ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin 70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Tel: 401.272.7712 http://www.stsahmes.org e-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] Sunday, October 27, 2019 Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross / Տօն Ս. Խաչին Գտնուելուն (Գիւտ Խաչ) Morning Service (Aravodyan Jham) 9 am / Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10 am Today's Scripture Readings: Wis 14:1-8; Is 33:22-34:1; 1 Cor 1:18-24; Mt 24:27-36 Parish Council Members on Duty: Margaret Chevian & Dorothy Martiesian Nicene Creed: Armenian Building up the Body of Christ Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross The Weapon of Victory In the 4th century, St. Constantine the Great sent his mother, Queen Helena, to find the actual cross upon which Christ was crucified. In 326, the location of the cross of Christ was disclosed, but three crosses were found. To authenticate the true cross of Christ, the body of a youth who had recently died was placed on each of the three pieces of wood. The Holy Cross of Christ was discovered when the body of the youth came back to life. This is the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross (Գիւտ Խաչ) that the Armenian Church celebrates this Sunday. Christians in Jerusalem began to venerate the true cross of Christ, and since then it has been broken into fragments, and dispersed among various churches within various traditions. Within the Armenian Church, there is a fragment of the true Cross located in Etchmiadzin, as well as St. Vartan Cathedral of the Eastern Diocese. A discovery in history, but even today, we are called to discover the Please welcome Rev. Fr. Mampre Kouzouian, our guest Celebrant of the Divine Liturgy. Der Mampre will also be the Celebrant on November 3 and will join us for our Bazaar. Please come join us for a wonderful time at coffee hour following Church Service.

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Page 1: ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletinstsahmes.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/10.27.19.pdf · կակղեն, եւ տերեւը ցցուի, կ՚իմանաք, որ ամառը մօտ

ՓՈՔՐ ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin

70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Tel: 401.272.7712 http://www.stsahmes.org e-mail:

[email protected] | [email protected]

Sunday, October 27, 2019 Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross / Տօն Ս. Խաչին Գտնուելուն (Գիւտ Խաչ) Morning Service (Aravodyan Jham) 9 am / Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10 am

Today's Scripture Readings:

Wis 14:1-8; Is 33:22-34:1; 1 Cor 1:18-24; Mt 24:27-36

Parish Council Members on Duty: Margaret Chevian & Dorothy Martiesian

Nicene Creed: Armenian

Building up the Body of Christ

Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross

The Weapon of Victory In the 4th century, St. Constantine the

Great sent his mother, Queen Helena, to find the actual cross upon

which Christ was crucified. In 326, the location of the cross of

Christ was disclosed, but three crosses were found. To

authenticate the true cross of Christ, the body of a youth who had

recently died was placed on each of the three pieces

of wood. The Holy Cross of Christ was discovered

when the body of the youth came back to life. This is

the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross (Գիւտ

Խաչ) that the Armenian Church celebrates this

Sunday. Christians in Jerusalem began to venerate

the true cross of Christ, and since then it has been

broken into fragments, and dispersed among various

churches within various traditions. Within the

Armenian Church, there is a fragment of the true

Cross located in Etchmiadzin, as well as St. Vartan

Cathedral of the Eastern Diocese. A discovery in

history, but even today, we are called to discover the

Please welcome Rev. Fr. Mampre Kouzouian, our guest

Celebrant of the Divine Liturgy. Der Mampre will also be

the Celebrant on November 3 and will join us for our

Bazaar. Please come join us for a wonderful time at

coffee hour following Church Service.

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mystery of the Cross in our daily lives. What is that mystery? Christ redeems all suffering through his grace and

life-giving presence. Jesus transformed the Cross, at one time a symbol of torture and execution, into a symbol of

faith and salvation, a weapon of victory over death. In his festal hymn composed for this feast, 7th century

Catholicos, Sahak Dzoroporetsi writes, to your miracle-working and mighty wooden cross, Christ, staff of

strength on earth revealed; come people let us bow down in worship. To the treasure that could not be hid though

ignored by the Jews, which revealed by the yearning of the queen as the wood of life; come people let us bow

down in worship. This is the weapon of victory for the faithful, the champion and victory seal against the enemy.

Come people let us bow down in worship. The epistle reading for this Sunday is from St. Paul’s first letter to the

Corinthians. He writes, “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being

saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1:18). Do we believe in the power of the Cross to give us new life

in Christ, as did St. Paul? Are we willing to be placed on the Cross by Christ and his Church, to lay down our

own lives, allowing its power to give us new life in Christ? How do we as a community suffer? How can we unite

that suffering with Christ through the power of the Cross? How can the Cross steer our course as individuals, as

families? Reprinted from the website of Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Cheltenham, PA

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 24:27-36

27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so

will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever the corpse is, there the

vultures will gather. The Coming of the Son of Man 29 “Immediately after

the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not

give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will

be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and

then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see ‘the Son of Man

coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. 31 And he will

send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect

from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. The Lesson of

the Fig Tree 32 “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch

becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is

near. 33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he[g] is near,

at the very gates. 34 Truly I tell you; this generation will not pass away until

all these things have taken place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but

my words will not pass away. The Necessity for Watchfulness 36 “But about

that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the

Son,[h] but only the Father.

“Glory to You, O Lord our God!”

Աւետարան ըստ Մարտիրոսի Ե. 24:27-36

27 որովհետեւ ինչպէս փայլակը, որ ելնում է արեւելքից եւ երեւում է մինչեւ արեւմուտք, մարդու Որդու գալուստը այնպէս կը լինի: 28 Ուր որ դիակն է, այնտե՛ղ կը հաւաքուեն արծիւները»: 29 «Այդ օրերի նեղութիւնից անմիջապէս յետոյ, արեգակը պիտի խաւարի, եւ լուսինը իր լոյսը չպիտի տայ, եւ աստղերը երկնքից պիտի ընկնեն, ու երկնքի զօրութիւններ պիտի շարժուեն: 30 Եւ ապա երկնքի վրայ մարդու Որդու նշանը պիտի երեւայ, ու այդ ժամանակ երկրի բոլոր ազգերը լացուկոծ պիտի անեն եւ պիտի տեսնեն մարդու Որդուն, որ գալիս է երկնքի ամպերի վրայով՝ զօրութեամբ եւ բազում փառքով: 31 Եւ նա պիտի ուղարկի իր հրեշտակներին մեծ շեփորով, ու պիտի հաւաքեն նրա ընտրեալներին չորս կողմերից՝ երկնքի ծագերից մինչեւ միւս ծագերը»: 32 «Թզենո՛ւց սովորեցէք առակը. որովհետեւ, երբ նրա ոստերը կակղեն, եւ տերեւը ցցուի, կ՚իմանաք, որ ամառը մօտ է: 33 Նոյնպէս եւ դուք՝ երբ այս բոլորը տեսնէք, իմացէ՛ք, թէ մօտ է Նա, դռների առաջ: 34 Ճշմարիտ եմ ասում ձեզ, որ այս սերունդը չպիտի անցնի, մինչեւ որ այս ամէնը կատարուի: 35 Երկինք եւ երկիր պիտի անցնեն, բայց իմ խօսքերը չպիտի անցնեն»: 36 «Բայց այդ օրուայ եւ ժամուայ մասին ոչ ոք չգիտէ. ո՛չ երկնքի հրեշտակները եւ ո՛չ էլ Որդին, այլ՝ միայն Հայրը:

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Prayers of Healing

Vicky Jamgochian, Dino Ricci, Gloria Kasparian, Bertha Mugurdichian, Joan Parnagian, Sarkis

Yaghubyan, Emily Gilbert, Ardashes (Harry) Der Ananian, Debra Altounian, Coleman & Kaycey and

Porter Bates, Dan Degrandpre, Anne Dorion, Maestro Khoren Mekhanejian, Aussia Reed, Roxanne,

Hagop Anmahian, Suzanne Mangoian, Richard Conco, Daniel Jr. Ayriyan.

Prayer Card Call the Church Office today if you would like to request a Healing Prayer

Card from the Church. The forms are also available on our website. The name will be

remembered in prayer by the Pastor during Divine Liturgy. We also offer and provide

Memorial, Wedding, Congratulations, New Baby and other occasion Cards with special

prayers. All names will be printed in the Bulletin and remembered by the pastor in his

prayers during the Divine Liturgy.

Parish Member Dues Take advantage of the many payment options in the New Year. Pay by

check or by credit card in full or in part – weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You can pay securely

online through PayPal on the church website (stsahmes.org) using the dues & stewardship

donation button. Membership dues are $175 ($125 for seniors, $100 ages 18-24). Become a

steward of the church by contributing beyond dues as part of the Stewardship Program. Existing

members’ dues must be received by Dec. 31, 2019 and new members by June 30 to vote at the

Parish Assembly on February 23, 2020.

Join Our E-Mail List: To receive all the latest, please go to www.stsahmes.org and click

“subscribe” and add your e-mail address so that you receive updates and events.

Love Your Neighbors Reminder: Remember your non-perishable food donations for Mary House food pantry. Items

that move very quickly and are needed the most - tuna, peanut butter, jelly, soups and rice. They also need personal care

toiletries such as toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant etc. As always thanks so much for supporting

Mary House. For info contact Joyce Avedisian (935-1815). Next Meal Kitchen is November 25, 2019. Future Dates: 4/6/20,

6/22/20. For questions, please contact Joyce Avedisian 401-724-3978.

Service Project for St. Mary Mother of God Monastery in Armenia: Donations toward this

project are greatly appreciated. Please seek in your heart to support Fr. Shnork Souin and the faithful of

St. Mary Mother of God Church. Update on Service Project- We have reached the $8000 toward the goal

and purchased the parsonage in in Armenia. Thank you to all those who have contributed so far and I

encourage you to consider making further donations towards this God pleasing project for the service

project while in Armenia next summer. You can make contributions in any amount and all donations will

be greatly appreciated and recorded permanently on a plaque in Armenia. You can send checks to Sts.

Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church attention service project ARMENIA. Thank you and God bless you.

Journey to Armenia: Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian church is happy to announce

our Parish Pilgrimage to Armenia, led by Fr. Shnork Souin from June 23 – July 4, 2020.

Registration deadline is January 15, 2020. Space is limited. We are taking deposits of

$500 “NOW” payable to SIMA Tours. For more information, please contact

Fr. Shnork Souin at 401-272-7712.

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Nursing Home Facility

Should you have a loved one in a nursing home facility who would welcome a visit from members of our church, please

contact the Church office at 401-272-7712.

Have your home blessed

Call Der Hayr at 201-306-4304 to arrange a Home Blessing

Please go to or click, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zujLge0iaA0&t=77s

Weekly Schedule

TBD 6:00-7pm. Acolyte Training

Mondays 10 a.m. Seniors (Except Holidays)

1pm Women’s Bible Study BREWED AWAKENINGS 1200 Pontiac Avenue, Cranston

Wednesday 6:00-8:00 Junior Chorale and Nazeli Dance

Saturdays 9:30-12:30 Armenian School and 9:00-4pm. Art Education Program


Today Live skype with Dr. Vahe Tachjian 1pm (https://www.houshamadyan.org/home.html) Refreshments 12:30pm – AHARI Museum open 2:00-3:00pm

245 Waterman Street Suite 204, Providence

28 Women’s Bible Study 1:00-2:30 Brewed Awakenings-1200 Pontiac Ave., Cranston



3 Family Worship

4-11 Women’s Bible Study MONDAYS 1:00-2:30 Brewed Awakenings-1200 Pontiac

Ave., Cranston

17 1:00p.m Ruth Thomasian -Project Save – Preserving Old Photographs – Refreshments 12:30; AHARI Museum

open 2:00-3: 30p.m (245 Waterman Street Suite 204, Providence)

18-25 Women’s Bible Study MONDAYS 1:00-2:30 Brewed Awakenings-1200 Pontiac Ave., Cranston

25 Next Meal Kitchen

30 “48TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY KEF” 8:30pm – 1:00am / For reservation: Rena Megrdichian 401-573-5731

Would you like to help ARMENIA’s children? Support our Fund for Armenian Relief project and go to AYO at


CALL FOR BAZAAR PASTRY! Parishioners, please drop it at the church any time up to

or during the Bazaar. It can be Armenian or American pastry. For questions, call the office

