Ministry of National Education National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Department of International Relations and European Studies Summary Analyzing the vulnerabilities of Romanian education in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy Research from the perspective of human capital and social capital Doctoral Advisor: Prof. univ. dr. Cezar Bîrzea

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Ministry of National Education

National University of Political Studies and Public AdministrationDepartment of International Relations and European Studies

SummaryAnalyzing the vulnerabilities of Romanian education in the context of the

Europe 2020 Strategy

Research from the perspective of human capital and social capital

Doctoral Advisor: Prof. univ. dr. Cezar Bîrzea

Candidate: Andreea-Ramona Aciobăniței



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Analyzing the vulnerabilities of Romanian education in the context of the

Europe 2020 Strategy

Research from the perspective of human capital and social capital

Education and human development are at the center of a type of civilization called Modernity.

Beginning with the eighteenth century when universal education was introduced and the

foundations of public education were laid, education was considered a priority of public policies,

a breach of development of all social sectors, the most effective means of emancipating

individuals. All major societal transformations of history have been based on education and

training of human resources.

European society at the beginning of the new millennium is in a new historical stage, in a new

phase of the development of education. Globalization and international competition, the

transition from the knowledge society to the digital society undergo such rapid changes that the

projects themselves become absolute for the realization and the benchmarks change substantially

throughout the same generation. In this context, some authors speak of an "endemic crisis of

education"1, a structural gap between supply and expectations, between education products and

the needs of society. Perhaps this perception is exaggerated, because all institutions and fields,

all projections have an inevitable gap to frame level or ideal outcome. This situation calls for

caution and understanding of the relationship between education as the historical lever of

modernity and the other domains with which it interacts. Education is conditional on social and

economic progress, as the overall level of development determines the performance of the

education system. This simple equation will be a motif of our thesis and will be found in various

expressions throughout the analogy.

1Coombs, Phillip. Criza sistemului mondial de educație, (1968, apud Carmen Costea et all., Criza e în noi, Editur Ase, 2010.p.467).

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The purpose of this research is to assess Romania's preparedness, its stage in achieving the

objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the vulnerabilities of the Romanian education

system in the context of human capital and social capital. Analyzing them, the research is

done on two levels: a comparative one, based on the information in the databases of the

institutions in the European Union, in the national databases and on an empirical basis, based on

the questionnaire and the interview that will generate their own data, up to date. We will use

various explanatory schemes, including human capital (skills) - social capital (degree of trust in

institutions and social system, degree of participation, social mobilization, solidarity,

interaction), social cohesion.

We have left the following research hypothesis: If the education system in Romania does not

achieve the objectives set by the Europe 2020 Strategy, there are vulnerabilities that affect the

investment in human capital and influence the overall development of society.

Referring to the methodological aspects, on the basis of a preliminary research and the

identification of the issues of interest, of the information and research needs in these domains,

we find that a comparative analysis is needed. Once we have built the theoretical framework, we

have defined the terms involved in the research. We used information from official national and

international databases. For my own research I used the tools: the questionnaire and interview.

The questionnaire was applied through the Google Docs platform in the on-line environment.

The interview was focused on the operationalization of the notions of social capital and human

capital, applicable to the problems of Romanian education, and was applied face to face or

through video or audio interviews.

The field in which this thesis was drafted is a fluid one, which is still marked by debates for the

definition of definitions, calculation formulas, research directions. By proposing both a research

on qualitative and quantitative aspects, it was possible to produce sources of errors. Research

limits may be due to insufficient information, incorrect databases, reluctance of respondents to

provide concerted or accurate information if we refer to the questionnaire and the interview.

Also, the calculation of social and human capital values has no established formula in the

academic environment, so there may be discontinuities in research for this reason. Using

different formulas, the results may be more difficult to integrate and compare.

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I mention that until now research in this context with these data and for this purpose has not been

carried out. This paper is intended to be a starting point for further research and development.

The theoretical context

The analysis of the vulnerabilities of Romanian education can be realized from different

perspectives: the quality of education products, the imbalance between demand and supply,

social inequality, the training and motivation of teaching staff, etc. Such analyzes have been

made by various specialists especially during the last 30 years, among which we mention: Adrian

Miroiu, Romanian Education Today2, Cezar Bîrzea, Art and Education Science3, Adrian Hatos,

Sociology of Education4, Mihaela Jugău, Rural Education in Romania: Conditions , problems

and strategies of development5, Stănciulescu Elisabeta, Sociology of Family Education: Vol. 2:

Family and Education in Romanian Society: a Critical History of Utopian Interventionalism6 or

in OECD Reports, World Bank, EU.

Faced with these approaches, this research is based on the relationship between human

capital and social capital, prefigured by Coleman in a report that introduced the concept of

equal opportunities and decisively influenced educational policies in the United States and

Europe. It is a relationship of mutual determination in the sense that it assumes that the

competences fund of the educated people ensures better participation and a higher level of

public trust and social cohesion. This relationship is important because, in the final

analysis, it expresses the essence of human potential and the springs of social mobility.

2 Miroiu, Adrain. Învățământul românesc azi, (București, Polirom, 1998)3 Bîrzea, Cezar. Arta și știința educației, (București, Editura didactică și pedagogică, 1998)4Hatos, Adrian. Sociologia Educației, București, Polirom, 2006.5Jugău, Mihaela et all., Învăţământul rural din România: condiţii, probleme şi strategii de dezvoltare, Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Bucureşti, Ed. MarLink, 2002.6Stănciulescu, Elisabeta. „Sociologia educatiei familiale : vol. 2 : Familie si educatie in societatea romaneasca : o istorie critica a interventionalismului utopic”, Polirom, Iași (1997).

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Thus, starting from the approaches of Fukuyama7, Coleman8, Backer9 or Schultz10, social capital

represents the degree of trust in institutions and the social system, social mobilization

capacity, solidarity and interaction, and human capital consists of the stock of population,

a certain quality life and a sum of the skills of the population.

The education system in a state, education, generates skills that can lead to better participation,

social emancipation and innovation, the development of civic competences (political knowledge,

attitudes), participation in voting and assuming responsibilities. Such an approach inevitably

leads to a connection with the whole context that the state through the competent institutions

generates. John Dewey makes a bridge that opens a discussion with several components. He

believes education is the premise from which a functioning democratic society starts11. For this,

individuals need to benefit from a series of needs, from basic ones such as food, shelter, safety

and physical and moral security, and continuing to self-realization, self-esteem, and so on. In this

way, by enhancing the fulfillment of these needs globally, the echo of inequalities and its

detrimental effects would not so deeply affect societies and their development.

An alternative reference framework that complements the equation human capital - social capital

is the concept of social security as it appears in the Copenhagen school vision. I will invoke the

defining elements of this concept for two reasons:

First, because it interprets security in a non-military sense - which allows education to be

considered as a guarantor of the overall balance; second, because it provides a very useful

explanatory preamble to this research that focuses on a possible interaction between human

capital and social capital.

The interdependence of public policies

7Fukuyama, Francis. „ Social capital and civil society, The Institute of Public Policy”, George Mason University, (1999), nal/pubs/ft/sehttps://www.imf.org/exterminar/1999/reforms/fukuyama.htm, accesat la 19.06.2018.8Coleman, James. „Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital”, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 94, Supplement: Organizations and Institutions: Sociological and Economic Approaches to the Analysis of Social Structure (1988): S95-S120.

9 Becker, Gary S. „Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education” University of Chicago Press, (1993), http://www.nber.org/chapters/c3730.pdf, accesat la 5.05.2018.

10Schultz, Theodore W. Human Capital: Policy Issues and Research Opportunities, National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago,The University of Chicago, 1972.

11 Dewey John, Democracy and Education, Students Handouts, Ohio, Inc.Toledo, 2009 (1916).

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This dynamic and human vision of security opens up our field to the human capital-social capital

equation that we propose as an explanatory mark in this research. By identifying some

vulnerabilities or problems in relation to certain rules (e.g. the Europe 2020 targets), we look for

the elements of human capital that generate them (incomplete school dropout education) to

understand their effects on equity and social cohesion, the overall balance of society. Societal

security thus becomes a type of global imbalance, which is education as the main pillar. This

explanatory scheme that associates societal security with the functional relationship between

human capital and social capital refers to both an ideal model and a concrete case of Romania,

supported by a personal empirical research.

Public space is constituted by a set of interdependencies between various actors, institutions and

organizations, in order to achieve public policy objectives. According to Habermas, the state, the

private sphere, and non-governmental organizations are constantly interacting, exchanging

information, expertise, complement each other12. In fact, as Adrian Miroiu13 points out, the

separation of areas and public policies is not rigid. Economic factors determine the overall level

of development, as social conditions and cultural specifics influence the overall performance of

society. To designate this form of general equilibrium, indispensable to the development and

formation of society, we have taken over the term "societal security" introduced by

representatives of the Copenhagen School. However, there are other approaches, particularly in

social- logical literature, which focus on the idea of social cohesion. Although it is not equivalent

to the term socially balanced, social cohesion helps us to understand the relationships between

public policies, all the more so as it is commonly used at the level of the European Union.

Social capital and human capital: two explanatory metaphors

The previous finding that inequalities affect the production of human capital and the shortage of

human capital deepens the structural leeway brings us closer to another term of reference,

namely social capital.

12 Habermas, Jurgen. Sfera publică și transformarea ei structurală, (traducător Janina Ianosi), București, Comunicare.ro, 2005 (lucrarea iniţială apărută în 1998).13 Miroiu, Analiza politicilor publice.

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We recall that we have started from the Copenhagen School's vision of the endemic risks that

threaten society's security create vulnerabilities in various public policies. In the case of

education, which is top priority in the context of the thesis, the risk is manifested in the

generation and maintenance of human capital (e.g. inability to benefit from basic education, the

exodus of qualified persons or low participation in lifelong learning). As competencies are the

basis of any social construction, the human capital deficit affects all areas of activity, including

civic participation, respect for norms, and trust in political institutions and cooperation, usually

referred to as generic equity capital.

Both human capital and social capital are, in fact, metaphors that undermine Backer's idea that

education and training are an investment (of the individual and society), the most sustainable of

all because it generates the safest and highest value added.

This added value is recovered in the skills fund that can be capitalized in all areas and activities.

Between human capital and social capital there is a reversible relationship: social conditions

influence education and skills formation and these, in turn, determine social relations,

organizational culture, communication and participation in public space.

Obviously, the two explanatory metaphors have their merits and limits. Human capital has been

better coded, being directly associated with investment in education, which has enabled

specialized agencies such as the OECD and the World Bank to rigorously calculate added value

at the level of individuals or education systems.

As for social capital, its meaning is broad enough, so we can build the evaluation of the inputs

and results of an educational site, so estimating the possible vulnerabilities, only on the basis of

this reference. In order to better coagulate the various variables associated with the entity called

social capital, I will try an original mathematical modeling that highlights both the interactions

within the network and the specificity of each variable.

Analysis of the situation of the Romanian educational system in the European context

In the official barometers on education and training, the European Union does not directly use

the terms human capital and social capital. However, they appear in various components and in

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relation to benchmarks and performance indicators. For this reason, we have covered the generic

term human capital of various variables and their measurement indicators, in particular those

related to the Europe 2020 strategy, which interferes with us in particular.

We have noticed that the four indicators in Europe 2020 (school drop-out rate, inclusion in

higher education, participation in lifelong learning and labor market graduation rate) are just as

many vulnerabilities in Romanian education. School abandonment favors functional illiteracy

and deprives society of an important skill pool. The inclusion in higher education, at almost half

of the European average, affects qualifications and specialized skills training. The unexplainably

small participation in permanent education of those who formally left the initial training system

is the most preoccupying and represents the greatest vulnerability to social security in Romania,

because it is about effects on citizenship and civic culture, on the assumption of responsibility

and on conviviality. Finally, the insertion of graduates into the labor market is less than the

European average, but it is not a major source of vulnerability

The analysis undertaken using the various combinations of indicators in Europe 2020 confirms

previous conclusions on their vulnerabilities and their impact on human capital (skills training,

basic education and training) on social capital (the efficiency of cooperation networks,

interaction and compliance with rules behavior) and the development of society.

Design and research results

After analyzing public policy documents and specialized literature, we organized our own

empirical research to obtain the necessary data to verify our working hypothesis.

To this end, we started from the following research hypothesis: If the Romanian education

system does not achieve the objectives set by the Europe 2020 Strategy, there are vulnerabilities

that affect the investment in human capital and influence the overall development of society.

The research objectives are deduced from this assumption of departure and refer to the

following aspects:

a) Defining vulnerabilities in the perspective of social security promoted by the Copenhagen


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b) Identification of possible functional relationships between vulnerabilities and the formation of

human capital and social capital.

c) Comparative analysis of public policies for the development of human resources in the

countries of the European Union.

d) Carrying out a case study on Romania through empirical research.

The research methods were alongside the documentary analysis, the questionnaire and the


The questionnaire covered 25 questions that focused on the following aspects: demographic data

on respondents, situation of school abandonment, the link with the extended family, the local and

religious community, the reporting to education, the image of Romanian and European

education. It was applied to 365 people, of all social categories, aged between 18 and 60, living

in Bucharest or in Ilfov County, who are included or have at least one person in the core family

involved into education. Distribution by gender was as follows: 78.9% women and 21.1% men.

The interview aims at a broader analysis of the same issues that we have approached in the

questionnaire and has been applied to decision-makers, social responsibility, or special learning

outcomes, in physical, telephone, or on-line meetings.

The limits of the research were primarily due to its subject, being subjective concepts. Any errors

in the databases could have fueled the results of the research, and the hesitation of some

respondents to provide concrete data is also possible to intervene in the research process.

As Fukuyama said, what we call social capital is an essential component necessary for the

functioning of a modern economy as well as a stable liberal democracy14.

Although the concept of human capital, as defined by Fukuyama, seems to be easily accessible, it

is difficult to operationalize. It includes at least three dimensions:

- Compliance with the rules;

- Trust in public institutions;

- Civic participation. As a result, when we refer to social capital, we must address one or other of

the dimensions, but not in an aggregated form. That's why the statistical modeling I'm aiming for

is about this intuitive model.

14Francis Fukuyama, Social capital and civil society, p.10.

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In order to facilitate the correlation between social capital and human capital, in the context of

the vulnerabilities of Romanian education, I tried to numerically translate the two notions by

mathematical modeling and we used different models of calculation depending on the results we

have been tracking or the resources the mathematical modeling of the social capital - the sum

formula, an alternative to the sum formula for calculating the social capital, the calculation of the

human capital through the Human Development Index, the quality of life, the measurement of

human capital after the mathematical modeling Hun-Ling Tao and Thomas F. Stinson, measuring

human capital by the Human Capital Index proposed by the International Economic Forum,

calculating the human capital by income.

The mathematical modeling we have tested, applying them both on existing statistical data and

on the results of our own research, can provide values and calculation methods that can be used

in compiling the methodology for monitoring the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for

the annual reporting system, by country. These formulas have not yet been applied to our country

data, as we found at the beginning of the research. The novelty is given by the fact that numerical

values are calculated for the social and human capital, some of their variables being not

numerical and needing a translation of them in this type of values: we realized this

operationalization of the indices used by the formulas from the literature specialization or by its

own inductions and deductions. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, it was

necessary to find and apply methods for measuring human capital and social capital, which

facilitate the correlation between the two notions.

We have tested and applied several variants of measuring social capital, namely human,

mathematical modeling or statistical data analysis. As I mentioned in each, they present

advantages and disadvantages, each one. It is important that at the moment when we want to

measure or obtain some values for the two notions choose the way that we have the information

we have and which we want to get. As the purpose of this research was to determine and verify a

series of relations between social capital and human capital, the transformation in quantifiable

terms of the two notions facilitated the determination of a link between social capital and human

capital interdependence, meaning a predisposing term - human capital, and an influential term -

social capital. Going further on this logic, we can say that the relationship is reversible and relies

on competencies, education being at the origin of this relational circle.

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Results, conclusions and recommendations

During the thesis I analyzed the situation of Romanian education in the context of the Europe

2020 Strategy, observing vulnerabilities and trying to explain them on the basis of political

science theories, starting from the notions of social capital and human capital correlated with the

Copenhagen School Security Concept societal.

We have found that, with regard to the Europe 2020 Strategy, Romania is in a position not to

meet the goals set by this date. In this situation, we analyzed the risks and costs of non-

fulfillment of the objectives, including the effective simulation of school dropout costs, and

moreover, what solutions can be applied in the short, medium and long term.

Thus, the situation of school abandonment in our country has not improved so that by 2020 the

target of 10% is reached. The national target is easier to achieve, 11, 3%, but at the time 2016

school dropout rate were 18, 5%, in 2017 declining by only 0.4%. If we judge on a year-by-year

basis, the situation is worrying. The drop in the rate of school abandonment compared to the

previous year is less than one percent, but what is even worse is that before the year 2015, the

dropout rate was about 17%, which means that in the last years of reporting even an increase in

the dropout rate actually occurred. In the event of annual reductions of this rate, the target set at

the EU level for 2020 will be reached around 2026. As far as gender-related school drop-out is

concerned, the data obtained does not indicate a correlation between these two variables that

generate differences.

A second objective relates to adult participation in learning or lifelong learning / education. If the

target set by the European Union is 15%, we can say that it reaches 1.2% in 2016, so it is

obvious that Romania has no chances to reach this target by 2020. Apparently, there is no gender

difference in this situation. If the situation were to improve with an annual percentage, the target

set for 2020 would be reached in at least ten years.

For inclusion in tertiary education, the European target is 40%. Beyond that, a more realistic

national target of 26.7% was set. Most likely, the national target will be reached by 2020, given

that in 2017, reporting shows a figure of 26, 3%

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The European target is far from being achieved at the moment, which creates an important

vulnerability in the skills pool and the realization of the 'knowledge society'.

Consequently, it is understandable that, at least for the moment, the situation of the Romanian

education from the perspective of achieving the objectives of the Strategy is not at all


Based on the questionnaire and interview research, I tried to understand the causes of this

situation and how they can be improved. For this we have gone from Coleman's approach that

there is a link between social capital and human capital, in the sense that social capital inflates or

even determines human capital. In generic terms, competences (human capital) are determined

by social capital in the sense of family and community influence. Thus, we used a questionnaire

that we built on the idea of pursuing the link between social capital and human capital, along the

lines of Coleman's explanation. In addition to the questionnaire, I also made an interview, which

had the same target, to identify a number of causes for the Romanian education situation. Thus,

in the case of the researcher, we had 365 respondents employed directly or indirectly with the

education system, whether they were enrolled in education at the time of applying the

questionnaire, or had members in the core family that were included in the education system at

that time.

We have noticed that the dropout rate, both in the core family and in the extended family, is very

low for those who answered the questionnaire. This, according to Coleman's hypothesis, was

correlated with the family factor. In the present case, most of the respondents had higher

education, the core families were not separated, most worked within the borders of the country.

Also, most respondents considered that education is a way of social evolution and empowerment.

Moreover, they appreciated that the general spirit of cooperation, trust in education and teachers

and interaction contribute to the formation of sustainable skills. Thus, in this case, Coleman's

theory is confirmed. Regarding the influence of the community on human capital, considering

school dropout a situation of diminishing the possibility to form competences, I came to the

conclusion that in the case of the present research, a certain correlation cannot be established.

Although most respondents do not consider themselves involved in the life of the local

community or religious / religious community, the dropout rate remains low, which shows that

reduced social participation is not directly proportional to the extent of school drop-out.

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Most respondents considered that competence training should be a necessary outcome of the

education system. However, they consider that the national education system is not geared to the

formation of competencies, hence the rather negative general impression of the national

education system, as opposed to the predominantly positive image of the education systems in

the European states. It is interesting and betraying some inconsistency that although the subjects

consider important skills and have confidence in education and teachers, the same people say

they have a negative image of the education system. Also, most respondents do not consider that

the private education system is very different from the state system. The interview confirms, by

way of concrete examples, those discussed above, being a more elaborate variation of the

answers contained in the questionnaire. The guidelines retain what confirms our finding

regarding the reversible relationship between human capital and social capital.

On the basis of this analysis, we can make a series of recommendations, starting from the lines

drawn by the Institute of Educational Sciences, the European Parliament, Unicef, etc., in the

context of this research. We thus affirm that there is encouragement from the European Union

that each state pursues certain objectives in the education field, it is an advantage, thus providing

for convergence and monitoring. It is also important to understand that the issue of the education

system, with emphasis on school drop-out and lack of competence formation, is a phenomenon

that has several factors, economic, social, cultural, and that change can only occur if intervenes

cumulatively in all these directions. A very important factor that has emerged and as a result of

the research carried out is the realization of a functional school-family, perhaps even school-

community dialogue. This dimension is very important, as we have seen both in the interviews

and the questionnaire.

Social capital and human capital are two concepts that we have used as the benchmarks of the

thesis in the context of the analysis of the vulnerabilities of Romanian education on the

background of the Europe 2020 Strategy. In order to measure them and their correlation with the

progress indicators established by the European framework, we used a systematic assessment of

the skills, abilities and aptitudes of those attending a form of education. Beyond providing useful

variables for comparative analysis, it would be a real help in punctually identifying problems and

possibly improving them.

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Starting from the idea that social capital is a predisposing factor for human capital, we

have cost, following demand and reciprocity: human capital is a predisposed factor for

social capital, so we have to deal with a bidirectional relationship or a circle of

interdependencies. Personal skills are the core or epicenter of these interrelationships that

go through practically all the social system. Although, for methodological reasons, we have

operated with the distinction between the two, we have found that there is a continuum

between different domains, where basic and transversal skills interfere permanently.

Competencies are the basis of this chain of interdependencies, and for this reason we regard

education and training as fundamental. The Europe 2020 strategy is noticed precisely through

this integrated human resources approach. It no longer uses the human capital / social capital

distinction found in the World Bank and OECD reports but sets the following lines of action:

reducing school abandonment, increasing enrollment in higher education, increasing the number

of graduates integrated into the labor market, wider access to education, the elimination of

gender discrimination, etc.

Education and training are crossed and embedded in all these directions of action, but they also

benefit from their own benchmarks, their "benchmarks" and monitoring indicators.

In our research, we have defined the vulnerabilities of the Romanian education system in relation

to the four specific indicators (school abandonment, inclusion in higher education, participation

in permanent education and integration of graduates into the labor market), but the data obtained

exceeded this strict reference framework, requiring more extensive analysis where the reference

to human capital and social capital was helpful.

For our country, it is crucial to take into account the objectives set out in the Europe 2020

strategy and to pursue their fulfillment, even if we have found that only partially will be achieved

by the set deadline. In this context, it is important to make an improvement in the situation at

least in a longer term. Socio-political and economic contexts are as many elements influenced by

the educational process as forming competencies that will ensure social security. It is important

to note, following this study, that the measures taken must aim at short, medium and long-term

goals, so that a change occurs within a longer timeframe. It should not be forgotten that there are

many costs associated with the education system, that its problems are affecting all the other

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sectors, and that, ultimately, education is not just a consumption of resources, it produces well-

being and development.


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