Worship Ministry Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the worship ministry of Centerpoint Fellowship Church! We consider it a privilege to lead others into the presence of God through praise and worship, and we’re excited to get to know you and how we can incorporate your gifts and abilities. We are looking for skilled musicians and singers to serve in 3 areas: Worship Team (Sunday mornings) Student Ministry worship team (Wednesday evenings) Kid Central worship team (Open only to adults and youth ages 15+.) Applicants will be evaluated and then invited to serve in an area based on their strengths. Please read through the mission statement and job description. Fill out one of the attached applications, and return it to the church office; or you may return it to me via the email address below. Once we receive your application, we’ll contact you with info on the evaluation process and your time slot. We look forward to getting to know you! Blessings,

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Worship MinistryWelcome!

Thank you for your interest in the worship ministry of Centerpoint Fellowship Church! We consider it a privilege to lead others into the presence of God through praise and worship, and we’re excited to get to know you and how we can incorporate your gifts and abilities.

We are looking for skilled musicians and singers to serve in 3 areas:

Worship Team (Sunday mornings)

Student Ministry worship team (Wednesday evenings)

Kid Central worship team (Open only to adults and youth ages 15+.)

Applicants will be evaluated and then invited to serve in an area based on their strengths.

Please read through the mission statement and job description. Fill out one of the attached applications, and return it to the church office; or you may return it to me via the email address below. Once we receive your application, we’ll contact you with info on the evaluation process and your time slot.

We look forward to getting to know you!


Lewies Van der MerweWorship Leader – Pike Road

2050 Commerce St., Millbrook, AL 36054

Office: 334.356.3076 Email: [email protected]

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The worship ministry at Centerpoint Fellowship Church exists to promote a culture of authentic worship within the church and within the community by lifting up the name of Jesus Christ through the music we create as He draws the saved and the unsaved to Himself. We believe His presence has the power to transform lives, communities and nations; and that without it, we have nothing in and of ourselves to offer. We believe we are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9


1. Everyone on the worship team is a worship leader. Even though the “lead worshiper” during a service has a unique role in directing the band and congregation, everyone on the team is a worship leader. Your participation encourages others to join in.

2. We lead by example. You’ve heard the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” It’s true that you can’t make him drink, but you can salt his oats and make him thirsty! As worship leaders our job is to create an atmosphere where the Spirit of God can move freely and people want to worship Him. They learn about worship by watching you.

3. We minister what we are. Like it or not, the reality is we set the table (with our attitudes) every Sunday, and the congregation partakes of whatever is served. If we’ve had a bad day and don’t resolve it in our heart before we lead worship, we’re bringing tension to the stage and not setting the table with God’s best. No one is unshakable. Remember to ask for prayer.

4. You have to lead your heart. We don’t always feel like worshiping God. Sometimes you have to lead your heart. Feelings follow commitment. When we choose to worship when we don’t feel like it, our perspective changes from focusing on us to focusing on Him. It’s not being fake. It’s realizing that HE is still God no matter how our lives are changing.

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POSITION TITLE: Worship Team Member

DATE REVISED: September 2010


PURPOSE: To lead the congregation into the presence of God through praise and worship. Music is the vehicle we use, but His presence is the destination. Our first priority is to minister to the Lord. Our second priority is to lead the people.

TIME COMMITMENT:Worship team members are committing to serve through the calendar year. Auditions will be held each October to select teams to begin serving in January.

1. Spend time daily in prayer, worship, and the Word. We can’t expect to lead people into the presence of God if we aren’t spending time there ourselves. For our worship to be real on Sunday morning, it must be an overflow of what we’re doing during the week when no one is watching. Talent doesn’t change lives. The presence of God working in and through us will!

2. Attend 2-hour mid-week evening rehearsal 3. Arrive prepared and on time at 7:30a.m. for pre-service rehearsal on Sundays. This time is

subject to change as we grow or add an additional service. Please allow enough time to park, get in the building, and be ready to begin on time. We warm up, sound check, discuss last-minute changes, and pray together before the service begins.

4. Pray for the worship ministry and those involved in serving.

5. Attend worship workshops and seminars provided by Centerpoint.

TEAM COMMITMENT:1. To lead a life that honors the Lord. Those who lead are held to a higher level of accountability

and are expected to live in a way that honors the Lord. If there are any spiritual or moral issues in your life standing between you and the Lord, it’s time to take a break from the worship ministry and allow others to minister to you and help you restore your relationship with God. Our pastors

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will be glad to meet with you privately to discuss your concerns. Rest assured that you will never be shamed or embarrassed. We care about your ministry, but we care about you even more.

2. To be skilled. A pleasant sounding vocal and/or skill on an instrument is very important. Team members will be evaluated to place them where their gifts and abilities will be of greatest use. Opportunities for ministry extend beyond Sunday morning services, and vocalists and musicians may be placed in those vital areas as well.

3. To be flexible. Flexibility is a must as we will constantly be learning new material and ways of improving in order to make the most of our time together and the overall worship experience.

4. To be dependable. Lots of people are counting on you!! Be prepared and on time. Being consistently late and/or failing to attend rehearsals will result in being asked to take time off from the worship team.

5. To be committed to excellence. Team members will be asked to do their best to try and memorize the music we use. This isn’t about performing, we’re leading people in worship. It’s hard to worship when we’re constantly looking down just trying to make it through the chords and lyrics.

6. To be teachable. None of us have all the answers, and we need to have a teachable heart in order to learn from one another and grow in the gifts and abilities the Lord has given us.

7. To maintain a spirit of unity and mutual encouragement. A spirit of competition and rivalry brings division and hurts relationships. People are usually aware of their weaknesses. They don’t need us to point them out or talk about them behind their backs. The worship team at Centerpoint will commit to building one another up. Psalm 133 says the Lord actually pronounces His blessing when people work together in unity!

8. Keep an attitude of servant hood always valuing the gifts of others above your own. “Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.” (Phil. 2:3-4) We are a team, and every member is equally important.

9. To remember that worship leading extends beyond the stage. Make yourself available to greet people before and after services. We’re not “the untouchables”. People need to know we care about them. We often underestimate the power of a smile or word of encouragement.

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Tell Us About You…

Name: ____________________________________________________________________


City:_________________________________ State:___ Zipcode:____________________

Home#:___________________ Cell#:___________________ Other:__________________

Email (please write neatly):____________________________________________________

Church:__________________________________ How long have you been there?_______

Please tell us about your relationship with the Lord (how you became a Christian and your present walk with God):____________________________________________________________________








If chosen for the Sunday morning worship team, can you commit to a 2-hour weekly rehearsal and Sundays from 7:00am – 12:30pm? If not, what is your scheduling conflict? ________________________________________________________________________________


Please describe why you would like to participate in the worship ministry at Centerpoint and what you hope to accomplish through your involvement.____________________________________________

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Tell Us About Your Experience…Check all that apply, but please circle what you feel is your primary strength:


[ ] soloist (specials only using live accompaniment or tracks)

[ ] lead vocalist (leading songs with the band and congregation)

[ ] background vocalist (singing harmony or melody behind the lead vocalist)

Range: [ ] high [ ] mid [ ] low [ ] not sure

Tell us about your role in the past in any music ministries, bands, choirs, etc. Please include any formal and informal training. ________________________________________________________________________________





Name some of your musical influences (artists who have had a significant impact on you stylistically or otherwise):_____________________________________________________________________


I have read, understand and commit to the Mission Statement and Job Description required to participate in Centerpoint’s worship ministry.

________________________________________________________ _______________Signature Date

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Tell Us About You…

Name: ____________________________________________________________________


City:_________________________________ State:___ Zipcode:____________________

Home#:___________________ Cell#:___________________ Other:__________________

Email (please write neatly):____________________________________________________

Church:__________________________________ How long have you been there?_______

Please tell us about your relationship with the Lord (how you became a Christian and your present walk with God):____________________________________________________________________








Can you commit to a 2 hour weekly evening rehearsal and Sundays from 7:30am – 12:30pm? If not, what is your scheduling conflict?______________________________________________________


Please describe why you would like to participate in the worship ministry at Centerpoint and what you hope to accomplish through your involvement.____________________________________________

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Tell Us About Your Experience…What instrument(s) do you play? Check all that apply, but please circle your primary instrument.

[ ] acoustic guitar [ ] bass guitar [ ] drums [ ] keyboard [ ] other: _________________ [ ] electric guitar:

[ ] lead electric (lead lines, hooks, riffs, etc.) [ ] rhythm electric (power chords, etc.)

[ ] atmospheric (swells, adding color, etc.) [ ] not sure

Tell us about your role in the past in any music ministries, bands, choirs, etc. Please include any formal and informal training. ________________________________________________________________________________





Name some of your musical influences (artists who have had a significant impact on you stylistically or otherwise):_____________________________________________________________________


I have read, understand and commit to the Mission Statement and Job Description required to participate in Centerpoint’s worship ministry.

________________________________________________________ _______________Signature Date

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Page 10: storage.cloversites.comstorage.cloversites.com/centerpointfellowshipchurch/doc…  · Web viewSpend time daily in prayer, worship, and the Word. We can’t expect to lead people