¦treet, on Snnday, June l, at hair-past one .'clock Relatives and friencU aro respectfully In- vited to attend without further notice. Bobbins..In London. Holland, on Friday, May io, after a lln?erinjr illness, Eliza, wile ofCliauncey Bobbin*, of tlilH citv. Ryan..In Syracuse, on Wednesday, May 28, michabi. Kyan, rton of George and Ellen Ryan, in the 33d year of nia age. The relativca and friends of the family are re- Bpectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the reaideuce of Itla parents, 512 Wo3t Forty-third Btreet, tins dav (Friday), at ten A. M. Silva..Suddenly, at Chiton, 8. L, Jose?u Silva aged 70 years. Funeral from the residence of Captain J still- well, Chiton, this (Fri.lay) afternoon, at four o'clock. .Skinnru..At Spotswood, N. J., on Wednesday May 28, r. M. skinner, in the «;7tli year of his aire ' The irlends of the oeceased and or ttio ainlly are invited to attend the funeral, ironi his 1 ite real- denee, ou Saturday, May 31, a' eleven o'clock A. M. Train leaver Cortiandt street, per Pennsylvania Railroad, at six o'clock A. M., returning leaves Npotawood at seventeen minutes past Ave o'clock Spadku. .On Tuesday. May 27, at twelve o'clock P. M., ex-Alderman John d. Si'adeu, iu the 73d year of his age. 'The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from St. Stephen's cnnrch (Rev. Dr. Price's), in Forty-sixth street, between Filth and jp avenues, ou Friday, 30th ln9t., at two o'clock Thursday, May 29, of consump- ?1. bach. in the 54th year of Ills age. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect- rally Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 31 Macdougal street, ou Sunday, Juuo l. at hall-past one o'clock P. M. I Stanton,.On Thursday, May 29, after a short ill¬ ness, Edmund D. Stanton, aged 44 years. I? ft,,e?da oT, 'ho family are invited to attend the funeral services, at the Madison square Pres¬ byterian church(Kev. Dr. Adam's), on Saturday af¬ ternoon, at two o'clock. Tkrbklu.At Walden, N. Y., on Thursday, May 89, Joski'uits Ikrbrll, aired 68 years. |t one'o'clock pJ'm.*** 1>lace on Saturday, May 31, Orange and Steuben county papers please copy. Thomson..On Thursday morning, May 29, 1873, Flora Matuildb InousoN, in the 15th year of uer age. The relatives and friends of the ramlly are Invited to attend the luneral services, from her late resi¬ dence. ou Saturday afternoon. May 31. at two o'clock. VANiiBimiLT..Suddenly, on Wednesday. May 28, Charles E. Vanderbilt, aged 6 years, only son of Abrain and Margaret J. Vanderbilt. The relatives ana friends of the family are re¬ spectfully iuvltgd to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, 400 West Forty-sixth street, ou Saturday morning, May 31. at eleven O'clock. Venn.On Wednesday, May 28, after a brief Ill¬ ness. Eliza, wife of Henry U. Venn, and daughter of the late David Decker. Relatives and friends of the family are respect- rally Invited to attend the funeral, at Thirty-fourth street Metnodist Episcopal church, between Sev¬ enth and Eighth avenues, on Saturday. May 31, at ten A. M. Remains to be taken to staten Island for interment. Ward..On Wednesday. May 28, Russell D. ward, eldest sou of Dr. James H. Ward, in the 20th 1 year of his age. Funeral services will be held at 60 Bedford ave¬ nue, Brooklyn, E. D., on Friday, at two p. M. INSTRUCTION. TTIDirOATION COMBINED WITH TRAVELS-THERE i^v« wi'S, v 11 rartv <>t younu gentlewomen to X°/k ,or F;Ur<>P« July i under tho guidance of ttdy who lias passed many years In foreign countries, , i J' f01"1"01 'heir studies In languages and otlier TRAmPH v'ariou?' » t'""l ,n prospectus. Address TRAVELER, No. 39 West Twenty-sixth street. New Yo-k B1IJ.1AKMS. A1 -STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES AND i f?e au * Collender Combination Cushions fur Bale; only by the patentee, H. W. CoLLENDER, successor to l tielau s. Oolieuder. Tii Broadway, New York. | Xtf H. GRIFFITH'S Bl.VI'.L BILLIARD TABLES, 7* . W'tb Delaney's patent steel wire cushions. Pur- «,iiS,wi,i I f i1 to '1,uir advantage to examine my splendid stock ot new and second hand Tables be lore going elsewhere. Wurerooms 40 Vesey streot. PROPOSALS. Notice is hereby given thatTursuXntto section 3, 01 chapter 333, ol tho laws ot 1373, pro- posala for publishing and distributing tho City Record JL°»r' {n«ccordanco with the specifications died In the office ol the Mayor ot tho city ol New York, in the City Hall in said city, will be received at said office until J."»e 3. prox.. at hi o'clock noon, at which hour the bids will be opened and read, and the award ot the contract made as soon thereafter as practicable. Kaon proposal will be enclosed in a scaled envelope n?.. K?*1-..^oposala lor Publishing ttn'' I'Utrlbutiiiff the city Record," and must be made iu strict, conformity to the specifications aloresaid. The security required on the contract will be Slo oon. WILLIAM F. HAVEMEYER, Mayor. GEORGE M. VAN NOKT, J _ Commissioner ot I'ublic Works. B. DELAKIELD SMITH, nr.. v* vr !?!£. Counsel to the Corporation. _Ntw York, MayJ7, 1478. ~ WW?*. BE RECEIVED AT THE <i ^.Cr the Clerk ofthe Hoard ot Education, corncr gg"K ft Tt7o"c(rofkU!^?,rrr1«Vl"yl'n«n\Uhre '"Sty fort howing year!* '°r ,hu PUbUc in Ul18 Say nine thousand ('),i>«l) tons of coal, more or less, and two thousand five hundred (2,800) cords ot oal; and one thousand <1,0 J)) cords o! pine wood, more, r less. The coal must be ol the best quality of white asli, furnace, eg^, stove and nut sizes, in good order, two thousand two hun¬ dred and torty (2,210) pounds to the ton. and must lie dc- simian'!! i * of **'*? ic'VL'r;l1 *1101)1 buildings at such fe.on Sup'"iesC I"-1"111'01 fts "Quired by the Commit- Tho proposals must state the mines from which It is proposed to supply the coal (to be lurnUhed from the mines uamedii accepted), an ! mu>t -tat.: ilic price per tWo hundred nd forty (.-,210) pounds « The quantity of the various sizes of coal required will j ^l^0^n®S°',0,,',^,','c®'Z*i:^*njl,thoUfinnll^(Lolw)b^niro^ hun^rod^Honso'l^^s^! '°ns an'' tw" ' oak wotKl niust be ol tfic Invst quality, tho stick not Inohe**in dUraeSr!"®1 g a:"' "ot lha" tl,rt0 l3» ..Th«P»"c wood must ho or the best quality, an 1 not less 'oet <lx (?) inch.)* lomt. The projiosal must state tho price per cord of one hundred and twenty-eiu'ht cubic lect, solid measure, for both oak and tune wood, and also the price per cut for sawing and splitting per load, the quanuty of oak wood to be split only as required by the LoiumitteA ou Supplies. The wood' will be In- apected and men<ured under the supervision ot the In¬ spector ot Fuel of tho Board of Education, und must tie delivered at tliu schools as follows:.Two-thirds ofthe Auantitv required from the lath of July to tho lith of eptcmber. and the remainder as required by the Com- mlttee on Supplies; said wood, both oak and pine, must bo delivered s*wed. and, when required. split, and must be pilod iu the yards, cellars, vaults or blnsot the school buildings, as may be designated by the proper authority The contracts tor supplying said coal and Wood to be JUS'J'uf until the 1st day ot June, 1S74. Two sureties tor thtfaithtui performance of the contract will ho requlrod. and each proposal must he| accompanied by the signa¬ tures and residences ot the propovd surolies. So com¬ pensation will be allowed Tor delivering said coal and wood at any or the schools, nor putting and piling the >«me In the yards, cellars, vanlta or bins of said schools. .»ii«75p.°ol nmlI,i directed to the Committee on sup. plies 3i the Board of Education, an.I should bo endorsed Proposals for Coal*' or ^Proposals Tor Wood," as the cane may be. * c The Committee reserve the right to re|ect any or all the proposals received. RUKOS O. REARDSLEE, 1 ^^^.JHAML^KW30NHC0Tnmee sg^DRTwaoRE- su»p"- Naw YoBit, May 17,1173. Fl'HJriTCHK. ABAROAIN-TWO MAGNIFICENT FRENCH S\TIN Parlor Suits, nearly new, cost i^75, tor$:'uu; one do., *173; brocatcl and rep SulU, $73, »50 and $S»; rosewood and walnut Chamber Suits, »:« up; 20 spring and Hair Mattresses, Redding, Curtains, Mirrors, Carpets, SOc. up; Fianotor e, 1'alntings. Bronzes. Clucks, Vases, Dlnlni: Fur- nlture, China, Silver Ware. Cutlery, less than half cost, !f l/i Residence HU East Twenty-mth etreet, between Lexington and Fourth avenues. A ^R"K, ASSORTMENT "f CARPETS, FlIRSJ. i^taliiienrs^a^'FAWRKL^waVe^ouse^lV'rEiihTirAVi''- nue, tw twee n Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets " A LA,DY WOULD SELL BITTINO ROOM. BEDROdU and some Kitchen Furniture, or exchange for Drv «oods or Country Board. Call, from 10 to 4, at 117 East Twenty-ninth street ' Pianoforte. Stool, Cover; property family leaving citv 96 West 15th si. near 5th av. J' AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 120 WEST 2^D 8T . PaR- tor Suits, In satin, cost $>H/. tor $230; one do., $lso- » Suits, $.10, $00, $70 to $lifl; Bedroom Suit', $40, $.»' to $1.10; complete. Bedding; Carpets, lc« than half cost; also magnificent rosewood 7,'« octave Pianoforte cost $1,OCO, for $230 ' AOENTLF.MAN AND WrFK, INTENDING TO travel lor a tew yoars, will dispose, at a sacrifice ol their entire Household Furniture also two beautiful Pianofortes; celebrated city makers. Call at 210 West 21st at., near 7th air Good second hand and misfit carpets a specialty; all sires, handsome stvles. For sale cheap at 112 Fulton street, corner ol Dutch entrance on Dutch streot. QREAT BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. Iiet those lookitig for cheap Goods call at Loan Office, <22 Broadway, where we are selling, for :l0davs, to pay thei advances and charg.'s. Parlor. Llhrarv, Dining anil Bedroom Furniture, Pianos, Carpets, Curtain". China and Silverware. 722 Broadway, opposite New York Hotel. MONTHLY OR WEEKLY PAYMENTS..CARPETS, furniture. Bedding, Ac. DEALT A CUNNINGHAM. 384 and Wrt Third avenue, near 'I'wctitv-eighth street. Trices tower than any other bouse in'the city. N EW FURNITURE STORE. fi»4 BROADWAY, GREAT . Jones street oorner..Furniture of the best quality In the greatest variety, at the lowest prices, and the price 9l each article plainly marked. edward W BAXl'ER A CO., Minufar Hirers. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS for Ff'R, nlture, Carpets and Bedding, at B. M. CoWPER- fHWAlT A GO 'S, IM and 137 Chatham street. An Immense stock and low prices. CKMHN AM) TOBACCO. IQARH OF HAVANA TOBACCO-ROSA CONCHAS, $.*1; Fi ile Cuba GaUues. $'V), Espanolas, $63; equal (.m>P»rloJ iu appearance aod quality. t. J. HAVMuw * ua. W UaiJdulao*. 0 RVROPEAH STBANRHIP8. NLY DIRECT LINE TO PRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC! COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW YORE AND HAVRE, calling at brkkt. The splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Con¬ tinent will tta.il trom pier No. SO North River, as fol¬ lows :. . VILLE DE PARIS Saturday. May 31 VILLE I>U HAVRE, burmont Saturday, June 14 PKREIRS, Dauro Saturday, Juno at ST. LAURENT, Lcmarle Saturday, July 12 PRICE OP PASSAGE IN GOLD (including wiue) TO BREBT OE HAVRE. First Cabin, $12.V. Second CaMn, $75. Excursion Tickets at reduced rales. These steamers do not carry steerage passengers. American travellers going to or returning irom the Continent of Europe, by taking this line, avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort* of crossing the Channel, besides saving time, trouble and expense. GEORGE MACKENZIE. Agent, 88 Broad way. NOTE . Railroad Tickets botweon l'aris and Vienna at reduced rates. STEAMER VILLE DE PARIS, KOR BURST AND llavrc, will Icavo pier 50 North River, Toot of Morton street, on Saturday, May 31, at 9k o'clock. Passengers are requested to be on board at Hj, o'clock. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent. NATIONAL*LINE OP STEAMERS. Weekly to Quocustown aud Liverpool; fortnightly to London direct. TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, Irom piers 44 and 47 North River. ITALY, Thomson Saturday, May 31. at 8(90 A. M. GREECE, Thomas Saturday, June 7, at 1 P. M. EGYPT, ilrogan Saturday, June 14, at 8 A. M. CANADA, Webster Saturday, J line SI, all P. M. POR LONDON DIRECT. IIOLLAND, Brags .Tuesday, Juno 3, at 10 A. M. THESE STEAMSHIPS ARE THE LARGEST IN THE TRADE. Cabin passage.$30, 990 and 1U0, currency- Excursion. $160 und $1S0. Steerage, $29. currency. Prepaid steerage tickets trom Liverpool, Queenstown, Londonderry, Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol or lioudon, CHEAPER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINK. For further information apply at tho company's office, WBroanway. F. W. J HURST, Managor. ORtH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. For Southampton and Bremen. The steamship BREMEN, Captain H. Schulonburg, will sail on Wednesday, May 28, at 2 P. M.. trom Bremen pier, footot Third street, Hobokeu. to be followed by steamship MAIN, Captain K. von Oterendort, on Saturday, May 31. Rates ot passage to London, Havre and Bremen, paya¬ ble in gold, or its equivalent in currency :. First cabin $120 Second cabili 72 Steerage . 30 For freight or passage apj^to HS A CO., Agents, No. 2 Bowling Green. FOR CARDIFF, BRISTOL, LONDON AND ALL OTHER points in England and Wales. The South Wales Atlantic Steamship Company's now, first class steamships will sail irom Pennsylvania Rail¬ road wharf, Jersey City, as follows:. PEMBROKE May 28 GLAMORGAN June 18 CABIN AND STEERAGE PASSENGERS. First cabiii $75 and $3i)curency Second cabin $55 currency. Steerage $30curroncv. Prepaid Steerage Certificates from Cardiff, $33 currency. Drafts for £1 and upwards. Por lurther particulars, applv to ARCHIBALD BAXTER A CO., Agents. 17 Broadway, New York. STATE LINE. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY. VIRGINIA SAILS JUNE 11, from the company's dock, Fulton terry, Brooklyn. SUPERIOR PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS. Cabin, $80 and $f>0, gold ; steerage, $30, currencv. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL l'ARTd OF EUROPE. For freight or passage apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, Steerage office 45 Broadway. 72 Broadway. CUNARD LINE. The British and North American Royal Mail Steam¬ ships, between New York and Liverpool, calling at Cork Harbor. FROM NEW YOUK. .JAVA WED., May 28 .CUBA WED., Juno 4 .SCOTIA WED., June 11 .ALGERIA... WED.,June 1H .RUSSIA WED.,June 25 PAKTHIA ....SAT., May SI SAMARIA ....SAT., June 7 ABYSSINIA ..SAT.. June 14 BATAVIA SAT.. June 21 CALABRIA.. .SAT., Juno HH Steamers marked thus* do not carry steerage passen¬ gers. And every following Wednesday and Saturday from New York. RATES OF PASSAGE. Cabin.$80, 9100 and $130, gold, according to accomroo- tloii. Tickets to Paris, $15, gold, additional. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $30, currency. Steerage tickets from Liverpool anil Queenstown, and all parts ot Europe, at lowest rates. For freight and cabin passage apply at the Company's office. No. 4 Bowling Green. For steerage passage. 111 Broadway (Trinity Buildingi. CHARLES G. FRANCKLYN, Agent, . or to P. H. DU VERNET, corner Clark anil Randolph streets, Chicago, III. PAS3F.NGERS PER STEAMSHIP PAKTHIA EMBARK irom the Cunaril wharf, loot of Grand struct, Jersey City, ai 'J A. M. ou Saturday. 31st. May. (HAS. (J. FRANCKLYN, No. 4 Bowling Green, New York. THE HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S iron mall steamship FRISIA, Captain E. Meier, will sail on Thursday. June 5, at2 P. M. lor Hamburg, taking pnssenpcra irom New York to Plymouth, London, plBt Cabin, $120ChCrt>OUrK aWl "^"tfecond Cabin. $72. Steerage, $30, payable In United States gold. KUNHARDT4 CO., C. B. RICHARD A BuAS, General Agents, General Passenger Agents, 61 Broad street, New York. 61 Broadway, New York. The Wi.Sil'il ALIA will sail funu 12. The SAXONIA, asextin steamer direct, June 7. HITE STAR LINE. __ I'OR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. New and full-powered steamships, sailing from New York on Saturdays, from Liverpool on Thursdays, calling at Cork Harbour each way. BALTIC Saturday. May 31, at8:30 A. M. CELTIC Saturday, June 7, at 2 1'. M. OCEANIC June II, at 7:30 A. M. ADRIATIC Inne 2H. at 7 A. M. .From the White Star dock, Pavoniu terry, Jersey City. Passenger accommodations lor all classes unrivalled, combining saietv, speed and Comfort. Saloons, staterooms, smoking room and bathrooms In midship section, where least motion Is felt. Surgeons anil stewardess accompany the steamer. Kates.iaioon, $loo, gold; steerage, $301n currency. Those wishing to send for friends in ttie Old Country can now obtain !.teerage prepaid certificates, $32 cur- Passengers booked to or from all parts of America to Paris. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, China. Ac. Draiis from CI unwnrds. For Inspection of plans and other information apply at the company's office, 19 Broadway, Now York Bills ot lading issued to Continental ports. J. H. SPARKS, Agent NCHOR LINK. Steamers sail from pier 20 North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. CALIFORNIA..Sat. Mny 31 COLUMBIA.. Wed., June 18 CALEDONIA.Wed., June 4 VICTORIA Sat., June 21 INDIA Sat., Jiine 7 ASSYRIA Weil., June 25 OLYMPIA. ..Wed., June 11 ANOLIA Sat., June 28 AUSTRALIA.. 8at, June 14 CASTA LI A.... Wed., Jul v 2 The passenger accommodations on steamers of this line are uiiiiirpn-sed lor elegance and com tort Cabin state¬ rooms arc all on upper ucck, thus securing good liirht and ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL OR LONDONDERRY. Saturday steamers. Wednesday steamers. Oold. Currencv. Cahins $75 anil $65 $75 and $t>5 Cabin return tickets, » cur¬ ing best accommodations.. $131) (130 STEERAGE, $30 CURRENCY. Tickets lor passage to or trom any seaport or railway station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Continent issued at lowest rates. DIUFTS FOR ANY AMOUNT AT CURRENT RATEa Company's offices. No. 7 Bowling Green. New York. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents. Just published, "The I'rip to Europe," a magazine of Information for ocean travellers; can be bad true of charge on application. N. B..Calilornia sails 10 A. M., May 31. J^XTRA STEAMER. GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL AND LONDONDERRY. ANCHOR LINE. Owing to the unprecedented demand for cabin passage by their steamers, will despatch their elegant new steamship ITALIA, May 31. from pier 2U North River, at noon. This steamer has very superior accommodation fcr saloon passengers. _ . Cabin passage, $75; Return rickets, $130; payable In currency. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents. No. 7 Bowling Green. IN.MAN~LI.NE. For Queenstown and Liverpool. Royal Mail steamers are appointed o sail us follows:. CI I'Y iIF LONDON Saturday, May 31. 9 A. M. CITY OF NEW YORK Thursday, June 5. I P. M. CITY OF PAI'.IS Saturday, June 7, 2 P. M. CITY OP BALTIMORE Thursduy. June 12. 7 A. M. CITY OF MONTREAL Saturday, June 14, 8 A. M. CITY OF BRISTOL Thursday, .lime 19, 1 P. M. and caen succeeding Saturday and Thursday, from pier 46 North River. QP PASSAGE. Cabin, $f6 nnrt $lo0, gold, according to accommodation. Round trip tteneu at low rates. steeragi.To Liverpool, Queenstown. Glasgow, London¬ derry, London, Bristol or Casdifl, $30. Prepaid certifi- ca'es, $32, currency. _ Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Paris, at rcduccd rates. Dratts issued at lowest rates .... For cabin passage and general business apply at the company's office. 15 Broadway. For steerago passage at SS Broadway. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, or to O'Dosscu. A Faclx. 402 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. M. S, QftKMII, 102 Suite street,, Boston. F. 0. Baow.f Sti South Market street, Chicago. _W«, Ihwan, Liverpool, and No. 9 Rue Scribe, Paris. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE.-STEAM TO QUEENS- town and Liverpool. Sailing everv Wednesday. MINNESOTA, Captain Krcoinaii -»uno 4, at noon MANHATTAN, Captain Price, .tr tunc 11. at 3 P. M _ From pier 46 North River. Cabin carnage, $-o gold ; steerage, $.10 currency. . Prepaid tickets, $32 currency. Passengers booked to and trom Paris, Hamburg, Nor* way and Sweden. Ac. Dratts on Ireland, EnglauJ, Prance and Germany, at lowest rates. Applv to WILLIAMS A GUION. Vj Broadway. __ CIOOK'S TOURS TO IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND ENG- i. land, over 100 routes; Cook's Tours to Switzerland and the Rhine, nearly 100 routes; Cook's Tours to Vienna, 1U2 In number; Cook's Tours to Italy, 72 routes; Cook's Tours Round the World, at reductions ranging fromlOto to p'-r cent uriow oruinarv lares, tne travelling t sued enabling one or more passengers to travel by any train, steamer or diligence. Cook's perionall'v conducted tour to Vienna. Venice, Rome, Switzerland anil Paris, sailing per steamer Canada, .Tune 21, $5<<o, gold all expenses. Full particulars In Cook's Excursionist, 'loc. ¦«., o COOK, SON A JENKINS. 262 Broadway, and Fleet street, London. UNITEDVtaTF.S PASSPORT BUREAU.-OFFICIAL Passports ot the Department of State issued by A. C. WILLMARTH. United States Court Uouse, 41 Cham¬ bers street T7NITED STATES PASSPORT AGENCY -A. T. U WELCH, late Chief of Passport Bureau, Depart¬ ment ol State, Washington, D. C. Agent 294 Broadway. COA8TWIHE 8TKAMHHIPH. I noil NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. The Cromwell Steamship Line. Tbe steamship GEORGE WASHINGTON, Captain H. 8. Quick, will leave pier No 9 North River on Saturday, May Si, 1873, at 3 P. M. Freight received dally. Through rates given to Galveston, Indianola, Rocklort or Aranzaa whart. Brazos, Santiago and St. Louis. Cabin passage, $50; steerage. $25. Por freight or PM- Apply to «iitti * BBAMAN. 80 Wert COASTWWU HTRAMHniPH- PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE TO CALIFORNIA, JAPAN AND CHINA. Via PANAMA. CARBYINO MAII.S, PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT TO ASP1N WALL. PANAMA. SANTA MAItTIIA, GREY- TOWN AND PACIFIC COAST OF MEXICO. CENTRAL AMERICA. PERU and CHILE May 31.Steamer HENRY CHADNCEY, Captain A. G. Oray, will leave pier No 41 North Itivcr, at 12 o'clock noon, lor Aspin wall direct, connection at Panama with (he steamer ARIZONA, Captain Austin, for San Fran¬ cisco, touching at Acspulco and San Diego. and also con¬ necting lor all Central American anil South Pacific port*. Departures of 10th and 10th each mouth irom New York connect with this Company's lU'iinwr, touching at San Benito, Toiia'o, Saliua Crua anil Port Angel The Com. pany's splendid steamer COSTA KIOA will leave San Fmncincooti or about June 24 for Honolulu, Sandwich Island*. One of the Company's Steamer* will leave Ran Fran- cUc > Muy :»l, I8TI, for Japan and China. For rate* of 8as*age, freight and all further information apply at ouipauy's office on the pier, loot ot Canal .street. F. R BABY, Agent SPECIAL NOTICE..Steamer IIENRY CHAUNCKY will leave pier 41 North River, 12 o'clock noon Saturday, May HI, 1873, lor Aspiuwail. F. R. BABY. Agont NSW YOB* AND BERMUDA STEAMSHIP LINK. For Hamilton and St. Ooorge, Bermuda, carrying tlio Unitod State.* Mail*.and sailing as lollowa:. Steamship IIATTEHAS, Lawrence, master, Friday, May 30, at 3 o'clock P. M., froin pier 37 North River. Steamship ALBEMARLE, Itead, master, Thursday, June 5, at J o'clock P. M Irom pier 37 North River. For freight or passage, having elegant accommoda¬ tions, apply to LUNT BROTHERS, 28 South street Passage, 930 gold. Excursion tickets issued for the mini 1 trip nt $V) gold. Atlas steamship company. Mail service for West Indies. Havana, Venezuela and Spanish Main. The company's iron screw steamer* are appointed to aall as lollowa (loading berth pier II North River) :. For Turk's Island. Jamaica and Savanllla. CLABlliKL. Captain llayley, Hist lust. For Hayt< and Yoitu/.uula. Ariel d.200 tons), mii Juue. For Havana dlrcct LAGOS, Captain I'egdeu. Juno 8. 3 P. M. For treignt and passage apply to PIM, FORWOOD A CO., Goueral Agents, 56 Wall street and 59 Pine street. YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE. These first claas steamships will sail every Tuesday at 3 P. M. Irom pier 13 Nortli River (foot of Cedar street), for Havana direct, as follows :. WILMINGTON June S MORRO CASTLE June 10 COLUMBIA Juno 17 Supplementary mall on pier at a quarter to three P. M. on day of sailing. For freight or passage (having magnificent accommo¬ dations) apply to . WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. S Howling Ureen. D. McKELLER Agent In Havana. DIBKOT LINE TO HAVANA, Progreso and Vera Crux. Now York and Mexican Mail Steamship line, leaving pier No. 3 North River, at 3 P. M.. EVERY THURSDAY. CITY OF HAVANA (Havana only) May 29 CITY OF MERIDA (Havana only) Juno 5 CLEOPATRA (Havana and Mexico) Juno 12 CITY OF HAVANA (Ilavuua only) June ltf For freight or passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SON3. 88 Broadway. Texas ltne.-fob galveston, touchino at Key West, carrying the United States Mail..Stuamcr CLYDE. Captain Kennedy, will leave pier 20 East Kiver, Saturday, Mav 31, at 3 P. M Through hills of lading glvou to Houston and all pointi on the Oalveston, Hous¬ ton and Henderson and B. B. and C. It R. No charge tor forwarding In New York. For f reight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. 11. MALLOKY k CO., 153 Maiden lane, or W. P. CLYDE, 119 Wall street IilOB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. MERCHANTS' STEAMSHIP LINE. The steamship GENERAL MEADE, from pier 36 North River (foot of North Moore streot), on Saturday, May 31, at 3 o'clock P. M. Freight received daily. Through rates given to St Louis, Vickshurg, Mobile, Galveston And Indianola. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda¬ tions, applv to FREDERIC llAKEX :I0 Broadway. FOB NORFOLK, CITY POINT AND BICHMOND.. The Old Dominion Steamship Company will despatch from pier 37 North River their elegant sldowhccl steam¬ ship OLD Dominion, Walker, commandor, for Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, on Saturday, May 81, at 3 P. M., giving through hills ot lading to all points South and Southwest. Through passenger tickets issued to all points. Accommodations unequalled. Apply at pier 37, or at tho general office, 1*47 Greenwich street, corner of Dey. TK.wKM.Ktts' chcupb. Albany and troy, by day line boats c. vib- BARD and DANIEL DREW, commencing May SI. Leave Vestry street pier at 8:30 A. M., and Twenty-third street, north ot Erie ferry, at 8:45, landing nt Yonkers, Tarry'own and Nyack (by ferryboat), Poiighkcepsle, Rhinebeclt, Tlvoll, Cntsklll anil Hudson, connecting tor nil points West and North Trip tickets to West Point, Cornwall and Ncwburg, returning same day, (1. Notice change of uptown binding. CCITIZENS' LINE FOR TROY.PASSAGE $1 SO..THE j elegant s'eainbuats SUNNYSIDE and POWELL leave ptor 49 North River, foot of Leroy street dally (Saturdays excepted), at 6 o'clock P. M., connecting with morning trains on Rensselaer and Saratoga, New York Central and Troy and Boston railroads for all points North, East an 1 West The most direct route to Sarato¬ ga, Luke George and Montreal. Through tickets gold and baggage checked to destination. JOSEPH CORNELL, Superintendent Fall river line to boston, via Newport and Fall River. The world-renowned steamers BRISTOL and PROVI- DENCE leave pier 28 North River, foot of Murray street, daily (Sundays excepted; at 5 P. M. A. P. BACON, Superintendent PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave New York, from foot of Desbrossci and Corllandt streets, as follow*:. Express t >r Harrisburg, Pittsburg, I lie West and South, villi Pullman Palace Cars attached, 9:30 A. 11., 6, 7 auu 8:30 P. M. Sunday, 5, 7. *30 P. M. For Baltimore. Washington and the South at 9 A. M., 1, 9 P. M. Sunday, 9 P. m. . . Express for Philadelphia, 8, 0, 9:30 A. M.; 12:10. 1.4, 5, 7, 8-.1U,'.) P M., and 12 night. Sunday. 6, 7, 8:30 and 9 I{. II. For Philadelphia, via Kensington, at 7 A. M., 2 and 6 I", m. Emigrant and second class, 7:15 P. M. I For Newark at 6. 8-30, 7, 7:40. 8:10, 9, 10,11, II :40 A. M.: 12, 1. 2, 2:30, 3, .1:20, 3: W, 4:1 J. 4 ulO, 5:10, 6:20,530.8:80,6, 6:10, 0-30.7.7:.*), 8:10, 9,10, 11:30 P.M., and 12 night Sunday, 5:2), 6,8:10, 9 P. M. I For KIlzaMth,6,630, 7, 7:40, 8:10,9. 10. 11, 11:10 A. M., 12 M. 12:30, I, 2, 2:30, 3. 3:20, 3:40, 1:10, 4 30,5:20,5:30, 5:50. (j, 6:10, 8:30, 7:30. 8:10, 10, II :30 P. M . and 12 night Sun lay, 5:20,0 and 8:10 1*. M. For Rahway. d. 6:30,7. 8:10, 9 30 and 10 A. M., 12 noon, 1, 2. 2 30. 3. 3:20, 3:4i', 4 :10, 4 30, 5 30, 5 30, 5:50, 6 6 30, 7 30, 8:10. 10 P. M., And 12 night. Sunday, 5:2) and 0 P. M. For Woodhridge iitul Perth Amboy, & and 10 A. M.,2:30, 3:40, 4 :So and 5:.'j0 P. M For New Brunswick. 7 A. M., 12 M., 1, 2,3, 4:10,630,6, 9 P. M., and 12 night. Sunday. f> and 9 P. M. For East. Mlllstoim, 7 A. M.. 12 M . 4:10 and 5:20 P M. For Lamhertville ntid Flemlngton, 9 A. M. nnd 2i'. M. For Pliillipsbnrg and Belvldere. 2 and 4 P. M. Accointnii tatlon lor Bordcntown, Burlington and Cam¬ den, 7 and 9 30 A. M. 12:'A), 2, 3. 4 and 6 P. M. For Freehold, 7 nnd 8 a. M ,2 and 4 P. M. For Jainesiiuri;, l'emlierton and Camden, 6 A. M., and via boat from pier No. I, 3:49 P. M. Train* arrive a* follows:.From Plttaburg, 630 A. M., 1 3:15 1*. M., dally 10 :1ft A. M. and 6:35 1'. M., daily, ex cept Monday. From Washington and Baltimore, 6:40 A. M., 4 :A8, l0:18 P. M. Sunday, 6:10 A. M. From Phila¬ delphia. 5 :'.'2, 6:50. 10:15. 11 «5, 11 M A. M., 2:1ft, 4:0ft. 4 35, 6:05.7:25.8:14, 10:13 P.M. Sunday, 5:22, 6:50, 11:05 A. M.. and 10:13 P. M. Ticket offices f.Ji, 485. 271 and 944 Broadway: No. 1 Astor House, and tool of Desbrosscs and Cortlandt street*. Em grant ticket office No. 8 Batterv place. A. J. CASSA. T. 1). M. BOYD. Jr., General Manager. General Passenger Agent. EXCLUSIONS. " A GRAND excursion To THE FISHING BANKS.. Tho new, fast and elegant saloon steamer TWI¬ LIGHT will leave foot ot Eighth street, f ast River, at 7:30 o'clock A. M.; Peck slip at 8 o'clock A. M.; toot ot Chris¬ topher street. North Kiver, at 8:30 A. M., and pier No. 4 North River at 9 o'clock A. M., on Sunday, June 1. Fish¬ ing tackle, bait and refreshment* oil board. An expe¬ rienced fisherman will place her In the right position. Fare $1; ladles 80c. DECORATION DAY. Call this morning at office of A. II. MULI.ER, P R. WILKIN'S A CO., No. 7 Pine street and get books, maps and free pass**, and spend part ot to-day in a pleusant excursion to WIIITE8TONE, L. I., and pick out y >tir Lota or House for the second partition *aie of the property of the Wliitestone Land Association, which will take place on Juue 5. not on the premises, hut at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway. This prop¬ erty ran he sold tn New York city, because it is so intria- sictilly good and valuable and because buyers have time given them to examine it before tho auction. All the lots, to the amount ot $100,08), were sold at the first sale yesterdav by A. H. Mt LLER, P. B. WILKINS A CO., Auctioneer*, at the salesroom. LIOR PHILADELPHIA VIA LONG BRANCH -FARE 1?. reduced to $2 26; steamers I'LYVOUTH RiiCK and LONG BRANCH leave pier 28 North River at 9:20 A. vf. 1:40 and 4 I*, pi., connecting with trains ot NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN RAILROAD. G. W. BENTLEY, General Manager. FjVUt THE FISHING BANKS..THE new STEAM 1 vacht MAJnR, Captain D. B. Itallinger, will make tin excursion to the Fishing Banks on Sunday, June 1,^73. Loaving Msrket slip. East River, at 0 o'clock; Peck slip, East itivor. at6:.10: Christopher street. North lilver, at 7; pier No 4 North River, at 7 30 Tikets $1. Lines ana bait furnished on hoard. Refreshments provided on board by the steward. D. K. HALLINGEK, Captain. Fishing banks.-the sea-going steamer CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN will commence rtt.ining oil Sunday, June I, leaving foot of Eighth street. East Kiver, at 5:3d o'clock A. M. ; Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, at 5:45 a. M ; Peek slip. East River, at 6 A. M.; Christopher street, North River, at 6 30 A. M., and pier No. 4 North River at 7 A.M. Fare 91. Lines, halt and refreshments can bo procured on board from At. Foster. CllAKLEa CHAMBERLAIN, 153 South street. Steamers SETH LOW and WILLIAM FLETCHER for charter. Apply as above. liMSHKRMEN.USE FORSTER'S PATENT GIMP GUT, r for Shells and Leaders. Sold at all fishing tackio .tores-, priucipal depot, 28 Delancoy street RONDOUT AND KINGSTON. LANDING AT COZZENS', Cornwall, Newliurg, Marlborough, Milton, Pough- keepsie and Ksopus..The steamboat* THOMAS COB- NELL and JAMES W. BALDWIN leave Harrison street, pier 34 North River, dally, at 4 o'clock P. M. CT RAND EXCURSION UP THF, HUDSON TO NEW- T burg..The new and Magnificent steamboat AMERI- CUS, Captain Schenck. will leave the following piers on Sunday morning, vit :.Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at 830; (Jiiristoplier street at 9. and Tlvrty-tourth street at 930 for Newburg direct, returning in the evening. A splendid band will be ill tfttendance. Ticket* for the excursion $1 each. EDWARD MoRRISSEY, i JOHN WILLIAMS, f Managers JJARLEM STEAMBOAT NOTICR. HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Commencing May 13, 1873. . Harlem boat* leave Peck slip (pier *4 Bast River) lor Harlem every half hour, from 830 A. M. until 7 P. M., ceptlng II A M., 1130 and 2 P. M landing at Eleventh, Eighty fourth, Astoria. liHKh and lltHh street*. N. B..See Utne (able wbuce bj»t* land r. TAUdf BXCVR8ION8. Regular sundav boat roB KEYPORT .nd *U the intermediate landing*. Tbe popular steamboat NELLY white. Captain Jacob It Davis. commcnced her regular lrt|>M on Sunday, May 25. Leave Barclay street at 9 o'clock ill tho morning. Lun Keyport at 4 P. M., to return. REGULAR BOAT TO THK FISHING BANKS -ON aad alter Sunday, June I, the In rue anil commodi- ou* steamer MONITOR, Captain Chas Fos'or, wit* make an Excursion to the I'*imIiiiik Banks daily, ; .iiurd.it h ox cepted, leaving Eiu'lith street, Ea.t Klver, at7 A. M.. Pock slip, But River, 7iW; Christopher -truer, North River. 8:15, and Pier No. 4 North River at A M. Ticket'' fl. ladies 50 cent* Fine staterooms In.' lie. accoininodat on ot families. JOHN LYNCH, Manager Music, by lien. Schiodel. STEAMBOATS PLBA8ANT VALLKY AND FORT LEE to let. for excursions, tllinvood and other Groves. Apply to C. HOLLBNBBOIC A CO., 9rt South street SUNDAY BOAT FOR C1LKN OOVK AND ROSLYN, 1 indiiiK at College Point, Great Neck, City Island, {¦amis Point and (Kenwood..On and aPer Sunday, June 1, steamer KKAWANIIAKA will leave pier H Kail River (Peck slip) at 9 o'clnck A. M., Eighth street. 9:05, nnd Tliiity.third atroct, 9;I5. retuimug to the city aboutti P. U._ __ _ STEAMRRS AND IIAUiIKS TO GH ARTEIt FOR UK- cuwona; also loin Island, Walter's '.rove and olli or choice Groves and Bo.ils BLOOM Kit A CO., Ml Front street. THK NBW MUBT SOUTHBRM RAILROAD COM pany call attention to liieir extraordinary laeiliuOH lor the accommodation ol Excursion Parties the column sea don. With their steamers PLYMOUTH BOOK. LONO BRANCH and JESS!'. IIOYT and their olegant new Ex curaion House and iwnnty acres ol'adjoining latitat Lome Branch, they are prepared to make eiigagouitliU with churches, schools, societies, Ac., tor large or small liartlM, at tow rates. Send tor circular o. w. BEN'fl/KY, Oe.neral Manager, 141 Broadway, New Vork. W«. J. Snkokn. Superintendent, l-otm Branch, N .1. PIAI»OKUllTKB, UP.HANS, «fct:. A pew pianos or ouh own makk, returned froin hire, nearly new; at bargains lor cash, or on installments; the sumo to rent; all 7',^ octavos, and in period, order. AHIO.N PI.VNoroifl li CO., No. 5 Hast Fourteenth it. AT BETTS' WAREROOMS, 7HS BROADWAY, COR. ner Tenth street, new and second hand Pianos and organs, tor cash or instalments, or to rent, S3 to $1) per month. Avery rare chance por piano dealers and purchasers. . By order of the assignee) of the bankruptcy estate of Driver Bros. A Winch, piano dealers, ol Boston, I am nu thorixed to sell their slock of Pianos, consisting ot Galiler, BehnlngA Klix and other makers, und will do so at ex .oily one half their original price, for cash only, at weber"s piano rooms, corner Fifth avenue and Sixtcentli street. An arion piano, 7^ octave; an upright Piano, othor tlrst class Pianos, tor sale aheap; also Parlor Organ; all new. Inquire 22il East Twenty-eighth street, near Third avenue. A.SEVERAL PINE HALLET, DAVIS A CO.'3 . Pianos, little used; other 1'ianos. $70, 990,9150; new Pianos and Organs for rent or sale on instalments. BERRY A CO., 7S9 Broadway. A MAGNIFICENT BOSEWOOD 71., OCTAVE, POUR round corners, grand square Pianoforte, nearly new, brilliant tone; cost $950, for $275; Stool, Cover; has box tor shipping; rich Parlor Suits, Mirrors, Curtains, Paint¬ ings. rosewood and walnut Chamber. Dining furniture. Silver Ware; less than hall cost, family leaving city. 104 East Twenty-tilth street, between Fourth and Lexington avenues. A.9275 CASH WILL BUY A BICII ROSEWOOD 7H . octavo four round cornered brilliant toned Piano¬ forte, used H months; cost owner 9900. Call at private residence, 120 West 23d st AT 9290 CASH IF APPLIED FOB IMMEDIATELY. Beautiful rosewood 7 octavo Pianoforte, carve I legs, case, overstrung bass cost 9050; manufactured by Cluck- erlng A Sons. 23 Third St., near Bowery. A FIRST CLASS 7'., OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO- forte lor sale made order, celebrated maker, fully guaranteed, used six months, cost 9'I50, tor 9275; box for shipment; also Parlor, Chamber, Dining Furniture, Paintings, Bronzes, Silverware, a sacrifice; property family leaving city. :Vi West l.'itli st., near 5th av. A PIANOFORTE IIAVINO 7 OCTAVES, OVERSTRUNG ngratfe, Ac., and all modern improvements, tullr guaranteed, at a sacrifice. 2C Bieecker street, near Bow¬ ery. An owner will sell 7 octave rosewood Piano, carved ease, legs, overstrung bass, celebrated maker, lor 9175; Cover aud Stool. Apply ut 213 East 30th street, between 2d and 3.1 avenues. Beautiful seven octave rosewood piano, 9200; carved legs, overstrung has*, agraffe treble, fully warranted; Instalments taken. $12 monthly. R. CABLE, Iti7 W Twenty third street, corner fitli av. FOR sale.A FINE SECONDHAND MODERN (lit- Ran, of Erben's build, containing 2 Manuals and 20 registers. Full description senf on application. Also u second hand Parlor pipe oruuu ami an Alexandre Organ ot 14 registers Apply to HlLRi RNE A ROOnEVELT, 40 West Eighteenth street, New Y u. First class 7v« octave pianos retailed at wholesale prices. Direct Irom factory. Send lor circular. CHRISTIE, 7s Barrow, near llii Ison sir - t. REAT BARGAIN..PIANOFORTES AM) OBOANS T utmost given away: in) new and second hand ones to be disposed ol' this month ; boxed lor shipping. I'KEK A SONS, 127 Bieecker street CTREAT BARGAINS OF ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE T second hand Pianos; some good as new will Ik- sold very cheap; at FISCHER'S, 425 West Twenty-eighth street, near Ninth avenue. PIANOS AND OBOANS..GREAT BARGAINS, NEW and most beautiiui styles and perloct tone* ever made, und by beat makers, at lower prices for cash, or monthly instalments, or lor rent, during this month, at WATERS1. 4»1 Broadway, "than can ne tounil elsewhere. PIANOS TO RENT-9J TO 915 PER MONTH; RENT applied to purenase. WILLIAM A. PONDA CO.. M7 Broadway. (SEVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, 91W.. O We are retailing the best tlnishcd and richest toned Pianofortes manufactured at *2i!5 cash. Co-OPERA- TIVE PHVNOMAKfcRS, Jio. 9 Great Jones street, near Broadway. OFFICEs. T 77 BLEECKER SI'R.'.ET, NEAR BROADWAY, t'P stairs..Highest cash advances on Dlinnotils, Watches. Jewelry. Pianos, Ac., or bought; Pawnbrokers' Tickets bought, at 77 Hleecker street. At wolf brothers', broadway. between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets..Money loaned on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Silks and particularly Pianos; private parlor tor ladies; business strictly confidential. American office (established i-mhi.-money loaned on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware. India Shawls, Laces. Valuables, Ac.; anv amo'int; or will buy; hlnliest v.lltie pnl I. J. H. BARRINGER, 711 Broadway, opposite Aator place. AT HYMAN'S, 710 BROADWAY.LIBERAL AD- vatiees made on Diamonds and Watches, Silver¬ ware, Ac., or will pay tho highest market price for the same. At jxckso.vs. mr. bruadway, opposite klev. enth street.Money liberally advanced on Dia¬ monds, Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Dry Goods and personal Property of every description. Private entruncc tor ladies. Money loaned.on diamonds, watches, jlw- elry and Silverware, and the same bought. GEORGE O. ALLEN, Jeweller, 841 Broadway, near Fourteenth street 4 MO SIXTH AVBHUK, BETWEEN TWENTV-Fi il'KTI! t' 'if and Twenty-flitlintreetn..Liberal advances ma le on Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Laces and Shawls. Same bought at full value. L. BERNARD. L»orx BROADWAY, CORNER OF AMITY STREET.. uum Money liberally advanced on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry anil Merchandise of every lescrlptioti. The same bought and sold. H. GEIGEkMAN, formerly M. Bosenberg. G NAUBLK MANTKi.H. AH Ki.ABER. STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLF.IZI.VG Works, I H and t:0 East Eighteenth streot..Martilo and Marbleized Mantels, Tiling. Marble Counters, *>nn- metiiH, at prices that deiy competition. Marble Turning tor the trade. AN ASSORTMENT OF MANTELS, unsurpassed for beauty of design and quality of workmanship. Slute Work of all kinds a specialty. PE.NRHYN SLATE COMPANY, Fourth avenue and Seventeenth street. Union square. QTEWART'S blatf mantels.-rich and ELE- gant designs; Suite Works id everv description ; Mar¬ ble and Wood Mantels. T. B. STEWARt A Co., Z)i und 22* West Twenty-third street, near Seventh avenue, N. Y. A^bstonishino PRICES can be obtained FOR Cast-off Clothing, t'arpeu, Ac.; for Pants, 92 to 97; Coats, 9* to 920: Dresses 95 to 9'5: Diamonds. Laces, tho utmost value will be paid. Please call on or address by note Mr.or Mrs. II. IIARKIS, 91 Sixth avenue, third store above Waverloy place. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ und gentlemen will lie astonished at the great prices I iiav in cash for cast-off Clothing. Carpets, Jewelry 910 to 17ft for silk dresses; coats. 93 to 92U; pants, 92 to9-1 A note by post punctually attended to by Mr. or Mrs. Mint*, la and out ol thedty. AT EDWARD MILLER'S N EW ESTABLlsTlM ENT, » Sixth avenue, near Wavcrlcy place, formerly IC" Seventh avenue..The utmost value paid In cash for Cast-off Clothing, Carpets, Ac., by calling on or udJress- Ing. Ladies attended to by Mrs. Miller. AT THE WELL RENOWNED establishment, 2I< Seventh avenue, I have ilist received orders to the amount of 975,080; I am therefore compelled to pay the following pricesl.For .silk Dresses 95 to 9"0; Coats, $1 to 9^% Pants, 91 tr»911;tho highest prices paid lor Car- £cts. Please call on or address Mr. or Mrs. RosENBER'l, ||6 Seventh avenue. N. B .Second house above Twenty- fourth street QQQ BROADWAY, NEAR THIRTEENTH STREET - C'iftf H. HERZ pays the highest price lor ladies'and gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, Carpets. Ac. Ladies will be waited on by Mrs. Hur<. T B. MINTZ'S, NEW STORE. 24i THIRD AVENUE, petween Twentieth and Twenty .first streets, ladles ANTHOI.OUY. A"~DEL VIDE H. lambertson, CLAIRVOYANT-CON- suited on all atlairs ot life. 104 West Elgnteenth street, near Sixth avenue. EMUBOPBAN CLAIRVOYANT TELLS NAMBS, SHOWS likenesses, causes marriages, gives numbers; 50c. and 91. 142 West Twenty flllh street (1 YPSY REVEALS FROM THE CRADLE TO (1RAVK, T name, marriage date, finds absent friends, recovers stolen property. 3ftly. Bowery MISS WELLINGTON, clairvoyant, BEST OK ALL. Tells of business, thetts, lawsuits, firings the sepa¬ rated together and gives lucky numhors, 41 East Twenty-eighth street, near Fourth avenue. Rosa, great natural clairvoyant, re veals vour whole lite, (run the it idle tu tb(J gravo, "I'TV Ml iifllMI W2t»nal struct. »cc .>, ' amusemknts. W l*ri»|ir!ctor and^na^er.^mr LESTER WALLACE of the PRESENT filtll.LIA.NT SEASON. LAST t nioiits of mi SOTIIERN. FRIDAY and SATURDAY. 3Uth and Mat (Matinee and nil, hi i. being pnltivcly (he i.at 1 NIGHTS. mr SOTIIERN will perform Dundreary'scoleliratod BROTHER SAM, and will luewi«e appear as dundreary MARRIED, thus representing both the brothers each evenrng. mi WAI.LAl'K lias much pleasure in uiinouni'lnu that tin last xix niiiliu of tin' present season will tjike place at the Brooklyn Academy ol Mumc. Willi Mr. SoTIIKItN in Ins original character*. MONDAY. jllnf. J. tliln theatre will Ik* closed for a FULL i>iti0ss REHEARSAL of the new play tu USD A V, JUNK x First time (upon any stagu) of Dun Boucicault's new Play. MORA; ok, TUB goldkn PETTBB8. aa'ALLACK'S THEATRE v" wlil he closed on mondav NEXT, .iunr for A OltAND FULL DRESS REHEARSAL of the new play, MORA; or, tlte GOLDEN FETTERS. The management, acccding to the request of the author will clow tlie theatre on thin evening to afford him tho opnorUimiv ol witii.-n.siim a performance ol Ills work. The ondurinK popularity attending Mr. Boucicault's lornior AMRRICAN DRAMAS induccs the management lo trust that his now picture of LIKE IN NBW YORK IN IH73 will rival his lien delineations ol Amerlcnn accnes and American characters, combining the intense interest of bis Drama, tilr OCTOROON, wi'li the popular characters anil SENSATION SCENIC EFi'KCTS Of THE STREETS OP NEW YORK. Hirst public performance on Tuesday, Tuesday, junk x Bo* hook now open. BOOTH'S THEATRE neflson. EDWIN itooTIl Manager and Proprietor. The celebrated English Tragedienne. Miss nku.SON. at AMY robsart, us played by lier at the Drurv Lane Theatre, London, for OVER 100 CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS. Mr. FRANCIS BANCS as LEICESTER. matin Eh OK AMY ROBSART on SATURDAY NEXT, at 1 :30i tho curtain rises at 8 precisely. Notice..carriages may no ordered at 10.15. To secure a choice of places, tho management would reponttully si iciest that soata be secured ils far In ad- viini'u as possible. KrancliTi'-ket oltlco at Dilsou ACo.'s. JJNION SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK manager Mr. A. M. CALMER Begins at 8. Saturday Matinee at 1 30. Carriages may bo ordered at 11. ACNES every evonin* this week ETHEL. AGNES ethel. ACNES the favorite actress, ETHEL. AONKS ETHEL. AGNES Miss ACNES etiieu ETIIEL. AONES ethel, ACNES In her groat socloty play, etiiel. AUNES ethel. AONES ACNES etiiel. ACNES ethel. AliNKS REPRODUCED WITH ITS ethel: AONES etiiel. AONES GREAT ORIGINAL cast etiiel. ACNES ethel. AONES AND ethel. AONES etiiel. AONES SUPERB SCENERY. etiiel AONKS etiiel. AONES SATURDAY, MAY 31, ethel. AONES ethel- ACNES ONLY MATINEE ethel AliNES ethel. AGNES OK etiiel. AONES ethel. AONES ACNES. etiiel. AONES etiiel. AONKS Shortly a new revival ETHKY. AONES ot oneof ethel. ACNES ETHEL AONKS Miss AGNES ETHEL'S ETHEL. AONES ETHEL. AONES specialties, for which tho etiiku ACNES ceiebratod Actress, ETHEL. AONES ETIIEL. AONES Mrs. e. L. DAVENPORT ETHEL. ACNES ETHEL., AG n10s lias also been especially engaged. ETHEL. -*1 I'M " WILL MAKE HER wonderful HOUND 1J at tile MATINEE TO MORROW, at NIBLO'S GAR¬ DEN. \ SSOCIATION HALL. MISS MONTAGUE. DRAMATIC AND POETIC readings, ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 31, ats O'CLOCK. T TINK ROW, lit 2 iiie UNEQUALLED PANTOMIMIC QUARTET MAP- fi TT, B A RTiloLt >.M EW. Vk LA itdi iiml Mlto LEON- NE, at tue MATINEE. NIHLOS GARDEN, TO-MOR- OOD'S M USE I'M. WOOD' IMMENSE SUCCESS. EVENING AT 8. AFTERNOON AT 2. w LAST i lasVtime RIGHT of the charming ol the new actress Miss sensation Drama LOUISE SYLVESTER, in Maeder's f.,1. ^ r. new Drama of OF THE MODOCS. KATY DID SATURDAY, BOTH AFTERNOON AND EVENING joint benefit of Messrs. A. ii SHELDON iind JAMES KARNES. MONDAY, JUNE 2, l-IRST TIME of mr FRANK MAYO In DAVY CROCKETT. VTIBLO's GARDEN. AZRAEL. LULU. 1> THE COOLEST AND BEST VENTILATED THE ATRE IN THE CITY. Reconstruction of the brilliant Spectacular Pantomime, AZRAEL; OB, THE MAGIC CHARM. ru-engH.'einunt ol the porailnr Artists, LULU, j.uli . LULU, LULU. LULU, LULU, Maffltt and Bartholomew, Muffltt and Bartholemew, MalTimiUil Bartholomew, Maffltt and Bartholemew MOMS. VELAKDI. CLARA LEONTINE, MADAME LANMKR, MLLE. lit'u, AND GRAND CORPS dk BALLET. NEW MUSIC, SCENERY, TRICKS AND INVENTIONS SUPERB transformation SCENE. MATINEE ro-Mo;;KoVV iSA ii kd.w , at HVO o'clock. Theatre comique, sit broadway 511 BROADWAY Mr. JOSH HART Les«eo and Proprietor Messrs. John F. Poole unit T. L. Donnelly Managers ^ DECORATION DAY. f A GRAND HOLIDAY JLBILEE BILL. BENEFIT OF miss LINA EDWIN. Tlic gloriously successful Musical Burlesque (endorsed by crowded houses), LITTLE JACK sliepi ARD. Miss LINA EDWIN us LITTLE JACK. Mr. M. W. LEFFINOWELL us blueskin. Miss MINNIE LODER as JONATHAN WILD. Mr. MOSE FISKE as Mrs. SHEPPAKD. Minnie Wood Miss Angeiii|ui- Schott Thames Diirrel Mr. Harrv Buckley Sir Rowland Miss Nellie Santoru the Judge Mr. W. Williams THE TWO HI ZZARKS. THE NEW COMIC PANTOMIME CLOWN Mr. BLAND HOLT Pantaloon Mr. thomas chapman THE UMUKlvLLA BALLET. THE "RUN EM IN" SONG AND CHORUS. THE LOCAL HITS, THE LIFE, THE FUN, ALL TH!> EVENING. BENEFIT or MISS LINA EDWIN. EXTRA NOTICE.- EXTRA NOTICE. ON MONDAY NEXT, JUNE 2, FRED. MAEI'ek AND NED hi NTLINE S DRAMA, BUFFALO bill. BUFFALO BILL ..(the original)....Mr. J. B. STUDLEY KITTY mui.DOON Miss FANNY HERRING LILLIK Miss RACHEL DKNVII, snakerootsam (the original), Mr. GEORGE FRANCE WILD HI li Mr. T. J. MARTIN Every Scene, Costume-, Effect, kc.., entirely new. Terrace garden theatre. IMTH ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND sd AVS Summer ^«-nson of OPERETTE AND LIGHT COMEDY. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, M AY 30, ATS, in celebration of Dccowtlon Dav, first appearnnce tliis avason of Mine. LOUISE LICHTMAY. when will tie performed MOZART UND hchikankder, BINE VOLKOJIMENE FRAU. ami. by general renueit, HANNI WEINT.HAN SI LACHT. Admission UH-.; reserved seats 25c. extra; boxes$1 so extra; packages of 12 tickets, It rpoNY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE. 2j1 BOWERY. J THH BARNEY AARON BARNEY AARON FRIDAY and EVENING, ARTHUR chambers LADIES inthegreat Draiua, DAN DONNELLY, ADMITTED with a GRAND FISDC CONTENT. Fit EE i ALICE BATEM AN and BILLY NOONAN OF In SONGil, DANCES, Ac. BILLY PASTOR, CHARLEY WHITE, ac., In a NOVEL and VARIED PROGRAMME Tony pastor s ladies admitted free. OPERA HOUSE BRING THE LADIES THIS EVENING. | TO SEE THE GREAT SHoW. ALL CHARGE. Tho lady professional*.-olive looavs StMo Wardrobe is for aaie. Call at 55 West Ninth street, www 3 and 5 P. M. / 1ARD -1'iano, ORGAN, VIOLIN. ouitab, iirhbb, \J Singing; private lessons; "Alme* vons la Mu*ii|ue?" beautiful book, given away. #2 Cuiiti.fi place. By mail lOgonts. J.JAY WaTHON, Director. Gold medal patent tilton guitar, ole Bull Violin strings, oid and new Violins, patent Vio¬ lin Chin Rest, Pianos, organs. Banjos, *c\, tor sale, n Clinton pluce (Eighth street). SEE THE GREAT RAILROAD SCENE! VIENNA exposition, BAY OF NAPLES and tho CAT hcbn h, at the MATINEE, NIBLO'S, TO morruw, at 2. /i RAND BILLIARD EXHIBITION GIVEN TO- vt night by DION BROTHERS, at GARNIER'S room corner University place and Fourteenth street. Also fancy shots. m r*<ki,l,aneol'g. no AND SEE u the great race between Vulierton and Gaxelle, at Proepect Park Fair Orounda Friday, May 30, J o'clock. MARBLE SODA APPARATUS-ALL 8TTLES, AT reduced price*; Ottawa Reer Fountains and Ex¬ tract on liberal term*, send foe Illustrated catalogue. james m. WITFIKLD a SON. 202 Water street Tib "BEAT ALL" SUMMRR COOK STOVE IS a success, no dissenting voice. Only $i 7»each. at t»a uivitttuiucu'fc w ouamtucra ii^gsl q«ir * SEATS MAY MHV ItK .SECU AmmRMiewTn. CYRANO OPERA HOUSE. .CURTAIN RISKS AT T 4S- T carriages luav be ordered lor II ' V Positively I«AHT THREE Performances of PECIITER, in MONTR CRISTOIIt THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING/ May SO. TO MORROW (SATURDAY), NATINKlj ait'l evening, May SI* MONDAY' BVBNING, JUNE a. Mr. KECIITEU will give iii.i great donbU Impersonation ot the two FltANCHI, in liis own famcus Play of "THE OORSICAN BROTHERS," which peculiar piece will bo produced with entiro NEW SCENERY and startling OHOSTI/TEFPECTSr FAREWELL MATINEE of MONTE CRISTO TO MOB- ROW (SATURDAY), at \X o'clock. rrn AVENUE THEATBK..CURTAIN rises av <t t) preel. elv Carriage* may lie ordered lor 10:IS. Soto Lessee and Manager Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY. EVERY EVENING, until forthor no tico, will he acted Mr AUGUSTIN OA LY'S most successful DRAMA, lit Tour acta, entitled MA DELE IN MOREL. THEATRE OVER PLOWING EVERY NIGHT I I I . Characters hy Mr. Charlea Fisher. Mr George 01 irke. Mr. Louis Jame^ Mr Henry Crisi), Mr W. J. LemoyiM, Mr J allien Lewis, Mr. E. Pierce, Mr. F Chapman, Mr. J. Burnett, Miaa Clara Morris. Miss Funny Davenport^ Misa Fanny Moraut, Mr*. O II. Oil- Ivrt, Mis* Sura I'vvett, Miaa Nellto Mortimer, Miss Nina Varian, Robert* Norwood and Miss Griffith*. SECOND MATIN KB OF MADKLEIN MOREL TO MORROW (SATURDAY), AT I* O'CLOCK. .«' He.it* may lie .secured' three weeks in advance, alan hy mail ami telegraph. QLYMPIC THEATRE, 624 BROADWAY. MONDAY, MAY 26. EVERY EVKNFNG ATS and WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES AT ». LAST WEEK HUT ONE LAST WEER BUT ONBf of GEO. L. FOX'S HUMPTY DUMPTY. LAST TWELVE NIGHTS! LAST TWELVE NIGHTS! of the "AMERICAN URIMAL1H" and Ins!anions Pantomime. Last twolve nightH ol the Specialty Artists. THE LAST CHANCE TO SEE HUMPTY DUMPTT. O. L. FOX WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON JUNB 7. Bowery theatre WM. B. FRELIGH Manager. FRIDAY EVKNINO, MAY 3D, IH73, ANNUAL BENEFIT OF WILLIAM H. FICELIGH. TWO ORAND DRAMAS, forming an linineiue combine, tlon. Iliil ol attractions:. UNCLE TOM'S CARIN, and the BOY HUROLAR. MISS LAURA AHBRTE. the youthful weuder, as TOP. 8EY, witli Songs, Jigs, Ranjo Solos, Ac. Little SUSIE GOODWIN as Eva. Messrs SMITH and WALDKON in a new Song and Danac, untitled MY OAL. MONDAY. JUNE 8. JAMES M. VV A It 11 will commence a limited engagement In a new Drama, called the WINNING HAND. KQK-ATHENBUM THEATRE »>0»J Broadway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Manager R W HUTLBB LAST WEEK OF TilE PRESENT SEASON. THE PLACE TO BRINO LADIES AND C HILDREN. PANTOMIME, BURLESQUE AND ORAND OLIO. A new and original Burlesque, written hy Mr. F. Mon> tugue, entitled APOLLO AND JUNO IN NEW YORK, with a splendid cost, Including the WORRELL SISTERS and (.'rand Burlesque Company, the UBEAT ZANFRETTA TROUPE OF PANTOMIMISTS. eight in number; CHARLES and CARRIE AUSTIN, in their ferritin BAYONET COM HAT. THE RUMMKLSBERG SISTERS, Luke Schoolcraft. Ad I Ryman, Win. West, J. Lang, 4 Holdsworth.Oeo H.Cocs and Regular Company, over} evening. Doors open ut 7 Curtain rises at 1. NOTICE..Monday, June 2, engagement o,f the GRRA1 HERNANDEZ. COMBINATION, wlio will appear Witt! other PROMINENT ARTISTS. Mrs. f. b. conway's Brooklyn theatre. FRIDAY, May :tO. IS71 CAMILLE, and a FARCE. Camllle Mrs. F. B. Conway Aruiand Duval Mr. Frankjtoche /CENTRAL PARK GARDEN. THEODORE THOMAS lyi THEODORE THOM AS' UNRIVALLED SUMMER NIOHT8' CONCERTS. PROGRAMME FOR THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, May ::i), at 1:. 1. Overture, "Fintral's Cave" Mendelssohn 2. Dance of Nymplis and Reaper* (from the music to Shakspeare's "Tempest" A. 8. Sullivan 3. Waltz, Hoclizeitsklange" Straw* 4. Selections, tl r.si act "Lohengrin" Wagner ft. Overture, "Leonora No. 2" Beethoven 7' Scii«Ro { Symphony. "The Ocean" Ruhinsteia 5. Kaiiot, "Heine de S*b«" Gounod !). Overture, "llunvadi La>/.lo" Erkel la "Ave Maria" Schubert II. Waltz, "Illustrationeil" Straus 11. Galop, "Jatianese "... A. II. Peass Admission 5i)c. Packages containing 12 tickets ($4) can bo obtained at the principal music stores, also at 2tM Broadway and Central Park Ourden. Private box« « twu dollars extra. EVERY THURSDAY, GRAND EXTRA CONCERT. BR YA NT'S OPER A H 01 'SE, TW ENTV-Tll IBD 8TRBET. between Sixth and Seventh avenues, near Booth'a Theatre EVERY EVENING AT S. SATURDAY, MATINEE AT*. i!D ST. BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, 8TH AV. HD ST. I BRYANT't MINSTRELS. . (Til AV. SfflD ST. BRYANT S MINS I RELS. 6TH AV. ill) sr. I BRYANT'S MINSTRELS. «TH AV. Ifrllllsnt change of programme this week. JUBILEE CONCERT. KAUtt.UiE MERCHANTS. BLACK SHAKERS. DIVORCE. WIO MAKERS. LAST WEEK OF "I NDER DE GASLIGHT I" -Characters 1\ Dsn Bryant, Nelse Seymour, Dave Read, Henry Rice, Brockway, Harry Stanwood, Carter, Mor- rUsy, Emerson, Ac. THE MODOC8 NEXT WEEK, THE MODOCS. MATTNEB SATUSDAT, AT 2. SB VT8 secured. Park theatre, Brooklyn.grand com pli- mentury Benefit to Manager JOHN P. SMITH, THIS (Friday) EVENING, May SO. The following ladies and gentlemen have kindly volunteered their services, and will positively appearOliver Doud Bvron, Frank Kocho, Walter Lennox. Mi>s Minnie Conway, John Thompson, Huker and Fnrron, Olfty Gooft, A. M. Her¬ nandez ana liis company, Kate Byron, Little Jennie Veo- mans, Alice Hamilton and the Park Theatre company. Box office opeu all day at Theatre tor seats. llrIENIAWSKl'S FAREWELL. TO NEW YORK. V> STEIN WAY HALL. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY W, AT H O'CLOCK. Mr. HBNRI WTENlAWSKI Ii is the honor to announce his farewell concert in this city prior to his departure lor California an I South America. Tliu following program" will be presented: . part first. 1. Septette for violin, viola, violoncello, double Inns, clarli net, horn and bassoon Beethoren Messrs. II. WIENIAWSKI, MATJ5KA, BERON BB, PFEIF. ENS INEIDER, ED. HOEIIM, GEWALT an I SOHST. 2. ''O Salutarl* llostia" Cherubial Mile ANNA DRASDIL. J. fa. Etudes-Caprloes for violin, with acrom painniclit ol k .n.l violin Wi mawskl Messrs. WIENIAWSK1 and MATZKA b. Reverie Vieuxtempe II WIENIAWSKI. 1 "Longing" .Mellert Mine. J t I.KS DE RYTHER. PARr SECOND. 5. Duo tor piano and violin, "Don Juan" Wolflf an'l VieuxtemM Messrs S. B MILLS and WIENIAWSKI. t. "I Murmur Not" I. Benedict Mile ANNA DltASDIL 7. (a. "Evening" R. Schumann f b. "Tarentelle" Chopin Mr. S. B MILLS. 8. "Golden Day A. Sullivaa Mine. Jt'l.ES DE RYThKK. 'J. "Airs Ru.sses" (by roiiuest) n. Wieniawskl H. WIENIAWSKI. Mens. L. REMBIEL1NSK1 Accompanyisl General <1 luiissi 111, #1; Reservod Seats (one dollar) e*. tru Box office open wis morning at Stein way Hall, 701 atuf 114 Broadway. EW YORK MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, HH BROAD* wjv, between Houston ,iud Hloeuktr strouts.. Every N: one should visit tlie WoiuleriUl Mi is unr. it islull >f everr- thlngpeople should me and understand. Lectures daifjr on "rno Philosopny of Marriage." Timso parties uo iiiie to attend these important locturet can havn thentor- wnrde't, post free, on receipt of tt cents, by ad Iressiittf SECRETARV NEW YORK MUSEUM OF AN ATOM (¦Iff Broadway. New York. jrteentti street. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM >F ART Temiiorary huililing I2S West Fourt The Dl Cesnola Collections tfom Cyprus, au 1 the "loan exhibitions," so fnr as ready, are now open to the public nrotn It o'clock until 1 o'clock P. M a mnwoii Sue GO AND SEE the great rac<i between FULLER.TON and GAZELLE, at Prospect Park Fair Grounds, FRIDAY, May TO, at * o'clock. MME. LANNER, MLLE. LUPO* AND THE GitANO Corps de Ballet, in the new Nautical Ballet, LA CANOTTfERS. at NIBI.O'S MATINEE, TOMORROW (Saturday), at 2 o'clock. NO CHARGE | TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSB. FOR LAD1BSI BRINO THE LADIES. Til IS EVENING. Throe hours' fun and NO CHASGEL jy^ETROPOLITAN THEATRICAL AND SHOW "FrTnTINO ESTABLISHMENT, HEBALD~BUILDINO, BROADWAY AND ANN STREET ? LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THEATRICAL MINSTREL AND VArIetY CUTS CONSTANT!.* ON HAND. MUSICAL. A-girard oollbgb op music, broadwa* . and Ninth street.Instruction in all traeck. . Music, $10 per ijuarter, special attentixi called to oer violin classes, now forming under eminent Uachera. AN ITALIAN TENOR 8INGBR. IT4I.IAW opera, teaches Piano and sinking at B»r oiontn during the Summer months, at 117 West Tweet*-*'*®""* street, near Sixth avenuo ___________________ C1AAD.-PIANO, OROAN, GUITAR. SINGING -MISS J WATSON gives private lessons, da* an I evening, al har resldinci, wi Clinton plMi iRigUtH AtfMU* ^14 ^ru^tid ^r

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1873-05-30/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ¦treet, onSnnday,June l, at hair-past one.'clock Relatives and friencU aro respectfully

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¦treet, on Snnday, June l, at hair-past one .'clockRelatives and friencU aro respectfully In-

vited to attend without further notice.Bobbins..In London. Holland, on Friday, May

io, after a lln?erinjr illness, Eliza, wile ofCliaunceyBobbin*, of tlilH citv.Ryan..In Syracuse, on Wednesday, May 28,

michabi. Kyan, rton of George and Ellen Ryan, inthe 33d year of nia age.The relativca and friends of the family are re-

Bpectfully invited to attend the funeral, from thereaideuce of Itla parents, 512 Wo3t Forty-thirdBtreet, tins dav (Friday), at ten A. M.Silva..Suddenly, at Chiton, 8. L, Jose?u Silva

aged 70 years.Funeral from the residence of Captain J still-

well, Chiton, this (Fri.lay) afternoon, at fouro'clock..Skinnru..At Spotswood, N. J., on Wednesday

May 28, r. M. skinner, in the «;7tli year of his aire'

The irlends of the oeceased and or ttio ainlly areinvited to attend the funeral, ironi his 1 ite real-denee, ou Saturday, May 31, a' eleven o'clock A. M.Train leaver Cortiandt street, per PennsylvaniaRailroad, at six o'clock A. M., returning leavesNpotawood at seventeen minutes past Ave o'clock

Spadku. .On Tuesday. May 27, at twelve o'clockP. M., ex-Alderman John d. Si'adeu, iu the 73dyear of his age.'The relatives and friends are invited to attendthe funeral, from St. Stephen's cnnrch (Rev. Dr.Price's), in Forty-sixth street, between Filth and

jp avenues, ou Friday, 30th ln9t., at two o'clock

Thursday, May 29, of consump-?1. bach. in the 54th year of Ills age.

Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect-rally Invited to attend the funeral, from his lateresidence, 31 Macdougal street, ou Sunday, Juuo l.at hall-past one o'clock P. M.

I Stanton,.On Thursday, May 29, after a short ill¬ness, Edmund D. Stanton, aged 44 years.

I? ft,,e?da oT, 'ho family are invited to attendthe funeral services, at the Madison square Pres¬byterian church(Kev. Dr. Adam's), on Saturday af¬ternoon, at two o'clock.Tkrbklu.At Walden, N. Y., on Thursday, May

89, Joski'uits Ikrbrll, aired 68 years.

|t one'o'clock pJ'm.*** 1>lace on Saturday, May 31,Orange and Steuben county papers please copy.Thomson..On Thursday morning, May 29, 1873,

Flora Matuildb InousoN, in the 15th year ofuer age.The relatives and friends of the ramlly are Invited

to attend the luneral services, from her late resi¬dence. ou Saturday afternoon. May 31. at twoo'clock.VANiiBimiLT..Suddenly, on Wednesday. May 28,

Charles E. Vanderbilt, aged 6 years, only sonof Abrain and Margaret J. Vanderbilt.The relatives ana friends of the family are re¬

spectfully iuvltgd to attend the funeral, from theresidence of his parents, 400 West Forty-sixthstreet, ou Saturday morning, May 31. at elevenO'clock.Venn.On Wednesday, May 28, after a brief Ill¬

ness. Eliza, wife of Henry U. Venn, and daughterof the late David Decker.

Relatives and friends of the family are respect-rally Invited to attend the funeral, at Thirty-fourthstreet Metnodist Episcopal church, between Sev¬enth and Eighth avenues, on Saturday. May 31, atten A. M. Remains to be taken to staten Islandfor interment.Ward..On Wednesday. May 28, Russell D.

ward, eldest sou of Dr. James H. Ward, in the 20th1 year of his age.

Funeral services will be held at 60 Bedford ave¬nue, Brooklyn, E. D., on Friday, at two p. M.

INSTRUCTION.TTIDirOATION COMBINED WITH TRAVELS-THEREi^v« wi'S, v 11 rartv <>t younu gentlewomen to

X°/k ,or F;Ur<>P« July i under tho guidance ofttdy who lias passed many years In foreign countries,

, i J' f01"1"01 'heir studies In languages and otlier

TRAmPH v'ariou?' » t'""l ,n prospectus. AddressTRAVELER, No. 39 West Twenty-sixth street. New Yo-k


A1 -STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES ANDi f?e au * Collender Combination Cushions fur

Bale; only by the patentee, H. W. CoLLENDER, successorto l tielau s. Oolieuder. Tii Broadway, New York.

| Xtf H. GRIFFITH'S Bl.VI'.L BILLIARD TABLES,7* . W'tb Delaney's patent steel wire cushions. Pur-

«,iiS,wi,i I f i1 to '1,uir advantage to examinemy splendid stock ot new and second hand Tables be loregoing elsewhere. Wurerooms 40 Vesey streot.


Notice is hereby given thatTursuXnttosection 3, 01 chapter 333, ol tho laws ot 1373, pro-

posala for publishing and distributing tho City RecordJL°»r' {n«ccordanco with the specifications died

In the office ol the Mayor ot tho city ol New York, in theCity Hall in said city, will be received at said office until

J."»e 3. prox.. at hi o'clock noon, at which hourthe bids will be opened and read, and the award ot thecontract made as soon thereafter as practicable.Kaon proposal will be enclosed in a scaled envelope

n?.. K?*1-..^oposala lor Publishing ttn'' I'Utrlbutiiiff thecity Record," and must be made iu strict, conformity tothe specifications aloresaid.The security required on the contract will be Slo oon.



_Commissioner ot I'ublic Works.

B. DELAKIELD SMITH,nr.. v* vr .« !?!£. Counsel to the Corporation.

_Ntw York, MayJ7, 1478. ~

WW?*. BE RECEIVED AT THE<i ^.Cr the Clerk ofthe Hoard ot Education, corncr

gg"Kft Tt7o"c(rofkU!^?,rrr1«Vl"yl'n«n\Uhre'"Sty fort howing year!* '°r ,hu PUbUc in Ul18

Say nine thousand ('),i>«l) tons of coal, more or less, andtwo thousand five hundred (2,800) cords ot oal; and onethousand <1,0 J)) cords o! pine wood, more, r less. The coalmust be ol the best quality of white asli, furnace, eg^,stove and nut sizes, in good order, two thousand two hun¬dred and torty (2,210) pounds to the ton. and must lie dc-simian'!! i

* of **'*? ic'VL'r;l1 *1101)1 buildings at suchfe.on Sup'"iesC I"-1"111'01 fts "Quired by the Commit-Tho proposals must state the mines from which It is

proposed to supply the coal (to be lurnUhed from themines uamedii accepted), an ! mu>t -tat.: ilic price per

tWo hundred nd forty (.-,210) pounds« The quantity of the various sizes of coal required will

j ^l^0^n®S°',0,,',^,','c®'Z*i:^*njl,thoUfinnll^(Lolw)b^niro^hun^rod^Honso'l^^s^! '°ns an'' tw"' oak wotKl niust be ol tfic Invst quality, tho stick not

Inohe**in dUraeSr!"®1 g a:"' "ot lha" tl,rt0 l3»

..Th«P»"c wood must ho or the best quality, an 1 not less'oet <lx (?) inch.)* lomt. The projiosal must

state tho price per cord of one hundred and twenty-eiu'htcubic lect, solid measure, for both oak and tune wood,and also the price per cut for sawing and splitting perload, the quanuty of oak wood to be split only as requiredby the LoiumitteA ou Supplies. The wood' will be In-apected and men<ured under the supervision ot the In¬spector ot Fuel of tho Board of Education, und must tiedelivered at tliu schools as follows:.Two-thirds ofthe

Auantitv required from the lath of July to tho lith ofeptcmber. and the remainder as required by the Com-

mlttee on Supplies; said wood, both oak and pine, mustbo delivered s*wed. and, when required. split, and mustbe pilod iu the yards, cellars, vaults or blnsot the schoolbuildings, as may be designated by the proper authorityThe contracts tor supplying said coal and Wood to beJUS'J'uf until the 1st day ot June, 1S74. Two sureties torthtfaithtui performance of the contract will ho requlrod.and each proposal must he| accompanied by the signa¬tures and residences ot the propovd surolies. So com¬pensation will be allowed Tor delivering said coal andwood at any or the schools, nor putting and piling the>«me In the yards, cellars, vanlta or bins of said schools..»ii«75p.°ol nmlI,i directed to the Committee on sup.plies 3i the Board of Education, an.I should bo endorsedProposals for Coal*' or ^Proposals Tor Wood," as the

cane may be.* c

The Committee reserve the right to re|ect any or all theproposals received.


^^^.JHAML^KW30NHC0Tnmeesg^DRTwaoRE- su»p"-Naw YoBit, May 17,1173.


ABAROAIN-TWO MAGNIFICENT FRENCH S\TINParlor Suits, nearly new, cost i^75, tor$:'uu; one do.,

*173; brocatcl and rep SulU, $73, »50 and $S»; rosewoodand walnut Chamber Suits, »:« up; 20 spring and HairMattresses, Redding, Curtains, Mirrors, Carpets, SOc. up;Fianotor e, 1'alntings. Bronzes. Clucks, Vases, Dlnlni: Fur-nlture, China, Silver Ware. Cutlery, less than half cost,!f l/i Residence HU East Twenty-mthetreet, between Lexington and Fourth avenues.

A ^R"K, ASSORTMENT "f CARPETS, FlIRSJ.i^taliiienrs^a^'FAWRKL^waVe^ouse^lV'rEiihTirAVi''-nue, twtwee n Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets

" A LA,DY WOULD SELL BITTINO ROOM. BEDROdUand some Kitchen Furniture, or exchange for Drv

«oods or Country Board. Call, from 10 to 4, at 117 EastTwenty-ninth street


Pianoforte. Stool, Cover; property family leaving citv96 West 15th si. near 5th av.


AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 120 WEST 2^D 8T .PaR-tor Suits, In satin, cost $>H/. tor $230; one do., $lso-

» Suits, $.10, $00, $70 to $lifl; Bedroom Suit', $40, $.»'to $1.10; complete. Bedding; Carpets, lc« than half

cost; also magnificent rosewood 7,'« octave Pianofortecost $1,OCO, for $230


AOENTLF.MAN AND WrFK, INTENDING TOtravel lor a tew yoars, will dispose, at a sacrifice

ol their entire Household Furniture also two beautifulPianofortes; celebrated city makers. Call at 210 West 21stat., near 7th air

Good second hand and misfit carpets aspecialty; all sires, handsome stvles. For sale

cheap at 112 Fulton street, corner ol Dutch entrance onDutch streot.


Iiet those lookitig for cheap Goods call at Loan Office,<22 Broadway, where we are selling, for :l0davs, to paythei advances and charg.'s. Parlor. Llhrarv, Dining anilBedroom Furniture, Pianos, Carpets, Curtain". Chinaand Silverware. 722 Broadway, opposite New YorkHotel.


DEALT A CUNNINGHAM.384 and Wrt Third avenue, near 'I'wctitv-eighth street.Trices tower than any other bouse in'the city.

NEW FURNITURE STORE. fi»4 BROADWAY, GREAT. Jones street oorner..Furniture of the best quality In

the greatest variety, at the lowest prices, and the price9l each article plainly marked.

edward W BAXl'ER A CO., Minufar Hirers.

WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS for Ff'R,nlture, Carpets and Bedding, at B. M. CoWPER-

fHWAlT A GO 'S, IM and 137 Chatham street. AnImmense stock and low prices.


IQARH OF HAVANA TOBACCO-ROSA CONCHAS,$.*1; Fi ile Cuba GaUues. $'V), Espanolas, $63; equal

(.m>P»rloJ iu appearance aod quality.t. J. HAVMuw * ua. W UaiJdulao*.



tinent will tta.il trom pier No. SO North River, as fol¬lows :. .

VILLE DE PARIS Saturday. May 31VILLE I>U HAVRE, burmont Saturday, June 14PKREIRS, Dauro Saturday, Juno atST. LAURENT, Lcmarle Saturday, July 12


First Cabin, $12.V. Second CaMn, $75.Excursion Tickets at reduced rales.

These steamers do not carry steerage passengers.American travellers going to or returning irom the

Continent of Europe, by taking this line, avoid bothtransit by English railway and the discomfort* ofcrossing the Channel, besides saving time, trouble andexpense. GEORGE MACKENZIE. Agent, 88 Broad way.NOTE .Railroad Tickets botweon l'aris and Viennaat reduced rates.

STEAMER VILLE DE PARIS, KOR BURST ANDllavrc, will Icavo pier 50 North River, Toot of Morton

street, on Saturday, May 31, at 9k o'clock. Passengersare requested to be on board at Hj, o'clock.


NATIONAL*LINE OP STEAMERS.Weekly to Quocustown aud Liverpool; fortnightly to


Irom piers 44 and 47 North River.ITALY, Thomson Saturday, May 31. at 8(90 A. M.GREECE, Thomas Saturday, June 7, at 1 P. M.EGYPT, ilrogan Saturday, June 14, at 8 A. M.CANADA, Webster Saturday, J line SI, all P. M.


TRADE.Cabin passage.$30, 990 and 1U0, currency- Excursion.

$160 und $1S0.Steerage, $29. currency.

Prepaid steerage tickets trom Liverpool, Queenstown,Londonderry, Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol or lioudon,

CHEAPER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINK.For further information apply at tho company's office,


For Southampton and Bremen.The steamship BREMEN, Captain H. Schulonburg, will

sail on Wednesday, May 28, at 2 P. M.. trom Bremen pier,footot Third street, Hobokeu. to be followed by steamshipMAIN, Captain K. von Oterendort, on Saturday, May 31.Rates ot passage to London, Havre and Bremen, paya¬

ble in gold, or its equivalent in currency :.First cabin $120Second cabili 72Steerage . 30For freight or passage apj^to HS A CO., Agents,

No. 2 Bowling Green.


The South Wales Atlantic Steamship Company's now,first class steamships will sail irom Pennsylvania Rail¬road wharf, Jersey City, as follows:.PEMBROKE May 28GLAMORGAN June 18

CABIN AND STEERAGE PASSENGERS.Firstcabiii $75 and $3i)curencySecond cabin $55 currency.Steerage $30curroncv.Prepaid Steerage Certificates from Cardiff, $33 currency.Drafts for £1 and upwards.Por lurther particulars, applv to

ARCHIBALD BAXTER A CO., Agents.17 Broadway, New York.



from the company's dock, Fulton terry, Brooklyn.SUPERIOR PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS.

Cabin, $80 and $f>0, gold ; steerage, $30, currencv.DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL l'ARTd OF EUROPE.

For freight or passage apply toAUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents,

Steerage office 45 Broadway. 72 Broadway.

CUNARD LINE.The British and North American Royal Mail Steam¬

ships, between New York and Liverpool, calling at CorkHarbor.



Steamers marked thus* do not carry steerage passen¬gers.And every following Wednesday and Saturday from


Cabin.$80, 9100 and $130, gold, according to accomroo-tloii. Tickets to Paris, $15, gold, additional. Returntickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $30, currency.Steerage tickets from Liverpool anil Queenstown, and

all parts ot Europe, at lowest rates.For freight and cabin passage apply at the Company'soffice. No. 4 Bowling Green. For steerage passage. 111

Broadway (Trinity Buildingi.CHARLES G. FRANCKLYN, Agent,

. or to P. H. DU VERNET, corner Clark anilRandolph streets, Chicago, III.

PAS3F.NGERS PER STEAMSHIP PAKTHIA EMBARKirom the Cunaril wharf, loot of Grand struct, Jersey

City, ai 'J A. M. ou Saturday. 31st. May. (HAS. (J.FRANCKLYN, No. 4 Bowling Green, New York.


Captain E. Meier, will sail on Thursday. June 5, at2P. M. lor Hamburg,

taking pnssenpcra irom New York to Plymouth, London,plBt Cabin, $120ChCrt>OUrK aWl "^"tfecond Cabin. $72.

Steerage, $30, payable In United States gold.KUNHARDT4 CO., C. B. RICHARD A BuAS,

General Agents, General Passenger Agents,61 Broad street, New York. 61 Broadway, New York.The Wi.Sil'il ALIA will sail funu 12.The SAXONIA, asextin steamer direct, June 7.HITE STAR LINE.



New and full-powered steamships,sailing from New York on Saturdays, from Liverpool on

Thursdays, calling at Cork Harbour each way.BALTIC Saturday. May 31, at8:30 A. M.

CELTIC Saturday, June 7, at 2 1'. M.OCEANIC June II, at 7:30 A. M.ADRIATIC Inne 2H. at 7 A. M.

.From the White Star dock, Pavoniu terry, Jersey City.Passenger accommodations lor all classes unrivalled,

combining saietv, speed and Comfort.Saloons, staterooms, smoking room and bathrooms In

midship section, where least motion Is felt. Surgeonsanil stewardess accompany the steamer.Kates.iaioon, $loo, gold; steerage, $301n currency.Those wishing to send for friends in ttie Old Country

can now obtain !.teerage prepaid certificates, $32 cur-

Passengers booked to or from all parts of America toParis. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia,China. Ac.Draiis from CI unwnrds.For Inspection of plans and other information apply at

the company's office, 19 Broadway, Now YorkBills ot lading issued to Continental ports.

J. H. SPARKS, AgentNCHOR LINK.Steamers sail from pier 20 North River, New York,EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.

CALIFORNIA..Sat. Mny 31 COLUMBIA.. Wed., June 18CALEDONIA.Wed., June 4 VICTORIA Sat., June 21INDIA Sat., Jiine 7 ASSYRIA Weil., June 25OLYMPIA. ..Wed., June 11 ANOLIA Sat., June 28AUSTRALIA.. 8at, June 14 CASTA LI A.... Wed., Jul v 2The passenger accommodations on steamers of this line

are uiiiiirpn-sed lor elegance and com tort Cabin state¬rooms arc all on upper ucck, thus securing good liirht andventilation.


Saturday steamers. Wednesday steamers.Oold. Currencv.

Cahins $75 anil $65 $75 and $t>5Cabin return tickets, » cur¬ing best accommodations.. $131) (130

STEERAGE, $30 CURRENCY.Tickets lor passage to or trom any seaport or railway

station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Continent issuedat lowest rates.DIUFTS FOR ANY AMOUNT AT CURRENT RATEaCompany's offices. No. 7 Bowling Green. New York.

HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents.Just published, "The I'rip to Europe," a magazine of

Information for ocean travellers; can be bad true ofcharge on application.

N. B..Calilornia sails 10 A. M., May 31.


ANCHOR LINE.Owing to the unprecedented demand for cabin passage

by their steamers, will despatch their elegant newsteamship ITALIA,May 31. from pier 2U North River, at noon.

This steamer has very superior accommodation fcrsaloon passengers. _.

Cabin passage, $75; Return rickets, $130;payable In currency.

HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents.No. 7 Bowling Green.

IN.MAN~LI.NE.For Queenstown and Liverpool. Royal Mail steamersare appointed o sail us follows:.CI I'Y iIF LONDON Saturday, May 31. 9 A. M.CITY OF NEW YORK Thursday, June 5. I P. M.CITY OF PAI'.IS Saturday, June 7, 2 P. M.CITY OP BALTIMORE Thursduy. June 12. 7 A. M.CITY OF MONTREAL Saturday, June 14, 8 A. M.CITY OF BRISTOL Thursday, .lime 19, 1 P. M.and caen succeeding Saturday and Thursday, from pier46 North River. QP PASSAGE.Cabin, $f6 nnrt $lo0, gold, according to accommodation.

Round trip tteneu at low rates.steeragi.To Liverpool, Queenstown. Glasgow, London¬

derry, London, Bristol or Casdifl, $30. Prepaid certifi-ca'es, $32, currency. _

Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Sweden,Norway, Denmark and Paris, at rcduccd rates.Dratts issued at lowest rates

....For cabin passage and general business apply at thecompany's office. 15 Broadway.For steerago passage at SS Broadway.

JOHN G. DALE, Agent, or toO'Dosscu. A Faclx. 402 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.M. S, QftKMII, 102 Suite street,, Boston.F. 0. Baow.f Sti South Market street, Chicago.

_W«, Ihwan, Liverpool, and No. 9 Rue Scribe, Paris.


Sailing everv Wednesday.MINNESOTA, Captain Krcoinaii -»uno 4, at noonMANHATTAN, Captain Price, .tr tunc 11. at 3 P. M

_ From pier 46 North River.Cabin carnage, $-o gold ; steerage, $.10 currency. .

Prepaid tickets, $32 currency.Passengers booked to and trom Paris, Hamburg, Nor*

way and Sweden. Ac. Dratts on Ireland, EnglauJ,Prance and Germany, at lowest rates. Applv toWILLIAMS A GUION. Vj Broadway.


CIOOK'S TOURS TO IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND ENG-i. land, over 100 routes; Cook's Tours to Switzerland

and the Rhine, nearly 100 routes; Cook's Tours to Vienna,1U2 In number; Cook's Tours to Italy, 72 routes; Cook'sTours Round the World, at reductions ranging fromlOtoto p'-r cent uriow oruinarv lares, tne travelling tsued enabling one or more passengers to travelby any train, steamer or diligence. Cook's perionall'vconducted tour to Vienna. Venice, Rome, Switzerland anilParis, sailing per steamer Canada, .Tune 21, $5<<o, gold allexpenses. Full particulars In Cook's Excursionist, 'loc.

¦«., o COOK, SON A JENKINS.262 Broadway, and Fleet street, London.

UNITEDVtaTF.S PASSPORT BUREAU.-OFFICIALPassports ot the Department of State issued by A.C. WILLMARTH. United States Court Uouse, 41 Cham¬

bers street

T7NITED STATES PASSPORT AGENCY -A. T.U WELCH, late Chief of Passport Bureau, Depart¬ment ol State, Washington, D. C. Agent 294 Broadway.


Inoil NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.The Cromwell Steamship Line.

Tbe steamship GEORGE WASHINGTON, Captain H. 8.Quick, will leave pier No 9 North River on Saturday,May Si, 1873, at 3 P. M. Freight received dally. Throughrates given to Galveston, Indianola, Rocklort or Aranzaawhart. Brazos, Santiago and St. Louis.Cabin passage, $50; steerage. $25. Por freight or PM-

Apply to «iitti * BBAMAN. 80 Wert


PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE TOCALIFORNIA, JAPAN AND CHINA.Via PANAMA.CARBYINO MAII.S, PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT TOASP1NWALL. PANAMA. SANTA MAItTIIA, GREY-TOWN AND PACIFIC COAST OF MEXICO.CENTRAL AMERICA. PERU and CHILEMay 31.Steamer HENRY CHADNCEY, Captain A. G.Oray, will leave pier No 41 North Itivcr, at 12 o'clocknoon, lor Aspin wall direct, connection at Panama with(he steamer ARIZONA, Captain Austin, for San Fran¬cisco, touching at Acspulco and San Diego. and also con¬necting lor all Central American anil South Pacific port*.Departures of 10th and 10th each mouth irom New Yorkconnect with this Company's lU'iinwr, touching at SanBenito, Toiia'o, Saliua Crua anil Port Angel The Com.pany's splendid steamer COSTA KIOA will leave SanFmncincooti or about June 24 for Honolulu, SandwichIsland*.One of the Company's Steamer* will leave Ran Fran-

cUc > Muy :»l, I8TI, for Japan and China. For rate* of8as*age, freight and all further information apply atouipauy's office on the pier, loot ot Canal .street.


will leave pier 41 North River, 12 o'clock noon Saturday,May HI, 1873, lor Aspiuwail.F. R. BABY. Agont

NSW YOB* AND BERMUDA STEAMSHIP LINK.For Hamilton and St. Ooorge, Bermuda,

carrying tlio Unitod State.* Mail*.and sailing as lollowa:.Steamship IIATTEHAS, Lawrence, master, Friday,May 30, at 3 o'clock P. M., froin pier 37 North River.Steamship ALBEMARLE, Itead, master, Thursday,June 5, at J o'clock P. M Irom pier 37 North River.For freight or passage, having elegant accommoda¬

tions, apply to LUNT BROTHERS,28 South street

Passage, 930 gold.Excursion tickets issued for the mini 1 trip nt $V) gold.

Atlas steamship company.Mail service for West Indies. Havana, Venezuela

and Spanish Main. The company's iron screw steamer*are appointed to aall as lollowa (loading berth pier IINorth River) :.

For Turk's Island. Jamaica and Savanllla.CLABlliKL. Captain llayley, Hist lust.

For Hayt< and Yoitu/.uula.Ariel d.200 tons), mii Juue.

For Havana dlrcctLAGOS, Captain I'egdeu. Juno 8. 3 P. M.

For treignt and passage apply to PIM, FORWOOD ACO., Goueral Agents, 56 Wall street and 59 Pine street.

YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE.These first claas steamships will sail every Tuesday at

3 P. M. Irom pier 13 Nortli River (foot of Cedar street),for Havana direct, as follows :.WILMINGTON June SMORRO CASTLE June 10COLUMBIA Juno 17Supplementary mall on pier at a quarter to three P. M.

on day of sailing.For freight or passage (having magnificent accommo¬

dations) apply to . WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO.,No. S Howling Ureen.

D. McKELLER Agent In Havana.

DIBKOT LINE TO HAVANA,Progreso and Vera Crux.

Now York and Mexican Mail Steamship line, leavingpier No. 3 North River, at 3 P. M..

EVERY THURSDAY.CITY OF HAVANA (Havana only) May 29CITY OF MERIDA (Havana only) Juno 5CLEOPATRA (Havana and Mexico) Juno 12CITY OF HAVANA (Ilavuua only) June ltfFor freight or passage apply to

F. ALEXANDRE A SON3. 88 Broadway.

Texas ltne.-fob galveston, touchino atKey West, carrying the United States Mail..Stuamcr

CLYDE. Captain Kennedy, will leave pier 20 East Kiver,Saturday, Mav 31, at 3 P. M Through hills of ladingglvou to Houston and all pointi on the Oalveston, Hous¬ton and Henderson and B. B. and C. It R. No charge torforwarding In New York. For f reight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

C. 11. MALLOKY k CO., 153 Maiden lane, orW. P. CLYDE, 119 Wall street


The steamship GENERAL MEADE,from pier 36 North River (foot of North Moore streot),

on Saturday, May 31, at 3 o'clock P. M.Freight received daily. Through rates given to St

Louis, Vickshurg, Mobile, Galveston And Indianola.For freight or passage, having superior accommoda¬

tions, applv to FREDERIC llAKEX :I0 Broadway.

FOB NORFOLK, CITY POINT AND BICHMOND..The Old Dominion Steamship Company will despatchfrom pier 37 North River their elegant sldowhccl steam¬

ship OLD Dominion, Walker, commandor, for Norfolk,City Point and Richmond, on Saturday, May 81, at 3 P.M., giving through hills ot lading to all points South andSouthwest. Through passenger tickets issued to allpoints. Accommodations unequalled. Apply at pier 37,or at tho general office, 1*47 Greenwich street, corner ofDey.

TK.wKM.Ktts' chcupb.Albany and troy, by day line boats c. vib-

BARD and DANIEL DREW, commencing May SI.Leave Vestry street pier at 8:30 A. M., and Twenty-thirdstreet, north ot Erie ferry, at 8:45, landing nt Yonkers,Tarry'own and Nyack (by ferryboat), Poiighkcepsle,Rhinebeclt, Tlvoll, Cntsklll anil Hudson, connecting tornil points West and North Trip tickets to West Point,Cornwall and Ncwburg, returning same day, (1.Notice change of uptown binding.


leave ptor 49 North River, foot of Leroy street dally(Saturdays excepted), at 6 o'clock P. M., connecting withmorning trains on Rensselaer and Saratoga, New YorkCentral and Troy and Boston railroads for all pointsNorth, East an 1 West The most direct route to Sarato¬ga, Luke George and Montreal. Through tickets goldand baggage checked to destination.

JOSEPH CORNELL, Superintendent

Fall river line to boston,via Newport and Fall River.

The world-renowned steamers BRISTOL and PROVI-DENCE leave pier 28 North River, foot of Murray street,daily (Sundays excepted; at 5 P. M.

A. P. BACON, Superintendent

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.Trains leave New York, from foot of Desbrossci and

Corllandt streets, as follow*:.Express t >r Harrisburg, Pittsburg, I lie West and South,villi Pullman Palace Cars attached, 9:30 A. 11., 6, 7 auu8:30 P. M. Sunday, 5, 7. *30 P. M.

For Baltimore. Washington and the South at 9 A. M., 1,9 P. M. Sunday, 9 P. m.

. .Express for Philadelphia, 8, 0, 9:30 A. M.; 12:10. 1.4,5, 7, 8-.1U,'.) P M., and 12 night. Sunday. 6, 7, 8:30 and 9I{. II.

For Philadelphia, via Kensington, at 7 A. M., 2 and 6I", m.

Emigrant and second class, 7:15 P. M. IFor Newark at 6. 8-30, 7, 7:40. 8:10, 9, 10,11, II :40 A. M.: 12,

1. 2, 2:30, 3, .1:20, 3: W, 4:1 J. 4 ulO, 5:10, 6:20,530.8:80,6,6:10, 0-30.7.7:.*), 8:10, 9,10, 11:30 P.M., and 12 nightSunday, 5:2), 6,8:10, 9 P. M. I

For KIlzaMth,6,630, 7, 7:40, 8:10,9. 10. 11, 11:10 A. M.,12 M. 12:30, I, 2, 2:30, 3. 3:20, 3:40, 1:10, 4 30,5:20,5:30,5:50. (j, 6:10, 8:30, 7:30. 8:10, 10, II :30 P. M . and 12 nightSun lay, 5:20,0 and 8:10 1*. M.

For Rahway. d. 6:30,7. 8:10, 9 30 and 10 A. M., 12 noon, 1,2. 2 30. 3. 3:20, 3:4i', 4 :10, 4 30, 5 30, 5 30, 5:50, 6 6 30, 7 30,8:10. 10 P. M., And 12 night. Sunday, 5:2) and 0 P. M.

For Woodhridge iitul Perth Amboy, & and 10 A. M.,2:30,3:40, 4 :So and 5:.'j0 P. M

For New Brunswick. 7 A. M., 12 M., 1, 2,3, 4:10,630,6,9 P. M., and 12 night. Sunday. f> and 9 P. M.

For East. Mlllstoim, 7 A. M.. 12 M . 4:10 and 5:20 P M.For Lamhertville ntid Flemlngton, 9 A. M. nnd 2i'. M.For Pliillipsbnrg and Belvldere. 2 and 4 P. M.Accointnii tatlon lor Bordcntown, Burlington and Cam¬den, 7 and 9 30 A. M. 12:'A), 2, 3. 4 and 6 P. M.

For Freehold, 7 nnd 8 a. M ,2 and 4 P. M.For Jainesiiuri;, l'emlierton and Camden, 6 A. M., and viaboat from pier No. I, 3:49 P. M.

Train* arrive a* follows:.From Plttaburg, 630 A. M., 13:15 1*. M., dally 10 :1ft A. M. and 6:35 1'. M., daily, except Monday. From Washington and Baltimore, 6:40A. M., 4 :A8, l0:18 P. M. Sunday, 6:10 A. M. From Phila¬delphia. 5 :'.'2, 6:50. 10:15. 11 «5, 11 M A. M., 2:1ft, 4:0ft. 4 35,6:05.7:25.8:14, 10:13 P.M. Sunday, 5:22, 6:50, 11:05 A.M.. and 10:13 P. M.Ticket offices f.Ji, 485. 271 and 944 Broadway: No. 1

Astor House, and tool of Desbrosscs and Cortlandtstreet*. Em grant ticket office No. 8 Batterv place.A. J. CASSA. T. 1). M. BOYD. Jr.,

General Manager. General Passenger Agent.


A GRAND excursion To THE FISHING BANKS..Tho new, fast and elegant saloon steamer TWI¬

LIGHT will leave foot ot Eighth street, f ast River, at 7:30o'clock A. M.; Peck slip at 8 o'clock A. M.; toot ot Chris¬topher street. North Kiver, at 8:30 A. M., and pier No. 4North River at 9 o'clock A. M., on Sunday, June 1. Fish¬ing tackle, bait and refreshment* oil board. An expe¬rienced fisherman will place her In the right position.Fare $1; ladles 80c.

DECORATION DAY.Call this morning at office of A. II. MULI.ER, P R.

WILKIN'S A CO., No. 7 Pine street and get books, mapsand free pass**, and spend part ot to-day in a pleusantexcursion to

WIIITE8TONE, L. I.,and pick out y >tir Lota or House for the second partition*aie of the property of the Wliitestone Land Association,which will take place on Juue 5. not on the premises, hutat the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway. This prop¬erty ran he sold tn New York city, because it is so intria-sictilly good and valuable and because buyers have timegiven them to examine it before tho auction. All thelots, to the amount ot $100,08), were sold at the first saleyesterdav by A. H. Mt LLER, P. B. WILKINS A CO.,Auctioneer*, at the salesroom.

LIOR PHILADELPHIA VIA LONG BRANCH -FARE1?. reduced to $2 26; steamers I'LYVOUTH RiiCK andLONG BRANCH leave pier 28 North River at 9:20 A. vf.1:40 and 4 I*, pi., connecting with trains ot NEW JERSEYSOUTHERN RAILROAD.

G. W. BENTLEY, General Manager.

FjVUt THE FISHING BANKS..THE new STEAM1 vacht MAJnR, Captain D. B. Itallinger, will make tin

excursion to the Fishing Banks on Sunday, June 1,^73.Loaving Msrket slip. East River, at 0 o'clock; Peckslip, East itivor. at6:.10: Christopher street. North lilver,at 7; pier No 4 North River, at 7 30 Tikets $1. Lines anabait furnished on hoard. Refreshments provided onboard by the steward. D. K. HALLINGEK, Captain.

Fishing banks.-the sea-going steamerCHARLES CHAMBERLAIN will commence rtt.ining

oil Sunday, June I, leaving foot of Eighth street. EastKiver, at 5:3d o'clock A. M. ; Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, at5:45 a. M ; Peek slip. East River, at 6 A. M.; Christopherstreet, North River, at 6 30 A. M., and pier No. 4 NorthRiver at 7 A.M. Fare 91. Lines, halt and refreshmentscan bo procured on board from At. Foster.

CllAKLEa CHAMBERLAIN,153 South street.

Steamers SETH LOW and WILLIAM FLETCHER forcharter. Apply as above.

liMSHKRMEN.USE FORSTER'S PATENT GIMP GUT,r for Shells and Leaders. Sold at all fishing tackio.tores-, priucipal depot, 28 Delancoy street

RONDOUT AND KINGSTON. LANDING AT COZZENS',Cornwall, Newliurg, Marlborough, Milton, Pough-

keepsie and Ksopus..The steamboat* THOMAS COB-NELL and JAMES W. BALDWIN leave Harrison street,pier 34 North River, dally, at 4 o'clock P. M.

CT RAND EXCURSION UP THF, HUDSON TO NEW-T burg..The new and Magnificent steamboat AMERI-

CUS, Captain Schenck. will leave the following piers onSunday morning, vit :.Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at 830;(Jiiristoplier street at 9. and Tlvrty-tourth street at 930for Newburg direct, returning in the evening. A splendidband will be ill tfttendance. Ticket* for the excursion $1each. EDWARD MoRRISSEY, i



Commencing May 13, 1873.. Harlem boat* leave Peck slip (pier *4 Bast River) lorHarlem every half hour, from 830 A. M. until 7 P. M.,ceptlng II A M., 1130 and 2 P. M landing at Eleventh,Eighty fourth, Astoria. liHKh and lltHh street*. N. B..SeeUtne (able wbuce bj»t* land

r. TAUdf


Regular sundav boatroB KEYPORT

.nd *U the intermediate landing*.Tbe popular steamboat

NELLY white.Captain Jacob It Davis.commcnced her regular lrt|>M on Sunday, May 25.Leave Barclay street at 9 o'clock ill tho morning.Lun Keyport at 4 P. M., to return.

REGULAR BOAT TO THK FISHING BANKS -ONaad alter Sunday, June I, the In rue anil commodi-

ou* steamer MONITOR, Captain Chas Fos'or, wit* makean Excursion to the I'*imIiiiik Banks daily, ; .iiurd.it h oxcepted, leaving Eiu'lith street, Ea.t Klver, at7 A. M.. Pockslip, But River, 7iW; Christopher -truer, North River.8:15, and Pier No. 4 North River at A M. Ticket'' fl.ladies 50 cent* Fine staterooms In.' lie. accoininodat onot families. JOHN LYNCH, Manager Music, by lien.Schiodel.

STEAMBOATS PLBA8ANT VALLKY AND FORT LEEto let. for excursions, tllinvood and other Groves.

Apply to C. HOLLBNBBOIC A CO., 9rt South street

SUNDAY BOAT FOR C1LKN OOVK AND ROSLYN,1 indiiiK at College Point, Great Neck, City Island,{¦amis Point and (Kenwood..On and aPer Sunday, June1, steamer KKAWANIIAKA will leave pier H Kail River(Peck slip) at 9 o'clnck A. M., Eighth street. 9:05, nndTliiity.third atroct, 9;I5. retuimug to the city abouttiP. U._ __ _

STEAMRRS AND IIAUiIKS TO GH ARTEIt FOR UK-cuwona; also loin Island, Walter's '.rove and olli or

choice Groves and Bo.ils BLOOM Kit A CO.,Ml Front street.

THK NBW MUBT SOUTHBRM RAILROAD COMpany call attention to liieir extraordinary laeiliuOH lor

the accommodation ol Excursion Parties the column seadon. With their steamers PLYMOUTH BOOK. LONOBRANCH and JESS!'. IIOYT and their olegant new Excuraion House and iwnnty acres ol'adjoining latitat LomeBranch, they are prepared to make eiigagouitliU withchurches, schools, societies, Ac., tor large or small liartlM,at tow rates. Send tor circular o. w. BEN'fl/KY,Oe.neral Manager, 141 Broadway, New Vork.W«. J. Snkokn. Superintendent, l-otm Branch, N .1.


A pew pianos or ouh own makk, returnedfroin hire, nearly new; at bargains lor cash, or oninstallments; the sumo to rent; all 7',^ octavos, and in

period, order.AHIO.N PI.VNoroifl li CO., No. 5 Hast Fourteenth it.

AT BETTS' WAREROOMS, 7HS BROADWAY, COR.ner Tenth street, new and second hand Pianos and

organs, tor cash or instalments, or to rent, S3 to $1) permonth.

Avery rare chance por piano dealersand purchasers. .

By order of the assignee) of the bankruptcy estate ofDriver Bros. A Winch, piano dealers, ol Boston, I am nuthorixed to sell their slock of Pianos, consisting ot Galiler,BehnlngA Klix and other makers, und will do so at ex.oily one half their original price, for cash only, atweber"s piano rooms,

corner Fifth avenue and Sixtcentli street.

An arion piano, 7^ octave; an uprightPiano, othor tlrst class Pianos, tor sale aheap; also

Parlor Organ; all new. Inquire 22il East Twenty-eighthstreet, near Third avenue.

A.SEVERAL PINE HALLET, DAVIS A CO.'3. Pianos, little used; other 1'ianos. $70, 990,9150;

new Pianos and Organs for rent or sale on instalments.BERRY A CO., 7S9 Broadway.

A MAGNIFICENT BOSEWOOD 71., OCTAVE, POURround corners, grand square Pianoforte, nearly new,brilliant tone; cost $950, for $275; Stool, Cover; has box

tor shipping; rich Parlor Suits, Mirrors, Curtains, Paint¬ings. rosewood and walnut Chamber. Dining furniture.Silver Ware; less than hall cost, family leaving city. 104East Twenty-tilth street, between Fourth and Lexingtonavenues.

A.9275 CASH WILL BUY A BICII ROSEWOOD 7H. octavo four round cornered brilliant toned Piano¬

forte, used H months; cost owner 9900. Call at privateresidence, 120 West 23d st

AT 9290 CASH IF APPLIED FOB IMMEDIATELY.Beautiful rosewood 7 octavo Pianoforte, carve I legs,

case, overstrung bass cost 9050; manufactured by Cluck-erlng A Sons. 23 Third St., near Bowery.

A FIRST CLASS 7'., OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO-forte lor sale made order, celebrated maker, fully

guaranteed, used six months, cost 9'I50, tor 9275; box forshipment; also Parlor, Chamber, Dining Furniture,Paintings, Bronzes, Silverware, a sacrifice; propertyfamily leaving city. :Vi West l.'itli st., near 5th av.

A PIANOFORTE IIAVINO 7 OCTAVES, OVERSTRUNGngratfe, Ac., and all modern improvements, tullr

guaranteed, at a sacrifice. 2C Bieecker street, near Bow¬ery.

An owner will sell 7 octave rosewoodPiano, carved ease, legs, overstrung bass, celebrated

maker, lor 9175; Cover aud Stool. Apply ut 213 East 30thstreet, between 2d and 3.1 avenues.

Beautiful seven octave rosewood piano,9200; carved legs, overstrung has*, agraffe treble,

fully warranted; Instalments taken. $12 monthly.R. CABLE, Iti7 W Twenty third street, corner fitli av.

FOR sale.A FINE SECONDHAND MODERN (lit-Ran, of Erben's build, containing 2 Manuals and 20

registers. Full description senf on application. Also usecond hand Parlor pipe oruuu ami an Alexandre Organot 14 registers Apply to HlLRi RNE A ROOnEVELT, 40West Eighteenth street, New Y u.

First class 7v« octave pianos retailed atwholesale prices. Direct Irom factory. Send lor

circular. CHRISTIE, 7s Barrow, near llii Ison sir - t.

REAT BARGAIN..PIANOFORTES AM) OBOANST utmost given away: in) new and second hand ones to

be disposed ol' this month ; boxed lor shipping.I'KEK A SONS, 127 Bieecker street

CTREAT BARGAINS OF ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVET second hand Pianos; some good as new will Ik- sold

very cheap; at FISCHER'S, 425 West Twenty-eighthstreet, near Ninth avenue.

PIANOS AND OBOANS..GREAT BARGAINS, NEWand most beautiiui styles and perloct tone* ever

made, und by beat makers, at lower prices for cash, ormonthly instalments, or lor rent, during this month, atWATERS1. 4»1 Broadway, "than can ne tounil elsewhere.

PIANOS TO RENT-9J TO 915 PER MONTH; RENTapplied to purenase.

WILLIAM A. PONDA CO.. M7 Broadway.(SEVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, 91W..O We are retailing the best tlnishcd and richest tonedPianofortes manufactured at *2i!5 cash. Co-OPERA-TIVE PHVNOMAKfcRS, Jio. 9 Great Jones street, nearBroadway.

OFFICEs.T 77 BLEECKER SI'R.'.ET, NEAR BROADWAY, t'Pstairs..Highest cash advances on Dlinnotils,

Watches. Jewelry. Pianos, Ac., or bought; Pawnbrokers'Tickets bought, at 77 Hleecker street.

At wolf brothers', broadway. betweenNineteenth and Twentieth streets..Money loaned

on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Silks andparticularly Pianos; private parlor tor ladies; businessstrictly confidential.

American office (established i-mhi.-moneyloaned on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware.

India Shawls, Laces. Valuables, Ac.; anv amo'int; orwill buy; hlnliest v.lltie pnl I. J. H. BARRINGER,711 Broadway, opposite Aator place.

AT HYMAN'S, 710 BROADWAY.LIBERAL AD-vatiees made on Diamonds and Watches, Silver¬

ware, Ac., or will pay tho highest market price for thesame.

At jxckso.vs. mr. bruadway, opposite klev.enth street.Money liberally advanced on Dia¬

monds, Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Dry Goods and personalProperty of every description. Private entruncc torladies.

Money loaned.on diamonds, watches, jlw-elry and Silverware, and the same bought.

GEORGE O. ALLEN, Jeweller,841 Broadway, near Fourteenth street

4 MO SIXTH AVBHUK, BETWEEN TWENTV-Fi il'KTI!t' 'if and Twenty-flitlintreetn..Liberal advances ma leon Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Laces and Shawls.Same bought at full value. L. BERNARD.

L»orx BROADWAY, CORNER OF AMITY STREET..uum Money liberally advanced on Diamonds, Watches,Jewelry anil Merchandise of every lescrlptioti. Thesame bought and sold. H. GEIGEkMAN, formerly M.Bosenberg.



AH Ki.ABER. STEAM MARBLE AND MARBLF.IZI.VGWorks, I H and t:0 East Eighteenth streot..Martilo

and Marbleized Mantels, Tiling. Marble Counters, *>nn-metiiH, at prices that deiy competition. Marble Turningtor the trade.

AN ASSORTMENT OF MANTELS, unsurpassedfor beauty of design and quality of workmanship.

Slute Work of all kinds a specialty.PE.NRHYN SLATE COMPANY,Fourth avenue and Seventeenth street. Union square.

QTEWART'S blatf mantels.-rich and ELE-gant designs; Suite Works id everv description ; Mar¬

ble and Wood Mantels. T. B. STEWARt A Co., Z)i und 22*West Twenty-third street, near Seventh avenue, N. Y.

A^bstonishino PRICES can be obtained FORCast-off Clothing, t'arpeu, Ac.; for Pants, 92 to 97;

Coats, 9* to 920: Dresses 95 to 9'5: Diamonds. Laces, thoutmost value will be paid. Please call on or address bynote Mr.or Mrs. II. IIARKIS, 91 Sixth avenue, third storeabove Waverloy place.

¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦und gentlemen will lie astonished at the great prices I

iiav in cash for cast-off Clothing. Carpets, Jewelry 910 to17ft for silk dresses; coats. 93 to 92U; pants, 92 to9-1 Anote by post punctually attended to by Mr. or Mrs. Mint*,la and out ol thedty.

AT EDWARD MILLER'S N EW ESTABLlsTlM ENT, »Sixth avenue, near Wavcrlcy place, formerly IC"

Seventh avenue..The utmost value paid In cash forCast-off Clothing, Carpets, Ac., by calling on or udJress-Ing. Ladies attended to by Mrs. Miller.

AT THE WELL RENOWNED establishment, 2I<Seventh avenue, I have ilist received orders to the

amount of 975,080; I am therefore compelled to pay thefollowing pricesl.For .silk Dresses 95 to 9"0; Coats, $1to 9^% Pants, 91 tr»911;tho highest prices paid lor Car-

£cts. Please call on or address Mr. or Mrs. RosENBER'l,||6 Seventh avenue. N. B .Second house above Twenty-fourth street

QQQ BROADWAY, NEAR THIRTEENTH STREET -C'iftf H. HERZ pays the highest price lor ladies'andgentlemen's Wearing Apparel, Carpets. Ac. Ladies willbe waited on by Mrs. Hur<.

T B. MINTZ'S, NEW STORE. 24i THIRD AVENUE,petween Twentieth and Twenty .first streets, ladles


A"~DEL VIDE H. lambertson, CLAIRVOYANT-CON-suited on all atlairs ot life. 104 West Elgnteenth

street, near Sixth avenue.

EMUBOPBAN CLAIRVOYANT TELLS NAMBS, SHOWSlikenesses, causes marriages, gives numbers; 50c. and

91. 142 West Twenty flllh street

(1 YPSY REVEALS FROM THE CRADLE TO (1RAVK,T name, marriage date, finds absent friends, recovers

stolen property. 3ftly. Bowery

MISS WELLINGTON, clairvoyant, BEST OK ALL.Tells of business, thetts, lawsuits, firings the sepa¬

rated together and gives lucky numhors, 41 EastTwenty-eighth street, near Fourth avenue.

Rosa, great natural clairvoyant, reveals vour whole lite, (run the it idle tu tb(J gravo,

"I'TV Ml iifllMI W2t»nal struct. »cc .>,


W l*ri»|ir!ctor and^na^er.^mr LESTER WALLACE



nioiitsof mi

SOTIIERN.FRIDAY and SATURDAY. 3Uth and Mat (Matinee and

nil, hi i.being pnltivcly (hei.at 1 NIGHTS.mr SOTIIERN will perform Dundreary'scoleliratodBROTHER SAM,and will luewi«e appear as

dundreary MARRIED,thus representing both the brothers each evenrng.mi WAI.LAl'K lias much pleasure in uiinouni'lnu thattin last xix niiiliu of tin' present season will tjike place atthe Brooklyn Academy ol Mumc. Willi Mr. SoTIIKItN inIns original character*.

MONDAY. jllnf. J.tliln theatre will Ik* closed for aFULL i>iti0ss REHEARSAL

of the new playtu USDA V, JUNK xFirst time (upon any stagu) of Dun Boucicault's newPlay.



v" wlil he closed onmondav NEXT, .iunr


ofthe new play,

MORA;or, tlte

GOLDEN FETTERS.The management, acccding to the request of the author

will clow tlie theatre on thin evening to afford him thoopnorUimiv ol witii.-n.siim a performance ol Ills work.The ondurinK popularity attending Mr. Boucicault's


induccs the management lo trust that his now picture ofLIKE IN NBW YORK IN IH73

will rival his lien delineations ol Amerlcnn accnes andAmerican characters, combining the intense interest of

bis Drama,tilr OCTOROON,wi'li the popular characters anil


THE STREETS OP NEW YORK.Hirst public performance on

Tuesday,Tuesday, junk xBo* hook now open.

BOOTH'S THEATRE neflson.EDWIN itooTIl Manager and Proprietor.The celebrated English Tragedienne.

Miss nku.SON.at

AMY robsart,us played by lier at the Drurv Lane Theatre, London, for



on SATURDAY NEXT, at 1 :30itho curtain rises at 8 precisely.Notice..carriages may no ordered at 10.15.To secure a choice of places, tho management would

reponttully siiciest that soata be secured ils far In ad-viini'u as possible. KrancliTi'-ket oltlco at Dilsou ACo.'s.


Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOKmanager Mr. A. M. CALMER

Begins at 8. Saturday Matinee at 1 30.Carriages may bo ordered at 11.

ACNES every evonin* this week ETHEL.AGNES ethel.ACNES the favorite actress, ETHEL.AONKS ETHEL.AGNES Miss ACNES etiieu ETIIEL.AONES ethel,ACNES In her groat socloty play, etiiel.AUNES ethel.AONES ACNES etiiel.ACNES ethel.AliNKS REPRODUCED WITH ITS ethel:AONES etiiel.AONES GREAT ORIGINAL cast etiiel.ACNES ethel.AONES AND ethel.AONES etiiel.AONES SUPERB SCENERY. etiielAONKS etiiel.AONES SATURDAY, MAY 31, ethel.AONES ethel-ACNES ONLY MATINEE ethelAliNES ethel.AGNES OK etiiel.AONES ethel.AONES ACNES. etiiel.AONES etiiel.AONKS Shortly a new revival ETHKY.AONES ot oneof ethel.ACNES ETHELAONKS Miss AGNES ETHEL'S ETHEL.AONES ETHEL.AONES specialties, for which tho etiikuACNES ceiebratod Actress, ETHEL.

AONES ETIIEL.AONES Mrs. e. L. DAVENPORT ETHEL.ACNES ETHEL.,AG n10s lias also been especially engaged. ETHEL.










RIGHT of the charmingol the new actress Miss

sensation Drama LOUISE SYLVESTER,in Maeder's

f.,1. ^ r.new Drama of


joint benefit of Messrs.A. ii SHELDON iind JAMES KARNES.



Reconstruction of the brilliant Spectacular Pantomime,AZRAEL; OB, THE MAGIC CHARM.

ru-engH.'einunt ol the porailnr Artists,LULU, j.uli . LULU,LULU. LULU, LULU,

Maffltt and Bartholomew, Muffltt and Bartholemew,MalTimiUil Bartholomew, Maffltt and Bartholemew



SUPERB transformation SCENE.MATINEE ro-Mo;;KoVV iSA ii kd.w , at HVO o'clock.

Theatre comique, sit broadway511 BROADWAY

Mr. JOSH HART Les«eo and ProprietorMessrs. John F. Poole unit T. L. Donnelly Managers


Tlic gloriously successful Musical Burlesque(endorsed by crowded houses),


Mr. M. W. LEFFINOWELL us blueskin.Miss MINNIE LODER as JONATHAN WILD.Mr. MOSE FISKE as Mrs. SHEPPAKD.Minnie Wood Miss Angeiii|ui- SchottThames Diirrel Mr. Harrv BuckleySirRowland Miss Nellie SantorutheJudge Mr. W. Williams


CLOWN Mr. BLAND HOLTPantaloon Mr. thomas chapmanTHE UMUKlvLLA BALLET.





BUFFALO BILL ..(the original)....Mr. J. B. STUDLEYKITTY mui.DOON Miss FANNY HERRINGLILLIK Miss RACHEL DKNVII,snakerootsam (the original), Mr. GEORGE FRANCEWILD HIli Mr. T. J. MARTIN

Every Scene, Costume-, Effect, kc.., entirely new.

Terrace garden theatre.IMTH ST., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND sd AVS


in celebration of Dccowtlon Dav, first appearnnce tliisavason of

Mine. LOUISE LICHTMAY. when will tie performedMOZART UND hchikankder,


Admission UH-.; reserved seats 25c. extra; boxes$1 soextra; packages of 12 tickets, It


EVENING, ARTHUR chambersLADIES inthegreat Draiua, DAN DONNELLY,



Tony pastor s ladies admitted free.OPERA HOUSE BRING THE LADIES



Tho lady professional*.-olive looavsStMo Wardrobe is for aaie. Call at 55 West Ninth

street,www 3 and 5 P. M.

/ 1ARD -1'iano, ORGAN, VIOLIN. ouitab, iirhbb,\J Singing; private lessons; "Alme* vons la Mu*ii|ue?"beautiful book, given away. #2 Cuiiti.fi place. By maillOgonts. J.JAY WaTHON, Director.

Gold medal patent tilton guitar, oleBull Violin strings, oid and new Violins, patent Vio¬

lin Chin Rest, Pianos, organs. Banjos, *c\, tor sale, nClinton pluce (Eighth street).


hcbn h, at the MATINEE, NIBLO'S, TO morruw, at 2.

/i RAND BILLIARD EXHIBITION GIVEN TO-vt night by DION BROTHERS, at GARNIER'S roomcorner University place and Fourteenth street. Alsofancy shots.

m r*<ki,l,aneol'g.no AND SEE

u the great race betweenVulierton and Gaxelle,

at Proepect Park Fair OroundaFriday, May 30, a» J o'clock.

MARBLE SODA APPARATUS-ALL 8TTLES, ATreduced price*; Ottawa Reer Fountains and Ex¬

tract on liberal term*, send foe Illustrated catalogue.james m. WITFIKLD a SON. 202 Water street

Tib "BEAT ALL" SUMMRR COOK STOVE ISa success, no dissenting voice. Only $i 7»each. at

t»a uivitttuiucu'fc w ouamtucra ii^gsl q«ir *




CYRANO OPERA HOUSE. .CURTAIN RISKS AT T 4S-T carriages luav be ordered lor II '

V Positively I«AHT THREE Performancesof


MONDAY' BVBNING, JUNE a. Mr.KECIITEU will give iii.i great donbUImpersonation ot the two FltANCHI,in liis own famcus Play of"THE OORSICAN BROTHERS,"

which peculiar piece will bo producedwith entiro NEW SCENERY and


ROW (SATURDAY), at \X o'clock.

rrn AVENUE THEATBK..CURTAIN rises av <tt) preel. elv Carriage* may lie ordered lor 10:IS.Soto Lessee and Manager Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY.

EVERY EVENING, until forthor no

tico, will he acted Mr AUGUSTIN

OA LY'S most successful DRAMA, lit

Tour acta, entitledMADELE IN MOREL.



NIGHT I I I .Characters hy Mr. Charlea Fisher.

Mr George 01 irke. Mr. Louis Jame^Mr Henry Crisi), Mr W. J. LemoyiM,Mr J allien Lewis, Mr. E. Pierce, Mr.F Chapman, Mr. J. Burnett, MiaaClara Morris. Miss Funny Davenport^Misa Fanny Moraut, Mr*. O II. Oil-Ivrt, Mis* Sura I'vvett, Miaa NelltoMortimer, Miss Nina Varian, Robert*Norwood and Miss Griffith*.


TO MORROW (SATURDAY), AT I* O'CLOCK..«' He.it* may lie .secured' three weeks in advance, alan

hy mail ami telegraph.








"AMERICAN URIMAL1H" and Ins!anions Pantomime.Last twolve nightH ol the Specialty Artists.


Bowery theatreWM. B. FRELIGH Manager.


WILLIAM H. FICELIGH.TWO ORAND DRAMAS, forming an linineiue combine,

tlon. Iliil ol attractions:.UNCLE TOM'S CARIN,


MISS LAURA AHBRTE. the youthful weuder, as TOP.8EY, witli Songs, Jigs, Ranjo Solos, Ac.Little SUSIE GOODWIN as Eva.Messrs SMITH and WALDKON in a new Song and

Danac, untitledMY OAL.


will commence a limited engagement In a new Drama,called the


KQK-ATHENBUM THEATRE»>0»J Broadway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel.Manager R W HUTLBB


A new and original Burlesque, written hy Mr. F. Mon>tugue, entitled

APOLLO AND JUNO IN NEW YORK,with a splendid cost, Including



Luke Schoolcraft. Ad I Ryman, Win. West, J. Lang, 4Holdsworth.Oeo H.Cocs and Regular Company, over}evening. Doors open ut 7 Curtain rises at 1.NOTICE..Monday, June 2, engagement o,f the GRRA1


Mrs. f. b. conway's Brooklyn theatre.FRIDAY, May :tO. IS71

CAMILLE, and a FARCE.Camllle Mrs. F. B. Conway



May ::i), at 1:.1. Overture, "Fintral's Cave" Mendelssohn2. Dance of Nymplis and Reaper* (from the music

to Shakspeare's "Tempest" A. 8. Sullivan3. Waltz, Hoclizeitsklange" Straw*4. Selections, tl r.si act "Lohengrin" Wagnerft. Overture, "Leonora No. 2" Beethoven

7' Scii«Ro { Symphony. "The Ocean" Ruhinsteia5. Kaiiot, "Heine de S*b«" Gounod!). Overture, "llunvadi La>/.lo" Erkella "Ave Maria" SchubertII. Waltz, "Illustrationeil" Straus11. Galop, "Jatianese "... A. II. PeassAdmission 5i)c. Packages containing 12 tickets ($4) can

bo obtained at the principal music stores, also at 2tMBroadway and Central Park Ourden.Private box« « twu dollars extra.


BRYANT'S OPERA H01 'SE, TWENTV-TllIBD 8TRBET.between Sixth and Seventh avenues, near Booth'a



LAST WEEK OF "I NDER DE GASLIGHT I"-Characters 1\ Dsn Bryant, Nelse Seymour, Dave Read,Henry Rice, Brockway, Harry Stanwood, Carter, Mor-rUsy, Emerson, Ac.


Park theatre, Brooklyn.grand com pli-mentury Benefit to Manager JOHN P. SMITH, THIS

(Friday) EVENING, May SO. The following ladies andgentlemen have kindly volunteered their services, andwill positively appearOliver Doud Bvron, FrankKocho, Walter Lennox. Mi>s Minnie Conway, JohnThompson, Huker and Fnrron, Olfty Gooft, A. M. Her¬nandez ana liis company, Kate Byron, Little Jennie Veo-mans, Alice Hamilton and the Park Theatre company.Box office opeu all day at Theatre tor seats.


Mr. HBNRI WTENlAWSKI Ii is the honor to announcehis farewell concert in this city prior to his departurelor California an I South America.Tliu following program" will be presented: .

part first.1. Septette for violin, viola, violoncello, double

Inns, clarli net, horn and bassoon BeethorenMessrs. II. WIENIAWSKI, MATJ5KA, BERON BB, PFEIF.ENS INEIDER, ED. HOEIIM, GEWALT an I SOHST.

2. ''O Salutarl* llostia" CherubialMile ANNA DRASDIL.

J. fa. Etudes-Caprloes for violin, with acrompainniclit ol k .n.l violin Wi mawskl

Messrs. WIENIAWSK1 and MATZKAb. Reverie Vieuxtempe

II WIENIAWSKI.1 "Longing" .Mellert


5. Duo tor piano and violin, "Don Juan"Wolflf an'l VieuxtemM

Messrs S. B MILLS and WIENIAWSKI.t. "I Murmur Not" I. Benedict

Mile ANNA DltASDIL7. (a. "Evening" R. Schumann

f b. "Tarentelle" ChopinMr. S. B MILLS.

8. "Golden Day A. SullivaaMine. Jt'l.ES DE RYThKK.

'J. "Airs Ru.sses" (by roiiuest) n. WieniawsklH. WIENIAWSKI.

Mens. L. REMBIEL1NSK1 AccompanyislGeneral <1 luiissi 111, #1; Reservod Seats (one dollar) e*.

tru Box office open wis morning at Steinway Hall, 701atuf 114 Broadway.

EW YORK MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, HH BROAD*wjv, between Houston ,iud Hloeuktr strouts..EveryN:

one should visit tlie WoiuleriUl Mi is unr. it islull >f everr-thlngpeople should me and understand. Lectures daifjron "rno Philosopny of Marriage." Timso parties uo iiiieto attend these important locturet can havn thentor-wnrde't, post free, on receipt of tt cents, by ad IressiittfSECRETARV NEW YORK MUSEUM OF ANATOM(¦IffBroadway. New York.

jrteentti street.METROPOLITAN MUSEUM >F ARTTemiiorary huililing I2S West Fourt

The Dl Cesnola Collections tfom Cyprus, au 1 the "loanexhibitions," so fnr as ready, are now open to the publicnrotn It o'clock until 1 o'clock P. M a mnwoii Sue

GO AND SEEthe great rac<i between

FULLER.TON and GAZELLE,at Prospect Park Fair Grounds,FRIDAY, May TO, at * o'clock.

MME. LANNER, MLLE. LUPO* AND THE GitANOCorps de Ballet, in the new Nautical Ballet, LACANOTTfERS. at NIBI.O'S MATINEE, TOMORROW

(Saturday), at 2 o'clock.


Til IS EVENING. Throe hours' fun and NO CHASGEL







A-girard oollbgb op music, broadwa*. and Ninth street.Instruction in all traeck..

Music, $10 per ijuarter, special attentixi called to oerviolin classes, now forming under eminent Uachera.

AN ITALIAN TENOR 8INGBR. IT4I.IAWopera, teaches Piano and sinking at B»r oiontn

during the Summer months, at 117 West Tweet*-*'*®""*street, near Sixth avenuo


C1AAD.-PIANO, OROAN, GUITAR. SINGING -MISSJ WATSON gives private lessons, da* an I evening, al

har resldinci, wi Clinton plMi iRigUtH AtfMU*^14 ^ru^tid ^r