviet .qntoe. My emissary was to convty tba . mt~ ^ lousneas aad slneerity of tb tja e ^ . ^ of Uie TlBlted BUtes tn n *7bls proposal had ae nltttdD'^ 5 exisUnc oegoOaUons wUbUiV tba, I' scope of the United N attailK t e -. ^ couniJl at forelgi mtatriaHB* r o trom eotttnc acnsa lhaaa tu fp u ' , . ; Uons, tb* parpose ol .ttto’<li*itfoa , i '• was to improra tha atmq g ^ in .tB-. ” whlol^tbaximisttaln iaae«^uda»; :; » JEROMB, O ct IB — iW ra o o rt 'i ,d'and views of Sen. Benry Dwonhak, -I IR, Ida., were lambasted by Bert a : 18' MlUer. Boise, DemocraUe candidate . IB for U. 8. senator at a Democratlo I. rally here Saturday tdght .• Also speaking at the raSy. wse, Asael Lyman, Rexburg. Democratto ' candldato for U. B, representaUr* 1 from the second district; Mrs. 1a- ‘ Vera Swope, Boise. fUto vlea cbalr- * man, and Ed Brennan. Boise, state eholrmon. Glen Vlnlng. Jerome county Dem- t ocroUc central'commlttee cbalm un, presided. Introduced wer* Jerome county candidates and DemocraUo committeo members. a. Cltet EBP OppodUea ^ In- rapping Senator DwoTShak. > . who is eeeking reelecUon, MUler z cited Uie senator’s opposlUoo to^Uia :i European recovery program, (Mar- 'j, shaU plan). Ho quoted Uie senator as saying *TVhy dldnt ttie MarrtaU • plon stop Russia trom ^ CiechPslovakla?- The plan. Miller told 350 pcnons. was not Ui opera- • Uon . at Uie Ume the cwnmunlsta , " I suged Ihelr coup In the Ccecb na- ™ Uon. Lyman gave his reasons for betas . a Democrat He dted Uie party’s ‘B program ot aid to taimera In the. f form of price support Md o tto “ measurej, the housing act, U» OI » bUI of rights, federal deposit Insur- ^ ance and other measures. 0. Brtnsaa Exhort* Worken « Brennan exhorted his lUteneni to w get out Uie vote, speaking oa parW , organlzaUon and duUes.. Be . tcfld ' party memben to take a look a t^ Ih negaUve side of a miesUoa when lU sUndlng on the afflnnaUve aide. - h Then you wUl know the answers, le he sold. lk The nUy was held In the Jerome :e county courthouse, ^wo other ooun- S. ties, LIneoln and Cassia, were rep- ; resented at tbe meeting. - .- Detroit Gas Plant , E^lodestlEilled I DETROIT; Oet 18 g«^ I making plant exploded early today* , MUing one man and causing dam- ^ aff»-est^tad-at oor* tbaa 91.P- “ WOW). -Tbe blast ripped the plant ta Z suburban Melvlndale at 3 ajn. WB- ^ Uam Blaseak, 36, was UUed u d aaotber workman, Joaeph OaSnUe, “• 3fl, w » hQspiUliad_jrtUi ajW fteto.:. ^ brokaa back and other l»ck a - " ^ a p t C. O. Brookar st.tb* Mrt- S vind^e tin droartment atidjtba

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T h 9 K t h t n . d e a < 7 i 0 / 1 9 4 8 U a p ic Vallejf oce

f t M * y V r e d OeU 17 a t r « P l i Q M o f o n a cc id en t

- I C aatia c o u n tv . .

VOL, 81, NO. 186

* I s r a e l O ka P a r le y B i C ease-F i]

TEL AVIV, Iflrael, Oct. 18 (fp United N ations o ffer to arrange the figh ting in tho Negev. Hov flro propOBal.

Tho foreign office said no c< acccptcd unti! Israel is assured t

In actions la s t n ight, Jew ish t heights dom inating th e road th r Bouthem desert. A dispatch fr< spondent C arter L . Davidson - o t the fro n t said th e Jew s had / succccded in blasting open I their supply route to tho des­ert.

(The Xtohed N aU raa securlly couneU h u been caUed in to speclitl «cMlon tomorroB’ aom lng In P a rii la consider th e new ouUiurst of

P ) llghU ns In th e hoty lood.)Tiuefl Sonxhl ^

An Israeli foreign o ld c e sp o k n - n i m iin 'W id the U nited NaUona had ^ proposed a four-day tru ce In Ilgh t- in s “to se ttle peacefully tha basle ,

. dltfereneea betw een th e E jyptlans and Isroc l in th e Negev” and bub- u; ffentcd peace tAlks in J e ru u io n .

lu rael. h e aald. Is ready to m eet th o esypU ana any tim e, any place fo r peace dlseusalona. A cease-fire ^ Is Impossible, h e added, unless th e ^ U nited N otions can guanm teo tho E jfyptlaiu will n o t take advantase of such a truce to Improve the ir {7 positions.

Israel haa throw n a top com m and- n e r Into th e b a ttle fo r control of tho Negev d e se r t 'a re a w here reports In- d tcated heavy casualties oa Jews and EgypUana struggled fiercely. T lie J , commander’s nam e was kep t aeereU “

T h ird D ay of Bom U nx ZjT he noon communique aald bom b- pt

In j ta rg e ts fo r th e th ird consecu- ae tlve n ig h t w ere th e EI A rlsh a ir Ja base, tho c ity o f O a ia . w hich Is bo th Ci th e se a t o f th s new A rab govem* S< m ent fo r Palestine a n d th e Egyp- ar tla n h eadquarte rt, UUl E gyptian m troop c en te rt a t M ajdal. r a lu j i j u id Beersheba. th

J There wer» rep o r ti he re , w hleh ch C could n o t be coofIrm ed. ■ lh a t A rab fa

forces were evacuating Oaxa.Q. N. observen s ta tioned a t O aza T

apparenU y h a d pulled o u t fo r bases | fa r th e r sou th . Thoae in T el AvIt ■peculated th a t they m ig h t ba w ith - 1 draw n CompJetaly because o f Urael-« J da tlaaoo of th e ceaa»-nra o rd«c.aad . her-refuaaJ to le t tho observers go to thA fron t.

trnoffic la l Inform ant* sa id th a t Unless th e ' E gyptians a trlko back In _ force, th e p rese n t phase o f th e fight* ^ ing appear* to b e n e a r a s end. T h a t w would indicate, if I t U tn ie . th a t th e a t Israe li fo rcw fe d they now are siTOQg enough to hold tb e Negev dl

Boise Man Is “ 8th Fatality in « HuntMishaps ^

IDAHO c r r y . o c t. la m>)—a a?-'year-oJd Bolsean died early yester- “ day m orning from a gunshot wound In a him tlng accidcn t n e a r here.

n a lp h E dgar Smock was killed seven m iles eas t o f he re on th e Low-' “ man highw ay, Bolae C ounty Sheriff ®® Fred R ichardson said. , '

Ho sa id Sm ock's b u n tin g com- ^ panlon. HoUard Hodges, 20. PayetU . “

^ said Smock w as killed a s h e showed W h im how to load a rifle . foi' Smock waa h i t in th e abdomen ^

by Uie bullet.Ada county a u thoritie s s a i d

Hodges is being held in th e Ada county Ja ll pending a n inquest to f*” be held he re Tuesday.

Boise County C oroner R. j . M el- ^ lor called the Inquest fo r yester­day m om hig a n d then conUnued it.

Smock Is survived by h U wife and three sons. Ca

H b d e a th w as th e e igh th in h u n t- ‘ Ing accidents In Idaho th is season.

_____ del. FO U R K ILLED IN UTAH

By T he A anc laU d P m a JP Pbur persons have been killed and

five o thers In jured In m lshapa stem - mlng from D tah ’B 1948 deer huntUig c a tcaton. in its th ird day today.

Ih re e o f tho fatallUeo resulted from ahooUng injurlea. ^

Cominf orm Issued J Order in Slaying

SALONIKA. G et. 18 (UJ»-O reek government oftlc lals sold today th a t 1 one ot four lefUsts charged w ltb the g „ murder o f A m erican C om sp o n d en t t,,, George Polk had confessed th a t Polk was killed on orders o f the cominform in a n Involved p lo t to urc halt American a id to Oreoce. hei

T vo G reek cab ine t m in isters is- g n sued a special announcem ent say - ( Ing th a t a lefU st G reek new spaper- * t i o n a . h la m other and two fugltlv# * t communlstji h a d been charged w ltn ^

■ th e murder. T h e ir ta rla l will take ^ plaee in tw o m onths. Bo'

According to th e annotm cem ent.Polk waa aho t la s t M ay B in a row- boat in Salon ika bay wbUe under Bat th e impression h is com m unist com - ^ panlons were tak ing h im In to com- . munU t lines to InUrvlew th e guer- rllla leader. G en. Markc« V afiades. ^ H b body waa discovered floating in Ujo bay o n May ie .

« D IE IN CAB CK A Sn PO IN T W DGU. C a lif , Oct. IB <Jf) wll

r ,-N lna persona were U Ued and torione Injured In a head-oo-m tom oblU d ucrash on U. S. highw ay 1(KA three w ttmiles sou th of h e r t re s te rd ay . a t

t r a f f t f . . . ■ ^1 9 4 8 .« i , */ o c e ttr> - ^

"7—l e n t - n i T m n | rly.

’ - ■' A R e g i.

u 4

:ays U .N . Sid, S n u b s 'i r e O rd e r8 (/P)—Israel acccptcd ton ight a ango pcace ta lk s w ith E gypt on However, she rejcctcd a cease-

10 cease-fire proposal would be red tho E gyp tians will behave.[sh troops storm ed and captured1 through th e Negev, Palestine’s tl from Associated P ress Corre- in --------:............. .

in Chm-ch Unit Selects Local

11 Man at MeetCLOVER. O ct. 1 8 - Irv ln Ehlera, 1

Tw in Falls , w as reelected p residen t I , of Ute L u th e ra n L aym en's league of I K U tah a n d Id a h o a t th e group’s se c- I « ond an n u al convenUon he re Sunday, I ** More th a n 200 delegates he ard I . a fternoon a n d evening addresses by I

?* T . O . ESgers. S t. Louis. M o, n a - I •" Uonal execuUve secretary of th o I

league. IEggcra stre ssed th e need for m ore I

^ support by league m em bers of local E ™ churches a n d ouUlned the work of

th e league tn naU onal affairs.„ D uring Uie aesslon, member# voted

to raise fu n d s for th o L utheran co l- ‘ lege. V alparaiso un iversity a t V al- “

, paralso, In d . W ork of the coUege In ri , ! the church w aa outlined by Eggers. I , M embers voted to hold th e ir n e x t *'

annual convention a t Pocatello. D ata of th e convention will be announced U ter.

O the r offlcera elected Include Ray ZleroU, S a lt L ake C ity, first vice

]• p realdent; H erm an M artens, Sden. i - second vice presiden t; Leonard I r Jacobs, T w in PalU , secretary: P e te p] h C arlson. Pocatello , treasu rer; Brwin gt 1- K och. T w in Palls, edltor-recorder. bl> and D. N. Lyons, S a lt Lake City, in meml>ershlp secretary.id T h e R e r. R . C . M uhly. pastor o f

Uie T w in F a lla Im m anuel L u the ran „ :h church, w u reelec ted pastor adviser lb for th e league.

» U. S. Demands n 3 Big 5 Discuss S

Aiom Controls ^In PA RIS. O cL 1® W V -H ie United U S ta te s dem anded, today th a t tho ^ kt U hlted N ations tu ra th o deadlocked ~ ia atom ic energy problem over -to th e ro five g rea t pow ers a n d C anada for

dlrecUon negoUaUons.C hief U. S . D elegate W arren R . ^

A ustin told th e 5&,natlon pollUcal com m ittee th o U nited NaUons eould go no fu rth e r In its efforts to con­trol th e a tom unUl th e Soviet union agreed to -parU clpate In th e world ‘j" com m unity on a cooperaUve basis.’' ■”

Berlin D U pote Tomorrow J l g T he D erlln dispute comes up to-

morrow In th e security councU. A • r.- new com prom ise p lan w hich would> take th e issue ou t o f tho 0 . N. is fJ, d reported u n der conalderaUon by thee. six neu tra ls o f the council.<1 AusUn, com m enting on a report

d raw n up by a n atom ic energy sub- com m ittee, declared;

'C o m m u n is t s ta te s desire to live T In a secret w orld of th e ir own be-

t h ind w hich, fo r a li we know, they d m ay a rm and prepare th e ir people

for w ar. W e do no t desire to Uve In such a w orld. ^

Im paaae B eached lud * T h at is th e Impasse In whleh —

th e U nited NaUons atom ic energy o commission fin d s Itself. Thla Is an i J

im passe w hich canno t be overcome 1- by th e Atomic energy commission." . r

AuaUn aald th e problem m ust be t. t« rae d over to the United States. e_ d Russia, B rita in , F rance , C hina and

C anada fo r negoUaUons.^ A n U -naU on atom ic commission q ,

suspended w ork la s t May In & deadlock over control plans. AusUn ..q w as backing a C anadian proposal, a t approved by a subcommittee, calling

d for tu rn ing th e Whole control prob- . lem back to th e six orlgUial atomlo ''2 control commission sponsora to de - Th

cldo w hether th e re is any basis upon veld w hich to resum e efforts to try fo r fly

controL_____________________________ frt

Job’s Daughters J ’ Parley Here Frt T he H U i a n n u a l session of Uie da; ® grand gu a rd ia n councU of Idaho, Jc>r\ In len ia tlo n a l O rde r o f Job ’s D augh- ^e ters, wlU be h e ld F riday and S a t- £0 urday a t th e A m erican Legion hall wll

here. M rs. I re n e SUrilng, Pocatello, rep. grand gua rd ian . wUl preside. ter

G rand officers will bo enterta ined Ed. a t a rccepUon In the M asonic tem ple me• a t 0 p. m . T hursday , w ith Uie form - ina1 a l opening o f th e meeUngs slated 1 8 fo r 9 a. m . Priday when O. J . f lc

B othne, aec re tary of th e T w in Falls Sal ; Cham ber of Com merce, will give a a lon . address o f welcome. Som e 3M dele- I f gates from 38 bethels and 100 adults s u . a re expected to a tte n d the sessions. Spi . O ther opening addresses a re sche- Mr . duled by O . F ra n k W alteri, wor- dla t. shlpful m a s te r o f Tw in Falls lodge m J No. 45, A P a n d AM, and M n . Lola; Bu:

HaUey, w orthy m a tro n of Twlnl W i Pans ch ap te r No. 30, O rder o f> su ; E as tera S ta r . u u

A t e;SO p. m . Friday , A banquet I ) will be held a t SL Edw ard 's audl- to I> to rium (o r de lega te t and Job 's w it i daughters. T w in FaUa bethel No. 19 quc } will conduct InltlaU on ceremonies Slu

*1 « p . m , F lo m a to 4 p . m . F r t - 1S54

te g io n a l N e w s p a p e r S e r v l i i f f

' u 4

Million Del]





ol B S S B H H B H I i H j H IFlam e and im eke blUowa from » lar

^ he igh t of fire w hich' in jo red a t le as t I . 000." (AP w lrephoto from U . 8 . navy)1- — ■ —

S Truman Acts { ri To Stave Off ” Rail Wallcbutl i WASHINOTON, O c t 18 tUJ9 — L ie P residen t T rum an acted today to *J Q stave off a th rea tened str ik e by 10

big non-opernting ra ilroad unions. • Mr, Trum an direc ted th a t a tl v.

emergency fftct-flndlng board be se t “ up to InvestlRate th e d ispu te. Tho ^ railroad labor act forbids un ions to ^ strike -for a t least GO days w hile th e —

board investigates. T he un ions now are conduelintr a str ike vo te . I

A ssistant W hite House Secre tary Ebcn Ayers aald m em bers of th e board probably will be appointed

I la ter th is week. Jn h is o rder c reat- ’ ing ,(he b o a ^ M r. T rum an aald th e

dispute th rea tens '"substan tlf tlly to a In terrup t I n tm ta te commerce."“ T ie unions rep resen t abou t 1.- jj 000.000' clerical w orkers, signalm en,J- Ule?ranhera, dispatchers, yardm en di (J and o the r non -ooera tlng emploves. j j Ig The strllce vote is expected to bo di

comoleted in about a week. U nion . . ‘ officials h rve nred lc ted i t will ahow , th a t about 03 p e r cen t of th e lr „ J members favo r a w nlkout tf the ir

dem ands nre n o t m et.N cM tlatlona betw een th e ra ilroads jp

n anti t h r unions boitged down over a nj fj union dem and for a re>*iirtlon In th e ii, M h - l c wo'lc w rek froT" 48 to <0 hoiirs j,.

w ithout loss in pay. T he ttnlonx n’«o » dem anded a wngo increase of 29 v,

• cents a n hour.' The unions opened negolIaUoM In g CTiIcatro la s t m o n th by demandlntt “ th a t th e ra ilroads f irs t g ra n t th r

rhnrter work week. T h e cnm nanim fr , refused and requested arb itra tion , ui

T he un ions refiw ed to a rb itra te. tt; _________________ In

: Tb'-po West 7ones » ; Of Reich Merged "“ BERLIN, O ct. 18 M v-A n alm ost fli

eoroplete econom ic m erger of th e inthree w estem wmes of O erm any u

‘ waa onnounoed today, ot' An ag reem en t fu.-Ung th e foreign uiI ta ide o f tho P rench rone w ith th a t ca° of th e a lready m erged B ritish ond bc

Am erican tones was algned by th e Ti“ threo w eatem alUed m ilita ry gov- bj '• em ors.• Thla un ited th e economies of all

zones excep t th e Russian u n e of‘ G erm any, save fo r a few acUvlUes ‘ which will be regu la ted by consulta- ‘ tlon am ong th e B ritish , FTcnch and■ A mericans. «I — -_______________ _________ et

V O LIW TE E IIS ASKED wl5 W ASHINOTON. Oct. 18 (U.B — Je• Tha a i r force today asked fo r 10.000 to> veleran-volun tecm U> Tccep ’em Hi r flying'* on th o w estern E uropean ca

fro n t o f th e cold w ar. to

s Slate Council i Friday, Saturday £J day, th e re w ill be » akatlng party

for a ll Job 's D augh ters and m em - ad. bers o f Uie O rder of DeMolay a t Ui

R hythm RoUer r ink . ch; S a turday sessions open a t 9 a. m . OiI wlUi a contlnuaU on o f business and h i, reports. L uncheon fo r Job 's D augh- ca

ters w ill be served a t noon a t SU af I Edw ard 's aud ito rium whUe councilI m em bers a tten d a luneheos m eet- t• ing a t th e P a rk h o te l £ I Inst&UaUon of g rand council o f-. fleers w ill be he ld a t 7:30 p. m .I S a turday w ith a form al dance fol- i lowing a t 0 p . m .

D istinguished guests from out*of- foiI s u te Include M rs. L uU Lydo. Ui.. Spokane, W ash , suprem e guard ian ; th.' M n . M arie O ran g le r, g rand gua r- sh• dlan of W aahlng ton: H elen U oqu lst, th I .grand guard ian of U U h ; H elen da y Burke p a s t g ran d gua rd ian o f U tah t 1 1 W a r r e n T y le r, p ast associate thi> suprem e guard ian . S a lt L ake c ity , toi

U tah .__■ ;____ hljHousing Is needed for delegates be.

to Uie meeU ngs. T w in Falla resldenU wi w ith availab le room s h a re been re -Questrf to phone e ith er M ra. Bay MlS lu y tir . l<03, o r M rs. W allace Bond, th

IB54. ^ hi,

i / j


allar Naval Air Sts

a large repair shop h a n g ar of tb e naval i eaa t nine persons a n d cansed loss catim at avy)_____________________________________

Safes Robbei I Buhl Offic

BUHL, Oct. 18 — Burglars ' " houses Sunday night and brok .0 ?425.45, Police Chief Clyde Pryoi “• ■ P ryo r said he believed all foui “ by tho same bandits. Ho said the iQ fcssionals.0 Safes a t th e Home Lumber con ,e ;---------------------------------------- w

y Liquor Count " J Trial Starts; 11 ” *IwoonStandj

I h e Ju ry t r ia l of Eddie Roberts, S charged w ith th o indictable mla- th

° demeanor of furnishing Uquor to a as m inor, began In dlsU lct court Mon- cc day m orn ing a fte r an h o u r was

“ spen t ia tho sel'ecUon of a Jury. T»-o ^ wlUiessea testU led and were crota- , [*■ examUied before th e court recessed

for tho noon hour., Roberts Is charged wlUi furnish- n,

ing wblsky to Lowell TTacy, 17, about Ju n o 30, 1018. Ko waived pre- j,.

^ llm lnary h e a r in g w hen arraigned in u. Justice court. M rs. H arral tesUIIed . R oberts a n d a you lh she believed to jg

“ bo T racy drovo Into Uio ynrd n t h er farm n o rth o f BuhL

5j CaUed From Fieldr. She sold h e r daugh ter called her ■!, from w ork in a .nearby field and t t 1. upon a rriv ing a t tho yard found ^

tho you th o a a b lanket and vum lt- ©I ing. Sho re la ted th a t R oberti was lo ta lking "a lo t of foolishness” but under cross exam lnaU on sold he of- ol

] fered to pay fo r tho dam ages and ol asked fo r tools to repa ir hlA cor.

Parley H an n o n , Buhl police of- n It fleer. tcsUfled h e was called to I e InvcsUgate a n d idenUlled Roberts y as th e d river o f a c ar he had met

on h is way to th e H arra l ranch. He n ta ld lh a t on h la re tu rn he found the t car parked alongside th e road. Ro- st; d b c ru w as n o t there , b e said, bu t s e Tracy w as ••poased o u f la Uie ct- back se at. , dc

Evldenee Prodoeed1 H arm on produced a botUe of P. ^ whisky an d a botUe of beer found In . in Uie c a r a n d said there were vc j several em pty beer bottles In Uie 81

vehicle. ProsecuUng A ttorney Ever- J i e tt M. Sweeley Introduced th e a whisky .a s evidence over th e ob- W

- JecUon of W. L . D unn, defense a t-0 tom ey. U nder D unn 's quesUonlag. dl1 Harmon a d m itted he h a d never had a t 1 cause to a rre s t \Poberts during vUlts in

to Buhl; frJu ro rs h ear in g th e case a re R. 0 . as

Moree, P . O. Oraves, M n . c . R . wl Chamberlin, H arvey M. Peters, E. — N. Pettygnyve, M ra. c . E . Teatcr, E . / - H crbst, M rs. M . T . H ardy. A ugust V

T Nelson. M rs. S turgeon McCoy, Helen k.E. C audle a n d Mrs. E dna Bailey.

f D unn challenged Oravca a fte r be . adm itted h e w as prejudlced^igalnst t the liquor business. However the

challenge w as wlUjdrawn a fte r of I. Graves explained - he considered 1 himself dutybound to consider the . case o a Its m erits and no t to be “m , affected by h is prejudice. Fi'

; Blast in Russian Zone Jars Plane ^

BERLIN, O ct. 18 (UJ?>~U, & a ir mi- force authoriU es reported officially joi , th a t a n Am erican OfM plane flying q , ; the BerUn a ir l if t run was "seveiely gu • shaken '’ by t f ground explosion tn, th e R ussian to n e o f O erm any to- eai ‘ m

LieuL Raym ond Miller, pUot of an ) th e plane, told th e American m lll- , ta ry governm ent's a ir b i>nch th a t « '

ils four-englned plane h ad not i been shaken by anU -alrc ra ft a s first I was reported. a t

BriU sh-authoriU e# h » d ;sa ld th a t r M iller Bent a rad io message saying 17 . th a t anU -A ircraft lire b u rat near

h is sh ip . tw

aONDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1948

Nation Fire (

U(t r




ral a ir ttaU on la Qnense*, B . I , a i ^ m ated by oavy a t “weU over *1,000,-

ed at Twofi(

ices Sunday^rs entered four Buhl business ot iroko open two safes to stealryor reported Monday morning, pjfour burglaries were committed b«the jobs were the w ork of pro- “

company and the Buhl elevator o• wero chiseled open. A lthough D

the Jerome Cooperative ® crcamery office and Grays n Garage were, broken into, Ui nothing was listed as stolen,

R. D. Alkea, m anager o f th e Hem e £

I lam iber company, said th e b m U Q i ^ knocked ou t glass in a s ide door to fftlQ e n try . I h e y ehlseled the d ial ™

1, from th e safe door and pried open- Uie door. Abottt *33535 was listedX so m lsstng from th e sa fe and wag _- covered by Insunvnce. c> No a n e s Foond® Aiken said apparenU y noUlng . else was missing. He sold no clues

were found.J . D . K ennedy, m anager of tha

• Buhl elevator, (uUd th e b and lu• broke In to tho p la n t th rough a rear

door and used th e sam e method In S,i™ brcjklnK open th e company'a safe, ed “ Atwut S200 was reported stolen. The di " la-a wos cOT'ercd by Insurance. bi^ Windows Sm ashed ^

Windows ill Uie re a r of the Je r- ome CooperaUve cream ery oirice li|

*■ here ond Grays gorago were brol:en, but nothing wos sto len . Mrs. Vivian J" DaLvr. m nnnger of th e .creamery’s ,

• ofllce, r.ald the safe d o o r was u n- ^^ locked nnd contained no voluables. ^ t Chief Pryor, assisted by members- of the Tw in Pa lls county sheriff’sd office, is InvcsUgnUng th o burglaries. ^

I Top Tribunal Will S ; Rule on Divorces crB WASHINQTON. Oct. 18 WV-The• supremo court today agreed to makot a new ruling on th e e x ten t to which h .e courts of o ther aU tos may sUlke ^

dovn Nevada -qulcklo" divorces.Th# ru ling was asked by Hermonle dc

f P . lUce. who said ConnecUcut courts h1 improperly overtum ed a Reno d l- b<B vorce granted to H erbert N. Rice, t rB She ond Rice were m arried In Reno fe- July 3 ,1M4. two weeks a f te r he won fr B a Heno divorce from L illian P. RIee,. Woodbrldge. Conn. -•

Six m onlha a fto r th e Reno wed- ei , ding Rico died. H is flra t wife then1 attacked the Reno divorce In a su it s tJ in the superior co u rt o f ConnecUcut e>

from New Haven county . Sh# also thasked th a t she be declared the tli

, widow of Rice.______________________ ^

t S u rv e y S h o w s ] t . L im i t s He]’ (EJItor'a noUi Is Um MooDd et a Mrl«‘ or Wtkl«s «a tn t f k rMemB«M*U»nii f tI m«<Jt br th* AMoeUt«d Coswulunu for, T -la r»U.. U tlr rindinn on llnlu *C’ >r< Jmrlbad. N a t la Um MftM vlll b« aX> lmpfoTrm«nU tu«s«M rof Ui» Uim jJj

r t n roinu IstmaeUon*.) ^

B y BA BSY ABNOLDJ iu l w b at a tte n t io n do d riv en a t

give to apeed UmlU Ui Tw in FfllsT s t> T h e ra th e r lU r tlln g answ er is listed re

below in a sum m ary of speed checks sp' made la s t sum m er a t » num ber of th ’ locaUons by G eorge W . B artoo. an er : engineer for th e Associated Con- dc ' sultan ts. In

Following are th e locaUons, h igh - ah e s t speed docked, low est s p e ^ , and 30

, custom ary speed range . All speeds bc a re given la mUes pe r h o u r . ot

Addison avenue west—one a t 80. ® I one a t 30, custom ary 39 to (0. .

Blue L akes boulevard n o r tb - .^ n e ^ a t 65, one a t W. crustomary SO to 31. J ,

Kim berly road—th ree a t 40, one a t le ; 17, customary so to 35. n• Blue Lakes b o u le v a rd -o n e a t 37. n

tw o a t 20, custom&tT 23 to 38. ] c<

Nine Irrig a ted I ^ o Coontiea

‘V in s o n T o ‘H a

P r e s i1 IHAMI, Fla., Oct, 18 (/P)—Prei I tlce Vinson to Moscow to ask Prei I tru s t” surrounding negotiations : I The President, in a spccch a t t 1 wicked falsehood" w hat bc called

Utah Man L In Cassia (

BURLEY, O c t 18—William R. I was killed in s ta n tly a t 5:20 p.m

liaion on U. S. highw ay SOS 10 Cassia county s h e r if rs office rc]

The m ishap occurred whon Mr. driven by W. T. Chealey, Salt Li U. S. highway SOS from the Brid turned, bu t bo th were damaged bi

« 41

I Pair Hurt in a Crash Flown g To Hospitals

Two K im berly residen ts were flown to Magic V alley hospitals Sun - day foUowlng o n autom obile acci- ^

den t on a hunU ng tr ip n e a r Pine, and an Iow a m a n 'working Ui this a e n was hosp italised as th e resu lt

3 o f aa IntenecU on collision sou th of 2“ 1 Tw in Palls.

Flown to T w ln -F a iU county ho i-• plta l w as M rs. M elvin S haa r. K im - ^ i berly. whoso pelvis w o b n ie n la _ . the accident n e w Pine. H er physl-

clan described b e r condlUon as"ga^** M onday noon. Flown to "

^ Gooding for a u d lc a l trea tm en t cu i DeW ayno Bow m an, 14, K imberly,„ E ls in JM e s w era sa id to b e aUght. IB.

The pa ir w as in ju red about 6 a . u9 m. Sunday w h ea th o c a r in w hich M I, they- were rid ing akldded over » 1 6 -. foot.'cm bankm ent a b o u t one and » «u

? driving e i o S E B S K I H B l e Q a a r i a„ <CMUnB*4 M F»s* S. C*l««a I) Tld ■ " ’■ se

‘ 3,000 Attend' M

« Gooding’s Air ; Show Events Sr G O O D IN a, O c t IB -M o re Uian f ! a 3,000 Moglo Volley resldenU atU nd- •. ed the a ir show sponsored he re Sun- e day by th e c ity o f Ooodlng to cele-

b raU th e compleUon of tSS.OOO In T Improvements a t th e local a irp o r t J .

Speota tort w atchcd th e 100th• fighter squadron of th e Idaho c a - 1 " Uonal guord p u t on a 4S-mlQuto J• demonstraUon of acrobaUcs, speed , ru n s , precision fly ing a n d p a rnchuu

Jumping.Speakcni a t th e even t included

^ -Mayor J . W esley M iller, Ooodlng;® Rep. Jo h n S a nbom , H agerm an. of- f flcIals o f E m pire A ir lines and Uie fa ’• noUonal guard . I “

More th a n 300 courtesy rides were «« given in a 34-possenger plane own- ed by Empire.

Both Sanbom a n d M iller told the 5 crowd U l* compleUon of a irpo rt im - ne

provemenU w ould h e lp commcrc# in ° Ooodlng and M agic Valley. Sanbom ® Bold i t •Tnarited a m ilestone of avia- wi ' Uon progress n o t only for Ooodlng « bu t fo r a ll of Id a h o .- ««>

Climax of th e a ir show was a co8 double p a ra ch u te Jum p by Sgt. John tr! s Hennessey and Sg t. Jo h n RoberU, ca- both Boise. T h ey balled ou t of a>. tran spo rt plane, seconds a p a r t. Si>00 > M9 feet above the fie ld and landed in *h 1 fron t of tho crow d. Yi !, Various aerobaU cs w ere demon- to

. . . . . . . . u- -m iad ron ’s P-51 flgh t-- e r planes. T h e enUre squadron Ti n , - ..1 .cvlew, sim ulated a g ro u n d ; dr t strafing a tU ck on tho a irp o rt and th t executed a loop in line. A t one Ume j fo:0 the f igh ter p lanes form er a con-1 a t a tlnuous verUcal circ le above th e air-1 Dt

port.____________________ ^ _________Iso

3 D r iv e r s W i i ik j [ere; T r a f f i c S p e• W hat a re th e speed UmlU now In thi f effect? F ifteen mile# per hou r In soi J school tones, th e business d istric t thi• and IntersecUon#—30 miles p e r hour i• elsewhere. T h e consuIU nU have thi

quite a llUle to say abou t Uils, gri noUbly th la p a ra g ra p h :

••Because of th e relaUvely favor- tha able accident experience o n th e apf streets a n d because drivera are a l- Us1 ready greaUy exceeding exlsUng bu B speed lim its. I t Is .recom m ended th a t ml f tho cltywide speed UmlU be la - su 1 creased to 3S mUes a n h o u r .ia real- t r• dentlal d is tric ts , 30 m iles iaa hou r sa

In Uie buslaeas d ls trlcU (which Ju• should b e de fiaed In th e o rd laance). ep 1 SO tnllea a n b o u r on B lue Lakess boulevard n o r th , 3& m iles a a hou r er

on Addison av en u e w est, and 30 tr) tnlles on K im berly road ." wl' A fter these speed regulaU ons bave b j

beea approved th e eng lneen ex- pl f plalDi- s ta n d ard s igns should be

e iee ted to n o tify th e publlo of tb e th>t legal lim it, a a d enforcem ent m ade ex

perm itting no m ore th a n a five- tof. m lle-an-hour“ loIcraBCeV“ T b e - a c - lot

] ccpted pracUce in t tc u la U n c speeds, p l

: ELies •

1 P l a n ’ y a l t D i s t i a d e n t A•President T rum an said today hc con Prem ier S ta lin to help dispel “the po: )ns between “ the w estem powers ar a t tho annual Am erican Legion coi lied "loose an d Irresponsible talk to ---------------------------- ---------------- Sta

Loses Life ^ Car Crash ^

a R. Sadler, 60, Midvale. U tah, p.m. Sunday in a tw o< ar col- &nd 10 miles south of M alta, tho self

5 reported Monday morning. “ “ Mr. Sadler's ca r s truck an outo ^ It Lake City, as It turned onto h e i Bridge road. N either car over- mt" td badly, sh e r if fs deputies said. ^

Mrs, Grace Sadler and Mrs. uon W, T. Chesley a re both in the und Cottage hospital here w ith “ *« bad in juries received in tho ^ mishap. I t is believed Mrs. in i Chesley has a broken leg. T ru

: v e m M cCulloch, Cassia county ^ > coroner, who Investigated thft accl- ^ , ' dent, sa id M r. Sadler was kUled la -

stan tly when the ateerlng wheel ol ^ ■ hla c a r crushed his chesL McCulloch , said ne ither c a r waa traveling a t » ^ ; high raU of speed. ^t McCulloch sa id n o coroner's In- ^ , quest is scheduled. Chealey was nol ‘ held foUowlng Uie m ishap. He was ^ . given emergency treaU aeot a t the . hospital, th e n released.- , T h e Sad le rs h ad beea in H eybum ^ . Boaday T lsltln s Mra. Sadler's bTOU>- ™ , er. Cheater H ayes, a n d were e n ro u te ^ a to BOdrala w heq th e accident oe- ^ t c u rred .. . ' ' ' timr. Mr. S ad le r w as b o m Sep t. 8 0 , i _

1888, a t D rap er, U tah , aod b a d been _m u an employe o f Uib U .,8 . SmelUng 1 and R efin ing cam paoy. MW rale,• I n add itlo e to b is w tdo«; t u la « > t furvlved hy th ree daughter*, I ta k jy j

T to u j.™ tff t e o S e ^ S r o a S e S a S d l seven grandchlldrezu . -

The body la a t th e McCuUoeh tu« I nerol home h e n a n d wUI be sent to J Midvale fo r funeral aerrlcea a n d , ^ burial. I !Vr..

M r. Sadler^B de a th b rought to 38 M a th e num ber of tra ff ic *deaths in

i Maglo Valley in 1948. T h e la s t fa ta l- ‘ I ity occurred Sa tu rd ay also as Uie a . I result c f an accident In Cassia coun- “ ty. I t was tho fifUi trafU o dea th of I tho year In th e county, I ^

“ Dewey Ending ^ Drive Tonight lOU

• In N. Y. State':EN ROUTE W IT H DEWEY. Oct-

1 18 (U-RV-Gov. T hom as E. Dewey . cam paigned in upe tato New York ^

I today wlUi a prom ise to give the e ' naUon a governm ent w ith '•both a .. head and a h e a r t - ^

Dewey spoko brieOy a t Buffalo. e advocaUng ag a in th e form aU on of a . new federal d ep artm en t of social tl progress u n d e r w hich all wellaro yg* IX servlees of th e naU onal govenunent * . would be centraU zed. a 1J Hla elghl-doy cam paign swing

ends a t A lbany la to today a fte r ^ ft covering 4.600 miles. D uring thU a trip, Dewey m ade m ore th an 60 I, campaign appearances in 10 su te s . a Dewey sp e n t Sunday a t Owosso.0 M ich, h is hom etow n. He le ft Uiere b t) ahorUy a fte r m id n ig h t F o u r New ^et

York towns were on his schedule nrg:• today ^

Dewey will s tay In Albany through neg n Tueadoy. O u W ednesday, h e wUl « u i 1 : drive to New York C ity f o r* speech Th« a th a t n ig h t on th e H crald-Trioune be• j forum . T he n e x t n ig h t he wUl speak T - 1 a t a d in n er mem orallzlng th e loto cou: - 1 DemocraUo govem or. Alfred E. ties

Ism lU i. _____________ resc

c a t S p e e d ® [>eed-up U r g e d m a1 , they conUnue. Is to esUbU sh a re a - “ 21 sonable Um lt a n d th e n tot the pubUc to ot»erve t ^ t UMU « r O the r no tew orthy Btotem ents by B Uie consu ltan ts a re these- pa ra - 1, g raphs: ^

n t h a s been found generally tru e • ?- th a t w h e n excessively lo w . Umitse apply, th e pubUo rea lizes th a t tbese ^• lim its a re n o t to b e ta k en Uterally,g bu t th e n lacks a b asis fo r de ter- *t m ining w b a t is a p ro p er speed. I n- such cases, d rivers o f good Judgm ent• tok\-el a t a ra to U w t they consider " ir safe a n d p r u d e n t D riv en w ith poor p - b Judgm ent a re p rone to tn v e l a t), speeds f a r above a reasonable Um lt » . (T h e speed checks) gen-ir erolly e s ta b U sh ^ Uie fac t U u t ox- , 10 trem ely few .people a re traveUng

wlUila th e lim it aa now estabUsbed k -e by Uw b u t U u t Uie bu lk of th a peo- ^

p ie a re using good Ju d g m en t ir,« I n f a c t aU indleaU ons a re U a t• th a poUce d e p artm eo t-haa .dO M ;«a t excellent Job .tn < p e rs a a d ln t_ p « g ^- to drive l a f e ^ fai sp ite o r UU 1|» ^- loglcaIly“ Io w s p e e a 'l la iU -th a * --* p r i •I, pUea.- ------------------- - r l V -


e d i t i 6 n ^ ''^ |V'’


W a s t r u s t , ’ '] A s s e r i i jle considered sdhdirig Chief Jo8^ ;7 he poisonous ottnosphere of dl*i', ’ - ers and tho Soviet union,” • ; in convention, described as ilk to th e effec t th a t th e United■ S tates Is deliberately follow- ':

ing a course th a t leads to '-.' war.” i

“So long as I am President o f Use' United s u t e s , th e n wUl be no chip on th e shoulder o f America," M r. . T ru m an declared.

T rip “N on-PoU UcaT,H e flew h e re from W sshlngtea :

» In an avowed "non-pcdiUcal". role, :■ and in h is address clescribed him - 3 self aa - a delegate from M lisourt,'

a eom rade-in-arm s,-and command- , e r-ln -eh ief, o f ou r arm ed forces.**

> Mr. T ru m a a previously h a d ,sa id .) h e caUed o f t tbe propoMd Vlnsoa . m lssloa a fte r talking w ith SecieU rr

of S U to M a rsh a ll H e explained• M arshaU th ough t single-handed ae*• Uon by th e U . S . m ight eause mls-e u n d e m an d in g a t th e U nited Nation* .1 assembly m eeting tn P a ris . .. E xplains F laa® R eferring to Uie discarded p lan t ). In h la speech to th e Legion, Mr.

T ru m aa sa id :- ,V T n recenU y conslderliif tb e WDd-’^ ing of a Bpeelal emissary to U oa- .

oow, m y purpose w as to aak P iem ler . rf SU U n's cooperation Id dlspeUlng t2u h preaent poisonous a tm osphere o t . d is tru st w hleh now s urround s tb a -

n e ^ t t a t lo iu betw een th e w estern . pow ers and th e Soviet .qntoe. M y •

emissary w as to convty tb a . mt~^ lousneas a a d slneerity o f t b t j a e ^ . ^ of Uie TlBlted B U tes tn

n *7b ls p roposal h a d ae nltttdD '^5 exisUnc oegoOaUons wUbUiV tb a ,I ' scope o f th e U nited N a t t a i l K t e -.^ couniJl at forelgi mtatriaHB* r o

trom eotttnc acnsa lhaaa t u f p u ' , . ; Uons, tb* parpose ol .ttto’<li*itfoa , i '• was to improra tha atmq g ^ in .tB-.” w h lo l^ tb a x im is t ta ln ia a e « ^ u d a » ; :;

» JEROMB, O c t IB — i W r a o o r t 'i ,d 'a n d views of Sen. B enry D w onhak , -I

I R , Id a ., were lam basted by B e r t a : 18' MlUer. Boise, DemocraUe candidate . IB for U . 8 . se n a to r a t a Democratlo I . rally he re S a tu rd ay td g h t . • Also speaking a t th e raSy. w se ,

Asael Lym an, R exburg. Democratto ' candldato fo r U . B, representaUr*

1 from th e second d is tric t; M rs. 1 a - ‘ Vera Swope, Boise. fU to vlea cbalr- * m an, and Ed B rennan . Boise, s ta te

eholrm on.G len V lnlng. Jerom e county Dem -

t ocroUc cen tral'com m lttee cbal m u n , presided. Introduced wer* Jerom e county candidates and DemocraUo committeo members.

a. C ltet E B P O ppodUea^ In- rapping S ena tor DwoTShak. >. who is eeeking reelecUon, MUler z cited Uie senato r’s opposlUoo to^Uia :i European recovery program , (M ar- ■'j, shaU p lan ). Ho quoted Uie senator

as saying *TVhy d ld n t ttie M arrtaU• plon stop Russia trom^ CiechPslovakla?- T h e plan . M iller

told 350 pcn o n s. was n o t Ui opera-• Uon . a t Uie Ume th e cwnmunlsta , " I su g e d Ihelr coup In th e Ccecb n a -™ Uon.

L ym an gave h is reasons fo r b e tas . a D em ocrat H e d te d Uie party’s

‘B program o t a id to ta im e ra In the . f form of p rice support M d o t t o • “ m easurej, th e housing a c t, U » O I » bUI of righ ts, federa l deposit Insur- • ^ ance and o th e r m easures.0. B r tn s a a Exhort* W orken « B rennan exhorted h is lU teneni to w get o u t Uie vote, speaking o a parW ,

organlzaUon a n d duU es.. B e . tcfld ' p arty m em ben to ta k e a look a t ^

Ih negaUve side of a miesUoa w hen lU sU nd lng on th e afflnnaU ve aide. - h T h en you wUl know th e answers, le h e sold.lk T h e n U y w as he ld In th e Jerom e :e county courthouse, ^ w o o the r ooun- • S. ties, LIneoln a n d Cassia , w ere re p - ;

resen ted a t tb e m eeting. - .-

Detroit Gas Plant , E^lodestlE illedI D E T R O IT ; O e t 18 g « ^I m ak ing p la n t exploded early today*, MUing one m a n and causing d a m - ^ a f f » - e s t ^ t a d - a t o o r * tb a a 9 1 .P - “ WOW).

-T b e b la s t ripped th e p la n t ta Z subu rban M elvlndale a t 3 a jn . WB- ^ Uam Blaseak, 36, w as UUed u d

a a o tb e r w orkm an, Joaeph OaSnUe,“• 3fl, w » hQ spiU liad_jrtU i a jW f te to .: . ^ b rokaa back a n d o th e r l» c k a -

" ^ a p t C. O . Brookar s t . t b * M rt- S v in d ^ e t i n d ro a r tm e n t a t id j t b a

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

lljbesigiiing for 1 S Theater Isn’t : An Easy Job s

8 7 BA L BOYLE • T O R K . O ct. 18 W V-Oartd ^

: n o lk e a l l fpendlOK h is life creaUns • to m ith lo g f o r people to look » t »nd •

p««mpUy forseU d -n t‘ A nd he 's happy «h en th e ; do , ,,

. U K 3S-;eM ’-olda u l l a h m m vtao Vb M b e c o t n e o n e o f ^ B V r v . ' f l H

' . B n n d w a r i IcmI* ih uIn s acenlc a n d ^ H K ^ ^ j ^ ,43 g

. w jtu m o . d e * l e n - ^ K ^ K j J |

R l l tn w or w ork ^ -IIb h lg h lr Im port* K u )■ a t t A t h o i u c c e s s j ^ V n ^ ; ' ^ of K itaBe ValliS u l like m o « t * L / « * i ^ B tecbnJeal akUlA. I t „ _ • . -n* J l u n .p p r « l . l . d ” •' bjr th e a n r a c e theatcrcoer. The m a n w ho b u ;a th e tiekct doesn't o rd inarily w onder w ho <le*lgned th e j , : ' s ta c e acta o r the clothing worn by th e a e to r t. He taken them for s ra a te d . S a

W ay I I Bbonld Be ’’A nd th a t 's th e way It should | i

b e ," u l d n o lk e s . -TWlien tha eu rt* ln ^ Soea up, th e audJcncc should be conscious o( the localr. bu t the ir a tten t io n should then im mediately J i­be c a u sh t up tn th e acilon o t th e D<'ni p lay . rtljlr

"O ood scenic a n d costume design <oun l i only a m eans to an end—not th e end Itself. I t 'a bad design if PUbl th e audience Is conscious o l t h t tlonl je lllD » tor eren one en tire scene.” _ L r

Fon r Awarda Won UlngPfoUtes haa specialised In B rltlsli s r t u

period design, particularly Shakes* pe a rea n se ttings, a n d has von to u r u a u to p aw ards. Hi.n coatumes for ‘ball ‘•Brlgadoon" a n d Shaw 's "M an and Ljn SupeR nan" twice ii'on him D onald '•o n fcward*—theaterdom 's e<iulval- • n t o f th e tUm w orld's “0 .«ars."

H e recen tly did th o scenery, cos- Sanb tum e and ligh ting for "Where'* C harley," s ta r rin g Bay Bolger. the

S tage cortum tnB has IU special problem s. •

I All D iffe ren t Shapes ^I ’‘S rerybody h a s » dU tsrent shape ^ °

- « n Im perfec t shape." said HoUces.< 'T h e y a ll have to be disguised so t , . . , I th a t o n th s stage they have a per- I fee t figure fo r tb e lr parU cular role. . . . t m ost Im portan t thing about W i

v o m e n ’a clothing la tb a t I t should buUd u p to th e f a e e - tb a t Is w hat 70U w a n t to keep th e audlenee In­te re s t fixed on. T h e face shows th e W

I •m otions." tire ' B e baa found m e n a c to n more dspa

d ifficu lt to costum e th a n women. Pletc “ n w y are m ore fussy." He smiled, Jami

* S u t tb e bigger tb e s tar, tbe easier ^ 1 h a la to dress. I f they do object too s c ^ m u c b —weU. they a re quickly p u t Tn J a place." te n t

------- ---------------------- depa

Mrs. Munro, 79,: Dies at Hospital J ;

U ra . Leafy H . M unro. TB, died a t ' 0:30 v m . Sunday a t tb e Twtn Tails

c oun ty hoepltal. ^ k , in

[ ”3 ^ W. S h e Is a m em ber of th e B aptist I \ 1

: c h u rc h In T w in Falls. «' Survlrlng a re h e r husband, r ra n k f

M unro ; a a tep d a u jh te r. Mrs. Sam ^ ' . Andrews, OrangaTUle: a sister, Mrs.

L ana G arta r. M ichigan, and threebrotbera, L .O . Robbins. Boise: M .L .Bobbins, n k h a r t Ind., and Lyle Robbins, U nion. Mich.

y u n e ra l eerrlcea wUl bo con- " Lducted a t a p ja . Tuesday a t th e . w<W hite m ortuary chapel w ith tho “ « « R e r. H en n a n C. R ice officiating. , “ *,Jf

B uria l will be m ade in tb e Sun - . ^ ■ aet M em orial perk.

. Diml

Home Near Filer Damaged by Fire

FILBR , Oct. l»oF 1re caused dam - ou t 1 age to th e floors, rugs and draperies* l th e E dw ard S harp home on# mile t j e a s t o f here on U. s . highway 30 " a t 8 a . m . Sunday. T he blaio w as r i i a tln g u lsh e d by members of th e heart PUer f ire departm ent.

I t Is iMlleved th e fire was caused for 3by clinkers ta k en from a coal fu r- judg, nace w hlcb Ignited wood tn th e « ,! *baaem sn t of th e hom e. No esUmate Ethelw as given on the d am sje . .

I The HospitalSm eigency beds on ly were avail-

ab le M onday a t th e 'Twin Falls oounty hospltAl. V isiting hours arc from a to ♦ a n d 7 to 8 p m . ^eW

L arry Borches*, M rs. Orvel Br>-an, to??!)! M rs. Newell S ta tto n e j. Mrs. W ll- lU m Leeds, M rs. A. C. Sklllm an, _ m , ' M rs. E . W. Morse. M rs. W. T . H ar- Toy, M rs. P rancls H arp and M rs. ^ R osanna B aker, a ll Tw in Palls; D el- , b e rt H ardy, C ontact. Nev.; Mra. C lifford Bos*, B uhl: Lloyd Sm ith, r i ~ O akley: Ross S cnne tt and Mrs, Lea- He B latter, bo th F iler; Mrs. Melvin B harr and M rs. K enneth Kennedy, boUi K im berly; M rs, D an Holm- Qulst. H ansen, and M rs. Jack Alex- ander, M urU ugh.

01SM1SBED . „ M rs . J*. o . Bbeneberger. Mrs. , TW

B e r a ^ Oral* and son. Mrs. WU- M Uam Pavaon and son, Erwin G a n K n . NewtU S t a t t ^ i S ? Jam w Wblt. Blgley. Mra. D on S tafford and Mra.J . R . Montgomery, a ll Tw in Palls;V al SauUe, Buhl: Roes S U nnett antt M rs. R oy Schm idt, bo th PUer; Mrs. H arry W hitm ore. Kimberly: Mr*. BtJ Lloyd B alfour, Burley, and Mrs, Leo Josei

, S enftan , CasUeford. a t a ----------------------------- - LDS

Weather ^T w in Fan* a n d v ielnlty — H ea r

u 4 id x b U r w s m a r ton igh t and T 8e«U y . D lfti yesterday 62. lew St.Low th is n o m in f 24. 8 a . n . 37.

Bt T k a l iM d a iw rm *A lto m ra w *«* i

!! S I *■ » r* Terk 7» 4S .01 I

S M = X = 1! H h ,Twta r>lta ___ _______ »J :« I 'Fw U octaa ■ 71 _ s s _ _M 1------

® i a B ’Twp

S e e n T o d a yc i ty w orkers buay e rc c tln t se w

s tr e e t ' a lg n s . . . More a n d m ore resldenu going lo w ork w ith <a) colds and (b) o rv rro a ta .. . T edDavlj explaining Itnancla l o u t- poJiicome of exhlbtUoR of new T u ck e r ^ 1c a r . . . Jim eau S h inn puffing aw ay o< on usual c ig a r . . . O u tte ra In rea l- d rn tla l srcU on o f c ity flUed w ithfallen lea\-es, . . Vlo F llf le t da sh ing Thearound to uU everj-one abou t aertea iq ;of shows being sponsored he re by m 0 Lions club. . . A nother le tU r from agent who declarea h e haa a gadget r <which can find th e location of lh a t «x>ldt i l ,000 In gold coin burled som e- « mwhere tn 'Twin Falls county. . . tw IiL. M. L araon h un ting tor- ttfioto hUof Tw in P a lls labor c a m p .. . Andy «)onNaylor. Illinois farm er, m arre llng roada t large po ta to cellars in M agic m reValley. . . D on H ulbcrt U k ln* hea>y e:10b lanket o ff c a r hood and saying, fron'B e s t I ge t some anU -ftee te for cxarth e old jalopy", , . P earl Canodo Ac w aiting fo r Ed C ran r to open store.. . . And overheard ; “Almost feels « a nlike w inter, doesn 't 117'* ^p«c

Sanborn’s Stands thxe

Rapped at Hailey 1 ^

Parley for DemosHAILEY, Oct. 18 - A.-«e1 Lym an,

DemocraUo candidate to r second rtlJtrict congrc.'sman. told B laine county voters Sunday n ig h t th a l Itcp. Jo h n Sanborn. J lagem ian . R e- publican Incumbent, U “a n tsola- UonUit of th e deepest dj’e." “ **

Lyman acca>ed Sanborn of “ba l- Utng shoulder to shoulder* In con- g rtss wlU» R rp . V ito M arcontonlo, left wing Now Y ork congressm an. **v. against a id lo Europe a n d th e M ar- shall plan.

L^-man. Rexburg. rea l e sta te d eal- ’ e r and fan n e r, sa id Sanborn and M arcontonlo have IdenUcal voting recorda on foreign a ffa lta . K e sa id S anborn, a n d h is foreign policy as- soclates "have tailed lo com prehend the tru e world a ltuatlon and a re scuttUng th e efforts o t ve terans of th e la s t W orld war."

L ym an added. “I f Sanborn m ertta ‘1°” reelccUon, Sen. O len H . T aylor should also be reelected Inasm uch as th e tr YoUng records a re Iden- °nv i UcaL'*

Wendell Firemen Inspect'Schools “

WENDELL. O ct. 18 — FtUlowlng I tfire d rills he ld by tha WendeU fire _d ep artm e n t a t th e WendeU and A p- k p leton schools, P lre C hief M aurice Jam ison recom m ended th a t a fUeescape b e tnstaU ed a t th e W endell vxv.schoo l took

T ho drtUs w ere p a rt of fire p re- In eventlon week held by th e local f ire T tdepartm ent. and

A con to rt Is being held tn th e U keschools o a fire prevenUon In th e th rehome. age

Member* o f tb a fire departm en t maila re o ffering p rltea for th e best e s - mrays on th e su b je c t Prises Include noui»1,S0 fo r th e beat essay tn th e f if th goreand s ix th grade . $3. t3 a n d 13 to r tlo nth a .b«st essays I n j b a h l i ^ « c h ^ ^

to r 4n» b e n ,s s s ig & . i w i a W me a u ; ^ (4 th a f m t f k r a d i T S ^ S S S

■ ■ ' ' a x? •; V- C S s

Kimberly Boy Is Named on Chorus ,

BO ISE. Oct, 18 (U»>—Six F u tu re \Farm ers of America from Id ah o wh a re been selected to sing In th e M vtnaUonal FFA chorus a t th e o rg an - th eUaUon's a n n u a l convention a t K a n - i n v ,sas City, M o , Nov. H -18. d««li

W ord of th e selecUoa w aa received -Tlhere trom naU onal h eadquarte rs U oaIn W ashington. orde

T he six Id ah o bo)-s chosen were jectiLynn Balm forth. Id ah o Falls ; D ayle i^owDimkley. P resto n ; R eed Je n sen , baseH eybum ; Jam es Lee, E n u n e tt; N o r- Bim an Peterson. K bnberly, a n d D an ployWUson. Lapwal. pren

'The chorus wUl be m ade u p o t hoU<about 100 FFA l» y s trom th ro u g h - mxu<ou t th e U nited Statea. tlgui

' ^ ' ■— tim eHearing Scheduled „

RUPERT. Oct. 18 - PfeU m lnary S c hearing for P rank 5a>-lor, charged w ith attem pted rape , has been se l for 3 p . m . T hursdny before Probate Judge Jake W all. T he com plain t against Sai-Jor was signed by M rx E thel W lnnett, Pau l.■ nesli

Maffic Valley wm B inerals

__________________________________ a to r' earlj

FILER.—O raveslde services fo r restaa s g t . A llen O . K ohntopp slU be m g i held a t 3 p jn , T h u n d a y In Su rue tM emorial pa rk w ith th e Rev. J. D . v ideWUford officiating. T lie PUer post o f 13 hthe A m erican Legion wUl perform fromm u iu o - r ite s . j r .

--------- S a tuT W IN PALLS — Funeral services

lo r Pfc . Jam es W. BaUey will be T _held a t 3 p m . W ednesday a t th e J Q .LOS firs t w ard meeUng house. nBishop S herm an Sw enscn w iu o f ll- Pelate. O raveslde mUltary rite s wUl o* Iw held by the A m erican Legion.Burial will be m ade In S u n je l M em - ,

______ Id S i,

TW IN PALLS - Puneral services for M rs. Leaf}' R . M unro wtU be con - (eren ducted a t a p. m . T uesday a t th e pat W hite m ortua ry chapel. T h e R e r . name H erm an C. RIm wtU ottlcU t*. I n U r - Howi m ent wUl be m ada In Sunset M em - tn d ortai park .

— ' T bBU RLET — F unera l aervlcea t o r 1M9

Joseph Edw ard Sm ith vU l b e he ld th e ta t a p . m . W ednesday to th e B urley ------LDS U bem acle wIUj B lsbop V era C arter o tf ld a l in g . ' B urtal wfll be made to th e Burley cem cltry .

* T W I N F A L L S l o d g e " 1 N o . 4 5 , A . F . & A . M .

Cm m u Ib IIm w«*Me*r, Ort. n

I W ^ r. C D««rM

I M asonic T«mpl«I 218 Second . A re . W est -

j r k * M ^ a ^ r s M T iS i •]f • AD W rn tm t

Pan* Hurt in Crash Flown To Hospitals

(PlMB Fm * 0m >police estim ated U u dam aye aa f l . - 000 to th e body of Ibe IMO sedan .

O th e r members c f th e h u n tln c p a rty were S hear, S herm an MuUlna. - and w . ix Bowman. aQ K im berly T he two In jorrd peraons w ere flow n lo Mai;ic Valley o th e r taunter*In th e area.

C ar O vertonia Robs Lansing S tenne tt, 30, O rls -

«x>ld, l a , was badly brutsed a n d In a Mate of shock w hen ta k en to Tw tn Falls county hosp ital a f te r his c a r was ov trtum ed to a coUl« alon a t th e IntersecUoa o f a c oun ty road w tth th e a irpo rt road a b o u t th ree mllea aouth of th e c ity a t 8:10 p. m. Surtday, R e w as released from th e hosp ital a t te r a n X -ra y examinaUon ahowed n o frac tu res .

A ccording to a tate poUee w ho to - v«sUgated, S ten n e tt was driv ing to ­w ard Twtn FW ls a t a high* ra te o f speed when hU c a r w as a truck by one driven by D onald K , E b erb a rt,16. B x r h a r t was accom panied by th ree o the r young people, S term a tt'a I 1838 sedan w as considered a to ta l I loss, and dam age to th e E bertxarl I 1W7 aedan w as esUm aled a t ttOO. I

Second Bad C raah IO fficers com m ented th is w as th e I

second serious accident a t th is In te r- I srcU on w hich Is protected on ly by • stgns w arning of a crossroad.

In a coUlslon Inveslgated by a U te be! police a t 6:23 p. m . S a tu rd ay a t th< Uie InUraecUon of a country rood wiUi U. s . highway 30 abou t U iree f— mUea w est o f th e c ity , a n e stim ated dam age o t 8390 each w as done to a 1H8 sedan driven by B e rn ard J . S c h u tu n . Jo liet, llL. a n d a IM t , eedan driven hy lla trild W . K och.19, rou te 1.

s u i t e d le T M n «««O ftlcers sa id tbe m ishap occurred

w hen K och s ta rted to tu r n le ft aa Schu iten waa sta rting to paas h im .B oth c a n cam e to re s t o ff th e h ig h - way to th a left. No one w as in - ju r« i.

A bout n o dam age resulted to th e fro n t o t a c a r driven by Eldred J . _ . Ooodm an, M urttugh . w ho to ld a ta te police h e feU asleep a s h e w as _ Q driving h b IM l sedan on tJ. S . h ig h - way 30 about a mUe and o n e -h a lf east o f H ansen a t 13:33 a , m . S u n - »h« day. T h e c a r w ent o ff th e r tg h t side o t th e highw ay. O oodm an w as u n ln ju rtd ,

Troops Take Over ^ French Coal Mines ^PA R IS . Oct. 18 (lL »-T roopa a n d

security gua rds In tuU batU e k it took over th e strikebound coal m toes g tn c en tra l F ra n ce today. i v i

T h e govenunent aen t 4.000 troopa a n d guards to to th e cen tra l fields to U ke over th e m ines w hich w ere »nd th rea te n ed w ith Irieparablo d a m - H at age by a commuiUst-led w alkout o t day m a to tenance crews to r 34 h 6 u n . i^iu:

In te r io r M inister Ju lea M och a n - Q n nounced to a broadcast th a t th e m r governm ent h a d ordered drasU c ac ­tio n to p ro tec t th e m ines. H e w ^ A iJBTfc .nfsq .n » > s t to fo rm a- J j

mam- ^

Bureau Enforces Court Pav Ruling c

WASHINGTON, O cd 18 M V -The g o v tm m tn t today sU rted en lore lng th e suprem e court's decision boost- ln « overtim e paj- for »-orkers on less desirab le sh ifts . _

•T he wage and hou r ad ro to lstra- Uon. w hich held oft Its enfo rcem en t w ord e r unUl th e supreme cou rt r e - iec ted a p lea fo r ano ther hearing . now h a s issued form al regulaU ons based on the decision.

B riefly , these specify th a l e m - E ployea who a re recelvtog a specia l tm i p rem ium ra te for working n igh ts , m ei hoUdaya or Saturdays and Sundaj-a, a n a m u s t have lh a t ex tra d ifferen tia l "J f igured Ul th e ir ba.-Jc pay for over- tod: tim e purposes, hav

- cou

Senator of N.Y. g Amnesia Victim ™

N EW YORK. O c t 18 « v - 5 e n . . . R o b e r t F . W agner. D , N. Y , su f- fe red a n a tU c k o t tem porary a m - n e s la du ring th e w eek-end, w hen q , . i h e db ap p eared frcm h is son 's L o n s ( t n Island e su te , says h la physician.

D r. WUllam C. C a rh ard t ex - am lned the aUlng 71-y tar-o ld sen ­a to r shortly a fte r ‘ h a was tou n d early yeslerda i' a t a M a n h a tta n V r e s U u r a n t one of h is favorite e a t - schi tog pU ces. la s t

W agner h a d been th e ob ject o f a In w idespread police search for n e arly ulec 13 houra a fte r h e xrandered aw ay notl from th o hom e o l Robert P . W agner, w or J r - a t lU lp, N, Y , ab o u t 5 p ja .- th e Sa tu rday .

---------- A

Josephine Boyle = Named by YWCA

SA L T LA KE CITY. O c t 18 </P>—M. M argueritte Johnson of O gden J was elected chairm an of th e U to h - Id ah o chap te r. Y oun* W om en'a C h ris tian assocUUon, a t th e oon- eluslon of tlj^ group's a n n u a l con - e rtn c e yesterday.

P a tsey Lee OU aon, Boise, waa nam ed h n tc o s chairm an : B onnie Howorti, S a lt Lake City, secretary , and Josephtoe Boyle. T w to Falls , treosxirer.

T h e assoclaUon voted to ho ld Its I IM9 b l- s u te conference a t Bols* I th e th ird week c t October,

We A re Bu CLOVER — A

and M iscellaneoui

A l » i y « G i l O n r B i d J

GLOBE SEEETnick L « n e


This Saves $25,(

J n ' - ' i S

The tIS S Iowa. In tb e naU on's tkrgea b e la f p n t to "mothbaUs," CesUng »5,00< th * 45,OOO.ten bstU eship w as desoUvate

Twin Falls NeiVUlUng to M U^mrt R et

M n , -H . B. Hogue departed re - V cenUy fo r K ansas City. Mo., w here hla sh e U vlsiUng tr iends a n d relaUves. ing

--------- RoyT im e Changed

F uneral services to r Pfc . Jam es BPi W . Bailey wU bo held a t 3 p . m . T W ednesday a t th e tlr s t w ard LDS wUl tabernacle Instead of 3 p . m . R u t

I nonBetnm a From E aat

Oscar Peterson h a s re tu rned to Dat T w ta PaU s after spending the p a s t A six m onths In lillnoU and W isconsin and w here h e visited relatives and Ww friends. by

nUneU Visitor*Mrs. P e a rl Canode and Abe Noy- Leg

lo r, F ranklin . Orove. III., a rc vlslUng T M r. and M rs. R obert L. O tlllam a n d can son . S teven Lee. M n . Canode is Tuc th o m other and N aylor is th e g ran d - due fa th e r o f Mrs. O llllam . to u

--------- urgB lrtbs

Sons were bom Sunday a t th e Cot T w to P a lls county hosp ital to M r. K a n d M n . W. T . Harvey, T w in F a lls ; Cal M r. and Mrs. Leslie S la tle r . F iler, dau a n d Mr. and M rs. Don HoUmQUlst, S ut H ansen. D aughters were bom S u n - to day to M r. and M rs. Ja ck A lexander, B . M u rta u g h ; Mr. and Mrs. F red O renz. Tvi-ln Falls , and Mr. a n d I>ai M ra. A rthu r Baker, Tw to Falls, A

------------------------------ Ual

Businessmen’s State of Mind ^ To Be Studied

Ba]CHAMPAION, Hl.,(U.R)—'Two u n l- par

versIUes will Join In a psychological Bei study o f business m en to de ter- sou n iln e w hether th e ir s ta te of m tod eas affecU business activity . ber

PsychoIoglsU a t the U niversity o f urg lU lnols a n d Uie U niversity of C ht- ag e 's naU onal optolon research c c n - q le r will question business leaders to O le a m w hether fluciuatlons to busi­n e ss c an be u aced to th e ir emo- tio n a l outlook and atU tudes.

Dean Howard R. Bowen o t th e d a l U o lv trs lty of lUtools coUege o t com - k c I m erce aa ld researchera would seek gre answ era to the followins quesUons: ing

"Does w h at a business m ij i th toka • « today abou t th e fu ture actually h a v e a n Influence on th e fu tu re ‘ course o f business?" “How are w aves o f pessimism and optim ism t e n e n te d ? ' ' “By w hat m ethod* do pesslm U tlc and optlmlsUc Ideas trav e l from one group to a n o th e r? ”

T h e study will be ttoanced by L » g ran t o t 180,000 lo th e MerrUl refi FoundaU on for the A dvancem ent o t tog F in an c ia l Knowledge, a n endow­m e n t fu n d estabUshed by th a WaU RE a tre e t atock brokerage of M erriU, — L ynch , Pierce, Fenner a n d Beane.

H a r v e s t V a c a t i o nWENDELL. O c t U — WendeU \

schools were closed a l ih o 'e n d b t 1l a s t week to allow students to w ork IIn the har^-est School U sched - \ u le d to reopen O c t 38 unless fu r th e r \ noUco la given. StudenU w ho w sn t H w ork m ay contact Tony V asques a t ■th o W endell labor camp. ___

A bout 13,000 c o m p an l4 to the U nited S U tes produce oU. . 1

FORD ^Moving & Delivery

Service. Local and L e n t DUtane*

asertng and O a a lla i

PH ON E 2 2 7T w ta Fans

T S A N 8F E B A r O Z l D S T O B A O B C a ^

Su'yers o f I•ALFALFA>us G rass Seeds I

Id B efore Yoa Sell I

E ^ F E E D i■ Phone 401


5.000 Per Day F

• - Eui

--------------------------1< • , ' . seay \i ‘ ' ridi

:■ P i k



' r i ' - T ' S E H Tit



-r------ ;----------------------k iU 1rgeal drydoek to Ban FraDclaeo, U 8 '*3.000 a day to ran w ith a foU crew, vated to save money.

wei“ ............. ........................ 1 er

ews in Brief ™I can

R eturns t« CaUfomUL ester Standlee has re tu rn e d to .y i

h is home to C silfom U a fte r sp e n d - freiIng some Urns here w ith b is uncle, futRoy W. SU ndlee. ^

BPW MeeUax ' ^T ho social m eeting o t th e BPW

wUl be held a t th e hom e o t M n . Riiby Black. 418 Second avenue norUi, a t 8 p. m . today.

D aughter BomA daughter has l>een b o m lo Mr.

and Mrs. O . R . Seefeldt. ScatU e. P " Wosh., aceordlntc to word received by th e grandparents, M r. a n d M rs. 1" C. V. H tokle, Twin FaUs. ^

L nlcn lo M .tl T h e Tw in PaUs po st of th e Ameri-

can Legion win m eet a t 8 p. m. T uesday to discuss plana for con- ducUng th e Golden Gloves boxing tou rnam ent here. AU m em bera are urged lo attend.

Compietea VUIl PM rs. A. A. Evan*. Los Angeles.

CaUf.. who h as been vlslUng her daughter, M n . H . L. Ainsworth, left Sunday by a ir to r Sllverton. Ore.. T to vl.-slt an o th er daugh ter, Mra. B. Crc B . Rowell. pre

--------- leg<I>unaged by F ire Kro

A shed and Its contenUi wero p a r- He Ually desU0}-ed by fire a t 13:10 p. teU m. M onday a t MO A ustin street, fire- C m en reported. T he shed was a l- Ja r U ched lo the end o t a garago o^-ned vici by Shelley McClatoe. Cause of Uie er fire waa unknown. ver

--------- ThiC bnrch P a rty «-ai

T he Fldells class of the P i n t sen BapU st church wUl hold a Holloween of p a rty a t 8 p. m . Tuesdoy a t th e tell B ennlo W tokler hbrae two miles for sou th and one-fourUi o t a m iles Te< e as t o t M ato avenue c as t. All n iec .- C b e n of th e class and triends a re Ida urged to a ttend . act

8 Receive lOOF ^ Degrees at Meet “

KETCHUM. O e t lB -'8e\-en c an d l- i n 'da les from Palrfleld and one from mljK etchum received the sccond d e - todgree of O dd Fellowship a l a m e et- —tog of Uie K etchum lO O P lodge. ^

P lrty-tw o members of the , o rder ?from Uie Palrfleld, K e tc h u m ^ a U e y ta n d Bellevue lodges a tteodM th e Zriu ia llstlc ceremony. j

I t was announced the th ird de- X(tree of tho lodge wUl be conferred Tn e x t Monday a t Bellevue. i

L ym an Jlam m sn was In charge o t Trefreshm ents sensed a fte r the m e e t- Ztog. f


1 I\ ot I 60 .a iy to t

* ------U b u u .» . ^

Look! 12 FIJI-Y

s B S tn n ThlakeTli

euacaboti p w d tA B


I ^

BetUed hy:.FB 9*l-CaU .B«tU


Reds’ Power R Is Broken in _

Trieste Area gT R I E n x Q lA -O om im m lst pow er ^

ts broken to th is one-U m a - b u t " eom er- of th # e sst-w cst fro n t ie r l a “ Eurone. AUled m lllla iy f a r e m m e n t officials believe. P*- T rieste U m ore like Jo s t a a o th e r t t seaport tow n now th a n tb e s tr ife^ ^ ridden c ity whieh m ode he ad lin e s . durtog tb e tu rbu len t period fro m » IMS unlU early 1M8. u

AMO officials a re gU d to h a v e I t th s t wsy. »*

"We are quite sa tisfied th a t w b a t ence w u c n e o t E urope's toughest. most UBcoatroUable co m m unist p a r - *ii ties now looks like th e w eakest one *<' to Europe," they said. B<

P a r ty IT eakened ^T tm e h ss done i t AM O o tn d o ls

said Uie lU U an elecUon d e fe a t o t eommunltm. tb e c h u rc h ^ a l l - o u t anU-communlst cam paign th e T T ito -com inform a rgum en t h a s so J j< divided tha T rieste eom m unlsU on w RstlonallsUo Issues th a t n o fac tio n I o t Uia p*rty packs a waUop any longer.

“We do no t have a n y fe a rs to r the futore from local com m unU ts." ^ " one AMO m an said. “ O io com m u- w w nlst organlssUon b a shadow o f IU former self."

Strife Bound to S ta r t ^Trieste's m ixed populaU on of

Slavs and ItaU ana w ere bound to , ” s ta r t trouble w hen th e F ree S U te of Trieste waa t i n t propoeed. Sides were drawn e ith er fo r T ugoslav la 5 °^ or for lU ly . T hero w as a o popula r support fo r th* free te rr ito ry We*. now repudU ted by A n g lo -A m erl- can govenunent le a d e n a s welL H

B ul while na tionalism w as th e Cyn t i n t lasU nct Com m unlsL le a d e n Dos quickly moved to to w eld th e an U - and free aUte popuIaUon to to a pow er- Ing tul Com m unltt pa rty , ooncen tra tlng T CO flghUng th e A ng lo -A m erican nen occupaUon policy to th e to n e a d - mlnlsUred by AMO. 9

One-TUme S lron* ^AMO spokesmen sa id th e C om ­

munUt organlsaU on grew to a round SO.OOO members a t lU peak . P a rad e s g| and demonstraUons. w hich w ere © p frequent, always drew Up to 80.000 persons. RloU were com m on a n d AMO'S Job of trying to keep o rd e r h ijj in Its sone of Uie free s to le w as a jehi tough one. tlit^

T he free sU te came to to be ing p r wlUi Uio signing of th e peace tre a ty . ^ The Yugoslav mU ltary took over nini control of th e souU iem p a r t o f th e #tuc s u t r . . T h e r e s t tocludlng T r ie s te the city and harbor, was ru n by AMO of ' wlUi 5,000 American a n d 5.000 B r it- Edu L<ih soldiers. In ]

Crowley Elected S? Chief of Alumni

POCATELLO. O c t 18 (ff) — Lea ■—Crowley of T w to FalU w as e lec ted ¥president of th e Idaho S to le C o l- „ lege Alumni assoclaUon a t th ogroup's annual meeUng yesterday . <He replaces Perry S w bher c f P o c a - itello. #

Charles M iller of Jerom e andJam ea H. Schoonover w ere n a m ed ivice presidents. represenU ng fo rm - J e r StudenU who a ttended th e U n i­versity of Idaho, sou thern b ran c h ;T heo J . T u rner of S a lt I /ik e C ity ”a-as named vice p rea ldent lo re p re - r<sen t StudenU o t th e old A cadem y loof Idaho, and E E Roscoe of P oca - eitello wss electcd to rep resen t th e nform er students of th e old Id a h o ^Technical InsUUite. ___

Oov. C. A. Robins a tten d e d th e *w Idaho s u t e college hom ecom tog acUvlUes durtog the w eek-end.

SO n a s s iN O %VEYMOXmi. E ngland, O c t 18

A Liberty boat re lu m in g B rit- tvh saUora lo tho a irc ra f t c a rrie r 11- Instrlous tu rned over to w ild seas la s t n igh t and a t least 30 sUU were missing, the royal navy repo rted today.

i 7 f r f i iM E r iI To Cet Ready ;I for Winter | t Phone 1680 tT NOW . . . a n d have tu flQ TZ j^our tank , place you r n a m e Zt on our check-route lis t fo r tz your w to le n supply o t good t

FUEL OIL1 O ur price Is righl—o u r supp ly Z T ample, o u r quaUVy u n su r- t X passed. X


JLL GLASSES-when you buy this carton!

I er ll-w lU i 1 fiiU C laM la eriey U - > botU* ef Pn«M>>Ut So taka borne t AuMTfaa'a t(o<^ w U valaat

BetUtac C a- t t Tw to FaUs , , rep d -C « te C aap o ay . N . r . ^

Reward Offerd ForMurda«i!s A

— HAILKYi O cL-rW — t f » H e y - -------ij•portsm cn and restdenU hsTo I posted a -8185 cash rew ard fo r J lb* a rre s t of tb s persons who killed “Bambl.'* p«t deer o f K r. and M rs. Rex Bblrts.

•tba m oney 'b ss been raised by personal donaUon for w hat the r ro u p calli th e "senseless m urder "A t of th e anhnol.'* . . . . c lear

T h e ■ youn* deer h a d oeen s ^ U u g b t to tru s t men, th e owners ullU a told. I t Is bollertd th e an im al peoee tn isUngly walked up to those Who cu t b is U iro s t Jh w

persons having InformaUon th e fi leading to tb e a rrest and con- 'Ylrtlon of tbe persons rteponslble U>^t«

asked to co ntsct a i Lewis o r H e B ert Hayes a t the Snug bar. 2 ^ P tiso n s who wish to add to th e P < a« rew ard may give the ir donatkm s ®* “ to Lewis or Hayes.

Lee Snelton, 70, Pioneer of Area, th n t

Claimedby Deathb u h l , O c t 18-L e e Snelson. 70, th e 6

Pioneer o f to e Buhl a n d Filer area, naU o e jfd a t tho hom e of h is nephew , T hi K en Shark , no rm of hero a t 1 p. m . ta k e r Sundsy. A h e a r t s tU ck was listed be a aa the cause of deato. f i r m :

Mr. Snelson was bo ra Nov. 10,1877, to Marlon county. A rk , and came to Buhl to IWO from Delta,Colo. H e served as postoiosUir o t Filer unUI he reUred several years ago. H is homo waa on SouUi Scv- en th s tree t to Buhl.

Ho Is survived by two sUters. M rs. S Cynthia Seybold, BeUcvue, and M rs. ' UN Dosla D ale, S a n U Monica. Calif., totoei and several nephews sn d nieces Uv- harvc Ing in Magic Valley. by fi

The body u a t the A lbertson tu - ahltw nera l home pending services. -------

2 Musicians Set r - Concert at SICE

SOOTHERN IDAHO COLLEGE O F EDUCATION. Albion, O c t 1 8 - T » o famoua musicians, Sam uel MarU. Mexican v io lin ist and G un- h ikl Nilsson, American p la n b t. a re scheduled to appear as fea ture a r - tl i ts a t a lyceum concert here a t 8 p . m. Friday.

T he concert will climax a n eve­ning program planned for college students and relum ing alum ni a t tho annual homecoming celebraUon of the Southern Idaho CoUege o t EducaUon. T he concert vrlll bo held In Bocock auditorium.

BoUi artlsU wer# selected by a committee o t SICB studenU under tho dlrecUon of R- L Reed, dean .p f men. as feature perform ers to r the OctoOcr lyceum.

Why IhouM nds of Doctors p rescribe pleasant ta ttin g/mm frngaemmtf

(CAUSED iT .COlDS)notT trssnacts once.Itnotonly rcliovca such coughing but also Itjoscna tip phlesm and m akes I t easier to raise, m tv s s m la ^ tafel Mlghtv tSective for Old ^ a nd Toungl p je u a n t tastingl

For Complete Au

SERVICED and REW hatever your c ar o r truek needs ;

w ell qualUled to give >-ou the best o t t p rices r ig h t Remember wo are o u t ol we’re passtog the aavlngs on to you.

O ur $UH) of mecHanUt are u'cH 1 have been tcm im for |/rar?, and knou they lake ocer ff'« lob of seroldng or u

EVERY JO S TURNED OP T O F O O tn i OWN GOARANTEE t o b e represented to be.

O u r men know m otors a n d w h at to d quickest, surest, m ost economical wa w hy our mechanics are alw ays busy COtTNTSi

Do You 6 Know!

T batw eo raeoD ltoaa lly bsy - ^la x and scBlBg tu H e a n . . . t b a t w a eaa o fter yen. s e t on ly a good seltctlon b e t a e a e e f th e b « t v o la ti t s good

U s e d G a rs


‘Vinson Plan’Aim Revealed By2Pr®^J'3ent

1>M* o»«>he lp -to productnr f n l t t u l a n d peaceful results. '

W oridag for Feao*" A t UUs Ume X w in t to m t o I t

c lea r U ia t I b a te n o t deported one, a tep from my determ ination to ^ u tlllee ev e ry opportonlty t o r o k f o r W peace. W henever s a sppropriato o p - ^ po rtun lty arises. I sbsU a c t to I tir - - th e r th e toU resU of peace w lU ^ • Uie fram ew ork o t our r e i g n s w ith o u r aUles and Uie works of th e U n ited N ations."

H e sa id Uie United S U tes WU s p a re n o effort "to achieve th e p eace on w hich th e entire desttoy of th e hum an race may depend."

T b o U nited SU tes' poUcy “Is no t now and never has been d lre e tr t a g a in s t tho Soviet union," tho P resi­d e n t said.

U n den laad tog Needed “O a th e contrary, we recognise

t h a t th a peace ot Uie world depends on tocreaslng understanding and a b e tto r working relationship between th e Soviet union and lhe democratic naUons."

T h o firm poslUon th is naUon has tok en , h e continued, "should n o l be m is taken to r warUke sp ir it” A llrm position "on reasonable grounds o ffe rs th e best hope of peace.”

M r. T rum an said tb e United S to te s never wlU '^ e a pa rty to th e k tod of compromise which Uie world su m s up In the disgraced nam e o t MuiUch."

Spuds Harvested ^■ U N ITY . O c t 18—Moot Of th e po- 1 ^ U toes to th e Unity a rea have been ha rvested wlUx good yields reported by farm ers. Farm labor wlU be sh it te d to beet fields._______________





SAN FRftHOtSCO . 7 i 4 1 a ^

LOS ANQEIES. . 1 0 % hn .

PORTLAND............ 4 m m .

SEATTLE . . . . . . B V i h n .

•■rf (e "ell tka U » r

Call 3700 or aa lUtbofimdttwnl

i Auto Service


lecds you wlU tlnd e u r mechanics st o t service and you will t ln d our o u t o f UiB high re n t d is trtc t and I you.

u'cH trained, experienced men trlto I inou) what the]/ are doing, itfien S or rehuilding votir car.O F O U B SH O P IS BACKED BV > B E SATISFACTORY, and OS

I t to do to make them righ t, to the Al w ay. DRIVE O UT AND SEE

busy . . . IT S SERVICE THAT

®*Jeepa cehlele 0/ amazing certatilUv, perlormance and economi/.

I _ ,


1 . . . "

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

Sam’s Victoiy 4 Quickly Turns ■ To Bad Defeat ID r n t O I T , O c t 18 » I n ooB f l

b rief m om ent, S u a B o r l l U m o( ■Joy tu n ie d to b itte r aohs o t trle f. H

8am . DOW 45. w en t tb tb e e p tln f - Ktle ld . M o . fe d e r t l prison tram De» f ltro lt n ine y e a n nco t o r d ru s ■peddJlng. B e w u sentenced to th r te f lconsecuUTo term a th a t to ta lled ifl ■n a « . ...................... ' ‘ ' ' f l

% A good priooner. t ie became in - Hte m te d In law booka In tb e Ubrtry* ■? o r jre&ra tae itud led them tmtU h a ■felt th a t h e w u re a d r to test bU f lknowledse. CareXuIl;. be peeked o u t ■on tbe t 7pew rlter a n npplicntlon tar ■a w rit o t babeaua corpui. ■

W lna K alliic f lP rld ay F edera l Ju d je Thtodore f l

Levin ru led In S am ’a tftvor Ui»k theacnlenctng Ju d je . now roUred, h*d . no rlffht to m ake tb e p rison term sconsecutive. L

T m BOlnB reduce you r sen- mtence to 10 years." I^erln told tbe Mb reath less p risoner before him. ‘i n Hview o t your n ine ye««s of good be- Bhftvlor in p rison, t h a t wlU nmke you ■ellfflble lo r paro le In two daTs-** ■

Sftdoetf VMilibea f lT h e deep sadness In Sam 's ejres D

vanished In a tmUe of Joy. T e m of ■hopplness flUed h is eyes a a he left 9fo r th e marBhol'8 office. Just two l ldays aw ay from freedom a fte r nine ■y e a is b eh ind b a n . ■

B u t a s h e reached the detention ■room, an \ ImmlsraUon Impector ■stopped 8am . a

T he inspector w a* pa tien t nnd / didn’t a c t like h e relW ied hU task.H e explained th o t S am hnd ro l paidtaxes on th e narco tics he sold back *** In 1030. He was a n alien, who came

r from lUOy a t th e age of live. An X VL 'a lie n w ho fa lls to p a y tsxea he owes t t

Is sub ject to deportoUon. the |n - (ipeetor told Sam . although he Is enUUed to a hearing .

H aa D eporta tion W a m n l •TVhen you get o u t two doyi trom w.

now youni have to come w llh me," Qovi tho Inspector told h im . “I have a de* ihes porU U on w arran t fo r your arrest." Co

Sam looked a t h im fo r a long not tim e, th e n tu rned awny. T h e happy kind ten rs in h U eyea welled over and Pt •pilled dow n h is ehccks. B ut now thin they w ere b itte r .-------------------------------vcre

“I'm sorry . 6om ," was a l l the In - ha rt cpector could say, “I 'm so rry ,■• EJ

------------------ and

Residents Report Richfield Yisitors shut

R ICH FIELD , O ct. 18-C harIes bta« House h a s re tu rn e d to Blue Mound, f a r ' lU . H e sp e n t th e sum m er looking Qi a fle r tm slness In terw ts In R ich- cast- field. ..

C. E . Plym lre a n d Devona p ly- m ire, Beloit. K ans., nre guests of M r. a n d I>tra. C harles Bm lth. Mrs. the S m llh Is lh e da u g h ter of Mr. Ply- mire.

B a rb ara P rldm ore a n d Hoba lc*l e im peon. s tu d e n t nurses a t SU up*- Luke's hosp ital In Boise, recently , St

k vlalted rela tives here . r Mrs. R u th Supanhas h a s re - fna

tu rned from a m o n th ’* vacation In to t Illinois. She w u aceom paoled homo by M r. a n d M rs. D elbert Hovemale a n d M rs.' M able Poulter, A rthur. » JU. T h e vU ltors w en t to Torrey's BW cabins w llh M r. a n d Mr*. S . J. Piper on a h im tln g tr ip . «ad


U. S. Ships Bound ForChina’s Navy

W ASHINOTON, Oct. 16S ta te d e p a r tm e n t o ffld iU said here fhi* th a t tw o 7 . S . n a ry destroyer ».escorts being o u tfitted a t Norfolk ___fo r delivery to C h ina are p a r t of the naval a id program under which tbo p # C hinese get up to 371 w a r vessels. ^ <

T he destroyer escorts, developed during th e lo s t w ar a s anti-subm ar­ine c ra ft , were described b y officials k OS the la rg est naval c ra ft going to Mrs

, China u nder th e program . fmn O fficials sa id th a t the program tem!

was au thorized tiy a Uw passed in The Ju ly . IMO. pem U U n g traxufer of a m toWl o f 211 naval crafu This In - clUli eluded m ore th a n S ships which th e Mrs Chinese received under Icnd-lease nnd' nnd fo r w hich special authorlza- Uon h a d to be m ade If th e Chinese u were to keep them . Y j„

Registration Is ^ ' Open for Voters ‘'S

RDPE31T. O ct. 18—H upcrt voters homhave been w arned they w ill be re- HasiQulred to reg is ter in order to vole WaaIn the general elecUon Nov. a If they ------did n o t vote two years ago . Voters Y \who reg is tered fo r .th e prim ary elec- I l lUon need n o b re-re g ls ier . 1 /1

A bsentee ballota m ay be obtaineda t the office of th e county clerk by I f fvoters w ho expect to bo o u t cf town Wlon election doy. * •*

R eglstm ra fo r M inidoka countyore as follows: H om er BeU. Rupert ¥No. 1; H ow ard Bnoke, R upert No. a; | .1 Floyd F ru it , R upert No. 3 ; Olenn W nlton, R upert No. 4; M rs. DnnM nclntosh. M inidoka; J . O. ICauf- R c lm an. Acequltk; Roy Skinner, Hey- „ bum : L au ra M oncur, Emerson, ond Keith M errill, P a u l. '

Returns to Duty nBUHL. Oct. l a -C o p t . R obert Me- tha t

Clusky h as le ft fo r T am pa, Pla.. to *»d3JO on acUve du ty w ith the army o lr eryforce. H e Is the son of M rs. Louise vastMcClusky. alugi

------------------------------ ------------- menCALIFOBNIA V ISITOR ferU

FILER, OcL IB—Mrs. Dorothy afte; Convoy, 13 M onle, CoUf.. is vlslUngher m other, . Mrs. Sadia Fe ll, and ti.«.oUaer relaU ves here .______________

»CTI0NS. II W stch Ihlfl eolomn d»Ily fo r news

of Magle Valley ta n a aactlons M d fo r th e do te th tl r tliU nn will a p p ea r tn th e Tlme**Newt.Cheek th e ir ods for I«eaUoa and aU neceisary InformaUoa.

• nO C T O B E R 21 achlC harles Behren t to di

A dvertleem ent O e t W -t# “ “ n onenbeck A H eB enbK k. ApcU.

« bolUOCTOBER 28

Ted E o n tc la A i i , e i m a > « i O cl : o - n

O ic ar * H aro ld E U as. Aocti. ^




A group o t good nelgbbore—th e yonn elnba—a re tend itig O lrlle, th is K-msnU: video, TJracTuy. G irlie g e ts a porting s: leaving by plane tn m N ew ark, N . J.

Winter Fuel Outlc Is Not Rosy, E:

W ASHINOTON. O ct. JB OJJ!>— iho:O ovem m ent experts t ^ a y mode to Ithese w in te r fuel fo recasts: Lncl

Cool—Plenty to m eel dem and (b u t expinol o t th e l ^ h quollty amokeless meekind). ^ 000

Fuel oil—Barely enough (If every- It wthing goes rlgh l) to p reven t the se - Useivere local aho rtages w hich caused dusihardsh ip In st w in te r. opei

ne cU lc power — Local ahortoges ermand a generally p reeorluoa balance agobetween supply a n d dem and. Pt

N atural gaa — NnUonwlde sh o r t- pra<ages w hich can cause Industrial enoishutdowns and m ny curtaU hom e nge,heating and cooking In som e a reas Collfor dnys n t a tim e. alre

Gloomy OS som e of these fo re- whl!casts are . they a re based on th e ChliopUmlaUe nasum ptlon th a t th is w in - Uveiter will be "norm al." I t n

Any num ber Ot th ings cou ld m ake copithe picture blacker — long strike*, perextm bad w eather, suddenly In - molcreased mllltnr>' dem and , m echoo- perleal breakdowns, tran sp o rta tio n Ue- Nups. part

Steel Is the vUllon In th e piece, of iiM k of I t h as k e p t th e oil, power, reocand gas Industries from expanding andto m eet Increased dem and. to I

T he experts sl2cd up th e s ltu a - due: Uon. fuel by fuel, th is wny:

Coal—I t ’s com ing o u t of th e ground a t the trem endous rate of13,000,000 tons a week. Consum ers j> hod a « - d a y supply on .ScpL 1. T h e coal c ar shortage w hich closed m any m ines la s t year ha ji l>ecn eased. Pro- ductlon of high quality smokeless coal won’t m eet dem and twcause reloUvely few m ines p roduce th n tkind, ta c k of s te e l fo r new m ining _rm achinery could cause a *'crlsl*’' In ' this Industry ln t« r on, producers say.

Fuel oU — T h ere could be local p '- 'j

Fans See World Series Contests

KIMBERLY, O ct. 18—M r. and Mrs. 0 . E. T en ter h av e returned from Clevelond. O .. w here they a t ­tended thre# w orld se ries gomes.They travelled by plone,

Mr. and Mrs. O eorge V olkcnr and clUldren. Pocotello, visited Mr. nnd Mrs Jom cs M esscnanlth nnd Mr. nnd M rs. Marlon W all. A ll nre for­mer resldenU of Spauld ing , Nebr.

Mr. a n d Mrs. P o s te r W annam nker, jia n Veronla. Ore.. wcro rec en t guesU a t lha H enry T h am ert hom e. »

Mr. and Mrs. A rcher M cPnrlond, F all Solmon Clly. vUlted L oren M cPnr- I rc larvl and Fay F rahm . fron

Recent guests a t th e B ud M orgen 8el« home were Mr. a n d M rs. R ichard "did Hassley a n d O oldle H anley, Kelso, four Wash._____________________________ sleei

Dull Nagging z Muscular Aches ^ LetUpPromptly i

I lumlRcton^a Has B ro u g h t Blessed Uiey Relief to Thousands W ho new Suffered Dally T ortu res , w

to Ith o se , dead, d u ll aches a n d pa in s bavi

th a t plogue every m uscle In your body nnd keep you In conatxint m U - snlP ery ore frequenU y due to poisonous door waste from fnu lty dlgesUon a n d sw r sluggish elim ination . T housonds o l °o « men e n d women f in d th n t th e ir su f- and ferlng lets up w ith in a few days dow, after they s ta r t ta k in g R etongo. and

Retongo's specia l fo rm ula of n a - ^ ture's roots, herbs, and b a rk s, com - , ' blaed w llh VlU unln B-1. works In J many w ays to h e lp you feel like a n ' , eniirely d ifferen t person . I t steps up vita l dlgesUve Juices In th o s tom - I T . ach. Improves dlgesUon a n d In- creases your appeU te. I t he lps no - ture remo^'e toxlo w aste from your bowels and lets you leave off ha rsh laxatives. R etonga also gives prom pt relief to th a t w eary, w eakened, ” droopy feeling. sleep*robblng rest- lessness, and nervous IrrlU blU ty.

There’s no need to r you to go o n pan, aching and w orrying yourself h a lf (or to death w ithout organic reasotu D o «ho as m any of your tr te n d s a n d ne igh - aom< bors do : take R e tonga . I t th e f i r s t nibi bolUe doesn 't b r in g you g ra tify ing for relief. I ts smaU price wUl be r t - boys funded w ithout (luesUon. D o n t w altl Tou c an get R e to n g a . a t a ll good » drug store* «v«y.whcre.................. O'

. -AdT.


iwrLtaUrugua^ H




be Vaeve;

a q l M f l ^ A M B a l M m

K - - f - if t ' . ' 'V \ Into

■ —

yotm nten of tho N ew J e r s e r 4*n nsnUi-old fawn, to a n o tn MonU- ing snack from Ja n e Snook befora I.

tlook for U. S. Experts RevealihortoBcs bu t they ore n o t expected to be as serious a s la s t w inter's.Lnck of steel has p reven ted p lan t exponslon. The industry expects to m eet anilclpated dem and o f 0,500,-000 barrels of crude o il a day. B u t It won’t be nble to la y u p reserves.Users will have to be carefu l. I n ­dustry commltteea a re rea d y tn co­operation w tlh stote a n d local gov­emmenU lo pool supplies fo r short­age area-n.

Power— O tnero tors a re ope ra ting pracUcnlly a t eopnclly—a n d l l isn 't enough. Because of th e stee l sh o r t- nge, breakdowTis could be serious. Cnllfomlo nnd the Pacific no rthw est already ore suffering ahorU ges. A whlie back Consolidated E dbon In Chicago hnd to c u rta il pow er de­liveries for more th a n a doy w hile I t mode repairs. Reserve generating copnelly In the naUon Is ab o u t IH per cent of total capacity . T h e no r- mol re.-:er>-e before th e w ar was 30 per cent.

Nntuml ROA—Tills Is th e darkest p a rt of the fuel picture. C u rta ilm en t of delivery to Industrial u se rs a l- reody has s ta rted In th e m idw est and Appalachian area. L ack of steel to build pipelines a n d expand p ro - ducUon U to blnme.

Vacation to EndRUPERT, OeU 18 — M inidoka

county echools wUl resum e work aRoln Wednesdoy follow ing th e end of a two-week horve.it vacaUon, occordlng to 8up t. D on Dafoe.

NAAfPA V lS n O R S FILER. Oct. 16 — M r. a n d Mra.

Paul Luillow and ta m lly , N am pa, were recent guests o f M r. a n d M rs.P. J . Kalbflelsch.

Ho r t B arry A in’t M od a t Nobody

H arry W ilson, By B orron , Roy I F all, Dr. Edw ard M cB ratney and1 re lum ed th e m iddle of th e week I from ■ an elk h u n tin g tr ip In th e j eelway. T he f lrs l question asked Is, I "did you get >our e lk?" W e go t | four elk and a bear. W e did n o t sleep w ith any bears, d id n 't ge t lost, I nor did we g e t snow ed In. •'W ho sh o t I the bear?" Well, m odesty restra in smo from saying, b u t Ju s t ask a n y Ione of the o lh e r fou r w ho .sho t Uie Ibear. We packed In n in e m iles from Ilhe end o f th e rood. I

We were sure surprised to see th e Iprogress th a t hnd been m ade on th e Inew building. Tho side, w alls ore up , Iand ready fo r th e stee l girders. IHope you foUcs will have cosier IUme finding the e n tra n ce to o u r Ilumt>er yard a s some h av e told us Ithey drove by before th e y rea llred IJt. All you have to do Is look for th e 1new building a n d th e neon sign. I

W hen you come In. we a ra going Ito make It w orth y o u r while. W e Ihove a large stock o t lum ber a n d Iother building m a teria ls . A new Ishipm ent o f screen doors, a n d sto rm Idoors came In. B o lh h av e been Iscarce. We olso hove one-ponel f i r Idoors, fir s lab doors, a n d some ploln Iand fancy fro n t doora. As for w in - Idows Wi hove the p la in check ra il . Iand th e s ilen t type check ra il . I

Round cedar posts hove been a l - Im osl Impossible to ob ta in . W hen u p Io t Kooskla lo s t week we a rronged Ifor a shipm ent of round B-foot ceda r Iposts. W ill le t you know u soon Iu they get in . We h av e p len ty Ifoot split ceda r posts a t 39c each. Iand OH foot steel posts a t 73c a s Ilong as these last. W e a re advised Ith a t the nex t sh ip m en t will cost Imore. I

We have some very good quality ' IM nch and 3-lnch ro ugh lum ber. IThe one-inch rough f i r Is especially Ifulled for po ta to c e lla rs a n d sheep Ipanels. O iir 3 -lnch rough f ir 1s Ideal I for bridge p lanking. A nd you m en • Iwho are feeding calU e, w e have Isome 8-foot alabs th a t wUl m ake | substantial long-U sU ng w lndbreak i for your livestock. A sk one of th e boys to show you w hen In th o yard .

HARBT BARRY LTJMBER CO. .On th e B ead te tb e n o tp lU l tn

T w in FaU s «


Hailey. Comet-- JS “Ghost” Trail

- r*'.aU

Set to Appear SSX 1 predli

B y TAVL F . ELLISC n llttl F r a a BcleaM w riU r ^ l'

NEW YORK. Oct. 18 W.R1 - T h e in I7i " ib o s f o t Bailey'S comet retitm s Thi again tbU w eek. . on It

T he B bost '/tn (bis case are th e r e tu n Orlocld a e ie o n left In th e orbit of th e famous edm et m a t la s t was seen - rn by «re in m O . .They are caUed I t tb e O rionld m eteors because they n n appear to come from tb e constella- Uon of Orton In Uie eastern sky. 2 " ^

-Appear «n Tbnrsday Tho meteors aro due on T hursdoy r ^ i

Bight, although some Umca Uiey m ay _ be visible Uie n ig h t before and for several nights a fler. ^

m years gone. by. th e O rionld > meteors have p u t on a speciacular I show, bu t Gordon Atwater, cu ra to r ' Of th e Rayden ^ lan learium ot the American museum of na tu ra l h is­tory, said today Uuit th is year’s

, abow may be “only ordlnory.'*Earth N ears O rbit

T he meteors ore visible becauso th e earth is neo r the o rb it of H ol­ley’s cornel on Uie n igh t o f O ct, 33.T h e meteors, however, a re only Uny specks of cosmlo dust a n d they do Dot become visible unUl they slioot Into the EarUt's atmosphere. T hen In n sp ill second o r so they blnio 1 P

I C ^ I


M B j j j g B

A t ( 9 r £ t t g \ ( g , — u n n r W o tfw w f i f t l a r v e y i W O R E

N FAIiS. IDAHOrblte h o t f r t n tr lc tlo a and usually - n L , a m out U fo re b l t t ^ tb a E a r th ’s J \ IJurface. ' " • ------- --

O rionld m eteors boM a tten - loo o t a s tro n u n ers becauM o t tbe lr e laU insh lp to 'RaH ey'k"com eL"The tiie om et w aa so n a m ^ because the ^Qcre irlUah astronom er E dm und HaUey regul redlcted th e 79-year cycle o t the ^ t h omet. B e first observed tb e com et balloi a 1W3 a n d predicted Its l e t iu n gp,

T h e com et, now f a r ou t in space r h t .r; n l u 7»>year cycle, is expected to bert* e tum in I0BS. Murx

” ■ - . chanlOOP Rites TonightRU PERT. Oct. 18—E ight cand l- te r.

lates will receive th e l ^ d e s rule schnegree In n te s to be co ndulted to - ing. light a t Uie Odd Fellows baU by*roJect encom pm ent No, S4, lO O F. REA


PHONE 2240

^ g


- e W i T f • I

m -F - V ^ Cha J

SS"™-”.' II*"® tlur/off A Sm ot ^ f l


Rupert Rotarians • l Discuss Proiects hS

-RTCERT.-O ctJH=rD lK W SiaOB_ot Jie proposed iw lm m lng pool and ■ecreaUon a rea h ig h lig h ted ’tb e last •eguiar meeUng oX th e R o ta ry chib n th Rupert voters u rged to cast wlloU on th e proposal T uesday , ,

Speakers were C harles W h itta k er, , HE' lecretaiy-m onager o f tb e R upert :ham ber of Com merce: L . U Cful- and J w tso n and A. F , B eym er. J. W . Callf. aurphy . program c h a irm a n , was in Leo i :bargo of th e m eeting.

Q uests were W h itta k e r , O ulbert- ton and R. M. Hawkes. O ordon Bax- xr, d istrict R otary gOTemor, U scheduled to a ttend tb e n e x t m eet­ing.


M . £


I • Yes, C am els o re so mild t day test o f hu n d red s o f smol« tinglff case of throat irritat Camels! T h e p eop le in this wometi — sm oked C am els exi sc<nitive days. Sm oked on a \ packages o f Cam els a day . Eai w ere exam ined by no ted thro o f 2470 exacting exam inadc

F rom c o a s t t o c o a s t , thes re p o r te d


: C A M E L S T H A N A N Y 0 1

Four Elk BaggedCAfflUCFORO. Oct. 18 ^'WttA

loelsle, S . H , Pepper. B j r .R o m - . n n U a n d Jtm lor B r y in t .b a n .r e * WDed'tKmi“A»trttin; M o o t r w m r ^ ^ our elk. T hey w e n guesta o t R a y ; mlu w . ■'m

GUESTS AT nEYBtTBNHEYDURN. Oct. 18~M r. and U n . B J

Fesse Fruit. Ramona. Caltf„ and M r. C mImd Mrs. Donold Fruit, P a lm O lty, P 4::allf_ a re guesta o t Mr. a n d M r^ * a^ H andy. i M






Itiwiiina IQ ^E S 3 g fl2 S 2 S S B S 9 E !9 l

Md th a t a aatloQwide 30- j j H f lm okers revealed not one P ^ f l-itation due to smokingiiis |es t — both m en and H f v ' -1 exclusively fo r 30 con-1 average of one to tw o B K, Each week, their throatsth ro at spedalists—a to tal H Bladons.th e se th r o a t sp e c ia lis ts


■ ■' ■ '

O T H E R C I G A R E H E' j j

' — r~; ; ^ » ) S U | U n

S a v e a n an te rad U le r f p ^ I ' $ 1s t check yoor e ar's rad ia to r a t least every stx monUis. a ’clean,' 'i U ght rad lo ior m eans a be tter V-: funcU onlng m otor, 'R e g u la r 't a - specUoD also will check m inor ’ trouble becoming m ajor tronbli. v'

C e ap le te Slock t f . . .

New and Used Radlaton

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

f * ^ ^ n i i S C W iS!r'X^m^twt rnblMlM ,c«Xai»Md m 1 m b « «lau m U m u « r April

A^^ i a S > h TCST>>lk . Mtfcd. «■<« Ow > n »


3 ^ —-------------- £ =

- %; o t t ^ BUU • f n«>»i

'■ - - - B r t t t m r ___________________ ________

t f f l G S T r t ’S X ' S ' ? „ « , ' «

_________ M» M»rfc«t 8tf»H. ton rf«tKto«c. C

SCIENCE AND 8T0CKPID r. Howord E. Frlte, a BClentlat i

Ul rubber, doflsn’t know w hat mo bounce. He would like to know, i would h ts colleaicues. American ll done wonderful things w ith rubbc body really knows why a rubber 1 s tay on th e floor when you drop It thouBh Bclence hoa been studying

. inenon for 200 years.• T he reaaon Dr. Fritz mentioned

In ? rubber Is bccAuse he thinks science should bo apcndlns more

; i t ts on problems of fundam ental ; su ch os this. R e points out cor ; Am ericans have done more with : sto re of basic scientific informi ' anyone else, b u t th a t we have ( . very little to th a t store.

In th is connection th e otomic b : n a tu ra lly to m tnd. And It m ay ' i t h a t If It had no t been for two < I an an ti-fascist Italian physicist s r m a n Jewish woman scientist, thi

n o t th e allies would probably hav( I w ith the bomb,

l l There are scTeral o ther examp { ■ k ind, extending back more th a n As Dr. F rlta p u t It, "We (Amer

' n o t scientists, we are applied t Bow fortunate fo r ourselves and neerlnpt economy th a t In th e pas

} have always exchanRed views Intci : ■ ^'However, th e scene Is chan(;ln(

“Some nations now suppress frei ' o f sol(|ntIfla Information. Thlsplo

if, t h a t we m ust step up th e quality ai i't. o f our fundam ental research.” i To help accomplish th is purpose i ' employers, th e B. P. Goodrich com

recen tly opened a 16,000,000 reset n e a r Akron. W ith past expertenc i t mtBht be p rudent If o ther com

, o th e r industries followed th a t exar I In the early days of World w ar I

Industry suddenly foimd th a t Japanese advance had cu t th is ( from Its principal sources of ru b t aeveral other v ltat necessities of mi W ith th a t lesson In beglonlng t Q . a t a f l i g ^ j g j l i i i i

il t e r l |a ^ M M i§ lg ™

s l P m i m S d ^ r a r e q u a l l y nec( th e country should th in k about

|i; of sclcntlflc knowledge, which Is tl j. -torial of America’s vaunted genius; I- tlon and production. Another wai {'. u s off from th a t raw m ateria l a

th e w ar cu t us off from ^tln ai ■ rubber.

I New research laboratories wouli ; : t h a t th is country was "w ar monsor:

m igh t be essentials of national < h e sure. B ut they could also serve

1 eously as centers of knowledge to t ; h ea lth and comfort of all mankl

stab le peace is finally achieved.

STRENGTHENING COLUJOen. D w lsht D. Elsenhower, a

, of h ts Installation as president o; , university, pledged th a t g reat educ

I ■ stltu tlon to the teaching of partn< ‘ “proof and product of unity."

He pledged himself to devote b ; “ to th e support of Columbia’s abl ; tlngulshed faculty, In th e service < : in th e service of all hum anity ."

I t was no t so m any years ago tl .o u r colleges and universities > criticized for th e so-called “llben , advocated by some-of th e ir facult: : particu la rly those policies havln ; pearance of a pinkish tinge. Coli ; verslty was am ong th e in stltu tt

I : cam e In for such criticism. •l l i e fac t th a t Oeneral Elsenl

: holds th e reins a t Columbia ts < assurance th a t an y objectionable

' w hich m ay have crept in to th e \ personnel will come to a n ab rup t < likely th e bousecleanlng h a s been

: already.We m ust use every m eans a t oi

to stem the communistic tide frc and it’s encouraging to see m en ill Elsenhower entrusted w ith th e res of keeping our schools free from sible contamination.

S ; ' ABOUT TH E SAME a ‘ A friend whose earliest political 3 go back to 186S was recalling a dei [i w ith his fa the r in th a t election yei ^ publican McKinley campaigned oi ^ of “ the lu ll diim er pall” an d th e wi B i f tb e Democrats won th ere wouli g tim es.’* So our friend was to get 9 .^W clOnley won. B ut if William Jem: I w as elected, he would resign himi P te r i ty living and se ttle fo r a g o a t

•T h e result," h e rem em bers, *■' d id n 't g e t e ith e r one.”

In IMS “ the fuU d in n er p a ll” is c perity , im d "hard times” have beci a n d 'o u s t depression. A nd th is ye D em oem ts wbo a re prom ising th

. v a t f i ja g o f tb e o th e r. B u t we su • fts Id '96, th ings m ay n o t be so dras : 26 t«nt A lter tb e election. A nd, v

. :v ^ ttb 4 b * 'A re ^ a h Z b ^ to d ay w ho b : .<br-gost.<lesl-niay i f hnt.

' ^ d f o a t t e a f c - ! ----------------------------- - -



WHI].1 tb . B O S T O N -JH is Br>

I. l l t l . *»ln«d <tom ln>no la - 15 rew * o f unhappy :

------------------- JJ .M I t wUl bo tti» n n t 'M--------- ^^1.88 g jji j , 1533^ J,. _______1— sAlvaged aom e comforDVAKCB liiro u jh over H erbert,1. UMTow m arB tn.

- . . 1 r « U io rcaloraU oo of■ . — I i.AQ SaltonitA ls nnd Lodgi

' ------- — •» »•« th e iU to bouse luid i____________ t t.OB ni*y h a re nftUonal i

- ■ I.TI th a t It m o r lu a itrona .................... » dl fnl l l ed a n d m tra l:------ ------------- »g.BO gjgjiiiiea ,

er mart of compcUnt tho e ra w h cn thU COI *" tr ia l, agricu ltu ra l and

Tobins a n d th e ir loca:

'***• D ESCEKDANTS~Tgovernor a n d Ueulen

KPILES B rad(onl a n d A rthurt i s t s p e c ia l iz in g nlnU i-genero tlra

TviflVi,. v n h h o r MayflowBT Bradford." • “ W” « • ““ " " I K ™iw. So, h e says, u far.

a n In d u stry h a s Ben. iienry cabot lub b e r. B u t n o - at A»»njr with Oovcn

d o e s n 't S S ‘ X “ S ° o ' „ r »JP I t t h u r s . e v e n m i y w o o a . -r i n g th e p h e n o - u ic k lly fo r th e pre

dcmocroUzcd th e ir laim e a IhB b o u n c -I mopoUtan commonwet J in k s A m e ric a nn o r c t im e t h a n s u i f t —P olitician*• n ta l k n o w le d g e algn of n e x t m on th ’s i i c o r r e c t ly t h o t ,i*k ww uld fw eep a sta t«? l th t h e w o rld s W alah-C urley atrongho r m a t lo n t h a n u wUl achlovo imchiv e c o n t r ib u te d la le a h lft o f thouaaw

men, th s ch ild ren of :l i e b o m b c o m esl a y b e r e c a l l e d m m ore rec en t daysw o e x p a t r i a t e s , m an haa been acceler1st a n d a O e r - th is w ctton is

a n a S J J , -h a v e b e e n f i r s t

D E FE C nO N B —E re a m p l e s o f t h i s « a d em e s , w ho preaen

£ > c a n r a T .im c r l c a n s ) a r e nooscveltinn reform ere d r e s e a r c h e r s . ren>Sradrord>eaicoiuia n d o u r e n g l - i n view o f these def.

S ’S.S." S T SIn te rn a tio n a lly . Q op carried Massici ig lng ,” h e a d d s . aoo.ooo Tot«a.

free cxchanuo

a n d q u a n t i t y y , , H flpubllcan nom l BooaerelU Y anlteelani

rp o se D r . F r i t z ’s to feel, p e rh a p s only nc o m p a n y , h a v e ^ P®’

r « » r c h c e n t c r Mr te n c e I n m in d , drew la rs e r crow di aic o m p a n ie s a n d other candldato whoe x a m p le O’® o f hia Invaali , a r n A m e r ic a n h a t t h o r a p idh i s c o im tr y o f f s o r e h e a d s —Butr u b b e r , t i n a n d ot the poHUeal altuat

SirauTSTh r.^<}p^nCT- w h o w th e m n jo r parti

ISBfttEESS^ I r o e q r c r . in expect

______ T -flia trU 'o f th e fedcra:n e c e s s a r y t h a t ^ RepubU eana aro d

o u t a s to c k p ile Dewey’a p r c i m e and Is t h e r a w m a - S peaker M a rtin , for

S Sa l a s s u r e ly a s w hich d id n o t developn a n d n a t u r a l ballo t vo t« fo r him

recocnttlon of h is m in n t m n n n tORStal a lao Tied for t

70U ld n«rt T M M a e n a to r Lodge hadn g o r ln g . * rh ey behind s e n a to r Vandin a i d e fe n s e , t o InaUon. i n th a t evens e rv e s tm u l t a n - e*i « Je cU o n fo r aecot■ t o t m p r o v e t h e c a r n o A W a m e . a n k ln d w h e n a m g » fm g er fo r Pre*ic sd . should h a v e la v ed H--------- federal hoosegow. TY 1TXTDTA M aurice J . T obin , a (, r • ! t h . t im « poUUcal c u tir , a t t h e t im e s e n tim e n ta l adm lrn t o f C o lu m b ia W alah rec a ll th a t . Ine d u c a t io n a l I n - * aom ew ha t all, a r t n e r . h l ^ - t h .

critica l o f bo th th a) te h i s e n e r g ie s policies. th in U n f th «s a b le a n d d ls« M aaaachusetta c r l c . o I A i n . H c a ,

. th e traeea,ECO t h a t so m e o fe s w e r e b e in g E ditor’# n o U : ’r u c t l lb « r U " poU clea■culty m e m b e r s , _________

V I E W S II t u t l o n s w h ic h w tr

W h at venlua I t waa is e n h o w e r n o w w n b o ard ape<

U c o m t o r t l n j S ! o '? ? 'S ;a b le in f lu e n c e s ^ p th ia m om entoi ;h e u n iv e r s i t y 's d u r i ^ th o se d a rk agi U P t e n d . M o s t looU ng fo r th a t

repo rted ly h irU a le e n c o m p le t e d m to c k thtwo*<ar g a rage ,

i t o u r d is p o s a l ’The a U t« of Idaho 5 f r o m R u s s ia . * tlek ln» to thein l ik e G e n e r a ls r e s p o n s ib i l i t y automobtica wh ich ha r ro m a n y p o s - tua lly . h o w erer. Ida!

c lu tte rtc f u p Ita i t» then w ith p ic tu res .'

L|p> ro rcea o f Bun Vals r a b - w l th th o allhou.

t l c a l m e m o r ie s th e p u t« num ber a d e a l h e m a d s theory w en t, a n d its 1 y e a r . T h e R e - n itizoata ultim a e d o n a s lo s a n * deUcloua Id ah o pott f . n a tu ra l colora. a ll apUtle w a r n in g t h a t d rippS i* dowrw o u ld b e " h a r d school kida t e t a t r e< g e t a p o n y I f to r to t to sp rlnk la oo iJ e n n in K s B r v a n Id ah o h a in ’t been th = P t f ? ^O&t. apouta a n d w aterfalla.•S. " w a s t h a t I Wa w o n t need to ■»

and tn w h a t color ec• ■ l a c 1 I . a p r o « -

b e c o m e b o o m - to a tta c h to o o r im s is y e a r I t 's t h e added u m on tha . B t t h e o n . a n ar e a th u ila im IOT p r i m

T h . te c re .U o n ,n d r a s t i c a l l y .d l f - again , so m e auggest id , W ith p r i c e s could o ffe r a j m n p * 0 h a s a p o n y - 'L S o tU p o n iT le u .


IRLIGIGI B rahm ins of Beacon hOI h av e r e - C * l a Bay ita ta poUUca a fte r a lm ert r ppy leU rem snt du rio f th e R eoaerelt EtepubUcana wlU eaalljr elect tb e tr fu ll s alAtes ne» t monUi. iv t're tu rn to OOP* um Alfred E. Sm ithfflfort by aq u ea k l^ CT bert no o rer by a m(i

a of the De*ey*. ^Lodges to power la EUld a t W aahlngton le ttna i Importance In a ratrong (Wing toward onea trs ln ed c o n w rra ' f ina aharp break from fullI j combined Indua- aia^and ahlpping area. Uoi

j{ New England, foreswore Ita fo u n d - 1cendanU for tba Rooaeralta, O urteyi, te alocal alUes. ^ tbc

• • • Jett 'S ~ T h e candldatei fo r re«eleotlen a s an sutenant gorem or—A rthu r W U llaa C th u r WUllam CooUdge rupecU re ly— sun Ition descendant* of th e original, of ford. Senator L are re tt B altonatal. bla: te rm In th e aenate, goea baek alraoai brii

M t Lodge, working on forelga affairs- th erovemor Dewey, aprlnga from th e el«> tonw hich It baa bean w ritten t h a t “th e le tt ly to LowcUa, and th e Lowella speak

J preaent-day generation, they hava U- lonBuoge so th a t I t la understand -lary voter In thla com paratively coa- Imwealtti. awi

• • • Thl lans on boUi aides regard It aa a aure Aw th ’a naU onal poUUcal revolution th a t Uv«

conscrraUve family of poUtlclana wei aU t« w hleh waa a Sm lth-R oosevelt- nui 'onghold ao recently, such an upset only O umigh a whole- Luanda o f votea of f a n n e n . w orklng- 1 of im m igrant famUlea, dlaHlualoned i InteUeotuaU and Uie w hite co llar ^

daya th e desertion of P residen t T ru - icelernted by hla V lnaon-Stalln b lu n - on Is cxiremelT Intem atlonally -m lnd- anaUenlly and reUglouely anU-com*

. • • tan-E v en a m ajority of pinkish. H a r ra rd ^ * resented W oshlngton w ith such a h ln - ",*5: tla l intellecta as Pelix P ran k fu rte r. lamea Landis. Alger Hlas and o th e r i r f irmcra, m ay vote for the D ew ey-W ar- r ? ; ItonsUl-OooUdge ticket. £?fe defecUona In tha cold halls o f G am - penma m ill towna. th a ham leta a n d [ea. I t would no t ba surprising If th e issaehusetta by between 100.000 a n d

• • • of tferUielasH. here aa elsewhere, the re la icnulne enthusiasm o r affec tion for ^ nominee, aa there waa for P re sid e n t “ "J ^alaod'a heta'rogeneoua a lem snta aeemmiy Rubconscloualy. th a t there la need 1 power and a naw figure a t th e fed*

Earl W arren. Dewey'a ru n n in g m ate, d l and a w arm er recep tion th a n a n y ■ who h a d apoken In mia aectlon to bt

ivaalon. ’The strategtata did n o t rou te 1 bccause. a lthough It haa been a Kl, they did no t consider I t necessary.

-B ut th e Ironlo and hum orous aspect lUuoUon here b lh a t no ita to In thelUch a coDflctloa of noble soreheads. I__y are divided almost e<juaHy betw een r parU ei, th e Internal dlssatlafaetlon y 111 have hard ly any effect on the No-

xpectatlon of a national trium ph a n d ^tdcral government nex t year, re se n t- - - ire draw ing together under Governor< and th e desire for p a rty h&roiony, < 1. fo r Instance.'d id no t like I t becauaoId n o t aupport his prcaldsnUal c an - hdelphlo. Although realising th a t h e ■>nor only as the resu lt of a deadlock ■i-clop, hla friends thought U iat a f lrat- ■tUm would have been only deserved ■Is aervlcea to the party . S enator S a l- ■for th e aame preference. ■h a d hoped th a t th s boys would awing ■;andenberg for the presidential nom - ■event, h a would hava been th e logU ■aecond place. S

imea M. Curley’a friendi are n o t lif t- flS ♦resident Trum an. They th ink th a t he ed H la o n e r from aervlng tim e to a T. T hey also resented lelecUon 'Of “1. a Ourley enemy, to be secretary of . g e itu re which haa flopped. d m lre n of Uie lat« Ben. D avid I. t . In th e 19U campaign, Mr. T rum an ^ I t aligh ting rem ark about th e lr hero. n g n o doorbella. ^u a do r Joseph P. Kennedy h u been th a R ooierelt and TVuman foreign r

t th em too prtsBriUah. B u t h e hopea tta D em ocrau will nom inate h la aon. )Xi )r govem or la »oma fu ture year—In ina t UUa U m oooad he wlU no t kick over

_____ thsT ucker will reium a hla regular w eek- S . answ er column upon h is re tu rn to __

3 OF O T H E R SW U T A N ra n K Q

1 w u wbo f i n t figured th a t a lo t o t apace w u going to w u t« o a au to -

a te i T h e Idahonlan h a s a t- f l ie t N or | r hand , whleh sU ta w u th e f irs t to entoua Idea. I t occurred, how erer. k agea o f automoblUng w hen drivera th a t com er around w hleh prosperity irU ag . ready to fill up th e g u ta n k ■X th e eesond half of every bom a’a

laho dragged Its fee t tor <iult« a few > th e archalo belief th a t autom obile re a m eana of automobile IdentU lca-

aeoondaty utility of dlstlngulahlng . b h a d paid Uielr a taU duea. E ven- Id ah o auocumbed. Idaho a tarted

I steel Ucenaea, f i n t triUi alogans, a . •

Valley m ade th e f l n t dliU noU re Ihouette of a n a lr-bom e ik le r vault*, mbera. ‘I t advertised Idaho, ao th e 1 Its recreational opportualUea. tlm ate arrived wlUi th e IMT p la te * - ' po ta to (netted gem. luppoaedly) la apUt open and w ltb a p a l e f m elting down Into the Juicy w hite e tareh .I t r e a t kick ou t of }oklng tb a t they I on th a u i t and pepper, een alone going to a x treaea . A uto- ive beea designed tn th a ih a p as e f advertised flah and mtoarala, w ater -falla.

to w orry about w hat w all advertlae or eombtnatlona. via th e autom obile year ye t. T t t lU U b u a lready to ld

‘ ’« ta gIMS plataa and estend th a lr life a a

a. B u t already U u bannais a re ouk lalng bc^a are busy d rununlns u s r lva ta causes fo r Uia 18M platea.I enUiualasta are In Uie fore fron t rgest a aheaf of whenL L atah county « n pea pod. Tha Junior cham ber o f I ta lU very w orthy -K eep Id ah o •

iparcntly . auggests the sim ple devicelOOW - - ...................■


POT ISh ots^ P

a mI on'

4N T E A T ES I J J0 . L. Palm er (aak h im w b a t O . L . f m

m eans) infccsia P o t fihoU th a t tou ^ o p le a ^ m a U ^ie ttm t^ iual- ctls

^ « ? w i l n i ; * a b o u t^ -a a tto n a l le tte r writing week” a a d sa id tb e « « average airm ail te tte r w eighs on ly offl one-fourth of a n ousee. B u t th e d « five-cen t alrmaU atom p pays fo r one mo, fuU ounce which equals a pp rox l- th« a iate ly five pagea of o rd inary a ta - enn Uonery. ^

H ia t ’a bow people g e t gypped. ^ In ste ad of w riung enough to get „ tb e lr nickel’s w orth, m oet folks w rite ^ le tte rs weighing oaly a fo u rth of ^ an ounce.

O f couiae, If you w an t to be su re you’re getUag five cente ' w orth of aerrlce, you can stick enough b lank pages In Uia envelope to , b r in f I t up to a fu ll ounce. | , . t

O r maybe you’d w a n u dicker w ith tb * poatal authoriUea In. W aahlng- ^ ton , D. O , fo r apeclal r a te s o a ? * ; le tte rs weighing leaa m a n an ounce.

PU PS FOB K ID S D E P rr. coil D ear P o t Shota;

I have five good pupa to give ^ away, four female a n d one m ale, t l ’They a re Uie offspring of a good S ’ . A ustralian shepherd aheep dog. We Uve two mllea aouUi of th a aou th - ^ w est com er of PUer. "nie phone 2 ^ num ber la Pller 3-JS.

M n . G tm * I H n ta s . . . <1

nEAL CBUELTT D ear PoUo: ^

m reading about dlvorc* aulta, >,m I 've always w ondered w hat’a be- ^ h ind th a t old aUMk p h r u e of -e x - S S trem a cruelty and m e n ta l lufferlng .”I UUnk 1 have aomeUUng U iat ^ would be Included In su c h a genera l , » « » •

I had taken aome m edicine U u t backfired. apparenU y. A lthough i t ^ e lim inated r a r a e s a la m y th ro a t.Ju st like Uie doe aald , i t le ft m y * 2 mouUi and U iroat looking like raw .f. ham burger and bu rn ing Ilka I 'd e a ten pepper. Before I took th e ^ dope, my tongue w u w ell-ooated. J* b u t no t afterw ard. th e

W hen I told th e mlaaus abou t tba coaUng being gone a n d the hotnesa 1' o f my m outh, she ijulpped: "N a- for tu rally—your tongue la h o t enough to i now so I t doesn’t need a" coat. H a, ate. h a r pall

Extrem e cruelty a n d m en tal au f- Off fering. hoo

B e tte r (f) l ia U T • . • bud

FASIODB LA ST LINE [J” !" . . . BcglimlBg te feel Uka b ird - wit:

hoaU ng weather." u ,*GENTLEMAN IN TO E

rO U R T B BOW »;


l^ y th a t ballot dow n babe.Yea air. according to Uie D em o , . t

craUc national com m ittee, w om en ,t«i w ui have the die lding vote in tb e ha< coming prealdeatlal elecUon. F la n s < a re now under way to cap tu re th e i- ij fem ale ro ta. ^

A lready you can delec t I t In Uie ^'_____________ d a y Ume aerials.

■ ■ S S n B v e s t e r d a y I h e ard ^ ^ ■ I H H ^ H t h e a n n o u n c e r w . H P V T ^ ^ H a a y . " . . . a n d wlU ^ ^ E ^ i ^ j ^ H o c b o r a h f l n d farue ^

happiness, vo ting t, fo r Uils man?'*

P r o b a b l y Uie candidates w t l l

^ ^ ^ ^ g « H t r y using aex a p -

^ ^ ^ B ^ | K A | l « ‘omen over. O f ^ course. I don’t . \

~ B-v „ , „ ^ k n o w how th e y ’ll ™ look flexing U ie lr =

m uscles In front o f your tc lerla loa screen and making the lr cam paign apeeches In Ughts.

I heard U u t the- m ajor poUtlcaX parU es are concentratlnK th e ir c am ­pa ign on areas w here w om en get together. Jn fact, n e x t week they _ a re holding a moss mceUng In th e “ back room of Max Fac to r’s.- • f:

O ne candidate Is trying to ap p ea l “ to women’s sentim ent, h a will p ro b - ° ab ly get a lot of voles, bu t I t’s coat- Ing h im a fortune In orchlda.

I t 's very Interesting. U I t’s true, th a t women a re th e deciding ro te In th e elecUon. M aybe th a t’s w hy H tb e Prealdent la alwaya a m a n . L ,

-sa Hi

• You may be one of mi taken party Une telephone lait few years when we . equipment to take c»rM of requirements^ A btg part structlon program will pro can choose the kind of sei while a pause between ca refreshing. I t gives othert you. Thanks for remember Sfflfw Telephone and Teleg



PEGLER’Sr r a r V O R K -T b s b a te to l v n > i a

ag enda again st “Uie b lg b b rass" a o d rid *-Uie b ig braae* of th e A m erleaa a rm y a n d navy which b e fa a a tm oat , ^o n Ul* do t e f V -s d a y - « s eooa a s txUR u isU 'w ss abeo. ______ chilute ly r e s e n e d R f ^ S ^ S P l H i Wif r o n a i U s r - - v u f e ‘A * g | | i ^ g |o itouetaed o ff ga sU m nlated by t h e i r t a n

offleere In t b e d ^ K S S f H t ap u b l i e i t r a n d n ^ H Q B u ^ u am orale r a c ^ o f H S ^ ^ M B ^ < t t u e em ce. T h e y f ; ^ n | R 9 M

a a d doodled dU -g ram s to sbow th a t R e o se re lfs , un ion racketeers, fo r aQ tb e lr d ls - . * graceful record of s trike* , m aU n- gerlng. leafing. w hlaUe-Jum ptag a n d H!! o re r-tlm e proflteerteg. b a d done o s S * m uch to w in th e w ar a s m e n w ho r r h i d been killed la action . .

T heae p l a n t e d p ropagand ists ™ ha tched "m doctrlna tlon’' couraei u> d lsan n th e rea l A m e rl^ u u , th e , f igh ters, o f th e ir n a tu ra l, ho n est , h a tre d of tb e bolshevik d lc t t to r - ah lp a n d persuade th e m t h a t a n y - S f one wh4 u tte red any suspicion of communUm waa doing H lU er^ work, f??

M en who ahould h av e atoppcd th is , b u t d idn ’t w an t to . a a t In th e Pentagon In W ashington a n d le t I t * “ go on. The guUUest o f th e se wero m em bers of th e s u it o f H arvard law. th e m ain source o f tb o b ru ta l ' cynicism which becam e th e phlloa- cot ophy of our govcm m ent a f te r WM. era

• • • cuttioi

T b e propaganda a g a ln a t th a u n -bruuT roared u p In th e aervlce wit publlcaUons w here th o com m unists s«3 a n d tb e lr shrinking frlen d a were joti h id ing ou t tb a w ar. w ho h a d sw orn d e a m to th e na ris b u t w ith th e iini promlae th a t tho n e lghbo ra ' ch il- j d ren ahould do th e klUlng. wil

Editora who w ui toko th o trouble "pl to look back w ui fin d a lso th a t I t in cam e In s ta n d a rd package-gooda kw distributed by aome o f th e ayndl- Tb cates from W ashington a n d New thi Y a k . J

T here was a tem p ta tion , even to to editors, to engago |n app le-po llsh tng haj by appealing to th e aoclal bigotry of th e m ajority by b lackguard ing la th a om cers u a c lass a n d parU cu- la riy generals and adm lm la .

T here were &o o r 80 en lis ted m en for every officer and th e tem ptaU on to proplUate them w as proporU on- ate. T here had been a a lm lla r cam - p a lm In I ta ly a tte r th a f lra t war. O fficers were chased a n d m auled by hoodlums because they w ere offlrers.

n a t o crews aometlmes refused to budge unUl officers g o t o ff. Mony fine I ta lian officers n a tu ra lly threw tn wlUi fascism and th e y g o t hunk w ith th e bum s who b a d bumiUated them .

“B r u s " Is a cheap c l lw e effected, by blackguarda and fake ra o f Jour­nalism and th e rad io w ho cannot write and c rib th e ir p a ltry bromides from Ful P l-y u 'i ’Tlnieityle.

I t came o u t o f th e old BriUsh arm y and wlUi lom e ta m lsh on U, a t th a t. T h eir generals w ere brove. stately and Imnerioua b u t slow and b a d lltUe Im atlnaU on.

Any a ttem p t to redress th e repu- laUon of th e A m erican officers, and especially of thosa abm-e the rank of captain and l!cut«nant-com - m ander, rxm!< h a rd aRnlnst the fac t th a t Roosevelt, who cheapened and t>efouled every fine thInR th a t h e touched, immediately made ran k cheap.

BUI Knud-ien. « g rea t m anufac­turer. was Induced to accept th e th ree -stars of a lieutenant-general, form erly re.ierved for really good commanders of American armies In

Nobody m ade fun of M r. Knudsen. b u t m any who adm ired h im fe lt



By m ea th a t knew bow -backed by years ef ac tnal ezperienre In Recoring — ncbolldlng — Bepalrlng aU kinds of Badlatcr*.


m Zad Ave. B. Phena 4SS.W

n n Pb n u


many people who have )ne service during these ve haven't had enough of everyone's telephone rt of our current con- provide equipment so alt service wanted. Mean- calls on party tines is

bers a chance io reach bering.— Ti6e Mountain flegrapb C(>-

• L



s A ® ije rm f ( » b l n ‘b M a W h i i p l ^ ' f a i trtdiBiloBs. ^ ^

T hsrea ftsr, R ooeevtit a M h ts ^ friends tossed o u t censte llaU cns of

la a clothes, lurched a c a la s t s l e c ^ ^enlisted m ea f o la i t o m e k . ' . ^

T be buok 'feaera l, o r b r i g a d i e r . ^ ^toaiiy bed less p restige b e ra tb a a a ^ in ick -ssrtesa t b a d b a d I n a o n n a l

Officers c ( th e reg u la r a im r .h a d ^ Uielr own seaU sienta ab o n t th is . A m an pu t in years o f patzloU e so ld ier- Z . tog, always loyal to tb e b e au tifu l ^

and oode 'o f W ee t M a t .A t U or so, b e fooad b lm self eUH p ra

a colonel oc lleu tenaat-oo lonel w h ile tj Uie fellow banglag to a e tra p l a i . , the same bus wore e a e e r tw o sta re ; ^ e d on h im only to p e rm it h im to w t - r a n k eUier ex-c lrU laos la ftoanclal e r legal negoUsUone to th e n peaU goa. , , , o. *

Pitss-sgen te aad w an-placed r e la - for Uves of Bollywood m a g n a te s w ho his always made p retty ebots o f R oose- bor veil's polio parUes a n d m a d e b lm ufe look noble to the new ireela. w ouiul v, up colonel. A speakeasy m a o t » - Atep cam s a grandiose m e u - s e r g e a n t of i WlU) eagles on his boards, w hipping nen up souffles fo r Uie "b rass ," oou:

See? T here I t Is; "b re a i." aodWell, dam m it, tb a t Is w h a t X a m 000

coming to. W e did b av e aome g e n - ^ erals aad adm irals w bo took th e ir ■ cue from ou r em peror w ith h is n o ­tions or Imperial privilege a n d lu x ­ury. They d id su rround tbem aelvea wiui luxury and tb e se rrice of ob­sequious wanglers w ho knew th a t aa long Uiey sU yed wlUi th e h igh ‘b r a s s ' Uiey w ouldn’t go to to th e line.

And. a fte r victory t a E urope, th e wild camoolgn b ^ a n ag aU u t a ■'plot'* of th e " b ra u ” to keep m en in Uie lervloe so th a t these offlcera keep the ir ran k a iu l prerequisites. Tbere was someUUng to th a t , b u t th a t w asn't a ll th e ra w u to It.

Aclually. I t would bave be en wlae to keep strong by m a to ta ln ln g th e hard, efficient ouU lU w hich h a d Just knocked ou t tb e toughest a rm y In history. Instead , th e c lam or


Horses - Mules - Cows nig h e st P rices P a id

For P rom pt Plck-Bp CALL COLLECT



'A «mre

■* ,I . I I ll . 1 1 ^ !

A f t e r sp e n d in g p ro b a b ly fee l I

So m u c h tim e , t Ing th e h o m o attr* d im n ess , especially pensive.

Q u i te o ften , o r th e ad d itio p lac ed , m ak e s lig h t n o t only« p ro te c ts preci<

T h e r e a re r . • ~ m a tc h y o u r d

d e a le r 's . L e t h y o u r h o m e.

A n d d o n 't f b u lb s . Em pty



I D A f^ ________ £ & e g j l a

I _ .. .

ag aiast tb e "brass* rcee te a b j a m settle 3 b a ta . . . s e to

^ • • A 1Bseabow er « u e n m p te d , la rvely e an <

nooeeralt, viu> Uked ,ttw m .e b ee - U m qolotts. ^ f . ■ p r ^

F a tten ; e a tb s e tb e r h e a d , though ' ^ n o t aboT^ a u ttle r t ‘th a t. «eU a W vietim of tb a e eosp lraer to s la fe s t eu r Whole a m y of ooeupaticn v l th b a t e t t t l a a tn raU so d ' tm a lg ra a t Americana adorned w ith uneam fd BillltaiT ra n k , a ad t e destray a a y b d rea l A n er ie aa 'w b o b a d tb e a i c n l y r a n ooutige u> try to avoid a repetlU oa j iu fc of re e e n it ru t le o ta tb e faU ea e o o - h e re

S laa y of th * f ia e s t ta d M d u al LE(d tls ea s w he ever M rre d 'a r e p ^ d le -------were -brass* t o . t h t o w ar. ’I h e l r jh* code, and m a ay o f th em d id l i r e iMt«d u p to I t scrupulously, w s j th e pu rest su te ffltn t o f Idealism ever adopted by any corps outside tb e eoaseorated ' ' u orders o f religion, a a d m uch m ore ^ praeUcal. , *g.. I fw e b s d a ‘tb s d th e f to M t" fa ra s s " fwmt to th e world, tb e best generals and adm ln ls , both l a a n d tofighting, we would never have come off th e floor to w in. \

Ugly lemarics ab o u t O ea . George 0 . U an h sU sbould alw ays b e te k c a _ w ltb a personal tone r rem toder th a t fo r aU Ms servUity to Rooaevelt and his ona awful failure o a P ea rl H a r- fan ii bor day. M an h all h u spen t a ll h is v.hii: Ufe servteg h is country.

W hin th e w ar ended a n d h e " ti stepped down from h is Job o f ch ief *1 u> of K aff. b e could b av e ta k e n h is pension and gone off fishing. B o ” n . could have reU red to read , to rea t w « aod live on a pension of abou t sas.- 000 a ye ar^w e ha rd ly could bave y,hn,

J E ■

sP H O N E 1 7 0

A fler 6 P.IVLP hons 2289-R

Floyd Lii130 3rd Ave. ’

Irrigation Sprinklers W ater Systems — Belt

f i d

i t : 8 5 B B B 5 3 I

ing an evening !n a poorly -ligh te sei like leaving a w arn ing fo r th e i

le, th o u g h t an d m o n ey a r e d ev o te ittrac tive ly . It 's a sham d to h id e I iaily w hen good lig h tin g Is so ea

ten , ch an g in g to th e r ig h t-s iz e ligi lition o f a m odern flo o r lam p k e s all th e d iffe re n c e in th e worlc nly en h a n ce s th e b e a u ty o f yo u r h( 'ec io u i ey e s ig h t a s well.

re new e ff ic ie n t floo r lam ps des' tr d ec o ra tin g sch em e, a t y o u r c B t h im h elp y o u 'p ro v ld e good lig

>'t fo rg e t to a sk h im fo r a supp ly ipty so ck e ts give no lig h t,

L l g h i ^ B e t t e r S l f l l

■h o V p o wa S S d M l e i U i a i j a l t W l l ,

MONIl O N P A T , O C T O B B B 1 1 . 1 » 4 S

n t t u n fo r l m - « H t o u o i m *»SO to ' ' ■ ' -.1 ■

i m m oJ h b w » t n p n o s s e an ealeu lste tb e y e a n tb a t h e w in b a re th e is f s under b lm t o - p e n ^ t b lm to v e lk a ad ge a a d e a jo r Ufe. S w i ^ h s s g l T e a t a f l w ^ t b o e e p re d o iu fe * re a rs a lready. ^ .

W b a t do » e offer o u r "brass." ■aywav. to keep tb e m 'to teres ted to S T w e t S i S d Job o t sa e ttllc iag tbem selres for us>________

■ coM PLsn v i s r rBUHL, , o e t. l»“ M r. a ^

y r a a k H e l s o a bave re tu rned to M ilford. Mo., a n e r i p e n d ^ a M b e re visiting friends sn d -re la u v es .


n . .u ! , ”R S L % ' i K r a » ~ -lMt«d bU. «t kl« elOe*. Rooa S u t»s a r A ’.

AU k i i ^ m ht atbikiv

^1 IUm.euU^^rthMlnt AfMt

rafclhki 0«U » . 11.11. IMI.NOTfOC TO B nD S U

AU bW vlll w (Xjbiuly o»««S «i»d • t th* itev t tIrM(rom th* runhu ln s Ar<at.

Tk« S u u TMtrw lk* riaht tofBhlhhi Oti. II. » . IS, 1141.

F o r . . . ‘A

ump Repairsand


89-R '

.illy Co.Iv e . W est

klers and Pumps > B elts and PnlleyB


igh ted hom e, you* th e n e x t visitors.

jvo ted to furn lsh- ild e Its b ea u ty In so easy and inex-

:e lig h t bulDs, ,imp properly /w orld. Good lur hom e, b u t

; designed to ju r elec trica l id lig h tin g In

jpp ly o f lig h t

S ig h t

m u — ^

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

Navy Seeking Cause Behind Crash DeathsB r HARMAN W. N ICnO LB

W ASHINGTON, O ct. IS < U »-N o t long B80 ft navy pilot c m h - u c d e d hU plMje, g o t o u t or tbo wrecluiga, dusted hlmflcir off »od w tlked to th e b a n s u unh u m e d .

A lew dkys U ter. ^ M other flie r

o r t domftsed ba d -

iur»<> KicM< yjj, n u i o n B l b u reau of stAzidanU which Imme- dlotoly se t o u t on *n intoresUng b it o f research on the m echanica l p roperties of hum&n b o n u . W hy some o f them break easier th a n other*.

D tv lk a tc d In rU allea T h e bu reau experts have taken

every bone In the body and dupll- / cated th e m . In plastics and o th e r , m a teria ls fo r flrmneas a n d break - _ ab ility .

T rom iku lt to toe, th e bones have / been busted mechanically u n til a t \ lo st science has learned ju s t how m uch you con take — and where. T h a t 'goes fo r a spill on the foot- baU field. In the ba th tub or a sud­den eome-dCFwn In a n airplane.

r r a n k c . Bmllh, o f th e bureau 's Tl enRlnecrln* mechanics laboratory, wi

k would be th e very laat to say th e re m; U anyth ing new In regarcllnit th e a t hum an body as a m echanclal s truc ­ture. ell

fiU rled la 183S th H e th inks th e earliest study of the t«

m cchanlca) properUca of our bones Ri Atartod w ith Galileo a round 1030. Ol E uropean scientists go t wise to th e problem In tho middle 1600's and oi now w ith m a n flyinir almost os f a s t e t as sound we are r ig h t there o n th e cr Job. M

T h e study isn 't completed. T here H a re a ll so rts of complications Mich pi as te n d e r young bones w hich o ften tli bend b u t d o n 't break and brittle old hi ones w hich eracic easily. ni

B u t thla m uch science know s: o T ouT e tougher th a n you th in k Vl

you are.Done* A « “ElasUe" la

Y our bones are elastic, b rittle m a - In te rla l •'having folrly de fin ite a n d a eonclsten t properties." m

F o r exam ple: Most ot your bones. D tire d a n d old as they m ay seem , u

. have a compressive stre n g th of abou t — one-fou rth th a t of cast iron. A nd — m ore th a n twice th a t o f h ickory I wood. *■

T ho experts a t the bu reau of s ta n d ard s a re breaking bones, rea l and thoso patterned a fte r rea l ones r ig h t and left, every doy. T h a t m ay se

& round a lit tle sUly. B ut one o f these P ^ dnys you'll be readlns about now M

w ifety devices In plones, au tom o- V biles—even bathtubs.

Licensed to Wed |BUBLEY, Oct. la —M arriage lie - l

ensca were Issued here la s t w eek pto R oss K enne th Anderson. Z>eelo, c,a n d M aiy J a n e Dixon. B urley; O len u ToK a n d Viola C raner, bo th B ur-1*7- ___________________ 0

V IS IT IN ACEQUIA tACEQOIA. Oct. IB -M rs . Adeline

C utm ull a n d ^on. Dick, nnd M r. a n d j, M rs. E arl Catm ull. S a lt I ^ k e City, recen tly TlslUd relatives here . ^


7li« Slst* I'urchatltic A ltsl will m tlva C • tmlcd bl<l> a t hU otn« . Itoem 123 HuU- al hoDaa. tintll 2 ». tn. 0«totwr 28, ]»40, for fsrsUhlnr th* for Um AuUUsaor Dh»«n«tr7i Cwe U. LIduar >r>p. >

All faItU wilt b« pubtlclr vpna j and ^ a t tb* »boT. tim* >n<l pint.. ITopo»«l fotrai «ml •M«lflt*llon» m«» b* ••eurml Imm t)ia :iUla 1‘urthiilni Ainit.

U>. rifhl to •07 er > . ^ nOYD. 5

p .b u .b .o .v u . o:NOTICE TO nniDERS ^

Ttia SUU rurrh>ilni Axmt will racvti*• » 1nt bid. » hla orrk't. lloom 112 n u i» tll.ouia. nntll 2 p. oi. OcUjbtr t». J94I1. tor h-IIUU UnaplUl Bomh. UUekfoot. Id»h«j ^

< [ba. ronncralil eow l>a«( P<m All bUi will b« pnbllctr opniH m dr ml tha tinyt llm. «D<i pla«*. PnpoMi

form* and tp«clf|(itlo)it majr b« lacorM ^frnm lb* SUU I’unhailnc A*«nl. ~

tliiAnoLD A. noTD. i i liuia I'urchuinc Acmt " Fubllaht Oct. » . 11. il. » » . ^ m

^ ^ o u r C.W IN

P R OTE<8 B i o B . F . C o o d r l c h S1 a . . » U U brlaitW 3 Oil OM»g.rf (Ch«k* * f I ON. OtQ

* 1 3 Cnnk C«M4 to A a tM rin li«4 5 T n a m iiilM mt^ W i r i i i i r t I

CfcBna»4 . 6 ifMric riirai ' 7 Tlraa

8 SU>»«lat ta tta ry S«r*k*

' 405 Main A \ ^ E . J ____


A irlif t I s Ber]



J i ■ E i d l l X i j f i S B B B W

n I n Berlin, th e eb U d rta p U y nafU )rt A m erican and BrK lsh p lanes keep the

^ w here u . B. p lanes an load , o a model

it GOP Against Wa !■ To Save Maji

W ABHINaTON, O ct. 18 <UJ!> — P ’8 T lje R epublican p a rty Is back to th ey, wall in Its f tg lit to hold s slim oi•e m a jo rity of th e U nited S ta te s se n - c<le a te. T;• Two weeks rem ain before th e w

election. As of now I t seem s Ukely seth a t D em ocrats wlU w in s t le as t D

le two senate seats presen tly h e ld by n:s Republicans. Those con tests a re In ci a. O klahom a and W est V irginia,le I n addition tho O O P Is de fend ing aid a no ther senato s e a t from a bo rder p»t sta to w hich usually electa D em o- »le c ra ts. T h a t s ta le Is K entucky . I n ^

M lnnesoto. RepubUean Sen. Joeeph Ure H . Ball Is In serious trouble . R e - w :h publican senators seeklnc rc-elcc-:n Uon in Iowa and W yom ing a re in ®Id h a rd fights, a lthough o pparen tly ri

n o t » desperately s itu a te d aa th e <i O O P candidates In O klahom a, W est p

ik V irginia and M lrm esota. aT lie picture fo r th e Republicans c

Is n o t good. T h e O O P h a s 61 se a ts ^ 1- In the present senate . T h e D em o- n id c ra la have 45. A sh if t o f tw o w ould g,

m ake tho score: R epublicans 49; p a . D em ocrata 47, A sh if t of th ree would n , tie I t up, 4B to 48. Wllh th e vice plU ------------------------------------------------------- Q

Henry Foster Is ; ;! Paid Last Honor ?ea RICH PIELD , Oct. IB — P u n e ra l } vy services for H enry F o s te r w ere held i, se F riday afU m oon In th e R ichfield ,, iw M ethodist churc li w ith th e Rev.J - W illiam F. F ra n k officia ting.

M uslo was fu rn ished by u>« . chu rch choir Including Mr. a n d M rs. ^ F re d Simpson, M r. a n d M rs. L eonard . Rogers, Mrs. R ichard V ansan t, Mrs.

C" Leslie Sw eat a n d th e Rev. Mr.“ F rank . Mrs. C. M. P rldm ore ae-

com panled th e choir a n d a lso played ^ th e prelude a n d postlude. J>'■* PaUbearer* were A. K . W alker, f;

Oeorge R. Schw oner. w. 8. K ohl, v A rth u r Peterson. H arry P rldm ore B a n d Joe Johnaon. Flowers wero car- ried by Nadine H ardm on, O ra Mae Johnson and Jan ice P rldm ore .

-7- B uria l was m ads In th e R ichfield cemetery.

O ut-of-tow n residen ts w ho a t- ® tended the rite s w ere M r. a n d Mrs.“ A rth u r Peterson, Boise, a n d Mrs., , Ooldle Spurck and H assel B lanken-

ahlp, Hailey.

State Honey Crop s Declines in 1948« t BO ISE. Oct. 18 (/TV-Tho U . S.

departm ent of ag ricu ltu re sa id to- day th e Idaho honey c rop of 6,- 020,000 pounds was 11 p e r c e n t less

- th a n th e 1B47 output,, T h e num ber o f colonies woa a 111- i4~ tie lorgcr, bu t yields w ere lower or by five pounds pe r colony, th o d e - -

p a rtm en t said, id S tarvailon and (lucenlessness were I ^ th o principal reasons given fo r tho ~ reduction of yields th is year, d Idaho ranked fo u rth In p roduc­

tio n th is year behind C alifornia,Qt M ontana and Colorado, th e d e p art­

m e n t said.


C ar FortITERC T I O N

h S t r i r l c a s O f l / /

. " - ^ 9 5

________ ____ Phon# 423 .

i« ■ ■

erlin Kids’ Cops an

ifam ck e ”—a tr bridge—w blcb Is bsaed or > th e clly In food. T hea* y o s n n te r s , who lodel American p la n es f e r th e ir fam e . (Ae

{ all in Battles ajority in Senate— prtaldent easting a decid ing vole. ^ 10 The consUtutlon a rn in g e d th a t m only one th ird o f th e senato ahould „ 1- come up for election every two yearn, q

The third up th la y e a r l i heavily gj 10 welRhted w ith shaky R epublican ly seats • and c o m p a r a t iv e secure j , s t DcmocraUc seats. D em ocraU need ^ jy no t worry, fo r instance , abou t Uielr In candidates In th e so u th . ^

To make up fo r a n y se a ts they ^ Iff m ay lose In th la elec tion th e R e- g. e r publicans m ust look to senatoria l _ >• oontests in Colorado, M on tana , New r [Q Mexico and Tennessee. I n none of )h these are R epublican chances to e- w in better than Ju st f a i r to bad.P ' The fate of m arg inal R epublican in and Democratic can d id a tes alike will >7 repend largely on w hether th e presi­de denUal vole Is close o r lopsided.*t F o r example. Sen. Edw in O. Johnaon.

a Democrat, seeks re-elecUon In M Colorado. He Is opposed by WIU P.U Nicholson. Republican, and two 0- m inor candldate.i Including a repre- Id sentatlve of H enry A. W allace's f j porty.Id Oov. Tliomas E . Dewey Is ex- « peeled to lick Pre.Mdent TTutoan In

Colorado. B ut Joh n so n la popular w ith the home folk. H e will surely poll moro voles th a n M r. Trum on.I f Dewey barely noses o u t th e Prcsi-

i f den t there. Johnaon Is p re tty sure , . to be clected. D u t if Dewey takes

Colorado by 60,000 o r m ore voles, th e Republican sen ato ria l candidate Is expected to r ide Into officc oa the

*• trend—or Dcwey'o con t ta ils.Wallace's senato ria l candidate Is

expected to help Republican can- dldatea In Colorado a n d Iowa. B u t no one know* how m uch,

rs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’/.■ RETOBN FR O M WASHINGTON ed CASTLEPORD. O ct. l a —Mr. and

Mrs. Steve B rabb h av e returned sr, from Yakima, W aah.. w here they til. visited Ihelr dau g h ter, M rs. Della ire Fields, and children.





t- IN SOUTH PARKCIe - ----------------------------------------------------------

re • no


/fi /A

J 3

and Robbers ]>

■ <dai

tO(h tth<aulNcto



0 <ex


otA en (he tcsI-IU o a lrU ft by which yo who lire near T em pelhof a ir field, bl . (Aeme photo from V. S. a ir force)

Wendell Births iWENDELL, O cu IB -S o n s were

bom last week a t S t . V alentine's cuhospital, W endell, to M r. and Mra. wlOene Lonman, F a irfie ld ; Mr. and ni

. Itlrs. Roy Edw ards. Shoshone; Mr. hc‘j and Mrs. Dale Cooper. Buhl; Mr. - “ and Mrs. R alph Ivle. M r. and Mrs.

O lcnSnell, M r .a n d M rs . D aleP ete r- '7 eon. Mr. and M rs. R. L . Larsen and" Mr. and Mrs. P h ilip LaCombe. a ll Pi’ Jerome, and Mr. and M rs. W illiam ^ ~ B. Laldlow, Carey.“ Daughters wero b o m to M r. and S

Mrs. Vcrl Storm . Jerom e, ond Mr. w•y and Mrs. Lewis E . M onow . H ager- Rl


S in i lui


■vn. -

E“ — Is

H O W T O s TRUCK Tleyla

- W hen you ecnd yoiir tL. regulftr check-up.'^, we filop

T h at w ay you pay ua for r escape th e high cost of ' brcflkdowna. See uh for oi fo r keeping your truck.s rolli no truck too small, for ua 1


140 2nd Ave. E.

i t C R c a . » M « a c i i


Nampa’s Blast 6 Damage Suits Seek $90,000 i

CALDWELU O ct. 18 W V-Plve cr dam age acUons, toU U ng m ore th a n t®0,000 were fUed In d is tr ic t court SI h e re against th e c ity of N om pa and sr th e American B uU oo com pany. T ho D: auiU resulted from a n explosion D N ot. 18, 1IH7, w hich b ro u g h t d e a th Fi to six penons a n d in ju r ie s to 31. P

E ach su it m a in ta in s tb e c ity h a d O been asked to reim burso th e p la in - c Uff fo r InJ'orles und dam ages re - Ei celved bu t each dam age claim h a d e been denied la s t sp ring . ol

T h e actions m a in ta in th e e lty was t responsible fo r th e explosion because It g ranted perm ission to th e bu tane oi company to Insta ll a 160-gaUon gaa b< storage lank tn a pubUe alley. 51

R a ^ o n d P e terson , w hose wife, t O ertrude. was fa ta lly l o u r e d tn th e j, explosion, asked tSS.OOO dam ages. i{

O ther claim s Included: ti*20.000 by O eorgo E. VaU. operator

o f th e Alibi Inn , destroyed by the blast. He also filed a u lt fo r 119.000 tj fo r injuries h e received and 18,000 _ for hospital bills. f

« 3 S » by B ly the E. P e rry , lessee o t a restau ran t know n a s th e C an­yon cafe, wlflbh w as dam aged In the b la s t

»5,fiOO by K enne th I* Petorson.• custom er In the Forb idden Pa lace a t

th e Urns of th e explosion, fo r In­ju rie s and for loas of wages for I th ree months,

110.760 by B arb ara E ngelhard t. custom er of. th e Forb idden Palace, w ho m ain ta ins she w as p inned be­n e a th the debris fo r a n h o u r and a half,

* * P ard o n m y D l l l * PPtnlUBELL-ANStal)bb(«>HEARTBtJMr


0 AVOID TROUBLEr tru c k s to o u r ah o p fo r Lop tro u b le b e fo re i t BtarLs.)r re g u la r m a in te n a n c e and o f cm ergcncy r e p a i r s and r o u r r e g u la r s e rv ic e p lan rolling. No f le e t ia too la rg e , ua to handle .


Phone 261


iC I& sfM ttA M V . • C U B T .V T M



6 Area Residents A Enlisted in Navy i

A to ia l o f-sU H a s te VaOey m en Uel

>enUsted In th e ns»y to r • th re s - year pertod Friday, according to ADC R. A. VarrlU. T w in PaU» r*- ^

e cru ller. ., ^1 Enlistees Includo M arshaa- U ^ t Slmcoe, son of M r. a n d M rs. M ar- d shall Slmcoe, B uh l; R obert 0 . . J e Dripa, son of M r. a n d M rs. Victor a Drips, Twin Falls : S e m a rd W . » tx Funk, son of M r. a n d M rs. E lm er

Funk. Tw in F a lli: E ugene W . __d Cooper, son o t M r. a n d M rs. E ugene - Cooper. Tw in F a lls : R aym ond B. I >- Erb, son of Mr. and M rs. L eonard d Erb, Buhl, a n d Max E . p lp p ltt, aon

of M r. and Mrs. O scar PlppUt.^ Tw in Falls. I« P lpp ltt a tta ined lh e h ighest m a rk I ® on h is quallfleaUon te.it t h a t h a s I ^ been mado a t tbe local rec ru iting I

StaUon. Chief VarrUl announced , l h e previous high m a rk waa m ade I by h is b rother, W allace, w ho en« I lUUd Feb. 11, IMS, a n d is now a t- I tendlDg a e ro g ra ^ e r achool a t L ake- I

’*■ hu rst, N. J .T he cnllRtees wlU take th e ir I

J" train ing a t S an Diego.


Radio Service' • Prompi n e k .o p — Phoo* TO8

Q. I Anderson Radio Sales B S e i ^ c e

I 717 M ata Avenne W est |

It. I — — ■— “e,

i p i y




8 Rolls . .



and30 9xl2’s



F I N E, - FOUR : FLOORS r '

J . ......................

Adults Eli^ble for : - Bl Class Held at Buhl . : :

B UHU Oct. IV -A dulU fro m O w ^ I Ueford. Buhl. H agorm ao a n d M ur* ^B T . U u g h .sn d aU ru ra l school dlstzle ta ^ > are eUglble for s s ten slon cotna* trip . classes being conducted a t th e h l« b »

acliool buUdlng h e re , according t o ^ . F orrest O aff. LlncoUi school p r tn - 8{ « . clpol. w ho Is ch airm an of th e courae. S l r t

Ronald I . Reed. Albion, conducted » t th e la s t session o f th e c la s i o n « t tJ

"School a n d CommurUty RelaUons." sC

r RE A P T O na-N E W B ^W A N T A PB


* I idR rT A reo M

: ^ «■• '■

r ; ■ f en

W ' ^ ^ \ \”l - ■ • ' / " ' - j / S -L M **’ 7 ^ 2 2 • «

■ ■ uv/coRiC? «>■ S t u f f y T w ^ H ^





. . Including 9" and 1

P E A C H K O S E t '

I G A R N E T B E D f


F O R E S T G R E l

1 8 t h C E N T




RUG I From $29

H elp On Inter!


5 to $1


! Iteport on 1'H m B. B tJE U O o ll» --M r.u id liln ;A < riR ^H I Uam W a t t l e t t P r t d K r t c r 'K V M K t t ^ H s trip to Betttt^ wsfh.) Mr. u d Mra. L. p ., cen tly T ldted tb s lr d a t t g b t « i . : s ^ H. Stan ley 8 fclles,B oiM ,'tad u K irby. CaldweO. ’} Beverly B arton . Boise, m s 'a 1 a t th e hom e o t M rs. E d m r d V o i u K ^ I » M rs. R u th OUne. M s r td l a a ; 'l s ' ; « c H

gu e it o f h e r b ro th er a s 41 Mr. s a d Mrs. Bupert ouoe. - j . t J

» MISERYQ u i c k r e l i e f w i t h ' " i

M E N T H O L A T U M' D o n 't g iv e Io to head-cold

m lscxT -g ttM tn tb eU tm m ted Meotholanun'a fsnotxt combi- nstJoo o f metsthol, cunpbot

*3 end other fiu t« d n g fa g r« d l.cnts help thin out dUdcmucnSr

kl leiseocoofieitlooeodfwdllQS,'M aootbe tfflardos nonril*. Sooa2 lorefless eases np, b a d to rta■ to doit,yomut$brt*th0 st*l»■ i a e o m jo r t ,5 5 iu id y 5 t>



id 12 'w idths


5 R E E N V


) R A L G R E E N iT

J O S E B E I G E tr


G PRICES $29.50-9xl2's

iterior D ecoration


1 ^ 0


Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

Provide, Hji l^ lion ’s Main ^. Food Supplies .i?„"

By OBOEO* TCOSEB 5 ».HBW YORK. O ct. 18 W ^ S M f. J.’S }

: W hich tn ry o o t o tpecta to be m (>ia •: b a tte r mipply y e v , l i u n o n s * ;» 1

tb a w orid‘4 top t h i cO ne pound o f U prortdei *bout *.00 *

i » 0 oJo rlM . o r nearly h«U th* » '« !.. (UOy requirem ents e f the avcrase J

a d u l t ioi«o<I t ta a b o hl«h la proteJn*, e jsen- }«>» ‘

t w lo B to d u la r derelopment. and *In th e B T itun lns, neeOcd to ward •.» .o ff a trv o iu dbo ide ra m d other cn a l» d l« s . I

M cat-E atlac NntloB liM 1!% • U . 8 . b a meat-e&tlss n s - *

tlon . a o d l u t y e a r ilaughtcrKl 31.- [. UlfiOQ S teen a n d colvei. leavtns i iw •

mor® th a n M.OOO.tXX) stUl on the » ■ « ;b o o t 5,41 I

B u t on ly abou t U p e r cent o t a o u t is te e r la beef. T h e rest goes Into o>» •IniullQ and o the r medical p rcpara- itlons, a n d Into slue, talloff, liltSeA n u 1a n d bone. T he Income from these > 'l)7*products b enough to pay fa r ,

: tla u g h te rin s a n d d re u lo s tha an i- i t lae 1winl^ IS lil ^

O rlffloallr th e word cattle de« 'no ted p r o p ^ a n d waa synonymous tico •v l th chatte l. CatUo were amonB tho Jf l n t a n tm ab to be domesUcated. ,

U i lo N om ben T h e Deeesilty for counting he rd s / ^ - v '

probabljr led to th e use of numbers. * i I a n d tho principles of navigation and astronom y are believed to have evolved when ancien t hcrdanen. m orlnR th e ir f loolu from piMe (o place. Bulded themselves by the suna n d « tara. (a m in

Som e a u thoritie s aay cattle first reached the w estern hemisphere w ith E ric the Red and h b Norsemen,Jand ln s a t “Vlnlnnd,” or probably w h at b now M aasachusetU. In 1007.O th e n claim th e y came to tho new world w ith Columbus along wltn ho rsw a n d o the r an lm ab .

M any HeriJs abou tTn any event, tw o years a tter the tlilnlc

colonbta landed In Virginia cattle v o u awere a conspicuous p a rt of their o the rw ealth , and by :C37 had become so few rnum erous th a t a peninsula "as lante a ttem '

I a s ao EngUsh county" hsd to be eye, 1fenced off for g rartng purposes. b su e s

T h e Impression of catUe cn New in an[ E n g b n d was such th a t Boston laid answeI o u t lU street* to conform to cow throuiI trails, a n d C onnecticut and Rhode team

is lan d accepted catUe as tax pay- th ingm ents. P r it

l u r e d by Blue Grass throuiA fter th e R evolutionary war the press

i lu re o f blue g rass drew catU onen T heref u rth e r westward. T hey found a su rp rl

I good m arke t in th e arm y garrisons i hnth a t do tted the p lains. Sy tho end are c<of th e Civil war. T exas waa the to re- lean 1

: o ioet catUe sU te . I h a vAa th o Industry progressed, fabu- I coir

louB prices for th a t day wero paJd m all,1 fo r foreign bred stock. At a ahort- T he I h o m aale In New T ork Just a fte r In r a :

th * a v U w ar 100 a n lm ab were sold aufflc: fo r ttSl^OO, a o average ol M JM speak: p e r aolm aL O rdinary catU i a t th e s u n

I tim e v e n t for «100 to $300 a head, explai 1 A t today 's r e ta il prices. It U kes Tho

nearly 2OO custom en to purchase b to 1 th e m e at o f one beef c a rca u w eigh- In O r i n f eoo pounda . . evenli

----------------------------■ E S T ,.

Fairview People —: Shoot Elk, Deer (1 FAIRVIEW . O ct. 1#—VenUon and OAl; elk v iu be n e th ln s unusual h i t h b son o; com m unity if a ll loyal h u n te n are h a s I1 weceasfuL h e hs; ICr. and Mr*. M arU n H oltien and EUp• d a u g h te n bagged deer In Shoshone vetero1 basin. T . W. R ichm ond and h is b umi , pa rty o f h u n te n returned from Sel- M n way fo rest w ith two elk. aon a

H arvey King, P rank Kodesh and son . 1ne ed Reem s h un ted deer In Owyhee ■.forest. Mr. and Mra. Stanley Forest I

: end M r. and M rs. Elvln K onlcck | |i a re hun ting elk. Tom Tverdy and f l

•on. Irving, a n d Mr. and M rs. I ,' L eonard Bow ard and son. Bob, are l i I h un ting deer a n d elk tn the Soldier ’ M ountain area.

R e a l E s t a t e I V a n a f c r ala fo rm a tlo a P a rabhed by f

TwIo F a lb Title aad

: » „i OCT. U *

I M l £. 8. O'Connn- l« BUaW A.; EH HW^i ?JEVl

i " S wVojtt. SIO. U t S Blk I I Twin f.lU Toirulu.

f 0*«li to D»>U R. Lot

[ u . , ,

Le<r*U<l7. H. pt flWU BE i 10 10 IT. _ _ D*ntl AnDit Ottenlrore Is D*«U I t

XxiTtitdr, II, Pt s w u n n u 10 i« 17.

I M i All<« I'u * lo Dairld It. LortUdy, , ^ b _ 11. pt SWii SEtt 10 10 n . ^

D««di lU nld 0. Krlltr to LrU 0. Van 1 JtUOman. Il.fi00. Lot 10. Dtk 11 aajtnsn'* BflMI Ut Addition Uoht.

DMd I J . r . I’treha] te Wilburn 0. SUsd, J HII«- »} NM Lot 11 OKhaltrt SobdlTl.ion. S m m

P*«ll Itobcna Gr»«iw,l| u W«ro*Bcofflni. tie . Lot 4 Ulk M Twin FalU » ^ TowMiu.

D «a. llu li I. Edmuixli to KI.U V, H N ^ ' CalB. 110. Lot t Blk : i T»la fall. Town-

X s B i S i F *. S E E I T T C

I .

Twin Falls RadioI H k L K KVMV(U40 K aoO T C L E B ) 114M K a o C T C L

ABO lBa«lir UoaDtala 'UD8 ilBtanRa)HONOAT HONDAT

«'-M Rdwln 0. mil Slio N m papw «( A«tct fltorv* 1-latU *»S Olltr Boa*Ilia •eirnn Di>l« IlOO *Uak>l«l lltallcl«itO rrank D< Vsl'a Onb. IH t lUnry J Tailort iU Juna... SblDB I l « KBiloa L*«l». Jr,T ill Chuck Want) 7l*t Foslpnola oo «liOO <|lallroid Ifrar tiOg U t U«oraa Dr ISiU Aihar II. Wltooa SllO A4milur« nl I'll i l t Tnm Al.ortii TUK8DAT• t>0 *Grr«n llorArt a-BkOrtO *nkhfltld IUpo««f 1*0 JiUfk Vall»» B.r eiio •llawUnraa n i a i TlOO V Tr« or ChurchIt04 flalX I'arir I>» *Ttll Taur N«lf

• TCtSUAr tisa Mornlm N«w» a.m. liM rranb ll«aloi> ttitO Call to Pr*r« l> » nt..kf.i« Jl»adll S lit XIK Kami l> » M«<< willi WtIol l t t Nn»». W«aUi>r ItOO Pa*.ln» Hara<(«liM Tax RIlUi Ilia Untuillr YoonTill •U artli Aaroukr 9it« •ll.a iu r’tI Ito Nawa IO:eO Kat^ Smlch 8p«>1i4S m lki Pirtr lOlia *Kau Snllh HimSiOO •Droaktut CMb lOiU J. Ulll al Ort*a»:«0 'Kay K m r Kolltn p.m.• no ‘W U.Un* Itroe *QaMa far ■ Di I l l l rrodld. MarUa llilo Cadilc roatar e i t t Xay AmoM lti<* 0« ta . U( oiao •Club llmt IlOO llaarl'i D«*Ira Olit Art Dtkir li>o Mai 1< Valirr Blai tiOO 'Daakhw. Talklm 1:11 Ntwi tha iUmif I l l l rrank u«lntrr« tilO Uul* troin Ran.! 1 UO •!*» Tn>« Blory 1.10 •Captain MianHI >,B 4il> *T«Pi Ulxi:00 Edd> AnoM lIlO 5*«pi'*V of" Ait i u Y^T Dand Rorlfo I ' l tlllO •Caiaa Orak* TiOO •OakiUI Il*att«SrOO KLIX Klub I l l l Banii br DinahI ICO 'LadlM U« S«al«d Tlio rullon Laolt. IlSHO Jar lim, Oriaa liOO rUhln« and lluiSitO •Kkr KInx I IIIN raa• lOO »Edwln C. »ni lOllO Daara With Mai

‘Old Curmudgeon’ Blast on Press f

(JMllnr’l twilai Th* followin* Jlipalfh ORalnn m(mfO«r»p)i»J form wu la,»».pau.r and p r.ii au«lilk>n o»lc«» Wa.hlnlt/’n durlnS thi «t«k-*t<d.) enOUgl


WASHTNQTON, O c t 18 (UJO - coveriem orandum (or the gentlem en o t eu b itahe g rea t Amcrlciin press—ond the ir lowingolleagues, tho rad io reporters: h a s ccT hursday n igh t I made a speech jud ick

bou t TTiomas B usiva Dewey. I clectloh in k th a t i t was a good speech, nlso ctrou should have heard It. Amone the.-<oither th ings I t h a d stnglnR In it. a aiii(hl(ew rem arks about my frustrntcd i aiittemptA to ca tch tho elusive one's fo r nt7 e. a few questions on specific i tJoBsues w hich I hoped the candlilate shoultn sneakers m ig h t get a round lo would m sw ering some tim e a lte r ho got liro u g h hts cheer-leading "icam.«am . te am ” duties! I t had every- K I J I tlng la I t b u t dancing.

F riday m om lng I locked In vain h ro u g h some of th e great American)rcss to find ony mention of It. k i \m e re w as ha rd ly ony. I was not Mm.lurprlsert. #

I have reason to believe th a t there M r. nire certa in seBmenta of the Amer- recentcan people who like (o hear w hat Mr[ have to aay about this campaign. fontUs: come to t h b conclusion from my M r a nail, te legrom a and telephone calls.

T h e g rea t American preas, except loun ra re InsU nces, failed to mention h la dnifflclently ahead o( time th a t I was D entoipeaklng on T hu rsday night. I am M riui« th a t the re , are all aorta o( talnetljxplanations for th it . a t dl

T h e purpose of t h b memorandum th e w J to Inform you th a t I am speakinga O re a t Palls, M ontana, o a Priday E ar,ivenlng. Octover 33 a t 10:SO p. m„ g to lteEST, over m ore th a n '«00 sta tions <jf j o hh e M utual Broadcasting system— h av e i

. lives :

Goes to Logan ^OAKLEV, O ct. la -R u lo n Lee. _

a n of M r. and M n . Edward Leo. ¥la s le ft fo r Logan, U U h, where J lie h as em ploym ent

E lp lic l H ale Is a pa tien t a t Uie reterans hospital tn Boise w here he4 undergoing foo t trea tm e n t rvk

M n . Roy c ritch fleld and small ion ore gucsu a t the home of h e r i ' i 'a n . Edw ard H. H unter. R *

= = Last CayF l n t 8how—T:lS


New O rleans In the Wide-Open — D a is of IU Wicked Pam e _

natsiEviTKm-. ^


. "SRIEANS"■ ■ n I ’l ' U s ■ ■ ■ ■ ^



^ T O D A Y I f *T O T . . . ^ r aT U S S ^ Y l • • • • j f a



Z = 4 K m fi9 t-V sb n in ~

[io Schedules ^[V KTFl-AM-PMITCLKS) im o iU L O .» .7 MSG) G

' 7 -OKOA, ^

wJiMitar *iU eii.ririaM Ediuoa cen t : aiior < iu a«naciiot>( . westei'Si^'aaod. K, Dp II IlOO iCaruiloa CoaUata« COOMI nt I'alcoa tito (Frnl Warlai Por

* !u N®Htmi^“'B4IU»a rr B«rtnado lilo iCaTaleada e( Aaartca SCShurch 10100 iN twi SUPPU

Bioioar a-m. 80me Itlmdllnrr IlOO KTH ran a tf consclI Mtlody SiU Uail* Vallay Aarl. f ^ t s I,ra<(« IlOO Hornlaa DarstWw 'otin t i l t praakfail CdlUonMalthii liOO >Pr«4 Warlni (bo« . . . .8p«>ka I lls Naoa ' AUC

h Hlnn *■>* 'Lo*a and Loam floodsSIS seS■ Dar U N I llrnaa to o Lora

tar ISill Mpoa Nam ThOI. uark tu a-m. , ^ headlllira liOOkBadto Draaua . t . i i . .•rBIamp.H. llOO uTodajr-o Chlldna iUmini<t>» I l l l AlrMn* UalodiM SUlb .

Ran.litand 4Itt llldtn of I'arpio Sara eanle: lanlaht IH I all V lalunbora

I l l l eii-riftoaa Edltkn: , v '£ d . '

iMttar IlM T n * n V \M ^ » d 8Cb Iitnati Sbera lilO ipeoala Ara Kunnyrit. Ir IlOO iSuppat Cisb n Jd lIunttBC t i l l N^n»mi««a BdlUoa1 Usiuki loloo kDlSr To«^* knowl■. report

n’ Ickes Puts ! for Oversight SRain on th e aubjeol of Mr. Dewey,Would you. tiierefore, be kind

(lough to convey th is new s to th e tdlo editors of your new spapen? F rank ly I do n o t expect you to

5ver th e speech o r to re p r in t Its , jbstance In your columna th e foi- ' •wing day. Long public experience aa convinced me of th o m undane f /J :' jdlclousneas of th e prca.^ d u r ln i lection years. Long experience h a s *Iso convlnccd m D -plcasanU y-^that lieso cftlculatlon.n never hnve the lluhtcst e ffec t on th e final resu lts. °I am thanking you In advance

Dr noUfylng your rad io columns.■do n o t expect any th ing ebe .

hould I receive any th ing ebe . I " i ' t , rould l » overcome w ith shock. . taklni

Kimberly Guests, Activities Listed probli

KIM BERLY. O ct. 1 8 -M r. and 1 '°^, Irn . Paul Scott, Jr.. cn te rta ln ea l r . and M rs. K enneth N aylor and l r . nnd M rs. Van S.tnl, R ichfield. ecently. “ P "

Mr. a n d M n , W alter Ba^h and amlly accom panied B ush 's paren ts, ir . and M rs. W alter Bush, sr., to o«'a du ring harvest vacation.

Louis D enton, M eridian, vlalied S 'a lls pa ren ts , Mr. and Mra. R. H. ''“ i? >enton.M r. aod M rs. O. E. Tyler e n te r- '

etned M r. and Mr.i. O icnr W alker . •t d inner. The T ylers will ai>cnd , ho w in ter In Arlsona.

M r. a n d Mrs. Lee a ra ea se r and atri, D allas. 8 . D„ vb lled G eorge ‘ Itoltenberg and Carl Leslie.

Jo h n C onrad and Harold Blades lave retu rned from a visit w llh re la - {L ,._ Ivea In M lswurl.__________________ g p 5

I D A H O i f------------- e n d s ------------- j

TONIGHT {D o o n Open W eek-Days—3:43 [

--------- COMFANION B I T ------ II

^(^MINDST H E g ^

--------- STA RTIN G----------TUESDAY


U M 'S g o r t h a M o o k . . .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L A M O U R ’S




\Iishaps Point U. S. Notice to B SCS Program IBy WILLIAM E. i/tYTZU . B

WASHINOTON, O ct. 18 W Bent m bfortunes a u f f e ^ by u r s e I hrestem farm areas hayg foctised a t* | HenUon on the prosraiQ o f th e aoU | HonservaUon service. M lPor Initance. there '* th e l o n g ^ a - M B

Inued drought In th « go u th w e st jH RSCS fmds th a t llm ltatioO o f w a te r f f f f i

upplles e n d a n keooi°M tiy ls< m iraUr-logglns for m tQ eroU nU oo of E Bome areas have tnada m o n H f tonsdous of a need to c « i ^ t de> Ehecu In Ihelr IrrlsaU oi, {oethoda. • gSgg

Floods p o in t ^Also, lasl iprlng 'a d e v u u tln f f f f S

loods tn the C olum hu r iv e r basin P f f i mphaslsed values of tb 0 *<ency's I fM raienhed protection ImThough reclatnaUoQ t e t a th e | M

>eadllnes w ith lU m ujU P^^'B U U m I M ioUar programs a n d ahowy re - u lb In transform ing ^ o sert to lush ;arden spob. th e a v ric u ltu re de- • r tm e n t esUmales th a t « « a e ih l a r H Ike 60 per cen t o f th e lm g a t« d ands a n outside re c ia m i^ ^ ^ pro J- ■ ■ icb and thus are I ta rtfponsibU lty.

-N ol B peeU Snur^ ■ ■D. A. Wllllma», PorU and. O re.. a s-

b u m regional eonaervator. ac- mowledged th b situation- H e told a eportcr:

•T he prevenllve type of in c re a s tn i rop acreage is n o t Bp«eiaoular. peo - lie are more able to th e accom - Jllihments o t recIam auon th a n the vork Involved in p reaen in S w h a t we lave."

ReclamaUon bcRsn back In ltK)3 b a gorem m ent *ctlvj{f. Soil con- len'oUon, as an OKcncjr Program , a ll tn aime along 37 y e a n U te r. • ^

"Nevertheless," s a j d WUUami,'lhe farmers' consclounjes* of con- tervlng h b p la n t ha* grow n te r- •Ulcally In a ra th e r ahort Period of Ome. But, to overcome th e new a p - * r , „ la n n t deU rioratlon probl®m. th e re J l nual bo a constan t e ffo rt to apeed jp prevenUve practlca*." o n

He said early Irriga tion p ro jec ts by ./i sere eiUblUhed withoO^ * BTcat and iral of concern ‘ bou t c h a r- S ln « icter of the soil, c r th » type Al B :rop« Ihal eould be ^ v n to g rea t- on « a t ndvantage. o r th # neceaiity fo r ask I aklng care of d ra ln a m problem s. cylln'

Frobleni A«uie •Thc.«!.- be aald, " a n «<’'" « of th e

things we a n try ing to co rrec t In Jie southw est w here v i Saroblem b acute, a n u in ® ^ e r Bee- :lons where they occur ^ ^re- ‘ liiently.”

T o do this Job a n d th e;hance ef error, th e agency has se t « e p ip resesreh projects throU Bhout th e ' ven.

•'We are mnklnB vcry In teresting iroRrrss." Wllllnm* aaid.

StaUon tn South !'*“ *»'> veterStations opera ting u n “ «r t h e ____

•rather brood p f o ^ m " *re In jou thrm Idaho, easte rn ^ a a h ln K - M . ton. eastern O regon and li* Callfor- H I

Solution ot th e floodinlf nroblem r o f f!s much more complicated. W uunm s Jfrtinsaid. 11 Involves cooperation from o rN .Jl# Interior departm en t * rid fo re tt t« i aicrvlce in gnulnff contr<jj a n d v o te r - {J*,,,.ihfd protection; fron) y jo a rm y c n - uro illneera In stream control devices. I t •‘J’**. neans literally working * r« n Uieop dovm._________ ____ __________ _

MAKE A v a t s - F(

KTFI.A n n i v e r s a r y

W e d n e s d a y

OCT. 2 0 -AT

RADIO RO^p r o g r a m d a n c e -

{ Arlon Bastian and 1I A do^«ai«n n .0 4 p e r eoa:

T t s T YOXTR S ip L Ij A

^K TFI BiRTHDilBoke^t D onated by ^



A 17>4«wei U -K io lU P Watch. o iT «n by SlerllBg i

A new I 4I.M RCA V leU r po by B is« r.c a la AppUaaec.

? , 5 N ea t, o v c n e tte s . wotUi l lK 3 O eneral T ra -U e a t c:^ IU J 9

1 ^ : 1 a n d m a n y o n


He Ijoves HBs

EBccne Rese, wbe played f lo te fo r Edii back In igeg, g e b an earfo l o t cne o t Uies fanciers.

W « « «

Ci'osby, Sinatra D' These Old Reed

g a r d e n c t t y , N. y . (NEA)—I n thoII tlie g rea t army of A m orlcaa .col- trio 1 ecton . whose ipeclallzed e n th u s l- 1689. « n s range from I ta lian prtm iU vas recor 5 fbh ln g files. Uicre p robably bn^ t Paris happier battalion Uian Uio old rec - Mu

rd fancier*. Their hobby U inex- g o t-;enslve. And Uie PetriUo b o a on -------ecordlngi b a m inor inc iden t In 1n u p s ta rt development th a t d o e n f t B Iffect them one way or th e o ther, f f lGive them a waxing of a due t 0

ly A da Jones and BlHy M urraynd you con keep croaby, w ith I Unatxa thrown in. Leave Uiem ■ a B ernard 'i recording of "Cohen J jJJ i n th e Telephono" and they w on 't t«iaai ak fo r Bob Hope. An old Edison yllnder phonograph, eotnp 'e to with irass hom , b desrer to Uielr h e a r ts s«w>o han tclflvUlon seta or D uncan Phyfe ofas.

F o r about 60 c f t h b happy ireod th e cup of Joy overflowed ho o ther day. w hen they sa thered0 m eet and poy the ir respects to ome of th a heroes and hc ro lne t ot h e pioneer days of sound recording, t w asn 't a bad tim e for th e plo- leers. either. ■

Eugene Rose swapped recollec- ■ Ions w ith Billy Murray. Hojo Is P a . spry. chunk>', and th e real ■ le teran o t the group. He played ■

Neuritis Pains Iro r nulck, dallshtrullr eoinfortlne lielp ■ror A'-hca an<l pnlna nr lilicumaiinni. ■\n lirltla , Ncurltli'. l-uinlmco. .Srlntlca, ■>r Nouralgla try KOUIKD- A Utraaiuit ■uu ta lau madlelna lhat wnr^* Dirouih ■lha blood. Klrat doaa uaualir s'arta ■:ovlatln« pain ao rou can wnrk. enjor ■ir« ann aleen mnra romr«ria)>lr. tle t ■iiOMINd a t druBslit today. U'l'ck * « • HJfactlen or tnonar back cuamnieed. ■_____ Adv. I

i i ' jr ^ iFOR THE GALA |

a . , 20th I

y BALL Iay Nite \- 9 P.M. i ’

^NDEYOO 1:E — MUSIC BY jd His Orchestra \

. I


5AY CAKE Iby W alte r 'i Bakery J

Z 3 5 .0 0 I IZESMING : I

1 r> ld nelbroa 1B* Jewelry Co. |ir portable n d le . G ivea I

Jh l l S J O e ^ M ia t eleetrio ireai^ w orth ^ g


Ss Edison . «te e n -I in 18»

'T m h e rec waa veH om eAimy.'

f lra t

t o 1 to r s i

M w aa 1■ make

colli■ Uo s >B i th a t JH I - N i r w■ 1 . Relnal

v e te n a fte r a radagerEdlaor

playK b a tte r th e ac E igh t used

EdUoa*8 early ey liader r ee o rd lo n ? them a t a ga theriiif o t old record

« * « ■ about ____ ■■ soclnKDon’t Bother cord Collectorsho flute w ith a n Initrum enU il rio th a t m ade w « c y llndcn In ,689. Thom as A. Edtoon took th e ■ccords abrood to exhibit o t the ^ r l s exposIUon.

M urray was pe rhaps th e big- H I to t-4elU ng__artlit^ln th t history



I N S T A N T L Y■!mS^1htSf*a»t^, Arta IS Qf[luitiilr Lucrkattt<liV.b^entd[art(.Hclpa jrartfli n ck lna tcdiKS astUina D m 't tuficr iMtlleu ttatiB* 0} jimpta t>C«. Cal Paao 'or comfnruri Aik ywij- dccttr about It. __ ,

I T ^


BESx \ ■“






It'fl th e m ost « d tho B cnd ix doing tho K o in watorl


Get a Free E ntry B your;Fi-ee CANN'



; reeordln*. be tldea be ta* one of old-Unj| la m oet popular. H a began a> a geoenU e n - a c e r In Ban PT asebco back spent > 18M a ad kep t r lg h t o o m aking guesta c co rd s th rough IM3. Uiat deT Ju rln g th e f l n t W orld w ar,- T h e e t rtcaU ed. 1 m ade a record w blch le n t to aa very popular, called T 4 Peel a t of Uior ;ome U T hey 'd L e t M e Jo tn the the plo n n y .' D uring Uie aecond W orld of their a r X m ada anoU ier reoord o t th e coUecto u n e song, I I thera 'a a n o th e r w ar. from I) e x p K t lo alng It again.** from bG race Spencer, w ho m ade h e r cording r a t reconb 81 ye a rs ego. waa days'* c 3 hand w ltb aeveral o f h e r long- Amor r a waxlngs. O ne of th e coUec- Brevoot » s proudly explained th a t ahe « cylU a a th e l l r s t w om an e lnger to rec o n b lake a record fo r V ictor, back tn lh a Jo: >00. from BC ollec lon o f Joe B elm ont w hb t* wide n

n g nco rd s were pleaaed to see Edbon l a t Joe had le ft b b b ird a tore In Miller, irw T ork fo r th e day 'a reunion , rewardi elnald W erren ra th , th e form er CoUL lelropolltan opera baritone and e teran recording a r tb t . dropped In f ta r lunch. W alte r B canlan. now

rad io netw ork i>roducUon m an- S g er b u t once a favo rite tenor of I P , d b o n a n d Victor H erbert, w as on I k a n d w llh som e anecdotes.I n th e early daya pe rfo rm en S

layed o r sa n g o r spoke tn to a a tle ry o f hom a w hich carried . . . tie sound to wax m aate r oy llnden . M i :iffht o r te n m achines m igh t be ' ' scd for a singer, a s m a n y as 24 for TD

band. R e-rccordlngs were m ade rom a play-bnck of th o m a s te n . A osen records from each m a s te r was bout a ll th a t K ayes and h b as- x ln te s could hopo for, T h e cen ter t iflchlnes recorded c lea re r and .A harper, and c y lln d en m ode from I hem b rought a h ig h e r p rice. IT h e fa in t a n d tin n y m usic o f th e |

o llec ton ' p ride a n d Joy couldti’t I ompete w llh th e re-im lon 's accum - ^loled sound of rem iniscences, so hers waa some live muslo by the

heardroofing | INSirLATIONCO. G

A otherited A ppU caton Patice Roofings



TM Shin ; 00* 81. W. ' I

r^S T H E

ST SHOW 9 TOWili «





RINSING I :iOTHES COME R-CLEANER, e x d tin g w an h d ay p c rfo n n a n c e you over 1 ( th o w ash ing , a ll b y itsolTl N o hard'n.-orl t« r l Com o i n lo r y o u r B c n d ix dcm oostral

lO U T T H E $1 D IX C O N T E Sr Blank W ith Each Demons W O N Bath Towel a t the



' MONDAYOTAT, OC?rOBfct 18, 194«

W-Umera a n d aofe c f th * yoongw en en lloo . B u t moaOy m e d a y was pen t In conversation, w llb tb a uesta o f honor tak ing top b o n o n l a h a t deparbnenLT h e coUecton aeemed m oatly eon-

e n t to itan d off a n d adm ire . M any ,f them had little In com m on w llb he ploneeis except a n ad m ln U o n if Uielr bysone T h e youngestoUector present, an I S - y e a r - i^ rom m tn o b . was five y e a rs away rom being bom w hen elec trto r e - lordlng was Uittoduced and th e 'o ld lays" came to an end in 103S.

Among o the r collectora wera Jrevoorl Odell. Brooklyn, w ho t a10 cylinder phonographs a n d 10.000 w ccords—some going back to 1893; ' h a John L. Nortons, sr. a n d J r ,rom Boston, who do a big naU on- vlde m all order business to old rdbon cyUndera: and R obert J H lo ^ l e r , who th ough t th e day amply lewarded h b tr ip from Long Beach.:a llf._ ___________

Don’t Mtsa Thla One!



I l l i r I I I l l l l l i t i iT m i l IS snaaguiicnM irt>i.<«UHisnaciaa




1 1 ■

i i j FI over aaw —■d v.-ork fo r yotK aostration now l

$ 6 5 ,0 0 0EST!lonstration—Get the Same Time


E R ’*S

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B arbara F. W hite T A nd N. Show alter ^ Wed in C erem ony ^B u b u k r t y t W b ile . da u g b ter ot

M r. *n il M n . «o y « l E . W hite, b* - f mn th e brldo o t N orm an W> 8bo> w aiter, to o ot M r. a n d U n . P a u l ebowftlter. In a double r l n s cere- moD7 perform ed a t 3 p . m . Sunday.Oct. 3. *n»e m arrtaBe w w w ere | H read by the Rev. M ark O . O nm en- M | bcrger a t the n n t C hrlsU an u r c h H B belore a background o l baakeU of

I TaU flow en and ta ll v b l te U p e n la two large candelabra. ■ M

W edding muslo v a t fum U hed fay H | M rt. Nellie T . O ttn m i. Sh irley Fov- ler. Boise, coufla o l th e b ride, ta n g H g “Becauae" and “A t D aw ning ." a e - ^ eompanled by M rs. O strum . m l i

T h e tapera were ligh ted by T huix*Rull, who wore a gown ot b lue taf* le ta . and Joyce W hitehead , w ho wos a ttired In a yellow m artiu lse tte . ^ B

T h e bride wore a w hite ta t ln go ira H w ith a m oniuU ctte yoke edged w ith H a deep ru ino o t lace a n d a lu ll tk ir t U en tra in and lace p e p l ^ H er l ln - W m gerUp veU was edged w ith lace and B B held In place w ith a lace tia ra . Bhe M H carried a w hite p n y e rb o o k on w hleh B B «-as placed a w hite o rch id . She was given In m arriage by h e r fa the r.

A ^ to k en s of BcnUmcnt. th e wore A rliig belonging to h e r grandm other, a w rist w atch, w hleh w as a gUt of ■ ■ tlifl bridegroom, a lace handkerch ie f borrowed from th o groom 's g ran d - H j m other, a blue g a rte r , w hleh w as H | m ode for th e brldo by Suzanne Carey, and a penny In h e r shoe.

V oN lla M cOulre. M erid ian , cousin of th e bride was m old o f honor. She wore a sown of yellow m arquisette H and a yellow ne t shoulder leng th H veil and carried a n o ld-fashioned . c o :« f t r .

^ T he brtdesm alds w ere Beverly \* ^ w W ard. Malia, who wore a blue sa tin

sow n, and l la Mao P e te rs , w ho wore ; , , , a pink saUn gown. E ac h h a d m a tch - jt,

* Ing n e t ahoulder. le n g th veils and - - t , carried old-fashioned nosegays.

Judy W hite, sis ter of th e bride, | | | | w u flower girl a n d w ore a floor . . . leng th w hite o rgandy a n d carried a , white basket of rose petals . Rex K relger. Nampa, cousin of th e bride,was rlngbearer a n d c a rried th e r ings o pon a white sa tin pillow. D r

B est m an w as Jam es Brow n. John LeClalr and R icha rd Bailey served , as ushers. e i

T h e bride’s m o th e r w ore a wine « ‘- crepe aftcm oon dress w ith black ac- ceasorlet and th e bridegroom ’s

• m o the r wore a b lack crepe dress w llh black accessories. E ac h wore an orch id co ruge .

Following th e cerem ony, a recep- tlon was held In th o c h u rc h pa rlo r ^ n n i fo r 100 wedding guests. T h e lace covered recepUon U b le wa.i centered w llh a flve-tlcred w edding cake Po w hich w u c u t tn th e trad itiona l cussi m onner. the

T ho cake w u se n 'c d by T h u rea bo e H ull and Joyce W hitehead . Susanno were Corey prealdcd a t th e punch bowl. l l a Mae P eters h a d charge of tho guest book a n d E la ine C allcn and M axine ParU w ere In c h a rg e of the

A g ift room. M rs. O harles N ans and I t m t s . Ray D unk ln te r r e d u recep- ^ Uon asslaUnts.

F n r her golng-aw ay ensem ble th e « « brltle chose a gray wool su it w ith T t b lack accessories a n d h e r corsage glnli w as th e w hite o rch id w h ich she h a d cliar c arried on h e r p ray e r book. m en

Immediately following th e recep- tory Uon th e young couple le f t on a a h o rt m Isj w edding tr tp lo S ho re lodge a t P a y - and e lte lakes. T hey w ill m ako th e ir hom e In Tw in Palls . Oroi

, * . * * embBirthday Party

nE Y B T O N , O ct. I R -O a ry M lnno- uio aarg was honored a t a b irth d a y partyKlvcn by h la m o the r, M rs. F re d dlati M lnnesarg. T h e 20 guesta played jflah poQd and o th e r gom es. G ary u e e w u the rec ip ien t of m a n y gifts.

— I ’ l -------------------T i ---------------------M arian M artin P a tte rn

6 - i j I ITS ONE PIECE!

You know a good th in g when f lyou see l l - th U d a rlin g dressl Y ou Itell a t a glance It i t easy fo r sew - I beginners, girls o r m o th e rsl O restis one u t l n p a tte rn p leeel |

T his essy-to-use p a tte rn g lres Iperfect fit. Com plete, U lustrnted I

^ lew chart shows you every step . * “ pa ttern 0i38 in g ir ls ' alsca. 6. B,

10, IX 81» 10 takes 2*; yards. 38- Inch fabric. T ran sfe r Included.

Send tw enty-fire c en t# In co ln t ;for th is pa ttern to T lm es-New s, p a t- ,te rn departm ent, T w in PaUs. Ida. tP rin t plainly nam e, address, tone . i( lu and style numt>cr. ]

DO you know th e th ree new sU> <houetUiT Pm d them tn th e M arian 1 M ariln fall and w in te r p a tte rnbookI Sewing do llars m 'ake fash* ,Isn sense w ith these w ea rab it ilr> i able styles. C hristm as gUta too; a s dfree pa ttern fo r new ahoulder p a d *printed tn th e book, m te e n c e a tt ^ 1more brings th is book to y o u l '

M9i»Ay, odroBER la. i m

Twin Falls Bride Ari

Rj z n


g ioun fe rn i

Th* p e r s) TeU r

bouqtiw ith

m othi


c am aBril



Tri’ '■ ' S ' ; - ;

■ l ^ ^ J ''■ ■ ■ jvv il andOeor,

M RS. NOR.MAN 8H0WA1.TEB i q o J (Dodley photo-staff e n g n rta c ) read

' ------Snow

BPW Discusses M unicipal Plans

RUPERT, Oct. 1 » -L . I* C ulbeit- Jiiow son and R. D. Armstrong outlined p lans fo r th e proposed recreation gprdl p a rk and swlmminB pool a t the regiUar dinner meeting o t th e Busl- p ij ness and Professional Women a t th e ChrlsU an church annex. M rs. w hld A nna Abrams presided In th e ab« ber. seruo of th e president, Mrs. S tella Mr Elmore. Pearl

Poliowing the U lks. a general d ls- to t cusslon was held by members of Poca th e club. L ists of eligible voUrs to e lec t ba contacted In the bond elecUon Mi were distributed. M r. i

A 'com m unlcstlon from the Na- Uonal PcderaUon of Business and Professional Women was read %y A A r tho sccretaiy . RoUa Zoerb.

AU dinner meeUnes will be he ld { a t tho ChrlsUan church annex. Jt ' was decided. J E

T h o memberrJilp oommlttee, Vlr- g ln la H aw k and Rena Insm a, had cljargo of th e InUlaUon of new * metnbers. Mlsa Hawk gave a Ws- I>e to ry of th e na tional federation .and bride M iss Inom a the hlatory of tho sU te brlds a n d local club. John

A ' graphic descripUon by Mrs.O raco Klnu of th e meaning of the emblem ol the club was followed by ^ " a n address by Uie Junior past presi- den t, Mrs. W andalee D'Spftln. on Uio responsibility of new members.

M rs. Zula Q rtgory announced the d la tr lc t meeUng will be held Oct. 34 In Jerom e. P rofram for tha Nov, 0 ' meeUng wll! bo decided a t Uic social m eeting of the elub on OcL 2fl.

HostMses for the evening were „ i - „ R u th Henson, Mery Zelmetz and M abel Hanson. , .

• M , ,

Dessert Lunch Is ( Served a t Session h ak le thodlst WSCS circle No. 1 m e t ^ho 1

a t th e hem e of Mrs. 0 . H. S tinson J*hUfor a dessert luncheon. M rt. O eorge >,Bradley w u asslsU nt hostess. f "* " '

M rs. B rtd ley w u In charge of th e “ J «devotlonils. using "Youth W elfare" ^ u h e r subject.

Article* wero brought and pack- P” *' aged for tending to the Europeanrelief project. Mrs. E M. P a tw r - ^ *'■ •on gave a descrlpUon of tho Jesse Lee Home for noUve orphan chil­d ren , and the tuberculosis hosp lU la t Sew ard, Alaska, which she r ts - B tlt«d on h e r recent trip . club

P lan s were msde for the au tum n Shlelb azaar and dinner. ** Mr

M n . Oeorge Wlleox, M rt. M art h ig hD ean and Mrs. Woods were guests. Pene

« W « B a n t

Miss Hamilton Is ^ Wed to Paul Man

h e y b u r n . o c t 1 6 -M r And M rs. 1 I /)u H am ilton announce the m a r­riage of th e ir daushter, M ary Lou to Russell Holohan of Paul, In Elko, Nev.

T bo bride wore a gre}' sU ^et dress w ith brqwn accessories. 1

She Is a 10(9 graduate o t H ey- » b u m high school, and h u been fi employed a t K ings store In Burley. “

T b e bridegroom attended school In P au l and a t p resent Is employed 1 u carpen ter w ith T . R . Lamb. T h e c(>uplQ WUl nu k e the ir home in Burley.


due to th is functional 'n ilddle*age' c a m s?

At* TOU tMtvMn tb t ag« as ta d S3 •od KOtsc ibroufb tha t tm ag ruae - Uoaa) 'm iddlfM *' pvrlod pw u lu r to womtaT Dow UO* nuk* you tu f- far from bot ftu&ra, ImI tlamaiy, ao ntrvoui, UTlubla, waakt T b ta M trr LnUa X. rinkhan-a V trtub l* OwBpouad to T»lleT» •ueU a r» p - . ^ tonal «•» raaoua Ior thul

Uaay vua 'mldctt»4 (* ' wcimaa M p* taka P laU ua 'a Osmponad ratuU r- m«an ly to belp buUd up raalaiaao* haa « a taiaat thU cumaa. toaio

mU uun'aCom pouodcootalasao rio epU ta»-ee BsNVtomtag druga. I I m x i

' Lydia E.PInkham!sVE

\ r t a Moyes and Me George Hopson H

Exchange Vows HJEROM E, O c t i B - T h a LDS

h u rch w u the tcene o t «iv after* looQ wedding Sauirday, O c t », W&en ^ Moyes, daughter o f M r. ^I r t . A. L . Moyes. Jerome, exctianged B | B ows w ith Gordon Jam es Hopson, >ocateUo. Hopson Is the son o f .U r . j id Mra. Jam es E Hopson.

T h e service w u read by Btshop V arie s H . A ndrus before a dm K- Tound of white gladioli, p ink asters, e m a n d h u c k leb e n ^ w im lighted a p e n tn taU candelabra.

T h e bridal gown w u w hlU tU p- >er sa tin en tra in and the flsgerU p 'e u w u held in plsce w ith • t ia ra >t seed pearls. T he bride carried a K y )ouquet o t baby orchids, cen tered H m r i th lavender orchids. Bhe wore K i n itring of pearls belonging to he r no ther. She w u given In m arriage ty h e r father.

M rs. Louie Weertx. m a tron o t lonor, wore a pink chiffon a n d Uc« rown and carried a bouquet o t plnK :amaUons.

Bridesmaids, wearing blue gowns, vere Je an Hopson and M aurino •aoyta. Bolh carried bouquets o t KThlte camaUons. Lois J o n e s . and flam ona Jackson, who were candle Jgh ters. wore pink U ffeta.

B asil Hussey. Pocatello, w u b est B M n a n . Ushers were Robert MoyeS m d Byroii Lemmon.

WKldlnR music was played by U rs. H al Matthews, who also ao* ;ctnpanled Ltarllyn Clark and Hal M atthews, soloists.

T h e counle will make th e ir home in Pocatello where Hopson Is em - ployed At the Challenge Cheese company.

* * *

Tribute Given to • H Ketchuni M an B

K inX Jm JM . Oct. 18—"My B ro ther * *and Frlcn tl" a story tribu te to MRSQ eorge Slates, a member of th e (Am[O O P for moro than 60 years w as -------read a t the rejnilar m eeting of —SnowdropRtbeknhlodRC.M r. Slates. r Q la m em ber of Deborah Rebekah Of ^H ailey, was present fo r the oc- Ceaslon. '

M rs. Almo SmlUi. noble grand , HA!presen ted tbe 1o<Iro w ith a k itchen portyahower. a&slitcd by all Uie m em - recenbers. T h e RifLs were chosen a c - P lan reordlng to the needs of th e lodge a t thk itchen . McOc

P lan s were made for th e a n - heldnua l O dd Fellow-Rebekah d inne r Ing rw hich wUl te held early In Novem- , Pu iber. NOV.

M rs. W. J. Falrman and M n . M rs.P ea rl Brower wtro elected delegates Cablrto a ttend Rebekah assembly In "R tPocatello . Mr.v Tom Flea w u prepoeleeted district deputy p res id en t nnd i

M rt. Helm Ellers. Burley, and PriedM r. a n d Mrs. Oeorge Slates, HaUey ran law ero guesUi. Ico

* * if. by tJ;

Mrs. B. Freeman Feted a t Shower

JiSUDME. Oet. 18-A p ink and KE b lue shower was given In honor of Ja n e M rs. Boyd Freeman a t tho hom e out-c o f Mra. Virgil Larsen. Uy. I

D e.«ert was aerved preceding bridge and pinochle. H onors a t ■*" * bridge were awarded to Mrs. K eith M ont Johnn.ien nnd Mrs. Robert Burks. « « « P inochle honors were given to M rs. P lea t R ay K lnkade and Mrs. RuueU Tweedy. T lie honoree received m any gifts.

Hoatoue!! were Mra. V lrgll Larsen ond Mra. William Ripley.

Oue-itn Included the honoree, Mrs.Robert Burks. Mrs. KelUi Johansen .Mrs. R obert O tto. Mrs. Hay Klnkade.Mrs. R umoU Paris, Mrs. RusseU Tweedy, Mrs. Floyd Snead. Mrs. L eonard Lane and Mrs. MltchcU *


M emorial Slated By Hailey Group

HAILEY. Oct. 18 -A m em orial to th o Rev, C. R. W aite, who died re ­cenUy In K ooikla, end who was-pos- to r l u t w in ter of the HaUey Com ­m u n ity B aptist church. wUl be made in th e near future. I t v u decided a t th e regular meeting o t th e mls< tlo n a ry society a t th e home of the p residen t, M rs. Charies E Read. A coUecUon w u U ken a t the mecUng to s ta r t the ^ n d .

Double MBtTHL, O c t 1 8 -T he Double M

club m e t a t Uie home of M n J . H. S h ields for a bridge luncheon.

M rt. Pred M arquardson received h ig h guest prize, and Mra. Jam es Pence, h igh club prize. M n . Ray B anbu ry a s d Mrs. M arquardson were guests o f Oia club.



IN KIM BERLT H u been purchased by

M BS. WZLDA BAQQARBT Mra. Arlene T eater wishes to th a n k h e r m any friends for

th e ir p u t patronage.F o r COHPLBTE, MODERN BEAUTY BEBVICE Phene

m - W , Kimberly


M p t M f w (TOU know wbat wa m aaa t] . Tbla-srMt madleuit alao h u «hmt Docton call a atomaeUo toalo effect.

iVEEHABUcompound' P

NAarries R ecently BetwI

coverei a ad te of. Mr. changi Cooke, Cooke. O e t i< Aasem Uie s backgi

W w a S & J'' '■ trJ. ■ w hiteta u w


u t l n i flower lo a i t

E S m O B I u B f ^ '> was hK i f f l k V v ... - V . •! i bride'iw n l V l r ' ’

r l i As 1

H r ? ^ ^0 '»{■' A gifts f . i ■ . 1 1 th ing'n " V pearls

ab ra c ' ^ ^ B b e rt I

The^ B b e rt 1

' ' H ^ ^ B ^ d I ^ B dahlU^ B : ^ ^ B m aldt^ B Mra.

Beebe^ B ' ' ' gowni^ B ' ) ^ ^ B h e a r t^ B r ' U u .^ B ’ ' . . ■ ' H For

bride’^ B - ■ ' - S dress

i f l The^ B ^ ‘ ff f f l j Jn th

' ' ■ ' - y i t S 'o r SCH . I /Kin■ B t charg

Mrs. A O arrl

MRS. OOBDON JAM ES H O tsO N po r (AmbroM pboto .a taf^ engraving)

-a re we 11 Party Planned by Cliib

HAILEY, Oct. 18 — A larcw eU , „ v ' w jty for Mra. W allace Baling, who •ecently moved to Fa irfie ld , was )lanned ot th e C ld c club m eetm g n „ v , it Uie ranch home of M rs. Oeorge blcOonlgal. T he luncheon will tw , leld a t the Hotel H ia w a th a d in - I P{ ng room M onday a fternoon . •

F u r th e r plans were m ade for th e u ^ov. 20 bazaar. T he quU t m ade by ' klrs. P ranela Poulson In th e Log HA :a b ln pattern wna dlaplayed. dlnm

“Ro'undrobln get weU" wlshej* were meml >repared lo r M rs. H arry Pu tzier 24 an ind a greeting was se n t to B eatrice he h( M edm an , vlslUng In Pcnnsy l- *^ay, ranla. ' ter, j

Ico cream’ a n d cako were scr\’ed At jy th e hostess a t tho conclusion or P'ans ;he business meeting.

^ if If. Uie t

G uests Feted S 'KETCUUM . Oct. IB -M rs . S a rah loro

Jano McCoy has been en tertaJniiig3Ut-of-town m em bers of h e r fam - j- j , . ,ly. Included in the p a rty a re M rs. natlc3 ilb e rt Hickey, Balldo, W ash .: M el- „ e e i irln M cCoy a n d son, R obert. B u tte , no^ fo n t: Mr. a n d Mra. Roy McCoy, Mrs.Doodlng, a n d Mrs. G ary Ca.itle, nelhP»cabo. __________________________ ^

FejC a n n o n 1

F i r s t Q u a l i t y . .N ow Duflky Tones ■:

W ith th e New F

B E ^“The Friendly Si

I B l - M A I N .- A V E . W E S T


lette G arrison Weds M. Cooke H

Ih N uptial R ites f lBUHU O e t I B - I n an a rc h w a y ^ f l vered w ith red aiMl w hite d a h l lu Id t e n s . Bette G arrison , d a u g h te r .M r. and M n . J , M. O arr lto n . ex- tanged wedding ro w t wlUi M e lrln >oke, son of Mr. a n d M rs. L ee Mke. PoUersvlUe, M o , a t 3 p . m . ^ B ; t 10. I h e Rev. o,, A. Beebe of th e itembly of Ood church pe rfo rm ed le m a n a g e ceremony beXor* a ickground of baskeU o t re d a n d f l f ;^ hlte dah U u and candeU bra wiUa B / 11 w hite tapers.T b s bride, g lrea In m arriag e by w j j !r father, w u atU red In a w h ite W \ itln grown dotted w ith th ree la rg e ■ > ! ower designs on th e t k l r t B e r ny* B ‘^ Q tIngerUp reU w ith lace edging u held by a seed peal tia ra . T b e B ^ Id e 't bouquet consisted of re d a n d B w h lte roses Ued wlUi a la rge w h ite ■

As tokens of senU m ent th e b ride ore blus earrings; to r luck , she irried an old penny In h e r ahoe, gift of h e r g randather. F o r eom e- ^ B

l in g . old, she had h e r m o th e r 's earls, an anUque, and she borrow ed bracelet from he r a lster. M n . W U- H e rt Perkins. ^ BT h e m aid of honor w u M n . W U- e rt Perkins, gowned In blue saU n ^ B nd carrying a bouquet of baby ^ B ohU u In ta n shape. T h e b r id es - ^ B laldt w en Mrs. Lester G arriso n ,[rs. W am er Owens and M axine tebe . T h o bridesm aids w e r o .'-a. owned In pink sa tin a n d c a rried e a rt shaped bouquets of bsby d a h - u .For he r daughter's w edding th o

ride’s mother wore a to lne crepe ress wiUi black occessorica.T he wedding reception waa he ld

] th e home of tb e bride’s p a re n ts . .3r 50 guests. Presiding a t th e g u e s t __^ook was Barbora M o o n a n d In harge of the gUt room w aa M ra. n 4 Moore. Reception a s s b ta n l t wero V.J, tra. Oeorge Moore a n d M ra. W . U larrlson. . ^P o r h e r traveUng ensem ble th e —,

ride choae a grey su it wlUa b lack cceaaories. T he newlywed couple fent on a wedding tr ip to B otse. „ " T h e form er Mlsa O orrlson g ra d -

a ted frem BUhl high school In

Tlie bridegroom attended aehool Oia PottertvlUe, Mo., a n d served th ree jn dears In the trm y. , MouT hey wlU make th e ir ho m e In Mrs.

luhl where th e bridegroom fa rm s , u in¥ ¥ ¥ ht:

_egion H as FeteFor 'C an d id a te s ' Mi

HAILEY, O e t 18 — A sp a g h e tt i n Unner for new a n d prospective I nem ben o* Hailey Legion p o s t No.4 and Uie auxUlary to Uie p « t will ,e held a t Uie Legion HaU T h u r s - j ,™ lay, aceordlng to Mrs. M ilton R u t - cr, p resid en t , ,

At the regular monUily m eeting , ilans were made to hold’ one Jo in t toclal eii'ch monUi w llh m e m b e n of Jie Legion. ^ f —

The box for Uie adop ted w ar irphan a t S t. Die, P rance , is rea d y Mih lood, bu t needs c lo th in g b e - tore i t can bc sent, M rs. R u t te r a n ­nounced. Tho box Is on d isp lay a t m lones hardw are, and c lo th ing d o - ■ naUons to r a 0-yeor-old g irl wlU b e ■ aceepUd, Mrs. R u tte r said . I

Hostesses a t the m eeting w ere ■ Mrs. Albert Thomason, M rs. K e n - I nelh Burrell, Mrs. Eugene F lee n o r I m d Mrs. Rutter.___________________I

F ~ 1Hose 3 sti val

N y l o n s .

iC8 Thnt Blend V Fall Color

■A 1 ’ ‘M , ' i■ ^ ^ 7 Bl QA UQ E I


1 ^ S129 :

' Reff. $1.4940 O A U O S J30 D E N IE R

$119 ;i



f S h o e S to r e d '

TW IN F A L tg .

J FALLS,'IDAHO_________

Buhl Bride Init

JER< eeremo O an u n of P a t

CoeU e c u n Phyllis Bowen

O ^ B Maudl!

H ; VlrgUi'K f ■ i V f l D 0 «B V i f

du ^ te iW i W

m U M , ’ | R b I cloaoB ^ M - . ' w ere

' / J Indue_____ / \ ‘ i w ho 1

/ ______________ M rs. : / T _I W (

• / ,_book, / :•_Poem

• '_UsheC ■ y ■ ..?Jk_nol.

M lta MELVIN COOKE______ ^ (Coad p h o to -aU ff eng ra rlng l Re«

__________________________________ _h o s te

G. F. Guests Are Honored a t T ea

OLENN8 PERRY, O c t 18 -M ra .Eva C hnttln. Elmore county e le- ^ m entary coordinator, and Mrs. E lm a C3 O Goodman, county supe rin tenden t a ttended a te a o t the home o l M rt. ^ M ary W. Lesser. M ountain Home. ’

Oueats Included women te a c h e n and wives of loculty m em ben of M ountain Home schooU. Assisting Mra. Le.«er in serving were M oun- U in Home library board m crabon .

Mrs. LeRoy Hughes presided a t w _ , th e flower-decorated tea Uble.

¥ ¥ ¥

Mrs. W. Senften S T alks on Chinese *,

BUHL, Ocl. 18—’The M entor c lub / ' I m e t a t Uie home of Mra. Ray B a n - PA bury. Mrs. W alter Benften apoke on Ed I m odem Chinese literature. 37th

M n . Eonlten rcod i» num ber o t a n d easaya by Lln Y utang and told abou t a n d Chinese authora. lo c c u

SPA RK f lHTerymcmberof thofamfly enjoys |o ho wants with a Spark Oil Heater, bi fofiiRadlaAtandCircubtlDgheat. In Baby It p l a ^ g oa tbe warm floor i radiant Beat; Grandma i» getting tbt loves £ramboth Rtdlaot and d r c ^ t i i way across tbe room, is getting b l comfort entirelyfromcircuUtlogbea are also kept comforubly warm b; ei&deat d rm ttia g heat.

N e w N e u t r a - T o n e F / n b i

It’s “COIOR SENSITIVE"T be baked e f la a d finish o a th l t oew Sparl bUnda Uke magic wi(h th a fiuolablag* o your eoom, , ; w b e tb e daric o r l ig h t Y o o l M offiazad whea yoa ace how I t aoap ti 11 te lf to ta y color schema.

C o m e I n T o d o y a n d L e t U

T h U N o w S p a r k p n H o «

Robert 1420 Main Ave. S.

litia tion Rites * ’ G iven in Jerom e 1^^"'

JEROMB, O c t 18-M ock InlUaUoD T b a V rem onlet fo r ne w -m e m b en o t a t B p. >

R ho w e n held a t th e homo T fjtnn I P a t WelteroUu

Coetumea depleUng various char*, jp il e f u n were w om the Inltlatea, ije hostt ly llls C laar, J e a n Hansen, P a t ty gjde H d }w cn, Loralne K y le , E leanor aud lln , D onna Bartholomew. Shir> T he i y B d re d , Merlo Chambers a n d mei irg inU Brandon. ' U teraryD orothy Diehl, Jean Slnnlchset^ M erla & i t t y Jensen . X ^ d a ll Brown a n d a t W eltero th were In charge o f T h e t liUatlon ceremonies, assisted b y m eet a t n . Jack Meuser, club adviser. th a iA b rie f buslnest meeting w u con - jesson y jc te d . I t w u announced t h a t vaw dre: in n a l Initia tion o t pew m em ben Ul be hekl Wednesday evening a t Cam p 10 homo of Kay etohler. At th e t ; ia h p | oao of th e meeting refrcahm ents Tuesday e re served by th e hoste&a. Montgoi

* * * reraary

Ars. H. LeMoyne H onored a t M eet

H AOERMAN, O c t 18 -A t Uie reg - ^ la r bu a ln eu nnd to d a l meeUng of ^ £ « H agerm an Clvlo club, M n . H arry J ; eMoyTe, c , e gu e tt of U it elub . ^ layed two piano tolos, "Rom ance" . y J e a n slbcU na and “S crtrad" by A l j r Indlng. ^O th e r num bert on the p rogram P

ncluded M n . A. H om , p res id en t Iho read aeveral poems w ritten by ,Ira . leM oyne w hich Included "A nd

W ould Sing," published in th o pook, "342 G re a t Contem porary *oems” and " ^ h e n the N igh t" p u b - ^ ished In "B etty Verse," poetry lo u r - Folio ml. M n . Addle Pinch gave a ta lk blue sl n flower am nsem en ts .. Ntra. I

R efreshm ents were u n c a by th e lostesscs, Mrs. J . w. Jonea and M ra. ^ I. R . Russell. T he

T h o nex t meeting wlU be h e ld ^ in O c t 31. RoU eaU will be answered r t th a donaUon of canned goods fo r K A r c h o c hU dnn 's horae. ^

* * * HcSoodm on Speaks

A t Fireside M eetMURTAUGH. O c t 18 — R L.

Soodm an, guest apeaker. apoke on -h ie h •Science vs. HellBlon" a t Uie aem l- n o n th ly flrealdo meeUng of th e [J3S church conducted a t Uie hom e *‘*®_ jf M r. and Mra. Darwin Perklna Mra. Earl W right w u chairm an ta rh arg e of the meeUng. m .m t

M n . Perklna, asaUted by M ra. M M ] Tommy Rutledge, served Uie r e - f l i I (reshm ents. m m \

¥ ¥ ¥ * •

Anniversary Fete f l iPA IRV IEW . O c t 18-M r. and M n . ■ 1 1 1

Cd H ard ing were honored on th e ir : n t h wedding anniversary when M r . ' eescd and M n . Jo h n Thomas vUlted th e m ; throa a n d b rought a special cake for t h e ; back pccaalon,_____________________________

for fu ll fa m ily c^ } u s t t b e t w p e n n i r a -:r, becauso S park g ires > d t f [ 0 H D it. I n th e p ic tu re ftbore,s o r i o d s e g l o w o f t h o{ tb e ex tra w arm th tbei la t in g b e a t ;a a d F a th ^ ,j; b is full w arm tb endb e a tA d J o in io g ro o m sm b y th is e c o a o m lca l,

j j s h B u r n s


F c a . l i . .

t U s D t t m o m t r o t o

H » o t « r t o Y o u

E. Lee Sal

T ba V 7W imxniary wtP,' ■ i w t n t U h ^ B : b p . m . Tuesday In Uia A B W cleaM kjjH« k » h u i

P IL E R -M rt. W. M .’B a n m :« m ^ - ; f > hoB teu W ednesday to th* .4e H elpers olub.

, * • ¥ ♦ ,T h e 's e c o n d ward R d U T 'te d a ty Ul m e e t a t a p . m . T uesday. le rary le n o n ' wUl b a eondop tad -Jir 'T :' :erla Moon. - . '

• • • ■ t.'.-ii T ho f irs t w ard BeUef socletar ^ leet a t X p. m . W ednetday Instead • r Uifl regular bour. T h s llte ra tu ra - .: 5 ason wUl be g lren by M rs. S . O. awdrey. . ,

¥ ¥ ¥C am p M a ry ' Lois, D a u g h te n « t ta h Ploneera. wUl m eet a t 1 p . m . . ' ■uesday a t th o home c l M rs. N ettle lonlgom ery for a b irthday a n n i- ersary d inner. AU m e m b en a n - > sked to be p rese n t

¥ ¥ ¥KIM BERLY — T h e M ethodist

VSCS wUl. m eet a t th e hom e -ot Jrs. R alph B anning W ednesday.Irs. B ann ing wlU b e asssisted by ,ln . P . W. Dodds, Mrs. J . O. Poe ind M rs. Ray Letten.

¥ ¥ ¥

^uction Sole IsPlanned by U nit

RUPERT, Oct. IB -P la n a w e n dla- riuaed for an aueUon sale a n d d in ­ner a t Uie regular meeUng of th e . ■ Rupert O range auxlUory conducted In th e home of Mrs. H ow ard Brtm t.

FollowUig th e mecUng a p ink a n d blue shower waa given In honor, of Wra. Roger ArmsUrong. Refresh* m cnts w e n scn ’fcd by M rs. Bnins- m d Mrs. H arry Candaux.

T h e nex t meeUng wUl b e w ith Mrs. P rank Saylor on O e t 28.

¥ ¥ ¥

\Ars. J. Baker IsHonored a t PartyJEROM E. Oct. 1 8 -A d in n e r p a rty

honoring Mra. Jessie B aker o n be r birthday anniversary w as given by M n . C. O. Stevens a n d M ary Bpeakman a t Uie Sterena hom e, a t which time th e honoree w u p r e . sented with g lfU

T ho guests Included M ra. Baker*Mrs. Leoro Burroughs, M rs. E J . Bruce and Mra. B ertha P a trm a n . ■

Night ^ Coughs^eased w lU iou fdoslng -W benyoan ibth r o a t chest and * # g ^ I # 4 5 back a t bedtime W I \ 9W ith tim e-tested ▼ g A F O B u s

co m fo rt!

ales Co.Phone 1 5 9 - W ,

H U l

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

Twin Falls ; Wins Idahi Fall Field- C o m p e t i n g a f f a ln a t o n e o f t h e b e ; I d i A o m e e t , S p u n k y W a y G y p s y

' W a y n a W iU la m s , T w in F o l ia , w o r fcw tm ni I d a h o f a l l f ie ld t r i a l s h e r i f r o m I d a h o , U ta h a n d W a s b i n r t o n

• ___________________________ _ Mel

E l k s , H a m m s

T i e f o r L e a d i n

B o w l i n g L o o p 5^

T h a n k i No. 1 bowUnj Uam. »Sew blch h u beea le td ln s Uio loop a n dH ac* th e »ett«oa «Urt*d. <lropped io rIn to » f l n t p l« » tl# w ith H nnuns oveiB eer kc ilcre laa t week. E ach tew n Bpp h M w os I t jam ea and lost al*. andXdaho £88 !• cloee behind w ith 13 byw ins and «even defeaU. »nd

O a rre tt T ra a i te r U (UU on topt a th e coaunerda l lew ue. a ad th e ft»-«S u h l P lan ing mUl held Ita a d - tar▼antaee In the- M erchonU loop. T lie a ‘ChrlsU fta chu rch ttnm Is »Ull u n - K htb e a te n In l u league, and S ca ts tops day th e M inor loop.

•n ie R andall Floral H re U In twof ro n t In th s Ladles Magic Olty lea- a n dBU9. whll# f irs t ploce Ui Ui# { fu r W om en'a M inor league Is held by

■ th e B r o r a D erby bowJrra. TJ UAJOB LtACUK

ZOa Ko. I -------------------•!} »K w m ’t !>•» ---------------- 1* • •3? ; _ _ _Itfuo EcS --------------------•• ,l -H!DtIttww U u k rt .10 W .MO

| y ^ u > 7 — — ; IJ :‘«o“ ^

, *"Tm b ? | T k c w l m l C«Uon j«^ J *llo u u ln 1ST. AOklni 111. J. lllrttll M. D rlltn tr IID. L*« m . N. 0 . JebwB 117, bO) W .U* n . .

IlowUdnsik Clkt Ko. t . . £U l Ho. 1 w . lUiam'. D*«


sa.?-”-' I S!!! S B «

EMft-’* — " " * 15 m 1 ^

T»o hUb a<r<rrm** bowUni Showirf.lM, —T (

o .SkmtlUn T>. WwWrt'* QollUoela'i Qa«li.Cntt n . IlMlo Lanch tCtC' H«lb«TfDTU-t f t . Umb Crowm GttrraU T r w f t t t*. gwlfft

HBBcaANT* LKiCU* DcrW L Te*. Hi

BolKI rUnloK u m -----------l i * .»Mri”,rKS;i-=;!. s Ss S ! S r i £ S ? l = S - l | «AbboU rlutnblB* ------------ S I* .«00Chtnar MMor Co.------------S 12 .400 Blrw»l>cr H»tlonia Dmnlc ---- T 11 •>» jjrUl

T«B hUb k*«Tw« bowlmi Uorrb 110. m rtn if t lU . DU«li U».D.P»al l « . Cr.fl- *1“l u K l. UooTM m . KBobl* 1(1. CmwMT u n d ! « . abow«T* ISl. FoUkr IM. b re j

2dib« r a n r Co. n . Abbott PtsmblnK ‘ Subi PUoiiif MUI Tt. A a B riunbin* nom n«.U tr N«H u.»k m Chaaw Holar Co. ton . S H y D«k«or T^n»id» ta IU# Co.


iaE '‘[ E = l ! .! S^ S l i :*oo th e

= l u -Ajb. Lulbtt»ti 0 _________• l«

T»n hUb i T « w tawlw.. BlrtMkr IM. »3 ,«O. ” hiilon' U»rcLmtM

^ LBtlMnB A n . St. UvsTtf-t No. t ^t o "

teU im a n . CbrUttu Sll---------- plac


5 - . - V ........ ■ - ? ; s S SJmkla* ChfTTOlrt — — 11 S .MS m oj, Dniaivkk 1 • .*>S

Mtot C«.____ < n JIS* U b 'w rS t* bo»1»til ru Cr»ft 1»! B j

c u . W

P(0, C. ABdmon T«. Is d rp ^ ra t Um I

LADIES' MACIC CTIT LEAGUB to rgW 1. p tt. O u r

n ..j»^ l no t.1 ---------------11 J .IW u eeS i l S u ' o T Z Z Z Z H • T JM TlUcCoe* CcU -------------------- » T J»1 *cn tVww C«ntnl u*rkn - ___7 • .«»BowUdnm* 7 • .4>t . ^

i o a ___________ « 10 J 1S oeiQT. F..W«IU SUiM ______ t 11 .1S7 S u n

T«» bUb a r t r u i bowltrtt U. UoUwIb gypj; IIS, IL llocm ITS. J. tiuworl 1ST. 11. M u«*ll IM. L. v .w ur. UT, P. ErleVwoUS. K. Ilciortr ISS. 0. Crom IS4. a . U^B- S< l « lU , L. ItobOTUOB 14S.

nor*4.7-« 8<ti.4«l. B,Ceea CoU vt. lUndaJI llortl _ "» •» C«»lr*l n . T. r..W .ll. SUct. L . VDowUilrom* rt. Tnrto'i IDA BUI C«n SUU Oil *«. Sanfmo

WOMEN'S MINOBB r e n D n h r___________ U I .IM 41. IMbom »« T 37 (Cledtr rro<l«t« _________U » .UOBSbib S .B&O

rrodua _________ 10 10 .»o« D .S u t tu r ,. ., ____ _ I IS .400 M a rM xk city ____________ 7 IS .ISOl l « k V »I1^.......................S IS JM _

T«b bleb «T«nx* bowUrtl M. 1UU>Ib R . ISS. U e u w tn 147. E. OairtT 141, B. lUlr R or, ) 0 . IL So>U 1S2. M. OtlailMd l» . CL T»br« U», D. Jobiutoa IH, E. tw lo r m ,D. 8»«tW4 Its. BChk

8<b.dtl. M . (Hro*B lirby « . U oT t Prodoto Star lUi n . Hwl« Cl^asd«T rrodorti t». Uaflt V»U.T J .

— —— ' RoU

C r o m a n d H o o v e r S “

W i n H a r v e s t

B o w l i n g T o u r n e y ^B eatrlM C rom a n d K ay B o o re r x:

xoUed • score of 1.1U eu n d ay to w in u r l th e f l n t aaa iuU Tw lo F alla B a r re s t brxx doubles to u rn am en t f o r w om en tm n bowlers. A Oaldwell team. S . O odfry <ief( a n d J . C h ristopher, finished In see- j e n ond pU e« w llh a ta lly of 1460. 30 t

T h ird p lace w lnaers v e re A. A lbaa t a n d B a se l W eller, wbo rolled » mlie soore o f W »L Sally Bosw orth a n d in , U . E m took fo o rtti p lace bono rs ] » a w ljh l4 0 « . ^ car*

T b a to n m a m e n t opened a t noo n o a l i S a tn rd a y a n d eon tamed ttaroagb bac]

— •uodiff-«T C B lag .-B n tnu ila -« rer»p« r> ------m » t ^ to .bow l a s o ften a s & e y V]

' Uked. proT lded t&ey werft n o t a m ong le a g I b e f t a r i o p t o a m - ....... - - - s e a s



Is Dog ho State ? I Trials ie b es t fields ever entered In on | ypsy, owned and handled b y V7 w on tho all-Qge stoko a t th e hero Sunday. Fourteen dogs B to n wero entered in the m eet. ■ M el Everton, Twin Falls, ■ p resident of the Idaho S ta te ■■ F ield Trial association, said r j “ an y dog entered could have M w on the tria ls. I t wos one o f ^ th e best fields I ’ve ever seen." W

Spunky W ay Q n * y >» » Mpo in te r, and h e r fsther Spunky W ay ^ J a c k , took second r>»ce in th e aU - I Q a s e sU ke. B oth d)RS ar# ow ned R ;^ a n d handled by Williams. Judges f o r the tr ia l were Clyde ^ o o n - *»« o v e r. Poeatello and O scar D oerlng. g S pokane. W ash. « tu

L um inary 's Block Potch. ow ned k i *! by H ubert Wolfe, S alt Lake C ity, (a ia n d handled by Harold Day. S a lt ------L oke City, won third ploee In Uio a ll-age stake. W esiher coDdltlons fo r the meet were good.

T h e ’ gun dog stske. w hich waa scheduled U> conclude tho two- day m eet Sunday, was cancelled be­c au se or liisuftlclent entries. Only tw o dogs were entered In the event, a n d such a s ta k e m ust have a t leastfo u r entries to be recognized by th e ____NnUonol Pleld T rlsl assoclaUon.

T h e derby a n d puppy stakes were conducted Saturday , and Uie sU te association held Its annual lo ll ban­q u e t in Twin F a lls Saturday nlghL

Dead Duek? p ,ARMONK. N. Y.. OcL 18 VPt-

D eputy O am e W arden Douglas Brow n w ent hunUng Bundoy and “ A bogged a duck which he to&seo o n to th e back seat o t his auto-

" o n “the w oy home, he stopped a t N orm Costle Town poUceheodquartera to display his gome. Ca

W hen ho opened tho back wall(d o o r the duck flew o u t and away, out

sm oi’ — StaU

Ben Hogan Wins unbl

Final Major Golf Tourney of 1948

GLENDALE, Calif.. Oct. 18 (/P>— s<jut Q o ll'a protcAslonal nomads scat- te re d to th e lo u r winds Monday th e j,y ; 10<8 tou rnam en t campaigns v irtu - preti a lly over, a n d once again th e w in- n e r o f th e la s t one was Ben H ogan, p u ^

H ogan won the Inaugural tW.OOO a ie n d o le open Eundoy wlUi a 13- im d e r p a r score cf 315 for th e "n ho le s of play a t the O akm ont Coun- t ry club. “ „

B antam B en erased Lloyd M an- RTum’s victory hopes tn Sunday 's f in a l round w ith o 64—eight blows u n d e r p a r to r Uie course a n d ^ b reak ing th e eompeUtlve rcoord o»M hun g up previously In th e to u r- . n a n ic n t by Sk ip Alexander, Lexlng- " ' J ,

M a n jru m a tarted the round fou r s tro k e s la f ro n t of Hogan, bu t w en t ^ tw o over on th e par 38 fro n t n ine . - • H o cam e back in four strokes u n der ^ p a r fo r a 38-33-70 and a to ta l o f 377. bu t Bogan hod already c linched „ th e victory.

H ogan, before heading for h is ^ ho m e a t P o rt W orth, Tex., pocketed t 3 ,4S0 firs t m oney and brought h is com ings up to $30,847 In PG A - Jnce sponsored tournam ent play th is ye a r .

M ongrum received 11,780 a n d b ro u g h t his eam ln g i to 834J9SJ2.

S U p A lexander finished In th ird Ol p la ce w ith a CS for 379 and 81,340. py t a n d Cary Mlddlecoff, M em phis, “ le gm bbed fou rth wllh a 71 for 363 W as a n d $1,100 to round ou t th e top m oney wlnnera. anc<

Barney Glavin 3 Wins Shoot With X Perfect Score

B arney O lavln broke 80 s tr a ig h t T ) ta rg e ts Sunday a t the Snake lU ver and O u n club-grounds to w in th e p ro c - muc Uee shoot. Club SecreU ry B e n T l TU lery eald a large crowd wos p re - In g t s e n t to w atch the shooters, w ho gon, w ere getUng In Uielr final p rac tice U l l b e fo re the S u n Valley shoot n e x t USC S unday . T he Snake R iver club grounds will bo closed Uils w eek- c , e n d . Tillery said.

Scores follow:80 Targeta

B arney G lovln SO, A rt Wood 48.L . V. RoUirock 48, E. M. Sweeley 47. h™** BUI NItschke 47, Don Olavln 47. W illiam KU bom « , L. H eldem on ^ 48. Joe B ursy 48. H. H ogsett 45, R . F a l te r 43, B. TUlery 43. R. B acon J J ! " 41. E . W hile 43, Oeorge Detwelller 37. Oeorge Bevins 37. R. TuUoch 44.

K T arget. ,D . Rogerson 23. j . Moore 34, R .

M a rk 33, M entch 72. Kj-le 32. ^Itandleap

R . P alter 23. j . Moore 23, D . S."? RoRerson 23, L. V. Rolhrock 33. *•*} B . TUlery 23. B . Olavln 31, B. N it- ^ * 5 sc hke 18. D. O lavln 10, R. M ark 17.M . O ray 18. W . Kllbom 20, M en tch t®. 20 nlle l

Double*J . Burgy 43. D. Rogerson 20. L. V .

Rot2irock 40. J . Moore 37. B. N it- Ax BChke 37. R. P aller 37, B. O lav ln wUl 37. L . Heldeman 37. LewU 37. th e

—------------------------- bour

Whitman Hammers ^ t NICE 39 to 0 S™

LEW ISTON. Oct. 18 t« V -r\l\ir | — a e r ia ls and two running play* b ro u g h t the W hitm an M issionaries touchdow ns Saturday n igh t a s they d e feated tb e N orthern Idaho Col­lege o l E ducation foolbaU team 30 to o .

T h o visitors dominated th s play a f t e r the f i r s t quarter, scoring twice In each of th o fUial th ree period*. * D o n SlTerts, speedy halfback , took c a re o f th e running a tU ck a a d C a lv in B ores, U lsaloaary (luarte r- b a ck , led In th e pass o f l ^ w . _

V i ^ DlMoffglo led tb e NaUonia le ag u e In s tr ik in g o u t during s ix M asons. ^


G a t ih R eate. Oregon S ta le qttarlerbac « tu r to r a t Berkeley, C altf. He was iipae Klein (Sa), c o a rd t and Doke Zenovlch (AP w lrepboto)

f g p j

Cai and Oregon Ki Top West Coast ^ College Clubs lS

SAN FRANCISCO. O ct. 16 (/Ph- Iron Footboll has reached th e mld-sea> son mllo post In th e fa r west. T h e hy,.) cham pionship pn ttcm of the Coast ^ f 2 conference la clearly outlined a s of q i this da le . ed t

C aliforn ia 's Dears pack the big Dar: wallop. T hey 're undefeated In or lels. ou t o f the league. L as t w eek's in d t sm oshlng 43-0 trium ph over O rrgon ged S la te crosed ony lingering doubts, dres

U n lvcn lly of Oregon a lso has an r unblem ished contereiice record. In Colc fac t hos won threo to C ollfom la's lock lono conque.^t os of now. B u t Oregon icUJj lost to M ichigan. 14-0, outside and gpre barely squeaked by Its la st two for league opponent.i, Idaho . lS-8 and Sou thern California, 8-7. Incldcn- « tally, th a t two touchdow n setback by M ichigan m akes O regon look . p re tty good In view of M ichigan’s A ] lost two trem endous wins, 40-0 over _ Purdue a n d 28-0 over NorthTi-estem. I ? j

Gal Record B etter NevertheleM , CaUfom la has th e ^

b e tter record and from a ll Indlca- lions w ill go th rough the .%ea.v)n xm- scathed . Oregon may pull through w ithou t a conference stum ble to . sn a rl u p tho race. I t Is zYgreltablo .p these tw o clubs do n o t m eet th is season.

C a llfon ila Uikes to tho rood for tw o weeks. T his Saturday . I t will m e et WoahUigWn a t ScotUe. B arring “ r a in a n d muddy underfooUng, the Bear* figure to roll over W ashing- ^ ton . p a s t perform ances raUng th is tn e favoritism . T he lo iter dropped a 10-0 ^ decision u> Its cross-Atat« rival, » a i Wa.-\hlnRton S ta le , la sl week. a si

H ost to an old PacUIc Coast c o u - o 'c i fsrence rival before a homecoming m ol day crow d of 33,500, th e crim son m at c lad O ougan knifed 38 yards to th e N goal lino of the aslonLihed. o ff-bal- a t ance University ol W a.ihlngton te am to 1 early In tho second qua rte r a t P u ll- Um' TTmn, h is

T hreats Stopped C hecking every sign o f a th re a t .

by th e Invading Hu.ikles from over ' th# m ountftlw . S U u tu rned a ” W ashing ton fumble Into three m ore points In the fourth sU m ia. Dill Lip* ,, p lnco tt booled Uie victory Insur- ^ ance, th e hall traveling 23 ya rd s from th o po in t of th e placeklck. " ' i l

•Up to th a t m om ent th e Wa.-ihlng- ton fann kep t up thclr hopes th a t Uie badly bogRfd Husk>- o l lc n s e - P ‘“- w hich b iased brlghUy In upictU ng UCLA only la st week—would get roUUig.

TUB su n was brigh t, th e field f a s t a n d th o a ir crisp b u t Uiere was too ,, m uch C ougar on Rogers field. ,

T h is w eek-end a l Eugene. W ash* ■*' ■ Ington S la te wlU hook up wlUi O re - gon. T h e dope fovors Oregon even U 11 d id w in by only one point from « ' u se . -p ,

S b n fo rd Surprise* J ! i.S tan fo rd , tho su rp rbc te am of lo s t n

week, re tu rn s homo for a m eeting wel w llh Sou lhcro C alirom la. In Los reU Angeles la.it Saturday . S tan fo rd pia: brok# a U ir« -gam e losing s tre ak h ib by ta k in g tho UCLA BruUis Into ii cam p. 34-14, a f irs t class upset. T h e rep win w as m ost opportune. Sp irits u v t wero flagging m th e Ind ians ' g rid - cxh tron wigwam s a n d they had gone L In to th e game w ith th e D nilns as moi th e short-enders. T h e y ll be red h o t to fo r “O ld SO.- leai

W h e th e r DSLA wUl be able to re ­pa ir som e of tho dam age this w eek- cn end Is problemaUcal. T h e DnUns will e n te r ta in the beaten b u t alw ays , try ing • O regon S to te Beavers. T ho n o r th e rn team bntUed rig h t down to th e la st m inute again st de fi- n lle ly superior C alifornia arid I t wUl fop,behoove UCLA to bo on ed ie, com# ___S a tu rd ay .

A no the r conference engagem ent wUl p it M ontana agaUist Idabo on th e la tte r 's Moseow field. M ontana bounced bock from a fea rfu l l>eat>Ing by WSO U> defeat M ontaim S ta te . 14-0. Idaho , however, gave O regon *uch a tussle tw o wrcks ago It ra te s tha call over M ontana. ^



OoedlBg 47 - B epert 88 Tw ta r a n * U «


I Pass Intercepted

B l

Tback, Is e a h is w ay daw s a f te r ta te re ep n paet by Jim T u n e r (left) . UC tackle. l ( tc h (O) guard, OSC; a a d Jim loglcaby ('

King Hai Hunter C Bags 230-pound, rp Eight-Point Buck

OLENNS FERRY, Oct. 18 - O . H . I j L lsh. King UlU, holds tho record for th e tjiggest deer killed by hu n te rs from th is area so la r th is season . T) H o bagged a 23-pound. cIglit-poU it b n lt buck w hich hod an anU er sp read o f t o f 27 Inches. dny

O ther local hun te rs who have U ll- recc ed big deer aro Turley T eeter. M yrl 35 i D arling. Paul H erron. L . H. D a n - S un lels. H. Knlgge and N. A. M iller, t i I nd ian Cove. M. H. Janousek bag- ged a tw o-year old bear w hich th e dressed ou t 180 pounds. wild

R. K . Johnson. owTier o f the F e rry tory Cold Storage, Is oflcrlng a y e a r’s q locker ren ta l to the hun te r w ho n ini kills th e deer w llh the blggcJt a n U e r in spread. He Is o flerlng a sim ilar p rlzo (oui fo r the m ost unuauol 4CI of an tle rs . D el

San Francisco dcf!

And Cleveland Remain Unbeaten

By U nited Press UnUl tho Son Francisco P o r ty -

NUiers and lha Cleveland Brow nsclash Nov. 14 tho All A merica con- °ference appeared de.illned today U) .b e topped by two team s. ti?

T h a t 's the way It stood a.n S an r ra n e ls c o picked up iLi e ig h th vie- to ry In a row Sunday while Clove- land , tho defending cham pion, waa annexing No. 7.

A lbert Sblnee £F ranU fl Albert, as usual, p aced th e

th o rollicking Forty-N iners to a 31 iia ;lo 7 trium ph over Uie New Y ork b ojY ankees while the Brovnis rode over p ida sea of mud to a 31 to 14 v ic tory i sover Uio reorganized Buffalo Bills, pasm ainly on the magio a rm of a u to - decmoUe O tto O raham . *1

New Y ork gained a m oral victory, beea t least. In holding San F rani:lsco Bbito le u th a n 30 points fo r Uio f irs t toU m e th is season, but A lbert was broh is usual sell ond th a t pa id off. th e

Passes 20 T arda _ p u iTho d e ft lUUo T -m aster passed woj

20 yarda to John Slrzykalskl fo r one pna score and dove over the goal lin e fora n o th e r. Joe Perry go t tho fUiol Tl^•Prlsco m arker In the la s t pe riod iT ja f te r a 41-yard drive. Spec S a n d e rs w>scored tho lone Y ankee ta lly , d riv ing X Jo « r f r« n the three. i

T lie gome oIao produced one o f theBeason'.t wierdest—a n d grea tes t— gm plays when A lbert dropped ba ck top u n t from lUs own 47. T h e pas.-i s t . from centcr waa wide, bu t A lbertre trieved It. and w llh a .ho rde ot gY ankee linemen on hla ta ll, booted p icth e ball on the dead ru n . se nd ing h isII out of bounds on tho New Y ork ho( 13 yard line. ics;

----------------------------- roll

Joe Louis Slates S Exhibition Bouts

NEW YORK, O c t 18 (;P )-H cavy - gocw eight champion Joe Louis, w hose A ureU rem ent Is sUll up In th e a ir, %p lans a series o t fou r-round ex- L«ih ib iuons this fall. • ' hot

H arry Mendel, the Bom ber's p ress twcrepresentaUve,- announced a tc n ta - 1Uve schedule calling fo r th e f irs t theexhlblUon a t A tlan U O cL 30. N a

Louis has announced h is re ti re - wa: m e n t b u t ther# is ta lk h e will r e tu rnto the ring lo defend h is crow n a t 1le as t one mor# tUne. the


In w ealth and praised a s the g re a t- , , e s t racer of lhe cen tury . C ita tion ^ prepa red M onday to he ad for BaU l- m ore and ano lher easy $23,000 be­fo re tak ing a well earned vacaUoru



1 soUclt yotir bosUiesa

W. 0 . SMITH n, A T n u t Bldg. P h . 139 J L__


FOR L E S SProperly



GLOYSTEINSK ear 380 Srd Ave. N orth


ninidid:p o s '

migw h cin

T l

o f t

Perutheeis in

Inb eatUnaDlxlfroff

reepU nf Callforala pat# la ic c m d tu w 1. l 9 le Nelson 1721, tackle; F o rres t - ^ d >y (78), t i c Uekle, a re e a t o f jrfay. jectl


----------------------------------------------------- fro r

Chicago Cards ki Trounce N. Y. Gfents 63-35 ”*

B j M l r t P m .T lie Chicago C ard inals ' grim

bniU e U) hold the ir cham pionship o f the NaUonal footballs league to-dny was responsible for threo new _records, se t during the C ards' C3 W " j., 35 win over the New Y ork G iants Sunday. *

T lie Cards lotm d the O lanb" de- whefense praclleally non-ex is ten t In (anith o batUe a t lho Polo grounds, the T hewildest-scorlng tll f In league h is- puslto ry . c;

Oeorgo H alas' Chicago Bears re- «ive tnnlncd th e only undelcated teamIn the league by winning their g tailo u r th s tra igh t, 28 to 0, over the to 1D etro it Lions. rea l

4tb S tra igh t AI t m arked the fourth successive tro i

de fea t for the oulm anned Detroiters,w ho played w ithout Uielr ace ha lf- r o rb(\pk. D ullcl m i Dudley. The Lions p c nk e p i tho score a t a respectable 14-0 „ j a t the half bu t Chicago pushedacross two more tallies In Uie fourth _q u a rte r on sh o rt plunges by George '■* O ulyanlcs and ,Joe Osmaailcl.

Steven Van Buren nnd DoshP ritcha rd spearheaded Uie Phllatlel- J - ' p h la Eagles to a convincing 45 to 0 tr ium ph ov ;r tho W ashlncton Red-sU ns. T h e Eagles moved Into f irs t Alap lace In tho EasUrm division by th e J|victory and maiiufacturetl 28 ll r s t ^downs to Uo a lengue record. uck

Yank* Upset H itBoston's underdog Yanks upse t ^

th e Pittsburgh Steelers, 13 to 7. «onR a lp h Heywood, an end. scored I 'i”BosU)n'R firs t touchdown w hen h e Bonpicked u p a Steelcr fumble and ra n e r a18 yards, while Roy Zim m erm an’s tim passes sparked Uie Yanks to th edeciding tally. o t

T he O rcn Bay Packers, who h a d rbe en fined for Indllterent play , . d ,abunced tho Los Angeles Rom s, 16 Knii to 0. Dob Woterllcld of Uie R am sbroke th e lourth league record of .wi,th # day by getUng off an 88-yord n . ,p u n t w hlla anoUier circuit m a rk „ io w as Ued when seven ol W atcrlleld ’s pnasca were Intercepted.

M. Cooper Faces Bad Check Count

HARTVILLE. Mo.. Oct. 18 OP)— M orton Cooper, former m ajor lea­gue plu:hing sU r. was expected to su rrender Mondoy to auUiorlUes a t S t . Louis where he Is w anted o n a c harge of passing bad checks.

Sheriff Ju n e s Baker said h e h a d picked up Cooper Sunday n ig h t a t h is Norwood home and th a t Cooper h a d admitted caching $300 in w orth ­less checks In St. Louis. Cooper waa released when St. Louis o lflclala accepted his promise to su rrender Monday.

Baker said Cooper had expected to sign a contract with an unnam ed basebaU club and make th# checks good when hc cashed them In August.

W arran ts for Cooper’s a rree t w ere L«ued Friday on complaints o f a ho te l mannger who s.iid h e h a d tw o $50 checks signed by Cooper.

The big riKht hander waa voted th e mosl valuable pitcher In th e N ational leaKue In IS43. w hen h e w as w ith tho SL Louis C ard inals .

There are 34.000 separate f irm s in th e U. s. oil lndustr>’.

^ C ertified ■nd I I - ^ P P ^ o v e d


Bee Line Truck Rental

U-DRIVETariDO* type traeka (<w aO yoni need* — Drive II yesrsetf. Save Meeey. Bate* Bcaaeaable — N e Bond Reqtdred.

TRUCKS for RENTBlake Bros. Mobil Serric«

a Polats E a s l. , . .P b e a e 1*71


Irish, Wol Back to T

N EW YORK, O c t 18 (rtV-MichI ning streaks in college football, wei didates fo r national honors. T he Lposing array , bu t th e s c h e d ------ules seem to favor these, two m ightJes from th e m idlands ' I ’ who finished las t season 1-2 J L In th e Associated P ress poll. _ _

T h e eaet. c rad le o f th e sp o r t t t ] M c a n no longer dom tnate, h a s four of th e unblem ished representaUves In Army, Cornell. Petm sylvanla and P e n n SW te, b u t they scuffle among ^ them sehfea la a round-robln th a t „ 1» likely to leave a ll o f them scarred.

In b e tte r shape are Uie o the r u n - ^ 1 b e aU n s-O e o rg la T ech. N orth Caro-U na a n d Clemson from th e h e a r t o f -------Dixie, and CallfonU a and Nevada ^ from th# fa r west. I s

M eet SeeUoaal Foe*T h e th ree sou thern team s to r- A .

tu n a te ly don’t run in to each other a n d w ind up th e ir schedules against M cUonal foes. CoU lom la plays o G | s t r ic t Pacific coast card th# re s t of th e w ay. Nevada, th# lltUe. team th a t leads th e nation in offense, doesn 't m eet opposIUon of th e sUe Colo; to w arran t m uch na tional consider- * «UDn. P « “

Two Of Uie unbeatens collide th u Sa tu rd ay when Army m eets Cornell a t I th ac a . T hey hav# won four . **; S ra itJ c a th . ‘ • “ ! '

M ichigan 's Wolverines graduated from tho quesUon-m ark class S a t- u rday w ith a resounding 28-0 con- quest o f Nofthwftjtern. TTiej* proved ,1: they could ttlU get a long w ithout a ll-A m crlca Bob Chappuls and D um p E lU btt

I t w as Michigan'# 18th w in In a *■0®- and

Irish Look Good scheiN otre Dam e also tu rned In a pro-

fi'j .ilonally poised perform ance In ut subduing Nebraska. 44-13. Nobody went seemed to m iss Johnny Lujaek as took th e IrLih w ent through th e ir 22nd card, gam e w ithou t a delea t. ’ 20-7

N orth C arolina’s big, ta len ted Texa tenm —No. 1 In the AP poU lasl 111 w e e k -fe ll sh o rt of expectations was w hen I t ra n up against an aroused over fam ily rival. N orth C arolina S ta ir . The T ho T arheels p u t on a la s t h a ll threi push to get a 14-0 victory. tcan

C allfom la 'a Dears were Im prcs- th e i slve In scoring the ir flfUi sU-aight Tl; tr iu m p h —a - 42-0 ro u t of Oregon 14-0 S ta t^ —b u t It'll take tougher m eat a s D to show Just how good th e Bears dowi rea lly a re . a th

A rm y, led by O il Stephenson, cotfl trounccd H arvard, 30-7. P e n n Uilrc S ta te won over W est V irginia. 37-7. ondj C ornell sm othered Syracuse. 34-7. the P e n n a n d P en n S tale were unbcat- cd. en la s t year, too.

Teck Drub* A nbum •G eorgia T cch , opcraUng ono of ,

th o cleverest ba ll-handling Warns in i - ” " th e c ountrj' w ith Its razzlc-daxile T . chalkcd up No. 4. w hipping Au- b u m . 37-0. A lier Florida th is week.T ec h m eets Duke, Tennessee and , A labam a on succcMlve Saturdays— _ a m ean row. Clemson waa Idle. « .

N evada kep t Its alatc d e a n by g ^ , licking St. M ary's G ad s In a Sunday gam e, 48-20. o ,

Mississippi, th e S o u t h e a s t e r n conferenco cham pion, and M ary- la n d , which w ent through th ree f“ gam es w ithout having Ita goal line Grossed, were S a turday’s upset vie- >, tlm s.

----------------------------- V,U T E TACKLE OKAY J f

DENVER. Oct. 18 c;n — C lark , av Adam.1, Unlverally o f U tah foot­boll ployer, was released from Pres- C R by tc rian hospital Sunday. T ho R ed- P' sk in taskle waa Injured In th e UUih- Nik. D enver university gam e Sattirdoy Col( n ig h t. Hospital a ttendan ts sold they was found no evidence of a b ra in In- Moi Jury a s waa f irs t reported. p ita


ilverihes Be rop in~Gri(iichigan and N otre Dame, sailing al w ere back in th e ir fam iliar roles Me be list o f unbeaten, untied team s i

Twin Falls En Pocatello Clul

By T he AawclatcdI h e r e Is b u t one conferenco U lt th is we<

scRool football conference. T h a t game sees tng w llh Tw in P alla on the Burin field. Bol Blackfoot goes to Idaho Falls and Caldwel______________________________' confer


Colorado Ags ,S; And Utes Top S Skyline Six

DENVER. OcL 18 (;d —U U h and Nor Colorado A. a n d M. led Uie Skyline dustrl S ix football race today and a ll signs Coeur pointed tow ard a definite UUe d e - Lewlsl c lslon w hen th o two team s m eet a t bou F o r t Collins. Colo.. Nov. 0. high

T lie U tes. seeking the ir second s u A s tra ig h t confercnce cham pionship Ashto and defin ite favorlUss to mak# good, n o n : rolled ahead Sa tu rday n igh t w ith a n o n ;- 17-0 victory over D enver. Home

T he Colorado A. and M. Ram s Merid m a in ta ined th e ir record as tho only e u o unbeaten . unU ed m a jo r team In tho jhone Rockies by stopping Wyoming 31*M. p _ . I t waa Uielr th ird eonsecuUv# Sky- Une Six tr ium ph and le lt only U tah a n d B righam Ymuig on th e ir league ’ schedule. 8*0^

ThrUUng T ilt LewU U h s ta te and B righam Young d'Aler

w en t outaldc th e conference and jpsg took th e lickings th a t wcro In th e . y cards. O U h S U te leU belore WlchlUi 20-7 a n d B'YU waa outscored by T exas M ines 34-20. ^

H ighlight o l la s t w eek-end’s play was A. a n d M.’s thrilling victory over previously unbeaten Wwomlng. Kk. i,; T he Cowpokes, w ho had racked up N.mpi th ree easy wlna over "b reather- ' team s, found th# goUig tougher-U i i^.hs th e conference. *—7

T he R am s spotted th e Cowboys a *«"• ‘ 14-0 lead. Uicn cam e back to w in _ , a s Dob H ain len ra n for one touch- down. poMed for a no ther and se t up “ ‘r® a th ird w ith a kick to Wyoming’s coffin com er. W yoming scored its Uilrd touchdow n In Uie la st 30 sec- onds b u t Eddie T alboom 's kldc for «< th e previous ex tra po in t was block- schoo cd. camp

Ute* V*. W yoming -------. U tah can p u t a dcflnlie end to th e Wyoming th re a t by beaUng the Cowpokes nex t Salurdoy a t S alt L ake City.

Utah'K win over D enver wo.< ex­pected b u t Uie Ute.v were outplayed fo r three qua rte rs before putUng on a lasl-perlod . drive lo score two touchdow ns and a field goal.

B righam Young will play a t UUih S ta te S a turday In a second confer­ence game. D enver will enterta in S t. M ary’s oiid D rake wlU be a t Colorado A. & M.

College Footballs i;nday

St.Urmt 40. Bl. jM tph'i (Inj.) II Bt. Thomu t l . St. Ambroa* 1*

, a t Vlno n t » . AUUm » H ■ ^


Nlksle. reserve fuUback for Uie Colorado sU te coUege foolball team . _ w as repo rted In "good" condlUon n«p. Monday a t Pocatello G eneral hoe- ci»«pltaL I___

s a Custom

?OWN. BLENDED WHISKEY, 86.8 Proof. 65?i Cnln Ni Ttra-DitUllsn CorporatJBfl, ChiytUr Building, New Tor


B o u n c e

r i d R a c eng along on tho longest win. es Monday as the leading can- ims numbers 11» still an Im-

Entertains f iub Friday^ ^ k ^ Uio Idaho Dig S ir high le sees once-beaten Pocatello Uulgl- id. Boise and Nampa wUl rest, whll# laldwell travels to Em m ett fo r non- conference games. AU games wUl be Friday.

T he le tup In the race follows a week-end In which a ll U am s met conference foes. Nampa took a 35-8 lacing from Pocatello, Caldwell and Boise fought u a 13-13 Ue, and Ida ­bo FalU lost to Twin Palls 14-C.

OUier high school games Uils week Include:

NorUiem I d a h o - ld a h o S U te In- dustrlal school. St. A nthony, a t Coeur d ’Alene; PuUman. Wash., a t , Lewiston.

South and east Id aho -M ad lson high. Rexburg. a t Midway: S ugar a t SU AnUiony; Driggs a t Shelley: A shU n a t Rigby: CholUs a t Sal­mon: Lova H ot Springs a t MeCam- m on;- Middleton a t FrulU and: Homedalo a t New Plym outh, and M eridian a t Vale, O re,: H ansen a t Elko, Nev.. and Cooding a t S t o ^ ' shone.

Snake R iver Valley co n fe re n ce - Nyssa. Ore.. a t O nU rlo, Ore., and Payette a t Welser.

Scores of other week-end gomei: Lewiston 18. Moscow 8; Coeur •

d ’Alene 38. Bonners P e rry fl; Kel­logg 14, Sandpoln t 13; BU M aries 0. W allace 0; Pullm an. W ash.. 13, PoU atch 13; E m m ett 2S, Paye tte 0; Blackfoot 37. S t. A nthony 7; Salmon 20, P lrth 0.


C«Ulw.U______ i 0 Iz 11 SO .•«V«c«l«llo ______ 1 1 0 K 1* .«MN .ttip .________I t « » « .*00Twin F4IU ____ 1 1 • Jl

r t u " " 0 e I* Jl 80 »oX—Tl« f >tn>^c«IraUt«l u 9(i* ktlf *uat

won. on* halt t*mm kxt.

'This ts B ert LoBrueherle's 20lh consecutive year as a fooUiall coach. D uring th a t Ume h# h a s coached a t only two schools, bo th h ts alma m aters. LaBrucheri# m entored lo r 18 seasons a t Loa Angeles high school and Is s ta r tin g h is fourUi cam paign a t ,UCLA.



The Radiator Shop233 2nd Ave. E. Phone S319


riaih asdn«p«lr «na Htcor*. N»w »»<ll»toJm. Ci»«rt work. MUifMtloa (W IBImJI

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Gnin Niutnl Splrid. . ^ 8 1 New York H S n


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CH, HACK. I WHO MIGHT / ABCr r a A ■ h a ^ ^ w o r k / p o r /

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. /IjAONOKA.MVPeAl^aUMVONl , \ l i IAHI88C0KWANPSAHIB i \ \ \ 1 , T *V W i j TWEY W O O I P ^\ ' ' n y tHAKB W TW*


f" •

I f o i A T N I V c A » rT \« 0 U N O m > 'ia iM i

“ ^ T m E i g l ^ s sOpLft? ^ f l U M S B n j f H i r - r <

0 m . f-slPSaV M H L A I

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WAT'S CKAy pan 'W I f i ;m r ^ tAOCBTet SUT HOW ■ / HNOUOH. A 50U T AN AO ■ HACK. W R J-

9 R AUTO R S fM R ■ A C C esrr ' CA90UNH ALLHV ■ V tW O ’ 7 H » , ■ y -------y O N tA a B T M V W B S K ', A

c^rwmf i l

J WD HAi>n’ k)o <ik7 n^ I n Ii ^ R * u


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Pl«w t!

" V I COULD ' c a s a 14. TAKB CARSE U . O P A F E Wrr MORS « K T .

H f l 'Ilu I

) 5 f S S K » £ “ l W ^ p l -

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

l l ^ / ' M a r k e t ■ » ' • ' « «

■ S t o c k s■ MARKETS AT A GLANCE "

N»W-TOnit. Oct. II M>- *•> a tM k * -l« n U r: U u tS ln f oiu

»■. W h«t~6U «lri apo rt !>»>•» burlni. Cora—rin a i «mtb com >oU lo D>n> oo

BUk.0>U—au*.lT wllb etkir cnltia.llran—Acllr* and fullr i«» ■"(Utlt»>-3IM4r t« M MBta hichtrl

•op inn e w TOIUt, O tt J l M^-LnU •.llloff

halud » n l l r In th. tUxX ciirL.l u>4>r wllh p rlf« •ndini IrrnttiUrlr hiihw. •»'

Th«»olu».ofl«Jln»w ««lw utl,»« ,«0 *«• • U m , lh« hichat la »Mk<.

StMli «aa alU IM Ih. rl.. UBlIl ,U.» «<

tT IlU htlPw Jlirt Ul. *.UT *"* .In Ib . T.n on Ih. rU. - t t . U. B. 81..I,

vrhick cea.tl un(h«UMl. *nd SundkrU OilK m ‘hish* for tk. j u r m r . rMchnI h>>

W N.Uoei.l Hl«l. U«lhlfhm SU.1 iibd Icib .. s

•d««l Inlo hlsb.r fnumi t>r rr.elioiu }’ to u ntich u ■ polnl. Uillllla nmalnrd ><' ■teodr mo.t or Ih. (Ur Itl a n.rrow r«nf*. Wolan llpsnl ilnwn. ‘

Klock.n hlsti.r Includwl f=int* K«. Nkk.I >"■ PUU. N<iTlhtrti I'JMlfk, J-«clIle W=Urn I*' on , rh ilp i Dods., Ani'tinda, Air 11*< fluclloo. WMllnshou... (Uitman Kodjk. Doti(Ua Alrcran, Ollirr Corp., Caterpillar Traelor, Woolwgrlh and Uoodrlch.

NEW TORK STOCKS 'PJA iuS rH ii?"* ' JSlIi lL e k h ^ '" ‘ S". Am** A^rlTL ” s Mu’'^ i . l T.t * ‘

Am » * n Nat nii^ult I ISAm T * T 1b:< N .t C»h 4JS Am Tob pf jj :*, N .l Il.irr J*,,A rn « j |m « l ^:»5. m i ! si-i

n llh u ! l NoJ AmVr*’ loS i*';Uendli IC Nor I’a'lfle 21B«Ui SlMl X;S Ohio Oil «S I-IlMlni 11', l'oclfl« Cu U*4Ilordrn 41% I’atkird 4^Du.kl Co 10 TImkli. «»S »«Cmllt i-a«k 40 i'.ra I'la 31 *!-<Can Dry lOS I'.tinrr 47 >o°Can I'aclfle U S IVnn KR m»j » "Ctol.x '* r ‘ I'UM O?! « S Carro d . Paa t m KCA UU <^ 0. A Ohio IM. H.pt.b Sl«l sod ••I-S l T c i j i f f i X ! , S - !i<Com So pfd i t ' ; -Hr«r. Ilo.b 40 SS.; Con (^pp«r iL MImmon. 20^ 22Jc2!I mi‘‘ i!’.i }S° ri'ifia . M tl ■ CCorn I’rod »5 Sp.frr »SH? X a. s„ ! : , i ! ! s s . ? i : ; s s

Soul Air eoU Trta. Ca 17^ moDuI-oBt USH T .l Cul{ BdI «J‘I »;•'Ka.i Airline* ll>> Trani Amn- t I S 1 -'& -K S !!“ i r e ' s - ' " irS Is:K in r 4 I. tlV, Un Oil 12^ odd

f f i S f f i S : . !ffi K

BBL :■ d ■ sS „ .. ® £

S!,S ;‘£ ' i i k s : ; .”" . ? .ffiIdaho roir tS Wm Un SOU I111 C nlral leU \V»t Alrbr ITii »o<Int • *»lj W «l Kl.e 2»Ji IMInt J'ap.r 13^; Wlllu *9^ 25.<Int T A T 11% Wo«l.orib 41 It*K«in«ol» Z.OIU, lT>i Ck rcx« »Vi «oo


Am fiup.r 11; Nlwara Hud R >00llankir lllll Sli; Quak.r OaU *1 Koo

QwU Mln 11% UUh Id* Hue 3S

Stock AveragesCaaplM J ^ U I .d ^ P r« .^

Iiidui. Ualli UilU Suxki RNtX th a n n _ A.2 unch A.: A.l _ nM opdtr_____«!.» 44.7 4Q.D SS.X i»o!I'rrrloua ila r_ <L* 44.7 40.7 St.l 1? aWMk u o ----- »:.« 44.2 I0.> t».I ClMonth a to __ S».7 41.4 lO.I <1.7 , 1i»T« iMfb z i ; sa!? 4SI Tr* Ji'i,1(41 Low ---- » . t 27.T UO t l . l rani

Butter and Eggs »|I - — I ■ ■■■■ !■ I xoo;

CHICAGO. Ocil 11 MV-dlSOAVI-I.. fo -l flr» . halaiK. .u .d7 : r«.lpta 11 , trxKb. on* car: pricn nnehaM^l to a e .n t lowM- osUld. eo frym : (obi fowl ^ #0.tl l«hora fowl : i ; rou im JfcHi * „ frr.m and broIUr. old rwi»i«. M;fob w bol.ul. mark.II duckllnii Ml bMvrdwka a i j »m*II dock* C . ” ,

JIiKt« fln»j r« .lpu tiro dan »«.»70:

E cn •iMdri nr.IpU two d*» It.OU] t ir prJe« a ««nt a dn.ni hUb.r on all B™d« J ^ U. a. cxlnu 70 p ,f c.nt and op A »4.«: C(m9.» rtr r .n t A t l j U. fl. .tand.r<las i i i s s ? - £

HAN F tu N a n c o SAN yRANCISCO. Oct. II CUPI-Bot-

t*r> «2 *«or. U -tli M .cor. i l ; es *cor. noihlnf. _

C h .« .i Crad. A to*f IM t; «r»d. A 9*'* trJpl.ia 44.^e.K en t Crad. A Ian . 67.«7U[ crad. A

mnllasi (S-U 4; frad. A .mall Cl; trad.U U r,. 4#.4»5?. ______

LOS ANC ( O P ) - r j , . l “ •«wholMal. pricn co&iun.r irad .; U n . " Y? ■rad. A 70.7*! m«llura «0.«S: .mall 44.41 j

CandlHl «cs. to r«ull.t« (carlona two Crnta hl<hff) 1 i:xlr« U n . crad. AA caacak ; “ r A i ‘7 .u 'y , s = f ' j i -c a .« «».7I; tars, srail. n S447: m«iium

j . j d . A A .m.l]HouUrri Lnhom bnlWr. 2U llx and ■■

ond.t SM I: Irrrf. roInr*l lo J ll«.3C-J»: fr»rra rolortd M Il« S4.)t, ,olutBl ^ , n>*iUr* 4 IU. and o>rr S«-S>; fo»| iMbom “" 1 " * 't i- l«hor„ 4 lu l O’ T

i».4J: rabMu -h iu I lha. a.d ,« J „ BU^batlrr (p r l^ .to r«UIl.r» In carter^.)! I^otU

Crad^AA 7S-74: r« d . A 7S.7I, , r a i . H.U.V»al«

1 CotU

Potatoes-OnionsI Soft

ClilCARO |S -------CIIICACO. Oct. l»<UI->-roUtomatl.rt•lft.n*tr.

manU 2.440. lUrl.Track M ln (100 lt«.)i Idaho Itiuarta O tu

U. S. 1 *IM A «* .h .i a.5<M.u. J)*k.n 10 *lto 4.«4. Idabo stilllr LU-DS. Colo, rado HcaoTM U- S. I t i t . A wa.h.d I.U.unwaihnl SJO.'North Dakota and Minn.- n~J .Mta n«l rlrw Tall.r ».<!lon Dllia Tflomph. AUIk.U. S. I a lu A tinwafbnl U i . CoraoMrcUl AlfU »a*h«j fcM. WUeoulD Bllu Trlu*phi {Ti V. a . I ab* A wath.4 ».M. Cblpp.wu ' «ocBB*tcIal Ba«a*h«l t.M -t.tl. K.laMlM

*J0. , . , CraalOalm markM dalL I C m t. Track t»lm <M IW.^i Sw*M Sp*aUh i;9.*llU. & I t-fo. M khlna and HIobmoU Small

• f

5 ts and Fi« « « »

L i v e s t o c kDINVER

“j "I'm* toUl'l.ICIO:;*! .I.W* .lM*dy: BKllvni aU to a x ra s . find 2I.SM1JM; MWa aUadr U

I ta I lrou . tpoU UDcrrnlr hl(h.r M tijo^ tb

oth^^U aan arouad *Uadfi cannm .o j titculUn IS.M-U.Mj ihallr down to 10.041 .r>D.dlutii srai. fal b tllm tl.00.2I.04. -1

8hm> aalabla 17,0001 loUl 24.MO ; laarktlnol MitblUhnll Salunlay*. markn auadr: Mccx-d to cholf. rann lUuihler Umb. 2JJ0, l.i

Hoc. aaUbl. 700: lol.l t.MO: .Uadr: 7S■<>o<I lo chuk. )K4-I70 Itu. :7.0CuMj ai>od U<400.854 lb. aow* 21.00.S4J01 icod lo cholc. hlilUhl w.lihl. 24.7(.2S.00| sund to chck. S7fj» d ln « ^ ^ 21.001 l la n n.«ft.20.00j lUbI Oc

15 CHICAGO. 0«t*'lS*W°—(USDA)—llivi rt.■*l.bl. 11,004) ti>ul is.coo: auBdr: up 2.:

K 20.(4 paid (r*rly for w.libta :0>3M tl>.l 1

ir BO^ and ciuk . lomt und.r 4U lba.^:4.0^’ lit

,1, '*?a*lO.” a?Siu'io!o«0: lo1*I lO.SOO : cahra 78li .aUbl. «00: UUI t()»ifhulf«.i..r. at.*Ji-; :

low.r ,r*d« aod h.If.r. atron* to SO 42 .d hlih .r! oowaalcad/to :S bifbrr; top 44.7t,d ',-'‘5",

I, abu.!‘? “04j “ t” *”

^ «IT«.lo'r*cul'l*lu’ «i»^ .«’«J ».04-!pJO.* OfI*; OUAHA ia

OMAHA. Oct. II W>-(U8DA)-Ho*. Iaal.ll . 7,«OOl ti.Ul II,SOU: aelW.i barrow. I)*.nd BlIU .leadr U Zt low.ri Inalmnc. &0 Ui

, sn.M-ill B00.1 and ehok. ao-a .S.iChok. Il>ihl Wriahu ti.TS ; iU » l».00.:i.M. <

' Cam. .ajabl. J«.e00;^toj*l 2U 00: i .n .' tJ.S vn«; mo.t;r eholc. W /u

.M r. S7.00: l-tp m«IUm and »ooa St.M- 1SS.IO; lond b.K.r. 12.00; lOod cowa (UO: RpBo<«l bulla tlJO l chole. »rtlct* 27.00; M>si»I and <holc« atock.ra and fradrra 2SX0* I27.50; rholc. rcarllni. 2II.«M».4D; chr>tc. Nutn (anrr y.arllnr (wd.n SO.OOl two-jrrar. Urold r..d«ra :e.OVi cbolc. la Itpcy hcir.r Ulc alm 2V.04>S0.04 J ebok« itwT cal>es II.OO- Mi

ubiuh d*'*'’'*f l ' 'l '” f n‘w«•l"«rnawM*7 'o-V.OO: *««3” at>.^ choTc. ia"«M>0 lb, WMUrn fMdins Umb* Sl.7&.::.*5: M>■ ood and <hok. 120 Ih. .olid moulh M. w au rn brwdln« .« « 11.71.

OQ0EK. Oct. °ll°'c?)-(UBDA»-IIot» I0( i*Uhl. U4; loul «C0: w.ik to Si l»».r; chi■ I»d lu cholc lNO.210 lb. butch.n 28.00.50: ch> 14».:S0 Iba. 2i.S0.3<.40: 2U.3I0 Ilia. Sl.r.O- 1 2 S ^ : 2SO-800 lb.. Ilj^ 2 4 ,i0 l }00-3J0^IU

■ CaVtU a".lJbI.'l,5u' toUl*2.«iO; ^ i t . t .1 c?al.«**«-a fSn? 10 Vi*ehe'Tith?r «U..« .UoflK to 2S hlghrr: acatl.rtd Iota mollura . *l*nshur atcra 20.t0.:3.t0 ; common lO.UO. < 20.00; m.dlutn hrIUr. U.OO.tS.tO; cr,tn. < mon 14.T6.lt.t4: on< toad Koo.) beet ro»> JO.S^;^bulk amall lau I7,50-ll.00^:^r.lum *-Tf.w s e ^ l^ " b g l l . 2l‘.™oT2“2"tO ;'B o ..rto 1ehok. TwI.r. 3S.OO.:I.OO I .nm. hold hlsh.r; no odd lou mtdlum lo lood atock.r and fnder • tMra^SOJO-tl-W: few .tock cow. by Ih.

Shc.p »*Ubt. 1,400: tnUI 5.245: nn .a rl/ clo a*l..: oatIy^hld.^on^.f.ttr,^Mi*la u n .y ^ lr .

dKk rcplaccm.nt . - « 7.75. ‘ jPORTLAND

PORTLAND. Oct. 18 (« -(U S D A )- I lo n MUbl. 700: tnUl :,000;25.£0 hl.hrr: I U4.230 lb>. 2M.40; :tW.SOU 11... 20,00: 1 U6.170 IU. iS.04: (ood S5mi» lha. 24,00. J 25,00; h..Y , wrUbU 2J.60 down: choic. fn d rr pIsa S4.00.

CallU aaUbl. 200:'UU I l.SOO : alM.lr: 1 gnod M .iM n b.LI 10.00 : m*:lum vraaMt. 24.04.is.00; eommnti dawn to JO.OO ] <oB. n .r and cultcri cuw. I2.0<blS.04; medium , ■ood b c f cow. t 7J0. | 0.00; common l»KOod aau.ac. butl| IT.S0.2L04: ffo»d Irtf ‘ ( bulla 21.00: rood x a l.r. :«,«0-:7.00 : eholc. i 39,00; auod m Ibe. >5.00) Cotnmoa down

Bhi^p t lu b l .’'l , j » l toUl J.700J about " ‘JalMdy: cood and cbok. wooJcd Umbe ,21.S<k22.00] »«lKtcd 1«U wllh frcUhl b .0.. 'fit 22.50; m»Jlum and soo-l I0,00.:0.04: y .,


—Ilos. aalabi. 2001 ilMdy : food tu chuk.: 1»0.2)0 lla. 27.50; mrdlum and (ood mw.

22.00.2J.00. Cll:Catll. uU bl. 1,004; *t.*ily: sood fol v a

a t« r. M.OO: ti.w good SI.4040: mc tlum ai-d food h .tr .n; food ran*. ; cow. 111.00.11,54: common and tBrdlum Olf r an t, and dairy cnwi 10.00-17.50: cannen val*?0tt““o4‘ I* H h.^' .al.bl. 4,OCO| fuU» J*"*!; S «>»• ^fC

i t ; ; “ ■

KAN.tAS c n r ’ o " S'iw U P — ii "*'* 1^00; matk.t aUa'dr l« 21 lower: top 21,00.

Cam. 21.000: eal.r. S.400: aUushUr his •locni an.T.<ily .t.*dr to 50 hU h.r: a ..r- left' a s . me<tlum u aTctat. food srado fot ttn ra 26.50-IS.04: a (.w cholc h.ad .uM ^ ap to 10.50; common and mcllum srua P *Uvrt 20.00.;«.00: b.Kcra fully at.ady; ebolc acarc; mc<Iluia to low fnod ahorl f«U 21.00.1I.04; itMkrrs and fctd .n .Uady tu alruKf: food and ehok. aU .n 2s.00-:s.50; (ood U cholc m>laemcal . hcir.n 2l.OO-:i.4D: .rod and cholco itMr ealrct 2I.00.2S.S4 : bllh cholc tSO Iba. Rll«•<»• . V . . ...afuT '..rir^h|,U % l'uh“ l^^'w.*rTitroneM' prka.: sood and ehok.' tvalhn InU held abor* 25.00. InVi

LOS ANCKLm^JJu*I»'^(5>-(K.SMN)- S « CalU. laUbl. 4,700; compartd tu t Thur.. SlTC d .r common.t» kiw inwllum alecra and *11 p .h . alock un.ianly bixhcr: many aalra1.00-IZO hliih.r; lori m«llutn ^*nd »nodat^ul alaady; idkIIuri and low food alccn tho ;».OOao.OO; common and medium atMim25.00J0: common and medium h.K .r. ,^5 '22.00-24.25; mnJIum *nd »ood cow* IBJO- td « 22.10: cuttrr and common lt.00-10.00; ----- hishtr: s i^ 'a t id eholc vralm 27 37.60-S0.00^^mjdlom and food .laushlcr 14,5<

IlQSm*.'»USU 000: eleady U 2S hlshw : .Sh snod and choir. 201 Ib. Idahti bulchm toad 2V.2S; (ood and ehok. ll5-:(0 lb. tnicklai I lacki

Twin Falls ILIVX3T0CK

Cholc. bulcherm. HO-tlO Ibfc ----------»::.00 “ • »0 ..rwclsht b n lc b m ___________ »;».00 "l-acklns .ow., Ilsbt ________I20.0042.00

Coin,DatU __ L««h

K i.'y BKS ; :K ? ,___ " ‘-“ i;;.’-."! I X

— i s tB«(l wb«U prr buib.l __________ U.7S TSI

<Oi» dtairr luolodl< Darin and O.U mtik.l riactoataa with

toeal fcdcr demand. Ka Daltsrally In dall, p rk a anotcd. May nry 10. U U« from Medl Qi-oUtinn^ lltUd b.lowll Itarky. JOO^Ih*. _________________jl.je

lO'n. dcatcT qaot*il 7b’Bceo

n~J eloTvr. 100 Ib«. ________H I.00-44.00Altlk. clorrr. 100 Ibt. --------- lj5.0v.27.00 Ko.AIrUf^ 100 lb .,___________ t4s.0».«0.00 Ko.

{Two dnUr* «a«l.dl (QBKAKt -

Craal Nortttf® No. I ____________11.75 th. IC r» t NorO»ra Ko. 1 ------ wlivall r«U No. 1 ■ ■ ■■ »n i^ rspmall r»d. No. * ________________»7 JS LtrJ.^^ITvs^aaU n «oot«d. four conlactod) LarrF U te J* : Si:ii

ifoM lU tUn (OBUCUII _ timaj.

i ' i n a n c e ^« « w »

G r a i nCHICACn. Oct. l l (iPV-DuIIUh *mt». ?

I t mtnl dom!n*l«l d.allMa oa lb . board «ll. nf Had. today. AfUr a aomrahal abaky (4m atari, lb. matkil ttarlad to work hlsb.r. VJy Jl kn.1 risbi oa doinf thal throasbout ‘d; tb. ac-lon., ^ _ 1da ^^^l on.^llia.^DwmbCT^whtat. op ^ r .

^ i « « * 'b t r a ^ ‘ i*o.1l* K td ^tl W h..l ek»*j hlfhw, D ««nb«0! L « lC »V M tr“ .t3‘il!^i hUtVtf. u»c«a^rr: 75S^.-i. T7. waa IH to 2 c.nU hlfh.r, d xl Uwcmb.r 1.T2H, M>>b«ant w .r. lS -2 ‘4 W


; S i * ! - ® - - „

a. O.U No. I BiU«l TSHi No. I haary a, ■V;“ ‘ ■>••’7 « « U 1 r r l 11•; ‘ hiVhcana No. I *nd No, I y.lUw *.4*. t<>0 421'i Irack countrr .Ullon, C;* nominal; malllns M t-ias f«d aiId rield' aMd par faundrrdw.lsht Bomlnat;>a aw.«l cloT.r 1IM.14J4; r«i top 4I.50. tl >. 45.00: llmolh/ 12j0.ll.00. 01

PUTUHEfl TABLE .1 CIIICACO. (let. IS Ol')- a 0 |..n . Hlfh I.0W C l« t o

t)ec *** 2.27 J.SJHj l,t7 :.2T% ^i : S s ; ! ! !:!S5 "

; St,™ 1;!S5 VifS !!!!S b i; l;!l» !::!*■ l:liiS I:!;"- „>j neo* .74*i .7S>H .7«s .78S =

: n « ” 1.71 t,74 1.71 i.72\i h

; E l i iiiisi l i K>- M ..-^ 2.4lili 2.l« 2.41^; 2.45!.* C

i S i l i ! I : j1 i s ;!

i s 1:1 E _ i:S i s ^FLOUn h

MINNKArOLlS. Oct, 1* On-FIour In ‘J, 100 Ib. collon .acU: family p.lcnU un-

1 chanfed at C.60: XaniUtd p.lenU un- i ‘’'HuiTuJd l*r*n‘ io '" i ‘ 4J so"'u r— ^ -------------------------- - - ' 1 Ie.1 P o t a t o a n d O n i o n

• F u t u r e s iI (C nurtca ; C. W. K enalM rta aatfI. Company, EUu CWi. Phono WO)

'1 ' POTATIlErt

• ONIONS Nortmb«r-I.t» hIcU, 1.(2 law. 1.C)

I jl|-»;^^arr-V«* '>'**'• J-’* 'I" '* ; •«'t February—1.9» hlah. I.OO low, l.Oa cloac:'

■ Ma-ch-2,0S hlfh, 1.55 law. 2.4S cl.-c; «' II car*,

ATPLEH: October—l.as^^all: 9 car.. O'

I NEW VOHK. w -r..tlm au<l fCaalea of wrKil lopa wer. P0,000 p'lunilaj

™ 1,4 c n u lower: iTre.' u "u il;"M .rch Ttt •>“'>’ El■ X V i ' S ' . . ™ , . . I -• 1,5 c .n l. U . r ; U .r IM.Oll; Ju l, l«M j I f

! l s i a ? & a . . T r '

; Driver Fined .$25 I. For Recklessness “

' B rucc M. Bunker, Tw in Falls, was _, lin ed 325 nnd »3 cmU M onday in "

c lly court Jor rcckle.'u drlvlnu. Ho f;' wa.n arrested by clly police n l 11:03 , a . m . Sunday n ficr Bwcn’lnc h li c a r ,, off Uie le n aide of Blue Uikca boiilc.‘ vord norUi. *' Police said Bunker told tlicm he . drove his car oJf the s tree t to avoid . a n unldenU Ilcd c a r muVlng a lu m■ Into Palm-ay drive. T he rlRhl fro n t C

end and r ish t r tn r wheel of h is V nodan were dnmnRwl. Pnllcc Bnid lire

' m iirka indicated he hnd itlnmmcd on : h is brakes nbuul 125 feet bcfurc I leaving th e atrcel. ^

1 Cab, Trucic Crash In Minor Mishap '»!

A Yellow Cab driven by P au l R . Hills, 110 Quincy street, was struclc n i by n plekup driven by Florence E . j,™ MontRomery. route 2, and forccd „ „ in to n stopped iruek In a collUlon ^ '■ InveatlBatcd by city police a t 0:50 - / n. m . M onday n t th e Intersection of " Sccond avenue souUi and S eventh i s tre e t south. ^

Pollco Bald lhe fron t o f Uie pick- up w as clamased. m were the f ro n t w i fendcra of th e taxi. T lie lr repo rt showed no daroaRc to the stopped tn ick which w a s n o t fu rth e r IdenUfled.

| J i t ’ *oo' "'j;]''"",* '''* I*"**

•Sheep aaUbl. nona; nolhlnr don. on < jtnad^ hulduTtr Umba; sood .nd cholc

I ftp)

s Markets BtcI Ha

POTATOES (D.l)».f«l).o . R. No. J ________________ ii.7 i.t.w n a 'u . ». No 2 ----- ------------------- - .U-.U w a

.Two d^lcc^ouotH, JColnrW fowl 4 lb., and o r« ______ 2»o SOILahora fowl »»" fo rAuatta \Vhlt« fowl -----------------------2U qVC

s u ^ _______ _______________ is« T hC«l->r*l cocka *c Q nLefhom tock. CeS i V ............ — ...... - ...........— ! ! : Mr.

(Swift and Cotnp i-y prkn) , fonL an . e n d . AA -

— ' fh Di : r i ! — ....... ??!

craiie c - ~~i« . day(Bwlfl and Comsaay p rk « | COSI

^IN iil; d - l l i . ' j j j ’.d ,---------------BUTTMPAT tt tr

No. 1 n u t le f . l--------------------------- ----- flue(Om d2i!«‘Jo iu d r --------------------COU( * '« ! u POOL «V(

IbT^dahn E«f"*r.&wJT» e*Twh?r»nJ fwW^«o-^40 (Sept. SO to Oel. «ll f.

L tg ! A c rlj_____ " —

BmiL A " t ................ i . - J l h e

■ CaldweU Man ( Admits Killing State Rancher 2CALDWELL. Oct. W W>>-BherUr

, R ay Luekeng* of Canyon county ^ today u l d P rank L eppert 36, A dmit- .y uxl h# had fired a ahot whItJi killed “ f- M ax Strelfllng, Abenleen sheep “* rancher.r . L eppert a t the same tim e exoner- «t a ted h is 33-yeor old wife, M arso re t »: Leppert, hold In the Ada county «

JaU a t Boise. .«tr Both Leppert and h is wUe a re •J being held on telegraphic w arran ts ^

charg ing f irs t degree m urder. T h e P' w arran ts were Usued by Blnghora

“ county OfflclaU a t Blackfoot.' ' S trelfllngs body, a bulle t wound In “

h is head, was found beneath a p ile ~ of rocks yesterday.

J Luekenga quoted L eppert as say­ing hU wife knew noth ing obou t 1

s. th e Incident. 1’• T ho she riff said Leppert told h im ^ th a t a fte r firing th e fa ta l sho t from ry a calibre rifle owned by B trelf-

ling, ho hauled th e body 200 fee t . , {. to th e top of a desert knoll a n d ^

covcred It with rocks a s protec tion ^ again st co>-otes. J '

I, T h e scene was In the areo n e a r ~ 0. th e Blngham -Pow er county lin e ”

once used by bombers stationed n t th e Pocnlello a ir base , "

A t Blackfoot. Bingham county r It officers said they expecUd lo leave

today for Caldwell and Boise to re tu rn the Lepperts.

S A coroner's Jury was sworn In by .

S B ingham coimty coroner, H. R . ^ Boise. Z

5, Sheriff Don Headrick of A da “ county said the Lepperts had fa rm ­

s' cd a round Ada and Canyon county U fo r several years.S More than 100 searchers had

hunied for Strelfllng since ho d is­a ppeared last T liursday, T

Sheriff W, J . Hoehhen of Pow er [f county said he had arrested L eppert ^ ln.nl week on a felony w arran t from

Caldwell, charging embezzlement. Residents of Amerlean Palls noU-

fled officers th a t Leppert hod been seen driving StrelfUnR'a car.

Sheriff Joehnen said Leppert to ld . h im ftl th a t Ume th a t Strelfllng wa.s j , on a vacation tr ip nnd hnd given h im permission to live a l hU cab in . during tlie absence-

I t th en was dl.wovered th a t L ep - ' p e rt wa.1 wanted on a felony w ar­r a n t In Caldwell ond he was tro n s- '

- fcrred there.

2 Key Rulings . For T-H Law " Are Pondered

WASHINQTON. Oet. 18 (/?>—K ey — ■’ ruUngs th a t the T alt-H artley a c t ,. .curias mnas picketing and seta up n «

yardstick for replacing s tr ike rs '• w ltli new workers were studied by .; m anagem ent nnd labor alike today.

T lie interprclallons came from th e nntlonnl labor relations board _ over the week-end. In one case NLUB T rial Examiner Irving Rogo- - -Mn held th a t m ass pIckeUng c an “ violate th e oct even If It ts In th e

,i form of a peaceful pirade- i Sheer num bers tend to coerce

non-strikers, Ilogosln snld, so ho L h recom m ended th a t the C lO -U nlted -

E lectrical W orkers and officers o f _ locals 1150 nnd 13 bo ordered to r e - ki f ra ln from holding stiy m ore p ro - _ cesslon.1 Uke th a t of Nov. 21, 1M7.In fro n t of tlie Cory corporation p ln n t in Chicago. 51

T h e UE members had struck on N ov, 1. RoKosln suld It was c lear to -J h im tlia t the proce.vslon •'con.itltutea

{ m a.is picketing In nRRravated form ."U nle.'j Ule union npi>eaM th e _ j

, R oga tln findings to the flve-m on N LRB In 20 dnys, the decision will yrr

, hnve th e effect of n b o w l order.: T lie o ther ruling, selling fo rth n l . le.'wit five conditions under w hich

••economic” strikers lose tlielr Job.i , to- perm anent replacements, wos jJe I h a n d ed dou-n'by the board itself. j

; Court Considers j Variety of Cases ^

A variety of eases were he ard i M onday m om lng In city court.

Enrl T . Knocke pleaded n o t guUly — to u cliiirKe of speeding. T h e cou rt.set hLi bond o t IM and se t hU tr ia l —

I fo r n la te r dale. _T h e S25 bond se l Saturday In th e L(i

cn.ie of Ed Birch wa.i reduced to »13. . JB irch wns charged w llh failu re to ‘-'jp a y for punchcs selected from a .punchboard . _ J

Jurigm ent wns deferred In the easeo f Johnn ie Oordon, wlio w as cltarged rxw ith disturbing the peace. i

Bonds of $30 each were fo rfeited £5by R alph Ford nnd C. A. R lngwall io n chan;c.i of IntoxlcaUon. David _ JW eeks wns fined 120 on th a t charge ‘•'un n d bonds of J20 encli were pasted Jby Joe Qnrcln and Ira G ordon on * th e sam e charge.

Traffic Fines ®Clifford Lemmons. Tw in PalLi. h a

appea red Monday In JaiUce cou rt a n d Robert C. Jones, route 1, Buhl. a ppeared Soturday on charges o f fa ilu re to hnve the gross w eight c stenciled on their trucks, E arl V an p x H oltam a, Tu’ln PolU, appeared r M onday on a charge of follure to w a h a v e a m u tfle r on his ear. E ach _ i w as fined *3 and t3 costa.

I n c ity court Monday, P ram l ~ Sow ersby was fined $15 and $3 costs y f o r speeding. Fined »3 each for overtim e parking In Uie postoffice ai BOno were Bob Loving. Je an Davis. _ i ; T hom as E. Sm ith and Em ery B rj’nn t. OverUme parking fines of I I cac]} were paid by A rt Wood, a ~ M r. K o ttraba , J. A. OrlfflUis, C llf- . fo rd D enney and Je.tsle Plckelt.

Driver Fined, Jailed ^W . M. SmlUi wns sentenced to 10

d a y s In Jail and fined tlOO plus $3 _ n c o s ts M onday In c ity eourt a fte r h e cu ip leaded guUty to a charge of driving ^a m otor vehicle while under th e In- — -fluence of Intoxicating liquor. T h e —c o u rt he ld hU driver's U ceu e fo r u rovoeaUoa by th e state.

29 ESCAPE DEATH CcCLINTON, La.. Oct. 18 « 7 - A

c ripp led a ir force transport plane 1} crash landed In a ravine near here 4 n t t-y e s te rd a y -a n d kU lcdfo tn- o r <** th e 33 PUSODS abooKL —


Oil Strike Flares ; In Pitched B attle ,

W OHMOND, Calif.. O c t « V n - A p ltcb ed battle flared tuleny a t

« th e S ta n d a rd Oil refinery h e m to>' day . ScnkUB. supported by a crowd 1 , o f lo n ^ o rc m e n . clashed w ith ta e o ! t en terin g th e planL ^* Police broke up Uie f ig h t a fte r. th e tw o s id u had pelted each o th e r ' ’ wiUi rocks, bricks nnd o th e r ml»- ,

sUea ro r five minutes. »^ CIO longshoremen arriv ing In » n in e c h a ru rc d buses Jc toed th e t f s tr lU n g CIO oU workers outside tbe ' com pijay gates,. • S tones w ere throw n a t th e f i r s t ' , carload of workers en terlilg tbe I p la n t. i° A bout 300 men Inside th e p lan t

ndvanced on Uie gate a n d re tu rned , th e ba rrage of rocks. In a n In s ta n t ii . th e a ir was fUled wlUi stoaes , f ly ­

ing from boUi direcUcna.

‘ Rail Grom Ends Resort Gathering L

: SU N VALLEY. O ct.'iB 'W V -M em - ° i b ers of th e Jun ior Old T im ers—- U nion Pacific railroad employes

w ith five to 30 years servlco—left. h e re yesterday a fte r a w eek-end of , . recreation .I All from w estem sta te s, th e 104

ra ilroad employes took advantage o f resort acUvltles a fte r arriving

' h e re on a spcclal tra in Soturday-

“ , COMPLETES TBEATMENT , DECLO. Oct. la -W e l to n Allen . h a i re lu m ed from Boise w here he

h a d been receiving m edical trea t- j m ent.

: Classifiedr W A N T A D R A T E SI (Baaad n Co.WP«.««rd>

I day. I I ,1 , ^~p«t ito r t^ .t da>* d a n ________ S. par word p« dai

1 (A Blalsam •( 1C word* to raQslra.•a any oaa «UMir>ad ad.l

1 Por .aainpla. .m labit below i

'i Y " -‘ ; “ <S-------- “ Ti!-------- I.U' -

' I 1.U I I.4A IU nla. yoor «r«dlt ha* b .u «iab. -;

ltah.d. eaah mual aManpaay year ord.r > DEAUI.INU for CtaatifUd •alyi

WMk dar., II ^ k,■aadu. I<«« eatsrdar

‘Pila pap« rMTTM tht rlsht to adM a and rajKl any tU**lfl.d adr.rtl.las 'Ollnd Ada' ar* auklty eoaCld.allai aad a» InforBaUoa c u ha ctraa la “ rataed lo th . adt.rtuar, p

Kmira .hoald b. m »rt«] laimadUt* ly. No alkiwanea. wUl ba .nad t (oi .

I mor. lh*a on. lanrtMl ln*.rtloB. |

t C A R D O F T H A N K S

K Ih. klnilre—f ui durltiir th . Illneai and death of uur ^

*' Mr«. Klhel Adam. <-1 Mr. and Mra. lUruld Niil.I.r 1 __________ Mr.. Sllnnie A.Um. at<d famllr! S l - E C I A L N O T IC E S

5 DOLLS FOB CIIILDilES 1 u> IL Hand cr«htlc<l c,<lume.. Order oo- for

! I'HONK 22Bl-n ~ S3J WAt-NUT j} I .1 . ■ I I _

I PEH SO N A LS “ I- Sl^ENCLil "cof..li.r;.“ ar.'. M.iT Ua'Sj;!?,

• w a n t " ; . '.Ubr'or .m.l. eh.ll In adopt. ^i oi

5 o a a AFtr ;n d 'lllea Jolla louodalton gar- I manta, fittad by Urt. Cthal CoUtaaa. —, Cora.t ler., Hal. 't Apcaw.___________I TO CO.STAinr Alcoholk. Aootiymou* wrIU■ a x v . ' - . n ; h! Jury room . t courlh.iuit.‘ T R A V E L — RESORTS _' niKK tranaporiaiMo .Sai, >t.t.cl.<|... Tak^ SI

1 SC H O O LS & T R A IN IN G‘ DEAUTV CULTOilE a. ,o<,i c ro l.tloal '

A n.w oncrewd-d (l.ld . . . l u you. U araIle.uty Cult'ir* Oood pay. Suady work. _Unllmlln) apportaalty. BMUly Arta __

' Academy. pCHlKOIM lAtTOEtS

Uli. D. IU JOHNMIN. Thlnl a t.n t..e«»l. Teleohon. Sll._________________

NKUVti tpeciali.L l)r. Alma ilardln- 110 I . Ma.n non. I'hoo- 25;4. “ ^ ,

NATUHOt*ATHS iCO.NHUI.T .Salure'. W.r S,«i,ni. Oppo.lt. po.tofflce. upllalra. I'h iti. UM


. I-OliT: Small la.lr’. >ril„w t„id w .ul., _ btlween Wreiern Itnlim and 1>om Clean- •ra on Shoahone. Call JJlin, Kimberly.


pert o'peraior.. Uaelilli'eleu” aad'’^ca*il !-o ca . 15.00 un. Artlillc lieaulr Salon. I

CUUri.tTL bcaviUf a.mc. br .d»aoc«d Jttudenlt *1 rnlucl peUea Junior altf IiaVa.*sVM^!” . l“ A*’! " ' ' '" *“'*

S I T U A T IO N S \ V A N f E i r ~

«l|^Ul«^pkl.er. '..anal.k at " Call _

gia^T L ~r r T l K ; r / . ? '“ r‘kl,',' lu . .on- crel. srattl. Call tJ ;. fi!,r. L

WAN^K^^*‘^ m ^ '^ rU "^ ^ moj.r- 0

WANTKIti lle.1 h.ullnr. C'n.l irucka', °

ae. Evlly ryroa. 1312 Seretilb ^Y.an.

WIIULO Ilk. waahlnr .nd hcu.ework. Mr*. I'• w w ' i;

c rM>UVr worl.. Mld^alka. floor.. drU^ ^

ZZ Jlarka. ,tnii-li. fjll <r.w. I’hun. 14U11 nr now , Klmberlr.

Xm -'h A1.T .a .in ,: , r a ,. i K.uled: ^Irt “mo.Ins. sradlas; rotllnf. Truck renUli. __I’hon. 2777 er 2047J. KO

CUII7AIN.S -aahw .ad autUlMl fof a lw _S' t e i iu 'ic - “ * "•“

LAND LnVELtNO Fsua-soiLiN fl r u


Commetclat t^nawMlas^of h . a * r I

IHLER-S CONSTRUCTION CO. -ri-Zlttitr IbUr" • . B';’

-Offlr*J91W m o n .' E«eaiOISOJ1t




w Ma.t taka. dUUUM. Writ* Bm '

" H B I.e WANTED— M ALE ~ 'MECHANIC w ; i to l ’■ Um i R affkU C ^

m a tsrrJi:?.« WaNTKUi bp.rl«>c«i aato nacUnU. -le cood par and wsrhlns oondlUan. Apply

Hanul C hw aU Co.. napwt. Maho. ,i t WANTEUi tlip .r/nc«i yar<l laaa fi>» -

. MAUfUEU Bun asa U-IS wllb car. (or -a t aalea aod aarrlca poallk)n tkroc«h local FSd *u.r>.vCatl WO.M Monday fro a I to 12.a t ItOUTE ataa bctwwa l»-*4. S-day ^u. sood pay. adraaeaawnt. Soft Walar* Serrlo. ^.-^Photw *2S. ISl Saoond y

m an wllh ear. Bftdw »0._^wbo wouid Ilka V to MHI KO wMklr worklns en national aalM prosram. Coaid l« d to tl4.004 u

g yratly Incom*. T.lwhwia Ilalph Grau- Wrser. Rocmoa UauU Taaaday batwam j

o n ‘ui'lTljVl’T ? l ' l . . . . l l a l . U „ l . i „ .1- In plamklns. aWUklty. auta machanlc. ^_ .Irafllnr. abo. cpalr. VatMaaa eaa Mm -, up to I2I0.11M per maalh whlla train- S

” Ins, WrlU NalUnaJ TrtS. School lUp.ft rtomUUr.. lUx 2^11. Tlean-N«v*. A:»>of proTwl for Vatarana' Tralalns. T



t - APPLICATIONS _ fo r *

TIMES-NEWS ROUTE ^Opealas thi. bsoUi

If jM^ar. i| ll»Mlr.^yognsaUr,

I rpart'tlraa” f'ur » * ^ I.'° WmTB* T


ni.Ins your nam. J axact addnt*: Phon. nurab.r. If you bar* on.; and your as..Our rcprctnutlra wll mak. p.raonal contact for furtbCT Informalloa.


r»TATU pk^tri. 2 a i l» norlk. 2^i w t I nf W at Fie. I'olnta. I’boaa 01II.I14. gKl'ICK aailiUBlt Caahler^typUt. Applr In

penon. Qka 0. J.nUn* Chavrolat Gar.

Si acrt*. I -aat. 2^ ^ rlh ^ of W»t Plea TolnU. Ern»l

POTATO PICKEHS -. 104 aerea-Now dlsslns- A r.ra ilns - ; o r.r 900 aacka an acr.. Eaiy, clean,

pKklns- TranipoMatlon fumUhed lo arul from Ilahl or rooni and board for mtn S1.7S . day. Trall.r famlllaa w.kotn.. Call

IDAHO TRODUCB- Di!rruinuTon.t

lluhl, Phona 104 Twin I’alU I2SS-W

, BOOKKEEPER -5om. typlns. offlc. detail. Prtfer » jrwluc ciperlcnt.. Top aalary. Work , n Uuhl.


I Or nlshlJ KS2.NW. Twin Kalti


- tt4COMIi pr«p.nyt Monihly rmtaU 1200s f"- aell fnr SI8.S00. n«i IS-ll, Tln»ea-N.w..

CIIOCKHY tier, and saa lUUoni socrflocation. A srowlns boalnaaa la Twin

: FalU. Uo. ;t.U. Tlm-Newa.' I^K LKAKKi N.w, nodnn. •tatloa aod

ator, aultdlas on highwar »3 la Twin ! Fall.. Cont.ct n«lchcf OU Company. i FOIICKU .alt. Um Ih.n .tock and fla-

fSral'lur.?‘ c/nald.*' »7D, - Tlm—Newa. __________________ _ —

' trailer park and amall atock of srocerln.* Alao Ileitis QUtrtera- Phnn. 4I1-H2. lluhl.

Mpaclty. eSubtltbnl 7 yeara. °Sal» In- ! & k . ‘ 1 ? 2 » n ; ‘ \J-:.'?- I^on^i

1847. .. .o ln . . 12M-J._______________

8 UNIT ^i RESIDENCE COURT j -j E.rccUlly well locaud. V.rr tin* la-

vealment. payltis 12 per cant. Idu l for party -U bhs to rctlra. Prkad tisht.



Voanuln and ahorl oritera. 'j N.W enulpm.nl and llinire* ‘

I Lons t.nn l« ..-o « n e r . learins !Loeatad In sood nearby lown cloa. lo

I lh.al.r. AH for 12.404,00. L -MAGIC VALLEY

INVESTMENT CORP. fo182 Main A .t. N. Phcma 244S | _ J


GROCERY STORE “ iLons lea*, at 110.00 per a>onlh. Loc.t.d Cj;on main. road. Ha. (ull baacmtnt. ’ fCoaU b. ua.d for 11.Ins quarura. ,*4.000 04 for tlock and fUturtfc —

(JROCEnV STOIIK.........................*'{ On Kimberly Koad. Good localion. C C«d tradt. cheap r.nt. 17,000,00 C will boy........................................................... —

DECH PAIlLOn.......................... (“ On main atreet. Ixitis la*>t. Sood In- < come. O-nar rauat a.ll, lea*., tloek and fUtur«. S7.O00.0a......................................i

ONE f ir THE LAnCEST ___ ui:.u{ uo u aE a ............. .

In Idaho. Wiib'foal yard, lumbar yard.100.00^bu.h.I -h .a^ .to ri« .:^ l^O O O J to Im. than ona yaar't lacomt. UaUnca t a t IJ.000.40 a year plu* lnt,re.t. L-.FARM HEADQUARTERS Z:

-2211 rhoa. . 2101

UNFURNISHED APTS. ^>'l>It llENTi Very n k . four room* and .

halh. Phon. I((|.N J.FURNISHED Ai'TS.

t KOOM baacmtnt apartm«.u >'iirnL.^;a ° nr asrurnlihtd. lUtbroom .prlrUts*. 0 Phon. I2J1S. r il« . .1

n n u H s i i K i r r s s s T s r i s s T s s ^ s i

S«rliB.nL In B.w bota*. V«y oempUta. tddl*-.t* eoapk. No ehlldrta. no pata.

Do« SQ.lt. Tlmea-N.-.,_______________FURNISHED ROOMS ’

RLEF.l-INU room (or s.ntU ^an, T K ^ -laSSJL_________ - ----- -..-L-rr= ;j,

- aotr««5r»ln*dlh ^


»r«Se'*>w A ttfw t B«rlh a fv ^ f l

“ F U R N I S H E D H O M E S r,E ONE raa.* boaa* (or m t . Adult* only. ‘~ U l lUmasfc Booth Park.____________ 'S Mew' iwOTOMB h ^ ’ O. Uck • ( M . ™“ rarOy awdani. Pboao IJ tU . • '- IrtlKMlililkb «.Ua.’~ ~ V .rT » 'a ’'& 7 ;!;^ ^

MT Addlaaa W -t. Fhoaa e ilt.B I. “^ WllX^^rrat aloa S-boiiKim bsoao U party <- j2iTUa‘S L V a . ^ W m ' i ’[ S : r^ sadd car for aOTlty. P. O. Do. Ml. {'If UNFURNISHED HOUSES -JIS bOVlNQ ai It. U b Ualpk lla r rk - a r ia . *»;.7 and ttorasa._____________________ ,"• MISC. FOR RENT '

5 1"•* WANTED TO RENT. LEASE "C VOU ouk^affklcai mor. pUaa U4i: ^

« QAKAVe' Vr' rkiialty ot 121 tiU Arniaa '' 'North. Phoa* tStl-IC ?

~ k' liEuno(SB~tS».> Ua<araUt.«l.

™ WAIUHEO mas with family naad* ~Ti ^badroea homa. Writ* Doa 11«. Twia “

"■ /to k » c m a . » - i .m - li™ . .1 T- nuhl r w aad U*. or wrll* Itoau 4. >

120 ACHes~er M r* ¥y n p n la ca d f*m . ? rr wllh aqulpmmt. (Inaaca* and r«(*r-.nc«. no« tl-n , Tlme.-New.. "

e s i- r .n iB < C L D i.™ .V ',i . l , . .» C .; i i i ' to 200 acrw. Har. .quIpiiMnt. ftnane.,help. r.ftrracM. 20-11. TImM-Nrw.. •

STATION manaser bnplra ^ lla.a d , lr , UfumlahKl .parlm .nl or beta., Pnma- —atnt. Contact B. W, Farrl. a t Itonraoa |—

r J u ' MOltti Ul^>;^" i.oaM.";itK«' ' lnTwin r .lli, Klmbnly or Fll.r, Can far- I nUh rtftr.flcn. JOOO Schodd., Durltr.Idaho. t

WANT>:u' " ' n t i 40 lo «0 acr.* prr^..: ,ably beet Und. Oood-hor*. nulpment. *•arren cowa. 20 7ear. operknc*. AmpU Tfinance, and rtf tm cta . Dos 24-U, *Tlme«.New.. ’

1 a ’h o JJe 1 rNEEDED AT ONCE t

2 bedraon onfnmlthM] haaa. or apart- [ mcnt for raiponalbl. party wllh 2 . chlldrre. "




AND U V tS T O d , J

r- W. a ROBINSON rn (AeroM from Badlo Olds.l



E Q u 'f rJS L B L IPE A*PBro».d m t^^as. pjan. No cemmla- t"

J nD E L IT Y NATIONAL BANKTwin ratu . Idaho _

'4 % LAND BANK LOANSt/sns u m ., (atr tra.tam t, pm ay -1 ft

■mt prlellMaL oo wamUiloa. lm • proTMi.nt. aad other pgrpin ta.


O. ROY OENDEainON I 3 W hen Id need o l a


CORP. S',1 Radio Bldg. Pbone 680 t*J. I------------------------------------------1 «<

}. I NEED MONEY?I. SEE 1 _a yo:ir locally ewn«l cradlt compaay —>- Keep Idabo'a buiIo«a In Idaho p -la Low.r than many.' .

REU A N CE C nE D IT CO RP. m IU Snd hU W al Pboa. 2SS0 , SI

^ •Jl


CoapUU (laas*lna aarrU^FarBltBr* aad aatooiohlta ^OHIO HIATT. Mgr.

Oraaad (laM Dank a Tmal Old*._____^ ____________ fhoa* 1S4_____________ __


WANTED LISTINGS g;t bar. buyn* for CatU. lUncbea, Hay ct

handl* from S.^ lo S,044 h«*d. If yoawant lo **11 p'*aa* contact Dtn Aapcr. ^lUallor, Twin Fall*. Idaho. jj;

HOMES FOR SALE _you HALfa. ly awa.ri S-room m«».ra f—

bom., (UU 221.W«27 niAMK bnlkllns. lo~ b . pxired.

Kaltabl. to m .k. duples er homa. i'bon. • I

HUUMt. 14x22. 2 rooma: to b« mored. . ;l|nc*d S740. Raymond Durton. Do* SOI, , j

you 8ALK by ow n.n l room modern I 1hnma. Cood location. Prleed to aell. .1«2 Auatln. I’hon. 2170-J. . ]

NKW cimiplet.ly tnod.nT 4 rooma .nd • 'b.Ui. FHA coaatructlon. Full baaemeTil. • - On acr. Und. Conrmlenlly located.Call 0SaS«l2. It. H. Puddy.__________

t DEOnOOM ham., ba jm rat. la w.ihlnston School dIalrkU Se,l04.

1 DEDnOOM hoBi., saa fornace. hard. j{i wood floor., KlecUle waUT haUr. L _

- Twm.. •JT.004.00. -------- - —


................. --y HI3 BEDROOM HOME |

Cmrat baaMant. (amaca. Hardwood CAfloon, sarat.- Yard f.ncrf. (lowm- «aad thnha. >

LOVELY HOMEOa 1 /c m of sm nd . All modem ithrovshoaU C«a«it ba.MB.at. double _ *


OOOD INCOME P R O P ra T T •W.ll loeatad. 8m Ihk aaa aowt

F. J . BACON^•U Mati-R----- Phaao-IMS-W-JU»-a


affar. SIS Adama. . •ar. i UAVk '^ y 'yoaUw^^bW^ta

“ ■ I.i r ton>.r lot S4.T00.M. ll.OOO.OO Arw..HoUI.nuhlJ*w.Ir».

c r TO UE MOVED! SnaU S nom I200-M. Uuat terraaka KOe-OO. ti

— r,r r^in-e. ttnr Belton."*■ ^UBT a.11 thla wwk. l*T*ea radut j ^— n,S««.««. S bwlroon boma. P«aa*atloa

l a T iS k a . U l Walnat BCwat.K t UEOBdOM. la r,. kiUh«.. b a r d ^

(loor*. faraac*. aalr* Ursa Ut, saraia,r ,ia.v— B».rOOT lot. anr.rasa aad waur. I r r ^ ^ ^™ a i - j f t ’r . s - T a - i S i s : " . ' : ! ? '

Ia.phonaoraddr»a ._________— riV E BOOMS, allllty, bath, hardwood "** ftoan. s u faraaca. alacUlc waUr baat-__ «r; Z reema aad •isr^caan ia baanaant.n . 1 lota and sarasal ahop. Phona 20SSM.

® A T T R A C n V E,S room dwalllac ta Waablaston Khool

— dUtrict. rinplaca. Wall ti. wall carpet- wi lo tirlns aad dlalas taoai. F«U

~ U a ~ a n t.8 ta k .rh - .-

CECIL C. JONES" OpaUIra Bank a Trail Did*. Ph. *«J13 ''ela ' •- n I D I S T I N C n ^a Modmi boma wltb flr.placa. f l 'a

Toooa, .Ika a.w. lUrdwood floor..—— wardroba clo.eta. baaemml wllb oil 2 : turaaca. On Fr«ldtnt atr*.t. poiietiloa

j i ; CALL Vf. A. OSTItANDEIl. HEALTOB M. LEM A. d lA P lN , Agency— »» »«*■" l>»- ■■

t; I GOOD VALUES 'ar- I bod room ttwdMU hom.. oil haat.tr , — is.jso.oo —

I b«lroom.. oak (Uon. atokw - r — |l<i,jo0,00 Term* —


| ~ 6 h j t i A c k H ' ^TWO U rs. b«lroom«. bullt-lnt, balh.

c m n t baMment. -Uh S-room lacoma , property, all for S10.SOO.

NEjW S-b^m m borne. inanUtad^^kNICE” s-b»diwm‘ b'ooi."o*B UK acr.!

anty M.IIOO.J K , L. JEN K IN S- 121 Main Wett

•FOR SALE BY OWNERKzccptlonally fin. t bedroom hom. ta Dlua I-ake. addition. Klr.pUo., hard­wood floora, oil furaac, baaement ar- ranjirl for 2 bwlraoraa or nunpaa room.

, PHONE, 21B8


Alao on* hom* lo ba ootkI. fmm.dUt* poneal.oa.



N.w, haa «r«ylhlns. Lor.ly room*, uiufully doooralwl. .ic .1I.at pUn. 2 btdrDomt, alflr klkben, rtimput room,

oil hMt. Cka. la. Prlcwi to a.11.CECIL C, JONES

upalaira Bank a TruiU Rm. t . Ph. 1041


Dairy aatnp er sni.ral fam . Prkad for lmme<llat. aale. SO acrea on olM hishway. 7S .hare* of North Sid. wa-

I u r. 4-room hotiM, fair oullnjlldlnft._J sood f.acM, Plenty ef sraat.

I JO E FOSTERI .mith. t - . t . nk aouth a(


TWO OUTSTANDING DUY8 T N.w 2-b«lroon and oa. l-bwirooa Mparau unlta. In Meal location. Incom.

, 1410.00 ptr moalh, plua own.r'i llrln*_ j quarter*.- In thla T.bedroom horn, wllh fUUh.4-1 i - ^ ^ S K p r ' i i S - i . ^ s r .

and bedroom lUll.. Alao bualneaa huIM- Ins. Location perf^t. prk*J to *.IL W. h a r. oth.r r.77 altractlra hun la city hcrmM.Lort* Rm ] EtUl., ISOS Kimberly Boaa

Talephon. UI4-NW anytim* ^


O r. of th . flnnt hom- la Twin FalU.Dulll In l»40 from Ui. choke.1 na& rUI. In Waahlnslon ichool dUlrkt. lU- ceMent condition. Prked for lea. than It can b. bulll for today. Call fer d*- UII* *nd location.

E. W. McROBERTS & CO.Kilt Lids. Phon. I »

I-oan.. Inuar.nc. tnd Rm I EataU



i iffiifi'SssP"”C. E. ADAMS

& C. E . BEYMER Realtors

I t l Main A ... Eaat Phoa* »4


— Our fUIo-twl Lliilnsa —NEW S IlEOnOOM UIIICK IIOME wiih

saras.. Hot w .ur bMt. flnUhwl J | ^em en t. located la reatrlcl*! dla- ,W

CAN YOU affoni to Ilent wbco you can Bay a anr two bedroom mod.nf^ r.T O t «-»«T » «

B E A U T ^'l, well located 40 ACRES on Klmberlr ««»d. A farm lhat m »l of u* dr—n .boat and lime

' SSntm m J'^l *“DUSINESS OPPORTUNITY t Fin. sTo-

enr-markrt and hooM eo Main Ar^




Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea


' FARMS FOR R gN T (“I»a<AC»Ka^ aUfc «wv^lUBUr

««p«uS ^ Pct •

f A b j h s f o r s a l e

rOB SALE br m n i tU aen Meek r a ^ L _teod wkUr rUkL i v ita M«tb of Bm> —» it—ii. r m D. Iltll.

4 ACnZS. Bif* I m n boi>M. d«t) w«II. ___prmtir* in u a u bmlM. thii*. fle««n. s« j•n4 frull im*. Smrs) oalMlUtW. «il^rv* s>rifn anil IW a m pMUr*. For mu U trr •■•'on. n iia « 0 . i n WaOn. BjPhon* aiU.M. llahl _________

___________ K l| i VEJIT riNE ' f—

U!r wSSwuS?. 7*Ifl AtTM en cll n»d. mil*tooi b » ^ bare. »t«Mur» —W.IU iia.eoo.M. - . ^



EXOHTY JCI<M U, CutJ<f<rH. Prk«d ItUbLC. A . ROBINSON, Realtor onDink A T rul D1d<. Pbaa* I ts ml

JIM MAnTiN *n-«^ * Pr• al«

80 ACRESAll Urm l>nd.‘ U n f«oJ. oo vu ic . no C. bullHlnn. ObIt »:W Mt acM. T«rm* l _ _ l i oon raih. txUo;* lone loan IK-. S*> ___THE BABCOCK, AGENCY r—

o u n u idaIio orriet iD> niOHEfl R«. »ii-j

80 ACRES ^&«»t> Mil. loxt MIMlllion. ^»TT «<wlbulMJnsi. dnp UlU and »r«igr« •» .

« i«». IxxiW In nuhl Prk.•:«.OOa.M. Inturane* Co. h it i|>pror«d in.OOO-M io.1) (0 iwpon.ibl. p.rty,

J . E. W HITE AQENCV IIT Main At*. E. rbons e«7

GOOD 80On Btlnsan Tract. Ntw fcoma. >*0 •hart* wa(M. Oa raud mad. I milt* fmm Twin Falla. li:.000.0».

FARM HEADQUARTERS; i ia Thant 8<0i I

80 ACRES IKorOiaut r t JtrnsM. Coo>l lull and l»y» QUIU wtll. I Mroain homa wilh bailu Tht b«tt rou'll ••• for 111.000. IIURBYI

APARTMENT HOUSES onlU. alt fan.lih»d. Ptakw and HXT (not frooL Good Ivatlan. CM.OO a month liKoma. II.IM down.

ELMER PETERS !rhoflt ZitiU c t call al 1I«9 lUi A>t. E. !

31180 ACRES

I [t n il ., ftom T«ln r.ll*. 78 aerM un. ____Cood •lain’ l-am. imall bnrt. barn, Bar-' ------a rt and machlna thwL Wtll an'l rf«a-tradt for Kiixl ISO on No*r "** m f

t I

F . C. GRAVES & SONnajla Olds. . . J'hon* t : ( «x

— Jui t— - — ■ noi


IPO ACRES In T»ln TalU. M a<-M culllo-.ftl. hal.i.rt ;und pasture. Full Io. •rattr rlclit. I hxln>nm luimr. hard- (or wou«l flonn. (urhart haat. full bai<w ■. ' mtn^. Lana barn. I’ticH lo a«III

U» ACne.1 In Twin rail*. Full waltr rishl. i :0 a rr» cutllrattd. Mnt rlaji 1 l^rwom hnm». Ttnani hiruit. Thlt VC Ccon>rnl>nlIr loraln). Il«i



!»■: • hmi


»u(.-lfr1«al»l. Will^puf” , ^ilo'^ratut all tsmmtr: rood locallnn. Can ba handM Ior U.OOO down. Loni Urn on 4>\

a ,▼ S!0 aiT«» <iltl. and tSwp ranrh. par-

ptiuti waltr rliht. Uo a«rn In cultl.•allon. 0 -n tr u n about :00 tort of Thar ptr »*«r. lou of train. Ta»lor rlfht for IM caul., 3»0 brad ihtts. Fom l rUnt for 100 catllt. U«l«rn (.btdroom homa. tIartrl<llT, afliool bua. loealtd on allwl hishwar. III.OOO down will hindlt; lom ttrm ea balanct.1*0 acraa. HO und.r «lllTalIon. CooJ • aUr il*hl: 4.l>tdronni homt. tlfclrkl- . ir. ifhool tout., milk mult. T>ili U ____Jl’iw 'down^ *** f®' 1^—

ir.i.r Tifht. IiBrt ?,rIT 1? .T " ' S , h ^

han-llt. ‘®"P«


u s : Klobtrir Hoad rhon. IIMJ

1 a :332 ACRES p*o1

rtni-h. « nom tnodrm houtt. ai<-fi:«nt oolhulltllnn. : i t acna In _ _ culllraOnn with JU iharw wat»r. On _ _ _ oil hUhwar clott t» Coodlnx. I i0.000.oa Tcnnt.

160 ACRESUrt. 1 rroia aeml-niadtrn houtt, «ow il>am for IJ rowa. 160 acrrt In <n)lll»*. Jehaw 'Jw.' r ‘,ior00 VAC

• M ACRESt roooi bout, rood MlbslldlBn, traa.turt irit«T.. famllr ortbartl. «J .hart*waur. I10.000.00. Itrmt on ll.MO.OO. ,

I I 70 ACRES • J.*-,*' 'irrUalfH ranch. 4 tooBi atml.e>od<n>

houtt. to tb irtt waur. clota lo Inr en oil hixhway. |i;.«oo.oo. Ttma. |


T .o Cafta; Groe>rr Slora: Uolal) ---- ----Snack liar: ColJ fltcraft plant wltli H AitiKtry ttora aixl iira it, .

i r YOU WIFII TO DUY »’>*«■"WE Il/V E IT FOR YOU “ c?l‘l‘


__ _lJl Jrd ATt. W. JafoB- COOOIKO;iDAilO I oT tS


Phone R 38 I



VALOABLE PBOPEXTT »(la thla a M re m OMtfan b»iM. nr> { -Enaea • itb atabBT. Larva krt tar tailsM - U;

WANTED • a Wa ha<a b v tn (or «iir and f a n p n ^BrtT. Clra Bt m i UtUnn for «akk »wj|

** LOXTZ KEAb ESTATE ^IMI XlBibatr Koad. rkaa* ItltKW BEl

—I Fi------------------------------------------------------ a ic

— - I n


AND REALLY LIVE TXiOn Uili baaotrat »S bom. Oalr IH Wmllta (ran Twin Falla. All aplaalla v n Uad. Irral aad Utb parfact. Da »»JU.Vtrr Dk« «-}<ar<l4 M>*drra> hena. ^Praaaura iMlan aod Ulk. A m llral«a lobatbaB bMaa. 1 1 1 ^ . *

BILL COUBERLY «lot Main A*a. Eail Phaaa iOM 701C. M. IIEFPLEX Pbaa* U l

- I 7F1

, T O


I t E nH as Como!



N-O-W.*M ROOMS — •


$300.00 DOWN 137.62 P er Month



$800.00 ^

—See— Z




FARM IMPLEMENTS ’KIt-ST bttl IKtrr loader and UUon llnU>- —

iKattr for talt. 03t!l-ni. Twin Falli. m n 'joriN DKKIU: trtruir and mow.r.

S^ncrih. I w t.1. >i norlh ef Wttl Fltt

I.llUW C'hanipton tpud disatr. tacrlltni mitlUon.^l north. weal Catlltford.

JUltN DKKirt: bm Inadcr. l«i mliw> north of tiama Mi..,l. Thona lOJIT.Klwoo.1 McCauW. Vlltr.______

JOHN OEKKF. M hnl barvMltr. uttd 'rtrr Unit. «»M. 1 mlla ^w«l. L ■

I9«T MOUEL A John I>tcra tractor. Btw ___lian».on plow. Alao a b ttt tojipar and lirK loidtr. S»tl totcihtr or atparaulr. Hta- „m aonaMt. Thnnt : t l l . Caallcfertf.

ONE INTEimATlONAU lU .tir-proptllaj comblna. laaiplita wlih sraln. baan and — and atUchmni. Ntw thU ataaaa.

s n rv c CASE t»»eti>r. Juil erarhaulad. tractor —

b^n planttr. btan cultlrator. potato cul. ^ha nrKin P^w.^M.:C0,O<). I. L. McOalUM.' »“OH

blODEL 11 McCormick Uaatur. Sunar. lifhu trvd IHl Caod condllloB. McCor- mkk tumbla plaw, en wbbtr. Ollttr 11. l»-lnch ploar, ntw. Call Olll-RI. ar tin t hmita »>uth KVHV tawar.

CASt: modtl L tractor en rubb.rj Jobn I)a.ra laodtl D tractor an rubbtr; Jclin Datra (an( plow; John Ottra ^iottoBi S - -y ^ a w ^ a n rub^^ LaaUf^HaOfa*- C


dtarhorn dtlu it (•whttl waraaa BRADEN nEITT CLIPPERS

Daarbon l.war plawa Towaar Ferd pkb-gp bait llftara


IMPLEMENT CO.Ml Ird A»a. «. Phona 114-III

*' ■ ' > Wa— ■ . l i t


for .Tur alUlMl. roUar baartu a«sl«pad potato plltrs. "


le t alUlat poUteaa fer iletk faadla*.


raa l . Bsrlar. PboM OttW I . Idak*

— ' FOh

TRACTORS ^Mndtl D Allla Chatmara aaiLVAC Ctaa wlih apoi, baan nU lrttar -------

aad baan aulUr. 1 raar eld —Jeha Datra D wlik tqlUralar aad

-• cerT Bf ator bar VAC, wllh Krtid cuIUTalar .Oilier TO OP

PLOWSO llttr 11 plow UollBa luablt. 1( iBcb

. C0HDINE3 0.4 Caaa Comblaa It-A JahB Daara CoBiblnaPola Dtrrlck 10 he


Buhl, Idaho Pheaa tT-W Tw«I Ona

M A i. GHAIW AND K E E jT ? ”'EED (nailinc. Uenaabaa liiiunx Btrrk^ _ «

I’hont 0<«U». Thra.

*C?l‘l° r^ d ‘l'^ “ u 'i j KiaUTlr" -nU,io ilk U ^ 'u .llin f ' inrtHi--- '»«TU10 or Wl at niaf. Idaha.

viLL b«r lM»r-w Mltd har. Al«> «atiia M ara^ Call aftir T p. b>. Pbeaa (. '

rrean 'l Ako% !tian and btaa iMw* (on 100 acn- farm, Thont « . J i or aca n«Uod IL Daria, Kurtaach. ^ —


HAY. GRAIN AND F E E DM-r b X m af atraw; ao w aa^ J a b . aD

WhbBiora. Phona «»B 1 . Jaroma. nIM TONS balad alfalfa har. Wlra ilad. F F

LIVe s t o c k - p o OLt b V '

UrlB«. I w«l. Bt“B o? th i« l o^ . . .

apflbla for iwiSlralloC' A. U l l l n l u _ «

'. - I .» ■ - “ '•IBtaadlBc B(a beara. Dttp Craak 8Wak r>Farat. Phon. OMWI. Buhl. SU]

BMOBTIIOBN cow camlni wIlA 4lii calf. AFnab la law d*r,. I ffn t calt JtoliUlB ilMtata. 6«<cril alhcr toad aprlarar hiaowa. Baa il Etocbratd. 01

GOOD THINGS TO E A T |—Waahlniton aehool.

y ^ lt bAlE. U rra r» ra.pUfrlta."OIW-MI. Cllltord Daanr.___________

OMD drawad bttf. RMtonabla p r i ^

°; . Al-PLESi Jantlkaat aad i ac ta._ wll. aa.I un hl,hw „ 10. P l.m . Vaabunt. ORAPCS. U u l.fl at 12.00 buektl. brinc

aasUloara. 1^ nilta w a t at aeuthwaat aeraar af Filer. Man Knita.

BEEF br Whele, half er ouaruri tap qtui^iS i i t" p h l« jiiV " ’* T i" * '^

EXTRA nlca JvnaUan and bcllcUua ai^Mo and UB. X milt aouth of Smith ^

Par*. S wiat. E. D, CampUII, -----

YOUNG STEER B E E FlK'T.Uii„-=!!: It


Harmon Park M arketWHOLESALE — RETAIL

-----------------—--------------------------------- 101' > Bu



Engle Bluff OrchardBUHL. IDAHO

APPLES FOR W INTERBitra cholet DouMe Ile^ Dtllrlouai {]' Commnn ntlkl.nia; .<li<rmen>; Dotihla

ALL (;nAi)i:s « ViiicrsKENYON GREEN

1 aoulh. H «••>. l.i toulh T^ln Fall. FOll

------ ' F ^


! A P P L E S r |

Mountain View Riinch1 SOUTH. 4 TA.ST OF JF.ROME W

------ Bft.'ket or Truck Load ------ oojj• DKJ.ICIOUS ,‘h'• douiim: ni;u dki.icio u .s r R ;• STAYMKS.S dll• WI.SMAI'S• tiHlMU noI.DKN

Field run or sorted t?—imiNIi tnVN CONTAINEns „„

’ PETS pi'F.KlNGjaK^ pupplta for talt, » wetka

HtlilSTKItLn (Jtfman and Emluh polnl- tti . KtmalH. two pui<a. I'hona 112.J. I

WANTED TO BUYOLD UULD and lewelrr. Th. Jawd i)oa.

lUntfO'K llnlal Lobbr.WANTi:i>riO0' buthtl. of mlatd iraln tM

frtt nt wmla. I'hont Olll-IU.~O I~ ~ O Z K N~^(i;ia : lt.rrp.^,ir. -----

or Auatra Whlla. Phont b; j u . Flltr. -----








Wa ha«a a timlltd amount of etoratt trac t a>allatil«. Mabt rour rnerva. I tlon* NOW. J


Twin Falli. Idaho

FOR SALE OR TRADEI t u CllKYSLER 4.door aadan. Baw nibbar.

ItIB Medtl A tadan. Call OMIuni.ISII I.DOOR Jlodaon (tdan. Will trsda

for JO and 10 fool Hunt barracka. con­tact Watt BMa Sarelca. 7lh aad Uuk g irttt. Ooodlt>». ___________________

ftllSC. FOR SALE • iji^ l> O u l^ m oIo r In ^alr coajltion. i l l uiS;;

T . s ‘v . r s s ‘ • c

______ I’bo




W IU, BELL CHEAP tlni10 horae Annonla Plant rompleta with attl:colU. ra lttt. ate. SBfflckat Ior » -------walk.ln bonta. ^

CHECK THESE OTHER m ;M 5 » f lThlrtr (Ml fatt of Utat Counun U b Two (Jl *»1! Walk.ln Ikxea •Ona n i TxlJ Walk-In Oni -Oaa '(V) j'm^^Vanihn'iw • C.

Thrae (}> Mtal Blo-lim —Ont (1) Brmklni Tabla *Thrta (I) 8tta lata laodtla DartOix Jkiadi

Hobart Bcalo 0«dN an tm a ulhar IncldtntaU -------

In Mtat Marktta a t .- OALQ06W-J4 — ^

TW IN PALLS. IN EVENINGS l* la--------S H 'B U H in J A T n M E — -------

O R CONTACT PA T CO X ----------- • U ----------------- :-------------------------- 1

i i f t .

MISC. FOR SALE FUMETAt. "Mtat oa tha kanta." ikaai> H f

eamn. Call UWU. _M

WUH V let. p£Ba"'i»V7. Ktatarlr. ”

*ta«»a K a *ldaal

Water ermura artttcs, aMaktr alot* aad at& 'irRV "i^.'‘V ,r‘% s ! ! s r ^ ^

*I^IJDY^»a^*^wlth i ^ j ^ a f^^polU hw W

g U ^ T t w ^ t ^ ^ W l I l u t a r ^ TnST SAl«. U tttita antomalla Rtmlnftaa l» ■heuun a m la l dtluzB oflibralU caataa ^{.VS' a , " “' K


- OIL HEATERS —- WABOTR8 -- RANGES - L a r ts Seltc tlea

t a gTaaM ApptoTtd Gaarantaa

iWt Unit lla>a Tlib Spactl DtllTtr tnrwhtra la Ha«lt Valltr I


S-U.R.p.L-U-S > iS-A-I»-E-S I i


CLOSE C U T -42J9I 1

100'; wool, rar robt bU nkttJ___tl.UBunk Uwle (..t) _____________ |6 .» \ jWiJnul TjplJl llnka . ._ _ _ _ |I 4 .0 0Cardtn lUVia______________ .J|Food Grinder________________ flJO

. i:-Jtw tl W atch*___________ U».M

Spud Apruni. ht*«r can»u ____ I3.1SlOO'i Do-n FllleO •■'l.tpln* Bail tll .H -----Ouuldt Whllt I'alnl ................... t l . l l

Wlilia -T ' Shlrta W.

DAVIS MOTOR CO. -Ul Main W. Phona t(

FURNITURE, APPLIANCESF O U G o o d babr bed and maitrtia.

FOU KALK: Ntarlr ntw (iptrli ell baatar.

S-l'IKCL waliml .IlnlnK room art. Mo-lrrn

ITtlH? ** ___UlNlMl'ruom tullti Tal-le. bulftt. I rhalrai

Itditcarl, aprlnxt and mallrrti. *91 —-r-Fllmnrt. _________________________ b l[ ’

UUUD coal ranit. (nxl uil htaler. utt<f j ”Iwu manlhi. l« ll Whlim in <err rood I J

dUInn, Call .tie r S p. m. rhona n« .W .I..0 led A tfiut U ..._____________^ Ph

lIUTl'UINr nftU eraur: on. iwlns chair; -----Hnorer awteper la .«e.tlenl condition. t i t Second avmu. wt«i.

llnT IILAHT oil W u r. I room ti>«. uw l i nnt wlnltr. Enamel Irath burner. r«-l aa naw. About halt priet. Phtnt S(lt-R. lea w uet._____________________ I'o



Jia 'o^lioB *Oll'*T«nk

S E L F S HARDWAREiM Ind Aw. B. Phant »;>■»» |

FOR SA ^E imLMnf. bedroom. Duacan-Phjfa dlnln« re-.m turnliurai alto ratrlctralor (new f unlll; waeber. cbroat brtaktail atl. ruta and padi. Jnnrraprinc Inaltiaattt.•prirra. Umpt, Mntd drapet, kluhtn , fupboardt. taeuutn dtaner and atlacel* > lantout artlelt*. i

TED KOLLECKER»; nilta Berth Waihlnctaa ftchooL


YOUR MARK OF DISTINCTION »iir rour dbllncllTi fumllura. mar U •’*


JIERCHANDISE MART- I>‘W**a at OpporlunUr (

Whera it la^a^wart^ t«rnltsra tor leaa


DIRECI• BICYCLE SALES A SERVICE • AUlaaiaa Cralarr. I'k. ll> u t Mala Aaa. K. MOT'

• CLEAWgfiS & pyE B S__________ J T pmchtnjaoa a. . i „ lad St. W Pk.~n5: F I U

• Pal• CO■^f.^EnC/AL PRlNTmG J - ;Uuti'U^prmuas at all klada. Itaw JIava. — £

— — -----------------------------------k S i• c o .v s l - f l u c n o N —UNO~ltTailat. <lln BaTlBc.‘ a lL 'r o S l w—

IhW Coaatrectloa to. Pkaea OHO.fi;.

• FLOOfl ^

t” "hiBi- ^ ^ S * » a d t a tS S U ^ fr i * SiattlBiataa. Pkaaa Itl*._____________ TbTs ;

• FUnNtTVRE___________________ I !L I

• CLASS - n A C M ro fls_________b^ taa Gla.a~4 Bad, iw Ua JL ^

• KEY SUOP__________________ __ • VliUadt * Uoaur Ear Sbea.~tt('tBd fac £*•«“

Bag at L & BU>ra. Pbooa ItM-M. ^ Cla.

• M lM EiXnAPmNC i J L

t» ia FalU c ^ n _ m _ m i]L K . t a v - m ^

• WONEY r o LOAN ■i^UNt:c> tei I^U ha aa^ Lm m . Ascm * ^

». Baak * T tM B sS dt^ FbBM m u HTW



• M U lS.*U^^t ^ Wh it e p«re«lalB raara, rood m SP

Uoa. U I.U. Tanaa. Wllaon-Batau U iii^ 'a tna raJ £lac>rle rt^.lcrauir. go»i ^ r ^ i l ^ n . 1116. T t ^ . WIlwn.Batw.

IU M . Bllaat Bua oil haatara | oa'a. two and thraa ptdaaul Duacaa Phrfa dlalas Ublaai drop Itaf axtanatoa tabltai t-vlaca nacBB Phrfa dlnlnt ro ta aalu: walaut dlalB* rooBt iu lu i Iliht and daik bad- reom aBllati bad dartnoai daranpart aad chair attai awlnc rocktnt kltabta ca^ latU i babr b«lai bofdtai hUh abalni kadat ip rinn and m aurtattai^nroltura nu ^ i USED) Oil circulaterj «oal clreo* latorai coal ranrtai waltr haatarai hitckan cablnttt; brtakfatl h k >«11 n s t antlqut draaatrai alactrk rtnsa. Whtal chair fer rtnu Caottaltnt tanaa. W





SALES CO.ISO Ualn 8. Phoaa »».W

WASHERS It Apax. naarlr ntw f t».H I—I Eaar 8pln.drler. ----

practlcallr ntw tunftn _1 Wet Urn Dtacon _________ I 7J.801 Bnlrolator Bpln-drler - t 10.0O 1 Thor Automailc. ticallent I J — il ba I ' “

n » « l-------------!___ *____ tlW.CD

IRONERSI u w Rctarr automatic,

ntarlr naw-------------------- 1 M.OO1 Kanmora aotnmatlo _-____IIU.OO t C. E. F lalp tata_________ 1100-00


RADIO AND MUSICBCHUMAN uprlahl mahoianr piano and

htneh. lUO. Call III Third a>tn«a aaat.W. R. Startnton.___________________ " "



Cood rtcoadltlnned pltiua• ALI. OUAHANTEEU• FREE DCLtVERY• TERMS w


SPECIA L SERVICES SliiKl'TlC Unk and cetirool cleanlnsi atwtr

llnta cleaned br UWo Rooltr. H. C. JT Jonaa. Pbona X lljg. IIT Wttl Flltr ^

BOUAKE DEAL pluffltilnK atrtlct. IntUU 11 ^latlona. rtpalra; new and ui«l fliturea. niWa aim (o plaaaa. K i lltrTlton Straat. „ Phon. 1I7»-M. Jnhn O. VlebwtB.

Quaraolttd Btfrlferalor iitrilea Uaslt Valltr lletrlrcfallon Serrlca

DONALD LOUDER 170 Dlua Lakta Bl.d- Phona IIUK |



Old Bi»llrta»ta ccnitrttd lo Inntraprln*Sara about halt. Gutranttad.


MATTRESS PACTORY IJ( :ad Art. S. l-boBa«|.n

AUTOS FOR SALE „» » FflRD eoupt. rtaaonal.le. hUll Sarr. }»

ke. Filer. atUr S.IC p. m.--------------- }». . I 1»

1939 }*PLYMOUTH \ l4-DOOR SEDAN }*

liood rubbtr. clean lbrou«boul }»;PRICED RIGIITI ;;;

McVEY’S, INC. !S;' I ll It:


1141 WII.T.V.I 4-docr ardan }■;1140 CHEVnoLrr'4nlMr ttdan }!iItlX CHKVUOLCT panel ,n i l INTERNATIONAL 1^-ten Ifucit



J^IcRAE MOTORi l l AddUon Wiat


TORY• mTORCYCLES_______________MOTOUCYCI.K btlea A Strrka Martin

and Joha. Pboat UL HI Mala Art. E.

• PAISTISG & DECUnATINGPAINT tht modtrn war and taea Uodara , 0,

PalbUas. rbooa Ul-W. CiBbarlr.

• PLUMBING 4 HEATINGIleta. humein, and l.ia Co ' ■■Boa. » .I f S i ik i ' raraa«.~.M alo~PboM 'tV 7T• nEFniCEHATon se r v ic eB ^r^;a ia Appliaacta. fB o ^ 't l l i• SEWfN'G AfACHIWES

• SIGNS & SHOWCAflDS________ t»iialSU 8ICNS—I'alBtad A NtoB. Pk. UII.

% TAXWERMIST CO. I. XIULICEK. m <tk aeeaua Mat.

DUki.>on. Nortb Dahou._________

• TYPEWRITERS________________ i t ikalaa. r«Blal> aad tertkt. fboaa 00. Shn> >*<

wood T^ptirrllar Ea. Oppoalta P. 0. 114

» VACC;i;.<f CLEANEflS__________ \ l \Hlactrolui. Ibt World't faaltti Homt Hu( 1»<

Claaatr. Pb. rill-R er I t l mot Lakta N. 1»<

» .VENETIAN BLINDS---------- :THE“ fii]M f LeS----------------^ VENrnAN^BUNDSHOP

au»<B nad^ t a ^ a r Onkff aalaatl».

► WATER SOFTENERS «=r w = 3 n s n 5 S 3 c - E s r T = : r w c '—

AUTOS FOR SALE-Md aar T »m I . . . . „ „

I------------------- 1*1946 TWDE SOTO SEDAN fo?

Btaulifal blatb tlBkb. Na« ^Una, kaater. taat cottn . flald f—drlra.’ llara't t n l r a flaa car. |

$2196.00 •TEIUtl t



K l Bhoahana Bl. S. *


SEE OURt i r PLTMOUm Daloxa caopa ! i !

111 CHEVROLET 4-door tadaa l l l l FORD toder aadaa




»S1 Mala Eaat PAm « K» -----


K trt'a a laad ralUbla car la IItood coadltloB. Haalar, aaat cuYtra and ntw finlih.

$795.00 II


Ml Bhoehona St. S. | |



I le Ia*^n* tT v coet hl^*>bw*dM Mdo Itl Wall, ht atra It'a toluma. Ua (,] atilt M manr ot thtn. But atk roar 1 Baihbor whtra bt tot hU ear and ha will probabir aar "STOKES USED CAR CORRAL" trom Nultr Northrop err — poor old Bald-headtd Ror Dttr. Ym r— knoir It'a rtallr a ealhtUe eaat, 01 Uccr teiu cara all dar and halt lha ! nliht. iuit lo aaia tnouih montr to trr I to t t t aomt hair back. Uut roo and I know ll't too tau. But K kn't too lala to bur a car freia STOKES UKED CAB CORRAL. aorUmt batwatn I In tha down, w. trada far anrthint that can’t •a t or bila. And ba tu rt la lleltn to our ad ararr dar orrr K.UI.X. and a full hour en Bundar. II'DUT REMKMOER-Ifa a Slokta ear & ' “ *■ "** »■


STOKES GANGTwo localkna to a trrt rou I

co: Main A tt. S.. Uatd Car Corral 111 Xalier-Frattr Aftnc7 Uptown lg<

—.................. ................ - 111

w i il!INVITE

COMPARISONio n FORD fordorli iJK lsg ,* * .; .

1147 PORD club cospa }„il# « HUICK iHloorl» ll MERCURY club coupal l l l FORD torder «1141 CHEVROLIT t-deer ^

L _IMI FO R o 'vhS J' -----l l l l rLVMOOTS H oar

TRUCKSl l l l DODOE I tan peeb-up ^1941 CHEVROLET (TloB1140 CHEVROLET U toa 1I S i U g g S i i S



I l l lad A*a. 8. Phona Ull-W IKOPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS »*

■— > 114



— 1141947 D odse 3.(l9or m

H.ooo mlle» iM1047 Dodga Club coupe i t i

14.000 mUe» j „1937 T em p iB n # 2-<loor , , ,

New m olor. d*»a





I I I ! DODGE H.70H *”l l l l OODQE H.T0H1141 OJ1.C. VTOH . . . 1141 FORD UTONIM I CHEVROLET 1U.T0NU S S S B S l f f i s f

t ^ r tZ D . TOPB




P h o n e ^ ----------------------3 8 - #

L - ' " p :

AUTOS FOR SALE ^u n CHEVROLET «o«pa. Cood coadltlea. «'■»»

IU0.e0. North Jatkaoa. E M. Oarrtaoa. ilTT^ C .^ fM rM ilc a r . BtraraM Matar Balaa.

lot Third Attnaa WaaL Pboae I1I4.W -----i n r c i s v m E r i 3 = 7 7 a = r i : a = ; " i i ;to llr naw tlraa. i l l Oartatr ttraat. t n i

I II JEFJ* paatl dtllTvrr i——

iii140 MERCURY aad^? —

; IIO FORD tudor r —I III FORD ttMjor


* Ml Ird Ara. Wt*t

ARB T O U ____L O O K D ia FO R “

OOOD, ECONOMICALt r a n s p o At At i o n ?

Don't tail ta aoa thU „1041 PLYMOUTH |

At U l tad Ata. EaatO R P H O N E 2 3 7 7 o r 5 B 5 -J ^


A N D n i lM O R E B A R G A I N S

S e o T h e s e :IIU STUDEBAEER S-lon pkkap1141 KAISER 4nleor ttdaa1141 REO 1-lon pkkup 1I4T1147 CHEVnOLET Atroaedan . , 1.1947 CHRYSLER Wladeor 4.door*tdtB.

fulr aaulppad.1147 PONTIAC "I- 4-door tadaa » «1147 PLYMOUTH SptcUl dtlaia 4-door l l l l DUICK Suptr l-doer ttdaa l l l ll l l l PONTIAC BtreaallDr- itdaa l l l l PLYMOUTH l-patatnttr toupa,

fuHr aqulpptd. I t l lt i l l rONTIAC Torptde1110 BTUDEBAEER Commindar l-decrr

1111 HUDSON pickup HIT FORD panel dell'trr

R O E M E R ’S S A L E S & S E R V I C E >*"


' ' 1 i m

1110j S E E U S F I R S T


I n


n i l DUICK Roadisailtr. tullr tqulp- ptd. ont owner. I3.2M/XI.

I t u DUtCK tuptr 4-door tedao, lownileatt. Kullr ti]Ulpptd. ' T R

t i l l MERCURY 4-door atdan, radio. 7 ^ bcalrr. Vtrr claan. *“ V

HIT CHEVROLET l-d-.r. Inw mlleata T n ?- t l l l CHEVROLCT I-loor, radio and ham

111* KOIlD'wMr. Dlack. l l i l HUDSON t-deer. radio and haaUr I t i l FORD ]-door. radb and heatar, » ^ l

1110 MERCURY, radio and htalrr. - 4 ^ Ver, clean.

IHI DODCE. I-Joor '* it i l l CHEVROLET 4-door

* tulaC O M M E R C IA L U N IT S ^

n i l CHEVROLET^i-ton pickup, prae. Trol1111 lOTDGF. Ij-lon pkkup. t r r r claan. . *

low mlltatt. heatar. **•* •l l i l FORD 4-toa pkkup. lo* mllaaca.11(0 r o R ^ ! to n panel .. 1 **I tll FORD t^.lon pkkup. ntw moler WITHI tll FORD I'^.loa truck Chr



I , mlUU S E D C A R S ^

O F A L L ^M A K E S A N D M O D E L S



L O O K O U R S T O C KO V E R F I R S T bln?

GM^lO PINANCINGI t i l MERCURY l.door atdan; beiler, awa:

rvlbk oierdrire, blut shotI t l l HUDSON CoBimodora I 4-door t f oat

dan; htattr. rtdlo: Mont mtroon, tort'I t l l UERCURY 4>doer aadaai h«t«r, in a

rtdk. 11.900 mllea: trar . dUoil l i l UUICK Iloadmaittr l-door aadaa.------------ ---------------------tllT MEIlC^RY^Uoa watoa. baatar,IliT UUICX' auptr Indoor aadaa tallr rM

t4ulppt>l: «err clean, low mlleata A i'1147 CHEVROLET atdaa dellTtirit i l l DUtCid BpaeuV 4-door atdaa, ra- ??,L

dio. htalar. tuD mtlal tra r . ' '***HIT CHEVROLET *«loor atdan | kaaW

tr . rajl4! 3-ioni brown tli^ rONTIAC conrarUblt; btaUr, ra- L ^ _l l l l NASH 104 i-<Ioor aedan. baatar t i l l CHEVROLET ilatloa wa«on. ma. l l i l FORD Moor aadaa; heatar. radio.l l l l CHKVROLKT Flatlmaitar Meer

tedan: heatar; blua. t i l l FOUD 4-loor itdas; baaUr, radio,114} NASH WO 4-door aadanl»4t FORD 4-door •►lan: fa«tar, raila ------1149 DODGE 4-door a«lan tlio FORD butlneaa couptl baatar l l l l PLYMOUTH l - tM «tdtB t m CHEVROLET S-door tadaa ^lit? Balliburr ScooUr, autoaialU C

• traoimUatoa. 4 apeadl.COMMERCIAL U N IT S I__

1147 Cherrolet S-taa truck, r a c u u m -------ahlft: r^pwd azia. , .,, ,

1141 Chtrroltl m -teo truck *ltk nruwoUpa,

1141 Dodtt ^ .ton : htatar. black 114* Chevrulct U.toa panelWll SSSTrfe^trala bad

' S P E C I A L Sl l l l Cub Farra-all tractori lltbla. aatt

aUrUr. DRAND NEW. BtTBlar p rk . 1173. Sptclal 1711.

111! ChtTToltt track soaatad withCobk chala drlra. equipped tor <k«(ie«i will haat 4.000 faat ar fre« 11 ta 11 loaa. Ntw prle*

— n.000. Spatial MJOO.


— -JBBOMK-'IMBO------------- ——


A t f l ^ T O R SALB.

lM i' l?gg OTT ;a ;£ » no \car. aa. tkU oaa. WIU aaU i l i k t k Sm ’IITI. I l l Bboahona atratt ae.lL. ' 'J

IIU 4.b00R ^ l u ^ o r d R a ^ k C S ; . ' ,r •ad ntw tlraa. n ,0«t m il» Oaa4 ' cmdltlea. Prk* I t Jt040. Pboaa 01-FV. > . '. ,t Jar«ae. « nertk. waaU ^

m A .N o'aiff’siD* A tr^ O T . '

farooa FboM US ' - -

1948 FORDBUPER DELirXB STATION WAOON FuIlr aqutopad with radio aad htalar

Lew nlltaca—Eualltnt coadlUoa Ortfinal ewatr—A Good B117




Radio, htatar and a!r-«lda Ural Kictlltnt CoadlUea



l l l l FORD Bspar Dalna aada* aasp*l l l l rORD Oaloaa tudorHIT FOBi) D alna ferdorl l l l rORO lU toa troak wlib rood

rraia bo^HIT CUCVROLCT ferdor, lew anMcal l l l CHEVROLET Bpactal I>alaa I

paaaautar coupal l i l aUlCK fieadmattar aadaa wllb

TtT7 lew Bliaatal l l l PONTIAO SUaaallaar aedaa1141 nUDSON ce«p«l l l l am^YBLER *«Ub. a «aod ca t .

TRUCKSIIIT CHEVROLET tft-wbaal tzvek, 4bbI

drlraHIT DOERNATIONAt. aaa t nt i n INTERNATIONAL » M trock

wltk ^ap**dt m DODCE U ton pkk-.»

1140 »•«>>«• *U r.rr.


T-W -I-N F-A-L-L-S M-O-T-O-R C-0., Inc.


TRUCKS AND TRAILERSItai^FOUD l<i^^^4I^B)o(or. I7««. 411

HIT FORD pkkup. 11,100. LaMar B ls f

bed. Se* a t Btrt BtaraBi. IH aoutb af

Ulehtleld. RouU No. I.FACT(JKY trallt trallar liaata. Lala me^Ii

lire o lln tU t. A>1 coadltlaa. lU’ ae«tb of Shall Btrrlo*. Flltr.:>-K(30T Antrleaa trailtr lioat*.''taliri^

aulated. flrat cUta coadlUoa. Cct^nt. htalint unlti. m to o . Phone lOM-M.

condition. Ttrma^If d i l r a i *^«o'lr*'Trock Lana Market. U«- dtk Aransa

h m T nteb iJationaL pickup, u h ftl»-dtbaktr pklnp, 4«peed Iranmlaafea. O n t ^ r r tralltr. IL 8. DaWltt. Pbeaa

''^Chrrrolet truck. ^ p t!* fa lr ^ 1a rood bur. 1110 Klabtrlr Road. BcotVa Oil Companr.

im ; CHEVROLET IM t e a 'true]^ E w rK rPbont lll» J .

whttlbaae. 2-apeed aila, btrt bait. I.IM , mlla.. M.OOO.OO. 1 aoutb. S\k wmi H

Jetnna or PhoM OI.FII.Tr a il e r hom esi Wa'itViewellfpUjIn*

a t tm t IIU trailrr hemaa. Ceaa la and at* tht ntw look. Alte manr uiad nedalt.Park Tralltr Salea. 1100 Kiaberlr Read.

TRAtLEK HUMESi 1»U ll-foel UoraJ Manr aatraai 1I4T »-foet Hobllflldai1141 It-foot ScbtlBii aU« eecaplau aala^ tlon ot atw tralltr*. Bt* t l P art TraUtr Baltt. IIOO KImbtrlr Road.

iUST ARRIVEDi A ll-toel Yr«»;Ua wllh oil heat. BuUsa eraa. ttora. e e » blnation altctria rafrlttrater, VtfSUBaal bed. braaktaat nook, aceommodataa 4. tor ll.£00. 1147 WaalcrafC Comade wtlb

in aUndard and daloia BwdaVk 171 Ad* dUoa wttt. Woedr BtaL .____________


Lent whetlb >e. rood toBdllloa tbrewb- ^ t . WUI aoceaamodaU I t (oet b**t bad.I’rlce rr«atl/ tadiKwl.


llQ FOIU} pkkap. tSTt.M.

t i l l ^ V R O ^ ^ ^ ^ BUkopl «■UM.M



AVAILABiLIPOR ‘ - . V 'iM U E D u n , , . : ;■ DSLIVZBY

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF086/PDF/1… · Th9 K th tn . dea

i | i S e w : m . I 4 £ l . . _ _

For M agic Is I N e a rly R ^ady I

< O cOt iB italU tioa* o t «t«e] tquip* IBktBt ran U m s to . compteU con* ■.•tnoU oD o t th e new C onstun T> ■b w a t U tt k t M u le UountklD to ■p n p m Um avw u n to r o p e n tlo a ■

ir tn t« r . w eo rd tnc to CUuAo ■Jo n w . e p e n to r o t tb e kree. ■

T t t a ew UA vU t bauU e approxl- ■a u t s l r 3M tk l e n p e r hour «Dd pres* ■

>«nk tn iU u tlo a i m th a t ikier* wUl ■■ b t uttaqt th e new cquSpaent before ■lo a s . A lrew tf th e re have been two ■n o w A tonal In th e winter recrea- ■UOQ a re a , henee another e&rl; sea* H•OQ U expected, l ^ e li l t Is expected ■to ba tn opera tion (or the s ta r t or ■

. . th e ek l eeamiL B: T e m la a U B e a d r ■

T erm tiuaa to r th e l u t ha re been Mcom pleted a n d posU to support th e - meabl* b a re been installed up the ■aide o t th e m ountain. The lU t h as ■been extended severa) hundred fee t ■to l l n Bklen a longer tu n a t th e ■to o t o t th e m ounta in and a tllg h tlr ■lo n i t r ru n trom th e top. s ix m a jo r ■ru n a will be se rred by the lUt. *me ■ICzwb hit) tow h id been moved to ■th e pn c U c e slope and extended to ■1.000 te e t. ■

B ru sh haa been cleared trom ■Pike m ounU In to give slclers a n in* ■te im e d la te course and beslnner's ■ru n s h»ve been cleared on Ptke ■m ouat& tn. B eg lnnen will contm ue ■to use th e pracUce tow. Senr& l ■r u n s w hich were no t open a year l iICO will be tree o( brush this season. ■

B e tU r Equipped K JAs a resu lt o t work done dunnB ] ■

th e sum m er a n d InstallaUon o t the ■new U tt. th e a re a U better equipped ■to hand le ski m eets and tourna- ■m enta. A schedule o t sW meets and ■o th e r V in te r aclUtUes will be an* 'nounced foUowlng the s ta r t of win* coite r m eetings nex t m onth by the AtiU a« la Mount&ln SU club. stc

m connection w tth work to tm- U ip rove taclUUes fo r meets and to u r- a tzuunents. Jones said a l0>meter ba:ju m p Is now under construcUon by — tb e ski club. Addition of the JumpwlU m ake tour-w ay to unum en ts I poaslble. T h e Jum p will be an tm* p o r ta n t fac to r tn high school meets ta be held la th e winter recreaUon a re a th is season.

A sk i school WlU be conUnued th is sonj e a r w ith BUI L ash asslsUng w ith "nnInstrucU on. Jo n ta reported. He sold Is tspecia l a m n g e m e n ts would be m ade V Sto handle b l«h school skJen each DnISa tu rd ay a ca ln t h b year. Special her<tow ticket p rices wlU be se t fo r high P•chool students. r a n

Prison Parolees’ SS Camp Is Closed mS

McCALL, OcL W WV-An expert* f'®*' m e n ta l cam p to r Idaho state prison parolees h a s been closed here a fte r opet»U n« fo r W days. i"®

T b e eam p opened S e p t 14 and U * '8t prtsonera were moved here.

Purpose o t th e cam p w u to pre* ^ p u « th e parolees fo r the ir re tu rn to V i th e ir hom es a f te r prison Ufe. the, Id ah o board o t corrccUons said. ^

T h * parolees cleared roads and beaches on P a y e tte ' lakes. buUt E tcQces ai>d Improved righ ts o f * a y v e r o n stattt*cw ned property. ' ing"B d B eaton . S t. U arle . dtsU lct Id a

p a r^ e officer, superrtoed th e camp, wld W arden U S . Clapp, said fu tu re and

p n ie c ta o t th is na tu re w iu be con- C stdered because of th e porotee's slor conduct a t th e camp. H e sold there »>«' • r e no instances o t parole vlolaUon

S .

Fall Feed Outlook "b Is Good in Idaho ^

BO ISE. O ct. 18 (^TW daho fall teed prospects a re r>od. th e XI. 8 . departm en t o t agriculture said.

AlUiough ranges declined ta con* ^ dlU on due to dry . w arm Beptembtr w eather, te c u n e n t showers during th e end of th e m on th Improved prospecU m ateria lly , the departm ent •a id.

P len ty o t hay and g rain Is avail* ab le a n d sheep and catUe main* ta ln ed «ood condition.

n B s s : B s c = z s = B X B n B D r




law cM P ricet in Tear* fi See D l B e f m Xea Boy tt

F & W D (


W « c a n in a h s Im c o m p le te w i th


^ P U M P ]

jO B M E r e n s e T a e a n r e p a i r J j U n u y m a k e o f p a t o p o i

| b h H

^ ^ i < » T v s L v a


s k iL if t ':


‘ B R f S B S


I .>


W orking ag a in s t Ume tn anUelpallan ( constm ctlon of bo th te n n ln a l j fo r the < Already two enow atorm a have been rtp ■teel to com plete th e U(ts before wlnl U lho upper te rm inal o t th e ski lift. Tbi a b ig steel w heel a roand w hich the contl baUDce" (or l l r s t lower. Mon ilandlng I

“Letter Writing Oi Week” Observed

•nv rlte a le tte r todoy and mako p som eone happy" Is th e theme of par “nnUonol te tte r w riting week” which tnlU Is being observed th is week In the nlor t J £ . . accordlns to C. L. Polmer. ftm D n lted Atr L tnes' stAtion m anaser Odi he re .---------------------------------------------------- N

Pa lm e r poin ted o u t th a t mcIaI yc.ii correspondence is estlm oted to be T 05 p e r cen t of aU m all flown In the ycil U n ited S ta te s w hich boasts tho best chl< atrm aU service tn Uie world. and

He sa id approxlm ntely 03,000 a ir- O m all le tte rs are flown from Jo,illn mu: field each m onth . Figured on the nux la s t V. S . census bureau report of cer: populaU on of T « in Falls , h e said tho th o 03.000 le tte rs m eans olmo.it will e ig h t le tte rs fo r every m on, woman L a n d child In Tw in Palls.-------------------- the

------------------------------ K0(

Spud, Onion Ads S 'P lan n ed for East _

BO ISE, O ct. 1 8 -T h e Idaho od- uui T crtlslng commLulon Ln cneoumg- Ing coopemUon In ndverUslng of <>..Id a h o potatoes end onions between ___wldw eatem a n d eastern wholesalera a n d retaUers.

D . A. Stubblefield, s to te commis­sione r of ag ricu ltu re a n d commis­sion chairm an , sold these wholesale a n d re ta il deale rs a re belncc contact­ed now to stim u la te cooperaUon In th o promoUon of th e Idaho pro­ducts.

H e sold J o h n P. O reenlee, presi­d e n t of the C line A dvertising serv­ice, Is m eeting w ith tho dealers ta m idw est and e aste rn clUes. The C ltne A dvertising service Is one of th o advpriLilng counsellors to the commission.


W £ S f i / N a W A Tsmysib e c a u s e it h a s o

h o r d -w a x finish


,■ I I — I , — = /


A T E RY S T E M S i\ Immediate Inslallation1

A . N I Z E D P I P E

[ P R E P A I R S

p a ir prom ptly and properly Ip o r pam pins eqalpm en t ^

K r e n g e l Xto e o rp e ra ta d ^

« l t t n d A T«r8.--Tw tB FallK l i a . -

t t Towers at Magic

a m / '

Uan of a no ther early season a t M agio Mo< the ConiU m T -B ar akl Uft to be tnstalk< a reported in lh e a re a , m w o rk e n ar«. h w inter ctosei in on th e popntar reereaUt

. Tbe bix wooden tow er In th e te re ironnd contlDDdoa cable wlU ra n . Tow er In th e bi ding by tow er in th e to rcg roand la CUnde

Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Gather

POCATELLO, Oet. 18 {ITi—K d e - partm ent council fo r p a tria rc h s ^ m lU tant and auxiliary opened ses- Blons today for th e five-day a s - “ fcmtjly of Uie Idaho grand lodge of '' Odd Fellows a n d Rebekahs. „

Moro tlian COO delegates reg is tered ^yc.ilerday, reg is tra rs esUm ated. ___

T he 6CUt annual s e u lo n began yesterdoy w ith th e decoraUon of th e chivalry. T ho p a triarch s m ilita n t and nuxlllory d inners oLio w ere held .

OUier events today will be the muslcrlng In cercm ony by th e Boise auxiliary a n d InstallaU on of ollt* cers. Mrs. 1. O ran t, noble g ran d ot the Pocatello IV7 R ebekah lodge, will open th a t assembly'.

Leading grand lodge officer a t the assem bly U E d T . OUroy, Kooskla, g rand m aster, Mrs. L illian Hughes, Ooodlng, la presiden t or the R ebekah assembly.

CALIFORNIA M B rT O ItS' DECLO. Oct. IBr-Mr. a n d M n .

Bud P ra th e r and son, S herm an, Sacram ento. Calif., a re vlstUng a t the E arl Alien home.

H e r e

i t i s

SICKS’ S B A T T IS B R E W IN Q -* M A L T IN G c a .....................




ic Mountain Read}


-••i v.. —I Mcmntala. w w keia b a v i completed « « taOed a t Ute w in te r rw reaU oa area. W n . hep lag te r ib e early arriva l e t reaUon area. Show n tn above phot® tinnd awalU only th e lastaUaUon e t he backgrooad is a ao rt of "cem tter- B ande Janes, a re a e p era te r. hoc -------------------------------------------------------- K n

Divorce SoughtD tnUiEY. O ct. 18 — T heresa

A ldrich has filed su it fo r divorce Cfrom Victor A ldrich charging e x - Idatrem e cruelty. T h e couple was m a r- herr ied Oct. 07, XW9. The plotaU ft rec"<»« custody of fou r m inor children lat<support money a n d r ra l esU te. Ol<

----------------------------- recT he land a rea of th e United S ta te s cle;

Is 3J)77,13B square miles. poi

Here il



m i 9 4 i ............6

Stokes Sales & Se Twin Falls, Idah

Idalio M otor Senricc ................................................. ^ V l d a h o -


iy f o r f a s ta lla tio u

T b a bara-U ke baUdlng fn pbeto absi wlQ b e m eoated In th e open portion ot t C able for th e Ufl U m pported by a serl

Worker Is Hurt In 30-Foot Fall

KXNO H ILL. Oct. 13-BU ly O rest- Cui b ouse, a n employe of tho UorTLson- dLii K nudsen ConstrucUon company, U recovertag ' from Injuries susUIned la s l week w hen h e fell 90 (eet totho ground n s a scaffold collapsed. __

G reathouse was working on an aw Id a h o Povi-er com pany projec t near h e re a t the tim e of th e accident. He br received firs t a id trea tm ent, bu t was JJ la te r exam ined by a physician a t u< O lenna Ferry . T h o doctor said he received s tra in ed a n d bruised mus­c les In h is liack a n d leg*. Cement pow der In jured one eye.___________

it is, Magi

e l 9 ^

/^ S /a z e /Onco in a bluo moon t l

, and sets tbo p a tte rn 1Low, dock and

'xilors and fabri •Hicy caU i t ”

• TTioBaniewbo mut

Fmzez "ma

4 9 F ^ E ^


Service _B aldw in Seiiah o ' " Fa trXlBld^crice. Inc. Goodins filott 10' ........... ......... : ■ Gooding,' Id

►q o f Sttee lE q p ip mi

•ba re to (he downhUl te rm laa t of ih e sU I of ihe bslld tag . M achinery to operate Ihe . series o f pole* m a n la g ap th e m eontaln. (

Canal Repairs Set I ERUPERT, O c t 18—W ater will be .

turned out. o f M inidoka project f l canals W ednesday, noccrdlng to Roy Cunnlngltam, M in idoka IrrlgaUon dLiUIct m arm gcr. ^

C leaning a n d rep a ir work «,111 j| s ta r t Im m ediately, w ith moet of the work to be done in tna ta canals.

I t i W p i ^ w .

lie Valley

9 F M

? / -o /i;a rs A,m tbo s ty lis ts a n d cn^noers o u t ^ tben om fo r cars o f tho fu tu re . T bls is w hat jd diffam dy handaom o i t tbo tnulblii fabrics h ava n iade tho w orld’s leading it i t " th o d ream car” ,

imo ca r, tb e F R A Z E R for 1049, has evi m ust rclcntlcesly punish a car mHw aflc azer imrh driv ing no punishmcnl"m ako 600 m iles a d ay a hroozD,” tboy

llu iro ’s a th r ill w aiting fo r you a t y< im jiroyem cttts a nd refinements, t i ' —trailb lnzing tho w ay for .all th

trad itio n , tho cars f^nx WHkn "new ” ctufl b tillt einco tho wi

2 billion mileal worth! Vali Soo and driva tbe new

Kaiser-FVozer C arper

YOUR DEALER’S TUESService Sanders Mo

H otorC o. m d W M U Idaho ..... ........ Burley,

i m e h t S o i l

b a zbeer e ord laa

regula trom a . m.

ouuboard « banbuclnttoclne

I b e

. t r ^ d le n

j]I ^ H b o m •

< J , e r tK i '..'4 cordta ^ i.V ' m oth t



e sU U/e. Another M r it««i wheel e Uie lif t U hcnued la (he boU dinf. ala. (Staff encraviags)

B e w a r e C o u g h s ’

F r o m C o m m o n C o l d s

T h a t H A N G O N .Cceotsuliioartlievesproontlybeauie ic nott (igh( to the sestof (hotrouble 10 belp lootca aad expel gerta ladeo phlegm and aid nscurs to tootfae and bexl raw. tm der. ioOiffled broochial inucouimenibrane*.T(II your druggist to kU >-ou a bottle of Creomuliion with the undentaodiog you mute like (he way ic quickly alliyi die cough or you are to have your money back.

CREOMULSION T mforCoushs,Ch«tCoIdj,Bronchltis


f^ ce^ / e/tbemsclvcss. T hey crcato a car th a t rocs 1 'h a t thoy havo dono w ith tho FRA2XIR f

tabloMjr in s tylo o f cars to come. I ts c id i ing fashion deaignexB fall in love w ith it.

IS even w on tho Imrd-to-win h earts o f tho I a fle r mOo for weeks on end. Thoy say t] m ent for Uiem. I t s driving ease and ridir tboy say.

a t your dealor's tomorrow. W ith 100 now ts, th e 1949 F R A ZER is ahead o f its tim JI the cars to como. F in t to hnuik c lean . tTillow R tm have dono i t again. B ecatue t 10 w ar, t b ^ v e road-provod the ir depend Voluo-provcd to a quarter-million justly

now F R A Z E R Tuadayl I t ’s a t your dca) irporatioD, WDlow R un, M ich igan ./

lESDAY!,M olor S e rv ic e Goold

jm e jJ d a b o — ____ R upc

ff-M o to r Co. R alph ’s A n ‘ley , Id a h o -------------------------------Filei


S n n d a y B e e r - S a l e

E n i d s i n H a z e l t o nB A ZEIAON, O c t I t —T b e ^ o t

b eer on S u a d iv 1* IQcfal w ltb an o rdinance b a n in g m c b n le a fobig In to effec t bere yeatarday. T b e new r e g ^ U o n prohibits tb e la la o t beer t n a m idnight Baturday to 9:30 a . m . M onday. T b r ^ sro u p i r e - Quested tb e ordinance.

O ther acUon taken m tb a TiUage • board a t JU la st m e e tly Included , | a ban on open flrea ta aUeya la th e I bu sln e u district. Constructloa o t 1 ta c ln e ro to n waa suggested. | 5

T b e board la considering m eans to control acUvlUes of magasine ped- i d lers a n d o tte r U taetant peddlera. I

B t E i n BEPOBTEDRICH PIELD . Oct. IB—A aon waa

b o m O ct. 11 to Mr. and M re. Rob* e r t K ertoo t, Beuno Pork, Calif., ac* cording to word received here . H er moUier, Mra. Ellaa Plavel. la vislUng

2 = ^ = = = =

S e e U s f o r A U




w o ® Sk


. Poultry Feeds RABBIT PELLETS


T ruck L ane Fhone M l

r .

: E0C9 beyond today ZER for 19431 '■B exduaivs th it.

of tho tost drivm say tho

a riding comfort

K) now foattirca, ts tim e .. . out/Rinl clean nnd scrspause tmlike othcry IcpcndabHity— justly proud ownerw ir dealer's. '

Joold Motor Co.Rupert, Idaho’s Aatq.& Mach._Co.____________

Filer, Idaho -------------

