1 Memo 23/08 David v Goliath Will Alexander [email protected] Wednesday 16 July 2008 Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. Martin Luther Fig. 1 David (Alexander June 2008) Memo 2308 David v Goliath.doc 16 July 2008

climatereality.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewGroup 3 at the other end of the scale are the tens of millions of poor and disadvantaged people in the world. About three quarters

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Memo 23/08

David v Goliath

Will Alexander [email protected]

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. Martin Luther

Fig. 1 David (Alexander June 2008)

Fig. 2 Goliath (NASA July 2008)

A footpath through the jungle

As described in my last memo, the whole climate change issue is in tatters. But that does not solve the problem. We have to start looking for a new route through the climate variability jungle.

The interested parties can be divided into three broad groups. Group 1 is the very vociferous and influential environmentalist lobby. They are mainly academics. The supporters are generally wealthy.

Group 3 at the other end of the scale are the tens of millions of poor and disadvantaged people in the world. About three quarters of them have no access to electricity, and about half are illiterate. I guess that about 90% of them have never heard the word ‘environment'. Despite their majority, they have very little say in the affairs of their region, let alone the world as a whole.

Group 2 are those in the middle who attempt to achieve the impossible. This is to reconcile poverty reduction with environmental concerns. As any politician will tell you, following the middle path is political suicide. Yet there are some of us whose professional and moral responsibilities force us to follow this dangerous path. I'm one of them.

What I propose doing is to take you by the hand (not by your collar or pearl necklace), and try to explain the basics in simple, logical terms, so that you have a greater understanding of the issues and conflicting interests.

The basics

This whole climate change issue began when a group of knowledgeable scientists raised concerns about the steadily increasing discharge of undesirable greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. These are principally from fossil fuel burning power stations; heavy industries such as the production of steel and cement; and by land, air and sea transport. It was feared that these would result in a slow but steady increase in global temperatures. The temperature increases would have a whole series of undesirable consequences.

These concerns led to the establishment of two United Nations bodies, the UNFCCC and the IPCC. The latter body was established in 1988 and issues five-yearly reports. Unfortunately, honest and competent scientists gradually lost control of the situation as the politicians and environmentalist pressure groups took over. A lot of research money became available and many scientists succumbed to the temptation to exaggerate some aspects and suppress others. When they started losing ground they resorted to vilifying all those who disagreed with them.

The physical evidence to support this theory began to accumulate. Polar ice sheets and continental glaciers started melting. Together with the threatened polar bears, this caught the public's imagination. Al Gore exploited these fears in his very popular video for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Support for the theory grew and grew. In the EU and UK in particular, legislation was introduced to control the undesirable greenhouse gas emissions. National economies were healthy and the costs were politically acceptable.

During the past 12 months, the international scene changed for the worse. There were alarming increases in the costs of food and fuel. National and international economic difficulties developed. Then to the embarrassment of the climate change supporters, global temperatures stopped rising in 1998. They remained sensibly constant until last year when they started dropping. The polar ice sheets have stopped melting and glaciers are advancing again. South Africa's fauna and flora are in a healthy condition. We have even started culling our elephant population. Our dams are in a healthy state, and there are no major water shortages.

The sceptics are rejoicing, and the politicians are becoming more cautious. For a few of us this has become worrying. We have seen these climatic swings in the past. Experienced engineers know that in times of plenty, you have to start planning for the inevitable times of shortages that lie ahead.

The climate change advocates are in an even greater predicament. Their alarmist theories have become unstuck. They have two choices. Either they have to accept that they were wrong, or try to prove that all is in order. Neither approach will be easy because the sceptics are starting to rub salt in their wounds. Let me give you two examples from events during the past week.

Critical questions

Last week a colleague sent me the press release distributed by NASA on 11 July titled What’s Wrong with the Sun? (Nothing). NASA requested that we “Send this story to a friend”.


Figure 2 above is from the press release. I have no wish to join the debate regarding NASA’s activities in this whole climate change issue, but I have several questions. The most important is why is it that the solar physicists of NASA, with all the funds and technology at their disposal, failed to appreciate that it is the double sunspot cycle that is of interest, not the single 11-year cycles? The properties of the alternating cycles are fundamentally different.

In our paper published in June last year, my co-authors and I demonstrated that a synchronous linkage exists between the double sunspot cycle and the multiyear hydrometeorological processes. These in turn are synchronous with the acceleration and deceleration of the sun as it moves along its trajectory through galactic space. Were the NASA solar physicists not aware of this, or did they deliberately suppress it, as it conflicted with their theory of exclusive human causality of global warming?

On Monday 7 July my article Likelihood of a global drought in 2009-2016 was published in the South African monthly magazine Civil Engineering, which has more than 8,000 readers. [Not 3,000 as stated in a previous memo.] On Wednesday 9 July I distributed one of my memos in which I described the conclusions reached in the article.

Please refer to Figures 1 and 2 above. The first is my illustration of the properties of the double sunspot cycle. The second figure is that in NASA's recent press release. Coincidentally, the vertical scales are the same. Add 1995 to the numbers on the horizontal scale in my figure. We are now in year 13.

I agree that the current solar activity is not unusual, but I disagree with the other statements. NASA’s projections for the forthcoming cycle 24 are wrong. The magnitude of sunspot activity in cycle 24 will be LESS than that of cycle 23, based purely on an analysis of the historical data.

I agree that the peak of cycle 24 should occur in 2012 but I disagree altogether with the exaggerated estimates of the range within which the numbers of sunspots are likely to occur. My estimates are as follows: average (89), maximum (146) and minimum (42). The corresponding numbers derived from NASA’s illustration are: average (130), maximum (155) and minimum (105). How could NASA have made this fundamental error that a high school child could have checked?

Reference. World Data Centre for the Sunspot Index http://sidc.oma.be

Also, NASA failed to carry out simple, multi-decadal, concurrent trend analysis between sunspot numbers and global air temperatures. This would have shown synchronous multi-decadal trends of increasing and decreasing global temperatures with the increasing and decreasing sunspot numbers. These are shown in Figures 3 and 4 below. They were included in my course notes distributed earlier this year. Note that while sunspot numbers and global temperatures increased from 1913 to 2006, they decreased in unison for 1850 to 1913.

Why did NASA not carry out this simple exercise that would have shown that a linkage exists between sunspot activity and global temperatures? This relationship is not fortuitous. Why is it that NASA, like the British Royal Society, is misusing its status to confuse the public on this vitally important climate change issue?

Figures 3 & 4. Surface temperature v sunspot data 1850-1913 above and 1913-2006 below.

Knockout blows

The observation that global temperatures have been more or less static since the 1998 peak while carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, has not escaped the attention of the critics. This has been the subject of intense Internet exchanges. Figure 5 by Joe D’Aleo is doing the rounds and is now on its way up the ladder.


Figure 5. Global air temperatures v atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations by Joe D’Aleo.


1. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/msu.html

2. http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature

3. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/

4. http://icecap.us/index.php/go/experts Joseph D’Aleo, Certified Consultant Meteorologist, Fellow of the American

Meteorological Society (AMS), Executive Director Icecap.us

It is very clear that there is no connection between global carbon dioxide concentrations and global air temperatures. This goes to the very heart of climate change theory.

Consequently, climate alarmism has received three mortal blows during the past week. The first is political. The attitudes of the developing nations are hardening. There is no way that they will be willing to adopt measures that will have an adverse effect on their poverty alleviation measures. In Japan, our Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism Minister, called the G8 nations’ bluff. This worsened the already strained relations between the African and the Western nations.

The combination of the other two events delivered the knockout blow. The rise in global temperatures relied on as proof of anthropogenic global warming, was due to changes in solar activity and NOT rising carbon dioxide emissions. This will undoubtedly be denied, but the evidence is solid.

The road ahead

There is tremendous inertia in this whole climate change issue. Earlier, the UK appointed the Stern Review, and more recently, the Australians appointed the Garnaut Commission. The terms of reference in both cases were to advance climate alarmism. It is difficult to see a face-saving exit for these two governments. My prediction is that they will react to public pressures and slowly de-emphasise climate change as a national priority. The UK authorities in particular are going to have a hard time.

Returning to South Africa, climate change has never been a political issue, so it will be a lot easier for the authorities to move on to the much more important problems facing our country.


Memo 2308 David v Goliath.doc

16 July 2008