BooK I.] (a woman's hair) ed, [or set off,] and ra~ dd beautifal, her coorw, or compleion: (8:) it (a woman's head-covering, and her hair,) in- creaead, and oed, [or heAtened, and set off,] her beauty: (][:) it (a woman's blacdek head- covering) inc~ her fairnes, and rendered her beautiful. (TA.) And 'jl aid of patience, t It giets beauty and oltmtr to the countenlance. (TA, from a trad.) - Sec also 4, in two places. :2. 1 inf n. i se the preceding paragraph. - lenec,,4J1 $e4 TIe making the commencement of poetry elegant, or ornate, by the mention of women: (L, TA:) or the pri- mary meaning of , is tihe mention of the days of youth and of play or sport, and amatory languae; and it is in the commenncing of odes; and the commencement thereof is so called, abso- lutely, though there be not in it any mention of · ,a youth: (TA:) it meana 1, (9, O,) or *i...;1, , (1., TA, [in the C e, erroneously, (1 ,)i. 0,c. - : (TA:) one say., i.Li ,. ( , , and , [if this be not a mistranscription for ], (TA,) meaning t~ _...;.: (S, O, TA:) [see this fuilly expl. in art. ,_: i. c.] inf. n. means, lie spoake of .tch a fetnale in amatory lanjuage [in the come ncement of his ode], (Myb, TA,) andl tilltdid to the love of her: (Mab :) and ,t '- t lIe emeliwil [the ,ommen:femet f] his ode .y the mcnti;On of womenn: (Mghl, Msh:) and , ` . : [lIe embellidsed the comnwneement of isa ode by mentioning, in amatory ln,guane., suchA a femaA,]: (A, TA:) and V .. A. is used in tie sensc of ; thus a is said to be,.I I [lieautif'l in the mention fn xomen &c.]; and ' -- 3 LA Jereer is said to hlave been t$ L..?t1 J3 1 [The moat elegant of men in the mention of tvomen &c.]. (A, TA.)-.Hence, i.e. fhom ;;1 1 ,., may be derived !1 as a conventional term in the science of the division of inheritances; meaning t The mention of daughAte acrording to tiht difent detjrees [of descent]: (Mgh :) it is as when one says, "he died, and left three daughters of a son, subordinate one to another, and three daughters of a son's son, in like manner, and three daughlters of a son's son's son, in like manner, and the sons (lied and the daughters remained." (0.) _ 1! 3 signifies + The commenc.ing of books, or nritinp: and hence &lq.. q ,, occarring in a trad., meaning t Ire commenced ansrering him: not from the t of women in poetry. (TA.) 4. 3I ', 1 God madet him, or may God mahe 4 him, to become a youth, or young man; i.e., to attain to the tate termed meanig as eapL bdeow: and ° a 4 1 1G meansm the same: i (9, A, TA:) the latter [lit. means God made, or may God mahe, his pqual in age to be~ome a ~oth, &., (see l;ar p. 572,) and therefore] is a tropical. (A, TA.) - '- !0: I eU~ited the hors to be brisk, lively, or sprightly, and to rami huA fore leg toyether, as though Ain laping, and to play. (S 1 TA.) -;it _l: see 1.. ;jl #,1, in£ n.,,4 P ;alsao t ,; tTAie man appeared befoire mny upraised eyes wihen not alt holpedfor. (AZ, TA.)_ And a and Such a thing ws mpreparcd, o a nted, or ordaincd,for mne. (8, ,* TA.) ; lIc became one whhose child, or childrecn, had attained to thte state of %,X! [i c. youth¢, or yowng numn- hood, &c.]: (K:) [or] ;sw Jq. aj _l $ the man became one wAr~e children had attained to that state: (S, TA:) and in like manner, t'1; _ is said of a woman. (TA.) - AmlInd said of [the species of bovine antelope called] the wild bull, (S, J,) lIe beme wsuh as is termed ,... [q. v.], i. e., (?,) he became advauced in aye, or JtrU-grcmn; ( _, >- , K;) one whose state termed e 1 U.- [q. v.] had ended (S.) 5. [J1 TI1cefire became kindled; or made to burn, burn up, burn brightly orjfercely, blaze, or.flame: see also 1.] One says on the ocension of kindling firc, * .1 . a . [Be t4ou kindled like the state of kindlinag of the calumny that Temr brought to Temeemeln: but to whiat this alludes I know not]: it is like the sayilng, Ig 411, 1 [Ile kindled a fire with calumny]. (A, TA.) - Sec also 2. 10. It is said in a trad., .,tZs, o J,e . =i1 SLa [The boys' giving testimony against those that arcfull grown is allowable, whAen th/y (the former) are (kenwed to have attained to tie state of youtlh, or yIoun/ nmen]: it is as thoughl it were said that if they take upon themselves the bearing witness in boyhood, and grive their testimony when full grown, it is allow- able: (TA:) or means they shall be sought youths, nuch dJ have attained to p7uberty, or maturity, in the case of giving testimoniy: or the!y sllaU be waited for, in the case of giving testimony, until the pertod of becoming youths, or young men. (Mgh.) - And it is said in another trad., JQe11 Ls,iiwl 2 1t1 i. e. Sit upon your shanks as one does when preparing to rime, not stooping with the n'4ole boly near to the yround; [having your feet only u7pon the 7rund; in the roiding of urine:] from , . ,iA1t meaning "the horse raised his fore-legs together from the ground." (TA.) R. Q. L 4 .e coniplted [a thing]; (AA, c 0, 1C;) said of a man. (AA, TA.) c , anditsfem.L.* :see vA..iAlsoThe stones % tl [or vitriol]: (:) or the stonesfrom which .lj and the like thereof are obtained; the best whereof is that which is broughit from El-Yemen, i vhicha is white , and i vry glitening: (TA:) s a -- a a .3 [but ,. W, Uas also .. alone, is a namre now commonly given to alum:] or it is a certain thing resembling . j: (9, M,b:) or a .pc,i theref: aeeorl. to El-FArbee, the stones from wAhic/ come Cl and tie lihe: As says, it is one of tAe mineral prolduced by God in the earth, wiith widchA one tans, and resnnblin lg, and the name [correctly] heard is thus, with ,, but is by some mistranseribed with the three-dotted :., [i. e. -. ,] which is a kindl of tree of bitter taste, and I know not whether one tans with it or not: accord. to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with , this word is a mistranscription; for &. is a dye, and one does not tan with a dye; it is mis- transcribed for w,i, wich is a kind of tree like the dwarf apple-tree, whereof the leaves are like those of the hi.. [q. v.], and with them one tans: El-Fftrfitbee also says, in the section of :, that the %: is a species of mountain-tree, with wilich one tans: 1rom all whiichi it appears that one tans with both of them; for an affirmation is to be preferred to a negation: (M?b :) and it is a well-kno,n nedicine; (K, TA;) as some say: so aeeord. to the correct copies of the K, in some of which, f; is put for ,,;. (TA.) .b and rt, though originally verbsl, are uset d as nouns, b,y the introdtuction of .a before dithem: one says, ,,, JI , _--- ,l and , ". T ' o [expll. in art. ,)]: ( :) and in liko mnianncr they are used in alother sayin,,g expl. in art. ,uJ [q. v.]: (S in that art.:) or, witholit tenween, they may be regarded as vYe-rs used in the way of1 ~ [or imitation]. (MF.) qGa- ., The buning, burning up, burning bI.igttly or .fiercly, blaz:;ny, orjfilamit, of fire. (TA.) , nd * a., pplied to a [bovine nntelope of the species called the] wild bull, (AV, S, .j,) and to a sheep or goat, (],) and tV .- , applied to the former, and t , (AR, S, I,) some- times, applied to the former, (As, ,i,) or to both, ) Advanced in aYe, ord.row K,) whos statc termed J;L;l [q. v.] hbs endeld; (As, S ;) and a~' is in like manner applied to · * . . 0 · a she-camel as meaning '.: (TA:) or .. (AA, ],) applied to both, (.K,) as also , (TA,) or to a ,ull, (AA,) is syn. with t ?.t meaning yotltful, or in the prime of ife]: (AA, ], TA:) and accorl. to AO, ,, applied to a bull, means that has attained to the end of .. ; [i.e. youthfulnes, or the primne of life]: (S, TA:) or, as some say, that has attained to the end of his full growth and strength; as also ~', , which is likewise applied to the female; or, accord. to A.iHt and ISh, when he is a year old, and weaned, he is called ,. ; and then, [meaning more than a year old]; and the emale, L . (TA.) ,.I and 1 'a. ~ [both mentioned above as nf.ns.] (, M qb, )[rnd t .4t~ which isa simple ubst.] Youth, yoA.fiulne, the prime of man- tmpieal. (A, TA.) u~ the [but u also .MIW C,11 %,.Z alone, is a name now bra to be brisk, lirdy, or sprightly, and to mim commonly given to alum:] or it is a mrtain ltis fore kp toyether, tu ~ ,A in kaping, and thing rmn&blijvj C:1j: (9, Meb:) or a qwim --- 1 W to Iday. ],0 TA.) -;W$ %,~'1: see 1. - thereof: acwr(l. to El-Fddbee, the stono Witicia come C:9 and tito Uks: Aa says, it is OM man appeared before iny upraiwd eyes miten nd of tAe minffam protlueed by God in the earth, 1 1 a i witia which one tans, and r~ blivg Lrg, and the holpedfo,r. (AZ, TA.) -And I.IS and 9 . name [correetly] beard is thus, with ,o, btit is by . : Such a thing am prepared, or appointed, %t~p some mistranseribed with the tlaree-dotted b, or ordained, for ine.. (.1R, X(,* TA.). tlic A 1 [i. e. wliich is a kincl of tree of bitter tute. became one whow child, or chihirete, had attained and I know not whether one tam with it or not: to tite stage of %,A;! [L c. youth, or yowng twin- accord. to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with hood, &c.]: (K:) [or] ' "I bar~'40 *tite man %L~, this word is a mistranscription ; for Jr,'S is a bemme one witom- children ltad altaipted to ilial dye, and one (loco not tnn witli a dye; it is mis- stage: (?, TA:) and in like maiiner,' tjlg.31 transeribed for wljiclt iet a kind of tree liko .1 ' 9 is said of a woman. (TA.) -And '; said of the dwarf applc-trec, whereof the leaves are liko bf~ [the species of bovijie antelope called] the wild those of the %J& [q. v.], and with them one bull, bemme sucit as is termed tans: El-FIar(thee also says, in the ~ ion of to, [q. v.], i_ e., he becaine adva?wc(i in aye, or that the is a species of mountain-tree, with one termed wiiicii one taxis: lom all wliicli it appears that ejU%1 [q. v.] ha ended. one tans with hoLh of them; for an aflirmation is [,s61 to be preferred to a negation: (Mel):) and it is a ' . J'77tefire became kindled; or well-knonw wedicine ; (K, TA;) as gome gay: inade to burn, buris up, burn brightly orjercely, so aowrtl. to the correct copies of the ], in some of blaze, or.flame: we also L] Oate says on the wliiela, oli is put for.'!;. (TA.) occasion of kindling fire, and thouggh originally vcrlw, are used by the introditetion of a as iaouns, , lx, ore diem 'S A . a j a 6,6 a .0 s a one Bays, To> es! and "..Z [Be tlwu ~ led like the state of kindling of th, > 11 [exlil. 11) arL %,oj]: (?:) and`in liko calun#ny that Temr broriqlit to Temeemeh: but nianner they are used in axiother sayiti- expl. in to wiiat this alludes 1 know not]: it is like the art. ,ob [q. v.]: (? in thFtt art.:) or, widiolit 'c ' ` tenwoen, they may be regarded as YerN used in sayilig, 1, * ' j331 [11# 7iindled a fire ndth thewayof41&.[orimitation]. (MF.) calumny]. (A, TA.) -See also 2. '00 4Z The bundug, burning tel), burning bi.iqlttl 10. It is said in a tmd., ;it,.5 ' ` y orjkpcoly, bla--;ny, orjltzmiW, of fire. (TA.) 1 Uk& [The boys' gioikmj tottimony agaiiist w.lien thmy (tlie foriner) are rkented to ha; of the species called the] wild btall, (AV, , nj attained to tlw state of youths, or ?Iorii,1 nien] : and to a alicep or goat, and V it is as tliougli it were said that if tlicy tnke tipon 1 themst.lyce the bearing witnem in boyhood, and to the former, and 'r "-t!, (AR, 8, Ifj sorne- brive their tutimony wlien full giown, it is allow- times, applied to the former, (As, 8,) or to hoth, able: (TA:) or means flicy xliaU Advanced in aye, or row.pi, sou K,) witom state termed ejCI [q. V.] has en(lcil; ght youths, nick a& lsave altainetl to puberty, 0 or maturity, in the case of giving tentimotiy: or (Aft, S;) avid V 1~1" is in like manner applied to .1 9.2 0 4 j fit.nj sliaU lm waited fipr, in the case of giving a she-camel as meaning a.*: (TA:) or f testimony, ttntit tito lxrqod of beconting youths, .5 _. or young men. (Mgh.) And it is said in (AA, XC,) applied to both, (1,) as ztlso V"J-R another trad., Q01 LlU M -",- ! TAJ or to a bull, (AA,) is syn. with V Sit ulum your sltanks as one dom when preparing [meaning yoritisful, or in the priine of jife]: to rim, not stooping with the nyltole bmly ttear to (AA, ], TA:) and accor(l. to AO, ' " by~ applied the g~nd; [haMg pur fmt only wipon th, to a bull, means that has attained to elw end of a ' in the voiding of urine:] from 0.,;1;1 [i. e. youthfulnem, or tioe printe of life] %~ (8, TA:) or, as some any, litat has attaine ,*j01 meaning 11 the horse raised his fore-legs d to 1 end of his f411 groyrth and strength; u also togedier from the ground." (TA.) 0 J, ,o whicii is likewise applied to the female; R. Q. L 1Te completed [a tliing] ; (AA, or, accord. to Ayit asid ISh, when ho in a yetar D, ];) said of a man. (AA, TA.) old, and weaned, lie in called and then, %^,Z [meatiing more titan a ymr oldl ; and the anditofem.4Z:see%,jU.z=AlisoThestom female, L (TA.) !f Lrtj [or vitriol]: (n:) or the sionesfronswhich elg and th like tiweif are obtained; the best ,j1A and [both mentioned above as ;Iwtwf is that mAich is brouglit fmm El-.Ymm, inf ns.] (?, Mqb, ]i[rnd V which is a simple vhicia is white %r~" , and io wnj glistening : (TA :) subst.] Youth, YOWAfulnm, the prime of mait- [but as .1. alone, is a name now commonly given to alum:] or it is a mrtain titing resembling C:1j: (9, Meb:) or a qwio thereof: acoonl. to El-Fddbee, the donm~ which come C:9 and tito hhe: Aa says, it is ou of tAe minffam protlueed by God in the earth, witia which one tans, and r~ bli.99 Lrg, and the name [correetly] beard is thus, with ,o, btit is by some mistranseribed with the tlaree-dotted ZO, A 1 [i. e. %",] wiiich is a kincl of tme of bitter tastop and I know not whether one tam with it or not: acwrd. to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with tllis word is a mistranscription ; for & is a dye, and one (loco not tnn witli a dye; it is mis. tmnseribed for wljiclt iet a kind of tree liko the dwarf applc-trec, whereof the leaves are like those of the %J& [q. v.], and with them one tans: El-F.'tr(tl)ee also says, in the ~ion of to, that the %E.1 is a species of mountain-tree, with wiliell one tails: lom all wliicli it appears that one tans with hoLh of them; for an aflirmation is to be preferred to a negation: (Mql):) and it is a well-knonw wedicine ; (K, TA;) as some eay : so aowrtl. to the correct copies of the ], in some of wliiela, oli is put for 63';. (TA.) .A %,.b and thouggh originally vcrlw, are used as iaouns, by the introditetion of 4a 1mfore dicm: one oays, %,j,> J1;, es _~---1 and "..Z .To> Ut [exlil. it) arL and`in liko A nianner they are used in axiother sayiti- expl. in art. ,jb [q. v.]: ($ in thFtt art.:) or, widiolit tenwoen, they may be regarded u YerN used in thewayof41&.[orimitation]. (MF.) 19Z The bundug, burning wj), burning bi.iglttl orjkp.coly, bla--;ny, orjltzmiW, of fire. (TA.) and applied to a [bovine nntelope of the species called the] wild btall, (AV, $, nj and to a alicep or goat, QZ,) and V 41.4.1 1 11 pplied a 1 1 to the former, and (AR, 8, Ifj some- times, applied to the former, (As, 8,) or to hoth, (K ro*,u. Advanced in aye, or K,) witom state termed CJLl [q. V.] has en(lcil; j (Aft, S;) avid V a~.' is in like manner applied to 1 . 9.2 0 4 j 1she-camel as meaning a.*: (TA:) or f 'AA, ],) applied to both, (1,) as ztlso V ,'TAJ or to a bull, (AA,) is syn. with 'P meaning yoritisful, or in the priine of iife] AA, ], TA:) and accor(l. to AO, b' npplied a a bull, means flint has attained to t/w enel of e. youthfulnem, or tioe printe of life] TA:) or, as some any, fitat has attained to 'he end of his fuU groyrth and strength ; u also 0 J, ,o whicii is likewise applied to the female; )r, accord. to Ayit asid ISh, when ho in a yetar dd, and weaned, lie in called and then, [meatiing more titan a ymr olil) ; and the W- hmale, L (TA.) ,,#IA and V 1'n~'* [both mentioned above as nf ns.] (?, Mqb, ]i[rnd V k'.4t'~'4 which is a simple 1 ubst.] Yowk, yowAfadnm, the prime of mait- be~ 1493

!0: --a .3 ,. $e4 (S.) · 2005. 11. 26. · to be brisk, lirdy, or sprightly, and to mim commonly given to alum:] or it is a mrtain ltis fore kp toyether, tu ~ ,A in kaping, and thing

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Page 1: !0: --a .3 ,. $e4 (S.) · 2005. 11. 26. · to be brisk, lirdy, or sprightly, and to mim commonly given to alum:] or it is a mrtain ltis fore kp toyether, tu ~ ,A in kaping, and thing

BooK I.]

(a woman's hair) ed, [or set off,] and ra~dd beautifal, her coorw, or compleion: (8:)it (a woman's head-covering, and her hair,) in-creaead, and oed, [or heAtened, and set off,]her beauty: (][:) it (a woman's blacdek head-covering) inc~ her fairnes, and rendered

her beautiful. (TA.) And 'jl aid ofpatience, t It giets beauty and oltmtr to thecountenlance. (TA, from a trad.) - Sec also 4,in two places.

:2. 1 inf n. i se the preceding

paragraph. - lenec,,4J1 $e4 TIe makingthe commencement of poetry elegant, or ornate,by the mention of women: (L, TA:) or the pri-mary meaning of , is tihe mention of thedays of youth and of play or sport, and amatorylanguae; and it is in the commenncing of odes;and the commencement thereof is so called, abso-lutely, though there be not in it any mention of

· ,ayouth: (TA:) it meana 1, (9, O,) or

*i...;1, , (1., TA, [in the C e, erroneously,

(1 ,)i. 0,c. - : (TA:) one say.,

i.Li ,. ( , , and , [if this be

not a mistranscription for ], (TA,) meaningt~ _...;.: (S, O, TA:) [see this fuilly expl. inart. ,_: i. c.] inf. n.means, lie spoake of .tch a fetnale in amatorylanjuage [in the come ncement of his ode],(Myb, TA,) andl tilltdid to the love of her:(Mab :) and ,t '- t lIe emeliwil [the,ommen:femet f] his ode .y the mcnti;On ofwomenn: (Mghl, Msh:) and , ` .: [lIe embellidsed the comnwneement of isa ode bymentioning, in amatory ln,guane., suchA a femaA,]:(A, TA:) and V .. A. is used in tie sensc of

; thus a is said to be,.I I [lieautif'l in the mention fn xomen &c.]; and

' -- 3 LAJereer is said to hlave been t$ L..?t1 J3 1 [Themoat elegant of men in the mention of tvomen &c.].(A, TA.)-.Hence, i.e. fhom ;;1 1 ,., maybe derived !1 as a conventional term in thescience of the division of inheritances; meaningt The mention of daughAte acrording to tihtdifent detjrees [of descent]: (Mgh :) it is aswhen one says, "he died, and left three daughtersof a son, subordinate one to another, and threedaughters of a son's son, in like manner, andthree daughlters of a son's son's son, in likemanner, and the sons (lied and the daughtersremained." (0.) _ 1! 3 signifies + Thecommenc.ing of books, or nritinp: and hence

&lq.. q ,, occarring in a trad., meaning t Irecommenced ansrering him: not from the tof women in poetry. (TA.)

4. 3I ', 1 God madet him, or may God mahe 4him, to become a youth, or young man; i.e.,to attain to the tate termed meanig aseapL bdeow: and ° a 4 1 1G meansm the same: i(9, A, TA:) the latter [lit. means God made, ormay God mahe, his pqual in age to be~ome a ~oth, &., (see l;ar p. 572,) and therefore] is a

tropical. (A, TA.) - '- !0: I eU~ited thehors to be brisk, lively, or sprightly, and to ramihuA fore leg toyether, as though Ain laping, andto play. (S 1 TA.) -;it _l: see 1..

;jl #,1, in£ n.,,4 P ;alsao t ,; tTAie

man appeared befoire mny upraised eyes wihen not


holpedfor. (AZ, TA.)_ And a andSuch a thing ws mpreparcd, o a nted,

or ordaincd,for mne. (8, ,* TA.) ; lIcbecame one whhose child, or childrecn, had attainedto thte state of %,X! [i c. youth¢, or yowng numn-hood, &c.]: (K:) [or] ;sw Jq. aj _l $ the manbecame one wAr~e children had attained to thatstate: (S, TA:) and in like manner, t'1; _is said of a woman. (TA.) - AmlInd said of[the species of bovine antelope called] the wildbull, (S, J,) lIe beme wsuh as is termed ,...

[q. v.], i. e., (?,) he became advauced in aye, or

JtrU-grcmn; ( _, >- , K;) one whose state termede1 U.- [q. v.] had ended (S.)

5. [J1 TI1cefire became kindled; ormade to burn, burn up, burn brightly orjfercely,blaze, or.flame: see also 1.] One says on theocension of kindling firc,

* .1 . a .

[Be t4ou kindled like the state of kindlinag of thecalumny that Temr brought to Temeemeln: butto whiat this alludes I know not]: it is like thesayilng, Ig 411, 1 [Ile kindled a fire withcalumny]. (A, TA.) - Sec also 2.

10. It is said in a trad., .,tZs, o

J,e .=i1 SLa [The boys' giving testimonyagainst those that arcfull grown is allowable,whAen th/y (the former) are (kenwed to haveattained to tie state of youtlh, or yIoun/ nmen]:it is as thoughl it were said that if they take uponthemselves the bearing witness in boyhood, andgrive their testimony when full grown, it is allow-

able: (TA:) or means they shall besought youths, nuch dJ have attained to p7uberty,or maturity, in the case of giving testimoniy: orthe!y sllaU be waited for, in the case of givingtestimony, until the pertod of becoming youths,or young men. (Mgh.) - And it is said in

another trad., JQe11 Ls,iiwl 2 1t1 i. e. Sit upon your shanks as one does when preparingto rime, not stooping with the n'4ole boly near tothe yround; [having your feet only u7pon the7rund; in the roiding of urine:] from , .

,iA1t meaning "the horse raised his fore-legstogether from the ground." (TA.)

R. Q. L 4 .e coniplted [a thing]; (AA, c0, 1C;) said of a man. (AA, TA.) c

, anditsfem.L.* :see vA..iAlsoThe stones %

tl [or vitriol]: (:) or the stonesfrom which.lj and the like thereof are obtained; the best

whereof is that which is broughit from El-Yemen, ivhicha is white , and i vry glitening: (TA:) s

a -- a a .3[but ,. W, Uas also .. alone, is a namre nowcommonly given to alum:] or it is a certainthing resembling . j: (9, M,b:) or a .pc,itheref: aeeorl. to El-FArbee, the stones fromwAhic/ come Cl and tie lihe: As says, it is oneof tAe mineral prolduced by God in the earth,wiith widchA one tans, and resnnblin lg, and thename [correctly] heard is thus, with ,, but is bysome mistranseribed with the three-dotted :.,

[i. e. -. ,] which is a kindl of tree of bitter taste,and I know not whether one tans with it or not:accord. to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with, this word is a mistranscription; for &. is adye, and one does not tan with a dye; it is mis-transcribed for w,i, wich is a kind of tree likethe dwarf apple-tree, whereof the leaves are likethose of the hi.. [q. v.], and with them onetans: El-Fftrfitbee also says, in the section of :,that the %: is a species of mountain-tree, withwilich one tans: 1rom all whiichi it appears thatone tans with both of them; for an affirmation isto be preferred to a negation: (M?b :) and it is awell-kno,n nedicine; (K, TA;) as some say:so aeeord. to the correct copies of the K, in some ofwhich, f; is put for ,,;. (TA.)

.b and rt, though originally verbsl, are uset das nouns, b,y the introdtuction of .a before dithem:

one says, ,,, JI , _- --,l and , ".T' o [expll. in art. ,)]: ( :) and in liko

mnianncr they are used in alother sayin,,g expl. inart. ,uJ [q. v.]: (S in that art.:) or, witholittenween, they may be regarded as vYe-rs used inthe way of1 ~ [or imitation]. (MF.)

qGa-., The buning, burning up, burning bI.igttly

or .fiercly, blaz:;ny, orjfilamit, of fire. (TA.)

, nd * a., pplied to a [bovine nntelopeof the species called the] wild bull, (AV, S, .j,)

and to a sheep or goat, (],) and tV .- , applied

to the former, and t , (AR, S, I,) some-times, applied to the former, (As, ,i,) or to both,

) Advanced in aYe, ord.rowK,) whos statc termed J;L;l [q. v.] hbs endeld;(As, S ;) and a~' is in like manner applied to

· * . .0 ·a she-camel as meaning '.: (TA:) or ..

(AA, ],) applied to both, (.K,) as also ,

(TA,) or to a ,ull, (AA,) is syn. with t ?.tmeaning yotltful, or in the prime of ife]:(AA, ], TA:) and accorl. to AO, ,, appliedto a bull, means that has attained to the end of.. ; [i.e. youthfulnes, or the primne of life]:

(S, TA:) or, as some say, that has attained tothe end of his full growth and strength; as also~', , which is likewise applied to the female;or, accord. to A.iHt and ISh, when he is a yearold, and weaned, he is called ,. ; and then,

[meaning more than a year old]; and theemale, L . (TA.)

,.I and 1 'a. ~ [both mentioned above asnf.ns.] (, M qb, )[rnd t .4t~ which isa simpleubst.] Youth, yoA.fiulne, the prime of man-


(A, TA.) u~ the [but u also


C,11 %,.Z alone, is a name now


to be brisk, lirdy, or sprightly, and to mim commonly given to alum:] or it is a mrtain


fore kp toyether, tu ~ ,A in kaping, and thing rmn&blijvj C:1j: (9, Meb:) or a qwim

---1 Wto

Iday. ]�,0 TA.) -;W$ %,~'1: see 1. - thereof: acwr(l. to El-Fddbee, the stono


come C:9 and tito Uks: Aa says, it is OM


appeared before iny upraiwd eyes miten nd of tAe minffam protlueed by God in the earth,


1 a i witia which one tans, and r~ blivg Lrg, and the


(AZ, TA.) -And I.IS and


. name [correetly] beard is thus, with ,o, btit is by


: Such a thing am prepared, or appointed,


some mistranseribed with the tlaree-dotted b,


ordained, for ine.. (.1R�, X(,* TA.). tlic A 1


e. wliich is a kincl of tree of bitter tute.


one whow child, or chihirete, had attained


I know not whether one tam with it or not:


tite stage of %,A;! [L c. youth, or yowng twin- accord. to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with


&c.]: (K:) [or] ��' "I bar~'40 *tite man


this word is a mistranscription ; for Jr,'S is a


one witom- children ltad altaipted to ilial dye, and one (loco not tnn witli a dye; it is mis-


(?, TA:) and in like maiiner,' tjlg.31 transeribed for wljiclt iet a kind of tree liko

.1 ' 9is

said of a woman. (TA.) -And '; said of the dwarf applc-trec, whereof the leaves are liko


species of bovijie antelope called] the wild those of the %J�& [q. v.], and with them one


bemme sucit as is termed tans: El-FIar(thee also says, in the ~ ion of to,


v.], i_ e., he becaine adva?wc(i in aye, or that the is a species of mountain-tree, with


termed wiiicii one taxis: l�om all wliicli it appears that


[q. v.] ha� ended. one tans with hoLh of them; for an aflirmation is


to be preferred to a negation: (Mel):) and it is a


. J'77tefire became kindled; or well-knonw wedicine ; (K, TA;) as gome gay:


to burn, buris up, burn brightly orjercely, so aowrtl. to the correct copies of the ]�, in some of


or.flame: we also L] Oate says on the wliiela, oli is put for.'!�;. (TA.)


of kindling fire,


thouggh originally vcrlw, are used


the introditetion of �a


iaouns, , lx, ore diem


A . a j a 6,6 a .0 s a


Bays, To> es! and "..Z


tlwu ~ led like the state of kindling of th, > 11 [exlil. 11) arL %,oj]: (?:) and`in liko


that Temr broriqlit to Temeemeh: but nianner they are used in axiother sayiti- expl. in


wiiat this alludes 1 know not]: it is like the art. ,ob [q. v.]: (? in thFtt art.:) or, widiolit


' ` tenwoen, they may be regarded as YerN used in


1, �*� ' j331 [11# 7iindled a fire ndth thewayof41�&.[orimitation]. (MF.)


(A, TA.) -See also 2.


3, --- 4Z The bundug, burning tel), burning bi.iqlttl


It is said in a tmd., ;it,.5 ' ` y


bla--;ny, orjltzmi�W, of fire. (TA.)


Uk& [The boys' gioikmj tottimony


eho�- lipat aitt faU grown ii allowable & and V applied to a [bovine nntelope


thmy (tlie foriner) are rkented to ha; of the species called the] wild btall, (AV, �, nj


to tlw state of youths, or ?Iorii�,1 nien] : and to a alicep or goat, and V 4.4.1 1 11 pplied


is as tliougli it were said that if tlicy tnke tipon 1


the bearing witnem in boyhood, and to the former, and 'r "-t!, (AR, 8, Ifj sorne-


their tutimony wlien full giown, it is allow- times, applied to the former, (As, 8,) or to hoth,


(TA:) or means flicy xliaU Advanced in aye, or row.pi,


K,) witom state termed ejCI [q. V.] has en(lcil;


youths, nick a& lsave altainetl to puberty, 0 lb


maturity, in the case of giving tentimotiy: or (Aft, S;) avid V 1~1" is in like manner applied to


9.2 0 4 j


sliaU lm waited fipr, in the case of giving a she-camel as meaning a�.*: (TA:) or f


ttntit tito lxrqod of beconting youths, .5 _.


young men. (Mgh.) And it is said in (AA, XC,) applied to both, (1�,) as ztlso V "J-R


trad., Q01 LlU M -",- ! TAJ or to a bull, (AA,) is syn. with V


ulum your sltanks as one dom when preparing [meaning yoritisful, or in the priine of jife]:


rim, not stooping with the nyltole bmly ttear to (AA, ]�, TA:) and accor(l. to AO, ' " 4 '




g~nd; [haMg pur fmt only wipon th, to a bull, means that has attained to elw end of

a 'in

the voiding of urine:] from 0.,;1;1 [i. e. youthfulnem, or tioe printe of life]


(8, TA:) or, as some any, litat has attaine


meaning 11 the horse raised his fore-legs d to


end of his f411 groyrth and strength; u also


from the ground." (TA.) 0 J,


whicii is likewise applied to the female;


Q. L 1Te completed [a tliing] ; (AA, or, accord. to Ayit asid ISh, when ho in a yetar


]�;) said of a man. (AA, TA.) old, and weaned, lie in called and then,


[meatiing more titan a ymr oldl ; and the


L (TA.)


Lrtj [or vitriol]: (n:) or the sionesfrons which


and th like tiweif are obtained; the best �,j1A and [both mentioned above as


is that mAich is brouglit fmm El-.Ymm, inf ns.] (?, Mqb, ]�i[rnd V which is a simple


is white %r~" , and io wnj glistening : (TA :) subst.] Youth, YOWAfulnm, the prime of mait-


as .1. alone, is a name now


given to alum:] or it is a mrtain


resembling C:1j: (9, Meb:) or a qwio


acoonl. to El-Fddbee, the donm~


come C:9 and tito hhe: Aa says, it is ou


tAe minffam protlueed by God in the earth,


which one tans, and r~ bli.99 Lrg, and the


[correetly] beard is thus, with ,o, btit is by


mistranseribed with the tlaree-dotted ZO,

A 1[i.

e. %",] wiiich is a kincl of tme of bitter tastop


I know not whether one tam with it or not:


to Mtr, in the saying that one tans with


word is a mistranscription ; for & is a


and one (loco not tnn witli a dye; it is mis.


for wljiclt iet a kind of tree liko


dwarf applc-trec, whereof the leaves are like


of the %J�& [q. v.], and with them one


El-F.'tr(tl)ee also says, in the ~ion of to,


the %E.1 is a species of mountain-tree, with


one tails: l�om all wliicli it appears that


tans with hoLh of them; for an aflirmation is


be preferred to a negation: (Mql):) and it is a


wedicine ; (K, TA;) as some eay :


aowrtl. to the correct copies of the ]�, in some of


oli is put for 63';. (TA.)

. A%,.b

and thouggh originally vcrlw, are used


iaouns, by the introditetion of 4�a 1mfore dicm:


oays, %,j,> J1;, es� _~---1 and "..Z


Ut [exlil. it) arL and`in liko


they are used in axiother sayiti- expl. in


,jb [q. v.]: ($ in thFtt art.:) or, widiolit


they may be regarded u YerN used in




The bundug, burning wj), burning bi.iglttl


bla--;ny, orjltzmi�W, of fire. (TA.)


applied to a [bovine nntelope


the species called the] wild btall, (AV, $, nj




alicep or goat, QZ,) and V 41.4.1 1 11 pplied


1 1



former, and (AR, 8, Ifj some-



to the former, (As, 8,) or to hoth,




in aye, or



state termed CJL��l [q. V.] has en(lcil;



avid V a~.' is in like manner applied to


. 9.2 0 4 j


as meaning a�.*: (TA:) or f



applied to both, (1�,) as ztlso V


or to a bull, (AA,) is syn. with 'P


yoritisful, or in the priine of iife]


]�, TA:) and accor(l. to AO, b' npplied



bull, means flint has attained to t/w enel of


youthfulnem, or tioe printe of life]


or, as some any, fitat has attained to


end of his fuU groyrth and strength ; u also

0 J,,o

whicii is likewise applied to the female;


accord. to Ayit asid ISh, when ho in a yetar


and weaned, lie in called and then,


more titan a ymr olil) ; and the


L (TA.)


and V 1'n~'* [both mentioned above as


ns.] (?, Mqb, ]�i[rnd V k'.4t'~'4 which is a simple


Yowk, yowAfadnm, the prime of mait-

be~ 1493