1 Psalm 2 2: 19-28 1-32 —Reading/translation notes (22:1) דדדדד... דדדדGrammatical note = “Possessive (of, belonging to) . The preposition ד דcan indicate that its object is owned or possessed by someone. The idea of possession is not necessarily literal; it may indicate a relationship other than possession… This is also called periphrastic or the genitive . When the object of ד דis someone who wrote something, it is sometimes referred to as the ד דof author or the ד דauctoris . See §Williams, 270. So it is unclear that the superscription is attempting to express that David (or the director) is the author or if the psalm is associated with David (or the director). דדד= Piel “act as overseer, superintendent, director” under BDB 663b. ד ד ד ד דד= “hind, doe” under BDB 19a. Root = ??? 1 ד ד ד ד ד ד= “dawn” under BDB 1007a. (22:2) 2 1 Septuagint (Symmachus, Targum ) της ἀντιλημξεως = ד ד ד ד ד ד ד? compare 20” 2 We should pause for a moment to compare Psalm 22:2 (Eng 22:1) to the words of Jesus while on the cross [ b ] Ἠλὶ ἠλὶ λεμὰ σαβαχθάνι in Matthew 24:36 or Ἐλωῒ ἐλωῒ [ c ] λεμὰ σαβαχθάνι in Mark 15:34 . This is the opening question in Aramaic although we do not find this exact translation in any of the Targumim . Jesus is certainly quoting Psalm 22:2. However he appears to be expressing Psalm 22:2a in his own words.

plenumcreaturis.files.wordpress.com€¦ · Web viewעֶנוּת = “affliction” under BDB 776b. Hapax?Text critical note – 25a “Septuagint, Syriac (following Targumim and

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Psalm 22:19-28—Reading/translation notesComment by Rick: I’m not seeing a huge difference between this and previous draft. I’m still having to look up BDB references, provide basic noun/verb forms… quite a lot of work. I admire and appreciate your effort to tackle a lot of verses (about 20 right? including Psalm 23) and will give you some “bonus points” for that. Which will offset the problems with what you’ve given me, including a ton of text critical notes without no explanations.


חלק = Pual “be divided” under BDB 323b.

בֶגֶד = “garment, covering” under BDB 93b. Note the masculine plural construct of a segholate noun. Singular בֶגֶד Plural בְגָדִים Plural construct בִגְדֵי.

לְבוּשׁ = “garment, clothing, raiment” under BDB 528b. Root לבשׁ = “put on (garment)”.

גוֹרָל = “lot” (f) under BDB 174a. Root גרל = “stones, stony (place)”.

(22:20)Comment by Rick: There are two words in this verse that rest of the class will probably have to look up!

רָחֹק = “distant, far” under BDB 935b.

אֶיָלוּת = “help” under BDB 33b. Hapax.

עזרה עֶזְרָה, עֶזרָת = aid “help, succor, assistance” under BDB 740b.Comment by Rick: aid? that’s not what I see in BDB 740b. Why paraphrase or reword the BDB definition? Let the reader/translator do that – just give what BDB has.

חושׁ = “haste, make haste” under BDB 301b. Akk ḫâšu.


הַצִּילָה< נצל = Hiphil “take away, snatch away; rescue, recover” under BDB 664b.This is a hiphil. And it is “take away” or “snatch away.” BDB 664b

חרבחֶרֶב = “sword” under BDB352a.sword

כלבכֶלֶב =“dog” under BDB 476b.

יחִידָתִי - יָחִיד = “only, only one, solitary” under BDB 402b. Note 1cs pronominal suffix added after fs endiNG.take away the תִי—which is a 1cs suffix. “my beloved” BDB 402b

The verses have started responding to that which was written at the beginning and middle of Psalm 22. The beginning talks about all of the evil things that are out to get the person, and that no one except the Lord will offer them help.


ישע = Hiphil “deliver, save” under BDB 446a. deliver me. BDB 446a

22a targumim עה—[footnoteRef:13] [13: “Cairo Geniza manuscripts has –־עה” so הושׁיעה – paragogic he? ]

אראַרְיֵה = “lion” under BDB 71b.lion BDB 71b

ראםרְאֵם = “wild ox” under, BDB 910a. Here written רֵמִים without א.

22b many manuscripts read רְאֵמִים[footnoteRef:14] [14: “Many manuscripts read רְאֵמִים”.]

קרןקֶרֶן = “horn” under BDB 901b.There is a text critical note which is difficult to understand.horns

ענה = I “answer, respond” under BDB 772b.



ספר = Piel “recount, rehearse, declarerelate” under BDB 708a. This is a cohortative, it t

expresses a command or desire in 1st person. How do we know the

stem of this?

אחאָח = “brother” under BDB 26a.

קהלקָהָל “assembly, convocation, congregation” under. BDB 874b.

הלל = I “shine” under. BDB 237a.

הלל = II “be boastful”, Piel “praise” under BDB 237b. Arb halla “shout” (in joy and terror). Akk alālu “shout for joy, rejoice”.

Shine is used in different forms at the beginning and end of this specific verse. Is there a reason that the scribes used two words whose definitions overlap? Why not use one word twice? The first is talking about the people who worship the lord and this second one is giving instruction on what to do in front of the Lord.


כבדכָבֵד = “be heavy, weighty, burdensome, honoured”, Piel “make heavy; make honourable, glorify” under BDB 457a.

גור = “sojourn” (live in the land as a foreigner) under BDB157b.

24a tangumim a few manuscripts Septuagint יָג[footnoteRef:15] [15: “Cairo Geniza and a few manuscripts of the Septuagint have יָגוּרוּ so prefix rather than imperative”. ]

גור = III “dread” under BDB 158b.


בַזַהבזה = “despise” under. BDB 102a.Comment by Rick: One of the few times you insert vowels in the verb root, and not the right vowels. (!)

שׁקץשֶׁקֶץ = “detestation, detestable thing” under BDB 1054b.

שׁקץ = Piel (denominative) “detest, make detestable” under BDB 1055a. Rare.

עֶנוּת = “affliction” under BDB 776b. Hapax?[footnoteRef:16]Text critical note – 25a “Septuagint, Syriac (following Targumim and Vulgate) suggest צַעֲקַת ‘cry(?)’”. [16: “Septuagint, Syriac (following Targumim and Vulgate) suggest צַעֲקַת ‘cry(?)’”.]

עָנִי = “poor, afflicted, humble” under BDB 776b.25a Septuagint (Arabic); Syriac (targumim vulgate) g ‘ th d, it has been proposed צַעַקַת

פניו[footnoteRef:17] [17: “Cairo Geniza has פנים ‘face, presence’” rather than “his face/presence”.]

שׁוע = Piel “cry out for help” under BDB 1002b.

25b Targumim פנים

ממנו ובשׁועו אליו

25c-c Septuagint suffix to be read sg[footnoteRef:18] [18: “Septuagint has 1cs suffixes (rather than 3ms suffixes) so ‘from me… my… me’”. ]


נְדָרַיThe root is נדר. What is the PGN? Stem? It meansנֵדֶר = “vow” under . BDB 623b.Comment by User: Not a good fit here, this is the noun, not the verb, so you don’t need to ask readers to analylze, PGN, stem.

נֶגֶד = “what is conspicuous or in front, (always as adverb or preposition) in front of, in sight of, opposite to” under BDB 617a. this is an adv or a participle. Meaning “in front of”, “In sight of”,

“opposite to”.

BDB 617a


עָנָו = “poor, afflicted, humble, meek” under BDB 776b.

שׂבֵע = “be sated, satisfied, surfeited” under BDB 959a. Akk šebû. Arb sabiʿa. Arm סְבַע.

יְהַלְלוּ < הלל = Piel “praise” under BDB 237b. we have seen this verb before, means “praise”. BDB 237b

יְחִי – Difficult form to analyze. Compare regular Qal prefix 3ms יִחְיֶה to this. This is a jussive form – and remember that the jussive form for weak verbs is often different from the regular prefix. For 3rd ה verbs the final syllable often is apocopated (drops off).

לבבכם[footnoteRef:19] [19: “2 manuscripts and Septuagint and Syriac say לְבָבָם ‘their heart’”.]

27a 2 Manuascripts Septuagint and Syriac say לְבָבָם


אַפְסֵי < אֵפֶס = “ceasing; end, extremity; non-existence” under BDB 67a. from the root אפס Here “ends, extremities (of the earth)”.


28a Manuscript Syriac Jerome Vulgate Arabic Vevsian Vulgate Masoretic

Text לְפָנָיו[footnoteRef:20] [20: “Manuscript, Syriac, Jerome, Vulgate, Arabic have equivalent of לְפָנָיו ‘before him’”. ]

Notice the consistent pattern by which the other translations/versions have 3rd person instead of more direct 2nd person. What might explain this? Could there be a theological/ideological reason? or could this have to do with setting/location? What if this psalm was intended for public performance in the temple in Jerusalem – and now there is no temple? Would that make a difference?


עָפָר“dry earth, dust” BDB 779b

29a to be read ´מ וִהוּא compare Septuagint and syriac


a-a to be read ´י לוֹ אַךְ vel ´י אֵךְלוֹ

There are multiple text critical notes.

d-d dl gl which means “delete as a gloss”. So the editors think this whole line ונפשׁו לא חיה זרע יעבדנו was added to clarify and explain. Weak.

e 𝔊𝔖 suff 1 sg which means “Septuagint, Syriac have 1cs suffix so נפשׁי ‘and my soul’”.

f 𝔊 (𝔖 Hier) αυτω = לוֹ which means “Septuagint (along with Syriac and Hieronymous version of Psalms which follow Septuagint) have ‘to him’ rather than ‘not’”.

So we can tell that translations and versions struggled to make sense of this entire verse.

c it has been proposed יְשֵׁנֵי

g it has been proposed חַיָּה compare Versions

h manuscripts זַרְעִי compare Septuagint

לַדּוֹר root is ךור. Means “period, generation, dwelling” BDB 189b

K Septuagint (syriac) Υενεά= דּוֹר


a Septuagint connects with


b Septuagint (syriac) add

ό κύριος


Initial translation:

But you Lord are not far. My strength, hurry to help me. Take away the sword from my soul. My beloved, from the hand of the dog. Deliver me, and from the mouth of the lion. You have heard me from the rams horns. I declare your name to my brothers, in the middle of the congregation I will praise you. You that fear the Lord praise him all of the seed of Jacob, honour him and fear him all the seed of Israel. Surely he has not despised and not detested the affliction of the afflicted one. And he didn’t hide his face from him but when he cried to him he heard. For you my praise will be in the abundant congregation. My promise will be paid in front of those that fear you. The meek will eat and they will be satisfied, those that seek the Lord will praise him. Your heart shall live forever. They will remember and they will turn to the Lord all the end of the earth and all the family of the nations will worship before him. For the kingdom is the Lord’s and he rules in the nations. All who are rich upon earth will eat and worship. All who descend to dust bow before him , for no one can keep his soul alive. A seed will serve him, it will be recorded, the Lord for future generations. They will come and declare his righteousness. To a people will be born that he who has done this.