NEWSLETTER 49 JUNE 2016 Our next project The next project of the Supreme Council is to invite His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle of the Philippines to Melbourne to meet with us and to raise money for Caritas. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines was elected the new president of Caritas Internationalis at the confederation’s 20th General Assembly in Rome in May last year. Cardinal Tagle is a friend of our Chaplain Chevalier Fr. Manuel Sunaz CMF.

  · Web viewMario Sabattini and Dame ... the Roman Empire into the center of the Christian world that would radiate the preaching ... them Photo thanks to Verisimo Santos

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NEWSLETTER 49                                   JUNE 2016

Our next projectThe next project of the Supreme Council is to invite His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle of the Philippines to Melbourne to meet with us and to raise money for Caritas.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines was elected the new president of Caritas Internationalis at the confederation’s 20th General Assembly in Rome in May last year.

Cardinal Tagle is a friend of our Chaplain Chevalier Fr. Manuel Sunaz CMF.

May with the prayers of our late Chaplain Chevalier Fr. Bill Jordan we achieve our aim to bring Cardinal Tagle to Melbourne.

With the prayers of Fr. Bill Jordan we achieved the response letter from Pope Francis and the Holy relics of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Message from the Grand MasterDear fellow knights, dames and friends of the Confraternity.

Greetings and thank you for the messages for the ocassion of the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.

This year we had a lovely celebrations in Melbourne, our annual fund raising Dinner Dance was very successful. We had a lovely night and for the first time we had members of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Black Cross taking part.

A friend of the Confraternity Chevalier Dino De Marchi – Vice Chancellor represented the OSJ. He also presented me a pin as a mark of friendship between the two Orders.

During the Mass on Sunday 3rd. July we invested Paolo Tartaglia as a knight of Grace.

It is very important to mention that the Grand Chapter of Canada, the Grand Chapter of Malta and the Grand Chapter of Germany are now well established and they are strong enough to start organising fund raising events. The Grand Chapter of Germany has a Charity Concert planned for later this year.

I hope that other chapters in time will also start helping the poor and the sick, especially sick children at Christmas time.

Yours faithfully

Peter Paul Portelli

Book for our 20th. AnniversaryThe Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is planning to publish a book for the 20th. Anniversary next June. The book will be lunched in Malta during our convention.

The book will consist of the history of the Confraternity with its humble beginning in Melbourne. The chapters will have a space or a mention no matter how big or small.

The grand priors and priors will be asked to write something about their chapter.

The book may also include some messages from members of the clergy


From the Grand ChancellorChevalier Joseph Coleiro

"Dear confreres. I hope this reaches you with God's bountiful blessings. Three are four matters I wish to share with you.

First, On Friday 1 July 2016, the new medal for the Confraternity was delivered to the Grand Master; a product of the deliberation of the Supreme Council and assistance to the Grand Master by the Grand Prior Dame Angela Greto and myself. The photos of the first occasion when the new official regalia was worn, being the dinner on 02 July 2016 celebrating the feast of our patrons Saint Peter and

Saint Paul, are in this newsletter.

I encourage all members to upgrade their regalia with the crest on the mantle and by acquiring the medal - through the Grand Master.

This brings me to the second item; on 24 June 2016, members of the Confraternity - HE Chev Peter Paul Portelli the Grand Master and Mrs Mary Portelli; the Deputy Grand Master Chev. Vince Galtieri and Mrs Carmen Galtieri and Chev. Mario Sabattini and Dame Dominica Sabatini attended, by invitation, the investiture of new Knights and Dames, Sisters and Brothers in the Order of

Saint John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller held at Queen's College Chapel followed by dinner at the College.

The confreres sat in a position of honour, a front pew opposite the OSJ Knights and Dames, and took part in the procession. At the dinner, HE Chev Peter Paul Portelli was presented with the honour of Friend of the OSJ, recognising his long tireless service and commitment to the work of meeting the needs of the poor and infirm, a cause shared by the OSJ. That brings the third matter; on 02 July 2016, the fund raising dinner was held and the OSJ was represented by Chev Dino De Marchi, KCSJ. The evening was a success with a good attendance, good food and lots of dancing; the highlight was the nearly $1000 raised for charity.

This brings the fourth event - the investiture of a new Knight – Chev. Paolo Tartaglia on Sunday 2 July 2016 at the Church of St Martin De Porres. About events in general, I wish to remind us all of the conference in Malta that is scheduled for June next year; more to follow on this. Until my next installment dear Confreres; lets encourage one another in dong good works and charity as we are called to in following the examples of Jesus Christ our Lord, and of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.Chev Joseph ColeiroGrand Chancellor and Secretary to HE the Grand Master, Chev Peter Paul Portelli.

Grand Chapter of Malta23rd. June, 2016.

The Grand Chapter of Malta held its annual meeting on the 23rd. June at the Town Hall after the meeting the knights and dames proceeded to the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul for the ceremony that started at 7pm.  It was the “CHARITY DAY” the Mass was celebrated by Fr Michael Borg, Director of Caritas of Gozo.  On behalf of the Grand Chapter Chancellor Chevalier Eddie Vella presented Fr. Borg with a cheque of Euro 500. 

Convention June in Malta 2016This the website of the Grand Hotel in Gozo. The Grand Hotel is our meeting point. If you intend to attend the Convention next June ask your travel agent to make the booking for you. Pease tell your travel agent whether you just want Bed and Breakfast. I suggest that you book for Just Bed and Breakfast. www.grandhotel.com.mt.

Ramla Bay. Near the birthplace of the Grand Master Chev. Peter Paul Portelli

Grand Chapter of Melbourne

The coat of arms of the Confraternity on the tables

Group photo

Chevalier Joe Coleiro with Chevalier Dino De Marchi of the OSJ and Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli – Grand


Start of the merriment

Dame Angela Greto – Grand Prior with Chevalier Saverio Greto

Madam Treasurer Dame Dominica Sabatini with Dame Angela Greto – Grand Prior

Group photo with Chevalier Dino De Marchi – Vice Master of Ceremonies Mr. Emmanuel Brincat with

Chancellor of the OSJ. Dino De Marchi and Peter Paul Portelli

Merriment during the Dinner Dance The Brass Band playing during the Dinner Dance

In St. Martin the Porres Church commemorating the feast of St. Peter & St. Paul

Paolo Tartaglia just been anointed Chevalier with the Confraternity.

Group photo with Fr. Ivan

The Prior of the OSJ Chevalier William Meehen presenting a certificate of friendship to the Grand

Master Chev. Peter Paul Portelli

The Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul at the ceremony of the OSJ.

Grand Chapter of Germany

Monthly Report of the Grand Chapter of Germany for June 2016

The month of June was again a busy month for the Grand Chapter of Germany in terms of getting in contact with people who could be interested in the work of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter & St. Paul.

Next to that, connections were built up to a knight of the Order of St John who promised to consider a constant cooperation.

Furthermore, the Order of the Holy Lazarus came across the Grand Chapter of Germany and invited the Grand Prior to become member of this distinguished Order.

First preparations have been started to organize a charity concert together with the choir and band of the “Original Osnabrücker Windjammer”. This group is known in the region of the Münsterland for its shanty music. During the charity concert donations shall be collected to support needy people in the projects of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter & St Paul.

In the internal work, the Grand Chapter is busy creating its own statutes in accordance with the national laws.

Besides, we have started our search for an appropriate knight's castle for the conferences and conventions of our order in Lower Saxony and we are very positive about negotiations beginning soon.

To find some historical information on the Confraternity the Grand Prior made some historical researches and found out the following concerning the Orders of St Paul and St Peter:

Order of St. Peter (Ordo S. Petri Ponfificius) in the Papal States.

As a precautionary measure, that the works of Tulfa (Forum Clodii) would not be supplied the Turks or that with the income of these works deception would be carried out, Pope Leo X instigated in 1521 a Collegium of 42 officials under the title of the Equestrian Order of St. Peter, appointed members to “Participantes”and took from every member 1000 gold florins as an entrance fee, of which 5 percent were given to the members as annual income. Moreover, every knight was taken - together with his eldest son - into the higher nobility and into the number of Palatines from the Lateran. Pope Paul V withdraw some other privileges granted to the Order. The knights had to be dressed in black on the day of death of a pope and in red at every coronation; as a religious symbol a gold medal on a gold chain was worn on the chest, showing on one side an image of St. Peter and on the other side the papal coat of arms. Later, the Knightly Order was connected to the possession of some chancellery. It exists still today by its name, but does not issue any more noble law.

Order of St. Paul (Ordo S. Pauli Pontificius) in the Papal States.

To help the impoverished household of the Papal State reasonably, Pope Paul Ш. founded in 1540, for a sum of 200,000 Scudi, a community of knights of St. Paul for 200 members. They should be “Participantes and perpetui Commensales” and should get a daily meal free of charge in the palace of the Lateran, should be included in the noble families and be allowed to decorate their coat of arms with the lily of the Farnese coat of arms and should get an annual pension of 200 Scudi from the church. On funeral day of the Pope they had to mourn in black, on the inauguration day of a pope hey had to appear had to appear in red with a bare arm with blank sword on the left breast as a religious sign. Later, this Order also changed due to a large increase in the number of knights became the access for certain office clerks, too. (Ph Bouanni;. Helyot etc.)


History and Constitution of all clerical and secular , extinct and flourishing Knightly Orders : besides an overview of all the military and Civil decorations, medals & . & . and an atlas with almost 500 illuminated pictures of religious insignia, ribbons and chains : at the same time meant as a continuation of the history of the Orders for monks and nuns in the Orient and Occident. Extinguished Orders, Volume 1

Ferdinand von Biedenfeld January 1, 1841

Original title:

„Geschichte und Verfassung aller geistlichen und weltlichen, erloschenen und blühenden Ritterorden: nebst einer Übersicht sämmtlicher Militär- und Civil-Ehrenzeichen, Medaillen &. &. und einem Atlas mit beinahe 500 illuminirten Abbildungen der Ordensinsignien, Bänder und Ketten : zuglich als Fortsetzung von dessen Geschichte der Mönchs- und Klosterfrauen-Orden im Orient und Occident. Erloschene Orden, Band 1

Ferdinand von Biedenfeld 1. Januar 1841

The Grand Prior

Message for the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul 2016From The Most Rev.  Archbishop Andrew McMenamin – Grand Prior for the USA.

St. Peter and St. Paul (1st c.) were the foremost Apostles of Jesus Christ; St. Peter was the leader of the Twelve, while St. Paul followed Christ after His ascension into heaven. Together the two saints are the founders of the Church in Rome through their apostolic preaching, ministry, and martyrdom in that city. They are the solid rock on which the foundation of the Church is built, and they will forever remain her protectors and guides. To them Rome owes her true greatness, for it was under God's providential guidance that they transformed the capital of the Roman Empire into the center of the Christian world that would

radiate the preaching of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Both saints were martyred in close proximity to one another; Peter first, then Paul, though some traditions claim they were killed on the same day. St. Peter was crucified upside down and buried on the hill of the Vatican where St. Peter's

Basilica now stands. St. Paul was beheaded on the Via Ostia and buried where the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls now stands. St. Peter and St. Paul are the patron saints of Rome and they share a feast day on June 29, a tradition going back to the earliest centuries of the Church. 

God Bless, +Most Rev. Archbishop Andrew McMenamin

Chapter of Cambridge - CanadaBy Prior Chevalier Bob Westhaver

Activities of Chapter of Cambridge

On June 11th Chevalier Keith Clarke the muscular dystrophy committee chair addressed the muscular dystrophy Canada Waterloo Wellington walk for muscular dystrophy in Waterloo Park.

On June 11th Grand Prior Silvio Da Silva addressed the Portuguese Community at the Portugal Day Ceremonies in Cambridge.

Grand Prior Silvio Da Silva and Councillor the Chevalier Monteiro participated in the Portuguese, Portugal Day Parade. Chevalier Monteiro and MPP Kathryn McGarry are pictured below carrying the Portuguese flag. Other Cambridge City Councillors accompany them Photo thanks to

Verisimo Santos.

On June 24th Gand Prior Silvio Da Silva met with Prior Bob Westhaver to plan and rehearse the June 30th Investiture.

On June 30th the Priory of Cambridge celebrated its third Investiture at Cambridge City Hall. The Mayor of Cambridge the Honourable Douglas Craig was in attendance. The new Investees were

Fatima Machado Pinheiro, Andrew Munro, Bernardo Recine, John Rapaso and Nada Offack. Grand Prior the Chevalier Sid Da Silva performed the ceremony assisted by Prior the Chevalier Bob Westhaver and Chevalier Frank Monteiro, Chevalier Keith Clarke and Chevalier Rick Martins were in attendance. At the end of the ceremony Chevalier Sid Da Silva presented the Honourable Mayor Douglas Craig with a certificate. The Priory of Cambridge then proceeded to the Elixer Bistro to celebrate the day by dining together. Below are some photos of the ceremony.

Presenting Dame Fatima Machado Pinheiro.

Presenting the New Knights and Dames

Group Photo from left:

The Grand Prior Chevalier Silvio Da Silva Presenting a Certificate to the Honourable Mayor Douglas Craig on belf of the Grand Chapter of Canada.

Our Dinner Proceeding the CeremonyPrior Chev. Bob Westhaver

Chapter of Bulgaria

By Prior Chevalier Boyan Vladimirov

Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul in Bulgaria

The feast concluded with a picnic and music outside the church. This is how it is still celebrated in Malta with music, folk dancing, food and agriculture show. In Nadur Gozo the tradition had died for many years but now has came back but in a different way and on days before the feast day.

The tradition was that the bridegroom promise his future wife to take her to the first Mnarja Harvest Festival the feast of St. Peter and Paul as part of their honeymoon.

Assistant to the Vice Grand Master in EuropeThe Supreme Council has appointed Chevalier Professor Lothar Gellert Grand Prior of Germany as an Assistant to the Vice Grand Master H. E. Professor Chevalier Jose Manuel Ferreira Coelho of Portugal.

His role is to invite other Orders of Chivalry to take part in events of the Confraternity in Europe.

He will represent the Grand Master and the Vice Grand Master where it is required.

That’s all we have for you today. Please pass it on to all your members.

As always, I hope that you enjoyed reading the newsletter.

God Bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.

Yours faithfully in Jesus Christ the Lord.

Peter Paul Portelli

Grand Master