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. Culture

. Language

. Customs' Lifestyles

. History

. Adventure

. Everyday heroes

. Free-time activities,hobbies

. Leisure facilities

. lob applications andintervi€ws

. Job qualifications

. Careers

. Geography'Environmental

problems. Conservation projects. Eco tourism. Endangered species. Sources ofenergy

. Mystery

. qtrrnop pvPnt<

. Places, buildings,landmarks

. Crimes and criminals

' Travelling. Means of transport. Travel arrangements. Space travel. Holiday destinations

. Modern life

. Technology

. Fashion' Education. Devices

. People

. Relationships

' Health. Superstitions. Telepathy

Grammar. Present Simple - Present

Progressive. Stative verbs

. Present Perfect Simple -Present P€fect Progressive

. must, hclve to, needl

wouldrathet hadbetter. may, might, could

' must, can't

. Future tenses

. Time clauses

. Conditional sentences(Types 1, 2)

. Articles - NounsDeterminers

. Past Perfect Simple - PastPerfect Progressive

. Reported Speech (statements)

. Reported Speech (questions,

commands and requests)

. Passive Voice I

. Clauses ofreason, concession,purPose

. Passive Voice II

. Infinitives and -ing forms

. Causative form

. Modal verbs + have + pastparticiple

. Conditional sentences(Type 3)

. Wishes and Unreal Past

. all / both / neither / none

. both... and... / neither... nor... /either.,. or...

Appendixl page 150

Appendixll page 152nr^-,Ili.r -ada l<1


' Words easily confused. British and American English. Verbs + prepositions

. Lexical set (sports)

. Stron! adjectives

. Expressions with m ake ar.,d do

. Words easily confused

. Nouns deriving from verbs

. Lexical set (geographicalfeatures)

. Words easily confused

' Lexical sets (animals, units ofmeasurement)

. Reporting verbs

. Phrasal verbs with aP

. Lexical set (words related tocflme)

. Expressions with the word time

. Be + prepositions

. Words easily confused

. Compound nouns

. Nouns describing occupations

. Prepositional phrases with atand in

. Adjective suffixes

. Adjectives and prepositions

. Lexical set (appearance andfashion)

. Expressions / Collocations withkeep and hold

. Collocations with loseand miss

. Expressions with the word way

. Phrases / Expressions with txosta d least

' Idioms. Lexical set (parts ofthe body). Words easily confused. Phrasal verbs

. Questions and Question words 'Negative Prefixes and suffixes' Indirect questions. Past Simple. used to - be/get used to

' Past Progressive ' Phrasal verbs with on and off. Past Simple vs. Past . Collocations with say and tellProgressive . Ad.jectives formed from nouns -

. Relative clauses Nouns formed from adiectives

. Adjectives - Adverbs ofmannel Similes

. Comparisons 'Words related to natural disasters

PairworkCulture pages

page 133page 135

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' A magazine article aboutthe Window of the\\'orld theme park

. \ rlagazine article about\rhat colours mean

' -\n extract from thenorel lvanhoe

. Three short texts abouteleryday heroes

' Four short texts aboutloung peoplet free timeactivities

. \ nr:o:zinp ertirlpgiving advice about joblntefviel\ls

. Four advertisementsabout volunteering forthe environment

. .\ nagazine article aboutendangered species

' .\D extract from thebook Tlrc Phanton ofilte Opera

' .\ newspaper articleabout an unusualDUrgtar

. -{n advertisement for aguided bicycle tour

. -\ magazine article about'beaming', the transportofthe future

' A magazine article aboutlearning English byusing new technology

' -{ magazine article abouthigh-tech dining

. Four short texts aboutsuperstitions

' ,\ nagazine article abouttelepathy between twins

Listening. Par t ofa radio progranrme about

English used as an internationallanguage

. People talking in differentsituations

' A radio interview about funnycomic book super-heroes

. A conversation betla'een tlvofiiends about an adventurousholiday

' A radio interview

. Six short conversations

. A job interview' People talking in different


. People talking in differentsltuatlons

. People talking about differentaspects oflife in the future

' A conversation between a studentand his science teacher aboutglobal warning

'A tour guide giving information. A radio play. A radio programme about the

Bern.tuda Triangle

. People talking in differentsituations

' Six short conversations. People talking in different


' A radio iqterview about a pro.jectcalled'One Laptop Per Child'

. A conversation between twopeople about a computer-animated filn.r

. A conversation between twopeople about fashion technology

. A telephone conversationbetween a giri and her aunt

. People talking about theifhoroscopes

. People talking in differer.rtsituations

Speaking. Comparing photographs

Discussing language learning. Discussing different lifestyles

Writing. Developing a

paragr aph. An e-mail based on

prompts (informal)

. Discussing different kinds ofheroes and expressing opir-rion

. Speculating about the missingparts ofa comic strip andnarratirlg a story

. Speculating and making adecision (Choosing activitiesand facilities to be offered by ayouth centre)

. Speculating and ilaking a

decision (Choosing the mostsuitable applicant fbr a job)

. Speculating and making a

decision (Choosing aneco tourism holiday)

. Comparing photographs -Discussing environmentalproblems and sources of energy

. Speculating and making a

decision (Choosing wl.richlandtrark to visit)

. Talking about a strange eventby expanding on input given

. Con-rparing means of transportand discussing advantages anddisadvantages

. Comparing photographs -Discussing holiday destinationsand holiday types

. Discussing different aspects ofmodern life

. Speculating and nakinga decision (Choosingwhich devices to takc on a

backpacking trip)

'Discussing problems - Askingfor and giving advice

. Speculating and r.naking a

decision (Choosing r'r'hichbooks to lead)

' A description of aperson

. An infornal letterincluding a narrative

. An informal Iettergiving news

. A letter ofapplication

. An e-mail based onprompts (informal)

'An article

. A description of aplace

. A story

expressing opinion. An essay expressing

. A l"ir"' /i^ rh.editor) expressingoplnr0n

. A semi-formal letter/ e mail based onpromPts

. A letter. givingadvlce

. A book levierv

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Iluman nature

Planet Earth

Window on the world

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Window on the world._l:r,as'




\\Ioulcl llr like to tlrvcl alound the

wolld? \\'hr' / \\'hv not?

Ho1\,can the English langu.rge help

vou lear-l nrore aborLt t]re t orlcl?

ir mlgirzine lrticlc aLrout hhat colours nreirn

a short text ilbout sel!ing teii in Jalrrla nra.girzinc irrticle irborLt;r thcrlc P,rIk

ICS . . 1r,,, l{ ',1.l .'!, 1.r,. ||. |. t i r . .rr..

learn ho\\, lo express enthusilrsrn, nlrkisuggestions ard gile clirection s

t .l'.,.rr ..r - r. -, Ic..r. i . '',1, i , r'r.r

cultnres and lilestrleslcanr to distinguish bctleen pernranent irrdtclrpo rrr! srtu iltlo n s

learn hoN to fetel to piist liirl)its .1nLl cvcnls

lear-d ho$ lo rsli (lllestioltS inlblmirllr rndformallrLelrn kr l'rite a plrlgrlph lntl ln inlor'nrrrl

e rllil blsecl on IromptrrcqLrire skills rnd stlrtegies th.rt ui11 help

ttru in erlttts

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-: j ro: reaolng

A. Discuss.. \{here are the follorving landmar ks?

\Vhat do you knoiv abolrt them?

the Taj N{ahal the AcfoPolisthe Grand Canyon the Eiffel Tower

Niagara Falls the Egyptian Pyramids

. \\rhich ofthcm ivould you like to visit

rrost? \vh,v?

B, Read the article quickly and answerthe question below.

What is the pur pose of the article?

a. to educate thc r-eader

b. to infbrm irnd entertain the readel

c. to encourase pcople to visit China

This week, in our series on the world's most famous

theme parks, we are visiting The Window of the World

therne parkin Shenzhen, China'

This certainly is a theme park with a difference. The

Window of the World contains over 130 replicas of the

most famous natural and man made sites in the world'

all squeezed onto about 480,000 square metres. Some ofthe replicas are the actual size of the sites while others

are smaller. In one afternoon, you can visit the Eiffel

Tower, walk around the Grand Canyon and marvel at

the Egyptian Pyran.ids. The Aclopolis is here along

with Niagara Falls.

'\{e want visitors to see aild erperience places and

cultures they may not be able to actually Set to inperson. Not everyone can visit every famous landnarkin the world in one lifetime and that is why this park is

attractive to many visitors, both Chinese nationals and

foreigners,' commented N4r Chin, one ofthe managers.

The Windou' of the World theme park combines bothfun aird education. There are regular exhibitions about

famous people in history, and the park often holds

festivals which focus on dilferent countries and cultural

c. Read the articte again. Decide whether the following statementsare true, false or not mentioned in the article. Write T, F or NM in

the boxes.

This article is the onll'one in the magazine on the toPic oftheme plrks ofthe u'orld.

2. All the exhibits on shou,ate lhe same size as the originals

The organisers ofthe park rl'art visitors to lealn sonethingaborrt different countries in the world. : :.

\bu ciln try out food from different par.ts ofChina in tbe park.

Visitors can take part in sportirtg activities in t1.re park.

I l-r'r i'itur..tre ctrthtr' J.l;L.rrrL'ul ll'e pJrl

themes. Visitors also have the opPortunity to try out food from

all over the rvorld in one ofthe many restaurants.

'This week we are holding Indian Week,' explained one of the

organisers. 'Visitors can learn all about lndian culture, customs

and traditions. We are offering lndian food all rveek and there is

also a special exhibition on famous Indians in history.'

Vi.ilor\ to the park not onl) hate lhe opPorlunity to cee nldny

famous sites and learn a lot about different world cultures, but

they also have the chance to take Part in many adventure triPs

in the park.

'We are waiting to go down the Colorado River by boat and

some friends of outs ate skiing in the Alpine Ski Resort,' said

one visitor. 'We actually come from Shenzhen and we thinkthispark is a great benefit for our region. We rvill probably never be

able to visit all ofthese places ourselves, so it is leally interesting

for us. Some friends of ours are visiting us next u'eek from the

USA and we are going to bring them to see tlle park' too!'

In this theme park it really is a'small world'l




Jt's a

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U. Lo0k at the tottowing words/phraseshightighted in the article and choosethe correct meaning d or b.rsflicasa. copies

b. pictures

:aueezed or]to

a. i-itting into a small space

b. covering

,.. a_.ar\el at

a. ',ronder about

b. a.irnire


a. :Lr be in a particular situationb. to remember a situation

:. :,,:nbinesa. r!)ins togethel


a. --ontrols


:. Discuss.

' .1 ,.d \ ou like to visit the Window of::.. ir orld theme park? Why / Why not?

' . :; r' ould r-ou like to do there?

vocabulary & grammar

@IA. Look at the article on page 6 and answer the following questions.1. What does the Window of the World theme park con.tbine? Which tense is

used? Why?2, What are some visitors doing norv? Which tense is used? Why?

3. Which tense is commonly used with adverbs of frequency G.g, oftetl,


4. Why does the manager use the Plesent Simple when he says 'We want thevisitor to see and experience places....'? What is'special' about the verb rtant

B, Read about the uses ofthe Present 5imple and the Present Progressiveand think of one more examDle for each use.


repeated habitual actions, e.g. ... the park often holds festivak...general truths, e.g, The Moon goes round the Earth,

now, e.g. We are waiting to go downTF






fiFntrfi[rcE-€_ :Complete th€ diatogue with the Present Simple or the PresentProgressive of the verbs in brackets.Alice: Hi. Garv. What a surDrise to see vou in the public libraryl What

0) 'you / do) here 'o ea111 in the rn.rrnirtgi

Gary: Yeah, well I (2) (travel) to India with nlyparents next month al1d they (3) (want)

me to learn a bit about lndian history and culture.

Alice: You are so lucky! I (4) (lor e) to tr avel. but I(never get) the chance to go anywhere.

the \ummer, but good luck!

Alice: ThanLs. Br the r.ay. tlt (you / need) any

So, rvhat brings you to the library?Oh, I'm here rn ith Kelly. We (6) (not go.)

anyrvhere this sulnmel so we decided to look for a job. We

help finding books about India? I'd be glad to help.

No, I'll be OK.

l. actions





Clrcte the word that best completes eachs€ntence.

:. -\'hen I go to a restaurant, I always like to

tn-on / try out something different on the:tenu.

l. Susan asked the shop assistant if she couldIn'on / try out the blue sandals.

- he Spring Festival will takepart /take place in Braxton Park.

"r'ould vou ever take part / take place rn a

:e.riitv shotv?

- he organisers wait / expect that more:rrn 5,000 people will attend the concert.

it e'r'e been here for 30 minutes. I can'tl ait / expect any longer.

Foreigners / Strangers need a visa toanter the country.

-: is common for mothers to tell their:hijdren not to talk to foreigners /strangers.

2. temporary situations, e,g, This week we are holding an Indiqn week.

3. future arrangements, e.g. Some friends of ours are t isiting us next week,,.


Read the rule below and find examDles of stative verbs in the article.

The following verbs express states - not actions - and are notcommonly used in progressive tenses.. see, hear, smell, taste, notice, seem,look (=seem). liLe. di'like. love. hate. want, need. preler. mind

believe, know, rernember, forget, think (-believe), understand, hope,mean, imaginebe, have (=possess), belong, cost


\nr l^.r. a bad habil / custom o[ nol Iurning

'rii the TV r.vhen she is not watching.

,.lir ing someone a gift on their birthday is a

. 'n r-nor habit / custom in moqt .ou nt rie..

f orre on, Uncle George, tell us a history /stor,v about your childhood.

I alrr'aYs like to learn about the history /storY olthe cities I visit.

(7) (apply) for a part time job here.

Gary: I (8)


lrot think) I'd like to work during

Well, bye then. And I (lo)

.vour trip to Indial

permanent situalions, e.g. Mr Chin lives in Chino.

(hope) you enjoy

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A. Discuss.,Hisinyorleeveraskeclyoulbrclir.cctionsinEnglish?Htnvdid,vour.eact?Did,Younlirna.qelohelptherrl?. Do ,vou fincl it har.cl to give dir.ectiors? \{hy / Wh,v not?

B. Lookatthe pictureand guess.Then, tisten to the diatogue and check your answers' ,-i\{here are the rvotrrerl?

\\rhdt is the telatiottship tretu'eetl thenr?

What are the,v talking about?

Chelsea Ercuse r.ne, could you help tne?

Rosie Sule. You'r'e not fron !uound hele' lre you?

Chelsea No, li.n from the States.

Rosie I thought so, I could tell by )'our irccent Are

,vou enjoying London?

Chelsea Yes, it's al'esome l $'ettt to Buckingharn

Palace yesterda,v.

Rosie Really? Hoiv did You find it?

Chelsea Ern.rm... \{ith a maP.

Rosie No, sorl]', i mean horv n'rs it? Did you cnjoy it?

Chelsea I sr.ue did.Rosie So, what can I do to helP?

Chelsea Cor.rld yor.r tell n.re rvhere Abbe,v Road is?

Rosie Ah, are you looking for the zebra crossing?

Chelsea The zebra doing what?

Rosie I tDean the pedestrian clossing' thc firmous

one from the Beatles albun covet.

Chelsea No, actuall,v Iin )ooking for an old fi iend's

ilP rrlll'enl 5he lir<. tltcrc.

Rosie Well, it's only a tive-minute rvalk fron herc'

Co down here and turn right at the statioil

Then, take the seconcl turning on )'our l ight'

That's AbbeY Road

Chelsea Thanks. fnst one uore thing. Can,vou tell nre

rvhat this means? Sl.re saicl she lived at A'l '

Nbbel Road. What\ that?

Rosie A.T.? Wllo wrote thit?

Chelsea I did. Nt-Y friend told me on the plrone' but I

didn't have tine to ask. .

Rosie Ahl I knolt. lt's eigh4'Abbey Road'

Chelsea I clon't get it.

Rosie The nr.rnrber 80.

Chelsea Ohl 80. \Ve speak the sarne language but

sornetirnes it's hard to flgurc otlt \\lhat yotire


listening & reading



4. Wl.rere is Abbey Road on the map belorv?


5. lVhat confu-secl Chelsea aborrt her fi'iendt address?

Read the diatogue again and answer the questions betow'

What cloes Chelsea think ofhcr trip to London so far?

Which trvo things caused a t-ttisunderstanding betrveen

Rosie ar.rd Cheisea?

Why does Rosie mention the Be zrtles' Abbey Road albun.r


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Look at the fotlowing words fromihe dialogue and choose thecorrect meaning a, b or c.

r a\Olle:. -rrr lulr. -intastic,..-()rin!l

::.tftr'ncnt:. .,ifice

:. : l.rr

:.-rnriltlLril t qel it.

:. - .lon't ilgree.

r. i i.iD't go ther-e.

:. . .1on't understand.

- _:ft otLI

-r. ..r.1ersland

t.:_,i.tl:. : aPe.lt

--e words in bold in sentences 1-12 are:-erican English. Match them with their:' tish equivatents a-[.






a. ChelseLr's Jriend does.

l>. The zebra.

c. Pedestrian crossing.

d. An old Ji ie nd.

.,:lu lIn--i tlol_:l


g. cll]emah. holidayi. mobile phone

i. crispsk. footballl. trainers


-.rn \ oll take the garbage outz.. , stalting to smell.

. . r neecl to get gas before r.e.:.: r t our.iorirne\'.

;;,D't believe there's only onemol'ie theater in the u'hole tortlt.

-rnc! lnvone want cof_fee or'.:rould I ask for the check?

" hcre did you go on vacation

-l\t SUllrmer?

'1.' hi1\'e to take the stilils..:;.tLrse the elevator is Lloken.

\l\ brother gets a nov cell phone:riifh e\,cl y t\\,o months.

)o voLL \\'ant a bag ofchips r,vith. Lrur sandrrich?-innl

is €ioirrg to start college in:he fall.

'he next soccer pfacticc rvill be

lhufsda) at 8:00, OK?

I neecl to buy sone nerv sneakersritble school stitrts.

\\-hich pants should I rvear l'ithihis shirt?

Hnr' nranr egg. do rle neid fL,r lhe rJke?




Do vou knorv

How mueh did thrt lrcket cost?

l. \\'here i\ the bus.top?Do vou knoil

Can you

Can you4. Whl is Sa1l,v cr.ving?

5. When is Karen's birLhday?l)o you reil-iembel

vocabulary & grammar

Match the questions 1-4 with the answers a-d.\fho lives ttt 80 Abbey Road?

\fln does Chelsea wc lt to tlisit?

\fhich aninal looks like a horse ordlr.:s block sripes?

What does zebra crossing nean?

Look at the questions 1-4 again and circle th€ correct words tocomDlete the rutes betow.

. When we use the question words tr,,44 what, which, how much andhow many to ask about the subiect ofthe verb, the verb is / isn't in thequestion form.

. With other question rvords (wher, where, why, etc.), and when we usethe question words who, what, which, how much and \tow many to askabout the object ofthe verb, the verb is / isnt in the question form.

Read the examples below. What's the difference between the directquestions and the indirect questions (the ones in bold)?Wlrcre is Abbcy Road? ) Cotld you tell me where Abbey Road is?

Wlrdt does this neana ) Catl you tell ne what this means?

V'here clid Torn t!o? -> Do yoLL ktow where Tom went?

A. Write questions for the answers given. The words in bold are the answers.rA_

B: I bought a skirt and a pair ofshoes when I rvent shopping.

t. A:

B: Jane is going to the cinema ivith Fay.

3. A:B: I caught five fish yesterda,v.

4, AlB: I usually go to Cornwall during the sumner.

5. A:B: lbm goes jogging in the morning.

6. A:Br The,v like the blue car.

Rewrite the sentences with the new beginning using indirect questions.

Talk in pairs. Go to page 133.

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':& /9].. _

=.;'o listening & speaking ,.'

=:ffiLA. Read the statements below and guess whether they are true or fatse.

1. One out of ever,v three people ir.r the world speaks English.

2. There are just under one billion people learniirg English.

3. The English lar.rgtLage is used at major sporting events around the world.

4. 7i 'riil.orr l(ller. d rJ po.r.o'J' r tngli'lr .rIe \enr e\erf dd\.

5. More than 750lo ofthe content ofthe Internet is in English.

6. Ver,v ferv non native speakers ofEnglish write articles or blogs on the Internet in English.

7. In the future, Mandarin night be used more than English on the Internet.

B. Now listen to a radio interview with a professor of linguistics and check your answers in exercise A.

C. Discuss.. What purposes do you use English for?


What are tl.re most popular tbreign languages that people learn in your country? Why?\{hat is the nrost commotr way to learn a foreign language?


B. Look at the pictures and talk about the advantages anddisadvantages of each of the ways of tearning a foreignlanguage. You can use the words/phrases in the box.

C. Discuss.

. How do vou learn best, with a teacher in a classroom or studving on 1'our own?

' What rvould,vou change about the wa.v vou are learning English, if you could?

When you are asked to discuss the advanlages and

d sadvalrages o'so-erh''rg. express your opiniorand remember to give reasons. No answer is r ght

or wrong but it should be lustiiied.

pairwork / group rvorkpeaceful atmosphere

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You have decided to take a course in English. Before you start,you have to complete a questionnaire. Read and complete thequestionnaire below. Then, discuss your answers.


How long have you been learning English?

How old are you?

What is your mother tongue?

Have you learnt any other languages before?

\\rhich one(s)? How long for?

Have you ever been to an English speaking

country? Which one(s)?

\\'hat do you find difficult in English?


J reading Dlistening D,peaking [-lrriting D

grammar Dvocabulary Dspellins Dpronunciation [-l



\Vrite a paragraph of approximately 50 wordserplaining why you are learning English.

-rink of as many reasons as possibte why people want to.earn English. Discuss using the ideas in the box.

:.-:L .job/business hobby exams penpals/e pals

.:ud\.abroad music/films/Intelnet makefriends

..EII:When you wrte a paragraph:

> Begln with an introductory sentence.> Then deve op the idea in the

introductory sentence. Explain t,

give reasons (uslng beda{rse, as, thereasan why, etc.) and, f poss b e, give

an example (us ng fot example, fartnstance. such as, eIc.) .


Read the paragraph one student wroteand decide which of the fotlowing thestudent does in his/her paragraph.

ln the first sentence he/she savs

rvhat purpose he/she is learningl'rrgli.h i.,r.

He/She suggests ivavs to inrptove1 ri. he" I r'gli.lr.

3. He/She explains and gives reasonsrvh,v he/she needs English.

He/She gives a specific example.

I ara learnin4 English for job purposes.

lwork as a personal assistant for a

! arg e i vnp o rt - exp o rt c o r"^,p ang. S inc e

Eng(ish is an international language,

we use it to covAt/ u^icate with out

clients in ather countries. For exavaple,

I have to send e-rnails to aur ctle^ts

or speak ta thew\ a^ the telephone in


:l;:::l: i: 1., :.'t=;1

Write a paragraph exptaining why you wantto tearn English to comptete Section B in theouestionnaire in A.